Warning - contains images of animals killed/ mutilated by Hunts that you
may find distressing
Detailed stories follow each month's headlines below, all in reverse chronological order
2019 ….. 20th October - Beaufort FH openly hunt
several foxes, catch none ….. 19th October - Ex Pytchley FH JM chokes then smashes woman sab over
head ….. 19th October - Sabs
make sure Meynell FH can't dig out fox chased to ground …..
19th October - Sabs find Oakley FH cubbing in wood between a road &
a river ….. 19th October - Sabs
stay with Tedworth FH all meet, stopping effective hunting ….. 18th October - Badsworth etc FH so blatant even heard
talking about fox they'd just chased ….. 18th October - Stag shot in stream after 7 hours hunting by Quantock SH ….. 18th October - Portman FH reps follow elderly monitors to town, harass them there ….. 18th October - Dog walker sees Quantock SH hunting on N.T. land ….. 18th October - Rioting Beaufort FH
hounds cause chaos on road near motorway ….. 17th October - 'Incompetent' Badsworth etc
FH closely chase 2 deer simultaneously ….. 16th October - Local claims saw bagged fox
chased & killed by hounds at Wynnstay FH ….. 16th October - Old Surrey FH meet owners
& followers throw punches at sabs ….. 16th October - Deja vu as Warks FH cub hunt from Hunningham just as last
year's meet ….. 16th October - Sabs say police use 5 cars & searches to let Hunt make getaway ….. 16th October - Concern
that loose hounds keep being seen near Cheshire FH kennels ….. 16th October - Old Surrey FH delay rush-hour traffic on
A22 .....
15th October - Police investigating Blackmore FH causing hazard
on road ….. 15th October - New CA CEO is ex hare hunter, CA officer and Tory Minister ….. 14th October - Beaufort FH cub hunt in near flood - AE's
blocked - monitor assaulted ….. 14th October - Police & monitors ensure
Cheshire FH don't even get to chase any foxes ….. 14th October - Badsworth etc. FH hounds chase deer ending unsupervised on road …..
14th October - Antis prevent Portman FH from killing four foxes …..
14th October - Some Atherstone FH supporters can't accept their Hunt has died ….. 13th October - Worcs FH follower tells sab 'I'd like to
rip your f***ing throat out' ….. 13th October - Blackmore FH unfold chaos & lawlessness in Dorset as they cub hunt ….. 13th October - Storm as pro-Hunt Duke asked
to open SSPCA animal rescue centre …..
13th October - Albrighton & W. FH stay home
after v. long kennels stand-off with sabs ….. 12th October - Wynnstay FH hound reported killed by car near Malpas …..
12th October - Sabs find masked Cottesmore FH terriermen lurking
near blocked sett ….. 12th October - Sabs stop Crawley FH hounds off 1 fox, return a lost one to Hunt …..
12th October - Blankney FH switch from cubbing to fun ride
when sabs appear ….. 12th October - Airfield
complains as invasion by Hunt causes cancelled flights ….. 12th October - Sabs take Fernie FH hounds off line of two foxes they chasing ….. 12th October
- Mendip Farmers FH go home after 90 minutes stationary at meet ..... 12th October - Leader
of House of Commons attends Mendip Farmers FH Hunt Ball ….. 11th October - Sabs catch Warks FH terriermen in wood near meet where sett blocked ….. 11th October - Sabs see safe only fox put up by Quorn FH cubbing ….. 10th October - Atherstone FH fan sends death threat to sabs using own FB profile ! ….. 10th October - Severn
V. Beagles give up when sabs arrive as they leave meet ….. 10th October - Sabs
cause Surrey U. FH to halt cubbing after just one hour ….. 9th October - Antis help foxes escape Beaufort FH's determined attempts
to kill them ….. 9th October - Reports of illegal hunting in Dorset up by 44% in last year ….. 9th October - Quantock
SH caught illegally hunting stag with 8 hounds ….. 8th October - Atherstone FH finally folds after long, danger-filled
campaign by sabs ….. 8th October - Lone sab stops Warks FH fox chase despite bizarre obstruction ….. 7th October - 3 foxes saved
from S. Dorset FH - heavies take to tripping women sabs ….. 7th October - LACS protests
N. Trust 'trail hunt' licence for Monmouthshire FH ….. 6th October - Badsworth etc FH carelessly
clog road to get to cubbing site .....
6th October - Sabs ensure no dig-out by Portman FH - thug kicks sab ..... 6th October - Badsworth
etc FH Hunt over banned heritage site & riot on deer ….. 5th October - Sabs see 2 foxes to safety from Tanatside
FH cub hunting ….. 5th October
- 3 foxes helped to escape from Warks FH by sabs ….. 5th October - Hounds rioting
in gardens near Llangollen reported ….. 5th October - Sabs assist getaways of 4 foxes Fernie FH flush from maize ….. 5th October
- Wiltshire & Infantry Beagles pack up soon after sabs arrive ….. 5th October - Sabs assaulted
but still ensure no-kill day for Ross Harriers ….. 5th October - Sabs prevent Essex FH with 5 terriermen from hunting ..... 3rd October - Antis keep Berkeley
FH on move and unable to cub hunt properly ..... 3rd October - Portman FH cub hunt blatantly, hunt through bTb infected farm ….. 1st October - Lone sab pulls
Flint & D. FH hounds off 1 fox as they openly chase 3 ….. 1st October - Sabs find fresh & heavily blocked
sett in covert Warks FH hunting
Beaufort FH openly hunt several foxes, catch none 20-10-19
Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Report for Wednesday 16th October, Beaufort Hunt: 16.10.2019 Meet at
Newhouse Farm near Tormarton Instead of doing the adjacent covert, as is their practice, the Hunt
immediately fled east to Acton Turville, going at speed. We found them drawing next to the road close to the motorway holding
up traffic with hounds all over the road, running in front of cars. A cat was seen fleeing in terror as the hounds invaded a private garden with the house owner shouting out
of an upstairs window at them. They hunted the hounds through the private properties closely watched and followed by us and
in the end gave it up, collected the hounds and took them on. As they went the first fox of the day was seen both by a sab
and the new trainee greencoat getting away across a field. She knew we had seen it and it was left to escape (for the day
anyway, the Hunt will be back). They went
on to hunt the large area of footpath free hunt coverts next to the motorway. We met fox number two escaping unnoticed as
they searched a long time for it in a bramble mound. The presence of sabs or monitors can drive the Hunt forward and make
it less likely they will immediately re-search an area so we stuck close behind them. At Warren Gorse wood it was a full on
hunt with hounds put through, riders on point and the Huntsman riding up and down one side. Supporters gathered near our sab
on the bridleway along the edge. A masked up terrierman was harassing her but she spotted the hunted fox as it tried to escape
darting out but back in when it saw hunt support on the path… that is why they are there. They all saw the fox, nobody
tried to stop the hunt except the sab. The hounds immediately went loudly on cry and the other sab waiting at Parkes Farm
saw the fox as it came into the yard entrance area. It passed practically at the feet of two watching stable staff and through
a hole into the hay barn. She sprayed out its tracks against the protestations of the stable staff who (a) denied there was
a fox (b) claimed the spray (a few drops of citronella mixed with a litre of water) was a dangerous chemical that would harm
their expensive horses. Note to Hunts: The police guidelines on the Hunting Act state that sprays used by sabs to mask fox
scent are not deemed harmful. Within minutes the hounds came on
the fox’s tracks but lost the scent where it had been sprayed out and were searching through the farm. As the mounted
hunt staff blasted down the bridleway arriving at the yard entrance the sab shouted the Hunt off. They left, going on to hunt
the covert near the meet where a holloa and raised hat by a rider on point indicated fox number four trying to escape from
the wood. The Huntsman encouraged the hounds on to chase it across the field in front of our driver who had gone in when she
heard the holloa. As she tried to get back onto the road where the Hunt was heading a female hunt supporter lunged at her
and tried to physically stop her. They chased across the road to another small wood where they kept searching but the chase seemed to fizzle out with
the pack moved rapidly on into the area of Lyegrove and Beeches Copse. Sabs were catching up and one of us headed into the pack coming down
the fields on cry from Grickstone towards Seven Mile Plantation. As the sab followed a mounted member of the Hunt started
stalking her repeating ‘you are trespassing’ ad infinitum. The fact that they were openly hunting foxes seemed
to escape her. We watched from both
sides as they hunted up and down inside 7 mile plantation, also seen by a large group of ramblers who walked right through
the middle of the Hunt and expressed their disgust to us. We did get in and do quite a bit of spraying as they were going
back and forth and in the end they went off to Bodkin Wood on the busy A46 where as is so often the case, they went on cry.
Our driver was on the busy A46 side of the wood when fox number five ran past close to her down the edge. She protected its
traces but also weighed in warning the Hunt to leave as we reported illegal hunting to the police. As the hunter/stalker kept
on us until the last minute, they seemingly reluctantly gave it up at that wood and headed back towards the kennels. We were rewarded with a drink by appreciative patrons at the pub at Bodkin.
Ex Pytchley FH JM chokes then smashes woman sab over
head 19-10-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Woodland Pytchley FH, Clipston, Northants, 19th October 2019 Ex-master Mark Ferguson of the Woodland Pytchley Hunt, which folded
into economic ruin before this season even started, took out his frustration today on the skull of a North Cambs Sab, using
his horn-handled riding crop to draw blood [right] and knock her down to the ground. North
Cambs Hunt Sabs located the Pytchley Hunt (with newly absorbed Woodland Pytchley thugs) near Clipston in Northamptonshire,
hunting foxes at Marston Wood, hounds speaking and terriermen roaming around on quads. One team took the east side of the woods, one team took the west side and sabs set off to pick up the Hunt. Almost
immediately riders started the assaults. With hounds in cry on the scent of a fox, sabs
moved in quickly. Hunt riders took great offence to this and one of our crew was hauled by the hood of her jacket, lifting
her off her feet and choking her. After she was released from this grip, hunt rider Mark Ferguson brutally struck her over
the head with the handle of his riding crop sending her crumpled to the ground. Even after the shock of this assault, he continued by riding his horse into sabs, and attempting to wrench a camcorder
from the hand of another, presumably in a vain attempt to conceal evidence.
Ferguson with crop he hit woman sab over
head with Sabs called the assault
in to police, and put our injured comrade in the care of the group first- aider to be bandaged up and checked out. With blood
seeping through the bandages straight away it was clear it was a serious incident. Moving on, hounds
went into cry at Alford Thorns. A fox was briefly spotted going into hiding at the corner of the covert, and a foot team pressed
on to put themselves in between the pack and the reported location of the fox, rating the hounds back with voice calls and
stopping them from hunting.

Ferguson lifts woman sab up by hood, choking her Hunstman Daniel Cherriman made a token effort to explain how he supposedly sourced materials for trail hunting. Absolutely
absurd when hounds were hunting for a live fox in that very wood, and terriers in boxes were being driven around the hunt. Police arrived on the scene shortly after, and
as soon as the Hunt saw this, they packed up and disappeared. Ferguson, now a master of the Pytchley, being notable as one
of the first to vanish.

rides horse into another sab
Sabs make sure Meynell FH can't dig out fox chased to
ground 19-10-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs With very little support for the Meynell and South Staffordshire newcomers meet today, we thought
we'd politely bolster numbers with help from Staffordshire and Cheshire sabs. The Hunt met just south of Mercaston at 8am and were straight into blatant hunting
without a care. The hounds were in and out of cry throughout the morning, but with sabs in every direction they were unsuccessful
in all attempts. There was chaos early on as terrier men rushed to obstruct traffic on the A52 and prevent hounds
from crossing, after which the Huntsman had the sense to move away from the busy main road only to have his pack split.
A fox was marked to ground in a badger sett half way through the day with the Hunt showing clear
intent until the arrival of sabs on the scene sent them packing. This caused some tension with terrier men puffing their chests
and pushing sabs back, oblivious to the other sabs who had it covered. With sabs protecting the sett, the Hunt were followed up to the west
of Mercaston briefly where they largely gathered stray hounds before riding along the road back to the meet. The police showed
up briefly to stop a couple of vehicles acknowledging "I've never really come across this before" but having
zero impact as there were still plenty of sabs to see the hunt pack. With the Hunt packed
we left the support scouring for all the missing hounds and headed off to join some of our other sabs in the cull zone. Donations keep us in the field every week, thank you all. ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
Sabs find Oakley FH cubbing in wood between a road &
a river Hunt
then suddenly give rider a jacket marked 'Trail Layer' ! 19-9-19 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Our local Hunt, the Oakley have been getting off a little lightly recently so we though it only right
and proper they got some of our attention this morning. Their meet was near
to Lavenden Mill, an area known for abusing wildlife as they also host the Northants Mink (Otter) Hounds. As we arrived we could hear the hounds already in cry and amazingly they were virtually in the
grounds of the mill, hunting a cover right next to the river and also the road. This was utterly reckless, any fox bolting
from the cover and making its way through the riders could have quickly crossed the road and hounds would have followed. While
Hunts continue to behave in this manner then hounds will be put at risk from being hit by cars. It's happened before and
will happen again. They were clearly not happy at seeing us and we did in fact see a fox bolt from the western end
of the cover as they hunted through it. It ran along the river bank before vanishing into the bank side vegetation. We made
sure it's line was covered and no hounds followed. Now
the Oakley have been making a big noise about hunting legally to the local police. This is of course utter nonsense as this
early engagement proved however shortly after this, and as the hunt left the area we noticed one rider break away from the
group and meet up with a vehicle. A hi-vis vest was produced from the vehicle which the rider put on. On the back, in large
lettering it said: "TRAIL LAYER".
Funny how they didn't need that earlier when they were holding
up and only produced it once we had arrived and the cameras were on them. Now the Hunt just ran east along
the bank of the river Great Ouse. Several deer were flushed but ran off unmolested. However, another fox was noted crossing
the road and caught on the rear facing camera of our vehicle [below]. Our driver made sure the line was covered as
The Huntsman, new for this season (Simon Hand) then basically threw in the towel and went back
to the meet. They clearly had little country to hunt on and we'd ruined their plans. The field riders went off on their
own little jolly. So we made sure the hounds were all boxed up while we bantered with
the Happy Bumpkin and the Joker (no reference to the movie) as they drank coffee and ate sandwiches. Our solidarity with
North Cambs Hunt Sabs who had a member violently assaulted today at the Pytchley. We hope that justice will be served on the
Sabs stay with Tedworth FH all meet, stopping effective hunting 19-10-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Tedworth Hunt – 19/10/19 This morning we met up with Bath Hunt Sabs
and headed south to pay a long-overdue visit to the Tedworth Hunt. After a tip-off telling us the Hunt would be meeting in
Tidworth, we headed into the area and found them just as they were leaving the meet. Clearly thinking
their activities were not being monitored, the Hunt surrounded a covert and the Huntsman was heard encouraging the hounds
onto a scent. Sabs got to work using voice and horn calls and split the pack. The penny had well and truly dropped. The Huntsman quickly gathered up the hounds, hatched a plan and took off in an attempt
to lose us but unfortunately for him, every move was being monitored by two vehicles and two foot teams. Good communication
and planning meant that sabs managed to keep close to the hunt all morning which ensured no more attempts to hunt took place.
Just before 11am, the Hunt headed for home. Job well and truly done. Please consider supporting
our work: Paypal.me/bristolhuntsabs.
Badsworth etc FH so blatant even heard
talking about fox they just chased 18-10-19 Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League HIT: York and Ainsty South / Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt: 16-10-19 MEET: Glebe Farm between Seaton
Ross and Everingham Thanks to a valuable tip-off made to the Hunt
Saboteurs Association (and then passed to us) we were able to again observe this criminally negligent and criminally intent
hunt as they and their dogs marauded around the Everingham countryside. Whilst still carrying out cubbing activities, this Hunt are now clearly gearing-up for full hunting
as they covered a large amount of land and woodland at the meet. This coupled with the poor road / land access meant that
continual contact with the Hunt was incredibly hard though we saw enough of their activities over the morning to confirm their
illegal intent and abundant gross negligence. This lot are just inept and continually fail to control their huge pack of dogs. From the very start the hounds were
irresponsibly taken along a winding road with the obvious risks and traffic issues. They were then immediately into the now
well-witnessed cubbing pattern as they surrounded a maize field and cast their hounds through for fox cubs. All of this was
again captured on video but the hunt simply didn’t care. Finding the hunt a little later on we witnessed Jemma Mendoza leading some of the field as they irresponsibly galloped
along a tarmac road high on their blood-lust just to keep a fox in an adjacent field. Our Team were quickly into the field
as the hounds were in full cry. We cannot be sure if our presence stopped the chase but the hounds were held up and the fox
appeared to have escaped. As the riders gathered after the chase we were sickened and astonished to hear rider James Rushbrooke
excitedly describe the chase of the fox to the waiting field even knowing we were close enough to hear [below, Rushbrooke
circled]. Arrogance indeed.
A common theme of this Hunt is their absolute inability
to control their now huge pack of dogs. The ‘skills’ of this Huntsman and the Whippers-in are woeful and we saw
them time and again lose complete control of the dogs as they rioted on deer and hare and ran amok. This is happening so frequently
that the Hunt claim of ‘accident’ will no longer stand independent scrutiny, as it is obviously a result of pure
gross negligence on the part of this Hunt. Two quads with four
terrier’men’ were on hand all day again illegally driving on the public highway overloaded and without plates,
tax or insurance. They simply don’t care. Terrier’man’ Dicky Tonks was witnessed arriving at and leaving
the meet with his terrier dogs clearly visible in the rear of his vehicle and were in one of the quads all morning. These
terriers are of course critical for a modern 'trail hunt'... Near the end of the meet we had the pleasure of one of the lovely hunt followers taking exception to having his identity
recorded, having continually followed and harassed us all day, and threatened to smash the video camera over the head of one
of our Team if they did not delete his image. Needless to say they didn’t delete it in spite of the many threats. So,
if you are reading this, we have honoured our word and not published your image though we will not hesitate to do this should
you threaten and harass us again on the public highway. As always, critical kit to gather evidence and keep us safe is not
cheap and nor is the fuel that keeps us out on the road. We appreciate any support that you can give.❤️❤️
https://ko-fi.com/yorkanti_huntleague. Tip off 07907 876801. Please
don’t hesitate to contact either the HSA or York Anti-Hunt League in complete confidence should you have any information
about this or any other hunt: Thank you. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman displaying outstanding consideration
to other road users and concern for his dogs' safety 2/ Terriermen - driver is a convicted deer courser,
passenger a convicted badger digger, on very road illegal quad
Stag shot in stream after 7 hours hunting by Quantock
SH 18-10-19
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime SWC and Hounds Off spent another day with the Quantock Stag Hounds yesterday. We hadn’t banked
on being out with them for a seven hour hunt. Disgruntled Hunt support couldn’t hide their
frustration at the chaotic form of the days events. With many of them left confused as to what was actually happening one
supporter was heard to be fed up with ‘Silent Hunting’. Whilst listening to their quads down in Holford Combe where they had chased a stag into the water,
monitors stood by helplessly as gun shots rang out into the dark. Make no mistake, this wasn’t
hunting with hounds, it was a free for all of cobbled together sorts who hunted and chased whatever they could find from one
end of the Quantock hills to the other. Quads,
motorbikes, riders and 4x4’s ploughed through Holford village all day, including National Trust land at Shervage and
Woodlands Hill on the A39. Locals were outraged by the intrusions and intimidated by gun carriers, with threats
made by hunt supporters to our monitors one thing is as clear as ever, the Quantock Stag Hounds would really rather they were
left to destroy our wildlife undetected. #bateson POWAperson comments - Savages. The stag eventually killed may not have been being
hunted for the whole seven hours, but that is hardly the point. When I helped monitor the stag Hunts in the 90s, though, I
clearly remember one hunt which lasted over 7 hours and we were sure it was the same stag being hunted throughout They
picked up its line at 11.30 am and only stopped at gone 7.30. On that occasion, thankfully, they lost it - but who knows what
serious damage that prolonged Hunt might have done to the stag. The Bateson Report found that even the more standard
3 hour hunt caused significant systemic harm to deer.
Portman FH reps follow elderly monitors to town, harass
them there 18-10-19
Facebook - Portman Hunt Watch After several years of relentless scrutiny by anti-hunt campaigners, the Portman Hunt have, this season,
taken to employing so-called "Landholder Representatives" to harass monitors who attend meets to record on film
any illegal activities. On 16 October, two of these hunt officials took it upon themselves
to follow a pair of monitors from the location of the hunt on the outskirts of Shaftesbury in to the town centre, where the
monitors had driven. That in itself is
a pretty extraordinary thing to do but the two female hunt supporters chose to go further my harassing the elderly couple,
parking behind them and questioning why they were parked in a disabled parking bay, even suggesting that the elderly female
monitor, who is recovering from a life-threatening illness, "didn't look disabled". The picture of the Portman hunt-owned
quad bike [below] shows it illegally parked on double yellow lines in a taxi bay in Shaftesbury.  The two monitors, who own a farm in the
Portman country and who have, for years, suffered repeated trespass, harassment and damage to property by the Hunt were left
bewildered as to why the Hunt would encourage their stewards to do such a thing. They are demanding that
the Portman issue a full and unreserved apology for the unacceptable behaviour of their supporters and have reported the matter
to the police for future reference. They are also calling
on the owners of Cherry Orchard Farm near Shaftesbury, who hosted the Portman Hunt, to apologise for the behaviour of the
individuals involved who, according to the Hunt, were acting as their representatives on the day. If you have any information about
the identity of these people or any other information regarding the activities of the Portman Hunt please message us. All
information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Dog walker sees Quantock SH hunting on N.T. land 18-10-19 Facebook - The National Dis-Trust We have again had reports from a dog walker who witnessed the Quantock stag hounds and quad bikes
on National Trust land near Holford. The National Trust claim they do not allow illegal
hunting on their land, but to date they have failed to address just one complaint regarding the stag hunt. The National Trust hadn't licensed any Hunt to be on their land yesterday and
have never issued a licence for the Quantock staghounds. So why are they allowing it to continue?
Rioting Beaufort FH hounds cause chaos on road near motorway 18-10-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO It's not trail hunting is it? The Beaufort Hunt causing chaos on the road from
Acton Turville to the motorway.  Whip
lets hounds out of private property - they run off up road towards M6

There they go - Whip leaves them to their own devices
'Incompetent' Badsworth etc FH closely chase 2 deer
simultaneously 17-10-19
Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League VIDEO York and Ainsty South / Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt: 16-10-19 - Meet: Glebe Farm - between
Seaton Ross and Everingham This short video graphically
evidences the illegal actions and the criminal gross-negligence and incompetence of the YAS/BBMH Hunt. Time and time again we witness their complete inability to control their (now huge)
pack of dogs. They continually run uncontrolled across the countryside, often dangerously over roads and land without permissions,
and riot and hunt any living thing that gets in their way. Here,
you can see that the hounds are rioting uncontrollably, not after one deer, but TWO deer simultaneously. This is NOT an ‘accident’
as the Hunts often protest. The frequency by which these events take place determine this to be clear undeniable criminal
gross negligence and we firmly believe that this Hunt are unfit to release this mob of dogs into the countryside to slaughter
at will. Sadly, we simply can’t be out in the field every time this
incompetent Hunt are out. Just ask yourselves this: ‘What do you think the hunt does when they think no one is watching?’
If you can help us
in any way then please get in touch in complete confidence. TIP OFF NUMBER 07907 876801. https://ko-fi.com/yorkanti_huntleague.
Local claims saw Wynnstay FH release
fox that hounds chased & killed 16-10-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO Really upsetting reports from today "I am sure I saw them
call for the end of the day's hunt and gather the hounds before a terrierman then let a fox out of his box. The hounds
chased it and killed it as if it was a treat." To all the pro hunt trolls that follow our page: this is not fake
news. We have spoken to witnesses this afternoon and have had this reported by locals in the Malpas area. We have been told
that today, 16th October 2019, the Wynnstay Hunt met on land at Manor Farm, belonging to Lord Daresbury, and hunted around
Wigland and behind Wigland Hall. Apparently they ended up 'treating' the hounds to this extra piece of evil. Lord Daresbury is seen here in this video telling
monitors to get off his land during their last meet of the season in March 2019. At one point he says “ you told me
in front of a policeman that you wouldn’t trespass “ This was
so that he and his friends could do what they have a need to do. He even very nearly tips off his horse in his (drunken?)
attempt to extract his phone from his breeches to wave at one of our monitors [below].
The irate locals today gave us in depth accounts of what they witnessed this Hunt doing from the
early hours of this morning through to around 11am. The Wynnstay are desperately trying to avoid scrutiny by going out
on random days and at random times, but its time they realised that the net is tightening around them day by day. #TheLastCry #BanHuntingForReal
Old Surrey FH meet owners & followers throw punches at
sabs 16-10-19
Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs Still commuting back and forth to the badger killing fields we took a moment to join our extended Sab
family to pay the dirty old Burstow Hunt a visit. We filled 2 Landrovers, whereas the OSBWK could
only muster up 8 enthusiastic blood junkies for the cubbing meet at Osney Lodge Farm (btw it's a campsite, so make sure
you tell all your friends). The
small but not perfectly formed Benny "I like to use my horse as a weapon" Giddings, took great delight that we were
watching the hounds un-box. His sab obsession is as weird as his taste in long johns. The landowner asked us to leave, which
we did as it held no advantage for us being there.

Sign at meet site - unless its a pack of hounds, obviously Thinking they had the upper hand
once they'd moved off, little Benny, a few other riders and some quad straddling extras from 'Deliverance' blocked
sabs' path at the first gate they came to. We have legs, went around and caught up with the hounds. They then realised
it was a pointless exercise. From then onwards the Hunt had a constant sab presence despite hacking across the countryside
and across major roads in an attempt to lose us. Looking dejected they sulked back to the meet. Sabs waited to be picked up at the entrance of the farm by the Landy
to go home. In a baffling manoeuvre the owners of Osney Lodge and some hunt supporters tried to block the sab Landrover from
pulling in off a busy road and even threw punches at Sabs who stoutly defended themselves. Yet again the Hunt embarrasses themselves and really has no regard
for horses, hounds or the general public when using the highways. Come join us! It's
fun saving wildlife – honest. Keep us in the field: PayPal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Any info on the scum? 07443148426
Deja vu as Warks FH cub hunt from Hunningham
just as last year's meet 16-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt, Hunningham (near Southam), Tuesday 15th October 2019
Thank you for the donations we have received towards our fuel costs. Yesterday money donated was spent attending a cub hunting
meet of the Warwickshire Hunt. The Warwickshire Hunt met at Hunningham Meadows which is owned by Dr Barbara Mary Helena Perks. Deja vu - We often have a sense of deja vu when sabbing the Warwickshire Hunt. Hunt criminal Will Goffe takes his
hounds to the same places foxes are then seen running with hounds not far behind. Then next time they are in the same area
Hunt criminal Will Goffe will take the hounds to the exact same location, a fox is seen running in the exact same direction
with hounds not far behind. Anyone would think that Goffe wants to add to his hunting conviction and knows exactly where to
find foxes for the hounds to hunt.  The Hunt set off around 7.30am, holding road users
up as they travelled to their first draw of the morning a dismantled railway line where foxes are known to like to live. Unsurprisingly
the dismantled railway is always were this Hunt goes for their first draw. A sab stood in the exact same spot he saw a fox
run last year, yes you’ve guessed it a fox was seen running by the sab in the exact same spot. The Hunt carried
on along the dismantled railway with the huntsman hunting on foot for a period of time, as usual convicted hunting criminal
Will Goffe likes to hunt on foot from time to time especially when hounds are struggling to pick up on a scent. The previous
day's downpours meant the ground was saturated and many fields were waterlogged.
He eventually left the dismantled railway and once the foot sab had
been picked up we made our way towards Bascote and found the Hunt holding around a big field of elephant grass. The bullying and harassing pink viz brigade started
to play loud music as hounds could be heard in cry coming towards us. They even tried to block us walking on a road as we
were too near their hunt horses or ‘property’ as hunt steward Sam Austin referred to the horses as. Riders were
positioned around the field and at one point the hounds came screaming in cry towards a sab and riders were using their horses
to frighten the fox back into the elephant grass. This happened for some time. This is one of the most brutal things to ever
watch during cubbing, terrified foxes desperately fighting for life and forced back in by grown adults on horses. Such
barbarity. There is no difference between fox hunters and any other bloodsports. The pomp and ceremony, picnic hampers in
the back of status symbol cars... fox hunting is window dressed up as a lovely quaint day out. The reality is different, cub
hunting is no different to any other bloodsport like a dog/cock fighting. Sentient beings are forced to fight for survival
in a confined space jeered on by people wanting to see ‘sport’. There is no difference. Once they left their blood pit they headed over to another known popular hunting
haunt Debdale Wood which is near Leamington Hastings. Again we know how the Hunt like to hunt this wood, so one sab positioned
himself inland whilst the driver positioned herself along a stretch of road where foxes are frequently seen running. The Huntsman
didn't stay long in this wood, two well positioned sabs and lots of phone calls saw the Huntsman leave the wood and cross
over the road back towards Hunningham. We knew he would hunt another dismantled
railway on his way back and sure enough we found hounds in cry and some on the road just down from the hunt meet. Riders were
on the dismantled railway with hounds running along the top. They were clearly hunting a fox and ended up back in the same
field they started in. The hunt packed up around 11.30am. If you would like to help towards our fuel costs you can donate via the link below. The Warwickshire Hunt cub hunt
5- 6 days a week. On Monday they were at Knightcote. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs We would just like
to say thank you to everyone who has donated towards our costs so far this season and for all the kind messages of support
we have received. It means a lot to us. Thank you.Confidential Information tip of line 07767620767
Sabs say police use 5 cars & searches to let Hunt
make getaway 16-10-19 Facebook - Staffordshire Hunt Sabs 5 police vehicles help Hunt escape In one of the most grotesque
acts of the police helping an illegal hunt we've seen, this morning 5 West Mercia police vehicles allowed the Albrighton
Hunt to escape from sabs. The day started strangely
as the Huntsman (well, he claims to be) inviting us to follow him from his kennels to watch him hound exercise. We thought we would take him up on his offer as it seemed too good to be true that they were just
exercising and not cubbing. Soon it became clear that they had
no intention to exercise at all as a horse box made a pathetic attempt to block us in from following the hound van. With sabs
now on his tail he drove several miles before performing a U-turn at the end of a residential street. He then made his way
to the motorway after several miles he pulled off into a service station where 5 police vehicles were waiting for us!! With
blue lights flashing we were pulled over and boxed in by the police. The police then used their powers to search every sab
in the sab wagon.
While this was going on who do you think was allowed
to leave the car park to go hunting while waving to us and with a thumbs up... YEP, THE HUNT.
nothing illegal was found by the police searching other than a sab's personal letters as one police officer seemed to
take great pleasure in reading it all (we thought he was meant to be looking for weapons) but by this point the Hunt had escaped
to go cubbing as they had always intended. Police intimidation will not scare us, it will not stop us, it only makes us stronger. https://www.ko-fi.com/staffordshirehuntsabs.
Concern that loose hounds keep being seen
near Cheshire FH kennels 16-10-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors They just don't care... Another of the Cheshire Hounds' pack was spotted loose this morning
on the Whitegate Way near hunt kennels in Sandiway. No hunt staff were anywhere to be seen. But of course, they care so much about their hounds, don't they...!
A number of local residents and
other users of the this public footpath have expressed concerns over the regularity of hounds loose in the area, with a number
of sightings just in the last week, and may like to make their concerns known to the council and RSPCA.
Old Surrey FH delay rush-hour traffic on A22 16-10-19 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs VIDEO 15-10-19 - Old Surrey and Burstow Fox Hunt's stupidity - holding up traffic in the A22 at
8-30 am holding up rush hour traffic.
Police investigating Blackmore FH causing hazard on road 15-10-19 Dorset Echo Police investigate reports of hunt 'causing hazard on road' Officers
investigating reports of road safety offences are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with dashcam footage to come forward. At
around 10.30am on Saturday, October 12, Dorset Police received reports of horses and hounds from a local Hunt causing a hazard
to road users on the A352 in the area of Holnest. Inspector Simon Perry, of North Dorset police, said: “We are carrying
out a proportionate and objective investigation into these reports and I am appealing for any witnesses who have not already
spoken to police to contact us. While I understand there can be strong opinions surrounding issues relating to hunting, I
would like to remind members of the public that this matter is now subject to an investigation. I would therefore urge people
to exercise caution and refrain from making any comments, particularly on social media, that could prejudice or undermine
this ongoing investigation. I would also encourage anyone with any video footage in relation to this matter to contact police
rather than post it on social media as it could form evidence as part of the case.” Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at http://www.dorset.police.uk/, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55190161246. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers
anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org/.
New CA CEO is ex hare hunter, CA officer and Tory Minister 15-10-19 Morethanjustbadgers.net Nick Herbert – the Countryside Alliance’s New Chairman Simon Hart MP is (in my opinion) a particularly odious character and was the Chairman
of the Countryside Alliance prior to his appointment as Minister of Implementation within Boris’s self serving (and
hopefully temporary) Government. This clearly left the CA with a position to fill and we now know who that will be. Nick Herbert MP is a former Minister for Policing and Criminal Justice (May 2010
-Sept 2012) and was also the Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He’s currently the MP
for Arundel and South Downs in West Sussex. As you would expect from a Tory he’s Cambridge educated where he read law
and land economy but more importantly we was the director of public affairs for the British Field Sports Society (the forerunner
of the Countryside Alliance), a post he held for 6 years. So are are we to make of this appointment? Obviously, his past demonstrates
he is deeply entrenched within the hunting and shooting set and his time as director of public affairs at the BFSS would suggest
he should know what he’s doing with regards to PR however the current CEO of the CA, Tim Bonner is a complete loon who
constantly scores own goals with his irrelevant and nonsensical ramblings on social media. One wonders if Nick will be able
to put a leash on him? A little bit of digging would show Nick to be the previous Master and Huntsman of
the Newmarket Beagles and also the Trinity Foot Beagles, a pack I have been involved in preventing hunting several times.
For those that don’t know beagling is the hunting of Brown Hares with beagles. The hunt staff still dress up in stupid
costumes but they hunt on foot. A hare will always be able to outrun a beagle (even though hunting beagles are very fast)
however they don’t have the stamina of the hounds and as they are reluctant to leave their territory will also tend
to run in large circles. In the end they will run out of puff and be pulled apart by the hounds. Beagle packs can kill many
hares in an afternoon's hunting (more info here). How anyone can take any pleasure in watching this majestic animal being tormented and killed in such a manner is
beyond most normal peoples comprehension but Nick himself describes this as some sort of addiction. So it should come as no surprise then that Nick loves a bit of animal
abuse and during David Cameron‘s time as Prime Minister he held the post of Minister for Police and Criminal Justice,
which made him responsible for the policing of the Hunting Act. No doubt one of the many reasons why there was so little action
from the police when a staunch hunting advocate was dictating Government policy on the situation. In a statement about
his appointment to the CA Nick states:- “The Countryside Alliance is one of the UK’s biggest campaigning groups,
and its mission to stand up for the countryside and the rural way of life has never been more important. I am passionate
about these issues, and I’m honoured to be taking up this role at such a critical time for the countryside. Having
been involved in creating the movement some years ago it feels like I’m coming home.” It’s pretty standard stuff but he’s right about the time being critical, not just for
the countryside but for hunting itself. Beagling especially is a dying blood sport, those taking part are all facing their
dotage and packs are going to the wall (see here). In a time where the biodiversity of our country is at an all time low and
the pressures on our wildlife are increasing all the time it’s pretty sad that an organisation like the CA even exists,
and while they may claim to represent the countryside as a whole we should never lose sight of the fact that their primary
objective has always and will always, be the promotion of hunting and the repeal of the Hunting Act.
Beaufort FH cub hunt in near flood - AE's
blocked - monitor assaulted 14-10-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 12.10.19 The Hunt met at Badminton Kennels and
the usual 100 or more riders turned up to take part in the busy Saturday meet including children and those small enough to
need leading reins. The conditions on the roads and fields were quite hazardous but that didn’t stop the huge turnout.
Allengrove Lane was flooded from the river that had burst its banks at the Giant’s Cave end, making it just passable
with a 4x4 and those who were determined to go through and risk damaging their engines. They set off inside
the park crossing to Centre Walk Brake where we approached on footpaths as they hunted through this regularly used fox covert
with an artificial earth at one end. The AE was the first one of the day found to have all entrances blocked with stones to
prevent the fox escaping underground and hoofmarks showed the huntsman had been circling close inside the wood. A whistle
sounded indicating a hunter had seen a fox running and the Hunt got into action. The hounds went on cry out into a field and
along a hedge, but they then rioted on a deer, chasing it towards the Acton Turville Road. This is the second rioting on deer
we have seen this week by Beaufort hounds. We were at the north of Allen Grove and the hounds were moving in and out of the woods. The field
was held up on the east side and as we approached the Huntsman gathered the hounds by cracking his whip. Our vehicle was situated
on the lane to witness the parade of an endless stream of riders coming past and taking their horses through the deep water. Nick Hopkins took his horse down towards Giant’s Cave where we had another
monitor waiting to see what was coming through. The riders turned left towards Luckington where they had to wade through another
flood. The fields either side of the lane were impassable by the hedges and footpaths completely covered over with water. The Hunt moved on towards Alderton
when the hounds were heard on cry again alongside the hedge - then losing the scent. They then hunted the railway embankment
on the other side of the railway, a regular hunting spot for them. The Hunt has fenced the whole stretch of railway here with
high fencing and we believe this is because of the accident a few years ago when the pack chased a fox across this mainline
and half were killed. Two more AEs were found blocked with breeze blocks and bricks in this area. We believe these AE’s
are no longer used for breeding foxes for the Hunt, but it is possible they are used to hold a fox to release to the Hunt
or blocked so the poor fox can’t go to ground. They were intent on their hunt in Alderton Grove but, with two lots of monitors around the wood, they were under
pressure. At this point the water was too deep to stick to the footpath and a hunt staff member ran towards one of the foot
walkers which resulted in an assault on our foot-walker. The other foot-walker went to help and was threatened by the same
member of the Hunt but showed restraint. Other Hunt staff were present but did and said nothing. Next they hunted Cranhill Covert by the Alderton Road and railway
embankment. We could see them outside the wood and supporters were placed inland waiting. Again we heard them go on cry, briefly.
The conditions were horrendously wet underfoot which is hard for us following them but good for the foxes as the scent gets
lost in the water. From there they went
to New Covert where we heard them on cry again then following them past Fosse Lodge we arrived just in time to see them come
from Dunley Gorse with the full support of terrier men and quads spread out on the bend. When Matt Ramsden saw our cameras
looking into the wood he had the good sense to blow his horn and gather them immediately to head out of the wood. This wasn’t the end as heading for home the hounds raced towards a field of maize by Broadmead Covert –
no trail in there. The usual veteran supporters were lined up on the
road with various fruity and gnarled remarks offered to our personnel when they arrived on the scene. Earlier, maybe slightly
the worse for wear, one of these old support males castigated one of us for ‘spoiling their fun'. When she replied
she came to stop them killing foxes, he said, ‘why - a fox is a wild animal’ and that was what they were doing
and explained that the artificial earths were good as it encouraged the foxes to breed and there wouldn’t be any foxes
if it wasn’t for them. Also he said if they didn’t hunt the foxes then they would have to shoot them. Apart
from the assault and driving dangerously close to one of us through a gateway, the usual line up of terrier men mostly stood
back from us, and the two designated stalkers one in high-viz the other in a striking hat, appeared somewhat reluctant and
maybe shamefaced? The Hunt kept moving all day and we kept up with them, sometimes appearing where they did not expect it. Thanks to Ridgeway Illegal Hunt Watch for their support today. Please give them
a like on their FB page! Thank you for your continued support.
Police & monitors ensure Cheshire
FH don't even get to chase any foxes Hunt cynically use 10 year old rider to label monitors 'paedos' 14-10-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors 14 October 2017, and again… Cheshire Hounds caught cub hunting, Darnhall 14.10.17
With a growing team of monitors and huge boost in support, we are finding it increasingly easy to locate this Hunt, and
this morning we found them cub hunting on the Darnhall Estate in Darnhall. Hounds were in and
out of cry only briefly, and the theme of the morning’s activities quickly became one of lost hounds, as Huntsman Jake
continually failed to control his pack, with many left in woodland after the Hunt moved off and subsequently running around
on the road and causing numerous problems for passing traffic. Police officers and monitors had to join together to stop hounds
being hit by cars and causing accidents. The Huntsman had to put himself through another walk of shame at the end of the morning
when a final straggler had to be found (we pointed him in the right direction). The Hunt began today by flushing woodland north of Hall Lane in Darnhall,
displaying classic cub hunting behaviour. We did see one adult fox making a getaway, and we are pleased to report that the
Hunt seemed oblivious. Shortly after they moved across to the south side. This is a very remote spot, perfect if you are wanting
to take part in an activity that you would rather the general public didn’t see, so we were glad to be around to stop
them. And both Hunt members and support seemed incredibly rattled by our continued presence.
Road illegal Hunt quad We found many more blocked entrances to a badger
sett here today, another clear sign of their intentions. Police input was again today very positive indeed, with four police patrols on scene, also reporting
numerous complaints from local residents and motorists. Without going into the ins and outs of the Hunting Act, they weren’t
able to bring a complete halt to the hunt, but they certainly assisted in doing all but that, and we are pleased to report
there have been discussions about how the police are progressing the entire problem of hunting this year. One particularly tasteless tactic from the Hunt
today was using a young rider (10 years old, we were told) who the Hunt used as 'bait', [below, her image obscured]
placing her in prominent positions amongst the riders purely to allow them to accuse monitors of being “paedos”
and to insist we “stop filming children, you paedophiles”. Not a new tactic, we've heard it all before, but
done particularly nastily today, with the poor child, riding side-saddle, looking thoroughly traumatised by it all, holding
her head down in shame as this went on around her. This Hunt will clearly stoop as low as necessary to try and enable them
to continue their hobby.
Finally, we would like to report that due to persistent police presence and our teams hard work
this Hunt had no chases and there were no kills today. More details shown on individual photographs. PLEASE keep language clean and refrain
from posting abuse. If you would like to join Cheshire
Monitors, or have information to pass on to us (in strictest confidence), then please get in touch. Either message us here
or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk.
Badsworth etc. FH hounds chase deer ending unsupervised
on road Thankfully, no foxes caught but Hunt managed to kill
a rabbit 14-10-19
Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hit report - BBMH/YAS - 12/10/19 - Campsmount Home Farm, Campsall, nr Doncaster This
Saturday we joined York Anti-Hunt League in sabbing the York and Ainsty South and Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt [here
called Badsworth etc. FH, POWAperson] at their meet in Campsall, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire. As
cubbing season is now drawing to a close, the Hunt have started setting off later on into the day, and so sabs were able to
enjoy a luxurious lie-in until 3am before heading into hunt territory. Given their embarrassing inability to control their
hounds last Saturday, we had expected the Hunt to take a more careful approach this week, however immediately after setting
off from their meet the hounds once again abandoned their Huntsman and rioted after two deer, who thankfully escaped unscathed
(footage to follow). The hounds may not
have been so lucky as they drew the pursuit to an end on a road and with neither the Huntsman or Whip in sight, could have
ended in disaster. The inability to control hounds was especially infuriating for the Hunt as their usual scapegoat, Mark
Poskitt, had been benched for the week. Their failure, then, to prevent riots seems to be pretty indicative of an overall
decline in houndsmanship since the merger of the two Hunts last season. For much of the rest of the day
the Hunt stayed on the move, doing their best to avoid sabs. We used voice calls to take control of the hounds from the Huntsman
with relative ease, and in the limited time we were not with them their continued movement to avoid us prevented normal hunting.
Tragically, however, the Hunt did kill a rabbit, whose body was discovered by sabs shortly afterwards.
Following an unsuccessful morning of hunting, the hounds were packed up at around 12.30pm and we
went back to Leeds for some vegan pub food and a nap. WE NEED SOME NEW EQUIPMENT - Please consider buying us a ‘kofi’
and keeping us in the field. https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs.  18-10-19 Facebook - W. Yorks Sabs YAS/BBMH Hounds rioted after two deer - 12/10/19 Last Saturday we witnessed hounds
in cry chasing two deer into Barnsdale Wood and onto White Leys Road where they ran amok in front of cars, just seconds after
they left the meet. The footage shows the hounds metres from the deer before they emerge onto the road. The York
and Ainsty South and Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt continue to have a shocking lack of control over their hounds, and
with not a single rider in sight its lucky these two deer managed to escape, and none of the hounds were injured.
Antis prevent Portman FH from killing four foxes 14-10-19
Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 12.10.10, Portman Hunt Another soggy day in Dorset, but
undeterred we joined up with friends from Wildlife Witness, Dorset Against Blood Sports, Kent Monitors, Solent Hunt Sabs,
Herts Wildlife Monitors and East Herts Sabs to help keep an eye on what the Portman Hunt were up to. Turns out it’s
‘hunting as usual’ as far as they are concerned. Riders were (just about) seen riding to the meet near Hazelbury Bryan whilst it was still dark!! No hi viz and not
a lot of road safety in mind here! It wasn’t long before the Huntsman was drawing his dogs through Long Wood
in search of quarry. With point riders positioned all along the edge of the wood, any foxes put up would stand little chance
of making a safe getaway. Fortunately, when the dogs did pick up the scent of a fox, a quick thinking sab was able to use
the gizmo to pull them back and away. One fox safe and sound. The Huntsman gathered the dogs and they all set off at speed away from the area. They were next seen drawing the
dogs back and forth through fields near Zoar Lane, with much activity centred around a maize field. The dogs kept picking
up the scent of a fox, whilst supporters and riders spread themselves out along Zoar Lane, clapping and slapping their saddles
to ensure that any fox trying to escape from the field would be frightened back in towards the dogs. Once again though, the
Hunt were thwarted by a strategically placed sab with a gizmo. After this, it was go go go, with the Huntsman
moving from coppice to coppice at speed and not a lot of traditional cub hunting going on now, more a case of traditional
‘running away from people with video cameras’. From
Zoar Lane they moved south east towards Manor Farm at Droop,
before turning back towards Mount Pleasant Farm, Kitford, then Whitmore Coppice. With sabs and monitors in pursuit filming
everything, the hunt just seemed to keep running. At Lowbrook Farm near Belchawell however, they nearly got their glory. A fox was
seen running from a thicket and sabs witnessed the Huntsman hunting the dogs on and encouraging them to chase it. Lucky for
this fox, sabs were in position to cover its trail with harmless citronella spray so the dogs couldn’t follow it. After this, the Hunt went back towards
Whitmore Coppice, drawing it for the second time today. Unfortunately for them, a group of sabs had already thoroughly sprayed
the area, leaving little chance for the dogs to pick up any fox scent. When the dogs did seem to be getting on a fox, we helped
prevent any ‘accidents’ by calling them out with voice calls and gizmo. By this point, we started to get the impression the Hunt were becoming frustrated at their lack of killing opportunities.
Could this be why the knuckle-draggers on quads suddenly appeared and took it upon themselves to block our landrover in on
a green lane? Well, you can waste your time blocking our vehicle if you like… as long as you’re harassing us
we know you’re not harassing defenceless wildlife, so that’s job done as far as we’re concerned. If you would like to join us then please message this page or email
weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can. https://gogetfunding.com/fuel-and-equipment/…
Some Atherstone FH supporters can't accept their Hunt
has died 14-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs It seems a few delusional Atherstone supporters haven’t yet accepted that their Hunt has
gone (now listed as disbanded on Baily’s hunting directory) and have set up this Facebook page which embarrassingly
for the hunting community seems to be a place for former Atherstone supporters to publicly air the Hunt's dirty laundry,
with both the Masters and the Huntsman being criticized. The page seems to be run by people who are sad the Hunt has gone
but never bothered to actually support the Hunt when it did exist. The most interesting comments so far are from Matthew
Waddington, a member of the North Warwickshire Beagles who shared kennels with the Atherstone hounds. He says things have
been run to a very poor standard. This confirms what we have already heard about the appalling state of the kennels. It seems these Atherstone supporters are suffering withdrawal symptoms not being able to see their
Hunt sabbed by us twice a week. The unlikely event of an Atherstone Hunt version 2.00 would face the full force of hunt saboteurs
and a renewed campaign against them. #WhosNext
Worcs FH follower tells sab 'I'd like to rip
your f***ing throat out' 13-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Meet the Worcestershire Hunt - Bradford House, Rushock - Saturday 12th October 2019
“I’d love to rip your fucking throat out” - Meet the Worcestershire Hunt There's not much to say about
this video except that these are typical hunt supporters found at all fox hunts. Threats of violence are never far away. This
was yesterday's Worcestershire Hunt meet at Bradford House, Rushock near Kidderminster. If you have any information on the Worcestershire Hunt please call 07767620767.
Thanks. We sabbed two Hunts yesterday, which we meant we used more fuel than normal. If you would like
to donate towards our fuel costs please use the link:- https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.
FH unfold chaos & lawlessness in Dorset as they cub hunt 13-10-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO [10 mins] 12th October 2019 - Meet: Boys Hill
Grab a cuppa, sit down to watch 10 minutes of chaos and lawlessness unfold in Dorset with the Blackmore & Sparkford
Vale Hunt! See a beautiful cub run to safety under the watchful eyes of monitors from Hounds Off and SWC and the ensuing recklessness
on the busy A352, and violent thuggery from hunt supporters.
Huntsman is standing point on busy A road From the meet the
Hunt took a route south towards Osehill Green along the Caundle Brook. Monitors and North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs were waiting
for them on the bridge near Glanvilles Wooton. Here the Hunt crossed the road towards Loaders Hill before returning to draw
Berkeley’s Plantation and then moving onto Davis’s Plantation. Hounds soon went
away from Davis’s on a fox towards Blackmore Ford Bridge where monitors believe the fox sought refuge underground in
a hedge. Activity by terrier type’s started to take place but after a short while they left the scene likely because
video cameras were pointed at them !Meanwhile the Hunt had crossed Boys Hill
Drove to a small wood on the junction of Broke Lane. Nothing was found here and they headed to Burton Hill Wood that is adjacent
to the busy A352 Sherborne/ Dorchester road. Followers in cars and quads initially positioned themselves along the road to
be joined by riders and hunt staff. Monitor’s parked safely and positioned themselves along the boundary. Word came
from the other group the hounds were in full cry in the eastern edge of the wood with a fox moving out in a northerly direction
that was ‘guided to safety’ by this foot team. However hounds kept on cry signalling another fox was in the wood. Huntsman still on point amid busy traffic flow Hounds by this time were ‘screaming’ within Burton Hill Wood and becoming
closer to the A352. Eventually a small fox exited the southern edge of the wood near Boddel’s Bridge. This young fox
was tired and wet due to the dreadful weather and made his escape across the road. Hounds were very close behind and came
to the road in full cry to be stopped by whip, riders and followers when they realised monitors were filming. This created
serious traffic disruption when some hounds ‘spilled’ onto the A352 road. With one hound very nearly ending up
underneath a car. Huntsman joined by terriermen - who have no role in a 'trail hunt' Hounds were taken back eastwards
towards Broke Lane where Hunters Bridge Coppice was drawn. Here monitors were seriously intimidated by two followers. After
a while monitors managed to calm the situation and moved a short distance away. Police were called but as of the end of the
hunt no officers arrived. Hounds at back of wood are chasing a fox Shortly after the Hunt gathered themselves together and returned to the meet apparently according
to a follower for a hunt breakfast. Well a hunt breakfast may have given them some comfort but they were unlikely to give
a second thought to the young fox that escaped. Monitors were seriously concerned for its welfare having been pushed to the
limits to escape in awful conditions. Monitors also believe it is only
a matter of time before a serious accident happens on this fast stretch of road caused by the activities of the Hunt. If
you can help contribute towards our diesel and equipment costs any help is much appreciated - https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife. Scared and confused cub being chased emerges on to road 15-10-19 Daily Mail Shocking video shows moment cars swerve and brake to avoid horror smash when foxhunt horses and
hounds spill out onto busy Dorset road - Video taken on Saturday afternoon shows hounds and huntsmen on horseback wandering
on a busy stretch of the A352 near Sherborne, Dorset - Footage shows how the hunt supporters clashed with those activists
monitoring their activity and filming - Cars can be seen breaking and moving out of the way amid the mayhem in wet conditions
as half a dozen huntsmen trot up the road In chaotic
scenes in wet conditions, the hounds take over the road completely with one dog almost ending up beneath a car A shocking
video shows the chaos caused when a fox hunt spills out onto a busy A-road in gloomy and wet conditions. The footage, shot
on Saturday morning, begins with riders and some 20 hounds sniffing around a clump of trees. Having apparently found nothing,
the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt then moves onto woodland near a busy stretch of the A352 in Dorset. A fox cub runs across
the road during the hunt as hounds pick up the scent and give chase. With heavy rain falling and traffic everywhere, half
a dozen huntsmen can be seen trotting down the middle of the road, seemingly oblivious to the problems they are causing for
the heavy traffic around them.

Cub bolts across road into woodland on other side As they wait, the Hunt's 'Whipper in', a red-coated Huntsman on a grey horse, can be
seen standing in the road near a bend and then criss-crossing it as drivers are forced to brake. After four and a half minutes,
the hounds are shown in full cry having apparently picked up a scent. A frightened young fox cub then appears on the A352
behind the huntsmen.
The footage then appears to show the huntsmen, who have been milling around by the side of the road, canter toward
the animal as the hounds approach the busy road from the wood. The huntsmen, now aware they are being film, try desperately
and unsuccessfully to keep the hounds off the road as traffic rushes towards them. One huntsmen shouts, 'Wo' and brandishes
his whip at cars as the dogs, high on fox scent, run out on the road. Chaos then reigns with horse and hounds taking over the road completely. One dog almost ends up beneath a car but
the driver just swerves to avoid impact. Hounds and riders
now all over the A352 The video, made by
activists from hunt monitoring group Somerset Wildlife Crime, then captures the reaction of some of the angry hunt supporters
to being filmed. There were clashes between supporters of the Hunt and those activists where were filming the action in north
Dorset over the weekend with police called when a camera was smashed. On a nearby country
lane, one burly hunt supporter with a hood gets into an argument with a monitor holding a camera saying: 'Don't talk
to me like that. I'll stand in your face all f***ing day.' The cameraman then suggests that he may have been drinking
alcohol to which the hunt supporter responds with: 'Have I really? Go call the police then, go on. Do it now cos I'll
stand here for a month because guess one thing mate, I am completely f***ing teetotal.' He then headbutts the camera breaking
the lens as two women also square off against one another nearby. 
This hound just escaped being run over by the black car A man attempts to calm the situation down with an agreement that they each go their separate ways but not before
the angry hunt supporter looks down at a swamp and tells the activist: 'You'll go swimming in a minute.' As this
is happening, a female hunt supporter allegedly elbows a female camerawoman in the chest. The camerawoman is heard saying: 'If you do
that again, to secure my own personal safety I will put my hands on you and restrain you.' The hunt supporter retorts
with: 'Touch me and I'll restrain you. You won't be getting up.' The whole hunt can then be seen trotting
off with the hounds down the country lane to have their hunt's breakfast. Bobbie
Armstrong, 40, from Somerset Wildlife Crime, said: 'Hunting mammals with dogs has been illegal since 2004 but we still
witness foxes running from hounds when the Hunts are engaged in what they call trail hunting.' Unsurprisingly, given that they use animal scent for the trail, it often ends with
fox cubs falling victim to the hounds. Commenting on the
unsafe road conditions, an activist said: 'This is not unusual. The Hunt do this every week and are totally indifferent
to anyone complaining. What is unusual is to capture it on camera. In this case it was a miracle that no-one was injured.
There was surface water everywhere and the huntsmen were treating the busy A352 as though it were their own. This stretch
of road is covered by the national speed limit so the danger for drivers coming around bends in the wet and being met by 20
horses and hounds all over the road is obvious. They see it as their right to continue this age honoured tradition of hunting
animals. We have reported the incident along with the assaults and damage to the camera to the police.' The Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt were contacted for comment but have not yet replied. Hunt thug about to
headbutt monitor POWAperson adds
- In fact, it is not unusual for Hunts to be filmed behaving exactly like this even on A roads. The Warwickshire
and the Portman in particular make a habit of it What exactly will it take to induce the media to recognise that 'trail
hunting' is just a cunningly designed fiction, a cover for continued quarry hunting. Hunts
almost never actually lay scent trails, so they don't 'accidentally' divert from them. They purposely search
for foxes and purposely chase them. Its as simple as that - a massive, nationwide criminal conspiracy to ignore and break
the law. A combination of inadequate wording and loopholes in the Hunting Act and reluctance on the part of the police and
CPS to even try to enforce the law means Hunts get away with murder over and over again. The Hunting Act desperately needs
to be significantly strengthened. Only the Labour and Green parties have committed to doing this.
Storm as pro-Hunt Duke asked to open SSPCA animal rescue
centre Duke of Kent is member of CA and
the Royal Caledonian Hunt Foxes are among
the animals treated at the Centre 13-10-19
Daily Record Royal row as fox hunt fan Duke of Kent to visit animal rescue centre The Queen's cousin is a member of various groups which support hunting and SSPCA staff are
angry at decision to invite him The Duke of Kent has been listed to perform the official opening at the Scottish SPCA’s
Fishcross centre in Clackmannanshire Staff at a rescue centre for injured animals have hit out at a decision to hand the
official opening duties to a royal with links to fox hunting. The Duke of Kent will visit the Scottish SPCA’s Fishcross centre in Clackmannanshire in the coming weeks. But
insiders at the charity and animal rights campaigners are angered by the visit of the duke, a close confidante of his cousin
the Queen, who affectionately calls him Eddie. The 84-year-old is the only royal who is a member of pro-hunting
group the Countryside Alliance. The decorated former soldier is also a member of the Royal Caledonian Hunt, a Scottish club
set up in 1777 to promote hunting and racing. The Scottish SPCA
has been a vocal opponent of fox hunting over the past two decades. Earlier this year, its boss Mike Flynn branded it “abhorrent”.
insider said: “People aren’t happy. The duke is controversial with his links to fox hunting, especially since
we nurse foxes back to good health. The society’s income from public donations has been down since bad publicity over
the massive salary paid to a former chief executive and they seem to think good PR is the way forward. But this guy stands
for many things that animal lovers reject. They shouldn’t invite him along.” John Robins of Animal Concern said:
“This is a throwback to the 80s and 90s when the Scottish SPCA was full of fox hunters and campaigners had to take
dead foxes to their AGM to embarrass them into opposing fox hunting. It must be asked if the Duke of Kent is an appropriate
person to invite to a centre which treats injured foxes. This visit sends out all the wrong messages.” The Scottish SPCA opened its £3.5million centre at Fishcross, near Alloa, in 2012. SSPCA Chief Superintendent
Mike Flynn has previously branded fox hunting "abhorrent" Insiders say royal protection officers have been visiting Fishcross
ahead of the visit, which hasn’t been confirmed. Fox hunting with
dogs was banned in Scotland in 2002, with an exemption for using dogs to flush out foxes for pest control, protecting livestock
or ground-nesting birds. Flynn, the Scottish SPCA’s chief superintendent, said: “The Duke of Kent will be visiting
our National Wildlife Rescue Centre in Fishcross. He was invited to visit several charitable organisations in the area
by the Lord Lieutenant of Clackmannanshire. We will be showing him our state of the art facilities and look forward to
discussing the preservation and future of wildlife.”
Albrighton & W. FH stay home
after v. long kennels stand-off with sabs 13-10-19 Facebook - Staffordshire Hunt Sabs Albrighton & Woodland Hunt, 12/10/19 An early start resulted
in a great result as sabs arrived the A&WH kennels before the daybreak to find the Huntsman about to load the hounds into
the hound van. Knowing that they were now getting "sabbed" panic seemed to set in with members of the hunt staff
seen marching around on phones looking none to pleased. With sabs sat outside the kennels
and another sab car positioned away keeping a look out for any attempt to escape they had no way out.What foll owed then was several hours of us watching the Huntsman watching us. Most importantly as they was unable to get out
to hunt they were unable to kill!!! We will happily sit watching him watching us EVERY WEEK if it stops him from killing. A
boring day but a very successful day. https://www.ko-fi.com/staffordshirehuntsabs.
Wynnstay FH hound reported killed by car near Malpas 12-10-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors All to chase a fox We have had reports from locals this afternoon (12th October 2019) about a hound
from the Wynnstay Hunt being hit by a car and killed on the Worthenbury Road near Malpas between 1 and 2pm. Apparently the
pack were chasing a fox which darted across the road when the hound was hit. If anyone has any details please
get in touch because the police have been informed and would welcome more information. If true, this incident is not only
very sad, it’s also very disturbing because it shows what lengths to which this Hunt will go to carry on their depravity. The Wynnstay Hunt have a history of this, with hounds dying on the A41 near Malpas only last year:
https://bit.ly/2M88tAy.The The scenario: Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs were at the Wynnstay kennels first thing this
morning, followed the Hunt to a meet in Cloy, Banger-on-Dee. The Hunt packed up after a short while and went back to the kennels,
still followed by the sabs. Cheshire Monitors took over at lunchtime at the kennels and we found it silent with no activity.
Therefore, if this report is true, it’s clear that the Wynnstay snuck back out between the sabs leaving and monitors
arriving. What sorry excuses for humans they must be. They won’t get away with it again. #TheLastCry #BanHuntingForReal 13-10-19
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors We have an update on the Wynnstay hound killed yesterday. This is for
everyone who has expressed concern and particularly for all the pro hunt who’ve been crawling like cockroaches all over
our original post and calling it fake news. There is now a witness who has been
contacted, the police have been informed and will follow up any lead.
Sabs find masked Cottesmore FH terriermen lurking near blocked
sett 12-10-19
Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Cottesmore Hunt, 12-10-19 - Blocked badger setts and dodgy terrier men with something to
hide The Cottesmore Hunt terriermen looking as dodgy as they come. Sabs had found a large blocked
badger sett that same morning where the Cottesmore Hunt were actively and illegally hunting. Sabs unblocked the sett and have
reported to the police. Tampering with a badger sett is a crime. Fox hunting is a crime against
all wildlife.
Sabs stop Crawley FH hounds off 1 fox, return a lost one
to Hunt 12-10-19
Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs Today, alongside Kingston and West Sussex Hunt Sabs, we headed to Bakers Farm where the Crawley and Horsham
hunt were hoping to kill fox cubs - not today! We came across the Hunt as they were hunting through
Madgeland Wood and were able to disrupt the hounds enough to get them off the scent. The hounds were split all over the place
as the Huntsman had no control. The
Hunt then moved at pace but fast-paced sabs managed to keep up. As hounds went into cry again north of Brick Kiln Farm a fox
was spotted fleeing but sabs managed to distract the hounds enough using horns and gizmos to take them off the scent. We suspect
the hounds were chasing this fox for some time. Not long after the Hunt packed up but as they certainly
weren’t following a trail. There were still hounds loose that they left behind. Tell us again about how much you care
about your animals? Sabs located the hound and shortly after the terriermen came to collect him/her. If you’re interested in joining please give us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can
- you can also donate below to keep us in the field. Thanks! GoFundme:- gf.me/u/uqi7zy - Kofi: www.ko-fi.com/A62094D - Paypal:- northdownshuntsaboteurs@gmail.com.
Blankney FH switch from cubbing to fun ride when sabs
appear 12-10-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs As well as having sabs active in 2 cull zones we managed to get out for the second time in twelve
hours to take a trip to see the Blankney with our friends from Lincoln Hunt saboteurs. With some kennel watching and a
tip off we were able to narrow down their likely hunting grounds and found them not long after they'd left their meet
at Walnut Farm, Broughton Clays. On arrival the Hunt were seen putting up
a covert in traditional cubbing style, with riders on point on every side, but they quickly stopped once they had a camera
pointed at them. With sabs in tow, the Huntsman brought the hounds to his feet and went on a tame ride up along
the river Witham and the adjacent fields, with no need for any further intervention. A
fox was seen breaking across a road nearby after the Hunt had pushed it out of a covert, but sabs were positioned to mask
its scent and hounds made no effort to chase. A perfect day's sabbing ended when the Hunt returned to Walnut Farm at 9:30am
and packed up, with the small remainder of the field pulling out their best dramatics in a bid to waste police time, any hope
of a quick response most likely dashed by the woman calling them informing the police on the other end of their wasteful 999
call "they're here to catch us illegally hunting!". Please support us: Ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
Airfield complains as invasion by Hunt causes cancelled
flights 12-10-19 POWAperson says - The incident
happened near Wem in Shropshire, about 10 miles north of Shrewsbury. Probably the North Shropshire FH. Typical lack of
consideration for property others' business and safety by Hunts.
 14-10-19 Shropshire Star Shropshire airfield forced to close after hunting dogs 'invade' runways
An active Shropshire airfield was forced to close to flights, and planes were delayed from landing and taking off, after
hunting hounds ran loose across the runways. Some flights were cancelled and others were delayed for hours after dogs from
the North Shropshire hunt trespassed onto Sleap Airfield, near Wem, on Saturday. The disruption caused three aircraft to change
their course and left some pilots and customers grounded for the day. In a statement posted online, a spokesperson for the airfield said:
"A message for whichever Hunt it was today – it is NOT OK for your dogs to invade the runways and grounds of an
active airfield, causing three of our aircraft to divert due to us being forced to close. Apologies to our customers, who
either had their flights cancelled, or delayed for hours because of this incident." Airfield manager Nathan Cross said the incident was now under investigation and he had been in
touch with the Hunt and would be meeting with them in the coming days to discuss the incursion. He added that the airfield,
like any other around the country, had a system in place to deal with any incursion which could occur. A
spokesman from the Hunt said: “On Saturday the North Shropshire Hunt was carrying out lawful trail-hunting activities
when a handful of hounds deviated from the scent which had been laid for them to follow.Action was taken immediately to retrieve
the hounds and we want to thank everybody involved at Sleap Airfield who enabled us to remove the hounds from the area as
soon as possible. We express our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate all the assistance
given at the time.”
Sabs take Fernie FH hounds off line of two foxes they chasing 12-10-19 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Once more the forces of the righteous overcome evil and save lives... or sabs wreck Hunts' blood
lust This admin is absolutely shot - late nights in Wiltshire saving badgers then a 5:30am start this morning up to scupper
some cubbing. Bear with me because I've just got in, had no food to speak of (except a nice cup cake and small sausage
roll courtesy of North Cambs Hunt Sabs) plus we stopped for a pint on the way home so there may be spelling mistakes... This morning we once
again joined forces with long time comrades and cake suppliers North Cambs Hunt Sabs to take on the Fernie, who were hunting
around Shangton in Leicestershire. They spent a long time trying to flush something from Shangton Holt, hounds often in cry
with sabs continually rating and finally North Cambs drawing them out with horn and voice. A fox was seen by the North Cambs
vehicle making it's escape. The support were no happy and in true homophobic style we were oddly called "lesbians"... They headed north to Foxhole Spinney, we noticed a fox fleeing, luckily the hounds didn't pick
up it's scent but we covered it anyway. They moved further north to Gillian's Plantation and Tamborough Hill, sabs always
with them. We were in perfect position to witness a fox run the north eastern edge before cutting across the field and away,
hounds in cry within the wood and most definitely on it's line. We covered its line with our scent masking solution and
formed a barrier the hounds would not cross. Using classic sabbing tactics we rated them back with voice and whip, they lost
the line and we sent them back the other way. Great communications
and team work kept the Hunt on the run. They moved fast but we rarely lost site, always having a team in position to react
appropriately. As the morning wore on the hounds picked up on a strong line, in full cry and moving fast, we didn't see the
quarry, but it was clear they were on something. When we finally caught up with them the hounds were marking to ground, the
fox had sought sanctuary in a hole among the brambles in a ditch, the Hunt very keen to flush it out and with the terrier
man hanging around we held our ground and made sure no dig out could take place. Huntsman Will Hanson finally took the hounds
away but we stayed put as the terrier man was lurking and refusing to leave. North Cambs sabs took up the chase
and made sure no more animals were hunted. We finally escorted them and their weirdo Master Phil Cowen back to where they'd
started the day and finally boxed up around 11:30am. We covered over 11km this morning in very soggy condition. Help us hunt the hunters: Ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs.
Mendip Farmers FH go home after 90 minutes stationary
at meet 12-10-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs We knew the Mendip Farmers' Hunt would be desperate to get out hunting
today given they didn't go out last Saturday (didn't want to have blood on their hands for their hunt ball?) So we
headed to greet them this morning with our friends at Bristol Hunt Saboteurs and Bath Hunt Saboteurs. We positioned our vehicles
strategically so we would be able to follow on and, despite their efforts at blocking us in, we were able to follow them to
their 7.30am meet at RM Penny Plant Hire & Demolition in Green Ore (another business to avoid). Sabs again positioned themselves strategically and waited for
the hunt to leave the meet. They eventually did at around 9am - heading back to the kennels! Sabs 1 Hunt Scum 0... The local
wildlife has a little respite now this morning. If you'd like support our fuel fund, you can do so at https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs. See you soon Mendip Farmers' Hunt!
Leader of the House of Commons attends Mendip Farmers
FH Hunt Ball 12-10-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs PHOTO Look who attended the violent law-breaking Mendip Farmers’ Hunt’s Ball last Saturday
- Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, who hosted the Hunt at his home last season...
Sabs catch Warks FH terriermen in
wood near meet where sett blocked 11-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt, Sawbridge, Tuesday 8th October 2019 We arrived at a
wood where we have previously filmed foxes running from near the hunt meet around 6.30am. We did this so we could catch the
Warwickshire Hunt terrierman Danny Clewes blocking badger setts and using an artificial earth. The previous day Clewes had blocked a badger sett in the wood which was then unblocked. As expected we caught him and two other terrierman on their quad
bike outside the wood all wearing balaclavas. We suspect they were about to put a fox into an artificial earth located in
the same woods. Artificial Earths are created by fox hunts to encourage foxes to live in so they have a supply of foxes to
hunt in that area. They can also be used to bolt a fox out of the earth. A fox put in the Artificial Earth by terrier men
is released just before the Huntsman and hounds arrive ready for them to chase. In this case the
nearby badger sett was blocked to prevent the fox escaping down it. This wood is close to where the Hunt were meeting and
would have been the first wood they hunted. However things didn’t go quite to plan. They were not happy to see us. We found Chris Clewes father of terrierman Danny sat in a car next
to the wood on his phone. He looked panicky as we approached him frantically warning his son we had arrived and to abandon
anything they were doing. The quad bike soon appeared at speed from the wood and sped off down the road. Strangely enough
the Warwickshire Hunt (after having a quick meeting at the hunt meet) decided not to hunt this wood that morning and avoided
it completely. It took longer than usual for the pink high-viz hunt stewards to turn up and harass
us. This was due to head steward and sociopath Barbara Hester needing to be involved in the hunts discussion of what had already
occurred that morning.When she and her team arrived they were for once very quiet and sheepish, Barbara Hester as always avoiding
to answer reasonable questions as to the activities of the hunt she is in charge off. Their quietness didn’t last long
though and the harassing behaviour began. Loud music, provocative comments and general harassment is standard behaviour from
the Warwickshire Hunt which to anyone watching from the outside can see is the hunt sticking two fingers up to everyone and
their arrogance, sense of entitlement is astonishing, but not surprising these are also traits of sociopaths. The
stewards were particularly childish today with their comments and behaviour, splashing around in puddles purposely soaking
sabs. The Warwickshire Hunt view their whole world as one big playground. They feel they can do what they want when they want
and have clearly never been challenged before. Convicted hunting criminal Will Goffe as usual hunted all morning. We know this
meet well and know where to go and position ourselves. As expected foxes where seen running from the Hunt. The second fox
we saw was a close call. Hounds were either side of a hedge and it was clear that the fox was in the hedge. The hounds were
very much on this fox and sabs had use voice commands to distract hounds. The fox darted out right in front of sabs and into
a wood. Sabs used voice commands and horn calls to call the hounds off the fox. Barbara Hester and the Whipper In were not impressed at us ‘confusing the
Warwickshire Hounds’. They started to gang up around a sab frantically trying to stop the horn calls. After a standoff
Goffe took his hounds away from the wood towards the canal tow path by Flecknoe Fields Farm. Sabs had him in sight and watched
him pack up around 11.15am. The Warwickshire Hunt keep moaning
about donations given to us. If you would like to annoy the Warwickshire Hunt please consider donating towards our fuel costs.
Thanks! https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs
Sabs see safe only fox put up by Quorn FH cubbing Hounds later rioted on a B road 11-10-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Despite being busy with the badger cull, when we heard the Quorn were having an evening cubbing meet at
the delightfully named Sludge hall in Cold Newton, we couldn't resist skiving off work a bit early and popping along to
keep an eye on them. Just this very morning they'd announced on their Facebook page that followers of the imploded Atherstone were
welcome to join them. We wonder what huntsman Ollie Finnigan thinks about that when the Atherstone sacked him and kicked him
and his heavily pregnant wife out of their hunt house. When asked Ollie replied with a diplomatic no comment but his grin
spoke a thousand words!! On to the hunting, what little there was of it.
Ollie stayed in the same parcel of land that the meet was in and hunted various small coverts and a disused railway line.
Hounds spoke on occasion but sabs quickly took the pack if it looked like mischief was afoot. A large dog fox was seen fleeing
the area but sabs masked his scent and there was some panic amongst the terrier men when hounds rioted across a busy B road. Either of our two teams of foot sabs had the Hunt in sight for the
entire two hours they were out and we happily watched them pack as dusk descended. Please support us:
Atherstone FH fan sends death threat to sabs using own
FB profile ! 10-10-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs With the demise of the Atherstone Hunt we are now receiving the expected death threats from the hunting
community. David Stokes has been a bit of a silly boy issuing death threats using his real
Facebook profile. You forgot to leave your address David so we can take up your offer so we can "cum see you". We've
had six years of death threats, a few more won't stop us. David obviously hasn't seen the memo going round from some in the hunting world that the Atherstone
Hunts collapse was definitely definitely, definitely 100% never in a million years must be another reason not the result of
sabs. They seem to have settled on the excuse that the collapse was due to all those new motorways that have been built recently. One thing is certain the hunting
community can expect a big increase in more focused "motorway activity" over the next season.
Severn V. Beagles give up when
sabs arrive as they leave meet 10-10-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Severn Vale Beagles – 10/10/19 This morning we made our first
visit of the season to a beagle pack, along with others from Mendip Hunt Sabs, Bath Hunt Sabs & Cirencester Illegal Hunt
Watch. The Hunt met at Widdenhill Farm, Horton at 7.30am. A rather small affair, 6 of them
in total including staff & supporters. They had only just left the meet when they spotted the sabs waiting for them, and
then hot footed it back. We
saw a hare in the field next to the meet, who no doubt would‘ve ended up as the Hunt’s quarry if they had ventured
any further. Not on our watch. Beaglers’ excuses of following a ‘trail’ are complete nonsense, and they
know it. The hound van was heading back into the kennels (they’re in with the Berkeley
Hunt at Ham), just after 9am. Sorted. Beaglers beware... Please consider supporting our work: PayPal.me/bristolhuntsabs.
Sabs cause Surrey U. FH to halt cubbing after just one
hour 10-10-19 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs Surrey Union cub hunt meet sent packing after only an hour out! Enough
sabs managed to get together from North Downs and Kingston alongside Surrey Hunt Monitors after receiving a tip off the Surrey
Union Hunt were out. They were
at Loseley Park, normally they host weddings but I don’t know why anyone would want to get married in a place that allows
Hunts to chase fox cubs on their grounds. Please politely ask them to cut
ties with illegal hunting:- http://www.loseleypark.co.uk. When we arrived they were drawing a woodland with
hounds on to the scent of a fox, we made ourselves known and took control of the pack causing the Huntsman to quickly call
them back. The Hunt were straight on their phones and didn’t know what to do. After failing
to lose sabs they headed to Ashen Copse where they laid a non-existent trail on the end of a whip which the hounds didn’t
react too, instead the Huntsman took the hounds directly through the Copse clearly hoping to “accidentally” come
across a fox. As the hounds started to pick up a scent sabs were able to call them off, again. After
only an hour out the Hunt, all 10 of them, headed back to the meet and packed up early but not before frustrated hunt employee
decided to start pushing a sab about while attempting to trip them up. Ed Hutley then said if he assaults us he’ll be
out of the job! We’ll bring a P45 next time! If you’re interested in joining please give us a message and we’ll get
back to you as soon as we can - you can also donate below to keep us in the field. Thanks! GoFundme:- gf.me/u/uqi7zy - Kofi:
www.ko-fi.com/A62094D - Paypal: northdownshuntsaboteurs@gmail.com.
Antis help foxes escape Beaufort FH's
determined attempts to kill them 9-10-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 7th October 2019 The Hunt met at Rodmarton Manor.
It set off through the village into the woods next to the road, hunting the hounds through down to Mount Pleasant and Simon
Plantation where we were waiting for them. Although the hounds initially picked up briefly they found nothing … some
of the coverts had already been sprayed out. Near the busy A433 the hounds rioted
on a deer. Hunt staff got most back but failed to round up one which had to be saved from the fast traffic on the A433 by
our driver who was on the spot. She did get a thank you from her stalker for that. It came down to the road again further
up and had to be coaxed away from the main road by one of our sabs in the field. The Hunt had headed for a favourite wood
on the Tarlton-A433 road. By the time we got there they had surrounded it with staff and key hunt riders on point as in classic
cub hunting and we could hear the hounds on full cry going round inside. Our nearest foot sab had got to where the rest of the field were on the bridleway a short distance
from the wood when she saw the fox burst out of the side of the wood. It was running towards the bridleway. Seeing the riders
lined up it turned back into the wood past the hounds. As our sab rushed to get near enough to help it our driver had arrived
at the road end of the wood in time to see the fox make another bid to escape coming out onto the road. Again it was frightened
back by the sight of hunt support. Our driver went into action screaming for the Huntsman to get the hounds off. With two
witnesses on the ground the huntsman panicked to get them off the fox, having to crack his whip and work like mad to get them
out they were so close onto it. He did succeed and when we checked inside the wood we judged the fox had got away into the
deep ground cover inside the wood.
It had been chased for many, many minutes round that wood with the hounds on its tail at the last. It was not killed
by the hounds but we are very aware that the extreme stress of a chase can be fatal for foxes. It has been recorded, by huntsmen
as well as normal members of the public when foxes have been found unharmed but dead in a bolthole after being hunted. We
hope that this one survived. The
Hunt then went towards Tarlton, hunting hedges going over towards Manor Farm and then Hazleton Fox Covert. We kept pretty
close nearly all of this time although they were moving quite fast. One sab coming in on a footpath found a hunt quad
bike and its two riders (one masked up)on a badger sett and old artificial earth. This is a sett they used to regularly block
for the hunt until we started reporting it to the police. They were clearly there to prevent a fox escaping into the sett.
They stood motionless watching intently as the hounds got nearer. Some hounds were starting to pick up but not loudly or clearly.
They were hunted along the field edge of the covert. Unseen by hunt riders and undetected by the hounds a fox was seen by
the sab escaping the area and she sprayed out the beginning of its run to safety in case they came back to search. They
went across the small lane to hunt Tump Plantation and the big hedges and small woods towards the A433. When they picked up
on cry in one wood a fox ran out across the middle of huge ploughed and planted field towards Irongate Farm. The sab approaching
sprayed out its tracks and moved forward to deter the hunt but the hounds coming out did not go onto the fox's line and
went into the thin adjoining wood where they were loudly on cry... a hunt rider's comment to the sab in the field
about ‘the other one’ revealing that there were two foxes. When a second sab appeared in the wood next to the
Huntsman he again got worried and got off his horse to make sure he got the hounds out of that section of wood where clearly
they knew there was a fox. But he then led the hounds on foot to the middle of the field to lay them on where the first fox
had run. Even in the presence of witnesses he would not desist from this, spreading the hounds and encouraging them to search
for scent. They did not pick up where it had been sprayed out but the Hunt guessed the likely flight path of the fox and the
hounds picked up loudly at Irongate Farm around the hay barn. From there they moved to the old quarry where the horrendous noise indicated marking
to ground. Clearly the fox had run through the farm and sought shelter at the quarry. Our driver coming in from the road and
another sab across the fields went into the quarry but could not make the huntsman call the hounds out. The hounds were going
ballistic, digging deep under the mass of brambles in the middle of one deep dip of the quarry. Nothing we did could get the
hounds off, they were clearly right near a fox. Was the Huntsman waiting for the fox to break or for the hounds to kill it
in the quarry? Matt Ramsden MFH just sat there for what seemed like an age as the hounds marked deeper into and under the
brambles. Whilst there were hunt staff on point on the road and in the field. That level of noise baying and howling must
have been terrifying for a fox trying to hang on in there. In the end they had to give up and
call the hounds away. Some of them kept coming back trying to get at the fox but eventually they left. When we looked in carefully
you could see a cavity deep under the brambles where the fox must have been and we stayed until all hunt staff and terriermen
had left the area to try and make sure it was safe. To claim this is trail hunting is just a horrible joke. Nobody could argue
there was not a fox in there. The cold blooded persistence in keeping a howling pack onto the location of a terrified animal
is a terrible thing to watch. From there the Hunt went towards Trull where they did pack up just before midday. We had our usual attachment of
stalkers whose pictures we will be posting.
Reports of illegal hunting in Dorset up by 44% in last
year 9-10-19 Facebook - Hunt Watch UK Reports of illegal hunting rise by almost 45 per cent in Dorset
...Between April 2018 and March 2019 Dorset Police received 36 reports of illegal hunting, a 44 per cent increase
on the previous year when police received 25 reports. Police have stressed they will investigate illegal hunting, and will
prosecute if there is evidence. They say incidents must be reported in the correct way, and not via posts on social media. The
Hunting Act, introduced in 2004, brought about a total ban on hunting wild mammals with dogs, outlawing fox-hunting, deer-hunting
and hare-coursing with dogs. You can be fined or jailed (HW: The Hunting Act is not a imprisonable offence) for hunting illegally
or causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. Hunting does still take place but using trained hounds who follow an artificial
scent as opposed to an animal. A spokesman for Dorset
Police Rural Crime Team said: “Dorset Police will investigate any allegations of illegal hunting and wildlife crimes
and will prosecute where there is sufficient evidence of an offence under the Hunting Act. “We don’t avoid the
issue of illegal hunting; if you suspect illegal hunting please contact Dorset Police and these allegations will be investigated
by trained wildlife crime officers, who are specially trained to investigate this type of crime. Any incident needs to be
reported to police by those witnessing incidents in order for their evidence to be produced as exhibits, such as photos or
videos. We cannot do this via posts on social media. It has to be done properly... POWAperson adds - Dorset police report large
increase in illegal hunting reports but then say the hunting happening is legal trail hunting - which they have
been told and shown over and over again that it is nothing of the kind, that live quarry hunting continues much as before
the ban.
Quantock SH caught illegally hunting stag with 8 hounds 9-10-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime 07/10/19 - The Quantock Stag Hounds hunting a hind with 8 dogs. Legal? No. Hunt support line the road up to the Pynes Cafe hoping to turn the hunted deer away
from Forestry Commission land, despite eventually hunting into Cockercombe later in the afternoon. Strategic positioning of monitors from Hounds Off and SWC meant that we were able
to make it impossible for the QSH to hunt freely. With a camera on them from the start to the finish of the day, we are confident
no deer lost their lives. With visitors from overseas who made the most of the QSH hospitality,
slurring their words well before midday, and gushing over the wonderful stag hunting in France. Laughable to believe they
popped over to see a bit of 'trail hunting' a la Quantocks! 9-10-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO WIldlife crime in Somerset - witness appeal
Hunting female Red deer with dogs in October is illegal. Hunting Red deer with 8 dogs is illegal. No exceptions, no exemptions.
On 7 October 2019, near Bishops Lydeard in
Somerset, the Quantock Stag Hounds did both. Then they hunted into Forestry Commission land, from which they were supposedly
banned in 1997. Any information please to:- Avon and Somerset Police, Police HQ, Valley Road, Portishead
BS20 8JJ Email: pcc@avonandsomerset.pnn.police.uk.
+ Forestry Commission West England - Bank House, Bank Street, Coleford,
Glos GL16 8BA. Email: westengland@forestryengland.uk. Quote reference AS-20191009-0375
- Hounds Off Forestry England.
Atherstone FH finally folds after long, danger-filled
campaign by sabs Sabs faced violence & harassment -
the latter also from Leics police 8-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Victory! Atherstone Hunt finished! After six long years of an unrelenting
and unstoppable campaign by West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs the 200 year old Atherstone Hunt have finally thrown in the towel
and folded. We have faced harassment, extreme provocation and regular violence from those associated
with the Atherstone Hunt. We’ve received death threats, had our tyres slashed, cars burnt out and have been hospitalized.
We have also faced a hostile campaign of police harassment from Leicestershire Police who have actively sabotaged investigations
against the Atherstone Hunt whilst constantly seeking to prosecute members of our group at all costs. We persevered and never backed down. Despite the regular violence we have faced
our campaign has always remained non-violent. Over the last six years we have sabbed almost every single meet of the Atherstone
Hunt. They have collected over 20 criminal convictions and cautions for their violence and antisocial behaviour and at their
worst they were making the national press every other month for their hunting and violence. As well as stopping them killing
foxes twice a week every week we have been able to expose the real face of fox hunting. We witnessed them kill numerous
foxes in front of us but that only made us more determined. We exposed all businesses that supported them. We held demonstrations
at their biggest events of the year and at all of their fundraising events. For six years the Atherstone Hunt have been completely sabotaged and as a result they have now folded. This means
that for now the 908 km² area of West Leicestershire and North Warwickshire are completely hunt free and hundreds of
foxes lives will now have been saved. Ultimately the Hunting Act needs to be strengthened however we are
not waiting around for politicians to change the law or corrupt police forces to enforce the law. Fox hunting is cruel and
barbaric and has no place in the 21st century. Hunt saboteurs will shut hunts down one by one until hunting is consigned to
history. Our only concern remains the safety
and welfare of the hounds. We have notified relevant authorities. We would like to thank all the different sab groups who have helped us and joined us in sabbing
the Atherstone Hunt over the years. We would also like to thank all of you who have donated towards fuel and equipment costs
over the years, all the kind words and encouragement and all the tip offs and information sent to us. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Dedicated
to Leanne Bridgewater. If you like the work that we do and want to help us continue please consider donating
towards our costs – https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. See also articles in the Times and the Daily Mail
Lone sab prevents Warks FH fox chase despite bizarre
obstruction Stewards use ever stranger means to try to hamper/provoke
sabs 8-10-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt, Oxhill, Monday 7th October, 2019
So another day and another early start with the bloodthirsty Warwickshire Hunt The Warwickshire Hunt are nothing more
than a bunch of organised criminals. Their members sense of entitlement, arrogance, lack of empathy really do show what sort
of people they are. When we watch our footage back it really highlights what strange parallel world
the hunting community really lives in. So desperate to protect an abhorrent activity they are trying to use various tactics
to try to either provoke a situation or stop us from filming what they are doing. Anyone watching their behaviour would think what on earth are they doing and how do they get away
with their actions. We all know why, but it never deters us, in fact it makes us even more determined. The Hunt started in Oxhill and we
caught up with them inland hunting a large maize crop. Two foot sabs had three hunt stewards each assigned to them by self
appointed steward ‘team leader’ Barbara Hester. Both teams of stewards carrying cameras and loud music speakers
blasting music in an attempt to drown out any hunting noises. As usual the stewards attempts to provoke reactions did not
succeed, and we stayed focused on our aim to try and save foxes lives. After the Hunt left one end of a huge maize crop they headed towards Burland House where the bottom end of the maize
crop joins the road. This maize crop is always hunted during cubbing so two sabs went to position themselves where foxes have
been seen running previously. Just as they were getting into position a beautiful big fox ran past. The stewards started to
panic playing two lots of loud music and started pulling faces, dancing and as we have come to expect displayed bizarre behaviour.
We marked the line that the fox ran across and could hear hounds in cry coming alongside the maize crop. Riders started to
enter the field and the huntsman could be heard in the maize crop. We held our position and the fox got away safely. The hunt
then packed up not long afterwards. The Warwickshire Hunt have told us they don’t like people donating online
towards our fuel costs. If you would like to really annoy the Warwickshire Hunt you can donate towards our fuel costs here:-
https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. 8-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Warwickshire Hunt - Ufton Hill Farm, Ufton, 2-10-19
In this video:- �� Warwickshire Hunt stewards try to stop lone sab from filming their illegal hunting
- �� Fox runs past sab and away from huntsman and hounds - �� Sab prevents hounds chasing fox-
�� Hunt steward / village idiot Callum Thorpe made to look stupid with his lies. The Warwickshire Hunt will go to any desperate lengths to
stop us from exposing their cruelty, however despite their best efforts, we were still able to help the fox whilst also showing
how desperate they are to stop us from helping foxes. As long as foxes are being hunted hunt saboteurs will be needed to help
those foxes. POWAperson adds - Despite reporting
on Warks FH meets 5 days apart I have bracketed these two reports together because they are very similar to one another, both
in terms of what happened and in the behaviour of the stewards trying to prevent and provoke the sabs.
E. Kent FH terriermen sneak back into banned FC land
after meet Sabs caught them lurking in
wood with their dogs - saw them off 7-10-19
Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs Saturday 5th October This Saturday we were out with the East Kent with
West Street hunt at Denge Wood who met at 8am. We unfortunately missed the Hunt move off which was a big mistake on our part
because it meant we spent most of our time tracking the hunt rather than observing them. The saving grace was the fact that
with little or no wind we would have heard them if they started hunting properly. It remained quiet so we assume the huntsman
kept his hounds close! Once again we could not drop our guard as the Hunt had two quad bikes with terriermen and terriers
in tow. No " Daddy day care!" today, instead we were blessed with old man "Millsy" and "Martin Minerals!"
regular terrier bods for this Hunt. The Hunt was seen
packing up at 10am with us hardly catching a glimpse of the Hunt until the end, which was not that great for us. However we
went through the motions which meant that the hunt could not risk hunting blatantly on Forestry Commission land. As we took a well earned coffee break the hunt
started to leave in all their various horse boxes but for some reason the terriermen came back and headed into Eggringe wood.
Maybe there was a logical explanation but we were not going to take any chances so followed them in! They
had clearly split up for some reason and "Minerals" was looking a bit sheepish when we caught up with him. His terriers
were barking in his quad box, which begs the question, why did he have terriers with him when only trail hunting is permitted
on FC land? If you wish to contribute to our ongoing vehicle costs then please consider donating here: www.paypal.me/eastkenthsa... every little helps and keeps us in the field!
3 foxes saved from S. Dorset FH as heavies
take to tripping women sabs 7-10-19 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 5.10.19 - South Dorset Hunt, meet at New Buildings, Piddlehinton
Acting on a tip off, sabs rose bright and early, yet again before the sun was even up, and headed for Piddlehinton to greet
MP Richard Drax's* tenants Juggers with his South Dorset Hunt circus! We arrived as Juggers aka Tobias Cole, and his group of wildlife murderers, well 10 of them (not
bad for the SD on a Saturday) were leaving the meet. Setting off in the direction of Heaves Coppice and toward where one sab
foot team had been deployed along a footpath to the north of Heaves Coppice, and another foot team coming in from the east
leaving the Landy team on the road to the South, Juggers and co were completely surrounded by sabs! Doing the only thing left
to him he made a quick dash for Highlands and the infamous 'L' shaped copse, where there always seems to be c*countrymen
on quads hanging around and they always seem to 'find' a fox!! By
now the usual three hired 'knuckle draggers', all on separate quads (maybe a promotion or a reward for being loyal
little soldiers), came in from the north and proceeded to surround Sabs, push them around, and be as intimidating as they
possible could. Joined now by Monitors there were more eyes on the Hunt and every move Juggers made was being watched. One fox was seen to safety by the now one group of joined up foot sab teams, using
a gizmo and voice calls. This caused rather a stir for Juggers and the 'meat' men and the intimidation ramped up to
tripping up Sabs, in particular the female sabs, such big, brave men! Monitors
called in that a fox was seen heading South from Well Bottom. Sabs quickly ran and covered the scent with citronella whilst
our navigator ran into the fields and using the gizmo to pull the dogs back. Number 2 fox saved. Juggers then turned and headed north whilst our navigator legged it across the fields
being chased by the 3 quads. This gave the sabs in the field some small respite away from the knuckle-draggers and make some
quick thinking decisions not to follow the Hunt in case of possibly pushing another fox straight towards the Hunt. Juggers then headed for Incombe
Wood but with no luck picking up any fox scent he headed back to Heaves Coppice....and to our awaiting sabs. Surely it was time
to call it a day, but no, the bloodlust was turning into a frenzy. With the kids and the field now gone, Juggers and his two
frothing at the mouth sidekicks were more determined to get a kill. With monitors on the road at Coombe Bottom, the Landy watching the meet and Sabs heading towards
New Buildings, the dreaded call came in once more that a fox was seen running just below Coombe Bottom and to get there quick
with 'equipment'. The Landy team raced to the Coombe Bottom and again
their navigator ran into the school field spraying citronella to cover the scent. Within seconds the dogs were everywhere
and Juggers was running on foot at full pelt down the road and into the same field. The fox ran towards the copse over the
football field with Juggers, dogs, terriermen and all the quads racing after the terrified animal. Sabs ran in from the West
and despite all the pushing and shoving from the knuckle draggers got into the football ground and began using voice calls
and the gizmo to give the poor fox some chance of survival from the jaws of the pack. Absolute
chaos then ensued, the bloodlust spewing all around, and then, silence... The
fox had got away!! This was an arduous day for our
foot Sabs who went above and beyond the call of duty. A very professional sab today with great communication and skilful map
reading by all. Today also showed how Sabs and Monitors work well together
in saving lives. Thank you for all your support and generous donations to pay for
the 2 new tyres for the Green Landy. Thanks especially for a very generous donation from the wonderful @Dawg Dogs. We now
have the Green landy back on the road and ready to save our wildlife. If you would like
to join us then please message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can. https://gogetfunding.com/fuel-and-equipment/.OWAperson POWAperson adds - Richard Drax
is the local, right-wing, Tory MP, an enthusiastic supporter of hunting. His enormous estate was funded largely on the
proceeds of slavery.
LACS protests N. Trust 'trail hunt' licence for Monmouthshire
FH 7-10-19
South Wales Argus 'Barbaric' trail hunting licence for Monmouthshire mountain should be cancelled,
animal welfare charity says AN ANIMAL welfare charity has urged the National Trust to
cancel a trail hunting licence for the Sugar Loaf, near Abergavenny, calling it a “barbaric practice”. Trail
hunting involves people on foot or horseback following a scent along a pre-determined route with hounds or beagles, mirroring
the traditional hunt without a fox being chased, injured or killed. Hunting real wild animals with dogs has been illegal in
Wales and England since 2005, and in Scotland since 2003. But pressure group the League Against Cruel Sports say trail hunting “has been widely dismissed
as a fraudulent activity that is used as a cover-up for the illegal pursuit of foxes” - and have protested against a
licence issued to the Monmouthshire Hunt, covering the Sugar Loaf mountain in Monmouthshire, which is owned by the National
Trust. Chris Luffingham, the organisation's director of campaigns said: “It’s time the
National Trust stopped allowing fox hunts on their land and got in line with the views of the general public, the vast majority
of whom abhor this barbaric practice. The fox hunting ban is being flouted by the hunts, yet their contemptible behaviour
is essentially being condoned by the National Trust when they issue trail hunting licences.” The Monmouthshire Hunt's licence only allows them to carry out the activity on the Sugar Load four days a year
- January 8, January 15, February 19 and February 26. A spokeswoman for The National Trust said: “Any activity associated
with the term hunting continues to provoke strong emotions on both sides of the debate. We recognise our approach will not
satisfy everyone. Our charity’s core aim is to look after the places in our care and that remains our top priority when
considering whether to licence any outdoor activity. This would be true whether it’s mountain biking or a food festival.
The Trust does licence trail hunting in some areas and at certain times of the year, where it is compatible with our aims
of public access and conservation. Our clear, robust, and transparent set of conditions will allow participants to undertake
a version of this legal activity that’s compatible with our conservation aims. But our charity was also established
for the nation’s benefit and to provide the widest spectrum of public access and enjoyment. We therefore always look
to welcome people to our places and to host the broadest range of outdoor activities on our land. We believe this should include
trail hunting, where it is consistent with our conservation aims and is legally pursued.”
Badsworth etc FH carelessly clog road to get to cubbing
site 6-10-19 Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League York and Ainsty South / Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt: 25-09-19 - Meet:
G Dickson Farm - Henwick Hall, Burn near Selby We must apologise for our backlog of reports but we’ve got so much data to review from
our recent efforts and we’ve also been just so busy avoiding getting a wash and signing-on to get these released...
You’ve already seen a couple
of critical videos from this meet showing the undeniable illegal intent of this hunt (blocking-in rider positions and Huntsman
using ‘burring’ calls) but we didn’t want to lose the opportunity to record other events and data from the
day. The Hunt left the meet and spread out across Burn Airfield to blatantly hold-up beet fields whilst David Elliot cast
his hounds through the beet in search of fox cubs. They then entered territory where foot and vehicle access was limited and
we lost them for a period only to see them heading towards a large maize field local to the disused rail-line at the rear
of the meet. Here, we again witnessed more blatant holding-up and flushing of hounds through the field for foxes and their
cubs. In order to access this land the Hunt took the hounds across and along a busy road with the usual arrogant disregard
of the risks involved and safety of animals and road-users alike [below]. 
Hounds knocked cyclist off his bike - hunters didn't even say sorry The Huntsman then took his hounds up the steep embankment and onto the heavily overgrown former rail line and traversed
with hounds back and forth over and along this feature to the clear frustration and discontent of many of the following field.
The terrain, hidden barbed wire fencing, heavy undergrowth and remaining harsh gravel and concrete sleepers of the former
rail line meant that this was far from suitable for horses and the discomfort of both horse and rider was very evident to
all. Obviously a trail was never laid through this feature and, as usual, nor did the Hunt try to hide this fact. Finally leaving the cover of the rail embankment the Hunt cast hounds
through the land to the rear of their meet before, we believe, returning to Henwick Hall though not before Willy Dickson engaged
in his regular homophobic abuse of the male members of our Team. Any support as always
gratefully received - https://ko-fi.com/yorkanti_huntleague.
Sabs ensure no dig-out by Portman FH - thug kicks sab Also tried to steal same sab's camera - told off by JM 6-10-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs 5th October 2019 - Portman Hunt at Southley Farm Those of you with
the better memories may remember this is the same farm that Sabs carried a recently killed fox to, having been brutally torn
apart by the Portman Hounds. So, understandably, we were frustrated to hear that they were meeting at this same farm. Knowing that Whitmore
Coppice is vulnerable to the Hunt, we pre-sprayed the area to protect any fleeing foxes. It was at this moment we saw a man
pretending to lay a trail. It seems a hessian sack attached to his rucksack is a trail. The hounds didn't pick it up at
all, unsurprising news to many people, we imagine. Along
with Dorset Against Blood Sports and Wildlife Witness, we watched the Hounds head straight out of the meet and into an area
of brambles and gorse around the southern end of Whitmore Coppice. It was here that well known scum, George Bailey assaulted
a Sab, kicking them in the hand and attempting to steal a spray bottle. After a telling off by one of the masters, he soon
calmed down and remained non-violent for the rest of the day. Having not picked anything up in this area, the
Hunt ran at speed to the north, where Wildlife Witness watched a fox bolt out the side of a wood in Sturminster Common, luckily
not chased at all by the hounds. After having a fairly
boring day, the hunt then chased a fox to ground right next to Sabs who then moved the hunt on and made sure the Hunt didn't
return to the area. They then moved onto Whitmore Coppice before finally packing up at 11am. ��
Please message us if you ever want to get involved with Sabbing, we would
be more than happy to have you out Sabbing with us. �� If you can, please
do donate to our fuel funds at www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs or PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs.
etc FH Hunt over banned heritage site & riot on deer 6-10-19 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hit Report ~ Badsworth etc FH ~ Bridge House Farm, Weeton ~ 05/10/19 Badsworth
etc FH hunting through England Heritage site - Hounds riot on a deer After sabs were violently
threatened at their meet last week, we decided to keep the pressure on the Badsworth etc Hunt by sabbing them again this week
alongside Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs. After another early morning start, they finally ended up at their meet in Weeton, North
Yorkshire. Huntsman David Elliot was blatantly illegally hunting all morning, and taking the
hounds round a number of local fields. They headed straight for the site of Rougemont Castle, a scheduled monument protected
by English Heritage. Dogs are only allowed on this land if kept under control, and both dogs and humans must keep to clearly
marked footpaths; two rules that the Hunt blatantly flaunted. This type of behaviour is not surprising, given that the same
Hunt had the nerve to send their hounds into a nature reserve and SSSI last week, but it is testament to the culture of entitlement
and disrespect Hunts hold up and down the country. It is important to
note that ex BBMH terriermen Sean Stringwell, Michael Sharp and Danny Smithson were charged last year after digging out at a badger sett in this wood. The Hunt illegally sent their hounds into Rougemont twice; once at the start, and once again at the end of the day.
Elliot's desperation to kill was clear. The hounds entered the English Heritage land again for a third time after they
rioted in pursuit of a deer later on in the day. Incidents like this show that even if Hunts are simply following trails (which
they almost never are), leading a pack of hounds through the countryside will always risk the lives of innocent animals. In
this case, thankfully, sabs were able to see the deer escape to safety. The inability of the hunt to control their hounds
was perhaps the strongest and most laughable theme of todays sab. In part this can be put down to the ineptitude of whipper-in
Mark Poskitt. A vegetable farmer and purveyor of Yorkshire’s most inadequate carrots, Marky Mark is a frequent source
of ridicule within the hunting community for his frequent poor performance in the field. Today, however, the entire group
of hunt servants seemed to be off their game, and frequently ignored the instructions of the increasingly aggravated Huntsman.
Sabs were thus able to take control of the hounds fairly easily. This kept the hounds moving all morning. With
sabs on their toes all morning and as a result of frustration at their own poor performance, the Hunt stayed out longer than
is usual for a pre-season cubbing meet, and so it wasn’t until 1pm that we were able to head back and grab some well
deserved food and a pint, with no confirmed kills. We need some new equipment - Please consider buying us a ‘kofi’ and
keeping us in the field, saving lives. https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs. Love and rage, WYHS
3 foxes helped to escape from Warks FH by sabs One fled across road causing car to brake 5-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO to follow Three foxes saved from the Warwickshire Hunt Saturday 5th October,
2019 - Brailes, Round Hills Farm (owned by Hubert Keller who is the CEO of Lombard Odier, an investment management company.)
After ensuring that the Atherstone Hunt were not out today - which now means that they haven't been out since Tuesday
24th September, we made our fourth visit this week to the Warwickshire Hunt. So far this week we have witnessed and filmed foxes being hunted,
blocked badger setts and have suffered extreme provocation, harassment and intimidation. Today was no different. The Hunt met at Round Hills Farm in Brailles at around 7am. Working in two small groups we kept a close eye on the
Huntsman and hounds. From the meet they immediately got onto a fox on the track from the meet towards Cherington. Good communication
between the groups meant that a small group of vehicle sabs could intercept hounds after field sabs told them which the hounds
were heading. The
first fox was seen running down a hedgerow. Two sabs went inland to spray over the foxes scent and mark the hedgerow. One
sab in particular was met with provocation and was being harassed whilst trying to cover the fox’s scent. This was the
precedent for the day with hunt stewards trying to provoke sabs and playing loud music to try and disorientate us and stop
us from hearing hounds in cry. This as always did not not deter us and sabs inland
saw hounds running towards the main road that runs from Shipston On Stour to Brailes. After radioing this through to car sabs,
they headed towards the main road and saw the Hunt Whipper In on-point in the middle of the road. A car approaching had to
do brake hard and a fox ran out into the road [pics below] with hounds in cry not too far behind. Sabs sprayed the
road over the foxes scent and informed the Hunt and Senior Joint Master Barbara Hester (who was harassing sabs at the time
and playing loud music) that the hounds were their responsibility as they were rapidly heading towards the main road. What
did they do? Nothing!
 It was sabs who stopped a serious road traffic
accident from happening. We had cameras rolling the whole time and as we predicted Barbara Hester claimed sabs called hounds
onto the road, (obviously not the fox that they were chasing) and was more interested in blaming us rather than the actions
of the Hunt. Video to follow of this incident. This incident caught on camera shows yet again the blatant lies Hunts tell
and the disregard for road safety and animal safety, all for their bloodlust. After we ensured this fox was safe we found the
Hunt again at Oaken Covert on the Cherington side of Brailes Hill. They hunted this wood for sometime and a fox was seen escaping
from the Hunt crossing the road in front of car sabs. Between
the two groups we kept the Huntsman moving. It was a long morning, a lot of miles covered, with foot sabs walking over 10
miles. It has been a long week for us attending 4 cub meets of the Warwickshire Hunt as
well as helping in a badger killing zone. Thank you for all the information and tip-offs we receive. Our number is 07767620767. Any financial help would be appreciated
as this is a very expensive time for us and all donations presently are put towards fuel. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.
2 foxes seen to safety from Tanatside FH cub hunting 5-10-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors The Tanatside Hunt were found cub hunting nr Guilsfield this morning by monitors. They met at Tirnewydd
farm. Blocking the road and surrounding woodland at Bank Wood Pant Mawr. Two foxes were
seen by monitors to safety. A very angry farmer was also seen. Full report later.
Hounds rioting in gardens near Llangollen reported 5-10-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs Well we were out with Derby and Shropshire Hunt Saboteurs at the Flint and Denbigh hunt kennels
dawn and dusk but the Hunt didn't leave the kennels. Oh well! We're also receiving reports
of hounds out of control in Llangollen rioting through peoples gardens.
Sabs assist getaways of 4 foxes Fernie FH flush from
maize 5-10-19
Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Four foxes escape the Fernie hounds - Fernie Hunt, Laughton, 5 October 2019, 7:30am
North Cambs Hunt Sabs picked up the Fernie Hunt this morning, cub-hunting at Laughton in Leicestershire. From
the meet just north of the village, the Hunt worked a circuit of hedges and brooks between Saddington Reservoir, Mowsley and
Laughton village. Sabs worked in two small groups to keep close to the fast moving pack. It was clear we were in a busy area for foxes, with hounds speaking every time they
entered a new patch of scrub or woodland. Voice calls and horn were used each time to either quieten the pack down or prove
enough of a distraction for the huntsman to decide to move on. After drawing the treeline to the
south of Saddington reservoir, the Huntsman, Will Hanson, cast hounds into a maize field just south of the Mowsley Road. here
he sat back and refused to intervene as the hounds rattled around the maize, picking up on scent after scent. From our vehicle on watch on the road above, three foxes (two adults and a cub) were seen running - our driver and
navigator both dashing to cover the foxes trails with citronella mist. One of these foxes was caught on our vehicle camera
briefly. Down in the fields below, a fourth fox, again we believe a cub, darted out from the eastern edge
of the maize, with hounds in pursuit. The fox headed at full speed for the woods at the edge of reservoir and managed to get
through a wire fence which stopped the hounds behind it. Sabs were close enough
to keep with the chase long enough to rate the hounds which were searching back out of the treeline. The Huntsman only then
arrived to collect his pack, and move on. After this close call sabs stayed as close to the Huntsman and hounds as possible, and after a
circuit of Laughton brook and Mowsley, the Huntsman finally blew for home and boxed up the hounds, at 10:20am.
Wiltshire & Infantry Beagles pack up soon after sabs
arrive 5-10-19
Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs Infantry outmanoeuvred Today Berkshire Hunt Sabs took another early
morning trip to Sailsbury Plain with our good pals at Surrey Hunt Monitors following a tip off regarding the Wiltshire and
Infantry Beagles hare hunt. And sure enough the Hunt were found up the track from the Bustard Arms near Shrewton. They
were rather unchuffed to see us turn up, probably because they had only gone a few hundred yards from the meet when we strolled
over cameras in hand. One sweet beagle
puppy bounded over to Sabs wanting some attention and to play, but it was quickly scooped up and taken away by the master,
who told the dog off saying “you don’t want to be playing with them”. They didn’t stick around long
and soon high tailed it back where they came from with only four supporters in tow. A nice easy mission for us. Un-fun fact. A former Whipper-in of the Wilts & Infantry was a reverend and the co-ordinator of a campaign group
called ‘Clergymen for Field Sports’. The group of 50 clergymen who participate in field sports believes that hunting
is a moral act, not an immoral one, and therefore should not be banned. Please support us in the work we do by donating to our equipment
fundraiser here> https://www.gofundme.com/f/berkshirehuntsabs or to our petrol fund here> PayPal.me/berksabc. We spend a massive amount of money on fuel every week and donating just
£5 to us really make a difference and enables us to continue. Thank you! #berkshirehuntsabs
#trailhuntlies #huntsabs #hsa #stophuntingleverets #stophurtinganimals
Sabs assaulted but still ensure no-kill day for Ross Harriers 5-10-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Ross Harriers (Opening Meet) – 05/10/19 We joined Bath Hunt Sabs
and locals to visit the Ross Harriers for their opening meet at Warren Farm, Aston Crews, Herefordshire today. The Hunt and
their pitifully small following left the meet shortly after 11, with hounds immediately going into cry, albeit only for a
brief period. With two sab vehicles and a number of foot teams, we made sure
the Hunt had close company throughout. After searching through a number of fields and woods and failing to find any hare or fox, and with sabs there at
every move, the increasingly frustrated huntsman seemed out of ideas. This spilled over into some assaults on sabs, which
unsurprisingly failed to deter us. A trail was produced, no doubt for our benefit, which the hounds
followed for a matter of seconds before being moved on elsewhere by the Huntsman. We followed them back to the meet where they packed up at about 15.30. All in all a very successful day. Until next
time... Please consider supporting our work: PayPal.me/bristolhuntsabs
Sabs prevent Essex FH with 5 terriermen from hunting 5-10-19 Facebook - Norwich Hunt Saboteurs Hit report, 5/10/2019 - Essex Foxhounds - Blackmore, Stubbers Farm
Today we met up with our usual pals SES - Suffolk And Essex, South Cambs and Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs to visit the Essex
Hunt. Our job was made easy for us today - thanks to good communication between groups
and careful positioning, sabs kept on top of the hunt all morning and they didn't get a chance to hunt. This clearly wasn't
their intention as they had 5 terriermen out ready to dig. After a bit of a ride around the countryside trying (unsuccessfully) to lose us, the Hunt packed
up, no kills. The Hunt's frustration really showed when one terrierman
stuck up his entire middle finger at sabs. Those affected are currently seeking counselling as a result of the incident. Today was a straightforward day but took a fair bit of driving so please help us if you can – https://ko-fi.com/N4N0HF6M.
Sab gizmo calls Flint & D. FH hounds off as they
chase 3 foxes 4-10-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs On Tuesday at Mostyn estate the Flint and Denbigh Hunt blatantly hunted 3 foxes. On this occasion
a sab was able to stop the hunt by using a recording of hounds on a device we call a gizmo. No attempt was made by the huntsman
to call off the hounds from any of the 3 foxes.
Antis keep Berkeley FH on move and unable to cub hunt
properly 3-10-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Berkeley Hunt – 03/10/19 Between work and the badger cull we’ve
struggled to get people out during the week recently, but on hearing that the Berkeley would be out cub hunting this morning
we managed to get together a small crew at the last minute, along with Mendip Hunt Sabs and Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch. We bumped into the
Hunt at 7.30 as they were just leaving the meet between Elberton and Littleton-upon-Severn. Hounds were put into corn fields and woods in an attempt to find foxes, but each time they started to pick up on
any scent sabs ‘rated’ them (telling them to stop), which in turn made the Huntsman gather them up and run to
get away from sabs. Great team work and communication meant that when one group no longer had the Hunt in their sights
then the other did, with persistent sabs popping up with the Huntsman whenever he settled in one place to try and do some
hunting. Sabs stuck with them until they packed up shortly
after 10am, a very successful morning! The Berkeley Hunt, and the Berkeley Estate, are heavily involved in the culling
of badgers to the north of Bristol. Check out the great work Avon Against the Badger Cull have been doing, and give them a
message if you’re able to help out or have any useful information. Berkeley Hunt, we’ll be seeing
you... Please consider supporting our work. PayPal.me/bristolhuntsabs.
Portman cub hunt blatantly, hunt through bTb infected farm Also let pack run through a herd of young heifers 3-10-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs 2/10/19, Portman @ Higher Farm, Chettle Thanks
to an informant we knew where the Portman were meeting this morning. Knowing this area well, and easily predicting their movements,
our small team were with them from the off. Leaving the meet just before dawn, the Hunt moved south towards Long Barrow. Between
here and North Farm they spent some time searching the network of small copses and a maize field, with team 1 hot on their
heels. With hounds cast all over the place,they drew a blank (with this becoming the theme of the day) and eventually moved
through North Farm off towards Tarrent Gunville. Sabs were eventually joined by the Portman's new 'hunt stewards'. We are still not sure what purpose
these individuals are supposed to be serving, though they are an occasional source of entertainment. For a group of people
so quick to remind of us of the law, you may want to have a look at Section 34(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (RTA 1988)
that states, anyone driving a mechanically propelled vehicle, for example a motor car, on a road that is a footpath, bridleway
or restricted byway is guilty of an offence unless it can be shown that there is a private right in place for people to use
the access way to gain vehicular access to their property. Naughty, naughty! The Hunt eventually reappeared at
Chettle Long Barrow, where the next team of sabs were already waiting for them. The field were made to wait in a dark corner
of a field, while Tom Lyle (Huntsman) and Josh Clarke (whipper in) cast the hounds through the northern end of Little Wood.
Josh remained at the northern corner while the Huntsman joined the hounds within the wood. Here they remained for some time
with hounds briefly going into cry at one point. The outcome of them picking up here is unknown. In a desperate attempt to gain back control of his hounds, the Huntsman ended up on foot, emerging from the dense
cover to then take hounds north along a hedge line. The field, who by this time must have been cold and incredibly bored,
were then allowed to move on to the next cover, Hatts Coppice. The usual positions were taken by the Hunt to ensure this copse was
surrounded, in case a fox tried to reak cover. Sabs split up to get into a position to cover the line of any fleeing wildlife.
Here several member of the Hunt (including the Huntsman) were seen and heard rolling their tongues and slapping their saddles
(see video in comments) to keep foxes in the cover. Again, a dead give-away that the Portman continue to ignore the laws surrounding
hunting. We may as well just copy and paste these reports week after week! Again, drawing a
blank, they tried Chettle Chase Coppice further north with no success. Some riders were overheard venting their frustrations
over an appalling morning spent doing bugger all, and tensions between staff seemed to be running a little high. Maybe Josh
is fed up of picking up the slack because Tom Lyle is such an appalling Huntsman...? Hounds were then taken at speed across Dunspit Lane where monitors were able to keep tabs on them.
After traveling further south, crossing the Jubilee Trail, what ensued next was absolute chaos. The pack were completely split
with hounds being spotted both sides of the road going through Chettle, behind a farmhouse near New Coppice, the other side
of the road near Chettle House, and running amok though a herd of young heifers. Now, earlier in the morning they had already
been through North Farm (video in comments) the other side of the road. Only last month their herd had tested positive for
TB. When will DEFRA and the MFHA wake up and realise that Hunts are contributing to the spread of disease across the south
west? 67,259 badgers have been killed in the Government’s badger cull policy since 2013, with a further target of 64,400
for this year alone. Hunts are a bio-security risk, so why are farmers turning a blind eye? After finally gaining control of the pack, the
Hunt trotted off back to the meet at around 10:45. Sabs were in the area before sunrise today, and not a single person was
seen laying this supposed "trail" they talk about following. Dorset Police were recently quoted on social media
saying “We don't avoid the issue of illegal hunting; if you suspect illegal hunting please contact Dorset Police
and these allegations will be investigated by trained wildlife crime officers who are specially trained to investigate this
type of crime.” A call was made to them on this morning and evidence has been sent as they request people to do. Will
it be investigated or just brushed under the carpet like all the other reports of illegal hunting we and others have made?
Answers on a postcard... Please
help keep us in the field www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs or PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs.
Lone sab pulls Flint & D. FH hounds off 1 fox as
they openly chase 3 1-10-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hit report Tuesday 1st October 2019 Following on from being caught red handed hunting fox cubs on Saturday and also making threats to attack sabs, then
cancelling their meet on Monday when sabs turned up, this morning we received multiple tip-offs that the Flint and Denbigh
hunt were cub hunting in Mostyn estate in Tre-Mostyn. As
we arrived the hounds were already in thick brambles, either searching for a fox or possibly already killed one, it's
hard to say, no blood was seen on the hounds although they were covered in mud. As the Huntsman finally attempted to leave
with the hounds a Hunt member was heard bellowing "This way!" It was only a couple of minutes later that hounds
were in cry onto another fox. With the arrogant huntsman not attempting to stop the hounds our only sab in the field (because
you know most sabs have jobs though the Hunt like to bleat we're all on the dole, despite the Hunt being able to draw
20 riders midweek) had to take control of the pack. The Huntsman was not amused and when the sab explained to him he needs
to blow on his horn to stop the hounds hunting the huntsman defiantly said no he doesn't. The
Hunt moved into the next cover and almost immediately got onto another fox, the fox fled across the field into another overgrown
wooded area with hounds right on its tail. Jay Reardon acting as Whipper-in on the day was off his horse and in the overgrowth.
"Your F###ed this time" said the sab "Did you see it?" Replied the Whipper-in. The Huntsman then radioed
the Whipper-in to say the fox was in front of him... The Whipper had to awkwardly reply he was stood with the sab then he
made some half hearted calls to leave it. The hound then went into cry in another ditch as the sab tried to pull himself through
the thick overgrowth. Once again it's difficult to say whether they killed or not. The Hunt then called for home posing for a photo for the supporters first. The Huntsman
then decided to show his class by showing his behind to the sab who was approaching the photo shoot. False Allegations Max
then asked the sab to leave despite there being a bridleway going through the area he also claimed the sab had called the
hounds onto a main road which was over a mile away, very strange considering the sab had been with the hounds in the estate
since he arrived. It begs the question what is Lord Mostyn playing
at. No regard for local residents who despise the hunt. No regard for people keeping their horses on the estate. No regard
for people using the riding centre. No regard for the police sniffer dogs that are kept kennelled on the estate and definitely
no regard for wildlife. Thanks for all your donations, you can donate to North Wales Hunt Sabs on this here link https://gogetfunding.com/help-for-north-wales-hunt-saboteu…/4-10-19 4-10-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO On Tuesday at Mostyn estate the Flint and Denbigh Hunt blatantly
hunted 3 foxes. On this occasion a sab was able to stop the hunt by using a recording of hounds on a device we call a gizmo.
No attempt was made by the huntsman to call off the hounds from any of the 3 foxes.
Sabs find fresh & heavily blocked sett in wood Warks
FH hunting Sab assaulted by steward at
side of road 1-10-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO to follow Warwickshire Hunt - Tuesday 1st October 2019 - Upper Tysoe - Hunt frustration
- Active badger sett trashed - #AtherstoneHuntCrisis Thank
you for all the information/tip-offs that we are currently receiving about the Warwickshire Hunt. All information is treated
in confidence. Our phone number is 07767620767. After checking that the Atherstone
Hunt weren’t going out this morning and being reliably informed that the hunt is still in crisis and hasn’t been
out since last Tuesday where they met in Frolesworth, a small group of us decided to visit the Warwickshire Hunt who met near
Tysoe. When we arrived we found the Hunt
in their usual hunting place for this meet. So we headed in land towards the Hunt. Now we know the Warwickshire Hunt put themselves
forward as a ‘beacon’ for the hunting community, with Sam Butler a hunt director (ex senior master of the Warwickshire
Hunt) giving advice to other hunts on how to deal with ‘anti’s’ and trespass. Hunts are very hypocritical,
we all know this, treating trespass as the ultimate terrible sin, but will never answer why they hold this view. Well its
obvious why - because Hunts do it all the time. So the pink high-vis stewards were out in force today, clearly getting frustrated
and using force now to try and stop sabs from entering land. At one point they even assaulted and manhandled a sab on the
side of public road. Well we persevered finding the Huntsman and hounds and we kept up with them until they packed at
11.30am. Throughout the day the hunt tried to hunt hedgerows, gorse and small wooded areas. They ended up in a large wood
near Edge Hill and with 5 terrier bikes out it was no surprise to find a heavily blocked badger sett. Pieces of turf were
rammed into one hole with fresh spade marks all around. There was even a fresh latrine on one of the blocked entrances. The
badgers underground clearly would need assistance to be able to get out tonight therefore some holes were unblocked. So nearly every meet of the Warwickshire Hunt we have attended we are finding trashed badger setts. Warwickshire
Police seem to pride themselves on acting against wildlife persecution and have assigned officers just for wildlife crimes,
so it would be interesting to see what they do about this highly coincidental (we all cough at this point) fact that we are
finding blocked setts exactly were the Hunt go and terriermen are nearby. We won’t hold our breath though as senior
ex Warwickshire Police officers are members of this Hunt. If anyone would like to ask Warwickshire Police what they intend
to do about the arrogant Warwickshire Hunt’s blatant wildlife crimes their Facebook details are: https://www.facebook.com/warwickshirepolice/. The Hunt’s frustration is showing, our perseverance
is not dwindling and in fact we are even more determined as our actions are clearly affecting this Hunt and convicted blood
junky Will Goffe is being kept on the move and not being able to hunt effectively which is our overall aim to stop him hunting
and save lives. Hunt staff are looking on wondering what to do with us. They have tried and still continue to use extreme
provocation, harassment and other threatening behaviour to try and deter us. If the Hunt had nothing to hide why are they
going to such extreme lengths to stop us from filming their activities. All this Hunt need to do is ask the #AtherstoneHuntInCrisis
to find out nothing deters us in our fight to stop bloodsports. Thank you for your continued support. All donations go directly to help us save wildlife as often
as we can. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.
SEPTEMBER 2019 ..... 30th September - Children scream as family hears Badsworth etc. FH kill fox ….. 29th September - N.T.
will not re-licence Shropshire packs to 'trail hunt' on Long Mynd ….. 29th September - 25th anniversary of Barle stag shows savagery of ongoing deer hunting ….. 29th September - Mendip
FH kill fox in maize - supporters soak and harass sabs ….. 29th September - Crisis-hit
Atherstone FH now cancel hunter trials …..
28th September - Sabs at Badsworth etc FH meet threatened
by thug with telescopic baton …..
28th September - The National Trust will no longer licence
fell packs to 'trail hunt' ….. 28th September - Monitors
help steer 3 foxes away from Blackmore FH hounds …..
28th September - Two foxes escape Cotswold V FH cubbing
- one with sab help …..
28th September - Sabs quickly pack up first a cub then a leveret
hunt ….. 28th September - Sabs assist five foxes to escape from Fernie FH ..... 28th September - Sab car tyres slashed by S. Dorset FH thugs at Cattistock
FH meet ….. 28th September - Monitors find Cheshire FH having nothing more than a fun
ride …..
27th September - Speeding Badsworth etc. FH terrierman endangers sab life with quad ….. 27th September - Stag chased by Quantock SH for 21/2 hours
escapes on to N.T. land …..
27th September - Grantham Council reject move to oust Belvoir
FH from town ….. 27th
September - N. Cotswold FH hounds all over main road, drivers
have to brake …..
27th September - Sabs vow to stop hare/leveret hunting 'festival'
in Scotland …..
26th September - Atherstone FH staff believed to have walked
out ….. 25th September - Sabs say videos show Badsworth etc FH wilfully breaking Hunting
Act ….. 25th
September - Dorset police now soliciting complaints of illegal
hunting ! ….. 25th
September - Cottesmore FH cause RTA & hunt fox over banned
conservation area ….. 24th
September- Sabs flying their drone seems to deter Ashford V FH from cubbing ….. 24th September - Braes o' Derwent FH frustrated as monitors help keep several
foxes safe ….. 23rd September - Portman
FH filmed hunting and refusing to call hounds off foxes ….. 23rd September - Crawley
FH filmed in early morning classic cub hunt formation …..
23rd September - Lanarkshire FH ignore pained & panicking
hound trapped in fence ….. 23rd
September - Sabs say Lanarkshire
FH killed at least 2 foxes – no gunshots heard ….. 22nd September - Drunk Cottesmore FH thugs assault, threaten, spit at antis,
try to steal property ….. 22nd September - Crawley FH lead hounds thru frightened livestock while trying
to cub hunt ….. 22nd September - Sabs help 3 foxes escape from North
Cotswold FH …..
22nd September - Newark Council bans South Notts FH from market
place on NYD …..
22nd September - Green MSP's bill to end fox hunting consultation gets 10k
responses ….. 21st September - Monitor
retired couple arrested on trumped-up 'stalking' charges ….. 21st September - Sabs rate hounds off fox they find Mendip Famers FH hunting …..
21st September - Northants MH found hiding among cattle &
sent packing by sabs …..
21st September - Sabs help keep 3 foxes safe from Fernie FH's
early a.m. cubbing ….. 20th
September - Sabs ensure Badsworth etc FH cubbing fails -
terrierman swears at local ….. 20th September - PC tells monitors own fault if feel threatened by hunters ….. 20th
September - S. Durham FH upset locals,
block A road - supporter swerves car at monitor …..
20th September - N. Trust renews 'trail hunt' licences
for killer Hunts .....19th September - Blackmore FH chase 3 foxes, leave pack in hot van for 2 hours …..
19th September - Wynnstay FH's new Whipper-in lets the
side down ….. 19th September - South Down
FH Huntswoman pretends to police terriermen not with Hunt …..
18th September - Puckeridge FH follower blocking sab car pulls
out sledgehammer ….. 18th September - Woman camper upset by Staitondale FH hunting & chasing sheep …..
17th September - Monitors aid escape of exhausted stag from
Quantock SH ….. 17th September - Meynell FH filmed by sabs blatantly hunting a fox ….. 17th
September - Atherstone FH hound control so poor sabs had to call them off hare ….. 16th September - Cheshire FH bolt for home when monitors appear ….. 16th September - S. Durham FH first cubbing meet fruitless, say monitors ….. 16th September - VWH FH cub hunt while pretending it's 'hound training' ….. 16th September - Southdown FH thugs throw rocks, threaten sabs, try to damage
car ….. 16th September - Grafton FH hound chasing young fox screams as caught on barbie ….. 15th September - Quantock SH charged with illegal hunting [again] ….. 15th September - Sabs save foxes from S. & W.
Wilts FH thanks to tip-offs …..
15th September - Cottesmore FH stewards try to stop sabs using
footpaths …..
15th September - Sabs twice call Middleton FH hounds away from novice Huntsman ….. 15th September - Pair of sabs deter South Wold FH from serious cub hunting ….. 15th September - Flint & Denbigh FH support's fury as sabs ruin evening cubbing
fun ….. 14th September - Sabs attacked and stolen from by drunk Avon Vale FH supporters ….. 14th September - Portman FH Chairman
& riders recorded discussing foxes they hunted ….. 14th September - N. Bucks Beagles return to kennels soon after leaving when see sabs ….. 14th September - S. Durham FH hounds 'running amok' on A road - police attending ….. 14th September - Singing sabs spike hapless Wynnstay FH's cubbing attempts ….. 14th September - Sabs hassled by Avon Vale FH followers
- some drunk - at 5pm …..
14th September - Antis swamp Blackmore FH cubbing
meet - Huntsman eventually gives up …..
14th September - Fernie FH's first cubbing meet of season
spoiled by sabs …..
14th September - Cottesmore FH chase fox to ground & hounds
spill on to road ….. 13th September - Warwickshire FH chase fox through people's gardens ….. 13th September - N. Cotswold FH hounds kill as split pack chase two at once ….. 12th September - Councillor calls for Council to sever all links with Belvoir FH ….. 11th September - Sabs think N. Cotswold FH killed early in cubbing meet ….. 11th September - Warks FH JM can't explain blocked sett where they hunting ….. 10th September - Waveney Harriers lose control, sabs left to try to call hounds off deer ….. 10th September - Ashford V FH thug attacks sab car with hammer - as both driving ….. 10th September
- Sabs save fox from Blackmore FH but one may have
been caught ….. 10th September - Wynnstay
FH twice cub hunt wood where monitors saved fox in March ….. 9th September
- Sabs outnumber hunters at Surrey Union FH early a.m. cubbing meet ….. 9th September
- Sab visits ensure no cubbing by Quorn or S. Notts FHs ….. 9th September
- E. Essex FH switch from cubbing to trail hunt when sabs appear ….. 8th September
- Sabs say saved 3 foxes from Pytchley
& Woodland FH cub hunting ….. 8th September - Worcestershire FH Huntsman sexually
harasses woman sab …..
7th September - N. Herefordshire FH new Huntsman scatters
pack while cubbing ….. 7th September - Mendip F FH
hound van doesn't even go to meet because of sabs ….. 7th September
- Police hold up sabs for Flint & Denbigh FH yet again ….. 7th September
- SNP future plans doc omits to mention strengthening hunt
ban ….. 7th September - Worcestershire
FH terriermen have petting zoo, including foxes ….. 6th September
- Police reject film of supporters trying to head fox at BSV
FH meet ….. 6th September - Muntjac being hunted by Waveney Harriers aided by
sabs to escape …..
6th September - N. Warwickshire Beagles to close, along with
2 other packs ….. 6th September - North Cotswold FH kill young fox in blatant cub hunting ….. 6th September - Sabs twice take hounds off Quorn FH to stop cubs being killed ….. 5th September - D&S SH chased stag into churchyard & shot him dead there ….. 5th September
- Sabs help save 3 foxes from Portman FH
but they may have killed ….. 5th September - Forestry Commission to publish Hunt
meet details ….. 4th September - Pony distressed by IoW FH who gave no notice of their meet …..
4th September - Convicted badger baiter is terrierman for York
& Ainsty S FH …..
4th September - Stunning stag finds sanctuary from Hunt on
Baronsdown ….. 4th September - PC's partner's
posts shows he thought Warks FH caused pile-up …..
4th September - West Kent Sabs complaint against police inaction
is upheld ….. 3rd September - Warwickshire FH cause multi-vehicle pile up while crossing road …..
3rd September - Stand-off between E. Kent FH, sabs & police
ends in early pack up …..
2nd September - Sabs say they helped save five foxes from two
Dorset Hunts …..
1st September - Sab presence discourages Flint & D. FH
from cub hunting …..
1st September - Cheshire FH follower aims threats &
intimidation at women sabs …..
1st September - Sabs & drone restrict Wynnstay FH to 50
minute trot on roads …..
1st September - Flint & Denbigh FH member rides injured
horse for 2 hours …..
1st September - CPS drop Cottesmore FH fox kill case one day
before deadline …..
1st September - Monitors report VWH FH blatant cub hunting,
including a kill …..
1st September - Crawley FH observed engaging in classic cub
hunting ….. 1st September
- Out-of-control
S. Dorset FH hounds riot on deer & sheep
Children scream as family hears Badsworth etc. FH
kill fox Sabs threatened with thug
carrying illegal telescopic baton N. Yorks
police refuse to act against blatant cub hunting 30-9-19 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs Fox kill witnessed by members of the public - illegal hunting through Brockadale Nature Reserve
- Hit Report ~ BBMH/YAS ~ Stapleton Park Farm ~ 28.09.19 On Saturday we paid our first visit as a group
to the Badsworth and Bramham Moor & York and Ainsty South merger Hunt, who were blatantly illegally Hunting around the
vast private estate of Stapleton Park, along with old friends from Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs and East Yorkshire Coast sabs,
and new friends from York Anti-Hunt League. The Hunt set off from the meet at around 7.30am, straight towards
a variety of coverts located in the estates grounds. Riders were seen lining the sides of the wood from the off, showing
blatant attempts to illegally hunt away from the public eye. Just 15 minutes after the Hunt had set off from the meet, our sabs were approached by a masked male in a face covering,
who proceeded to threaten sabs with extreme violence. He was also in possession of an ILLEGAL TELESCOPIC BATON. We can tell
from their behaviour that this Hunt are becoming increasingly frustrated at the attention they are receiving from anti hunting
groups, week in week out. (Video footage to follow). After the masked thug made off,
the Hunt continued to hunt around the estate, in particular around Fishpond and Castle Hill Woods. They then quickly headed
east, where a member of Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs had a distressed member of the public approach to say their children had
heard a fox screaming as it was killed by hounds. We cannot imagine the trauma felt from hearing such a horrific noise. Devastated and as determined as ever, sabs kept up with the Hunt, all while Huntsman David Elliot
continued to cast hounds into woodland where trails could never have been laid. The Hunt spent much of the morning crossing
busy main roads, and decided to head down into Brockadale Nature Reserve, a site owned by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. The trust
make it explicitly clear that no form of hunting is permitted on their land, but this would never stop the bloodlust of the
Badsworth and York and Ainsty Hunt staff. It’s important to add the blatancy of this hunting, which continued up until
around 10.30, was not even questioned by the attending officers by North Yorkshire police, when they were told time and time
again of their illegal hunting. We are in need of some new recording equipment,
any pennies you can chuck us to help with the costs would be greatly appreciated… LOVE AND RAGE, WYHS. https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs. See also report by York Anti-Hunt League
N.T. will no longer licence Shropshire
packs to 'trail hunt' on Long Mynd 29-9-19 Stop hunting on the nation's land Fox Hunting Finished For Good On The National Trust’s Long Mynd
Yesterday we announced that the National Trust in the Lake District have declared there will no longer be hunting licences
granted to any of the fell packs [Melbreak, Blencathra, Coniston, Eskdale & Ennerdale, North Lonsdale and Ullswater] because
of their behaviour in 2018. We’re also happy to announce that after speaking
to the National Trust management responsible for Long Mynd on 27/09/2019, we can confirm the ‘trail hunting’ licences
for Long Mynd for the South Shropshire Hunt and the United Pack won’t be re-issued after our work with Shropshire Monitors
in December 2018-January 2019. We already expected this to be the case, especially after the South Shropshire Hunt were banned and then arrogantly
trespassed on the site, but to have confirmation from the Trust that last season's ban was not temporary is a relief for
both ourselves and wildlife. Credit is due to the Trust’s staff in both Shropshire and the Lake District for seeing
through the deceit of ‘trail hunting’ and acting on this - we’re now waiting for their colleagues in a number
of other sites to do the same. This is a prevention of access for hunting on the
Long Mynd’s 2,000 hectares. This isn’t to say they won’t try and sneak on to get their fix of criminal bloodsports,
but any use of the land now for hunting by the South Shropshire Hunt and United Pack is trespass and can/should be reported
to the National Trust [cardingmill@nationaltrust.org.uk], Natural England [west.midlands.enquiries@naturalengland.org.uk]
and West Mercia Police. Keep your eyes open when you visit! The anti-hunt movement in Shropshire, which still needs your help with hunting everywhere else
in the County, can be supported by backing or joining these groups: Shropshire
Monitors, Shropshire Wildlife Monitors, Shropshire Hunt Saboteurs, Welsh Border Hunt Sabs. Many
thanks to those of you who supported previous National Dis-Trust efforts and to the 8,151 who signed our petition to Natural
England, which we’ve now closed* since Natural England’s consent is irrelevant if the National Trust aren’t
approving ‘trail hunting’ licence applications. It’s worth noting at this point that elsewhere in Shropshire, the National
Trust’s Dudmaston Estate [politely contact them if you want: dudmaston@nationaltrust.org.uk and 01746 780 866] licensed
the Albrighton & Woodland Hunt during the 2018-19 hunting season. * After our team sent evidence of
hunting activity on Long Mynd to them, Natural England had said in a letter to the National Trust dated 08/02/2019 that ‘demonstration
of adherence to the licence will be an important factor in Natural England’s decision to issue consent in future.’
and so were unlikely to renew their 2014-19 hunting agreement for Long Mynd anyway. 3-10-19 Shropshire Star National Trust turns down bids from two Shropshire hunts to use
its land for meets The National Trust has turned down two bids from two hunts in Shropshire
to use its land for their meets. The South Shropshire Hunt and the United Hunt both traditionally use the Long Mynd for hunts.
Earlier this year the National Trust took the decision to
suspend their licences. Now the body has confirmed it has not issued licences for the forthcoming hunt season. In January this year, after monitoring group
the Shropshire Monitors filmed the South Shropshire Hunt illegally chasing a fox, the National Trust suspended its licence.
The monitoring group also spotted terrier men – people whose role it is to dig out foxes which have taken refuge underground
– accompanying the South Shropshire Hunt on quad bikes. Neither the South Shropshire
nor the United Hunt – the other hunt group that rides across the Long Mynd – have been allowed licences for this
season. Chris Luffingham, director
of campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “The Long Mynd Estate is to be commended for ensuring that fox
hunts will not be allowed to hunt on its land again. With 85 per cent of the public opposed to the barbaric practice of hunting
foxes with hounds, the decision by the National Trust ties in perfectly with public opinion. By denying fox hunts access to
its land, the Long Mynd estate has done the right thing and we hope other National Trust properties will follow suit.” The
National Trust issued 25 hunting licences across England and Wales last year but three of the licences, including one for
Long Mynd, were suspended due to illegal fox hunting activity. A spokesperson for the Shropshire Monitors, said: “We are delighted with the news, as are locals who have had
to witness trespassing and illegal hunting by these so-called trail hunts. It is hoped that other landowners follow suit and
help uphold the fox hunting ban. Hunts in Shropshire will continue to be monitored to ensure compliance with the law.” Figures issued by the League Against Cruel Sports at the end of the last fox hunting season showed there
had been 284 reports of illegal hunting activity and 43 reports of foxes being killed by hunts in the UK. This includes eight
cases in Shropshire. Chris Brett, spokesman for the National Trust, confirmed that currently there are
no active licences in Shropshire but added that this could change in the future. The South Shropshire Hunt and the United Hunt were both contacted for comment.
25th anniversary of Barle stag highlights
savagery of ongoing deer hunting Leading
monitor recounts the stag's shocking, savage slaughter in the name of sport Monitor's footage played major part in Nat. Trust banning
deer hunting on its land 29-9-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime The Barle Stag - September 29th 1994 This eye witness account
from Kevin Hill, at the time Kevin worked for the League Against Cruel Sports. Twenty five years later we are all still trying
to bring an end to horrors such as this... Devon and Somerset Staghounds September
the 29th 1994 was the day a huge beautiful Exmoor Stag was brutally killed in the River Barle. Shot many times after being
trapped in the River Barle below Hinam the aftermath was the Devon and Somerset Staghounds were banned for five weeks by their
own association after pressure from within the hunting community as well as from the anti-hunt world.

Stag in river two hounds swim after it It has been shot at once
This followed an Autumn Stag hunt season, when
enormous stags were being chased. Hunt followers were even complaining about the magnificent stags that were being hunted. The day started with
a meet near Molland in the North Devon area of Exmoor. Molland is a small pretty village untouched by time. My duties at the
League at this time of the year was to monitor hunts near the League Sanctuaries. Positioned on the outskirts of the village
the hunt rode past with their usual sarcastic remarks that were to rebound on them in the days to follow. Initially I caught a glimpse of the stag on Molland Moor above the village. The usual run in this
area was to Slade Hill above the Dane’s Brook, a tributary of the River Barle. But today this strong Exmoor Stag was
moving fast even though it was probably in the region of twenty-five stone.
Stag flees from bank where shooters are - several hounds close behind On the road to the Dane’s
Brook I met followers frantically turning their vehicles to move to the River Barle at Hinam or even further down river to
Marsh Bridge an infamous river crossing where stags often lose their lives. By their action the stag had already gone through
Slade Hill. I
quickly turned my vehicle and joined the fast moving convey passing Whiterocks and through Five Cross Ways towards Dulverton.
Most of the vehicles moved onto Marsh Bridge but that day something told me to go to Hinam and down the track to the bend
in the river below the ancient hill fort of Mountsey Castle. I found myself with just a few other hunt followers initially. Suddenly moving quickly
was the hunted stag coming to the river. Soon after riders and hunt followers arrived. A shot rang out and instinctively I
moved to the banks of this beautiful river with its steep wooded valley. Instantly I came under pressure from riders riding
very close to me but I could ‘dodge’ them as the area was wooded. But I could not dodge the followers who did
everything to impede my progress to the bank.

Stag panting in exhaustion & fear. He has been shot at twice As I approached the river more shots
rang out and I expected to find the stag dead. I was wrong. The poor animal was ‘corralled’ in the river with
riders upstream and down. Followers on either side prevented the stag from leaving the river. He ran up and down the river
with hounds close with an occasional gunshot ringing out. The stag was in real trouble and absolutely terrified. Followers
were deliberately trying to block me videoing. And then right in front of me two hunt people were in the water wrestling with
the stag and soon joined by a third. No escape now for the stag.
 Hunter now in river wrestling stag by antlers Then joined by others - they
try to drown it The lifeless body was dragged the other side of the river out of my sight most likely to have its throat cut to bleed
the once wonderful stag. As I moved back to my vehicle I was apprehended by a group of followers who held me over the river
with warnings and threats. One of them took a kick at me from the rear that physically was painful although I was more concerned
that my camera stayed with me. Mud was smeared over
my 8mm video camera lens before they released me. Although with some injuries the mental stress of witnessing the end of this
stag’s life is still with me twenty five years on. At least he was not
alone in the last minutes of his life. Video can be seen here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuzipLShQlk.
POWAperson adds - This was 1994 and the video quality
wasn't great - but good enough to see what was happening - when Kevin managed to evade the hunters trying to block his
filing With his typical modesty, Kevin minimises the beating he was given that day [not to mention several others, landing
him in hospital more than once] - how the hunters must have regretted not stealing his camera and destroying the film,
which was shown on national TV and created widespread outrage. Three years later, after the Bateson report, the National Trust
banned deer hunting on its land, though the extent to which the actively enforce that ban has always been questioned. But
it was a major blow to the hunt side and played a significant part in strengthening the determination of antis, including
the great majority of Labour MPs, to achieve a general ban on hunting with dogs for sport. Yet Kevin, whose sheer grit
and courage is a wonder to behold [I have witnessed it myself], still has to monitor hunts regularly and continues
to witness widespread flaunting of the spirit and letter of the law - but that's another story. The Devon & Somerset SH are still at
it, exploiting the infamous 'Research & Observation' exemption by using pairs of hounds in relays to comply with
the letter of the law. For the deer chased to exhaustion over hours, brought to bay encircled by howling hounds and then blasted
with a sawn-off shotgun, nothing has changed.
Mendip FH kill fox in maize - supporters soak and harass
sabs 29-9-19
Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs Mendip Farmers Hunt – 28/09/19 The Hunt met at Edwicke Farm
near North Wootton. They spent most of the morning hunting fox cubs in maize fields around the meet. Only three of our sabs
were out on foot and were vastly outnumbered by all the scum. Access was difficult with a lack of footpaths and deep ditches
between fields. We were further hindered by hunt support vehicles and quads deliberately blocking the roads and slowing the
vehicle down. Hounds went into cry in the maize fields, picking up on the scent of foxes taking
refuge there. Hunt support in surrounding fields were clapping their hands and making noise to frighten any escaping foxes
back towards the hounds, in classic cubbing style. After a time heard in cry, in one of the maize fields, holloa like sounds
were heard from inside the maize, indicating a fox had been seen. Unfortunately our foot team were too far away to intervene,
and shortly after the hounds went quiet. Incredulously, the Huntsman Kent Locke had the audacity to blow for a kill, the horn
call signalling that they had indeed killed a fox. We have video of this which we will release soon.
Not satisfied with the murder of one fox cub, the Huntsman cast the
hounds into the next maize field and continued to hunt. Shortly after, as the foot sabs walked up a public bridleway towards
the vehicle, they were joined by two hunt supporters who were clearly overjoyed that a young fox had just been ripped to shreds.
They had brought with them two large bottles of water, which they emptied over the sabs as they stood at a gate filming the
hunt. They then refilled their bottles with filthy water and mud from puddles in the bridleway, emptied them over the sabs
again several times, and also kicked mud at them [pics above & below].
 Despite this, our
drenched and muddy sabs continued to follow the Hunt the best they could given the continuous hindrance from support. After
hunting more fields, they returned to the meet to pack up at around 10am. The two idiots who soaked our sabs also decided to tail our sab vehicle as we left the area, so we took them on a
little tour of the local A roads until they got bored at Shepton Mallet Tesco. It must be really boring being a bumpkin if
this is the only thing they can think of to entertain themselves on a Saturday morning.
Quad following Hunt on public road - no plate, overloaded It was a challenging day for our small team, but we will not be deterred
by the antics of the Hunt and their minions. Knowing that they killed at least one fox yesterday is heart breaking. But our
resolve is strong, and we will be back in the field to stop them next time. Mendip Farmers Hunt - expect us. We rely on donations
to keep going. Both fox Hunts and the ongoing badger cull in our area are having a massive impact on our fuel fund. Please
support us by buying a kofi: https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs.
Happy redcoats, soaked & exhausted hounds at end
of hunt
Crisis-hit Atherstone FH now cancel hunter trials 29-9-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt in crisis The Atherstone Hunt didn't go out
on Saturday after cancelling their meet amid rumours that hunt staff have walked out. They have now also cancelled their hunter
trials fundraising event on the 5th October. It's clear this Hunt is now in complete meltdown
/ crisis. Our only concern is for the welfare of the hounds.
The National Trust will no longer licence fell packs
to 'trail hunt' Action due to Lake
District Hunt's 'bad behaviour' last season 28-9-19 Stop Hunting on the Nation's Land The National Trust in the Lake
District have declared there will no longer be hunting licences granted to any of the fell packs [Melbreak, Blencathra, Coniston,
Eskdale & Ennerdale, North Lonsdale and Ullswater] because of their behaviour in 2018. We fully support the
actions of the National Trust in the Lake District, who have made the decision NOT to licence any of the fell packs this season.
In the minutes of one Lakeland parish council - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- National Trust - Hunting Mr ******* ****** confirmed that the deadline for applications for
trail hunt licences closes on the 30th September. To date no applications have been received for the ****** area (and the
National Trust are not expecting any to be received). Additionally, the National Trust confirmed that if any applications
were to be received the National Trust would be minded to refuse them given the behaviour of the packs in 2018. Therefore,
any trail hunting or other hunting activity that is witnesses on National Trust land is unlicensed and therefore is a trespass.
Trespass is a civil crime and the only recourse is an injunction however these are challenging to get (and enforce). The National Trust reminded all present that if hunting of animals with dogs is
observed this remains a criminal matter and should be reported to the Police. If hunting is observed on National Trust land
(including trail hunting) they would be keen to know about it as well.' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's
hope that the National Trust in the rest of England are as honest and responsive as Lake District NT. However, neighbouring
landowners such as Lake District National Park Authority and United Utilities need to take a leaf from Lake District NT's
book, and stop facilitating illegal hunting by licensing the fell packs, who were witnessed killing wildlife, trespassing
and intimidating members of the public on the nation's land last season.
Sabs at Badsworth etc FH meet threatened
by thug with telescopic baton 28-9-19 Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League Thankfully we’re all safely back home after visiting York and Ainsty South / Badsworth and Bramham
Moor Hunt who took pleasure in idly sitting by and watching their ‘hired’ violent thug threatening us with his
highly illegal telescopic steel baton. This is clearly a pre-planned attack
as the cars number plates have been taped-over, face mask on and a specialist weapon in hand. This is the type of individual that YAS/BBMH engage with and employ
to allow them to continue their grubby slaughter of our native wildlife. If anyone has information
relating to the identity of this person [see photos on FB page] then please message us directly in the strictest
of confidence. Thank you. Hit report to follow.
Two foxes escape Cotswold V FH cubbing - one
with sab help 28-9-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt – 28/09/19 Today we were up at the crack
of dawn, battling the weather and headed to Gloucestershire to give a long overdue visit to the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt
(CVFH) who met in Apperley. Local sabs had spotted the Hunt and it wasn't long before we
found a very small gaggle of supporters lining the roads of Apperley to hopefully witness the CVFH chasing and killing fox
cubs. There's a new
Huntsman in town but it was the same old hunt in regards to flouting the law and actively hunting foxes. Sabs caught the Hunt
in the field with hounds in full cry and noticed supporters on the road alerting the huntsman that they'd seen a fox and
soon enough the hounds were on it's tracks. Thankfully, the fox got away.

Fox flees across road - notice hunt riders in background We headed back to vehicles to catch up with the Hunt and within no time at all,
another fox shot out in front of us, again being pursued by the hounds. Hunt staff (including a few faces from the Royal Agricultural
University's hare hunt - The RAC Beagles) were encouraging them onto the line of the fox until they noticed they had company
from us. Sabs were quick into action, masking the foxes scent and 'rating' back the hounds. The fox got away to safety
under our watchful eyes. We
then kept up with the Hunt and took control of their hounds repeatedly using voice and horn calls. This kept the hunt on the
move and soon enough they headed for home. We'll be seeing you again soon... Please consider supporting
our work; Paypal.me/bristolhuntsabs.
Sabs quickly pack up first a cub then a leveret hunt 28-9-19 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs College leveret hunt halted Up before light this morning and Berkshire
Hunt Sabs teamed up with Surrey Hunt Monitors acting on a nice little tip off of some early morning illegal hunting. Firstly
we monitored the Royal Artillery Fox Hunt to see what they were up to on Salisbury Plain. Eventually they spotted us and got
up close for a bit of posturing and verbal and we recognised one of them as the fox tail waver from last season. However when
they realised that their antics weren’t going to deter us they headed back to the meet a good hour and a half early. Next up we headed over to the Palmer Marlborough College Beagles who were hunting
leverets at Lower Everleigh Farm, not far from the fox hunt. After Sabs positioned themselves
all around the Hunt they took the wise decision to stick to the bridleway and do the walk of shame back to the meet. One irate
hunt staff lost his temper which is unusual for this College hunt who normally like to avoid publicity. As with fox hunts at this time of year training their new entry of hounds on cubs, ‘beagle packs’ will
go out at sun up and down to make use of the fresh scent and find the vulnerable young of the adult hares. Please see ’Stop
Hunting Leverets’ for more information on this vile sport. A good day for Sabs and monitors who ensured two packs went home
early and no animals killed. If you’d like
to help support us please consider donating to our equipment fundraiser here -
https://www.gofundme.com/f/berkshirehuntsabs or direct to our PayPal to help us pay for our fuel - paypal.me/berksabc. Thank
you for your support!
Sab car tyres slashed by S. Dorset FH thugs at Cattistock
FH meet Hounds taken through cattle herd
and upset alpacas - no fox kills 28-9-19 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 28.9.19 - Lady Charlotte Townshend's Cattistock Hunt Before the
sun had even started to rise this morning, Sabs were awake and ready to set off. Today we were going to pay Lady "T"
and her bloodthirsty Cattistock Hunt a visit! Arriving at the kennels for 5am, we were hardly
there for a few minutes before we were surrounded by Quads... and this was the scene set for the rest of the morning. The Hunt left the kennels on horseback with the dogs in tow and headed straight
for Wraxhall Wood. This is a challenging area for Sabs as access is very limited, however, undeterred Sabs followed the Hunt as they headed toward Daws Hill Coppice. By now our friendly, hi-vis clad "quadders"
realised that Sabs would go anywhere to keep an eye on this bloodthirsty hunt, so they called in the "boys", yep,
in roll the South Dorset Hunt thugs who have now become the three "rent a knuckle dragger for the day" for just
about every Hunt in Dorset!! These
thugs paid little attention to our Sabs in the field... maybe the terrain was just a little too hilly for them? Instead their
attention turned to our Landy and blocking us in. Our driver did some fab off-roading to get away from "man on a tag"
driver, Adrian Burgess, but while we waited to collect Sabs, our tyres were impaled and slashed! This rendered us completely
immobile. Sabs kept them on the run for most of the morning, even witnessing them take the dogs through cows
in a field and upsetting a herd of alpaca, before they gathered up the dogs and headed towards home. If you would like
to join us then please message this page or email - weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com and
we will get back to you as soon as we can. We are also very busy day and night
working with Badger Protection Group West Dorset to save our Badgers from needless slaughter. If you can make a donation for any amount, then please click on the link.
Sabs assist five foxes to escape from Fernie FH 28-9-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Sabs help five foxes escape the Fernie Hunt - Saddington, Leicestershire, 7am 28th September
2019 The Fernie Hunt were this morning stopped from cub-hunting by a team from North Cambs Hunt
Sabs and Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs. The Hunt was picked up at Saddington Lodge farm,
just north west of their favoured cubbing haunt, Furnivals Covert. Sabs intercepted and the Hunt moved on quickly trying to
shake their now regular tail. Fortunately we had two vehicles keeping an eye on their movements form the nearby roads, and
were able to anticipate every move they made. After Huntsman Will Hanson had unsuccessfully attempted to work a number of hedges and small copses in the area,
the hounds were put into an area of brush by Mowsley Brook. As hounds started to bay, two fox cubs broke in different directions
out across the valley [below].
Hounds immediately
bolted after the first of the cubs, at one point only mere metres behind the terrified animal. The fox dashed for a hedge-line
and burst through the other side. This bought sabs enough time to get in front of the hounds. Sabs managed to get in between where the foxes ran to, and the hounds, and using loud voice calls and liberal amounts
of citronella mist onto the ground, the hounds were stopped in their tracks and sent back to the Huntsman [below].
Huntsman Hanson carried on with little regard for
what had just happened, and headed west. We know this area as well as him, and sent a vehicle full of sabs ahead to await
him at John Ball covert. As he arrived ten minutes later, he was greeted with a sab presence which must have disappointed
his spectators, as he turned around and rode off. Later on, the pack
was cast into scrub and covert near to the Mowsley fish ponds. It was here that as hounds were entered into the south west
of the covert, three fox cubs were seen to flash out to the east. Sabs stayed low and covered their trails, and waited until
the pack moved away before they left the area.

Huntsman has had to haul houndout of a bramble patch With pretty much every fox in the area now terrified and on the run, sabs made sure they stayed
on the Huntsman's shoulder and with the pack. After blowing for home, the pack headed back north, bypassing Furnivals
Covert with his sab entourage before packing up just after 10am. This morning was hard going and non stop, but again,
sab presence in the fields directly saved lives today. Hunt
sabs protect wildlife every week as volunteers, funding their fuel and camera equipment personally. If you would like to help
us, you can do so at: http://www.northcambs.com/. http://ko-fi.com/northcambs.
Hounds back in jail at pack up - a picture of dejection
Monitors find Cheshire FH having nothing more than a fun
ride Last season's serial
killers haven't yet cub hunted this season 28-9-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Very interesting times. We are experiencing very interesting times here in Cheshire. None of Cheshire’s
three Hunts are behaving like they did last season. The Cheshire Hounds this afternoon was a case in point. Last season,
this Huntsman was blatant with his killing of foxes so when we got a vague message from a worried local that they’d
seen the hunt out in Huxley a couple of our monitors went to have a look. We
have had no reports of this hunt cubbing this season at all but it’s always best to be sure. Our monitors found them just having a fun ride
with people on push bikes along with children and some adults on horseback. These are Interesting
times indeed so watch this space.
Speeding Badsworth etc. FH terrierman endangers sab life with quad 27-9-19 Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League VIDEO At the end of Wednesdays meet at G Dickson Farm - Henwick Hall, one of the regular
balaclava-wearing YAS/BBMH terrier’men’ thought it would be acceptable to intimidate one of our Team by passing
them on his quad at extremely high speed and within a hair’s breadth of their body. Our Team member,
thinking that they were about to get run-over, instinctively activated and lifted their camera a split second before the expected
impact. This shocking video shows just how close they were to serious injury. This is sadly the kind of intimidation we suffer from the hunt and their supporters on a regular
basis and is exactly why we are so keen for all our Team to be fully equipped with body-cameras. We have a couple that we
purchased ourselves but this is clearly not enough. If you can, please help us financially to better protect our Team as they
take-on this difficult and important role. Thank you. https://ko-fi.com/yorkanti_huntleague. POWAperson adds
- Typical of the disdain the hard core of hunters have for the wellbeing and safety of anyone or anything that
gets in the way of their perverted fun This Hunt seems to be a recent amalgamation of the Badsworth & Bramham
Moor FH and the York and Ainsty South FH, which itself had, not very long ago, absorbed the York and Ainsty South FH. This
means they have a huge country hunted now by only one pack, which makes the foxes in it that little bit safer. I'm unsure
what they are now calling themselves so referring to them as the Badsworth etc. FH for now.
Stag chased by
Quantock SH for 21/2 hours escapes on to N.T. land Monitor on hand meant Hunt didn't
dare trespass to catch & kill it 27-9-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO He got away! - Quantock Stag Hounds, 26/9/19
This healthy young stag was seen to safety by Hounds Off and SWC monitors yesterday. Positioned both sides of the valley
and on the boundary of National Trust land, there was nowhere for the stag hunters to hide. Once again the camera shy stag
hunters profanity- fuelled rage shows that their pastime is one they’d rather we didn’t show you. If only National
Trust had a presence on their land then more stags would escape. We won’t always be there. https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife  
He doesn't know he is safe, so, though exhausted, keeps running
Two of the riders who wanted to see the stag caught and killed 
The stag crests the rise - downhill and free from now 
Furious hunter on quad swears at monitor
All photos and video credit Hounds Off
Grantham Council reject move to oust Belvoir FH from town Secret ballot held after councillors reported threats & abuse from
antis 27-9-19 Grantham Journal Grantham Belvoir Hunt meet to continue after vote - held in secret after councillors received threats
and abuse - is lost Abuse, including threats to stab the newly-elected leader of South Kesteven District Council, led to
a secret ballot on the Belvoir Hunt. Coun. Virginia Moran called on the authority to withdraw any non-statutory
support for the annual Belvoir Hunt. She wanted the authority to reject permission for the use of SKDC assets in connection
with the hunt, to force them to name any charity they were collecting for and to ensure costs associated with the event were
recovered. The full meeting of South Kesteven District Council
debated a motion on the Belvoir Hunt. The full meeting of South Kesteven District Council debated a motion on the Belvoir
Hunt. However, prior to the motion, new council leader Kelham Cooke stood to call for the vote to be held as a secret ballot. He said: “There has been a significant amount
of abuse and intimidation of individual councillors from across this chamber. I have had phone calls and messages from individuals
concerned about their safety within their own homes with regard to this motion. I don’t do this lightly, but I am genuinely
concerned for councillors within this room. I myself live on my own and have already had threatening messages online calling
for me to be stabbed and calling me other names which is not appropriate.” Coun.
Moran’s motion followed the conclusion of a criminal case earlier this year, which saw a now-former employee of the
Hunt convicted of assaulting two people who were monitoring the Hunt in 2016. The incident saw one of the victims suffer a
broken neck and broken vertebrae, while the other suffered cuts and bruises, bleeding down the side of his head and concussion.
The hunt itself did not admit liability for the assault, but did pay more than £48,000 in compensation. Four other attackers
involved in the assault were never identified or caught. Coun. Moran told councillors she was “very disturbed” to hear of the
threats saying the response in support of the amendment had been “astounding”. She told councillors that by supporting
the Hunt “we are condoning their actions and bringing this council into disrepute. People will no longer put up with
hunts parading through their towns when they are persistently flouting hunting laws,” she said. “This council
should not be supporting any organisation that has links to criminal activity,” she added. During the debate, opposing councillors
argued the motion would not comply with the Nolan principles – the seven principles of public life expected of public
office – or the code of conduct. They also said it would be undemocratic. Former Grantham mayor and Charter Trustee member Ray Wootten said the Hunt, which has run for more than 130 years,
was a tradition which attracted hundreds of people. He said there had been “no police presence until three years ago
when protestors turned up”. He, and wife Linda, both spoke of threats councillors had received from hunt objectors.
They included councillors being told “we know where you live” and called “evil scum”. He said the
hunt itself had been called “bloodthirsty morons” and people had posted they “hope they fall off their horse
and break their necks”. Earlier in the meeting, Kit Henson, from the Belvoir Hunt, told councillors
it had “continued to operate within the law after the 2004 hunting act came into force.” He said the Hunt itself
had not been prosecuted and “continue to operate at the highest standards". “It is a family-friendly festive
tradition and it should not be stopped because of the regrettable action of one individual,” he said. The motion was rejected
22 against, 12 for, with two abstentions.
N. Cotswold FH hounds all over main road, drivers have to
brake Fox throws close
pursuit hounds off scent by running over manure pile 27-9-19
Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs North Cotswold Hunt, Lower Clopton, Mickleton area - 27th September 2019 - Cub hunting meet
We had a last-minute tip-off that the NCH would be meeting in this area, so three of our sabs headed out to give them some
company. Upon our arrival in the area hunt supporters started talking about the hunt's meet on Wednesday... but not what
the Hunt had been up to - it appears that the fact a sab went out on her own and parked the car 'somewhere' to go
inland on foot all morning was far more interesting than what the Hunt were up to, either on Wednesday or, in fact, right
in front of the supporters at the time of the conversation. With a sab on the road (we can't leave vehicles
near any of our Hunts as they get vandalised and we need someone able to be able to move quickly either to pick up foot-sabs
or follow the hunt if they do a runner) and another inland, one foot sab jogged inland to the Hunt staff who were putting
hounds into a hedgerow full of thick brambles - we'd love to see the state of any trail-layer given the job to crawl through
there! Sure enough, hounds picked up and, soon after, a fox was seen running along the hedge, past hounds and over piles of
manure (to help mask his scent) [below]. He escaped, sab giving him help by rating hounds... and something unusual
happened - the normally cocky kennel Huntsman Guy Fitzearle and Huntsman Ollie Dale gathered the hounds and left the area.
Perhaps the fact that police are looking into the kills they've had this season (plus other stuff...) has rattled them
a bit. Never underestimate the power of filming and knowing your stuff - it's a perfect compliment to traditional sabbing
tactics.  On across the busy B-road (more carefully than usual although this was not to last)
and there was some silliness from a couple of riders, one of whom claimed to be the landowner, then backed down and said that
he knew the landowner, then the other rider became the landowner then also backed down. Then they were friends of the landowner
and, finally, the Hunt had been given permission to be there by the landowner and therefore sabs (probably...) hadn't.
With the Hunt drawing blank and moving off (after 10 minutes of waiting for Guy to manage to gather loose hounds), a foot
sab and driver headed to a nearby covert, right next to a busy main road with numerous HGV's (there's a scrap yard
nearby) and reckless car drivers. Hunt soon arrived as predicted and a supporter attempted to head a fox back into the pack
but the fox jinked and carried on. Hounds, meanwhile, had found their way on to, and across, and back over the main road,
drivers slamming on brakes and our driver being the only one slowing down traffic. The new Whipper-in and terrierman Chris
Trotman were abandoned to gather the remaining loose hounds as the Hunt carried on. 
Hounds have lost the fox's scent on the manure heap With the hounds picking up, two foxes were seen
running from the hounds and their lines were covered, but a third fox was marked in a hay barn, hounds and terrierman both
very interested in where he had gone. More on that later... Hounds were brought round to where the two other foxes had run but we had had a brief few moments of sun (which is
a deodoriser) and, coupled with the citronella sprayed over the lines, the scent was difficult to pick up on. Sab was nearby
to rate hounds and Huntsman gave up and took the pack back across his favourite main road once more. After a brief jolly and
a quick check back at the original hedgerow for that first fox escapee, but to no avail, the Hunt called it a day and packed
up. Longer video (and shorter write-up, we promise) to follow later this weekend, so watch this space. Huge thanks to
the people who call in tip-offs, anonymously or otherwise, support us by liking and sharing our posts and those who can afford
to throw a few quid our way to cover fuel and equipment. We couldn't do what we do without you! See you in the fields!
3C paypal.me/threecountiessabs.
Sabs vow to stop hare/leveret hunting 'festival'
in Scotland Three English beagle packs
have been invited to Scottish borders Organiser
is the notorious Lee Peters now Jedforest FH Huntsman 26-9-19 HSA Press Release Sabs will stop sick “hunting holidays” in Scotland The
HSA has received a hotline tip-off that a number of English beagle packs are travelling to Scotland at the invitation of a
recently-convicted Scottish fox hunt. The hare-hunting beagle packs have been invited by the notorious Lee Peters [left],
new Huntsman of the Jed Forest Hunt. These “hunting holiday” are designed to train the new hounds before the season
proper begins in late October. The Brighton, Storrington,
Surrey & North Sussex Beagles will conduct illegal leveret and hare hunting for the whole of next week. The hounds will
be kennelled at the Jed Forest Hunt, Abbotrule, Hawick, TD9 8J. HSA Press Officer Lee Moon commented, “Trouble
just follows loose-lipped Lee Peters wherever he goes. He’s only just arrived in Scotland but is already annoying the
locals by bragging about his English hunting mates killing Scottish wildlife. Fortunately, hunt sabs will be there in numbers
to stop the slaughter.“ Notes for editors;- (1) When Lee
Peters was Huntsman of the Ross Harriers, he regularly subjected hunt saboteurs to violent attacks and racist abuse. (2)
His new pack - the Jed Forest Hunt - was convicted of illegal hunting in 2017. (3) By travelling to Scotland the BSSNS Beagles and others are defying their own governing body, the Association
of Masters of Harriers & Beagles. The AMHB have instructed their member hunts not to travel to Scotland, so as not to
“cause trouble” for Scottish hunting which is facing a variety of political threats.
Atherstone FH staff believed to have walked out 26-9-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Hunt staff at Atherstone Hunt walk out leaving the Hunt in a complete mess
The Atherstone Hunt posted the following post on their Facebook page last night saying that Saturday's meet
had been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We are hearing a lot of rumours
from the Atherstone at the moment, the most interesting is that once again the hunt staff have walked out. This comes as no
surprise as the Atherstone Hunt have a very high staff turnover rate. This raises obvious concerns over who is now looking
after the hounds. We are also hearing that some members of the hunt were mistreating the hounds. As long as the Atherstone Hunt exists and continue to take hounds into the countryside
we will always be there.
Sabs say videos show Badsworth FH wilfully breaking Hunting
Act 25-9-19
Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League VIDEO York and Ainsty South / Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt: 25-09-19 - Meet: G Dickson Farm
- Henwick Hall, Burn near Selby So, this morning some of our Team found themselves again following
the blatant criminally-intent YAS/BBMH as they charged around land local to Henwick Hall, Burn. HIT report to follow. We
thought we’d first share a couple of short videos evidencing everything that a reasonable balanced person would agree
shows that this hunt, on a preponderance of the evidence, are intending to illegally hunt foxes and their cubs contrary to
The Hunting Act 2004. In the first one;
note the riders and whippers-in surrounding a field of maize universally known to hold foxes and their young cubs, the Huntsman
casting hounds through the maize field and the attendance of three terrier’men’ on two quads (with top-boxes)
that we of course all know are of absolute critical importance for an organised trail-hunt......*(sigh). And, why would a ‘gate opener
/ fence mender’ (Terrier’man’) need to drive around all morning with a full para-military balaclava on?
If their role was as innocent as all Hunts would have us believe then why exactly do they go to such intimidating extremes
to attempt to hide their identity? We all know why. Other video to follow later. Thank you all for your continued support. If you can, please help us financially so that we can further enhance our
effectiveness in the field. https://ko-fi.com/yorkanti_huntleague. 26-9-19 Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League VIDEO York and Ainsty South / Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt:
25-09-19 - Meet: G Dickson Farm - Henwick Hall, Burn near Selby Here’s the second short video
from yesterdays meet evidencing additional damning criminal intent by YAS/BBMH. The Huntsman is in the process of taking
the hounds up the steep embankment of a former overgrown railway line with the whipper-in Mark Poskitt and the head of the
field taking a ‘blocking’ position below it. What is critical to note here is all of the vocal noises and calls
made by the riders and especially the three ‘rolled tongue’ ‘brrrr’ sounds made either Mark Poskitt
(Whipper-in) or, more likely, from within the cover by Huntsman David Elliot. It is widely accepted and understood that this call is either
used by a Huntsman to unsettle a fox from cover as he casts his hounds through it or by the Whipper-in / field to keep a young
cub fox within the cover, or turn it back into cover, so that the hounds are able to hunt in close proximity and slaughter
the fox cub within the cover. Let’s be absolutely clear:- This ‘rolled tongue’ call has ABSOLUTELY
this hunt, the land-owner and all persons in attendance. It is an absolute disgrace
that the laws of this land can be so blatantly flouted by a select minority. Worse still, the authorities seem more incentivised
upon criminalising those innocent individuals that highlight such blatant crimes or criminal intent than of actually investigating
the real criminals in the Hunt. Thank you all for your continued support. If you can, please help us financially so that we can
further enhance our effectiveness in the field. https://ko-fi.com/yorkanti_huntleague.
Dorset police now soliciting complaints of illegal hunting
! 25-9-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness Really important we share this online. It’s taken an age to get Dorset police to do this so let’s
acknowledge this change of approach in a positive way.
25-9-19 Facebook - Dorset Police Rural Crime Concerned about illegal fox-hunting or hare-hunting in Dorset? Want to know how to report suspected
illegal hunting? Hunting mammals with dogs has been illegal
since 2004. Dorset Police will investigate any allegations
of illegal hunting and wildlife crimes and will prosecute where there is sufficient evidence of an offence under the Hunting
Act. We don't avoid the issue of illegal hunting; if you suspect illegal hunting please contact Dorset Police and these
allegations will be investigated by a trained wildlife crime officers who are specially trained to investigate this type of
crime. Any incident needs to be reported to Police by those witnessing incidents
in order for their evidence to be produced as exhibits, such as photos or videos. We cannot do this via posts on social media.
It has to be done via the options stated below. By posting live cases on social
media could even jeopardise future proceedings. Anyone commenting about a case or defendant in a way that could prejudice
a trial may lead to the entire case being dismissed. We cannot discuss details of ongoing cases. If you would like to find out more information on the Hunting Act 2004 and what constitutes illegal hunting it can
be found here: https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/hunting-act-2004.You You can report illegal
hunting to Dorset Police using the following options:- • If
a wildlife crime is definitely in progress call 999 • If urgent (evidence at scene or offenders
still present) call 101 • If
a general report please email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or visit our website https://www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online/ •
Alternatively if you wish to remain anonymous please contact Crimestoppers
anonymously on 0800 555111 or via www.crimestoppers-uk.org. POWAperson comments - Blimey!
It's only been a short fifteen years since the Hunting Act was passed and already a police force has noticed that maybe
there's some illegal organised hunting going on! Seriously, well done to all the anti groups in Dorset who have been trying
to persuade Dorset police for ages that illegal hinting is not just very real but almost ubiquitous. Sab and monitor groups still however have the dilemma of whether it is best to publicise cases
of illegal hunting immediately or refer them to the police and say very little about what occurred on social media and
in the press. Given both the unlikelihood of securing prosecutions - largely, though not entirely, because of the inadequacy
of the Hunting Act itself - and the length of time police and CPS take 'investigating' them - not to mention
the piffling sanctions even when convictions are obtained and the fact that some police forces seem to, at best, turn a blind
eye to illegal organised hunting and the CPS has a record of not just being reluctant to take up cases but, even when it does,
of dropping them for no apparent reason, it is hardly surprising that some groups have preferred to go straight
to social and/or the mainstream media. An excuse Dorset CPS themselves used for not proceeding against the Cattistock
some years ago was that the hunt side have 'expensive lawyers'. But
congrats to Dorset police on this latest innovation. They are the first force anywhere to do this when other forces statements
on hunting have been less than helpful.
Cottesmore FH cause RTA & hunt fox over banned conservation
area Hound invasion caused damage to rocks
& vegetation 25-9-19
Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Tilton Cutting is a 4.4 hectares geological Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI),
west of Tilton on the Hill in Leicestershire. It is a Geological Conservation Review site which is owned and managed by the
Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust and known as Tilton Railway Cutting. The
Cottesmore Hunt have NO right to enter Tilton Cutting. Chris Edwards, Huntsman of the Cottesmore Hunt, hunted a pack of more than thirty hounds in and
out of the reserve, the dogs searched up and down the banks and were seen falling down and taking some rock face with them.
A fox was chased in and out the area. Hounds, horses and quads have disturbed lots of vegetation and wildlife.
The Hunt not only
caused chaos through the nature reserve but hounds were all over the roads; quads and support were instrumental in causing
a road traffic accident which, in this instance caused only minor vehicle damage and no injury. It could have been so much
worse. If you see the Cottesmore Hunt hunting
in an LRWT Nature Reserve please let us know and email the LRWT at info@lrwt.org.uk with any photos or videos you have taken. https://www.lrwt.org.uk/nature-rese…/tilton-railway-cutting/. Note: *Dogs are permitted on this
nature reserve but on short leads only*. https://ko-fi.com/A3372I1A 25-9-19 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO VIDEO Cottesmore Hunt caught illegally hunting with quad bikes in Wildlife Trust reserve, a 'geological site
of special scientific interest' On the 21/09/19, the Cottesmore hunt were blatantly cub hunting
for young foxes in Tilton railway cutting which is managed by Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust. The two quads driven by the violent hunt
'stewards' sped through the reserve which is a 'geological site of special scientific interest'. 'Stewards'
on the quads included Kelvin Pestell - who had already seriously assaulted a sab that morning ; Ollie Barton who had earlier
masked-up his whole face to intimidate a lone female sab; Mr temper-tantrum Paul Rutter and a drunk Marc Birney. They truly
think their vile behaviour is above the law. Every element of a Hunt's activities selfishly disturbs and risks wildlife
and other visitors to the reserve. Let makes this really clear to the Cottesmore Hunt and their embarrassing 'stewards'... •quad
bikes are not allowed in the reserve •the Hunt has no right to enter
the reserve • the Hunt is deliberately harming
wildlife • loose hounds
are not allowed in the reserve ('dogs are permitted on short leads only') Concerned members of the public and ourselves will be keeping an eye on
the Cottesmore and their abuse of wildlife, and reporting it to the Wildlife Trust. Please contact the Wildlife
Trust (take pictures and videos if safe to do so) and us if you see the Cottesmore Hunt trespass on Wildlife Trust land. 21-9-19 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Cottesmore Hunt cause car collision on road due to hunt causing chaos
Meet Paul; he is one very angry man. Hunt steward of the Cottesmore Hunt. Paul's behaviour was typical of the hired
thugs antics today. Running around bawling allegations of one type or another at the tops of their voices (the strong smell
of alcohol from these "stewards" lent no small hint towards their exaggerated vexations). There
is a lot of footage to pore through as the drunken Cottesmore thugs today assaulted several people, we witnessed an awful
lot of Public Order offences as well as Road Traffic Act offences including but not limited to drink driving and at least
one fox was seen to safety. This chap is typical
of the average fox hunt supporter. What has angered them? The presence of our cameras. Hit report to follow:- https://ko-fi.com/A3372I1A.
Sabs flying their drone seems to deter Ashford V FH
from cubbing 24-9-19
Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs Tuesday 24th September Today the weekday club assembled once more to hold
Kent's lawless Hunts to account and the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt was our Hunt of choice this morning, mainly as it
can't refrain from breaking the law! Smashing the rear window of our vehicle a couple of weeks ago has only made us more
determined to stop them hunting! The Hunt took its hounds to Lambs Land Farm at Rolvenden Layne where the Hunt met. It was clear from the start that
the small copses that surrounded the meet were the planned hunting area. We wanted to make it clear to the Hunt that if they
surrounded the wood in a traditional cub hunting style they would be filmed by our drone.
Lone lost hound on road We
took the drone out on a couple of trips pushing it through the wind and rain to hammer home the point! We think the Hunt got
the message, taking the hounds out for a walk well away from the wooded areas by the meet. Our foot sabs were
by now thoroughly soaked and the Hunt had vanished, our mobile team also had no eyes on the Hunt. What was most interesting
was the terrier men were not following the hounds, instead they remained at the meet with the die hard foot followers. Could
they be waiting for the Hunt and hounds to return to the meet so they could hunt the area they had obviously planned to?? When the Hunt did return we put the drone up again once again, just to make sure that the Hunt
didn't take advantage of the situation. Whilst our drone was above them we noticed the hounds mass as if it was a kill
which was really odd [below]! It looked as if some of the hounds had set upon a loan hound - very bizarre!
We were soaked and so were they
but we are sure that we had screwed up their plans so a successful day for us! Our
vehicle costs are escalating with these midweek escapades so any donations to help would be greatly received! www.paypal.me/eastkenthsa.
Braes o'Derwent FH frustrated as monitors help keep several
foxes safe 24-9-19
Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors Hit Report 3 , 21.09.19 Braes Of Derwent Cubbing Meet at Stoney Heap, Lanchester Co Durham
After a few tip-offs from members of the public we decided to go pay our old friends at Braes an early morning visit. Knowing
the area well and with the Hunt spotted on Sunniside farm (including mounted children) we split into teams to surround the
area. With thick fog covering the area we had to listen for the Hunt
to set off and with doing so the hounds immediately picked up on a scent not far from the farm and a small outcrop called
Barley Mill. With a team approaching them from the top and one from the side
the Hunt soon got a shock when monitors appeared through the mist. With tempers
flaring from the off we knew they had been on a fox and that it had escaped.
Hunt support then attempted to remove the team
from the area as the sound of the houndsman's voice commands encouraged the hounds to find the scent. With 2 vehicles in good locations and drivers with long lenses the Hunt became visible as the fog
cleared. A call was made to the police at this point to inform them of an
illegal fox hunt taking place. Again the hounds went into cry and with 2 teams
of monitors on their tail the Hunt come to a standstill. Terriermen on quads
and point riders could be seen in the long lens surrounding the wood. We knew a fox had gone to ground and the Hunt knew it
too. We will take this opportunity to thank Durham police for attending so quickly and
for listening to our concerns, we were made aware that the Hunt had also called them stating they were being threatened by
masked men with weapons. Not one of our monitors had their face covered and the so called weapon was a bottle of citronella.
Again Monitors were manhandled by
Photographer Kevin Owens doing an impression of a nightclub bouncer ( see video posted earlier ) it was a sight to behold.
After speaking with our drivers and hunt support the police made their way into the field to chat to our teams which
also had the Hunt on a standstill as they really wanted that fox.
After some time had gone by the hounds were taken
and cast into a small area of brush behind the farm in the hope that our teams would follow, we know better than that and
stayed put behind a hay bale. Our driver watching from up high views the quads
returning to the wood and gave directions for the team to go check it out. Just as the team arrived a terriermen was entering the wood with a spade in hand, he turned to
see the monitors and with a heavy sigh he turned tail back to his quad. A
stand off ensued. The
other team now picked up to follow the Hunt were dropped at the next location where hounds were cast into a large area of
gorse. Another monitor vehicle driving around the area spotted 2 foxes and
quickly covered their path. Another monitor who had just turned up spotted
a young fox on route to the area and with 3 hounds not far behind it she managed to turn the hounds around and send them back
to the pack. Meanwhile at the standoff between terriermen and monitors , the monitors won with terriermen leaving and monitors
staying a while longer nice a quiet giving the Fox time to make its escape. Admitting
defeat and after many riders had had enough of sitting around they packed up.4hrs
of hunting and NO KILLS made for a very unhappy Hunt. Massive well done to all the team who attended this meet, who after some time away out of season
showed they hadn’t lost the knack and still know how to put pressure on the hunt scum to save our wildlife. We believe 4-5 foxes were saved and we hope they go on to live long and happy lives. #LongLiveTheFox You can help us with fuel and equipment costs by donating via PayPal. paypal.me/huntmonitors. We do also have a hunt
monitors bank account we can give details via PM
Portman FH filmed hunting and refusing to call hounds
off foxes Challenged by 2 members of the public who saw them at it 23-9-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness VIDEO Here is a video of events this morning with the Portman Hunt. This is a joint video with our colleagues
at North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs who joined us today at incredibly short notice. Thanks
too to our supporters who tipped us off as to the Hunt's location and to the members of the public who helped us today. POWAperson adds – The film opens with a driver in a van
pulling up on a country road. He has seen a fox cross, can hear hounds in cry and see a rider the other side of a hedge slapping
his saddle [below] to try to scare the fox back towards the pack [saddle slapping doesn't achieve a lot
in 'trail hunting']. The driver has complained to hunt staff. The saddle slapper, unaware, carries on until told
by an anti that he's being filmed.  Later
in the morning, another member of the public sees the Hunt chasing a fox. Sabs find excited hounds searching hedges in a narrow
country lane, accompanied by a mounted Hunt employee. His response to a sab urging him to call hounds off is to harass them
[below]. Another Hunt employee, cantering on tarmac, then encourages hounds on, even though he clearly knows
they are pursuing a fox.
Crawley FH filmed in early morning classic cub hunt formation 23-9-19
Facebook – Wildshield Crawley and Horsham Hunt Sept 23 , 2019 just after dawn, north of
Worthing, West Sussex Hunting with dogs was banned in England in 2005. However, hounds had traditionally
cub hunted in autumn, entering the new intake of hounds in woods at dawn where foxes and cubs are likely to be found. Nothing
has changed. The Crawley and Horsham Hunt is arguably Britain's most illegal hunt with previous convictions and a pending
prosecution. Hounds being entered into wood over barbie
Hound painfully caught on that barbie
Lanarkshire FH ignore pained & panicking hound trapped
in fence Left to sabs to release the distressed
animal 23-9-19 Facebook - Glasgow Hunt Sabs Distressing video footage of the hound left behind by the Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire Hunt As mentioned in our latest hit report, terriermen
were aware of her but showed little concern, saying that they would “come back for it tonight”. The sab who found
her had already got her untangled before starting to film, as she appeared to be in a great deal of pain, and clearly was
still in a state of panic. The sab managed to eventually help her under the fence and she returned to the Hunt. It will come as no shock that those
who find pleasure in tormenting wildlife will often also have little regard for the animals under their care. It is not uncommon
to see underweight and undernourished hunting hounds, sometimes with great scars, gashes and growths left untreated. A pivotal sabbing moment for me, and one I often repeat to new sabs, was a supporter of the Hunt retorting “well
think of the cleaning bill!” her face smacked with a look of utter amazement, when asked why the hounds couldn’t
at least just have somewhere warm and soft to lay - rather than the cold, bare, stone kennels they are afforded. A real eye
opener to the two very different wave lengths we were operating on... To see sentient life only in terms of yourself, for
your amusement or to be used up and cast aside like tools. Starve them- they hunt better. Withhold comfort - save money. That is the underlying difference between us and them, it’s
not ‘class’ or ‘country living’ but a lack of empathy and an overwhelmingly undeserved sense of entitlement.
Sabs say Lanarkshire
FH killed at least 2 foxes – no gunshots heard 23-9-19 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs Hit Report 21-09-19, Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt, Belltrees Beild On Saturday we got ourselves out of bed at 3:30am to
join our friends Glasgow Hunt Sabs in paying the L&R Hunt a visit. We positioned ourselves at both exits from the kennels in Houston to wait for the Hunt to set off.
We were led to the meet, Belltrees Beild in the Lochwinnoch area. The Hunt set off soon after arriving and immediately began
to hunt west of Barcraigs Reservoir. Hounds were heard in cry and when sabs arrived on the scene, we discovered they had already
killed - no gunshots were heard. The body of the fox was swiftly passed to a hunt supporter in a 4x4, who drove off soon after. The hunt covered a wide area with
the hounds often heard in cry. They hunted the same woodlands for an extended period of time, obviously chasing a fox through
the wood, with the fox never breaking cover. One fox did break cover away from the Hunt, closely pursued by a shooter, who
was seen running with a ready to use firearm in his hands. The fox was seen away to safety by a sab in the area. A lone hound was heard howling during the course of the day, as they were painfully caught on a barbed wire
fence. Luckily the hound was helped by a nearby sab. The
Hunt continued on around Barcraigs Reservoir and were discovered digging out and killing another fox, again no gunshots were
heard. This would normally be the time of year for cubbing, while the foxes killed were more than likely this year's
cubs, it appeared to be hunting as normal. There was a very
coordinated effort by the hunt to kill as many foxes as possible. Members of the hunt, in cars, on quads and the huntsman
and followers were overheard discussing the whereabouts of a fox who had broken cover. There was a lot of excited discussion
and organising how best to locate and head the fox off before the hunt scrambled to get to where the fox had last been seen.
What a sickening and pathetic display from grown men getting so worked up about the prospect of killing a little fox. It was a particularly gruelling and upsetting day for us, with a lot of land covered. We would
be more effective in greater numbers. Please consider joining us. Share. Sab. Donate. paypal.me/fifehuntsabs
Anti repeatedly harassed as VWH FH attempt to cub hunt 23-9-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Saturday 21st September, VWH Hunt We once more worked with Ridgeway
Illegal Hunt Watch to track the VWH, this time to a 7 am cub hunting meet at Claydon fields near Lechlade. Supporter presence
was noticeably low. We were in place on the road and on the disused railway as they drew
the wood right next to the meet (and recklessly close to the A417) and encouraged the hounds to search up along the hedge
going north. They had riders on point along the edge of the wood and were saddle-slapping to deter foxes from leaving covert.
This is an activity typical of cub-hunting – a sinister noise used to terrify the little cubs so they don’t flee
the wood. This is NOT a feature of ‘trail hunting’.
As they worked their way up supporters gathered on the disused railway
where they engaged in a range of unpleasant behaviour towards a sab. This included blowing clouds of ‘vape’ smoke
in her face, standing in front of her to block the camera and (in the case of one rider) pointlessly haranguing her as she
filmed the hunt activity. They set a stalker on her when she moved away. We did not hear the hounds pick
up. In fact the day was characterised by the Hunt moving around hunting hard without picking up on cry and one fox had its
back protected as it safely left the area unseen by the Hunt and undetected by the hounds. It was warm and dry so not good
conditions for hounds seeking the scent of live fox. However, no problem we would have thought for any Hunt really engaged
in following a trail of fox urine. On the very rare occasions that the Hunt have laid a genuine fox urine trail [invariably
a demonstration for the press] it has been observed that hound behaviour is characterised by going into loud cry and running
together as the artificial trail constitutes a very clearly defined and strong scent. The Hunt went north searching the hedges, ignoring the long wood which had two sabs in it and then across west. for
the second time this season the VWH Land Rover did a ridiculous forward-reverse 'dance' in an attempt to obscure filming
of the hounds drawing a crop field to the rear. With the vehicle present, they paid particular attention to Snowstorm Copse
using horses to try and block our sab's view as they put hounds through the wood. A group of men repeatedly tried to bully
her off the footpath claiming it wasn’t one! NB: Given the Hunt's apparent confusion re footpath locations, we could
have a whip round and get them a map but we doubt they have they the wit or inclination to use it. They then went east towards Great Lemhill and Bushyleaze. After Bushyleaze
they hunted west along the River Leach towards Rottenborough Copse where we had seen the terrierman landy earlier crossing
a field of cows towards a disused barn. They headed back down the dismantled railway line and over to Stanford Hall. The latter
was the location of the meet we attended two weeks ago. The return visit to the same area suggests that they felt their plans
had been frustrated on that occasion. Thank you to all
of our supporters. Your donations are much appreciated as most of us are out during the badger cull as well which is very
active in Gloucestershire and bordering counties. The government have approved culling in 11 new areas taking the total up
to 43. Up to 64,000 animals are likely to be killed.
Drunk Cottesmore FH thugs assault, threaten, spit at
antis, try to steal property 22-9-19 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs Cottesmore Hunt, 21/09/2019 - Launde, Leicestershire Another Saturday in September, another
day for the Cottesmore Hunt, a gang of organised wildlife criminals, to childishly insist on breaking the law and go out hunting
foxes with a pack of dogs. Today, as with last week the Cottesmore are engaging in the illegal practice of "cubbing"
in order to train the younger hounds in hunting foxes.
Riders in classic cub hunting formation Upon leaving the meet they hunted the various woods around Round Hill Spinney, gradually making
their way north-west towards Colborough Hill. One fox was seen to safety from Tennis Wood on the north-western slope of Colborough
Hill despite the best efforts of the field riders to stop us saving the fox by using their horses as weapons. By tag teaming
with our friends Northants Hunt Saboteurs we managed to keep the hunt moving for the couple of hours they were out. Huntsman
Chris Edwards made a half hearted attempt to hunt the disused railway line on the way back to the meet but with sabs in sight
he seemed to think better of it and called it a day at a little after 09:00. Today the Cottesmore were using a beautiful Golden Eagle in a pathetic attempt to
corroborate the false alibi of using the bird of prey exemption. The going was hard for sabs. With
very narrow roads and lots of scattered field riders and supporters deliberately obstructing our two vehicles at every opportunity.
As well as this the Cottesmore Hunt had brought in a gang of at least 10 drunken thugs who spent the morning riding quad bikes
on public roads - drunk, assaulting people who were trying to gather evidence of illegal hunting, driving at people, spitting
at people, name calling, damaging vehicles, stealing radios and attempting to steal several cameras which had captured the
evidence. Fortunately they failed to get the cameras and the evidence is on its way to Leicestershire Police along with victim
and witness statements. The footage will be released in time but for now we are keeping it private in respect of the police
investigation. The assembled drunkards also failed to get the reaction they are so desperate for.
Sabs say these thugs repeatedly drove quad at
them These base thugs have been trying these bully boy tactics for a number
of years now yet sab numbers across the region and indeed the country are steadily rising meaning we can expose more wildlife
crime and give the professional liars and co-conspirators at the Countryside Alliance and the MFHA an even bigger headache. We will continue to engage with the police, bearing in mind the law
is now on our side and where we think some of the old school, conservative, anti animal rights culture is rearing its ugly
head we will respectfully challenge it. No foxes were harmed
today. https://ko-fi.com/A3372I1A.21-9-19 21-9-19
Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO 21/9/19- Cottesmore Hunt out Cubbing
Video of the Cottesmore beckoning their drunk 'steward' thugs in obvious desperation of us pesky sabs! The strange
boy who harasses this sab by getting right in her face while covering his whole face with his balaclava is OLLIE BARTON. Ollie
you are an embarrassment and represent the sick behaviours of the Cottesmore Hunt.
drunk 'stewards' blocking road and obstructing sabs The Cottesmore Hunt are panicking! We have been targeting the illegal hunting of the Cottesmore for some time now.
The desperation and increasing pressure on Christopher Edwards and the hunt is clearly getting to them- as they are trying
all their dirty tactics to try to stop us. But none will work and it is laughable to witness. Today's hunt was a weird
mix of pony club child riders and the Hunt's own drunk 'steward' (check out the armbands) thugs riding on quad
bikes. The hunt 'stewards' were their normal mix of embarrassing, violent and vile and only prove the Cottesmore Hunt
to be the nasty and cowardly criminals they are. Thugs included Kelvin Pestell and Marc Birney- known hunt lackies. Full Hit Report
to follow- but once again, sabs successfully stopped any foxes being illegally killed today. COTTESMORE HUNT your hunting
days are numbered...
Crawley FH lead hounds thru frightened
livestock while trying to cub hunt 22-9-19 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs Saturday 21st September, Crawley and Horsham cub hunt meet Stretham Farm, Small Dole
After a couple of discreet mid-week hunt monitoring sessions we were out once again. Hunt watch started at 4am as usual,
it was all very quiet and by the time we spotted signs of a meet we had already polished off all the coffee and snacks…
we were with them from the off, although it took the Hunt a good while to realise they were not alone! They made a few attempts at surrounding various copses working the hounds through, but they seemed to pick up little
and it became apparent that the huntsmen were slightly stuck as to where to go as every time they spotted us their directional
plans seemed to change and the Huntsman would quickly gather in the hounds and head back often exactly the same way they had
just come. If
this was a so called ‘trail’ hunt, or 'hound exercise' why were they going around in circles (as usual)
and standing around copses drawing the hounds through with the Huntsman on foot also in the bushes… not forgetting
to mention having two quad bikes out with known terriermen on them… and running away every time they saw a monitor
or sab? The Hunt
also had no qualms about taking the hounds straight through fields full of petrified sheep and cattle. Farmers have been known
to get very upset about dogs straying in their ‘livestock’ fields, yet for some reason many let the Hunt on their
land allowing them to terrorise those same animals, the same hounds which are intentionally trained to hunt live quarry.
The Hunt seemed a little frustrated at the end so one of the terrier
boys decided to have a go at a monitor for filming the hounds and hunt some of which included child riders, he inadvertently
admitted they ‘draw’ the hounds through woods as opposed to following set trails. We would question why they would
take children on blatant illegal cub hunts to start with… Miraculously it also seems even the huntsman himself
can open gates, so again we question the purpose of the terriermen....sorry *cough* ‘gate openers/servants'. We
remained with them throughout the morning and kindly accompanied them back to the meet just to make sure their hounds didn’t
stray again on the way home.
Sabs help 3 foxes escape from North Cotswold FH 22-9-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Saturday 21st September 2019 - North Cotswold Hunt, Bourton Hill House
We kept close tabs on them to start with and when hounds managed to hunt a fox from Toad Corner we were ideally placed to
rate the hounds off, allowing him to escape into some gorse. Ollie Dale then took hounds the
gorse, flushing the fox out just in front of hounds... but he escaped into a large badger sett. Since the police have warned
the Hunts about blocking setts, many remain unblocked and this fox managed to escape as a result! The feeble explanation of "cold marking" (where hounds mark a hole with
a fox in residence as opposed to one escaping from them into a hole) cut no ice with us. Shortly afterwards another fox ran
by and we sprayed across the wood to mask his scent. They went on for another hour or so with the terriermen getting a bit
snotty towards the end. As this is in the
North Cotswold cull zone, sett checking was commenced afterwards, intermingled with brunch. A short stop for tea and updating logs and it was then a matter of peanut harvesting. Another team from 3C was active
in the West Gloucestershire zone. These are very long
days and people were busy into the small hours protecting badgers, with other groups and individuals working extremely hard
and putting themselves in very uncomfortable situations too. Hats off to Cirencester Illegal Huntwatch who are doing so much
in South Gloucestershire and all the independent local autonomous groups. Please keep the info flowing in, get in touch if you want to get out on the ground and our paypal
is paypal.me/threecountiessabs.
Newark Council bans South Notts FH from market place
on NYD 22-9-19
The Canary A council bans the ‘most appalling’ Hunt from parading through its town South Notts Hunt in Newark A Nottinghamshire council has kicked a Hunt from its
land. And it’s the latest in a string of councils waking up to the horrors of hunting. Newark Town Council has banned South Notts Hunt from parading through the town on
New Year’s Day 2020. On 20 September, Newark Advertiser reported that the council’s finance and general purposes
committee voted to stop the “traditional” 1 January meet, which took place every year in the market place.
The newspaper quoted
Gill Dawn, deputy leader and chair of the committee, as saying: ”The hunt is the most appalling thing to happen, encouraging
people to abuse animals and dress up and drink. However Kate Cressey, master of South Notts Hunt, claimed on Facebook that
the Hunt still plans to meet in Newark on New Year’s Day. Derby Hunt Saboteurs protested outside the Navigation Inn, Breaston, Derbyshire, in April. Labour MP Chris Williamson
attended the protest, which demanded the pub stop hosting the South Notts Hunt.
Green MSP's bill to end fox hunting consultation gets
10k responses 22-9-19
STV Fox and hare bill consultation receives 10,000 responses - The proposed bill would close 'loopholes'
with the hope of 'ending hunting for good' A consultation calling for more protection
of foxes and mountain hares in Scotland has received nearly 10,000 responses. Discussion on Scottish Green MSP Alison Johnstone's
proposal received 9,850 electronic submissions with around 100 paper submissions. The bill would officially be known as the
Protection and Conservation of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill and look to close "loopholes" with the hope of "ending
hunting for good". Fox hunting with dogs was banned in Scotland through the Protection
of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act in 2002, with an exemption for using dogs to flush out foxes for pest control or protecting livestock or ground-nesting birds.
Ms Johnstone [right] expressed
delight at the "astonishing response" after the consultation received 1,100 submissions in its first month. She
said: "Although the responses need to be individually analysed over the coming months, I am confident that they will
show overwhelming support for bringing the indiscriminate killing of Scotland's foxes and hares to an end. Fox hunting
was meant to have been banned in Scotland in 2002, but little has changed. Hunts still go out, pursuing and killing foxes,
and foxes are still being killed by hunting dogs. Foxes and hares are iconic species that are widely celebrated in popular
culture and valued by rural and urban Scots alike. They deserve our compassion and respect, yet they are routinely slaughtered
across the country in huge numbers. Fox hunting was meant to have been banned in Scotland in 2002, but little has changed.
Hunts still go out, pursuing and killing foxes, and foxes are still being killed by hunting dogs. My proposal would remove
the loopholes and result in a watertight ban, ending hunting for good." A freedom of information request
from 2018 revealed on average 26,000 mountain hares are killed every year in Scotland - with an all-time high of 37,681 in
2014.The prop osals have also been supported by charities OneKind, the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, and the International
Federation for Animal Welfare. Ms Johnstone added: "Politicians have repeatedly promised to end hunting, and
the Parliament passed the Protection of Wild Mammals Act back in its very first session. For hunting to continue despite this
leads to distrust in our institutions and those leading them. My proposals would represent a new contract between land managers
and the wider public that could help restore good faith. Mountain hares are routinely being killed in huge numbers on grouse
moors in particular, with an average of 26,000 killed every year. This is a native species whose population has crashed in
some parts of the Highlands, and there is simply no justification for the killing." 22-9-19 Sunday Times Alison Johnstone's fox and hare protection plan courses
ahead with 10,000 responses Plans to grant greater protection to foxes and mountain hares have
attracted keen interest, with nearly 10,000 people responding to a Holyrood consultation. Discussion of Scottish Green MSP Alison Johnstone’s draft bill prompted 9,850 electronic submissions,
and about 100 paper submissions. Her bill proposes to close “loopholes” with the aim of “ending hunting
for good”. Fox hunting with dogs was banned in Scotland through the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act in 2002, with
an exemption for using dogs to flush out foxes for pest control or protecting livestock or ground-nesting birds. Johnstone was delighted by the “astonishing response”. “Although
the responses need to be individually analysed over the coming months, I am confident they will show overwhelming support
for bringing the indiscriminate killing of Scotland’s foxes and hares to an end,” she said. “Fox hunting was meant to have been banned in
Scotland in 2002, but little has changed. Hunts still go out, pursuing and killing foxes, and foxes are still being killed
by hunting dogs. My proposal would remove the loopholes and result in a watertight ban, ending hunting for good.” A freedom of information request from 2018
revealed on average 26,000 mountain hares are killed every year in Scotland — with an all-time high of 37,681 in 2014.
Monitor retired couple arrested on trumped-up 'stalking'
charges House searched, held in cells for 9
hours, released on bail after 12 The couple
have been subject to nasty harassment & damage for years Their property was eventually returned & they 'Refused charge' 21-9-19 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting Report on arrest for stalking / harassment
Two of our supporters, a retired couple, were arrested on 5 March 2019. The alleged offence was “stalking without
fear/alarm/distress” - (as stated on form MG4F – Refused Charge form). It started off as a normal day for them.... they were about to organise breakfast
when four police officers from Norfolk Constabulary appeared at 8.50 am, searched and arrested them both on the above charge.
One of them was held in the living room and one in the kitchen. No communication was permitted between them until their release
on bail at around 9.30 pm that evening. Two of the officers then began their search of the cottage and the family car. No
corner was left unsearched - even the proverbial underwear drawer. Numerous items were seized and bagged up, including a laptop
with backup, various camcorders, mobile phones, over 20 SD cards and some documentation. During this search the couple were not allowed to eat, drink or take any medicine.
Any visit to the toilet had to be done with the door ajar and an officer stood outside. When the search was completed some
three and a half hours later they were taken to Wymondham custody suite in separate cars, where they were booked in, searched
and with their shoes and belts removed, locked into separate cells, which, as they described them to us were very basic and
very uncomfortable. It was now just after 1 pm and they were banged up for some nine hours except one short visit to talk
to the duty solicitor and again later for around half an hour for the police interview It was explained to them that their
arrest was necessary because a hunting family had reported them for three separate incidents, which according to the police,
warranted the above mentioned charge. To the best of their memory the three incidents were as follows, although not necessarily
in chronological order:- Incident
1: that they had followed that family's horse box from their home towards a hunt meet. This was not in fact true. They
had started to follow the box for the first time when it was about 1.5 miles from the hunting family's home and travelling
on a main road. When it became obvious to the monitors that the box was not going to lead them to the meet they abandoned
their observations. Incident 2: On another occasion, the same monitors had driven past the farmyard
of the family involved to ascertain whether the Waveney Harriers were meeting there as they have been known to do from time
to time. They had no intention of stopping. They were suddenly and surprisingly confronted by two tractor like vehicles who
began to form a road block on the public highway. The two tractor drivers duly abandoned their vehicles and retreated into
the farmyard. When the drivers were approached by both the monitors in turn they were accused by one of the farmers of trespass
and were told that the tractors had both broken down. This was clearly not the case. It soon became apparent that this was
some sort of trap that was being acted out so, keeping their cool, as the monitors' camcorder footage confirmed, they
then retreated to their car and left as soon as they were able in the direction from which they had come. Incident 3: On a
further occasion it was alleged by a member of that hunting family that she had spotted their car parked at the farmyard entrance
and when in her view they realised that they had been spotted they drove off at high speed. These mature and experienced hunt
monitors assured me that this did not happen. They may well have passed the farmyard on that day or any other Hunt day but
rarely had any need to do so. If they were there on that particular day then they were only passing and observing and had
no need to stop as they have the experience to know not to stop. They have had in the past plenty of correspondence with Suffolk
Constabulary on what is an acceptable practice on a hunt day in these circumstances. This of course was not Suffolk but feudal
Norfolk. To arrest this retired couple as the Norfolk Police did, albeit by the book, was in our view a
case of using a sledge hammer to crack a nut that had already been shelled. Neither of them had a criminal record and neither
had ever been arrested before. Their reputation for keeping to the rules whilst being effective as hunt monitors is well known.
This stance has somehow led some people to erroneously believe that they are a soft target. we feel strongly that the harassment law should not be used for this purpose. There have been so many documented
cases where vulnerable people have become the victims of real stalkers when swifter action by the police together with better
funding in this area, would have prevented these tragedies. For
this reason we believe it to be shameful for people anywhere to misuse this law just because someone is irritated or embarrassed
at being the one that leads the monitors to the Hunt. Anyone can claim that they are being harassed by another person's actions so
how do the police decide when to take this kind of action? Monitors do not follow people, they follow vehicles known to be
associated with the Hunt and only on days when by experience they believe that a hunt is likely to be taking place. They rarely
get a chance to see who is driving or who is a passenger but of course that is of little consequence to them. They are only
trying to discover the location of that hunt meet. As a guide to the police and others
the law states that a person whose course of conduct is in question ought to know that it amounts to harassment on another
if a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of action amounted to or involved harassment
of the other. Well, in our view a reasonable person in possession of all the facts would be aware that hunters are no shrinking
violets - they are tough people. They often ride for many hours in appalling weather conditions. From time to time they see
wild animals torn to pieces by their hounds (accidentally or not)... They are just not the sort of people who are likely to
feel frightened or alarmed when they know who is following their vehicle and why they are doing so. They know fine well that
the monitors in this neck of the woods are gentle people and have no history of violence. If only the same could be said about
some hunters and their supporters. The law also states that an offence may not be committed if the conduct was pursued for the purpose of preventing
or detecting crime. Are we monitors not doing exactly that? Just us being there on the hunting field with our camcorders is
in our view likely to prevent a crime. It appears to many animal rights activists that the police just jump from one law to
another in order to test its effectiveness in preventing us doing what most reasonable members of the general public would,
knowing all the facts, consider to be a worthy and just course of action in the struggle to prevent animals being hunted by
a pack of dogs. This activity, after all, is supposed to be unlawful. The law also states that the Protection from Harassment Act is not
broken if the course of conduct in following someone was reasonable. We here in Norfolk and Suffolk have in the past been
given the impression by senior police officers that following a horse box to a meet on a hunting day is a reasonable course
of conduct providing in order to do it, the following vehicle is not initially parked directly outside a family home, which
could in theory at least, alarm some vulnerable family members. We consequently willingly comply with these conditions. It was around 9.30
in the evening that the couple were given bail and released. It was almost at the end of the hunting season and the bail conditions
were easily complied with. A couple of weeks later they were informed by the police that no further action was to be taken.
Their bail conditions were cancelled and most of their seized equipment was handed back to them. Why then did this arrest
take place at all? It turned out to be a costly venture for the ratepayer. Monitors, when they have their wits about them,
film any potentially contentious scenarios as they start to develop. They do so for their own safety and to provide proof
of their own reasonable conduct should they be required to do so at a later date. We are assured that if the police had asked
to view the film evidence taken by the monitors then or at any other time, they would have willingly permitted it. The film,
after all, would have been taken for just that reason. This particular couple have been the victims of genuine harassment by the blood sport community
over a period of many years. Almost all of the incidents have been reported to the police. They have included numerous dead
foxes dumped in their drive, together with fox cub tails, rotten eggs smashed on their family car, a pyrotechnic exploding
bird scarer thrown from a moving car on to their property and several slashed car tyres, to name just a few offences. It is no wonder that some activists choose to wear
masks on hunt days. This couple never have worn them but have certainly paid the price. All those hours of searching through
the seized SD cards seems to us to have been a total waste of resources when there is so much real wildlife crime in need
of investigation. Having
gone to Wymondham police station to collect their belongings, the monitors were issued with an “MG4F-Refused Charge”
form to confirm that no further action was to be taken at this point but it also contained dire warnings with such phrases
as:- “The decision not to charge may be reconsidered if a review indicates that it was clearly wrong...”, “If
further evidence becomes available in the future, you may be rearrested and a decision to charge may be made”; “The
defendant has been advised that the case will be kept under review.” Very clearly then “no further action” is not the same as being found
not guilty in a court of law. These NSALQH monitors were somewhat shocked at the unfairness of it all but will, as ever, take
notice of this warning by the authorities and we are sure they will once again endeavour to adjust their tactics accordingly
and brace themselves for the next move to be made against them. What they
won't do is to back out of the struggle to see justice for these hunted animals to whom the law was supposed to give some
degree of protection. Putting aside, for one minute, the killing for pleasure element of the pre-Ban hunting that unquestionably existed,
hunting has always attracted an element within their ranks with flawed characters. This includes hunters and their followers.
We have seen those sort of people come and go from our local hunts. Some give up hunting, many more move on to other hunts.
Some are still with us and seem to enjoy the support of their peers. About the same time that this rough justice was being
handed out to our two monitors, someone from the hunting community, and almost certainly someone from the Waveney Harriers,
posted a page on Facebook maliciously attacking the character of those same two monitors mentioned above and their involvement
with NSALQH. That anonymous person or persons must have put their thinking cap on such as it is and fabricated a list of outrageous
lies about this respectable couple that they calculated would hurt them the most. They knew that mud sticks and must have
relished the potential upset they could cause to this couple, and to their friends, their children and their grandchildren. We carried out our own investigation as to who those culprits were
and we believe we know their names based on two conversations that took place with them in the past. Yes it is only circumstantial
but when our monitors reported this Facebook harassment to the police, we think it fair to say that the police were just not
interested. They didn't even want to know the names of the suspects or what the circumstantial evidence was to accuse
them!... POWAperson comments - The actions of Norfolk police
- already under grave suspicion of, at best, turning a blind-eye to law-breaking by Hunts - is very disturbing. Some people
might even conclude that the police appear to have colluded with Waveney Harriers to persecute a respectable, aged and law-abiding
couple who seek only to help expose illegal activity by the Hunt - but I could not possibly comment.
The conduct of the Waveney Harriers in hunting live quarry over the last several years is very well-known to the police,
but they have taken no action whatsoever to sanction it. Suffice it to say that I have been reading the reports of NSALQH for a long time. They
appear to all be written by the same person. My impression of that person is of someone who places great store upon observing
the law of the land and is fair-minded and both meticulous and scrupulous in writing only what he believes to be accurate
and fully justified by the evidence. I believe that the above report will have been penned in exactly that way and
can be relied on to be an accurate account of what happened.
Sabs rate hounds off fox they find Mendip Famers FH hunting Terrierboy head-butts sab car window 21-9-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs We set out early this morning with a special guest from Hunt Saboteurs Sweden to see what the Mendip Farmers'
Hunt were up to. After receiving various tip-offs from concerned locals who had seen horse boxes gathering, we found them
at their meet, just to the west of Showl Bridge, South Widcombe. Foot sabs went in as hounds were picking up on
a fox's scent just south of Whistley Farm, West Harptree and indeed a fox was spotted running away, but sabs used voice
calls to 'rate' hounds, stop them from following. Two holloas were then heard in another direction - a whooping noise
to signify someone has seen a fox - but thankfully hounds didn't pick up on this scent for long. They hunted the surrounding area including maize fields but scenting was poor today and we didn't
hear them pick up again. We were joined by our friends at Bristol Hunt Saboteurs and Bath Hunt Saboteurs. The terrier 'boys'
tried to show off but Sabs ignored them like the muppets they are. One of the terrier-boys got caught up in the heat of the
moment and randomly headbutted our car window - it didn't cause us any damage but his head must be sore! We lost them towards the end of the morning but
the sun was burning down and we hope the poor scenting conditions helped our wildlife to escape their evil clutches. Afterwards
some of us went out to check badger setts in the Wiltshire cull zone and found two new beautiful setts which made our day. Please support our fuel fundraiser if you can - huge thanks to all who support us,
we couldn't do this without you. https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs.
Northants MH found hiding among cattle & sent packing
by sabs 21-9-19 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Part 2 of our autumn escapades today was to catch up with the Northants Mink (stink) hounds this afternoon
who like to terrorize the wildlife along the river Great Ouse. To be honest they are a rather pathetic bunch of
coffin dodgers and resort to tea and sandwiches at the first sight of a sab so it was no surprise that once we found them
hiding in among the cows close to Thornton College by the river that they turned tail and ran away.
Once again we were out with our regular comrades North Cambs Hunt Sabs to protect
our local wildlife. We can't do what we do without your support. Ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs.
Sabs help keep 3 foxes safe from Fernie FH's early
a.m. cubbing Rider deliberately backed his horse into sab, rode
at others 21-9-19
Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs This is without doubt our busiest time of year. We have a small but dedicated team operating in one
of the cull zones and we're also keeping up our pressure on the hunts as they continue to abuse the wildlife in this "cubbing"
season. Once again we are up at the crack of a sparrow's fart this morning and heading
north to meet up with our comrades North Cambs Hunt Sabs to make sure the Fernie didn't kill any foxes. The Hunt spent a lot of time hunting around Gumley covert but a combo of good team
work, precise communications and leg work up and down the hills ensured it was never going to be an easy morning for the hunters.
Sabs were always with the hunt and always on hand to rate the hound when they went into cry. A fox was spotted from the North
Cambs vehicle quietly escaping the hounds and its scent was covered. Another seen by our driver and again it's scent successfully
masked. Philip Cowen tried his hand (unsuccessfully
by all accounts) at making his own action movie by riding aggressively into sabs and a land owner agreed that he'd take
responsibility for any illegality taking place on his land . . . while riding with the Hunt and watching it first hand. One
wonders what really is rattling around in that thing their riding hats are perched upon? Later in the morning our sabs were in the perfect position to cover
a fleeing fox from the wood by St Helen's church. A healthy looking thing which turned and sat down for a moment, judging
the direction of the hounds before making off into and private garden. Quote of the day
was from a local who lived next to the wood where they were hunting... "Any
luck today?", he asked the support. "There's a big fat fox in
there who ate 17 of my chickens, be good if you got him". Support: "Erm
. . erm, we're trail hunting". We advised said local on the benefits
of secure fencing but he didn't seem to want to understand. Anyway, a
good mornings work and no kills. Help keep us in fuel and protecting our precious wildlife: https://ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs. Pics below - 1/ Dunces at dawn 2/
Fox escaping covert
 21-9-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Three foxes flee the Fernie Hounds Fernie Hunt, Gumley, 21 Sep 2019, 6.30am
North Cambs Hunt Sabs teamed up with old comrades Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs to scupper the plans of the Fernie Hunt this
morning at Gumley in Leicestershire. From the off the Huntsman, Hanson, was keen to find quarry. Repeatedly
flushing Gumley Covert with the pack of hounds, urging them on and trying to rustle up a fox from cover by making the distinctive
"brrr" call, which is used to startle wildlife. Sabs had him in sight constantly, rating hounds back whenever they showed any interest in a scent. With the huntsman
circling this covert several times, he soon realised that with sabs on all sides there was nowhere to go. While the Huntsman was looking to
the south of the wood, a fox was spotted from our vehicle, bolting north away from the pack. We had people on hand to quickly
cover his scent trail to aid his escape. The
Huntsman then tracked west, before looping back towards where we had last seen this fox run. Sabs were on hand to rate back
the hounds and cover the hedge lines with citronella mist to prevent the scent being picked up. Serial
camera-botherer Philip Cowen upped the ante, from filming all sabs doing anything, to riding his horse at people this week.
While on a public footpath, he backed his horse into one person while loudly saying for the benefit of his camera "watch
out this horse kicks"... The Huntsman was
then focussed on Gumley Wood. With hounds flushed through repeatedly and hunt riders surrounding the covert to keep in fox
cubs, one managed to escape to the west into the gardens of the village, right past sabs who covered his scent trail as he
ran. https://tinyurl.com/y6fw829t . With the temperature rising and most field riders heading home, the hunt was a sorry sight as they packed up with
only three or four remaining riders, behind a tatty farmhouse in Gumley village. Hunt sabs protect wildlife every week as volunteers, funding their fuel and camera equipment personally. If you would
like to help us, you can do so at: www.northcambs.com .
Sabs ensure Badsworth etc FH cubbing
fails - terrierman swears at local Hunt
rides through housing estate - hounds run through gardens 20-9-19 Facebook - York Anti-Hunt League Hit report, York and Ainsty South/Badsworth and Bramham Hounds, Flaxley Road, Selby, Wednesday
18th September 2019 Wednesday’s YAS/BBMH Cubbing Meet was in a lane off Flaxley Road, just
on the outskirts of Selby, North Yorkshire, at around 6.30am. They hunted
within a small triangle of land between Selby, Wistow and Thorpe Wood. 3 terrier men were in attendance, including Ryan Kennett and Steve Parkin. Ryan Kennett was seen
on a public highway without registration plates. When questioned for the second time that week about his lack of reg plates
he said “they’ve fallen off”! Again!! How careless. Around 25 riders were out including
children. Hounds were regularly cast into beet and maize fields within the confines of the area and riders were on point surrounding
the fields waiting for a fox to be flushed out so they could frighten it back into the jaws of the hounds. We kept eyes on them at all times, and are certain
there were no kills. At one point, terrier man Ryan Kennett was bent down and looking very shifty by a small wooded covert;
as we approached one of the riders warned him and he leapt on his quad like a scalded cat and quickly rode off. What was he
up to? No good, we’re sure. We
were heartened by the amount of support we received from local people one of whom called the police after horses and hounds
had ridden through a housing estate down Cross Hills lane to reach another maize field, still determined to get a kill. A
couple of hounds were running loose in gardens and whipper in Jack O'Rourke had to retrieve one by tying his whip round
its neck and dragging it back to where the terrier men were standing. Which begs the question again, why were three terrier
men in attendance if they were hunting within the law? Joint Hunt Masters David Elliott and Willie Dixon were both overheard using foul
abusive language to a concerned member of the public, who had the audacity to question what they were doing. Also in attendance was ex West Yorkshire Police Richard Thompson and he was seen handing his phone to a supporter
and asking her to take pictures of our driver and the vehicle. BBMH joint Huntsman Willie DIxon was overheard saying to a few riders “shall we pack up or
shall we go back to that wood where we saw one earlier?” Sure enough, they rode back to the wood but we were there to
greet them and they packed up shortly afterwards. Be under no illusions, this Hunt
goes out to kill, no ifs no buts. We’re confident our presence makes a difference. If you are able to support us financially then
please see our KO-FI link below as we urgently need additional camera / recording equipment. If not then all support however
given is most gratefully received on behalf of the Team at YAHL and of course our local wildlife. Thank you ❤️.
PC tells monitors own fault if feel threatened by hunters 20-9-19
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime An Avon and Somerset PC on complaints regarding the safety of our monitors. ‘It is a choice for you to travel to the hunt meetings, you are not compelled to
be there. I would expect if you truly felt harassed by their actions, than you do not attend and you keep yourself safe and
stop yourself becoming a repeat victim’. It doesn’t feel like choice to be there.
S. Durham FH upset
locals, block A road - supporter swerves car at monitor 20-9-19 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors North East Hunt Monitors Hit Report 2 of season 2019/2020 - South Durham Hunt evening Meet near
Windlestone Hall 14/9/2019 Sadly the cub hunting season, often referred to as Autumn Hunting,
has begun, meaning that Hunts are training their young hounds by actively seeking out and killing young fox cubs born earlier
this year. North East Hunt Monitors supported by York Anti Hunt League caught up with struggling South Durham Hunt. Prior to the start of the meet, one of the support (SY59 VFD) deliberately swerved
into one of the monitors in the lane opposite the meet missing her by a few inches. They then blocked the A689 with hounds
all over the road demonstrating the poor control that Rob Wilkinson has over the pack. After leaving the A689, the hounds
were encouraged to trespass in Windlestone Hall. Once again there were very few riders out, and some of those were children.
This meant that they had to use foot support to surround the woods and drive foxes back into the covert. Monitors watched
them closely and recorded a fox fleeing from the woods. We suspect that the new foot support may be one
of the reasons for the dwindling rider numbers, though we understand that they are cheaper than other Hunts, and are catering
for the budget end of the market. After all, no decent member of the public would want to be associated with such aggressive
people who ought to be reported to social services for their behaviour which was clearly distressing their children (approx.
5 and 2). Both riders and support also upset several locals
resulting in very negative posts about them on local social media pages. Support us by donating to our petrol fund using link at top of page
or via PayPal to huntmonitors@gmail.com. Thankyou. #LongLiveTheFox ��. Support our petrol fund via PayPal at Paypal.me/huntmonitors or
huntmonitors@gmail.com. Thankyou to York Anti Hunt League.
Wynnstay FH's new Whipper-in lets the side down 19-9-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors See the hatred Introducing the new Whipper in for the Wynnstay Hunt. He's very open about showing
us exactly what he thinks of us and this season is going to be very interesting if Tuesday 17.9.19 is anything to go by. On
that day, along with Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs, we spoiled his fun, with the Hunt packing up having had no kills. For
a change we thought we’d focus on someone who was the main attraction that day. He proceeded to let his masters down
by:- 1. leaving a hunt
pick up unattended with the drivers door wide open and a stray hound inside while he jumped out and followed a Sab vehicle
that was driving down the road. He seemed obsessed, or maybe possessed! 2. standing in the middle of the
road harassing people and turning a blind eye when a member of the public was trying to pass him and get to work. Meaning
the car had to drive off the road to avoid him. 3. shouting verbal abuse at one of our monitors purely because they went near his pick up. All film of the events has been sent to the police because yet again
this Hunt have breached the new protocol set out by Cheshire Police. This new boy will be getting his hunt an even worse name
for themselves if he isn't taken in hand. Time will tell and we will be ready to document everything. Because Cheshire
Monitors are honouring the new protocol set out by Cheshire Police, we would ask that all comments are kept clean and non
abusive. Thank you.
N. Trust renews 'trail hunt' licences for killer
Hunts 20-9-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch The National Trust has seen fit to once more issue licences for hunts on the Buscot
and Coleshill Estate. This is despite video of a fox being killed by a Hunt on this estate last season. The NT was informed
of the kill and sent the evidence video. Three of the upcoming licence dates are within the cub hunting season: September
24th, October 14th, and October 8th. Concerned local people should look out for the Old Berkshire and
Vale of White Horse Hunts on these dates. Based on what we see, we believe there is absolutely no chance whatever that either
of these Hunts will be following a trail of 'marmite', as they have claimed in the past. They will be cub hunting.
Please use your eyes and ears and cameras if you are in the area.
Blackmore FH chase 3 foxes, leave pack in hot van for 2 hours 19-9-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs Thursday 19th September - Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt – Horsington
Today we were yet again sabbing the BSV at New Park Farm in Horsington Marsh, near Wincanton. Huntsman,
Mark Doggrell, first took the hounds into plantations south of the meet and immediately got onto a fox. They went into cry
and ended up in a plantation to the south-west where our sabs intervened and the fox was lost momentarily, buying it several
minutes. Having lost the scent, the Huntsman got off of his horse to encourage hounds on to finding the scent. Luckily for
the fox, this was unsuccessful and he moved on. He crossed the road into another plantation and hounds soon picked up again. The fox was chased across fields to
Ringmarsh Farm where the whole pack of hounds terrified a field of sheep running back and forth in between them. The hounds
were then taken back to the meet at 08:30 and another pack of hounds were taken out of the hound van and the original pack
put back in. The second pack was taken into the woods to the west of New Park Farm and hunted
on in this wood for a good hour. They picked up in the northern edge and chased a fox east towards Sutor Farm. Due to a limited
number of sabs out and the absence of foot access we cannot guarantee that this fox got away. The hounds were next seen being packed up at around 10:30. It mustn’t be forgotten that the hound van wasn’t
in a lick of shade and the day was a hot one. The poor first set of hounds remained in the hound van in the heat for two hours. To alert us to hunting in your area you can contact
the Hunt Saboteurs Tip-Off Hotline confidentially on 07443148426 or message our Facebook page. Please
do message us
if you ever want to get involved with Sabbing, we would be more than happy to have you out Sabbing with us. If you can, please do donate to our fuel funds at www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs or PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs.
South Down FH Huntswoman pretends to police
terriermen not with Hunt Sabs
ridden at, one kicked at by passing horseman 19-9-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs It was another early start for us today. We decided to see what the S&E were up to, following on
from their stupid antics on Monday. Our spotter followed horse boxes to the Diamond Farm meet at Eason's Green. They set
off shortly after 6.30am where 2 equipped quad bikes were in the field with some old familiar scuzzy faces, moob man was seen
later in the vicinity. We kept on them at all times to the annoyance of
the riders, some using their horses as weapons and one even kicking a sab when mounted. The same toff found it most distasteful
to be around us paupers wearing man made fibres. Round and round they went. Cops arrived on the scene in 2 vehicles one being
a prison van, who questioned our driver, the hunt probably thought we'd get taken away. The Huntswoman denied all knowledge
of the terrier men although they were all cosied up together when packing up at 8am. There was much hilarity hearing her speak
of trail laying and why it hadn't worked today. Our sleep can wait for now whilst we Sab the cub hunts to ensure no kills! Please join us to save foxes and badgers lives. We NEED funds to
keep us in the field:- PayPal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Any info on the scum:
Puckeridge FH follower blocking sab car pulls out sledgehammer His passenger wrestled weapon off him before he could use it 18-9-19 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO On Saturday this irate Puckeridge Hunt supporter blocked our sabs in on an access road (as we
were trying to get to the main road) and grabbed a sledgehammer out of his boot. If his passenger hadn't grappled it off
him we have no idea what kind of damage he would have caused to us and our vehicle! He then licked the window! This is the real
face of fox hunting - the guardians of the countryside! And what sabs have to put up with on a regular basis!
Woman camper upset by Staitondale FH hunting & chasing
sheep 18-9-19
Facebook - East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs Hit report for 17th September 2019 Being
the kind considerate sabs we are, we thought it would be a tad unfair to have a Tuesday lie in if the Staintondale Hunt weren’t.
Plus it’s been a while since we’d bid them good morning, not that they appreciate our politeness. We were kennel watching from 5.45am. When we arrived the lights were on meaning
they were planning a morning of sneaky cub killing. They left around 6.30am, so four Eychs tagged along. Accompanied by a
lovely Sheffield sab. They met At Fylingdale, next to the A171. They unlocked
a gate that had a road which led up onto the moors. They slammed the gate and re-locked it. Leaving foot sabs to climb over
and investigate. They got up to a
fork in the road and the Hunt went left. They were soon out of sight so sabs decided to hitch a ride back in the sab vehicle,
so as to look from the road side. The Hunt were spotted quickly covering Burn Howe Dale, on the Yorkshire moors. We were a
distance away but could clearly make out they were full on cubbing. We have fantastic zoom camcorders now so they might not see us but
we can see them. The Hunt split into small groups and surrounded the area so if a fox ran out they could scare it back into
the middle for the awaiting hounds. We tried to gain
access through a right of way path next to the Grouse Hill caravan park, but the owner became very abusive , especially picking
on one female sab. When we said it’s obvious whose side you’re on, he didn’t try to deny this and later
on we found out why he didn’t wish for us to go that way. He said it was a permissive path and he wasn’t giving
us permission. He had two children with him and as he was shouting and being abusive in front of them rather than allow his
behaviour to upset them further and us waste more time with a hunt supporter, we made the decision to go back to the meet
and take the long way round. We went straight back to where they’d met and as quickly as possible tried to catch up with
them. We were met by a very upset and distraught lady who’d been camping nearby . She’d gone to observe as she’s
an avid fox lover and was totally not prepared for what she saw. Hounds chasing sheep so fast she thought the poor
sheep would break their legs. The Hunt smirked at her. She’d got so upset she’d had to return to her camper van.
Our lovely sab driver took her to sit with her whilst we climbed the gate to find them. We
could hear the hounds which thankfully gave us the direction we needed to head in. There were two land-rovers with men waiting
in anticipation of a kill. Not on our watch! We could clearly see all the Hunt. One was strategically placed on top of a large
hill whilst three were to the bottom right. There was one unmounted whipping the ground next to half the pack of hounds. The
remaining half were scurrying around trying to get the scent of a fox. Suddenly to our left we noticed a flat cap, it looked placed on the heather, but
it moved. Clearly a terrier man in his position ready to flush back any wildlife that was to escape the hounds and run that
way. Then we spotted another one. Dumber and dumber came to mind. The Hunt then changed tactics and
ventured into the woods which unfortunately for us was a mammoth climb down. We are from the north so we don’t give
up. Especially when we hear hounds getting into a frenzy as if they’re onto something. They were trying to flush out
and that meant two things. 1. they were going to try to kill, 2. We had no choice but to climb down. We got half way down then the fern and brambles became almost a metre high, thankfully we noticed a fantastically
well used badger run. This gave us a quick decent to the bottom. We looked back and could see the tweedledee and tweedledumber
on their phones to the Huntsman. We can hear it now - “ Them bloody sabs have made it down.
They’re like ninjas”. As we neared the woods it suddenly went quiet. Yup they’d got nervous about being
caught out and had done a runner back to the meet. Interestingly the
woods where the Hunt ended up, is directly behind Grouse Hill camp site. No guessing why the owner (hunt supporter) wasn’t
going to let us pass him. An employee of the North Yorkshire moors turned up and when questioned about why the Hunt was on
the land hunting, we were advised they shouldn’t have been as shooting and hunting is not allowed. He wasn’t happy
and will be chasing it up. We had rather a long climb back up. Whilst we were
heading back our sab driver called us to say they were getting some abuse from the hunt. The holiday maker had enough and
got out to tell them what she thought of them. When she tried to move one stood in her way right in her face. This lady is
68 years old. Our sab driver shouted to tell them she wasn’t a sab just
a concerned member of the public. She asked about the trail but as usual none of them could answer her question...
One told her a farmer shot a fox and chopped it up, then stewed in in water and put it in the container that he was holding.
He told her to smell it and shoved it closer to her. What type of person does this to a vulnerable 68 year old? A big thug,
that’s who. She was so pleased to meet us all
and was happy we’d been there. Bless her, she made us all a coffee in her camper. You see they have no respect for innocent
people wanting to enjoy the peace of he countryside. It doesn’t matter how old you are they’ll still be nasty
if you question why they do it. Why they like hunting and killing. They can’t really say the truth. That they’re
blood thirsty psychopaths. So they get verbally aggressive and act in this way. If someone acted like this to your mum/ grandmother
how would you feel? We have gained another devoted supporter who will ensure she tells everyone she knows the truth about fox hunting. We really could have done with a drone today. Thank you to the lovely
supporter who donated towards our drone fund. Please help us to always have sight of them. We always get hunt
supporters on here trying their best to deny what’s happened. If the Hunt were not breaking the law surely they wouldn’t
be bothered about a few sabs following them, We walked over 8 km and did almost 13,000 steps across moorland. Unfortunately the Hunt didn’t donate anything toward us having a pint in the pub We settled
for a coffee from our lovely new supporter. It’s only the Hunt that write fiction - we write facts!https://www.paypal.me/eyhs. More videos to be posted tomorrow.
Monitors aid escape of exhausted stag from Quantock SH Rider was preparing to shoot at stag with monitors very
nearby 17-9-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO Trophy Hunting A three minute video showing the chaos and cruelty of
stag hunting on the Quantocks. Banned 15 years ago, the grotesque blood sport has barely changed.
This healthy stag was terrorised and chased by PEOPLE desperate to kill him. Our
monitors were assaulted, harassed and put at risk all for the blood lust of the hunters. The stag was afforded the chance
to escape thanks to the tenacity and bravery of monitors from Somerset Wildlife Crime and Hounds Off. Hunt staff with firearms
prepared to take a last minute shot at this stag put the safety of our monitors at risk. This all takes place under the guise
of exempt hunting. Never has it been more evident that the exemptions aren’t working, they are exploited to allow hunting
to continue as before the ban. Exhausted stag has just narrowly escaped being shot If you support what we do and would like to help, diesel is our biggest
expense. https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife. All monitors give their time freely as volunteers.

One of several riders who cantered their horses on the busy A39
Meynell FH filmed by sabs blatantly hunting a fox Sab assaulted climbing fence to get to footpath 17-9-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Blatant illegal hunting from our old friends at the Meynell & South Staffordshire Foxhounds
was met with textbook sabbing on Saturday. Note their riders'
habit of surrounding coverts to scare foxes back in towards hounds, the Huntsman's clear pursuit of an adult fox, and
terrierman Sam Stanley assaulting sabs in an attempt to block a public footpath.
Hounds and Huntsman pursuing fox But the more they
hunted, the more we disrupted. Eventually they slunk off back to where they started and called it a day. ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
Fox flees behind hunt rider
'Steward assaults sab climbing fence to get to footpath
Atherstone FH hound control so poor sabs had to call
them off hare 17-9-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt - Tuesday 17th September 2019 - Stoke Golding
Over the past few years the Atherstone Hunt have advertised all of their meets on Facebook. This morning we caught them trying
to go out for a bit of sneaky cub hunting at an unadvertised meet in Stoke Golding. Once they realised we were there they reverted back to riding round fields. New
Huntsman Dick Chapman continues the great line of Atherstone Huntsmen before him who have extremely bad hound control. He
lost control of the hounds multiple times throughout the morning most notably when a sab had to stop the hounds from chasing
a hare. As
long as the Atherstone Hunt continue to take their hounds out into the countryside we will always be there making sure they
don't hunt or kill any wildlife. Other members of the group are travelling
down to one of the new cull zones to help protect badgers. Full report to follow. Thank you for your continued support this is a very expensive
period for us with fuel costs. All donations go directly to help us save wildlife as often as we can
https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below -
1/ Hare fleeing hounds 2/ New Huntsman Dick Chapman 
Cheshire FH bolt for home when monitors appear 16-9-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds Hunt sent packing - Hoofield, 16th September 2019 After a vague
tip-off from a local resident early this morning, we found the Cheshire Hounds Huntsman and Whipper-in sneaking about with
hounds in a secluded area at the bottom of Park Lane near Hoofield. Clearly very unhappy
at our presence, their outing didn't last long, as after spotting us they immediately did a u-turn and headed straight
back to Brereton Park Farm, where they'd unboxed, packed up and left (and it being too late to go anywhere else). "Mounted exercise" perhaps, but in such a remote spot (and when they seemed
so unhappy with being kept an eye on) how can they ever be trusted? Tip us off in confidence. Message
us here or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. Thank you.
S. Durham FH first cubbing meet fruitless, say monitors 16-9-19 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors North East Hunt Monitors Hit Report 1 of season, 2019/2020 South Durham Hunt evening Meet at Sheraton
Hall Farm 11/9/2019 Sadly the cub hunting season, often referred to as Autumn Hunting, has begun,
meaning that Hunts are training their young hounds by actively seeking out and killing young fox cubs born earlier this year. North
East Hunt Monitors caught up with South Durham Hunt riders, dressed in their autumn tweeds etc as they left the meet, Sheraton
Hall Farm. Initially there appeared to be quite a few riders including children, but the numbers dropped significantly early
on. They left the farm and crossed over the main road towards the edge
of a wooded area where the riders spread out facing the wood ready to drive any foxes back into the wood towards the hounds.
Monitors agreed this was typical of that associated with cub hunting and highly illegal. They could be seen clearly from the
main road. The riders were around that particular area a few times and then moved south to larger wooded area where they appeared
to stay, for the majority of the evening. However, again in full view of passing traffic and watched closely by Monitors, some riders were stationary and spread
out for a lengthy period along the opposite field that runs parallel to the long wooded area we believe to have been the main
focus for that evening. Monitors watched them closely and neither the teams on foot or in vehicles heard the hounds in cry. Whipper-in Rob Wilkinson "easy
going every day guy" as he likes to describe himself looked bored as he spent the rest of the evening going up and down
the same bit of road along the edge of the woods. There were only a few of the usual hunt followers out. Neville showing off
his new car. Support us by donating
to our petrol fund using link at top of page or via PayPal to huntmonitors@gmail.com. Thankyou. #LongLiveTheFox ��
VWH FH cub hunt while pretending it's 'hound training' 16-9-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Saturday 14th September 2019 Working with a Bristol sab we tracked
the VWH to a 6.30 a.m. meet at Oxleaze Farm north of Lechlade. This is an organic farm linked to Oxleaze Barn which is a prestigious
events venue for weddings, parties and exhibitions. There were quite a few children
out on this cub hunt according to a statement to camera from one of the hunters claiming to be a headmaster, whom we believe
was Alexander Bathurst – [one of the sons of the 8th Earl of Bathurst] – Eton, Sandhurst etc.' Before they realised we were in the area they set off northwards from Oxleaze and
put the hounds into the L-shaped wood which crosses the B road to become ‘The Rank’. The field was held up on
the farm side and there were riders on point around the wood, but at the same time we had an array of cameras from all sides
which seemed to upset their plan. Maybe it was recent explicit images of a young fox being torn up by hounds recorded by our
colleagues Three Counties Sabs which had made them worried as these have gone viral, but they seemed to get very anxious and
called the hounds out. They headed quickly back past Oxleaze into an area of scrub on the western side,
where a sab was waiting to supervise their drawing of the area. This time they did get quite arsy, using two support males
to force the female sab onto the footpath which was close anyway.
Holding up, a classic part of cub hunting It
was here that the 'headmaster' in his bowler hat tried to maintain that the sab was disrupting ‘hound training’
of which he had a garbled explanation which went something like ‘they need to stay in the wood and not come out’!
When directly challenged three times to answer the question was he hunting foxes, he would not answer it and would only say
they were training hounds. This is now the mantra, the hunters do all follow central advice as to what to say to ‘antis’
and the world in general. You can tell because they all say the same thing. In the meantime another operative was making her way out towards
the road pursued by a distant figure in a white shirt shouting something indistinct. If that was D.H. the photographer, he
needs to go to the gym if he wants to keep up. By now the Hunt was
working intensely round ‘The Pills’ where there is an old quarry and the fact that they returned and tried again
there later when any supposed trail would have long faded into the warmth, shows guilty interest. From there they hunted hedges across to the busy A361 where they were holding up traffic including
military vehicles so they could facilitate hunting the hedges. It goes without saying that you do not hunt the hedges of busy
roads on a trail hunt, but in fact no-one is bothering with this fiction much. The preferred one for cub hunting seems to
be hound training although of course the real training in question is the one witnessed by Three Counties Hunt Sabs where
the new hounds learn to catch and ‘rag’ a fox, initially turning it over and dis-embowelling it. The Hunt then returned into the area of Oxleaze
Farm hunting through fields and hedges and we found them packing up at 9.15. We kept pretty close and visible to them a lot
of the time, but even when we know they are disrupted and moving on because of us we can never be sure if they have killed
foxes or not even if we see nothing. As has been pointed out recently, a hound or two hounds can kill a fox silently or there
can be a dig out that we are not aware of. We are sure of one thing: they were upset enough by our presence to set ‘minders’
on us, which in itself gives away their guilty secret. Please
continue to support us and many thanks to all that have already done so. Paypal.me/cihwatch.
Southdown FH thugs throw rocks, threaten sabs, try to
damage car 16-9-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs It's such a busy time of the year for us at the moment making it hard to keep
up to date with reports. We really need all the donations we can get as it's the fuel that's so expensive and without
that we can't save lives. We've been up
in the early hours to help out our West Sussex friends and having a very effective Saturday of sabbing the Crawley & Horsham
on a cub hunt. We've also been spending many long days and nights in Cull zones, protecting the ancient wildlife against
a Government which seems determined to wipe out so much of nature. There's been many sleepless nights for some of our
Sabs. This morning we were out sabbing the Southdown & Eridge with Brighton. The ballied up terrier
boys were aggressive throwing rocks at a Sabs head, threatening us and trying to damage our Landy. Please get out in the field if you're able to. Help us to continue
saving animals:- PayPal.me/SouthcoastHuntSabs. Any info:- 077443148426. 17-9-19
Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday morning we set off early with South Coast to sab the Southdown
& Eridge. We had thought for some time they had moved their activities to the weekdays in order to avoid us and their
actions today proved us right. Our Sabs were met with threats of bodily harm, rocks were thrown at them, they were assaulted
repeatedly though out the time spent with the hunt and one Sab's phone was stolen only for it to be quickly recovered. Violence and threats, from the hunt, is not
something new to our Sabs. Only last Saturday an East Sussex supporter attacked our Sabs with a stick (hit report coming soon).
However, all their antics do is encourage us to visit the hunts more and make sure they have no opportunities to murder wildlife
for their own twisted pleasure. Alongside our regular activities, we have Sabs in various cull zones, assisting the local Sab groups in
protecting badgers from their would-be murderers. Please help keep us in the fields: paypal.me/BtnHuntSabs ; dob in your local hunt by phoning
or texting the HSA hotline: 07443 148 426; and get in touch if you wish to join us in the field.
Grafton FH hound chasing young fox screams as caught
on barbie Huntsman lifts hound off and
throws it roughly to ground Fox
escaped from covert surrounded by hunters in classic cub hunting 16-9-19 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO It’s not just foxes that suffer at the hands of these people - poor hound screams as
it gets caught up on wire fence when young fox escapes into Neydon Manor estate. At 7 a.m. on Saturday our Monitors were there to observe the Grafton Hunt at Grange Farm, Helmdon.
They were soon seen ‘holding up’ round the maize field next to the dismantled railway with hounds running in and
out trying to flush a fox. The Grafton won’t deny they were fox hunting because they had a man driving around on a quad
apparently with a bird of prey in a box on the back of his bike, though the bird was not seen on his wrist. Naturally, if they were caught chasing a fox they would claim that they were flushing to a bird of prey thus getting them
off the hook because a gullible Judge could believe they were hunting within the law. A
little later we saw them surrounding Fox Covert. It is usual practise for Hunts to do this as it helps keep the foxes within
the covert when the Huntsman can enter his hounds to catch and eviscerate the family of fox cubs living within. A fox escaped from this cover, ran for its life away from them, viewed by one of
our Monitors, crossing the road into Neydon Manor Estate. Seconds later Mick Wills and his
Whipper In followed, jumped a low fence onto the road, cantered fast to where the fox had crossed, followed by his hounds,
inside the hedgerow, and the mounted field, desperate to catch up with the action, incompetently jumping the low fence, rapping
it as they went with one rider coming off, landing head first onto the road. Luckily horse and rider seemed unscathed. It seems they lost the scent shortly after this and we think the little fox lived to see another day perhaps lying
low within the Estate. One very distressed hound got herself caught in a wire fence and
was pulled off by Huntsman, Mick Wills, who didn’t even check for any injuries before chucking her roughly to the ground.
It is not only our wildlife that suffer at the hands of the Hunt, it is also the horses and hounds who also have to endure
a day's hunting for the perverse and selfish pleasure of the participants. POWAperson comments - Re. the following in the above -
'Naturally, if they were caught chasing a fox they would claim that they were flushing to a bird of prey
thus getting them off the hook because a gullible Judge could believe they were hunting within the law.' The Bird of Prey exemption, whilst absurd, only permits [any number of] hounds to be used to
flush quarry from cover, at which point the bird should be released to fly at the quarry [or decline to do so, depending on
whether or not the bird has enough sense not to take on a fox]. If hounds are permitted to continue chasing the
quarry once it is in the open then the offence of illegal hunting is committed - though only if one or more hunters can be
shown to have 'engaged or participated' in the chase. The interpretation of what the means will vary from judge to
judge. Countless observations by sabs and monitors confirm
that the birds of prey Hunts carry around with them are only rarely taken out of their tiny boxes and almost never actually
flown at quarry. Indeed, I know of only one such recorded instance, when the Fitzwilliam FH's eagle was flown at a fox.
In that case, it did manage to kill it. But some Hunts have other types of bird of prey, such as eagle owls, which are unlikely
to be large enough to tackle a fox. Sabs reported that the Huntsman was furious with the bird handler because he'd clearly
wanted hounds to kill the fox. This was not the incident where the Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman was convicted of illegal hunting.
In that one, the eagle was not flown and the judge concluded that the Huntsman did wilfully use hounds to chase [and kill]
the fox in the open.
Quantock SH charged with illegal hunting [again] 15-9-19
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime The Quantock Stag Hounds have been charged with illegal hunting, this is
following the evidence we and Hounds Off submitted to police in March. They are due to appear in court in October.  POWAperson adds - This
will be the fifth time that members of the Quantock FH have been prosecuted. The first two cases, in June '07 and
November '10, resulted in convictions though, strangely, the Huntsman, Richard Down, was fined less for his second offence
than for his first. In June '13 the case against a JM was dropped for reasons unknown and in November last year the third
case against the Huntsman [and the Whipper-in] controversially resulted in acquittal... 'The League's investigators
provided the evidence on which the CPS prosecution was based. They are angry at the acquittal, saying that the 15 hounds followed
the exact line taken by the hunted deer a minute earlier. But the judge accepted the Quantock SH claim that they were
'hunting' a trail of aniseed scent laid earlier.'
Sabs save foxes from S. &
W. Wilts FH thanks to tip-offs 15-9-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs Saturday 14th September- South West Wilts Hunt at Longmoor Farm, Gillingham
Just as we had packed up the BSV, we received a couple of tip-offs from the general public that a Hunt was
causing disruption along Bay Road in Gillingham and decided to head on over to check it out.
S. & W. Wilts FH blocking a main road We arrived just in the nick of time to see a fox being pursued by the South West
Wilts hounds and managed to call them off along with Wildlife Witness. Hounds were shaking with adrenaline and it’s
clear that this fox [right] had been hunted for quite some time. Our sabs were approached by hunt support, verbally assaulted, and threatened with physical violence. One Sab was also nearly injured when a supporter attempted to slam a car
door open at her, luckily she moved out of the way quickly enough. We can’t comment further on these events, as a Police
investigation has now been launched. Although the huntsman appeared to realise his luck was up, his fellow
colleagues still tried to call hounds back onto the line of another fox who had crossed a traffic logged road. However, with
sabs finally bringing their chase to an end and angry road users and locals making it clear to them that their actions were
not appreciated, they decided to call it quits and pack up at 10:50. Thank you to the individuals who tipped us off. To alert us to hunting in your area you can contact
the Hunt Saboteurs Tip-Off Hotline confidentially on 074148426 or message our Facebook page. 
S. & W. Wilts FH taking up whole road on blind bend �� Please do message us if you ever
want to get involved with Sabbing, we would be more than happy to have you out Sabbing with us. �� If you can, please do donate to our fuel funds at www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs or PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs.
Cottesmore FH stewards try to stop sabs using footpaths 15-9-19 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Cottesmore Hunt staff with their 'steward' armbands think they have the right
to prevent access to public footpaths. What do they have to hide? Illegally hunting and killing wildlife with a pack of dogs
by any chance? We are all volunteers, please help us with fuel costs and equipment: www.paypal.me/ENABS
Sabs twice call Middleton FH hounds away from novice
Huntsman 15-9-19 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday we managed a presence working hard in a badger culling zone, we also, along with our
mates from West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs visited the Middleton Hunt in North Yorkshire. We arrived at the
kennels at 04:30 and waited for signs of life. Upon leaving the kennels they attempted to hold us up with a second vehicle
whilst the hound van got away, they must have something to hide. What the new Huntsman [right, with masked terriermen] hadn't
factored in, is that we know the Middleton country and meets better than he does and so some educated guesswork led us towards
the A64 where we caught onto a horse box trying to sneak to the meet. We followed them to Sheepclose Farm
where the hound van had already arrived. Foot sabs headed into the field while drivers and navs followed from the road side. The Hunt seemed on their best behaviour today for the most part, sticking to a small area around the villages of
Sheriff Hutton and Stittenham. At one point a fox was seen running along the edge of a wood before turning back into the wood.
Seconds later hounds appeared running the same line. A quick burst on the horn and gizmo was enough to force the new and inexperienced
Huntsman to call the hounds back to him and move off, leaving the fox safe in the wood. Towards the end of
the morning the Hunt held up a cover with riders and supporters on point at all sides. Sabs saw a fox break from the eastern
side and head back in towards the hounds. Good use of a horn and voice calls ensured the hounds were distracted enough to
force the Huntsman to again gather them up and ride off. leaving the fox to get away. The Huntsman the pack and the rest of the riders then headed back to the meet to pack up by 09:20! We covered a lot of miles today and used a lot
of fuel so if you want to help us out follow this link.
Pair of sabs deter South Wold FH from serious cub hunting 15-9-19 Facebook - Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Saturday 14th September It would be nice to say we had a lovely
day drinking cold beer in the sunshine with our family and friends. However the scumbags murdering our wildlife don't
take a day off so neither do we. Our sab in the south zone was out all day again, as they have been every day, ensuring badgers
lives are saved. Meanwhile back in Lincolnshire we had tip-offs on the Blankney, who were meeting
in Billinghay, and the South Wold who were meeting in Stixwould. We dislike all Hunts but especially the South Wold so the
decision was made to disrupt their morning attempt to cub. We were up and on the road by 5am, arriving at Abbey Farm, Stixwould just before 6. At first there
were no signs of the hunt but we found them down a side road just as they were setting off. With sabs out in the zones it
meant we only had 2 sabs in the field. It was a tense first hour as new the new Huntsman hunted the hounds through a maize
field were they picked up on and off. Our sabs were positioned ready for action, and were not deterred by they extremely irritating
rider who used her horse as a weapon whilst at the same time complaining that we were upsetting her horse!!
The Huntsman then
spent most of the day looking confused as what to do. We followed him up and down the river Witham more times than we can
remember, nearly leading us into Woodhall Spa at one point. The Whip spent most of the day trying to control his horse which
at one point rode into a sab nearly knocking them down the riverbank. A confused huntsman and a whip that cant ride...what
a shambles. By about 9 the heat
was picking up and we thought they would be calling it a day when they picked up speed in the direction of the meet. Our two
sabs continued to run after them, losing them only for a few moments. When we caught up with them the hounds were in Long
Wood, however as soon as we arrived the Huntsman realised he had no hope and made a defeated ride back to Halstead Hall Farm
where they packed up just before 10am. We will be seeing you again! After a quick drink and a bite to eat we shot off to the cull zone
to continue the fight to save badgers. Several things were found and a lot of ground covered. We finally got back and collapsed
into bed around 9:30pm. Ready to do it all again on the Sunday. We put a huge amount
of time, effort and money into this time of year, it is extremely busy and mentally and physically tiring. We cover a hell
of a lot of miles so any donations are much appreciated. 100% of money goes towards direct action. Donate at www.ko-fi.com/lincssabs .
Flint & Denbigh FH support's fury as sabs ruin
evening cubbing fun Hunt had tried to make
sabs think they'd planned morning meet 15-9-19
Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs Hit report 14/9/19 We arrived at the Flint and Denbigh hunt kennels
at around 6am. At first all seemed quiet but then along came Greengrass on his mule type buggy and immediately got on the
phone to tip off the hunt that sabs were in the area. The floodlights were on at the and vehicles were seen driving down the
lane all gates had been left open in the area, it all seemed a little staged as if they wanted us to believe they were going
out... We went for a quick drive
around the area and when we returned horse boxes had turned up, all two of them? Which suggests either the Hunt weren't
going out or the police had actually seized all the illegal hunt vehicles. The latter being very unlikely given operation yarder is a one sided affair. We soon found the Hunt - all
4 of them - including the Huntsman and Whipper-in. They were only out for about an hour and headed home. So that was
that, easy day over and we headed off to Wrexham vegan fayre and had an enjoyable rest of the day... But unfortunately
for the Flint and Denbigh Hunt we weren't born yesterday... After the vegan fayre we headed straight back out in search
of the hunt. And there they were parked up at Plas Heaton estate, we soon found the riders standing on point around a woodland
and maize field. To say the Hunt were furious at us would be an understatement. We call the hounds off twice as they went
into cry. The Hunt made no attempt to pull the hounds out of the woodland and instead hunted on. We were approached
by two "ladies" who were seething we'd stopped their fun and games. One of the savages [above left]
delivered her harangue with all the passion and red faced blowing of a flat capped wearing councillor we all know and dislike,
though we've not seen the shamed councillor since he lost his court cases this summer. With the Hunt failing to take control of their hounds sabs needed to intervene and move the Hunt
on. The furious Hunt they headed back to their vehicles and packed up! The faces on them was something to be seen, absolutely
furious. The only one who didn't appear irate was new Huntsman Jay Readon who was all smiley faced, do not be fooled by
Jay's cheery demeanour he's known to support some gruesome bloodsports and loves to watch videos of wild boar being
killed by dogs. Although we saw 2 of North Wales Police finest Yarder Force officers out in the morning there were
none at the evening hunt meet. Which make is come to one of two theories, either the Hunt didn't tell the yarder they'd
be out hunting fox cubs that evening or the police didn't expect us to turn up so thought they'd let the hunt get
on with it. You can donate to us on this link, thank you all.
Sabs attacked and stolen from by drunk Avon Vale FH supporters 14-9-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs Today some of our sabs joined up with Bristol Hunt Saboteurs and Bath Hunt Saboteurs to sab an evening
cubbing meet of the Avon Vale Hunt at Abbotswood Farm in Bromham, Wiltshire. The Hunt met at around 5pm and travelled north
towards Maples Wood. Foot sabs who had been monitoring the meet made their way down a footpath and immediately
encountered drunk and extremely aggressive hunt support, who stole personal items and tried to physically assault sabs. Undeterred sabs stayed with the Hunt, using a drone to extremely good effect to keep tabs on them.
Sabs safely took half the pack of hounds off the Hunt at one point while the hounds were onto a scent, slowing the Hunt down. The heat of the day helped us by burning off scent
and it seemed like a fairly uneventful day for the riders who had come along with the hope of seeing young foxes torn to shreds. Thank
you to the groups we worked with today. The Avon Vale can expect a visit from us again soon. Please help to keep us in fuel – https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs.15-9-19 15-9-19
Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs Can you help us to identify these people who tried to attack sabs
at a meet of the Avon Vale yesterday... We have so far identified Lyn Radbourne - owner of Abbotswood Farm Equestrian Centre
and the host of yesterday's meet. She's also possibly the wife of Avon Vale hunt master Stuart Radbourne. Rob Page
is another who has been identified [below right], a hunt thug for hire and apparently a badger killer too - we think
his shotgun licence needs to be removed immediately as he is clearly unhinged and we have video evidence to prove it. The
'man' in the blue shirt assaulted a sab, trying to break her thumb to stop her filming... *Update* thank you so much for sharing our post and for providing us with names. We have
now been able to identify Lynn Radbourne, mother of Avon Vale Hunt Master Stuart Radbourne and host of Saturday’s cubbing
meet. Not his wife as we first thought (or maybe they’re one and the same?) In the blue top is Stuart’s father
Tim Radbourne [below right]. Also identified is Rob Page, fox digger and badger killer and his fiancé Claire.
Final ID is the dopey looking guy who is called Lloyd Kenchington, a dairy farmer from Frome...

Portman FH Chairman & riders
recorded discussing foxes they hunted 14-9-19 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO How do DABS know that the Portman Hunt are 100% illegally hunting
foxes... well, its because they sit around and talk about it while we film them. Captain Pearson can be heard quite clearly
talking about the same fox. The third rider from the right actually face plants when she spots us filming and then the word
spreads around the group until silence falls and they all turn to look at us. The utter arrogance of the man who then says
"What are they going to do, arrest us ? " The whole group of riders are guilty of taking
part in illegal fox hunting by their own admission. Although this video footage is not enough for a conviction, it does make
a mockery of the riders claiming accident the next time any of them are in court. Even a very pro-hunt judge will struggle
to agree that a person can discuss doing something and then claim an oopsie. Captain Pearson stepped down from his Chairman
roll shortly after this. We wonder why. If
you are in this group of riders we suggest you think long and hard about your next trip out illegally hunting foxes. All riders
and hunt support can be charged with illegally hunting, not just the Hunt master or terriermen. With video footage like this
available to the courts, the Portman Hunt are going to find it difficult to cry accident again. Dorset wildlife crime team must
surely begin to take this more seriously now. Pearson is obviously not worried about them. The Portman are obviously not worried
about them. After all, what are they going to do ? Arrest them ?
N. Bucks Beagles return to kennels soon after leaving when
see sabs 14-9-19
Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Well it's been a long day. We were up well before daybreak to keep an eye on our local wildlife
abusers, the Oakley. We had several vehicles out and some discreet eyes on the kennels but it soon became apparent that they
weren't going to go out. They sent out 2 spotter vehicles looking for us and then sent out an empty hound van which drove
around dangerously for a while and achieved little more than burning up some diesel and wearing out their horn. Satisfied
that nothing more was afoot we retired home for some breakfast. We weren't convinced that there wouldn't be any hunting today so we decided on a little
show later on and it turned out a worthwhile trip. Just as we arrived the kennels the North Bucks Beagles (who are kennelled
with the Oakley Foxhounds) were just leaving for their version of cubbing, or leveretting if you like. Well of course we couldn't
allow that so off we went and were soon in touch with the rag tag collection of coffin dodgers and the hunt staff. Needless to say they were less than
impressed and stropped off in a big huff with the long walk of shame back to the kennels [below]. The paper boy Henson
(Oakley whip) drove around trying to look tough in front of his new boss and dodgy collection of bumpkin mates but he's
only just graduated from a bicycle so nothing much to worry about. Once we knew for certain they had packed up for the day
we were on our way.
It was then that the Paper Boy and his chums decided it would be fun to tail gate us and drive
dangerously on our way home. They even attempted to make a Muntjac deer (which was running along the verge) run out in front
of us by driving at it and beeping their horn. That in a nutshell is what we deal with, animals are nothing more than something
to abuse and have fun with. Once we hit the A6 our driver applied the necessary force to his right foot and
their pickup was left floundering in our dust, probably due to the extra weight it had to carry although you might expect
the air in their heads to counter that somewhat. We lost them in Bedford and had a good laugh at their expense. One wonders
what they really hoped to achieve? Anyway, a good end
to the day and now time for a well earned beer. We have people fighting the cull and closer to home working against the Hunts, please consider
donating to keep fuel in our tanks. Ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs.
South Durham FH hounds 'running amok' on A road
- police attending 14-9-19
Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors South Durham Hunt are currently hunting at Windlestone, Ferryhill. Hounds running amok and blocking
the traffic on the A689 police have been called and are on their way.
Singing sabs spike hapless Wynnstay FH's cubbing attempts 14-9-19 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Are You Riding, Or Are You Hiding? Whilst also maintaining a constant
presence in the Cheshire cull zone, we found some time to send a small unit of sabs to check in on the Wynnstay Hunt this
morning. Another early start, we arrived at the kennels just before 5am to be greeted by a variety of pick up trucks moving
in mysterious ways. After settling down for a kennel watch, we decided to give our thermal scope an outing, and to our surprise,
quickly found one of the hunt support playing peek-a-boo behind some bushes, trying to watch what we were up to (in the dark!).
After over an hour of waiting for the hunt to decide what they were doing, they eventually set
off, with two of their vehicles blocking two roads in attempt to stop us from following the hound wagon. Unfortunately it
must have been too early in the morning for them to realise that a Corsa van is absolutely no match for a Land Cruiser, and
after some silly manoeuvring, common sense finally prevailed and we got past. Hot on their tails, we followed them to the
meet point. Arriving at the meet,
the hounds were unloaded, along with a few pushbikes for the motley crew. This caused us great enjoyment, so much so, we spontaneously
burst into song, doing our own rendition of "Bicycle" by Queen. We thought that we were rather good, but the farmer
who's farm was used for the meet really didn't appreciate our singing. Honestly, some people have no taste what so
ever... Following what appeared to be a remake of the Benny
Hill show, one of the pickups from earlier on turned up, and positioned himself between our two vehicles. No problems, with
a look ahead on the maps, our second car was able to turn off and get ahead of the pack with plenty of time to get one of
the drones up in the air and keep an eye on what was going on.
The Hunt seemed rather wobbly out on their bikes, so ever helpful, our sabs on the ground were
on hand to offer advice on how to ride their bikes safely (we're caring like that). After a short, uneventful circuit
of the local roads, the Hunt quickly packed up and departed, realising that they couldn't get up to any mischief today.
We decided to see them safely back to the kennels, and headed off home to dust off our pushbikes ready for the next episode.
Sabs hassled by Avon Vale FH followers - some drunk,
at 5 pm 14-9-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Avon Vale Hunt – 14/09/19 We’ve heard that a number
of hunts in the area have been holding evening cub hunting meets, so along with some Mendip Hunt Sabs & Bath Hunt Sabs
we thought we’d pop in on the Avon Vale Hunt today. They met at 5pm at Abbotswood Farm, Bromham, Wiltshire. Sabs were
immediately set upon by pissed up hunt supporters, who pushed people around and tried stealing equipment. Despite their best
efforts we kept tabs on them, with use of the drone and good positioning. At one point sabs took about half of the pack of hounds by use of horn and voice calls, as they
were in cry not far away. The chase was short lived and the Huntsman spent the next while trying to gather them back up. With light fading we watched as the Hunt worked their way back to the meet.
One of our sabs also joined Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch this morning to visit the Vale of White Horse Hunt. A
very uneventful morning with sabs keeping on the Hunt throughout. As well as sabotaging fox cub hunts, we’re also busy taking action against
the badger cull across the region. Please consider donating to help keep us in the field – PayPal.me/bristolhuntsabs.
Antis swamp Blackmore FH cubbing meet - Huntsman eventually gives up 14-9-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs Saturday 14th September- Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt at Inwood, Henstridge
Today the BSV met at Inwood in Henstridge. Gathering in the area early, we gave ourselves plenty of time to pre-spray and
unblock badger setts in the area of the meet. Along with Solent Hunt Sabs and Weymouth Animal Rights, Wildlife Witness and
Dorset Against Blood Sports, this was able to be done before the Hunt left the meet, allowing Sabs to wait on a vantage point
overlooking the meet. Due to the Portman Hunt not being out at the moment we saw plenty of regular faces, and with masters
of the Portman there, the Huntsman must have felt the pressure to give the field a good ride today. They started the day heading into Toomer Hill woods and went on to hunt the maize fields to the
west for some time with the hounds only going into cry occasionally. It seems Doggrell wasn’t too sure about which way
to go for a while, possibly due to the unexpected amount of sab presence taking them by surprise, so the terriermen and field
ran in circles and back and forth for some time. They finally decided to head back east into Summerleaze Copse where hounds
got onto a fox and Sabs deployed the Gizmo and voice calls to lift the heads of the hounds. They then tried to hunt the maize to the north
of Toomer Hill but soon headed back to the meet at 10ish, admitting defeat despite having a large field and lots of terrierboys
out. Pic above
- Artificial earth found where hounds were in cry
Fernie FH's first cubbing meet of season spoiled by sabs 14-9-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Fernie cub-hunting sabbed, Blaston, Leicestershire The Fernie Hunt met at 6:30am today, hoping to enjoy their first Saturday of illegal cubbing this
season. Their faces dropped however, when they realised they had unwelcome guests, in the form of North Cambs Hunt Sabs again. From the off we found them hunting hounds through a small copse near to the meet,
with hounds briefly speaking (on the scent of a fox). Sabs distracted the hounds with horn and voice calls and the Huntsman's
efforts were for nought. 
Fernie's new terrierman - he's a bit shy Hounds were gathered up in the next field, and
had some attention from sabs, while the Hunt tried to figure out what to do next. From this point on, sabs tracked the pack which did not stop to hunt. Taking in Horninghold, aiming for Vowes Gorse
but diverting when sabs were involved, and looping round the local farmland. Head pervert Philip Cowen seemed hugely more keen in filming all
the female sabs today than actually watching his own hunt. He's a chartered surveyor by trade, but it seemed quite clear
what he was interested in surveying today.
Huntsman gives up and blows for home early We escorted the Hunt back to the
meet, where they were packing away their dogs and ponies just before 9am. A job well done for sabs, who headed home to recover
from the early start... Hunt sabs protect wildlife as volunteers, funding their fuel and camera equipment personally. If
you would like to help our cause, you can do so at:- www.northcambs.com.
Cottesmore FH chase fox to ground & hounds spill
on to road Sabs made certain the fox was
not dug out 14-9-19
Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO The Cottesmore Hunt, Kennels, Ashwell, Rutland At 06:30 this morning a beautiful
dawn broke across England's smallest county. There was an early autumnal chill, brilliant sun on a landscape brushed with
dew. Unfortunately there is also the Cottesmore Hunt and this is cubbing season. With 86% of the public abhorred by fox hunting locals are often more than happy
to grass up their local wildlife villains. So we teamed up with our comrades from Northants Hunt Saboteurs and headed up. We found the Hunt shortly after
they left their kennels holding up Brick Kiln Cover. Sabs entered the field and heard hounds in cry and moving rapidly towards
the busy B668. Hounds were soon pouring out onto the road with some marking to ground at a badger sett at the side of the
road. Within seconds upwards of 20 dogs were in the road and it's only sheer luck that a serious accident didn't happen.
Sabs immediately called Leicestershire Police to report the hunting and road traffic offences.
Hounds have chased fox into sett by side of road With the fox safely in the sett sabs made sure the Hunt didn't bother him any further by leaving a temporary
guard and following the Hunt north towards Ashwell Hall with new Huntsman Chris Edwards taking the opportunity to hunt the
vegetation along a disused canal on the way. This is a tricky
area for sabs as there is very limited public footpath access. While trying to gather evidence of the Hunting Act offences
taking place we were constantly pushed and shoved by the usual hunt lackey Dean Cripps and some so-called "stewards."
This is what hunts call thugs when they need to legitimise them. Interestingly these "stewards" claimed, whilst
reciting from a printed, unsigned document, that the Hunt had laid trails. This was 5 minutes after the hounds had followed
a "trail" across the busy road. This behaviour is all designed to get a reaction from us. These pathetic, overgrown
playground bullies failed.

Hound peering down sett where fox has taken refuge For the last hour or so it was a game of cat and mouse as we tried to keep the hunt in sight. No
easy feat with only one support vehicle and limited access however we can say it was a kill free day. The Hunt packed up a
little before 09:00. Pics below - 1/ Cottesmore hunting on road again
2/ Hunt bully Dean Cripps

Warwickshire FH chase fox through people's gardens Otherwise, sabs kept Huntsman on the move 13-9-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO VIDEO2 VIDEO 3 Warwickshire Hunt - Preston On Stour - Friday 13th September 2019 So, another very early start for us today for our second trip to the Warwickshire Hunt this week.
The Hunt met in a field in Preston On Stour near Stratford Upon Avon. On arrival the Hunt were spotted
‘holding’ up a covert (Foxhill Bank) behind the meet. Two sabs entered the field and were harassed straight away
by members of the Hunt. Sabs continued towards the Huntsman even though the Hunt were trying to block them. We persevered
and the Huntsman left the covert once sabs got close to him. Still on foot one sab spotted where the Hunt were going next
which was towards the village of Preston On Stour. Both sabs got picked up and we continued in that direction.
 We quickly spotted the Huntsman behind houses in Preston On Stour. As we were making our way towards
him the riders were stationary ‘on point’ around maize crops. The hounds started to speak and so we moved even
closer towards the Huntsman who kept moving away from us when we got near him, hence we kept pushing him on from places he
wanted to hunt and this proved to be the format of the day ahead. Lots of walking and running, as well as hunt members who
were becoming increasingly frustrated as they started linking arms to try and block sabs from moving [below]. They
then also started to play very loud music in an attempt to distract us and mask the sound of hunting noises. We again persevered
and saw a fox running away from the Hunt.
Convicted hunting criminal Will Goffe then took
the hounds to Clifford Chambers, where a fox was hunted through peoples back gardens. Again we kept up with him as best we
could and after getting his hounds back he ran from us completely away from the area. It was clear to see that Will Goffe
and his hunt team were getting frustrated. William Goffe isn’t a happy Huntsman unless he has killed a number of foxes
at a meet. He then resorted to dismounting off his horse and bashing and crashing around in long grasses to disturb and foxes.
Hunt supporters started to play nursery rhymes songs very loudly trying to obstruct and distract. We asked them reasonable
questions as to why they behave the way they do and as always no comment from the Hunt. Will Goffe stayed
out till 11am desperate to hunt and kill. We stayed with him as much as we could and always found him again very quickly even
though he tried to evade us. A very long and tiring morning but very worth
it. The behaviour of the Warwickshire Hunt is clear
for everyone to see. There can be no doubt by the actions of this Hunt and their supporters they blatantly hunt, and want
nothing to stop them. But we are persistent and nothing stops us either from trying to help the lives of hunted animals and
expose just exactly what is going on in our countryside. We are always grateful for the support and information we receive. We are all volunteers
any help towards fuel costs is appreciated and will be used to try and help our wildlife and expose the dirty hunt secret that is cub hunting. Pictured below - hunt stewards desperately
trying to get the Huntsman attention by waving the high viz tops and then joining hands to obstruct a sab on a public footpath.
N. Cotswold FH hounds kill as split pack chase two at
once Hunt blatantly cubbing afterwards,
even as cops arrived Police
upset as bagged up corpse as evidence 13-9-19
Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs The North Cotswold Hunt hunted this morning. We expected them to be going out so kennel-watched and followed
them to the meet in Didbrook. After leaving the meet the hounds were cast into a large maize field,
several small groups of hounds picking up on and off on a number of scents. 2 fox cubs were briefly spotted jinking through
the maize and there were no obvious kills at this time (sometimes hounds will come up on a fox and kill on sight with little
fuss or excitement so we rarely say for certain that there were no kills). On to another field and hounds picked up on a scent and hunted across the B4077, busy with lorries
and other traffic. Huntsman drew the pack through a wood and a brace of foxes (two) ran along the fence line, hounds just
metres behind. With one fox racing past a sab, she rated hounds back and they lost his scent, but the pack had split before
this and another group of hounds had killed the other fox further on. They were rated off the body and the fox was taken to
the car as evidence. The Hunt went on to another field
where they blatantly hunted, they were observed holding-up, saddle-slapping and making noise to scare cubs back toward the
hounds, and they were still doing so when they police arrived. Officers took the fox's body for autopsy, viewed video
evidence and pulled over the quad bike as terriermen had turned their number plate round so it was blank. Statements will
be taken regarding the hunting and kill and we will release footage when able to do so.
Thank you to all our supporters for their messages of support, donations to keep us in the field and shares of our
posts to raise awareness, everything adds up. See you in the fields! 3CPayPal.me/threecountiessabs
Councillor calls for Council to sever all links with Belvoir
FH 12-9-19 Grantham Nub Independent Market and West Deeping Councillor Virginia Moran is submitting a motion to full council, scheduled
to meet on 26 September, stating that she wants SKDC to resolve to:- • refuse permission for use
of SKDC assets for any activity connected with the Belvoir Hunt, including all land and property which is owned or managed
by the council. •
refuse any discretionary licence application relating to activities of Belvoir
Hunt including event licences and ‘charitable’ street collections • ensure all costs associated with preparation, management or clearing up after activities connected with the Belvoir
Hunt are recovered from the organisers • refuse and withhold any other non-statutory support for the
Belvoir Hunt The motion says: "For many
years, the Belvoir Hunt has been associated with Grantham partly as a result of the annual Boxing Day meet. This event has been the subject of much controversy and negative news coverage in recent years.
Supporters claim that the event raises money for good causes, but in 2018 the event’s contribution to the Mayor's
charity was a paltry £88.82. Meanwhile the organisational costs to the public purse, eg for preparation, policing and
cleaning, were much higher. It is time for the council to firmly disassociate itself from the Belvoir Hunt Ltd whose activities
continue to bring the town, the Charter Trustees and the district into disrepute." The motion highlights a number of occasions in recent years when supporters and employees of the Belvoir Hunt have
been in the courts and hit the headlines for public order and animal welfare offences. This event has been the subject of much controversy and negative news coverage in recent years. Supporters claim that the event raises money for good causes but in 2018 the event’s contribution
to the Mayor's charity was a paltry £88.82. Meanwhile the organisational
costs to the public purse eg for preparation, policing and cleaning, were much higher. It is time for the council to firmly disassociate itself from the Belvoir Hunt Ltd whose activities
continue to bring the town, the Charter Trustees and the district into disrepute." The motion highlights a number of occasions in
recent years when supporters and employees of the Belvoir Hunt have been in the courts and hit the headlines for public order
and animal welfare offences. POWAperson adds - Of course, the
single most serious offence committed by Belvoir FH members was the vicious attack by the terriermen, his son and 4 masked
thugs which resulted in one investigator suffering a broken neck. The terrierman and son were convicted of GBH and, controversially,
given just suspended sentences. They have refused to identify their 4 masked thug friends.
Sabs think N. Cotswold FH killed early in cubbing meet 11-9-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Tuesday 10th September, North Cotswold Hunt Cubhunting meet, Willersey, North Cotswold badger
cull zone The day started early as we had a late-night tip-off that the NCH would be out hunting
again (they also held a meet near Broadway on Monday).
There was heavy mist [above] as the Hunt gathered at Downrip Farm at 6.30am and, despite having young and
inexperienced hounds with them and roads nearby, the Hunt moved off on time. Scenting conditions were good in the mist and
hounds went off in full cry, hunting along a hedge line, back and forth along the lengths of hedge and through a field of cows with young calves - unlikely to be following a trail then -
and we believe they may have killed inland not long after. As the mist cleared, scent was less strong and further coverts were drawn blank (no fox found)
or scent was on and off within them, hounds not staying on a line for long. We stayed with them, followed by terrierman Will
Haines, while new terrierman Chris Trotman and girlfriend Georgia Ash Equestrian (both masked up for some reason) [below]
rode on the quad, trespassing on a local's land, terriers and locator-collars [right] (used when putting
terriers below ground for illegal dig-outs) present on the quad with them. Pack up was another early one at
around 8.30am, terriermen and supporters having to do the Whipper-in's job as hounds ran around areas of the meet that
they weren't supposed to be in and Whipper-in had ridden off elsewhere and wasn't keeping them under control. With
the lack of professionalism seen at this Hunt over the seasons we wonder what new joint master Christian Kewk will think about
what he's let himself in for... After
breakfast and coffee in a nearby café, meeting two separate groups of locals who recognised us and told us of local
hunt trespass and arrogance, we were off out to check setts and look for signs of badger cull activity. Really good to see
healthy, active badger setts still exist in the area and meet anti-cull farmers and other locals!
We know the Cotswold Vale Farmers' Hunt were
out as well in the morning as terrierman Ben Hughes was spotted re-fuelling his pick-up (reg no. A006 CBV), terrier in front
seat, quadbike on trailer behind (reg no. CT17 ATO) at 5.30am by one of our supporters - keep an eye out for him as he is
also involved in the badger cull! We hope to see some
of you at our fundraiser on Friday evening, if not we'll see you in the fields! If you like what we do, give us a share
and a like and, if you can, chuck us a few quid to help with fuel costs – paypal.me/threecountiessabs.
Warks FH JM can't explain blocked sett where they
hunting Senior Master and steward attempt
to obstruct sab filming 11-9-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt - Danils Hill Farm, Napton on the Hill Wednesday 11th September 2019
*Blocked badger sett next to hunted long grass (video to follow) *Self appointed hunt stewards wearing high pink viz actively
try to block sabs-what have they got to hide? We were up in the small hours this morning to visit the Warwickshire
Hunt who met at Danils Hill Farm in Napton on the Hill. The
Hunt moved off around 6.30am and headed straight to a covert where we have previously filmed a fox being hunted during their
cub hunting season last year. As predicted hounds were in cry when we arrived. A foot sab quickly headed in and hunt masters
notified the Huntsman of our positions and he took the hounds away from the covert and headed away from us further inland.
Two of us then began heading inland
when senior hunt master Barbara Hester and self appointed hunt steward Sam Austin (who wear pink high viz so that the Huntsman
and hunting staff can see where we are) started to obstruct us from walking and filming [above]. They then joined
hands (see photo) to prevent us from walking and filming. They were asked numerous times why they felt the need to do this
if they had nothing to hide. As usual no answer came from them. The Huntsman then headed towards the A425 where we have also
seen a fox fleeing from the Hunt previously. We arrived on the A425 to see the Huntsman moving swiftly around trying to find
somewhere he could hunt away from our view.
Recently blocked badger sett He gave up in this particular piece
of land and moved back up towards the first wood he hunting earlier in the morning. We got back into our vehicle to catch
up with him.. The quickest way was up a gated road, but it was becoming clear that hunt supporters were now becoming frustrated
and the terrierman’s father Chris Clewes decided to tie the gates shut in an attempt to slow us down. When we caught up with the Huntsman, the hounds were speaking and some hounds darted
out into the road in front of a motorist where a driver trying to go about his business. The Huntsman was found hunting in
long grasses with some members of the hunt stationary ’holding’ up and as usual using classic cub hunting techniques.
Huntsman taking hounds into cover Whilst one foot sab
stayed with the Huntsman and hounds another entered the field behind some of the rider’s holding up and spotted the
terrier quad bike with the terriermen off the bike. Senior Hunt joint- master Barbara Hester was in front walking and by her
actions and body behaviour drew suspicion to the hedgerow. This alerted us to have a look, and what a surprise we found a
freshly blocked badger sett which had a fresh latrine next to it. Barbara was questioned repeatedly about this but again silence
fell and she sheepishly looked away, trying to avoid the awkward questions (video to follow). She was also asked repeatedly
throughout the morning the route the Huntsman would be taking today, again silence. The Hunt don’t like being asked
‘normal’ questions about their suspicious behaviour/activities because there is no other answer they can give
other than they are blatantly cub hunting.
Riders on point wait for fox to emerge The Hunt packed up around 9.30am. We were then followed by Chris Clewes who alerted
Barbara Hester who turned up to watch us fuelling up at the petrol station. The
Warwickshire cub hunt at least 4 - 5 times a week. Monday they were at Swalcliffe. Any information about the Warwickshire Hunt is gratefully received and is treated in confidence.
We can be contacted via email westmidlandhuntsabs@hotmail.co.uk PM us on Facebook or call 07767620767. Any help towards our fuel costs would be appreciated
as we are all volunteers. This is a very busy time for us, and with the announcement that no badger culling will be taking
place in Warwickshire this year we will be now helping in another area. We
will continue to attend as many cub hunts as we can as well. We always appreciate
your support. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.
Waveney Harriers lose control, sabs left to try to call
hounds off deer 10-9-19
Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Waveney Harriers – 07/09/2019, Heckingham
Hall – Norfolk The Waveney Harriers left Heckingham Hall around 6am. The hounds were taken straight away into a small
copse behind St Gregory's Church, where they briefly spoke but sabs were on hand should any illegal hunting take place.
Unfortunately 20 minutes later the police arrived and asked sabs on the ground to make their way back to the road. The police
advised us that a hunt was in the area and that a complaint had been made by member of the public, however they were not clear
about who the complaint was about, sabs or the Hunt. Muntjac
fleeing Waveney Harriers Sabs kept
the Hunt moving but after being stopped by the police 3 times within 15 minutes this was proving to be difficult. The police
had no real reason to stop us, only that they are able to do so under the Road Traffic Act. Conveniently this was always when
the hunt moved from a field and came onto the road.
Three Waveney Harriers chasing muntjac Due to the hold up we lost sight of the Hunt
and believe they headed in the direction of the Norton Sub Course Quarry, a dangerous place for horses and hounds. Hounds
were then heard in cry and a split pack emerged on the scent of a deer, (see attached photos and video) with no Huntsman in
sight. With the hounds giving chase, sabs acted fast to call the hounds off but we cannot confirm if the deer survived. The
police were present at this chase and were requested to act, only 1 officer out of 7 present attempted to assist but all signs
of police soon vanished from the area. The hounds then disappeared into
a private nature reserve called Old Hall Carr and with a split pack it was up to kennelman Luke Newton to round up the remaining
hounds. Chris McDaniels seemed to take a leisurely ride with the rest of the pack, boxed them up and returned for a short
hack before he too retired. We wonder what they are actually paying Chris for. The hunt finished
the day around 8:30am and our team returned home for a well earned cuppa. Please
buy us a coffee if you want to support what we do, it all goes back into keeping us out in the field: https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs.
Ashford V FH thug attacks sab
car with hammer - as both driving 10-9-19 Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs Tuesday 10th September - Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt supporter attacks our vehicle with hammer
Today we were reminded just how desperate the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt really are to avoid us, to illegally hunt and
to kill foxes. We
began the day successfully following their hound van towards Bethersden. We noticed that Huntsman Neil Staines was driving
particularly slowly and was on the phone. At this point we suspected he might be calling some of his cronies to do the traditional
'block in'. This is where a Huntsman is so desperate for sabs not to follow them to their meet that they beg one of their associates to illegally drive in front of our vehicle and
literally use their vehicle by any means possible to stop us following the hound van so it can get away from us. Our suspicions were correct and as we were driving along the A28 towards Ashford all of a sudden what can only be
described as a pre-pubescent chav [right] flung their battered VW golf sporting a dazzling yellow 'space
saver' between us and a member of the publics van in front. How a serious road traffic accident didn't occur we are
unsure. The young chav almost went head on into oncoming traffic. What then ensued
as we continued now towards Bissenden would actually be comical if it wasn't dangerous. The young chav then decided to
do his best attempt at drawing 'S' shapes in the road pushing his creaking Golf to its limits so we couldn't get
passed. As we saw the hound van disappear into the distance, we decided to turn around and try and search for where the Hunt's
meet could be. We thought we had left the young chav behind but before we knew it minutes later he was on our tail! Driving up to
our rear bumper in a ramming fashion then slowing down. This went on for almost 10 minutes so we decided to stop to see if
we could get a better look at him. It wasn't a pretty sight. The young chav looked desperate for nourishment. His meagre
friend was sitting there in the passenger seat with a balaclava that looks like he stole it from from his mum's fancy
dress box. We got good pics of them and were about to drive off before they
decided to drive up to our car and start hitting it violently with a hammer! In doing so they smashed our rear windscreen
and did other exterior damage. They then sped off like cowards into the distance.
Undeterred we continued on our way to find the
Hunt - albeit unsuccessfully! Reflecting on today we are reminded
of how desperate the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt are to kill and how they are losing the war against us. Only a truly, truly
stupid organisation would encourage such recklessness! We got the whole incident on film which has been passed to the Police
who are already taking statements. It was an utterly desperate act from a desperate Hunt. A desperate Hunt that are already
struggling to survive by begging for new supporters and a desperate Hunt that has already appeared in court once this year
with a member convicted of violence. One thing for sure is despite these acts of violence our conviction remains the
same. These acts do nothing but spur us on. Of course we will update you on how the police investigations go. If you would like to contribute to repairing our vehicle then please consider doing
so here, every little helps! www.paypal.me/eastkenthsa.
Sabs save fox from Blackmore FH but one may have
been caught Huntsman and sabs both lost contact with the pack 10-9-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs Tuesday 10th September - Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt at Trill Farm
Today we visited the BSV who met at Trill Farm, Yetminster. The meet is encircled by two railway lines and a very busy
main road so we realised their only real option was to stick to Clifton Wood and that’s exactly what they did. With
a very small number of us out and visibility at a minimum due to the fog we decided to lay in wait both sides of the wood
and let them come to us. Sure enough, hounds
soon came bounding in cry straight towards one of our teams and sabs filmed and intervened while the Hunt ran away to avoid
liability for out of control hounds chasing a fox. A short argument then flared up when two ignorant members of the hunt tried
to prevent Sabs from intervening in order to save a fox’s life. The Huntsman took the hounds back
into the woods and after a while our other team heard the hounds in cry and rushed in their direction. However, without a
driver and footpath access not being great, by the time we got there we’d lost the hounds and so had the huntsman. We
don’t know if a kill was made, all we know is that the huntsman had a hard time gathering the hounds and he was watched
going in circles looking for them all the way back to the meet, packing up at 10:30. Please don’t forget that we are in need of more sabs for cubbing and the upcoming season. Please do message
us if you want to get involved. Please consider donating to ongoing costs such as fuel, insurance and tax at www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs. 
Wynnstay FH twice cub hunt wood where
monitors saved fox in March Covert owned
by Lord Daresbury, who ruined Hunts 'pest control' argument in 2004 10-9-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Hunted to death We met up with this lovely young fox in April this
year. It's one that we saved from the jaws of the Wynnstay hounds at the very end of last season. But we really worry
that this morning 10.9.19 it was hunted to death. In April we had gone back to check the woodland where we'd stopped
this hunt chasing foxes and were pleased to see the fruits of our labours. This little one was safe and sound and clearly
knowing we were not there to harm it - unlike the Hunt. So
called 'trail hunts' should only be exercising hounds until November, when the full season starts, but sadly this
same woodland and the home of this young fox has been cub hunted twice in the last seven days by the Wynnstay Hunt. This morning we had various tip-offs from locals
who quietly hate this Hunt and had witnessed the hounds in full cry, possibly chasing the fox in the photograph. We
think that they have been back to this area twice in succession because its owned by one of their joint masters, Lord Daresbury,
who is always ready to try and get monitors or sabs off his land, meaning it's a lot safer to hide there and potentially
break the law. We also know that there are artificial fox earths here in Lord Daresbury's woodland which enable more foxes for
Hunts to chase. For more information about the sordid use of artificial fox earths see here: https://bit.ly/2hubjiK. Hunt territory in Cheshire is littered with them. Finally, their new huntsman Chris
Woodward must be suffering from the stress of having monitors and sabs already putting a lot of pressure on him even before
the season starts because he was absent today, and Richard Tyacke who retired as huntsman last season was in charge of the
hounds. It's interesting times here in Cheshire. Please help us Ban Hunting For Real. #realhuntingban #thelastcry
Sabs outnumber hunters at Surrey Union FH early a.m. cubbing meet 9-9-19 Facebook - Kingston Hunt Sabs Some of us met up in the wee hours with some sabs from Guildford and some from Reading and North Downs
groups. We were ready and waiting when the Surrey Union left their Peaselake meet at 6am for cubbing. Poor show on the
scum’s part - the Master Humpty Hazeltine could only get a field of 5 to join him and his whipper. They were outnumbered
by sabs - we had 2 landies full -and we had them on the run until they gave up and packed at 8. They tried to illegally draw
once, but we pushed them on through Bentley copse. Job done. Put the kettle on.
Sab visits ensure no cubbing by Quorn or S. Notts FHs 9-9-19
Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs We were out early for the third time in four days (no killing on the Sabbath thankfully!) to check
out the Quorn who met near Hickling. We found the field gathering on Bridegate Lane, but there were no sign of the hounds
and they set off on a very dispirited amble round the fields. Clearly the Quorn haven't liked
us interfering with their cubbing and must have something to hide if they've left their hounds at home/taken them elsewhere. Once we'd confirmed they were just out for a ride we headed a few miles North
to the South Notts meet at Kneeton. We found their horseboxes in the usual place north of the village and set out to hunt
the hunters. One of our eagle eyed drivers found them skulking in a wood not far from the meet clearly deciding what to do. Once they knew they'd been spotted
they set off on a very slow ride round some fields for the next hour, hounds never leaving the huntsman's side, before
packing up just after 8.30am. So
a nice early finish with two hunts successfully stopped from cubbing. Let's see what the Quorn try tomorrow! Please help keep us out in the fields: Ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
E. Essex FH switch from cubbing to trail hunt when sabs appear 9-9-19
Facebook - Norwich Hunt Saboteurs Norwich sabs' report - Bures, Essex, 7/9/19 We hadn't actually planned to visit the East Essex Hunt on Saturday but thanks to some info from a concerned
local we were able to head over there at short notice. We joined our friends SES - Suffolk And Essex and South Cambs Hunt
Saboteurs. When we arrived the
Hunt engaged in classic cub hunting tactics - with riders seen slapping their saddles in order to provoke foxes into leaving
cover. However, once sabs
were spotted by the Hunt, Huntsman Barry Thorpe decided to change plans slightly and did something we've only ever seen
once before - he laid a trail! This was interesting to watch as it turns out you can go 'hunting' and get all the
weirdo fun you need without actually chasing/killing foxes. On several occasions hounds went into full cry on an artificial scent and sabs had the pleasure of just standing
and watching - with no wildlife being chased there wasn't much for us to do. Barry seemed a bit confused though as he still had terrier boys [above] and
an owl [below] out. Best to cover all your bases eh Barry?
in all a simple day for sabs, as our presence itself was enough to stop Barry from doing his usual thing and killing foxes.
As the new season begins we are looking for new sabs so please get in touch to join. Alternatively donate via https://ko-fi.com/N4N0HF6M and we'll put the money straight back into sabotaging hunts.
Sabs say saved 3 foxes from Pytchley
& Woodland FH cub hunting 8-9-19 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs The hunting of fox cubs ahead of the main season is now starting in most areas of the
country. Yesterday was a busy day for our team with dawn to dusk operations monitoring the activities of multiple hunts and
ready to spring into action should the need arise. In the afternoon we did just that, joining our good friends North Cambs
and Staffordshire Hunt Sabs in disrupting the evening meet at East Haddon Hall in Northants of the newly formed Pytchley and
Woodland Hunt following the demise of the Woodland Pytchley last season. Cub hunting
may utilise different tactics from the huntsmen but changes nothing of the behaviour displayed by the huntsmen, field riders
or bumpkin supporters. Very soon the usual checklist was being filled as our team went about the job in hand. Our female sabs
facing misogynistic jibes, our male sabs homophobic ones. Soon this escalated into violence and intimidation with foot sabs
ridden at, pushed into ditches and our vehicles attacked.

Holding up elephant grass crop Put simply, this just demonstrates how successful we were. With all groups working well together, three foxes were
seen away to safety over the course of four hours as the hunt were contained within a relatively small area with huntsman
Cherriman forced to put the pack through the same fields and streams repeatedly. That is all that matters to us and we will
not be deflected by all the other nonsense. The hunt were expecting to kill with a number of
artificial earths in the area and our team found plenty of evidence that they are being actively maintained with a veritable
charnel house of gruesome finds intended to encourage fox families to take up residence. The Sir Walter Fukkwit award of the day goes to the field member whom chose to engage our team
in conversation at one point. Hunter #1: You lot would happily kill a mouse if it was in your house
so why are you so upset about a fox or two? Sab: No I wouldn't.
Hunter #1: Oh come on if you had a £1000 jumper and one had a nibble
on it, you would. Sab: No I'd just hang the jumper up.
Hunter #2: That's a good answer, to be fair. A long day with plenty of miles under boot and tyre was rewarded
on the way home with a beer and the warm glow of a job well done. You can support our
work here: Ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs.
Worcestershire FH Huntsman sexually harasses woman sab 8-9-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Sexual harassment from Worcestershire Huntsman, Worcestershire Hunt - Saturday 7th September 2019
- Saldons Farm, Himbleton – 6:00am Huntsman of the Worcestershire Hunt Roderick Wilson
[below] sexually harassed a female hunt saboteur. Sabs had been with the Worcestershire Hunt all morning, had moved the Hunt on out of several woods
and had to stop the hounds after a fox was filmed on the edge of a wood that the Hunt were hunting in. At the end of the day
the female hunt sab had told Wilson he would be seeing more of us when Wilson replied - “I’ll look forward to
it. Give me a little stiffy it will”.
When challenging him over his comments Wilson and other male hunt members just laughed,
he then blew her a kiss as he left. This disgusting behaviour does not surprise us. We have said before that hunting
people are some of the most backward most intolerant people you will ever meet. Female members of our group frequently face
sexism and misogyny from male hunting people. We’ve been to the Worcestershire Hunt twice in the past two weeks and
on both occasions we have faced unacceptable sexist comments from this hunt. Their attitudes to women are just as shocking
as their attitudes towards wildlife. They seem to think that wildlife exists just so they can kill it for their amusement
and that women exist to cook their food and have their own sexual amusement. Sexual
harassment is not acceptable by anyone under any circumstances. After yesterday's visit, we have received threatening
phone calls from male members of the Worcestershire Hunt, this will not put us off in fact you can expect us more. As we highlighted in a previous post two of the terriermen of the Worcestershire
Hunt run a petting zoo - Little Owl Farm Park were they keep foxes. We are concerned that they are breeding these foxes and
then giving the cubs to the Worcestershire Hunt. Please contact them and ask theme if this is the case. Please keep all communications
polite. https://www.littleowlfarmpark.co.uk/how-to-find-us/. We
rely solely on donations which helps keep us out in the fields as often as we can throughout the fox hunting season - This
can be up to 4 times a week during cub hunting. If you would like to donate to us please use the link below. Thanks.
https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabsIf If you have any information
on the Worcestershire Hunt no matter how small then please contact us confidentially. You may for example have overheard one
of the joint-masters of the hunt talking too loudly whilst drunk in the pub... ;). You can contact us by PM, email westmidlandhuntsabs@hotmail.co.uk or on 07767620767.
Mendip F FH hound van doesn't
even go to meet because of sab presence 7-9-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Mendip Farmers’ Hunt – 07/09/19 After the Mendip Farmers’
were caught blatantly hunting fox cubs and got pushy and stole stuff from sabs last weekend, we thought it only fair to spread
the love to them today along with Mendip & Bath Hunt Sabs. A successful kennel
watch lead us as far as a lay-by down the road, when hunt staff in the hound van realised they had company. They waited there
for well over an hour, calling in the police to try and help them, before taking sabs on a drive around. We headed to their planned meet just south of Chewton Mendip whilst
the other vehicles kept tabs on the hound van (which returned to the kennels). When we got there we found about 20 supporters
and terrierboys stood around awaiting the arrival of huntsman and hounds, the mounted field out on a hack. Nearly 3 hours after
the intended meet time and with no Huntsman or hounds to be seen, riders returned, horses were boxed up and supporters drifted
off. We left knowing their morning of cub hunting was well and truly ruined! Please consider supporting our work: PayPal.me/bristolhuntsabs.
Police hold up sabs for Flint & Denbigh FH yet again 7-9-19 Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report – 7/9/19 Early morning visit to the Flint and
Denbigh Hunt with North Wales Hunt Saboteurs. As soon as sabs arrived in the area Wales's finest illegal hunt facilitators
North Wales Police appeared, with 3 police cars blocking us in. A recent Freedom of Information
request has revealed Operation Yarder, a police operation to stop hunt disruption by saboteurs has cost £15,000 just
in overtime and additional policing costs alone. Police accused a sab driver of driving while disqualified then took a significantly long time to check insurance
details on the Police National Computer.
After much delay
we were able to once again find the hunt. As we approached from the road the Hunt were surrounding a wood but as we made our
way into the field we were seen and they moved on. We followed after them, we stuck with the hunt and by 9.30am they were
packing up. Thanks for all your
donations. Help keeps on the road and in the fields: paypal.me/DerbySabs.
SNP future plans doc omits to mention strengthening hunt
ban 7-9-19
The Canary Anti-hunting campaigners have branded the Scottish government’s latest move as ‘disappointing’
The Scottish government previously welcomed changes that would strengthen the country’s ban on hunting. But its latest
plan for the future of Scotland makes no mention of the hunting or changes in legislation. And anti-hunting activists have
criticised the absence. No change in sight - The League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) pointed
out on 3 September that hunting isn’t featured in Protecting Scotland’s Future. The document “sets out the
actions” that the Scottish government plans to take throughout 2019 and 2020 “and beyond”. And while ecological
concerns featured heavily, legislation to strengthen the hunting ban was absent. Scotland effectively banned hunting in 2002 with the Protection of Wild Mammals
(Scotland) Act. It was the first part of the UK to outlaw the pastime. But campaigners claim hunts in Scotland exploit a loophole
that allows a pack of hounds to flush a fox to be shot. Senior judge Iain Bonomy led a 2016 review of the law and made a glut
of recommendations for improvement. As a result, environment minister Mairi Gougeon announced in January that the government
will be taking forward many of the recommendations to clarify and strengthen the Act. But 'Protecting Scotland’s
Future' doesn’t mention hunting or changes to the Act.
Worcestershire FH terriermen have petting zoo, including
foxes 7-9-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Terrier-men for Worcestershire Hunt keep foxes on their petting zoo Two of the terrier-men who feature
in our footage of the Worcestershire Hunt from earlier in the week (https://youtu.be/N2B-kcGIaNE) own a petting zoo, Little
Owl Farm Park, Worcestershire, which is open to the public. They have a lot of animals kept in captivity on the farm just
so people can pay money to stare and gawk at them. On this farm it seems that they also have several
foxes. We find it extremely worrying that terrier-men from this Hunt seem to have a ready supply of foxes. Not only are they involved in fox hunting but it seems they also go shooting, breeding
their own game birds and as one of these screenshots shows they also shoot ducks. Screenshots from the Little Owl Farm Park
page show that they also have ducks on their farm. We are extremely concerned that these people are allowed to keep and look after animals. https://www.littleowlfarmpark.co.uk/ . Pics below
- 1/ One of the foxes in the petting zoo 2/ The terriermen at work

N. Herefordshire FH new Huntsman scatters pack while
cubbing 7-9-19
Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs North Herefordshire Hunt - First cub hunting meet of the season - Third huntsman at the NHH in
as many seasons A mixture of illness and work commitments meant that only one of our group
was available to take a look at the North Herefordshire Hunt’s first cubbing meet of the season. They met at kennels
leaving at 6am for a leisurely hack along the road before taking the hounds inland via Risbury Court farmyard. The hunt comprised
a field of thirteen, including two children, two hunt staff in ratcatcher (Whipper-in Jack from last season was one) and new
Huntsman Ryan Woodfine who had, conveniently, chosen to wear red.
 Hounds went into cry almost instantly on the wooded slopes of Risbury hill fort and minutes later a flash of red/brown
was seen running in the distance which was presumed to be a fox fleeing the hill fort in search of safety. Hounds were not
pursuing it, although the Huntsman could be heard encouraging hounds with horn and voice calls. Thinking there may have been
a second fox our sab quickly parked up and headed inland, catching up with the huntsman, hounds and terriermen on top of the
fort. A badger sett was close by but no signs of a dig out were found. Members of the field could be seen spread out below
the fort at intervals to the eastern side, ready to drive any foxes back towards the hounds should they try to escape. Despite
claims to the contrary it was clear that they were cub hunting. The Hunt stayed in the vicinity of the hill fort, with hounds being entered into small areas of
woodland, while the field arranged themselves along the outskirts, but as the sun rose and warmed the ground, hounds were
only heard to speak intermittently. The huntsman spent quite a lot of time on foot, rather comically trying and failing to
outrun our sab, while haplessly losing more and more hounds as he did so. Soon the pack was completely scattered and he had
to spend about twenty minutes gathering the pack before heading for home via Risbury Court. It’s been all change at the
North Herie since last season; Luke Chatfield has been replaced by Ryan Woodfine, previously with the Ludlow Foxhounds. New
masters are Karl Creamer (a former ice hockey player turned coach, who some years ago was joint master of the Ludlow) and
Angela Vint. Stella Roberston, long term secretary has been replaced by Iain Chollertain. Our sab had a fair walk back to their car and passed one lost hound within minutes. Walking back they kept hearing
the sound of quads and distant calls of the terriermen searching for missing hounds. All change in terms of personnel at the
North Herefordshire, but little else has changed, still illegally and, thankfully pretty ineptly, attempting to hunt foxes. We’re interested in any info relating to the North Herefordshire
Hunt. We can be contacted by sending a PM to this page, by email herefordshirehuntsabs@gmail.com or anonymously via the HSA
hotline 07443 148 426. Thank you to everyone who has contacted us with info
during the summer. Please support us if you can. Ko-fi.com/herefordshirehuntsabs.
Police reject film of supporters trying to head fox at BSV
FH meet 6-9-19
Facebook - Wildlife Witness VIDEO Received email today confirming that Dorset Police will be taking no further action
against the BSV Hunt who's supporters attempted to head a hunted fox by shouting and running at it in an effort to scare
it back to its death. Apparently "the video clip does not meet the threshold to secure a prosecution". We
are just waiting to hear whether anyone at the Hunt was even contacted asking for an explanation for their supporters behaviour.
N. Warwickshire Beagles to close, along with 2 other
packs 6-9-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Victory - Three Hare Hunts set to close - North
Warwickshire Beagles set to fold The North Warwickshire Beagles are set to fold this season due to lack of support. Over
the past two seasons we had been focusing our attention more and more on the North Warwickshire Beagles who chose to pack
up and go home whenever we turned up. The North Warwickshire Beagles share the same kennels and hunting area as the struggling
Atherstone Hunt. This shows how much
of an impact hunt saboteurs can have. There is one less Hunt in the North Warwickshire / West Leicestershire area and with
the Atherstone Hunt now a shadow of its former self, this is a victory for wildlife in that area. The other two Hunts set to fold
are the the Claro Beagles who operated across North Yorkshire and the Vectis Beagles who were based on the Isle of Wight.
Our only concern now is what the North Warwickshire Beagles will do to the beagles. Please consider donating, together we can stop hunting one Hunt at a time - https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. 6-9-19
HSA Press Release Hare hunting: a dying sport Word has reached
the HSA that three hare-hunting beagle packs are to fold. The Claro Beagles, the Vectis Beagles and the North Warwickshire
Beagles are all set to close this season due to lack of support. This leaves
just 55 beagle packs operating in the UK. These hunts use packs of beagles to hunt hares by scent. Like their fox hunting
friends, beaglers employ the lie of “trail hunting” to disguise their illegal activities. HSA
Press Officer Lee Moon commented, “These closures are great news for wildlife and further evidence that beagling is
in terminal decline. Hunt sabs have always sabotaged beagle packs and it is clear our actions are having a long-term effect.
As the season gets under way, we are even more determined to target hare hunts across the country.”
North Cotswold FH kill young fox in blatant cub hunting 6-9-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Friday 6th September 2019 North Cotswold Hunt blatantly hold up coverts and
kill fox cub at Springhill. More to follow. Please continue to support us with info on meets,
sightings and if you like what we do paypal.me/threecountiessabs. 
Sabs twice take hounds off Quorn FH to stop cubs being killed 6-9-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs We were up stupidly early this morning to kennel watch the Quorn who never miss a Friday. A road closure
caused a slight delay but fortune favoured the righteous and as we followed the detour we saw horse boxes parking up in a
field by the kennels. The Hunt moved off at about 10 past 6 and headed straight for Avondale covert. The road closure
meant it took us a while to reach them but when we did they had the covert surrounded and hounds spread through it. Sabs quickly
took control of some of the pack leading the Huntsman to do some desperate gathering before heading south west with sabs on
his heels. He half heartedly put hounds through a small piece
of scrub before heading back East along a stream towards his kennels. Hounds were speaking so sabs again took control of the
pack using the horn which led to the whipper in riding at sabs in frustration. When he'd finally gathered his pack huntsman
Ollie headed back into kennels and again we had to make a long detour due to the road closure. We arrived back on the Eastern
road just in time to see them sneaking across it to carry on hunting. Sabs went in after them and within 20 minutes they decided
they'd had enough and packed up shortly after 8am. A
fairly straightforward morning but more evidence that the Quorn are blatantly looking to chase and kill fox cubs. Not on our
watch! Please support us: Ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
Muntjac being hunted by Waveney Harriers aided to escape by
sabs 6-9-19
Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Waveney Harriers – 31/08/2019, Priory
Farm, Aldeby – Norfolk We were joined by
our friends Norwich Hunt Saboteurs today as they were In the area after attending another hunt elsewhere. The Waveney Harriers left Priory
Farm at 6am and within minutes huntsman Chris McDaniel cast hounds through thick, tall maize on Rectory Road, St Mary's
Road and Lily Lane. Various members of the Hunt and its supporters assured us a trail had been laid but seriously, how can
hounds follow a trail through thick maize that most riders struggled to enter? Moreover, despite that, they had a bird of
prey with them as well. A Hunt cannot employ both exemptions at the same time. Sabs kept the Waveneys moving. The Hunt became frustrated and eventually appeared to hack for home. At this point
however the hounds began rioting after a small deer. Unaware that sabs were in the vicinity, McDaniel watched on at first.
Once he realised that sabs had cameras on the chase, though, he made a feeble effort to look like he was attempting to call
the hounds off. The deer exited a field onto Station Road, a full pack of hounds in pursuit and no huntsman in sight. Sabs
on the road took action to give the deer just enough time to escape through barbed wire fencing on an adjacent property. Hounds
attempted but failed to pursue the deer through the fence. It was left to kennelman Luke Newton to recall the hounds and blow
for home. We wonder why McDaniel is even the Huntsman at all?
Muntjac just inches ahead of lead hound - it escaped through a fence The Hunt finished the day around 9am and our team returned home knowing
that, at least for today, no animals were killed for the sake of sport. Please buy us a coffee
if you want to support what we do, it all goes back into keeping us out in the field: https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs.
D&S SH chased stag into churchyard & shot him dead
there 5-9-19
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Devon and Somerset Trophy Hunters! We have been contacted by someone
who wishes to remains anonymous, a regular follower with the Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds. The D&S recently hunted a
Stag into a Churchyard in North Molton, where he was shot with a big gun at close range. Allegations from people involved
are that this was nothing but trophy hunting. Now this isn’t news to us, but it’s
hardly surprising that people are turning on these hunters quicker than a pack of rabid hounds given the horror of what they
are doing.
Forestry Commission to publish Hunt meet details 5-9-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Forestry Commission to publish Hunt meets The Forestry Commission have today announced
that from now on they will be publishing their hunting meets in advance, as a response to a petition launched by one of our
team and as a response to those who wrote to their Executive Board before their recent meeting (huge thanks to those who did!). Fox
Hunts hate being dragged into the light where people can see their brutal crimes... so here’s the new Forestry Commission
page for hunt meets - get sharing! 12-9-19 The Canary Another blow for hunting as a second major landowner leaves wildlife
criminals with no place to hide England’s largest public land owner has started publishing
details of hunting on its land. In doing so, it follows on from the country’s largest private land owner. And campaigners
say the move is a ‘welcome change’. Forestry England recently announced it will begin publishing details of Hunts using its
land. It said that the decision came after “Some visitors… told us that they might want to avoid woodlands during
trail hunts”. However, campaigners have also pressured Forestry England for greater transparency on hunting for some
time. As a result, they have welcomed the announcement. Jack Riggall, a member of anti-hunting group Cheshire Monitors who has
engaged the Forestry Commission (of which Forestry England is a part) in dialogue on the issue, told The Canary: ”[Forestry
England] have now committed to publishing the meets of fox hunts they allow on their land, which is a very welcome policy
change even if it doesn’t go far enough. … Plenty of questions remain such as why [Forestry England] still allows
terriermen and convicted fox hunts on its land, and hunts that it knows have killed foxes whilst on its land, but we’ll
soon see how fox Hunts react to the [Forestry England] update as the wider campaign against hunting continues.” Freedom
of information requests revealed that Forestry England suspended a meet of the Staintondale Hunt while it investigated the
death of a fox at Sneaton Forest. However, Forestry England said there was “inconclusive evidence” about how it
was killed.
Sabs help save 3 foxes from Portman FH
but others may have been killed 5-9-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs 4th September- Portman Hunt at Moor Crichel Yesterday started early
with kennel watching the Portman Hunt kennels, along with Mendip Hunt Sabs. We didn’t have to wait long before the hound
van and a horse box exited. We followed the horse box for a while but with the hound van now out of sight we decided the horse
box was a decoy and peeled off to follow our noses instead. It wasn’t long before we got onto another horse box who
also tried to lose us but inevitably led us to the meet at White Farm, Moor Crichel. The Hunt set off
heading into Downley Coppice where hounds were onto something but not to fruition. They moved off west to Birch Coppice where the hounds, huntsman,
and terriermen were out of sight for a good while and our path was blocked. We suspect that from the sounds and actions of
the hunt a dig out may have been in progress. They then moved on to Harry’s Coppice where
sabs soon spotted a fox cross the footpath in front of them. The line was sprayed and hounds shortly followed. The Hunt’s
hired stewards were made aware of the fox but still made every effort to stop us from keeping the hounds from the fox. Strange
actions for a Hunt that apparently doesn’t hunt illegally. You would have thought they’d be thankful for the help!
The Huntsman soon came along and got in on foot to draw the hounds through were the fox had gone but with sabs always present
he eventually gave up. He
gathered hounds and after standing around discussing where to go next they drew the woodland up to Calcotts Coppice. Here
sabs saw two foxes break cover in quick concession, likely to be of the same litter, and we stood fast on their lines to ensure
hounds didn’t follow. Next they moved onto Six Cross Ways where hounds went into cry intermittently. It
was getting late into the morning now but the Huntsman wasn’t letting up and tried to draw hounds through Upper Kitemore
and back down again. More sabs had turned up at this point and positioned themselves south and the Hunt
were running out of room to run to. The hounds were taken from the woods
and we thought that finally the Huntsman had given up, but no, he couldn’t resist drawing the hounds through an area
east of Manswood. This didn’t last long though and they finally gave up and headed back to the meet at 11:30. There were only three foot sabs out today and the terrain was incredibly hard going. We cannot guarantee that a kill
wasn’t made at some point when they managed to hide in woodland for a while. Despite that, we managed to keep up with
the Hunt most of the day and ensured three foxes to safety. If you can, please donate towards our ongoing fuel and insurance
costs at www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs or PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs. We are also on the
look out for more sabs, so please, if you want to get involved, message us or Hunt Saboteurs and we will get back you ASAP.
distressed by IoW FH who gave no notice of their meet 4-9-19 Facebook - Isle of Wight Hunt Sabs The Isle of Wight Foxhounds were out "cubbing" illegal!! Today at Ashley, they had not alerted
any of landowners they were out which I have just bern told, led to. Pony's being left distressed in fields.. If anybody
sees "shit fir brains Boswell”, out with his bunch of merry murdering psychopaths, could you please leave a message
on IOW Sabs pm please.
Convicted badger baiter is terrierman for York &
Ainsty S FH Antis think that Hunt killed
fox during hunt they monitored 4-9-19
York Anti-Hunt League VIDEO York Anti-Hunt League were again out early this morning to keep tabs on the blatant cubbing activities of York and
Ainsty South/Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt. We have a significant amount of images and data to review so will issue a
full report once this process has been completed. In the meantime, we thought that
we would share with you our ‘surprise’ to find the familiar face of Mark Tiffin, a convicted criminal badger baiter,
now working as a ‘fence mender and gate opener’ (terrierman) for the newly combined Hunts. This link details his offences at the time of the article. For
YAS/BBMH to chose to work and be so publicly associated with an individual already charged with illegally hunting a wild mammal
with dogs (badger baiting) tells you all that you need to know about their ethics and morals. Below are images
of Tiffin. Here he is sat on his quad during today’s cubbing meet. Note the spades clearly visible under the sheet on
the front of the quad (critical for mending fences) and the missing illegal front number plate. Other than his mug-shot, the
last image is of a gloating Tiffin taken by sabs during a previous meet of YAS on 12 March 2019. Note the blood on his hands.
We firmly believe that a fox was illegally killed during this meet. We
continue to work tirelessly to protect our fox population from illegal persecution and of course will continue do the same
for all of the badgers that we know are on our patch. Please do all that you can to support
our critical work and, if you have the opportunity, don’t forget to ask YAS/BBMH why they are apparently happy to associate
with known convicted wildlife criminals. 
Stunning stag finds sanctuary from Hunt on Baronsdown 4-9-19 Facebook - Graham Floyd A fine stag, taken tonight on Baronsdown. The stag hunters are after him but he is in a safe place thanks
to the League Against Cruel sports land.
PC's partner's posts shows
he thought Warks FH caused pile-up 4-9-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Straight from the horse's mouth We’ve been sent this screen shot from the
Friends of Pittern Hill Facebook group (a stable near the hunt kennels). As you can see someone has copied and pasted what
the partner of the police officer involved in yesterday's multiple car road traffic accident has said in a separate group.
She admits that the Warwickshire Hunt were the cause of the accident. “My OH was travelling to work today with his Police Dog with him, when himself and
3 cars were involved in an RTC. I believe they were stationary waiting for the field to pass them by.” As
can be seen from our photos yesterday there are road traffic signs warning of the bend in the road. Yet this was the spot
that the Warwickshire Hunt choose to cross the road forcing motorists to stop on the bend and wait for them. The Hunt claimed the police officer said they were not to blame, clearly this is
not the case. This post also backs up our post from yesterday that the police officers partner is pro-hunt - who else would
thank a group of people who have just caused an accident and could have killed someone.
West Kent Sabs complaint against police inaction is upheld 4-9-19 Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs Complaint upheld!!! We have finally received the outcome of our
complaint regarding Kent police not attending our 999 call on 23rd February 2019, when our drone was shot by a masked gunman. Complaint Number
1 - Other neglect or failure in duty Sabs were filming an illegal hunt using a drone, which was then shot at and damaged.
It was stated the people being filmed then pursued the complainants with a shot gun. The complaint states that the police
were called but failed to attend despite repeated calls for 5 hours and the seriousness of the incident. This complaint was UPHELD and it was acknowledged that Kent Police's response on that day was
"unsatisfactory". Complaint Number 2 - Lack of fairness and impartiality. The complaint states that Kent Police are
corrupt or negligent regarding their response to reports of illegal hunting. It is believed by the complainant that offences
related to hunting made by anti-hunt protesters are treated differently to other offences. This
complaint was unproven. However it was expected that there may be an "unconscious bias within the organisation".
the full report in the attached photos [below].

Warks FH cause multi-vehicle pile up while crossing
road Tractor had been forced to stop on
a blind bend 3-9-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt cause multiple car road
traffic accident, Kineton - Tuesday 3rd September 2019 We’ve been saying for a long time
now that the Warwickshire Hunt are a serious road traffic accident waiting to happen. We have filmed them many times over
the past two years using busy main roads as their own personal playground, causing chaos for road uses in the process. We have previously posted videos
of a Warwickshire Hunt hound getting hit by a car as they hunted a fox across the busy A44 https://youtu.be/XdAsnoQPwyE - Hunting all over several busy main roads including the A429 https://youtu.be/TQHKLPOMQO4 - Holding up an ambulance on emergency as they hunted all over the road https://youtu.be/YaO5UFrBO0k.These These are just a few examples. Today on the busy Southam Road out of Kineton, a road with a 50mph speed limit, a
tractor had to stop on a blind bend whilst waiting for members of the Warwickshire Hunt to cross the road. Behind the tractor
was a police dog handler van and another motorist. It was at this point that another car went into the back of this traffic
jam causing a knock on effect as the vehicles went into each other. The accident was serious enough for the road to be closed.
We don't know if the motorists in the cars were OK or if the police dog was OK.
New Warwickshire
Hunt joint-master for the Alderminster area, Olivia Forsyth, was quick on the scene where she was seen talking to the police
officer involved in the crash. Warwickshire Hunt steward (pink high-viz jackets) Sam Austin was also quick to point out to
us that the police officer had told them that the accident was not the fault of the Hunt. We don’t doubt for a second
that the police officer said this. We have been reliably informed by one of our sources at the Hunt that the officer involved
in the accident (Bob) may not be telling the truth about what happened. We understand that Bob's partner used to ride
with the Ledbury Hunt and a quick look at her Facebook profile reveals that she is indeed pro-hunt. So it is no surprise then
that Bob seems to be sweeping any involvement the Warwickshire Hunt had in this accident under the carpet. We’ve added
some screenshots to prove this officer's links to fox hunting. Unfortunately we doubt this incident will be investigated
properly. Considering their claims that they had nothing to do with the accident, it is strange that the
rest of the Hunt who had not yet crossed the road decided not to cross but instead hack back to the meet (not far from the
hunt kennels) the way that they had come. Afterwards we spent the rest of the afternoon checking on known badger
setts in preparation for a potential badger cull in Warwickshire. Your donations towards
fuel costs make it possible for us to expose fox hunting and prepare for a badger cull. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.
Stand-off between Hunt, sabs & police ends in Hunt packing
up 3-9-19 Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs Tuesday 3rd September Fox cub hunting begins in Kent Today is always a grim
day in the calendar. It’s a grim day for us as it means we are now back to weekly sabbing until April but it’s
worse for our wildlife as they face relentless persecution during this time. We received information very early
on in the day that the East Kent with West Street Hunt were holding their first meet of the season at Lenhall Farm in Bishopsbourne.
We quickly arrived and were joined by our friends from South Coast Hunt Sabs and Guildford Hunt Saboteurs who surrounded the
meet pre-spraying the woodland with natural citronella so the hounds had no hope of picking up any scent. To say that the Hunt were disappointed to see us could be the biggest understatement of 2019. Huntsmen
Steve and whipper-in Sally who bizarrely wasn’t riding today genuinely looked like someone had walked over their grave.
The Hunt rode out for all of 20mins then went back to the meet and called the police. What ensued was a classic Mexican stand off. The
Hunt assumed the police would move us on so they could go out again (which they didn’t as they had no grounds to). After
what seemed like forever the Hunt eventually gave in and left. Given the presence of terrier men with spades and terriers
there’s no doubt at all what would have ensued if we weren’t there. We’re pleased that the season has got off
to a terrible start for the East Kent with West Street (exactly how last season finished) and a good start for us! Thanks
again to South Coast and Guildford Sabs for joining us today. If
you would like to contribute to our ongoing petrol and vehicle costs then please donate here! Any donations we’re incredibly
Sabs say they helped save five foxes from two
Dorset Hunts Antis helped owners remove
hounds from private gardens 2-9-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs Multiple foxes seen to safety This morning, we joined forces
with North Dorset Hunt Sabs and Wildlife Witness to sab some cub hunts. Unfortunately we were spoilt for choice, with three
different hunts found cubbing - or "autumn hunting", as they tend to call it these days. One of our spotters found the BSV at Fir Tree Farm near North Barrow, Somerset.
They made the short hop from the meet into Barrow Covert, and hounds very quickly went into cry. A sab in the adjacent field
saw a fox run from the covert and into a hedge. The scent line was sprayed with citronella and the sab rated the hounds. Soon
after, a second fox broke cover and ran the same way as the first, into the hedge. The sab again covered the scent and rated
the hounds. Hounds went in and out of cry, but did not pick up on the line of the two foxes who were seen. The Huntsman spent
a long time working Barrow Covert, but eventually gathered the hounds and moved on. The South Dorset Hunt were found
at a meet near Glanvilles Wootton, Sherborne. However, with only a small number of sabs out, we decided the safest option
for those in the field was to focus on one hunt, so we focused our attention on the Portman Hunt, who met at Pegg's Farm
near Sutton Waldron, Dorset. It was a difficult call to leave folks who were actively hunting, but we were reassured that
at least the two foxes we saw escaped the BSV hounds. The Portman Hunt appeared desperate to get a kill this morning. After leaving the meet, they drew Wigmoor Coppices.
Two foxes were seen fleeing via the solar farm, and helped to safety by the nearby sabs. They hunted maize fields and hedgerows
around the meet and towards Sutton Waldron long into the morning. A third fox was spotted by both Hunt and sabs, who rated
the hounds to help them get away. Despite the bright sunshine and warm temperature making for terrible scenting conditions,
the huntsman stayed out until around 10am, hunting every scrap of land possible on the way back to the meet. It was a long and tiring morning, but with a total of five foxes
seen to safety - and any number unseen - totally worth getting up at a stupid hour on a Monday morning for. Video is in comments
as Facebook won't let us upload it. This is now our busiest
time of year, with cub hunting in full swing and the badger cull in progress. Please support us by buying us a kofi: at https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs.
2-9-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness Portman Hunt currently trespassing in private gardens. North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs assisting landowners to
remove them.
Sab presence discourages Flint & D. FH from cub hunting 1-9-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs 31/8/2019 Joined by Derby Hunt sabs, we paid a visit to the Flint and
Denbigh Hunt in Cefn Meiriadog. The F&D should now be 2 weeks into their fox cub killing. This time last year it was full
on as we very successful in keeping the Hunt moving on to prevent them from surrounding woodlands to keep young foxes trapped
to train the younger hounds to rip them to bits. Cubbing last season turned into a bit of a disaster for them. With Huntsman Jezza now quit something doesn't seem right at the Flint and Denbigh. A little before 7am riders started
to turn up along with hunt supporters. One supporter drove into the kennels to presumably tip off the Hunt that we were in
the area. Not long later, last season's field master along with a very young looking whipper in (surely he can't be
the new huntsman) rode out the hunt kennels in their kennel coats.
As last week this turned into a bit of a ride around the country lanes. The presence of sabs seemed
to be enough to discourage any attempts to hunt foxes. One of the riders rode for miles on an injured horse (video to follow)
the horse seemed to have an injury to the foot or ankle and was dropping in sweat from not long after they'd set off,
but rather than turn back she continued to ride the struggling horse for the next 2 hours. A local farm hand from the estate
drove around in his mule type buggy accusing sabs of driving around masked up, bizarrely none of the sabs he accused were
masked up. As the Hunt were packing up around 9am 2 of the Yarder Force police cars turned up. It would seem they've spent
the summer taking PR courses... "Are you well?" they asked. In other news a vintage car rally passed through Cefn Meiriadog twice yesterday afternoon. Local residents reported
it as being the most exciting thing to happen in the village in years. Thanks for all your kind donations, here is a link to our ongoing fundraising for this season.
Cheshire FH follower aims threats & intimidation
at women sabs 1-9-19
Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report – 31/08/2019 … The Cheshire Hunt had met on an
unnamed farm on Crimes Lane in Tarporley and from the word go, our two female members were the target of dangerous driving,
threats and intimidation by one particular hunt follower. Driving a blue pick-up truck this sad excuse for a man could not
bear being viewed as a criminal by law-abiding, strong and powerful women, so he threw more toys out of the pram. Shortly
after this outburst the Hunt appeared on a dozen or more push bikes with a full pack of hounds. Dipping,
ducking and diving the Sabs, our first team who had now made their way into the area were following slowly behind to support
the brave women and were able to observe them back down Bishop Bennett Lane and back to their meet. Miserable and hungry they had their cake but it seems they didn’t get much
chance to eat it. resorting to silly games of stepping out in the middle of a public right of way to stop a 4x4 with his bare
hands. Luckily our driver was quick to react. Very dangerous behaviour. This prompting sabs to pull over to reprimand him
on this blatant flout of road safety. He is clearly not of sound mind as he found us to be in the wrong and rang the police! 3 Police Cars and 1 Van attended
and the officers present were on the whole very pleasant. After a quick chat with both sides to establish what the issue was,
the hunt boxed up and left the area, as did the police. By now, it was nearly 11am so we headed off for a cheeky breakfast, a brew and a debrief! Job done!
Sabs & drone restrict Wynnstay FH to 50 minute trot on
roads 1-9-19 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 31/08/2019 We set off in the early hours, splitting into two teams,
once again searching for The Wynnstay and Cheshire Hunt. Both Kennels were watched and after a failed attempt at sneaking
out undetected, both Hunts were tailed to their respective meets. As though pre-empting
a potential repeat of previous Saturday, the Wynnstay rolled in with less confidence to Adrafelin Farm. Situated in the Penley
area of Wrexham they mumbled and grumbled their way into the yard approximately 05:30am. It took them 40 minutes to un-box and prepare for the trot around the block. No
doubt making their apologies to each other and organising refunds for their irritated support. Leaving the meet around 06:10am we were immediately held off by two riders refusing
to allow cars to pass safely as stated in advice for riders, we see this as complete contempt for the safety of their horse
and ignorance to the community. Scoring points with their master is clearly high on the agenda. Whilst we may of been held back
in one way, we were miles ahead in another. There is no escape from the Cheshire Hunt Sab drone once it is locked on! The
Hunt considered the same route as previous so the eye in the sky made little work for us to position ourselves as they came
full circle. Saving diesel and time. Unimpressed and bloodless, an array of miffed faces sauntered back to the meet where
they arrived at roughly 07:00am. All
in all, due to our presence, The Wynnstay spent 50 minutes trotting tarmac instead of circling coverts as observed by friends
Cheshire Monitors on Monday! Once "Les Miserables" had left the meet, we motored to our second team who were checking
up on the Cheshire Hunt.
If you would like to donate towards our fuel costs
we would be eternally grateful to you. The dreaded Badger cull is about to be rolled out in the next couple of weeks we suspect...
And we will be out every day and night patrolling our area of the zone to protect our badgers. https://gogetfunding.com/cheshiresabs/.
Flint & Denbigh FH member rides injured horse for
2 hours 1-9-19 Facebook – N. Wales Hunt Sabs VIDEO Injured horse was ridden around for 2 hours
Maybe somebody from the Flint and Denbigh hunt could explain to us why this injured horse was ridden around for 2 hours
yesterday, 31/8/19, mostly on roads and up hill. This video of the horse clearly struggling was taken not that long after
the Hunt had set off.
Injured horse at rear. Note upturned left
rear hoof.
CPS drop Cottesmore FH fox kill case one day before deadline 1-9-19 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Case update - The Cottesmore Hunt, Leicestershire - The Crown Prosecution Service have shamefully decided to drop the case PLEASE WATCH VIDEO - the Cottesmore
Hunt illegally hunting and chasing a fox with a pack of hounds. On the 19/01/2019, near Gunby Gorse, Leicestershire, sabs witnessed the Cottesmore Hunt illegally
and deliberately chasing and hunting a fox with a full pack of hounds. The fox was then killed by one of the hounds (see evidence
of blood and injury on hound [right]). This season's new Master of Hunt Christopher Edward, encouraged the hounds on and made no attempt to call hounds
off when the terrified fox appeared, despite sabs pleas. Instead he smugly stated 'I saw nothing, sorry.' to sabs.
The full video of this illegal chase (in accordance Hunting Act 2004) was reported to Leicestershire police, along with 3
sabs' statements. Redcoat with hounds hunting fox
soon before kill We
also submitted video evidence of the wounded hound that would have attacked the fox, after Andrew Osborne, Master of the Hunt,
had slyly tried to wash the foxes blood off the hound in a near-by stream. Working with Melton Mowbray and Leicestershire
police the case was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service. The day before the 6 months deadline decision to for the case
to go to court, we got a phone call from the police informing us that the CPS had decided to drop the case. Please note, A
DAY before the deadline - leaving no time to submit any further evidence of the Cottesmore illegal hunting.
We have since requested a freedom of information request. As concerned
members of the public we think it's in the public interest to know how these criminals - the Cottesmore Hunt - got away
with breaking the law so blatantly. We need to ensure they do not get away with it again. This was denied by Leicestershire
police so we shall be appealing again for a freedom of information request. Watch this space. We have been given some unofficial,
very weak and questionable reasons as to why this case was dropped but Leicestershire police do not want to officially and
publicly release this. We are not surprised, Leicestershire police have a nasty reputation of making it so Hunts get away
with breaking the law.
Hounds chase fox back into hedge where they soon kill it This season the criminal Andrew Osborne will be stepping aside and will be letting his fellow criminal Christopher
Edwards be the new Master of Hunt. We want to send a clear message to the Cottesmore Hunt - we will
be sabbing and filming you more than ever, your arrogance will ensure you slip up and your criminal activities will be exposed.
Leicestershire police need to ensure the law is upheld - the public are watching!
Same redcoat,
just yards from the kill site We are deeply gutted that the fox we saw that day, panicked, terrified and running
for his life - did not get the justice he deserved. But it makes us fight ever harder for all wildlife in the future. Cottesmore
Hunt - your hunting days are truly numbered!
Monitors report VWH FH blatant cub hunting, including a kill 1-9-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Yesterday 6.am. Assisted by Ridgeway Illegal Hunt Watch we attended
the cub hunt by the VWH at Kilkenny. They set off southeast from the farm to a small covert down the slope where they frequently
hunt. As one of us arrived down near the stream the hounds were heard picking up inside the covert and then broke out on cry
streaming back up and across the slope into the maize below Kilkenny Farm and out again and then along the valley to the small
patch of maize by the L-shaped wood just west of the farm. N.B. these squares of maize are traditionally left as ‘game
cover’ to assist bloodsporters. There were plenty of followers on horseback and
on foot, including children, trailing after the Hunt and as some were clustering round the wood next to the maize patch one
shouted ‘the fox has gone into cover … gone away’ … yes, truly that was what he shouted and the
Huntsman brought the hounds to spot and into the wood again where kindly indicated by the supporter. The sab in field had
been forced away by an angry hunt follower as no footpath there, and we were then subjected to minders one of whom had the
maddening persistence of an aggravated wasp. But we witnessed this unmistakable cub hunt from the road. They spent an hour in this area going through the wood, out at the end searching
a bit further on then coming back into the wood, finally the chase reached a climax at the eastern end with a supporter shouting
‘it went round there’ or ‘round there’. The Huntsman got off his horse and plunged into the wood and
after some uproar from the hounds, it went quiet. Everything relaxed. Whatever it was, it was over. The Huntsman clambered
out and got on his horse. Supporters started to turn away, the mounted hunters to leave. We conclude: a kill. A word to the hunters and support
who read our page and who constantly accuse us of making things up and putting up falsely edited film: Dream on. We describe
and show what we see. It was so obvious that you were cub hunting yesterday that the usual ‘trail hunt’ protestations
were extremely feeble and half-hearted even by the landowner on the grey horse. Not only that, out of the mouths of your own
supporters came the evidence that you were hunting foxes. Trails are not visible, foxes are. It was truly shocking to watch this relentless proceeding of hunting multiple young foxes to satisfy the requirements
of hounds training. We managed to follow them deep inland over the next two hours and get close when we could with cameras
as they surrounded and searched strips of hedge, woods and big areas of scrubby bush … in the latter case hunted over,
over and over again while the field of desultory young women and children with a few harder-faced old hands had to hang about
endlessly engaging in gossip apparently not in the least concerned at the proceedings which once again were absolutely clearly
not and could never have been perceived as a trail hunt. It is not trail hunting is it VWH? You would not be hunting a trail
in the same patch over and over and over again, going away and coming back to it, getting more agitated and angry with no
result from the hounds as happened right at the end? They wanted to keep away from our cameras but at the same time their
remit was so strongly dictated they did not stop although they clearly tried to avoid us. When we can’t stop them, we
will bear witness. This is cub hunting, full on, no ifs or buts. Through us, the world is watching.
Crawley FH observed engaging in classic cub hunting 1-9-19 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs Friday 30th August - Crawley and Horsham hunt meet West of Henfield, South downs link
After spotting familiar boxes heading towards Henfield monitors found the hunt gathering for another early morning meet. We
were able to monitor discreetly, the only times the hunt noticing us the huntsman quickly calling back the hounds from within
whichever copse he had recently sent them into and then scuttling off away from us. Field riders still insisted they were trail hunting, although they were not very
confident in their convictions and no trail appeared to have been laid, we kindly reminded them of their previous huntsman
who is soon making an appearance in court for illegal hunting...to this they had no comment... as had he when questioned.
Out-of-control S. Dorset FH hounds
riot on deer and sheep 1-9-19
Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report number 2. 31.8.19, South Dorset Hunt meet at North West Farm, Winterbourne Kingston
With some of our members at the Portman hunt meet, the rest of us headed off in the Red Landy towards the South Dorset Hunt
Kennels, our MP for south Dorset Richard Drax being the "landlord"! It's been all change at the SD with Steady on Steve Barrow leaving
(the only one who had any control of the dogs) and Groom Charlie also leaving, Juggers aka Tobias Cole now has full control....well
maybe control in the losest terms....actually very little control...in fact the dogs seem to do what they want!
With "new: groom "Irish" Rob, who incidentally "left"
the SD 4 years ago back on board. Juggers has also shipped his terrier boy Ryan Walpole-Johnsen from his short time with the
West Norfolk Hunt in, as originally a non riding whip but having had some riding lessons is now Juggers right hand man and
friend. Tarquin (Hugh) now seems a bit obsolete, but has been kept on to collect any loose dogs..of which there were many
today! With the meet at Rebecca Hills, North West Farm, we arrived just as Juggers & co took their
pack of dogs down the farm drive to the 6am meet. They didn't seem very pleased to see us there with the Red Landy and
much bad language was heard coming from the meet. At 6am they headed off up the track behind the farm towards Peat Hill. Dropping in a foot team to cover one side
of Peat Hill the Landy team parked up on the other. Very quickly the dogs were heard going into cry in Peat Wood, foot Sabs
used the gizmo and very easily lifted their heads. Meanwhile on the other side of Peat Hill the Landy driver spotted a very
tired looking adult fox running across the adjacent field [above]. Jumping into action the driver ran across the
field spraying citronella to hide the scent of the fox. Within seconds green pickup raced down the field towards him but then
stopped and hid behind a Bush! A few minutes later the navigator spotted a Fox Cub running scared towards the area that the
adult had disappeared into.
Meanwhile the foot team witnessed the dogs firstly
riot on a deer [above] and then onto a flock of unsuspecting sheep [below] (we did notify the
owner). With the field now cantering in the direction the foxes had run, the dogs took off towards Nutley Clump after who
knows what before heading back into Peat Hill, where they spent some time. With the foot team
back in the Landy we drove round to the East Farm footpath and dropped them in again. The Landy carried on round the corner
to get a better view of Juggers and co. Pulling into a gateway we met a local who didn't' support the hurt in any
way shape or form and told us they weren't allowed to hunt the lane in front of us!
Feeling at this point they were going to pack up, the Landy team drove round to
the other side of Peat Hill, seeing no sign they headed back to the meet in perfect time to film Juggers, Ryan, Mrs Juggers
and a child with Tarquin still rounding up stray dogs they headed off into the village before taking the bridlepath back to
the kennels at 9.41am. We kept them in a very small area today and we
are fairly sure that the dogs had the most fun today running around...lost....judging by Juggers temper while trying to gather
them up. If
you would like to join us then please message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
AUGUST 2019 ….. 31st August - Churchyard fox chasing BSV Huntsman charged with illegal hunting ….. 31st August - Sabs help ensure none of 3 foxes flushed by Portman FH caught ….. 31st August - Times reporter saw D&S SH chase stag for 5 hours before kill ….. 31st August
- Sab arrival leads Curre FH to pack up without even unboxing
hounds ….. 31st August - Sabs ensure Cottesmore FH don't kill despite hunter aggression ….. 31st August
- Sabs save fox from Worcestershire FH who then pack up
early ….. 31st August - Sabs keep E. Sussex
FH moving, not hunting, leading to early pack up ….. 31st August
- Mendip F. FH follower tries to steal sab dashcam while holding
toddler! …..
31st August - Sabs say they filmed Portman FH illegally hunting fox ….. 30th August - Labour manifesto commits to strengthen the Hunting Act ….. 29th August - Vale of the White Horse FH hunt cabs in maize fields ….. 29th August - Quantock SH kill stag after 21/2 hour
hunt ….. 28th August - S.
Shropshire FH caught full on cub hunting by monitors ….. 27th August - Sabs spoil Surrey Union FH's attempt to induct kids to their 'sport' ….. 27th August - Quorn FH put own animals in danger by charging sab car ….. 26th August
- Sabs spoil Kimblewick
FH cubbing fun despite attack by rider ….. 26th August
- Pair of sabs find Mendip Farmers FH out cub hunting ….. 26th August
- Wynnstay FH hound run over by follower as monitors ensure
no kills ….. 26th August - Sabs call Quorn FH hounds off fox cub just in time ….. 25th August - Cheshire FH 'lackey' convicted of assaulting woman sab ….. 25th
August - Antis ensure Cattistock
FH can't settle down to cub hunting ….. 25th August - Cheshire Hunt
Sabs boxed in by 5 police cars as result of hoax call ….. 25th August
- Sab presence reduces Wynnstay FH to long walk round roads ….. 24th August
- Hunt - probably Golden Valley FH - said to have caused car crash ….. 24th August
- Antis see much dangerous driving by Cheshire FH terrierboys ….. 24th August
- Woman sab tripped while running by Mendip FH supporter ….. 24th August - Flint & Denbigh FH cubbing meet turns into 2 hour hack ….. 23rd August - Antis keep Crawley FH on move and spoil their hunting ….. 22nd August - Blackmore FH hold up traffic for half hour as they cub hunt ….. 22nd August - Three posts at summit of hunting world are all vacant ….. 21st August - Blackmore FH woman carrying toddler headed fox towards hounds ….. 20th August - Waveney Harriers hunt hares through thick maize ….. 20th August - Ex Hunt JM - a big
Tory donor - paid for Johnson helicopter flight ….. 18th August - Blackmore FH filmed chasing fox in blatant cubbing ….. 17th August - Most new bTb outbreaks in county farms visited by Warks FH Hunt ….. 15th August
- Ashford V FH member convicted of spraying 'fox juice'
in sab's face ….. 14th August - LACS investigators paid almost £50k damages by Belvoir FH …..
14th August - Death of huntress who repeatedly whipped sab accident - inquest ….. 13th
August - Wynnstay FH kick off Cheshire cubbing season
- no kills known ….. 13th August - Villagers
complain re. Portman's FH out of control hounds ….. 11th August - Notorious Avon Vale FH JM standing as Tory PCC for Wiltshire ….. 10th August - Wealden MH prevented from killing as sabs keep calling hounds off ….. 10th August - Courtney MH stopped hunting despite aggression to sabs ….. 8th August - N. Wales police deceiving public over 'Operation Yarder' ? ….. 3rd August - Atherstone FH
lies & threats fail to stop sab stand at vegan fair
Churchyard fox chasing BSV Huntsman charged with illegal
hunting 31-8-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO Fingers crossed This Huntsman has now, at the last hour, been charged
with illegally hunting a wild mammal with dogs and is due to appear in court for the first hearing at the end of September.
We wish these teams luck in getting justice. 31-8-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime The Huntsman for the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt has been charged
with Hunting a wild mammal with dogs. This is following evidence gathered by Hounds Off and Somerset Wildlife Crime monitors
and submitted to Avon and Somerset Constabulary in February. The Huntsman, having been given unconditional
bail, will appear in court on the 26th September 2019 for a first hearing. See here for original report
Sabs help ensure none of 3 foxes flushed by Portman FH caught 31-8-19 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report no. 1. 31.8.19 The Portman Hunt, Meet: Hanford School, Childe Okeford
It's been a busy day for WAR covering two Cub Hunts today. WAR decided
to spread our wings and cover not one but two cub hunts! It was the first Saturday outing for Tom Lyle the new Portman Huntmaster.
We thought we should welcome Tom to the area in the only way we know how! So some of us set off to cover the South Dorset
Hunt and the rest of us visited the Portman Hunt. At the Portman Hunt we were joined by our good friends from North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs, Dorset Against Blood Sports
and Wildlife Witness We received information from the kennels that the hounds had left just after 6am and as we had already
been tipped off from a local the previous day we knew that Tom was off to Hanford School in Childe Okeford so we all headed
there and arrived in good time. We were surprised at the large number
of riders and support clearly excited to be out so early trying to kill fox cubs. They left Hanford School around 6.30 am
but stayed quite near to it to begin with and to be honest didn’t really do very much apart from Tom having a few blasts
on his horn. They hunted around Cliff Coppice where the dogs briefly went into cry then lost the scent. We followed the riders as they passed Chisel Dairy with quite a lot of hunt support. Riders were stood on point around
Okeford Coppice for what seemed like an eternity and they quite honestly looked bored. The Hunt then moved a short distance
away to a maize field and this is where we spent the rest of the day, yes in a maizefield, with most of the riders still just
standing around. It is hard to believe that a trail layer would even lay a trail through
a maize field but then to lay a trail in a maize field that lasted most of the day, well we think Tom needs to be looking
for a new trail layer. Another explanation
is perhaps the trail layer, knowing the distressing event when six hounds were killed by a train when Tom Lyle was Joint Master
with the Dartmoor Hunt in 2014, thought it best to help him keep the hounds safe on his first Saturday out and contain them
all in a maize field! However we saw blood on quite a few hounds from injuring themselves climbing barbed wire fences and
a couple even got stuck on the wire and looked to have nasty cuts so we feel Tom must really make a better effort to look
after his hounds appropriately. Captain Pearson was very chatty today and we began to wonder if he was trying to distract our attention
away from something in the maize field. Wildlife Witness monitors reported a fox breaking cover and running for its life and
I am pleased to say it managed to evade the hounds and sabs were also quickly in position to protect the fox. Another fox
also broke cover and ran in the opposite direction and again managed to evade the hounds. Tom desperately continued to cast
his hounds through the maize field while the riders still stood around the edge. It was almost like Tom was expecting a third
fox to magically appear. A rather bedraggled disorientated cub, that looked like it had been ‘dropped’ north of
the maize field as it was very confused and didn’t try to move very quickly, also appeared but I am pleased to say this
little cub got to live another day too. For the amount of money the riders pay to go out
hunting one would have thought they would be better going out for a hack on a nice sunny day rather than just standing around
a field waiting for a small animal to be torn limb from limb! With
excellent teamwork from all our good friends we managed to keep the Hunt in sight all day and walked back to the kennels behind
them to see them pack up at 9.45 am. Please donate here. If you would like to join us then please message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Times reporter saw D&S SH chase stag for 5 hours
before kill 31-8-19
Times Stag hunts ‘exploit legal loophole’ One hunt chased a stag for
five hours across six valleys before shooting the exhausted animal. It’s the same loophole once exploited by
Japanese whaling ships. Staghound packs are riding roughshod over the hunting ban by claiming to be carrying out research,
critics claim. Three traditional stag hunts on horseback continue to chase deer in Somerset and
Devon, helped by supporters in vehicles and involving as many as 400 people. Instead
of hunting illegally for sport and recreation they claim to be carrying out “research and observation” of the
deer by hunting them with hounds for hours across Exmoor and the Quantock Hills before shooting them. Although the Hunting Act 2004 outlawed
the hunting of wild mammals with dogs, it allows hunters to use up to two dogs to hunt deer “for the purpose of or in
connection with the observation or study of the wild mammal”. Critics
say that the law is not clear on whether the exemption applies only if hunters are conducting genuine scientific research
or whether it is enough for them to say they were “observing” the deer while they hunted it with two dogs for
several hours before shooting it. There is no known public record of research
data or scientific studies published by the staghound packs in the 15 years since the ban came into effect. The Times followed
the Devon & Somerset Staghounds (DSSH) on Tuesday as they hunted a stag for five hours across six valleys on Exmoor before
shooting the exhausted animal more than 11 miles from the start. The Hunt
had several pairs of dogs, transported in 4x4s, which they used in relay to stay within the law. They then carved up the stag
in the private field where it had been killed, away from the view of the A39, whose verge was clogged with excited spectators’
cars. Hundreds of paying spectators followed the hunts in 4x4s, motorbikes and quad bikes along the country lanes, looking
out for the stag and using radios to help the hunters to keep up with it. The League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) owns several
tracts of woodland as “sanctuaries” free from hunting. Sir Paul McCartney recently donated St Johns Wood on Exmoor
to LACS. Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns at LACS, said: “We
need to strengthen the hunting law in the UK and . . . the ‘research and observation’ loophole needs to be removed
because it is systematically being abused by the Hunt to justify its behaviour. There is no research.” The deer-hunting season in Devon and Somerset lasts for nine months from August
to April. A Hunt is carried out by either the DSSH, Quantock Staghounds or Tiverton Staghounds on five days of the week. A
DSSH supporter said that they had failed to kill on only two occasions this month. Jochen Langbein, an ecology consultant
who organises a deer count in the Quantock Hills, said: “I am not aware of any systematic data having been collected
by the DSSH from the killed animals during exempt hunting or for which exempt hunting would be required, rather than culling
by other legal means such as shooting.” The three staghound packs kill about 180 red deer a year during hunts, as well as about 80 injured deer a year that
they are called out to dispatch. This is only about 15 per cent of the number required to be culled to control the deer population
in the area, which is about 3,500. Most of the cull is done through stalking and shooting by marksmen. Despite several recent attempts to prosecute members of the DSSH,
the Crown Prosecution Service has chosen not to pursue the cases. The LACS cites a lack of CPS and police resources. The DSSH and the
Masters of Deerhounds Association did not respond to a request for evidence of research and scientific data collected through
hunts. A spokesman for the Countryside Alliance, responding on their behalf,
said that any assertion that registered staghound packs were “solely operating under the research and observation exemption
is . . . a completely unevidenced and incorrect assertion”. He said that the DSSH shot and killed one red deer
on Tuesday “within the terms of the exemptions in the Hunting Act” and “any suggestions that any deer was
hunted for hours or that a deer was not shot and killed humanely are completely untrue”. He added: “The DSSH has
been consistently challenged about its activities for 14 years. On every occasion the DSSH has been able to show that its
activities were legal, whichever exemption it was operating under.” THE
EXEMPTIONS A person commits an offence in England and Wales if
they hunt a wild mammal with a dog, unless it falls under one of several exemptions contained in the Hunting Act 2004. Stalking or flushing out - A wild mammal can be stalked or flushed out with no more than two dogs to prevent
or reduce serious damage caused by it, to obtain meat for consumption or to participate in a field trial. Reasonable steps
must be taken to shoot it “as soon as possible”. Research and observation - Hunting is allowed with up to two dogs for the purpose of or in connection with study of the wild mammal. Dogs cannot
be used underground. Rescue - Hunting is allowed with up to two dogs,
but not below ground, if the hunter reasonably believes an animal is injured and needs to be relieved of suffering. Recapture
- Hunting an animal that has escaped or been released from captivity is allowed
on land where permission is granted on condition that it is recaptured or shot “as soon as possible after being found”
and was not released to be hunted. Use of dogs below ground to protect
birds for shooting - One dog can be used at any one time to stalk or flush
out an animal to prevent damage to birds kept for shooting. Falconry - Flushing
a wild mammal from cover is allowed for the purpose of enabling a bird of prey to hunt it.
Pic above - Stag killed by the D & S SH 27-10-18
Sab arrival leads Curre FH to pack up without even unboxing
hounds 31-8-19 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs Meeting up with Bristol Hunt Saboteurs for a trip across the Severn to pay a flying visit to the Currie and
Langibby Fox Hounds. On arriving, the foot Sabs walked up to the Meet, the Huntsman, on seeing the Sabs, didn't
even bother unloading the hounds, after 1/4 of an hour faffing about, they close up the hound van and drive off, with a Sab
Landie right on their tail, just in case they decided to try elsewhere. They were followed back to the kennels, where Sabs keep an eye out
to make sure they don't attempt to go out again. Cubbing successfully stopped! So quick we didn't have time to take
a photo... Please donate to our fuel fund - PayPal : bathhuntsabs@yahoo.co.uk or Kofi : https://ko-fi.com/bathsabs.
Sabs ensure Cottesmore FH don't kill despite hunter aggression 31-8-19 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs The Cottesmore Hunt, Meet: Cow Pasture Farm, Witham on the Hill, Bourne PE10 0JP Pitch black darkness and
watching the sunrise was our start to the morning. Met up with the crew @northantshuntsabs and wildact. As
soon as they left the meet the field riders lined out around Little Andrews Wood in classic cubbing fashion. Riders immediately
forced their horses to push into sabs desperate to keep sabs from evidencing and preventing what the Hunt were up to, which
is a usual tactic from the blood sport enthusiasts when caught illegally hunting. Then they moved on. This set the tone for
the next two hours until they packed up at around 09:20. Some of our readers may remember old “James Dyson” [below] who claimed to
own all the land and tried (and failed) to bribe sabs to leave with money. See here. We drove in to the
meet and there he was driving towards us “Get off my land! I own this land!” Getting all pushy-shovey with our
sabs, who didn’t even acknowledge him, walked around him and got in between Huntsman and hounds. Well James, if you do own the land as you claim, you are responsible for the illegal activities which the hunt get
up to on that land with your permission (section 3 Hunting with Dogs Act 2004) i.e. cub hunting. Long live the fox! Tally NO https://ko-fi.com/A3372I1A.
Sabs save fox from Worcestershire FH who then pack
up early 31-8-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Worcestershire Hunt - sabbed 31.08.19 - Summerhill Farm Droitwich – 6:00am
Video and full report to follow. A small group of us paid a visit to the Worcestershire Hunt who were long overdue
a visit by hunt sabs. Sabs met with aggression by hunt supporters from the start. Fox saved - on arrival, sabs witnessed
blatant holding up and hunting of a wood by the Hunt. Fox was seen fleeing wood sabs intervened to stop the hounds pursuing
it. Huntsman packed up not long after we had saved the fox having been out less than an hour and only
hunted one wood. We rely solely on donations which
helps keep us out in the fields as often as we can throughout the fox hunting season - This can be up to 4 times a week during
cub hunting. If you would like to donate to us please use the link below. Thanks. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below
- 1/ Fox fleeing from Hunt 2/ Sab being assaulted 
Sabs keep E. Sussex FH moving, not
hunting, leading to early pack up 31-8-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs We were out super early this morning to kennel watch the East Sussex & Romney Marsh FH, whilst waiting we kept hearing the cacophony of wailing howls from the hounds. No wonder
their neighbours hate them so much. We kept on the tail of the hound van and entourage of the two disgruntled supporters vehicles
whence they left. The six riders included "25yrs on the force" Fuller, which was fairly
representative of the lower dregs of society. Their meet was at Penlands Farm in Herstmonceux. We entered the field whilst
dew still clung to strands of spider web like diamonds in the morning light. We kept up with the Hunt on their ride across
the marshes. When they thought they'd lost us they did a sneaky cast in the scrubland, which promptly stopped when they
saw us. Some friends from Brighton Hunt Sabs managed to join us. The pathetic individuals packed up within two hours. A few of our Sabs had a full on day sett surveying yesterday with a whole array
of activity found and still managed to get out today. Get out and protect the wildlife from the scum,
come and join us if you can. Help keep us out in the field:- PayPal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Any info on the blood lusting lunatics
contact the tip off line: 07443148426.
Mendip F. FH follower tries to steal
sab dashcam while holding toddler! Sabs
say they helped two foxes escape from cub hunting 31-8-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs Today we headed to a meet of the Mendip Farmers' Hunt hosted by chairman Tim Pullen at Holmwood Farm, Chewton Mendip. For some reason they didn't seem to be expecting us and
were a little agitated to say the least. From the beginning the terrierscum and support were aggressive, with one Sab having
her hat stolen [below] and our driver having their dashcam ripped off [left] - which was retrieved
by their quick reflexes. We have the whole incident on film but have chosen not to show it as, disturbingly, the perpetrator
was holding their very young child at the time and throughout the morning they thrust the poor child at us, even bizarrely
opening the boot of our car and holding the child inside. The incident has been reported to the police and the footage passed
on to them. The Mendip Farmers' Hunt were true to form - with full on illegal
cub hunting and hounds being heard in cry throughout the morning. A fox was seen being chased by hounds from woodland with
a terrierboy waving his arms to try to scare the fox back into the woodland and the hounds. The fox ignored him thankfully
and fled, followed by the hounds. Sabs rated the hounds and let Hunt Master George Pullen know that he was being filmed. The
fox got away. Then a second fox appeared close to Sabs, who immediately got down so as not to scare the fox. Hounds were close
behind again but miraculously they didn't pick up the scent. The terrierboys came to investigate but Sabs stayed in position
filming and made sure the fox had got away before leaving the area.
 The Hunt seemed stuck for ideas and went round
and round in a circle, hunting their usual haunts Lily Combe, Burges's Combe, Preston's Wood, Tor Hole. The two foxes
escaped close to Sage's Farm, by Grig's Pit Wood. We can't say that they didn't kill today.
Hounds were in full cry in Burges's Combe and Sabs were unable to reach them. What we do know is that our presence helped
two foxes escape today and that makes it all worthwhile.Thanks as always for
all the support we have received. We are always so touched to know we are not alone in our efforts to protect our wildlife
thugs and their 'fence-mending' equipment in the box If you can spare a few pounds please buy us a ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs.
Sabs say they filmed
Portman FH illegally hunting fox Fox went to ground, sabs ensured not further hunted Huntsman forces hounds over barbie,
injuring some 31-8-19
Facebook - Wildlife Witness VIDEO Video taken today of the Portman Hunt illegally fox-hunting, just as they have done
for the past 15 years. They may have a new Huntsman and new hunt stewards with flashy cameras and radios but old habits die
hard. Thanks to @North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs, Dorset Against Blood Sports and Weymouth Animal Rights
for being there to save this fox and two others seen today. This is going to be a long hard season with no help from Dorset Police likely to be forthcoming, so we are going
to be on our own. So any help with reimbursing transport costs and new equipment is always gratefully received. Despite what
our increasingly desperate opponents may claim we can assure you that 100% of all donations go directly towards covering our
monitoring costs. Donations can be made to - www.ko-fi.com/wildlifewitness or www.paypal.me/wildlifewitness. Pics below -
1/ Fox fleeing from hounds about to go to ground 2/ Hounds searching for the fox  31-8-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs Portman Hunt - Saturday 31st August Having been tipped off by a local that the Hunt were
meeting at Hanford the following day, we were well prepared to meet the Hunt for the first time this season to mess up their
day’s hunting. Along with Weymouth Animal Rights, Wildlife Witness and Dorset Against Blood Sports, we saw 3 foxes to
safety. The Hunt left the meet at roughly 6:30 to hunt Cliff Coppice, Fox Ditch Coppice and Okeford Coppice.
Luckily, Sabs were in all positions and were able to watch hounds and Huntsman. The hounds went briefly into cry in Cliff
Coppice but luckily lost the scent. It is clear to see
that the Portman are paranoid of being outed after recent developments of illegal badger sett blocking, harassment and intimidation.
They had hired “Hunt Stewards” to come and keep an eye on us and be as much of a pain as they can. After hunting all the woods and
not finding a scent, the Hunt headed to Shillingstone to hunt the maize fields. It’s at this point that Wildlife Witness
monitors saw a fox break cover, with hounds on a scent, and took refuge in a drain. Closely followed by Hapless and Co, we
ran to protect the fox and call hounds away from the drain in order to save the fox. With the Hunt now on the move again, they dropped one cub and flushed another as they went, but not picking them
up. In an attempt to put the hounds back on the line, the Huntsman put the hounds over a barbed wire fence. This led to the
hounds being covered in blood and one getting caught on the fence, resulting in cuts to the leg and potential muscle trauma.
Having decided they’d wasted their time even getting out of bed, we followed them into the meet, packing up at 9:45. Today was an excellent show of what could happen with teamwork and
persistence, and we will be visiting this Hunt again very soon. So, if you want to get involved, please do message us, and
we will get back to you as soon as we can and get you out sabbing hunts. Please consider donating
towards our current fundraiser for new cameras for the team at https://gogetfunding.com/north-dorset-sabs-camera-fund/. To donate to ongoing costs such as insurance, tax and fuel, please donate to www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs or PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs.
Labour manifesto commits to strengthen the Hunting Act 30-9-19 Facebook - Hunt Monitors Labour's manifesto commits to strengthen the Hunting Act and many other brilliant animal welfare improvements, including banning snares and
glue traps and ending the cruel and unscientific badger cull. "Our vision is one where no
animal is made to suffer unnecessary pain and degradation and where we continue to drive up standards and practice in line
with the most recent advances and understanding. The policies set out here in our Animal Welfare Manifesto are the next stage
in that journey."
Quantock SH kill stag after 21/2
hour hunt 29-8-19
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Quantock Stag Hounds killed today Monitors from Somerset Wildlife Crime and Hounds Off
were with them all morning. An early start from Pittsford Hill, a field of around 20 riders, and dozens of vehicle support
hunted the stag from approximately 8am and killed him just after 10:30am. Support gathered for the carve up and to claim their
bag of guts to take home as a treasured souvenir. Another days stag hunting with the Quantock Stag Hounds.
of several road illegal quads following the Hunt - 2 up, no licence plate
VWH FH block antis access as cubs being hunted in
maize 29-8-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO VIDEO [CIWH] Wednesday 28th August 2019 Met up with Mendip sabs, Cirenceseter Illegal
Huntwatch and Ridgeway Illegal Huntwatch for a meet at 06.00 at Braydon Pond near Malmesbury, Wiltshire. There was some picking
up in that area and then they crossed the road and drew some maize. they looked as though they were about to do some classic
holding up but thought better of it with sabs present. There was some attempt to stop us getting near to where we could hear
cubs being hunted deep within the maize crop and this went on for a while with them leaving us alone in the end. They did
get very close with 2 vehicles on the mud. We certainly cannot claim that there were no kills but this fox on the film, at
least, ran to safety. The rest of the day (considering that everywhere we sab now is in
one badger cull zone or the other) was spent looking at badger setts. Please continue to supply information and share posts, our pay pal is paypal.me/threecountiessabs. 28-8-19
Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs With most of the team unavailable in our usual area, one of our sabs
made the trip up to Wiltshire to join fine folks from Three Counties Sabs, Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch and Ridgeway Illegal
Hunt Watch sabbing the VWH 6am cub hunting meet. The Hunt assembled at 6am in the road near Braydon Wood, east of Malmesbury,
then headed into the wood to hunt around the pond. Hounds picked up a few times, but the Huntsman moved on fairly quickly. Next they moved west into land near Pond
Hill Farm, where they spent a lot of time working a large maize field and areas of cover crop. The hounds were heard in full
cry, but sabs were held up by loud and aggressive support who blocked their access to the hunt. We do not know what happened
in those crucial moments as we were unable to get close enough to the hounds, we just hope they didn’t kill. Once closer
to the Hunt who were working more maize, sabs saw two foxes, multiple hares and two deer flee from the hounds who were still
picking up on a scent. Fortunately, they did not get on to their lines. The Huntsman then crossed back into Braydon Wood, which
he worked again before heading back onto the road and towards the meet. They packed up in Summer House Farm at 9am, after
a solid three hours of hunting fox cubs. Our weary sab then headed homeward to spend the remainder of the day sett surveying
more locally. With cubbing well and truly under way now and the badger cull looming, any donations
towards our fuel fund are very gratefully accepted. Thank you for all your support so far...https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs.
S. Shropshire FH caught full on cub hunting by monitors Hounds also seen worrying livestock 28-8-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors South Shropshire Hunt were caught full on fox hunting this afternoon/evening by our
monitors at Gatten Lodge, Near Bridges by the Stiperstones. More to follow soon as police will need the evidence. Also we
notice they got packed up after one hour of setting off as Shropshire Hunt Saboteurs and Staffordshire Hunt Sabs were in attendance.
Brilliant! thanks also to Shropshire Wildlife Monitors. More from the day soon. Including all the livestock worrying.
Sabs ruin Surrey Union FH cub hunt in searing heat 27-8-19
Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Mission 6, Surrey Union FH, Ewhurst 27-8-19 The Surrey Union Fox Hunt held a pony club event on the Lukyns
Estate, Ewhurst on Tuesday at 3pm, unbelievably in 30 degree heat. We had over 20 Sabs from North Downs, Guildford, Berkshire, Croydon, and South Coast, along with a small team
from Surrey Hunt Monitors.  We started by pre-spraying and beating some woods that we know the hunt favour. Sabs were very
pleased later when the hunt drew these woods later with no result. The day started by drawing the woods north of Holmbury farm, but Sabs - aided by an excellent horn blower - pulled
the hounds straight out of the wood. The Hunt then headed west along Sherborne Lane, followed by our running squad. For the
rest of the day they were unable to lose the Sabs. We sprayed after two foxes, safely getting them away. The Hunt were very aggressive, both verbally and in riding their
horses at Sabs. We were all shocked that the event went ahead in such heat - the tarmac was so hot that the horses hooves
left marks (see photo right). Nobody that cared for their animals would take out dogs or horses in that extreme heat. The sweaty, hot, parched but victorious Sabs then retired to re-hydrate in a local pub. Please help in any way you can, whether it be a donation, information
or better yet, join us! Thanks. GoFundme: gf.me/u/uqi7zy, Kofi: www.ko-fi.com/A62094D, paypal: mailto:northdownshuntsaboteurs@gmail.com. 27-8-19 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs Today Berkshire Hunt Sabs met up with other Sabs from Croydon, Guildford,
North Downs, and South Coast Hunt Sabs to sab the Surrey Union Fox Hunt who were meeting at Lukyns Farm in Ewhurst for their
‘Children’s Meet’.
The children’s meet is an insidious annual event in
a Hunt's calendar. An induction into the rituals of the chase, most Hunts are affiliated to or have their own pony club.
With the intention to get their children used to hunting, it is a very strange event indeed. When the hounds have their heads up they won’t be getting on the line of scent of that fox! Frustrated
at their foiled ‘sport’ they high tailed it past the meet and with diminished riders the Huntsman went on a pointless
ride at a few nearby farms and then packed up a short while later. Red sullen faces on their side as we retired to a scenic
pub for the obligatory chips and beer. And did that beer go down well on a very hot and very successful day. Please
support our fundraising campaign - this season we need to purchase GoPros, radios and replace a camera which was broken whilst
sabbing. Please donate on this link - https://www.gofundme.com/f/berkshirehuntsabs. Thanks for your support! Pic above - Overheated Whipper-In Russell Ingram
Quorn FH put own animals in danger by charging sab car 27-8-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Today we made it 2 for 2 at the Quorn who met at Whatton House just North East of Long Whatton. With
a few emergency days annual leave booked and shifts swap we were able to mobilise with our comrades from Lincoln Hunt sabs
to follow up on some last minute tip-offs and ensure Olly has continued his warm welcome. The
Hunt spent a lot of their time in and around Gorse Covert to the south of the meet with little success. The hounds were only
heard speaking on occasion and field riders could be heard complaining of boredom, maybe not the impact they were hoping the
new staff to have! In an incredible
feat of caring for their animals the Hunt, rather than waiting for sabs to move, decided to ride straight at the vehicle on
a narrow road, causing hounds to squeeze and bang against the parked car and horses to buck up and kick out as they demonstrated
their distress at being forced into narrow spaces. Sabs were with the Hunt for the majority of the
day with no issues and watched them pack up at 8:30 before heading off to find a nice vegan fry up and a cup of tea. Please support us: Ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
Sabs spoil Kimblewick FH cubbing fun despite attack by rider 26-8-19 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs The summer bank holiday is usually reserved for chilling out in the garden, perhaps a cold drink and
generally enjoying the last throws of summer. Of course, if you're a habitual wildlife abuser
then you'll be up at the crack of dawn, donning your ratcatcher and heading off to kill some fox cubs. Now, you'd
think the Kimblewick would want to keep their heads down in light of their current situation (see here: https://bit.ly/33ZcWws)
but killing animals will take precedence over everything else. So acting on information sent to the HSA we were also up well before dawn and heading over to the
area in question, near St Andrew's church near Wheatfield, Oxfordshire. We spotted the Hunt holding up a
large rectangular wood up in classic cubbing formation [below]. The riders shouting and slapping to scare any potential
cubs back into the jaws of the hounds. We made our presence known and there was clearly what we like to call an "Oh shit"
moment. All of a sudden the phones came out and the riders became a little camera shy.
One large women on an even larger horse galloped angrily towards us, used her horse as a weapon,
tried to strike sabs with her whip [below] and steal a camera. Fortunately the sab in question was fairly fleet
of foot and saw off the assault. She wasn't very happy at being busted openly taking part in a criminal activity.
One fox was observed darting out of the wood but
was turned back (unknowingly) by Matthew Higgs, Master of the Trinity Foot Beagles and Kimblewick chief hanger on. Luckily
no hounds had picked up on the animal so all was well. We had the usual
insults about our parentage and our work status (the fact it was a bank holiday seemed to pass them by) but its water off
a ducks back to us sabs. As the game was now well and truly up they took the hounds for a bit of a walk round the nearest
field while sabs watched and admitted defeat a short time later. Kill free morning and a job well done. Lots of
miles covered today so any donations for fuel are hugely appreciated: ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs.
Wynnstay FH hound run over by follower as monitors ensure
no kills 26-8-19
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Wynnstay Hunt They were not happy that we stopped them hunting
fox cubs, caught them in total lack of control of their hounds (one of whom was hit by a car driven by one of their supporters)
and embarrassed two of their landowners who were sweating buckets about us filming law breaking on their land. Thanks
to Shropshire Monitors for their help.
Hunter carrying the injured hound
Sabs call Quorn FH hounds off fox cub just in time 26-8-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs After a long, hot weekend sett surveying in Derbyshire we at least had the Bank Holiday to look forward
to. But no! Word reached us that the Quorn, with new Huntsman Ollie Finnigan, were having their first cubbing meet at Willougby
on the Wolds at some godforsaken hour of the morning and we thought it would be churlish not to head over and say hello. We
arrived just before 6am and found them just South of the village and it's fair to say they didn't look delighted to
see us. Ollie headed South and took his hounds straight into a large maize field while the field spread out around the maize
in traditional cubbing style and they proceeded to Hunt it for the next 45 minutes. Now we're not a group that is overly
concerned by the legalities of hunting. If they're trying to kill an animal we'll attempt to stop them, whether it's
legal or not. This form of hunting however is so blatant that it doesn't even masquerade as anything legal. Their sole
purpose is to train the young hounds in the maize fields by chasing and killing fox cubs which is exactly what the Quorn tried
this morning. One cub broke to the South of the field, right in front of sabs and
with hounds just a couple of feet behind. The cub was turned back into the pack by hounds already in the field but sabs rated
the hounds and did just enough to allow the cub to escape. Fortunately the young pack were extremely responsive to the horn
and we were able to call more and more of them to the safety of an open field and hold them there for over 20 minutes. Eventually the Huntsman gathered
his pack and took the riders on a loop of the lanes before putting his hounds into another maize field with the hunt riders
spread round the edge. It was getting warmer by now which maybe impacted the scent as hounds were quieter in this maize although
sabs had to watch another cub to safety. After half an hour he gathered his pack and they boxed up at 8am after a brief but
intense morning's hunting. Its
been a long weekend with many miles covered. Please support us: https://ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
Pair of sabs find Mendip Farmers FH out cub hunting 26-8-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs This morning, a couple of our Sabs headed out very early to do some sett surveying before the day got too
hot and also to keep an eye out for the law-breaking Mendip Farmers' Hunt. It was lucky they did, as a message came through
first thing saying riders wearing tweed had been spotted by Harptree Court in East Harptree. Despite there being just two
of them and in a personal vehicle, our Sabs headed straight there.
 They found the Hunt close to Benleaze, just along from Harptree Court where they had held their meet. Sabs joined
them by Eastwood Manor Farm where they rated straggler hounds who were onto a scent and speaking. The Hunt, complete with
terrier boys, moved off to Sherborne Spring where hounds were heard in cry. Sabs were unable to reach them but witnessed terriermen
being summoned and sent up to the Hunt. Presumably a fox had gone to ground. Sabs got to the area afterwards and following
tracks figured out that a fox could have escaped over a stream with steep banks and gone to ground in a badger sett on the
other side, which did not appear to have been dug into. We can't say for sure but we really hope the poor fox got away.
Nice misty morning. Let's hang around on a road bend The Hunt then moved to hunt by the River Chew, south west of Tudor Farm. The Hunt sat there for
15 minutes but the hounds didn't pick up on a scent. A young deer managed to escape unseen and ran right past Sabs who
were ready to spray citronella to cover her tracks if needed. Sabs had the usual attempted intimidation
from 'terrierboys'. A plan was heard being hatched to 'take out their legs with the quad bikes'. Satisfied that the Hunt had finally packed up at 9.30am, Sabs continued with their day of sett surveying as planned
and in total walked 9 miles in the hot sun today! If you are able to, a few pounds towards our fuel is always appreciated
- thank you https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs.Thanks Thanks also to the
person who gave us the message the Hunt were out - if you hear any information you think may help us, please contact us in
complete confidence - mendiphuntsabs@gmail.com or via our Facebook page.
Cheshire FH 'lackey' convicted of assaulting
woman sab 25-8-19
Facebook - Cheshire Against Blood Sports Cheshire Hounds Hunt Lackey found Guilty of Assault on a Female Sab
On Boxing Day 2018 while out with the Cheshire Hounds a hunt lackey Gordon Broadhurst frustrated that his feeble attempts
to block us in on a road and keep us away from the hunt were thwarted, decided to resort to violence and assaulted a female
Sab and damaged her personal property before speeding away from the scene of his crime... However
a member of Cabs was already on the phone to the police due to the fact the hunt were blatantly chasing a family of foxes,
witnessed the assault and was able to report it immediately to the police, it also helped when a member of the hunt support
admitted on film what he had done ! Over
the years we have had numerous issues with Gordon, he is overtly fond of calling us paedophiles and we strongly suspect him
of releasing numerous bagged foxes, remarkable how many foxes seem to appear looking confused when Gordon was around … Fast forward to last Wednesday and
we had the case heard in court, obviously fearing yet more bad publicity the hunt obviously chipped in towards a really rather
aggressive defence solicitor and we endured a long day in court while lots of desperate and wild assertions were made from
the defence. However, we are pleased
to announce that he was found guilty of the assault, its been a difficult 8 months waiting for this to come to court, numerous
threats were made to try and intimidate us into giving up. Obviously, we won’t hold our breath for condemnation
from the Cheshire Hunt and we have had reports that Gordon is now hanging around with the Wynnstay Hunt, obviously a male
convicted of assaulting a female is just the sort of person that should fit right in with people who just want to hunt and
kill innocent foxes. POWAperson adds - Broadhurst has a previous conviction. In the 2017-18
season, again while following the Cheshire FH, he accepted a police caution for making a death threat to a hunt monitor.
ensure Cattistock FH can't settle down to cub hunting 25-8-19 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit report 24/8/2019, The Cattistock Hunt, Meet:
Inpark Farm West Dorset With the 'cubbing ' season now in full swing here in Dorset
, Sabs were up and out before the sun and headed off to pay Lady Charlotte Townshend's Cattistock Hunt a visit. Joined by our good friends Solent Hunt Sabs and monitors from Somerset Wildlife
Crime we knew we had a good chance of stopping any killing today. We arrived at the kennels early
but were soon spotted by a passing terrierboy. The Hunt then tried to foil us by using the hound van as a decoy in the hope
that we would follow, but no hound van drives at two mph waiting for us to catch up, so that didn't work lads! and anyway
if your legally hunting what exactly are you trying to hide from? The Hunt left the kennels and after a short hack entered Inpark Farm. A field of around twenty riders including some
very young children then gathered at the back of the farm. It seemed the Huntsman
didn't quite know what to do now being observed by Sabs and monitors so resorted in playing a game of hide and seek. First
he sent half the field over to Charlotte's gaff over at Melbury Park and then scattered a few riders around the country
lanes who quite frankly looked utterly lost! Sabs kept tabs on the field at Melbury whilst the vehicle went in search of the
pack of dogs. Monitors then spotted the dogs back
at Inpark Farm with the Huntsman drawing around a small copse. Hounds went into brief cry and the now Sabs in the field used
voice calls and a gizmo to call them off. This split the pack in several directions and the Huntsman then had to spend a considerable
amount of time gathering them back up. This was enough for the Huntsman to call it a day and by 10am they were heading back to the kennels.
Job Done!! Again no trail was seen laid and with the consistent searching
it seems likely they were not trail hunting at all!
Cheshire Hunt sabs boxed in by 5 police cars as result of hoax
call 25-8-19
Cheshire Hunt Sabs VIDEO Our other team by now had been waiting until around 7.30 am for the Cheshire Hunt to come out and play, but that
didn't mean they hadn't already had an eventful morning. Terrier men had been circling the area all morning and there
was even a surprise appearance from a certain Cheshire Huntsman who wanted to have a look at the sabs himself. Some
sabs took their vehicle to a petrol station near the kennels and had been met with five police vehicles blocking them in the
car park. It seemed someone had called up and told them armed robbers were in the area (wonder who that could be?) but after
realising they had been mislead, they kept an X5 near us at all times until the hounds finally left the kennels.
Sab presence reduces Wynnstay FH to long walk round roads 25-8-19 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs *Hit Report* Early birds. The secret society within hunting starts to wake
before dawn as the traditional Autumn season nears. As if to conceal their lust for the kill, the cub killers met under a
deep red sky. The Wynnstay Hunt were less than impressed to have their convoy to the meet flanked
by sabs yesterday morning! Ourselves, Liverpool Hunt Sabs and Manchester Hunt Sabs set off in the early hours of the morning
to check in on the kennels and arrived just in time to follow the hound van all the way to the meet [below] !
A dozen horse boxes and three or four quads were escorted to the
meet ready to train the hounds to kill. Sabs were ready and up for the chase and whilst awaiting starters orders a vampiric
hunt rider, well above his skill level, decided to try and win favour with his peers by blocking a sab on the side of the
road from getting back into his car. This was purely to try and intimidate the sab. The hunt milled about for a short while
unboxing their horses and getting themselves ready which gave us the chance to scope out the surrounding areas to pre-empt
the route they may start to take. Once the Hounds were unloaded the hunt left the meet and hit the road, so footsabs sprung
into action whilst drivers took to the back. Due to our presence what they hoped would have
been a successful morning, was nothing but a flat trot around the roads. Not once did the pack or field turn into a pasture
to even give their hounds a good run. They just blocked up the roads for everyone, spitting their dummy out because we ruined
their morning kill... By now Staffordshire Hunt Sabs had also made their way over from checking in on the Cheshire Hunts cubbing
activities with the rest of our team along with Cheshire Against Blood Sports and joined the procession too! All dressed up in silly bowler hats with absolutely nowhere to go, we escorted them back to the meet after a long
drive around the lanes. We double checked that they weren't planning on giving us the slip by putting our drone up, confirming
their morning had come to an end.
Hunt - probably Golden Valley FH - said to have caused
car crash 24-8-19 Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs Hunt causes car crash near Hay On Wye We're hearing
that a pack of hounds caused a car accident on the Hay on Wye to Hardwicke road earlier this morning. Hunt officials refused
to give the Hunt's name to those involved, but we believe it likely to be the Golden Valley Hunt based on the location.
We hope that those involved are safe and unharmed. If anyone has any more info please message the
page or email herefordshirehuntsabs@gmail.com.
Antis see much dangerous driving by Cheshire FH terrierboys 24-8-19 Facebook - Cheshire Against Blood Sports With cubbing season here across the UK we decided to see if our blood lusty friend Jake was out training
his young hounds how to kill foxes. We arrived within plenty of time and strategically placed our vehicles across the multiple
exits Jake may use to try and swerve us. You wouldn’t believe the lengths they would go to, to fix their blood thirst. At
around 6am, Jake ventured out to the petrol station looking rather gormless upon spotting his large team we had rounded up
for today. Back to the kennels it was to have a crisis meeting How on earth was he going to go out without being seen?! With police present throughout the morning (from Cheshire & beyond) they were beginning to realise that we weren’t
going anywhere, at around 7.30am, an hour and a half later than usual, Jake and his hounds in the horse box left the kennels
followed by terrier boys and what appeared to be around 8 push bikes thrown on the back of their vehicle - why would terrier
boys need push bikes?!
We witnessed some extremely dangerous driving from the terrier boys, this includes
blocking green lights at a major traffic light junction to stop us and members of the public going about their day to day
business. Terrier boys also struggled to keep on the left side of the road, we think the sun had gone to their head and they
thought they were in Spain maybe?! The terrier boys were driving so slow that when our vehicles tried to overtake legally
they accelerated in front of the sab vehicle and slammed on their brakes [above left] which as you can see is
extremely dangerous. After around 5-10
minutes into the journey we knew where we were headed; Cholmondeley. This is a favourite estate for the Cheshire Hounds, they
go here to hide away from us as there is a lot of land available to them with no footpaths running through. It wouldn’t have been a normal day with Jake and the gang without
seeing Nikki Grant bombing it down the lanes waving at us, Jakes close friends were also back patrolling Cholmondeley estate;
Cheshire police. Two patrol vehicles spent a good few hours driving round, we can only assume they wanted to look after the
hunt and make sure they had a successful day hunting? You never cease to disappoint us Cheshire police, we can only hope this
isn’t a sign as to how the rest of the season is going to be, after all, cub hunting is illegal, maybe you need to be
reminded of this. Until next time Jake. If you’d like
to support CABS and are behind the work we do, you can; like and share our posts; buy us a Kofi which helps
keep us in the field and goes towards buying life saving equipment http://ko-fi.com/cheshireagainstbloodsports; donate
to our GoFundMe Page, CABS are in desperate need of a vehicle, at the moment we are using our own vehicles https://www.gofundme.com/f/cabs-on-the-road… get in touch and join us in the field, boots on the ground save lives!
Woman sab tripped while running by Mendip F. FH supporter 24-8-19 Facebook - Mendip Hunt Sabs First outing for our group vehicle and first cub hunt of the season for the Mendip Farmers sabbed! We
were out well before the sun came up this morning as we knew the Mendip Farmers' Hunt would begin their cub hunting season
today. We were checking their local haunts when a message came through saying riders wearing tweed and rat-catchers had been
seen at Hinton Blewett. Luckily we weren't too far away and arrived in time to see Hunt master George Pullen disappearing
into a field off Sutton Hill Road. Sabs quickly followed behind and there we found the rest of the Hunt complete with terriermen,
milling around while Huntsman Kent Lock took hounds through a covert. Sabs were right behind and it's fair to say, Kent
didn't look happy to see us. The hounds on the other hand loved getting some affection. Hounds started to speak at one point but Sabs used
voice calls to call them back and sprayed the surrounding undergrowth with harmless citronella. A frustrated wannabe terrierman
assaulted a Sab by tripping her up as she ran. The Hunt were obviously rattled as we had stopped them from hunting. The Hunt and its bored field headed towards popular viewpoint Prospect Stile. Then onto West End
Farm House, presumably for a break. They then hunted close to Knap Wood ending up at Woodville Stile, where Kent was determined
to get a kill but by now the sun was bearing down and burning off any scent. The Hunt eventually gave up at around 9.30am still
missing a hound and we believe they were heading to the local pub the Ring O'Bells at Hinton Blewett for breakfast. We
will be adding this pub to our list of companies that support illegal hunting. All in all a good day for us as we don't believe they killed today. Having a group vehicle made it so much easier
for us and meant we could take a full team out in the field, while having a driver and navigator in the vehicle. We would like to thank each and every person who donated to our various
fundraisers over the summer. We still need your support! We need hunt meets so we can make sure we are there to protect our
wildlife, so please pass on any information you receive to us - we 100% protect our sources. If
you can afford to, a few quid in our fuel fund would be really appreciated: https://ko-fi.com/mendiphuntsabs. Or please just share our posts ��
Flint & Denbigh FH cubbing meet turns into 2 hour hack 24-8-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs We received a tip off the Flint and Denbigh Hunt would be out cub hunting this morning so we headed
to Cefn Meiriadog for 5.30am. Not much happened until around 7am when the hunt riders and supporters turned up. But once the
support realised sabs were about they left! Then, bizarrely, the morning turned into just a
hack around the roads. At one point they went off road up the hills near Llanefydd but we stuck with them then more sabs turned
up from Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Liverpool Hunt Sabs and Manchester Hunt Sabs who'd already had a successful morning packing
up cub hunts. A couple of hours
of riding around the Welsh countryside and the Hunt called it a day, absolutely no hunting took place. If the Hunt could behave
like this every week we wouldn't need to be out. Not a wasted day as at least we got to take some great photos and take
our new sab wagon for a spin. Thanks to everyone who's donated to our cause. You can do so
on this link.
Antis keep Crawley FH on move and spoil their hunting 23-8-19 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs Cub hunting season - Friday 23rd August 2019, Crawley and Horsham meet Shipley
And so it begins once again… The hunt were on the road before 5am and we met them at the local meet bright and early!
There were some new faces…some of whom we had been expecting; and many old familiar ones. We
had the ‘pleasure’ of meeting new huntsman William ‘Bill’ Bishop; previous Huntsman of the Atherstone
and before that the Oakley Hunt. The
meet was relatively short. The field surrounded the first copse and sent in the hounds, standing on point they encouraged
the hounds to stay inside, whipping the ground and ushering any stray ones back in… There was little hound control
throughout the meet; stray hounds often found on the roads and preferring to go up seeking affection from monitors than following
the Huntsman. Hunt support, as
usual, played security for the Hunt, trying to sneak up on monitors and quickly getting on their phones to warn the Hunt of
our whereabouts; intermittently throwing us insults. They covered a smallish area and were kept on the move, seemingly going around in circles, moving off and quickly
gathering hounds when noticing monitors presence. The hounds struggled to find a scent; no trail appeared to have been laid.
Ring the Tip-Off Hotline 07443148426 if you have any information of illegal hunting. In complete
Blackmore FH hold up traffic for half hour as they cub hunt 22-8-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs BSV at Charlton Horethorne Kennels We were back out this morning with the Blackmore
and Sparkford Vale Hunt to see three foxes to safety. The hounds were taken from the kennels
at Charlton Horethorne up to The Rookery where riders decided to stand on point on the busy B-road and hold up traffic for
a good half hour [below]... some locals made it clear they were not amused! Followers were heard hollering when a
fox was spotted and were seen saddle slapping... until they became aware of cameras that is.
The Huntsman, with terriermen equipped with terriers and tracking
collars in tow, then took hounds on the line of a fox that sabs had spotted earlier in the morning [below]. They
ended up in maize and woodland at Charlton Gorse. Hounds spoke occasionally but with sabs present on both sides the Huntsman
took them off and back down to the kennels, packing up nice and early at 08:50.
A special thank you
to those who donate to help keep us out in the field. Consequently, three foxes were seen to safety today - PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs
and/or www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs.
Three posts at summit of hunting world are all
vacant Follows unexplained
dismissal of Lord Mancroft from CA board 22-8-19 morethanjustbadgers.net Trouble sat the top? Below is a screen shot from the jobs section in Horse
& Hound [recently] - these are some of the top jobs in hunting.
The Hunting Office is described as: “The administrative hub
for the Council of Hunting Associations. The Hunting Office exists to help and advise Masters and its member Hunts. It represents
and supports packs of hounds from fourteen hunting associations in England, Scotland and Wales, providing advice on all matters
regarding hunting activities, hunt management and hound health & welfare”. In
case you don’t know the MFHA is: “The Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA) is the Governing Body for registered
packs of Foxhounds and represents 171 packs that hunt within the law in England and Wales and a further 8 in Scotland”.
The purpose of the AMHB is: “. . . to oversee
the promotion and proper management of the Harrier and Beagle Hunts”. If all of these key personnel positions
are vacant then it would seem that the vessel which oversees all things hunting could well be rudderless. There’s something
distinctly whiffy going on in the halls of hunting and it doesn’t look good for them. In the real world the compassionate side of the hunting argument have been hugely successful in utilising all the
social media platforms available and getting the message out there. While sabs and monitors continue to upload damming videos
and images of Hunts breaking the law those involved in the criminality have been retreating further into their own fishbowl. The successful prosecutions of the Thurlow & Fitzwilliam, the
Meynell & South Staffs hunt awaiting trail, the conviction of the South Herefordshire hunt fox cub killers, the Kimblewick
hunt staff awaiting trial, the Belvoir hunt paying out almost £50K in damages to LACS employees . . . all this is starting
to add up and the powers that be in the hunting world are, to be quite frank, crapping themselves. Is it rats leaving a sinking
ship or perhaps have we had a night of the long knives? Hunting is also under
pressure for other reasons, continued urbanisation and changes in land ownership mean there’s less areas to hunt. Some
land owners no longer want the hunt on their land and the potential for conflict and negative press that comes with them.
Shooting interests have increased and while I obviously have no love for this either the last thing shoots want is a bunch
of rampant hounds and riders charging through their area and scattering the game birds all over the place before they can
be shot (this happened last season while we were sabbing the Oakley, all very amusing for us). Another problem they have is
that the old guard of experienced huntsmen are retiring and there simply isn’t the new blood coming through to take
up these jobs. Let’s face it, apart from those actually involved in hunting everyone is going to hate you, the pay is
probably pretty bad and there’s a fair chance you’ll end up in court. Not exactly an appealing job description.
Blackmore FH woman carrying toddler headed fox towards hounds 21-8-19 Daily Echo 'Woman and toddler drove fox towards hunt' say saboteurs
A COUNCIL leader has joined a row over an incident in which a mother with a child in her arms allegedly forced a fox towards
dogs during a ‘hunt’. BCP Council boss Vikki Slade said she is “disgusted”
and has accused Dorset Police of “turning a blind eye” to events which allegedly concern the Blackmore and Sparkford
Vale Hunt. But representatives from the hunt say "keyboard warriors" are able to "publish false accusations"
in order to support their fundraising. Saboteurs from animal campaign group Wildlife Witness claim they have filmed footage which shows illegal activity
at the Hunt’s first meet of the season, which took place on Saturday at Stalbridge Park, North Dorset. In a post on the campaigners’
Facebook page, it was claimed: “Within ninety minutes of the start of the season they have provided us all with proof
that they are openly fox-hunting. Having spent 15 minutes drawing through neck high maize, where no trail could possibly have
been laid, a holla was heard from the far end of the field and hounds were soon in full cry. Seconds later it was clear that
the fox had broken cover, as three hunt followers careered down the hill shouting and waving their arms, attempting to stop
it. Thankfully the cub, clearly visible, was able to pass these vile individuals only to be confronted by the shocking image
of a female carrying a toddler running towards the fox, trying her best to head it.” The group called the alleged incident “appalling”, adding: “For a mother to carry her child in
her arms, while at the same time attempting to drive a fox to its death, is inexplicable.” The allegation has been reported to Dorset Police, along with video footage, the group said. A complaint has also
been made to the landowner at Stalbridge Park. Cllr Slade yesterday
called the reported incident “disgusting” and said: “[Police] have to stop turning a blind eye to this.
These people are clearly breaking the law, and why would someone involved a small child in this?” Police have confirmed they are looking into the allegations. A spokesperson from Dorset Police
said the force received a report of possible illegal fox hunting in Stalbridge. The first report was made at 6.40am on the day.
The caller said a fox hunt was taking place in Caundle Lane near Sturminster Newton. A further report was received at 7.50am
reporting possible illegal fox hunting in the area of Stalbridge at around 6.15am that morning. The matter was passed on to
local officers and enquiries are ongoing. The spokesperson said: "We wish to be clear that we will investigate any alleged
breaches of the Hunting Act 2004 and other legislation and work closely with the Crown Prosecution Service to determine if
a case could be taken to court. Hunting mammals with dogs has been illegal since 2004. A few, very specific, exemptions apply.
We would urge anyone with clear evidence of such offending to please report it to us." A
representative from the Hunt said: "At this time of year we are educating young hounds and introducing them to trail-hunting
as part of our legal hunting activities to comply with the Hunting Act. Trails were laid across land around Stalbridge Park,
including through a field of maize and some woodland, to give the hounds the opportunity of following the trail in different
conditions. Hunts all across the country will begin their season over the forthcoming weeks where the younger hounds are introduced
to their perfectly legal hunting activities. As usual the start of the season has brought out the anti-hunting activists and
keyboard warriors who, due to the lack of editorial control on social media, are able to publish false accusations of illegal
hunting in an attempt to discredit the reputation of hunting - and gain donations to their own fundraising causes - without
any foundation or evidence to support.”
Waveney Harriers hunt hares through thick maize 20-8-19 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Waveney Harriers – 17/08/19, Hunt kennels - Becks Green Lane, Ilketshall St Lawrence
With the Hunt setting off at 17:30 we had plenty of time to get people to the meet. Hounds were already at Becks Green House,
home of one of the committee. The Hunt went directly towards Great Wood, an area they like to hide in. On this occasion they
decided to put the hounds through maize, while riders and supporters in vehicles parked up on the stubble field. Riders sat
on point along the maize. Hares were seen running in and out of maize away from the baying hounds. The scene was reminiscent
of hare coursing and beagle hunting with the inclusion of the horses. Vehicles lined up, waiting to see the chase and kill. As
hounds started running through maize and onto the road out of control, we spotted our old adversary Gary Wingar, huntsman
from prolific hare killing pack, the Easton Harriers. It would seem having the summer off has not relaxed him, as he was still
screaming at the hounds like a banshee. When asked if he was moving to the Waveney Harriers, there was no reply. While some sabs were road side, others were on footpaths. John Whyte, from Becks
Green House told sabs that these footpaths are private. They're not. John decided then to come up to the road, and when
asked by one set of sabs what form of hunting they were doing, he replied "Hound Exercise". Very strange as he had
already spoken to other sabs and told them the hunt was "Trail Hunting". When questioned about his two different
versions of events he replied "so what's the difference". Not long after, who turned up but the Bird of Prey
man on his quad. This makes a total mockery of anything John Whyte had previously said. Is this a
new form of hunting we don't know about? We would ask, how can a "trail" be laid through thick maize? All this
did was to confuse the young hounds, who ended up all over the place, with the so called Huntsman blowing for all his worth,
trying to get them back. It was also noted that new Kennelman Luke Newton, seemed to spend most of the evening in maize looking
for lost hounds, saying “he’s useless” (we assume he meant McDaniel, the new Huntsman). As the sun went down, the hunt returned to the meet. While walking the hounds back to the kennels, a vehicle with
John Whyte’s personal number plate drove at a sab’s car. Meanwhile, strange little boys in a 4x4 could be heard
making jokes that they had let down the tyres of a sab vehicle. This is what happens when you employ an ex-huntsman and whipper-in
from the Old Surrey & Burstow and Surrey Union Fox Hounds: they bring their rubbish with them. Hunt finished around 20:00. Hounds had clean faces, even if they
looked tired and thirsty. With the sun going down, we headed home. We spend money on fuel, equipment and repairs to ensure
we can continue keeping hunts in check. If you'd like to support what we do, please buy us a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs.
Ex Hunt JM - a big Tory donor - paid for Johnson helicopter flight 20-8-19 Left Foot Forward Leader of controversial fox hunting group paid for Boris Johnson’s helicopter
A hunt leader whose hunting groups have twice been in trouble with authorities paid for Boris Johnson’s helicopter
during his leadership campaign. Johan Christofferson donated £36,000 to Johnson as well as funding a £2,000 helicopter ride. Christofferson [right]
is a hedge fund manager and a former leader of the Jedforest Hunt in Scotland and the Isle of Wight Hunt. In 2004, Christofferson’s
Isle of Wight hunt was banned from hunting for a month after one of their staff dumped two dead calves, a horse and a bullock
outside the Labour Party conference in Brighton. This was to protest against Labour’s hunting ban, which Boris Johnson
voted against along with David Cameron, David Davis, Iain Duncan Smith and Philip Hammond. While Christofferson did not dump the dead animals himself, the hunting association reprimanded
him for allegedly knowing a stunt was planned but failing to stop it. Christofferson continued to co-lead the Isle of Wight
hunt with the man who pulled the stunt – Stuart Trousdale – for a number of years, before moving to Scotland. In Scotland, Christofferson is now the joint leader
of the Jedforest Hunt where, according to the Sunday Mail, two huntsmen have recently been charged with illegal activity.
The League Against Cruel Sports Scotland allege the huntsmen repeatedly sent their hounds after fleeing foxes. In Scotland,
dogs can only be used to flush out foxes to be shot. They should not be used to kill the dogs directly. POWAperson
adds – The last paragraph is out of date. In July 2017, while the American financier Christofferson was still JM of
the Jedforest FH, its terrierman and his son became the first members of an organised Scottish Hunt to be convicted of illegal
hunting. It is my understanding that Christofferson left the Jedforest not long after those convictions. It's also worth
noting that when Christofferson moved to the Jedforest FH he took his [by then convicted] Huntsman Trousdale with him and
Trousdale also became a fellow Joint Master. Also that Christofferson has donated well over a quarter of a million pounds
to the Tories over the last 12 years.
Blackmore FH filmed chasing fox in blatant cubbing 18-8-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs 17th August 2019 - BSV at Stalbridge Park Having received intelligence from our Source that the
BSV would be at Stalbridge Park, we made our way there just in time to catch them leaving the meet to hunt in a maize field
just off of a main road between Dorset and Somerset. Sure enough, upon entering the maize,
the hounds went into cry on the line of a fox. Having riders and foot followers surrounding the maize and making a noise,
they are able to keep foxes in the maize and allow for an almost certain kill of a fox.
This is the darkest side of hunting that is often criticised and
frowned upon within the hunting fraternity as there is not even a show of ‘sporting’ element. Cub hunting happens
at the start of each hunting season and is just what it sounds like. At this time of year, hunts are training their new hounds
to work as a pack and get a taste for killing. There is no long cross-country chase, they want blood quickly to teach the
hounds. To do this they surround small areas like a maize field or copse and hunt this years new foxes who are not as fast
or savvy as their parents are.
Holding up riders also trying to block sab filming Having hunted that maize for about an hour, and
with more sabs arriving, they headed further into the Park to hunt the copses. The same practice happens here, sending hounds
in with the aim not to chase a fox across country, but to kill it. They bounced between Rabbit Warren, Furge Plantation, Wood
Close and Park Wood. Going into cry intermittently, they were getting onto bits of scents, but luckily they didn’t run
a full line. Worryingly however, Wildlife Witness Monitors saw a fox running into
supporters who then turned it back into the hounds for a kill. After the Hunt had packed up, we headed back to various sites
where the Hunt had been to check for evidence, but luckily couldn’t find any evidence of a kill. Today was a hard day for Sabs, there was very little for access in and we had very limited options in what we could
do due to roads. This was not only frustrating to us, but due to not even having any cameras, we couldn’t film half
of their behaviour today. Please, if you can, donate to our fundraiser for a new camera here. If you wish to contribute to ongoing costs such as fuel and insurance you can donate to PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs or
The Huntsman who rode down and badly injured a sab, Mark Doggerell 17-8-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness BSV Cub Hunting Here is a brief clip of today's cub hunting
showing supporters of the BSV Hunt attempting to head a fox cub being hunted out of a maize field...we are in the process
of preparing statements in support of a complaint of illegal hunting. These individuals are shameless and to see them openly
breaking the law is sickening. The full video will not been published until we have spoken to Dorset Police Rural
Crime Team... but there is more film which shows in greater detail the outrageous behaviour of these supporters and clearly
shows the fox running for its life.
Most new bTb outbreaks in county farms visited by Warks FH
Hunt 17-8-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO NINE new outbreaks of bTB in farms that the Warwickshire Hunt hounds have had contact
with at some point over the last year We asked the Warwickshire Hunt if they were responsible for spreading
bovine tuberculosis all over the countryside. Their silence speaks volumes... Having analysed where the Warwickshire Hunt met last season, the
ground they went over, the farms they visited and the cattle they came into contact with and compared that to new outbreaks
of bTB in the same area over the last hunting season. We can reveal that there are NINE new outbreaks of bTB in farms that
the Warwickshire Hunt hounds have had contact with at some point over the last year. To put that figure in context there are
so few cases of bTB in the Warwickshire Hunt area that there were only a handful of other outbreaks that either the Hunt had
not been to or we were unable to confirm either way. A July 2018 report
by the University of Edinburgh revealed 97 hounds of the Kimblewick Hunt were killed because of bovine tuberculosis (bTB).
So what steps and biosecurity measures are the Warwickshire Hunt taking to stop the spread of this disease? We can reveal
that the Warwickshire Hunt either met at or went through a further SEVEN farms that have an ONGOING outbreak of bTB? Surely
with the amount of whinging and moaning that dairy farmers do over their problem of bTB you would think that farms with an
ongoing outbreak of bTB would be completely out of bounds and have strict biosecurity measures in place. That appears not
to be the case as they seem to allow a pack of fox hounds who may or may not be carrying bTB all over their land. We can confirm
that in each case the Warwickshire Hunt took no biosecurity measures with their hounds. Last year a veterinary research group called on the Department for
Environmental, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) to announce a temporary ban on hunting. saying (https://sci-hub.tw/10.1136/vr.k3874)
there is a “great deal more evidence” to show hunting hounds are responsible for spreading bovine tuberculosis
(bTB) than there is for badgers. And it says the government’s response to the presence of bTB in hounds has been “negligent”.
They also said that “clear evidence that bTB-infected hunting hounds have geographically spread… bTB”.
Video also available on our YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/JyfWERYKn10.
Ashford V FH member convicted of spraying 'fox juice'
in sab's face 15-8-19
Daily Mail Shocking moment horse rider, 52, squirts hunt saboteur with FOX URINE in attack that left him
sick and in need of blood tests - Julie Hadlow from Ashford Valley hunt is caught spraying 64-year-old in the face - Victim,
known only as Bob, asks what's in the bottle, she tells him that it is 'p***' - Hadlow guilty of common assault
and given a 12-month conditional discharge This is the moment a fox hunter squirted fox 'p***'
in an elderly protester's face - reportedly leaving him sick and needing blood tests. Footage shows Julie Hadlow of Ashford
Valley Tickham Hunt squirting the bottle of yellow fox urine in the face of a West Kent Hunt Sabs protester after he questioned
their hunting methods. The 64-year-old victim, known only as 'Bob'
[left], can be heard asking what the hunters had used to lay a scent, to which self-employed Julie can be heard replying
'p***'. Shocking footage captures the moment Bob asks Julie again 'what is it' in the bottle, she responds 'pi**' and sprays it in his face. Bob
was left 'really shaken' as he reportedly suffered blocked sinuses and a sore throat after the incident and had to
have blood tests because he felt unwell. Julie was found guilty of common assault at Maidstone Magistrates' Court, Kent, on Tuesday
and issued with a 12 month conditional discharge. The 51-year-old was also ordered to pay £640 in court costs. Harry Blackhurst, of West Kent Hunt
Sabs, has hailed the sentence as a 'massive result' after claiming it was the first time any Kent hunters had been
convicted. Mr Blackhurst, from Kent, said: 'As it stands now, Julie has a criminal record. 'It's a massive result
for us because it is the first time any member of a hunt in the county of Kent has been convicted. On that basis we are happy.
The 64-year-old in our group [who she squirted with fox urine] is affectionately
known as 'Uncle Bob'. He was really shaken up after the incident and when he got back in the vehicle he absolutely
reeked. We almost had to ask him to get out because we were feeling sick being around him. He got terrible blocked sinuses
and a bad sore throat. He actually went to the doctors about it after and had a blood test. We didn't know what was in
that bottle. It could have been anything. Think of all the diseases foxes could carry. I think she could have had a stronger
sentence. Twelve months conditional discharge for being convicted of common assault is about as lenient as it gets. But no
matter what the hunters throw at us, whether it's fox juice, shooting down our drone or violence, we will not be deterred
in the pursuit of justice for our wildlife.' He and Uncle Bob had been joined by their colleagues on New Year's Eve 2018 to 'monitor' the hunt and
make sure they weren't breaking the law. After asking two hunters on horseback what they had used to lay a scent trail,
a middle-aged man in front claimed they had used aniseed - a common scent used in fox hunting. But interrupting, Julie claimed
they'd used 'piss', which was confirmed as fox urine and water, before throwing it over her shocked victim. Mr Blackhurst said: 'We received information that Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt were hunting in Tonge, Sittingbourne.
We were monitoring what they were doing [to ensure they were not] illegally hunting. 'We were filming them coming back
to the farm [as it was raining] and they walked past us, which is when this happened. They said we were trespassing when
we weren't - we were on a public footpath. My colleague who got the fox juice thrown in his face was trying to show them
the map to prove we weren't on private land. That's when this woman aggressively squirted the fox p*** in his face.'
A major concern for hunt saboteurs is how difficult it can be for police to prove fox hunters were
illegally hunting when an animal is killed. West Kent Hunt Sabs and other saboteur groups are concerned with catching illegal
activity and holding hunting groups to account. Mr Blackhurst said:
'In 2004 the hunting act was passed which made it illegal to chase a mammal, including foxes, with a pack of hounds. The
fox hunts invented an activity called trail hunting where they use the scent of a fox and someone supposedly lays a trail
for the hounds to follow the scent. 'If when following a trail hounds accidentally pick up the scent of a live fox, they
can say it was an accident, which is a massive flaw in the law. If they ever get caught they can just say it's an accident,
so it would be up to the police to prove that it wasn't an accident. 'That's why we do what we do.' A spokesperson from the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt said: 'The Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt
does not condone any form of law-breaking, even in the face of extreme provocation, personal harassment, malicious trespass
and other offences that hunts are regularly subjected to by animal rights activists. The Hunt acts lawfully within the confines
of the Hunting Act 2004 and takes every measure to ensure this legislation is adhered to. For trail-laying we use an ethically
sourced scent which is derived from the products of a controlled wildlife management programme.' The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) confirmed sentencing
details and that the liquid was 'fox urine and water'.
13-8-19 Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs VIDEO Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt member, Julie Hadlow, convicted of reckless common assault on sab
this afternoon at Maidstone Magistrates Court This afternoon at Maidstone Magistrates Court, Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt
member Julie Hadlow was found guilty of reckless common assault on one of our sabs. On December the 31st 2018, Julie Hadlow
threw 'fox juice' in one of our sabs faces while we were monitoring them hunting in Tonge, Sittingbourne. Our sab
affectionately known as 'Uncle Bob' is 64 years old and was left shocked after the incident at Blackett's Farm. During the trial which lasted one day, Julie Hadlow's defence lawyer called
Neil Staines, huntsmen of the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt to the stand who described in detail what 'fox juice' was.
Neil described how fox juice was made by boiling the body of a fox for at least 24 hours so the foxes pores open to release
the scent that forms the rancid mixture. At this point the court clerk asked Neil to stop his statement as she felt physically
ill. Witnesses in the court were reminded of the barbarity involved in hunting with hounds. It was also mentioned during the
trial that on this day no trails were laid with the fox juice which begs the question what were they doing? We know - fox
hunting how they have always done and continue to do week in week out. Julie Hadlow was found guilty of reckless common assault and sentenced with a 12 month conditional discharge plus
court costs. This is a big result for us and for the wildlife of Kent as this
is the first conviction any Hunt has had to face in the county. With the upcoming hunting season starting in weeks we will
not rest in continuing to protect our wildlife. No matter what the hunters throw at us, whether it's fox juice, shooting
down our drone or violence we will not be deterred in the pursuit of justice for our wildlife. Please see full footage of
the incident that we can finally disclose publicly below. If you like what
we do and wish to contribute to our ongoing vehicle and fuel costs then please donate here: https://www.paypal.me/eastkenthsa.
LACS investigators paid almost £50k damages by
Belvoir FH Follows convictions of Hunt
terriermen for attack & injuries 14-8-19 BBC News Belvoir Hunt pays attack victims £48,500 compensation A hunt
group has paid almost £50,000 to two charity workers who were attacked while monitoring their activities. One of the
victims had his neck broken during the attack, which was instigated by a man working for the Belvoir Hunt in Leicestershire.
Four other attackers have never been caught, despite anti-fox hunt campaigner Sir Ranulph Fiennes calling for justice.  The
Belvoir Hunt has not admitted liability for the attack. However, it has agreed to pay £37,500 in compensation to League
Against Cruel Sports investigator Darryl Cunnington [above] and £11,000 to his colleague Roger Swaine
 Joint hunt master Lady Sarah McCorquodale, who is Princess Diana's eldest sister,
became embroiled in the case when she stood up in court to vouch for George Grant who was convicted along with his son over
the attack. Mr Cunnington said he was "relieved it has all been sorted out" but called on the Belvoir
Hunt to help identify the other four men involved. He suggested the two attackers already convicted must have known who they
were. "The four masked thugs that were called on must be known to George
Grant and his son," he said. "They have essentially escaped justice." After compensation was agreed out of court, the Hunt said in a statement:
"The Belvoir Hunt condemns violence of any sort and took all reasonable steps to avoid such confrontation. It regrets
that anyone was hurt and has agreed to settle this matter rather than waste more time and money." The victims'
solicitor, Helen Clifford, said: "High Court proceedings were issued against the Belvoir Hunt on the grounds that they
were vicariously liable for the assaults and acts of harassment committed by the Grants [father and son George and Thomas
Grant]. My clients' compensation was paid by the Hunt. While liability was denied throughout, the payment of compensation
by the Hunt speaks for itself." Andy Knott, chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, backed calls for the other attackers
to be brought to justice. "That four other balaclava-wearing men also involved have been able to evade justice is extraordinary,"
he said. The Belvoir Hunt is believed to date from 1750
and describes itself as "one of the world's most celebrated fox hunts". Its hounds are owned by the Duke of
Rutland and kennelled at Belvoir Castle, a stately home in Leicestershire. Hunting
foxes and other wild mammals with dogs was banned in the Hunting Act 2004, which came into force in February 2005. The Belvoir
Hunt said it now trail hunted instead, which involves following an animal-based scent trail. Mr Cunnington and Mr Swaine were monitoring the Belvoir Hunt in Leicestershire on the last day of the hunting season, in March
2016. Campaigners including Chris Packham have said they believe trail hunting is used as a cover for illegally hunting foxes
with hounds. In fact, when Mr Cunnington was a police officer he helped convict two members of the Fernie Hunt, also in Leicestershire,
for doing just that.
Mr Cunnington suspected the Belvoir
Hunt was doing the same, so he and Mr Swaine started covertly filming them. They were discovered by George Grant and his son
Thomas Grant, who approached them on a quad bike. George Grant then told his son: "Go and get the boys and come back."
Thomas Grant left on the quad bike and returned shortly after, accompanied by four masked men in a 4x4 vehicle. The masked
men attacked Mr Cunnington while the Grants attacked Mr Swaine and stole his camera. Darryl Cunnington was in a neck
collar for four months after the attack. Mr Cunnington feared he had been paralysed because he was unable to move. The masked
men had pushed him down a bank and stamped on him. He had a broken neck, broken vertebrae, and had to wear a neck collar for
three months. His neck is still stiff and painful three years later and the attack also exacerbated an old shoulder injury.
Mr Swaine was less badly hurt and managed to call emergency services. He had cuts and bruises, bleeding down the
side of his head, concussion, and thought he was semi-conscious for a while. His stolen camera was later handed in to police
but the memory card had been damaged, meaning any potential evidence of illegal fox hunting could not be recovered. George Grant (above left) and his son Thomas have been prosecuted
but the other four attackers have never been identified. The Grants were prosecuted in a separate criminal case and pleaded
guilty to causing grievous bodily harm against Mr Cunnington and actual bodily harm against Mr Swaine. While George Grant
did not physically attack Mr Cunnington himself, the court heard it was a "joint venture" between him and the other
men. The father and son, both of Briary Cottage in Belvoir, also pleaded guilty to theft of a video camera and damaging an
SD card in the attack. Both men were given 13-month prison sentences, suspended for two years, after Lady Sarah McCorquodale
gave a character reference in court arguing George Grant would lose his job and home if he were jailed. They were also ordered
to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and each pay Mr Cunnington £500 in compensation.
Death of huntress who repeatedly whipped sab accident
- inquest Jane Goring
was killed when her horse fell on her on drag hunt She was facing prosecution for assaulting anti at fox
hunt 14-8-19 Daily Telegraph Huntswoman filmed whipping saboteur with her riding crop later died when her horse fell on top
of her A huntswoman facing criminal charges for whipping an animal rights activist with a riding
crop died when her horse fell on top of her ahead of the court case, an inquest heard. Jane
Goring, 57, also known as Jane Miller, was crushed to death when the animal reared up and toppled over during a drag hunt
in Leigh, Surrey. She was trying to calm the horse, which had got tangled up in barbed wire in a field, at the time of the
fatal accident on November 6, 2018. It
came a month after Mrs Goring learned she faced a private prosecution for allegedly assaulting two saboteurs who interrupted
a draghunt in East Sussex in 2017. She was seen thrashing one up to 17 times with her riding crop and calling his group "uneducated
peasants" in footage that went viral online at the time. Activists Simon Medhurst and Shirley
Makin accused Mrs Goring of assaulting them in a private prosecution after Sussex Police decided to take no action against
her last year. She denied beating the pair and was due to appear before magistrates in January this year. Her husband Richard Goring, 80, whose family founded the UK's oldest hotel dynasty, has defended her actions,
describing the saboteurs as "terrorists". He attended his late wife's inquest at Woking Coroners' Court
on Wednesday, where coroner Simon Wickens concluded that her death was an accident. James Etheridge, who was on the drag hunt with Ms Goring when she
died, said: "She was standing holding her horse's reins when the horse reared and appeared to be stuck on barbed
wire. She was trying to keep hold of the horse but that's when it fell backwards on top of her and she struggled to breathe." PC Robert Lawrence,
who attended the scene, said: "On November 6 2018 police arrived as ambulance were leaving. Jane had suffered a massive
trauma to the back of her head along with crush injuries. The head specialist team arrived and they tried to resuscitate but
she was confirmed dead at the scene." Mrs Goring, a member of the East Sussex and Romney Marsh hunt club, had been confronted by saboteurs
repeatedly before her death. She regularly took part in drag hunts, an equestrian sport where riders chase a trail of artificially
laid scents with hounds. They are legal, but some animal rights campaigners
believe they are a pretext to hunting foxes and other wild mammals with dogs, which was banned by The Hunting Act 2004. Recording
a verdict of accidental death, Mr Wickens said: "I do find that on November 6 2018, Jane Miller died in a field adjacent
to Leigh road, Leigh, Surrey of injuries sustained by a horse she was riding as it reared and fell upon her causing her injuries.
I formally record her death as one of accident. To conclude I would like to give Mr Goring and all those touched by Jane's
life my sincerest condolences." POWAperson adds - POWA regrets the death of any human or non-human animal. Mrs Goring patronised
both the Mid Sussex Drag Hunt - which does not pursue or kill wild animals and with whom she was riding when the accident
occurred - and the East Sussex and Romney Marsh FH, which antis are adamant still hunts foxes. It also has a reputation
for extreme violence towards sabs. See sab report on decision to launch private prosecution against Mrs Goring for whipping the sab at an E. Sussex FH meet.
Wynnstay FH kick off Cheshire cubbing season - no kills known 13-8-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cub hunting has begun in Cheshire The Wynnstay Hunt were caught cub
hunting this morning around Lower and Higher Wych and Wigland, in the Malpas area. This consisted of
half a dozen riders, a push bike, and the Hunt's hounds, who went into cry a handful of times (no kill witnessed). They
were kept a check on and packed up by 8am, ending at the home of previous Huntsman Richard Tyacke. If you have any information about any hunts, please get in touch. -> Message
us on Facebook (the quickest way to reach us); -> Email us (even after the event) at info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk.
Villagers complain re. Portman's FH out of control hounds 13-8-19 Facebook - Portman Hunt Watch It appears that the Portman Hunt have already upset residents of a village near the kennels... and the
season's not even started yet. Complaints have been made following incidents of hounds being out
of control whilst being exercised, resulting in one dog walker having to call the police. A similar incident occurred a few
weeks ago when the same hounds surrounded and jumped on to a car. Other residents have complained of hounds entering and pooing
in their gardens. It's nothing new as this village has long suffered
from such incidents...(see image from last year). Hunt employee Josh Clark whilst
attempting to apologise to the complainant in an online conversation succeeded only in making matters worse, by accusing her
of making false accusations. We have been advised that a complaint has been made to the police regarding this incident.
Notorious Avon Vale FH JM standing as Tory PCC for Wiltshire 11-8-19 Facebook - Chippenham Constituency Labour Party Michael Booth writes: "People should know that former Avon Vale Hunt Master Jonathan Seed is standing
as the Conservative candidate for Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner in 2020. He must be stopped or our wildlife and
those that seek to protect it will be in serious jeopardy for the next four years".
Wealden MH prevented from killing as sabs keep calling hounds
off 10-8-19
Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs 10/08/2019, Wealden Minkhounds, South Grounds Farm, Stopham, West Sussex
Upon leaving the meet the Hunt headed North West along the River Rother where sabs were waiting. When they realised they
had been rumbled they turned around and headed back towards the meet. Something put you off? To
start with they said they were just exercising the hounds but later on said they were hunting rats and rabbits - a common
lie told by mink hunters! They were equipped with spades and drey poking sticks (used to remove small mammals from a height)
so their intention of illegally hunting was clear.
The hounds went into cry along the river and on numerous occasions
sabs had to call them back as the Huntsman, Ian Roberts, had no control. Unable to get his kicks from terrifying wildlife
he then turned his aggression towards sabs.
We noticed the hounds
were in terrible condition and found a small calf dead in a dried out stream next to a farm. Don’t believe it when they
say they care about their animals. Thank
you to Surrey Hunt Monitors who were out with us on the day. To keep us out in the field, please consider donating: GoFundme:
gf.me/u/uqi7zy, Kofi: www.ko-fi.com/A62094D, paypal: northdownshuntsaboteurs@gmail.com.
Courtney MH stopped hunting despite aggression to sabs 10-8-19 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs Courtenay Tracy Mink Hounds sabbed Today Berkshire Sabs joined up with
Bath, Bristol, Mendip Hunt Sabs, N. Dorset, Severn Vale, Solent , W.Wilts, S. Wales Hunt Sabs, Weymouth Animal Rights and
Dorset Against Blood Sports to sab the Courtenay Tracy Mink Hounds. We saw their vehicles
heading to the meet at Salt Box Farm, Drewetts Mill, Colerne. Along with hosting illegal bloodsports, this farm supplies Tesco,
Müller UK & Ireland and Arla. Please consider this when doing your shopping! We watched the Hunt unbox the hounds and head to a nearby brook, well known for
having a healthy otter population, so sabs straight away entered the fields to put a stop to the fun and ensure that no animals
were harmed. The Hunt were predictably aggressive and blocked sabs' paths and tried to hit
them with sticks & pushing & shoving. A stand off ensued whilst more & more police arrived - around 10 vehicles
& 12+ police attended in total. After around 2 hours the Hunt advised the police they were packing up & going home
- without having entered the river. Sabs
remained in the vicinity for a few hours to ensure this was the case & later got confirmation the hound van was indeed
back at the kennels. Notably, Chrissy Osborne, Terrier Lady for the Courtenay Tracy, was present but
was unusually quiet. After her aggressive outburst towards sabs and fellow hunt staff went viral a few weeks ago we can comfortably
say she had been given a warning to behave whilst out with her Hunt. Please support our
fundraising campaign - this season we need to purchase GoPros, radios and replace a camera which was broken whilst sabbing.
Please donate on this link or via our PayPal on PayPal.me/berksabc. Thanks for your support!
N. Wales police
deceiving public over 'Operation Yarder' ? 8-8-19 The Canary North Wales Police response to concern over its handling of hunt saboteurs raises serious questions
On 24 July, North Wales Hunt Saboteurs claimed that North Wales Police (NWP) are “involved in an [operation] with
the Flint and Denbigh hunt to get rid of protesters”. The hashtag “#OperationYada” accompanied the claim.
Several days later, the NWP Rural Crime Team published a video on Twitter denying that ‘Operation Yada’ existed.
But the truth suggests this team tried to mislead the public. Local paper NorthWalesLive
reported on 24 July that two members of North Wales Hunt Saboteurs had been cleared of assault charges against councillor
and farmer Edward Lloyd-Ellis. This report said “police had an operation in response to hunt disruption”. The sab group shared this article on Facebook and said: '
North Wales Police are involved in an [operation] with the Flint and Denbigh Hunt to get rid of protesters. It will all come
out in the wash - #OperationYada.' People then began asking the NWP,
the Rural Crime Team, and Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Arfon Jones about the operation: foxyloxy @foxylox69384952
@NWPolice 'Please can you explain what Operation Yada is?? Isn't it an operation to stop hunt disruption by saboteurs
on the illegal hunting by Flint and Denbigh Hunt, tut tut , shouldn't be colluding with an illegal hunt.'
11:40 - 27 Jul 2019. Peter Green @peteragreen
@NWPRuralCrime 'Any comment on #OperationYADA ?' https://m.facebook.com/Nwalessabs/ 08:01 - 30 Jul 2019. North Wales Huntsabs @northwalessabs 'Would @NWPolice
or the PCC @Arfon J like to explain what Operation Yada is all about? Because if you leave it to us it will not be sugar coated.'
07:41 - 25 Jul 2019. The NWP Rural Crime Team didn’t
respond until it issued a video on 31 July. In the video, team manager Rob Taylor denied knowing about an ‘Operation
Yada’ and suggested it “doesn’t even exist”. NWP Rural Crime Team/HGC
Tîm Troseddau Cefn Gwlad @NWPRuralCrime Reply to Harry McIntyre
question...#askrob 09:17 - 31 Jul 2019. He said: 'I don’t know.
I’ve never heard of Op Yada. I don’t know what Op Yada is… When we get questions in that are unfounded
and have no basis and are just there to sort of try and provoke us, we simply don’t answer them. It’s just not
worth getting involved or embroiled in a discussion over something that doesn’t even exist.' However, the following day, NorthWalesLive published an article on a clash between Lloyd-Ellis and North Wales Hunt
Saboteurs member Dafydd Hughes. The report quoted NWP chief inspector Jeff Moses, who said the force: 'has a well-established
operation in place to police the issues surrounding hunt activities and to investigate any offences which are evident or reported.
This operation has a command structure and detailed plans which make it clear that we police any incidents with impartiality
and that we will facilitate peaceful protest.' As police monitoring group Netpol pointed out, this statement appeared
to contradict Taylor’s claim the day before. The Canary contacted
the NWP about this apparent contradiction. We asked if it has an operation for hunting and protests and, if so, what it has
named the operation. It replied on 5 August, saying: 'the operation… is called Operation Yarder'. This was also backed up by a Freedom of Information request by Kevin Blowe of Netpol. The NWP told
Blowe on 6 August: 'there is a policing operation in place for the last 3 years (Op YARDER) to police hunting and
hunt protest activity in North Wales.' Taylor was technically correct saying that ‘Operation Yada’
doesn’t exist. But his answer glibly side-stepped the spirit of the public’s concern. Netpol told The Canary: 'The comment posted
by Rob Taylor… was particularly contemptuous towards members of the public expressing concerns about the force’s
relationship with the Flint & Denbigh Hunt. The denial of any knowledge of ‘Operation Yada’ and the dismissal
of questions about it as conspiracy theories is astonishing when North Wales Police has been conducting ‘Operation Yarder’,
policing hunting and protests against hunt activity, for three years. The
Rural Crime Team’s responsibilities include wildlife and environmental crime and it seems inconceivable that its members
wouldn’t know about it. Either this is incompetence or it is wilful dissembling. No wonder opponents of hunting, who
are simply trying to monitor breaches of the law, feel the police are refusing to act impartially. In the NWP’s response to The Canary, PCC Jones said: 'The North Wales
Rural Crime Team Twitter account is unusual in that it is not risk averse in what it posts and as a consequence has a large
number of followers. Not everything they publish is universally approved and they have had to mute and block a number of accounts
in the past because of the content. As with all policing roles the rural policing teams police communities where there are
tensions and there are difficulties in maintaining balance and impartiality.' But Taylor’s response misleads
the public about the NWP’s role in policing hunting and saboteur activity. Twitter user Badgerman even attempted
to clarify Taylor’s response, but the NWP repeated its denial: Badgerman @Badgerm58865273 · 31 Jul 2019 Replying
to @NWPRuralCrime. 'So you're saying you don't know
about operation Yada when it was there in the evidence that the farmer Ed phones the police and says its Operation Yada..Mmm.' NWP Rural Crime Team/HGC Tîm Troseddau Cefn Gwlad @NWPRuralCrime
'That's correct Badgerman.' 11:04 - 31 Jul 2019. The NWP’s apparent
sleight of hand over public knowledge about Operation Yarder makes a mockery of its alleged impartiality. The Canary contacted
the NWP with the allegation of an attempt to mislead the public. But it declined to respond. In January, Cheshire Police issued a now-deleted statement that said video footage online “frequently…
does not reflect the full scenario”. It was referring to footage that Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs made public on social
media. However, Cheshire’s PCC David Keane challenged the statement as “inappropriate” and, as a result,
the police took the statement back. But the incident appeared to be an attempt to undermine public trust in evidence put forward
by sabs. Hunting is illegal. Saboteurs and monitors ensure
hunts aren’t breaking the law. Yet the NWP felt it was appropriate to issue a misleading statement that appeared to
discredit North Wales Hunt Saboteurs. But now, the truth has “come out in the wash”. And it raises serious questions
about the NWP Rural Crimes Team’s impartiality. 8-8-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs The comment posted by Rob Taylor… was particularly contemptuous
towards members of the public expressing concerns about the force’s relationship with the Flint & Denbigh Hunt.
The denial of any knowledge of ‘Operation Yada’ and the dismissal of questions about it as conspiracy theories
is astonishing when North Wales Police has been conducting ‘Operation Yarder’, policing hunting and protests against
hunt activity, for three years. The Rural Crime Team’s responsibilities
include wildlife and environmental crime and it seems inconceivable that its members wouldn’t know about it. Either
this is incompetence or it is wilful dissembling. No wonder opponents of hunting, who are simply trying to monitor breaches
of the law, feel the police are refusing to act impartially. After a FOI request, the NWP confirmed it was 'Operation Yarder' and had been going for the last
3 years , they say it was not to collude against hunt protesters but to monitor protestors and the Hunt, but we as hunt sabs
knew absolutely nothing of this operation and the police never were interested in watching the hunt only the saboteurs.
Atherstone FH lies & threats fail to stop sab stand
at vegan fair 3-8-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Another humiliating defeat for the Atherstone Hunt. The photos show West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs at the
Nuneaton Vegan Fair [below] despite the best efforts of the Atherstone Hunt and wider hunting community to get us
dropped from the event. The venue received some shocking emails and phone calls which included threats, we have advised them
to go to the police.  They also threatened to hold a demonstration outside the venue. The second photo is a photo from outside the venue
where the expected demonstration would take place. As can be seen no one from the Hunt bothered to turn up which is an even
more shocking turnout than the hunting community’s recent national demonstration in London where hundreds of thousands
promised to attend but on the actual day there was only about ten. Respect to Midlands Vegan Campaigns for sticking two fingers up to the bullying from the hunters
and standing in solidarity with us. If you haven't already please sign our petition to stop the Atherstone
Hunt from using Atherstone Market Square on New Years Day 2020 - http://chng.it/GtDqvygPSK.
JULY 2019 ….. 31st July - Judge - an ex Barlow FH JM
- in court charged with assault on sab ….. 29th July - Sabs
say they saved otter being hunted by Culmstock MH ….. 29th July - Charge against sab assaulted
by Flint & D. FH follower dropped ….. 27th July
- Walker & dog shaken by early a.m. encounter with N. Cornwall
FH hounds ……
27th July - Lord Mancroft, Chair of MFHA, ousted from board of CA ….. 26th July - Isle
of Wight FH dogs attack and injure woman and her spaniel ….. 25th July - Bo-Jo told CA may use terror
laws against anti-hunt activists ….. 24th July - Call for case of hare hunter
who fled abroad to be re-opened ….. 23rd July - President of Kimblewick FH 1
of 2 charged with causing suffering to fox ….. 21st July - Sabs
attacked by crazed terrierwoman of Courtenay Tracy MH ….. 20th July - Injured LACS investigators sue Belvoir FH for £100k damages …..
20th July - Atherstone FH alter public road signs to suit themselves ….. 19th July - Ex Huntsman
of Crawley FH charged with illegal hunting when with them ….. 19th July - H & H features woman who
fled abroad to avoid hare hunting conviction ….. 15th July - Eggesford
FH Huntsman fined £747 after attacking female sab ….. 10th July - Police
shelve slam dunk Portman FH terrierman sett blocking case ….. 9th July - Calls
for 'total ban' after police drop 5 Cheshire FH fox kill cases ….. 6th July - Sabs film Cheshire FH hound
being exercised digging into sett ….. 5th July - Three
more Cheshire FH fox kill cases dropped by police ….. 5th July - Eggesford
FH Huntsman convicted of threatening behaviour ….. 3rd July - Wannabe PM Hunt says he
wants to re-legalise hunting with dogs ….. 2nd
July - Wynnstay FH kennel Huntsman charged with assaulting
Judge - an ex Barlow FH JM - in court charged with assault
on sab 31-7-19
HSA Press Release Immigration judge pleads not guilty to sab assault Today Mark Davies [right] plead not guilty to two charges of assault on sabs at Chesterfield Magistrates Court. The
charges come after an incident which occurred at the 2019 New Years Day meet of the Barlow Hunt, which was attended by Sheffield
and West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs. Davies, ex master of the Barlow and secretary of the Pennine Foxhounds,
is an immigration judge. In December 2018 he was professionally disciplined for prejudicial remarks against Iranians. Previously,
he made the news after his appearance in a naked calendar, to raise money for the Pennine Hunt, alongside wife and current
Barlow joint master Joan Williams, Who is the ex South Yorkshire Police Superintendent. Last year, The Barlow made headlines as joint master Chris White was filmed baiting
a trap and catching a badger in the Peak District. The Pennine hunt also made the papers in 2005, when their huntsman vowed
to break the law in order to continue hunting. Davies goes to trial on the 12th November. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: "Clearly Davies is a man with little respect
for the law. We imagine this case won't go anywhere as the judiciary will stick together and protect one of their own
but his lack of character is obvious and we're sure the public can draw their own conclusions as to his guilt.” Original sab report is here.
Sabs say they saved otter being hunted by Culmstock MH Antis were then attacked by hunt members 29-7-19 Facebook – Severn Vale Sabs VIDEO [DCHS] Terrifying Tales of the Riverbank - The Culmstock Hunt ~ Mink/Otter Hounds 27.7.19, River Coly Tributary
Following a successful kennel watch, the Culmstock Hunt were followed to their meet at The Gerrard Arms, where the pub hosted
them and served them alcohol before normal opening hours. The Hunt were then followed on road alongside the river Coly at
midday where they entered the land on Suddon's Lane near Stubbing Cross belonging to the Hurfords. With other sabs from
Devon County, Berkshire, Bristol, Bath and Mendip Hunt Watch we entered the field just as the Huntsman, Mickey Hibberd had sent the pack into the water. It was pointed out to Hibberd that he was acting
illegally because he was disturbing otter habitat amongst other possible offences, but he continued to hunt the hounds on
as sabs followed. The Hounds picked up on a scent
in the undergrowth of the river bank and an otter was seen by sabs fleeing [see Devon County video, link above] while Hibberd
and Whippers in on both sides of the water hunted the hounds on with voice and horn calls. Sabs rated the hounds and sprayed
diluted citronella oil to mask the otter's scent, which potentially saved that otter's life. Otters are protected.
It is illegal to hunt them and it is illegal to hunt mink with dogs also. The Hunt said they were hunting rats - which is
strange as they were using otter and mink hounds. The
Hunt were in chaos with hounds in various places being watched by sabs and they realised they couldn't continue with sabs
present so they gathered up in the field before walking back towards the road. It was at this point that some members of the
Hunt turned violent, clearly annoyed that their day hadn't gone to plan. This has been captured on film. We won't
comment fully for legal reasons but there were some injuries and police and paramedics attended. Your kind donations directly help us save lives, if you can spare anything please
go to: https://ko-fi.com/Q5Q6H4QQ – https://paypal.me/severnvalesabs.
1-8-19 The Canary Saboteurs claim they saved the life of an otter that was being hunted
illegally Tense footage shows the moment that hunt saboteurs ‘saved the life’ of what
they said was an otter. Although otters were made a protected species more than 40 years ago, the activists claim people are
still hunting them illegally. Saboteur groups said they caught the Culmstock Hunt illegally hunting on 27 July on the River Coly, Devon.
Uncut video published by Devon County Hunt Saboteurs (DCHS) shows an animal, claimed to be an otter, in the water (from 0:03)
that quickly runs away (0:18-0:21). About a minute later, the footage shows hunting hounds following after the animal. Throughout
this time, off-screen horn and voice calls can be heard. Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs, who were present on the day, said: “The
Hounds picked up on a scent in the undergrowth of the river bank and an otter was seen by sabs fleeing (see Devon County video)
while [huntsman Mickey] Hibberd and Whippers in on both sides of the water hunted the hounds on with voice and horn calls.” DCHS said its actions “saved [the] otter’s life” and resulted in the
Hunt ‘giving up’. It also said the Culmstock Hunt “claim to be hunting rats“. However, the animal
in the video appears larger than a rat and similar in shape to an otter or mink. Saboteur groups also reported that some members
of the hunt “turned violent” towards saboteurs. The Canary approached Culmstock Hunt for comment but hadn’t received
a response at the time of publishing. Hunting otters became illegal after the government made
the animal a protected species in 1978. As a result, packs that hunted otters changed to hunting mink. However, the Hunting
Act 2004 also made hunting mink illegal. Despite this, about 20 mink hound packs still existed in England and Wales as of
2010. Mink and otters share “similar habitats” along riverbanks. Hunting rats with dogs is currently legal. However,
‘ratting’ packs are usually made up of terriers and will hunt near human habitation, such as in barns, which is
the brown rat’s most common habitat. Water voles, which can be mistaken for rats, live along riverbanks but hunting
them is also illegal. Furthermore, images published by Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs show the Culmstock Hunt’s pack still
includes otter hounds. Like other forms of hunting, mink hound packs attempt to
use loopholes in the law to continue their pastime. Unlike other forms of hunting with hounds, which ride through autumn and
winter, they operate from March to September. The public is also less likely to see them because they are on foot, have fewer
people, and stick to waterways. Otters are no longer endangered. But hunting them is no less disgusting than hunting any other
type of animal. It’s unusual for saboteurs to catch mink hound packs in the act, but with the Culmstock Hunt’s apparent
cockiness it shot itself in the foot. Devon County Hunt Sabs
report and video here
Charge against sab assaulted by Flint & D. FH follower
dropped Attacker, a Councillor,
has assaulted sabs 17 times without being charged! Sabs certain that N. Wales police are in cahoots with the Hunt 29-7-19 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Operation Yada The CPS informed us today via our solicitors
that they had dropped a case against one of our saboteurs. This coming after just 6 days ago, when 2 sabs were cleared of
assault in very similar circumstances. Everyone's least favourite hunt supporting
councillor attacked a sab on a public footpath on December 22nd 2018, near Ruthin [below- Lloyd Ellis in blue]. The
sab made a complaint to the police, it took the police weeks to inform the sab they'd be taking no action against his
attacker despite this being the 17th assault by his same hunt employee with no charges ever been brought against him.
The police went beyond not charging the hunt member and instead charged the sab with assault, despite clearly
acting in self-defence! In the case last week 2 sabs were found NOT GUILTY at Llandudno magistrates after the same person
had made a complaint against the sabs despite him being the aggressor. The court ruled in that case it was self-defence on
both counts. It came out in that case that the police are involved in an operation with the Hunt to get rid of saboteurs OPERATION
YADA! In the latest case now dropped it has come to light that the police
- at least one being a wildlife officer - had phoned the hunt employee and told him sabs were in the area, this resulted in
him going in search of the sabs and assaulting one in these ugly scenes. More to follow. You can help us continue our work in the fields by donating on this here link. Thank
you for all your support. Thanks - https://gogetfunding.com/help-for-north-wales-hunt-saboteurs/ 1-8-19 North Wales News Dramatic video shows clash between hunt protester and councillor as
charge is dropped - Dafydd Hughes had been charged with common assault against Ed Lloyd-Ellis but the case was discontinued
Charges against a hunt saboteur have been dropped after a confrontation with a councillor was caught on camera. Dafydd Hughes
was walking toward a drag hunt meeting on a lane near Ruthin in December 2018 when he was confronted by Trelawnyd and Gwaenysgor
community councillor Ed Lloyd-Ellis. Footage of the incident shows Cllr Lloyd-Ellis telling Mr Hughes he is not allowed to
walk down the road and standing in his way. A scuffle breaks out where they are seen to be holding each other. Mr
Hughes claimed Cllr Lloyd-Ellis grabbed him first, but this was denied by the councillor who claimed it was the other way
around. The hunt saboteur said he reported the incident to North Wales Police, but Mr Hughes ended up being charged with common
assault. He alleged there was police bias, which was denied by Chief Inspector Jeff Moses, who insisted they investigated
incidents around hunt activities "impartially". Mr
Hughes said: "I was grabbed first and I reported it to the police, but I was the one that got charged, which I don't
understand. There is police bias here. I grabbed him around the throat because he had me around the throat. I have had six
months of hell following this and then got told on Monday that the charges had been dropped." Cllr Lloyd Ellis said: "I informed Mr Hughes he could not go down the road under the Countryside
Rights of Way Act and Common Law because they were going to intimidate, disrupt or prevent a lawful activity. He grabbed me
around the throat first and one of his colleagues tried to remove his arm. I was very disappointed the charge was dropped." Cllr Lloyd-Ellis insisted they only engaged in drag hunts and did not break the law. He
also said he had been attacked previously due to his connection with the hunt community, but did not have a problem with peaceful
protests. Chief Inspector Moses said: "North Wales Police has a well-established operation in place to police
the issues surrounding hunt activities and to investigate any offences which are evident or reported. This operation has a
command structure and detailed plans which make it clear that we police any incidents with impartiality and that we will facilitate
peaceful protest. I can tell you that both 'sides' accuse the police of bias and it is a challenge to show that we
are impartial. We actively investigate alleged offences committed, regardless of who is reporting them. Another aspect of
the operation is that the hunt and protestor sides each have a team of dedicated police liaison officers who communicate regularly.
The issue of illegal fox hunting is a complex and emotive one. Since the banning of fox hunting, the legislation has been
difficult to enforce and it is a real challenge to secure evidence for prosecutions. We are however supported by specialist
wildlife crime liaison officers in the Crown Prosecution Service and by our own Rural Crime Team. No-one is above the law
in this matter and although it is difficult to convince some people, there really is no bias in our approach.” A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) spokesman said: "The
case against the defendant was charged by the police and passed to CPS. The case was reviewed in accordance with the test
in the Code for Crown Prosecutors and our duty to keep cases under continuous review. The crown prosecutor undertaking the
review concluded that the evidential stage of the Code test was not met as there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic
prospect of conviction. The proceedings against the defendant were discontinued.” It is
not the first time North Wales Live has reported on altercations between hunt saboteurs and Cllr Lloyd-Ellis, with the two
sides coming together previously. Last week, Paul Allman and Charlotte Mueller were cleared of assaulting Cllr Lloyd-Ellis
after an incident at a Flint and Denbigh Hunt meeting.
Walker & dog shaken by early a.m.
encounter with N. Cornwall FH hounds Hunt dogs were being exercised on the very popular Camel Trail The walker and others had complained to Council about this
before 27-7-19 Cornwall Live Dog owner left shaken after hounds surround them on Camel Trail Andrew says his dog Murphy, 10, was terrified A dog owner and his collie cross staffy have been
left shaken after they were surrounded by dozens of hounds on a narrow path in Cornwall. Andrew Grundon, of St Breward, said
he was walking his dog Murphy, 10, [together left] on the Camel Train at Wenford Bridge, at 6.45am on Wednesday (July
24), when the incident happened. "I walk my dog on the Camel Trail every morning," the 54-year-old said. "My dog is not particularly
well behaved, I walk him early so I'm not too much in other people's way. At about 6.45am, two people on bicycles arrived with 20 to 30 hounds from North Cornwall Hunt. The lead hound was coming ahead, he came to my dog sniffing
around in a dominant sort of way. I was suddenly surrounded by the hounds, all trying to get to my dog who was jumping around
and barking, terrified around my legs. He was safely restrained with two leads. They were, of course, running free. I had
nowhere to escape to and the trail was narrow at this point. One of the two people in charge of them placed her bicycle between
the hounds and me. Two or three hounds sneaked around the woman's bike. My dog was terrified. My dog is not a small dog
but the hounds are considerably larger. When they moved on, several of the hounds stopped to defecate on the verges". Andrew, who runs
his own business, said he and Murphy were both left unharmed but shaken by the encounter. He added that it was not the first
time such an incident happened and that he has asked Cornwall Council to ban the Hunt from the path before. "It happened repeatedly in 2017 and a few times in 2018," he explained. "I saw other
people having difficulty, I didn't see anyone get attacked or hurt. The Camel Trail is so popular with cyclists, children
and horses. This is a genuine concern for wider public nuisance and health issues. I know that a couple of other people wanted
to complain when I contacted Cornwall Council about it in 2017. The council said that there is legislation that they could
use but that they were not going to." Andrew, who has lived in St Breward for more than
eleven years, said that he does not usually complain and has not always been against hunting. "I
have lived in the countryside for my entire adult life, and in Cornwall for 37 years," he said. "My eleven-year-old
daughter walks with me sometimes on the trail. This is my favourite place on Earth. I am an artist and I used to paint hunters'
horses. I haven't always been against hunting but I now think that there aren't any ways of justifying killing animals
with other animals. I am not using this incident as a tool to campaign against it." Andrew shared with Cornwall Live emails he sent to Cornwall Council in 2017 as well
as the local authority's replies. According to them, it seems that his complaint was never resolved. We have contacted
the council but they have not responded to our request. Ralf Mankee, Hunt Master at the North Cornwall Hunt, said they always pick up
their hounds' excrements and that they have never had any issues on the Camel Trail with anyone else. He explained: "We walk them on three or four
occasions every week at about 6.15am. We have never had any problems with anyone else. His dog shows aggression and he is
barely in control of it. He looks to cause trouble every time. Every year we have this. There were runners [on Wednesday]
morning with a spaniel and everything was fine. Concerning the dog excrements, my wife always goes back on to the path to
pick it up afterwards."
Lord Mancroft, Chair of MFHA, ousted from board of CA 27-7-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors They are in total turmoil! We are getting to them from every angle. Well done to all anti hunting groups,
farmers, landowners and the general public across the country. Together we have made a huge leap
forward with our campaign over the last five years. It’s hitting them hard now and we must keep it up and finish them
Isle of Wight FH dogs attack and injure woman and her spaniel 26-7-19 Isle of Wight County Press Couple's anger after savage attack by Isle of Wight Hunt dogs A WOMAN
was savagely attacked by a terrier accompanying the Isle of Wight Hunt, while walking through the Gatcombe countryside. She came across the Hunt exercising around 30 hounds, which she said was
'massively intimidating' in itself. A terrier with the group bit her several times on her thigh [right],
and several of the hounds turned on her pet sprocker spaniel, causing an injury that needed stitches and fluid drainage [below
left]. The family, who chose to remain anonymous, contacted the County Press because they
feel despite going to the police, four weeks on, nothing has been done, and there is a danger to the public. The IW Hunt has
apologised unreservedly for the incident. The woman's husband said: "The police told us not to go to the press, and asked us how we would feel if
the terrier had to be put down. But we feel it would be worse if we kept quiet and the dog attacked again. It went for my
wife's thigh, but this is the same height as a child's neck or face would be, which could be deadly. This could have
happened to anyone. We have heard of people who no longer walk in the area because of the Hunt, and one running group has
changed its route because of it. This is a loss of amenity to the community if people feel they can no longer use the local area. We are not new to the countryside, we have walked through the Gatcombe and Carisbrooke area
twice weekly for 20 years, but this is a new move for the Hunt, to walk such a big pack of dogs. It is not right for them
to do this, especially in light of what happened to us." A spokesperson from the IW Hunt
said: “An incident took place between the owner of a spaniel and a terrier that was accompanying the pack of hounds
while they were out on routine hound exercise. Although incidents of this nature are incredibly rare, they are regrettable
whatever the circumstances, and steps have been taken to prevent any reoccurrences. The Hunt apologises unreservedly for any
distress this may have caused and is working to resolve the matter with those involved to ensure a good relationship in the
future.” An IW Police spokesperson
said: "A thorough investigation is ongoing and both parties have been updated regularly. Officers are working towards
a resolution and a those involved will be updated once a decision has been reached." The police were unable to comment
on the family's claim that they were told not to go to the media with the story. Polly Portwin, head of hunting at the Countryside Alliance, said:
"Hounds are routinely introduced to children, adults, pets, and farm animals as well as the other sights, smells and
sounds in the countryside as part of their early education before they start their working lives and to ensure they are familiar
with whatever they encounter in the future. Professional members of hunt staff take great pride in the management of their
hounds and any other animals in their care, and are delighted to introduce their hounds to the public at any opportunity with
most Hunts holding a kennels open day each summer. At the invitation of the organisers of public events all over the country,
packs of hounds can also be seen throughout the summer parading at county shows and other activities where they always prove
very popular.”
Bo-Jo told CA may use terror laws against anti-hunt
activists 25-7-19
Daily Mirror Boris Johnson suggests extremism rules could apply to anti-foxhunting activists
The Prime Minister told the Countryside Alliance anti-hunting groups could face rules drafted for domestic terror
organisations Boris Johnson has suggested extremism rules developed to tackle domestic terrorism could be applied to anti-foxhunting
activists. Mr Johnson told a pro-hunting group that activists who disrupt their events could face rules developed by the Government in response
to recommendations by the Commission for Countering Extremism. The Commission is considering the rise of far right, Islamic
and other kinds of extremism. Mr Johnson made the suggestion in answer to a question from the Countryside
Alliance during his successful leadership campaign. The group say they asked him: "Will you commit to implementing measures
to counter animal rights extremism, including any relevant recommendations from the Government’s Commission for Countering
Extremism, which is due to report this summer?" In reply, Mr Johnson said: "While I am committed to protecting animal welfare, I will not
tolerate extremism, intimidation and abuse irrespective of the motives that drive it." According to the Farmer's
Guardian, he added: "I will consider any recommendations that come from the Commission [for Countering Extremism].”
When he was MP for Henley in the early 2000s, Mr Johnson repeatedly voted against a ban on foxhunting.
Two sabs cleared of assaulting Flint & Denbigh FH member Court decides they acted in self-defence against Councillor's attack 25-7-19 North Wales Live Hunt protesters vow not to 'go away' after being cleared over clash with farmer - Charlotte
Mueller and Paul Allman had denied common assault following the incident at the Flint and Denbigh Hunt
Paul Allman, 44, of Hardman Street, Stockport, and Charlotte Mueller, 24, of Lon Goed, Holway, Holywell, were cleared
on July 24, 2019, after being accused of assault following a clash at a hunt. A pair of anti-hunt protesters who had been
accused of assault following a clash with a landowners' agent have been cleared of the charges. Charlotte Mueller,
24, who is studying animal management, insisted she acted in self-defence when she pushed and kicked Edward Lloyd-Ellis. Video
clips recorded by those at the scene were shown to magistrates at Llandudno, and the court heard she was never interviewed
by police to give her version of events. Mr Lloyd-Ellis, a
farmer and community councillor, said he'd held Miss Mueller from behind to stop her climbing over a gate at Trefnant
in Denbighshire. "At that point she is trespassing," he claimed. When standing on the ground, she had then pushed
and kicked him. Miss Mueller, of Lon Goed, Holway, Holywell , and Paul Allman, 44, of Hardman Street, Stockport,
had turned up with other opponents for the Flint and Denbigh Hunt meeting on October 27. Prosecutor
Paul Abraham said Mr Lloyd-Ellis was trying to control protesters' movements across farmland. In evidence, Mr Lloyd-Ellis
said he was the "police liaison" for the Hunt and the riders and hounds hunted within the law. He alleged "aggressive"
Mr Allman had pushed him and "lurched his head towards me". Cross-examined by Bethan Jones, solicitor for Miss Mueller, he agreed he had found
himself in "more than 20, less than a hundred" similar situations. Police had an operation in response to hunt disruption.
Miss Mueller said the protesters were there to film and get evidence
of any illegal fox hunting. She said she'd heard dogs "in cry" after picking up a scent. She told the court
the protesters wanted to cross land, but Mr Lloyd-Ellis's arms came around her as she tried to get over a gate. She was
uncomfortable and had been pulled backwards. Miss Mueller said: "I was thrashing, trying to get him off me." She'd
warned: "I will f***ing knock you down." Miss Mueller agreed she kicked Mr Lloyd-Ellis but said it was "100%
defence". Her lawyer told the magistrates: "The fact she's half-way across a gate doesn't put
her in a position that the law allows her to be assaulted." Mr Allman said he had attended about 50 hunt meetings in a bid to stop foxes "being ripped
to pieces". He'd grabbed Mr Lloyd-Ellis's coat through the gate and told him to calm down, and claimed the farmer
had tried to pursue Miss Mueller "like a man possessed". Mr Allman rejected a prosecution suggestion that he lost
his temper, pushing Mr Lloyd-Ellis and moving as if he would headbutt him. "I did scream in his face," he said.
"I was defending myself." Defence lawyer Greg Kemp said there was no act
of anger such as a punch, but Mr Allman was stopping an incident between Miss Mueller and Mr Lloyd-Ellis. Court
chairman Duncan Stewart said Miss Mueller's actions were "reasonable and proportionate", and Mr Allman used
"reasonable force" to defend her. They had both denied common assault. Outside court, Miss Mueller said: "We have to stay strong." Mr Allman
said a shotgun cartridge had been left by someone on his parked car when he had attended court at Llandudno previously. "We
will not be intimidated and go away," he said.
Call for case of hare hunter who fled abroad to be re-opened 24-7-19 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs Urgent call to action! Hare-huntress, Libby Gilbert, having fled to the US to
escape conviction in the UK, returns once again to hunt British hare! Now hunting with the Holme Valley & Colne Valley
Beagles in Yorkshire, we need to work together to let the authorities know that justice MUST be served! Please
contact the following people: 1/ The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to ensure that justice is served! Now back in the
UK, this case of cruelty simply must be reopened. Please contact them via their communications officer: gary.cockram@cps.gov.uk
/ 0117 930 2968. 2/ Yorkshire Police - let them know she is back hunting in the UK and hunting in THEIR
area via their Facebook pages: South Yorkshire Police & West Yorkshire Police 3/ Please keep all eyes on
this woman, Libby Gilbert and the local Hunts. Phone our tip-off line to let local
sabs know what she and they are up to: West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs or the HSA tip off line 07443 148426. Let’s
let these people know that there really IS nowhere to hide... All details on her crime and Hunt allegiances - https://nwhsa.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/college-huntsman-fails-to-answer-illegal-hunting-allegations/ https://www.facebook.com/568176806573091/posts/2465150603542359?sfns=mo.
President of Kimblewick FH 1
of 2 charged with causing suffering to fox 23-7-19 Bucks Herald Kimblewick Hunt president in court charged with cruelty to fox The
president of a Hunt denied causing a fox unnecessary suffering today after an alleged New Year's Day hunting incident.
Mark Vincent is the President of the Kimblewick Hunt, which operates in Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire,
and Oxfordshire. The 53-year-old was also named as a local event coordinator in a Hunt newsletter. Vincent and Ian Parkinson, a farm
owner aged 64 years, appeared before a District Judge at Oxford Magistrates' Court in relation to an incident of illegal
fox hunting which allegedly took place near Moreton Field Farm, in Moreton, Thame, Oxon., on January 1. They both denied
causing unnecessary suffering to an animal when the charges were read to them.
Terrierman pulls
fox out of pipe before releasing it for hounds to chase The court papers showed that Vincent was charged
with pulling out a captive fox by its tail from an underground artificial sett, which was being pushed towards him by Parkinson,
who was charged with forcing the fox towards Vincent so he could release it, ready for the hounds. Jim Astle, defending both
men, told the court his clients were planning to order an independent expert report which would dispute “whether the
necessary suffering would have been caused in the circumstances described.” He added: “The Crown has thought it
necessary and appropriate to instruct an expert to write a six-page report on why that would amount to necessary suffering.
It is the view of those instructing me that that is not enough.” District Judge Kamlesh Rana told
the court the alleged events had been filmed but heard there were still issues surrounding identification. Members of the Hunt Saboteurs
Association had released footage claiming to show an incident on the same date where hunt terriermen had forced a fox out
of an artificial earth using drain rods and then thrown the animal in front of hunt hounds. Both defendants were interviewed by police on February 8 and were charged on June 26. Parkinson, aged 64 years, of Lower Road, Haddenham, Bucks., and Vincent, aged 53 years, of Kimblewick, Aylesbury,
both denied one count each of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. They were due to stand trial on October
30 at the same court. See
here for video of the incident.
Sabs attacked by crazed terrierwoman of Courtenay Tracy MH Hunt still forced to pack up by
sab presence 20-7-19 Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs Courtenay Tracy Hounds ( Mink & Otter Hounds) River Hooke, Toller Fratrum, Dorset
Firstly we apologise if this report gives you NIGHTMARES! Following a tip off, ourselves along with Berkshire, North Dorset
& Solent Hunt Sabs went to find the Courtenay Tracy. With vehicles mobilised to hunt out the hunters we spotted some suspicious
activity in the area and following this, horn calls were heard and hunt vehicles then spotted confirming the presence of the
Hunt. This hunt was previously known as the Ytene and has a reputation for aggressive behaviour. Sabs approached the hunt on foot just as hounds were going into cry. Hounds were
found on the river bank, marking to ground indicating that a terrified otter or mink was hiding in a hole. The hounds were
in undergrowth and digging at the ground all under the close watch of Huntsman and Joint Master Tony Smart. On seeing sabs,
Tony reluctantly blew his horn to gather the hounds and as sabs were ready to stop an animal being killed. Sadly there were children present
whipping in, being brainwashed into the Courtenay Tracy cult which is somewhat of a family affair. On realising sabs were
present, with less grace than a charging hippopotamus, the official terrierwoman, foul mouthed monster Chrissy Osbourne barged
across the water to confront sabs [left]. Chrissy is well known to local sabs as being a bit unstable and she certainly
seemed to be having a bad day! Chrissy is Tony's daughter and she is mother to the some of the child whips. Chrissy pushed
a sab to the ground and tried to intimidate others but sabs did not retaliate, instead we all stood our ground. This creature's
behaviour in front of her own spawn was deplorable, what an example to set! Chrissy even attacked the old whipper in Howard
Soper when he tried to calm her down. We dread to think what torture she inflicts on innocent animals. The Hunt, who claimed to be killing 'rats', gathered in the field, knowing they couldn't hide their sordid,
illegal behaviour. Sabs followed as the hunt returned to their meet. We heard on the radio that police were on their way and as we reached
the road where the Hunt followers and hound van were parked we saw they were present. Unfortunately, the police aren't
interested in protecting wildlife even though the law was being broken according to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Once we were confident that the
Hunt had packed up, sabs were free to leave. We covered many miles yesterday, if you can afford to donate it directly helps
save lives - https://ko-fi.com/Q5Q6H4QQ, https://paypal.me/severnvalesabs.
Injured LACS investigators sue Belvoir FH for £100k
damages 20-7-19 Daily Telegraph Hunt led by Princess Diana's sister sued after one of its staff assaulted a legal observer
A Hunt led by the sister of Diana, Princess of Wales is facing a six figure claim for damages after one of its staff assaulted
a legal observer, leaving him with a broken neck. Former police officer Darryl Cunnington, 60, suffered a fractured vertebra after being pushed down a steep slope while
monitoring the activities of the Belvoir Hunt. The Hunt’s kennel man, George Grant [right], 58, and
his 26-year-old son Thomas were both sentenced to 13-months in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered to carry out 200
hours of unpaid work after pleading guilty to assault causing grievous bodily harm, actual bodily harm, theft, and criminal
damage to property. At his trial Princess Diana’s
eldest sister, Lady Sarah McCorquodale, vouched for Grant, telling Judge Jinder Singh Boora that he would lose both his home
and his job if he was jailed. Lady McCorquodale, who is joint master of the Belvoir Hunt, said Grant’s actions had been
“out of character” and that she had “never seen him lose his temper like that.” The former High Sheriff of Lincolnshire and president
of the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, told Leicester Crown Court: “We’ve had contact on a regular basis
through my role as joint master of the Hunt. He has always been courteous, polite, hard working and a good communicator. I’ve
seen him under pressure on many occasions when the ‘anti-s’, or whatever you want to call them [hunt monitors],
were there and he was slow to burn. I’ve no idea what happened on this occasion.” But
Mr Cunnington, an investigator with the League Against Cruel Sports, and his colleague Roger Swaine, 47, are now suing the
Hunt for damages of £100,000, saying it was “vicariously liable” for the actions of its employee, which
left them in agony for weeks and suffering from stress and anxiety.
Daryl Cunnigton being treated at the scene of the attack Mr Cunnington and Mr Swaine were attacked after four men in balaclavas were called
by Grant and his son during a hunt on March 12, 2016. The pair were observing the hunt from a bridleway near Strathern, in
Leicestershire, to ensure it was taking place in a lawful manner. Leicester Crown Court heard in June
2018 that during a confrontation with Mr Cunnington and Mr Swain, Grant told his son: “Go and get the boys and come
back”. His son returned a short time later with four “masked men” wearing dark clothes, their faces covered
by balaclavas. In the ensuing melee Mr Cunnington was pushed off a ledge and down a 14ft slope and repeatedly kicked as he
lay on the ground. Mr Swain was pushed down a 6ft slope. His camera was stolen and the assailants also tried to steal Mr Cunnington’s
Some of the injuries sustained by Roger Swaine A
writ now lodged with the High Court claims Grant and his son, a volunteer with the Hunt, refused to name the four masked men,
who have never been traced. Mr Cunnington, of Melton Mowbray, was forced to wear a neck brace for weeks after the incident,
to treat a fractured vertebra. He also suffered an injury to his shoulder and developed post-traumatic stress disorder. The
writ says Mr Swaine, of Derby, suffered cuts and bruises and developed a generalized anxiety disorder. The two men say the
Belvoir Hunt, based at Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Lincs, is vicariously liable for the attack carried out by Grant and his
son, and that they are entitled to aggravated damages. There is no suggestion that the Belvoir was illegally hunting foxes
on the day of the attack. The Hunt denies it was responsible for the actions of Grant or his son and denies “aiding
and abetting the assault and harassment”. In its defence statement it said: “George Grant was not acting in the
course of his employment by the Defendant, nor was such behaviour remotely connected with the work which he was required to
perform for the Defendant. Quite the contrary was the case: he would have been acting in complete disregard of the specific
instructions with which he had been issued.” A spokesman for the
Belvoir Hunt added: "As this is an ongoing legal matter, it would be inappropriate to comment any further other than
to say that as a Hunt, we condemn violence of any kind.”
Atherstone FH alter public road signs to suit themselves 20-7-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt - Upton pleasure ride Atherstone Hunt admit that riding horses
on public roads is a health and safety issue - so why are Hunt meets treated any differently?* Mis-use of roads signs?!? So
why does the Atherstone Hunts fundraising 'pleasure ride' which took place in a known hunt meet area near Upton, Leicestershire
pose as a hazard, but not 30 hounds, horses and riders in hunting season who also use the same roads?? The fact that this hunts 'pleasure ride' took place using public roads and
that hazard signs were clearly visible the Hunt themselves saw this event as a potential hazard. Question - was a risk assessment
undertaken? Does the local council know about this public event and the risks to safety it posed to road users?
One of the several signs altered/moved The Atherstone Hunt by their own admission see
riders on roads as potential hazards so shouldn't all their hunt meets be risk assessed ? Why does the Atherstone Hunt
feel this 'public' event is any different to them using the same roads in hunting season with added hunt staff on
horses, hounds and road support as well? Regarding
the hazard signs themselves it looked like the Hunt had got hold of some roadworks signs and just bolted their own messages
over the top of them. One sign had 'car park' bolted on to a diverted traffic sign with big sharp screws on show.
Another homemade sign was bolted on top of a temporary traffic lights sign. Bearing in mind that there were roadworks just round the corner from
the pleasure ride with the road closed off and traffic diverted... it doesn't take much to work out what the Atherstone
Hunt have been doing. Can anyone else just take road highway signs and use them for their own meaning? We know the Atherstone
Hunt have no concept of health and safety looking at their risk assessments for Boxing Day and New Years Day meets (more on
this campaign to follow) but they also rode straight through active road works this season gone, ignoring the worker. When are the illegal actions of fox hunts going to be taken seriously, and the same rules that
apply to us are enforced on them? If like us you would like answers to these
questions please politely contact:- www.hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk and ask did the Hunt provide a risk assessment for this public event and misuse of road signs. What is a Hunt Pleasure Ride? Hunt pleasure rides are organised by fox hunts during
the summer as a way of raising money for the hunt so they can continue functioning and can carry on hunting wildlife during
the autumn and winter. In the case of the Atherstone Hunt this would have been much needed money. As with most Atherstone
Hunt fundraising events West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs were there to inform people attending where their money was really going.
Ex Huntsman of Crawley FH charged with
illegal hunting when with them 19-7-19 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs VIDEO News has reached us that Ralph Richardson, ex amateur huntsman of the Crawley & Horsham
Hunt has been charged under the hunting act relating to activities during a hunt meet in February 2019. The Crawley &
Horsham Fox Hunt carry out their hunting activities using the ' Trail Hunting ' deception, as we all know there is
no such thing as ' Trail Hunting '. This Hunt managed to clock up two convictions for Illegal Hunting in 2012 and
2013. Since the Hunting Act came
into force over 14 years ago we admit we have witnessed the Crawley & Horsham Hunt, maybe once or twice during all these
years, do something that some might say looks like they could be pretending to lay something that might be mistakenly called
a ' Trail '. The hounds never follow it though, and neither do the Hunt. However, we have witnessed them hunting foxes
at every hunt meet, year after year after year, and most recently during a meet In December 2018 the Crawley & Horsham
Hounds were filmed killing a fox (video link above]. Sadly the Hunt got away with this kill. Ralph Richardson is now Joint master
of the Middleton Hunt.
H & H features woman who
fled abroad to avoid hare hunting conviction Libby Gilbert has returned and is Huntswoman of a Yorks beagle pack 19-7-19 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs Horse and Hound celebrate notorious hare hunter This week’s edition of the pro-hunt Horse and Hound magazine praises a woman who fled
to America to avoid Hunting Act charges. In 2013 Libby Gilbert, then Huntswoman of the Royal Agricultural
College Beagles, was filmed hunting hares by undercover investigators. Gilbert evaded justice by fleeing to the USA - her
home country - when served with a summons to answer a charge of illegally hunting hares. Her lack of attendance caused the
CPS to withdraw the case. Unbelievably, Gilbert resurfaced last year and is now Huntswoman of the Holme Valley & Colne
Valley Beagles in West Yorkshire.
Hare fleeing from hounds and Libby Gilbert
Eggesford FH Huntsman fined £747 after attacking
female sab 15-7-19
Daily Mail Huntmaster, 37, 'saw red' and struck a female saboteur with his riding crop leaving her with
a bruised liver and needing a week off work - Dartmoor huntmaster convicted after striking female saboteur with riding crop
- Jason Marles was also filmed charging towards Jessica Groling on his horse - The incident happened in a field near North
Tawton on Dartmoor last December - His own father was jailed ten years earlier for using his horse against a protester
A Dartmoor huntmaster who struck a female hunt saboteur with his riding crop was fined £1,750 at court yesterday.
Jason Marles, huntmaster at the Eggesford Hunt at Wembworthy, north Devon, was filmed charging towards saboteur Jessica Groling
on his horse before dismounting and grappling with her. He was convicted of using threatening behaviour to cause harassment,
alarm or distress at Exeter Magistrates Court.
Angry Huntsman Jason Marles about to attack female sab The
incident happened in a field near North Tawton on Dartmoor last December and Miss Groling filmed it on her Go Pro camera attached
to her chest. She told Exeter Magistrates
Court that Marles galloped straight towards her and a fellow sab saying: 'I was not sure he would not hit us.' She
said Marles stopped a few yards away and jumped off his horse and raised his riding crop and locked her with one arm as he tried to grab her hunting horn which she had been using
to distract his hounds. She said Marles 'stabbed my abdomen with his riding crop' and this caused bruising to her
liver. She had to be airlifted to a Plymouth hospital for treatment and had to take a week off work. Prosecutor Lyndsey Baker said Marles
prodded the victim with his riding crop after he angrily grabbed her from behind in a reckless act. Marles claimed he has
been subjected to 18 months of harassment by hunt sabs and said there was 'no point interacting' with them. He admitted
grabbed her horn and said he was frustrated but not angry during the incident. Defence solicitor Daniel Gill said: 'It was entirely a response to the sabs breaking up and sabotaging the hunt.'
A quad bike then turned up with Marles senior on the back and Ms Groling was dragged along the field before falling to the
ground. Marles junior denied the offence but the magistrates convicted him after a trial and said he had 'seen red and
lost control'. A probation officer told the court Marles was 'wound up' by the disruption
and acted impulsively but had taken 'a step too far'. The trial magistrates
said he had 'seen red and lost control'. The JPs ordered the married father of three to pay a £747 fine, £819
in court costs and £150 compensation to the injured hunt sab - a total of £1,746. The father of James Marles, Christopher, was jailed ten years earlier for using his horse 'like
a missile' to ram an anti-field sports campaigner into a ditch as she tried to film a fox hunt. Burly Marles senior, then
47, repeatedly barged into 61 year old Helen Weeks and laughed, saying: 'Whisper is a lovely horse - he loves you.'
Marles senior was jailed for assault and breaching a suspended sentence for attacking another monitor at an earlier hunt,
with the judge branding him a 'drunken lout'.
Police shelve slam dunk Portman FH terrierman sett blocking
case Hunt denied knowing their own
man - police just accepted that 10-7-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO More police inactivity Despite having clear and conclusive
evidence of a terrierman from the Portman blocking up an active sett, Dorset Police fail once again to act on evidence. This is video from
one of our many hidden cameras showing a Portman terrierman blocking up an active badger sett in order to prevent foxes they
are hunting going to ground. This is an offence under the Protection of Badgers Act. Intelligence gathering from the coppers went as far as asking the
Hunt if they knew who it was. Unsurprisingly, the Hunt denied all knowledge and then the case was archived. Please feel free
to go to the Dorset Police Facebook page and leave your thoughts on this. The laziness and unwillingness to act on this evidence
is insulting to both us and the laws of this country. And let's not forget that the police refusing to act on this pretty
much gives them a free pass to do whatever they want. We would like to see the coppers defend this one... We are looking to buy more hidden cameras, so please, if you can, donate to our fundraiser at www.ko-fi.com/NDHSaboteurs/.
Calls for 'total ban' after police drop 5 Cheshire
FH fox kill cases 9-7-19
The Canary Hunting must be ‘banned completely’ activists say after Cheshire Police drop cases
involving five dead foxes Cheshire Police investigated five incidents of foxes allegedly killed by a hunt during
the last season. However, the police have said they’re dropping all the cases. And local activists said this has given
Hunts the “green light” to continue killing foxes. A national dialogue on hunting in
early 2019 centred on Cheshire. It occurred after activists published images of foxes allegedly killed by a local Hunt. Between
15 November 2018 and 5 February 2019, activists claimed the Cheshire Hunt killed five foxes. During one such incident on 5
January, Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs said it even caught a member of the Hunt “kicking” a fox’s body into a
river. Activists took all
five incidents to Cheshire Police. However, the force has dropped all five cases due to insufficient evidence of illegal hunting.
Local paper CheshireLive reported that the “complexity” of the cases led to Cheshire Police seeking advice from
the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Police said: - The investigation team has now concluded that there
is insufficient evidence that any of the incidents amounted to deliberate and intentional hunting, as required by the Hunting
Act 2004. Consequently, no further action will be taken. All parties involved have been informed of the outcome. They also
added that they would host “a number of engagements” involving both pro- and anti-hunting representatives before
the next season begins. However,
a spokesperson for Cheshire Against Blood Sports, which works alongside Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs, told The Canary:- With the
news that the police and the CPS dropped all five cases in Cheshire involving just one Cheshire hunt we feel it makes a complete
mockery of the hunting act, it has failed to provide any justice for these foxes and is simply not fit for purpose. Three
of the foxes were killed in the space of six weeks, we feel that this decision has now given the green light for the Hunts
to carry on killing foxes as there is absolutely no incentive for them to stop. Problems with the law - The spate of dead foxes came as the county’s
Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) David Keane published a review of policing hunts in the county on 5 December 2018. Keane’s
review said the Hunting Act presents “challenges to investigators and prosecutors”. As a result, he wanted to
“explore” how the government could remove these obstacles. Meanwhile, following graphic images of a dead fox posted
to social media on 5 January, local MP Chris Matheson called for an “outright ban” on fox hunting. The Canary previously
reported that Lesley Martin of Cheshire Monitors, which was present at the 15 November 2018 incident, believed the Hunting
Act is “weak”. And Cheshire Against Blood Sports echoed this. The spokesperson told The Canary: - Unless the Hunting
Act is changed and the loopholes closed, foxes all over the country will continue to die. We would like to see the word ‘reckless’
inserted into the Hunting Act. After all if you are taking hounds into the very areas foxes live and by the hunts own admissions
they train the hounds on fox scent then it’s highly likely foxes will be encountered and chased. We would also like
to see the Huntsman failing to call his hounds off when a fox is being pursued viewed as a clear sign of intent. These mirror demands by the Campaign to Strengthen the Hunting Act. Such additions certainly remove
some of the “challenges” of prosecutions under the Hunting Act, as mentioned by Keane. But Cheshire Against Blood
Sports said that governments need to take stronger action: - The whole “sport” needs to be banned completely.
We know we will be in this position again next season, foxes will die and nobody will be held accountable. At present, no political party has committed to
an outright ban on hunting. Labour recently said it’s considering a recklessness clause as well as jail time for prosecutions
under the Hunting Act. The Green Party appeared to offer the same in its latest political programme, saying it would “tighten
up” laws to end the excuse of accidental killing. Meanwhile, the Conservatives have continued talking about lifting
the ban. And the Liberal Democrats are silent on the issue. Hunts
will continue killing animals unless a government eliminates the law’s loopholes completely. Introducing clauses to
strengthen the ban would go a little way to achieving this. But prosecutions will still rely on ‘sufficient evidence’.
There are hundreds of hunts across England and Wales, many of which ride out multiple days a week. Even with saboteurs exposing
many of these with graphic documentation, attending every single hunt would be an impossible task. And Hunts could continue
hunting as normal once they know they aren’t being monitored. The only solution is to ban hunting completely. But with no parties currently willing
to put that on the table, it remains up to saboteurs and monitors to continue holding Hunts accountable. POWAperson comments - The failure to prosecute any of these five
cases very clearly demonstrates the gross inadequacy of the Hunting Act. But, tempting as the notion is, it is unclear
what a 'total ban' would actually mean. Would we be banning people going
out with packs of dogs - if so, bye-bye genuine drag hunting, bye-bye to any pack being exercised. Hunting live quarry for 'sport'
is, in theory at least, already banned. It is the weak wording, feeble sanctions and loopholes of the Act that
creates the problem - and it is only fixing those deficiencies which can remedy the situation. POWA has been campaigning
for significant strengthening of the Act since before the ink was dry on it. A digest of amendments we believe are necessary
and - hopefully - sufficient can be found here.
Sabs film Cheshire FH hound being exercised digging into
sett 6-7-19 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Whilst early morning sett surveying this morning, sabs and Cabs [Cheshire Against
Blood Sports] came across the Cheshire hounds out ‘exercising’ their hounds.
seems the hounds wanted to set survey too. One hound disappeared down a badger sett, (see video) there was no attempt to call
the hound out. We saw foxes earlier
on our walk and even one fleeing at the time the foxes entered the field. Luckily the hounds were a little apathetic and one
of us used voice calls to call the hounds off. What a pity foxes choose to live next door to the
kennels, if only they understood the dangers. It begs the question, what would of happened if we were not there? Hounds get exercised daily, how many foxes get killed whilst doing so?
Three more Cheshire FH fox kill cases dropped by police 5-7-19 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs The Hunting Act Does Not Work The Cheshire Hunt will not be brought to justice
for their crimes against wildlife, was the news our sabs woke up to this morning. After the 5 reported fox kills in Cheshire last season, the 3 presented by the police to the CPS have been
dismissed. Those who follow our hit reports will
have seen the determination of sabs and Cheshire Against Blood Sports in preventing kills throughout Cheshire, and also seen
that our runners’ ability to keep up with the hunt has allowed us to record and collect as much evidence as possible
to bring the awful kills we have witnessed to justice. The Cheshire Hounds (or Hunt as they are officially known), were seen, heard, and
recorded breaking the law and cruelly fox hunting, with Huntmaster Jake Oppenheim and particularly whipper-in Jamie Whittles
captured allowing the hounds to pursue foxes without intervening, drawing their hounds through coverts clearly likely to be
inhabited by foxes, and attempting to dispose of fox bodies after the inevitable kills. Together the evidence around these kills painted a strong picture of consistent, deliberate illegal hunting by the
Cheshire Hounds – at least this is what we were told by Cheshire Police, who informed us they were collating these kills
to put forward to the CPS as one case, to maximise the chance of putting these bastards to justice. We have yet to be informed why the cases were then sent individually
to the CPS, and sent immediately before the deadlines for submission with no time to review. We trust that next season, the police commitment promised by David Keane (the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire)
comes into play – the changes recommended in his report were damning towards the current behaviour of the three illegal
fox hunts in Cheshire, and if put into action, will help Cheshire sabs and CABS prevent future kills, and finally bring the
Hunts’ cruelty into the courtroom.
Of course, none of this is enough while the Hunt are able to abuse weaknesses in the Hunting Act
and continue under the guise of trail hunting. Please support a total ban on fox hunting in the UK. It is the only way this
barbaric cruelty will end. 5-7-19 Cheshire Police In January this year, an investigation was launched following three
separate allegations of ‘hunting a wild mammal with dogs’, contrary to the Hunting Act 2004. The
three allegations were made following the deaths of foxes during hunts in Huxley on 5 January, in Darnhall on 8 January, and
in Hack Green on 5 February. On each occasion, detectives gathered video evidence
and interviewed a number of people present or with relevant information. As with previous cases, early investigative advice
was also sought from the Crown Prosecution Service due the complexity of the case. The investigation team has now concluded
that there is insufficient evidence that any of the incidents amounted to deliberate and intentional hunting, as required
by the Hunting Act 2004. Pics above
- Right, fox killed by Cheshire FH on 8-1-19 Left, Fox killed by Cheshire FH and
dumped in canal 5-1-19

Fox killed by Cheshire FH 5-2-19 POWAperson adds - Anti reports on the three hunts concerned can be found here, here and here.
Eggesford FH Huntsman convicted of threatening behaviour His father jailed for assault on woman monitor years ago Huntsman called him as character witness! 5-7-19 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs After viciously attacking one of our sabs last season, Jason Marles (Huntsman for Eggesford Hunt) was
found “Guilty of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour under section 4a
of the Public Order Act 1986” in a Devon court today.

Huntsman Jason Marles hunting with his pack The magistrates said that members of Devon County
Hunt Sabs appeared to be "calm, collected and genuine", and found Marles' evidence to be "uncredible",
and completely contradictory to the video evidence. They determined that he did cause harassment, alarm and distress and that
he intended to do so. They found that it is entirely uncredible that he did not ride his horse at the sabs. The magistrates
agreed with the assertion that he "saw red" and that his actions were not reasonable. They also determined that
an injury was sustained because of his actions.

Marles jumps off horse before assaulting female sab After many years of sweeping it under the carpet we are pleased to
finally see some action from the Devon authorities against the blatant law breaking of hunts in Devon. Eggesford Hunt is particularly
nasty and the huntsman even produced his father, Chris Marles, as a witness despite the fact that he has previously spent
6 months in prison for violently attacking a hunt monitor. Sentencing takes place on July 15th. No matter what they throw at us and how violent they become we will never stop heading out into
the fields to protect Devon’s wildlife as long as the cruelty continues. Please do support our work and keep us out there saving wildlife in Devon. Pic below - Female sab being treated after assault by Marles
6-7-19 BBC News Devon huntmaster 'struck saboteur with riding crop'
A Devon Huntmaster "saw red" and struck a hunt saboteur with his riding crop after galloping at her on his horse,
a court has heard. Jason Marles,
37, had denied using threatening and abusive behaviour to cause harassment, alarm and distress to Jessica Groling in December.
He was found guilty by Exeter magistrates during a trial on Friday. Ms
Groling suffered a bruised liver and was airlifted to hospital [below] after the clash near North Tawton, Devon.
Exeter Magistrates' Court saw footage of the incident recorded on Ms Groling's chest camera.
Ms Groling said: "Marles was galloping straight at us at high speed. I thought he
is going to trample us. He was heading straight for us and I felt terrified... He then stopped a few metres away and leapt
off his horse and came straight for me with a riding crop in his left hand." The court heard Ms Groling had been using an antique hunting horn to distract the hunt's pack of hounds.
She said Marles tried to grab the horn from her and "stabbed my abdomen with his riding crop", causing the liver
injury. The court heard there was no claim that illegal hunting was being carried out. Marles, who is the Huntmaster of the Eggesford Hunt based at Wembworthy, Devon, said he
had been subjected to 18 months harassment by hunt saboteurs, whom he said wore masks to be more intimidating. Magistrates told Marles: "You saw
red and lost control, that was patently clear." They said his use of the riding crop was "reckless rather than deliberate".
Marles, who has no previous convictions, will be sentenced later this month. 7-7-19 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs The BBC and other media have reported on Friday's conviction of Eggesford huntsman Jason Marles over his
attack on a sab on 15 December 2018. Now the trial has concluded we are in a position to say a bit more about what happened
that day. As
they do week after week, the Eggesford had been blatantly hunting foxes, and around 3pm two female sabs out on foot saw a
fox and soon afterwards heard hounds in cry. Jason Marles was heard to blow 'gone away', the horn call used when a
fox breaks from a covert, and was encouraging his hounds on a line through the field where the incident took place soon after. Sabs called the hounds back into the field, and
much of the pack was milling around them peacefully when Marles appeared riding directly towards the sabs at a dangerous speed.
On reaching them he immediately got off his horse and grabbed one of the sabs, taking
her hunting horn from her and injuring her with his riding crop. A quad bike arrived seconds later driven by Eggesford regular
Duncan Tucker, with the Huntsman's father Chris Marles on the back [both pictured right]. The sab was then dragged
across the field by the quad before falling to the ground. As more riders began arriving in
the field, and given the injuries and distress of the sab who was attacked, our foot team did their best to get to the nearest
road and summon help, radioing to other sabs to call the police. It took the sabs around half an hour to reach the road by
the most direct route, and this is crucial, because Marles claimed in court that he acted the way he did because we were calling
hounds into danger or onto a road. The court rejected entirely that this occurred and any suggestion that hounds were ever in danger due to our actions.
The accusation that we call hounds towards roads is a knee-jerk one resorted to by Hunts every time they need an excuse to
be angry at sabs. We hear this more or less whenever we call hounds, but we always consider carefully when it is appropriate
to call, and to us the hounds' safety is every bit as important as that of the hunted fox. Marles also tied himself in
knots in court claiming there were pregnant ewes in the field, even though he had just hunted through it, again contradicting
the video evidence. Some facts established in court:- - Sabs were nowhere
near a road and did not call hounds into danger. The map shown in court made this very clear, as did the route taken by the
sabs, and the account of the police officer who attended and gave an account of his long walk from the road to the crime scene. - Marles admitted blowing 'gone away', ludicrously claiming it was because he tries to
replicate hunting as it was pre-ban but now means something like "let's go and follow the trail". - Marles admitted in his police interview a few
days after the incident that his conduct could be seen as intimidating. -
The identities of all three hunt members involved was admitted by Marles. He even called his father and Duncan Tucker as witnesses
in his defence, and they both gave an account the magistrates found completely implausible and contradictory to the video
evidence. - Marles admitted handing the horn to those on the quad, and says he does not know
what happened to it. We have never had it returned. The magistrates found that our sab's
injuries were caused by Marles's actions. The CPS did not charge Marles with an offence under the Hunting Act. These are difficult to prove. For that reason
the court did not consider the question of whether illegal hunting had taken place, and the CPS did not put this accusation
to Marles. This has been reported confusingly as there being no suggestion of illegal hunting, but this is not our position
and not something the court ruled on. It was however clear to all that the hounds chasing a fox and being called off it by
sabs was the context for the whole incident. We have no reason to call hounds on a genuine trail hunt, or even
to attend one, but as our many hit reports attest, the ban might as well never have happened in Devon, because it's business
as usual for hunts, and unfortunately for foxes. This was made distressingly clear when the Eggesford killed a fox in front
of us on Boxing Day just days after this incident. Our sab was airlifted
to hospital after paramedics became concerned about her breathing difficulties, lowered blood oxygen, and the possibility
of internal injuries. The decision to airlift was made by them alone and on the basis of their medical expertise rather than
anything our sab told them about her condition. Injuries to her liver were confirmed in hospital and she had to miss a week
of work, but is now doing well. While we would like to have seen Marles and his associates convicted of assault or robbery, not
to mention illegal hunting, we have always found the authorities very reluctant to prosecute hunts, and the public order offence
was the one they went with on this occasion. It is unusual for these matters even to reach court, and we are relieved that
for once a limited form of justice has been done here. We hope the police and CPS will now treat illegal hunting and the violence
associated with it with the seriousness it deserves. Please help spread the word about illegal hunting
in Devon, and keep us out there saving wildlife: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. POWAperson adds - Once again we find a serious assault on an anti undercharged,
another offence [robbery] not charged and other perpetrators [Tucker and Chris Marles] also not charged. This conviction brings
to 444 the number of persons from organised Hunts known to have been convicted of or cautioned for 990 criminal offences since
1990. 253 of these were violent offences and, coincidentally, the number of offences [all types] committed by hunt officials
or servants is also 253.
Wannabe PM Hunt says he wants to re-legalise hunting
with dogs Faces furious backlash and refuses 4 times to say if it's cruel 3-7-19 Daily Mirror VIDEO Jeremy Hunt wants to bring back fox hunting - as part of countryside’s
“heritage” - The Foreign Secretary said he would hold a vote on the "barbaric" sport if he becomes Prime
Minister - and he'd opt to scrap the ban Tory leadership hopeful Jeremy Hunt [below right]
has admitted he wants to bring back fox hunting. In a desperate bid to appeal to Conservative grass-roots, the Foreign Secretary
voiced his support for the cruel sport which has been banned in England in Wales for nearly 15 years. He said it was part
of the countryside’s “heritage” and should be legalised. But
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "Labour proudly banned this barbaric practice. This Tory leadership race is going from
bad to worse." And Mr Hunt's surprise intervention will trigger dismay among Tory modernisers, who hoped he was the
candidate to quell Boris Johnson's lurch to the right. Sources stressed he would only seek to bring a free vote to the Commons –
where MPs vote according to their consciences – if there was a majority in Westminster for such a view. Mr Hunt told the Telegraph:
“I don't hunt myself, it's not particularly my thing. I think we have to recognise it's part of the countryside
and I think we have to recognise that, in terms of the balance of the countryside, it's part of our heritage. So personally
I'm happy for people to do it." He confirmed a commitment to have a vote in Parliament would be in the next Tory
manifesto, if he was PM. In reality, such a situation is highly unlikely,
with the overwhelming majority of MPs fiercely opposed to a reintroduction of the bloodsport. Mr Hunt today was forced to
insist "the law is not going to change" on fox hunting and "it wouldn't be my priority as Prime Minister".
He said: "There isn’t a majority in the House of Commons and I don’t see there ever being one." But he refused four times to give a straight answer when asked by BBC Radio 4's Today programme
whether the practice is "cruel". Mr Hunt's vocal display of
support for hounds ripping apart foxes risks derailing his No10 bid. Theresa
May's confession to the Mirror during the snap 2017 general election that she had always backed the rural past-time was
widely blamed for fuelling her ballot box humiliation. She said then: "As it happens, personally I have always been in
favour of fox hunting and we maintain our commitment - we have had a commitment previously as a Conservative Party - to allow
a free vote. And that's what it will allow, would allow, Parliament the opportunity to take a decision on this."
Polls consistently show around three-quarters or more of Britons are against bringing back the bloodsport. Traditional Hunts now follow a scent trail instead of a fox, or work around loopholes
in the law. Countryside campaigners repeatedly demand a shake-up, effectively repealing the 2004 Hunting Act. Mrs May’s
predecessor David Cameron also promised Parliament a vote on repeal but had to scrap it after the SNP vowed to block it, even
though it does not apply to Scotland. Chris Luffingham, League Against
Cruel Sports director of campaigns, hit back at Mr Hunt's comments and suggested they could be damaging to his chances
in a general election. “The last time a politician said we should bring back hunting - Theresa May in the 2017 General
Election – they were punished in the polling booths," he said. “Nothing has changed. The vast majority of
the British public will be horrified by any attempt to revert back to the barbaric activity of fox hunting. The Hunting Act
needs to be strengthened, not repealed, as the hunts are currently still getting away with chasing and killing British wildlife.
Hunting needs to be consigned to the history books, and this decision shows quite how out of touch with public opinion Jeremy
Hunt is. Fox hunting is a brutal nasty activity in which the hounds literally tear apart the foxes – this should have
no place in a modern compassionate society.” Labour Party Chairman Ian Lavery added: "This Tory leadership race is going from bad to worse. We’ve had
Johnson’s tax cuts for the wealthy, a race to the bottom on no-deal Brexit , and now a pledge to bring back this barbaric
practice that Labour had proudly banned." Animal Equality executive director Toni Vernelli said: “Jeremy
Hunt has a very short memory – It was this same pledge that lost Theresa May the youth vote at the last election. Hunting
with dogs is a cruel relic of the past. Britain has long moved on from finding animal abuse entertaining, and Jeremy Hunt
is living in a cave if he hasn’t noticed this.” 4-7-19 Daily Mirror Squirming Jeremy Hunt refuses FOUR times to say if fox hunting is 'cruel'
The Tory leadership hopeful came unstuck in a car crash interview
with the BBC after he said he wants to bring back the vile bloodsport. Squirming
Jeremy Hunt has refused FOUR times to say if he believes fox hunting is "cruel". The Tory leadership hopeful was
skewered on the radio today after admitting he'd want to bring back the bloodsport as PM. Mr Hunt was forced to insist "the law is not going to change" on fox hunting and "it wouldn't be my priority
as Prime Minister". But in a car crash interview, he came unstuck when repeatedly asked by BBC Radio 4's Today programme
whether the practice is "cruel".
Interviewer Mishal Husain told him the RSPCA said the practice involved "wild animals being chased to the point
of exhaustion, set upon by dogs for sport". Asked if that was "cruel", Mr Hunt replied: "My view is a
matter of public record. But what matters now are the things I want to change as Prime Minister." Asked a second time if it was cruel,
Mr Hunt said: "My view is a matter of public record." Asked a third time, he said: "I'm here to talk about
the things I want to change as Prime Minister. That is not something that's going to change. "Rural broadband is
something that urgently needs to be speeded up. Business rates..." Exasperated Ms Husain tried a fourth time, saying: "You're swerving away from the subject! I asked you if
you think that fox hunting is cruel. And for some reason you're not willing to say if it is or it isn't." He
replied: "I have never hunted and it's not my thing but the way I voted is a matter of public record." Labour's Shadow Environment Secretary Sue Hayman [above left] said:
"It is incredible and shocking that Jeremy Hunt, who aspires to be the next Prime Minister, can not bring himself to
even acknowledge the barbaric cruelty of fox hunting. Once again it shows this Tory government’s lack of understanding
and sincerity on issues of animal welfare."... Mr Hunt's surprise
intervention will trigger dismay among Tory modernisers, who hoped he was the candidate to quell Boris Johnson's lurch
to the right... Mr Hunt stressed he would only seek to bring a free vote to the Commons – where MPs vote according to their
consciences – if there was a majority in Westminster for such a view. He told Today: "There isn’t a majority
in the House of Commons and I don’t see there ever being one." But he did back putting a commitment to a free vote
in the Tory manifesto. Labour MP Angela Rayner said his pledge
was "absolutely disgusting" and a naked bid to win 160,000 Tory members' votes. She said: "The vast majority
of the public want this cruel & vile practice consigned to the dustbin of history. Jeremy Hunt thinks it might appeal
to a few Tory tally-ho types in the shires. We will not go back to this repulsive pastime!"...
Wynnstay FH kennel Huntsman charged with assaulting
monitor 2-7-19
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO Sacked? After we caught the Wynnstay illegally hunting a fox [on 5-1-19],
trespassing on an industrial estate and causing road chaos Mark Hogg - who WAS at that time their kennel-man - lost his cool
and assaulted our monitor, pushed them, nearly into a passing car. During the police
investigation Hogg, who was a long standing employee of the Wynnstay, was 'moved' to Dorset and now works as kennelman
for the South and West Wilts Hunt. So we can only assume that the masters of the Wynnstay Hunt wouldn't accept this kind
of behaviour and sacked him. Good riddance we say! Just by the way, North Wales Police took far too much time looking into the assault, which is all on film here, including
the apology. We had to constantly push this force to find Hogg and interview him. This poor performance by North Wales
Police could be down to the fact that they have, at best, a reputation for having very little interest in hunting cases and
possibly because of their internal corruption which was witnessed last season by both North Wales Hunt Saboteurs and Welsh
Border Hunt Sabs. They did however
finally charge Hogg but their policing makes Cheshire Police look keen. Pic below - Kennel Huntsman Wayne Hogg about to assault female
JUNE 2019 ….. 30th June - Illegal hunting case against Lauderdale FH is dropped ….. 27th June - Puppy walker in Eggesford FH country seen beating young hound …..
27th June - Sabs say Atherstone FH risk assessments grossly
inadequate …..
26th June - 2 Kimblewick FH terriermen charged with
cruelty to fox during hunt ….. 26th June - Convicted fraudster, now ex, Tory MP was Master of two fox Hunts ….. 25th June - Bo-Jo is getting massive donations from prominent hunt supporters ….. 24th June - Green MSP bids to fully ban quarry hunting as SNP drags feet ….. 22nd June - Three Counties MH beat retreat when sabs descend on them hunting ….. 21st June - Sabs out sett-checking save baby mink in distress ….. 18th June - CPS drops Cotswold VF FH fox cub kill & assault sab cases ….. 18th June - Wife of cub
cruelty case PC says evidenced institutional corruption in police ….. 14th June - Grafton FH supporter convicted after driving into monitor …..
11th June - Lamerton FH rider killed after horse spooked by
passing lorry …..
10th June - Sabs who started investigation reveal
background to fox cub cruelty case ….. 10th June - Suspension
of jail sentences in S. Herefordshire cruelty case angers antis …..
10th June - S. Herefordshire FH Huntsman & kennel
maid convicted of cruelty to fox cubs …..
9th June - Fire Brigade persuaded to withdraw from fundraiser event
for Hunts ….. 6th June - S. Herefordshire
FH Huntsman struggles to explain severe injuries to cubs ….. 4th June - Cheshire PCC to 'scrutinise' recent police decisions on fox kill
cases ….. 3rd June -
Yet another Cheshire fox hunt kill case dropped
Illegal hunting case against Lauderdale FH is dropped Hunting witnessed & reported
by Scottish Green MSP 30-6-19 Sunday Times Hunting law is hopeless, says Scots animal charity An animal welfare
charity has branded a law banning foxhunting as “hopeless” after a case was dropped because of insufficient evidence.
Footage showing a fox being chased by hunt hounds across a field in the Scottish Borders was reported to police by the League Against Cruel Sports, as a potential breach of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act 2002. The incident occurred
during the Lauderdale hunt in November and was witnessed by Alison Johnstone [right], co-leader of the Scottish Greens,
who believed that the law, designed to minimise distress caused to foxes, had been breached. At present, hunting with dogs is
banned in Scotland but they can be used to flush foxes out of cover, so they can be shot as a pest-control measure.
However, critics argue that foxes are not always dispatched quickly and are chased by hounds. Robbie Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “We are extremely disappointed
that the evidence, which in our view clearly illustrated a blatant breach of the law, has been deemed insufficient. The latest
debacle is just another nail in the coffin for a hopeless hunt law.” Johnstone has launched a member’s bill aimed at closing “loopholes”
in foxhunting laws. The bill would also clamp down on culling of native mountain hares. Tens of thousands are thought to be
killed in Scotland every year to protect game, such as grouse, from disease. “After everything I’ve seen, I’m
resolved to end foxhunting for good,” said Johnstone.
Puppy walker in Eggesford FH country seen beating young hound 27-6-19 Facebook – Devon Against Hunting Ever thought about where hounds live before joining the pack? Well, they go to ‘Puppy-walkers’
until they are old enough to learn to kill. The idea being they learn the ‘basics’- to not chase/kill farm animals,
and to be obedient. Let me introduce one in the Eggesford Hunt area. Whilst walking my elderly dog, (on a lead), on a public road, used
by locals driving their children to school, or going to work, we were approached by two young pups loose on the road excited
to meet another dog. The person then passed riding the bike, calling to the pups. They didn’t respond, so this person grabbed one
by the scruff, making it yelp, then repeatedly hit the other over the head with a small stick-like implement! The pup was
cowering and didn’t want to go with her, (shock!), I said I wouldn’t want to either if that’s how she treats
them. Her reply is very telling of their attitude to animals-‘If I hit you over the head, you’d behave!’ When I confronted her and said ‘Is
that what you call ‘Puppy-walking’? She became a little shy and cycled off, (with one pup), leaving one of the
two to join her later - if it hadn’t caused an accident or been run over! Remember, they love animals! Usual consideration
of road safety and safety of the public!
Sabs say Atherstone FH risk assessments grossly inadequate 27-6-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt New Years Day security exposed - Atherstone Hunt lied in their event plan submitted
to the Town Council The risk assessment provided to Atherstone Town Council for their New Years
Day meet is wholly inadequate. It fails to mention the risk of violence and anti social behaviour from the Hunt's own
supporters and what steps they will take to prevent it. It seems that the event plan handed
in by the Atherstone Hunt to the town council was also not adequate. The claim they would be using a company called Saltem
has been proven to the incorrect as with your help we have uncovered that the company themselves have said they were contacted
and told they would not be needed this year. Instead it seems the hunt used their own supporters as stewards and for road
closures. This raises serious questions for the town council as how can stewards prevent violence and anti-social behaviour
from the Atherstone Hunt if they themselves are part of that violent and antisocial Hunt? Indeed one of the stewards/hunt
supporters was filmed grabbing the hair of an anti-hunt protester during the Atherstone Hunt's Boxing Day meet in Market
Bosworth. Let's not forget that the Atherstone Hunt have over 20 convictions for violence and anti social behaviour, many
of which were from supporters' actions at previous New Years Day meets. We will be publishing the Hunt's full risk
assessment shortly to show badly written and amateur it was. 7-7-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt risk assessments for Boxing Day and New Years Day Recent
elections in May mean that the Conservatives now only have a majority of 1 on Atherstone Town Council. Please contact them
regarding the Atherstone Hunts risk assessment. These [below] are the risk assessments made by
the Atherstone Hunt for it’s New Years Day hunt meet and Boxing Day hunt meet. Despite first appearances they were not
put together by a child - however we regard them as wholly inadequate as a risk assessment.
that there has been substantial violence, anti-social behaviour and drunkenness from Atherstone Hunt supporters at this event
in previous years there is no mention in the risk assessments of potential violence from members of the Hunt. There is no
mention of potential anti-social behaviour from members of the Hunt. Specifically for Atherstone Market Square, there is no
mention that all the surrounding pubs are open serving alcohol to these Hunt members increasing the risk of violence, anti-social
behaviour and general drunken behaviour from hunt supporters. There is no mention of riders from the Hunt throwing bottles
at anti-hunt protestors. No mention of hunt supporters throwing horse manure at anti-hunt protesters. As a result there is
also no mention of the likelihood of these risks happening and how the Atherstone Hunt are going to prevent them from happening. As
a risk assessment then these documents failed to identify many major risks that have actually happened in previous years.
There is a brief mention that the Hunt will have it’s own stewards at the event but these stewards are actually Atherstone
Hunt supporters who themselves have been involved in anti-social behaviour in the past. Please politely contact both Atherstone Town Council and Market Bosworth Parish Council and ask them for a guarantee
that the points raised above should be addressed in any future risk assessments submitted by the hunt. Atherstone Town Council
clerk@atherstone-tc.gov.uk. Individual
Councillors http://www.atherstone-tc.gov.uk/about-us/councillors. Market Bosworth Town Council - clerk@marketbosworth-pc.gov.uk.
2 Kimblewick FH terriermen charged
with cruelty to fox during hunt 26-6-19 HSA Press Release Two members of Kimblewick Hunt charged with animal cruelty Two
men have been charged with causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal after the Kimblewick Hunt were filmed hunting
a captive fox Ian James Kirby Parkinson, aged 64, of Lower Road, Haddenham, Bucks and Mark Anthony Vincent, aged 53, of
Kimblewick, Aylesbury are charged with one count each of causing unnecessary suffering.
Footage filmed
by undercover investigators was handed to the Hunt Saboteurs Association in January. The footage was filmed on New Years Day
when the hunt met at Moreton, Thame, Oxon. It shows the hunt terrier men using draining rods to force the fox, that they’ve
been holding captive, out of a drainage pipe then being thrown into the wood for hounds to chase. The terriermen can clearly
be heard communicating with the Huntsman agreeing when the best time is to release the fox which is given a brief head start
so that the hunt riders experience a chase rather than a quick kill.
Terrierman pulling fox out of the artificial earth Both are due to appear at Oxford Magistrates’
Court on 23 July.
Terrierman releases fox Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “We’re pleased that
Thames Valley Police have finally charged the suspects in this obvious case of animal cruelty. When we released the footage
in January both the media and the general public were outraged by what we showed them and the Kimblewick Hunt were widely
vilified. Once these two are found guilty we would expect the Kimblewick as a corporate entity to be taken to court as it’s
clear these two were carrying out the commands of the Hunt.
As arranged, hounds released after fox 2 mins later Footage and the original story can be found here.
Convicted fraudster, now ex, Tory MP was Master of two fox
Hunts Astonishingly,
Tories have picked him to fight Brecon by-election! 26-6-19 HSA Press Release De-Selected Conservative MP is Former Hunt Master Convicted Conservative MP Chris
Davies [right] is a former Master of two fox hunts and threatened in 2004 that members of his Golden Valley
Hunt would break the law when hunting was banned. During his Mastership both the Golden Valley and Banwen Miners Hunts carried
out violent attacks on hunt saboteurs. In March of this year, Davies was convicted of making false expenses claims. He
received a £1500 fine and had to carry out 50 hours of community service. This led last week to the electorate of his
Brecon and Radnorshire constituency raising a recall petition to have him de-selected as their MP and forcing a by-election.
He has now been re-selected by the Conservative Party as their candidate in the upcoming by-election. Davies was Master of the Banwen Miners Hunt in the Swansea Valley from 1993-99 before
moving to the Golden Valley Hunt on the Welsh Border in 2000. In 2004, in the run up to the ban, he did not have the bottle
to say he would personally defy the law, but told the BBC that some of his members would (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/4026351.stm).Lee Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association,
stated: “It's hard to think of a less useful member of society than an ex-hunt master, corrupt Tory MP. We hate
to kick a man while he's down but we'll make an exception in this case. Davies is clearly a man who can't be trusted.
Whilst Master of the Golden Valley Hunt he implicated himself in flouting the Hunting ban and now as a public servant he has
deliberately falsified accounts to rip off the public purse. It’s testament to the low moral standards of the Conservative
Party that they’ve re-selected him for the upcoming by-election and we wanted the Brecon and Radnorshire electorate
to know the type of man they’re potentially voting for.
Bo-Jo is getting massive donations from prominent hunt
supporters £109k gifted to him just
in 2019 by Christofferson & the Bamfords 25-6-19 The Canary One of Boris Johnson’s biggest donors has a controversial past hunting foxes
Boris Johnson’s second largest donor* in 2019 is a hunter and hedge fund manager with a controversial past. And even
the Spectator said this could “come back to haunt” the leadership candidate. Johan Christofferson [right] is a partner in hedge fund management
firm Christofferson, Robb & Co. He’s also been the joint-master of the only hunt in Scotland to so far have been
prosecuted for illegal hunting. And in 2019, Christofferson has been Johnson’s second largest donor. Electoral Commission records show Christofferson has made two donations to Johnson
so far in 2019. There was a £20,000 donation, which Johnson accepted on 15 January, and a £16,000 donation accepted
on 6 March. Christofferson’s £36,000 makes him the Conservative leadership hopeful’s second largest private
donor this year, after construction equipment manufacturer JCB. Commenting on the £16,000
donation, Spectator columnist ‘Steerpike’ said Christofferson’s donations “could come back to haunt”
Johnson [below left]. And it’s because of the hunter’s controversial past. Christofferson has been joint-master of the Jedforest Hunt, based in Scotland, since the mid-2000s. In June 2017,
two members of the Hunt were convicted of breaching the Protection of Wild Mammals Act, the law that effectively bans hunting
in Scotland. It’s the only successful hunting prosecution in Scotland to date. Before joining the Jed Forest Hunt, Christofferson was a joint-master
of the Isle of Wight Hunt. Under his mastership, hunt staff including Stuart Trousdale [Huntsman] dumped the dead bodies of
two calves, a horse and a bullock on the streets of Brighton during the October 2004 Labour Party conference in the city.
BBC News reported at the time that: 'The court was told the pair dumped the animals on the day of Tony Blair’s keynote
speech to show their opposition to a proposed ban on hunting.' Trousdale’s actions were so extreme that the Master of Fox Hounds Association suspended the Isle of Wight Hunt for a
month. It also “upbraided” Christofferson for failing to control his staff. Trousdale was later charged with illegal
hunting in 2007. But the League Against Cruel Sports eventually dropped a private prosecution after a 2009 High Court decision
made convictions under the Hunting Act more difficult.
None of this appeared to worry Christofferson, though. Trousdale joined the hedge fund manager
as joint-master and Huntsman of the Jedforest Hunt in 2008. Christofferson has been a frequent donor to the
Conservatives. Most notably, he donated £40,000 to Simon Hart’s bid for a seat in parliament in 2010. Hart was,
at the time, chief executive of pro-bloodsports group the Countryside Alliance. The hunter also donated to former policing
and justice minister Nick Herbert several times between 2009 and 2015. As
the Daily Record pointed out: 'In [2009], the League [Against Cruel Sports] wrote to the parliamentary standards commissioner
asking him to look into donations made to Herbert by people linked to fox hunting.' And a Scottish Labour official accused Christofferson’s donations to Herbert
as being “clearly designed to influence the decision to repeal the ban”. The Canary contacted Johnson and Christofferson
for comment but hadn’t heard back at the time of publishing. When Theresa May campaigned for
the 2017 general election, she promised a parliamentary vote on repealing the hunting ban. In the end, she dropped the pledge
after recognising that the public was staunchly against the proposal. May went on to rule out any vote during her term in
parliament. But she’s now on her way out, and Johnson’s support for hunting is well-known. He consistently voted
against laws on hunting before the ban was brought in and even suggested urban foxes ought to be hunted during his term as
London mayor. Could he have had a change of heart, though? On 19 June, the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation uploaded a photograph
of Johnson with its co-founder Lorraine Platt. Johnson’s partner, Carrie Symonds, is also patron of the group. Platt
is also a long-time anti-hunting campaigner. But in the end, money speaks. And with wealthy backers that are not just pro-hunting
but deeply involved in the vile ‘tradition’, it’s difficult to see why Johnson would change his stripes. The Hunting Act is deeply flawed and hunting needs to be banned outright.
But that may be further from our grasp than ever before if Johnson becomes prime minister.
Extract from Electoral Commission political party donor's list POWAperson adds - * The article author seems unaware that the Bamfords
[who own the JCB group] are not just a massive donor to Johnson personally but also hugely to the Conservative party and that
they are closely associated with the Heythrop FH, of which Sir Anthony's wife, Carol Bamford, is a member. Bamford donations
this century total many million pounds, from both the JCB company and individual family members. ** Apart from suggesting that London' urban foxes should be hunted, Johnson is
such a strong supporter of blood sports that he has even proclaimed in favour of bullfighting. Any interest he has displayed
in Blue Foxes founder Lorraine Platt may be simply trying to muddy the waters on his taste for live quarry hunting, though
I'm sure the fact that she happens to be a very striking looking blonde would have nothing to do with it. Incidentally, Christofferson resigned his mastership of the Jedforest FH in 2017, after
two of his hunt servants were convicted. I do not know if he is still hunting or, if so with whom.
Green MSP bid to fully ban quarry hunting as SNP drags
feet 24-6-19
Herald Green MSP bids to ban fox and hare hunting with new bill They are a familiar
sight in Scotland’s cities and suburbs, even trotting casually through the garden at the heart of the Scottish Parliament
from time to time. But now Holyrood is being asked to give its foxes the same protection as mammals as rare and elusive as
wild cats and pine martens, and finally end their hunting with dogs. Green MSP Alison
Johnstone [right] yesterday published legislative plans to protect foxes and hares by outlawing their killing except under a strict licensing regime. Her proposed member’s bill is also intended to end
hunting with dogs by closing a series of loopholes in the 2002 Holyrood law which was meant to ban the practice, but is often
circumvented. Ms Johnstone said
her Protection and Conservation of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill was partly in response to the SNP Government’s lack
of action on the issue. Although ministers promised in January to tighten up hunting law after a report on its shortcomings
by Lord Bonomy, there have been no concrete proposals to date. The 2002 Holyrood Act ended the
deliberate hunting of foxes with dogs, but permitted the use of dogs to flush foxes towards guns so they could be shot when
it was safe to do so. Ms Johnstone said there was a widespread concern that this exception was being abused, with foxes flushed
by dogs, but with guns absent or a reluctance to fire. She said mounted hunts kill up to 800 foxes per year, and Lord Bonomy’s inquiry had found one-fifth of the
foxes disturbed by hunts ended up killed by the dogs. Ms Johnstone’s bill would effectively end fox hunting by removing
all exceptions in the law and create a new offence of “intentionally or recklessly” hunting a wild mammal with
a dog. Dog walkers whose pets chase a wild mammal are not affected. The bill would also outlaw the hunting of brown hares
and mountain hares all year round, not merely in the “close seasons”. Around 26,000 mountain
hares are killed each year on grouse moors, half reportedly to stop them passing the tick-borne louping-ill virus to the birds,
40 per cent for sport, and 10 per cent for forestry protection. The bill would allow foxes and hares to be killed for pest
control, but only under licence and “as a last resort” that minimised suffering and protected any dependant young.
Ms Johnstone gave the example of “emergency action by an authorised person if a fox was attacking livestock”.
Licences would only be issued for specific purposes, subject to a public interest test, after non-lethal methods had failed,
with the costs borne by licence holders. Information on how many animals had been killed would be public. Ms Johnstone, the MSP for Lothians, said: “Foxes
and hares deserve our compassion and respect, yet they are routinely slaughtered across the country in huge numbers. My proposal
would give these animals the protection they so urgently need. Fox hunting was meant to have been banned in Scotland in 2002,
but little has changed. Hunts still go out, pursuing and killing foxes, and foxes are still being killed by hunting dogs. The Scottish Government and the First Minister herself have expressed their support for
action but have been unable to find the time to bring forward a legislative proposal themselves. I’m confident they
will get behind my proposal.” Robbie
Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “We are confident that hunting as we know it will
soon be a thing of the past.” But Jamie Stewart, director of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, said: “Ms
Johnstone is ignoring all the available evidence on fox management and welfare, and she knows it. The protection of foxes
is a ludicrous idea which is a slap in the face to every sheep and free range poultry farmer in the country. Fox control has
always been focused on lowering the population to a level that makes attacks on livestock, game and ground nesting birds less
likely. Mrs Johnstone is now proposing that farmers will have to wait until a fox has killed a lamb before it will be legal
to shoot it. Her proposed legislation jumps on every available bandwagon and has no justification on the basis of evidence
or principle. The proposals would remove the rights of farmers and land managers across Scotland to control foxes effectively
and protect their livelihoods, with no evidential justification whatsoever.” Rural Affairs Minister Mairi Gougeon
[above left] said the Government was committed to animal welfare and would soon consider an expert review on grouse
moor management, including mountain hare culls. On fox hunting, she said: “Not only will it be taking forward many of
the recommendations in Lord Bonomy’s report, we will go further by implementing measures that will do more to clarify
and strengthen the Protection of Wild Mammals Act. In doing so, we will work constructively with any MSPs to achieve our objectives.” See also article by Alison Johnstone on why foxes and hares need more protection 23-6-19 The Scotsman Scottish government moves towards total ban on fox hunting
Scots are being asked to give their views on proposed new laws that would completely ban fox hunting and end the mass slaughter
of wild hares. Alison Johnstone, co-leader of the Scottish
Green Party, is tomorrow unveiling plans for a member’s bill aimed at closing “loopholes” in existing legislation,
which has failed to effectively stamp out hunting of foxes and allows unlimited numbers of native mountain hares and brown
hares to be killed at certain times of the year. The Lothian MSP is launching a public consultation on the draft bill, seeking feedback
on measures aimed at protecting the three species and stopping them being killed for sport. The consultation will run until
mid-September. In the consultation document, Johnstone states: “Wild mammals belong to no-one while they are free-living,
but UK legislation has long held that animal welfare is a public good and that animals should therefore be protected in the
public interest. The aim of the proposed bill is, therefore, to improve the protection of some wild mammals in Scotland, specifically
by ending the use of dogs in the hunting of wild mammals and improving the protection of certain wild mammals.” The
Scottish Government outlined intentions to tighten up laws after commissioning a review of the Protection of Wild Mammals
(Scotland) Act 2002 by Lord Bonomy, but has so far failed to take action. Johnstone said: “Foxes and hares are iconic
species that are widely celebrated in popular culture and valued by rural and urban Scots alike. They deserve our compassion
and respect, yet they are routinely slaughtered across the country in huge numbers.” Existing rules ban the use of packs of dogs to chase and catch foxes, but permit the use of dogs to flush
a fox into the open. The proposed new bill has been welcomed by animal welfare campaigners, who have said it could be “game-changing”. But a spokesman for the Scottish Gamekeepers Association said: “We hope to engage with Scottish Government
on its intentions, particularly any licensing scheme to allow vital pest control.”
Three Counties MH beat retreat when sabs descend on them
hunting 22-6-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Three Counties Mink Hounds – 22/06/19 Today we made another trip
to visit the riverside vandals of the Three Counties Mink Hounds. They were in the same area as when we last sabbed them a
month ago, south of Cleobury Mortimer on the Worcestershire/Shropshire border. A motley crew of around 30 sabs
from Bristol, Severn Vale, Bath, Nottingham, Lincoln & Sheffield (cheers for the visit!) descended on the Hunt who were
on the River Rea. As soon as they saw sabs the game
was up. The hounds were called away from the river and the Hunt retreated to Reaside Manor Farm to seek refuge, before a traditional
walk of shame to box up with sabs in tow. Job done! 26-6-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO The 3 Counties Otterhounds - I mean Minkhounds - picked a bad time
and place for their bloodsports fix this weekend. They had breakfast so close to several badger cull zones that within minutes
a local tip-off had brought all the sabs to the yard. After their big fry up the hunters arrived at the River Rea just in time to see Notts
Sabs, Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs, Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, Bristol Hunt Saboteurs and Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs jogging down
the opposite bank. They immediately blew for home before traipsing back to their host (High Court judge Sir Gerald Barling) with their
tails between their legs. Donations will pay for new equipment to fight bloodsports over the summer.
Sabs out sett-checking save baby mink in distress 22-6-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Also yesterday, 21st June 2019. On returning to the car after sett-checking, a huge rumpus was heard in a stream. On closer examination 4 of these little ones were clearly
in distress. It appeared they couldn't get up a bank and this one ended up being left behind. After asking someone who
knows more, this chap was placed on the side of the stream where he cried his heart out as sab' sat within hearing distance.
In a short time some more squealing was heard and his Mum and family had come back to him. This
is a baby mink. The mink hunting season is well underway and if hounds had been going down this stream he and his siblings
would have been ripped apart. If he had escaped into a hole they would have dug him out. Mink were bred on a huge scale in the UK for the fur industry before the practice
was banned. Out sett-checking again today in Glos zone 1... and hoping that we find no more
destroyed setts. 2 found last year and 1 so far this year. Please continue to support us with information and paypal.me/threecountiessabs.
CPS drops Cotswold VF FH fox cub kill & assault sab
cases 18-6-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt case dropped following CPS decision [Hunt kill fox during cub hunting
meet - sab suffers whiplash after assault] We have delayed putting out our report due to the coverage
of the South Herefordshire Hunt trial. In late May we were informed that investigations into illegal cub hunting by the
Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt and an assault on one of our sabs (which led to her suffering whiplash for several days)
by hunt staff were dropped. Despite work put in by police officers, following a CPS decision the case was dropped. On 23rd October 2018, the Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt held a cub hunting meet in the area of Norton, Gloucestershire
and hunted around land owned by Master of the Hunt, Mike Smith. Three saboteurs from Three Counties Sabs were present on the
day, two inland on foot and another in the vehicle.

Hounds at
the hedge Towards the end of the meet, the two sabs inland could hear hounds speaking (an excited baying
which indicates that they have picked up a scent and are following it) and noticed hounds and hunt riders in the field the
sabs were heading towards. Huntsman Gary Williams could clearly be heard encouraging hounds on from the opposite side of the
hedge that hounds were interested in and was using voice commands and horn calls consistent with ‘traditional’
fox hunting.
From their position, the saboteurs present could only monitor as any noise or attempt to distract hounds could have
‘headed’ a hunted fox back into the pack. It was shortly evident that the hounds had killed, Williams was heard
‘blowing the kill’ (a horn call not often heard since the Hunting Act 2004 came into force as it shows that that
the Huntsman is aware of a kill taking place and is informing the remainder of the hunt riders and the hounds of it). He was
heard praising the hounds and telling them to “break him up, break him up” which means to eat the remains of the
fox. In interview we have been told that Williams, Huntsman of the Hunt at the time of the incident but since ‘let
go’ by the Hunt, said that hounds had gone off on a trail (of which no evidence was provided) and that he realised that
they were spending time within the hedge. He claims to have realised that there was a fox in the hedge but that it was obvious
that it had been dead for several days so he allowed them to have it and encouraged hounds to tear the body up.
The Huntsman instructs hounds to dismember the hunted fox Saboteurs involved on the day state
that their issues with his story are as follows:- 1. Gary Williams handed the remains of the fox in a plastic sack (minus intestines which were found by sabs) to another
hunt rider who rode off with the bag away from sabs. This hid any evidence that would prove if the fox was several days dead
or recently killed – a post-mortem could have been carried out at sabs’ expense if necessary to prove cause and
time of death. 2. A fox that was several days old at time of being ripped apart
would not bleed and the intestines found by sabs were bloody and fresh, still hot and smelled of dead fox. When police arrived
later the intestines had been removed but fresh and still wet blood was left where they had been along with splashes of blood
on various blades of grass around the area of the kill – all evidenced by Gloucestershire police officers. 3. A sab was assaulted
whilst trying to get to the site of the kill, the perpetrator being Hunt Master Mike Smith of Prior’s Norton. Having
first ridden repeatedly at her and her colleague, he then jumped off his horse and tackled her to the floor. With him distracted,
the second sab made it to the kill site at which point the hunt riders moved off. If the assault occurred because sabs were
trespassing, why did the trespass matter less once evidence of the kill had been found and recorded? Why assault the sab if
the Hunt had done nothing wrong?

Rider is handed bag containing remains of hunted fox 4. If the fox had indeed been dead for several days – a ‘fact’ not accepted by
sabs or police – cause of death would not have been known by the Hunt. If the fox had been poisoned, remnants of the
poison may still have been present in their system, putting hounds’ lives and health at risk. This wouldn’t be
a massive surprise though considering the lack of care taken to protect hounds by this Hunt – sabs state that the Hunt
are notorious for losing control of hounds, have had hounds killed on the nearby A38 in the past and have been reported by
members of the public for losing stray hounds on roads and in private gardens on numerous occasions. 5. Hounds are generally not interested in dead
foxes. 6.
Cub hunting is the initial stage of the hunting season, running from around the end of August until the beginning of November.
One of the purposes of cub hunting is to train new hounds, new hounds learning from those with experience as to what they
should do when they pick up on a scent of a fox. It is a time when hounds will learn the taste, smell and sight of a fox and
will learn also from the Huntsman who will praise or tell them off based on their actions. Even if the fox were already dead,
the Huntsman’s actions in praising the hounds, telling them to “break him up” (a reward for the hounds after
a successful hunt) and ‘blowing the kill’ will have taught them that ripping up a fox gets them praise, teaching
them that they have done something right. Which is precisely what traditional cub hunting would achieve and set them up to
do once the main hunting season arrives: chase and rip apart foxes. Pics below - 1/ Rider makes off with fox remains 2/ Huntsman
rides at sab group Gary Williams has since lost his job with the Cotswold
Vale Farmers’ Hunt and is rumoured to be moving over to the Ross Harriers Hunt (who operate closer to Ross-on-Wye and
share some of the same hunting country as the CVFH). In the remainder of the hunting season Gary was filmed encouraging hounds
on to a fox scent by another member of Three Counties Sabs and was also suspected to be involved in the blocking of badger
setts in the Hunt’s country – a tactic used to prevent foxes being able to escape underground during a hunt, in
contravention of the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. See also our webpage. Please share if you like what we do, help spread the message and, if you can, chuck a few quid our way to cover fuel
and equipment costs: paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Thanks!
Wife of cub cruelty case PC says
evidenced institutional corruption in police Claims elements in West Mercia force
traduced her husband to try to derail case 18-6-19
Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team The following account was sent to us by Jane Barradale-Smith, the wife
of the police officer who received the bodies of the dead fox cubs from HIT and began the investigation. It is a powerful
and personal account of a three year nightmare at the hands of fellow officers, crown prosecutors, local judiciary and senior
officers from other forces. It is shocking. please read and share widely. HIT "This is certainly not news to me as my name is Jane Barradale-
Smith. I had a search warrant served on my home address simultaneously to the HIT operative. My personal laptop was seized.
I reported this to the IOPC independently from my husband who was the original investigation police officer who received the
dead fox cubs from HIT. I have reported the Police Officer to Professional Standards Department of WMP for Perverting the
Course of Justice regarding false and malicious allegations of adultery, in what is a clear attempt to get the case dropped,
this has not been addressed by West Mercia Police. When the search warrant was executed on my home the police officer
who signed the warrant application form , stood in my dining room and said “ there is no evidence of an affair but they
have been ordered to do it”. I have repeatedly questioned the legality of the search warrant as I believe that Birmingham
Magistrates Court was mislead in to issuing 2 warrants. Three years ago, my husband, Richard, commenced this investigation into animal cruelty. He conducted
this investigation fairly, impartially and with transparency, securing overwhelming evidence from witnesses. His work was
recognised and praised by senior officers, so much so that he was nominated for a commendation.At the end of July, 2016 Richard challenged the discriminatory comments of a senior CPS Solicitor. The following
day, Richard was removed from this case. Richard has since, and over the past two and a
half years, been subjected to the most intense and intrusive scrutiny which not only questioned his professionalism but has
severely and adversely affected our private life and his health. West
Mercia Police and West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service failed and refused to acknowledge his status as a Whistleblower,
instead choosing to attempt to ostracise and repress him for standing up to the establishment and questioning the evidenced
institutional corruption that has taken place during this investigation. Following the execution of a search warrant on our house, I have been given evidence
to show that Birmingham Magistrates Court were deliberately mislead into issuing this warrant and that officer/s perverted
the course of justice in obtaining it. Richard has been criminally interviewed
twice with no evidence to support the justification for this. Richard only ever wanted to deal with this investigation fairly
and impartially which is what the public would expect from any officer. He retires in July following 30 years of service in
the police, sadly despondent at how his career will end. Questions now have to be asked as to why West Mercia Police and the Crown Prosecution Service have conducted themselves
in this way. Happy for this to be shared. Jane Barradale-Smith
" 19-6-19 morethanjustbadgers.net What a load of B*ll*x … While I
was away the case of the South Herefordshire Hunt fox cub killers finally reached it's conclusion. Here was a case that
had been dragging on as long as my own one against Fitzwilliam but for very different reasons. The Hunt Investigation Team
had secured some very damning evidence against the accused and it did finally get to court although it has now come to light
that the reasons behind the delays were insidious to say the least. There was a concerted effort by some individuals
within West Mercia Police to make sure those responsible for the heinous crimes against those fox cubs would never see the
inside of a court room. Follow this link for a personal account by Jane Barradale-Smith who is the wife of the officer who
received the bodies of the dead foxes. The case was very widely reported in the national press and TV with the main focus not just on the convictions but
the totally laughable sentences handed out with probably the best article in the Independent. It's a sad indictment of
our legal system that the people responsible avoided a custodial sentence and were in fact not even banned from keeping animals
in the future. This is no deterrent at all and another reason in a long list that we need a complete overhaul of sentencing
options for hunting and animal cruelty offences along with judges who are prepared to give the maximum sentences where appropriate... POWAperson adds - It is always
hard to be sure looking on from outside - and as a former criminologist who worked with police a lot I am very far from being anti-police
- but Mrs. Barradale-Smith's testimony, added to that of many sabs and monitors from lots of different areas, seems
to confirm that there are, in certain forces, elements that are willing not just to turn a blind eye to illegal hunting
and other unlawful behaviour by Hunts but to actively aid them. Needless to say this, if true, is extremely disturbing
and threatens the very rule of law.
Grafton FH supporter convicted after driving into monitor 14-6-19 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Another Grafton hunter found guilty Today at Northampton Magistrates
Court, Grafton Hunt supporter Jenny Jackson Stops was found GUILTY of refusing to provide her name and address at the scene
of an accident, and also failing to report the accident to the police. She was fined £692, plus costs and victim surcharge,
total £1336 and given 6 penalty points on her licence. On 13 January 2018 the Grafton Hunt
chased a fox into Sulgrave, witnessed by one of our monitors. She was looking to her left for the hounds, or indeed the fox,
when she heard a thump. Voices were raised in protest and she realised a car had struck monitor Lara Abbiss Stubbs. Fortunately
her dashboard camera had recorded the incident. Jackson Stops frequently obstructs the monitors and in particular she drives extremely slowly in front of them, to
prevent them from keeping up with the hunt. We are in no doubt on this occasion she wanted to get in front of John in order
to delay him yet again. As she drives forward, Lara turns and the car strikes her, spinning her body round. The impact dented
the car and knocked the wing mirror off, leaving it dangling. Jackson Stops’ incredible
defence was that she did not hit Lara, claiming instead that Lara threw herself at the car in order to cause criminal damage
to her vehicle! Yes, really!! She actually claimed Lara threw her body against her vehicle deliberately. Some may think Jackson Stops was lucky not be facing more serious charges today.
Lamerton FH rider killed after horse spooked by passing lorry 11-6-19 Cornwall Live Woman killed in freak accident after lorry spooked hunt horses - Linda Sandercock lost her life in a tragic accident after a slow-moving lorry passed her on a country lane
A 64-year-old horse-rider suffered a fatal injury after a passing HGV spooked hunt horses she was exercising, an inquest
heard. Linda Sandercock
from Trebursye, near Launceston, had ridden out with her friend Maria Lewis, on the morning of December 14th last year along
a link road off the A30 from Stowford Cross to Hayne Cross. In a statement read out at the inquest, presided
over by senior coroner Ian Arrow at Plymouth Coroner's Court, Mrs Lewis explained how the pair had ridden horses together
over the past five years and described her friend as an "experienced horsewoman". On the day, Mrs Sandercock was wearing a bright pink fluorescent coat and a new riding helmet and both riders were
on a horse each, but leading another, resulting in four horses on the road. Mrs Lewis explained she was a groom and looked
after horses and dogs for the Lamerton Hunt. She said the pair intended to exercise the horses on the roads around the Lamerton
Hunt kennels. She said it was a bright, cold and clear morning and the roads were dry and they road the horses at a walking
pace, occasionally slow trotting. They walked past Haynes Farm in single file on a two way road, with
Mrs Lewis at the front and Mrs Sandercock at the rear. Mrs Lewis spotted a large lorry up ahead which she said "slowed
right down" at spotting the horse riders. She said she raised her hand to thank the driver who continued past them slowly. However, she said
she "heard air-brakes from the lorry" and then heard horses hooves on the ground. One of the horses being led ran
forwards onto a grass bank and as Mrs Sandercock tried to hold onto the rope, her own mount bucked and threw her off. The
two horses cantered up the road and Mrs Lewis said that even her own horses "were spooked". The lorry continued
up the road, the driver seemingly oblivious to what had happened. Mrs Sandercock appeared to be in pain and very disorientated and Mrs Lewis called upon the help
of farm workers from a nearby field. One chased after the spooked horses which were heading towards the A30 carriageway while
the other call the emergency services. Sadly,
within a few minutes, Mrs Lewis said her friend was no longer sitting upright and "stopped breathing". Efforts were made to resuscitate her and an air ambulance attended the scene, taking her to Derriford Hospital. She
received treatment for a severe head injury but sadly died the following day. A post mortem found Mrs Sandercock had suffered
significant brain injuries and her cause of death was determined as traumatic acute subdural haemorrhage. Police arrived at the scene and closed the main road between Sprytown
Cross (Sprytown) and A30 (Stowford Cross, Broadwoodwidger), in both directions, for around three hours to investigate the
incident. As part of the inquiry
the driver of the lorry was later traced and interviewed. He told police he recalled coming up the hill, seeing the horses
and slowing down, which was recognised by one of the riders with a thank-you wave. He recalled passing the riders at a very
slow speed before "carrying on as normal". It was accepted that he had no knowledge that anything had happened and
police determined the driver had committed no offences and there were no faults with his Mercedes articulated lorry. The police
investigation also examined Mrs Sandercock and found there was nothing wrong with her kit. Lead investigator Sgt Nicholas Bloomfield told the inquest it was likely a noise emanated from
the lorry at the moment it slowly passed Mrs Sandercock's mounts which had "sadly led to the horses being spooked
and caused them to ride off down the road, throwing [her] from her horse." He told the inquest there was "no suggestion
the driver did anything wrong". Senior coroner Ian Arrow said the evidence presented
led him to the conclusion that the death of Mrs Sandercock was "entirely accidental". He passed on his condolences
to Mrs Sandercock's sister and brother who attended the hearing, noting how her death was "quite unusual and extremely
Sabs who started investigation reveal
background to fox cub cruelty case Believe were present when at least one bagged fox hunted by SH FH 10-6-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs South Herefordshire Hunt (SHH) Fox cub case Today in court Paul Oliver
was found guilty on all four charges brought against him. He received a 16-week suspended prison sentence (suspended for one
year). Hannah Rose was found guilty on three counts 12 week suspended sentence for one year. Julie Elmore received a conditional
discharge for one year. Paul Reece received a conditional discharge for one year. Nathan Parry was found not guilty. Background
- The trial of three members of the South Herefordshire Hunt has just been concluded in Birmingham Magistrates Court. Two
others previously pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to an animal after covert footage was obtained in spring
2016 of hunt members with caged fox cubs at the kennels. Two mauled bodies of fox cubs were retrieved from the kennel bins
and taken for post mortem. 2014
- We began to pay attention to the South Herefordshire Hunt in November 2014 - other groups had sabbed them years before
but their meets hadn't been attended in some time. Mal Williams was huntsman at the time. It was clear during a number
of meets that they were hunting without any adherance to the Hunting Act (contrary to what has recently been said in court)
and we regard the story of hounds ‘being trained to hunt an aniseed trail since 2005’ as absolute nonsense; we have never
seen a trail being laid. In March 2014 we had met the South Herefordshire Hunt when the Cotswold
Vale Farmers' Hunt held a joint meet with them. Earlier in the season the SHH were rumoured to have run riot in a field
of sheep with hounds mauling and killing several of the ewes before being driven at by hunt staff and supporters in order
to stop them. 2015 - New Year’s
Day 2015... during the day, we called hounds off a fox who then escaped. Hounds went on to chase another fox into a badger sett at Caradoc [Major Patrick Darling’s (then Master) estate]. Sabs were there to pull hounds out and were promptly assaulted and
thrown down a bank by hunt staff and supporters. On 3rd January the Hunt met with the Carmarthenshire Hunt for a joint
meet. A fox was dug out of a badger sett and hounds were encouraged on to that fox – when a sab went to investigate
she was injured after being assaulted next to a barbed wire fence. Paul Reece (who recently pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary
suffering to an animal) was present in the group who assaulted her. Lance King was also present and since moved to the Ledbury
Hunt as a terrierman. After the sab was assaulted, hounds were then came to the Hunt on 1st May as Huntsman [above right].
Just prior to his arrival one of our sabs was approached by a pro-hunt person in our area who said they had information about
the Hunt. Initial information was minor with time being taken to build trust with the source as they wanted to ensure that
we were not violent, wouldn't harass anyone and would keep their identity secret. As the hunting season began after the summer, we
obtained details of various hunt meets from this person (alongside information from other sources). As we have known some
of the hunt supporters for many years due to living in the area, we often have brief conversations with them; we were watching
hounds pass through a field of sheep during a meet when one supporter nudged us and said “don't worry, the ‘sheep
problem’ is apparently being dealt with"... rumours are that this is when the hounds started to be ‘trained
more intensely’ on killing foxes. On 12th December the South Herefordshire Hunt had a joint meet with the Crawley and Horsham Hunt and Paul Oliver made a speech
to welcome the visiting hunt with Paul Reece and Nathan Parry standing beside him. Having been tipped off about the meet from
a source, we attended alongside friends from other sab groups. Hounds marked a fox to ground at a badger sett but sabs intervened
and the Hunt moved off. The hounds went on to chase another fox down a drain and after a stand off between sabs and terriermen
from both Hunts (including Paul Reece and Nathan Parry) the terriermen backed off.
Shortly afterwards our car was blocked and the quads rushed past. The hounds were clearly hunting
– on entering the land Paul Reece was observed and filmed walking away from us [left], shoving a bag up his
coat – other sabs saw a fox running away from the area and heard whistles being blown (used instead of holloas to signal
a fox breaking cover). The fox had his head up and his fur was bristling, signs that he may not have known where he was –
a suspected bagged fox released for the hounds to chase. They hunted until it was pitch black that day... 2016 - On 16th January at Kentchurch Estate the
hounds were stopped from hunting by our sabs. Paul Oliver encouraged the hounds on past sabs and you can distinctly hear him
holloaing on the footage. This holloa and encouragement is, in our opinion, the same as can be heard on the footage filmed
by HIT as Paul takes cubs to the flesh house. When sabs intervened again he started to become aggressive but soon calmed down
and gave up the chase. On
12th February they had a children’s meet at Courtfield. No one was on point at the top of the covert being drawn and
so there was no one from the Hunt to stop the pack as they chased two herds of deer around the area and terrified the sheep.
One fox ran past a sab’ and another ran towards Courtfield itself - Paul Oliver hunted this fox and again you can hear
him holloaing on the footage. He was challenged on the fact that hounds rioted and endangered the lives of the deer and sheep
to which he replied that the sab’ was spinning a story. As the 2015 - 16 season started to wind down the source who had been speaking with
our sab told her that fox cubs were being obtained by the Hunt. There had been rumours of this happening before. Other information
was put together regarding identities of those potentially involved, etc and the Hunt Investigation Team who had recently
set themselves up, were fully briefed on the situation. Our initial information suggested that the cubs were being kept to
release as bagged foxes at hunt meets, something we strongly believed was happening on many occasions, but what was filmed
showed a different story. Late spring saw the footage being
obtained, the police being handed the evidence and the Hunt's kennels being raided – a supporter from another Hunt
told us later that Paul Oliver was enjoying himself at the Ledbury Hunt ball when this happened and had to return to be arrested
at Hereford police station. Ledbury Hunt - We have been sabbing the Ledbury Hunt for many years and in the 2017 - 18 and 2018 – 19 seasons
they have had what is described as a ‘marriage’ with what is left of the South Herefordshire Hunt. When the activities
of the South Herefordshire were initially published in the media, the Ledbury Hunt were the only hunt we know of to publicly
speak out against the “alleged activities" by sending out letters to their supporters explaining their stance.
As the South Herefordshire were suspended from hunting by the MFHA (Masters of Fox Hounds Association) and the kennels were
closed, the Ledbury were brought in to hunt their country. The former masters of the SHH are often out riding with them. The Ledbury Hunt do not follow a trail and later this week we will
post specifically about what they have been up to. It is rumoured that what is left of the SHH pack of hounds are at the Ledbury
kennels now. As hounds are innocent victims of the hunt, it was sad to hear of Paul Oliver’s breeding programme which
meant that there were four litters of puppies on site when the hunt were suspended. The bitch who Paul Oliver claimed had
picked up the fox cubs after he had killed them had 11 puppies. Hannah Rose described hand-rearing three other puppies and
there were two more litters on site. Where are they all now? What was their fate? Prior to trial 2016 – 2019 - It took three years for the defendants to be
brought to trial. Some of this time was understandably taken up putting together evidence, obtaining statements from sabs,
HIT operatives and the defendants themselves and getting the case ready for court. The rest of the time was taken up by West
Mercia Police investigating one of their own officers based on two separate malicious allegations (by an anonymous farmer,
according to the media) being that a police officer involved in the investigation was having relationships with those involved
in anti hunt activity . No claim was found to have any standing but it had stalled the investigation into the killing of the
cubs by about two years, as well as impacting horrendously on all those involved...
Suspension of jail sentences in S. Herefordshire cruelty case
outrages antis MP
patron of Blue Foxes says shows need for strengthening of Hunting Act 10-6-19
Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team
Cub killers escape jail The judge has handed the following sentences: Paul Oliver, 16 weeks
imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Hannah Rose, 12 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Paul Reece and Julie Elmore
received a conditional discharge. No disqualification from keeping animals. This is not enough, this is not justice for the 4 fox cubs. Yet again the judiciary has failed in its duty to protect
wild animals. Please share. HIT. 10-6-19 Birmingham Mail VIDEO Huntsman who fed fox cubs to bloodthirsty hounds SPARED jail - and can still keep animals
- Paul Oliver, who was master of hounds with the now disbanded South Herefordshire Hunt, was not banned from keeping animals
A senior Huntsman convicted of allowing his hounds to kill four fox cubs has been handed a 16-week suspended jail sentence
for causing their "painful, terrifying" deaths. Paul Oliver, who was master of hounds with the now disbanded South
Herefordshire Hunt, was not banned from keeping animals because he would lose his job at a stud yard. Passing sentence at Birmingham Magistrates' Court, District Judge
Joanna Dickens also imposed a 12-week suspended sentence on Oliver's partner, Hannah Rose, the Hunt's kennel maid. Oliver and Rose,
both of Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, Lincolnshire, were also ordered to pay £300 in costs and a £115 victim
surcharge after being convicted of causing unnecessary suffering. District Judge Dickens convicted Oliver, 40, and Rose, 30, after a seven-day trial was told live
fox cubs were used to "blood" hunting hounds at the hunt's kennels in Wormelow. The pair were charged with animal
cruelty offences after covert footage of them was captured by cameras placed at the Hunt's premises by anti-bloodsport
activists in May 2016. Suspending the sentences for a year, District Judge
Dickens said: "Four fox cubs were killed by hounds whilst in the kennels. They did not have the chance of escape. It
is not clear if this was a single lead hound in a pack or just one hound on its own. Thankfully, the veterinary evidence shows
that they died quickly. I consider that Mr Oliver took the lead role in this and it is clear that Ms Rose was acting on his
direction. This was a very serious offence of its type. The fox cubs suffered a painful, terrifying death." Explaining
her reasons for not banning the couple from keeping animals, the judge added: "I think the chance of any reoccurrence
is minimal. I also take into account that to disqualify them from being in control of animals would cause them to lose their
current employment and any hope of future work, as this is their livelihood." Julie Elmore, 55, of Brynarw estate near Abergavenny, and Paul Reece, 48, formerly
of Itton, near Chepstow in South Wales, admitted two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to cubs which were distressed
by being transported to the kennels. Accepting that neither Elmore nor Reece had any idea that foxes would be killed, the
judge said the pair had been "motivated by consideration" for the cubs while trying to stop them being shot. A fifth defendant, Nathan Parry,
40, also of Brynarw estate, was cleared of four animal cruelty charges after the judge accepted that he believed foxes taken
to the Hunt's kennels would be relocated in the wild. During sentencing, the judge said Elmore and Reece had been subjected to an "unjustified and outrageous"
hate campaign on social media. The judge said the pair were present on two dates in May 2016 when
foxes were "removed from their earth" and accepted that the transportation of two cubs would have caused them distress.
Imposing six-month conditional discharges and costs of £50 on Elmore and Reece, the judge added: "They took the
cubs to the kennels believing that they were rescuing them from being shot. They believed they were being relocated. What
Mr Reece and Ms Elmore did was right at the bottom of the scale for offences of this kind." Opening the case
at the start of the trial, prosecutor Simon Davis said: "The unnecessary suffering involved the killing of fox cubs,
effectively... throwing the fox cubs into the kennels of the fox hounds, thereby killing them." The court was told hidden cameras were placed at the kennels by the Hunt Investigation Team (HIT)
after they received information that animal welfare legislation had been breached. As part of the HIT inquiry, two sites were
identified where foxes were thought to have been "dug out" and police inquiries established gamekeepers had given
permission for the animals to be destroyed on the land. The court was told a camera recorded Oliver handling foxes and dumping
the bodies of two cubs in a wheelie bin. The footage also showed a stick with a noose attached, known as a grasper, being
used by Oliver, who had previously been a senior member of Cornwall's Western Hunt. Defence lawyer Clive Rees, mitigating for Oliver
and Rose, said the pair now looked after a private stud yard, caring for 14 horses and a number of dogs. Oliver suffered from serious kidney disease, Mr Rees said, and was "finished"
in the field of hunting. Mr Rees said of Oliver: "There has been abuse from both sides of the fence from day one. As
a result of this the South Herefordshire Hunt no longer exists. Obviously that doesn't make him the most popular person."
Mark Thompson, addressing the court on behalf of Elmore and Reece, said: "Their
criminality is
negligible. They had no intention to cause any suffering to any animal. That is just not the people they are." Giovanni D’Alessandro from the CPS said: "Animal cruelty is a serious
offence. Instead of killing them in a quick and humane way, as they knew they should have done, Paul Rees and Julie Elmore
handed two fox cubs to Paul Oliver, joint master of the South Herefordshire Hunt, and to kennel maid Hannah Rose. Rees and
Elmore had no thought to the suffering their actions might have caused to the fox cubs or indeed to what might happen to them
next. “Oliver and Rose, in fact,
chose to feed those cubs and two others to a kennel full of dogs. One can only imagine the distress suffered by the fox cubs
as they were carried from their cage and their pain when thrown into the kennel. Thanks to the strength of video footage provided
by one of the witnesses, the CPS was able to work with West Mercia Police and the RSPCA to present a robust case which resulted
in the convictions. The four convicted defendants are now facing the consequences of their crimes.” 12-6-19 Independent ‘Obscenely lenient’: Outrage as huntsman who fed fox cubs
to his hounds is not banned from keeping animals - ‘I can’t begin to get my head around how shockingly lenient
that is. No served time, no ban on keeping animals, no deterrent’ A judge’s decision
not to ban from keeping animals a Huntsman and kennel maid who fed live fox cubs to hounds has prompted an outpouring of anger
and calls for tougher laws. Hundreds of social media users have branded the decision “disgraceful” and “a joke”,
saying the “obscenely lenient” sentences make a mockery of animal-welfare legislation. And the shadow environment
secretary called for plans for longer jail terms to be brought forward immediately. Paul Oliver was handed a 16-week
suspended jail term for allowing his hounds to kill four cubs, causing their “painful, terrifying” deaths. However,
Oliver, who was Master of the now-disbanded South Herefordshire Hunt, was not barred from keeping animals because he would
have lost his job at a stud yard. District Judge Joanna Dickens also imposed a 12-week suspended sentence on Hannah Rose,
the hunt’s kennel maid. The trial was told how live fox cubs were used to “blood”
hounds at kennels, teaching the dogs to kill foxes. Suspending the sentences for a year, the district judge at Birmingham
magistrates’ court said: “The fox cubs suffered a painful, terrifying death.” Explaining her reasons for
not banning the couple from keeping animals, she added: “I think the chance of any reoccurrence is minimal. I also take
into account that to disqualify them from being in control of animals would cause them to lose their current employment and
any hope of future work, as this is their livelihood.” But
Anthony Joynes, an RSPCA inspector, said that in a similar situation a few years ago, in which a live fox was put in a cage
containing dogs, the suspects were jailed and given a lifetime ban on keeping animals. “It’s very frustrating
how there is no apparent consistency when it comes to sentencing,” he said, adding that he wouldn’t lose sleep
if the pair had lost their jobs. By contrast, shoplifters are routinely jailed. Last month, Kevin Monk, 40, was jailed for
four months in Dundee for stealing more than £100 worth of goods. His solicitor said Monk’s benefits had been
stopped and he was unable to buy food or heat his home. The Birmingham court heard how Oliver and Rose look
after a private stud yard, caring for 14 horses and several dogs. Andrew Cooke, a biologist and vet scientist, tweeted: “I can’t
begin to get my head around how shockingly lenient that is. No served time, no ban on keeping animals, no deterrent. I can’t
fathom why lengthy or lifetime bans aren’t more commonplace.” The couple could potentially have been jailed for up to
six months – the maximum term for animal cruelty under current legislation. The government plans to raise the sentencing
limit for such offences to five years on hold. Sue Hayman [above left], the shadow environment secretary, said:
“This case of appalling cruelty highlights the need to get serious about tackling wildlife crime and animal cruelty.
The government has dragged its feet on extending sentences for cases of animal cruelty and must bring forward this legislation
without further delay. Last Boxing Day, Labour announced our intention to close a number of loopholes in the Hunting Act to
prevent illegal hunting.” Labour proposals include possible jail terms for illegal hunting. The Hunt Investigation Team,
which took the footage that formed the basis of the prosecution, said: “This is not enough, this is not justice for
the fox cubs. The judiciary has failed in its duty to protect wild animals.” MP Sir
David Amess [above right], a patron of Conservatives Against Fox Hunting, said the sentencing showed the need for
law reform. “The case is absolutely appalling, and shows nothing but sheer cruelty and utter disregard for an animal’s
life,” he said. “What is worse is the shockingly lenient sentencing means that these people have walked free from
jail. That such cruelty can go unpunished shows that we now more than ever need to strengthen the Hunting Act and reform our
laws to stop those convicted of such horrendous acts from keeping animals ever again.”
S. Herefordshire FH Huntsman &
kennel maid convicted of cruelty to fox cubs A terrierman & a woman already pled guilty to cruelty in transporting cubs 4 given suspended sentences as
subject to long vilification on social media Antis outraged by very weak sentences, esp. failure to disqualify from keeping animals Hunt terrierman cleared, claiming thought cubs would be
released 10-6-19 Guardian VIDEO Huntsman found guilty of animal cruelty after activists' secret filming -
Footage shows then master of hounds Paul Oliver [Huntsman] taking fox cubs into kennels
A senior Huntsman has been found guilty of animal cruelty after activists secretly filmed him apparently preparing to throw
fox cubs to a pack of baying hounds. Animal
rights campaigners claim the conviction is significant because it shows a master of hounds “blooding” the animals
– training them to kill foxes – 15 years after the ban on hunting with dogs was introduced. The footage was obtained by members of a group
called HIT (the Hunt Investigation Team), who say they include ex-services personnel and that they have had training in covert
investigative methods. They obtained evidence for the prosecution by fixing a tracking device to the vehicle
of a man they believed to have connections to the South Herefordshire Hunt and mapping his movements out into the wilds, where
they suspected he was catching fox cubs. The activists also set up cameras at the Hunt’s kennels and obtained footage
that showed the then master of hounds, Paul Oliver, taking fox cubs into the kennels.  Huntsman carrying cub,
about to throw it to hounds [Credit Dave Evitts / SWNS.com] Though the footage does not show what happened inside the kennels complex, the prosecution at Birmingham magistrates
court claimed he was blooding the hounds. Oliver [below right, credit Mark Cooper/PA wire], 40, and
kennel maid Hannah Rose [below left, Credit SWNS], 30, both of Spalding, Lincolnshire, were found guilty of causing
unnecessary suffering to fox cubs. Joanna Dickens, the district judge, convicted Oliver of four counts of animal cruelty and
Rose of three counts of the same charge. The pair and two others who pleaded
guilty were due to be sentenced later on Monday. The Masters of Foxhounds Association suspended the South Herefordshire Hunt after the footage emerged and it has disbanded.
A spokesperson for the association said Oliver’s
actions were “completely disgraceful” and had no place in hunting. “It is incumbent on everybody involved
in hunting to see that this sort of behaviour never happens again.” It insisted that it was an isolated incident. HIT
said it began investigating after a tip-off. In March 2016, activists put a tracking device on to the Land Rover of man said
to be connected to the hunt and followed his movements. The group said it believed it was permissible in law to put a tracking
device on a vehicle it suspected of involvement. The activists claim it became evident the man was catching cubs and then heading
straight to the hunt kennels in Wormelow, near Hereford. The evidence obtained through the use of the device was admitted
in court. The investigators took legal advice
from lawyers and animal welfare organisations to work out their next step. The advice they received was that they could not try to recover any cubs as this would amount to theft. They said
they did not turn the case over to the police because they did not believe officers would have the resources to follow it
up. Instead they trespassed – a civil rather than criminal offence – on to the land where the hunt kennels
were based and set up hidden cameras. They argued it was the only way to expose what was happening and compare it to undercover
journalism. A team of four or five were involved in setting up and monitoring
the cameras and in May 2016 they found what they claim was evidence that fox cubs were being taken from their mothers and
thrown live into the hounds’ kennels. The prosecution alleged
the footage showed Oliver preparing to throw fox cubs in with the hounds. It was claimed that Rose, like Oliver a hunt employee,
stood by as he did so. Oliver denied feeding cubs to the dogs. He claimed the dogs did not hunt foxes but only followed
aniseed-based scents. Rose said she knew nothing about cubs being fed to the hounds. The prosecution claimed it was the vehicle of a
man called Nathan Parry that the HIT activists tracked. The court was told he was not employed by a Hunt but was a terrier
man. Traditionally terrier men work with Hunts. Parry was found not guilty of causing suffering to four foxes after the judge
accepted that he believed the animals would be relocated in the wild. One
of the activists involved in the operation, who asked not to be named, said HIT had received reports about other Hunts across the country, which it was investigating.
The HIT members are worried about reprisals and one who gave evidence during the trial was allowed to do so from behind a
screen. Julie Elmore, 55, of Abergavenny,
south Wales, and Paul Reece, 48, from Chepstow, admitted causing unnecessary suffering to fox cubs. Deborah Marshall, a spokesperson
for the Hunt Investigation Team, said: “We are clearly pleased that the hard work and integrity of the Hunt Investigation
Team has resulted in convictions. This case has taken far too long to come to court and we have faced false allegations against
investigators and obstruction throughout. We are glad that justice has finally taken its course. The capture of fox cubs to
be used to train hounds is nothing new and is widespread across Britain.. We will continue to expose cruelty and wildlife
crime and our message to hunts everywhere is ‘Expect Us’.” 10-6-19 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Trial verdicts... The judge has today delivered her verdicts. 4 suspects
are guilty on multiple counts of animal cruelty. Paul Oliver guilty on all 4 counts, Hannah Rose guilty on 3 counts, Paul
Reece guilty on 2 counts, Julie Elmore guilty on 2 counts. Nathan Parry acquitted. This is a very good result! The 4 fox cubs were dug out of their homes at 8 weeks old, taken
from their mothers', through the gates of hell and were thrown alive to a pack of hunting dogs. We can only imagine the
terror that they endured as they met the most brutal of deaths. This is the true face of hunting in 2019. We would like to
thank numerous people, the team that procured the original intelligence, the most excellent ground team that HIT dispatched
to the kennels who secured the evidence, everyone on social media and in the national media that has fought hard to keep this
case alive and secured these ground breaking convictions and thank you to our most 'special' of friends that have
given so much and yet remain in the shadows. Please share and support our ground breaking work. HIT. Details of trial, provided by 3C Hunt Sabs, can be found, along with background to the investigation, here. POWAperson comments
- Mixed emotions. The guilty verdicts were very welcome, though how Parry escaped is mystifying. But the sentences
are pathetic, especially the lack of disqualification from keeping animals. What exactly to you have to do to actually
get disqualified? It has taken
three whole years to bring these heartless, perverted excuses for humanity to some form of justice. The hunt side has tried
all manner of dirty tricks to delay or prevent it coming to court including lies about the investigators and a police
officer investigating the case. It's the clearest example of their ruthlessness, their willingness to do almost anything
to cover up their crimes and protect their perverted 'sport'. And they have the resources and the clout to succeed
far more often than they fail. How else, despite all the well-known failings of the Hunting Act could so many packs continue
to get away, time after time, with hunting live quarry absolutely blatantly? It is down to
the courage and persistence of everyone involved in carrying forward the original investigation [which the police could not
be trusted with] and overcoming every obstacle thrown in their way to bring it to court that a severe body blow has been dealt
to the hunting community. The pitiful sentences delivered was a slap in the face. You'd hope the CPS would appeal the
sentences, but it appears this is not permitted in case of offences not regarded as serious enough, such as this. Unsurprisingly, given how horrendous and disgusting this case was, the trial and verdicts
received wide media coverage. ITV evening News ran a substantial story on it but national BBC evening News mentioned it just
in passing. Among much press coverage were the Independent, Mirror, Evening Standard, Telegraph, Mail
Fire Brigade persuaded to withdraw from
fundraiser event for Hunts Clifton-on-Teme &
North Ledbury FHs were to get most of proceeds 9-6-19
Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs Bromyard fire brigade taking part in Clifton On Teme Hunt Fundraiser and kennels open day A major fundraiser
for the Clifton on Teme Hunt and North Ledbury Hunt, a country show and open kennels day is to have Bromyard Fire Brigade taking part, it has been announced. Challenged on Facebook, an event organiser has said that a percentage
of profits will go to Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity. Clearly the remaining proceeds and the larger percentage
will go to the Hunts. We're sure the brave men and women of Bromyard
Fire Brigade would not wish to be take part in any event supporting illegal bloodsports. There is barely any mention of the
hunts on the Facebook event page. We are sure the Fire Brigade have agreed to attend this event without a full understanding
of its links to the two Hunts.
 9-6-19 Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs Statement from Bromyard fire station re. hunt fundraiser In reply to one
of our supporters, Bromyard Fire Station have confirmed that they are no longer involved in this event. It remains unclear
if they ever knowingly were. We are shocked that hunt support will stoop to such underhand tactics to involve our firefighters
in their fundraising events. Thank you to everyone who has contacted the relevant authorities and above all to Bromyard Fire Station for everything
they do.
S. Herefordshire FH Huntsman struggles
to explain severe injuries to cubs 6-6-19 BBC News South Herefordshire hound 'probably gave fox cub a bite' A
Huntsman accused of animal cruelty killed two fox cubs with the blunt end of an axe ahead of a government inspection, a court
has heard.Paul Oliver, 40, denies he "fed" the cubs to hounds, saying their bodies were picked up by a dog. He told
Birmingham Magistrates Court the hound "probably gave [the cubs] a bite", causing extensive injuries. Terrierman Nathan Parry and kennel maid Hannah Rose also deny four counts of causing unnecessary animal suffering. Mr Oliver said he intended to rehome four fox cubs taken to the South
Herefordshire Hunt's site in Wormelow, but "didn't think it was right to have them on the property" ahead
of a Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs inspection in May 2016. I decided to get rid of them and kill them,"
he said, using an axe in a "flesh house" at the site. Two were rehomed in woodland as they did not need to die,
he said. When asked why one cub had 14 broken ribs and no head injury and
the other had 23 broken ribs, Mr Oliver said it was probably down to bites from a hound. The Hunt's terrierman Nathan Parry is also on trial at Birmingham Magistrates Court. He was
recorded by a covert camera - placed at the kennels by an anti-bloodsports group - dumping fox carcasses in a bin. Prosecutors allege Mr Oliver, the former master of hounds, was using cubs to "blood"
the dogs. He told the court he trained them
using an aniseed-based scent and the dogs "had no idea what a fox was". Mr Oliver and his partner Ms Rose, 30, of Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, Lincolnshire,
are on trial alongside Mr Parry, of Brynarw estate near Abergavenny, south Wales. The trial continues.
Cheshire PCC to 'scrutinise' recent police decisions
on fox kill cases 4-6-19 Knutsford Times PCC for Cheshire comments on fox hunting decision
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire has issued a statement following the announcement by Cheshire Constabulary
that it will be taking no further action in relation to an allegation made under the Hunting Act 2004 following the death
of a fox in Wrenbury, Nantwich in December 2018. David Keane, police and
crime commissioner for Cheshire, said: “On the back of the independent review I commissioned into the policing of hunting,
I have already outlined the need for a parliamentary review into the way the Hunting Act 2004 is laid out. The legislation
presents challenges to both investigators and prosecutors. Although it would be inappropriate for me to get involved in the
decision making process in individual cases, in my role as police and crime commissioner, I’ll be looking to carefully
scrutinise the decisions made by Cheshire Constabulary in this case and in a similar case from November 2018 to ensure it
followed due process in both investigations and it is fulfilling its obligations under the Hunting Act 2004.”
Yet another Cheshire fox hunt kill case dropped 3-6-19 Northwich Guardian 'Insufficient evidence' for charges in fox hunt death investigation AN investigation into the death of a fox near Nantwich in December will not result in illegal hunting
charges, Cheshire Police say An allegation of 'hunting a wild mammal with dogs' – contrary to the Hunting
Act 2004 – was investigated after a fox was killed in Wrenbury. But the probe has found 'insufficient evidence' to reach the benchmark for prosecutions under the Act. A Cheshire Police spokesman said: "Detectives gathered video evidence and interviewed
a number of people present or with relevant information. Early investigative advice was also sought from the Crown Prosecution
Service due the complexity of the case. As a result, the investigation team have concluded there is insufficient evidence
that the incident amounted to deliberate and intentional hunting, as required by the Hunting Act 2004, and it has been decided
that, on this occasion, no further action will be taken. All parties involved have been informed of the outcome. The constabulary
is still actively investigating a number of other incidents, alleged to have occurred during the hunting season. We reiterate
our commitment that where allegations of unlawful activity are made, they will be fully investigated." 3-6-19
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors *Case closed* - can there ever be "sufficient evidence" under
the Hunting Act? Another clear reminder of why a complete ban on hunting is so urgently needed. The Hunting Act not only
fails dismally to protect our wildlife, but actually protects those breaking the law. Please contact your MP today and ask them
to add their name to the campaign for a #RealHuntingBan. The incident in question, from Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs:
https://bit.ly/2Wkt3o0. 3-6-19
Facebook - Cheshire Police In December 2018, an investigation was launched by Cheshire Constabulary concerning an allegation of
‘Hunting a wild mammal with dogs’, contrary to the Hunting Act 2004. The allegation was made following the death of a fox in Wrenbury,
near Nantwich, which occurred during the 2018/19 hunt season. Detectives gathered video evidence and interviewed a number
of people present or with relevant information. Early investigative advice was also sought from the Crown Prosecution Service
due the complexity of the case. As a result, the
investigation team have concluded there is insufficient evidence that the incident amounted to deliberate and intentional
hunting, as required by the Hunting Act 2004, and it has been decided that, on this occasion, no further action will be taken.
All parties involved have been informed of the outcome. The Constabulary is still actively investigating a number of other incidents, alleged to have occurred
during the hunting season. We reiterate our commitment that where allegations of unlawful activity are made, they will be
fully investigated.
MAY 2019 ….. 31st May - Court hears SH FH terrierman tracked to disturbed fox earths ….. 30th May - 2 plead guilty as S. Herefordshire FH cub cruelty trial starts at last ….. 27th May - Sabs stumble upon artificial earth in Northants woodland ….. 25th May - Ashford V FH supporter cautioned & pays damages for attacking sabs ….. 25th May - E. Counties MH Huntsman found in river and sent home by sabs ….. 25th May - Storm over barring of
prosecution's expert witness in Grafton FH case ….. 25th May - Three Counties MH stop & flee as soon as sabs find them ….. 22nd May - Grafton FH Huntsman acquitted of illegally hunting a fox ….. 22nd May - New Quorn FH huntsman is violent illegal hunting suspect ….. 20th May - Oakley FH supporter convicted of serious damage to sab vehicle ….. 18th May - Eastern Counties MH packed up by sabs ….. 17th May - Police drop yet another Cheshire FH fox kill case ….. 17th May - Stray
Cheshire FH hound snapped scavenging rubbish near kennels ….. 16th May - Essex County Council rejects bid to ban 'trail hunting' on its
land …..
16th May - Naturalist and anti-hunt activist Chris Packham awarded CBE ….. 12th May - Leics
cop who wrongfully arrested sab promoted to Inspector ….. 11th May - Fitzwilliam
FH Huntsman's defence attempt to discredit expert witness failed …..
11th May - Sabs find 3 Counties MH hounds in cry - they pack
up immediately ….. 11th May - Masked S. Shrops FH supporters intimidate monitors at their workplace …..
11th May - Sabs stumble across Dove Valley MH digging &
scare them off ….. 11th May - Essex
County Council to debate banning hunting on its land ….. 10th May - 2nd
horse lorry in 3 months burnt out at Atherstone FH kennels ….. 9th May - Sabs accuse Clifton on Teme FH after finding dug out sett ….. 9th May - Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman appeal against conviction dismissed ..... 7th May - Trial
of Grafton FH Huntsman set to start 20th May ….. 5th May - Monitors prevent Border Counties MH from hunting ….. 2nd May - 2 JMs, 2 servants leave United FH after dig-out reported
to police
Court hears SH HD terrierman tracked to disturbed fox
earths Data shows
him returning soon after to kennels both times 31-5-19 BBC News South
Herefordshire fox cubs cruelty accused's car 'tracked' A Land Rover linked to hunting
kennels where live fox cubs were allegedly thrown to the hounds was tracked to two areas of disturbed ground, a court has
heard. Prosecutors say Nathan Parry's vehicle was tracked to the sites
by anti-bloodsport investigators in 2016. The 40-year-old denies four animal cruelty charges at Birmingham Magistrates' Court. Hounds master Paul Oliver
and kennel maid Hannah Rose also deny four counts. Hunt saboteur, Karl Garside, told the court he
had helped to place covert cameras at the kennels in South Herefordshire in 2016. He also said a tracker had been attached
to Mr Parry's vehicle. It showed that the terrierman's vehicle was near the Mynde estate in Herefordshire the morning
of 14 May 2016, then at the hunt's kennels a few hours later, the witness said. Mr Garside said he attended the first site, where foxes were allegedly dug out, to discover that the "earth
had been freshly disturbed and levelled". He later visited the Hunt's premises and filmed a fox cub being held in
a cage. Tracker data presented in court allegedly showed the vehicle leaving the second site in Pencoyd,
Herefordshire, the following day, before arriving at the kennels about ten minutes later. Covert video footage
was played to the judge apparently showing Mr Oliver gripping a live cub by the neck and a dead animal being dumped in a bin. Mr Parry [right, credit Press Association], of Brynarw estate near Abergavenny, south
Wales, denies four charges of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal as do Mr Oliver, 40, and Ms Rose, 30, both
of Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, Lincolnshire. Two other defendants pleaded guilty to two charges
of causing unnecessary suffering to fox cubs on dates in May 2016. The trial continues. 31-5-19 Metro Hidden camera ‘caught huntsman feeding live fox cubs to dogs’
An animal rights investigator allegedly caught the moment a Hunt’s master fed live fox cubs to his dogs. Paul Oliver,
40, is accused of throwing the animals to his hounds before the two foxes were later found dead in a wheelie bin. He denies
charges. On Friday Birmingham Magistrates Court was played the covert recordings,
after anti-hunt activists installed the hidden cameras at South Herefordshire Hunt kennels on May 16, 2016. Three people have
gone on trial accused of animal cruelty charges after the covert footage came to light. The video is believed to have shown
a man carrying a fox cub into the kennels as hounds can be heard barking. Minutes later the man comes out of the kennel and
dumps the dead animal into a bin before spraying it with a liquid. The footage showed the man carrying a live fox to the
kennels. Its dead body was seen thrown into a wheelie bin. Oliver, kennel maid Hannah Rose, 30, and terrierman Nathan Parry, 40, deny four
charges of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. Julie Elmore, 55, of Abergavenny, Wales, and Paul Reece, 48,
from Itton, Wales, have admitted two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. The court
heard how an animal rights investigator, Karl Garside, captured the incident after placing a magnetic tracker on Parry’s
Land Rover. He said the cameras were installed near white trailers on site of SHH Kennels, where he also found a fox cub in
a cage. Mr Garside pointed out that fox hunting was banned in 2005, so he installed the camera to establish why the fox cub
was in there. He
said footage showed a man in a cap putting the dead fox into a bin [below], before he is seen taking another fox
cub into the kennel. Mr Garside added: ‘He is then seen spraying something onto the foxes in the bin, we went the to
site later and saw the fox cubs in the bin, they looked blue.’ A rural practitioner
told the court he believed the foxes may have been killed by being battered with a hammer before being given to the dogs.
The defence witness, who was only referred to as Dr Lomax, said: ‘We know that injuries to the head and chest occurred
about a minute of each other. ‘One would assume that the blow to the head would’ve been first.’ He added:
‘In my opinion the chest injuries to the fox cubs were caused by one big dog. ‘The crushing injuries to the chest
could also have caused instantaneous death. Fox cub bones are soft, the jaws of large dog would crush the heart. I’m
not saying that is what happened, but it is possible.’ The trial, which is due to last a week, will resume on Monday. 31-5-19 Lincolnshire Live Court told covert mission 'caught hunt members cruelty to fox cubs'
Covert video footage which allegedly shows a Hunt's Master of Hounds grabbing a fox cub by the scruff of the neck has
been shown to a jury in court. Master of Hounds Paul Oliver and kennel maid Hannah Rose [both below, Credit Press Association], both of
Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, have each denied four charges of animal cruelty after live fox cubs were allegedly thrown to
the hounds at the South Herefordshire Hunt's kennels in 2016. Hunt saboteurs set up covert cameras to film at the Hunt’s
kennels allegedly showed Oliver carrying fox cubs at the kennels. One of the clips also seemed to show a live cub being gripped
by the scruff of the neck and another appeared to show a dead animal being dumped in a waste bin.  Anti-bloodsport investigator Karl Garside,
who gave evidence from behind a screen which shielded his face from the public gallery and the jury, said that he was able
to attach a magnetic tracking device to a Land Rover linked to the kennels in a bid to investigate into the hunt's practices.
The Land Rover belonged to terrierman Nathan Parry, who is also on trial and has denied four charges of causing unnecessary
suffering to an animal. The tracker showed the Land Rover had been to land in Pencoyd, Herefordshire, where a fox was allegedly
dug out of its den. Mr Garside told the court he went
to the site and found "a rural location, a wooded area backing on to fields." He added: "At the location that
the tracker indicated, we found an old badger sett with four of five entrances. We knew foxes inhabited it because we could
smell them and we found (poultry and pheasant) carcasses scattered around. "There was a small area on top of the sett
where the earth had been freshly disturbed and levelled." Mr Garside said then tracker showed had arrived
at the kennels 10 minutes after it left the site of the badger setts. He said he then filmed footage of Oliver carrying the
fox cubs inside. The footage was shown to the judge during court proceedings today, Friday, May 31. The hunt saboteur then
visited the Hunt’s premises and filmed a cub being held in a cage, the court heard. During cross-examination, Mr Garside said HIT had "special friends with special skills" but declined to
name an organisation that had helped its members with specialist training. Two other defendants have pleaded guilty to two charges of causing
unnecessary suffering to fox cubs on dates in May 2016. The trial continues.
2 plead guilty as S. Herefordshire FH cub cruelty trial
starts at last Trial of the other 3 defendants, including Huntsman, will continue 30-5-19 Daily Mail Senior huntsman among three people facing fox cub cruelty claims A Hunt’s
master of hounds [Huntsman] was caught by a covert camera as he prepared to feed live fox cubs to his dogs, a court
has heard. Birmingham Magistrates’ Court was told Paul Oliver, who worked for the South Herefordshire Hunt, claimed
to have used an axe to kill foxes but denied throwing the animals to his hounds at their kennels. A terrierman linked to the hunt and a woman
accused of cruelty pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to fox cubs as Oliver’s trial began on Thursday.
Julie Elmore, aged 55, of Brynarw estate near Abergavenny, and Paul Reece, 48, from Itton, near Chepstow in south Wales, will
be sentenced later after admitting two counts of causing unnecessary suffering on dates in May 2016. Opening
the case against Oliver, kennel maid Hannah Rose and terrierman Nathan Parry, who are accused of the same offence, prosecutor
Simon Davis said: “The unnecessary suffering involved the killing of fox cubs, effectively feeding the animals…
throwing the fox cubs into the kennels of the fox hounds, thereby killing them. “Oliver and Rose were employed by the South Herefordshire Hunt, based at Wormelow,
as master of hounds, and a kennel maid or groom. Mr Parry was not employed there but was known locally as a terrierman. Reece
was a terrierman and an associate of Parry.” The court was told a hidden camera
was placed at the kennels by the Hunt Investigation Team (HIT) after they received information that animal welfare legislation
had been breached. As part of the HIT inquiry, two sites were identified where foxes were thought to have been “dug
out” and police inquiries established that gamekeepers had given permission for the animals to be destroyed on the land. But prosecutors claim fox cubs were killed by hounds at the kennels, where hidden cameras caught them being moved
around, before two were found dead in a wheelie bin. Mr Davis alleged that the camera provided “significant” evidence
against Oliver, including footage which he claimed showed him lifting fox cubs out of a cage and entering the kennels. A stick
with a noose attached, known as a grasper, is also said to have been used during the alleged cruelty. Parry, 40, also of Brynarw estate, denies four charges of causing
unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. At the start of the
hearing, lawyers acting for the defendants standing trial made brief submissions to the district judge trying the case. Sara-Lise
Howe, for Rose, said: “She was not involved in any hunting activity. She was not involved and did not cause the death
of the foxes. She simply didn’t know about it.” Clive Rees, representing Oliver, submitted that there was no evidence whatsoever to show that he
killed two of the foxes which are the subject of the charges. The court heard that Oliver claimed he had relocated fox cubs
ahead of a Defra inspection, killing them with an axe blow to the head, and had never fed any animals to his hounds. Veterinary surgeon David Martin was the first witness
in the case, telling the court one cub had no sign of any head injury, while another had a “blunt trauma” injury
to its head. Pics below
- 1/ Imprisoned fox cub 2/ Cub about to be thrown to hounds in kennel

Sabs stumble upon artificial earth in Northants 27-5-19
Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Today we carried on with the quest to sett survey in areas where there could be
a badger cull. It all started well and we found some beautiful badger setts. Then the usual happened and we came across the violent contraptions that humans think up for their own pleasure.
An artificial fox earth so that people can readily flush out a fox or two for the hunt was found : see terracotta pipe and
hole with brick entrance. We then found the area in the middle of the earth where the fox would be flushed . Close by was
a hunting tower and bullet cartridges. Now we all know fox hunting is not about the control of foxes and
is all about the sick fun and money generation this “sport “ brings in . If you are out and about and find artificial
earths , please photograph them and send them into us with the locations. Help us to keep up our work by donating to our second vehicle fund. Many thanks. 
Ashford V FH supporter cautioned &
pays damages for attacking sabs 25-5-19 Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs VIDEO Ashford Valley & Tickham Hunt supporter pays damages after Boxing Day violence
On Boxing Day 2018 at the Ashford Valley & Tickham hunt meet in Tenterden, drunken hunt supporters attacked a group
of peaceful anti hunt protesters. The cowardly attack took place when
Kent sabs had moved off - unfortunately this left the remaining protesters without coverage by our cameras. As a result, many of the assailants have so far not been arrested, although there is still a live
police investigation into the attacks in Tenterden (and Elham on the same day). However, we have
recently heard that one of the attackers has accepted a conditional caution, and has agreed to pay £500 to their victims,
which is great news! Whilst
we wait for the investigation to run its course, and for more hunt supporters to feel the weight of the law, we would like
to thank Kent police for the hard work that they have so far put into bringing these people to justice. Violence will never deter us from exposing the
law breaking hunts and their thuggish supporters. POWAperson adds - This caution brings to 437 the number of persons
associated with organised UK Hunts known to us to have been convicted or cautioned for criminal offences since 1990,
of a total of 970 offences. 252 of these have been violent offences. 242 of the 970 offences were committed by servants
or officials of Hunts.
E. Counties MH Huntsman found in river and sent home
by sabs 25-5-19
Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Otter hunter caught short in the water- Hit Report Sat 25 May, 2019 - Eastern Counties Mink/Otter
Hounds, Waples Mill Farm, River Roding, Essex North Cambs Hunt Sabs again joined with several
midlands sab groups, to rumble a meet of the Eastern Counties Mink/Otter Hounds just east of Harlow in Essex, provided to
us yet again by the ever helpful HSA tip-off line. The Huntsman was caught red-handed, up to his waist
in the River Roding attempting to flush for prey with his pack of hounds around him. This week's excuse was, "We're
exercising the hounds and they needed a drink". Usually that doesn't involve the huntsman getting into the river
with the pack, Paul. Sabs crossed the
muddy river, showing the Huntsman he wasn't going to be able to get away from us, and two groups on both banks then escorted
him, with the Whipper-in and a small number of elderly spectators, back to the meet. The walk of shame back to the ECMH scruffy transit van was then a procession with sabs from Suffolk & Essex,
Norwich, Cambridge, South Cambs and Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs as well as North Cambs making certain the hounds went nowhere
except back in the van. This is a pack that we have been warned by informants will kill with ease whatever they find in
the river, in addition to the fact that they are illegally disturbing river habitats with their hunting dogs in flagrant contravention
of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. Once the hounds were
packed away and had left the meet, we were happy to chalk this up as a job well done with the wildlife of the River Roding
safe from the countryside terrorists for another day. This is what direct action for animals looks like. Vegan events who distance themselves from hunt sabotage are missing
the point and we stand in solidarity with Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs.
Storm over barring of prosecution's
expert witness in Grafton FH case 25-5-19 Daily Telegraph Expert dropped from hunting case after kissing prosecution witness
An expert witness in the trial of a huntsman was banned from giving evidence by a judge after he was spotted kissing a
prosecution witness Professor Stephen Harris, one of Britain’s leading authorities on foxes and a long-standing opponent
of hunting, was excluded from the trial of Mick Wills after the incident was reported to District Judge Tim Daber. Mr Wills,
a huntsman with the Grafton Hunt, was subsequently found not guilty of illegally hunting a fox with dogs in Alithorn Woods,
Northamptonshire, in September 2017. It is the second time in recent years that Professor Harris’s involvement as an
expert witness in a hunting case has raised questions. In the latest case
Mr Wills’ defence counsel Stephen Welford claimed that as a result of Professor Harris greeting Judy Gilbert, a veteran
anti-hunting campaigner, with a kiss as they arrived at court, he could no longer be regarded as an independent witness, given
his apparently close relationship with her. In his ruling Judge Daber told Wellingborough Magistrates Court: “The defence submission
rests on the admitted fact that Professor Harris and Judy Gilbert greeted one another warmly with the witness kissing the
Professor. If a relationship exists between a proposed expert and the party calling that expert which a reasonable observer
might think is evidence of bias, then he must be excluded on the grounds of public policy. Justice must be seen to be done.”
The judge added: “The allegation of bias specific to this particular case is something that in my view the court cannot
ignore. A reasonable observer would consider him to be partisan. “However unbiased he may be, this court must exclude
Professor Harris’s evidence.” Professor Harris told The Telegraph that Ms Gilbert
kissed him before he could stop her and claimed they had not seen each other for nearly two decades. He said: “She walked
up to me in court, greeted me, and kissed me before I could stop her. I am not responsible for someone who I have not seen
for so long kissing me.” Mr
Wills was acquitted of the charge of illegal hunting after using dogs to flush out a fox. He was cleared after the court heard
that the plan had been to use a golden eagle to kill the fox once it had been flushed out. Using dogs to flush out wild mammals
for a bird of prey to hunt is permitted under the Hunting Act 2004. In delivering his verdict last week Judge Daber
stated: “The plan had been agreed by the Master and the huntsman the day before. Things didn't turn out as expected.
Mr Wills is a man with good character. It is true the hounds were not brought under control quickly enough. However there
is no offence of reckless hunting. I find Mr Wills not guilty of this charge." Professor
Harris, a former professor of environmental sciences at the University of Bristol, had been employed by the CPS to give evidence
on behalf of the prosecution, despite earlier questions being raised over his independence. In December 2015 a private prosecution brought by the League Against Cruel Sports
(LACS) against six members of the Lamerton Hunt collapsed after Professor Harris failed to inform the court about his friendship
with Paul Tilsley, the LACS’s head of investigations, and his other connections to the group. The court heard he had
written a book published by the LACS, appeared at its campaign events and had published an academic paper sponsored by the
group. Following Mr Wills’ acquittal
the Countryside Alliance called on the CPS to abandon its use of Professor Harris as an expert witness. Tim Bonner, the chief executive of the alliance, said: “He cannot be regarded as an independent
witness. I will be writing to the Attorney General about the involvement of Prof Harris in charging decisions, and about the
CPS’s continued use of Prof Harris as an independent expert in trials involving Hunts.” Professor Harris rejected the Countryside Alliance's claims,
stating: "Tim Bonner represents a campaigning organisation and so has a partisan view, whereas I am an independent academic.
For more than half a century, I have known and worked with people who support hunting and those who are anti-hunting. However,
I base my opinions on the facts, not the preconceived objectives of others.” A CPS spokesperson
said: “We are aware of the judge’s comments and are looking into what happened in this case. The gathering of
evidence and identification of witnesses is a matter for police and it is for the court to determine whether an expert’s
evidence is admissible.” A highly experienced
hunt monitor and prosecution witness responds - The Hunting Act needs strengthening
to make it easier to prosecute these people who continue to hunt our wildlife with impunity and consider themselves to be
above the law. The prosecution witness featured in the article, Judy Gilbert, who greeted Prof. Harris with a handshake and a brief
kiss on the cheek, had been acquainted with Prof Harris for decades though only met him on a very few occasions at public
events. There is no “close relationship.” as the defence would like you to believe. Mick Wills’
defence team were trying to make something out of nothing and seized on their perceived opportunity to try to discredit Professor
Harris, probably because they are scared of his professionalism and expertise in the witness box and were determined not
to let him speak. When our witness greeted Stephen Harris, in a professional
manner by shaking his hand, because she regards him as a very intelligent acquaintance of integrity with unparalleled knowledge
of foxes, also a quick kiss on his cheek in a “warm” (to quote the defence lawyer) manner. Naturally the defence are trying to make much of this claiming that Professor Harris could not be impartial.
This is quite ridiculous as we're sure Tim Bonner, the CA and their defence council know full well. In our opinion
they were simply trying to unfairly discredit Professor Harris to get their client acquitted. Judge: “However unbiased he may be, this court must exclude Professor Harris’s
evidence.” Sadly the Grafton
Hunt - and not just Mick Wills the Huntsman, but all of them including the Masters, the Whippers-In and the mounted field
- will continue to hunt foxes and claim they are hunting within the law by using loopholes in the Hunting Act. The Hunting Act
urgently needs strengthening to remove these loopholes and make it vastly easier to prosecute these people who continue to
hunt our wildlife with impunity and consider themselves to be above the law. https://www.facebook.com/foxcubhunting/
Three Counties MH stop & flee as soon as sabs find them 25-5-19 Facebook - South Wales Hunt Saboteurs Three Counties Mink Hounds – 25.05.19 It was lovely to be out on a
nice sunny day with our favourite sabs from Bristol, Severn Vale and Bath Hunt Saboteurs. Some undesirables had been spotted
in the Neen Sollers area and we went to investigate. It wasn't long before we found
Three Counties Mink Hunt vehicles and followers. They had half a dozen vehicles parked in a field next to the river, but when
they spotted us they hurried back to their vehicles and started to skulk off down a wooded track. They had clearly notified
the Huntsman who called the hounds out of the river and lead them back into the farm yard.
There was the usual posturing and threatening but they knew the game
was up. Then the terrier men, complete with two terriers and spade, emerged and also headed into the farm – they spent
the rest of the afternoon lying next to the hound van lazing in the sun. The police came and were irritating
but ultimately harmless. Nothing left to do but for the hound van to leave – suitably followed by sabs to ensure they
were heading back to the kennels. Time for a pint. Lovely.
Grafton FH Huntsman acquitted of illegally hunting a
fox Falconry Exemption
defence accepted despite recent Fitzwilliam FH precedent 22-5-19 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch The Huntsman of the Grafton Hunt was found not guilty of illegal fox hunting today
at Northampton Magistrates Court. The defence claimed that they were hunting to a bird or prey using the Falconers exemption
in the Hunting Act as their defence. Our report to follow shortly. 23-5-19 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Judge Daber, in his summing up, before he acquitted the Huntsman:
I don't believe a man like the Hunt Master would perjure himself! Presumably he considered that our decent and honest
hunt monitors would, when he stated that he "preferred" the Hunt's version to that of our Monitor regarding
the position of the Falconer.
Fox flushed from wood runs from hounds
Hounds and hunters chasing the fox Fox
fleeing up the road
Hounds searching for scent of fleeing fox An article, with
video, about the incident in the Sunday People is here. It talks about Andrea Leadsom MP, a strong supporter of the Grafton FH. Leadsom resigned from the Cabinet in advance
of a second attempt to become Tory Leader and Prime Minister. This
is the original report of the incident, in September 2017, and my comment on it and the video... 24-9-17 Facebook – Help Hunt Monitors VIDEO The Grafton Hunt Watch team were out yesterday at Helmdon, Northamptonshire, to film the Grafton
hunting fox cubs. Anarchy in the countryside, but the authorities will do nothing about it! POWAperson
adds - Three monitors separately filmed a fox darting out of a copse past a group of hounds and running across a field. The
hounds give chase, as do riders on the ridge above. The fox bursts through a small copse with hounds in hot pursuit and
is then seen running up a road, then darting back into a copse. The Huntsman is heard blowing the hounds to hunt on. Hounds,
with riders in the background, search the road verges. As the film clip ends, hounds are on the wrong side of the road. It is all absolutely clearly wilful fox hunting and if this is not enough to secure a prosecution it is hard
to see what would be.
New Quorn FH huntsman is
violent illegal hunting suspect 22-5-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO As former Atherstone Huntsman Ollie Finnegan takes over as Huntsman of the Quorn Hunt here
is a reminder of what he was like at the Atherstone Hunt. Here he can be seen using his horse as a weapon against a sab. Finnegan
has also recently been charged with illegal hunting. Pics below - Finnegan using his horse
as a weapon against a female sab. This went on for a couple of minutes.
16-5-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO As we continue to upload all of our old videos to YouTube we come to our second visit to the Atherstone
Hunt five years ago. In the video a terrified Atherstone hound hides from the Hunt under the Hunt's hound lorry. Then
huntsman Ollie Finnegan can be heard saying “giver her a slap” to a hunt supporter in an effort to get the hound
out from under the lorry. The hound can then be heard yelping in pain as she is hit by the Hunt. Fox Hunts love to tell anyone
who will listen how well they treat their horses and hounds. This video shows the reality. Although filmed five years ago
at the Atherstone Hunt this footage could easily have been filmed at any hunt around the country this season.
Oakley FH supporter convicted of serious damage to sab
vehicle 20-5-19 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Whilst sabbing the Oakley Hunt on 30th September 2017 in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire, our sabs
were subjected to a completely unprovoked and shocking attack by James Lea. Sabs had just arrived to the area and had driven down a dead end
road whilst searching for the Hunt and other sab groups. Sabs on foot had just been dropped off when James Lea arrived, driving
dangerously and aggressively. The sabs tried to return to the safety of the vehicle but after attempting to block their escape
James intentionally drove into and rammed the sab vehicle. You may recall our fundraising campaign for this at the time. James was completely out of control and also almost ran a sab down with his car, and was shouting and throwing pieces
of the sab vehicle at the sabs. Sadly this is typical behaviour from hunt supporters but this time we had some karma as we
secured a conviction against James. At the hearing on 4th April 2019 at Luton Magistrates Court, James Lea pleaded GUILTY to Criminal
Damage. He received a Conditional Discharge for 6 months/ Court costs of £85/
Compensation to us £526.79. All of which keeps us ticking over and our vehicle taxed and MOT-ed. Thanks James. Pics below - 1/ Lea rams sab vehicle 2/
Lea throws parts of damaged sab vehicle at sabs whilst threatening them  23-5-19 Daily Mail Saboteurs who tried to disrupt a hunt are filmed clashing with supporter after he rammed his
4x4 into their vehicle and unleashed foul-mouthed tirade - James Lea, 50, clashed with hunt saboteurs in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire
- He rams his 4x4 into their vehicle and says 'Go on... try it with a f***ing gypsy' - Lea received a conditional
discharge for six months, paid court costs of £105 and compensation to the hunt saboteurs of £562.79
A fox hunt supporter was filmed clashing with saboteurs after ramming
his 4x4 into their vehicle and launching a foul-mouthed tirade. Footage shows James Lea, 50, driving his Mitsubishi Shogun
into a Range Rover after activists try to disrupt a hunt in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire. Lea is then recorded on a saboteur's
mobile phone calling one female protester 'a f***ing b****' during the incident on September 30, 2017. Video of the incident emerged after Lea admitted criminal damage at Luton Magistrates
Court on April 4 this year. The confrontation happened as the South Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs confronted supports of the Oakley
Fox Hunt. The video shows Lea ramming the saboteurs with his car and then telling protestors; 'Go on then, try it with
a f***ing gypsy.' Lea is also seen throwing parts of the smashed up Range Rover at the saboteurs. The woman who filmed the video had
been dropped off on a public footpath to search for the Oakley Hunt with their Range Rover parked on public property. Lea
then pulled up behind the Range Rover, forcing the car forward and screamed out of his driver side window: 'F***ing w***ers.'
Lea, who is believed to be a supporter, but not
a member of the Oakley Hunt says to the only female protester: 'F*** off. Go on, f***ing try it with a f***ing gypsy.
F*** off down there you f***ing b****.' During the ordeal the saboteur group tell one another not to interact with the furious
Lea, and continue to walk away from him while filming. Lea continued to threaten the group and threw broken car parts at them.
He says: 'Go on, you f***ing b******. Do you want to f***ing try it or not? Do ya? Do you want to come over here on private
property. Do you want to take it on, get in the f***ing car you c***.' During the attack,
a member of the South Cambridgeshire Hunt Saboteurs in the Range Rover called the police as the vehicle drove out of the private
property and back onto the public road. The hunt saboteurs get back into their
car and leave. Lea received a conditional discharge for six months,
paid court costs of £105 and compensation to the hunt saboteurs of £562.79.
Eastern Counties MH packed up by sabs 18-5-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Riverside vandals stopped in their tracks - Hit Report - Sat 18 May 2019, Eastern Counties Mink
(Otter) Hounds, Hill Farm, Ford End, Essex North Cambs
Hunt Sabs joined with a number of other groups today to act on a timely tip-off received via the HSA information line. We
had received information that the Eastern Counties Mink were to be taking their hounds out along the River Chelmer. Locals
were concerned for the safety of the resident otters known to live there. Along with Suffolk And Essex, Beds & Bucks, Norwich and Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs, we picked
up the Hunt who were just about to put their hounds into the river as we arrived.
'The nasty men made me do it... ' After an initial protestation that they were 'hunting
rabbits', they changed their story to 'dog walking' as soon as we pointed out that rabbits don't live in rivers. Just like every other mink/otter hunt we have sabbed, they simply gathered up their hounds and terrier and walked
back to their meet. An illegal hunting pack cannot continue when there are 21 sabs surrounding their hunt. After a short farce where their hound van pretended to leave the
meet, then drove back to the riverside, they gave in after realising they could not escape our gaze.
Some of the nasty men less than happy with sab attention Another criminal hunting pack sent
home with their tails between their legs, thanks to a tip off from the public! Hunt sabs protect wildlife as volunteers, funding their fuel and camera equipment personally. If
you would like to help our cause, you can do so at: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. See also report by S.Wales Hunt Sabs
Police drop yet another Cheshire FH fox kill case 17-5-19 Knutsford Times In November 2018, an investigation was launched into the death of a fox killed while a hunt was taking
place in Church Minshull. During this investigation detectives have gathered video evidence and interviewed a number of people
present or with relevant information. Early investigative advice was also sought from
the Crown Prosecution Service due the complexity of the case. As a result, the investigation team have concluded there is
insufficient evidence that the incident amounted to deliberate and intentional hunting, as required by the Hunting Act 2004
and no further action will be taken. All parties involved have been informed of the outcome. The Constabulary is still actively investigating a number of other incidents from
the last hunting season and we are grateful to all those who continue to work with and support us. We reiterate our commitment
that where allegations of unlawful activity are made, they will be fully investigated. 17-11-19
BBC News No further action in Cheshire fox death probe - Cheshire Police
said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Police say there will be no further action
over the death of a fox allegedly killed during a hunt. Footage appeared to show a dead fox being placed in a bin bag - the
aftermath of a hunt in Cheshire in November, an anti-hunting group said... A spokesperson for Cheshire
Monitors, the anti-hunting group which said it filmed the footage, said "pitifully weak legislation" had undermined
its efforts to seek prosecution. 18-5-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO Here is the evidence - “No further action" - Cheshire Hounds Hunt evade prosecution
yet again despite clear evidence of fox hunting On Thursday 15th November 2018, a team of 10 monitors,
including independents, witnessed the Cheshire Hounds Hunt trespassing into fields around Aston Gorse woodland near Church
Minshull to hunt a fox for 15 minutes, resulting in its death... We have been informed
that the blatantly illegal activities shown in this video fail to meet the "evidential threshold" set by the Crown
Prosecution Service when considering a prosecution under the Hunting Act 2004, legislation designed to stop the hunting of
wild mammals with a pack of dogs, but which fails dismally to do so. Cheshire Monitors, along with other groups, local MPs, and a number of advisors, are now working
towards a real hunting ban, and we need your help. Please keep checking our page over the coming months on practical ways
in which you can help. Demand a #RealHuntingBan POWAperson adds - Cheshire Monitors
report on the fox kill can be found here Pics below - 1/
Hounds hunting fox while redcoat shouts 'Get on it!' 2/ Whipper-in clears up remains
of killed fox
See also Cheshire Live report and Metro
Stray Cheshire FH hound snapped scavenging rubbish near kennels 17-5-19
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Lost hound seen scavenging from local refuse The Cheshire Hounds
Hunt have lost a hound today, 17th May 2019, which was seen rummaging through rubbish bags near the Whitegate Way. The kennels
are located just off this popular public footpath. One of our supporters, who was not
far from their kennels, spotted this hound wandering the streets around The Paddocks on the Whitegate Way. They tried but
failed to coax her to them. If you spot her, please get in touch.
an eye out if you see the hunt "exercising" the hounds along the Whitegate Way, which they do often, usually between
6am-8am while there aren't many people around. They have previously been spoken to by the council due to them not picking
up after the hounds, who have also limited them to one handler per five hounds under new council regulations. If you see any
different get evidence and get in touch!
Essex CC rejects bid to ban 'trail hunting' on its
land 16-5-19
Clacton Gazette Bid to prevent trail hunting on Essex County Council land rejected A BID to ban hunting with dogs on council-owned land has been rejected. Colchester
councillor Lee Scordis put forward the motion calling on Essex County Council to not to allow any future trail hunting and
exercising of packs of fox hounds on its land. Trail hunting involves laying of a scent across the countryside which a pack of hounds then searches for and follows.
The practice, and exercising hounds, are legal and the Countryside Alliance said there was “no justification”
for the motion. Hunting foxes with dogs is illegal but there are a number of exemptions which Labour
councillors said were being used to get round the law. But councillors disagreed and branded the move “illogical”
and “a nonsense”. Independent councillor Kerry Smith said he could not support the motion. He said: “This
motion is not sound as it seeks indirectly to remove the rights of the common man to freely use public rights of way. “These
are hard won rights I will not seek to tamper with.” Fellow independent Jo Beavis, who represents Halstead, said she could see no reason for the ban as no Essex huntsmen
had been questioned by police for a breach of the law. She said: “This motion has caused much alarm in my division.
Huntsmen are confused because without any serious reason a motion has been moved to consider this legal activity. The motion
is entirely illogical.” Labour councillor Ivan Henderson spoke in support of the motion and urged councillors
to help stop hunting on council land. However, the motion was rejected. Tim Bonner, chief
executive of the Countryside Alliance: “We are pleased the council voted against a motion to ban the legal activities
of trail hunting and hound exercise. It is a great shame councillors had to waste time on such a pointless and divisive debate
but we are grateful they rejected the proposal. Hunts in Essex have been hunting an artificial scent legally since the Hunting
Act came into force in 2005. There are at least eight packs of hounds operating in the county throughout the autumn and winter
yet none has ever been charged with a hunting offence. The suggestion they are not hunting lawfully is completely unfounded.”
Naturalist and anti-hunt activist Chris Packham awarded CBE Has to withdraw from event due to threats from pro-bloodsports people 16-5-19 Express & Star Packham celebrates CBE and vows to keep fighting for British countryside
Chris Packham vowed to continue his fight to defend Britain’s natural world – despite receiving death threats
– as he was made a CBE by the Prince of Wales. The naturalist and TV presenter, who has spoken out against fox hunting,
badger culling and the killing of birds of prey, has been given the award for his services to nature conservation. Packham
[left] last month revealed dead crows had been strung up outside his home and he had received death threats after Natural England revoked licences for controlling 16 species of bird following a legal challenge
by the Wild Justice group he founded. On Monday, his appearance at a festival for dog lovers was cancelled as the organisers of Dogstival, at Pylewell
Park Estate, near Lymington in the New Forest, Hampshire, said they feared protesters would use the event to target the BBC
Springwatch presenter. Packham, 58, said after the Buckingham Palace investiture ceremony:
“A lot of people aren’t as well versed with the problems, they read the headlines, they knee jerk, they feel that
they’re threatened and therefore they lash out. I have to accept that and I will accept that and continue to try to
make progress. For me all of those things are part of a process I will have to go through to achieve what I want to do –
and that is to make the UK countryside a better and healthier place for wildlife and for people, too. I know that’s
not going to be an easy ride but that doesn’t put me off.” The passionate defender of wildlife has worked on BBC Two’s Springwatch and its other seasonal spin-offs since
2009, and presented numerous natural history programmes. Earlier this year he took part in Blue Planet Live, examining the
impact of ocean pollution. Packham has spoken often of how his Asperger’s syndrome and
bouts of depression have affected his screen career. He added: “One of the characteristics of my condition is that we
are intolerant of injustice and we see things in black and white and we say what we think, and those are key assets when it
comes to the sort of campaigning work that I do.” The
TV presenter was interested in the natural world from an early age, with a bedroom full of tanks and jars of wildlife, before
becoming involved in the punk scene and adopting its defiant spirit. He began experimenting with photography and camera work
before moving from behind the camera to presenting duties on The Really Wild Show in 1986. Packham is vice-president of the
RSPB and the RSPCA, and supports other conservation and animal welfare charities. The TV presenter said he would be celebrating the award at London Zoo with a group
of people, from his former school teachers to television executives, who had mentored him over the years. He said about the CBE: “To
a great extent I feel I’m taking one for a team of people, there aren’t that many people who are honoured for
working in major conservation and environmental care and there are a lot of people who work hard, and a lot harder than I
do, and I’m fortunate to be a small figurehead for them.”
Leics cop who wrongfully arrested sab promoted to Inspector 12-5-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO What do Leicestershire Police do with bent coppers? They promote them.
Five years ago PS Paul Allen deliberately misused Section 60 stop and search
powers on a group of hunt saboteurs. The powers are meant to be used for when there is a serious threat of violence. A member
of our group refused to be searched by Allen and was subsequently arrested. The CPS wanted to drop the case however Allen
put pressure on the CPS to continue with the prosecution warning them that Leicestershire Police risked being sued if the
case was dropped. The case was thrown out of court and Leicestershire Police were successfully sued after it was proved the
section 60 had been misused. The video of the incident can be viewed here. Five years later Allen has been promoted to Inspector. Here he is [see video] talking
about stopping and searching people at a football match.
Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman's defence
attempt to discredit expert witness failed Prosecution's expert said to have tried to discredit defence's 'expert 11-5-19 Daily Telegraph Professor employed as independent witness in hunting prosecution tried to discredit opposition
using secret 'intelligence files' from League Against Cruel Sports - Professor Stephen Harris was said to have 'ambushed' Mr Adams’ appeal against conviction by
producing documents relating to his rival expert evidence A professor employed as an independent witness in a hunting prosecution tried to discredit opposing witnesses using
secret “intelligence files” from the League Against Cruel Sports. George Adams, 67, was found guilty of using hounds
to kill a fox despite the scientist who gave the main evidence against him being accused of “bias”. Professor Stephen Harris was said to have “ambushed” Mr Adams’ appeal against
conviction by producing documents relating to his rival expert evidence Dr Daryl Hamilton Wallace half way through the case.
Peter Glenser QC, defending, told the court it was the second time during a hunting trial that
evidence had emerged relating to the retired professor’s links to the anti-hunting charity with which “he has
had an association which goes back decades.” He told the judge that Mr Harris was “biased”, adding: “This
all paints a picture of somebody who is antipathetic to those accused of hunting.” The professor also gave key evidence to parliament
in support of the hunting ban. One of the documents produced, Mr Glenser told the court, was a “subject profile said
to be a restricted document from the League Against Cruel Sports”. The “intelligence file”, which included
personal details including what was believed to be his home address, was created in 2015. Prof
Harris also sent prosecutor David Matthew a series of documents relating to Mr Hamilton Wallace that he found online, the
judge was told. Mr Glenser said that he was concerned that Prof Harris’ evidence was the “principle evidence”
in the trial along with videos shot on the day. In 2015 a private prosecution of the Lamerton Hunt collapsed after an email
emerged detailing how the League’s head of enforcement had recommended the Bristol Professor as an expert. Prof Harris
noted in the email, to a solicitor in another case, that it “fortunate” that was not the route by which police
contacted him as if it had been it would have been “very damaging”. Despite the questions over the independence of the expert, Judge Jonathan Cooper
upheld the decision to find Mr Adam guilty and ordered him to pay £11,332 in costs, as well as a £1,000 fine.
Speaking directly to the allegations
against Prof Harris, the judge told Cambridge Crown Court: “We heard that he was met with a file of material that was
said to undermine his credibility. It was most unfortunate that that file was incomplete, because an explanatory document
from a previous case had not been put before us. There was a prospect that the picture being painted may not have been as
full as it should have been. That is a matter of regret.” The appeal boiled down to the key findings made at Peterborough Magistrates court, and Judge Cooper said: “Whatever
might have been the intentions, it degenerated into a simple matter of fact that it descended into hunting with dogs.”
Mr Adams, who joined the Fitzwilliam Hunt in 1981 and became a Huntsman
in 1984, has always insisted that the hounds only killed the fox because it had been spooked by the sabs and turned back into
the pack. But the judge rejected this claim, saying: “The dogs were not called off the chase of the fox at any relevant
point. Mr Adams exerted no effective control.” Falconer John Mease,
who had been tried alongside Mr Adams at the Magistrates Court and cleared, said to his knowledge in 14 years of hunting with
the Fitzwilliam that was the only time that a fox had been killed by the hounds. Normally the hounds flush the fox to cover
and then he releases his eagle to kill the animal, he told the court, but he did not release his bird that day because of
the “balaclava-d sabs”. Mr Adams was first interviewed by the police in March 2017 about the events of the New Year’s
Day hunt in a field near Wansford, Cambridgeshire in 2016 and was convicted after a trial before Magistrates in April last
year. See also blog by 'Accidental Activist', who was the main prosecution witness,
Sabs find 3 Counties MH hounds in cry - they pack up
immediately 11-5-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Three Counties Mink Hounds – 11/05/19 Today we joined up with
Bath and Severn Vale Hunt Sabs to pay a visit to the Three Counties Mink Hounds, after receiving a tip off that they would
be hunting around Cotheridge, Worcestershire. When
checking out the area we heard horn calls and hounds in cry, which gave us their location on the River Teme. Sabs popped out
on the opposite river bank and the Hunt quickly gathered the hounds up and had a huddle before heading back to their vehicles.
We got round the
other side of the river in time to see an annoyed Huntsman leaving in the hound van. Supporters then blocked the roads to
stop us following, with no regard to other road users who were also held up. Shortly after the hound van was seen heading to their kennels down the road in Kinnersley and we retired to the pub,
knowing that their day was done! Mink hunting is the summer pastime of the hunting community, with only die-hard enthusiasts who
are usually out with fox or hare hunts taking part, meaning they’re particularly secretive and illusive. Mink hunting supposedly
replaced otter hunting in the 1970s, when the species was given special protection after a massive population crash due to
pesticide use and hunting. However, they still use otter hounds and with an increasing otter and declining mink population
it is thought some packs have reverted to hunting their old quarry. The hunters claim to support conservation efforts and help animals such as the water vole by hunting
mink, but we fail to see how a couple of dozens hounds and a bunch of people with sticks and spades trampling over and tearing
up fragile river bank habitats is in any way good for conservation. The riverside vandals are firmly on our radars this summer.
Watch this space... Please donate to keep us in the fields! Paypal.me/bristolhuntsabs See also report by Severn Vale Sabs
Masked S. Shrops FH supporters intimidate monitors at
their workplace 11-5-19
Facebook - Shropshire Monitors Today the South Shropshire Hunt have stooped to an all-time low. Two monitors were subject to intimidation
and harassment whilst they were at work today. The people responsible were known South Shropshire Hunt Supporters and Staff.
Everything has been reported to the police. All this has done is made #ShropshireMonitors more
determined to expose this Hunt for what they are and ensure we now keep a very close eye on them for this coming season. We
take this behaviour as an admission of guilt, as why would grown men cover their faces and attempt to intimidate monitors
during their work? How unprofessional and desperate of the South Shropshire Hunt. We can assume that they are not pleased their #NationalTrust licence was revoked
for illegally hunting on the #Longmynd as one of the old men supporters mentioned the Longmynd during today’s harassment.
Surely National Trust Carding Mill Valley and the Long Mynd NT this bullying behaviour has now blown any chance they would
have had of getting a licence renewed for the coming season? Bit warm for woolly hats and scarves boys? #SouthShropshireHunt #Guilty #WeGotThemRattled
Sabs stumble across Dove Valley MH digging & scare them
off 11-5-19
Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Today whist out sett surveying ahead of the proposed badger cull a couple of our sabs stumbled on the
Dove Valley Mink Hunt who had met at Blithford Farm, North of Blithbury, Staffordshire. After spotting their well known hound
van we saw the hunt in a field, close to the road and a group of them digging at the river bank, presumably after a mink that
had taken refuge. We filmed them and this was enough to make them gather their spades and terriers and move on.
We called in reinforcements and stayed in the area to keep an eye on them but before any more sabs could get into
the area the hunt had called it a day. If you see a similar group of vehicles parked up over the summer please contact the HSA tip off line on 07443 148426.
The Dove Valley hound van is a dark Toyota Landcruiser Reg R148 VUX and will be towing a trailer with the hounds in. If you
spot this vehicle in Derbyshire or Staffordshire please let us know. https://ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs.
Essex County Council to debate banning hunting on its
land 11-5-19
Gazette Standard Call to ban ALL fox hunting on Essex County Council-owned land A MOTION calling for a ban on all forms of hunting with dogs on council-owned land is set to be
debated. The bid, put forward by Colchester councillor Lee Scordis, will go before Essex County Council next week. It calls on the council to “not to allow any future trail hunting and exercising
of packs of fox hounds” on its land. Trail-hunting involves laying of a scent across the countryside which a pack of
hounds then searches for and follows. Mr Scordis’ move comes weeks after Nottinghamshire County Council voted to ban
hunts on all land it owns. Hunting foxes with dogs is illegal in Britain, but there are a number
of exemptions which Labour councillors said were being used to get round the law. Mr Scordis, who represents Abbey ward on
the county council, said his motion had been inspired by colleagues in Nottinghamshire. He said they hoped the move would
close loopholes which the party claims hunters use to avoid the ban. “It had been put forward by Nottinghamshire County Council, however, our motion is worded slightly differently,”
he said. “We are all passionate about animal welfare in the Labour party. It would only encompass Essex County Council
owned areas as we can only enforce that as a council.” A number of hunt events are held across Essex each year. These include
the annual Maldon New Year’s Day hunt and in recent years the Castle Hedingham Boxing Day hunt. Mr Scordis said it
was time for the council to get behind opposition to the Hunts from the public. “I completely abhor any type of hunting
that goes on,” he said. “Killing any animal is disgusting. I think it speaks for itself. We are passionate about
making sure the loopholes are covered on fox hunting. We have to be much more progressive - we don’t live in the 18th
century any more.” The motion, which was seconded by Laindon Park councillor Allan Davies, will go before the council
on Tuesday. 8-5-19 Facebook - Cllr Lee Scordis - Labour Borough and County Councillor Next Tuesday I will be moving a motion
to tighten the rules on fox hunting in Essex. Fox hunting is a despicable activity and I can still not understand how someone
gets pleasure watching an innocent animal being torn apart. I hope all parties can support this. ‘This
Council notes that the hunting of wild animals with dogs is illegal under the terms of the Hunting Act 2004, except where
an exemption applies. This Council therefore calls upon the Cabinet not to allow any future trail hunting and exercising of
packs of Fox hounds on Essex County Council land.’
2nd horse lorry in 3 months burnt out at Atherstone
FH kennels 10-5-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs It seems that a horsebox at the Atherstone Hunt kennels was burnt out last night. Apparently this is the
second time in the past three months. We have reported previously that the Atherstone Hunt are struggling financially, so
much so that their accounts show that over the past few years they have been steadily selling off all of their tangible assets.
This has included the selling off of all of the horses owned by the hunt. One of the few assets left that the Atherstone Hunt
still had was the hound lorry used to transport the hounds and horses to hunt meets. It seems this has now been burnt out… 9-5-19
Facebook - Atherstone Fire Station At 00:02 this morning the Retained crew were called out to a horse
lorry on fire on Kennel Lane, Witherley, Leicestershire. Upon arrival it was well alight. 2 BA, an extended Hose reel and
45mm jet was used to extinguish the fire. The vehicle was completely destroyed but the fire was limited from spreading to
surrounding property. The crews returned to station shortly after 2am. This is the second horse
lorry fire at the same address within the past 3 months. Investigations are ongoing as it is believed to have
been targeted by arsonists. If anyone has any further information then please contact Leicestershire Police.
[Credit Atherstone Fire Station]
Sabs accuse Clifton on Teme FH after finding dug out
sett 9-5-19
Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs Badger sett dig out While out sett surveying our sabs made a chilling
discovery on Easter Sunday. After finding several clear badger signs and a small outlier sett, a main sett was located only
to discover unmistakable evidence of a recent dig out. Wider investigation
showed that a Hunt had been in the area within the time frame of the dig out. We estimated it was about a month old; horses
hoof marks and hound prints remain clearly visible in the heavy clay soil of North Herefordshire. The Hunt in question would have been the Clifton on Teme Hunt. At
least half the entrances on the sett show evidence of soft blocking, although most are now active again. There is a fresh
latrine nearby, so the badgers fortunately survive. The size of the dig out indicates this was for a fox that had gone to
ground. Until
the 2018/2019 season the Clifton on Teme Hunt have avoided sab attention for years. This is pretty indisputable proof that
they are hunting illegally. We're gutted we weren't there to intervene on this occasion but they can expect more attention
from us next season. A
Land registry search shows the sett is on the boundary between two farms but we believe the landowner to be Gerald Whistance
of Wild Perry Farm. A specially built hunt jump on his land, and very close to the dig out, proves that the hunt have permission
to hunt the land. The Clifton like to boast that they have access to almost all the land in their country. Let's start
putting pressure on some of those landowners. Please contact Mr Whistance and ask him why he allows illegal hunting on his land. Be polite. Your contributions towards our fuel costs are always
appreciated. Thank you. Ko-fi.com/herefordshirehuntsabs
Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman appeal against conviction dismissed 9-5-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Guilty verdict Ex-Huntsman of the Fitzwilliam Hunt, George Adams,
was once again found guilty of illegal hunting. Adams and his expensive legal team demanded an
appeal and full retrial after he was originally found guilty in 2018. Today, it was ruled *again* that he hunted and killed
a fox unlawfully in January 2016. The
Hunt relied heavily on the presence of an (unused) Golden Eagle with their Hunt in an effort to circumvent the law, this was
today ruled irrelevant in what has now become case law. Pic
below - Adams [mounted] just after the kill
9-5-19 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Fitzwilliam conviction upheld by the courts Official Statement. We are clearly very happy with the decision to
uphold the conviction of George Adams that we achieved back in April last year. We would like to take this opportunity to
thank the prosecution team, in particular the excellent David Matthew QC who performed admirably against the defence who persisted
in attempts to discredit the witnesses and ambushing the court with last minute legal claims and the questionable addition
of their own so-called expert witness, a computer forensics expert with no background in animal sciences. We hope this finally signals the end of the Bird of Prey or Falconry
exemption within the Hunting Act. Other Hunts which use this loophole will now have to reconsider their options as they will
no longer be considered to be taking part in exempt hunting just by having someone with a bird of prey present. The use of
birds of prey alongside hunting with hounds is not, and never was falconry. There are serious welfare issues for the raptors
used in this manner alongside the abhorrent cruelty involved in setting 1 or 30 animals against another. Judge Cooper, in
summing up stated; “Something significant" must change in the planning and training of the hounds and the characteristics
of Hunts in the future if they don't want to be charged with illegal hunting”. We will continue to actively target all Hunts in an effort to stop their abuse of our wildlife
with all and every means at our disposal. The Hunting Act is in desperate need of strengthening, all the loopholes should
be closed and hunting with dogs finally consigned to history. We will continue to work towards that end but in the mean time
you will find us, and all hunt sabs standing up to defend our wildlife in the fields no matter what violence, abuse and intimidation
we face. See also reports in Peterborough Telegraph and The Canary
Trial of Grafton FH Huntsman set to start 20th May 7-5-19 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch Case against Michael Francis Wills - Huntsman Grafton Hunt - Hunting a wild mammal with dogs -
Hunting Act 2004. Notice to attend at Wellingborough Magistrates Court. A trial has been arranged to take place at Wellingborough
Magistrates Court on 20 May 2019, the trial is listed for 21 May at Wellingborough Magistrate Court and 22 May at Northampton
Magistrates Court.
Monitors prevent Border Counties MH from hunting 5-5-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors Border Counties Mink (otter) Hounds - Hit Report - 05/05/2019 They met at
10am, Manor Farm, Lea Brockhurst, SY4 on a SUNDAY!, they had a big suprise as monitors were in wait along the River Roden
to greet them. Monitors being there early, saw no trail laid, but had evidenced signs of Otters along the river. We heard
the Hunt making burring (rolled tounge) noises. They were such a small hunt in number, with a mixture
of hounds and around 10 people. We are interested to know what they were doing? As hunting otters and mink is illegal, it
is also illegal to disturb the resting place of otters. They ran and hid away for a few hours, past Thistleford bridge and
went up the Roden to Soultan wood. We caught up with them as they approached Aston Hall, where they
then hid and awaited a pick up. Using the footpath there, we watched them hiding and loading up the dogs. Here a very dishevelled
looking Nick Mapp as huntsman and his mate Ryan Backhouse Jones had to load bored looking hounds at only 2pm. Whilst loading
a rather unsavoury character verbally abused hunt monitors, who were filming from a public footpath. Why be so aggressive
Mr? A message to all Hunts, if you come into #Shropshire we will be there to monitor your activity. Thanks to the independents out today with us and also a big thanks to the monitor from Cheshire Against The Cull.
2 JMs, 2 servants leave United FH after dig-out reported
to police 2-5-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors VIDEO The United Pack from Bishops Castle were caught by us digging into a badger sett. They need
to now dig up 2 new masters and a new huntsman and a new whip, as we hear. Josh, Padraic, Ellie & Sophie have all left.
good riddance. We have had them in front of Police in 2018 & 2019. So watch out United Pack in 2019/2020 we shall be watching.
APRIL 2019 ….. 30th April - Judge to give Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman appeal verdict on Friday ….. 30th April
- Meynell FH officials & servants trial date set for
August 19th ….. 30th April - LACS lists known infractions by N.T. licenced Hunts during season ….. 29th April
- Deer hunt season ends as criminal Quantock SH Huntsman retires ….. 28th April
- Fox-killing Cheshire FH Joint Master resigns post ….. 27th April
- LACS figures point up widespread illegal fox hunting
in Cheshire ….. 24th April - Weston & Banwell FH planning application for new kennels refused ….. 23rd April
- Another stag killed by Quantock SH - at 'children's
meet' ….. 23rd April - Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman's illegal hunting appeal tomorrow ….. 22nd April
- S. Shropshire FH spokeswoman struggles to explain 'trail hunting'
22nd April - Monitor report on licence breaches & violence by
R.A. FH ignored ….. 21st April - Meynell FH rider boasts of cub hunting on social media ….. 20th April
- Cheshire FH hold emergency meeting to discuss their any problems ….. 19th
April - Venue will not host Puckeridge FH Ball after anti online
campaign ….. 19th April - R.A. FH rider who lied re. sabs endangering
her horse is named ….. 18th April - Walker's
account suggests Blencathra FH lied to LDNPA re. chasing fox ….. 18th April - Top Hunts' lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden
drowns while surfing ….. 17th April - LACS say season's 400 illegal hunting
reports 'tip of iceberg' ….. 17th April
- Sanctuary owner thinks starving fox cubs
were being raised to be hunted …..
17th April - LACS urges N.T. to ban South Shropshire FH permanently ….. 16th April - FC
staff prevent Quantock SH pursuing stag on to their land …..
15th April - LACS officer witnesses D&S SH 'tormenting'
stag for six hours …..
15th April - Antis ask MoD to ban violent R. Artillery FH from
their land …..
14th April - Sabs attacked, cars badly damaged by R. Artillery
FH supporters …..
14th April - Hounds Off founder assaulted by Quantock
SH thug on public access land ….. 13th April - Quantock SH chase another
stag to exhaustion and death …..
12th April - CA & Cheshire PCC criticise each other over hunting review …..
11th April - Pevensey Marsh Beagles to close down …..
10th April - Six from Meynell FH charged with illegal fox hunting ….. 9th April - Garden Centre withdraws sponsorship
of Cottesmore FH Pony Club event …..
8th April - Monitor captures moment hunted stag shot dead by
Quantock SH ….. 8th April - Welsh huntsman convicted over gruesome/insanitary state of kennels …..
7th April - Lord Middleton's son works with prosecutor who dropped
sab assaults case ….. 7th April - Stevenstone FH hunt on after fox even after warned by sabs …..
5th April - Waveney Harriers chase fox across road at closing
meet ….. 5th April - Antis
think pair bagged foxes released at 4 Burrow/Beaufort FHs meet ….. 5th April - Sab film refutes claim that they endangered a hunter's horse …..
5th April - Quantock SH kill another young stag for 'sport' …..
5th April - Cotswold FH filmed trespassing on private railway …..
4th April - WO course at Leics police doesn't
seem to cover organised illegal hunting ….. 3rd April - Leics police recruitment ad features pro-hunt Wildlife
Officer …..
2nd April - Vale of White Horse FH trespass on Nat.Trust land …..
2nd April - Sabs upload video of Stevenstone FH fox kill ….. 2nd April - Man says saw Surrey Union FH hunting fox on/near Wildlife Trust land …..
2nd April - Portman FH rider who kicked horse in belly owns
the Daily Mail ….. 2nd April - Portman FH terrierman kicks sab, rider steals hat ….. 1st April - Atherstone FH supporter exposed as violent misogynist
Judge to give Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman appeal verdict
on Friday 30-4-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs For those followers of this page waiting for an update on the long running Fitzwilliam court case, a verdict will be delivered at Cambridge
Crown Court on Friday. This case relates to the illegal hunting and killing of a fox by the Fitzwilliam Hunt in January
2016. The killing occurred near Elton, south of Peterborough. The Fitzwilliam
have been convicted once already over this, yet have appealed in an attempt to spend even more on court costs. All evidence has now been heard. The judge has
retired and will consider his verdict which will be delivered on Friday. We get to wait some more. As
a note to this and regardless of the outcome we would like to say thanks to the prosecuting QC who was excellent and the judge
who certainly didn't bow to any of the dirty tricks by the defence team. Pic - Sabs guard corpse of killed fox
Meynell FH officials & servants trial date
set for August 19th Six are accused of illegal cub hunting in October 2018 30-4-19 LACS Press Release Hunt accused of illegally targeting fox cubs Five members of the
Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt have appeared at Nottingham Magistrates Court today, accused of hunting fox cubs. The
five accused entered not guilty pleas and a trial date was set for five days from Monday, August 19. Joint Master William
Tatler had a medical exemption today but also faces charges. The
case follows an investigation by Derbyshire Police based on evidence captured by the animal welfare charity League Against
Cruel Sports. Martin
Sims, director of investigations at the League Against Cruel Sports, said:- “We’d like to thank Derbyshire Police
and the Crown Prosecution Service for bringing this case to court under the Hunting Act, and we will now await the outcome
of the trial.” The six men are joint masters William Tatler and
Peter Southwell, former huntsman Sam Staniland, whipper-in John ‘Ollie’ Finnegan, terrier man Andrew Bull and
assistant terrier man Sam Stanley, face a charge of hunting a wild mammal with a dog contrary to Section 1 of the Hunting
Act 2004. The alleged offence is said to have been committed on Tuesday, October
2, 2018 in woodland near Sutton on the Hill in Derbyshire. Before the Hunting Act was introduced, Hunts would
train their hounds to kill adult foxes by first training them to hunt and kill young fox cubs living in patches of woodland.
When the Hunting Act was introduced that practice was made illegal. The case comes 14 years after hunting with dogs was banned
in England and Wales with the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004, which came into force in February 2005. That's if
they get to trial POWAperson
adds - Let us hope the trial will begin at the due date, but it will be astonishing if it does. Most
Hunting Act cases have taken well over a year to get to trial from incident date and some much longer than that. That's
if they get to trial at all, as the CPS has a habit of dropping cases before [sometimes during] trial, usually without meaningful
explanation. See also Derbyshire Live
Known infractions by N.T. licenced Hunts during season listed30-4-19 LACS website ...Listed below are the reported incidents of Hunts trespassing onto National Trust land during the
2018/19 hunting season. - The Horton Court Estate, Gloucestershire, has granted a license
to the Beaufort Hunt, which was filmed hunting a fox through a churchyard in the nearest village to the estate
on 17 March, showing the Hunt is operating unlawfully in its daily activities. It is clear unlawful hunting was taking place
on that day as the full pack of hounds were ‘in cry’, the Huntsman was giving short horn and voice calls - something
done to ‘egg the hounds on’ to follow the scent of a hunted animal. A number of badger setts were also found blocked
up — a common tactic used by Hunts to prevent a pursued fox from ‘going to ground’ — in a wood which
was surrounded by terriermen after the animal took refuge. It is notable that nearby Tetbury Town Council has refused permission
for the Beaufort Hunt to meet in the town centre on New Year’s Day on 10/12/2018. -
The Kingston Lacy Estate, Dorset, has granted a license to the Portman
Hunt, which was witnessed by wildlife monitors chasing a fox over National Trust land in March 2017. The Hunt has
since been witnessed chasing a fox at a meet in Manston on 27/10/2018, where a badger sett was found blocked up nearby. Terriermen
– people on quadbikes whose purpose is to dig out foxes which have taken refuge underground during a hunt – were
filmed when the Hunt met on the estate on 21/11/2018. This is in direct breach of the National Trust’s licence, which
expressly prohibits terriermen and their vehicles from operating on its land during the course of any hunt meet. The National
Trust is clear that “terrier men have no place in a trail hunt”. - The Farnborough Hall Estate, Warwickshire,
has granted a license to the Warwickshire Hunt, which was filmed trespassing on the estate on 11 November
2017, when no license was issued. It is clear unlawful hunting was taking place on that day as the full pack of hounds were
‘in cry’ and the Huntsman was giving short horn and voice calls - something done to ‘egg the hounds on’
to follow the scent of a hunted animal. Had a trail been laid the Hunt would not have gone near, let alone onto, the grounds
of Farnborough Hall. A number of recent incidents also show the Hunt is operating unlawfully in its daily activities: the
Hunt was seen chasing a fox in Hunningham on 01/11/2018 and the Hunt was again seen chasing a fox, which went to ground in
a badger sett in Admington on 03/11/2018. - The
Buscot and Coleshill Estate, Oxfordshire, has granted a license to the Old Berkshire Hunt, which was then
witnessed chasing and killing a fox on the estate on 17/11/2018. The National Trust launched an investigation, however no
outcome has been announced. The same Hunt was witnessed by monitors chasing a fox in Alvescot, 10 miles north of the estate,
on 07/11/2018, showing that the Hunt is operating unlawfully in its daily activities. This was on the same date the Hunt was
scheduled to meet on the estate, but switched hunt meets for unknown reasons. It is understood the incident has been reported
to Thames Valley Police. -
The Penrose Estate, Cornwall, has granted a licence allowing access to Porkellis
Moor by the Four Burrow Hunt, which had on 24/11/2018 six of its hunting dogs becoming trapped for four days
down a mine shaft - resulting in one of the animals dying. - The Woolbeding
Countryside Estate, West Sussex, granted a licence to the Chiddingfold, Leconfield and Cowdray Hunt. Terriermen
– people on quadbikes whose purpose is to dig out foxes which have taken refuge underground during a hunt – were
filmed when the Hunt met on the estate on 24th November 2018. This is in direct breach of the National Trust’s licence,
which expressly prohibits terriermen and their vehicles from operating on its land during the course of any hunt meet. The
National Trust is clear that “terrier men have no place in a trail hunt”. - The Hanbury Hall Estate, Worcestershire, granted a licence to the Worcestershire Hunt.
This Hunt was photographed chasing a fox at Goosehill Green, two and a half miles from the estate, on 7th November 2018. - The Shropshire Hills Estate, Shropshire, has
granted a licence for two Hunts to access its Long Mynd Estate. On 10 December a fox was seen fleeing the South Shropshire
Hunt, one of those licensed, alongside terriermen being present, during a meet on the estate. On 11 December, terriermen
were filmed accompanying the United Pack, the other licensed Hunt, on the estate as well as the Hunt conducting
activities on areas outside of the licensed area. So
far, the Trust has failed to give a satisfactory answer as to how they will prevent this from taking place, and what the repercussions
of these offences will be. 2-4-19
Facebook - National Dis-Trust We're starting a new National Trust trespass round-up for the 2018/19
season:- 09/03/2019
- Radley College Beagles met on The Buscot and Coleshill Estates NT, documented by Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs and Surrey Hunt
Monitors: tinyurl.com/y3kg3ne2. 09/03/2019 - Eryri Hunt were witnessed by walkers illegally hunting on National Trust land within Snowdonia National
Park. 03/03/2019 - A Hunt was witnessed illegally
hunting on National Trust land by members of the public. More information here: tinyurl.com/y3kg3ne2. 09/02/2019 - Surrey Union Hunt trespassing in the National Trust's Cockshot Woods. Field report from
Guildford Hunt Saboteurs here: tinyurl.com/y6ql5dm4. 28/01/2019 - Quantock Staghounds (again) on
Beacon Hill. Information from Hounds Off & Somerset Wildlife Crime here & here: tinyurl.com/ycnyrwao & tinyurl.com/yau3s9mr. 26/01/2019
- South Shropshire Hunt were trespassing on Long Mynd as reported by Shropshire Monitors & Welsh Border Hunt Sabs: tinyurl.com/ybxhp4mz,
tinyurl.com/y8pbx6b4 & tinyurl.com/ybbybwhe. 17/01/2019 - Kimblewick Hunt were on Ashridge
Estate NT as reported by Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs: tinyurl.com/ydbjrvj9. 03/01/2019 - the Melbreak Foxhounds were on National Trust land (Crag Fell,
Ennerdale). 29/12/2018 - the Blencathra Foxhounds were trespassing on National Trust land in Cumbria. Report from Lancashire
Hunt Saboteurs here: tinyurl.com/yc2dw52v. 26/12/2018 - the Eryri
Hunt were using National Trust land in Snowdonia National Park, near Beddelgert. See these updates from North Wales Hunt Saboteurs
- tinyurl.com/ycps5cey, tinyurl.com/y8gw3hun, tinyurl.com/ycohgdrk, tinyurl.com/ybnb92av, tinyurl.com/yahdr44m & tinyurl.com/ydaaotvc. 24/12/2018
- the Cheshire Hounds illegally hunted inside Bulkeley Hill Wood, documented by Cheshire Monitors. More information here:
tinyurl.com/ybg2algl & tinyurl.com/y7dtd36q. 17/12/2018 - the Surrey Union Hunt were trespassing on National Trust land just days after
cancelling their own licensed meets to use Trust land. Footage from Guildford Hunt Saboteurs can be seen here – tinyurl.com/ycje9335. 15/12/2018 - the Ullswater Foxhounds were illegally
hunting on National Trust land in Cumbria, see this update from Lancashire Huntsabs - tinyurl.com/ycz892a6. 11/12/2018
- the United Pack using Long Mynd, but out of their licensed area and with terriermen. See information from ourselves &
Shropshire Monitors: tinyurl.com/y865x3v6 & tinyurl.com/y9s87rok. 10/12/2018 - the South Shropshire Foxhounds hunted outside of their licensed area.
More information here: tinyurl.com/yc9s52el. 03/12/2018 - the Melbreak Foxhounds
were trespassing on National Trust land again. Information to follow. 26/11/2018
- the Melbreak Foxhounds were observed by Cumbria Hunt Watch to be on National Trust land; please see this update from Lancashire
Huntsabs on the incident: tinyurl.com/yb4ahz5q. 14/11/2018 - the Purbeck & Bovington Beagles were rumbled by Weymouth Animal Rights
when they met in a National Trust car park ready to hunt across Trust land. Full report here: tinyurl.com/yd495fdw. You can
contact the relevant staff at Ringstead Bay at westdorset@nationaltrust.org.uk or 01297 489 481. 10/11/2018 - the Staintondale Foxhounds were on Bay
Ness, witnessed by East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Saboteurs. Information can be seen here in four parts: tinyurl.com/y6wgwm78,
tinyurl.com/yajay3d3, tinyurl.com/y82t9ydt & tinyurl.com/y9b6mpuk. Please bring this to the attention of the relevant
Trust staff by emailing yorkshirecoast@nationaltrust.org.uk or calling 01723 870 423. 22/10/2018
- the Surrey Union Hunt were at Hydon's Ball, filmed by Guildford Hunt Saboteurs & North Downs Hunt Sabs. Hydon's
Ball staff can be contacted on hindhead@nationaltrust.org.uk & 01428 681 050. Footage here: tinyurl.com/ycso4sxr. 20/10/2018 - the Pennine Foxhounds were on Marsden Moor.
The Trust staff at this location can be contacted at marsdenmoor@nationaltrust.org.uk and/or 01484 847 016. Thanks to Manchester Hunt Sabs for this one. 1/10/2018 - the Quantock Staghounds were on Trust land. Thanks to Hounds Off for telling
us about this. 19/09/2018 - the Surrey Union Hunt who were
documented by Guildford Hunt Saboteurs at Ranmore Common: bit.ly/2ppQutf. Contact northdownswest@nationaltrust.org.uk& 01306 887 485 about this and let us know what they say. Alternatively, call the head ranger
(Henry Barnard) on 07769 283 374. 10/09/2018
- the Quantock Staghounds were on Trust land. Thanks to Hounds Off for telling us about this. If you see Hunts on Trust land, let us know when & where (with photos if it's safe
to take some) and we'll check that they have a licence. Please remember to keep calls & messages polite
as these incidents are the fault of the criminal hunts only, but the Trust does need to take action and let us know what they
are doing. We'll keep this post updated as & when we see what's going on. To
see the National Trust trespass round-up for the 2017/18 season see here: bit.ly/2hpoRwq.
Deer hunt season ends as criminal Quantock SH Huntsman
retires Thankfully they could not mark
the occasion with a kill 29-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Today marked the end of Stag Hunting for the 2018-2019 season on the Quantocks. Also
the retirement of the Quantock Stag Hounds Huntsman Richard Downs. With a record of over two decades hunting the hills and
two convictions for illegal hunting, his career as Huntsman ended with a somewhat lacklustre and feeble day. With some support
furious to see us and Hounds Off, as they made puerile threats, others were simply as bemused as we were at the non-event.
To the best of our knowledge - today the stag won.
Fox-killing Cheshire FH Joint Master resigns
post 28-4-19 Facebook - Cheshire Against Blood Sports VIDEO Taxi for Barlow Word has reached us that Charlie Barlow the
Huntmaster of the Cheshire Hunt [left, on foot] has hung up his red coat and resigned his position.
we miss having his phone shoved in our faces … no. Will we miss him riding his horse into us... probably not.
Will we miss hearing his monotonous voice telling us “you’re trespassing”, “go back to the foot path”,
“go back to the road”, “this is private property”... well maybe a little bit, as we have an end of
season award for the best Charlie Barlow impression! Will the foxes miss him...
definitely not, he has a lot of fox blood on his hands. We are unsure of the reasons why, maybe he is sulking
because he couldn’t wear his red coat, maybe it’s because he has grown a conscience (highly doubtful) or maybe
he just didn’t fancy seeing Cheshire Against Blood Sports or our friends the Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs in ever increasing
numbers next season... whatever the reason, good riddance.
LACS figures point up widespread illegal fox hunting
in Cheshire 27-4-19
Cheshire Live Shocking scale of illegal fox hunting in Cheshire revealed - 14 years after it was banned
- New figures have shown the extent of the bloodsport in the county The shocking scale of fox hunting still taking
place in the Cheshire countryside 14 years after the bloodsport was banned has been highlighted in new figures. The
League Against Cruel Sports has gathered 268 reports of illegal hunting activity and 43 reports of fox kills by hunts across
the country, from November when the season opened and now at its close. Of these, 21 of these reports took place in Cheshire. Foxes have been chased to exhaustion across the Cheshire countryside before, on
some occasions, being torn apart in the jaws of the Hunts' hounds. In early February, a police investigation
was launched after a fox was killed following a hunt near Nantwich. Badger setts have also been blocked up near hunt meets to stop foxes taking refuge during the chase and horses and
hounds trespassed in pursuit of wild-animals. The figures were compiled from the League’s Animal Crimewatch
service, which consists of reports from members of the public and from the League’s professional investigators, as well
as from evidence gathered from social media. Chris Luffingham,
director of campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "These figures sadly show the scale of the killing still
taking place in the British countryside by fox hunts. We know these reports
are just the tip of the iceberg, with fox hunts killing indiscriminately across the UK and lying about their bloodthirsty
activities to cover up their crimes. However, I believe the tide is turning. Political parties are now recognising the need
to take animal welfare much more seriously and put in place stronger legislation to protect British wildlife.” An online petition was launched earlier this year
calling for Cheshire police to prosecute illegal hunters. Hunting remains
a key political issue in Westminster in terms of animal welfare, with the focus now on the need to strengthen the Hunting
Act. Animal welfare has increasingly become a vote winner with it being one of the most talked about issues during the 2017
general election. In Parliament, concerns over the fact fox hunting is still taking place and the
sheer scale of it, are getting a lot more exposure. A parliamentary debate on wildlife crime in mid-March led to calls by
MPs from across all parties for the Hunting Act to be strengthened. The Cheshire Hunt in Tarporley on
Boxing Day attracted both supporters and some detractors in the High Street.
 It followed a recent review of the policing of illegal fox hunting arranged by Cheshire’s
Police and Crime commissioner David Keane, late last year, which highlighted the challenges posed by the current legislation,
and proposed strengthening it. Mr Luffingham added: “The issue of animal welfare has never
been such an important issue for the public and political parties and it is becoming vital to electoral success. We are calling
for the hunting ban to be strengthened with the introduction of prison sentences for those caught illegally hunting. We need
a proper deterrent to stop the barbaric activities of the Hunts and we also need to remove the loopholes that allow Hunts
to get around the law.” However, a spokesperson
for the Countryside Alliance commented: “Hunts are regularly subjected to spurious allegations regarding their legal
hunting activities yet packs of hounds within Cheshire operate within the law to comply with the Hunting Act 2004. These figures cannot be taken at face value since they were compiled from the League’s Animal Crimewatch service,
which consists of reports from members of the public and as well as from evidence gathered from social media. There is absolutely
no evidence to suggest these allegations are true. Even a Cheshire police spokesperson recently commented that you shouldn’t
believe everything you see on social media and confirmed that action can only be taken when evidence exists.” Any suspected illegal hunting activity can be reported to the League’s
Animal Crimewatch service at www.league.org.uk/animal-crimewatch. Alternatively, phone in confidence on 01483 361 108 or email on crimewatch@league.org.uk. Pics above - Mangled corpses of foxes killed by Cheshire FH on the 5th and
8th January 2019. POWAperson adds - Contrary
to what the CA spokesman says, the number of reports received by LACS emanating from Cheshire, just 21, is clearly a
tiny fraction of the illegal hunting by Cheshire's 3 fox hunts. All are frequently monitored and/or sabbed throughout
the season - including cubbing. Antis report actual or attempted illegal fox hunting virtually every time. So we are talking
about hundreds of incidents, including several recorded kills and also much illegal sett blocking and attempted dig outs.
But there is no real reason to think there is any more illegal hunting in Cheshire than in many other counties - it's
just that it has more antis able to observe and report it.
Weston & Banwell FH planning application for new
kennels refused 24-4-19
Facebook - Somerset Anti Blood Sports We have some great news it looks like North Somerset council has refused the planning application!
We couldn't be happier. Thank you to everyone that supported us on this even if we didn't submit the petition 476
signatures is amazing ! For our Wildlife always.
Another stag killed by Quantock SH - at 'children's
meet' 23-4-19
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Another stag was killed on the Quantock Hills today. The Carew Arms pub in Crowcombe hosted the ‘children’s
meet’ of the Quantock Stag Hounds this morning. No excuse. No Trail. No Science. Just bloodlust.
Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman's illegal hunting appeal
tomorrow 23-4-19
morethanjustbadgers.net Final Throw of the Dice [by Accidental Activist] This time tomorrow
I'll be at Peterborough Crown Court for what I assume will be the final instalment of what feels like the never ending
Fitzwilliam Hunt conviction saga. I've covered the story in great depth through previous blog posts so it's pointless
to go over everything again but if you want to catch up then see here, here, here and here. I'm not really sure how things will pan out but you can never tell with Hunting Act cases in
particular and I'm sure the main chance for the Hunt overturning the conviction is the hope for a more sympathetic judge.
The simple fact is their evidence isn't going to get any better and having faced the defence's cross examination for
over 2 hours previously I wonder what they are going to come at me with this time.
George Adams [mounted], the pack and killed fox, 1-1-16 There's also the wider implications
this may have for the Bird of Prey Exemption within the Hunting Act. If the original decision of the court is upheld other
hunts which use this smokescreen will have to seriously reconsider how they operate. Regardless of the outcome I have to be pleased we've dragged them through the courts and secured a conviction
first time round. That's a rarity in itself. From my own point of view and certainly that of everyone else who witnessed
the proceedings on the day there's no doubt of the guilt of George Adams (the now retired Fitzwilliam huntsman). I just
hope the Judge presiding tomorrow see's it the same way as District Judge John Wollard did on the original case. In his summing up his statement spoke volumes... "You are either
taking part in Falconry, or hunting foxes with hounds. If you are taking part in Falconry you do not need a full pack of hounds
to flush the animal, you would use only 2 or 3 of a more suitable breed. Therefore I can only assume you were taking part
in hunting foxes". Fingers crossed. POWAperson
adds - The wheels of the legal system often seem to grind exceeding slow, but always to move at arthritic snail
speed when dealing with organised hunting cases. The incident that, eventually, resulted in the conviction for illegal fox
hunting by George Adams, the Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman, took place on New Year's Day 2016, nearly three and a half years
ago. Illegal hunting is a summary offence, meaning it is relatively minor in seriousness and is not supposed to cost both
sides tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds. 'Summary' justice is meant to be speedy. Another pending case
- of the five accused of Animal Welfare Act offences against tiny fox cubs at S. Herefordshire FH kennels - has not even got
to trial yet, almost three years after the case was reported to police. As the old saying goes 'Justice delayed is justice
denied'. As does 'Accidental Activist', POWAperson
wonders what 'cynical subterfuge'* the 'clever lawyers'** representing George Adams have come up with to get him off this apparent slam-dunk of a conviction. We'll soon find out. * Words used by Judge Pert, who, in 2011, convicted
the Fernie FH Huntsman and terrierman of illegal hunting and interfering with a badger sett, to describe the attempts by them
and other hunters to convince the court that they'd been 'trail hunting'. ** A Dorset CPS spokesman once cited the face that
the CA have 'clever lawyers' as a reason to decline to prosecute a case against the Cattistock FH where the video
evidence had been provided by a highly experienced professional hunt monitor working for IFAW.
S. Shropshire FH spokeswoman struggles
to explain 'trail hunting' 22-4-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors VIDEO South Shropshire Hunt spokesperson Camilla Corrie explains trail laying and artificial scent
to monitors! Seems she does not know which lies she needs to tell! This Hunt have been required by LAW to be trail laying
since Feb 2004, so SSH should be able to explain.... Read more here and here.
Monitor report on licence breaches &
violence by R.A. FH ignored 22-4-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness In 2018 we submitted to the Defence Infrastructure Organisation the following document [1st
page below]. It was a summary of observations we had made of the Royal Artillery Hunt's (RAH) behaviour in the few
visits we made to the Hunt in the 2017/2018. It
highlighted a number of specific breaches of the "License to Hunt" that the RAH had committed and also contained
some recommendations to ensure that the Hunt were more transparent in their actions; a copy was sent to Wilts Police. The police were very interested
in following up on our suggestion that we should meet with themselves, the Hunt and the DIO to discuss ways of moving forward
to ensure more openness and less need for the police to expend valuable resources to hunting related matters on the Salisbury
Plain Training Area (SPTA). Needless to say, the Hunt were not at all interested and the DIO office failed to follow up. For too long the RA have viewed SPTA as their own playground, ignoring the licence conditions and exploiting the
DIO's inability to properly monitor their activity to carry on hunting foxes. The Hunt officials, committee and staff
all abuse their positions to unduly influence those around them and openly lie to put pressure on those in authority to act
against their opponents. This was displayed by the official hunt "trail-layer* posting an alleged incident involving
an anti's land-rover and her horse which it emerged was entirely fabricated. Until
that culture of entitlement is stripped from the RAH then they will carry on flouting the law and lying to the authorities
and to the public - they are an embarrassment to the Regiment that shares its name and to the armed forces as a whole. We will again be submitting a report on this year's activities by the RAH -
it will include evidence of plans to organise violent disorder, video of numerous breaches of the licence to hunt, video of
obstruction by their supporters, video of supporters attacking vehicles with stones and of masked thugs brought in to intimidate
and assault those who act to expose their arrogant behaviour.
 For the rest of the 6 page report submitted see photos attached to Wildlife Witness's post
Meynell FH rider boasts of cub hunting on social media 21-4-19 Facebook - Staffordshire Hunt Sabs Meynell and South Staffs Hunt rider Kelly Lees openly admitting to cubbing (she obviously
didn't get the Countryside Alliance's message to call it autumn hunting). Cubbing is where the new hounds are trained
to kill by hunting fox cubs usually in a small covert, hunt riders will surround the wood [see pic below] and
scare back in any cubs that try and escape the hounds. (See Kelly's pic of the horses surrounding the wood).
 Pic of 2 young females on point with the
Meynell FH Her comment of "we've been all over it... love it" sums up the mindset
of the Hunt. Seems a rather odd thing to do considering they claim to follow
trails and do not hunt foxes anymore... Come August we will be out stopping the blood junkies
please support us by buying us a kofi https://www.ko-fi.com/staffordshirehuntsabs. Pics below
- Kelly Lees and friend Zoe talking about cubbing with the Meynell  POWAperson comments - Six Meynell FH hunt servants
and officials have recently been charged with illegal hunting, specifically cub hunting. The Meynell is also the only Hunt
yet to have members convicted of cub hunting - a JM and a terrierman - in August 2012. The Meynell
is, of course, very far from the only fox Hunt to continue to practise cub hunting.
Sabs find many blocked setts in Warks FH hunting areas 21-4-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Sett surveying in Warwickshire We continue to survey in preparation
for a badger cull in Warwickshire. Most of our surveying takes place in the Warwickshire Hunt's area. We are finding many
setts that have clearly been blocked by the hunt as well as healthy/active setts. We are also finding other interesting things
in their area. We are currently surveying twice a week, any help towards fuel costs
would be appreciated. DONATE – https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.
Cheshire FH hold emergency meeting to discuss their any problems 20-4-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hunt finally fears it's own (inevitable) demise
Information has reached us from one of our sources that the Cheshire Hounds Hunt held an emergency meeting at The Swan in
Tarporley last Monday to discuss their woes. He stressed quite how concerned the directors are
for their future after the worst hunt season on record, which included being investigated by police for numerous incidents
(still ongoing), having to abandon numerous hunt meets, and even being forced to abandon traditional hunting pinks (redcoats)
to avoid identification of key figures in any subsequent police investigation. This once "mighty" Hunt are now desperately trying to think up ways to
boost their dwindling membership as those who don't want to be associated with the repeated killing of foxes drop off
one by one; they are also trying to rally volunteers to get involved in positive PR exercises in the run up to the next season. No doubt they'll resort to the
only idea they ever have, and pull out another paltry cheque for the air ambulance service any moment now, as in previous
years (see photo from 2016), and like the equally desperate Cheshire Forest and Wynnstay hunts did recently. #TrailHuntLies #DemandARealHuntingBan
Venue will not host Puckeridge FH Ball after anti online campaign 19-4-19 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs Thank you to everyone who pointed out to them the endorsement they provide by hosting criminals. It's
never acceptable to support, host or sponsor criminal activity. Burloes Hall Weddings 17 April at 17:31 Following a recent on-line campaign, the Puckeridge Hunt will not be holding their ball
at our venue. We would like to stress that we are a small company which holds events for couples celebrating their weddings,
families, companies and organisations. We are not involved in any hunts. Whilst this cancellation will impact our business, we are adamant that we will never host an event
which will put anyone at risk. We would also kindly ask all those who gave us a 1 star review to remove them as they are doing
a great deal of harm to our business. Thank you.
R.A. FH rider who lied re. sabs endangering her horse is
named She is the
Hunts "trail layer" - even they put it in quote marks 19-4-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs You may recall the silly rider who blocked our Landy with her horse backed into us, and then edited her
video claiming we have driven right up to here. We exposed her lies with our own edited video which you can view here. Well this is her - Samantha Bialek. Help keep us in the killing fields by making a
donation: PayPal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Any info on Hunts call the tip-off
hotline: 07443148426.
Walker's account suggests Blencathra
FH lied to LDNPA about chasing fox 18-4-19 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs We were sent a link to this excellent blog by Aspen Outdoors Ltd and of particular interest is this
blog entry from August 28th 2017, where the writer is walking from Skiddaw to Blencathra and encounters a fox hunt taking
a place. The
writer states - 'We descended north to a waterfall called Whitewater Dash and noticed
small groups of people looking across to the western slopes of Little Calva. Soon after we heard the yells of a huntsman’s
voice and a big pack of hounds bounding through the deep heather. Then we saw the fox; sometimes running ahead, sometimes
sitting motionless in the heather. At one point the fox reached the top of Dry Gill (a steep mountain gully on Little Calva)
with hounds in chase. Then hounds appeared from the top of the gully and cornered the fox. With amazing speed the fox ran,
hurtling back down the gully, past all the pursuing foxes. Incredibly it avoided getting caught and headed to lower ground
and out of view. I was thankful the fox got away. I’d never seen a fox hunt before and was surprised and shocked by
the drama of it.' As the writer was describing events from the previous weekend, the
hunt must have taken place on Saturday 26th August 2017. Sure enough, the daily record sheet submitted by the Blencathra Foxhounds
for that day shows that they were indeed hunting in that same area, licensed by LDNPA. Yet the record sheet tells a different
story - 'one fox was seen on the move disturbed, but not chased' (see photo). So either there were two Hunts operating
in that area on the same day, which is unlikely as the LDNPA only licence the Blencathra to hunt there, or the other option
is that the Blencathra are lying wildlife criminals. #keepwildlifecriminalsoutofkeswick Below - The Blencathra FH report of the day concerned
Top Hunts' lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden
drowns while surfing Promoted strategy of injunctions to stop monitors 'harassing' Hunts Represented
Crawley FH in disastrous 2009 attempt to injunct antis 18-4-19 Daily Mail British lawyer to the rich and famous dies in Gibraltar 'after getting into difficulty while
body surfing' - Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, 64, was discovered by police on Wednesday - The former triathlete and army
lieutenant was reportedly visiting his daughter - Mr Lawson-Cruttenden had represented David Walliams and The Clash - Cambridge graduate had a 40-year career
specialising in harassment claims A British lawyer to the rich and famous died after he
was found in the water off of Gibraltar on Wednesday morning. Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden [left], 64, reportedly got into difficulty while body surfing off the coast of the British overseas
territory. The former triathlete and army lieutenant was hauled from the waves by traffic police after he was seen in the
water at the East Side Reclamation, by Catalan Bay. Mr Lawson-Cruttenden had represented the Sex Pistols' John Lydon (Johnny Rotten), David Walliams,
as well as rock bands The Clash and The Blockheads in his 40-year career specialising in harassment claims... Mr Lawson-Cruttenden conducted cases involving harassment on social
media, 'revenge pornography,' and 'passing off.' His profile on the DG Law website says: 'In his free
time he is an enthusiastic squash player and loves to swim in open water.' A statement from the Royal Gibraltar
Police said: 'Arthur Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, an ex-triathlete who was visiting family in Gibraltar, got into difficulties
after going body surfing at the East Side this morning, having to be pulled out of the sea by Traffic officers who were the
first on scene. 'Despite intense and protracted efforts by the officers, GHA Ambulance Service personnel and the staff
in the A&E Department at St Bernard’s Hospital Mr Lawson could not be revived.' They confirmed that Mr Lawson-Cruttenden's
body was with the coroner and said: 'The RGP wishes to convey to Mr Lawson’s family and friends its most sincere
condolences for their loss.'
LACS say season's 400 illegal hunting reports 'tip
of iceberg' 17-4-19 LACS Press Release Fox hunting figures show the scale of the killing - Animal welfare increasingly influencing
the political agenda The shocking scale of fox hunting still taking place in the British countryside
14 years after the blood sport was banned has been highlighted by a new set of figures. The League Against Cruel Sports
has gathered 268 reports of illegal hunting activity and 43 reports of fox kills by hunts, from November when the season opened,
and now at its close. Hunting remains a key political issue in Westminster in terms of animal welfare, with the focus
now on the need to strengthen the Hunting Act. Chris Luffingham [right], Director of
Campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said:- “These figures sadly show the scale of the killing still taking place in the British countryside by fox hunts. We know these reports
are just the tip of the iceberg, with fox hunts killing indiscriminately across the UK and lying about their bloodthirsty
activities to cover up their crimes. However, I believe the tide is turning, and political parties are now recognising the
need to take animal welfare much more seriously and put in place stronger legislation to protect British wildlife.” Separately, 129 cases of fox cub hunting were received by the League
between the beginning of August and the end of October, which is when they are typically targeted. This is a practice where
the Hunts’ hounds are trained to kill in the run-up to the fox hunting season – by being let loose in woodland
to target fox cubs and literally tear them to pieces. The figures were compiled from the League’s Animal Crimewatch service, which consists of
reports from members of the public and from the League’s professional investigators, as well as from evidence gathered
from photos and videos shared on social media. Animal welfare has increasingly become a vote winner with it being
one of the most talked about issues during the 2017 general election. In Parliament, concerns over the fact fox hunting is
still taking place and the sheer scale of it, are getting a lot more exposure. A parliamentary debate on wildlife crime in
mid-March led to calls by cross-party MPs for the Hunting Act to be strengthened. It followed a recent review of the policing of illegal fox hunting arranged by Cheshire’s
Police and Crime commissioner David Keane, late last year, which highlighted the challenges posed by the current legislation,
and proposed strengthening it. Elsewhere, the Scottish Government announced plans in 2018 to strengthen hunting laws in Scotland, reducing the number
of hounds in a pack to two, and introducing measures that would prevent Hunts using the ‘trail’ hunting deception
used in England and Wales. The National Trust has also come under pressure recently to stop issuing licences allowing the hunts to access its
land. The number of hunts issued licenses in the 2018/19 hunting season was down to 24 compared with 67 in 2016/17, due to
pressure from the League. This fell to 20 after four hunts had their licences withdrawn this season following allegations
of illegal hunting. Chris Luffingham
said:- “The issue of animal welfare has never been such an important issue for the public and political parties and
it is becoming vital to electoral success. We are calling for the hunting ban to be strengthened with the introduction of
prison sentences for those caught illegally hunting. We need a proper deterrent to stop the barbaric activities of the hunts
and we also need to close down the loopholes that allow Hunts to get around the law.” Any suspected illegal hunting activity can be reported to the League’s
Animal Crimewatch service at www.league.org.uk/animal-crimewatch. Alternatively, phone in confidence on 01483 361 108 or email on crimewatch@league.org.uk. Professional investigators
from the League Against Cruel Sports filmed hounds from the Mendip Farmers Hunt chasing a fox in the Mendip Hills in January
Sanctuary owner thinks starving fox cubs
were being raised to be hunted 17-4-19 Coventry Live Horror as tiny fox cubs found starving amid claims they were being reared for hunting - Sanctuary
founder: "I think they either escaped or were abandoned but I reckon they would have only lived for another 24 hours" Tiny fox cubs were just a day
away from dying says Nuneaton's horrified wildlife sanctuary owner who fears they were being reared for hunting.
Geoff Grewcock [right, with the cubs], of the Nuneaton and
Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary, said the two six-week-old cubs would not have survived another 24 hours had they not been
rescued. "If we had not got to them, they would have died," he said. "I think they either escaped or were abandoned
but I reckon they would have only lived for another 24 hours." What alarms him even more is the state in which they found the siblings, now named Winston and
Mabel. "They were light coloured, could hardly eat and could barely walk, they are so wobbly on their feet," he
said. I knew something wasn't right, I have been working with foxes for 20 years and have never seen them like that. "I
think they were being hand reared for fox hunting, which is just horrific. I think they were being kept in small cages, given
little to eat and not allowed to roam around. I have had a vet check them over and he thinks the same." Geoff, who founded
the haven in Oaston Road, said he is now caring for the pair round the clock. "The
female is poorlier than her brother," he said. "Both are being fed goats milk, every two hours, through the night
as well, to help them. They are both gorgeous, I think they were being hand-reared as they are not scared of people or other
animals, that is not the behaviour of wild foxes." He is unable to give the location of where the
cubs were found, other than 'local'. This is because the Wildlife Police are set to investigate. "We were called
out last Thursday and rescued one, then we had another call the next day to report another cub," he said. "I understand
that this is going to be investigated." For
now, Geoff is concentrating on helping the cubs build strength. "Hopefully they will both be okay," he said. "It
may be that we have to keep them as they are unlikely to be able to survive in the wild."
LACS urges N.T. to ban South Shropshire FH permanently 17-4-19 Shropshire Star Group urges Trust to ban Long Mynd hunts The League Against Cruel
Sports has written to the Trust asking for the hunt never to be allowed again on land managed by the conservation charity.
In January, the Hunt had its trail hunting licence suspended after a photographs were taken by Shropshire-based protesters
of foxes escaping from hounds. Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns at the League Against Cruel
Sports, said: “On behalf of the 85 per cent of the population who oppose the brutal blood sport of fox hunting, we call
upon the National Trust to act decisively and ban the South Shropshire Hunt from their land for good. To allow them back on
National Trust land would be a grievous error in judgement and a betrayal of the reasons for which they were suspended.” Hunting with dogs was banned in England and Wales for 14 years, however, trail hunting
is legal and is allowed on some National Trust properties. The Trust said it involves people on foot or horseback following
a scent along a pre-determined route with hounds or beagles and replicates a traditional hunt without a fox being chased,
hunted or killed. But Mr Luffingham said trail hunting does often end with the death of a fox. He
is also asking on other National Trust properties to ban the act on their land. “We would also call on the National
Trust to stop issuing trail hunting licences elsewhere,” he added. “Banning the hunts already suspended will undoubtedly
get the backing of a grateful animal loving British public.” Paul Adcock from the National Trust said a decision has not yet been made regarding next season’s trail hunt
licences. The South Shropshire Hunt did not wish to comment.
FC staff prevent Quantock SH pursuing stag on to their land 16-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO Thanks to Forestry England, this young stag got away! Yesterday the Quantock Stag Hounds
set out yet again to hunt and kill a spring stag. We were there with Hounds Off to expose the reality of modern day stag hunting
on the Quantock Hills. Soon after the fleeing stag was filmed running across a road between the cars of supporters keen to
see the hunt. The stag entered Forestry Commission land and the Hunt and support gathered there But the FC deployed staff
to ensure the stag was not pursued on to their land – and as a result it escaped! Want to help? Please
donate here - https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife. Hounds Off - https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below - Left
- Stag fleeing across a field Right - Stag rushes across a road between hunt supporters cars

LACS officer witness DS SH tormenting stag for six
hour Stag
ran close by him, its eyes 'bulging in terror' 15-4-19 LACS website blog Bloodlust - the sheer brutality of stag hunts Author: Paul Tillsley - Head
of Conservation & Education I am quite relieved that, even after many years of watching hunting,
I have not become immune to the sheer brutality of the stag hunts and the bloodlust of their supporters. Thursday
was an average sort of day. I was aware that the Devon and Somerset Staghounds were meeting at a local farm at 11 o’clock
and so I was on high alert on the League’s Baronsdown wildlife sanctuary, just in case the hunt came our way. Sure enough, at about midday hunt supporters’ vehicles started arriving on
the road adjacent to Baronsdown and I knew that some unfortunate stag in the valley opposite would be forced to run for its
life. Vehicles lined the roadside, their occupants desperate to get a glimpse of their tormented quarry. After a while the entourage moved on down the hill, although several hunt supporters stayed up high to get a grandstand
view of the action. The hunt had moved onto the Pixton Estate and, as is often the case, everything went quiet. Hunt supporters
looked eagerly through binoculars at precisely nothing happening and at around 3:30pm horseboxes started arriving and some
of the hunt supporters began drifting away. Then it suddenly became apparent the hunted stag had been found again and horses, quad bikes and
4x4 vehicles raced off in pursuit. The commotion caused the stag to change direction and head down the Exe Valley. I saw the
terrified animal as it ran alongside the A396 with hunt supporters pointing and shouting at it.

Hunters looking down on the fleeing stag, 11-4-19 The stag sought temporary refuge in a conifer plantation, but the hounds were brought up and the stag was made to
run again. As it made another dash for freedom the stag ran past me again, just metres away, with its eyes bulging in total
terror. The stag again tried to hide, this time in an area of scrub, but he was seen, and the Huntsman went in to move him
on and continue the chase. There were frantic shouts as the stag ran towards a disused railway bridge and a
hunt gunman leapt up onto the bridge in an attempt to shoot it. Only last year, a hunted stag had jumped to its death onto
the road below from the same bridge. The stag ran on and burst across the A396 down to the River Exe below. The huntsman was
soon on the spot, encouraging the hounds to follow the scent. It was clear that the stag was heading back to Pixton Estate. Then everything went quiet again. The remaining
hunt supporters sat with their vehicles on the roads surrounding the estate, while the hunt searched again for the stag. Small
children with their parents, climbed on the backs of vehicles, straining to get a view. Every so often a shout would go up
to indicate the stag had been spotted and the hounds would start barking for a few seconds. The sound of hounds ‘speaking’
always sends shivers down my spine. One old supporter shouted, “Now they’ve got ‘im!” and I despaired
that anyone could have so little empathy with a fellow being. This continued for another hour and only the most diehard hunt supporters remained when finally,
the hunt petered out. It was after 6pm and the hunt had been torturing this stag for over six hours. I don’t know what
happened to the stag in the end, but I do know that it will have been totally traumatised and even if it did survive it may
never recover. Maybe it’s impossible to become desensitised to such cruelty, which is just as well really,
as I never want to forget what the League is fighting for. Days like this remind me why the League Against Cruel Sports is
so vital, and we will not rest until they only exist in the past where they belong.
Antis ask MoD to ban violent R. Artillery FH from their
land 15-4-19
Facebook - Wildlife Witness Please support this petition to ban the Royal Artillery Hunt from publicly owned MOD land The violence
inflicted on sabs and monitors on Saturday was pre-meditated and organised by violent hunt supporters via social media groups
with no effort by the hunt staff to stop it - in fact the Huntsman actually went online that evening to thank those who came
down and caused all the trouble. Let's put pressure on the organisation that issues the hunting licences to make a stand
and ban this hunt from MOD land. 4-19 change.org Petition - Ban the Royal Artillery Hunt from MOD land Wildlife
Witness started this petition to Defence Infrastructure Organisation Following a violent
attack by hunt supporters at the Royal Artillery Hunt's meet on 13 April 2019, we call on the Defence Infrastructure Organisation
(DIO) to suspend the licence of this Hunt to use Ministry of Defence land. The R A Hunt have a history of breaching the terms of their licence and
have faced suspensions in the past but the DIO continue to allow this Hunt to carry on. We believe it is time, once and for
all, to put an end to their activities on MOD land. On 13 April 2019, a number of co-ordinated, unprovoked attacks were carried out by masked hunt supporters brought
in to the area via Facebook appeals by known individuals responsible for violence and intimidation in the past. During a series
of incidents throughout the day, anti-hunt monitors and protestors were assaulted, threatened, abused and had their vehicles
damaged. All of this was captured on film to be passed on to the DIO and to Wiltshire Police, who had been made aware in the
week before the attack, that violence was being planned via groups on social media. R A Hunt staff and officials
did nothing to stop the violence and one senior member of the hunt staff posted on social media that evening "Thanks
to the guys who came down, the scum will never stop us". The
actions of the Hunt on the day are an embarrassment to the Regiment that bears its name and to the armed forces as a whole.
It is time that action was taken by those who issue the R A Hunt their licence to use MOD land, to take firm
and decisive action to deal with this illegal activity and violence - now is the time to ban the Royal Artillery Hunt from
all MOD land.
 19-4-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness The Royal Artillery Hunt have been busy trying to muster up some good news to gloss over their shocking
behaviour last weekend, when sabs and monitors were attacked, but it won't work. If the thuggery we saw on Saturday had
taken place in a city centre or at a football stadium it would be front page news and those responsible for organising it
would be in court within hours. Let's keep the pressure on the R A Hunt to make a public apology and to disown
and ban those taking part in the lawlessness that took place at the closing meet. We understand that further video
will be released from other groups, this weekend showing other incidents that took place on the day. These and everything
else will be passed on to the office that issues the RA's licence to hunt on MOD land. Make no mistake, the behaviour
of the masked supporters was with the knowledge of the hunt and its officials...
Sabs attacked, cars badly damaged by R. Artillery
FH supporters Sab had
liquid containing ammonia sprayed in eyes - hospitalised CPSO - the only police present - watched on & did nothing 13-4-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Saturday 13th April - Royal Artillery Hunt at The Old Carter Barracks, Bulford
3 weeks ago, local Scummer Jason Powell invited boys down to the RA’s closing meet to cause trouble and to have a
“rumble in the jungle” in his own words. Because of this, we were cautious, but joined by our good friends at
Weymouth Animal Rights, alongside Dorset Against Blood Sports and South Coast Hunt Sabs and West Wilts Hunt Saboteurs, we
attended to show that we aren’t scared of them. Leaving after 11am, the Hunt and their mass of support headed north east towards Ablington Furze. Here they searched
for a fox, but didn’t manage to find anything. This would set the theme for the day, which no doubt riled the hunt support
even more. From here, Moffat zigzagged his hounds up to Hound Plantation, he would spend a vast majority of the day in this
area. In an attempt to lose sabs, he decided to race north up to Bake Barn where the field split, half headed back home
and the other half continuing with hounds up to Rainbow Bottom, where we found hound prints and signs of fox and badger activity.
It was at this point when we got a radio call from WAR and South Coast that support was needed urgently as their sabs and
vehicles were being chased cross country.
With a convoy of sabs and support in tow, they headed back south to Hound Plantation and then Sun Plantation. Clearly
frustrated with not being able to hide from the watchful eye of sabs, the huntsman unenthusiastically zig-zagged again back
towards Ablington Furze for yet another fox search. Again, finding nothing.
Some of the hunt thugs surrounding and attacking sab landy Man in peaked cap is Adrian Bull
who heads the Grafton FH goon squad Yet again, he had now changed direction, this time he took hounds south to the Ablington Penning
area where hounds went into cry, a gizmo from our vehicle was deployed. Something which clearly annoyed a pickup full of scum,
driven illegally and in breach of the Hunt’s license by Will Day [above], a Solicitor from Southampton. Sabs raced into the area and were met with an extremely violent reaction. Our vehicle was blocked in on a public byway in
front of a community support officer. Masked-up hunt support surrounded our vehicle, destroyed a wing mirror, ripped off external
parts of the vehicle, and tried to smash in the windows with no reprimand from the lone officer. They then moved off to target
one of WAR’s vehicles which resulted in damage including a slashed tyre, ripped off number plate and smashed front grill.
Hunt support, the majority male, seemed to mainly target our female sabs today in a disgusting
and unprovoked show of abhorrent behaviour, especially given the fact that there were always male sabs with the females in
the group. South Coast had their Landy rammed various times
throughout the day, WAR have had thousands of pounds of damage, and we have had hundreds of pounds of damage done to our vehicle.
Despite this, the police still tried to blame us for causing trouble at the end of the day and tried to make us go home. After
today’s events, a complaint will be made to the Defence Infrastructure Organisation in regards to the hunt support’s
behaviour, and the Huntsman condoning that behaviour. And a complaint will be made to the IPCC, as we have been in contact
with the police all week, and were aware today would be a bloodbath but still only sent out one PCSO in a van, who was totally
out of his depth, so much so we had to wait about half an hour after we had been attacked for proper police to arrive [below].
Please help us to repair damage to our vehicle by donating to our PayPal which can
be found at PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs. 13-4-19
Facebook - EmziDimitri Christoforakis Before the Hunt even met today, Dimitri was told he was
going to be killed, today he was going to die. As the day went on, they got more violent, surrounding the landy and tried
to attack sabs. They were carrying knives and slashed the tyres of the landy. These people are evil, they’re violent
thugs and they must be stopped!!!! It’s time the police did their job before someone gets killed!! More footage to follow.
18-4-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs Update on the sab that had fox scent sprayed in their eyes on Saturday by disgruntled hunt scum whilst
sabbing the Royal Artillery. At the time they suffered pain and discomfort whilst idiots tried to perform a ridiculous citizens
arrest on them after the assault. By Monday they were unable to open their eyes due to the ammonia burns received
and needed urgent treatment. They had 2 irrigations and are on a course of antibiotics. We wish them well and a speedy recovery.
also reports by Mendip Hunt Watch, South Coast Hunt Sabs, Weymouth Animal Rights, Brighton Hunt Sabs South Coast Sabs video showing support blocking green lane is
Hounds Off founder assaulted by Quantock
SH thug on public access land 14-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO What have they got to hide? Hounds Off founder
Joe Hashman is subjected to rough treatment at the hands of Quantock Stag Hounds supporters who object to our efforts to expose
the cruelty of modern day stag hunting. Want to help us expose the truth? https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife Hounds Off - https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below - Left, Joe H. being assaulted by hunt thug 2/ Sign
just a few yards from the scene 
Quantock SH chase another stag to exhaustion and death 13-4-19
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO This is stag hunting on the Quantock hills, Thursday 11th April 2019. It’s
cruelty. Plain and simple. Hounds Off, National Dis-Trust, Cheshire Monitors - thanks to all those concerned. Want to help us expose the truth? https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife Hounds Off - https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Hunted stag desperately trying to shake off pursuing hounds Hunted stag runs on, showing signs of exhaustion
stag crosses the path of a hunt rider
CA & Cheshire PCC criticise each other over
hunting review Chief Constable says Hunting Act needs a 'reckless' clause 12-4-19
Northwich Guardian Countryside Alliance slams Cheshire PCC over £34k hunting
review HUNT supporters have continued their war of words with Cheshire’s police and crime commissioner
(PCC) after learning the county’s fox hunting review cost taxpayers £34,000. The Countryside Alliance, which discovered the figure under the Freedom of Information
Act, insists David Keane has an ‘obsession’ with hunting – having commissioned the independent review last
year despite just 19 of the county’s 80,000 recorded crimes in 2017 being related to Hunts. It follows a public meeting in February
where Mr Keane discussed the review’s 11 recommendations with Chief Constable Darren Martland. Mr Keane, who is a Labour
councillor in Warrington, also suggested at the meeting that Cheshire Police could work with Hunts, landowners and residents
in future to develop event plans in a bid to maintain public safety. Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance,
said: “We now know that the review into the policing of hunting commissioned by Mr Keane cost £34,000, but this
is just one part of the cost of his obsession. His own office, and Cheshire Constabulary, must also have spent thousands of
pounds contributing to the review and arranging subsequent meetings. Indeed the PCC seems to spend much of his time meeting
anti-hunting groups. Worse than that, the PCC has ignored the recommendations of his expensive review and proposed a series
of other restrictive proposals which conform with his prejudices. He seems to be incapable of accepting that Cheshire hunts
are operating perfectly legally as they have been since the Hunting Act came into force. Cheshire residents must be furious
that their PCC is wasting vast sums of taxpayers’ money on political campaigns whilst crime in Cheshire rose by 32 per
cent last year.” It was revealed at February’s meeting that Cheshire Police received
200 reports of incidents in the 2018-19 hunt season, more than 10 times the number in 2017-18. The figure for 2018-19 includes
51 alleged criminal offences, but John Dwyer – former Cheshire PCC and Conservative candidate in 2020’s PCC election
– is critical of his successor’s stance. “The PCC has ignored sound advice to instead plough ahead with
his own ideas,” he said. “The advice he received cost a lot of money to the public purse and ought to be taken
heed of. If what is reported is accurate then I think he is in danger of encroaching on operational policing matters, by getting
involved in the detail of policing hunts.” However, Mr Keane’s attempts to bring both sides of the debate together on hunting were praised by Chf Con
Martland. He also agreed with the review’s findings that suggested the Hunting Act 2004 could be revised to require
proof of recklessness, rather than intent to kill, to make prosecutions attempts more successful. And the PCC admits he is ‘disappointed’ the Countryside
Alliance has not bought in with his proposals for cooperation. Mr Keane said: “The issue of Cheshire Constabulary’s
policing of fox hunting was raised to my office by a number of Cheshire residents and elected representatives. In my role
representing the residents of Cheshire in scrutinising the actions of Cheshire Constabulary, it was my duty to explore this
issue further to ensure Cheshire Constabulary is enforcing the law in relation illegal hunting. “It was only
right that this issue was investigated by an independent team that could bring impartiality to the matter. The review was
commissioned following a tendering process to ensure the review provided value for money. The actions discussed at a public
scrutiny meeting into policing of hunting have been formed following the independent review. They are intended to help all
parties act within the law whilst participating in their activity, which will result in a more efficient and effective police
service to deal with all crimes. “I am disappointed that they haven’t been welcomed by the Countryside Alliance.” Meanwhile, Mr Keane has also been supported by anti-hunt campaigners, who suggest public opinion
is largely against hunts. Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns for the
League Against Cruel Sports, said: “One of the key conclusions from the review was that strengthening the Hunting Act
to remove its ambiguity would likely lead to more prosecutions, and it is for this reason we are calling for these changes
to be made by parliament. Our polling has consistently shown that opposition to hunting with dogs remains high, and clearly
this is reflected by the people of Cheshire. We believe the PCC was right to conduct an independent review into how the Hunting
Act and to further scrutinise its findings, inviting the public and views from all sides to contribute.”
Pevensey Marsh Beagles to close down 11-4-19 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs Victory! We've received news that the hare killing Pevensey Marsh Beagles
are disbanding! Hunting with hounds is suffering a terminal decline, but we'll continue to sabotage these organisations
until every pack is shut down. Long live the hares of East Sussex!
Six from Meynell FH charged with illegal fox hunting Accused include Huntsman, Whip, terriermen and Joint Masters 10-4-19
Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs Six members of the Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt, including the Huntsman, a Master and terriermen,
have been charged with illegal hunting. 10-4-19 Derbyshire Times Six men charged with hunting offence in Derbyshire
Six men have been charged with offences under the Hunting Act following an incident in Derbyshire in October 2018. The six
men, named below, have all been charged with one count of hunting a wild mammal with dogs under the Hunting Act 2004. William Tatler, 45, of Idridgehay,
Belper, Derbyshire; Sam Staniland, 31, of Sudbury, Derbyshire; John Finnegan, 33, of Pickwell, Leicestershire; Andrew Bull,
50, of Sudbury, Derbyshire; Sammuel Stanley, 25, of Needwood, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire; Peter Southwell, 60, of Great
Haywood, Stafford, Staffordshire. The incident relates
to an alleged offence in Sutton-on-the-Hill, Derbyshire, on October 2, 2018. The six are due to appear at Nottingham Magistrates’
Court on April 30.
Meynell riders briefly ride after fox bolted from wood drawn by hounds 10-4-19 LACS Press Release Hunt accused of illegally targeting fox cubs Six members of the Meynell and
South Staffordshire Hunt are appearing at Nottingham Magistrates Court on Tuesday, April 30, accused of hunting fox cubs.
The police investigation was conducted by Derbyshire Police and based on evidence captured by the animal welfare charity League
Against Cruel Sports. The six accused will put in a plea and a case management hearing will be held. Joint masters William Tatler and Peter Southwell, former Huntsman Sam Staniland, Whipper-in John ‘Ollie’
Finnegan, terrierman Andrew Bull and assistant terrierman Sam Stanley, face a charge of hunting a wild mammal with a dog contrary
to Section 1 of the Hunting Act 2004. The alleged offence is said to have been committed on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 in
local woodland near Sutton on the Hill in Derbyshire. Before the Hunting Act was introduced, Hunts would
train their hounds to kill adult foxes by first training them to hunt and kill young fox cubs living in patches of woodland.
When the Hunting Act was introduced that practice was made illegal. Martin
Sims, Director of Investigations at the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “We welcome the fact that Derbyshire Police
and the Crown Prosecution Service have brought these charges against the Hunt. Our polling indicates that the vast majority
of the public oppose hunting with packs of hounds, and if proven, these allegations that the Hunt are targeting fox cubs would
horrify them.” The case comes 14 years after hunting with dogs was banned in England and Wales with the introduction of the Hunting
Act 2004, which came into force in February 2005. 10-4-19 Derbyshire Constabulary Six men have been charged with offences under the Hunting Act following
an incident in October 2018. The six men, named below, have all been charged with one count of hunting
a wild mammal with dogs under the Hunting Act 2004. William Tatler, 45, of Idridgehay, Belper, Derbyshire. - Sam Staniland,
31, of Sudbury, Derbyshire. - John Finnegan, 33, of Pickwell, Leicestershire. - Andrew Bull, 50, of Sudbury, Derbyshire.
- Sammuel Stanley, 25, of Needwood, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire. - Peter Southwell, 60, of Great Haywood, Stafford, Staffordshire. The incident
relates to an alleged offence in Sutton on the Hill, Derbyshire, on October 2, 2018. The six are due to appear at Nottinghamshire
Magistrates’ Court on April 30.
Garden Centre withdraws sponsorship of
Cottesmore FH Pony Club event 9-4-19 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs The Cottesmore Hunt Pony Club Gates Garden Centre Eventer Trial 2019 - Sponsored by Gates Garden Centre
FB: https://www.facebook.com/GatesGardenCentre/ Email: info@gatesgardencentre.co.uk. Pony Clubs are an essential
part of fox hunting, not only providing financial support, but also making future generations to believe that chasing and
killing wildlife for sport is acceptable. Hunts hold special pony club meets, often in school holidays, where
pony club members are welcomed along and encouraged to become part of the Hunt. It’s
time they unsponsored historical events. Boycott gates garden centre and tell them you are doing so. 9-4-19 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs Gates Garden Centre - Thank you for making the right decision for the wildlife. Thank you to everyone
who’s left a comment shared the post and taken time out to do so. Note - The Cottesmore hunt are wildlife criminals.
Their historical pastime isn’t liked by the majority of people.
Monitor captures moment hunted stag shot dead by Quantock
SH After 2 hour hunt, riders needed only
to walk horses to keep up with stag 8-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Smoke from the gunshot that killed a beautiful and healthy stag yesterday. Full film to follow.
Want to help keep us out in the field by donating here or please
share – https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife. Hounds Off funds – https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below - Collage of pics from the hunt
The story of the kill -
a 2 hour chase, the stag is reduced to barely more than a walk The
pursuing rider need only walk his horse to keep up with the tired stag  Left - Stag akes one last desperate run Right - Spent, stag collapses to the ground  Left - Rider on left dismounts to shoot stag Right - Dead
stag loaded on to quad bike
Welsh huntsman convicted over gruesome,
insanitary conditions at kennels 8-4-19 Western Telegraph Rotting carcases, maggots and flies at Carmarthen hunt kennels
A Carmarthen huntsman has admitted a range of animal by-product offences including allowing chickens to roam on bloodstained
floors, keeping overflowing bins of dead animals and bones, and leaving calf carcasses on the floor in the processing area
of a centre he was operating from. William Pinkney [right], who is also a knackerman, pleaded guilty to 16
offences at Llanelli Magistrates Court and was handed a 12-month community order and must pay over £2,195 in costs in
a prosecution led by Carmarthenshire Council. The
court heard that the 42-year-old who operates a collection centre for fallen stock at the Carmarthenshire Hunt Club Kennel
premises on Llysonnen Road – where he also lives – is authorised to collect and receive fallen stock of farmed
animals. He is also authorised to feed certain parts of the animals to the hounds living on the premises. He admitted to magistrates
keeping calf ears and heads in unlabelled bins, and not removing specified risk material (SRM) from a pile of calf carcasses
– all SRMs must be removed and stained or marked with patent blue V and not mixed with other animal by products (ABP). He
also admitted feeding hounds with contaminated material SRM, allowing chickens to feed off partly burnt carcasses and letting
horses have access to manure heap containing animal bones. He pleaded guilty
to not keeping up to date feeding records for the hounds, failing to keep current records of collected or delivered animal
carcasses, operating the collection centre and feeding animal by products to the hounds after being served a prohibition notice,
not labelling blue wheelie bins containing unstained bones correctly and keeping ABP bins outside overflowing and full of
rotting carcases [below] surrounded by a large number of maggots and flies. Also, bins were not closed properly leaving
bones scattered around the floor area allowing wild birds and animals access to them.
mitigation Pinkney’s solicitor said that his client had reduced the number of fallen stock he deals with at the premises,
and that he has spent money to make sure the premises is compliant. His solicitor claimed that when Pinkney took over the
business he had inherited the issues on the site and that he was sorry he hadn’t been able to resolve them sooner. Pinkney was
also told to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and pay £85 victim surcharge. The council’s
executive board member for public protection, Cllr Philip Hughes said: “This has proved very costly for Mr Pinkney who
was aware it was his responsibility to ensure all guidelines were followed. "Controls on animal by-products are there
for a very good reason and protects against any potential risks to both human and animal health. I’d like to thank our
animal health officers who were faced with some gruesome scenes during their investigation.” POWAperson adds - POWA has been told that Simon Hart, former CEO of the
Countryside Alliance and who presided over the Hunting Declaration, allegedly signed by over 50,000 hunters and followers
pledging to disregard any law banning hunting live quarry, and
who was elected MP for Pembrokeshire FH and Carmarthen West in 2010, still sometimes rides out with the Carmarthenshire FH
as well as the South Pembrokeshire FH. He is also on a £30k annual retainer from the Countryside Alliance in addition
to his £75k salary as an MP.
Lord Middleton's son works with prosecutor
who dropped sab assaults case 7-4-19 Facebook -Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Many of our followers will remember the case of the four Middleton riders who were cleared of assaulting
sabs after the CPS prosecutor decided to offer no evidence, despite over twenty minutes of footage showing the attack - Daily
Mail article here. You will also remember that on 27th March a young sab was assaulted
at the Middleton Hunt. All the sab was trying to do was hand the body of a hare over to police as evidence of a crime committed
by the Middleton Hunt. James Willoughby, Lord Middleton's son, decided to snatch the hare in front of the cops (perverting the course
of justice) (behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace). As sabs tried
to retrieve the hare's body Richard Hoggard, head gamekeeper on the Birdsall Estate decided to run to his Master's
side and steal a sab's horn. When the sab grabbed his horn back the bell end assaulted the sab. Daily Mail article here. HERE
IS AN IMPORTANT THING TO BEAR IN MIND. Lord Middleton's son works for the same law firm as the CPS prosecutor Laurie Scott
who collapsed the trial against the Middleton Hunt riders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So too does Edward Ledgard, who's family own
Scampston Hall, a regular and prestigious meet of the Middleton Hunt!!!!!!!!!!! Please let Dere Street Barristers know what you think about their conflicts of interest.
Stevenstone FH hunt on after fox even after warned by sabs Supporter allegedly tried to run down a lone female sab 7-4-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs 06/04/19 , Stevenstone Hunt – Merton After their show of disregard
for the law by killing a fox last Saturday, NDHS, along with Weymouth Animal Rights and Kernow Sabs, saw it only fair to team
up and travel to Devon as a show of solidarity for Devon County Hunt Saboteurs for what they had to witness last week. From
the meet, the Hunt set off north east up to Hillies Wood. But of course, in true hunt style, they travelled there via a busy
road, using both lanes as they did so. Not finding anything, they moved on. Exiting north of the wood onto the
road, the Hunt were surprised to find us and Kernow waiting for them. It seems they weren't expecting us and they quickly
doubled back into the wood. They then spent a little while going in circles probably trying to work out a new plan for the
day, while still putting on a show for their support. 
Sabs say this supporter tried to run down a lone female sab Having not picked up a scent in this wood, the Hunt headed south into the area of Merton Mill and
picked up a fox. After a little while we heard hounds in cry back in Hillies Wood and sabs ran in. Quick thinking by our driver
meant that we could arrive just as a fox crossed our path, Sabs laying low to let her pass. Hearing hounds and the Huntsman
clearly encouraging them on, we jumped back up and saw hounds directly onto where the fox had been. Sabs sprayed the area
and rated hounds off with voice calls. The Huntsman gathered the hounds back up and headed north in search of land to hide
with limited access to sabs. They chose Huntingham Wood. Our landy got as close as possible but hunt support decided it'd
be a great idea to block us in so sabs went in on foot instead. From the Landy, our Sabs saw a fox run along the eastern edge
of this wood. With the foot team also sighting the fox, they allowed him to cross the track east of Great Potheridge, spraying
his line. With support also seeing this fox, they encouraged
hounds on but sabs were quick to spray the scent and rate the hounds. The Huntsman soon came along and blatantly continued
to hunt hounds on calling 'hunt him' even when he'd been told very clearly that a fox had been seen and that he
needed to call hounds off to avoid breaking the law. Instead they headed straight in the direction that the fox had gone into
Gowman's Cleave Wood.
Supporters standing on roof of cars to try to see hunt Support got aggressive at this point and a 4x4 was driven at a lone female sab. We returned to the
vehicle and, due to the increasing aggression and being blocked in, police were called, and rather surprisingly, turned up
on blue lights rather quickly. Not wanting us to remain in an area
where a fox was seen hunted, they finally let us leave and, with other foot groups getting into position, we headed north
of the area in anticipation that they head that way. Luckily they lost the scent and the Hunt moved on. Trying to get back onto the line, they were taken back to Gowman's Cleave Woods and then east of Pinkhill Farm.
Another fox was spotted running for its life away from the area of Poundcleave Wood and, thankfully, hounds didn't follow. The Hunt then moved back to Gowman's Cleave Woods were hounds
went into cry and sabs once again were there to call them off, this time with all of our assets; voice calls, gizmos and horns.
They raced off westerly with some sabs managing to stick with the fast moving hounds. Other sabs remained in the area and
were pushed and shoved in true knuckle dragger fashion. Once again, this
was another meet that we would not have been able to go to without attending in another group's 4x4, huge thanks to WAR
for accommodating us. This season our sabs have been out every single week for 8 months straight and we desperately need a
suitable vehicle of our own so that we can be even more effective in saving lives in the future. Without Sabs there today, at least 3 foxes would’ve been killed. We don’t believe there
was any kills, but the huntsman did disappear from the sight of sabs for roughly 45 minutes. During this time, the pack was
split and most of the time was spent gathering the hounds. But we can’t be sure. If you can help financially, please consider sharing
and donating towards our vehicle fund which can be found at the top of the page or at: www.gogetfunding.com/north-dorset-hunt-sabs-vehicle-fund/. We also have a PayPal link, which again, can be found at the top of the page. As always, a huge heartfelt thank you for
all your continued support. Pics below - Left, the Goonsmobile Right,
this redcoat claimed he wasn't following the hunt! 
Waveney Harriers chase fox across road at closing meet 5-4-19
Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO The second of our two belated hit reports from the end of the
season Waveney Harriers – 9 March 2019, Ellingham Hall, Ellingham, Norfolk With
the Easton Harriers finished for the season, it was time to visit the Waveney Harriers again, for what we hoped would be their
last meet too. We were joined by friends from Croydon Hunt Saboteurs. With the motions of a trail being laid [above] and
a bird of prey present (which as per usual spent most of the time in the box on the back of the quad bike), we watched with
interest to see how the hounds were going to know which style of hunting they were supposed to be doing this particular week.
Sadly, it became evident very quickly, which style of hunting was being carried out.
Fox fleeing hounds With the focus pretty much just on two woods (Hales Hall Wood and Eight Acre Plantation)
and with too many animals to count dashing out of the woods (see photos), it was only a matter of time before the hounds made
chase. Just before 2.00 pm we watched riders sitting on point for several minutes on the edge of Eight Acre Plantation. With
no bird of prey present and the hounds in full cry deep in the wood, it was evident to us that illegal hunting was taking
Hounds close behind the fox At 2.10 pm a fox made a desperate dash from Eight Acre Plantation, ran the line of
the edge of the wood, crossed the road in front of us and ran through the farm yard of Hall Farm. The hounds were just seconds
behind the fox. The hounds were slowed a little by the fact that they took longer to get through the hedgerow than the fox
did. We are hopeful that the fox escaped, but we cannot be sure. Hounds try to chase the 'trail' through a thick hedge Clearly rattled by
the fact that we had been in the right place, at the right time, and had witnessed the chase, the usual hunt riders’
mobile phones started appearing. At 2.45 pm the Hunt was on the way back to meet. Just as we were about to leave to go home
however we noticed a rather large Police presence We just hope the taxpayers of Norfolk are impressed. Check out the video to see how many officers turned up.* With the season now at an end, we
would like to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful supporters for everything they have done to help us throughout
the 2018/2019 season. We cannot do what we do to help the wildlife without the support that we receive. We want you to know
that every single penny you donate and every single bit of information you provide us with, is invaluable to us. The wildlife
say a big “THANK YOU” and so do we. https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs. * I counted 7 cars, POWAperson
think pair bagged foxes released at 4 Burrow/Beaufort FHs meet 5-4-19
Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team VIDEO Hit Report – Tues 19th March 2019 – Caerhays
Castle – Four Burrow Hunt with guests the Beaufort Hunt We discovered that the Beaufort
Hunt were heading to Cornwall for the week and joining Four Burrow Hunt on the Tuesday and East Cornwall Hunt on the Thursday.
We couldn’t get a full team out until Thursday (hit report to follow) so not wanting to let them go unchecked three
of our determined sabs went incognito to monitor their activity. The team arrived at Tregavarras to the East of the castle and headed out onto the footpath when
the hunt were spotted leaving the castle estate and heading towards Forty Acre Wood, much earlier than anticipated. All of
a sudden the hounds started talking and we caught sight of two foxes and just a few hounds in the field across the valley.
The foxes looked disorientated and hounds weren't piling in as we would have had expected them to. To our astonishment
and relief the foxes got away and a few of the hounds fussed around and left with the rest of the pack following a line up
towards Trevornick Farm and out of view, the whole time being encouraged by the hunt staff which can be heard on the video.
Its difficult to see but the little black dots shown by the arrow were the foxes. The situation seemed a bit off somehow so
we have suspicions that they may have been bagged foxes, released on purpose to give the visiting Hunt a good show. No way
of knowing for sure sadly. They then proceeded to draw the valley near Brownberry Wood and Tubbs Mill, watched from a distance by the team from
the church and Old Park Wood area. The hunt continued through the Great and Little Polgrain area but we couldn’t keep
up and lost any decent views so eventually had to call it a day. We didn't hear the hounds going to cry again but we were
some distance away so can’t be certain. Caerhays
Castle, a regular meet for Four Burrow hunt, is owned by the Williams family who also own Burncoose nurseries and Scorrier
Estate, who’s land houses the Four Burrow kennels. Caerhays also proudly runs shooting events, with much of the area
given over to pheasants, bred to be shot by pathetic men with big guns and small... so foxes along with other wildlife are
not welcome visitors. There are also historical family ties to Werrington Park near Launceston, a hunt venue for the Lamerton.
We found it ironic and disturbing that Caerhays was used as a venue for Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s “Wildlife Celebration”
last May given the clear hatred of wildlife that they hold.
Sab film refutes claim that they endangered
a hunter's horse R. Artillery FH rider blocked lane then backed horse to stopped landy 5-4-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs VIDEO The 'fake news' Facebook page 'Hunting for truth' posted an edited
video here. They clam we had put this rider and horse in danger by driving at speed at her. Our full video shows it was the rider who
put the horse in danger and only our calm reaction made sure nothing happened. She blocks out path on purpose then attempts
to back the horse into the stationary Land Rover while videoing. Her posted video only shows when the horse is close, not
the preceding events. 
Rider walking horse into path of sab landy
Those who want to kill animals will not shrink from lying about their actions, they care nothing
for wildlife or their horses. Help keep us in the killing fields by making a donation:- PayPal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Any info on Hunts call the tip-off hotline: 07443148426.
Quantock SH kill another young stag for 'sport' 5-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO One of these stags never saw the light of another day - Stag Hunting with the Quantock Stag
Hounds, 1st April 2019 The National Trust holds the key to protecting our deer by enforcing
their own ban! The time to deliver on your promise is now! If you support what we do and would
like to help with costs, please and thank you! http://ko-fi.com/somersetwildlifecrime - Also https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below
- Left, two spring stags put up by the Hunt run away from the pair of hounds. The Hunt had previously crossed
N. Trust land Right, Shortly afterwards, riders and hounds, on the line of the stags, pursue them
 POWAperson adds - All hunting for 'sport' is cruel, almost by design.
But I have long found deer hunting with hounds the most disgusting of all. The process is just so prolonged and relentless.
With a full pack, which the Quantock SH still sometimes use, pretending to be 'trail hunting', this can last for over
seven hours. I was present as a monitor at two such extended hunts in the 1990s. The average hunt length is around 3 hours.
3 hours of ever more lung-busting, increasingly terror filled over exertion with the baying hounds, the riders and their ghoulish
support on quads and motor cycles, all intent on the spectacle of the deer's death. The Quantock SH here were using just
two hounds, as the Devon & Somerset Stag Hounds have been doing for years. This,
thanks to the slack wording of Schedule 1.9 of the Hunting Act 2004, is LEGAL. This is the 'Research and Observation'
Exemption which allows hunting of any mammal with 2 hounds so long as they are not allowed to injure the quarry. Deer
hounds are trained not to do that anyway, but rather to bring the deer to 'bay' when it can run no longer,
so that they can be approached by a hunter and shot dead.. The DSSH pretend they are conducting some sort of never ending
research project, the results of which are never published, but they need not bother because the clause, absurdly, allows
hunts in this form purely so they can 'observe' them. Any normal person would I think, have the same reaction
to observing such a hunt as I did. That to see a beautiful, vibrant, healthy animal turned into a stumbling wreck
by hours of pursuit, then surrounded by howling dogs and shot in the head is pitiful, ghastly and distressing
- and that those who happily inflict such a fate on the deer must be psychopaths.
Cotswold FH filmed trespassing on private railway 5-4-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO Cotswold Hunt feel free to hunt on the Gloucestershire
Warwickshire Steam Railway... POWAperson adds - this was on 25-3-19. CIWH have reported the trespass to the railway company.
Huntsman and hounds leave railway - but 2 followers still there
WO course at Leics police doesn't
seem to cover organised illegal hunting 4-4-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs #OperationBlackthorn Last week Leicestershire Police hosted the national
wildlife crime officers course and as a result have trained up some new wildlife crime officers. Leicestershire Police do
not have a good record when it comes to wildlife crime officers. Two Leicestershire Police wildlife officers have been outed
as having links to their local fox hunts. Three years PC Sharon Roscoe had to step down as a wildlife officer after it was
revealed she rides with the Belvoir Hunt. Last year it was revealed wildlife officer PC Rob Cross not only has personal links
to both the Atherstone Hunt and the Fernie Hunt but also retweeted an article in favour of repealing the Hunting Act. During the course they learnt about lamping and hare coursing but no mention of hare hunting with beagles or fox
hunting with hounds. This season Leicestershire Police didn’t bother to attend many meets of the Atherstone Hunt and
when they did they refused to even get out of their cars to gather any evidence of illegal hunting. (https://youtu.be/q7GgXL5dykc). Once we challenged them on this we never saw them again for the rest of the season.
Leics police recruitment posters feature pro-hunt Wildlife
Officer 3-4-19
Facebook - Atherstone Hunt Watch Leicestershire Police are recruiting and are encouraging people from all walks of life to apply from
gamekeepers to young farmers. The post includes a picture of young farmer / wildlife officer PC Rob Cross who not only has
personal connections to both the Atherstone Hunt and the Fernie Hunt but has in the past retweeted a post about repealing
the Hunting Act. Don’t worry about your personal bias or potential conflicts of interest there’s
a job waiting for you at Leicestershire Police. Support fox hunting? Why not become a wildlife officer? https://www.facebook.com/leicspolice/. 
Vale of White Horse FH trespass on Nat.Trust land 2-4-19 Facebook - National Dis-Trust is with Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO On 9th March, the Vale of White Horse Hunt were filmed trespassing
on the National Trust's Sherborne Estate by Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch. Trust staff then confirmed this had happened
in an email dated 15th March. Interestingly, the Vale of White Horse are licensed to use a separate Trust property - the Buscot
and Coleshill Estates NT. The staff at Buscot & Coleshill Estate have chosen to completely ignore us after the Old Berkshire Hunt killed
a fox on their land on 17th November 2018 (also filmed by Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch - tinyurl.com/y7yvkmsk) but it might
be worth asking them if they will continue to licence the Vale of White Horse next season since they are trespassing on land
that their colleagues manage. You can [politely] contact them on buscotandcoleshill@nationaltrust.org.uk or 01793762209. The licence details for the Vale of White Horse Hunt to use the Buscot & Coleshill Estate can be seen here: tinyurl.com/y34vp8jn. Many thanks to Cirencester
Illegal Hunt Watch on keeping us updated. Please support them here: paypal.me/cihwatch.
Sabs upload video of Stevenstone FH fox kill 2-4-19
Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Warning - Distressing footage On Saturday the Stevenstone
Foxhounds killed a fox on the edge of Torrington. This video shows the lead-up and the kill, so viewer discretion is advised.
We are always in two minds about publishing such distressing footage, but think it's important that people can see what
foxhunting really looks like. These are the images the Hunts don't want you to see.
Hunt in full flow - sab drone footage In the footage you can see Stevenstone Huntsman Andrew Head encourage
his hounds into a large patch of dense brambles, a natural place for foxes to lie up during the day and definitely not somewhere
anyone could have laid an artificial trail. He uses 'tongue-rolling' to try and disturb a fox. One of the hounds finds
a fox and before sabs are able to get to him the rest of the pack have piled in and killed the fox. The fox was disembowelled,
bits of his face were ripped off and in the footage you can see hounds running around with bits of fur and flesh hanging out
of their mouths. One of the sabs - a visiting Brighton sab - was bitten by hounds on her hands and wrists as she
wrenched the still-twitching body of this beautiful young fox away from them. The Huntsman who was stood just metres away
made no attempts to call hounds off at any point during the kill. The hunt acted as if nothing had happened and carried on
Sabs try to wrench the fox [on left] from hounds Make no mistake:
this is not an 'accident'. This is what happens most days of the week during the hunting season under the guise of
'trail-hunting'. The kill has been reported to police, but we are not hopeful anything will be done about it. Time
and again, people say to us "I thought foxhunting was banned". It was, but none of the Hunts we've ever sabbed
obey the law.  Pics above - Left, Sabs have wrestled fox from hounds
Right, Sab cradles dead fox We do our best to
save lives. Kills are very distressing for sabs to witness, but these scenes are why sabs are needed and why we will never
stop. We are nearing the end of the hunting season but
preparations are already underway for next season and our activities over the summer. We need to replace some of our equipment,
particularly maps, SD cards, cameras with smashed screens, drone batteries etc., and our vehicles need some TLC. We have recently
brought our Land Rover 'Alice' back on the road, following very expensive repairs. If you can spare any change to
help us cover these costs, you can donate via https://www.paypal.me/dchs. To
find out more about how you can get involved in what we do, or to send us confidential information, contact us on 07717473305,
via Facebook or mailto:devoncountysabs@riseup.net . 3-4-19
Daily Mail Hunt saboteurs wade into pack of baying hounds and try to
stop them killing a fox but can only retrieve its mauled body - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs film hunt - One
saboteur is bitten as she retrieves the dead fox from some 20 howling dogs - They claim the nearby huntsman made no attempts
to call off his hounds This is moment a group of hunt saboteurs wade in to a huge pack of dogs
to rescue the mauled body of a fox. When the unrelenting hounds continue to bite the animal despite the screams and shouts
of the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs, one woman pushes into the circle and retrieves the dead fox. She is bitten on her hands
and wrists as she wrenches the 'still-twitching' body from some 20 baying dogs. The hunt saboteurs said they recorded the dramatic footage
at a farm outside Torrington, Devon, on Saturday afternoon, involving Stevenstone Hunt hounds. They posted: 'The fox was
disemboweled, bits of his face were ripped off and in the footage you can see hounds running around with bits of fur and flesh
hanging out of their mouths. 'The huntsman who was stood just metres away made no attempts to call hounds off at any point.'
Stevenstone FH pack savaging the fox The video begins
with the saboteurs standing in a wooded area next to a few of the hounds. A sudden barking is then heard from the next field
and the dogs next to the saboteurs sprint through the bushes towards it. The woman wearing the head-cam runs to the gate and
jumps a wire fence into the field where the howling dogs are now huddled in a tightly-packed circle. One of the saboteurs
repeatedly roars at the pack to 'leave it!' while the barking dogs attack the fox. When a saboteur finally manages to pluck the motionless animal from the group and cradles it in her arms, the dogs
continue to bark and one jumps up to try and snatch it back. The team then yell at the foxhounds to 'get out' and
then they begin to shout at the nearby rider to 'call them off', which he eventually does. After the dogs retreat,
the saboteurs are visibly shocked at what they have just witnessed, and one of them says 'we did everything we could'.
Hounds after the mangled fox has been taken from them A spokesperson on behalf of the Stevenstone Hunt said: 'The Stevenstone
Hunt operates within the law to comply with the Hunting Act 2004. 'The Hunt are aware of an incident occurring on Saturday
30th March which we believe was solely due to the presence of anti-hunting protestors who were interfering with the hounds.
If there is any evidence to suggest illegal hunting has taken place then it should be reported and investigated through the
correct channels. Hunts are in regular contact with the police on hunting days and are happy to help with any investigation.' 3-4-19
Deadline News Hunt saboteurs risk life and limb wading into pack of baying hounds to retrieve body of fox
SHOCKING video shows hunt saboteurs risk life and limb by wading in to a huge pack of excited dogs to rescue the
mauled body of a fox. One of the saboteurs is bitten on the hand as she battles to retrieve the mangled corpse from a densely-packed
circle of around 20 baying hounds. The incident happened at a farm outside Torrington, Devon, on Saturday afternoon and was
posted by Devon County Hunt Saboteurs. They
posted: “One of the sabs – a visiting Brighton sab – was bitten by hounds on her hands and wrists as she
wrenched the still-twitching body of this beautiful young fox away from them. The fox was disembowelled, bits of his face
were ripped off and in the footage you can see hounds running around with bits of fur and flesh hanging out of their mouths.
The Huntsman who was stood just metres away made no attempts to call hounds off at any point.” The video shows the hunt saboteurs racing towards the howling pack of hounds. The
saboteurs can be heard shouting “leave it!” repeatedly as some 20 barking dogs all begin to tug on the dead animal.
Another saboteur can be heard shouting “get out! Call them off!” as they scream at the hunter watching metres
away. Tracy Bravey responded online: “Sorry I cant watch… I know what happens. I’m so upset and f******
angry at these vile a*******s. Heartbreaking for sabs to witness.” Maureen Jennifer Ryan added: “Oh my god this
is absolutely sickening all those dogs on one fox this has to stop.” Julia Lewry wrote: “They really are the cess
pit of the gene pool!” Alison Graham Lindsay said: “So sad, poor fox it’s heartbreaking. As an animal lover
and dog owner it saddens me to see dogs trained to kill and never knowing kindness and love. The whole thing is cruel and
barbaric.” Penny Hall added: “Sickening, I could not watch it all. How brave of the sabs to get right in amongst
the hounds to rescue the fox. I just wish the outcome had been different.” Terri Brooks wrote: “I feel so bad
for those hounds. They visually seem confused. They thought they’d done a good job and they are being shouted at (rightly
so). Poor animals.” Also reported in the Daily Mail
says saw Surrey Union FH hunting fox on/near Wildlife Trust land 2-4-19 Surrey Live Allegation of illegal hunting on SWT land near Ockley under investigation The fresh accusation follows a previous claim of illegal hunting by the group at
the end of last year Police are looking into another allegation of illegal hunting after a member of the public said he
saw Surrey Union Hunt operating near Ockley. The hunt group has
been accused of killing a fox near Peaslake and Ewhurst on December 1, 2018, after Guildford Hunt Saboteurs shared disturbing
images of a dead fox last year. At the time, Surrey Union Hunt said the group operated within the confines of the Hunting
Act 2004. Now a man, who wishes to remain
anonymous, claims he saw the group hunting illegally at or near Surrey Wildlife Trust's (SWT) Candy's Copse woodland
on Wednesday, March 13, at about 3pm. Surrey Police confirmed: "We
are aware that an allegation of illegal hunting has been made and are looking into the matter, however we are yet to determine
if there has been any offence. If there is evidence of illegal hunting Surrey Police will conduct an impartial and rigorous
investigation to ascertain the full facts."
Portman FH rider who kicked horse in belly owns the Daily
Mail He is the 4th
Viscount of Rothermere - and is a billionaire RSPCA say kicking horse OK as
they kick each other often 2-4-19 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO Portman Hunt Rider The 4th Viscount Of Rothermere Jonathan Harold Esmonde Vere Harmsworth
shows us exactly how to control a horse We have been waiting to release the name of the
Portman rider in the footage teaching us how to control a horse because we were expecting the RSPCA and police to be following
up with an investigation and charges. However both Dorset police and the RSPCA have stated that there will be no charges due
to the fact that this man's actions are acceptable. Dorset Police were advised of this by the RSPCA and a local vet.
Which of course leaves us free to release his name as he has done absolutely nothing
wrong. So, if you are a horse rider and looking for ways to control your animal please
feel free to give it a sharp kick to the underbelly. The RSPCA stated that this treatment is absolutely fine as horses kick
each other all the time so please, please, please... just kick away. By the same thinking if your dog is misbehaving please
feel free to bite its face as this is something they do to each other all of the time. Just in case you
were wondering who this chap is... he is the owner of the Daily Mail and worth just over a billion pounds. The paper was started
by his great grandfather Harold Sidney Harmsworth, the 1st Viscount of Rothermere. During the 1930's he was known to be
a supporter of Nazi Gerrnany. He cultivated contacts to promote British support for Germany. In 2013 Private Eye reported that Viscount Rothermere falsely claims non-dom status in order to avoid paying tax
on his stately home. A move that would save him several millions of pounds in tax annually. He owns his media business through
a complex structure of offshore holdings and trusts. He was a supporter of David Cameron and in January
2017 the BBC's Newsnight reported that the former Prime Minister had approached Lord Rothermere to sack Euro sceptic Paul
Dacre the editor of the Daily Mail. RotHermere refused to confirm or deny this but a spokesman for David Cameron confirmed
that he had tried to convince both men over the vote. The
reason that Dabs and the other animal rights groups need everyone's continued support is that when it comes to fox hunting
we are up against both people of power and thugs from the bottom of the pond. We are dealing with people that can throw away
more money than we will ever see and scum that have nothing to lose as they are supported by people like Lord Rothermere.
It would be ironic if this man owned the Portman hunt kennels would it not. We
will be posting a few videos from the season shortly that not only show a complete lack of regard for the law but also a complete and utter hatred for people that disagree with their blood lust. We will
also be posting a video of the Portman hunt riders openly discussing the foxes they were chasing, just in case you were in
any doubt about what they have been up to this year.
Portman FH terrierman kicks sab, rider steals hat 2-4-19 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO Portman rider steals Sabs hat and terrierman puts in the boot Frustrated
that Sabs had once more turned up in the right place to foil their fox hunting a Portman Hunt rider (Whipper-in we believe)
rides at a sab and steals their hat. In the following moments, a terrierman kicks out at the sab and then the rider can be
seen taunting the sab with the hat.
Rider [the Whipper-in?] trying to steal sab's hat Hunt support were out
in full force as it was the final Saturday of the season and the support included convicted poachers and well known thugs.
Rider waves the stolen sab's hat in triumph. Little things... Stealing hats from sabs has been a common theme this season, but if hitting them
won't stop them, riding your horses through them wont stop them, intimidating them at their homes won't stop them,
posting their addresses on social media won't stop them, why do the Portman Hunt believe that stealing their hats will
prevent the sabs from saving wildlife from a horrific death at the teeth of the hounds ? If the Portman were not breaking
the law none of this behaviour would be necessary. Can you see where we are going with this ?
Atherstone FH supporter exposed as violent misogynist 1-4-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Violent misogynist - Atherstone Hunt supporter
It is clear from both his words and his actions that this Atherstone Hunt supporter is a violent misogynist. The footage
shows him attacking a female saboteur by pulling her to the ground from behind. We have filmed the type of sexist language
that he regularly uses towards the women in our group and we have filmed him trying to intimidate lone female saboteurs. Abhorrent,
bigoted and extremist views can always be found at any fox hunt and members of our group have been subjected to racism, homophobia
and most frequently sexism and misogyny. What makes the sexism and misogyny of this particular Atherstone Hunt supporter dangerous
is that he is clearly willing to act upon his bigoted views.