For purpose of this record - and to include whole year - 'Hunting
Season' runs from start July-end June N.B. Entries are in REVERSE chronological
order. Stories are below each month's headlines WARNING Likely
to contain images you may find distressing
..... 29th June - Jedforest FH father and son pair are convicted of illegal hunting ..... 29th
June - Blackmore FH Huntsman's son fined for racial abuse of woman ..... 29th June - Social media backlash against
hotel that allowed Cheshire Forest FH at wedding ..... 28th June - Shock and anger as police drop Atherstone FH horror
fox kill case ..... 27th June - Jedforest FH 2 illegal hunting trial should conclude today ..... 24th June - Two Tory hunter MPs face
probes for breaching Commons Code of Conduct ….. 24th June – Sabs prevent Northants MH from hunting
again ….. 23rd June – N.Cotswold FH terrierman cautioned
for riding quad into sab ..... 23rd June - Police won't act
on Ashford Valley FH followers blocking road ….. 21st June – Tory plan to repeal HA missing from
Queen's speech [presumed dead] ….. 21st June –
Otter Trust expresses concern over mink hunts endangering otters …..
20th June – Lifelong 'hunter' jailed for shooting neighbours kitten ….. 20th June – Atherstone FH hound parade may be dropped from Ashby show ….. 18th June – Northants Mink Hounds stopped from hunting by sabs again ….. 15th June – Leading vet says evidence that hunting hounds are spreading
bTb ….. 15th June – Make Hunting History & anti-cull
London demo set for August 26th ..... 15th June - Kent Wildlife
Trust had previous Chair who was Quorn FH JM ….. 14th June – LACS claims hunting issue played major
role in general election ….. 12th June – Ex Tory Chair
says Hunting Act repeal dead in the water ….. 12th June –
Son of Blackmore FH Huntsman convicted of ABH on woman sab .....
9th June - Forestry Commission to review Isle of Wight FH's hunting licence ….. 5th
June – Grove & Rufford FH convicts seen canvassing for Tory candidate ..... 2nd June - Ex police WCO tells court he was 'invisible' Jedforest FH gunman ….. 2nd
June – Hunter Kent WT Chair allows pheasant shooting on his land ….. 1st
June – CPS won't prosecute Cheshire Forest FH over 2 hunting incidents ..... 1st June - Jedforest FH Huntsman says were working within law
when fox was killed
Jedforest FH father and son pair are convicted of illegal
huntingFirst ever organised hunter convictions under Scottish law 29-6-17 BBC News LACS VIDEO Huntsmen found guilty of Jedburgh fox-hunting charge Two huntsmen
from the Scottish Borders have been found guilty of breaching fox-hunting law. It is the first conviction of a traditional
fox hunt under legislation introduced in Scotland in 2002. Johnny Riley, 24, and his father, John Clive
Richardson, 67 [both right], of Bonchester Bridge, were fined £400 and £250 respectively for deliberately hunting a fox with dogs near Jedburgh last year. They plan
to appeal against the decision. During their trial, the pair had denied breaching the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act 2002. Their defence lawyer David McKie said they had worked within the terms
of the legislation by using hounds to flush out a fox from cover to waiting guns. However, depute fiscal Fiona Caldwell argued
the two men had clearly broken the law at Townfoothill near Jedburgh on 16 February last year. She said evidence had shown
it had been a "deliberate course of acts culminating with those responsible for the hunt, hunting the fox with dogs". The verdict was welcomed
by the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland which supplied video footage to the trial. Its director Robbie Marsland said:
"Today's guilty verdict is the first successful prosecution for mounted fox hunting in Scotland and while we're
delighted with the outcome, and our role in this, we remain of the view that the law needs strengthened. "The Scottish
government has committed to consult on the hunt ban following a review by Lord Bonomy, who clearly stated there was evidence
of lawbreaking by Scottish hunts." He said the guilty verdict had confirmed that to be the case and said they looked
forward to working to help "strengthen the law". However, the Countryside Alliance voiced disappointment at the conviction claiming
the huntsmen had been subjected to "trial by television". It said footage which had been given to the BBC had put
pressure on police and prosecutors to take the case forward. Director Jamie Stewart said: "Scottish mounted packs not
only adhere to the law but also work under an enhanced protocol." He said they were disappointed with the verdict and
would await the full transcript of the judgement before making further comment. 30-6-17 The Herald Father and son are found guilty of fox hunting in
landmark ruling TWO huntsmen have been convicted of breaching Scotland’s fox hunting legislation
in a landmark ruling. Father and son John Clive Richardson, 67, and Johnny Riley, 24, are the first members of a mounted hunt
to be successfully prosecuted since the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act was introduced 15 years ago. Both are members
of the Jedforest Hunt, in the Borders, and were secretly filmed by investigators from the League Against Cruel Sports. Following eight days of evidence, Sheriff Peter Paterson ruled in
two incidents Richardson and Riley were in breach of the act and found them guilty of deliberately hunting a fox with dogs. Riley – who was in charge of the hunt – was fined £400
at Selkirk Sheriff Court and Richardson who was described as having a lesser role was fined £250. Lawyers for the two
men indicated they would appeal against the conviction. In finding the men guilty, Sheriff Paterson said: “We look forward to working with the Scottish Government
to strengthen the law and hope today sends a clear message to hunts that flouting the law will not be tolerated and those
who continue to hunt illegally in Scotland will be brought to justice.” Most the evidence during the trial focused on the video which showed
34 hounds from the Jedforest Hunt chasing a fox into a hole on farm land at Townfoothill near Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, on
February 16 last year. After a terrier man spent 40 minutes digging at the hole, the fox then bolted and was again pursued
by the dogs before disappearing out of sight of the footage into a gulley. The defence claimed a waiting gunman shot and injured
the fox after it had been flushed from cover by the hounds, which is permitted in law. Witnesses for the Crown said they saw
no gunman and heard no shots when the fox was being pursued. Sheriff Paterson accepted the evidence of the defence that there were two gunmen in place
but ruled that in two incidents the huntsmen were still guilty. 29-6-17 ITV News Father and son found guilty of breaching fox hunting law
A father and son from the Jedforest Hunt have been found guilty of breaching Scotland's fox hunting laws. 67-year-old
John Clive Richardson and his son, 24-year-old Johnny Riley, have been fined a total of £650. The pair denied the accusation
after a video filmed by investigators showed a fox being dug out of a hole and then chased by a pack of hounds. The video was filmed at Townfoothill
near Jedburgh in February 2016, by an employee of the League Against Cruel Sports. The trial at Jedburgh Sheriff Court had
several days of evidence from members of the League Against Cruel Sports, police and the two accused. It's the first ever
conviction under legislation for the protection of wild mammals Scotland act 2002. Pics below show how the incident unfolded...    
FH Huntsman's son fined for racial abuse of woman
29-6-17 Somerset Live Sherborne man fined for racially
aggravated abuse at Royal Bath and West Show young man from Dorset has pleaded guilty to racially abusing a man during the Royal
Bath and West Show. Ben Richard Doggrell, of Bishops Down near Sherborne, appeared at Yeovil Magistrates
Court on Friday (June 23) to face charges relating to an incident which occurred at the Shepton Mallet showground on
June 3. Doggrell, 21, had been due to appear before the court last Tuesday (June 20) but failed to appear, resulting in a
warrant being issued for his arrest. He was charged that, on June 3 at the Bath And West
Showground in Shepton Mallet, he used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour designed to caused harassment,
alarm or distress to Tunde Sanni. Doggrell pleaded guilty to the charge, and the magistrates ruled that the incident had been
racially aggravated. He also admitted being in breach of an 18-month conditional discharge order, which had been imposed at
Weymouth Magistrates Court on August 10. The magistrates made a determination not to impose the conditional discharge, but
fined Doggrell £150 and ordered him to pay £150 compensation, a victim surcharge of £30 and £85 costs,
which must be paid by July 7. POWAperson adds - This is the same person
who was, earlier this month, was convicted of ABH, after he attacked a female sab and broke her elbow. He was given a 100
hour CSO. It comes as no surprise that a violent, bigoted lout should be the son of a man who makes his living by helping
to torment and kill animals for others 'sport'.
Social media backlash against hotel allowing Cheshire Forest FH at wedding 29-6-17 Liverpool Echo Facebook storm after hunting group pose for wedding pictures at top hotel - Anti-hunting
campaigners have criticised the luxury hotel A TOP Wirral hotel is at the centre of
a social media storm after allowing a hunting group on to its grounds for a wedding reception. The Hillbark Hotel , based
in Royden Park, Wirral has been widely criticised after images of a hunt group posing for wedding pictures were circulated
online. Posts on the hotel’s Facebook page suggest the group, who campaigners say are the Cheshire Forest Hunt [right,
at venue].were appearing at the venue as part of a wedding ceremony for two of their members on Saturday, June 24th. The wedding venue defended the move and claimed they were “simply following a bride and groom’s wishes”.
They also reassured concerned campaigners that “no fox hunting took place whatsoever”. However anti-fox hunting groups have criticised their decision to grant permission for the group to pose for pictures - which they say was
risky as it took place during a time when fox cubs would be around and their scent could have distracted the dogs. While fox
hunting was made illegal in the UK in 2005, groups up and down the country still meet to take part in ‘drag’ or
‘trail’ hunts - where the hounds follow a scent that has been laid over a course. In February, the Cheshire Forest Hunt hit the headlines after their dogs chased and killed a fox
on a Macclesfield housing estate - and again earlier this year when it was revealed their hunt director, Elizabeth Gorse,
also owned a veterinary surgery in Runcorn. Cheshire Monitors, a voluntary group which monitors hunting groups in Cheshire,
said people were “horrified” to see the pack of hounds near Royden Park. A spokesperson said: “We weren’t
at all surprised at people’s horror at seeing the Cheshire Forest Hunt in the area, which included public roads. There
are many fox families living in and around Royden Park and Thurstaston Hill, particularly vulnerable at the moment as young
cubs are reared at this time of year. It was pure luck that the hounds didn’t pick up a fox scent while in the area,
otherwise the dozens of families with young children and people walking their dogs in Royden Park at the time may have been
witness to some very upsetting scenes.” The hotel’s Facebook page was flooded with messages from both anti-fox hunting
campaigners and those who support the bloodsport. Sean Dutton posted: “Shame on you for allowing the ‘hunt’
on your land and to spoil our beautiful Wirral. You’re a blight.” Marilyn Wilcockson added: “How sad to
see such a beautiful establishment allowing and condoning fox hunters on their premises. Surely you rely on good reviews and
recommendations? Bottom of the ladder now I’m afraid.” John Hughes, however, commented to point out that nobody
had broken the law. He said: “I think you will find the hounds etc were part of the wedding you fools, and all perfectly
legal.” A spokesperson for the hotel said they “are not here to judge each individual bride and groom’s wishes”
- and that they’d “carefully planned” the arrival. They said: “Hillbark Hotel were simply following
a bride and groom’s wishes for a staged arrival onto the hotel private grounds. At no point did any fox hunting take
place whatsoever, nor would this ever be considered. As part of a private wedding, it was decided that this would take place
purely for photographic terms and for the bride and groom arriving onto the hotel grounds only. This was discussed at length
with our event managers and the arrival was planned by the bride and groom. We have had numerous bride and grooms choosing
to arrive in many different manners, whether it be by helicopter, horse and carriage or hot air balloon! We are not here to
judge each individual bride and groom’s wishes on how they want to arrive to the hotel on their special day.” A spokesperson for
Cheshire Monitors added: “We understand that the Hillbark were just fulfilling the couple’s wishes by allowing
the Hunt to be present for photographs, but it was clearly a very misguided judgement on the part of the hotel management.”
The ECHO attempted to contact Elizabeth Gorse and The Cheshire Forest Hunt but at the time of publishing had not received
a reply.
Shock and anger as police drop Atherstone
FH horror fox kill case28-6-17 Coventry Evening Telegraph VIDEO Police drop investigation after fox killed by hunting dogs in Warwickshire - Activists claimed the huntsmen were part of the Atherstone
Hunt near to Shuttington, Warwickshire A police investigation launched after hunting dogs were
filmed ripping a fox apart in Warwickshire [right, with sab trying to rescue fox] has been dropped by officers, it has been
revealed. The probe into alleged illegal fox hunting began after the creature was shown on camera fleeing from hunters during
an incident in Shuttington, North Warwickshire, just a few miles from Twycross Zoo, in January. The exhausted fox then ran
into a garden, chased by hounds and activists from West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, reports the Tamworth Herald. The activists
claimed the huntsmen were part of the Atherstone Hunt near to Shuttington, Warwickshire. A spokesperson for West Midlands
Hunt Saboteurs said: "This is not the first investigation into the Atherstone Hunt for illegal hunting that has been
dropped, in fact over the past three years we know of five foxes that this hunt have killed. The Atherstone Hunt claim these
kills were all 'accidents' but there are only so many 'accidents' one hunt can have whilst still expecting
people to believe them. They seem to be a very accident prone. What needs to happen now is that the Hunting Act should be
strengthened to eliminate the loopholes. It needs to be a total ban with no exemptions, no room for excuses and no room for
accidents." It has been illegal to hunt foxes with dogs since 2005 – with a maximum penalty of a £5,000 fine. Police
can also confiscate and destroy equipment and dogs used in hunting. Hunting remains deeply unpopular with the general public
as we saw after repeal of the Hunting Act was included in the Conservative Manifesto," the spokesperson added. "Most
people are shocked that hunting is still going on and that foxes are being hunted and killed just as much as they were before
the ban. We are urging everyone to contact their MP and talk to them about how the Hunting Act should be strengthened." Warwickshire Police confirmed, that following the investigation, they have dropped the case. A spokesperson said:
"Following reports made to the police regarding alleged offences under the Hunting Act 2004, specialist wildlife officers
conducted a thorough investigation. Following this investigation, police took the decision that there was insufficient evidence
to take any further action." A spokesperson for The Atherstone Hunt added: "We
understand that Warwickshire police will be taking no further action following an alleged incident involving the Atherstone
Hunt on January 14." Pics below - 1/ Huntsman moments after
fox was killed 2/ Sabs retrieved the savaged corpse  26-6-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Sabs VIDEO INVESTIGATION INTO FOX KILLED BY ATHERSTONE HUNT HAS BEEN DROPPED Contact your MP and tell them that
the Hunting Act needs strengthening. The police investigation into illegal fox hunting by
the Atherstone Hunt has been dropped by Warwickshire Police. The Atherstone hounds were filmed tearing into the fox on someone's
driveway in Shuttington on Saturday 14th January. One of our sabs managed to rescue the fox from the hounds but it died latter
in our arms. At no point did huntsman Stuart Barton attempt to stop the hounds. This is
not the first investigation into the Atherstone Hunt for illegal hunting that has been dropped, in fact over the past 3 years
we know of 5 foxes that this hunt have killed. The Atherstone Hunt claim these kills were all “accidents” but
there are only so many “accidents” one Hunt can have whilst still expecting people to believe them. The Atherstone
Hunt seem to be a very accident prone hunt. The fact that the case has been dropped does not mean that the Atherstone Hunt
are telling the truth and not illegally hunting, it just means that the current legislation isn’t strong enough. What needs to happen now is that the Hunting Act should be strengthened to eliminate the loopholes. It needs to be
a total ban with no exemptions, no room for excuses and no room for "accidents". These people clearly can not be
trusted to let their hounds loose in the countryside without them killing something, so really their hounds shouldn't
be let loose in the countryside. We are urging
everyone to contact their MPs and talk to them about how the Hunting Act should be strengthened. https://www.writetothem.com/
Jedforest FH two illegal
hunting trial should conclude today
27-6-17 ITV News Closing statements due in Borders fox hunting trial
Closing statements are due to be heard today in the trial of two huntsmen accused of breaching Scotland's fox hunting
laws. 67-year-old John Clive Richardson and his son, 24-year-old Johnny Riley, from the Jedforest Hunt, have denied the accusation
after a video filmed by investigators showed a fox being dug out of a hole and then chased by a pack of hounds. The video
was filmed at Townfoothill near Jedburgh in February 2016, by an employee of the League Against Cruel Sports. The trial at Jedburgh Sheriff Court has already
had several days of evidence from members of the League Against Cruel Sports, police and the two accused. The Crown and the
defence teams will now sum up their cases to Sheriff Peter Paterson. POWAperson adds
- This trial, concerning events of more than a year ago, has proceeded in fits and starts over the last 3 months and
its conclusion is long overdue. Two
prominent Tory hunter MPs face Commons breach of code of conduct pr obes 24-6-17 Western Telegraph Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire MP Simon Hart under investigation for
alleged breach of code of conduct CONSERVATIVE MP Simon Hart [right] is
one of four MPs under investigation by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. Mr Hart was re-elected for Carmarthen
West and South Pembrokeshire in May with a reduced majority of 3,110. An investigation into an alleged breach of paragraph
15 of the MPs' code of conduct started in May, but no decision could be made during the dissolution of Parliament. This
paragraph states: "Members are personally responsible and accountable for ensuring that their use of any expenses, allowances,
facilities and services provided from the public purse is in accordance with the rules laid down on these matters. Members
shall ensure that their use of public resources is always in support of their parliamentary duties. It should not confer any
undue personal or financial benefit on themselves or anyone else, or confer undue advantage on a political organisation." Other MPs subject
to an inquiry are Labour’s Keith Vaz and the Conservatives’ Michelle Donelan and Chris Davies [below
left]. Mr Hart told the Western Telegraph he had been advised by the commissioner not to comment, but
that she would 'publish full details in due course'. POWAperson
adds – At this stage we do not know the details of the alleged breaches. Simon Hart MP is a former CEO of the Countryside
Alliance and was in that position when the CA facilitated the mass signing of the 'Hunting Declaration' in 2004. Signatories,
of whom there were a purported 50,000, pledged to ignore any law banning hunting. Mr. Hart is allegedly at present in receipt of a £47,000 p.a. 'consultancy' retainer from the hunting lobby.
During his campaign to become an MP in 2010 he received very substantial donations from Johan Christofferson, an American
hedge-fund manager who was then JM of the Isle of Wight FH. In 2004, his Huntsman and terrierman staged a repellent stunt
in Brighton City centre while the Labour Conference was on there. They dumped carcasses of a horse and cattle in the city
centre as a protest against the impending Hunting Act. Following this action, which caused public outrage, They were convicted
of public order offences but just got slapped on their wrists. Christofferson was suspended by the MFHA for not controlling
his hunt servants. He is now JM of the Jedforest FH, whose huntsman and terrierman are on trial for illegal hunting now.
Hart also received
a donation of £2000 from Lord Daresbury, then Chair of the MFHA. It was Daresbury who had written earlier in 2004 to
Hunt Masters, urging them to ask 'their farmers' to help foxes out with breeding, because they were running short
of quarry. This only became public knowledge because Simon Hart's scathing email to Daresbury, criticising him for being
so stupid in handing ammunition to the antis, was leaked. Chris Davies, the Tory MP for Brecon and Radnorshire,
is a former JM of Golden Valley FH. He was in post when the Hunting Act came into effect. He did not have the bottle to say
he would personally defy the law, but told the BBC that some of his members would. Prior to the recent election both MPs were on the EFRA Select Committee and
were instrumental in that Committee calling, by a majority of one, for the RSPCA to be investigated, a move largely prompted
by the Society's prosecutions of packs for illegal hunting and badger sett interference.
Sabs prevent Northants MH hunting again
24-6-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs After our recent success against the Northants Mink/Otter Hounds which was
largely down to vigilant members of the public we thought we'd be a little more proactive this week and visit some areas
where we've know them to hunt in the past. So we gathered a team of lovely people from North Cambs Hunt Sabs, Northants
Hunt Sabs and Nottingham Hunt Sabs and sett off to look for them. With Notts & Northants in one vehicle and 2 others
with a combo of B&B and North Cambs we scoured likely looking areas and surprise surprise, we recognised some vehicles
heading to a known area. This was close to where they hunted a few weeks ago and on the same bit of
river - Claydon Brook. With eyes
on them they lead us to a farm near the big equestrian centre at Addington Manor. So with some proper military planning we
moved in with a classic pincer action. Notts & Northants going in from the South on foot while the B&B/North Cambs
teams in vehicles watched their only route out. By now they hunters knew they had been rumbled and did what they always do and called the police. Once again some officers
arrived from Thames Valley but we had a cordial chat with them in the sunshine and discussed the Wildlife & Countryside
Act and the Hunting Act. The police also told us there were some very pissed off people at the hunt meet! Perhaps they should
find a less blood thirsty and acceptable pass time. With the hound van leaving to return to the kennels and the hounds not even getting out we enjoyed the sunshine
while making sure they didn't try to pull a fast one.
North Cotswold FH terrierman
cautioned for riding quad in to sab23-6-17 Three Counties Hunt Sabs VIDEO On December 28th 2016, our group split to keep an eye on two
different Hunts, the Ledbury and the North Cotswold. Both groups, along with Bristol Hunt Saboteurs, were subject to violence
and intimidation. Both Hunts were still disrupted while attempting to kill wildlife. Not long ago
we wrote this update about the Ledbury terrierman involved in the assault on sabs – Terrierman charged with affray –
and now we bring an update on the North Cotswold case too. The video shows some of the footage from the day, including falconer
Calvin Crossman’s behaviour towards sabs in a field and terrierman Will Haines riding his quadbike into a sab [right]. Following the discovery of the artificial earths the Hunt packed up and the sab attended Gloucester
hospital with suspected concussion and a swollen jaw. Statements were made to the police soon after. West Mercia Police have dropped the case against Crossman, as they
say it is unclear how he and the sab ended up on the floor, whether he intended to hit her in the face and whether he did
actually knee her in the groin. Regardless
of this, we believe that his behaviour in the run-up to the fall still constitutes an assault (assault does not require physical
contact) and is still unacceptable, especially the fact that he puts his eagle in danger. Haines admitted that he had ridden into the same sab on purpose and was given a caution
due to previously having a clean record. If you think the name is familiar you may well be thinking of Will Haines senior,
a farmer from Castle Farm in Chipping Campden (supplier to M&S, Whole Foods and others). Will Haines junior was identified
by the North Cotswold’s huntsman, Nigel Peel, and confirmed as being employed by him as terrierman and is also known
to be involved in helping to organise the hunt ball, so the hunt can’t easily pretend that he has nothing to do with
them. The violence is believed to have been sparked by a previous incident in October 2016 when terriermen were caught attempting
to dig out an active badger sett in order to get to the hunted fox who had sought shelter within the sett and who then
thought it acceptable to abandon their terrier (a “much-loved family pet”) in the sett with the frightened fox
and numerous badgers. Gloucestershire Constabulary looked into an allegation that sabs had stolen the terrier and found no
evidence to suggest this; the investigation was dropped earlier this year. Unfortunately, despite evidence supplied, we believe
they have also dropped the investigation into the illegal dig-out. The Hunt continue to intend to hunt illegally, the blocking of badger
setts prior to hunt meets being one giveaway of this and we intend to keep a closer eye on them in the coming seasons. If
you hear any information about the Hunt or have any tip-offs as to hunt meets (or a hunt meet card) please contact us on 07891
639803 or via our Facebook page or email address: threecountiessabs@live.co.uk Thank
you to everyone who has supported us over the years, whether with moral support, driving sabs to hospitals, throwing us a
few quid here and there or giving us information. If you can help us out financially so that we can continue what we do (and
keep an eye on this bunch of lawbreakers next season) please do so via www.paypal.me/threecountiessabs .
Police won't act on road blocking
by Ashford Valley FH followers23-6-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs VIDEO Ashford Valley Tickham Fox Hounds supporters blocking public highway 25th February
2017 [below] - You may remember back in February, we put up a post about our
vehicle being blocked in at the Ashford Valley hunt kennels, by some hunt supporters in 4x4’s…we also had a video
clip on our YouTube channel which we were asked to take down by the police while they investigated our allegations of blocking
a public highway. Well that investigation is over, and guess what? Kent police are going to do…NOTHING! Yes - as per usual the Hunts can do what ever they like, with no legal action being
taken against them! Kent police had all the footage of the mornings events, which
showed the driver of the blue pickup- on top of that they also had the name of the driver, because he put in a bogus claim
against us! They obviously had a good chat with him though, as with no hard evidence, they then sent a letter to our vehicles
registered keeper, threatening to summons us for 4 road traffic offences…!!!! 1) failure to stop and to report an accident
(which did not happen); 2) dangerous driving; 3) driving without care; 4) driving without consideration. To then add insult to injury, our hunt liaison officer said that the people who had obstructed our vehicle on the
highway could not be prosecuted “retrospectively” ..UTTER BOLLOCKS!!! So… after getting other parties
involved and with us pressing them on this issue, our list of summonses were dropped, and a promise to investigate was made
by the police… which we now know is going nowhere, and the hunt supporters who blocked us in are free to do the same
again next season - making sure that they can illegally hunt in peace. So, no surprises there.  Tory
pledge to repeal HA is missing from Queen's speech [presumed dead]
21-6-17 LACS PR No mention of hunting in Queen’s speech Reacting
to the Queen’s speech today, Eduardo Gonçalves, CEO of the League Against Cruel Sports said: - “We are pleased to see that there is no mention of hunting
in the Queen’s Speech. We hope that, following the outcry during the election campaign, Theresa May has now abandoned
the manifesto pledge for a free vote on repeal of the Hunting Act. The reality is that the ban has overwhelming support from
the British public. We have no doubt that a vocal minority will continue in their attempts to weaken or repeal the ban –
either openly or via the back door. We therefore remain vigilant and there should be no doubt that we will continue to be
the voice speaking up for animals, vigorously opposing any effort to weaken their protection. The Government should be clear
that what the British people want from them is to get on with the job of improving animal protection, not undermining it.”POWAperson adds - Whilst all
of the above is true, the fact is that the Hunting Act remains of very limited utility against organised Hunts and all antis
need to press hard for it to not just be retained and enforced but substantially strengthened.POWAperson
adds - It's great that the threat of repeal of the Hunting Act has gone, though almost certainly it would not have got
through the new House. However, this does not get us anywhere nearer the strengthening that is essential to restrain organised
Hunts from continuing to hunt and kill live quarry.
Trust expresses concern over mink hunts endangering otters
21-6-17 Morethanjustbadgers.net POWA has just learned of the following statement from
the UK Wild Otter Trust regarding mink hunting... 18-6-17 UK Wild Otter Trust MINK HUNTING As a leading charity dealing with the European otter,
we are concerned that mink hunting can & does cause issues for otters. The Hunting Act of 2004 bans the hunting of mammals
with dogs whether they are native or not including mink. The control of any predator if required should be done in the most
humane way – hunting with dogs is not. Unfortunately, this type of hunting still continues and therefore poses an ongoing
risk to the otter. UKWOT would question the methods
used during illegal mink hunting as the dogs would not be able to distinguish between an otter or a mink. There are several
points that require intervention by the law because it will cause disturbance to otters at the holt, place of rest or shelter
and of course will disrupt its territory. There is also a very huge risk that the “mink hounds” will “accidentally”
take an otter but of course that would be covered up. Do we believe that these packs actually hunt mink? No, we don’t
but having proof is paramount to any such investigation and subsequent prosecution. The UK Wild Otter Trust would not hesitate
to take legal proceedings should this ever be proven against any such hunting packs and we will never endorse this barbaric
act. Pic below - Otter hunting in the old days -
Lifelong 'hunter' jailed for shooting neighbours kitten
20-6-17 Daily Mail Retired Cambridge
rowing coach, 73, who SHOT a Siamese kitten who wandered into his garden is jailed for 12 weeks - Christopher Boswell, 73, shot eight-month-old kitten Pia with an air rifle - He shot the panicked cat in neck and right
hip and dumped her over the fence -Her owner, who lives three
doors down, said Pia's back leg had to be removed - 'Alcoholic'
Boswell said he hated cats and had turned garden into haven for birds A retired
Cambridge college rowing coach who shot a Siamese kitten [below left, credit Geoff Robinson] after
it wandered into his garden has been jailed for 12 weeks. Christopher Boswell, 73, pleaded guilty to shooting eight-month-old
kitten Pia with an air gun. He shot his neighbour's cat in the neck and right hip
and dumped her over the fence because he hated cats and had made his garden into a haven for birds. Owner Caroline King spent
£6,000 on vets bills for Pia, whose hip was so badly shattered that she had to have her back leg removed. Cambridge Magistrates Court heard that Caroline knocked on Boswell's door in Eden
Street, Cambridge, on April 7th this year after Pia went missing to ask if he had seen her cat. He said he had shot Pia and
thrown her over the fence and when Caroline's partner investigated he found their cat in the neighbouring garden. They
took Pia to the vets, who found a pellet in her which matched the air gun Boswell had used. The court heard that Boswell had been
hunting since he was 17 and moved to Cambridge in 1989 when his marriage broke up. Boswell, who spoke only to identify himself,
was also said to be an alcoholic and suffering from cancer. His defence said he had been 'horrendously stupid' and
the act was 'completely out of character.' Boswell was given a 12-week prison sentence by
the magistrates, who described it as 'a nasty incident which deserved a jail sentence.' He has been bailed until an
appeal hearing on the condition he lives at home and does not contact Caroline. Pia is now back at home recovering with her sister, Cleo, but Caroline is keeping her
inside the house. Neighbours of Boswell on Tuesday described there being a spate of between 12 and 20 cat disappearances in
the past five years. Mother-of-two Frankie de Vorms, 56, told how her nine-year-old rescue cat Kitty was shot in the face
in 2015, appearing at her front door with blood coming out of her nose. She added that a 'substantial' number of missing
cat posters had appeared on a post outside her terraced home. She said: 'I'd say between 12 and 20 cats have disappeared
over the last five years. The feeling in the neighbourhood is one of horror and disbelief that some one could hurt little
creatures. I'm very aware that he's shot cats, I've seen what he's done to Caz's (Catherine's) cat.
'Whereas I was ready to say hello to him now I think, 'I'm sorry, I can't have a relationship with you because
what you've done to my cat is so immoral. It's an immoral thing to do and he has hurt us very badly by doing that. Ms de Vorms said other cat-owning neighbours had overheard
Boswell saying he 'hated cats' to Ms King. She added: 'I didn't see him shooting my cat but it would seem
a very strong correlation that it was him.' Her daughter Phoebe de Vorms said passers-by often saw Boswell sitting on
his sofa wearing only a sarong through his open front door. She said: 'Everyone [at school] used to refer to him as the
creepy guy who sat naked in his lounge. We know everyone who lives in the community but I couldn't imagine anyone else
shooting an animal.'
FH hound parade may be dropped from Ashby show
20-6-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Ashby Show update It
seems like the Ashby Show are having an emergency meeting on Wednesday. The hound parade has been cancelled. The Atherstone
Hunt have been investigated numerous times for illegal hunting with one case still ongoing. There have been at least 5 foxes
killed by the Atherstone Hunt that we know of in the last few years so it is obviously a good development that the Ashby Show
will not be promoting cruelty. However the Atherstone Hunt Supporters Club still have stall at the show. Atherstone Hunt supporters
have numerous convictions for using violence. There are cases ongoing. To continue to allow them to have this stall will be
condoning the use of violence. Please politely contact the Ashby Show and ask why a violent organisation with convictions
for using violence are allowed to have a trade stand at the show - https://www.facebook.com/ashbyshow/ 19-6-17 Facebook - This is Hunting UK
Whilst this photo was taken of the Fitzwilliam at last year's Burghley Horse Trials, it clearly demonstrates the popularity
of the Hound Parade. Please let us not forget our opponents are actively out there trying to persuade Show Committees to ban
the Hounds from attending. We must rigidly stand up for the traditional Hound Parade wherever they may take place across the
UK. One example is Ashby Show in Leicestershire where well known Saboteurs have already vented their feelings to the Committee
about the annual parade of the Atherstone, North Warwickshire, Beagles and the Dove Valley Mink Hounds. This type of action
cannot be allowed to continue.... Please all we ask is keep liking and sharing these messages further and further afield so
our supporters are well aware as to what is going on.
Northants Mink Hounds
stopped from hunting by sabs
18-6-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Hunting goes on all year round in some form or another, well done to these Sabs for shutting
down a Mink hunt Summertime . . . and the living is easy . . . except of course
if you're a low life hunter, something the Northants Mink (Otter) Hounds found out once again yesterday. Another tip off from a concerned member of the public saw us quickly
assemble a team which included sabs from Northants Hunt Sabs and Cambridge Hunt sabs. We found them hunting along the river Ouse at Ravenstone
Mill, just north of Tyringham. Incidentally the estate here is owned by one of the major sponsors of the Oakley Hunt and of
course the Northants Minks Hounds are kennelled with the Oakley hounds. No surprises there. This part of the river also has a recovering Otter population, the
Mink have been largely pushed out by the Otters as they are the dominant predator here and of course rampaging a pack of hounds
through a river in breeding season in never a good thing for any wildlife. Once caught red handed they were forced to pack
up immediately and do the walk of shame back to the meet. Some pathetic attempts were made at intimidation but it's all
in a days work to us sabs. The police (Thames
Valley) arrived a short time later at the request of the Hunt and had to be educated in the details of the Hunting Act (no
repeal for a repeal now, hehe). They seemed more interested in eating cake with the real criminals and harassing sabs rather
than doing their job. More training needed for these guys, they'll be getting more calls in the future. Still a good result
and no kills, which is what it's all about.
Leading vet says evidence that
hunting hounds are spreading bTb
15-6-17 LACS Press Release VIDEO Has bTB been spread by hunting hounds? New evidence Evidence
that bTB – the devastating disease which has caused thousands of cattle deaths and led to the controversial badger cull
– could be spread by hunting hounds is mounting following the release of new government figures. An outbreak of bTB occurred at the Kimblewick Hunt kennels in Buckinghamshire
in December 2016. Concerns that the hounds could have spread the disease into farms across the six counties covered by the
Hunt were quashed by Defra – however new official figures show that there have been 55 new bTB cattle herd breakdowns there in
just the first four months of the year. There are currently 90 recorded outbreaks in the area – meaning the number has
more than doubled since the Kimblewick infection. The startling figures have caused veterinary scientists and animal welfare charities to raise the issue with
Defra – however FOI requests have been stonewalled, leading to concerns that information is being withheld. Other aspects of concern include the fact that Animal Welfare Minister
Lord Gardiner of Kimble [right] is a member of the Kimblewick Hunt, as are the two local vets
who dealt with the Kimblewick outbreak. Vet Dr Iain McGill [below
left], Director of the Prion Interest Group and former MAFF and ZSL scientist, and animal welfare charity
the League Against Cruel Sports, are calling for all hunting to be suspended until an independent inquiry has taken place
to discover if hunting hounds are spreading bTB. Dr McGill said: “As a vet and a scientist, I’m extremely concerned that the government is ignoring significant
evidence that this disease is being carried by hunting hounds. Because of TB, cattle are being slaughtered, badgers are being
culled and now hunt hounds are being euthanized – we have a responsibility to examine every possible explanation for
the spread of the disease, and that isn’t happening.
Causality may be difficult to prove, but can Defra prove that they have done the research to rule out the possibility that
the entire bTB epidemic in cattle is being spread and amplified by hunting hounds? Conversely, I have evidence that research
on diseases of hunting hounds has been suppressed and not pursued by the Government for 27 years. Cover up? Eduardo
Goncalves, CEO of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “If the government doesn’t set up an independent inquiry
into the potential spread of bTB by hunting hounds as a matter of urgency, they are playing fast and loose with the lives
of animals and the livelihoods of farmers. Mapping of hunting areas and bTB outbreak zones reveal concerning trends. There
are hunts present in every area in which bTB has spread in cattle. The sudden leap in new outbreaks in the Kimblewick hunt
area – 55 in the four months since the hounds were diagnosed compared with under half that pre-dating their infection
– cannot be written off as a coincidence without evidence.“ The League has tried to get to the bottom of this but to no avail. Defra have refused to release
information about the Kimblewick outbreak, or other outbreaks in hound packs elsewhere in England. Defra also refused to reveal
details of communication with the Kimblewick Hunt, citing privacy laws, even though bovine TB is a notifiable disease, not
a private matter. Conversations with the local vet in charge of the outbreak suggests that it was
hunting authorities who prevented publication of the data, fearing a “PR disaster” for hunting with hounds. I
think the UK’s farmers would prefer a PR disaster for hunts rather than further devastation of their herds.” Dr McGill added: “One of the Chief Veterinary Officer’s
main arguments for badger culling in 2013 was that pet dogs could catch TB in areas where TB contamination of the environment
was high, and then transmit TB to their owners. By contrast, now Defra considers the risks and dangers presented to other
animals and humans by TB infected hounds as ‘low’. So there is a change of opinion from Defra, and an absence
of evidence to support such a conclusion. Risk to humans - Because of the latest outbreaks
in the Kimblewick area, bTB – which can lead to TB, particularly in immunocompromised humans – is encroaching
on London. The reason given by Defra for euthanasia of the Kimblewick hounds was that they were a risk to their handlers.
The Master of Fox Hounds Association said the Kimblewick hunt immediately suspended their hunting activities “to protect
farmers and landowners”. This suggests that there was indeed some risk from having the hounds on land with livestock,
or in close contact with people. Although immunosuppressed
humans are at risk from M bovis, human deaths from bTB are currently low in number. However, it is the contrast between the
stance in 2013, which played up human health risks, to Defra’s ‘low risk’ assertions now, which are of major
concern. Both positions simply cannot be correct as they directly contradict each other. 13-6-17 Times Bovine tuberculosis ‘spread by packs
of fox hounds’ After a nearby pack of hounds became infected, 90 outbreaks were recorded in Hampshire
and Hertfordshire. Campaigners have called for an investigation into whether fox hounds spread tuberculosis after outbreaks
doubled on farms near an infected pack of dogs. Farmers blame badgers
for spreading bovine TB, which led to almost 40,000 cattle being slaughtered prematurely last year, and have called for more
badger culls to control the disease. Government figures have shown that the number of TB outbreaks in
or near one of Britain’s biggest hunts, which covers countryside from Hampshire to Hertfordshire, doubled in four months
after the disease was first detected in its dogs last year. Thirty-five
outbreaks of bovine TB were recorded in and around the Kimblewick Hunt when the hounds were first confined to their kennels
in December. By April that figure had risen to 90.Iain McGill [Director of Vets Against
the Badger Cull, who previously exposed the government cover-up during the foot and mouth epidemic] said 'There is a TB epidemic spreading out of control. I’m extremely concerned that the government
is ignoring significant evidence that this disease is being carried by hunting hounds.'... See also this article in The Canary There was another article in The Smallholder reporting Dr McGill's suspicions,
but today [16-6-17] it seems to have been removed, even though on one page it is listed as the most visited article on the
news site But the link there to it just produces a 'Sorry' message.
Make Hunting History & anti-cull London demo set for August
15-6-17 Facebook – Keep the Ban Keeptheban shared their event Are
you free on August 26th? Although there's still a while to go, please register your interest by clicking on the link below.
The key aim of the protest march will be to call on the new Conservative minority government to bring an immediate end to
the cruel, costly and ineffective badger cull policy and to strengthen rather than seek to repeal the Hunting Act. This event is expected to be the largest ever British wildlife protection
protest held in the UK, bringing together thousands of caring compassionate people united in their determination to stop the
government from playing politics with the future of our wildlife. The march will leave Cavendish Square at 1.30 pm and proceed down Regents Street, Pall Mall,
around Trafalgar Square down Whitehall ending at Richmond Terrace opposite Downing Street. Speakers at Cavendish Square and Richmond Terrace will include leading
wildlife protection campaigners, naturalists and broadcasters, politicians and vets.
Kent Wildlife Trust had previous Chair who was Quorn FH JM As the controversy over hare hunter Mike Bax as Trust Chair rages,
further material regarding the Blean Beagles and the Trust comes to light. It is not pretty reading. 15-6-17 Facebook - Stop the cull We have been sent an horrendous account taken from Hounds magazine in 2004 [below] reporting
on the killing sprees of the Blean Beagles over a season. The record of hunting worn out hares is sadistic. Note that a 'leash'
means 3 and a 'brace' is a pair. 'Accounted for' means to have been killed; torn to shreds by the hounds,
urged on by the hunt staff. One of those people who formed part of the hunt was Michael Bax, Chairman of Kent Wildlife Trust
who was in the recent past both huntsman and joint master. Stuart Sillars who is mentioned is Bax's work colleague and
a current master. We have also discovered that Kent Wildlife Trust previously had another dubious Chairman, James Teacher, a master
of the Quorn Hunt http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1429392/James-Teacher.html. It would seem that Kent WT don't care about ethics but would rather brownnose wealthy landowners. Please urge the trust
to rethink the appointment of Bax. 
claims hunting issue played major role in general election 14-6-17 LACS website The Verdict's In - Fox Hunting Played Major Election Role
Elections can be curious affairs. For political junkies, the polling, the projections, and the posturing are
their bread and butter - but away from that there is something much deeper. Elections have a way of distilling how a nation
feels and what it values. This was
supposed to be the Brexit election, but in the end, that wasn’t a major issue. To everyone’s surprise, it was
usurped by a different issue: hunting. In Conservative manifestos past, the party has committed a free vote on repeal of the Hunting Act. Previously, when only a handful of Conservative MPs supported the ban, this was barely commented on. But we know that prior
to this election, more than 50 Conservative MPs supported the ban. More than that, we know that the vast majority of the British
public support the ban. So it came as something of a surprise when Theresa May affirmed her own support for hunting, and a
repeal of the Hunting Act. What happened next was little short of remarkable. Like never before, fox
hunting became an election issue. That’s not my just view. Buzzfeed analysed what was being
shared online during the campaign. Throughout the campaign, hunting was the fourth most-shared topic, ahead of Brexit. It
wasn’t just online that it was making a stir, either. BritainThinks ran focus groups with swing voters in marginal constituencies.
After social care, the most commonly mentioned manifesto commitment was the Hunting Act. YouGov said that the words brought
up most during the campaign were “social care” and “fox hunting” candidates - both Labour and Conservative - spoke time and time again about how fox hunting
repeatedly came up on the doorsteps. Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston [right] said
Theresa May’s comments on hunting were a “turning point” in the campaign. Another Conservative MP, Michael
Fabricant [left], said that raising the issue was “very foolish”. The victorious Labour candidate in Canterbury
- held by the Conservatives for decades - said it was fox hunting that swung it. Jim Waterson,
Political Editor at Buzzfeed, tweeted that “Anecdotally and based on our most-shared data, I really think fox hunting
(& ivory ban) cost the Tories some marginal seats”. At the same time
all this was going on, League Against Cruel Sports supporters were contacting their local candidates as part of the Votes
for Vinny campaign. Tens of thousands of emails were sent, and in the days before polling day, thousands of people logged
in to the League website to see how their candidates responded to the pledges. Clearly, hunting is not a party political issue. No party has a monopoly on compassion.
Along with those many anti-hunting Conservative MPs, over 70% of Conservative voters support the ban on hunting. Party colour
was not the vote loser here - the misjudgement was pandering to a vocal minority who want to see a return to a more ignorant
time. Vinny himself was in cities
across Britain, spreading the word about animal cruelty. Candidates from all parties contacted their constituents - and us
at the League - to say that they opposed repeal. In the final two weeks of the campaign, an additional 30 Conservative candidates,
almost all of whom were elected, said that they would vote against repeal. So, where do we stand now? Well, it is very difficult to see a repeal vote on the Hunting
Act being passed. Former Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps says it “stands absolutely no chance” of repeal. Despite the Conservatives losing seats, the number of Conservative MPs supporting the Hunting Act has increased, and is possibly
as high as one third of their MPs. The election has made clear how unpopular - not to mention politically toxic - the idea
of repeal is.
Yet there is more work to do.
The Brexit process may open the door to weakened environmental and animal welfare legislation. That must be stopped. In the
last Parliament, good progress was made towards tougher sentencing for animal cruelty. That must be seen through. It is not
just politicians that should now be left in no doubt as to how unpopular hunting is. In a couple of months, ‘cub hunting’
- the illegal slaughter of fox cubs - will begin again, and hunting continues under the false alibi of “trail hunting”.
Public bodies like the National Trust, the Forestry Commission, and the Ministry of Defence continue to allow this on their
land. The British public do not tolerate animal cruelty, and neither should those organisations.With a hung Parliament, the election may have had an indecisive outcome, but in another
way, it was utterly decisive. The idea that the Hunting Act should be repealed has been roundly rejected and the hope now
is that we can move on from any notion of repeal or weakening. The British public believes in compassion and they believe
that animals should be protected from persecution. Politicians surely now accept that. It must be time, therefore, that we
seek to strengthen and extend those protections.
Ex Tory Chair says HA repeal dead in the water
12-6-17 Daily Mirror Former Tory Party chairman says Theresa May's dream of bringing
back fox hunting is dead in the water Theresa May's manifesto promised a free
vote in Parliament on repealing the Hunting Act, but this could now be impossible after the Tories lost seats The
former chairman of the Conservative Party says Theresa May's manifesto promise to hold a vote on bringing back fox hunting
is now dead in the water. Grant Shapps [right] said it was "absolute insanity" to try to
change the fox hunting laws the light of the Tories' general election humiliation. She said on the campaign trail: "As
it happens, personally, I have always been in favour of fox hunting and we maintain our commitment - we have had a commitment
previously as a Conservative Party - to allow a free vote." And the Mirror exposed on its front
page how hunt masters were "mobilising" to get Mrs May back into power to legalise their sick bloodsport once again. But Mr Shapps
now says the chances of this happening are zero given the Tories' non-existent parliamentary majority. He told the BBC's
Daily Politics: "It's absolute insanity to start talking about passing and changing fox hunting laws, what an Earth
was that about? "I thought a mistake had been made, perhaps an off-the-cuff comment. Then I read the manifesto and discovered
not only were were planning to allow a free vote, but it was going to be a government bill and on government time. This now
stands absolutely no chance. It's a silly idea." The weakened Prime Minister is desperately clinging to power after losing her overall majority in the House of Commons.
12-6-17 Sun MAY FOXED CAMPAIGN - Theresa May’s support
for fox hunting lost Conservatives huge election majority, say campaign chiefs Tory candidates claimed the
PM offering a manifesto commitment to overturn the popular ban was hugely unpopular while doorstepping. The PM offered a manifesto
commitment to overturn the popular ban with a vote in government time. Hundreds of angry candidates reported back to CCHQ
that the move proved almost as toxic as Mrs May’s social care policy debacle on the doorstep. One campaign boss told
The Sun: “The fox hunting thing really resonated. Rather than sticking to the Tories’ line of promising a vote
on it, Theresa May came out in support for fox hunting. “It helped seed doubt about Tory motives, that we’re just
in it for rich. It was a really disastrous stereotype that we just couldn’t shift after that.” Another senior
MP said: “Fox hunting came up a lot on the doorstep. It was really unpopular.” Campaigning in Leeds on May 9, the Tory leader was asked about her views on the activity,
outlawed by Labour in 2004. Many Tory candidates claimed the policy came up while doorstepping and voters weren’t impressed.
And Mrs May’s election manifesto promise read: “We will grant a free vote, on a government bill in government
time, to give parliament the opportunity to decide the future of the Hunting Act”.
Son of Blackmore FH Huntsman
convicted of ABH on woman sab 12-6-17 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports SON OF MARK DOGGRELL PLEADS GUILTY TO ASSAULTING A HUNT SAB In
March 2015, Ben Doggrell kicked a sab's feet from underneath her causing her to land heavily on tarmac. As a result, she
broke her elbow as well as having cuts and bruises to her legs. Initially the CPS refused to prosecute although the video
evidence was clear. This mirrors the case where Ben's father, Mark Doggrell "accidentally" rode his horse into
a sab causing serious injury. After using the Victim's Right to Review, Mark's case eventually went to court and he
was found not guilty, much to the disgust of many people. However, his son has not been so lucky and after two years of waiting,
the senior prosecutor agreed there was a case to answer and on Friday June 9th, Ben Doggrell pleaded guilty to a charge of
ABH and was sentenced to 100 hours of community service and payment of costs/compensation. A big thank you to Outpaced who
helped tremendously. Pic below - Ben Doggrell, having been harassing sabs for some time,
attacks female sab, in March 2015. Convicted of ABH June 2017. 
Forestry Commission to review Isle of Wight FH hunting
Grove & Rufford FH convicts seen canvassing for Tory candidate
5-6-17 Wildlife Guardian Conservative politician campaign supported by convicted hunters After
the cash for questions and the expenses scandals, trust in politicians and democracy has never been so low. Rather than clean
up their act, some prospective MPs are secretly receiving help from the hunting lobby during the general election. Ben Bradley’s
(the Conservative Party candidate for Mansfield) campaign is being supported by members of a Hunt recently convicted of a
criminal act. In March of this year, three members of the Grove and Rufford Hunt were found guilty of illegal fox hunting after a
three day trial. Huntsman Paul Larby was fined £800, Peter White was fined £550 and whipper-in Jane Wright was
fined £180. All three were ordered to pay costs and a victim surcharge, at Mansfield Magistrates Court. In his summing up, District Judge Spruce said the three defendants had failed to cooperate with the police, giving no comment
interviews when they were interviewed. On Saturday,
3rd June 2017, 27 year old Ben Bradley was seen handing out packs of campaign leaflets to Paul Larby, Peter White and five
or six other members of the Grove & Rufford Hunt outside Tesco’s in Mansfield [left].A
lady who was shopping at Tesco spotted Bradley and took a couple of photos. When she posted them on Facebook one of her friends
recognised Larby from the press coverage of the trial and contacted us.It’s likely that the Grove & Rufford Hunt are acting on behalf of the pro-hunting Vote-OK group
run by Otis Ferry, son of Roxy Music frontman Bryan Ferry. Otis Ferry’s own criminal record includes drink driving,
failing to provide a breath sample after he was arrested on suspicion of drink-driving and the cowardly assault on two women. Knowing how unpopular hunting is with the public, Vote-OK volunteers are not to mention
hunting when campaigning for candidates. It is also worth noting that Vote-OK don’t seem to be coordinating the “legions”
of activists as claimed in the Telegraph and by pro-hunt MPs. The Grove and Rufford Hunt could only muster about half a dozen
people for campaigning on a sunny Saturday afternoon! Although
Mr Bradley is very active on social media, he’s been rather reluctant to share photos of himself with his bloodsport
friends. If elected, Ben Bradley won’t listen to the constituents he is meant to represent when it comes to any vote
on the repeal of the Hunting Act. Instead he will reward the criminal minority.
POWAperson adds - Alas, these law-breakers may have assisted in the election of the Tory candidate. Worse,
the sitting Labour MP was Sir Alan Meale. He had been in the Commons for decades and was a strong opponent of hunting. It
was he who piloted through the Wild Mammals Protection Act in 1996, as a Private Members Bill. It was the first legislation
giving any protection from cruelty to wild mammals.
Ex police WCO tells court he was the 'invisible' Jedforest
FH gunman 2-6-17 BBC News Borders fox-hunting trial hears shotgun evidence A retired
police wildlife crime officer has told the trial of two men accused of breaking Scots fox-hunting laws he was waiting in a
gulley with a shotgun. Investigators from the League Against Cruel Sports said they saw no gunmen and heard no shots when
they filmed the Jedforest Hunt in February 2016. However, Malcolm Henderson told a court he had been there with a shotgun. John Clive Richardson, 66, and his son Johnny Riley, 24, both deny deliberately hunting a fox with dogs. Mr Henderson,
who has worked with the Hunt for the past two years, said he had been at the site near Jedburgh on the day in question. He
told Jedburgh Sheriff Court he was present when a fox was flushed from cover and pursued by hounds towards his gun which the
law permits. He told the trial: "I was there. I was down in the dip but they (the investigators) would not see me from
where they were standing." Earlier in the trial, Mr Richardson had told the court that Mr Henderson had shot and wounded the
fox. Mr Richardson and Mr Riley, of Bonchester Bridge, deny breaching the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002.
The trial will continue later this month. Revealed - Kent WT Chair allows pheasant shooting on his land Thousands call for
Mike Bax to be removed from his post
2-6-17 Daily Mirror Thousands call for wildlife chief to be sacked for letting bird killers
shoot on his land for 10 years Property entrepreneur Michael Bax [left] allowed
pheasants to be shot on his land for 10 years and caused a storm in March when it was learned he was once master of a hare
hunt A wildlife protection boss has allowed pheasants to be shot on his land for 10 years. Now 2,600 people have
signed a petition calling for business-man Michael Bax to be sacked. The property entrepreneur caused a storm in March when it was learned he was once master of a hare hunt.
Now it has emerged he “makes land available” near his home for pheasants to be shot. Paying members of Kent Wildlife
Trust say Mr Bax’s role as chairman is at odds with his involvement in
hunting.Member Tom Fitton said: “We pay our fees
to provide sanctuaries for wildlife from hunters yet they are being given top positions in the Trust.” Bax
now 'makes land available' near his home for the birds to be shot. Elisa
Allen, director of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals , fumed: “It’s nothing if not ironic for the chair
of a trust dedicated to protecting wildlife to have been the master of a Hunt in which terrified hares spend hours running
for their lives before being torn apart. And today Mike Bax allows bloodthirsty hunters on to his land to gun down pheasants,
many of which die in agony.”
POWAperson adds - This story hit the headlines several weeks ago when Mike Bax was exposed to be not just listed
as a current joint master of the Blean Beagles, but that he had been their Huntsman for many years last century Despite him
being clearly identified as a blood sports exponent, and numerous protests, including a highly critical and explicit letter
from POWA, Kent Wildlife Trust seem determined to stick by him.
CPS won't prosecute Cheshire Forest FH over 2 hunting incidents
1-6-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO This film is a shortened version of the evidence gathered by Cheshire Monitors of what we believe is the Cheshire
Forest Hunt breaking the law ON 2-1-17. Cheshire Police did their utmost to get this Hunt into court, sending both this film
and the Macclesfield kill evidence [28th Jan] to the Crown Prosecution Service. Sadly the CPS have decided to drop both cases.
This incident
was filmed on 2nd January 2017, just after this Hunt was caught with a policewoman seeming to act as private security for
them and before the same Hunt killed a fox (very publicly) in Macclesfield. Here is a reminder of the incident with the police woman. Here is a reminder of the fox kill in Macclesfield. What you can do... We've been asked by several people how to complain to the CPS. You can do so on this address , quoting case number 07/EZ/01745/17. *Please note* this for the case shown in the video only, and not the Macclesfield
case. Pics
below - 1/ Cheshire Forest FH chasing fox 2-1-17 2/ Same pack hunting in Macclesfield 27-1-17 
Jedforest FH trial Huntsman
says were working 'within the law' when fox killed 1-6-17 BBC News Men on Borders fox-hunting charge acted 'within legislation' - Mr Richardson
told the court that he and his son were simply doing their job Two huntsmen accused of breaching
Scotland's fox-hunting laws were acting within the current legislation, it has been claimed at Jedburgh Sheriff Court.
John Clive Richardson, 66, and his son Johnny Riley, 24, are charged with deliberately hunting a fox with hounds at a Borders
farm. They both deny committing the offence near Jedburgh in February 2016. Mr Richardson told the court they had been doing
their job and had done it within the law. The case centres on a video shot by two investigators
from the League Against Cruel Sports on the activities of the Jedforest Hunt members and shows the fox being dug out of a
hole and then chased by a pack of hounds. The fox disappears out of sight of the video into a deep gulley with the hounds
in pursuit. The law states a fox can be flushed by dogs from cover to waiting guns, but the
two investigators have already given evidence saying they saw no gunmen or heard any shots. However, Mr Richardson told a
trial at Jedburgh Sheriff Court that there was a gunman in the gulley who wounded the fox with a shot before it was "accounted
for" by the hounds. He said that gunman Malcolm Henderson had been put in position in a deep gulley which was out of
sight of the video being secretly filmed. Mr Richardson also took over a shotgun when another man had to leave and was about
35 yards from Mr Henderson but missed with his shot. He said: "I heard the shot and I knew he hit it. The hounds then
accounted for it. If he had not hit it they would not have caught it as foxes can run twice as fast as hounds." Mr Richardson told the court the hounds had
been used to flush out the foxes and "evict them towards the gun. We were doing a job and doing it within the legislation
we are allowed to work in," he said. The Huntsman - who first got involved in fox control as a teenager - said farmers
often witnessed their pest control service to ensure they were working within the law as they would not want to be associated
with any illegal activity on their land. He said that foxes had been prevalent in the area and, with the lambing season coming
up, the farmer wanted them controlled. Mr Richardson said he was "not in the slightest aware of being observed"
by the two investigators but even if he had been he would have carried on doing the same regardless. He said: "It is not the first time we have been monitored before. We just carry
on doing our job." Mr Richardson and Mr Riley, of Abbotrule, Bonchester Bridge, deny breaching the Wild Mammals Protection
(Scotland) Act 2002 at Townfoothill near Jedburgh. The trial continues.
Man charged over fox found captive near Belvoir FH kennels Charge comes 17 months after incident -
Hunt deny involved 24-4-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs A man has been charged with animal welfare offences regarding the fox which was found in an outbuilding
in preparation for the Belvoir Hunt which was meeting close by. Nigel Smith (59), of Stainby, Lincs, is due in court next
month. Of course, the Hunt are denying everything claiming no knowledge or involvement. This is pretty standard behaviour.
Get the serfs to do the dirty work then let them carry the can when and it they get found out. POWAperson adds - The original story can be found here and here. Pic below - the fox found in the shed by LACS' investigators.
29th May – Thousands attend anti-hunt march
in London .....
28th May - S.Herefordshire FH paying £55k to Ledbury to hunt with them
next season, says HIT..... 27th May - Wildlife
Rescue Centre badly damaged by online attacks from hunters ..... 26th
May - Melbreak FH supporter/rapist who punched sab given 80 hours CSO ..... 26th
May - Isle of Wight FH terrierman fined £80 after clash with sabs in January ….. 25th
May – Court - Essex Farmers FH must pay
£131k over illegally evicting farmer .....
24th May - HIT refutes SHFH claim that their hounds
are alive and well .....
23rd May - NT anti members present resolution to ban
'trail hunting' on Trust land ….. 22nd May – S.Herefordshire FH five are re-bailed
yet again by the CPS …..
22nd May – Anti arrested at PM campaign rally
after thought he'd 'shouted ''Kill May"' ..... 20th May - Sabs stop Northants MH from
hunting …..
18th May – Ledbury FH terrierman charged with
affray aftter attacking sab …..
18th May – 'Biggest ever' anti fox hunting
demo scheduled for 29th May ..... 18th May
- Police drop Surrey Union FH rider assault on sab case …..
16th May – Theresa May confirms she will hold free vote on repealing Hunting Act …..
16th May – S.Herefordshire FH asks 'false allegations' be removed from
Facebook ….. 15th
May – S.Herefordshire FH said to have killed all but four of their
hounds …..
12th May – 9 year old girl killed in accident while hunting with the
Cotswold FH …..
12th May – Labour Shadow Chancellor says HA must be enforced &
strengthened ..... 11th May - CA to pay
£62k after Kinnego Hunt invades lofts and kills
prize pigeons …..
8th May – Leak reveals hunters asked to
make huge push for Tory landslide …..
5th May – Isle of Wight FH appeals for
funds to fix 'dire' finances …..
4th May – Three Derwent FH hunt servants charged
with illegal hunting …..
3rd May – RSPCA and Save Me come out
for strengthening of the Hunting Act …..
2nd May – Kimblewick FH bTb outbreak was advised
on by vets close to the Hunt
Thousands attend anti-hunt march in London
29-5-17 Evening Standard Make Hunting History protest: Thousands descend on Downing Street in anti-hunting
march Thousands of people have descended on Downing Street
in a huge protest [below right] against the Conservative Party’s stance on the fox hunting
ban. Prime Minister Theresa May has said that if the Conservatives win the General Election on June 8, she will offer Parliament
a free vote to repeal the ban on fox hunting. On Bank Holiday Monday the Make Hunting History march, which is expected to be the largest public protest of the entire
General Election campaign, saw thousands make their feelings on the subject known. The protest left Cavendish Square at about
1.30pm, proceeding down Regents Street, Haymarket and around Trafalgar Square before entering Whitehall. The event was organised by an alliance
of anti-hunt campaign groups and individuals, and speakers included actor and animal rights activist Peter Egan, wildlife
campaigner and writer Dominic Dyer and and TV presenter Bill Oddie. He compared the possibility of changing the law on fox
hunting to changing speed limits just because "people like driving fast". Speaking ahead of the rally, Oddie said:
"I cannot believe that I'm standing here today saying to the Prime Minister this is ridiculous. It's a bit like some years ago they had a speed limit and they
decided 'Speed limit? 30. On the motorways we'll go up to 60'. And then 15 years later somebody said 'Can
we change it?' And they said 'Why?' - 'Well people like driving fast''... We'll change the law
for no sensible reason except purely there are people who want to go fox hunting." Egan said at the protest: “I’ve been voting now since 1966, for 51 years
I’ve been voting for various governments. None of them have ever got everything right, in fact some of them have got
nothing right, most of them get perhaps one thing right. In 2004, Tony Blair’s government got it right when he brought
in the hunting ban In 2002, Theresa May in opposition got it right when she described her party as the nasty party. In 2017
she’s about to get it right because they are becoming the nasty party if they vote to repeal the hunting ban.” Speaking on the campaign trail in Yorkshire earlier this month, Prime Minister Theresa
May said she would push for Parliament to vote on the reversing the ban having “always been in favour” of the
controversial country sport. She said: “This is a situation on which individuals will have one view or the other, either
pro or against. As it happens personally I have always been in favour of fox hunting and we maintain out commitment - we have
had a commitment previously as a Conservative Party - to allow a free vote. And that's what it will allow, would allow,
Parliament the opportunity to take a decision on this." Professor Andrew Knight, who is standing for the Animal Welfare Party against Mrs May in the constituency of Maidenhead,
said it is "profoundly disturbing" that the Prime Minister thinks fox hunting is acceptable. "We need to have
leaders of our country that have basic compassion for animals and other vulnerable members of our society," he said.
"Theresa May clearly, I think, is unfit to lead this country, if she clearly and demonstrably lacks these basic qualities."
S.Herefordshire FH paying £55k to hunt with Ledbury next season, says HIT 28-5-17 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team SPOT THE DIFFERENCE COMPETITION The South Herefordshire
Hunt have tried to pedal the myth of an amalgamation with the Ledbury Hunt. Nobody is fooled anymore by the smoke and mirrors
magic trick that Patrick Darling is trying to pull. With no kennels, no hounds, no Huntsman and no supporters anymore this
is a total capitulation, not an amalgamation. The dregs of what is left of the SHH need someone to hunt with next season so they
can get their perverted pleasures from seeing animals chased and killed. They are paying the Ledbury £55,000 per year
to do this and keep up the pretence of amalgamation. Wildlife
rescue centre badly damaged by online attacks from hunters Melbreak FH supporter/rapist
who punched sab given 80 hours CSO Had previously served 4 year sentence for raping a woman 26-5-17
Facebook - National Dis-Trust On May 19th 2017 a Melbreak Foxhounds supporter pleaded guilty to assault by beating after he attacked a hunt
monitor at a meet of the Melbreak Foxhounds in the Ennerdale area. Carl McGrady punched the monitor after McGrady's accomplice
attempted to steal his camera. The monitor had to be taken to hospital where he had to have stitches. McGrady has several
previous convictions, including a four year sentence for rape in 2011. After hearing about the assault, the National Trust,
which licences the Melbreak Foxhounds, banned the hunt from its land for A WHOLE 24 HOURS! Why is the National Trust licensing
violent behaviour from wildlife criminals? The Melbreak Foxhounds pay on average around £10 per meet on National Trust
land, and have been filmed illegally hunting and killing foxes on numerous occasions. The National Trust condones violence
and wildlife crime by licensing this Hunt. The report of McGrady's unsuccessful appeal against his rape conviction, in 2011, is here. 27-5-17 Facebook - Lancashire Hunt sabs VIDEO from meet on 10th January 2017 Melbreak Foxhounds supporters attempt to
steal a camera from a monitor who is a passenger in a vehicle. Failing to do so, Carl McGrady punches the monitor, who has
to be taken to hospital for treatment. McGrady pleaded guilty to assault by beating [and was given an
80 hour CSO]  Isle of Wight FH terrierman fined after clash with sabs POWAperson adds - In addition to the above, a sab was attacked by an I0W FH supporter and
'whacked over the head' in March this year. Court says Essex Farmers FH must pay £131k after illegally evicting a farmer
25-5-17 Daily Express Essex fox hunt punished with £100,000 court fees after booting
farmer off land A HUNT has been slapped with crushing court fees after
booting a farmer off land his family had worked for generations. A fox hunt was slapped with £100,000
in court fees after booting a farmer off his land. Terence Grimes, and his father
before him, had farmed near Burnham-on-Crouch, in Essex, as tenants. But the trustees at the Essex Farmers and Union Hunt [left] wanted
more cash and granted the lease to someone else in September 2012. The Hunt sent crucial
papers to the wrong address, where Mr Grimes hadn't lived for seven
years. But the Essex Farmers and Union Hunt granted the lease to someone else in 2012.Mr Grimes left the land “under silent protest”,
but later took legal action and has now won his appeal case at the Court of Appeal in London. It follows that the notice to
quit was not validly served on him and his tenancy was not validly terminated. Now top judges have ruled his tenancy had not
been validly terminated and he had been “wrongfully dispossessed”. The trustees of the Hunt, which now operates
as a “country riding club”, must now pay £31,500 in damages. And, on top of the that, they must pay £100,000
towards Mr Grimes’s lawyers' bills by 2 June. The Hunt sent crucial papers to the wrong address, where Mr Grimes
hadn't lived for seven years.Lord Justice Henderson
ruled he had never been validly served with notice to quit the land. That was because the notice was sent to a property where
Mr Grimes had not lived since 2005. He had given notice in writing of his move to Maple Way, Burnham, but the crucial document
had been served on the wrong address. The judge, sitting with Lord Justice Beatson and Lady Justice Macur, allowed an appeal
against an earlier ruling in the trustees' favour. Lord Justice Henderson concluded: “It follows that the notice
to quit was not validly served on him and his tenancy was not validly terminated.”
refutes SFFH claim that their hounds are alive and well 24-5-17 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Update on shot hounds... It's been
ten days since we announced the shocking news that we believed that the SHH had shot all their hounds, bar four. This is what
has happened since... Patrick Darling (hunt chair) rushed to various local media
outlets the next day. He said that he could produce all the hounds and take local journalists to see them. He threatened to
take legal action if we didn't remove the post from our page. We stood firm and informed Mr Darling that we had in our
possession comprehensive records of all the SHH hounds since 2009. We also have all the microchip numbers and hound names. This was the standard of proof that we set. Mr Darling probably hoped to take journalists to see a pack of foxhounds
somewhere but given the standard of proof required has failed to do that. Local journalists have said that Mr Darling has
stopped answering their calls about this. We leave it to the public to consider what has happened here, but bear in mind that
if somebody accused you of shooting your dog, how long would it take you to prove them wrong. Please share this update.
Anti-hunt NT members present resolution to Trust to stop licensing
'trail hunts' 23-5-17 Swindon Advertiser Hunting campaigners take their fight to Swindon's National Trust HQ A
GROUP of National Trust members have brought their campaign to end trail hunting to the organisation's Swindon headquarters [pic
right]. The 2004
Hunting Act banned traditional fox hunting where live animals were chased by packs of dogs for the entertainment and enjoyment
of participants. The legislation has resulted in more than 430 prosecutions since it came into effect, the equivalent of one
every 10 days. But while the Act banned fox hunting, it did continue to permit trail hunting which is an adapted version of the sport. It involves the use of an artificially laid
scent, usually fox, hare or rabbit based, to provide hounds with a path to follow. In theory it avoids the suffering and killing
of foxes, but campaigners argue that the trail hunts often end with the dogs coming across foxes - participants say by accident
- and that animals are still being killed. The National Trust, based in Swindon next to the Designer
Outlet, issue licences for trail hunts to take place on a number of their properties across the UK. A group of Trust members
is now seeking to use the organisation's procedures to challenge the policy by submitting a resolution, supported by 50
members, to be debated later this year. Helen Beynon, campaigner
and author of the resolution, said: "As members of the National Trust who support the majority of the positive work they
do - notably their recent commitment to increase efforts for declining wildlife - we have been dismayed by the constant media
coverage given to stories of blatant criminal bloodsports on National Trust land. Our resolution to permanently bring an end
to these so called trail hunt licenses has been submitted. "I'm pleased to see that in addition to this, an ongoing
petition calling for the National Trust to drop this trail hunting sham has now surpassed 100,000 signatures." A National Trust spokesman said: "A members' resolution has been received by the National Trust concerning
trail hunting. Members are entitled to present resolutions each year and, if they are supported by a minimum of 50 National
Trust members, those resolutions are then discussed and voted on by members at our Annual General Meeting in the Autumn. The
Hunting Act 2004 made hunting wild animals with dogs illegal and it is banned on all public and privately owned land in England
and Wales. The Act allowed what is known as trail hunting to continue. Trail hunting involves laying a scent for hunts to
follow, effectively simulating a traditional hunt but crucially without foxes being deliberately chased or killed. The National
Trust does licence trail hunts in some areas and at certain times of the year, where it is compatible with our aims of public
access and conservation. We expect our licence holders to comply fully with the law and the terms of our licence. We will,
and have, taken strong action (including suspension, revoking and refusing to grant further licences) against licence holders
who breach their licence conditions or the law."
S.Herefordshire five are re-bailed
yet again by the CPS A year on, still no charges in cub-killing scandal
22-5-17 Hereford Times Five arrested in South Herefordshire Hunt investigation have been re-bailed FIVE
people who were arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty at the South Herefordshire Hunt's kennels in Wormelow have been
re-bailed. The police are investigating an alleged offence in May last year. The first two people, a 37-year-old man and 27-year-old woman, both from Hereford, were first
arrested last May. A 37-year-old man from Abergavenny was then arrested in June, and a 53-year-old woman from Abergavenny
and 45-year-old man from Powys were arrested in August. All five were arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty and have been
rebailed until June.
Anti arrested at PM camaign rally after
'shouts ''Kill May"' Man
denies wrongdoing and is released without charge22-5-17 ITV News Fox hunting protester arrested after shouting 'kill May'
as PM arrived at campaign event in Wales An anti-fox hunting protester
has been arrested after shouting "save our wildlife, kill May" as the prime minister arrived at a election campaign
event in north Wales. The 25-year-old, who said his name was Connor, played a hunting bugle before shouting out as Theresa
May was driven to a community centre in Wrexham. He continued to demonstrate before police grabbed him and carried him away
to nearby police vans. The man was later released without charge.The protester had yelled "this is the fascist state that we are living in under Theresa May's regime"
as he protested his innocence during his arrest. The man said he was protesting about the repeal of the fox hunting act, fracking,
austerity, "the lot" and added: "I've not done nothing wrong." Another demonstrator told police the
man had "done nothing wrong" and described their response as a "farce" as they pulled him and then carried
him into a van.North Wales Police Superintendent Nick
Evans said a crowd of around 50 people had gathered, including onlookers and protesters. "In the main they were well-behaved;
however, one particular person, despite a number of warnings, was arrested to prevent a breach of the peace," he said.
"The man was arrested due to his behaviour and conveyed to a local police station. He has since been released without
charge." Mrs May did not appear to be affected
by the nearby protest as she was greeted outside Gresford Memorial Hall. The prime minister has pledged to call a Commons
vote on scrapping the ban on fox hunting if she is re-elected. The Conservative leader said she has "always been in favour"
of the blood sport, which was outlawed in 2004. POWAperson adds - We are assured that what the protester shouted was actually 'Cull' not 'Kill' May,
presumably meaning vote her out of office. Sabs stop Northants MH from hunting 20-5-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Us sabs are busy little bees. Even when the main hunting season is several months away we still keep our ears
to the ground and get on with other stuff to help our native wildlife. However when you get a tip off it's time to get
back into full on sab mode and spring into action. That's what happened today. We received some intelligence that the Northants Mink Hounds would be out hunting
so a few calls later and we were hot footing it over to the meet which was at Tuckey Farm just south west of Winslow. Mink packs are the last remnants of the Otter packs which used to hunt Otters before they became a protected species.
Although they claim to hunt Mink it should be noted this is still illegal. Also otters are making a huge comeback in our rivers
and they are displacing the Mink. It should also be noted that at this meet the farm had dug a commercial fishing lake and
spent a lot of money on installing an anti-Otter fence to protect their fish stocks so they were fully aware that Otters were
in the area. We also noted an Otter slide with prints leading to Claydon Brook where they would be hunting. Hounds also can't
tell the difference and just putting a pack of hounds up a river course in the middle of breeding season is nothing more than
environmental vandalism. A small B&B team inserted upstream to monitor and shortly after we were happy
to be joined by another team from Nottingham and Northants Sabs. By this time the assorted coffin dodgers and sicko's
that were the followers had gathered along the river bank. We made our presence known with the Otter hounds actively hunting
the river. It was pretty had work for the poor hounds, the overnight rain had swelled the river and it was running faster
than normal. The hunters, now realising they had been well and truly rumbled immediately pulled the hounds out of the water and
headed back to the meet. Needless to say they weren't very happy and the language was enough to make a sailor blush. Sad
thing is they had a young girl with them who had to not only take part in a sick illegal blood sport but also witness her
parents spouting a tirade of 4 letter abuse. Such charmers! With the hounds safely
packed back in the hound van we retired to revel in our glory in the sun with the obligatory cake. Job well done. Pics below - 1/ Hound struggling in swollen river 2/ The throwbacks 
FH terrierman charged with affray aftter attacking sab
18-5-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs We've just been informed by West Mercia Police that Ross Loader, Malvern tree surgeon and Ledbury
Hunt terrierman has been charged with 'Affray' today. December 28th last year was an intense day with our
sabs at the North Cotswold Hunt assaulted by hunt staff while Bristol Hunt Saboteurs were being assaulted by Loader and the
other Ledbury Hunt terriermen and supporters. The Hunt had been hunting in Castlemorton and Bristol Sabs were with the hounds when they were attacked by the terriermen.
Knowing that there was a sett nearby our sabs returned to the scene, while Bristol kept tabs on the hounds. Sure enough the
terriermen were attempting to dig out a fox from the sett. Angry at being disturbed they threatened our sabs and, following
a short stand-off, filled in the hole they had started to dig and left. Pic below
- Loader attacking sab -
'Biggest ever' anti
fox hunting demo scheduled for 29th May 18-5-17 Facebook - Dominic Dyer Thousands confirmed & rising fast. If you care be there, join biggest ever anti
fox hunt protest in London on Bank Holiday Monday 29 May. 
Police drop Surrey Union FH rider assault on sab case 18-5-17
Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs More hunt violence given the all clear by police 3 months
ago one of our sabs was assualted by Lulu Hutley (Joint master of the Surrey Union Hunt) with a whip. However today the police
decided not to investigate any further due to lack of evidence despite there being a clear video of the entire incident. This
was hardly a surprise, Surrey police's stance on this issue has been made very clear. Please contact Surrey Police on the
below links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SurreyPolice/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SurreyPolice (@SurreyPolice) 
May confirms will hold free
vote on repealing Hunting Act 16-5-17 Independent Theresa May says she supports fox hunting because other ways of killing foxes are 'cruel'
- The PM wants to hold a vote on bringing back the animal killings Theresa May [below right] has defended her support
for fox hunting, arguing that foxes must be killed and that hunting them with dogs on horseback is the most humane way of
doing so. The Prime Minister said she had “always supported fox hunting” and that she would give Parliament a
vote on bringing back the animal killings. “Some of the other forms of dealing with foxes can be cruel, so my view is
it should be a free vote for Parliament so members of parliament individually should be able to exercise their view on this
matter,” she said. Fox hunting with hounds was outlawed by Tony Blair's Labour government in 2004
but successive Conservative manifestos have pledged to bring the animal killings back. A plot by pro-hunt Tories to bring
back the spot was revealed in a leaked email this month. Lord Mancroft, the chair of the Council of Hunting Associations,
described the 8 June vote as “the chance we have been waiting for” to overturn the ban. A large Tory majority in the House of Commons would likely give pro-hunt Conservatives
insulation from any rebellion by anti-hunt Conservatives to stop the repeal of the ban. David Cameron had planned to hold
a vote on repealing the ban but never did so after the threat of rebellion reared its head. Ms May said she did not consider
the issue “important” and that MPs would be able to decide what happened to the animals if she became PM. “This is a subject on which you are either for it or against it. I have always supported fox hunting, but clearly
I'm not saying I'm going to bring it back,” she told a Facebook Live session hosted by ITV News. What I'm
saying is we will have a free vote in Parliament so MPs will be able to make up their own mind on this issue. This isn't
the most important issue facing people at this election. I think the most important issue is about who's going to provide
the leadership for the future to take us through Brexit and beyond." A poll conducted in the run-up to Boxing Day 2016 found
that opposition to fox hunting has hit an all-time high. A full 84 per cent of the public now believe fox hunting should not
be made legal again, according to a survey by Ipsos MORI. 18-5-17 Daily Mail Outrage as Theresa May confirms a Commons vote on
scrapping the ban on fox hunting WILL be held - Manifesto pledge will outrage animal rights activists ahead of the snap election
Theresa May provoked outrage today as she confirmed she would call a Commons vote on scrapping the ban on fox hunting. The
League Against Cruel Sports said there was 'no justification' for scrapping the law against hunting with dogs. The
lobby group said the controversial laws should instead be properly enforced, insisting the public as a whole did not back
hunting. Mrs May promised a free vote on Government laws for the measure - but did not put a timescale on when the vote would
be held. The
Prime Minister has said she would vote to lift the ban on fox hunting despite never having taken part in a hunt - insisting
it was less cruel than other ways of controlling foxes. But it is hard to forecast how the new Commons might split on the
issue. The 2015 Parliament was thought never likely to endorse repealing the ban. Eduardo Gonçalves, Chief Executive of the League Against
Cruel Sports, said: 'We're disappointed to see the commitment to a free vote on the Hunting Act included in the manifesto
given the strong support the ban on hunting has among Conservative MPs and Conservative voters. 'Hopefully any attempt
to repeal, weaken or replace the Hunting Act will be prevented by those members of all parties who oppose the killing of animals
for fun. I think most people can see through attempts to claim that hunting is somehow good for the animals that are killed,
and these figures show the reality. The intention of the Hunting Act was to stop animals suffering because of hunting –
and if the law had been properly enforced we believe it would have helped up to 2.8 million animals.' He added: 'Contrary
to what the Prime Minister mistakenly said, anyone who feels the need to kill foxes should never use hunting with dogs, as
it is in fact one of the cruellest methods available. This is due to the long chases of the target animal involved. There
is enough evidence to suggest that hunted animals suffer whilst being chased by dogs regardless of how they are then eventually
killed.' The Prime Minister has said she would vote to lift the ban on fox hunting despite never having taken part in
a hunt. Speaking earlier
in the election campaign Mrs May said she would personally vote to repeal the ban. She said: 'This is a situation on which
individuals will have one view or the other, either pro or against. 'As it happens personally I have always been in favour
of fox hunting and we maintain out commitment - we have had a commitment previously as a Conservative Party - to allow a free
vote. And that's what it will allow, Parliament the opportunity to take a decision on this.' The manifesto pledge said: 'We will grant a free vote, on a government bill in government time, to give parliament
the opportunity to decide the future of the Hunting Act.' David Cameron was thwarted in his attempt to call a vote on
repealing fox hunting after the 2015 election. While he also promised a free vote he sought to win and the SNP announcing
they would vote against it left the measure ripe for defeat and the motion was withdrawn.
S.Herefordshire FH asks 'false
allegations' be removed from Facebook
16-5-17 Hereford Times South Herefordshire Hunt asks for false allegations on Facebook to be removed SOUTH
Herefordshire Hunt has asked for a Facebook post to be taken down which makes false allegations about the Hunt's hounds.
The Hunt Investigation Team claimed in a post on Facebook that all of the Hunt's hounds had been put down, besides four
of the animals. But chairman of the Hunt, Patrick Darling, said this is groundless and false and the hounds referred to are
in kennels elsewhere. He invited members of the editorial team at Hereford Times to visit the kennels and see the hounds. Mr Darling has got in touch with the Hunt Investigation Team and
asked for them to take the post down. The kennels at the Hunt's base in Wormelow are currently being leased to a third
party, not related to hunting, as the hunt placed itself under a voluntary suspension while a criminal investigation continues.
The investigation started last year and five people
were arrested following an alleged offence of animal cruelty at the Wormelow kennels. They are currently on bail until a date
this month.
S.Herefordshire FH said to have killed all but four of their hounds 15-5-17 Facebook - Hunt Investigation
Team Shocking news has reached us 'The
South Herefordshire Hunt have shot all their hounds'. We received this message from a highly trusted source from within
the Hunt. This source has provided accurate intelligence throughout. They went on to clarify that 4 had been spared, to make
sure the bloodline survives presumably. We estimate that 30+ dogs will have been shot (they are normally shot in the head). This is devastating news, no attempts were made to rehome these dogs
and it is just the latest example of the brutal and callous disregard that Hunts generally and the South Herefordshire in
particularly have towards the lives of animals. These are just 4 of the hounds - we don't know of their individual fate.
We also know that the kennels are empty of hounds and hunt personnel in preparation for the sale and redevelopment of the
site. Please share this story.
Pic below - Four of the hounds - not known if any of them have survived 15-5-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs The South Herefordshire Hunt have killed all but 4 of their pack according to sources. One couple
sent to the Ledbury, we do not know about the others. This is following a year of not hunting because of the ongoing police
investigation concerning cruelty at the kennels. Killing unwanted foxhounds is something
most hunts do. Hounds are culled if they don't fit in, are too old, or there are too many of them for the hunt's requirements.
Hounds are also victims and they were probably terrified as they were taken out one by one to be shot. Pic below - The S.Herefordshire pack before they stopped hunting 15-5-17 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs So - the crows have been gathering around the now redundant SHFH
kennels- but not for road kill. A mass murder is alleged to have taken place very recently of all but 2 couple of their hounds-(one
of which, we are told, the Ledbury hunt now have and not sure of the whereabouts of the other). The plot indeed thickens!
It would appear the SHFH have now decided to form a "Hunt Club" with the intention of inviting other packs to come
and hunt their country- obviously pocketing what ever revenue that would bring in. And lets not forget their new forged allegiance
with their very "special Friends The Ledbury!" Clearly there is unrest amongst the creatures of the countryside
as the birds, big and small continue to chatter, alerting all to the evil in our midst.....
9 year old girl killed in accident
while hunting with the Cotswold FH Inquest
hears criticism of level of supervision of child riders
12-5-17 Swindon Advertiser Greater supervision needed for youngsters riding as part
of a hunt, inquest hears The level of supervision of children at a hunt meeting where a nine year old
girl died after being kicked by a horse was 'far short of what could reasonably be expected,' an inquest was told.
Health and Safety expert Philip Park, who investigated the tragic death of Bonnie Armitage, said he believes children under
eleven taking part in hunts should be supervised by adults on a one to one basis. The inquest has heard that tragic Bonnie, of Faringdon, Oxon, was one of five children all
under the supervision of one adult rider, Melissa Kennedy, at the meeting of the Cotswold Hunt in Miserden, nr Stroud, Glos,
on April 2nd last year. Bonnie was a pupil at St Hugh's preparatory school in Faringdon, Oxfordshire, where her father
is deputy head. Bonnie was riding her Shetland pony, Lindsay, when she was kicked in the chest by a large horse called Harvey
which was being ridden ahead of her by farmer and circus owner Toti Gifford, the inquest jury at Gloucester has been told.The
Gloucester inquest jury returned a conclusion of accidental death. Mr Park, a manager at Stroud district council, told the inquest "It is my view that the level of supervision
fell short of what could be reasonably expected. My conclusion was that had Bonnie been actively supervised by a responsible
adult who was in close contact with her there was a possibility she would have been instructed not to get too close to the
horse in front. That could have had the effect of preventing the injury. If she had not got too close to the horse in front
of her it could not have kicked her." He told
the inquest he believed it would be helpful in future if Hunts set a stipulated level of competence for child participants.
It would also be helpful to have guidance on the ratios of children to supervising adults, he said. "I did not see any
evidence that the Cotswold Hunt makes any enquiry about the competence of child riders. They rely in parents to make the decision
themselves on the level of supervision that children should have at a hunt. "It is important for the Hunt to make a decision
about the level of supervision otherwise there will be no consistency in the way it is implemented." Asked to expand more on his views of what should happen at hunts where
young children are taking part he said "Close supervision would mean one to one - one adult supervising one child. I
would expect that adult to stay with the child as much as possible during the hunt. "I accept there is a chaotic and
fast moving atmosphere but an adult could exercise more control over one child than one adult in charge of two or three children.
I would suggest one to one supervision is reasonably practicable." James Chamberlain, who was senior Master of the Hunt at the time but has now retired, told the jury agreed that the
Hunt had not made any rules about children taking part. "If poor Bonnie had been supervised one to one I fail to see
how it would have made any difference," he said. He believed that the real issue was the competence of both the young
rider and the horse, he said. When he took his own children hunting in the past he had always made sure they stayed behind
him, he added. But it had to be remembered, he said, that 'horses are dangerous at both ends' and riders should all
be aware from an early age of the need to keep space around them at all times. Mr Gifford told the inquest he was cantering across a field on his horse Harvey - 'a lovely, calm, gentle giant'
- when the tragedy happened as Bonnie rode up alongside him. "My horse went irregular," he said. "He just didn't
feel right. Then I heard a yell. I looked back. My horse is really big and there was this really little horse, the Shetland,
underneath my feet almost. It went really fast, past me, and then carried on. Then I looked back and I saw Bonnie. At the
time the incident happened I was going forward, looking ahead. You never think there is anything behind you because you are
going forward. I just heard this yell. When I looked back she (Bonnie) was still landing. I pulled up. It's a bit of a
blur really. I can't really remember....I just jumped off my horse. I didn't hang on to him but he followed me back.
I went over. Then others all arrived. I can't really remember what happened, it was such a mad.....I grabbed all the horses
and led them away. Then she was lying there. Big blue eyes... The emergency services and ambulance came and then we realised
a helicopter was also coming." He said his horse
had been hunting for several years and is a 'fantastic animal.' I think it (what happened) was an instinctive thing,
he was a bit shocked or frightened or spooked. I think, I don't know." He added "At the moment it happened it
felt like the horse had gone lame. I thought maybe I had gone into a hole or the horse had stumbled. I didn't think he
bucked. I just thought he had put his foot down a hole or lost a shoe or something had happened or he had stumbled on something."... Det Inspector Wayne Ussher of Gloucestershire police said he had investigated
the tragedy and concluded that the accident 'could not have been prevented.' "She was following the main body
of riders in company with other children and under the care of a responsible adult. Her company approached the rear of a much
larger horse which took an irregular stride and struck her. She died as a result of injury sustained from a kick to the chest
by the horse but in the circumstances presented to me it could not have been prevented." The inquest at Gloucester has heard Bonnie was one of about fifty riders at the last meeting
of the season of the Cotswold Hunt at Miserden House. A jury of ten people has been sworn in to hear the case. The inquest
heard a statement from Bonnie's dad, teacher Nick Armitage, formally identifying his daughter and describing her as a
'bright girl, fit and healthy, a good runner, she enjoyed everything... She was a very competent rider. She could walk,
trot, canter and gallop, She had been hunting many times at different hunts. She would sometimes be out for many hours. She
had hunted off a lead rein for two years. " He said the pony was eight years old and was 'experienced, dependable,
safe and doesn't spook.'... The jury heard
that after the incident paramedics and an emergency doctor battled for 45 minutes to resuscitate Bonnie in the field before
she was airlifted to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. But she was certified dead 15 minutes after arrival in the hospital.
After a retirement of one hour the jury of ten people brought in a verdict of accidental death without any further comment.
The coroner, Katy Skerrett, said she would consider over the next ten days whether to make recommendations about a minimum
level of competence being required for child riders at hunts, whether safety equipment should be a requirement and whether
children should be supervised... POWAperson
comments - We send our condolences to Bonnie's family and friends for their tragic loss. However, we believe it is simply
wrong for Hunts to induct children, often much younger than nine, into the brutality of hunting with hounds and think it tantamount
to child abuse. It is, of course, also inherently dangerous.
Labour Shadow Chancellor says HA must be enforced & strengthened 12-5-17 Ellen Hope Cobb EXCLUSIVE film with John McDonnell, Rachael Maskell, and Anna Turley on keeping
and enforcing the Hunting Act. For fox sake vote Labour on 8th June and remember to sign the petition.
to pay £62k after N.Ireland Hunt invades lofts and kills racing pigeons11-5-17 Belfast Telegraph Hunt club loses appeal against £62,000 payout over dead pigeons The Countryside Alliance has lost its appeal against a Co Armagh
pigeon fancier being awarded £62,000 damages for the alleged slaughter of his stock by hunt club hounds. Senior judges
in Belfast today rejected arguments that the killing of 59 racing birds by dogs breaking into Maurice Weir's premises
on the Kinnego Road in Loughgall eight years ago never happened. Lawyers for the Alliance suggested it had been a fraudulent and fabricated claim by a man who destroyed his own pigeons by
wringing their necks. But after the Court of Appeal threw out all grounds of challenge Mr Weir [left] declared
himself fully vindicated. He said: "My credibility was called into question, and I'm just happy that it's been
dismissed as tittle-tattle."
Mr Weir sued the Alliance over the alleged intrusion into his property by the Kinnego
Grange and Canary Hunt Club's animals. At a previous hearing he recalled emerging from having lunch in February 2009 to
discover "a bloodbath". Up to 15 hounds had broken into lofts and aviaries and killed pigeons highly sought for
their ability to fly home from as far away as France, according to his account. He said he saw dead and injured birds lying
on the ground and in dogs' mouths. Mr Weir also told of hearing crunching noises and witnesses two hounds pulling a pigeon
apart as he tried to chase the pack off. At the time
of the incident he had planned to start up a small stud business at his home, the court heard. He sought damages for the killing
of his pigeons, consequential loss, the cost of repairing his aviaries and a further payout for distress and injury to feelings.
Counsel for Mr Weir claimed the huntsmen were negligent in failing to control their dogs. In February last year a High Court judge held that the plaintiff was an honest and
straightforward witness whose account was corroborated by others at the scene. She ruled that the hounds had been on his property,
gained entry to the lofts and aviaries and, on the balance of probabilities, killed the pigeons. Mr Weir was awarded £59,580
in damages, with a further £2,500 for distress and injury to feelings. The Alliance sought
to have her verdict overturned, arguing again that the hunt's dogs were never on the premises. In a wide-ranging challenge
its barristers questioned the credibility of Mr Weir and an independent expert. To succeed, according to the three appeal
judges, the Alliance had to establish the hounds had no propensity to attack or kill pigeons, were not on Mr Weir's land
and that the scenario he depicted was "a complete farrago of lies". However, Lord Justice Gillen held there was
ample evidence for the conclusion that the dogs can inflict heavy losses on the birds. He also ruled: "We are therefore
unable to conclude that (the trial judge) has gone plainly wrong in arriving at the conclusion that on the balance of probabilities
the incident alleged by the plaintiff did occur." Rejecting all other grounds advanced, he confirmed the appeal was being
dismissed and awarded costs to Mr Weir.
Leak reveals hunters asked to make huge push for Tory landslide CA vice-chair mobilises Hunts to ensure Hunting Act can be repealed Says they have assurance repeal vote will be
in Tory manifesto
8-5-17 Daily Mirror 'This could be the chance we've been waiting for':
Fox hunt bosses' leaked Tory campaign email in full - The email urges hunt masters to “mobilise supporters”
and campaign for pro-hunting Tories in marginal seats Tonight, the Mirror revealed fox hunt masters'
secret plan to round up support for Theresa May, because they believe a Tory landslide would lead to the fox hunting ban being
scrapped. The email, sent to Hunts across the country by Tory peer Lord Mancroft [right], urges
Hunt Masters to “mobilise supporters” and campaign for pro-hunting Tories in marginal seats. He said a Tory majority
of 50 or more MPs should be enough to secure a repeal of the 2004 Hunting Act in a Parliamentary vote later this year. “This is the chance we have been waiting for,” Lord Mancroft wrote. Here's the email in full - 'While anything can change in a six-week election campaign, and we know that the polls cannot
be relied on, there is a real chance that on 8th June, Theresa May could achieve a majority significantly in excess of the
seventeen seats she currently has. A majority of fifty or more would give us a real opportunity for repeal of the Hunting
Act (HA), or perhaps an alternative legislative measure – but only if that leaves hunting in a better position than
it is now. It must be clearly understood that repeal is our primary objective, but also that politics is “the art of
the possible”, and we will take whichever option is the most advantageous to hunting when the time comes. It will only
become clear what our best option is after 8th June. First, we need a cast iron manifesto
commitment from the Conservative Party, as we had in the last four election manifestos. Like everyone else, we will have to
wait until the manifesto is published on 8th May to be certain, but Simon Hart MP and I have received assurances that such
a commitment will be carried forward to the 2017 manifesto. I have made it clear that we will only provide support on that
basis, and that if the manifesto does not contain an acceptable commitment, we will withdraw our support. It
is important that everyone understands why the idea that “the Government did not honour the manifesto commitments after
the 2010 and 2015 elections” is incorrect. On both occasions David Cameron made it clear that he would authorise and
fully endorse a vote in a manner, and at a time, of our choosing. During the Coalition Government a vote could only take place if the Liberal Democrats
agreed, which they did not. After 2015 the Scottish Nationalists reversed their earlier commitment to abstain from any votes
that did not impact Scotland, and opposed the proposed Statutory Instrument, and consequently the Government Chief Whip did
not think we could win a vote in the House of Commons. All the advice we received was that we should
not risk such a vote unless we had a reasonable expectation of winning. We therefore concluded it was not in hunting’s
best interests to put the matter to a vote. I am sure that was the correct decision. We have repeatedly made clear that we
need a Government that has both a manifesto commitment to repeal the HA, and a big enough majority to get repeal through the
Commons and then the Lords. It now looks, unexpectedly, as if there is a very real chance we could get such a Government. While nothing
in politics is certain, this is by far the best opportunity we have had since the ban, and is probably the best we are likely
to get in the foreseeable future. On that basis, we must do everything we possibly can to maximise the chance of getting repeal
of the HA. I am confident that every Master will give the leadership and direction that our community needs at this seminal
moment. Vote OK, under the direction of George Bowyer, has already started to plan what we are all going to do during the
campaign. A number of constituencies do not yet have candidates, so there is a role for us in making sure that only candidates
supportive of hunting are selected. Vote OK will advise how best to achieve this. We will only help candidates
who give us an unequivocal commitment to support repeal when the time comes. Nor do we need to help candidates in “safe
seats” with large majorities. Instead we will concentrate on those seats where we can make the most difference. Unless
specifically advised to the contrary, every Hunt should assume that it will be needed to assist with political work and start
making arrangements to mobilise supporters now. Please make sure that your Hunt has an active and effective Vote-OK Coordinator
in place and that they are making regular contact with your Regional Vote-OK Director (RVOD). Please do not wait to hear where
your Hunt should go, but contact them as soon as possible. If you do not know who your RVOD is, contact George Bowyer by email
at [address redacted]. In the face of everything that has happened over the last two decades, the hunting
community has never given up fighting for our sport, for our hounds, and to enable our children and their children to enjoy
both, as we have. This is the chance we have been waiting for. We have six weeks to show, yet again, what we are made of,
and our undying commitment to our way of life. We have six weeks to win back all that has been taken from us. Masters, if
ever there was a time to give a lead, this is it. Please don’t waste a single day of those six weeks. Thank you. Benjamin Mancroft Chairman,
Council of Hunting Associations POWAperson
adds - Old Etonian Lord Mancroft became JM of the Vale of the White Horse FH in 1987, the same year in which he
inherited his father's baronetcy, and held the Mastership for 11 years. In 1992, he became vice-chair of the
British Field Sports Society and then a Director, when it changed its name to the more user-friendly Countryside Alliance.
He was made vice-chair of the CA in 2005. His somewhat lurid past includes a time as a heroin addict, during which time he
acquired a conviction for theft. In February 2008, Mancroft claimed that NHS nurses who had treated him at the Royal
United Hospital in Bath were
"grubby, drunken and promiscuous". The hospital's Chief Executive, James Scott, called the accusations "damaging
and distressing", and requested that the peer retract them. Mancroft has so far refused to do this, or to apologise.
Nice guy. It's
no surprise that a commitment for a repeal vote will be in the Conservative manifesto. The leadership has always seemed determined
to ignore the mass of public opinion, including an estimated 72% of their own voters, and push through Hunting Act repeal
to please their bloodsports loving friends if they got the opportunity. They probably thought that had come with the surprise
election result in 2015 and must have been aghast to find that many of the new intake of Tory MPs refused to support repeal.
They may find the same applies to the potential newbies this time round. Whether or not, they will face massive parliamentary
and public opposition and risk reviving the 'Nasty Party' image, just to get rid of a law that does not seem to much
inhibit organised Hunts anyway. Doubtless Vote OK will once more send out hunt supporters into marginal with instructions
to wear plain clothes and not bring up hunting on the doorsteps.
of Wight FH appeals for funds to fix 'dire' finances5-5-17 Isle of Wight Country Press
Three Derwent FH hunt servants charged with illegal hunting Marles is to become Eggesford FH Huntsman
next season 4-5-17 Wildlife Guardian Three Derwent Hunt members charged with illegal hunting Three
members of a North Yorkshire hunt have been charged with illegal hunting under Section 1 of the Hunting Act. Hunt master Sean
McClarron, kennel-huntsman Jason Marles and whipper-in Damian Readman will appear at Scarborough Magistrates’ Court
on 22nd May 2017. The charges relate to an allegation that a fox was hunted on 1st November 2016 at Wilton, Thornton-le-Dale.Sean McClarron runs McClarron Insurance Brokers in Malton, whilst
Jason Marles is the new huntsman of the Eggesford Hunt in Devon. Readman was formerly a whipper-in for the Staintondale Hunt.The Derwent Hunt’s chairman is Viscountess Diane Downe of
Wykeham Abbey. Its directors include John Swiers, of Broxa Farm, near Scarborough, and Robert Sword the manager of the Dawnay
Estates at Wykeham.  16-5-17 HSA Press Release Three Employees of Derwent Hunt Charged with Illegal Hunting
Three employees of the Derwent hunt in North Yorkshire have been charged with illegal hunting. The three: Huntsman Sean McClarron, Kennel Huntsman Jason Marles (now huntsman at
the Eggesford Hunt) and Whip Damian Readman are due to appear at Scarborough Magistrates Court on 22nd May. This follows footage obtained on the 1st November
2016 by members of Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, at a meet in Wilton in North Yorkshire. Towards the end of the day sabs filmed
a fox being bolted from underground and then chased by the pack of hounds. The law stipulates that if a fox is dug out it
must not be released to be further hunted. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association,
stated: “It's telling that in practically the same week that the Tories are promising a vote on repeal, the hunting
community are showing how above the law they believe themselves to be. Who else, apart from the Conservatives, would choose
to reward law breakers by repealing the very law they so blatantly ignore? Hunt saboteurs were around long before the Hunting Act and we'll continue to protect wildlife
whatever the self serving lackeys of the Countryside Alliance in Westminster decide to do next." 12-5-17 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team New Eggesford huntsman to face illegal hunting
charges The Eggesford Hunt are in disarray. Only a few weeks after Eggesford Hunt
Master Graeme Holmes was found guilty of stealing £48,000 of the hunt's funds, news has just reached us that their
new huntsman is due in court in Scarborough later this month on charges of illegal hunting! Earlier this season we began hearing rumours that young Jason Marles, formerly of the
Derwent Hunt, was due to take over from previous huntsman Gary Boon, much to the disappointment of many of the hunt's
long-standing supporters. We received messages and phone-calls about it and one member of the hunt even pleaded with us to
do something about it, because "Marles doesn't deserve to hunt the Eggesford hounds". Perhaps there simply weren't
that many takers for Gary's position, and who can blame them! Jason Marles comes from a hunting family. His father, Chris Marles, was jailed for 6 months in 2009 after he used
his horse to repeatedly ride at an elderly female hunt monitor. This was while he was whipper-in for the East Devon Hunt.
He had previously received a 9-month suspended sentence for a serious assault on another hunt monitor. What a time to come
back to Devon, Jason, and what a Hunt to choose!
that notorious Cheshire FH jailed 9 years for rape 4-5-17 Facebook - Ada Taylor OK, I have spoken to Chester Crown Court. Anthony Ronald Kirkham committed one offence rape of one victim, between 27th July 2015 and 30 July 2015. He plead not guilty but was found
guilty by jury and sentenced to 9 years. He is aged approx. 70 and from Ridley farm. Feel free to share and tweet.
9-5-17 Facebook - Ada Taylor Update on Anthony Kirkham - or Tony as the Hunt call him. The story the Hunt have is the victim whom they know
is a woman. It was consensual. Afterwards they had a row and she screamed rape. I told them actually it was a 4 day trial
6 witnesses and it took the jury 15 minutes to find him guilty. Oh, oh well there must have been evidence then - well yes.
Now here's the interesting bit. He rents his property and he has an inheritance tenancy, which means if he died his family
get the tenancy but I am sure I read somewhere that the landlord wanted to sell it for development barn conversion etc. But
nobody would buy because of tenant. As soon as the landlord heard of the case he told Kirkham that if he got a sentence he
would immediately start eviction proceedings, so looks like he will no longer have the farm. POWAperson adds - Anthony Kirkham has accrued a huge number of criminal convictions
over the years, including 2 prison sentences prior to the one reported above. POWA has not yet been able to verify that. The
picture above shows him in custody when he was convicted of a vicious attack on, and robbery of, LACS' Chris Owen and
sentenced to 18 months jail.
RSPCA and Save Me come out for strengthening of the Hunting Act 3-5-17 Guardian Letters Why the environment must be at the heart of the UK general election Fears about climate change, air pollution, waste and possible changes to the Hunting
Act concern readers from Brian May and Ranulph Fiennes to James Marsden of Much Marcle As party leaders prepare to sign off
on their election manifestos, we would like to draw their attention to a policy that has the overwhelming support of the British
public. While 52% of British people voted to leave the EU, 84% want the ban on hunting foxes to stay, according to the latest
Ipsos Mori data. In addition, 88% support the ban on deer-hunting, and 91% back the ban on hunting hares. Support for the
ban among people in the countryside is at similar levels. Ipsos Mori projections indicate that there is a clear majority in
favour of the ban in every constituency in England and Wales, including that of all party leaders, and that voters view more
favourably those candidates who support the ban by a margin of more than seven to one over those who want it repealed. We call on all party
leaders not only to rule out any repeal, weakening or substitution of the Hunting Act but also to support its strengthening
and enforcement. The Hunting Act is one of the most popular pieces of legislation on the statute
book today. We’re asking party leaders to send a clear, unambiguous message at this election that they fully intend
to preserve Britain’s great natural heritage, and ensure that cruelty to animals in the name of “sport”
remains firmly in the past. Eduardo Goncalves Chief executive, League Against Cruel Sports, Jeremy Cooper Chief executive,
RSPCA, Anne Brummer CEO, Save Me Trust, Philip Mansbridge Director, IFAW-UK, Bill Oddie President, League Against Cruel Sports,
Dr Brian May Founder, Save Me Trust, Chris Packham, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Peter Egan... POWAperson adds - Whilst POWA has been calling for strengthening of the Hunting Act since before the ink was dry,
LACS and IFAW only committed to it 2-3 years ago. To our knowledge, however, this is the first time the RSPCA and SaveMe have
publicly come out in favour, which is gratifying.
that Kimblewick FH btb outbreak advised on by vets close to the Hunt Limited past national hound testing showed a 10% bTb infection rate 2-5-17 Morethanjustbadgers.net Kimblewick Cover Up? I think most people will
be aware by now that the Kimblewick Hunt had to destroy a large number of their hounds due to being infected with bTB. The
original story broken by our friends over at Hounds Off can be read here. There is, justifiably a significant amount of concern
from all sides regarding this news. Defra have always maintained that the risk of contracting bTB for pets and dogs in particular
is very low but when you consider that hunting hounds are far from pets and live in conditions few would let their own companion
animals live in you’ll start to get closer to the point. Hounds are kept
in a pack, they eat, sleep and live in close proximity. Most importantly they are fed on “fallen Stock”. These
are animals which have died on surrounding farms for various and probably untested reasons, that the hunt will collect as
a service to the farmers, which are in turn given to the hounds as food. In this instance it doesn’t take a genius to
work out where the infection has come from. Another important point is the hunting country of the Kimblewick. Although based
at their kennels just outside Aylesbury they cover parts of the counties of Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire,
Hampshire and Hertfordshire. An area which in total is roughly the size of Cornwall. Now consider that some of these counties
are considered as part of the edge zones in the fight against bTB and the potential for the hounds to be spreading the disease
over a vast area including those considered free from TB. Obviously the risk of spreading the disease
by hounds, regardless of the what Defra claim, is going to be high. The M.Bovis bacterium can survive for a significant time
in the excrement left behind by the hounds, and they do leave a lot of it all over the place during a day's hunting and
is obviously never cleaned up by the hunt staff. So what is being done? Well obviously the kennels were put under quarantine
and the poor, affected hounds were shot. However that didn’t stop them from hunting. Visiting packs were used and hunted
on the Kimblewick’s ground. Further revelations came to light when once again Hounds Off were sent a note which they
in turn passed on to me. See below - There are only two listed vets in
Berkhamstead I can find. St Johns and Clarke & Marshall. One would have to assume that is it one of these vets that are
involved (feel free to contact them and find out which one). With all due respect to the practices shown you would have expected
an organisation which specialised in bTB to be more appropriate. The equine vet in question, Bob Baskerville was originally
a partner in the Baskerville Horgan & Partners practice which is now part of Hampden Vets. Although he is not currently
listed as one of their equine staff, a quick Google search picks out several links between Baskerville and the Kimblewick
so it’s safe to assume he is indeed a member of the Hunt. Lord Garnider of Kimble is as described in the note, he was also chief spin doctor for the Countryside
Alliance and is still an executive director. Clearly the hunting fraternity were so deeply concerned about the implications
of a hunt having bTB infected hounds they brought out their big guns in collaboration with the CA in order to suppress the
information for as long as they could (thank heavens for loose-lipped hunt followers) and then be seen to be dealing with
it properly once it became public knowledge. Of course the real problem with this is a complete lack of impartiality. Any
and all information which could have a negative effect on hunting in relation to bTB will be withheld once again. Hunting
simply cannot afford to have this sort of negative publicity and potentially lose much of the ground they hunt over as concerned
land owners withdraw their permission to hunt on their land. Many land owners have already banned the Kimblewick from using
their land and rightly so. Perhaps it’s now time for all Hunts to have their hounds tested, especially
those in the high risk areas and all hunting suspended until each and every pack is given a clean bill of health. Considering
it is now the hunting closed season you would expect this to be the perfect time. The only previous data relating to TB in
hounds came from a FOI request by Keep the Ban and published by TB Free England and he summed up the response thus: “In
the last 7 years, only 50 hunt hounds have been tested for Bovine TB, 5 of those were positive of infection (10%). 45 samples
from hounds were taken over the same period, of which 7 were potentially infected (16%). The sample
sizes are too small to determine the statistical significance, but it does call Defra’s line that “M.bovis infection
in dogs is extremely rare” into question… If they haven’t looked, how do they know it’s rare? And
when they did look and found more than 10% to be infected, doesn’t this suggest it might be more of a problem than they
thought?” It’s fairly clear to me that this rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than those
at Defra will admit, but while they’re so thoroughly within the sphere of influence of the CA then we will probably
never know the full extent of the problem and hunts will continue to spread the disease over our countryside and badgers will
continue to get the blame and die in their thousands.
APRIL 2017
….. 29th April –
Farmer involved with Fife FH kills restrained pet dog in front of owner ….. 28th
April – Jedforest FH 2 defence claims 'invisible' gunman made fox hunt legal ….. 28th April – Eggesford FH official convicted of
stealing supporter & riding club funds ….. 27th
April – Court shown film of fox dig, flushing and chase at Jedforest FH trial ….. 25th April – Fitzwilliam FH illegal hunting case
is adjourned yet again ….. 24th
April – Man charged over fox found captive near Belvoir FH kennels ….. 24th
April – Anti gets to see her apology letter from hunter abuser after 4 months ….. 24th April – Sabs stop Cheriton Mink Hounds from
hunting ….. 21st April
– Motorists appalled by horrific death on road of deer after hunt on Exmoor ….. 20th April – POWA presses for strengthening commitment in
Labour manifesto ….. 20th
April – Town Council secret meeting with Atherstone FH exposed by sabs ….. 14th April – Badsworth FH filmed trespassing along a canal
towpath, not for first time ….. 11th
April – Minehead Harriers hunt on NT land where recent bTb breakdown .....
10th April - Monitors blocked, abused, menaced by VWH support as Hunt search for foxes ….. 7th April – Police powers to demand face mask removal
are enhanced ….. 6th
April – VWH FH run away as monitors find hounds marking to ground ….. 6th
April – Badsworth FH filmed trespassing along a canal towpath, not for first time ….. 6th April – VWH FH relentlessly hunted fox
late in day and may have killed ….. 2nd
April – Film of monitor's car windscreen being smashed at S.Dorset FH meet ….. 1st April - 'Notorious' hunt supporter to be charged
at last over 'vicious assault'
involved with Fife FH kills restrained pet dog in front of owner Was in sheep field, but shooter had already tied dog up before he shot itThe man who allegedly killed the dog is the son of the Secretary of Fife FH. The
estate he was working on is owned by one of the JMs 29-4-17 Facebook - Tracy Ward On Thursday
27th of April, my sons dog, Stark, in my eyes was brutally murdered at the hands of a farmer by the name of Dave Bell, near
Collinsburgh, Balarres Estate. Stark managed to escape from his family home, and in
the short time he was out, he managed to get into a field of sheep. I fully understand that if a farmer feels like his livestock
is under threat of an animal, whether it being a wild animal or family pet he has completed authority to shoot the the animal. The law also states that if the farmer FIRSTLY attempts to catch the dog, and restrain him with no further threat
that it should be left alone and dealt with through law. This was not the case, the farmer FIRSTLY caught Stark, TIED him
to a tractor, THEN fired a warning shot, THEN shot him dead. The law also states that the dog can be shot if the farmer has attempted to contacted the dogs owner with no joy.
My son was in the field trying to get to Stark at the time of the shooting. He just didn't make it from where he was standing
in time to save his pet. The farmer had clearly seen him, and two family friends with in eye sight. My son takes full responsibility for the dog being in the field, he knows this is
a serious matter. But none of us can understand why a fully restrained dog should be shot dead in front of his owner. Stark was such a gentle wee guy. He will be
sorely missed. R.I.P our handsome boy ������. Meet Stark, and the farmer who took
his life. 
Jedforest FH 2 defence claims 'invisible'
gunman made fox hunt legal28-4-17 ITV
Border News Father and son deny deliberately hunting fox with hounds
A father and son from the Jedforest Hunt have denied breaching Scotland's fox hunting legislation, after a video filmed
by investigators showed a fox being dug out of a hole and then chased by a pack of hounds. 66-year-old John Clive Richardson
and his son, 24-year-old Johnny Riley [right, Credit ITV Border], have gone on trial accused of allowing
the hounds to chase the fox ,which took place near Jedburgh in February 2016. Jedburgh Sheriff Court was shown a video which had been filmed by an employee of the League Against Cruel Sports, which showed members of the Jedforest Hunt
- including the two accused. James Hood told Jedburgh Sheriff Court that
while it was illegal to deliberately hunt a wild mammal with a dog there were some exceptions to that. Commenting on the video
of the Jedforest Hunt, he said: "A fox can be flushed by dogs from cover to guns. My opinion from the footage of the
two incidents is that the fox is pursued by a number of hounds across open ground with one or two horsemen and other persons
present. The pursuit is beyond what is allowed in the exception." The footage shows the fox disappearing into a blind
spot with the dogs still chasing, so what happened to the fox was not captured on film. The
court was told that lawyers acting for two huntsmen, intend to lead evidence saying that the dogs were flushing the fox towards
a gunman who was in the blind spot, where the fox was then shot. But Mr Hood - a retired police officer - said he could not
hear any gunshots on the videos or any sign of gunmen. He also visited the scene three weeks after the alleged offence and
discovered the carcass of a fox in the dead ground area. All that was remaining was a vertebrae and three legs intact and
round the paws there was some red fur. Mr Hood said a post-mortem was carried out on the carcass and there was no evidence
that the fox had been shot. But he agreed under cross-examination from defence
lawyer, David McKie, that he could not say for certain that it was the same fox which the video had shown being pursued by
the dogs. The
trial of the pair has been adjourned until next month. The case is due to resume on May 8th.
Eggesford FH official convicted of stealing supporter & riding club
funds Gets 20 month suspended sentence
and CSO for embezzling £84,00028-4-17 Western
Morning News Huntmaster took £84,000 from Devon
countryside clubs A Devon huntmaster has admitted stealing £84,000 while acting as treasurer
for two country sports clubs. Graeme Holmes [left], 59, took the cash while in charge of the purse strings
of the Eggesford Hunt Supporters' Club and the Sid and Otter Riding Club. He defrauded both clubs of funds for almost
a decade and used the money to keep up his image as a pillar of the local rural community. The successful IT salesman was a joint leader of the hunt, kept a stable of
horses and bought a large house near Lapford. But Judge Geoffrey Mercer QC told him his reputation now lay in tatters. He added: “What you did as I see it
was very dishonest and it isn't clear to me why it was necessary to do it at all frankly. But it was a gross breach of
trust. You treated money and funds of these organisations of which you were the treasurer as if they were your own and you've
been caught." Holmes pleaded guilty to abusing his position as treasurer of the Eggesford Hunt
Supporters' Club between January 15, 2007 and April 15, 2016. He also admitted the same offence against the Sid and Otter
Valley Riding Club between August 26, 2008 and April 8, 2016. He has since paid all the money back. Prosecutor William Hunter said Holmes had volunteered to take up the role of hunt
treasurer in 2004. He job was to hand the cash to the bank and bank cheques, among other duties. But when suspicions were
raised the club checked the account and found almost £48,000 missing, leaving them with just £580. Holmes had been a
member of the riding club since 2006 and took the treasurer role in 2008. He had control of the debit card which he used to
draw money for himself and had cheques made out to him. The club expected to find £30,000 in its account but when it
checked the figure was much less. Holmes admitted taking £36,000 for himself. Richard
Crabb, mitigating, said: “He is a man of previous good character who used about £84,000 of hunt funds for his
own purposes. Every penny has now been paid back." He said Holmes was a man who earned a lot of money as an IT sales
team leader in the Home Counties. He moved to Lapford with his wife and bought a large house 'that needed a lot of work'.
He became part and parcel of the local equestrian scene and lived beyond his means." He hunted on a regular basis and
was regarded as a 'pillar of the community'. When the post of treasurer came up the club 'considered his trappings
of wealth and thought he was a very successful man' and was delighted to have him. But he estimated that he lived beyond
his means by £8,000 a year. Mr Crabb
said there had been a backlash in the local community against Holmes after what he had done. Holmes had cashed-in his pension
to pay the money back but was not left with a large tax bill. Judge Mercer said he was lucky the Conservative government had changed the law to
allow pension pots to be cashed in early. “The amount of money is substantial," said the judge. “Your saving
grace is that you have been able to pay back the money you took and it's fully repaid." Holmes was sentenced
to 20 months in jail, suspended for 18 months. He must do 150 hours unpaid work and pay costs of £550.
Court shown film of fox dig, flushing and chase at Jedforest FH trial LACS monitor says 'appalling' acts illegal and against MFHA rules 27-4-17 Border
Telegraph Video footage shown in fox-hunting trial
Video evidence showing a fox being dug out of a hole and then chased by a pack of hounds has been described as "appalling"
at Jedburgh Sheriff Court [right].Witnesses claimed that the footage proved "traditional" fox hunting
is still going on despite legislation being introduced 15 years ago. An investigator
from the League Against Cruel Sports gave the court his verdict on two videos filming the activities of the Jedforest Hunt at Townfoothill Farm near Jedburgh, on February 18 last year.
Peter Cross filmed the incident on a video camera from a distance of 650 metres along with fellow investigator Terence Hill
after they both set an observation point for a covert operation. The footage captured a fox being chased into an earth by
the hounds and then a man spending more than 20 minutes digging a hole to locate the fox. The
law says the fox should then be dispatched or killed by a hand pistol or shotgun. But the footage shows the fox being
released from the hole and immediately pursued by the hounds. The fox goes out of sight behind a land ridge - a blind spot
for the cameramen - and its fate cannot be confirmed. Mr Cross told the court: "What we have witnessed there is in direct contradiction
of the Masters of Foxhounds Association rules. It is not only an illegal act but I think their governing body would like to
have words about their behaviour too. If it is known a fox is in the earth they can be dug down and dispatched with a pistol
if the farmer requires pest control." Referring to the hounds chasing the fox he said: "It is just not necessary
to do that to a fox. Personally I find it appalling." Father and son John Clive Richardson, 66, and 24-year-old Johnny Riley from the
Jedforest Hunt are on trial accused of deliberately hunting a fox with hounds - which has been illegal in Scotland since the
Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002. The trial of Richardson and Riley of Abbotrule, Bonchester Bridge, continues. Pic below shows Jedforest FH allegedly hunting a fox on 18-2-16 Fitzwilliam
FH illegal hunting case is adjourned yet again Trial
now due to start 20 months after alleged offences25-4-17 Morethanjustbadgers.net Court Politics Just a short update
this week as I had hoped to be making the final preparations for my time in court as a witness for the prosecution of the
2 members of the Fitzwilliam Hunt. When you consider the offence took place on the 01/01/16 you begin to understand that the
legal process is not something which proceeds quickly and there is good reason for that. However the when dates and locations
for the hearing get changed multiple times it can get somewhat frustrating. The case was supposed to be heard this week (26/27th)
at Chelmsford Magistrates but I was contacted by a court official only last week and informed that the case would now be heard
in August at Colchester Magistrates. While this delay is annoying the reasons behind it could be deemed to be in the prosecution's
favour. Due to the high profile of the case it couldn't be heard in the county where the offence took place (Cambridgeshire)
so other courts and magistrates had to be considered. I was informed the reason for the late delay was due to "court
politics". According to a legal expert who has been advising me court politics usually refers to a "magistrate that
was due to hear the case that had obviously expressed some views about hunting which compromised their ability to hear the
case objectively". This being the case,
I guess I should be pleased with the delay although that statement could be taken in the both for and against (hunting) points
of view. Further details from the court official once again highlighted that this particular case was more akin to that of
a murder trial (to be honest I consider it a murder trial of the fox on that fateful day) in that it is being heavily scrutinised
and is also the first time the use of the Bird of Prey Exemption has been challenged in the courts. The investigating officer also contacted me the day after asking if we were all ready to go and I had to inform him
of the further delays as he was unaware. From his point of view it made no difference as he wouldn't have to attend the
court on the day. Even though he was the investigating officer he didn't conduct any of the interviews so wouldn't
be cross examined by the defence, as this was done by more senior colleagues from the serious crime section, another sign
that things were being taken very seriously indeed. While preparing for my day in court I did go over my statement and also reviewed
the video footage. It doesn't get any easier to watch and of course in my mind there can be only one outcome but, this
is the Hunting Act and nothing is straight forward where that is concerned. Pic below - The accused. Huntsman George Adams and bird handler John Mease.  POWAperson comments - I really hope the writer is correct in his assessment
of the reasons for these extraordinary delays [though 20 months must be a record], and if a hunt sympathising judge has been
recused, that must be good. But I have my doubts. Time and again we see illegal hunting cases being stretched out, often by
defence manoeuvring, and how often that ends with acquittals or the CPS dropping charges - and that's just in the rare
cases where the CPS do summon up the bottle to take on the hunt side's 'expensive lawyers'.
Man charged over fox found
captive near Belvoir FH kennels Charge comes 17 months after incident - Hunt deny involved24-4-17 Facebook
- Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs A man has been charged with animal welfare offences regarding
the fox which was found in an outbuilding in preparation for the Belvoir Hunt which was meeting close by. Nigel Smith (59),
of Stainby, Lincs, is due in court next month. Of course, the Hunt are denying everything claiming no knowledge or involvement.
This is pretty standard behaviour. Get the serfs to do the dirty work then let them carry the can when and it they get found
out. POWAperson adds - The original story can be found here and here. Pic below - the fox found in the shed by LACS' investigators.
Anti gets to see her apology letter from hunter abuser after 4 months His tirade of sexist abuse got him a conditional caution including
apology Police previously refused to allow
victim to see his apology letter 24-4-17 Daily Mail Anti-hunt activist who was called a 'f*****g slag'
and a 'whore' at a protest battles for FOUR MONTHS to see a copy of her abuser's apology letter - Hunt spectator
subjected Cathy Scott to barrage of foul-mouthed sexist abuse - He called her 'a f****** fat s***' and told her to
'f*** off back to Coventry' After a video of the incident went viral, the unnamed man received
a police caution over the incident on the condition he provided a written apology. Ms Scott said she had to battle police
for four months to get a copy of the letter. Cathy
Scott was labelled a 'f****** slag' and a 'whore' by a 59-year-old man in Sutton Cheney, Leics, last November. After a video of the incident went viral on social media sites, the unnamed man received a police caution
over the incident, on the condition he provided a written apology. The video emerged just days after a local councillor on
horseback told a hunt protester that he would 'quite like to s***' her. But after Ms Scott asked Leicestershire Police why she hadn't received the letter, she claims she was told she
would have to view it at a police station but wouldn't be able to touch or keep it due to its 'sensitive nature'.
When Ms Scott, 41, complained about the 'bizarre' decision, she says she was then offered a version of the letter
with the perpetrator's name redacted. It was only after Ms Scott lodged a formal complaint that she eventually got given
a copy of the letter - some four months after the incident, and two months after it was written. Ms Scott, from Coventry, Warwickshire, said: 'Leicestershire Police were essentially protecting the perpetrator and treating
me, the victim, like a criminal. If I have to jump through hoops like that to get a simple letter of apology, what chance
do other victims of more serious crimes have? They told me I could come and read the letter at arm's length - what sort
of rule is that? It was agreed that as part of his conditional caution he would write me a letter of apology and take a victim
awareness course. Did they think I would never ask about the letter? This man called me some of the most horrible, misogynistic
names under the sun. He waved his fist at me and another woman and we really did feel threatened."
"I had to chase the letter up time and time again and they gave me this most peculiar
excuse that because it had details of a 'sensitive nature' they couldn't let me keep it. Obviously I questioned
this but they were adamant that I couldn't have it and would have to meet a police officer to look at it. It was absolutely
ludicrous and if I hadn't have fought it, I'd probably still be waiting for the apology." The shocking footage was shared on Facebook by members of the West
Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, who were on the country road to protest against the Atherstone Hunt. Ms Scott and another member of the West Midlands Hunt Saboteur group were involved in a confrontation with two men.
after a collision between their cars during a hunt on November 29th last year. One man got out of his vehicle and said to
Ms Scott: 'You want some of this, f*****? Eh?' before adding: 'F*** off back to Coventry where you belong you
f****** w****.' Ms Scott said: 'We
were there to monitor activity on the hunt. We stopped our vehicle on the lane because we could see them coming down the track. They drove their vehicle into us and that's when I was met with
this tirade of abuse. It was really nasty stuff. He was effing and blinding and calling me all the names under the sun, all
on camera. It was completely unacceptable language. I told him it was some of the worst abuse I had ever heard. It was unprovoked
and unnecessary. I was feeling massively intimidated and that's why I reported it to the police. To be fair, they dealt
with the initial incident swiftly. But I didn't expect to be waiting on an apology all this time later. He wrote the letter
in January for goodness sake and I only got it in March.' It is believed the unnamed man must now attend a victim awareness course which he must pay for himself and he must
write a letter of apology to the victim. The letter read: 'I am writing this letter of apology to you as instructed, I
apologise to you for the coarse language and derogatory comments used against you on Tuesday the 29th of November 2016. On
the gated road [in] Sutton Cheney. The comments were made in the heat of the moment, and for that I apologise.' A Leicestershire Police spokesperson said: 'An initial decision was
made by an officer not to provide a copy of the apology letter due to some of the content within. A complaint was made from
the victim regarding this which coincided with a review from a more senior officer on the original decision. After a review,
this officer agreed to provide a copy of the apology letter to the victim. A complaint from the victim is still under investigation
by our Professional Standards department therefore it would be inappropriate for us to comment any further at this stage.' Tory councillor Charles Carter, 33, quit his position at Breckland Council
after a video of him being sexist and misogynistic to a hunt protester went viral. Carter told Linda Hoggard, who filmed his
derogatory comments, that she was 'very pretty' and asked if he could take her to bed. Original story and video can be found here.
stop Cheriton Mink Hounds from hunting22-4-17 Facebook
- Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Today we stopped the Cheriton/former Devon & Cornwall Minkhounds
from killing wildlife on the river Torridge. Together with Somerset Sabs and South Devon Animal Rights we turned up to their
meet at the Stevenstone Hunt kennels in Torrington and packed them up before they even got the hounds out of the trailer.
A fairly relaxed stand-off ensued while the hunt members (all 6 of them) considered their options. One of them entertained
us with the usual drivel about wildlife 'management', immigration, townies and ISIS. When we reminded him that hunting
a wild mammal (including otters and mink) with hounds was illegal, out came the familiar excuse, "oh but we're just
here to exercise them". When asked why he minded us observing the hounds being 'exercised', he said "well
they might bump into an otter... and then we'd be doing what you're suggesting we're going to do". ... After
an hour of standing around in a field, the hunt made the sensible decision to head home to avoid any 'accidental'
hunting. Two hours and many country lanes later they were safely tucked up back at the kennels. Job done.
appalled by horrific death on road of deer after Exmoor hunt Quantock Stag Hounds believed to be responsible for outrage Exmoor resident Sir Rannulph Fiennes says he feels 'ashamed' LACS brands the deer killing as 'utterly horrific' 21-4-17 Devon
Live Drivers horrified to witness 'public execution'
of terrified deer A scared deer leaped from a bridge on to a road and was 'executed' by a huntsman yesterday
in front of several 'disgusted' members of the public, according to someone who witnessed the incident. An eyewitness, who does not wish to be named,
said the shocking ordeal left her 'horrified and deeply saddened' after the 'exhausted' animal was cornered by hounds on a bridge above a public road near Dulverton [right]. She
watched as the scene played out and said she was left in 'pure disgust', and questioned how such a 'barbaric ordeal'
was legal. Speaking to DevonLive, she said: "I am
not the usual type to complain about anything to this degree but yesterday I witnessed something which deeply saddened and
disgusted me along with many other members of public present at the time. "The staghounds were out on a hunt close to
the Mason's Kings, not far from Black Cat, Dulverton way and they had clearly been chasing a poor stag for some time when
it came to the old railway bridge. he hounds had it cornered and the poor animal was so exhausted it could hardly stand, it's
tongue hanging out and it's body wobbling all over the place." She said she, along with others, were held up on the
road when quad bikes and other vehicles blocked the animal's escape routes and a gunman scrambled up the side of the bridge
towards the animal. She said: "The animal, clearly distressed, took one look at its only route to potential escape and
threw itself off the top of the 30ft bridge and crashed on to the road below in front of all of the members of public. The
animal lay in the road - seriously injured but still alive - to which the gunman then shot and ended the prolonged suffering." She and many others
watching were horrified by the 'barbaric ordeal'. She said: "Members of the public were frantic, shouting at
the huntsmen in pure disgust. All of this is actually completely legal - how is this allowed? I think the law has a great
deal to answer for. I am not against controlling populations of wildlife such as deer and foxes. I live on a nearby farm and
have studied wildlife related subjects at a university level so have a good understanding of the countryside. I do not, however,
think there is a place for such practices in this day and that alternative more humane and effective ways exist to manage
wild populations and it is about time that these animals were protected and respected." DevonLive
has contacted several local staghound groups to ask who organised the hunt, but none of them have yet responded. POWAperson adds - We have been privately informed that the Hunt responsible was the Quantock Stag Hounds. This Hunt
already carries 2 convictions for illegal hunting. Sir Rannulph Fiennes, an Exmoor resident who turned against hunting after
his local hunt killed a fox that used to visit him, has made the following Facebook post - 21-4-17 Facebook - Sir Ranulph Fiennes As a resident of Exmoor I am ashamed! Pic below, credit DevonLive
- 25-4-17
Live League Against Cruel Sports brands
deer killing on busy road as 'utterly horrific' A charity which vows to protect animals
from cruelty in sports has branded the public killing of a deer on a main road as "shocking and utterly horrific".
The League Against Cruel Sports contacted DevonLive after reading our story about a scared deer leaped which from a bridge
on to a road and was 'executed' by a huntsman. The incident took place last Thursday (April 20) in front of several
'disgusted' members of the public, according to a driver who saw the events unfurl. The eyewitness, who did not wish
to be named, said the shocking ordeal left her 'horrified and deeply saddened' after the 'exhausted' animal
was cornered by hounds on a bridge above the A396 road near Dulverton. Now the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS), a charity
which campaigns to ban hunting in the UK, has condemned the incident and says deaths like these need to stop. Eduardo Goncalves,
chief executive of LACS, said: "This was utterly horrific for the stag and shocking for the members of the public who
witnessed it. Unfortunately the killing of stags like this isn't as uncommon as people might hope. "Stag hunting is banned,
but some hunts in and around Devon and Somerset continue to chase these animals, and continue to make excuses as to why deaths
occur. Frankly it needs to stop. Don't think this was a one off. The League Against Cruel Sports has a wildlife sanctuary
near Dulverton and we have to keep guard on a regular basis to stop hunts from chasing deer onto our land. I can't put
a figure on the number of deer and stags who have run full tilt onto our land to reach safety. Reports from this incident
say the stag appeared exhausted – that suggests it had been chased over a long period. Any suggestion that it was merely
discovered by the hunt, or was accidentally chased for a short period before reaching the bridge, doesn't seem to match
the facts. Sometimes hunts claim they are 'helping' an injured stag by chasing it to put it down. That doesn't
sound like animal welfare to me." Speaking on Friday, an eyewitness told DevonLive how the incident left her in "pure
disgust", and questioning how such a "barbaric ordeal" could be legal. She said: "I am not the usual type
to complain about anything to this degree but this deeply saddened and disgusted me. The staghounds had clearly been chasing
the poor stag for some time when it came to the old railway bridge. The hounds had it cornered and the poor animal was so
exhausted it could hardly stand, it's tongue hanging out and it's body wobbling all over the place." She said she, along with others, were held up on the road when quad bikes and other vehicles
blocked the animal's escape routes and a gunman scrambled up the side of the bridge towards the animal... DevonLive
has contacted Avon and Somerset Police to see if they are aware of the matter. No hunt has yet claimed responsibility for
the incident. DevonLive has tried to contact several hunts in the area, but none have got back to us. Pic above right - Blood stains left on A396
POWA presses for strengthening commitment in Labour manifesto 20-4-17 Protect Our Wild Animals has written to the Labour Party leadership
and MPs requesting that a commitment to strengthen the Hunting Act 2004 be included in the Party's manifesto for the election
on June 8th. Even if Labour do not win power this time, such a commitment will make it easier to get it made official party
policy and included in any future manifesto. Penny Little, POWA member and highly experienced hunt monitor, has also launched
a petition requesting
a strengthening commitment. Please sign this urgently and share as widely as you can.
To: Jeremy Corbyn Include
in the manifesto a commitment to strengthen the Hunting Act Why is this important? The Hunting Act of 2005 is far too weak to restrain the hunters. Illegal hunting is absolutely
rife. The animal welfare consequences of this are horrendous.
People who demanded a ban on hunting did not want a law that was weak, unenforced and laughed at by the hunters. The police
refuse to even try to crack down on this anarchy. The only solution is a stronger - much stronger - law, with harsher penalties.
A ban is supported by 84+% of the population. Labour can gather many, many votes from making this commitment in their manifesto.
Please sign this petition and share it far and wide - the animals desperately need your help.
Town Council secret meeting with Atherstone FH exposed by sabs 20-4-17 Facebook
- West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Town Council in secret meeting with
Hunt Despite the public interest in The Atherstone Hunt, who have had their violent, abusive, and
criminal behaviour reported on by the media over 80 times, Atherstone Town Council have seen fit to accept the hunt's
request for a private meeting over the violent events in the Market Square on the 02/01/2017. This meeting took place on 15/03/2017.
We have no way of knowing what the Council and the hunt discussed as there are no notes or minutes that can be scrutinised.
We will keep a closer eye on the activity of the Council from now on. Further unaccountable 'shadow' meetings with
criminal bloodsport fanatics are unacceptable and disrespectful to all those who want justice & respect for wild animals. The Council claim they have yet to make a decision over the Atherstone Hunts future
use of the Market Square and are due to have a secret meeting with senior officers from Warwickshire Police. The same police
force who are partially responsible for the violence by choosing not to police the event and who have subsequently lied and
tried to cover up their involvement. How can Atherstone Town Council make an impartial decision over this issue when the Councillors
who have vested interests in the hunt are allowed to vote on the issue? All vested interests in the Atherstone Hunt should be declared and anyone with interests in the
hunt should abstain from decision making. Complaints should be directed to http://www.atherstone-tc.gov.uk/contact-us. 
Badsworth FH filmed trespassing along a canal towpath, not for
first time Reported to landowners the Canal
and River Trust 14-4-17 Wildlife Guardian Fox hunt ignored warning signs to trespass on canal towpaths A
fox Hunt’s actions have been branded as extremely irresponsible for endangering public safety after repeatedly ignoring
warning signs and galloping down narrow canal towpaths with a pack of foxhounds. The Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt have
been reported to the Canal & River Trust for riding along towpaths on the New Junction Canal at Sykehouse and Fishlake,
nr Doncaster, on several occasions during the past six months. The Canal & River Trust, who manage the canal,
prohibit horses using towpaths due to the serious risk to the public as well as the horses. During the latest incident, a
local resident, who did not wish to be named, claimed that the Hunt, along with 30 foxhounds, spent up to an hour on the towpaths
at Sykehouse and Fishlake, despite warning signs clearly prohibiting horses on the towpath. Mobile phone footage seen by the Wildlife Guardian
shows Huntsman Richard Mould and Joint Master Nigel Dickson galloping down the towpath as the hounds are in cry. The Hunt
then head to the opposite towpath, where the hounds are encouraged to hunt through wildlife habitat owned by the Canal &
River Trust. The Hunt’s terriermen and terriers were later seen joining the Hunt on the towpath. The trespass occurred
in full view of a Canal & River Trust manned station, and despite previous incidents being reported to the Trust, no action
was taken to stop the Hunt. A spokesman for the Wildlife
Guardian stated, “The Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt behaviour is utterly reckless and they are endangering the safety
of legitimate users of the towpaths, such as dog walkers and cyclists. They also demonstrated a blatant disregard for the
safety of the horses. This is not an isolated incident, it’s occurring five or six times a year. It’s only a matter
of time before someone is seriously injured. The Canal & River Trust cannot keep turning a blind eye to the trespass and
the extremely irresponsible actions of the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt.” In 2014, a photo of the Badsworth
and Bramham Moor Hunt trespassing on the same towpath, led by then huntsman Nigel Dickson, was published on the Countryside
Alliance Facebook page. Last year the Hunt
made the national news when hunt saboteurs were driven at by terriermen in balaclavas on a quad bike. Minehead Harriers hunt on NT land where recent bTb breakdown 11-4-17 Facebook - Chris Tasker Do hunts give a toss about biosecurity ? Er, No ! On 1st December 2016, Cloutsham
Farm, nr Minehead was listed for a bTB breakdown. So on 29th January 2017, the Minehead Harriers had a meet at the farm and
spent 4 hours on the farm fields pretending to trail hunt, complete with equipped terriermen, a dozen riders, riders on point
and overloaded quad bikes. To compound the issue, they had invited another hunt to join them, the Tiverton Foxhounds, so spreading
whatever they picked up another 25 miles when they went home. The farm is National Trust property, and the Hunt had a trail
licence from NT. 
blocked, abused, menaced by VWH support as Hunt tries to find
foxes Police called out three times by threatened monitor group 10-4-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Both the VWH and Cotswold hunts were out on Saturday, presumably able to hunt this late as they have access
to large private estates and therefore don’t have to stop because farmers are growing crops. The fact that the foxes
they hunt probably have cubs that need feeding is not considered by these people. With the help from a Three
Counties sab, we covered the VWH meet which was in Cirencester Park the home of Allen Bathurst the 9th Earl of Bathurst and
his Countess wife Sara who came out and attended the hunt in their 4x4. The Hunt left the meet area quickly and disappeared
into the large area of sloping woods behind the polo ground. It took a long time to track them down but eventually we did,
finding them putting the hounds to search through the undergrowth. They continued to do this, but when the hounds picked up
two of our team were able to get their heads up, much to the annoyance of the Huntsman. They moved on quickly, in fact they
kept moving on, hunting when they could but as the huntsman told one of our team, the warm day and the wild garlic made it
hard for the hounds to find scent. Supporters were starting to gather and these included
some of the Bicester Boys – ‘Tommy Gadget Man’ who seems to have swapped his ‘gadget’ for a
mobile phone and also a truck load of ‘anti-antis’ from Dorset who presumably wanted to prolong their fun after
their own hunts had all finished. They basically think it’s clever to surround monitors cars to try and harass and intimidate
and to show off in front of their friends. During the day, we had 2 instances of drunken hunt thugs banging their fists on
the window of our vehicles threatening and abusing the occupants. At one of these instances, a redcoat was watching. After
the driver called the police, the redcoat suddenly decided he needed to apologise for the hunt thug. At another point in the
day ‘anti-antis’ lay in the road and surrounded one of our vehicles to prevent it from moving! Foot-walkers were
subjected to tactics of harassment designed to avoid legal action as well. This all resulted in us having to contact the police
three times. Despite extensive searching, the hunt found nothing in Overley Wood and went back
down the park to the bottom end, trying to hunt the wood near the polo ground entrance but prevented by the timely arrival
of two lots of foot-walkers. They changed
horses at the polo ground and immediately set off again towards the north of the park, not seeming to find much and not heard
on cry just repeatedly searching. Two women hikers in the park were shocked to learn what was taking place, and wished us
luck. Sadly, towards the very end of the day after most of the field had gone home, they went quickly back up from the south
end of the park to the Overley Ride area where they were heard in cry. As we only had one monitor in that area, they were
able to hunt for some time- sadly we don’t know the outcome. It is pretty sure they returned to where they knew there
was a fox – maybe the one that had gone to ground last Wednesday or maybe the one that our team had earlier protected. The ‘anti-antis’ followed our vehicle at the end of the day. As we went towards the bend on the A419
near the polo ground entrance, a female pheasant was knocked by a car coming the other way and staggered to our side of the
road. Our driver put on hazard lights and stopped while we collected the bird to try to help it. The ‘anti-antis’
in the vehicle behind, jeered and laughed at this action showing their complete inability to empathise with injured wildlife.
Luckily we knew of a safe haven where the pheasant could be kept and monitored. We have since heard that it recovered and
flew off. Stay safe little bird! The Hunt went on until around 6pm. It was a terrible
and disturbing sight on a beautiful spring day to see young children being escorted by veteran hunt riders actively indoctrinating
them by pointing us out to be misguided.
Police powers to demand
face mask removal enhanced7-4-17 Countryside Alliance New power
to remove face coverings from violent protesters comes into effect today Today (3rd
April) police have been given new powers to remove face coverings from violent protestors. Last month, Minister of State for
Policing, Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP, wrote to all Police Constables making them aware of a new power to make it easier for police
officers to request that face coverings be removed from violent protestors. The Minister’s letter follows a Countryside
Alliance led campaign. Last December the House of Lords passed a Government amendment
to the Policing and Crime Bill which will make it easier for the police to tackle violent masked protestors. The amendment
was in response to concerns raised regarding the inability of police to request the removal of face coverings from violent
protestors without prior written authorisation from a senior police officer. Last months letter by the Minister’s informed
Police Constables that the new provision will commence on today (3rd April). The amendment means that a senior police officer will
be able to give immediate oral authorisation for a constable to remove face-coverings, where it is impracticable for that
authorisation to be given in writing. The law had required prior written authorisation that the police have grounds for reasonable
belief that activities may take place in an area that are likely to involve the commission of offences. The conditions and
protections remain exactly the same, but the fast track process will now allow the police to tackle a serious issue both in
rural communities and elsewhere. Research by the Countryside Alliance using the Freedom of Information Act published last year revealed
that the powers had only been used on one occasion in the past three years to require animal rights activists at a hunt to
remove face coverings, despite the use of masks to intimidate and hide identity being a standard tactic of hunt saboteurs.
The powers had been used on many occasions in relation to pre-arranged demonstrations and football matches. Alliance Chief Executive,
Tim Bonner said:- “There are only two reasons for wearing masks and face-coverings in the context of a protest: to intimidate
and harass, and to hide identity with the intention of committing criminal offences and avoiding prosecution. This is a tactic
that has worked, not only by creating alarm and distress in rural communities visited by groups of extremists who have adopted
the uniform of the paramilitary complete with standard black face coverings, but also in allowing offences to be committed
crimes without any legal consequences. From Wiltshire to Derbyshire; from Gloucestershire to Yorkshire there have been a series
of violent assaults by hunt saboteurs in the last few years, none of which have seen anyone brought to justice. It doesn’t
matter if violence and intimidation are happening in urban areas or the countryside, it is wrong and it’s only right
that police officers are in the position to be able to tackle effectively potentially criminal behaviour wherever it arises.
We are therefore delighted that the Government has recognised the need to amend the law, recognising that the police need
greater flexibility faced with modern types of protests. The amendment does not extend police powers, but makes it more practical
to use existing powers and we now expect the police to make full use of them. For too long a small minority have hidden behind
masks and disguises to intimidate people and to escape being held account for unlawful behaviour. This change in the law will
discourage unlawful activity, whilst allowing lawful and peaceful protest.” POWAperson
comments - The CA and their hunting friends could well find the old saw 'Be careful what you wish for...' coming
back to bite them. Hunt thugs and even some redcoats commonly mask up in order to conceal their identities from anti cameras,
so they can carry out their illegal hunting and assaults on antis with even greater impunity than they currently enjoy. If
the police apply these new powers fairly [admittedly, this is far from a given] they will lose that anonymity and the chances
of their being arrested and charged will be that much greater.
FH run away as monitors find hounds marking to ground6-4-17 Facebook
- Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch 5th April. Not enough for you VWH?
On Wednesday 5th April, a walker came on them [the Vale of the White Horse Hunt] yet again hunting in Cirencester
Park. This time a secretive meet with a small field of followers, horseboxes and hound lorry all clustered together near the
polo ground. It was late in the day but we managed to rally a couple of people and, trying to make a good guess, came in from
the Overly Road where we came right on the Hunt with the hounds searching. Just as we arrived and got seen by the redcoats, they
went on cry and as we were already slightly behind them all we could do is follow. Just as we heard the disappearing sound
of the hunting horn we rounded a bend to find part of the pack marking to ground and the rest of the Hunt completely vanished.
The hounds were frantically digging at a hole, making it clear that the fox they had been pursuing had escaped underground.
We got them off and they hung around as the Hunt had apparently abandoned them - maybe worried after the witnessed kill last
Saturday? But they eventually drifted off and we guarded the area until we were sure they were not coming back for this fox,
and visited again later to check. The Hunt had really run and we could not find them again, but we felt that at least we had
managed to save this fox - for now.
of the White Horse FH slaughter fox in front of monitors Charged recklessly on to A roads before and after the kill Monitors filmed them and have reported Hunt to police Quote from monitor - "I
know that what I saw today will stay with me the rest of my life. One moment that beautiful creature was in front of me running
for his life, and the next I was looking at his blood soaking into the ground." 6-4-17 Facebook
- Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Vale of the White Horse FH, Saturday 1st April The
Hunt met at a farm behind Coates and after bursting out onto the main Tetbury A433 road, chased and killed a fox in front
of four of our team in the fields behind Cirencester Agricultural University The fox never had a chance as there were Hunt
officials and groups of riders blocking every escape. Just like Wednesday, they seemed to be hunting recklessly with no heed
for cameras or the law. A redcoat tried to block our view, but one of our monitors was coming from the other direction and
was able to film. The Huntsman got off his horse and ran off with the body, leaving gobbets of flesh, hair and blood on the
ground. We are talking to the Police and will be putting up footage in due course. This event did not stop the VWH hunting foxes that day. They went on cry again between Tarlton and the A433 Tetbury
road, but 3Cs sab working with us that day rated the hounds off the fox. We managed to get monitors in to the areas they were
drawing around Tarlton Wood and towards the Tunnel Inn, and once again a CIHW monitor got the hounds heads up as they started
on a scent. they finally disrupted the very busy A419 Stroud Road to take the Hunt across into the main park, where they went
up the length of the park and back, seeming to be at last inhibited by a public event within the park, packing up at around
five. A member of CIWH [also of POWA] told us - Monitors saw no 'trail' laid before hunting began next to the main
Tetbury road. The hounds burst out onto the main road, disrupting the traffic before going towards the back of the University
farm. When the hounds went into cry the huntsmen made no effort to stop them until
it was too late A fox was seen by a monitor fleeing for its life, just before the pack caught it. The Hunt officials seemed
to panic. The Huntsman galloped over, viciously whipped the hounds off and rushed away on foot with the body, running from
the camera [see pic above]. Monitors filmed the remains - chunks of flesh, hair, skin and blood. ‘The worst of it is,’ she said 'orphaned
fox cubs may have been left underground, where they will experience a slow and terrible death by starvation. Wildlife rescue
centres are currently taking in fox cubs, some born as early as February. The Hunt will claim there were trails laid, but
they were seen searching near main roads and through fields of oil seed rape, where they would be likely to find foxes resting
up in cover. Like many other Hunts, they will claim the kill was an 'accident', but we filmed them chasing more foxes
later in the day. We are supplying footage to the police and call for the law to be enforced against Hunts that we believe
repeatedly chase and kill foxes 'accidentally on purpose’.
VWH FH relentlessly hunted
fox late in day and may have killed 6-4-17 Facebook
- Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VWH Hunt, Wednesday 29th March
We were tipped off that the Vale of the White Horse FH were in Cirencester Park and two of us, plus a Three Counties sab managed
to attend. It was a 'children's meet' but as we have witnessed before, once the children have left in the middle
of the day, the Hunt gets down to it. From mid afternoon they hunted up and down the main section of the park on the Sapperton
side, where we found them. 3Cs sab got the hounds off one tired fox, but they were relentlessly after another - just glimpsed
by CIHW at the Overly Road as it ran across with the hounds in cry after it, just too far away to try and stop them. The redcoats
came blasting out onto the road after the hounds and refused to call them off even though they were told a fox had been seen. The fox ran in a large
circle, across the road and back into the main park and round again. The redcoat did retreat once when he came on a CIHW monitor
with a camera. They had clearly lost the scent at one point, and were witnessed by CIHW bringing the hounds back to the spot
and putting them to search through the thick undergrowth until they picked up on the scent again. We have seen this
before, but this time there was a difference. The redcoats and the small hardcore of riders left in the last hours of this
hunt were avidly and blatantly hunting, totally ignoring our presence and absolutely relentless in pursuit of the fox, which
they chased the length of the park and back again, for around one and a half hours, finally going quiet at 6.30. We strongly
believe it was the same fox because the monitors trying to track the Hunt in the extensive woodland of Cirencester Park could
hear the hounds go off cry, losing the scent followed by a shortish pause when they would be back on again. We have heard
many times that at the end of the season Hunts become even more determined and bloodthirsty. We saw it. We do not know how
it ended as a hunt suddenly going quiet can mean a kill or that the fox has gone to ground, to be dug out by terriermen and
Film of monitor's car windscreen being smashed at S.Dorset FH meet Video also has stills of young riders struggling to escape bog 2-4-17 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit Report Thursday 30th March 2017, South
Dorset Hunt Meeting at Rollington Farm, Corfe Castle This [2nd] report focuses on two specific incidents of the day. During the early part of the day, while the field were travelling through the forestry not
far from the Oil Gathering Station, three young riders not knowing the all-consuming bogs in the area rode off track. Their
horses sunk into the bog and threw the young riders. The horses, now under some stress, thrashed around to get a footing
in the brown foul-smelling bog [right]. The monitor who was close by stopped
videoing and carefully ‘danced’ over to the area trying to avoid the deepest of the bog sumps and gullies. He was concerned the horses would endanger the young riders by falling
on them and pushing them into the bog. After asking the young riders if they were okay he beckoned over adult riders. Two
of the ponies came out of the bog without to much stress. The third was seriously struggling and moving the wrong way. Eventually
the pony was persuaded to turn and came out the bog in the direction from which he came. Riders and ponies looked to be okay
on exit from the bog, although probably stressed. When
the very same monitor returned to his car at the end of hunting he found his windscreen smashed. It appeared to have been
smashed with a hard object [Dash-cam still below]. Police, who were on site
all day, were called and attended. Frankly they were furious at what had happened and will follow up the crime. After the
monitor was on the scene of the bog incident and standing by to help earlier in the day he was extremely disappointed that
a hunt follower should resort to such vandalism. Note:
The vehicle had a ‘dash cam’. The video from the dash cam is now being studied for evidence of who committed the
crime. We have set up a GFM to pay for the damage to the monitors car, we have worked
closely with him this season. We are in awe of his experience and he is one of the kindest and caring gentlemen you will ever
meet. https://www.gofundme.com/dorset-sabs-vandalised-vehicle
'Notorious' hunt supporter
to be charged at last over 'vicious assault' 1-4-17 Facebook
– Outpaced We hate to tease with half a story but sometimes we have no choice.
Outpaced, after a two year case have had a significant result in which one of the hunts most notorious and odious individuals
is about to be prosecuted. It's even more satisfying that he thinks he has long got away with his vicious assault. We
took it to the highest of review level with the CPS and at last to a specialist prosecutor. Given a couple of outrageous acquittals
recently our compliments to the CPS in recognising that public interest is best served in bringing this case. We are only
not giving more detail as we don't want to spoil his surprise. At such a time, I f the victim gives permission, we will
publish the full story.
MARCH 2017 ..... 30th March - Police stop S.Dorset FH dig out, monitor has car windows
smashed, kids ride into bog ..... 28th March - Lord Bonomy
says even total ban wouldn't stop Scottish Hunts chasing foxes ..... 27th March - Wilts & Infantry Beagles filmed chasing a hare ..... 27th March - Charity Commission refuses Countryside Alliance bid for charitable status ..... 26th March - Middleton FH hounds killed/injured as taken across busy
road ..... 26th March - Portman
FH blocks Wessex Ridgeway path and tries to stop walkers using it ..... 26th March - Sabs write to AAC after police fail to deal with multiple attacks at Woodland Pytchley FH ..... 26th March - Dart Vale Harriers chase deer for 2 miles before gizmo-aided
escape ..... 26th March - Monitor
uploads video compilation of hunt horse mistreatment ..... 25th March - Campaigners seek sacking of Kent Wildlife Trust hare hunter ..... 24th March - Old Surrey hunt foxes, hit sab, retiring Huntsman Mark
Bycroft charges others ..... 24th March - As S.Herefordshire
FH 5 re-bailed, sab gets threatening mail re. case ..... 24th March - Anti hunt FB page responds to CA attempt to shut it down ..... 23rd March - DEFRA response to bTb in hunt kennels... do nothing ..... 23rd March - Chairman of Kent Wildlife Trust is JM of the Blean Beagles! ..... 23rd March - Director of NT contradicts official who said they can't
monitor hunts on NT land ..... 23rd March - Sabs take
hounds off 'Shag' Carter as Middleton FH have kill-free day ..... 22nd March - Ledbury FH shows solidarity with scandal-hit S.Herefordshire Hunt ..... 21st March - Sabs upload more film of Atherstone FH New Year meet
violence & abuse ..... 19th March - Sab hospitalised,
another hurt, in attacks by Pytchley FH thugs .....
19th March - Reports that sabs badly hurt, property damaged/stolen at Middleton FH meet ..... 19th March - Isle of Wight FH Huntsman whacks sab around head with
his crop ..... 18th March - South
Dorset FH hound run over as hunt thug harasses sabs ..... 17th March - Heythrop FH very nearly caught fox then caused road rage on A424 ..... 17th March - Sabs try to save hares hunted by Waveney Harriers as
police look on ..... 16th March - Eight
blocked setts found day after Heythrop FH closing meet ..... 16th March - Beaufort FH Huntsman refuses to pull hounds off fox they close behind ..... 16th March - Trial of two Jedforest FH hunt servants begins [adjourned
on 2nd day] ..... 16th March - 'Two
foxes pushed from van for Zetland FH to chase' allegation ..... 16th March - Bizarre hound blessing by Anglican priest at Chiddingfold FH meet ..... 15th March - Landowner finds Beaufort FH trotting through his wood
without permission ..... 15th March - Monitors
think Cotswold FH killed, as they hunted many familiar coverts ..... 14th March - Three Grove & Rufford FH members convicted of illegal hunting ..... 14th March - Terrierman trying to hit sab almost falls off speeding
quad ..... 13th March - Woodland
Pytchley FH Director resigns as Wildlife Trust trustee after short campaign ..... 13th March - Sabs stop 2 Essex/Suffolk FH dig outs, quad hits sab, redcoat endangers own horse ..... 13th March - Fife FH hunt foxes - no guns - sabs think first was bagged ..... 12th March - Sabs stop hare pack from hunting and fox pack from killing ..... 12th March - Sabs stop two dig outs by Taunton Vale FH as Hunt chase
foxes ..... 12th March - Southdown
FH follower punches out car window, injuring sab .....
12th March - Call to boycott Atherstone FH as JM revealed to run pet kennels ..... 12th March - Another hunting vet is exposed ..... 11th March - Local monitors Axe Vale Harriers - sees blatant fox hunting ..... 11th March - Badsworth & Branham FH kill hare near day's end ,,,,, 11th March - Seavington FH cease season with no kills day thanks to
antis ..... 11th March - Sab whipped
as Fitzwilliam FH stopped from killing foxes ..... 11th March - Sabs get
shock as Old Surrey FH spend all day trail hunting ..... 11th March - Hunts running riot in bTb hotspot risks spreading disease ..... 11th March - Blean Beagles head home as soon as sabs appear ..... 10th March - Fitzwilliam killed twice, 8-3 - follower admits hunting
but 'nobody to know' ..... 10th March - Hunt causes
havoc in Kent village named, ironically, Hunton ....
10th March - Atherstone FH in disarray as sacked Huntsman & groom sue them ..... 10th March - Melbreak FH hounds seen hunting unsupervised on Nat Trust land ..... 10th March - LACS gets strong with NT over allowing illegal hunting
on its land ..... 10th March - CA contests
£60k award after racing pigeons killed by hunting hounds ..... 9th March - Film released of Beaufort FH apparently hunting fox ..... 9th March - Pet rabbit killed by hounds as Oakley FH trespass - owner 'devastated' ..... 9th March - Fox killed by Fitzwilliam terriermen
died from 'blunt force trauma' ..... 8th March - Southdown
FH supporter smashes sab landy window, rider badly hurt later ..... 8th March - Row over vet who is also Director of Cheshire Forest FH ..... 7th March - Four setts found blocked in area being hunted by
Heythrop FH ..... 7th March - Two
Jedforest FH hunt servants plead NG to illegal hunting charges ..... 7th March - bTb in hounds at Kimblewick FH kennels confirmed - 25 shot so far ..... 7th March - Hunting Surrey Union FH trespass and anger landowner ..... 7th March - Illegal hunting trial of Grove & Rufford FH
three begins ..... 6th March - Senior equestrienne dies after fall during drag
hunt [a real one] ...... 5th March - One fox
has a very lucky escape from the Lamerton FH ..... 6th March - Vale
of the White Horse FH hunt openly on roads and in gardens ..... 5th March - National Trust beefs up its policy on field sports - a smidgen ..... 5th March - Cheshire Forest FH massed thugs attract police attention
at final meet ..... 5th March - Atherstone
FH hunted fox out of nature reserve - escaped down sett ..... 4th March - Monitors believe Beaufort FH hunted fox at Prince Charles's place ..... 4th March - Grafton FH supporter cautioned for assaulting
70 year old hunt monitor .....
4th March - Oakley FH thugs assault sabs, steal cameras while police do nothing ….. 4th March – Antis' teamwork denies Portman FH kill,
furious farmer tells Hunt off ..... 4th March - Huff Post
reporter spends day with sabs visiting the Crawley FH ..... 4th March - Equestrian business offering 'fox hunting days' on their website ..... 3rd March - Rumours of bTb outbreak at Kimblewick FH - 40 hounds shot? ..... 3rd March - Cotswold FH meet cancelled after 'redcoat fell off
horse drunk' ..... 3rd March - Bloodsports lobby attacks anti-hunt Blue Fox again ..... 3rd March - Atherstone FH hounds all over roads, sometimes unaccompanied ..... 2nd March - Sabs violently assaulted by Flint & Denbigh FH 'security' ..... 2nd March - Old Surrey FH have to run gauntlet of derision to reach
their Hunt Ball ..... 2nd March - Hunt for lost boy - S.W.Wilts FH hound missing for several
days ..... 1st March - Crawley FH redcoats 'pinned sab to fence and kicked
him in the face' ..... 1st March - Sabs told
fox killed by Hunt - find Surrey Union FH in the area ..... 1st March - S.& W. Wilts FH hounds and horses blessed by 'countryman' priest .... 1st March - Sab tyres slashed as hares saved from Waveney Harriers ..... 1st March - Veterinary practice hosts meet of the Cottesmore FH
Police stop South Dorset FH dig out as monitor's car
windows smashedSame monitor had helped rescue young riders stuck in a bog 30-3-17 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs Hit Report – Thursday, 30th March 2017
Today we paid a visit to the South Dorset Hunt meeting at Rollington Farm in Corfe Castle. We were joined by two hunt monitors
and the police maintained a strong presence all day. It was a unusually large turn out for the South Dorset Hunt due to the
fact that terrier boys and support had gathered from other local Hunts including the BSV who have finished for this season.
After leaving the meet, the Huntsman lead the hounds and field along the ridge on the southern side of the B3351. Foot sabs were already in situ pre spraying and observing them... We knew today would be difficult due to limited access in certain areas and the terrain being
very boggy in places, but with a super fit foot team, sabs done a fantastic job of keeping the Huntsman on his toes. The Huntsman
headed to Rempstone Heath and whilst waiting for foot sabs in the area the sabs in the landy saw a girl cantering along the
grass verge looking like she needed help. We could see the Huntsman off his horse and a few other riders also on foot and
we suspected there had been an accident. One
of the hunt monitors who was out today confirmed that everyone was now OK but 3 younger riders had strayed off the track and
ridden their horses into extremely boggy ground where they had gotten stuck. The hunt monitor assisted them ( the riders,
the Huntsman and other members of the field ) to free their horses and make sure they were OK. Perhaps the Huntsman should
be more mindful of where he is taking the Hunt in future - a little research into the local area would not have gone a miss. We did observe one of these riders
( photo of grey horse, left, with the mud up to top of its tail ) with her horse still covered
in mud from the bog towards the end of the afternoon - poor thing must have been extremely tired ! This is not the first time this monitor has helped young riders who have gotten into trouble
- the last incident being when young riders fell off whilst jumping a huge hedge and were then trampled by horses. This is
shown in a previous video and he stayed with them and comforted them making sure they were safe until adults came to their
aide. The Hunt remained in the Rempstone Heath area for the rest of the day
travelling as far up as Vitower House where the foot sabs observed a running fox that had been flushed out from the reed beds.
This fox ran to ground seeking refuge and its life from the hounds -foot sabs were observing and ready to intervene if necessary
so the Huntsman gathered the hounds and headed South toward the Lookout Tower. The sabs in the Landy heard the hounds in cry in Wytch Moor and thankfully the foot sabs were
soon on the scene from the other side and managed to intervene and call the hounds off the line - another fox saved !! The Huntsman then headed back towards Ower Farm where the fox was observed running to
ground. Again with limited access we were getting a little worried for this fox. Luckily the police, who were amazing today, appeared and we
sent them in that direction. Very shortly the terrier boys were fleeing the scene and we suspect this was due to the police
sitting on the hill - either that or they thought they had stumbled into a vegan fair !! The
terrier boys were getting pretty shirty by now having lost out on killing at least two foxes ! The Hunt packed up just after 5pm... One of our hunt monitors had parked his vehicle by Wytch Farm, this being the monitor who I mentioned earlier who
helped with getting the horses out the bog and the young riders earlier in the season. After walking miles and being a great
help to us keeping tabs on the Hunt today, he retuned to his car to find his windscreen smashed. This had been done with a
white flint type stone / rock in five places showering his seats and dash board with shards of glass - this is the thanks
he has got for helping the Hunts he has been monitoring the last season ! We find this a beyond disgraceful way to conduct
themselves - the South Dorset Hunt vehicles are regularly left strewn along grass verges and not once have we ever touched
them, even though we don’t agree with what they are doing !! The police who had stayed in the area all day were soon
with us and at the moment this is ongoing. We intend to fund raise to pay for the damage to the monitor’s car and will
SOUTH DORSET HUNT AND THE HUNTING COMMUNITY !!!! Lets face it its already a disgraceful community but today they have certainly
shown their true colours !! Each
and every one of us would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thanks to all our supporters for their support,
donations and the tip-offs we have received over the last season. We appreciate your support and can assure you we will be
back fighting fit ready for the next season. Even
total Scottish ban wouldn't stop Hunts chasing foxes, says Bonomy As reported below Lord Bonomy's replies seem somewhat
cryptic, but he does appear to recognise that the England/Wales ban is being widely and openly flouted with little
consequence for the offenders and that 'trail hunting' is at the heart of the problem. 28-3-17 Sunday Herald Complete fox hunting ban would not ensure law adhered to, MSPs told
A blanket ban on fox hunting would not solve the problem of ensuring Hunts adhere to the law, MSPs have heard. Lord Bonomy [left] carried out a review of fox hunting laws in Scotland last year and recommended
independent monitors to police Hunts. His report said some aspects of the current legislation ''complicate unduly''
the detection, investigation and prosecution of offences and there were ''grounds to suspect'' fox hunting
takes place illegally.
Giving evidence to Holyrood's Environment Committee on Tuesday, he said he did not believe
banning fox hunting and instead promoting drag hunting, where a Hunting follows the artificial scent of a fox, would solve
the issues with the legislation. Fox hunting with dogs was banned in Scotland in 2002, with the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act stating a person who deliberately hunts a wild mammal with a dog is committing an offence. An exception is made when dogs may be used to stalk or flush out a fox to be shot
for purposes including the control of pest species, protecting livestock or ground-nesting birds. Mounted Hunts in Scotland have since offered farmers, landowners and estate managers
a pest control service. MSP
Emma Harper asked Lord Bonomy: "Wouldn't it just be better to promote drag hunting and ban fox hunting?" He
replied: "Judging by the experience in England and Wales, I think the answer has to be no because the number of prosecutions
proportionately is more or less the same there... there's lots of apparent breaches of the legislation by inappropriate
drag hunting, which is called in fact trail hunting. A different material is used so it mimics the scent of a fox and inevitably
in many instances where foxes are prevalent a fox appears on the scene. So I wasn't convinced that just moving to that
instead of other changes like monitoring, I wasn't convinced that that would make any difference." Questioned on why his review had not recommended a reduction in the number of hounds used to flush out a fox, he
said: "I can't think of anything to suggest that reducing it to two dogs would change the situation other than to
bring the whole practice of flushing to guns to an end. That change would see an end to hunting as we see it at the moment." He said
it was "impossible to say" if the 2002 law had reduced the number of foxes killed by dogs, currently around 160
each year, as he was not aware of figures prior to the law being brought in. Following Lord Bonomy's
review, the Scottish Government will create a code of practice for Hunt and consider developing a new monitoring scheme. Consultations
are also planned on further changes proposed in the judge's report, including removing inconsistencies, extending the
time limit for bringing prosecutions, the introduction of vicarious liability, and reversing burden of proof provisions. The Scottish Greens' environment spokesman Mark
Ruskell [right] said: "Lord Bonomy's evidence has confirmed that hundreds of foxes
continue to be savagely killed every year by packs of hunting dogs. It's outrageous that a law that was meant to ban fox
hunting with dogs is being systematically undermined with few consequences for the perpetrators. The Scottish Government must
act now and legislate to achieve what the Scottish Parliament originally voted for in 2002 - a ban on fox hunting with dogs.
While there may be a case for limited and humane control of foxes, using packs of dogs is an ineffective and barbaric excuse
to continue this outdated tradition." Story also in the Scotsman paper.
Wilts & Infantry Beagles filmed chasing a hareHunt packs up when told were
being filmed 27-3-17 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO On Saturday, along with North Downs Sabs, we paid a visit to the Wiltshire & Infantry Beagles
at Manor Farm, Stockton. Soon after leaving the meet we got this video of them chasing a hare. Once they realised they were
being filmed they got the hounds back to the farm and into the hound van and drove off. Countryside Alliance application for charitable status is refused The main reason given for the Commission declining the CA's application is that the promotion of 'hunting,
shooting and fishing' is not deemed to be a charitable purpose. 27-3-17
The Charity Commission Decision of the
Commission, dated 23 March 2017 The Countryside Alliance (‘the Alliance’) applied for registration as a charity Having given full and detailed consideration to the application,
the Commission has concluded that the Alliance does not meet the legal test for being a charity as it is not established for
exclusively charitable purposes for the public benefit. Consequently it cannot be registered as a charity. Certain purposes
of the Alliance relate to preserving, protecting and promoting the heritage and practice of activities related to wildlife,
the countryside and wildlife management including hunting, shooting and fishing together with the management of the natural
environment; and the advancement of rural community life. These do not fall within a description of purpose which is recognised in law as being a purpose
which may be charitable. In addition, in relation to the promotion of game or game production, it appears to the Commission
that the primary result of the furtherance of this purpose is private benefit accruing to those commercially involved in the
production of game for eating. Further, some of the research published by the Alliance appears to be promoting particular
activities or points of view rather than being balanced educational research, and the concept of relieving need ‘in
relation to rural economies’ generally is too wide to be exclusively charitable. Some of the Alliance’s purposes are charitable, and the Commission recognises that the Alliance does important
work protecting and promoting rural life and representing the interests of people living and working in the countryside from
all backgrounds and geographical locations. But not every purpose that is beneficial to society is a charitable purpose for
the public benefit. The full decision
of the Charity Commission is here.
Middleton FH hounds killed/injured in horrific road
crash Hunt led them across busy road near bend - with no spotter 26-3-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire
Horrific last weekend meet at the Middleton Hunt [25-3] after at least 3 hounds killed and more injured when the Hunt took
them across a busy main road near Norton, North Yorkshire. The Hunt took the hounds down the road, with no spotter to check oncoming traffic on an upcoming bend. After the
incident, one huntsman was heard to say, "Why did I bring them onto this road?" Every week, Hunts across the country endanger human and animal lives with their reckless behaviour. This needs to stop, now. Pics below -
Sabs try to comfort dying hounds  27-3-17 Daily Mail Whimpering hounds 'die beside a grass verge after they are hit by cars as a hunt
crosses a "busy" road' - Video shows the moment three hounds allegedly died at the side of a road -They were
'hit by cars' when Middleton Hunt crossed a 'busy' road, activists say Activists criticised the hunt for being laid near
a busy road in North Yorkshire. Upsetting footage shows the moment three hounds allegedly died on a grass verge after they
were hit by cars when a hunt crossed a 'busy' road. The dogs were allegedly discovered by hunt saboteurs after they crossed the road with horses from the Middleton Hunt
near Norton in North Yorkshire on Saturday. Campaigners claim the dogs died at the side of the road and video shows them whimpering
while being comforted by distraught activists. Protesters can be heard calling the police while others stroke the dogs who are
sprawled out and motionless on the grass verge at the road side. The Hunt Saboteurs Association - Sabs - are calling on the
hunting group to make sure trails stay away from busy roads following the incident. It comes weeks after the Middleton
Hunt master Charles Carter resigned as a Tory councillor after he was filmed telling a female activist: 'I'd quite
like to SHAG you.' Lee Moon, spokesman for the Hunt Saboteurs Association,
said: 'The Middleton Hunt claim to be following an artificial trail. If that's the case why on earth would they lay
a trail anywhere near such a busy road. In fact if they're trail hunting, as they claim, then surely they can plan their
activities in such a way that they NEVER have to cross main roads. Their wanton disregard for animals' lives extends to
their own hounds as well as the wildlife they illegally chase and kill. Every week, hunts across the country endanger human
and animal lives with their reckless behaviour. The Middleton Hunt is clearly out of control and as usual it is hunt saboteurs
who are bringing their activities to the attention of police and public.' They claim three
dogs were killed and more were injured when the hounds were led across the road, close to a bend, by a huntsman. Onlookers
claim one huntsman was 'distraught' by the deaths and was heard asking other Hunt members 'why did we take them
over the road?' It is not the first time the Middleton Hunt has come under scrutiny. In 2013, four hunt members admitted hunting
a fox with a dog and were fined by York magistrates. In 2015, North Yorkshire Police launched an investigation after footage
of 16 fox cubs held in a barn near to the Hunt's kennels emerged. Middleton Hunt and the police are yet to respond to a request for comment. POWAperson adds - This deeply distressing story was also
run by the Mirror. This Hunt is clearly out of control and POWA is calling for the Master of Fox Hounds to expel it. The South Herefordshire
FH has been suspended by the MFHA, a body which rarely takes any action over Hunts' infractions, following the
fox cubs being fed to hounds story that broke last June. As yet none of the 5 people arrested have been charged. As for
the hounds, to Hunts they are nothing more than easily replaced tools of their grisly and now illegal trade. See here for details. A 'rap sheet' for the Middleton FH, covering the last four years, is below - MIDDLETON FOX HOUNDS The story so far.... On March 18th this year, hunt sabs were
attacked, and some injured, by a mob of Middleton FH supporters. A female sab suffered cracked ribs, other sabs had broken
fingers. Three sab cameras were stolen. On 26th February they upset a pen full of bulls on
taking hounds through a farmyard. Later they lost the hound pack completely. On 16th February
the Hunt lost several hounds who ran on to the B1249. One was run over and killed. On 24th January
their new Joint Master, Charles Carter, told a middle-aged woman [not a hunt saboteur or monitor] who was complaining to him
about the Middleton's illegal fox hunting, that he'd like to 'shag' her, then asked her to go to bed with
him. See the Sun coverage, The Daily Mail and Mirror also ran the story. This resulted in Lord Middleton, who was supposed
to be hosting their meet the next Saturday, cancelling the invitation. In early summer 2015 they made national news again
when 16 fox cubs were found by League Against Cruel Sports investigators in a shed near the hunt kennels and filmed a man
they claimed was connected to the Middleton visiting the shed. The cubs were rescued and no criminal charges ensued. It may
be that no actual crimes were committed, but you don't need to be a genius to work out what a fox hunt with want with
such cubs. On 19th March 2016, sabs claim that they were attacked by masked quad bike riders and that a Middleton terrierman
attacked the car they were in with a spade, causing serious damage and seriously scaring them. they also claimed that a mounted
redcoat assisted in the attack. On 12th February 2015 the Middleton's kennel Huntsman, Barry Andrews,
and a terrierman, Lee Martin, were both charged with interfering [on separate occasions] with a badger sett. Hunts still customarily
block them on hunting days, even though both fox hunting and sett interference are illegal and they are usually pretending
to be 'trail hunting', which would not require earth blocking or the presence of terriermen, who still, almost invariably,
accompany Hunts on their supposed 'trail hunts' and not infrequently engage in dig outs of foxes illicitly chased
to ground by Hunts. The charge against Andrews was dropped, for reasons unknown to me, and, though Martin was initially convicted,
he was acquitted on appeal for the absurd reason that the prosecution could not prove the sett was in use on the day in question,
though there was evidence it was shortly before and after. In September 2014, it was reported that the Joint
Master and Huntsman Tom Holt had been summonsed for illegal hunting. He had a previous conviction. On this occasion he was
caught on camera using hounds to chase a fox but was acquitted after claiming they'd been trail hunting and the chase
was an 'accident.' In August 2013, Holt, Martin, Whip Shaun Marles and another terrierman Brian
Cuthbertson were all convicted of a particularly nasty piece of illegal hunting in which hounds savaged a fox to death, having
been charged with breaking S.1 of the Hunting Act 2004 and the Animal Welfare Act 2006. Despite the film evidence of extreme
and wilful cruelty, the three were fined a tiny fraction of the maximum then allowed [£5,000] and the latter got a Conditional
Discharge. Some deterrent, also given that the offence of illegal hunting is not reportable and so does not appear on a criminal
FH block Wessex Ridgeway, try to stop walkers using itWalkers
intend to report Hunt behaviour to the authorities Sab has to free horse from barbie, horse/hound nearly run over 26-3-17 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs Hit Report Saturday 25th March 2017 Joined by our friends from S.West
Sabs and a hunt monitor, we decided to pay a visit to the Portman Hunt today for their last Saturday meet of this season.
The meet was at Smugglers Mead in Stepleton... With two landy’s out today, working with the monitor and foot sabs breaking
into two and sometimes four teams we were able to keep track of the Hunt all day. They spent well over an hour in the Happy Valley
and Furzehill area and we suspect this was because there is only one footpath leading through the middle. This did not deter
foot sabs though who did a marvellous job of patrolling the foot path from each end. After lunch, there was the usual change of horses and this happened under the watchful eyes
of the sabs. When re-mounted on his fresh steed the Huntsman took the hounds across the road... Whilst searching Rough Ground the hounds picked up and there was a flurry of activity. With
foot sabs either side and one of the Landy’s on the yellow road south of Rough Ground we kept them in our sights. At
this point, one of the teams of foot sabs observed the hounds with what appeared to be fresh blood, we have footage of this
which we will be reviewing and releasing separately. The police had been called by one of the Landy’s and one of them was a Wildlife Crime Officer who was very interested in what was happening and we were grateful to have him around. A hound and a horse had extremely close shaves with motor vehicles on
the road today at separate times, both escaping serious injuries by a gnats whisker ! There was another incident when a horse
got caught in barbed wire and a foot sab had to try and free the horses leg, sadly, despite this happening, riders behind
continued to jump the fence without a care in the world or seemingly for their horses. We also found several hounds running along the road South of Shales Coppice, there was a man
chatting to two females riding bikes and following the Hunt and they caught the first hound. We stopped to tell them that
there was another one further down the road but despite saying thank you they made no effort at all to go and get it …..
shortly after we spotted the third one ! The Hunt packed up around 4.30pm. Thank fully this season is about to finish but our work will continue
with sett surveying over the coming months. If you want to join us please email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net Massive thanks to our monitor for his help and a big thank you to the WCO from Blandford
and his colleagues for their assistance today. 26-3-17 Facebook -Tami Smith-Daniels We were
the couple who sent you the notes on spotting them Portman FH] near Preston Hill Farm. We were walking the Wessex Ridgeway
Trail with our dog & happened to run into some sabs as we were crossing over a road into the woods where the Hunt was
active. The sabs stopped us to warn us that our dog was in danger from the supporter vehicles being driven around at speed
& explained what was happening. We carried on along the trail & having followed your page for a while knew what to
expect. I was wearing black, & the Hunt made the assumption that I was a sab. At two points, the supporter vehicles were
blocking the trail & at one of them three supporters lined up between the vehicles & stepped up to block our path.
One if them told us we were on private land & they attempted to intimidate us to prevent us from going further. I told
them I knew EXACTLY where I was - the Wessex Ridgeway Trail - & we were coming through like it or lump it. At the next
trail gate they also had two vehicles parked blocking the style. We would like to raise a formal complaint to the managing
authority for the trail about the attempt to prevent us from passing & the intimidation including lying about us trespassing
on private land. We took a photo of the blockade vehicles. We were just waiting for proof of which Hunt it was, so thank you
for confirming that for us :). 26-3-17 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs Well done Tami. Please do raise
this with the police as Ray suggests. the hunt has no right block a highway. POWAperson
adds - Additionally, a sab landy was blocked in by hunt support for ages and they had to call police to get released.
Dorset Hunt Sabs say the police came out in force for the Portman's final meet on 27-3 and, for a change, were helpful
and the Hunt weren't able to do much.
Sabs write to AAC after many attacks on sabs ignored
by police at W.Pytchley FH meet Sabs
pre-spraying find 3 men with dead badger -body recovered, reported to police 26-3-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs An Open letter to Northamptonshire Police, following yesterday's
events Please repost but add your own tag of the police force at the top of your post
so they can see the number of people angry over this. You can also email mail@northants.police.uk or
tweet @NorthantsPolice . For the attention
of Assistant Chief Constable Rachel Swann - Yesterday, volunteer members of the public connected with the Hunt Saboteurs Association
attended an event held at Drayton House in Northamptonshire with the aim of peaceful protest and preventing illegal activities
occurring, by monitoring with video cameras. This event was the Woodland Pytchley Hunt [see below for
'Hit Report']. We understand you are familiar with the event, as you were name d by a Police constable present as the senior officer who gave authorisation to utilise section 60AA of the Criminal Justice
Act 1994. It became apparent from the outset, that
the staff associated with the Hunt (‘Stewards’) were intent on using physical violence and intimidation against
anyone protesting their activities. While walking on a public byway towards Drayton House, the hunt stewards, well known for
their behaviour on previous occasions, immediately lashed out with unprovoked violence and threats to the protestors homes
and property. The ringleader of this group, Shaun Stacey, is particularly well known to Police (and currently on bail following
a charge of assault), and was responsible for punching one person in the face and throwing another person to the ground, before
launching in with further kicks and punches. Northamptonshire Police were called to the scene immediately. On attending the scene, Police Officers took evidence, names and details
of the victims of the assaults. However the assailants were allowed to leave the scene with no questioning at all. Is this
standard procedure? It seems unusual to allow violent repeat offenders to simply leave to cause further turmoil, while peaceful
protestors and hunt monitors are left to clean up their own blood. Later that day, Mr S Stacey and his hunt steward associates Chris Bull, Pete Walton, Charlotte and Brendan Tyers continued their violent actions, assaulting several people on an area of land just north of the Kettering Road Industrial
Estate at Islip. Had these aggressive individuals been stopped earlier in the day, this confrontation consequent attack would
not have happened. The incident was allowed to unfold, however, with around twenty officers stood on Kettering Road watching
and not intervening. The assailants were once again permitted to leave the scene unimpeded. Officers in attendance then challenged
some of the protestors for wearing face coverings (which some choose to wear, to hide their identities from the appallingly
violent individuals we have described) and focussed on this issue alone, with little apparent regard for the continuing assaults
suffered. This style of Policing was seen to continue
throughout the day. A protestor’s vehicle was stopped by Northamptonshire Police while attempting to follow the Hunt,
and subjected to an unprompted vehicle safety check, and following yet another assault by Chris Bull and Pete Walton officers
were only concerned with enforcing section 60AA of the Criminal Justice Act above all other issues. It seemed the crime of
wearing a scarf had become significantly more serious than the crime of physically attacking people on public land. We wish to put to you, ACC Rachel Swann, the following questions:- Why, after the initial report of numerous violent assaults, and with the alleged assailants in sight, did Police
officers not arrest the attackers? Why was
the known violent individual Shaun Stacey, currently released on bail pending another assault hearing, not immediately arrested
by Police on arriving at to the location – especially given that he was reported to have just carried out more than
one assault? Why did Police on Kettering Road stand
and watch as Shaun Stacey and his associates continued to assault peaceful protestors on open land? Why were victims of assault so officiously harassed with section 60AA requests? The individuals
concerned were not involved in any disruptive or violent behaviour, the order seems to have been wrongfully used and directed
towards the incorrect individuals. It should be noted that several of the violent assailants were wearing face scarves too. The mission statement of the Northamptonshire Police states, “We
will act with integrity, compassion, courtesy and patience, showing neither fear nor favour in what we do. We will be sensitive
to the needs and dignity of victims and demonstrate respect for the human rights of all. We will use discretion, professional
judgement and common sense to guide us and will be accountable for our decisions and actions. We will respond to well-founded
criticism with a willingness to learn and change.” Based on what we saw, we do not currently feel that the actions of Northamptonshire Police
in attendance at the Woodland Pytchley Hunt on March 25th 2017 were consistent with this. Maybe you can help us understand
how it could have been. We look forward to your response. 26-3-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt
Sabs Hit Report 25/03/2017 Yesterday we teamed up with
S.Cambs, Beds & Bucks, Nottingham and Cambridge Sabs to visit the infamous Woodland Pytchley Hunt, who were
meeting at Drayton House, Northants. We arrived early to pre-spray likely coverts and stumbled across three men who had just killed a young female badger [right] with
a dog. They hurriedly attempted to stuff the dead badger down a hole to hide it. Her still warm body was recovered for evidence. We can't say much more about this at present as it's obviously now a police matter. After that traumatic
start to the day we put foot Sabs in near the meet on a public bridleway. Within minutes they had been attacked by a large
group of the usual fat thugs with several Sabs suffering face and head injuries. Police were called and actually seemed sympathetic.
However, as we pointed out the assailants as well as explaining one is already on bail and is not allowed near hunts the police
did nothing and the thugs legged it over the field following the hounds. Having so many Sabs meant that others stayed on the
Hunt whilst we were occupied with the police. A little later, an officer stated that they were going to ask the Hunt to pack up as they were not hunting within
the law. Fantastic, or so we thought. After a chat with the Hunt the police completely changed and started banging on about
wearing face masks. The thug who was responsible for several assaults whilst on bail was allowed to carry on and within a
short time had punched and stamped on several more Sabs. Another 999 call went in and approximately 20 officers turned up. Then they
stood in a line, refusing to act on allegations of assault even when shown video evidence. Instead they harassed Sabs and,
even as assaults were happening in front of them, not one of them lifted a finger to help or to intervene. We have seen some
atrocious and blatantly corrupt policing over the years but yesterday was in another league. Throughout the day all teams managed
to stay on the Hunt between them and there were no kills. A very grumpy Hunt of only 6 redcoats and 9 riders packed up late
afternoon after riding horses into Sabs and kicking out at people. We will not be
put off by the behaviour of these Neanderthals. We are not interested in stooping to their level and fighting with them. We
are there to protect and save our wildlife and nothing will stop us doing that as long as these psychopaths are out there
trying to kill for pleasure. We had equipment stolen yesterday and over the next few weeks we will be
servicing our faithful vehicle in preparation to fight the badger cull. Any financial help to do this would be massively appreciated.
Thank you. Have a safe sunny Sunday. Dart Vale Harriers chase deer for two miles before
gizmo-aided escape 26-3-17 Facebook - Chris Tasker Deer hunted by Dart Vale Harriers - hounds riot for
2 miles unchecked ! The Hunt had hounds in and out of cry all day and, with a reputation for releasing
bagged foxes, we feared the worst when the hounds rioted on a deer, chasing it some 2 miles across open fields to within 20
metres of ourselves at the top of the valley. The gizmo was used and worked well, calling off the lead hounds, while the deer
escaped at the top of the field and into water board land. 
Monitor uploads video compilation of hunt horse mistreatment 26-3-17 YouTube – Scorpio Vulpes How some hunters treat their horses Monitors
are often shocked by the way some hunters treat their horses. Here are some examples. Pics below - 1/ Horse foaming at mouth
2/ Using horse as weapon against female monitor 3/ Galloping on hard road 4/
Hunting amongst traffic 5/ Hitting horse on head with crop
6/ Swerving horse in front of monitor's car   
seek sacking of Kent Wildlife Trust Chair hare hunter Bax claims no longer involved with Blean Beagles but Baily's still
list him as JM 25-3-17 Daily Telegraph Head of Wildlife Trust faces calls to resign
over hunting past Nature lovers have called for the Chairman of a Wildlife Trust to resign after
it emerged that he was the Master of a Hunt. Mike Bax , the
former High Sheriff of Kent, was appointed head of Kent Wildlife Trust three years ago despite being master of Blean Beagles
for “many years”. Kent Wildlife Trust said he has “no formal links” with the Beagles now. Critics say Mr Bax’s involvement with the pack and role at the
charity – which proclaims to be “Protecting Wildlife for the Future” – is a conflict of interest.
A spokesman for the animal rights group Stop the Cull said: “It is hypocritical to say you are interested in wildlife
and then go out and support killing it.” Dozens of critics have also emailed the Trust calling for Mr Bax to be investigated
and sacked, or for his immediate resignation. Writing online, Lynne Aldridge said: “Should the Charity Commission review
his appointment?” Pat Webb added: “That’s unbelievable. He’s obviously no animal lover!” Tim
Salt wrote: “Just messaged the Kent Wildlife Trust, asking when this moron will stand down.” It is not known whether Blean Beagles have been involved in illegal
hunting. When The Blean Beagles Ltd was registered as a company in 2005, it stated its aim was to “promote the sport
and practice of beagling”. Beagling is the hunting of hares or rabbits by scent
by a pack of 10 or more hounds. The Hunting Act 2004 banned the hunting of wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales. As well as his role at the trust, Mr Bax, 62, from Ashford, is the director
of land and property specialists BTF Partnership’s rural team. He sits on the Kent Economic Board and is one of the
driving forces behind Rural PLC, “the voice of rural business in Kent”. He was High Sheriff of Kent between 2012
and 2013. Kent Wildlife Trust said: “Mike Bax
has been a member of Kent Wildlife Trust for nearly 30 years and chairman for three. He has a deep interest in wildlife matters
and manages his own farm with wildlife foremost in mind. Mike was master of Blean Beagles for many years but has no formal
links with them now. Pursuing live quarry with dogs is illegal and all associated with Kent Wildlife Trust support the law
in this regard.” Mr Bax said his active involvement
with the Blean Beagles is “relatively historic”. He claims he has had “no role” in the Beagles’
affairs since 2005. He added: “The Beagles are run by a committee with which I have had no involvement, nor am I a current
subscriber.” Baily’s Hunting Directory
lists Mr Bax, as one of the Hunt Masters. POWAperson
adds - I have checked the statement in the last sentence above. It is correct. Mr. Bax is listed as one of seven Joint Masters.
His Mastership dates from 1991. Why on earth would the Blean Beagles Directory entry say he is a Master, and give his details, if,
as he now claims, he is not and has not been for several years? If he is not, why would he not by now have arranged for his
name to be removed from Baily's online directory listing? But even if he were no longer involved with the Blean
[and note that nowhere does it say he does not still hunt with them] he has, by past involvement - particularly
in a leadership role - demonstrated and indulged a desire to gain pleasure from terrorising and killing defenceless wildlife,
which, in this case, is also an endangered species. Surely this alone should disqualify him from holding any role within
a Wildlife Trust? On 4-3-17 East
Kent Sabs visited the Blean, which was being led by the green-jacketed Stuart Sillars acting as Huntsman, a co-worker of Mr.Bax
at BFT Partnership. The Hunt apparently left for home as soon as the sabs appeared. There was another green-jacketed grey-haired
man in the short clip posted by East Kent Sabs whose face was not seen - but presumably this was
not Mr.Bax, as he tells us he has he now has 'no formal links with them', which would surely preclude him wearing
the green jacket. As far as we know all packs affiliated to the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles, which the
Blean is, are signed up to the Campaign for Hunting's goal to re-legalise live quarry hunting. A point re. something in the article above, which states
that 'beagling is the hunting of hares or rabbits... '. Beagling has always been exclusively the hunting of hares
[harriers, usually with a mounted field, while beagles are hunted on foot, hunt hares or foxes]. Attempting to hunt rabbits
with beagles or harriers would be absurd. They would simply disappear down their nearest hole within seconds and,
as rabbit warrens tend to have large numbers of holes it would not be realistic to attempt to block them all. Hounds bred
for stamina rather than speed would have little or no chance of catching a rabbit. Hunting rabbits with dogs was
not banned by the Hunting Act because the are a recognised pest species [hares and foxes are not] and because, being much
smaller than hares, they can be killed relatively swiftly by dogs that do manage to catch them. POWA believes, however, that,
if it is to be allowed at all, it was a mistake to allow any number of dogs to be used in hunting rabbits, since this
can now be used as an excuse, albeit somewhat implausible, to mask hare hunting. We therefore think the maximum number of
dogs allowed to be used to hunt rabbits should be reduced to two.
Surrey FH hunt foxes, charge at and hit sabsRetiring
Huntsman Mark Bycroft in a paddy Hunt closes three roads leading to meet 24-3-17 Facebook - Guildford Sabs Old Surrey, Burstow & West Kent - 21 March 2017 Foxes
saved and hunt violence Along with South Coast, Croydon and Beds & Bucks sabs. They met at the Rock
Inn Pub in Chidingstone and rather arrogantly closed off all 3 roads leading to the meet [right]. It's
one of Bycroft's last days as Huntsman (good riddance to scum!) and was a large meet, with lots of support. From the start vehicles were swerving dangerously across the road to
block us in (one had two children in the back)! Not long after hounds went into cry, so two sabs deployed themselves into
the woodland at which point Bycroft tried to ride down a sab. As the sab tried to escape Bycroft charged at him. Thankfully
the sab managed to get away after the Huntsman's little fit of rage. A short time later sabs spotted a fox bolting across a field in view of the support and terrier men - this leads
us to believe this fox had been released by the terrier men to guarantee a kill - not today! We masked the scent and ensured
hounds didn't pick it up again. The same fox was filmed from the land rover running along the road and into another field. Getting back on track a rider fell off her horse, we had a sab that was
a trained medic present and offered assistance but the terrier man decided telling us to fuck off was the best course of treatment. As we ventured into the woodland near Bassetts farm we notice Bycroft
off his horse with hounds digging around a fox den. We believe a fox went to ground (odd place to lay a trail down a den?)
As we arrived he quickly made a move with his hounds. Yet
again in the village of Chiddingstone another fox bolted in front of our vehicle. We could hear hounds quickly approaching
and masked the scent. We stayed here for a while to make sure hounds didn't pick it up and once we were sure they hadn't
we tried to locate the hunt. Other groups had managed to locate them with one sab being struck over the head. Throughout the
day riders charged at sabs and used their horses as weapons against us and terrier men deliberately rode into a sab causing
injury to her hand. We lost the Hunt for a little while but we are confident it was a kill free day. This clearly upset the
Hunt which showed through in their aggression. They packed up at around 18.00 (having already lost most of the field/support
throughout the day). Pics below - 1/ Foolhardy
pussy 2/ Leaving the meet 3/ Marking to ground 4/
Sab's offer of help refused   24-3-17 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs So, after many years of violent assaults on hunt Sabs, both pre and post the ban,
Mark Bycroft is going. The kiiler of countless animals who once said to one of our long term sabs that he 'would hunt
till he drops' is going. Good riddance, and to his replacement you can be sure that we will sab you until your morally
defunct Hunt is no more. We are of course now raising funds to replace our stolen Land Rover and are looking get
in the region of £7,000 to get a vehicle which will last us a long time. Any donations very much appreciated and very
much needed. https://www.gofundme.com/new-sabbing-vehicle-for-scoast-sabs
As S.Herefordshire FH five re-bailed, sab gets threatening mail re. case Still no charges laid in cruelty to
fox cubs scandal that closed Hunt 24-3-17 Kidderminster Shuttle Five arrested in South Herefordshire Hunt investigation
have been re-bailed Five people who were arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty at the South Herefordshire
Hunt's kennels in Wormelow have been re-bailed. The police are investigating an alleged offence in May last year. The
first two people, a 37-year-old man and 27-year-old woman, both from Hereford, were first arrested last May. A 37-year-old
man from Abergavenny was then arrested in June, and a 53-year-old woman from Abergavenny and 45-year-old man from Powys were
arrested in August. All five were arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty and have been re-bailed until May. 24-3-17 Facebook - Hunt Investigation
Team Police Update The
5 suspects from the South Herefordshire Hunt have been rebailed again!! This time until May. Maybe the police think that this
will just go away in time or that the longer they leave it that people's appetite for justice will diminish. We will not
rest until justice is done in this case. We believe that the police have lost all interest in this case and any desire to
follow the evidence. It stinks of corruption and collusion at the highest level. Meanwhile news has reached us that a local
hunt sab, not connected to HIT, has received threatening mail hand delivered to their address in relation to this case. Again,
the police inaction serves to embolden these psychopaths. Such threats to HIT personnel or associated groups will be met very
Anti hunting FB page responds to CA
bid to have it closed down 24-3-17
Facebook - Ban Hunting with Dogs Please if everyone can stop putting death threats on and abusive language because
Tim Bonner is abusing his power and is trying to shut this page down via the House of Commons. However there seems
to be the usual lies by the Countryside Alliance as this quote is completely untrue, "The comments go beyond simply being
abusive to being extremely threatening, with one simply saying, “Kill him”. Following a complaint by the Alliance
this particular comment was removed but only after 48 hours, but all the others remain." No complaint was made directly to the page and Facebook
did not remove this comment as we had no notification to say it had been removed. Also the said post was removed anyway and
does not exist on this page. It seems that Tim Bonner is misleading the House of Commons and Facebook so his buddies can literally
get away with MURDER.
24-3-17 Countryside Alliance News Countryside Alliance reports Facebook
page to Commons committee for failing to moderate “abusive and threatening” The Countryside
Alliance have reported an abusive Facebook page, “Ban Hunting with Dogs” to the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee
for allowing abusive and threatening posts to be repeatedly published on the page. Last week the Alliance spoke out against vile comments that were posted on the page relating to the death of well-known show
jumper, Sue Webb: Since then, further comments have been published on the page relating to a blessing of the Chiddingfold,
Leconfield and Cowdray Hunt by a Surrey Vicar. The comments were posted last Friday and have not been taken down. The comments
go beyond simply being abusive to being extremely threatening, with one simply saying, “Kill him”. Following a
complaint by the Alliance this particular comment was removed but only after 48 hours, but all the others remain.
The Alliance have submitted evidence to the Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Yvette Cooper MP [left], as
part of her Committee’s inquiry into “Hate crime and its violent consequences”. Last week Ms Cooper blasted
social media executives for “having a terrible reputation among their users for failing to act on reports of hate speech
and other offensive material.” Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee,.. In his letter to
Ms Cooper, Chief Executive of the Alliance, Tim Bonner [right] said: “We would like to bring to your attention, and ask your Committee to consider, the impact malicious
communications can have on its victims and communities. Those involved in lawful hunting, as regulated by the Hunting Act
2004, are often subjected to malicious communications online. Abusive and threatening comments are repeatedly posted on the
Facebook page; “Ban Hunting with Dogs”.” The Alliance have also written to the London
Facebook Headquarters requesting that the “Ban Hunting with Dogs” Facebook page be closed due to repeated offences
that breach new social media guidelines published by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) last autumn: Guidelines on prosecuting
cases involving communications sent via social media , Countryside Alliance welcomes new social media guidelines aimed at
tackling online abuse . The Alliance argue that the comments made in relation to the late Sue Webb breach Category 4 of the
guidelines, “Communications which are grossly offensive, indecent, obscene or false” and that the comments made
in relation to a Surrey vicar breached Category 1 of the guidelines, relating to “credible threats”... POWAperson comments - Passions
run high on both sides. Simple abuse, whomsoever by, achieves nothing, reflects poorly on the abuser and does not
help their cause. Malicious threats are unacceptable wherever they come from. It is perfectly possible, and preferable, to
make one's point and vent ones feelings, without indulging in it. However, it must be said that it is rich of Mr. Bonner
to make the complaints he does when hunters and their supporters don't just routinely engage in vitriolic online abuse
of antis but, in the field, frequently, obstruct, harass, threaten and assault them and steal and damage their property,
as is documented, at length, in these pages. They also, of course, frequently indulge in vile acts of animal abuse, often
contrary to law. Which is precisely why there is, much to Mr. Bonner's chagrin, such a large, strong and vibrant anti-bloodsports
DEFRA response to bTb in
Kimblewick FH kennels... do nothing 23-3-17 theyworkforyou.com Written question
in the House of Commons
of Kent Wildlife Trust is also JM of Blean Beagles! 23-3-17 Facebook - Stop the cull In another Stop the Cull exposé we reveal yet another conflict of interest
within a Wildlife Trust. Introducing Michael Bax, Chairman of Kent Wildlife Trust who just happens to be a Master of hare
hunting pack, the Blean Beagles... As the WT should know, the Brown hare is listed on Kent's B.A.P (Biodiversity
Action Plan) as being a species in decline that needs protection. Mr Bax also has his influence within the law, being a previous High Sheriff of Kent & Chair
of Kent Police’s Crime Rural Advisory Group (CRAG),Trustee of Safer Kent , Ambassador for Kent Victim Support &
President of Kent Crimestoppers! A joint master of the pack, and Huntsman, Stuart Sillars is also Michael Bax's work colleague at BFT Partnership
http://www.btfpartnership.co.uk/our-team-7 We are asking you to please complain to Kent Wildlife Trust via Facebook or on this link . How can we trust those who claim to protect our wildlife? How can we trust the law to be enforced
when illegal hunting takes place? POWAperson
adds - Mr. Bax was appointed to the role of Chairman in 2014. The following passage appeared in the announcement on the WT's website - Mike has
a lifelong commitment to the county, its wildlife and rural landscape. As a partner of BTF Partnership, with offices in Challock,
Canterbury and Hadlow, he leads a busy and widely recognised land and property agency practice dealing with all farming and
agricultural matters. He runs his own 240-acre farm and 120 acres of semi-natural ancient woodland in the
Weald and has a long-standing association with the Trust as a member, active supporter and volunteer. One major volunteering
contribution is his role as Honorary Warden of the Trust’s Stone Wood nature reserve - adjacent to his farm. Mike comments: “I
am delighted to have been chosen by the trustees and I look forward to working much more closely with an organization I admire
and have been involved with for a number of years. Kent Wildlife Trust performs a fantastic role in not only protecting, but
promoting the preservation of wildlife and habitats in the county. Wildlife and habitat protection and farming go hand in
hand and many farmers and landowners play a key role in working with the Trust but I am keen to extend this with my connections
in the agricultural sector.”
Chair of NT contradicts officials who said can't monitor licenced Hunts Maintains happy to licence them despite
evidence of multiple breaches Cites a few, short suspensions to show won't tolerate law-breaking 23-3-17 Facebook - Leicester Animal Rights
[LAR] Last night the Director-General of The National Trust, Dame Helen Ghosh [below
left, credit Daily Mail], gave a talk at Nottingham Trent University on the challenges the National
Trust faces and how it responds to societal change. One of our members went along to question her about their organisations
support of 'trail hunting', which we all know is a cover for illegal fox hunting. Here's the transcript of the
questions asked... LAR member - “I have
been asking a question for quite some time now which I have not had an answer to, and that is have you read the 'Trail
Of Lies' report which the International Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW actually sent to The National Trust and to you.
Really my question has three parts; we have a local hunt, The Belvoir Hunt, and the Huntsman said in the Horse & Hound
that he is not surprised that foxes are killed when the Hunts go out. There is a huge overlap between 'trail hunting'
and fox hunting. Given that you say that you are moving forward in the future to conserve wildlife, why are you still licensing
'trail hunts' on National Trust land when you know it will result in animals killed, that foxes are declining according
to the latest research and you are not answering members questions and they are leaving because of it.” Dame Helen Ghosh – “Thank you. The answer is yes, I have read it, essentially last year but I have read it . Our
position on 'trail hunting' on National Trust land, as we have explained to members who have contacted us, is that
Parliament has, we believe that Parliament should be the judge of what is legal activity. We have now all sorts of activity
on our land if it is legal, we have about I think fifty licenses on our land at present for 'trail hunting'. We monitor
carefully what goes on. We believe it is ultimately the responsibility of the police.”
LAR member - "Excuse me, you did tell me that The National Trust can’t monitor,
so that is not true. You do not carefully monitor. You told me that you do not monitor.” Dame Helen Ghosh – “We do monitor and we have good examples of suspending licenses
against our criteria. As you say, the terms of our licenses are about conservation and access and we monitor the actions of
the Hunts against the terms of our license. We work with the police on prosecutions and we suspend Hunts when we don’t
believe that they are adhering to our license terms. So that is our response on 'trail hunting'. We of course have
had a lot of correspondence, there has been a lot on social media, I think around something in the region of 20’s of
members have left because of their views on this and I imagine there are members who will take the other view so having a
membership of 4.7 million people there will always be a difference of view but at the moment that is our position. If Parliament
has said that this is legal, and they adhere to or license, then we allow it.” Our thoughts are as follows... - It is an offence to host an illegal fox hunt under Section 3 of The Hunting Act 2004 (http://bit.ly/2kLs51k ) and if Dame Helen Ghosh has read the report (http://g.ifaw.org/2hbxOIR ) demonstrating that 'trail hunting' is mere fiction, how
can she still condone crimes committed by her own organisation? - In a recent statement by The League Against Cruel Sports (http://bit.ly/2nVckmo ), it was explained that senior staff from The National Trust
considered themselves to have insufficient resources to monitor hunts using their land. They also declined the offer of assistance
from The League Against Cruel Sports. How on earth, therefore, can this be considered 'careful monitoring' by Dame
Helen Ghosh? Please feel free to remind her of what her senior staff are saying by emailing the LACS statement on 10/03/2017
(link provided above) to her at helen.ghosh@nationaltrust.org.uk . - The National Trust recently announced that they had lost sight of the
principle of protecting declining wildlife (http://bit.ly/2mU1qeL ). What measures will they now take to protect the red fox given that
The BTO British Trust for Ornithology mammal monitoring program shows the red fox population to have declined by 34% (http://bit.ly/2dGQw7X ) in the 1996-2014 period? Feel free to forward this question to Dame
Helen Ghosh too. - Given that the talk was on how
The National Trust responds to societal change, isn't it about time they updated their views regarding bloodsports that
are opposed by an increasing amount of people each year (http://bit.ly/2iSAkE1 )? If any members of The National Trust don't believe the 'trail hunt' lies
then please send us a message on leicesteranimalrightsgroup@gmail.com.
Sabs take hounds off 'Shag' Carter as Middleton
FH have kill-free day Despite suffering multiple assaults and
thefts by hunt supporters [see reports below, dated 19-3-17], sabs had a successful day. This was part of it. 23-3-17 Facebook - Sheffield Sabs VIDEO Sheffield and North East hunt sabs disrupt the Middleton on Saturday. Three foxes were helped escape
from the hunt that day. The dig out of one was prevented by sab presence. Trail Hunting? Yeah right! Pics below - 1/ Huntsman casting hounds towards woodland 2/ Sabs call hounds
up towards them 3/ Hounds respond to sab calls
Ledbury FH show solidarity with scandal-hit S.Herefordshire Hunt Intend to hold meets next season
at homes of SHFH Masters CPS very soon
due to say if charging anyone over the fox cubs affair 22-3-17 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team In 2 days time we will see how the state intends to deal with the 5 suspects
in the notorious fox cub killing case. Will they follow the evidence and see what every fair minded, decent person sees and
allow justice to take its course. Or will they revert
to type, protect their own and turn a blind eye to this disgusting animal cruelty. The world is watching... Meanwhile, the
Ledbury Hunt have announced their intentions to host meets for next season at the homes of the Masters of the now defunct
South Herefordshire Hunt. Surprise, surprise, it's the usual suspects that keep cropping up. More details to follow. 
Sabs upload more film of Atherstone FH New Year meet
violence & abuse 21-3-17 Facebook - West Mids Sabs VIDEO MORE VIOLENCE FROM THE ATHERSTONE HUNT - Atherstone Hunt New Years Meet As long as the
Atherstone fox hounds are loose in the countryside we’ll be with them as they pose a threat to any wildlife they come
into contact with. It also doesn't matter to us what new staff the hunt brings in, a leopard can’t change it’s
spots and this is the Atherstone Hunt, you can't polish a turd. The appalling violence from Atherstone Hunt supporters directed at peaceful non-violent protestors in Atherstone Market Square on the 2/1/17 [crazed supporters, right]continued once the hunt had left the Square.
The video speaks for itself, masked up males in balaclavas repeatedly attack a vehicle of mostly female sabs. Repeatedly
blocking and surrounding the vehicle and throwing eggs, rocks and tree branches at the vehicle. The violence from the Market Square is being investigated by PC Kim Stafford of Warwickshire Police whilst the incidents
that followed later were reported to Leicestershire Police. Complaints have been made to Warwickshire Police
over their choosing not to police the violence despite having intelligence it would happen. The complaints have been investigated
by Inspector David Williams, part of the team responsible for not policing it and himself named in some of the complaints.
He inevitably came to the conclusion that Warwickshire Police had done nothing wrong and that there were no lessons to be
learned. There’s nothing at all suspicious about investigating a complaint about yourself, anyone would think they have
something to hide. Atherstone Town Council continue to blame the victims for the violence that happened to them. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs Pics below - 1/ Supporter menacing sab before assaulting
2/ Supporter throwing egg 3/ The result 4/ Supporter throws stick at sab car
5/ Masked supporter thumps sab car window  
Sab hospitalised, another hurt, in attacks
by Pytchley FH thugsAssaults came as
sabs intervened to save hunted fox 19-3-17 Facebook – S.Cambs Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report – 18/03/17 Pytchley FH, Winwick (nr West Haddon), Northants
We teamed together with members from Northants , Suffolk And Essex, North East London, Norfolk/Suffolk & Cambridge Sabs
to sab the horrible Pytchley Hunt. This Hunt are renowned for the aggression of both their foot support and riders with today
proving no different. Straight from the off we had the Hunt in our sights with good
team work from the groups predicting their next move. As usual with most Hunts they raced across busy roads with no regard
for the safety of their hounds, car drivers or their poor abused horses. Early on we witnessed several riders crash their
horses into fences, with several red faced hunters falling off. From the smell of alcohol emanating from a lot of them and
the meet being the last of the season, their brazen recklessness was very evident. During the course of the day we saw
the hounds go into cry and chase on several occasions, but we were well placed to distract the hounds enough for the foxes
to make their escape. The amount of terrier men out today and their activities around certain woods, indicated they had pre-caught foxes, either bagged up or boxed
up ready for quick release. On two occasions the hounds went into immediate cry while entering woods, woods at which terrier
men were already stationed. What are the chances, ey? We had the usual hefty 'hunt stewards' out but they can barely make it more
than 20 meters out of their vehicles without holding their chests and wheezing. The fact we were successful during the day
meant the riders became more aggressive as they day went on. Moments after sabs intervened as hounds went into cry onto a
nearby fox, two sabs were viciously assaulted and one hospitalized. We cannot say any more at this time as an investigation
has started. Actions like this only make us more determined to stop wildlife brutally slaughtered - and the undeterred sabs
made sure the cowardly Hunt ended the day with no kills made. 18-3-17 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT 18.03.17 We found ourselves paying a much-needed
visit to the Pytchley Hunt today, and after we ruined their initial meet which was originally planned at a local pub who got
cold feet and pulled the plug a couple of weeks ago, we could tell today would be an eventful sab.... We found the Hunt straight
away, and watched as hounds spilled out on the road, with a redcoat milling aimlessly behind them. The field quickly took
flight across some locked gates, causing damage and losing riders every which way. There were a lot of red faces as riders
dusted themselves off, but we can't be sure if that was from embarrassment or the tipple they'd had before they started.. With three vehicles out today, we had eyes and ears on the Hunt at all times, and we could tell they were getting
more and more irate. One group of foot sabs saved a fleeing fox right in front of all the blood thirsty support and hunt thugs.
The hounds were right on top of the fox and it was a very close call but the fox got away safely. Immediately following this,
sabs were forced to defend themselves against said thugs ! Our vehicle got blocked in early on in the day, and sabs in the
field unfortunately found themselves assaulted not long after the Hunt had second horsed. Clearly frustrated at the constant
sab presence and the lack of blood spilled, one rider assaulted a female and a male sab. Although we can't go in to any
more details or post any footage, it's now with the police. All in all a triumphant day with lots of good friends and no kills. Thanks to those
who travelled to sab with us, and to the Northamptonshire police who genuinely surprised us with their sab-friendly demeanour.
Reports say sabs badly injured, stuff damaged/stolen at Middleton FH Supporters from Derwent
Hunt thought main assailants Locals
and some riders disgusted by hunter's behaviour Three sab cameras stolen on top of injuries - police involved 19-3-17 Facebook – N.E. Sabs Hit Report 18/03/17 Yesterday we joined
forces with W.Yorks, ,Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham Sheffield Hunt Sabs to pay a visit to the Middleton hunt who met in
Uncleby in North Yorkshire. As you may
remember, at the end of last season the Middleton's hunt support did a good job of smashing up our vehicle so this weekend
we weren't expecting great behaviour from them. Having sabbed them at
this location before we strategically placed groups of sabs so that right from the off, no matter which direction they turned
we would be present. Within the first half an hour sabs had managed to draw the hounds out of a wood and to us so that a fox
could be seen to safety by another group the other side of the wood. This is pretty much how the day went, with multiple deer
and hares seen running away from the Hunt and one more fox going to ground. Whilst one group of sabs stood guard over the
fox that had gone to ground we caught up with a less than happy Hunt who decided to take their frustrations out on sabs, causing multiple
injuries to sabs and stealing cameras. Police and paramedics were called to the scene and the police are dealing with the
case. One of our sabs was in A&E until early hours of this morning with their injuries. Overlooking the attack on sabs,
it was a successful day with all sabs working together to see at least two foxes to safety, which makes it all worthwhile. As a group we are now down by two body
cameras so any donations towards replacing these will ensure we can collect vital footage to assist in getting justice for
our wildlife. https://www.paypal.me/nehuntsabs 19-3-17 Facebook – W.Yorkshire Sabs Yesterday we paid the Middleton Hunt a visit... Huntsman Charles Carter tried to evade sabs many times, but everywhere he turned there was
a sab group present. A number of foxes were seen to safety throughout the day (see Liverpool Hunt Sabs great footage).
As the day progressed, the field of
riders' tempers flared and a number of riders attacked sabs from North East, Sheffield and West Yorks. There have been
multiple injuries to a number of sabs [one of them, left] and three cameras stolen. Luckily,
we still have lots of footage of the incident which has now been handed to North Yorkshire Police. Local residents were upset
by the Hunt and support, some riders left the field after witnessing the assaults saying they wanted nothing to do with their
fellow riders. The Middleton Hunt have now been involved in police investigations twice in the last year for holding captive
fox cubs and killing a fox on the busy A64. The huntsman Charles Carter also recently resigned as Tory Councillor after making
lewd comments to a member of the public. We think it's about time the police put a stop to their behaviour. 22-3-17 Gazette & Herald Police probe assault claims after Middleton Hunt demo
POLICE are investigating following claims from anti-hunt protesters that they were hit with whips and suffered head injuries
as they were following the Middleton Hunt. Hunt saboteurs say they were assaulted during a meeting of the hunt at Uncleby,
on the Yorkshire Wolds, on Saturday. North Yorkshire Police say they are investigating an incident. Additionally the saboteurs
say their video camera and two body cameras were stolen. It is claimed that one female saboteur was left with cracked ribs,
while others reported suffering broken fingers. The Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) say they filmed the incident, but cannot
release footage due to an ongoing investigation. Lee Moon, spokesman for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, said: “We repeatedly see
hunters using their horses as weapons and, has been shown in recent years, this can result in serious injury. We are hopeful
that the large number of police who attended the scene are indicative of how seriously they are taking this situation and
we look forward to a swift and positive investigation.” A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said: “Police were called to reports that a number
of people had been assaulted near Uncleby, at about 4pm on Saturday, March 18. Inquiries are ongoing.” Yorkshire Ambulance Service said they sent two ambulances and an emergency care practitioner to the scene
to treat three people with minor injuries, but all three declined to travel to hospital. The Gazette & Herald contacted
the Middleton Hunt, but no one was available for comment. 19-3-17 Facebook - Liverpool Hunt Sabs VIDEO Short slideshow [still below] of
the cunning fox that snuck right behind huntsman and hounds at the Middleton Hunt yesterday. Sabs sprayed its line with citronella
so hounds were unable to follow. We're currently low on citronella and are now ordering more.
Any help towards the costs would be greatly appreciated: www.paypal.me/liverpoolhuntsabs 18-3-17 Facebook - North East Hunt Saboteurs Sabs badly assaulted and cameras stolen at the Middleton Hunt today. Full hit
report to follow. Pic below - Police and paramedics attending 19-3-17 HSA Press Release Hunt Saboteurs Assaulted by Notorious Yorkshire Hunt Hunt
saboteurs were assaulted by members of the Middleton Hunt at their meet in Uncleby, North Yorkshire on Saturday 18th March. Riders from the hunt stole a video camera and two body cams, hit sabs on the head with whips, attempted to ride them
down and jumped off their horses to continue the attacks. One female saboteur has cracked ribs after being crushed between
two horses. Other sabs suffered serious head injuries and broken fingers. Multiple ambulances
had to be called to the scene and several of the injured were encouraged to attend hospital. The attack was filmed, attackers
have been identified and this information has been passed to the police who are investigating. The footage can't currently
be released due to the ongoing investigation. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association,
stated: “In 2015 an undercover investigation implicated the Middleton hunt in the rearing of captive foxes to be illegally
hunted. In January of this year huntsman Charles Carter was filmed making sexually inappropriate comments to a member of the
public. He subsequently had to resign as a Tory councillor. The hunt have now added violent assault and theft to their list
of crimes and are fast becoming one of the most notorious in the country. We repeatedly see
hunters using their horses as weapons and, has been shown in recent years, this can result in serious injury. We are hopeful
that the large number of police who attended the scene yesterday are indicative of how seriously they are taking this situation
and we look forward to a swift and positive investigation. Lord
Middleton of Birdsall was Joint Master of the Hunt until 2013 and has their kennels on his Birdsall estate. It is alleged
that that he no longer allows the hunt on his land due to the recent controversies. It will be interesting to see how he reacts
to having his name associated to robbery and violent assault.”
of Wight FH Huntsman whacks sab in head with cropLater,
hunt quad driven into sab landy Loose hounds
create road chaos 19-3-17 South Coast Hunt Sabs VIDEO Isle of Wight Fox Hunt After a call
for assistance from colleagues on the Isle of Wight, we planned a road trip for S.Coast Sabs and others as our local Hunts
had finished for the hunting season. A massive thank you to the HSA who covered the cost of the ferry crossing. Thanks guys... No-one fell overboard during the trip,
so meeting up with the local sabs we waited for the off. The Isle of Wight is a Hunt in trouble, the bulk of its supporters
have left to setup a Bloodhound pack after clear evidence that they are hunting illegally and most likely bagging foxes. Foxes
were introduced to the Isle of Wight in 1845 to provide ‘sport’ (the Isle of Wight FH were also established in this year) and the establishment of
the population was in no small part the work of Huntsmen Ben Cotton and Henry Nunn, which once again destroys the myth of
foxes as a pest species, and hunting the method of control. The ‘rump’ of the Hunt is now consisting of less than
15 riders, and so poor that their ‘whipper-in’s’ are a father and son team who wonder around on foot. We
nicknamed them ‘Evil-Santa and ‘helper’. To add to this mix you have a Huntsman who is best described as
inept, with little hound control. Now doubt the reason why the rumours of bagging foxes if rife. The Hunt moved west from the meet and with no attempt to pretend
to lay a trail started hunting, sabs were quickly put ahead of them and seeing the situation started to do what we do best.
Of course our horn blowing skills outstripped the Huntsman [left] and we soon had his pack
at our feet much to the dismay of ‘Evil-Santa and ‘helper’, one of whom tried to ‘borrow’ our
hunting horn, we of course declined robustly where upon a sab was whacked around the head with his riding crop. Eventually,
the Huntsman regained his pack and left at speed such is his skill that in doing this he split his pack and for the rest of the day stray hounds were all over
the place. [right, with sabs] We got the injured sab out of the field to the hospital, where
we are pleased to say no real damage had been done. Meanwhile, in another field a hunt support quad bike was deliberately driven into
the side of our 4x4, before scarpering from the scene of the ‘accident’. The local Bobbie turned up and were as
usual as useful as chocolate fireguard, and stood around looking into the distance repeating the mantra “we are here
to prevent a breach of the peace” while crimes took place all around them. The Hunt took to the woods on some hillsides which to the
joy of our drivers had an accessible track, well accessible to land Rovers, and so the Hunt was kept on its toes for the rest
of the day. One sab sprained his ankle and to be taken out of the field by a Landy driving where perhaps it shouldn’t
have been, but cops just watched us do it and so the day ended with no kills. We retired to Carisbrooke Castle for cakes and snacks
before catching the ferry home, to strange looks from the public at our muddy sabbing look. The final comment should come from one of the cops; “They’ve gone home and you certainly ruined their
day”. RESULT! As always we are keen to welcome new sabs, so pleased drop us a line if you are interested on, it’s as mad
as it sounds but our wildlife needs protecting: We are of course now raising funds to replace our stolen Land Rover and are
looking get in the region of £7,000 to get a vehicle which will last us a long time. Any donations very much appreciated and very much needed. Pics below - 1/ The field, lurking
2/ Damage to sab landy  19-3-17 Facebook - Isle of Wight Hunt Sabs End of Season Report Season is now
over, after the Hunt met at Reades Farm, Carisbrooke yesterday 18/03/2017. The Island Sab Group was in a buoyant mood as the
group had been joined by Sabs from Southampton, Brighton, Croydon and the South Coast. With a group watching the meet to confirm
the direction Hunt would take. Sabs then placed themselves in strategic positions in order to maximise observations of the
Huntsman and hounds, no evidence of any trail was laid throughout the day and the Huntsman was observed to be continually purring the hounds on through thick woodland areas where no trail could be laid. The sabs were surrounded by numerous hounds who loved the fuss given to them, this caused severe frustration to the
hunt Supporters who became aggressive and violent resulting in one female sab being injured and needing treatment at the A&E
Dept, after being struck across the head with a riding crop. These incidents are being investigated and may be posted at some
point in the future. The police were called and several units, including a riot van attended. They were
forced to try and control numerous loose hounds who were causing chaos on the A3054 Forest Road near to Three Gates Farm and
making dozens of innocent car users to stop or be involved in serious collisions. If you were involved please contact the
police. Sabs then continued to monitor the Huntsman and hounds with
the hunt becoming increasingly frustrated as they entered Brighstone Forest before moving off along Rowridge TV Station and
finally returned to the meet for a very sad and pointless end to the day.
South Dorset FH hound run over as hunt thug harasses
sabs 18-3-17 Facebook - Dorset Sabs VIDEO Hit Report Saturday 18th March 2017 Joined
by our friends from S.W. Sabs and two hunt monitors we decided to pay a visit to the South Dorset Hunt meeting at Buckland
Newton. There was a record numbers of 50 riders out today for the SD and we suspect this is due to the fact their hunting
season is one of the longest running... it came over the radio that a member of the public had approached one of the teams
of foot sabs and told them they had just witnessed a hound being hit by a car...
The hunt servant Stuart Owen Masters got a little over excited here and was
walking in front of the Landy punching the headlight and the grill. He also reached in the passenger window and was grabbing
a sab and trying to pull his earrings out. Stuart aka Guilty has recently had to pay compensation to a hunt monitor for assaulting
him in the past season... It was a difficult day today not only for the lack of access and hilly terrain
making viewing difficult but the foot sabs were up and down this hilly terrain on numerous occasions. With super fit foot
sabs and the assistance of two monitors we kept them on the move all day and rarely lost sight of them, we know we saved lives
today but the fate of the hound hit by the car sadly remains unknown. Pics below - 1/ Thug blocks sab landy 2/ Thug grabs at sab passenger
3/ Walkies 
Heythrop FH very nearly catch fox and cause chaos on A424Numerous badger setts also found stopped before hunting 17-3-16 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2 Wednesday 15th March 2017 The Heythrop Hunt held their last meet of
the season in Swell Wold, near to Stow-on-the-Wold. They changed their traditional 'posh day' to Tuesday instead of
Wednesday last season to try and avoid attention from us and the Hunt Monitors but we caught on rather quickly and we heard that their last meet would be held on the traditional Wednesday again. We were out and about very early working
alongside locals in the area with our sett-blocking patrols, catching a man on a quadbike leaving an area where we were about
to check a sett around 5:30am. Perhaps unsurprisingly the tracks from the quad led right to the sett and it was freshly blocked.
Elsewhere other patrols heard quads in the vicinity of other known setts and, surprise, surprise, more tracks leading right
to and then away from blocked setts. In total we found 9 setts freshly blocked and we gathered evidence of the blocking, before
removing the obstructions in order to give the badgers a helping hand while providing extra escape routes for hunted foxes.
If following a trail, why block setts?? As the Heythrop Hunt have stalkers who follow our every move throughout
the day, we grabbed some breakfast before they spotted us and one of our group was dropped inland where she knew she could
keep an eye on the Hunt and on some of the setts which had been blocked to prove that the setts were blocked in areas the
Hunt would be drawing. Sure enough the Hunt drew through and near to the very same coverts and, just after 1pm having
drawn blank in a few areas, hounds picked up strongly near to her. The fox leapt a wall and ran uphill and straight past her
with hounds just metres behind him [above right. Fox left middle, hound bottom right corner], Hunt
staff and field following around the bottom of the wood and making no attempts to stop the hounds. Fox jinked around in the wood and crossed a fairly fast road into Eyford Park with hounds following close behind... fox had put some more distance
between him and them at this point [left], but we are unsure as to his fate after
this fast chase. For legal reasons we are currently only showing the first part of the footage, so watch this space in future. Upon
viewing our video online our stalker Lizzie commented that there were only two hounds giving chase and therefore the hunt
was legal. It's good that she confirmed, from a Hunt member's perspective, that they were indeed the Heythrop hounds
and they were indeed chasing the fox. She obviously missed the clear third hound in the video and the fact that the fox was
being chased down a field and into a wood... For it to be legal hunting a fox can be flushed by two hounds to a gun... flushing
is being chased OUT of an area. Not into one. It was clear by now that the Hunt were likely to cause
trouble on the roads considering their lack of concern for members of the public and their own hounds when crossing over into
Eyford Park. Foot sab crossed over behind them and went inland in Eyford and, just after the Hunt second-horsed near Kineton
Hill, hounds started to pick up again and move towards her. A fox sprinted up a hedgeline away from the covert where the hounds
were speaking and tried to go to ground in what looked like an old sett entrance, now taken over by rabbits, which had had a slab of rock shoved into the middle of it which stopped
him making his escape there. A Hunt rider holloa'd from a nearby field and Huntsman began to bring hounds in that direction.
Fox, meanwhile, made a run for it across fairly open land so the sun and warmth of the day would have been an extra help in
reducing the scent left behind. Around 5 quad bikes at this time were asked to follow our inland sab and she was swiftly asked
to leave the land. As the Heythrop are scared to be caught illegally hunting (again) they tend to leave foxes alone when they
know we have them on camera, so she asked terrierman to pass on the message that she had fox and holloa on film (you know,
just so that Huntsman didn't 'accidentally' give chase thinking it was one of those elusive trails...). He refused,
but Huntsman moved away from the area with pack tightly grouped and soon left Eyford Park itself. Some strange incidents of road rage
(between members of the public and hunt supporters) and a very odd, and insulting, racist remark made to another member of
our group. The Hunt continued to draw and pick up on and off and, as the temperature became cooler and therefore
better for scent, hounds picked up during their last draw and chased a fox around land and across the A424 (at rush hour) not far from
Stow-on-the-Wold . The pack split and Huntsman Charlie Frampton ended up on one side of the road... All we could do (especially
when quadbikes were slowing us down) was to stop the car and put hazard lights on in order to warn traffic behind us... Unfortunately
our stalker Di Campbell wasn't so clever or responsible and, with hounds crossing the road ahead, yelled at us that it
wasn't safe to park (?!?) there and did not put her hazard lights on, meaning that fast-moving (and probably fed-up-with-the-hunt
members of the public) swerved around the vehicles [below left] with no prior warning about
the presence of the pack. She was probably too busy beeping her horn to prevent fox from breaking cover and filming with only
one hand on the steering wheel to pay much attention to actual road safety issues! When it was mentioned that Huntsman was irresponsibly calling hounds across the main road, stalkers Lizzie stated 'how
else would you get them across?!' Hmmm... well 1. You don't 'lay a trail' across the main road 2. You don't
allow hounds to chase a fox across a main road and 3. If you need to cross a main road you gather your pack up on one side
and you have people on standby to slow down traffic while you cross at an open and safe point where you will be visible, can
move straight to a clear area on the other side of the road at a sensible pace and carry on your way. Surely? No? Then you
shouldn't be in control of a pack of hounds... But we're not Huntsman or whippers-in so what would we know about basic
common sense? When police were informed they told us they had already received other reports of the Hunt's behaviour,
so we will be following this up.
With blocked setts,
fox chases, holloas and hounds hunting across main roads, we think our evidence clearly shows that the Hunt are not actually
laying trails. Make up your own minds about it. Pics below
- 1/ Hunted fox closely passes sab 2/ Sab's 'stalker' filming while driving
3/ Freshly blocked sett, Swell Wood 4/ Hunt quad on road, no reg plate and overburdened  
Sabs try to save hares hunted by
Waveney Harriers as police look on 17-3-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Sabs paid the Waveney Harriers a visit for their closing meet
of the season, which took off from Frostenden Hall, Frostenden. Last year, the Waveney Harriers chased a hare not long after setting off from the meet, on a nearby freshly ploughed field. Police were in
attendance and soon dished out Section 35 Dispersal Orders. This time round was different. Farming equipment was being operated
around this same field and so the Waveney Harriers travelled to Sotterley Estate which has already been hunted as part of
joint meet with the Dunston Harriers earlier this season. The day consisted of Reuben taking the hounds from woodland to woodland. Hounds
occasionally spoke but remained relatively unexcited due to having to move off frequently. The terrierman was also keeping
a close presence to the Hunt with 3 terriers locked inside and a large shovel strapped to the top of the box. Sometime had passed and
hounds were found chasing a hare in full cry alongside a woodland. Becky Baker, rather than trying to take control of the
hounds, focused her attention on trying to remove us from the area. As sabs approached hounds as they pounced, Reuben quickly
took the hounds off. As he rode past a female sab, he stated 'I'd like to see you try and enter this wood on your
own'. Under the circumstances, we can't guarantee that this Hare got away unharmed. No body was found. While Police Officer Sgt. Freeman had a laugh and a joke with the terrierman and Becky Baker, we kept up with the Hunt as
best as possible. The pack split soon after entering a small woodland which resulted in hounds speaking in a field with cattle,
while the other half was off in a different direction. Reuben eventually got the pack back together and sat and took pleasure
in watching the terrierman, Joe Gilfillan, pushing and shoving sabs.
Quite late in the day, sabs came along the road in the nick
of time to find a hare had been flushed out from a wood and was running at speed across the open field. The hounds were in
full cry and not very far behind the hare. Sabs managed to slow the hounds up but unfortunately this (or another) hare was
picked up further down the field. The hare was seen running back through the pack of hounds and was running for its life.
As the hare crossed the road the Huntsman arrived on the scene and had little choice but to intervene to stop the hounds.
The Huntsman's first response was to blame sabs for turning the hare. Luckily for us we have video evidence to prove this
was very far from the case. The hare then ran down side of a hedgerow and then crossed back over the same road. By this time
only a couple of hounds were still on the line and they eventually could not keep up and so this hare made it to freedom.
Would the Huntsman have called the hounds off if we had not been there? We think we know the answer to that one! After a long day,
the Hunt headed back to the meet and packed up. Sabs shared Vegan cake as the sun set. Donations
can be made to: inthenameofnaturehsa@riseup.net Pic below - Hare [ringed] fleeing from hounds
Eight blocked badger setts
found in wake of Heythrop FH closing meet 16-3-17 Facebook - Stop Badger Sett Blocking Following the Heythrop closing meet at Swell Buildings yesterday, further sett checking
continued today. So far 8 blocked setts have been found where they were hunting and there will be more. One of the setts today
was still blocked meaning that the badgers did not manage to dig themselves out last night. All setts checked were in the
North Cotswold cull zone so the questions are... did the sett blockers disinfect their spades and quads? If not then why do
vaccinators have to ? And why, if the area is considered to be a bTb hotspot, were hounds, quads and horses cross-contaminating
the whole area without any restrictions?
Beaufort FH Huntsman refuses to pull hounds off fox they just behind Only
calls them away from two others because of monitor filming 16-3-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 13th March, 2017
The meet was at Trull Farm, a few miles west of Cirencester. It was great to have our friend from Three Counties Hunts Sabs
join us for the day. They hunted straight across to Rodmarton and they were seen hunting a fox at the first draw. They made their way
to Tarlton and fields behind the Tunnel House Inn, where hounds were running across heads down, seen there by a member of
the public. This was hunting over into VWH territory so they couldn't have been hunting a pre laid trail there surely. Huntsman was spotted
in wood next to Tetbury Road just past Tarlton turn off. The hounds were gathered round a woodpile wagging tails indicating
‘gone to ground’. After some time the fox burst out and the poor thing made a run for it with hounds closely behind
it. Monitors asked Matt Ramsden to call off the hounds but he didn’t and continued to hunt in full view of monitors
who couldn’t go fast enough to see what happened to the fox. We were worried because there are now pregnant vixens and
dependent cubs underground. The fox could have been so reluctant to run because it was a vixen with cubs. Or the fox could
have been trying to escape the Hunt by hiding within the woodpile. The old MFHA rulebook allows 'bolting on' a fox
that has hidden so that it can be chased some more, providing more sport before it is killed. Of course hunting a fox with
hounds is illegal now, although you wouldn’t think so. We saw another fox forced out of a wood which ran across
the road a few feet from two of our team who shouted to the Hunt not to chase it. As the Hunt went round the corner of the
road another of our vehicles was there with a camera so they did not try to lay the hounds onto the fox and it got away that
time. Later we were there as they drew Black Covert with riders on point, supporters watching from the road and quad bikes
near the wood and in the field behind. They came out of the wood and drew the hedges next to Aston Down airfield and went
off quickly as we approached behind them, down towards Gillhays Copse and Gillhays Bottom where we found them on what we were
told was Zara Phillip's land. We had seen this Hunt chase a fox - What is she doing allowing them to hunt on her land? They took the
hounds through the winding valley, past a notice that said 'Keep all dogs on leads' towards the Nag's Head at
Avening where they picked up on cry in the woods backing on to Avening Court. We were on the path next to the hounds as they
tracked around the thick bushes and undergrowth on cry, down the steep banks of the stream down and into back gardens in Avening.
No trail possible there then! We had cameras on both sides and when he came down the path and saw this, the Huntsman called
them off. An anxious villager was in the street, worried about the Hunt. They went off back southwards from there as reported
by a runner. They packed up just before dark and a couple of Beaufort followers on a quad pulled up beside us to ask if we’d
had a nice day. They also said ‘see you next season’ – a bit premature we thought as they have three meets
to go yet! See you soon BH!
'2 foxes
pushed out of van for Zetland FH to hunt' claim villagers16-3-17
POWA has been privately informed that, towards the end of February, two older residents of a village near Darlington claim
to have seen two 'young-looking' foxes being pushed out of the back of a van, apparently to be chased by
the Zetland FH who were in the immediate area. We gather that both residents say they are 'sick to death' of
the Hunt who seem to be out in their locality, creating disturbance and apparently hunting, 'every bloody weekend.' POWAperson comments - The Zetland's country
covers parts of North Yorkshire and south Co.Durham, an area very rarely visited by sabs or monitors, so we've no real
record of that particular Hunt's behaviour in recent times, other than this third-hand account. That, however, would
not be out of line with the observed - and often filmed - activities of many other packs, who seem to behave as though the
Hunting Act does not exist. POWA would welcome any comment from the Zetland FH regarding
the above.
Trial of two
Jedforest FH hunt servants begins Fox
was chased underground and terrier entered 16-3-17
BBC News Borders Fox-hunting trial gets under way
Two men have gone on trial in the Scottish Borders accused of hunting foxes with hounds - illegal in Scotland since the Wild
Mammals Act 2002. John Clive Richardson, 66, and Jonathan
Riley, 24, of Bonchester Bridge, deny the charge. Jedburgh Sheriff Court saw footage filmed by an employee of the League Against
Cruel Sports. Terence Hill told the court he had been observing hunts throughout the
UK for 30 years. He described what he said he had filmed on 18 February 2016 which he said was the Jed Forest Hunt and how the two
accused were taking part. Mr Hill said the footage showed hunt members using a terrier to flush a fox from a hole and then
encouraging foxhounds to chase and kill it. He said foxhounds could only be used to
flush a fox out of cover towards guns, which should have been used to make the kill. However, Mr Hill said there was no evidence of guns being there, but he described what he said was hunt members calling
and encouraging hounds to chase a fox, which he said he assumed died later. He also said he saw one hunt member - in charge
of the terriers - try to trip the fox up as it attempted to escape back down a hole. The trial continues. 21-3-17 Southern Reporter Huntsmen ‘wanted hounds to kill
fox’ A father and son have gone on trial accused of breaching Scotland’s fox hunting
legislation. John Clive Richardson, 66, and Johnny Riley, 24, from the Jedforest Hunt, deny deliberately hunting a fox with
hounds – which has been illegal in Scotland since the introduction of the Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002. Jedburgh
Sheriff Court, Jedburgh Justice of the Peace Court. A video filmed by an investigator from the League Against Cruel Sports was shown on Thursday at Jedburgh Sheriff
Court which, it is alleged, shows a breach of the act. The law allows hounds to flush a fox out of cover to waiting guns to
be shot. But the footage shows the foxhounds chasing a fox through gorse land and down a hole. A male, described in court
as a terrier man, put a terrier dog down the hole to locate the fox. The terrier dog was then taken out of the hole and the
male spends the next 20 minutes digging to reach the fox. The law says the fox should then be dispatched or killed by a hand
pistol or shotgun. But the
footage shows the fox being released from the hole and pursued again by the hounds. League Against Cruel Sports investigator
Terence Hill, 51, shot the video after setting up an observation point for a covert operation on gorse-covered land at Townfoothill,
near Jedburgh, on February 18 last year. It shows huntsmen Richardson and Riley on horseback at the scene of the incident
and in charge of the dogs. Mr Hill – who has been observing hunts throughout the UK for the past 30 years – filmed
the incident on a video camera from a distance of 650 metres. Giving evidence, Mr
Hill told the court: “Through the whole proceedings they had no interest in the proper fox control of dispatching it
based on my observation and film material obtained. “Their intention was they wanted the hounds to hunt and kill the
fox. “They allowed this to happen and did not have guns anywhere around that gorse.” Mr Hill said that when the
fox was trapped below the ground there was plenty of opportunity to humanely kill it with a gun. He concluded: “They
clearly wanted the hounds to kill the fox.” Around 20 minutes after the incident, the video shows Richardson and the
terrier man carrying shotguns, but Mr Hill insisted they did not have them at the time of the death when the fox was supposed
to be flushed out to guns. He said: “That is way after the incident of the fox bolting. And I did not hear a gunshot
then.” 17-3-17 Border Telegraph Trial hears how fox is dug from hole before being chased by hound pack
A father and son have gone on trial at Jedburgh Sheriff Court accused of breaching Scotland's fox hunting legislation.
John Clive Richardson, who is 66, and 24-year-old Johnny Riley from the Jedforest Hunt deny deliberately hunting a fox with
hounds - which has been illegal in Scotland since the introduction of the Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002. A video filmed by
an investigator from the League Against Cruel Sports was shown which it is alleged shows a breach of the Act. The law allows
hounds to flush a fox out of cover to waiting guns to be shot. But the footage shows the foxhounds chasing the animal through
gorse land and down a hole. A male, described in
court as a terrier man, put a terrier dog down the hole to locate the fox. The terrier dog was then taken out of the hole and the male spends the next 20 minutes digging
to reach the fox. The law says the fox should then be dispatched or killed by a hand pistol or shotgun. But the footage shows
the fox being released from the hole and pursued again by the hounds. The fox goes out of sight behind a land ridge before
it is presumably caught by the hounds and torn to pieces. League Against Cruel Sports investigator Terence Hill, 51, shot the video after
setting up an observation point for a covert operation on gorse-covered land at Townfoothill near Jedburgh, on February 18
last year. It shows huntsmen Richardson and Riley on horseback at the scene of the incident and in charge of the dogs. Mr
Hill - who has been observing hunts throughout the UK for the past 30 years - filmed the incident on a video camera from a
distance of 650 metres. He also claimed Hunt members were calling and encouraging the hounds to chase the fox. He said he
saw one Hunt member - in charge of the terriers - try to trip the fox up as it attempted to escape back down a hole. During his evidence Mr Hill said: "There are far too many loopholes in the legislation just now. Flushing to
guns is not happening. Traditional fox hunting is still going on." No
huntsmen has yet fallen foul of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002, but two individuals have been convicted
for hunting foxes with dogs and 10 for hare coursing. The trial of Richardson and Riley of Abbotrule, Bonchester Bridge, continues. 16-3-17 ITV News Borders Huntsmen deny breaking fox hunting laws
Two men have appeared at Jedburgh Sheriff Court accused of deliberately hunting a fox with a pack of dogs The court
heard that 66-year-old John Clive Richardson and 24-year-old Johnathan Riley, from Bonchester Bridge, were on a Jedforest
Hunt in the Scottish Borders in 18 February 2016, when they were filmed by the League Against Cruel Sports. The video was shown in court, and Mr Terence Hill, from
the charity, said it shows a breach of the Protection of Wild Mammals Act (2002). He told the court "opportunities to
dispatch the fox humanely" were ignored. But speaking in defence of Mr Riley, lawyer David McKee said that Mr Hill had "an agenda" and pointed out
his viewpoint was from around 650 metres away. Both men have denied breaking the Protection of Wild Mammals Act. The trial
continues. 17-3-17 BBC News Borders fox-hunting trial adjourned The trial of two huntsmen
accused of breaching Scotland's fox hunting legislation has been adjourned. Legal reasons meant no evidence could be led
on the second day of the trial of John Clive Richardson, 66, and his 24-year-old son Johnny Riley. The pair, both members of the Jedforest Hunt who live near Bonchester Bridge, deny
deliberately hunting a fox with hounds near Jedburgh in February 2016. The trial will resume at Jedburgh Sheriff Court on 27 April. Deliberately hunting a fox with hounds has been illegal in Scotland since the introduction of the Protection of Wild
Mammals Act 2002. POWAperson adds - Unfortunately, the Senior JM of the Jedforest FH is not on trial. He
is the odious Johan Christofferson, an American hedge-fund manager and major donor to the Conservative Party. He helped bankroll
the election as MP of the equally repellent Simon Hart, formerly CEO of the Countryside Alliance. While of the JM of the Isle
of Wight FH, his Huntsman and terrierman, Stuart Trousdale and James Butcher [who already had a badger-digging conviction
and has acquired a few other convictions since] thought it would be a good idea to dump large animal carcases [a cow and a
horse] in Brighton city centre at the time of the Labour Conference there. It was 2004, the Hunting Act had had its second
reading couple of weeks before. They were convicted of public order offences and given a slap on the wrist. Christofferson
was not prosecuted but was suspended for a whole month by the MFHA for not controlling his servants. Not long after, Christofferson
moved up country to become Jedforest FH JM. So disgusted with Trousdale's behaviour was he that he took the Huntsman with
him, though he has since left. The most flattering pic of Christofferson I could find is below. Well, the horse looks nice.  So effective has the Scottish hunting 'ban'
been that not a single person from an organised Hunt in Scotland has been convicted of breaking it. Unfortunately, this has
nothing to do with the demise of 'sport' fox hunting in Scotland, which is in rude health, and everything to do with
the loopholes in the Act itself. Remind you of anything? Still, at least the government north of the border has promised to
strengthen the Act. In England and Wales the best we can do is hang on grimly to an Act that is next to useless against organised
Hunts. Bizarre hound blessing by Anglican priest at Chiddingfold FH meet 16-3-17 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors Saturday 11th March saw the Surrey Hunt Monitors in Sussex at the hound blessing ceremony for the Chiddingfold,
Leconfield and Cowdray fox hunt at Toby's Stone. We normally keep a low profile and very often the hunts don’t even know that we are monitoring and filming
them. This time it was different, we took time away from the grubby activities of the Surrey Union terrier men and following
a tip off from a local sympathiser, we decided to film this rather bizarre ceremony. Four of us turned up separately at Bignor
Hill and were rewarded with the spectacle of ‘Reverend John Bundock’ blessing the hounds and horses of the Hunt. We know that the police, the judiciary and politicians are very close to the hunting community but we were somewhat
surprised to find a ‘man of the cloth’ so willing to give his blessing to an activity whose main purpose is the
killing of an innocent animal. The photo of the terrier contained in its box on the quad-bike, we were told belonged to the
hunt terrier man Simon. Our ‘friend’ Lulu Hutley, the Surrey Union master (infamous for being
videoed 'apparently' whipping a young protester) had provided the priest "on loan from the Surrey Union"
for the ceremony. Hypocrisy was rampant. A
priest, who should be holding all life sacred, riding out with and sanctifying the very activity, whose objective is the opposite.
Perhaps we should remind this ‘turbulent priest’ of his vows and point him in the direction of Saint Francis of
Assisi and ‘All things bright and beautiful’! "God requires that we assist
the animals, when they need our help. Each being (human or creature) has the same right of protection." (St Francis of
Assisi) The Revd John Bundock, formerly Vicar of Bramley, and Canon Emeritus of Guildford
Cathedral. Perhaps you may wish to contact the Bishop of Guildford and express your thoughts. http://www.cofeguildford.org.uk/whats-on/contact-us 
Landowner finds Beaufort FH trotting thru his wood without permission
Monitors think
Cotswold FH killed as they hunted many familiar coverts Two heavily blocked badger setts found and reported
to police 15-3-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Cotswold Hunt, Saturday 11th March 2017
We were tipped off that the Cotswold meet was at Hill Barn west of Turkdean. We worked with a member of Three Counties for
this hunt which initially went off towards Nut Tree Brake. Foot walkers went into the big valley from the north-east and others
were already round at Judith Grove which is a favourite hunting place although some way off ... sure enough the Hunt didn't
stay long enough to draw the coverts in the area of the meet and went eastwards fast and arrived at Judith Grove where the
monitors had discovered all the terriermen in the wood [pic bottom] ... what
were they doing or planning to do? The Hunt went through the wood quickly, again not staying long enough to hunt even a trail.
They crossed the road then went back along south just under Turkdean village, with the hounds searching across the steep,
rough ground there and through into the open area near Lower Dean Manor, suddenly speeding off apparently when they realised
they were watched by another monitor on the lower road. They disappeared into the big area of country there but we found them coming
up from Quarry Covert, crossing the road there and the hounds being put to search in the field on the opposite side, once
again arrival of CIHW vehicle seemed to bring about a sudden change in horn signals to the dogs and they were hurriedly gathered
back to the road and taken northwards into the New Covert area, where they hunted up towards and along the disused railways
- another favourite place... A fox was seen escaping, a monitor watching its back and they did not seem to be picking up on it, but foxes are
in braces at this time of year and the hounds went on cry around the old railway. Monitors were on the road at the Salperton
end of the old railway path when half the pack were brought up to the road. The rest were coming along around the stream at
the bottom of the slope, searching. Monitors on the road heard a whistle just as they arrived and saw the supporter there wait and speak to the redcoat
as he emerged. A whistle - not a human whistle but like a games whistle - is traditionally used when a fox has been sighted. The searching hounds went
over into the big cropped field and went across with their heads down and on cry into the woods across behind Salperton where
they suddenly stopped. This was worrying, it can mean a kill. If it was it could have been a pregnant vixen or a vixen with
dependent cubs underground. This fear haunts us at this time of year. The 3C monitor working with us once found and recorded
fox cub foetuses after a Hunt had emerged from a wood, as well as some remains of the vixen which whoever took the body had
not noticed. When
monitors got there terriermen were seen emerging fast from a roadside covert and instead of usual gestures and acknowledgements
had their heads down, looking guilty. They didn't look at us. What had they done? The Hunt had gone across Salperton Park and then disappeared
from view. We found the Hunt again across the busy A436 at Aylesworth... hunting back down the old railway towards the A436
- another favourite haunt - but they didn't seem to be finding anything, not even a 'trail'... Redcoats were on
the main road as the Hunt went down opposite Westfield Farm and we found the terriermen all in a cluster on the road up to
the quarry... the terriermen all took off back up the Salperton road to a quarry area. This is the old quarry that the Hunt
returned to three times the last time they were there. We watched as the Hunt came across the dip and the hounds were taken
into the concealed area of the quarry and were put to search inside, all the noises of instruction and encouragement to search
could be heard. The steep sides of the inside of the quarry are lined with thick impenetrable bushes and undergrowth which the Huntsman
instructed the hounds to search thoroughly as one of us watched. So much for looking for a trail. Luckily no scent was picked
up ... which may have had something to do with the fairies having been there first to put a spell on the area which filled
the hounds' nostrils with the smell of spring flowers. The Hunt went back to coverts south of Penhill Farm and were seen drawing
another old quarry area... They frequently hunt that spot... As the Huntsman encouraged the hounds to search through the big
patch of thick bushes and old conifer plantation, a monitor was having a look at this area where they frequently go on cry.
Ideal territory for a fox. In fact they area always searching areas that are ideal for a fox or are traditionally known as
places where the Hunts find foxes... they are often called something Covert and that is what it means. We
were with them most of the day and although we suspect they may have chased and killed one fox, we hardly heard the pack on
cry at all. they did rush around a lot. Ideal that, gives the field a good ride in the fresh air and does no harm. If they
really did convert to drag hunting they wouldn't have to bother going round illegally blocking badger setts - two of these
were found in the hunting area and reported to the police. These setts were heavy blocked with rocks and bits of tree rammed
in, which was not allowed even when hunting was legal and light blocking of setts allowed to facilitate their pursuit of foxes. 
Three Grove & Rufford FH members convicted of illegal huntingJudge rules presence of terrierman evidence of intent to hunt 14-3-17 Nottingham Post Three members of Grove and Rufford Hunt fined for fox hunting Three members of a Nottinghamshire Hunt have been fined after being found guilty of hunting
a fox with dogs. The members of the Grove and Rufford Hunt said they were trail-hunting around Laneham, near Retford, which
remains legal after fox hunting was banned in 2005, and the fox's death [right] on January
30, 2016, was accidental. Birdwatchers Phillip Palmer and his partner Pauline Hogg filmed the fox being killed just after 1pm, in a field off
Helenship Lane. Huntsman Paul Larby, 57, of The Kennels, Kennel Drive, Barnby Moor, trail-layer Peter White, 57, of Leyfields Farm,
Redhill Lane, Kneesall, and the Hunt's whipper-in Jane Wright, 63, of Town Street, Lound, each pleaded not guilty to offences
under the Hunting Act. Reaching his conclusion after a three day trial, district judge Tim Spruce said: "It's an inescapable conclusion
that the Grove and Rufford Hunt were hunting foxes and not artificial scent trails. They maintained they were engaged in trail
laying, but I am not convinced that this was the case. There were three sightings of foxes in the area and a fox was killed." The court heard
a man was seen in a field and appeared to direct the Hunt after a fox, and an eye witness provided evidence of a "terrier
man" when none was needed. No action was taken to call off the hounds from the kill, or to take the hounds in a different
direction [left, hunters arrive soon after the kill]. An expert witness, who the defence had sought to undermine because of an alleged connection to anti-cruel sports groups, was
"fully tested" and his opinion that foxes were being hunted was "fully supported" by the other evidence
in the case.
District judge Spruce said the three defendants, of previous good character, had given no comment interviews or prepared
statements when they were interviewed by the police. The couple had asked permission to take pictures of the Hunt and their
photographs and video enabled a prosecution to be brought. On the day, Mr Palmer, an accomplished birdwatcher. said: "This is going
to be interesting. They must have seen the fox. Clearly they will need to call off the hunt." Larby was fined £800, White was fined £550 and Wright, who played a lesser role, was fined £180.
All three were ordered to pay costs of £248 and an £80 victim surcharge each, at Mansfield Magistrates Court on
Tuesday. 15-3-17 Daily Mirror Fox hunters found guilty of illegal hunting after
they were filmed by two birdwatchers - Twitchers provided evidence to the court of members of the Grove and Rufford Hunt involved
in illegal hunting with hounds Three members of a fox hunt have been found guilty of illegal hunting
after being filmed by birdwatchers. Twitchers saw members of the Nottinghamshire-based Grove and Rufford Hunt chase and catch
a fox before the carcass was removed. Huntsman
Paul Larby, 57, terrierman Peter White, 57, and the hunt’s whipper-in Jane Wright, 63, claimed they had been following
a trail and the animal was caught accidentally. But footage taken by two birdwatchers of the January 2016 incident were shown
to Mansfield Magistrates’ Court where the three, who denied illegal hunting, were convicted of hunting a mammal with
dogs. It showed no attempt to call off the hounds. Twitcher
Philip Palmer told the trial a fox was chased by a pack of 45 hounds in view of members of the Hunt. District Judge Tim Spruce
said: “It’s an inescapable conclusion that the Grove and Rufford Hunt were hunting foxes and not artificial scent
trails. They maintained they were engaged in trail laying, but I am not convinced that this was the case.” He added:
“There is good and compelling evidence that the hunt was aware of the fox, but it appears there is no evidence that
hounds were directed away.” Larby was fined £800, White was fined
£550 and Wright was fined £180. Speaking after the case, League Against Cruel Sports chief executive Eduardo Goncalves said: “ Fox hunts constantly
chase real foxes while pretending they are following a trail, but this time they were caught bang to rights. This case highlights
exactly why the pro-hunt lobby want to have the Hunting Act repealed. The law is waiting to catch them, and this case will
send shock waves around all those hunts heading out today and for the rest of the hunting season. Burglars must wince every
time they see someone convicted of burglary – and today the Hunts are wincing. Taking on hunting in the legal system
is no easy task, but this shows that the Hunting Act is a good law that can be successfully used to punish illegal hunting.
Hopefully more police forces will use this to see through the false alibi of ‘trail hunting’ and bring more hunts
to book.” 14-3-17 BBC News Grove and Rufford Hunt members fined after illegal
fox killing Three people have been fined for illegal hunting after their actions were recorded by birdwatchers. Paul Larby, 58, Peter White, 57, and Jane Wright, 63, of the Grove and Rufford Hunt, insisted their
dogs were on a trail when they stumbled on a fox. But the footage, taken at Laneham, Nottinghamshire in January 2016, showed
no attempt to call the hounds off. All were convicted at Mansfield Magistrates' Court of hunting a mammal with
dogs. Including costs, Larby was fined £1,128, White £853 and Wright £448. Paul Larby, Peter White and Jane Wright denied the charge of hunting a mammal with dogs. White, from Kneesall, Nottinghamshire, gave evidence of six trails
he said he laid on the morning of the incident. Larby,
a huntsman from Barmby Moor, and Wright, a hunt volunteer from Lound, both in Nottinghamshire, told the court they had been
following a trail when the fox jumped out of a hedge in front of them. It was chased and killed by the dogs before they could
intervene, they said. The prosecution claimed no-one saw the trails being laid and the hounds had run across
roads - which trails are not laid across. Birdwatcher Philip Palmer told the trial a fox was chased by a pack of 45 hounds
in view of members of the Hunt. Both Larby and Wright were in the field, but Mr Palmer said he heard no attempt to call the
dogs off. District Judge Timothy Spruce said: "There is good and compelling evidence that the hunt was aware of the fox,
but it appears there is no evidence that hounds were directed away." The League Against Cruel Sports said it was the first case it was aware of where footage from members
of the public was used to secure a conviction. Pic below - Larby, White and Wright - the convicted fox killers [Credit BBC]
14-3-17 Horse & Hound Hunt members consider appeal following guilty verdicts
under Hunting Act Three hunt members are considering an appeal after being found guilty of illegal hunting.
The Grove and Rufford Hunt members — who denied the charges — are seeking legal advice and are considering appealing
the decision to a higher court. The three-day trial at Mansfield Magistrates Court concluded today. This is the first time in more than two years
that there has been a successful prosecution of a registered hunt under the 2004 Hunting Act. Paul Larby, 57, was ordered to pay total costs of £1,848,
including a fine of £800; Peter White, 57, was ordered to pay £853, including a £550 fine; and Jane Wright,
63, £448, including a fine of £180. The alleged incident took place on 30 January 2016 and the trio, who are all
from Nottinghamshire, pleaded not guilty to offences under the Act. Speaking after the trial
had concluded, a spokesman for the Countryside Alliance said the organisation is “disappointed by the verdict”.
“These three individuals were of impeccable character and we believe that the evidence showed they were trail-hunting
within the law,” he said. “The activity is legal and they were aware that they were being photographed and filmed
throughout the day. They had nothing to hide and were acting lawfully within the Hunting Act legislation. They will now take
legal advice and may very well appeal the decision at a higher court.” POWAperson adds - This is indeed the first conviction of organised hunters under
the Hunting Act 2004 for more than 2 years and very welcome. The judge appears to have seen through the [what another judge
once described as] 'cynical subterfuge' of the hunters and determined that their hunting was wilful. Of particular
note is the fact that he described the presence of a terrierman as indicative of intent to hunt. Mmm, what have we and other
antis been saying about that for many years? We do expect an appeal
against this verdict because if it is established as case law it will be quite damaging to the hunt side. The matter is likely
to hang on interpretation of 'engage or participate', the criterion in Section 11 of the Act that determines
whether or not any given hunter is committing an offence, and the extent to which other evidence, including the presence of
terriermen, helps to adduce an intent to hunt on the part of the accused. These convictions bring to 378 the number of persons from
organised Hunts who have been convicted of or cautioned for criminal offences since 1990, having been guilty of at least 916
offences. 200 of these are violent offences, 47 are Hunting Act offences [though thousands have been committed every
season since 2005]. People known to be officials
or staff of organised Hunts have committed 203 of these offences. The rest
are down to riders or car/foot followers not known to have any official standing. Tables detailing all the known prosecutions of organised hunters since
2005 for HA offences and under other animal welfare Act laws can be found on this website here, along with analysis of the Hunting Act data.
almost falls off speeding quad trying to hit sab Berwickshire
FH thwarted in attempts to kill foxes 14-3-17 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs VIDEO On Saturday The Berkwickshire Hunt Terriermen made a pathetic attempt
to assault sabs and almost fell off their quad! Sabs stopped them killing a fox illegally so perhaps this was the reason for
their stupidity. Join - Sab - Donate  Woodland
Pytchley FH Director resigns his Wildlife Trust post Robert
Brudenell's resignation as a Trustee of Beds, Cambs and Northants Wildlife Trust came
after a very short social media campaign... 13-3-17 Facebook – Stop the Cull Would you be surprised to hear that a director of a Wildlife Trust was also
a director of a fox hunt and runs a shooting estate? You may think this is a conflict of interest and
a contradiction. We certainly do. If you are a member of this Wildlife Trust you may not be too happy to learn about this
strong link between wildlife killers & those you trust to protect wildlife for future generations. We
question the ethics of The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire... The Woodland Pytchley Hunt have a reputation for violence against hunt saboteurs and have at least one conviction against them. We had a look around the Deene Park
estate, (ancestral home to Robert Brudenell) and found several shooting towers, poisoned traps designed for squirrels and
alarmingly, the viscera of what we believe to be butchered fallow deer, sadly including an unborn foetus. This is an Estate
where people pay to kill partridges and pheasants http://www.deenepark.com/shooting/. A BCN Wildlife Trust Member posted this in reply to the above - 15-3-17 BCN Wildlife Trust Statement received by Gill Mitchell
Following recent criticism on social media, Robert Brudenell, one of 12 Wildlife Trust BCN trustees, has decided to stand
down as a trustee with immediate effect, Monday 13 March, to spare the Trust further unwelcome distractions from its
valuable work. The Wildlife Trust Council of Trustees consists of people from a range of backgrounds: practical conservationists
and volunteers, ecologists and conservation scientists, business people and landowners, all with a commitment to the aims
of the Trust. Trustees are required by law to uphold the interests and the objectives of the charity when making decisions
in Council meetings.
Sabs prevent two
Suffolk & Essex FH dig outs, quad driven into sab Redcoat deliberately rides his horse into path
of sabs' landy 13-3-17 N.E. London Sabs Hit Report 11.03.2017 Suffolk and Essex Hunt Thanks
to your donations we managed to go out again on Saturday. We got transport to the area of Suffolk and Essex and then jumped
in CHS’s landrover. The meet was at Langham Hall near Colchester. We were out with SES - Suffolk and Essex Sabs and CHS - Cambridge Hunt Sabs. The conditions were not ideal for the Hunt at all as it was warm and
sunny for the hounds to pick up any scent therefore the Hunt tried a couple of unsuccessful dig outs. The hounds went in cry
on just one occasion but the fox went to ground pretty fast. The SES sabs quickly intervened so when the rest of the sabs
arrived the hunt was leaving the area without marking the earth for the terriermen. Soon after another fox went to ground
but we again prevented the dig out by sitting on the holes and let the Huntsman know that we intended to stay. We prevented
2 dig outs and made sure we follow the Hunt throughout the day not allowing them any time to try another dig out. The Hunt grew more frustrated as the day went resulting
in terriermens’ aggressive behaviour. They drove their quad-bike straight into walking sabs actually hitting one of
us [above right] and also tried to kick and punch others. Once the weather was getting warmer
and they also realised that they were constantly followed and could not dig out they packed up just before 3pm. Thank you all again for your generous donations
and support! 18-3-17
Facebook - Cambridge Sabs VIDEO The Suffolk and Essex Hunt claim to care very much about animals, namely their horses. This video
alludes otherwise. Pics below - 1/
Redcoat gallops up alongside sab landy 2/ Pulling horse into its path 3/ Brakes and turns in
front of landy 4/ Joined by 2nd redcoat  
Fife FH hunt foxes in open, no guns, sabs think
first was bagged 13-3-17 Facebook - Perthshire Sabs Fife FH Closing Meet 11-3-17
The Hunt unboxed at Letham Farm to meet at Cunnoquhie House for the last meet of their season. The day started very suspiciously,
with Adam Galpin the terrier-man and his digging friend Colin George driving into position around 10 minutes before the
Hunt set off. Seconds after they arrived a fox was seen by a sab running from their position into the nearby gorse and this
is where the Hunt made a beeline to as soon as they left the meet. We strongly believe this fox was released from the terrier-man.
Sadly the sab who witnessed this did not have a camera. The hounds did not pick up on the fox and were quiet as they searched the gorse,
but the Hunt clearly knew it was there and Mark Fleming, Master acting as whip for the day, saw what way the fox went once
it ran from the gorse. Thankfully the hounds seemed to lose this fox and another group of our sabs waiting for the Hunt in
another position saw what we believe was the same fox heading in their direction, now looking exhausted. The hounds soon picked
up on another fox though and were left to run a large distance away from any riders or token guns after it - more illegal
hunting. After a while, a terrified fox was seen running from Cairnie Hill where the hounds were in and out of cry, the fox
headed for cover at the back of Whitefield, sabs moved into the area, but soon the hounds came rampaging back across the estate,
past Whitefield in a different route to what the fox had taken. They carried on, over Dunbog Hill and onto Balmeadow Hill,
where they met another group of our sabs, the hounds leaving behind the Huntsman, whip and field still on Cairnie Hill, so
nobody there apart from sabs to ensure an illegal kill was not made. Eventually the Hunt caught up with their hounds and proceeded
to hunt the gorse on Balmeadow Hill. By this time, two groups of sabs were there and a fox was seen sneaking out of the gorse,
thankfully unseen by the Hunt, with the sabs present the Hunt gave up on this area, allowing the fox to safely escape. The Hunt then headed in
the direction of Collairnie Hill, sabs followed and caught sight of them heading back towards the meet and when sabs made
their way back towards Letham the Hunt were observed packing up. The season may be over, but we will still be out in the countryside till the start
of next fox hunting season doing what we can to expose wildlife persecution and save lives Please help keep us in the field : https://gogetfunding.com/fuel-costs-and-vehicle-maintenance/ Pics below - 1/ First fox fleeing immediately
after pic above 2/ Second fox fleeing, just beyond fence to right of horse 3/ Second fox exhausted
4/ Third fox fleeing  
Sabs stop hare pack from hunting and fox pack from
killing 12-3-17 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs This weekend we headed across the bridge to join up with sabs from S.Wales, Bath
& Severn Vale Sabs. The first stop off was with the Woolaston Bassets, who were holding their last meet
of the season at Lydney Park, just to the south of the Forest of Dean. This foot pack are fairly new on the scene, only existing
for a few seasons, so we thought it would be a good shout to go and see what they were up to, as they have been left alone
for a couple of seasons now. We took a stroll up to Lydney Park house as most of the support and hunt staff were arriving. We waited around for
a while for the Huntsman and hound van to show, before an empty trailer arrived. They seemed very keen to let us know that
they knew we were coming as they had spotted us earlier, fine by us if it meant they weren't going to bring any hounds
to hunt with! There was some more waiting around, some arm flapping from hunt staff, and an attempt to dash off in the hound van.
However we were hot in pursuit, following them back to their kennels at the Old Rectory in Woolaston, where hunt staff abandoned
the trailer and took off in a car. With word that supporters had all left the meet in dribs and drabs, we left in the knowledge
that their hare/rabbit hunting plans for the day had been scuppered. Result! Then it was back across the border into Wales and on
to the nearby fox Hunt, the Curre & Llangibby, who were also holding their final meet of the season at their kennels in
Itton. After a bit of a search we located the Hunt in a valley not too far away. We kept tabs on the Huntsman and hounds
from our vehicles for a while, despite numerous attempts by their car support to block us in. We kept on them, later coming across the Huntsman and hounds
working through a wood not far from the kennels. With hounds picking up foot sabs went into the field, gaining a couple of
drunken chaperones, who we can only presume were laid on by the Hunt as end of season entertainment. They were so preoccupied
with our choice of clothing that they were completely oblivious to the fox bolting from the wood that the Hunt were drawing. Thankfully, a couple
of eagle-eyed sabs spotted it, as did a rider on point, meaning we could get into the right position to stop the hounds who
were now in cry. A few sabs used citronella to cover its line and we waited to intervene further if needed. The hounds went in and out of cry for a while, before moving off in the other direction out of the woods. With darkness
quickly setting in and supporters leaving, we soon caught up with the Huntsman gathering up loose hounds at the kennels, and
our day was done. 'Til the next one...
Sabs twice stop Taunton Vale FH dig outs as Hunt
chase foxes Also
invaded Nature Reserve & caused chaos on busy road 12-3-17 Facebook - Devon County Sabs VIDEO Taunton Vale Foxhounds 11.3.2017 Yesterday was one of the most stressful days we've had all season, but also one of the
most rewarding. It's a long one, but there's a lot to report. Together with our friends from Somerset Sab Group we showed up to the Taunton Vale Foxhounds closing meet at Long
Grove Farm, north-west of Ilminster. With a field of about 30 riders the Hunt set off south into the River Ding valley. Sabs
positioned themselves downwind of the Hunt, just in time to spot a fox running away from the hounds. Sabs gave the fox time
to get away and then went in to cover the scent. Fortunately, hounds didn't pick up on it. At this point, sabs were greeted
by Taunton Vale terrierman Paul Martin, who told them to "stick to the footpaths and that's all I'm going to
say the rest of the f***ing day". Shame he didn't keep his promise. The Hunt crossed the river and headed west towards one of our foot teams. From quite a distance they witnessed hounds
enter the bushes by the river where it later turned out they had marked to ground at a fox earth [below
right].Huntsman Guy Landau got off his horse, made a phone call and was joined shortly after by Paul and his mates on
their quadbike. Landau called the hounds out of the bushes and moved them on along the river while the terriermen got a terrier
and spade from the boxes on their quad bike and made their way to the earth. Several foot sab teams were mobilised to converge
on the location. When they got there the terriermen had filled all but one entrance hole with soil and one of them had begun
digging. There were fresh hound scratch marks at one of the entrances, where hounds had marked to ground. Sabs got in between
the earth and the spade [below left] and signalled to the other teams in the area to call
the police. With 8 foot sabs at the earth the terriermen were outnumbered and forced to abandon the dig. Paul insisted his terrier was still underground and that he needed to
dig her out. Sabs encouraged him to get his transmitter to locate the terrier and extract her, but he refused. Instead he
made a phone call to one of the Masters and, like a petulant child, whined about the fact we were trespassing, claimed we
were being violent and preventing him from getting his terrier out! Sabs were peaceful throughout and Paul's lies and
complaints look rather silly on the video footage. By now the hounds had been entered into a covert to the south. One of our teams left to keep an eye on them while the stand-off
at the earth continued. Eventually the terriermen gave up and sped off. On their way out Paul shouted "by the way you're
all too late, that one's already dead". He had earlier stated his intentions to bolt the fox into a net and kill
it. Terrier-work is legal only under very limited circumstances, which were not met in this instance. Firstly, flushing a
fox from an earth can only take place with the purpose of preventing serious damage to birds that are being kept or preserved
for shooting. There was no evidence of this, nor did Paul carry the requisite written permission from the landowner. Secondly,
the law requires that when a fox is flushed from an earth it is shot immediately. There were no guns present, nor any shots
heard prior to sabs arriving at the earth. If Paul's claim that the fox had already been killed was true then it would
mean he had killed the fox illegally. There was no blood or evidence of a kill.
Away from the earth sabs alerted one of the Masters to what had just gone on. His response: "I've spoken
to Paul. It was a false mark" (i.e. no fox found at the earth). This whole episode highlights the farce that is 'trail-hunting'.
There was no evidence of trails being laid during the day, but several foxes were seen running from hounds. Hounds don't
mark a trail to ground...! The fact hounds so often mark to ground proves that they are following the scent of live foxes.
More importantly: the fact that terriermen are called when they mark proves that the terriermen are not just accidental accompaniments
to the Hunt, as they so often claim, but rather an integral part of their operations. Here we had a Master of the Hunt admitting
on camera that hounds had marked the earth and that the terriermen had been called in to deal with it. Nevertheless, the Master didn't look too pleased [right,
telling terrierman off] when we told him about Paul's boasting and pointed to the four police cars
that had by now arrived on the road. With a stern face he went over to whisper something to the Huntsman, whose expression
dropped. Paul was pulled aside and - we think - encouraged to head to Lower Burnt House Farm to speak to the landowner and
ask him to print off the written permission for digging to take place on his land, should the police demand it! Our suspicions
were confirmed when we spotted Paul's quad bike leaving the farm half an hour later. He produced an envelope from his pocket containing a fresh printout signed
by the landowner, Mr Chidley, and claimed that he had one for every landowner in the area. Funny that he only had one envelope
on him though...! By this point hounds were in cry
again north of Dommett, where they crossed the road right in front of our vehicles. A foot team to the south called them off
the scent. The pack ended up scattered all over the Dommett Moor Nature Reserve. However, half the pack then continued to
follow the scent onto a very busy road. Luckily sabs were already there to stop them from spilling out into the traffic. When
the Huntsman finally arrived to join in, he called hounds back ACROSS the road, causing chaos and frustration amongst the
red coats who by now were arguing amongst themselves. A bus and other traffic was forced to come to a standstill while the
entire Hunt took their time riding north on the busy road. The Hunt entered the area north of Hare Lane, where hounds picked up another scent. Sabs did their best to call them
off and hounds appeared to lose the scent as they entered an area of brambles close to a stream. Much to the sabs' horror,
a fox then jumped out of the brambles right in front of the hounds. They chased the fox along a hedge and it looked like they
had caught it as there was a lot of frantic milling around beside the hedge. Sabs were desperately trying to get to them and
call them off. Other teams in the area received the distressing message over the radio to say the fox had probably been killed.
However, when sabs got to the location there was no sign of blood or fur, but rather a very fortunately located badger sett
which - we hope - was where the fox had taken refuge! Sure enough, hounds were marking at the sett and desperately trying
to claw their way in. The Huntsman, who had made no efforts until this point to call the hounds off, must have realised sabs
had witnessed the whole thing and quickly took the hounds away. They drew a few more coverts on their way back to the meet but whenever hounds went into cry they were loudly rated
by hunt members, who appeared increasingly nervous about our cameras and the police presence in the area. Some sabs made the
wise decision to stay behind to quietly guard the area around the badger sett until the Hunt packed up. Just as well, as the
terriermen 'mysteriously' turned up near the sett a while later. Paul had strangely changed his clothes and seemed
surprised to see sabs. Another fox that might have been dug out and killed if sabs hadn't been there. Not to mention the
badgers at the sett who would have also been targeted. The
Hunt packed up shortly before 5pm, their frustration clearly showing as they drove away from the meet. A day we had hoped
would be an easy one due to the mild weather turned out to be rather more eventful than we had anticipated. At this time of
year many foxes will be heavily pregnant. Others are nursing young cubs. What kind of sick person thinks it's OK to not
only chase and kill pregnant vixen but also dig into earths that could be harbouring cubs?... Although this was the Taunton
Vale's final meet of the season, we will be out until our other Hunts finish. Get in touch to join us or donate via Paypal
to devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Pics below - 1/
Paul losing it with a sab 2/ Master tells Huntsman Paul has told sabs they killed
3/ Hunt obstructing traffic on busy road 4/ Seems hunters can't read any better than
their hounds  
Southdown FH follower punches out car window injuring sab 12-3-17 Facebook - South Coast Sabs Report 11/03/2017 from mid-week hit on Southdown &
Eridge Hunt Sabs from S.Coast and Brighton joined up for a mid-week hit by those who could take time
off work. So a small number were able to attend... We parked and dropped off sabs at the main gate to the estate, around 11.10am
having seen horseboxes further back near Platchetts Wood (Harvey's Lane), and followed four riders to the estate entrance...
Sabs went on footpath into estate grounds to have a look for the meet itself. Suddenly the S&E usual quad terrier men 1 x rider plus
1 x pillion (no helmets or hats) had pulled up alongside the driver window, and stood by the window swearing and threatening.
The pillion rider had gone around the back and checked the back door, it was locked though. Then the rider, followed him around
and confronted the passenger through the window. In very few seconds, after some verbal abusing and shouting, the rider of the quad punched
the window and followed through with his elbow which smashed it completely, throwing glass everywhere inside. The passenger
sustained cuts to face and hand. The assailant did not throw another punch nor try to open my (passenger side door), he went back round to his quad
and followed us, as we were able just after the smashing of the window, to head off northwards towards the A26. We were followed
for about 2km before we lost them. The police were called and two cops, who took details. They suggested we leave with all
the sabs since there were no other units available. Cops left and we left 5 minutes later, only to find an ambulance back on Harveys
Lane at Mounts Farm (and gone past two riders with one riderless horse by the estate entrance). This was for the Hunt, and
there were lots of support on the road, in vehicles alongside the wood and later at vantage points to watch from. There were
perhaps about 15 vehicles on the road watching the whole day. The Hunt spent more
time in the woods... and finished at Mount farm. In all there were at least 5 redcoats, and 25-30 field. Many of the support were
much older people but some obviously were working in the area. Near the end of the day, another vehicle towing a farm/logging
trailer came face to face with our vehicle, demanding to pass and not giving room for us to manoeuvre, keeping on moving at
us and swearing etc. through the window, nearly getting out and threatening us. Meanwhile, in the field, sabs were with the Hunt the entire
time, at the start of the day a rider had fallen and was injured. This had delayed them for some time, but, as usual, they
continued to hunt regardless of injuries to riders. Sabs were able to stay with them all day and prevent any kills. As
always we are keen to welcome new sabs, so pleased drop us a line if you are interested on, it’s as mad as it sounds
but our wildlife needs protecting. We are of course now raising funds to replace our
stolen Land Rover and are looking get in the region of £7,000 to get a vehicle which will last us a long time. Any donations
very much appreciated and very much needed. https://www.gofundme.com/new-sabbing-vehicle-for-scoast-sabs or https://www.paypal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs . Call to boycott Atherstone FH as
JM revealed to run pet kennels 12-3-17 Innocent badger.com Boycott the Atherstone Hunt
Do you want your pet dog or cat looked after by the Atherstone Hunt? Davret Boarding Kennels & Cattery is run by Atherstone
Hunt joint master James Sharland and his dad David Sharland, who is also involved in the Hunt. The Atherstone Hunt are constantly losing control of
their hounds, they’ve been documented running all over busy main roads, chasing and killing foxes and rampaging through
people’s back gardens that could easily have had pets in them (http://bit.ly/2mPtnrW ). Last season they even chased a dog walker's dog through Battram woods
in Ibstock (http://bit.ly/2nsPOQI ). These very same people are running a boarding kennels and cattery to look
after people’s pets. Do you want your pet cat or dog looked after by the notorious Atherstone Hunt, well known
for its concern for animal welfare? If you do the details are - Davret Boarding Kennels & Cattery, 8
Station Rd, Elmesthorpe, Leicester, Leics LE9 7SG 
Another hunting vet is exposed Local monitors Axe Vale FH - sees blatant fox hunting 11-3-17 Live Leaks Illegal hunt in Otterton The Axe Vale Harriers, with
some of the East Devon Hunt were illegally hunting in the Otterton area on 07/03/17. One rider even tried to intimidate
me by riding her horse at me, trying to stop me filming the hounds in cry, trying flush a fox out of a hedge. 
Badsworth FH hounds chase and kill hare near day's end 11-3-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Today, on a beautiful early spring morning we set off to meet our friends from W.Yorkshire
and N.E. Sabs. We would have enjoyed the mild temperatures and flowers blooming in the hedgerows if this hadn't brought
with it the knowledge that the foxes Badsworth and Branham Fox Hounds were chasing were paired up and the vixens almost certainly
pregnant, some with tiny cubs left to starve if their parents died today. Also there where a large amount of beautiful hares
all over the place. This was B&B's last weekend meet of the season and to be honest we
where expecting more than the lacklustre show they did. They left from Hutton Wandesley and trotted about trying to evade
sabs. But they where out manouvered at every turn with good use of vehicles and field sabs thwarting them at every attempt
to pick up a scent. Sadly towards the end of the day the
hounds lucked on a terrified hare which they killed in front of us. This shows that the huntsman has little or no control
over his hounds. Aside from this lost beautiful creature we ruined their day. They packed at 4.30. 
FH cease season without kills day thanks to antis11-3-17
Facebook - Dorset Sabs Hit Report 11/3/17 The Seavington Hunt: Meet at Pilsdon
Barn, Dorset As it was this Hunt's closing meet of the season we decided it would be
rude not to see them off!! With information we had been given we arrived early to pre-beat and spray the areas that they were
known to go to. After all the end of season speeches had been delivered, they finally set off at 11.45. So with foot sabs in place, two legendary monitors and spotters
in vehicles we were prepared for anything. They headed off towards Laverstock farm before turning to Kings Moor Coppice, already
sprayed by sabs earlier. The Huntsman kept on putting the hounds in with no effect, then proceeded to draw along the edges.
At this point sabs were told by very cross supporters that a trail had been laid and even pointed where. Couldn't have
been a very good one as the hounds went in the opposite direction!! The Hunt then headed off in the direction of Swillets
farm where the hounds picked up the scent and a fox was seen running by sabs in Great Beech Coppice. Using voice calls and
the horn the sabs called the whole pack off the fox and straight to them... one Fox saved. Meanwhile a Monitor observed a
very healthy fox running and sabs quickly went to spray the area.... second fox saved [right]. From here the Huntsman gathered the pack and headed along Great Beech Coppice towards Laverstock Farm, Sabs were there watching
so he headed towards Higher Coombe Coppice....Sabs were already there! Seeming very confused he half-heartedly drew along
the edge of the copse along the river before gathering them and heading back to Laversham Farm before coming out onto the
road... Sabs were there waiting. They headed along the road towards Gerrards Farm all trying to hide their faces from us [left]. Surely
they have nothing to hide if they are only trail hunting???
Sabs who had driven round to get ahead of them spotted a very distressed sheep in
a field and went to help it, joined by the rather helpful hunt supporter who had been on the trail of our landy all day. The
farmer was called to come and do something for the very ill ewe. After screaming at sabs for trying to help the ewe he picked
it up with [right] one hand by its neck and threw it into a box on his quad - just shows how
emaciated the poor thing was. The Landy rejoined the Hunt at Batts Lane where a fox was marked to ground just behind Batts
Farm. Thankfully a monitor close by was able to see that the hounds didn't get a kill. A
team of sabs was then dropped off at Sliding Hill to spray the area as that was thought to be where they were heading and,
sure enough, they did after drawing through small copses along the way. With the Huntsman now hunting on foot through the
gorse and scrub he looked desperate to get a kill at the final meet. Thanks to the sabs they found nothing and at 4.40pm they
ended the season with no kills today. It may be the end of their season but we still have
lives to protect and Hunts to visit. If you would like to help us protect our wildlife then email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.com Our Landys have worked
very hard this season, and would very much like to have a full service so they are fit and ready to tackle the upcoming Badger
murdering spree. If you can give a donation towards this please go here.
Sab whipped as Fitzwilliam FH stopped from killing foxes 11-3-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Sabs After the habitual fox killers (the Fitzwilliam) killed a fox
midweek we decided it was only right and proper to pay them a visit on their last Saturday of the hunting season with our
regular comrades N. & S.Cambs and old time friends Northants sabs. The Fitzwilliam had over 60 riders out today at their meet in Lutton on the Northants/Cambs border, so we knew it
was going to be a tough one and this proved to be the case. Early on the Cambs groups were in the area unblocking all the
badger setts the hunt had filled in to prevent foxes escaping. The Fitzwilliam really couldn't give a sh*t about illegal hunting. They have John Mease and his bird of prey
out with them, but he's rarely anywhere near the Hunt and he has no intention of releasing his bird on
a fox. He's in court next month for cruelty and Hunting Act offences - we'll see you on the 25th April, John. Between the groups we kept them in sight most of the day. Several foxes
were hunted for some distance, one crossed the road right in front of us and the hunt support shouted and pointed its direction.
We held the hounds up best we could and gave the fox more time but these hounds are well used to killing and carried on the
line. The Huntsman (Simon Hunter - real name) shouted at us "why didn't you stop them" but this was merely his
alibi should anything go to court. He had no intention of stopping them and made not attempt to call them back and clearly
it's not our job to keep control of the hounds. A
brace of foxes were hunted a short time later, one taking refuge in a graveyard where we had an altercation with an obnoxious
fat man & the Whipper In who dismounted and tried to hunt the hounds on, on foot. Both of these foxes got away. The hounds hunted another fox to ground in a small coppice and the mixed
Cambs groups dived in to pull them out. We arrived and a combination of horn and voice took the hounds away from under the
nose of the Huntsman. Classic sabbing. Of course,
all the time the support were getting more aggressive along with the riders. The obnoxious fat man used his horse as a weapon
and whipped one of our sabs in the head [above right]. Funnily enough he vanished
once the police arrived who were by and large (can you guess?) utterly uninterested. We were just over the Northants border
and this force isn't known for having a good stance on hunting, so we expected nothing less even after showing them the
damning footage. The Hunt had a a last attempt
to lose us but we kept them from hunting any further and they jacked it in around 4:30pm and retired to the Fox and Hounds
pub in Great Gidding. You may want to give that place a miss. Funny point of the day
was the hunt supporter who drove into a ditch while trying to take a picture on his phone of sabs. Maybe he'll think twice
next time. We know we saved many lives
today. We don't know for sure if it was a kill free day but the hounds were clean at the end. There'll be plenty of
tired sabs this evening but they should be proud of the work they did today in very trying circumstances. We can't do this without your support and any donations are hugely appreciated.https://www.paypal.me/BedsBucksHuntSabs Pics below - 1/ Fox fleeing 2/
Exhausted hounds 3/ Please, take me home 4/ Supporter in a ditch  
Sabs shocked to see Old Surrey FH actually trail hunting - all day Hunt already under investigation for illegal hunting, so... 11-3-17 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Too hot to hunt? This sunny morning we headed to Withyham for the Old Surrey and Burstow,
who are currently under investigation for illegal hunting. To our surprise, they actually stuck to trail hunting all day, perhaps as there were both sabs and police round every
corner. A couple of cops were even more surprised when a crow-scarer they were standing next to went off with a bang! A terrified fox was disturbed by the hunt, popping up right near the hounds and hunt supporters. All our sabs got
ready to stop the hounds but the huntsman realised he had no chance and took them off himself. As we were celebrating a successful day in a nearby car park, one of the hunt staff had a go
at gate-crashing the party but we were not prepared to share our scones and cake with such a loser.
Hunts running riot in bTB hot spot risk spreading disease Heythrop FH alone interfered with at least 6 setts 11-3-17 Facebook - Lynn Sawyer So out in the North Cotswold badger cull zone for the 3rd time this week in the same
area, roughly around Turkdean. On Tuesday, the Heythrop were hunting and riding all over the place. They also blocked
6 Badger setts, probably more. On Wednesday the Dummer beagles met here. Today, Saturday the Cotswold hunt met here. 14 setts checked
so far and only one blocked, near Salperton, with staves rammed down it - but 8 terrier men stood on one sett to stop a fox
escaping down it (blaming us 'cos apparently we sett block to get them into trouble). So 3 Hunts, horses, hounds, people all traipsing over the
same fields and setts being blocked (with the exception of the Dummer of course, hares don't go down setts). The three different
packs pooing and peeing after eating possible infected meat from fallen stock. Earth stoppers not disinfecting quads and boots
after blocking setts, but vaccinators and callers are expected to. Etc, etc, etc. Funny
enough, they hunted on the land of the person who asked for the cull to come to this area! Badgers are being culled
for other reasons than bTb without any doubt whatsoever. Otherwise hunting would be suspended in such a bTb hotspot.
Blean Beagles head home as soon as sabs appear 11-3-17 You Tube – E.Kent Sabs THE BEAGLERS "WALK OF SHAME"
Yeah - we know that what beaglers do is abhorrent-taking a pack of dogs out to chase and kill hares for "sport"...and
we also know that if they were working class lads out coursing, the police would be (quite rightly) chasing them about, giving
them heavy fines and destroying their vehicles, rather than turning a blind eye. That's the real "Class War"
the Countryside Alliance keeps banging on about. But
you have to admit-seeing these guys getting caught red-handed, walking back to the meet in silence with heads hung low whilst
dressed as leprechauns...you gotta laugh! So-we present, for your viewing pleasure-"THE BLEAN BEAGLES
says Fitzwilliam FH killed fox before the dug-out one Admitted were fox hunting but 'nobody's supposed to know' Witness to 2nd kill had called
police and terrier men dispersed He found them there again later with still warm corpse of fox Autopsy said fox killed by 'blunt
force trauma' - maybe a spade 10-3-17
HSA Press Release Member of Public Retrieves Body of Fox
The Fitzwilliam Hunt dug out and killed a fox in the vicinity of Kimbolton Airfield, near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire on Wednesday
8th March A concerned member of the public witnessed the Hunt chase a fox to ground and immediately three men arrived on a quad bike and
commenced digging. He called police to the site and the hunt terrier men left the scene. When he returned to the site several
hours later he discovered the same hunt employees with a fox that they had just killed. They subjected him to violence but
he was able to retrieve the body of the fox [left]. The incident has been reported
to Cambridgeshire Police who are investigating. The fox has been autopsied and a vet has confirmed the Fox had more than likely
died from blunt force trauma to the head, quite possibly caused by a spade. Prior to the incident, the member of the public stopped to speak to foot
support, and asked what they were doing. A female foot supporter stated that they were hunting. He questioned whether trail
or fox hunting. The foot supporter stated that they were fox hunting but no-one was supposed to know. The foot supporter also
stated that they had already caught and killed one fox that day. The Fitzwilliam are already embroiled in one court case following
the illegal hunting and killing of a fox last year. Hunt staff are due to stand trial in Peterborough Magistrates court in
April. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Well done to this brave passer-by who managed
to gather evidence of a crime. It is one of the most blatant abuses of the Hunting Act that Hunts still have terrier men out
with them. If, as most of them claim, they are following a trail then why would they need terrier men to dig out foxes that
they shouldn't be chasing in the first place. Not only are these thugs often the most violent members of the Hunts but
they are also the ones who prove illegality. The Fitzwilliam are clearly serial lawbreakers and we hope the upcoming court
case serves up at least a measure of justice.”
Hunt causes havoc in Kent village named, ironically,
Hunton 10-3-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs 8th March - APPEAL FOR INFORMATION from a member of the public- “Does anyone
know anything about the hunt that took place today in Hunton? They caused havoc, with dogs escaping and running about in people's
gardens…. One person in my village has said
they have made a mess of a field and several boundaries. I'm still trying to find
out exactly where, although I know they went around East street, Hunton” POWAperson adds - The village
is near Maidstone, so the likeliest culprits are the Ashford Valley FH, who do hunt on Wednesdays
FH in disarray as sacked Huntsman and groom sue themPlanned amateur Huntsman replacement now going elsewhere 10-3-17 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs Atherstone Hunt in disarray - Atherstone being sued by
current Huntsman - No Huntsman for next season Current Huntsman Stuart Barton [right,
wondering where pack is] was given notice till May. The Atherstone were planning to bring in Andrew Frank Smith
as an amateur unpaid Huntsman. An EGM was planned in order to make this official. However Andrew Frank Smith has now told
the Atherstone he's changed his mind and will be going to the South Notts Hunt instead. Current Huntsman Barton and partner Jainey Rainey
(Hunt Groom) are suing the Atherstone Hunt for loss of earnings and will be leaving the Hunt early on the 3rd April. This leaves the Hunt with some big problems. They have no money. They
are being sued by their current hunt staff. If successful it will leave them with considerably less money. As mentioned they
have no money and as Barton found out they can not afford to pay wages. Their planned unpaid replacement of Barton has had
second thoughts. Which leaves the Atherstone with no Huntsman. And because of the persistent sab presence it's unlikely
many people will want to take on the role. The Atherstone are planning on advertising for an unpaid Huntsman in the next edition
of Horse and Hound magazine. We do hope they don't get inundated with fake applications as that really wouldn't be
fair ;) We planned on demonstrating outside the EGM,
however with not much worth discussing they instead had a normal board meeting (which we demonstrated outside anyway). Our
only concern about any of this is the hounds and horses. As Barton is leaving before his contract ends it means there will
be no one at the kennels to look after them when he’s gone. We have informed the relevant authorities of this situation. Whatever happens we're not going anywhere, as we've said before, as long as the Atherstone foxhounds are loose
in the countryside we will be there. As long as their foxhounds are loose in the countryside they pose a threat to any wildlife
they come into contact with and any motorists they inevitably dash out in front of.
Recap - This season the Atherstone Hunt have: Spent most of the season without a proper Whipper-In;
Spent the entire season without a terrier man (meaning no dig outs, no blocked setts, no artificial earths used and less bagged
/ released foxes); Haven't second horsed; Have averaged 10 riders (or less); Have packed up on average around 2:00; Have
lost a lot of land [see them left, exploiting some fine hunting country]; Have now been in the
local and national press and media over 80 times; Made a loss of £13,000. As
the Hunt have themselves stated this has all come about because of a persistent sab presence. You can help us maintain this
presence by clicking on the link https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs We would like to say thank you to you the public and all the other sab groups
who have supported us this season.
Melbreak FH hounds filmed hunting unsupervised on
NT land 10-3-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust VIDEO We've been sent this footage taken last Sunday afternoon, 5th
March, of the Melbreak fox hounds running all over the place. The Melbreak were hunting in Lanthwaite wood in the Crummock
area of the lake district. This is owned by the National Trust, who licence the Melbreak to hunt in this area. It was a Sunday
afternoon, there were families walking in the area, and hounds also trespassed into private property. As can be seen in the
footage, the Huntsman is not in sight and not in control. The hounds are not following any trail. Many of the dogs looked
emaciated, more than one had blood on it. Please contact the regional land agent for this area with any concerns about the
licencing of Hunts on National Trust land in the Lake District - victoria.lancaster@nationaltrust.org.uk .
gets strong with NT over allowing illegal hunting on its land 10-3-17 LACS Statement Hunting on National Trust Land – League Statement
The League Against Cruel Sports is very concerned about the growing evidence of illegal hunting and other offences taking
place on National Trust land, including the criminal use of firearms, poaching of deer, driving vehicles at deer and damaging
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Hunting wild animals like deer, hares and foxes with dogs for sport is illegal under
the terms of the Hunting Act (2004), except where an exemption applies. The National Trust currently issues licences to a
number of hunts to conduct ‘trail hunts’ on some of its estates. These licences contain conditions designed to
protect fauna and flora but it would seem the National Trust do not take any enforcement action for breaches of licence conditions
unless there has been a police investigation and a conviction; no checks are made and the hunts simply self-report on their
compliance with licence conditions. League Against Cruel Sports officers have found evidence that a hunt which was banned from hunting with dogs on National
Trust land in 1997, has repeatedly engaged in illegal stag hunting, driving hunt quad bikes and other vehicles on a restricted
byway and footpaths used regularly by the public (including school children) and across protected moorland, and has discharged
firearms to kill deer on National Trust land, which is open to the public, in the West Country. On one occasion, a National
Trust vehicle passed along a restricted byway as hunt vehicles were driven illegally in the opposite direction but there was
no intervention. The evidence shows that National Trust estate staff may be aware of what goes on but take no action to stop
it happening The
League has sought on repeated occasions to contact the National Trust to convey its grave concerns and to share examples of
the evidence in our possession. The League’s most recent efforts date back to 13th September when we contacted their
offices directly. The League was able to secure a meeting at the National Trust’s London offices in Grosvenor Gardens,
on March 1st. At
the meeting, having heard that the National Trust has insufficient resources to monitor licenced or unlicenced hunting activity
on its land, the League offered to support the National Trust by providing monitors, and by providing training to National
Trust estate managers (similar to that which the League provides on the national Police Wildlife Crime Officer training course
and for several police forces). Regrettably, the National Trust declined these offers. However, it did agree to discuss the
evidence presented by the League with regional managers and to consider whether any other action could be taken. The League believes that the
evidence clearly shows that hunting activities on National Trust land are cruel, illegal, unauthorised, dangerous to the public,
as well as damaging to Sites of Scientific Interest and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We await the outcome of the
National Trust’s discussions following our meeting. The League very much hopes that the National Trust will take responsibility
for hunting activity on its estates and do all it can to ensure that the law is upheld. Should the National Trust’s
response fall short, we will consult with our members and partners on our response. CA contest £60k award after racing
pigeons killed by hunting hounds 10-3-17 Belfast Telegraph £60k award for racing pigeons killed by hunt's
dogs contested An award of more than £60,000 to a pigeon fancier for the slaughter of his stock
by hunt club hounds should be overturned due to issues of credibility, the Court of Appeal has heard. Lawyers for the Countryside
Alliance are challenging a ruling that the dogs destroyed 59 of Maurice Weir's racing birds after breaking into his premises
in Loughgall, Co Armagh, eight years ago. Counsel for Mr Weir claimed the huntsmen were negligent in failing to
control their dogs. In February last year a High Court judge awarded Mr Weir £59,580 in damages, with a further £2,500
for distress. But in an appeal before three senior judges in Belfast, counsel for the Alliance argued again that the hunt's
dogs were never on the premises. David Ringland QC questioned the consistency of the plaintiff's account. The hearing
continues. POWAperson adds - I confess to missing the original stories about this case. A pigeon-fancier
called Maurice Weir claimed his pigeons were slaughtered when hounds from the weirdly named Kinnego Grange and Canary
Hunt Club invaded his property. For some reason he sued the Countryside Alliance and the court awarded him £60,000, in February last year.
Film released of Beaufort
FH apparently hunting a fox 9-3-17 Facebook - Pets Fight Back PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO - Is this fox hunting or not? What do
YOU think? POWAperson adds - The captioned video is of
the Beaufort FH hunting on 18-2-17. It begins with a fox running away [left] from the filmer across a grass field near Griickstone Farm. A faint whistle is heard.
The fox stops, looks back, then runs again. Hounds in cry can be heard in the distance. The camera pans to the left. we see
a female rider – the whistleblower, on a ridge. She points towards the fox. The cameraman says there are other spotters on the
hill to his right. Hounds on cry are louder now.
A quad bike with 3 terriermen
and a terrier box turns into the farmyard where the cameraman is and passes him. One of the men is on the phone. A female
rider [the whistleblower] trots into the yard. The cameraman slightly misdirects her. She rides up to a man in country clothes
and points to where she saw the fox running slightly earlier. The man runs into the yard.
video resumes at the same location, 12 minutes later. We see a male and female follower and a helmeted man on a moto-cross
bike facing the direction the fox took. The bike rider is using binocs.
video then shows a map of the area with commentary explaining what has happened on the hunt so far. The Hunt set out from
Badminton Estate and rode south-west to 3 coverts south of Grickstone Farm. The monitors tracked them. Monitors then found
a property near the northernmost covert. The owner told them as soon as he heard the hounds he saw a fox running north, towards
Grickstone Farm. Presumably the same fox seen in the video. From the property, monitors could see, and filmed, the mounted
field carrying on south-west.
Monitors moved on to Grickstone Farm. They then saw the
whistleblower. 12 minutes later the whole Hunt arrived at Grickstone Farm. The film then shows the same 3 spectators as before
with hounds passing in front of them. Huntsman can be heard making what sound like encouraging sounds to the hounds.The mounted
field is then seen beyond the spectators [there are now 6], walking their horses in the direction the fox fled. Two quad bikes
and a Hunt landy move of in the same direction.
Caption says 'They disappeared
on to private land with no public access or view.' Film ends. Pics below - 1/ Whistleblower 2/ Terriermen arrive at Grigstock Farm 3/
Whistleblower arrives 4/ Hounds arrive 5/ Field arrives, walk in direction fox fled
6/ Terriermen do the same   POWAperson
adds - Two highly experienced monitors, who are also POWA members, have examined this footage. They say that, though common
sense would tell anyone that the Beaufort FH are hunting the fox seen, there is very unlikely to be sufficient evidence to
sustain a prosecution, given the highly exacting standard of proof required. In particular, we do not see the Huntsman encouraging
the hounds [though the sounds may be him doing that] or, critically, the hounds following the line of the fox. Their behaviour
at the farm certainly looks like they were searching for scent, but, since the High Court judgement of 2009, 'searching'
is not evidence of hunting and not in itself illegal.
Pet rabbit killed by hounds as Oakley FH trespass Woman owner 'devastated' and 'frightened' 9-3-17 Bedford Today Pet killed in hunt on private Bedfordshire land
A woman has been left ‘devastated’ and ‘frightened’ after a hunt trespassed on her land and killed
her pet rabbit. Mabel Blades owns Pennworley Wood in Melchbourne where she has planted 4,000 trees. She claims she has had problems in the past with various hunt groups trespassing
on her land but says the incident on Saturday involving the Oakley Hunt [left], was
the last straw. She said: “It’s really upsetting and frightening to see a gang of people on horses searching around your
land, and I’m devastated that they allowed their dogs to kill my rabbit. I do see some legal hunt groups in the area,
but they know that the wood is private and it’s clearly signposted. We have had some issues before, but they began telling
me when they would be in the area so I could take extra precautions. I don’t want to be forced to have confrontations
with people, who can sometimes be quite nasty and scary over something that shouldn’t be an issue. It is private land,
and it has been for over 20 years. I attempted to settle the matter and reminded them not to go into the wood during their
hunts – but it never stops them. I think these people should respect the law and at least have the decency to apologise.
I just want to keep the plants and animals in the area safe.” A spokesman for The Oakley Hunt declined to comment. Traditional
fox hunting with hounds was banned in the UK in 2005.
Fox found
dead, likely shot after dig out, near Fitzwilliam FH huntTerrierman tries to
assault man who found it - ends up on his back 9-3-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Sabs We were contacted by a concerned member of the public yesterday as he witnessed a
Hunt, the Fitzwilliam, taking place near Kimbolton. He believed they were digging something out. After following them around
as best he could he returned to the site with his dog to be greeted with the distressing image below. We're not sure how
this fox was killed but it wasn't by the hounds. Possible gunshot or something worse. The body was still warm. It is a
female and looks heavily pregnant. Digging
out is illegal, it is not covered by the Gamekeepers exemption when in conjunction with a Hunt. A terrier man for the Hunt
then appeared to retrieve the body. He proceeded to assault the member of the public but we're told that "he hits
like a 6 year old girl and I'm an ex rugby player and he ended up on his arse". A complaint will be made to the police over the incident.
This may have not been the only kill on the day. When you consider the Fitzwilliam are in court next month for illegal hunting
and cruelty you begin to understand the sheer contempt these people have for the law.  POWAperson comments - That the Fitzwilliam
appear to be still blatantly hunting just weeks away from the trial of their Huntsman and bird handler for breaking the Hunting
Act says a lot. However, whether or not digging-out is illegal is a Moot point. My interpretation of the HA is that, so long
as none of the other requirements to legalise terrier work under the Gamekeeper's Exemption are broken, then digging out
is not illegal [though it should be]. Neither the relevant Schedule in the Act, nor the binding Code of Conduct attached to
it, mention digging out at all. Whether it is done in assocation with purported 'trail hunting' or not seems
to me legally irrelevant.
Southdown FH supporter
smashes sab landy window Rider seriously injured in fall on
wet ground 8-3-17 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Today we were at the Southdown and Eridge Hunt stopping them killing foxes. The day started off with some boys
on a quad throwing a pathetic tantrum and smashing a window of our Landrover (please help us with the costs of repairs here: https://gogetfunding.com/hunt-saboteurs/ . The
Hunt called two ambulances for separate incidents today. At least one rider was seriously injured. The ground was very wet
with horses going a foot into the mud at some points - dangerous for both horses and riders. The
picture today [below] is of the arrogant huntsman having an argument with a local man who
wanted to get around but was being blocked in by the hunt parading around the roads. Despite lots of temper tantrums from riders and supporters giving us a torrent of abuse,
we were on top of the hunt all day so no kills.
Row erupts over vet who is Director of Cheshire Forest FH 8-3-17 Liverpool Echo Anger over vet who is also hunt director Animal rights supporters
have criticised a Runcorn vet for being the director of a leading Cheshire hunt. Elizabeth Gorse denied there was
any conflict between the roles after hunting opponents pointed out that Companies House documents showed she holds directorships
for Cheshire Forest Hunt [below] and also Rose Cottage Veterinary Centre on Chester Road, Sutton Weaver. Among those to criticise her position was Stop The
Cull badger hunt group, which posted a picture of a dead fox on its Facebook page on March 6 with links to Rose Cottage’s
Facebook and Yell pages, suggesting opponents could post reviews. The post has been shared hundreds of times. Twitter users
also expressed anger over Mrs Gorses’s two roles. Among those was ‘Pete & Lou’, @Burforders, who said:
“Something locals have a right to know in my opinion. I would want to know if this was my vet.” Hounds Off, @houndsoff,
simply said ‘Strewth’ with a retweet of the image of the dead fox and reference to Mrs Gorse being director of
the hunt and the vets. The dead animal is alleged to have been killed during a controversial hunt in Macclesfield in February,
which police are investigating over alleged trespass. Residents complained to police after witnesses reported a pack of hounds
jumping over a fence and mauling a fox. Witnesses claimed a fox was savaged by hounds in an elderly couple’s garden.
The Manchester Evening News reported that resident Julie Clark, 47, said she saw a woman then remove the dead animal from
the garden. Edwina Church, 47, said ‘a stream of dogs’ ran through her garden and at one point 15 were ‘jumping
around’ in her garden. She added that her 82-year-old mother, who has heart failure, saw the chase unfold and was left
‘traumatised’. Cheshire police were investigating [left, Huntsman being quizzed by police]
. The MEN said the Hunt's master had phoned a farmer to apologise after hounds ran through his field containing pregnant
Hunting foxes for the purpose of killing with dogs is illegal, but under the Hunting Act 2004 wild animals can be
flushed out and shot if specific legal conditions are satisfied. After Stop The Cull’s post on Facebook, a slew
of reviews for and against Rose Cottage appeared on yell.com. These have now been removed. Two positive reviews were posted
on Rose Cottage’s Facebook page on Tuesday, March 7. Among those to express support for the veterinary practice as a
whole was Andrew Lopez, who said he was opposed to fox hunting but wanted to support the surgery’s front-line staff.
Jonathon Hodge said it was a ‘vets that put animal needs first’. Rose Cottage’s website staff profiles page
said Liz Gorse has worked at the centre since it opened in 1984. It said she ‘has a particular interest in horses’,
with a Royal College Of Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate in equine practice. The profile added that she has had an interest
in ‘equine country pursuits’ since childhood. Mrs Gorse said she saw
no conflict between the roles as hunt director and vet. She said: “There is no ethical conflict of interest between
my practising as a veterinary surgeon and supporting legal hunting. The Cheshire Forest, of which I am a director and follower,
always intends to hunt within the confines of the Hunting Act 2004 by trail-hunting and performing hound exercise. There appears
to have been an organised campaign by anti-hunting supporters to disrupt businesses where individuals who openly support legal
hunting work.” Mrs Gorse said police were investigating an allegation that Cheshire Forest hounds chased a fox in connection
with the Macclesfield matter.
Sabs stop N.Bucks Beagles hunting
hares and sick cops on them 7-3-17
Facebook - Beds & Bucks Sabs A little birdy told us that the North Bucks Beagles would be having a meet at Bottom
Farm (snigger) in the village of Covington just over the Beds/Cambs border. We had people off work so why not pay them a visit,
it was a nice enough day so a walk in the countryside saving Hares would seem thoroughly appropriate. We also had a new sab
along today as well which is always nice. We
found them easily enough at the meet all dressed up in their finery so parked our car out of sight and pretended to be walkers
out on a jolly. We had also tipped off Cambs police who are very good on this sort of thing and kept them updated. Once they
left the meet the huntsman put them into the open fields and cast them to search for Hares. At this point we made ourselves
known, video cameras at the ready and with a determined gait we went into action. Immediately they gathered the beagles up
and . . . packed up. We followed them on their walk
of shame back to the meet whereupon the police arrived to discuss with them what they were up to. Some excuses were no doubt
made but our job here was done so we hung around in the spring sunshine till the hound van left. A grand total of 30 minutes
in the field and an hour or so hanging around. What's even nicer is these beagles are kennelled with the Oakley hounds
so it's a kind of two for one offer. We rarely get the chance to hit these wildlife killers so a nice way to finish the
day. With plenty of time left we discussed out options of what to do next, and the winner was? Go to the pub for some
celebratory pop. 
4 blocked setts found in area being hunted by Heythrop FH 7-3-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs Today the Heythrop were hunting in the Turkdean/Cold Aston area which is in the North
Cotswold Badger cull zone. Sabs attended and remained out of sight of the hunt and checked several setts in the area. Three
were not active. Four were blocked. Bear in mind that badgers and foxes are lactating or already have cubs right now.Furthermore
these exact sam setts will be targeted by a government sponsored cull later this year. The irony is that hounds and horses
can spread tb and there are no bovine here, just pheasants! 
Two Jedforest FH servants deny illegal hunting charges 7-3-17 Southern Reporter Hunters plead not guilty Two huntsmen
from the Borders will stand trial on a charge of deliberately hunting a fox with a pack of dogs. Jedforest Hunt members Johnathan
Riley, 23, and 66-year-old John Richardson pleaded not guilty to the charge at Jedburgh Sheriff Court. The pair, of Abbotrule,
Bonchester Bridge, deny deliberating hunting a wild mammal while acting with others on land surrounding Townfoothill near
Jedburgh, on February 18. No huntsmen have yet fallen foul of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002, but
two individuals have been convicted for hunting foxes with dogs and 10 for hare coursing. Riley and Richardson will stand trial
at Jedburgh Sheriff Court on March 16 and 17. POWAperson adds -
The senior JM of the Jedforest FH is Johan Christofferson [below]. He is an American hedge-fund mamager. Before moving to
the Jedforest, in the Scottish border country, he was JM of the Isle of Wight FH. During his tenure the Huntsman of the Hunt,
Stuart Trousdale and James Butcher, terrierman with a badger-digging conviction, thought it would be a ripping wheeze
to dump large animal carcasses in Brighton City centre, when the Labour party conference was being hosted there, as
a protest against the imminent Hunting Act. They were convicted of public order offences but given just a slap on the
wrist. Christofferson was suspended for a month by the MFHA for not controlling his hunt servants. He took Trousdale with
him to the Jedforest as JM/Huntsman, though he has since left. Christofferson has long been a very substantial donor to the
Tory party. He helped fund the election campaign of Simon Hart MP, a former CA CEO in 2010 and also funded Nick Herbert,
a former hare hunt JM and senior CA officer, who became Cameron's first Policing Minister. I once had the dubious pleasure
of debating against him at Warwick University. Although he has since come out as gay, he did have a certain attraction and
charm, and attracted the attention of various ladies in the audience by frequently fiddling with his trouser fly, apparently
pretending there was some defect with it. He lost the debate vote. That same night I met the stick-thin greyhound my wife
had rescued earlier that day after seeing her dumped out a of a car in a local park, so that was a red letter day for two
in hounds at Kimblewick FH kennels confirmedHunting
suspended, at least 25 hounds put down so far League
& Hounds Off call for all hunting to be suspended Tory Animal Welfare Minister is member of the Hunt ! 7-3-17 Mirror Top Tory's fox hunt kills off 25 of its own hounds after bovine
TB outbreak Calls for suspension of all
hunting with dogs after Kimblewick Hunt [left, credit Trinity Mirror], to which
Conservative peer Lord Gardiner of Kimble [below right] belongs, announced the
cull A fox hunt which counts the Tory Animal Welfare Minister among its members has killed up to 25 hounds following a suspected bovine TB outbreak. The Kimblewick Hunt,
to which Lord Gardiner of Kimble belongs, culled the dogs and implemented biosecurity measures to prevent the disease spreading.
Hunt officials said “it is most likely that the hounds contracted it from eating meat from a contaminated bovine”.
Another 120 hounds are being monitored for symptoms. It is thought to be the biggest ever potential outbreak of bTB among
dogs in Britain. Kimblewick, which has its kennels
in Aylesbury, Bucks., has abandoned hunting with its own dogs for the rest of the season. But it has been carrying on legal
hunting activities with hounds from other hunts. League
Against Cruel Sports chief executive Eduardo Goncalves said: “The implications of this outbreak are huge. It would be
a farce if hunting was allowed to continue while bovine TB is rife. All hunting with dogs must be suspended with immediate
effect in the bTB epidemic zone.” Critics say
they often lead to the “accidental” deaths of foxes as hounds pick up a genuine scent and flush out a live animal.
While bTB is usually linked to cattle and badgers, infections have also been found in other animals including sheep, goats,
horses, pigs, deer, dogs and cats. The revelation is a major blow to the Kimblewick, which boasts the top Government minister
among its ranks. Lord Gardiner of Kimble was appointed
Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) last July. He was chairman of Kimblewick’s predecessor Hunt, the Vale
of Aylesbury with Garth and South Berks, from 1992 to 2006. According to the Kimblewick Hunt’s website, “the Hunt was formed in 2002 by the amalgamation of the Vale
of Aylesbury with the Garth and South Berks”. It was renamed The Kimblewick Hunt in 2010 and Lord Gardiner’s parliamentary
register of interests lists him as an “Honorary Member”. The peer is a former deputy chief executive of the pro-hunting
Countryside Alliance and he was Captain of the Queen’s Bodyguard of the Yeomen of the Guard from 2015-16. He served as private secretary to five successive Tory Party chairmen between 1989 and 1995, under Prime Ministers
Margaret Thatcher and John Major. The Kimblewick
Hunt covers a wide area of the Home Counties, including Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire
and Hampshire. At least one biosecurity sign has been spotted at the entrance to the kennels. A spokeswoman for the Animal and Plant Health Agency, part of Defra, said: “The bacterium
that causes bovine TB in cattle has been found in dogs at a kennel in Buckinghamshire. The origin and route of this infection
is being investigated.” She added: “Dogs are not considered to play a significant role in onward transmission
of bovine TB.” The Hunt said the first signs
of bTB came late last year and it immediately alerted Defra. It said in a statement: “We are waiting for Animal and
Plant Health Agency’s epidemiology report that might give details of the source of infection, however it would appear
that it is most likely that the hounds contracted it from eating meat from a contaminated bovine.” It added: “There
has been no contact with other packs of hounds since the initial case was suspected, and a monitoring and testing protocol
has been rolled out across the country. The Kimblewick Hunt has been working alongside Defra, Animal and Plant Health Agency,
Public Health England and the Masters of Foxhounds Association in order to ensure that bTB has been contained. No other cases
have been reported. Testing continues on the Kimblewick hounds in line with advice given from veterinary and scientific experts
during this very difficult time for the hunt staff and their families.” A Hounds Off spokesman said: “With
the link between the Kimblewick Hunt hounds and bovine tuberculosis now confirmed, Hounds Off calls for the immediate blanket
suspension of all hunting by all packs of hounds pending further investigations
and enquiries.” 7-3-17 LACS PR Outbreak of bovine TB discovered in fox hunt kennels [left]
Bovine TB, the disease ravaging herds of cattle across England and Wales, has been discovered in a pack of hounds used for
fox hunting – prompting urgent calls for hunting to be suspended indefinitely. Animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports are calling for all hunting to be
stopped immediately to ensure that the thousands of hounds used in the ‘sport’ cannot spread the disease.
Eduardo Gonçalves,
CEO of the League, which received a tip off about the outbreak from the organisation Hounds Off, said: “The implications
of this outbreak are huge. We already know that restricting the movement of animals in the countryside is the only effective
way of controlling bTB, but thousands of hunt hounds are free to chase from field to field, farm to farm and across private
and National Trust land pretty much on a daily basis during the hunting season. How on earth can this be allowed to continue
now we know that at least some hounds have caught the disease? It would be a farce if hunting was allowed to continue while
bovine TB is rife. All hunting with dogs – much of which is already illegal – must be suspended with immediate
effect at least until bTB is under control. To do anything else – or to do nothing – would raise serious questions
as to who is really in charge of looking after our countryside. There are more than 50 hunts operating in parts of the country
where bTB is particularly widespread. Are we looking at the real reason why the disease can’t be controlled?” The League estimates that there are more than 3,000 hunting hounds in
the England bTb epidemic zone alone, which may be out in the countryside an average of two days a week during the six-month
hunting season. Although hunting with hounds was banned by the Hunting Act 2004, hunts continue to take place. These usually
claim to be ‘trail’ hunting or hunting under one of the exemptions of the Act, but the League believes these are
false claims and most are hunting illegally. Joe Hashman, founder of www.houndsoff.co.uk , an organisation which supports people negatively affected by hunts said:
"It is because Hounds Off works with local people in local communities that we are able to find out things which might
otherwise be kept secret. With the link between the Kimblewick Hunt hounds and bovine tuberculosis now confirmed, Hounds Off
calls for the immediate blanket suspension of all hunting by all packs of hounds pending further investigations and enquiries."... 7-3-17 Facebook - Anti Fox Hunting Online Army to Back the Ban Kimblewick TB outbreak: Major landowner bans fox hunt from his land
A cattle farmer who allows the Kimblewick across their land has today placed a permanent ban on the Hunt. Some 2500 acres
of grass land. The farmer, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, states "the recent South Herefordshire
stories, followed by lies from our local pack [the Kimblewick], mean that our long standing support of hunting must modernise.
We have deep concerns with TB in this area, as are mostly disease free, so any threat to our business must be taken seriously."
He added that it was the main topic of talk while at Thame Auction Mart the other day. And said "my impression is a number
of landowners will do the same. Our livestock is our livelihood." The Ecologist also ran excellent articles by the admirable Lesley Docksey and LACS's Jordi Caasamitjana POWAperson
adds - The story of bTb at the Hunt was first picked up by Joe Hashman of 'Hounds Off', He got talking to a
supporter who didn't realise he was an anti! His account can be found here. If not for that accidental leak this outbreak may never have come to public
attention. Did a Conservative MP who is a Director of the Hunt in the
DEFRA Ministry have anything to do with the cover-up? Viva! raised the possibility
of hunting hounds being a significant vector for the transmission of bTb several years ago. How many other infected hounds
are there out there. Meanwhile, the poor badger gets the blame and the bullet.
Hunting Surrey Union FH trespass and
anger landowner 7-3-17 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Surrey Union FH, Thorncombe St, Tuesday 7-3-17 Guildford and N.Downs sabs arrived just in time to see a rather poor show of riders for such
a lovely day. Two runners deployed on the set off and followed the Hunt from the meet along Thorncombe Street. The landy drove
round to the other side and we had all eyes on them on the open ground. About 40 minutes in, the hounds got onto a scent in thick woodland ( near Langhurst farm ) The heavily pregnant vixen made
her escape through someone's garden and possibly went to ground, as the hounds were soon seen sniffing around a fox earth.
Sabs used voice and horn calls to gather the hounds and they soon came bounding back. The
landowner saw the hounds and informed us he had every intention of reporting their actions to the police. We believe the Hunt
witnessed this also.
Hunt [left], knowing full well we had seen everything, moved on and ventured
towards private land near Yewtree Knob, but having witnessed the fox we kept close to the Hunt and had to laugh when they
said THEY were going to call the police over trespass, a civil offence. We reminded them of their trespass only 10 minutes
ago and their reply " We CAN trespass so long as we are hunting within the law". Their stupidity and arrogance is so laughable sabs may have to invest in heavy duty tena-pants. Looked like the police had no intention of attending the Sorry Union
, and shortly after the redcoats were seen back at the meet and with the support and the riders nowhere to been seen, it seems
it was a very early pack up - in light of last week's kill perhaps.
Illegal hunting trial
of Grove & Rufford FH three begins 7-3-17 Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser Notts hunt members in court on fox hunting charges Three
members of the Grove and Rufford hunt have been charged with hunting a fox after pictures were taken by two keen birdwatchers. Huntsman Paul Larby, 57, of The Kennels,
Kennel Drive, Barnby Moor, trail-layer Peter White, 57, of Leyfields Farm, Redhill Lane, Kneesall, and the hunt’s whipper-in
Jane Wright, 63, of Town Street, Lound, each pleaded not guilty to offences under the Hunting Act. The hunt claimed it was
trail-hunting, which is legal, after fox hunting was banned in 2005. Rod Chapman, prosecuting, said: “The issue for trial today is whether the activities
of the defendants constituted the hunting of a wild mammal, and whether they were engaged in it. Phillip Palmer and his partner Pauline Hogg asked permission
to photograph the hunt when it gathered at the Bees’ Knees pub, in Laneham, at 10.30am, on January 30, 2016. While giving
evidence, Mr Palmer referred to his pictures of the hunt, which included 20 to 30 people on horseback, around 45 dogs, people
in cars or on quad bikes, which he took because he “liked the idea of seeing people in red jackets riding across the
countryside. ”At
11.52am at Holly Folly Farm, he and Ms Hogg saw a fox cross Broadings Lane, and five minutes later the hunt appeared. Mr Larby
spoke to a man in the field, on a mobile phone, who pointed in the direction the fox had run, before setting off that way
too, Mr Palmer said. Mr
Palmer told the court: “I said to my partner ‘this is going to be interesting. They should go in the opposite
direction and call off the hunt’.” The couple walked north along Broadings Lane before splitting up. Mr Palmer
drove to Rampton Road, where he saw a fox run across the road and into a field pursued by hounds, at 12.44pm. “It was
running like mad to get away,” he said. “The hunt was reasonably close behind - a couple of minutes. The hounds
had picked up the scent but they hadn’t got a sight of it. They followed the route the fox had taken.” About fifty per cent of the hunt followed
the route of the fox, he said. At 1.12pm, they saw the hounds catch the fox on a field off Helenship Lane. Mr Palmer said:
“We could hear the dogs barking. I saw the fox running with the dogs following very close behind. They soon caught up
and that was it. “The lead huntsman was about 40 or 50 yards away. The lady rider was near him. They were trotting along
quite slowly. I saw the lead dogs overtake the fox. It was just a mass of dogs in one place. And there was nothing left at
the end of it. “There were some bits and pieces left which a man on a quad bike came to sift through a matter of minutes
later. He put some things in a carrier bag. We were aware that we could have been in quite a dangerous position because we
were surrounded by supporters,” he said. “We were thinking that at any time they could have called the dogs off,
but we didn’t hear any calls. Wherever we saw the fox or the dogs running, there was no trail laying before that. There
was nothing to indicate that.” But he couldn’t say if the riders were in the same field or not at the time of the kill. Stephen Welford, defending,
said to Mr Palmer: “There were times when you couldn’t see the hunt or the riders? The quad bike could have been
leaving trails when you couldn’t see it?” Mr. Palmer agreed. The trial at Mansfield Magistrates Court continues.
of the White Horse FH openly hunt foxes on roads & in gardens Property owners furious at their repeated intrusions
Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO VWH Hunt 4th March We headed over to the Cotswold
District of Calmsden north of Cirencester where the VWH were holding their Saturday meet. This is just inside the border of Cotswold Hunt territory. Could it be that they met here as the Cotswold Hunt seems to be having
some difficulties lately! We were greeted by a supporter who we saw at a recent VWH outing. He seemed pleased to see us but
sadly his mood turned really sour later in the day. They hunted both sides of the A429 Stow road [and on the B4425,
right], dangerously crossing several times a day. All traffic was stopped by redcoats and hounds were
weaving in and out of vehicles. One hound was left behind on this very busy road at 12.25 – the Hunt had moved on and
goodness knows what happened to that poor animal... It was great to have support from members of the public - one cyclist told us to
'get those scumbags' and another told us where the fox had gone which helped us as the Hunt re-visited that area,
we believe to try and pick up on it but we were there with plenty of cameras and had time to spray out the road to stop the hounds picking up the scent... They
disturbed a woodcock inside the wood and the redcoat commented to one of us that a woodcock had been flushed out by them earlier
and when it flew up a sparrow hawk had taken it. So the woodcock which would have lain low until dusk was a hunt victim too.
We also saw a hare running across the road disturbed by the Hunt. No wildlife is safe whilst Hunts are around. Later in the day, hounds
invaded gardens at Chedworth [left and below right] and an angry householder came out to remonstrate,
but the redcoat didn't take any notice or apologise. She told us the hounds were often on her land. We saw them all over
her garden and in another house’s garden where the Hunt staff made no attempt to restrain them. It was the same at another commercial property where the owner
was furious with the Hunt and said he was constantly phoning the police about them. Some of the mounted field were very anxious
that we should not trespass - but apparently it is one rule for them and another for us. They spent a long time in the wooded areas behind Oxwold House
where a fox was seen in the wood with the hounds only feet behind it disappearing out of sight. It might have had a chance to get away as initially
foxes can sprint faster than hounds but unfortunately do not have the long term stamina of hounds which are slower but have
been bred to run for longer distances, thus creating the 'sport' of chasing foxes. They kept revisiting Deadlands Copse on Cadmore Lane Track
and the other wooded areas behind Oxwold House. We had foot walkers in there for quite some time and one point a fox ran out
with the hounds very close behind it disappearing out of sight as the Hunt raced in a southerly direction. The Hunt burst
straight out over the Bibury road causing chaos to the Saturday traffic again and into a small wooded area on the other side
of the road, where the Hunt came to a stop with hounds gathered. The hounds looked to be marking to ground and as they were very keen to block our
cameras. This made us very suspicious, so went back afterwards to check. It was obvious the hounds had been all over a hole
in the ground but there was no sign of a kill so we hope that fox escaped too. There were the usual lot of angry supporters including someone
who has previously had to write an apology for throwing clods of mud at us. Twice today he stupidly stood in the middle of
the road directly obstructing our vehicle and later on drove his vehicle within centimetres of our vehicle bonnet to block
our way ahead. Still I suppose we have to thankful for small mercies – we didn’t get ‘paedos’ or ‘why
don’t you get a proper job’ thrown at us. Towards the end of the day they spent a long time searching round a disused quarry
area - riders so bored they were smoking cigarettes as they waited, but we did not hear them find anything before we saw them
packing up into their lorries. Pics below
- 1/ Hunters watch as hounds rampage thru village gardens 2/ Hounds hunting along edge
of road 
Senior equestrienne dies after fall during drag hunt [a real one] 6-3-17 Daily Mail Leading horsewoman is crushed to death after her mount
falls and lands on top of her as they took part in a hunt A leading equestrian was crushed to death when
her horse fell during a hunt. Sue Webb, who was vice chairman of the British Show Horse Association, was thrown from her saddle
at a jump and her mount landed on top of her. The 64-year-old was riding with the Mid Surrey Farmers Draghounds, of which
she was secretary, when tragedy struck at the weekend. Her devastated mother, Sheila Pipe, told the Mail: 'She
fell at the fence and the horse went over and crushed her underneath. I can't believe it. It was the last drag meet of
the season and the first fence. She was a very keen horsewoman and very well known in the horsey world, judging and everything.
Sue Webb, who was vice chairman of the British Show Horse Association, was riding with the Mid Surrey Farmers Draghounds when
she was thrown from her saddle at a jump and her mount landed on top of her over the weekend... One fox has very lucky escape from the Lamerton FH 5-3-17
Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Lamerton Hunt 4.3.2017 Yesterday we paid a visit to the Lamerton
Hunt, who met at the Blue Lion pub in Lewdown. Our three foot teams kept them in sight and earshot all day but didn't have much cause to intervene, except on one occasion. No 'trail-layer' in
sight and plenty of dense coverts being drawn, but a strong westerly wind ensured scent was blown all over the place in the
open fields, which made our job a bit easier. The Hunt drew the valley between Swallow Cottage
and Middle Raddon, then south towards West Raddon, Tibridge and Raddon Wood, then straight through Lew Wood and Eastcottdown
Plantation, where hounds occasionally spoke on a scent. They drew a small covert north of Galford Down and then turned around
and hunted almost the exact same route backwards. Sabs were never far from Lewis and hounds in the woods, although he was
oblivious to it most of the time, and hounds rioted on deer as they hunted upwind towards Lew Wood. The Hunt then made their
way back to the kennels via Middle Raddon for a nice and early 4pm finish! Hounds did get dangerously close to one fox yesterday. Various
riders were positioned 'on point' [above right] around the edges
of a crop field and hounds were entered to draw the field upwind, a risky move. As expected, they put up a fox, but thankfully
neither Huntsman nor riders spotted him. Sabs a few fields away began calling hounds towards them, but Lewis was already gathering
the pack and heading out of the field. That fox had an extremely close escape! Pics below - 1/ Leaving the meet 2/
You got a fox in there? 3/ Shall I make a break for it? 
National Trust beefs up its policy on field sports - a smidgen 5-3-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust 'Our Position on Field Sports' - recently updated
National Trust policynow contains the following paragraph - 'We expect our licence
holders to comply fully with the law and the terms of our licence. Anyone who suspects them of breaking the law should contact
the local police force as the proper investigating authority. We will, and have, taken strong action against licence holders
where the police and the legal process have found them guilty of breaking the law. Our assessment of how Hunts are performing against their licence
conditions includes cross-checking their regular reports to us with those of people who wish to monitor their activities and
with our own staff’s observations. We cooperate fully with the police, and our local teams follow up with the Hunt in question
after any police investigation where we deem that further action is necessary. We also meet regularly with the Hunts themselves
to ensure that the terms of the licence are being upheld and to discuss issues that arise.' https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/…/our-position-on-field-sp… Now imagine if this was their policy on fell-running, or kayaking, or any other 'activity'
that might take place on NT land. Would the National Trust need to constantly cross-check that the licence conditions were
being upheld? Or would references to the police/breaking the law/police investigation/legal process need to be made at all? As
far as we know the National Trust take little, if any notice of reports from monitors, and refuse to facilitate independent
monitoring. Nor do they cross-check the reports provided by hunts, as most hunts do not submit reports and if they did they
would certainly not be truthful - how many 'accidents' could they admit to before the NT would have to realise that
trail-hunting just doesn't exist.
Cheshire Forest FH massed thugs attract
police action at final meet Sabs
believe some given dispersal order by the police 5-3-17 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO HIT REPORT - 04/03/17 - CHESHIRE FOREST – CROWTONYesterday
we had a small team of sabs and monitors who were very determined to show face at the last meet of the Cheshire Forest after
their filthy, outrageous behaviour in Macclesfield where they murdered a fox in a suburban area and terrorised members of
the public in their own homes. We expected the Hunt to be in the Crowton area so decided not to go to the meet location and
instead wait around for the Hunt to arrive. From our position we soon seen the Hunt high up on the hillside about a mile to
the east. We had eyes and ears everywhere for this meet as there were so many people appalled with the Forest taking to the
suburbs to hunt urban foxes. We received information that the Hunt were somewhere down by the banks of the river Weaver, we
were about to approach on foot when we were suddenly joined by a gang of quad bike riding hunt thugs, from what we believe
were something to do with all the Cheshire Hunts. The usual insults and pathetic name calling ensued from the rabble of hunt
scum but sabs stood their ground and within minutes they all rode away into the distance... The Hunt were nowhere to be seen so we proceeded to move on.
Once again, we found ourselves amongst a slightly larger group of terrier scum, with one quad bike rider attempting to mow
down a sab who was instantly flagged down by a police officer who was on foot and literally chased him down the road to issue him a
ticket and give him a stern talking to! Kudos to the police! Whilst they were dealing with these individuals, sabs left the
area in pursuit of the Huntmaster and hounds. Upon leaving, sabs passed two riot vans with flashing lights and sirens blaring
heading towards the terrier boys. We believe that this element of scum was given a dispersal order!! Further down the road
we were once again stopped from following the hounds by an even bigger group of hunt scum. A large proportion of these dirtbags
had come all the way from North Wales presumably to cause trouble whilst supporting their own scummy lot from the Flint and
Denbigh Hunt who had joined forces with their fox murdering companions here in Cheshire. It soon became apparent that the pack had been split into two
which made sabbing slightly more difficult and we cannot be certain of a kill-free day as we struggled to find the hounds
for the majority of it. After much driving around searching for the two packs of hounds, the police informed us at around
3:30 that they were standing down as the Hunt had packed in for the day. We had further confirmation from other sources that
the hounds were seen being loaded into the hound van and we decided there now wasn't much point remaining in the area.
The majority of police were now leaving with only a small amount of officers remaining to keep the peace should ourselves
and the scum come across each other again. We did see some very well known Flint and Denbigh supporters on the drive to a
nearby pub but they didn't give us any hassle and left us to enjoy a nice cold pint and the football! The police were
very helpful and acted in the impartial way that one should expect from them in instances like this. They know that we are
only out here trying to save wildlife! We finish the season (in Cheshire at least) satisfied with
the inroads we have made in to documenting and sabotaging Cheshire's illegal hunting fraternity and we will continue our
efforts next season to hopefully ensure the safety of our local wildlife. Thanks to all the sab groups that have helped us
along the way, you have shown amazing comradery and solidarity, and we have a lot of love for you all! We also feel it is
important to give a massive shout out to the local monitors and also to all of the amazing people we have picked up along
the way, you know who you are! Finally we must thank you guys, our supporters, we have been bowled over by your kindness and
generosity! You guys rock! 5-3-17
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Forest (Macclesfield fox kill) last meet
of the season Yesterday was so uplifting. It just proved how much negativity there
is towards fox hunting and how much support we have. So we would like to thank everyone who contributed = Concerned locals
who turned up on the day, new monitors who have joined us this season, a local group of bikers and Cheshire and Lancaster
Sabs. And of course all our supporters on this page. The Hunt had hired in extra thugs from the Flint and Denbigh and the Cheshire Hounds Hunts. In fact, there were more thugs than riders. Just a small trickle of whom left the meet. They were also heard arguing
with each other. We had a long conversation with one of our Wildlife Crime Officers
last week about the policing of Hunts and we hope this added to the positive policing on the day. There was a huge police
presence, with riot vans, unmarked cars and normal vehicles. They, along with the rest of us, sat on this Hunt all day long. Hunt thugs tried to slow some of us (particularly some of the Sabs) down by throwing their weight around
but were stopped by police. This happened a bit too much to one group of sabs who spent a lot of the day avoiding conflict.
Police searched the hired thugs vehicles and handed out a dispersal order to them so that was that for them! While this was happening some of our monitors found Mr German trying desperately to hunt. His face was
a picture when he saw us and he was not happy when we called in the rest of the group to help stop him. The supporters spent most of the day hanging around on the roads waiting for nothing. Due to their frustration
they had to try and incite arguments with us, sad people. One of them even told us he didn't come to follow Andrew German
because he was a useless Huntsman! The
day ended with everyone linked to the Hunt wandering back to the meet with their heads down after a really, really bad day
for them and a brilliant day for us and the anti hunting campaign.
Atherstone FH hunted fox out
of nature reserve Shoots down badger sett - no dig-out
- no terrierman ! 5-3-17 Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt, Saturday 4th March 2017
- Wolvey Fox hunted
police not interested The Atherstone Hunt met at Lewis's Grain Store in Wolvey. The Atherstone Hunt
are deeply unpopular in Wolvey and the surrounding areas. We know this from the amount of locals contacting us and complaining
about the Hunt. One landowner contacted us and gave us permission to go on his land and we later came across another landowner who was very unhappy with the Hunt's antics. We asked Warwickshire Police if the
Hunt had told them their “route” for today and they told us no. They didn’t seem that interested in asking
the Hunt where they would be going and what they would be getting up to today. If they had bothered finding out they might
have seen the fox being hunted a short time later. Huntsman Stuart Barton [with pack, right] took the hounds from the meet
and put them into the local nature reserve. Within minutes a fox was seen running away from the Hunt with hounds close behind.
It ran up the hedge before taking refuge down a badger sett. As the Atherstone haven't had a terrierman all season it
has meant the badger setts have been left alone and this fox escaped unharmed. Unfortunately for the Hunt with the fox that
would have provided them with their day's “sport” having escaped within the first five minutes they spent
the next hour and a half riding round and round the same bit of land before packing up at 1.00. None of them looked happy
as they rode back to the meet. With
Liverpool, Manchester and Severn Vale Sabs all out with us, it meant that sabs greatly out numbered the Hunt. Pics below - 1 Fox fleeing 2/
Hounds just seconds behind 3/ The pack chasing fox 4/ Foxy's refuge  
believe Beaufort FH hunted fox in Prince Charles' grounds Had seen evidence of hunting earlier, including bloodstained hounds 4-3-17 POWA Press Release [in collaboration with Cirencester Illegal
Hunt Watch] VIDEO Activists believe "Prince Charles's Hunt" was
illegally hunting a fox in grounds of Highgrove House Hunt monitors from Cirencester Illegal Hunt
Watch were following the Beaufort Hunt, which met at Easton Grey, near Westonbirt, Glos on Saturday February 25th. Earlier
in the day, monitors had concluded that what the Beaufort were doing looked and sounded a lot more like fox than 'trail' hunting', including seeing several bloodstained
hounds and terriermen with at least one dog. A little before 3.30, a holler was heard
from the Highgrove area. Hollering has no place in 'trail hunting', being done to alert huntsmen that the fox has
been spotted. The Hunt, seemingly responding to it, doubled back and crossed the busy A433 near Doughton, arriving at the
gates of Highgrove House, the home of Prince Charles [field entering, right]. A
female monitor was already there, having seen hounds searching grassy areas at the start of the drive as she passed. The Prince and the Duke of Beaufort are close and, as an armed police officer [left] confirmed
to the monitor, the Prince had given the Beaufort permission to 'trail hunt' in his grounds. As the Huntsman entered
the grounds he gave several staccato horn bursts - the traditional signal to hounds to hunt on. Soon after, excited noises
from hounds were heard. The rest of the field arrived and entered the grounds, and the Hunt then turned left [below
right, to R of caption], out of sight, but towards Big and Larch Coverts.
Hunt, riders and four terriermen, were admitted without security checks, but an armed police officer at the gates told the
monitor to return to her car. She agreed to do so, but first explained to a sergeant her reasons for believing that the Beaufort
FH were illegally hunting a fox and asked if he was going to do anything about it. He just claimed the Hunt 'were on a
drag' and eventually she left. Though hearing hounds 'speak' occasionally afterwards, monitors did not see the
Hunt again that day. Earlier in the day, monitors saw a fox flee a wood being watched
by hunters and containing the hound pack. The hunters missed its escape. Around midday, monitors detected signs of probable fox hunting at a spinney between Easton Grey
and Westonbirt. Some unusually sheepish terrier men, with a terrier, were present when they arrived [them
leaving, below right].Terriermen should have no role in a 'trail hunt'. Monitors heard the hounds in cry for
a while about an hour later, but could not keep up with the Hunt. Some time later, monitors found the Hunt stationary on a
road. That several hounds were bloodstained [pic of one, below left] indicated they had killed
something, most probably a fox. Alan Kirby, from Protect Our Wild Animals, said 'The
monitors appear to have very good reasons to believe that the Beaufort Hunt were hunting foxes, both before and after they
got to Highgrove. Numerous reports and video evidence from hunt monitors and sabs make us certain that live quarry hunting contrary to law, and often in the guise of 'trail hunting', is very commonplace. Hunts know they can almost always
get away with it because of the defects of the Hunting Act 2004 and the reluctance of police and CPS to tackle offences which
are extremely hard to prove in court - or to take on often very well-resourced Hunts. And the Beaufort is certainly one of
those.' He added 'The Hunting Act is desperately in need of significant strengthening
and I must praise hunt monitors who go to tremendous trouble to try to obtain sufficient evidence to convict transgressive
Hunts. They also seriously risk their safety, for no recompense, despite knowing the odds are hugely stacked against them.' Notes for editors - - The full report on the day from Cirencester
Illegal Hunt Watch can be found here. - Their captioned video compilation
of the day can be found here. - A Google Maps page showing
entrance to Highgrove House [middle, bottom], the woodland the Hunt turned left into in the grounds,and the House [midddle
top] is here. [pic right] -
A posting from CIHW about the shooting at the Beaufort FH meet of 18/2, mentioned in the first paragraph of their full report
on the 25/2 meet, is here. - A video showing the Beaufort
FH hounds chasing a fox in the grounds of a school is here. - Report by International Fund
for Animal Welfare on 'trail hunting' entitled 'Trail of Lies' is here. - Report published on the POWA
website re. finding of 3 dead badgers near a sett in Beaufort FH country, soon after an activist had reported the Hunt for
blocking setts, is below. Corpses
of three badgers found near sett in Beaufort FH country - Anti group had recently informed police of pre-meet sett blocking
on that land 15-2-17
POWAperson has today been informed that this sett is in the Beaufort FH country and that an anti-hunt group recently reported
to police that the Hunt had been blocking setts on this land before Hunt meets. The slaughter of the badgers at this place
could, of course, be a simple co-incidence and nothing to do with the Beaufort FH directly or indirectly. 5-2-17 Wilts & Gloucs Standard Dead badgers found outside blocked sett in Brokenborough POLICE
have received yet more reports of badger setts being blocked in in north Wiltshire. A recent incident of setts being filled
in occurred in Brokenborough, where the remains of dead badgers were found on January 31. The police are currently unable
to identify who is responsible for this crime. Anyone with information is urged to call police on 101. - A personal account by the
female monitor referred to in the press release above follows - Last Saturday [25-2-17] we were at entrance to Prince Charles' house as hounds were taken across the road and in, searching the entrance surround as they
did so. Some of us had seen the Hunt in the fields opposite as they headed east back to the side road, but on hearing a holler
the Hunt turned back with the hounds and headed north towards the busy road and Prince Charles' property. The Hunt were
seen by our people from a footpath at Under Bridge on a ridge just south of A433, where Highgrove entrance is. The Hunt was
heading eastwards back to the lane when a holler was heard towards A433 and the Hunt changed direction and went towards A433
and Highgrove. I was driving
past when pack was crossing the road and searching all over entrance and workshop entrance grassy areas and I immediately
thought a fox must have been seen crossing the road and going into Highgrove. The hounds were not being hurried on even though
they were on the verge of a busy road. I had to turn round and struggle to get my camera so did not record the searching to
the right of the entrance but caught the rest. As they went inside the barrier some hounds picked up, were anxiously called back by the Huntsman, who was aware of my camera by then, but then taken in towards
the left where there is a covert. The police at the barrier ignored me saying it was illegal hunting and asking them to do
something about it, although did say they hadn't seen the fox go in on their CCTV. They were much more anxious that I
should return to my car, which I had driven in off the road which is extremely busy. Police reinforcements in the form of
a sergeant were called, not for the Hunt but for me and, as the whole Hunt, terriermen and large field proceeded into the
property unchecked, we were told we were not allowed in because it was a secure area. The police did not turn round and look at the Hunt in spite of my
expostulations and explanation about hunting. They were nice enough and kept sympathising as I outlined all the reasons why
we knew this was illegal hunting, including the massively bloodstained hounds we had seen earlier[another one, pic left], after
they emerged from inaccesible country, and the fox escaping from the first covert they drew, and the cabal of terriermen lurking
furtively with their terrierbox at a remote spinney. I shouted at them for about twenty minutes as they listened patiently
and did absolutely nothing. -
Reports of numerous and varied infractions by Hunts since the beginning of February can be found on the POWA website here. - Reports of numerous and varied
infractions by Hunts before February can be found here. Pic below - Google Maps view of Highgrove location. Entry
is middle bottom, covert on the left, Highgrove House at middle top 
Grafton FH supporter cautioned for assaulting
70 year old hunt monitor 4-3-17 Victim
testimony The monitor says that, two years earlier, the same supporter had pushed the monitor's
camera hard into his face. In November 2016 he physically prevented a 77 year old female monitor from filming a fleeing fox.
On this day, after a verbal exchange, the supporter lost his temper and
grabbed the monitor round his neck. A scuffle ensued. The victim made several reports regarding hunter behaviour to the
police, but this was the only one on which they acted, cautioning the supporter. Oakley FH thugs
assault sabs & steal cameras - police do nothing 4-3-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Sabs … We paid another visit to our local hunt, the Oakley [right] who
were having a meet at Park Farm, Keysoe. They've been in this area several times already this season so it would seem
that they don't have the support of the landowners as they are running out of places to hunt so keep returning to the
same areas. For the Oakley they had a fairly large turnout, perhaps a last meet and mostly swelled it would seem with Pony Club riders. As usual they didn't bother with any of that trail laying nonsense or using
any other exemption. Their arrogance knows no bounds. Our small group were on them from the start making sure they were always in sight
and making sure when the hounds did show an interest in a line we were there to discourage them. The overnight rain made the
going very heavy and even attempts by the hunt to cover maximum distance at speed to get away from us were all in vain. We
covered huge distances on foot and in the vehicle and found ourselves once more in the region of Shelton Gorse, a known fox
holding area for the Hunt. By this time the Hunt had called in the goon squad, a collection of fearsomely ugly and overweight
individuals (some who seemed drunk) who's only purpose is to threaten, harass and assault us. They blocked in our driver for over an hour while we deployed on foot and even though multiple
calls went in the police they failed to find him even though the village only contained 3 roads. They also attempted to run
over one of our sabs claiming it was their right as we were on private land but they of course were not agents of the land
owner and trying to run someone over is hardly justified. As we approached the Gorse we could hear hounds in cry and
a dog fox broke cover running the hedge line [below right]. Foxes are paired
up at this time of year and we believe this fox had purposefully taken the hounds away from his mate who would have been heavily
pregnant and unable to escape. We arrived and gave him just enough time to escape by covering the line and using both horn
and voice calls although both Huntsman and whipper In put the hounds back on the line in an attempt to hunt on but he was
thankfully long gone. We tracked the Hunt back to their homeland of Melchbourne where they entered the wood behind the village for the
final chance to hunt and the journey back to kennels. On the way back the hounds decided to take off on their own (which they do fairly often with this Huntsman) after something and completely ignored Calamity Jack
and, clearly embarrassed, he made no attempt to call them back. They entered Penn Wood, an area the Hunt are not allowed to
go, so we followed. It was at this point where we once again encountered the goon squad blocking our way. They had no right to be there,
yet claimed a right to assault us and steal cameras. One brainless couple even bought their young child to a situation which
was clearly going to escalate into violence. This is the kind of parenting displayed by these people, what hope for that poor
child after the example they set. Perhaps social services should be contacted. We contacted the police again and the first thing they did
was speak to the thugs rather that the people who had been assaulted. Bedfordshire police have made big strides recently in
their policing of the Hunt but today they were appalling. Showing no interest in the illegal hunting and only interested in
public order and yet at no time did they leave their vehicle or stop the vehicles harassing us. The bias was quite frankly
beyond a joke and we shall be making an official complaint. We will never back down from the challenge of saving wildlife
and what we have to face to do this but today the police put us in danger and we cannot let that stand. We can't
do this without your support and any donations are hugely appreciated and we will need to replace the cameras that were stolen. https://www.paypal.me/BedsBucksHuntSabs.
teamwork denies Portman FH kill, furious farmer tells Hunt off Hound bleeding heavily from mouth wound pictured 4-3-17 Facebook - Dorset Sabs Hit Report 4/03/2017 Today we decided
to pay a visit to the Portman Hunt [left]. Our first visit this season! With
our good friends South West Sabs, we headed North to join up with with our neighbouring wildlife protectors, Dorset Against
Bloodsports, and of course not forgetting our legendary Monitor who is always there watching every move these Dorset hunts
The meet was at Rowberry House in the very heart of Viscount Rothermere territory (Daily Mail owner) before heading
straight away for Ferne Park... we were able to keep a close eye on the hounds as they were drawn south... they headed north
at great speed (in an obvious attempt to loose sabs) and made for the mountainous terrain of Berwick Coombe, where DABS were
waiting for them. With great communication between all teams, DABS were able to guide foot sabs straight to the Huntsman and
hounds, who by now was drawing hounds through the coverts towards Woodlands. Foot sabs being surrounded by the now frustrated field were confronted by Master Capt Pearson
who was convinced we were on private land, once shown what open access land looks like on a map, thanked Sabs for the lesson
before riding off a tad red faced!! With DABS keeping a close eye, the hunt again at speed headed south and away from sabs, only
to be greeted by our Monitor... [they]headed for Lower Bridmore Farm... .hounds briefly went into cry but sabs intervened
with horn and gizmo and split the pack as they lost and tried to find the scent... sabs headed to Easton Hollow to pull off
a classic pincer movement. It was here that sabs were confronted by an extremely irate farmer who thought we were hunt support!! On finding
out we were the 'Antis' was only to pleased to be handed a Hounds Off leaflet, before hot-footing it at great speed
in his Landy across the open plain [bottom] yelling at the hunt to 'get off his land'.
Such a pleasure to watch the Hunt do their 'run of shame' and to remind them for the rest of the day of their trespass!! ... they headed into Chase
Woods... a huge expanse of woodland and with sabs blocked by the now very angry support and quad bikes, from entering the
green lane we lost sight of the hunt for a short while... it didn't take long to find them... We can't say for certain
that they didn't kill in this huge wood, but hounds surrounded sabs upon leaving and they all looked 'clean' and
by the way the field was behaving they didn't seem so happy about their day!! Support even went so far as spitting at
us as they drove past! From here we followed them on their long walk of shame back to the meet where they boxed up at 4pm. A good day for sabs and a great team effort all round. However not such a good day for the Hunt and even less so
for the poor injured hound [right] that DABS had to witness... 
spends day with Sabs visiting the Crawley & Horsham FHThe article is much too long to reproduce here but this is a taster.... 4-3-17 Huffington Post VIDEO ‘Balaclava-Clad Terrorists’ Or Saviours Of Britain’s Wildlife? On
The Trail Of Britain’s Hunt Saboteurs Every weekend, masked men and women trek across Britain’s
countryside, scaling barbed wire fences, wading through bitterly cold streams and trawling through mud. During the traditional hunting season from November to April, these Saturday saboteurs, more commonly known as ‘hunt
sabs’, dedicate their days off to menacing men and women on horseback in the name of animal welfare. Violence, intimidation and mistrust festers on both sides of the hunt.
The sabs believe they are saving the lives of Britain’s wildlife. The hunts say the sabs are getting in the way of a
legal activity, even brandishing them “balaclava-clad terrorists”. Many of the wildlife warriors are so worried about their identities being revealed that they conceal their faces
and simply refer to one another as ‘sab’ when out in the field. Many tell us that they fear repercussions in their
jobs and at home, if the hunts know their identities. Whether
you agree with the actions of the sabs will predominantly be down to where you stand in the fox hunting debate. Banned under
the Hunting Act 2004, the latest Ipso MORI poll suggests 84% of the public believes fox hunting should remain illegal - the
highest level of support recorded for maintaining the ban. There have been 430 prosecutions under the act, and just last week Cheshire Police and the RSPCA said they were launching
an investigation after “out of control” hunting dogs allegedly killed a fox in a back garden of a residential
street. Trail hunting, in which the artificial
scent of an animal is laid, is legal in the UK. But the sabs believe this is just a pretext for hunts to kill foxes. As a
result tensions run high between the two sides and it’s not uncommon for things to escalate to violence. The Countryside Alliance says hunts are “regularly intimidated and harassed” by sabs and accuses anti-hunt
protesters of making “spurious allegations”. This weekend The Huffington Post UK joined a sabbing raid was no exception. During the course of the next 13 hours,
we would see escalating hostility between not only the sabs and hunt members but also the rising suspicions of the police. One sab is arrested. Another who claims he was kicked in the face alleges
assault, resulting in the police seizing a huntsman’s boot for examination. We even end up in a car with a lost hound,
which is ultimately returned to the hunters by the saboteurs..... Do
read the rest, it's well worth the time, and the video the Huff Post made is really good. Pics below [credit Huffington Post] - 1/ Sabs pull hounds away from Huntsman using gizmo
2/ The Croydon sab van  Equestrian business offering 'fox
hunting days' on website 4-3-17 Stoneleigh Park', an equestrian business based in Leamington Spa, is offering 'fox
hunting days' with a number of Hunts in England and Wales, including a number whose servants have accrued convictions
for illegal hunting or interfering with badger setts, e.g. the Heythop, the Fernie and the Meynell, and others which have
been accused frequently of illegal hunting and other nefarious behaviour. It makes no pretence that it
is 'trail hunting' that is on offer, calling the ban 'ridiculous' and saying '... the fox-hunting fraternity has shown the ban to be quite unenforceable. While there is never any intention of breaking
the law, each pack of hounds has found a way to work within it and still provide good sport for subscribers and visitors alike...
' StoneleighPark.co.uk Fox Hunting For the last thirty seasons, the Hon.
Diana Pritchard Jack has organised fox-hunting vacations for individuals and small parties with all the best known packs of
hounds in England. Based in the centre of the Country, Diana is ideally placed for reaching over twenty different hunt countries. With
over forty seasons' experience of riding with nearly a hundred different packs of hounds, Diana is well qualified to explain
the thrills and hazards of crossing the famous wolds and vales of The Shires. In addition, having grown up in Northamptonshire
with a family enmeshed in the sport, she has the necessary credentials and contacts to take guests to even the most exclusive
of packs. During the seasons since the government’s ridiculous ban on “hunting wild mammals
with dogs” the fox-hunting fraternity has shown the ban to be quite unenforceable. While there is never any intention
of breaking the law, each pack of hounds has found a way to work within it and still provide good sport for subscribers and
visitors alike and to continue this great tradition of the English countryside. Diana specializes in providing a complete
fox-hunting experience with visits to hunt kennels, dinner parties with Masters of Hounds, Hunt Balls and other hunting related
social activities. There is a four-wheel drive vehicle for those who prefer to follow hounds with a different sort of horse
power and a driver who knows the countryside as well as any fox, and the pubs somewhat better! Diana, herself, prefers to
accompany her mounted guests to provide introductions, local knowledge and help wherever and whenever needed. Fox
hunting can be arranged with any of the following packs of hounds:- Atherstone, Duke of Beaufort's*, Belvoir
(Duke of Rutland's)*, Berkley (Earl of Berkley's), Old Berkshire, Bicester with Whaddon Chase, Cheshire, Cotswold,
North Cotswold, Cottesmore*, Croom & West Warwickshire, Fernie, Grafton, Heythrop, Ludlow, Meynall & South Staffordshire,
Oakley, Pytchley, Woodland Pytchley, Quorn*, Vale of Aylesbury, Vale of the White Horse, Warwickshire, Wynstay (Sir Watkin
Williams-Wynn's). The Farmers' Bloodhounds chase a different sort of quarry on Sundays. *These packs require at least
six weeks notice and have a visitor's cap of about £120. There are often in excess of 180 riders
following and the Field Master has to keep the Field well back from the hounds. The smaller packs are usually more enjoyable
as it is easier to see hounds at work and the people are very welcoming. These visitors' caps range from £65 to
£120 depending upon which day of the week you hunt and with which pack of hounds. Autumn Hunting caps range from £10
- £25 during September and the first three weeks of October. Hunting with Hawks is also available and
provides a thrilling experience even for those who have never previously handled a bird of prey. Pheasant, partridge, rabbits,
hares and squirrels are amongst the prey these striking Harris Hawks are after as you walk through the woodland and meadows
of Central England's lush countryside. Enjoy English country hospitality with all the trimmings and ride or
watch experienced quality horses over the most famous hunting counties in the world. Prices for hiring horses for hunting:-
Optional pre-hunting "get to know the horses" session:- £50 Autumn Hunting: September: £125,
October: £155, From the Opening Meet onwards:- One horse for fox hunting (to be returned by 2.30p.m.): £195, Two
horses per rider (going home with hounds at dusk):- £370, Transport charges vary upon distances and the number of horses
carried. A
deposit of 50% is required when reserving horses and cancellation fees are charged at the following rate: 7 - 5 days: 25%,
4 days: 50%, 3 days: 75%, 48 hours or less: 100%. Costs for accommodation at Waverley
and nearby B&Bs or hotels, plus hawking & falconry prices are available upon application. Waverly Equestrian Centre
is approximately two hours from Gatwick Airport; one hour, twenty minutes from Heathrow, and only half an hour from Birmingham
International Airport. The train from London Euston takes one hour and a quarter to Coventry where guests can be met. Transport
from the airports can also be arranged. FOR
of bTb outbreak at Kimblewick FH kennels Supporters say 40 hounds have been shot, hunting stopped 3-3-17
Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs Unconfirmed reports from their supporters have alleged that the Kimblewick hounds have got Tuberculosis (TB) from eating a dead cow collected from their knacker round. Reports say over
40 hounds have had to be shot, with the rest currently awaiting test results. This all happened in mid February. MFHA are trying to bury this info because
of the damage it could cause between good willed cattle farmers and the Hunts. not to mention that Hunts could likely have
to suspend their knacker-round which would impact farmers and Hunt alike. The Kimblewick have suspended the season and no one is reporting this. Supporters
of the Kimblewick have being asked to keep quiet about it and a email was sent across MFHA groups in a request for it not
to appear on social media. Perhaps Kimblewick Hunt would like to
respond and confirm or deny the reports....
FH meet cancelled after redcoat fell off horse, says riderPOWAperson has been informed
by a reliable source that the Cotswold Huntsman has been dismissed, and a meet was cancelled, because of the Huntsman being
'tired and emotional'. If this proves to be inaccurate we apologise in advance to the gentleman. But one feels duty
bound to report the matter because, if correct, it has clear public safety implications. We've often wondered if
the traditional stirrup cup is really such a good idea. This is what POWAperson has been told... 3-3-17 'We were passed on intelligence that huntsman of Cotswold had been fired for alcoholism. Might
have been thought that this was a malicious rumour, but when we attended a scheduled meet yesterday we found nobody there.
We came across a local dressed for hunting but exercising his horses instead, so asked him what had happened. He happily told
us that the meet was cancelled because the Huntsman was drunk and had been for two weeks. We expressed concern that in this
case he might be in danger of falling off his horse but apparently this had already taken place. The whipper in cannot manage
the hounds safely enough, so we are hoping they are out for the rest of the season.' Cirencester
Illegal Hunt Watch has also reported in very similar terms Bloodsports lobby attacks anti-hunt Blue
Fox again Tory
Chair tells them to stop using party logo 3-3-17
CA Press Release Chairman of the
Conservative Party requests that secretive group refrain from using Party logo Following months of Countryside Alliance campaigning the Chairman
of the Conservative Party, Rt Hon Sir Patrick McLoughlin MP [right], has contacted
the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) requesting that they refrain from using the official Conservative Party
logo and limit their operations. Last November former Solicitor General Sir Edward Garnier MP wrote to the Party Chairman
on behalf of the CA raising concerns about both CAWF and the Conservatives Against Fox Hunting (CAFH). Both groups are run
by Ms Lorraine Platt [left]. Ms Platt is a Trustee of the League Against Cruel
Sports (LACS), a group that has twice been censured by the Charity Commission for campaigning against the Conservative Party. News of Sir Edward’s letter was broke by The Times last December... CEO of the Countryside Alliance, Tim Bonner, called
for the Party to take action to prevent the misuse of the Party logo. Animal Welfare Consultant at the Countryside Alliance,
James Barrington, also raised concerns about the group on the Bright Blue blog: Our man-made countryside requires wildlife
Last month Head of Shooting at the Countryside
Alliance Liam Stokes raised his concerns with the Shooting Times regarding a report that was published by CAWF calling for
the Party to “commit to a review of the industry of shooting live birds for sport shooting”... A number of Conservative MP’s have supported the Countryside Alliance’s four
month long campaign to ensure that the Conservative Party logo is not misused by a group publishing recommendations that would
be detrimental to shooting and the countryside. In addition to securing the support of Sir Edward Garnier MP and Simon Hart
MP, the Countryside Alliance also secured the support of former Shadow Animal Welfare Minister Andrew Rosindell MP [above]... Only a matter of weeks ago, founder and Director of CAWF published a social media post stating
that CAWF representatives had met with Animal Aid representatives. A number Animal Aid employees have criminal convictions for breaking
the law in order to promote their extreme animal rights agenda. Lorraine
Platt refuses to reveal the identity of the mystery “animal welfare charity” that accounts (published on Companies
House) show has donated tens of thousands of pounds to her groups. Speculation continues to grow regarding the identity of
the charity, with many believing that ex Queen guitarist Brian May is the benefactor. There are a large number of photos of
Mr May and Ms Platt together, the relationship appears to be close with Ms Platt often referring to Mr May as “Bri”.
In 2010 Brian May established an animal welfare charity, Save Me, which is focused on campaigning against fox hunting and
the badger cull. In 2015 Mr May stated, “Lorraine Platt speaks up for the good guys in the Conservative Party.”
Previous to this, he described the Blue Foxes as “His heroes.” Atherstone FH hounds all over roads, sometimes unaccompanied 3-3-17 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt Tuesday 28th February On Tuesday,
the Atherstone Hunt were hunting around the Newbold Verdon area. Throughout the day we witnessed the hounds running all over
roads, some of them busy main roads. Now the Athersrtone either laid trails over these busy main roads, purposely endangering
the hounds and motorists OR the hounds were illegally hunting foxes across them. Either way the Atherstone Hunt are a serious
road traffic accident waiting to happen. At their most chaotic the pack got onto a scent
in a field next to a main road and split, half the pack heading towards and across the main road whilst the other half went
the other way. There were periods when some of the hounds were running up and down these roads unaccompanied by anyone from
the hunt. Luckily no hounds were hit by cars or lorries... 
Sabs violently assaulted by Flint & Denbigh FH 'security' 2-3-17 Facebook - Fylde Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 27/02/2017 Fylde
Hunt Sabs along with our colleagues from Lancaster, Cheshire and N.Wales Sabs sabbed the Flint and Denbigh Hunt, who met near Tre Mostyn, not
far from Denbigh... ... we were on to them pretty quickly. The day was, however, marked by the constant violent actions of
the Hunt’s personal one man security team - the notorious Ed Lloyd Ellis [right]. Within
minutes of sabs entering woodland, Ed had managed to assault two sabs in separate incidents - pulling hair and tearing piercings
while at the same time scaring his own poor spaniel witless [below left]. Leaving the hapless
wannabe policeman behind, sabs entered another wooded area along a bridle path and followed the Hunt’s trail, hearing
hounds in cry [below right] on several occasions. Hounds were moved on by sabs using voice
calls, horn and blocking them from jumping over fences - pushing them back to their lords and masters who were nowhere to
be seen. Catching the riders and pack, we were not going to
let them out of our sight again, with various teams splitting up - some getting ahead whilst others followed behind. It was
effective at keeping them moving and ensuring they couldn’t successfully flush out any foxes. The Huntsman pushed the pack along
the top and sides of a wooded ridge and down towards a road where they swarmed through gardens and scrub in disorganised chaos.
Frustration showing, the Huntsman took the pack back up onto the ridge and retraced the path... Perhaps in the vain hope the
citronella had faded away. It hadn't. At this point the Hunt seemed fairly confused and headed towards their chums at
Mostyn Farm Ride (who provide courses for the Hunt) a mile or so away before changing their minds and returning... They left
the road and immediately put the hounds into coverts alongside farmland, with sabs attempting to follow and film proceedings... It was at this
point that hunt support aggression took an upward turn. Ed had completely lost control in his efforts to stop sabs filming
the illegal hunting. He hit one sab in the face, had another female sab in a headlock as he punched her repeatedly on the
back of the head before being dragged off. Continuing, he pushed another female sab whilst at the same time trying to kick
her in the shin (thinking no one would notice). His behaviour seemed to encourage other hunt supporters and spark multiple flare ups, most
notable being when a female sab was attacked and dragged to the ground by the hair by a female hunt supporter. The most frustrating
aspect to all this unnecessary aggression was that the Hunt managed to slip away. The lateness of the hour meant they hopefully
didn’t get the chance to rip apart any foxes. As tempers calmed and traffic jams were unjammed, the Hunt performed its
usual trick of calling in police, accusing sabs of attacking the Hunt with batons... The outcome of this ridiculous allegation
was the arrival shortly after of multiple police vehicles. Then the frantic waving around of a taser as one village policeman
thought all his birthdays had come at once and even the appearance of the police helicopter. A colossal waste of police money,
manpower and resources. If they left all the ground based officers out doing their job and allocated just the helicopter to monitor the hunt,
the illegal tearing apart of British wildlife would soon come to an end and they would have saved themselves a fortune. A frustrating end to an otherwise successful day as the hunting season draws to a close before they return to cubbing
in the autumn. Pics below 1/
Female supporter losing it 2/ Ellis spitting at sabs 
Surrey FH hunters run gauntlet of derision to get to Hunt Ball 2 -2-17 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Demo against the Surrey, Burstow and West Kent hunt ball
Effingham Park Hotel Even before the demo the campaign was going well with the band dropping out and losing
one of the main sponsors. About 60 Sabs (North Downs, Guildford, Croydon, Brighton, South Coast and East Kent) and people
that answered our call to protest against these animal abusers, hunters had to run a gauntlet of abuse and insults which hopefully
helped to spoil their fun. Four sabs went uncover into the hotel and took photos of the hunters inside [left], many
of them with fur coats, including a fox stole which shows their level of respect for all animals. Many customers were disgusted to be sharing the hotel with hunters and a number were seen on the hotel desk demanding
their money back. Hunt sab stickers mysteriously appeared in the hotel toilets which
freaked the Hunt and the police out, who sent in teams to find the little pixies. All the demonstrators left together
to avoid a few bumpkins that may have tried to pick off lone sabs, ending a successful demo which hopefully will make the
hotel change their minds about hosting this bloodsport event again ! Pics
below- 1/ The gauntlet 2/ Banner 
Hunt for lost boy - S.W.Wilts
FH hound missing for several days 2-3-17
Facebook - Camilla
Wellstead LOCAL PEOPLE! This dog was last seen in Fontmell Magna, after Bedchester.
He disappeared into the fields behind the surgery and we have lost sight of him :( He appears to be in a bit of a state- Thin,
with lumps and possible wounds. Dog Warden advice is to catch him (is an entire male) and take to a vet! If anyone sees him
or manages to catch him please let me know. *UPDATE:
He is a South And West Wilts hound. They are aware. Has been missing for 4 days, so if anybody spots him please let someone
know. He has also been in Henstridge and Stalbridge prior to Fontmell Magna*. 3-3-17 Facebook - Georgie Jenkins This hound is called Borick and is
dearly missed! He was new to the kennels so doesn't know his way hence why he's disorientated! he will not be put
to sleep and they just want him home with his pals...Any sightings please call SWW Hunt ASAP, Thank you! X 7-3-17 Camilla Welstead UPDATE Apparently this boy has finally been FOUND and returned to his original hunt. Thanks
everyone who shared it went out looking for him!  POWAperson comments - I have to say that George Jenkins' message
sounds genuinely concerned and affectionate towards poor Borick. But even the kindest hunters [if that's not a contradiction
in terms] have a hideously schizophrenic attitude towards their canine charges. Exposed to numerous dangers in the field,
whipped if they misbehave, liable to be killed at any time during their lives if they don't learn to hunt properly, or
act out of line or are badly injured, and almost certain to be condemned to death when they reach 5 or 6 years old and
considered too old to keep hunting well, yet they profess to love them. Who wouldn't, when they're not chasing and
ripping defenceless wild animals to bits they're adorable. So, how can they then treat them as no more than disposable
tools of their cruel and grisly trade? See here to learn how hunters so often demonstrate their 'love' for hounds.
Anyway, let's hope Borick is found soon. Crawley FH redcoat 'pinned
sab to fence and kicked him in face' Others
allegedly assaulted, female sab repeatedly called 'c***' Sabs return lost hound to Hunt as hunters riding at others 1-3-17 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs Hunt Sabs report 25/02/2017 ... So Saturday was a
long hard day. The Crawley & Horsham had the pleasure of our company and lucky for the foxes that we were there. The Hunt met at the
pub in Ashurst and headed south, ground was very wet not helped by the numerous streams. We had three cars of sabs and with help from West Sussex, Brighton, Guildford and Croydon was able to be ferried around in
their Landies. Not an ideal situation but better than having three drivers unable to sab. We also had a journalist and cameraman
from Huffington post who kept with us all day recording events. Early on hounds had to be called off a scent using gizmos, which caused much upset to the Whipper-in, this was quickly
followed be an ‘incident’ on a footpath where a redcoat pinned out of our sabs against a fence with his horse
and kicked him in the face. No real damage was done by shocked the journalist a bit, despite our warnings. The Hunt legged from
then, but with groups of sabs all over one or the other was in contact. Later on, a sab from Guildford was attacked again
by a rider in full view of the cops, only for the sab to get arrested. Legal issues are still on-going. Shortly after this
we came across a hound miles from the hunt wondering the road and nearly getting run over. With offers and love and biscuits
we managed to get him into the Land rover [above left] and drove him (reluctantly) tot eh
meet where he was handed back to the hunt. Typically at the same time some of our sabs were being ridden up by riders in the
woods. 3-3-17 Facebook – W.Sussex Sabs VIDEO Saturday
25th February. Crawley & Horsham fox hunt meet at the Fountain Inn, Ashurst, West Sussex. 12pm meet today, and what a day ! We were joined by friends from Guildford, Brighton, Croydon
and S.Coast Hunt Sabs, making it almost impossible for the Hunt to evade us. They tried though, crossing roads back and forth
and heading miles from the meet. They tried all day to kill foxes and we are happy to say we know that we, sabs & monitors
saved at least two fox lives today. This didn't go down well with the fox killers who rode at hunt sabs, kicking one in
the head, assaulting another sab and verbally abusing a young female hunt monitor, calling her a c*** several times. The
police out today showed no interest in the illegal hunting or assaults, but gave the impression of being there mostly to support
the Hunt, not unusual. It's always upsetting and conflicting to see a veterinary nurse riding around on the back of a
quad bike, supporting the Hunt. Neill Millard can be heard having a good shout at the police as he passes by them in this
video. They hunted until around 5-30ish but could be heard for some time after trying to find lost hounds. The End Of The
Season Is Nigh.
Sabs told fox killed by Hunt -
find Surrey Union FH in area 1-3-17 Facebook – Surrey Union FH After receiving a call from a distraught member of the public saying that a Hunt had killed a fox at midday
behind the Beryl Brown Boarding Kennels near Peper Harrow, we rushed to the area to find the Surrey Union Hunt present. The
poorly attended hunt spent the rest of the day trying to avoid sabs. Video to follow. S.&
W. Wilts FH hounds and horses blessed by 'countryman' priest Sab
tyres slashed as hares saved from Waveney Harriers 1-3-17 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs Hit Report - Wednesday 01/03/17 Waveney Harriers, Priory Farm,
Aldeby (Nr Beccles), Norfolk Today we joined with Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting to
see what the reckless Waveney Harriers were up to. Low and behold the Huntsman Rueben once again spent half the time off his
horse flushing the hounds through both woods and marsh land. The morning 'trail' for show was particularly pathetic
with a rider spending all of less than five minutes running a rag 200 metres and back only to join the rest of the pack behind
the leading Huntsman. With two cars out we were able to keep track of the Hunt's movements for almost the entire day. A few riders showed their usual aggression by using their horse as weapon to knock sabs about whilst proclaiming we
were the intimidating ones. Whilst off his horse, Ruben led his hounds through a particularly swampy woods which led to two
chases. The first saw hounds riot on a small deer escaping the woods, sabs were luckily on hand to call off the hounds with
the field looking extremely red faced indeed. The second happened not long after, with hounds chasing a hare over the marsh close
to the previous woods. It was fortunate a sab used the horn to split the pack, calling the majority of hounds away, because
you could barely hear the Huntsman Ruben's embarrassing attempt at horn blowing. It's both a blessing and a curse the Huntsman is terrible,
the former being much of the wildlife has a chance at escape but the later meaning that he has no control over the pack, where
hounds are often seen on roads and putting also domestic animals in danger as they chase EVERYTHING. For much of the afternoon when not attempting to locate lost
hounds, he focused on the marsh lands leading the hounds around while on foot. During this last attempt to flush hares from
the fields we saw two hares to safety. As those on quads and car support became more riled at not getting to see their kill,
they resorted to vandalising two tyres on one of our cars. Time and time again hunters and their followers show their true
thuggish colours because we dare to save wildlife from a horrendous death. We won't be intimidated by the violent actions
of the vile Hunts and we'll carry on regardless. The Hunt packed up before 4pm, with the wildlife
in their area remaining safe, job done.
practice hosts meet of the Cottesmore FH 1-3-17 Facebook - Leicester Animal Rights Although they've tried to cover their tracks by deleting the post, it seems
that tomorrow [2-3-17], Tower Equine Veterinary Surgeons will host the Cottesmore
Hunt tomorrow. Heard of The Cottesmore?
They made national headlines recently because their severely violent supporters were filmed swinging metal chains at activists.
Feel free to send them the articles & ask if they want to be linked to such blatant violence... oh and wildlife crime
too, let's not forget that! The
Leicester Mercury, 21/02/20217, 'Shocking Footage Shows Man Swinging Chain At Anti Hunt Activists' - http://bit.ly/2mornn1 The Mirror, 20/02/2017, 'Furious Man Swings Chain At Animal Rights Activists
And Launches Foul-Mouthed Rant In Shocking Footage' - http://bit.ly/2lpipZa The Daily Mail, 19/02/2017, 'Huntsman
Launches Foul-Mouthed Rant At Saboteurs After 'Trying To Attack Them With A Metal Chain' - http://dailym.ai/2lwRI52 The Cottesmore Hunt's terrierman pleads guilty to wildlife crime -> http://bit.ly/2lzyA3x Send all the articles & footage
of wildlife crime to them. Ask them to pull the meet or forever be seen to endorse violent crimes against both the public
& wildlife. Leave as many comments on their Facebook page as you like -> http://bit.ly/2lcXKZy Email
them -> office@towerequine.co.uk Call them - 01778 591082 Leave a negative review here -> http://bit.ly/2lUEsXM 'We are always pleased to host The
Cottesmore Hunt at Tower Farm' - Tower Farm, http://bit.ly/2mFqmb5. The vet practice is based at Tower Farm.
There were already pics of the Cottesmore FH on Tower Equine's Facebook page, photos section, including one
captioned 'Cottesmore FH at Tower Equine' And here is a pic of the meet there on 2-3-17.
FEBRUARY 2017 ..... 28th February - Police close Cheshire FH fox kill case – witnesses lacking ..... 28th February - Sabs find Ashford Valley FH supporter pick-up
on SORN register ..... 27th February - Sabs sent 'pirate' pack North Downs
Harriers packing ..... 27th February - Doughty anti-hunt campaigner Sir Gerald
Kaufman MP dies ..... 26th February - Cheshire Forest FH kill fox in garden, badly upset
residents ..... 26th February - Middleton FH upset a yard full of bulls - then lose
the pack ..... 26th February - Hunting landowner drives into monitor as hounds go
into cry ..... 25th February - Fitzwilliam FH create havoc in village and enter zoo
park grounds ..... 25th February - Atherstone FH meet - no hounds, no redcoats, no hunting ..... 25th February - Sabs arrive late at Oakley FH just in time to stop dig-out ..... 25th February
- Cumbria police announce plan to monitor Hunts with drones ..... 24th February - Shredded remnants
of fox killed by Bicester FH found in ditch ..... 24th February - Sabs stop Waveney
Harriers running on to major road ..... 23rd February – Police reject complaints re. Cheshire
Forest FH hunter cop ..... 22nd February – Occupied monitor car window shot
out at Beaufort FH meet ..... 22nd February – Blackmore FH with 3 terriermen spend
day not 'trail hunting' ..... 22nd February – Landowner tells Cheshire FH to go
away in no uncertain terms ..... 22nd February – Surrey Union JM Lulu Hutley reported
to police re. sab whipping ..... 20th February – Atherstone FH hunter nearly rides
down sab, charges at other ..... 20th February – Female hunters say scared by sabs,
sabs say were helping them ..... 20th February – Golden Valley FH pull hounds off
fox as sabs appear ..... 20th February – Essex Farmers FH invade farm, chase
pets, scare livestock ..... 19th February – Police told Heythrop FH killed in
garden in front of children ..... 19th February – Ashford Valley FH hunting foiled
by sabs despite late finish ..... 19th February – Trespassing North Down FH attracts
farmers' fury ..... 19th February – Essex/Suffolk FH Huntsman loses control
of horse by busy road ..... 19th February – Woman abused and sab car damaged
by Cheshire FH support ..... 19th February – CPS drop all Belvoir FH Huntsman
charges after 3 fox kills ..... 19th February – Report of RTA in Lincs – one
Belvoir FH hound killed ..... 19th February – Cottesmore JM says nothing when confronted
re. Assaults ..... 19th February – Cheshire FH redcoats guides 2 horses on A49,
hounds on verge ..... 19th February – Eggesford FH hunt foxes, trespass, attack sabs,
damage radio ..... 18th February – Sab 'whipped' by JM who is Princess
Eugenie's godmother ..... 18th February – Cottesmore FH fans attack sabs with
weapons, some injured ..... 18th February – Monitors rescue left-behind Braes
o' Derwent FH hound ..... 18th February – Sabs say they saved 2 foxes from
Cotswold Vale Farmers FH ..... 18th February – Ledbury/Warwickshire FHs hunt foxes
close to A road ..... 18th February – Middleton FH hounds kill fox on busy road, no
Hunt nearby ..... 17th February – Troubled Atherstone FH sack Huntsman, replace
with amateur ..... 16th February - Out of control Oakley FH hounds massacre a muntjac ..... 16th February – Sabs save a
fox from dig-out by Eggesford FH ..... 15th February – 3 dead badgers found in Beaufort
FH land after blocking report ..... 15th February – Cotswold FH follower reverses car
at monitors at speed ..... 14th February – Sabs find heron killed by Easton
Harriers hounds ..... 14th February – Scandal-hit S.Herefordshire FH to close say
investigator team ..... 13th February – Blackmore FH witnessed hunting fox
across road by motorist ..... 12th February – Atherstone FH Director splits female
sab head open with crop ..... 12th February – Monitors rescue trapped Portman FH
horse & grateful redcoat ..... 12th February – Fox saved by monitors from Cheshire
FH dig-out ..... 12th February – Lamerton FH attempts to hunt stymied by angry
landowner ..... 11th February – Cheshire FH thugs beat up and run down sabs
– police watch ..... 11th February – Sabs find deluxe artificial earth
on Fitzwilliam estate ..... 11th February – Sab has dip before helps stop Pevensey
Marsh Beagles hunting ..... 11th February – Cattistock FH day ends inchaos on
coast road, horse badly hurt ..... 10th February – Police finally pass file on S.Herefordshire
FH outrage to CPS ..... 10th February – Claim that north-west Hunt rampaged
thru gardens, child hurt ..... 10th February – Sab runs as 'clean boot'
for 3 Counties Drag Hounds ..... 9th February – Cheshire police come out and rein
in Wynnstay FH ..... 9th February – Walker tells us she & husband saw fox hunted
on Dartmoor ..... 8th February – Monitor films Beaufort FH hunting fox in school
grounds ..... 8th February – York & Ainsty N FH hound killed as hounds
cause traffic chaos ..... 8th February – 'Oakley FH Huntsman smashed my
windscreen with crop' – woman ..... 8th February – Ledbury FH Huntsman
escapes conviction after charging blunder ..... 8th February – Monitors say
South Durham FH Huntsman forced to resign ..... 7th February – South Dorset
FH Huntsman warned by police over blocked sett ..... 7th February – Hunt-inspired
plot to strip RSPCA of prosecution powers fails ..... 7h February – 26 group letter
demands Leics police tackle illegal hunting ..... 7th February – Old Surrey FH
Hunt Ball hit as sponsor withdraws support ..... 6th February – Sabs upload
video of very violent attack by Cheldon BH thugs ..... 6th February – Stops find Crawley
FH digging out fox – and stop it ..... 5th February – Fife FH found
hunting without guns in place ..... 5th February – Badsworth FH Huntsman filmed using
horse as weapon on sab ..... 5th February – Cheshire FH kill fox not long after
setting off – bagged? ..... 4th February – S&W Wilts FH kill one fox though
sabs save another ..... 1st February – Sabs upload film of violence by Chedon
BH followers ..... 1st February – York & Ainsty N FH terrierman cautioned for
assaulting sab
Police close Cheshire FH fox kill case saying witnesses haven't come forwardSabs
publish photo of Cheshire PC 'cubbing' with Cheshire Forest FH in 2014 PC Claire Ford goes out
with Hunt who just killed fox in Macclesfield 28-2-17 Chester Chronicle VIDEO Police close investigation into Beeston
fox hunt allegations A probe into reports of an illegal fox hunt in Beeston has been closed due to 'no physical evidence', Cheshire
police have confirmed. Distressing footage of a fox being mauled by a pack of hounds[right] emerged
on social media earlier this month. An anti-fox hunting group claimed they shot the video in Beeston
on February 4 and the matter was handed over to the police. But now the force has revealed that it has yet to receive any
statements from alleged witnesses, without which it cannot proceed so the decision has been taken to conclude the investigation. A statement posted on the Chester police
Facebook page reads: "Cheshire police has been investigating reports of an illegal hunt in Beeston which is alleged to
have taken place on February 4. Contact has been made with witnesses to ask for statements of complaint, original video footage
and pathology reports in relation to the fox in question. However despite this request we have received no physical evidence
and no statements have been provided that would allow us to progress a criminal investigation. In light of this, the investigation
has now been concluded with no further action. However, it will be re-opened should we receive contact from witnesses willing
to provide written statements, the original video footage and any other evidence that may help with our enquiries." The footage, which was posted to the protest group’s Facebook page, appeared to show a pack of
hounds tearing up a fox as protesters attempt to pull them away. The video shows the fox’s body on the ground after
the attack. Anyone with information should contact police on 101 quoting incident number297 of February 4. POWAperson comments - Cheshire Hunt Sabs have not yet reacted to the police statement above. However, their post from last
Saturday gives a clue why they may not have much faith in the intention or capacity of Cheshire police to investigate this
or other hunting incidents properly and impartially...
25-2-17 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Do you really believe Cheshire Police are going to stand up for any of the persecuted
foxes in our area, with officers like PC 5336 Claire Ford [left],
aka Claire Louise on Facebook, within their ranks? PC Ford is the woman sat in the middle of this trio! She's clearly
impartial when it comes to fox hunting isn't she?
There's now been two instances of foxes being killed by a pack of hounds in Cheshire in three weeks, and they're
just the ones we know about... PC
Ford's friends from the Cheshire Forest hunt killed a fox in a residential area of Macclesfield today... Cheshire Foxhounds killed a vixen on the 4th of February. Are the police going to actually stop this barbaric activity???
Sabs find Ashford Valley FH supporter pick-up is on SORN
registerPlan to save owner job
by telling DVLA vehicle no longer off road 28-2-17 Facebook – E.Kent Sabs Something the Ashford Valley Tickham hunt supporters should bear in mind when illegally
blocking public roads... don't use a vehicle that is on a SORN declaration, i.e no tax, and no valid insurance. We are
sure the relevant authorities will be in touch soon, and will get this all sorted out for you. 
send 'pirate' pack packing on visit to North Downs Harriers 27-2-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs 25/2/2017
After the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt went crying off to the press and maligned our good character last week in the press
(see previous posts), it was obvious who we were going to have to pay a visit to this Saturday….so, we headed off to
their kennels at Hothfield, "armed with our camera's and military fatigues!” The hound lorry left the kennels as expected, but suddenly, two 4x4’s blocked the road [below
right] so we could not follow, meaning we had to get back on to another lane to get round them, but one of the pick
ups had also headed around to block us off again……but we managed to get past, just
missing the front of his truck. We were followed at high speed while we searched in vain for the hound
lorry-now where was the KM journalist when we needed them!? Oh yeah-they are too busy regurgitating the hunt's bullshit,
verbatim! (If you want a REAL story darling, you will have to come out with us, and get your shoes dirty!). Fortunately, we had an advance party at Denton the other side of the county, who were already out with Alfie Vassar’s
(ex huntsman of the East Kent with West Street foxhounds) unregistered “pirate” pack, the North Downs Harriers. It appears that the Hunt met at the farm buildings around
Tappington Hall, no doubt invited by Paul Saunders, local gamekeeper and former Huntsman of the now amalgamated West Street
& Tickham Hunt, and previously Whipper In for the East Sussex and Romney Marsh Hunt-a jack of all trades, but master of
none…! The Huntsman (Alfie) was hunting on foot, assisted by two known terrier
boys on quad bikes, last seen “trail hunting” out with the East Kent with West Street. When we eventually arrived
at the Hunt, they where at the rear of Denton Court, and we called the hounds safely away from the them, east towards Wooton…
it took a while, but we got them, running up the hill towards us! [below
left]. The terrier boys Jack and Michael scrambled to get the hounds from us on their quads, the Huntsman hitched
a lift, and then they vanished… We searched high and low, but then noticed their hound truck on the move-had they packed up? We sent a group to their kennels
at Lyminge, and the hound van was there, so it appears they had!!
What these lads are really up to is anyone's guess, but trail hunting it’s not. Given
their terrier work connections to the East Kent with West Street Hunt and local shooting fraternity, they are either acting
as a “fox destruction” pack for kicks on a Saturday, but there is also a strong possibility that foxes are being
dug out alive, and being moved about to the keep the local packs in supply….we are watching though, and all our evidence
is as always, with the police. A further search
of Denton was done, with no sign of the Hunt, so we moved over to Bishopsbourne, to the meet of the East Kent with West Street
FH. The Hunt was in Gorsley
Wood, so we headed in, and saw two quad bikes heading to the meet, but by 4pm, it was obvious they had also packed up for
home……the Hunt are currently bleating on that are “committed to seeing the repeal of the Hunting Act 2014
and a return to hunting live quarry”……tell that to the fox you killed at 7th December 2016 Burmarsh, or any of the other hunting “accidents”
you are responsible for. Unfortunately,
our day was still not over!! It was time for us to head over to Crawley in Sussex for the Hunt Ball demo against the Old Surrey
& Barstow hunt at Effingham Park Hotel, Crawley. A decent turn out of black-clad demonstrators had turned up,
where the wearing of masks and quasi military outfits was oblitgatory!! So, yes Rachael Woods KM, reporter- we swore at the
demo, in fact we swore a lot!!! But then why shouldn't we, hunting was banned 12 years ago, yet the killing goes on! But
the police and the press are either too corrupt or don't have the balls to deal with them!!! It kind of gets you “effing”
Doughty anti-hunt campaigner Sir Gerald Kaufman MP dies..... 27-2-16 - POWA is saddened to learn of the death of Sir Gerald Kaufman MP,
aged 86. He
was instrumental and fearless in helping Tony Banks lead the Labour backbenchers revolt on the Hunting Bill against the Blair
leadership, which wanted to foist the awful Licensing system for fox hunting on us. In 2002 he threatened to defy the whip
because of the government's foot-dragging on banning hunting. In 2004, aged 74, he was assaulted and subjected to anti-semitic
taunts by hunt supporters outside Conference. In
his latter years he was proud to become Father of the House. R.I.P.
Manchester Evening News
Cheshire Forest FH slaughters fox in private garden
in MacclesfieldFemale
follower on quad bike hides corpse under her coat Pregnancy pretence ruined when she is stopped and questioned 26-2-17 Manchester Evening News Furious residents
say pack of foxhounds caused 'mayhem' on quiet street during hunt meeting - Police are investigating allegations that
the animals were chasing a fox which was later found dead A
pack of foxhounds caused mayhem in a quiet street during a hunt meeting, according to furious residents. Cheshire police
are now investigating allegations that the animals were chasing a fox - which was found dead in a back garden . Residents have told the MEN of “pandemonium”
when the pack of dogs came hurtling across a field and into Penningtons Lane, Macclesfield. “It was horrific”,
said Edwina Church, 47. She said her husband, Kevin, saw some of the dogs appear to be chasing a fox which he then saw killed.
“Pandemonium broke out. There was a stream of dogs running through our garden into next door. We had 15 of them jumping
around in our garden.” Mrs Church’s 82-year-old mother, who has chronic heart failure, saw it unfold and is “traumatised”.
She continued: “A lot of people on this road are elderly. They were frightened to come out. The dogs were frantic. I’m
an animal-lover and I was shaken. It was heartbreaking.” Cheshire
Police said on Facebook they are working with the RSPCA and specialist officers to investigate. “We are aware of concerns
around hunt activity in the Macclesfield area yesterday. We are investigating this matter and working with specialist officers
and the RSPCA.” Penningtons Lane
residents say they heard a “screaming” pack of dogs belonging to Cheshire Forest Hunt run through nearby fields
where pregnant cows were grazing at around 12.45pm. Two
quad bikes then came “flying down the lane” said resident Julie Clark, 47. Mrs Church claims one of the hunt members got off her bike and retrieved the dead fox from the garden. Other members
of the hunt then arrived together with the police. Mrs
Clark said:“The dogs were huge. God knows how someone didn’t get hurt. It was dreadful.” Farmer Andrew Kidd has pregnant heffers in a field through which the
dogs rampaged. Mr Kidd said Cheshire Forest Hunt Huntsmaster Richard Garton phoned him to apologise for the incident. The
Huntsmaster “apologised 100%”, said Mr Kidd. Macclesfield Councillor Beverley Dooley said permission had not been given to cross the land. She said: “It’s beyond me. Penningtons Lane is used by people walking dogs, by children on bikes. There
were no children playing in the gardens when it happened. We’re all shocked at the blatant disregard for other people
and their property - their land, their animals.” Cheshire
Police added:“If you were a witness or have any information about this matter you are asked to call us on 101 and quote
incident number 395 of February 25 2017.” The MEN has tried repeatedly to contact Cheshire Forest Hunt for a comment. BBC News North West carried a very strong report on the incident. Residents are furious, though none more so than the Councillor named above. She says she
wants the issue raised in Parliament. Also, the Daily Mirror has run the story. Pic below - 1/ Shamefaced Huntsman Andrew
German 2/ German explaining to police
[Credit UGC] Pics below - 1/ Hunt quads invade residential street
2/ One of the masked-up hunt thugs 25-2-17 Facebook - Stop the cull We've received a shocking report and photo's today from a resident
of Macclesfield: "This afternoon a pack of hounds were seen running across private fields, following them were several
quadbikes, all of which were being driven by people with their faces covered. The quadbikes which were all unmarked were then
seen to go down a lane towards a residential area. Hounds
then chased a fox into the back garden of one of the properties, breaking down the garden fence, where the fox was then killed,
one of the people from the quadbikes, a woman, came out with the hounds, she also had her face covered and was clutching a
coat to her stomach. She then jumped onto the quadbike shouting to drive off as she needs to get to the Hospital as she is
pregnant. After being stopped and questioned it turned out she was hiding
the dead fox to not get caught. On dropping the coat the dead fox was revealed". The police are now investigating, the "Cheshire forest hunt" who are the Hunt
responsible. They will be having a hunt ball tonight at "Peover hall", which happens to be where the Hunt Master
lives. You can contact the hall here: http://tattonestate.com/peover-hall-gardens-park/ please keep all correspondence polite.  26-2-17 D.Telegraph Pack of hounds
broke into elderly couple's back garden before savaging a fox, campaigners claim A pack of
hounds broke into an elderly couple's back garden before savaging a fox, campaigners have claimed. Police are investigating
the alleged incident after activists from Cheshire Monitors shared photographs on social media appearing to show the mutilated
remains of the animal. One
witness claimed eight hounds came racing through their garden and went over a 3ft fence, before cornering the fox behind a
summer house on Saturday afternoon. They said the eight hounds mauled the fox to death. A woman in a balaclava is then alleged
to have tried to remove the fox underneath a fleece-type coat. Cheshire Police said it was investigating an incident involving a hunt in Macclesfield, Cheshire, on Saturday after
photos surfaced online. The force posted on Facebook: "We are aware of concerns around hunt activity in the Macclesfield
area. We are investigating this matter and working with specialist officers and the RSPCA." Resident locals said a hunt came through the built-up residential
area and claimed they saw unmarked quad bikes, hounds and a huntsman blowing a horn. Kevin Church, 47, described hounds sprinting
through his garden, churning up the grass, before pouncing on the fox. He said: "About seven or eight of them tore it
apart - it was quite horrific really. I could see within seconds that it would have been a waste of time to get involved.
There was no chance of a good outcome for the fox. "The fox came down our driveway into our back garden and made an escape
into next door. Then I saw all these dogs come flooding into the garden - we stopped a few of them coming in. Half of them
jumped over the fence and got the fox cornered. It is only a low fence, around 3ft, I stood on the decking which is slightly
higher so I had a good view. I have never seen anything like this before, not in a residential area." The Cheshire Forest Hunt has been
contacted for comment but has not yet responded. Incident
also reported in the Stoke Sentinel
Middleton FH upset a yard full of bulls - then lose the
pack26-2-17 Facebook - .W.Yorkshire Sabs Yesterday, we teamed up with Sheffield Sabs to pay a visit to
the Middleton Foxhounds, who met in Scrayingham, North Yorkshire. It was a tough day with hounds [right] going
into cry a number of times and at least two foxes escaping unharmed. The huntsmen were irresponsible throughout
the day, taking the hounds through a farm yard with contained bulls, who were highly distressed at the pack of hounds, with
one of the bulls becoming trapped by the other scared bulls who were running around the very small space they were crammed
into. Later in the day, the huntsmen lost the hounds completely and chaos ensued. Horses galloping
down roads [below left], and
quad bikes carrying masked-up terrier men speeding around in a desperate attempt to find them. No wonder so many hounds end
up on our busy A roads causing a danger to both human and animal life. The field of riders also acted very dangerously throughout the day, repeatedly attempting to ride into sabs; though karma
had its way as one rider rode into a sab and proceeded to fall off his horse!
At the end of the day, the Hunt called for the police making
wild accusations (we think they should be held to account for wasting police time). Four police vehicles[below right] arrived
and by the time they let us on our way the Hunt had packed up. 27-2-17 Facebook - Sheffield Sabs Today we went to visit the Middleton Hunt with our friends W.Yorks
Sabs. There were a fair few of them, sipping from their stirrup cups at 10.30 in the morning when we arrived outside the rectory,
but numbers dwindled through the day with the first riders getting bored and boxing up just a couple of hours after we set
off. Maybe due to
all the recent bad press they didn’t appear to have much land they were allowed in and just went round in small circles,
visiting the same few copses several times. The Hunt seemed to be quite angry today but they didn’t
want to talk about it with us, perhaps they were upset we’d found them and spoiled their hopes of uninterrupted illegal
hunting. They did their usual
palaver of running off and hiding from us, then trying to get a bit of quick hunting in before we caught up and moved them
on again. Us and West Yorks took turns to follow them through the mud and interrupt their attempts at violence towards wildlife.
We saw a few foxes, some hares, a deer or two, and a rabbit, who all lived to tell the tale. The hounds were in cry and on
the scent of a fox a couple of times, but we were on hand to discourage them. Later on in the day we lost sight of the
whole hunt for a few minutes and when we found them again the redcoats were in a massive panic, having lost all their hounds.
They were galloping about trying to gather them, and it took a good while to regroup the pack. As a last resort they called the police on us, saying we’d been
attacking them with bottles and knives. We assume this was an attempt to give them a head start and lose us for a bit. The
police faffed about and when they finally realised it was a load of rubbish and stopped delaying us we had a little check
and found all the horse boxes were heading home. We will see you again soon Middleton Hunt. And if any of you lovely people reading this would like to give us a helping hand, here’s
our donation page. Thanks again, we rely on your donations. https://ko-fi.com/A570FG9 Pic below - Mr.
Hunting landowner drives quad into monitors as hounds go
into cryAntis say blank
day, marred by support intimidation & lies to police Lost hound given lift back to Braes o' Derwent FH by monitors 26-2-17 N.E. Hunt Monitors Braes Of Derwent Meet Hit Report 25.2.17 The Hunt set off after what seemed like a police escort from Lead
Road, Stocksfied... Straight from the off we were held back by a police road block, due to a fallen tree, so monitors
followed on foot while some hunt support made past the police car, to our dismay. Go figure. With the tree removed, we gathered
up the monitors and followed the Hunt to a large wood in Broomley. With monitors again on foot ,they kept up with the pack
and, with police out of sight, came upon some irate hunt support upset about trespass etc etc etc booorring... The hunt area was massive, but we managed to stay with the main riders
and hounds on foot and in cars, even with the usual attempts by hunt staff/support at blocking us in and holding us up. A redcoat and rider were seen riding behind a deer, but no hounds were
in pursuit thankfully, and later a fox was also seen to escape unnoticed and scent quickly covered. A stray hound was seen
close to railway lines, miles away from the main pack, and we informed the houndsman of its whereabouts, to which he replied
he knew the hound was missing and had someone looking. We hope that hound got back safe. Later another stray hound was spotted far from the Hunt and this time it was safe enough to
scoop her up into the car and return her to the Hunt, not before she devoured a few vegan sarnies and enjoying a lot cuddles.
We don't think she wanted to leave, she was a lovely dog and it was hard to open the door and let her return to hunting. Later in the day, hounds eventually got on a scent and when monitors
jumped into action so did the landowner, who proceeded to ride his quad into the monitors, taking one for a ride on the front
and ending up pinned to a fence. The police were called and, after a handshake to the landowner and a word with monitors about
trespass it was decided it was Tit for Tat... There were a few angry confrontations throughout the day, with tensions high
on both sides and police being told monitors were being aggressive and blocking roads - all lies and pretty much reflects
the actions of the hunt supporters, who also showed intimidation when surrounding lone female monitors' cars. Car Cam
footage from now on will be gathered and forwarded to police. We can safely say we rained on their bloodsport and no kills were made that we are aware of, but police held us back
for some time late in the day while the Hunt and hounds made off into a private estate nearby for a short time before packing
up. All in all a good but exhausting day for us and
not so good one for the Hunt and their support. Please help us hunt the hunters by donating to our petrol fund. http://www.gofundme.com/32nwcgw Pics below - 1/ Hunting on road near Broomley 2/ Hound given
lift by monitors 
FH cause havoc in village then enter zoo park Came
just after sabs had pulled hounds off fox just in time 25-2-17 Facebook – N. Cambs Sabs HIT REPORT 25/02/17 We had planned
to keep tabs on another Hunt today but after receiving a late night tip off from a local that the Fitzwilliam would be hunting around Upton, Huntingdon,
how could we refuse ? We invited our friends S.Cambs and Beds & Bucks Sabs to join us. On
a windy and cold morning we were out pre-spraying coverts and spinneys around the meet at Holly Lodge by 9am. The Hunt hung
around in the cold before heading off towards Coppingford and then Hamerton. A fox was seen running to safety, luckily a fair
distance away. For the next couple of hours the Hunt went around in circles supposedly following a trail (the layer of which
spent his time walking up the road with the rag nowhere near the ground). Then, back near Holly Lodge the hounds got onto
the line of a fox. Sabs in the vehicle told the Huntsman to call off his hounds but instead he hunted them on. They were no
more than 10 metres behind it when sabs called them off using the gizmo. Luckily they respond to that more than to Simon 'Hapless'
Hunter. [above left, hounds after creating havoc] He tried to gather them but they responded by running in different directions through
the village, through gardens, all over roads and in between cars. Hunt havoc ensued for quite some time, with several Hunt
vehicles managing to block themselves in on the road, hounds everywhere, angry locals berating them and the redcoats trying (and failing) to assert any control. At one point some of the hounds
entered Hamerton Zoo Park [right, Hunt entering],fearing bad things
were about to happen sabs went in, only to see Zoo staff greeting the Hunt. Definitely not a place to visit from now on. A couple of police vehicles and a helicopter [below left] had appeared by now and after realising it wasn't us that were the problem,
stood bemused by the chaos surrounding them and tried to sort it out. After being
informed they had been filmed chasing a fox the Hunt decided to pack up [below
right] just before one o'clock. The evidence just piles up week after week on this Hunt, due in court soon for
illegal hunting and animal cruelty. Just as sabs were thinking of a nice early finish, we got a tip off that the Oakley were out around
Emberton, so we set off on the 45 minute drive to find them. One of the groups found them, hounds on cry around Sherington and seemed to have
chased a fox to ground. Sabs intervened and the Hunt moved off. After 90 minutes the Oakley decided they weren't enjoying
our company and packed up. A highly successful day. Many thanks to all sabs who worked
together brilliantly today.  25-2-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Sabs Some days you slog through mud and everything the British weather can through in your direction, you relentlessly
trudge up hill and down dale, jump ditches and get caught on barbed wire sometimes you face plant (much to amusement of everyone
around you) and sometimes you get people trying to beat your head in with bats and chains. Today wasn't one of those days. Once again
we joined our colleagues from N. and S.Cambs to head up the A1 between Alconbury and Hamerton, where the Fitzwilliam were
have a meet. It was a very windy day, perhaps this was the reason John Mease their bird man wasn't attending (or the fact
he's due in court in April) and with no bird man they had to lay a trail to pretend to hunt.Now correct me if I'm wrong, but to lay a trail the trail layer should really put the scented
rag on the floor. Clearly this was a half- arsed attempt at covering themselves. As usual the followers played their silly
games with blocking all the road and the locals were none-too happy. The Cambs foot sabs witnessed and filmed the hounds
chasing a fox but they deployed the gizmo and put the hounds off just enough for the fox to cross the road and the hounds
to lose the scent. At this point we could see the trail layer about half a mile away. The police arrived and a helicopter kept tabs on us from above. We corrected the police regarding the lies they had
been told by the Hunt and, as they were only traffic officers and not the rural team, we can't expect them to know anything
about hunting. Once they had contacted the relevant officers who know us they were far more reasonable. We were then told
the Hunt were now packing up after only a couple of hours! Big embarrassment for a Hunt of this standing. We made sure this was the case and sure enough after complaints from locals and
our solid job on them they'd had enough. Perhaps the possibility of a conviction hanging over them helped with their decision?
We also had some nice support from people driving past, thanking us and giving us the thumbs up. Pics below - 1/ The Hunt 2/ Packing up at 1pm - on police advice?  25-2-17 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs Hit Report 25/02/2017 Fitzwilliam Hunt, Holly Lodge,
Upton, nr. Huntingdon …while walking back towards
the vehicle, sabs saw a beautiful fox, thankfully running away from the direction of the hounds. The terriermen were very
keen on preventing sabs from photographing the fox, we wonder why. A feeble attempt at pretending to lay a trail
was witnessed - no doubt to appease the police on site. However, the hounds were nowhere near this 'trail' at any
point during the day. A little later in the day, sabs were entering a footpath when the hounds were heard
loudly in cry. They turned and ran back towards the village of Hamerton, witnessing the pack of hounds chasing no more than
10 meters behind a fox. Sabs used the gizmo to distract the hounds enough for them to lose the scent in the windy weather.
A very close call and a very lucky fox. Hounds then continued to run riot all over the village, frightening domestic animals
and upsetting the locals. The Hunt gathered the hounds at Hamerton Zoo Park - surely not the best place for hounds trained
to kill - and we were shocked to see one of the workers come out for a friendly chat with the Huntsman! After learning that our footage showed them chasing a fox miles away from the 'trail'
the hunt unexpectedly decided to call it a day. The Fitzwilliam usually hunt until almost dark so we called it a huge success
to see them pack up before 1 pm!
Atherstone FH meet - no hounds, no redcoats, no hunting25-2-17 Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs Atherstone Hunt – Saturday 25th February – Merevale We had several tip offs that today's meet in Merevale would be with no hounds. We went
anyway to make sure as we know the Atherstone are known for not telling the truth. On arrival there were a few riders and
a handful of car support, but no huntsman or hounds. We also checked the kennels to make sure they weren't out. Merevale is a prestigious meet and has traditionally
been the Atherstone Hunts big final meet of the season where they can expect a few extra riders and supporters out. One of
the rumours we've heard is that Huntsman Stuart Barton (who's been given notice till the end of the season) was off
elsewhere at a job interview. This is one of few times we can be certain that there were no kills. We will continue with our
persistent presence that has led the hunt to its current situation. 
Sabs arrive late at Oakley FH just in time to stop dig out25-2-17 Facebook
– Beds & Bucks Sabs … We then got a call to
say the Oakley were hunting close to Emberton so with a few hours to spare and the Linda McCartney Sausage rolls all scoffed
we jumped in our vehicles and set off after them. We split our forces and found them soon after arriving in the area. The
hounds were in full cry with neither huntsman (yes that'll be Calamity Jack again) or whipper in in sight. It looked like
the hounds had chased something to ground and with the terrier men on the quad speeding over in the same direction we got
on the scene and made sure they wouldn't proceed any further. Once again the Oakley were a sorry state, only 6 riders and with sabs now in front and behind they rode around for
a short while before heading back to their meet before 4pm. We gave some much needed love to the hounds while could and it
would seem they certainly prefer us to Calamity Jack. We're currently running a book on when he'll get the sack, we
also think Ray Pipe( the Whipper In) may get his job next season. So
all in all a fab day, 2 hunts scuppered with plenty of time to get home for tea and medals. 25-2-17 Facebook - N.Cambs Sabs ... Just as sabs were thinking of a nice early finish [after
sabbing the Fitzwilliam], we got a tip off that the Oakley were out around
Emberton, so we set off on the 45 minute drive to find them. One of the groups found them, hounds on cry around
Sherington and seemed to have chased a fox to ground. Sabs intervened and the Hunt moved off. After 90 minutes the Oakley
decided they weren't enjoying our company and packed up. A highly successful day. Many thanks to all sabs who
worked together brilliantly today. Pics below - 1/ Sab terrorising
the Oakley field 2/ Oakley terriermen 
Cumbria police announce plan to monitor Hunts with drones POWA person adds - We'd been told that Cumbria police had planned to use
a drone to monitor the Melbreak FH, but that the meet it was to be tested on was cancelled after a Melbreak supporter allegedly threatened a monitor on a road and then attacked
a sab, causing injury that required hospital treatment, on 10-1-17. Two supporters were arrested. POWA isn't clear whether
the drones system has been tested at all yet, but it may help if it is put into effect, even if just as a deterrent. The largely
treeless Cumbrian fells - where hunting is very hard to monitor or sab because of the extremely rugged nature of the
country - seems a good place to start drone use.
Shredded remnants of fox killed by Bicester FH found in
ditchHunt tells police it was... guess what... an 'accident' 24-2-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs Bicester and Whaddon Chase have
just killed a fox in a ditch near Poundon.
 24-2-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs 24th February 2017, Bicester
with Whaddon Chase, Home Farm Poundon We don't often get to this Hunt, but as the Bicester Boys came
out with us at the Ledbury Hunt last week we thought that we would return the favour. Normally the Hunt Monitors get out into
this area - give 'em a like and a share on their page. The Hunt drew first over the
live railway line north of Poundon and seemed to want to get away from us. On the Poundon to Stratton Audley road we heard
hounds speaking and some escaped sheep munching on winter wheat. Thinking that hounds may have been marking to ground, we went inland and spotted
one of the terriermen on his phone, spade in hand... he ran away and jumped on the quad to escape when he spotted us. Smelling fox in an area along
the hedge he had been in, we investigated and found a water filled ditch with bright red lumps floating on the surface. The
immediate area was flattened with hoof prints, hounds prints and boot marks nearby. We entered the water to examine the lumps
which turned out to be blood clots, what looked like trachea and lung and the tell-tale red and white fur caught up in the
brambles. Drops of blood were also found on the bank opposite. Fence menders (including our old 'pal' Danny Burton) were fixing fences in the next
field, which the Hunt had damaged during the chase. Bicester Boy Tom arrived late in the day to try and have a go... wonder
if he'd gone to the Ledbury this morning to see us? Thames Valley Police attended the scene very quickly and we would like to thank them for their
professionalism. Whilst looking at the carnage, they told us that the Hunt had informed them it was an accidental kill. We
reviewed the footage and there is a lot of encouragement going on from the Huntsman... perhaps he should ensure he's not
chasing live foxes before doing so in future?! The Hunt continued north of Stratton Audley and stayed out until it was dark. A loose hound
was found on the road by one of us and returned to the Hunt (without so much as a monotone 'cheers'). We're aware
of another fox being chased during the day and who managed to successfully get away with some help... but that's another
story! Please
support us if you can by sharing our reports and / or financially at the following link: paypal.me/threecountiessabs Other sabs attended the Ledbury
Hunt from midday onwards (so if dear Tom, the Bicester Boy, was a-visiting, he'd had left to come see us just before their
arrival) and spent the afternoon in Hasfield, Ashleworth and Maisemore with them. Pics below - 1/ Supporter carrying an injured hound 2/ Another fragment from the
killed vixen 
Sabs stop Waveney Harriers hounds running on to major roadHunt chased off estate land they were trespassing on 25-2-17 Facebook - Mike Huskisson An interesting day yesterday helping local hunt saboteurs at the meet of the Waveney Harriers near Beccles. Hares
and deer were running everywhere. Late in the afternoon hounds rioted after deer. Some hounds headed for the busy A146 - a
two lane highway where traffic on a slight bend was doing some 60mph in misty conditions. It was sabs who saw the danger,
sabs who stopped the traffic, sabs who shielded the hounds. As for the hunt staff, riders and car support who are usually
so quick on the scene with their abuse and aggression, they were nowhere to be seen. The Estate Manager was prowling as the
hunt had no permission to hunt the fields they were in and the hunters fled like rabbits. I have seen some lousy hunts in
my time but this lot are an utter disgrace. Support your local hunt saboteurs - they are the ones in the front line saving
Cheshire police reject complaints re. hunter PC Claire FordEvidence emerges of her 'cubbing'
with Cheshire Forest FH 23-2-17 Facebook - Cheshire Police Cheshire Constabulary’s Professional Standards Department has completed its review of the actions
of PC Claire Ford at a hunt meeting in Smallwood. Detective Chief Inspector Julie Westgate said: “A number of complaints
were lodged by members of the public in relation to PC Ford’s presence at the hunt, which took place on December 10th
last year. “The Constabulary has undertaken a thorough review
of the incident and established there is no evidence the officer acted inappropriately. Although off-duty when she arrived
at the scene, PC Ford identified herself as a police officer, thereby placing herself ‘on duty’. “PC Ford advised both hunt participants and hunt protestors
of the landowner’s request for them to all leave her land. PC Ford was present solely to prevent a breach of the peace
and there is no evidence that she showed favour to either side. Her actions were in keeping with what is expected of a police
officer.” The Constabulary would like to reiterate that when officers are called to hunt meetings, they are impartial and are
there to uphold the law. Where allegations of illegal activity are made, these will be investigated thoroughly, impartially
and based on the evidence available. 25-2-17 Cheshire Hunt Sabs Published an old Facebook post by a friend of PC Ford. Text refers to their having spent the day 'cubbing'.
Pics of all 3 women on horseback, wearing 'ratcatcher' Pics below - 1/
Facebook post from October 2014 by 'Mandy Pifalot'. Claire Louise is PC Ford 2/ PC
Ford in pic also posted by 'Mandy' 
Occupied monitor vehicle window shot out at Beaufort FH meet22-2-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 18th February
and a Serious Incident We had some visiting sabs and friends with us on Saturday which turned out to
be quite an eventful day, ending with a very serious incident outside the gates of Badminton Estate... Later
in the afternoon we caught up with the hounds at The Tynings again! They crossed over into the Park and we followed on the
road to get ahead of them. We stopped at Shepherd’s Lodge where quads streamed in behind us. Members of our team heard
a loud ping directed towards our vehicle caught on video. Little did we know at the time that this could be linked to the
event that took place at the end of the day. A hunt supporter quad had been aggressively stalking one of our vehicles by tailgating
dangerously close behind. It followed the vehicle back to Badminton where the vehicle parked up. Then from the Badminton Gate
area what sounded like an airgun shot smashed the left rear window of the vehicle whilst 4 passengers were still inside. Of
course the police were called and an investigation is now underway... The Hunt seemed to be running
around nearly all day and not stopping much to hunt, but two foxes were seen and we hope that the presence of cameras and
witnesses helped to hold off the hunt enough to save their lives. See here for the full, long report.
Blackmore FH, with three terriermen, spend day not
'trail hunting'Favoured location, suitably, seemed to be sewage works! 22-2-17 Dorset Hunt Sabs Blackmore
& Sparkford Vale 21/2/17 Court House Dairy, Thornford, Dorset The meet was between Thornford and Sherborne. From
the meet the Hunt moved towards Bedmill Copse. This copse straddles the Exeter/Waterloo railway line [right]. Monitors find it difficult to understand why searching and a trail should start
in such a potentially difficult place. … Monitors moved
to Lenthay Common and heard the hounds in cry. Swiftly they moved to the lane that leads to the civic amenity centre (recycling)
and Sherborne sewage works. Monitors found the Hunt and the hounds just south west of the sewage works. Hounds were ‘milling’
around in a rough area with the Huntsman and whip gathering the hounds. Some hounds were the other side of the Yeo and after
some effort the Huntsman managed to gather most of them. While
the hounds were being gathered instructions were being made (to the hounds) that sounded like “dead, dead, dead, and
“leave it” and a little later “you can’t kill him twice”... It is also possible the comments
were made for the consumption of the monitors! Also
in the area were three terrier men... We found a huge badger set in what looked to be once a council tip. Old bottles and
items of the last century were numerous. Initially we had concerns because in the area we found a spade and a fork ‘hidden’
in the undergrowth. With the information as we have it seems the fox took refuge in the badger sett, although we do have concerns
as to who left the spade and fork behind. From here the Hunt moved
off to the Lillington area. Nearby is an Independent School close to Leweston Wood. After much drawing, a holler was heard
near the school. Hounds responded and became very interested moving quickly in a northerly direction. A fox was spotted by
one of the monitors as it ran past an open gateway. Monitors moved to a position near Honeycombe Wood with the Huntsman and
hounds arriving soon after. Hounds then moved into Honeycombe Wood and in full cry moved through the wood and over the Thornford
road and towards the sewage works! Monitors travelled there to see the hounds take another direction moving towards the meet,
where surprisingly for this Hunt they finished at 3:45pm. Difficult
to understand after following the events of the day how it can be claimed the hounds were trail hunting. If you would like
to help us in protecting our wildlife then email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net Thank
You for all your amazing support. Pic below - Where's that damn 'trail'
gone? Dunno Rover, it keeps moving. I think it might be alive.

Landowner tells Cheshire FH to go away in no uncertain
laden rant at Huntsman - says hunting fox that crossed his land Shire Horse farmer says he's 'had enough' and vows to stop the Hunt 22-2-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO This is a short clip where a farmer who's had years of trouble with
the Cheshire Hounds sums them up in one short moment! POWA person
adds - The clip begins with the farmer telling the mounted Huntsman 'Just fuck off' and threatening to shoot
hounds. The Huntsman then turns to face the monitors and says 'Shoot these bastards...'. The Huntsman calls hounds
to him. None appear. Perhaps as well - he's on the edge of a busy road. The farmer says to the Huntsman 'I'll
have you stopped' [good luck with that]. He calls him 'fucking ignorant' then accuses him of letting hounds chase
a fox on his land, one he himself had seen and his dog had chased. Monitor says they saw it. Farmer tells Huntsman he has
right to shoot hounds and 'I've just had a bellyful of you all.' Farmer says he's worked 70 years building
his farm and 'you think you own it'. Monitor advises him to take out an injunction. Some hounds finally appear and
Huntsman trots off up road with them. Pics below - 1/ Farmer
tells Huntsman to 'Fuck off' and says he could shoot hounds 2/ Huntsman, of monitors - 'You
should shoot these bastards'  23-2-17
The Canary Landowner tells ‘f*cking
ignorant’ fox hunters where they can go VIDEO A video has emerged which shows the owner of
a shire horse breeding farm confronting a Huntsman. It’s tagged as being recorded by the Cheshire Monitors. The landowner featured is very clear about his annoyance. And he also speaks as if fox hunters trespassing is a common
occurrence. The video was uploaded to the Facebook group Hounds Off: In the video, the landowner approaches a lone huntsman
on horseback. He asks the huntsman what he’s doing on his land. Before the huntsman can finish his muttered response,
the landowner instructs him to “just f*ck off”. The landowner then says (referring to the foxhounds in his field):
'[I’d] shoot them b*stards if [I had] my gun with me, I promise you. The hunt monitors filming suggest that the
landowner should shoot the hunters rather than their dogs [this is wrong – the Huntsman tells the farmer he should shoot
the monitors]. The Huntsman approaches them at this point, and they tell him “we’re filming you”. The Huntsman
replies “it’s a good job [as well]”. The landowner continues to
complain about the hunts trampling all over his field. He says that he’ll have them stopped, and that it’s no
wonder they’re being followed by hunt monitors. He also adds that the huntspeople are “f*cking ignorant”.
Following this he asks:- 'You’re not chasing foxes, are you?' The Huntsman says that they’re not, but
the landowner follows by asking:- 'Well what’s the fox they’ve gone after in there then?' The Huntsman
denies having seen a fox. The hunt monitors and the landowner both say that they have. The landowner adds:- 'Oh there
was. Because my dog chased it across this field.' Later in the video, the landowner
states:- "I’ve worked seventy f*cking years to get this place, and you lot come on [and] think you own it. The
law." At one point, the Huntsman can clearly be heard apologising.
But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s illegal to trespass on private land. Or that it’s illegal to
hunt foxes. Most criminals are faced with much harder repercussions than
having to grudgingly apologise. And it’s time that the police started treating these people like the criminals they
so often are.
Surrey Union JM Lulu Hutley reported to police over whipping
of a sabPrincess Eugenie's
godmother says was trying to stop sab being squashed against fence 22-2-17 Daily Mirror Princess Eugenie's godmother Lulu Hutley
reported to police after 'whipping foxhunt protester' - Footage appears to show Mrs Hutley, 56, joint master of the
Surrey Union Hunt, lashing out at the male activist with a riding crop in Surrey on Saturday Princess Eugenie's godmother [below
left] has been reported to police after a video emerged showing her allegedly whipping a foxhunt protester. Footage
appears to show Lulu Hutley, 56, joint master of the Surrey Union Hunt, lashing out at the male activist with a riding crop. Saboteurs say the video was filmed while they were monitoring the huntsmen
during a meet at Slades Farm, Warlingham, on Saturday afternoon. Guildford
Hunt Saboteurs followed the riding party onto private land because they "suspected they were illegally hunting".
Protester Conor Macleod, who is in his 20s and was wearing a backpack, was stood next to a horse when footage appeared to
show him being struck with a riding crop. The footage then appears to show Hutley, wearing a distinctive Surrey Union master's
collar and riding gear, raise her arm and strike. Collin
Skilton, of Guildford Hunt Saboteurs, said: "The saboteurs followed them on private ground because they suspected they
were illegally hunting. They were asked to leave and they tried to make their way back. Conor, the lad who was hit, got jammed
between the fence and Hutley hit him over the shoulder with the whip." The
Surrey Union Hunt claims the clip has been taken out of context and that the hunt saboteurs, some of whom allegedly wore masks, were intimidating. A spokesman said: "You can
clearly see Lulu is holding the whip upside-down in order to hit the gate, not the person. She saw the protester was trapped
between the horse and the gate and was trying to make a noise by banging on the gate to get the horse to back off. It was
quick thinking by one of our Masters in a dangerous situation and it’s terribly sad it’s being misrepresented.
As always, we were following an artificial scent trail, and indeed the protestors would have seen this being laid down by
a rider earlier." Hutley, a close friend
of Sarah, Duchess of York, 57, and is godmother to her daughter, Princess Eugenie of York, 26. She married property businessman
Edward Hutley, 54, in 1991. The Surrey Union website states the couple are joint masters of the Hunt. A Surrey Police spokeswoman confirmed the force is investigating a report of common assault
but no-one has been arrested. She said: "Surrey Police is investigating following reports of a common assault at a hunt
in Bramley on Saturday. Officers were called following reports of an incident near Thorncombe Street around 1.30pm. A man
alleged he was assaulted by a man and a woman following a verbal altercation. An investigation is underway and enquiries remain
ongoing."... 23-2-17
Facebook - ITV News London VIDEO An aggressive confrontation between hunt members and saboteurs
has been caught on camera near Guildford. It appears to show one of the horse riders whipping an animal rights activist. Police
are investigating, but the hunt claim she was trying to strike the gate.
POWAperson adds - The story was also covered in the Daily Mail and Get Surrey. Decide for yourselves
whether Lulu's explanation is plausible or not. But note there's nothing said here about what the mounted redcoat
thought he was doing using his horse to squash sab against fence.
Atherstone FH hunter nearly rides down sab, charges at othersSupporters horn recording pulls hounds
on to hare by mistake Sexist abuse of
female sabs continues 20-2-17
Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs Atherstone Hunt
– Saturday 18th February 2017 – Higham on the Hill The Atherstone Hunt met at Oak Tree Farm in Higham On The Hill. The Hunt were in a
particularly bad mood and their supporters were making false allegations from the start with one supporter claiming they'd
been hit by our vehicle which Leicestershire Police were quick to question us about. Throughout the day, our female sabs where subjected to sexist language from the Hunt. We know
the Atherstone Hunt are particularly bigoted towards women as this comes only a week after an Atherstone rider hit a female
sab over the head with a riding crop and weeks after an Atherstone Hunt supporter was given a conditional caution for using
the same kind of language that the Hunt used towards us throughout the day. There
was more violence later with one rider almost riding a sab down [above
right], he then carried on using his horse as a weapon by continually
riding into people. Some Atherstone supporters [left] then
thought it would be a good idea to play hunting horn noises down a megaphone which resulted in their own hounds being drawn
onto the line of a hare which they started to chase. No doubt the intention was to blame us, however we managed to film the
incident on camera. Towards
the end of the day we filmed the Hunt disturbing a hare which the hounds then began to chase [2
pics, bottom], instead of calling the hounds off Huntsman Stuart Barton
blew his horn and encouraged them on. We were joined by Manchester, Liverpool, Severn Vale and W.Yorkshire Sabs. If you would
like to donate towards our costs us use our Paypal link here: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs 
Female Ashford Valley FH riders say sabs frightened
themSabs say they offered
to help them in hazardous situation Hunt
say were 'trail hunting, sabs say they weren't 20-2-17
Kent Online VIDEO Hunt saboteurs
disrupt meet at Hole Park, Rolvenden Police were called as masked hunt saboteurs approached two female
riders leaving them frightened. Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt claims two of its members, one an 11-year-old girl riding her
pony, alongside a 22-year-old, were shouted at by the saboteurs who were dressed in black and wearing scarves to cover their
faces. The incident happened at Hole Park, Rolvenden, on Saturday and has been reported to police. The two were riding home
after leaving the main group and hunt spokesman Charlotte Baines said: "The saboteurs shouted abuse at the girls and
followed them into the road. If masked people wearing military-style clothes approached anyone in
the High Street then police would immediately descend." But the East Kent Hunt Saboteurs Association strongly denies intimidating the riders and claims
they were protecting them as they didn't have reflective clothing and they reported their concerns to police. The group's statement said: "We witnessed a lady
and child on horseback riding away from the meet. As [they] got to the bottom of the hill and near a sharp bend, we could
see cars were struggling to see [them]. At this time, it was nearly dark [see
photo right of recoat on road near the time], and we thought this was
very dangerous, so offered to "chaperone" them back to their vehicles by following behind at a safe distance, as
we were concerned for the safety of both riders and horses. The rider we spoke to though was very rude to us, and refused
our help." The Hunt [below
left, some of], involving around 50 horses and 33 hounds, took place
on land owned by Edward Barham who described the group as being "foul-mouthed and balaclava-clad" wearing black
jackets and military-style fatigues. He said: "I'm not a hunting-man myself but this was a perfectly legal hunt that
involved the laying of a scent trail. I accept the right to protest but the whole presence of the group felt extremely threatening
and they had the cameras rolling at people all the time." One female spectator, who wished to remain anonymous said the presence of the group had been unsettling. "It ruined the
day for us - they were a hindrance. The police ended up coming just to make sure there was no confrontation. They covered
their faces with black scarves and were armed with cameras. It's a cowardly move to turn up in protest and not even be
able to show who you are. They swore at several members of the hunt and there were children around as young as 11."
The East Kent Hunt Saboteurs Association say their members face abuse and intimidation from hunt members and have
been on the receiving end of violence so are forced to conceal their identities. They claimed that there was no evidence of trail-laying on the day and that hounds are still killing foxes "by
accident” so they are there to ensure the foxes remain protected and will only ever use non-violent means to achieve
their aims... The online article contained pics of both sabs
and supporters, all masked-up. The sabs offered this robust rebuttal of some of the assertions in the article above - 22-2-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs The Ashford Valley Tickham
Hunt & “Fake News” Some of you may have seen the article on KM online this week regarding our group, and
the events of last Saturday. We though we would take time to examine what happened, and how the Hunt, local press and hunting
groups have sought to “spin” the story and create Fake News….. After
peacefully monitoring the Ashford Valley Hunt at Hole Park Estate, we saw a lady and child on horseback that had decided to
ride along the B2086 in the dark. We saw cars and a bus having to break hard as they struggled to see them, with them being
on dark horses with dark clothing, and neither rider had hi-vis garments or lights….we offered to drive slowly behind
them for the safety of the rider and child, but were met with a mouthful of abuse-in the end, we were forced to make a 999
call at 5.44pm, as we feared an accident was imminent. A couple of days later, we ere alerted to the fact that the KM newspaper had printed a story about the day, claiming
that two of its members, one an 11-year-old girl riding her pony, alongside a 22-year-old, were “shouted at by the saboteurs
who were dressed in black and wearing scarves to cover their faces”. Upon asking what “proof” had been forwarded by the Hunt, we were told that
they had pictures of us with scarves covering our faces….but that was it. No pictures or video footage of us shouting
obscenities at children. To the credit of the journalist, she added a statement from us to the article, along with a picture
of Hunt members masked up, but the damage was already done. The same day, a member of the East Kent with West Street Hunt decided to get in on the action, publicly claiming
that we were the “same group that had attacked them”. Now, we have asked the Hunt member to let us know where
and when this claimed "attack" happened…..but of course, nothing. So here it starts-repeat the story, take a bit out,
add a bit….. our starting to get something quite juicy! Then, we see that the “Fieldsports Channel” had re-run the story, but once more, taken the main body of it out, oh…and
added a bit - “The saboteurs shouted at the riders in what appears to be an attempt to spook the horses” They
also titled the story “Sabs Go ‘Militia’ at Kent hunt” Militia?! “A militia is generally an army
or some other type of fighting unit that is composed of non-professional fighters, citizens of a nation or subjects of a state
or government who can be called upon to enter a combat situation, as opposed to a professional force of regular, full-time
military personnel... " Yeah
right, that's us! Utterly hysterical usage of words. But it is a serious matter. Hunt supporters are fed these lies on
a daily basis, which is why this week we have seen the national press reporting on hunt supporters attacking sabs with chains
& whips last weekend…..because they believe this bollocks. So, to finish – FACT We tried to prevent a young
rider and child from getting mown into by cars as they ride along a road in the dark, for the safety of them, the horses and
other road users... FAKE NEWS A “militia” turned up and spent the day screaming obscenities at the hunt and deliberately
trying to get horses to throw their riders, who had already recently attacked another hunt & its members… See how easy it is to turn fact in fiction?! At the end of
the day though, our video evidence of what happened on the day is with the police, and you cant argue with that. POWAperson adds - Sab report from the day is below, dated 19-2-17. It refers
to unspecified actions by members of the hunt side that day which sabs have reported to the police. They have published
pics of some of the people they think will want to speak to, but whose identities they do not know. Two of them are below
Low turn-out Golden Valley FH lay hounds on fleeing foxThen change mind when realise sabs are
out and active Sabs say pack often split and out of hunters' control 20-2-17 Facebook – 3 Counties Sabs Golden Valley Hunt [S.Herefordshire
Hunt country], Michaelchurch Escley, 18th February 2017
We heard that the Golden Valley were planning to hunt in part of the country that the S.Herefordshire would normally
hunt, so off we went towards Wales for the day. We had heard a great many stories about this Hunt, so expectations were high... They met near the Bridge Inn,
which has held a number of S.Herefordshire meets in the past, in the village and hunted the woods behind Michaelchurch Court
initially. It was a pretty warm day out in the open and much of the time they drew blank. At one point, up on the hills, about 8 hounds came running towards us on a line, so we called them up out of the trees, away from the fox who we believe went to ground nearby, and into
the open part of the field, surprised that no hunt support were encouraging them on... then we realised that no hunt staff
were anywhere to be seen. Or heard. We spent some time trying to keep hounds out of nearby fields of sheep - it was in S.Herefordshire
Hunt country that the SHH hounds killed several sheep just a few seasons back. On the way back down the hills soon after (sab driver had been in touch to say she had spotted huntsman with about
3 hounds in tow down on the road...) we had loose hounds running around in various fields, still no other hunt staff in sight.
Into a valley and up on to another hill and we watched as the pack split on 2 separate lines, hunt staff and riders making
a choice and riding off with one half of the pack, abandoning the others speaking in woodland a few fields back. Needless
to say, the pack are supposed to be hunting as one. Even
when the Hunt were 'in control' of (almost) the entire pack, it seemed all on horseback were to be involved... Any good huntsman should be able to keep his hounds together with the
odd horn or voice call, whippers-in doing their job by stopping hounds straying from the rest when being held up. With this
Hunt it appeared that the (over-) use of holloa's was the preferred method, most riders whooping away excitedly for more than a minute to attract stray
hounds (mostly unsuccessfully it should be added) whilst other riders rode off at speed, having allowed stray hounds to get
a decent head start, rating and whipping madly to stop them. Confused
by their strange behaviour, we kept an eye on them in a nearby field and overheard talk of trails being laid. With a rider
and quad bike heading into the wood, we kept an open mind and the hounds did indeed pick up a similar line to that taken by
them. However, as hounds headed through the wood, we spotted a fox breaking cover [above
right, leaping thru fence] away from rider and quad and, sure enough, the 'trail layer' began to holloa [left], indicating the
sighting. Hounds appeared, took the same line [bottom, Pic 1], we rated and the 'trail-layer' changed her mind and started to rate hounds
off the scent too [ottom, Pic 2]. Sab
driver asked what was going on inland... at that point we're not sure the Hunt even knew. What were they hunting? How
does hunting work? Who is in charge? With the GV, dog only knows... Hunt
support informed us that the Hunt rarely catch anything and explained that the 3 vehicles and handful of riders was about
right for one of their meets. Much of what we saw today is a complete contradiction of what we've previously been told
about the Hunt. So we'll be sure to come back again before we form a proper judgement. We hope that all sheep
in the area are OK after the Hunt's incompetency in keeping any vague element of control over the pack today... A little
worrying to see huntsman Darren Foxley looking happy as Larry at the idea of having 3 of his hounds paying attention to him! 
Essex Farmers FH invades small farm, chases pets, scares
livestockCat still missing,
hens have stopped laying, property damaged Hounds, chasing 'two foxes', even came into the
farm shop Neighbour says Hunt often invade and have been into his garden 20-2-17 Basildon, Canvey, Southend Echo Family
pets 'chased by a pack of hounds' as drag hunt causes havoc in village FRUSTRATED residents [left, credit Basildon, Canvey, Southend Echo] told
how family pets have been chased by a pack of hounds as drag hunts spark havoc in their village. Lee Bell and his wife Bev
have run Little Buskins Farm Shop, in Canewdon Road, Ashingdon, for 30 years. Their usually peaceful farm was transformed
into a scene of chaos when a groups of dogs charged through the fence - seemingly chasing a fox. Mr Bell, 43, said: “A pack of dogs came charging onto our land chasing two foxes. The
dogs were completely out of control and destroyed our gate and our fence. They ran into our farm shop and then started chasing
our cat. It was complete chaos.” It is believed that the
chase started out as an Essex Farmers and Union drag hunt - where a fox-scented rag is used. The hounds are understood to
have sniffed out the scene of a live fox during the hunt. The group was contacted by the Echo but did not respond to requests
for a comment before going to print. Mr Bell claims the hounds
terrorised his chickens, dogs and cat - who wasn’t seen for several days after the incident. He added: “When the
foxes got away, we had to quickly rescue the dogs before the hounds turned on them. The chickens have been scared off their
lay which means they are not laying eggs and that can last three to four months, so it is affecting our income.” Steve Sexton and his wife Jenny have also been disturbed by drag hunts,
which are regularly held in the area. Mr Sexton, a care worker who lives in Fambridge Road, said: “It has happened a
few times recently. The concern, other than for the foxes, is the welfare of our own pets. My dog became frantic a few weeks
back due to the dogs running loose into the garden. Last Friday we had to brake sharply as a number of dogs and horses appeared
from the fields into the roads without consideration to traffic.” Fox hunting was banned in 2005. A spokesman for the RSPCA said: “If hounds pick up the
scent of a wild animal, the law requires that those in control call them off. If huntsmen can’t control their hounds,
they should not be off the lead where other animals may be at risk.” POWAperson adds - Needless to say we
shall be educating the Editor as to the difference between a 'drag hunt' and what this mob get up to - Hunts using
'trail hunting' as a false alibi to carry on fox hunting, etc.
Anonymous source says Heythrop FH killed in garden in front
of childrenFox reported slaughtered by hounds in Broadwell, near Stow-in-the-Wold Periodically, besides individual reports, the FB page 'Hunting Kills'
publishes updated lists of deaths resulting from organised hunting with hounds. The report below comes from the
latest such list... 19-2-17 Hunting Kills 31st January, 2017 Heythrop killed 1 fox in
Broadwell, nr Stow on the Wold. The hounds pursued a fox into a garden and killed it in front of children (received this information
as a tip-off, no sabs present but police are investigating). POWA understands that an experienced sab was at the local police station on another matter when the call came through
saying this had happened.
Ashford Valley hunting foiled by sabs despite late finish to
dayFemale riders
complain after sabs offer to monitor them on dark road home Incident involving hunt members reported to police by sabs 19-2-17 Facebook
- East Kent Sabs Ashford Valley Tickham FH Saturday
18th Feb 2017 With an absence of meets we were up early for
a kennel watch, and as we had not seen them for a while, everyone was keen to head to the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt, so
off we went.. The Hunt was to meet at Hole park in Rolvenden. After a chat via the intercom on the gate and a quick banner demo, we headed
into the park. The Hunt moved
quickly through Rawlinson's Gill and down to Stumble wood, sabs kept them on the move with us calling off the hounds if
they started to speak..
The land owner was a bit pissed off when he caught up with us, and tried to block the road (you may
own most of Rolvenden mate, but not the highway!) - he resorted to banging on the landy window and taking a swipe at one our
ladies….she later had stern words with him, no doubt putting a “hex” on him....warning - don't mess
with the East Kent sab's witches coven!! It looked like the Hunt had aborted the main part of the estate, and were now up at Halden place,
and out of sight. We then got a pull by the cops, who popped by to get the driver's name and exchange pleasantries, and
they were then on their way (happy to completely ignore the activities of the Hunt of course....) So, we caught up with the Hunt again in Goods Hill
at Parkgate farm, where they were clearly onto something, but the warm sunny day was playing havoc with the scent conditions. The Hunt took a
rare pause for food and refreshments before continuing, back into Hole park and over to Maplesden. We had cause to rate the
hounds back to the Huntsman at Stepneyford Bridge, where they got onto a scent, as the sun was dropping and the air getting
colder, and we needed to keep them away from a possible chase. They crossed the estate and after a few circuits, we found them again at Halden Lane Farm,
where we got 4-5 hounds out of the farm complex they were hunting, before they moved on again. At 5.30 pm the sun had set and the Hunt headed back
to Beacon Farm where they had unboxed at the start, they must have wanted to kill really badly to hunt so late !!? We saw three riders returning
on the road in near dark, and we offered to chaperone them back, so that no cars on the B2086 would plough into the back of their horses... a female rider was
a stroppy mare though, and was having none of it, and accused us of harassing her! The idiocy of these people has no bounds!
I guess you can't help some people, so we called the old bill for the safety of the riders and horse.. (to illustrate
how dark it was, our camera's could not even pick up an image of her!) NOTE - some other supporters/members of the Hunt are under police investigation for events
that happened on the day that we cannot talk about due to police investigation. We have added pictures now to our page as
we need to ID them. If you wish to donate and keep
our group out in the fields, you can do so here-every donation, however small or large is very helpful https://www.paypal.me/eastkentsabs . Pics above - 1/ Right
- Hunt blocking road 2/
Left - terrier accommodation Pics below -
1/ Masked hunt follower 2/ Nice of farmer to provide a climbing frame for hounds 
Trespassing North Down FH attracts farmers' furyHunt anger as sabs use gizmo to pull hounds off
fox Just a reminder that live quarry hunting with dogs for 'sport' remains legal in Northern
Ireland... 19-2-17 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs NI Today we hit North Down Hunt who set out hunting in Kircubbin. The day was pretty
non eventful for most of it. Just the usual aggressive behaviour of riding horses at sabs. Pretty dangerous behaviour, but
behaviour that we are now well accustomed to. It never ceases to amaze us when the Hunt has the wide landscape of the country
side to ride, they always choose to ride the path the sabs are taking racing straight for us. Never the less we stayed with
the Hunt all the way! For the first half nothing
much was happening apart from the whipper in being aggressive with some cows in a field! Cracking their whips at them to manipulate
them to go where the Hunt wanted them! This spooked the cows! Some sabs ran back to the farm a couple of hundred meters back
to alert the farmer. Turns out the farmer didn't know they where on his land or had given permission for them to be on
his land! To say he wasn't happy is a under statement. We
talked to 2 other farmers who also didn't know that the Hunt was on their land or had sought permission. One farmer allowed
them to continue but stated that in future prior notice was expected. After the Hunt ate some humble pie they continued! A few fields up the hunt support spotted a fox and guided the Hunt master
and hunters onto the direction after the fox. At this point things became very heated! Sabs quickly used the gizmo to distract
the hounds and everything became more aggressive from the Hunt! Fortunately the fox got away and the Hunt seemed to have a
bit of a bruised ego. About 20 minutes later
the Hunt decided to call it a day. No kills, a grumpy Hunt Master and a more than happy but tired bunch of sabs! Foxes 1,
hunters nil. Long run the fox. Pics below - 1/ The Hunt on a
fox 2/ Sabs pulling hounds off fox 
Essex & Suffolk FH Huntsman loses control of horse by busy
roadSabs threatened and abused by supporters as traffic chaos ensues Supporter kicks passing car as
others fight among selves 19-2-17 Facebook - NE London Sabs Hit Report, Essex and Suffolk Hunt 18/02/2017 The meet was at Abbott's Hall, Horsley Cross east of
Colchester. NELS joined SES, Cambridge and Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs. We sabbed successfully this extremely aggressive Hunt. The Hunt was constantly on the move,
always followed by a significant number of sabs. They were covering a large area but the hounds haven't gone to cry for
the whole day. The Hunt and their support were getting more and more frustrated by our presence and started blocking our vehicles,
trying to intimidate the sab drivers, driving their cars at foot sabs, trying to engage into physical fights, sexually and
racially harassing us as well as threatening us with violence throughout the day. The terrier men kept driving their quad
bikes towards us in order to block and intimidate us. The extreme tension
resulted to the hunt supporters fighting among themselves. At some point we saw a Hunt supporter driving his car towards another
supporter, who had to jump on the bonnet to avoid getting hit by the car. This all escalated further at about 2pm after one
of the redcoat riders - as seen on the video attached - lost control over his horse by a busy road. The Hunt and their
support blocked the road causing a traffic jam and assaulted sabs. The support was kicking vehicles, calling sabs f***ing
foreigners and behaving appallingly. Sabs were trying to calm the situation down, managed to get away and kept following the
Hunt. Zero kills on the
day and even though it was a very intense day we managed to stay calm and sab till they packed up and left. More videos to follow. Pics below - 1,
2, 3/ Huntsman loses control of horse by busy road 4/ Rider uses her horse to drive sabs across road
5/ Supporter kicks passing car 6/ Supporter to sab 'What we got here? A fucking foreigner. Ha,
ha, ha.'  
Woman verbally abused and sab car damaged by Cheshire FH
subject to horrible sexual remarks then shown supporter's arse 19-2-17 Facebook - Lancaster Huntsabs Sab report 18/02/17 - Yesterday marked twelve years since the introduction to The Hunting Act being put in force and Sabs and monitors
are still out in the fields having to do the police's job of protecting our persecuted wildlife. Lancaster joined up with N.Wales, Cheshire and Welsh Border sabs alongside
the help of the Hounds Off team and paid another visit to the Cheshire hounds, who previously killed a fox illegally, and
after the violence towards sabs last week we weren't about to back down. Sabs received a tip-off, again from some of the locals who have had enough of the Hunt trespassing
on their property, and that the scattered pack was all over the main road in Houghton. When the first group of Sabs arrived
at the Hunt, they were already onto a fox near Snugbury's ice cream farm. Thankfully this lucky fox escaped the blood
thirsty bunch. One group of Sabs was targeted
by offensive looking hunt thugs [right] had threats of violence,
a female Sab received unwelcome sexual remarks before one of the hunt thugs exposed himself, dropping his pants [at
bottom, pun unintended]. The Sabs, left traumatised by his crusty backside,
caught up with the rest of the foot Sabs who were nearby covering and the second lucky fox was spotted by Sabs running across
a field. Savvy Sabs quickly covered the area and the line of the fox with citronella. Sabs following the Hunt down the lane in Spurstow were greeted by masked
thugs and hunt employees who kicked and punched one Sab's vehicle with force leaving a dent. One even thoughtfully threw
a lit cigarette through the Sab's window, while another shrek look-alike spat on a Sab with police witnessing this. There were large numbers of police in attendance [left] who
were filming and monitoring what only seemed to be sabs, and police were ordered into fields after one officer declared Sabs
were trespassing. Despite their complaints of not wanting to get their boots dirty, police grudgingly followed sabs and the
Hunt for a short while before being picked up...
The third lucky fox that the Hunt was also onto at this point was spotted by Sabs, with the hounds in cry, but also
managed to dodge the Hunt. By this time it appeared all riders had packed up, besides the Huntsman himself, Shayne and a new
Huntsman. Sabs made sure all hounds had packed up at
the original meet then waved off the Hunt and frustrated support. 20-2-17 Facebook - Cheshire Sabs HIT REPORT - 18/02/17 - CHESHIRE HUNT/HOUNDS On Saturday, we met up with friends from N.Wales Lancaster Welsh Border & Central
Lancashire sabs to check in on the Cheshire Forest Hunt but it... turns out they had cancelled and later in the day it was
confirmed that some of them had actually gone out with the Flint and Denbigh Hunt... we decided to have a look for the Cheshire
Hunt who were filmed killing a fox just two weeks ago whilst the Huntsman was stood nearby off camera who did absolutely nothing
to call the hounds off the vixen. We found the Cheshire
Hunt after a tip off from a concerned local came in that the Hunt had been seen heading towards Hurleston, where they were
caught by sabs chasing a fox onto land owned by Snugburys Ice Cream. Thankfully this one got away, but with the Hunt still
in pursuit of the fox, they were soon onto the scent of another which was seen bolting across field. But sabs were quick to
spray the foxes line and a nearby wooded area with citronella which meant the hounds lost the scent. Shortly after, a sabs vehicle was attacked by a hunt supporter who kicked the car, leaving
several dents in the bodywork and a female sab was subjected to some horrendous sexual remarks before the odious fellow responsible
decided to show her his bottom... The police were out
in force again, which we don't mind at all but we would prefer it if they were there to keep an eye on the violent hunt
supporters, hunt employees and the wildlife murdering Hunt rather than ourselves, as our only purpose of being there in the
first place is to try and save the wildlife.
CPS drop all charges against Belvoir FH Huntsman after fox kills3 foxes were killed in a day - two of them in
grounds of a nursing home Sabs
witnessed the other and Huntsman assaulted her & broke camera CPS says can't prove foxes were pursued intentionally, as law requires PCC for Leicestershire was out with police on the day 19-2-17 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs It is no great surprise to us that we have just been informed by Leicestershire
Police that the CPS have dropped all charges against John Holliday, Huntsman with the Belvoir Hunt. On December 3rd 2016, one fox was killed in front of Northants sabs who did everything they
could to save them but sadly were unable to, though they did manage to retrieve the body. One sab was then assaulted and had
their camera smashed. On then calling the police it transpired that a further two foxes had been killed in front of shocked
staff and residents of a care home [this was reported to the Police and Crime Commissioner, who was out with the police that
day]. John Holliday was later arrested and charged with illegal hunting, assault and criminal damage - all of which have now
been dropped. The very existence of the Belvoir
Hunt and every other Hunt in the country is 'intention'. They are being caught out time and time again by sabs, monitors
and undercover investigators, yet the law does nothing. This
just determines our resolve to continue our non-violent direct action to save persecuted and hunted wild animals.  19-2-17 Facebook - Northants Sabs We would like to make it clear that the decision not to prosecute was taken by the
CPS and not Leicestershire Police , who acted promptly and professionally with their evidence gathering . We urge our supporters
not to condemn a police force that are trying to make some sort of sense out of the hunting act. We know it s upsetting and
emotive , but please try not to swear and be abusive on your post , otherwise we will have to remove them . Please take this
opportunity to write to your MP and express your thoughts. POWAperson adds - POWA, which
has campaigned for significant strengthening of the Hunting Act since before it became law, is also not surprised the illegal
hunting charges have been dropped because the CPS are right about the ridiculously high level of proof required. Nonetheless,
we are aghast and can't help feeling that police and CPS too often use the weaknesses of the Act as an excuse not to prosecute
or, often, not even to investigate. This decision will embolden Hunts even further into hunting at will and will endanger
the safety of monitors and sabs yet more, besides making it even more likely their hard-fought and dangerous evidence-gathering
will achieve nothing in future. The will of the people and Parliament and the rule of law are all being held in contempt.
Report of RTA in Leics - Belvoir FH hound badly injured Periodically, besides
individual reports, the FB page 'Hunting Kills' publishes updated lists of deaths resulting from organised hunting
with hounds. The report below comes from the latest such list. 19-2-17 Hunting Kills Belvoir Hunt meeting outside [village of] Hose [Leics], near
Pastures Lane, 21st January. Hounds out of control, caused RTA and a hound was hit, probable broken bones. Taken away by support,
presumably killed.
Cottesmore JM has nothing to say when confronted by sabsSilent when challenged re. assaults on sabs and blocked setts 19-2-16 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Sabs VIDEO Nicholas
Leeming - Cottesmore Hunt Master In this video one of
our sabs challenges Cottesmore Hunt Master Nicholas Leeming to comment on the assaults which had just taken place along with
the filling in of badger setts and lack of bird of prey. The arrogance displayed speaks volumes regarding the attitude of
these people who will stop at nothing to defend their grisly and outdated pastime.
Cheshire FH redcoat guides 2 horses one side of A49, hounds lollop
on far verge19-2-17
Facebook - Hounds Off Dangerous chaos with the Cheshire Hounds running onto the A49 at Spurstow yesterday.
An accident waiting to happen... 
Eggesford FH hunt foxes, trespass, attack sabs, damage radioHuntsman claims killed
fox but told meet were 'hunting within law' Hounds riot through field with mares in foal - land owners furious 18-2-17 Facebook – Devon County Sabs Eggesford Hunt 18.2.2017
Blatant illegal hunting, yet more assaults on sabs and criminal damage. That was the order of the day yesterday at the Eggesford
Hunt, who met at Burridge Moor Cross, near Chawleigh. Even amongst other Devon Hunts they are now being referred to as drunks
and thugs! Part of this report comes courtesy of local landowners,
who have complained that the Hunt were out of control. Our Land Rover is in the garage so we only had the car to ferry foot
teams around. This meant sabs spent most of the day on foot, tag-teaming to keep the Hunt in sight... Hounds never got
onto anything in the first couple of hours and Gary kept moving them on at speed, always leaving hounds scattered several
miles behind. Sabs had to witness some unbelievably irresponsible
riding, with Huntsman and several riders cantering down steep, slippery tarmaced roads, the horses skidding all over the place. Hounds were put in at Winswood Moor and began drawing the stream-lined valleys between
there and Yelland Moor. A team on Winswood Moor witnessed a fox break not far ahead of the pack. Riders had also spotted it
and, sure enough, Gary began hunting the hounds on in exactly that direction. Sabs split up with some covering the fox's
scent and rating hounds when they arrived, while others called the hounds out of the valley into the top corner of the field.
The full pack was called off the fox's scent and a battle of horn calls ensued, with Gary attempting to take the hounds
back from across the valley. At this point a group of masked
thugs came running into the field. Some had been called in from outside the area. They were joined by the Hunt's terriermen,
most of whom were also masked-up. Seven male thugs plus two riders surrounded foot sabs in the field. One of them stole and
broke a gizmo and another broke one of our radios in the process of trying to wrestle it out of a sab's hands. The male
terrierman from our last report attacked a female sab, injuring her hand, while others went for the male sabs in the group. Sabs were forced off the land by the thugs, but another team had caught up with
Huntsman and hounds, who by now were making their way up towards Bealy Court Farm. It transpired that our car team had also
been attacked shortly before the attack in the field. Our navigator had been punched in the face through the open window by
one of the masked thugs who later joined the thugs in the field, and he also attempted to kick in the driver's window.
Police were called, our sab's injuries were documented and she provided a statement. Footage and vehicle registrations
are being handed to the police. At Bealy Court Farm hounds
picked up a scent and began speaking. Gary, now on foot, was hunting them on. Hounds were spotted shortly after chasing a
fox across a field. Gary later boasted to his riders and followers that the hounds had caught and killed this fox. "At
least now they can't put 'no kills' in their report." Not even Gary can stick to his story, having promised
everyone at the meet that they would be "hunting within the law". According to an extremely irate landowner, hounds had been rioting through a field where mares were in foal, with
Gary having seemingly no control over them whatsoever, a combination of a lack of skill and a lack of will, and perhaps a
bit too much alcohol in his system. Sabs repeatedly insisted he call the hounds off. His response: "Fuck off you fat
cunt". The last hour was spent between Affeton Moor and Thornham before the Hunt packed up at Affeton Moor Cross. This is our message to Devon's Hunts: We won't
stop sabbing until you stop hunting. If you call in thugs to assault us we will just continue exposing you week after week
for the violent lawbreakers you are. It's no coincidence whatsoever that the Hunts we receive the most tip-offs about
are the ones who make themselves unpopular not only with us and with local landowners but also with individuals who are or
were once members of these Hunts but will no longer stand for their behaviour. Pics below - 1/ Fox [towards top right] fleeing 2/ Hunt scaring deer
3/ Female sab threatened by masked men 4/ Female sab being assaulted 5/ Thug tries to
kick in sab car window 6/ Pugilistic supporter    21-2-17 Facebook - Cambridge Sabs Hit report 18/02/2017 Essex and Suffolk Hunt
Abbott's Hall, Horsley Cross, east of Colchester Sabbing together with Suffolk & Essex,
NE London and Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs. We picked up
the Hunt just after they set off at around 11:30am and quickly deployed into the field, covering every point from every angle
so there was very little chance of them getting away. Throughout the day there was a noticeably heightened level of violence
coming from the Hunt and their support; using vehicles as weapons of intimidation against the Sabs however this proved consistently
ineffective as there was a large number of Sabs in separate groups. On one occasion, a farmer who was letting the illegal
hunt across his land attempted to use his vehicle as a battering ram against one of the Sabs however contact was avoided. At one point the Huntsman managed to put the hounds into a fishing lake and then run away,
leaving it up to the Sabs as well as anglers to help the panicked dogs out of the water. One elder man in particular who is yet to be formally identified to us was very violent and seemingly
drunk, while driving a white pickup. During the course of the day he managed to: attempt to steal a radio from a Sab, run
over another supporter, physically and verbally attack Sabs (including sexist, racist and homophobic language). We also encountered
a child who had his heart set on intimidating the Sabs, he appeared to be around the age of 14/15 and a large fan of soak
on tattoos and was encouraged by the aforementioned elder man to attack Sabs who were not interested in the hassle. All in all it was a kill free day and apart from a few cuts from barb-wire and bruises from the vehicles,
we all went home okay.
Claim that sab was whipped by Princess Eugenie's godmotherWe stopped Surrey Union FH hunting foxes, say activists 18-2-17 Facebook - Guildford Sabs VIDEO Sabs
ridden into and assaulted today by the Surrey Union Hunt A kill free day and yet again an atrocious turnout - not looking good for this sorry state of a Hunt. Full
report to follow. 19-2-17 Facebook - Guildford Sabs Surrey Union Hunt at
Slades Farm, 18th Feb with North Downs Sabs and Surrey Hunt Monitors.
With a unusually late meet, possibly to avoid sabs, we followed the hound van from the kennels to their meet, trying to lose
us and block us in. Didn't work! The Hunt claimed today was a 'fun day' as Princess Eugenie was apparently in attendance - but
that clearly wasn't the case. While
the Hunt looped around a few times in an attempt to lose us, sabs tried to get to the nearest road and were rammed against
a fence and then struck with a whip by Lulu Hutley (who is the godmother of Princess Eugenie} [right]. Later on, near Loxhill,
sabs found the Hunt on point in a woodland with hounds going in and out of cry. It was clear they were on to a fox. As soon
as sabs got there the Huntsman started frantically calling the hounds back. Sabs sprayed the area to make sure the hounds
didn't pick up the scent again. (I thought this was a fun day, with no trail layer why are the hounds in cry...) After only being out for a few hours the Hunt returned to Slades Farm at around 15.30 and after a successful day
we went to the pub! POWAperson adds - Lulu Hutley - with
whip in video, say sabs - is a JM of the Surrey Union FH, as is her husband, Ed. He may be the mounted redcoat in the
clip. Ed Hutley is a property developer and owner of the Wintershall Estate. They are said to be close to Sarah Duchess of
York, friends with pro-bloodsports 'rock god' Eric Clapton and with various minor European royals.  19-2-17 Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO Found 3 decomposing foxes on the Wintershall Estate, owned by Ed & Lulu
Hutley, Surrey Union FH JMs.
Cottesmore FH supporters attack sabs with weapons, some injured Bird-handler at centre of aggression,
swinging length of chain 18-2-17
HSA Press Release Hunt Sabs attacked by members
of Cottesmore Hunt Hunt saboteurs have been attacked by members of the Cottesmore Hunt at their meet in Burrough On the Hill, Leicestershire.
The attackers used chains [right] and lengths of wood in the
unprovoked attack after being stopped from illegally chasing and killing foxes. Leicestershire Police were called and five
vehicles turned up. They are currently investigating the incident. One
of the main attackers is a key member of the Hunt, and is often involved in handling the bird of prey [below
left], which the Hunt haul around all day as an excuse for their illegal
hunting. He used a heavy length of chain to attack saboteurs, not the first time he's been implicated in such attacks. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt
Saboteurs Association, commented: “On the 12th anniversary of the Hunting Act illegal hunting and violent assaults still
occur throughout the hunting season. We're pleased Leicestershire Police responded in this instance but if police forces
enforced the Hunting Act in the first place then these attacks wouldn't happen as hunt saboteurs wouldn't be needed. The Cottesmore will now
attempt to distance themselves from this cowardly attack, but we know that one of the main attackers is a key member of the
Hunt and often handles their bird of prey. Saboteurs have also been attacked at the Surrey Union Hunt today and the video
of this incident will further add to the hunting community's terrible reputation.”
18-2-17 Facebook – S.Cambs
Sabs Sabs cornered in a wood and attacked at the Cottesmore Hunt
today by hunt supporters with bats and chains Several
sabs injured including a female sab battered to the ground by large hunt supporters. Sabs currently receiving treatment for
their injuries. Picture shows one of the thugs swinging round a heavy chain at sabs. Police on scene and investigating. More
to follow. 18-2-17
Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs We headed north to Leicestershire to join up with North & South Cambs hunt sabs
to scupper the Cottesmore's plans. They were meeting south of Melton Mowbray close to Burrough on the Hill... we joined
with our Cambs comrades and got straight into action. The Cottesmore claim to use the bird of prey exemption which is quite
frankly a nonsense. The Bird was hardly seen all day while they were blatantly and openly hunting. The hounds were in and
out of cry all day, with sabs always on hand to rate them using voice, horn or gizmo. Several foxes were seen to safety. We also noted at least 5 large badger setts had been filled
in to stop the foxes escaping. Where possible we opened up some holds to allow our stripey friends to escape. Block badger
setts is a crime under the protection of badgers act 1992. After
second horsing. we got back on to the hunt and shortly after this we got an emergency call from the foot sabs from Cambs Sabs,
who were under attack from masked up hunt support carrying chains and lumps of wood. We got to the scene as quick as we could,
but some sabs had already been assaulted and bore the scars of the assaults committed by these cowards. As we arrived the
bullies saw the extra numbers and decided to beat a hasty retreat but not before one nutter continued to attack, violently
swinging a chain. Police were called and
arrived with 5 vehicles including a riot van. Statements will be taken and video evidence submitted and we hope for a successful
conviction. We have already identified the main culprit and this information will be passed to the police. The Huntsman Andrew Obsborne was his usual arrogant self and clearly
annoyed we'd thrown a 3 sab group sized spanner in his plans. Hunt master Nicholas Leeming seemed little concerned for
the injuries and the disgraceful behaviour of those who followed his Hunt. The Hunt packed up just after 4pm. Cambs sabs went to on A&E to get checked out while we returned and unblocked
the setts we weren't able to earlier. A tough day but no kills. Huge respect to our friends at North and South Cambs Sabs
who we work so well with. To
the Cottesmore - We won't accept this and we will be seeing you again very soon. 19-2-17 Daily Mail Huntsman launches foul-mouthed
rant at saboteurs after 'trying to attack them with a metal chain' - The video footage shows man launching a foul
mouthed tirade at protesters - Allegedly threatened animal rights activists, Beds and Bucks Hunts Saboteurs - Narrowly missed female protester's head as he swung a metal chain at them
In the clip filmed during a meeting of the Cottesmore Hunt in Owston, Leicestershire yesterday, an outraged man can be seen
launching into the foul-mouthed attack while appearing to swing at protesters with a metal chain. The video was filmed by
the Beds and Bucks Hunts Saboteurs, who claimed a number of attackers used chains and wood as campaigners tried to stop them
chasing and killing foxes. Members of the Beds and Bucks Hunts Saboteurs said the man marched out of nearby woods towards
the group, saying: 'All of you, yeah. Come on, then'. The raging man shouts at one protester: 'I was run over by one of your f***ing mates.' He replies: 'I wasn't doing anything, mate. Put it
down. Put it f***ing down.' The man was said to the square up to another protester in a mask, saying: 'Come on, then.
You big hard boy.' A spokesman for Beds & Bucks Hunt Saboteurs said: 'Police were called and arrived with five
vehicles including a riot van. Statements will be taken and video evidence submitted and we hope for a successful conviction.' A spokeswoman for Leicestershire
Police said: 'Police were called at around 2.50pm to Whatborough Road, Owston, following a report of a disturbance involving
a number of people. On attendance, a man reported an assault to officers. He did not receive any medical treatment. 'Enquiries
are continuing into the incident and no arrests have been made.' Cottesmore Hunt has been
approached for comment. 19-2-17 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs Hit
Report 19/02/2017 Cottesmore Hunt, Burrough on the Hill, Leics … the Hunt headed straight into
one of the areas sabs had pre-sprayed. One fox was immediately seen ro safety, and due to the sabs earlier efforts, the hounds
were unable to pick up a scent for long. Sabs were able to use voice calls and horn to further distract the hounds, despite
the Huntsman very clearly using distinctive bellowing calls to hunt them on. The Hunt had
a bird of prey with them, in a bid to use the bird of prey exemption to hunt - however the Eagle was only seen once all day.
This was in a field, at least half a mile away from the Hunt, and the distraught bird was being cruelly swung around upside
down while it flapped it's wings in a desperate attempt to fly while tethered to the bird handler. The day continued
on in the same manner - sabs on the Hunt and successfully blocking the determined Hunt's every attempt to kill wildlife. This kill free day clearly frustrated the Hunt and their support to such an extreme
extent that the violence we reported yesterday ensued. A
small number of sabs was cornered while attempting to leave a wooded area on a footpath, and blocked in by hunt supporters
brandishing weapons. Several sabs were repeatedly punched, including a female sab who was punched to the ground. The attack
was totally unprovoked and during the entire attack sabs attempted to walk away and did not reciprocate any violence. Numerous police
vehicles attended, including armed police, a dog unit and a helicopter. The first officers on the scene were unsympathetic
to say the least, and more interested in our views on hunting than on the assault. Luckily, officers more experienced with
hunting laws were soon on the scene and we were able to show them video evidence of the incident. Investigations are ongoing
and we will update you further as soon as we are able to. Solidarity with the other sabs groups who have also experienced violence
this weekend. Pics below [both 18/2/17] - 1/ Bird handler with
eagle 2/ Sab unblocking badger sett 
Monitors rescue left-behind Braes o' Derwent houndEarlier, Hunt falsely told police monitors
pulled pack on to road 18-2-17 Facebook – N.E. Hunt Monitors Braes of Derwent Hunt
today phoned police which resulted in 3 police cars with flashing lights pulling us over to due to a complaint of monitors
pulling hounds on the road which is absolute bullshit yet again and we were live on Fb when this supposedly took place. After the Hunt packed up we found this stray Hound Running on the road,
we slowed cars and down made sure it got back to the vicinity of the Kennels safely as that's what we do. We care for
all animals even the hounds. It's a bit two faced to complain about hounds and roads then leave them behind on roads yourself
Braes of Derwent Hunt. Pic below - Hound runs in front of
monitor car 
Sabs say saved 2 foxes from Cotswold Vale Farmers FH Late in day stopped unaccompanied pack in cry from hunting on 18-2-17 Facebook – Bristol Sabs TWO FOXES SAVED AT MEET OF
THE COTSWOLD VALE FARMERS HUNT A very good day with the Cotswold
Vale Farmers' Hunt today, in and around Sandhurst, Gloucestershire with our mates from South Wales Hunt Saboteurs &
Bath. Splitting into two groups at the start of the day meant we were continually tag teaming, being able to get ahead
of the Hunt at every move they made. At
one point we positioned ourselves next to an area of woodland they were about to draw, with the other sabs pursuing the Hunt
from behind. Within seconds we saw a fox bolting from the wood, in full view of hunt supporters. With no time to lose, we
covered its line with citronella, got our whips out and spread out ready to 'rate' the hounds to stop them if they were to
take chase. As the hounds worked through the woodland with us waiting to see if they would pick up on the fox, a second was seen
running from further up the woodland, straight past a rider who was on point. Again we leaped into action, covered it's
scent with citronella and got ready to stop any hounds. By
this time our other sabs were with us, along with the Huntsman, who thought better of hunting either of these foxes with us
present, gathering up his hounds and buggering off in another direction. A great feeling! Everywhere the Huntsman tried to
run, sabs were popping out in front of him, using the pincer movement to great effect. Later in the day, we came
across the pack of hounds in cry, with no hunters in sight, crossing a road and trying to get through a hedge ahead of us.
We were able to slow them down for a bit, giving whatever they may have been chasing a bit more time to get away. We caught
up with them very quickly and all seemed quiet, so pretty sure they didn't have any success with that one either! They
called it a day just after 4pm, and we set off to celebrate a job well done.
Ledbury/Warwickshire FHs hunt foxes close to A road Motorists caught up in their chaos at times Sabs think they probably didn't manage to
kill 18-2-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs VIDEO Ledbury Hunt, Joint meet with the Warwickshire Hunt, Forthampton
Estate, 17th February 2017 So it was to be one of the first times we would see the Ledbury hunting in
Forthampton Estate as the shooting season has only just finished. And then we found out that we were to have the added pleasure
of the Warwickshire coming over for a joint meet. Will Goffe, Huntsman for the Warwickshire, moved to the Hunt from the Ledbury a few seasons
ago, leaving us with Mark Melladay. Goffe knows the area well and went straight into his usual
hunting technique of letting the hounds go and then riding vaguely nearby whilst they hunted on. He marginally escaped an
illegal hunting charge just before his departure after footage was filmed throughout a hunting season by 3C and W.Mids Sabs,
so it would be interesting to see how he'd act around us now. Part of the way through the day, hounds picked up right by the A438, a busy road that
many will know from the Gloucestershire badger cull, going into full cry from Voulter's Wood and along the hedge line
before crossing the A-road (which was now packed with riders, car support, horse boxes, an uninsured and overloaded quad bike
and several locals and 'normal' road users caught up in the midst) [right]. Fox was filmed running back towards Sarn Hill [below left],hounds
right on his line, but our priorities lie in stopping the chase. We held hounds up for some minutes before they crossed into
the covert the fox had gone into, again right next to the A-road, and one sab was shoved around by an angry Chris Bowers and
Fox broke
cover and ran up into the trees on the hill and a sab ran up and sprayed his line, ready with a whip in case of a chase, but
away from his location. A second fox broke cover soon after and followed the same line, a third fox breaking cover and running
along the hedge line by the road and along towards Bredon School. Minutes later and we had Melladay and Goffe in sight along
with most of the Hunt staff (some looking rather concerned) with the last known direction the hounds were taking being the
motorway... Some
time later and hounds were gathered safely, 2 sabs following towards Tirley while a third chased down the quad bikers who
had headed towards the motorway after the hounds had chased the fox there... Hound and hoof prints and quad tracks headed
for log piles in a wood by the motorway. With Robin Smith-Ryland second-horsing just before 3pm we knew we were in for a standard Will Goffe extended day.
Sab in Tirley was sitting quietly and listening for the Hunt and a fox broke cover, almost coming face to face with her but
not breaking his stride. Hounds picked up nearby, but she had thoroughly covered his line which slowed them down on the scent. A huge circular chase ensued just a few minutes
later with holloaing, whips and smelly farmyards breaking up the chase here and there, but as we headed towards Haw Bridge
as the light faded [right, hunters still on road] and hounds
sprinted on, we feared the worse for the hunted fox who would now be exhausted. Splitting up, one sab ran inland (where a fox was chased to ground a
few seasons back) whilst others covered a nearby track and the main road (where we've had to slow traffic down to avoid
hunt casualties in the past). In the twilight, hounds were running around in a thin strip of scrub next to the road and on
the road itself, but we rated them as they checked... Goffe wasn't grinning manically and seemed tempted to encourage
them to carry on hunting, so it certainly seems that the fox had managed to make his escape somehow, with a little help now
and then from us. The Hunt finally packed up and headed for Townstreet Farm just after 6pm! We weren't with them
all day and we had eyes on the terriermen intermittently, so, as always, there are no guarantees... But we know that some
foxes made their way to safety whilst the Hunt managed to make themselves look like the arrogant bullies they are when it
comes to 'insignificant' things like, say, road safety and basic manners.
Unsupervised hounds seen killing fox on busy road in Yorkshire Dogs
were from Middleton FH who met just 4 miles away 17-2-17 Yorkshire Post Did you see pack of dogs attack a fox?
Police are trying to trace the owners of several dogs seen attacking a wild fox. The incident happened on the B1249 between
Foxholes and Staxton Hill, near Scarborough. Several motorists stopped at the roadside when they spotted the fox being mauled
at around 1.40pm on Thursday. Police are keen to speak to the witnesses, including the driver of a Sainsbury's van who
is believed to have been the first to stop. If you can provide information, contact North Yorkshire Police on 101 or email
neil.cholmondeley@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk. Quote reference number 12170026974 17-2-17 Jane Davies @millmountgirl Horrible scene witnessed by
friend today 9 miles from Scarborough - hounds killing fox in middle of busy road, no riders to be seen... this pic taken
after he'd stopped but as he arrived at the scene there were 7 or 8 hounds tearing at the live fox. POWAperson adds - Though not specified, it seems highly likely the dogs were fox hounds. The location appears
to be well inside the country of Middleton FH [POWA has since learned they met just 4 miles away]. Though Thursday is not
one of their normal hunting days, they do specify it as a 'bye day', i.e. one on which they sometimes hold unscheduled
hunts. Anyway, I've written to the police and the paper suggesting they might look at the Middleton for this and
reminding them of that Hunts record over recent years, which is below - They last hit the headlines in late January, when their new Joint Master told a middle-aged
woman [not a hunt saboteur or monitor] who was complaining to him about the Middleton's illegal fox hunting, that he'd
like to 'shag' her, then asked her to go to bed with him. See the Sun coverage, The Daily Mail and Mirror also ran the story. This apparently resulted in Lord Middleton, who was supposed to be hosting
their meet the next Saturday, cancelling. In early summer 2015 they
made national news again when 16 fox cubs were found by League Against Cruel Sports investigators in a shed near the hunt kennels and filmed
a man they claimed was connected to
the Middleton visiting the shed. The cubs were rescued and no criminal charges ensued. It may be that no actual crimes were
committed, but you don't need to be a genius to work out what a fox hunt would want with such cubs.
that, their kennel Huntsman, Barry Andrews, and a terrierman, Lee Martin, were both charged with interfering [on separate
occasions] with a badger sett. Hunts still customarily block them on hunting days, even though both fox hunting and sett interference
are illegal and they are usually pretending to be 'trail hunting', which would not require earth blocking or the presence
of terriermen, who still, almost invariably, accompany Hunts on their supposed 'trail hunts' and not infrequently
engage in dig outs of foxes illicitly chased to ground by Hunts. The charge against Andrews was dropped, for reasons unknown
to me, and, though Martin was initially convicted, he was acquitted on appeal.
The reason? The prosecution could not actually prove that the sett was occupied by badgers on the day in question, though
they could prove this for shortly before and shortly after that day. Draw your own conclusion.
In September 2014, it
was reported that the Joint Master and Huntsman Tom Holt had been summonsed for illegal hunting. I don't know what happened
about that. But he had a previous conviction.
In August 2013, he, Martin, Whip Shaun Marles and another terrierman Brian Cuthbertson were all convicted of a particularly nasty piece of illegal hunting in which hounds savaged a fox to death, having been charged with breaking
S.1 of the Hunting Act 2004 and the Animal Welfare Act 2006. Despite the film evidence of extreme and wilful cruelty,
three were fined a tiny fraction of the maximum allowed [£5,000] and the latter got a C.Discharge. Some deterrent, also
given that the offence of illegal hunting is not reportable.
Even when perhaps not hunting illegally, they don't seem
great at controlling their animals. The latest instance was on 28th Jan, when a riderless Middleton FH horse was filmed cantering down a road near Sherriff Hutton. Out of control
Oakley FH hounds massacre a muntjac 16-2-17 Facebook - Flying Fox Hunt Monitors Today the Oakley were hunting at Thorncote Green and our good friends Beds
& Bucks Sabs asked us if we would like to join them. We have been grounded by poor weather recently so today's great
conditions could not be wasted. Thorncote Green is not great for filming illegal hunting as it is within the air traffic zone
of Shuttleworth airfield. Although there were no displays today we had to keep above 2000 ft to keep clear of air traffic using the airfield. At this
height our mission was purely one of acting as spotter for ground sabs [left]. From the air this is a VERY EASY task indeed. Once located we can follow a hunt for 3 hours. Every time we fly overhead
the Hunt we make a quick radio call to report “overhead hounds” and turn our strobe lights on briefly as another
visual key. After 90 minutes of fruitless drawing the Hunt moved into the Shuttleworth airfield grounds themselves and we could
no longer orbit them so close to an active runway. Beds and Bucks Hunt Sabs were all over them so we bade farewell and returned
home. Once home we discovered that the hounds had rioted on a muntjac early on and sadly a vet could not save it and had
to put it to sleep [below]. Gods speed little muntjac and rest assured your death will not go unnoticed by neighbours
of supportive landowners and customers of Michael Grahams Estate Agents who are the primary sponsor of the Oakley Hunt. Feel
free to tell them how you feel about their support for bloodsports. simon.hill@michaelgraham.co.uk.
17-6-17 Facebook – Flying Foxes We know hunters are psychopathic sadists beyond redemption, but WHAT TYPE
OF PERSON would want to let them on their land or sponsor them. Landowners and sponsors its time for you to feel the heat
so think carefully about your local reputation the next time you aid and abet blood sport.  Troubled Atherstone FH sack hapless
Huntsman Stuart Barton Amateur Huntsman with violent record hired to replace him Hunt to hold EGM to try to sort out crisis 17-2-17 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs Atherstone Hunt
update EGM and demonstration Violent Atherstone Huntsman Stuart Barton [right] and
partner /groom Jainey Rainey have been given notice and will be leaving the Hunt at the end of the season. Barton was filmed
jumping off his horse to attack a sab earlier in the season and has been Huntsman whilst the Atherstone Hunt have been know
to kill 5 foxes. The Atherstone Hunt will be having an EGM in one last attempt at rebuilding the hunt. The main item on the agenda is the proposal to bring in Andrew Frank Smith as a master and unpaid amateur
Huntsman. This is the only way the hunt can continue to keep going by reducing its costs and not paying for a Huntsman. The
Atherstone are currently also without a Whipper-In and a Terrier-man. The Atherstone's financial problems and lack of
subscribers are a result of a persistent sab presence. Andrew Frank Smith is a Farrier who will be hunting the hounds as his hobby. He
has not hunted hounds on a regular basis before, so all the current problems that current Huntsman Barton has of being unable
to control the hounds will be even worse. We are expecting the hounds to be out of control over busy main roads and to be
chasing any wildlife that moves. We also hear he is violent and has misogynistic views so will fit right in at the Atherstone. His violent
behaviour can be seen in this video from Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs where he jumps off his horse and attacks a sab [pics below] by
pushing them into a ditch. This happened whilst he was acting as Whipper-In at the Meynell Hunt. It seems the Atherstone will be swapping one violent Huntsman for another... It doesn't matter
to us who hunts the Atherstone hounds, we will be there because as long as they are loose in the countryside they pose a threat
to all the local wildlife. We know everything about this Hunt, the meets, the badger setts and everything else that goes with
hunting. The Atherstone Hunt have been in national and local press almost 80 times over the past two seasons, we see no reason
that this wont continue next season. We will be holding a demo outside the EGM at the Odd
House Inn at 6:30pm on the 28th February.  Sabs save a fox from dig out by the Eggesford FH Huntsman says terriermen 'nothing
to do with us'! 16-2-17 Facebook - Eggesford Hunt 28.1.2017 VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2 The Eggesford Hunt can't
get their story straight! One minute they claim to be hunting a 'trail'.
The next minute they talk about hounds marking foxes to ground. One minute the terriermen are an integral part of the hunt
and then - when hounds actually do mark a fox to ground - they are suddenly "nothing to do with the hunt". If you still believe hounds
don't chase real foxes and the terriermen (equipped with terriers and spades for digging out foxes) are just an accidental
accompaniment to the hunt... watch our footage. Hounds marked a fox to ground [left]. Sabs got to the earth before the terriermen did, guarded the entrances to protect
the fox and stayed behind until hounds and terriermen had left. Given the hunt chairman had admitted only minutes before that
the terriermen would dig out foxes that had been marked to ground (Video 1), it's obvious what would have happened to
this fox if sabs hadn't been there. A hunt rider then insisted "the terriermen are nothing to do with the hunt".
Funny how they are present at every meet, accompany the hunt wherever they go, take orders from hunt officials etc. If you're not hunting foxes, you don't need terriermen! Pics below - 1/ Hounds in cry after fox 2/ Hounds try to
dive down fox hole 3/ Terrierman and a heave of hounds 4/ Huntsman says the terriermen are 'nothing
to do with the Hunt'!  
of three badgers found near sett in Beaufort FH countryAnti group had recently informed police of pre-meet sett blocking on
that land 15-2-17 POWAperson has today
been informed that this sett is in the Beaufort
FH country and that an anti-hunt group recently reported to police that the Hunt had been blocking setts on this land before
Hunt meets. The slaughter of the badgers at this place could, of course, be a simple co-incidence and nothing to do with the
Beaufort FH directly or indirectly. 5-2-17
Wilts & Gloucs Standard Dead badgers found outside blocked sett in Brokenborough POLICE have received yet more reports
of badger setts being blocked in in north Wiltshire. A recent incident of setts being filled in occurred in Brokenborough,
where the remains of dead badgers were found on January 31. The police are currently unable to identify who is responsible
for this crime. Anyone with information is urged to call police on 101.
Cotswold FH follower reverses speeding
car at monitors - police told Monitors suspect put fox to ground but Hunt didn't dare dig out 15-2-16 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal
Hunt Watch Last Saturday, 11th February 2017, CIHW and friends met up with a new friend and one of 3C's
sabs, who had had a tip off on a Cotswold Hunt meet at Salperton and had been out sett checking in the area.. In fact, there
was a Heythrop meet scheduled for Turkdean very close by, so it seemed likely we would see two Hunts. But in the event the
two seem to have merged, as there were Heythrop personnel on Cotswold hunting area and many more redcoats than usual. Guy
Avis, Chair of the Heythrop was there.It was freezing and snowy and very slippery so we were surprised that the Hunts went
out at all but they did. … They had started putting the hounds back and forth through the covert but then took them out again – apparently
annoying a supporter so much that he reversed his vehicle at speed at CIHW operatives who had to jump out of the way –
an incident now with the police. Once again
we were all called paedophiles, which is getting a bit boring when it is not hilarious. Could they not find something more
original? The Hunt rushed off back towards Salperton Park House and then into the country behind, eventually arriving at one
of the old quarries where they frequently hunt. Once again cameras were luckily there in time, so they seemed to cut the operation
of looking for their 'trail' a bit short and get very annoyed. Strange that, if it was a trail why would they worry? A bit later on, they were back again and hounds were making a noise as
they run around the bushes, and the Hunt and the terriermen were all poised around the area watching it when we arrived. An
out of control large male child, masked around with scarf and hat, ran up and down grabbing at our cameras and shouting 'paedo'
at us, egged on by a senior terrierman figure, who apparently saw nothing wrong in this behaviour. They were all watching
intently and at first we suspected a dig out of a fox – 'what's wrong with that?' said a redcoat to one
of us. But in the end they once more called the hounds out and went off …. only to come back yet again a bit later
to find us there as well. Whatever they were doing or intended to do they didn't, and clearly you don't keep bringing
back the pack of hounds to such an obscure patch of land where there is thick brush where a fox might hide, but no trail could
be laid unless you are hunting. CIHW footwalkers went inland on paths where they could get a view of hunt operations and watched from the road –
once seeing the hounds blatantly laid on after being brought up and across the road … going off searching where it
was obvious someone had seen something and then on cry but we hope not keeping up with the fox that was also seen by one of
our friends. Presumably because it was the Heythrop out there were numbers of masked up men pushing and shoving and milling
around, thumping on our vehicles, knocking cameras out of our hands and trying to grab cameras – even spoiling for hand
to hand combat with one of us up near the church at Salperton Park … Well, hunting is not a civilised activity really
is it, so maybe it just attracts that type of person.
find heron killed by Easton Harriers hounds Help dogs struggle out of deep ditch as hunters watch 14-1-17 Facebook - NE London Sabs Hit Report - Easton Harriers
Hare Hunt – Chillesford - Saturday 11/02/2017 We
met Essex and Cambridge Sabs and headed to the meet at Chillesford Lodge, near Woodbridge is Suffolk. Foot sabs were dropped
off at points around the meet and headed to find the Hunt. On seeing sabs were out to spoil their bloodthirsty entertainment
the Huntsman quickly rode off and tried to lose us by riding in circles around the meet area. Unperturbed, all groups coordinated well to keep them in sight.
The Hunt had no control over their hounds, who hardly stayed in a pack throughout the day and made no attempt to stop them
from chasing and killing wildlife. Sabs found a dead heron who was bitten by the neck while attempting to fly away. At some
point hounds picked up the scent of a hare and jumped in a deep ditch. Sabs pulled the hounds out who were almost drowning
while the Hunt was apathetically watching. We heard the Hunt saying that they were having a bad day and soon after the police
turned up - not to stop the illegal hunt but to give sabs dispersal orders. That did not stop us and we kept sabbing until
they packed up at around 14:00. 
HIT says scandal-hit & suspended S.Herefordshire FH to close 14-2-17 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Update on South Herefordshire
FH [please share] In just a matter of weeks the South Herefordshire Hunt will have missed the entire
2016-17 hunting season due to suspension by the MFHA. This was a direct result of our investigation and as far as we are aware
has never happened before. We are reliably informed also that the SHH will close as an entity and that they are in advanced
negotiations with neighbouring Hunts with regards to an amalgamation. Needless to say, any hunt foolish enough to join forces
with the SHH will be watched extremely closely in coming seasons. The 5 accused in the cub killing case answer bail on March
24th. POWAperson adds - This is what led to the arrest of five persons associated
with the Hunt and its suspension by the Master of Foxhounds Association. It is rare for the MFHA to take any disciplinary
action against Hunts, but here they obviously feel the SHFH events were way beyond the pale and a threat to the integrity
of their 'sport'. Below is another pic, which I've not republished here before, taken by the Hunt Investigation
Team at the kennels last May. It speaks for itself.
Blackmore FH witnessed hunting fox across road by motorist 13-2-17 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports BSV Hunt caught showing their blatant disregard for the
law! DABS received this information on Sunday from a concerned member of the public... "Yesterday early afternoon at 13:45 approx, I was stopped in my car on the A352 just south of Longburton. A
terrified fox ran across the road in front of me. To the right appeared several people on horse back with clearly the leader
blowing on his bugle. Large hound dogs then appeared sniffing and ran across the road in the direction of the fox. Then about
25 more horses and riders appeared. Crossed the road and clearly in pursuit of this poor little fox. The incident occurred
about 1/4 mike south of Longburton. A friend of mine reports this is a common occurrence in that locality. I have reported the incident to the police today. The local rural police will be
alerted. “ Shame
on you BSV.
Atherstone FH Director splits female sab's head open with cropLater spits at protester
then engages in homophobic abuse Offender is arrested on suspicion of Actual Bodily Harm 12-2-17 Daily Mail VIDEO 'You just f*****g
hit her!': Huntsman accused of hitting a female saboteur over the head with a riding crop before SPITTING at another protester
This is the shocking moment a huntsman appears to hit a saboteur over the head with a riding crop [right] before spitting at another protester [below
left] and calling him a 'gay c***'. Animal rights activists, who captured the footage, say it happened while
they were tracking the Atherstone Hunt during a meeting in Shackerstone, Leics, on Saturday. West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs claim the woman had a gaping
head wound glued shut after she was allegedly struck from behind in a 'completely unprovoked attack'. The clip shows two
female saboteurs walking alongside riders on a footbridge while filming them on their bodycams. The man is caught on camera
holding his riding crop up as the injured woman hunches over the side of the bridge clutching her head [below
right]. A rider backs his horse into one of the saboteurs and says: 'How
are you, Cathy, all right?' before apparently grabbing her. She shouts: 'Get the f*** off me', to which he replies:
'It's dangerous here. Come on, be fair.' The woman then points her camera at another rider wearing a bodycam and
says: 'She's just filmed that'. She replies: 'Yeah, I'm filming you, Cathy.' A loud thump is then
heard followed by a scream as the second saboteur walks past the male rider. The man is caught on camera holding his riding crop up as the injured
woman hunches over the side of the bridge clutching her head. He says: 'What? I've done nothing, look it's f***ing
dangerous here, you idiot.' The woman's friend marches over to the rider wearing a bodycam and says: 'That camera
will have filmed that. You're just turning it off. You f***ers. You just f***ing hit her over the head.' The police were called and the woman was taken to hospital. One asks him: 'How do you feel about what you've done
today?' The man spits at him twice and tells him to 'f*** off', to which the saboteurs asks: 'Why did you
just spit on me?' The man then leans out of the cab, shouting: 'Get that camera off me. Come on, you f***ing idiot,
get it off. You f***ing gay c***.' Incredibly, he then calls a police officer for help, asking: 'Officer, you watching
this?' The saboteurs asks another rider: 'What do you think about what he did? It's well out of order.' The
man replies: 'What did he do?' The man in the lorry then rages: 'F*** off, you little t**d' and continues
to spit while the saboteurs calmly asks: 'Will you stop spitting on me, please?'
In a statement on its Facebook page, West Midlands Hunt
Saboteurs said: 'Yesterday, in a completely unprovoked attack, a female saboteur was hit over the head with a riding crop
by a member of the Atherstone Hunt. Body camera footage from another saboteur shows the female saboteur leaning over a wall
with her head in her hands whilst a rider next to her quickly lifts his riding crop up and moves away. After trying to back
his horse into the saboteurs he then attacked when they were walking away from him. The female saboteur was immediately taken
to hospital to get her injuries treated. At the hospital she had to have the split in her head glued back together [below
left].' The group claimed a man had been arrested
in connection with the incident. Leicestershire Police confirmed it is investigating and a man has been arrested
and bailed in connection with the incident. A spokeswoman for the force said: 'One man has been arrested
on suspicion of ABH following a report of an assault which is alleged to have happened in Derby Road, Shackerstone, on Saturday
11 February. He has been bailed pending further enquiries.' 12-2-17 Facebook - W.Midlands Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt
director attacks female sab Atherstone Hunt - Saturday 11th Feb 2017 – Shackerstone Yesterday,
in a completely unprovoked attack a female saboteur was hit over the head with a riding crop by a member of the Atherstone
Hunt. Body camera footage from another saboteur shows the female saboteur leaning over a wall with her head in her hands whilst
a rider next to her quickly lifts his riding crop up and moves away. The rider in question is Pete Taroni [bottom], who is on the board of directors of the Atherstone Hunt. After trying to back his
horse into the saboteurs he then attacked when they were walking away from him. The whole incident was also filmed by Joint
Master of the Hunt Sarah Evans, in fact she can be heard on the footage confirming several times that she is filming “That
camera would have filmed that” “Yes absolutely” “your turning it off” “its on, its on”. The female saboteur was immediately taken to hospital to get her injuries treated, at the hospital she had to have the split
in her head glued back together. The incident was witnessed by an independent member of the public who was out walking at
the time.
Later that
day, when confronted about what he had done, Taroni then starts spitting at another saboteur and uses homophobic language. Leicestershire Police seized several
riding crops and a man was arrested and taken into custody in relation to the incident. The body camera footage from Sarah
Evans was not taken, we hope she will cooperate fully with the police in handing it over. This is yet another
attack by the Atherstone Hunt on a female and comes only weeks after one of their supporters was given a conditional caution
for his sexist language. Sexism and misogamy seem to be a deeply rooted problem at the Atherstone Hunt and the wider hunting
community in general. From the followers and supporters, all the way up to the Hunts directors, there seems to be a real bigotry
and hatred towards women. The incidents were also reported in the Sun and the Metro.
Monitors rescue trapped Portman
FH horse and grateful redcoat Also earlier unblocked a badger sett - reported to police 12-2-17 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports DABS help to free a trapped
horse!! Portman Hunt, Larmer Tree 11/2/17 On a snowy morning, we found the Portman meeting [right] at
the mystical Larmer Tree. Most of the day was spent in Wiltshire on the Rushmore Estate. The Meet was well attended by 47
riders,terrier men and quads. Canapes were served.. delicious. We had both overt and covert monitors and were able to follow the Hunt round all day. They hunted around Rookery
Coppice over to Half Hide Coppice and then through Minchington Downs right up to Brooks Coppice. Under observation we saw
them go into Monks Arundell Coppice, where we found a blocked multi entrance badger sett. Fresh spade marks and quad tracks indicated this was done earlier on in the
day. Holes were unblocked and the location was reported to the Police. The hounds were heard in cry in these woods... quite a short burst and no horn to indicate a kill. The Hunt spent
ages in these woods with riders on point surrounding them... no evidence of trails being laid. We then observed a redcoat come over a hunt jump on our left up ahead followed by another horse.
The hunt jump was just cut out of the hedge and two simple wooden rails, the second horse dropped a back foot into the middle
of the jump, causing him to trap his foot in stock wire and barbed wire, leaving his back leg suspended in the air. He was
unable to move. We
pulled over, jumped out to help. The rider had been left alone and was unable to hold the horse and free his foot. So we took
the horse's head and calmed him down whilst the rider tried to free the foot but it was too tight. The rider started to
panic when he realized how bad the situation was. We had to be quite sharp with him to calm him down so that he wouldn't
panic his horse and possibly cause serious injury to himself and potentially us. He was very distressed and tearful, he kept
thanking us for helping. Eventually,
another redcoat arrived on his horse with wire cutters, As soon as the foot was free, we realised the horse was still stuck
in the hawthorn and we had to gently bring him forward until he was able to free himself. We checked the horse for injury
but he appeared OK. The second rider then insisted that the fallen rider get back on his horse, but it was clear to everybody
that he was lame. If we hadn’t been there he would perhaps have been made to carry on, but we insisted he call it a
day and take the horse home. As he rode past us he thanked us again for our help. Riders then trickled off back to the meet
and no boxes were left when we checked later.
Monitors save fox from dig out by Cheshire FH 12-2-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors It was a very mixed day yesterday. As we said before we were with the Cheshire
Hounds (who killed the fox on film last week) who met at Cholmondely Castle. While we were watching exits to the castle grounds
(to make sure the hunt didn't sneak out to hunt unseen) we found out that Sabs had been attacked at the meet, were okay (thank goodness) but were giving statements. This left us to
follow the Hunt, which we did. Including catching them put a fox to ground [right]. We made sure we stopped them hunting that fox by walking in filming it all and
the Huntsman took the hounds and rode off. When (a second later) the terriermen turned up to dig out the fox their faces were
a picture ;) At this point we noticed a big black 4x4 (that none of us recognized) full off masked up hunt thugs that we also
didn't know. It looked like the hunt had bought in extra thugs. Even masked up you know who's who on a hunt when you
need to! Fortunately we were left alone all day, although the atmosphere was much more tense than usual. Anyway we kept the
hunt moving all day, although huntsman Shayne Francis didn't seem his normal 'Cocaine Shayne'. Subdued would be
the term. There were 2 Police riot vans and at least 2 Police
cars that seemed to be allocated to this event all day. We watched Police riot vans dispersing quads and supporters just by
driving off road into areas they thought they were safe! Then we arrived home to find out that this was Shayne Francis's
last day as huntsman with the Cheshire Hounds Hunt. Hooray!
Lamerton FH attempts to hunt stymied
by angry landowner Sabs
say were grabbed and threatened by terriermen 12-2-17 Facebook - Devon County Sabs Lamerton Hunt 11-2-2017
Yesterday, we paid a long overdue visit to the Lamerton Hunt, who met at Hunt Master Moyse's home at Swaddledown, near
Bratton Clovelly. They started with a field of 7 riders plus redcoats, which was quickly reduced to just 3 riders plus Huntsman
and the two Masters. We spent the first hour watching from various vantage points in the freezing cold (and snow!), while
Huntsman David Lewis took hounds into the interconnected valleys south, west and north of the meet. They drew blank until
they got to the area around Redstone. Here hounds began speaking on a line and by the time the Hunt reached the area between
Voulsdon Cross and Swaddledown hounds were in full cry. Several deer were seen fleeing across the fields. We also spotted
a fox break ahead of the pack, run upwind across fields and then unfortunately back into the valley where the hounds were.
We covered the fox's scent and waited for hounds to arrive. Fortunately, they lost the scent and were moved on by Huntsman
Lewis. We
could hear quadbikes enter the copse where hounds had just been and went closer to check what they were up to. Here we were
confronted by masked terriermen Steve and Wayne, along with master Moyse and whip Gareth [left
and right].One sab was grabbed and held by the hood of her jacket and another was pushed and shoved. Moyse threatened
that he would "get wild" if we didn't leave. While we were being escorted off the land, out came the usual excuses for why the terriermen
were out with the Hunt: "we happen to be out when the Hunt are out", "we have to kill foxes to protect ground
nesting birds" etc etc... Having not been able to check the copse, we headed back out to the road and found another way back in while our other
sabs kept tabs on the rest of the Hunt. Sadly we found a dug-out badger sett at the edge of the woods, completely obliterated
some months ago. Perhaps this is what they were trying to hide. The area where there had previously been a sett was covered
in craters that were now filled with leaves but still showed very obvious spade marks, old spoil heaps and signs of repeated
historical persecution. We later reported this to the police and will be following it up with them. Terriermen had already left the woods and caught up with the
rest of the Hunt, who had moved on to Brocks Moor Field. Hounds were entered into a patch of dense scrub, definitely not somewhere
anyone could have 'laid a trail'! Riders were strategically positioned around the covert, very clearly acting on point
(in case the 'trail' is seen breaking from the covert??). Hounds had picked up a line and headed north towards Lower
Brockscombe Farm where they entered another long, wooded area to the north. They were in cry by this point and Lewis had joined
them on foot. What transpired next was quite refreshing to witness! The landowner joined Lewis in the copse and could be heard
shouting at the top of his lungs for the Hunt to "get the f*** off" his land. "NOW!" Lewis was forced
to leave, muttered something to Moyse about the landowner being a loony, and rode off along the road to the west, taking only
two-thirds of the pack with him. He was almost a mile away before he stopped to gather the rest, who wouldn't have been
able to hear his calls at that distance. Some of us stayed behind to keep an eye on the stragglers, who had begun hunting on their own as a small pack. One sab saw
a flash of brown crossing the road and hounds could be heard not far behind heading in that direction. Normally we wouldn't
do the Huntsman's job of gathering his straggler hounds, but a small group of hounds can kill a fox on their own, and
being so close to the road they were also at risk of being run over. We called the stragglers towards us and Lewis eventually
came round to pick them up.
The Hunt finished by drawing the River Wolf valley. Hounds picked up a scent in the woods but we made the decision
not to call them, as the risk of calling them onto something was too great. Hounds were pulled back out of the valley before
they reached Southweek Wood and Lewis avoided an embarrassing repeat of the incident from a few seasons ago when hounds went
rioting through Roadford Lake Nature Reserve. They headed back to the meet via Redstone and packed up. We want to say thank you to everyone who has contacted Devon & Cornwall Police over the past few weeks to complain
about their handling of several assault investigations over the past year. The Hunt called the police yesterday, although
hunt support later accused US of wasting police time! We want to commend the 5 officers who attended for their impartiality
and the interest they took in our welfare as well as the dug-out badger sett. We took the opportunity to remind them that
we wouldn't need to be out on a freezing cold Saturday if the police took steps to enforce the Hunting Act, rather than
turning a blind eye to the serious wildlife crime that goes on all over the country multiple times each week.
Cheshire FH thugs beat up and run down sabs while police look on Sabs say Huntsman who let hounds
kill fox last week has been sacked 11-2-17 Facebook – N.Wales Sabs Cheshire Hunt - Hit
report 11/2/17 Sorry for the late report but this is due to legal reasons. On Saturday Feb 11th we joined
Cheshire, Lancaster, Manchester and W.Yorkshire Sabs to visit the Cheshire Hunt who had killed a fox in front of sabs the
previous week and have since had a lot of media attention. Sabs made their way to Cholmondeley estate where they could see a large gathering at the meet. Also it had been pointed
out that two police riot vans had been seen parked up 5 minutes away from the meet. Sabs entered the estates grounds but were
soon accosted by hunt supporters who immediately resorted to attacking sabs. Sabs were pushed punched put in headlocks and
driven at by a mule type buggy [right], at
one point the buggy drove into a sab [below left] right
in front of the police who true to form did nothing. One of the most disturbing parts about this was when the support were attempting to set a dog onto the sabs. Luckily,
some of the perpetrators are well known to the police for numerous reasons. Despite this sabs did an excellent job and were
with the Hunt for a while until the Hunt had moved on and sabs returned to their vehicles. At which point sabs had noted the black 4x4 we had heard was in the area as the Hunt had hired
in some extra thugs. More police seemed to be turning up, we presume to watch sabs get a kickin'. Sabs had again located the Hunt just off a dead end road so sabs went on foot along a public
footpath to try catch up with the Hunt who were now already a couple of fields ahead. Sabs were soon joined in the field by
a 4x4... sabs stuck to the task and continued up the footpath. At which point a helicopter when over we presume more police.
As sabs walked the footpath, they came to a big gathering of masked up terrier men on quad who started with verbal abuse then
pushing on of the sabs as he climbed over the stile all this despite clearly being on a footpath. Sabs moved on the terrier men followed on quad and now there were more following on foot too. Quads were drove at sabs as
sabs had to dodge out the way. sabs were now trying to head for the nearest road. This is the point it got really violent.
Masked supporters were shouting at sabs then a sab was hit by one of the quads to the joy of the terrier men (see video).
Sabs jumped over the fence only to realise the masked terrier men and hired thugs still had two sabs down on the ground and
were kicking them in the body and in the face. The sabs finally got up and exited the most direct way back to the road in
Ridley. at which point the police turned up followed by an ambulance. Two of the sabs suffered facial injuries and needed
treatment. Still at this point the police took no action. The Hunt had moved back towards Cholmondeley castle. And the Hunt
Master was seen talking to the police back near the meet.
returning home it was good to hear that monitors who had also been out in the area had managed to stop a dig out after the
Hunt had chased a fox to ground. Later we discovered
the Huntsman Shayne Francis had been sacked by the Hunt following the footage of him killing a fox the previous week, and
this had been his leaving doo. Obviously we expect the Hunt to deny his sacking but who quits with only a couple of weeks
of the season to go. The footage is just a small part that we can release
at this time.
find deluxe artificial earth on the Fitzwilliam estateThen see Fitzwilliam FH terriermen blocking a badger sett - reported
to police 11-2-17
– N.Cambs Sabs HIT REPORT
11/02/2017 Fitzwilliam FH North Cambs Hunt Sabs, joined today by the ever supportive
and skilful S.Cambs Sabs, hit the Fitzwilliam Hunt [below right] in
the rolling misty countryside around Great Gidding, south of Peterborough. Acting on intelligence gained from a local, sabs
set out several hours before the hunt to reconnoitre and pre-spray known likely copses and spinneys. At a small woodland area
to the east of Great Gidding, a network of artificial earths were found, arranged in a star pattern covering around forty square feet and with four separate entrances [one
in pic, below left] leading to a central point. Now why would land OWNED
by the Fitzwilliam Estate have artificial earths on it we wonder. Maybe they'd like to message us and explain. As sabs were investigating a quad with terrier men was seen making its
way across the field to the east. Two terriermen, totally unaware sabs were watching from feet away, dismounted and proceeded
to block in, with spades, a large badger sett. This was still well before the hunt was due to set off and was clear evidence
of planned illegal hunting later in the day. Video footage was taken and the incident has been reported to the Cambridgeshire
Police Rural Crime team. Sabs waited until the coast was clear, and then immediately set to work in their own terrier-like
fashion digging the setts clear again, the Hunt’s twisted enjoyment spoiled for another day. With several copses pre-sprayed,
artificial dens re-arranged, and badgers set free from their sleeping prison, it felt as though a full day's worth of
sabbing had already been done - before the Hunt set off.. When
the Fitz’ finally departed from The Fox And Hounds in Great Gidding, sabs were on them from the off. With a field of
around fifty riders, approximately thirty hounds, four redcoats, some rather unmenacing looking terrierman and the usual bird
man in tow. Slimey Simon repeatedly dragged up and down the same fields and hedgerows heading to Flittermere Gorse and Cow
Pasture Gorse (both pre sprayed). Hounds went into cry but thanks to being unable to find any scent other than citronella
2 foxes were seen to safety. The Hunt moved north and took off at speed towards Lutton. After a short break, where much of the field dispersed (presumably exhausted after their two
hours sat on a horse) the hunt took off at speed again towards Papley Coppice, a known previous favourite killing field of
this group. Sabs set off in pursuit and were joined by Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs on foot. Sabs in numbers covered the wood
to the east, west and pushed through the centre. Hounds were called out of the woods using the gizmo, onto an area of pre-sprayed
field where they lost all scent lines. Foot sabs had dealt with thankfully very little aggression from the Hunt and field throughout the day, although predictably the support drew the usual six toed bumpkins who thought shouting
and raving at our Wildlife Warriors would draw a rise. Wrong. The sabs had places to be and animals to save. By this point the Hunt had covered several miles, with sabs in constant
visual range and spraying ahead of the hounds. Terriermen on quads were seen to visit dilapidated farm buildings and drive
out at speed with something hidden in their rear container. Fearing the introduction of a bagged fox to the proceedings, teams
anticipated the next move and returned south. Keeping on top of the hunt, by reverting to running when support traffic blocked
in the vehicles, teams were able to keep a close citronella-fuelled watch on the last hurrah of the day when the hunt attempted
to flush hounds through Sawtry Gorse. With the light
slowly fading from this kill-free day, mist and fog barely lifting at all at any time, the round-up call of the horn was heard
echoing across the fields. Riders began to melt away back to their damp burrows, ready to emerge another day. The Fitz’
packed away and disappeared home with their tails between their legs, having been the subject of a thorough and solid days
sabbing from North Cambs, South Cambs and Beds & Bucks. Before the day was done, the damaged sett from earlier in the
day was revisited, checked, and properly recorded for the police report. POWAperson adds -
The Huntsman and a terrierman from the Fitzwilliam are awaiting trial on Hunting Act charges following the killing of a fox
on New Year's Day, 2016. The trial will start on 26th April, unless the Hunt side's lawyers employ further delaying
Sab has dip before helps stop Pevensey Marsh Beagles hunting hares 11-2-17
Tube – South Downs Sabs Sab stops for a dip before helping to stop the Pevensey Marsh Beagles hunting hares. 
Cattistock FH day ends in chaos on coast road Hunt horse badly hurt, hounds straying all over Several foxes hunted but thought no kills
11-2-17 Facebook - Dorset Sabs Hit Report 11/2/17 Cattistock Hunt meeting at Higher Farm, Rodden Today we
split into two teams as one team wanted to pay a visit to the South Dorset Hunt and we wanted to go and visit the Cattistock.
We were glad to have our friends from South West Sabs join us for the day. We found the riders quite quickly in their usual area. They were parked
in a few different locations including the Abbotsbury Swannery carpark, New Barn Farm and Colmers Barn. They then hacked to
Higher Farm in Rodden. We arrived while they were still having their drinkies to be greeted by their happy faces, until they
realised it was us. This was an unusually large meet compared to recent meets with lots of supporters waiting to see them
off... hounds picked up a line and headed towards Kittle Barrow Plantation at speed, where the hounds then turned and headed off toward Wyke Wood running after a deer, but then changed direction
on the line of a fox back towards Langton Herring. The Hunt monitor then witnessed a fox cross the road at Rodden Ridge, so we hurried on round. Foot sabs sprayed the
area as the field cantered up the road to where the fox crossed. They had called the Hounds off on our arrival though. At that point the heavy boys arrived,
pest control Paul and his friend, who tried to steal a sab' s camera....must have needed it to go with the radio he stole
last season!... they headed over and onto the reed beds at the Swannery, which is under restrictions due to avian flu! The
hounds picked up on a line and headed back towards New Barn Farm. The fox headed into the farm where it got away. The
Hunt then moved on through Wyke wood towards Rodden where the hounds picked up again and circled back to New barn and crossed
the road to Ansteys withy bed. At this point, the hounds picked up on a line and left at great speed towards Clayhanger Farm
and over the hill towards Portesham leaving the Huntsman and field behind. We headed in the direction the pack went and found
them out of control just off the main coast road. Chaos then followed with riders galloping along the road, a badly injured
horse and hounds in all directions. The pack was eventually collected, but spilt into two groups heading back to Tithe Barn
hunting very close to the main road. Sabs then caught a stray hound on the road and put it in the landy to return to the hunt
support, before returning to the field who were in Hodders coppice. The hounds got on a line but were seemed to be called
off with the monitor observing them. They rode round the field they were in then headed home at 4.25pm. We are confident there
were no kills today. Pic below - A taste of the Cattistock's
spectacular coastal country. Pity they mar its beauty.
Police finally pass file on S.Herefordshire FH outrage to CPS Five arrested people connected to Hunt have been re-bailed 10-2-17
Kidderminster Shuttle Five arrested in South Herefordshire
Hunt investigation have been re-bailed Five people arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty at the South
Herefordshire Hunt's kennels in Wormelow have been re-bailed until March. A police spokesman said: "Police investigating
reports of animal cruelty at a kennel in Herefordshire have passed the file to the West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service's
Complex Casework Unit (CPS) for their consideration. We will issue a further statement when the CPS determine if there should
be a criminal prosecution." POWAperson
adds - As this is sub judice, have to be careful what I say. For reminder what this is about see here. Pics below give a flavour. 
north-west Hunt rampaged thru gardens, child injuredAlso alleged Hunt was interfering with badger setts POWA today received this report via the Badger Trust. We're seeking
further information. 10-2-17 Badger Trust We received reports of a Hunt digging badger
setts on New Years Eve. Allegedly the hounds were out of control and rampaging through gardens, damaging property, and injuring
a child. Our Crime and Intelligence Co-ordinator reports that the alleged incidents happened in the Stalybridge area of Tameside,
Greater Manchester on Saturday 31st of December. It is understood the matter was reported by members of the public to Greater
Manchester Police who are investigating the incidents. We are unable to confirm which Hunt was involved or add anything else
at this time. POWAperson adds - Greater Manchester
police Press Office won't tell me anything because I'm not o journo and the local media don't seem to know
anything about it.
3 Counties sab runs as 'clean boot' for 3 Counties Bloodhounds
drag hunt 10-2-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs Late post re Saturday 4th
February. The Three counties bloodhounds met at Caradoc in Herefordshire at the heart of South Herefordshire Hunt country.
As many will know the SHH are currently under investigation by the police re cruelty to fox cubs. However the point of the
day, courtesy of Bryon John (Master of bloodhounds), Anne Brummer of Save me and the hunt supporters, was to watch the Hounds
hunt the clean boot. There were 3 runners and 5 lines. We had been invited to attend as the local sab group and our Elaine
ran all 5 lines with the other 2 runners. Many from different locals packs attended the meet to see hunting which does not
harm wildlife and we hope gave them something to consider as a way forward with no Hounds on roads, no kills, no dig outs,
no sett blocking, no trespassing and no sabbing. It was a positive day and we were glad that we took part. POWAperson comments - How to make friends and, hopefully, influence people. Got to be
better than screaming 'Scum' at them, no? I know there's a fair-sized hard core of irredeemables who are beyond
the pale - met plenty of those - but a lot of their support network probably aren't and may well respond better to this
kind of thing than to being abused.
Cheshire police come out and rein in Wynnstay FH! 9-2-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors We also had a look at the Wynnstay Hunt on Tuesday [1/
below]. They were up to no good hunting far too close to
the A41 near Broxton. The police came out very quickly and spoke to the Huntsman about arranging a meeting with him with
regards recent misdemeanours. They also checked quads and spoke to some of the drivers about the law with regards quads on
the road, see photo of quads on the A41 with pet dogs on the back [2/
below]! From that point on the Hunt no longer hunted with abandon and
our monitor was not followed, harassed or intimidated which is what usually happens with this Hunt. Another policeman arrived
in the afternoon and followed the Hunt. Again his presence stopped illegal activity and no hounds were heard in cry all day.
A successful day for animal welfare.  Walker tells us she & husband saw fox being hunted on Dartmoor 9-2-17
Email to POWA My husband and I were out walking on Dartmoor yesterday, Wednesday 8th February, when we witnessed
something we never expected to see. We knew the Hunt were about as we had passed some of the riders on our,way to the car
park opposite Lydford farm shop, where we stared our walk. We walked over Great Nodden, along the old railway track and eventually
to our lunch stop among the boulders on Great Links tor. We had heard and caught glimpses of the Hunt during the morning,
but in the distance. Hopefully, they were enjoying the moor as much as we were. We had only been sitting on Great links for
about 10 minutes when, much to our amazement a fox ran out from behind a boulder right in front of us and shot of across the
moor. A few minutes later we heard yelping and a lone hound shot past us following the route of the fox. For about 5minutes
he was totally alone with no huntsmen in sight to control him; then several more hounds, there were about 20 in total, plus
5 riders, came past. They didn't appear to see us. They all rode in the direction taken by the fox. About 300 metres from
us the dogs and huntsmen stopped and were looking around. Two riders dismounted and were looking at the ground. We stood up
to complete our walk back to the car park, at this point we must have been noticed by the huntsmen. The dogs were called back
and they rode off in a disciplined tight group.
Monitors film Beaufort FH hounds chasing a fox in school grounds Fox spotted darting away from meet - maybe a bagged one? 8-2-17 Facebook – Cirencester Illegal
Hunt Watch VIDEO POWAperson comments - The monitoring group posted a video of Beaufort FH's meet at Westonbirt School
[a girls public school] on 4-2-17. It starts with a fox darting across a road from the meet itself [bagged?], though it's
very hard to spot on the film. Hounds are then seen chasing a fox in the grounds of the school. Noticing the monitors, the
Huntsman seems to make a feeble attempt to call them off. Monitors see the fox run into a small covert. By the time the Hunt
gets there, responding to a whistle holloa, monitors are flanking it and hounds are not put in. They think the fox got away. Pics below - 1/ The meet 2/ Hounds picking up fox scent
very close to school 3/ Covert which fox fled to 4/ Hunt rides past the covert    In this clip, where riders give a monitor a hard time because she's clearly in the right place, a rider effectively admits they
are hunting illegally. Berating her for trespassing, he says 'But you're breaking the law as well, aren't you?'
Trespass is, of course, not a crime but a civil matter. Below - the field vs a lone female monitor.
& Ainsty N FH hound killed as hunt dogs cause traffic chaosPart of hound pack ran on to Junction 47 of the AI 8-2-17 Facebook – W.Yorkshire Sabs VIDEO A fox hunt caused motorway chaos and a hound was run over On Saturday January 28th 2017,
hounds from the York & Ainsty North Hunt ran loose on the A1(M) motorway around Junction 47 near Allerton Park in North
Yorkshire - bringing both carriages to a standstill [for about 45 minutes] and causing severe tailbacks. Tragically, one hound was hit by a car and killed
as it ran across the motorway. The lady who hit the hound was described as understandably "beside herself" with
shock and grief. As well as causing the death of a hound, the York & Ainsty North Hunt put human life in danger during
this dangerous major incident. All footage courtesy of Joel David : https://www.youtube.com/user/JazaX Pics below - 1/ Hounds running on closed
carriageway 2/ Police trying to deal with loose hounds 3/ Backed-up
traffic on other carriageway 4/ Hunter in field next to A1[M] J47  
Oakley FH Huntsman smashed my windscreen with crop says woman 8-2-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Sabs We had a message yesterday from a very disgruntled member of the public who
allegedly had her windscreen smashed by the huntsman of the Oakley, Jack Harris. She was going about her lawful business driving
her car when she came upon the Hunt who were all over the road in the fading light near the village of Meppershall. She managed
to avoid an accident but the Huntsman whacked her screen with his riding whip, causing the damage you see [below]. Luckily
she had a dash cam running and the footage has been sent to the police and a complaint made. It would seem that once again the Oakley are out of control
and care little for the safety of the general public as well as themselves and the animals in their care. Jack Harris is clearly
a liability and should be sacked immediately. There were several other complaints from locals in the area regarding out of
control hounds. We hope the masters will pay for the repairs to the vehicle and expect a full apology to the person in question
along with Bedfordshire police prosecuting Jack Harris for Criminal Damage.
Ledbury FH Huntsman escapes conviction after charging blunder 8-2-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs VIDEO Almost a year after he assaulted a 3C sab, Ledbury huntsman Mark Melladay finally
had his day in court yesterday. On February 13th last year, during a children's meet in Hartpury, Mark rode his horse
at one of our sabs [right] after we temporarily stopped hounds
on the scent of a fox. Initially the police decided to take no further action against him but, with much help from
Outpaced, we pushed for a review and, just hours after his son Sam had laughed and commented that
we had failed to get him into court, we heard that the case had been reopened. Despite some police from Gloucestershire and
West Mercia actually doing their jobs properly, we have little faith in the legal system, so this was a victory in itself. Mark was found 'not
guilty' in Magistrates' Court in Cheltenham and we believe that this is the fault of the CPS. While the assault was
not a serious one, it was still an unjustified use of force, but (compared to the usual 'playing it safe' that the
CPS chooses to do) he was charged with assault by battery which requires proof of actual physical contact between defendant
and victim. While contact was certainly made, there wasn't enough clear proof 'beyond reasonable doubt'. We can
live with that, the fact that the CPS aimed too high when they should have stuck with a simple common assault charge... these
things happen. What is starting to become very clear, however, is the fact that Hunts are relying heavily on the fact that many
police and CPS prosecutors and judges/magistrates do not understand hunting, what it looks like, tactics used and so on. For
argument's sake, let's say that the Hunt were indeed following a trail and that sabs were disrupting this activity...
Mark still would not be justified in behaving the way he did. Whether the Hunt were following a false trail or a scent left
by a real fox is irrelevant to whether he is guilty of the offence. However, while we were not supposed to talk in court about
what the Hunt were up to, outside of the events surrounding the assault, he was allowed to speak about how his Hunt is 'harassed'
by masked hunt saboteurs and disrupted from following the false trails laid every time that they go out. With the prosecution
giving their arguments first, the defence following with theirs, his solicitor decided that the court should hear some of
the context surrounding the incident. Very one-sided. Despite the fact that this 'context' should not have affected
the decision of the court regarding the assault, it's very one rule for us, another for him! He was originally believed when he said that we were holloaing
and causing the hounds to run off dangerously down a road, despite video evidence showing that this was not the case, purely
because police do not understand 'rating' and the use of whips. It would seem that whatever he says, in his original
statements and in court, out-trumps any footage supplied. In court yesterday, he was left unchallenged, again because of authorities not knowing
how hunts work, when he said that whips frighten hounds and cause them to run away and that the use of whips is very unprofessional
as the whips are only carried as a 'ceremonial' object. We suggest Hunts across the country save money by not employing
whippers-in then, whose job it is to control hounds largely through the use of whips... Despite the fact that none of this
would change the fact that the court did not deem there to be enough evidence of battery, it would have undermined the court's
idea that Mark was a credible witness. Additionally, being adamant that he did not threaten to rip anyone's head off... We have had a good laugh
about a number of things since (you have to laugh sometimes) and were shocked by other statements made, including, but not
limited to:- - Mark suggesting that it was "probably the next witness" in court (Peter Cooksey) who had been the one
threatening to rip our heads off (Cooksey does not recall saying such things). - Mark telling the court that the hunt only carry whips as
a 'ceremonial' thing and do not use them as they are unprofessional to use and scare the hounds. Mark saying that the hounds
have no road sense at all, the video then showing that hounds went on to the road with no hunt support / staff present to
slow traffic or ensure their safety, apparently following a trail laid (irresponsibly so then)... Pics below - 1/ Huntsman to same female sab seconds after assaulting
her with horse 2/ Hounds all over road 
Monitors say South Durham FH Huntsman forced to resign 8-2-17 Facebook – N.E. Hunt Monitors This [pic below] is
Garry Watchman, Joint Master with South Durham Hunt. We have reason to believe he has been forced to hand in his notice due
to allegations of pocketing money from Hunt funds as well as other allegations the police are interested in. We would like to think it is because he kills many foxes illegally, but we figure he
will probably get away with that. We also know that many of the SDH riders wanted him gone and farmers don't want him
on their land. Unfortunately his son, Gareth Watchman, who
also kills foxes, will be staying on as hunt/hound master. However we are pleased to see this cretin go at the end of the
hunting season as he is very violent towards monitors and sabs, especially if female. We would like to congratulate him for
being such a dick and hated by everyone that he has been forced to leave. Well done Watchman and Goodbye.

South Dorset FH Huntsman warned by police over blocked sett 7-2-17 Facebook - Dorset Sabs Hit Report - Tuesday 7th February 2017 - Meeting at Farm
building along Park Lane, Buckland Newton ...By the time we had caught up with them they were in Hay
Wood on the west side of Park Lane, Buckland Newton. From here they moved to Alder Mead via the church and we maintained a
great visual on the hounds and kept them firmly in our sights using binoculars and camcorders. The two horses in a field [right] by
the church were quite disturbed by the Hunt coming past. A foot sab jumped out of the landy to check and spray another coppice
and found a freshly blocked badger sett. We reported this to the police and a wildlife crime officer said he would be out
that afternoon - the Huntsman has been warned about this behaviour! At this point, we were committed to driving round the
circuit and next caught up with the Huntsman, hounds and the field passing Buckland Newton First School just as the young
children were leaving school and their parents were trying to get them in cars... Chandlers Coppice was their next
port of call and then they headed north along the road towards Castle Hill. Again we managed to keep the hounds in our sight
for most of the time... The Huntsman then took the hounds to The Hazels area and spent over half an hour in there but again
we could keep an eye on the hounds from roads on two edges of this area. After searching New Covert the Hunt headed South
towards Newlands Lane and we headed off on another circuit. Clearly the Hunt thought they had lost us with this being a dead
end lane but we decided to poke our noses down there. At 16.51 we observed a fox running in the field on our left and it was about to cross the road in front
of the Landy. With the hounds in cry in the distance and only two sabs we managed to push the fox back, deterring him from
crossing the road which would have meant he was heading straight towards the hounds! We strongly believe this was a bagged
fox released for the hounds to chase and this is usually done earlier in the afternoon. The fox then headed away from us in
the direction of Sandhills Coppice. There was a lot of
support around at this time [left] which again makes us believe
the fox was bagged, because the support were there waiting for the action. With now just one foot sab and the driver the citronella
was out in full force and one of the supporters tried to grab a spray bottle from our driver, who was spraying it out of the
window whilst the foot sab was doing the other side of the road. He was not quick enough though and the road and hedgerows
continued to be drenched in citronella and the fox made it safely away. We didn’t manage to get any footage of the fox
because it was very sudden and we with only a driver and another sab by now our focus was on getting the fox away and masking
the scent. The Hunt then headed back to the meet for a 5.30pm pack up. Our day didn’t end her though and we went back
to unblock the badger sett - please see live video, light was fading fast by now and in the wooded area it was darker still.
There was a rider tending to her horse in the lay-by and, shortly after we started unblocking we had to get back to the vehicle
because the hunt servant and a few cronies stopped off to accuse us of blocking the setts in!! We informed them that the police
were coming and they didn’t really have much to say after that! Despite the numerous two finger salutes from the classy
hunt supporters and a minor issue with the Landy - which we fixed mid sab - we saved at least one fox and unblocked another
badger sett under the moonlight, so all in all a great days work!! Pics below -
Blocked badger sett entrances  Hunt-inspired plot to strip RSPCA's prosecution powers fails But
disappointment there won't be stiffer sentences for animal abusers 7-2-17 Times RSPCA allowed to carry
on prosecuting cruelty cases The RSPCA will be allowed to continue prosecuting cases of cruelty
to animals after the government rejected calls from MPs for the charity to be stripped of the power. The Commons environment,
food and rural affairs committee recommended in November that the RSPCA should let the Crown Prosecution Service take charge
of the cases. The committee heard a claim that the charity’s inspectors had a belligerent attitude and had been overzealous
in targeting pet owners. It said that the criticism had resulted in the RSPCA’s reputation “being diminished in
the eyes of the public”. In a response
to the committee’s report, the government said that private prosecutions, such as those brought by the RSPCA, had been
“a powerful tool to promote animal welfare”. It noted that the RSPCA had adopted reforms recommended by an independent
review of its prosecuting role by Stephen Wooler, a former CPS investigator. The charity has recently created an independent
oversight panel that will carry out an annual audit of its prosecutions. Its first report is due next year. The government said: “We believe that the RSPCA should be given
the opportunity to implement the recommendations of the Wooler review and demonstrate its commitment to responding to the
concerns that have been raised by the committee.” Neil
Parish [right], the
committee’s Conservative chairman, said that the RSPCA’s reforms did not go far enough. “I think the CPS should take a stronger role on leading on animal welfare prosecutions,”
he said. “The RSPCA needs to provide a properly independent review panel for all the cases it takes to court.” The Times revealed last year how the committee’s recommendation
on the RSPCA had been rejected by some committee members but was approved with the support of several with close links to
the Countryside Alliance, the pro-hunting lobby group. It has campaigned for restrictions on the RSPCA’s prosecuting
role since it brought cases against several Hunts. Tim
Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, said the RSPCA should stop operating “as a prosecutor of first
resort”. He added: “The alliance has always supported the right of private prosecutors to challenge decisions
made by the CPS, but the time has come for the RSPCA to drop its outdated pseudo-statutory prosecuting role.” Jeremy Cooper [left], chief
executive of the RSPCA, said: “We are extremely pleased that the government continues to recognise the exceptional role
carried out by the RSPCA in investigating and prosecuting those accused of the worst cases of animal cruelty and neglect.
“We know that the public overwhelmingly wants us to undertake this role, and we welcome the support we have to carry
out our prosecutions work from vets, local authorities and other animal welfare organisations.” Mr Cooper also said
he was disappointed that the government had decided to ignore the committee’s recommendation to increase the maximum
sentence for animal cruelty offences to five years. Mr Wooler said: “The government has rightly rejected the committee’s
poorly considered recommendation. But it needs to go further and establish a proper framework of powers balanced by accountability
for the RSPCA’s investigation and prosecution roles.”
7-2-17 LACS Press Release League disappointed at government refusal to toughen
animal abuse sentences The League Against Cruel Sports has today welcomed the Government’s acknowledgement
that private prosecutions are ‘a powerful tool to promote animal welfare’. The charity were however deeply disappointed
to learn that the Government has failed to act upon calls from itself, other animal welfare charities and the public to increase
sentencing and create a national register of individuals banned from keeping animals. League Against Cruel Sports CEO, Eduardo Gonçalves [right] commenting on the Government’s response to the report, said:- “Charities
like the RSPCA and ourselves have taken private prosecutions because frankly it’s often the only way that those committing
animal abuse or wildlife crimes will ever be brought to justice. Those calling for an end to private prosecutions are often those who have an interest, such as those involved in hunting –
without private prosecutions, illegal hunting is pretty much free to carry on untouched because the police and CPS don’t
have the resources to do anything about it. We’re therefore pleased that the government has come to the conclusion that
private prosecutions are a powerful tool in promoting animal welfare. The League will continue to provide evidence of illegal
activity to the police and we reserve the right to bring private prosecutions where needed.” However, the charity expressed its disappointment at the government’s response in terms of current
sentencing guidelines for those found guilty of animal abuse. Eduardo Gonçalves added: “If we don’t offer
a serious punishment to animal abusers then they will continue abusing animals. I spend a lot of my time looking at horrific
dog fighting footage as the League is working hard to stamp this out in the UK, but I know in the back of my mind that if
we catch a dog fighter, the most they will get is six months in prison – and probably much less. That’s utterly
inadequate and would be laughable if it wasn’t so shocking. The League is calling for a minimum of three years for the
most serious crimes against animals. In Northern Ireland, the penalty is five years – this came after the public were
outraged after a gang of dog fighters who had inflicted some of the worst cruelty I’ve ever seen on animals got away
with a virtual slap on the wrist. Do we have to wait for a case like that to happen in the rest of the UK before we do something
about it?” The League Against Cruel Sports is running a petition
to increase sentences for dog fighting, which currently has 80,000 signatures. A petition for Finn’s Law, calling on
police animals to receive the same protection as their human colleagues, quickly reached 120,000 signatures last year. The
League is also calling for a national register of those people banned from keeping animals because of abuse. “I’ve
seen too many reports where someone has been banned from keeping animals – then were able to acquire more animals which
they then abused,” said Mr Goncalves. “At the moment no-one knows who these people are because there’s no
central record. We’re not aiming for a name-and-shame policy, but there should be a central register of those who are
banned which is available to those rehoming or breeding animals to help them prevent those animals ending up in the hands
of someone who may harm them. We need a solution to this otherwise we are offering these people the freedom to continue abusing
animals.” Two MPs are calling for tougher sentencing for animal
cruelty with separate bills going before Parliament on February 24th. Members of the public are welcome to sign the League
Against Cruel Sports’ petition for increased sentences for those involved in dog fighting.
group letter demands Leics police take on illegal hunting 7-2-17 Hinckley Times Call made to Leicestershire Police
to tackle hunts A letter, signed by 26 representatives
of political groups, societies and hunt saboteurs, has been sent animal rights campaigners across the county are lobbying
a new police watchdog committee to take action over apparent breaches of The Hunting Act 2004. A letter, signed by 26 representatives
of political groups, societies and hunt saboteurs, including Roger Hill of the Hinckley and Bosworth Green Party, has been
sent to the new body. It welcomes the appointment of the Leicestershire Police ethics, integrity and complaints committee
but calls for the urgent review of the force’s attitude to enforcing anti-hunting legislation. The letter references
footage and reports as well as media coverage and relevant documents on concerns about hunting in Leicestershire. Most of
the issues are over alleged violations by the Atherstone Hunt, which regularly rides across land in the Bosworth constituency,
but also the Fernie, Quorn and Cottesmore Hunt. Potential criminal activity described in the letter as alleged by the authors
includes filmed and eye witnessed pursuit of foxes, the alleged killing of foxes, terrier work and obstruction of badger setts. The document reads:
“As well as these findings there have been numerous reports about fox hunting and other wildlife crime in general which
reinforce the claim that traditional fox huts are complicit in widespread law-breaking that may lead to other types of criminal
behaviour. To summarise, with all this in mind, we believe the evidence reasonably demonstrates the intent to ignore The Hunting
Act 2004 by Leicestershire’s hunts and that the presence of terrier men, the use of artificial earths, the captivity
of foxes and the illegal obstruction of badger setts are clear indicators of this.” The letter also highlights what
the campaigners believe are failures by the police to enforce The Hunting Act 2004 as well as bias and disregard of duty by
officers. There is a call for the force to work constructively
with hunt saboteurs. “Given that the actions of hunt saboteurs are intended to prevent the potential illegal killing
of foxes and damage of badger setts and thus act as voluntary enforcers of wildlife legislation, perhaps a less antagonistic
working relationship might be achieved if Leicestershire Police acted to clearly recognise the high likelihood of widespread
wildlife crime alongside acknowledging the intent of protestors and saboteurs is to prevent this from happening.”
Pressure leads high-end car supplier to withdraw sponsorship of Old Surrey
FH ball But hotel still accepting their
booking for event 7-2-17 Facebook - South Coast Sabs Great News Harwood Group (Landrover dealers) were sponsoring the Hunt ball of the
Old Surrey Burstow & West Kent. After people started contacting them via Twitter they have withdrawn sponsorship of the
event. They
can be thanked here. https://www.facebook.com/HarwoodsOnline We are still asking people to conact the hotel particulary by phone: 01342 714994 Please keep all comments polite
and share this as widely as possible. Remember it is not the hotel staff's fault. They are on Facebook at:https://www.facebook.com/copthorneeffinghamgatwick/ The
hotel is part of the Millenium group of hotels and be contacted here as their HQ may not be aware: https://www.millenniumhotels.com/en/hotels/ Please keep us informed of any responses.
upload video of very violent attack by Chedon BH thugs 2 suffered head injuries, 1 had fractured skull and eye socket Police refused to investigate properly
or charge any of thugs Footage clearly
shows stolen sab camera handed from huntsman to supporter 6-2-17 Daily Mail VIDEO Dramatic moment
a vicious brawl breaks out between huntsmen and saboteurs leaving one protester with a fractured skull - A brawl erupted between
huntsmen and protesters in South Molton, Devon - Tensions overflowed during a meet of the Cheldon Buckhounds in May last year - Ollie Richmond,
28, was sent to hospital after suffering a fractured skull A vicious brawl between huntsmen and
protesters left one animal rights activist with a fractured skull. [right] Horrifying
footage shows a confrontation between two men before a fight breaks out in an area of secluded woodland in South Molton, Devon
. Saboteurs claim they were staging a peaceful protest at a meet of the Cheldon Buckhounds, who were out with their dogs,
before the incident took place. The shocking footage shows the encounter turn violent after an anti-hunt campaigner strayed
from the group. Many others, dressed in balaclavas, masks and camouflage gear - who the protesters claim were hunt supporters
- joined the melee. Protester Ollie Richmond suffered
a fractured skull and eye socket trying to protect fellow saboteur Andy Kane, 53, who was allegedly hit with a motorcycle
helmet [left and right below]. Plumber Ollie, 28, of Devon, said:
'It has been a traumatic experience and the police have been terrible. They basically dropped the case due to the fact
that the guys had a good lawyer and they claimed self defence. It's not self defence if you are beating someone up on the floor.These people absolutely should be charged. If this happened to anybody else the perpetrators would be prosecuted
but the police don't like hunt saboteurs. I ran down and my intention was to stop the fight, so I targeted the one who
was punching Andy. I shoulder barged him out of the way and he looked furious and about to attack, so I placed myself between
Andy on the floor and him. He then took me down and someone else jumped on top of me and started punching me on the ground.
It all happened very fast but I remember being on the ground and looking up and seeing fists pounding down on my face. It
eventually stopped. At the time I was in shock. I didn't realise what had happened until I started feeling my skull.' Ollie suffered a fractured skull and eye socket and was rushed to North Devon District Hospital
in Barnstaple, Devon, by ambulance. He later underwent surgery to have titanium plates and mesh could be fitted to his skull.
Ollie was left with a scar on the top of his head where it was stapled back together and was off work for three months afterwards
recovering. The saboteurs claim the attackers were connected to the Cheldon Buckhounds. But the footage shines a light on
the frightening battles being regularly fought out between pro-hunt and anti-hunt supporters in Britain. Devon and Cornwall Police launched an investigation
after receiving eight crime reports after the two confrontations, on May 14 and May 30 last year. None of those involved were
prosecuted, however, three hunt supporters received a police caution in relation to their involvement.
It is not known whether any members of the opponents' group was hurt. The Cheldon Buckhounds could not be reached for comment today. Devon and Cornwall Police said: 'Video footage
was available to investigators in relation to both events from both parties. 'All the allegations were investigated, witnesses were spoken to and suspects were
interviewed in connection with their involvement in the offences. There were no prosecutions as a result of these allegations.
However, three individuals received police cautions in relation to their involvement. All the victims are aware of this and
the reasons why.' 4-2-17 Facebook - Devon County Sabs VIDEO PART 3 of our CHELDON BUCKHOUNDS footage
- Monday 30th May 2016 We paid a return visit to the Cheldon Buckhounds, along with sabs from around
the country. In the afternoon hounds were heard in cry in the woods. When sabs tried to get closer they were attacked. One
sab was tackled to the ground and headbutted by a man wearing a crash helmet. The assailant told the police it was an 'accident'.
Whilst lying on the ground the sab was punched repeatedly by other masked hunt followers, who later admitted to their actions
but claimed self-defence. The sab sustained head and chest injuries. The sab's chest camera, which had captured footage
of the attack, was also stolen. Another sab went in to defend him and was attacked and struck on the head, causing a broken
eye socket and a severely fractured skull. He was off work for three months as a result of his injuries. Devon
& Cornwall Police were handed all of the raw footage from five separate cameras, as well as pictures and details of the
assailants. What did the police do? They sat on the evidence for FOUR MONTHS without interviewing the suspects. They never
took statements offered to them by witnesses and dropped the investigation a few months later. Would they have acted differently
if it had been the other way round? In response to complaints this week, police have claimed they are aware other video footage
was taken and they would encourage the people who took it to still come forward with their evidence. To reiterate: We supplied
ALL our raw footage. The only footage which nobody has seen is the footage captured on the stolen chest cam, which police
never made any attempts to recover, and the footage captured by members of the Hunt, which should have been seized immediately
after the incident. We believe the police's response to these incidents was completely inadequate given
the severity of the injuries. Two sabs were hospitalised, one with life-threatening injuries. We have uncovered a disgusting
culture of victim-blaming and bias within Devon & Cornwall Police and ask that you continue to demand action from the
police. They are currently supposed to be investigating several other assaults our sabs have suffered since the Cheldon incidents
last summer. It's time they realised their inaction only creates an environment in which such incidents are likely to
occur again and again. When complaining to the police, please be polite and
constructive and cite CR/35678/16 (head and chest injuries and stolen camera) and CR/035671/16 (fractured skull and eye socket). * Devon
& Cornwall's PCC is Alison Hernandez, https://www.facebook.com/devonandcornwall …, https://twitter.com/alisonhernandez , opcc@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk , 01392
225555 * Devon & Cornwall Police: https://www.facebook.com/DevonAndCornwall https://twitter.com/dc_police, email: 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk ,
or 101@dc.police.uk - phone 101 Pics
below - 1/ Sab trying to pull helmet-wearing assailant off first attacked sab 2/
Camera stolen from first sab attacked passed by huntsman to follower who pockets it 
Sabs find Crawley FH digging out fox - and stop it 6-2-17
Facebook - Brighton Sabs We joined our friends from W.Sussex, South Coast and Croydon Sabs at the Crawley and Horsham Hunt, who
started early because they had their hunt ball on later. They were on the Knepp
Estate nearly all day, and quite early on sabs found Hunt members starting to dig out a fox who had taken refuge underground.
This being a really obvious sign of illegal hunting, they scarpered pretty sharpish. The rest of the Hunt spent quite a bit of their time running away from us, but (bad
luck for them) we kept catching up in time to stop them killing, using some textbook sabbing tactics. We ended the day tired and very muddy, with
one sab soaked right to the armpits after an encounter with a ditch, but satisfied we'd let the local foxes live another
Fife FH found hunting without guns in place Huntsman lies to sabs about this Hunt panics a field of cattle 6-2-17 Facebook - Grampian Hunt Sabs VIDEO Fife Foxhounds,
Pitloury House meet, 04/02/17 Video from Saturday showing illegal hunting and hunt unhappiness. POWAperson comments - The video, taken in difficult
conditions, is very jumpy. You might want an anti-nausea pill before watching! But it does clearly show - 1/ the panic
caused to cattle as Hunt move through their field, and 2/ The Huntsman using the hounds to 'search' for a fox.
Unlike in England & Wales, where a 2009 High Court judgement determined [absurdly] that 'searching' is not part
of 'hunting', in Scotland it is. Only if guns are present to shoot the fox as soon as it's flushed from cover
is such hunting legal. In this case, there are no guns. The Huntsman lies about this, telling sabs that they are stationed
where the sabs had just been. Maybe Scottish guns have invisibility cloaks. The Scottish government is planning to strengthen
the Act up there. Let's hope they get it right. Pics below - 1/ Cattle panicked by Hunt 2/ Huntsman casting hounds and the
field  5-2-17
Facebook - Fife & Central Scotland Sabs Hit Report 04.02.2017 Fife
Foxhounds - Pitlour House Fife Foxhounds met at Pitlour House and set off just after 11o'clock little did they know sabs were already
in position and ready to take anything they had to offer. They went up the track from the house riding through
citronella on the way as they disappeared from sight they ran straight into Grampian Hunt sabs, They then tried to get rid
of Grampian sabs by running straight into Fife sabs! The Hunt then picked up on a fox which appeared
to go to ground - luckily enough sabs were on hand to stop a dig out, despite childish terriermen and pathetic attempts at
violence they went home empty handed. Colin Campbell was getting a bit frisky and was obviously
looking for a fight luckily for him his wife/partner was on hand to calm him down. The Hunt didn't get a minute's peace all day and no kills a quote from Huntsman Robert Howarth "Please
stop interfering with my hounds". On a side note, we have had
2 seasons without violence . With Colin Campbell and Adam Galpin looking for violence - this will not be tolerated whatsoever.
We will defend ourselves accordingly and stand our ground. A great result and happy sabs.
Badsworth FH Huntsman filmed using horse as weapon against sab Huntsman then
left three hounds behind at end of hunting day One rescued & returned by sabs the other two by a local 5-2-17 Facebook - W.Yorkshire Sabs VIDEO Huntsman
Mark Poskitt attacks sab with his horse Yesterday, along with Sheffield Sabs, we sabbed the Badsworth & Bramham Moor hunt,
who met near Church Fenton in North Yorkshire. During the hunt whipper-in Mark Poskitt rode his horse into a sab [right], repeatedly and aggressively using his horse as a weapon (see video). Shortly after
this, sabs had to free a couple of hounds who had become dangerously caught between a barbed wire fence and a tree. When informed
about the incident, Mark wasn't in the least bit concerned, riding off whilst insulting the sabs and again showing how
little regard he has for not only foxes and other wild animals, but also his own horses and hounds. The hunt was a shambolic
affair, with hounds out of control throughout the afternoon. Whilst packing up for the day at 4 pm, the hunt even forgot about
one loose hound and had to sheepishly return to collect it. Sabs managed to keep up with the hounds for most of the day, seeing
several hares and deers to safety, and we are pleased to report that there were no kills. 6-2-17 Facebook – Sheffield Sabs UPDATE ON SATURDAY: In addition to the hound left behind that we mentioned in our previous post, another
two hounds were later found by locals near the site of Badsworth and Bramham Hunt's meet. The finders have kindly allowed
us to use the pictures attached to this post [2 pictured below]. There were found at around 8pm and returned to their
owners. Despite the kindness shown by them, the "gentleman" collecting them was none too appreciative - throwing
the poor dogs in the back of his van without even a thank you! For a Hunt to lose three hounds shows not only a lack of control
and capability, but a lack of compassion for the animals under their care. 
FH hounds kill fox not long after Hunt set offSabs believe the victim vixen may have been 'bagged' Corpse retrieved,
to be taken to RSPCA for autopsy 5-2-17 Facebook - Cheshire Sabs VIDEO HIT REPORT - CHESHIRE HUNT –
04/02/17 Yesterday we met up with comrades from North Wales, Lancaster and a fair few new found
friends for all three of our groups. As soon as we got to the meet we walked on to the farm who were hosting the wildlife
murdering Cheshire Hunt and within minutes of being in the field hounds went into full cry on the other side of the farmhouse.
We rushed over to find the hounds were now on to what we highly suspect to be a "bagged fox" in a fairly deep area
of water surrounded by a barbed wire fence bushes and lots of brambles [right]. The poor vixen stood no chance of escape in such deep water surrounded by a pack of bloodthirsty hounds tearing at her dainty body.
We tried our utmost best to save her but it was too late. Huntsman
Shayne Francis and his gang of borderline psychopathic bloodthirsty friends thought that what had just happened was rather
funny and attempted to mock sabs who were clearly distraught about what they had just witnessed. Unluckily for them, we have
thicker skin than that and their insults and jokes do not bother us at all. The hunting community are very vocal about trail
hunts and how they act legally following trails and not pursuing wildlife but we all know it's a load of bollocks. As
the video proves, the Hunts are still torturing wildlife. If they were hunting a trail then they wouldn't have anything
to hide and surely they would pass us a copy of the route where the trails have been laid? Anyway... Due to all the commotion surrounding the kill and waiting for police to arrive the Hunt managed to slip
away, which meant sabs had a lot of ground to cover to catch up with them. We kept them in our sight for most of the day but
we cannot be certain that they didn't kill again as they were always just that little bit in front of sabs, who had vast
areas of fields to cover with canal bridges to cross and no access to the vehicles as we were nowhere near a road for quite
some time. Sabs in the field eventually managed to get to the roadside for
a pick up but for the final hour of the day the Hunt were nowhere to be seen. After driving around for quite some time and
with light fading very fast we decided to head back to the meet where there was literally nobody to be seen either. At this
point we decided it was probably best to call it a day and head to the pub for a pint and to sort out getting the body to
the RSPCA for a post mortem... All in all, a very sad day for foxes... We
will be seeing you again, Shayne... Pics below - 1/ Hounds
killing vixen [visible below centre] 2/ Sab trying hopelessly to rescue vixen  8-2-17
Daily Mail VIDEO
Anti-fox hunting group captures the graphic moment a vixen is torn apart by a pack of dogs sparking police investigation -
Cheshire Constabulary have launched an investigation into the incident Disturbing footage of a fox being
mauled by a pack of hounds in Cheshire has been shared online - sparking a police investigation. An anti-fox hunting group
say they filmed the video in Beeston on Saturday. The footage, which was posted to the group's Facebook page, appears
to show a pack of hounds tearing up a fox as saboteurs attempt to pull them away. 'The poor vixen stood no chance
of escape in such deep water surrounded by a pack of bloodthirsty hounds tearing at her dainty body,' a statement from
the group read. “ We tried our utmost best to save her but it was too late.' Another video, posted on Facebook by
a different group, shows the same fox's body on the ground after the attack [below], with huntsmen and women standing around it. A voice can be heard saying: 'You
should be utterly ashamed. How can you do that? How can you be a part of that?' Cheshire Constabulary released a
statement on Monday confirming that rural and wildlife trained officers are looking into the allegations. 'It is not a police matter to determine what is or is not hunting, this can
only be determined in court,' it read. 'The role of the police is to investigate alleged or apparent breaches of the
Hunting Act, to gather evidence, and to pass that evidence to the appropriate authority to consider prosecution. Our investigation
is in the early stages and we will do our best to update you on our progress.' Police
are asking for witnesses to the incident or people with footage of the attack to come forward. If you were there and took
any footage on your phone or video camera at the time, we will arrange with you to come and collect a hard copy,' a statement
from the force added. In particular if you were there and took the original footage that is currently circulating on social
media, I would ask you to contact police so that we can arrange to collect it. We will continue to update you on our investigation,
but I'd like to reassure you that we do take rural crime seriously. If an illegal hunt was found to have taken place we
would prepare a file for CPS to consider any relevant criminal charges.' Also covered
in the Daily Mirror, Daily Post, South West
News Service and was the front-page story in the Chester Chronicle.
South & West Wilts FH kill one fox though sabs save another 4-2-17 Facebook – W.Wilts Hunt Sabs Hit report 4.2.17 South and West Wilts FH, Red House farm, Swallowcliffe, Wilts
With a 4x4 and buggy seen earlier heading to a covert the east of the meet, foot sabs headed there to find hounds picking
up a scent. With quad bikes and terrier men about and hounds drawing through gorse it was clear there was no trail hunting
going on. This Hunt had not seen sabs for years so there was total confusion amongst the Hunt at what to do. After a time
of heading east along the drive the Huntsman then headed west again not even drawing coverts. Sabs witnessed many hares
running away. The Huntsman's calls were then heard over near Prescombe Down nature reserve, so foot sabs got over there
quickly to find the hounds in full cry. Seeing a young fox run for its life into the nature reserve sabs sprayed then rated
the hounds to prevent them following the line. Hounds were seconds behind but the rating worked with the hounds heads up off
the ground and they stopped. As the Huntsman appeared, sabs told him to call off the hounds but he carried on, saying the
sabs were getting in the way! So he cracked his whip near the sabs. The Huntsman rode into the reserve with hounds split and
riders in the field and quads on the opposite slope in full view . Having gathered hounds as they had lost the fox, thankfully,
the Huntsman then rode west towards Berwick St. John . Foot sabs were picked up by vehicle and after a short time located
the Hunt in the Gallows hill area . Now as it was getting past 3 o'clock a dog walker witnessed a fox being killed and the
Hunt's cheers were heard. It was clear the Hunt had called the thugs in and things got violent We wish to thank Wiltshire constabulary who
turned up almost immediately. One officer went with a sab to investigate the area of the kill to see whether the remains of
the fox was still about. Nothing could be found as it is likely the Hunt removed the body . It is clear the Hunt didn't
want prying eyes to witness there blood lust. Their actions have only emboldened us to continue monitoring their activities.
Their attempts at intimidation don't work. We will be seeing you again. 
Sabs release film of violent behaviour
by Cheldon BH supporters last May Incident
was 2 weeks before two sabs badly injured by Cheldon followers 1-2-16
In light of the police's decision to discontinue their investigation into two very serious assaults on sabs by Cheldon
Buckhounds followers at the end of May 2016 [see article below, dated 30-1-17], sabs have released film of a group of
the Hunt's supporters roughing up and threatening sabs two weeks earlier. This resulted in two of the hunt followers
being given police cautions. 31-1-17 Facebook – Devon County Sabs Part 1 of our CHELDON BUCKHOUNDS
footage (14/05/2016) On Saturday 14th May 2016 hunt sabs from our group plus Somerset and Bristol Sabs,
South Devon Animal Rights, Dorset and South West Sabs went to a meet of the Cheldon Buckhounds, who hunt roe deer. This is
how their members and associated thugs introduced themselves to us. The video features regular hunt thug and Taunton Vale
Foxhounds terrierman Paul Martin, ex-Devon and Somerset Staghounds whip John Stone, chairman of the Exmoor Foxhounds Supporters
Club Adrian Clarke, and hunt follower Fergus Nunneley. These individuals were involved in the violence that occurred later
that day (part 2) and two weeks later (part 3).
1-2-16 Facebook – Devon County Sabs Part 2 of our CHELDON
BUCKHOUNDS footage - Saturday 14th May 2016 Sabs heard hounds in cry in the valley and made their way
into a field to get a better view. As our video shows, this field is access land, meaning sabs had every right to be there.
The people featured in our previous video had no lawful right to evict them, yet sabs were pushed and shoved and back on the
road sabs were punched in the face, grabbed by the hair and one of them was held in a headlock. No action was taken against
the man who punched our female sab in the face. The Inspector's explanation was that he didn't believe she had been
bothered by the incident, seeing as she carried on filming afterwards. He also told her she should have known she was putting
herself in a dangerous position, which we believe reveals a culture of victim-blaming within Devon & Cornwall Police. The two other assailants
in this video were given a police caution, although police didn't bother to interview them for three months. It's
no wonder the violence escalated two weeks later (part 3, to follow). We believe the decision to let them off with a caution
is insufficiently lenient for the following reasons: * Their actions were clearly captured on film and they were easily identifiable.
Both also admitted to the offences, making a successful prosecution a far more straightforward matter than if they had contested
the allegations. * Sabs were not trespassing. There was no justification for any use of force. * Police claimed one of them had appeared apologetic about
the incident, yet he boasted about his actions on social media where he said "Sabs owned on Exmoor" and "taste
of your own violent medicine" (screenshots were passed to the police). His boastful attitude suggests that he did not
expect to face criminal sanction for his actions, an expectation that will be justified if he is not charged, with predictable
consequences for his future conduct. His public comments about this case should be viewed as aggravating factors, which reveal
his apparent apologetic attitude when questioned by police as a sham, and which should rule him out of being given a caution. * We have since been told
that one of the assailants has previously pleaded guilty to ABH and threatening behaviour in a series of similar attacks and
was convicted of affray after attacking sabs with spades and wooden staves. The other apparently spent time in jail for a
series of violent offences, including GBH and malicious wounding. It is self-evidently unjust that hardened criminals should
be treated more leniently over time as their offending progresses. These were not the first offences by people of previous
good character, nor were they the first offences in this broad category of offending. * A caution does not have the deterrent effect of a prosecution
and will only reinforce the assailants' feeling of impunity. Given their close involvement with the hunting fraternity
there is every chance they will find themselves in similar situations in the future and carry out further or more serious
assaults. *
The Ministry of Justice's "Simple Cautions for Adult Offenders" booklet states that the public interest should
be considered when deciding whether to offer a caution. Therefore it is important to point out the context of these assaults: At least twenty organised
criminal gangs operate across Devon, breaking the Hunting Act 2004 several times a week without any apparent effort on the
part of Devon & Cornwall Police to prosecute or prevent this offending. Attached to most of these gangs are individuals
who attempt to intimidate, threaten or use violence against anyone trying to prevent illegal hunting. They do this with the
tacit approval of the Hunts they associate with, and in some cases act under their direct instruction. It has proven difficult
in the past to secure convictions of people associated with illegal hunting in Devon, not only for that hunting but for crimes
against the person, due variously to police loss of evidence, police inaction resulting in time limits for prosecution expiring,
apparent disinterest on the part of the police in pursuing lines of enquiry, victim-blaming, and the closing of ranks amongst
the hunting fraternity, where violent offenders are celebrated and protected. Already this impunity is leading to an escalation of violence
directed at those who monitor or interfere lawfully with illegal hunting. These offences are not of the same nature as an
assault of a similar severity carried out as part of an isolated disagreement outside a pub on a Saturday night. They are
part of a pattern of organised violence deployed by Hunts and people associated with them to prevent any interference in their
illegal activity. Many of our sabs have been and continue to be victims of this violence on a regular basis. We ask Devon & Cornwall
Police: If prosecuting people who commit an offence within this context is not in the public interest, what is!? Please SHARE the
video and politely let the police know what you think of their inaction, quoting the following crime reference numbers:- * Female sab punched in
face: CR/034288/16 * Male sab pushed on access land and punched in face on the road: CR/035201/16 * Male sab dragged backwards by his hair: CR/034678/16 * Devon & Cornwall's
PCC is Alison Hernandez, https://www.facebook.com/devonandcornwallpcc , https://twitter.com/alisonhernandez , opcc@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk , 01392
225555 *
Devon & Cornwall Police: https://www.facebook.com/DevonAndCornwallPolice , https://twitter.com/dc_police , email: 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk ,
or 101@dc.police.uk
Phone 101 Pics below - 1/
Sab pushed over by hunt thug 2/ Hunt thug threatens sab 3/ Sab pulled back
by hair 4/ Thug spits at sab car window 5/ Female sab punched by terrierman 6/ Sab
grabbed by hunt thug   
York & Ainsty N. terrierman cautioned for assaulting
female sab Also cautioned for damaging camera during the
attack 1-2-17
Daily Mail VIDEO Caught
on camera: Moment an angry hunt worker attacks a female saboteur and breaks her camera after confronting the protesters - Shaun
Bohanna, 54, from West Yorkshire, was filmed putting woman in headlock - He later appears to hit her and pushes the
female protester away from him A hunt worker was filmed attacking a female protester after confronting
a group of animal rights activists. Shaun Bohanna, 54, from Batley, West Yorkshire, is seen putting the woman in a headlock
before appearing to hit her. The hunt 'terrier man' has been given a conditional caution by police for assault and
criminal damage, after breaking the protester's camera. The footage, which was
filmed in Youlton, North Yorkshire in November, was posted online by Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, an animal rights group. At
the start of the video, Bohanna is heard shouting at the activists to put their cameras down. He says: 'Take that camera,
or I'll ram it up your f****** a***. I'm telling you now, I don't mind you demonstrating, take the cameras away.
'Are you f****** deaf? Someone take the cameras now.' The woman behind
the camera is then heard saying: 'If you stop being threatening, I'll put it down'. Bohanna replies: 'I'm
not being threatening, I'm asking you to put the camera down'. Another activist is heard telling him that he is being
'very aggressive', asking him to calm down. The terrier man responds:
'I'm not aggressive. I'm not being aggressive.' Bohanna then turns around and grabs a female activist around the neck,
before appearing to hit her. When she runs to get her camera back from him, he is seen pushing her off him to the ground.
The woman then shouts: 'He has just assaulted me and stolen my property.' Another man can be heard shouting at the activists: 'You're on private property, now f*** off'. Later on in the footage, the person filming asks the woman whether she has managed to
get the camera back, to which she replies 'slightly broken'. A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said: 'A 54-year-old man was interviewed as a voluntary attendee and
has been issued with a conditional caution after he admitted assault and criminal damage against a woman in her twenties.
As part of the caution, he has been ordered to pay £200 for the cost of criminal damage the victim’s camera.' 31-1-17 Facebook - Sheffield Sabs VIDEO BREAKING NEWS
Shaun Bohanna of Batley, West Yorkshire, terrierman for the York and Ainsty North Hunt, has been given a conditional caution
for assault and criminal damage. Bohanna admitted to assaulting a female member of Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs on the 26th November 2016 in Youlton,
North Yorkshire during an interview with North Yorkshire Police on Monday the 30th January. Big thanks to the member of West
Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs who captured the footage which made it impossible for Bohanna to deny involvement in the incident.
Hopefully Bohanna and his hunt associates will think twice about attacking someone half their size in future. Unfortunately, a camera held
by the sab was damaged during the attack. Although Bohanna is required to pay a nominal amount for breaking the camera, it
is not enough to buy a replacement. If you would like to contribute towards replacing this vital piece of kit, donations are
gratefully received here: https://ko-fi.com/A570FG9 POWA person comments -
Mr.Bohanna becomes the 200th person from an organised Hunt known to POWA to have been convicted or cautioned for a violent
offence since 1990. The total number of all
offences has now reached 867.
JANUARY 2017..... 31st January - York/Ainsty N. terrierman cautioned
for attacking female sab + damage camera ..... 31st January - Scottish government announces intention to strengthen
Scottish hunting ban .....
31st January - Belvoir FH Huntsman accused of killing three foxes in December is re-bailed ..... 30th January - Police
drop case of sabs seriously hurt by Cheldon BH thugs last summer ..... 30th January - Cheshire FH ignore farmer protests as hounds
rampage thru pregnant ewes .....
30th January - Atherstone FH supporter cautioned for torrent of sexist abuse at female sab ..... 30th January - Monitors upload
another film of disgusting behaviour by Grafton FH supporters ..... 28th January - Fernie
FH follower, apparently drunk, rams sab landy and abuses sabs ..... 28th January - Sabs use drones to monitor Isle of Wight
FH's 'trail hunting' .....
29th January - Monitors nearly run down loose hounds at Portman/Wiltshire FH joint meet ..... 29th January - Sabs
film riderless Middleton FH horse cantering on road ..... 29th January - Lord Middleton cancels meet at his after
JM 'Shag' Carter's public disgrace ..... 29th January - Social services temporarily ban foster girls
from being taken 'trail hunting' .....
27th January - Sabs save probably bagged fox from S.Durham/Berwickshire FHs dig out ..... 26th January - Sabs
pull Tedworth FH hounds off fox scent in foul weather ..... 26th January - Cury & Western FHs filmed causing traffic
chaos and cantering on road ..... 26th January - Sabs
find fox remains at blocked sett in area N.Cotswold FH hunted ..... 25th January - Cheshire FH & Wynnstay FH hunt together
and cause utter chaos .....
25th January - 2nd Ledbury FH sab attack suspect identified as terrierman Lance King ..... 24th January - Fife
FH kill fox as 2 sabs arrested for mysterious reasons ..... 24th January - New Middleton FH JM tells female protester
he'd like to 'shag' her .....
24th January - Group suggest NT's actions look like collusion with Melbreak FH ..... 24th January - Sabs
stop dig out by N.Shropshire FH, who then hunt on MoD land ..... 23rd January - S.Herefordshire FH aim to defy MFHA suspension
and go hunting ..... 23rd
January - Atherstone FH hounds hunt next to housing estate & kids playground ..... 23rd January - Cheshire FH filmed clearly hunting a fox
- police won't act .....
23rd January - Cheshire Forest FH trespass twice as Huntsman loses control of hounds ..... 22nd January - Sabs
see Cury and Western FHs blatantly fox hunting all day .....
22nd January - Repeat offender Crawley FH hunt thug cautioned for threatening sabs ..... 21st January - Still
warm fox body found where Cotswold Vale FH hunting ..... 21st January - Cheshire FH ride and run recklessly on an
A road ..... 21st
January - Park Beagles chase 2 hares, supporter assaults 2 sabs ..... 20th January - Avon Vale FH hounds rip fox to pieces in
private garden ..... 19th
January - Easton Harriers kill hare then keep losing hounds ..... 18th January - Pet cat's cheek ripped off by hound
from the Western FH .....
18th January - Lone Surrey Union FH hound nearly causes car crash on icy road ..... 18th January - N.Trust to review Cury FH licence after
hound attack horror .....
17th January - Monitors film Cotswold FH and pack trotting along main road ..... 17th January - Atherstone Hunt's Ball venue booking
cancelled after online campaign .....
16th January - Ledbury FH told by Conservator to leave Common after seen hunting fox ..... 16th January - Appalling
behaviour by Grafton FH supporters towards monitors ..... 15th January - Gelligaer FH flee scene of crash - hound
dead, car badly damaged .....
15th January - Elderly man and pet dog injured in Cury FH hound pack attack on Cornish beach ..... 15th January - Hare
pulled apart by Easton Harriers, police refuse to act ..... 15th January - Belvoir FH cause traffic danger on
A road, thugs attack sabs, drive dodgily ..... 14th January - Atherstone FH hunt 3 foxes, kill one in
resident's driveway .....
14th January - Severn Vales Beagles stopped from hunting hares by sabs ..... 13th January - Oakley FH supporter cautioned for hitting
sab on head ..... 13th
January - NT reinstate Melbreak FH's licence just 24 hours after suspension ..... 12th January - Sabs say were assaulted by JM and followers
of Isle of Wight FH .....
12th January - Sabs reveal background to assault on female sab by N.Cotswold FH bird handler ..... 11th January - Sab seriously
injured in attack - Melbreak FH supporter arrested, says HSA ..... 11th January - Report says Blencathra FH block sett, kill
fox, hunt on Wildlife Trust land .....
10th January - Sabs and police WCO unblock badger setts in area where S.Dorset FH hunting ..... 8th January -
Dead ewe found in field Portman FH hounds seen crossing ..... 7th January - South Durham FH chase and kill fox
in front of sabs .....
6th January - Atherstone FH crowd-funding page closed down ..... 6th January - Modbury Harriers whipper-in pictured
doing Nazi salute .....
5th January - Baying mob of Atherstone FH supporters attack protesters at town meet ..... 5th January -
Shots fired over heads of North Cornwall FH - police say 'no crime' ..... 4th January - Ledbury FH supporter who beat up sab
identified and owns up .....
4th January - North Cotswold FH eagle handler attacks female sab ..... 3rd January - Fife FH seen chasing foxes in the open
- police turn out and talk to Hunt .....
3rd January- Braes o'Derwent FH chase fox into hospice grounds and cause road chaos ..... 3rd January -
Cheshire Forest FH chase fox, attempt dig out, stopped by police ..... 2nd January - Monitor saves fox after warned Blackmore
FH Huntsman calls hounds off .....
2nd January - Bicester FH filmed hunting fox next to hamlet and hounds cavort on railway ..... 1st January 2017 -
Cattistock FH support seen releasing bagged fox, but no kills
Scottish government says
it does intend to strengthen hunting banWill bring in binding Code of Practice and look at other tightening of law 31-1-17
Holyrood The Scottish Government is to strengthen the legislation around
hunting following the Lord Bonomy review A new code of practice for Hunts is to be introduced by
the Scottish Government to strengthen the current legislation on fox hunting in Scotland. Key groups involved in the issue
will be invited to work together to develop the new code, and the possibility of a monitoring scheme will also be looked at,
the Environment Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham [below left], has announced. The decision follows recommendations of Lord Bonomy, who led the
inquiry into the effectiveness of the current fox hunting legislation under the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act
2002. As well as the code of practice, the Scottish Government will also consult on Lord Bonomy’s proposed changes to
the law. The retired judge’s recommendations included introducing vicarious liability to make landowners responsible for hunts
taking place on their property; bringing in reverse burden of proof, so anyone who appears to be breaking the law has to prove
they were operating according to one of the exemptions; and extending the time limit for bringing prosecutions. He also suggested the improvement of definitions and removal of some inconsistencies
in the legislation.
Cunningham said: “I am determined to ensure the highest
possible levels of animal welfare and Lord Bonomy’s recommendations will help us build on the advances already achieved.
This package of measures will substantially improve the language used in the existing legislation, address inconsistencies
in the law, and strengthen the scrutiny and accountability of Hunts." The announcement has been welcomed by those opposed
to fox hunting. Robbie Marsland, Director of the League Against Cruel Sports in Scotland, said: “This is a good first
step in making the law which prevents wild mammals being hunted, chased and killed for sport clearer and more suited to its
intended purpose. We agree with Lord Bonomy that hunts are using exemptions within the current legislation as a decoy for
continuing with traditional hunting practices and that their activities are incidental to pest control. “We all thought
the act would put a stop to hunting but sadly this wasn’t the case and we now look to the Government to keep the momentum
going, following Lord Bonomy’s review, to progress towards a situation where hunting in Scotland is really banned.” The Countryside Alliance has also responded positively to the announcement. Countryside Alliance Scotland director
James Stewart said: “We welcome the ministers endorsement of Lord Bonomy’s findings, particularly that the searching
and flushing of foxes by two dogs would not be as effective as that done by a full pack of hounds, and also that imposing
such a restriction would seriously compromise effective pest control in the country. Those using dogs to flush foxes and other
wild mammals to guns under the law have always been open and transparent and therefore have nothing to fear. They have been
subject to hundreds of hours of covert monitoring and filming, none of which has produced evidence of law breaking. We welcome
the opportunity to work with the Scottish Government, Police Scotland and stakeholders on a Code of Practice to strengthen
the scrutiny and accountability of practitioners in the management of wild mammals. We will look at the consultation and respond
in detail but remain of the view that, despite any technical shortcomings in the original drafting, the existing law is capable
of being enforced by the Police Scotland and the courts, as can be seen from the fact that it has been used successfully used
on many occasions.” Lord Bonomy was appointed to review the 2002 Act in December 2015, with a remit to evaluate whether
the act was providing enough protection for wild mammals, while allowing for effective and humane control where necessary. Almost 300 submissions were received following a call for responses in February
and March last year, with the results of the review published in November. 31-1-17 LACS Press Release League welcomes
Scottish Government’s plans to strengthen hunt ban The League Against Cruel Sports has welcomed
today’s commitment from the Scottish Government to consult to strengthen the law which bans fox hunting in Scotland.
The announcement follows the recent publication of the findings of Lord Bonomy’s review of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act (2002). The Cabinet Secretary for Environment,
Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham MSP made the announcement today (Tuesday), outlining the process to introduce
further legislation to close loopholes in the law which currently make it unfit for purpose. Robbie Marsland [right], Director of the
League Against Cruel Sports, Scotland said: “The League Against Cruel Sports is pleased the Scottish Government has
taken on board the findings of Lord Bonomy’s review of hunting and responded swiftly to move towards a consultation. This is a good first step in making the law which prevents wild mammals being hunted, chased and killed for sport
clearer and more suited to its intended purpose. We agree with Lord Bonomy that hunts are using exemptions within the current
legislation as a decoy for continuing with traditional hunting practices and that their activities are incidental to pest
control. We all thought the Act would put a stop to hunting but sadly this wasn’t the case and we now look to the Government
to keep the momentum going, following Lord Bonomy’s review, to progress towards a situation where hunting in Scotland
is really banned.” The Scottish Government has responded to Lord Bonomy’s review of the legislation
by stating it will invite key stakeholders to work together to develop a code of practice for Hunts and explore the potential
for a new monitoring scheme. It also intends to consult on proposed changes recommended by Lord Bonomy including the introduction
of vicarious liability and reverse burden of proof provisions, an extension to the time limit for bringing prosecutions and
the removal of inconsistencies and the improvement of definitions. The League is committed to
working with Government and others on animal welfare and looks forward to receiving more information about the stakeholder
FH Huntsman accused of killing 2 foxes is bailed again by police Huntsman also accused of assault on sab & criminal damage 31-1-17 Grantham Journal Man arrested
after Belvoir Hunt hounds kill foxes is bailed by police again A
man arrested on suspicion of illegal hunting with a dog after two foxes were allegedly killed by Belvoir Hunt hounds has been
re-bailed until March, while officers continue their investigations. The 49-year-old man was arrested following the incident
in the Scalford area, near Melton, on December 3. He is also suspected of criminal damage and assault, and has been released
on bail pending further enquiries. The deaths are alleged
to have happened while the Belvoir Hunt was riding in the area, in an event being policed by the Leicestershire force and
also monitored by the county’s police and crime commissioner, Willy Bach. Campaign group Hunt Saboteurs were also involved,
monitoring the Hunt’s actions and taking pictures of the dead foxes. It is illegal to hunt mammals with a dog under
the Hunting Act 2004. POWAperson adds - The HSA report
on the incident can be found here. Pic
below - One of the three foxes killed. Police NFA case of 2 sabs hospitalised by Cheldon Buckhounds thugs One sab suffered
fractured skull and eye socket Police sat
on strong video evidence for 4 months before dropping case Sabs
appeal for complaints to Devon police and to Crime Commissioner 30-1-17 Facebook - Devon County Sabs Reasonable force???
This week will be highlighting the activities of one particular local Hunt, the Cheldon Buckhounds, whose members and supporters
are some of the most violent, racist and misogynistic people we have encountered in the hunting world. Last season they hospitalised
two of our sabs, one with a seriously fractured skull and eye socket (see
pictures below). While he was being treated by paramedics for this life-threatening
injury, Hunt members drove past the ambulance laughing. The assaults were captured on multiple cameras. Devon & Cornwall Police sat on the evidence for FOUR MONTHS without
interviewing or arresting the assailants. They have now decided there will be NO FURTHER ACTION. We will be releasing the
footage of each of these incidents this week and asking our supporters to contact the police and demand that they enforce
the law. You can also help by sharing our posts this week to show the world what happens when they don't! You can complain to the police:- Devon
& Cornwall's PCC is Alison Hernandez, https://www.facebook.com/devonandcornwallpcc , https://twitter.com/alisonhernandez , opcc@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk , Tel - 01392 225555 Devon & Cornwall Police: https://www.facebook.com/DevonAndCornwallPolice, https://twitter.com/dc_police, email: 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or 101@dc.police.uk , phone 101  The original reports on this incredibly violent attack that could easily
resulted in at least one dead sab are here and here.
Monitors see Cheshire FH rampage through field of pregnant ewes Hunt ignores farmers shouted pleas to get off his land Hunt also spends 10 minutes crossing fast & busy A49 30-1-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors On Saturday [28-1] we found the Cheshire Hounds up to no good crossing
the (very fast) A49. Holding up traffic for 10 minutes while they (trail laying ??) sorted themselves out and got out of everyone's
way. The Huntsman then put up a fox in full
view of one of our monitors, the hounds took off after it before our monitor could catch up or others could get to the scene
and we are not sure what happened to the fox. Later the hounds flew through a field of pregnant sheep with the farmer raging
about how he had told them again and again to keep off his land, but they just ignore him. We will be paying him a visit when
we have time, to see what we can do to help him in future. They then struggled to find a scent and we heard no hounds in cry after 2pm. A mixed day. Atherstone FH follower cautioned after tirade of sexist abuse Rammed female
sab's van before delivering foul mouthful at her 30-1-17 Daily Mirror VIDEO Fox hunt supporter rams van into protesters before yelling
sexist abuse at woman activist - The pro-hunt supporter tells the West Midlands Saboteurs activist to 'f*** off back to
Coventry' and brands her a 'fat w****' in torrent of sickening abuse
A hunt supporter rammed his van into a protester's car before yelling 'a torrent of sexist and misogynist verbal abuse'
at a woman activist.The pro-hunting spectator, who has accepted a police caution, was following the Atherstone Hunt in Sutton
Cheney, Leicestershire, when he turned on the saboteurs. In disturbing footage shared on Facebook, the Hunt is visible riding past as he hurls insults at the female protester from
the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, telling her to 'f*** off back to Coventry'. The thug also brands the woman a 'b****' and a 'fat w****' after
pulling out of a field and colliding head on with the saboteurs' vehicle. But the group is claiming victory after revealing
the stocky, flat cap-wearing yob [left] must attend a victim
awareness course at his own expense and pen a letter of apology to the victim after accepting a conditional caution from Leicestershire
The group's post reads: "On 29-11-16 whilst we were monitoring the activities of the Atherstone Hunt
at Sutton Cheney, one of the Hunt's supporters who had been watching the hunt decided to ram his car into our vehicle.
He then jumped out and proceeded to shout a torrent of sexist and misogynist verbal abuse at a female sab. He can be seen
raising his fist and indicates that he knows where she lives. The Hunt can be seen riding past as he continues his tirade
of shocking sexist language." The West Midlands Saboteurs added on Facebook: "The Atherstone Hunt and its
supporters seem to have a real problem with women, over the past few years the women in our group have been subjected to numerous
sexist and misogynist verbal abuse and have been physically attacked and bullied by men from the Hunt. Hopefully this sends
a message out to the Atherstone Hunt that this is not an acceptable way to talk to women and that their bigotry will not be
tolerated by the police." A Leicestershire Police spokeswoman said: "We can confirm
that a 59-year-old man has been given a conditional caution." The uncomfortable footage comes just days after a posh
councillor on horseback told a protester that he would 'quite like to s***' her. Tory Charles Carter, 33, quit his
position at Breckland District Council in Norfolk after a video of him giving sexist abuse to a hunt protester was revealed
by Mirror Online. Former West Norfolk Foxhounds master Carter told Linda Hoggard, who filmed his derogatory comments, that
she was 'very pretty' and asked if he could take her to bed. The story also
covered by the Daily Mail. Monitors release another film showing
disgusting behaviour of Grafton FH supporters 30-1-17 You Tube Are the Grafton Hunt
kidding themselves? Film shows Hunt followers, who the Hunt claim are their 'Evidence Gathering
Team' - always 'courteous and polite' assaulting monitors, spitting, swearing, harassing, obstructing etc. Stills below - 1/ Bruise on arm of monitor after kicked by supporter 2/
Supporter blocks monitor's progress 3/ Supporter splashes water over monitor
4/ Monitor being assaulted 5/ Terrierman exposes buttocks to female monitor
6/ Supporter spits  
Fernie FH follower, apparently drunk, rams sab landy and hassles sab 29-1-17 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs Hit Report #2 -28/01/2017
- Fernie Hunt, Arnesby, Leicestershire Those who were not sabbing the Cottesmore Hunt joined Northants and
Cambridge Sabs to keep a close eye on the nearby Fernie Hunt. From the very outset, sabs were pretty much within arms length of the Huntsman and hounds, remaining their for the
next 5 hours. As much as the Hunt tried their luck galloping away, often in loops, they were unable to shake us off. Good
co-ordination between our vehicles, along with predicting their next move and one particular super-fit sab, soon reduced the Hunt to its usual narky, red faced and potty-mouth selves. Although the hounds broke into cry a few times towards the end of daylight,
sabs were in position to use the gizmo, voice calls and the horn to take the hounds from the scent and close by fox. Happy but exhausted as the sun went down, we escorted the hounds back
to the hound van only to be met with a torrent of verbal abuse from a very irate hunter. We get this week-in, week-out, but
we didn't expect her to start bashing windows, trying to let down tyres and literally spit her venom at us. The Huntsman
looked visibly shaken and embarrassed whilst escorting her away. The next moment she was in her car ramming the back of one
of the vehicles [pic right above, her car]. Believing
the likely cause of her violent behaviour being a mixture of alcohol and unfulfilled blood lust, she did a runner away from
her car and headed straight towards the nearby pub. As usual, the phone call to the police proved fruitless but those out at the Hunt earlier in
the day, remained unbiased and keen to uphold the foxhunting ban. No wildlife killed, a good day in the field. 29-1-17 Facebook - Cambridge Sabs Yesterday was a very good day for
CHS. We worked with members from Northants and S.Cambs Sabs and ultimately ended up with a kill free day! Highlight of the
day was the lady who decided to deliberately ram her light SUV into the back of our vehicle, which is virtually a tank; she
messed her car up pretty bad but our landy is unscathed. Pictures and videos will be up soon. 1-2-17 Facebook - Cambridge Sabs Hunt supporter rams
our landy This footage was taken just after this hunt-sympathiser viciously attacked one of our sabs,
tried to let down a tyre, and then rammed us with her car. Feel free to let us know what her name is. No. plate: AD04YVU.
 Monitors nearly run down loose hounds at
Portman/Wiltshire FH joint meet 29-1-17 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports Portman / Wilts joint meet. Normandy farm. Dorset. 28/1/2017 A large
meet consisting of around 100 riders left Normandy farm just after 11am. The riders and support had gathered for a tipple
( or several in some cases ) and a wonderful speech ending with their intentions of hunting within the law. So we all headed
home safe in the knowledge that the animals were to be spared a horrible death for another day. Back in the real world, the Hunt spent most of the day in places the
support couldn't see. The hounds were in and out of covert after covert with particular interest paid to one area in specific.
We shall be checking camera footage on this area out thoroughly. We were lucky not to kill some of the hounds as they veered through bushes into the road. Darting
in different directions. No Hunt Master in sight. Twice in the afternoon the hounds went into voice while out of sight. The second time was full cry and there were
what sounded like fox screams. It
seems they may have over reached with their ambitions to hunt within the law. As always we need more boots on the ground.
Drivers especially. Sabs film
riderless Middleton FH horse cantering on road 29-1-17 Facebook - W.Yorks Sabs Middleton Hunt horse
tries to escape - alarming footage A horse from the Middleton Hunt on the loose and running dangerously
along a main road pursued by terrier men, in alarming footage captured from our van cam yesterday near Sheriff Hutton in North
Yorkshire. The Middleton Hunt have been caught raising fox cubs to kill during hunts, and they employ creeps like the recently
disgraced Charles Carter - who can blame their poor horses for wanting to escape?  Lord Middleton cancels Hunt meet at his place after Huntsman's disgrace 'Shag' Carter eschews
red coat, keeps head down as sabs stop Hunt killing 29-1-17 Facebook - Sheffield Sabs Yesterday along with W.Yorkshire Sabs we thought it would be rude not to go along and introduce ourselves
to this week's most obnoxious huntsman Shagger Carter of the Middleton. So, following a tip off that they were actually
going to be at the home of Lord Middleton himself in Birdsall, we set off to sunny Ryedale. Upon arrival Birdsall seemed very quiet for a meet of the now nationally infamous Middleton Hunt and their, ex Councillor,
Huntsman. Another tip off then informed us that Lord Middleton had told his own hunt to bugger off as he didn't want the
press turning up, or he feared for his wife's chastity. We aren't sure which. Sabs scooted over to Farlington where horseboxes had been spotted and soon found the meet at Farlington Grange. When
will they learn that you can run but you can't hide? For a Huntsman
who has appeared on virtually every media outlet over the past week, Shagger seemed very shy. Continually running from sabs
and choosing instead of a red coat a standard black one [below left]. Though some sabs argued that it wasn't black, but was instead one of the 50
shades of grey! Early on in the day a riderless horse [below
right] was photographed running down the road, pursued by a quad. Rumour
is that the Huntsman got lucky with one of the less fussy riders and the horse saw it's chance to escape. We hope the
horse wasn't too traumatised. Two foxes were seen to safety during the day, one of them from a covert from which the terriermen
did a runner as sabs arrived. Police were in attendance throughout
the day but wouldn't confirm whether it was to save the Hunt from sabs, foxes from the hunt or any ladies present from
Shagger Carter. The less than cocky huntsman headed home just after 3.30pm with even some of his own supporters laughing at
the constant barrage of comments from sabs. All in all a quiet day with no kills and hounds only briefly in cry once. 
services temporarily ban foster child being taken 'trail hunting' Ban,
since lifted, followed claim girls had seen a fox 'ripped apart' 29-1-17 Daily Mail Social workers launch investigation into foster parents
because they took two teenage girls on bloodless hunt Two girls were taken trail hunting, where
scent is followed but no animals killed. Social services received an allegation one girl saw a fox ripped apart by hounds.
Concluded it was false but still banned it - because they didn't know what it was. The foster father said it is proof
that social services do not understand rural life. Two
foster parents were subjected to a social services investigation because they took two teenage girls on a bloodless trail
hunt. The foster parents, who have more than two decades of experience, were placed under investigation after an allegation
that one of the girls saw a fox being ripped apart by hounds. Social services then banned the girls from trail hunting, in
which hunters follow a scent but no animals are harmed, for nearly a week because they did not know what it was. The foster mother, who spoke to the Sunday Times under the condition of anonymity,
said: ‘They haven’t got a clue what it is…They decided from YouTube that it was probably illegal.’
The foster father, who has brought up 40 children with his wife, said it was proof that social services do not understand
rural life. The parents had taken the girls trail hunting 20 to 25 times in the belief that the countryside sport, along with
caring for the horses, would help them adapt from living in a city to their new rural lives. The sport, an alternative to
fox hunting, which was banned in 2005, helped the girls make friends but were left ‘angry’ and ‘upset’
by the surprise allegation. In trail hunting, hounds follow the scent of a fox, which is dragged along the ground behind a
vehicle. The mother said: ‘I was absolutely shocked that someone would even dream we would do that.’ Social services launched a formal investigation on safeguarding grounds but concluded the allegation was false. However,
afterwards they contacted the family on January 6 to prevent the girls from going the next day while they looked into trail
hunting further. The ban was lifted six days later after the girls, the parents and their case worker sent a letter to explain
what trail hunting was. One of the girls has responded to the allegation by organising a pro-hunting demonstration, arguing
that something that helps people ‘have fun and meet new people’ should not be banned. Sabs use drones to observe Isle of Wight FH's 'trail hunting' 28-1-17 Facebook - Isle of Wight Hunt Sabs Wednesday 25th Jan. Hunt met at Newchurch Aerial surveillance by drones were able to locate the hunt and kept a close watch on the Hunt’s close working
relationship with the terrier-men, who wait for a call from the Huntsman to enter a terrier when foxes are hunted to ground.
In more than 50% of dig outs by terrier-men, we find they are in a badger setts, as both foxes and badgers live in setts and
also use them as a bolt hole when hunted. In West Sussex, the hunts have stopped employing professional terrier-men following
a prosecution, but on the IOW it is still rife.
recent violent assaults on monitors by hunt support on private land, one landowner east of Newchurch even claimed it was unlawful
to “loiter” on a footpath in an attempt to stop monitoring. Desperate stuff! The new Huntsman [right] also
made a ludicrous claim that his hounds are following an “aniseed based trail.” He has to say this, as in order
to gain access to Forestry Commission land. An artificial scent, not fox based, is expected. The fact the Hunt has terrier-men
that are following closely is the clearest indicator hounds are only trained on fox scent. We are slowly growing as a group, but are always happy for new people to join or support us. Sabs pull Tedworth FH in cry hounds
off fox scent in foul weather 28-1-17 Facebook - Bristol Sabs VIDEO This morning we headed to Wiltshire along with Bath and Southampton
Sabs to kennel watch the Tedworth Hunt, who we haven't sabbed since the start of the season. The hound van and horse boxes
lead us to their meet at Wilcot Manor, just north of Pewsey. We waited around, hearing of locals disapproval of the hunt, before following them out. The hunt headed north, trying to put as much distance as they could between
us and them but we kept up meaning they didn't have chance to properly draw any of the woods or coverts near to the meet. It was then on to one of their favourite haunts, the Pewsey Downs, where
they stayed for the rest of the day. With poor road access and steep hills, this meant a long and hard day on foot for sabs.
We kept on them despite their attempts to lose us, with the hunt bolting any time we got close. We came across hounds in cry,
incidentally next to a sign which read "Conservation Area: Keep dogs on leads." A fast and ferocious downpour of hail added to the atmosphere as sabs intervened with the use
of a Gizmo, horn and voice calls. Persistence paid off; at first we got the hounds heads up and a few heading in our direction
(see video), before getting most of pack with us [right] and
riders coming over to try and retrieve them. This stalled the Hunt for a few minutes and got hounds off whatever they were
chasing, result! From then on we were using vehicles
and foot sabs to keep eyes on the hunt, which wasn't easy considering the terrain, their eagerness to get away from us
and their invisible support (they literally had no followers apart the rapidly diminishing field). We lost them for a while
and caught up with them later on in Gopher Wood, before following them back to box up. A difficult day for us but by no means a bad one, without
our presence the Hunt would have had a free pass to do whatever they wished. Tedworth Hunt, see you again soon. Sabs stop S.Durham FH dig out of probably 'bagged'
fox Hunt badly scares
Shetland ponies, antis calm them 27-1-17 Facebook – NE Sabs South Durham Hunt –
21.01.2017 This week we teamed up with Hunt Monitors as we had received a tip off that the South
Durham Hunt were meeting with the Berwickshire Hunt in a small village called Thorpe Thewles, just north of Stockton and that
they had a bagged fox. We arrived in the village bright and early to flush out surrounding woods and on arrival noticed someone
had put signs on all the lamp posts in the village warning that an illegal hunt was going to be taking place, so we
called the police and made them aware of the situation. The Hunt gathered outside The Vane Arms in the village and set off up the main road with us
close behind them. We followed down a bridle path towards an area aptly named ‘Hell Hole’ where the hounds were
the first wooded area the hounds went into they picked up the scent of a fox and went into full cry. The Hunt must have been
keen to release their bagged fox as soon as they could, as this wood had already been flushed and with our presence, keeping
hold of it would've been too risky. A full chase ensued with Sabs in pursuit and using all methods possible to draw the
hounds away from the fox, the chase eventually went into another wooded area were sabs witnessed the fox go to ground and
the hounds in a frenzy at the earth. The was followed by a lengthy stand off between sabs and the Hunt with their terrier
men, but making it very clear we were not going anywhere, they gave up and moved on. We split up leaving some sabs on foot
to guard the earth while others continued after the Hunt where we managed to keep eyes on them all day. The hounds went into full cry again later on in the day and
sabs did all they could to pull the hounds back as caused chaos in a field with Shetland ponies (which sabs stopped to calm
as they were clearly terrified) and then onto a main road, with the Hunt very clearly encouraging them onto the scent and
not giving a flying f**k what stress they caused to other animals. We are still not entirely sure how they can attempt to
say they ‘lay trails’ when they clearly were not supposed to be on that land who in their right mind would lay
a trail across a main road?!? We
stuck around while they all packed up and made sure the terrier men were all home safe and sound before we called it a day,
happy in the knowledge the bagged fox’s horrific ordeal is over. Pics below - 1/ Hounds running on road 2/ Where fox went to ground Cury & Western FHs filmed causing traffic chaos and cantering on road 26-1-17 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team VIDEOS Two short videos demonstrating the dangerous road use of Hunts, regularly
seen by Sabs. These were both filmed watching the Cury and Western hunts joint meet in St Buryan, on sat 21st Jan. One shows
riders taking over the whole road and cantering/ galloping on concrete. Apart from dangerous, it is known to be very damaging
for horses legs as it causes concussion laminitis injuries. The other shows the hounds totally out of control, and horses,
obstructing the highway for regular road users. No other member of the public would be allowed to behave in this way. Pics below - 1/ Riders and hounds causing
traffic chaos 2/ Riders cantering on road
Fox remains found at badger sett after North Cotswold FH hunted area Evidence suggested sett had been dug out then blocked 26-1-17 Facebook - 3 Counties Sabs The North Cotswold Hunt were
spotted yesterday, 25th January 2017 near Aston Somerville, just South of Evesham and in the North Cotswolds cull zone. Today it was intended to sett check post hunt but
we didn't just find a blocked sett. A large sett was found within half a mile of where the hunt were seen and as expected
it was blocked (the badgers had not managed to get out overnight). On closer examination it became clear that the sett had
been dug out and filled back in again. There was blood strewn a fallen tree, leaves and brambles along with intestines, skin,
liver, red fur and other bits of tissue [right]. There
were hound prints everywhere and signs of hounds marking as well as trying to claw their way into the sett. We have no idea
whether this fox had been fed to the waiting hounds alive or dead. What we do know is that both fox and badgers within this
sett must have been terrified as they sent terriers in and dug down. Multiple hoof prints from the mounted field and the quads
were within yards of this atrocity. The police were informed and some entrances were unblocked so that the badgers can now
get out. They could have easily followed their own pre ban guidelines and unblocked those entrances but why bother? They had
their fun and that was that. Come September they can kill them in a government sponsored cull. If you see a hunt in your area
please check where they have been, you could save a life. Pics below - 1/ More
fox remains 2/ One of sett holes, blocked with heavy clay
Cheshire and
Wynnstay FHs hunt together and cause utter chaosPolice stop them chasing fox into Churton village for second time Cheshire FH Huntsman
jumps horse down bank onto busy road Hunts 'terrorised' villages and caused complete chaos on roads 25-1-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Bit of a big one this one so please bear with us. We were monitoring the Cheshire
Hounds in Bruera yesterday. They picked up a scent and followed it straight into Wynnstay territory. The Wynnstay were out and both Hunts clashed. At first there was some confusion and
then both Hunts held up traffic for over half and hour while they all got together to have their photo's taken. Instead
of doing the right thing and going their separate ways both Hunts then proceeded to hunt on together with 60 hounds [right] and
far too many support vehicles and quads using the roads. Although these two packs had never met before the hounds immediately
integrated and there was no bickering, unlike the humans in charge of them! Both Hunts proceeded to put up a fox and chase it, totally
terrorizing local villages. It was like something from a Mad Max film. Farmers and locals were calling the police who did
come out. We are not sure what was said though because the Hunts carried on with their anti social and unacceptable pursuit.
There was major road chaos and at one point we filmed the Cheshire Hounds Huntsman suddenly jump his horse through a hedge
and off a 4/5 ft bank straight down onto a busy road. How the horse didn't break a leg we don't know and how no one
was killed we don't know either! At one point a monitor walked down a footpath to see if they could pin point the
Hunts because everything had gone quiet. The other monitor had to stay with the car because the Wynnstay slash tyres. Our monitor caught
both Hunts where the fox had gone to ground. The fox bolted soon after and mayhem let lose. Our monitor was ridden at, blocked
by terriermen on foot, quads and horses at various points as they tried to get back to our car and the Hunts tried to get
to the fox and hounds. Our monitor was ridden so close to (intentionally) by one quad that they were injured on the hand. They were stopped from trying to reach safety by our lovely friend 'Bob the Biker' He blocked a footpath
gate but our monitor climbed over a fence which actually made him look like a right twerp in front of the other terriermen. This madness
carried on into another village and finally ended with the police (responding to another call from us) stopping the hunt and
turning them back from chasing the fox into Churton village for the second time. This was at nearly 5 pm. So the fox got away
and we survived. Pics below - 1/ The
two Hunts together 2/ Road chaos 3/ Horse ridden at monitor 4/ Monitor's injured hand   2nd Ledbury
sab attack suspect identified as terrierman Lance King 25-1-17
Facebook - Three Counties Sabs We've just had a tip off that one of the Ledbury Hunt terriermen is Lance King,
possibly from the Staunton/Ledbury/Newent area. Previously, he was a South Herefordshire Hunt terrierman. He was present when
terrierman Ross Loader attacked Bristol Hunt Saboteurs, he is seen in a photo stood over a sab with his fist clenched. We
will be forwarding his name to the police. With his name it will be easier to report him to the crime and wildlife police.
POWAperson adds - The attack on the sab on 28-12-16,
during which he was punched and kicked while on the ground, was extensively reported in national media. See the Sun's
coverage here
Middleton FH JM [and Tory Councillor]
propositions female protester 'I'd quite like to shag you
actually.' - 'Can I take
you to bed, please?' Breckland
Council suspends the Joint Master as a Councillor 24-1-17 Facebook – Stop the Cull VIDEO A Middleton Hunt Master has made vile comments to a member of the public. He
is a tory Councillor, please complain to his employers: https://www.breckland.gov.uk . POWAperson
adds - This film clip shows a female talking to a mounted redcoat, who is a new Joint Master of the Middleton FH, having left
the West Norfolk FH. He's a Tory councillor. She is asking him why he's hunting foxes, as it's illegal. He stonewalls
for a short time then suddenly says 'I'd quite like to shag you actually.' Then, 'Can I take you to bed please?'
Still turning on the charm, he adds 'You're very pretty.' and asks for her number. Breckland Council is being
showered with complaints about him. His Facebook profile says he's in a relationship with a lady who,
perhaps unsurprisingly, has a double-barrelled surname. Middleton FH has
been in trouble several times. In 2012 they were filmed illegally hunting and killing a fox by LACS investigators. The
Huntsman, the Whip and two terrierman were all convicted. Three were fined, one given a conditional discharge. In 2015, a terrierman was convicted of blocking a badger sett and fined. The
Kennel Huntsman was acquitted of a similar charge. Later in 2015, LACS investigators found
16 fox cubs being held in a barn near the Hunt kennels. Police investigated but no charges ensued.  25-1-17 Breckland Council Breckland Councillor
suspension Breckland Council has this morning been made aware of a video of a hunt in Yorkshire in which
one of its Councillors, Charles Carter, made inappropriate and offensive comments to a protester. William Nunn, Leader of
Breckland Council, said: "Having been made aware of the video this morning, I was appalled by the conduct of one of my
Conservative Councillors who has clearly brought the party and the Council into disrepute as a result of his behaviour. "I
immediately took action and the individual concerned has been suspended from the Conservative Group at Breckland Council pending
the outcome of a full investigation by the Mid Norfolk Conservative Association." Suspension is a neutral act, and as
such, it would be inappropriate at this stage to make any further comment ahead of the investigation outcome. 25-1-17 The
Sun 'I'd like
to sh*g you' First pictures of mum-of-four told by Tory councillor he wanted to ‘bed’ her when she protested
hunt THIS is the shocking moment a Tory councillor responds
to a protester accusing him of illegally hunting a fox by calmly telling her: “I’d quite like to shag you.”
Charles Carter [below left], 33,
is seen in the footage telling the woman, Linda Hoggard [right], 41, she is “very pretty” after she confronts him.The Breckland Council
member made the remarks on January 23 after being challenged by activists during a Middleton Hunt meeting in North Yorkshire.
Cops are now probing the footage, with animal rights activists demanding Mr Carter resigns. Mrs Hoggard first asks him: “Excuse
me, did you know hunting was banned? Hunting is banned and I have seen a video chasing a fox along there. Hunting is banned
so why are you still hunting? You still get away with it don’t you, you lot?” Carter, who has represented Saham Toney,
Norfolk, since 2011, then takes his own mobile phone out. The woman asks: “What, you want to take a picture of me?”
He asks: “What’s your name?” and she replies: “I couldn’t give a s***. It doesn’t matter
what my name is. I’m not bothered.” In a calm manner, Mr Carter says: “I’d quite like to shag you
actually.” The mum-of-four responds: “Yeah I’ll tell you something … pardon? I’ll tell my husband
that then shall I?” However the Huntsman doesn’t stop. He asks her: “Can I take you to bed please?”
A friend then tries to mediate, before the woman shouts: “Shut up Charlotte, it’s fine, it’s fine,”
before Mr Carter adds: “You’re very pretty.” She responds: “Oh yeah really, whatever. So are foxes
before this lot rip them apart.” Mr Carter then says: “Can I have your number please?” He then rides off,
refusing to address the allegations. Fox hunting has been banned in England and Wales since 2005. Since the footage emerged, Mr
Carter has been suspended from the council. Mrs Hoggard said: “At the end of the day, no one should speak to you like that. I’m just a housewife and I have
got children. For someone to say that is absolutely disgusting. He wanted a reaction and he wanted me to get arsey, but I’m
a better person than that. He wanted me to grab hold of him and pull him off the horse so I would get done.” She added:
“The last couple of nights it has been going through my head. I didn’t even know he was a councillor at first.
He should know better. I’m glad he has been suspended. At the end of the day he has made his own bed, so let him lie
in it.”
According to Carter’s social media, he has been a Hunt master and Huntsman with the West Norfolk Foxhounds.
Mr Carter is also a ward member for Saham Toney, Norfolk, where his role includes “looking after the affairs of the
residents at a local government level”. North Yorkshire Police said they are investigating the altercation, which was
posted on Facebook.A spokesman said: “North Yorkshire Police were called at 10.38pm on Monday 23 January following reports
that an altercation had taken place at 2.50pm earlier that day between a man and a woman in Duggleby, Malton. Investigations
are ongoing.” UPDATE 26-1-17 - We understand
Charles Carter has resigned from Breckland Council. The story
was also covered by the Mirror, the Mail, the York Press and BBC News Online.
S.Herefordshire FH aim to ignore MFHA suspension and go hunting 24-1-17 Facebook
– Hunt Investigation Team Urgent call to action
News has reached us that the notorious South Herefordshire Hunt are intending to hunt this Saturday, 28th January. The host is Patrick Darling, ex-master of SHFH, and the venue is Caradoc
Court, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 6LS. This is a direct challenge to the hunting suspension imposed upon them by the
Masters of Foxhounds Association. Please mobilise, complain to West Mercia Police. 0300 3333000 and the MFHA. info@huntingoffice.org.uk. We are contacting the
media and Hunt Saboteur groups. Please share to everyone you know. POWAperson
comments - Early last summer the Hunt Investigation team revealed that S.Herefordshire FH staff had been taking
young fox cubs and throwing them into buildings in which the hounds were housed [pics
below]. Police were informed and they eventually made five arrests. However,
they have still not charged anybody.  24-1-17 HSA Press Release Hunt Saboteurs Set to Mobilise Against Cub
Killing South Herefordshire Hunt The fox cub killing South Herefordshire Hunt have announced they will
be hunting this Saturday at the home of ex-master Patrick Darling, Caradoc Court, Ross On Wye. The hunt are currently suspended
by the Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA) whilst the investigation continues into employees of the hunt who were filmed
throwing fox cubs to the hounds before disposing of the bodies. The Hunt were filmed and exposed by the Hunt Investigation
Team and haven't hunted since due to their suspension. They have been vilified by both pro and anti-hunt organisations
and may well shut down as a result of the expose. Lee
Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “We despise all Hunts and hunters but the South Herefordshire
are the lowest of the low. If they attempt to hunt they should be in no doubt that hunt saboteurs will be present in significant
numbers to ensure they are unable to do so. Even the MFHA, their own organisation, is so disgusted by the South Herefordshire's
activities that they have suspended them from hunting whilst the police investigation continues. It shows the arrogance of
these people that they are willing to ignore their own ruling body.”
stop dig out by N.Shropshire FH, who then hunt on MoD land24-1-17 Facebook – N.Wales Sabs Hit report 24/1/17
One of our sabs headed out today to meet up with our pals from Cheshire Sabs and N.S.A.B.S to pay a visit to the North Shropshire
hunt who were meeting at Shrawardine Castle in Shrawardine near Nesscliffe. On arrival it came apparent we'd come across
a joint meet, pardon our ignorance we can't credit their ghastly guessed but this was a new area and hunt to us and they
didn't introduce themselves to us, a bit rude we know, but the hunt were rather polite on a whole so we didn't want
to embarrass them on their poor etiquette. Straight
from the off hounds went into cry and had chased a fox to ground in a small wooded area near to the entrance of Shrawardine
Castle. Sabs were on scene to move on the Hunt to prevent a dig out, as the hounds marked to ground. One of the huntsmen was
quite comical as he was nearly thrown from his horse claiming sabs had caused his near accident though video will prove otherwise. The Hunt headed through Shrawardine
Castle ground and towards Folly Farm. Sabs turned up as the hounds once again went into cry. This time sabs needed in intervene
with the use of the gizmo to great effect, taking the hounds off the scent of the fox, taking control of most the pack and
a few others scattered. With sabs all over the Hunt, they went go into hiding and headed into the M.O.D base. Somebody claiming
to be a landowner from Shrawardine Castle told sabs she'd call the captain from the military base should sabs enter and
that the M. O. D had given the illegal hunt permission to use the land. Sure enough sabs were followed around the the military
land by not one but two helicopters, at least one of them was a police helicopter and circled sabs before landing in the next
field. We didn't stick around to see what they wanted, though we suspect they were just protecting their hunty friends.
A further two police cars were now parked up at the hunt meet, though didn't bother talking to sabs. The day kind of fizzled
out a bit with hounds and the Huntsman rather quiet and packed up around 4pm as sabs stayed nearby to see the hounds leave. Fife FH kill fox as two sabs arrested for mysterious reasons 24-1-17 Facebook - Fife and C.Scotland Sabs Hit Report 21.01.2017 Fife
Foxhounds, Lahill House Sabs had an OK start to the day finding the meet quite quickly, so pre
beating and spraying is essential. However 2 sabs were arrested rather suspiciously as Police Scotland chose to take
no action against any other sabs perhaps lack of Intel/evidence or maybe they just chose their favourite, who knows. Fife Foxhounds killed a fox in the St Ford area. Sabs rushed to the scene, but saw Terrierman Adam Galpin
stuffing it into a white plastic bag as they arrived before hiding it in his quad. Adam then did something none of us really expected - he accused a sab of damaging another sabs car who knows
what logic was behind this. Not a great day but we will never give up! Group suggest NT's actions look like collusion with Melbreak FH 24-1-17 Facebook - Lancaster Sabs Cumbria Hunt Watch Press Release
- 23 January 2017 National Trust 24 hour ban helps Melbreak Hunt escape drone surveillance We are just
going to provide below a chronological order of events for the past ten days and let you decide if the National Trust are
supporting illegal hunting or not. Tuesday, 10 January 2017 - A hunt monitor was approached by hunt supporters
and threatened with violence, which was shortly followed by a serious and violent assault on another hunt monitor at a Melbreak
Foxhounds meet. A report of both incidents was reported to Cumbria Police – two men known to be hunt followers were
arrested; the North West Ambulance Service also attended. At 3:30 pm the National Trust were informed of the threats and violent assault as they issue a licence to the Melbreak
Foxhounds to use NT land. Thursday, 12 January 2017 - At great expense, Cumbria Constabulary had planned to use drones
to monitor the activities of the Melbreak Foxhounds on NT land that day. The National Trust withdrew the Melbreak Hunt's
licence to use NT land for 24 hours so no hunt took place that day. Friday, 13 January 2017 - The National Trust reinstated the
Melbreak Foxhounds licence to use NT land. Thursday, 19 January 2017 - Melbreak Foxhounds were reported hunting on NT land
outside their licensed area – the Trust were informed and appeared to have taken NO action. Cumbria Hunt Watch believes the above
events are highly suspicious and in our opinion it appears like a deliberate attempt by the National Trust to facilitate the
Melbreak Hunt's activities without the attention of Cumbria Constabulary. We also believe current memberships of the National Trust
are supporting this behaviour and would ask you to reconsider your memberships at this time. National Trust can be contacted on:- Email - National
Trust: borrowdale@nationaltrust.org.uk Telephone - National Trust: 017687 74649, National Call Centre 0344 800 1895
Atherstone FH hounds hunt next to housing estate and kid's playground Hunt says
'trail hunting, but they trespass keep losing track of hounds 23-1-17 Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs Atherstone Hunt
21-01-17 Walkers Farm, Odstone Atherstone hounds hunting foxes in a residential area a week after they were filmed killing a
fox. The Atherstone Hunt were not even trying to hide what they were doing on Saturday. Blatantly hunting all day, including
whilst they were trespassing in Battram Woods, somewhere they have been told not to go. Joint Master Sarah Evans claimed they
were following trails, but there were long periods when the hounds were by themselves so the hunt would have no idea what
the hounds were actually doing. One group of sabs found huntsman Stuart
Barton on top of a hill with less than half his pack trying to get the pack back together [above]. Other sabs at the bottom of the hill found the hounds near a housing estate [left] and a kids playground, clearly chasing something. A fox ran
past sabs and away from the hounds, so sabs were able to turn the hounds back the other way. This incident clearly shows that the Atherstone Hunt are completely out of control,
it won't be long before they kill again. As long as these hounds are let loose in the countryside there is a danger they
will kill something, either wildlife or in this case someone's pet as they were that close to peoples back gardens. Relevant
authorities need to take action now. We have warned you enough times that there will be a serious incident. As well as trespassing
in Battram Woods we had another landowner come over and moan to us that the hunt were trespassing on their land. Pics below - 1/ The Atherstone FH at a busy road junction
2/ Fine hunting country! 
Monitors release film of Cheshire FH hunting fox, blocked badger sett Police won't act because of 'conflicting commands' from Huntsman
23-1-17 YouTube Cheshire Foxhounds
Hunt, Huxley, Tiverton and Hoofield, 17th December 2016 What
is the call Huntsman Shayne Francis makes? And why do the hounds hunt the fox more determinedly after this call?
POWAperson adds - The video first shows a blocked badger sett [on Council-owned land]. Monitors
say it was blocked again on Boxing Day, when the Hunt were next in the area. Then the video shows hounds climbing over a barbied
fence, clearly on the trail of a fox. We then clearly see the fox fleeing across a grassed field, then hounds pursuing it.
The Huntsman is not far behind them. He makes a couple of calls to hounds, but it's unclear what. Hounds redouble their
chase of the fox. Monitors say the fox escaped. They took their footage to police who felt they couldn't refer it to the
CPS because of what they called 'conflicting commands' from the Huntsman to hounds. Pics below - 1/ Blocked badger sett on council owned land 2/
Fox fleeing hounds 3/ Hounds pursuing fox in full cry 4/ Huntsman not far behind hounds  
Cheshire Forest FH trespass
twice as Huntsman loses control Business owner furious, resident reports Hunt to police 23-1-17 Facebook - Fylde Sabs HIT REPORT 21/01/2017
Fylde Hunt Saboteurs along with our colleagues from Cheshire, Lancaster and N.Wales sabbed the Cheshire Forest Hunt who met
at Boden Hall, Rode Heath. Also present were brave, and frankly, very lovely members of Cheshire Monitors, who worked in partnership
with the sabs all day.Although we arrived slightly late, we were
onto the Hunt almost immediately, thanks to information from local residents and Monitors. Early contact seemed to involve
Huntmaster Andrew German abandoning the rest of the field to take the hounds off in various directions for his own sport and
to try and throw the pursuing sabs and monitors. We
are sure the fee paying members of the field must have been delighted to be left hanging around until beckoned. Needless to
say, whichever direction he took, sabs were either close behind, or already at the destination waiting. There were various encounters throughout the day with outraged
local residents, sick of the unwanted and uninvited Hunt riding roughshod through their beautiful countryside and, in many
cases, invading their gardens and business premises. An
early altercation involved a furious local business owner confronting two Huntsmen as they and a group of hounds wandered
all through his premises. The redcoat appeared inebriated and was welcomed back onto the public road by sabs with cameras
to catch the episode on film. His attempts to claim the business owner was his friend were not borne out by the evidence as
the owner screamed at him to get off his property. A short while later, the full, out of control hound pack flooded into a local resident's garden and right up
to his back door. Huntmaster Andrew German made no attempt to control the pack and the local resident told sabs on the scene
he had already called the police to report the Hunt. Hounds
were spreading out all over the place until eventually being called back. Police were in attendance throughout the day but took very little interest in the terriermen carrying child passengers (two
offences) as they drove past their patrol cars, and even stopped to chat to officers.
German repeatedly put his hounds into woodlands to try and flush out a fox - clearly
not even pretending to follow any pre laid trail - the one legal reason he has to be there. The only outcome was for the hounds
to become spread out and uncontrollable. Frantic horn
blasts from the tiring and tiresome German were heard as he tried to recall the pack. At each turn sabs from all groups were
on the scene to cover scents, film proceedings and force the Huntsmen off in a different direction. The Huntmaster seemed to spend as much time off his horse trying to round up the pack as out riding [left]. Again, the rest of the Hunt, field and followers, had been abandoned somewhere
to fend for themselves. In one woodland
incident, towards the end of the day, sabs at opposite ends of the wood deployed the gizmo to draw the hounds out into fields
then headed into the wood themselves to cover scents, effectively rendering the woodland useless to the Hunt. Gathering the pack back together in a field, the Huntmaster seemed both tired and frustrated as the hounds had a
good roll around - reminding attending sabs of just how beautiful and playful the hounds can be when not under the whip of
a cruel and sadistic Huntmaster driving them on to some innocent quarry. The final phase of the day took place at Boden Hall as sabs entered to check the Hunt
was packing up. Police appeared almost immediately and
one overly aggressive WPC seemed intent on acting as personal security for Boden. She appeared to be making up laws whilst
trying to convince us she was acting for the landowner to impede our lawful access. Even though the land owner was instigating
and engaging sabs in conversation as he seemed genuinely interested in our point of view. The clearly overwhelmed and increasingly frustrated WPC called in back up and, with four cars in attendance, felt
emboldened enough to start pushing sabs in the back. Having confirmed the Hunt had packed up and seeing the hounds being led
away, sabs left to gather together for a group photograph. No kills or foxes caught signals a successful day for the over 80% of the population of this
country who want to see an end to the hunting of wildlife with packs of hounds. POWAperson comments - The above report is one of four from the different sab groups out on the day. The
reports of two others are in the item dated 21-1-17 below. This one illustrates how different groups see different aspects
of the meet, so its well worth reading all of them. Sabs see Cury & Western FHs blatantly fox hunting all day Also cause
chaos on roads [see report 26-1-17] 22-1-17 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team 21st Jan 2017- Western and Cury hunts, joint meet, St Buryan Community
House Western and Cury Hunts had a joint breakfast meet at St Buryan, with all the recent events
it was too good an opportunity to miss doing properly! If we are honest, after last week we expected them to be on their best
behaviour - oh how wrong we were. Constantly throughout the day. they performed one of the most blatant displays of illegal hunting yet witnessed by our group, but nevertheless it was
a successful day for us. We joined up with our wonderful friends from Devon Sabs and Somerset Against Blood Sports, who were
fantastic. They eventually left the meet
just before 12 noon and ventured north towards Pridden, heading off road and further north, at speed, towards Boscawen Un.
We thought they might loop back around, which they did. Once they were back in the area a fox was sighted fleeing down the
valley away from the hunt around Canopus. Sabs witnessed it take cover and stayed in the area, quietly watching as a loose
hound [below left] tried to pick up the scent. Eventually the hunt gathered the hounds and were seen leaving
the area. Sabs sprayed citronella around to ensure that once this fox moved on it would be safe. The Hunt again headed towards Boscawen Un, and again had looped back, when Sabs witnessed a second fox running for its life,
hounds hot on its tail. This was viewed from the road at Pridden, we even heard fast horn calls, possibly egging them on.
Rating the hounds helped this fox to just manage to get away into some scrub; we are talking inches, it was so very close.
The Western master, Charlie Watts eventually called the hounds back and headed north towards Boscawenoon Farm. During this
time a foot team also saw a third fox fleeing north, safely away from the hunt. Chaos ensued as hounds were seen running all
over the B3283, totally out of control. It was lucky none were killed as they were speaking and possibly onto something, running
both across and down the road. Finally they were heard speaking in the valley at Trevider Moor and sabs continued to keep
an eye both on foot and from the landy. As dusk fell we followed them on the long road trek back from Trewoofe direction to
the meet.
Today was an unbelievable display of blatant illegal hunting, circling back around and revisiting
valleys where they knew a fox had got away, no evidence of a trail. It was also further evidence of the lack of control they
have over the hounds as they were seen loose and lost all over the area, and all over the roads. Message to Cury and Western:
quite frankly we expected that you might maintain some kind of attempt at decent law abiding conduct in public. After all
the recent bad press this would have been sensible, but you couldn't help yourselves could you, you had to still try and
kill. Well, we here at Kernow Sabs are going to continue to stop your bloodlust with the help of all our friends and supporters. Pics below - 1/ On the road
2/ Hunting in a valley 3/ On the road again 4/ Hounds hunting on road  
thug cautioned for threatening sabs in SussexCrawley & Horsham FH follower is repeat offender 22-1-17 YouTube – Wildshield Wayne Spencer, hunt supporter, receives a police caution
for threatening behaviour, Jan 22nd 2017. Film documents his history of violence. Wayne Spencer, one of the UK's most notorious hunt supporters, has received a police caution [22-1-17] for threatening
sabs at a meet of Crawley and Horsham Hunt, Dec 31st 2016 at Wineham,
Sussex. Spencer has a long history of violence towards anyone anti-hunt. Pics below - 1/ Spencer threatening sabs on 18-2-05. Moments earlier he had threatened a female sab with having
her stick 'pushed up your crotch'. 2/ Spencer kicking a sab on the ground. 3/ Female
sab injured by Spencer. 4/ Male sab injured by Spencer.  
Cotswold FH thought to have killed fox -still warm corpse found by sabs Post-mortem shows fox was shot in throat at point blank range 21-1-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs VIDEO Fox just found with bite mark to throat, just after hounds and quad
had been past, by Welsh Borders sabs. Body still warm. Cotswold Vale Farmer's Hunt, Twigworth. Suspect that one hound
killed this fox.  23-1-17 Facebook - Welsh Border Sabs Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt, Moat Farm, Sandhurst, 21st Jan 2017
Once again, we met up with Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs and we paid a visit to the Cotty Vile, who met in the village of
Sandhurst. With most Hunts cancelling due to the hard frost, and with Simon's reputation for falling off, we didn't
expect them to leave the meet. Alas, a little later than normal, they skulked out of the back of the farm and headed off towards
the river. Hounds were soon in cry and riders
were seen on point in a field of sheep! Clearly the Hunt don't want lightning to strike twice, this time the farmer might
not be quite so understanding. With Simon clearly heard hunting them on in an area almost inaccessible for any trail laying,
sabs used voice calls and whipped back hounds, lifting their heads and giving the fox time to make his escape. After moving to another cover, hounds went into cry again. A 3 Counties sab filmed a brace escaping out the back
of the wood whilst we called hounds out of the front. Another fox ran past another 3 C's sab across a road whilst the
Hunt moved off and up onto the top of the hill. We had at this point reached that oh so familiar point in the day where Simon lost some
of his hounds. This is pretty much a given where old Scatterpack is concerned. As some sabs watched his pathetic attempts
to gather up his pack, other sabs heard hounds in cry at Twigworth. and when they entered the field to investigate, could
hear hounds speaking in one field and found the still warm and bleeding body of a young vixen in the next. On closer inspection, clear
bite marks to the throat could be seen [right, still bleeding]. We can not say what happened to this poor fox, we did not witness her death. What
we can say is this: when her body was found, Simon had lost some of his hounds ; several hounds were heard speaking in the
next field to her body; it only takes one hounds to kill a small fox like her. And the Hunt terriermen asked for her body
back after we removed her. At this point we were joined by Bristol Hunt Saboteurs South Wales Hunt Saboteurs and
Bath Hunt Sabs as the Hunt moved back up the hill. With hounds in cry again, all five groups worked together to call hounds
off and when asked if he was going to claim the kill, Simon looked very "Sheepish" indeed! But inch high private
eye Nick Hodges was happy to take credit for her death. On their last draw, one fox was seen running to safety as sabs rated
hounds once again. As the light failed, the Hunt headed back to the meet. We will update this
report when the details of the post mortem are known. Pics below
- 1/ Terriermen ask for 'their' fox back 2/ Huntsman parks hounds between two blind bends  UPDATE - 26-1-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs Many pro-hunt people seemed to claim much expertise on this incident when posted by ourselves and
Welsh Border Hunt Sabs on Saturday during a Cotswold Vale Farmers' Hunt meet. [See report above] ... we heard from our
friend from Welsh Border Sabs that she had found a warm, dead body of a fox near to where hounds had been spotted and where
the terrierman's quadbike had driven through near the hills. The same area where we caught terriermen Nick Hodges and
Ben Hughes last month after we believed hounds had chased a fox into a hay barn where he sought shelter. Hodges had been seen
'slyly' pointing out the location to Mike Smith whilst Hughes was spotted searching for the fox at the barn. With the fox being relatively
clean and still warm with what appeared to be a bite puncture wound in her throat, those who found her thought she may have
been caught and killed by a single hound (there are numerous stories of single hounds over the years going off and doing their
own thing whilst the rest hunt as a pack). Unsure as to what had happened, we posted what we believed could have occurred
and took her body for a post mortem. Comments in their hundreds came in on the photos, including many pro-hunters claiming that it was a clean
rifle shot or a shotgun wound. With the puncture wound going into her throat, not her chest, from the front, the fox would
have had to have been looking up at the shooter straight on and an exit wound would have been expected from a rifle shot.
As for shotguns, there is usually more than one single entrance wound as shotguns shoot pellets. With the post mortem results coming in this morning,
it has been confirmed that it was indeed a shotgun wound. The trajectory was confirmed and the fox was shot straight on, through
her throat and the pellets destroyed her neck, throat and caused severe damage to her chest area. There were post mortem bites
to her face. It was confirmed that the shot must have been taken from almost point blank range. So... an otherwise healthy fox, no injures to
suggest that she had been hit by a car, for example, and was being put out of her misery, found shot at point blank range
at an angle that would not make sense from a normal shooting position and with post mortem bites to her face. Without accusing anyone
of anything in order to avoid the inevitable complaints that we're trying to make the Hunt look bad, it would appear that
she was either restrained or was backed up somewhere seeking shelter (i.e. in a hay barn between bales) and was shot at point
blank range before being dragged out by a small dog and her body dumped nearby. We will continue to talk to locals regarding what was seen
on the day and may have further updates. Cheshire FH ride & run recklessly on an A road 21-1-17 Facebook
- Cheshire Monitors We accompanied 2 hunts today. Both the Cheshire Hounds and the Cheshire
Forest got a visit. The Forest report will come later. The Cheshire Hounds... spent a lot of the day disrupting traffic on the roads again like last week. Either that or
hiding in the grounds of Cholmondeley Castle where they know we can't get to them. The hounds were heard in cry a couple
of times but we didn't witness a real full on chase. In these pictures [below] you will notice two of the hunt road rules. 1. Ride your horse at speed round a blind bend with 2 stray
hounds running at 20 mph into oncoming traffic. 2.
Ride your horse surrounded by 20/30 hounds down an A road with hounds running into oncoming traffic...  Park
Beagles hunt 2 hares, supporter assaults 2 sabs 21-1-17 Facebook - Dorset Sabs Hit Report - Saturday 21st
January 2017 Park Beagles meeting at Caswell Farm, Ryme Intrinseca The ground was subjected
to a heavy frost over night and remained very hard under foot this morning and we suspected today's hunting activities
may not go ahead. With three vehicles out and joined by our friends from S.West Sabs we had soon patrolled the local areas
to check, checked the hunt kennels for hound vans and paid a visit to a meet and all was looking safe today for our wildlife.
Just after midday we received a tip off that there was a beagle hunt happening in Ryme Intrinseca and the decision was made
to head over there immediately. Upon arrival the beagles were observed chasing a hare across a field beside Common Lane and we made our presence
known and shouted to pull the beagles back. No heed was paid to our warning and we were left with no option but to deploy the gizmo to save the hare. This resulted in utter mayhem [pic
above right, panic as gizmo used] and the Huntsman had a very lonely and somewhat frantic dash up the road shouting
to foot support to help him retrieve his pack ! Things quickly became very heated, with the general verbal abuse thrown our way and we have become used to this.
What happened next though was truly horrifying to witness. A female sab fell from the back of the Land Rover as it moved away
and was dragged a few yards along the road. This was all witnessed by a foot supporter [left] who
then felt it was appropriate to take a swing with his leg and kick her whilst she was still on the road !! Regardless of how
either side feel about hunting, there really is no excuse to behave like this towards another human being and I guess it just
goes to show how evil these people are !! This foot
supporter then moved along side the landy and assaulted a male sab. Considering the 2 assaults and the fact we had by now observed the beagles on two hares,
we phoned 999. About an hour later the police arrived and we found them in the meet talking to the hunt and support. In the time between the assaults and the police arriving the Huntsman took a convoy of his beagles, supporters [right, mostly elderly] and both our Land Rovers for a jolly along
Common Lane towards Ryme Intrinseca and then back again to the meet. Whilst the female sab who was assaulted was making a statement foot sabs were keeping
eyes and ears on the beagles. At 2.30pm the huntsman
left with all the beagles crammed in the back of his 4 x 4 ! We will let you know what happens with regard to the statement
that has been made to the police today. We also have footage of a lady on the phone whilst driving with a young person beside
her, this same youngster was also crying and this has been passed to the police along with footage of the bloke who committed
the assaults ! We know we saved hares lives today -
if you have any info on hunts please let us know including these elusive beagle packs !! Sabs say police ignored Cheshire Forest FH infractions Accused of
acting as private security for Hunt 21-1-17 N.Wales Sabs blog Hit report 21/1/17 -
Cheshire police get pushy We teamed up with our friends
from Cheshire, Lancaster and Fylde Sabs to pay a visit to the Cheshire Forest Hunt to were meeting at Boden Hall, near the
village of Smallwood. We also came across Cheshire Monitors who had managed to keep tabs on 2 hunt that day (please check-out
their page for more details). We arrived just after the Hunt had
sets off and came across Huntsman Andrew German with hounds all over the busy A50, hounds were running into the road from
both side, causing vehicles to stop right in view of the on-looking police who did nothing, which kind of set the tone for
the day. The Huntsman then headed back into the Boden Hall estate and sabs entered via a public footpath to find the Hunt stood around
scratching their head, it almost looked as though they were hiding. After a few minutes to Hunt decided to leave the hall
grounds and travel up the road for what seemed like an eternity, showing why some refer to the Cheshire Forest Hunt as the
“Tarmac Hunt”. Sabs managed to keep up with the Hunt despite the attempts of the supporters to block the roads.
When the Hunt finally saw grass again sabs were on hand to turn back the Hunt when hounds went into cry. Resulting in Mr German
hitting the road again. Andrew German [right]
was seen on numerous occasions off his horse attempting to flush woodlands and hedge rows [below
left] but sabs were always on hand to turn the frustrated Huntsman back.
Many times the hounds went into cry only for sabs the intervene with the use of the gizmo. At one point somebody claiming to be a landowner made a complaint too the police about the use of citronella being
sprayed by the sabs. Turns out he wasn’t even the landowner and at this point a local landowner did turn up to inform
the police of the Hunt trespassing and also had video evidence of the Hunt admitting to chasing foxes. Obviously the police
were not interested in what the Hunt were up to and instead took sides with the Hunt. Even when the terrier man was pulled
for riding up and down the A50 with a child on his one-seater quad, the police accepted he was insured to carry more that one person on a one-seater vehicle. The police today showed a complete ignorance
to the law, which only got worse as the day went on. As sabs went to check
if the Hunt were packing up the hound van in Boden Hall, they were soon stopped by police who had taken upon themselves to
act as the Hunt's private security [below right]. The
police started making up their own laws and even resulted to pushing sabs around. Or maybe they had read how to deal with
pesky sabs in their copy of ‘PC Claire Fords hand guide to being a pro-hunt copper’. Either way the actions of
the police really highlighted their incompetence, and this only a few months from a proposed badger cull in Cheshire…..
this could be awkward for Cheshire police. 22-1-17 Facebook – Cheshire Sabs HIT REPORT –
21/01/17 Yesterday, we met up with our wonderful comrades from N.Wales, Lancaster & Fylde Sabs
to pay another visit to the Cheshire Forest, who met at Boden Hall in Smallwood, Cheshire. We arrived slightly later than anticipated which gave the hunt a bit of a head
start on us, but with info coming from some amazing locals who have had enough of the Hunt coming in to Smallwood, we were given their exact location and quickly caught up with
them. Huntsman Andrew German spent the majority
of the day off his horse [right], hunting
the hounds through hedge rows and nearby woodlands ,but sabs were able to keep up with him, spraying citronella to keep the
scent of wildlife down, gather evidence and to intervene should the hounds have actually got onto the scent of any wildlife.
Hounds were in and out of cry throughout the course of the day but sabs were never too far away and were mostly always there
to ensure there was no illegal activity taking place. There was even a couple of times where once again we could use the gizmo
to great effect, taking the hounds away from the Huntsman! At one point the hounds were running rampage through a local's back garden, who had to resort to ringing the
police due to the invasion of his grounds by hunting hounds and huntsmen. It has become very clear to us after speaking to
many locals that the Hunt are not very welcome in Smallwood at all. They may have the support of various establishments, including
the Blue Bell pub but the locals are not keen on them at all it would seem! At the end of the day, we headed back to the meet to make sure the hounds were being boxed
up which seemed to really infuriate Cheshire Police who had pretty much acted as private security for the Hunt all day, but
as always, we stayed in the area until we witnessed the hound van leave. With light fading fast we took our group photo and
headed to the pub to debrief and enjoy a swift half!
Vale FH hounds tear fox to bits in private garden20-1-17 N.West Hunt Sabs Hunt invades garden
and kills fox Yesterday at least 23 hounds charged over fences, fields and hedges and came into our and
next door’s garden. They cornered and killed the dear, petrified fox outside our neighbour’s patio window. We
were frightened, sickened and deeply saddened. My husband and neighbour later laid the fox to rest. I dread to think what
might have been if our dog, children or small pets were in the garden at the time. Not only the worst possible outcome for
the fox but also a total violation of our right to having a safe, private garden. Police informed and letters of complaint
written to the Avon Vale Hunt. Keep the Ban. 23-1-17 Wiltshire Gazette & Herald Avon Vale Hunt deny hounds entered gardens
The Avon Vale Hunt has denied reports that a pack of their hounds entered people’s gardens where a fox was killed. The
Wiltshire Times received a complaint from Wiltshire residents that hounds belonging to a hunt had entered their gardens last
Thursday (January 19) where the animal was killed. Joint hunt master Mike Smith from Avon Vale Hunt said: “They may have got close to someone’s garden but
I don’t know of any actually going on to people’s land. “We actually started in Brokerswood and went all
around that area near the back of Trowbridge and towards Westbury. Everywhere we go we make sure we have permission and we
must have gone through six different farmers’ land. I can’t categorically deny it didn’t happen but as far
as I’m aware they haven’t been in anybody’s garden. Obviously we would apologise if they got onto someone’s
land that they shouldn’t have.” Did
you see anything regarding this last Thursday? If so, email smackley or call 01249 773642. POWAperson
adds - Still trying to get more info about this horrible incident.
Easton Harriers kill hare then
keep losing hounds Police again uninterested in enforcing Hunting Act 19-1-17 Facebook – Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs Easton Harriers –
14/01/17 Meet - The Queen Public House at Brandeston, Suffolk Norfolk & Suffolk Sabs were joined
by Suffolk & Essex and Cambs Sabs. Before the Hunt had even set off from the meet, one hound made a break for it and ran out onto the road [right], into a neighbouring garden then went back out on the road before returning to the
meet. No-one from the Hunt seemed bothered about this loose hound, and little did we know that this scene was to be a recurring
theme throughout the day. Not long after the
hounds were put in on fields to the north of Brook Farm, the first hare chase took place. Luckily for the hare, sabs were
present and the Hunt moved off rather sharpish, no doubt trying to lose us sabs. At 12.15 pm sabs set out on the footpath leading to Church Farm. Within a few moments a hare
was seen making a dash for it [left]. Just
seconds later the hounds could be seen following the same line as the hare. Sabs once again had to take action and as soon as the Huntsman spotted sabs, he took the hounds off in the opposite direction. The hounds
however had other ideas as they had clearly picked up the line of the hare and off they went. The Huntsman could then be heard
hunting the hounds on. Shortly afterwards numerous hares and a fox were seen making desperate dashes for freedom. Sabs thought
they were able to ensure that all got away to safety, but it became clear when the hounds made their way back down the track
to Church Farm, that a kill had taken place. Sabs heard a hunt supporter saying “Get the remains off her” and
then could see hounds chewing on the remains of the kill [below right]. The Hunt were quick to say it was a rabbit, but from what we saw and in light of
all the recent hare kills by this hunt, we would say it more likely that it was a hare that had been killed. When the hounds
reached the roadside several hounds were seen with blood on their faces, chests and legs [below
left]. An appeal was made to the Suffolk Police Officer present for the
Hunt to be stopped, as there was no way that the hounds would follow a trail after they had been bloodied, but sadly our pleas
once again fell on deaf ears. The Hunt then moved
off to the village of Hoo, with sabs closely in pursuit. The day’s hunting from here on in turned
into a complete and utter farce. The pack became split and hounds were seen running in all different directions, with no sign
of any Hunt person in charge of them. As one group of sabs was making their way along the road a hound ran out in the road
in front of them. After parking up safely away from the road bend that the hound was on, sabs went back and picked up the
hound [below left]. Next
followed what can only be described as a 25 minute farce, with sabs trying their best to return the hound to the Hunt. It was clear that one Police Officer was not best pleased with our actions
and so sabs made a 999 call for further Police assistance. Sabs were instructed to wait where they were and were told the Hunt would be coming to collect the hound. Sabs waited
and waited and then received a radio message to say that the Huntsman was at another pub (The Chequers) and had ordered a
drink [below right] As you can imagine sabs were not best pleased
and so they decided to make their way to the Huntsman (if he was not going to come to them). When they arrived at The Chequers,
the Hunt was already making its way back to the meet. By now the hound was becoming rather lively in the car as she had seen
her pack on the road ahead of her and so the car had to be stopped and the hunt were approached on foot to come and collect their hound. Luckily one Police Officer had the decency
to assist in the task and he thanked us for returning the hound to the Hunt. Job done (or so we thought) so sabs met up outside the Easton kennels, just a couple of miles down the road. While
we were waiting for all sabs to arrive back, another farce took place. Sabs witnessed several cars arrive, over a period of
time, with hounds being brought back to the kennels by members of the public. One lady said “Oh I knew where to bring
him”. It was just unbelievable. We explained our dissatisfaction at the day’s events to the Suffolk Police Officers
present. These Officers have repeatedly told us that they are there for public order issues only. Surely the issue of the
Huntsman going back to the kennels with only half a pack, and the rest of the pack being allowed to roam the countryside on
their own, is a matter of public order and, more importantly, public safety. We received a report from a member of the public
that at 4.15 pm at least four hounds were still running loose in the Brandeston area. This situation cannot be allowed to
continue. Sabs were once again threatened with the issue of Section 35 Dispersal Orders if they stepped off a footpath. Isn’t
it about time the hunt was dispersed for their anti-social behaviour? At the end of the day, we were assured by the Police
that the Huntsman had been spoken to, and matters were being addressed. Only time will tell whether this is true and whether
the events that took place on Saturday, will be repeated. 
Pet cat's cheek ripped off by hound from Western FH 18-1-17
Cornwall Live Woman claims her
cat's cheek was 'ripped off' by escaped hunt hound in Cornwall A woman claims hunt
hounds savagely mauled her cat in her own garden after a dog reportedly escaped from its pack. Cat breeder Tash Tozer-Martin,
who lives in Newbridge, told Cornwall Live she returned home from a shopping trip to find her black cat, Merlin, "shaking
like a leaf" in her kitchen with a large wound to his head [right] after
he was allegedly set upon after the Madron Feast. She said: "He was all blown up, hissing and spitting. I opened my back
door to find a fox hound at the door. "I battled with the dog and managed to get it away. It took several minutes to get the dog off my property and it made
several attempts to bite me." Mrs
Tozer-Martin has come forward after hearing that the Cury Hunt admitted its dogs had been involved in a separate incident
on Gunwalloe beach where an elderly man and his dog were attacked. The group was not involved in this incident. Mrs Tozer-Martin
said she contacted the hunt responsible and went to the police to make a complaint. The Hunt Master later visited her home.
"The Hunt Master stood in my kitchen and assured me that the hounds had no interest in my cats, dogs or me. I now live
in fear of a return visit," she said. "I'm appalled. Had this behaviour been exhibited by one of my dogs it
would already have been euthanized." Merlin was left with a gaping wound after his ordeal. Ms Tozer-Martin said her injured
cat "lost his entire cheek" and needed surgery after infection set in from the wound, causing a large abscess. "He's
still bald on his face," she said. "The dog's tooth went straight through his cheek and infection set in. He's
making a slow recovery, but he's lucky not to have lost his eye," she added. "I'm lucky to be trained in
animal welfare behaviour and handling, meaning that I was able to deal with the dog without getting hurt myself or causing
it harm." Mrs Tozer-Merlin and her husband
live on a farm with seven cats and four dogs. She says Merlin was found as a sickly feral kitten by her Northern Inuit in
the hedge near her house. "He was raised by hand with the dogs so had no idea he would be attacked," she said. "He's
mending now, just not venturing far." Ms Tozer-Martin said the hunt has taken place on a number of occasions on and around
her rented land during hunting season and claims she has no warning when they'll come on to her property. She said: "I'm
fuming. I was told by two people we would be advised when the Hunt was out so we could make sure our pets were in, as clearly
they have no control over their dogs, but Saturday I've got my Burmese girls out enjoying the sun, and there's hunting
dogs all over the place, chasing cows, rabbits and anything else they fancy." POWAperson adds - This attack took place in late November 2016. Several years ago
the Western FH hounds ripped a cat to pieces in the same area. 19-1-17 The Canary Cat’s
face torn apart by hunting dog, and the constituency’s pro-hunting Tory MP couldn’t care less Article
reiterates the story above and mentions the Cury FH hounds attack on a pet dog and its owner on a beach, then adds - The Tory MP: Both attacks happened in the constituency
of Tory MP Derek Thomas. And Thomas is in favour of repealing the Hunting Act. He states on his website that he doesn’t
“believe the Hunting Act has done anything for animal welfare”. He continues: At present I do not know how, or
when, the Government intends to address the hunting question but I would like to see the matter resolved, as it should have
been originally, on the basis of principle and evidence and not prejudice. And it is clear from
his website that he believes that fox hunting is not cruel and is the best way of ‘controlling’ the fox population.
But this is despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary. The Westminster government’s inquiry into Hunting With Dogs
found that: The overall contribution of traditional fox hunting, within the overall total of control techniques involving
dogs is almost insignificant in terms of management of the fox population as a whole... The Canary contacted Derek Thomas
to see if these attacks on pets affected his views on hunting and whether he was still in favour of repealing the ban. But
he did not respond. Repealing the Act:
Thomas is not alone among MPs who want to repeal the act or support fox hunting, including Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom.
And despite popularity for hunting being at an all time low, Theresa May is still planning to allow MPs a vote on repealing
the Act. But from the evidence of these
attacks on pets, the ban needs strengthening rather than repealing. This is not the fault of the dogs, but their owners. And
it’s time for a permanent ban on this barbaric pastime. The Canary contacted the Western Hunt for comment but did not receive
a response. Lone Surrey Union FH hound nearly causes car crash on icy road Hunters riding shod horses on same in poor visibility 18-1-17 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors Wednesday found two groups of Surrey Hunt Monitors in Shackleford for a meet of the Surrey Union Foxhounds.
This is the second Wednesday in a row that we have been called by concerned Surrey residents. Today we were called by a local
supporter of ours who heard hounds in cry near Lydling Farm in Shackleford and fortunately we could attend. The small turnout of horseboxes and one quad trailer were found in a field near Peper Harow, and with a bit of searching
a lone hound was found running in the middle of the road on a country lane in Elstead. A monitor spoke to a car driver that
had pulled over behind the hound. He was nothing to do with the hunt and was very shocked that the lone hound had run in front
of his car causing him to emergency brake on the frozen road. The
Huntsman Beeby and the rest of the Hunt (which numbered 5 in total!!!), then came around the corner, also in the middle of
the country lane with no hounds with them. The usual supporters (all 3 of them) were close behind. Terrier men weren’t
seen, but their pick-up was at the meet, probably grubbing around in the woods up to no good! The
sheer arrogance and irresponsible behaviour of this Hunt is going to cause an accident at some point soon. The Huntsman cannot
control his pack as only one hound was seen, on its own in the middle of the road. The rest I can only presume were scattered
around the countryside rioting after our wildlife and putting our road users in danger. Bear in mind it was -3.5C, the roads
were icy and the horses were being forced to ride fully shod on these icy roads, very poor form for supposed horse lovers.
The lanes in this area are very narrow and also well used by local people on school runs. The complete disregard this hunt
has for people and animals is beyond any more words. Pics below - 1/ Hound on road edge running towards car 2/
Redcoat riding on frozen road
NT urged to ban hunting on its land
after hound attack horror18-1-17 Plymouth
Herald National Trust faces
backlash for allowing hunt on its land after 'attack' on beach The National Trust has been slammed
on social media after it emerged it has an agreement with a hunt to use its land - including a beach where hounds ran out
of control and reportedly attacked an elderly couple. People have been vowing to withdraw their support for the organisation
and cancel their memberships since Cury Hunt riders took their horses down to Church Cove, Gunwalloe, near Helston after a
hunt on Saturday. The Hunt said one of its horses spooked in the water and struck a hound, which ran across the beach into
the path of a couple with their pet. Witnesses reported that the dogs then chased the couple's greyhound while huntsmen
attempted to bring them under control. The dogs turned on the greyhound's owner who fended them off with his wife's
walking stick and was said to have been bitten. Cury Hunt [left] said it "very much regrets" the incident
and had checked the couple and their dog were OK after the incident. But news that the hunt had a licence to use the land,
which is owned by the National Trust, led many to question why it was allowed in the first place. The Trust, which champions
the rural way of life including conservation work, sustainable farming and tourism, said it was taking the incident "very
seriously" and was investigating the events.
Reacting to the news this week, Jenny Wood urged people to post comments against hunting directly on the National
Trust's main Facebook page. She said: "The National Trust support hunting and this I'm afraid will not change
but there does then need to be stricter rules as to where and when, notice to public at all places that are being used and
safety measures put in place for the general public. This would be a whole other story if it had been a child sadly. At the
end of the day a member of the general public was hurt and their dog." Also commenting on Facebook, Angela Woolhouse said: "If a pet dog
attacks a child or a sheep it will most likely be put down, but not a dog belonging to the hunt? As for the National Trust
allowing these animals on their land, well I for one will be withdrawing my funding of the NT." Mark Cooper asked: "What is the world coming to? The
National Trust needs to ban this hunt from there land ASAP." While Dominic Gallagher said: "Give it a week and all
this will be forgotten! Hunts should be banned from beaches in my opinion to prevent such thing happening again!" Dave
Jones added: "Well that's my national trust membership being cancelled can't believe they still support hunting."
Tabz Reeves was a little more sympathetic, adding: "Glad the dog is fit and healthy and not badly damaged. Good on the
Hunt for checking on the couple." While Viv Lynham said: "National Trust, I am very disappointed and angry that
you allow hunting on your land. Perhaps time to give up my membership." Alastair Cameron, the general manager for The Lizard and Penrose National
Trust, said: "Cury Hunt is licensed to enter our land for the purposes of trail hunting and exercising hounds over a
restricted area and on restricted days. The National Trust takes this incident very seriously and is actively investigating." The police are also investigating the
incident. 16-1-17 Cornwall Live National Trust
to review fox hunt licence after couple were 'attacked' by hounds on beach The National
Trust will review its agreement with a hunt whose hounds appeared to attack an elderly couple and their dog on a Cornish beach.The
incident happened at Church Cove, Gunwalloe, near Helston on Saturday. Cury Hunt has said it "very much regrets"
the incident and had spoken to those involved afterwards. Witnesses reported that the greyhound was chased by several hounds. While huntsmen attempted to bring them under
control, onlookers described how the dogs turned on the greyhound's owner who fended them off with his wife's walking
stick and was said to have been bitten. It emerged afterwards that the Hunt has a licence to use National Trust land, leading
to a backlash against the trust on social media and people threatening to cancel their memberships. Alastair Cameron, the National Trust general manager for The Lizard and Penrose,
has now revealed that talks had been held with Cury Hunt about the incident - and the hunt's licence to use Trustland
will be reviewed. He said: "On Saturday, January 14, hounds from the hunt were involved in an incident at Gunwalloe beach
involving some members of the public and their dog. The Hunt holds a licence to use National Trust land for trail hunting
over a restricted area and for a specific number of times per year. The hunt have confirmed they were not trail hunting on
land owned by the National Trust on the day this incident occurred and some members of the hunt went to Gunwalloe beach after
the event had finished to wash off the horses and hounds." He added: "Following a meeting between representatives of the National Trust and the hunt, the hunt
has agreed to not meet again for the duration of this season on land owned by the National Trust. As with previous years,
the licence will be subject to review this year.
upload film of Cotswold FH trotting with pack along main road
Atherstone Hunt Ball hotel booking
cancelled after online campaign 17-1-17 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs Thank you to everyone who contacted Drayton Manor, they have replied back
saying the Atherstone Hunt's Puppy Walkers Ball is not happening at Drayton Manor. The Atherstone Hunt have also now deleted
the post on their Facebook Page advertising the event. Thank you to everyone who supported us this wouldn't have been
possible without you. Conservator tells
Ledbury FH to leave common land after seen hunting fox there 16-1-17 Facebook - Fox hunt off Malvern Hills Ledbury Hunt just
chased a fox, which got away, on Castlemorton Common in front of
Malvern Hills Conservators (who were monitoring their activities) and Three Counties hunt saboteurs. The conservators have
called the police and called a Hunt Master to ask Hunt to leave the land. We applaud the Conservator's efforts to monitor
what the Hunt are doing, but call on them to simply ban the Hunt from the land to avoid disturbances to wildlife, intentional
or accidental chasing/killing of foxes and violence towards anti-hunt saboteurs and monitors.  Appalling behaviour by Grafton FH followers towards monitors 16-1-17 You Tube A highly experienced hunt monitor has released footage
from last February. Most of it shows several hunt followers, mostly males but including 2 females, menacing, insulting and
invading the personal space of a lone, middle-aged, female monitor. One follower twice throws firecrackers near to her
car and dilute pig excrement, - a weapon they had used before - is sprayed. The abuse includes sexual innuendo
and at one point one of the male supporters seemingly offers to show her his penis. The monitor herself says this - "If anyone out there still thinks fox hunters
are respectable people, just watch this film. It involves sexual insults of a disgusting nature, directed at anti hunt monitors
by so called "hunt stewards" - and women hunt supporters join in. Shocking. And watch to the end for further absolutely
shocking and aggressive behaviour towards a female hunt monitor by two young hunters and their parents. The reality of fox
hunting - only participated in by people who have the lowest possible standards." Pics
below - 1/ Supporter throws firecracker towards female monitor's car [later does it again]
2/ Young male supporter invades monitor's personal space 3/ Young male supporter seemingly offers
to show female monitor his penis [Wilkinson not in shot] 4/ Another supporter making aggressive gesture
through monitor's car window.  
Gelligaer FH flee scene of crash - dead hound, badly damaged car 15-1-17 Facebook - Laura O'Connell Please SHARE to raise awareness of the GELLIGAER
FARMERS HUNT that took place in Merthyr Tydfil yesterday, Saturday
14th January, A fox hunt which resulted in our car becoming a wreck due to their dogs running across the dual carriageway/slip
road during 'the hunt', the responsibility of the members and organisation. One member fled the scene, refusing to
give details and without any apparent care for the dogs (one dead, one badly injured), collision, or situation. This suggests
also that the dogs were not insured as they should be. I will remind whoever sees this that "hunting wild mammals
with a dog" is ILLEGAL under the Hunting Act 2005. It has now been 24 hours since the accident and we have heard nothing.
Police were informed. I have in my possession names and photographs of members, the dogs used, and the land being rented out
for this activity, but these will not be displayed publicly, unless I feel threatened of course... or the issue is not acknowledged
nor dealt with as I or the public deem fit.. I am giving the organisation the opportunity to contact us before naming
and shaming. For now, the only image necessary
is the one displayed... a powerful image, please look closely. I do not care for the Gelligaer Hunt organisation, however,
I DO CARE for innocent dogs, foxes, and members of my community; as what happened to us in our car yesterday could have happened
to anyone. I will speak up for those who do not have a voice. No one is above the law. POWAperson adds - Several years ago a Hunt, believed to be the
Gelligaer Farmers FH, left a hound impaled on an iron fence. Villagers could do nothing to help the poor thing and it
apparently took hours to die. The photo is below. Sorry, I know it is very upsetting,
but this site is dedicated to showing unvarnished the full horror of the suffering caused by hunting with dogs.
Elderly man and pet dog injured as hound pack attack on beach Owner
walking his greyhound had to beat hounds off with stick Sabs were out with Cury FH earlier and think they hunted and probably killed 15-1-17 Cornwall
Live Horrified onlookers
watch on as a pack of hounds 'attack' a pet dog and its owners on Cornwall beach Horrified onlookers
watched on as a pack of out-of-control hounds on a hunt attacked a pet dog and its owners who were enjoying a walk on a West
Cornwall beach. The Hunt rode onto Gunwalloe Beach[right] to take their horses into the sea for a dip at around
3.30pm on Saturday afternoon. But instead of going into the sea the pack of dogs appeared to huddle together unsupervised
on the beach, before a commotion broke out and the hounds began chasing something It's not currently known which
hunting group was on the beach. Witness Julian Parrott, of Helston, said: "W e could hear the hounds baying as if for blood. We saw a greyhound running
for its life on the beach being pursued by the pack of hounds, with inept efforts by the huntsmen to keep them under control.” The beach was
busy with walkers and families enjoying the sunny afternoon, but the mood quickly changed. One of the hunters reportedly dismounted
his horse and ran towards the dogs, in an attept to stop them attacking the pet. Meanwhile the dog's owners, an
elderly couple who did not wish to be named, were also attempting to save their pet from the pack. According to onlookers,
the couple managed to grab the dog, but the hounds continued to attack. Another witness said: "It was a horrifying scene, the
man attempted to fight off the hounds with his wife's walking stick and was bitten several times on his hand and arm during
the incident. His dog was bitten on the back. One of the hunters attempted to brandish a stick at the dogs to put them off,
but was unable to prevent them mauling the pet and its owners. his was an incident where the hounds' bloodlust was out
of control. It was shocking to see and I couldn't believe that they took the hunt on to a public beach where families
were walking. That could just have easily have been a child." One of the huntsmen apparently apologised to the shocked and
distressed couple, before they left to go to hospital to get their injuries checked. 14-1-17 Facebook – Kernow Sabs etc. VIDEO Cury Hunt
In addition to the team being out on the Western Hunt, there were people out monitoring the Cury, who met at the Old Inn at
Mullion. The hounds were unboxed at Bochym Farm, nearly 2 miles North East of Mullion and taken along the road to the meet.
They then hunted land south of the hound box and were heard in cry. As is often the case they proceeded to hunt on Goonhilly
Downs [right], which
is a National Nature Reserve. The video clearly captures the hounds in cry in a copse on the Downs and the huntsman egging
them on with fast horn calls. They were obviously unaware they were being filmed. This just shows what blatant disregard these
people have for the law, which we already know. We sadly think they may have killed at least once, maybe more.
POWAperson comments
- The sab report above confirms that it was the Cury FH involved in the beach incident, that sabs believe they had been hunting
earlier and may well have killed a fox. Although it doesn't appear that the pack were actually hunting on the beach [which
has been known] taking a pack of dogs on to a public beach is just mind-bogglingly stupid [so no real surprise a Hunt would
do it]. 17-1-17
Cornwall Live Cury Hunt "very much regrets"
that its hounds attacked a couple and their dog on a beach in Cornwall A hunt has said it "very
much regrets" an incident where its hounds ran out of control and appeared to attack an elderly couple and their dog
on a beach in Cornwall. Cury Hunt, based on the Lizard, confirmed today that its hounds had been involved in the incident on Saturday afternoon.
Witnesses reported the dogs bounding across the beach at Church Cove, Gunwalloe, near Helston, and chasing a greyhound dog
which was being walked by its owners. They said that when the elderly owner scooped up his dog, the hounds then charged him,
allegedly biting him on the arm. Julian Parrott, of Helston, said: "We could hear the hounds baying as if for blood.
We saw a greyhound running for its life on the beach being pursued by the pack of hounds, with inept efforts by the huntsmen
to keep them under control." A
spokesperson for the Hunt said: "The Cury Hunt was trail hunting within the law in the Gunwalloe area. At the end of
the day some of the riders went down to the beach to wash their horses off in the sea. Unfortunately, while paddling with
the horses, one horse spooked, careered through the others and kicked a hound. This hound then ran across the beach with some
of the others across the path of a dog. An altercation then took place. After a very short period of time the huntsman recovered
the hounds and removed them from the area. The couple involved were spoken with at the time and were visited by a Hunt representative
the next day. The dog was checked and cleared as fit and well by their vet. We very much regret the incident." The Hunt has a licence to hunt around Gunwalloe
on land owned by the National Trust, which includes the beaches. Alastair Cameron, the general manager for The Lizard and
Penrose National Trust, said: "Cury Hunt is licensed to enter our land for the purposes of trail hunting and exercising
hounds over a restricted area and on restricted days. The National Trust takes this incident very seriously and is actively
investigating." Yesterday the police said: "Police have received a report alleging a disturbance linked to a possible
hunt on Gunwalloe Beach. At this time no victim has come forward to the police to firm up this initial allegation. Any witnesses
are asked to contact Devon and Cornwall police quoting log 242 for the 14th January." The story was also covered by the Mirror.
Harriers pull hare apart, nearby police won't act15-1-17 Facebook - Easton Harriers New Year's Eve 2016,
Butley Oyster - Butley – Suffolk We joined with S.Cambs, Cambridge and Suffolk and Essex Sabs to
meet the Easton on their New Year's Eve hunt. Immediately after setting out and travelling to Wantisden, the Hunt chased a hare. As one sab
tried to keep up with the pack, attempting to call the hounds off, other sabs in vehicles were blocked on the road whilst a police officer informed them he had 'no power'
to move traffic from the highway. At the same time a wildlife photographer from the Hare Preservation Trust, attempting to
capture the chase on camera, was pushed and shouted at by hunt support. This hare got away. Soon after, the pack were traveling through long grass. Sabs
saw them circling around something so ran and tried to call them off. Some of the pack dispersed but it quickly became obvious
that the pack had found a hare. The hare, now known to be a healthy adult male, was pulled apart by many different dogs, dropped
several times and thrown around a distance of approximately 25 metres. When the pack finally dropped him and sabs were able
to examine the body, the heart was still beating. All of this lasted for around 2 minutes - there was no 'quick nip to
the back of the neck', only a prolonged tearing and ripping. Police sitting and observing were informed instantly but sabs were told to 'call 101 and
hand in any footage', despite a warm and mangled body being in the hands of sabs. The hunt continued on. One hunt supporter
cheered when informed that a hare had been killed. The hounds made no sound - there was no cry, no chase and no warning. Trail or no trail, this shows the reality of
leading a pack of hounds trained to kill through fields full of hares. The police said they were not to enforce the Hunting Act but to police 'public order'.
In an age where upwards of 80% of the public are opposed to hunting, we have to wonder whose 'order' they are protecting. Apologies for the delay in getting this
report up. We've been working through the footage and ensuring we stay on the right side of legal proceedings regarding
footage and, because of this, we still cannot release video of the kill. Expect reports from the last two weeks very soon. Pics below - 1/ Carcass of killed hare 2/
Police who refuse to enforce Hunting Act 
Belvoir FH thugs assault sabs, drive dangerously around themHunt also causes
traffic hazards on an A road 15-1-17 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs Yesterday, members of our group joined N.Cambs, Northants and Nottingham
Sabs to sab the vicious Belvior Hunt. This Hunt a couple of weeks previous hunted and killed several terrified foxes, including
a fox within eye shot of visibly shaken care home residents. Also, several months previous saw the Belvior Hunt making the news through the assault and hospitalisation
of two hunt investigators, one with a serious neck injury. Today on its anniversary meet, the Belvior [right], true to form, showed the same pattern of illegal hunting, arrogance and violence. Heading out directly from the meet rather than taking a safe passage via the adjacent
fields, the Hunt and its chaotic large field ran straight into the nearest main road (A607). After several vehicles made a
screeching stop the hunt headed south straight to the nearest wood. We were not far behind keeping a close eye on their movements.
Other sab vehicles in the area were then positioned further ahead as predictably the hunt tried to make a run for it. Due to sabs’ (Northants in particular) increasing efforts to expose the murderous
behaviour of this Hunt in recent weeks, their retaliation was to employ several car loads of thugs. During the course of the
day sabs encountered all manner of reckless and dangerous driving including blocking our paths, cutting us off, slowing to
a crawl, tailgating and swerving towards sabs. As the Hunt quickly moved from copse to copse due to the persistence of sabs,
the irate Hunt and its thuggish minions became increasingly violent. After sabs caught up with the hunt just north of Twinlakes Park, several hunt support cars turned up and surrounded sabs resulting
in one sab taking a few blows. Undeterred by the large number of portly bullies, we got back in the vehicle and continued
on the hunts heels. This was not the only assault of the day as a time later the so called ‘hunt stewards’ rained
a more vicious attack on several other sabs. Luckily no one was seriously hurt.
As the day drew to a close and the light began to diminish, the Belvior sauntered back to Landyke lane farm where
many of the hunt had ordered their cronies to move the horseboxes. Several riders were seen scouring the nearby fields for
lost hounds, looking less arrogant and more red-faced. Hopefully this was a sign that we’d done our job today and impeded
the sadistic bloodshed of foxhunting. Atherstone
FH hunt 3 foxes, kill one in resident's driveway 14-1-17 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Fox killed by the Atherstone Hunt
Today we were joined by Liverpool Hunt Sabs. The Atherstone Hunt hunted three foxes today near Shuttington, Warwickshire.
The three foxes ran across the road in front of sabs. Huntsman and hounds were close behind. Sabs helped two get away safely,
unfortunately the hounds trapped and caught the third on someone's driveway. Sabs managed to take the body away from the
hounds and realised the fox was still alive. Despite trying to resuscitate it the fox died in a sabs arms. The Atherstone
Hunt is out of control! Pics below - 1/ Hunting on road soon before kill
2/ Hounds killing fox in front of house 2/ Sab trying to rescue fox
4/ Huntsman at scene of the kill 5/ Fox corpse  15-1-17 Daily Mirror Fox eaten alive
by hunting dogs after being chased in sickening footage filmed by animal rights activists A bloodied
fox is eaten alive by a pack of salivating hunting dogs in sickening footage captured by animal rights activists. The terrified
farmyard pest flees from an area where hunters were dressed in their traditional bright red jackets. An exhausted fox then
bolts into a family's front garden while being chased by hounds and activists from screaming West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs
desperate to save it. One of the women leaps out of the car and screams: "They're in someone's b****y garden,
someone's started killing it. Oh my God! Get off it!" The activists claim the huntsmen were part of yesterday's
Atherstone Hunt near to Shuttington, Warwickshire. A male activist then braves the hounds by diving into the centre of the
chaos and pulling the fox to safety as it clung on to life. It died in the arms of one of the protesters a short while later.
The activists claim the huntsmen were part of yesterday's Atherstone Hunt near to Shuttington, Warwickshire. Hunting with dogs was banned in 2005 in a reaction to the strength of public feeling against the cruelty
of wild animals being chased, often to the point of exhaustion, before being purposely set upon by packs of dogs, for so called
‘sport’. A spokesperson for West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs told Mirror Online: "The fox was
cornered and trapped on a driveway by the hounds who started tearing into it. Protesters managed to rescue the body which
they discovered was still alive. However despite trying to revive the fox it died in their arms a short time later. Taking
a pack of hounds that have been bred to hunt and kill foxes over hundreds of years and then putting those hounds into places
where foxes live is a very deliberate act. It is a deliberate act that has only one inevitable conclusion." An
RSPCA spokesperson said: "150 years ago other cruel sports such as bear baiting, bull fighting and dog fighting were
legal in Britain. No one would suggest now that those cruel sports be legalised again and we believe the same is true of hunting
with packs of dogs - nobody has the right to be cruel to animals." Mirror Online has contacted Atherstone Hunt for a comment.
The incident was reported to Warwickshire Police. 16-1-17 Tamworth Herald Atherstone Hunt defends actions after fox mauled
to death by dogs near Tamworth A controversiaL group has defended its actions after a pack of hunting
dogs were filmed savaging a fox to death near Tamworth. Members from Atherstone Hunt have explained their side of the story
after fox saboteurs captured sickening footage of the attack on Saturday, January 14, in Shuttington. A
spokesperson from the Atherstone Hunt said: "We were acting within the law at the time by trail hunting. We were not
fox hunting. However, it appears some of the hounds strayed off the trail or the fox entered the path of the Hunt. The Huntsman
did not see the fox and as soon as he was aware what was going on he would have done his best to call the dogs off. It was
just an accident, we were partaking in a lawful activity at the time and we reported the matter to the police straight away." The video, which has been viewed thousands of times, is currently
being investigated by Warwickshire Police. A spokesperson for West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs has slammed the sickening footage
and called it a deliberate act. They said: "The Atherstone Hunt are completely out of control, whether it be chasing
and killing foxes or using violence against anyone who stands in their way. This fox kill comes only two weeks after the Atherstone
Hunt violently attacked peaceful protestors in Atherstone Market Square. Taking a pack of hounds that have been bred to hunt
and kill foxes over hundreds of years and then putting those hounds into places where foxes live is a very deliberate act,"
added the spokesperson. It is a deliberate act that has only one inevitable conclusion. The Huntsman knew exactly what he
was doing. The fox was cornered on a drive by the hounds who started tearing into it. Despite a protester managing to scare
the dogs off, the fox died in their arms a short time later." POWAperson
adds - This incident received huge shock-horror coverage in the press. Besides the Mirror it was featured in the Indy, the Sun, the Mail on Sunday, the Express, BBC News online, the Coventry Telegraph and the Tamworth Herald. One of the sabs was interviewed on local BBC radio. The mendacity of these, indeed all,
hunters knows no bounds. Severn
Vale Beagles stopped from hunting by sabs 14-1-17 Facebook Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Severn Vale Beagles stopped from hunting! Today we teamed up with Southampton & Bath Sabs and acted on a tip off that told us the
Severn Vale Beagles were going to be meeting in Littleton-Upon-Severn. Seeing as we hadn't visited them in a while, we
thought it would be rude not to drop by. We found the elusive hare killers already in the field having left their meet just
before we arrived. We leapt into action and soon had them in our sights. Beagle hunts are fast
and furious. They are made up by a handful of staff on foot and little support. They are hidden away from the public eye and
if they are efficient, can kill multiple hares over the course of one outing. Unfortunately for
the SVB, they didn't expect to have 20 sabs out with them today. They tried to run away, but we kept up with them and
left them with no other option than to pack up after only being in the field for an hour. There is
no better feeling stopping a hunt in its tracks so quickly. We won't leave it so long for our next visit to the SVB.
Oakley FH supporter cautioned for hitting sab on head 13-1-17 Facebook Beds & Bucks Sabs VIDEO Unprovoked Assault
Back in November one of our sabs was assaulted by a Hunt Steward called Stuart Morris. Now the legal process is completed
we can release the video of the incident. The power of the impact can be clearly heard so make sure you have audio turned
up. POWAperson adds - The incident
was at the Oakley FH meet on 5-11-16. Fortunately, the sab was wearing a hard hat. Police were present and arrested the offender.
Whilst still on bail he decided to plead guilty. This caution brings to 372 the number of organised hunters in the UK known
to have been convicted or cautioned since 1990, for a total of 863 offences. 196 of these convictions/cautions have been
for violent offences.
NT reinstate Melbreak FH licence after just 24 hours suspension 13-1-17 Facebook -Lancaster Sabs Cumbria Hunt Watch Press Release National
Trust re-instate Melbreak Hunt licence just 24 hours after reports of a violent assault on a hunt monitor. On Tuesday
10 January Cumbria Police and the North West Ambulance Service were called to a Melbreak Hunt meet following reports of a
violent assault on a hunt monitor. There were also reports of threats of violence towards other hunt monitors. Two hunt supporters
were arrested by Cumbria Police. The next day the National Trust suspended the Melbreak Hunt's licence to use National
Trust land. However, just 24 hours later they reinstated it. Their excuse was that the alleged assault did not take place
on their land. Given
the dismissive attitude of the National Trust towards reports of violent assaults at hunt meets and their disgraceful attitude
to foxes being killed by hunts, Cumbria Hunt Watch is encouraging anyone who holds a National Trust membership and opposes
fox hunting to relinquish their membership of the National Trust until they start behaving in a moral and responsible manner. The National Trust issue licences to
numerous hunts in Cumbria where violence and intimidation against hunt monitors is widespread. The telephone and email contact
details for the National Trust in the region where the assault was reported are: Email National Trust: borrowdale@nationaltrust.org.uk Telephone
National Trust: 017687 74649. Please contact them if
you intend to relinquish your membership or have decided against joining because of their policy to facilitate hunts.
say were assaulted by Isle of Wight FH JM and followers12-1-17 Facebook – Isle of Wight Sabs VIDEO Saturday 7th,
The IW Fox Hunt met at Havenbridge Farm in Havenstreet. Overall a
good day for us as the use of different tactics and a huntsman who has little control of his hounds meant very little hunting
was achieved. This hunt does not even pretend to lay a trail. It was even top local news story on Saturday that hounds were
running riot in the Havenstreet area. So having their day spoilt and not being able to chase torture & kill any foxes
they turned their attention to us. Two incidents of note, a Mr Dowden with an associate (son maybe) and Hunt Master Mr.Blest,
who never rides but follows on foot, then, attacked sabs, and terrier men a little later, tried to stop a monitor from filming
by pushing him and blocking his view. 
reveal background to assault on female by N.Cotswold eagle handlerRelates to 'rescue' by sab of 'abandoned' terrier hunters regard as 'stolen' 12-1-17 3 Counties Sabs blog VIDEO On Wednesday
28th December, our sabs split up to attend two hunt meets –
the Ledbury Hunt in Castlemorton (who went on to assault members of Bristol Hunt Saboteurs and whose terriermen were then stopped at a dig-out by a Three Counties Sab, who they also threatened) and the North Cotswold Hunt who
were back in the Broad Marston area. Due to regular early-morning sett-blocking suspected to be done by hunt terriermen and
supporters, we were up early to check setts in the area, finding fresh blocking on land adjacent to Norton Hall, which the
Hunt later hunted on. Entrances were unblocked in order to give foxes a chance to escape from the hounds. As the Hunt moved
off from their meet, terrierman Will Haines and two passengers rode their quadbike at two sabs from behind as they walked
up a track to check on the sett where the attempted dig-out took place in October. Haines and falconer Calvin Crossman, who
also attends North Cotswold Hunt meets as part of the hunt, both angrily accused one of these women of being a dog thief. Towards the end
of the day, a fox was spotted running through a garden by sabs. Huntsman Nigel Peel took hounds across the road and they picked
up on the scent again, hounds racing into a small wood a couple of fields from the road. Sabs believed hounds to be marking to ground again, but with terriermen
running towards the covert we suspected that hounds had instead killed a fox, with Hunt staff running in to get rid of the
evidence. We ran in to try and gather footage and were on a footpath when Calvin Crossman (who had earlier swerved his quadbike
towards one sab on a live railway crossing where hounds had been hunting) rode up on his quadbike (one-handed as he always
has his eagle on his arm - pic above left). He started to shove
one sab around, yelling “thief” in her face, covering her in spit, before attempting to knee her in the groin
and hit her in the throat [right]. As another sab arrived, she attempted
to move around Mr Crossman and says she thinks he threw himself intentionally backwards, pulling her down on top of him. As
they hit the floor, he pushed her off him and hit her in the left side of the jaw [left], shoving her head hard on to the ground. Sabs carried on towards the wood when a second quadbike appeared with three masked men on it, driving at speed at
us. Mr Haines soon reappeared on his quadbike and tried to incite his mates into further violence by telling them that we
had stolen the terrier. We made the choice to back away at that point as if the Hunt had killed there was nothing we could do about it at
that time without the situation escalating into a full-blown fight. A third sab, who was looking after the car, heard a woman
– the same local who had accused us of stealing the terrier – saying that someone would get killed and that it
is a shame that “it won’t be one of them [sabs] as it’s long overdue” to her friends. Once Hunt members
had left the area, we went back into the area to look for evidence of a kill, but were only able to find a single drop of
blood on a leaf. With the hunt still hunting elsewhere we think the real reason for the Hunt freaking out was the three artificial
earths we then found in the small wood. One
sab went to A&E in Gloucester to be checked over for concussion and to have her shoulder and jaw x-rayed. Police are investigating
the alleged theft of dog, which we have given statements about, the attempted dig-out in October and the assaults as well
as the sett-blocking which is a very regular occurrence in Hunt countries in the Cotswolds. Last month the terrierman of the Heythrop
Hunt told one of our sabs that he would “do a twenty-stretch” for her because of the “dog theft”.
All four of her tyres were slashed just a couple of weeks ago at another Heythrop meet. Calvin Crossman has more recently
commented on a pro-hunting facebook page about our group which looks like he’s trying to cause us serious problems across
all the hunts we attend. Pics below -
1/ Caption of sexually aggressive remark by follower aimed at female sab. 2/ 3rd of 3 artificial earths in covert
hunted that day.  POWAperson adds - What happened on 24th
October last when the terrier was rescued by a sab has not previously been published. The piece below is from their recent
blog. 12-1-17 3
Counties Sabs blog VIDEO On
October 24th 2016 the North Cotswold Hunt met close to Honeybourne
at 9am for a cubhunting meet, attended by two of our sabs and another friend. At around midday, we found the hunt in a small wood in the
Broad Marston area. We thought hounds were marking to ground [left] (where
hounds indicate that fox had escaped below ground) based on the noises they were making and the fact that huntsman, Nigel
Peel, was on foot with the pack. As the Hunt moved off from the area, two of us went into the covert where they had been,
having spotted two quadbikes parked on the treeline, one of which was the terrierman’s quad. With his mates running
off through the woods, we then found terrierman Will Haines on his own, crouching down by three spades covered by a jacket [below right - note in video how he hides his face], a
freshly dug hole a few metres from him [below left] and entrances
to the nearby badger sett freshly blocked with earth. We called the police. The sett is believed to be within the Gloucestershire
badger culling area. The
other two guys returned once Haines had been caught and they took the spades, carrying on to follow the hunt – hounds
were in full cry again in nearby woods. Despite the best efforts of the “sab bashers” (Molly’s own words)
Tabitha and Molly Rogers whose role it is to stalk sabs whilst we’re out at the hunt* and who were playing loud music,
a sab thought she could hear a muffled barking from the sett. When they had left the area and we were waiting for the police, a terrier [below right] with a locator device on her collar came out of the sett and we called her out
of the covert, picking her up to give to the police as evidence. With a suspected bite to her chin (she had blood on her chin
and neck and a fresh hole under her chin) and no hunt staff in sight, two of us took her to find a vet whilst the other sab
waited for police while guarding the sett from further interference. Our stalkers make a lot of noise (like singing ‘Frozen’
songs and having loud conversations with each other) in order to stop us from hearing the hunt and to stop any foxes from
running in our direction. They also keep the Hunt updated as to our location. With confusion as to which police force covered the area (the 999 call went through to Warwickshire, West Mercia first turned
up then realised it was Gloucestershire police jurisdiction) police took almost two hours to arrive at the scene. Just minutes
before their arrival huntsman Nigel Peel, terriermen Will Haines and friends, Molly and a local woman accused the sab at the
scene of stealing the terrier. With police wanting to speak to sabs about the alleged theft, the other sab left terrier with
trusted friends to get her to a vet and came back to talk to the officers.
When she was later arrested for theft as officers were not interested
in the offences committed by the hunt and terriermen and who were intending to give the terrier straight back to them*, these
friends moved the terrier to a safe house due to suspected abuse. If the case ends up in court, a vet report will be submitted
as part of our evidence. We suggested that the RSPCA or similar organisation take her whilst the investigation took place,
but they were not interested and would not seize her as evidence / for her own safety themselves. We’re concerned that someone can claim that their
terrier is a much loved family pet and then abandon her in an active badger sett with a panicked fox who was seeking shelter. It took them two hours to accuse us of theft, despite the fact one sab had
not left the area. No responsible person would enter a terrier into an area to face off with a frightened fox, never mind
in an active sett where any number of badgers could be resting during the day, never mind then leaving her for almost two
hours. If Haines had been brave enough to admit having put her into the sett in the first place, sabs would have told him
to call her out and backed away whilst he did so – we let Ledbury terrierman Oscar Bates call his terrier Nel out of
a drain in Tirley. Whilst we no longer know the location of the terrier as she has been passed down a chain of trusted people,
we know she is now safe and settling in fine at her new home due to messages passed back up the chain. A terrier was found in the West Midlands recently with
serious damage to her face who was suspected to have been used in badger baiting – see this article in the Express. Even if this is the case, a terrier could just as easily be injured by a badger whilst being entered into a sett to find
a fox taking shelter within. Sab
seriously injured in attack - Melbreak FH supporter arrested Elderly monitor says he was earlier
threatened by hunt support NT temporarily suspends Melbreak's 'Trail Hunting' licence 11-1-17 Facebook - Lancaster Sabs Hit Report – 10/01/2016
Joined by sabs from Cheshire, to form a compact group, we set off with the intention of visiting the Melbreak hunt, as this
Hunt had been keeping a low profile for the past week following the public death of a hound.... When we got to Lamplugh we spotted the
‘deluxe’ Melbreak hound van, and continued down towards Ennerdale, where support vehicles were parked up alongside
the road. We spotted a group of men hanging around looking particularly unwelcoming, and then we stopped to speak briefly
to a monitor who was on his own. We turned around and decided to drive back up to where all the support were, noticing that
three men were at that point walking away from the monitor’s vehicle. The monitor, an elderly person, told us that the
men had made physical threats of violence towards him. As we drew alongside the group of men [right], one
of them objected strongly to being filmed and attempted to steal a sab’s camera. A quick tussle over the camera ended
with it being retrieved, during this time another man stepped forward and assaulted the sab [left], resulting in the sab requiring hospital treatment. The police are now involved
and we cannot currently report any further details at this time. However, whilst this incident occurred on a public road, we must emphasise that this Hunt uses a lot of National
Trust land. They have been filmed illegally hunting on numerous occasions by sabs, monitors and members of the public in the
past few years. One of their hounds was seen falling from a crag to its death a few weeks ago and was dragged a few yards
into a watercourse before being covered loosely with rocks by Hunt staff. Yesterday’s events need to be acknowledged
by the National Trust, whose members have to pay for the upkeep of land which is used on a frequent basis by this hunt, to
illegally kill wildlife. Without approval from the National Trust the Melbreak fox hunt would not be able to exist. They are
allowed to maintain a functioning pack of hounds for the purposes of fox hunting. The National Trust must therefore take some
responsibility for this Hunt’s existence and subsequent behaviour. Please comment (politely) to - Tom Burditt, General Manager, National Trust, North Lakes,
Bowe Barn, Borrowdale Road Keswick CA12 5UP. Phone - 017687 74649. email - thomas.burditt@nationaltrust.org.uk 11-1-17 Facebook Lancaster Sabs **UPDATE** The National Trust have suspended the Melbreak foxhound's
'trail hunting' licence temporarily following the assault on a sab yesterday by Melbreak supporters. 10-1-17 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs BREAKING NEWS A North Wales Hunt sab has been attacked and is in hospital. A Melbreak Hunt supporter
has been arrested for GBH. Report claims
Blencathra FH blocked sett, killed fox, hunted on Wildlife Trust land 11-1-17 Facebook - Lancaster
Sabs Cumbria Hunt Watch
- Press release 10-1-17 Cumbria Hunt Watch has received reports this week that the Blencathra Foxhounds
were out during the first week of the new year and were seen blocking up badger holes across land which accommodates a nature
reserve before allowing their hounds to hunt the land. A fox was reported killed by the hounds. Some of the land over which the hounds were allowed to run, known as
Eycott Hill, is owned by the Cumbria Wildlife Trust (CWT) . Although Cumbria Hunt Watch has received several assurances that
the Blencathra Foxhounds do not have a licence to use CWT land it appears that CWT are not doing enough to prevent the Blencathra
Foxhounds from hunting over what people are expected to believe is a nature reserve and a place of safety for wildlife. Cumbria
Hunt Watch has advised the CWT previously about hunting across the nature reserve and have contacted them again regarding
this latest incident. Anyone who is concerned about hunting across nature reserve land can contact the CWT Director, Peter
Bullard, on: 01539 816300, mail@cumbriawildlifetrust.org.uk . Blocked badger setts found in area where S.Dorset FH hunting Police Wildlife Crime Officer comes
out to unblock one sett! 10-1-17 Facebook - Dorset Sabs South Dorset Hunt meet
at Chase Farm Today we decided it would be rude not to pay
the South Dorset Hunt [right] a cheeky mid week visit at their
meet at Chase Farm near Buckland Newton. As usual, horse boxes were scattered along all the local grass verges but with a
field of only 20 riders max maybe the SD Hunt’s choice of larger meet venues has grown smaller than we realised ?? Between
sabs in the vehicle and foot sabs we were able to easily keep an eye on the Hunt all day.... The Huntsman spent considerable time in woodland by Aldermore and then headed in the direction of Hill Wood. Meanwhile
the foot sabs had found a blocked badger sett right beside a footpath - this is happening more and more frequently when the
South Dorset Hunt are in the area. Whilst the foot sabs took photos, grid reference's and film to report to the police
and then unblock the sett the sabs in the vehicle kept an eye on the hounds. The Huntsman took his hounds on an all too familiar route and didn't stray outside the boundaries of Mappowder,
Plush, Buckland Newton and Brockhampton Green. Amazingly the Hunt managed to stay on their mounts as they went round and round
in circles. We didn't observe the hounds doing anything other than having a run out and they were clean at the end of
the day. On the way back to the vehicle, the foot
sabs found a huge badger sett with spill mounds almost 4 foot tall on another footpath. Sadly, most of these had been blocked
too. There were lots of little badger paw prints around the holes and then the boot foot prints of those who filled the holes
in ! We didn't want to lose sight of the hounds and unblocking this sett was going to be a big job so the foot sabs had
to record the evidence and leave it till later to go back and unblock them. Whilst back in the vehicle and observing the hounds we managed to contact the local Wildlife Crime Officer and he
readily agreed to come out and help despite the fact daylight was fading fast. He phoned later to say that he had unblocked
the holes except one and there were a couple deeper in the hedgerow that hadn't been blocked. We really cannot thank him
enough for this and his actions probably saved the lives of at least some of the badgers living in that sett !! The Huntsman and hounds headed back to the meet and arrived back there
just before 4.30pm and we were glad to see him dismount because by then we were feeling rather dizzy ! A terrier man who is
known to us and has previous for interfering with a badger sett stopped to say hello. We will leave you to make your minds
up as to who and why the setts were blocked today. The
hounds were clean at the end of the day, each time we saw them during the day and having never even gone into full cry we
are confident there were no kill.
ewe found in field Portman FH hounds had been seen crossingRepeated observation by monitors confirms Hunt not laying trails 8-1-17 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports DABS has been out regularly since the new year started monitoring the Portman
Hunt to ensure that they remain within the law. Although we have observed no kills, it is clear from our observations that
they are not laying trails so the lack of kills is from luck rather than an attempt to remain within the law. We make sure that some of our people remain covert all day so that they can gather the best film evidence.
Others follow and monitor the hunt via the vehicles, passing information as necessary to the covert monitors. The safety of
the hounds, horses and farm animals is also paramount and we try and record any evidence of cruelty and abuse. On 31/12/16, we observed the hounds running through a herd of sheep. We then discovered a dead
ewe [left]. Dorset
Police have been informed. On 7/1/17 Hounds were still all over the place
and were clearly not following a trail. At both meets, foxes were observed fleeing to safety and we did our best to help them.
The riders were observed to be cantering on tarmac for no good reason other than to keep up with the Hunt. Terrier men were present at both hunts despite the fact that they are not required if the Hunt
is following a legal trail. DABS will continue to observe and record throughout
the season so please PM us if you would like to help us or donate...
South Durham FH chase and kill fox in front of sabs 7-1-17 Facebook - North East Sabs VIDEO Hit Report 7/1/17, South Durham
Hunt at Coundon Today was a devastating day for North East Hunt sabs and Hunt Monitors as we witnessed
South Durham kill a beautiful fox. The incident took place near Windlestone Hall Country Park, near Bishop Auckland. The Hunt met
at Crawleas farm near Leasinthorn and took off crossing over the busy A689. Foot sabs stayed with the hounds all morning,
dealing with the usual bully boy attitude of riders using horses as weapons and speeding quad bikes over loaded with masked
terrier men. Hounds went into cry once in a nature reserve followed swiftly by terrier men and sabs of course but the Hunt
was swiftly sent packing when a local man reminded them they had not received permission to be on the land. We followed them
by car to their next haunt, dropping sabs in the field just in time for the hounds to go into full cry to our left, and the
sight every sab dreads unfolded in front of us.... a fox running for its life followed closely by the hounds. Horns calls
were used in an attempt to pull the hounds away but with the fox in sight there was little we could do other than pursue them
in the hope of intercepting. The fox was chased in to a small wooded area that unbeknown to us housed a 6ft deep by 8ft wide
trench and the fox sadly had nowhere to go. We called the police whilst in pursuit only to be faced with a stubborn call operator
who clearly had no intention of sending anyone. Once we reached the wood shortly after the hounds it was clear we were too
late and the terrier men were already there... one was seen placing the remains of the body under his top and then all hell
broke loose. Sabs were seriously outnumbered and attacked from all angles by terrier men and riders, including Hunt master
Gareth Watchman. Attempts were made to steal the phone on which the ordeal was being filmed and realising there was nothing
more we could do for the poor fox we put our safety first and went back to the track. Police arrived just as we got to the
track and we're polite yet unhelpful at the time. Apparently these days no one gets arrested unless you have hard evidence
so we were left wondering why the police ever use the phrase 'you are arrested under the suspicion of...'. One officer
did return to the scene shortly after to search the wood but allowing the terrier men to leave with the evidence early it
was a pointless token gesture. We followed the Hunt who shockingly continued to attempt to hunt but with the hounds so excited
after their kill they very quickly lost control and had hounds all over the place running all over main roads and through
building yards. For safe measure we followed them all the way back to the meet and watched them sulk off in what can only
be described as the walk of shame! Sabs and Monitors were left feeling heart broken after today but we will do everything jn our
power to get justice for the life lost today. We are hopeful the police will take action, so we will post video footage once
it has been dealt with by the police. Pics
below - 1/ Sabs at scene of kill 2/ Huntsman riding at sabs after kill 3/ & 4/ The Hunt on roads  
Atherstone FH crowd-funding page closed down 6-1-17 Facebook – Hunt Saboteurs The Atherstone Hunt
have had their crowd funding page pulled and donations refunded for
breaking the guidelines! Thanks to everyone who complained to Just Giving and thanks to them for refusing to be a platform
for promoting violence and animal abuse. Things aren't looking too great for the Atherstone at the minute!
Modbury Harriers Whipper-in pictured doing Nazi salute 6-1-17 Facebook
– Devon Sabs Look what we were sent ... a photo of the Modbury Harrier's Whipper-in
doing a Nazi salute, which their hunt secretary seems to find highly amusing. Not the first time we've seen such behaviour
from the Modbury. POWAperson
adds - There has been concern for some years about links between some hunters and far-right groups. Hopefully - and I'm
assuming this pic has not been photo-shopped - this is just the crass and insensitive gesture of the sort we'd expect
from hunters. Baying mob of Atherstone FH followers attack protesters
at town meetAntis say were pelted with objects,
including poo, threatened with knives & broken bottles Four assault complaints made to police who failed to protect protesters 5-1-17 The
PROTEST Disgusting
moment fox hunt supporters pelted protesters with HORSE POO and eggs during nasty clash Around
45 protesters were gathered in Atherstone for the town's traditional New Year's bash when the chaos unfolded. This
is the vile moment anti-hunt protesters were pelted with HORSE POO [right] by fox hunt supporters, sparking chaotic scenes in a town centre. Protesters gathered
in the Market Square in Atherstone, Warks, for the town’s traditional New Year’s meeting on Monday – but things soon turned sour. Hunters clad in the traditional red and white outfits gathered before heading off over the border into Leicestershire
to hunt foxes, however 45 members of the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs protested. The group were then pelted with horse poo,
glass bottles and eggs by members of a rival group. Warwickshire Police are now probing the footage. The video, taken by a
protester, begins with anti-hunt members chanting “shame on you” before a man dressed in a camouflage jacket pics
up manure from the floor. He is then seen appearing to throw it at members of the group. Hunt supporters can then be heard
chanting “s*** on you”. A spokesperson for West Midlands Hunt
Saboteurs said: “The Atherstone Hunt supporters were drunk and aggressive and became increasingly violent as the day
went on. We had elderly people protesting with us who had manure, eggs and glass bottles thrown at them. People could have
been seriously hurt. The only reason that this incident didn’t escalate into a riot is because of the restraint shown
by the protesters in the face of very provocative and aggressive behaviour. The responsibility for the violence that happened
in the square lies completely with Warwickshire Police and Atherstone Town Council.” An anti-hunt protester who did not want to be named said: “There were only about 40 members of the Hunt on
horseback – many of them children – but soon they were joined by their supporters. There were a couple of hundred
of them and between 35 and 45 of us. We were peaceful at all times. They were a huge baying mob, it was like something from
a football match in the 1980s.” The eyewitness claimed anti-hunt protesters made 999 calls requesting help, after
allegations of bottles and manure being thrown at them. A spokeswoman for Warwickshire Police said four members of the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs had made complaints of assault.
She added: “Officers are investigating and are at an early stage of their enquiries, but no-one has been arrested at
this time. Police are actively reviewing evidence and anyone who has any information which could assist the investigation
is asked to contact them on 101 quoting reference 140 of 2 January 2017.” Atherstone Hunt refused to comment.
4-1-17 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt, 2nd January 2017 –
Atherstone Market Square Peaceful anti-hunt protestors
occupied the centre of Atherstone Market square where riders of the Atherstone Hunt normally gather. The Hunt where instead
forced onto the perimeter of the square. The Atherstone only managed to get 30-40 riders, a lot of whom where children. Anti-hunt
protestors remained peaceful at all times. However,
Atherstone Hunt supporters fuelled by alcohol were aggressive and yobbish right from the start. We know first hand what people
who support hunting are like, but on Monday the Atherstone showed everyone including members of the public exactly what hunting
represents. From the start we had glass bottles thrown at us and manure thrown at us. Hunt supporters repeatedly surged forward
in an attempt to trample down the protestors. Hunt supporters where also trying to provoke a reaction from protestors by waving
fox tails in their faces. Banners and other property where stolen, one banner was ripped apart by a hunt supporter using a
knife. Pictures of the stolen property were
later posted on Facebook helpfully allowing us to identify many of those responsible whilst also being an admission of guilt. This has been reported to the
police who will also have the CCTV footage from the Market Square available to them to identify those responsible. A member
of the public's child was almost run over by a hunt supporter in a Landrover as he attempted to get at the protestors. Minutes from a recent Atherstone Town council meeting
show that the council were in communication with Warwickshire Police over the coming hunt meet in the Market Square. Warwickshire
police reminded the council what happened last year in the square where two hunt supporters where given fixed penalty notices
for anti-social behaviour. UKIP Councillor Richard Freer stated that the Atherstone Hunt have permission to use the Square
whilst the protestors do not. Whilst Freer's statement in factually incorrect (it is a public space) it does show his
attitude and support for the Hunt. Two other Atherstone Town Councillors who are also North Warwickshire Borough Councillors
Mejar Singh and Ray Jarvis (both Conservative) were also present in the Market Square and watched on as the violence took
place. Warwickshire Police are fully aware
of what the Atherstone Hunt are like, are fully aware of what happened last year when they admitted they didn't have enough
officers present (they had two last year) and were even advised by officers from Leicestershire police on the day that they
needed officers on the ground. Warwickshire police ignored all of this and decided not to deploy officers at all until the
end, after they had been called numerous times by members of the public. The responsibility for the violence that happened
in the square lies completely with Warwickshire Police and Atherstone Town Council. After we left the Market Square we went to find the Hunt who were hunting as normal. The
violence and aggression continued with eggs and stones being repeatedly thrown at our vehicle and a wing mirror smashed. These
incidents have been reported to Leicestershire Police. We are still going through the footage of the day's events that
has been sent to us by people who filmed it on the day. We are being inundated with messages and information about the Atherstone
Hunt, so please bear with us if we don't reply immediately. Also thanks to everyone who has sent us the names of some
of those responsible for the violence. There may well be other videos to follow. As long as the Atherstone Hunt continue to
meet in the Market Square we will continue to protest there.
story was also covered by the Mirror, Birmingham Mail, Coventry Telegraph
Shots fired over heads of North Cornwall FH Police investigated and decided 'no crime' 5-1-17 BBC News Online VIDEO Gunshots 'fired
over Cornwall hunt riders' A charity worker who fired a shotgun over the heads of hunt riders
is being investigated by a wildlife charity. A video filmed by a member of the Hunt appears to show four shots being fired,
spooking horses, with spent shot raining down on the riders. Police said they had spoken to the charity worker but concluded
there had been "no crime". Cornwall Wildlife Trust confirmed that it was investigating the claims by North
Cornwall Hunt against the man. Hunt secretary Amanda Carpenter, who shot the video, said a total of six shots had been fired
over the heads of the hunt on Monday 2nd January. Debris from a tree which was hit is shown falling onto the road where the 50-strong
hunt was riding from Blisland to Bodmin Moor. About half of riders on the day had been children, one of whom had been "severely
affected" by the incident which had caused them "stress and trauma", she said. The trust said no action had been taken
against the staff member at the centre of the allegations. 'Irresponsible activity'. It said in a statement that
it was "aware of an allegation made on social media in respect of an incident involving a member of staff in a private
capacity". It added: "The organisation takes any such allegation very seriously so, if necessary, it can take appropriate
action." A Devon and Cornwall Police spokesman said they were called about "shots being fired". "The incident
concerned a dispute between a hunt party and a landowner," said a spokesman. "Police have made enquiries and spoken
to the interested parties. No crime has been recorded." Tim Bonner, chief executive of
the Countryside Alliance, said: "People have different views on hunting but firing a gun in the proximity of horses is
not in any way a legitimate form of process. Such an
irresponsible activity could easily lead to serious injuries to both horses and riders."
Female sab attacked by N.Cotswold FH eagle handler 4-1-17 Outpaced Ever been attacked
by a man with an eagle? The noble Calvin Crossman, North Cotswold Hunt. First pic, hurtling down the
hill to attack a lone female 3 Counties sab. second, about to assault. Third pic, the view when you are a lone female sab
being punched and kicked on the floor, watched by his chums. Police are investigating. Outpaced will let 3C show what they
found afterwards and why she was attacked.  POWAperson adds - The background to the assault above and further info can be found above
at the entry for 12-1-17. It all relates to an incident on 24-10-16, when sabs rescued a terrier they believed had been abandoned
in a badger sett when sabs interrupted an apparent dig-out there, which the hunters regarded as the terrier being stolen. Ledbury FH supporter who beat
up sab identified and owns up 4-1-17 Innocent
Badger Malvern tree surgeon
admits to brutal attack on sab and brands him a “coward” Many people were horrified last week after watching a brutal assault of a saboteur, by a terrierman from the Ledbury Hunt. Calls were put out to find out if anyone knew who this
man was and the attack gained a large amount of mainstream media attention. Tracking him down didn’t prove to be very difficult, one of the riders of the Ledbury
tipped us off within 48 hours as to his name. We rang him today pretending to be a freelance journalist and asking for his
side of the story. When asked why he attacked the saboteur he simply said “he’s a coward and got what was coming
to him”. He went on to say that saboteurs are “all vicious thugs”, he also asked us not to put his name
in the paper. He runs a tree surgery company, the details of which you can find here.
Braes o'Derwent FH chase fox into hospice grounds & cause
road chaos 3-1-17 Facebook – N.E.Hunt Monitors VIDEOS Braes of
Derwent Hunt Meet, 2.1.17 Hit Report The meet was at Gorecock lane, Greencroft Ind Est, Lanchester. This
Hunt Meet turned into a circus for much of the day. We use the word circus as the control of hounds was a joke. Hounds split
from the pack after chasing a fox into Willow Burn Hospice which was witnessed by staff and residents who were appalled at what they seen enough to ask us for details
of who to contact to complain as it was private property and the Hunt had no place being there. We covered the scent of the
fox and provided details to the staff, who were happy for us to enter the surrounding woodland to retrieve some hounds and
send them in the direction of some riders away from the road entrance. Some
monitors late to the meet came upon hounds all over a busy national speed limit road, with 2 female hunt support desperately
trying to send them back in the direction of the rest of the pack. This went on for some time with hounds appearing out of
the bushes onto the road with cars having to slow down and stop every few minutes. eventually a redcoat appeared to help out
and he took to galloping up and down the busy road looking for stray hounds again having no regard for road users. Another
rider turned up to help by calling hounds from his position on the road with cars driving by. Hounds called out onto a busy road is how accidents happen and the safety of hounds horses and road users was not taken into account at
all during the day. Two police traffic vehicles turned up to close the road
at both ends so hounds could be rounded up safely, they had or interest in the illegal hunting taking place. Eventually, the Hunt moved off into woodland and we managed to keep them
in sight for the few remaining hours of daylight, as they tried their hardest to get on a scent with 3 quads turning up on
a patch of land close to Durham hill farm to assist in the hunt. The light faded and the Hunt started to pack up the hounds,
we are not sure if all were accounted for but wouldn't be surprised if a few are still out there waiting to be collected. We have footage of hounds
on road, riders calling hounds onto the road and redcoat using the road like his private racecourse. Please complain to Consett
/ Northumbria / County Durham police about road safety when a hunt is on as it's clear a trail has not been laid across
a busy road. 4-1-17
Facebook- NE Hunt Monitors At last a version of the truth [press
report below]. Hunt Master again blames Monitors this time for using the horn to pull hound off the trail and into the grounds
and the staff wouldn't have know hounds were there if we hadn't had knocked and told them. Lol. We will be posting proof via dash cam that when we turned onto the hospice
road after coming up from Consett. I might add we seen the hounds on the road, we then went up to Greencroft Ind Est to pick
up a monitor and returned to the road hounds were on, only to see hunt followers entering the hospice to which we followed
only to see hounds in the grounds and followers trying to round them up. We then told a staff member who to make a complaint
to, before she told us the hounds had chased a fox through the property. All this is shown on the video which will disprove
the Hunt's statement and catch them in a blatant lie. Video to follow. 4-1-17 Consett & Stanley Advertiser Braes of Derwent Hunt
apologises to Willow Burn Hospice after patients were are left distressed by hounds chasing through grounds
A HUNT has apologised to a hospice after patients were left distressed by hounds chasing through their peaceful grounds. Several
hounds from The Braes of Derwent Hunt broke away from the pack after apparently picking up the scent of a fox, leading them
through Willow Burn Hospice, on Maiden Law Bank, near Lanchester, on Monday. Witnesses described scenes of mayhem as the hounds
were rounded up, with police having to close busy main road nearby until it had been cleared. In a statement on its Facebook page, Willow Burn Hospice said the incident “not only
distressed our service users and staff, but has caused distress within the community. Willow Burn Hospice is taking action
to minimise the risk of this happening again and contacting the necessary channels." A spokesperson for anti-hunt campaigners, Hunt Monitors, said they had arrived on the scene
at 1.30pm on Monday, when they noticed hounds in the hospice grounds. A spokesman said: “A staff member told us she
had witnessed seeing a fox running through the grounds and then the hounds were all over the place. We asked if we could spray
the area where a fox had been seen running with (the deterrent) citronella to hide it's scent and she gave us permission.
As the area was being sprayed, more loose hounds were still running around so we tried to gather them up and send them in
the direction of the Hunt.” The spokesman added that a 92-year-old man was seen wandering around the grounds in
a distressed state looking for two sheep that have lived in the grounds for some years. Inspector Keith Wardle, of Consett Police, said: “The Braes of Derwent Hunt were out
on Monday, they had laid a scent trail for the dogs to follow. While in the area of Maiden Law and Lanchester the hounds picked
up a live scent and strayed into the hospice grounds and onto the road at Maiden Law. We have spoken to the manager of the
hospice today and a Braes of Derwent representative has attended the hospice and apologised. We are planning to speak to the
Hunt to offer some word of advice for next year. Officers attended on the day purely because at one point the hounds were
in the road. A police vehicle was used to stop the traffic until the hunt regained control of the dogs.” Master of the Hunt William
Gascoigne, who was not out on the day, said: “With the noise the anti-hunt people are making - blowing horns and spraying
citronella - the pack became quite disorientated and we lost three couples of hounds and they ran into the grounds of the
hospice. The hospice wouldn’t have known they were there, but the anti-hunt people jumped on that opportunity and went
and knocked on the door and said the Hunt has been through. My kennel huntsman went up there yesterday to apologise. They
accepted that apology and confirmed that no damage had been done.” The Courier also covered the story 1-17 NE HUNT Monitors VIDEO Following Bill Gascoigne of Braes of Derwent Hunt statement
to the Chronicle that Anti Hunt were to blame for the hounds being out of control on the 2nd of Jan 2017, we have screen shots
from our dash cam giving times and location. We can prove we only came across the mayhem around the hospice on arrival to
the area at that time we had not entered the grounds. We did enter the grounds about half hour later after spotting loose
hounds still in the area from where our phone footage was taken at the roadside. We originally thought this was just a derelict
building but then we spoke with a member of staff at the hospice who seen a fox and hounds chasing it through the grounds
that's when we used citronella to cover the scent in the grounds. The hounds were in the hospice grounds because they
were chasing a fox not because of the Hunt Monitors like Bill has stated even tho he wasn't present at this meet! Take
full responsibility Braes of Derwent Hunt and stop chasing foxes it's ILLEGAL Fife FH seen hunting foxes in
open - police turn up and talk to them 3-1-17 Facebook - Grampian Sabs New Year’s Day
Meet, Ceres, Fife Foxhounds A long report from yesterday but well worth a read we think! The Fife Foxhounds met on Monday 2nd January for their New
Year’s day meet. Sabs from Grampian, Perthshire & Fife and Central Scotland Sabs were present... Rather than
wait around to watch them gather in the Ceres car park with their old fashioned supporters (some of which seemed to think
it is appropriate to bring children to an event that romanticises the killing of wildlife) we split off into groups and got
into the fields, knowing where they would be heading, and waited. Grampian Sabs waited at the woods near Craigrothie and sure enough, about an hour into their
hunting day, the vehicle of a shooter approached a sab, circling round him a few times and then got out of his vehicle with
a gun and approached the sab on foot, despite having seen him. Why Iain thought he could go to an area with a gun and approach
a sab is mystifying to us as gunmen are not allowed to fire guns in such close proximity to members of the public. Iain also
has a history of masking up whilst carrying his gun in public places, including beside a holiday camp. Shortly afterwards,
the white terrier vehicle arrived on a hill overlooking the woodland and three gunmen got out. They positioned themselves over the hillside and the Hunt arrived, but
after two to three minutes of standing around and sabs present in and around the woodland they knew they would be unable to
hunt the area and moved on unhappily. This location is also riddled with earths and badger setts and the Hunt should avoid
getting anywhere near these with their hounds. Sabs regrouped where the Hunt crossed the road and entered a stubble field. They rode up the side of a deer-fenced woodland
and continued to ride off at speed with sabs following... with sabs leaving the scene to leapfrog the Hunt, another lone sab
followed the Hunt on foot. As soon as the Hunt got to the Clatto Reservoir the hounds went into cry and with no guns in position
once again, as the lone sab had just passed them all masked up standing away from the Hunt. The Hunt broke the law by chasing
a fox through the woodland across open ground and into another woodland. It was here that they were observed chasing a fox
in and out of the woodland with a gun finally in position, taking a crap shot and missing the fox. The fox outsmarted the
bumpkins and hounds and ran back down its line towards the lone sab, but not before a female rider holloa’ed... This
shows that many of the riders are not just there for a fun ride but also to be a part of murdering wildlife - clearly she
wanted to see the blood of this fox spilled. With the Hunt breaking the law again and now pursing this fox towards the sab,
the sab had to intervene and call off the hounds... the Huntsman tried to hunt them on but only a few hounds continued.
With the Hunt very smug claiming the fox had been shot (we
know from several sources that the buffoon Galpin missed with his shot again), the sab then entered the woods where hounds
were still trying to pick up on the scent and were rated and the hounds gave up. As the Hunt were once again breaking the
law a 999 call was made as advised by the police in the past to report the crime in progress. … a fox
was spotted only a couple of dozen metres away as soon as they turned around. S/he disappeared into the deer-fenced woodland and sabs ran to cover the scent on the periphery.
A legal Hunt would have no need to know of a fox’s scent on open ground anyway as they are not allowed to hunt in the
open, not that this stops the Fife. Moments later, all
chaos broke loose. With the scent covered sabs stayed in the area when a couple of hounds were seen running over the field
hunting the scent of the fox. A sab bolted over the deer fence to get into position when another fox was seen fleeing from
the hounds and also ran into the woodland... with the hounds fast approaching, sabs could do nothing to cover the second fox’s
scent and had to attempt to rate the hounds which was difficult due to their speed and the fact they were ahead. The hounds
jumped over a broken section of deer fence mere feet ahead of the sab at the front of the chase and bolted off. They lost
the scent a couple of times only to pick it up again and at least five deer were seen scattering in all directions. Eventually it seemed that the fox (possibly both) crossed
the road as a hole in the fence coincided with hound prints and the hounds stopped talking and disappeared, probably returning
to the rest of the pack. The Hunt were nowhere to been seen at this time and over the last couple of seasons the scattering
of the pack has become increasingly common. Mark can't handle master and whipper-in duties at the same time it seems... This was a very tense moment as it always is when hounds and foxes are seen in the same area mere seconds apart. We believe
the foxes both got away as only two hounds were in pursuit and they quickly stopped talking. It is possible that they followed
the second fox’s scent and once in the woodland began to pick up on the first... and ended up running into nothing,
with the first fox now safely far away.
returned to their car and looped round to where the Hunt would be going next. It was at this time that the police, including
infamous wildlife crime officer Christopher L Kerr, stopped sabs to ask if they had seen any illegal activities today which
the sabs made clear to them that they had. The police were told by the sabs that a 999 call had come through half an hour
ago but the police seemed to know nothing about this. The sab who had made the call had been assured by the woman at the other
end of the line that police would be dispatched immediately but no such police ever appeared and those present never seemed
to receive this information. It seems 999 calls aren't taken that seriously in Fife. The police were asked to go and speak to the Hunt, but told the sabs
that nothing could be done until a statement was made. When asked if they don’t do anything to stop violence usually
until a statement is given they ignored the question and repeated themselves again. The wildlife crime officer even admitted
that the sabs knew the hunting law as well as he did. Eventually the sabs managed to convince them to go and speak to the
Hunt and it was very surprising to see Kerr actually do this... we can’t know exactly what was said as it obviously
didn't stop them. Grampian
and Fife Sabs headed back to the woodland near Craigrothie where we had begun our day in case the Hunt returned and Perth
sabs stayed in the area. A third fox... was spotted but thankfully not seen by the Hunt. The Hunt rode round to the first woodland
again where Grampian and Fife & CS Sabs were once again and bypassed it before heading back to their meet and packing
up just after 4. It was a crazy day with a lot of hard
work put in by all present and with many occasions of foxes being spotted by all groups.
Forest FH chase fox in front of monitors and members of publicLater they attempt dig out - stopped by police, who tick off Huntsman 3-1-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors We were out with the Cheshire Forest [left] yesterday and what a day that was! We were surprised to be joined by some lovely
sabs from North Wales, Lancaster, Fylde (a new Sab group ) and Cheshire, plus 2 of our own new recruits and had a very productive
day using team work to scupper the hunt.
They met at the Hare and
Hounds in Crowton and within 30 minutes of leaving the meet were already onto a fox. When the Huntsman was told that
monitors had everything on film (he responded with 'happy f*****g birthday!), and when we told him he should call the
hounds off, he used his horse and riding crop to threaten one of our monitors. Then he rode off to lick his wounds. Sabs and monitors tailed the Hunt throughout the day. Hounds did go into cry on and off through the day but the Hunt
were stopped from chasing or killing foxes. Somehow a lot of police turned up 6 cars, dog handler, riot vans and helicopter [!] and when one of our monitors
spoke to them they told her it was because there had been lots of complaints about the Hunt. She was able to make it clear to the police that this Hunt had been breaking the law and sadly had to explain to
all of them (we need a bit more police training in Cheshire) what the law was. The final scene at the end of the day was a
very rattled huntsman walking of into the distance with his hounds for an early pack up. In the photo [above right] you can see the Huntsman
being questioned by police. After being stopped from digging out, he told one of our monitors she should know better!
Better about what we don't really know? A good day. Footage from Cheshire Hunt Sabs featuring German
rowing with sabs [pic left] after they'd drawn hounds away from him, at one point striking one with his horn.
Also, female sab telling terriermen off!
3-1-17 Facebook – N.Wales Sabs Hit report 2/1/17 ...we teamed up with sabs from Cheshire, Lancaster, Central Lancashire,
Glasgow, Fylde Sabs and the very dedicated Cheshire Monitors to pay a visit to the Cheshire Forest Hunt, who had met at the
Hare and hound pub in Crowton. It was a cold and frosty morning, which mirrored the reception we received by this shoddy Hunt. Local intel tipped
us off the Hunt who had planned to meet at 11am, were now meeting at noon. This played right into our hands giving us plenty
of time to pre beat and spray the woods we knew the Hunt would attempt to hunt. The Hunt headed from the Hare and hound towards
Ball Lane and were suspiciously straight onto a fox. This was witnessed not only by monitors but also by members of the public,
who were out for a nice walk till they had the displeasure of witnessing out and out law breaking. It appears the fox got away and the Hunt headed down a footpath
at the side of the river Weaver. Sabs managed to stay with the Hunt along the footpath then the Hunt turned of the footpath
and headed into a garden at the back of a farm. Huntsman Andrew German they gave a little speech thanking the field for turning
up and good bye we are off home type thing, before riding off with his whipper-in and hounds.... Mr German must have thought
we were born yesterday. The Hunt had no intentions of going home and then headed towards one of the wood we had already pre-sabbed,
we mean we had beat the wood, sprayed the wood to cover the scent of foxes and cleared blockages from earths and setts that
seemed to have mysteriously been filled. Sabs had stopped terrier
men on the edge of the wood and hounds were in the wood in cry. Sabs gave the Cheshire Forest Hunt a demo in how a gizmo is
used, and the hounds played along nicely, as sabs took the pack from the very angry Huntsman and his sidekick whipper-in.
Andrew German and his cronies threw the usual tantrum, pushing sabs and waving his crop in sabs' faces. Things were not
dandy for Andy as he threatened to stay out hunting till midnight, no worries we had nothing else planned for the evening. Terrier men were then seen entering the other side the wood with spades in hands. Sabs approached the spade brigade
and gave them a moral dressing down to which they looked dumb struck before leaning the area. Then there was blue flashing
lights and sirens, the good officers of Cheshire police had turned up, maybe a little over the top with the amount of cars
including the dog car and a riot van and the helicopter... But at least they didn't bring PC Claire Ford. Police seemed
reasonable, probably as fed-up with hunts as the rest of us good folks. The Huntsman's threats proved to be as empty as
his heart as he packed up sometime around 3.30-4pm. Pic right above - Redcoat seems to think sab is one of his hounds!
Monitor saves fox as warned Blackmore FH Huntsman calls hounds off 2-1-17 Facebook - Dorset Sabs Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Meet, Mohuuns Park
The Hunt moved off from the meet and drew in an area adjacent to Nyland, a low level area often wet at this time of year.
Here hounds could be heard occasionally. It is felt in this first session no foxes were killed.
Around the middle
of the day, hounds drew Moorhill Withey Bed near Higher Nyland. The monitor was positioned on a bridle path to the west of
the Withey Bed. The Huntsman entered hounds from the east and after a while they "picked up " and went off in full
cry in a westerly direction. By now the monitor had been "discovered: first by riders and then by a terrier type who
sped by. Out came their mobile phones! The field at this time was held up to the south of Moorhill Withey Bed. They took off at a gallop, first going north
and then a right angle in my direction. At first the monitor thought they were coming over to ask about footpaths and the
like, as they do. Then they swerved as can be seen in tbe video grab [above
left]. As they came to the hedge a gritty look could be observed. "Hell"
the monitor thought they are going to jump the hedge- where he was! Auto-pilot took over and he shuffled around to avoid any
collision. Some came very near, as can be depicted in the almost brown video grab [right]. That
was a horse to close for comfort! The inevitable happened and two young riders came to grief. One landed in the middle of the
hedge and tumbled into the field and one fell in the field. The pictures show just how close one came to tragedy. The monitor
was only yards away and asked if they were okay. He then switched his video camera off and offered comfort to one of the young
riders until a parent came back to the incident. The young rider was obviously shaken and needed to take a breather before
re-mounting. By this time the front end of the hunt was to the south before doing an almost full circle back towards Nyland. The monitor had some way to his vehicle but could see and hear the hunt to his east. The monitor then drove to the A30
where the hunt was found near Bazelands Hill. In fact followers were commenting the fox had crossed to the Henstridge Marsh
area and so would be safe. The Huntsman gathered his hounds and then proceeded along the A30 in a westerly direction [right]. This was around
2pm and the usual time for second horses for some. Movement was then made to a small wood adjacent to Park Lane. The monitor positioned
himself at the opposite end of the wood that the Huntsman entered the hounds. Quickly the hounds were in cry and pushed out
a fox that ran parallel to the monitor before finding a way through the fence [right]. In quick time the hounds were on the line and hunting the fox [left]. The Huntsman rode towards the monitor who informed him the hounds were hunting a fox. The Huntsman then pulled up his hounds, somewhat
to the monitors surprise. Second fox safe [below]! The Hunt then
made for Inwood, a well known hunting area. Foxes were hunted out by the hounds from Inwood and on to Martins Wood, another
well known own hunting area. The monitor then had a rather over zealous follower who walked in front of him presumably to
prevent filming. Later four other followers joined him and stood right in front of the monitor and engaged in a rather meaningless
conversation amongst themselves. This fox gave the hounds the slip so it appears the Hunt had a blank day. Hats were lifted
around 4.25pm and the hunt came to an end.
monitor !
FH filmed hunting a fox next to hamlet of Poundon Hounds
filmed all over railway line for ten minutes 2-1-17 You Tube – Man in Black Bicester Hunt on an Illegal fox hunt at Poundon 31-12-16 Bicester Hunt on an Illegal fox hunt and endangering lives
with their hounds on the main Oxford - Milton Keynes railway lines. Pics below - 1/
Lead hounds chasing fox, which is other side of hedge. It can just be made out between the bottom two planks, far right.
2/ Hounds milling about on an active railway line.  
Cattistock FH support seen releasing bagged fox, but no kills 1-1-17 Facebook
– Dorset Sabs Hit Report - Cattistock
Hunt, Meet Tithe Barn, Children's Farm carpark, Abbotsbury As it was the last day of the year, we
decided to pay a final visit of the year to the Cattistock Hunt.We found them straight away in Abbotsbury in the
carpark to the side of the Swan Pub. It was quite a large field [right] with a lot of children riding with them. They hung around having their pre-ride drinkies before moving
off shortly after 11am. They headed from the meet straight round to Oddens Wood, where the field sat waiting whilst the huntsman
took the hounds into the wood. ... The field again waited while the Huntsman put the hounds into Warre Wood. After
about 20 mins the hounds picked up on a line. With sabs positioned on the road above the Wood among the support, foot sabs
sprayed along the roadside....thankfully, as moments later the hounds went into cry and a healthy looking fox ran from the
woods and crossed the road in front of sabs. The Huntsman, with the hounds quiet again and back with him then received a call
from one of Lady Charlotte's gamekeepers who had seen the fox cross, then put them back on the line and hounds went off
at speed with the field following. The hounds headed toward Langton Herring still on a line. Heading to Kittle Barrow Plantation
the pack then turned back towards Colmers Barn then up to the edge of Wyke Wood. Here the pack split and the Huntsman and part of the pack legged
it along the hedgeline then off along the hills towards the sea at Langton Herring.... Foot Sabs then filmed them hunting
on the beach and hounds clambering down the cliff towards the sea [left]. Not only extremely unsafe for the hounds but also an impossible place to lay a
trail !! After a short time on the beach without any luck the Huntsman started to head back towards New Barn. At this point,
at 12.57pm, one of the other teams witnessed hunt support releasing a bagged fox in the field by Rodden Road. Police were
called at this point. As expected from the Dorset police, they didn't show up.... After putting the hounds in a small
copse near Snipe Gate, they found a line heading swiftly back towards the Rodden road area. Sabs positioned along the road
saw a big healthy dog fox run past followed by hounds and used the gizmo to call the hounds off. It worked! One fox saved!! [right] The other landy then headed back towards the New Barn area
where the Hunt re-appeared and the Huntsman put the hounds into Berry Coppice. The field milled around for a while while the
Huntsman tried to find a line. At this point, at 1.50pm, most of the younger riders went home. With support getting increasingly desperate
to stop us they tried to block two of the landys in while the hunt moved away.... Police were called again at this point......they
were then seen a while later driving past!!!... At 4pm they turned for home and hacked back along New Barn Road. Sabs were concerned
that the hunt may have done ''something'' in the last copse so decided to go and take a quick look. Foot sabs
walked toward the copse and within a minute a quad appeared and started to try and stop the sabs from looking. Sabs tried
to carry on but the quad rider started to run into sabs. One of our landys then decided to drive across the field to protect
the sabs. At this point the police arrived but started to drive off till the other landy blocked them from leaving. Other
support arrived and things got a bit heated until police told support to leave the area , not before the terrierman locked
down the muddy terriers in the box on the quad in front of them !!After taking their details they said they would contact
them tomorrow and the 'boys' left. As far as we can tell there were no kills today, the hounds looked clean and the
Hunt were never far from our view. However with foxes being dropped in from various vehicles we can't be certain. We know
Charlotte's Hunt are notorious for bringing in their own quarry !!
DECEMBER 2016..... 29th December
- Ledbury FH terriermen filmed violently attacking sab on ground ..... 26th December - Groups press for Scottish hunting ban to be strengthened ..... 26th December - League claims Hunting Act broken 17,000 times per season ..... 26th December - Farage joins Old Surrey FH at Boxing Day meet, as usual ..... 26th December - Poll registers highest ever support for the Hunting Act - 84% ..... 25th December - Commons vote on Hunting Act repeal 'highly unlikely' in this Parliament ..... 24th December - Melbreak FH hide corpse of fallen hound beneath stones ..... 24th December - Prominent pro-hunt Tory tries
to 'banish' Blue Foxes ..... 23rd December - Police reopen Old
Surrey FH fox kill case following public pressure ..... 23rd December
- Sabs save fox as Surrey Union run hounds round blind road bend ..... 22nd December
- Atherstone FH ignore landowners' pleas for them to keep away ..... 21st December - Petition launched to stop Cheshire hunting PC from policing Hunts ..... 20th December - Surrey Union FH chase a fox across a road ..... 19th December - Eggesford FH farmer supporter strikes female sab in back of head ..... 18th December - Kent police drop investigation into Old Surrey FH fox kill ..... 18th December - South Shropshire FH's follower backs landy into passer-by's car ..... 17th December - Sabs find mangled remains of fox killed by East Kent FH ..... 17th December - Coastguard rescue out to try to save IoW FH hound that went over cliff ..... 16th December - Grafton FH filmed hunting three foxes on two days in November ..... 16th December - Sabs release footage of Blackmore FH hunting last February ..... 15th December - Hunt monitor films Grafton FH rider viciously hitting horse ..... 15th December - Fox remains after hunting by Bicester FH found by shocked villager ..... 15th December - Pressure telling on Atherstone FH finances, say sabs ..... 11th December - Sabs find many blocked badger setts on Cotswold
FH meet day ..... 10th December - Sabs say they saved fox from 'violent' Crawley
& Horsham FH ..... 10th December - Sabs saved fox chased to ground by Cotswold Vale FH ..... 9th December - Horrified man sees Dumfriesshire
FH hounds kill fox in his garden ..... 9th December - Man arrested
& in custody in connection with fox kills by Belvoir FH ..... 8th
December - Dog walker sees her dog AND a fox chased by Blackmore FH hounds ..... 8th
December - Trial date set for Fitzwilliam FH hunt servants at long last ..... 7th
December - Iron bar wielding Atherstone FH supporter attacks sabs ..... 7th
December - Police powers to unmask protesters enhanced, says CA ..... 6th
December - Sabs say they saved three foxes from Essex FH attempts to kill them ..... 5th
December - Police pass evidence file to CPS in S.Herefordshire FH cruelty case ..... 5th
December - Bloodstains and fur remains suggest Fife FH hounds killed fox ..... 4th
December - Belvoir FH kill three foxes, two in grounds of nursing home ..... 3rd
December - Flint & Denbigh FH chase fox across a main road, Huntsman loses hounds ..... 3rd December - Sabs film fox being killed by Old Surrey FH - police investigating ..... 1st December - Atherstone FH supporter's
tirade of abuse after sab car rammed
receive malicious messages from Atherstone FH mob30-12-16 Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs RECORDING Malicious
voicemail from the Atherstone Hunt It seems the Atherstone Hunt didn't like our Boxing Day
demonstration, they didn't like it much last year either when they burnt out a female sabs dustbins (after burning out
her car in the summer). This year the same female sab has received numerous malicious phone calls since the demonstration
on Boxing Day. This includes two voicemail messages. One message was several recordings of hounds chasing a fox. The other
message was a tirade of sexist bigoted offensive language. Unfortunately we have come to expect these views from the Atherstone
Hunt. There have been numerous other examples of members of the Atherstone hunt using similar language over the past few weeks.
This only goes to highlight that these type of bigoted and degrading views of women are not only accepted amongst people who
go hunting but are commonplace. These malicious phone calls come only a week after a different sab had a malicious Christmas
card and a lump of slate sent to their parents house.
Ledbury FH terriermen filmed violently
attacking sab29-12-16 The Sun HUNT CLASH ‘Ledbury Hunt worker punches
a protester on the ground for trying to save fox hiding in a badger sett’ in shocking video
Hunt saboteurs claim they filmed a terrierman working for the Ledbury Hunt attacking one of their group. SHOCKING video footage
allegedly shows a fox-hunter punching and kicking a protester as he lies on the ground [right]. The clip shows masked members of the Bristol Hunt Saboteurs clashing with men they
claim were part of the Ledbury Hunt after they had allegedly chased a fox into a badger sett. Video posted online by hunt
saboteurs shows a clash with men, who the protesters claim work for the Ledbury Hunt. The scuffle was caught on video that was apparently filmed yesterday in Castlemorton, Worcs. Video shows one man
with his face covered by a scarf approach the group and suddenly leap towards an activist. A second clip allegedly shows the
same man – now with his face visible – looming over a sab on the floor and repeatedly punching him. He can then
be seen kicking out, before running away when horses and huntsmen appear in the field. It is not clear what happened between
the two sections of film as the edited video posted on Facebook goes dark in the middle. The footage is said to have been
filmed during the Castlemorton meet in Worcestershire at around midday yesterday. Saboteurs allege the hunt was attempting
to “put a fox up” and digging around a “large badger sett where a fox had taken refuge” – but
this was not caught on camera. The attacker is seen swinging a final kick before running away in the shocking video footage.
The national Hunt Saboteurs Association is appealing for information about the identity of the alleged terrierman to pass
to West Mercia Police. A spokesman for the group
said: “Hunt saboteurs were attacked by terriermen from the Ledbury Hunt at their Castlemorton meet on Wednesday, December 28. The unprovoked attack happened after hounds from the Hunt had chased a fox into
a badger sett. Sabs intervened to save the fox and were attacked by the hunt employees. This footage clearly shows the unprovoked
attack on sabs by one of the terriermen. He throws a sab to the ground, punches them repeatedly and kicks out at other sabs
nearby. We are asking for help to identify this man so that we can pass the information to the police. If you know who he
is please pm us on Facebook or contact Bristol saboteurs directly via the email address on the video.” West Mercia Police said: “We are aware of video footage
being circulated and officers are investigating to establish the circumstances and who was involved. No arrests have been
made.” The
Ledbury Hunt has been approached for a comment. According to its website the Ledbury Hunt can be traced back to 1846 and rides around Ledbury on the Hereford and
Gloucestershire border. The page states: “Prior to the ban on hunting the purpose of taking hounds out was to control
the fox population. Foxes do a lot of damage to young livestock and poultry. “In a normal season hounds used to account
for an average of 60 brace, equivalent to about two foxes for each hunting day. Until the ban on hunting can be overturned
hounds will be encouraged to hunt a false trail and sport will continue to be provided using the various exemptions allowed
within the law.” POWAperson adds - It is a
welcome change to see the Sun covering hunt brutality these days. The story was also picked up by the Daily Mail, BBC News, the Mirror, the Bristol Post and the Gloucs Echo. 28-12-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs VIDEO LEDBURY HUNT FAIL TO KILL FOXES AND LAUNCH ATTACK ON SABS
We paid a visit to the Ledbury Hunt today, who met at the Robin Hood Inn, Castlemorton. Shortly after 12 o'clock the Hunt
left the meet, with a large number of field and car followers in tow. Sabs announced our arrival by briefly taking the pack
from the Huntsman who had put them into a thicket in an attempt to put up a fox. After a quick spin in
our vehicles to get ahead of them, we came across them working through a wood and on our approach the Huntsman took the hounds
and shot off. Sabs kept on the Hunt and
again caught up with Huntsman, Mark Melladay, who had now changed from his redcoat into black in an attempt to avoid detection.
Sabs stayed close as he encouraged the hounds through thick gorse on Castlemorton Common (a trail through there, really?!),
before taking off with them at speed as they got on a scent and went into cry. We quickly caught up in our vehicles and followed
the Huntsman and hounds along the road, no longer in cry. After some doubling back and forth, sabs located the Huntsman off his horse with hounds in a wood, never a good sign.
Sabs went in to investigate and when the Huntsman realised he had company, left the wood with the hounds and headed back to
his horse. Upon reaching the edge of the wood it became clear what was going on, with a number of masked terrierboys hanging
around a large badger sett where a fox had taken refuge. Being caught up to no good, they immediately tried to get sabs away
from the area, launching an unprovoked attack on them. A few sabs have been left injured. Watch this space for updates. Despite this attack, we decided to carry on with the
Huntsman, with others checking back at the sett shortly afterwards and finding the terrierboys filling in holes they had been
digging, before leaving the area. For the rest of the day it was cat and mouse with the Huntsman and hounds, who was never
keen to stick around in any one place for long with sabs always on his tail. After a few attempts to lose us, it wasn't
long before he was again drawing through the gorse and scrub on the Common, using his voice to encourage hounds through and
to put a fox up. Sabs stuck close by and after drawing a few blanks, the Huntsman gathered the pack in fading light before
heading back to box up. If the Ledbury Hunt and their terrierboys think violence will stop us from protecting hunted wildlife,
they can think again! We'll be seeing you... Wardens from the Malvern Hills
Conservators (the organisation which manages the Malvern Hills and the Commons around it) were also in the area today. This
appeared to make the Hunt less keen to spend time on the Common and hills as they did at this same meet last year, when they
hunted a fox right up onto the hills. Despite being in the area, none of the wardens were present when the dig out of the
badger sett or attack on sabs took place, nor did they appear to intervene when the huntsman was blatantly drawing scrub on
the common to put up a fox. A Facebook page has recently been set up to expose the Ledbury Hunt's actions on the
Malvern Hills and to encourage the Conservators to ban them from hunting on it. We would ask those of you who are local or
who use the hills to give it your support. 
Groups press for Scottish hunting ban to be strengthened 26-12-16
News Campaigners call for
end to Boxing Day hunts Animal-rights groups want the Scottish government to make this year's Boxing
Day hunts the last to take place. The plea by the League Against Cruel Sports and OneKind comes after a review by Lord Bonomy
who said fox hunting laws should be changed. He concluded that the current rules were "unduly complicated". Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham [left] said Lord Bonomy's findings were being considered "carefully"
and would be responded to early in 2017. The Scottish Countryside Alliance, which represents hunts, accused LACS of "peddling
lies" about foxhunting in Scotland. Boxing Day is a traditional time to hold hunts in the UK with the pro- hunting Countryside Alliance claiming that more than 200,000 people attend such events. The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act 2002 saw fox hunting with dogs banned. The law stated that a person who deliberately hunted a wild mammal with a dog was
committing an offence. An exception was made when dogs can be used to stalk or flush out a fox to be shot in the interests
of pest control, protecting livestock or ground-nesting birds. That prompted mounted Hunts in Scotland to be offered to farmers,
landowners and estate managers as a form of pest or fox control. Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said a response
to Lord Bonomy's findings would be made in early 2017 Lord Bonomy's report concluded there were grounds to suspect
"there may be occasions when hunting, which does not fall within one of the exceptions, does take place" and recommended
further clarification of the law as well as independent hunt monitors. Robbie Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel
Sports Scotland, believed the "ball is now firmly in the Scottish government's court". He added "Public
opinion in Scotland wants to see fox hunting banned, the government thought they had banned it, but as our evidence, Lord
Bonomy and Police Scotland have revealed, Hunts are running a coach and horses through the current legislation. "In short,
the law isn't fit for purpose and, in keeping with the commitments made by the first minister to strengthen the law if
it were necessary, we look to the government to do that by November 2017 - in time to stop next year's hunting season." The organisation said nearly 10,000 people had signed an online
petition calling for Ms Cunningham to take speedy action. Harry Huyton, director of OneKind, echoed Mr Marsland's plea
and asked the Scottish government to "act as early as possible in 2017". Ms Cunningham said the Holyrood administration
recognised concerns around the current legislation and that was why Lord Bonomy was asked to carry out the review. She added:
"Back in 2002, Scotland led the way in addressing animal-welfare concerns and we remain committed to ensuring the highest
levels of welfare for our wild animals. "We will now carefully consider the findings with a view to responding early
in 2017. Any ensuing proposals for legislative change will be subject to the normal consultation processes." The Scottish Countryside Alliance said the Bonomy review was
"absolutely supportive" of the principle of using packs of hounds to flush to guns. Its director, Jamie Stewart,
said: "The League Against Cruel Sports team should try reading the review before commenting on it. Just because the proposals
they made have been so comprehensively rejected is no excuse for so seriously misrepresenting the review. "I find Mr
Marsland's tactics hugely disrespectful to Lord Bonomy and his team. LACS are obviously in disagreement with his recommendations
to the Scottish government and have taken to paying for propaganda to try and influence the mind of the cabinet secretary
and members of the Scottish parliament. "Mr Marsland continues to peddle LACS lies over the timeline of events and the
contents of his heavily edited footage, which despite drawing on hundreds of hours of secretly filmed footage, failed to show
any illegal action." League
claims Hunting Act broken 17,000 times every season 26-12-16 Daily
Mirror Hunting laws broken
200,000 times since ban came into force as Boxing day hunts held Animal rights campaigners have suggested
illegal hunting incidents take place 17,000 times a year. Huntsmen and women have broken the law 200,000 times since hunting
with dogs was banned nearly 12 years ago, a charity has said. As fox hunts across the country gather for their Boxing Day
meets, animal rights campaigners suggested illegal hunting incidents take place 17,000 times a year. Hunt supporters claim 250,000 people will join one of 300 meets today. But, warning the Government
against any attempt to bring back the hated blood sport, the League Against Cruel Sports revealed polls show a massive
84% of voters want to keep the ban. The 2015 Tory election manifesto pledged to offer MPs a free vote on bringing back
fox hunting. But an Ipsos Mori survey for the League, shows 81% of people in PM Theresa May’s own constituency of Maidenhead,
Berks, are opposed to any return. Eduardo Goncalves, of the League, said: “The polling and projections highlight just
how out of touch any move to repeal the hunting ban would be. Generally only dictators would dream of pushing through a policy
against that level of public opposition, so we hope our Government will respect the will of the people. The Boxing Day hunts
are portrayed as a glorious pageant taking place in front of a huge number of people who support them, but the truth is very
different. Just because families might venture out on Boxing Day to see the hunt, stroke the dogs or watch the horses, doesn’t
mean they support repealing a law to enable the hunt to chase and kill wild animals with their dogs for sport.” Using reports from hunt monitors, the League estimates an average of 17,000 illegal hunting
incidents a year since the ban was introduced in February 2005. The animal welfare charity claimed that “most of
the hunts” in England and Wales have been hunting illegally by abusing exemptions and using the “false alibi”
of trail hunting.Mr Goncalves said: “Hunts now claim to ‘trail hunt’, but this is a false alibi used to
continue to hunt, providing excuses for ‘accidental kills’.” He called on MPs to “put the issue to
bed once and for all, and instead of repealing the Hunting Act, strengthen it to ensure it fulfils the true spirit of why
it was originally passed – to protect wild animals”. But the
pro-hunting Countryside Alliance dismissed the estimate of 200,000 breaches of the law. Chief executive Tim Bonner said:
“This is an entirely irresponsible claim which highlights the increasing desperation of the anti-hunt movement.”
joins Old Surrey FH at Boxing Day meet as usual 26-12-16 Daily Mirror Nigel Farage enjoys
11am pint in yellow trousers as he joins the Boxing Day Hunt The bloodsport-loving ex-Ukip leader
grinned with a pre-11am pint as the debate rages over hunting with dogs. Nigel Farage has become this year's first major politician to break cover and join crowds at the Boxing Day
Hunt. Boxing Day is still a celebration for hunters despite fox hunting being outlawed a decade ago under Labour. Hunts
like today's are legal under several circumstances including, for example, if dogs follow a 'scent' not a fox,
or if two dogs are used to "flush" a fox out from undergrowth. But Hunts are constrained and campaigners like Mr Farage and David Cameron want to scrap the
ban, despite 84% opposing fox hunting in a recent Ipsos MORI poll. Grinning Mr Farage was spotted with a plastic pint cup
at 10.45am today at the Old Surrey Burstow and West Kent Hunt's meeting at Chiddingstone Castle, Kent. He has previously
accused Labour of "cynically trying to turn the issue into class warfare" He is a regular spectator at Boxing Day hunts and in 2014 accused Labour
of "cynically trying to turn the issue into class warfare". Other politicians are less keen for their love of bloodsports
to be widely known. A rare photo emerged last year of a fox-hunting David Cameron, who quit the sport when he became Tory
leader in 2005. And a rather rude picture on social media today suggested not everyone welcomed Mr Farage with open arms [right]. The annual celebration of hunting reignited the row over Labour's Hunting Act. Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the pro-hunt Countryside Alliance, said the ban was
a "political" attack on people perceived as being "posh and privileged". He said the law unfairly singled out hunt-lovers while allowing
foxes to be killed in other ways. But Eduardo Goncalves, Chief Executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, told the BBC:
"I'm sure fraudsters and burglars find some of the laws against them rather inconvenient." The League claims
huntsmen and women have broken the law 200,000 times since the ban despite just a handful of prosecutions. Mr Bonner dismissed
the claim as "entirely irresponsible". Shadow environment secretary Rachael Maskell said it was "absolutely
clear" the British public do not want a return to hunting. "The Tories must not try and sneak hunting back on to
the parliamentary agenda when it is so clear that people up and down this country don't support it," she said. POWAperson adds - Mark Bycroft [right], the Old Surrey FH Huntsman, who is said to be a mate of Farage, has two convictions
for assaulting sabs. He has also been accused of illegal hunting on several occasions. Police are currently investigating
him and the Hunt in relation to the alleged killing of a fox on November 3rd, after public pressure induced them to reopen the case,
which Kent police had dropped without interviewing witnesses.
registers support for Hunting Act at new high - 84% 26-12-16 Independent Public opposition to
Fox hunting hits all-time high, latest poll finds Opposition to fox hunting has risen to historic
levels, with the latest poll finding an all-time high number of Britons opposed to the activity. A full 84 per cent of the
public now believe fox hunting should not be made legal again, as enthusiasts take to horseback to exploit loopholes in the
hunting ban on Boxing Day. Despite
the growing public opposition to hunting, it was reported in September that Theresa May is planning to push ahead with a vote on repealing the Hunting Act in Parliament, a pledge included
in last year’s Conservative election manifesto. The reported planned of lifting of the ban was branded “out of
touch” by campaigners, who said that such an overwhelmingly unpopular policy would only be considered in a dictatorship. Eduardo Goncalves [right], the chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, which commissioned the
poll, said families that went out to watch the apparent “glorious pageant” of a fox hunt on Boxing Day did not
necessarily support lifting the ban on hunting foxes. “The polling and projections highlight just how out of touch any
move to repeal the hunting ban would be. Generally only dictators would dream of pushing through a policy against that level
of public opposition so we hope our government will respect the will of the people,” he said. “The Boxing Day
hunts are portrayed as a glorious pageant taking place in front of a huge number of people who support them, but the truth
is very different. The fact is 84 per cent of the public do not want fox hunting made legal. Just because families might venture
out on Boxing Day to see the hunt, stroke the dogs or watch the horses, doesn’t mean they support repealing a law to
enable the hunt to chase and kill wild animals with their dogs for sport. It’s more likely that most don’t realise
that despite the ban, many of these hunts are still actively hunting and chasing foxes, and wouldn’t give them their
support if they did. Or perhaps they just want to get outside and get some fresh air before cabin fever sets in.” The poll, which has been conducted annually by Ipsos
MORI for a number of years to gauge support on the issue, shows a small increase in support compared to 2015, when 83 per
cent of the public said they did not support lifting the ban. The pollsters also used Office for National Statistics (ONS)
data to gauge whether a participant in the poll lived in a rural area – and found that opposition to fox hunting is
growing in such places – 82 per cent of people living in rural areas were found to oppose fox hunting, with attitudes having broadly come into line with people living in
urban areas in the last few years. Other bloodsports monitored by the annual poll were also as unpopular as ever, with the
ban on deer hunting and hare coursing supported by 88 per cent and 91 per cent of people respectively. Drag hunting, where
hounds are trained to follow an artificial trail, is legal, but anti-hunt campaigners claim illegal hunting of foxes has continued,
including at large organised Boxing Day hunts. The
Countryside Alliance, which support fox hunting, argued that the Hunting Act was not stopping hunts. It released figures showing
that 423 people had been prosecuted under the Act since its introduction and that 94 per cent of them had been for on unregistered
Hunts. The organisation’s chief executive Tim Bonner said: “Our figures demonstrate unequivocally that the Hunting
Act lies in tatters. The problem with the Act is that over the past two years all those prosecuted under the Act have had
nothing to do with 'hunts'. “The law that was supposed to have got rid of hunts is now being used as little
more than a vehicle to harass them.” The
Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom [left] said during her
failed campaign for Conservative party leader that she would bring back fox hunting. “I would absolutely commit to holding
a vote to repeal the hunting ban. It has not proven to be in the interests of animal welfare whatsoever,” Ms Leadsom
said in July of this year. “I do believe we need a proper licensed regime which works much better and is more focused
on animal welfare.”
Hunting Act repeal vote 'very unlikely' in this Parliament Leadsom says not enough time, CA acknowledge
won't happen 25-12-16 Daily Telegraph Vote to legalise hunting 'very unlikely'
before 2020 A vote to legalise hunting in England and Wales is unlikely to be held before 2020 because
of opposition from nearly every Scottish MP and a lack of Parliamentary time. Pro-hunting campaigners have conceded that it
is “is very unlikely” that Ministers will deliver the manifesto pledge after Scottish National Party MPs voted
against the plan last year. Andrea Leadsom [left], the
Environment secretary, has also privately down played the chances of a vote before 2020 because of the amount of time needed
to debate Britain leaving the European Union. The news emerged as hunts across the UK on Boxing Day are expected to attract more than 250,000 spectators. There were hopes
of a free vote when Mrs Leadsom was put in charge of the environment department - which is in charge of the hunting policy
- because she pledged to hold a vote during her aborted leadership campaign. She said in the summer that hunting was “absolutely
not proven to be in the interest of animal welfare whatsoever” and there was a “need to exterminate vermin, which
foxes are”.
However, in recent weeks Mrs Leadsom has told friends that a vote is unlikely
because of the sheer volume of time MPs and peers will have to devote to Brexit could mean there is no time in Parliament
to have the vote. She told friends that the pledge for a Commons vote was broken in the last Tory Government between 2010
and 2015 and could now happen again because of time pressures from Brexit. Mrs Leadsom said: There
were issues around parliamentary time such as legislative priorities - we are leaving the EU. There is a huge amount of demands,
so I think if you have a manifesto commitment then you do your best. There are issues that we have had in the manifesto and
parliamentary time has not been available.” Mrs Leadsom also denied that she was “pro-hunting”, telling
friends that it was “absolutely not” the case. MPs and peers debate spent 300 hours debating whether to join the
European Economic Community in 1972 and far more time is expected to be required for Brexit because the UK and EU are far
more integrated. Alongside Mrs Leadsom, other ministers Therese Coffey and George Eustice have both backed relaxing the ban
and Lord Gardiner is a former deputy chief executive of the Countryside Alliance... Pro-fox hunting
campaigners said they had resigned themselves to not having the vote before 2020. Tim Bonner, the chief executive of the Countryside
Alliance, said: “As long as the SNP MPs are intent on voting on an issue that does not affect Scotland, and only in
England and Wales, then the Parliamentary mathematics make it very unlikely that the Government would want to return to this
issue. Whilst we are not happy about that we have to understand it.” Last year’s Conservative
party manifesto said: “We will protect hunting, shooting and fishing, for all the benefits to individuals, the environment
and the rural economy that these activities bring. A Conservative Government will give Parliament the opportunity to repeal
the Hunting Act on a free vote, with a government bill in government time.” A proposal to weaken the ban in England
in the months after last year’s general election was dropped after the SNP said its MPs would vote against in the summer,
despite the vote only covering England and Wales. Ahead of that vote the Government had written to every Conservative MP,
urging them to back changes to the law on hunting in England and Wales. However the vote was pulled after it emerged that
as many as 50 Tory MPs might defy ministers and fail to back the plans.
Melbreak FH hide fallen hound's corpse under pile of stones 24-12-16 Lancaster
Sabs Cumbria Hunt Watch Press
release 22/12/16 - Foxhound which died after falling from steep crag – hidden under stones by hunt
Cumbria Hunt Watch monitors were saddened today to witness a foxhound from the Melbreak hunt die after falling from a steep
sided crag at Honister in Cumbria. A group of eight hounds were running towards Honister Quarry when they suddenly turned
and attempted to work their way up the very steep sloping scree and crags around Honister; a route
which could clearly not have been part of any trail. There is no doubt in the monitors minds that the hounds were chasing
a fox. The hounds struggled for some time while hunt officials made no attempt to call the hounds down. One hound was then
seen to fall around forty feet before bouncing and then coming to a stop. It remained on the ground not moving. A monitor from Cumbria Hunt Watch advised
the Hunt what had happened but received a casual response. The Master of the Hunt started to call the hounds down, but appeared
to have no control. The Huntsman then tried to call the hounds up – a dangerous and irresponsible act, given that one
had already fallen to its death. So unconcerned are these people by the life of an animal they didn't even notice until
told by a hunt monitor. When monitors went to investigate they discovered a hunt official had attempted to conceal the dog [right]; he had left it there and covered it in rocks, leaving it to decompose
on the side of the fell in a water course. Cumbria Hunt Watch have made a formal complaint to Trading
Standards (who deal with carcasses left in the open). Although this did not happen on National Trust land, please contact
the National Trust who still facilitate the Melbreak Foxhounds maintenance of a hunting pack by granting them a licence allowing
them unhindered access to vast tracks of National Trust land. The National Trust in Cumbria have been advised for years about
the suspicious behaviour of the Melbreak Foxhounds but still refuse to ban them from National Trust land. Cumbria Hunt Watch
believes this is a deceitful insult to the millions of National Trust members opposed to hunting. Without the disgraceful
support of the National Trust and other large landowners, hunting packs such as the Melbreak Foxhounds would no longer be
able to continue. Cumbria Hunt Watch would now like to know exactly how the Melbreak hunt 'dispose' of the retired
dogs which they claim are no longer of any use. Perhaps Tim Bonner could tell us – he's a great supporter of the
Melbreak Email National Trust: borrowdale@nationaltrust.org.uk Phone 017687 74649. POWAperson comments
- The incident is emblematic of the contempt Hunts consistently demonstrate towards the hounds they purport to love. They
are nothing more to them than disposable tools of their sick and perverse trade. See this POWA website page for further illustrations and analysis.
Prominent Tory pro-hunter tries to 'banish' Blue Foxes 24-12-16 Times Tories urged to
sever ties with secretive anti-hunting group A secretive Conservative anti-hunting group that has
received tens of thousands of pounds in donations from unnamed sources should be banished from the party, a former solicitor-
general has demanded. Sir Edward Garnier, QC [right], has written
to the Tory chairman, Sir Patrick McLoughlin, urging him to sever ties with Conservatives Against Fox Hunting and prevent
it from using the party’s name and logo. The League Against Cruel Sports gave the group’s founder
and her husband a free hotel room at a Tory conference in spite of rules preventing charities from supporting political parties.
The Charity Commission said yesterday that it would look into the gift of accommodation as part of its review of the League’s
conduct. Sir Edward warned that the Conservative pressure group’s apparent lack of financial transparency and its connections
with anti-Tory activism risked damaging the party’s reputation. Conservatives Against Fox Hunting (CAFH) has received
tens of thousands of pounds from undisclosed sources, according to Companies House accounts, since it was created in 2010
to stop David Cameron legalising hunting. The
organisation has attracted prominent patrons, including Tracey Crouch [left], the sport minister, Caroline Dinenage, the equality minister, and the backbench
MPs Dominic Raab, Sir David Amess and Sir Roger Gale. It was founded by Lorraine Platt, an artist whose husband, Chris Platt,
has been chairman and president of Mr Raab’s Esher and Walton Conservative Association. In 2010 the League Against Cruel Sports provided a hotel room for the Platts at Mr Cameron’s first Tory conference as
prime minister in Birmingham. Ms Platt has since become a trustee and vice-chairwoman of the League. CAFH’s accounts
for 2013 show that it received £10,000 from an unnamed “animal welfare charity”. The league and the RSPCA
told The Times that neither of them was the donor. In a 13-day period after Mr Cameron’s election victory last year,
when he promised a free vote on hunting, CAFH received two gifts of £10,000 each. None of the donations has been formally
declared to the Electoral Commission, which requires political party members’ organisations to identify their donors.
CAFH said that it complied with all rules.
Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, urged the commission yesterday to look into the funding. Sir Edward complained
that “there is a complete lack of transparency regarding the finances of CAFH”. He pointed out that Ms Platt was
the sole shareholder and said that there was no “accountability on how these sums of money have been spent”. Sir
Edward also expressed concerns about the close relationship of the group “to organisations that campaign against the
Conservative Party”. The League Against
Cruel Sports, which stages joint events with CAFH at Tory conferences, was criticised by the Charity Commission for anti-Tory
statements before the 2010 and 2015 elections. The Badger Trust, which has worked with CAFH on campaigns to save badgers and
fox cubs, was reprimanded by the charity regulator for unlawful campaigning against the Conservatives. Sir Edward wrote: “The Conservative Party needs, I suggest, to consider whether
or not it is comfortable with a close relationship between groups that market themselves as the animal welfare arm of the
Conservative Party and charities that are keen to campaign against the Conservative Party.” A spokesman for the League Against Cruel Sports said: “In 2010, due to last-minute staff illness, the League
had a spare room at a suburban hotel at Conservative Party conference which could not be cancelled. Rather than wasting supporters’
money by leaving it empty, we offered it to two volunteers from Conservatives Against Fox Hunting, with whom we were co-hosting
an event. We didn’t cover any of CAFH’s costs at that conference or any following conferences, and we have not
made any donations to CAFH.” CAFH said
that the claims against it were nonsense. “Conservatives Against Fox Hunting have complied with all the rules. We are
a campaign group within the Conservative Party representing members and MPs advocating the case for retaining the Hunting
Act 2004. The attacks on us are a baseless smear.” The Conservatives said that CAFH was not affiliated to the party. Using the slogan “Don’t run with the
pack”, Conservatives Against Fox Hunting burst into politics after David Cameron entered Downing Street threatening
to bring back bloodsports. The pressure group, whose supporters are known as Blue Foxes, was launched with a fringe debate
at Mr Cameron’s first Tory conference as prime minister, in 2010. It was founded by Lorraine Platt [right], an artist. “How can we influence other countries’ policies on bullfighting
or whaling if we reverse a ban that was put in place to prevent cruelty?” she asked. Brian May, the Queen guitarist
and animal rights campaigner, has hailed the members as his heroes. The support of a couple of dozen Tory MPs, including the
sports minister Tracey Crouch, has helped tilt the parliamentary balance against hunting. 
Public pressure makes police reopen Old Surrey FH fox kill case 23-12-16 Facebook – HSA After public protest, Kent Police
have re-opened their investigation against the Old Surrey, Burstow & West Kent Hunt, accused of illegally hunting,
ending in the killing of a fox on 3/11/16. Big thanks to all who helped with the campaign to get this case properly investigated. 16-12-16 Facebook – N.Downs Sabs Police give green light to animal cruelty
in Kent We have yesterday learned that Kent police's
Investigation Management Unit led by a DI and a DS have decided not to report the Surrey and Burstow and West Kent FH for
killing this fox on 3-12-16 at Chiddingstone.
We have made one very brief
statement and given them a number of videos (some not in the public domain), but at no stage have the DI or DS contacted the
witnesses or discussed the content of the videos with us. The Huntsman has lied about where he was, stated the fox was dead
when the hounds ripped it apart when it was very much alive and lied about the number of sabs there and their actions. Please can everybody complain and demand that Kent police carry out a serious investigation
into this obvious case of illegal killing by a fox hunt (a dead body is usually the traditional start of a police investigation)
, and interview the witnesses (Sabs ) present, review the videos and interview members of the Hunt, otherwise all they are
doing is giving their approval for hunts to kill animals illegally without fear of prosecution! Please contact (keep polite
please) the following sites and people and make your views known to Kent police:- http://www.twitter.com/kent_police https://www.instagram.com/kentpoliceuk/?hl=en https://www.kent.police.uk/ http://www.kent-pcc.gov.ukLatest Latest tweet from Kent police, 17-12-16. They claim that a full investigation has taken
place, but they haven't contacted any of the witnesses. Kent police tweet saying they have
'exhausted all initial inquiries'. How can they say that if they have not yet interviewed witnesses?
save fox as Surrey Union run hounds around blind road bend 23-12-16 Facebook
– Guildford Sabs VIDEO Surrey Union hounds out of
control on a busy road, and at a children's meet, what kind of
example is this? A separate tweet - @GuildfordSabs 23-12-16 This fox was saved from the cruelty of the Surrey Union Hunt
today after we intervened. See pics below. POWAperson adds – The
video clip shows a redcoat cantering towards a blind bend with hounds, one hound having gone ahead already, and cars coming
round that bend. 
Atherstone FH ignore landowners
pleas to keep away from them Riding school accident blamed on Huntsman blowing horn nearby 22-12-16 Facebook
– W.Mids Sabs VIDEO How
to make friends and influence people - by the Atherstone Hunt -
Atherstone Hunt Tuesday 13th, Saturday 17th and Tuesday 20th -
We continue to be out with the Atherstone twice a week, every week. The Atherstone continue to be without a terrier-man
and a proper Whipper-In. They continue to finish early and continue to average around 10 riders. Tensions within the Hunt
are noticeable and Huntsman Stuart Barton is losing his temper a lot. They continue to trespass on land they are not allowed
to go on and more and more landowners are coming forward and contacting us saying
they have had enough of the Hunt. On the 13th, we came across one
landowner shouting at Huntsman Barton for going on land he'd told him not to go on. We heard him shout “I told you
not to go on that fucking land” [right]. On
the 17th, we heard Barton being shouted at by another landowner. This landowner later sent us the letter below, asking the
Hunt to keep away from his property so as not to disturb his riding school. Huntsman Barton deliberately went as close as
he could to the riding school and blew his hunting horn to disrupt the lessons. We've
had several landowners in the same area contact us about the Hunt. A few days after we exposed 'This Is Hunting UK' vice chairman Brett Parker as a violent individual who wanted to give sabs a good hiding, John Osbourne, 'This
Is Hunting UK' committee member for Buckinghamshire, was out supporting the Atherstone and told one sab that he thought
all sabs should be shot [left]. It
seems 'This Is Hunting UK' is a rather violent organisation with extreme views. The Atherstone Hunt have yet again broken MFHA guidelines, this time regarding landowners. How often will the MFHA
keep turning a blind eye to the actions of the Atherstone Hunt? We will be having a Boxing Day demonstration against the Atherstone
Hunt in Market Bosworth starting at 10am. We will continue to be out with the Atherstone twice a week, please help towards our costs so that we can continue to keep a persistent
sab presence. ---------------------- Dear... I have spent many years
of asking that the Atherstone Hunt avoid causing safety issues for horses, handlers and riders by keeping right away from
Withybrook Stables and surrounding land. The presence and sounds of many horses, hounds and huntsmans' horns whips our
horses into a frenzy, causing them to panic, risking injury to valuable horses and our staff and customers. Of all times,
I have asked you keep away on Saturdays, when we have many lessons booked for children and novice riders - also when winter
conditions allow continued grazing paddocks as current warm conditions prevent us from housing horses indoors. On one occasion,
your hounds actually found their way into a children's lesson in amongst the horses, potentially causing a huge risk of
accident. You continually disregard my communications and ignore my requests, indeed if I had not discovered your
plans for this coming Saturday 17th Dec (by chance), to meet in the Lane we run our business from, I would not have known,
as you do not even bother to notify us at all. I am particularly incensed that you returned my call yesterday stating "
that I was lying about Arron phoning me on Tuesday morning and saying I said it was OK , I certainly did not speak to Arron,
as I was not even here on Tuesday - I left here at 6.am for a meeting in South Yorkshire from which I returned at 2.30pm .I
do not appreciate your inference that I lie about this . Should you continue your planned activity and an incident occurs,
I will provide my insurers /authorities/press with a copy of this letter to you as an official of the Atherstone Hunt. Your
faithfully, Withybrook Equestrian Centre and Riding School. The writer adds - Following
this letter, the Hunt totally ignored this warning. They proceeded to hunt within 50metres of our indoor School, where a rider
fell off in a lesson due to the horses being startled by the sound of the Huntsman blowing his horn. Fortunately, she was
not seriously injured. This surely is a most arrogant action. Why should people in rural areas suffer this illegal activity?
Petition launched to keep hunting PC away from policing Hunts 21-12-16 Daily
Mail Calls for policewoman
to be investigated over video footage of her facing hunt saboteurs during a clash with activists despite being off duty
Animal rights activists are calling for a police officer to investigated for 'misusing her professional powers' after
a video of her facing down fox hunting saboteurs went viral. Off duty PC Claire Ford was understood to be alongside the Cheshire
Forest Hunt when it clashed with activists who disrupted the ride. When the protesters allegedly strayed from the public bridleway
and onto private land, PC Ford came over and identified herself as an officer and escorted them off. A video - which has been
watched more than 35,000 times on social media - shows her claiming their actions are a 'breach of the peace' and
warning protesters her 'colleagues' are nearby. A
petition has been launched calling Cheshire Police to take action against the officer, accusing her of 'acting as private
security' and 'misusing her professional powers'. The force confirmed it 'referred' the matter to the
professional standards department after receiving a 'number' of complaints. A spokesperson for the Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs
said: 'We believe that as an officer of the law, PC 5336 Claire Ford, should have no involvement in policing fox hunts
due to her clear conflict of interest on this issue. We also believe that Cheshire Police should demand that she has no involvement
with fox hunting whatsoever, be that on duty or off duty. Nor should she have any role in policing the forthcoming badger
cull that may be rolled out to Cheshire. We would like Cheshire Police to make a stand against cruelty and call into question the actions of PC 5336 Claire Ford and any other supposed officers
of the law within their force who are directly or indirectly involved with hunting.' The Hunt gathered at a pub in Sandbach, Cheshire, where they were met by saboteurs and monitors
from three anti-hunting groups, on December 10. But it is understood they clashed nearby when the activists entered private land
and PC Ford - accompanied by the farmer - approached them and told them to leave. A video captured by the activists shows
her saying: 'I'm here as a breach of the peace [sic]. My colleagues are just around the corner.' She is asked:
'Are you a policewoman?' and she answered: 'Yeah I'm an off duty police officer I'm just making sure',
before identifying her collar number.She then added: 'Stop, stop, stop, stop - all they've asked you to do is leave'
and continues to march towards them. She is challenged and told she 'can't' but she adds: 'I can...it's
a breach of the peace' and 'why are you spouting the law at me?' POWAperson comments - The Mail seems to have missed the central point of the story here, which is that
the sabs claim that the Cheshire Forest FH hunt illegally and, presumably, PC Ford would be aware of this. She is the
latest in a line of police officers revealed to go out with Hunts who sabs/monitors claim break the Hunting Act,
including at least one who had been appointed as a Wildlife Officer. Change.org – Cheshire Sabs PC 5336 Claire Ford to have no role policing fox hunting
or be present, on or off duty We believe that as an officer of the law, PC 5336 Claire Ford,
should have no involvement in policing fox hunts due to her clear conflict of interest on this issue, we also believe that
Cheshire Police should demand that she has no involvement with fox hunting whatsoever, be that on duty or off duty, nor should
she have any role in policing the forthcoming badger cull that may be rolled out to Cheshire. PC 5336 Claire Ford was photographed on Saturday the 10th
of December supporting the Cheshire Forest Hunt as a passenger on a quad bike, then filmed acting as private security for
the hunt by misusing her professional powers in a matter of civil law. It is common knowledge that there are many officers
of the law involved in fox hunting all over the country, either directly, as is the case with PC 5336 Claire Ford, who is
known to ride with the hunt, or indirectly, in the way of supporting them from the roadside etc. How are we meant to trust these supposed law enforcement officers to uphold the law when they toe a very
fine line between lawful and unlawful activities themselves? We would like Cheshire Police to make a stand against cruelty
and call into question the actions of PC 5336 Claire Ford and any other supposed officers of the law within their force who
are directly or indirectly involved with hunting.
Union FH chase fox across a road 20-12-16 Facebook – N.Downs Sabs Mission
34 - Surrey Union, Ranmore Common, Dorking, Tuesday 20- 12-16 Following a tip off, one of the Guildford Sabs found
the Surrey Union hunt at Ranmore Common following their usual pattern of blatant illegal hunting midweek, when they don't
expect sabs and the police don't turn up. The
message went out and other sabs turned out as soon as they finished work. The sabs were always close on the Hunt and, about
2.45 (when most of the photos were taken), the hounds went into full cry and chased a fox across the road. The sabs stayed
with them and, fortunately, they lost it. The rest of the afternoon, until they packed, was spent collecting up their
scattered pack, this taking longer than usual as the Huntsman was not present and the pack was being hunted by the whipper-in
Luke Newton, whose efforts seemed somewhat amateurish. The small team of sabs then retired to the pub.
Female sab struck on head by Eggesford FH farmer supporter 19-12-16 Exeter Express & Echo Video appears to show hunt saboteur assaulted on a Devon farm
An online video of a confrontation between saboteurs and members of a hunt appears to show a woman saboteur being assaulted at a Devon farm. The 87-second video was posted by the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs group on its Facebook page. The
group claims the incident happened at Crooke Burnell, North Tawton, during a meet of the Eggesford Hunt on Saturday. The video shows footage of a cameraman and the woman being
confronted by a rider, who tells them to leave the land as it is private. The pair agree to leave, and are followed by riders
along a track to a farmyard, where a man appears on foot. He swears at them and appears to strike the woman on the back of
the head. There was no response to calls from the Echo leaving messages at a contact number for the hunt and at the hunt kennels
at Wembworthy, near Chulmleigh. A message was also left at the farm where the incident was said to have happened. No one was
available from the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs to discuss the incident. The video starts with footage of a rider appearing through a gate on a track towards the camera. In the background,
around a dozen riders, some wearing red jackets and some black, head down a track away from the camera towards a wind farm.
The rider, a man wearing a black jacket and riding hat and carrying a horse whip, says: "Right, you're on private property, and you're
not allowed on here, so please remove yourself." A woman replies: "We wondered whether it was, but we didn't
see the sign." The rider says: "You're on private property, there's no footpath on this farm, so go back
to the road now please." The woman responds: "I did wonder but there wasn't a sign saying private so we didn't
know." The rider says: "Doesn't matter. It's a private farm, there's no footpath. Off now, please go."
The woman replies OK, as more riders appear, with a man and woman on horseback flanking the first rider. A second male
rider then approaches the camera and waves his hand, saying, "Go on, go on, you were asked to leave." The cameraman
replies, "All right, all right, don't ride your horse at me." The first rider says, "You're on my farm
and it's private property," as the cameraman replies, "We're leaving, we're leaving." The footage
shows the horses being ridden along the track, following a woman alongside the camera, as a horseman shouts, "Go, go,"
and the man replies, "Don't ride your horses at us." The riders follow the cameraman and the woman
along the track [right], with a man on foot behind the two horses.
A rider shouts again, "Go, go, let's go" and the cameraman replies, "We can't leave any quicker".
Someone says, "You could run," and a voice shouts, "Come on hurry up", then the cameraman shouts in alarm
as a horse comes close to the woman, who is wearing a scarf over the lower part of her face, as she walks alongside a breeze
block wall. She says "Don't do that", as there are shouts of "Go on get off" and "Clear off",
and the man and woman pass through a farm gate. The footage shows a farm yard with parked vehicles then a stocky middle aged
man appears on foot, shouting, "Right get out then", as the man with camera says repeatedly, "We're leaving".
The man on foot, wearing a flat cap, red jumper and khaki sleeveless jacket, and blue trousers tucked into wellington boots [right], runs towards
the couple, shouting, "You're f***ing leaving all right". He shouts "get f***ing moving" and appears
to strike the woman on the head [above left], then she screams and
runs forward. The cameraman shouts, "Get off her," and the woman cries "Don't do that." the pair run
from the yard as the man shouts, "Get the f*** out of here". The cameraman then shouts, "We'll be calling
the police about that," and the footage ends as the pair walk along the road away from the farm. The incident is said to involve Eggesford Hunt, on Saturday, December 17, and the
location of the incident is given as Crooke Burnell, North Tawton. According to the website of the Masters of Foxhounds Association,
Eggesford Hunt operates in around 400 square miles of Mid Devon, where records date back to 1858 when the land was hunted
by Lord Portsmouth. 20-12-16 Daily Mail 'Get the f*** out of here': Hunt saboteurs
say they were charged at by a horse in a foul-mouthed clash with riders and farmers A shocking
video shows a hunt saboteur clashing with riders and farmers before being charged at by a horse and bombarded with obscenities.
Expletive-laden footage captured the entire violent confrontation at Crooke Burnell, North Tawton, Devon, which was sparked when a huntsman shouts at a cameraman and
the woman to leave his private land. The
pair agree to depart but are escorted and followed by riders along a track to a farmyard where another man wearing a flat
cap appears on foot. The huntsman then runs towards the couple, shouting, 'You're f****** leaving all right'.
He then yells 'get f****** moving' and appears to strike the woman on the head. The victim screams and runs forward
before the cameraman shouts, 'get off her,' and the woman cries 'don't do that.' The pair then run from
the yard as the man shouts, 'get the f*** out of here'. The cameraman then warns that they will be contacting police
and the 90 second footage ends as the pair walk along the road away from the farm. The pair agree to depart but are escorted
and followed by riders along a track to a farmyard. The group claims the incident happened during a meet of the Eggesford Hunt on Saturday. The video has been posted
by the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs group on its Facebook page. No-one from the hunt, which is based at Wembworthy, near Chulmleigh,
has so far been available to comment. According to the website of the Masters of Foxhounds Association, Eggesford Hunt operates
in around 400 square miles of Mid Devon, where records date back to 1858 when the land was hunted by Lord Portsmouth. POWAperson adds :- Another Eggesford FH hunt-supporting farmer [though
it could be the same man] was convicted of assaulting a sab and bound over in 2006.
police drop investigation into Old Surrey FH fox kill 18-12-16 Facebook
– Kent Live Police reach dead
end on probe after animal rights activists claim hounds illegally killed fox Kent
Police has revealed the trail has gone cold in a probe launched after animal rights activists claim they recorded a fox being
illegally hunted to death [left]. The
anti-hunt activists claim hounds hunting on December 3, at around 3.30pm, as the Old Surrey Burstow & West Kent Hunt "ripped
apart" the fox which they claimed they took to a vet, but which later died. Their video shows the hounds on the top of
the fox in woodland, understood to be near Oakenden Lane in Chiddingstone Hoath. The fox is then removed from the pack by
a member of the Hunt Saboteurs Association. The Association reported the incident to Kent Police.
But one of the hunt's organisers, Mark Bycroft, said the hunt had been a legal
trail hunt and up to nine scented tracks had been laid for the hounds to follow. He said because the saboteurs cause disruption
to the trail hunt by using recordings and hunting horns to confuse the hounds, if any incident involving a fox had occurred
it would have been their fault. Police told Kent
Live at the time officers would be meeting with the informant, but this afternoon Kent Police said "officers have exhausted
all initial enquiries". A spokesman provided contact details for anyone to get in touch if they had more information.
South Shropshire FH follower backs landy into passer-by's car 18-12-16
Facebook - Cheshire Sabs Here we have "Mr Stupid" a South Shropshire Hunt supporter blocking
the public highway, driving without due care and attention and reversing straight into a completely innocent road users vehicle.
The footage speaks for itself! 
Sabs find remains of another fox killed by East Kent FH 17-12-16 Facebook – E.Kent Sabs E.Kent with West
Street Foxhounds kill another fox 7th December 2016 Burmarsh. They say lightning does not strike in the same place twice-well,
it has struck the East Kent with West Street hunt 3 times now! It is the 3rd time in as many years that our group has passed video footage and other evidence to Kent
police, concerning possible illegal hunting at this Hunt's Burmarsh meet. On Weds 7th December, one of our group attended this meet to film any breaches of the Hunting
Act 2004. Whilst the Hunt was meeting at Haugelands Farm, our member was positioning themselves in a location that would give
the best view of the open marshland to be hunted. It wasn't long before the Hunt came into sight-on open land they could
be seen taking hounds through ditches and reed beds, and any other cover where foxes are likely to be found. At the back
of a campsite on a strip of brambles, the hounds were cast once more, then, some time later, the Huntsman was filmed off his
horse and in amongst the hounds. This is usually a sign that the Huntsman has killed or retrieving hounds from an earth if
they had marked a fox to ground. Our monitor continued filming until the Hunt was well out of sight, and again, the Hunt followed
the same routine. In the hours before and during the hunt, on open
marsh land, our cameraman saw no trail being laid, and hounds being cast into cover as if the hunting ban did not exist….
A later attempt was made to inspect the rear of the campsite, but hunt followers returning home meant our monitor may have
been spotted (last year, one of our monitors was caught filming at this meet, and was chased off by masked terrier men, who damaged his vehicle during the pursuit). A decision to
return in the morning was made, and, as our monitor searched the area where he had seen the Huntsman on foot, it became apparent
that the Hunt had indeed killed there… In an area of flattened nettles, and hanging in some brambles was the remains
of the fox. It had no tail and it's pelvis and rear end had been destroyed, and the rest of its body had puncture wounds.
No doubt the Hunt will claim it was an “accident”, but isn't it time the police took a firm line against these
flagrant abuses of the law? And as for the so called “free press”, stopped printing what the Hunt tells them they
are doing and start investigating what the Hunts are actually doing?! Note-all footage and the evidence has been passed on
to Kent police.
rescue scramble to save IoW FH hound that went over cliff 17-12-16 Island Echo Fox hound ‘over cliff’ prompts
coastguard response The Needles Coastguard Rescue Team responded to reports of a dog going over
the cliff edge near Compton this afternoon (Saturday). At shortly before 13:40, Solent Coastguard received several calls from
members of the public reporting that a dog had possibily gone over the cliff near Compton Farm on Military Road. It was reported
there was no owner present. Arriving on the scene, Coastguard Officers established that the dog was a rouge fox hound that
had become separated from a nearby meet. Thankfully, the hound managed to save itself from the cliff and proceeded East in
the search of the rest of it’s pack, evading members of the Coastguard team and Police. The dog was last seen heading
across land in close proximity to it’s pack, with huntsmen tracking it.
Monitors film Grafton FH hunting
3 foxes in meets 3 days apart 16-12-16 YouTube Grafton Hunt chase three foxes over two days
Monitors filmed the Grafton Hunt chasing three foxes over two consecutive days' hunting. The Hunting Act must be strengthened
to stop this happening - it urgently needs a recklessness clause to stop the distressing state of affairs which currently
exists, almost 12 years after the ban came into force. POWAperson
adds:- The first chase was filmed on 26-11 near Helmdon. Across a lake, a fox is seen running across a grass field.
It is followed seconds later by hounds. The mounted Huntsman appears soon after. Three days later, at Potcote, an apparently
beaten fox is seen fleeing across a field. Hounds soon emerge, following the same line, closely followed by Huntsman and riders.
Hunters are told they're being filmed and it initially seems they are stopping hounds [though the offence has already
been committed] but the Huntsman then leads hounds and field towards where the fox has gone, only to turn and come back to
the road not long after. It is clear that the Grafton knew monitors were present and filming, yet they appear to have blatantly
hunted foxes, almost as if they had no fear of prosecution. Which, given the many deficiencies of the Act, the reluctance
of police and CPS to act against them and the poor track record of the CPS on the rare occasions they do take organised hunters
to court, is scarcely surprising. The spirit and letter of the Hunting Act 2004 are being, as a former Chief Inspector of
the CPS wrote, 'extensively flouted'. Even in spite of the problems with the Act, the authorities could do better
than they are to rein them in, but Hunts will carry on pursuing and killing live quarry until the Act is substantially strengthened.
Please support POWA's efforts in our campaigntostrengthenthehuntingact.com. 
Fox flees hounds 26-11-16
Hounds seconds behind fox  Huntsman seconds behind hounds and fox
Beaten fox flees hounds 29-11-16 
Hounds on line of fox
Huntsman, riders, hounds return
release footage of Blackmore FH hunting last February16-12-16
Facebook - Dorset Sabs Video of Blackmore FH meet at
Bowden, 13-2-16 This footage not previously uploaded because it features the Huntsman and there
was a court case against him for riding down and severely injuring a female sab in August 2014. The events of the day had
been previously reported - see here, item dated 14-2-16. On that day sabs found three blocked badger setts and unblocked them, for which they received threats
and an assault as well as being ridden at. The Hunt then chased a fox into the village of Yenston and looked for it in gardens
and blocked an A road. This
film begins with a fox fleeing across a field. Minutes later, the Hunt and hounds appear. The whipper-in approaches the filmer,
a highly experienced monitor known to them, who tells him they are on the line of a fox. The Whip denies it
and claims their 'trail' was laid across that meadow. Odd, since the idea of 'trail hunting' is supposed to
be that, to replicate fox hunting as closely as possible, they only know the start point of a trail, not where it then goes. What
would be the point of riding a known route and, if that's what they do, how come Hunts so often riot on to roads,
railways and into villages and barred land? The monitor then
tells the Huntsman, that they are on the line. He accuses the monitor of lying and riders then give him a bit of hassle.
The field then move over to a copse. Unbeknown to them, sabs believe that the fox has escaped down a hole unblocked earlier
in the day by sabs in that wood. Whatever, the Hunt don't find it. 
Monitor films Grafton FH rider on road viciously striking his horseUpbraded, owner says the horse 'deserved' it and abuses monitor 15-12-16 You Tube A highly experienced monitor was driving slowly behind
two Grafton FH riders when she saw one of them twice hit his horse very hard with his riding crop. She quickly switched on
her dash-cam and caught him doing it again. Driving alongside, she told the rider off in no uncertain terms. The rider's
female ompanion then turned her horse around and shouted that the horse 'deserved it' and that it was her horse
and she'd treat it any way she liked. Foxes, deer, hares and mink are
far from being the only animal victims of organised hunters. Sabs and monitors often witness horses being maltreated and ridden
in dangerous fashion. POWAperson himself, whilst a monitor in the '90s, saw two hunt horses die during hunts because
their riders had pushed them too hard, one of them on a deer hunt on a very hot day in August. Hounds, of course, are treated
appallingly, culled ruthlessly if they commit various 'crimes'
and routinely murdered when they reach the age of six/seven and are judged no longer fit to keep up with the pack. Pets, livestock
and non-quarry wildlife that get in the hounds' way are terrified or even killed. Road and sometimes rail users are
obstructed, sometimes endangered, by the hunters' selfish actions. Hunters demonstrate again and again that, for them,
animal and even human welfare comes nowhere compared with their perverted lust for the chase. It is incredibly frustrating
to monitors, sabs and other antis that these monsters continue to be treated by the authorities and often the media as though
they were decent 'pillars of the community'. Please watch and share
the other films on 'scorpiovulpes' channel to see both frequent illegal hunting and appalling behaviour towards monitors.

Mangled remains of fox believed killed by Bicester FH found Resident makes
grisly discovery day after resident & monitor saw fox chased near village 15-12-16 Facebook
- Hunt Monitors Full Monitoring
Report – Oxfordshire Monitors The Bicester Hunt with Whaddon Chase (BHWC) met at Godington Hall, Godington, at 11:00
Hounds arrived fairly quickly in the Poundon area from Godington and hunted around a bridleway known locally as “Green
Lane” (which runs from Poundon to Charndon). They could be heard on cry until they disappeared into the Charndon area
before changing horses for their afternoon session. The Hunt returned to the Poundon/Twyford area around 3pm and hounds flushed a fox
out of a wooded area between Poundon and Grange Farm, Godington. Chaos ensued as hounds picked up the scent and riders could
be seen riding through fields of sheep which gathered in huddles unsure of where best to flee for cover. As hounds appeared
in a field adjacent to Mill Lane, Twyford, the gate to which was heavily chained, the hounds lost, checked and regained the
scent of the fox that had done its best to mask its tracks. The Monitor who was watching Mill Lane, with a local dog walker,
saw the fox burst through the hedgerow about 20 yards away , fleeing across Mill Lane in the direction of a spinney (a small
wood with undergrowth), on the boundary of Twyford Village. The Monitor shouted at the Huntsman to tell him that their
hounds were onto a fox and demanded that they be called off. Hounds were called back but only to be taken across Mill Lane
toward the spinney where the hunted fox had sought refuge less than 10 minutes earlier. Monitor again shouted at the Huntsman
that he was pursuing the fox and he simply informed the Monitor that they had laid a trail. Furthermore, he informed the Monitor
that he had permission to be on the land, which it was noted had been put down to seed, winter wheat, most probably. The entire
pack of hounds then entered the spinney and within minutes the most awful blood curdling cries went up as they found yet again
and pursued this poor creature into the Village of Twyford. It wasn’t possible to know whether they were on to the original
fox or flushed out a different one. A couple in the Village saw the whole spectacle unfold from their back garden and
they told our monitor that one fox had definitely escaped along the side of their garden fence. Mill Lane, a Restricted Byway
which runs past the Village Primary School playground, became clogged up with the followers’ vehicles. This was after
4p.m. and they appeared to hunt on as darkness crept in. Sadly, whilst walking dogs early on Friday morning, a horrified resident came across
what remained of one fox that had been killed in the area where the hounds had converged and where hunt followers had been
seen to run toward from their vehicles, parked on Mill Lane. The entrails and what was left of the tail were found a few feet
away from the bloodied grass, indicating that one of the hunt followers/supporters had dropped these as they tried to hastily
remove the body. The grass this morning was soaked with blood and the poor creature was so terrified that it had messed itself.
Tiny pieces of fur were visible and it seems as though it had been killed in a frenzy. It never stood a chance and it was
simply ripped to pieces. Our Monitor has been deeply traumatised by this event, questioning the mentality of anybody
who could inflict such mindless barbarity upon a small creature that had done them no harm. In an unsuccessful effort to save
its life, the poor fox had given the Hunt their unpredictable chase across country and paid the ultimate price. There were
no winners here on Thursday – we saw the ugly side of the human species and unless and until the minority amongst us
can be cured of their incomprehensible predilection to hunt wild animals for sport, we will truly remain a plague upon the
Earth and the wonderful animals that we share it with. 
Pressure telling on Atherstone FH finances, say sabs 15-12-16 Facebook
2015/2016 statement of accounts, summary statement, list of subscribers and list donors of the Atherstone Hunt has been leaked
to us by one of our sources within the hunt. We
knew the Atherstone Hunt were in financial trouble when joint master of the hunt James Sharland set up a gofundme for a sponsored
mud run, the mud run never happened, but the Hunt pocketed the money anyway. Sharland admitted "persistent sab presence
has lead to a dramatic drop in subscribers" The leaked report shows the Atherstone Hunt made a loss of £13,000.
This loss is a direct result of the dramatic drop in subscribers which amounts to £16,315, the entire list of Atherstone
subscribers now fits onto one side of an A4 page. This was the state of the Atherstone Hunt during the last financial year,
the situation has certainly not improved this year. The Atherstone are unable
to pay the wages of their own staff. This year these wages are being paid for by someone from outside the hunt. The report
shows that Hunt staff wages amounted to £34,447 last year. The Atherstone have been without a terrier man all season
and after firing their last Whipper-In have been unable to find anyone to replace him. The number of riders continues to be
on average below ten. Dove Valley Mink Hounds huntsman Will Shaw continues to babysit Atherstone Huntsman Stuart Barton to
prevent any road traffic accidents happening due to Barton's poor hound control. The Atherstone Hunt continues to show
the world the real face of fox hunting. We know
the Atherstone Hunt are not popular and we are starting to get more and more land owners giving us information. We
will continue to be out with the Atherstone twice a week, please help towards our costs so that we can continue to keep a persistent
sab presence There will
be a Boxing Day demonstration against the Hunt at Market Bosworth at 10am.
Sabs find many blocked badger setts on Cotswold FH meet day Police informed and they unblocked two
of them themselves! 11-12-16 Facebook - 3 Counties Sabs Saturday 10th
December 2016, Cotswold Hunt, Castlebarn Farm, Turkdean, North Cotswold badger cull zone We were
out early for this one and it was pitch block in the field on sett blocking patrol. At the first sett we went to check we
had just missed them and heard the quad leave. There was the usual scene of carnage with every entrance impacted with earth
and one entrance had a log rammed down it. We informed the police and continued to sett check. At the next one as we were
confirming that it was very active a quad approached the small covert and drove around it before leaving. Had he come to block
it and thought better of it? It had been blocked before, repeatedly with the badgers still there despite sett blocking, cull
and who knows what other pressures. We hope that we deterred him. Other setts were found to be unblocked and active. We then met 2 Gloucestershire
police officers who went to the blocked sett and unblocked every single entrance and wish to thank them for their timely response. The Hunt met at 12.00 and we saw them draw the covert where the sett had been blocked. It was
very wet and they didn't seem to be finding much (foxes retreat to shelter in such weather much of the time). They then
crossed over to where the Heythrop were hunting just last Saturday in a large landlocked area between Turkdean and Cold Aston
and where 5 setts were blocked. So the foxes that were hunted there last week and survived were once more at risk a week later.
One badger sett that was blocked last week was blocked again this week, twice trashed within 7 days just so people can illegally
hunt foxes. The impact on badgers can be suffocation as they try to dig
their way out and get caught between the earth behind them as they dig and the earth impacted by the rain. They often do dig
their way out but some don't make it. Foxes ,who often enjoy living in badger setts, are denied an escape route from the
hounds. It takes hours to dig out a badger sett, not long at all to get into an artificial earth, a terrier can bolt a fox
quickly from one of these to be hunted again, needless to say the AEs are often left unblocked. Sad to say later we saw the
Heythrop, or it may have been the North Cotswold, in the dark packing up near Stow. Both Hunts would have done exactly the
same in the areas they were hunting. Other 3C sabs sabbed the CVFH from
Aston Crews along with Bristol and South Wales. Report to follow.  Sett blocked with stave and packed earth
Freshly blocked sett with spade marks
say they saved fox from 'violent' Crawley & Horsham FH10-12-16 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs As we suspected the Surrey Union hounds have kennel cough we headed to the Crawley and Horsham hunt with North Downs Hunt Sabs to join
up with West Sussex Hunt Sabs whom were already with the Hunt. Clearly upset at the sab presence, riders (again) used their
horses as weapons and charged towards sabs, deliberately trying to ride sabs down on several occasions - one rider has had
his details taken by police. Nearer the
end on the day by new buildings plantation we noticed a fox bolt just meters in front of us, with hounds in deep cry just
behind we covered the area in citronella. At this point, the whipper-in stayed where the fox had crossed and tried to hit
a sab with his whip... and failed. As hounds quickly approached other sabs arrived and we used old school sabbing tactics
to call the hounds off the scent, much to the dismay of some of the Hunt whom started behaving violently again. After the
traumatic kill on the Burstow last week it was great to be able to save at least one fox today. Run free.
Oakley FH thug hits female sab then tries to spray eyes
of others Gizmo stolen
from female victim - police treat sabs as criminals 10-12-16 Facebook
– S.Cambs Sabs VIDEO Hit Report
– 10/12/2016 Oakley Hunt, St John's Arms, Melchbourne
We went just over the Cambs border today with N.Cambs, Suffolk And Essex, Cambridge and Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs to sab
the Oakley. Using several groups of foot sabs, the various groups managed to manoeuvre round the regular hunt 'stewards'
to keep tabs on the hunt all day. The drivers did a sterling job keeping an eye on the Hunt as they paraded through villages
with hounds all over the roads. Sadly the hounds looked very thin and did not appear to be in good health. Jack
Harris, the less than competent Huntsman, lost control of the hounds several times during the day as they ran across fields
in every direction! Hounds ran across a road rioting after a fox and sabs entered the field to intervene, using the gizmo,
horn and voice calls to distract hounds. The hunt thugs followed and assaulted sabs. One large thug attacked and took a female
sab to the ground, hitting her in the face and then stealing our group gizmo. His friend then attempted to spray red dye into
the eyes of sabs - who knows what damage this could have caused (video evidence is being looked at and will follow). On top of this,
thugs then falsely accused sabs of stealing their property - ironic as they are the ones that stole from us! Police threatened
the sabs - the victims of assault and theft - with arrest. They were generally hostile to sabs, and searched sabs but did
not search the thugs when sabs explained they had stolen from them. We wonder if this biased behaviour has anything to do
with them hanging around and chatting with the violent 'stewards' for much of the day! However, at the end of the day all
the sabs, and the local wildlife were safe - and the Hunt packed up early at around 2.30, wet and miserable. Another eventful
but successful day! 
Sabs save fox chased to ground by Cotswold Vale FH10-12-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs Off back to the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt this morning, along with sabs from South Wales, Bath & Three Counties. They met at Aston Crews on the Gloucestershire/Herefordshire
border and we soon found them not far away with riders on point and hounds picking up in a wood. We shot off to catch up with
them and the huntsman took his hounds and ran, which set the tone for the rest of the day. The Huntsman was quickly drawing
through another covert with sabs close by, so we decided to take the hounds with the use of a hunting horn. This tested the
hunts temper somewhat and it wasn't long before hunt supporters were (unsuccessfully) trying to throw their weight around. Despite the Hunt covering
a lot of ground, hilly terrain and poor weather conditions, in our various groups we ensured that sabs were always with the
hunt, often second guessed their movements meaning we were ahead of them. Towards the end of the day we came across the hounds
marking to ground in a badger sett, where a fox they had been chasing was taking refuge. Sabs were straight in there rating
hounds and when the Huntsman realised he had company he gathered the hounds and took off. We waited around for a while as
a quad was also hanging about, but other sabs were in place to rate hounds when they were in cry close by immediately after. With visibility becoming
increasingly poor and no luck with these foxes, the Hunt were packing up just before 3.30. A very successful day and a bunch
of damp but happy sabs.
Horrified man sees Dumfriesshire FH hounds kill
fox in his garden Slaughter
took place in middle of a housing estate in Heathhall 9-12-16 Daily Record Dumfries carer’s
horror at fox hunt kill in his back garden in Heathhall Daniel Sauberlich described the incident as "bizarre and brutal" when a pack of 10
dogs attacked a fox in the busy housing estate. A carer was left shocked after a fox was mauled by a pack of hounds in his
back garden during a hunt. Daniel Sauberlich saw the fox run past his window pursued by a pack of 10 dogs in Herries Avenue,
Heathhall, on Saturday afternoon. Home carer Daniel, 28, said: “I can’t begin to describe the shock and disbelief
at this barbaric event happening in our own garden, let alone if our children or dog were in it at the time. “I went
to the back door and opened it and saw the fox staring at me. It started running towards me but just before it got to me the
dogs grabbed it, shook it around a bit, killed it and left. It’s still so surreal I can’t believe it happened.
Before this I didn’t have an opinion on fox-hunting but I’m really against it now. I could hear horns nearby so
it must’ve been a hunt. To see it happen in a housing estate is just unreal.” Robbie Marsland, of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “From what we’ve heard this is a
classic example of illegal hunting going very wrong. This comes at a crunch point as an official inquiry has just called for
the law to be strengthened. We are calling on the Scottish Government to act quickly and really ban fox-hunting in Scotland
– for good.” Police are appealing for witnesses. The Dumfriesshire
and Stewartry Foxhounds failed to comment on the matter. Man arrested & in custody in connection with fox kills
by the Belvoir FH Believed to be Huntsman, also suspected of assault & criminal damage 9-12-16 Leicester Mercury Man, 49, arrested
after foxes killed by hunt hounds A man has been arrested on suspicion of illegal hunting following
the deaths of two foxes in Leicestershire last weekend. The 49-year-old was taken into custody for questioning about the animals'
deaths while the Belvoir Hunt was riding in the Scalford area, near Melton. Leicestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach was present and monitoring officers' policing
of the event when two foxes were killed by the Belvoir Hunt's hounds. Hunt saboteurs allegedly found a third seriously
injured animal which also died. Lord Bach said he had been shocked by the deaths during a hunt meet on Saturday, December
3. In a statement today, Leicestershire Police said: "A 49-year-old
man has been arrested in connection with incidents which are alleged to have happened in the Scalford area of Melton. It follows
reports of an assault and the death of two foxes on Saturday, December 3. The man has been arrested on suspicion of criminal
damage, assault and illegal hunting with a dog, and is currently in custody." Speaking to the Leicester Mercury later, Lord Bach said: "I attended the Belvoir Hunt on Saturday with the police
as part of my determination to learn more about rural issues. The police, in my view, performed a difficult task with great
skill and professionalism. I fully support a police inquiry into the events leading to this outcome, when the Hunting Act
2004 makes it clear that the intentional killing of mammals is illegal. I am determined as police and crime commissioner that
the law, as decided by Parliament, will be upheld in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland." The event, on Saturday, was also being monitored by hunt saboteurs, who took pictures of the savaged foxes. Under
the Hunting Act of 2004 it is illegal to hunt mammals with dogs.
Dog walker
sees her dog & a fox being chased by Blackmore FH hounds8-12-16 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports
Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt causing mayhem to the local community and their pets, as well as the poor fox.
Trial date set for Fitzwilliam FH hunt
servants at last 8-12-16 Facebook
- S.Cambs Sabs Members of the Fitzwilliam Hunt, George Adams and John Mease [Huntsman
& Terrierman, pics below], attended a case management hearing at Peterborough magistrates court today for the cases
against them to be set. The trial will now be heard at Chelmsford magistrates on the 26th and 27th of April 2017. Let's
hope the CPS fight for justice for the poor innocent fox killed on New Years Day. POWAperson adds - The alleged offences occurred on New Year's Day 2016. It is ridiculous
that summary offences should take so long to come to trial. There's an old saying - 'Justice delayed is justice denied.'
Still, it will give the CPS yet more time to think of an excuse to drop the case. 
powers to unmask protesters enhanced, say CA 7-12-16 Countryside Alliance Police powers to unmask violent protestors
eased The House of Lords has today (7 December) passed a Government amendment to the Policing
and Crime Bill which makes it easier for the police to tackle violent masked protestors. The amendment is a response to concerns
that current powers cannot be used by the police in response to many protests by animal rights activists, other extremists
and ‘flash mobs’. The amendment means that a senior police officer will be able to give immediate oral authorisation
for a constable to remove face-coverings, where it is impracticable for that authorisation to be given in writing. The law
currently requires prior written authorisation that the police have grounds for reasonable belief that activities may take
place in an area that are likely to involve the commission of offences. The conditions and protections remain exactly the
same, but the fast track process will now allow the police to tackle a serious issue both in rural communities and elsewhere. Research by the Countryside Alliance using the Freedom of
Information Act published earlier this year revealed that the powers had only been used on one occasion in the past three
years to require animal rights activists at a hunt to remove face coverings, despite the use of masks to intimidate and hide
identity being a standard tactic of hunt saboteurs. The powers had been used on many occasions in relation to pre-arranged
demonstrations and football matches. Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: “There are only
two reasons for wearing masks and face-coverings in the context of a protest: to intimidate and harass, and to hide identity
with the intention of committing criminal offences and avoiding prosecution. This is a tactic that has worked, not only by
creating alarm and distress in rural communities visited by groups of extremists who have adopted the uniform of the paramilitary
complete with standard black face coverings, but also in allowing offences to be committed crimes without any legal consequences.
From Wiltshire to Derbyshire; from Gloucestershire to Yorkshire there have been a series of violent assaults by hunt saboteurs
in the last few years, none of which have seen anyone brought to justice. It doesn’t matter if violence and intimidation
are happening in urban areas or the countryside, it is wrong and it’s only right that police officers are in the position
to be able to tackle effectively potentially criminal behaviour wherever it arises. We are therefore delighted that the Government
has recognised the need to amend the law, recognising that the police need greater flexibility faced with modern types of
protests. The amendment does not extend police powers, but makes it more practical to use existing powers and we now expect
the police to make full use of them. For too long a small minority have hidden behind masks and disguises to intimidate people
and to escape being held account for unlawful behaviour. This change in the law will discourage unlawful activity, whilst
allowing lawful and peaceful protest.” POWAperson comments
- Sabs wear face-coverings to try to stop hunters identifying them because, from experience, they know this may well lead
to their being attacked by hunters at sab homes or elsewhere. Presumably the new police powers will apply equally to
the hunt thugs who frequently mask up [as do some huntsmen]. In the case of the followers, masking is to avoid being identified
when they carry out assaults, thefts and criminal damage on sabs and monitors, all frequent occurrences. Attacks by antis
on hunters are very rare. Hopefully, police will use their new powers equitably, though past experience suggests probably
not. Some examples of masked-up hunters - 
Sabs say they saved three foxes
from hunt attempts to kill them Closed & scandal hit Essex Farmers FH members out with the Essex
FH 6-12-16 Facebook – Cambridge Sabs Hit report - Sat 26/11/2016 3 foxes seen to safety
- Essex Hunt and Essex Farmers & Union Hunt, Stanford Rivers, Essex We teamed up with our neighbours
at Suffolk & Essex, S.Cambs, N.E. London Sabs to pay the Essex Hunt and Essex Farmers & Union Hunt (EFUH) a visit.
The EFUH recently closed amidst scandal and are now temporarily joined with the Essex Hunt for 3 seasons. They'll be hunting
jointly in country in the south of Essex, and we'll be keeping an eye on them every now and then. Both hunts are illegal. From the offset, 3 masked terrier men proceeded to harass us by putting their phones inches from our faces one at
a time. During a scout-out, we were made aware by a member of the public that the landowner was Mr Jim Collins and he was illegally allowing hunting on his farmland, despite the wishes
of the local population. This member of the public also informed us that this hunt have no warnings to the locals about their
activity, which is a great worry to the residents as there have been a number of cat deaths from hounds in recent years. We spent the majority of the day on foot with the Hunt, putting tactics and equipment to good use and successfully
seeing 3 foxes to safety. The first fox broke cover and ran out from a covert parallel to where 6 sabs were positioned. To
avoid startling the fox into an unsafe direction, we dived into prone position onto the ground and the fox took the wise decision
to head into thick undergrowth alongside us. We sprayed citronella liberally on the line and in the area, and moments later
the hounds broke and followed the line up to us on cry. This is always a tense moment, as you know a wild being's very
existence is at stake. We verbally rated the hounds (used voices to command the hounds to stop) and formed a blockade which
prevented them from further following the fox. Our tactics worked as the hounds checked (lost the scent), and were eventually
collected by the Huntsman, who had been wilfully hunting them on illegally. On the second occasion;
we were in the vehicle relocating to intercept the Hunt when a fox ran out in front of us and into a covert. We immediately
jumped out of the vehicle and began spraying citronella on the line and throughout the area. Shortly hounds appeared on cry
coming toward the over side of the covert to us, however due to the citronella the hounds checked and this presented sabs
with the opportunity to use our horn to confuse the hounds and call them away from where the fox had taken refuge, meaning
a few moments later we were surrounded by wagging tails, wet noses and bouncing ears. The hounds are soppy beings at heart,
and if they hadn't been trained by bloodthirsty humans to kill, they'd be doing nothing of the sort. The Huntsman
by contrast was certainly not wagging his tail, appearing red faced and flustered that this attempt at ripping a fox to shreds
had been thwarted. Although support were present, we did not find confrontation which meant that
on this occasion there were no injuries to sabs and we were able to get on with our work to prevent illegal hunting from taking
place. On a side note, two riders fell of their horses during the course of the day. On both occasions
the sabs offered medical assistance and at one point even helped a rider find a lost saddle after a rather nasty accident.
We're good people who are there to stop wildlife being terrorised and will always help those in need with first aid should
a rider - or even hunt staff member - be injured. As a parting gesture from the hunt support whilst
we got back into our vehicle, we witnessed a mother whisper something to a young child's ear, who then proceeded to say
“fuck off you wankers” which of course went without reprimand. What wonderful folk these hunt types are.
pass evidence file to CPS in S.Herefordshire cruelty case5-12-16 Hereford Times Update issued on South
Herefordshire Hunt investigation West Mercia Police has issued an update with regards to its investigations
into allegations of animal cruelty at the South Herefordshire Hunt. Investigators have passed an early evidential file into
alleged animal cruelty at the Wormelow hunt kennels to the West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service's Complex Casework
Unit (CPS) for their consideration. Five people have been arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty and released on police bail
until a date in February. Five people have also been interviewed voluntarily as part of the police investigation. A police spokesman said: "As legal proceedings are active it is
important that any commentary, or sharing of information online, or on social media, does not in any way prejudice the proceedings."
Police will issue a further statement when the CPS determines if there should be a criminal prosecution. The Masters of Fox
Hounds Association (MFHA) is carrying its own independent [!!!!] inquiry into conduct at the South Herefordshire Hunt. POWAperson comments - As it's sub-judice, can't say too much. The case seems to
be making glacially slow progress, though that's common enough in hunting [and, to be fair other] cases. Maybe that,
and the regular updates, are some indication of how seriously they are taking this case and how outraged the public are by
what was done. The events were seven months ago and, if this
were a matter of illegal hunting, a summary case, it would by now be too late to charge the alleged offenders. However, this
is principally an Animal Welfare Act matter, offences under which, being imprisonable, are indictable and not subject to the
six-month charging limit that applies to Hunting Act matters. If past form in hunt cruelty cases is followed, the Masters
and officials will deny any knowledge and the 'servants' won't dob their superiors in. if they were involved.
A reminder that this is far from the only case where people and premises connected to Hunts have been discovered to be keeping
captive foxes in recent times. It is normal for young hounds to
be blooded on easy to catch cubs, but this is usually in the grim practice of 'cubbing' in late summer and autumn,
where small coverts are surrounded by hunters who scare young foxes back in as they're trying to flee hounds. Hunts
still regularly engage in this repulsive ritual, which can only be to train the juvenile hounds for proper fox hunting later.
Throwing very young cubs into hound kennels, which is what the video appears to show was done, is not normal practice
- though the end outcome for the young victims is much the same. One imagines even most seasoned hunters will regard this
as 'bad form'. Pics below give a reminder
of what this is about, though the full horror can only be got from the video. 
Bloodstains and fur remains suggest Fife FH hounds killed fox5-12-16 Facebook – Perthshire Sabs Fife Foxhounds met at
Edenwood House Before they set off, Galpin the terrierman arrived to rant at us and film us. The
Hunt left the meet and started hunting in the woods at the back of Edenwood farm. A fox actually ran into the corner of the
woods they were hunting. We think the fox then likely bolted towards and over the A963 towards the hill of Tarvit. The hunt
went this way and then we lost them - we have never done this meet before so had no idea of where they might go. Eventually we found them again. it was actually a member of
the public who helped us find where they were, after we spotted some hunt support vehicles. She was shocked that hunting happened
in Scotland and was glad when she realised we were against them. She had been watching them for at least half an hour, hunting
in Cairngreen wood. We looped round to the B940 and headed up the field towards where we could hear Robert the Huntsman drawing
the woodland, but as we got closer it was all quiet, we found the Hunt at the other side of where we entered the woodland.
Riders grouped together and Robert (huntsman) off his horse, he started to blow long wavering calls on his horn (very much
like a blow for a kill) and as we got closer and we were seen, Galpin the terrierman got a bag from his quad. He picked something
up and various smaller bits, putting them into the bag, then most of the hunt left. Two riders returned to film us as Galpin
got back to his quad with the bag. He put the bag in his box then drove away. The two riders then left. We studied the ground where they had been and found blood splatters and some fur,
the fur was grey with orange/fox red tips, so looks like the hunt had been celebrating the kill before we arrived. We don't
think the fox was killed at that spot, likely brought to where all the riders were so the hounds could rag it in front of
them as we don't think there was enough blood to show it had been killed there. We did not hear any gunfire as we approached
so we are guessing the hounds killed this fox, but sadly we were too late to get any evidence of this. By talking to others
in the area, this fox must have been hunted for at least an hour before being killed. So much for quick and humane flushing
foxes to waiting guns. Brownie points for the
police attending today for being nice to sabs and giving them a lift back to their vehicle. Pics below:- Top right - Fife FH Top right - Fox fleeing
Bottom right - Terrierman gathers fox remains Bottom left - Fur and blood remnants  See other pics here
Belvoir FH kill three foxes, two in grounds of nursing home Female sab allegedly
assaulted by the Huntsman 4-12-16
HSA Press Release Belvoir Hunt Kill Foxes
in Grounds of Nursing Home Yesterday, The Duke of Rutland's hounds, the Belvoir Hunt, chased and
illegally killed three foxes. The Hunt met at The Wolds Farm near Holwell, Leicestershire. Initially sabs were able to take
the hounds off huntsman John Holliday in two locations as he encouraged hounds to hunt a nearby covert and hedge. Unfortunately
by the time sabs had caught up with him in a farmyard near Scalford Hall, hounds were already tearing apart a terrified fox
they had cornered in the yard [right].Holliday sat watching making
no attempt to control his pack. Sabs immediately intervened and were able to recover the still conscious fox.
At this point Holliday dismounted and assaulted a female sab. The fox was unable to be saved due to extensive wounds and died
in the sabs arms. The police and Leicestershire
Police and Crime Commissioner, who were both present on the day, confirmed that immediately prior to this incident two other
foxes were killed by the Hunt in the grounds of a nearby nursing home. The police were alerted by a horrified member of the
public. All three foxes have been taken as evidence by Leicestershire Police. Earlier this year, the Belvoir were implicated in the keeping of captive foxes to be illegally
hunted. Members of the Hunt subsequently attacked the two League Against Cruel Sports investigators who had exposed them,
putting one of them in hospital with a broken neck. They are currently awaiting a court case in 2017. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “2016 has
shown the world exactly what the Belvoir hunt are like. They were implicated in keeping captive foxes, then viciously assaulting
those who had exposed them. Now as the year draws to a close they brazenly hunt and kill three foxes in the presence of Leicestershire
Police. Members of Leicestershire Police, including former wildlife crime officer Sharon Roscoe, are known to ride with the
Belvoir and we hope this doesn't influence any investigation. It is perhaps fortunate that the Leicestershire PCC was
also present on the day to insist that this latest law breaking by the Belvoir is not brushed under the carpet.” 5-12-16 Leicester Mercury Belvoir Hunt: Police
launch investigation after three foxes killed by hounds Police have launched an investigation into the conduct
of the Belvoir Hunt after three foxes were killed by hounds. Crime commissioner Lord Willy Bach was observing the policing
of the event and said he was shocked to see the bodies of the animals "ripped to bits by hounds". The event, on
Saturday, was also being monitored by hunt saboteurs who took pictures of the savaged foxes. Under the Hunting Act of 2004
it is illegal to hunt mammals with dogs. Repeated attempts
by the Mercury to contact the hunt to get their side of what happened had failed to get a response by the time the newspaper
went to press. But the Countryside Alliance, which supports field sports, said: "The Hunt has launched an urgent investigation
to establish exactly what happened on Saturday. At this stage they are very busy investigating and they cannot comment further. The hunt saboteurs claim that two killings were carried out by hounds in the grounds of a nursing home.
They managed to rescue a badly injured third which died in the arms of one of the saboteurs. Lord
Bach said: "I attended the Belvoir Hunt on Saturday with the police as part of my determination to learn more about rural
issues. The police in my view performed a difficult task with great skill and professionalism. I was shocked by seeing the
bodies of three dead foxes, ripped to bits by hounds. I fully support a police inquiry into the events leading to this outcome,
when the Hunting Act 2004 makes it clear that the intentional killing of mammals is illegal. I am determined as Police and
Crime Commissioner that the law, as decided by Parliament, will be upheld in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland." The saboteurs
claimed hounds chased and illegally killed three foxes.
& Denbigh FH chase fox across main road, Huntsman keeps losing hounds 3-12-17 Facebook – N.Wales Sabs Hit report 3/12/16
Today in Cefn near St.Asaph, joined by Cheshire Sabs and members of Lancaster sabs, we thought we'd pop along and help
the Flint and Denbigh 'trail hunt' make sure they didn't accidently illegally hunt any foxes. OK, truth be told,
this Hunt haven't a clue about laying trails and there's no accident in their illegal hunting. From the off these
bumpkins were angry, with one of the riders threatening sabs "There's going to be trouble today". Why so angry?
We can only guess, maybe because they had to cancel last weeks meet? Maybe because of all you naughty people who've asked
Denbigh Council to cancel their Boxing Day parade? Or maybe because of all current police investigations involving this Hunt
and some of its members? Police didn't turn up today, so the Hunt took that as a green light to block roads, ride at sabs
and make threats. At one point the Hunt chased a fox across a main road across a river and almost to St.Asaph, across land
they should not be on, with some hounds ending up near St.Asaph football pitches! Good job for sabs being around to stop hounds
from getting killed on this busy road. Huntmaster Jeremy Reed was quite a while in coming to collect his hounds, In doing so he lead more hounds onto the
main road, almost into oncoming traffic. The Huntmaster didn't even bother to collect all the hound before he returned
to Cefn, leaving some along by the river between Wigfair and St.Asaph. Jeremy had really lived up his reputation of being
a scatterpack. Hounds were everywhere and hunters had their tweeds in a twist. Usually hunt thug bullies were on form too.
obviously the pressure is getting to them. The whipper-in had a busy day looking for Jezza's lost hounds, as Jezza himself
headed up to the tops above Cefn. The hounds went into cry a few times but only in short bursts as sabs were able to keep
watch. Sabs film fox being killed by Old Surrey FH - police investigate 3-12-16 HSA
Press Release VIDEO Serial Fox killers
Strike Again The Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent Hunt illegally chased and killed a fox today despite the efforts of hunt saboteurs who were seconds away from
saving it. The Hunt met at the Spotted Dog Pub, Smarts hill, South West of Tonbridge, Kent. Huntsman Mark Bycroft and his
gang of bully boys have history of illegally killing foxes and attacking anyone who tries to stop them. They had already chased one fox before killing one in Frienden
Gill Wood at approximately 3pm. The hunt terrier men had holloaed to inform the Bycroft that a fox had been spotted. Hounds
then went into cry and chased it for between 5 and 10 minutes before ripping it apart in the wood. Hunt staff were nearby throughout and made no attempt to stop the hounds. Hunt saboteurs arrived
just as the hounds were ripping the fox apart but were unable to save it. They retrieved the body [right] and
it has been taken to a sympathetic vet for autopsy. The incident is now being investigated by Kent Police. Lee Moon, Spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Mark Bycroft has previous convictions for assaulting hunt saboteurs. His
hunt have also been filmed illegally chasing and killing foxes but have never been prosecuted for this due to the inadequacies
of the police and the Hunting Act. We hope this time it will be different but won't hold our breath. Whether they get
prosecuted or not this video footage speaks for itself. The Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent are a bunch of rural law breakers
who think they are above the laws of the land. Well done to the sabs present who, although they weren't able to save this
particular fox have again highlighted the reality of hunting since the ban.” 4-12-16 KentLive Hunt saboteurs claim they have filmed a fox being
illegally hunted to death near Tunbridge Wells Animal rights activists claim they have recorded
a fox being illegally hunted to death by members of members of the Old Surrey Burstow & West Kent Hunt near Tunbridge
Wells yesterday afternoon. Their video shows a pack of dogs attacking a fox in woodland, understood to be near Chiddingstone.
The fox is then removed from the hounds by a member of the Hunt Saboteurs Association. The Association says the matter has
now been reported to police. One of the Hunt's organisers Mark Bycroft today denied any criminal activity had
taken place and insisted members had gone about a legal trail hunt. “I understand they found a dead fox in the
wood but I wasn't there at the time so I don't know what has happened," he told Kent Live. "We had about
25 people on horses and 40 to 50 people on foot. There were about three Landrovers of the saboteurs - they come every week
trying to disrupt what we are doing. They use hunting horns and play recordings and try to disrupt the hounds. If an incident
has happened they are to blame." Hunting with
dogs has been illegal in England since 2005. To get round the ban hunts lay scent-based trails which the hounds follow instead
of a live animal. Mr Bycroft said eight or nine trails had been laid in the area yesterday. A spokesman for the Hunt Saboteurs
Association said the video had been shot in Frienden Gill Wood at approximately 3pm. They added: "Hunt saboteurs arrived
just as the hounds were ripping the fox apart but were unable to save it. They retrieved the body and it has been taken to
a sympathetic vet for autopsy. The incident is now being investigated by Kent Police." A Kent Police spokesman said: "Police were called at 3.33pm on Saturday 3 December 2016 to a report
that a fox had been killed by dogs in Oakenden Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath. Officers have arranged to meet with the informant
to obtain further information." 
Hounds killing the fox
Sab retrieves corpse from hounds 4-12-16 Daily Mail Helpless fox is torn to shreds and left with
its intestines hanging from its body after a pack of vicious hounds brutally mauls it to death during an 'illegal hunt' Shocking video footage shows the moment a pack of vicious hounds
brutally mauls a fox to death during an apparent illegal hunt. The clip, shot on Saturday, shows the group of more than 20
dogs attack a helpless fox before it is plucked from the melee by an anti-hunt campaigner. Its lifeless and dismembered body
was then hauled over the shoulder of a man who walked off into the woodland with the pack of yelping canines behind him. The
fox's intestines can be seen hanging from its body while an activist carried the fox away in Chiddingstone Hoath, near
Tunbridge Wells, Kent. The Hunt Saboteurs Association said the video, apparently featuring members of the Old Surrey Burstow
& West Kent Hunt (OSB), has now been passed onto the police. On its website, the OSB says it was founded in 1999, but
has roots dating back to 1866, when a hunt called The Burstow began as a harrier pack. The group now hosts an annual black-tie
£70 ball at the Effingham Park Hotel near Crawley, West Sussex, for its members, as well as a puppy show judged by 'visiting
masters and huntsmen'.... 4-12-16 Facebook –
N.Downs Sabs ...the kill happened at 3.03 pm in woods at Frienden gill to the south of Chiddingstone
Hoath after the terrierman holloaed a fox away from a wood near home farm the hounds were in full cry for about ten minutes
before the kill ,sabs tried to call the hounds off and managed to get some of the pack off but sadly they managed to kill
seconds before two sabs got there. The sabs managed to recover the body. We are all very upset and feel that we let the fox
down. Please share these photos and the video on this site and the Guildford sabs site so people realise what goes on in the
countryside and expose the myth of trail hunting for the lie it is !
Atherstone FH supporter's tirade of abuse after sab car rammed1-12-16 Facebook -W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt - Tuesday 29th November 2016 - Sutton Cheney
Desperation is setting in at the Atherstone Hunt now, days after assaulting sabs and stealing their cameras. Two
Atherstone supporters were filmed ramming their car into the sabs' vehicle in frustration. This was followed by a tirade
of sexist verbal abuse as well as threatening to punch one of the female sabs. The number of riders
has dropped to five, and the Hunt are still without a Whipper-In. We don’t need to say any more just watch the video.
The Atherstone Hunt, the mind boggles. Thank you to all everyone who generously donated towards a new camcorder after the
Atherstone violently stole it on Saturday, we now just need to replace the stolen body camera - donate. 
'You fat fucking bitch....
fucking whore.... etc.'
NOVEMBER 2016 ..... 29th November
- Blackmore FH cause road havoc while chasing foxes ..... 28th November
- Atherstone FH Sabs attacked,cameras stolen,PC tells Hunt stop chasing fox ..... 27th November - Easton Harriers kill hare, chase deer, trespass on farm ..... 27th November - Modbury Harriers cause road havoc as Huntsman can't control hounds ..... 21st November - Easton Harriers hunt and kill hare yet again ..... 21st November - HSA welcome but criticize the Bonomy Review of Scottish hunt 'ban' ..... 21st November - Bonomy Report says Scottish hunting ban must be strengthened ..... 19th November - North Down FH supporter attacks & robs woman sab then assaults
others ..... 16th November - EFRA Committee calls for RSPCA to stop prosecuting, including
Hunts ..... 13th November - Sab assaulted by Flint and Denbigh FH supporter ..... 11th November - Portman FH warned by NT over 'extensive damage' caused to
Hambledon Hill ..... 8th November - Sabs retrieve corpse of fox slaughtered by Essex &
Suffolk FH ..... 8th November - Oakley FH obstruct
traffic on the A509 ..... 7th November - Female sabs attacked
and artificial earth use discovered at Beaufort FH ..... 6th
November - Police stand and watch while Atherstone FH chase foxes ..... 6th
November - Lanarkshire FH kill fox in front of sabs ..... 5th November - Oakley FH follower rams sab car, sabs punched, warning for illegal
hunting ..... 5th November - Sab ridden down by frustrated Ross Harriers rider ..... 3rd November - Waveney Harriers stampede pregnant cows, terrify ewes - hare
saved by sabs ..... 3rd November - Ross-on-Wye hotel cancels S.Herefordshire FH Hunt
Ball booking .....
1st November - Atherstone FH hounds riot on A444 wile sab tyre is stabbed
Blackmore FH cause road havoc while chasing foxes29-11-16 Private email from highly experienced monitor
...we monitored the Blackmore & Sparkford Vale FH at a place called Kings Stag in Dorset (no doubt a hunting place of
old!). No evidence of a trail being laid what so ever. Two foxes hunted, one a real beauty with lovely colouring. The huntsman
observing we saw the fox pretended otherwise and messed around in the farm buildings for some time before lifting the hounds
forward and picked up the line. A crazy run at one time all over a busy road that caused serious road havoc. Hunt behaved
as though they had complete right of way. At one stage I shouted to some riders to stay where they were when a lorry traveling
at some speed came along the road. Fox got away. Later when among farm buildings the hounds moved a fox out at speed followed
by the hounds. Riders knew we had seen this but did nothing to alert the huntsman. This fox ran into a deer park and we believe
got away as the light was fading. Although nothing like the BSV before the ban this was the first day this season they 'went
for it' This will be reported to Dorset police although we are probably not quite there legally with this wretched law.
Will get the film up at some time. Atherstone FH supporters assault female sabs and steal equipment Police officer sees fox fleeing and
tells them to stop hunting 28-11-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO
Sabs assaulted and cameras stolen - Fox filmed running from the meet - Leics police tell huntsman to stop hunting [Atherstone hunt 26/11/16 Heath Lodge Farm, Newbold Verdon] Just after the Atherstone
hunt had moved off from their meet at Heath Lodge Farm sabs saw what looked like a bagged fox running from the farm towards
them. Hunt supporters also saw it and began assaulting the small group of sabs, throwing one sab to the ground and stealing
the camera from another sab who had filmed the fox. A body camera was also stolen with both cameras then thrown into a nearby
pond. This is not the first time the Atherstone Hunt have stolen cameras that have either filmed illegal hunting or filmed
the hunt using violence. Only last month, the Whipper-In encouraged Huntsman Stuart Barton to steal the camera from a sab
who had just filmed him jump off his horse and violently attack him. The incident was reported to the Police who were in attendance. Shortly after this incident,
Huntsman Barton was seen trying to hunt the same fox, calling his hounds all over the road and about to put them on to the
line of the fox the other side of the road. Leicestershire police saw the fox and the hounds and told the Hunt that he thought
they were hunting and told them to stop. This is a welcome development from Leicestershire police and we hope its not a one
off and that similar action will be taken next time the Atherstone are illegally hunting. However, it wasn't all good from the Police with one officer
a 1312 Lloyd telling one sab that “I don't think we should be policing the hunts at all”. Barton had his face
covered in what looked like foundation to try and hide the two big black eyes he received after being beaten by his former
terrier-man. The Hunt are still without a Whipper-In after their previous one was fired at the Hunt ball. Dove Valley Minkhound
huntsman Will Shaw continues to babysit Barton to try and prevent any calamities happening due to his poor hound control,
he spent most of the day collecting stray hounds that Barton had lost. Thank
you to everyone who has previously complained to Leicestershire Police, this latest development wouldn't have happened
without you, lets hope this is the first step in Leicestershire Police cracking down on the Atherstone's illegal hunting.
Any help appreciated towards new cameras as sabs will
be in the field next week. They stole over £400 of equipment. 
Sab being assaulted by supporter
Huntsman with hounds on road 
PC tells sabs will stop them hunting
Hound caught on barbie Easton Harriers
kill another hare, chase deer, trespass on farm Suffolk police stand by doing nothing, as usual 27-11-16 Facebook – Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs Easton Harriers –
26/11/16 Runway Farm - Great Glenhan, Suffolk Yesterday the Easton Harriers met at Runway farm in Great
Glenham, Suffolk. The day began with the brutal murder of yet another brown hare [left], ironically
while being told by a member of the hunt that the hounds were following a trail (which was not true). An animal with such
beauty was reduced to nothing more than an object of sick pleasure. The Hunt soon moved on and continued hunting while sabs
kept with them. We were subject to violence and aggressive behaviour from both the Hunt and also their (rather small) following.
As the hound flushed through various terrain a hare bolted behind us, away from the hunt. It's scent was soon covered
just before Alun Thomas took the hounds in the area. That's one hare they didn't catch [below
right]. Later in the day, the Easton were
caught trespassing in an area which had livestock in and did little to control their hounds. The landowners expressed their
hatred for this specific Hunt as they told us it wasn't the first time that this had happened. One of the landowners told
us that his livestock had be victim to the hounds in the past and that he had written to the Hunt, telling them that they are not welcome. It was made clear that sabs were always welcome on
their land and that a cup of tea would always be ready on our arrival. The Hunt and the hounds continued to trespass through a woodland which resulted in 4 deer bolting from the area [below left]. Hounds quickly
spotted them and began to chase them. The Hunt panicked and took great efforts to take control of the pack. Some riders dismounted
in an attempt to help and, in the chaos, another rider was seen falling off his horse. Sabs used voice calls to aid distraction
of the hounds but were soon met with 2 riders who used their horses as weapons [bottom]. Thankfully the deer were able to get away unharmed. The rest of the day was spent collecting a split pack of hounds and, after eventually collecting
the majority of them, they headed back to the meet and went home. Police were in attendance and took no interest in the events that took place that day. No one from the Hunt was questioned
and the Police had no intention to. This is now the 4th recorded kill by this Hunt, this year, and yet they are aloud to continue
hunting twice a week. If a specific Hare Courser was found to be doing such things so often, then they would face the full
force of the law. We ask Suffolk Police and WLO Lee-Andrews Pearce what is going to be done about this hunt who, on many occasions,
openly hunt and kill hares with a full pack of hounds. We urge our supporters to contact Lee Andrews-Pearce for Suffolk Police
at ruralcrimeteam@suffolk.pnn.police.uk and/or Chief Constable Gareth Wilson of Suffolk at Helen.griffin@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
(Executive Assistant) and express your concerns.
Modbury Harriers cause road havoc as Huntsman can't control hounds 27-11-16 Facebook - Devon Sabs VIDEO Report
- Saturday 26/11/16 - Modbury Harriers After receiving several reports from independent sources
that the Modbury Harriers had been frequently illegally hunting and killing foxes recently, we thought we should check this
out. So, yesterday, we headed to Sheepham Mill, near Modbury, Devon, where they were meeting. Sheepham Mill is the business
enterprise of Admiral Sir James Burnell-Nugent, former Commander in Chief of the Royal Navy. His wife, Lady Burnell-Nugent,
rides with the Modbury (who says there are no class issues in hunting, eh??). The Hunt left the meet and headed immediately west, with this season's new amateur huntsman and ex-beagler with
the Royal Agricultural College, Harry Gosling, putting the hounds into Ermington Wood. He was accompanied by approximately
20 riders and the usual quad bike equipped with three terriers but minus number plates. There were no signs of trails being
laid, and supporters looked like naughty children caught with their hands in the sweetie jar when they realised they'd
have company for the day. We kept close tabs on the hunt, as hounds briefly picked up on and lost scents in Ermington, encouraged on by Gosling. Drawing blanks, Gosling then moved on to nearby Edmeston. By now, he also knew he had company,
and it was interesting to see how his behaviour changed, settling for just walking with the hounds, with little verbal encouragement
to spread out and find scents. Gosling continued to move into the wind for the rest of the day, always closely escorted by
our watchful presence. Things remained pretty uneventful until hounds suddenly
picked up on a scent near Higher Ludbrook later in the afternoon. Sabs saw a fox fleeing to safety along a hedge-line, whilst
hounds went crazy, scattering over a wide area in full cry. Hunt staff were seen tearing around in a panicked attempt to regain
control of the hounds, and we witnessed some of the most inept management of a pack of hounds we've seen! Gosling really
knows how to put the "amateur" into amateur huntsman! With hounds spilling out of hedgerows along a mile-long stretch
of the busy A3121 road, hunt vehicles and riders were forced to block the road to oncoming traffic in both directions. Gosling,
unable to gather the pack on his horse had to resort to being on foot, whilst the quad bike passenger took his horse. One
hunt vehicle even thought it was sensible to reverse nearly a mile, whilst facing on-coming traffic. It was complete chaos,
and showed no thought for the safety of other road users or the Hunt's animals. We videoed the whole sorry affair and
will be putting this up later in the week. Are we really expected to believe they laid a trail on a main highway?! We don't
really need to answer that one, do we? After the Hunt finally gathered the pack they moved on, still into the wind, to
draw further coverts near Shilston Barton and Shilston Brook. Access here was limited, so we had to settle for watching from
a distance. However, they failed to pick up on much else, and the hounds were all un-bloodied and clean when the Hunt finally
returned to pack up at 4.30 in the fading daylight. It was pretty obvious to us, from what we saw, that these hounds were
trained to chase and kill live animals, as they are in most Hunts across the country, and we'll be visiting the Modbury
Harriers again throughout this season.
Harriers seen hunting and killing hare yet again21-11-16 HSA Press Release Easton Harriers
Witnessed Killing a Hare for Third Time this Year Hunt Saboteurs witnessed the Easton Harriers
kill a hare, for the third time this year, at their meet on Saturday the 19th November. The Hunt met at the White Horse Pub, Badingham, Suffolk and were illegally hunting hares from the start. The Huntsman Alun
Thomas deliberately put his hounds into crop fields and other areas where hares were likely to be sheltering and sure enough
in the middle of the afternoon the hounds picked up the scent of a pair of hares. One of them escaped but the other was heard
screeching as hounds pounced on it. It escaped from their jaws but was quickly pulled out of a ditch by other hounds - cold,
wet, bloody and dead. The hunt saboteurs managed to retrieve the body [left] and
it is currently being autopsied. They remained with
the Hunt for the rest of the day and their actions saved other lives as the hunt continued to actively pursue hares.
Lee Moon, Spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Hare hunting doesn't have as high a profile as fox hunting but it was
also made illegal under the Hunting Act. Beagle and harrier packs continue to flout the Act and illegally hunt and kill hare.
The Easton Harriers are repeat offenders and received national press coverage just last month when one of their members was
filmed with a dead hare stuffed inside her jacket. When questioned she claimed it was a very large rabbit. This was subsequently
refuted by the British Rabbit Association who confirmed that it was a hare. Our thanks go to those brave saboteurs whose actions
continue to highlight this barbaric “sport”. We ask Suffolk Police why they are allowing blatant illegal hunting
to go unchallenged in their county?”
HSA welcomes but also criticizes Bonomy Review 21-11-16 HSA Press Release Scottish Hunting
Act Reviewed Lord Bonomy has agreed with anti-hunt organisations and Police Scotland that the current
law offers too many loop holes, and is unworkable, in his review of the Protection of wild Mammals (Scotland) Act. He
goes as far as to say “there is a basis for suspecting that there may be occasions when hunting, which does not fall
within one of the exceptions, does take place and that the grounds for that suspicion should be addressed” Sadly the review does not focus on the welfare of the fox or how much suffering the fox may
endure before death. Scottish Hunt Saboteurs who have experience of the current situation at Scottish Hunts have studied the
review and have the following observations:- The proposed
changes would only strengthen the outcome of an illegal kill and does nothing to address the illegal hunting that still takes
place, or does anything to protect the fox on the day of a hunt. The idea of part-time monitors would only work if those involved are impartial from both sides of the hunting argument and have enough knowledge to be able to correctly convey what is
happening in front of them. We feel it is not a role that just anyone can take without substantial knowledge of how hunting
actually works and then this leaves the role open to people who could also be biased. If the role is voluntary then again
the wrong type of person without the correct knowledge could be in place and in a situation they simply would not understand. We welcome the concept of tighter rules and a recklessness clause being
applied to the Hunts who pretend to accidentally kill outwit the current law. But again the recent story regarding the Lanarkshire
and Renfrewshire hunt shooting and not killing a fox and causing it to suffer before being killed by hounds needs to be addressed.
We also welcome the idea of all participants of the hunts being registered to the police making it easier to identify those
breaking hunting laws, which would include landowners who allow hunting to take place on their land. We call on the Scottish Parliament to take Lord Bonomy’s words into account when drafting new legislation to
remove loop holes but to take it further and finally ban hunting from Scotland once and for all. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Only weeks ago Scottish sabs retrieved
the body of a fox [above right] that had been shot by the Lanarkshire
and Renfrewshire Hunt. This poor creature took 5 minutes to die and was savaged by the hounds after being shot. Whilst we
welcome Lord Bonomy's review, hunters have shown consistently over the past decade that they aren't willing to abide
by any laws and regulations relating to their barbaric pastime. The only remaining course of action is to disband all the
Bonomy Review says Scottish hunt ban must be strengthened 21-11-16 Guardian Scottish foxhunting review calls for stronger legislation
Lord Bonomy [right] urges government to amend law with greater consistency and appoint independent
monitors to observe hunts. Landowners in Scotland should be held legally responsible for hunts on their property, with
hunt activities observed by independent monitors and governed by a new code of practice, according to a review of Scotland’s
foxhunting legislation. Campaigners immediately welcomed the “robust and detailed”
report by Iain Bonomy, which was commissioned by the Scottish government last December after significant concerns were raised
about loopholes in the law. Since Scotland became the first in the UK to ban traditional foxhunting and hare coursing in 2002,
it has been illegal to hunt a wild mammal with a dog. But Hunts in Scotland can continue to kill foxes by practising an exemption
to the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act called “flushing to guns”, which means using dogs to chase foxes
from beneath cover in order to shoot them. The report, which was published on Monday, agrees there
was law breaking under the ban, and further argues that current legislation “complicates unduly” the detection,
investigation and prosecution of alleged offences. Recommending the law be amended with greater consistency and clarity, Lord
Bonomy also asks the Scottish government to consider the appointment of independent monitors to observe the activities of
hunts on a random basis, a code of practice for the conduct of hunt activities, and whether a landowner who permits a hunt
to ride over his land would be vicariously liable if someone involved in the hunt committed an offence. The report also highlights a submission to the review by Police Scotland, which warned that exceptions to the offence
were being exploited by those determined to continue hunting with dogs, and that lack of clear definition in the legislation
created confusion. The League Against Cruel Sports welcomed the vicarious liability recommendation as adding an extra layer
of scrutiny that would “force landowners to question the motivations of hunts”. Robbie
Marsland, the League’s Scotland director, said: “Lord Bonomy and Police Scotland agree there is abuse and exploitation
of the current law, which the review proposes to address with robust new legislation and stronger enforcement. This will not
only change the face of hunting in Scotland – it sends a powerful signal to Westminster how illegal hunting can be tackled
forcefully.” Calling on the Scottish government to strengthen the law before the end of the current foxhunting season
in March 2017. Marsland said: “Public opinion in Scotland wants to see foxhunting banned, the government thought they
had banned it and now Lord Bonomy and Police Scotland reveal that the hunts are running a coach and horses through the legislation.” Holyrood’s environment secretary, Roseanna Cunningham, said the Scottish government would make its response
next year, adding: “Back in 2002, Scotland led the way in addressing animal welfare concerns and we remain committed
to ensuring the highest levels of welfare for our wild animals.” While disputing the suggestion that there was any problem
with enforcement of current legislation, Scottish Countryside Alliance director Jamie Stewart said: “We are pleased
that the inquiry has recognised the importance of gun packs for fox control and has rejected unjustified calls for further
restrictions.” 21-11-16 Herald Scotland Herald View - The law on hunting with dogs
must be toughened up IN 2002, the Scottish Parliament passed legislation that was intended to ban hunting with dogs, but how robust is the ban in reality? Since
the Act was passed, there have been no successful prosecutions and animal welfare organisations have claimed there is widespread
evasion of the law - just last weekend two charities published what they said was proof a fox was killed by dogs during a
recent hunt. Last year, this lack of clarity and confidence in the
law led the Scottish Government to announce a review by Lord Bonomy and he has now delivered his report. Lord Bonomy says
there are grounds for suspecting illegal hunting is still taking place and that the law should be changed to make prosecutions
easier. He has also suggested introducing monitors to check on hunts, with their reports admissible in court, as well as a
code of practice for the conduct of hunts. These are good recommendations and if accepted by the Government, would be a step
towards limiting what looks like widespread evasion of the law. The legislation states that the hunting of foxes with dogs
is illegal but that a dog can be used to flush out a fox provided it is shot “when it is safe to do so”. However,
one of the problems is there is no definition of how long the flushing-out of the fox can last and the law has been interpreted
by some hunts as allowing a lengthy chase. Independent monitors, as
suggested by Lord Bonomy, may be able to cast some light on this situation and help enforce a law that is opaque and open
to exploitation. One of the aims of the monitors would be establish how often hunts are chasing foxes with dogs, and for how
long, and if and when the foxes are being killed by the dogs rather than being shot. But introducing monitors may not be enough
– if their evidence shows there is widespread evasion of the law, then the Government will have to be prepared to act
and toughen up the law even further. Scotland’s ban on hunting with dogs must be made to work. POWAperson
adds - Pic above left is a fox savaged to death recently by the Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire FH, whose killing was filmed
and corpse retrieved by sabs. The Bonomy report was also covered by BBC News and the Plymouth Herald. The report is welcome and cogent in parts. However, it appears to ignore the central problem with
the Scottish law - the number of dogs allowed to flush to guns. Allowing a full pack makes it extraordinarily difficult to
distinguish with certainty what is legitimate 'pest control' under the law and what is effectively a traditional pre-ban
fox hunt and encourages the activity to be viewed as 'sport'. One also wonders where 'independent' monitors
are to be found!
Down FH supporter attacks & robs woman sab then assaults others 19-11-16
Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs NI Today our sabs met with a vicious and sustained attack from a hunt supporter from North Down Hunt. Unfortunately
we can't release the video footage as the matter is in the hands of the PPS. Some of our sabs needed medical treatment
at hospital! One sab has a broken hand and another has a fat lip with cuts and bruises but given the all clear from head injuries.
What we can say was this was totally unprovoked and the fact that this big burly man singled out a young female sab and not
only attacked her repeatedly with a weapon but also stole her phone shows the low levels these so called hunters will stoop
to. We can't go into any further detail at the minute but will look forward to sharing the video with you in the future
after we secure a conviction! We will not be put off by bully boys! We stand tall in the face of intimation and
violence! Our wildlife has no voice or rights but we do and we will never stop standing up for what we believe in and know
what's morally right! "Long run the fox". EFRA committee - RSPCA should not prosecute, including Hunts 16-11-16 Daily
Telegraph RSPCA should be stripped of powers to prosecute cases of animal cruelty,
MPs say The RSPCA is “targeting vulnerable, ill and elderly” people and removing their pets,
and should be stripped of its powers to prosecute cases of animal cruelty, an MPs report has found. The MPs on an influential
House of Commons select committee said that the RSPCA’s hounding of pet owners over
animal cruelty had “damaged its reputation”. However the charity said it would continue prosecuting cases of cruelty
– putting it on a collision course with Parliament and ministers, if they agree with the committee’s findings. Last night, senior a former Conservative government law officer
threatened to back a law to strip the RSPCA of its right to prosecute cases of animal cruelty. Sir Edward Garnier [right], a former Conservative Solicitor general, said: “It would be much safer if
we have a clean break and put the prosecutions in the hands of the CPS, rather than in the RSPCA. If it requires legislation
then the government should introduce the legislation as soon as possible.” Simon Hart [left], a
Tory member of the committee and former chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, added the RSPCA now believed it was “untouchable”.
The committee also recommended that the maximum penalty for animal welfare crimes should be increased to five years. It also called for a ban on the third party sale of dogs,
so that they are only available from licensed, regulated breeders or approved rehoming organisations. The RSPCA, one of the world’s oldest animal welfare charities, has been heavily
criticised for the way it has investigated and prosecuted cases of animal cruelty and fox hunting. The Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs Committee said there was a “conflict of interest” in the charity’s role in bringing forward
private prosecutions as well as investigating cases, campaigning and fundraising. The committee called on ministers to change
the law so that the RSPCA would continue to investigate animal welfare cases but then pass their findings to the Crown Prosecution
Service or another body to carry out this role. If there were no statutory alternatives and where a prosecution would further
its charitable objectives, the RSPCA could still bring a prosecution in England and Wales, the committee said. Tory MP and committee
chairman Neil Parish [right] admitted that “the RSPCA
does important working investigating animal welfare cases.” But he added:
"The committee is not convinced, however, that the RSPCA is in a better position than the Crown Prosecution Service when
it comes to prosecuting animal welfare cases. “It should step back from making prosecutions itself, continuing instead
to work closely with the police and prosecution service to protect the welfare of animals.” The committee highlighted evidence from the Self-Help Group
for farmers, pet owners and others experiencing problems with the RSPCA, which said the animal-keeping public felt alienated
by the charity’s “targeting of vulnerable, ill or elderly people” and the removal of their animals. There
had been occasions when RSPCA inspectors allowed vets to sign for the removal of animals without seeing the animal in question,
although the charity recently issued guidance to stop this happening in future. The RSPCA prosecuted the Heythrop Hunt, former prime minister David Cameron’s local hunt,
at the end of 2012 with success only coming after huge sums were spent, and attracted negative publicity for its failed prosecution
of a family for alleged cruelty to its cat. Jeremy Cooper [left], the RSPCA’s chief executive, said nine out of 10 members of the public back
the charity’s prosecutions’ policy. Mr Cooper said: “This recommendation is not supported by the Government, vets, other major animal welfare charities, and local authorities, and flies in the face of the majority of evidence
put before the committee. We will consider this report carefully while we will continue to prosecute those who starve, beat,
stab, burn and abuse animals. For us the key test will be if the recommendation improves animal welfare and we suspect the
answer in this case would probably be no.” 16-11-16 RSPCA Insights Part of Jeremy Coopers
rebuttal … The Committee released their report this week and chose
to ignore all of this evidence, recommending instead the RSPCA alone of all organisations or individuals in this country should
stop taking private prosecutions and hand our evidence over to the CPS to prosecute. But only if the government also funded
the CPS to do this. I am baffled by this recommendation. The RSPCA has a success rate of 92 percent – higher than the
CPS and our prosecutions are paid for by public donations rather than taxes. What benefit could there be to passing over the
role and cost of prosecuting to the CPS which will quite rightly need to prioritise human victims of crime. I don’t
believe the Government has the money or indeed the desire to do this. Indeed they have said as such.... So I will consider
one simple question. Will animal welfare be improved by accepting the Committee’s recommendation for us to stop prosecuting?
I believe not and so I am reassuring our half a million supporters, the 89 percent of the public that think we should be doing
this, the 1.2 million people that call our cruelty line every year, that we will continue our long history of prosecuting
animal welfare offences in furtherance of our charitable purposes, despite the calls to the contrary by a very small number
of MPs. The animals would expect no less. POWAperson comments - As we are sure the RSPCA is aware,
the attempt to strip them of their prosecution powers is almost entirely motivated by the Society's temerity in prosecuting
organised Hunts and really started when the Heythrop convictions were achieved at the end of 2012. All five of the Conservative
members of the EFRA Select Committee are strong supporters of hunting with hounds. Gratifyingly, the RSPCA seems to
be standing firm - though it is now a long time since they brought an illegal hunting case..
Sab assaulted by Flint & Denbigh FH supporter 13-11-16 Facebook - Cheshire Sabs Hit Report 12th November
2016 Yesterday we met up with our Comrades, N.Wales Hunt Sabs & Lancaster Sabs, and headed
off to find the Flint and Denbigh Hunt [right].We believe they left early, doing away with the 'traditional'
11 o'clock meet to try and avoid having a day's hunting sabotaged!
After a short drive around we found them hunting at the Coed Coch Estate in Dolwen, Conway.
The Hunt were visibly unimpressed with our arrival and several riders left for home. After some brief exchanges with hunt
support trying to slow us down with conversation, sabs split off into three groups. Keeping in constant contact with each other we surrounded the estate and found the Hunt Master
Jeremy Reed with the remaining riders and hounds who were onto the scent of a fox that had
bolted. Hunt support were heard hollering in the distance desperately trying to alert the hunt to the presence of a fox. Sabs were straight into action, briefly being
slowed down by hunt thugs who were trying to stop us from entering the field, we successfully turned the hounds and left Jeremy,
who was now on foot trying to gather his hounds, very, very frustrated!A sab observing from the roadside
was assaulted by a hunt thug and has been reported to the police. The Hunt spent the final part of their day gathering up
loose hounds sulking on the hillside for quite some time. With sabs now monitoring from the roadside, the Hunt headed back
to the meet.
NT warns Portman FH after they cause 'extensive damage' to Neolithic site11-11-16 Bournemouth Echo National Trust writes to Portman Hunt about "out of control"
hounds after "extensive damage" done to Hambledon Hill THE National Trust has written to the
Portman Hunt [right] amid claims made locally that its horses
and hounds damaged Hambledon Hill, one of the finest examples of an iron age hill fort in Dorset. It is claimed the hunt left
the recognised bridleway and came across the hill during a half term hunt last month. Local resident Jerry Broadway, believes this is the second time the hunt has damaged
the hill fort. He said: "After leaving the bridleway the Hunt scattered livestock which were panicked by
the hounds who were completely out of control. On this occasion extensive damage was done by the horses to the hill generally,
and most worryingly the Neolithic Longbarrow which is over 3,000 years old. They have now twice been guilty of damage to a
scheduled ancient monument. What, I wonder will it take to make them actually take real notice?" Meanwhile, National Trust West & North Dorset general manager Helen Mann confirmed
complaints had been received that a hunt crossed Hambledon Hill. She said: "It appears that the Hunt, while crossing
the hill on a bridleway, left the track to round up some dogs which had got out of control. Hambledon Hill is a remarkable
and important site for both wildlife and archaeology and we have written to the hunt to remind them that they must stay on
the bridleway when crossing the hill. Any horses being ridden off the bridleway risk damage and erosion to the fragile Iron
Age ramparts which give the hill its distinctive appearance." Hambledon Hill was acquired by the National Trust last year. Built over 2,000 years ago, the massive earthwork defences
lay over one of the most significant early Neolithic landscapes in Western Europe, dating back almost 6,000 years, and is
a place half of British butterfly species call home. Standing at twice the height of the White Cliffs of Dover and taller
than the London Shard, Hambledon Hill occupies an area of land the size of 50 football pitches. From the summit of the hill
for you can see across three counties - Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire. The Portman Hunt was unavailable for comment.  Hambledon Hill [credit Marilyn Peddle]
Example of damage done
retrieve mangled corpse of fox slaughtered by Essex & Suffolk FH 8-11-16 Facebook = Cambridge Sabs We
can now sadly reveal images of the fox who was killed by the Essex & Suffolk Hunt on 22nd October 2016.
This young vixen was hunted to her death by Huntsman Joe Tesseyman. The Master is James Buckle [High
Sherriff of Suffolk]. Hunt saboteurs were only able to recover her disemboweled,
shredded body from the jaws of the hounds. A police report has been made with Suffolk Constabulary. Further images and footage
may be revealed in due course pending investigation results. Sabs
from Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs and SES - Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs attended the Hunt's meet near the village of Lindsey.
The Essex & Suffolk have a long history of flouting the Hunting Act and we regularly manage to prevent them from making a final kill, but this time were not able
to intervene. From Lindsey they hunted west and made the kill on land belonging to an environmentally friendly conservation
farm that is a popular school-age attraction and wedding/events venue, The Tudor Barn, Milden, at Milden Hall [right].We
have spoken to the landowners at Milden Hall, who say they are keen conservationists who promote wildlife in Suffolk and they
assure us that none of their family hunt (or even ride), nor go out when the Hunt are there, however they do occasionally
allow the Hunt to come over their land within the law but do not condone illegal hunting. We have made them aware that the
Essex & Suffolk is an illegal hunt and that they are out there, at least twice a week, chasing, digging and tearing apart
foxes regardless of the ban. We hope that this gives them the wake-up call needed to withdraw permission for the hunt to access
their land. We cannot imagine the terror and pain at being chased across
country by a pack of hounds and humans on horseback, to be ripped to shreds only once you're exhausted and cannot
run, or dug out by men with spades if you've sought refuge underground. Such a terrible and barbaric smear on our countryside
and we'd hope more businesses and landowners steer well clear of being involved and give hunters the message that it is
not acceptable. The Hunt showed no remorse for the kill, and did not attempt to recover the fox from the hounds once she'd
been caught. It was only the attending hunt saboteurs who attempted to save her life. Once she was pulled from the jaws of
the 30 or so hounds, it was clear she had been ripped to pieces. Her body was brought to a local wildlife rescue for analysis.
To us, this is tragic. To the Essex & Suffolk Hunt, and the 180 or so
active fox hunting packs throughout the country however, it's just the result of a day's 'sport'. We will
continue to work to protect wildlife from this atrocity in the Eastern Counties, and urge you to support your local Hunt Saboteurs
group in doing so where you live too. To this little vixen who ran for her life, and the thousands of others who suffer the
same fate each year: we will use their deaths to strengthen our resolve and raise awareness of the horrific reality of fox
hunting today.
Oakley FH obstruct traffic on A509 8-11-16 Facebook – Northants Sabs We received these photos taken today of the Oakley Hunt causing a traffic disruption on the A509,
they clearly have no care for their horses, the hounds or the safety of road users. 
Female sabs attacked at Beaufort after artificial earth use discovered One victim punched in face, other
surrounded and harassed 7-11-16 Facebook – 3 Counties Sabs VIDEO On Saturday 5th November, we met up with our close friends Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch to visit the (Duke of) Beaufort Hunt at their
opening meet. Soon after the Hunt left the meet at Worcester Lodge, a couple of 3C Sabs drove round to intercept the Hunt
and spotted a couple of quadbikes parked up in the corner of a field. With others on their way round to find the Hunt, we
stopped to check it out and were soon joined by three more quads, two of which also drove into the field. As a sab passed
these quads, one man was on the phone, we think warning the others that sabs were in the area. As the sab reached the original
two quads, she could hear people within the wood and walked in to find a number of people with spades at an artificial earth.
We are unsure as to whether they had flushed a fox out of the AE as hounds were soon heard in full cry just a few fields away,
or whether they were attempting to get to a fox. We will certainly be keeping a closer eye on this area in the future! Later in the day, as the Hunt were just about to pack up, we spotted the same quadbikes and
went to make sure they weren't up to no good. One sab was surrounded by about 10 Hunt riders, 5 quadbikes and 3 4x4s with
horses being ridden at her and guys from the quads trying to grab her. Another sab coming in to make sure she was OK was punched
in the face after a woman tried to steal her radio from her. Great way to act in front of your kids! Despite being known for
some violence 'back in the day' Captain Ian Farquhar told the thugs to back down as he would not have 2 women being
assaulted on his land. We appreciate his intervention and hope he might do something about these thugs in the future - why
would anyone want to be associated with such people... 9-11-16 Facebook
Cirencester - Illegal Hunt Watch [Lines
duplicated in above report removed] On Saturday 5th November we met up with our close friends Three
Counties Hunt Sabs to visit the Beaufort Hunt at their opening meet at Worcester Lodge, South Gloucestershire. This is the
lodge that leads to Badminton House which is the home of the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort. In this estate they hold the Badminton
Horse trials and pheasant shoots. As is usual with the Beaufort, the field was very large.... ‘Over the years there have been many exposes of hunts building and maintaining artificial fox earths
and providing supplementary food for foxes. This widespread practice was even acknowledged by hunters in submissions to the
Burns Inquiry. The Inquiry's response further undermines hunters' claims of 'fox control': "...it is hard to reconcile any use of artificial earths by the hunts with the argument that foxes are a pest
and that their numbers need to be controlled through hunting."[League Against Cruel Sports] As the Three Counties video shows, this single sab demonstrated great courage going straight into this big group of
terrier men who were clearly engaged in something illegal, and her presence with her camera was enough to flush them out.
We are unsure as to whether they had flushed a fox out of the AE or were attempting to get one out of there when disturbed,
but hounds were soon heard in full cry just a few fields away and a fox was seen fleeing across a field in Sopworth just below
the hunt. The hunt followers saw it but a CIHW monitor saw it too and they had little option but to leave it on this occasion
as they wouldn’t want to be seen illegally hunting would they? However they did disturb the grazing animals particularly
the herd of cows in the field that they hunted through. The Hunt made repeated
attempts to hunt coverts by running from the monitors and sabs but we kept up with them... watching them call the hounds out
because they were on camera. After collecting second horses at the kennels, they continued well into the afternoon. They went
alongside the railway at Alderton and when the sabs arrived the hounds were on cry near Goulters Gorse, going from there into
Alderton Grove where they were searching through. But teamwork from the two groups meant that there was someone with a camera
on the four corners of the wood which meant they had nowhere to hunt the fox out and the hounds were called out and taken
towards Badminton Station. It is ironic that sabs and monitors going into Badminton Park
near the kennels were repeatedly challenged by hunters for being on private land when they were in fact on a right of way
... one tall strip of a hunter with very white breeches, made quite a fool of himself by prancing on foot self-righteously
after them and taking their photographs when they had every right to be there. As
usual with this large hunt, the participants in the field were laughing and joking between themselves (as well as making derogatory
comments about 'antis') ... this is their fun, it is their day out and this time the monitors had a close up view
of the price paid for this fun. After the hunt had left one area, two of our monitors came out onto the road and turning round
spotted a fox just sitting in the field quite close to them. Foxes are usually gone in a flash if they see or hear a human
near them, but it just sat there. This must have been the fox the hunt had been chasing and it had been run to exhaustion.
When it did move its tongue was lolling and as it went slowly forward it kept looking back over its shoulder in the direction
the hunt had gone. When you see foxes in the wild, hunting or moving about their territory, you never see their tongue lolling
out, this is only ever seen in what the hunts charmingly call a 'beaten fox' and it signifies that they have been
pushed beyond their natural limits. To see this beautiful wild animal in such a state was heart-rending. At least it had got
away, but at what cost? It is known that foxes can die from the extreme exertion they are put to by hunting, even if they
are not torn apart by the hounds or dug out and killed by terrier men. There is no excuse for this in the 21st century. The more sabs and monitors witness and film, the sooner this truly
cruel sport will end.
car rammed by Oakley FH hunt supporter, sabs punchedHunt warned by police for illegal hunting 5-11-16 Twitter N.Cambs Sabs
This is our vehicle today after being deliberately rammed by hunt support from the Oakley hunt. Nobody injured but other sabs
were punched... 6-11-16 Twitter - N.Cambs Sabs … Not enough for conviction - police with us all day - one Hunt member arrested for
assault and hunt warned for illegal hunting. 10-11-16 Facebook – N.Cambs Sabs This is a 6 second video clip taken from the front-facing dash-cam when we were deliberately rammed by hunt support
on Saturday. You need to watch with sound. We're already halfway to our total which is amazing but please keep sharing
and help us get to our total so we can be back out on the road doing our job. Gogetfunding.com Due to being deliberately rammed into by hunt supporters
we need a new vehicle ASAP We now need a new and larger vehicle for this season to make sure our growing group stays on the
road and keeps fighting the animal abusers in our communities. 7-11-16
morethanjustbadgers.net ... The day itself was fairly tough. We had a vehicle
rammed which sustained serious damage, we were blocked in by 4 Landrovers filled with thugs all offering to rearrange our
features and I was assaulted by one of the thugs, Luckily I was wearing an armoured hat so the punch to the back of my head
as I was walking away (cheap shot) didn’t knock me out. Had I not been wearing it I have no doubt my bell would have
been well and truly rung! He was subsequently arrested and is now on bail pending further inquiries. I was wearing a
head cam which was running at the time and the footage has been sent to the police as evidence. Another interesting incident
was the police actually witnessing a fox being chased. Sabs were on hand to cover it’s scent but this clear violation
of the Hunting act gave the police no option but to warn the hunt for hunting illegally. Long may it continue. Sab ridden down by frustrated Ross Harriers
rider [he's O.K.] 5-11-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs Ross Harriers stopped
from killing so turn to using violence against sabs We met up with sabs from Bath, South Wales &
3C today and headed over the bridge to Garway where the Ross Harriers were just finishing their breakfast before a days hunting.
Perfect timing! We were in good numbers which meant the hunt were always
in our sight. A few early attempts at hunting were called off by Huntsman, Owain, when he realised a large number of cameras
were pointing in his direction (one of which from a member of the press we had out with us). Soon enough the Hunt were back to their usual business of hunting illegally but we were quickly on the scene to stamp
it out. We watched hare after hare flee to safety and the frustrated hunt decided to turn on us by punching sabs and even
riding one down (thankfully the sab is OK). Our colleague from the press has everything on film. More confrontations occurred with another Ross Harriers supporter breaking the press camera (again, footage has all
been documented). As the Hunt started to wind down, we came across another hunt: The Leadon Vale Bassets who were also in
the area chasing hares. We split into two groups and monitored them until they finally called it a day as darkness fell. We're
exhausted but happy to see so many hares get away today. If the Ross Harriers think violence will deter us, they can think
Police stand and watch
Atherstone FH hunting fox Didn't intervene even when pack ran into road 5-11-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Fox hunted in front of
police, who do nothing Atherstone Hunt 5th November - tte Hollybush, Ashby Parva. Jon Hadfield was not
present at the hunt on Saturday [see two stories down]. We hope the
Masters have told him he is not welcome. To do otherwise would be to endorse the carrying of knives and slashing of tyres.
If the Masters do allow him to attend again they will be sending a clear signal that this type of activity is supported by
the Hunt. The Atherstone met at the Hollybush in Ashby Parva on Saturday
with a small turnout of about 12 riders. Despite Leicestershire police making a rare appearance huntsman Stuart Barton carried
on blatantly hunting with clear intent right in front of them. At one point a fox was even chased across a field in front
of them and out onto the adjacent road. Luckily, sabs were on the road to slow the traffic and prevent any accidents. The
two officers did nothing to stop this. They didn't even speak with the Hunt about this incident and let them carry on
hunting for the rest of the day. When questioned about this later, the police
said that they “thought a fox was being chased but weren't sure”. If they thought a fox was being chased why
then did they allow the Atherstone to carry on hunting for the rest of the day? If they think other crimes are being committed
but “aren't sure” do they let these crimes continue to be committed? We stayed with Barton all day and on
a number of occasions out of frustration he could be heard losing his temper and shouting. Pics below - First, fox fleeing from hounds along hedge line. Second, hounds, in cry, not far behind fox. Third,
self-explanatory. Fourth, the two boys in blue watching the Atherstone hunting fox.
Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire FH kill fox in front of sabs 6-11-16 Facebook – Grampian Sabs VIDEO PLEASE SHARE
Yesterday the Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire Hunt made a kill in front of us. Hunting still very much goes on in the UK. The
laws have not changed this. Foxes are still dying in agony every week. Please share this far and wide, write to your MPs and
support your local hunt sabs. Here is footage taken by Grampian and Fife & Central Scotland Hunt Sabs yesterday. The fox's
body is currently under examination. While we sadly can't save them
all we do save many foxes and will continue to document the illegal kills. Full report of the day will come soon.   POWAperson adds - Pics above - First shows the hounds hurtling
on to the fox just after they put it up. Second shows a sab grabbing the fox from hounds. It is mortally injured. Third shows
the riders and pack shortly afterwards. Fourth, the dead fox laid out. Note
the severe wounds to the abdomen and chest. No 'quick nip to the neck' here. There wouldn't be. That's
a myth. Dogs nearly always attack the abdomen. Death usually occurs as a result of shock and blood loss and it is usually
not quick. The sabs could find no gun wounds, but an autopsy found one, non-fatal. The Scottish 'ban' allows
any number of dogs to be used to 'flush out' quarry, so long as the fox is shot dead as soon as practicable. No
guns, no legal hunting. In
fox hunting, the quarry may be chased for anything up to an hour and a half, using hounds bred for stamina rather then speed.
Long chases are preferred as they give better 'sport'. Uninterrupted chases are known as 'points'. These
used to be celebrated in hunting reports that used to be published, sometimes in local newspapers. They sometimes exceed
ten miles in length. In this case, however, the fox was put up and killed very soon after. In hunting parlance it was 'chopped',
something hunters would rather avoid as it gives little fun. The
story was also reported in the Scottish Sun. Waveney Harriers stampede pregnant cattle, terrify ewes Sabs save hare from their hounds 3-11-16 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs Hit Report –
2/11/16 Yesterday we joined up with Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs to sab the Waveney Harriers [left] who met at Ashby Hall farm (Ashby) six miles north west of
Lowestoft. The hunt were less than impressed at our presence, holding up on a field for half an hour in deep discussion (probably
on how to lose their determined tail). In their wisdom the Waveney decided to head towards station road and hunt the woods
and copses that run parallel with a busy railway line. In previous years this very Hunt had poor hounds nearly killed on this railway line holding up a train for several minutes, showing the absolute disregard they have
for any animal they use for their illegal 'bloodsport'. We spent the next couple of hours running behind them, whilst
co-ordinating with other sabs who were being positioned ahead of them. As the Hunt finally moved away from
the copses and hedgerows next to the railway line, the Hunt moved northwards flushing every small woods as they passed them.
In the third flushing of a woods, the hounds went into cry becoming extremely vocal and high pitched very quickly. Luckily
Sabs were already positioned next to these woods and as we ran into the woods behind the huntsman 'Reuben' both filming
and using voice calls to lift the hounds heads off the scent, he unwillingly had to call the hounds away from the wood. A
further three times the hounds went into cry in the afternoon including a chase on both a fox and later a hare. Whilst rioting
on a fox, the hunt invaded a paddock with two heavily pregnant cows, causing both to ram the iron fencing and escaping onto
the road. Hounds immediately after rioted in a field with ewes (sheep) who were desperately huddled next to the gate. *further
footage to be revealed*. Again sabs were on hand to not only stop the cows going on to a busy main road but also to help the
fox get away. The hunt however just carried on regardless without looking back. One desperate chase near the end of the meet saw a poor hare
make a break through a hedge line. At moments prior to the chase, the hunters filled with anger at not getting their kill
attempted to use their horses as battering rams and knocked a few sabs about. At sight of the chase we tried to weave in and
out of the surrounding horses spraying the ground behind the hare with citronella and calling off the approaching hounds with
voice calls. Luckily we split the pack with the hounds appearing to lose the scent. As the dejected hunt made their way back
to kennels we had a team in front waiting and one following behind as we'd had nearly all day, they even left their sandwiches,
cakes and booze unattended whilst out trying to kill. I'm sure the bitter taste of sabs was felt long after we'd left.
hotel cancels S.Herefordshire FH Hunt Ball booking3-11-16 Facebook – Hunt Investigation Team We heard last week that the Chase Hotel in Ross on Wye had cancelled the
South Herefordshire hunt ball. We have been working hard to verify this and as far as we can tell, it appears to be the case.
So it seems that polite phone calls and emails won the day. We will of course keep across this and post in due course if any
other venues decide to host the cub killers of the infamous South Herefordshire Hunt.
Atherstone FH Hounds riot on high speed A44 Sab tyre allegedly stabbed by ex-cop supporter 1-11-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone
hunt supporter and ex-policeman Jon Hadfield caught slashing lone female hunt sabs tyres Atherstone Hunt Opening Meet 1/11/16 During the
Atherstone Hunt's opening meet of the main fox hunting season a lone female hunt sab came across the huntsman and hounds
hunting very close to the A444 in Leicestershire. It was clear a fox had just run across the busy road and down into a badger
sett on the other side as the hounds were about to run across the road and into on coming traffic. Whilst trying to prevent
the hounds running onto the busy road the dash-cam inside the females sab's vehicle recorded regular Atherstone Hunt supporter
and ex-Policeman Jon Hadfield walking across the road straight over to the vehicle and taking a penknife out of his pocket.
The footage on the sab's handheld camera then shows him to be the only person anywhere near the vehicle. When the sab
gets nearer to the vehicle a loud hissing sound can be heard. The front passenger tyre quickly deflated after being stabbed
multiple times all around the perimeter. Hadfield had a clear motive after his son was recently in court for assaulting another female sab . The incident has been reported to Leicestershire Police. If any members
of the general public were on the A444 at this time and witnessed anything please pm us. Thanks. Please help towards our costs of buying a new tyre.  1st
hound runs on to A444
Pack hurtling across A444 Ex-cop Jon
Hadfield opens knife
Sab tyre after stabbed
OCTOBER 2016 ..... 31st October
- Monitor films within wood where Cheshire FH are 'autumn hunting' ..... 31st October
- Police fail again to charge the South Herefordshire five in cub cruelty case ..... 30th October
- Fitzwilliam FH kill another fox, taunt sabs with its corpse ..... 29th October - Monitors get apology from E.Mids CPS chief over dropped assault cases ..... 28th October - Atherstone FH steward acquitted of assaulting female hunt sab ..... 27th October - Ex police officer dies after fall while hunting with the North Down
FH ..... 26th October - Grafton FH upset landowner
trespassing, then go on to closed FC land ..... 25th October -
Monitors upload shocking film of Grafton FH apparently cub hunting ..... 24th October
- Stag chased on to fast Devon road by Hunt dies when hit by old man's car ..... 24th October
- Angry landowner protests yet another invasion by Tiverton FH ..... 24th October
- Scottish police call for hunting 'ban' to be strengthened ..... 21st October
- BBC East Midlands 'Inside Out' features work of League hunt monitors ..... 21st October
- Alleged sexual & physical assault on female sab at Surrey Union FH meet ..... 20th October
- JM & Chair of suspended S.Hrfrdshre FH defying MFHA by fundraising for Hunt ..... 19th October - Bill Oddie calls for Government not to repeal Hunting Act, etc. ..... 18th October - Sabs say they filmed Atherstone FH blatantly hunting two foxes ..... 18th October - Young fox escapes as Blackmore FH hunt full on ..... 18th October
- Jedforest FH members' illegal hunting trial set for January ..... 14th October - Council lets Cottesmore FH have Boxing Day meet in car park again ..... 14th October - Sabs claim to have filmed Atherstone FH fox hunting yet again ..... 13th October - Leak of Blackmore FH Huntsman's address referred to police ..... 9th October - Tynedale FH hunt fox - sabs
say supporter stabbed their tyres ..... 8th October - Sabs publish snaps
of Easton Harriers JM trying to hide hare killed by Hunt ..... 7th
October - Leics police drop case against Atherstone FH over fox kill ..... 5th
October - Three Colne Valley Beagles followers convicted of affray ..... 4th
October - Dulverton Farmers FH rider convicted of assault and criminal damage ..... 4th
October - Repentant former Huntsman Clifford Pellow dies, aged 73 .... . 3rd October - Sab allegedly assaulted by Atherstone FH Huntsman as hounds chase foxes ..... 2nd October - Sabs release damning footage of Blackmore FH chasing fox in
January ..... 2nd October - Ranulph Fiennes to tell Tory Conference hunting 'brutal and insupportable' ..... 1st October - Ross Harriers ride at and
shove sabs as fox probably killed
Monitor films
in middle of wood where Cheshire FH are 'autumn hunting'31-10-16 YouTube Cheshire Monitors have uploaded a video taken by one of their people, who spent
an hour standing in the middle of a wood whilst the Huntsman [with whom the monitor seems to be on unusually good terms]
tries to control his hounds and the dogs and foxes are whizzing about all over the place. The hounds don't seem terribly
sure what they are supposed to be doing and there don't seem to be any kills during the filming, though it ends suddenly
with hounds in cry. It's all a bit weird. The video opens with shot of a fleeing fox just yards from the monitor. Just seconds later, hounds appear only a
little further away and dash into bushes, then turn back and run right past the monitor. They're not in cry and are being
encouraged on by the Huntsman's voice. However, the soundtrack following suggests they did not get the fox. POWAperson, normally highly sceptical of the likelihood of given
filmed evidence to support a prosecution because of the manifold ways the Hunting Act makes this extraordinarily difficult,
thinks this film does, strangely enough, meet most, if not all, of the criteria. Some stills from the film below-  1/ Fox
flees hounds, 2/ Two seconds later, hounds chase fox 3/ Probably same fox doubling back 
Police fail yet again to charge the South Herefordshire FH five31-10-16 Facebook -Hunt Investigation Team UPDATE
The 5 accused from the South Herefordshire Hunt attended the police station today. Yet again the police and CPS have failed
to charge these people. their bail has been extended until the end of January!! That is a full 8 months from the date the
fox cubs were taken from the wild and thrown live to the hounds of the Hunt. The police and CPS have not even had the decency to explain this extraordinary decision
to us or the media. This stinks of corruption, state arrogance and shows a complete lack of respect to the public, the investigators
and the foxes that died in the most horrific and brutal way. We are shocked and angry. Please SHARE this post, we must let
everyone know what is unfolding here and please keep supporting us. We need your help. https://www.gofundme.com/H-I-T POWAperson
adds - The senior JM of this Hunt, Major Patrick Darling, is High Sheriff of Herefordshire [a personal appointment by the
Queen]. But obviously this would have nothing to do with the police/CPS apparent reluctance to charge his 'servants'
in what looks an open-and-shut case of extreme cruelty to a number of captive animals. A few years ago, the Essex & Suffolk Hunt hounds 'accidentally' invaded a garden in north
Essex. The Whip grabbed the mauled but still living fox from them and beat it to death with his crop just yards from the horrified
family. who had been enjoying a barbecue on their patio. The police didn't charge him or anyone else from the Hunt with
anything [the Hunt claimed they were using the Falconry Exemption] and the local press ignored this juicy story, even after
the Daily Mail splashed it luridly over a whole page. Nothing to do with the fact that the High Sheriff of Suffolk was JM
of the Hunt, of course. Fitzwilliam FH kill another fox, taunt sabs with its corpse 30-10-16 Facebook -S.Cambs Sabs Hit Report –
29/10/16 Yesterday, we paid a visit to the Fitzwilliam
Hunt [right] who started their 'Introduction to the cowardly
killing of wildlife' meet at Field Farm, Lutton (10 miles south of Peterborough). This hunt who are currently on trial
for the illegal killing of a fox and for a further animal cruelty charge, showed today what utter contempt they have for the Hunting Act law.
From the very minute we arrived the Huntsman was flushing the hounds through a thick/dense copse bringing the pack into immediate
cry at the scent of a close by fox. Luckily our sabs and those
from N.Cambs & Northants Hunt Saboteurs were in position in the adjacent field to call away the hounds using the gizmo
(audio speaker replicating hounds on cry). After pulling the hounds into the field and away from the fox, the Hunt took the
best part of the next hour trying to gather up their hounds who seemed much happier getting a few hugs from us than being
forced to hunt wildlife. Watching these poor dogs flinch at the sight of dismounted hunters with whips makes you wonder what
cruelty these animals are subjected to behind closed doors. Unfortunately, after following on behind the Hunt who were
desperate to get away, even leaving behind nearly all of the newcomers who wanted a taste of this barbaric bloodsport, the
hounds went into cry again. As we approached we could see several riders, the terrier men/quads and car supporters all surrounded a thick copse as the hounds cries became louder and louder. We were unable to save the chased
and exhausted poor fox. Not content with just murdering a terrified juvenile fox. They proceeded to taunt us several minutes
later by circling the quad with the dead fox at their feet in front of us, with the hounds' mouths still bloody from the
kill. For
the rest of the morning, we remained as tight as possible to them as they continued to draw hedge rows and copses. We have
no doubt that without our presence more innocent lives would have been ended for their horrific 'sport'. What we found
particularly horrid was the amount of hunt supporters of the Fitzwilliam falling over themselves to try and get a look at
the sick killing, yet after the sick deed is accomplished these people (many of who had children with them), shamefully bow
their heads or put their hands over their faces. No doubt these cowards will try to justify their disgusting behaviour by
back slapping with the tiny sadistic minority people and rebuke the huge majority of both country, city and town people. We
however, will continue to hold them to account for their twisted behaviour and are going to continue to try and stop them. All relevant footage
of yesterdays hunting are going to be passed onto the relevant authorities.
Monitors get personal apology from East Midlands CPS chief for 'let down' CPS dropped threat behaviour
case against 2 Grafton FH followers for no good reason 29-10-16 YouTube - Hunt Monitors Grafton Hunt followers Clewes & Wilkinson [were]
due to appear in Court Christopher Clewes and
Ben Wilkinson were due to appear in court charged with 'Use threatening/ abusive/ insulting words/behaviour to cause harassment/
alarm/ distress,' until the case was dropped just two weeks before the trial was due to take place. Subsequently, the
Monitors received a personal apology from the Acting Chief Prosecutor of East Midland CPS for mistakes made by them, who said
that their "handling of the case did not meet the high standards which we aspire to, and I accept that you have been
let down by the Criminal Justice System." If you
would like info on how to help Hunt Monitors please visit our Facebook page, or for donations to help us keep
going please see here. For further information on Hunt Monitors. Please also see our website where you will find a petition to sign. This goes back to Jan 2015 when we made complaints
to the police about the appalling behaviour of Grafton Hunt supporters. It seemed we had a decent officer who dealt with the
case and the CPS set a date for the case to go to court. We went through two reviews (under Victims Right to Review) and suffered
insulting comments and lies from two CPS lawyers but eventually received an unequivocal apology from the CPS due to our perseverance
to get justice.
FH 'steward' acquitted of assaulting female sabVideo shows him violently throwing her to the ground 28-10-16 Coventry Telegraph VIDEO Atherstone
Hunt steward grapples with protester - Peter Hadfield was charged with common assault but found not guilty
A steward accused of assault at a meeting of the Atherstone Hunt has been cleared. Peter Hadfield was charged with common
assault in relation to an incident in January but he was found not guilty. The group, West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, had reported
the 20-year-old to Leicestershire Police , claiming that he had grabbed one of their female members and taken her to the ground,
injuring her back. Video footage of the alleged incident at the Atherstone
Hunt meeting near Sibson in Leicestershire on January 23 was shown at Loughborough Magistrates Court on October 10, where
Mr Hadfield was found not guilty. Speaking to a pro-hunting publication following Mr Hadfield’s acquittal, his solicitor
Stephen Welford said he was simply instructing the hunt saboteurs to leave the private land as they were trespassing. Mr Welford
said: “The complainant Sarah Lloyd insisted she had every right to be there. Mr Hadfield was herding her out with his
arms outstretched. Once they had left the field and got on to grass verge she grabbed hold of his coat and refused to let
go. He used reasonable force to remove her and, having seen it on the video the magistrates agreed.” A spokesperson for the anti-hunting campaigning group said: “The whole day was just awful,
we had four foxes chased, one was killed in a pub car park while people were eating their food. Unfortunately it seems to
be that no matter what evidence we submit, nothing is being done. How much more footage do the authorities need to see before
something is done?” 
police officer dies after fall while hunting with North Down FH 27-10-16 Belfast Telegraph Equestrian centre boss Claire Lowe dies in fall
during hunt in Northern Ireland Tributes have been paid to an equestrian centre boss who died suddenly
in a tragic hunting accident yesterday afternoon. Former police officer Claire Lowe from Saintfield had been taking part in
a hunt in the New Line area of Ballygowan when the 39-year-old came off her horse at a fence, and died from her injuries shortly
afterwards. A spokesman for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service said a rapid response paramedic was called to the incident
at around 3.20pm.However, it was too late to save the popular horse rider, who was well known in the local equestrian scene... Ms Lowe had worked as a constable for Lisburn PSNI, but after
the death of her father last Christmas — Gerry Lowe, the owner of the successful Lisburn company Lowe Refrigeration
— she had returned home to Saintfield to manage the Mill House Equestrian Centre in Saintfield. Paying tribute Lisburn
and Castlereagh City District Commander, Superintendent Sean Wright said Claire was in the "prime of her life"....
The Police Federation for Northern Ireland which represents rank and file officers also extended its "deepest sympathy"
to Claire's family, colleagues and friends. Her work involved breeding Connemara ponies as well as running a tack shop
business and online auction site. Many friends had not heard the sad news until late last night, and posted their condolences
on social media. Friend Lynne Spence wrote that Claire had “died doing what she loved”.... Nicci Hall said: “Such
a tragic loss of a genuinely lovely person....” POWAperson
comments - All life is precious and we too extend our sympathies to Claire Lowe's friends and family. However, she was
participating in a live quarry Hunt [there is no 'ban' in Ulster], doing something a friend says that she 'loved'.
What she loved, then, was engaging in the wilful chasing, terrorising and slaughter of defenceless foxes, employing hounds
that are ruthlessly exterminated as soon as they start to become of less use to the Hunt. All life is precious, and our sympathy
also extends to all the animals that have, over many years, been abused and killed by the North Down FH and to their 'friends
and families'.
Grafton FH Monitor films upset landowner confront trespassing
hunters But they
go on to hunt in closed Forestry Commission plantation 26-10-16 Facebook – Hunt Monitors VIDEO Grafton Hunt Trespass Abthorpe 10 Oct 2016 The
Grafton Hunt caused distress to local landowner when they trespassed on her land at Abthorpe, Northamptonshire. They then
continued to trespass by hunting in Bucknell Wood, which is owned by the Forestry Commission who had closed and cordoned off
the bridleways due to their bad condition. Please contact us on 07955 486 234 or visit Hunt Monitors Facebook for information on how you can help. For donations
towards monitors expenses please visit GoFundMe. For more about Hunt Monitors, go here.  Huntsman and hounds at 8 a.m.
Later, in cub hunting mode  Monitors upload shocking film of Grafton FH apparently cub hunting Clip of bird-handler feeding dead fox to
his eagle featured 25-10-16 You Tube Grafton September
22 - more shocking
scenes from a hunt, in September 2016 - despite the fact that hunting was banned in 2005. The Hunting Act must be strengthened
to put a stop to scenes like these. Visit the Hunt Monitors Facebook page for information on how you can help. POWAperson
explains - The video shows the Hunt taking hounds to a wood next to the busy Northampton Road, near Litchborough, Northants,
a little after 7a.m. Monitors are certain that no trail was laid. A young fox is seen running along the edge of a ploughed
field, then ducking into the wood. A mounted redcoat holds point on the road, another rider is seen on the edge of the wood.
The fox bolts out not far from him and runs across the ploughed field. It then crosses the road, just behind a passing car,
stumbling as it reaches the far side. A fox, perhaps the same one, is seen at 8.10 a.m.
running across a grassed field parallel with the road, passing a hunt spotter in the field. The next minute, hounds burst
into the field, pursuing the fox. Monitors next to the field try to call the hounds off, but are ignored. The Huntsman canters
along the road after the pack. Hounds turn through 150 degrees and race off to the wood on the far side of the field. A horsebox
is parked badly, blocking nearly half the road, obstructing traffic. The Hunt now have hounds in the wood. Hounds are sometimes
heard in cry. While foxes run for their life, riders are on the wood's edge, 'holding up' - a scene
identical to cubbing before the so-called ban. So are the noises they make, to scare back fleeing foxes. What they are doing
could not be clearer to anyone who knows about fox hunting. We see the pack on the edge of
the wood, frantically seeking fox scent, watched by a redcoat on foot. At no point is any hunter seen or heard attempting
to call hounds off. The Hunt moved off
at 8.52, but it was evident they had killed at least one fox. Back close to the road, the Hunt's bird handler allows his
eagle to feed off a fox carcass. The eagle, carted around throughout the hunt, is there purely as a prop, so that, if challenged,
the Hunt can claim to be hunting under the Falconry Exemption, which absurdly allows a full pack to be used to flush out quarry
for the bird to hunt. It's never actually flown. Despite all this, because of the wording and exemptions of the Hunting Act 2004, it is highly unlikely that what
the monitors were able to film would be sufficient to secure a prosecution, let alone conviction. This group of monitors have
submitted similar film of the Grafton on several occasions, and many more of other Hunts, only to be told it is not enough.
But this and other videos do appear to illustrate how blatantly the Grafton and others feel able to hunt live
quarry. Scenes from the video -  Fox fleeing hounds crosses road
Riders holding up on road Fox
fleeing past hunt spotter
Hounds chasing fox across field A rider 'holding up'
More riders 'holding up' Hunt's eagle feeding on dead fox
Bird handler holding fox corpse by brush
Stag killed in collision with
an old man's car on North Devon road Believed stag chased onto high-speed link road by local deer Hunt 24-10-16 N.Devon Journal Stag
collides with 83-year-old man's car at South Molton in North Devon An 83-year-old man had his car written-off after he hit a stag on a North Devon road. Alan Cope, from Barnstaple, contacted
the Journal about the incident after his brother, Wilfred, was involved in the crash during his visit to the region on Monday,
October 3. Alan and his wife were phoned by the police and the ambulance crews saying there had been an accident by Pathfields
Industrial Estate at South Molton at 2.30pm. He said: "There were no injuries at all, they were shaken up but they were
very lucky. The police took the car to the compound and it was taken back to the garage, but it was a complete write-off,
even though he was only doing 55pmh. My brother stayed with us for another week and then had to go home on the train. The
stag landed on top of the car and smashed the windscreen. It looked awful. The car was only two years old and my brother is
like me, he needs his wheels!" Mr Cope and his family would like to
say a big thank you to the people who assisted them, gave out hot drinks and let them use their phones. There were reports
that the dead stag was picked up immediately by people and taken away before the police arrived. A police spokesman said: "Police were called just after 2.30pm on Monday 3 October, to a single car collision
on Station Road, South Molton. A stag had reportedly ran out and damaged the front of the car. Apart from the stag, there
were no injuries reported. This matter is closed from a police point of view." POWAperson comments - The story does not mention the Hunt, believed to have been the Tiverton DH [above
left], but information suggests it was they who chased the stag over a
rugby field and on to the road. The driver and his wife were lucky to escape with their lives, let alone uninjured. Red deer stags
are big animals. POWAperson was himself tangentially involved in an almost identical incident in 1997 when a Hunt [definitely
the Tiverton] he had been helping to monitor did the same thing on the same road, though we only became aware of it later
in the day. I spoke to the people in the car by phone after they'd returned home. This time the car was
occupied by a young holiday-maker family with a small child. Again, fortunately, they were uninjured, but were badly shaken.
While they were stranded by the side of the road in their damaged car, a 4x4, presumably from the Hunt, pulled up behind
them. They thought help had arrived. The driver got out, picked up the deer carcass, threw it in the back of his car and drove
away without a word. Nice folk, hunters [their one-time Huntsman, John Norrish, was sentenced to four years in prison a few
years ago for raping a supporter's wife at a Hunt Ball]. As it seems this time, the police were not interested in how
the stag came to run out on to a fast major road in the middle of the day. Thanks to the vagaries of the Hunting Act, deer hunting continues. I gather the Tiverton SH pretend to trail
hunt and, when the hounds lay on, keep fairly far back so they can say they weren't 'participating', whilst the
Devon & Somerset make cynical use of the 'Research and Observation' exemption to continue their killing for 'sport'.
This will go on until the Hunting Act is substantially strengthened.
Angry landowner protests yet another invasion by Tiverton FH Captures hound and holds it 'hostage' to make her point 24-10-16 Exeter Express & Echo Hunters hound is held 'hostage' by
angry landowner A frustrated small holding owner near Tiverton has hit back at her land being infringed
upon by huntsmen by capturing one their hounds. Every year Sue Pratt, from Rackenford, says she experience problems during
the hunting season, but this year it has come early with an unwelcomed visit from Tiverton Foxhounds.
Last Saturday, ahead of the start of the new season, Sue claims at around 4pm she saw
at least 10 hounds bounding through her ground and into her yard, scattering her poultry and upsetting her dogs. Sue recalled:
"I managed to capture a hound as hostage [left]. I
confronted two huntsmen on the road who refused to give me their names. They were trying to call up the hounds back out on
to the road, therefore blocking traffic. I explained they were banned from my ground, which they were aware of, but they could
give no explanation why they had lost control of the hounds. I told them they were incompetent and around an hour later I
was approached by a hunt supporter looking for a lost hound. I admitted I had it but said I would only hand it over to a hunt
member. Eventually someone arrived who identified himself as Ron Vincent. I took a photo of him and asked why so many hounds
were out when only two are allowed to hunt at a time? I was told they were trail hunting but when I asked if they had set
the trail through my ground and yard, I received no sensible answer. He seemed relieved to have the hound back and departed
as soon as possible. I reported the incident to the police.” Tiverton Foxhounds' huntsman Rory Ackerman [right] confirmed
they were near the small holding in Rackenford last Saturday trail hunting, which is where a pack of hounds hunt a scent that
has been laid over a course with a defined beginning and end. He denied they were cub hunting which is the practice of hunting
fox cubs rather than adult foxes, and said he was aware of only one hound going on to the land. He said: "We were trail
hunting which is perfectly legal. We didn't encroach on her land and the hounds were on the road. At one point a hound
went on her drive and the owner ended up locking it in. As far as I can definitely say it was one hound. We are sorry he went
in there but we were not doing anything wrong." The
official fox hunting season is due to begin during the first week of November. Hunts are at the end of the hound training
period. Ivor Annetts, a retired trustee of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "It is my belief that the vast majority
of hunts across the country regularly break the law and have done so since September 2005. There been a dozen cases where
there has been evidence of that but it is very difficult to get the evidence.
Scottish police call for hunting ban to be strengthened They say it is too
difficult to prosecute illegal hunting Bonomy Review is due to report to Holyrood soon 24-10-16 Holyrood Police
Scotland join calls for tightening of fox hunting ban Scotland’s ban on fox hunting is “unworkable”
because there are too many exceptions and loopholes, Police Scotland has said. In a submission to a review of the 2002 law
by Lord Bonomy, the national police force called for more clarity to be added to the law to allow officers to prosecute where
illegal hunting was taking place. The force also suggested the law be strengthened by removing the word ‘deliberately’
from the section which states hunting a wild animal is an offence. Under
the current law, hunts are still allowed when dogs are used to “flush out” animals regarded as pests so they can
be shot. Listed exceptions “provide opportunities for exploitation by those who continually and deliberately offend”,
according to Police Scotland. “The current lack of clarity in the legislation can lead to allegations by those opposed
to this form of pest control that 'guns were not in place' and this presents significant issues for those undertaking
a lawful act, as well as those investigating alleged illegal activity.” The
submission was welcomed by anti-fox hunting activists. Robbie Marsland, the Director of the League Against Cruel Sports, Scotland
said: “We agree with Police Scotland that the law as it stands is “unworkable”, we know this from our two
year investigation into the activities of Scottish fox hunts. “The Scottish Parliament thought it had banned fox hunting
in 2002. We also know the vast majority of Scottish people want fox hunting banned. Now is the time for the law to be strengthened
and for fox hunting in Scotland to be really banned, for good.” the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s expert
on hunting with dogs Jordi Casamitjana said he had reviewed Scottish hunts operating since 2002. “In each and every
case that I reviewed concerning these hunts I believe the use of the exemption was illegitimate and the evidence was more
consistent with illegal hunting than with exempt hunting,” he said. However,
the Scottish Association for Country Sports defended the current exceptions in its submission. “Clearly there is a great
deal of misunderstanding around the control of foxes using dogs, as well as a significant amount of prejudice and discrimination
against rural interests,” it said. In his submission, Joe Scott Plummer, chairman of the Committee of the Duke of Buccleuch’s
Foxhounds, said Hunts provided a pest control service free of charge for 100 days every year. “All but a very few farmers
have not made us welcome, a handful of complaints have been raised by the general public and dealt with directly by the police
or ourselves,” he said, “and no charges have been brought by Police Scotland (or their predecessors) since 2003.
Our activities take place in a totally open, public and transparent manner.” Lord Bonomy is expected to deliver the review’s findings in a few weeks. The Scottish Government is under pressure
to tighten the law after SNP MPs at Westminster opposed an attempt to relax fox hunting laws in England in 2015, even though
the amendments would have more closely resembled the Scottish law. POWAperson
comments - Joe Scott Plummer is wrong. There have been three cases brought in Scotland against organised hunters.
The first and second ended in acquittal, the third, against two Jedforest FH members, is ongoing. This is, however, a
pathetic total given the Act has been in place for fourteen years and sabs and monitors report observing frequent breaches,
by riders and hunt terriermen alike. The major problem with the Scottish Act [though it at least carries a potential
prison sentence, unlike its English/Welsh equivalent] is that Hunts are allowed to use any number of hounds to flush quarry
to guns. This makes it easy to subvert, by simply either not placing guns at all, or by instructing them not to shoot so the chase
can go on. It is also, as in England/Wales, necessary to prove intent, which is extraordinarily difficult to do. Hopefully,
the Bonomy Review will take the evidence it has been given, particularly that of the police, and recommend significant strengthening
of the Scottish Act. We believe such a measure would easily pass in the Holyrood Parliament. The matter was also
covered by BBC News Scotland.
BBC regional documentary features work of League hunt monitors Discovery of captive fox and violent
assaults by Belvoir supporters featured 21-10-16 Inside Out – BBC E.Midlands The TV programme featured an over eight-minute feature on the work of
two of LACS' wildlife investigators as they spent last season monitoring the activities of Hunts around the country. The film focussed on their visits to the Belvoir FH, starting with their being tipped
off about a fox being held captivein a brick shed on the Buckminster Estate, near where the Belvoir were soon to meet. They were
able to rescue the fox early on the morning of the meet, Christmas Eve 2015. A little while later, a man, identified as an
estate employee turned up at the shed and was filmed entering with a catching pole and bag, then leaving bewildered. Police
are investigating. The monitors, a former policeman and an
ex saboteur, were violently attacked and seriously injured by six masked Belvoir supporters in March 2016.
One was hospitalised with neck injuries. Two of the six men were arrested. The film ends happily, with the release of the captive fox in a different area.   21-10-16 LACS News Release A season of hunt monitoring
Posted by Head of Field Operations - 'Inside out' BBC East Midlands. The League Against Cruel
Sports investigations team is made up of a number of trained operatives, including ex-police officers, former RSPCA inspectors
and animal welfare campaigners with many years experience. Spread across the country together they go out and monitor the
activities of fox, deer and hare hunts. At the start of the 2015 fox hunting season we were joined by Simon Hare, a BBC reporter
who followed two of us as we monitored hunts in the Midlands. Over the hunting season we observed some 25 hunts.
Most of the time the Hunts were unaware of our presence as our purpose is to gain evidence of illegal activity and we do not
wish the Hunts to modify their behaviour just because they are aware they are being observed. From the beginning of the season
it was apparent that several Hunts were carrying on business as usual. We witnessed hounds being entered into woods and coverts
where it would have been impossible to lay a trail (the most common excuse used by fox Hunts), hounds in full cry running
across fields shortly after a fox was seen to run the same line, hounds running across and along main roads. On only one occasion
did I see a trail being laid; this was some 25 minutes after the hunt had ridden past at speed and was along the middle of
a road. Hunts clearly do not want our scrutiny. Meet cards are no longer published; meet dates no longer appear in local
newspapers; cubbing, or “autumn hunting” as it has been re-named, is carried out under great secrecy in the early
mornings by an invited few. On three occasions we recorded strong evidence of illegal hunting which
fell just short of the rigorous test we apply before presenting evidence to the police. On six occasions we found badger setts
that had been blocked on hunting days; it has been commented by an appeal court judge that this may show an intent to illegally
hunt foxes. We regularly saw that the terrier-men (now given the respectable title of “countryman”) were wearing
face coverings to prevent themselves being recognised. We also recorded a pack of beagles chasing a hare across fields and
onto a road in front of our car. In December 2015 we found a fox locked in a brick outbuilding at Buckminster
in Leicestershire a few days before the Belvoir Hunt were due to meet in the village. Why was it there? In our opinion it
was there to be released and hunted. An individual was caught on camera visiting the fox before it was discovered and rescued
by us and taken to a wildlife hospital. On the morning of the hunt the same man returned to the building with a large net
and a bag. Why? Our conclusion was that the fox was due to be released and hunted. The individual is still under police investigation
for animal welfare offences. This was widely reported in the media at the time and the Hunt declined to comment. In March 2016, the last day of the Belvoir Hunt's season, two of us went to monitor the hunt. The BBC reporter
also went to the meet. Towards the end of the day, whilst on a public bridleway, we were attacked by six men, four of whom
were wearing face masks, sustaining serious injuries and our camera equipment was stolen. This is still under police investigation.
Again the hunt has declined to make any comment. As the current season gets underway we are again
out looking at the Hunts, ready to record any evidence of law breaking. We expect them to be even more secretive and to go
to great lengths to try and find us. If they are acting within the law they have nothing to fear. They will not even know
we are there. If they are hunting illegally and killing our wildlife we will do our utmost to bring them to book.
Alleged sexual and physical assault on sab by Surrey Union FH follower 21-10-16 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Sabs Sexual assault,
assault and blatant illegal hunting - The Surrey Union Hunt 21.10.16 Today, following a tip off
from a local we headed to Capel with North Downs Hunt Sabs to a 3pm meet at Pleystow Farm. Upon our arrival sabs were already
with the hunt, hounds were in full cry and hunt clearly surprised and annoyed to see us. As we kept up with rampaging hounds
(no trail laid) we were confronted by some disgruntled bumpkins and hunt support, pushing us we carried on. this was to delay
us however we split to make sure we had two areas covered. Field, terrier men and support stayed stationary at the bottom
of Temple Lane for around an hour not really knowing what to do seeing as they could no longer continue to illegally hunt. Other sab managed to catch up with hounds and called in support, we kept up with hounds as
they packed up around 5 during which the hunt blocked the road preventing sabs from leaving the area. During this, a female
sab was sexually assaulted and bundled. We cannot discuss this further until police have carried out their investigations.  S.Herefordshire
FH JM & Chair fundraising for suspended Hunt Sabs say this against terms of MFHA suspension 20-10-16 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Blood
on your hands Patrick Darling Major Patrick Darling (former Master) and Phillip Whitehouse
(Hunt Chairman) are trying to rebuild the South Herefordshire Hunt, disregarding
the instructions of the Master of Foxhounds and fundraising in preparation for hunting again. They are suspended from all hunting activity and that includes fundraising. They
feel guilty because they promoted one of the individuals that caused this whole mess. Darling has artificial earths on his
land (Caradog Court) where foxes are encouraged to live before being hunted. He also has badger setts on his land which we
know have been dug by Hunt associates. This weekend he is hosting a
'fun ride' and a 'hunt supper' the following weekend to raise funds for the Hunt. This is in direct contravention
of the Master of Foxhounds Association suspension from all hunting activity. We will be watching the event this weekend very
closely. Matthew Price has been brought in to raise the profile
of the SHH. He loves killing badgers and has played a prominent role in recent badger culls. His wife, Alex Price is a master
of the SHH. The new huntsman, Chris Cardell has been hired and fired by various hunts 5 or 6 times in recent years. The SHH are also struggling to fill other key positions
like whipper-in. it's hardly surprising that all the neighbouring Hunts want to see them closed completely. This is because
they feel that they are paying the price for the historical and ongoing arrogance of the South Herefordshire Hunt. POWAperson adds - Major Patrick Darling is the High Sherriff of Herefordshire [not the
first such to be involved in hunting controversy], a personal appointee of the Queen. The HIT's account of the investigation
that exposed barbaric treatment of captive foxes, leading to the police investigation and the Hunt's suspension by the
MFHA, is here. Pics of the fox cubs imprisoned and killed so cruelly are below.

Oddie urges care for wildlife after winning Animal Advocate award Slams Andrea Leadsom
for her wish to repeal Hunting Act 19-10-16 Daily Express Bill Oddie calls for
new Brexit era for wildlife after winning Animal Advocate Award BILL ODDIE has won a prestigious
award for speaking out on behalf of animals and immediately blasted the Government over badger culling and fox hunting. The
former Goodie and Springwatch presenter also says he wants Brexit Britain to deliver a new age for the way we treat animals. Speaking after receiving the Animal Advocate Award for his efforts in raising awareness about
wildlife persecution home and abroad, the popular conservation campaigner called for more “respect and appreciation”
of all creatures great and small. After receiving his award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare, he said: “If
there is anything good coming from this Brexit business, can we go into an era where we revere wildlife, we respect wildlife,
we want to care for wildlife and above all appreciate it." In an exclusive
interview with Express.co.uk, the 75 year old presenter, who has already received an OBE for services to conservation, also
pleaded with the Government to take a “deep breath” and decide to care for animals. He said: “I would like
to take a deep breath; I would like the Government to take a deep breath and everyone in power to take a deep breath and decide
to care for wildlife, animals, birds... For anything alive is something to be proud of and want to help and treasure and look
after rather than regard as some kind of commodity... Bill Oddie won the
award for raising awareness about wildlife persecution in the UK and abroad. “What I mean by that, specifically in Britain,
we have these situations where badgers are still being killed despite science which suggests this is not a way to solve bovine
tuberculosis. You have people allowed to shoot buzzards in order to protect young pheasants which will then be able to grow
up to be big enough to be shot by gunmen and the shooting industry…. Worst of all, we get Andrea Leadsom (the Environment
Secretary) talking about considering repealing the Hunting Act for fox hunting… All those things represent a
step backwards to a time when really we should be embarrassed by…” His
“outstanding work” to raise awareness of animal issues has seen him lobbying outside Stormont in Northern Ireland
where hunting with dogs is still legal and protesting outside Shell’s headquarters over plans to drill in the Arctic....
The IFAW said: “This award also reflects his great passion for birdlife and other animals that Bill has passed on to
millions of people throughout his career through his bird books and TV programmes such as Springwatch, Autumnwatch; Birding
with Bill Oddie and Bill Oddie Goes Wild." The award was presented at a special ceremony in the House of Lords hosted
by Baroness Gale and supported by Express.co.uk.
Sabs say they filmed Atherstone FH blatantly hunting 2 foxes 18-10-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO On Tuesday 18th October the Atherstone Hunt met at Tomlinsons Farm Shop in Stoke Golding. They clearly
hadn't asked permission from landowners, as all the gates were padlocked. Nevertheless, Huntsman Stuart Barton blatantly
and intentionally hunted in front of us, with two foxes running from a small wood he had put the hounds into at Upton Lodge
Farm. He took the hounds across the road to where the first fox had run to and the hounds soon picked up the scent. There
were no police in attendance at this incident. We don't know about anyone else, but we would call this BLATANT hunting and they are all complicit in lawbreaking.
How, when we are producing weekly footage of this Hunt chasing foxes, are they allowed to continue? If we showed the same
people burgling houses every week for the last 2 years would they be getting the same treatment? We would also ask if the
Atherstone were allowed to be on the land they were hunting on as every gate was locked, but still they entered. Their
field was made up of 5 riders, 1 of which was a Master, 2 ex-Masters and one paying rider. There were no car supporters or
foot followers present. Enough said. 
Fox fleeing hounds
Hounds seeking fox
Young fox escapes as Blackmore
FH hunt full on 18-10-16 Facebook – Dorset Sabs The video is from when we paid a visit to Mark Doggrell
and the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt on the 8th October 2016. A large field of around sixty riders [below] moved
off around 7:30am from the Boys Hill area. The hunt drew the covers one by one in the area. From early on the hounds were
in serious full-on cry drawing through covers and rough areas. In Broke Lane, whilst the hounds were drawing through a rough area a young fox exited at speed
very close to the camera man [right]. A
hunt supporter on seeing this informed the hunt and so the young fox was left. This is in stark contrast to the incident shown recently on the DHS Facebook page when the
huntsman refused to believe a witness and he allowed the hounds to continue when they were in fact on the line of a fox. Much
of the soundtrack illustrates the full-on nature of the hounds and the voice and horn calls of the Huntsman and others. Towards
the end of the session the hunt moved onto Burton Common. The camera man also moved on to this area much to the disappointment
of the hunt who tried various methods to move the camera man out. He stood his ground Disappointingly, young riders
engaged in a manner where they were riding close to the camera man or attempting to prevent him filming. Eventually the camera
man engaged with an adult and asked for this behaviour to stop. From time to time the camera man was deliberately held up
by riders and vehicles. This is unacceptable. The hunt came to a close at around 10:30am. Jedforest FH members' illegal
hunting trial set for January 18-10-16 Border Telegraph Huntsmen
deny breaking fox hunting laws TWO huntsmen from the Borders have been accused of deliberately
hunting a fox with a pack of dogs. Jedforest Hunt members Johnathan Riley, 23, and 66-year-old John Richardson pleaded not
guilty to the charge at Jedburgh Sheriff Court. The pair, from Abbotrule, Bonchester Bridge, deny deliberately hunting a wild
mammal while acting with others on land surrounding Townfoothill near Jedburgh, on February 18. No huntsmen have yet fallen foul of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act
2002, but two individuals have been convicted for hunting foxes with dogs and 10 for hare coursing. While the hunting of wild
mammals with dogs is outlawed in Scotland, amendments were made to the Bill to allow fox hunting to continue in a different
form. It is legal to use [any number of] dogs
to flush a fox from cover for it then to be shot, as long as this is done as a form of pest control. The Act further states
that no offence is committed if the dog kills the fox during the course of this activity, but only if it was not the Huntsman’s
intention that it does so and is regarded as an accident. Hounds are also used to kill foxes that have been wounded by the
gunmen or are otherwise seriously injured or diseased. Riley and Richardson will stand trial at Jedburgh Sheriff Court on
January 10 with an intermediate hearing scheduled for December 12. POWAperson adds - The Scottish law provides a huge loophole for organised Hunts, as summarised in the article, through
which Hunts in Scotland have been driving a pack and horses, so successfully that only one organised hunt member has ever
been charged [in 14 years] and none convicted. The Act is currently under review, following evidence provided by the League
Against Cruel Sports purporting to show various Hunts chasing foxes where no guns were present.
lets Cottesmore FH hold Boxing Day meet in Oakham car park again14-10-16 Rutland & Stamford Mercury Cottesmore Hunt’s
Boxing Day meet to be held in Rutland County Council car park again Cottesmore Hunt looks likely to be
held at Rutland County Council’s car park again this Boxing Day, despite objections from an animal rights group. The
decades-old tradition looked to be in jeopardy last Christmas when Oakham Town Council refused the Hunt’s request to
hold the meet in the usual location of Cutts Close. But Rutland County Council stepped into offer its car park to allow the
Hunt to continue raising money for good causes. Last year, collections were made for For Rutland In Rutland. This year, the future looked to be in doubt again after
the Leicester Animal Rights group campaigned for Rutland County Council not to host the Hunt again. A petition started late
last week has attracted nearly 3,500 signatures. A
spokesman for Leicester Animal Rights said: “‘On September 17, 2015, an employee of the Cottesmore Hunt was prosecuted
for obstructing a badger sett. To us, it’s clear what this means in the context of a fox hunt – business as usual.
It’s unacceptable for the Council to be condoning this, and we expect them to do the right thing for increasingly pressured
wildlife by refusing any further requests from the Cottesmore Hunt.’” But this week, the council confirmed the Hunt would go ahead again this year. Rutland County
Council leader Terry King (Con) said: “The council has been in contact with Leicestershire Animal Rights regarding Cottesmore
Hunt’s use of Catmose car park for last year’s Boxing Day meet and advised them of the various ways they can highlight
any concerns at public meetings of the council. The Boxing Day meet is a well-established tradition in Rutland and, when approached
in December 2015, the Council agreed to this solution to provide an alternative venue for the event. A request to use Catmose
car park as the venue for the 2016 Boxing Day meet has been received from organisers of the Cottesmore Hunt and subsequently
accepted. The decision was taken in the same way as in 2015 and is subject to similar conditions being met by event organisers.” No-one from the Hunt was available to comment at the time
of going to press but last year, the Hunt Secretary Claire Bell said the hunt was “delighted at the support of the council”.
claim to have filmed Atherstone FH fox hunting yet again14-10-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO On Thursday 13th October two sabs attended the Atherstone Hunt who met at the pro bloodsports pub The Odd House, Leicestershire. Well, what
can we say (the video speaks for itself)....the same thing we keep saying week in week out season after season . Yep you've
guessed it they were blatantly hunting foxes. What more can we say......but at last the local and national media are starting
to ask questions as to why the Atherstone is getting away with it all. The Atherstone Hunt have been in the local and national
press over 40 times now. Also the public reach is growing and YOU the public are helping us enormously by sharing our posts,
writing letters to the press, contacting Leicestershire police.Today we also ask if you have the time
to contact the Forestry Commission where the Atherstone hunted yesterday. 
Hounds seeking fox in thick undergrowth
Fox fleeing hounds on road
FH can meet in town car park on Boxing Day, says Council 14-10-16 Rutland & Stamford Mercury Cottesmore Hunt’s
Boxing Day meet to be held in Rutland County Council car park again Cottesmore Hunt looks likely to be
held at Rutland County Council’s car park again this Boxing Day, despite objections from an animal rights group. The
decades-old tradition looked to be in jeopardy last Christmas when Oakham Town Council refused the Hunt’s request to
hold the meet in the usual location of Cutts Close. But Rutland County Council stepped into offer its car park to allow the
Hunt to continue raising money for good causes. Last year, collections were made for For Rutland In Rutland. This year, the future looked to be in doubt again after the Leicester Animal Rights group campaigned
for Rutland County Council not to host the Hunt again. A petition started late last week has attracted nearly 3,500 signatures.
A spokesman for Leicester Animal Rights said: “‘On September 17, 2015, an employee of the Cottesmore Hunt was
prosecuted for obstructing a badger sett. To us, it’s clear what this means in the context of a fox hunt – business
as usual. It’s unacceptable for the Council to be condoning this, and we expect them to do the right thing for increasingly
pressured wildlife by refusing any further requests from the Cottesmore Hunt.’” But this week, the council confirmed the Hunt would go ahead again this year. Rutland County Council leader Terry King (Con) said: “The council has been in contact with Leicestershire
Animal Rights regarding Cottesmore Hunt’s use of Catmose car park for last year’s Boxing Day meet and advised
them of the various ways they can highlight any concerns at public meetings of the Council. The Boxing Day meet is a well-established
tradition in Rutland and, when approached in December 2015, the Council agreed to this solution to provide an alternative
venue for the event [right, the meet]. A
request to use Catmose car park as the venue for the 2016 Boxing Day meet has been received from organisers of the Cottesmore
Hunt and subsequently accepted. The decision was taken in the same way as in 2015 and is subject to similar conditions being
met by event organisers.” No-one from the Hunt was available to comment
at the time of going to press but last year, the Hunt Secretary Claire Bell said the hunt was “delighted at the support
of the council”.
leak of Blackmore FH Huntsman's address referred to police 13-10-16 Somerset Live Countryside
Alliance welcomes threat to prosecute those who spread contact details online An online leak of
information about a Somerset huntsman cleared of causing grievous bodily harm to a saboteur has been reported to police, a
pro hunt group has claimed. The Countryside Alliance has welcomed an announcement by the Director of Public Prosecutions that
people who spread private details could now be prosecuted. It claims the leaking of Mark Doggrell's address and his wife's
phone number online has been reported to police which are investigating. Mr Doggrell was cleared by a jury at Taunton Crown
Court last month after an incident in 2014 in which hunt saboteur Nicola Rawson was injured by his horse. Pic below - the moment Doggrell's horse mowed down Nicola Rawson, seriously
injuring her -
Sabs photo Easton Harriers JM trying to hide hare killed by HuntHuntsman later claims corpse was that of a rabbit! Sabs also say two of their number were assaulted by hunters 8-10-16 Facebook – Norfolk & Suffolk Sabs Easton Harriers – 08/10/2016 - Wood Farm, Tannington
Our legal team has advised us to share the following images, as we believe that this is within the interest of the general
public. On Saturday 8th October, Norfolk/Suffolk
Hunt Sabs visited the Easton Harriers Hunt who met at Wood Farm, Tannington, in Suffolk. Due to legal proceedings, we are
unable to fully describe what happened that morning other than the confirmation that a hare was killed by the Hunt.
In the first two photos [below], we
have Lydia Freeman (Hunt Master) trying to conceal the body of the dead hare. We are appealing for the identity of the other
two individuals displayed in the remaining photos, in connection with assaults that also took place that morning [seehere]. If you have any information then please contact us. We encourage our
supporters to share this post.  Tynedale
FH filmed hunting fox - sabs say supporter stabbed their tyres 9-10-16 Facebook - North East Sabs 8th October 2016 - Tynedale
Hunt This particular Hunt has been left to it’s own devices for a little too long, and after a tip off from a member of the public we thought we’d
have a trip out and see what they’ve been up to. Meeting just outside of Aydon, we were greeted with abuse and some
rather sexist remarks, being that we were a girl-only crew. Someone who can only be described as Reg Holdsworth’s doppelganger...
greeted us with the words ‘Go home and get fucked by a man’ as if his statement would send us fleeing in search
of the nearest virile gent. We spent some time monitoring the hunt and questioning why three quads with terriers and shovels were ‘passing
through’ at just the right time. Claims of the usual trail hunt were thrown around but those were pretty quickly shown
to be lies when the hounds went into cry in an area of woodland close by. A bit of gizmo use and some horn calls seemed to
distract the hounds and shortly we started to think of moving off to keep ahead of the game. Only when we pulled away did we discover our new friends had decided to stick what was likely a screwdriver or knife into
one of our front tyres. Fortunately we are some pretty handy girl's and managed to change over to our spare tyre. We travelled
a bit further to follow the Hunt and when we pulled up realised we also had a flat tyre at the back. Scuppered we were indeed
and we made a call to the police letting them know that as well as illegally hunting the Hunt had also been up to some criminal
The fact we were
alongside the Hunt while they surrounded a further piece of woodland meant we also caught on camera a pretty exhausted fox
fleeing the hounds [above right], and
an attempt by riders to stop it from escaping [left]. Some
smart moves by a pair of sabs meant the Hunt were stopped from a further chase and a hare and deer also had the chance to
escape. We’re hopeful by the time the Hunt packed up we prevented what would have been definite kills... the police
arrived to take statements about the damage to the car. We were lucky enough to have captured some photos of registration
plates, faces an enough information to take it further and we definitely have to thank Northumbria Police who are pretty keen
to pursue the matter further. Pic below -
Exhausted fox [bottom left] looking warily at hunt rider before it slips into bushes
police drop investigation into Atherstone FH fox kill7-10-16 Coventry Telegraph Second investigation into Atherstone Hunt dropped
through 'lack of evidence' -force closes case involving
allegation that a fox was illegally killed despite video showing dead fox carried in hound's jaws
A second police force has dropped an investigation into the Atherstone Hunt over an allegation that a fox was illegally killed,
citing a “lack of evidence”. Leicestershire Police have told the Telegraph they have closed their investigation
into the Warwickshire hunt after an incident in Hall Lane, Osbaston in January this year. At the time gruesome footage from West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs was published which showed the a dead fox being carried
in the jaws of a hound [left]. But now Leicestershire Police have said there was not enough evidence to prosecute anyone over the incident.
A spokesman for the force told the Telegraph: “It was closed due to a lack of evidence. The body of the fox was never
surrendered to us.” It is the second time a police force has dropped
an investigation into the Atherstone Hunt and the death of a fox this year. In August the Telegraph reported that Warwickshire
Police would not charge anyone even though video evidence of a fox being killed by a hound, again captured by West Midlands
Saboteurs, had been published. Following this incident in November 2015 there were also witness statements given by anti-hunt
protesters and an admission from Atherstone Hunt that they killed the fox, but that it was already injured before they arrived. Since 2005 it has been illegal to hunt foxes with dogs. The maximum penalty is a £5,000
fine while police can also confiscate and destroy equipment and dogs used in hunting. Atherstone Hunt has been under the police
spotlight several other times in the past two years. Earlier this week the Telegraph reported that Leicestershire Police were
investigating after a whip wielding member of Atherstone Hunt was filmed engaging in a scuffle with an anti hunt protester
on Monday, October 3. In December 2015 footage emerged which appeared to
show a hunt supporter put a protester in a headlock during a meeting of Atherstone Hunt. Laura Caines, 33, from Bedworth,
was subsequently found guilty on two counts of assault by beating after the bust-up. In September 2015, footage emerged showing
hunt stewards simulating sex with the body of a dead goose but police decided no criminal offence had taken place.
Three Colne Valley Beagles followers convicted of affray 5-10-16 Huddersfield Daily Examiner VIDEO Three hunt followers in court after violence at Boxing
Day hunt Three hunt followers have been given community orders after a Boxing Day fracas with hunt saboteurs.
Trouble flared on December 26, 2014 when the Colne Valley Beagles planned a meeting close to the Jack O’Mitre pub at
Scammonden. Danny O’Brien, Robert Walker and Gareth Nicholson were among those attending to support the Hunt when a
van containing the anti-hunt protesters turned up, Leeds Crown Court heard. Sentencing the trio for affray Recorder Richard Wright QC said: “As is a common
feature of such gatherings whilst there are those who support hunting in all its forms there are equally those who oppose
hunting in all its forms and seek to protest lawfully against it.” He said when the anti-hunt protesters attended
“unfortunately on this day things got badly out of hand.” He told the three: “I am satisfied none
of you were there that day for the purpose of trouble but were all there to participate in a countryside pursuit you all enjoyed
and feel very passionate about and I am quite sure that contributed to tempers over-flowing and all of you losing control.” Recorder Wright said the protesters, who had
earlier had a window smashed in their van by others not in court, were filming the hunt followers. Having seen some footage
it appeared that filming was what caused “the matter to boil over and violence to begin.” He added: “You
all should have known better than to go and engage with anti-hunt protesters and having done so tempers flared and violence
broke-out.” He said Walker, in spite of his age, good character and standing in the community had assaulted one of them
having lost his temper. O’Brien joined in and also punched at people in the van. Nicholson, the least involved according
to the prosecution had done some “pushing and shoving” but because he was “a big lad” that was intimidating,
said Recorder Wright. But he said they had faced an entirely “inexplicable and wholly unacceptable delay” in the
case being prosecuted and reaching court and that could be reflected in the sentence. All three admitted
affray and were given a 12 month community order. Walker, 65, a retired butcher, of Tudor Street, Linthwaite, of previous
good character, was ordered to do 80 hours unpaid work. O’Brien, 20, of Pike Law Road, Scapegoat Hill, was ordered to
do 120 hours unpaid work and Nicholson, 20 of Pit Hill Farm, Stainland, Halifax, also of previous good character was ordered
to do 60 hours unpaid work. The court heard a fourth defendant, Nicholson’s best friend had died last weekend following
a car crash. 6-10-16 Facebook – W.Yorks Sabs On Boxing Day 2014 we attended the Colne Valley Beagles meet with Liverpool Hunt Sabs and Sheffield Saboteurs
to stop illegal hunting using non-violent direct action. This is the moment hunt supporters attack sabs. A short while earlier,
they had smashed the windscreen with a baseball bat. Our driver was viciously attacked and suffered black eyes, broken teeth
and concussion. On 5th October 2016, Colne Valley Beagles hunt support Charles Walker, Danny O'Brien and Gareth Nicholson
were sentenced to Community Service. With big thanks to Liverpool,
Sheffield and Manchester Hunt Sabs for all of their help in securing a conviction. Please consider donating to help us stay in the field. POWAperson adds - See the original reports of the incident here. Stills from the
video of the attack are below -   
Dulverton Farmers FH rider convicted of assault and criminal damage 4-10-16 Facebook – Devon Sabs We are pleased to announce that David Arthur Evans [left] of
Dulverton Farmers Hunt was found guilty of assault by beating and criminal damage at Barnstaple Magistrates court last month.
This is in relation to an incident last December when Mr Evans and Anthony Allibone - Huntsman for the Dulverton Farmers -
who also has convictions for assault against hunt monitors from 10 years ago, took exception to us arriving in Bishops Nympton.
Evans and Allibone thought they would intimidate us into leaving by attempting to run sabs over with their horses and carrying
out a violent assault. During the attack Evans repeatedly thrashed a sab with his crop, then ripped the sabs camera from her
hand. The camera was never recovered. The sab was treated at A&E in south Devon.
David Arthur Evans, 64, of Border Farm, South Molton pleaded not guilty to both offences. The magistrates found against
him and for the assault he was ordered to pay a £335 fine, £75 compensation, £33 victim surcharge and £620
costs. He was also charged with destroying a Panasonic camera, again a not guilty plea was entered, and again the magistrates
found him guilty. He was fined £225 and told to pay £80 compensation. He was represented by Clive Rees, a charming
Welsh man who is also familiar with the process of being found guilty with charges related to animal cruelty. To anyone who
believes we can be frightened or intimidated into giving up - THINK AGAIN - we are here to stay! Devon Hunt Sabs still fighting
to protect wildlife from lowlife!
Repentant former Huntsman Clifford Pellow dies, aged 73 4-10-16 POWA is greatly saddened to learn of Clifford's
death, after a short illness. He caused a major earthquake in the hunting world in the early '90s when, having had his
complaints ignored by the MFHA, he resigned his position as Huntsman of the Tredegar Farmers FH and, after approaching
LACS, revealed many of the grisliest secrets of the blood sport. It took huge courage to do what he did and he received
much abuse and some death threats as a result. But his sense of morality and principle would no longer allow him to go along
with the barbarities he was being expected to not just tolerate but to join in with. There can be little doubt that his explosive
revelations played a significant part in furthering the momentum for a ban on hunting with dogs which culminated in the Hunting
Act 2004. The League arranged for journalist Andrew Tyler, of Animal Aid, to work with Clifford to produce his memoir as a
booklet entitled 'A Brush With Conscience'. R.I.P. Clifford.
Sab allegedly assaulted by Atherstone Huntsman as hounds chase fox 3-10-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone
Hunt Monday 3rd October – New House Grange, Sheepy
Magna - Fox hunted - Sab tries to save it - Sab violently attacked
by huntsman A small group of sabs caught the Atherstone Hunt blatantly hunting in Sheepy Magna this morning.
We decided to stay out of sight and film what they were doing. However one of the foot sabs was seen by the Hunt early on
and so stayed with the Hunt for the rest of the morning. Despite this, the Hunt carried on blatantly hunting in front of him.
At one point the hounds chased a fox across a busy road with no one from the Hunt in sight. After gathering his hounds, Huntsman Stuart Barton [right] took the hounds back across the road and into the same woods where the hounds had
just chased the fox from. Another fox then ran out of a hedge and down the road in front of one of the sabs with Huntsman
and hounds close behind. The hounds soon picked up the scent and began to chase it. The sab tried calling them back and told Huntsman Barton to call the hounds off.
He let the hounds carry on after the fox and instead tried riding his horse at the sab. Barton then got off his horse and
violently attacked the sab before getting back on his horse and riding off. His Whipper-In shouted after him to steal the
camera that had just filmed the whole incident. Despite this the fox got away safely and the hunt packed up shortly after. Ex hunting-policeman Brett Parker was
also out watching today's illegal hunting. Parker formally of Warwickshire Police, and currently the Huntsman of the North
Warwickshire Beagles who are kennelled at the Atherstone kennels, followed the sabs' vehicle after this incident until
it was out of the area. 4-10-16
Facebook – W.Mids Sabs …We believe that the
MFHA should insist that Stuart Barton be dismissed for gross misconduct. On 3-10-16 Stuart Barton, the Huntsman of the notorious
Atherstone Hunt, has again attacked a Hunt Saboteur whilst they were trying to save a fox that Barton was clearly hunting.
Previous footage filmed by West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs has
shown Stuart Barton attack Hunt Saboteurs again whilst he was clearly hunting. We believe that Stuart
Barton's behaviour amounts to gross misconduct and believe that the MFHA (Master of Fox Hounds Association) should follow
their own guidelines and insist that the Atherstone Hunt dismiss him. We also believe that the Atherstone's Whipper-In
should also be dismissed from his job, as he can clearly be heard encouraging Stuart Barton to steal the camcorder from the
hunt saboteur which can only mean that he wanted to conceal evidence of a crime.  6-10-16 Daily Mirror VIDEO Fox hunter filmed 'brawling
with protester after ignoring warning to call hounds off live animal' Police are investigating a
video which appears to show a whip-wielding fox hunter and a demonstrator brawling on a country lane. Footage released by
West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs allegedly shows an altercation between a member of Atherstone Hunt and a protester carrying a
video camera. The man filming appears to warn
the member of the hunt that there is a fox ahead and they should call the hounds away. But the man on horseback angrily dismisses
the claim and continues to ride up the road. He then turns back shouting and swearing at the protester before leaping from
his horse, whip in hand, and engaging in a scuffle with the man who is filming the incident. He then gets back on the horse
and rides away while another member of the Hunt appears to encourage him to take the protester’s camera, reports the
Coventry Telegraph. A spokesman from Leicestershire Police said: “Police received a call from a man on Monday evening reporting
an assault alleged to have taken place that morning in Wellsborough Road, Sheepy Parva. A subsequent call relating to the
same incident was received at around 2pm on Monday. Officers are in the initial stages of their inquiries.” Since 2005 it has been illegal
to hunt foxes with dogs. The maximum penalty is a £5,000 fine while police can also confiscate and destroy equipment
and dogs used in hunting. Atherstone Hunt have found themselves under the police spotlight several times in recent years.
In August this year, Warwickshire Police had dropped an investigation over the killing of a fox in the county citing a lack
of evidence. That was despite video footage, witness statements and an admission from the hunt that it had killed the animal
all published by the Coventry Telegraph at the time. Atherstone Hunt have found themselves under the police spotlight several times in
recent years. In January 2016 Leicestershire Police said they were investigating reports a fox had been illegally killed near
Market Bosworth during a hunt after a video apparently showed a dead fox in the mouth of one of the hounds. It is not yet
clear if anything came of that investigation. In December 2015 footage emerged which appeared to show a hunt supporter put
a protester in a headlock during a meeting of Atherstone Hunt. Laura Caines, 33, from Bedworth, was subsequently found guilty
on two counts of assault by beating after the bust-up. In September 2015, footage emerged showing hunt stewards simulating
sex with the body of a dead goose but police decided no criminal offence had taken place. 
Huntsman rides
his horse at sab
Huntsman jumps off before assailing sab This story was also covered by the Mail, the Sun, the Coventry Telegraph, the Leicester Mercury and others
release damning film of Blackmore FH hunting a fox in JanuaryCPS won't charge - say Huntsman
'couldn't have known were on a fox' Video shows monitor telling him they were - Huntsman won't heed 2-10-16 Facebook - Dorset Sabs The following footage was recorded on the 23rd January 2016 and for legal reasons we are only just
able to release it. The BSV meet was at Cornford Hill Farm, Holwell, Sherbourne. You will see the BSV up to their tricks again
showing no regard for their own animals let alone our wildlife ! We are extremely busy at the moment with the badger killers
but we have found time to pay some visits to hunts that are out cubbing and these videos will appear very soon. Please consider
a donation or coming to help us - email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net for more info or if you have any info on what the
hunts are up to. POWAperson adds - The video shows a fox running across a road into a field.
An occupied supporter's car is nearby. The fox is filmed running across a field and exiting through a gap in the hedge
at the far side. Minutes later the hounds, in cry, appear from whence the fox had come, closely followed by riders. They are
led by the Huntsman, none other than Mark Doggerell, the man who 'accidentally' [so a jury found] mowed down a female
sab in August 2014, severely injuring her. A monitor is nearby where the Huntsman stops [and where the hounds cross into the
field] and tells him they are on a fox and he has filmed it. The Huntsman claims not to believe him. The hounds then
stream across the field, exiting at the same gap as the fox. The refusal of the CPS to
charge the Huntsman here is typical nowadays and one wonders exactly what evidence is needed to prompt them to take action. This
can be blamed on the natural reluctance of the CPS to take on the 'expensive lawyers'* the Hunt/CA would fund compounded
by the essential weaknesses of the Hunting Act itself, which, I'll say it for the millionth time, desperately needs strengthening. * One of the reasons the Dorset CPS gave for not prosecuting the Cattistock a few
years ago, after IFAW gave video evidence of illegal hunting to them.  Fox runs across road fleeing hounds
Fox [left] flees thru gap in hedge 
Hounds follow line of fox Huntsman told hounds on fox - denies it

Hounds exit field thru same gap as fox
Ranulph Fiennes - Fox I cared for died
slowly at hands of Cheshire HuntExplorer
calls hunting 'brutal and insupportable self-indulgence' 2-10-16 Daily Express Ranulph
Fiennes changes mind on hunting after dying fox breaks his heart Hemarched against the hunting ban but Sir Ranulph Fiennes has dramatically changed his mind about
the blood sport after encountering a hounded fox that took six days to die. The polar explorer will today call on Theresa
May to drop any attempts to repeal the Hunting Act after switching sides from the pro-hunting lobby to supporting the League
Against Cruel Sports. He will give a speech at a Conservative Party Conference fringe event in Birmingham tonight explaining
why his views have changed so drastically on what he now considers to be a tradition of “brutal and insupportable self-indulgence”. It comes as a poll last week revealed that 84 per cent of Britons do not want to see a return to fox hunting. The
Ipsos Mori survey also found that 73 per cent of Tory voters are against any reversal of the ban, which came into force in
2004. Sir Ranulph will say: “Fifteen years ago I took part in the march through central London. I believed at the time
– and I still do – that those in the countryside need to stand up and ensure that Government recognises its needs.
But these needs do not include the right to chase a wild animal with a pack of dogs. The conflation of ‘countryside’
with ‘cruelty’ must stop. As a conservationist, I recognise the value of the Hunting Act. Hunts talk about wildlife
management, but the only ‘wildlife management’ hunts do is the raising of fox cubs to be hunted or baited. They
talk about tradition. But the so-called tradition of terrifying wild animals for pure enjoyment is now, as it always has been,
a brutal and insupportable self-indulgence.” Sir Ranulph, who was
the first person to walk to the North and South Pole and cross Antarctica on foot, as well as climbing Mount Everest, will
reveal how he tried to save an “injured and clearly distressed” fox that limped on to his farm in Cheshire. I
had come to know this fox well. She had raised cubs nearby and regularly visited the farm,” he will tell the audience.
After my wife and I saw the fox’s injuries, we called the vet. We laced food with medicine and left it out for her in
an attempt to prevent infection setting in from bites to her rear. Sadly, six days later, we found her curled up dead in a
field shelter next to the house. She may have gone there to die because she knew it was a safe place. To chase a wild animal
with a pack of dogs is illegal and has been for over 10 years. The Cheshire Hunt chased that fox before our eyes and she took
six days to die.” He claims he has had to erect fences and hedges and remove roadside gates to stop hunters getting
on to his land. “Do not believe hunters when they say the fox has a quick and painless death,” he will add. “Our fox’s death was slow and agonising. You try being chewed
to death by hounds.” The Conservatives promised a free vote on repeal of the Hunting Act in their 2015 general election
manifesto. Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom made the pledge a key plank of her leadership election campaign and has said
she will push for the vote now she heads the department in charge of the issue.... Sir Ranulph will argue that Mrs May’s “Christian belief that we must stop human
slavery” is not consistent with her supporting a repeal of the legislation. No one in this country should be above the
law, yet a threat of repeal only emboldens those who seek to break the law. And the result of that is a relentless persecution
of wildlife we are supposed to treasure. This is why I am now supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and its work to uphold,
strengthen and extend the Hunting Act, and to end the persecution and killing of animals for sport.” He will add: “I
have seen both North and South Poles, I have seen the peaks of Everest and Kilimanjaro. I know the depth and beauty of the
world’s natural environment, and I believe that Britain’s is worth treasuring.” The Cheshire Hunt declined
to comment. Sabs ridden at & shoved around by Ross Harriers Thought
that Hunt may well have killed a fox 1-10-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs After last week’s blatant illegal hunting we thought we would return to
the Ross Harriers Hunt today. We headed to Orcop, Herefordshire, where we found a number of horse boxes and support arriving.
No sign of the hound van or the Huntsman for a while with some of the riders off around country lanes with us in tow. A poor
attempt to throw us off them perhaps? The Huntsman and hounds arrived a little while later and joined the small
field just before 9am, a fair bit later than previous weeks. Hounds were soon put in to draw a maize field in an attempt to put up a fox, so sabs used horn and voice calls to
bring most of the pack out to us! The whipper-in and supporters then spent some time trying to gather the hounds up before
the Huntsman again moved off. Sabs stuck with the Hunt as they rode up and down a few more lanes, probably in
an attempt to put some distance between them and us, again to no avail. Hounds were entered into a wood shortly afterwards, quickly
picking up a scent and going into cry. The Huntsman could be heard encouraging the hounds on before taking off to follow them.
Sabs tried their best to rate hounds, splitting the pack somewhat but they were now heading away from us in cry on the other
side of the wood. At this point the field were getting more agitated and it wasn’t long before supporters started attacking sabs,
usually a sure sign that the Hunt are up to no good and are wanting to keep us away. Sabs were shoved around with Hunt riders
charging at sabs, using their horses as weapons against us as they often do. Our video evidence of the whole ordeal is astonishing. While this was
happening vehicle sabs saw a fox, looking disorientated, being closely pursued by a handful of hounds. When we next got eyes
on them the Huntsman was on foot gathering up the hounds and with this most members of the field were heading back to their
horse boxes to pack up. Unfortunately we do not know the fate of this fox but we can only presume the worst. When will these
Hunts learn that the more they blatantly hunt wildlife and push sabs about, the more determined we become to stop them and
the more attention they will get from sabs.

SEPTEMBER 2016 ..... 30th September - New poll shows public support for hunting ban up to 84%, Tory voters 73% ..... 27th September - Any move to repeal Hunting Act would be defeated,
say Parliamentarians ..... 27th September - Witness says
saw Portman FH chasing fox between 2 Dorset villages today ..... 26th September - Beaufort FH follower fined £400 for racial
abuse of female monitor ..... 23rd September - Packham cleared of bias after
called hunters 'nasty brigade' in BBC mag ..... 22nd September - HSA fears surge in hunt violence after Huntsman cleared
of GBH on sab ..... 21st
September - Jury clears Blackmore FH Huntsman of malicious GBH on female sab
..... 21st September - MSP calls
for hunting law to be strengthened while Bonomy report awaited ..... 20th September - Grove & Rufford FH trio face court
on illegal hunting charges ..... 20th
September - Sabs say Atherstone FH blatantly fox hunting on banned land
..... 19th September - Court told Blackmore FH Huntsman rode
down and badly injured female sab .....
19th September - Braes o'Derwent terrierman assaults sab ..... 19th September - Scottish sab family lose appeal against
convictions for threat behaviour .....
12th September - Monitors film Cotswold FH apparently engaged in classic cub-hunting ..... 6th September - Seven
hounds from unknown Hunt killed by train in Derbyshire ..... 3rd September - Call for hunting
vicar, involved with S.Herefordshire FH, to be sacked
Public support for hunting ban climbs to 84%, says pollTory-voter support for Act is highest ever at 73% 30-9-16 Carlisle
News & Star Hunting
ban backed by 84% of voters, poll finds Any attempts to repeal the Hunting Act would be "deeply
unpopular" among the majority of the British public, a new poll has found. The Ipsos MORI poll commissioned by animal
welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports found 84% of the public do not want a return to fox hunting. Opposition to
hare hunting and deer hunting was even stronger, at 91% and 88% respectively. The poll also suggested banning fox hunting is growing increasingly popular among Conservative voters. It is
now at 73%, having risen from 64% in 2013, 66% in 2014, and 70% in 2015. League Against Cruel Sports chief executive,
Eduardo Goncalves [left],said: "Today's polling highlights
just how out of touch any move to repeal the hunting ban would be with the views held by the majority of the British public
- including Conservative voters. "The overwhelming view of electorates is that they do not want their parliamentary representatives
supporting repeal." Mr Goncalves also attacked Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom, who has suggested she would take
a fresh look at fox hunting. He said: "The Hunting Act made hunting wild animals with dogs for sport illegal, protecting
a number of animals including foxes, hare, and deer. Not only would a move to legalise the cruel sport be potentially detrimental
to the animals the law protects, but as today's polling makes clear - would make no sense politically. It is time for
Andrea Leadsom to join the rest of the country and support the hunting ban." Any move to repeal Hunting Act
would face defeat say Parliamentarians 27-9-16 Plymouth Herald Attempt to lift
fox hunting ban would spark back-bench rebellion A second attempt to repeal the ban on fox hunting would face stiff opposition in Parliament, as Labour, Lib Dems and even Tories
vow to block the motion. The Government abandoned its first efforts at reform last summer, after the Scottish Nationalist
Party threatened to intervene. It is understood that ministers are determined to try again, but with little chance of success
amid threats of a backbench rebellion. The Conservatives included a pledge to hold a free vote on repealing the hunting ban in their 2010 and 2015 manifestos.
Last July, the Government finally put forward an amendment to the 2004 Act, which would have removed limits on the number
of dogs hunters can use to flush out wild animals. The proposals were pulled before they were even put to a vote, after the
SNP threatened to join Labour in blocking them. However, the Telegraph reports that the new Defra secretary Andrea Leadsom [right] is determined to hold a free vote before the next election.
It is not clear whether MPs will be asked to vote on the same plans, or if ministers will aim for full repeal. But either way, a defeat in the Commons is likely. The Lib Dems have already stated they will fight the legislation "tooth
and nail". Environment spokesman Baroness Parminter said: "The ban has been proven to work, and has protected our
wildlife while allowing rural sports like drag hunting to continue". Labour MP for Exeter, Ben Bradshaw said it was "extraordinary"
that ministers would focus on fox hunting amid the challenges posed by Brexit. He added: "It shows how out of touch they
are with most people's priorities. If they do, I shall vote against this unnecessary cruelty, as I always have."
Kevin Foster [left], the
MP for Torbay, is one of a number of Conservative MPs who support the anti-hunting group Blue Fox. He suggested opposition
within the party would be strong enough to bring down hunting legislation, even if the SNP were excluded from voting. "I
haven't seen any great drive from the Government to spend time on this in the near future, but I'm interested to note
the speculation and of course Andrea Leadsom has made her views known," he said. "I think we can see from what happened
last year that the chances of a full repeal going through are very, very small."
The pro-hunt lobby are not optimistic about the likelihood of reform, with the Telegraph
reporting that they put the chances at 100/1. Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, said there is "an
ingrained political prejudice" which means achieving reform "will remain difficult. We will, however, work with
the Government to achieve just that," he said.
Witness says saw Portman FH chasing fox between two Dorset villages 27-9-16 - The
following info has been sent to POWA from a trusted source - '
I happened to hear that the Portman hunt were chasing a fox today between Ashmore and Tollard Royal. This led to some phone
calls and this reminder from Joe Hashman [who runs 'Hounds Off'] about action to take as an ordinary citizen.
Those of us used to being more pro-active might take a while to just think of phoning the police about a suspected crime,
but it is the obvious choice of action. It is after all their job. The important thing is to get an incident number for future
reference. More advice here. Detailed advice available here about protecting your property from
hunt trespass.'
Beaufort FH follower find £400 for racial abuse of hunt monitor The following information has been provided by a POWA Associate and monitor - 26-9-16 - Just to let
you know that Charles Oscar Puddick was found guilty with £400 fine, £600 court costs and £40 victim payment
on 7th September at Chippenham Magistrates Court. This was for calling a female monitor [who is actually of Italian descent]
a 'paki' on a Beaufort Hunt. He had also pinned her against a tree but got away with the assault as the video was
apparently not definitive enough, but could not get away with racial abuse as it was on all the videos including his own! Previously, this person pushed myself and another
hunt activist over in a mad frenzy when we went into a field near an AE. The attending police officer got the Beaufort
to pay for my broken glasses but there was no covering video evidence to prosecute and even if there had been the CPS would
have said we fell over deliberately and I broke my own glasses. But at least he has been now prosecuted for something. POWAperson adds - Puddick's conviction brings to 366 the
total number of persons from or associated with organised Hunts who are known to POWA to have been convicted of or cautioned
for criminal offences since 1990. Chris Packham cleared of bias in article for BBC Wildlife Magazine He had called hunting lobby 'the nasty brigade' 23-9-16 BBC News Chris
Packham cleared by BBC Trust over Countryside Alliance 'bias' claim The BBC Trust has has
cleared a column in BBC Wildlife magazine by presenter Chris Packham [right] that the Countryside Alliance claimed breached corporation guidelines on bias.
In his monthly column in the BBC magazine, the Springwatch host said that some wildlife charities were “hamstrung by
outdated liaisons with the ‘nasty brigade’ and can’t risk upsetting old friends”. The column specifically named the RSPB and the Wildlife Trust for not speaking out against
what he said was the “UK government’s attempt to make hunting foxes with packs of
dogs in England and Wales … easier.” Countryside Alliance chief executive Tim Bonner subsequently accused Packham
of “blatant political bias” over the article and called on the BBC to sack him. At the time the magazine, produced
under licence from the BBC by Immediate Media and obliged to follow BBC editorial guidelines, strongly defended Packham, saying
it was not controversial. “The column was highlighting criminal activity. It was not controversial. He was saying that
we all need to do more on the illegal killing of wildlife and that no one should be standing by when criminal acts [were taking
place]. Packham was doing something of real value,” said the then editor Matt Swaine, who has since left. However, the Countryside Alliance lodged a complaint with the BBC which was considered by the
trust’s editorial standards committee. In its ruling the trust said Packham was a freelancer and did not count as staff
or a regular BBC presenter or reporter, nor was he working in news or current affairs, and thus was not bound by strict rules
against expressing opinions on public policy issues. It also said the piece had been clearly labelled as opinion, that the
publication’s new editor would not have used the term “nasty brigade” and that both the organisations named
by Packham had been given the right to reply prior to publication. The trust
also rejected claims by the alliance that a subsequent YouTube video Packham had made in response to a petition calling on
the BBC not to sack him had breached conflict of interest rules. In the video, Packham thanked the public for the support
and urged them to sign a petition against grouse shooting and consider joining organisations including the RSPB and the League
Against Cruel Sports. The BBC Trust said: “Having considered carefully the instances cited by the complainants, it was
clear that Mr Packham had been expressing his personal views as an individual, and that there was no implication that the
charities and other causes he supported were endorsed by the BBC. “Accordingly, trustees did not consider that Mr Packham
had undermined the BBC’s reputation for impartiality.” The Trust
also said that the BBC’s Natural History Unit, which makes shows featuring Packham including Springwatch and Autumnwatch,
had carefully managed potential conflicts between Packham’s presenting and campaigning, and the presenter had regularly
referred potential conflicts to editors. However, it said the BBC and Packham would need to regularly assess his work and
campaigning to ensure it does not undermine the impartiality of his work at the BBC.
fears surge in hunter violence after Huntsman cleared of GBH22-9-16 Somerset Live Hunt
Saboteurs warn of upsurge in violence after huntsman Peter Doggrell cleared of trampling The Hunt
Saboteurs Association (HSA) say they fear an upsurge in attacks on their activists in the wake of the clearing of a huntsman
who had been accused of trampling a hunt saboteur with his horse. Peter Mark Doggrell had denied causing grievous bodily harm
to Nicola Rawson on August 28, 2014 at a meet organised for children with members of nearby Pony Clubs. He was cleared by
a jury at Taunton Crown Court yesterday. In advice to supporters on social media, the HSA said: "It is clear from this
and numerous other cases of violence with weapons from hunters that the only real sane advice we can give to hunt saboteurs
is that if a hunter comes anywhere near you then you must assume you are under attack and need to take defensive measures.”
Blackmore FH Huntsman cleared
of GBH on female sab Jury accepts his claim that riding her down was accident
21-9-16 Daily Mail Huntsman is CLEARED of deliberately
injuring a hunt saboteur by riding his horse into her after court hears he 'hadn't seen her' A Huntsman was today cleared of deliberately injuring a hunt saboteur when he rode his horse into her, breaking seven of her ribs and puncturing one of her
lungs. Peter Doggrell [right] was
found not guilty by a jury of maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm on 43-year-old Nicola Rawson [below
left] in an incident that was caught on the dashcam of the saboteur's
Land Rover. He rode off after hitting her at pace, leaving her badly hurt on the ground at the Blackmoor and Sparkford Vale
hunt in August 2014, but later handed himself in voluntarily at a police station. Mr Doggrell told the court that he
didn't see Miss Rawson and the five other saboteurs until he was 'more or less on top of them' or hear the horn
they were using to try and distract the 45 hounds on the hunt. He also denied being irritated or annoyed by the disruption
to what was a children's drag hunt, and claimed he did not know that the saboteurs were out on the hunt on the Dorset border. The prosecution had claimed he had up to 15 seconds to see the Land Rover and was riding
hard saying it was a 'reckless act'. But he claimed he thought the contact with Miss Rawson was a 'glancing blow'
and did not know she was hurt until 20 minutes later The jury cleared Mr Doggrell after a three-day trial, which came
about after police came under pressure to re-consider charging him after initially claiming there was insufficient evidence.
More than 12,000 people signed a petition pressuring the police to charge Mr Doggrell under the Victims Right to Review Scheme,
brought in in 2013. The injured woman said she was left 'devastated' by the CPS's original decision, adding: 'I'm
a victim of crime and feel absolutely abandoned by a system that's supposed to protect me. As I lay in hospital the only
thing on my mind was "have they got this on video?" because I wanted to ensure it was looked at properly. I thought
it was irrefutable evidence, the fact it was caught on video.' She said she started 'sabbing' – a term
used to describe hunt saboteurs protesting at fox hunts – in the aftermath of the badger cull. Saboteurs attended the
planned hunt in a bid to raise awareness of animal cruelty and used two main tactics to throw the hunt off course. She said: 'We sounded a horn, hollered, and some hounds
looked up and started to come our way. I think he [the hunt member] got angry at this. He came along a public road behind
us at speed, he didn't issue a warning, he was completely silent, then he hit me and rode off. As I was lay there, struggling
to breathe, I could hear the horns going and I was worried that if the horses came back that I would be trampled to death.
I was left lying there with potential life-threatening injuries.' Ms Rawson, from Hampshire, was taken to Yeovil
District Hospital where she stayed for two weeks. She added: 'He rode his horse at us at full speed and rode off. I had
my back to him and he hit me and the horse's chest contacted with my rib cage, breaking seven ribs [right], injuring my shoulder and I was unconscious. When ribs are broken you can't
splint them - they have to move. They have healed in a grossly displaced position.' The Master of the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt, Rupert Nuttall, said: 'We apologise that an awful accident happened
but the due process of the law has been gone through. Mark is innocent, as found by the Crown Prosecution Service.' 
MSP calls for hunting law to be strengthened while Bonomy report awaited 21-9-16 Irvine Times Irvine's
MSP Ruth Maguire hits out at "cruel and barbaric" fox hunting after special meeting at the Scottish Parliament
The Cunninghame South politician [left], on
behalf of the League Against Cruel Sports, recently welcomed members from across the Holyrood chamber to gain insight into the issue in Scotland
- before an independent review of fox-hunting legislation is set to be published. The SNP group in Westminster made headlines
last summer by speaking out against the UK Government’s attempts to relax the ban on fox-hunting in England and Wales,
where currently only two dogs may be used to flush out foxes for pest-control purposes. This contrasts with Scotland, where
an unlimited number of dogs may be used for the same purpose. Though the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 was
intended to ban fox-hunting, there have been consistent concerns of widespread illegal hunting, with packs of dogs being used
to hunt, and not just to flush. In December 2015, the Scottish Government, commissioned Lord Bonomy
to undertake an independent review of the 2002 Act to ensure that it is providing the necessary level of protection for foxes
and other wild mammals. MSPs including Ruth Maguire (SNP), Maurice Golden (Con), John Finnie (Green), Ash Denham (SNP), Colin
Smyth (Lab), and Emma Harper (SNP), heard speeches from the League’s CEO, Eduardo Gonçalves and Director for
Scotland, Robbie Marland. MSPs also had the opportunity to watch footage submitted to the review by the League, which showed
hunts flouting the law, with foxes being chased down by dogs rather than shot by guns. Speaking
after the meeting, Ruth said: “It’s safe to say that there are widespread concerns about fox-hunting, and the
Scottish Government has been both responsive and responsible in commissioning an evidence based review on this important matter.
I am sure that all members will consider the evidence submitted and the report carefully, and work with the League towards
strengthening the existing legislation to make sure that the cruel and barbaric practice of foxes being hunted by dogs has
no place in Scotland.” Grove
& Rufford FH trio face court on illegal hunting charges 20-9-16 Worksop Guardian Trio face fox-hunting charges
Three people face fox hunting charges as the government pushes to repeal the national ban invoked in 2005. Three Nottinghamshire
fox-hunters face trial after breaching the Hunting Act. The trio, all from North Nottinghamshire villages, each stand charged
with one count of hunting a wild mammal with dogs. Paul Larby, 57 of The Kennels, Kennel Drive Barnby Moor; Peter White, 57
of Leyfields Farm, Redhill Lane, Kneesall and Jane Wright, 63, of Town Street, Lound, were all due to appear at Mansfield
Magistrates Court today (Tuesday, September 20). The court date has been adjourned to October 4. It is alleged that on January 20 they hunted a wild mammal
with a dog at land south of Heleship Lane in Laneham, Nottinghamshire, and that the Hunt was not protected under one of the
exemptions of the Hunting Act. Live foxhunting was banned in 2005 and the defendants will not face any jail terms but the
court has the power to issue unlimited fines for the offence. The Kennels in Barnby Moor is the registered address of the
Grove & Rufford Hunt [right] – who ‘breed and
maintain a pack of foxhounds in order to hunt foxes with hounds’ according to www.groveruffordhunt.org.uk. The Hunt
says its aims are also “to assist in controlling the fox population in the hunt country at a sustainable level; to engage
in equestrian activities with hounds and otherwise; and to organise social events. These activities are to be conducted only
as permitted under the laws of England.” Foxhunting
has been banned since 2005 and is only allowed under certain specific circumstances. Schedule 1 of the Hunting Act says using
dogs to hunt wild mammals is exempt when the stalking or flushing out is undertaken for the purpose of preventing serious
damage which the wild mammal would otherwise cause to livestock, game birds, crops, fisheries, timber, or other property.
There is also an exemption if the wild mammal is a threat to biological diversity of the area. POWAperson adds - Larby is the Grove & Rufford's Huntsman and Wright the Whipper-in. I therefore assume that
the incident occurred during a formal hunt, though the article doesn't specify this. No campaign or sab group seem to
know about the charges. As usual, the newspaper has made a couple of errors talking about the Hunting Act. There is no
provision for unlimited fines - the maximum is £5000. The highest ever levied is £3000 - and the offender was
a multi-millionaire. The Schedule 1 exemption allows only two dogs to be used to flush the quarry from cover when it must
be immediately shot if it is safe to do so. Also the government is not pushing to repeal the ban, much as they, and especially
DEFRA Sec of State Andrea Leadsom, would like to, because they know they'd lose a Commons vote and it would be terrible
PR. There are, reportedly, around 50 Tory MPs wo would oppose repeal..
say Atherstone FH blatantly fox hunting on banned land 20-9-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt
- Tuesday 20th September - Withybrook The Atherstone Hunt are certainly not popular
in the Withybrook / Wolvey Areas. Despite the Atherstone's best efforts to try and avoid us at all costs by going out
on sporadic days and at sporadic times two sabs found them blatantly fox hunting, this time whilst also trespassing on land
they've been told to keep off and disturbing the farmers sheep. Which is a bit hypocritical given the amount of times
they whinge to the police and lie about us trespassing. This is the second time they have met here in two weeks so we either
spoiled their hunting last time or they are a bit short of land to use. Both seem likely as they were certainly trespassing
both times they met here. They quickly moved off when they realised we were there and tried get away from us. However the
foot sab kept up with them and they were soon blatantly fox hunting in front of him surrounding a small wood and disturbing
a field full of cows. The huntsman's girlfriend was acting as whipper-in as they no one with any proper experience is
willing to join them. The hounds soon went into cry and a fox popped out of the wood and was chased and hunted back to the
fishing lakes near the meet. At the lakes, the fox went into the water to hide its scent and managed escape from the area
with sabs covering its scent to help it to safety. The Hunt packed up soon after this. The following day sabs went to speak
to landowner and gave them details of Hounds Off.
told how Blackmore FH Huntsman rode at speed into female sab Victim was airlifted to
hospital with 7 broken ribs and other injuries 19-9-16 Daily Mail Anti fox-hunting
campaigner 'was left with seven broken ribs and a collapsed lung after she was trampled by a 'reckless' horse
rider' An anti fox-hunting campaigner was left with seven broken ribs and a collapsed
lung after being trampled on by a 'reckless horse rider', a court heard today. Protester Nicola Rawson, 43, was left
lying on the ground in agony after being struck by a horse travelling at 15mph during a hunt in Charlton Horethorne, Somerset [right].
Peter Mark Doggrell [below, left], of
the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt, was leading a hunt for children on the day of the incident in 2014 and is accused of causing GBH. Taunton Crown Court heard
today how NHS worker Ms Rawson was part of a saboteur group that had sprayed citronella along country lanes to break up the
scent for hounds to follow. They had also blocked roadways so riders could not get past in a bid to protest against fox-hunting.
The court heard how shortly before 6pm on August 28, 2014, a Landrover belonging to the five saboteur group members parked
up at the gateway to a field outside the village of Charlton Horethorne. Ms Rawson and her friend Martin Horritt got out of
the car to block the field entrance and within seconds Doggrell ploughed into the side of her on horseback, it was said. Shell-shocked
Ms Rawson sustained horrific injuries and was laid up in hospital for the next two weeks. The jury of four men and eight women
were today played four video clips of the incident including one which showed a loud horn being sounded immediately prior
to the collision. Prosecuting, Mr Benson said the incident came as a result of 'boiling tensions' between the hunt
group and the protesters. Prosecuting, Mr Benson said there had been a stand-off throughout the day and mutual animosity had
been building as the two parties clashed in a field in Somerset. Prosecuting, Mr Benson said there had been a stand-off throughout the day and mutual animosity had been building as the two parties clashed in a field in Somerset.
The woman is seen being trampled as she stands with two fellow protesters at the 2014 meet. He said there had been a stand-off
throughout the day and mutual animosity had been building as the two parties clashed. He said: 'In short
there was an escalation of tension. It's not suggested by the prosecution that this defendant was directly involved in
any violent or threatening conduct prior to the incident. It's suggested that he was aware of the presence of the saboteur
group. There was no need for him to ride as hard as he did. Also, the background of the day is relevant, no doubt irritated
by earlier events. He took it upon himself to frighten the protesters, rode as hard and close as he did. It was a reckless
act. Doggrell did not stop and that in itself indicates he had no interest in the safety of the person struck, just as he
had no interest in their safety as he approached.' The prosecution maintain that the anti-hunt protesters were in sight
and Doggrell had plenty of time to react but chose not to. Video footage
shows the horse rider fleeing the scene after knocking over Nicola Rawson. Doggrell rode off but handed himself in at Yeovil
police station two days later. In police interview, Doggrell said he had 10-15 seconds of the vehicle being in view before
striking the protester, who he claims never came into sight until it was too late. He initially answered no comment during
the interview but provided a written statement after seeing the video footage taken by the protesters. He said that he thought
he may have clipped someone when he passed but it was 'not enough to hurt them'. The trial at Taunton Crown Court continues. Sab assaulted by Braes o Derwent FH
terrierman 19-9-16 YouTube Video shows the sab being attacked by James Mason, for having the
temerity to photograph his number plate.
Sab family lose appeal against convictions for threatening behaviour 19-9-16 The Courier Fox
hunt protest family lose legal battle to overturn convictions A family of fox hunt protesters have lost
a legal fight to clear their name. Colin and Beverly Milne and daughter Amy Lilburn were convicted of threatening and abusive
behaviour following a clash with huntsmen on a Perthshire estate owned by one of Britain’s richest families. They were
arrested after they showed their own video of the incident to police. In
January, Perth Sheriff Court heard how the three dressed in “paramilitary” gear and had snoods pulled up and hats
pulled down to mask their faces as they confronted members of the Hunt at the 2,800-acre Snaigow Estate, near Dunkeld. Offshore
labourer Mr Milne, 49, and toilet attendant Mrs Milne, 39, were each fined £200, while unemployed Lilburn was admonished.
The family went to the Sheriff Appeal Court in Edinburgh in a bid to overturn their conviction. Solicitors argued that that
the sheriff at the trial in January should not have rejected a no-case-to-answer submission and should not have convicted
the trio, based on the evidence heard in court. It was also argued that the family were “acting reasonably” when
they were monitoring houndsmen Michael and Angus Broad. The court heard
that the three had been wrongly informed that the hunt was illegal. In her ruling, Sheriff Principal Mhairi Stephen found
that it was right to convict the family. She said it was understood the three were “protesters or hunt saboteurs”.
She said: “The findings of the sheriff concerning the attire of the appellants, their efforts to disguise their facial
features and their activities in undertaking a masked pursuit of the complainers’ vehicle for a period of approximately
two hours, amply provides evidence of threatening behaviour.” She added: “If, as suggested, the behaviour of the
appellants was a response to their belief that an illegal activity was about to take place, there were options available to
them, such as speaking to the complainers or contacting the police.” The
trial heard that on the morning of March 13, 2015, the houndsmen, in control of a pack of dogs, had been sent to woods where
foxes were thought to be found. The plan was to flush out the fox and shoot it. After hunting and killing one fox, the hunt
party set off to a new area. They were interrupted by the Milne family and decided to abort the hunt for lunch at Snaigow
House. Afterwards, the huntsmen drove of in a vehicle, towing a trailer with 22 fox hounds. They were followed by the Milne
family for the next two hours. The estate is owned by the Cadogan family. The Earl of Cadogan is listed as Britain’s
second wealthiest peer with a £6 billion fortune in 2009. POWAperson comments - Not
mentioned above is that the appelants did at least have their original convictions for aggravated trespass quoshed at
the hearing.
Monitors film Cotswold FH engaged in what seems classic cub-hunting Hunters' behaviour late on suggests fox cubs
were probably killed 12-9-16 Facebook – 3 Counties Sabs It was certainly a busy week last week! The badger cull is in
full swing in Gloucestershire and our usual hunts are also out in the 'North Cotswold' and Herefordshire zones as
well as the original Glos zone. Monday and Wednesday took us to the North Cotswold Hunt, with sabs also attending a Ledbury
Hunt meet on Monday, Saturday we went to the Cotswold Vale Farmers in the morning and the Cotswold in the evening. This video is from Saturday's Cotswold meet.
If you can support out work in the future against the culls and the hunts, please share our latest appeal and / or donate: https://gogetfunding.com/new-camera-fundraiser/ POWAperson adds - The video shows what clearly appears to be cub-hunting, the grisly process designed to train
young hounds to, in the words of the old Duke of Beaufort, 'be savage with their fox'. The covert is surrounded by
hunters on horseback, quad bikes and on foot. Some are banging saddles and making noise, tactics deployed in classic cub-hunting
to turn foxes back into the wood and towards hounds. Hounds can be heard within the covert, in full cry. Terrier men are present.
One rider virtually seems to virtually admit that hunting live quarry is going on. On packing, up followers are
in joyous, taunting mood, suggesting they have achieved their aim. The circumstances make any claim to be 'trail hunting'
nonsensical. At one point in the video, a roe deer is seen fleeing the wood and jumping a stone wall.  Seven hounds killed by train
in Derbyshire, police investigating Reports say hunters were also on the tracks 6-9-16 Daily Mirror 'Seven dogs
killed on railway line during drag hunting event' as police probe launched The train reportedly used
its horns to warn the hunters, who were on the tracks as well. A pack of dogs was killed on a train track during a 'drag
hunting' event, it has been reported. The alleged hunt took place near the Cowburn Tunnel in the Vale of Edale in the
Derbyshire Peak District. A
resident of nearby Chapel-en-le-Frith told the Buxton Advertiser : "The incident involved around ten men, several with
guns, on public footpaths. "The men also had a large number of hunting dogs which did not seem to be under any form of
control. The ‘hunt’ concluded with dogs being killed after being struck by the Manchester to Sheffield train."
He added that the train used its horns to warn the hunters, who were on the tracks as well. Drag hunting is a form of hunting
where hounds hunt a scent that has been laid (or 'dragged') over a course. A spokesman for British Transport Police said: “We received a report of dogs
being struck by a train at Cowburn Tunnel, Derbyshire shortly before 7pm on Thursday, 25 August. Rail staff checked the line
but the dogs had been removed from the tracks." Derbyshire Police said in a statement: "We are aware of concerns
about alleged hunting activities in the Chapel area, which were reported to us on Thursday August 25. The investigation is
at an early stage and PCSO Pat Findlay-Wilson would like to hear from anyone who has any information that would help his inquiries." Eduardo Gonçalves from the League Against
Cruel Sports said: "We are surprised to hear the term ‘drag hunting’ used to describe this incident as these
sorts of accidents do not happen in drag hunting, where an artificial scent is carefully laid across safe land and those controlling
the hounds always know where it has been laid. However, these accidents are common in trail hunting in which none of these
safeguards are in place, so hunts end up chasing foxes without anybody trying to stop them. We suspect this is just another
case of a foxhunt, not a drag hunt, using the false alibi of trail hunting to avoid allegations of illegal hunting. This horrific
incident is not an isolated case in trail hunting and is typical of the disregard that hunts show for their dogs and the public.
Accidents in the past have involved road traffic collisions, other train accidents and the deaths of other animals, including
pet dogs and cats caused by out of control hunt hounds. Surely if the hunt were following a trail, no one in their right mind
would have laid the scent next to a busy line? And why were the hounds so out of control that such a tragic accident was allowed
to take place? The sad fact remains, if the hunt’s actions had been different seven dogs would still be alive and its
members should be held accountable.” Pic
below shows a hound hit by a train several years ago -
Campaign for hunting vicar to be sacked begins Seen riding with the S.Herefordshire FH this year 3-9-16 Daily Mail Church is called
on to sack vicar who joined hunt which is being investigated by police 'for throwing live fox cubs to a pack of hounds' A
campaign has been launched calling for a vicar to be sacked after footage emerged which appears to show him at a hunt meet
- at his parish church. The Rev Neil Patterson[left], 36, has been
accused of lacking Christian values after photos surfaced of him on a horse with the notorious South Herefordshire Hunt. The
Hunt is being investigated for animal cruelty over footage released in June which appears to show live fox cubs being thrown to a pack of hounds to savage. Five people have been arrested so far this
summer as part of the inquiry. A video shows the Rev Patterson
apparently at a hunt meet on parish land - with St Lawrence's Church in Weston-under-Penyard, Herefordshire - in
the background. The footage, filmed in 2014, shows the cleric on horseback, rubbing shoulders with around a dozen riders from
the South Herefordshire and Cotswold Vale hunts. In it, the Rev Patterson, who is wearing a clerical collar and hunting jacket,
is asked to bless the hounds but mumbles: 'I'm not going to do that.' He
has also been pictured at hunt meets as recently as February 20 this year - weeks before police launched their investigation.
There is no suggestion that the Rev Patterson, a member of the General Synod, was aware of the alleged illegal acts. But senior
clergy are facing demands to sack him after he failed to publicly distance himself from the controversial South Herefordshire
Hunt. A petition launched on change.org calling for the Church of England to remove him
from his post has so far gathered almost 2,500 signatures. Kate Bradley, 45, who started the campaign, said she is 'disgusted'
by his involvement with the Hunt. Kate, a croupier of Sherborne, Dorset, said: 'There are photos of him riding with the
Hunt master. The South Herefordshire Hunt is under an investigation for animal cruelty. Footage emerged in June of a huntsman
chucking fox cubs into a pack of hounds in their kennel to savage The South Herefordshire Hunt is under an investigation for
animal cruelty. Footage emerged in June of a huntsman chucking fox cubs into a pack of hounds in their kennel to savage 'At
these hunts they are proving time and time again not to be abiding by the law. They are still out fox-hunting and fox-hunting
isn't anything to do with the church. It isn't what people go to church for.' 'I'm utterly disgusted by
this. It just shakes your own faith in the Church,' she added. At
the time the video was filmed in 2014, the Rev Patterson, who was ordained in 2004, was rector at St Lawrence's Church
and five other parish churches in the county. He moved to a role as Diocesan Director of Vocations and Ordinands at the Diocese
of Hereford at the end of last year, working with trainee vicars in the county. The Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs claim photos
show the reverend riding with the South Herefordshire Hunt as recently as February this year. One shows him with Major Patrick Darling [right], former High Sheriff of Herefordshire. Churchgoers, parishioners and activists alike
have backed the campaign, urging the Church of England to drop Rev Patterson from the clergy. One supporter, Marie Kearton,
said: 'Hypocrite! Has this vicar read the Bible? 'As long as you do this to the least of my little ones, you do it
unto me. He needs to do some revision. Sack him!' Another, Freda Gower, wrote: 'This is a total disgrace. What happened
to 'All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small?'' Hunting
wild animals, such as foxes, deer and hares, with dogs was banned in 2004. Dogs can still be used to flush out mammals from
dens and bushes to be shot by huntsman when they emerge Activist group, the Hunt Investigation Team, said it is 'very
disturbed by reports of ordained priests riding with hunts, and of church land being used to host meets'. A spokesman
said: 'Hereford Diocese's lack of concern and compassion, for both wild creatures and distressed members of the Christian
faith, is of grave concern. Within the past week, two more arrests have been made at SHH and five more warrants issued, taking
the total number of arrests to ten members of staff. Does the Church of England really wish to continue its association with
this Hunt?' The Diocese of Hereford
has said it cannot guarantee that Church of England land will not be used for meets again. In an email to hunt saboteurs,
the Archdeacon of Hereford Paddy Benson said individual churchyards belong to the vicar in their 'corporate capacity'....
Mr Benson failed to respond to requests for a comment. A spokesman for the Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Rev Richard Frith, said
the Diocese takes a 'neutral position' on hunting and that Rev Patterson has not broken the law. A C of E spokesman
added: 'Hunting foxes with hounds is illegal in this country. Drag and trail hunting are not. 'If anyone believes
a person has been involved in fox hunting, that is a matter for the police and the law. 'The Hunt Investigation Team has
been invited to present its petition to the bishop.' West Mercia. Police have arrested three men and two women after covert footage shot
at the hunt's kennels in May emerged earlier this year. It was filmed by activists from the Hunt Investigation Team and
appears to show hunt members throwing live fox cubs to their hounds to savage. None of the people arrested have yet been charged
and all are currently on bail. Rev
Patterson was ordained in 2004 after studying at Ripon College Cuddesdon, a Church of England theological college. In an election
address penned during his campaign to become a member of the House of Clergy, he described himself as enjoying 'many aspects
of country life'. He lists his favourite hobbies
as 'walking, riding, gardening, natural history, elements of self-sufficiency and farming'. The Rev Patterson declined
to comment on his links to the Hunt. POWAperson adds -
The Church of England used to be famous for its, often drunken, 'hunting vicars'. Some still exist. The Church,
once called 'the Tory Party at prayer' has long treated the hunting issue disgracefully. It always refused to stop
hunting taking place on its extensive lands, refused to engage with anti-hunt campaigners and did not support the Hunting
Act. All things bright and beautiful, indeed.
AUGUST 2016 ..... 31st
August - Two Fitzwilliam FH servants in court on illegal hunting and cruelty charges .....
28th August - Atherstone FH "Stewards'" many assault charges against sabs dropped by CPS .....
24th August - Sabs upload monitor film of Melbreak FH hounds killing fox on 5-11-15 ..... 16th
August - Two more arrested in South Herefordshire FH fox cubs cruelty case ..... 9th August - Police won't charge Atherstone despite video/witness
evidence of fox kill
Two Fitzwilliam FH servants in court on illegal hunting
charges Eagle-handler
also faces cruelty charge re. bird's attack on fox 31-8-16 Peterborough
Telegraph Two
members of Fitzwilliam Hunt in court charged with hunting offences Two men have appeared in court charged
with hunting offences after foxes were killed during the Fitzwilliam Hunt. George Adams (65) [right] and
John Mease (44) [below left] appeared
at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court this morning (Wednesday). Both men are charged with hunting a fox with dogs on New
Years’ Day this year, while Mease also faces a count of causing unnecessary suffering to a fox, when a golden eagle
killed the animal in November 2013. Both men pleaded not guilty to the charges, and will stand trial later this year. Sam Wooley, prosecuting, told the court: “These are two separate offences.
first offence took place on January 1st, 2016, when the defendants were with the Fitzwilliam Hunt. It is said that the hunt
used hounds to kill a fox [below right]. It
is said the hounds were not called off quickly enough, and they killed the fox [. We say Mr Adams’ role was he was leading the hunt. He was the person who gives
commands to the hounds. The second offence relates to the use of a golden eagle by Mease. It is said the eagle
killed the fox in an inhumane way.” The
court was told there would be two trials covering the matter - one for each offence. The trial involving both men will take
place at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on Monday, December 5. The trial only involving Mease will take place at the
same court on Thursday, December 8. Both men were granted bail by District Judge Miller until the trial date. 31-8-16 HSA Press Release Fitzwilliam Hunt in Court on Illegal
Hunting Charges George
Adams (retired) huntsman of the Fitzwilliam Hunt along with Bird of Prey Handler John Mease appeared before Peterborough Magistrates court today. They pleaded not guilty to charges in relation to
the Hunting Act following the death of a fox on Jan 1st 2016. John Mease is also facing cruelty charges from an incident
2 years ago involving a Golden Eagle and a fox. The defence attempted to get the expert witness statement from Professor Stephen
Harris removed by questioning his character. However the judge told the defence in no uncertain terms that his evidence cannot
be removed purely on hearsay. The Hunting Act case will be heard on the 5th December and the cruelty case on the 8th, both
at Peterborough Magistrates Court. The video evidence for this prosecution was supplied by Beds and Bucks Hunt Saboteurs with witness statements from
both Beds and Bucks and South Cambs Hunt saboteurs. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “We are
pleased that this case is progressing and that both the CPS and Cambridgeshire Police have been willing to act on evidence
gathered by hunt saboteurs. George Adams may have retired but justice should still be served and the Fitzwilliam need to learn
that despite their wealth and connections they are not above the law.”
CPS drop numerous assault and sexual threat charges against hunt thugs 28-8-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs On 3/10/15 nine hunt stewards assaulted three females sabs. Of the nine, Leicestershire Police only
charged three of them Samuel Joseph Bryant, Benjamin Wilkinson and Jamie Moore, despite knowing the identity of several of
the other men. Whilst giving a statement to the police one of the victims described how one masked up steward made sexual
threats to her, PC Tom White replied that it was only her opinion that 9 men making sexual threats amounted to sexual harassment. On the 3/11/15 Samuel
Joseph Bryant and Benjamin Wilkinson again assaulted two sabs, at one point restricting their breathing, both were charged
with assault by beating. On 28/11/15 Benjamin Wilkinson assaulted the same sab taking her to the ground
whilst trying to steal her property. He was charged with assault by beating. All of these cases were dropped by the CPS one month before they were
due to go to court. The reason given by the CPS was the police were not able to provide relevant evidence. On 23/01/16 Atherstone
hunt supporter Luke Miller-Bates assaulted a female sab by grabbing her from behind and throwing her to the floor, injuring
her back. He was charged with assault by beating. The case was adjourned two days before court and then dropped. Unfortunately we are not surprised by these results. Meanwhile Leicestershire
Police are investigating a sab for aggravated trespass (interfering with a lawful activity). How can illegal fox hunting be
a lawful activity? Good question, especially when on the day in question the Atherstone Hunt were filmed chasing at least
four foxes and killed another in front of people eating lunch at a near by pub. https://www.facebook.com/WestMidsHuntSabs/videos/787714478040295/ 
Sabs upload film of Melbreak FH fox kill last November Police declined to act saying 'insufficient evidence' 24-8-16 You Tube - Cumbrian Hunt Sabs Hunt monitor witnesses fox being killed whilst
attending a meet of the Melbreak Foxhounds This is what the hunting ban looks like!
The poor fox was disembowelled and sustained multiple puncture wounds to its abdomen and hind legs. So much for the quick
nip to the back of the neck! The authorities were informed and statements given, but it was decided no further action
was to be taken.  POWAperson comments - Despite the clear fact that the hounds chased and killed the fox, the
video contains no evidence that anyone from the Melbreak engaged or participated in the chase itself. This is the minimum
essential to secure a conviction of any individual within the Hunt. To secure a conviction against the Hunt as a body
corporate would require proof of some conspiracy between the hunters to engage or participate in a chase. This is why the
police were able to refuse to charge anyone, citing 'insufficient evidence'. It is also one of the reasons why the
Hunting Act is desperately in need of radical strengthening.
Two more people arrested in
S.Herefordshire FH cruelty case 16-8-16 Herefordshire Times Further arrests made as part of animal cruelty
investigation in Herefordshire TWO further arrests have been made as part of an investigation into
the South Herefordshire Hunt. West Mercia Police said this week they have arrested a 53-year-old woman from Abergavenny on
suspicion of animal cruelty and a 45-year-old man from Powys on suspicion of cruelty to animals this month. This morning,
five search warrants were executed at properties in Herefordshire and Abergavenny and five other people will be voluntarily
interviewed as part of the investigation. Three others
have already been arrested in connection with the investigation, including a 37-year-old man and 27-year-old woman, both from
Hereford, on suspicion of animal cruelty. Officers also arrested a 37-year-old man from Abergavenny on June 2 on suspicion
of animal cruelty. All five have been bailed until the end of September while investigations continue.
Police refuse to charge Atherstone FH despite clear evidence
of fox kill 9-8-16 Coventry Telegraph No action will be taken against a Warwickshire
hunt despite video footage being released of a fox being killed by its hounds
Warwickshire Police said there was ‘not enough evidence’ to prosecute members of the Atherstone Hunt over accusations
the fox had been illegally killed - despite the video [stills right and
below left], witness statements and the hunt itself admitting that it
killed the fox. The video footage was taken by West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs and shows members of the Atherstone Hunt on horseback
as a pack of about 20 dogs chase down the animal in a field. As the hounds attack the fox, a member of the Hunt reaches down
and pulls the lifeless body of the animal from underneath the pack and slings the carcass over the back of a colleague’s
horse. The group then rides away towards colleagues in the distance with the limp body of the fox clearly visible. But despite the footage, a spokesman for Warwickshire Police said: “Following an investigation by Warwickshire Police,
the decision has been made that there is insufficient evidence to support a realistic prospect of a conviction in relation
to any hunting offences connected to the Atherstone Hunt in Warwickshire. Warwickshire Police thoroughly investigate all reports
of wildlife crime, we have specialist wildlife crime officers who investigate rural crime and work very closely with a range
of partners to raise awareness. Our campaign ‘Rural Matters’ seeks support from the public to help put an end
to wildlife crime and to report suspicious activity, either by calling 101 (999 in an emergency or if a crime is in process).”
The footage was shot in November 2015 and the Hunt was on land which forms part
of Fields Farm, in Grendon, near Atherstone. Since 2005 it has been illegal to hunt foxes with dogs. The maximum penalty is
a £5,000 fine while police can also confiscate and destroy equipment and dogs used in hunting. Individuals who refuse
to comply with confiscation orders or fines issued could face further punishment, including a prison sentence. A statement released by Atherstone Hunt at the time of the incident read: “Unfortunately
while riding across an open field between trails, what we strongly suspect was an injured fox appeared in front of the Hunt
within yards of the hounds who very quickly dispatched it. The incident was immediately reported to Warwickshire Police.” POWAperson comments - The news was also covered by the Metro. The police refusal to charge anyone from the Atherstone Hunt comes, alas, as no surprise. The glaring weaknesses of the
Hunting Act combines with the reluctance of police and CPS to prosecute Hunts to make it extremely difficult to gain convictions,
despite glaring video and witness evidence.
JULY 2016 ..... 31st July - BBC's Countryfile drops Pytchley FH coverage after public outcry ..... 28th
July - Case against 2 Fitzwilliam FH members is adjourned for a month ..... 25th July - Sab films show illegal lengths Pytchley
FH go to kill foxes .....
24th July - Fox hunter blog admits S.Herefordshire cubs affair devastating for hunting cause ..... 23rd July - Sab convicted
of threatening behaviour at a Fife hunt .....
15th July - Sir Ranulph Fiennes advises government not to try to repeal Hunting Act
..... 15th July - No.10 says repeal
not priority, but DEFRA Sec is pro-hunt fanatic
..... 14th July - Judge leading MFHA 'independent' inquiry is ex-redcoat
who waved crop at sab .....
11th July - HSA releases film of Pytchley digging out and hunting foxes ..... 7th July - CPS refuse to act against S.Dorset FH thugs who launched many attacks on sabs
Public pressure makes Countryfile drop planned Pytchley Hunt coverage 31-7-16 Daily Express Pytchley
Hunt pulls out of Countryfile after fox rearing allegations A controversial hunt has pulled
out of showing their foxhounds and horses on BBC Countryfile’s first live show after a row over allegations of rearing
fox cubs for the sport. The Pytchley Hunt had been looking forward to parading their horses and hounds at the huge spectacle
at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, where hosts Matt Baker, John Craven, Ellie Harrison and Anita Rani will be working in the
grounds of the vast estate. However, a petition objecting to the Hunt taking part was launched after undercover investigators
shot footage of fox cub rearing. Apparently pre-empting a probable ban, the Northamptonshire-based hunt has pulled out
just before the four-day event, which starts on Thursday. A Hunt spokesman said: “The BBC has decided not to feature
us. Unfortunately we will not be at the event.” A BBC spokesman said: “Pytchley Hunt have withdrawn from
Countryfile Live 2016. The BBC was made aware of a petition and questioned Hunt organisers about the allegations. We cannot
say if we would have banned them from taking part because the hunt made the decision themselves. It is an issue they need
to look at.” On a Petitioning
BBC web page campaigner Ellen Hope Cobb urged hunt protesters: “Please sign this petition to ask the BBC to drop the
Pytchley Hunt from the Countryfile Live event plus not to promote fox hunting.” She gained 10,412 signatures.
Ms Hope Cobb, from Stourbridge, West Midlands, has now posted on Twitter: “Success! Pytchley Hunt forced to withdraw
from Countryfile Live. Due to public pressure, the Pytchley Hunt will no longer be taking part in the Countryfile Live event.
Thanks you so much for all your support.” On a BBC Facebook page promoting
the event, Alice Norton asked: “Why would you want to have anything to do with this hunt? What have these people got
to show anyone other than cruelty? They should be shamed not celebrated!” A
Hunt Saboteurs Association member complained: “This particular hunt has recently been exposed for rearing and maintaining
a fox population for hunting.” Countryfile has attracted a record 8.7 million viewers during its current series... Case against Fitzwilliam FH hunters is adjourned for a month 28-7-16 Morethanjustbadgers.net Case Adjourned I’m just back from court. They day was a little frustrating
but also interesting to see how our legal process works. The Huntsman and and bird of prey handler from the Fitzwilliam Hunt
were due in court to face charges in relation to hunting a wild mammal with dogs in contravention of the Hunting Act 2004
and another charge of cruelty to a protected animal which dates back to 2013... George
Adam (64) the huntsman (now retired) and bird of prey handler John Mease (44) [pictured
at bottom] were both due to appear today (27th) but their legal representation
requested an adjournment which was granted. They are due to appear again on the 31st August. They were due to appear in court
2 of Peterborough Magistrates Court. Court 2, we were informed is the “not guilty” plea court. Of course it’s
up to the defendant how they plea when they’re in there but in most cases the courts have a fair idea of what the plea
will be in advance. So is there anything we can read into this? Well, perhaps they’ve reconsidered their options and
will now be entering a guilty plea? Certainly such a plea will lessen the penalties although for a hunt
with such a history, wealth and high standing I doubt this would be a consideration. A more likely option is that they are
just drawing the matter out as long as possible so their legal team can explore every possible option in an effort to circumnavigate
the justice they should face. We
all know that the legislation isn’t fit for purpose and needs to be strengthened however it’s all we have to work
with at the time and I believe we have a solid case. More importantly the CPS will only prosecute if they believe they can
secure a conviction and Cambridgeshire police did a solid job with the investigation. The annoying thing with these matters
is that everyone involved knows they are guilty, privately the huntsman will probably admit he was illegally hunting (John
Mease was laughing as the hounds killed the fox so he certainly believes to be above the law) and the fact they killed a fox [dead fox pic right] isn’t up for debate. The problem lies
with proof that there was intent to hunt a wild mammal with dogs and that’s where Hunts know they can get out of facing
up to their crimes. This case has huge importance regarding the Bird of Prey Exemption which I wrote about at length here,
and no doubt this point isn’t lost on the defence’s legal team and the Countryside Alliance in general. I’ll
report back on the 31st. Fingers crossed.
Sab film shows illegal lengths Pytchley FH go to kill foxes 25-7-16 HSA Press Release The Pytchley Hunt go to desperate lengths to Kill
Our third compilation of undercover footage shows the Pytchley Hunt bolting a fox with a terrier to be chased by the hounds.
The footage starts with the Hunt having chased a fox underground. The terrier men send a terrier down after it to flush it
out. Once the fox is above ground and running [left], the
Huntsman puts the hounds back on the scent and they continue to chase it [bottom of article]. Every
single action in that sequence is illegal. In the second half of the video, a fox has taken refuge in a pile of farmyard junk after being
chased by the hounds. Various members of the Hunt try to extricate the fox, including the huntsman and Whipper-in. Fortunately
this fox escapes despite the hunt's best attempts to kill it. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, said: 'This
footage shows both the huntsman and the whipper-in of the Pytchley breaking the law. They are both employees of the hunt and
would only behave in such a way with the express permission of the Masters and the hunt committee. The Countryside Alliance
always claim it is rogue elements who break the law, but this footage clearly shows it is officially sanctioned behaviour.
We are pleased that the Pytchley Hunt were forced to pull out of Countryfile Live due to their illegal activities. We also
look forward to hearing that Maidwell Hall School will no longer host them. There can be no place for hunting in a school.
Why have the Countryside Alliance and the Masters of Foxhounds Association not condemned these atrocities and announced an
independent enquiry, as they have done in the recent South Herefordshire case? Until this happens, the whole hunting community
is complicit in these acts. Fox hunter blog says
South Herefordshire FH cub affair 'devastating' for hunting cause 24-7-16 Foxhunting Life Accusations Against
UK Hunt Devastating If the accusations are proven in court, the South Herefordshire Foxhounds,
established in 1869, could be forced to dissolve—their hunting country redistributed to neighbouring hunts. If the accusations
are proven, a few misguided outlaws may have killed any chance of reversing Britain’s Hunting Act, certainly for the
near future. If the accusations are proven, all foxhunting is tarnished. Video footage taken secretly by anti-hunting activists purports to show two live fox cubs placed into the kennels
with foxhounds, later removed lifeless, the carcasses placed in a dumpster from which they were later recovered and photographed
by the activists. If true, this wouldn’t even contravene the Hunting Act of 2004. It would be a breach of Britain’s
Animal Welfare Act. It would also breach accepted hunting practices for the past century or more. All as a new Conservative-led
government and the Countryside Alliance would like to convince the British populace that foxhunters can police themselves! The South Herefordshire hunt has suspended all salaried staff. The foxhounds are being cared
for by other hunts. Three individuals, two men and one woman, have been questioned by police and released on bail. The Masters
of Foxhounds Association (UK) has initiated its own independent investigation to be chaired by a former Appeals Court Judge.
And, to save any innocents from harassment, Baily's Hunting Directory has expunged the South Herefordshire listing from
it's website pending the outcome of the criminal trial. As the Baily's editor says, “You could not make this
up.” Baily’s editor continues, “If the allegations meet the burden required for criminal proof and individuals
are charged and convicted then we would support the full weight of the law being applied to anyone found guilty. This sort
of alleged activity has absolutely no excuse and must be excised from the world of hunting with hounds, it was not condoned
in the 18th or 19th century and must not be brushed under the carpet today. If that means that the South Herefordshire are
disbanded and the country taken away then despite individual allegiances this is an action that MUST be supported by all that
want hunting to continue.” A statement released by the League Against
Cruel Sports (LACS) says, “We hope those administering the law, and the people of the UK, accept once and for all that
there is no justification for the cruelty that seeps through every aspect of fox hunting.” How can foxhunters do this
to themselves? And to their fellow foxhunters?
convicted of threatening behaviour at Fife hunt 23-7-16 BBC News Activist 'intimidated' fox hunt supporters in Fife An animal rights activist who followed Fife fox hunts with
other saboteurs wearing "paramilitary" clothing with their faces covered by balaclavas has been given a community
payback order. Kevin Newell was given 90 hours unpaid work following incidents
on 14 and 21 November 2015 in north east Fife. Newell, 33, from Aberdeen, was found guilty after trial of behaving in a threatening
and abusive manner. He was sentenced at Dundee Sheriff Court. Police
said Newell had followed the hunt pack and behaved in an "intimidating" manner. Defence solicitor Paul Parker Smith
said the case could have been dealt with through a financial penalty. But imposing a community payback order on Newell, Sheriff
George Way said: "People would have seen him and wouldn't have known what was going on". Det Insp Colin
Robson, of Police Scotland, said: "We understand that fox hunting is an emotive issue that can be very divisive, however
this is no excuse for any offence being committed. "We police hunts in Fife to ensure the safety of everyone participating
in or observing the events, and to ensure they take place legally. This applies equally to those who oppose hunting and those
in the pack taking part. "There is a right to peacefully and lawfully protest in a public place and a procedure for legally
hunting with dogs. "In this case, Newell's behaviour was unacceptable and it should send a clear message to anyone
intending to disrupt a hunt in this way that we will take action."
Fiennes advises government not to try to repeal Hunting Act 15-7-16 ITV News Ranulph Fiennes tells Conservative
Party to 'move on' over fox hunting ban The explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes [right] has
called on Prime Minister Theresa May not to repeal the ban on fox hunting, saying the Conservative Party should "move
on". The 72 year old, who once marched with the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance, said Tory voters' views had changed
since the Hunting Act 2004 and urged the party to focus on other rural issues like housing and support for farmers . He wrote to the new Prime Minister as Andrea Leadsom was appointed Environment Secretary. Mrs Leadsom, who stood to become
Tory leader before dropping out, said during her leadership campaign that she would commit to holding a vote to repeal the
Hunting Act if elected. In his letter, released by the League Against Cruel Sports, Sir
Ranulph said: “The beliefs of conservatives and countryfolk across
Britain on the issue of hunting have changed since the Hunting Act was brought in. I now believe the time has come for the
Conservative Party to move on too. That is why I am writing to ask you to commit to retaining the Hunting Act and dropping
the promise to repeal it. The Hunting Act was brought into being because the British public believed that the use of packs
of hounds to kill foxes for 'sport' had no place in a British society that considered itself civilised, and that the
practice should go the same way as bear-baiting and cock-fighting. Since then, public opinion has only become increasingly
clear on the subject.” In his letter, Sir Ranulph cited an opinion poll
showing 84% of people in the countryside and 70% of Tory voters were against repealing the hunting ban, adding that 50 of
the party's MPs now openly supported the legislation, compared with four when it was introduced by Tony Blair's Labour
government. “What is clear is that being pro-hunting
is no longer part of the conservative DNA. What is equally clear is that the principles of freedom and tradition are no longer
a cover to justify cruelty.” Earlier this month Mrs Leadsom told ITV news that
the hunting ban had "not proven to be in the interests of animal welfare whatsoever". She added: ”I live
in a constituency that's quite rural about this and very successful hunts there that are now absolutely abiding by the
law as it stands now, but who are very often pointing out to me the consequences of the need to exterminate vermin, which
foxes are. Actually I do believe we need a proper, licensed regime, that works much better and is much more focused on animal
welfare.” Fox hunting with dogs was made illegal in the UK in 2005. Many Hunts have
continued operating within the law. Sir Ranulph also cited a recent investigation by the League which claimed live fox cubs
were thrown to hounds as part of their training. He added:”It would be a foolhardy political leader who, against
this backdrop, would now commit to bringing back hunting, or who told his or her MPs that they will be expected to defend
their seats on a promise to make such activities legal again. What rural people want from a Conservative government is not
an obsession with repealing a popular piece of legislation. They want better housing, more support for farmers, and improved
broadband infrastructure.” Repealing Hunting Act 'not
a priority' for new PM May But
her DEFRA Sec. of State is a pro-hunt fanatic
15-7-16 Independent Theresa
May backs away from vote on legalising fox hunting The Government is unlikely to try and lift the ban on fox
hunting in the near future, Downing Street has said. On Thursday Theresa May appointed Andrea Leadsom as the Environment
Secretary, a job which has overall responsibility for rural affairs. Just this month Ms Leadsom reiterated her commitment
to repealing the hunting ban, arguing that to do so could have “animal welfare” benefits. Her appointment
raised concern among anti-hunting groups. Eduardo Goncalves, the chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, said
the group was “disappointed by Andrea Leadsom’s commitment to a free vote on repeal". Ms May has also
expressed support for the animal killings in the past. A Number 10 spokesperson however told an official briefing of
journalists today that bringing back fox hunting was unlikely to be a priority for the new Prime Minister. “I
think there is plenty of government business at the top of the agenda at the moment – focusing on the immediate priorities
for the government – so I don’t think fox hunting is top of the in-tray,” she told journalists. In fact,
MPs have had plenty of spare parliamentary time in recent years – with the Government bringing forward little legislation
for fear of defeat on its slim majority. Ms Leadsom had told ITV News: in an interview: “I would absolutely commit
to holding a vote to repeal the hunting ban. It has not proven to be in the interests of animal welfare whatsoever. I do believe
we need a proper licensed regime which works much better and is more focused on animal welfare.”14-7-16 Daily Mirror Andrea Leadsom
put in charge of hunting ban after calling for it to be scrapped Andrea Leadsom will be in charge
of fox hunting legislation Theresa May has angered animal rights campaigners by putting Andrea Leadsom in charge of the fox
hunting ban. During her brief campaign for the Tory leadership Ms Leadsom backed scrapping the ban on hunting with dogs. She
said: "I would absolutely commit to holding a vote to repeal the hunting ban. It has not proven to be in the interests
of animal welfare whatsoever. “I do believe we need a proper licensed regime which works much better and is more focused
on animal welfare.” Ms Leadsom was also supportive of a Government plan to sell off Britain's forests before they
were forced into a U-turn on the policy. League Against Cruel Sports Chief Executive Eduardo Gonçalves said: “We
were disappointed by Andrea Leadsom ’s commitment to a free vote on repeal. “The vast majority of the British
public are completely opposed to hunting, and clearly feel it has no place in 21st century Britain. “As the League has
demonstrated through exposés appearing to show live fox cubs being used by hunts as training bait, hunting has nothing
to do with animal welfare or pest control and everything to do with bloodsports. We are hopeful that the new Environment Secretary
will recognise this strength of support for the Hunting Act from the British public and her own backbenches, and commit to
keeping the Hunting Act.’
Judge leading MFHA 'independent' inquiry is ex redcoat who waved crop at sab 14-7-16 Daily Mirror Judge heading probe
into killing of fox cubs was huntsman filmed in clash with protesters The
retired judge leading an inquiry into claims that live fox cubs were fed to hounds was a huntsman, once filmed using his whip
during a row with animal rights protesters. Sir John Chadwick can be seen on horseback raising his rider’s crop into the air before bringing it down
with force. The footage and his previous support for fox hunting could call into question his impartiality as head of the
probe into a kennels where the cubs were allegedly lobbed into the hounds and devoured.A spokeswoman for the Hunt Investigation Team, which filmed the sickening scenes involving the young foxes,
said: “This inquiry is a cynical damage limitation exercise by the hunting fraternity. How can it be independent when
Chadwick has a history of hunting? We believe the outcome of the inquiry will be a whitewash. Whatever they say will be invalid.
There needs to be a wider inquiry led by someone truly independent, for example a judge with no hunting links.” Sir John, 75, was filmed taking part
in a hunt at Hampshire’s Meon valley in 1992. The footage shows him and two other riders becoming trapped in a field after zip ties were used to lock
an access gate. He can later be seen confronting two protesters [right]. But the former High Court judge insisted he would never use violence. He said of
the footage: “I do not think I am hitting anybody as I would have been extremely unlikely to do that at all. I can’t
tell what I’m doing. I was carrying a whip because that is what you use for the horse. Certainly I was hunting but what
I was doing on that occasion I do not know.” Asked whether he was suitable to chair The Masters of Foxhounds Association
probe into cub cruelty given his fox hunting history, Sir John, of Winchester, Hants, replied: “That’s a matter
for the MFHA. The inquiry has very little to do with actually participating in fox hunting.” No individual appears
to be struck or injuries caused in the whip incident. But
the man who filmed it said: “Whether he made contact or not isn’t the most important point. He was a leading member
of the hunt, so to put him up as the head of an independent investigation is clearly nonsense.” Sir John is probing claims fox cubs were brutally
killed at the South Herefordshire Hunt HQ. Last month, we reported how West Mercia Police also launched an inquiry after
the Hunt Investigation Team passed them the video and corpses. The footage shows a kennel worker carrying two cubs separately
into a shed where the hounds are kept. The dogs howl and bark before the bodies of the foxes are retrieved and thrown into
a bin. Two 37-year-old men and a woman aged 27 were arrested on suspicion of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected
animal. The trio, who live in Hereford and Abergavenny, South Wales, have been released on bail. The results of the inquiry,
which could lead to sanctions including disqualifying the hunt, are not expected for several months. The MFHA regulates
and represents more than 180 hunts in Britain. Sir John was appointed as a High Court judge in 1991. He retired in May. HSA release film
of Pytchley FH digging out and hunting foxes 11-7-16 HSA Press Release VIDEO Digging
out and more illegal hunting at the Pytchley Hunt Our second compilation of undercover footage shows the Pytchley Hunt digging out foxes
and releasing them in front of the hunt hounds to be illegally hunted. The footage shows the hunt terrier men digging out
a fox, that has sought safety underground, after being chased by the hounds. Mounted members of the Hunt sit and watch as
the dig out takes place. Once the fox has been dug, it is released and the Huntsman puts the hounds back on its scent, to
continue chasing it. The second dig out
occurs after the hounds chase a fox into a badger sett. The Huntsman calls in the terrier men, who again attempt to dig out
the fox. On this occasion they are unsuccessful. Lee
Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, said: “Once again we see the Pytchley Hunt desperate to chase and kill foxes. In this video they dig out the poor animals
once they have taken refuge underground. Then release them just metres from the hounds in order to be chased once more. A
practice so abhorrent that even hardened huntsmen feel it is beyond the pale. It is also illegal. It is clear from the footage,
that the Pytchley Hunt and its members, are totally complicit in flouting the Hunting Act. The casual manner in which mounted
members of the Hunt, sit and watch the dig out occur, shows how commonplace such practices are for this Hunt. The Huntsman
himself is clearly shown, orchestrating the dig outs, as he can be seen calling in the terrier men. We are pleased to see the Pytchley are no longer appearing at Countryfile Live.
The BBC clearly do not wish to be associated with such law breaking. We now ask the Masters of Foxhounds Association and the
Countryside Alliance what action they plan to take against the Hunt. Following the recent expose of the South Herefordshire
and now this footage of the Pytchley, it is important the pro-hunt community takes a strong stand against such law breaking,
or they will be seen to be condoning it by the British public.
CPS refuse to act against S.Dorset FH thugs who launched multiple
attacks on sabs 7-7-16 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports Sabs attacked
by South Dorset Hunt thugs and a female sab sustains a fractured elbow and knee trauma
CPS say no further action can be taken as video evidence is "insufficient". Victims Right to Review decision expected soon.
Please watch and share. As our supporters will know, some of us were DHS sabs before we formed DABS. One of the reasons we
made this decision was that we were increasingly disillusioned with the extreme levels of violence from the hunt supporters
and the consistent lack of support from the Police. This culminated in an escalation of violence at the closing meet of the South Dorset Hunt in March 2015. The Police’s
apathetic response when we called them after the theft of the maps (the only “prosecution” that day was a caution
for theft received by Simon Wakely) was matched only by the length of time the Police took to pass the case over to CID. The
six-month deadline for public order offences came and went. CID wanted to pursue ABH charges against Ben Doggrell, who admitted
it was him in the video but on passing the case to the CPS, a decision was made to take No Further Action (NFA) due to them
not believing that the video evidence was sufficient for a jury to convict on the basis of intent beyond any reasonable doubt.
Sound familiar? We are now in the process of applying the Victims Right to Review as we feel that this decision was against
the public interest..... 23-7-16 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports CPS still don't seem to want to know It's absolutely astounding to be honest. You look at the video
and bear in mind that the ONLY person who was singled out (only for a caution) as a result of the whole day's "activities"
is the one who rather immaturely nicked our map! He took the punishment and the rest seem to have gotten clean away with it.
What message does this give to the hunts....and to the public? Sabs post shocking documentary of a year with the
Atherstone FH 6-7-16 Facebook - West Midlands Sabs The Real Face of Fox Hunting [50
Mins] Documenting some of our time with the Atherstone Hunt last season. Due to the demand after our recent successful screening
of the grassroots documentary put together by ourselves we've now posted the film up online. If you would like a copy
please private message us. Please watch and share. If you would like to helps us please like and share our page and donate
via this link https://www.facebook.com/West-Midlands-Hunt-Saboteurs-24…/…/