For purpose of this record - and to include whole year - 'Hunting
Season' runs from start July-end June N.B. Entries are in REVERSE chronological order. Stories are below
each month's headlines WARNING Likely to contain
images you may find distressing
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JUNE 2018 …..
29th June - Almost all consultees want stronger Scottish hunting law ….. 29th June - Cheshire FH Whip gets Community Order for railway trespass ….. 29th June - Sabs stage pop-up demos at various Leics police
stations ….. 29th June - Cheshire FH withdraw
from Darnall Show after protests ….. 28th June - Ten Cottesmore
FH hounds killed in horror crash on country road …..
28th June - Figures reveal only tiny % of illegal hunting reports lead to arrests ….. 25th June
- CPS let Cheshire Forest FH fox killers off yet again ….. 20th June - Attorney General asked to review Belvoir
FH case sentences ….. 19th June - S.
Herefordshire FH fox cubs cruelty case adjourned to August ….. 19th June - Leics police commissioner 'will
not tolerate breaking of law' by hunts ….. 18th June - LACS issues
reminder of cruelty of the roe deer Hunts ….. 16th June - Sab group claims regional police op aims to facilitate illegal
hunting ….. 16th
June - Ex LACS Department Head sues League for unfair dismissal ….. 16th June - Sabs assaulted & radio stolen at Culmstock MH …..
14th June - Belvoir FH 2 get suspended jail for severe attacks on LACS monitors ….. 14th June - Fitzwilliam
FH Huntsman appeals against illegal hunting conviction …..
13th June - NT 'monitoring' of Hunts grossly inadequate says Hounds Off ….. 13th June - Nat. Trust is advertising for
a 'Trail Hunt Manager' ….. 13th June - Convicted Belvoir FH thugs to be sentenced
tomorrow ….. 12th June - 3 Middleton FH riders in court charged with attacks on sabs ….. 11th June - Cases against 2 female sabs are thrown out of court ….. 9th June
- Sabs prevent Northants MH hunting on notorious Estate ….. 8th June - Berwickshire
FH pull out of Haddington Show after social media storm ….. 4th June - Wildlife Witness launch campaign to keep Hunts off roads ….. 4th June - Did ex Beds police senior officer/hunter assist Hunt against sabs? ….. 4th June - Beagle pack exhibitor at Show tells visitor used for hare hunting ….. 2nd June - Sabs ruin Culmstock Mink Hounds' day ..... 2nd June - Sabs upload film of Badsworth FH chasing fox, rejected by police ….. 2nd June - Dove Valley
MH driver tries to damage sab cars as they stop meet .....
1st June - 3
charged with Hunting & Badger Act offences day of Badsworth FH meet ..... 1st June - LACS local woman refused stall at Bromyard Gala Almost
all consultees want stronger Scottish hunting law 29-6-18 The Ferret Nearly all respondents to fox hunting consultation want law changed
Nearly all of the 18,787 respondents to a public consultation on fox hunting want the law to be reformed. The consultation,
which closed five months ago, invited people to share their views on recommendations made by Lord Bonomy following his review
of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act. Analysis of the consultation,
published today by the Scottish Government, shows that between 94 and 98 percent of respondents indicated support, or agreement,
with Lord Bonomy’s proposals for reform of the current legislation. Responding to concerns about fox hunting, the Scottish Government
appointed Lord Bonomy in December 2015, to carry out a review of the operation of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act 2002 (the 2002 Act). The main purpose of the 2002 Act was to ban the use of dogs to chase and kill wild mammals. However,
it also includes a number of exceptions which allow the limited use of dogs for certain situations. Lord Bonomy’s report, published in November
2016, set out recommendations for addressing inconsistencies and a lack of clarity in the language of the Act, and strengthening
aspects of it to enable more effective detection, investigation and prosecution of alleged offences. The Scottish Government
then undertook a public consultation to gather views on Lord Bonomy’s suggested reforms. Cheshire FH Whip gets Community Order for railway trespass 29-6-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO Cheshire FH Whipper in receives
community resolution order over railway trespass We've witnessed the Cheshire Hounds hunt trespassing
on a railway line on a previous occasion, with 'Fieldmaster' Keith Shore plus another figure (carrying a loaded shotgun,
no less) wandering along the line at Beeston. More recently, we stumbled across Whipper In Jamie Whittles on the line at Marbury
looking for a stray hound. As we all know, of course, this Hunt don't understand the definition of 'trespass'.
Sabs stage pop-up demos at various Leics police stationsProtesting the force's favouritism
towards Hunts 29-6-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs POLICE DEMONSTRATIONS Today as part of our Operation
Blackthorn campaign, to expose the police bias towards fox hunts at Leicestershire Police, we did a number of “pop up”
demonstrations at police stations around Leicestershire, we started at Beaumont Leys Police Station. We think there is a clear difference in the way Leicestershire Police deal with saboteurs and how they deal with
fox hunters, we have seen this in the different ways they have dealt with recent investigations. We chose to start at Beaumont
Leys Police Station because this is where DS Trott is based along with other officers who have also engaged in biased political
policing. "You are hunt saboteurs that's what you
do, you trespass on other people's property and harass people" We currently have a petition asking the Chief Constable to remove DS Trott from Operation Blackthorn (Leicestershire
Police’s hunting operation) due to inappropriate comments he made on the phone to a member of our group. You can sign
our petition here https://chn.ge/2MXYNH5. The complaint was upheld yet
Trott was allowed to continue being part of hunting investigations. As a result we believe his personal opinions have affected
these investigations. Two separate investigations of assault on members of our group by the same farmer with connections to
the Atherstone Hunt were dropped despite statements and footage being handed in by the victims.  Contrast this with another investigation he headed where three members
of the Atherstone Hunt were allowed to make allegations about a member of our group WITHOUT HANDING ANY EVIDENCE IN. Was this
case dropped due to lack of evidence? No it ended up going all the way to court (despite the lack of evidence) where the member
of our group was found not guilty after the allegations were proved to be false. This isn’t an isolated case. A few
years before he issued two of our members with harassment notices again despite not having any evidence from the Hunt. The
harassment notices were later overturned and Leicestershire Police were forced to apologise to us. This didn’t stop
them issuing one to us again which we again successfully challenged and overturned. Trott was also part of a bodged investigation
into blocked badger setts. Again we provided statements and footage. Leicestershire Police didn’t even bother interviewing
one of the suspects and eventually the CPS dropped the case because Leicestershire Police didn’t hand the evidence in
on time. Beamount Leys is also where one
of our group was taken to after they were arrested at the Quorn Hunt. On that day Leicestershire Police deliberately misused
legislation designed for severe violence at football matches to stop and search a group of non-violent hunt saboteurs. One of our saboteurs refused to be searched on the grounds that it was illegal and that Leicesterhire Police were
abusing their powers. She was arrested and charged with obstructing a police officer. At Beaumont Leys Police Station she
was given bail conditions which banned her from going near any fox hunt in the country and banned her from entering the entire
county of Leicestershire. We managed to get these draconian bail conditions dropped based on the fact that Leicestershire
Police were again abusing their powers by applying conditions that had nothing to do with the charges. This case went all
the way to court where it was thrown out by the judge who agreed with us that Leicestershire Police had misused the legislation. Afterwards we obtained emails revealing the CPS had wanted to drop
the case because they too believed Leicestershire Police had misused the legislation, however the police sent an email back
to the CPS saying that the case mustn’t be dropped because they believed the defendant was “defiant of the law”
and had recently sued another police force so they were worried she would sue Leicestershire Police. Once the case got dropped
she did indeed successfully sue Leicestershire Police. If you haven't
done so already please sign our petition https://chn.ge/2MXYNH5. Leicestershire Police need to start being made accountable for their actions. Leicestershire Police can be contacted
on their Facebook page here https://m.facebook.com/leicspolice/. Please consider donating towards our campaign costs: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Cheshire FH withdrawn from Darnall Show after protests 29-6-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds Hunt removed from Darnhall Show
We are pleased to report that the Cheshire Hounds Hunt will no longer be appearing at this year's Darnhall Show. Thank
you to everyone who expressed their concerns to the organisers. We are aware, however, that they are still due to appear at The Nantwich Show on the 25th July, along with the hare-chasing
Cheshire Beagles Hunt, where they will "entertain the crowds with children invited to meet the hounds". More here: https://nantwichshow.co.uk/whats-on/.You You can voice your concerns once again by emailing the organisers
of the Nantwich Show at AGL4nantwichshow@aol.com or by calling 01270 780306. The Cheshire Hounds are also due to appear at
the Pony Club Championships at Cholmondeley Castle on Saturday 18th August. Ten Cottesmore FH hounds killed in horror crash on country road 28-6-18
Leicestershire Live Pack of 10 Cottesmore hunting dogs killed in crash with car in Rutland - The horrific crash happened
on a country lane near Oakham Ten hounds died after an horrific collision involving the pack of
hunting dogs and a car on a country road. The car was being driven along Whissendine Road, Ashwell, near Oakham, where two
employees of the Cottesmore Hunt were out on bicycles exercising a group of hounds. In the crash on Monday morning one of the employees – a young
man – was knocked off his bike and suffered severe bruising. Five dogs were killed outright and a further five were
put down by a vet. Andrew Osborne, spokesman for the Hunt, said: “It’s obviously a very
unfortunate accident. Two of our employees were on bicycles with the hounds and one of them was the first to be hit by the
car. He suffered a lot of bruising but fortunately nothing more permanent than that. The vehicle then hit several of our hounds,
with unfortunate results.” The North Cambs Hunt Saboteurs, which works to disrupt the activities of Hunts across the region,
said the Hunt was irresponsible for allowing dogs on the road. A spokesman said: “There are laws to protect
motorists from domestic animals on our highways. A driver would not expect a large pack of dogs to be in the road at any time
– and they should never be in the road in our opinion – especially if they are still being trained. There have
been a number of hounds killed on the roads over the years. We will be watching your Hunts very carefully next season. If,
as Hunts claim, they are following trails and hunting within the law, there will be no need for hounds to be on the road during
any hunt.” However, Mr Osborne
said the Hunt had rules for taking hounds on the roads and that they were acting within the law. He said: “It’s
no different from a normal person walking their dog. We take great care.” No one has been arrested in connection to
the incident. A spokesman for Leicestershire Police confirmed
the details of the collision, which led to the road between Ashwell and Whissendine being temporarily closed to traffic. He
said: “We were called by the ambulance service to Whissendine Road in Ashwell, Leicestershire, just after 8am on Monday,
June 25, to a road traffic collision. It involved a car, a bicycle and a number of working dogs and the cyclist suffered minor
injuries. The driver of the car was unhurt and five dogs were killed, with five more being put down by a vet at the scene.
The road was closed while the emergency services dealt with the incident.” Pic above - The road where the hounds were killed Also reported in Stamford Mercury. POWAperson comments
- This is the third instance of hounds being exercised since the end of last hunting season being killed on roads.
Hounds, far from being beloved by hunters, as they claim, are simply disposable tools of their grisly trade. Taking hounds
on to roads, often busy A routes, is commonplace, as is allowing them to charge on to highways in pursuit of their quarry.
Not only are they careless of their dogs [and road users] safety, but they deliberately kill between 5 and 7,000 healthy hounds
every year, mostly in slaughtering older hiounds to replace them with younger, more vigorous ones. See 'How Hunters "Love" Their Hounds'. Figures reveal
only tiny % of illegal hunting reports lead to arrests 28-6-18 Daily Mirror Animal campaigners outraged as just 5% of 'illegal' hunters arrested
after 1,600 reports - The League Against Cruel Sports has demanded more police action and a tougher law to combat illegal
hunting Police have received 1,600 reports of illegal hunting in five years but have arrested
just 83 people and charged only 30. That means only 5% of complaints
about breaches of the 2004 Hunting Act have led to legal action, Freedom of Information requests to police forces found. They
showed 51 arrests over hare coursing and just four for fox hunting. Figures did not reveal how many prosecutions succeeded. Animal rights campaigners have repeatedly accused officers of failing
to crackdown on allegations of huntsmen and women breaching the law. The League Against Cruel Sports demanded more police
action and a tougher law. Campaigns director Chris Luffingham said: “These alarming figures indicate
the sheer scale of brutal and illegal hunting activity still taking place across the British countryside 13 years after the
ban came into force. “Foxes and hares are being literally torn to pieces by packs of hounds while exhausted deer are
being chased for hours on end before being shot. The Mirror’s figures indicate that 95% of those allegedly hunting illegally
get away with it so we need the police to put more resources and develop their expertise to properly tackle wildlife crime.
We need to strengthen the Hunting Act and introduce prison sentences for those convicted of illegal hunting as we need a strong
deterrent. Currently those who enjoy killing animals for fun get away with a slap on the wrist and are simply fined and then
back out hunting the following day.” Police chiefs said reports were often invalid or “inadequate” but forces were working to improve prosecution rates.
The 2004 Hunting Act banned the chasing of wild animals, including hares, stags and foxes, by two dogs or more. It came into
force in February 2005 and polls consistently show it enjoys support of about 80% of voters. Details included in the responses
revealed that 51 arrests were for alleged hare coursing, 18 arrests were for suspected deer hunting, six for allegations of
rabbit hunting and just four for suspected illegal fox hunting.
National Police Chiefs’ Council hunting spokesman, Deputy Chief Constable Paul Netherton [pic
left], said: “Police forces receive a large number of reports of illegal hunting activity. Unfortunately
many of these reports are invalid and the evidence supplied to forces is often inadequate, meaning that police officers are
unable to take action. We are committed to cracking down on illegal hunting and want to help improve the quality of evidence
submitted to police forces. We are working with the League Against Cruel Sports to achieve this and using their guidance to
help protest groups to provide usable evidence. Officers will be undertaking up-to-date training on how to effectively respond
to illegal hunting and we are working with the Crown Prosecution Service in an effort to improve prosecution rates.” POWAperson comments - The 5% figure in the headline is misleading. The vast majority of these
arrests are of low-life, trespassing, hare and fox coursers. The % of people from organised Hunts who are arrested when
they hunt illegally [which most do most of the time] is minuscule. Indeed, in some force areas, the witnesses reporting the
illegal hunting are probably more likely to be arrested than are the criminals. In the 13 years since the Hunting Act came
in only 100 people from organised Hunts have been charged with illegal hunting. Only 35 were convicted or cautioned - less
than 3 per year. 39% of those charged had their cases dropped before or during trial. No less a figure than a former
Chief Inspector of the Crown Prosecution Service has said that the hunting ban is being 'extensively flouted' by organised
Hunts. There are still over 250 Hunts in England and Wales. Reports from monitors and sabs suggest that almost all of them
illegally hunt live quarry most of the time. The Hunting Act is riddled with weak wording and loopholes which provide police
and CPS - usually reluctant to take on Hunts' expensive lawyers - with plenty of excuses not to prosecute, even in
the most blatant of cases. CPS
let off Cheshire Forest FH fox killers yet again Police
were confident of illegal hunting conviction 25-6-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Third clear case of illegal hunting in a row rejected by CPS Mersey-Cheshire
On Boxing Day 2017, Andrew German, Huntsman with the Cheshire Forest Hunt, hunted and killed a fox on Crowders Lane in Byley,
Cheshire. The fox was literally torn in two in front of numerous witnesses, and there were signs that it may have been held
in a farm building on Marsh Farm and released that morning for the hunt to chase. A comprehensive case against the
Hunt was submitted to CPS Mersey-Cheshire by Northwich CID, who were confident of a successful prosecution. However, the CPS
failed to come to a decision within the required 28 days, and only following contact from two local MPs finally announced
that they would not be sending the case to court. During the incident, which took part during the traditional ‘Boxing Day Meet’ (hosted by The Three Greyhounds
Inn in Allostock, regular supporters of this fox-killing hunt), where we believe the unusually large turnout of riders and
followers expect the excitement of a kill – Huntsman German was witnessed hunting the fox for an extended period of
time and giving encouraging voice and horn calls to his hounds on a number of occasions. After catching the fox, German and
his ‘terrier man’ Shaun Watson then stood by and watched – without any attempt to intervene – as the
hounds literally ripped the fox in two, before the pack ate much of one half of the body (an autopsy was later conducted
on the remains). One witness commented: “We saw riders cheering immediately following the kill, giving thumbs-up to one another, and
even taking nips of whiskey from their saddle flasks. I recognised one of them as Liz Gorse.” Elizabeth Gorse is a joint
master of the hunt – and domestic vet at Rose Cottage Vets in Sutton Weaver – who had been seen looking on as
the kill took place; at a late stage in the investigation she came forward as the (so called) ‘trail layer’ on
the day, something, we are led to believe, she wasn’t required to prove.
Members of our team were present on the day, and one clarifies: “We were around all day from early morning,
and we certainly didn’t see anyone laying a trail. In fact, none of us have ever seen this Hunt lay a trail in all the
years our group has been monitoring them. It just doesn’t happen.” A
number of anti-hunting groups were present on the day, including Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs and Bath Hunt Saboteurs, and have
been involved in the case. All parties understand the difficulties in prosecuting under the Hunting Act 2004, commonly considered
to be an incredibly flawed piece of legislation. However, reasons given by the CPS for not proceeding were numerous and, in
our opinion, highly questionable. Furthermore, witnesses were told that appealing their decision would not be allowed. This case is clear proof of how the current legislation to stop this kind of barbarity
needs strengthening urgently. Fox hunting in its traditional form is a repugnant hobby to the vast majority of people, and
will clearly never return. It has now been illegal for more than 13 years, and hunts have had all that time to adapt their
behaviour to one that doesn’t involve the killing of foxes – whether intentionally or by accident – but
they haven’t made any attempt to do so. All they have come up with is to claim they are ‘trail hunting’,
which even the general public now understand to be merely a ruse to hide the truth. The Hunt claim this kill was an
accident, of course; they know that’s all they have to say to get away with it. We know this claim isn’t true, but even if it was, if you train hounds using real fox scent, and then take
them hunting in areas known to contain foxes, then what can you expect?Enough is enough. The current situation is clearly
ludicrous, and now is the time to plug the gaping holes in current legislation and put an end to this cruelty once and for
all. This doesn't end here... please stay tuned to this page. In the meantime, please share this post and send an email
as details below - Please take a moment to complain about
CPS Mersey-Cheshire to Siobhan Blake, their Chief Crown Prosecutor at siobhan.blake@cps.gov.uk, and john Dilworth, their Deputy
Chief Crown Prosecutor, at john.dilworth@cps.gov.uk. If you receive no satisfactory response from either then please contact
Stephen Shaw CBE, Independent Assessor of Complaints for the CPS , by email: IAComplaints@cps.gsi.gov.uk (Further details
can be found at https://www.cps.gov.uk/feedback-and-complaints). Case reference number 07W20561318. Also, if you live in Cheshire,
please contact your local MP to lodge your complaints about this case and continued concerns about the serial fox-killing
Cheshire Forest Hunt. [Release of video evidence to follow] Pics above - Top right - Remains of killed
fox Left - Huntsman and terrierman watch as hounds kill fox Bottom right
- Hound eating dead fox 25-6-18 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs Cheshire police & CPS give licence to kill
On Boxing Day 2017, whilst our main group were successfully sabbing a meet of the Woolaston Bassets, one of our sabs joined
up with Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs to sab the Cheshire Forest Hunt, who met at the Three Greyhounds pub at Allostock - (please
leave them a review at https://www.facebook.com/threegreyhoundsinn). Also present were Cheshire Monitors. There was a great
display of opposition to the hunt by local protesters, who booed the Hunt as they attempted to parade past. Soon after the
Hunt left the meet a fox was seen fleeing from a nearby farm. It was followed suspiciously by two terriermen and we believe
this could have been a 'bagged' fox - taken either the night before or that morning to be released before the hunt
to ensure a 'good day's sport' for them. With
two sab teams and the monitors, we managed to keep track of the Hunt for most of the day. At around 1330 the monitors alerted
us that hounds were in cry close to Crowders Lane, Lach Dennis in Northwich. There we found the hunt positioned as per cubbing
around a dense covert; where they surround the covert on horses ready to scare a fox back in should it try to escape. Sabs
and Monitors were ridden at in an attempt to stop them from getting to the hounds. Undeterred we got to the area where the hounds were
in cry and found Andrew German, the Huntsman, off his horse and leading - not following - the hounds through the covert making
voice and horn calls to encourage them on. A very strong smell of fox was present, indicating that the fox was very stressed
- the more anxious foxes are, the greater the scent they release. A holloa was heard; this is where hunt support whoop to
indicate they have seen a fox. German took the hounds with voice and horn calls in this direction with sabs in close pursuit.
He was then heard to make a brrrr sound, which is a voice call used to scare a fox back towards the hounds. German was told numerous times to call the hounds off the fox but did not do so. German was hunting in
a covert, off of his horse, with terrierman Shaun Watson. The supposed 'trail layer' was present as one of those surrounding
the covert. All the 'trail layer'* had to do was tell the police they had laid a trail that day- no evidence was required.
Neither sabs nor monitors saw a trail being laid and this hunt has never been seen to lay a trail previously. Before the kill
the hounds had been searching for around 30-40 minutes through dense undergrowth that was not accessible to riders, German
knew there was likely to be a fox in that area and he admitted it on camera. Using voice calls and citronella spray we tried to take the hounds off the fox's scent and believed we had been
successful but just outside a barn in the covert, the hounds were discovered with what was left of the young male fox's
body, we were just moments too late. It was a horrific end to the day and sabs and monitors were understandably devastated. German looked gleefully on as the fox was ripped apart and sickeningly
blew a kiss to the camera. The hunt support were pleased with the result of their day's 'sport', with celebratory drinks all round and
thumbs up to each other. A sab removed the fox’s body, which was sent away afterwards for a post mortem. We returned
to the barn and found items which led us to believe that the fox had been encouraged to live in there, including a dog bed
and fresh straw. There was also a fox skeleton strung up from the rafter with rope. The post mortem results showed that the
fox had been more than likely killed by hounds and had just cat food in his stomach, adding weight to our opinion that this
was a fox that had been kept by the hunt for the purposes of being hunted, there being no nearby houses who could have fed
him. Statements and footage were given
to Cheshire Police and the overwhelming evidence was then handed over to CPS Mersey-Cheshire. What followed was what we believe
to be a deliberate delay tactic, with their decision to drop the case for 'lack of evidence' being given to us despite
repeated chasing just days before the six month prosecution deadline expired. When we requested that they appeal against the
decision, Cheshire Police refused. Although the police officers we had dealt with during the investigation had been helpful,
it seems those higher up have an interest in German not being prosecuted. Hunt Support have said to Cheshire Monitors previously
that German will never be charged with an offence, as he is being protected by those in high places. We will leave you to
draw your own conclusions on this. We have named the poor fox who died in such a horrific way Noel, given that it was Christmas time, and we will continue to
fight for #JusticeForNoel. A video is being produced showing our footage from the day, which we hope to release very soon...
#PoliceCorruption #NoJusticeJustUs.
To make a complaint to the CPS Mersey-Cheshire for enabling hunts repeatedly
to break the law and go unpunished, please contact them: - Stephen Shaw CBE, Independent Assessor of Complaints for the CPS
- by email:- IAComplaints@cps.gsi.gov.ukby email: IAComplaints@cps.gsi.gov.uk or by post to c/o Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge,
London SE1 9HS. The supposed 'trail
layer' was Elizabeth Gorse; Director of Rose Cottage Veterinary Centre Ltd, Runcorn and Director of the Cheshire Forest
Hunt. If you feel that a person who enjoys murdering innocent animals should not be trusted to treat people's beloved
pets, please feel free to contact Rose Cottage Veterinary Centre, Runcorn. To complain against Cheshire Police for not appealing the CPS' ludicrous decision,
please go to:- https://www.cheshire.police.uk/contact/make-a-complaint/. Pics above -
1/ Sab retrieves mangled remains of dead fox 2/ Huntsman & terrierman smug, having
just watched hounds kill fox 3 - JM [and vet] Elizabeth Gorse, soon after fox kill Rannulph Fiennes & ex LACS CEO ask Attorney General to review Belvoir FH case sentences Antis who feel the same invited to also write to the Attorney General 20-6-18 Facebook - Eduardo Goncalves Sir Ranulph Fiennes and I have today written to the U.K. Attorney General requesting that he review
the sentence given to 2 hunt supporters who walked free from court after viciously assaulting a wildlife crime investigator. Darryl Cunnington, a former police officer, was observing the Belvoir Hunt when he was brutally attacked by 6 men
- 4 of them wearing balaclavas - who then pushed him off a 14 foot ledge. Darryl’s neck was broken in 3 places. 2 of
the men were found guilty last week but received only suspended sentences. They repeatedly refused to help police catch the
other members of the group, who remain at large. As Ian Hislop would say,
if this is justice then I’m a banana. 20-6-18 Facebook - Green Future News Are you ANGRY that 2 Hunt thugs escaped jail after their brutal assault
on a wildlife crime investigator which left him with a broken neck? Here’s how YOU can demand the UK’s Attorney
General review their sentences. 2-7-18 Daily Telegraph Sir Ranulph Fiennes accuses judge of showing leniency to hunt attackers after
Princess Diana's sister pleads for clemency - Sir Ranulph Fiennes has written to the Attorney General to complain about
the sentence handed out Sir Ranulph Fiennes has accused a judge of showing undue leniency to two
violent huntsmen who were spared jail, following an intervention by the sister of Diana Princess of Wales. Lady Sarah McCorquodale,
who is the joint master of the Belvoir Hunt, wrote to a judge offering character references for two of its members who had
been convicted of attacking an anti-hunt campaigner. Darryl Cunnington suffered a fractured neck and was left with life threatening
injuries during the assault. But despite admitting their role in the incident, George Grant and his son, Thomas, only received
16 month suspended sentences when they appeared in court last month. Sir
Ranulph, who is a supporter of the League Against Cruel Sports, has now written to the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright QC,
asking him to review the case under the unduly lenient sentencing scheme. The veteran explorer said he is concerned that the
judge may have been influenced by Lady McCorquodale, who is the older sister of Diana, adding that such a lenient sentence
could serve as a "green light" for hunt supporters to attack opponents of the sport. In his letter, he wrote: "We strongly believe the sentences are not commensurate
with the seriousness of the crimes committed. Darryl Cunnington suffered life-threatening injuries, including fractures to
the neck in three places, as a result of the attack carried out on him. "By allowing the two
men to walk free from court, this may be interpreted as giving a ‘green light’ for hunt supporters to commit serious
assaults against local residents, charity staff or any other individual who may observe or be in the vicinity of a hunt." Mr Cunnington and his colleague, Roger Swaine were working as investigators for the League Against Cruel Sports and
had been filming the activities of the Belvoir Hunt in Leicestershire in March 2016 when they were attacked by six men. George
Grant, 57, who is a terrierman for the hunt and Thomas, 25, his son admitted grievous bodily harm, actual bodily harm, the
theft of a camera and damage to an SD card. While Mr Grant senior did not physically attack Mr Cunnington himself, the court
heard that the attack was a "joint venture" between him and the other men, four of whom have never been identified. Mr Cunnington said: "They were
completely dressed in black. They had got black balaclavas on so you could only see their eyes, and as soon as they got out
of the vehicle they jumped on myself and Roger. Two or three approached me and basically kicked my walking pole out of my
hand. As I bent down to pick it up I got punched in the chest, punched in the face, and one of them grabbed me and pushed
me straight backwards off this 14ft drop." When the Grants appeared for sentencing last month,
Judge Jinder Singh Boora told them: "Both of you flipped. Neither of you are by nature violent men." But Sir Ranulph
said the evidence put before the court did not support that and he asked Mr Wright to consider overruling the judge's
sentence. He said he feared the reference offered by Lady McCorquodale - who is Diana's older sister - may have swayed
the judge when he was considering his sentence. She had written to the court explaining that Mr Grant senior would lose his
job and home if he was jailed. She also told Leicester Crown Court that he was "very hardworking, good at his job",
adding that she had "never seen him lose his temper like that". The Attorney General's
office has 28 days to consider whether the original sentence is appropriate. Also
covered by BBC News S. Herefordshire FH fox cubs case adjourned to August19-6-18 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team The South Herefordshire Hunt fox cubs case has now been adjourned until August. No pleas were entered by
the five accused. We await justice for the cubs. HIT. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/localnews/8224198-bartestree/10. POWAperson adds - Julie Elmore (55) and Nathan Parry, a hunt terrier man, (39) from Abergavenny - each face four counts of killing
fox cubs. Paul Oliver (39), Huntsman of the S. Herefordshire FH at the time of the alleged offences and Hannah Rose (30) from
Spalding - each face four counts of animal cruelty. Paul Reece (47) from Chepstow - faces two counts of causing unnecessary
suffering. The five spoke only to confirm their names, ages and addresses.
Leics police commissioner 'will not tolerate breaking
of law' by hunters19-6-18 Leicester Mercury Leicestershire Police commissioner proud of investigation into fox hunt supporters
who attacked animal welfare monitors 'We will not tolerate any breaking of the law in
relation to hunting' says Lord Willy Bach Leicestershire’s police and crime commissioner is "proud" of
the force’s handling of a case which saw two fox hunting supporters handed suspended prison sentences for attacking
animal welfare monitors. Lord (Willy) Bach [right] spoke after
father and son George and Thomas Grant, both supporters of the Belvoir Hunt, admitted attacking two League Against Cruel Sports monitors – leaving one of the victims with
a broken neck. George Grant, 57, was employed as
the hunt’s ‘terrier man’ when he and his 25-year-old son launched the attack in March 2016. Darryl Cunnington,
a hunt monitoring investigator for the League Against Cruel Sports and a former police officer, suffered a broken neck after
being punched, kicked and pushed down a 14ft slope. His colleague Roger Swain was also injured and had his video recorder
stolen. Mr Cunnington and Mr Swain were monitoring the Belvoir Hunt at the time – although there was no suggestion that
the Hunt was acting unlawfully on that day. The Grants, who live in Belvoir,
where the Hunt is based, had pleaded guilty to charges of causing grievous bodily harm, theft, criminal damage to property
and assault causing actual bodily harm during an earlier trial. They appeared at Leicester Crown Court last week and were
each given 13-month jail sentences, suspended for two years. They were also ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work
and to pay each pay £500 compensation to their victim. POWAperson comments - Lord
Bach then needs to get a firm grip on those parts of Leicestershire police who appear to show blatant favouritism to Hunts,
especially the Atherstone FH. LACS
issues reminder of cruelty of the roe deer Hunts 18-6-18 LACS website No happy ending for Bambi Roe deer are small, solitary
animals that live in British woodland. The British Deer Society describe them as dainty creatures with large black eyes, which
make dog-like barking noises when startled or alarmed. Roe deer are the species of deer that Felix Salten wrote about in his
1920s novel Bambi, later made into a Disney film, in which the eponymous hero loses his mother to hunters. Most of us would
delight in them. Yet despite the ban on hunting being introduced 14 years ago, they are still being chased and killed by men
on horseback with packs of baying hounds. Driven to extinction
in England and Wales by hunting, roe deer were reintroduced in the 19th Century. Since World War I they have been hunted again.
Unlike larger breeds such as red deer whose mature stags can weigh nearly 200 kg and possess mighty antlers, roe deer do not
have the size or power to hold the hounds at bay. When tired from the chase, many lie down in cover, only to be found and
torn apart by the hounds, rather than being finished off by a huntsman with a shotgun. Hunting takes place between August and May every
year. Mature males, known as bucks, are targeted from August through October, before the females, known as does, possibly
pregnant and caring for their young, are chased and killed throughout winter. The hunting season continues into spring, when
the hunt switches to young bucks. The hunt itself takes place in the woodland that is home to roe deer, rather than the open
ground favoured by the larger red deer, with the roe deer invariably chased round and round in circles before the kill. It’s
the territory the roe deer know. It’s the territory, tragically, where the roe deer die. They are also a species whose young emit a high-pitched whistle when
they lose contact with their mother, according to experts. Tragically there is no happy ending if the mother doe is killed
by the hunt today. This isn’t Bambi. This isn’t a novel or a film. The youngster dies too. This is happening.
It’s happening here, and it’s happening now. The hunting is now confined to Devon and Somerset, although the League occasionally gets reports from around the
country of fox hunts killing roe deer. It’s not as well-known as the hunting of red deer, Britain’s largest mammal,
which also takes place in the west country. Three large, well-supported and financed hunts, chase and kill red
deer. One of these, the Devon and Somerset Staghounds, exploits loopholes in the UK’s hunting law – the Research
and Observation loophole – which many have caustically compared to the excuses used by the Japanese whaling fleet. The
other two hunts – the Quantock Staghounds and Tiverton Staghounds – just hunt. Legally or illegally, they don’t
seem to care. Killing is their passion. The two surviving
roe deer hunts are the Exe Valley Buckhounds and the Cheldon Buckhounds, throwbacks to an earlier age. The two hunts are secretive,
with shadowy, operating practices. They are not much loved. They lack the big crowds which follow the red deer hunts, though
in May, when the red deer hunts have stopped, they attract a few of the latter’s more ardent and barbaric supporters
desperate for more blood. They generally meet in pubs and the alcohol fuels the violence they display towards the deer. The Cheldon Buckhounds
are also known for their violence towards people monitoring their activity and masked followers recently broke the skull of
an individual from a hunt saboteur group [above left]. The roe deer hunts are
even shunned by the red deer hunts. Following a particularly unpleasant incident in the 1990s, the Master of Deer Hounds Association
turned their back on them. Paul Tillsey, the League’s Head of Conservation and Education, recently photographed the Exe Valley Buckhounds
meeting next to St John’s Wood, a piece of land in Somerset, purchased by Sir Paul McCartney in the 1990s for the League
Against Cruel Sports, to provide a sanctuary for deer. He has also had the misfortune
to witness the same hunt kill a roe deer before the hunting ban was introduced and has also seen the hunt chasing a roe deer
recently. He saw their hounds chase a deer along a stream under the A396, witnessing the terrified animal trying to escape
as it moved from one patch of woodland into another. This time he didn’t know the fate of the poor creature. Kevin Hill worked for the League back in the 1990s and filmed the Cheldon Buckhounds as a hunt member dragged a distressed roe deer off the fence of a League Sanctuary, sat on it for many minutes [right] before
bundling it in to a Land Rover that had subsequently arrived, before it was undoubtedly killed. Kevin then went undercover
and followed the deer hunts, posing as a supporter and uncovering the brutal and bloodthirsty practices taking place before
the hunting ban. Kevin spoke passionately about his memories of witnessing a roe deer
being hunted, saying: “There is no defence for subjecting a roe deer to the suffering it sustains during a hunt. This
small beautiful deer does not have the strength for long runs and will be chased to complete exhaustion until it is unable
to move. I have witnessed a roe deer at the end of a hunt – the scene of a hunter restraining the deer will be with
me forever.” The horrible truth
is that hunting is still taking place today. We know, thanks to a blatant admission in the Horse and Hounds magazine, that
hundreds of red deer are being slaughtered by the Devon and Somerset Staghounds every year. We know too that roe deer are
also being targeted. We don’t know yet how many are being killed. We do know it needs to be stopped. And quickly. We’re calling on the Hunting Act to be strengthened and for any loopholes in it to be closed.
We’re calling for effective deterrents such as custodial sentences to be brought in. We’re calling for an end
to the slaughter. The cruelty. The sheer, bestial savagery that is still taking place. C’mon everyone. Let’s all
stand up for Bambi. PETITION - If you want to see an end to the killing
of animals by hunts in the UK, please sign the League’s petition, stop the killing of animals by hunts in the UK, here. Sab group claims regional police op aims to facilitate illegal hunting 16-6-18 Facebook – W.Mids Hunt Sabs Operation Blackthorn Leicestershire Police are targeting West Midlands Hunt Sabs again. As you may remember one member has just won a case where the
Atherstone Hunt supported by Leicestershire police tried to get a restraining order to effectively stop an individual being
near key hunt members. Leicestershire Police’s hunting unit named Operation Blackthorn are continuing to targetour group.
This is due to the success of the Atherstone Hunt Campaign which has left the hunt financially crippled and is only continuing
due to the Master of Fox Hounds Association propping them up. The many high profile stories/videos that have followed has
shaken the hunting community to the core. The police are trying to bully us, label us as difficult so they can try and justify
their actions. The police want our group stopped. We will not be bullied or silenced by corrupt officers and their many friends
in the hunting field and the Crown Prosecution Service. So we are starting a campaign to expose Operation Blackthorn and to highlight
exactly what treatment this group has suffered at the hands of Leicestershire police in their attempt to protect their hunting
friends. Please consider donating to help us to continue campaigning: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. W.Mids Sabs website article re. Operation Blackthorn is here. Ex LACS Department Head sues League for
unfair dismissalClaims
sacked because objected to LACS pension scheme investments Rests his case on 'discrimination' because of his ethical
vegan beliefs 16-6-18 Observer League Against Cruel Sports in legal battle with vegan ‘whistleblower’ Charity denies claim that employee was sacked for sharing
details of its pension fund investments A leading animal welfare charity is locked in an acrimonious legal dispute with a
former employee who claims he was dismissed for telling colleagues that its pension fund invested in companies that have been
involved in animal testing. The ex-employee, a vegan, describes himself as a whistle-blower whose case will be the first to
decide whether his beliefs should be protected under the Equality Act. But the League Against Cruel Sports, which was instrumental
in securing the fox-hunting ban, has rejected Jordi Casamitjana’s claims that he was dismissed for the reasons he has
given and has pledged to defend itself. Casamitjana [below left, Credit IFAW], who is crowdfunding to raise
money for his legal action, has instructed the leading law firm Bindmans to fight his case which will draw attention to the
practice of “ethical veganism”. Unlike “health vegans” who choose not to eat meat, fish and dairy for their own personal wellbeing,
ethical vegans consider the broader impact of how they spend their money on animal welfare. On his crowdfunding website, Casamitjana says that this belief has “informed
my daily existence, including my career and employment”. It was only after checking the small print on the League’s
pension, he says, that he discovered it was apparently “investing in companies, including pharmaceutical and tobacco
companies, who are known to engage in animal testing”. He had previously worked for the league from 2004 to 2007 and is understood to have
had no problems with its pension fund investments then. But the fund changed its investment strategy three years ago. On the
website Casamitjana, who returned to the league in 2016 as head of policy and research, said: “When I wrote to my
colleagues to tell them that their pension was being invested in non-ethical funds, and that there were alternatives to the
single alternative that the company was suggesting, I was sacked. I was given no appeal hearing.” Casamitjana was dismissed
in April. The League explained
to the Observer that, until 2015, its staff were automatically enrolled into an “ethical” pension fund, but the
Financial Conduct Authority, the body responsible for pensions, changed the regulations and the fund became ineligible. We
followed financial advice and changed our pension, while still offering the chance for individuals to change their own fund
to an ethical fund,” said Andrew Knott, the league’s interim chief executive. “Mr Casamitjana was not dismissed
because he raised concerns about the pension, either internally or externally, so there is no substance to his claims that
he was ‘whistleblowing’. All staff were informed about the situation and the processes in place to enable them
to make their own choices. The reason for his dismissal is different from that which he states but clearly this is confidential
information which we are respecting.” The case comes at a difficult
time for the League. Its chief executive has stood down for health reasons and its chair is due to depart soon. Given the
nature of our work, the League is often the subject of attacks from all sorts of quarters,” Knott said. “As a
charity, we hold the views of our colleagues and supporters dear. While our main focus is on preventing cruel animal sports,
we of course have many vegans in our workplace. We share vegan practices across our wider staff and when meeting with supporters,
many of whom are not vegan. We reject any suggestions otherwise.” When approached for comment, Casamitjana said: “Regrettably, I have been forced into a position where I am
required to litigate to protect my rights as an employee and an ethical vegan. However I have no desire to cause any unnecessary
difficulty for the charity or the wider animal protection movement. As a result, I will not be making a public statement at
this time, save for the statement I have had to make in order to crowdfund my legal fees.” LACS statement of their staff pensions investment and Jordi's case is here. Sabs assaulted & radio stolen at Culmstock MH Hunt blockaded in kennels then tailed by sabs Eventually gave up and
returned to kennels 16-6-18 Facebook – S.Wales Hunt Sabs Culmstock Mink Hounds – 16.06.18 Together with Bristol Hunt Saboteurs and Bath Hunt Saboteurs
we joined up with Devon County Hunt Saboteurs to pay a second visit to the Culmstock. We set up early and watched the Huntsman arrive at the kennels in
Dulford near Cullompton, with hound trailer in tow, obviously thinking he was in for a day's hunting. Once he was safely
inside the kennels we moved in to prevent him leaving with the hounds. The terrier thugs arrived and tried to bully and threaten us but ended
up sulking and skulking. Next they tried calling in their mates, but no-one seemed interested. Eventually, after 3 hours or
more, the police arrived – 5 vehicles and blue lights(!) - helping the hunt to leave with a small number of hounds.
We were prepared for this, covering all exits and ready to pursue. We kept tabs on them along A roads, the motorway and country
lanes – for an hour or so before the hound trailer returned to the kennels. There was a markedly different police response when two sabs, who were waiting for
a pick up, were assaulted by passing hunt supporters who then stole the sab radio. Funnily enough Devon and Cornwall police
couldn't find the perpetrators vehicle, despite having the registration number. Whilst all this was going on a separate South Wales sab team
was sett mapping in one of the new cull zones. You can help keep us in the fields for the price of a coffee @ http://ko-fi.com/swhuntsabs. Thank you. 17-6-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER ROBBERY ON OUR SABS
Yesterday we paid another visit to the Culmstock Otter Hunt, together with sabs from Bristol Hunt Saboteurs, Bath Hunt Saboteurs
and South Wales Hunt Saboteurs. We turned up at their kennels just after Huntsman Mickey Hibberd arrived with the trailer
to load up the hounds. To our surprise, Mickey donned a balaclava for the occasion. We're not sure why, seeing as he didn't
bother to cover his face last time and had made a point of calling sabs cowards for covering their faces. "You only cover
your face if you have something to hide", he said on that occasion. Hmm... Our presence delayed the hunt from leaving the kennels until the afternoon as they made frantic phone calls to all their 'loyal
supporters' to lend them a hand. Just three of the usual suspects obliged: Modbury Harriers terrier boy Mark Warnett,
Dart Vale & South Pool Harriers terrier boy George Bailey and the ever-amusing Marie Walters, who stopped off for a burger
at Mole Valley Farmers on her way to the kennels.
They pushed and shoved, made threats about knowing where
we all live and told us how they were looking forward to killing lots of animals. Mark Warnett: "I kill animals all the
time. I just like watching my dogs do it". Eventually they decided to call the police as they weren't getting their
way. 5 police vehicles turned up from Cullompton and Honiton to escort the Hunt out of the kennels and block our vehicles. Sab vehicles went off in different
directions to catch up with the hounds. Not long after, we received a call to say that two of our sabs who were waiting to
be picked up on the main road had just been violently attacked by a few latecomer thugs driving a black Mitsubishi. The two
thugs were wearing full balaclavas and got out of their vehicle to punch one of our sabs in the face, injuring his jaw. As
he was knocked back, they stole the radio from his hand. They got back in their vehicle just as a police car drove past and
our sabs flagged them down. Police went in pursuit and managed to confirm the thugs' number-plate but were unable to stop
the vehicle. Fortunately, we have footage of the incident and police are investigating. This is the true ugly face of the Culmstock Hunt. When they're unable to get their kicks by killing animals,
they go after humans instead. Unlucky for them, they are the only mink hunt in our neck of the woods, so if they wanted our
attention, they've certainly got it now. See you again soon! To join us or find out how you can
help, contact us via Facebook or email to devoncountysabs@riseup.net. If you are in a position to help us replace the stolen radio,
you can do so via https://www.paypal.me/dchs. POWAperson adds - A photo [above
left] with this report shows what appears to be a large dead hare being dangled in front of a sab by,
presumably, a hunt follower. I don't know how or when this hare was killed nor why it's not mentioned in the report. Belvoir FH two get suspended sentences for severe attacks
on LACS monitors Also
ordered to do 200 hours work, pay £500 each to one of monitors Princess Di's sister, Belvoir JM, gave character reference for older defendant 14-6-18 LACS Press Release Fox hunt supporters given suspended prison sentences for brutal attack on League
investigators Two men received suspended prison sentences today at Leicester Crown Court for seriously
assaulting two League Against Cruel Sports professional investigators who were attacked whilst monitoring a fox hunt on behalf
of the animal welfare charity. One of the investigators, former policeman Darryl Cunnington, had his neck broken in three
places during the assault, which took place as they monitored the activities of the Belvoir Hunt. Lady Sarah McCorquodale [below right], older sister of Lady Diana, Princess
of Wales, joint master of the Belvoir Hunt and former High Sheriff of Lincolnshire, gave a character reference in court for
George Grant, one of the men being sentenced. George Grant, the Belvoir Hunt terrier
man [below left], and his son Thomas Grant [right, below
father] – both of whom pleaded guilty to charges of grievous bodily harm on investigator Darryl Cunnington [above,
at scene], actual bodily harm on investigator Roger Swaine [below, at scene],theft
of a video camera and criminal damage of a memory card – received the following sentences:- For the charges of grievous
bodily harm to Darryl Cunnington, both received 18 months imprisonment with 25 per cent discount making 13 months and two
weeks suspended for two years. Additionally, over the next 12 months they have to undertake 200 hours of unpaid work and to
pay a victims surcharge. For the charges of Actual Bodily Harm to Roger Swaine and theft of camera and damage to a SD card,
a three months custodial sentence to run concurrently, suspended for two years for both of them. Both have to pay £500
compensation to Darryl Cunnington to be paid in full within 28 days. The attack took place on March 12, 2016 close to the village
of Stathern in Leicestershire and involved the two convicted men and four unidentified masked men who punched and then pushed
the investigators off a 14-foot ridge before escaping with one of the investigator’s cameras. Martin Sims, League Against Cruel
Sports Director of Investigations, and former Head of the Police’s British National Wildlife Crime Unit, said:- “The people who are employed by or support Hunts often act like gangsters
and this case illustrates what a dark and menacing blight they are on the countryside. The Hunts are a barbaric throwback
to crueller times and should have no place in a modern, compassionate society. The Hunts have been conning the British public
about their bloodthirsty hunting with hounds ever since the ban was introduced and they are clearly prepared to resort to
desperate measures to maintain that deception. The fact that both guilty men made ‘no comment’ throughout this
investigation shows their lack of courage when confronted with the part they played in this brutal and unprovoked attack on
our professional investigators. Why didn’t the Hunt come forward with the names of the people who escaped prosecution
when in court today it was stated that those individuals had been given the role of shadowing the investigators?” Four other individuals were involved in this attack on Daryl and Roger and the League will consider a reward for
any information that leads to their conviction.” Darryl Cunnington, League Against Cruel Sports Head of Field Operations, said:- “l am very lucky that the assault has left me with no long-term serious injuries. After falling fourteen
feet, finding myself unable to move, I feared I was paralysed. The offenders refused to cooperate with the police and showed
no remorse or concern. They must both think they are very fortunate not to have gone to prison today.” Roger Swain, League Against Cruel
Investigators Field Operator who was also assaulted, said:- “The
Investigations team have a policy of non-interference and we are there purely to record any hunting or other cruelty offences.
We were filming the Belvoir Hunt from a public bridleway from a distance of 1km. This violent response by an employee of the
Hunt and five others was unprovoked and a complete overreaction.” The East Midland BBC Inside Out programme filmed with the investigators
during the 2016 fox hunting season and took footage of the aftermath of the assault and shared it on their Facebook account here and here. The case comes 14 years after fox hunting was banned in England and
Wales with the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004 which came into force in 2005. Professional investigators from the League
Against Cruel Sports monitor hunts across the UK to obtain evidence that they are still illegally chasing and killing foxes,
hares and deer. In traditional fox hunting a Hunt would employ one or more terrier men. Their role was to stop up fox earths and badger setts before a hunt to prevent foxes from taking refuge below ground and to ‘deal’ with
foxes that had managed to go to ground during the day’s hunting. Martin Sims added:- “This case highlights the sheer thuggery
and lawlessness of fox hunts and their blatant disregard for the laws of this country. Despite being banned in 2004, hunting
is still widespread and endemic across the British countryside hence why we employ professional investigators to monitor their
activities and bring them to justice. The presence of terrier men exposes the lies of the Hunts and shows they are clearly
targeting foxes.” Andrew Knot, Interim
CEO of the League Against Cruel Sports, said:- “We are proud of Darryl Cunnington and Roger Swaine – their courage
and integrity stands head and shoulders above the people that attacked them.” Petition - The League is encouraging members of
the public to sign their petition titled ‘stop the killing of animals by Hunts in the UK’. http://www.league.org.uk/huntingkills.15-6-18 15-6-18 The Canary Two men receive ‘farcically lenient sentences’
after breaking the neck of an investigator Two men with the Belvoir Hunt have
been sentenced for attacking two anti-foxhunting investigators. But their penalty has provoked outrage for being “farcically
lenient”. Darryl Cunnington and Roger Swaine, two investigators for animal welfare charity League Against Cruel Sports (The
League), were monitoring the Belvoir Hunt on 12 March 2016. But they were approached and attacked by father and son George
and Thomas Grant. George Grant is the Belvoir Hunt’s terrier man. The pair were involved in punching Swaine before pushing
Cunnington from a 14-foot drop, breaking his neck in three places. And the pair also stole an investigator’s camera.
Four other people were allegedly involved. Cunnington says he and Swaine were at least half a mile from the Belvoir Hunt.
And according to BBC News, George Grant told his son to: 'Go and get the boys and come back'... Speaking to The Canary, The League said:- 'Two men who broke a charity
worker’s neck have received a suspended sentence. Many people will be questioning whether that’s an appropriate
sentence. To say that we are disappointed would be an understatement.' The animal welfare charity has no plans to appeal. But it is seeking information
on the four other individuals involved with the assault. The Hunt Saboteurs Association called the sentencing “farcically
lenient”. It’s
not the first time bad behaviour by the Belvoir Hunt has reached the public. In March 2018, gamekeeper Nigel Smith was found
guilty of holding a fox captive. On the same day the Belvoir Hunt was meeting nearby, investigators from The League filmed
him retrieving the fox. Cunnington headed up the operation to expose Smith’s actions. In February 2018, police began investigating the Belvoir
Hunt after it allegedly killed a fox in Melton Country Park. Melton town council said horse riding and hunting in its parks
are prohibited by local bye-laws. And in March 2016, police officer Sharon Roscoe quit her wildlife officer role after being
exposed as riding with the Belvoir Hunt. See also BBC News, Leicester Mercury and Melton Times Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman appeals
against illegal hunting conviction 14-6-18 Morethanjustbadgers.net You think it’s all over . . . At least I did,
but apparently not. I thought I'd written my last piece on the Fitzwilliam case as I explained here. However I have been
informed by the court witness liaison that George Adams [below left] is going to appeal his
conviction. This immediately bought into question the issue of the time limit for any appeal. As already stated in my blog
post previously this is 21 days and those 21 days have long since past. I have asked the witness liaison to question this
and he will be getting back to me in due course. Further examination of this rule was clearly required and indeed there is
an option to apply to a Crown Court for permission to appeal. At the time of writing I can't be sure that the appeal wasn't submitted within the 21 day limit and it has just taken
this long to filter back to me however even by British Judiciary standards this would seem to be excessively slow. If indeed
it was submitted after the date and permission for an appeal needs to be sought then I would imagine they would have to cite
some fairly important reasons to justify this and there is still possibility this will be thrown out before any trial hearing.
So what does this mean? Well, assuming it goes ahead then the case will be reheard
in a Crown Court. This is a hugely risky strategy for the so called Countryside Alliance. Bearing in mind the original case
was heard by a District Judge and not a normal Magistrate (which would normally be the case) the original decision may have
more bearing. Also should the decision once
again go against them the verdict will be written into case law, all Hunts which use the Bird of Prey Exemption will have
to use another method to circumnavigate the law as that one will have been proven in a Crown Court to be illegal. One wonders
why the CA would put that at risk? Are they really that desperate to clear a retired huntsman's name? Is it in fact the
hunt which are pushing this to clear themselves of having a conviction next to the name? I've no doubt there will be a
team of expensive lawyers in an office somewhere pawing over the law books looking for a chink of light with which they think
they can overturn the original conviction. Both the CA and the Fitzwilliam certainly have the necessary resources to alloy
this. The only real concern
is a more sympathetic judge for the defence. It wouldn't be the first time a less than impartial member of the judiciary
has ruled in a Hunting Act case and I doubt it will be the last. We can only hope that if it does go to court once again we
get the same outcome with an impartial judge and we strengthen our case on this particular part of the Hunting Act. One has
to wonder what their angle of attack will be considering the complete failure of the previous defence. I guess we'll wait
and see. UPDATE: After a further conversation with the court liaison it would appear that the appeal was
submitted just within the time limit. Apparently there was some sort of delay between the submission to the Magistrates Court
for the appeal and that transferring to the Crown. Well, I'm going back to court . . .
Convicted Belvoir FH hunt thugs to be sentenced tomorrow 13-6-18 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs George Grant and Thomas Grant, terriermen from The Belvoir Hunt, are due to
appear at Leicester Crown Court tomorrow to be sentenced after pleading guilty to GBH, ABH and theft after breaking the neck
of a League Against Cruel Sports investigator. Nat. Trust are advertising for a 'Trail
Hunt Manager'13-6-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust The National Trust are now advertising for a 'National Trail Hunting Manager', to oversee the monitoring
of hunts that are licensed to use National Trust land. The Hunts that use Trust land, however, have been regularly monitored
already, and found to be pursuing foxes regularly... See footage of the Warwickshire
Hunt from West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, for example -> bit.ly/2ESCsdI. . Some of this footage was publicised before the
Warwickshire Hunt received a licence for the 2017-18 season, but it was not taken into consideration. We look forward to hearing how the National Trust will ensure that the successful
applicant has no connections to any fox hunt, stag hunt or hare hunt, licensed or otherwise, or any organisation that lobbies
on behalf of bloodsports, given that Countryside Alliance Hunting are already encouraging their followers to apply in public
(bit.ly/2JVsnP7). We also hope that whoever takes up this role takes
seriously the constant stream of documented wildlife crime & hunt trespass (bit.ly/2hpoRwq) from Hunts that the Trust
licences, something that has not happened at all to this date, and look forward to meeting the successful applicant. For information, see the report from Jordi Casamitjana/International
Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW that demonstrated 'trail hunting' to be a false alibi and nothing more -> bit.ly/2Eh8Y8m. Hounds Off's response to this advert can be seen here -> bit.ly/2HLd8mD. Our position is unchanged;
we continue to call for a complete ban of so-called 'trail hunts' and ask that people sign Keeptheban's petition
to this end -> bit.ly/2hjaB7Q. 3
Middleton FH riders in court charged with attacks on sabs 12-6-18 Facebook – N.Yorks Anti Fox Hunting Group - Tommy Woodward 3 riders from the Middleton Hunt were in court in Scarborourgh yesterday to face charges of affray and
assault as a result of attacking peaceful hunt sabs last year. They will next appear in York Crown Court on 9th July along
with a fourth defendant. 13-6-18 Gazette & Herald 3 men deny affray charges at Scarborough Magistrates'
Court TWO Ryedale men and a man from East Yorkshire have appeared in court charged with affray. Richard Robertson Tierney, 30, of Cross Lane in Snainton, Robert Howard Robertson Tierney, 56, also of Cross Lane
in Snainton, and Roger Marley, 50, of Church Lane in Langtoft, East Yorkshire, all appeared at Scarborough Magistrates’
Court on Monday. Richard Tierney appeared in jeans and a t-shirt, the other two men wore brown blazers. In a hearing lasting about ten minutes, the men were all charged with affray - using or threatening violence towards
other people - relating to an incident in Thixendale in March last year, while they were riding out with the Middleton Hunt.
Marley was also charged with assault causing actual bodily harm. All three men pleaded not guilty to the
charges of affray and Marley also pleaded not guilty to the charge of assault. District judge Adrian Lower said the case will
be referred to York Crown Court on Monday, July 9. All three men received unconditional bail. Cases against 2 female sabs are thrown out of court Sabs say they often attacked by Oakley FH thugs One charge ruled
'no case' the other 'self-defence' Sabs to
make several complaints against hunters 11-6-18 Facebook- Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs OFFICIAL STATEMENT We can finally announce that after
well over a year of court appearances two of our female sabs were acquitted on appeal at Luton Crown Court. After viewing the video evidence which clearly showed the sabs being attacked by a group of Hunt Stewards representing
the Oakley Hunt, the Crown Court judge ruled one case of "no case to answer" and a second of legitimate "self
defence". We are now in the process of putting several complaints to police from all the sabs who were assaulted, abused
and violently robbed of camera equipment on the day in question and will be furthering discussions with Bedfordshire Police
on how a more balanced approach toward the policing of hunts in the county can be achieved. We will not tolerate the sustained physical abuse from this particular group of Hunt Stewards who
assault us during hunts, threaten us with their vehicles, harass us at our homes and in our work places. We find it particularly
upsetting that female sabs are regularly singled out and assaulted by large male hunt stewards and such a complaint was not
taken seriously by the police on the day in question. It is our opinion that the primary aim of Hunt Stewards is to protect Hunts who’s intention is to carrying
out illegal hunting, we will continue to pressurise the police into taking action against flagrant illegal hunting. We will
also continue to demand the police make efforts to become more aware of the issues around hunting and always treat both sides
fairly and equally when called upon to attend hunt meets. Sabs
prevent Northants MH hunting on notorious Estate 10-6-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs The Northants Mink (Otter) Hounds don't seem to accept their days are numbered. A rather pathetic attempt
by a very small number of hunters to abuse wildlife on the Tyringham Estate today, proving once again that the owners not
only support the Oakley Hunt in the winter but also this horrible collection of individuals. Tyringham is on the main river
Great Ouse, a known Otter stronghold as well as a whole host of other river species. But once again we
caught them out along with sabs from North Cambs and Northants Hunt Saboteurs. As usual once sabs were spotted they high tailed
it back to the meet in utter disgrace. Another job done
and more wildlife saved and a delicate habitat spared. We believe the NHMK will soon cease to exist in the very near future,
we'll always find them and they have no support, not a good mix for a Hunt's survival, but we shan't shed any
tears. Help us keep the pressure on, every
donation goes towards saving lives and making change for the better. We rely on your generosity. https://ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs. Berwickshire FH pull out of Haddington Show after social media storm 8-6-18 Scottish Sun FOX OFF Scotland’s oldest fox hunting group forced to cancel appearance
at East Lothian country fair after being deluged with ‘threats’ The Berwickshire
Hunt were due to appear at Haddington Show but some voiced their displeasure SCOTLAND’S oldest fox hunt have pulled
out of an agricultural show after a backlash and “threats” on social media. The Berwickshire Hunt were set to
attend the Haddington Show in East Fortune, East Lothian, on June 30 but have now withdrawn. When
the Hunt’s presence at the Haddington Show was announced, the show’s Facebook page was flooded with complaints
from furious locals. And now, the hunt, which dates back to 1740, claim that due to “threats” on social media
they will not be attending the agricultural show. Some social media users celebrated the news, while others said they were
“embarrassed” that the Hunt could not attend a country show – as it is part of country living. Fox hunting with dogs has been banned in the UK since 2004, however
Hunts have been known to use loopholes in the law – i.e. using dogs to “flush” out the fox so it can be
caught by birds of prey. Pic above - Berwickshire FH Terrierman has just snatched corpse of illegally killed fox back from anti 18-11-17 Simon Winpenny,
the Hunt’s secretary said: “It’s the usual kind of threats, from animal rights activists and hunt saboteurs.
“It’s not just on Facebook, but different parts of social media, so we had to make the difficult decision to pull
out of the show. We don’t want to put anyone at risk in a public space, these sort of people come out and case trouble
when it’s just us. It’s something we have to deal with when we are out on our own, and it’s on us to make
the decision. We just don’t know what’s going to happen. It was the first time we were set to go to the Haddington
Show, as far as I’m aware. It’s difficult for us because although there were people who didn’t want to see
us, there were people that did.” The saga kicked off on May 24th when the Haddington Show took to Facebook to announce the Hunt’s attendance
at the show – which has been running since 1804. They added the caption: “We are delighted that Berwickshire Hunt
will be joining us at Haddington Show with a parade of hounds. Come and see them and their smart red coats in the main ring
on show day.” The show removed the post after it was flooded with messages from furious locals threatening a boycott. And now locals
seem pleased that the Hunt has pulled out. Kerry Kirk said: “Good. Bunch of sick b******s. Not so brave when it’s
them that’s under threat.” Gill Mcgrath added: “They should never have been invited in the first place.”
Isabél Combe wrote: “Never have I seen any posts of threats. Only people saying they would not be going. I think
the fact that so many said they would not go was going to have a huge impact on the financial side. Great decision.”
Karen Forbes commented: “Threats my backside. I’m thinking as soon as it became apparent that this was going to
affect revenue the Haddington Show cancelled on them. What on earth were they thinking? Absolutely appalling to be promoting
bloodsports even indirectly, in this day and age.” Also reported in the Times Wildlife Witness launch campaign to keep Hunts off roads 4-6-18 Facebook - Wildlife Witness We will shortly be meeting with Dorset Police to demand action against the Hunts in the
county that on a regular basis cross busy roads and endanger road-users. Many traffic laws specifically include exemptions
for "working animals" however trail-hunts no longer fall in to this category. Trail-hunting is a recreational activity, much like cycling and cross country running, and they should be policed
in the same manner. If a local cycling club created this level of disruption on the roads or rode through private gardens,
week after week then something would be done about it. If, as they
claim, hunts are following a trail laid by them then there is no need to go anywhere near major roads and we will be pushing
Dorset Police to take action to move Hunts away from busy roads next season.  Did ex Beds police senior officer/hunter assist Hunt against sabs? And did he also ensure Oakley FH not charged with illegal hunting? 4-6-18 Morethanjustbadgers.net This Explains a Lot I’ve
had this blog post written for some time but due to an ongoing legal case I’ve held back it’s publication. That
case has now been concluded (successfully) so it’s time for this to be in the public domain and may go some way to explain
a few things when it comes to the policing of hunts. I have long suspected that there was a high ranking police officer within our local Hunt – The Oakley FH. In
the past their supporters would often brag about it and claim it was down to this person that no action was ever
taken against the Hunt. You may remember I’ve blogged about this several times in the past and thought I was getting
closer to revealing who this was. Each time my lines of inquiry came up short, sometimes I was well wide of the mark but that
was largely due to information I was supplied which turned out to be inaccurate. My suspicions initially arose when multiple police units would attend the hunt,
as well as air support which would stay on scene for a significant amount of time and at significant expense to the tax payer,
so it was easy to assume that only someone with some serious clout could authorise these kind of resources to be deployed
and potentially leave other parts of the county dangerously low in policing. I had never really given up trying
to identify the person behind this, although due to one thing and another it had be pushed to the back burner and we seemed
to be making progress in our dealings with Bedfordshire Police. A Breakthrough - The Oakley’s opening meet of the season is always traditionally held at a venue called the Dower House
in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire [above right]. The location is in the same village
as the Oakley Kennels and in the heart of their country and support. This location has recently opened its doors as a business
for hosting weddings.
Now, I seem to remember someone mentioning the owner as being a “Jason”
and as this was now a registered business I popped over to Companies house and did a search to see who indeed owned the business.
Sure enough a Jason Gordon was listed as a Director, along with a female who I assumed was his wife, Alexandra Gordon. Now the logical next
step was to do a quick Google search for Jason Gordon to see what popped up. Needless to say I think I’d found my man.
So things were getting interesting now. We have a very senior police officer (Detective Chief Inspector - pic left)
with connections to a Hunt. Was he still a serving officer? A search for a Linked In profile produced this:- It would seem he left the police around March
2015 and then took up the role of an Inspector with the HMIC. For those that don’t know the HMIC is the independent
body which;- “Independently assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of police forces and fire & rescue services
– in the public interest.” So, in essence, he works for the service that polices
the police and was definitely an acting officer when the incidents of the multiple attending units took place. His role at
that time was head of the Serious Crime Office for the tri-force area, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire. This
guy had some serious clout and ironically also worked for the professional standards department! Now bells were ringing loudly in my head, this guy looked very familiar and I recollected
a couple of incidents from the past where we were treated exceptionally badly by the police present on the day. He was present at
least one of these but referred to himself ‘Jim’ [right, at kennels, Mar '17]. Jason
Gordon was known to his friends as Jim. So not only was Jim hosting the hunt as his house but it would seem he was a regular
rider and someone of some influence not only with the police but also within the hunt. Further investigation revealed he was
also listed as a master of the Oakley, from 1996-98 and again between 2004-06 which was incidentally the transition period
when the ban on hunting with hounds came it. If you look at the full photo right [on
FB page] you’ll notice the police vehicle in the background parked in the Oakley kennels. Had Jim been speaking
to the officers present and using his previous position to influence they way they behaved? A couple of seasons ago a previous
Master of the Oakley, Guy Napier was less an than impressed with the violent behaviour of the thugs that followed the Oakley
and did their dirty work. This included assaulting monitors/sabs, theft of their equipment and preventing them from accessing
public rights of way. However Mr Napier was clear he didn’t want the Hunt to be associated with these people and in
his defence they were instructed not to attend further Oakley meets. Unfortunately Mr Napier left the Oakley the following
season and now the thugs have been welcomed back even though some now have multiple convictions for assault. I think it would be safe to assume that Mr Gordon (given his connections) would be well aware of the violent record
of these people and willingly accepts them and their behaviour provided they are of service to the hunt. Here [below] you
can see Jim (with a female) once again riding with the Oakley. In front of him, on the left hand image, is Kelvin Pestel,
hunt supporter and well known thug who is often present and likes to target female sabs in particular. Despite any protestations
to the contrary, Mr Gordon is no doubt linked to them and accepts their thuggish actions.  So the implications seem fairly clear. Have we had a previously high ranking police officer and member of professional
standards department bending the rules to suit his dirty little hobby and also wasting large sums of public money at the same
time? Was he still using this influence to his advantage with local policing and was he advising the Hunt on the best way
to carry on hunting while remaining free from prosecution? The Oakley openly hunt and make no pretence of laying a trail or
using any other exemptions. The image below right was taken during one of their hunts last season, a day when Jim was
once again riding with the Hunt. We have built a good working relationship recently with Bedfordshire police with meetings and open discussions regarding hunting and the policing of, and I don’t believe any of the officers we met with were aware
of this situation. If they were they certainly didn’t make it known to me. To say there was (and maybe still is) a conflict
of interest here is an understatement and while people like Jason “Jim” Gordon are riding with Hunts its easy
to see why so little action against them takes place. Although the HMIC is an independent body you may with to write to
them and ask a few questions. They can be contacted here. Should this man be part of an organisation whose role is described below? I don’t think so. “Her Majesty’s
Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) independently assesses the effectiveness and efficiency
of police forces and fire & rescue services – in the public interest. In preparing our reports, we ask the questions
that citizens would ask, and publish the answers in accessible form, using our expertise to interpret the evidence and make
recommendations for improvement. We provide authoritative information to allow the public to compare the performance of their
police force – and, in future, their fire & rescue service – against others. Our evidence is used to drive
improvements in the services they provide to the public.” Help keep us active by donating here: https://ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs Beagle pack exhibitor at Show tells visitor used for hare hunting 4-6-18 Western Daily Press –
Letter Surely hunting the hare is not OK? Although
we had a lovely day at the Royal Bath and West Show today, I was quite upset when we were walking to the woodland section
of the show we found a pen of beautiful beagles there, and when we stopped to look at them we were joined by one of the people
looking after them. We chatted away about the dogs, and were told they were used for hare hunting. While I am generally in favour of
fox hunting I find it difficult to understand the reason for hare hunting. Admittedly beagles are not lurchers or greyhounds
with their incredible speed, but surely hunting with any dog is, at the moment, banned. I'm afraid I wasn't very polite
and quite quickly walked away. We have lost about 80%of our brown hare
population over the years, and I cannot understand why anybody would want to destroy such a beautiful and protected animal. Hare
coursing is another matter, being carried out across the country in a secretive and vile way - but this person explained quite
openly to everyone looking at the dogs that hunting the hare was ok. Surely it isn't "OK" surely it is illegal.
Not only because hunting animals with dogs is illegal, but also hunting a protected species in itself is illegal. Perhaps
Roger Evans can help me. Sarah Allen, via email Sabs ruin Culmstock Mink Hounds' day 2-6-18 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Today a few of us headed to Devon to join local sabs in a visit to the Culmstock Hunt, a mink hunt who were meeting
at Collacott Barton near the village of Winkleigh. Arriving in
the area early, we were able to position ourselves perfectly so that when the hunt left the meet and started working along
Bullow Brook at 12.30 we were ready and waiting to intercept them. Initially the hunt staff and hounds tried to hot foot it
away from us, but were soon stood around trying to justify what they were doing before spending a considerable amount of time
scratching their heads deciding what to do next. So as not to lose face, their plan was to hunt
up the River Taw, and despite a prolonged tantrum from the terrierboy in an attempt to stop us following to observe their
‘legal activity’, they half-heartedly attempted to hunt for half an hour with us in tow. Turns out the terrierboy
was just pissed off that we had ‘ruined his day’ - validation if we ever needed it! After leaving their few bored foot followers behind, drawing a blank and with sabs ready to intervene if they picked
up on a scent, they pulled hounds away from the river and hung around chatting for a while longer, before boxing up at 3.30. The Huntsman then drove at ridiculous speed (with the hounds in the trailer behind) in a bid to lose us, but this
was to no avail as we caught sight of him racing down the track back to the meet. Foot sabs then went in unbeknown to the
hunt and hung about around the corner, listening in as they (you guessed it) stood around chatting for another hour before
making themselves scarce. All in all a successful day - we scuppered their planned day’s hunting and they spent more time trying to figure
out what to do than they did anything else - a result for wildlife in the area. A message to the mink hunts active this summer
- we can strike anywhere and at any time. Mink hunting is the
secretive Summer pass time for those who would usually be out hunting fox and hare. Most of the packs that hunt mink today
previously hunted otter (and we’ve heard that the Culmstock have recently been hunting stretches of river where otter
are known to inhabit), until a massive population decline and public outcry resulted in that practice becoming illegal in
the late 70s. They often use the argument that they are somehow supporting conservation efforts by controlling the population
of an ‘invasive species’, but in reality their actions cause great harm to the fragile habitats of river dwelling
creatures, such as otter and water vole. Put simply, yet more lies from the blood sports lobby to try and justify their outdated
and backwards actions. We rely on donations to
keep us in the field saving wildlife. For the price of a coffee you can help us to help them. https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE. Sabs upload film of Badsworth FH hunting fox,
rejected by police 2-6-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO In December last year, Sheffield Hunt Sabs along with West Yorkshire Sabs disrupted the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt at Stutton. At one point during the day, hounds were led into
what can only be described as a tip of a farmyard. Not the kind of place anyone would lay a trail, not even these idiots. When
the inevitable happened, sabs got over 30 minutes of footage on 3 different cameras. All the footage was handed into North
Yorkshire Police. N.Yorks Police Task Force, led by Jonathon Grainge, decided there was insufficient evidence to prove intentional
hunting because the footage didn't show the fox and hounds in the same clip - showing Jonathon Grainge's ignorance
of both hunting and the law. Strangely he doesn't show
the same lack of interest when working class people are chasing wildlife, evidence of which will follow. Here are some clips
from the footage that day. Just to add the fox did get away, but the ending would have been so much different without the
presence of sabs. Pic above right -
Fox fleeing from hounds Pic below - Hounds chasing fox  Dove Valley MH driver tries to damage sab cars as they stop meet 2-6-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit Report 2nd June 2018: Dove Valley Minkhounds, New Inn, Shardlow
Continuing our summer campaign against the secret shame of the countryside, minkhound packs, hunt sabs acted on a local tipoff
to find the Dove Valley Minkhounds at their meet at the New Inn in Shardlow, Derbyshire. The
pack of hunting hounds had not even been unloaded out of their trailer, when several vehicles full of hunt saboteurs arrived
outside the car park meet of this group of environmental vandals. After sending in incognito sabs to the meet itself to ascertain their
intentions, the Hunt immediately abandoned their plans to hunt, knowing full well that it would not be possible with so many
activists at hand. The field support scattered in all directions from the pub
car park, leaving the core hunters deciding their plans. The hound van then pulled out of the meet - with the driver attempting
to damage sab vehicles on his way out. After a short game of cat and mouse on the A50, other sab vehicles present were able
to confirm the hounds had been returned to their kennels.  Pic above -
Abusive supporter who punched sab car Overall a low key but successful outing, with hunting by this pack
completely averted today. Groups present at today's shut-down were: North Cambs, Nottingham, Suffolk And Essex, Beds &
Bucks and Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs. Hunt sabs are all volunteers giving
up their free time to prevent the hunting of wildlife in our countryside. If you would like to support our work in any way,
you can join by messaging this page, or donate to the cause on https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. 3 charged with Hunting & Badger Act offences day of
Badsworth FH meet 1-6-18 LACS Press Release Wildlife crime and
heritage crime court case North Yorkshire Police have confirmed that three men – Sean
Stringwell, Michael Sharp and Danny Smithson – are due to appear before Harrogate Magistrates’ Court at 09.30
on Thursday 14th June 2018, charged with offences under the Hunting Act 2004, the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and the Ancient
Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. The alleged offences are said to have been committed in Rougemont
Carr Wood, North Yorkshire on Tuesday 21st November 2017. The Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hounds were due to meet nearby on
that same day. The police investigation was conducted as a result of evidence provided by professional investigators employed
by animal welfare charity League Against Cruel Sports. Martin Sims, Director of Investigations at the League Against
Cruel Sports, said:- “We welcome the news that three people will face a range of charges at Harrogate Magistrates Court
including offences under the Hunting Act 2004, the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
Areas Act 1979.” PETITION - The League is encouraging members of the public
to sign their petition titled ‘Stop the Killing of Animals by Hunts in the UK’. Full details can be found here. LACS local woman is refused stall at Bromyard Gala 1-6-18 Hereford Times Animal rights campaigner snubbed at gala A
RESIDENT who is against blood sports was shocked to be refused a stand at this year's Bromyard Gala. Karen Rock [below
left, credit Hereford Times] wanted to hold a stall under the name of the charity The League Against Cruel Sports. The
Brockhampton group parish councillor intended to host a stall so residents could share their stories of where they had been
adversely affected by hunting. She said: "I talk to quite a lot of people about fox hunting in the area. It is staggering the number of stories I hear where pets or livestock are killed or injured. I wanted to run a very low key
support group stall at the gala. I wanted to give people an opportunity to come forward with experiences. A lot of people
don't realise there is anything they can do about it. Actually there are steps they can take to stop the hounds coming
onto their land or into their gardens." Karen, who is also a representative on the Bromyard Downs Commons Association, was surprised to be told by the gala's
committee that she was not allowed to hold a stall at the event, which is on June 30th and July 1st. The gala is in its 51st
year and is described on its website as "Herefordshire's biggest celebration of country pursuits and rural lifestyle."
Karen is keen to point out she is a fan of trail hunting as that does not impact on other people's lives and no fox is
injured. The League’s director of campaigns, Chris Luffingham, said: “The only contentious thing
here is the committee’s decision. Public opinion on hunting is clear with 81 percent of people living in rural areas
supporting the ban on fox hunting, so perhaps we need to question why conversation around the subject is being silenced at
a countryside event." He added: "The League is a professional organisation and our team of investigators, who are
led by a former chief inspector and head of the police’s National Wildlife Crime Unit, work legally and peacefully to
investigate illegal hunting. To hear that one of our supporters is being prevented from engaging with their local community
on genuine animal welfare issues is extremely disappointing and sets a very disturbing precedent.” Chairman of Bromyard Gala committee Steve Matthews said: "We can't have political type stalls. It is classed
as political." POWAperson comments - Local League groups are currently being encouraged and supported by LACS, which
is good to see. Just a little shame that Karen said 'trail hunting' when I'm sure she meant 'drag hunting'. The
former is little more than an alibi invented and used to disguise continued live quarry hunting.
MAY 2018 ..... 31st May - Lauderdale FH Huntswoman given police warning after
broke hunt law ..... 31st May - Three Wynnstay FH hounds run over &
killed on A41 ..... 31st May - Hunter who
split sab's head open very weakly sentenced .....
30th May - N. Trust sticks to 'trail
hunting' policy after weekend protests ..... 29th May - Police seek 4 from Pipewell Beagles re. illegal
hunting on 17-2-18 …..
28th May - Local's head hit
by hunter as pet dogs attacked by Mendip Farmers FH hounds ..... 28th May - Acquitted sab gets vile death threat sabs say from Atherstone FH ..... 27th May - 'Trail hunting' protests
held at N. Trust sites round country ..... 27th May - 'Going equipped' Northants MH soon packed up by sabs ..... 25th May - Sab video of Fitzwilliam FH fox hunt and kill finally published ..... 25th May - Time limit for appeal against
Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman's conviction passes .....
25th May - Online protests over Berwickshire
FH invite to Haddington Show ..... 25th May - Doc shows government regards HSA as
'domestic extremists' ..... 21st May - Sabs say hunters conspired, police colluded,
trying to falsely convict woman .....
21st May - Easton Harriers Whip has lengthy criminal record, claim sabs .....
19th May - Claro Beagles Huntsman facing trial for illegal hunting .....
15th May - Court case against sab for agg.
trespass at hare hunt collapses ..... 15th May - Whip of Hunt in new CA video is one of the S. Herefordshire FH 5 ..... 15th
May - S. Herefordshire FH five appear in court for the first
time .....
14th May - Atherstone Huntsman steps down, Director goes, after sab trial collapse ..... 13th May - N. Ledbury &
N. Herefordshire FHs to 'trial' merger ..... 12th May - Dove Valley MH give up as soon as sabs find them ..... 12th May - Demo at Hereford police station calls for justice for animals ..... 12th May - Police won't name suspects in S.
Herefordshire FH cubs cruelty case ..... 11th May - New, absurd account of where fox pee for 'trail hunting' from ..... 10th May - Cub cruelty case was held up by smear from pro-hunt source against PC ..... 10th May - 5 finally to face
trial over S. Herefordshire FH fox cubs cruelty case .....
10th May - Thurlow FH Huntsman & Whip summonsed for illegal hunting/assaulting
sabs ..... 10th May - Sab complains formally to
police re. handling of Ashford FH fox kill …..
9th May - Cornish girl, 14, kicked
in face by horse on 'trail hunt' ..... 9th May - Sabs subject to sinister harassment campaign ..... 5th May - Fox cub saviour sab featured in piece on BBC Three
website ..... 5th May - Northants MH pack up again when faced with mass sab .....
4th May - Police/CPS still drag out S. Hereford fox cub scandal as demo due ..... 3rd May - Grafton FHC Huntsman to face trial on illegal hunting charge ..... 2nd May - LACS CEO quits due to serious health problem ..... 1st May - Belvoir FH hound killed on A1 slip road Lauderdale FH Huntswoman given police warning for breaching hunting law 31-5-18 Southern Reporter Borders Hunt Master won’t be prosecuted over alleged
breach of law Scotland’s only female master Huntsman will not face prosecution after
being accused of breaching the country’s fox-hunting laws. Claire
Bellamy [below left, Credit Southern Reporter] was charged by police after
concerns were raised about practices employed at a Lauderdale Hunt meeting in the Borders last October. However, the Crown
Office has taken the decision to issue a warning instead to avoid potentially lengthy court proceedings. The 42-year-old,
master at the Lauderdale Hunt, based at Trabrown, north of Lauder, since moving to the region from her native Dartmoor in
Devon last year, has accepted a direct measure as an alternative to prosecution. She will not appear in court and it will
not be marked on her record, but it does serve as a warning about her future conduct. The
League Against Cruel Sports secretly filmed the Hunt’s activities on land near Galashiels in October and alerted the
police, leading to Ms Bellamy being charged in February. It has criticised today’s decision not to prosecute her, but
the Countryside Alliance has described it as a “victory for common sense”. The law in Scotland was changed 16 years ago to ban the hunting of wild mammals with dogs. Father and son John Clive Richardson,
67, and Johnny Riley, 24, became the first members of a mounted hunt to be successfully prosecuted last June since the 2002
Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act came into force. The pair, members of the Jedforest Hunt, based at Abbotrule, near
Bonchester Bridge, were also filmed by investigators from the League Against Cruel Sports. Following eight days of evidence,
sheriff Peter Paterson ruled that in two incidents Richardson and Riley were in breach of the act and found them guilty of
deliberately hunting a fox with dogs. Riley, the man in charge of the hunt, was fined £400 at Selkirk Sheriff Court
and Richardson, described as having a lesser role, was fined £250.
Ms Bellamy was unavailable for comment. A Crown Office spokesman said: “It is the duty of the
Crown to keep cases under review and, after full and careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case The
Procurator Fiscal decided there should be no further criminal proceedings and that the case would be more appropriately dealt
with by way of an alternative to prosecution.” Direct measures can range from warnings to fines of up to £300
or orders to do a maximum of 50 hours’ unpaid work. 1-6-18 Times Woman hunt leader given warning over fox ‘pursuit’ Scotland’s
only woman hunt master will not be prosecuted after being accused of breaching fox-hunting laws. Claire Bellamy was charged
by police after concerns were raised about practices at a Lauderdale Hunt in the Borders last October. However, the Crown
Office has decided to issue a warning instead of starting court proceedings. Ms Bellamy, 42, who
took over at the Lauderdale Hunt last year, has accepted a “direct measure”, which is an alternative to prosecution.
It will not be marked on her record but serves as a warning to modify her future conduct. Direct measures can range from warnings
to fines up to £300 or 50 hours’ unpaid work. Ms Bellamy was unavailable for comment yesterday. The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 states that dogs
are allowed to pursue foxes as long as a marksman shoots the animal as soon as it emerges to open ground. The League Against
Cruel Sports claimed it had footage of 35 hounds from the Lauderdale Hunt pursuing a fox but had heard no gunshots. The League criticised
the legal decision but the Countryside Alliance called it a “victory for common sense”. Jamie Stewart, director
of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, said: “The law states that to be deliberately hunting a wild mammal there has
to be purpose and intent, which there was not. She was trying to arrest the situation. We would happily have gone to court
and are confident she would have been found innocent. But this decision saves expenditure to the public purse and she has
effectively accepted the warning.” Robbie Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “We are concerned that anyone
considering breaking this law may be encouraged into thinking that they will not have to face the courts even if they are
found out. The law as it stands is confusing and convoluted, meaning successful prosecutions are extremely difficult which
may explain the reasoning behind this case. However, this is not an acceptable position and only strengthens our resolve that
the law must be improved.”... Also reported in the Daily Record Three Wynnstay FH hounds run over & killed on the A41 Witnesses say just 2 hunt staff
in charge of 40 hounds 31-5-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors WYNNSTAY HUNT HOUNDS KILLED ON A41 [UPDATE 2PM] It has been confirmed
that 3 hounds from the Wynnstay Hunt were killed this morning after chasing a fox onto the A41 near Malpas in Cheshire. The
hounds had been un-boxed on land owned by a supporter of the hunt in Edge, with around 40 hounds being 'controlled'
by two middle-aged men (presumed hunt kennel-men) on pushbikes. [UPDATE 1PM] Reports of deaths of a number of hounds
during this incident this morning. More information to follow. This message has just been forwarded to us and the incident
happened around 7.30 this morning. We can all guess why hounds that are only supposed to be being exercised at this time of
year got out of control, can’t we?! 31-5-18 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Information coming through of the death of three hounds
belonging to one of the Cheshire hunts in a traffic collision on the A41. Witnesses
have said that around 40 hounds had been on the road, with just 2 men in charge of them. Unfortunately the laws do not apply to hunting dogs as they do for me and you because they are
classed as working dogs, but this needs to be changed because other working dogs are rarely seen on the highways in large
numbers, and therefore these unnecessary incidents are common across the country. RIP to these other victims of this cruel,
outdated "tradition.' Pic below - The A41
near where hounds were killed [Credit Chester Chronicle] 3-6-18 Chester Chronicle Hunting hounds killed on A41 near Malpas in tragic accident Wynnstay Hunt says dogs strayed away from the
rest of the pack Two hounds from the Wynnstay Hunt were killed on the A41 after straying from a pack of dogs being exercised
in rural Cheshire. An eyewitness reports ‘carnage’ on the 60mph road at Edge, near Malpas,
following the upsetting incident which happened just before 7am on Thursday (May 31).The witness claims to have seen three
dead dogs with ‘blood everywhere’, upset drivers and Whitchurch-bound traffic backing up as far as the Broxton
roundabout. Police are inviting witnesses or anyone who ran over a dog to get in touch in line with their legal obligations. Hunting
with hounds became illegal under the Hunting Act 2004 but many Hunts lay trails for the hounds to follow pursued by the riders
on horseback and others on foot. Polly Portwin, from the Countryside Alliance speaking on behalf of the Wynnstay
Hunt, insisted two not three dogs were sadly killed and none were injured during what she described as a ‘horrible day’.
She said: “We can confirm that two of our hounds sadly lost their lives during routine hound exercise on bicycles early
this morning (Thursday). The hounds were not in pursuit of a wild mammal but strayed away from the rest of the pack where
they were unfortunately hit by a car. Thankfully incidents of this nature are very rare and this was, of course, distressing
for all those concerned. Our thoughts are with the driver of the vehicle who was understandably upset to have injured the
hounds and with our hunt staff who devote their lives to looking after the hounds on a daily basis and care deeply for each
and every one of the pack.” The eyewitness, who has supplied
their name to The Chronicle but did not wish to be named, said about 40 dogs were let out of a horse transporter-type vehicle
into a field but believes the pack were ‘out of control’ which was how they ended up going the wrong way towards
the fast-moving A41. It was absolute carnage. I kid you not. Never in my life have I seen anything like it,” said the
witness. “You cannot send 40 odd dogs out with two men on push bikes and expect them to go where you want them to go.”
The witness, who said they had anti-hunt sympathies but were not a member of any group, claimed ‘at least three dogs
were killed’ although the Hunt insists it was two. And the witness believes at least two drivers were in collision with
the dogs – a man in a black jeep and a woman in a Mini. There was blood everywhere. The young lady was inconsolable,”
added the witness, who is thankful no drivers or passengers were injured. Cheshire Against The Hunt held a protest outside Bolesworth Castle near Tattenhall in January because it was allegedly
hosting a Hunt although there was no suggestion whatsoever of any illegal activities. League Against Cruel
Sports spokesperson Nick Weston said: “This tragedy is one of many reports we’ve had this year of packs of hunting
hounds being out of control and wreaking havoc on busy roads.” Cheshire Constabulary wildlife officers are investigating. See also Whitchurch Herald Hunter who split sab's head open
very weakly sentenced Had also been convicted of homophobic comment & skipping bail Then Atherstone FH Director failed
to turn up for his initial trial 31-5-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs FORMER ATHERSTONE HUNT DIRECTOR SENTENCED On Saturday 11th February 2017 regular Atherstone Hunt rider Peter Taroni hit a member
of West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs on the head with his riding crop. The impact split her head open which she had to have treated
in A&E. He was also filmed on the same day spitting at another saboteur and using homophobic language. Both incidents
happened in Shackerstone, Leicestershire. At the time Mr Taroni was a regular rider with the Atherstone Hunt and also part
of the Hunts board of directors. On the 22nd November at Loughbourgh Magistrates Court Peter Taroni
was found guilty of assault by beating. Taroni was also found guilty of disorderly conduct likely to cause harassment alarm
or distress for his homophobia after he was filmed spitting at another saboteur and calling him a "gay c**t". He
was also found guilty of failing to attend police bail. Taroni failed to turn up to court. The trail went ahead in his absence. At a hearing on the
16th May 2018 at Carlisle Magistrates Court Peter Taroni was sentenced as follows:- Community Order - 3 Month curfew with
electronic monitoring, he must be at home between the hours of 7Pm and 7AM until 15th August - To pay compensation of £100
- To pay £85 to victim services - To pay CPS costs of £350. Please consider donating towards
our vehicle costs and help us continue our Atherstone Hunt Campaign:- https://gogetfunding.com/west-midlands-hunt-sabs-vehicle-running-costs/. We now have
a YouTube channel please subscribe to it to keep up to date with our latest videos.https://youtu.be/-1fSOiXjk4k. N.
Trust sticks to 'trail hunting' policy after weekend protests 30-5-18 Shropshire Star National Trust stands by hunting policy after Shropshire
protestsThe National Trust has today stood by its decision to allow hunting on its estates. Protestors took to the
hills of south Shropshire to demonstrate against fox hunting at the Trust's Carding Mill Valley and the Long Mynd estate
claiming that Hunts are still killing British wildlife on its lands. But the National Trust said today that it has listened to both sides of the argument and is
happy for the protests to continue. A spokesman for the National Trust said: "We have been carefully listening to both
sides of a highly polarised and passionate debate around trail-hunting for years. "People have the legal right to organise
demonstrations and express their views. We accept these protests on our land, provided they are respectful and do not interfere
with conservation or access for our visitors." The protest was arranged by National Dis-Trust and backed by the Animal Welfare Party, Shropshire
Against the Cull, Cheshire Against the Cull, Keeptheban, Welsh Border Hunt Saboteurs and the League Against Cruel Sports. The groups have concerns that hunting
is still taking place on National Trust land 14 years after it was banned nationwide. Hunts introduced ‘trail’
hunting after the ban was introduced, where hounds follow a pre-laid trail rather than chasing animals. However activists
claim that some animals still die in 'trail' hunts. A spokesperson for National Dis-Trust, said: “Serious questions hang over the National Trust about how it has
handled its hunt licensing system, including ignoring numerous wildlife crime convictions amongst licensed hunts and providing
a misleading statement to members at its 2017 AGM. We are protesting about the decision to license both the South Shropshire
Foxhounds and the United Pack. At least one of the Hunts has trespassed across a local nature reserve which wouldn’t
happen on a ‘trail’ hunt. The access for these two needs to be revoked, and the foxes need to be properly protected
by the National Trust.” Despite fox hunting being banned in England and
Wales in 2004, campaigners say they are concerned that thousands of animals are still being targeted and killed every year
by Hunts. A campaign to ban ‘trail’ hunting on National Trust land was narrowly defeated at the organisation’s
annual general meeting last autumn. Chris Luffingham,
League Against Cruel Sports' director of campaigns, said: “Many people are frustrated and angered by the National
Trust and their inaction to properly monitor hunt activity and the priority they appear to be giving to the protection of
hunts rather than the protection of wildlife. “The Trust is letting down its members and the British public. If they
have any respect for their members or their reputation, they should take this issue more seriously than they are at present.” A petition has been launched called ‘Stop
the Killing of Animals by Hunts’ by the League Against Cruel Sports - you can see it here. 3-6-18 Wiltshire Gazette and Herald Protestors fight against fox and hare hunting
PROTESTERS gathered at Stourhead after groups monitoring hunt activity on National Trust land fear that hare and fox hunting
is taking place, 14 years after it was banned. Campaigners believe that trail hunting is being used to cover up the indiscriminate
killing of foxes, hares and deer by allowing Hunts to claim that any kills were accidental. A spokesperson for National Dis-Trust said: “The access for this hunt needs to be revoked,
and the hares that should never be subjected to this torture as a hobby need to be properly protected.”... Police seek 4 from
Pipewell Beagles re. illegal hunting on 17-2-18 29-5-18 ITV News Police appeal after illegal 'hare hunt' in Northamptonshire
Police want to hear from anyone who recognises these people. Do you recognise any of these
four people? Police in Northamptonshire are trying to trace them in connection with a suspected hare hunting incident. Officers believe they took part in an illegal hunt at Dingley
on the afternoon of February 17 this year. Anyone with any information should call Northamptonshire Police on 101 or call
Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555111.  Local's head hit by hunter as pet dogs attacked by Mendip Farmers FH hounds28-5-18 Facebook - Locals Against The Mendip Farmers Hunt This morning at approx 8.00am a resident was walking their two dogs on the lead by Priddy Mineries - a
local nature reserve - when they came across the Mendip Farmers’ Hunt hounds being exercised. The resident went up another
track and around 6 of the hounds from the pack broke away, chased and attacked their dogs. More hounds joined in, the hunt
staff member with the hounds tried to call them off and used his hunting whip, which hit the resident over the head. Both
dogs were shaken and traumatised but not hurt and the resident has a very sore head with a lump. The matter was reported to
Police but they stated they could not do anything as it was an accident. We ask why these
hounds are not covered by the Dangerous Dogs Act, given the number of incidents they have been involved in now. Locals should
be able to walk their dogs without fear of injury to themselves or their pets. Acquitted sab gets vile death threat sabs
say from Atherstone FH 28-5-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs DEATH THREATS FROM THE ATHERSTONE HUNT The sab who was
interviewed in the recent BBC Three documentary about hunt saboteurs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsAJo1-191o&t=3s) has received a death threat from the Atherstone Hunt. Three members of the Atherstone Hunt along
with Leicestershire Police tried to convict her for something she did not do. The Atherstone Hunt were hoping that a conviction
would result in a restraining order banning her from the hunt meaning they could go back to hunting foxes undisturbed. Their plan has gone badly wrong, not only will we be there making
sure the Atherstone Hunt don’t hunt any foxes this coming season, any future accusations made by the Atherstone Hunt
will no longer be believed in court. Realising the future of their hunt is looking bleak they are now lashing out and have sent this letter. We have blanked
out the first paragraph as it is too shocking and unpleasant to post on Facebook. It does however give us an insight into
the violent mind of a fox hunter. Some of the blame for this letter must rest with Leicestershire Police for not only allowing
this particular saboteur to be constantly targeted by the Atherstone Hunt but also by actively participating in the constant
harassment of her themselves making this sort of behaviour acceptable and more likely. We will be with the Atherstone Hunt next season making
sure they don’t kill any foxes, please consider donating to help us make this possible https://gogetfunding.com/west-midlands-hunt-sabs-vehicle-r…/. We now have a YouTube channel
please subscribe to it to keep up to date with our latest videos. https://youtu.be/-1fSOiXjk4k. 'Trail hunting' protests held at N. Trust sites round country 27-5-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust National Trust Protests Protests at National Trust sites
around the country on May 27th 2018 to help to bring a stop to so-called 'trail hunting' on National Trust land, with Keeptheban. [see
pics]. To help, please get involved & sign these petitions or contact your local hunt
saboteurs. Keeptheban's petition to stop hunting on National Trust land -> bit.ly/2hjaB7Q. LACS' petition to stop
so-called 'trail hunting' -> bit.ly/2yOcPb1. Our two petitions to help stop the Warwickshire Hunt, South Shropshire
Foxhounds & United Pack on National Trust land at Long Mynd, Upton House & Farnborough Hall -> bit.ly/2p8xuQ1 &
bit.ly/2klChhC. Find your local hunt saboteur group to support them & get involved here -> bit.ly/2CykPKy.
#stopthehunts 27-5-18 Facebook - Jay Pear We have had an amazing day at Seaton Delaval Hall today as part of the
day of action. 30 People and foxy outside the main entrance. We had hundreds of cars honking their horns at us in support
and several cars turned around. This
joint League N. East, N. East hunt monitors and National Dis-trust demo was a positive demonstration that clearly made an
impact. Thank you to all who came today. See
also article in The Canary Pic right above - Long Mynd Pics
below - 1/ Stourhead 2/ Upton House 3/ St. Michaels Mount
4/ Seaton Deleval Hall 'Going equipped' Northants
MH soon packed up by sabs 27-5-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit report: 27 May 2018 Northants Mink(Otter) Hounds, Mill
Farm, Beachampton, Buckinghamshire Sabs got together today after a local tip-off
to shut down a meet of the Northants Mink(Otter) Hounds. The Hunt had managed to get around 100m away from their meet at Mill Farm near Milton Keynes, when they were spotted using long range lenses from across the wheat fields. With a pack of mixed foxhounds and otter
hounds, they hunted north-east along a tributary of the River Great Ouse, causing large amounts of destruction to the river
habitat as they went. Otter
slips (tracks where otters enter the water) were spotted by sabs, but the Mink Hound pack were not able to get any serious
hunting done today before they were intercepted and sent back to their meet. Again, the regular support were carrying spades, a gun and were leading several terriers. Clear signs of their intent
to hunt live quarry, whatever they claim when sabs (and nowadays the police) show up. After a short stand-off, camera lenses at twenty
paces, Thames Valley police were summoned to protect the Hunt. We politely but firmly stood our ground and stated that we
weren't moving until hounds were packed and sent home. Police officers dutifully complied and shortly after, the hound
van was sent on its way, leaving the ancient sandwich munching brigade stood about wondering what to do with the rest of their
afternoon. A successful afternoon, with the hunt packed up before even getting their boots muddy. Hunt sabs are volunteers,
giving up their weekends to prevent the hunting of wildlife and spoiling these individuals "sport". Sabs from North
Cambs, Beds & Bucks, Northants and Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs joined for today's work. If you'd like to support
us, you can join by messaging this page, or donate to our running costs on http://ko-fi.com/northcambs for the cost of a coffee. Pic below - Hounds being taken back to meet Sab
video of Fitzwilliam FH fox hunt and kill published Led
to Huntsman being convicted of illegal hunting 25-5-18
It took 2 years 4 months from the report of this crime to the court verdict. Somehow the Bird Handler, who was fully
involved in the chase, escaped conviction. The sab video has at last been published and can be viewed here. For further info on the case, see here. Time
limit for appeal of Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman's conviction passes 25-5-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs VIDEO The time limit for an appeal of the conviction we secured
against the Fitzwilliam Hunt has now past. This now concludes 2 years of hard work. We would like to thank Cambridgeshire
Police and South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs, who's sab stood up in court to give evidence. We can only achieve these results with
the support of the general public. Every penny donated goes towards fighting these barbaric practices. We have more convictions
in the pipeline and save many lives every time we go out. Please consider helping us by buying us a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs.
protests over Berwickshire FH invite to Haddington Show25-5-18 East Lothian Courier Online protests as Berwickshire Hunt invited to Haddington Show A DECISION
to invite the Berwickshire Hunt to Haddington Show has led to a storm of online complaints. The show, which takes place on
June 30, has been running annually in East Lothian since 1804. However, a post on the show’s Facebook page yesterday (Thursday) has sparked outrage from a number of members
of the public. The post, which has been deleted on Facebook but remains on Twitter, reads: “We are delighted that Berwickshire
Hunt will be joining us at Haddington Show with a parade of hounds. Come and see them and their smart red coats in the main
ring on show day.” The announcement was met by an angry
reaction from a number of people on social media. Gabrielle Bonar said: “A ******* disgrace. Should not be allowed.
Very disappointing. Won’t be going this year.” Meanwhile, Evelyn Weir said: “Not the right decision for
me, that’s for sure. I will now not be attending with my family, along with quite a few other people I know. The only
‘smart red coat’ I respect is the one on the fox. Even if the Haddington Show committee don’t care about
losing respect, they will most definitely lose money, and they might care about that. It’s an annual tradition to go
– but I’m out!” Allan James Beaton added: “Absolutely shocking… What are we, back in the dark
ages… [Fox hunting] is a disgusting barbaric so-called sport that has no place in today’s society.” However, there were people who felt differently. Alan Hardwick said: “Country show, country ways. The same
way people who agree with it have to deal with the anti-fraternity, except they don’t feel the need to abuse and terrorise
them.” Similarly, Sally Turnbull said: “Never been to a Haddington Show yet but I’m gonna try this year
if work allows. “They are fab to see and the dogs are beautiful all excited but then I’d not be part of what they
do personally it is part of history and country life. Each to their own and sure it will still be a fab day out.” A spokeswoman for the Haddington Show declined to comment. Doc shows government regards HSA as 'domestic extremists' 25-5-18 The Canary ‘Official’ counter-terror document slammed as ‘political
propaganda masquerading as public safety information’ An “official” document
from British “counter-terrorism” police lists anti-fascists, animal rights campaigners, and supporters of the
Kurdish-led anti-terror fighters of the YPG as extremists – alongside neo-nazi and other far-right extremists. The
Canary appears to be the first organisation to reveal the existence of this document, entitled 'Extremist Symbols and
Flags'. We discovered this document online among training materials for the government’s ‘counter-radicalisation’
Prevent programme. The document would
appear to be no more than one year old, as it lists National Action and Scottish Dawn as proscribed (banned) groups. Scottish
Dawn – which appeared just after National Action was banned in December 2016 – was only banned in September 2017.
It is unclear whether the document, by “Counter Terrorism Policing” of the “Eastern Region Special Operations
Unit”, was produced specifically for implementing the PREVENT strategy. We found the document within the “Safeguarding Topics” section of the Suffolk Safeguarding Adults Board
(SAB) website. It was in the “Resources” section of a page entitled “Prevent and Vulnerable to Radicalisation”... Alongside far-right Islamist and nationalist extremists, the ‘counter-terrorism’
document also listed the following [see pic below] as ‘domestic extremists’:- Kevin Blowe, coordinator of the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol), told The Canary:- This document shows how
completely subjective the terms ‘domestic extremist’ and ‘extremist symbols’ are: no wonder the police
and the government have failed to pin down a legally robust definition. Both the Animal Liberation Front and the Hunt Saboteurs
Association are included because of political policing’s obsession with animal rights campaigners, but the ALF is now
inactive and, since 2005, the focus of hunt saboteurs is on documenting and preventing illegal hunting, although they are
still more likely to face harassment themselves from police who turn a blind eye to breaches of the Hunting Act... As this guidance
illustrates, the vague criteria/requirements of the Prevent programme are predictably turned into an agenda for stigmatising
political dissent, perhaps intentionally… The misidentification of
protest and liberation movements as extremist is the logical result of the Prevent policy, which offers no plausible definition
of extremism yet seeks to make “extremism” the basis for surveillance and criminalisation. This document provides a crucial and disturbing view into the thinking of the British state and the ‘training’
of increasing numbers of doctors, teachers, nurses and other public servants in the ‘identification’ and reporting
of ‘signs of radicalisation and extremism’. As
Blowe told The Canary:- If this is a basis for referrals to the Prevent programme, then it is little wonder that so many people
are falsely identified as a ‘risk’. Although there has been extensive resistance to Prevent, there is still a
long way to go before such resistance leads to the dismantling of the state surveillance apparatus that appears to be just
as concerned with suppressing dissent and undermining legitimate movements for self-determination as it is with preventing
extremist violence directed against innocent civilians. The more people stand up against this disturbing system the better. Disclosure: The author of this article also volunteers with CAMPACC. Sabs say hunters conspired, police colluded, trying to falsely convict woman21-5-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt update There is no long term future for the Atherstone
Hunt as long as we are around preventing them from hunting foxes. They will do and say anything to try to get rid of us. This
was no more apparent than when they recently tried to convict an innocent person for something they did not do. The hope was
that with a conviction they would then get a restraining order. Three members of
the Atherstone Hunt including Huntsman Mike Lane and Joint Master Mark Halford claimed that Cathy Scott had sworn at them
and made threats towards them. Footage shown in court disproved their claims along with the three hunt members contradicting
themselves on the stand. Halford posted this [below] up around the same
time he made a statement to Leicestershire Police. "Add to that injunctions on their ring leaders and we'll be a
lot closer to starving them of oxygen" This screenshot of Mark Halford's activity on Facebook shows that the three
Hunt members conspired to lie in order to get rid of a saboteur who they perceived as a ringleader. Not only is it clear what
the three hunt members intentions were it's clear that Leicestershire Police allowed them to make these lies without providing
any evidence. Atherstone Huntsman Mike Lane was allowed
to say in his statement that he found a banner showing a fox that his hunt had killed upsetting. Halford was allowed to make
all kinds of speculative accusations such as he thought saboteurs had bugged his phone. Ollie
Hope the third member of the Hunt made one of the biggest contradictions whilst on the stand. He claimed that on the day in
question he felt fearful for the safety of his wife and children. When asked where they were at the time he replied that they
weren't present. We
are not going anywhere and will be making sure the Atherstone Hunt do not kill any foxes next season. The Atherstone Hunt
will now no longer be credible witnesses in court. Leicestershire Police have made a mockery of the justice system and their
hunting operation has damaged the forces credibility when dealing with hunting issues. Please consider donating to help
us ensure the Atherstone Hunt don't kill any foxes when this upcoming season starts. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Don't forget to subscribe to our new YouTube channel
to keep up to date with our latest videos. https://youtu.be/-1fSOiXjk4k.  Easton Harriers Whip has lengthy criminal record, claim sabs 21-5-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs He [Mike Lee, pic right] is an amateur Whipper-in for the Easton Harriers,
who are based in Woodbridge, Suffolk. After being informed by some members of the public about their concerns regarding his
recent history, we decided to do a little bit of research. The Easton Harriers have not had the best public relations in the last few years, what with open displays of hunting which resulted
in the numerous killing of hares (including one of which involving a Master stuffing one up her jacket during a cub hunt meet
- pic below left), as well as disregard for the well-being of their hounds, you would think that
they would be careful not to embarrass themselves once more. During
a visit to the Easton Harriers last season, Norfolk/Suffolk were met by a member of the public who gave us some rather interesting
information. It seems that Mike believes he doesn't require a driving license even though he has had his vehicle confiscated
on four separate occasions:- - Saturday 25th March 2017, Saturday 24th June 2017, Thursday 28th September 2017, Tuesday 26th
December 2017. Considering how far
apart these dates are, it certainly makes you wonder how long he drove without a licence for. Norfolk/Suffolk sabs were present
for the Boxing Day meet on the 26th December and can confirm that Mike was in attendance at the Old Mill House pub in Saxtead.
He was on his horse and dressed in regular harrier hunting attire but didn't join the Hunt in the field. Now we know why. Mike has also appeared in court in relation to stalking & harassing a woman via his mobile phone. He appeared at Suffolk
Magistrates Court in Ipswich on Tuesday 5th September 2017 and again on Wednesday 4th October and pleaded guilty. He was fined
£250 and given a year long restraining order. And to top it all off, he has also been given a County Court Judgment
for cruelty to animals.
You may be asking why we have decided to release this information. We believe his
past paints a clear picture that he has a disregard for the law, as well as humans and animals. Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs have
had plenty of experience with this Hunt and we know their true intentions - to hunt and kill the beautiful brown hare. Having
someone such as Mike Lee as part of the Hunt only reinforces our concerns. This is why this information is being released.
Because the concerns of the Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Sabs are the concerns of the general public. The brown hare is in danger
and these are the people who are threatening it. Just weeks before the Fitzwilliam Hunt lost its court case about
the Hunting Act's falconry exemption, we came across Mike trying to purchase a bird of prey via Facebook. Birds of prey
are commonly used by Hunts to make use of the falconry exemption. Since the Fitzwilliam lost its court case, this post has
disappeared. Perhaps the Easton Harriers will continue to claim they are following a trail? Norfolk/Suffolk sabs
have addressed these concerns about his past to the master Lydia Freeman and the Huntsman Gary Wingar who both refused to
comment. This begs the question; will the Easton Harriers continue to allow Mike Lee to join them next season? I guess we
will wait and see. Please help support our work. This
can be done directly in the field or by donating us a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ. Feel free to share this post far and wide! (the image of the hare [below] is one of many
victims of the Easton Harriers Hunt). Claro Beagles Huntsman facing trial for illegal hunting 19-5-18 Message from Roger Swaine Stuart
Harrison, Claro Beagles Huntsman, has pleaded ‘not guilty’ to an allegation of Hunting a Wild Mammal (hare)
with a Dog, contrary to the Hunting Act 2004, and will appear before Skipton Magistrates’ Court on 25th September 2018
for trial. Court
case against sab for agg. trespass at hare hunt collapses The accused was acting as a member of the Hunt Saboteurs when she was arrested and charged. She is 48 years of
age and a law-abiding person with no previous convictions. See here and here for contemporaneous reports of the day, 18-11-17, at the Dunston
Harriers. She writes - 15-5-18 CrowdJustice Success for Hunt Sabs and hunted wildlife! The case was heard on the
10th of May 2018. The Huntsman was asked why he videoed the briefing and a trail being laid. He answered "to cover our
arses." Here again is yet more proof that "trail" hunting is a myth and a cover for killing animals for fun.
He also said that he was unable to film the full hunt as he couldn't wear a go-pro camera on his riding hat due to "health
and safety" measures. The policemen riding the quad bike now "regrets" his actions [see
pic below]. Additional evidence came to light half way through the trial which would have provided important
support for my defence. This had NEVER been seen by my solicitor and included details given by my colleagues in the field
that day which would support our claims of illegal hunting. Why was this concealed? The case then collapsed and I was free! Without your
help and support this may not have been the result. Thank you everyone for your contributions, no matter how small.  Whip of Hunt in new CA video is one of the S. Herefordshire FH 5 Paul Reece is facing trial for horrendous cruelty
to fox cubs 15-5-18 Facebook – Berkshire Hunt Sabs FOX CUB ACCUSED'S HUNT FEATURES IN COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE VIDEO
The Countryside Alliance recently produced a glossy video promoting "trail hunting". It makes the claim that Hunts
have "enjoyed over a quarter of a million days of legal hunting" since the hunt ban of 2005. The
Hunt they chose to use in the video is none other than the Curre & Llangibby, whose Whipper-in, Paul Reece, is one of
the five people currently accused of throwing live fox cubs to hounds at the nearby South Herefordshire Hunt. The video therefore tells you everything you need to know about "trail hunting"
- just not in the way the idiots running the Countryside Alliance imagined. #TrailHuntLies S.
Herefordshire FH five appear in court for the first time All charged with multiple Animal Welfare Act offences 15-5-18 Hereford Times Five charged with animal cruelty in South Herefordshire Hunt case appear in court
FIVE people who have been charged with animal cruelty in relation to an investigation into the South Herefordshire Hunt have
appeared in court. They appeared at Birmingham Magistrates Court today and have been released on unconditional bail. The five charged are: Paul Oliver, 39, of Sutton Crosses, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire [who was
Huntsman at the time of the alleged offences]; Hannah Rose, 29, of Sutton Crosses, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire;
Julie Elmore, 54, of Brynarw Estate, Cwmyoy, Abergavenny; Nathan Parry [a hunt terrier man], 38,
of Brynarw Estate, Cwmyoy, Abergavenny [a known follower of the S. Herefordshire FH],and Paul Reece,
47, of Chepstow [whipper-in of the Curre & Llangibby FH]. Oliver, Rose, Elmore and Parry have been charged with four counts
of animal cruelty, while Reece has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty. They did not enter pleas and will next
appear in court on June 19. The five people were first arrested in two years ago on suspicion of animal cruelty at the Hunt's
kennels in Wormelow. POWAperson adds
- The Hunt Investigation Team have released a few minutes of their video [hunter identities obscured]. Be warned - it's a tough watch. Pics below - 1/ Rose and Oliver at Birmingham Magistrates
Court [Credit - Yorkshire Post] 2/ Paul Reece, Whipper-in, Curre & Llangibby FH   Atherstone
Huntsman steps down, Director goes, after sab trial collapse Both, and another man, being investigated on suspicion of perjury 14-5-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Mark Halford was the Atherstone Hunt Joint Master who was brought in at the start of last season as the
saviour of the Atherstone Hunt along with fellow Joint Master and Huntsman Mike Lane. Both of them were recently humiliated
in court and are no longer credible witnesses after lying in court when they tried to get an innocent person sent to prison
(with help form Leicestershire Police). It was an attempt to rid themselves of West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs so they could
get back to hunting foxes undisturbed. The Atherstone Hunt cannot survive long term whilst we are around exposing their hunting. Their plan backfired, we are not going anywhere. Halford, Lane and Ollie Hope are all being investigated by the police
for lying in court. Mike Lane's hunting career is in tatters after an astonishing season where he demonstrated that he
has no control over the hounds. Some of the low points include losing his pack after just riding out from the meet, losing
the pack for over an hour whilst they got dangerously close to the busy A5 and there was always the constant worry that the
pack would shoot off at any given moment after who knows what. Thankfully Mike Lane has stepped down as Atherstone Huntsman,
he remains as Joint Master. We
can reveal that Mark Halford resigned his position as one of the Atherstone Hunt's Directors on the 30th April. The pictures
accompanying this post are screen shots from Mark Halford's activity on Facebook. Halford who has openly supported the
Countryside Alliance’s [anti] online abuse and bullying campaign can be seen doing the exact opposite, inciting people
to participate in online abuse and bullying by targeting not only a local business but also a cathedral who hosted West Midlands
Hunt Sabs. Not only a proven liar but now also a hypocrite. Please consider donating to help us carry on campaigning - https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.  North Ledbury & North Herefordshire FHs to 'trial' merger 13-5-18 Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs ANOTHER HUNT BITES THE DUST Great news - one less
hunt in Herefordshire. The North Herefordshire Hunt and the North Ledbury Hunt, which share a kennels at Bodenham, have amalgamated.
Touted as a twelve months trial partnership, but read between the lines and it is clear that the North Ledbury Hunt is finished. We
covertly monitored the North Ledbury on a couple of occasions last season and wondered how long they could survive. Not even
to the end of the season it appears, with Derek Tyler hunting the North Ledbury hounds for the last time on February 24th.
What concerns us most is the fate of the North Ledbury hounds. How many, if any, will have survived the merger?  Dove
Valley MH give up as soon as sabs find them12-5-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Well, the weather may be a bit grotty now but it started off fine and dry with some
nice sunshine, the sort of weather to go out and find some undesirables up to foul deeds by terrorizing our wildlife and scupper their dastardly plans. So
we headed north to Derbyshire and met up with North Cambs, Cambridge, Notts, Sheffield, Suffolk & Essex, Lincoln
and W.Yorks Sabs to pay an overdue visit to the Dove Valley Mink (Otter) hounds who were hunting the river Dove close to Marston. We found their meet easily enough however the Hunt were being somewhat
elusive. With limited vehicle access and lots of streams and tributaries to check it meant lots of miles on foot to cover.
However, SES managed to get eyes on the Hunt and we were guided in. We had already been noticed by a lone and grumpy hunt supporter some distance away and she was on the phone
pretty sharpish to alert her fellow wildlife murderers that sabs were on the way. By the time we finally caught up with them
they had decided the writing was on the wall for their day and called for the hound van to pick up the hounds. All that was
left was a motley crew of reprobates hanging around looking peeved waiting for their lifts back to the meet. But our job was done so we made the most of the last of the
sunshine with a well earned beer in a nearby pub where it was great to catch up with sabs and old friends from other groups.
Help us keep the pressure on the criminals - https://ko-fi.com/bedsbuckshuntsabs. Demo
at Hereford police station calls for justice for animals 12-5-18 Facebook - Global Animal Protection "Alliance" VIDEO The case that sparked this event has finally resulted in charges being
brought, so that case is now sub-judice, hence no-one talking directly about it, but this was just one of a constant stream
of cases nationwide where no justice was brought, so it was decided the protest should go ahead for all those other cases
awaiting some justice. Police won't name those charged in S. Herefordshire FH cubs cruelty case Say it is in order to protect
them 12-5-18 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Naming the South Herefordshire suspects The police
have still not named the 5 suspects in the cub killing case. Despite saying that they would be named when charges were brought
this week they changed their mind to 'protect them'. This seems to be a recurring theme in this case, vilify and persecute
the messengers whilst protecting the perpetrators. How many witnesses for the prosecution in West Mercia have had their houses
searched by West Mercia Police? Just us we suspect!! This reflects a nationwide theme of protecting the hunting community
from justice often in the face of overwhelming evidence. Things need to change. They should be named by the media on Tuesday
after their court appearance unless the court decides to protect their identities too. Please share. HIT.
absurd account of where fox pee for 'trail hunting' from 11-5-18 Facebook - Chris Noonan A comment some deluded little girl posted today.. Apparently they get the fox
urine from animal sanctuaries... Of course, on asking which ones, the silence was deafening.  Cub cruelty
case was held up by smear from pro-hunt source against PC The PC now exonerated and 'multiple charges' laid against hunters 10-5-18 BBC News Fox killing inquiry: 'Smear campaign' against PC stalled investigation A police inquiry into the alleged killing of fox cubs by hunting hounds stalled
for nearly two years while the officer in charge was himself investigated, the BBC can reveal. West Mercia PC Richard Barradale-Smith [left] has
now been cleared of the allegations against him - including that he had had affairs with anti-hunting activists. At least
one claim was made by somebody with links to the Hunt in the case. Police have now said five people are to be charged with
animal cruelty. Three men and one woman aged between 29 and 54 will appear at Birmingham Magistrates' Court next week. In May 2016, activists from the Hunt Investigation Team used hidden cameras to film a South Herefordshire Hunt terrierman
apparently taking the young foxes into a shed of barking hounds before emerging with their lifeless bodies. The anti-hunting
activists believe the terriermen were training the dogs to see foxes as prey.
The footage and the bodies of two cubs were handed to PC Barradale-Smith
who had investigated previous allegations made by animal rights campaigners. But West Mercia Police then began an investigation
into the officer after receiving an allegation that PC Barradale-Smith had been in a relationship with two anti-hunting activists,
including the woman who brought him the evidence. This would have been misconduct in public office. Police searched both
his house and that of the anti-hunting activist, who has asked the BBC not to use her name. Anonymous threatening letters
were sent to another woman who has campaigned against fox-hunting, also accusing her of having an affair with the officer.
She passed them to the police. The person who made the allegation works in the farming community and has close links to the South
Herefordshire Hunt. He is not one of those charged. The BBC understands he did not name the officer and told the force he
did not want to get further involved. Mr Barradale-Smith's
family believes it was a "smear campaign" aimed at disrupting the case. Further allegations against the officer were made in October 2016 by a senior prosecutor
who said PC Barradale-Smith had leaked confidential information to the activist who gave him the video evidence. He was also
accused of bombarding the CPS with emails. This triggered a separate misconduct investigation and he was taken off the fox
cubs case. In January 2017, the officer went on sick leave and is yet to return to work. By March this year both investigations had been resolved and he has been cleared of
any wrong-doing. Now, within weeks, the decision to prosecute has been taken, two years after the investigation began. The Hunt Investigation Team described
the force's response as a scandal and claimed the police seemed more interested in "harassing" the officer who
investigated the allegations than examining the allegations themselves. The activist alleged to have been involved with the
PC asked to remain anonymous but said: "The police are there to investigate without fear or favour when evidence of a
crime is brought to their attention. For two years they've been investigating an unsubstantiated allegation that I had
an affair with a police officer that I've met once. It would have been very easy to show that was completely false and
what you would have expected West Mercia to do is say, given the source, 'is there a conflict of interest here'." In a joint statement, West Mercia Police and the CPS said the fox cub inquiry had involved a number of "complex
factors". The force refused to comment about PC Barradale-Smith. See also report in Daily Telegraph 5 finally to face trial over
S. Herefordshire FH fox cub cruelty scandal 10-5-18 BBC News Five to be charged with animal cruelty offences over fox
cubs Five people are to be charged with animal cruelty offences after the BBC broadcast pictures
appearing to show fox cubs being taken into a kennel of hunting hounds. The police investigation began after anti-hunting
activists installed hidden cameras at the South Herefordshire Hunt kennels in 2016. The video appears to show a man then dumping
a dead fox cub in a bin. The activists say the cubs were used to give hounds a taste for killing. Anti-hunt investigators
found some of the foxes alive. Campaigners had
been expected to protest outside a police station later this week over how long the investigation was taking. Det Insp Jonathan
Roberts, of West Mercia Police, said the three men and two women, aged between 29 and 54, would face multiple charges of animal
cruelty. "This follows a complex investigation in South Herefordshire. The individuals will appear at Birmingham Magistrates
Court on Tuesday May 15," he said. "Cases of animal cruelty are treated very seriously by West Mercia Police and
we actively seek to protect animals from cruelty and to prevent their suffering." Pics below - 1/ Young fox in captivity
2/ Young cub about to be thrown to hounds in the building  POWAperson comments - Better [very] late than never. Glad to see the first
hearing has been moved to Birmingham, well away from the sphere of possible influence of the SH FH bigwigs. The former senior
Joint Master, Sir Patrick Darling, is the High Sherriff of Herefordshire. Also good to hear they face 'multiple charges'.
What betting none of them seek to implicate any of the Hunt high-ups? And note, unlike the Hunting Act, the Animal Welfare
Act charges carry potential prison sentences. Many congratulations to the Hunt Investigation
Team for bringing this appalling cruelty to light and securing the prosecutions. Thurlow
FH Huntsman and Whip summonsed illegal hunting & assaulting sabs 10-5-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs We have just been informed that the CPS will be issuing a summons for both the Huntsman & Whipper In
of the Thurlow Hunt for the kill on Boxing Day. Huntsman will also be charged with common assault and the whip for assault
by beating. This is of course great news and we are very pleased with the response
from Suffolk police on this matter and hope to secure a conviction. POWAperson adds - The Hunt killed a fox in front of sabs [and blamed them]. Very unusually, the Huntsman
was arrested at the scene. Story covered by the Guardian. The original sab report is here. Pic below - The fox killed by the
Thurlow on Boxing Day 21-6-18 Haverhill Echo Two men charged in relation with altercation at Thurlow Hunt Two men have been served a summons to appear
at court in connection with hunting offences and an assault following an incident at the Thurlow Hunt last Boxing Day. At around 2pm on Tuesday, December 26th, police were called to reports of an incident between a hunt group and hunt monitors in Trundley Wood, off Bury Road
near Great Thurlow. Police attended and launched an investigation into an alleged hunting offence under
the Hunting Act 2004, and an allegation of assault. A 19-year-old man and a 58-year-old-man both from the Great Thurlow area have been summoned to court where they will
be charged with intentional hunting of a mammal with dogs, contrary to sec.1 of the Hunting Act 2004. The teenager will also
be charged with assault by beating and the man will be charged with common assault. Both men are due to appear before Ipswich
Magistrates Court on July 9th. Sab complains formally to police over handling of Ashford FH fox kill 10-5-18 Facebook - East Kent Sabs JUSTICE FOR THE COLLIER STREET FOX ! Below is the text of an official complaint
that has been sent into Kent Police over their handling of the investigation into the fox killed by the Ashford Valley with
Tickham hunt in November 2017. See Kent Online here. PLEASE-SIGN THE PETITION DEMANDING THAT THE INVESTIGATION IS REOPENED- You can also politely contact Kent Police here. TEXT OF COMPLAINT (all names have been removed)... Dear Sir/Madam, I
would like to make a complaint against Kent Police for the conduct and outcome of its investigation into illegal hunting on
the 11th November 2017. I filmed the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt search and hunt a fox. The
Hunt did not try and stop the killing of this animal and made every attempt to hide the evidence of the dead fox. No trail
was laid by the Hunt, in fact the footage caught on camera shows the events ten minutes prior to the kill and following the
kill. Whilst I was filming the kill I left my vehicle unattended, only to return to find that my vehicle keys had been stolen. An associate of mine called the police, which the police attended and gave the CAD 11-625. I have no problem with
the conduct and behaviour of the officers who attended the scene. They were polite and helpful and did what most people would
expect a police services to do. Contact by email was made by myself to PC xxxxxxxxx and on the 21st
November at Ashford Police Station. I handed in the original SD card from my camera. On the 29th December I emailed xxxxxxx
to express concern that no one had contacted me to take a statement. At the end of January
2018, I was contacted by PC xxxxxxxx who arranged to take a statement over the phone. On the 26th the statement was given
and I am happy with the way the statement was taken. PC xxxxxxx was polite and professional. On the same day xxxxxxx emailed me. Her email said - "There is no dispute that the fox was
killed, however the images haven't fully made out the offence." I mention this because of her use of the word "images".
She also refers to "images" in an email to my associate xxxxxxx, when referring to my video evidence. In an email to xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx advised ... "you
will be able to provide them with the footage that you have in order that it can be included in the investigation". There
is a clear distinction between the two words and I don't think this is a clerical error. It is at this point in time that
I believe that no video evidence, provided by myself, was passed on to any investigating officer. In summary I am accusing
xxxxxxxx of perverting the course of justice. My fears where confirmed when I had a call from Sergeant xxxxxxx from Maidstone
police on the 2nd February. He contacted me as he was the officer dealing with the theft of my keys on the 11th November 2017.
He confirmed to me that he had not seen the footage I had provided to xxxxxxx. It is not an unreasonable conclusion to assume that if the officer dealing with the theft
of my keys was not given all the evidence, then it is more that likely that this same video footage was not shown to the officers
dealing with the illegal hunting. The inevitable outcome that no action will be taken against the hunt was no surprise, and
is the outcome I expected from Operation York. I have three components to my complaint.
1) I would like to complain at the deliberately slow and botched investigation. 2) I would like to complain about the deliberate
withholding of evidence, from the investigation of my stolen keys and the illegal hunting by xxxxxxxxxxx. 3) I would like
to complain about the outcome of the investigation into the illegal hunting. I find it hard to believe that with the level of evidence provided to Kent Police there was not enough evidence to
put a case to the Crown Prosecution Service. This is not the first time I have complained about Operation York; I believe
it is corrupt from top to bottom. Yours faithfully, xxxxxxxxx Pics below - 1/
Pack has almost caught fox 2/ Terrierman retrieves carcass from pack  POWAperson comments - This
is a classic example of poor wording of the Hunting Act letting Hunts get away with murder. The Act requires that the prosecution
prove that someone 'engaged or participated' in the chase by hounds. Although hunters, mounted and on foot, can
be seen in the footage observing the chase start [and probably its finish] they do not appear to 'engage or participate,
but simply let the hounds get on with it. Extraordinarily, the Act places no obligation on hunters to try to stop hounds that
are chasing live quarry. One of many reasons why the Hunting Act desperately needs significant strengthening. Cornish girl, 14, kicked in face by horse on 'trail hunt' 9-5-18 Cornwall Live Teenage girl from Wadebridge loses five teeth after horse kicks her in the face - Brave Georgia Hull was
riding her pony again only days after leaving hospital A brave teenager from Wadebridge is riding her pony
again just days after a horse kicked her in the face, causing her to lose five teeth and unable to eat solids. Georgia Hull,
14, was out trail hunting with friends and family when a horse in front of her kicked out just over two weeks ago on private
land near the town. Horrified mother Julie was just ahead of Georgia on her own horse
when she heard the screams coming from behind. Georgia was knocked unconscious and had to spit her teeth out, while her swollen
mouth left her unable to breathe. She also sustained multiple facial fractures, including severe damage to her jaw, and cuts
to her face that have required stitches. The air ambulance [treating Georgia, right. Credit Cornwall Live] flew
her to Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, where she spent five days after undergoing four-hour surgery to pin and plate her jaw. Georgia has lost five teeth as a result of the kick, and may have to wait until
she finishes growing before she can have new ones fixed. “She was transported up to a field and the Cornwall Air Ambulance
took her to Derriford for surgery. She’s had a four-hour operation already, and she’s got more to come. She’s
lost her teeth at the top but can’t have permanent surgery for implants yet.” Initially Georgia could only eat
through a syringe, but now she is eating pureed foods. While most teenagers would be left traumatised by such an incident, brave Georgia was riding her pony again just
days after being discharged from hospital. “She is really brave, I’m struggling to ride again myself but her pony
is her best friend and I think it’s her love of that pony which has got her through this,” Julie said. “She
is embarrassed about the teeth missing and she’s still got a big lump on her lip and scars where she was stitched, but
she never complains. She’s happy with her ponies and not like a typical teenager obsessed with make-up and designer
clothes. She can’t chew, and she’s eating mashed up foods and drinking through a straw. But we’re getting
there.” Georgia's mum has thanked the Cornwall Air Ambulance. “They are absolutely amazing and we can’t
manage without them,” she added. “It saved an awful lot of time for us that day in getting her to hospital. We’ve
got a lot of fundraising going on for the air ambulance as a result of this. The guy who drove Georgia from the track to meet
the air ambulance, he has had a long beard for 20 years and at the Royal Cornwall Show he is shaving it off to raise funds.
Also, there are a lot of people who experienced the accident who are already doing things differently on the safety side.” In the meantime, Georgia’s hunting friends have set up a fundraising
page to raise cash to cover the costs of the dental work she needs. So far nearly £3,400 of the £4,000 target
has been raised. Sabs subject to sinister harassment
campaignAnonymous letters
delivered to their houses 9-5-18 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs Members of Cambridge hunt sabs are under a constant barrage of harassment and intimidation. Over the last
four months, members of CHS have received over 5 hand made, unsolicited, anonymous letters, some hand delivered to their homes,
often threatening to visit their homes. This kind of harassment is unacceptable yet common place. Please donate to help keep
the group going. We'll keep everyone updated on the pending police investigation into this attempted intimidation. http://cambridgehuntsabs.org.uk/donate.  Fox cub saviour sab featured in piece on BBC website 5-5-18 BBC3 website Knocked out, punched, and charged by horses: the life of a hunt saboteur
Cathy Scott [below left, credit BBC3] spends her spare time trying to show why she thinks
the hunting ban isn’t working “I’ve been knocked out. I’ve had a broken nose. I was punched in the
face. I got a fractured cheek. I’ve been hit on the head with bottles. I’ve been attacked a lot.” Cathy
Scott has experienced the kind of injuries you might associate with a cage fighter. They have all been inflicted by men or
animals. Three times a week she heads for the countryside to follow the riders and hounds of various hunts in order to film
what she believes is illegal activity, handing over the footage to the police. Sometimes they manage to save a fox. Sometimes
they get charged by horses. “I’ve been ridden into quite a few times. And it hurts,” she says. Cathy,
42, has been ‘sabbing’ – or sabotaging hunts – with two to three associates at a time since the Hunting
Act came into force to make fox hunting with dogs illegal in 2005. Attempts by her and her fellow saboteurs to disrupt hunts
are shown in new BBC Three documentary 'The Hunt: Battle In The Countryside', which captures some of the skirmishes
between hunt supporters and saboteurs. There is a faintly paramilitary aesthetic to some hunt saboteurs: a fetishisation of ‘tactical gear’, balaclavas
and utility belts – all in black. The saboteurs claim they are non-violent but need to retain their anonymity to prevent
them from being tracked down online and harassed. Hunt supporters say they resemble "terrorists" and accuse them
of intimidation and even violence. In 2015 a Westcountry Huntmaster was reportedly knocked unconscious in an attack by hunt
saboteurs ‘armed with iron bars’. A video posted last year shows a saboteur grabbing hold of a horse by the bridle;
the rider responded by whipping the saboteur.
Cathy prefers not to conceal her identity. She maintains she is a pacifist who uses
non-violent methods. These include the use of citronella spray, which prevents the hounds from picking up the scent of the
fox; a whip which makes a noise to halt the hounds; and voice commands to confuse them. “I don’t believe in violence,”
says Cathy. “I think bloodsports by nature are violent, and violence breeds violence. So it doesn’t surprise me
that they attack us.” She says she has personally witnessed seven or eight fox kills – although there is no suggestion
these were unlawful. Her passion for intervening in them has left her with some unusual scars. In summer, when she goes walking
in the Welsh countryside to unwind, little marks on her cheek darken like freckles in the sun – from a vixen that bit
her face in 2013 after she rescued it from a pack of hounds. “[It] was the classic pre-kill,” she says. “They
were trying to turn her [the fox] onto her back and bite the stomach to start the disembowelment.” Cathy says she waded through the hounds and gripped the vixen by
the scruff of the neck, and with the help of a fellow saboteur bundled it into her car with a jacket over its face. The feeling
of the fox’s teeth breaking the skin of her cheek as she clutched its wet fur tight to her chest was “like loads
of pins biting down”. “When I went back to the hunt the huntsman said: ‘I hope your tetanus is up to date'.” The vixen survived
with the help of a vet. Cathy recovered with the help of a nurse. “I had to sit there with my hands in iodine for 40
minutes and I got a very strong round of antibiotics,” she says. Hunt saboteurs have existed
since the 1960s – but hunt supporters argue that the Hunting Act has made their role adopted legal methods. The most popular legal alternative – according to the Countryside Alliance
– is a ‘trail hunt', in which a runner lays an artificial scent for mounted riders to follow. If a fox is
inadvertently killed in the course of such a hunt, it does not mean the hunt is unlawful, however. Indeed, there is no proof
the incidents Cathy recounts were deliberate fox kills organised by hunts. The Countryside Alliance, which supports all forms of legal hunting, says there have been more than 250,000 hunts
since the ban – and they claim the overwhelming majority have been lawful. More than 400 people were convicted in the
ten years after the Hunting Act came into force, according to Ministry of Justice statistics – but the Countryside Alliance
says just 24 of those were involved with “registered" hunts. “Anti-hunting activists have long campaigned on behalf of animal rights yet their
allegations of continuous law-breaking by hunts is completely unfounded,” a spokesperson said. The earliest known
hunt in Britain is thought to have taken place in 16th century Norfolk. It was eventually banned by Labour, under Tony Blair,
in 2004. Both subsequent Conservative Prime Ministers have expressed their desire to repeal the ban, promising parliament
a free vote on the issue – but both ultimately abandoned the idea. This may be because the
fox hunting ban is thought to be overwhelmingly supported by voters across the political spectrum. A poll by ComRes for the
Daily Mirror suggested retaining the fox hunting ban was the most popular policy in Labour’s 2017 general election manifesto,
with the support of 78% of the voting-age population (and 64% of Conservative voters). The saboteurs argue that their attempts to disrupt
the hunts is justified by such public support – and the law. Acquiring the video evidence necessary to prove illegal
activity is a risky pastime, however. Interfering with a hunt often requires trespassing on others’ land; a civil offence
which gives property owners the right to use 'reasonable force' to eject unwelcome visitors. Last year a man was cautioned
by police after Cathy was left with a bloody cut to her face while trying to film and monitor a hunt in Warwickshire. Video
footage shows a man pushing Cathy after she initially refuses to leave his land. “The guy’s pushing and slapping
and sort of whacks me in the face,” says Cathy. “He said, ‘You can hit me if you want’ – and
the answer’s no, I’m not like you. What sort of natural response is that?" Cathy has also been arrested – “four [or] five times”, she says. She was recently charged with
three Public Order offences over a demonstration at a fundraising event for Atherstone hunt. Last month she was found not
guilty of all charges. “It shouldn’t have gone to court in the first place,” she says. This hasn't dissuaded
her from hunt sabotage though – but it does leave her feeling exhausted and in need of some recovery time. “On a Saturday, when I get in, it’s a beer in a bath,”
she says. “It’s not, ‘I’m going to get ready and go out clubbing'.” Tucked up in her bed,
surrounded by fox cushions, ceramics, pictures, and other curios, she says she sleeps sound in the knowledge that she has
done all she can to help the lives of animals that she believes society has a “duty of care to protect”. “There’s
something magical about [foxes],” she says. “It’s that lovely sort of slinkiness that they’ve got,
and they just sort of glide away. I find them really enchanting.” POWAperson
comments - As Cathy would be the first to acknowledge, there are many heroes and heroines amongst the hunt sab
and monitor community. They all seriously risk their safety [two sabs have been killed in the hunting fields, many others
badly injured. They have to tolerate routine violence, abuse, threats, harassment, property damage and thefts from hunters
and their associated thugs [with precious little protection from the police]. They exhaust themselves in all weathers, often seeing the terrorisation and slaughter of the animals they seek to protect,
all for no reward but the satisfaction that they have at least tried to save and advocate for them and borne witness to the
lawless savagery of hunts and hunters. As you will have noticed, there
are a number of very challengeable assertions by the author in the text above. Charitably, one might regard these as
an attempt to achieve the famous BBC 'balance'. Firstly, the claim that a hunt rider was knocked unconscious by sabs
armed with iron bars was highly questionable. The only video evidence provided
by the hunt side showed the hunter already lying on the ground when the clip started, with no evidence as to how he got there.
The hunt side claimed the clip showed sabs assaulting hunt followers. In fact the only person being assaulted in it was one
of the two sabs, who were heavily outnumbered by hunters and followers present. There were no 'iron bars'. Some sabs
carry 'soft' whips - a short wooden handle attached to a piece of rope, occasionally used to discourage hounds and,
in extremis, to help get them off their quarry, without hurting them. These were the only 'weapons' the sabs were
carrying. Despite hunt side claims that there were other clips showing violence by the sabs, they have, surprise, surprise, never
surfaced - and the police dropped the case pretty quickly. The author's claim that there is no suggestion that any of the fox
kills Cathy has witnessed were illegal is laughable. I'm sure Cathy and other sabs would assert that all of them were.
This is because she, all other sabs and monitors believe, and repeatedly witness, illegal chasing and slaughter of live quarry
routinely, in the pretend guise of 'trail hunting.' The author seems unwilling to acknowledge the mountain of evidence
that this is the case. Secondly,
the sab filmed grasping a horse's bridle was doing the only thing he could to try to protect a female colleague,
as the huntswoman had repeatedly ridden her horse at her. For his pains he was whipped 17 times, but the police did not consider
this sufficient violence to merit an assault charge against the huntswoman. Pic above right - Cathy being hit in the face by
a former director of the Warwickshire FH Pic below - Cathy rescuing a juvenile fox from the jaws of the Old Berks FH The BBC Three
documentary 'The Hunt: Battle in the Countryside' is on the website. BBC Three is now available on the internet only [unlsss you have a Smart TV. It's
also on You Tube. Northants
MH pack up again when faced with mass sab5-5-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit Report: 05.05.2018, Northants Minkhounds. Mill Farm, Newport Pagnell Sabs
from numerous groups joined forces today to put a stop to another meet of the Northants Minkhounds, hunting in baking heat
near Lathbury just outside of Newport Pagnell in Buckinghamshire. The pack were spotted hunting the riverbanks of the River Great Ouse, just outside of
the town and very quickly found themselves surrounded by sabs holding video cameras. This area of river is home to all sorts
of wildlife, but notably it is a known otter habitat (https://bit.ly/2IgwJz9), so it is of no surprise that the Northants Otter/Minkhounds are so keen to hunt there. Once the Hunt sighted sabs, they made their
predictable escape. Now, while the hunting set have spent a lot of time coming up with lies to cover up what mounted fox hunts
are really doing, they have given precious little attention to protecting their partners in crime, the mink hounds. As the
packs have absolutely no possible legal excuse for what they are doing, they always turn and run whenever they see hunt sabs.
[Below - packing up] The Hunt
headed back to Mill Farm, near Gayhurst, and after a short conflab they seemed to admit defeat, and summoned their hound trailer
to pack their ragtag assorted pack away and write off another weekend’s hunting ruined. Police
from Thames Valley attended (in four vehicles) to protect the Hunt until they had packed and left. They showed no interest
in the fact they were stood around with wildlife criminals, or to the concerns raised by sabs that the hounds had simply been
boxed up in a trailer and left for around 30 minutes on the hottest day of the year. [Below - Off home,
with police escort] Groups with sabs present today included:
North Cambs, Beds & Bucks, Suffolk And Essex , Norfolk, Hertfordshire, Northants, West Midlands and Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs.
Hunt sabs give up their free time to stop illegal hunting in our countryside, if you would like to support our work for the
price of a coffee, you can click here: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Police/CPS still drag out S. Hereford FH cub scandal as
demo due 4-5-18 Hereford Times Protest outside police station over South Herefordshire
Hunt case A demonstration outside Hereford Police Station will see animal rights protestors
call for charges to be made in the South Herefordshire Hunt investigation. Five people were arrested two years ago on suspicion of animal
cruelty at the Hunt's kennels in Wormelow but they have since been released from bail and no charges have been made. The
police said the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) awaits a limited amount of further information from West Mercia Police before
a decision on possible charges can be made. The protest,
organised by the Animal Welfare Party (Cheshire East) and Save The Ban, will demand that wildlife crimes are properly investigated
and prosecuted by the police and the CPS. Jane Smith, from the Animal Welfare Party, said: "It will be two years since
it happened and, despite very clear evidence, there have been no charges. We feel there has been no justice. "It has
been a really prominent example across the UK of police forces and the CPS not appearing to take wildlife crime seriously.
We don't feel the police are out there investigating properly." The Hunt Investigation Team obtained footage which, they claim, was secretly recorded at the South Herefordshire
Hunt's headquarters. The video footage appears to show a huntsman handling foxes illegally and was published on social
media. Ms Smith said the protest aimed to "show
the police and CPS we are going to keep being vocal about 'crimes' not being prosecuted". "We are not going
to shut up and go away," she added. But she was keen to highlight that it will be a peaceful protest on May 12 in Bath
Street between 12pm and 3pm. Ms Smith said: "It is going to be extremely peaceful. But I believe emotions will run high
because it is a a very emotive cause." Last September police released
five people from bail, but said the investigation is ongoing. A 37-year-old man and 27-year-old woman, both from Hereford,
a 37-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman, both from Abergavenny, and a 45-year-old man from Powys were earlier arrested on
suspicion of animal cruelty relating to an alleged offence in May 2016. South Herefordshire Hunt placed itself in voluntary
suspension – and remains that way – as the police investigation continues. Sue Thomas, the Supt for Herefordshire Local Policing area, said she was aware of the planned demonstration. "We
plan to talk with the organisers around their plans for the event, but we would welcome direct contact from the organisers,"
she added. "We will be working with colleagues at Hereford City Council to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum,
while facilitating the right of people to lawfully protest. Our role with such events is to ensure members of the public can
exercise their lawful rights whilst preventing disruption, crime and disorder. We will ensure that we provide a proportionate
policing response. This is a live investigation involving a number of complex factors. The CPS prosecution team have been
in regular contact with Senior Officers from West Mercia Police in order to jointly progress this case. As part of the ongoing
review of the case, the CPS awaits a limited amount of further information from West Mercia Police before the tests in the
Code for Crown Prosecutors can properly be applied, and a decision on charge made. Cases of animal cruelty are treated seriously
by both organisations. Resources have been invested to ensure that the best evidence can be achieved in these cases and we
actively seek to protect animals from cruelty and to prevent their suffering." POWAperson comments - The partially successful prosecution of the Warwickshire
Hunt was completed last month two years and four months after the incident was reported to police. The South Herefordshire
case has now been going on for almost two years since the Hunt Investigation Team turned their footage of truly shocking cruelty
to young fox cubs over to the police - and still no charges have been laid. Let's just hope these excessive delays are
due to the CPS determination to get all their ducks in a row in this disturbing case. Pics below - 1/ Fox cubs held in captivity
2/ Man believed to by S. Herefordshire FH servant about to throw cub to hounds inside the building
 Grafton FH Huntsman to face trial on illegal hunting charge 3-5-18 Information from Hunt
Monitors Association Huntsman Mick Wills is to face trial on 3rd September at Wellingborough Magistrates
Court on a charge of illegal hunting. The charge relates to an incident on 23rd September last year. Wills pleaded Not
Guilty at an initial hearing last month. LACS CEO quits due to serious
health problem 2-5-18 LACS website League statement “I regret to announce that
Eduardo Gonçalves is stepping down as CEO of the League Against Cruel Sports. Eduardo was diagnosed with a serious condition last year, and has
been courageously battling his illness with the determination and good humour we have come to expect of him. This is the same
determination that we saw him put into all his work, helping to see off multiple attempts to repeal the hunting ban and to
force the government to abandon plans to hold a vote to bring back this archaic sport topping the list. He has worked tirelessly
to fight the powerful interests of those who wish to persecute animals. Eduardo has been a loud and compassionate voice for
animals, and we expect him to remain so in the future. We wish him and his family well.” Iain Blake-Lawson, Chair, League Against Cruel
Sports Board of Trustees POWAperson adds - We are sad to learn that Eduardo has had to step down.
He was a very good leader of the League and continued its renaissance, which began under Joe Duckworth. We very much
hope he can overcome his health problems soon. Belvoir FH hound killed on A1 slip road 1-5-18 Grantham Matters Hound killed on A1 slip road Two hounds were reported as loose this morning around Barrowby. Sadly,
one was hit by a car and killed. Two men reportedly from the Belvoir Hunt collected the dogs. 
APRIL 2018..... 30th April - Ledbury S. FH rider cautioned for threat. behaviour to female sabs ..... 30th April - Beagle pack's illegal hunting revealed in own newsletter ..... 30th April - Judge slams police over undisclosed photos in Grove & Rufford FH case ..... 29th April - Scottish CA boss descends to personal abuse over hunting issue ..... 28th April - Northants Mink Hounds go home when challenged by sabs ..... 27th April - Monitors upload film of illegal Cheshire
FH hunt rejected by CPS ..... 26th April - Essex FH and
Essex Farmers FH are to merge ..... 24th April - Police
drop case where fox chase & kill by Ashford Valley FH filmed ..... 24th April - Anti campaigners get no joy from meeting with new N.Trust boss ..... 24th April - JM acquitted
on appeal savages CPS for bringing case against him ..... 23rd April - Monitor threatened by Quantock SH supporter ..... 22nd April - CPS drops case of illegal hunting by Cheshire FH last
October ..... 20th April - Crawley FH JM acquitted on
appeal of threatening behaviour to sab ..... 20th April
- Deer hunted on NT land soon after
new boss pledges to 'help nature' ..... 19th April - 3 Atherstone members FH reported for perverting course of justice ..... 19th April - Prominent sab
cleared after Atherstone FH hunter lies exposed in court ..... 18th April - Locals petition against relocation of Pembrokeshire
FH kennels ..... 17th April - Two Essex & Suffolk
FH 'stewards' charged over attacks on sabs .....
15th April - D&S SH still out at 6.30pm looking for stag to chase and kill ..... 15th April - Mass sab ensures no fox kills by the Royal Artillery FH ..... 11th April - Sab records show huge scale of sett blocking by Hunts ..... 11th April - Campaign to ban Hampshire FH from Alton council land ..... 10th April - Belvoir FH terrierman/son plead guilty to attacks on LACS
monitors .....
10th April - Antis plan demo re. no action in S. Herefordshire FH fox cubs case ..... 9th April - Royal Artillery FH hunt area where risk spreading tree disease ..... 8th April - Two from Buccleuch FH charged with illegal fox hunting ..... 8th April - Antis film shambolic pretend trail laying by Royal Artillery FH ..... 7th April - Sabs pull hounds off Four Burrow FH chased into village ..... 6th April - APHA says no licenses issued for import of fox urine
based substances .....
4th April - Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman guilty of hunting fox killed by hounds ..... 3rd April - NFU says pick up after pet dogs on farmland [no mention of hunt hounds] ..... 1st April - Waveney Huntsman's verbal abuse of monitor leads
to formal complaint Ledbury S. FH rider cautioned for
threatening behaviour to female sabs 30-4-18 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO Breaking news!!!! |Please share far and wide. David Mansell, ex
jockey and well known Ledbury South/ South Hereford fox cub killers rider was cautioned this afternoon at Ross police station
for a section 4 public order offense following this assault on Welsh borders and Bath hunt sabs. This
relates to attacks detailed in sabs' report of 26-11-17 - '...with so many sabs in the area, wherever the chose to roam, they ran into sabs.
This had the desired affect of keeping them moving, unable to hunt. So it was only to be expected that they would resort to
violence again. And ex jockey, David Mansell was more than happy to oblige. After repeatedly riding into, threatening and
assaulting one female sab whilst she was on a footpath, he then chose to do the same to another female sab who filmed the
first attack...' Pics below - Mansell riding his horse into female sab  Beagle
pack's illegal hunting revealed in own newsletter30-4-18 Morethanjustbadgers.net The Wilts and Infantry Sprint of Shame
Anyone who has sabbed a beagle pack will be familiar with the “walk of shame” – the response by 99% of beagle
packs when confronted with sabs. They pack up because trail hunting is a red herring and so there is literally nothing else
for them to do. The Wilts & Infantry have developed their own version of this manoeuvre: the “sprint of shame”.
They absolutely peg it as soon as we appear and then career off in their hound van at high speed! A look at The Season Past
section of their newsletter explains why; about forty meets are described, all of which are nothing like NFB-style drag hunting
and exactly like traditional beagling. Here is just a small selection:- (1) “After a warm welcome by the Collins family at Manor Farm, Codford hounds were quickly away on a good scent running fast from the valley onto the high ground with the Field totally enthralled as they ran several large circuits almost
to the main road and back before a successful conclusion.” (2) “A red letter day at Home Farm, Seend . . . hounds crossed
the brook twice settling on a line and two big circuits around Great Thornham finally crossing the brook yet again heading
to Bulkington stopping short of Manor Farm swinging back towards Pantry Bridge and back up the brook for a successful conclusion.” (3) “Back to Rodmead . . . as Angus and Sarah hosted the largest
Wednesday meet of the season. Putting in on the West side hounds were away almost immediately but on a tricky scent running
under Little Knoll towards Newmead then back over the drive to lose touch in sheep foil. Drawing on they picked up on the
Elm Farm side with two hard circuits and were duly rewarded.” (4) “And so to the Closing
Meet at Manor Farm, Stockton with Phylidda Stratton our hostess . . . Dry and hard underfoot with the wind still Easterly
scent was uncertain however hounds ran outstandingly well after putting on the left of the track running away toward Sherrington
Dairy and working back over the dry ground gathering pace running past the pheasant pens down the valley beyond up through
Gilberts Cleeve then left handed for a successful conclusion.” It all smells a bit
fishy . . . to say the least. All of these hunts were long, fast, continuous pursuits over several miles across the challenging
terrain of Salisbury Plain. They all also feature the characteristic circular patterns run by desperate hares. In hunt (1)
the trail was supposedly laid by the “main road” – the very busy A3; in hunt (2) the trail appears to have
been repeatedly put across a stream; while in hunt (3) it was laid through a flock of sheep. All the hunts also ended in a
“successful conclusion”; what exactly does this mean in trail hunting? Countryside Alliance guidance clearly states
that the Huntsman “does not know exactly where the trails have been laid” so how does the Wilts & Infantry
Huntsman know when the trail has finished and that hounds have been “successful”? The answer to all these
questions, of course, is that the Wilts & Infantry Beagles are openly describing their cruelty and criminality in a document
that they never imagined would enter the public domain... Pic above right - Wilts & Infantry Beagles hunting on Salisbury
Plain Judge
slams police over withheld Grove & Rufford FH evidence30-4-18 Daily Mail Judge hits out at police after hunt members were
wrongly convicted of using dogs to kill a fox after a sergeant failed to disclose vital photo evidence - Judge said Paul Larby,
Peter White and Jane Wright suffered a ‘serious injustice’ - The group had been convicted of hunting a mammal
with dogs in March 2017 - But 50 pictures emerged at an appeal hearing which revealed their innocence Three
hunt members were wrongly convicted after a police sergeant failed to disclose crucial photos in evidence. Calling on prosecutors
to review the case, judge Recorder Roger Evans criticised Sergeant Matt Scott – saying Paul Larby, Peter White and Jane
Wright had been subjected to a ‘serious injustice’. Mr. Larby and his colleagues were convicted in March last year of hunting a mammal with dogs
after a fox was chased and killed during a trail hunt in January 2016. The convictions hinged on 209 photos and a video taken
by birdwatchers that appeared to show the group – members of the Nottinghamshire Grove and Rufford Hunt – chasing
the fox. But at an appeal hearing last month, a further 50 pictures emerged showing Mr Larby, 59, and Mrs Wright, 64, racing
to intervene before being blocked by a hedge. The judge ordered almost £60,000 in costs should be returned to the group as, ‘if
this case had been investigated properly’, Sergeant Scott would have obtained and disclosed all the images at the earliest
opportunity and a ‘different view may have been taken’ on charging them. The prosecution’s opposition to
the appeal was abandoned on the second day, though the CPS insists the decision was not made because of the photos. Ruling on costs at Nottingham Crown
Court on Friday, the judge said he was ‘concerned’ by the evidence of Sergeant Scott, who ‘seemed to have
no explanation’ for the missing evidence. The group, initially fined a total of £1,530, have lodged a complaint
against Sergeant Scott. The judge had heard as part of legal argument that a series of Twitter posts in the officer’s
name from 2014 criticised the Shooting Times. Mr White, 58, told the Sunday Telegraph the case had been ‘completely biased’ from the outset with a
‘prejudiced’ officer in charge. Nottinghamshire Police said that it reviewed processes where appropriate, while
the CPS said it would consider the judge’s comments. POWAperson comments - The appeal judge who overturned the Grove & Rufford FH 3's
convictions was a Tory MP in the 1990s, at a time when the great majority of them were pro-hunt and his name does not appear
in my record of anti Tories from the time. In consideration of part of the evidence, that the terrierman had been transporting
a terrier in his quad - which the case judge thought indicative of intent to hunt - he flippantly remarked that the terrierman
might just have taken the dog along for a ride. The judge also determined that the fox had been 'chopped' - which
contradicted the evidence of the birdwatchers [not anti hunt activists] who
were the main prosecution witnesses. It does appear that the police should have disclosed the 50 photos. It's impossible
to say without seeing them all, but the judge seems to have felt he could read intent into them. This may, however, just
have been a matter of interpretation. Rather than 'racing to intervene' to stop the hounds, might they not as easily
been hurrying to get to the scene of a potential kill, as hunters are wont to do, and/or perhaps to be in a position to quickly
remove the evidence of their crime? Three days before the appeal verdict, sabs saw and filmed the G&R fox hunting in nature
reserves belonging to the Woodland Trust, which totally bans Hunts from their land. One suspects the only 'injustice'
done here is to the fox slaughtered by the G&R's hounds. Scottish CA boss descends to personal abuse over hunting issue29-4-18 Sunday Herald Fox hunting row descends into slanging
match A ROW has broken out after a Scots pro-fox hunting lobbyist described the English head of
an animal welfare charity as a “stranger to our country” after new polling suggested Scots support a ban on hunting
with hounds whether they live in a town or in the country. Jamie
Stewart [right], director of the Scottish Countryside Alliance (SCA), described
Robbie Marsland [below left], director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland
(LACS) as a “stranger to our country” who has been “parachuted in”. Marsland
accused Stewart of “making personal comments which have no bearing on public opinion”. Stewart made
the comments after he was asked to respond to polling carried out on behalf of LACS which indicates that 80 per cent of Scots
who live in urban areas and 73 per cent who live in rural areas think fox hunting with hounds should be illegal. The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 banned
huntsmen from sending dogs to tear apart foxes but they can still be used to flush out foxes which should then be shot. A
“loophole” in the law also allows hounds to be set on foxes if they are wounded during the hunt. The Scottish Government is expected to
release analysis of the results of a consultation on strengthening the law before the summer. More than 30,000 people responded. LACS director Marsland said their
new poll of 1,463 people “debunks the myth that this is a town versus country issue” and indicates that the majority
of Scots believe the 2002 legislation “has failed in its purpose”. Director of
the SCA, Jamie Stewart, who speaks for Scotland’s huntsmen, said: “I know that Robbie Marsland is a stranger to
our country, but I am perplexed by his continued demonstration of a complete lack of understanding or regard for Scottish
legislation. The
Scottish Parliament introduced the Protection of Wild Mammals Act in 2002 making the deliberate chase of a wild mammal with
dogs illegal. This applies to fox hunting. What he is now trying to ban is genuine pest control.” When the Sunday Herald asked Stewart whether he was referring to the fact that Marsland is English, he said: “Yes. Robbie
was parachuted in from England and doesn’t really seem to understand Scottish legislation.”
Marsland said: “It’s unfortunate Mr Stewart has failed to understand the issue here which
is very clearly about public support for a proper ban on fox hunting and the fact there is no difference in public opinion
between those who live in urban areas and those who live rurally. Instead, rather than use
the opportunity to give a valid view on the situation he has chosen to make personal comments which quite frankly don’t
have any bearing on public attitudes in Scotland.” Stewart pointed to SCA polling published in February which asked
1,031 people in Scotland which issues had the greatest impact on their vote in the General Election. The survey showed 98
per cent of people did not put fox hunting in their top five issues that affected their vote and none of the respondents mentioned
fox hunting as an issue when asked for their opinion unprompted. Fox hunting legislation
is decided on by MSPs in the Scottish Parliament and the General Election sees voters elect MPs to the UK Parliament. Stewart said:
“Independent research published by the Scottish Countryside Alliance has shown again that hunting is completely irrelevant
to Scottish voters … and inferring that this is somehow an urban/rural divide is simply a new tactic by the LACS to
try and keep their campaign alive.” Scottish Green MSP Alison Johnstone, who is working to bring a bill before the Scottish Parliament which would completely
ban fox hunting, said the new LACS polling is another indication of majority support for an outright ban. “Advocates
for blood sports are gradually running out of arguments for their cruel and outdated rituals not to be banned once and for
all,” she said. “Hunting with dogs was banned in Scotland over 15 years ago, but hunts continue to take place
across Scotland using a loophole which allows flushing with hounds. As more Scots, regardless of whether they live in an urban
or rural area, come to realise that this barbaric practice is still taking place, I’m confident that more and more of
them will want to see a permanent ban in place.” Marsland added: “The Scottish
Government has the opportunity to strengthen the legislation so that we have a law which really bans hunting. The League is
urging those in power to let common sense prevail and make fox hunting illegal once and for all.” A
Scottish Government spokesman said: “We are committed to ensuring the highest welfare standards for all animals –
including those in the wild. In recognition of concerns about the effectiveness of the current fox hunting legislation, we
asked one of Scotland’s most senior judges, Lord Bonomy, to carry out a detailed review of the current position. We will announce any plans we have to change the law on fox hunting once we have completed the analysis of the consultation
on Lord Bonomy’s recommendations and carefully considered all the arguments that have been put forward.” Northants Mink Hounds go home when challenged by sabs 28-4-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit Report: 28.04.2018: Northamptonshire Mink/Otterhounds. Thornby, Northants North Cambs Hunt Sabs took to the road this morning and met
up with fellow activists from Beds & Bucks, Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs and Norfolk after receiving news that illegal
hunting with hounds was taking place in the waterways of Northamptonshire. Sure enough, we found the Northants Minkhounds in the process of trashing a small stream to the south of Thornby.
Field support seemed confused as to what was actually going on, as when quizzed they suggested they were either/or (a) doing
nothing (b) hunting rats or (c) none of your business, as they quickly turned tails and fled the watchful cameras of sabs. It
is of course an offence to disturb a river habitat which is home to any protected mammals, but we doubt whether the Northants
Minkhounds carried out any detailed ecological surveys before they unloaded a pack of mixed foxhounds and terriers into the
stream to catch and kill whatever they could find. It was a damp day,
and the huntsman was already making a huge meal of traipsing up and down the swollen stream with her reluctant hounds. Sabs
arriving sparked a short protest where one individual was pushed and shoved by a hunt member, but with camcorders pointing
all over the Hunt they soon realised that discretion was the better part of valour, and headed back to their vehicles. Hounds appeared disappointed
to be packed away so soon, and the Hunt had difficulty catching them all to load into the trailer, but once we had seen the
hunt put away their pack, terriers, gun(!) and otter poles and leave we were satisfied with a job well done. Hunt saboteurs give
up their free time voluntarily to protect wildlife from being killed in the name of sport. If you would like to support this
vital work for the price of a coffee, please click here: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs/. Pic below - Packing up early, their fun spoiled Monitors
upload film of illegal Cheshire FH hunt rejected by CPS Claim
'insufficient evidence' of hunters' identities Monitors
say they know names of everyone involved 27-4-18 Facebook – Cheshire Hunt Monitors VIDEO CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNT ESCAPE PROSECUTION AGAIN
DESPITE BLATANT CUB HUNTING On October 21st 2017, Cheshire Monitors filmed what they (and Cheshire
Police) believed to be clear evidence of illegal hunting in the village of Tiverton in Cheshire; in this instance, cub hunting.
The video evidence Cheshire Police submitted to the CPS included two clips from two different cameras by two separate monitors.
The film we are publishing today is a compilation of that evidence plus supporting footage from additional cameras from other
members of our team. Remember that the hunting season doesn’t officially start until November each year and this Hunt claim
to only be ‘exercising hounds’ at this time; they couldn’t even get away with hiding behind the lie that
is so-called trail hunting. Once
again the monitors involved put in a lot of their volunteer time on this case and Cheshire Police spent many hours putting
this case together (as they did last year on our case against the Cheshire Forest Hunt that was also dropped by the CPS, see https://youtu.be/Wc5vTToZCes). However, yet again the CPS felt that they couldn’t progress this case to court within the confines of the weak and pretty
useless Hunting Act, specifically issues with identifying hunt staff. And people wonder why there is a growing battle in the
countryside between August and April during the hunting season.
Appeal:- Since receiving notification that this case was to go no further we have been
working closely with Outpaced on an appeal to the CPS with regards to the main point brought up which was ID of the Huntsman.
This appeal relied on the fact that when Hunts are a limited company there should be no issue with ID of hunt staff, but due
to the time it’s taken to get a decision from the CPS we ran out of time. This is something we have come up against
with the CPS before, who allow cases to ‘expire’. However, a spokesperson for Outpaced says: “What the CPS have given us is a very interesting
angle to explore through the summer. Other cases talk about a director being engaged in the act and it seems surely reasonable
to be considered engaged if riding with a hunt that kills, or indeed simply hunts. It seems equally clear that such an act
falls into connivance, consent or neglect. It does seem very worth pursuing and we will certainly get advice as to putting
all hunt directors on notice in writing for next season”. We would like to express our thanks to Outpaced for giving up their time to help us
with this point of attack because it could help all groups nationally who are opposed to hunting eventually. The next step: strengthening the law:- We all talk about how the Hunting
Act is the source of all our problems, with getting cases through the courts with just outcomes, and have decided to show
you how the Act should be changed. We have joined together with POWA (Protect Our Wild Animals) who have given us permission
to share this document which lays out exactly what needs to change: www.powa.org.uk/id88.html. Protect Our Wild Animals was the first,
and most persistent organisation calling for strengthening of the Hunting Act. They have been exposing the true state of affairs
and blatant lawbreaking since shortly after the ban. POWA is composed of highly experienced campaigners, including in its
number some of the country’s most experienced hunt monitors. POWA knew the law had been weakened in the process of being
drawn up to the extent that it offered the hunters numerous gaping loopholes which they would undoubtedly exploit to the maximum. Before the ban, 50,000 hunters signed
a “Declaration” stating they would break any law banning hunting - it is quite clear they meant it, believing
as they clearly do that they are above the law. The invention of so-called “trail hunting” was a stroke of (evil)
genius by the hunters which provided them with a ready made excuse every time they were caught out. POWA has constantly exposed
the appalling level of lawbreaking and violence taking place at hunts all over the country. They continue to do so, and are
in talks with leading politicians to develop with them the strengthening measures to be added to the Hunting Act as soon as
the political landscape allows. We all must stand up to these criminals
and those in government that protect them. We will be soon posting a comprehensive guide to help you confront illegal hunting
in your area. Watch this space! For now
If you feel a need to write in and express your concerns, here is a list of who to contact :- www.foxhuntingevidenceuk.com/area-contacts/cheshire/. Please share this post! Also available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en6Uv_cyNqg. Useful links:- http://www.powa.org.uk/https://www.facebook.com/Outpaced-Wildlife-Rescue-16839376…/ http://www.houndsoff.co.uk/. Pics above - Top, Riders and foot followers surround the copse
Next, Twin quads with terriermen arrive at the copse Left, Fox flushed from copse chased
by lead hound, Lowest, Other hounds and riders join the chase Pics below - 1/ Fox fleeing from hounds 2/ Lead hound
chasing fox 3/ Other hounds in hot pursuit 4/ Hounds
searching for fox trail   See also coverage by LBC radio Essex FH and Essex Farmers FH are to merge 26-4-18 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs There’s some great news in Horse and Hound magazine
for once. Two Essex hunts are merging meaning one less fox hunt in the area!
Police drop case where Ashford FH filmed chased and killed foxWildlife Officers told sab Hunt protected
by Commercial law! 24-4-18 Daily Mail VIDEO The horrific moment a fox is caught by
a pack of hounds and brutally ripped apart despite the bloodsport being banned in the UK - In a shocking clip, a fox can be
seen fleeing from hounds in the Kent countryside - The animal is eventually caught and killed, and its torn apart body is
collected Harry Blackhurst, who recorded the clip, said: 'It's changed my life because I'm determined to avenge
that fox. I can't let it rest' This is the horrifying moment a fox is ripped apart
by dogs during a hunt as shocked onlookers film the scene unfolding. During the clip hounds can be seen racing after the fox
as it tries in vain to escape in Marden, Kent. The camera then cuts to the dead fox being lifted away with its guts hanging
from its body after the hunt, which was apparently organised by the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt. Fox hunting with packs of dogs was banned in England
in 2005, and is considered hunting of this nature if the person engages or participates in the pursuit of a wild mammal and
one or more dogs are employed in that chase. The video was recorded by Harry Blackhurst in November of last year. The software
consultancy recruiter is part of the anti-hunt group East Kent Saboteurs who go out every Saturday from August to March in
a bid to stop the practice. Mr Blackhurst said that after the fox was killed, police arrived and the Huntsmen admitted the
animal had been caught by the dogs. The 30-year-old says that he heard nothing from the authorities:
'I was chasing them to come back to me.' Eventually, wildlife officers were sent to his house in relation to the incident.
But he claims that those wildlife officers were powerless to do anything: 'The Kent Police Wildlife Officers that came
to my house claimed that they couldn't get involved in fox hunting crimes, because when the 2004 Hunting Act came in to
force all of the hunts became limited companies so that they were dealt with under commercial law.' Eventually, his statement was taken
by police in February, but he was told last Tuesday that the case had been closed. Mr Blackhurst was disgusted by what he
saw in November: 'It was horrific. It's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. Now it's changed my life
because I'm determined to avenge that fox. I can't let it rest.' Kent Police have been approached for comment. Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt declined to comment. Pics below - 1/ Hounds start
to chase flushed [or bagged] fox 2/ Hunters sit and watch 3/ Lead hound a few
yards behind fox 4/ Fox almost caught 5/ Pack closes in
[At this point the sab had to get out of his car and run to a new position. The next part was shot perhaps 30 seconds later] 6/
Fox has been caught and killed. Terrierman is retrieving corpse. 7/ Terrierman makes off with carcass
8/ Terrierman is driven away with fox body. Huntsman heard blowing the kill.
   Sab talking to Kent on TV about the hunt and the kill here. Story also covered by Kent Online and the Metro. Anti campaigners get no joy from meeting with N. Trust new boss24-4-18 Hounds Off Members Meeting With National Trust: Statement by
Helen Beynon On 9th April a group of National Trust members met with
the organisation’s new Director General to discuss the ongoing concerns over hunting on Trust land. Helen Beynon, Jack
Riggall, Will Morton [pic below left] and Joe Hashman attended as members. Hilary McGrady
(Director General) and Mark Harold (Director, Land & Nature) represented the Trust. The meeting came after the narrow defeat of the
motion to ban hunting on National Trust land at its AGM in October 2017 as a result of the Chair’s use of discretionary
votes allocated to him, and at the end of the latest hunting season which was characterised by the misbehaviour of hunts and
the failure of the Trust to adequately implement even the limited measures promised to members ahead of the vote. While we
welcomed the opportunity to meet Hilary McGrady, the need to do so simply reflected the lack of robust action taken since
the AGM. We were told Ms McGrady wanted
to hear from all sides, so she could get up to speed with the issue of hunting. Given the track record of many of the previously
licensed hunts and those licensed last season, we looked to hear an explanation of why the Trustees would continue to persist
in their illogical and callous position of maintaining hunts are responsible and trustworthy whilst disregarding the huge
raft of evidence supplied to them by National Dis-Trust, other Trust members, animal welfare charities, hunt monitors and
saboteurs. It was confirmed at the meeting that the licensing system will be reviewed before next autumn’s AGM but will not revisit
the decision to allow hunting on Trust land. Describing its ambition to reach a place where it can trust hunts, the Trust
does not appear to accept that its view, that the majority of hunts behave responsibly, is fatally undermined by the extensive
evidence provided to it at all levels prior to the vote and by the experience of this season, and maintained that it requires
its own evidence of irresponsible or illegal behaviour.
The Trust’s failure to live up to the limited promises made to members ahead of last
year’s vote has been deeply disappointing and the explanations for this remain unsatisfactory. The granting of licences
to hunts with a poor track record, including trespassing and even killing foxes on National Trust land, is the clearest example
of the deficiencies of the current system. While the Trust has accepted in some instances that the Board of Trustees reversed
its position on some elements of its statement on which members based their vote, it has failed to recognise the lack of respect
this represents for the democratic process and for those members who participated in it in good faith. When asked why the Trustees had decided to change the wording of license requirements, leaving
members in the same position as prior to the vote, we were told they changed their minds. It seems they did not consider the
implications of the statement prior to the AGM or had another motive for doing so, this in the full knowledge that advising
members to vote against the resolution would have a significant impact on how they would vote. Although we were
told the Trustees took this subject very seriously, there was no new system in place to monitor the hunts who were hastily
granted licenses last season. We were told that staff had kept an eye on things, but couldn’t be everywhere. It seemed
that the Trust are unwilling or unable to address the number of hunts who have trespassed and yet then rewarded them when
applying for licenses. Having not meaningfully taken account of the track
records of the Hunts it has licensed and not even attempted to monitor their activity on Trust land, it is difficult to imagine
that the upcoming Review will be fully informed or effective. The most we have been given to expect is that the Trust may
finally adhere to some of the conditions it promised its members and that it will begin to monitor the activity of hunts on
its land. However, the potential monitoring system as described to us is unlikely to be credible and there is little reason
to expect much improvement elsewhere considering these are the same issues we have been highlighting over and over to no avail
since last year. Sadly this new system will involve
each Hunt being monitored just once a season, with binoculars! The non-animal scent will be sampled at the same time. Hardly
a robust system, particularly as hunts will be pre-warned. To choose such an ineffectual approach is a slap in the face to
members who still hoped to see signs that the statement by the Trustees was in good faith. We welcomed the opportunity to place salient facts before Hilary McGrady, including a huge body of written and video
evidence. However, we remain extremely sceptical that those supposedly hunting a fox-based scent with purpose-trained hounds
when off Trust land will hunt an artificial scent whilst on it. Hilary McGrady agreed that without close monitoring none of
us can be really sure how hunts operate on the more remote estates. The nature of the scent supposedly used by Hunts on Trust
land is frankly irrelevant if we cannot ascertain the hounds are trained to pursue anything but fox. The Hunts are as aware as we are that animals continue to be killed by hounds “accidentally”,
surprising no one apart from the Trustees it seems. We await answers to several written questions, which we look forward to
receiving from the Trust. Those members who are rapidly becoming more familiar with the barbaric realities of hunting with
hounds continue to look forward to an era when the Trust genuinely takes note of those who are expert in the field of monitoring
illegal hunting and advising on trespass. We hope for a time when the governance process reflects a genuine desire to respond
to member opinions, rather than a situation where members have no opportunity to speak to the Trustees directly other than
after they have decided their way forward and with resolutions, whatever their outcome, being considered as simply indicators
of opinion, which could easily have been ascertained by the number of petitions and member demonstrations we have seen and
which will continue until the Trust stop supporting savagely cruel and outdated activities. JM acquitted on appeal savages CPS for bringing case against him 24-4-18 Daily Telegraph Hunt Master slams
CPS after he was prosecuted for confrontation with notorious saboteur A Hunt Master is considering
taking legal action against prosecutors after he was wrongly convicted of intimidating one of Britain's most notorious
saboteurs over his "kidnapped" dog. The police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have been accused of wasting
time and resources after taking Kim Richardson [below right] to court for confronting Raoul
D’Monte, whose groups of saboteurs were holding one of his favourite hounds in their van. After a year long battle a
Crown Court judge has now overturned his conviction for harassment, saying that he did not find Mr D'Monte was intimidated
and Mr Richardson was reasonable in trying to get his pet back. Mr Richardson, Joint Master and Huntsman of the Crawley and
Horsham Hunt, said that the case was "insane" and he is now considering suing the CPS. He works in Africa building
social housing, clinics and community buildings and a conviction could be "dangerous" as it could mean that people
will not work with him. The Hunt Master, who was flooded
with messages of support following his conviction, added: "As I said to them in interview I am an Englishman, my dog is really important to me, if someone touches it I will defend it. " The alleged victim, Raoul D’Monte, was revealed in court to be a well known and prolific activist
who has been disrupting hunts for almost 40 years and uses the pseudonym Alfie Moon to speak on sabbing tactics. The judge heard that at the International Animal Right Conference in Luxembourg
in 2016 he discussed the need to "take control of that pack of hunting hounds away from the huntsman” by using
techniques such as fake noises, adding: "The day I stop sabbing them is the day the last red coat is on a bonfire somewhere." Polly Portwin, the Countryside Alliance’s Head of Hunting,
said: “This case should never have gone this far and is another example of thousands of pounds being wasted in court
and police time. “The police and CPS need to consider very carefully any ‘evidence’ supplied by anti-hunting
activists who have a vested interest in vilifying members of the hunting community.” Fox
hunting was made illegal in 2004 but trail hunting, in which the artificial scent of an animal is laid, is allowed in the
UK. On February 25 last year around
60 members of the Crawley and Horsham Hunt were met by around 40 saboteurs, many of whom were wearing camouflage and balaclavas.
During the afternoon one Mr Richardson's hounds, Chapter, went missing and he desperately sent people to look for her
but to no avail. "She is a bit naughty sometimes, but she would never run off," he said. As darkness fell Mr Richardson stood at the top of a hill blowing his bugle for around an hour and
a half, but the dog still did not return. One of the other riders overheard the saboteurs discussing what to do with the "lost
property". They had found Chapter and put her in the back of their van [below left]. It was then Mr Richardson confronted Mr D’Monte, saying: "Have you got my missing hound, you lot? "You f******
better not nick it because I'll put this (bugle) straight down your f****** throat."Mr Richardson said: "It
was maybe a little bit stronger than I should have been, but I knew I needed to be strong to get her back, it was a gesture."
The activists returned the dog to another rider several hours
after she had gone missing. "I know that hounds have been stolen on hunts before," Mr Richardson said. "It
is my wife's favourite hound, we have had it since it was a puppy and she would have killed me. As I said to the judge
I am nearly as fond of the hounds as I am my own children." He thought nothing more of it until he received
a phone call from police a couple of months later. Mr Richardson said: "I told them not to be ridiculous but they said
that he had made a complaint and I had to come in for interview. When the policemen turned off the recording they said both
said that they did not know what I was doing there." But the case was passed up the
chain where Mr Richardson believes there are "some police in Sussex who are very anti-hunting and they get a lot of pressure
from the sabs, whereas we do not bother as we do not want to waste their time. I thought that it was so stupid that no one
would prosecute. Next thing I know I am in court," he added. In October last
year he appeared before a district judge and was convicted of a public order offence for causing harassment, alarm or distress
and fined £2,500 and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £635 and a victim surcharge of £130. But he was
cleared on appeal at Lewes Crown Court last week after a video of the day, filmed from the point of view of the saboteurs,
showed abuse being slung both ways. Mr D’Monte using the name Moon was filmed saying: "It was a really successful
day, really good, really good." Judge
Antony Chinn QC said that the bench had also heard evidence that Mr D'Monte was "smirking" and they therefore
concluded he did not feel harassed. He said they did not need to consider whether Mr Richardson's comments were reasonable
but "in view of what we know about the lost hound we would have found them reasonable if we’d had to go to that
stage." Timothy
Ryan, of Warner's Solicitors who represented Mr Richardson alongside Peter Glenser QC, added: “This case should
never have gone to court and I was surprised that it did. It is hard to believe that the police thought that this comment
justified prosecution and was in the public interest." The Crawley and Horsham Hunt went out for around 55 days last year, and for 40 of those they were
followed by saboteurs. Mr Richardson said: "For something that is perfectly legal they shouldn't be allowed to do
it. Sussex Police are more inclined to arrest us than they are them because we give them less trouble." A CPS spokesperson said: “This case was charged following careful consideration of the evidence
in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors. The defendant was convicted following a magistrates’ court trial
in October 2017. The conviction was subsequently overturned on appeal and we respect the decision of the court.” Sussex Police said it
is their duty to uphold the law and they will investigate without bias allegations from either side before handing details
to the CPS to make a charging decision. Superintendent Howard Hodges said: "The role of police at such events is to ensure
the safety of everyone involved in and around hunting activities, ensuring that we can effectively respond to emergencies
and deal with unlawful activity. We work closely, and without bias, with those who support hunting and those against it, encouraging
engagement with us in order to reduce friction between them and the potential for any public disorder. It can be challenging
to balance the rights, needs and wishes of all parties involved however we recognise the right for people to assemble and
protest in a public place and we will always seek to facilitate both this and the rights of others to carry out lawful activity
without fear of intimidation or obstruction”. 25-4-18 Facebook - Croydon Hunt Saboteurs Utter
bullshit from Richardson The lost hound was found by Croydon Sabs and put into our Landy
where she received treats, strokes and cuddles - more love than she has ever had I'll bet. We returned the hound, only
to be accused of theft and a torrent of abuse. Which bit of "I'll thrust that bugle down your fucking throat"
is not threatening or intimidation? POWAperson adds - Naturally, the Telegraph article does not mention the Crawley
& Horsham's long and inglorious history of criminality, including violence against sabs and no less than four convictions
for illegal hunting. Monitor
threatened by Quantock SH supporter Attempted to get into monitor's vehicle 23-4-18 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Just received a report that one of our monitors has been threatened by QUANTOCK STAGHOUNDS
support. The male tried to get into our monitors vehicle. The matter is now with the police. Full details on today will be
posted up later. CPS
drops illegal hunting case against Cheshire FH from October 22-4-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE HOUNDS CASE DROPPED BY CPS
As many people will now be aware, Cheshire and Merseyside CPS recently took the decision not to proceed with our case against
the Cheshire Hounds Hunt, which involved what both Cheshire Monitors and Cheshire Police believed to be a clear case of illegally
hunting a fox. We will
shortly be posting further details regarding this case, and what our next actions will be, so please keep checking back. This email from the CPS Merseyside-Cheshire Head of Magistrate
Court Prosecutions, dated 20-4-18 - POWAperson adds
- Cheshire Monitors did not publish their film of the Hunt chasing a fox because they referred it to the police.
I expect they will now. This is what they said about it in their report of 22-10-17 - ... "we captured a full pack of hounds flushing this
young fox out of Simpson’s Rough and giving chase through fields towards the village, with Hunt staff and riders in
hot pursuit. We heard no attempts by the Huntsman to call the hounds off" They say the land this fox was hunted on belongs to the owners of 'The Swan'
at Tarpoley, the village where the Cheshire FH kennels are located. Monitors also said the Cheshire were blatantly hunting
throughout the day and that they saw other foxes being hunted later in the day and none of what they were doing was 'trail
hunting'. Monitors' full report on the day is here. Crawley FH JM is acquitted on appeal
of threatening behaviour to sab 20-4-18 Countryside Alliance PR Master of hunt is acquitted on appeal Kim Richardson [left], a
joint-master of the Crawley & Horsham Hunt was acquitted today in Lewes Crown Court following a conviction of an offence
under Section 4a of the Public Order Act 1986. Representing Richardson in court today, Peter Glenser QC commented: “Kim should never have been charged in the first place yet alone had to go as far as Crown Court on appeal,
however it is of course brilliant news.” Richardson’s solicitor Tim Ryan added: “This case should never
have gone to court.” Richardson, who was “delighted” at the outcome, was originally found guilty at Horsham Magistrates Court
in October 2017 and fined a total of £3,255. This was in relation to an incident involving hunt saboteur Raoul D’Monte
that took place in February 2017. Following judge Antony Chinn QC’s verdict, Tim Easby, director
of the Masters of Foxhounds Association said: “We are absolutely thrilled at the outcome but this should never have
got to this stage and it has understandably put a lot of unnecessary strain on Kim and his family.” Countryside Alliance’s
Head of Hunting, Polly Portwin commented: “This case should never have gone this far and is another example of thousands
of pounds being wasted in court and police time. “The police and CPS need to consider very carefully any ‘evidence’
supplied by anti-hunting activists who have a vested interest in vilifying members of the hunting community.” POWAperson
comments - See here for original media report on the case. Richardson has been a JM for the Crawley & Horsham FH for a
long time. This Hunt has a reputation for violence and several members and followers have been convicted over the years for
a variety of offences. Four of these convictions were for illegal hunting.
Deer hunted on NT land soon after
new boss pledges to 'help nature'20-4-18 Daily Express VIDEO SHOCK as deer HUNTED on National Trust land hours after new boss pledges to 'help nature' - SHOCKING
footage has emerged which appears to show hunters assembling on lands managed by the National Trust in Somerset before allegedly
launching into a deer chase across the moorland Footage recorded on National
Trust-managed land allegedly shows the hunters preparing for a deer hunt across the Holnicote Estate on Exmoor. The video
reputedly shows riders gathered on National Trust land, with hunt supporters looking at the scene from nearby cars reportedly
parked illegally on the moorland. A herd of deer can also be seen running across the land as onlookers observe from the nearby
road. Andrew Kendall, a professional investigator for the League Against
Cruel Sports (LACS) who witnessed the incident, said: "Deer were clearly being flushed out of wooded valleys and chased
onto open moorland on the hottest day of the year which is clearly detrimental to their health. We’re in the middle
of the young stag hunting season. Sadly a young male deer would have been chased for miles by hounds pursued by horsemen and
women and followers on quad bikes, before being shot.” The shocking video was recorded one day before National Trust Director-General
Hilary McGrady announced the organisation would take a more "radical" approach to do "a huge amount more for
nature". LACS Director Chris Luffingham called out the National Trust, urging
the conservation organisation to protect wildlife on its land. Mr Luffingham said: "The National Trust need to work out
if they really care about nature or not. Not for the first time, a hunt – which we believe to have been illegal –
took place on National Trust land, causing massive disturbance to not only the deer but the whole area. And not for the first
time, We’ve got evidence that National Trust staff witnessed the whole thing – and did nothing to stop it." While hunting became illegal
across the UK in 2005, the National Trust still issues "trail" hunting licenses which allow hunters to simulate
a hunt with their packs of hounds. But the LACS has repeatedly called for a ban of the practice due to fears it could be exploited
to "cover up" illegal hunting activities. Mr Luffingham added: "We are calling on all landowners including
the National Trust to ban hunts from their land and we need to strengthen the Hunting Act and bring in tougher sentencing
to act as a deterrent.” Express.co.uk has contacted the National Trust for comment. It comes after Ms McGrady announced the National Trust
would strive to do more for nature. She told BBC 5 Live Breakfast: "The Trust is only a custodian: what we really about
is trying to get the nation to love its own special places and to want to look after them. "I want to do something about
nature. Nature is in real trouble at the moment." Pic below - Trying to separate stag from herd in order to hunt
it 21-4-18 LACS Press Release Somerset Wildlife Crime - Observed to death
The Devon & Somerset Staghounds claim to hunt under the 'Observation and Research' exemption. This claim gives
them a legal basis on which they can hunt and kill red deer just as they did before the hunting ban. A recent article in Horse
& Hound celebrated their 'Triumph over adversity', boasting of having navigated their way through the Hunting
Act successfully. Exactly what they are celebrating is a mystery to many people. There is no art or skill in what they do.
There is no tradition or conservation in the cruel and barbaric pastime. Yesterday, when the majority
of the country were enjoying a heat wave, a mass convoy of 4x4's encircle a small area of the Holnicote Estate. They are
there to provide the Huntsman with a 360 degree view of what is happening when he is in the deep valleys. When the stag breaks cover, they feverishly relay information of his whereabouts and direction
to one another, quickly scramblers, quads, 4x4's all race to set up a cordoned area to prevent the Stag from running in
a particular direction. His path is set by the support vehicles so that he can be pursued by the Huntsman and hounds, for
the grotesque spectacle and enjoyment of the support. The Holnicote Estate belongs to the National Trust. The irony of this horror a day before the National
Trust Director-General Hilary McGrady announced the organisation would take a more "radical" approach to do "a
huge amount more for nature". Is this what radical looks like Hilary? We think it scandalous, archaic and disgusting. Pic below - Moment a stag is isolated
and the chase begins 22-4-18 Independent VIDEO Hunt filmed chasing deer on National Trust land even as charity's chief
pledges crackdown - ‘Animals were clearly flushed out of wooded valleys and chased onto open moors on the hottest day
of the year’ A Hunt has been filmed apparently chasing deer on moorland managed by
the National Trust – just as the Trust’s chief insisted the organisation would get tough on hunts that don’t
follow licensing rules. The red deer were seen scattering across the land in Somerset with horse riders in pursuit. Hunt followers were parked
up on the moorland, watching with binoculars. It happened on Thursday, the hottest day of the year – which critics said
was also detrimental to the animals’ health. Hilary McGrady, the new head of the National
Trust, said in an interview with the BBC broadcast on Friday: “The Trust has introduced much more robust licensing this
year, and I am going to focus on doing what I said we were going to do and ensure that those licences are followed. Hunts
that follow those licences, we will work with them. The ones that don’t, we won’t.” Hunting wild mammals
with dogs has been illegal since 2005, and Hunts say they use trails of animal scent instead. Under pressure last year to
ban all forms of hunting, the Trust introduced a system of licences for trail hunting. But investigators
from the League Against Cruel Sports claimed that what they filmed on Thursday was the Devon and Somerset Staghounds chasing
deer across the Holnicote Estate on Exmoor. They said young male deer “would have been chased for miles by hounds pursued
by horsemen and women and followers on quad bikes, before being shot”. Andrew Kendall, a former policeman and investigator
who saw the chase, said: “Deer were clearly being flushed out of wooded valleys and chased onto open moorland on the
hottest day of the year, which is clearly detrimental to their health.” Ms McGrady said the following day that she wanted to “do more for nature”. She
also promised a new system of licensing, insisting the trust would not work with hunts that fail to follow its licence terms. Chris Luffingham, the League’s head
of campaigns, said: “The National Trust needs to work out if it really cares about nature or not. Not for the first
time, a hunt – which we believe to have been illegal – took place on National Trust land, causing massive disturbance
to not only the deer but the whole area. “If Hilary McGrady is sincere in her bid to make the trust more nature-friendly,
she needs to get a grip on the illegal and disruptive activity frequently taking place on its land. We believe that the three
deer hunts operating in the West Country are killing more than 200 deer every year.” No stag hunt has been issued a
licence to hunt by the National Trust, he added. A National Trust spokesman said: “The
National Trust does not allow hunting of wild animals. The National Trust has not currently licensed any hunts on the Holnicote
Estate. We take any reports of unlicensed activity on our land very seriously. We are aware of the incident you describe and
are seeking urgent clarification from those involved. Until we establish the facts we won’t be able to comment further.” 3 senior Atherstone FH members reported for perverting the course of justice 20-4-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Statement on yesterdays events - Hunt Saboteur found not guilty of public order offences - Three senior members
of the Atherstone Hunt reported for perverting the course of justice Last
August we held a demonstration outside the kennels of the Atherstone Hunt to protest their hound racing event at the kennels.
In September we were contacted by Leicestershire Police who wanted to question one of us in relation to allegations made by
members of the Hunt. Yesterday,
Cathy Scott [above] was found not guilty of three counts of causing harassment, alarm or distress
under Section 4 and 5 of the Public Order Act at Loughbourgh Magistrates Court. Three senior members of the Atherstone Hunt
which included the Huntsman and Joint-master Mike Lane [below, with hounds], Joint-master
Mark Halford and the Hunt's only employee, Oliver Hope, had made allegations claiming Scott had sworn at them and threatened
them. She was found not guilty after video footage completely disproved their allegations.
The footage showed a very calm, quiet and low key demonstration outside the hunts kennels. When summing up the magistrates
said the three Hunt members where not credible witnesses and had changed their evidence halfway through once they realised
there was video footage. The statements made by the three Hunt members contained completely unprovable and unrelated speculation
and accusations. Mike Lane, Mark Halford and Oliver
Hope have now all been reported for perverting the course of justice. These were very serious accusations that they made that
could have resulted in an innocent person being sent to prison. The Atherstone Hunt has been close to financial collapse for a number
of years now and cannot survive long term whilst we are still there exposing them. This was in effect the last role of the
dice for the Atherstone Hunt who could have applied for a restraining order had they won. We would like to make it clear that
we are not going anywhere. The hunts governing body the Master of Fox Hounds Association (MFHA) now has a clear choice, continue
to prop up the Atherstone Hunt with financial support and in the process send out a message that the fox hunting community
condones the very serious crime that we believe has been committed. Or disband the Atherstone Hunt completely to show that
this type of behaviour will not be tolerated. Of course, none of this would have been possible without Leicestershire Police who recently took no further action against someone associated with the Atherstone Hunt claiming the evidence and statements weren’t good enough (this is currently ongoing, as we have challenged the decision that was made). However, Leicestershire Police were perfectly
happy to accept the allegations made by the Hunt members without any proper evidence or independent witnesses to back up the
allegations. Leicestershire Police continue to have double standards with anti-hunt and pro-hunt cases. In light of this case
we feel that the hunting operation at Leicestershire Police has lost all credibility. It will surprise no one that the senior investigating officer in
this case was DS Matt Trott who was also responsible for taking no further action in both Ashley Davis [left,
knocking sab into ditch with quad] assault cases, issued harassment notices to two sabs (again with no evidence
to back up the allegations) and was involved in a case involving the Atherstone Hunt terrier-man who had been filmed blocking
in a badger sett - the CPS told us the case got dropped because Leicestershire Police failed to hand evidence over on time. Leicestershire Police
are happy for anti-hunt people to face prison based on no evidence yet when we have presented actual evidence of a Section
5 offence by a hunt supporter Leicestershire Police are happy to hand out lenient sentences such as a conditional caution
and a letter of apology to the victim. Leicestershire Police then even refused to hand over the letter of apology. As for the Atherstone Hunt, we are not going anywhere, we will see you all at this years hound
racing event and look forward to meeting Bill Bishop rumoured to be next seasons new Huntsman. Leicestershire police: https://www.facebook.com/leicspolice/.You You can help us continue with our Atherstone Hunt
campaign by donating using this link. Prominent sab cleared after Atherstone FH hunter lies exposed in court Video evidence showed claims of threatening behaviour/swearing false Magistrates said hunter complainants
were not credible witnesses Defendant asserts that Leics police
colluded with Hunt to charge her HSA says hunters should be investigated for bringing false charges 19-4-18 HSA Press Release Hunt Saboteur found not guilty of public order
offences Today, Cathy Scott was found not guilty of three counts of causing harassment, alarm or
distress under Section 4 and 5 of the Public Order Act at Loughbourgh Magistrates Court. Three senior members of the Atherstone
Hunt which included the Huntsman and Joint-master Mike Lane, Joint-master Mark Halford and the Hunt's only employee Oliver
Hope had made allegations claiming Scott had sworn at them and threatened them on the 5th August at the Hunt's kennels.
Scott was peacefully protesting with West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs at the Atherstone Hunts hound racing event which was being
held at the kennels. Video footage from the day proved the allegations to be false. The court heard statements from the three members of the Hunt who all claimed
Scott had been screaming, swearing and threatening them, however the defence played the court footage of the day in question
which completely disproved their allegations. The footage showed a very calm, quiet and low key demonstration outside the
Hunt's kennels. The Atherstone
Hunt are close to financial collapse due to the constant exposure they have had from West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs. If Scott had been found guilty all three members of the Atherstone Hunt could have applied for restraining
orders effectively banning Scott from protesting against the Atherstone Hunt. When summing up the magistrates said the three Hunt members were
not credible and had changed their statements halfway through, once they realised there was video footage. Scott said “I’m pleased with the result but disappointed that this case was allowed
to get as far as it did. Serious questions now need to be asked about Leicestershire Police and why they allowed three members
of the Atherstone Hunt to make allegations about me without providing any proper evidence to corroborate their allegations.
I view this as a malicious prosecution by Leicestershire Police. They allowed no proper evidence to be submitted and when
the CPS were presented with video footage before the trial showing what actually happened Leicestershire Police and the CPS
actually tried to stop the footage from being shown.” A spokesperson for West Midlands
Hunt Saboteurs said:- “As for the Atherstone Hunt and its supporters we are used to their violence and lies that have
resulted in over 20 convictions and cautions in the last 4 years. But this is a very serious line they have crossed which
could have resulted in an innocent person being sent to prison. Three senior members of the Atherstone Hunt, the Huntsman,
Joint-master and their only employee have all in our opinion conspired to bring false charges and they need to be investigated
for that. As for the Hunt itself I don’t think there is any other option left now apart from the Hunts governing body
the Master of Fox Hounds Association (MFHA) to disband the Hunt completely. The
only reason this case got as far as it did is because of the police. We believe members of Leicestershire Police assisted
the Atherstone Hunt over these charges or at the very least turned a blind eye to the lack of evidence to back up the false
allegations. We are now seeking legal advice”. Lee
Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, said: “It's unbelievable that Leicestershire Police are aiding
the Atherstone Hunt, an organised criminal gang, to persecute West Midland Hunt Saboteurs who are ensuring the law of the
land is enforced. We ask that Leicestershire Police and the Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner carry out an internal
enquiry to find out how this has been allowed to happen. If the public are to have any faith that Leicestershire Police are
not totally corrupt then they need to find out who was responsible for this farce and ensure there are severe consequences.
Many of our groups in the region have told us that they will have nothing to do with Leicestershire Police until they prove
that they're not hand in glove with the hunting community and we fully support their stance.” In 2016, the wildlife officer for Leicestershire Police was outed as a
member of the Belvior fox hunt and was subsequently forced to resign her role as wildlife officer. In October last year, the current wildlife officer for Leicestershire Police was recorded in an audio recording taken
at a meeting with members and supporters of the Atherstone Hunt. He can be heard advising them on which laws can and can not
be used against hunt saboteurs. This is not the first time Leicestershire Police have targeted this particular member of West
Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, they arrested her after she refused a stop and search in 2014 after she told them it was an unlawful
stop and search. The case was thrown out of court after the judge agreed with her that it was unlawful. Emails obtained via
the Data Protection Act revealed that the CPS had originally wanted to drop the case and had also come to the conclusion that
the stop and search was unlawful. However Leicestershire Police put pressure on the CPS to continue with the prosecution as
they were worried that it would “expose the force to litigation”. After the case was thrown out Leicestershire
Police were successfully sued and had to pay compensation. In 2015, Leicestershire Police issued the same hunt saboteur
with a Police Information Notice (harassment notice). This had similarities with the most recent case above in that members
of the Atherstone Hunt had made allegations with no actual evidence to collaborate their claims. The harassment notice was
eventually overturned and an official apology was made by Leicestershire Police who agreed the harassment notice had been misused. Unbelievably, Leicestershire Police issued a second
harassment notice to the same person again based just on an allegation made by a member of the Atherstone hunt with no evidence
to collaborate it. After Scott made a formal complaint a senior officer overturned the harassment notice as they were unable
to find any evidence for issuing it in the first place. Leicestershire Police stopped using Police Information Notice’s
completely after this. See also article in The Canary POWAperson
adds - Cathy Scott is among the most dedicated and determined hunt sabs in the country, and has been prominent
in West Midlands Sabs' repeated exposures of, in particular, the Atherstone FH. No wonder they were anxious to try to
discredit her and prevent her sabbing them. That is, perhaps, just hunters being their diabolical selves. But that Leicestershire
police should apparently so readily facilitate their unevidenced and false charges is far more sinister. It was Cathy
who, in 2012, dived amongst the hounds of the Old Berks FH and snatched a young fox to safety [getting quite badly bitten,
by the terrified fox, for her pains]. The video of this amazing and daring rescue has had over a million views online. One hunt supporter, in a comment under the video on YouTube, made vile death and rape threats towards her. Earlier this season, Cathy was struck hard in
the face by a burly ex-Director of the Warwickshire FH. She, as with most
sabs, is frequently subjected, to abuse and threats as well as physical violence - but she is not deterred. Pics above - Top right, Cathy and friends after the case was dismissed
Middle, rescuing a juvenile fox [at her feet] from the hounds of the Old Berks FH in 2012.
petition against relocation of Pembrokeshire FH kennels18-4-18 Facebook - Western Telegraph Plans to move Pembrokeshire Hunt kennels to Treffgarne
cause concern PLANS to relocate 80 hunting hounds, and an associated fallen stock business, 1.7km
west of Treffgarne have been met with consternation by local residents. The chairman of Pembrokeshire Hunt, Michael Davies, has applied to Pembrokeshire
County Council to move the hunt's dog kennels to agricultural land at Tan Y Garne. The change of use application is for dog kennels, a linked fallen
stock business, siting of a caravan for the kennel huntsman and hybrid use of part of the adjacent field as an exercising
area for hounds and for agriculture. The existing agricultural building at the site will be converted to create six kennels,
a fallen stock area, a separate feed room, a wash-down utility area, an office and a wash-room. Six outdoor kennel runs, with
1.5-metre-high metal mesh fencing, would also be created. The Hunt's other business is Pembrokeshire Fallen Stock which
collects fallen stock, transporting it to the kennels site for feeding to the hounds. The hounds are fed raw flesh from fallen
stock with the unused parts of any carcass stored in closed bins which are taken away by a local firm of renderers when nearly
full. Skins or hides are carefully cut from carcasses and sold separately. Local resident Ros Bradley has set up a petition, which has dozens of signatures, against the application. She says
that she is not against the hunt per se but that the application site is in the wrong place, just ¾ of a mile from
the village. She fears that noise and sound from the kennels will travel to adjacent properties but says the worst part of
the application is the fallen stock side of the operation. She fears leftovers from this will be kept on site in unsealed
bins for up to ten days. Ros says that the fences are not high enough to stop the dogs jumping over them and is worried that
the dogs will be outed among dairy stock when they are known to carry TB. "Noise
and sound will travel," she said. "At five in the morning you don't want to listen to dogs barking. They will
be fed in batches, so that will prolong the noise. The urine from 80 dogs will be considerable and could run out onto already
wet fields nearby." She says the whole village is against
the proposals. 'To us it's a huge issue", she said. "It will affect our property values. "It's
not vindictive," she said of her opposition. "It's about living next to something noisy, messy and smelly." The
application says there is "perceived to be an odour associated with the delivery and management of the fallen stock and
the holding of any waste products prior to rendering". However, it says this is this is minimal and will be contained
within the shed. It says that the hounds only make significant noise in the morning before breakfast and that insulating /
soundproofing will be added to the roof and sides of the shed. A sewage treatment plant to deal with waste from the hounds
is included in the plans. Essex
& Suffolk FH 'stewards' face charges over attacks on sabs 17-4-18 East Anglian Daily Times Hunt stewards to stand trial over alleged clash with saboteurs in Suffolk
Two hunt stewards are due to stand trial over an alleged altercation with saboteurs in the Suffolk countryside. Robert Cundy
and Jonathan Mander [below right] each denied two charges relating to an alleged incident
near Hadleigh last autumn.
The pair appeared at South East Suffolk Magistrates’ Court,
in Ipswich, for the first hearing into the case on Tuesday. Prosecutor David Bryant said the alleged incident took place in
the Nedging-with-Naughton parish on Saturday, September 30. “The incident
arose from an organised hunt meet,” he added. “The complainants were hunt saboteurs, monitoring the Hunt, while
the two defendants were on a quad bike behind the saboteurs’ vehicle [left].” Cundy, 41, of Church Lane, Semer, was charged with driving
a mechanically propelled vehicle – namely a red Quad bike – without due care and attention on Hadleigh Road. The
charge relates to an allegation he twice drove purposefully into the rear of a Land Rover carrying anti-hunt protesters at
about 10.30am. He also faced a second charge of carrying passengers on a quad bike in a manner likely to cause danger to others.
The charge relates to an allegation he caused danger to two passengers sitting on the rear body of the vehicle – not on seats – and
that one was thrown forward when the vehicle rammed another. Mander, of Lee Wick Lane, St Osyth, near Clacton-on-Sea, was charged with using threatening, abusive, or insulting
words or behaviour towards Jenny Ness, with intent to cause fear of, or provoke, unlawful violence. The 35-year-old was also
charged with attempted criminal damage to property valued under £5,000, by attempting to damage equipment fitted to
the rear of a Land Rover belonging to Matthew Spencer – intending to destroy or damage such property. Cundy and Mander were both represented in court by Tim Ryan, of Tonbridge
law firm Warners Solicitors. Each spoke only to confirm his name, age, address and nationality, before entering not guilty
pleas to all charges. Magistrates set a date for their two-day trial to begin at the same court on Monday, July 9. A case
management review hearing will take place ahead of the trial on June 5. Both men were released on unconditional bail. POWAperson adds - The sab report on the incident is here. Cundy and Mander were both convicted of Threatening Behaviour towards sabs in the 2006/7 season
and fined £200 each. D. & S. SH still out at 6.30 pm looking for
a stag to killHunted on private estate of Countess of Arran 15-4-18 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO Following unpleasant behaviour from Quantock Staghounds hunt support last week - footage
of that incident is currently with the police and so cant be shared here, so instead we thought we would spotlight Devon and
Somerset Staghounds when they had to relocate their meet to the Castle Hill Estate at Filleigh by kind invitation from Eleanor,
Countess of Arran. The Countess allowed the DSSH to hunt through her private estate and surrounding farm land. Quite a spectacle
to behold, as hundreds raced all over the lanes and villages around Chittlehamtpon, Filleigh and Satterleigh, causing chaos
on the main B3226 late into the afternoon as they desperatly tried to slot the Stag along the river Bray. Several chases,
with no luck and at 6:30pm they were still looking for a stag to kill. The Castle Hill Estate
website boasts of magnificent gardens, promoting themselves as a family day out, but we couldnt see any mention of Stag Hunting?
The Wikipedia page for the Castle Hill Estate is worth a look if you have an interest in the local aristocracy - and when
considered, with this kind of support, it is no wonder stag hunting is still thriving. It's not often we make things personal, so as a gentle reminder to Quantocks
Stag Hounds, unless you would like to see a weekly spot light on all the support, meets, hosts, executive committee members,
and associated businesses for staghound packs in Somerset highlighted here, please ask your support to adopt a more congenial
conduct in future (that means, play nice). Mass sab ensures no kills by Royal Artillery FH Female sab assaulted, radio stolen 15-4-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs News had filtered down from Stop the Cull that the Royal Artillery Hunt were having
their final meet of the season close to Bulford and hunting the MoD land to the north. Now most Hunts have finished for the
season, vixens will now have cubs underground and even some hunters think it is very bad form to hunt at this time of year
for obvious reasons however not the Royal Artillery. With this in mind we decided to go on a road trip and support the many other groups who descended on the area to
stop them killing. These were (in no particular order and apologies if we missed anyone out) North Cambs , Bath, Brighton,
Bristol, East Kent, South Wales, South Coast, Croydon, Southampton Hunt Sabs, Dorset Against Blood Sports & Weymouth Animal
Rights. It
proved to be quite an interesting day for us. The big rolling areas dotted with coverts and rough ground are used by the MoD
for training and gunnery exercises but they are completely open access during the weekend. The area is dotted with byways
and tracks, very different from having to stay on the roads while the foot team do the hard yards we are used to. This also
means these tracks are filled with the supporters and hangers on. With so many groups present and fine comms between everyone it was always
going to be a very hard day for the hunt. It was warm and sunny with scenting conditions difficult. The hunt seemed confused
as they would often turn this way and that but always running into another group and their assortment of sabs ready to step
in if needs be. They tried running hard but with all the open access they were never going to escape for long. We heard them going into cry briefly at one point and heard they
had marked something to ground but there was no chance of any further action in prosecuting that particular animal. Much to
the amusement of the assortment of blood junkies who had also travelled from far and wide to get their gruesome fix we managed
to get one of our vehicles stuck in the mud however we were able to extricate this with the help of another landy and even
one of the hunt supporters. We were happy to give them some amusement seeing as the rest of their day had been so utterly
disappointing, imagine driving all that way to see an overweight middle aged man badly riding a horse round in circles all
day followed by some hounds. Perhaps now is the time to remind them that they are also prone to such vehicular misdemeanours. As the day wore on
the support were getting more and more mardy. One particular young boy definitely had anger issues and seemed to want to fight
everyone including the girls. Perhaps his paper round and homework are getting him down and he definitely needed a hug. Some
of the riders were also knowingly putting their mounts at risk by deliberately riding in front of vehicles and blocking them. The Hunt covered a vast
distance during the day and belligerently hunted on till after 4pm however there were no kills and sabs retired happy. All
in all a long but worthy day and great to catch up with old friends and new. 15-4-18 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday with many other fine groups, we paid a visit to the Royal Artillery (Salisbury Plain) Foxhounds
at their closing meet at Carter Barracks, Bulford Camp. The Hunt's kennels are based nearby at Bulford Camp, Salisbury,
Wiltshire. The huntsman is Robert Moffat... All groups worked seamlessly together with a group always staying
with the Hunt; wherever they tried to flee to they found Sabs waiting for them! We are confident that no Foxes were killed
yesterday, with at least two Foxes being seen to safety by our group and East Kent Sabs. Local hired thugs were in attendance along with Justin Ellis from the Crawley and
Horsham Hunt, who has previous convictions for affray. The Hunt's private security (the police force) came and bizarrely
served a dispersal order on one group and told them they would need to be escorted to Salisbury! Sabs kept their cool and didn't
rise to provocation, even after a female Sab was grabbed from behind by a cowardly supporter. A radio was stolen from another
Sab but this didn't deter us. The cruelty of fox hunting is well known and all fox hunts are despicable in our eyes. But
for a Hunt to still be trying to kill foxes in mid April, when vixen will have dependent cubs, is a level of cruelty that
sickens us to our stomachs. For the riders who
actively participated yesterday, we have to ask where are your morals. How could you possibly justify your bloodlust and persecution
of an animal that is just trying to survive and protect its young. The Hunt covered a vast area... The weather was sunny and the temperature
16 degrees. horses were visibly struggling and sweating profusely whilst their oblivious riders were happily glugging from
their hip flasks. To the MOD; evidence was collected yesterday by many groups of the
Hunt breaking the terms of their licence. We now call on you to remove the licence for the Royal Artillery Hunt. Although it's now thankfully
the end of the main Fox hunting season, our Sabs will still be busy with sett surveying ahead of the Badger cull, as well
as seeking out the Mink hunters who will still be hunting. Please support our ongoing work for the price of a coffee: ko-fi.com/bathsabs.
You can also come and see us at upcoming events - the next one being at Lush Cribbs Causeway Sat 28th and Sun 29th April. Lastly - a HUGE thank you to all of you for your continual support - we couldn't do what we do without you! Thanks
also to the groups we have worked with this season - you know who you are! Till the next time... Over and out for another
season, Bath Hunt Sabs. Sab records show huge scale of sett blocking by Hunts 11-4-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs SETTS BLOCKED BY HUNTS, SEASON 2017/18
With the season now being over in this area we have compiled our sett blocking data along with other individuals/groups and
especially Cirencester Illegal Huntwatch https://www.facebook.com/CIHWatch/ (and as part of our participation with Gloucestershire
Badger Office). The setts mentioned in this table are routinely blocked in the main because hunts do not want foxes to escape down
labyrinthine badger setts. This is only the very tip of the iceberg and for the following reasons is just an indication of
the scale of criminality against badgers and foxes much of which is within known active badger cull zones( all areas mentioned
will soon become active badger cull zones) - 1. The Hunts mentioned are all out
2-4 times a week. During cub hunting a couple of them have a 6 day week. Blocking setts and digging them out to get a fox
are carried out as part of fox hunting for 7 months of the year (including when the badger cull is operating at the same time
in the same area). We can only check a fraction of setts that may be blocked. 2. Early morning
patrols, the police speaking to hunt officials/landowners, us making landowners aware of sett blocking on their land, hidden
cameras, reporting each and every sett block and posting about sett blocking has had a visible deterrent effect in SOME areas
meaning that setts are blocked less and in some cases not ever again. Bad weather has led to lots of
cancellations this year meaning less hunting days this year so less sett blocking. A couple of the entries on this table are to do with direct badger persecution and are NOT connected with hunting.
We would urge all those who want to protect badgers to sett survey their own locality and be on guard against developers,
hunts, those who would attack badgers for "sport", the cull and all other persecution. Compiling and publishing
data on a national level from such grim findings should form an intrinsic part of badger protection from those who would eliminate
them. We hope that this gives people some indication of
how widespread badger crime is as the consultation to express concerns over the cull has it's deadline on 15th April 2018 https://consult.defra.gov.uk/…/badger-control-in-low-risk-…/. Footage of sett blockers; https://vimeo.com/157019098 and https://vimeo.com/251049644.Please Please continue to support us, http://paypal.me/threecountiessabs. We will be out on an almost daily basis sett surveying, checking, keeping an eye out for illegal traps and so forth.  Pics below - 1/ Cotswold FH sett blocker 8am
13-1-18 2/ Blocked sett near where Heythrop FH hunted
to ban Hampshire FH from Alton council land 11-4-18 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors REMINDER TO ALL ALTON RESIDENTS Prior to the last
Alton Town Council elections, at a time of the Lib-Dems having a substantial number of councillors (majority?) on ATC, the
Hampshire Hunt was disallowed use of ATC land for the promotion of its barbarity. This year there is
a particularly determined campaign to have them banned again in light of recent direct evidence that the Hampshire Hunt go
prepared to hunt illegally directly from its assembly on The Butts. Boxing Day 2017 saw a quad bike holding multiple terriers in
boxes on the Butts which left with the hunt carrying known HH terriermen. This same quad bike has been filmed at multiple
HH meets, committing road traffic violations and also with terriers locked in boxes. The fact that the hunt have quad bikes
with terriers and terrier men can only mean they are prepared to hunt illegally. Intense recent monitoring of the HH shows conclusively they:- 1. routinely hunt without laying trails and come prepared to illegally hunt 2. routinely hunt through dense scrub areas known to contain foxes
and also hedgerows near roads which would be not only be impossible but foolish to lay a false trail 3. commit multiple
road traffic violations with their quad bikes causing danger to not only the riders, their passengers (we have filmed young
children and an elderly man carried dangerously on major roads) but also the general public 4. aggressively attempt
to stop monitors filming 5. generally scare all of our local wildlife 6. are a frequent and major menace of our dangerous A-roads Full details can be seen in the
reports and videos on this page. We appeal to Alton
likers of this page email their Ward Councillors along with the Alton Town Clerk and Cllr Hill, chair of the Outdoor Spaces
Committee with their objections to ATC-land being used by the Hampshire Hunt. The agenda of the OSC will be finalised before
18 April, therefore I would urge you to do this in the next week or so. PLEASE SHARE Belvoir FH terrierman/son plead guilty to attacks on LACS monitors Both accept charges of GBH, ABH and theft of equipment Trial [for 'character witnesses'] and sentencing
adjourned to June 10-4-18 Leicester Mercury VIDEO Father and son leave Belvoir Hunt monitor with broken neck in attack
The pair appeared in court earlier today A father and son attacked two members of an animal welfare charity as they filmed
the Belvoir Hunt. Ex-police officer, Darryl Cunnington, a monitoring investigator with the League Against Cruel Sports, suffered
a broken neck after falling from a 14 foot ledge. His colleague, Roger Swain, was also injured and had his video recorder
stolen, on the afternoon of March 12, 2016. They were attacked by George Grant, 57, and his son, Thomas Grant, 25, who are associated
with the Belvoir Hunt in Leicestershire. The incident happened
off Tofts Lane, Stathern, near Melton Mowbray, as the victims were surveying the Hunt’s activities – although
there was no report that the Hunt was acting unlawfully on that day. At Leicester Crown Court the defendants, both of Briary
Cottage, Belvoir, pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm upon Mr Cunnington, who formerly served 29 years with
Leicestershire Police. They also admitted causing actual bodily harm to Mr Swain, the theft of Mr Swain’s video camera
and damaging a digital memory card. The court case was adjourned until June, when the prosecution is due to open the
facts of the case on behalf of The Crown. Defence counsel asked for an adjournment so their clients could call character witnesses
to give references. Judge Jinder Singh Boora released the Grants on unconditional bail,
saying: “You’ve pleaded guilty to very serious offences.” He said: “I’m adjourning because there
are character witnesses who can give evidence on behalf of you both and that’s something a judge can take into account
in deciding what the sentence will be. I make it clear that all sentencing options will be available to the court.” Earlier reports of the incident in 2016 stated the victims were filming the Hunt’s activities on a ridge when
the defendants arrived on a quad bike, before several unknown men turned up and assaulted them. After the hearing, Mr Swain
said outside court: “It would be nice to see a custodial sentence given the seriousness of the offences and it was an
unprovoked attack.” Mr Cunnington said: “I had a broken neck. I was monitoring the Belvoir Hunt. It was the last
day of the hunting season. We’d been there for a good few hours on a public bridleway when the two drove past on a quad
bike.” Pics above - Top, Daryl Cunnigton being tended to by paramedics Below
that, Roger Swain after the attack Pics below
- 1/ George Grant, Belvoir FH terrierman, outside court 2/ Thomas
Grant, his son [Credit Chris Gordon]  10-4-18 Daily Mail Father and son admit punching and pushing anti-hunt monitor former policeman
down 14ft slope during fox hunt leaving him with a broken neck - George Grant, 55, and his son Thomas, 24, hit then pushed
Darryl Cunnington - They also attacked his colleague Roger Swain of League Against Cruel Sports - Mr Cunnington and Mr Swain
were monitoring the Belvoir Hunt in Leicestershire - George and Thomas Grant will be sentenced at Leicester Crown Court in
June A former policeman broke his neck after being punched then pushed down a 14ft slope while
filming a fox hunt. Darryl Cunnington was attacked by George Grant, 55, and his son Thomas Grant, 24, as he monitored the
Belvoir Hunt in Leicestershire on March 12, 2016. The League Against Cruel Sports investigator, who had served with Leicestershire
Police for 29 years, suffered a broken vertebrae in his neck after being pushed off a ledge. Fellow investigator Roger Swain
was also seriously assaulted during the incident which happened at about 2.30pm off Toft's Lane, Stathern, near Melton
Mowbray. Senior Hunt member Grant and his son also stole the pair's video cameras - seemingly to cover their tracks. They
launched the attack with four unidentified masked men, some of whom rode a quad bike, according to animal welfare charity
the League Against Cruel Sports. It took emergency
services more than three hours to get Mr Cunnington onto a spinal board in a specialist vehicle due to the challenging terrain.
He had to wear a neck collar for about seven weeks after the assault. Grant and his son, of Briary
Cottage, Belvoir, appeared at Leicester Crown Court on Tuesday. They admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm on Mr Cunnington
and causing actual bodily harm to Mr Swain. The pair also pleaded guilty to the theft of Mr Swain's video camera and damaging
a digital memory card. They will be sentenced on June 14. Judge Jinder Singh Boora released the Grants on unconditional bail, saying: 'You've pleaded guilty to very
serious offences. I'm adjourning because there are character witnesses who can give evidence on behalf of you both and
that's something a judge can take into account in deciding what the sentence will be. I make it clear that all sentencing
options will be available to the court.' Fox hunting with dogs has
been banned in England and Wales since 2004 when the Hunting Act was introduced. There was no report that the Belvoir Hunt
was acting unlawfully on the day of the incident. Mr Swain said outside court: 'It would be nice to see a custodial sentence given
the seriousness of the offences and it was an unprovoked attack.' Mr Cunnington said: 'Hopefully this will send out
a message to all Hunts that they cannot carry out assaults on people who wish to monitor their activities. I am very lucky
that the assault has left me with no long-term serious injuries. After falling 14 feet, finding myself unable to move, I feared
I was paralysed. The offenders showed no remorse and left us injured.' He previously told the Leicester
Mercury: 'We'd set up in woods next to the Jubilee Way path near Stathern about half or three-quarters of a mile from
where the Hunt was. It's a good vantage point and you can see for about 15 miles, and the cameras we have can film from
up to a mile away. We operate covertly - the hunts often don't know we're there. We see what they're up to, whether
they're hunting illegally and, if they are, gather video evidence and write statements to pass on to the police.' He also said after the attack: 'We travel all over the country monitoring the
activities of hunts, on about 150 occasions, and I've never been attacked before. We sometimes get a bit of verbal grief,
but the Hunts generally treat us differently to the hunt saboteurs because we're professionals doing a job.' POWAperson
comments - These guilty pleas bring to 415 the number of separate persons from organised Hunts known to
POWA to have been convicted or cautioned for criminal offences since 1990, of a total of 997 crimes. 240 of these have been violent offences, 176 of which were against antis [sabs, monitors, protesters].
234 of all the offences have been committed by Hunt officials or employees. Antis plan demo re. no action in S. Herefordshire FH fox
cubs case 12-5-18 Facebook - Animal Welfare
Party, Cheshire East Protest: Justice for the Fox Cubs
12th May at 12:00–15:00, West Mercia Police, Hereford Police Station, Bath Street, Hereford HR1 2HT. Two years on from
the South Herefordshire Hunt having been filmed throwing live fox cubs to the hounds (May 2016), no charges have been brought.
Why? This is a peaceful protest to demand that this atrocity and all other wildlife crimes be properly investigated and
prosecuted by the police and the CPS. Crimes against wild animals are being committed week in, week out all over the UK -
and we demand that proper action is taken. All welcome; bring banners; some car sharing available! POWAperson adds - This appalling matter was reported by
Hunt Investigation Team in June 2016. Five people were subsequently arrested. Police handed their file to the CPS around
a year ago. Since when nothing has happened, except members of HIT having their residences searched by police. The story of
HIT's investigation and their exposure of the terrible acts of cruelty to very young fox cubs can be found here. Pics
below - 1/ One of 4 young cubs kept in captivity at S.Herefordshire FH kennels
2/ Hunt servant about to throw one of the cubs to hounds  R. Artillery FH hunt all over
biohazard area, risk spreading tree diseaseIgnore notices to dog owners detailing precautions to take 9-4-18 Facebook - Wildlife Witness As the season draws to a close, we paid another visit on Saturday 7th April to the Royal Artillery hunt
(RAH) up on Salisbury Plain. We had a tip off in the morning from one of the monitors from Dorset Against Blood Sports (DABS)
who knew where they were and we arrived to find they'd set off from the meet at Brigmerston over to the same area as they
hunted last week at Brigmerston Down. This is an area which has warning
signs erected by the DIO and Forestry Commission detailing precautions to be taken by the public to stop the spread of a devastating
disease that affects Juniper trees. Precautions to be taken
include keeping dogs on leads and washing shoes and dog paws before leaving the area. Needless to say, the RAH did neither. We have contacted the land
agents for an explanation as to why the Hunt were permitted to enter the area and potentially spread the disease over a distance
far and above that covered by the average dog walker.  Keeping in
touch with the DABS team we watched from a distance as the Hunt encountered another blank day with hounds picking up no scent
at all... this despite the "trail-layers" being with the hounds most of the day. For
the record, having drawn through Brigmerston Down the Huntsman took the hounds back along the rear of the rifle ranges with
no success before trundling back to the meet. Just why anyone would choose to ride with this shower is beyond us and to pay
money for the privilege of accessing areas of Salisbury Plain which are open to the public anyway beggars belief. The Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) is undergoing massive changes at the moment
as the MOD prepared for thousands of troops returning to the UK from Germany over the next few years. This is going to have
a major impact on the number of people using the SPTA for recreational purposes and may also impact on the RAH who will find
it more difficult than ever to keep out of the public eye in the future. Pics below - 1/ Sign detailing precautions dog walkers to take
2/ Hunter on firing range 3/ Hounds on rifle range 4/ Visiting 'trail layer'
[check shirt] whose efforts totally ignored by hounds  
from Buccleuch FH charged with illegal huntingBerwickshire FH Huntsman also under investigation 8-4-18 Sunday Herald Grand National winning jockey Ryan Mania faces police investigation
over fox hunting THE Scottish fox hunting seasons has ended amid police investigations into
illegal activities by riders, the Sunday Herald can reveal. Police have charged two hunters from the Duke of Buccleuch’s
fox hunt, and officers are investigating another hunt led by Grand National winning jockey Ryan Mania. A
probe was launched into the activities of four hunts after video footage was handed over by undercover animal welfare investigators
which they claim shows huntsmen flouting the law. Fox hunting legislation in Scotland allows for dogs to be used to flush
foxes from cover to be shot by waiting gunmen. Huntsmen must not allow hounds to hunt down a fox and kill it unless the animal
is already wounded. Huntsman Claire Bellamy
was charged last year in connection with an incident at Lauderdale Hunt. Police have now charged two men from the Duke of
Buccleuch’s Hunt after reviewing footage. Meanwhile, footage of the Ryan Mania-led Berwickshire Hunt is also under scrutiny.
Mania said he “always” acts within the law. Footage of the Fife Hunt was also under investigation, but Police
Scotland told the Sunday Herald no crime was established. A team of investigators employed by animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports
follow hunts in Scotland and capture footage which they claim shows huntsmen breaching the ban. The Scottish Countryside Alliance, which represents hunts, denies this and accused
the League of producing “selectively recorded” footage which only “appears” to show illegality. Ryan Mania, who leads the Berwickshire Hunt, said he “always”
acts within the law and the League’s “aim in life is to pester us and make it look like what we’re doing
is illegal”. Mania won the Grand National at Aintree in 2013 on 66/1 outsider Auroras Encore. He has since retired and
is now master of the historic Berwickshire Hunt, which is believed to be Scotland’s oldest, beginning in the 17th century. The Duke of Buccleuch’s
hunt was founded in 1827 by the 5th Duke of Buccleuch and is now led by Tim Allen. The current Duke of Buccleuch, Richard
Scott, who owns hundreds of thousand acres of land in Scotland, said in December he no longer hunts but wants to see fox hunting
“thrive” because it’s “important fabric of our rural life”. One investigator employed
by the League Against Cruel Sports, who asked not to be named, said footage they captured of hunts throughout Scotland often
shows “no guns were present” when hounds are running across open fields followed by huntsmen on horseback. They said: “Our team continues to see dogs being sent into cover to search for foxes and there have been no
people in position to shoot any foxes that may be flushed from cover. We continue to see foxes running from dogs and see dogs
running across fields on a scent and in pursuit of foxes. Sadly, also we continue to see livestock being frightened by hunts
going through fields. In addition, terrier dogs continue to be pushed down holes to battle against foxes which have attempted
to seek refuge from the hunting dogs above. What is most concerning is we are now seeing many of the hunts that we watch claiming
that their dogs are hunting a wounded fox. Incredibly, there is an enormous loophole in the law which allows a pack of dogs
to hunt a fox and kill it if that fox is believed to be wounded.” Scottish Countryside Alliance
Director Jamie Stewart, who speaks for all ten hunts in Scotland, said: “The League Against Cruel Sports has presented
hundreds of hours of selectively recorded footage which may appear illegal, even more so when a subjective narrative is applied…images
offered by the animal rights activists are always shown in edited highlights to infer illegal activity.” The Sunday Herald also contacted the Duke of Buccleuch’s Hunt, the Lauderdale Hunt and the Fife Hunt but they
did not respond. A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “Police in the Scottish
Borders received a report of an incident that happened during a fox hunt in Berwickshire on January 9 2018. Inquiries are
ongoing into the full circumstances. Police in the Scottish Borders have arrested and charged two men following an incident
at a fox hunt on December 20 2017. A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.” When asked about the investigation
into the Fife Hunt the spokeswoman said: “A thorough investigation was conducted and no crime was established, in accordance
with the relevant legislation.” Pic above - Berwickshire FH
Huntsman Ryan Mania asking sab 'Do you want that rammed down your fucking throat?' [her horn] Antis film shambolic pretend trail-laying by Royal Artillery FH 8-4-18 Facebook - Wildlife Witness VIDEO Have you ever seen such a useless example of trail-laying than the spectacle we
witnessed yesterday with the Royal Artillery hunt (RAH)? Clearly unable to muster their own volunteers for the day's charade,
they brought in these two rejects from the New Forest Hounds. The RAH go to some lengths to pretend they're trail-hunting but guys, you need to remember the golden rules.
1. Go in front of the hounds - not behind them, and... 2. Don't forget to take the trail with you. Full report of yesterday's
monitoring coming later. Pics below - 1/ Supposed trail layer 50
yards behind 2/ Huntsman and hounds Sabs pull Four Burrow FH hounds off
fox chased into village 'Trail
layer' trails behind as hounds seek and chase foxes 7-4-18 Facebook – Devon County Hunt Sabs Four Burrow Hunt 7.4.2018 On
Saturday, a small team of us went down to Cornwall to join the Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team to sab the end of season meet of the Fourburrow
Hunt at Caerhays Castle. The meet was in the car park for Porthluney beach, yet another setting ruined by people whose only
enjoyment of stunning landscapes comes from killing the wildlife that resides there. With
a large field of riders the hunt set off into Forty Acre Wood and began drawing the deep valley between there and Trevarrick.
It didn't take long for hounds to get onto a scent, but with Huntswoman Nikki Hancock [right] spending
most of the time on adjacent roads and the pack split, it was all a bit chaotic for the first hour or so. Sabs tried to get
into decent vantage points, undeterred by riders and hunt support who were trying to block. The Hunt eventually emerged...
hounds intermittently spoke on a line. Foot teams were surprised to hear our vehicle team had now spotted the 'trail-layer',
quite some distance BEHIND the action and too engrossed in conversation with a male rider to be focusing on her job. Blue skies and sunshine
really helped warm up the air above the ground and scent deteriorated, so hounds were never able to own it for very long.
Next they drew the river valley between Trelissick and Tregilgas, which harbours many foxy coverts. Sure enough hounds were
soon running in full cry towards our foot team, who were perfectly positioned to rate them off the scent and send them back
in the opposite direction. Hounds were moved slowly on towards
Polmassick, where our vehicle crew filmed Huntswoman Nikki spend a while gathering them in the top of a steep field. Where
was the 'trail-layer' at this point? With the rest of the riders on the road on the other side of the valley. Nikki disappeared just over the brow of a hill to where we could still just about see
the top of her riding hat and everything was quiet for a few minutes... Then very suddenly hounds erupted into full cry and came streaming down the hillside, crossing the stream and straight
into the village [Polmassick]. The Kernow team had whizzed round just in time
to witness an exhausted looking fox running for its life with hounds close behind. The Kernow sabs rated the hounds as best
they could to buy the fox some time, which really upset some of the riders. As usual, they vented their frustration by riding
at sabs [above, terrierman driving at one]. The final draw took place in the valleys between Vose and Treluckey, an area teaming with wildlife. Here hounds flushed
out a brace of foxes, probably a nursing vixen and her dog fox. Half the pack went running after one fox but soon lost the
line, while the other half stayed close to Nikki in the valley. This is when sabs spotted the second fox in the same field
as Nikki and her hounds. Not wanting to risk calling hounds onto this or any other fox, sabs had a nervous wait to see whether
the hounds would pick up on the fox's line. Luckily they managed to overrun it. By this time hounds were looking increasingly exhausted. The Hunt hacked slowly back towards
the beach and packed up at around 6pm. Although we only had two foot teams between ourselves and Kernow today, some good strategising and
teamwork meant someone had the Hunt in sight for most of the day and several foxes were helped to safety. Thanks for having
us, Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team... One thing we do envy you for is the amount of supportive comments received
from Cornish locals throughout the day. How refreshing! With our season coming to a close, we'd like to extend our thanks to all
our hardworking sabs, all the sab groups, monitors and dedicated lone wolves we've had the honour of working with this
season, and all those who have supported us with intel, likes, shares, donations and good wishes. But we're not done... After a well-deserved break we're
going to launch ourselves into preparing to sab this autumn's badger slaughter, as well as disrupting the efforts of the
summer blood junkies. If you support us in our endeavours, please continue to support our fuel fund. The summer tends to be
an expensive time for us as we take our vehicles off the road for maintenance. https://www.paypal.me/dchs. If you want to find out more about what we'll be up to in the summer and get involved,
message us on devoncountysabs@riseup.net or phone/text 07717473305. Pics above - Left, Huntswoman and Whip with pack
Right, One of many deer fleeing Pics below
- 1/ A hunt supporter. Classy. 2/ A fine specimen of the Screaming Lesser Cornish
Hunter. In decline  See also report
from Kernow Sabs etc. here. APHA says no licenses issued for import of fox urine based
substancesSo how & where from are Hunts getting all their trail laying material? 6-4-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust Repeated FoI requests have shown that from 01/01/2014 to 22/03/2018, not a single
licence was granted by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) for importing fox urine, but don't let that stop the
Duke of Beaufort's Joint-Master telling Somerset Live otherwise in this barrage of lies... 'We use a liquid substance,
imported from the USA, that gets put on a rag at the end of a whip.' - Matt Ramsden, Duke of Beaufort's Joint-Master,
20/03/2018. 'The import
of fox-based material into the United Kingdom would require a licence or authorisation issued by the Animal and Plant Health
Agency (APHA) or Defra. These are valid for a set period of time, during which the importer can use the licence on multiple
occasions. Therefore, APHA would not know how many imports of fox-based substances took place during the validity of the licence.
APHA do have a record of licences/ authorisations issued. However, in line with our data retention instructions, we only hold
this information for 3 years. We can therefore supply data between 2014 and 2017. Our records indicate that one import
authorisation was issued for fox-based material on 1 May 2015. This was for “wild fox faeces swab samples stored in
ethanol.' - APHA, 08/05/2017, bit.ly/2tm7DYW. APHA have not issued any import authorisations for fox based biological
substances in the specified timeframe of 8 May 2017 to the date of your request.' - APHA, 04/04/2018 (photo in the comments). Maybe Lord Mancroft might know why his Hunt have not applied for an import licence? Ask him at contactholmember@parliament.uk. The Duke of Beaufort's Foxhounds have a National Trust licence,
see the details here -> bit.ly/2mpSU9g. #stopthehunts Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman guilty of hunting fox killed by hounds Hunt's bird handler, who killed a
fox in 2013, acquitted 4-4-18 Peterborogh Today Fitzwilliam huntsman guilty of using dogs to kill fox
A Fitzwilliam huntsman who was in charge of a pack of dogs which killed a fox has been fined after being convicted of breaching
hunting laws. Retired huntsman George Adams (66) was convicted of using hounds to kill the fox on January 1 2016. Falconer
John Mease was found not guilty of the charge, and also not guilty of causing unnecessary cruelty to an animal relating to
the hunting of a fox in 2013. The two men appeared at
Peterborough Magistrates Court during a two day trial which started on Tuesday this week, and concluded this afternoon. District
Judge John Woollard said he had heard no evidence the Hunt had made any changes to their activities - other than using the
falconer since the Hunting Act was brought in in 2005. The packed court - with the public gallery filled with supporters of
the hunt and hunt saboteurs - heard from saboteurs Ruth Nichols and Stephen Milton, who had tracked the hunt on New Year’s
Day. Video footage shown to the court taken by Mr Milton on the day showed the hunt, which involved around 40 hounds - with
the sound of a hunting horn clearly heard. The hunt was taking place in fields near Wansford at about 1.30pm when the hounds
were seen to get the scent of the fox. Mr Milton said he had seen the Hunt tracking the fox, and had not heard any calls to
call the dogs off from the fox from the Hunt. Miss Nichols also said she had not heard calls to slow the hounds down during
the hunt. However, Mr Milton said while members of the group of saboteurs he was with did
not have their own hunting horn, it was possible other saboteurs did have one. Video footage taken from a head-cam worn by
Mr Mease was shown to the court, and he could be heard saying the fox would have escaped had the groups of saboteurs not been
blocking its escape route - something denied by both Mr Milton and Miss Nichols. Professor Stephen Harris told the court hunts would regularly use
packs of dogs with up to 40 dogs in before the hunting ban was implemented, but hunts using birds of prey in the past would
only use two or three to catch the fox. He also said: “Dogs can be trained not to catch certain animals - the fox hounds
here do not go chasing after sheep, which is their natural prey. In the footage there is also no-one from the hunt who is
telling the dogs they have done wrong when they had killed the fox.” Adams, who joined the Fitzwilliam Hunt in 1981 and became a huntsman in 1984, told the court he had not seen the fox before
it was killed. When asked if it was his intention to kill the fox with hounds, he said: “Absolutely not. We wanted to
flush it out for the bird of prey.”
Mr Mease told the court there was no chance for him to release his
golden eagle to catch the fox because the saboteurs were in the field, which would provide a risk to the bird. He was asked
why he never radioed Adams to call the hunt off. He said: “A hunt is a fluid thing. “It was changing minute by
minute. It was the heat of the moment and it was the first time I had come across saboteurs in my 11 years.” He told the court he was in charge of the bird - but had no control over the pack of hounds, which was Adams’
responsibility. It was suggested the Hunt could have used other breeds of dog, such as spaniels and pointers, to flush out
the fox, which could have been trained not to kill the animal - and fewer dogs would have been needed. The court heard from George Bowyer,
who was joint master of the Fitzwilliam Hunt when the Hunting Act was introduced. He said the Hunt had decided to use a bird
of prey as it was allowed under the legislation, and there was no limit to the amount of dogs that could be used. He said:
“We wanted to keep the Hunt running, within the law, as close as we could to before the Act was introduced so we could
keep the blood line of the hounds going for when the Hunting Act was repealed.” He added that fox hounds could be trained to stop, and there were ‘whippers in’ on hunts to keep the
dogs in check during hunts. Mr Bowyer told the court the hunt had spent a lot of time and money with layers examining the
law when it was introduced, and making sure the hunt stayed within the law. Prosecutor Joe Bird labelled Mr Mease and his eagle as a ‘smokescreen’
used by the hunt to allow it to continue as it had before the ban. He said: “The set up was never going to work. It was a smokescreen.
There were so many occasions when they would not have been able to fly the eagle.” But Stephen Welford, defending both
men said: ”There is video footage of Mease using his eagle to kill a fox. That would not exist if it was a smokescreen.” When Adams was found
guilty, the court was told the only sentence that could be passed by law was a fine. Adams was fined £1,000 and ordered
to pay a £100 victim surcharge and £930 costs. Mr Mease was cleared after Judge Woollard said it was clear he had no control over the hounds during
the hunt. Speaking outside court following the verdict, Adrian Simpson from the Countryside Alliance said they believed the
judge had made the wrong decision, and Adams was planning to appeal against the verdict. On Tuesday, the court was shown headcam footage
from Mr Mease regarding the death of the fox in 2013. He used his golden eagle to catch the mammal, before using a falconers
knife - a pointed blade - to ‘dispatch’ the fox by driving the spike through the animal’s eye. Mease, who
joined the Fitzwilliam Hunt after hunting with dogs was made illegal in 2004, was the only bird of prey handler in the Hunt.
He told the court the Hunt’s hounds would flush the animal out into the open, when he would use his eagle to catch the
animal. Riding a quad-bike, he would then ride up to the bird and the prey - before making sure the fox was killed. Mease said his number one priority was the safety of the eagle - and his number two priority
was the welfare of the fox. The court was shown a video of the occasion in November 2013 - and told it took 47 seconds to
kill the fox from the moment it was caught by the eagle. The court was shown a video of the occasion in November 2013 - and
told it took 47 seconds to kill the fox from the moment it was caught by the eagle. He said the falconer's knife was the
safest way of ‘dispatching’ a caught fox. He said a kitchen style knife could damage the eagle’s talons,
while a ‘captive bolt’ was also dangerous to the eagle. He said while it would have been better to have killed
the fox quicker than 47 seconds after it had been caught, he said: “No-one else could have done it quicker.” He
was also accused of hunting for sport - but he said: “Not at all. I am employed as a pest controller. “I respect
all animals. I don’t get pleasure in dispatching a fox. There is no nice death. This is just how it is.” Professor Harris told the court that
for fox hunting to be used as a successful method of population control, a large number of foxes - up to 80 per cent in an
area - would have to be killed, as new foxes move in and take over territory when a fox is killed. He also said foxes were
not pests. However, Dr Neil Forbes disagreed and said: “If there is a problem fox, it can cause big problems, especially
around lambing time. If that fox is killed, it can be a real benefit to a farmer - even for just a few days.” Judge Woollard cleared Mease of the animal welfare charge, and said: “To the squeamish this way of dispatching
foxes seems a bloody and basic way of killing an animal. But I do not find it proved that the act caused the animal unnecessary
suffering.”  Pics above - Top - The scene of the fox kill, 1-1-16
Above left - Sab straddling the killed fox to prevent it being removed by Hunt Above right -
Mease in civvies Above - Mease with his eagle 6-4-18 The Canary A former huntsman has been convicted
of killing a fox and the case exposes a crucial loophole - A former huntsman has been convicted of killing a fox and the case
exposes a crucial loophole A former Huntsman has been convicted for illegally
killing a fox. But his co-defendant, a falconer, was cleared of all charges. And it raises questions about loopholes in a
law protecting wildlife. No control - On 4 April, George Adams was found guilty of illegally killing a fox on 1
January 2016. The former huntsman of the Fitzwilliam Hunt, based in Peterborough, was convicted after a two-day trial. But
John Mease, on trial for the same charge as well as a second of animal cruelty in 2013, was cleared of all charges. Video taken by hunt saboteur Stephen Milton shown during the
trial revealed Adams hunting with around 40 hounds. And Milton also stated he had seen no attempt by Adams to call the hounds
off the fox having tracked the animal through the day. Judge John Woollard is described as saying “it was clear” Adams had no control over the hounds on the
day. Adams was fined £1,000 for the crime as well as a £100 victim surcharge and £930 costs. Smokescreen
- Falconer Mease was present during the 1 January 2016 hunt with a golden eagle. This was described in court as an attempt
to use the ‘falconry exemption’ (6a) to the Hunting Act 2004, which allows a fox to be chased by hounds out of
cover. But the fox must be killed by a bird of prey once on open ground... The Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) also reported
on 3 January 2016 that:- “...the eagle [the hunt] had present was never un-hooded and not in a position to fly.” However, Mease was cleared of charges relating to the
New Year’s Day hunt. And he was also cleared of a second allegation of unnecessary cruelty to an animal after he stuck
a knife into a fox’s eye. Prosecutor
Joe Bird described the attempt to use the falconry exemption as a “smokescreen”. And a magistrate at the trial
appears to have agreed. Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns for the League Against Cruel Sports (the League), said:- “The
magistrate said this huntsman was trying to cover up illegal hunting by pretending to use a bird of prey.” ‘Truly farcical’ - Loopholes were allegedly
introduced into the Hunting Act after Tony Blair, whose government introduced the law, spoke with a hunt master. The most
famous is trail hunting, in which hunts claim to follow an artificially laid scent. But the falconry exemption is also widely
used. In 2005, soon after the Hunt Act came
into force, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) said the exemption would be unlikely to provide
legal protection for hunts. It wrote to Protect Our Wild Animals, a hunt monitor group, saying: “Employing (whether
or not released to hunt) a bird of prey which does not ordinarily hunt that particular wild mammal [would be illegal] …
because, in our view, it suggests that the flushing was not for the purpose of enabling the bird of prey to hunt the mammal.”
And an article in The Guardian notes that a golden eagle “only takes small fox cubs in the wild”. Falconry bodies were also opposed to the exemption. In 2005,
a chairman of the Hawk Board told The Guardian that “hunting and falconry… are not compatible.” And a chairman
of the Council of Hunting Associations said the body had “concern about the welfare of birds”. In the same article, the League is quoted as saying: “The technical exemption
in the Hunting Act is for falconry not foxhunting. Using a falcon as an excuse would be laughed out of court. This is truly
farcical. And Adams’ conviction appears to bear this out.” Landmark ruling for wildlife - The falconry exemption defence’s failure to stand up in court is
an important milestone in the fight against hunting. Following Adams and Mease’s trial, Lee Moon, spokesperson for the
HSA, said: “The guilty verdict today proves that hunting with a full pack of hounds is not the same as Falconry and
the judge in summing up confirmed as much. The outcome today will of course have wider reaching implications for all those
hunts around the country who claim to use this exemption. And given the widespread use of birds of prey by mounted hunts in
England and Wales, the impact could be huge.” See also Telegraph, Independent Mirror Mail NFU says pick up after pet dogs on farmland [but don't mention hunt hounds] 3-4-18 BBC News Dog mess warning over aborted calves
in Denbighshire Dog owners are being asked to pick up after their pets amid fears cows are losing
unborn calves due to infections from dog mess. Neospora caninum is a parasite which can be carried by dogs. The National
Farmers Union (NFU) said picking up dog mess was vital to stop the spread of disease. It comes after farmers in Denbighshire had to cull some of their
herd thought to have been infected from their feed. Farmers John and Stephen Tudor, of Gwerclas Farm near Cynwyd, have taken
to social media to ask dog walkers to pick up after their pets. The pair said tests showed the cows, which lost their young
in late pregnancy, identified 'neospora caninum' as the cause. They tweeted: "The vet stated that the likely
source is silage contaminated by dog faeces. There is no vaccine to prevent or cure this condition. Unfortunately, infected
cows had to be culled as they will continue to abort every year. We have no issues with people walking their dogs along the
footpaths, and know that some do clean up after them, therefore, this is an appeal to those who don't." Denbighshire vet Dyfrig Williams said the infection
was one of the most "frequently diagnosed causes of abortion in cows". "I'm not sure that it's something
you'd think of as a dog owner," he said. "It's probably something we could do with further information for
dog owners that walk on farmland, just to make sure that they do clean up after their dogs and have respect for livestock
in the fields." The
NFU called on dog owners to pick up after their pets and to keep them away from animal food and water troughs to stop the
spread of disease. POWAperson comments - This is not the first time the NFU have
asked for people walking their dogs on farmland to pick up after their dogs, without mentioning what must surely be the
biggest source of risk to their livestock, hunting hounds, who roam about freely on all but a small proportion of cattle and
sheep pasture, defecating freely as they go. Hunters generally don't clear up their hound's mess even at town meets
and they certainly don't in the hunting fields. The risks to livestock from hunting hounds are manifold. They can be panicked
into stampeding and injuring themselves, if pregnant they can miscarry. Abortion, as stated above, can also be caused by the
neospora parasite, passed on via canine faeces. Another serious danger is hydatidosis. The only vector for this potentially
fatal condition, with a very long latency period, is dogs fed on raw meat, which hounds traditionally are [pets not so much].
So why not address your pleas primarily to Hunts, NFU? Don't bother to answer that, we know why?
Waveney Huntsman's
verbal abuse of monitor leads to formal complaint 1-4-18 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting NSALQH report no. 43 - Waveney Harriers hunt meet, Saturday 10 March, Frostenden Hall, Frostenden, Suffolk Rumour had it
that Saturday 10th March was to be the last meet of the season for the Waveney Harriers. Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live
Quarry Hunting (NSALQH) activists normally monitor on a Wednesday but on this special Saturday we decided to support Norfolk
and Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs (NSHS) who were attending... The box led us to a farm yard close to Frostenden church... After a tete-a-tete, the Hunt set
off and to our surprise swiftly left the area and headed in a north westerly direction... The police wildlife officers arrived
shortly afterwards to do their own monitoring. We welcome this new initiative. The hounds are normally led by
the Huntsman, a Whipper-in and a Joint Master. On this occasion the Whipper-in was conspicuous by his absence and what with
this, the police presence and two groups of antis on the case, there was to be very little opportunity for live quarry hunting... It was the finish of the season and one might have reasonably expected a much larger field to reflect
such an important day in the hunting calendar. Year on year the numbers have been getting smaller. Not counting the management
team, there was little more than a dozen of them with the usual disproportionately high number of children and young people...
Exposing young people to the horrors of blood sports and persuading them that there is some merit in it and furthermore that
they are part of a fight for a just cause is in our view just another form of child abuse... NSALQH were only a support group on the day, so for a full report look at the Facebook of Norfolk and Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs.
We cannot complete this report however without mentioning the inappropriate and offensive banter uttered by the huntsman Reuben
Kench, to our monitors. Throughout the long journey back from Sotterley estate to the meet, monitors and hunt sabs were able
to keep within earshot of the Huntsman whilst travelling along the public road and public track. Leading his hounds, accompanied
by a JM (we believe to be one Helen Yallop), Mr Reuben Kench kept up a tirade of unwarranted verbal abuse for his own amusement.
On passing the junction of Green Lane and Primrose Lane he spotted a female monitor waiting with her camera. He directed his
verbal abuse at her and it was of a sexual nature that no person, let alone a woman, should have to endure in these enlightened
No person in his work place as Reuben was should be allowed to get away with this behaviour without a severe warning
from his employer. It is for that reason her husband decided to make a complaint and seek out an apology and assurance from
his employer that it would not be happening again. But here is the problem. The hunt, in our experience, simply ignore any
complaint of this nature in an attempt to protect their reputation... Mr McDaniels, a joint master has listened to our complaints
whilst in the field but he never appears to follow through with any of it or report back to us. The JM who was riding with
Reuben, technically his superior, made no attempt to curb his immature and totally inappropriate jibes. Reuben was acting
like one of those school boys on his last day at school... He
was of course forgetting his duty not only as a representative of the Hunt but also as a representative of their host at the
Frostenden meet. It was for that reason the complaint was directed at the occupiers of Frostenden Hall. We are told that the
recorded delivery letter was signed for by one Shelley Watson on 14 March. We had delayed the posting of this report by giving
the benefit of the doubt to whom we believe to be the meet hosts, hoping that this issue could have been quickly resolved.
We believe that there has been ample time since then for them to acknowledge the grievance but to date they have chosen not
to do so. We will let you know how this turns out or you could just view Reuben’s response where, as a regular troll
on our Facebook, his immaturity and lack of self control is all too often evident. Under the present regime at the Waveney
Harriers, we do not expect things to change very much. They seem determined to bring disrespect upon themselves by continuing
with this trail hunting charade in favour of the more respected drag hunting and not being too fussy regarding the quality
of the persons they employ to carry it out. A big thanks to all those who supported us during this season, not only in the field but in other ways. We shall
not be entirely idle during the summer as we have unfinished business which will include racking up the campaign to bring
a cessation to hunting on the National Nature Reserve (Natural England) on the Benacre estate, seat of the Gooch family who
own the sporting rights. Have you signed the petition directed at the Benacre estate manager Mr vere Nichol? It can be found
on change.org. If you wish to contact Mr vere Nichol yourself please remember to be polite.
MARCH 2018..... 31st March - Sabs seriously assaulted & robbed by Modbury
Harriers thugs ..... 30th March - Release
and chase of bagged fox by Portman FH filmed, say sabs .....
30th March - LACS has received over 500 illegal hunting reports this season ..... 30th March - Eggesford FH hunt over banned SSSI and farm ..... 30th March - Leicestershire Police officers snapped at Belvoir FH Ball ..... 29th March - Gamekeeper of Belvoir FH Hunt hosts convicted over captive fox ..... 28th March - Eggesford FH mark 2 foxes to ground, pack split and riot on deer ..... 27th March - Antis film D&S
SH Whip gallop horse on road for extended time ..... 26th March - Convicted paedophile snapped among support at Eggesford
FH ..... 25th March - Police
drop case of Atherstone FH supporter - drove into, punched sabs ..... 25th March - Sabs stop Middleton FH killing despite attacks by 'security'
men .....
25th March - Disturbing film by passer-by of frenzy before deer kill by D&S SH ..... 25th March - LACS presents
evidence of illegal hunting by Quantock SH to police .....
25th March - Sab taken to hospital after
unknown liquid thrown in her face ..... 25th March - Hundreds in demo to demand full Scottish hunting ban ..... 23rd March - Filmed fox flees Beaufort FH across graveyard and into sett ..... 23rd March - Next day - 2 blocked setts where Cotswold FH hunting - again ..... 22nd March - 2 freshly blocked setts found where Cotswold FH hunting ..... 22nd March - Hounds Off ask - what point of giving evidence of Hunts' wrongdoing? ..... 22nd March - Portman FH Huntsman hunts hounds on road, even after driver
complains ..... 21st March - Hunt invades gardens
& tramples badger sett in Oxfordshire ..... 21st
March - Antis to protest Devon & Cornwall police inaction on illegal hunting ..... 19th March - Waveney Harriers filmed chasing fox - monitor struck in face ..... 19th March - Grove & Rufford FH appeal judge was Tory MP in the '90s ..... 18th March - Cotswold FH horse dies, but they carry on seeking foxes to hunt ..... 18th March - S. Durham FH supporter tried to steal film of fox kill by Hunt ..... 18th March - S. Dorset FH support attacks sabs after twice pulled hounds off foxes ..... 18th March - Sabs prevent Eggesford FH dig outs, Huntsman hits sab on head ..... 18th March - Rarely sabbed Vine & Craven FH lays no trails, followed by terriermen ..... 17th March - Rider's horse dies under him - so he jumps on another & hunts on ..... 17th March - N. Shropshire FH Huntsman seems to implicate self in denying sett blocking ..... 17th March - Four Shires Bassets/Berkeley Beagles joint meet packed up by sabs ..... 17th March - Mass sab ruins Puckeridge FH's
closing meet ..... 17th March - Antis stop Portman FH's
'innocent' Huntsman killing on snowy day .....
16th March - Two blocked setts found near Beaufort FH meet .....
16th March - Another hunting vet exposed - hunts with Albrighton FH ..... 16th March - Cheshire FH servant cautioned for death threat to monitor ..... 16th March - Heavily blocked setts found where Cotswold FH hunting ..... 15th March - Grove & Rufford FH 3 win appeals against illegal hunting convictions ..... 15th March - Rescue horses & pets badly disturbed by Hunt's proximity ..... 15th March - Pub owner where cat-kill Hunt met 'devastated' by pet's death ..... 14th March - Antis to send compilation of Portman FH road havoc to police ..... 14th March - Eggesford FH welcome violent ex-jailbird as supporter ..... 14th March - Portman FH JM/Huntsman acquitted of illegal hunting charge ..... 14th March - Warks FH Director says is landowner - until shown newly blocked sett ..... 14th March - Pet cat mauled to death by Albrighton & Woodland FH hound ..... 14th March - Sabs say Hunt claims re. injured woman sab are false ..... 14th March - Warwickshire FH hunt foxes on Fosse Way and A422 ..... 13th March - Monitors say filmed N. Shropshire FH illegally hunting fox ..... 13th March - Somerset hare hunt beagle found hanging from top of fence ..... 13th March - Notts WT angry re. Grove & Rufford FH trespass on their reserves ..... 13th March - Surrey Union FH Whip arrested after attacked, spat on, woman sab ..... 13th March - Youngsters' beagling meet packs up soon after sabs appear ..... 12th March - Hounds pulled off hunted fox by sabs at Chiddingfold FH ..... 12th March - Grafton FH rider allegedly causes accident on A5, older man injured ..... 12th March - Grove & Rufford FH trespass and hunt in nature reserves ..... 12th March - Councillor and 'hunt liaison' loses it in foulmouthed rant at sabs ..... 11th March - Blean Beagles run home from sabs, leaving 4 hounds behind ..... 11th March - Convicted violent hunt thug breaks promise to court & attends hunts ..... 11th March - South Dorset FH thugs assault and steal from sabs ..... 11th March - Leadon Vale Bassets don't even travel to meet after seeing sabs ..... 11th March - Sabs save fox from Cotswold Vale FH, fate of another not known ..... 11th March - Thurlow FH stage very short 'trail hunt', seek foxes for rest of day ..... 10th March - W. Somerset Vale FH trespass again on NT land in Somerset ..... 10th March - Badsworth FH hunt and kill one of paired foxes ..... 10th March - Cheshire Monitors
on the One Show to enlighten public to 'trail hunt' scam ..... 10th March - Oakley FH hounds riot on and kill water deer ..... 10th March - Sabs save 5 foxes from Puckeridge FH, Huntsman makes death threat ..... 10th March - Sabs amazed by police response to attacks by W. Somerset
Vale FH thugs ..... 10th March - Locals protest
against Mendip Farmers FH ..... 10th March - Sabs save
fox from Portman FH, sab landy kicked & damaged .....
10th March - Meynell FH's closing meet
features fox hunting, hounds on A roads ..... 9th March - Antis deter Cattistock FH from dig-out of hunted fox ..... 9th March - Drooling Warks FH supporter in vile, sexist rant at female sab ..... 9th March - Antis protest Wentworth
estate hosting Grove & Rufford FH ......
8th March - Yeo Valley Farms colluding in
MFFH illegal hunting says local group ..... 8th March - Atherstone FH Huntsman can't control hounds - so takes
them on A444 ..... 7th March
- Woman supporter of Hampshire FH tries to steal monitor camera .....
7th March – Eggesford FH Huntsman loses half his pack to sabs for 2 hours ..... 7th March - Tesco withdraws kids' fox hunter
costume from sale .....
6th March - Ex National winner Huntsman in foul-mouthed tirade at antis ..... 5th March - Locals protest against Mendip Farmers
FH .....
5th March - LACS publish film of Eton College Beagles hunting a hare .....
5th March - Monitors upload film of Cheshire FH chasing fox just before Xmas ..... 4th March - Police make
Cheshire FH pack up very early after monitors see kill ..... 3rd March - Easton Harriers filmed chasing several hares - no
kills ..... 3rd March - Monitors
film of South Durham FH killing fox handed to police ..... 2nd March - S. Durham FH hounds invade
land, allegedly attack pregnant ewe ..... 1st March - Monitors find blocked sett where Cheshire FH hunting
on foot .....
1st March - Ampleforth College beaglers' newsletter removed from website Sabs seriously assaulted and robbed by Modbury Harriers thugs 31-3-18 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs BREAKING: Members of Devon County Hunt Saboteurs have just been badly assaulted by supporters of the
Modbury Harriers after filming huntsman Harry Gosling hunting hounds onto a fox. One saboteur is bleeding in the face
and has sustained a leg injury from being driven over by a quad bike whilst on the floor. Two saboteurs were punched and kicked
in the face and have had all their property stolen including a camera which had the footage of hounds being encouraged to
chase a fox. An ambulance is in attendance. Please contact Devon & Cornwall
Police to ask what they are doing to locate the culprits. You can donate to Devon County Hunt Saboteurs here: paypal.me/dchs. 31-3-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs PLEASE SHARE Male and female sab assaulted and robbed
by terriermen from the MODBURY HARRIERS after filming huntsman Harry Gosling encouraging hounds
onto a fox. Six men tackled the two sabs to the ground and punched and kicked them in the face before driving over one of
them with their quad bikes while he was lying on the ground. Sabs also had their equipment and personal possessions stolen,
including cameras that had filmed the illegal hunting and assaults. One of the sabs is from Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group,
who joined us today. Please ask Devon &
Cornwall Police what they are doing to locate the six culprits, whose names and details they now have. https://twitter.com/dc_police email: 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or 101@dc.police.uk. Harry Gosling: If you don't see to it that all our equipment is returned
to us, you can expect to see a whole lot more of us next season. The Eggesford will tell you all about what that's like. 1-4-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Sabs viciously attacked
Yesterday we ruined the Modbury Harriers' attempts to kill a fox, so the terriermen fulfilled their bloodlust by attacking
sabs instead. We
were joined by a sab from South Devon Animal Rights and two from Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group. The meet was at Brownstone
Manor near Holbeton. They drew Coldharbour Wood and Alston Wood south of the meet without picking up on anything and then
headed for the The South West Coast Path to terrorise wildlife on the gorsey slopes that drop down steeply into the sea between
Carswell Farm and Ryder's Hole. We were shocked to see young huntsman Harry Gosling encouraging the harriers to draw the
very edge of the cliffs. Large numbers of cliff-nesting seabirds took to the air. Eventually
Harry decided to move on but he struggled for over an hour to call the harriers back off the cliffs in the strong wind. Hunt
supporters got bored of standing around in the cold and many left at this point. A few helpers were sent into the gorse to
try and get the remaining harriers back but nobody dared go too far down the slope. It's abundantly clear nobody had "laid
a trail" in this area... Once the pack was reassembled everything carried on west towards Pitts Hill Wood. A police
car arrived in the area, having been called by the Hunt. We have no idea why. Up until then it had been the most uneventful
afternoon we'd had in a long time. The police officer saw the three quad bikes being driven illegally on the road, with
missing number plates and excess passengers, but did nothing. One of the riders fell off her horse onto a concrete track and
injured her arm. We informed Harry but he carried on hunting regardless. In Pitts Hill Wood
the harriers flushed out a fox and were filmed chasing it by one of our foot teams watching from a footpath above the woods.
The harriers were about 20 metres behind the fox and it was clear Harry had seen it too. With the help of his whipper-in Jenny Stewart [right] he hunted them onto the fox. In
full cry they headed towards the quay at Newton Ferrers and then came tearing back past one of our teams who were able to
rate them off the scent. Harry attempted to put them back onto the line but by now the fox had a decent head start. The gamekeeper was called to forcibly
remove us from the area but having filmed the Hunt actively chasing a fox there was no way we were leaving. The gamekeeper's
response was "who cares about a f***ing fox?!". We stood our ground and he eventually got fed up and called Harry
to ask him to remove the hunt from the woods. This
is when the terriermen lost the plot. Six masked men on three quad bikes sped up to a male and a female sab, attacking the
female first. They pinned her to the ground, punched her in the head and robbed her of all her possessions, including her
bag and the camera she had been using to film the illegal hunting. Meanwhile, the male sab was being assaulted, pushed down
a hill and prevented from helping the female sab on the ground. He was knocked to the ground several times and punched in
the face and kicked. Two quads came down the hill, driving straight into the male sab and then one of the terriermen used
his quad to run over the sab's legs repeatedly while he was on the ground. He was then pinned up against the quad by several
terriermen who tore the body camera off his chest and stole his radio. The terriermen sped off with the stolen equipment.
One of the sabs was bleeding from the face and has sustained leg and chest injuries. Both were left battered and bruised. Police and ambulance were called and while we waited for them to arrive
we kept up with the Huntsman as he headed back to the meet. We observed Harry Gosling in phone and radio contact with the
terriermen as he had been all day. The whip Jenny Stewart smirked at us when we challenged her to condemn the cowardly actions
of multiple terriermen assaulting a woman. Is it any surprise that people who get their kicks from bloodsports don't have
any qualms about beating up a woman?! We know that Harry and Jenny are fully aware of the assailants' identities, as are
we, and they were directing their operations all day. If they have any sense they will cooperate with the police enquiries
and ensure that our stolen equipment is returned to us immediately. Modbury Harriers: You will have to learn
this lesson the hard way. Expect to see a lot more from us next season. Here's how you can
help:- Share this post and help us spread the word about the violent Modbury Harriers. Help us replace the stolen kit, the value of which amounts to almost £600. A handheld camera, a body cam, a
radio, several batteries, power banks and SD cards: https://www.paypal.me/dchs.6-4-18 6-4-18 Plymouth Herald Police investigate reports of assault and robbery
on hunt saboteurs Devon County Hunt Saboteurs claim members were
attacked and robbed by hunt staff Police have confirmed they are investigating allegations of assault and robbery on members
of a hunt saboteur group by hunt staff. In an angry post on their Facebook site Devon County Hunt Saboteurs say they were joined by a member of the South Devon Animal
Rights group and two members of Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group to monitor the closing meet of the Modbury Harriers at Brownstone
Manor near Holbeton, on March 31.
According to the site the saboteur group stopped hounds chasing a fox which
they claimed was being actively hunted and was filmed on camera. They alleged they were then attacked by a group of six “terriermen”
attached to the larger group adding that they grabbed a female saboteur, pulled her to the ground and punched her in the face.
The group claim the men then prevented another male saboteur from defending the woman by attacking him. The
Facebook site claims two quad bikes were then used to drive into the man, knocking him to the ground and running over him
a number of times. They are then alleged to have pinned him down before taking a body camera, a two-way radio and a number
of other items before leaving the area. The saboteur group say members of their group suffered “black eyes, leg injuries
and cuts and bruises”. On the main website of the Hunt Saboteurs Association,
spokesman Lee Moon, wrote: “We have come to terms with the fact that police forces will generally side with illegal
hunters rather than hunt saboteurs but even in this biased world Devon and Cornwall Police are one of the worst. They consistently
turn a blind eye to illegal hunting and assaults on the saboteurs who try and stop it.” He added: “We ask that
people contact Devon and Cornwall Police and ask what they are doing to locate the six culprits, whose details they have,
to recover the evidence of the assaults and the stolen property. Also to ask them what they are doing in general about illegal
hunting and hunt violence which goes unpunished week after week.” Modbury Harriers has refuted the allegations, saying they were “grossly exaggerated”. A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police confirmed it was: “currently
investigating allegations of robbery and assault which happened on Saturday 31 March 2018 between 3pm and 3.45pm in a field
in Mayo, Plymouth.” The spokesman said: “Officers received reports that victims were set upon by six men on quad
bikes and also had their radio and camera equipment taken. This is currently a live and active investigation. We take reports
such as these extremely seriously and ask for anyone with information to contact police via 101@dc.police.uk or by 101 quoting
CR/027453/18.” Release
and chase of bagged fox by Portman FH filmed, say sabs 30-3-18 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO HIT REPORT MONDAY 26th MARCH, PORTMAN ACCIDENTAL FOX HUNT,
fact is that the footage we gained Monday could have come from any of the 'accidental' hunting days during the season. We will upload a few short
clips from Monday over the next few days that will take you through exactly what happens. A MAGIC FOX that appears in front
of the Hunt, a suspicious van, a Huntsman putting his hounds back onto the line of the fox [2 pics below.
Pic 2 is 30 secs after Pic 1], DABS stopping the hounds and saving the fox, terrier men, wildlife running
for its lives and much more. They are illegally hunting on a regular basis. Or at least trying to. We would like to thank all of the monitors and animal rights
groups that we have worked besides this season with all our hearts. What we do isn’t easy and it is imperative that
you have good people watching your back, and we have the best. Dorset’s hunts have seen an unprecedented amount of attention,
and it is only going to increase. If you want to get involved drop us a line. Their are jobs for everyone. 'Our day began with a suspicious van, and a fox away from it came. Then we saw hounds and a couple of riders and knew they must be to blame'. 1-4-18 Facebook - Wildlife Witness VIDEO This is just a short
video of an incident that took place on the Portman Hunt's final meet on 26th March 2018. In the early afternoon, a fox was seen and filmed by monitors from Dorset Against Blood
Sports running from the location of the silver vehicle and across the adjacent field. A few minutes later the Huntsman brought
the pack to the car and was seen speaking to the occupants of the car - he then took the hounds directly to the point where
the fox had been seen. A clear indication that the Hunt was attempting to hunt a live quarry, in breach of the Hunting Act. The other interesting point in the video
is when hounds are seen flushing two or three deer from the area of woodland next to the car and one of the hounds picks up the scent and follows the deer. The whipper-in and the field master
both intervene to stop the hound and bring it back to the pack. In the recent court case, the core prosecution evidence was
a video of the Portman's huntsman, Evo Shirley, riding motionless behind the hounds as a fox is seen being hunted in his
view, with him making no effort to stop them. His defence was that it was not possible to stop the hounds so he made no effort
to do so. This video clearly contradicts this testimony. 30-3-18 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO The hounds followed the fox, we think came from a box, The
huntsman was made well aware. The hounds they kept going, no sign of slowing because the man on the horse didn’t care. 30-3-18 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO They thought they were clever popping
through private land to get back on the scent of their prey. But we have our own methods and popped up the same place to save
foxy and ruin their day. Foxy
crosses the road from the hedge, only a couple of metres ahead of the lead hound. You can see the DABS team member point,
The Huntsman is nowhere. His hounds are running riot through people’s gardens chasing a fox. (sorry couldn’t rhyme
that bit). Pic above right
- Hunted fox fleeing from hounds Pics below - Hounds burst on to
road right by monitors 2/ Hounds searching for fox  LACS says they have had over 500 reports of illegal hunting
this season30-3-18 LACS Press Release New figures indicate the scale of illegal hunting across Britain
A new set of figures reveals the extent to which hunts are illegally chasing, and in many cases, killing foxes, hares and
deer and causing havoc in the British countryside. A total of 550 reports of illegal
hunting activity and hunt havoc have been received by the League Against Cruel Sports since the beginning of the hunting season
last autumn. The figures indicate that hunts are routinely breaking the law and their packs of hounds still literally tearing
to pieces British wildlife. Chris Luffingham, League Against Cruel Sports director of campaigns, said: “Despite hunting being banned 13
years ago, it seems very little has changed, with hunts targeting and killing animals and deceiving the British public about
their activities with excuses like ‘trail’ hunting. Sadly these reports are just the tip of the iceberg –
with more than 300 hunts on the British mainland still in existence and actively targeting wildlife, we estimate that thousands
of animals are still being killed every year.” The scale of illegal hunting reports
and hunt havoc - 405 reports of illegal hunting activity were received by the League over the course of the hunting season
which began at the start of November and is currently drawing to a close. A further 145 reports came in of ‘hunt havoc’,
which consists of incidents such as packs of hounds killing domestic pets, trespassing through people’s gardens and
allotments and running onto busy roads and railway lines. The majority of reports covered the four and a half months between
November 2017 and the middle of March 2018. Reports of the hunting of young fox cubs which take place in early autumn were
also included. Pic below - pet cat mauled to death, Albrighton & Woodland FH 14-3-18 In total, the League received 550 reports, which came in from concerned members of the British public who contacted
the League’s Animal Crimewatch team, League investigators who monitor the activities of the hunts, and independent hunt
monitor and saboteur groups. Chris Luffingham added: “A new term entered
the English language after the hunting ban of 2004 – ‘trail’ hunting. This was touted by the hunts as a
new pastime which involved following an animal-based scent rather than live quarry, but which mimicked traditional hunting
as much as possible. In fact, it so closely mimics hunting; it has become clear it is a deception and cover-up for illegal
hunting activity. Hunts rarely lay a trail and even when they do it is a sham to mask their illegal hunting. Why are hunts
routinely seen crossing railway lines, on busy roads or in people’s gardens if they are laying a trail? Why are they
regularly being seen chasing wildlife? Why are there so many reports of animal deaths at the hands of the Hunts? The public,
over 85 per cent of which opposes hunting, would be horrified if they knew what was really going on in the British countryside
and the cruelty and dreadful death toll the Hunts are inflicting on wildlife. We are calling on landowners to ban hunts from
their land and we need to strengthen the Hunting Act and bring in tougher sentencing to act as a deterrent.” Pic
below - Fox killed by Silverton FH 1-1-18, cradled in arms of sab Examples of illegal hunting activity and hunt havoc - On January 9, 2018, the East Sussex and Romney Marsh hunt chased
a deer and a fox into the Celia Hammond Greenacres cat sanctuary near Hastings. The hounds rampaged across the 80 acre sanctuary
and initially 60 cats fled. Sadly five never returned and are feared dead. The figures include 42 cases of cub hunting when the Hunts blood their hounds in early autumn by surrounding known
fox habitats in small woods. The practice involves driving the hounds through the woods so that they learn to kill. There have been 12 cases this
year alone of the notorious Warwickshire Hunt chasing foxes and causing hunt havoc, including the Hunt being witnessed hunting
on busy A roads and next to the M40, which presents a very real risk to the public and the Hunt’s hounds, and points
towards illegal hunting rather than following a genuine trail. Below - Warwickshire FH hunting on bend
in main road, 29-11-17 Many Hunts have been seen with terriermen, who accompany Hunts and encourage their dogs to find,
fight and flush out foxes that have gone underground, often in badger setts. The involvement of terrier men with ‘trail’
hunts raises a serious question about their activities. The answer can only be that the Hunts are still targeting and killing
animals despite the fox hunting ban of 2004 and that trail hunting is a lie being used to cover their activities. Animal Crimewatch - To report illegal hunting activity, the public
can contact the League’s Animal Crimewatch Team via www.league.org.uk. Alternatively phone in confidence on 01483 361
108 or email on mailto:crimewatch@league.org.uk.Chris Chris Luffingham
added:- “The good news is the world is changing – advances in smart phone video cameras, new monitoring groups
on Facebook, and the development of our Animal Crimewatch team, mean the public can report the Hunts’ activities and
we can go about bringing them to task. It’s time to get the Hunts, not animals, on the run. The Hunts are living on
borrowed time.” The League is encouraging members of the public to sign their petition titled ‘stop the killing
of animals by Hunts in the UK’. Full details can be found here. Eggesford FH hunt over banned
SSSI and farm 30-3-18 Facebook – N.Cambridge Sabs Wheatland Farm - Devon eco lodges and cottage Eggesford Hunt have been back again, despite
being told to stay off Popehouse Moor SSSI and all the land at Wheatland Farm. Another 20 or so hounds were running riot across
our nature reserve and around the lodges. This Huntsman even manages a sarcastic grin and a wave before hurrying off [below].
The Hunt is not welcome at Wheatland Farm, but that doesn't seem to bother them. When are the police going to start enforcing
the hunting ban? Any more advice Hounds Off? https://www.wheatlandfarm.co.uk/…/eggesford-hunt-popehouse…/ Pics below - 1/ Hound rampaging
on banned land in Jan '18 2/ Huntsman gives sarcastic wave as rides away Mar '18
Police officers snapped at Belvoir FH Ball30-3-18 Facebook - Deborah Hall Police at the Hunt Ball This is an illegal Hunt
who regularly break the law (Sharon Roscoe was the Wildlife Crime Officer!]. Here's the double act. PC Sharon Roscoe [left] and acting Chief Inspector(at
the time) Lou Cordiner on the right at the Belvoir Hunt ball.” POWAperson adds - After numerous complaints, some in the press, about
PC Sharon Roscoe acting as Wildlife Officer whilst riding with the Belvoir FH, she resigned the post in March 2016. Sabs have
long complained of perceived bias by Leics police in favour of Hunts, most particularly the Atherstone FH. Only last
week they dropped the case of an Atherstone FH supporter, the Chairman's brother-in-law, who attacked sabs last
October with both his quad bike and his fists. Video clearly showed him committing assaults and threatening behaviour. Gamekeeper of Belvoir
FH host estate convicted over fox kept in shedRefuses to defend self or say who else involved in the crime Assumption is fox was to be released for Belvoir
FH to hunt 29-3-18 LincolnshireLive Amazing footage shows secret operation carried out to free fox trapped by
gamekeeper VIDEO A gamekeeper has been prosecuted after footage emerged of a mission
to save a fox which he had trapped in an outbuilding. Nigel Smith, head gamekeeper of the Buckminster Estate has since been
found guilty of charges brought under the Animal Welfare Act. The fox [above] was kept in cruel conditions in
an outbuilding [right] at the estate which is on the border between Lincolnshire and Leicestershire.
The League Against Cruel Sports claims the fox was being held to be chased and killed by a local Hunt. Smith was caught on
camera by investigators from the League with a bag and net going into the building on the day that the Belvoir Hunt met. He
then came out looking confused as the fox was no longer in the building. The fox had been found in appalling conditions and in a terrified
state. Smith appeared at Lincoln Magistrates' Court today, Thursday March 29 and was fined £400
ordered to pay a £40 victim surcharge and to pay £1,200 costs. The BBC reported that he was also banned from being
involved in or keeping foxes for five years. They also reported that District Judge Peter Veits
said: "You chose not to give evidence today so we will never know whether you were keeping this fox for a protective
reason or whether you were keeping it for an unlawful purpose, to be used in a hunt on that Thursday. We shall never know
whether you acted alone or whether you acted with the understanding or acquiesce of your employers. We will never know because
you haven't told us." Chris Luffingham, League Against Cruel Sports director
of campaigns, said: “We welcome this conviction, which will act as a deterrent to others who think they can get away
with cruelty towards British wildlife. We’re outraged that Hunts are still chasing and killing foxes in the British
countryside. Before the hunting ban came in they claimed this was about wildlife management but this case blows that argument
out of the water and shows that foxes are being kept so they can be released for ‘sport’." Darryl Cunnington, League Against Cruel Sports head of investigations, who lead the operation to free the fox, said:
"We’re delighted with this conviction. The judge has sent out a clear message to any hunts across the country that
are keeping foxes that this cruelty is not to be tolerated. He made it very clear that the consequences of doing this again
would be very serious.” Pics below - 1/ Offender Nigel Smith at shed where fox had been
held captive 2/ Smith outside court  29-3-18 BBC News VIDEO Buckminster Estate fox trial: Gamekeeper guilty of welfare offence
A gamekeeper who kept a fox captive in a brick shed - allegedly so it could be hunted - has been found guilty of an animal
welfare offence. Nigel Smith has never explained why he kept the fox captive at the Buckminster Estate in the East Midlands.
However, he was filmed going to retrieve it - carrying a net and a bag - on the day the Belvoir Hunt were due to meet nearby. Smith, 60,
was fined and ordered to pay costs totalling £1,640. He was also disqualified from keeping foxes, or being involved
in it, for five years. Nigel Smith, of Glebe Farm, Colsterworth, Stainby, Lincolnshire, is gamekeeper for the Buckminster
Estate. District Judge Peter Veits told Smith: "Whatever the true motives, it is clear that fox hunting in this country
by dogs is unlawful. The country expects people to abide by those laws and make sure foxes are not hunted by dogs. Having
them torn apart by dogs is something that is viewed by Parliament as unlawful and we all have to respect the law." The BBC has asked the Belvoir Hunt and Smith's employer, the
Buckminster Estate, to comment. The BBC also asked Smith if he wanted to explain why he was keeping the fox captive but he
declined to do so. The judge said he
had drawn an "adverse inference" from the fact that Smith did not give evidence at his trial. He found him guilty
of not ensuring the welfare of the fox, by failing to provide it with a clean and safe environment, sufficient space, ventilation,
temperature control, fresh food or sufficient water. Smith was not charged with any offences relating to fox hunting, and
nobody from the Belvoir Hunt has been charged with offences. The Buckminster Estate covers part of Lincolnshire and Leicestershire
and the fox was found in a brick building in Stainby, close to Smith's home at Glebe Farm, Colsterworth. Lincoln Magistrates' Court heard that the League Against Cruel Sports was informed that foxes had been kept in the brick
building in the past. Darryl Cunnington, head of field operations, told the court that he and a colleague went to the outbuilding
and discovered a fox on 14 December, 2015. This was three days before the Belvoir Hunt was due to meet on 17 December, so
he suspected that the fox was being kept for that purpose. The League Against Cruel Sports set up cameras and arranged to
retrieve the fox the day before the hunt. These cameras caught a man, later identified as Smith, visiting the fox on 16 December.
Mr Cunnington returned with two colleagues later on 16 December and rescued the fox, but left the cameras in place. The cameras
then caught Smith returning to the shed with a net and a bag on the Thursday - the day of the hunt - going inside, discovering
the fox had gone, then coming out again while scratching his head.
The footage was passed to Lincolnshire Police,
which carried out an investigation. The fox was taken to a rescue centre then released [left] into
an area of Leicestershire where hunts do not take place. Police arrested Smith but he repeatedly refused to answer questions
when interviewed... The judge told Smith: "You chose not to give evidence today so we will never know
whether you were keeping this fox for a protective reason or whether you were keeping it for an unlawful purpose, to be used
in a hunt on that Thursday. We shall never know whether you acted alone or whether you acted with the understanding or acquiesce
of your employers. We will never know because you haven't told us." Eggesford FH mark 2 foxes to ground, pack split, riot on deer Badger sett found newly blocked with logs 28-3-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday we returned to the Eggesford Hunt for a mid-week visit, joined this time by some friends
from Somerset Sabs, S.Devon Animal Rights and Kingston Sabs. The Hunt met off the road near Gorhuish Bridge, between Folly
Gate and Northlew. They drew the long valleys to the north and south of the meet. Early
on, hounds were heard in cry in the valley and they appeared to have marked a fox to ground. This was before the Hunt were
even aware sabs were in the area. Terriermen Nathan and Seward arrived on their quad bike, only to find sabs were already
in the valley where they'd planned to dig out. Their dig-out plans were scuppered and the fox got away. A badger sett
was also found further along the valley, which had been freshly blocked with logs. Huntsman Jason Marles lost control and the pack became split, with some hounds heading
south on a line past one of our foot teams, while the others remained at the northern end of the valley. Several hounds re-entered
the valley west of the meet and with little help from his terrier men, who were stood around drinking with the support, it
took Jason a while to put the pack back together.  Jason came back to the meet, dismounted his horse and went back out
to spend the rest of the day on foot. Back north he went towards Lambert Cross, where he picked up the other half of the pack
and re-entered the Hookmoor Brook valley, heading back in direction of the meet. South of Lower Gorhuish
hounds again erupted into full cry. At this time of year many foxes will be either heavily pregnant or nursing their young,
and males are often found close by, looking after their vixen. So when we spotted one fox running from the pack but hounds
carried on past and then came to a standstill at a large badger sett making a lot of noise, we feared the worst. Terrier quad-bikes
arrived in the area at the same time as sabs, but fortunately hounds and Huntsman had already moved on. The hounds were now running
in full cry towards South Moor Plantation, actively hunted on by Jason. It transpired they were rioting on a herd of deer.
Eventually they made their way back into the original valley and up to the meet, where they packed up at 4pm. Jason spent
another hour at the meet calling for hounds, so we suspect some of them may have been left behind. It was particularly refreshing to come across several anti-hunt landowners yesterday. One of them complained he had
never given the Hunt permission to hunt across his land, yet Jason and the hounds deliberately crossed it three times. The
landowner said he'd previously had trouble with the Hunt causing his pregnant ewes to abort. If you support what we do, please
donate to our fuel fund: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. To get involved or send us information: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Antis
film D&S SH Whip gallop horse on road for extended time 27-3-18 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO Huntsman (this is the Whip for Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds, former huntsman for the
Eggesford Hunt), gallops his horse in pursuit of a Stag. The horse is galloped relentlessly along a main road for an extended
period of time. This CAN'T be good! Pics below - 1/ Whip about to start galloping on main road
2/ 45 secs later - Still galloping 3/ 12 minutes later - Still galloping
4/ 90 secs later - Still galloping   Convicted
paedophile snapped among the Eggesford FH support Originally convicted for asking 14 year old girl to strip on webcam Given suspended jail sentence
when re-sentenced as broke order He'd
hooked up with 16 year old girl he met at a hunt meet 26-3-18 Facebook – Devon County Hunt Sabs [photo] Convicted sex offender Jason Kiddle [below
left] 10-15
The UK Database Jason Kiddle – Okehampton Sex offender broke
order after meeting teenager A SEX offender broke an order to stay away from teenage girls when he befriended
a 16-year-old at a hunt meet. Jason Kiddle was subject of a Sexual Offences
Prevention Order as a result of having been caught encouraging a 14-year-old schoolgirl to strip off on webcam. The order
banned any online or real contact with any female under 17 but he flouted it after meeting the 16-year-old while out hunting
in North Devon, Exeter Crown Court was told. He chatted to her on Facebook and carried on his contact after being warned off
by her father and told of her age. The girl’s horrified parents only discovered he was still seeing her when they came
across them hand in hand walking through Exeter’s Princesshay shopping centre. Kiddle is a former ambassador of the Duchy College in Callington who met his original victim while showing her around the
campus last year. He is now working as a driver’s mate for a caravan delivery firm and his internet use and contact
with girls are both restricted by the SOPO. He is due to start a probation-run sex offenders’ course in February [2016].
Kiddle, 22, of North Road, Okehampton, admitted breaching the SOPO and was jailed for six months, suspended for two
years and ordered to pay a £180 courts charge. Recorder Peter Towler converted the SOPO into a new Sexual Harm Prevention
Order which will last for five years. He told Kiddle: “You complied with the previous order for some months but by September
you were in contact by Facebook with a 16-year-old girl. Her father was monitoring her Facebook and sent you a warning, telling
you she was 16. You went on to meet her at a hunt and clearly arranged to meet her in Exeter, where you bumped into her parents
while you were walking hand in hand at a time when she should have been at college. It is important you should attend the
internet sex offenders course, but those who break court orders must be punished. A suspended sentence is now in place so
there must be no more contact with girls of 16 or under. Stick to girls your own age.” Francesca Whebell,
for the prosecution, said Kiddle broke two conditions of the SOPO by having online contact with the girl by Facebook, and
seeing her without permission of her parents. She said the Facebook contact started in September and they met in person at
a hunt later that month. By that time her father had intercepted the online chat and warned him his daughter was only 16 and
he was breaking the order. The parents complained to the police after seeing him hand in hand with the girl in Exeter on September
25. Kiddle told police he met the girl through a shared interest in foxhunting. In the original case in January, Kiddle admitted
four offences of inciting girls to send him indecent images and one of harassment and was ordered to undergo the programme
as part of three years supervision. The offences started when Kiddle was a student at Duchy College and asked to act as chaperone
to young visitors on a taster day. He persuaded the 14-year-old to send him pictures of her in underwear and pose on a webcam.
He also persuaded a 16-year-old to send him a topless picture. POWAperson comments -
Funny, isn't it? Calling hunt monitors 'paedos' is a favourite insult
of hunters, based on nothing whatsoever. Some even go so far as to push children accompanying Hunts into the foreground, so
they can scream it even louder. But they go very, very quiet when actual sex offenders emerge in their own midst. This is
the second this season convicted of offences involving juvenile girls and, in recent years, at least two more have been jailed
for rape, one for four years, the other for nine. Police drop case of Atherstone FH follower - drove into, punched sabs Sabs accuse Leicestershire
police of huge pro-hunt bias - again 25-3-18 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO No Further Action Leicestershire Police
are taking no further action against Ashley Davies, the son in law of the Atherstone Hunt chairman, who was filmed violently
attacking and assaulting saboteurs who were filming the Atherstone Hunt. His attack concluded with him driving his quad bike
into one of the saboteurs who ended up in a ditch as a result. The outcome could have been far more serious if the quad bike
had landed on top of him. Leicestershire Police are claiming they didn’t have enough evidence, this is not true, the
victim made a victim statement and handed footage in. In most circumstances this would have been more than enough. To add
insult to injury Leicestershire Police are now victim blaming, saying it was the victim's fault it got dropped as not
enough statements were made. This case highlights perfectly
the vast gulf of difference in the way Leicestershire Police treat anti-hunt and pro-hunt cases. Anti-hunt cases are set impossibly
high standards of evidence where it is never quite good enough whilst pro-hunt cases have absolutely no evidence threshold
at all. Members of the Atherstone Hunt for example are allowed to make false allegations against saboteurs, provide NO evidence
whatsoever and yet Leicestershire Police are fine with this (and continue to be) and even hand out harassment notices to saboteurs
based on this none evidence. (All harassment notices have been successfully challenged and overturned). We would like to know what evidence was handed in to the CPS and how it was presented to the CPS. We hold Leicestershire Police partly responsible for this incident as they took
no further action against Davies for a previous incident where Davies ran at saboteurs with a metal bar. An official complaint
was made to Leicestershire Police Professional Standards and the case was reopened. Why would a case need to be reopened if
it had been investigated properly in the first place? We will go into more detail of this case in the coming months. This
second case now gives Davies even more reason to believe that he is immune from prosecution.
These are not isolated cases, last season members of the Atherstone
Hunt attacked and stole cameras from saboteurs, the case was dropped however Leicestershire Police actually wanted to arrest
the victims! Leicestershire Police can’t even claim these decisions are
being made by different people in different departments, some of these decisions (with the vast difference in required evidence)
have been made by the same officer. DS Matt Trott took the decision to take no further action in the first Davies case and
was the Senior Investigating Officer in the second case. In both of these cases he claims the evidence is not good enough
yet Trott was also responsible for issuing the harassment notices to saboteurs based on no physical evidence from the Atherstone
Hunt. In total three harassment notices (or Police Information Notices) have been issued to sabs and then later overturned. A complaint was previously
made about Trott and upheld after a phone conversation with a sab where he said “Your hunt saboteurs that's what
you do, you trespass on other peoples property and harass people”. It’s not hard to guess what Trotts opinions
are about hunt saboteurs yet despite the complaint being upheld he remains part of Leicestershire Police's hunting unit
making decisions about hunting issues. Leicestershire Police: https://www.facebook.com/leicspolice/.The The hunting season may be over
but we are already preparing for next season please consider donating to help us carry on helping wildlife Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsa…Please Please like our page @West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs to help us continue to help wildlife. Pics above - 1/
Top right, Davies drives speeding quad at sabs, stopping inches in front of them 2/ Having
leapt of squad, screeching abuse, he punched one sab to ground and wrestled another over 3/
Davies drives quad into sab, knocking him into ditch POWAperson comments - If this were not serious it would be
laughable, because it is so ridiculous to claim they don't have enough evidence. The video alone is utterly damning, showing
clearly at least three assaults plus threatening behaviour. Sabs stop Middelton FH killing despite attacks by 'security' men One group took hounds off
Huntsman, passed them on to another 25-3-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs This hit report is dedicated to the memory of Anna Campbell, a brave dedicated former hunt saboteur who died last week fighting for justice in Kurdistan. Yesterday saw a large team comprised of Cheshire , West Yorkshire,
East Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs, Nottingham, Lancaster, and Liverpool Hunt Saboteurs successfully disrupt the Middleton's
illegal fox hunting. The Hunt left the meet at Aldby Park, Scrayingham North Yorkshire, at 12:30pm. Due to there being
a number of police vehicles and an unexpected film crew present, they made a pathetic show of laying a rather half-hearted
trail in the direction they wanted to hunt first. No more trail laying happened for the rest of the day. After a terrible cubbing season,
the Middleton have employed private security to harass and intimidate us. Today was no different with twelve thugs in four
vehicles trying to block and detain us all day. Not one displayed an SIA licence, despite their claims to be accredited. There
were several incidents where different groups were subjected to their violence, all of which happened on public footpaths
or the public highway. Two of our sabs were set upon for no good reason by a couple of heavyweight thugs. Effective communication between sab groups meant
the Hunt were constantly shadowed. In the middle of the afternoon they hunted a fox into a field of tall grass, but unbeknown
to them we had seen the fox to safety, sprayed its trail and were lined up waiting in case the hounds got on its scent. The Hunt second-horsed at around 3pm, wrongly
thinking that would give them an edge. Towards the end of day we had the joyful experience of taking the pack of hounds from
the feet of the Hunt master, Charles Carter's horse. Using a combination of voice calls, horn calls and a gizmo, and despite
the efforts of several of the Hunt, we pulled the hounds across the entire length of a large field to us, and then another
group of sabs took them from us across yet another field. Carter was seen riding off in a strop! The Hunt realised then that we were winning and headed back to the meet, packing away at about
5pm without having killed anything all day. A huge thank you to all the other groups who helped us beat the odds today. Pics above - Top right - Huntsman 'Shag' Carter with that sinking
feeling Above - Whip can't stop hounds responding to sabs' calls Below
- Horse fell being galloped on road Disturbing film by passer-by of frenzy before deer kill by D&S SHLACS then captured footage of butchering
of the hunted deer 25-3-18 Facebook – Somerset Wildlife Crime Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds - shocking footage from the moment members of the public get caught up in the middle of Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds blood lust
On the main road horses galloping down the wrong side flanked by vehicles and foot support all baying for the blood
of one lone Stag who they have chased for 2 hours. The animal, now exhausted, and his energies spent after a long and perilous
chase, is seen barrelling along a fence looking for an escape from his pursuers. He has lost the energy needed to jump free
from the hounds and huntsmen close behind him. He was cornered and brutally killed his body then dragged to a near by field
and butchered for the delight of the supporters and hounds. This utter brutality against a defenceless creature whose silhouette
adorns many local businesses on Exmoor is beyond our abilities to describe. High time the blood junkies found a new hobby. *UPDATE* this is the footage captured by the League Against Cruel Sports of this stag being butchered, shortly after the clip of them
all salivating just before he is killed, in the video clip here. Pics
below - 1/ Whip with sawn-off shotgun mounts bank to get to where stag has been brought to bay.
2/ Supporters and huntsmen 3/&4/ Stag being butchered. Details of the arcane traditions
around this are on the LACS film - link after UPDATE above.  LACS present evidence of illegal hunting by Quantock SH to police League believes 200 deer still chased
& killed by 3 Hunts per year 25-3-18 The Observer Police probe claim of illegal hunting by Quantock Staghounds - League Against
Cruel Sports says it has presented evidence to police of deer being chased by dogs Police are investigating allegations of illegal deer hunting in south-west England,
following claims that a traditional hunt has been chasing stags with packs of hounds. Investigators from the League Against
Cruel Sports have passed a file to police with evidence they say shows that the Quantock Staghounds have broken the law. Although the Hunting Act 2004 banned the hunting of foxes and wild mammals using
dogs, hunting deer without hounds remains legal – deerstalking is said to be growing in popularity. Three traditional
Hunts continue to chase deer on horseback in Somerset and Devon, helped by hunt followers and quad-bikers, and they can involve
as many as 400 people. The law allows hunters to use up to two dogs to locate wounded deer, to flush out prey from undergrowth,
or for observation and scientific monitoring. Packs of hounds can still take part in trail hunting, where a sample of animal scent
– usually fox or deer urine – is dragged across the countryside for the dogs to follow. Anti-hunt campaigners
claim this is often used as a cover for illegal hunting. Volunteers from the League who monitor the three Hunts say that one, the Quantock
Staghounds, regularly takes a large pack of hounds to chase a stag and hinds. Darryl Cunnington, a retired police officer
and League volunteer, said he had given wildlife officers at Avon and Somerset police a file of evidence from an incident
on 22 January on the southern edge of the Quantock hills, near Bridgwater in Somerset. “Our evidence is that there were
seven or eight hounds chasing deer across the moor,” he said. “We’ve identified the people involved. The
hounds were not called off and may have been actively encouraged. We found no trail-laying and we think it shows clear illegal
hunting.” Avon and Somerset police said inquiries were ongoing. Nick
Gibbon, chairman of the Quantock Staghounds, said: “If there [were] more than two hounds we would have been trail hunting.
If hounds are seen to be hunting deer, they’re stopped. We’ve got a team of trail-layers that lays trails.” Asked how it might be possible that the League had found no evidence of trail-laying,
he said: “We film our trails being laid.” A separate incident on 5 September 2016, captured on video by a League
volunteer, shows at least six hounds chasing a deer in Willoughby Cleeve. The man who took the footage, Andy Kendall, also
a retired police officer, said the stag escaped past a line of Quantock Staghounds supporters onto a sanctuary owned by the
League. Gibbon did not have any knowledge of the incident. “If a deer jumps up in front of them when they’re
trail hunting, they’re stopped as quickly as possible,” he said. The Quantock Staghounds have about 12 or 14 hounds,
he added. “We try to manage the deer on the hills within the law. We do some trail hunting because we’ve
got more hounds in the kennels that need to be exercised. Previous attempts by the League to prosecute illegal hunting have
been mixed. In 2013, a case against a Quantock Staghounds huntsman, Brian Palmer, was dropped for lack of evidence. In 2007,
Richard Down and Adrian Pillivant were fined £500 each by Bristol magistrates for hunting deer with dogs. The League estimates that around
200 deer are chased and killed every year, and it operates an Animal Crimewatch hotline, which received 66 reports of illegal
deer hunting in 2017. Hunters say they are helping control the deer population, which has doubled since 1999 to about 1.5m
according to the Deer Initiative Partnership, a government-funded body, which believes culling some deer species may be necessary. According to the Devon and Somerset Staghounds, which the League says has never
been seen using more than two dogs at a time while hunting, the population of deer on Exmoor is at 2,500, compared with 75
when the Hunt was founded in 1855. POWAperson adds - Quantock SH Huntsman Richard Down has been convicted
twice of illegal hunting. The judge in the second case hardly enhanced deterrence when he imposed just a modest fine actually
lower than that for his first offence. In April last year the Hunt was involved in a horrific incident when a deer being closely
chased by hounds threw itself off a 30' bridge on to a road below. Motorists nearly collided with it and could only watch
on in horror as hunt servants arrived quickly to remove the corpse, though they couldn't expunge the bloodstains on the
tarmac. The Hunt denied everything, as usual. POWAperson has personal experience of the Quantock Staghounds - they are ruthless
taken to hospital after unknown liquid thrown in her face Couple 'harassed' by Portman FH for 25 years plead for sab support 'Blatant fox hunting', sabs assailed, blocked badger
setts 25-3-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 25/03/2018 The Portman Hunt : Meet - Smugglers Mead, Stepleton
With the end of the killing season drawing ever nearer we knew that there would be a sense of desperation for the murdering
misfits to get as many kills 'notched up' before our beautiful foxes have some semblance of reprieve before the fox
'cub' killing season (or more commonly known as Autumn Hunting) is upon us once more. With
five fox hunts and two Beagle packs killing in Dorset it has sometimes been a difficult decision as to which Hunt we pay a
visit too. However, today's choice was without doubt the easiest we have had to make all season. This began with an email that we had received. An email so touching and saddening that a unanimous
decision was to action it. It was sent by a couple that told us for the past TWENTY FIVE YEARS they have been harassed by the Portman Hunt.
The Hunt had damage fences (not mended them), trespassed on their land, distressed ewes resulting in abortions, limited their
own cat's and dog's lives as well as their own as they are on constant watch when the Hunt are in the area. They said
the rural police and other support from groups such as Hounds Off have been a lifeline but they still feel very threatened
and vulnerable when the hunt are around . This lovely couple gave us a list of areas one including Smugglers Mead where the
Hunt then go on to harass them. This lovely couple's only wish from us was could we warn them when the Hunt was close
by to their land. We did not let them down! With
our good friends Southampton Sabs and Dorset Against Blood Sports and armed with impeccable intel from our very experienced
monitors we split into two groups, one group keeping an eye on the meet and the other going into the 'field' to spray
and pre-beat areas that we know the Hunt like to flush out innocent foxes, or hares or anything else that moves. Our first port of call was Evelyn Warren, a large woodland with green lane access. However, within minutes of entering
the wood we encountered the first of the many knuckle draggers and dribblers that hurled threats at us and played the intimidation
'game' with us. Not deterred by this obvious distraction we carried on only to find an array of blocked badger setts.
These were logged, photographed, filmed and grid-reffed. All the while one dribbler was threatening to 'ram our camera's
down our throats' (all filmed). Still undeterred we carefully unblocked the setts. ...the Hunt then raced east towards Rolfs Wood. Already anticipating this move we put a foot team along the Wessex
Ridgway heading westerly into the wood. With other foot sabs already in the wood, a fox was seen bolting south towards the
Furze Down direction. Sabs used a gizmo to lift the dogs heads but with dribblers lining the track in front of the terrified
fox and their blatant hollering to the Huntsman that a fox was seen it wasn't long before the dogs picked up the scent
again. Sabs, quick to act, headed south where we believe the terrified fox ran across the road and into the small copse named Rough
Ground. With dogs in cry now running along the western edge of Rough Ground, terriermen, Whip and dribblers went into panic
mode, doing their best to prevent 'out of control' dogs running dangerously onto the busy road. Monitors then reported
seeing the fleeing fox heading north (as did more dribblers), at which the whole Hunt turned, raced over the road and followed
in the fox's tracks... blatant fox hunting to the experienced eye.
With sabs and monitors
surrounding the area, monitors caught a glimpse of the now exhausted and terrified fox in the Ash Down vicinity. Sabs again
used a gizmo and voice calls to pull the dogs off the scent. However, this sent the now large gathering of knuckle draggers
and dribblers into a frenzy. ,Altercations occurred which we cannot go into detail about, as this is now under police investigation.
However what we will say is that last week two female sabs were assaulted and when we dialled 999 it took several hours for
the police to take evidence. This week when the 'other side' called them there were blue's and two's coming
in from all directions within minutes! Sadly the fate of the beautiful fox remains unknown to us and, with police cars all over the area, the Hunt seemed
less interested in following their 'trail' and headed back to the meet. By 4.45pm they packed up. On a plus, the Hunt never went anywhere near the lovely couple's land on this
occasion, maybe our presence alone was enough to deter them... If you would like to join us please either message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com and
we will get back to you as soon as we can. We are an independent group and receive no funding from big associations and we
really appreciate your help to keep us on the road doing what we do best. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Pics below - 1/ Csnine 'fence mender' ready for
duty 2/ One of sett entrances blocked with rubble  24-3-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT SATURDAY 24TH MARCH 2018 PORTMAN HUNT MEETING AT SMUGGLERS MEAD
Since his court appearance almost two weeks ago Evo Shirley has made no real attempt to hide his illegal hunting habits and
his hounds have been filmed chasing a fox four times in two weeks. Today, the Portman Hunt called in helped from the Anti
Anti’s so were we grateful to be joined by our neighbours South Devon Animal Rights and also Wildlife Witness and a
monitor we frequently work alongside. The Anti Anti’s are a group of thugs hired in by the Hunts to attack sabs verbally
and physically and we have had many incidents with them over the years, particularly when we do the BSV and Cattistock Hunts,
sometimes the South Dorset, but never before when we have been doing the Portman. The anti anti’s were
at the meet before us and many of them were masked up and clearly intent on causing trouble by holding up vehicles, blocking
roads and general bullying tactics including name calling and following sabs everywhere. There was an altercation between
an anti and a sab and whilst this was unfolding a sab who was filming from the landy with the window open had an unknown liquid
thrown in her face. The police were called on a couple of occasions prior to this altercation by sabs / monitors but they didn’t
attend - at one time a phone call was made to 101 and the caller gave up after half an hour. The police were quickly on the
scene when they were called to the altercation and they are currently investigating our sab being assaulted with the liquid
for which hospital treatment was required... Pic
below - Some of the masked-up anti antis Demo
by hundreds demands full Scottish hunting ban 25-3-18 The Scotsman The event was organised by The League Against Cruel Sports, OneKind and the International Fund for
Animal Welfare (IFAW), who want to close “loopholes” in the legislation. Fox hunting with dogs was banned in Scotland
through the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act in 2002, with an exemption for using dogs to flush out foxes for pest control or protecting livestock or ground-nesting
birds. Mounted Hunts in Scotland have since offered farmers, landowners and estate managers
a pest control service, but a review by Lord Bonomy found there were “grounds to suspect” fox hunting takes place
illegally. Ministers have consulted on the review’s recommendations, and are expected to publish a report this spring
with any proposals for legislative reform to follow before the summer recess. Green MSP Alison Johnstone has said she will
bring forward a member’s bill at Holyrood to ban fox hunting. She said: “Every year hundreds of foxes are killed
by Hunts, many using packs of dogs in clear breach of the Protection of Wild Mammals Act. Scotland’s reputation as a
national of animal lovers lies in tatters. “The Scottish Government has consulted on minor tweaks to a law that clearly
hasn’t stopped cruelty.” Robbie Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “Public
support to really ban hunting in Scotland is overwhelming, with the vast majority completely opposed to the outdated, primitive
cruelty of this so-called sport. As a nation of animal lovers, we’re expecting a good turnout this weekend of people
committed to marching for the foxes and hope that this will send a clear message to the Scottish Government that hunting has
no place in modern society. Action is urgently needed to improve the law so we can consign hunting into the history books
once and for all.” A full ban is being supported by Scottish Labour, with rural economy spokesman Colin
Smyth [left] saying Lord Bonomy’s recommendations did not go far enough. He said: “The
current legislation aimed to end the abhorrent practice of hunting with dogs but it is clear that loopholes exist and Hunts have gone out of their way to ignore
the law both in letter and spirit. It’s time ministers listened to the public, starting by delivering a full ban on
hunting. We need to put a stop to hunting once and for all." A
Government spokesman said: “In recognition of concerns about the effectiveness of the current fox-hunting legislation,
we asked one of Scotland’s most senior judges, Lord Bonomy, to carry out a detailed review of the current position.
We are now evaluating the responses to our consultation on his recommendations. A stakeholder group has already been established
to develop a new code of practice and assess the feasibility of a new monitoring scheme.” 24-3-18 The Scotsman Campaigners hit Holyrood for total ban on fox hunting in Scotland
Animal rights campaigners will converge on parliament to call for a total ban on fox hunting in Scotland... Pic below - Peace
talks between terrier and fox proceeding well Many more photos of the march can be seen here. Filmed fox flees Beaufort FH over churchyard into settMonitor presence discourages Hunt from dig out 23-3-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2 Beaufort Hunt, Saturday, 17th March 2018 Well, the Beaufort was certainly taking risks on Saturday. This was their last
meet of the main season and their last National Trust licence date for Horton Court. They met at Upper Chalkley Farm in between Horton and Hawkesbury, just outside the allowed NT ‘Trail’
hunting area. They got upset with us straight away because we happened to be driving our vehicle on the same lane that they
were riding on! They forget we’ve paid our vehicle tax to be on a road but that didn’t seem to figure when arrogant
rider blocked our way and then started being abusive when we asked him to move by calling one of our monitors ugly... Not
distracted, meanwhile we had cameras on the hounds that were all over a pile of tyres like a rash [right] –
obviously there was something in there to interest them and all quads went in there as well [below]. Matt
Ramsden [Huntsman] had to call them out and our presence helped whatever it was in there and
they moved on up the hill opposite. Terrier men on quads were out in force and we’re looking at the licence map very carefully. Why are they out we keep
asking ourselves – they’re not needed for ‘trail’ hunting. Of course not all quad bikes out with the
hunt carry terriers – some are ‘fencers’ and are there to open/close gates/turn off electric fencing etc.
Some are there just as spectators or to warn us off.
After this, they moved into woods below Horton Court – NT land near the Motocross Track. Our
vehicle did a loop round to the fort and high land to get a visual on them. We could see them in the distance now towards
Birch Hill and heard the hounds in cry... our vehicle caught up with the Hunt outside Hawkesbury Church. We were caught in
a queue of traffic... the hounds in cry on a line to what we revealed later to be a fox. Hunt staff immediately saw the urgency
of the situation with cameras on them and tried to move us on swiftly. We said ‘they’re on to a fox!’ to
which they replied ‘It’s a trail!'. Don’t
tell us they don’t know the difference. Little did they know we had dropped off 2 foot walkers at the church who got
the video of the fox running down the hill and across the lane by the church and into the field at the side [above
left]. Surprise! Surprise! 2 minutes later the hounds arrived at the field searching for the scent [below,
in cry, scent just found]. Monitors saw that one of them was already covered in blood. They followed the hounds up to
the woods [via graveyard, further below] whilst filming all the time. Terrier men arrived
to intimidate monitors and block their filming – again getting heavy because they knew there was a fox. The hounds went
straight up to a sett and were all over it [below left] – as usual most holes were blocked [all filmed
and reported] and we think the fox had to keep running to escape them. If he did manage to go down a hole we reckon we saved
that fox from a dig out. They sped up northwards towards the monument and afternoon action after 2nd horse... They next emerged
at Curtis Mill and went into Lizens Wood and Midger Wood – not allowed as that’s GWT Nature Reserve. We had 2
vehicles on the A46 in case they crossed there but they went inland again.
stopped for a chat with Captain Farquhar, Joint MFH who was quite upset that we accuse them of blocking badger setts and denied
that they do this. He said, ‘If it wasn’t for hunting there wouldn’t be any foxes!’ So we mentioned the South Herefordshire Hunt who were caught breeding foxes and feeding them to the hounds whilst still alive.
We agreed to send him some links so he can see for himself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT-uQHqqtYo. Someone in his office really needs to update him on evidence available from monitors, sabs, LACS and
other anti-hunt organisations. There’s plenty of footage to view of blockings and dig-outs and even his BH staff caught
by our good friends, Three Counties Hunt Sabs at Holly Bush Cottage with spades by the side of an Artificial Earth! They did
eventually cross the busy A46 and unfortunately we lost them for a while towards the end of the day. We caught up with them
eventually at Hobby Horse Wood after a spotter gave us a clue when they saw the hound lorry waiting at Didmarton near Joyce’s
Pool. We waited for the hounds to be brought back to the
lorry and after a quick chat with a terrierman who kindly showed us his 2 lovely terriers that he had in a box on his quad,
we bid them good night until next season when cub hunting starts. Video footage to follow... Pics below - 1/ Terriermen arrive and dismount near sett
where fox marked to ground 2/ Huntsman takes hounds away as terrierman advances to try to shoo
monitor away. Another monitor reached sett and found most holes blocked by some still open.  2 blocked setts where Cotswold FH hunting - no joy for them 23-3-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Friday 23rd March 2018 We thought that Fridays were a day
off until late August but oh no. A call out to the Cotswold hunt who had met at Gaskill Farm, Miserden. Now Miserden is a
very heavily wooded area. All that could be seen for a while was some hunt support looking at the tree line as new born lambs
frolicked around. There was nothing for it but to get into the woods and hope for the best, at least this is an area we are
sett surveying and have not yet done so it was a matter of multitasking. Latrines were found in abundance and 2 setts found
to be freshly blocked. Just as these were dealt with the horn was heard, a couple of mounted followers seen and quads were
abroad. For the next few hours they were kept an eye on and the hounds made no sound. The whipper in was laid back and Robin
Smith Ryland (infamous for hunting 6 days a week) was found lurking too. Apparently they've got a do on tonight.Please continue to support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Pics below - 1/ New born lambs in area where Cotswold FH hunting
2/ One of the freshly blocked setts  2 freshly blocked setts found where Cotswold FH hunting 22-3-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Thursday 22nd March 2018, Cotswold Hunt Postlip Mills Our
friends in Cirencester Illegal Huntwatch saw hunt followers at Postlip pre meet. We went up Langley Hill to get in position
as they were up that way before from this meet. One of us was seen and they basically scarpered onto Cleeve Common which is
a massive landlocked area, they then hid all day. We found 6 historically blocked setts but 2 very freshly blocked setts and
fresh quad bike tracks in that general area. Gates that are normally locked were open. We have no doubt that they intended
to come our way but that our presence deterred them. Please continue to support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs.  Hounds Off asks - what point giving evidence of Hunts' wrongdoing? 22-3-18 Facebook - Hounds Off What's the point of giving evidence to a court of law under oath? Another
"accidentally" hunted fox (top) & is that a terrier in the "Countryman's"
box [below] ? #TrailHuntLies Portman Hunt 21-03-18. http://www.houndsoff.co.uk/donate/  POWAperson adds - On 6-3-18 on BBC's One Show Polly
Portwin of the Countryside Alliance made the absurd and mendacious claim that terriermen [sorry, 'countrymen']
only follow Hunt's to repair fences, etc. and the materials and tools for that are what is carried in their
quad boxes. Absurd, because sabs and monitors have published of terriers being carried in these boxes and even of them
being taken out of and returned to the boxes. For sabs' report of the day see here and here. Portman FH Huntsman hunts hounds on road, even after driver complains 22-3-18 Facebook – Wildlife Witness VIDEO Portman Hunt again endanger the public
Yet another example of the Portman’s Huntsman, Evo Shirley’s sheer arrogance and stupidity as he once more endangers
road users. This video clip was taken on Wednesday 21 March 2018 near Turnworth,
moments after a Wildlife Witness monitor had been forced to stand in the road to warn another driver of hounds on the road.
The driver of the car spoke to Evo Shirley who had promptly apologised…a nd then, rather than leaving the road, carried
on allowing hounds to search the hedgerows regardless of the danger he was causing. The hounds had picked up a scent in woods to the right of the road
and had run down the hill and on to the road with Shirley following them, so he MUST have known that they were not hunting
a trail as not even the Portman would lay a trail across the road. This mindless idiot is a danger to all road users
in the county and as with the numerous other video’s taken this season, this one will be passed on to Dorset Police. 23-3-18 Facebook - Wildlife Witness Further video of yesterday's incident when our monitor stepped in
to warn a car driver of hounds on the road after the Portman's huntsman, Evo Shirley, allowed the hounds to hunt along
a road in the full knowledge that they were not following a trail. Please excuse the shaky
video as the monitor was flagging down the driver of the car. Hunt invades gardens and tramples badger sett in wood in Oxfordshire 21-3-18 LACS Press Release Hunt trespass and wildlife crime proves trail hunting excuse is wearing thin A hunt from Oxfordshire has been caught damaging wildlife habitats and trespassing
on private land, putting paid to any claims that ‘trail’ hunting is a legitimate activity. Hounds belonging to
a Hunt were seen trespassing in residents’ gardens and hunt riders damaged an active badger sett, while the Hunt were
out in a village near Abingdon recently. A member of the public
who witnessed the incident, said: “We were absolutely horrified when the Hunt let their hounds trespass into our gardens
and run around uncontrolled. The hunt also went through a wood and trampled over a badger sett, causing some real damage.” The incident calls into question the legitimacy of ‘trail’ hunting and highlights the poor behaviour of Hunts,
many of which are frequently seen trespassing on private property, chasing pets and livestock, causing traffic disruption
and damaging wildlife habitats.
Chris Pitt, Deputy Director of
Campaigns for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “The Hunts claim they’re trail hunting and acting within
the law, but this line is wearing pretty thin. Our evidence has already shown that genuine trails are hardly ever laid and
this episode proves just that. The Hunt won’t have laid a trail in someone’s garden or over a badger sett, so
what exactly were they doing there? Incidents like this, where unsuspecting
residents have their property invaded and where a protected species becomes yet another victim of the Hunts, show just how
important it is for all landowners, including the National Trust, to put an end to trail hunting on their land,” Chris
Pitt added. Despite the Hunts trying to legitimise ‘trail’
hunting by referring to it as a ‘legal activity’, the reports of illegal hunting and hunt havoc incidences being
witnessed by League investigators, members of the public that many of who report into the League’s Animal Crimewatch
line, and hunt monitors and hunt saboteur groups, are in stark contrast to their claims. Until the Hunting Act is strengthened and Hunts stop being able to use trail hunting as a loophole
to circumvent the law, they’ll simply continue chasing and killing wildlife, because for them it’s a ‘sport’
and because the law enables them to pass off their questionable behaviour as ‘accidental’,” said Chris Pitt. The behaviour of the Oxfordshire Hunt follows a pattern of poor behaviour
observed by several other Hunts this season. The Warwickshire Hunt – also licensed by the National Trust – has
been filmed chasing foxes and are regularly accompanied by terrier men, whose purpose is to put terriers below ground to flush
foxes, but who have no place on a genuine trail hunt. Terrier men have also been seen with the West Somerset Vale Hunt, a
Hunt that have trespassed twice on Trust land and regularly hunt across land designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural
Beauty (AONB) and Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Terrier men are paid to illegally block up badger setts on the day of
a hunt to ensure foxes can't go to ground during the chase. Investigators from the League have observed that the blocking
of badger setts increases dramatically during the hunting season. The Oxfordshire incident
has been reported to Thames Valley police and the local wildlife crime officer, but despite badgers being a protected species
and the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 stating that badger setts cannot be disturbed, the Hunt are unlikely to face any penalty
for their crime. The League is calling for the Hunting Act to be strengthened, including introducing a reckless clause to
stop hunters using the false alibi of ‘trail’ hunting. 85% of the public are in support of keeping the ban on fox hunting, opposition to legalising deer
hunting, hare hunting and coursing is even higher. A petition calling for people to help stop the killing of animals by Hunts
in the UK can be signed here. UPDATE - 29th March, 2018: Initial reports
on this incident indicated the Vale of The White Horse Hunt were responsible. Further intelligence has since been brought
to the League's attention, that suggests it was the Old Berkshire Hunt that were hunting in the area that day. Antis to protest Devon & Cornwall police inaction on illegal hunting 21-3-18 Devon Live Anti-fox hunting protesters to march on Devon police station
this weekend - Despite many groups bringing this criminal activity to light, there have been no prosecutions
Campaigners will march on a Devon police station this weekend in protest against what they see as a lack of enforcement on
fox hunting in the county. Members of a group called Devon Against Illegal Hunting will rally at Okehampton Police Station
at 11am on Saturday, March 25, to vent frustration about a lack of hunt related prosecutions. A spokesman for
the group contacted Devon Live to explain more about the protest and the reasons behind it. The spokesman said: "The
majority of the public are opposed to hunting with hounds. It has been an offence to do so for well over a decade now, however
Hunts still flout the law under the guise of trail hunting. Despite many groups' best efforts in bringing this criminal
activity to light, including footage of actual hunting and many offences perpetrated by hunt personnel, there have been no
prosecutions. We are organising a protest this coming Sunday outside Okehampton police station to highlight this." In 2005,
following pressure from animal rights campaigners, fox hunting was made illegal in England and Wales by the creation of the
Hunting Act 2004... 21-3-18 Facebook - Devon
County Hunt Saboteurs
PROTEST: Please join Devon Against Illegal Hunting this Sunday 25th 11am outside Okehampton Police Station for a rally to
highlight police inaction on illegal hunting and other offences connected to it. The fox hunting season is nearing the end now. We have a few
weeks left. This season we have compiled a comprehensive file on police inaction, which we will be using once the season's
over to hold the police to account. Police inaction in Devon is not a question
of resources. It's a question of bias. And we intend to fully expose this. Devon & Cornwall Police -
you have a lot of questions to answer! https://www.devonlive.com/…/anti-fox-hunting-protesters-mar… Waveney Harriers filmed chasing fox - monitor
struck in face19-3-18 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting VIDEO NSALQH report no. 42 Waveney Harriers hunt meet Priory Farm, Aldeby Saturday 17 February 2018 We turned out on this Saturday
for half a day to support the Norfolk and Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs in keeping an eye on the Waveney Harriers. The boxes led
us to Priory Farm, Aldeby... The Hunt left the farm yard at 11.30 am and to our surprise set off
through the lanes at a fair pace and headed northwards. The field were using their well-honed traffic delaying tactics to
allow the Huntsman and hounds to give the monitors and sabs the slip. Some of these however had been around too long to be
outsmarted by those tactics... ready to greet the Hunt when they arrived at their destination. Our very presence sometimes
is enough to prevent serious hunting taking place... Although the valley terrace
was alive with hares and deer who were beginning to panic, sensing that the Hunt was in the vicinity, somehow they had the
good sense to run away from the danger [Pics left & right]. Sadly that is
not always the case. It is stressful for all wildlife when the hunt is about; it is just something that they do not need in
the harsh winter environment... The Hunt entered farmland and the bird of prey man joined them. They left him standing in a field and moved across country
passing to the north of Hill Farm where they entered a strip of maize... it had been planted as game cover and a likely place
to pick up live quarry for the hounds [below].
Beyond the maize is the rear of the former Burgh St Peter rectory and its adjoining plantation and woodland...
This is the sort of territory that hunts like. Hounds can chase quarry here and although you can hear what is going on it
is very difficult to film a chase taking place. The bird of prey man was still skulking somewhere a long way away and had
nothing to do with this activity. Any reasonable person might call this fox hunting. Any Hunt that intended to follow the
spirit of the law would have instructed their trail dusters not to enter any maize or any similar habitat most likely to produce
a live quarry chase. There would be no need for the Huntsman to put his hounds into such a place even supposing that he was
genuinely searching for a dusted trail. A monitor was peering into the plantation and adjacent wood and was able to film a glimpse of a terrified fox fleeing
through the undergrowth and the hounds a few seconds later in hot pursuit. Riders were on point duty at the edge of the wood
to turn the fox back. We believe it may have been bitten before going to ground but we cannot be sure. Not long after that
the pack appeared to be split and while they were trying to round them up another crisis was developing on the road near Hall
Farm. A hunter’s horse had spun a shoe and the bird of prey man was trying unsuccessfully to render first aid with a
set of bolt croppers [below right]. The traffic was building up. A car driver
who was held up by this and lived locally was initially patient but time began to drag on. Thee was plenty of space to gently
lead the horse off the road but that did not seem to occur to them. Eventually however this did happen but a few riders were
much slower to move on their way and despite the driver making it known that he was now overdue somewhat, they were in no
hurry to clear the road... … a monitor was struck in the mouth by a riding
crop. At the very least this was a case of accidental contact brought about by dangerous riding too close to a monitor on
a public footpath. At its worst it was a case of unprovoked common assault...
 23-2-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Waveney Harriers – 17/02/2018 Priory Farm, Aldeby – Norfolk
Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs had an exhausting outing due to multiple areas being covered as well as a 'stop and start' interaction
with the Hunt. A bird of prey was present and a trail had, in a way, been laid. In both practical and legal means, you cannot do both of these forms of hunting in one day... It's
safe to say that these were attempts to protect themselves from prosecution. We were told by the lady laying the trail that
it was indeed Fox Urine. Non-animal based scents can be used and would gradually decrease the interest in live quarry. The
Waveney Harriers have no interest in that. From the meet, the Hunt headed in a opposite direction to where the
trail was laid and began to cast hounds into covert's surrounding Low farm, toward the marshes that lead to the river
Waveney and active railway line. A rider made clear her feelings of our presence by assaulting a monitor in the face with
a riding crop... they moved on to hunt near College
Farm and the surrounding Marsh lands in Burgh St Peter. A land owner riding a quad bike suggested to Reuben that they hunt
in a specific copse near by. Unfortunately, near by that very copse, a fox was flushed out by the hounds but was able to make
it's escape. Some hounds had split but were rounded up and taken further on. It was then that sabs were met with Police
(who drove into the field!!) to answer a call that "...people with balaclava's were being aggressive and threatening".
Sabs had to give basic details but, once checks had been made, the Police soon realised we weren't the mob that some claim.
We even got offered a lift to where the Hunt were! Following this, we found the Hunt at the Aldeby pits area where hounds were cast into, what seemed like, every piece of overgrowth,
hedgerow and wooded area possible. No fox was found but some hounds were spotted enjoying the remains of an old roe deer carcass [left]. For
biosecurity reasons, it would be unwise to assume that any old dead animal is fit for consumption. Unfortunately, Hunts regularly
choose the cheap/free option of feeding hounds dead stock.
When we thought the day had finished, as the sun was going down, the Hunt avoided packing up and
had one last (large) attempt at finding the desired quarry. A wooded area metres south from Hollow Way Hill was the first
area covered and, following a deer breaking covert, a reminder of the dangers of hunting was learnt. Hounds split and chased
the deer into the direction of the road but were stopped by sabs present on the road. Reuben, obviously, blamed the presence
of sabs for this happening but it is worth reminding the public, and members of the hunt who read our posts, that no sabs
were present earlier in the season when hounds (chasing a deer) caused an accident on the A143, north of Flixton. Wonder who he blamed then. Frustrated with these results, Reuben and Peter Davison-White collected
the hounds together and headed to Stanley Carrs and the areas surrounding Aldeby Hall Farm. In the process, Reuben made graphic
sexual comments toward sabs but failed to see his stupidity in doing so in front of other hunt staff. Hounds did speak but
didn't seem to get excited enough to suggest they had found quarry, especially chase and/or kill it. With the sun getting
ever so much lower, the hunt called it a day and packed up. Sabs regrouped and enjoyed the usual vegan treats. We believe
there wasn't a kill, but cannot guarantee it. Consider helping
us keep warm and energised in the fields by sharing a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ. Pic right - Illegal quad use
& Rufford FH appeal judge was Tory MP in the '90sHe decided killed fox was 'chopped' accidentally by Hunt Claimed terrierman may just have
been taking dog 'for a ride' 19-3-18 Facebook - Roger Swaine Just a bit of an update on the Grove appeal last week. There was no issue of "non-disclosure"
as claimed by the other side. This was accepted by the Recorder (the judge on the appeal) and he stated that the fox was "chopped"
and the Hunt didn't have the chance to call the pack off - therefore intent was not shown. He also stated that Pete White
the terrierman "may have just been taking the terrier for a ride" on the quad bike. It's unusual for a case to go to appeal when there is no new evidence or problem with procedure. Roger Evans,
the Recorder, was Conservative MP for Monmouth in the 90s. POWAperson
adds - I cannot definitively state that Roger Evans was avowedly pro-hunt while he was an MP [1992-97]. but I
did know who all the 30 or so Tory MPs in that Parliament who were anti-hunt and he definitely wasn't one of them. Cotswold
FH - horse dies, they carry on seeking foxes to hunt Suspicious terriermen activity at artificial earth 18-3-18 Facebook - Bath Sabs VIDEO 17.03.2018 The Cotswold Hunt sent out an invitation to the Ledbury Hunt to join them for a days hunting,
so we thought we'd gate crash!
Arriving at the Meet, Owdeswell Manor Farm, South Wales foot sabs
came in from the north and our foot sabs came in from the south, large number of Red Coats and terrier boys looked confused
and upset! How could we spoil both Hunts final meet of the season? Upon seeing the 2 groups they quickly headed west, where
Bristol Sabs Landie full of Sabs was waiting for them! This was the pattern for the rest of the day, from Foxcote Gorse, Grove
and Plantation - sabs pop up! Then sabs come across a strange
scene, all the terrier boys and their quads gathered around a tarp on the ground? Then a 'Fallen Stock' wagon turns
up, Terriers boys and their hangers on turn up and attempt to block sabs' view, it's soon apparent in the lust to
kill foxes, they've killed one of their own horses. Probably Sabs will be blamed. Instead of stopping there and then,
they continue with their blood lust! Cleevely Wood, Upcote, Withington, everywhere they go sabs pop up, running, running, no time to hunt, second horse
by Lower Hilcot farm, time for sabs and hounds to have a little Rn'R, the Hunt to down booze, maybe drown their sorrows
that the only thing they'd killed is one of their own horses?! Probably not! Quick switch
to fresh horses and they're off again, Pincley wood, Smoke Acre, Shill Hill, running not hunting, Cleevely wood again,
the huge Withington woods and they still can't lose sabs! Withington again! Compton grove, they go quiet, Yanworth/Compton
wood, quads with a Red Coat? We go in, a
terrier boy tries to start something off, driving at a sabs, it's a cover, only terrier boys are up to something, it's
spotted and they pull back, sabs check, an artificial earth is found! Have they bagged a fox? The Cotswold Hunt is well known
for releasing a bagged fox towards the end of the day if they haven't killed. Not this time! The Cotswold Huntsman and
terrier boys seen to have a quiet chat!!! TALK about the lack of KILLS!! For their guests! No FOXES just HORSES. Please keep us out there, buy us a coffee... https://ko-fi.com/bathsabs Pic below - Terriermen try to menace sab S.
Durham supporter tries to steal film of fox kill by Hunt Hunters danced and cheered as fox caught by hounds Fox had gone
to ground and been flushed out 18-3-18 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT 50, Season 17/18 South Durham Hunt, Meet at Lea Close Equestrian 03/03/2018
The Hunt met at the Kings Arms in Great Stainton for their Champagne Breakfast, for the last meet of the season, as they do
every year. With the hunt area covered in snow, the mounted hunt was cancelled but hunting on foot was still to take place. Considering one of the excuses for trail hunting is to exercise the horses, we wonder why a trail hunt on foot was to take
place, let alone why quads and terriermen [right], who's so-called job description
is now fixing fences, were also in attendance. The Master (Gareth Watchman) set off with his hounds alongside his amateur
Whipper in (Ross Crawford) and closely followed by terrier men on quads, with one passenger being kennel maid, Jilly Rose.
Also followed by a lot of hunt support vehicles out to spot a fox. Monitors in 3 vehicles located the Hunt and
made off on foot to the nearest woodland. It wasn't long before we encountered support on the edge of a woodland [below], watching
for a fox to bolt, just then a deer was seen to flee from the woods and out onto the road, witnessed by one of our drivers.
We passed them with no incident and entered the wood where we saw Watchman and Crawford casting hounds in the hope of picking
up a scent. Failing this they moved off and foot monitors closely followed behind, ready to act if a fox was spotted. The
hounds were having difficulty picking up on a scent and we believed the bad weather was going to be on the foxes, and our
side. We thought wrong. Getting back to the
road, we heard the hounds in cry, so we moved to a better position to call the hounds with the gizmo and horn. Some of the
pack split off and we believe the scent was lost. We decided to get in a better position again, and on doing so we spotted a police car outside a home so pulling over we asked if it was Hunt-related, to which
they replied that the hounds had been in the property and the owner had seen a fox. Panicking we moved further
down the road where we encountered a few residents outside their homes, who had also spotted the fox in a field and that the
support had rang ahead to tell the hunt. Support cars were positioned on the road and they were all very eager to get a view
across the fields We got into position to film the hounds being sent into a small outcrop over the fields. All of a sudden, the quads sped off down the farm track toward the outcrop and our hearts sank. We knew we had to
keep the long lens on the hunt as we located a bridle path on the far side of the small wood where foot monitors could get
in. Through the zoom on the camera we could see that a dig-out of some sort was taking place. We heard the hounds go into
full cry when the fox bolted in fear of it life. The terriermen ran in the same
direction, foot monitors who were only minutes away could hear Ross Crawford shouting "get it, get it" and as the
fox tried to escape through a steep beck and up the other side. Devastatingly, it was unable to make it, the hounds attacked and killed the petrified animal. Still watching and recording on the camcorder,
Ross was seen to do a celebratory dance, whilst everyone was laughing and cheering. A terriermen put the fox's body into
a box on a quad [left] and they all moved on. Foot monitors were able to fish some of the foxes remains out of the stream. We established the fox had taken cover
in a log pile which had been partly dismantled and a scene of utter brutality. Our vehicles moved to the farm entrance in
order to film the Hunt leaving when a hunt supporter [below right] took it upon himself to
come through the car window in the attempt to grab the camera. All witnessed by residents, who rang the police as the thug
shouted threats through the window obviously knowing we had just filmed evidence of illegal hunting and his pathetic blood
lust. Seeing the police coming he drove off such is the coward that hunt thugs are. Informing the police of the fox being killed they attempted to stop
the quad but on seeing the police the terrierman turned the quad around and drove off [right]. Just
then one of our drivers bumped into the police car, no damage was done and the police were laughing, but we just weren't
in the mood to find anything funny at this time as it just added to a horrendous day. Another terrier man went down the farm
and no doubt left with the fox's body taken from the quad, as the quad then left within minutes, happy now to be stopped
by the police. The Huntsman and
Whipper in didn't make an appearance. Probably tipped off of the police's location they snuck away out another entrance off to the kennels to wash down the bloody hounds. The foot monitors returned and showed the remains
to the police who asked us for any footage of the attempted theft and of the lead up to the fox being killed.
This poor fox was so close to being safe for a few months which made it all the more upsetting
to monitors. We know we have saved so many foxes, but every life lost is like a knife in our hearts. We know the pain will
ease and we will use the anger to hit the Hunt even harder come next season. We will learn from our mistakes, grow as a team
and make sure we save as many lives as possible next season. The footage we have will be handed in and our statements
taken in the hope that the police uphold the law and prosecute South Durham hunt for illegally killing a fox. No screen captures
videos or photos of the kill and area will be posted yet. RIP Little fox, we are sorry we failed you. It's not quite the end for us as we know
the season hasn't ended for other hunts so we will be back out hunting the hunters till the season ends. To help with our ever increasing costs
pleases donate via PayPal using the email huntmonitors@gmail.com. Or using
the link – Paypal.me/huntmonitors. Thank you. Long live the fox ��. Pics below - 1/ Terrierman with fox body drives
away from police 2/ Fox in the snow  S. Dorset FH support attacks sabs after hounds twice pulled off foxes 18-3-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 17/3/18 South Dorset Hunt & friends. Meet at The Manor, Buckland Newton.....again!! Well, for the South Dorset Hunt this was a really big meet
with around 60 riders and large numbers of c*untrymen, most were familiar faces with the exception of a number of "boys"
from up North Dorset and of course the usual dribblers. They were all enjoying an early morning tipple before mounting quads
and Horses and riding off down through the village. Even the hounds looked rather perplexed about the number of riders following
on behind them having got used to a field of 10/15 maximum! Joined today by our friends from Southampton and South West Sabs we headed off to areas that we
were pretty sure they would head to. The White Landy going on ahead to drop in foot teams in front of the hunt to spray areas
and to be ready for the advance of the hounds and field. With foot sabs in Holcombe Wood the hounds went into cry briefly
a couple of times but due to the use of citronella spray, quickly lost the scent that they were following. With the foot sabs ahead of them armed with sprays
and cameras the Hunt turned and hoofed it away from them… a team from the Red Landy was deployed to get in front of
the hounds while the other foot team kept the field in sight... they headed along the ridge towards Barcombe Farm where vast
numbers of dribblers were heading at full speed regardless of other road users, to get the best view where if they were lucky
enough would be able to watch an innocent animal get torn to shreds by a pack of barely in control dogs... Team 1 upon reaching the start of the Wessex
Ridgeway watched as a terrified fox ran from the Narn Farm area... Sabs sprayed as much as they could, but the dogs then went
into full cry and off in hot pursuit of the fleeing fox. The second team then stepped in with perfect timing, hearing the
hounds coming towards them they used the gizmo... and just like magic the hounds lifted their heads and started to head back
towards the sabs, having sprayed the area earlier the scent was lost to the dogs. One beautiful fox saved. Meanwhile, back at the
Landy the knuckle-draggers, had surrounded the Red Landy... The atmosphere at that point was a little tense, but we were expecting
them to try their hardest to provoke a reaction from any one of us as their season of killing was coming to an end. With three Landys by now keeping them in their sights and very experienced foot sabs on Ball Hill the hunt crossed
the road and the red coat put the hounds into the gorse along Higher Hill (funny place to lay a trail)... foot sabs dropped
off ... they were waiting to welcome the Hunt and follow them down towards the road. After the team left the red Landy,
knuckle-draggers once again surrounded it with one charming c*untryboy punching the driver side window in line with her face... it was a game of trying to avoid us but wherever they went there
was a Landy or a foot team waiting...with a camera. With the pack and field stopped under Little Elias Copse, a few free range
dogs ran off towards Watcombe Barn with frantic cries coming from the redcoats. Eventually managing to gather most of the
dogs, they headed back towards Folly and the waiting white Landy. With foot sabs in the churchyard ahead of the hunt (2 redcoats
and 5 field), a fox was seen running ahead of the dogs, so a very experienced sab used voice calls to pick up the hounds...
and oh what a sight it was to see the hounds change direction and run excitedly to greet the sab. Well, that was just the final straw for the c*ntryboys and knuckle draggers who just went into a blind rage. Boys
appeared from all directions shouting and pushing sabs. Assaults were committed on Sabs including female Sabs. As soon as
the Police have seen the footage we have from many different angles we will be able to go into more details and put up the
footage. With the threat of the Police being called the violent "c*untrymen" shuffled around for a few more minutes,
before rather ashamed of what they had just done, left the area not to be seen again. Shortly after the hunt did one more
circuit of Ball Hill before sneaking off home at 4.30 with clean hounds... With the news that a well known knuckle-dragger was in the area filming
us we decided to leave and said our goodbyes. There then followed an incident involving the police , well Mr Silver Discovery
hunt scum that backfired on you. If you would like
to join us please either message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com and we will get back to you as soon
as we can. We are an independent group and receive no funding from big associations and we really appreciate your help. Thank
you - https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Pic below - Looks almost
like a Christmas card scene - doesn't it? It's anything but. Sabs prevent Eggesford FH dig outs, Huntsman hits sab's headPolice refuse to tackle drink-driving supporters Hounds 'terrorise'
flock of sheep 18-3-18 Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO [Marles] VIDEO [Sheep] Eggesford Hunt 17.3.2018 A snowy
late start for the Eggesford Hunt yesterday, who met at Park Farm, near Winkleigh. We were joined by our friends from South
Devon Animal Rights and Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team. Immediately after
setting off into fields around the meet, hounds got onto the line of a fox. Despite poor visibility due to snow, sabs were
able to follow the sound straight to the earth were hounds were in the process of marking the fox to ground [below]. Huntsman
Jason Marles had been unaware we were in the area until we turned up at the earth and he was furious to have his plans to
dig out and kill the fox thwarted. When sabs questioned Jason why the hounds would be marking a fox
to ground if trails had been laid, Jason insisted this is what trail-hunting consists of: you lay a trail that ends at a fox
earth or badger sett, you allow the hounds to mark the earth and then you move on! Of course the trail-layer in Jason's
version of trail-hunting is of the fluffy orange variety. That fox, sorry 'trail-layer', narrowly escaped being killed.
Forced to move off from the earth, Jason next sent his hounds into Rack Brake, where they began speaking again. Hounds marked
to ground again and the Hunt were forced to leave it and move on again. On they continued with sabs in tow. Hounds rampaged through fields
around Brushford Barton, terrorising a flock of sheep. One of the sheep became separated from the rest and found itself surrounded
by hounds [below]. If this was a pregnant ewe and she aborts because of this,
the farmer will know exactly who to blame, as we will be posting the full footage of the event. Terriermen were stood close
by watching the entire time and did nothing to intervene.  Soon hounds were on the
line of yet another fox, which ran along a hedge in full view of some of the terrier men. Sabs saw one of the terrier men
point out the direction the fox had gone and Jason put hounds on its line. After a short while, hounds checked and the increasingly
irate Jason found himself on the road again, accompanied by sabs. Evidently keen to follow in his violent father's footsteps, Jason
then lashed out at one of our sabs. The coward waited for the sab's back to be turned before whacking him in the back
of the head with his riding crop in a completely unprovoked assault (footage to follow). The incident has been reported to
the police. Frustrated that sabs were stopping him from 'trail-hunting', Jason threatened to bring two hounds and twenty guns
with him next week, to hunt foxes "the legal way"!
As so often happens when
the Hunt feel overwhelmed and know they're in the shit, they made a call to Devon & Cornwall Police themselves. Within
minutes a police van, police car and another unmarked police vehicle were in the area, responding to the Hunt's allegation
that we were trespassing and stopping them from going about their "lawful" business. One of our foot teams bumped into an inebriated driver of a blue van [left], who
had been following the hunt. We couldn't really make out what he was saying but the more he spoke, the more we could smell
the alcohol on his breath. When we told him we would report him for drink driving, he went silent and quickly headed back
to his van. His details were given to the police shortly after, but they were not interested. Nor were they interested in
breathalysing another drink driver who blocked one of our vehicles later that day, while police were watching. The driver
and passenger swapped places when they realised police were around and the now-driver insisted that her passenger had "only
just started drinking two minutes ago". You won't be surprised to hear police refused to even make a note of the
incident. After leaving the Brushford area,
Jason headed south in direction of Bondleigh. It took us a while to reposition our teams but we caught up with the Hunt west of Bondleigh where hounds had just marked at another large badger sett. When sabs
went in on foot to investigate, the Hunt legged it. A few minutes later, hounds returned to the sett in cry, having hunted
the line of the same fox for a second time round. This time Jason was nowhere to be seen, so sabs rated hounds off the sett
and hounds carried on hunting the heel line of the fox back up the hill towards Bondleigh. Jason gathered them up and hacked
back to Moorend Farm, where they packed up at 5pm. It's not always possible to say for sure whether
there have been any kills, but we know we saved several foxes yesterday, as we stopped them from digging at several earths
the hounds had marked. We also saw hares break from coverts Jason was drawing at various points during the day. Plenty of footage to follow. Thanks again to our friends for joining us! If you support
what we do, please contribute to our fuel fund and help us keep our vehicles on the road: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Get involved or send us information: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Pic above right - Huntsman in bushes. Presumably hoping to
sniff out the invisible trail there? Pic below
- Huntsman Marles has reportedly just hit sab on head with his crop  Rarely sabbed Vine & Craven FH lays no trails, followed by terriermen 18-3-18 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors Saturday 17 March 2018 found the Surrey Hunt Monitors
on a bitterly cold day at Hannington, a couple of miles west of Basingstoke for a kennel meet of the Vine and Craven Foxhounds. Initially this was to be a visit to the hare killing Sandhurst and Aldershot Beagles; who are kennelled with the
Vine and Craven, however we had double luck by finding horseboxes travelling towards Hannington, and the Beagles hound van
leaving Hannington. Having a good turnout of monitors, we sent one car to the beagles for some covert monitoring, leaving 3 cars of monitors
to overtly cover the Vine and Craven. Whilst monitoring the V&C huntsman casting his hounds through a hedgerow at
some distance away, three quad bikes carrying NINE people passed us on the road. The drivers of these quad bikes which had
terrier boxes on were clearly breaking many rules of the Road Traffic Act, which we will be taking up with Hampshire Police. Two terrier men approached one monitor, and were surprisingly friendly. On questioning, the terrier men
claimed that they had no terriers with them and their boxes were full of trail laying equipment, soup and sandwiches….do
they think we were born yesterday?? Obviously not used to being monitored
we saw no evidence of trail laying and the quad bikes were behind the Hunt most of the time. Trails could not have been laid
through thick scrub by the quad bikes, where the huntsman was seen off his horse encouraging his hounds through, an ideal
place for foxes to hide!! The hounds were also filmed running across roads, nowhere near the huntsman, following a trail across
a road?? This
Hunt has not been visited much over the last few years and we will be returning. We had no aggravation throughout the day,
and apart from one supporter verbally abusing a female monitor, they were a lot friendlier than their neighbours the Hampshire
Hunt. I am sure that this will not continue with further visits. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Pic below - The gang's all here Rider's horse dies under him - so he jumps on another & hunts on Sabs end
riot on deer, stop dig out at Cotswold/Ledbury FHs meet 17-3-18 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs We joined up with sabs from Bath and South Wales today and headed to a joint meet of the Cotswold Hunt
and their guests, the Ledbury Hunt. They met at Owdeswell Manor, in Andoversford, a few miles east of Cheltenham. Just half an hour into the day we noticed a hunt rider and terrier-men from the hunt surrounding something in a field.
It turned out that the rider's horse had died and they were trying to keep it out of view from us. The rider was given
another horse and carried on hunting throughout the day. Utter scum. The Huntsman tried legging it from sabs at every opportunity, but splitting into groups and using
our three vehicles to good effect he never made it far before another sab group was popping out on him. Throughout the day sabs intervened when hounds were in cry, using horn and voice calls and whips
to mixed success. We were in the right place at the right time when the full pack of hounds were rioting on a group of deer,
only meters behind them, with no hunt staff in sight. Sabs managed to get between the hounds and the deer, and used voice
and whip cracking to stop the pack. We dread to think what would have happened if we weren't there. Towards the end of the day sabs stopped hunt terrier-men from digging
out a fox. Spades were put away and the lads shot off on their quads when they realised they'd been rumbled being up to
no good. This seemed to be the last blast from the Hunt
and we were soon escorting them along country lanes and back to the meet to pack up. Job done. Support our work for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE N. Shrops FH Huntsman seems to implicate self in denying sett blocking 17-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors HUNTS BLOCKING SETTS TO STOP FOXES ESCAPING In this clip (filmed by one of our colleagues)
Julian Barnfield, the Master and Huntsman with the North Shropshire Hunt, who has just recently retired, was obviously trying
to pretend that over all his years as huntsman his terriermen had never blocked setts. IT DIDN’T WORK JULIAN! We exposed Julian
Barnfield in this report from 13.3.18 for his flouting of the Hunting Act: http://bit.ly/2GEfsg8. He also has past form, having admitted four charges of illegally hunting foxes during the 2011-12 season when he was with
the Heythrop Hunt. Earlier in 2008 he also pleaded not guilty to three charges of hunting a wild mammal with dogs contrary
to the Hunting Act 2004. Barnfield is filmed here trying to tell a monitor that his Hunt has nothing to do with the blocking of a sett hole
(that was published on social media) by talking about 'gangs digging it out'. Blocking? Digging out? Both are opposite
actions for a start! We have a question... How could
Barnfield possibly know the location of a hole in the ground unless he had been there recently or someone had tipped him off?
We leave the answer to you. Four Shires Bassets/Berkeley Beagles joint meet packed up
by sabs 17-3-18 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs VIDEO DOUBLE TROUBLE FOR THE HARE HUNTERS Freezing
winds and snow could not stop a large crew of sabs descending on the The Sow & Pigs Poundon, for a joint meet of the Four
Shires Bassets and the Old Berkeley Beagles today. In keeping with the weather, we received a distinctly frosty reception when we caught up with the pack hunting in
fields west of the meet. A gang of masked-up thugs on quad bikes tried unsuccessfully to intimidate us, before the hounds
were boxed up and driven straight back to their kennels in Whitchurch. Unfortunately for huntsman Mike
Smith, there were several sab vehicles stationed at the kennels to greet him and he refused to come out and play with his
second pack of hounds. Smith eventually threw in the towel by jumping in his car - without any hounds - and heading back to Poundon to join his miserable supporters in the pub. Two hunts stopped,
several hares saved and a party gate crashed: we love it when a plan comes together! Many thanks to our friends at Guildford,
Hertfordshire, North Downs, Northants and our new sister group West Berkshire Hunt Sabs for joining us today. 17-3-18 Facebook - West Berkshire Hunt Sabs [new group] ... joint meet of the Four Shires Bassets and
Old Berkeley Beagles who were illegally hunting hares at Poundon near Bicester. This meet was meant
as a 'going away' party for Old Berkely Beagles master Mike Smith. We arrived at Poundon to find the Four Shires already in the
field with hounds on a scent. Immediately we got into the field to rate hounds and make the Hunt know they weren't going
to be killing anything today. A significant number of support including
some from neighbouring fox hunts were present, and decided to try their best to start a fight with us. Fortunately, we've
got better things to do than scrap with animal murdering bumpkins, so in spite of their verbal and physical intimidation we
concentrated on getting the job done. The Bassets ran back to their hound van after a while, and we monitored
the kennels to ensure that the Beagles didn't come out to try and hunt in the afternoon. Two hunts prevented from killing
hares and Mike Smith's final hunt with them completely ruined. Job done.
sab ruins Puckeridge FH's closing meet17-3-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit report 17.03.2018: Puckeridge
Hunt, Furneux Pelham Following on from last
week’s multiple fox save at the Puckeridge (http://bit.ly/2GDkhXb.), we decided to keep an eye on their closing meet of the season along with
a large contingent of sab groups from across east England. Activists from Beds & Bucks, Cambridge, South Cambs, North East London, Suffolk And Essex Hunt and
Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs joined with us to surround and control the Puckeridge season finale at Whitebarn’s
near Furneux Pelham in East Hertfordshire. With the meet delayed due to snowy conditions, and sabs surrounding
the meet in large numbers, Hertfordshire police arrived and spoke with the Hunt before the off. Not long after, the hunt terrierman
made a show of driving back and forth along a footpath adjacent to the meet, towing a hastily produced drag line for the police
to see. The hounds left the meet, promptly ignored whatever the terrierman
had been dragging behind his quad and were instead hunted onward, past the area and into nearby Merlin and Lady Woods near
Furneux Pelham. With hounds only speaking briefly, temperatures
never venturing north of freezing and a biting wind whipping across from the east, the Hunt must have been wishing this meet
to be over as soon as it started. For the next few hours this pattern continued. With sabs from seven
different groups continually spotting and getting ahead of the Hunt, and with Herts police keeping a watchful eye on proceedings,
the Huntsman was only barely able to provide a ride out with hounds to the shivering field. Make no mistake that hunting
today was of course attempted. For hours after the am-dram charade of trail laying, the Puckeridge Huntsman repeatedly drew
hounds through coverts, copses and woodland in the hope of finding the scent of a fox. No luck today though for this third
rate Hunt. After several hours of grimly soldiering on into biting driving snow, the Hunt eventually realised this was a closing
meet to forget and trudged back to their meet to thaw. We’re not sure whether they were more glad to see the insides
of their Range Rovers, or the back of sabs who had been in their way the entire day from the start. Sabs come out in all weathers voluntarily to protect wildlife from
illegal hunts. If you’d like to support our work for the cost of a coffee, you can click here. https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pic below - Deer fleeing from the hunt Antis
stop Portman FH 'innocent' Huntsman killing on snowy day17-3-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT SATURDAY 17th MARCH 2018 PORTMAN HUNT MEETING AT THE OLD FORGE, WOOLLAND We knew today was going
to be a testing day with snow falling all day, a bitter wind and limited access around a very hilly area. Luckily for us we
were joined by two monitors we work with regularly and Wildlife Witness and we send them a massive thanks for helping to keep
Evil Shirley ping-ponging across the valleys all day. There was also a police car out for most of the day which was a welcome
sight indeed! Leaving
the meet, the Huntsman and Whipper-in took the hounds south then west towards Twitchings Copse searching the gorse on the hillside... Continuing along the ridge towards Woolland Hill, Evil Shirley got off his horse and
went across a field on foot. We think this was to help him gather his hounds which to be honest he is pretty pants at ! This
seemed to be a reoccurring theme today with hounds on roads and the odd lost hound popping up along the day always a long
way from the rest of the pack. Foot sabs at one point had a hound with them for a while and she was shivering, soaking
wet, and had a cut on her paw along with spots of blood along her side - probably from barbed wire. This hound was a lovely
girl but to the Hunt she is just a number which was tattooed on the underside of her ears and we never observed anyone coming
to find her, in the end she heard the Hunt and ran off in their direction. Having collected his hounds,
Evil Shirley went ... into Rawlsbury Wood and monitors observed the hounds on the line of a fox... The hounds went into cry
several times and foot sabs used the gizmo repeatedly to try and pull the hounds off. Being a fair distance away it is impossible
to say how effective or even if the gizmo worked, nor the fate of the fox. The Huntsman lead the hounds south
and the field caught up with them just as the hounds again went into cry once again around Brooks Copse and Moots Copse before
heading north towards Balmers Coombe Bottom where the hounds stayed for a while searching along the hillside... the Huntsman
came out at Ansty Cross... The foot team caught up with the hounds and the rest of the Hunt along the footpath and the foot sabs kept an eye on the hounds
as they searched the hillside... The landy followed the hounds along the Wessex Ridgeway but with the monitors and Wildlife
Witness also in hot pursuit we were able to go back and collect the foot team that had now made it all the way back to the
road. By now there were more anti’s out than there was foot supporters and the field had dwindled to single numbers.
… a call came over the radio to say another fox had been observed on Chitcombe Down
and foot sabs were soon on the scene skidding down the hillside into the gorse spraying frantically to mask the scent of the
fox. Foot sabs caught up with the hounds and neutralised the area where the hounds were just picking up on scent of the fox
and sabs had the hounds all around them. Either the huntsman or the whip called over the gorse to say we were trespassing
but he was told “your illegally hunting” and this fox was saved thanks to the keen eyes of our monitors! The Huntsman then took the hounds over to Woolland and was searching a sloped area
beside the road, foot sabs were quickly out the landy and were told they weren’t allowed to spray citronella by a rather
rude and bolshy field master. Hounds were once again scattered
like skittles and all along the road until Evil managed to gather most of them up and headed to Long Wood Farm where the Whip
got on the phone and called the hound van in so they could box up around 4.30pm. We hope the hounds were properly counted
back into the van tonight, its bitterly cold and by late afternoon even the gate bitch had gone home leaving less people to
search for missing hounds! Also thanks to our supporters - if you want to join us before the season ends please send us an email dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net. https://www.gofundme.com/dorset-sabs-bodycam-protection Pic above left - Are they wholly sure the this redcoat is
actually alive? Two
blocked setts found close to Beaufort FH meet 16-3-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch On Monday the Beaufort met at Trull so it wasn't long before we found 2 badger setts blocked in close
proximity to where they set off. Also true to form we were subjected to misogynistic remarks from an angry elderly male follower
of the hunt as soon as we arrived. It is very sad that they are so full of hatred for anyone who has compassion for our beautiful
British wild mammals - especially the fox the badger and the hare. Pic below
- One of the blocked sett entrances. Such are the lengths they go to in order to deny foxes escape underground Another hunting vet exposed - rides with Albrighton FH 16-3-18 Facebook - Stop Hunting Fox-Cubs Hard to believe anyone who professes to care for animals could
want to be involved in such a barbaric pastime. Would it
surprise you to know that many veterinarians are hunters? Would you trust such an individual with the care of your pet? ...
We would not! Cheshire
FH servant cautioned for death threat to monitor 16-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE HOUNDS SERVANT RECEIVES CAUTION FOR DEATH THREAT Regular readers of our page may recognise Gordon Broadhurst, a servant of the Cheshire Hounds
hunt who drives a yellow transit van, and has a penchant for calling monitors "pr*cks" and "paedophiles". Gordon
recently stepped even further over the line, threatening to kill one of our team, and was hauled in by Cheshire Police. We
are pleased to report that Broadhurst has received a Criminal Caution. Our team noted throughout the last season that Broadhurst and
his son Robert were often in close vicinity whenever a fleeing fox was spotted. We were also interested to hear how Broadhurst
had the Hunt's own solicitor with him during his police interview, despite previous claims that Broadhurst wasn't
on the Hunt's payroll. Heavily
blocked setts found where Cotswold FH hunting 16-3-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Cotswold Hunt found at Witcombe Park yesterday after
a tip-off from a walker. This is in a bowl of steeply sloping woods next to Birdlip Hill. With the help of a 3C sab we had
tabs on them from the beginning and 3C sab stopped the hounds both times that they found a scent and ran on it. It
is difficult territory to sab as big areas of steeply sloping wood, and easy for a Hunt with a tiny field of five or so people
just to disappear. We managed to keep near them though after they picked up on a scent and ran on cry through Witcombe Wood
(past a notice that said dogs must be kept on leads) only to be stopped by 3C. They kept running after that and went along
towards Cooper's Hill, where we found them again and then crossed the Buckholt Road into Buckholt Wood - another steep
large wood. As we came in at the top they picked up on cry again and ran in a circle which always sounds terrible in the woods
as is it so loud and you cannot see them, but 3C was approaching from below, we had a vehicle at the bottom of the wood observing
them and between us all we had them in a sandwich. Next thing we saw the hound lorry driven by a redcoat come blasting along
Buckholt Road and lo and behold they packed up and went at 2 o'clock. Good result. Bad result of this day's hunting were blocked setts, ruthlessly
blocked with heavy clay plugs. This at a time when not only foxes but badgers have cubs underground. Police report was made...
the Huntsman denied all knowledge, as did the young terrierman (who took care to mask his face) but someone did it for the
Hunt - and there was not even the faintest pretence of a trail hunt. CIHW sab at the blocked sett was aggressively ridden
at by a female rider with the Hunt who then accused her of assault ... note to Hunts: horses do not like being used as weapons.
And thank you to the road-works team on Buckholt road for their moral support. Grove
& Rufford FH 3 win appeals against illegal hunting convictions 15-3-18 Nottingham Post Hunt members cleared of blame after death of fox near River Trent - Thei r appeal was heard at Nottingham Crown Court Three hunt members were cleared of blame after a fox was killed near the River Trent. They won their appeal after
the prosecution decided against pressing on with the hearing at Nottingham Crown Court. Countryside Alliance official Adrian Simpson said: "The
essence is that for the last 12 or 18 months, three people have been living as convicted criminals when they were innocent
people. They are elated, relieved and feel that justice has finally been done." Mr Simpson said the prosecution failed to hand over important photographs
to the defence - and that their expert "strayed into matters which should have been left to the court." He added:
"There was patently no evidence of intentional hunting. It became patently clear in the course of the appeal that a fox
jumped out in front of the hounds, which pursued it for a short distance and killed it. Trail hunting is a legal activity
and that is what was happening here. Hounds follow a trail of fox's urine." The fox was killed on January
30, 2016 and its death was caught on camera by birdwatcher Phillip Palmer. He told the court that he saw a man in green pointing
the direction it had run at Laneham, near Retford. Three Grove and Rufford Hunt members were prosecuted and found guilty after
a trial at Mansfield Magistrates' Court. They denied a breach of the Hunting Act. An £800 fine
had been imposed on Huntsman Paul Larby, 57, of The Kennels, Kennel Drive, Barnby Moor, £550 on trail-layer Peter White,
57, of Leyfields Farm, Redhill Lane, Kneesall, and a £180 fine was ordered for the Hunt's Whipper-in Jane Wright,
63, of Town Street, Lound. These are all quashed. They had each also been ordered to pay £248 prosecution costs and
a £80 government surcharge by a district judge at the original three-day hearing. The appeal was heard in front of Recorder Roger Evans and a magistrate
at the Crown Court. They will sit again on April 27 to deal with an application for defence costs to be paid. Rescue
horses and pets badly disturbed by Hunt's proximity One hound rampaged round whole property Horse died, others injured after Hunt invasion last year 15-3-18 Facebook - Ash Rescue Centre They [the rescue horses] were feeling very anxious and worried
as the Hunt were out in a neighbouring field. I had to catch the 3 of them and move them for a few hours (not a fun job on
my own with the way they were feeling!) as they were trying to jump the gate and wall to get out and away from the field and
the Hounds. [Pic left - Aragon, Rani and Tom yesterday].
We had a loose
hound run through our fields (with horses in), and through our garden, wedding venue and yard which upset all our dogs and
cats. We
have asked for prior notice when they are in the area but as yet we have had nothing. Last year we lost Smuggler
after a day of cantering around (hunt were in the area all day) caused his old legs to give up. We also had horses with cuts
to heads, legs and one lame. We have had the whole pack of hounds run through our wildflower meadows, woods and bird seed
mixes on a number of occasions. When will this stop???
it’s hard enough to deal with 30 elderly horses and the ailments that go with them especially over winter without the
extra stress of this. POWAperson adds - The Ash Rescue Centre is a few miles
from Dartford in Devon. The Hunt concerned is probably the Dartmoor FH, though they're not far from the border of the
South Devon's country, so it could have been them. Owner of pub where cat-kill Hunt met 'devastated' by pet's deathSays 'mislead' by Hunt, who told her was to
be just a 'ride along' Was
first time she'd hosted Hunt and will be the last 15-3-18 Facebook - Ann Ashford - Junction Inn, Norbury STATEMENT Events of 13th March One of our local
residents and friend has suffered a devastating loss due to the events in the village of Norbury yesterday involving the Albrighton
and Woodland Hunt. I was approached for the use of our facilities and when discussing the arrangements with the organisers
I was informed it was a “ride along” not a hunt. I am saddened that I was mislead. Being part of the community is paramount and I am personally devastated
with the wrong decision I made resulting in such a sad loss of a much loved family pet. This is the first and the LAST time
I would consider such request and I am in no way associated with or support hunting of any kind. Our thoughts are with Helen and her family. Alison,
Owner/manager Eggesford FH welcome violent ex-jailbird as supporter Convict is the son of Eggesford FH Huntsman 14-3-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs This is Chris Marles, father of Eggesford huntsman Jason Marles, and
now a regular member of the Eggesford Hunt. In 2005 he repeatedly punched and kicked an IFAW monitor whilst he was with the
Devon & Somerset Staghounds, causing black eyes and cuts to the monitor's face (pictured below). He was convicted
of assault occasioning bodily harm. In
March 2008, whilst serving a suspended sentence for ABH, he repeatedly rode his horse into an elderly female hunt monitor,
knocking her to the ground and causing a back injury which required hospital treatment. You can tell from this picture the
horse is really enjoying the experience of being used as a weapon... For this, Marles received a six month prison sentence.
The court branded him an "arrogant, cowardly, drunken lout". Even the East Devon Hunt, for whom he was acting as
whipper-in at the time, cut ties with him. Suppose we shouldn't be surprised
the Eggesford welcomed him with open arms! Pics
below - 1/ Chris Marles 2/ Kevin Hill after attack by him  Antis to send compilation of Portman FH road havoc to police Hoping to get them stopped from hunting near highways 14-3-18 Facebook - Wildlife Witness On the day that the Portman Hunt Master/Huntsman is cleared of illegal hunting after admitting
that he couldn't control the hounds and stop them in full cry, we are compiling a file of instances where this Hunt has
disrupted traffic since September 2017. This report will be forwarded to
Dorset Police as proof that the Portman poses a serious threat to road users in the county. We are asking for the Hunt to
be excluded from hunting near to main roads in order to protect the public from uncontrollable hounds on the road.  Portman FH JM/Huntsman acquitted of illegal hunting charge 14-3-18 BBC News Portman Hunt Master cleared of illegal fox hunting
The Master of a Dorset hunt has been found not guilty of fox hunting. Evo Shirley, 27, from the Portman Hunt faced charges
of hunting a wild mammal with dogs. Magistrates in Poole had previously seen footage of a "pack of hounds" seemingly
chasing a fox through a field with Mr Shirley on horseback in Shapwick in March 2017. District Judge Stephen Nicholls said
the court was "not satisfied" it showed Mr Shirley was hunting. 14-3-18 Hounds Off Press Release VIDEO DORSET HUNTSMAN ADMITS HE ALLOWED HOUND PACK TO CHASE FOX ON NATIONAL TRUST
LAND BUT CLAIMS IT WAS ACCIDENTAL AND IS ACQUITTED A Dorset huntsman was today acquitted of illegally
hunting a fox with hounds, contrary to Section 1 of the Hunting Act (2004). District
Judge Stephen Nicolls, presiding over the case brought by Dorset Police at Poole Magistrates Court, had previously heard eye-witness evidence from volunteer hunt monitors Peter White and Kevin Hill. Film taken by Peter White showed
the Portman Hunt hounds chasing a fox on land owned by the National Trust near Wimborne Minster. However, District Judge Nicolls
was not satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, that this was deliberate and contrary to the Hunting Act as he interpreted it
so he cleared Mr Evo Shirley, Master of Fox Hounds and Huntsman for the Portman Hunt, of the charge. In evidence Mr Shirley told the court that he had allowed his pack of hounds to
hunt a fox which they had flushed from a small wood on 8 March 2017, rather than try to stop them, because he could not control
them while they were in hot pursuit and needed to let the events “play out.” Reflecting
on the case, Peter White said, “Dorset Police deserve full credit for listening to myself and Kevin Hill when we approached
them and said that we had film of what we believed was illegal foxhunting.” Regarding the verdict, Mr White said, “The
Portman Hunt want people to think that they go after trails of fox urine and not live foxes. Unfortunately on this occasion
they have persuaded the Court that the fox was hunted by accident and, as the Hunting Act stands, this is a defence in law.” With regards to the National Trust, the landowners who allow so-called trail hunting to take place on the Kingston
Lacy Eastate, Mr White said, “Despite this verdict, I believe that the Portman Hunt can no longer be trusted. In evidence,
Mr Shirley admitted that foxes have been ‘inadvertently’ hunted on numerous occasions. Members and visitors might
be shocked to learn that the National Trust is well aware of this too.” Explaining how trail hunting can be easily used as a convenient cover for illegal bloodsports, Kevin Hill said, “Trail
hunting is set up for accidents to happen. In evidence it was admitted that the Portman Hunt hounds are trained to go after
a fox-based scent so clearly live foxes are constantly at risk. It was revealed that the whereabouts of man-laid trails was
unknown to the Huntsman, so he had no idea if his hounds were chasing that or a live fox, until he actually saw it. We were
told that the hunting pack numbered thirty to forty hounds and, because they were hard onto the fox, the Huntsman could not
stop them.”
Explaining how crying “Accident” allows for a defence
in Hunting Act cases and how this loophole could be closed, Hounds Off Founder Joe Hashman said, “To succeed with prosecutions,
the law demands we prove that hunting wild mammals is intentional. In this case the Defence was able to persuade Judge Nicolls
that the fox was hunted inadvertently. For thirteen years hunters have exploited this loophole to escape conviction. I suggest
that using a large pack of hounds trained to hunt a fox-based scent in areas where foxes are known to live is reckless behaviour.
It is now time to clearly define Section 1 of the Hunting Act so that to ‘hunt’ means ’cause or permit a
dog to seek out, pursue, attack, injure or kill a wild mammal’.” For the acquitted defendant,
former Royal Air Force pilot Mr Bruce Cook had previously told the Court that he was responsible for laying trails that day
for the Portman Hunt. Despite telling District Judge Nicolls that he had recorded his movements with GPS readings on an iPhone,
he was unable to provide any verifiable evidence of this. Mr Cook admitted that the maps he provided as proof had not been
prepared by himself, were inaccurate and that additional photographs claiming to have been taken on 8 March 2017 were “indicative
of every photo I take on a hunt” and therefore it was not possible or him to definitively pin them to that date and
place. A spokesperson for the National Dis-Trust said, “The result of this case simply reinforces what we have been
saying for years, namely that the National Trust faith in and defence of Hunts is utterly misplaced & unjustifiable. Their
licence system, for permitting hunting with hounds on National Trust property, should be revoked before the next season begins.” Pics above - Right - Fox fleeing
Portman FH hounds Left - Hounds a few seconds behind fox Pics below - 1/ Hunter a
few seconds behind hounds 2/ Hunters following line of fox and hounds - making no attempt to
call hounds off  14-3-18 Dorset Eye [Lesley Docksey] On Trial – Evo Shirley, Master Huntsman for the
Portman Hunt In March 2017, two hunt monitors filmed huntsman Mr Shirley illegally
hunting a fox with hounds in the Kingston Lacy (National Trust) area in Dorset.. The evidence was passed to the Dorset Police,
the Crown Prosecution Service agreed there was enough evidence to prosecute and in February this year Shirley was up in court. Day
1 - … In her opening statement the prosecuting counsel, Ms Davies, made it clear the trial was about ‘intent’.
Did Shirley intend to hunt a fox, or was it a tragic accident because they were really ‘trail hunting’? The court watched the film upon which the prosecution was based. It showed a fox
running across a field towards some woodland with the hounds in pursuit, crying as they ran. Behind them came Shirley, his
horse cantering very slowly. There was no attempt to control or call off the hounds. At the other end of the wood one could
see the field of riders waiting. Fox and hounds disappeared into the wood and the hounds fell silent. Two men on quad bikes drove up to the wood,
and the drivers also went into the wood. Ms Davies described them as ‘terriermen’. Defence had another description. Just as Hunts had invented ‘trail hunting’
to circumvent the 2004 Hunting Act, so the National Trust’s vote to allow trail hunting on its land without terriermen
has resulted in another fiction. Terriermen are now renamed ‘countrymen’. They do not carry terriers on their
quad bikes (despite numerous photos of them doing so) but are there to assist and ‘repair any damage caused by the hunt’. The two hunt monitors gave their evidence. They were an impressive
pair with over 60 years of monitoring experience between them, working with IFAW, and obviously committed to protecting animals. Peter White confirmed
that he saw the fox being pursued by the hounds, followed (slowly) by Shirley. At no point did Shirley attempt to direct the
hounds; at no point were Shirley’s horn or whip used. White also saw riders positioning themselves by the wood... White
said he had seen the ‘process’ of trail-laying occasionally. Kevin Hill has also occasionally
seen ‘trail-laying’. Mooney really pressed him on this issue, as it is the only defence Shirley has. This had
little effect on Hill’s polite demeanour and clear answers. The expert witness for the prosecution, Professor Stephen Harris*, then gave his evidence. Defence had tried to get
the judge to hear both expert witnesses ‘back to back’. The judge preferred to be conventional; first day for
prosecution evidence and the second for the defence. Questioned by Ms. Davies, Harris
described what a huntsman did to control the hounds - the use of horn, voice and whip. He said that terriermen going into
woods made it clear they were either going in to flush out a fox for further hunting, or to dig it out if it had gone to earth.
There were no other reasons for them being there. Harris said the behaviour of the Hunt was consistent with them expecting
to hunt a fox. Hunts claim using horns and voices will ‘encourage’ hounds to hunt their quarry. “No,”
he said, “if the hounds are working you let them get on with it.”... Harris was questioned about using fox urine for trail-laying. He pointed out foxes don’t go round leaking urine,
so the hounds would not follow a trail of urine. Mooney asked, “What do you think foxhounds are bred to do?” Harris
said they hunt foxes but also hunt deer, mink, and otters. When the Judge asked for clarification, he pointed out that they
have to be trained to follow a specific scent. Day 2 - Evo Shirley did not impress... Asked about the people who ‘laid’ the trail,
he was very vague: they were hunt supporters; about 4 of them; no, he didn’t really know them and couldn’t provide
their names. He said he never knew where a trail would be laid, only the general area. Photos were produced, reportedly taken
by those laying a trail. Most appeared to be of patches of grass with no proof of location... Shirley said
his training was ‘to try and stop the hounds’ if they flush out a fox, but the film showed he didn’t even
try. Using his horn would ‘encourage’ the hounds to hunt the fox.** Anyway, “the hounds were hunting, doing
what they wanted to do”. This is where that ‘nothing to do with this’ film came into play. It showed Portman
hounds spilling out onto a busy main road. Whether hounds were hunting or not, Shirley used his horn to bring them under control. Under cross-examination Shirley fell apart. Ms Davies asked why no one in the field (there were
20-30 riders out with the hunt) appeared to express any concern that a fox was being hunted. She got Shirley to admit that
“5 or 10” foxes were hunted over the season. She queried the lack of records kept by Shirley. At the preliminary
court hearing in October he had said there were no films of trail-laying, having told the police there were, but not available
to view. He now said there were films, but he wasn’t sure how you accessed them... Ms
Davies then took Shirley through the film, almost frame by frame. “Why did you not try to get in front of the hounds?
Why were you putting the horn into your pocket as you cantered after the hounds? Why did you not use your horn when you reached
the wood?” He said he ‘had to go into the wood to control the hounds.’ His horn wasn’t blown until
the hounds were visible outside the wood. As she grilled him about the lack of control, his answers became garbled and contradictory,
until he admitted that he had ‘allowed’ the hounds to do what they did. He tried to claw back the word but it
was too late. The next witness was the man (no
longer living in Dorset) who laid the trail. He said that the night before a Meet, he would see Shirley and, using maps, discuss
with him where he wanted the trail laid. Again photos were shown of a fur lure lying in grass, supposedly laden with scent,
to be dragged along the route. He couldn’t guarantee the photos were his, just ‘typical’ of the kind of
photos taken. He never saw anyone when he was trail-laying, although he ‘might’ have seen monitors on two occasions.
He claimed he had done ‘several dozen’ trail-laying days – sometimes up to 5 a week. Too eager with his
evidence, he rather spoilt the Portman’s story. And finally, the Hunt’s ‘expert’ witness, Dr Daryl Hamilton
Wallis. His expertise is in computer forensics... he has no qualifications in animal sciences and says he is an expert in
hunting, having run the Llynfi Vale Drag Hunt in Wales... He tried to make something of Shirley’s horse not being able
to run fast enough to overtake the hounds, and that therefore, he would have done what Shirley did, which was nothing. He is adamant that sounding
the horn will only ‘encourage’ the hounds, and that the Huntsman has to get in front of them in order to stop
them, so – his conclusion, whether meant or not, was that a pack of hounds will always hunt illegally when a quarry
is found... At the end, the Judge ordered both counsels to send him their written depositions.
Ms Davies was quite amenable but Mooney not so. After some argument about dates it was decided by the Judge that he would
give his judgment on March 14. The judgement was, to say the least, disappointing. The Judge said that both sides
had given ‘honest views’ and that neither had ‘exaggerated’ their evidence – this despite the
continuing lack of verifiable evidence for trail-laying; that Shirley admitted he allowed’ the hounds to hunt the fox;
the contradictions between the trail-layer’s evidence and Shirley’s; an expert witness who was privately described
to me as ‘an expert on telling lies’; and the unprofessional behaviour of the defence counsel when trying to control
the trial. Even with all that, the Judge was
not ‘satisfied’ that the case had been proved, and Shirley was acquitted. And three days after the trial, he was
filmed ‘trail hunting’ through a farmyard. Warks
FH Director says is landowner - until shown newly blocked sett14-3-18 Facebook - W.Mids Sabs Thursday 8th March - Ettington, Warwickshire Warwickshire
Hunt director and ex-wife of former RBS boss Barbra Hester introduced us to another hunt director David Hawkins who she claimed
was the landowner. Not long after this introduction we discovered a badger sett recently blocked in. The sett had fresh spade
marks and hoof prints over them clearly showing the Hunt had ridden straight over the blocked sett. Hawkins suddenly wasn’t
the landowner anymore. The Hunt's terriermen were then seen speeding off on their quad, we suspect they had only just
blocked the sett. Minutes before the blocked sett was discovered a fox was seen being chased by the hounds not far from the
sett. Please contact the National Trust and politely ask them why they continue to license the Warwickshire Hunt given
the number of foxes that are filmed being chased by hounds and the fact that a director of the Warwickshire Hunt had a blocked
badger sett on his land with hoof prints all over them. patrick.begg@nationaltrust.org.uk. Please sign the petition to get
the Warwickshire Hunt banned from National Trust land https://www.change.org/p/farnborough-ha… Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsa #strengthenthehuntingact Pics below - 1/ David Hawkins, Director, claims to be landowner until
2/ Freshly blocked badger sett on the land pointed out to him  Pat cat mauled to death by Albrighton & Woodland FH hound One hound left behind as Hunt set off 14-3-18 Facebook - Hunt Watch Our lovely cat Rosie was mauled to death this morning
by a hound from Albrighton and Woodland Hunt. The horse boxes
were parked up at the Junction Inn when one of the hounds ran into our garden and killed Rosie. She didn't stand a chance. We have had her since she was a kitten 15 years
ago and didn't expect her to die in such a horrible way. As the Hunt set off, they also left
behind a hound which was roaming round Norbury Junction for nearly 5 hours, coming back into our garden and round by the boatyard
and pub. I have always been
anti-hunting and find the hunt with their pack of dogs very intimidating as they charge through our village and countryside
and whenever I have approached them, have found them arrogant and rude. It's worrying how they can just leave behind a hunting dog without
noticing it was missing. I hope in future they will be not made so welcome at the pub and will go somewhere else to terrorise
people and their pets. Heartbroken and very
angry. RIP Rosie xxx 15-3-18 BBC News Staffordshire cat 'mauled to death' by hunting hound
A cat has been "mauled to death" by a hunting hound in its owner's back garden. In a Facebook post, Helen Keyzor,
from Norbury in Staffordshire, said her cat Rosie had been killed on Tuesday. Ms Keyzor said she was "heartbroken and
angry" at the death of her 15-year-old cat who "didn't stand a chance". The Albrighton and Woodland
Hunt said one of its dogs fatally injured the pet and it was investigating the attack "thoroughly". The group said
hunt members tried to save the animal, which it called "elderly". Ms Keyzor said the family has had Rosie "since
she was a kitten". "We didn't expect her to die in such a horrible way." Naturalist and broadcaster Chris Packham shared the post on Twitter, describing
hunting as "anarchic pet killing and disregard for life, people and property". Staffordshire Police confirmed it
was investigating. POWAperson adds - Hunts generally don't give a damn about the effects their sick activities have
on the rest of the community and will often tell the most outrageous lies to avoid culpability. In this case they could scarcely
deny responsibility. Their reference to a 15 year old pet cat as 'elderly' is telling They commonly kill their
own hounds when they are six or seven and starting to slow down, though they would normally live to 12-14 years. God only
knows where and how they offload their hunting horses when they start to pass their best. So hunters are just not used to
having even middle-aged, let alone old, animals around.
say Hunt claims re. injured woman sab are false14-3-18 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs It seems that the hunters have been getting carried away making false allegations. Hunting for Truth have
put out a couple of photos that have clearly been photo-shopped (very badly) and have taken the whip out of the Whipper-in's
hand (note the blurring of the image by his raised hand). Our sab is not denying trying to defend herself from being ridden
down by picking up a stick. She is being kept in hospital from a second night with her injuries. They have put up a video as well, but edited videos mean nothing
as it doesn't show them riding her down, and also claim that we injured a horse which we would never do (and would expel
anybody who did). We believe the horse was injured earlier (possibly by a branch or something as the hunt staff don't
keep to the bridleways). We do have
footage of the incident, but think it is more useful to keep it for any court case and expose their lies. The whole incident only occurred because
our sabs were trying to get to an area where they were illegally hunting a fox and they were desperate to stop us from trying
to save the fox. Warwickshire
FH hunt foxes on Fosse Way and A422 14-3-18 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO [1st part of ] Warwickshire Hunt - Foxes, main roads and blocked badger setts
National Trust licensed Warwickshire Hunt block badger setts, cause tailbacks on A422 as they hunt on it and next to it and
a fox is seen running away from the Hunt's riders and terriermen. Wednesday 7th March - Honington,
Warwickshire - A fox was seen running from the Warwickshire Hunt terriermen near Upper Brailes, this fox got away safely.
However they were soon hunting next to and on the Fosse Way and the A422 [below] causing big
tailbacks. The Huntsman then got off his horse to hunt on foot leaving his terrierman to ride his horse down the A422. Pics below - 1/
Hound causes traffic chaos on A422 2/ Huntsman and terriermen consulting 3/
Fox fleeing hounds through sheep. Note it doesn't stop for a leg of lamb lunch.  Monitors say filmed N. Shropshire FH hunting fox illegally 13-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO NORTH SHROPSHIRE HUNT ILLEGALLY HUNTING 07.02.18
Please bear in mind that this Hunt describe themselves in this way 'WE DRAG (HUNT) THE NORTH SHROPSHIRE WAY' which
is a clue as to whether they actually lay trails or not! We are showing this film to highlight the problems involved in prosecuting
fox hunts due to the fact that the Hunting Act desperately needs strengthening. This film was considered
for presenting to West Mercia Police but due to our knowledge of how weak the Hunting Act is and how easy it is for hunts
to wriggle out of prosecution we had to make the difficult decision that all we could do with this film was to show it to
the public and hope that you will help us expose illegal hunting. PAST FORM - this Huntsman
(Julian Barnfield) has admitted four charges of illegally hunting foxes during the 2011-12 season when he was with the Heythrop
Hunt. Earlier in 2008 he also pleaded not guilty to three charges of hunting a wild mammal with dogs contrary to the Hunting
Act 2004. THE DAYS EVENTS Monitors witnessed the Hunt chasing foxes earlier
in the day [above, fox had just passed monitor] with both the Huntsman (Julian Barnfield)
and the Whipper In (Aiden Beaney) either telling us they couldn’t hear us when we were calling to them to call the hounds
off the fox, or pretending that they didn’t understand what we were saying. Pic below - Whip pretends doesn't understand In the main section of blatant hunting of a fox, the hounds had
chased the fox up towards some of our monitors who were on a road. With other monitors filming from another location. The
fox then outwits the hounds and back tracks out of some woodland [below] whilst
the hounds carry on into private land. It then runs down the first field and can just be seen to pop out of cover near the
bottom right of the field and run up along the side of the next field.
All this time the Huntsman is hiding from the monitors he can see on the road. Then the Huntsman and his cronies
call the hounds back from trespassing on the private land. The Huntsman then takes his hounds and places them on the exact
spot that the fox had run [below]. Sadly, the rest is history! The rest of the
compilation shows more evidence that this Hunt clearly doesn’t lay trails. Over this period of closed season we will be sharing evidence like
this and hope that you will help us get as many people as possible to become aware of what is really going on in our countryside.
If you would like to support Cheshire Monitors you can donate at paypal.me/CMonitors - thank you! Somerset hare hunt beagle found hanging from top of fence13-3-18 Facebook - Hounds Off This beagle was being used to illegally hunt hares last week in Somerset when it got caught in barbed wire.
Hunt staff were nowhere to be seen but thankfully friendly humans were on hand to release it unharmed.  Notts Wildlife Trust angry at Grove & R FH trespass on their land Sites
invaded were nature reserves and an SSSI WT says they've had a lot of trouble with Hunt trespasses 13-3-18 Facebook - Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust Hi - for a prosecution to be brought under the 1981 Act there would need to be evidence of something like
disturbance to an active birds nest or the killing/injuring of a protected species, as covered by Schedule 5. The Act (as
far as I am aware) doesn't make specific provisions relating to hunting with hounds. However, the video clearly shows riders existing our Duke’s
Wood Nature Reserve through the main gate. The track on which they are shown riding is not a public right of way and the riders
had no permission to be there. If the riders shown are members of the Grove & Rufford Hunt (we have no reason to question
that they are, but we've not been able to verify this ourselves) then we will be extremely disappointed as we have made
it absolutely clear on a number of occasions that they are not allowed to hunt over our land. The Hunt has disregarded our
concerns about unauthorised access and potential disturbance to wildlife on a number of occasions and this is totally unacceptable. We will be
contacting the hunt directly to re-iterate our position that they have no permission to access any of our nature reserves
and we will be seeking an explanation for what is shown in the footage. Thanks to everyone for their concern. POWAperson comments - The WT comment reacts to report by Nottingham Hunt Sabs on 12-3-18. Surrey
Union FH Whip arrested after attacked, spat at, woman sab Victim also arrested over counter-claim sabs say is false 13-3-18 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Surrey Union whipper in ( Rob Mardles ) arrested for spitting at female sab A
dramatic and violent day at the Surrey Union Foxhunt on Tuesday 13-3-18 ended with the red-coated whipper-in Rob Mardles being
arrested for assaulting a female hunt saboteur in her fifties and spitting on her in a vile and disgusting attack which happened
near Shackleford, Surrey. The saboteur was also arrested following counter allegations, but after she was pushed into a ditch by hunt riders
she was taken to Guildford A&E and is now in a wheelchair with a badly injured back and will be kept in overnight, it's
rather obvious what happened. This followed a day of constant illegal hunting from a visiting
pack, with foxes saved by spraying citronella to cover their tracks by saboteurs from the Guildford and North Downs groups
. At least four deer were also seen fleeing the Hunt's hounds and the Hunt riders also constantly rode into saboteurs
throughout the day. If you would like to help us in our campaigns please give to https://ko-fi.com/A62094D. Pics below
- 1/ Whip Rob Mardles being spoken to by police 2/ Mardles being arrested
3/ Woman sab victim, kept in hospital overnight   Youngsters' beagling meet pack up soon after sabs appear 13-3-18 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs Palmer Marlborough Beagles 13/03/2018 Fantastic mid-week
sab today at the Palmer Marlborough Beagles, a hare hunt linked to Marlborough College. If you want to contact them about taking children illegally hunting, here and here are the details. Thanks to an invite from West Berkshire sabs we joined up with them
and South Devon Animal rights to sab the meet at Temple Farm, Marlbrough. With sabs positioned at
strategic vantage points we could see the teenage master unboxing the hounds and the support arriving, many of whom appeared
to have taken the day off school to illegally hunt, in their school minibus and everything! The Huntsman cast the hounds into a field, heading straight towards us. The hounds immediately picked up the scent
of a hare, but sabs rated the hounds and the hare got away. Upon seeing sabs appearing from the woods the huntsman immediately gathered the hounds and took them back to the
hound van. They boxed the hounds up and gradually support sloped back to the meet. They hung around for a few hours, presumably
hoping we’d leave, but we waited until the hounds were on their way to the kennels. With all the waiting around our driver even had time to rescue a
sheep trapped in some fencing. No hunting today for the students of Marlborough College. Special mention to
the fantastic cake provided by West Berks. If you want to help keep us sabbing, why not buy us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/bathsabs Hounds
pulled off hunted fox by sabs at Chiddingfold FH 12-3-18 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Mission 70 Chiddingfold FH, Toby Stone 10-3-18 Good day for Guildford and North Downs Sabs,
(who were joined later by a car load of Brighton Sabs) at the closing meet of the Chiddingfold hunt at Toby Stone, nr Bignor on the South Downs. A few of us went to the meet. To be fair, this Hunt is rarely any
aggro, the Hunt moved off fairly late at 11-40 in crap conditions, foggy and rainy. The scouts' job was just to lead the
hunt onto the rest of the Sabs , the hunt tried a little illegal hunting near Glatting Beacon and then crossed the A285 at
Littleton Farm where the rest of the Sabs were waiting to follow them up onto Littleton Downs and Tegleaze. This is where
the Hunt had the advantage a fast moving hunt in hilly, muddy and woody terrain with no road access, but we are not a gang
to worry about such challenges, so we dropped another team ahead of them at Newhouse farm at East Dean. This team of Sabs quickly ran into the Hunt at East Dean Woods with
the hounds in full cry after a fox. The fox passed our Land-rover near Newhouse Farm and Sabs distracted the hounds with a
mixture of voice calls and a gizmo. The pack split in half with some going after the fox and most going back to the Huntsman,
who realised the game was up. The following group of Sabs caught up at this point to further distract the hounds. The few
hounds that had followed the fox quickly returned (unblooded). It wasn't textbook sabbing, but was enough to give the
fox a head start and get away, which is all that matters. The Hunt, which was
now notably pissed off, collected the missing hounds in the hills above Newhouse Farm and this seemed to be enough for them
as they then packed up followed back by our running squad. The walking squad almost had a heart attack following them up and
down the rolling hills and returned to the Land-rover somewhat knackered. The victorious but shattered
Sabs then retired to the pub for well deserved beer and chips. One of our land-rovers is off the road awaiting repairs if
you would like to help with costs please give to https://ko-fi.com/A62094D. Grafton FH rider allegedly causes accident on A5, old man injuredSabs and monitor assaulted, monitors
obstructed as usual Sabs
menaced by hunt thug gang, van damaged 12-3-18 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO [accident] VIDEO [obstruction etc.] VIDEO [Derby Sabs] Grafton Hunt Watch were delighted to be joined on Saturday by sabs from Northants.,
Derbyshire, Wales and Cheshire at the Grafton’s last meet of the season at Wakefield Farm, Whittlebury. While the sabs
got on with the job of saving foxes from the Hunt, the Hunt called out a mob of so-called Hunt “stewards”, and
an interesting collection they were too. As well as the usual suspects there were various other charmers [below] including
Shaun Stacey, fresh out of court and still sporting a tag for assaulting sabs, displaying their uncouth manners in such ways
as a very large male shouldering into a female monitor, and considerably worse behaviour towards the sabs, including pretty
serious assaults. Film of these “stewards” will follow soon. In
the afternoon monitors saw the Hunt in a field beside the very busy A5 [rider on verge, pic left]. This
was stupid and dangerous. One monitor then saw a female hunt rider on the road [below right] behaving
in a way which was a danger to traffic. Within seconds a collision occurred on the A5 which we understand was caused by at
least one hunt rider on the road, making traffic brake sharply. Police and ambulance were called to the scene [bottom right], the
ambulance being needed for an elderly gentleman driver whose air bag had inflated as a result of the impact and had damaged
his chest. We will let you know further details of this
accident when we have them. It was the sabs who called emergency services to scene and who ran to help victim. The huntress
left the scene. 14-3-18 Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT: 10/03/18, Wakefield Estate On Saturday
we teamed out with Northants Hunt Saboteurs to finally pay the Grafton a visit. Along came a couple of North Wales and one
from Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs. The Hunt have been particularly horrible to the monitors, and were probably quite surprised to see us. In previous
week hunt monitors have been blocked in by hunt support vehicles. What are they trying to hide? While the other
group’s vehicle was blocked in and waiting for the police, we were on the Hunt's tail, sticking with the hounds
and redcoats as they flushed woodland in the Whittlebury forest area. We were then forced off the land but inadvertently taken
to where the redcoats were trying to hunt, where a fox bolted but made it to safety. We were then escorted off the land
and via private road. We returned our vehicle and try to get in front of the Hunt. As we entered a national speed part of the A5 we witnessed an accident. A rider darted out in front traffic at the last second
causing an accident involving an elderly couple. The rider who caused the accident did not even bother to stick around and
check the innocent victims of their recklessness. Lots of hunt support drove past filming however none of them stopped to
help. Once they were safe in the hands of a paramedic, we headed back to the Hunt. We later found them hunting and saw a fox. Thankfully, the Hunt didn’t spot the fox and we hope it made its
way to safety. The Hunt spotted us and changed direction. We spent some time in a tug of war game with the Huntsman with his
hounds not knowing who's horn to run to. We left the field later on and were followed back to our vehicle, nearly being
run over by a land rover in the process. As we were getting in our van one of the supporters became very agitated and damaged
our van door. We were then surrounded and blocked in by the pie boys and their friends for over an hour (the Hunt had packed
up at this point) until the Police arrived. We have sent video footage to the police for review. If you'd like to support our work:- All donations for fuel welcome
at: https://www.paypal.me/DerbySabs/. Pics below - 1/ Ambulance at scene of accident
2/ Supporter blocks monitors' progress 3/ Supporter who barged hard into woman
monitor  Grove
& Rufford FH trespass and hunt in a nature reserve This ahead of appeals against illegal hunting convictions 12-3-18 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Whilst most of us were at the Meynell and South Staffs on Saturday, a couple of us were also keeping an
eye on the Grove and Rufford who met at the Burnell Arms, Winkburn. Three
members of the Hunt, including Huntsman Paul Larby and terrierman Pete White, are in court this week appealing their convictions
for illegal hunting. On Saturday they trespassed repeatedly in two nature reserves belonging to Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and Larby
was actively hunting his hounds in the reserves. If this was the Grove and Rufford on their best behaviour then more convictions
seem inevitable. Pics below -
1/ Riders entering banned Duke's Wood 2/ Hounds in Duke's Wood  Councillor
and 'hunt liaison' loses it in foul-mouthed rant at sabs 12-3-18 Daily Mail Councillor is filmed in furious F-word confrontation with hunt saboteurs who use electric
horns to confuse the hounds during drag event - Councillor Ed Lloyd-Ellis, 41, was filmed swearing and shouting at hunt saboteurs
- He squared up to the group and claims they were using horns to confuse hounds - Mr Lloyd-Ellis added they were 'f******
stupid' and were harassing the legal hunt A furious councillor was filmed calling a group of
hunt saboteurs 'f****** stupid' after they used horns to confuse hounds during a legal drag event. North
Wales Hunt Saboteurs posted a video of Flintshire community councillor Ed Lloyd-Ellis during an angry confrontation at the
Flint and Denbigh hunt in Wales. He claimed that the group were using electric horns to try and puzzle the dogs and said they
were 'interrupting' the 'lawful activity'. Mr Lloyd-Ellis, 41, said
the hunt - which involves laying a scent that the pack of hounds then search for - has been harassed by demonstrators for four years. He could be heard shouting: 'You're f****** stupid! Do not call them, you're
interrupting a lawful activity. Do not call the hounds. They've already f***** off once because of you. You're just
f****** ignorant.' One male member of the saboteurs accused him of not laying trails and a woman told him: 'Do
not chase foxes and do not hunt illegally'. But Mr Lloyd-Ellis added: 'Do not call the hounds. You're bloody sending them all over the place. We are
not chasing foxes. Keep quiet and it'll be all right. He added: 'You d******* are calling them. It's a lawful
activity and you lot are interrupting it. You are harassing us. It f****** is lawful. You lot are ignorant, do your homework,
find out the facts and then you can speak about it.' Speaking after the video, the farmer
added: 'The so-called incidents the saboteurs have posted recently which involves me happened in two separate incidents
in autumn 2016 and last year. It is true I did lose my temper and swear in one of the videos, but it was because the saboteurs
had blown their own electrical horn to draw the hounds away from the huntsmen. This meant the dogs were all over the road,
and they blocked the road with a car so we couldn't get to them.' He continued: 'It was by a main road, so yes
I lost my temper as I felt they were just playing a game, it's a power trip for them.' Mr Lloyd-Ellis, a
liaison officer for the hunt, rejected claims he had spat at the protestors. 'If they had shown the full video you would
see me being punched to the right cheek, before spitting out a little blood with saliva, which was directed away from anyone.'
He added: 'We do not kill animals, we adhere to the law. I honestly think this whole thing is about a class war, but what
the saboteurs need to realise that members of the hunt come from all walks of life, we have a doctor, a welder and quite a
few farmers in our ranks.' Fox hunting was made illegal
in 2004 but drag and trail hunting is still permitted across the UK. Hounds are allowed to follow a scent but aren't able to chase foxes. North Wales Hunt Saboteurs for
comment told MailOnline: We've often wondered why Ed Lloyd-Ellis keeps getting away with his behaviour. We are currently
gathering all evidence to forward to the ombudsman of Wales. The irony that he should 'call it "class wars"
when clearly he shows no class. It has nothing to do with class it's about animal abuse.' Blean Beagles run home from sabs, leaving 4 hounds behind 12-3-18 Facebook - East Kent Sabs Saturday 10th March 2018 VIDEO We have had some landy trouble
of late, and it was a no go for her this week… so we split up in private vehicles, and took to watching both beagle
packs (the local hare hunts). A search of old meets was proving fruitless until we got the call that the Blean Beagles
were at Elham! Two of our girls went in on foot, while the rest of us raced to the location. We got all our group to them
just before 3, and we piled in, which had the desired effect! They
immediately ran off, and boy they looked pissed off! They ran straight back to the meet leaving at least four hounds behind
as they went. Looks like the hunt had called the plod who dutifully turned up, we wonder what
crime they had alleged, to get the police to attend! No doubt they were not interested in illegal hunting, we expect that
hare coursers who the police usually deal with don't have the cheek to ask the police to protect them! The
Hunt had met at Upper Park Gate and were safely back there just after 3, they would have had hours of hunting time left but
we had put a stop to that. This may be well one of our last trips out this
season, if it was then we left on a high, packing up the elusive Blean Beagles! From late August till early March we have been out doing our bit,
we have earned a rest but will no doubt be out helping other groups over the summer on the mink hounds, and of course any
new badger cull that takes place. We would like to thank you all for your help, donations and kind words that have driven
us on this season. If you wish to donate to our group and keep us out in the fields, you can do so here-many thanks. https://www.paypal.me/EASTKENTHSA Convicted violent hunt thug breaks promise to court & attends hunts 11-3-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Mr Stacey has been lying to the court & Probation service "I will not be attending hunts again", Shaun Stacey, Northampton Magistrates
Court, 22nd February 2018 This is the lie that Shaun Stacey has peddled to the probation services in order to convince courts
he is not a danger to the public. On the 10th of March 2018 he was seen attending both the Oakley and Grafton hunts together
with his gang members intent on looking for trouble. He is currently serving a six month
community order and owes large sums of cash, supposedly deducting from his disability benefits, to his victims by way of compensation. This man has multiple convictions for violent disorder, and was most recently up
in court only last week along with his partner in crime Chris Bull who was answering charges of ABH and assault. To the general public, if you see this character in the Northamptonshire
area, most likely riding passenger in a Land Rover Discovery registered R555 SWA, do not approach. He is a safety risk to
anyone in his path, and we will be letting his probation officer know of his weekend activities. South
Dorset FH thugs assault & steal from sabs - but no kills 11-3-18 Facebook - Southampton Sabs The South Dorset Hunt, meet at The Manor House, Piddletrenthide 10/03.2018
Yesterday we visited The South Dorset Hunt which took place at The Manor House, which was also were they were having their
end of season ball. This is the house of a former tory MP James Berry. Together with Weymouth
Animal Rights we caught up with the hunt just after they left their meet. They headed through Lower Down valley at which point
foot sabs were deployed to go ahead and meet them. With hounds in cry sabs run towards and with a gizmo tried to distract
the hounds as they were still some distance away. Soon after all the hired thugs surrounded the foot team, pushing and shoving,
as well as stealing bottles of citronella and then throwing them down the field (littering the country side they claim to
care about). Luckily for a fox they emptied one of the stolen bottles in a field which the fox was seen running through about
10 mins later spotted by one of our sabs. For the rest of the day, joined by monitors, with 4 vehicles out we had eyes on them for the rest of the day. At
one point even found them hiding away around Doles Hill Plantation and running off as soon as foot sabs have reached them,
and no luck for them as one vehicle was placed where they exited onto a main road without their field which disappeared a
while ago. Despite a big presence from the hired thugs and terrier men on quads (or as the CA refer to them as "countrymen"
or "fence fixers") with a phenomenal effort from monitors, our vehicles and foot sabs they packed up without a kill
and hopefully in a fowl mood before their big bash later in the evening. If you would like to help us stay on the road and out in the
field you can donate through our paypal link. All donations are gratefully received and go directly towards saving lives. www.paypal.me/SouthamptonHS Pics
below - 1/ Thug steals citronella bottle from sab 2/ Sab being assaulted
by 2 thugs as rider tries to block filming  Leadon Vale Bassets don't even travel
to meet after seeing sabs11-3-18 Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs 10/3/18 We joined forces with our friends from South Wales, Bristol
and Bath Hunt Sabs, hoping to say goodbye to Owain huntsman for Ross Harriers. But they didn't go out. The Leadon Vale bassets
are also kennelled with the Harriers, so sabs were watching them load up from a distance and were able to follow them for
quite a way before they cottoned on. So they didn't make it to their meet. There was a long stand off, in which we stopped
them hunting. We carried on to look for the Ledbury
South but they didn't show up for their meet. Job done. Sabs save at least one
fox from Cotswold Vale FH, another's fate unknown 11-3-18 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO Vile by name, vile by nature The Cotswold
Vale FH have now done away with all pretence of hunting within the law and are now opting for blatant hunting with a healthy
dose of violence and aggression. With
hounds in full cry just feet away from a fox, sabs ran to stop the pack. The Hunt's first attempt to stop us was to drive
a quad at us. After failing to stop sabs by using quads, the Hunt reverted to type and rode into sabs, shouting threats and
whipping one of them. As one sab followed fox and hounds into cover, the others rated the pack, whipping them back off the
fox. We can only say as to fate of this fox that there was no visible sign of a kill at this point. After being stopped by
sabs, the hounds continued to go in and out of cry. The sad truth is that we don't know the final outcome for this fox.
But we can but hope. We can say for certain that this other fox, running along the hedge-line, did escape after we took the hounds out
of the cover she ran into. This smart little one, flushed from nearby woodland by hounds in cry, ran to hedge then along the
stream. With hounds on her line, we used horns and voice calls to pull them in the other direction. After this, Gazza [the
Huntsman] did a runner and hid. Hardly surprising, must be embarrassing having a group of mad middle-aged women making you
look like a muppet every week. Contact your local group and get active. Everyone
can make a difference. While we understand you
have limited intellect Gazza darling, you won't get rid of us that easily. See you Saturday xxx. Thurlow
FH stage very short 'trail hunt' before seeking foxes rest of day Hunt annoyed when sabs found and guarded their artificial
earths 11-3-18 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 11/03/2018 Thurlow Hunt, Sowley Green We joined
comrades Suffolk And Essex, North East London , Cambridge and Norwich Hunt Sabs to hit the Thurlow Hunt's final meet of
the season. Though it was nice to see they had a relatively small turnout for their final meet, they were clearly determined to lose sabs
and to make a kill. Early on sabs identified some artificial earths in Trundley Wood - where the same Hunt illegally killed
a fox on Boxing Day. Members of the Hunt were irate to see sabs near the earth and seemed very interested in hanging around
the area all day. Luckily there were plenty of sabs to keep an eye on it and make sure they couldn't go ahead with whatever
bloodthirsty plans they had.
It's almost as if Hunts received a memo this season saying they can get away with whatever they want as long
as they drag a rag 200 meters and have the hounds follow this 'trail' for two minutes. The Thurlow did exactly this,
while filming it, before then proceeding to clearly illegally hunt, spending a lot of time in woodland and also crossing several
roads (surely a trail would avoid roads at all costs). Also why they would need to have false earths on their hunting ground,
as well as multiple terrier men if they were trail hunting is highly questionable. The Hunt used some odd tactics, we assume to lose
sabs, redcoats rode off in different directions, the field kept splitting up and a terrier man was even playing a horn (badly)
at the edge of a wood while miles away from the hounds. Unfortunately for them none of this worked and they were closely watched
all day. The police arrived on scene a few hours into the
day but the officer was actually very reasonable and polite to sabs. Two hounds were left behind by the Huntsman who had been
repeatedly riding off at speed, and were unattended for quite some time, running all over roads in front of traffic and through
gardens. The
Hunt had enough and packed up rather early, around 2 pm and sabs celebrated no kills and another Hunt finished for the season. Please support us if you can, www.gofundme.com/south-cambs-equipment. Pic above left - Ironic Pic below - hounds
on road West Somerset Vale FH trespasses again on NT land in Somerset 10-3-18 LACS website On 10th March 2018, the West Somerset Vale Hunt were seen trespassing for the second time this season,
around Marrow Hill in Somerset. Terrier men complete with terriers were seen with the Hunt and this Hunt have no licence to
be on Trust land.
FH hunt and kill one of paired foxes10-3-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Today we visited the Badsworth and Bramham Moor fox hounds
with a few of our dear friends from West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs. They met at Hutton Wandesley, near York. Ground conditions
were soggy. We shadowed the Hunt from the off, from cover to copse, with huntsman Nick Thornicroft looking on murderously,
unable to move without sabs being around the corner. We were in the perfect position to pull the hounds off a scent by Eulic Wood
and to mask the scent of a fox, seen fleeing the Hunt metres from supporters. The Hunt killed a fox minutes later, in the
same wood. Spring is the time of year for foxes to pair up; we are unsure which was the vixen. The wood belonged to Helaugh
Grange Farm, as admitted by the landowner, as he attempted to stop sabs entering the field where the kill took place. Nick Thornicroft was seen hurriedly retrieving the body of a fox from the midst
of the hounds, passing it to BBMH master Willy Dickson. Following this they made a hasty retreat, back to the meet and packed
up. Please help us https://ko-fi.com/A570FG9. Pic below - One of the foxes fleeing from the hounds Cheshire Monitors on The One Show enlighten public re. 'trail
hunting' scam 10-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE MONITORS ON BBC'S THE ONE SHOW - FULL CLIP
For anyone who missed it, here is the full clip of our recent appearance on BBC's The One Show, which we have been informed
has been ruffling more than a few feathers. The show has created a huge amount of discussion about the smokescreen that is
'trail hunting', which allows foxes to continue to be intentionally hunted and killed, despite a ban being in place. We were a little disappointed to discover that potentially significant material had been cut from the final edit
due to pressures outside of our (and the crew's) control. Polly Portwin, however,
was hysterically funny and made the Countryside Alliance and the hunting fraternity appear beyond desperate in trying to look
like they believed their own outrageous lies, while also treating the millions of people watching like idiots. We would like stress our utmost respect to the BBC crew that joined us on the day of filming and who did a fantastic
job under difficult circumstances. We believe the final end to hunting foxes, and associated wildlife crimes, has jumped an
awful lot closer this season, and we thank them for playing their part in this. [Also
available on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHcMebdQkhk. Pics
below - 1/ Lesley of Cheshire Monitors 2/ Polly Portwin, CA  6-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CATCH CHESHIRE MONITORS ON BBC’S THE ONE SHOW TONIGHT
We are delighted to reveal that Cheshire Monitors will be the subject of a special report on BBC’s The One Show tonight
6th March at 7pm. Our team were joined by
a BBC crew and presenter Joe Crowley at the Cheshire Hounds’ meet in Marbury on 24th February, where they were witness
to the lie that is so-called trail hunting, and all its associated activities; these included masked-up terrier men, numerous
blocked badger setts and a monitor being injured. Indeed,
although we thought the hunt would be in ‘best behaviour mode' following three separate police interviews earlier
in the week (for illegal hunting, a death threat, and possible assault), they still managed to chase two foxes in front of
our team. We have covert footage of another incident which we believe shows
a fox being purposely released to be chased from within woodland at Marley Green. This footage is now with police, and thankfully,
we believe all foxes we saw escaped to live another day. The
Hunt were a little taken aback (to put it mildly) when they were made aware of the presence of the team from The One Show,
and clearly worried about the implications of their usual activities being seen by 5 million viewers. Shortly afterwards all
the day's proceedings were quickly brought to an abrupt end. (We'll post some 'behind the scenes' footage
soon). Oakley
FH riot on and kill water deer, Huntsman flees 10-3-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt
Sabs Hit Report 10.03.2018: Oakley then Puckeridge Hunts OUT
OF CONTROL OAKLEY HOUNDS KILL A DEER Acting on an early tip-off, and with the Fitzwilliam not leaving
their kennels this morning, North Cambs Hunt Sabs headed south to join with Beds & Bucks to find the Oakley Hunt meeting
at Murtland’s Farm, near Milton Keynes. We received word that they had put up a fox very early on, and so were quick to close down the pack with their surprise
new huntsman. After a first draw immediately south of their meet, the pack moved on past Moulsoe Old Wood and headed towards
Broughton Community Nature Reserve. At
this point, the hounds had moved a field clear ahead and managed to corner and kill a small Water Deer. With fur torn everywhere,
and the body still warm, the Huntsman galloping away from the scene there was little room for doubt that this wild animal
had been killed in direct contravention of the Hunting Act 2004 by the Oakley hounds.Sabs called in the wildlife
crime to the police, but other than stopping to record the scene, they needed to keep moving in the field. With Huntsman
and Whip now uncertain of how to conclude their end of season social, with an illegal kill on their hands, police on their
way and sabs surrounding them, the pack were pushed north back towards Moulsoe. After a couple of quick circuits of the neighbouring fields the Hunt shortly
retired to their meet at the farm, hiding hounds in a barn and with the new Huntsman swiftly removing his riding helmet, getting
into his car and driving off before the police arrived… Pics below - 1/ New Huntsman Mark Turner 2/ Chinese Water Deer
killed by hounds 3/ Huntsman flees before police can arrive 4/ Terrierman
using mobile while driving on public road  Sabs save 5 foxes from Puckeridge
FH, Huntsman makes death threat10-3-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit Report 10.03.2018: Oakley then Puckeridge Hunts - SEVERAL FOXES SAVED
FROM THE PUCKERIDGE HUNT ... We next turned our attentions to the Puckeridge, who were not too
far from our location, at Westmill just south of Buntingford, towards Great Munden. Now the Puckeridge are the Countryside
Alliance Chief, Tim Bonner’s, home Hunt. However, whenever we have visited them this season he has never been there. No wonder hunting is dying a death in the UK if even the head of the CA can’t be
bothered to turn up and support his local Hunt. After a short while
tracking the pack, the Puckeridge Huntsman cast hounds through a small covert south of the village of Nasty, immediately a
fox was spotted running for his life along the hedge line [right]. After sprinting to cover the scent with citronella and halt the hounds
with voice calls (as well as tell the Huntsman what we thought of his behaviour), a second fox bolted in the opposite direction.
Sprinting again sabs covered the breadth of the field and covered this scent too. Keeping an eye on the hounds, thinking we
had seen a brace to safety, yet another fox bolted from the same covert. Fortunately, by this time the hounds were heading
in a different direction but with citronella bottles nearing empty sabs made sure the scent of the extra fox was liberally
covered. Hertfordshire Police arrived on the scene after calls for this unbelievable
level of disregard for the law from the Puckeridge, however they were generally uninterested in reports of hunting. The Hunt informed the Police
that they were heading back to their meet, which then turned out to mean riding as far as the meet, waiting for police to
drive off, and then continuing to hunt. In the remaining
time before the Hunt fully packed up, the pack marked a fox to ground in a badger sett, having to be dispersed by sabs, disturbed a pigeon shooter by dangerously riding through a wood he had permission to shoot in [above], chasing
the line of a further fox before being called back by sabs, and then to top off the day the Huntsman threatened one sab by
telling him he was going to burn down his house while he was asleep. What lovely company you keep, Tim, we can see why you
don’t bother showing up. A
long day with many miles covered, a sad day with the illegal killing of the deer this morning by the Oakley hounds, but with
numerous foxes saved from the Puckeridge in the afternoon. All sabs are volunteers, if you’d like
to support our work for the price of a coffee, you can do so by clicking here: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pic above right - Injured hound carried into van Sabs amazed
by police response to attacks by W. Somerset Vale FH thugs Hunt fail to come and collect lost hound sabs told them about 10-3-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs West Somerset Vale FH 10.3.2018 Yesterday, we joined
Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group to keep an eye on the West Somerset Vale. They met at Park Farm, Nether Stowey, and spent the
whole day hunting the difficult terrain around the Quantock Hills, from Over Stowey to Walford's Gibbet, up to Holford,
south via Stert Combe and Crowcombe Park and then into the large wooded area between Rams Combe, Triscombe Stone and Great
Wood Camp, where they eventually packed up around 4pm. Foot sabs covered many miles across the steep ground and kept track
of Huntsman and hounds for most of the day, although it was difficult to keep them in sight through the dense woods. Early afternoon a hunt horse was badly injured and a vet was called to the scene. We're not at all surprised,
given the recklessness of the riders throughout the day. They rode their horses up and down incredibly steep and slippery slopes.
Sadly we're not optimistic for a positive outcome for the injured horse. Near Quantock Farm our foot sabs came across a freshly blocked badger
sett, with clearly visible spade marks. Hounds were just around the corner and several riders and foot followers with sticks
were stood 'on point' around a large patch of conifers and rhododendron to push back any foxes that attempt to run
from the covert. Further up the hill, we then spotted a group of terrier men holding shovels. As we climbed further up the bridle-path
to get closer, two of them fled on a quad bike and the rest started throwing snowballs, sticks and large rocks down the hill
at us. This continued when we got to the top of the slope and within minutes they had escalated their violence to throwing
punches, stealing citronella spray bottles and breaking one of our cameras. One of them threatened to break a sab's nose
and another threatened to pull his trousers down and expose himself.! He also claimed he'd been busy shooting badgers
the night before. They did all of this in front of a young girl who was stood watching the hunt with her family. We were unable
to leave, as they had blocked the bridleway with their vehicles. One of our sabs was on the phone to Avon & Somerset Police while the attack was ongoing. What happened next was a welcome
surprise. Within twenty minutes, six police cars arrived in the area. Had this been Devon & Cornwall Police, we would
have been lucky to have had any police response at all. Avon & Somerset's swift response meant two of the assailants
were apprehended on their way back to the meet and their details were taken. The investigating officer was already in touch
last night with a crime reference number and details of where to send our footage. It would have taken several weeks of constant
chasing to get to this stage with Devon & Cornwall Police.
All our footage is being handed over and we will be pressing charges for assault and criminal damage. Avon &
Somerset Police's response is refreshing but also a frustrating reminder that what we are up against with our local police
force is not the way it should be. We will be posting a full update on all our ongoing criminal cases against the Hunts shortly,
and will be asking for your help to progress these. After the Hunt had gone home
we found a lost hound in the middle of the Quantock Hills. The poor hound was knackered and shivering from the cold. Eventually
he gave up trying to find his way back to the meet and curled up in a bush. We tried our best to pick him up but he was too
nervous to allow anyone to touch him. The Hunt were notified and we kept track of him for the next hour as it was getting
dark, expecting someone to eventually come for him. Nobody came and the hound will have sadly spent last night alone in the
woods. If anyone sees the lone hound featured in our pictures, last seen at Triscombe Stone, please contact the dog warden
for West Somerset (01643 703704) or Taunton Deane (01834 356339) during working hours. Any donations are welcome to help us replace our broken camera: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Get involved or send us information: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. See also report on the day by Somerset Hunts Sabs Pics below - 1/ Some hunt thugs 2/ Police apprehend
some of the hunt thugs' assailants Locals protest against Mendip Farmers FH 10-3-18 Somerset Live Anti-hunting activists gather in Chewton Mendip to protest against the Mendip Farmers'
Hunt The protest, which took place on the A39 on March 5 in Chewton Mendip was staged by Locals Against
The Mendip Farmers' Hunt and Hounds Off. Members of each group displayed anti-hunting banners in an effort to draw public
attention to what they allege is a "brutal and illegal practice". The Hunting Act 2004 restricted fox hunting and other forms of hunting with hounds. Trail hunting in which a pre-laid
trail of scent which the hunt follows instead of a live fox or other animal is permitted under the Act. However, the practice
is still highly controversial. The
anti-hunt activists said: “Supporters of Locals Against The Mendip Farmers Hunt stood yesterday to express their disapproval
of the long-running Mendip Farmers’ Hunt. It was heart-warming to see members of the local community join together in
protest against this brutal and illegal practise that many are still unaware of. Many passing motorists also expressed their
support by slowing down and giving ‘beeps’ of encouragement and thumbs up. Locals Against the Mendip Farmers Hunt
exists to bring the community together in peaceful protest against a brutal bloodsport that sees our local wildlife constantly
in fear and under threat.” In a statement, the
Countryside Alliance said: “The Mendip Farmers’ Hunt enjoys great support from farmers and landowners as well
as other local people in the area where they carry out their lawful hunting activities. A handful of anti-hunting campaigners
recently held a small demonstration to protest about this perfectly legal pastime which was held on a day when the meet was
cancelled because conditions were unsuitable following the recent spell of bad weather. These activists continue to make false
and unfounded allegations against hunts all across the country which results in hours of wasted police time and valuable resources.” Sabs
save fox from Portman FH, landy kicked & damaged Animal
remnants found soon after Hunt passed through 10-3-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs Hit Report Saturday 10th March 2018 - Meeting at Chettle House, Chettle
With the memory of the Portman Whipper-In stealing two hats from a sab recently we thought it was about time we paid them
a cheeky visit. Their huntsman Evil Shirley is back in court on Wednesday to hear the outcome of his alleged illegal fox hunting
case and it was clear today that this has had absolutely no bearing on his behaviour whatsoever. Today we were joined by our
friends from South Devon Animal Rights and we also worked with monitors - a big thanks to you all. Leaving the meet the Huntsman took his hounds along the Jubilee trail before heading towards Thickthorn Farm casting the hounds
through covers on the way. As he got down to the A354 he headed back up towards Chettle Down and then west towards Chettle
Common allowing the hounds plenty of time to search both of these areas. The Huntsman then took the hounds south to Little
Wood... the Huntsman took them south towards Ninety Nine Plantation where the Huntsman was observed casting the hounds between
newly planted trees as he continued south towards Turnpike Cottage. The foot team continued not too far behind the hounds
and as they were east of North Farm a sab spotted what appeared to be body remains. There is a photo attached [left] and
we will allow you to come to your own conclusions as to whether the hounds were involved, they had passed through less than
5 minutes earlier and as to what animal lost its life today...
When the Landy and monitors
arrived at Staple Croft the hounds were in full cry and sabs quickly rated the hounds pulling them off a fox that had crossed
the road heading into Coutmans Croft. We think that Evil Shirley is very lucky we were there to uphold the law especially
because he is already in hot water as far as the law is concerned but Evil was actually really angry and after swearing at
sabs he spent some time trying to gather his hounds whilst the fox ran, we believe, to safety. The last part of the day the Huntsman spent in the area between
Horse Down and Crichel Down. A foot team went in to join them from Long Crichel and they stayed with the Hunt as they made
their way to box up by Veiny Cheese Pond. Meanwhile back in the Landy we were treated to a superb show of the talents of the
hunt thugs - a torrent of abuse including threats, sexist comments and damage to the landy following a kick …. so brave
! Shortly after a police car passed and we flagged her down to report this and she said she had radioed it in and a local
unit would attend but we didn’t see one. The second foot team went up to meet the other foot team and watched the Huntsman
bring his hounds out to the road to box up. With both foot teams re united they made their way back to the landy to go home
just after 5pm. More photos and video
footage to follow. We will follow this matter up with the police regarding the hunt thug bully boys and as ever many, many
thanks to our supporters and donations to buy new camera equipment, its not only essential but greatly appreciated by us all. If you want to join us please email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net. Meynell
FH's closing meet features fox hunting, hounds on A roads Sab driven at, punched by supporter who tried to steal camera Fox saved by sabs but rabbit killed by hounds 10-3-18 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Closing meet day is a happy day, especially when its
the Meynell. We've showered plenty of attention on them this season and today was a fitting way to finish in the company
of those fantastic folk from Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs and Liverpool Hunt Sabs. They finished as they often do at the Shire Horse in Wyaston, South of Ashbourne. It was a 12 o'clock start which
although pleasant meant we knew we'd be in for a late finish. When they finally left, they hacked a few miles South to one
of their favoured hunting grounds around Yeaveley. A road closure caused some temporary confusion for sab vehicles but we
still got into the fields quick enough to see the hounds get straight onto a fox. We rated the hounds and despite some angry
terriermen gave the fox some vital time to get away. He was seen to safety a short time later by Liverpool who sprayed behind
him as he crossed a road. We lost the Hunt briefly in Osmaston Park but picked them up again
as they headed back west into one of their favourite areas between Yeaveley and the A515. Huntsman Sam abandoned his horse
and hunted on foot as he encouraged the hounds onto a fresh scent. They headed straight over the A515 with panicked terriermen
trying to slow traffic before continuing to hunt across Roston Common. Interesting to see a "trail" laid across
a busy main road! After second horsing, they again picked up west of the A road in an area of scrub with terriermen
conveniently on hand. This "trail" led the hounds straight into a private garden and although we briefly lost them
again we soon found stray hounds all over the A road. This was the last action of the day and Huntsman and hounds made their
way back to the pub whilst we had a beer outside and made friends with some passing locals who gave us a very generous donation. The Meynell may have finished for the season but sadly we haven't.
Any support to see us through to the end is much appreciated: https://ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs. 10-3-18 Facebook - Liverpool Hunt Sabs We joined forces with Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs and Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs today and headed to the final
meet of the Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt just south of Ashbourne. The Hunt left around 12 and headed south along the road to Yeaveley. Upon entering the fields surrounding the village hounds
immediately went into cry. We jumped out and quickly followed on foot with Notts and Lincoln heading to the other side to
cut them off.
Sabs in the fields lost sight of
the hounds but found a rabbit which had been killed by hounds. It's body was still warm and had a number of puncture marks
on its body. In the meantime the fox
was spotted crossing the road looking very tired. Sabs successfully sprayed it's line and called off the hounds which
brought an end to the chase. The Hunt moved very
fast throughout the day losing lots of riders and supporters a number of times. They couldn't shake us off though and
whenever hounds went into cry sabs were on hand to call them off. After second horsing around 3pm a number of hunt supporters started
to cause trouble. A hunt supporter tried driving into a sab and upon being asked why he'd done it he attacked the sab,
throwing a number of punches and trying to steal a camera. The end of the day
saw us rescuing hounds from the busy A515. With no huntsman in sight, hounds were running up and down the road causing cars
to emergency brake and sabs rushed to warn other drivers about the danger. Hounds were finally picked up by hunt supporters
who returned the hounds back to the meet at Shire Horse in Wyaston. We would like to say a
huge thank you to the two locals who stopped us at the end of the day, offering their help and giving us a very generous donation.
Our group relies massively on the generosity of members of the public. Without your help we wouldn't be here today and
any donations no matter how small are greatly welcomed by all at LHS.https://ko-fi.com/liverpoolhuntsabs. Pics below - 1/ Supporter who attacked sab
2/ Chaos caused by hounds on A515  Antis deter Cattistock FH from dig-out of hunted fox9-3-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit report 08/03/2018 The Cattistock Hunt . Meet : Hooke West, Dorset
It would have been the perfect day for our West Dorset tourists to go on a ramble and see some spectacular landscapes but
not today. Today there was a blot on the landscape that goes by the name of the Cattistock Hunt, aka Lady T's band of
murdering misfits. With a monitor already on the scene keeping an ever watchful eye on them and reporting to us that a fox
had ran up to the busy A356 from the Hooke area causing some havoc . The hunt had then crossed the A356 and was heading into
Rampisham Woods . The same direction the fox was seen running. We caught up with them along Linnet
Lane just North east of the woods where hounds were on a line scattering sheep as they ran through and crossed over into Yard
Drove. The field of around 13 riders were following behind along with what looked like a dribbler's day out. In fact,
there were more dribblers than riders and we did wonder if they were let out for the day just to see a fox be ripped apart
by a pack of dogs. They probably was as they was not to pleased to see our arrival and our obvious scuppering of a good days
bloodshed. So, off we went to
follow the pack... We positioned ourselves just south of Benville Bridge and in front of the incoming pack... The dogs now
could be clearly heard on a line and we waited fearful that a fox would bolt only to be pushed back by the now crowd of dribblers
that had also gathered alongside us. Then to our horror all went very suddenly quiet... had the dogs marked a fox to ground?
We know this particular area very well and know that there is a large badger sett in the direction we last heard the dogs
in cry. Without any hesitation two monitors rushed in. Well this caused major panic from the dribblers who instantly were
on the phone , one being heard saying ' there's two of em and they got camera's '. Our other monitor also
got on the radio letting us know that 3 Landy's and a green pickup had slid to a stop and the occupants were hot on our
heels. We think we arrived just in time. The field (what was left) were huddled in a corner in the very wooded copse with
the dogs scattered . The huntsman now off his horse was frantically gathering the pack and when we reached the sett the terriermen
sped away in one direction and the field , dogs and huntsman headed where we had just come from taking our followers with
them . Their heads lowered trying to hide their faces...guilt maybe? The sett gave us enough evidence to show that a fox was definitely marked to ground
with distinct scratch marks and covered in claw/paw marks around the sett entrance. We know what would have taken place if
we wasn't there and we know what terrirmen carry in those boxes and it's not tools for mending fences. … the Hunt scarpered into Lewcombe Woods...
The Hunt now down to Master and Whip then slinked off in the direction of Melbury House. With no access by foot or car we
stayed on the circumference until we were certain that they had in fact packed up at around 5.15pm. A busy day for monitors
but we left with the satisfaction that at least one fox was saved today and a reminder that the camera is mightier than the
sword. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Drooling Warks FH supporter in vile, sexist rant at female sab Ironically, it was on International
Women's Day 9-3-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO The Warwickshire Hunt on international women's day
This video shows that sexism is still rife in some communities. Fox hunters are some of the most bigoted people we have ever
come across. Footage of blatant hunting and road chaos to follow. #internationalwomensday Anti's
protest Wentworth estate allowing Grove & Rufford FH hunt 9-3-18 Rotherham Advertiser Wentworth landowners blasted for allowing hunt with dogs to use their land
ANIMAL rights campaigners have blasted landowners for allowing a hunt with dogs to use their land — but the estate’s
agent claimed the pastime was a “great form of exercise’ for youngsters and horses. Hunt saboteurs said
they were angry Wentworth Estates had permitted the ride-out by the Grove and Rufford Hunt, three of whose members were fined
last year for breaking the law banning fox hunting. Wentworth Estates manager Anthony Barber-Lomax said the Grove and Rufford
Hunt was following a “drag trail” — an artificially laid scent — when it visited the estate on February
22, not engaging in fox hunting. But members of the Sheffield
Hunt Saboteurs dismissed the “drag trail” claims as a cover-up. They pointed
out the hunt members had made the same claim when they were accused of killing a fox in Nottinghamshire two years ago, and
highlighted that the hunt had not made any changes to its staffing since last year’s court convictions. Tommy Woodward, of the Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, said: “We don’t believe the Hunt killed anything on
February 22. But what we don’t understand is why the estate would allow the Hunt on its land, especially a hunt which
has been convicted of breaking the law.” Mr Woodward said around 25 riders and a similar number of dogs had taken part
in the Wentworth hunt and claimed a newly-planted hedge had been trampled over by horses, dogs had gone into residents’
gardens and the group had been blocked in a public highway by “intimidating” estate staff. Mr Barber-Lomax disputed
the claims and said the group was “exaggerating” and there had been one estate staff member “assisting the
Hunt”. Of the hunt, he said: “It gives youngsters and the horses an opportunity to get out on ground they would
not otherwise be able to and exercise as much as anything.” Mr Barber-Lomax said he had only been made aware about the
convicted hunt members after being contacted by Wentworth and Dearne MP John Healey the night before the hunt. He said “the
activity of horse and hounds” was part of Wentworth’s heritage, adding: “We don’t interfere with people’s
leisure activities.” Mr Barber-Lomax said “They’re following a drag trail. They have to conduct themselves
within the boundaries of the law.” A hunt spokesman said: “Trails were laid as usual and
even the saboteurs recognised nothing was killed. It can be quite frightening for people to be harassed and videoed by hunt
saboteurs wearing balaclavas and carrying sticks.” MP John Healey, who backed the 2004 act to ban fox hunting, said a constituent had raised concerns with him about
the hunt which prompted him to alert the police, Wentworth Estates and the Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust. Mr Healey
said: “The Trust confirmed they’d given no permission for the Hunt to meet in the grounds of the Great House.
The estate told me that Grove and Rufford is the only hunt that visits Wentworth and their activities are governed by the
estate’s terms of access permit, which requires them to conduct themselves within the bounds of the law.” Sabs find 4 blocked setts where Cotswold
FH hunting 8-3-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Thursday 8th March 2018, Cotswold Hunt, near Miserden With our
friends from Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch. 4 blocked setts
found and dealt with. We stayed with them for the first part of the day where they did very little except mark a fox to ground.
The hounds came over to see us and then they scarpered into a very large valley. Not many out. Please continue to support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Atherstone FH Huntsman can't control hounds so takes them on A444 8-3-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt - Tuesday 6th March On Tuesday, the
Atherstone Hunt met at Hill Farm near Sheepy Parva. As we’ve come to expect from Atherstone Huntsman Mike Lane he managed
to lose control of some of his hounds the moment he entered the first field. He lost control of them for a second time as
half the pack went off without him five minutes later. He also tempted fate by taking the hounds onto the busy A444, luckily
no hounds were harmed. At the start of the season, we wondered why Mike Lane would want
to come back to the Atherstone Hunt, now at the end of the season we realise that his hound control is a lot worse than Stuart
Barton's the previous inexperienced Atherstone huntsman. A hunt like the Atherstone could only replace Barton with a Huntsman
like Mike Lane and a Huntsman like Mike Lane could only end up at a Hunt like the Atherstone. A perfect match. However this
once again highlights the need for a total ban on hunting, if Hunts can’t control their hounds then they shouldn’t
be taking them out into the countryside at all. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs
Yeo Valley Farms colluding in MFFH illegal hunting, says local group8-3-18 Facebook - Locals Against The Mendip Farmers Hunt Yeo Valley/Holt Farms (same ownership) have been added to our list of companies that support the
Mendip Farmers’ Hunt. They allow the Hunt access to their land for “drag hunting”, despite the Mendip Farmers’
Hunt never drag hunting. Yeo Valley support the Mendip Farmers’ Hunt in repeatedly illegally hunting and killing wildlife, terrorising
local people and injuring and killing pets. On 4th November 2017 a fox was chased from Priddy Hill Farm (owned by Yeo Valley
Farms Ltd) and ripped to pieces with the full pack of hounds at Kingdown Farm. Despite our many attempts to communicate with
Yeo Valley, they have refused to discuss the matter with us. Woman supporter of Hampshire FH tries to steal monitor camera 7-3-18 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO THE NOT SO VERY FRIENDLY HAMPSHIRE HUNT Tuesday 6th March 2018 found the Surrey Hunt Monitors at the Hampshire Hunt near
West Meon. Three monitor vehicles
headed to West Meon acting on intelligence that the HH would be in the area on 06 March. As we have it on good authority that
this Hunt are ‘usually successful’ midweek, we decided to head out on a Tuesday but arrived an hour early at 11:00
and finding nothing, suspected they had cancelled. A short while later we saw horseboxes heading into the area and found the
Hampshire Hunt in a field next to Westwood House GU32 1JR at about 11:45. Two groups followed the footpaths into woodland
and one group stayed at the meet. A small turnout for midweek with about 16 riders and about 20 mostly elderly supporters. A new
terrier man today who we believe to be the Surrey Union's Paul White. After the hunt servants, hounds and mounted field had left at about 12:30, we were waiting to film the terrier men,
who were leaving on single quad with their faces covered (probably to keep the dust from their faces as the CA spokesman said
on the One Show!!), when we were approached by some middle aged female supporters very unhappy at being filmed. As we were
not interested in filming the supporters, we believe that this was to block us from filming the terrier men leave the meet,
not wanting us to see the grubby side of their Hunt. With a clear lack of self-control, one of the ladies (??) made a
grab for a monitors camcorder and tried to rip it out of his hands. The incident was filmed and can be seen in the footage
which will be passed to the Police at our upcoming meeting with them. After they had moved off, still shouting their frustration
at us, two older male supporters approached us and began speaking to us quite politely about the old days of legal hunting
with the HH, until one of them suddenly called one of us a #### which was completely unnecessary. The Hunt and their supporters do look down upon us; but their behaviour at times shows a complete lack of social
grace and they are really quite vulgar. They really should not be allowed out in public if they have anger management issues.
Monitors and saboteurs are subjected to this kind of behaviour on a daily basis around the country and this is a sign that
the Hampshire Hunt are no different. This will not deter us and they certainly will not provoke us to behave like them. The Hunt were clearly shaken
by our presence and as such their hunting was erratic, not a good day for the foot followers. We didn’t see a trail
laid all day even though we believe their ‘trail layer’ Jack Devereux (who we haven’t seen for weeks) was
riding with the visiting terrier man, which was often seen behind the Hunt. Lots of wildlife scared, recklessly hunting within a hundred yards of the busy A272, why lay a trail near a busy
‘A’ road? The Hunt then stopped the traffic on the A272 with not a Hi-Viz jacket in sight and crossed to Bramdean
Common. Not much more to report, but
we strongly believe that had we not been in attendance, this Hunt would have been actively hunting foxes, as inferred by a
minority of their very chatty supporters. Eggesford
FH Huntsman loses half his pack to sabs for two hours Antis
had earlier ensured no dig-out of fox marked to ground 7-3-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Eggesford Hunt 6.3.2018 Yesterday, we paid a mid-week visit to
the Eggesford Hunt, in an area where we stopped two dig-outs in badger setts in one day back in January. One of these is currently
the subject of a police investigation. A friend had been tipped-off that the Eggesford would be hunting very close to her
land again, so she asked if we would come and help keep her land and wildlife safe. It didn't take us long to find the
meet at Mill Barton, south of Witheridge, just in time to watch the Hunt set off with a field of just two riders and the usual
knuckle-draggers/terrier men on quad bikes. They hunted valleys north and east of the meet, getting onto a scent pretty quickly, and a foot follower was seen pointing
out the direction a fox had run. It wasn't long before hounds marked to ground in what turned out to be yet another badger
sett. Terrier men arrived, but with sabs in the neighbouring field, Marles moved on. Sabs found clear hound scratch marks
around one of the holes, as well as a very strong smell of fox. We can't say for certain, but we're pretty sure this
one got away thanks to our presence. On they hunted towards Washford Pyne, Henceford Cross, Puddington and Littleborough and
then back towards Washford Pyne via Washford Moor.
A female hunt follower,
who had spent the morning harassing us and attempting to block our Land Rover at every turn, had called the police for reasons
known only to herself! A lone officer arrived in the area just in time to witness her block yet another road with her car
door wide open, deliberately taking up as much room as possible. Caught red-handed, she turned into a quivering wreck in front
of the police officer and needless to say we didn't see her again for the rest of the day. Around Marchweeke some of the hounds took off on a scent, crossing the road at Hele Barton with
Marles about half a mile behind. Hounds can hunt and kill unaccompanied, and out of control hounds also pose a risk to the
many tiny lambs and heavily pregnant ewes we saw in fields yesterday. So when some of the hounds began rioting in the valley
around Billhole Farm, sabs gathered them up in a field and kept them company [above left] for as long as possible: Surely Marles couldn't be far behind?? Another team meanwhile watched Marles box up the other half of the
pack and head back out on the back of a quad bike in search of the missing half of his pack. If only he'd asked, we could have told him where his hounds were. But
he's far too proud and was too busy hiding his face from us whilst on the quad bike. Round and round he drove. In and
out of fields, often taking his cue from the location of our other foot teams. All to no avail. Hounds were still doing their
own thing in fields west of Hele Barton, where they were kept away from mischief for a good two hours. Some hounds started hunting their way back to the meet via Washford Pyne, while others waited for Marles to come
for them. Eventually at 4.30 Marles was reunited with his lost hounds and waited for the hound van to be brought over from
the meet [right]. Meanwhile, we were able to check on a few known badger setts
from the cull and were pleased to find good signs of activity, even despite the recent wintry weather. We can't say for sure whether
there were any kills yesterday, but we're pretty certain there would have been if we hadn't been there. If you support what we do, please contribute to our fuel fund: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Or become a Patron to donate a small amount each month
and receive some of our merchandise! https://www.patreon.com/dchs. Get involved or send us information: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Tesco removes kids' fox hunter costume
from saleRetailer swamped with negative public reactions 7-3-18 Daily Mirror Tesco forced to remove "appalling" fox hunter
fancy dress costume for children aged as young as seven - The supermarket has now stopped selling the £10.41 outfit after it triggered an angry reaction
from customers who said it 'encouraged a highly cruel bloodsport' Tesco has come under
fire for selling a fancy dress outfit for children - of a fox hunter. The bloodsport get up featured a long-tailed red coat
which is typically worn by the hunt master. The supermarket has now stopped selling the £10.41 outfit on its website
after it triggered an angry reaction from customers. Jon Crabb
wrote on the chain's Facebook page: "I am appalled at how you are selling fancy Redcoat fox hunters fancy dress clothes
for kids. Are you really trying to encourage them to take up a highly cruel animal bloodsport? I would like this complaint
to be forwarded to your head office." And James Nicholson added: "What's the crack here Tesco - selling a fancy
dress item so kids can dress up as purveyors of bloodsports? Fox hunting is a highly abhorrent act, and you shouldn't
be promoting something that has been banned since 2004." Steph Gardiner wrote: "I am very disappointed to see you
have a fox hunting costume as one of your fancy dress outfits. What a shame that you are promoting this to children. Shame
on you." The costume was removed from the website on Wednesday morning. A
Tesco spokesman said: "We've listened to customers and have immediately removed this product from sale." Ex National winner Huntsman in foul-mouthed
tirade at antis Berwickshire FH Huntsman loses it with sabs 6-3-18 Scottish Sun VIDEO Jockey horror show - Watch shocking moment Grand National hero Ryan Mania hurls abuse at fox hunt saboteurs The clip, filmed by protesters, shows the raging ex-jockey
calling them 'a bunch of f*****g retards' during a furious rant in Duns, Berwickshire THIS is the shocking moment
Grand National hero Ryan Mania hurls abuse at fox hunt saboteurs. The clip, filmed by protesters, shows the raging ex-jockey,
29, calling them “a bunch of f*****g retards” during a furious rant. And he’s seen yelling at one activist
blowing a horn: “Do you want that rammed down your f*****g throat.” Mania, master of the historic Berwickshire Hunt near Duns, is then accused of deliberately using his mount
to squash two saboteurs against a motor. A voice brands him a “f*****g idiot” as the men scramble clear of his
half-ton horse. When the activists claim he assaulted them, Mania says: “I did what? Get a grip.” Mania is then
accused of leading an illegal hunt and replies: “It’s not drag hunting, you f*****g moron.” When the saboteurs
say they’ll pass the video to cops, fuming Mania says: “Send it. I’ll get the police to f*****g get rid
of you.” Campaigner Kate Louise Powell — who shot the video and put it on Facebook — tonight branded Mania’s antics
“dangerous and unacceptable”. The 22-year-old, of Edinburgh, said: “It felt threatening — he’s
not like some Huntsmen who try to keep their cool to maintain the gentleman image. He gets really wound up and takes things
personally. I decided it would be more useful to put the video online rather than report it to the police and have Ryan Mania
say that we provoked him.” She claimed: “You can see from the video there’s no excuse for what he’s
Kate said she later saw the rider talking to cops — but no officers approached their group.
He said: “I’m not interested in talking about it.” A police spokesman said: “We received a report
of a protest in the Duns area shortly before 12.30pm on Saturday, February 24. Officers attended and no criminality was established.” Mania triumphed at Aintree in 2013 on 66/1 outsider Auroras Encore
and was given a hero’s welcome on his return to Galashiels, Selkirkshire. He retired at 25 the next year citing trouble
maintaining his racing weight and no longer getting a kick out of the sport. The Berwickshire Hunt is said to be the oldest in Scotland dating back to the 17th century. Organisers
say it is “an effective fox control organisation” for farmers and landowners as well as providing “sport,
entertainment and fun”. Current legislation allows dogs to be used for flushing out foxes to armed huntsmen. Celeb animal
welfare campaigners including Ricky Gervais, Chris Packham and Bill Odie are among those backing calls to ban all fox hunting. Locals protest against Mendip
Farmers FH 5-3-18 Facebook - Locals Against The Mendip Farmers Hunt Wow, thank you to everyone who turned out today, you were all awesome! We didn’t
see any horse boxes, which means that either 1) the Hunt realised we’re not in the dark ages anymore (unlikely) or 2)
they were forced to change their meet to avoid us! We got lots of honks of support from passing motorists, showing just how
much opposition there is to hunting in this area. Special thanks
to Hounds Off for helping us to arrange this event and for being there flying the flag for compassionate people! Until the
next time... LACS
publish film of Eton College Beagles chasing a hare 5-3-18 Facebook - League Against Cruel Sports VIDEO Please sign our petition to stop the killing of hares and other wild animals in the UK. http://www.league.org.uk/huntingkills.Hunting Hunting hares with dogs is illegal, but it still happens on a regular basis. This footage, taken by our investigators,
shows what seems to be a hare being pursued by the Eton College Beagles. Pics
below - 1/ Huntsman and hounds 2/ Hounds in cry 3/
Hare fleeing from hounds 4/ Hounds on exact line of hare 5/ Hounds encouraged
to hunt on 6/ Hare almost caught   POWAperson adds - The film was shot by LACS investigators in
October 2015. It was handed to the police with a view to prosecution. Even though you could hardly ask for clearer evidence
of illegal hunting, surprise, surprise, nothing came of it. Monitors upload film of Cheshire FH chasing fox before Xmas 5-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNT CHASING YET ANOTHER FOX
Cheshire Hounds, Bunbury, 23rd December 2017: a fox flees the hunt, the hounds give chase, hunt supporters toot their car
horns to indicate a fox has been seen, the huntsman doesn't call them off as he is required to do, and then the supporters
encourage the hounds on when monitors try to distract them. We
will be publishing more previously unseen footage from the past season over the coming weeks, from all the hunts we have monitored.
We believe they all show the hunts' true intention to continue hunting foxes, their blatant disregard for the law, and
indeed exactly why the law surrounding hunting urgently needs strengthening. Pics below - 1/ Fox fleeing for hounds 2/ Hounds
in cry c.10 secs behind fox 3/ Huntsmen in earshot of hounds and monitors, who had shouted to them
to call hounds off. They didn't. Indeed, supporters were telling monitors to shut up and cheering hounds on.  Monitors film South Durham FH
kill fox Footage handed to police 3-3-18 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors A very sad day for NE Hunt Monitors today as South Durham Hunt kill a fox all caught on our long lense
cameras and foot monitors were only minutes away from the scene. All recorded footage is being investigated by police and
the remains examined. Full hit report to follow as soon as possible. Ross Crawford, you won't be dancing like you did after the kill
when the police knock on your door. RIP little one. Police make Cheshire FH pack up after
monitors see fox killed 4-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO THE FINAL KILL (...and the ones that got away) Cheshire Hounds, Bickley/Cholmondeley, 03.03.18 While both the Cheshire Forest and Wynnstay Hunts were far too delicate
for the cold weather today, both cancelling their official final meets of the season, we took the opportunity to monitor the
Cheshire Hounds, who we found hunting foxes on foot in the Bickley/Cholmondeley area. Well, we say on foot but both red coats were flying about on the back of quad bikes
a lot of the time, so they could keep up with their hunting pack. Following on foot was clearly one long jape to some hunt
supporters who were heard joking about "power walking to catch a fox", but we didn't agree, having witnessed
them on a fox already just after the start of the meet. We had caught them chasing this fox
to ground on private land at Bank Farm, and scaring a small herd of Soay sheep [below]. We
managed to show a strong presence and had the huntsman call the hounds off this fox. We made sure the concerned locals who
owned the sheep got a Cheshire Monitors card so that they can contact us in future if they have anymore problems with this
Hunt. After this the Hunt moved into
private woodland owned by Cholmondeley Castle Estate, with no public access or footpaths, clearly so that they could carry
on hunting away from our prying eyes. The Huntsman was doing everything he could to put up a fox but we did however watch
one escape to safety right under our noses. Sadly though, just after this we witnessed a harrowing twenty minutes
of hearing the hounds chasing and then clearly killing a fox right in the middle of the wood, with no way that monitors could
reach it. The local Wildlife Crime Officers
(who come out in force every Saturday to keep an eye on Cheshire Hunts and had been tailing this hunt) arrived and when we
told them that we had witnessed a kill it was great to see them drive off road on a private track to get to the Hunt. By 12.30 the Hunt had been asked to pack up by the police and we
saw both red coats with long faces driving away with the hounds, meaning that they had only had, at the most, 2 hours to fullfill
their pleasure. To round off the day we went back to an area we had seen suspicious activity with terriermen and spades and
unblocked badger sett holes. Due
to our success today, we had hunt supporters following different groups of us way away from the area and long into the evening.
Goodness knows why they would want to give up their time to do this when (apparently) none of them are doing anything illegal!
We can't help wonder if this Hunt toasted their final kill at their end of season dinner at The Swan, Tarporley that evening. Pics
below - 1/ Fox that got away from hunt 2/ Police made Hunt pack
up very early 3/ Trespassing after fox 4/ Filling in badger sett  If you have information about any
hunts in or around Cheshire, please contact us in strict confidence, by PM here or on email to info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk,
and help us #StopTheHunts. If you would like to support Cheshire Monitors you can donate at paypal.me/CMonitors - thank you! Easton Harriers filmed chasing several hares - no kills 3-3-18 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting NSALQH report no. 40 - Easton Harriers hunt, Orford, Suffolk 14 February
2018 It was a Wednesday and normally
we would have been following the boxes of the Waveney Harriers but an opportunity had arisen for us to support a fraction
of the Norfolk and Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs (NSHS) who were turning out on this occasion for the mid week hunt of Easton Harriers,
based on the village of Easton, some five miles due north of Woodbridge. The Easton Harriers are a traditional hare hunt and unlike the Waveney
Harriers, who have been more interested in foxes of late, the Easton Harriers have remained largely loyal to their heritage since the
Hunting with Dogs Act 2004 and from time to time their numerous kills are reported on the Facebook of NSHS... The hunt set off and headed straight for the marshes. It was
not long before the hounds were in full cry and chasing hare. How anyone has the nerve to call this trail hunting is beyond
us. Bound by the position of the two rivers and not wanting for some reason to go onto the higher ground, the hunt remained
on those exposed marshes together with a couple of small wooded areas, for the rest of the day. The hounds were chasing hares
with impunity. We have withheld most of our footage captured on the day but please view the photographs of the camcorder screen
for two of those chases. The hares had fled the marshes and were heading for the wooded cover of the higher ground by crossing
the farm track. It is not often possible to film the quarry and hounds in the same scene so please note the timing of this
series of photos and you will observe that the hounds are only seconds behind their quarry. How long can this abuse of the spirit of the law
go on?
8-2-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Easton Harriers – 14th February 2018, Gedgrave Hall, Gedgrave, Orford,
Suffolk Wednesday 14th February saw Norfolk & Suffolk Sabs make another visit to the
Easton Harriers Hunt. This was our second visit to the same hunt in five days. This time however, we were joined by our colleagues
from Norfolk & Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting.
On Saturday 10th February a Norfolk & Suffolk Sab had witnessed and filmed the Easton Harriers chasing a hare
(see earlier report) and some five days later, on Wednesday 14th February, we once again witnessed numerous hare chases, some
of which, were once again captured on film. The Hunt would no doubt contend these chases were all 'accidents'. Right from the very start of the day the hounds were chasing hares on the edge of
Gedgrave Marshes. Sabs out on foot tried to intervene as best we could but at this point we were quite a distance from the
hounds. Nonetheless our presence had an effect and hares’ lives were saved. The Hunt then moved on to hunt land
south west of the meet. A Norfolk & Suffolk Against Life Quarry Hunting monitor was on hand to film as yet further hare
chases took place. More sabs had also arrived on the scene and numerous hares were once again saved. Consider helping us keep warm and energised in the fields by sharing a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ. Pics below - 1&2 Lead hound 4 seconds behind fleeing hare
3$4 Lead hound 3 seconds behind another hare   S. Durham FH hounds invade land, 'take down' pregnant sheep 2-3-18 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT 48, Season 17/18 - South Durham Hunt, Redmarshall The Meet was
at The Ship where pre-hunt snacks were served to the riders, such is the appetite to kill. Heading off, the Hunt took to a woodland at the
back of a farm so we headed to the farm entrance, to get a better view, on arriving we could see the hounds on the farm property
and very interested in a hedge. A passer-by asked if the Hunt was on the land to which we said yes and she immediately informed
the owner. As the owners made their way up the long drive we could hear the
hounds in cry. The owners, looking very upset, approached us and said the fox got away but the hounds had taken down a pregnant
sheep. Needing to act and only being on a country lane, with no traffic, we used horn calls to get the hounds attention. Hounds could be seen all over property and neighbouring fields
with no master or riders in sight. The owners of the farm informed us that they have had problems with the Hunt before and
were very angry that yet again the hounds had entered their property. We rang the police to inform them of the situation in the hope they
would attend quickly, the hound master then made his appearance, shouting abuse and taking off down the lane. A
horse with no rider came bolting past us [left], and we were unable to grab its
reins. It was followed by a female rider chasing after it while shouting at us for not catching the spooked animal. Obviously,
we knew a rider had come a cropper so a monitor started walking up the lane in the direction the horse had come from. A young
girl with a bloody nose and in distress was walking down the lane so we helped her and tried to calm her down, whilst giving
her the location she was in so she could phone for help. Why the riders left her is beyond us. Then all hell broke loose as riders appeared
and arguments between the Hunt, the farm owners and monitors ensued. Oh, no way would the hounds attack a sheep was the crap
being spurted out. Then the terriermen arrived all the while hounds were running amuck all over the place. We asked the terrier
men to round the hounds up "not my job" he said. Police showed up in force with 2 vans
and a armed traffic response vehicle. They took our details and spoke with the land owner, whilst we were very happy with
these officers and the help they gave us, we must say that they didn't know about the Hunting Act and had never attended
such a call out before. Seeing the Hunt over the field, we took off after them, followed by a police car. The Hunt Master then went back
into the woods on the farm. We were in shock at their blatant attempt to get back onto the fox. we pulled over and the police
asked if the wood belonged to the farm. Answering yes, they took off back to the farm where they proceeded to walk into the
wood. A great response from the police we must say. We then headed the Hunt off to another
location where hounds were seen to chase a fox; again no master in sight. We followed them in the vehicle to a beck where
foot monitors were able to exit the car and across a field to use the gizmo and horn. Again the police turned up and the attempts
of the Hunt to say we were trespassing fell on deaf ears. All the while, a quad flew past us, without plates and carrying
a passenger, so the police took off after it pulling it over to do checks [above right] -
about time too. We then came across the hound master looking for his hounds. He was on foot, in a field [left], with
a few hounds whilst, attempts to round up the rest failed. We believe that multiple hounds were not under the control of the
Master for quite a substantial amount of time - doing God knows what. However, monitors in a field were able to call the hounds
to them which of course made the Hunt spit feathers.
The hounds had terrorised
many foxes, or possibly the same poor fox all day and some had made their way to a 50mph road miles away from the meet. Rounded
up close to the very busy road hounds were coming from all directions. We noticed at least 2 lame hounds which were really
struggling to keep up with the Master who was now taking them along the 50mph road to pack them up. All attempts to ask the
Hunt to get quads to pick up these poor injured dogs were shrugged off. It was a tough day but we thank Stockton police for attending and taking action where needed and for passing the
incident over to Durham police who later contacted us to hand in any footage we took on the day. Donate to our petrol fund via
PayPal to huntmonitors@gmail.com. paypal.me/huntmonitors. Thank you -
LONG LIVE THE FOX �� Pics below - 1/ If you can't
jump a hedge... just go through it 2/ You'd feel like this if you were a hunt hound  Monitors
find blocked sett where Cheshire FH hunting on foot 1-3-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors HUNTING ON FOOT ON PECKFORTON HILLS We
monitored the Cheshire Hounds hunt today as they hunted on foot, due to the weather, on the hills around Burwardsley and Peckforton. This
photo [below] shows a large badger sett very recently filled in at the foot of
Peckforton Hills. These associated wildlife crimes are chronic with this Hunt, yet Hunt spokesman Peter 'Pinocchio'
Jones will still claims they are following trails and hunting within the law. So, Mr Jones, we ask you - what kind of 'trail' would want to seek refuge
below ground during a hunt? Ampleforth College removes beaglers' newsletter from website 1-3-18 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs Ampleforth Beagles update Following
our recent investigation, posh public school Ampleforth College have removed an Ampleforth Beagles newsletter - which described
illegal hunting -from their website. Why have they done this if they have nothing to hide? Please continue to politely contact the college about their involvement
with the Ampleforth Beagles. You may wish to ask why they use their official website to promote the work of the Association
of Masters of Harriers & Beagles with "young hare hunters." @AmpleforthCol @AmpleforthSoc 01439 766800 reception@ampleforth.org.uk
28th February - Sabs arrival deters Puckeridge FH from dig-out .....
28th February - Monitors' presence deters Beaufort FH from three dig outs ..... 28th February - Sabs
reveal destroyed 6 Hunts' artificial earths before season began ..... 28th February - HSA says top public school's own
reports shows still hunting hares ..... 27th February - Locals act against trespass and chaos caused by Wynnstay FH ..... 26th February - South Down FH
stopped from hunting as swamped by sabs ..... 26th February - Grafton FH step anti-monitor tactics up to ludicrous levels ..... 25th February - LACS say films
show Scottish fox hunts scaring pregnant sheep ..... 25th February - Council leader lets notorious Atherstone FH hunt on
his land .....
25th February - New sab group visits previously
un-sabbed Clifton-on-Teme FH ..... 25th February - Sabs upload pic of emaciated hound at joint meet in Scotland ..... 25th February - Pressure for
full Scotland hunt ban as huge response to consultation ..... 25th February - Sabs upload film of hare escaping from Holcombe Harriers ..... 25th February - Antis
stage 'trail hunting' protests at 20 Nat. Trust properties ..... 25th February - Villagers anger at Cotswold Vale FH
invasion as sabs save foxes .....
25th February - Huntsman tells PC to f*** off after admonished for endangering public .....
25th February - Sabs prevent late dig-out at Scottish joint meet, two
assaulted ..... 25th February - High Peak Harriers stick to trails as they present, say sabs ..... 24th February - Blackmore
FH hunt & kill fox - woman monitor shoved to ground ..... 24th February - Sabs stop kills at W. Somerset FH/Minehead Harriers
meet .....
24th February - Sabs ruin rarely visited South Wold FH hunting day ..... 24th February - Sab attacked with hammer, woman anti
ridden into deep ditch .....
24th February - Sabs save foxes at 3 Hunts meet - female anti assaulted ..... 24th February - Fox saved by sabs from Oakley FH's
criminal Huntsman .....
23rd February - Vixen reported killed by trespassing Mendip Farmers FH ..... 23rd February - Sabs persuade Ledbury FH hounds off
3 foxes they chased .....
23rd February - Grove & Rufford terrierman harangued after field trampled hedge ..... 22nd February - Warwickshire FH hunt wood next to M40
[fox escapes] .....
22nd February - Cheshire Forest FH chase fox over live railway, dig-out prevented ..... 22nd February - 'Trail hunting' protests at
many NT properties this Sunday ..... 22nd February - Warks FH filmed fox hunting 4 days after woman sees same ..... 22nd February - Violent hunt
'steward' gets Community Order for assaults on sabs ..... 21st February - Police seek info on hare hunting - thought by N. Norfolk
Harriers .....
21st February - Local says Mendip F FH breaking FC licence by hunting with quads ..... 21st February - N. Shropshire FH Huntsman has terriers
stolen from his home .....
21st February - Old Surrey FH found fox hunting
at midweek meet - sabs stop ..... 21st February - Exeter Councillor talks of his
weekend persona - as a hunt sab ..... 20th February - Woman reports hunting on Woodland Trust land by her home ..... 20th February - Sabs find selves
in right place to save fox from Old Surrey FH ..... 20th February - Sabs stop bad terrier fight due to Eggesford FH hounds
passing .....
20th February - Lost, injured Badsworth FH hound wandered round housing estate ..... 20th February - Hunt that killed in front of tourists
on NT land is licenced by them ..... 20th February - Melbreak FH licence suspended after seen chasing foxes ..... 19th February - Atherstone FH
try to hunt foxes, hounds all over roads ..... 18th February - Middleton FH hunt in vast, fenced estate - sabs think fox shot ..... 18th February - Antis foil South
Dorset FH efforts to kill foxes ..... 18th February - Beaufort FH chase fox into barn, pretend trail hunt, re-invade
garden .....
18th February - Gizmo, rating & citronella save fox from East Cornwall FH ..... 18th February - Member of public sees Warwickshire
FH clearly hunting fox .....
18th February - Walkers say saw Melbreak FH chasing two foxes ..... 18th February - Tried Portman JM/Huntsman drew farmyard, disturbing
cows .....
18th February - Grove & Rufford FH chase foxes across roads & in gardens ..... 18th February - East Kent FH supporter kicks sab, claims
to have gun .....
18th February - Hampshire FH 'trail hunt' - but no trails, terriermen present ..... 18th February - Sabs make sure
Westerby Bassets just have a little stroll ..... 17th February - Hunt seen trespassing on NT land in
East Devon ..... 17th February - Ledbury FH chase several foxes, sabs ensure no kills ..... 17th February - South
Down FH interrupted as about to dig fox out of sett ..... 17th February - Sabs prevent dig out by Cambridge FH of hunted fox ..... 17th February - Sabs
assaulted, driven at, sprayed with mystery liquid at Curre FH ..... 17th February - Blackmore FH hunt foxes again, including in gardens ..... 17th February - Hunters
laugh as sab struggles in huge, uncovered cess pit ..... 16th February - Welsh police request info on Hunt badger sett interference ..... 16th February - Surrey
Union FH hounds injured after rioting on deer ..... 16th February - Police call for witnesses re. fox kill by Hunt in
Derbyshire .....
16th February - Protest in Sherbourne against fox kill by Blackmore FH ..... 15th February - Monitors say saved three foxes
from S. Durham FH .....
15th February - Disturbing film of Fitzwilliam FH thug attack on sab car released ..... 15th February - Warwickshire FH filmed illegally hunting
in Country Park .....
15th February - Council - hunting banned in park where Belvoir FH 'killed fox' ..... 15th February - Surrey Union
FH found trespassing on NT land again ..... 14th February - Dunston Harriers rider backs box into sab van - refuses details ..... 14th February - Labour
includes strengthened Hunting Act in Animal Welfare plans ..... 14th February - Cattistock FH hunt in swannery under biosecurity restrictions ..... 14th February - Walker's post/film of Ullswater FH hunting taken down by admin ..... 14th February - Surrey Union FH stop midweek meet when sabs appear ..... 14th February - Walker
reports lost hound, thought from Ullswater FH ..... 13th February - Waveney Harriers Whip's poor pack control nearly runs into deer herd ..... 13th February - VWH
FH chase fox into gardens, hounds rated out by monitors ..... 13th February - Monitors say Grafton FH hunted two foxes - one filmed ..... 13th February - Trial
of Portman FH Huntsman on illegal hunting charge ends ..... 12th February - N. Herefordshire FH kill fox at dig out - 2 more kills
suspected .....
12th February - Sabs save hunted fox from in-cry Belvoir FH hounds ..... 12th February - South Wold FH supporters say they hunt
and kill foxes .....
12th February - Fife FH miss put up fox, support scares ewe off new-born lamb ..... 12th February - Atherstone FH hunted foxes in
area with artificial earth, say sabs ..... 11th February - Hunt reported trespassing on Nat Trust land in Derbyshire ..... 11th February - Monitor windscreen broken after threats from Easton Harrier hunters ..... 11th February - Blackmore
FH kill fox - Dorset police refused to attend ..... 11th February - Sabs and 'very angry' farmer stop Meynell
FH dig-out .....
11th February - Locals/farmers call police due to trespass/damage by Cheshire Forest FH ..... 11th February - Sabs
attacked after used gizmo to life S. Dorset FH hounds off fox ..... 11th February - Sabs save foxes from Flint & Denbigh FH though
attacked by thugs ..... 11th February
- Sabs find 4 blocked setts in Heythrop, 3 in N.Cotswold FH country ..... 11th February - Severe misuse of horses seen
at Eggesford FH as sabs save foxes ..... 11th February - Reckless York & Ainsty S FH rider brings horse down on
road ..... 11th February - Sabs find sheep carcasses - to lure foxes into Fife FH hunt area? ..... 11th February
- Lake District walker sees Hunt chasing
foxes nr Martindale ..... 11th February - Sabs stop dig out, one & hound driven into by Curre FH terrierman ..... 10th February - Fitzwilliam FH thugs violently attack
occupied sab car .....
9th February - Ledbury FH hunt foxes in dusk, sett blocking filmed ..... 9th February - Police seek info re. alleged fox
hunt kill near Lincoln .....
9th February - Warwickshire FH hunt on and
next to A roads yet again ..... 9th February - Villagers & farmer complain
of Dumfriesshire FH incursion ..... 9th February - Cheshire PCC orders review of way police handle Hunts ..... 9th February - 2 monitors
thwart VWH FH to hunt 2 foxes in huge private estate ..... 8th February - Reports now say Burton FH killed fox AND a deer
in 2 villages .....
8th February - Fox dug out & killed at Eggesford/Torrington FHs joint meet ..... 8th February - 2 monitors have 7 tyres slashed
soon after reporting illegal hunt ..... 8th February - Alpaca farmer rejects reported Hunt apology, says
not contacted him .....
8th February - Monitor film refutes claim that Cheshire Hunt kills are 'accidents' ..... 7th February - Violent
gang of fox killers granted licence by National Trust ..... 7th February - FB posts say Burton FH chased & killed
fox nr. Gainsborough ..... 7th
February - Portman FH rampage thru village causing traffic chaos ..... 7th February - Police probe alleged fox
hunt & property damage in Lincs village ..... 7th February - Cheshire FH Whip harangued by farmer for repeated hunt trespass ..... 7th February
- S. Dorset FH cause chaos on A road, chase fox into badger sett ..... 6th February - Alpacas 'terrorised' by Puckeridge FH farm invasion, some may abort ..... 6th February - Blackmore
FH supporter punches female sab in head ..... 6th February - Sabs stop Puckeridge FH digging fox from badger sett ..... 6th February - Locals
say Wynnstay FH caused mayhem chasing fox on to A41 ..... 6th February - Oakley Huntsman convicted
of C. Damage - broke woman's windscreen ..... 6th February - Sabs see Hunt untouched for a decade chasing
three hares ..... 5th
February - Huntsman/JM & terrierman Dwyryd FH jailed for badger baiting ..... 5th February - Members of public say Belvoir
FH killed fox in country park ..... 5th February - NT gives Warks FH licence despite repeated trespass and assault ..... 5th February
- Forestry Commission says permits for 'trail hunting' decided 'locally' .....
5th February - Fox saved from Hurworth FH by sabs, one driven into ..... 5th February - Monitor & landowner save hunted
fox from S.Durham FH .....
4th February - Sabs find Parks Authority closely monitoring Cumberland FH ..... 4th February - Warks FH hounds filmed closely
chasing a fox ..... 4th
February - Monitor assaulted, others obstructed on roads at Grafton FH ..... 4th February - Modbury Harriers thug punches
& smashes sab windscreen ..... 4th
February - Sab presence makes fox pack 'trail hunt', hare hunt pack up ..... 4th February - Surrey Union FH pull off
chased fox when see monitors .....
4th February - Modbury Harriers hunt banned land, supporter breaks sab windscreen ..... 4th February - Cotswold Vale FH hounds rated off roads by sabs, female assaulted ..... 3rd February - Landowner
sees Badsworth FH kill fox in wood banned from ..... 3rd February - NT initially denies that Surrey Union FH
hunted on their land ..... 3rd
February - Crawley FH hunt foxes after dark - sabs think probably killed ..... 3rd February - Fitzwilliam FH use eagle
to kill hare flushed by hounds ..... 3rd February - Woman abused by Mendip Farmers FH after chased fox in garden ..... 3rd February
- Revealed that Mendip Farmers FH invaded land, killed alpaca ..... 3rd February - Sabs stop dig-out of hunted fox by Fife
FH ..... 3rd
February - Warks FH hunt next to A429 - act as if they own the road ..... 3rd February - Sab racially abused at Lanarkshire
FH meet ..... 2nd
February - Badsworth FH rider hits sab on head, knocks one over with horse ..... 2nd February - JM/Huntsman of Lauderdale
FH to face illegal hunting charge ..... 2nd February - Monitors meet Cheshire MP/Cabinet Minister to discuss illegal hunting ..... 2nd February - NT initially tries to deny Surrey Union hunted on their land ..... 2nd February
- Somerset farmer says intimidation followed illegal hunting on his land ..... 2nd February - Puckeridge FH hound van is SORNed & shouldn't
be on the road ..... 1st February
- Beaufort FH trample signed environmental grass strips ..... 1st February - Fermanagh Harriers sabbed for first time, hound stuck in gate freed ..... 1st February - Fernie FH rider dies
after fall from horse ..... 1st February
- Sabs post shows type of often drunken thugs who confront them ..... 1st February - Investigation of anti-hunt Welsh Councillor dropped
by Ombudsman
Sab presence deters Puckeridge FH from dig-out 28-2-18 Facebook - North East London Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hit Report: Puckeridge Hunt. 24 Feb
NELS, S.Cambridge, Norfolk/Suffolk and SES - Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs joined the Puckeridge Hunt at their meet in Manuden,
Essex. Because of the frozen ground they pushed the start back until 12pm. Early on they focused their attention around Bailey Hills and the surrounding woods, spending quite a long time trying
to pick up a scent and then moving fast across open ground to the next woods trying to make it difficult for sabs to keep
up. Eventually, they went north to the Albury area where the hounds picked
up scent and went into cry several times, and on one occasion chased something into a badger sett. Quick intervention by sabs
meant that the hounds-man was [above with hounds] forced to move on, leaving the sabs to remove
his hounds. A couple of sabs stayed behind to make sure the Hunt didn't try to come back and dig it out. Good cooperation between sab groups meant that we stayed on them
all day and made sure nothing was killed. Pic below - Hounds marking to ground Monitors'
presence deters Beaufort FH from three dig-outs 12 blocked sett entrances found in vicinity of meet 28-2-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO [1] VIDEO [2] Beaufort Hunt 24.02.2018 They met at Easton Grey House
and had a late midday start. A wildlife crime had already been committed nearby – 12 entrances of a badger sett were
completely blocked. Police attended the site and paid a visit to Captain Farquhar [joint MFH].The Hunt denied blocking the
sett and the terrier men thought it was a waste of time to involve the police for a wildlife crime! Reminder there is a maximum
penalty of £5,000 for blocking a badger sett and this one was clear the day before. They took the hounds south of the meet to Pinkney Wood then past Scot Farm and across
to Boundary Plantation over the B4040. Riders were on point to the south and east as the hounds came through the hedge into a large range of bramble
bushes and rough growth along the top of the bank down into the small valley there. As we approached the hounds were searching
encouraged by Huntsman who was also tongue rolling (used to disturb a hiding fox) The hounds started to mark to ground in
the patch of brambles and a member of the hunt staff moved his position from the top corner of this area to below as it was
clear that a fox would break that way. We tried to cover the lower side in case a fox broke into the open. A foot-walker tried
to call the hounds off which brought several hunt staff up telling her to leave. They claimed they would call the hounds out
if she left but she preferred to wait until the hounds were taken out of the bushes. Shortly after a whistle
was heard twice towards the north section of Boundary Plantation, indicating a sighted fox and the hounds were heard towards
New Road Clump in the Westonbirt School direction. They circled round and came back towards Boundary Plantation still in cry.
The second foot walker came on the hounds frantically marking to ground under a tree, trying to dig into a hole. She tried
to stop them by pulling them away as the hole was clearly not deep and a fox not safe. The staff accused her of hurting the
hounds [not true] then got off their horses and used the Whip to get the hounds away from the hole before taking them away
from the area. MFH and staff brought
the hounds to Street Farm, Shipton Moyne, for 2nd horse then went towards Westonbirt School. We were there waiting by an artificial
earth which had its entrances blocked with slabs. Terrier men arrived on their quad and went towards the earth with a spade.
They were angry to find the foot walker in close proximity and on a footpath which meant they could not force her out of the
area. On the other side
of Quarry Spinnies another foot walker arrived seeing MFH approaching to put the hounds into the woods near the AE. Sensing
the urgency of the situation they walked off the footpath towards it. While trying to go forward to watch the hounds in the
wood near the AE, they were forcibly frogmarched out of the area by two female hunt riders, one of whom was the landowner.
Good job we were there as they seemed to give up and took the hounds off quickly towards Garden Plantation. They disappeared inland but we picked them up in the crop field north west of Tanners Clump. Hounds were speaking
searching around a hedge and then going on a line fast up the hedge towards the bridleway and the A433 with the ride galloping
after them. As the foot -walker ran back in that direction she heard the hounds turn and head back down the far side of the
next field along. The hounds were then in full cry and we feared a kill. As she crossed two
fields to get to the hedge she could see hunt staff and a small field of riders including a small child on a pony, gathered
round the hounds which were massed around the hedge. It was not a kill as she had feared but a hole inside the hedge where
the hounds were milling round and trying to dig into as the hunt staff and field just watched. Terrier men were driving fast
towards Tanner’s Clump which suggested that the Hunt had summoned them - to do what? On closer inspection she could
see the hole with the hounds round it even though hunt staff tried to block her filming. Seeing sense, they decided to leave
and had to spend some time using the Whip to get the hounds out. Hounds are trained to respond to fox scent and want to get
to it. They might chase a hare or a deer by sight, but if they are on a scent with that intensity, it is fox scent. It is
obvious that even if they did lay trails of fox urine, they would not be repeatedly laying them into holes. From this we can
only deduce they’re hunting foxes. They Hunt moved on
towards Underbridge and New Plantation where they went on cry for quite a time towards and in Thorn Covert. We do not know
the outcome of this chase as we couldn’t get near. After this they packed up. The small child on the pony was kept up
to the hunt right to the end. We had to overcome other hurdles before we could head home – but happy that we did our
best to save a few foxes. Thank you for recent donations. httpi//paypal.me/cihwatch.
Sabs reveal destroyed 6 Fox Hunts' artificial earths
before season started 28-2-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Artificial Earths used by local hunts damaged / destroyed prior to opening meets We were asked to delay putting this report out until late in the
season and, with many Hunts cancelling meets this week, it seems the right time to post. We will be releasing more information
shortly which will explain artificial earths, their structures and uses more clearly. In the meantime please also look at
our article on terrier work which touches on them briefly. "In support of fellow anti-hunt people working hard in the badger cull zones we took it upon ourselves to take
action against local hunts (and shooting areas) by sabotaging their artificial earths. With some artificial earths not being
'badger-proofed' there is always the worry that they are being used to more easily target badgers for baiting and
digging, during the culls and so on. Our first step, obviously, is to ensure that no one is using the artificials as a home. During the time that we were
active in the area, we damaged or destroyed 6 artificial earths within the North Cotswold Hunt country, 5 used by the Heythrop
Hunt, 4 in Ledbury Hunt country, 2 used by the Cotswold Hunt and 2 within Beaufort / VWH country. Our tactics included digging
up and smashing pipes, removing / smashing bricks and slabs used to create chambers, filling the area with soil or using bricks
and rocks that once made up parts of the artificials to block the pipes themselves - some of the areas have metres of backed-up
bricks shoved into the pipes which would have to be dug down to and smashed in order to remove them as the entrances are fully
blocked with no give in the materials used to block them. Lump hammers, shovels, crowbars, materials found in the local area...
easy to conceal but very effective with a little bit of effort. We avoided the use of products such as expanding
foam due to the environmental impact that they would have. We also found a number of insects, spiders, frogs and toads living
within the artificial earths who we would not want to harm with our actions. Many animals were moved to appropriate places
nearby or returned to the area once our work was done - with many pro-cull and pro-hunt people constantly talking about hedgehogs
needing more protection (and yet doing very little to support them) we created hedgehog-friendly log-piles on many of the
ex-artificial earths. To finish, we will briefly explain our reasons for doing these actions. Despite the fantastic, almost everyday work done by
local sab groups (who we have informed of our actions partially so that they can get the word out there about them but mostly
so that they know what has changed in the local hunt countries) they will never be able to keep on top of constant checks
on artificial earths to ensure they are not in use/not being dug into, even when Hunts are meeting close by (never mind days
when hunt staff may go to them to capture foxes for release in front of hounds or for disgusting practices like those filmed
at the South Herefordshire hunt kennels last spring).
Various ex-hunt supporters/staff who have turned anti-hunt have said over the years that artificials should just
be smashed - they've been filmed on numerous occasions but carry on being used. Unless there is a case being built against
a specific Hunt and use of an artificial will be another nail in the coffin for them or if there's nothing you can do
to remove the artificial, get rid of them. Yes, they will build new ones, but many hunts and hunt supporters will be out doing
so during and outside of the hunting season anyway. We chose this time to take action 1) because we are in a different area to where we live and are not known as 'antis'
and 2) with the opening meets coming up soon (start of November) most fox cubs have grown and artificial earths are not currently
being used as homes for them, only as places where foxes will try to escape during hunts (and will then be easily flushed/dug
out and killed). It is also a busier time for Hunts and their supporters as they are preparing for the full season and will
have less time on their hands. Any newly-built artificials will smell of humans for longer too, meaning foxes are less likely
to use them straight away. Finally, a message to the hunters.
We are watching and we are educating others. In this case, it was because many of you support the badger cull in the area
that you have ended up losing artificials to us due to more 'antis' being in the area and more areas being checked
as part of the anti-cull campaign. More of us will continue to take action like this in areas where wildlife persecution is
increasing. But none of you are immune. Please support the local groups here: Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs, Gloucestershire Badger Office and Cirencester
Illegal Hunt Watch: paypal.me/threecountiessabs. HSA says top public school's own reports show still hunting hares 28-2-18 HSA PR AMPLE EVIDENCE OF ILLEGAL HUNTING AT AMPLEFORTH COLLEGE REPORT
The HSA can today expose illegal hunting by a beagle pack associated with one of Britain's top public schools.
The £34,392 a year Ampleforth College in North Yorkshire encourages its students to participate in hunts by the Ampleforth
Beagles. In their 2017 newsletter,
published on the official website of the Ampleforth Society, the hunt boast of their membership of the Association of Masters
of Harriers and Beagles which they claim organises events "especially designed for young hare hunters." Elsewhere
in the newsletter, the huntsman Toby Pedley gives a detailed account of an event at Cote Hill, Farndale that can only be an
illegal hare hunt. HSA Press Officer Lee Moon commented, "Hunting hares with beagles has been illegal for a generation.
It is therefore extremely concerning that Ampleforth College have used their website to promote the work of the AMHB with
"young hare hunters" and publish a thinly-disguised account of a gruelling hour-long hare hunt. If the college want
to refute our allegations they simply need to take an independent observer onto the moors and demonstrate how such a hunt
is legally produced using "trails." We know, however, that they will decline this invitation as trail hunting is
a total fiction."
act against trespass and chaos caused by Wynnstay FH27-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors THE WYNNSTAY HUNT 26.2.18 VIDEO They met on Poulton Airfield
which is on the Duke of Westminster's estate... Monitors got a late tip off and found them hunting around Chapel House
Farm and then between Yew Tree Farm and Brookside Farm in Poulton. Once we were seen,
the Huntsman took off with his entourage across the Duke's private bridge over the river Dee and hunted Aldford and Churton.
Locals were out in force standing up to the Hunt. Some of our supporters filmed the Hunt causing road havoc etc in Churton,
reported this to the police and tailed the Hunt (well done locals!) for some time. Then we had more reports of this Hunt terrorising
more locals, their pets and horses as they were witnessed chasing a fox through gardens and smallholdings in Farndon. They
also trespassed on farm fields. Again this has all been reported to police and locals blocked the roads to stop the Hunt from
moving. A few years ago Farndon Parish Council banned this
hunt from the area. It looks like they will have to tell them again to keep their sordid pastime away from normal civilised
humans. Well done to local heroes who we are seeing saying NO to the Hunts more and more. If you have information about any Hunts in or around Cheshire, please contact us in strict confidence, by PM here
or on email to info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk, and help us #StopTheHunts. If you would like to support Cheshire Monitors you
can donate at paypal.me/CMonitors - thank you! Southdown
FH stopped from hunting as swamped by sabs 26-2-18 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Southdown and Eridge Hunt get swamped by hunt sabs After
we stopped the Eridge from digging out a badger sett last Saturday, we thought we'd better pay them another visit. As
many hunts in the South-East weren't out, we were joined by a large contingent of our mates from Greater South London
, Guildford and South Coast Hunt Sabs, meaning that whichever way Huntsman Oliver Hill decided to go a group of antis were
always one step ahead. At one point he was even forced to circle round a field for a while to waste time and figure out what
the hell to do next! The group of terriermen who had been drafted in by the Hunt last week were nowhere to be seen as there was just the
one quad present, with the one of the Hunt's terriermen, Jamie Short, riding around aimlessly for most of the day. After just over 3 hours of (failed) hunting, they packed up at around
3.30pm so we hopped back in the van and headed off to Felbridge where the Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt were having their hunt
ball. A lively atmosphere filled the air as the hunters entered the hotel, many of whom were wearing fur coats and shawls.
Shame on Crowne Plaza Felbridge for hosting these animal abusers! Any donations towards our ongoing
costs are always much appreciated: paypal.me/BtnHuntSabs. Grafton FH step anti-monitor tactics up to ludicrous levels Police seem unwilling to
do anything about obstruction & intimidation 26-2-18 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch The Grafton Hunt have stepped up the tactics they use to
prevent Grafton Hunt Watch monitors from filming their appalling activities. They have a whole squad of hunt cars dedicated to positioning themselves in front of and behind each monitor’s
car. The front car drives at ridiculously low speeds - as low as 3mph - to prevent the monitor from keeping up with the hunt.
If the monitor turns round, the car behind slowly and laboriously turns round also, and then takes up the delaying role in
front. Sometimes the convoy of hunt cars around a single monitor reaches ludicrous proportions.
These spiteful and disreputable individuals have absolutely no shame whatsoever - they engage in dangerous driving procedures
purely to prevent the monitors having free passage along the highway, which, as citizens and road tax payers, they are legally
entitled to have. Such procedures include suddenly slamming on their brakes in an attempt to make the monitor collide with
them, accelerating dangerously if the monitor tries to overtake, and turning round dangerously in the road to block the monitor’s
progress. Members of the public held up? Tough luck! The Hunt couldn’t care less, obviously! We have repeatedly told Northamptonshire Police of these activities but as usual they just let the Hunt do their worst. On Saturday 17th February we monitored the hunt in the Weedon Lois area. As usual their team of disgusting characters,
which they pompously and deceitfully call their “Evidence Gathering Team” , spent the whole day impeding the monitors,
finally totally blocking them in at the end of a public road that was a dead end. Unfortunately the road sign did not indicate
this or the monitors would not have entered this road, knowing how the mob would seize the chance to surround and block them. Highly pleased with themselves, this appalling gang they went into
smirking overdrive. Their behaviour can only be compared too the worst kind of school bullies. Concerned for our safety, we
called 999 and were told the police would come (hallelujah!) but after a further 20 minutes a whisperer went round to each
blocker and they rapidly moved. This has happened before, and Grafton Hunt Watch has informed the police that they believe
a police insider is tipping of these people exactly when they need to move to avoid the arrival of the police. LACS say films show Hunts endangering pregnant ewes25-2-18 Facebook - Sunday Post FOX hunts have been accused of endangering pregnant ewes, despite a new police campaign
to stop sheep worrying Undercover footage shows a number of Scottish hunts riding with packs of hounds
through the countryside, scattering flocks in terror. Sheep worrying is an offence in Scotland but the law allows an exemption
for fox hunts’ hounds to be at large, if they are hunting legally. The League Against
Cruel Sports secretly recorded 20 incidents of hunts in fields with sheep, dating back to 2015, and is calling for the law
to be reviewed. The Hunts say they act within the law at all times. Police Scotland’s new campaign coincides with the spring
lambing season to prevent livestock worrying. The campaign says “significant damage” can be caused by a dog simply
being present in a field. Pregnant ewes can abort their lambs or lambs can be separated from their mothers, causing distress
and in some cases malnutrition. The campaign also points out that the Scottish Outdoor Access Code says that dogs should not
be taken into fields where there are lambs or other young farm animals. Joint meet Fife FH and Duke of Buccleuch's FH The League’s covert footage shows mounted hunts with packs of hounds
riding through fields with sheep. One clip of the Lauderdale Hunt shows a pregnant ewe falling heavily as hounds run nearby.
Other footage captured shows flocks of sheep running away from dogs and trying to leap over walls and fences. Robbie
Marsland, director of The League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “The League recently reviewed footage obtained
over past hunting seasons for evidence of sheep worrying and was shocked and alarmed by what we saw. If the sight of one dog
can devastate a pregnant ewe we can only stagger at the prospect of what a pack of over 30 dogs in full cry must have.” Harry Huyton, director at animal welfare charity
OneKind, said: “This appears to be a case of one rule for the Hunts, another for everyone else. Yet for the sheep being
terrified by packs of dogs, the fact that they are part of a fox hunt is completely irrelevant. The list of reasons why the
Scottish Government needs to get on with it and introduce a complete ban on fox hunting just keeps on growing.” Dumfriesshire and Stewartry FH SNP MSP Ruth Maguire said: “Sheep
worrying is a huge issue for farmers, particularly at this time of year when pregnant ewes are preparing to lamb so it is
deeply concerning that Hunts are routinely causing so much chaos to flocks of sheep with no regard whatsoever for their welfare.” But
Jamie Stewart, Scottish Countryside Alliance director, said: “It would seem that having failed to film foxhounds chasing
foxes that LACS have returned to their deceitful tactic of misleading the general public with this ridiculous footage of foxhounds
not chasing sheep. “The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 stipulates that foxhounds can only operate by
permission, it would be ridiculous to think that this would be granted if the hounds were worrying the sheep or causing a
negative impact on lambing ewes. Far from making complaints, many farmers welcome the assistance of hunt staff who live and
work within the farming community as they give off their own time to help during the lambing effort.” Police Scotland
said that it recognises the impact of sheep worrying and urged people to report incidents. The National Farmers Union Scotland backs Police Scotland’s campaign. Its
policy manager, Gemma Cooper, said that livestock worrying “remains a blight on Scottish livestock farming”. She
added: “As we are now into lambing, NFUS would remind the public that they should not take access in fields with very
young lambs, but should find an alternative route.” Council leader lets notorious Atherstone
FH hunt on his land 25-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt - Saturday 24th February - Clifton Campville
District Council leader and County Councillor Richard Blunt lets notorious violent Atherstone Hunt on his land Richard Blunt,
Conservative District Councillor leader for North West Leicestershire and County Councillor for Blaby let the notorious Atherstone
Hunt meet at Clifton Hall in Clifton Campville, Tamworth. Members of the Atherstone Hunt and people associated with them have
over 20 convictions for violent and anti-social behaviour, the hunt have been filmed hunting numerous foxes over the past
four years. The most recent conviction was a hunt director Peter Taroni who was convicted of assault and using homophobic
language. Please politely contact both councils and ask if they think it appropriate that
one of their councillors is hosting a violent and notorious fox hunt - here. Richard Blunt may not be aware of who the Atherstone Hunt are, please politely contact him and ask him not to host
any future meets of the Atherstone Hunt - richard.blunt@nwleicestershire.gov.uk.
Let us know of any responses you receive from both the councils and Richard Blunt. Please keep all communications polite. After Atherstone
Huntsman Mike Lane's recent attempts at hunting foxes, which on Tuesday resulted in him losing most of his pack for almost
an hour with hounds dangerously close to the A5 (see video). We had two vehicles out to keep a closer eye on the Hunt in case he lost his hounds again. As a result Mike Lane wisely
chose to stick to bridleways and roads. Paypal -https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.  New
sab group visits previously un-sabbed Clifton-on-Teme FHNo pretence at 'trail hunting', terriermen on road-illegal
quads, etc, etc 25-2-18 Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs CLIFTON ON TEME HUNT – 24/2/2018 MEET: BURTON COURT, UPPER SAPEY, BROMYARD
Yesterday, a few of us decided to pay a visit to the Clifton on Teme Hunt. Within their country lies the 1700 acre Brockhampton
Estate, which is owned by the National Trust. Their kennels adjoin a small area of the estate’s woodland. No “trail
hunting” licence has been granted to the Clifton on Teme by the National Trust. Locals tell us that the Clifton hunt on Bromyard Downs, which lie adjacent to the western edge of the Brockhampton
Estate, flouting the Down’s ‘no hunting’ byelaws {'No person shall
on the Common intentionally kill, injure, take or disturb any animal or fish or engage in hunting...'}. This begs the question, are they also hunting illegally on National Trust property? As it turned out, yesterday they met well north of Brockhampton,
so this will have to remain unanswered till another day. A
particularly long and tedious kennel watch led us to a midday meet at Burton Court... Not somewhere you should be buying your animal feed, unless
you support illegal hunting. Two quads, both complete with terrier boxes, speeding
down the drive to the meet [right] confirmed that the Clifton had no intention of practising
the mythical art of “trail hunting”. Both quads were seen driven illegally on public roads as neither had a number
plate. High point of the day occurred as the field, a mere twenty or thirty riders, dissolved into chaos within minutes of
leaving the meet, with at least two riders falling off crossing the first field – too many stirrup cups, perhaps. They
hunted both sides of the B4203, running as far west as Broadheath and Stoke Bliss before heading back to the meet via Wolferlow.
They moved quickly from covert to covert, but the hounds hardly went into cry all day. We hope our presence kept them moving
on, although non-existent mobile phone signal made communication between car and foot sabs impossible, considerably hampering
our efforts in the field. As a result, a set of radios tops our shopping list right now. Late in the day, the obligatory lost hound, was found far away from the rest of the pack, as ever a danger to itself,
other road users, sheep and lambs, free range chickens, cats and more. There were few car support out, and by mid afternoon
the field had dwindled to a handful of riders. The Hunt packed up shortly after 4.30pm. The Clifton on Teme have escaped
attention from sabs for too long, but they can certainly expect to see us again. If you want to join us in the field or have
any information on Hunts in Herefordshire please email us – herefordshirehuntsabs@gmail.com. Sabs upload pic of emaciated hound at joint meet in Scotland 25-2-18
Facebook - Glasgow Hunt Sabs Hunt logic - starve the hounds and they'll hunt better. Straight up animal abuse, so
show them this pic next time pro-hunt tell you they love their hounds. Police were not interested btw. Picture taken at Berwickshire
and Lanark &Renfrewshire's joint meet yesterday, hit report to follow. Please consider donating as every single penny raised goes towards helping protect our wildlife from those that gain
sick pleasure in killing them. Thank You - https://www.paypal.me/GlsgwHuntSabs Pressure on for full Scottish hunt ban after huge
response to consultation 25-2-18 Herald Scotland 'End the cruelty' - New calls to stop
fox hunts using bloodthirsty hounds as Scottish Government consultation closes PRESSURE is mounting
on the Scottish Government to strengthen fox hunting legislation and outlaw the use of hounds after more than 30,000 people
responded to a consultation which closed last month. The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act 2002 permits the use of dogs to flush out foxes to waiting guns but it has been claimed huntsmen still set packs of hounds on fleeing animals which are torn apart when caught.
The Scottish Countryside Alliance has insisted “legitimate” hunts work within the law. Celebrities Ricky Gervais, Chris Packham [below left], Bill Oddie [right] and
Peter Egan [below right] have this week joined Scottish animal welfare charities in urging
the use of hounds to be outlawed ahead of the expected publication of Scottish Government consultation responses next week. Environment minister Roseanna Cunningham launched the survey last
year after former judge Lord Bonomy’s review recommended strengthening the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act
2002. The consultation closed on January 31 and responses must be published within four weeks. Animal welfare charity League Against Cruel Sports told the Sunday Herald 30,000 people responded via their website
and the charity is now planning a demonstration For the Foxes in Edinburgh in March. Actor Ricky Gervais, who is backing the campaign, said: “It
is utterly sickening that the primitive, horrific pastime of chasing foxes with packs of hounds is still happening routinely
in this country with little or no means of bringing to justice those who inflict such cruelty on wildlife. The Scottish Government
has an opportunity to make this appalling 'sport' go away so it's high time it stopped dragging its feet and got
on with improving the law to ban fox hunting once and for all.” Conservationist Bill Oddie said: “Politicians know the facts. By not supporting a ban, they indirectly declare themselves
to be pro-hunting. Moreover, the anti-hunt politicians must feel frustrated by how long contentious debates are purposely
slowed and protracted in order to delay decisions which need to be instant.”
Downtown Abbey star Peter Egan also called on the Scottish Government to “end the cruelty”.
He added, “The awful business should've been dealt with in Scotland in 2002”. Naturalist Chris Packham said it is “quite
staggering” that people in Scotland “routinely go out with the intention of terrorising wild animals by chasing
them to the point of exhaustion and brutally killing them”. He added: “Sadly, in Scotland the law has proven not
to be sufficient to stop this horrific behaviour. Fox hunting has no place in modern society and now is the time to put it
firmly where it belongs – in the past.” Robbie Marsland, Director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said a demonstration
will be held at the Scottish Parliament on March 24th. “Recent polling shows us that over 80 per cent of Scots are opposed
to fox hunting and this will be their opportunity to demonstrate that regardless of which party you vote for or whether you
live in the town or the countryside – Scotland is against fox hunting. In 2002 Scotland led the way in being the first
to try to ban fox hunting in the UK. Developments over the coming months will show us if Scotland will lead the way again
by the being the first country in the UK to really ban fox hunting – for good.” The Sunday Herald asked for an interview
with Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham, but a Scottish Government spokesman said the minister could not comment until consultation responses
are analysed. The Scottish Government spokesman added: “We are currently evaluating the very large number of responses
received to our consultation on Lord Bonomy’s recommendations for legislative reform. We have also established a stakeholder
group to develop a new code of practice and assess the feasibility of a new monitoring scheme. We remain committed to ensuring
the highest welfare standards for all animals, including those in the wild, and encourage everyone to notify Police Scotland
if anyone is suspected of breaking the law." THE UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATOR WHO COVERTLY MONITORS HUNTS - Undercover investigators employed by the League Against
Cruel Sports have gathered hours of filmed footage which they claim show hunts in Scotland flouting the law. This has been
denied by the Scottish Countryside Alliance director Jamie Stewart who insists “legitimate packs” work within
the law. The existing law only allows for dogs to be used to push a fox out of cover so that it can be shot dead. However, one League investigator, who spoke to the Sunday Herald
on the condition that he is not named, believes huntsmen still set dogs on foxes. He said: “Time and time again, during
our covert observations, we have seen packs of dogs being entered into cover, be it a patch of gorse or woodland, but we have
seen no evidence of guns waiting to shoot any foxes appearing from the cover. What we do see however, are hunt horse riders
positioned by the cover being searched, looking out for foxes that may escape. These strategic positions should of course
have people with guns standing by and ready to shoot foxes, but the lack of guns and the positioning of hunt members, to alert
the Huntsman they have seen a fox trying to get away, suggests that the intention is to allow the dogs to pursue, hunt and
ultimately kill the fox and not to shoot the fox as it appears from cover. Searching for foxes within a cover, using dogs,
with no guns positioned to shoot any foxes is hunting and is unlawful, even if a fox isn’t found.” The investigator’s covert filming led to the conviction of two huntsmen last year for deliberately hunting
a fox with dogs. The League investigator added: “The fox was located and could have easily been shot instantly and humanely,
but instead the dogs were called back and were made to stand a few metres away from the hole before the fox was released for
these dogs to hunt. Can you imagine the suffering and distress this would have caused to the foxes involved? This case not
only clearly demonstrates a desire to see dogs attack wild animals, in this case a fox, but also shows how confident hunts
have become in thinking that they can get away with such an act of wildlife crime and in broad daylight.”... [there's
lots more] Lone
sab films hares escaping from Holcombe Harriers 25-2-18 Facebook - Liverpool Hunt Sabs Video footage from yesterday's visit to the Holcombe Harriers Our van is currently off the road, any help towards
the cost of repairs would be hugely appreciated: ko-fi.com/liverpoolhuntsabs. POWAperson adds - The video starts with a short clip of a hare being chased along a river bank by just two
hounds. Then switches to redcoat [who directs the hounds where to go – clearly not 'trail hunting'], riders
and hounds riding along the edge of a field. Redcoat and riders, who jump a fence, are then seen riding on the far side of
a grassless field, turning right and riding slowly on, stopping just beyond the top of the field. Hounds, not in cry, appear
following, turn into the grassless field and run down its far side, then back again to the Huntsman. A hare suddenly appears
not far from the sab who is filming, stopping and crouching down to disguise itself among the clods of earth. The hounds,
about 40 yards away, do not detect it and the Hunt passes on. The hare flees across the field in the opposite direction. Pics below - 1/ Two hounds chasing hare along river
bank 2/ Hounds searching on far side of field 3/ A little later, hare flees
in opposite direction from where hounds have gone  24-2-18
Facebook - Liverpool Hunt Sabs With our van unfortunately still off the road and seeing that the Holcombe Harriers
were only up the road in Bretherton, Chorley, a lone sab decided they would head up and keep watch on them. The Hunt met at The Blue Anchor Bretherton
: all-you-can-eat. It seems many locals are getting a bit sick of the hunt and weren't too pleased to see them out again
today. From the off hounds lost the scent of the "trail" and rioted into the next field
flushing a hare up. It ran along the Yarrow river bank with one hound close on its tail. It ran towards the sab and upon seeing
them it darted over the embankment and back into the field. It managed to get away from the hounds. They lost the Hunt
for a short while after this, but seeing lots of support and field heading for home they hung around the area and caught up
with the Huntsman on a country lane after spotting the riders in a nearby field. They stuck close for the rest of the day
and in the afternoon ensured the safety of a hare which slipped out of a wood behind the hounds and then froze in front of
the sab. They stayed as still as possible so not to spook it and once hounds were a good distance away the hare escaped in
the opposite direction. Shortly after another hare appeared through a hedge and made its escape in the same direction. The
lone sab then followed the Huntsman back to the meet and then headed home for a well deserved cuppa.
Antis stage 'trail hunt' protests at 20 Nat. Trust properties25-2-18 LACS Press Release National Trust's 'broken promises' on hunting lead to nationwide
day of action Protests were held outside 20 National Trust properties on Sunday to highlight that
hunts are still illegally chasing and killing British wildlife on the organisation's lands. Anger at the charity has grown
over the last few months with many furious that hunts with a history of killing animals are still being allowed on Trust land. The nationwide protests were arranged by campaigning group National Dis-Trust and
backed by the League Against Cruel Sports, and took place at 20 different sites. Fyne Court, Somerset A spokesperson for
National Dis-Trust, said: "Today we joined 20 other wildlife protection organisations to protest the continuation of
so-called 'trail hunting' licences being issued to fox hunts on National Trust land as part of a wider, and rapidly
growing, campaign against criminal bloodsports. The protests are just one of many actions planned to raise public awareness
of illegal hunting on Trust land. The hunting season is now drawing to a close, and the Trust needs to take stock of their
untenable situation; the hunts they have licensed have repeatedly been exposed in the national press for illegally hunting
foxes. It is well past time that they recognise what is obvious to so many people and stop issuing these farcical licences." Stourhead, Wiltshire NATIONAL TRUST'S BROKEN PROMISES - A campaign to ban 'trail'
hunting on National Trust land was narrowly defeated at the organisation's AGM last autumn after its bosses disappointingly
gave discretionary votes to back the continuation of the activity. It is now widely believed that 'trail' hunting
is a fraudulent cover for illegal hunting activity and the chasing and ripping apart of foxes, hare and deer by packs of hounds. Conditions laid down by the Trust, in an attempt to win the vote and to address concerns around the activities of the Hunts, are now being reneged on. These include:- 1/ Banning the use of animal-based scents as a trail
for hounds or beagles to follow. All 'trail' hunting hounds are trained to follow animal-based scents, which leads
to alleged 'accidental' kills. The Trust have not done anything to check if the Hunts they have licensed have re-trained
their hounds. 2/ Prohibit the presence of terrier men, who have no practical purpose on a trail 'hunt',
Terrier men - traditionally used to send their dogs underground to find and kill foxes - have been witnessed accompanying
Hunts licensed by the Trust. The presence of a terrier man is a pretty much a guarantee that the Hunt is hunting illegally. 3/ 'We will post on our website the agreed days and locations of licensed hunts,
in advance, for our members and supporters to view'. They have reneged on this and said that they decided not to post
this information because of potential risk, claiming they did this on the advice of police forces. The League obtained information
via FOIs from every police force in England and Wales, revealing that the claim that they made the decision based on police
advice in September is not the case. The FOI requests show only one police force gave such advice - Cumbria Police - but not
until November 2017. 4/ Probing the track record of each
applicant and establishing a consistent charging regime across Trust land. We'd be very surprised if this is being done,
given the number of Hunts which have been in trouble previously yet have still been given a licence. 5/ 'We are exploring how we can work more
closely with the Police's independent National Wildlife Crime Unit'. The League raised at the time that the NWCU wasn't
the right body to work with on this; but we've discovered through an FOI that the Trust haven't pursued this anyway. Chris Luffingham, Director of Campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "The National Trust is turning a blind
eye to illegal activity on its land and allowing the Hunts to literally rip to pieces foxes and hares and chase deer to their
deaths. Trail hunting is a lie and a deception and the National Trust support for it is shameful. Conditions laid down at
their AGM in autumn, which they used to block a vote to end trail hunting, are now being abandoned. The National Trust has
let down its members by failing to regulate or monitor the hunts themselves and their decision to not publish the dates and
locations where hunts are meeting makes it more difficult for independent monitors to track their activities to ensure any
illegal hunting activity is reported to the police and punished."
ON NATIONAL TRUST LAND - In addition to those Hunts which have been licensed to hunt on National Trust land, 17 hunts have
been seen trespassing on National Trust land without having a licence to enter since the AGM. The Warwickshire Hunt was witnessed
trespassing at the National Trust Farnborough Hall in November, yet was recently issued a licence to hunt on the very same
land. Footage of a fox being chased by hounds belonging to the same Hunt was in the media only very recently. The same hunt
has also been filmed with terriermen, who accompany Hunts and encourage their dogs to find, fight and flush out foxes that
have gone underground. The involvement of terriermen with 'trail' hunts raises questions about their activities and
was prohibited by the National Trust in the new conditions it introduced. PETITION - A petition has been launched
called 'Stop the Killing of Animals by Hunts' by the League Against Cruel Sports. It calls for the strengthening of
hunting legislation and for landowners, including the National Trust, to no longer allow the hunts access to their land to
kill British wildlife. NATIONAL TRUST PROTESTS Cheshire, Biddulph Grange Gardens, with Cheshire Monitors ;Cheshire, Little Moreton Hall, with Cheshire Against The Cull and Cheshire Against the Hunt ; Cornwall, Lanhydrock National Trust, with Kernow Sabs, Monitors & Animal Rights
Team ; Cumbria, Sizergh Castle, with National Dis-Trust and Lancashire Hunt Saboteurs ; Devon, Castle Drogo-National Trust,
with Mid Devon Badger Patrol ; Dorset, Kingston Lacy, with Weymouth Animal Rights ; Gloucestershire, Newark Park, with Cirencester
Illegal Hunt Watch & Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs ; Gloucestershire (Cheltenham), Sherborne Estate, with League Against
Cruel Sports ; Leicestershire, Stoneywell Cottage, with Leicester Animal Rights and Nottingham Animal Rights ; Lincolnshire,
Belton House, with Grantham Against Bloodsports ; Lincolnshire, Woolsthorpe Manor, with Grantham Against Bloodsports ; Northumberland,
Cragside House & Gardens with National Dis-Trust ; North Yorkshire, Ravenscar, with East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs ; Oxfordshire
(Banbury), Upton House and Gardens, with National Dis-Trust ; Somerset (Bridgwater), Fyne Court, with League Against Cruel
Sports ; Somerset, Dunster Castle, with Somerset Wildlife Crime & Somerset and Devon Anti Hunt ; Surrey (Dorking), Polesden
Lacy, with Surrey Hunt Monitors ; Tyne & Wear, Gibside, with NE Hunt Monitors ; Wiltshire, Stourhead, with National Dis-Trust
and Hounds Off. Castle Drogo, Devon 25-2-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust National Trust 25/02/2018 - Day Of Action To #StopTheHunts!
Groups across the country spent the day highlighting the National Trust's support of fox hunting, given under the guise
of farcical 'trail hunting' licences. Write to the Trust's Director of Trail
Hunt Lies, Patrick Begg, and ask that he shut down the licensing system and kick the hunts off Trust land for good. His email
is - patrick.begg@nationaltrust.org.uk. Moreton Hall, Cheshire The
protests attracted wide media coverage, a sample of which is - Aol.com, Cornwall Live, Plant Based News, Northern Echo, Somerset Live, Lincolnshire Live, Villagers
anger at Cotswold Vale FH invasion as sabs save foxes 25-2-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Saturday 24th February 2018, Cotswold Vale Fox Hounds The short
version is that Huntsman Gary Williams is not a happy chappie. The longer version is thus. We (3C and Welsh Border's sabs) found them
in Twigworth. Hounds found almost immediately and ran towards Yew Tree Farm. They then went inland and were found at the Leigh.
Sabs called hounds off one fox there. They tried to run north and were spotted picking up another fox and running south again.
We caught up at the Leigh where a fox ran past in the field next to us with hounds in close pursuit. Sabs sprang into action
and one group ran to a good position to call hounds back which was highly successful. Another group ran to stop the pack in
the same direction as the fox and saw that it was not one but two foxes. The Hunt were aware of them as someone was holloaing but the Hunt on them was abandoned
as angry villagers started to come out of their homes furious that there was a fox hunt in their midst. We have made some
friends. They then came back out at Yew Tree and went back up towards the meet. Alas, this
was not the end, some milling about by the river was on the cards before finishing at Nature in Art by the A38. Please continue to support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs.  Huntsman
tells PC to f*** off after admonished for endangering public He had taken Cheshire Forest FH hounds on to the middle of the A50 25-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday we met up with a few of our comrades from North Wales, a couple of Lancashire and one from Derby
Hunt Saboteurs to pay a visit to Cheshire Forest who met at Moreton Fisheries in Congleton. Upon arriving at the meet shortly before 11am, the Hunt had just left and were skulking around in the field opposite.
Andrew German seemed a bit unhappy when he sighted the large presence of sabs swarming the field. He showed his displeasure
by giving out threats left right and centre... Feeling a bit startled,
ol' German tried his usual tactics of running and hiding. He crossed the busy A34. Congleton road and made his way up
Brownlow Heath Lane onto Brookhouse Green. Upon arrival we found Mr Andrew Callwood (Whipper-In) looking a bit lost next to
a field (presumably looking for German who had galloped off in a temper again)... We met back
with angry old German on Love Lane, where Callwood jumped over a small fence blind into the middle of a road. While the 2nd
whip couldn't quite do it, Callwood egged him on and he made it over, but broke the entire fence in the process... German making another gallop across the field in pursuit of a small
deer, we used voice and horn calls to lift his hounds heads and turn them to us, the steam from German's ears erupted
and as he approached us told us off and issued some more threats. The 2nd whip then had another accident with his horse again
trying to clear a jump, his horse fell and he was thrown off it, his horse managed to get up but we're not sure of the
injury caused. he changed his horse at this point. We continued to call the hounds to us for a further 25 minutes, while support entered the field trying to deter us,
even knocking the horn out of a sab's mouth. Their goal was to cross into Boden Hall estate because a fox was seen 50
metres from the hounds bolting that way before we split the pack and kept them with us. Nevertheless, German's greed
dictated he try to cross the busy road with half a pack. But with the fox making it's escape and hounds still with the
sabs, German was infuriated and took out his anger on a police officer by telling him to 'fuck off' and threw something
at him. We suspect this was one of those metal zip ties we mentioned earlier! Sabs pursued German through Boden Hall estate and ensured the hounds didn't go into cry, from here he exited
and proceeded down Oak Lane where hunt support had blocked the road and footpaths. However, sabs still caught up with the
Hunt on foot in large numbers. The same old battle to take the hounds ensued and they didn't go into cry... After a very unsuccessful day for the criminals of the countryside,
having no kills and sabs at every turn, we followed German back to the meet and watched him leave. A terriermen driving a
horse box decided to drive onto the grass verge leaving roughly 10 sabs no space to move, despite the reckless act, police,
(who watched the incident) took his side. Despite the violent actions of some hunt servants, we still had a few very constructive
conversations with some of them about veganism who left with a lovely trek bar to try later! Big shout out to
the local sett guardians! You did an absolutely sterling job! Well done comrades!  26-2-18 Facebook – N.Wales Hunt Sabs VIDEO ...Chaos in the countryside re erupted when the Huntmaster brought his hounds into the middle
of the A50, endangering the public and bringing traffic to a standstill. This was all witnessed by a police officer who told
Andrew German to get his hounds off the road. Obviously this officer was unaware the Hunting Act is not the only piece of
law that does not apply to the Cheshire Forest Hunt as neither does the highway code. The sheer audacity of the officer telling
German what to do! Andrew German threw an object at the officer and told him to "F@*K OFF!" before riding off up
the A50 and into Bowden Hall. (Exit stage right)... Sabs prevent late dig-out at Scottish joint meet, some were
assaulted Huntsman threatened to ram horn down sab's throat when took hounds off him 25-2-18 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit report Saturday 24th February 2018 Berwickshire Hunt /Lanark
& Renfrewshire FH joint meet - Nether Monynut Sabs were
at the meet around 08:40 and and finished pre-spraying before any of the Hunt had arrived, The Hunt started arriving at 09:30 and looked very unhappy to see sabs beat them there. The
Hunt left on time for a change and Sabs followed shortly behind them... A little while later, the hounds went into cry while chasing a fox right past us with no guns in position. sabs took
every last hound off them to prevent illegal activities. When they eventually got their hounds back they continued on - only
to have Glasgow Hunt Sabs take the hounds off them all over again. Meanwhile the fox was long gone! Huntsman Ryan Mania lost the plot at this stage and threatened to ram a hunting horn down a sab's throat [left], then
assaulted 2 sabs with his horse while causing quite a scene. The Hunt moved on from the area and attempted to
lose sabs, but sabs kept up with them all day. A lot of the riders and support had went home a bit annoyed sabs had turned
up, after a couple of hours riding around looking pissed off they decided to pack up - or so we thought. We noticed the hunt followers acting odd, so we listened in and worked
out that 4 stray hounds had split off from the Hunt and were at a hole 100 yards from the meet, so sabs piled into the gorse
to see what was up. After getting petty abuse from Danny Boyle, both sabs and hunt staff
told Danny to calm down and go away, dragging his feet as he went, Luckily for the fox the terriermen had forgot some of their
equipment and would have to leave the hole to get it so knowing sabs would not leave they left broken and very pissed off. This was a crazy day but
a successful one. Join. Sab. Donate. https://www.paypal.me/FifeHuntSabs. High
Peak Harriers stick to trails, because they present say sabs25-2-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday we paid a long overdue visit to the High Peak Harriers. Some-well executed kennel watching led
us to the meet, on a footpath and road junction between the Peak Forest and Mam Tor. Classy. We
hung about, while all six horseboxes turned up, and foot sabs followed the Hunt from the meet. Our sabs had a lovely time
running in the scenic Peak District, while the High Peak, who normally hunt hares chose to follow trails, as we were there,
until packing up at half two. A nice easy day! At least they haven't forgotten us and nothing was killed. Sabs stop kills at W. Somerset/Minehead Harriers joint meet 24-2-18 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Following last week's antics from supporters of the Curre & Llangibby Hunt,
we were invited by Somerset Sabs down to Brompton Ralph today, for a joint meet with the West Somerset hunt (the hosts), as
well as riders and supporters from the Minehead Harriers. We were joined by sabs not only from Somerset, but also our friends
from Bath, South Wales and Severn Vale. From the off
the Hunt made their intentions to illegally hunt very clear, with numerous foxes pursued throughout the day. Sabs intervened
on a number of occasions when hounds were on the scent of a fox, using the hunting horn and 'gizmo' to distract the
hounds and hopefully give the hunted animal some precious time to get away. At one point, we saw a fox fleeing
from a wood with a hunt supporter desperately hollering to alert the Huntsman and hounds to the fox, not realising we were
right behind him. When sabs questioned what he thought he was doing, he legged it without even attempting to explain! We then
covered the line of the fox and 'rated' the pack - turning back the hounds in the opposite direction. Result! The Huntsman ran any time we got near him, making use of the challenging terrain, but with sabs
in four vehicles, we kept on them all day. Frustration was showing when
we escorted the Hunt back to the meet at the end of the day, with a couple of terrier boys trying to throw their weight around.
But we had the last laugh when some reckless and rather shit driving of one of the terrier quads meant that they nearly tipped
it. Nice one boys! The hunt packed up at about 4.30pm. Support our work
for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE. Blackmore FH hunt and kill fox - woman monitor shoved to ground 24-2-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit Report Saturday 24th Feb 2018 - Blackmore and
Sparkford Vale Hunt meeting at Compton Castle So, here I am again not really in the mood to write
a hit report of today's events because the BSV hunt killed a fox again today. I will apologise now if this report isn’t
up to our usual standard but ill try my level best. With the weather being exceptionally cold... the ground was still frozen and frosty in the areas the sun had not reached.
We were unsure as to whether the hunt would even go ahead. With the Hunt heading south just
before 11.30am. It was soon clear that it was indeed going ahead, much to the delight of the foot support whose cars had filled
a whole field opposite the meet...
… the Huntsman reached Charlton Hill Farm and went back in on the western side of the road in the direction of Whitcombe.
There were cows in the field and the hounds were running amongst them, literally between their legs and the Whipper-in was
whipping the cows so that the Hunt, including the field were able to pass through... With an abundance of terrier boys in
hot pursuit... the Hunt headed... east towards Corton Denham... We made our way around to the Windmill Hill area and found a few of the usual hunt support
here... A foot team went up the footpath and could see the Huntsman, hounds and terrier boys across the field - but it was
too late and a fox had just been killed in an area slightly north of the farm. They were having trouble getting one of the
hounds away from the kill and the Whipper-In shouted to “smack her over the head with your shovel” to the terrier
boys. The terrier boys were very, very excited about the kill and danced up the hedge line laughing and jeering at us with
obscene hand signals. It will never fail to amaze and baffle us as to what gets them so excited, having just chased a small
animal that could well be pregnant and then let a pack of hound rip its guts out?? Down by the farm building our driver had got out
of the landy and was observing the hunt and was pushed six times by the female who collects the cap money for the BSV hunt who was saying “don’t fall over”
and then with a final push our driver was knocked to the ground. At this time there was several children and many adults who
were watching this happen - a lone female being pushed around in a cowardly and intimidating manner - shame on you all !!
This was all recorded and has been reported to the police and we will as ever update you with any news, but its not very fast
coming and this seems to be giving the thugs and terrier boys the impression that its OK to intimidate, threaten and assault
another human being who is peacefully also watching the hunt - which they have every right to do. Happy with this kill Mark Doggrel
headed back to the BSV kennels in Charlton Horethorne, packing up around 4pm. Whilst we sat at the kennels to confirm it was
indeed the end of the day we phoned the police again as our signal had dropped off earlier. The terrier boys arrived back
and blocked the landy in and so began more bully tactics and threats, at one point one punched the passenger window of the
landy but didn’t manage to break it. To sum up today we were a small team and wanted to observe the hunt to ensure they were operating within the law.
None of us engaged with nor had any desire whatsoever to engage with any of the Hunt yet, in return we were subjected to frequent
threats, intimidation and a couple of assaults. Our passion and drive to expose this injustice towards our wildlife will always
prevail and we will continue to maintain our dignity whilst surrounded by these foul mouthed, bullying, blood thirsty fox
killers - justice will prevail. As ever thank you for your continued support and comments - more photos and video footage to follow
tomorrow. If you want to join us please email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net. https://www.gofundme.com/dorset-sabs-bodycam-protection. Pics above - Left - Terrierman wagon
- note drain rods. For evicting gone-to-ground foxes? Right - Terrier in cage on back of sane
quad Pic below - Some of the supporter's cars Sabs ruin rarely sabbed South Wold FH hunting day Landowner throws Hunt off his property 24-2-18 Facebook - Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Today was a great day for us, our good friends Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs came over to help us sab a local Hunt for the first time. We have been monitoring the South
Wold for a few weeks so was nice to finally hit them properly. The Hunt met in Hainton and when we found them they were already
onto a fox but sabs rated the hounds and with some spraying managed to see the fox to safety. After
that the Hunt seemed pretty confused, it has been a long while since they have been sabbed and they did not know what to do!
This continued throughout the day with the Huntsman seeming unsure what to do, casting the hounds into coverts and then calling
them back a few moments later. This suited us fine as we kept them moving the entire day leaving no room for hunting. We stayed with the Hunt nearly the entire day, the hounds hardly picked up anything and sabs were on hand the whole time to
ensure nothing happened.
After the Hunt second horsed, we were approached by a landowner who made it clear the Hunt were
not welcome on his land. Good communication from sab ensured the Hunt had no hope, leading them to pack up at just after 3:30.
What a treat to be finished so early! It allowed us time for a couple of pints before heading off home. You can keep us in the field by donating here: https://ko-fi.com/lincolnhuntsaboteurs. Pics above - Top right - Rider on point - serves no purpose on 'trail hunt'
2/ Hounds get some sab love Pics
below - 1/ Sabs up with the Hunt 2/ Hunt packs up early  Sab attacked by hunter with hammer, woman anti ridden into
deep ditch Sabs rammed, kicked - gun and death threats also made by hunters 24-2-18 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs NI 24th Feb - hit report, part 1 Today this was a mixed hunt
that had members from North Down, Banbridge and Fermanagh Fox Hunts and even with that numbers were poor. They started off
earlier this morning due to their murdering celebrations tonight. We initially lost them today because of the early start, but it wasn’t long before we spotted the hounds and
were soon on their case. They were doing everything to kill foxes today but where getting nowhere as we frustrated them. This
led to 3 sabs being assaulted.
The guy in the picture [left] ran one of our females over with his horse and she
fell down a 6 foot ditch onto her back, and the latest update is that apart from bruising, she will be OK. This disgusting
person then proceeded to ram another sab over with his horse and then went on to kick another sab from his horse into the
stomach. If anybody knows his name we would be greatly appreciated. After this, they went round and round in circles
until things turned even nastier at the end of the meet. Sabs were attacked by a hunter with a hammer. We have a video of this vile person hitting a sab with this weapon and threatening
others with it as well. We will share this later tonight. This will show what they really are and if they are prepared to
do that to us what are they doing to wildlife when we aren’t there. But for today, while they
are assaulting us they aren’t killing wildlife. We can protect ourselves to a degree but wildlife have no chance. Long
runs the fox!! 24-2-18 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs NI VIDEO [v.strong language] Hit report,
part 2 This is the hammer attack that was totally unprovoked. We are led to believe these 2 vile scumbags
are from Banbridge area, if you know them please let us know their names. We are a totally peaceful group and always have
been. You will hear the hammer connecting with one of our sabs and video coverage is slightly effected. There was an earlier attack by this guy but Sab had to protect his face rather than video it. These two also threatened
to get their guns from their vans and, in their words, shoot us dead. They need to be taken off the streets, so any info please
private message us. You can’t be running around with hammers, swinging them at peoples skulls. The fact they are prepared to seriously harm people shows TWO things. One they are
getting annoyed that they can’t kill wildlife freely and secondly, they are a law into themselves. Sabs
save foxes at 3 Hunts meet - female anti assaulted 24-2-18 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs The Curre & Llangibby, Minehead Harriers & West Somerset Foxhounds have
all been sabbed today at their joint meet at Brompton Ralph near Taunton. Joining up with Sabs from Bristol, South Wales,
Severn Vale and Somerset Hunt Saboteur Groups, we were with the Hunts from the beginning of the day and stayed with them right
to the end! Using our vehicles and groups of foot Sabs to good effect, we positioned sabs to
the north and south of the meet to see which way the Hunts would move off. We soon caught up with them with hounds in cry
by Oakhampton Farm. A fox was seen to safety by Sabs nearby. On seeing sabs the hunt tried to flee but we stayed with them
as they drew coverts in a desperate attempt to satisfy their bloodlust. This established the pattern
of the day - the hounds would pick up a scent and Sabs would arrive in time to see the hunted animal to safety. Two foxes
were saved today and hounds were also stopped from rioting after young stags by Somerset Sabs. With 3 hunts rampaging through
the countryside, we dread to think what carnage would have occurred if Sabs had not been there to stop them. Tensions were obviously running high amongst the Hunt, who were frustrated
they were being stopped from murdering defenceless animals; a female Bristol Sab was pushed over from behind by a Minehead
Harriers terrierman with no provocation whatsoever. The Hunt were gathering hounds by Leigh’s Cottages for what seemed like an age (well, these were the Curre
& Llangibby’s hounds!) They eventually threw in the towel and packed up at 4.30pm. We’re heading back home
now, tired, muddy but happy knowing that innocent lives have been saved. If you like what we do, please support our fuel fund for the price
of a coffee ☕️ https://ko-fi.com/bathsabs. Sabs
save fox from Oakley FH's criminal Huntsman Villagers
annoyed at invasion of Filgrave Several
blocked setts found on estate 24-2-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit report 24.02.2018: Oakley Hunt, Park Farm, Tyringham The Oakley
Hunt headed to their end of season favourite, Tyringham Hall in Buckinghamshire today. During the winter months this is a
shooting estate; after shooting ends they play host to foxhunters; after foxhunting draws to a close they host mink and otter
hunting with hounds along the River Great Ouse. True lovers of the countryside, and killing everything in it. N.Cambs and
Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs were in position on roads flanking the meet to the east and west before the Hunt set off. After leaving the meet at Park Farm in the estate grounds, the Oakley drew a couple of small coverts before launching
north-west to Blackthorn and Broadmoor Coverts. Perhaps Jack Harris was put off by the name ‘Broadmoor’ after being recently found guilty at Luton Magistrates Court for criminal damage (http://bit.ly/2HIdETB) as he pushed on quickly to the north. Two foxes were put up from hedgerows in this area. This time of year foxes are paired up, preparing to rear young
in the summer, and a “brace” in close proximity will indicate both a dog and a pregnant vixen running for their
lives. After receiving the warning call and direction of hounds from Beds & Bucks, N.Cambs were on hand to intercept the
pack and cover the scent line of the first fleeing fox. Huntsman and Whip spent more time off their horses than on today,
with Jack having to repeatedly dismount to chase after his wayward hounds. With conditions cold and scenting good, the pack
were speaking frequently, sabs intervened with voice calls, horns and whip-cracks to bring the hounds back into check. When a local dog walker discovered the nature of the ‘equestrian activity’ near his home village, he
made sure the riders were made well aware of his views on hunting. Sabs were also assisted by joggers as the location
of the pack was passed on by decent members of the public who weren’t keen on hunting being allowed in their neighbourhood. Today's hunting country was limited by geography, bordered by
river and roads on all sides, and after two laboured circuits of the area the Hunt called it a day. A rather half hearted
attempt at stewarding was made by a collection of bumpkins who are usually seen walking in and out of court these days. We
were happy with that, as it meant that other Midlands sab groups were also being left alone to work un-bothered today. If you’d like
to support the work of your local sabs for the cost of a coffee, you can click here: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pics above - Top, Fox fleeing hounds Left - Hounds
chasing fox Right - Masked terriermen chasing hounds 24-2-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs The Tyringham Estate, just north of Milton Keynes, has been a long time supporter of the Oakley and wildlife abusers in general. The Northants Mink hounds hunt the river
there in the summer and today they hosted the Oakley who not satisfied with illegally hunting foxes also blocked up several
badger setts on the estate. Why would they need to do this if they were following a trail? Obviously not a serious question
as they don't follow a trail! Out with us today once again were our comrades N.Cambs Hunt
Sabs, we work very well together as a team and this has a major effect on the Hunts. Although the access was limited, the
Hunt were hemmed in on one side by the river Great Ouse (although we found a cheeky place to cross) and the estate boundary
to the east, plus the busy A509. Early on, they put up a brace of foxes in front
of us (they are paired up and vixens pregnant at the moment). Hounds went into cry but N.Cambs were in perfect position to
see them away to safety. No matter how hard the Huntsman (and convicted criminal) Calamity Jack Harris tried he simply could
not get away from us for any length of time. Villagers in Filgrave voiced their displeasure as both hounds and horse ran riot
through the village putting road users at risk and abusing property. Several deer were observed fleeing the hounds [one in pic at bottom] and the hunt staff (including
some we didn't recognise - joint meet maybe or perhaps a change for next season) had to dismount to retrieve rioting hounds.
What an absolute shambles they are!
We called the
police but they turned up and were probably fed a load of lies by Hunt Master Caroline Evans [above
right] and left shortly afterwards. We spoke with Thames Valley Police in the summer regarding hunting but it seems
once again they resorted to type and paid little interest in the law being broken. Apparently, they have to kill a fox for
any law to be broken. This is simply not true and sabs present explained the Hunting Act to them. With the Oakley now going round and round in circles it was painfully
clear to all that their time in the field would be coming to an end fairly shortly. Even a collection of miscreants who believe
they can stop us did nothing but charge around trying to look tough but have no effect at all. They packed up around 3pm and as usual we retired after covering many miles for some refreshment in the pub. Happy
Days. Pic above left - Huntsman and Whip getting lift from sett-blocking
terrierman Vixen reported killed by trespassing
Mendip Farmers FH 23-2-18
Facebook - Locals Against The Mendip Farmers Hunt We have been notified that the Mendip Farmers'
Hunt killed a healthy young vixen last Saturday, 17th February in Chewton Mendip. The Hunt and
hounds were seen trespassing on land where the poor fox's body was found shortly afterwards. (Source: reported to Bristol
Hunt Sabs). What makes this even more devastating is she is very likely
to have been pregnant at this time of year. If
you see the Hunt, please take photos and preferably video. Please put your safety first and stay at a safe distance, they
can be extremely violent. If you see or hear the hounds chasing a fox, or any animal, please call the police and get an incident
number. Make a note of the location. We will stop this Hunt
if we can get enough evidence against them, this is something we can all work together to achieve. Sabs persuade Ledbury FH hounds off
3 foxes they chasedNewly blocked sett found in area hunted 23-2-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Friday 23rd February 2018, Ledbury Hunt, Whiting Ash farm,
Berrow An early morning sett patrol revealed some lovely active setts that were not interfered
with. The hunt headed over to Longdon Marshes and Hillend where they did pick up before second horsing and running of to Gadbury
Bank, Eldersfield. Hounds were called off one fox with use of a gizmo, just enough to stop them hunting. They ran up towards
the main road later as sabs kept a watchful eye, fortunately they went back inland. At Berth Hill, they hunted eastwards with hounds
slowed by sabs rating and the Huntsman having to lift the pack from sabs and cast them further eastwards. Later, sabs saw a fox running from Pigeon House farm. There may have been a
brace as hounds came along a different line in full cry, sabs ran to stop them and had to contend with Peter Cooksie driving
dangerously all over the road. At Bridge End it sounded as though they had marked to ground
and sabs went in to assess. Hounds were trying to force their way through very quick brambles and a stick pile was noted.
It was then a matter of easing self in between hounds and brambles to dissuade them from continuing to hunt. Eventually, Mark
came along and gave up on that fox, calling the pack away. Further sett checking and a freshly
blocked sett was found at dusk. This was our first time out in Swampy the landie generously
donated to 3C and Welsh Border sabs by Devon Hunt Sabs. Please continue to support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Pics below - 1/ On the road again 2/
Newly blocked sett 3/ Hounds wanting to follow fox into thick brambles 
Grove & Rufford FH terrierman harangued after field trampled hedgeTerrierman one of 3 Hunt servants convicted last year of illegal hunting Sab struck by hunt photographer in front of public
at meet 23-2-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday, with a handful of Sabs, we paid the Grove and Rufford Hunt their second visit of the week. This
time they met at Ashes Farm, Wentworth and after parading in an arboretum, clearly signed 'no horses' [right], for
the public and photos they headed into Wentworth Park, popular with dog walkers and families near Rotherham. On attempting to follow, one Sab was struck by the hunt photographer
as we passed on a public road, in front of supporters with young children who seemed unsurprised by such behaviour, and then we were confronted by
Estate lackeys aiding the Hunt by blocking the path. What does this convicted hunt have to hide? Sabs found a route into the park
and quickly located the field watching the hounds drawing a small copse. On attempting to get closer our shadows yet again
blocked Sabs and the field did what G&R do and took off at speed, with stewards ensuring Sabs went back to the footpath. Arranging a pick up by the vehicle we found another route in and within no time located the Hunt north of the park
and yet again on spotting us they sped off, this being the constant story of the next hour until they left the park grounds
heading north. ... Our decision to head back to the same lane paid off as we found the hounds and Hunt master
crossing the lane ahead of us, with the field coming up the lane behind us. Foot sabs deployed after the hounds who once again
crossed the field at pace to escape us only to be spotted by our vehicle heading back to the meet, while the vehicle followed
the hounds to the meet. Foot sabs showed the true meaning of compassion, helping to catch a loose horse after one of the field
had fallen off. Highlight of the day
was coming across a member of the public haranguing the terrierman because the field had trampled a newly planted hedge. The
concerned citizen compared the Hunt's concern for the countryside with that of fly tippers and said he was going to complain
to the council. Whilst the terrierman attempted to replant the hedge we educated the member of the public about the terrierman's
conviction for illegal hunting. Warwickshire
FH hunt wood next to the M40 [fox escapes] 22-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt - Thursday 22nd 2018 - Bishops Itchington
We know the Warwickshire Hunt like to hunt next to and on busy main roads and occasionally even next to motorways. Thursday
was one of those days were they decided it would be a good idea to hunt a wood next to the M40. A few riders positioned themselves
in the field between the wood and the motorway but failed to notice the fox escape from the wood to safety. The Hunt spent
the whole day in the same bit of land, before ending the day by holding up traffic by hunting next to the road going into
Bishops Itchington. Clearly frustrated one member of the Hunt made veiled threats about one sab and where she lived. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below - 1/ Yes, that is the M40
2/ Rider on point - no place in 'trail hunting' 3/ Fox the Hunt didn't get  Cheshire F. FH chase fox across live railway, dig-out prevented Hunting vet used horse to obstruct monitors 22-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE FOREST AND FLINT & DENBIGH HUNTS, ASHTON 21/2/18 The Cheshire Forest Hunt hosted a joint meet with the Flint and Denbigh Hunt at Peel Hall
in Ashton. It was very clear after speaking to locals that this Hunt isn’t very welcome
in Ashton with vast swathes of land off limits to them, and this may have explained the extremely selfish parking of horse
boxes in the village that destroyed the grass verges in front of residents houses. (Complaints can be made via this page: http://www.kinseyracing.co.uk/contact).After After the usual chit-chat and back-slapping the Hunt left Peel Hall around 12.15pm and meandered around the Mouldsworth
area for some time. Considering it was a joint meet and it’s getting close to the end of the season and time is running
out to quench their hunting thirst it was a relatively small field... We anticipated the area where the Hunt would emerge so we moved
off and unsurprisingly quad bikes and Hunt support were lined up on Barnhouse Lane. Almost immediately, the hounds were heard
fully in cry and a fox emerged from the hedgerow running for it's life across the road adjacent to Grange Farm with the hounds baying right on
its tail. Seconds later Huntsman Andrew German and his fellow redcoats emerged at speed from the farm yard, galloping up the
road looking for the direction his hounds had gone. He made absolutely no attempt to call the hounds back, seeming preoccupied
and merely shouting at monitors to get out of the way as he galloped down the road. The reason for his 'anxiety' soon became apparent as his hounds chased the fox over a live railway line.
It really doesn’t bear thinking about at what could have happened; not only could all his hounds have been killed but
it completely compromised the safety of rail users. There are huge fines for this kind of trespass which may endanger lives,
and we are pursuing this with British Transport Police. "May the sound of the hounds never die" is a popular expression
used by Hunts and their supporters for what can only be described as a noise akin to something from a horror movie, as the
hounds bay and yelp as the pick up the scent of a fox; an awful noise to anyone else's ears. And as this noise
came across the fields it clearly demonstrated that the hounds were doing, either killing the fox or had it pinned underground;
cue the arrival of Liz Gorse [above right] - who, we may have mentioned, is a practising domestic
vet - who sauntered down the road looking over at where the noise was coming from. Monitors asked her how, as a vet, she could
support what was happening in a field next to her. Surprise, surprise, she completely blanked us. Of course, ethically and morally as a vet she is supposed to care and protect animals and, as such, has no place at
a fox hunt. Maybe she will realise this one day. Today wasn't that day, however, given the way she was gazing over to
the commotion with a look of satisfaction on her face. As monitors got in their
vehicles and tried to get to the fox, Liz Gorse then used her horse to block us on the road to delay us further. Absolutely
abhorrent behaviour, not to mention against the law. Monitors then headed to the area where the fox had run via a bridle path, and unsurprisingly there was a quad bike
and a pick-up truck in the field adjacent. We believe they were there to dispose of any evidence of the kill and with our
arrival they had to leave. In the field you could clearly see where a horse had jumped over a ditch into a second field, and
as we made our way over the ditch we could see several setts of hoof prints, which we used to track our way to where we fully
expected to see the remains of a fox. The fox thankfully had managed to find a badger sett to hide in [above
right]; its rare to find one unblocked when this Hunt is around! The Cheshire Forest Hunt have
no regard for the law when it comes to badger setts as the sett has still clearly been damaged, hoof prints on spoil heaps [right], areas
where the hounds had been clearly digging, hound prints down holes. Was there really a need for the Hunt to ride horses onto
a badger sett. Clearly they also expected to find a fox's body and had gone to look, and clearly no wildlife is safe when
this Hunt is out. While we filmed and logged the damage to the sett with the police, the Hunt took off again. We found them later around Ash
Wood where it seems some of the hounds had managed to get themselves lost [left, Huntsman looking for
them]as there were several horns being blown trying to find them. The hounds didn’t make it easy and it took 40
minutes of synchronised horn blowing before they were found.
Thankfully then the Hunt packed up, and we don’t believe there
were any kills as the fox we saw managed to make it to safety, although more by good luck than anything else. If you have information
about any hunts in or around Cheshire, please contact us in strict confidence, by PM here or on email to info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk,
and help us #StopTheHunts. If you would like to support Cheshire Monitors you can donate at paypal.me/CMonitors - thank you! Pics below - Hounds in cry after fox they ran to ground 'Trail
hunting' protests at many Nat. Trust properties this Sunday 22-2-18 Aol.com National Trust faces anti-hunt
protests - Demos planned at 17 sites across
the country on Sunday The National Trust
allows so-called 'trail hunts' on its land, where hounds are supposedly following a scent - but many wild animals,
including foxes, hares and even deer, end up being chased and killed at these events. Trail hunting has long been suspected of being a cover for illegal
hunting by campaigners against bloodsports - but the National Trust used proxy votes to narrowly defeat a motion to ban it last October, despite an online petition
gaining 175,000 signatures in support of the move. National Dis-Trust, which campaigns against hunting on National Trust land, is working with local groups
for a day of protest on February 25th. Among 17 demonstrations already planned, National Dis-Trust will team up with Somerset Wildlife Crime for the protest at Dunster Castle; with Weymouth Animal Rights at Kingston Lacy House and Gardens; with Cheshire Against the Cull at Little Moreton Hall, Congleton; and with Grantham Against Bloodsports at Woolsthorpe Manor. Full list of locations here. 'Complicity
in criminal bloodsports' A spokesperson for National Dis-Trust said:
"Recent licensed meets of hunts like the Warwickshire Hunt have been complete with terrier men lurking in the vicinity,
ready to inflict immense suffering on any foxes that escape the hounds as well as their terriers. Along with many hunt monitors
and saboteurs, wildlife campaigners and animal rights activists across the UK, we will be highlighting the National Trust's
complicity in criminal bloodsports at their properties on Sunday 25th February." The National Trust, explaining its position on trail hunting here, insisted it "does not allow illegal hunting on its land, and anyone who suspects
illegal activity should report it to the police". A spokesperson added: "We have been carefully listening to both
sides of a highly polarised and passionate debate around trail hunting for years. Cover for illegal hunting "People have the legal right to organise demonstrations and express their views. We accept these protests on
our land, provided they are respectful and do not interfere with conservation or access for our visitors." There was no comment, however, on claims that trail hunting is a cover for illegal hunting, as acknowledged during
a debate in the Commons last month. Followers of the National Trust's Twitter account bombard the charity daily with objections to hunting, leaving comments on most of the photographs it
tweets. Hunt monitors allege
police forces across the country usually ignore their video and photographic evidence of illegal hunting. In Cheshire, a review of how police handle reports of illegal
hunting is under way after an intervention by Mike Amesbury, MP for Weaver Vale. 'Ignored
the will of their members' Eduardo Goncalves, Chief Executive at
the League against Cruel Sports, said: "The National Trust is letting down its members by turning a blind eye to
the illegal activity taking place on its land under the cover of 'trail' hunting. Rather than looking objectively
at the evidence, they have sat on the fence on this issue. They ignored the will of their members to block the vote to ban
trail hunting on their land. They claimed they would regulate and monitor trail hunting on their land, but this hasn't
materialised, with several hunts already being spotted carrying on as normal. If they have any respect for their members or
their reputation, they will take this issue more seriously than they are at present, because people don't want animals
being killed for fun on land which is meant to be protected for all of us.  Warks
FH filmed fox hunting 4 days after woman sees same Huntsman aware, no attempt to call hounds off Sabs again ask why NT are licencing this outfit 22-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO ANOTHER FOX HUNTED BY THE WARWICKSHIRE HUNT Warwickshire Hunt
- Wednesday 21st February – Bodicote On Saturday 17th February, a member of the public sent
us photos and an explanation of what they saw when they came across the Warwickshire Hunt near Stratford Upon Avon. They themselves
wrote that they hadn’t seen a fox hunt before but what they believed they were witnessing was a fox being hunted by
hounds encouraged on by the Huntsman and terrier-man. This video speaks for itself filmed
3 days after a member of the public witnessed them hunting. AGAIN we ask why the National Trust are allowing the Warwickshire Hunt onto their land given all the evidence filmed
and accounts given by ourselves and other members of the public to what this Hunt are doing. We have been exposing the Warwickshire Hunt
from September 2017. We have witnessed and filmed numerous foxes being chased, hounds on main roads, hunt trespass, hounds
rampaging through private back gardens and violence towards us. It is obvious to anyone
that comes into contact with this Hunt that they are hunting foxes and continue to do so. Their arrogance is astounding and
they will bully anyone who stands up to them and as they see it ‘gets in their way’. Today was no different as
they were harassing the two sabs present at this meet. There harassing behaviour will be shown in another video. The National Trust have said they think that there is no place on a "trail
hunt" for terrier-men, we'd like to ask the National Trust what they think is happening in this video and what role
the terrier-men played? Please sign the petition to get the Warwickshire
Hunt banned from National Trust land https://www.change.org/p/farnborough-hall-stop-the-warwicks… Please politely ask Patrick Begg, who oversees the National Trust's hunting policy, why assault, trespass, convictions
for illegal hunting and illegally hunting through people's gardens isn't enough to turn down a licence application
at mailto:patrick.begg@nationaltrust.org.uk.Also Also don’t
forget that on Sunday there will be a peaceful protest at Upton House which the Warwickshire Hunt have been granted a licence
by the National Trust to access. https://www.facebook.com/events/164522167645928/. Please consider donating
to help us carry on exposing the Warwickshire Hunt - Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. #strengthenthehuntingact Pic above right - Terrierman threatens female sab Pics below - 1/ Fox fleeing
hounds 2/ Hounds in cry seconds behind fox Violent hunt 'steward' gets Community Order for assaults on sabs Also put on a tag and ordered to do - don't laugh - 'rehabilitation
activities' 22-2-18 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs Good news! Northampton Magistrates Court, Thursday 22nd February
2pm, Court 6. Today, Shaun Stacey was sentenced for 4 assaults last year, including three on South Cambs Hunt Sabs.
He was given a Community Order for 6 months, electronic tag with curfew from 7pm to 7am, plus 10 days rehabilitation activities
set by probation and court costs and victim payments coming to around £1000. Stacey [right, nickname
'The Angry Egg'] acts as a 'steward' - hunt-speak for goon hired to protect their illegal
persecution of wildlife by obstructing, menacing and attacking antis - for several Hunts in the south-east midlands and
doubtless will continue to do so despite his convictions. That sort of thing does not seem to bother Hunts, in fact it may
make his services the more attractive to them. Further info re. the charming Stacey see here, hereand here. 22-2-18 HSA PR Violent Hunt Thug Sentenced for Multiple Assaults
Shaun Stacey, self appointed hunt steward, was today sentenced at Northampton Magistrates court for multiple assaults against
hunt saboteurs. He received a 6 month community order, 4 month tag between 19:00 and 07:00 and a fine of £1010 including
compensation to the victims. He was not deemed fit for the community order (although fit enough
to attend hunts and assault people) so he has to attend 10 sessions to learn empathy. He has stated to the probation service
that he will NOT be attending any hunts. Whether he does remains to be seen. He still has one further assault charge to be
heard in the coming months. Lee Moon, spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Stacey and his band of so called stewards are nothing more than a violent
criminal gang who protect illegal hunts and attack anyone who gets in their way. Stacey has an extensive record of violence
against hunt sabs and whilst we're pleased he was found guilty the sentence was far to lenient and we believe that if
the tables were turned then a prison sentence would be the result. If Hunts have nothing to hide then why do they employ these
violent stewards to stop hunt sabs.” Police seek info on hare hunting - thought by N. Norfolk Harriers 21-2-18
Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Looks like our friends the North Norfolk Harriers
have been naughty again. 21-2-18
Facebook - North Norfolk Police Police are appealing for witnesses after a hunting offence was committed in Stiffkey at the weekend. At
approximately 1pm on Saturday 17th February 2018 a group of dogs were seen to chase hares across farm land, through a public
car park and onto marshland - which forms part of the Nature Reserve. Anyone who may have witnessed
the incident, or anyone with information, should contact Norfolk Police on 101 quoting reference 36/9769/18. Alternatively
contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Local says
Mendip Farmers FH breaking FC licence by hunting with quads21-2-18 Facebook - Locals Against The
Mendip Farmers Hunt We've been informed by a supporter that the Mendip Farmer's Hunt have
been hunting in Stockhill Wood on a number of occasions, along with quad bikes. We have checked with the
Forestry Commission and unfortunately the Mendip Farmers do have a "trail hunting" licence for Stockhill Wood -
but they are prohibited from taking quad bikes in there. So please keep your eyes open when in the area and try to get photos
and / or video evidence of 1) signs of illegal hunting - clearly not following a trail, fleeing foxes, blocking badger setts,
terriermen digging up holes where a fox could have gone to ground (also notify the police and get an incident number), 2)
quad bikes being taken onto Forestry Commission land 3) the Hunt not following the hard paths and churning up the ground. N. Shropshire FH Huntsman has terriers
stolen from his house 21-2-18 Shropshire Star Four terriers stolen from Shropshire gardens in two days Four dogs were stolen
from two Shropshire homes over two days - The disappearance of the terriers has left youngsters in tears and their owners
desperate to see their animals returned Three border terriers were stolen from a kennel at a house
at Moreton Say, Market Drayton, on February 14 while owner, Julian Barnfield was in hospital for an eye appointment. The previous
day a 10-year-old terrier, GJ, was taken from a garden in the Ifton area of St Martin's. His owner, Jane Goodhead, said
the dog would never have wandered out of the garden. "He is an old dog and is on medication. Our daughter, Poppy, who
is five wont stop crying. We just want him home," she said. She said a red van was seen in the area on the day GJ disappeared.
Anyone with information can contact her on 07814 141853. Mr Barnfield said his kennel was
forced open and the three females, three-year-old Berry and her daughters one-year-old Ivy and four-month old Erin, were taken.
He said: "We have four terriers, all from the same family. I knew I was going to be away for a long time so we left the
older one in the house and the other three in their kennel outside. When we returned the padlock to the kennel had been forced
and the dogs were gone. They hadn't touched their food so I know they must have been stolen about 9am, not long after
we left. Around that time a small white van was seen in the area." Mr Barnfield said he had owned border terriers all from the same
family, for about 25 years and loved his dogs. "They are real house dogs. The strange thing is I am usually out all day
on Wednesdays and they always come with me. Our daughter, Claudia, who is 10, is distraught," he said. We just want the
dogs back and have offered a reward. People can contact us on 07917 861519." POWAperson comments
- Whilst I utterly condemn these thefts and feel sorry for the kids, I should remind readers who Julian Barnfield is.
He has been a professional Huntsman for decades. Whilst with the Heythrop Fox Hounds he was charged several times with illegal
hunting, finally, despite it being very difficult to secure convictions under the poorly framed Hunting Act, electing to plead
guilty to four charges in December 2012. The Heythrop sacked him, presumably for getting caught. He is now the Huntsman for
the North Shropshire Fox Hunt. He will have engaged in the cruel chasing and slaughter of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
defenceless foxes in his career. It is standard practice for Hunts to kill hounds once they reach around six years of age
and start to slow, so it seems likely he will have been involved in the destruction of hundreds of healthy dogs at around
half of their natural life span. Old Surrey FH found fox hunting at midweek meet - sabs stop Hunt then reverts to trying to follow
trails 21-2-18 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Mission 66 Old Surrey and Burstow Tuesday 20-2-18
As we know that, like other Hunts in the South-East, the Old Surrey and Burstow hunt illegally mid-week and pretend to trail
hunt on a Saturday, the local groups clubbed together to get a car load out (Guildford, North Downs, Brighton and South Coast)
only five of us (contrary to the Hunts' opinion we do have jobs). So, off our little
band went to Smarts Hill near Penshurst. We quickly found on our arrival the Hunt hunting illegally with no sign of trail
layers. The Hunt, when they realised that we were there, became fast-moving with the sabs mostly in contact with them. The main bit of action was near Chiddingstone (where the Hunt killed in 2016}. When
the hounds were in cry after a fox sabs were in the right place at the right time so the Hunt called off the hounds. They
then seemed to realise the game was up and there was a long pause when they finally got round to laying a trail - and packed
up shortly afterwards. Sabs pleased with their efforts in saving a fox retired to the pub. If you would like to help us
stay in the field please donate to https://ko-fi.com/A62094D. Exeter Councillor speaks of his weekend persona - as a hunt sab 21-2-18 DevonLive Exeter city councillor, 20, opens up about 'double
life' as controversial hunt sab - Cllr Lewis Keen has taken a 'hands on' stance against the 'most organised
animal abuse you could possibly get' A 20-year-old Exeter City councillor has opened up about
his double-life as one of Devon's controversial hunt saboteurs. Since his election in 2016, Cllr Lewis Keen's average
Monday to Friday consists of licencing and scrutiny meetings, site visits, meeting with his constituents and sifting through
piles of paperwork. But once the weekend arrives, he dons his boots, camouflage gear and joins those with a common cause against
illegal fox hunting and other rural blood sports. Speaking with Devonlive.com, Cllr Keen [right, in hunting field, green cap] wants to 'out' himself publicly as a member of Devon County Hunt Saboteurs. He feels it is vitally
important to speak candidly about what he does before enraged fox hunters exploit knowledge of his political career. Yes I'm
a councillor on the weekdays, but I do surprising things at the weekend," admits Cllr Keen, "I've been ruining
their illegal fun, basically. Really, I should not have to do this. I don't want to be there. But the appropriate authorities
are continually failing to uphold the law." He feels
particularly strongly about suggestions from critics that he and his fellow hunt sabs are out to provoke violence. Firstly,
I can only speak for my group. It is all lies that we are provoking violence, and it is ridiculous to think that we would
go up against men on horses. Our group is 80 per cent women. This is against guns, dogs and men on horses. Many of [those
joining illegal hunts] have convictions for assault and criminal records [example of Eggesford FH thug,
left]. How stupid to think we'd cause an incident just to get our arses kicked. I hate going out.
You never know when you or your friends will get seriously injured. It's also very upsetting. Animals can scream." "A few weeks ago I witnessed a beagle
hunt kill, the image of it looking at me whilst it was ripped apart imprinted on my mind for weeks. Every time I closed my
eyes all I could see was something utterly traumatic and heart breaking. If you see something live ripped apart and a person
is laughing at you for being upset by that... I have better things to do on a Saturday. " And to the Labour member, it is neither a ‘class issue’ nor a ‘Labour versus Tory’ issue. He says
it is purely an ‘animal cruelty issue.’ "There are many in the Conservative Party who are against animal
cruelty and to paint it as a political issue is not fair on the numerous Tories who care just as strongly as I do about animal
An average 'sab'-Saturday will involve members tracing where the 'blow off' point
of the hunt will be, at the latest moment possible as to not encourage the Hunt to switch their plans. One of the main aims
is to prove a huntsman has intent before you are able to provide the evidence to police and get a conviction. The other is
to ensure the fox escapes with its life. Cllr Keen explains:
"We will follow the hunt, always filming, always trying to keep up. Our aims are preserving life. Whenever they go to
kill an animal we will intervene. Basically, we copy the huntsman. They will control their hounds by noises and horn calls.
We replicate them to confuse the hounds." Cllr Keen, who represents the ward of St David’s, wasn't always firmly on the side
of the sabs. Growing up in a rural area on the border of
London and Kent, he has memories of being taken to hunts by his parents. As a child he was initially impressed by the red
coats and the pomp. However,
he later began to have a "growing realisation” of the cruelty linked to the practices of illegal hunting. He questioned
the ethics of what some Hunts do and, when he moved to study at the University of Exeter, made contact with Devon County Hunt
Sabs through their Facebook page. He says the tipping point had been footage of an English huntsman "making sexually
suggestive comments to a hunt sab. Fundamentally, these people are breaking the law. What they are doing is sadistic and egregious.
When it comes down to it, it is a poncy way of abusing animals and no different to dog fighting. Just because they have a
posh accent they think they are above the law. It's like the Wild West. As people living in this society we have overwhelmingly
decided what they are doing is wrong. It is normal to find animal abuse abhorrent, and it is quite normal to say I want to
put a stop to it. But we have to ask ourselves: 'What are we doing about it?'" Unlike other sabs, Cllr Keen has refused to cover his face and hide his identity.
He adds that none of the tactics deployed by his group 'are illegal' and trespassing is not an issue. "I don't wear a face cover because why
should I? I am not breaking the law, I am not abusing animals. "If you heard or saw a neighbour abusing their pet animal,
you would go and help that animal." He says his extra-curricular activities
are having no impact on his role as a councillor. It is public knowledge among his council colleagues, and has never been
challenged on it. The only time it has interfered was when he "struggled to cope with the consequences of nearly experiencing
serious injury" after allegedly being 'ran over' by a huntsman in an Audi at the end of 2017. An ongoing criminal
case, he claims he rolled over the bonnet of the car 'multiple times.' If someone is running for office, I think they
should be very transparent about what they do in their spare time and what their principles are. I try and make unbiased decisions,
but I would declare an interest if there was a matter which involved somebody who was a hunter." He encourages anyone
who has issue with what he does to contact him for a civil discussion. Tensions have mounted amongst local hunts in recent months. They explicitly
deny breaking the Hunting Ban law. Last month it is claimed 46-year-old Sid Leigh, of Bodmin, suffered a broken nose, a hoof
print to the head and extensive bruising after being punched in an altercation with a Hunt. He is also said to have been trampled
on by a horse during an altercation between members of South Devon Animal Rights and Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers on
Saturday, January 13, at Gullet Farm in South Pool, near Kinsgbridge. A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said: “All allegations connected with hunts are
assessed and investigated appropriately. This includes offences against the act, damage, assault and disorder, and we share
information, investigations and best practice with other forces and agencies. As part of routine policing, we do work with
our communities who have an interest in hunt activity, and last weekend we had officers attend a hunt in Mid Devon. “It
is clear that whilst these incidents can and do appear on social media, they still remain under reported to the police. We
are unable to investigate incidents that are only discussed on social media, they must be reported to us via our official
channels. We would encourage witnesses to any offences to share with us unedited footage and images, and be prepared to give
statements to allow us to investigate any allegation of criminality. We are aware of the sensitivities and the high-emotions
that are linked to these incidents. We wish to reassure you that we will act impartially and promptly to any incident reported
to us.” Woman reports Hunt trespass on Woodland Trust land by her home Rider claimed they 'trail hunting' AND
flushing to their bird of prey 20-2-18 Facebook - Fox Hunting Evidence Stacey Ann I today witnessed a ‘trail hunt’ opposite my house [right]. I cannot believe this is still happening especially within a Woodland Trust woods, where
children play. I contacted the police but they failed to arrive. I cannot believe how there are loopholes in the law that
still allow this to happen. I have shared a clip of me entering the woods on my timeline if anybody wants to look, share and
comment. I am very upset by all of this ������. 20-2-18 Facebook – Your Invisble Crown - Stacey Ann is feeling furious VIDEO So, as I left mine to go to the gym you could hear the most horrendous noise from
fox hunting ����. So, obviously, I ran over to all of the commotion. This [see VIDEO] is a small
clip from one entrance to the woodland.. I then entered the woods after this video and walked alongside those inside and surrounded
by dogs! Absolutely vile !!!! I followed them and continued to film. Several cars left shortly after with hunters in them, and a quad with black
boxes (clearly for the innocent beings they have killed). No horse boxes present, so I can only assume that the hounds and
horses fled and made way towards Landermere whilst I was on the phone to the police. Hopefully they sent people out to stop
them but I haven’t seen any police as yet. This is an illegal sport!!!! The woods it was taking place
in is a public right of way where kids and their dogs walk! Very scary and dangerous! It was clearly planned as horses were
blocking both entrances and they clearly knew that the tip at the end of the road was closed today, so there would be no traffic!
Absolutely vile human beings! If anybody sees them continuing this vile ‘sport’ locally please report them again! I cannot believe
nobody else down my lane couldn’t hear the noise! But if me walking over there and filming amongst them scared them
off then at least hopefully I have saved the lives of some sentient beings ��. POWAperson adds - In the video, Stacey Ann approaches a mounted huntswoman [right] at the entrance to the Woodland
Trust property. She asks her if they are fox hunting. She replies 'Mm... [pause while she remembers
what it is they are meant to pretend they are doing] we are trail hunting... and flushing to our bird
of prey.' Covering all the bases, then. Stacey Ann then walks into the woodland. Hounds not seen in the clip but can be
heard a little way ahead of her, as they were, baying, at the start of the film.
Woodland Trust has recently made it clear that they do not allow Hunts, 'trail' or otherwise, any access to their land, not even for the
purposes of removal of hounds that may have strayed there. This incident was at Kirby le Soken in north-east Essex. Can't be sure, but
the Hunt concerned was probably the Suffolk and Essex FH. This Hunt was responsible for an atrocity in 2011 at the village
of Bradfield, a few miles away. Their hounds pursued a fox into a garden where a family was enjoying a quiet barbecue. They
caught and mauled the fox. The Whipper-In then charged into the garden, wrestled the fox from hounds and clubbed it to death
with his crop in front of the family, leaving blood-stains on their patio. The story was covered by the Daily Mail. Noticing that the local press had not run it, I contacted them. Despite my urgings, and the
Mail having already provided a template for them, they did not cover the story. Nor could I persuade Essex police to do anything
about this outrage, though there were several possible criminal charges they could have preferred. They explained their failure
to charge under the Hunting Act by saying the Hunt had claimed to have been 'exempt hunting' under the Falconry clause
and they had, unfortunately, lost control of the hounds. The police's failure to act may or may not have had something
to do with one of the Joint Masters being the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, personally appointed to that role by the Queen. The ridiculous 'Falconry Exemption' was clearly inserted into
the Hunting Act to provide an excuse for Hunts to pursue quarry with a full pack of hounds. Though falconers do sometimes
use a dog or two to put up animals for their birds to swoop upon, none would dream of using a full hound pack. The Hawk Board,
the country's main authority re. falconry, strenuously objected to the clause's inclusion in the Act, saying, rightly,
it could lead to serious danger to the birds of prey. But their - and our - wishes were over-ridden. So, some, though not many, Hunts go out with a 'bird
handler' carrying around a bird of prey, which usually has to spend the day crammed into a box on a quad bike, being bumped
about, often on rough tracks and fields. Generally, they are eagle owls, which are almost certainly not large enough to tackle
a fox. Their purpose is to provide a ready-made alibi for the Hunt if caught chasing a wild mammal with dogs. I know of only three occasions, in
13 years, on which a bird of prey has actually been used by a Hunt. These all involved golden eagles. The first was at
the Fitzwilliam FH, on New Years Day 2016. This incident resulted in the Huntsman and bird-handler being charged with illegal
hunting. Incredibly, such is the power of Hunts' expensive lawyers to delay the judicial system, the case has still not
been heard, the trial now being scheduled for April. The second and third cases were earlier this season and a fox and a hare
were killed. In the first case, sabs reported that the Huntsman was furious with the bird-handler because he wanted the hounds
to catch the fox. Sabs find selves in right place to save fox from Old Surrey FH 20-2-18 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Burstow caught red-handed hunting midweek A small
bunch of us joined up with Guildford Hunt Saboteurs and went up to Penshurst today as we suspected the Old Surrey and Burstow
Hunt were doing most of their killing during midweek meets. Sure enough, no trail was to be found and the huntsman spent the
day actively drawing the woods to the east of Cowden, with the hounds sporadically picking up on fox scents. At
about 2pm, we found ourselves in just the right position as we heard the hounds in cry in the woods directly below us, and
coming our way. We then heard a holloa from of the riders (indicating that they had seen a fox). Luckily, however, as we made
our presence known to the huntsman, the knowledge that antis were close by and ready to intervene if need be was enough to
force them to leave that fox and go off in a different direction. Interestingly enough, this was at the precise location that
they dropped and killed a fox in front of sabs last season. The Hunt proved difficult
to find for a while, but with clear signs that they had packed up and left the area not too long afterwards we headed home
happy of a successful day. Any donations towards our ongoing costs are always much appreciated: paypal.me/BtnHuntSabs.
Sabs stop bad terrier fight due to Eggesford
FH hounds passingSay they were
'hard terriers' owned by a hunt follower And that his
terriers used in dig-outs by the Eggesford Owner says will treat injuries himself - sabs to report to RSPCA 20-2-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO PLEASE SHARE! SABS BREAK UP TERRIER FIGHT AT EGGESFORD HUNT
Last week whilst sabbing the Eggesford Hunt near Ashreigney some of our sabs came across a fight between a group of terriers
in the yard belonging to Lower Narracott Farm. The hunt had just been through and this had set the terriers off. Several of
the terriers' faces were already covered in blood, one of them was going crazy in the kennel and the two Lakeland terriers
latched on muzzle to muzzle, tearing at each other's faces as they would if they were fighting a fox in a dig-out scenario... Two retired Eggesford terriermen were there bashing the terriers with a stick, which did nothing to separate them.
Our sabs, many of whom have extensive animal care experience, knew what to do and managed to get the two terriers apart by
wedging a pole in between their jaws. The terriers had horrible injuries to their faces and the whole incident had been extremely
distressing to witness. Sabs had to leap straight back into action as another team had witnessed hounds chasing a fox in their
direction. As you can see, instead of thanking
us, the owner Peter Anstey and his son James later blamed sabs for causing the terrier fight! They pleaded with us not to
put the footage up on Facebook. What they and the hunt probably don't want the world to know is that the Ansteys follow
the hunt, the Hunt meet on their land and these are 'hard terriers' used to dig out foxes. They are prohibited even
under the gamekeepers' exemption of the Hunting Act. We were told that instead of taking the terriers to the vet, Anstey would simply
give them a shot of penicillin. We have shared all our footage with the RSPCA and will be monitoring how the situation progresses.
We are not cowed by threats from hunts and their members and will always take action on animal cruelty, including exposing
those engaged in it. If you like what we do, please donate to our fuel fund: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Send us information or get involved: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Hunt that killed in front of tourists on NT land licenced by them 20-2-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust The Haydon Hunt have once again been licensed to hunt on
National Trust land On December
28th 2013, the Haydon Hunt killed a fox on National Trust land in front of horrified families who were visiting Housesteads
Roman Fort. The local paper, the Hexham Courant, reported that ‘one man on a quad bike was in attendance and took the
mutilated body of the fox away.’ The National Trust comment was composed of a cut and paste response which the Trust
used frequently on their Facebook page. They had originally denied that the fox was killed on NT land, trying to blame English
Heritage, who own the property, while the Trust owns the land around it. English Heritage however, were quick to point out
that they do not licence hunting at all. Perhaps more
shockingly, Northumbria Police decided to add their own dishonest comment, saying that it was ‘important to stress that
the incident was not part of the organised hunt and the death of the fox was not intentional’. Bearing in mind that
the Haydon Hunt had already admitted that they had killed the fox, a Freedom of Information request was sent to Northumbria
Police, asking how were the police able to comment with such conviction unless they were present. Unsurprisingly, the police
response was that it was not in the public interest to respond to the FOI request, so completing the cover up on behalf of
the Haydon Hunt and the National Trust. The licensed area can be seen here. Lost, injured Badsworth FH hound found wandering housing estate 20-2-18 Facebook - Jordan Barwell VIDEO FOUND NOW Lost dog in
fish lake, bleeding from feet very scared - please share. Dog found! Thanks to all that shared. Showed my ten year old an important message of how fast a picture can go viral
2 hours and over 1k shares!! Reply from - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Thanks. It was Badsworth
and Bramham Moor FH. They had hounds all over, including a canal tow path from where they are banned.  Melbreak FH NT licence suspended after seen chasing foxes 20-2-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust It appears that the Melbreak Foxhound's 'trail hunting' licence has been suspended
The Melbreak were witnessed on Saturday chasing foxes on 3 separate occasions. The Melbreak's licence was also suspended
for 24 hours in January 2017, after a Melbreak supporter and convicted rapist assaulted a hunt monitor. Hopefully the NT will
take Saturday's events more seriously. Screen grab from https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/features/list-of-licensed-trail-hunts 20-2-18 -  Atherstone
FH try to hunt foxes, hounds all over roads 19-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt - Saturday 17th February - Bentley, Warwickshire
On Saturday, 10 riders from the Atherstone Hunt met at the Horse And Jockey, Bentley before they moved off to hunt the
Merevale estate. We kept an eye on them all day and witnessed them illegally hunting throughout the day. Huntsman Mike Lane
lost complete control of the pack who ended up all over the surrounding roads, losing control of the pack is becoming something
of a common occurrence and after almost a whole season of this we can say that current Atherstone Huntsman Mike Lane has even
less control over the hounds than the Atherstone's previous inexperienced huntsman Stuart Barton. We
were temporarily blocked in by an Atherstone supporter who was on his mobile phone whilst using his vehicle. Warwickshire
police were informed of his actions. This particular supporter was given a police caution a few years ago by Warwickshire
Police for his behaviour at the hunts New Years day meet in Atherstone so we’re not surprised by his actions on Saturday.
It does however show that the Atherstone Hunts zero tolerance policy for bad behaviour is meaningless and that the hunt can
not be trusted to tell the truth. Paypal - https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Middleton
FH hunt in vast, fenced estate - sabs think fox shot 18-2-18 Facebook - East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs We received a tip off that the Middleton Hunt were being given access to Sledmere Estate, situated near Driffield East Yorkshire, today. The tip off was correct...
by 9.30am the hounds van was parked up on land opposite the Estate. Within 30 minutes the red coats and their minion's
were ready to ride out. Shocked by the young age of some of the riders [example
pic right], it was heartbreaking to see such young souls brainwashed to think that what they were about
to do was acceptable ... If those young children were to be thrown off amongst larger riders and horses, the consequences
could be unthinkable. We
were surprised that some gates to the Estate were opened wide to allow them on the land . These gates are rarely used. The
gates were then firmly shut. Trying to follow by vehicle was going to be difficult, but not much stops us. They could be heard
but not seen as unfortunately the high fencing around the Estate is not the type for climbing! We tried and failed, We came across hunt supporters parked dangerously on the grass verge [left]. This
particular road is notorious for accidents due to the sharp, blind bends. Suddenly we spotted a red coat doing a rather crazy
dance, we then saw a stray hound running across the road. The other hunters appeared with the full pack of hounds who then
decided to join in. Running amok on an already dangerous road made more dangerous by the incredibly thoughtless actions of
the hunt support. How a hound didn't get hit is a miracle. Then to top it off the riders decided to do some dressage in
the road. Eventually moving on they entered
a wooded area followed by terriermen! [right] ,,, Why would Sledmere Estate allow
terriermen on?
We came across them on a few occasions but due to
the vast area we're unable to follow on foot. The hunt followers were a good give away to the location of the Hunt...
Moving on we spotted about 10 hunt supporters vehicle's parked up. We decided to join them... Unfortunately about five
minutes later we heard the hounds in cry across the fields into the woods. Suddenly we heard a shot gun twice. We think they
flushed a fox and shot it. The timings were precise to the events. Its with heavy broken heart's we believe this to be
so, but we cannot prove it. We
saw the hounds van being moved so obviously followed it. It was parked up at the Sledmere monument. It was rather tricky to park up as it was full of hunt supporters and horse boxes. We managed to park in between
them. Risky but necessary to check if the returning hounds had blood on them. Thankfully they appeared to be free from being
bloody. The Hunt Master and his heartless followers passed by our vehicle. It felt surreal being outnumbered and surrounded
by a total different species. The heartless, soulless kind. They packed
up around 2.30pm which is quite early for them, which sadly makes us sure they killed a fox. We watched as one of the terriermen
approached a hunt supporter and was handed something that could only be money. We wanted to go and check the terriers box
for evidence but priority for our own safety must come first. Monitoring, sabbing, following a hunt is tiring and on days like today can be heartbreaking if you
suspect the murder of innocent wildlife but....... while ever the Hunting Act is so flimsy we'll be there doing what ever
we can to save them. We're
hoping to get our Go Fund me set up next week. Please, please donate what you can. An average day can cost £25-30 just
in fuel. There's so many ways to help us if you're not wanting or able to join us actively. Tell us what you know,
keep aware. Donate. Share our fight . Thank you for supporting us. Vale of the White Horse FH may have killed fox at Aston Down 18-2-18 Facebook – Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Comment on post and CIHW reply Mia Vaughan Just
had a lot of people on horses with their hounds on Aston Down Airfield. Fox hunting sadly, after they left not log ago, me
and my mum found part of a dead fox, mauled to death and disembodied. Still warm!!! Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch We
think this would have been the VWH as Beaufort don't come that far. They are all hunting foxes. It is terrible to see
the results of it. Antis foil South Dorset FH efforts to
kill foxes18-2-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Monitors Report 17/2/18 South Dorset Hunt meet at Higher Burton... again With one monitor keeping an eye on the South Dorset Hunt from the off. They followed
the usual well trodden route, over the hill and to a favourite of theirs... We counted 9 Horse riders (field) and about 7/8
quads each with 2/3 c*untrymen (terrier boys) on board!!... With the hounds in cry in the ploughed
field, we are fairly sure they ran a fox to ground but upon seeing us Dominic gathered them up and headed towards Heave Coppice...
Monitors who were by now sat in a layby on the very fast Old Sherborne Road saw the hounds pick up on a scent and go running
off at full speed with Dominic in hot pursuit... The hounds now heading in the direction of Fairmile Farn meant that the monitors had to find a safe place and turn
to follow them. With the hounds by now out of sight and the dribblers moved off it was a total shock to round a fast blind
bend and be faced with Dominic on his horse riding along this notoriously dangerous road, even removing a hand from the reins
to wave at the monitors whilst looking over the hedge to try and find the hounds!!... ... one of the monitors spotted a fox running from the copse towards the road where they were stood. Keeping as still as possible
they watched as the fox ran towards them... and the quads!! Running for its life the stunning big dog fox slipped through
the gate that only minutes ago the dribbler held it open for the Hunt to pass. Grabbing a spray one monitor ran to where the
fox had escaped and quickly covered its scent. The other monitor did the same on the other side. At this point all the quads
rode past shouting abuse at us not knowing what had just occurred!
The Hunt then headed back towards
New Buildings area so the monitors drove round to meet them. Heading along the road back towards the main road monitors were
greeted by a scene of chaos with hounds running back and forward across the road, dribblers, quads and cars in all directions
and redcoats cantering along the road, one on his phone after the fast disappearing hounds before finally regaining control
by Heaves Farm... They packed up at
4.56pm and the hounds looked clean. We then headed off for some rather scrummy vegan pasties��. If you would like to join us please either message this page or email
weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com Thank you all for your support so far we really couldn't do it without you. We are
an independent group and receive no funding from big associations. Please join us if you can next Sunday from 11am-2pm for
our peaceful protest event at Kingston Lacy House with National Dis-Trust. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an Beaufort FH chase fox into barn, pretend trail hunt, re-invade garden Holloas, terriermen
and horn calls give lie to 'trail hunting' claims 18-2-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 14.02.2018 VIDEO VIDEO[barn] VIDEO [3 C sabs] The Beaufort met at Pound Farm on Wednesday, near Hawkesbury. The Hunt
has been granted a licence to 'trail hunt' in nearby Horton Court area on three dates. The 14th February was one of
the dates so we went along with our good friends Three Counties Hunt Sabs to see what they were up to. The hounds were heard speaking
almost immediately as they progressed towards NT land. Terrier men were present with the Hunt. Now if we’re not mistaken
– no terrier quads [right, both road illegal] are allowed as part of the licence conditions. Repeat holloas were then heard from down in the valley and a quad was sighted down in the bottom corner of the field
with an open box [below left]. This was caught on video by a 3Cs sab. Holloas
are to encourage hounds onto the line of a fox and should have no place in trail hunts or flushing to birds of prey or guns.
Then a CIHW monitor was approached by BH terrier man who said they had laid a trail and could we not intervene. He was very
convincing - but his claim was rendered worthless once they started to holloa the hounds on to the line of the fox. You
can clearly hear that it was a male hunter or terrier man’s holloa. The Hunt went up towards the escarpment but then came down crossing the NT fields, not apparently actively hunting at this
point. But later a fox was seen in the undergrowth of another covert [below right] as
sabs walked in on the footpath. [3C video].The sabs rated the hounds and the Hunt was seen leaving
just afterwards. It could have been that the presence of sabs was enough to deter them at that time.
They took the hounds
across past Bushes Farm and headed towards Hawkesbury Common. The hounds were heard in full cry around here and at one point
were in the private garden which they had trespassed in on the last occasion against the expressed wishes of the owner. We
found them also drawing a small covert nearby which seemed to be disrupted by our foot walker with camera. One of our walkers
saw a fox darting into a covert and stayed to protect it but, although the hounds came close, they did not pick up on it so
we think this one survived the day. We lost them for a while but came upon a rider on point near a disused
small barn in the field opposite Bix Farm and we could all see that the hounds were gathering around the barn. By the time a walker got in near she
could see the Huntsman off his horse going into the barn and a terrier man going in as well. She shouted they were being watched
as a terrier man jumped around in front of her camera to stop her filming. The Hunt did leave and 3C sab who had by now come
up went to look into the barn. There was a powerful smell of fox and she said the hounds smelled of fox when they came out
past her but there were no signs of a kill. It may be that we got near enough just in time to stop them and the fox got out.
The terrier man tried to persuade the foot walker that the other terrier man had gone into the barn for a poo but as the Huntsman
and about twenty hounds were also in there and other riders looking on, this did not seem likely. After second horse,
they crossed over Hawkesbury Monument and hunted through Frith Wood, supporters were seen on the other side of this long valley,
but a foot walker had followed them in and caught up with them in there, hopefully deterring a full-on hunt. They stayed buried in these long, deep valleys either side of the Cotswold Way for the rest of
the afternoon until the hounds burst on to the road below Coombe Farm near where the hound lorry was waiting. They packed
up at 4.25 after a long, wet chilly day. Thanks for your support https//paypal.me/cihwatch.  16-2-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Beaufort 14th February 2018, Pound Farm, Hawkesbury A
very busy day with our friends Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch. Horrible wet cold day but we managed to help some of those
being hunted. On the video the Beaufort terrier brigade can be seen and heard holloaing south of the meet. Holloas are to
encourage hounds onto the line of a fox and should have no place in trail hunts or flushing to birds of prey or guns. Later, a fox was seen in the undergrowth of another covert as
sabs walked in on the footpath. The area was sprayed and the Hunt was seen leaving just afterwards. It could have been that
the presence of sabs was enough to deter them at that time, but they went back later and hunted a fox into an old shed [pics
at bottom, outside and in].  Sabs, fearing the worst, had
to dodge terriermen Paul and Timmy but made it through in the end with some ninja moves to check for signs of a kill/stop
any terrier work. Matt Ramsden [Huntsman] gathered the pack with lightning speed and got out of there, no signs of blood
on them. No signs of a kill, we hope that the fox found somewhere safe to hide. They left the area after some drama about
trespassing. Lots
more happened, we lifted hounds heads and rated them when necessary. They finished at the monument. Yesterday, the Heythrop were at Great Barrington, sabs scrambled out and kept watch on them around Barrington
Bushes late on in the day. Please support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs.  Member of public sees Warks FH clearly hunting a fox 18-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt - Saturday 17th February A member
of the public came across the Warwickshire Hunt yesterday and witnessed them hunting a fox. They filmed and took photos of
the Hunt and sent them to us. Thanks to the exposure they have received from us this season more and more local people are
standing up to the the Warwickshire Hunt. This is the account of what happened - “I was out
walking when we bumped into a Hunt. I asked them if they were fox hunting and they said no they were drag hunting. I decided
to keep and eye on them as they ran off across the fields, we could see the dogs chasing something but it was far away so
we couldn’t be sure if they were chasing a fox or not. Not long after we saw a fox running across the field back towards
where we were and had been. The Hunt weren’t chasing
it at this point but I headed to the direction the fox had gone and sure enough a terrier man was there on his radio. Not
long after I heard the dogs back and a man (dressed like the Huntsman) with a horn, he was making calls I believe (high pitched
squealing and blowing the horn). The terrier man said to him “it came across here”, pointing to where the fox
had run. The horses then gathered and the dogs disappeared. At this point it’s was gone 5:30pm so the light was bad.
I am not sure if they found a the fox as I haven’t witnessed a Hunt before.” We have filmed
the Warwickshire Hunt dangerously hunting into the dark on a number of occasions this season and it seems they still do when
we aren’t about. The
National Trust saw no problem giving the Warwickshire Hunt a license to use its land and yet even members of the public who
have never seen a hunt before can clearly tell that this Hunt are hunting foxes and using terrier men to assist them hunt
foxes. If you come across the Warwickshire Hunt whilst
out and about please contact us confidentially on 07767620767. Gizmo, rating and citronella
save fox from East Cornwall FH 18-2-18 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team East Cornwall Hunt Saturday 17/2/18, Linkindale, St Neot Foot and vehicle teams were quickly deployed over the moor
and surrounding fields in order to keep an eye on this Hunt, who like to dodge about in difficult terrain. The Hunt were observed
drawing the usual covers and foxes were seen fleeing. One rider tried to make out she was laying a trail [right] but
we've seen this type of behaviour before. We're not fooled and neither are the hounds. Sabs walking along
the Colliford Dam wall observed the Hunt galloping up over the moor, hounds in cry and as the sabs neared the lane, a fox
suddenly sped away in front of them towards the lake shoreline. Thankfully, with only two field riders on the lane and no
support or hounds around, the fox escaped - although one of the field saw the fleeing fox. The foot team quickly sprayed
the area with citronella along the route the fox took to mask the scent as a few of the hounds appeared over the hill. These
were quickly rated, the Gizmo deployed and they ran back up the hill to the rest of the pack who were still in cry. We felt
confident that this gave valuable time for the fox to make a hasty retreat to safer ground. The Hunt started to head back
to the meet then made a loop and circled back to where the fox was seen. We're confident this fox got away and we witnessed
no kills. Hunt packed up around 15:30. There was a small off-road parking area next to where the fox had fled which is used by walkers etc. A man out photographing
the wild birds resting on the lake shore said he was disgusted at the way the Hunt had just milled around in the road while
he waited for them to move aside to park in the bay. He was shocked at their arrogance and the way they didn’t even
apologise or recognise their own obstruction of a public highway… something we have become used to but not the public,
who in this man’s words, said he was used to more respectful horse riders (the non-hunters) on the byways.
Once the Hunt were packed up
we took a drive over to a nearby valley where some of you may remember we came across a snared badger. We're glad to say
the snares have not reappeared. As always many thanks to all our supporters. Our January auction raised a fantastic amount to help keep the landy
on the road and us in maps and equipment. Thanks also today
to the sab who helped us out with some fantastic local knowledge. Pic above - Terriermen quads. No plate on front one.
Pic below - Huntsman Lindsay Higgins and her hounds Walkers
say saw Melbreak FH chasing two foxes 18-2-18 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs Yesterday, we caught up with the Melbreak Foxhounds who were hunting in the Loweswater area. We arrived
a couple of hours after the hunt had started, and when we got there they were hunting on the North-western side of Burnbank
Fell, with various support vehicles parked up along Fangs Brow. The Melbreak have recently been
rewarded for their previous bad behaviour (illegal hunting, assault) by the National Trust, and they now have a 'trail
hunting' licence again and have been re-named the 'Melbreak Trail Hounds' by the National Trust, although everywhere
else they are still known as the Melbreak Foxhounds, as they do not follow 'trails' but they do hunt foxes. Predictably, Huntsman Ed Liddle sent his hounds down into Holme Wood, a large National
Trust Woodland. Sabs had positioned themselves in the woodland and saw a large dog fox to safety before hounds came streaming
through the wood and picked up the fox's scent, but headed off heel ways (following the fox's line backwards). As it was a fine day, there were lots of people out walking,
with children, and dogs on leads. Most of them were startled to see a pack of hounds running past, with no huntsman in view.
Hounds exited at the southern end of the wood and began to mill around, with several of them defecating on the public footpath.
Sabs rated the hounds to keep them from picking up further scent lines, and were informed by members of the public that the
hounds had been witnessed chasing two foxes earlier in the day. Liddle began holloa-ing and horn blowing to call his hounds back up the fell, where
he loafed around for the rest of the day. Hunt followers hung out of their vehicles with binoculars trying to catch a glimpse
of the hounds but Liddle stayed put, refusing to return to Hudson Place farm, where the deluxe hound van was parked. Hunt
Supporters gave up and went home, sabs returned to the vehicle, and Liddle snuck down the fell and picked up his van before
collecting his hounds and returning home to sort out his domestic issues. Tried JM Huntsman filmed drawing through farmyard, disturbing cows Farm was subject
to a bTb breakdown last year 18-2-18 Wildlife Witness VIDEO Portman Hunt 17 February 2018 Ashmore, Dorset We
were joined on the day by our friends at Dorset Against Blood Sports in a notoriously difficult area to monitor, due to the terrain of
deep valleys and problems with access. With National Trust
land and Woodland Trust areas nearby the Hunt were restricted in which areas they could go and we knew that they would enter
Forestry Commission owned Ashmore wood during the day so monitors were positioned in that area. The Hunt moved off southwards and as has been so common this season
there was very little activity as the hounds again failed to pick up any scent strong enough to hunt, which made it difficult
to keep a tab on the Hunt’s location but great for the local wildlife. Monitors in Ashmore Wood alerted us to riders in
the area and two valued car spotters called in to report quads seen entering Farnham Woods but much of the morning was spent
in the company of disappointed car followers combing the countryside looking for a sight of the hounds. Unlike all the Hunt supporters, who had long gone home after being ignored by the Hunt, perseverance is our strong point and
we were rewarded as hounds were spotted close to the busy A354 near Tarrant Hinton Down.
The usual ritual of drawing hedgerows showed little promise of delivering anything for the field of FOUR to get excited
about. Huntsman, Evo Shirley then took hounds to the rear of Chettle House and on to Lower Farm, the location of a bTB breakdown
just last year. As monitors moved to higher ground to the north
of the farm three hollahs went up from the location of the quad bikes near to the farm, so we drove back to the farm to find
Evo on foot encouraging hounds on with horn-blowing through the farmyard and cows, before crossing the Chettle road and back
in to the grounds of Chettle House where the hounds failed to find. The Huntsman then took hounds back to re-trace their line
before finally giving up and packing up around 4.30pm. A difficult day which seemed destined to end in disappointment but like most meets now the only people present at
the end of the day were the hunt staff, quads and us monitors. We are getting close to 1,000 likes for our page so please spread
the word about our monitoring and feel free to share the posts and check out our video’s on Youtube. Pic left above - Terriermen following line taken by Huntsman Pic below - Cattle disturbed
by Huntsman and hounds, just yards away across fence POWAperson adds - The
trial of Evo Shirley, JM and Huntsman of the Portman on an illegal hunting charge ended on 13th February, just 4 days
before the events detailed above. The verdict is not due until 14th March. See story
below dated 13-2-18. Grove & Rufford FH chase many foxes across roads & in gardens 18-2-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday, we went to visit the Grove and Rufford in North Wheatley, near Gainsborough. The Grove
were convicted of illegally hunting less than a year ago, they will be back in court very soon if they carry on chasing foxes
like they did today. Multiple foxes were chased across roads and through people's gardens in South Wheatley. The locals
were understandably upset about this and came out to remonstrate with the hunt criminals, to no avail. When the Hunt chased
a fox across the road in front of our landy we had to suffer some of the worst driving we've seen off hunt support, who
were desperate to stop our landy getting through. As ever, our driver kept her cool and foot sabs were able to keep up. Jane Wright, the Whip, was riding a clearly emaciated horse [below
left], these people say they care about their animals, well she clearly didn't, as the photos prove.
We have since wondered if the starving horse is going to be replaced by the horse the Grove are desperately fundraising for.
(They actually have a go fund me up for this, of all things!). It was a long
day with most of the field disappearing around 2pm but a few of the Hunt second horsed and carried on. After one last attempt
at picking up a scent and one last chase, the Grove headed back to the meet, red-faced after having to apologise for trespassing
in the gardens of South Wheatley. And we headed to the pub. Pic right below - Peter White, terrierman.
Convicted of illegal hunting last year, as was Whip Jake Wright, in
pic on left. Well, those pathetic fines and not getting a criminal record really deterred them, didn't they?   East Kent FH supporter kicks sab, claims to have gun18-2-18
Facebook - East Kent Sabs EAST KENT HUNT Saturday Feb 17th This
week were joined by our friends from the new West Kent Sab group, which brought our numbers up to nearly 20. The Hunt we chose
to do was the East Kent with West Street Foxhounds, at Coombe farm, which is at the Wye end of the Crundale Estate. A nice
day had brought the fair weather riders out for the Hunt, obviously not bothered that their hunt subscription goes to paying
for the death of countless foxes each year! The Hunt headed
through the woods on the west side of the estate, and after a couple of trips we positioned ourselves in between Warren Wood
an Black Edge Wood, while the Hunt perched on the top of Marriage hill like something out of an old western! Apart from
Sally (the Huntsman's lovely wife) the Hunt didn't get to close to us-instead they doubled back on themselves, flushing
a huge hare in the process, but this did get away. We bumped into our old friend (and grass) Jack who was masked up but all
alone on his quad bike…. maybe it wasn't such a good idea grassing up your hunting friends after all! And it must
often cross the Hunt's minds-just who does give us the meets?! Our group was now split, and between being transported, the Hunt had obviously got onto something in Beech Wood, so sabs started
to call hounds out of the wood. A couple of hounds made a dash for us, which made the whipper-in jump to action, but gremlins
in our gizmo meant our hound cry recording was distorted with feedback. The bulk of the hounds were in cry and heading to
where we had just been-we were too late to get in front of the hounds, so took to calling them back.
One of the walking dead that follow this Hunt, could not cope with someone interfering with the chasing of a wild
animal with a pack of hounds, so kicked one of our group [left]. He was quickly
reminded of Common Law, and that not all sabs are pacifists! He backed off and took to saying how he had a gun in his pocket,
obviously a line he uses on his sheep from time to time! The hounds ended up in the northerly
tip of Warren Wood, our group at the Church at Crundale had concerns that the Hunt may have killed there. The hounds stopped
crying for a static baying sound, and the unfamiliar horn call we heard was taken as maybe a blow for a kill….half
of us searched for the kill site while the rest carried on after the Hunt. Thankfully, no sign of a kill or marking to ground
was found, so we can only speculate on the out come of that chase. Also this area is
home to deer, so without us seeing the quarry it is also possible they were onto a deer? (you can see here the same hunt chasing a deer in the same area back in 2011. We kept on after them,
down Hassell Street and with the whole of us together near Pett Street Farm, it looked like it was over. Confirmation that
they were packing up by 3.50pm was good news, with the days getting lighter they had over an hour of good hunting time left.
Let's hope we played our part in their early finish?! If you wish to donate to our group and keep us out in the fields, you can do so here - many thanks. https://www.paypal.me/EASTKENTHSA. Hampshire FH 'trail hunt' - but no trails, and terriermen present Monitors request for explanation
greeted with 'tirade of abuse' 18-2-18 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors TRAIL HUNTING LIES IN HAMPSHIRE 17 February 2018 found
the Surrey Hunt Monitors on an early start at the Hampshire Hunt. Monitors were positioned overlooking Folly Hill Farm, Itchen
Stoke, Alresford and near the kennels in Ropley awaiting the arrival of the HH.
pick-up towing the hunt quad bike on a trailer turned up at the Farm just after 10:00 along with the hunt terriermen and a
young child [left]. These have been seen out at every meet for the last few weeks.
A short time later the hound van turned up to confirm that the HH were meeting here. … Supporters
soon turned up along the road and about ten minutes later the Hunt turned up. The terriermen were also seen lurking in the
woodland by the barn. The monitors saw no trail layers in the vicinity and the hounds were being actively cast through the
woodland by Huntsman Harding. A deer was scared from the woods across the field and road, fortunately it was not hurt. This
Hunt have no care for any wildlife, as long as they have fun. We were soon spotted
by the Hunt and the hounds were pulled up immediately. Two riders then approached us and started taking photos of us, which
is fine as we have nothing to hide. Upon asking one rider why there was no trail and why do they have terriermen, we were
subjected to a foul mouthed tirade from her [right]. Not what we expect from a Hunt that we are only filming and they are supposed to be legally trail hunting. She claimed they
were trail hunting and that the so called terriermen were just the farmer who was hosting the meet. We had been in this location
for about an hour and seen no trail layer. The terriermen and quadbike were seen leaving the kennels and arriving at the meet
so they were not just the local farmer. Lies, lies and more lies from the Hunt. The whole tirade was filmed for posting later. A short while later, we
were joined by North Downs and Guildford Hunt Saboteurs which put the Hunt on the run without casting through the barn area
to pick up their imaginary trail. On later investigation a blocked sett was found in this area, which would explain the two
terriermen and the boy on the quad with a box of terriers. Clearly bothered by our presence
and without a trail layer, the Hunt moved off at speed and spent the next hour or so milling around in The Grange not sure
what to do without a trail to follow. The terriermen held back and were very skittish, driving three up on the road with face
masks and keeping their distance from the Hunt. The mounted field packed up at 2:30ish, not looking at all happy with
us. We patrolled the area for the next hour as the hounds had not been seen returning to the meet. A monitor at the kennels
saw them arrive a short time later. So we moved on to the pub, leaving behind the very classy (not!), foul mouthed and clearly
NOT trail hunting Hampshire Hunt. Pics below - Hares getting out of the way of the hunt  
make sure Westerby Bassets just have a little stroll18-2-18 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 17.02.18 It’s been a while since
we visited the Westerby Basset Hounds so, along with our buddies from Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs, we followed them discretely
from their kennels in South Kilworth to a farm in Thornby. The
handful of tweed wearers were standing around chatting upon our arrival and eventually the chat became louder, obviously for
our ears, that they were going to exercise the dogs around the village – no hunting hares here! Really? Why are you
all dressed up then, just for hound exercise?! So off they went, in all their finery, losing the few meagre followers they
had along the way, which wasn’t a long way at all! Sabs tagged along for a little stroll in the lovely weather
and a police car appeared as well following along behind. It was noted that many of the dogs that were stopping to relieve
themselves along the way had bad smelling diarrhoea, goodness only knows what nastiness they’ve been feeding them. They
looped back round to the meet, police had a little chat on both sides then disappeared. Hounds were loaded back onto the trailer
and picnic baskets and thermos flasks were retrieved from their vehicles. We stayed around until they finished picnicking and left, trying to lose us on the way, but we spotted the vehicle
and trailer back at the kennels. Happy that our work was
done and many hares saved we went off home to enjoy what was a nice early finish for us. Donations are always
appreciated: www.paypal.me/ENABS.  Hunt seen
trespassing on NT land in Derbyshire 11-2-18 LACS website A Hunt was reported to be on National Trust land at Edale, Derbyshire on 11th February, 2018, in a report
made to the League's Animal Crimewatch line. Ledbury FH hunt several foxes, sabs ensure no kills 17-2-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Friday, 16th February 2018 was spent on the Forhampton estate with the Ledbury from Lower farm. The day commenced
with sett checking and, despite 5 years of culling, some setts are doing well, others less so. The Hunt moved south following
a rousing speech by joint master David Redvers. First few coverts were drawn blank and then they picked up between the meet
and Werth Lane. As can be seen from the film some of the field got a bit paranoid about anyone filming the small, red fluffy trail layer and despite the area being swamped with footpath
signs decided to tell big fibs. This was all on John Sarne York's land who some may remember as a major landowner who
was signed up for the badger cull. Mark Melladay appeared to abandon that fox and went promptly north as predicted to the sewage works
where sabs were waiting for him and slowed down the pack on 2 of 4 foxes who broke cover there. It was a very good scenting day with an extraordinary number of foxes and very fast
hunts, so much so that even David Redvers was way behind them. However sabs were often present to run in and intervene by
both rating the pack and lifting their heads as this is very familiar territory. A brace were hunted from New Farm Cottages
to Forthampton Court itself (see video), sabs were on hand to slow them and hopefully they escaped. As predicted, they went on to
Haw bridge where one group helped to stop a sheep running in terror onto the main road as they found another brace in the
undergrowth. They hunted north towards Town Street farm from Haw bridge. Sabs on foot were soon found by a very inquisitive
drone which hovered over them for some time before returning to Town Street where some very tired sabs were relieved to find
them packing up. NB
foxes are often found running in pairs at this time of year, vixens are pregnant and some early cubs will have been born.
If a lactating vixen is killed, the cubs will starve. Please support us if you are able and willing to do so paypal.me/threecountiessabs. South Down FH interrupted by sabs when about to dig fox
from sett 17-2-18 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO South Down and Eridge Hunt attempt to dig out active badger sett Today was a day of many parts. First we headed off to Marsh Green to see what the
Crawley and Horsham Hunt were up to. It soon become obvious that the hunt had been cancelled, however. Not long after came
a call from our fellow sabs that the Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt had packed up after only an hour, so we made our way down
to Southease to where the Southdown and Eridge Hunt were meeting. As
soon as we walked up onto the Downs, we could see a group of terriermen huddled together around a badger sett - never a good
sign. Sure enough, it was immediately clear that a fox had just been chased to ground as the Huntsman, Oliver Hill, was waiting
with his hounds in the next field for the fox to be dug out and released. We ran over to the terriermen who quickly put their
tools and terriers back in their quads and drove off. The sett had clear signs of badger activity, with paw prints and runs
visible and at least one entrance had already been blocked up by the boys. Scared that they’d been rumbled, Jamie Short,
one of the Hunt’s terriermen, laid a short trail for the purposes of his camera before the hunt then slowly made their
way back up to the meet, with us walking in tow. A pretty successful day all round! Any donations towards our ongoing costs are always much appreciated: paypal.me/BtnHuntSabs. Sabs prevent Cambridge FH dig out of hunted fox 17-2-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs What a difference a week makes, no complaints about the weather this week, bathed in glorious sunshine and mild temperatures we set out into the countryside once more to do
battle with the forces of evil and lend a hand to our constantly persecuted wildlife. We were told that the Cambridge and
Enfield Chace would be hunting around the villages of Dunton, Hinxworth and Eyeworth and as this hunt doesn't get quite
as much sab attention as it should we thought it only right and proper to pay them a visit. Our comrades today were once again
North Cambs Hunt Sabs in their newly repair vehicles after being attacked by Fitzwilliam hunt supporters last week and South
Cambs Hunt Saboteurs. We remember the C&EC from previous hits and regardless of what
Dim Bonner and CA will tell you this once well attended hunt is a shadow of its former self, much like many hunts across the
country. On a perfect day like this you would expect a big turnout but with only about 15 riders the writing is clearly on
the wall for hunting in general. Our intel was spot on and the
Hunt was tracked leaving the meet. They hunted a large land locked area with little road access, so this meant lots of slogging across country for the foot teams.
However, this also meant the Hunt were restricted to this area as well. Between the 3 teams we tracked them as they hunted
round in big circles. Hares and deer were observed fleeing the hounds but they rarely spoke. Many riders were seem leaving around 2:30pm but they hunted
on. We stuck with them and good job too and the hounds put up a fox which ran a long a hedge line with the hounds in full
cry behind. The fox sought sanctuary in a hole under a small foot bridge and the terrier men were seen heading in the flush
the poor animal out. Sabs quickly arrived on the scene, removed the hounds which had marked to ground and guarded the hole
where the fox had disappeared. While more sabs covered the hounds as they headed back to the
meet, others stood guard. The terrier men didn't want to leave their quarry and hung about however after the Hunt had
packed up more sabs arrived and we encouraged them to leave which they reluctantly did. Once we were sure they were out of
the picture we left the scene so the fox could safely leave the hole. An effective operation today and we're
happy with the results. Pics
above - Top right - Hole into which the hunted fox fled Lower left
- Terriermen at the hole Pics below - 1/ Terriermen reluctantly leave
2/ Terrier with scarred nose 3/ Very small field for a Saturday   Sabs
assaulted, driven at, sprayed with mystery liquid at Curre FH 17-2-18 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Sabs driven at and sprayed with unknown substances at meet of Curre & Llangibby
It seems like the constant sabbing of the Curre has made them hit breaking point. Last week we aided foxes to safety and stopped
a dig out of another fox later in the afternoon. The Hunt met today at the Three Salmons hotel in Usk. Foot sabs from Bristol, South Wales, Bath and Severn Vale split into
small teams and soon found them. As a result, they decided to put some distance between us and have a day of hassle-free hunting.
They were helped by supporters and riders family members who tried to stop sabs from getting anywhere near the Hunt.
We were blocked at gates, assaulted, driven at, but most disturbingly,
sprayed with an unknown substance [left] on multiple occasions. This behaviour is disturbing
to say the least. Members of the Hunt saw this happening and let it continue. Thankfully, every time the Hunt were in sight or heard, the hounds failed to pick up any scent. The warm conditions
obviously made that harder for them. By constantly trying to lose sab company the huntsman left the rest of the riders, who
pay to be out with the hunt, miles away from any of the action. What an absolute shambles. The cracks are well and truly showing at the Curre. We’re happy
to be hammering the nails into their coffin. We’ll be seeing you… Support our work for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE. 19-2-18 Facebook – Severn Vale Saboteurs Curre & Llangibby Foxhounds 17.2.2018 Meet: Three
Salmons Hotel, Usk With Bath, Bristol & South Wales Hunt Saboteurs. We initially
split into three teams of foot sabs, one group spotted the hounds quickly with another group with the field (near Cockshoot
Wood) which included Adam Humphreys of Usk Castle. Adam still appeared to be suffering from his intolerable bout of verbal
diarrhoea and incurable ignorance, no doubt caused by generations of inbreeding. Whipper-in
Paul Reece seemed unhappy to see us and took his anger out by slamming a gate which bounced back, nearly hitting his horse. A
couple of teams of foot sabs joined up just north of Park Wood to follow the hounds. Sabs were soon driven at by maniac, Henry
Humphreys on a quad bike who was joined by lackey, Fraser Kerby. Henry is clearly unhinged and could well be suffering from
organophosphate poisoning from using sheep dip. He should probably be locked away for everyone's safety. Henry seems to have a penchant for golden showers and proceeded to spray sabs in what he claimed was urine, we can't
say if it was his own or not. Henry also sprayed unknown substances from canisters on sabs. If he did this on a street somewhere,
quite rightly he would be arrested. Henry wanted a fight, sabs just wanted to save foxes. Rosie Humphreys who is used to bossing subordinates around, tried using her poor,
gentle pony as a weapon and grabbed at sabs. She repeated her lies over and over again and along with her disturbed husband
Henry, tried to stop sabs from getting to footpaths. Due to Rosie's anti-social nature she deals with dead people who can't answer her back. If you have trouble walking the footpaths as many are not marked, please complain to the rights of way team. At Beech Hill Farm, Henry called out the resident goon to follow us in his Landrover. Sabs travelled to the bottom
of Upper Lancayo wood and observed, ready to intervene as hounds went through the woods, being encouraged by voice calls from
the Huntsman on Llancaeo Hill. In dribs and drabs the field sloped off to their horse boxes from around 2-3.30pm until they
had all gone. Thankfully
the hounds barely made a noise all day, they didn't even catch scent of the mythical trail so we are hopeful that no foxes
were killed. If you are not a member already, please join the HSA for just £20 a year. Blackmore FH hunt foxes again, including in gardens17-2-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs Hit Report Saturday 17th Feb 2018 Blackmore
and Sparkford Vale FH meeting at Bowden After their kill last Saturday we paid a visit to the BSV
to make a stand once again for our wildlife. We aren’t overly sure why Ben Doggrell was laughing every time he passed
us today … perhaps he is still excited having made front page of the Western Gazette this week for killing a fox or
perhaps some serious wind issues - answers on a postcard please ?? From the meet the Hunt travelled north east to West Wood and from there to New Covert. New Covert always holds foxes
as well as deer and so it was today. With foot sabs on the footpath having done our usual work to make the area safer we soon
spotted a lonesome huntsman, Mark Doggrell coming up the track at speed having lost all but 5 of his hounds. We politely pointed
out where they were but he didn’t believe us until he heard them and then grunted something in knuckle-dragging speak
which we don’t understand but we bet it was not thank you ! Bemused foot sabs started to made their way back to the landy but found the Huntsman on foot and joined by the Whip. Foot
sabs stayed put until the Huntsman and his Whip were re-mounted then got in the landy to head them off whilst leaving our
monitors to keep a keen eye on them as a fox took the hounds to Redhouse Farm. This fox may have found refuge amongst the
Hounds were collected up and then taken South to the Spurles Farm area
where it is thought another fox was hunted. Hounds on cry ran towards Martins Copse before crossing back over Bowden Road
near Newleaze Farm. Foot sabs sprang into action once again using citronella to help mask the scent of the fleeing fox. Hounds
were literally rampaging through gardens here once again displaying the total lack of respect the Hunt have for people's
property. Hounds lost the line once again in this area and they were gathered up and brought to Windmill Hill where two monitors
were waiting to greet them!After the ‘shenanigans’ of the previous week the Hunt passed by without
any problems... Working with our monitors the hounds were quickly found again in the area of Caundle Brake and ran towards
Middle Farm, Stalbridge Weston and then on to Sturt Farm on Easton Lane.... Hounds seem to hold the line of the fox probably
because the temperature was starting to drop. Whilst our monitors were keeping tabs
on the hounds the Landy was met with resistance from Jack Mcnulty who had been keeping the whipper in company today. We filmed
this and the duration and will be passing this to the police!... The hounds moved to Holtham Plantation where hounds could be seen in waves moving west. Two
foxes exited the wood one ‘doubling back’ and re-entering the wood behind the hounds and huntsman. Clever fox
that! With another incident of a hunt supporter complete with his horse in the trailer blocking the road and in a separate
incident the Whipper In was heard telling a hunt vehicle to “stay there” again blocking the public road we really
do wonder what they are so desperate to stop us from seeing !! Footage was obtained and will be passed the police along with
Jack's footage and we will update you with the police response. Shortly after 4:30pm hounds were stopped on the outskirts of Stourton Caundle and taken...
to pack up. Despite being on cry multiple times today the hounds looked clean... and we are almost sure no fox lost its life
today but left unattended we are equally sure more than one fox would have ! As ever, if you have some info on
any of the Dorset Hunts that you would like to share or if you want to join us please send us an email to dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net. Big
thanks and respect to the monitors out today - was an absolute pleasure !! Love and solidarity, Dorset Hunt Sabs. https://www.gofundme.com/dorset-sabs-bodycam-protection. Pics below - 1/ Coverage of fox kill last Saturday 2/ Deer
fleeing Hunt  Hunters laugh as sab struggles in huge, uncovered cesspit Hunt seriously annoy road users - but day is kill-free 17-2-18 Facebook – Devon County Hunt Sabs Eggesford Hunt 17.2.2018 Yesterday, we returned to the Eggesford Hunt with friends from South Devon Animal Rights. The Hunt met at Sydney House in Chulmleigh,
but didn't hunt in that area all day, as Marles ran from the meet and crossed the A377 back in direction of Ashreigney
in order to try and lose us. It didn't work. Hounds were put in at Hansford Plantation and were soon heard in
cry. Sabs followed and rated hounds off the line, as Huntsman Jason Marles tried repeatedly to put them back onto it... Sabs
were repositioned on all sides. Wherever he turned, there were sabs already there waiting for him. Marles lost half the pack
in this area, as hounds got stuck in dense bramble bushes. He had to spend some time riding up and down the roads gathering
them, while the riders were sat on the road waiting. Whenever we saw riders yesterday, that's pretty much all they were
doing. That and mouthing off at sabs with their usual sexist and bigoted comments. Meanwhile Marles's vehicle support
were deliberately blocking the roads in an attempt to stall us and buy him time, but that didn't work either and only
resulted in a lot of frustration from locals and delivery drivers who were caught up in the blockage. One of the delivery
drivers referred to the hunt as "arrogant bastards" and told us he would be getting his company to make a formal
complaint. We gave him the Hunt's details and encouraged him to do so. Next, they headed into the steep wooded valley east of Callard, but with temperatures rising and scent conditions deteriorating
they didn't get onto much in there. They drew Woodrow Wood and came back towards Bithefin and Hansford, while sab teams
were repositioned. When we caught up with hounds a little while later near Highdown, Marles was nowhere to be seen and hounds
crossed the road into traffic towards Bridge Wood. One of the quad bikes narrowly missed hitting a hound, and as usual there
was nobody from the Hunt trying to stop them! While some sabs ran after the lead hounds to rate them, others went into the
wood east of Highdown to check on the remaining hounds, who were getting stuck in the boggy ground and making distressing
As sabs emerged
into the field, one sab slid into a cess pit on the edge of the wood. The pit, which adjoins the main road with the gate wide
open, was completely unmarked, unfenced and covered with a crust making it look like solid ground. An emergency call was made
to the landy, as this was a life-threatening situation, and the landy became stuck while trying to assist. Riders and hunt
support came over to take pictures while the landy, with driver still in it, slid further. In a life-threatening situation
like this, we would have helped even if it had been the Hunt, rather than stand around threatening (as they did!) to push
the landy further in. Emergency services were called and a fire crew arrived within 10 minutes. While they were working, a
hunt supporter stood around filming and laughing. The fire crew couldn't believe his attitude and ordered him to leave. An ambulance arrived to take the sab to hospital. She's
ok, as are the landy and driver. We'll be taking the matter of the dangerous pit further, as it poses a risk to human and other animal life. There were empty
bottles of corrosive liquid strewn around the pit, which was leaking into the field of crops below, as well as a stream on
the edge of the wood. A local resident drove past and told us she had previously put in complaints about it, as it is so dangerous.
We sincerely hope no hounds got stuck in the pit before we got there, as hounds had been audibly in distress in that area,
another thing riders and hunt support didn't seem at all interested in. While all of this was going on, foot sabs kept
up with Huntsman and hounds who were going in and out of cry in Bridge Wood, Wembworthy Closes and Horridge Plantation. Some
sabs stuck to the hounds and rated them back to the Huntsman whenever they could, while others took up positions up and down
the densely wooded valley. Eventually Marles gave up and hacked back to the kennels via Collacott and Labdon, still missing
several hounds. Two foxes were seen to safety today, one very close
to hounds and running for his life, and one a few hundred yards away in the direction the hunt were headed. We have no doubt
the terrier men would have been up to their usual business if sabs hadn't been there. Many thanks to the fire crew and ambulance for their swift and professional response and to South
Devon Animal Rights for teaming up with us today. If you support what we do, please donate to our fuel fund via https://www.paypal.me/dchs
To send us information or get involved: 07717473305 devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Police call for witnesses re. fox kill by Hunt in Derbyshire A Master has been interviewed 16-2-18 Derbyshire Rural Crime Team We are dealing with an incident of a fox kill at Hollington
on 3rd February which took place during a Hunt. This appeal is for anyone who may have witnessed the action immediately prior
to and associated with the kill. One of the Masters of the hounds has been interviewed. Please reply only if you have
anything useful for us and refrain from posting opinions which are of no benefit to us. Thank you. POWAperson adds - Not yet certain what Hunt this was - most likely seems the Meynell FH - or who
reported it.
police call for info re. Hunt badger sett interferenceThough call issued four months after the incident 16-2-18
Powys County Times Suspected interference of badger set at Pilleth near Knighton
DYFED-POWYS Police are appealing for information following allegations of interference with a badger sett which took place
in October, 2017, near Knighton. Images of a group of people with vehicles and quad bikes looking
suspicious in the area, have emerged from October 14 when it is believed the offences could have taken place. A Police spokeswoman said:
“We are appealing for information following an allegation of suspected interference with a badger sett, which occurred
on Saturday, October 14 2017, in Pilleth, Radnorshire. “We would especially like to speak to the people in the images
as they may have information that could help the police investigation. Anyone with information that could help officers with
their investigation is asked to contact PC Adrian Ward on 03000653317, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
POWAperson adds - Blocking of badger sett entrances is absolutely
standard practice by Hunts and, when detected by anti-hunt activists, is reported on social media and usually to police. Prosecutions
almost never follow, Hunts never seem to be deterred. This is just yet one more indication that Hunts are not, as they claim,
'trail hunting' but are breaking the law by wilfully and cruelly hunting wild quarry for 'sport'. The Hunting
Act was poorly framed, making it difficult to bring successful prosecutions, but there is still a lot more police and CPS
could do while we wait for the essential significant strengthening of the Hunting Act. www.campaigntostrengthenthehuntingact.com. Surrey
Union FH hounds injured after rioting on deer At least two had to be carried away from scene 16-2-18 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Surrey Union hounds rioting after deer
on the Hampton Estate earlier today... 16-2-18 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Some of the Surrey Union hounds injured when they rioted after deer on Friday. This Hunt is a liability, the Huntsman has no
control of the hounds and the Whipper-in can't count above 10 without taking his boots off! Pics below - 1st and 2nd hounds being carried from field  18-2-18 Facebook – Three Counties Sabs A sab from 3C had the pleasure of joining some of her old groups, North Downs Hunt Sabs and Guildford Hunt
Saboteurs as well as the Surrey Hunt Monitors on Friday at the Surrey Union Hunt. With a last-minute tip-off
small groups of sabs arrived throughout the morning and afternoon and we ended up perfectly placed on one occasion to put
the Hunt off giving chase to one fox (scent was bad for much of the day and few lines were picked up on). Hounds, however,
paid little attention to the Huntsman on a number of occasions, posing a risk to road users, wildlife and themselves. At one
point the Whipper-in called "all on" only for at least 3 stray hounds to be found trying to catch up with the pack
soon after! Hounds rioted on a deer, ignored
Huntsman and, with no Whipper-in paying attention, ended up in gardens and grounds of a church near a fairly busy road. Not
surprising then that 2 hounds were soon being loaded into a supporter's car having been injured somehow. Another was later
seen limping badly in a car park. With scent still bad, the Hunt pretended to lay a trail (including down part of a road... lucky
then that the tag smelled of nothing at all and the hounds totally ignored it). They packed up around 4 looking a bit peeved... Please support us and the groups we joined with on Friday! More footage and reports to come! http://paypal.me/threecountiessabs. POWAperson adds - Depending, of course, on the severity of their injuries, the outlook for wounded hounds
is not good. Hounds are mere tools of the trade to Hunts and really not worth spending money and care on. See How hunters 'love' their hounds Protest in Sherbourne against Blackmore FH killing of fox 16-2-18 Somerset Live Anti-hunt protesters stage "impromptu outreach" in Sherborne
following allegations of illegal hunting at Sherborne Castle by Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt
A small group of protesters was present in Sherborne following unconfirmed reports that a fox had been killed A small group
of people protesting against the local Hunt congregated in Sherborne yesterday for what it described as an "impromptu
outreach". Images have emerged on social media
of a number of activists near the Boots branch on Cheap Street, holding up banners and placards. A post on Facebook subsequently confirmed that the group was there to speak to members of the public
about the alleged illegal hunting which took place at Sherborne Castle and Gardens last Saturday (February 10th). Police have confirmed that ten people took part in the protest,
which began near the Waitrose supermarket. The
original post, on the North Dorset Badger and Hunt Watch Team page - which is no longer active at the time of publication
- shows three people holding up placards and a banner reading 'Hounds Off'. The subsequent post on the Facebook page
Action Against Foxhunting showed these placards in detail. The groups claims that a fox had been "hunted illegally"
and "torn apart by hounds" at Sherborne Castle and Gardens on February 10th. The post read: "Impromptu outreach
in Sherborne today. So many supportive people. We need to get out there and talk to people face-to-face. It really works!" The Dorset Hunt Sabs
group filmed the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale hunt on February 10, as part of its regular hunt monitoring activities. It subsequently
released the video onto social media, showing what appeared to be animal body parts in the wooded area in which the hunt had
stopped. The Hunt has subsequently
stated that it "operates within the laws" and said that any suspicion of wrongdoing should be handled first and
foremost by the police. The Countryside Alliance said it could not comment as no incident has been reported. Somerset Police is continuing to investigate the claims. Regarding the protest, a spokesperson said: "We were
called at 12.37pm to reports of a group of approximately ten adults protesting about fox hunting outside Waitrose in Cheap
Street, Sherborne. "Officers attended and spoke to the group. It was deemed to be a peaceful protest and no offences
were committed. Trail hunting is not illegal
under the Hunting Act, though activists believe that hunts use trail hunting as a "cover" for illegal hunting of
foxes, hares and deer. Avon and Somerset Constabulary recently revealed that it records around six crimes a year in relation
to illegal hunting. Monitors say saved three foxes from South Durham FH 15-2-18 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT 7.02.18 South Durham Hunt Meet, Wingate Grange Farm From the very off the Hunt were up to no good. Foot monitors spotted the
quad bikes and terrier men stopping at some hay bales [right] and just as we
thought they proceeded to put a terrier through in the hope of flushing out a fox possibly to a net at the other end of the
bales. All caught on our super new zoom camcorder. We all know bagged foxes come in handy for joint meets and to show off
to visitors and the like. The Hunt met at Wingate but made its way towards Trimdon and monitors
had a lot of walking to do to keep up, but we also had vehicle keeping tabs on them from the road. Feeling fit, the monitors
kept eyes on the Hunt and headed them off knowing what direction they were going. During the day many deer and hare were seen to flee from the Hunt but and thankfully we were able to see 3 beautiful foxes [below
left] to safety from the jaws of the hounds and the bloodthirsty hunt scum. We also were accosted by some terriermen thinking they looked
menacing with their face masks. They just hate it when we use the horn to save a fox, this really boils their blood and makes
their veins pop.
Oh well, with a job to do we kept on into the dark, such was the Hunt master and amateur whipper-ins
need to kill. Packing up, we were all so pleased at saving the foxes that the cold wet and aching legs didn't even register
till we all got home. You can help with the costs of keeping us in the
field by donating to our paypal using huntmonitors@gmail.com or paypal.me/huntmonitors. http://ko-fi.com/huntmonitors. LONG LIVE THE FOX ��. Disturbing film of Fitzwilliam FH thugs attack on sab car released 15-2-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs This is video footage of the unprovoked, premeditated attack by supporters of the
Fitzwilliam Hunt last saturday. A police investigation is now underway. PLEASE SHARE. Our report: http://bit.ly/2ClOXZi, HSA statement: http://bit.ly/2BjRUN7. Pics below -
1/ 1st thug vehicle swerves across sab car 2/ 2nd thug car has pulled up. Thug emerges with
weapon in hand. 3/ That thug goes round side/back of sab car, smashing windows. Thug from 1st car
approaches, weapon in hand. 4/ Sab car made break for it, being pursued by 1st thug vehicle.
Note shattered rear window.   Sabs
film Warks FH illegally hunting in Country ParkCouncil confirms no permission for them to go on land Harassed all day by JM lying
about what sabs doing 15-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt - Monday 12th February 2018 –
right], director/joint master of the Warwickshire Hunt and ex wife of Stephen Hester former RBS Chief Executive was filmed
on Monday harassing hunt saboteurs who were at the Warwickshire Hunt. Hester spent the day following the saboteurs wherever
they went, filming them in their vehicle and telling blatant lies about them. She was accompanied by Lady Tessa Femoy, Warwickshire
Hunt secretary and wife of Lord Maurice Fermoy. Femoy spent the day filming Hester as she harassed the saboteurs. At
one point, Hester can be heard accusing one of the saboteurs of filming children whilst the footage clearly shows that actually it was the Hunt's terriermen who were being filmed. The driver of the saboteurs
vehicle is then accused by Hester of blocking the road, several cars then drive past showing that the road clearly wasn’t
blocked. Hester also tells one of the saboteurs that previously at another Hunt meet the saboteur had jumped in front of a
hunt supporters vehicle whereas footage from the day shows the saboteur was deliberately driven into by the hunt supporter. The Warwickshire Hunt don’t like it that we keep turning up and filming them
blatantly hunting foxes and behaving badly. They are desperate to get rid of us and this shows the lengths they will go to.
Hester spent the day trying to provoke us and get a reaction from us. We didn’t rise to it and instead filmed what she
was saying and doing to expose once again what type of people support fox hunting. She repeatedly accuses us of filming children yet the footage clearly
shows the camera was filming the Hunt's terrier-men who were off their quad bikes and who we suspected might be up to
no good and potentially blocking in a badger sett. During the course of the day we also filmed a fox being hunted into Burton Dassett Hills Country Park. We have contacted
Warwickshire County Council who have confirmed that the Warwickshire Hunt did not have permission to use the Country Park.
This once again shows that the Warwickshire hunt will go were they want and do what they want in pursuit of a fox. As well a bankers and Lords the Warwickshire Hunt also has an ex-chief
superintendent amongst its members. We are currently
out 3-4 times a week please consider donating towards our fuel costs: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below - 1/ They entered here. Hester
claimed they had permission. 2/ Also entered here. Council confirmed they did not.  Council says hunting banned in park where Belvoir FH allegedly killed
fox 15-2-18 Melton Times Council awaits police probe verdict on Melton park
‘fox killing’ Melton Council has confirmed that horse riding and hunting are not allowed
in its country park following allegations that a fox was illegally killed there by hounds from a local Hunt. Police
said this week they were still investigating the incident, which happened just after 1pm on Saturday, February 3. A council spokesperson told the Melton Times:
“Byelaws are in place which prohibit horse riding and hunting on the country park and the council will consider what
action may be necessary subject to the outcome of the police investigation.” Witnesses said hounds were in the park when the fox was killed close
to a child’s playground. Police officers attended the scene and began an investigation into the circumstances surrounding
the incident. Anyone with information is asked to call police on 101, quoting 18*54865. POWAperson adds - The original report of the fox killing is here. Surrey Union FH found trespassing on
NT land again15-2-18 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs On Tuesday, with a mix of North Downs, South Coast, Brighton, Croydon, Beds &
Bucks and Berkshire Hunt Sabs we found ourselves on two Hunts. Hearing
the Surrey Union would be heading out we thought it'd be rude not to disrupt their sneaky illegal days hunting! We found
them at Coldharbour, hunting around Leith Hill which is National Trust land. Last week we caught them out here and informed
the National Trust that they were trespassing and hunting on their land. As they weren't expecting us they thought they'd
head back there... oh no you don't! The Hunt packed up pretty sharply, claiming they'd been out for hours but we know
that wasn't the case. There will
be a National Trust protest at Polsden Lacy. See event. If you have any information on illegal hunting or want to join your local sab group don't hesitate to
give us a message! To keep us out in the field please consider a donation:- https://ko-fi.com/A62094D. Dunston Harriers rider backs box into sab van - refuses details 14-2-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs West Norfolk Foxhounds / Dunston Harriers (joint) - 10th February 2018 Houghton
Hall - Houghton, Norfolk As one of our sabs was down in Stutton (see previous report), we
were lucky enough to get another two-in-one on Saturday. Riders from the Dunston Harriers joined the West Norfolk Foxhounds
at Houghton Hall. Our day got off to a literal bang when a Dunston horsebox reversed
into our van. Was the driver tired? Drunk? Trying to intimidate us? Or just completely oblivious to our presence? Whatever
the reason, he showed little sign of remorse and refused to give personal details for insurance purposes. Not long after the Hunt set out we had another run in with two men
claiming to be estate workers. As sabs walked up a drive to get closer to the hunt, the two men tried intimidation to keep us away with a combination
of shouting, swearing, shoving and cryptically suggestive remarks. However they openly admitted not being the landowner and
so had little legal footing to stop us. Despite this they phoned in their friend Inspector Taylor of Norfolk Police, who soon
brought police cars out with sirens going once again. The Hunt, followed by a fairly sizeable
ride, moved from woodland to woodland looping around the Houghton Hall estate. We were able to catch sight of them on several
occasions. At one point we heard hounds speaking inside Bunker’s Hill but they did not go into cry. We had one more run in with the two goons from the beginning of the day but their
angry front had substantially diminished. The Hunt apparently packed up by 2pm due a miserable combination of wind and rain that left the fields sodden and
sabs soaked. We are unable to confirm if there were any kills or not. Buy us a coffee to keep us warm (but probably not dry) out in the fields: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ. Pic above right - Winner, Norfolk Idiot of the Year Pic below - Horsebox
and driver Labour includes strengthened Hunting Act in Animal Welfare
plans 14-2-18 Independent Labour proposes tighter laws on fox hunting in plans to improve animal welfare
- The party’s strategy was welcomed by animal rights groups Labour has published a wide-ranging
strategy for boosting animal welfare in the UK, including enshrining animal sentience in law, reviewing animal testing and
banning foie gras imports. The plan will be seen as an attempt to regain the political ground from the Conservatives after
a number of animal-friendly policies were announced by the Government in recent months. Labour’s
50-point plan of policies it would consider implementing in government includes measures to ban the export of animals for
slaughter and make vet costs more affordable for people on low incomes. In a controversial move, the party also said it would
consult on proposals to force landlords to let tenants keep pets in their properties, unless it can be proved that the animal
is causing problems. Another potentially contentious pledge relates to a review of animal testing with a view to “improving
practice” and “increasing transparency”. Labour also said it would tighten laws on fox hunting and ban the importation of foie-gras, which is made by fattening
ducks to an unhealthy extent before killing them. The plan, titled “Animal Welfare for the Many, Not the Few”
will now be the subject of a consultation. The move follows the Government announcing several policies designed to boost the
welfare of animals, and makes the issue of animal rights a key battleground between the two main parties. Late last year, Michael
Gove, the Environment Secretary, pledged to toughen punishments for animal abusers and enshrine in law the principle that
animals can “feel pain and suffering”. He also put forward proposals to make CCTV compulsory in slaughterhouses.
The spate of initiatives came on the back of criticism of the Government over a range of animal rights issues. The Conservatives’
manifesto at the last election included a pledge to hold a free vote on legalising fox hunting, despite widespread public
opposition, and also ditched a promise to ban ivory trading. Ministers have also faced criticism for refusing to transfer into UK law EU legislation
on animal sentience. Announcing its plans, Labour said it would also appoint a national animal welfare commissioner to ensure
government departments are making moves to protect animals. Sue Hayman, the Shadow Environment Secretary, said: “Labour is the party of
animal welfare. From bringing in the ban on fox hunting to tightening the rules on the transport of live animals, Labour has
always been consistent in our leadership on matters of animal welfare. Today we’re making proposals for real, long-term
progress. Our vision is one where no animal is made to suffer unnecessary pain and we continue to drive up standards and practice
in line with the most recent advances and understanding. With new trade deals on the horizon and the UK no longer subject
to EU-wide rules on animal welfare, we want to ensure there is a comprehensive legislative agenda in place so that the UK
becomes a world leader on animal rights.” Also included in the plan are pledges to end the badger cull, force motorists to
report accidents involving animals, stop third parties selling puppies, and make it compulsory for all meat products to be
labelled with information on how the animal was reared and killed. It was reported late last year that Downing Street had
urged ministers to put forward environment-friendly policies in a bid to win over voters, including young people whose support
the Tories struggled to attract in 2017. Labour’s strategy was welcomed by animal rights groups. Eduardo Goncalves,
chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “We warmly welcome Labour’s commitment to strengthening
the Hunting Act 2004, and look forward to contributing to the consultation process. It’s clear that Hunts are routinely
flouting the law and continuing to kill wildlife across Britain, whether that be through so-called trail hunting or by exploiting
legal loopholes. This must stop.” Ben Stafford, head of campaigns at WWF, said: “If we want our children and
grandchildren to live in a world where elephants still roam and the oceans have more fish than plastic, we need a political
race to the top on the environment. So it’s great to see Labour committing today to tackling the illegal wildlife trade
and to strong protection for our seas.” However, Conservative MP Steve Double MP said: “Labour are belatedly playing
catch-up with the huge progress made by this Government on animal welfare. However, Labour wouldn’t even be able to
deliver some of these promises because they want to keep following EU rules after Brexit. From introducing mandatory CCTV
into slaughterhouses to increasing the maximum sentence for animal cruelty tenfold, the Conservatives will continue taking
the action needed to ensure animals receive the proper protection they deserve.” POWAperson comments
- The wildlife of England and Wales, still so cruelly persecuted for 'sport' could hardly have had a better
Valentine's Day present. Nor could the burgeoning anti-hunt movement, but especially POWA. We have been campaigning
for significant strengthening since before the ink was dry on the Act and had to wait a decade before the largest anti-hunt
organisation, LACS, finally came round to our way of thinking, swiftly followed by IFAW. We will do everything in our
power to ensure that Labour are in a position to effect strengthening [and there other laudable animal welfare policies] and
that this time there are no get-out-of-jail-free clauses in the amended Act. Meanwhile, thank you Labour. We trust a number
of Conservatives and other party members and representatives will also support strengthening.
FH hunt in Swannery under biosecurity restrictions14-2-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Monitors Report 13/2/18 Lady Charlotte Townshend's Cattistock Hunt, meet at Abbotsbury With horrendous weather early this morning and flooded
roads, we carefully set off in the Red Landy. Hoping they surely wouldn't risk both hounds and horses by hunting on ground
so waterlogged it would put so much strain on their animals legs..... Anyway we received information on the location of the
Cattistock Hunt, proving that no they don't care about their mounts welfare in the slightest, so headed off to join them
for the duration. To be honest we really weren't expecting them to be hunting at Abbotsbury. With
an outbreak of Avian Flu firstly diagnosed in Swans at Abbotsbury Swannery, this area is under restrictions concerning biosecurity
measures!! Surely they wouldn't let the hounds run around the reed beds risking spread of the virus?? We
then received a message from an annoyed and stressed local who sent some footage of riders, dribblers and quads causing her
to have to stop on the verge and not one thanked her!! We arrived soon after, our first sight was a hound running through
a stable yard followed shortly by a hound running across the road with Will the Whip trying to gather them up. The look on his face was priceless when he looked up
and there we were, a red vision waiting for him!! We had to spin the Landy to get back to the turning
from Rodden to Abbotsbury and were instantly surrounded by dribblers, proud parents watching a child on half term go off out
to kill, quads and riders. The seasoned dribblers holding us back to give the killers a chance to get away from us, luckily
another Monitor was keeping an eye on the hunts progress. After managing to get through we set off to get a good look at the
field of about 50 riders. We now only had one quad with us which stayed with us for the rest of the day... hope they were
well paid... They then headed along the coast to an old favourite Berry Coppice
spending some time encouraging the hounds to find a scent and eventually they did and headed off along the hedge towards Higher
Barn, going through the hedge (funny place to lay a trail) but gradually lost the scent... With the by now much smaller field heading back through Wyke Wood, the Red Landy and quad magnet headed up past New
Barn Farm to look down on the huntsmen and field riding through the farm. They then headed along the road towards the swannery
once more with their "trail layer" following on behind... where he had been most of the day! They headed to another
favourite Warre Wood, a place we have seen them "find" a fox in the past. With quads following them in and a pick-up already parked in the wood we once again filmed the terrier boys mask up and act rather strangely before heading where the
Whip had ridden off to. Having to turn round we were then blocked by a young "dribbler in waiting"... With the hounds picking up between Cuckoo Coppice and Tiny Coppice
they headed off at speed straight to and then into the Reeds on the Swannery......WHY WAS A "TRAIL" LAID HERE??
Spending some time here they gradually made their way along the reeds and scrub towards Abbotsbury Gardens then turned back
around Chapple Hill eventually crossing the road near the Ilchester Arms to the road that leads to Hardy's Monument, where
we were already sat waiting... Will wasn't happy
to see us and took the hounds up the bridle path to Jubilee Coppice. After repeatedly trying to get the hounds to pick up
he dismounted and took the hounds in on foot! We were there watching and filming though, so out over the fence he climbed
and got back on his horse. They rode around in circles for a short while before deciding to call it a day at 4.45pm. After
parting from our escort for the day we went and had a look at the hounds who were now back in the Children's Farm car-park
to load up. They all looked very clean and tired so off we went home. See you again soon Lady T. If you would like to join us then please message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com . We are an independent group and don't
receive funding from any big organisation. Thank you for all the support you give us :) https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Pics above - Upper right - Hounds jumping fence into swannery
reed beds, supposed to be under biosecurity restrictions for avian flu Left - Deer disturbed
by the Hunt Lower right - Cattistock's 'trail layer' - behind the hounds. Er.... Walker's post/film of Ullswater FH hunting taken down by admin Had posted on 'I love the Lake District' Facebook page Walker has posted follow-up protesting
site's action POWAperson - The Hunt has been identified as the Ullswater since the original report here dated 11-2-18. 14-2-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust A big thumbs up to the person who posted their footage on 'I Love the Lake District' page, of
the Ullswater Foxhounds chasing foxes and terrorising sheep. The page admin took the footage down and the man who posted it
has put a follow-up post on the page. Admin have already disabled comments. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ilovethelakedistrict/permalink/10156522986918072/ Surrey Union FH stop midweek meet
when sabs appear 14-2-18 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Tuesday 13th Feb: Surrey Union hunt pack up after first sight of sabs A few of us
joined sabs from North Downs, Guildford, South Coast and Croydon to sab the Surrey Union Hunt this Tuesday. On Saturdays,
they know to expect us, but apparently we took them rather by surprise midweek. It
seems they forgot to bring their trail laying kit, and forgot to get a licence to hunt even a trail on the Leith Hill National
Trust land. Just one hour after they met, the whole Hunt packed up and went home. Sabs, being made of sterner stuff, headed over to stop any foxes
being killed at the Old Surrey and Burstow hunt, near Four Elms. Again, no sign of any of the trendy 'trail layer'
tabards we see on Saturday. We can't be sure whether there were any kills before we found the hunt, but they packed up
early, about 3pm. Our Brighton team was out on Saturday as well, getting soaking wet at the Crawley and Horsham. The
Hunt were running from us much of the day, and there wasn't much excitement, just a lot of rain and mud! Our Landrover needs repairs at the garage (yes
again!), so if you can spare a few quid, we'd love you to donate at paypal.me/BtnHuntSabs. Walker reports lost hound, thought from Ullswater FH 14-2-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust Meanwhile over on the Cumbria Crack page, a hound is reported running around, seemingly lost. Comments
remark that 'events' had occurred the previous evening, that hounds were running around the grounds of Lowther Castle,
and that hounds had 'escaped' from a hunt kennels. Thankfully somebody had the quick-wittedness to tag John Weller
the Ullswater huntsman, and his partner Sharon Holmes. Wonder if it was a National Trust day for the Ullswater Foxhounds? https://www.facebook.com/CumbriaCrack/. Waveney Harriers
Whip's poor hound control nearly runs into deer herd 13-2-18 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting NSALQH report no. 37 - Waveney Harriers hunt meet at Southerton Hall, Suffolk - Saturday 3
February, 2018 We were a little surprised when the boxes of the
Waveney Harriers led us to Southerton Hall farmyard in north east Suffolk. No-one could remember the Harriers meeting there before but our monitors were familiar with the territory as it had been hunted over
many times in the past when the meet was held further south at Blyford... As the start drew near, Huntsman Reuben Kench [right] rode south from the meet... then the hunt set off
at just after 11.30 am and headed north, he was noticeably absent. The whipper-in, one Peter Davidson-White, (PDW), appeared
to be leading them out. Perhaps Reuben had gone awol, perhaps he had a strop on and he had gone off to sulk or was it just
one of those training days... Whatever it was, Reuben had trained him
well. Within a few minutes of entering a plantation, he had lost his hounds and they were in full cry heading south in pursuit
of a quarry. The monitors couldn’t positively identify the quarry as there was a hedgerow partially obstructing their
view. A car was despatched to the southern extremity of that particular hunting ground and arrived at Oakley. Some of the
hounds were soon spotted with the hunters and the field. The rest of the pack were on to something further north. It was 11.52
am and some 20 minutes since the hounds had chased a live quarry from behind Sotherton Hall, leaving the acting huntsman behind.
In an understandable panic, he dangerously galloped a couple of hundred yards down King’s Lane, causing an alert driver
to pull in on to the verge and give him plenty of space to pass. Eight seconds later, a joint master followed at a slower
canter. They both turned right on to farm land and headed for the top of Blyford Wood. The hounds were by this time on the
other side of the wood and hundreds of yards away. What has this to do with trail hunting? It was several minutes after this that the quad bike with the
bird of prey box strapped to it attempted to follow them. When the hounds arrived near Oakley they had chased for over a mile.
A monitor spotted a fox crossing the lane to safety from the edge of a nearby garden. This could easily have been the one
that started the chase and took advantage of an overgrown ditch to escape and avoid certain death. Part of the pack were still
sounding off to the north. PDW’s hunting horn could be heard: it had a distinct flat note. He was attempting to restore
order. With the hounds in check they eventually set off hunting to the east
of Prime’s Lane and eventually arrived at the ruined Hall Farm barn? The acting huntsman put his hounds into the tangled
mesh of rusting corrugated sheets and briars [above], with two riders on point. Did someone dust a trail in
there? Get out of here!! Was the bird of prey standing by? No! Their luck was out. From
this frequently acted out charade they moved across country towards the edge of the plantation on King’s Lane... In
a smaller wood close to the north a herd of deer appeared motionless and no doubt frightened for their lives. As the pack
drew nearer, the deer set off to the north and to safety but something or someone must have turned them back as they changed
direction and headed straight for danger. The huntsman and hounds had crossed the lane and were heading for the edge of Sotherton
Wood. The deer were now sandwiched between them and the field [below]. The acting huntsman and his hounds had their
back to the deer and were fortunately up wind. They appeared oblivious to the running deer. The danger eventually passed as
the deer disappeared into the edge of the wood, but for a few minutes it was touch and go. With the lack of hound handling
skills demonstrated earlier that day, it came so close to a massacre. Realistically, we could have done nothing to prevent
it but we would have secured the evidence and made sure that those responsible were held to account... We have forgotten how
often we have seen those hounds chasing deer across the landscape, often with no huntsman in sight. The monitors had never intended to do the full
day but the trauma of that near miss made it doubly hard to break off. A very big thanks to them for their effort and making
it possible to bring the truth to social media. This truth is uncomfortable for a lot of people and is never told in the newspapers
of the so-called free press. Pics below - 1/ Deer run into woods and safety
2/ Whip whipping hounds  VWH FH chased fox into village gardens, hounds rated out
by monitorsSecond
chase of fox given up when hounds spilled on to B road Four
blocked setts found in area, reported to police 13-2-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Monday 10th February, 2018 - The Vale of the White Horse Hunt met
near Ablington, Bibury on Saturday. The sightseers in Bibury were oblivious to the horrors of the minority pastime taking
place just up the road. The usual hunt chaos ensued
as they lost control of their hounds several times. One of the worst episodes was when they chased a fox into a cluster of
small gardens in Winson [below left and bottom]. We had heard them in cry along
the wooded ground on the other side of the river and tracked them. Luckily, we were on to it and successfully rated the hounds
off and out of the gardens. To the annoyance of supporters, the hounds then went across the lane west up the field without finding a scent again.
We believe the fox was able to stay in safety within the gardens. In fact, several foxes were sighted during the day obviously disturbed by the sound of nearby hounds. We were able to enjoy
the treat of seeing one running without being pursued for once. Unfortunately, we aren’t sure of the fate of the one
that was chased across the lane by hounds after we heard a holloa from the field at the side, with huntsmen galloping along
the lane to catch up.
They were hunting through the unnamed
L-shaped wood above Leachbrook Covert when the rider on point above the road screamed a holloa and repeated it, bringing the
pack over. They went off in full cry down the hill, across the stream, across the road and up through Hollybush Plantation
followed at full blast by the riders. The poor hunted animal must have circled because they appeared again on the road at Cocklebarrow Farm, gathered the
hounds and took them back to the L-shaped wood where they immediately went in cry again, crossing the road again and over
towards Kilkenny Barn where a foot walker tried to get close. We could hear the hounds in cry round that area for what felt like a very long time and really feared that they would
get their kill, but they were located by our driver at Bibury Farm where James Bradley [Whipper-in] had recklessly allowed
the hounds to spill out on to the busy B4425 towards Bibury. Light was fading and weather conditions not good – drizzly rain and poor visibility. Some
hounds were searching hedgerows either side of the road of the road and some running all over the road. One hound was left
behind by James as the last few struggled to get through fencing on to the road. The last hound, with dark markings and a
limp, would certainly have been knocked over if a foot walker was not on the road by this time trying to slow the traffic
down and with our vehicle hazard lights on. The only good side was that this seemed to indicate they had lost the fox after
all, as the hounds were then taken on back towards Ablington and we saw them bringing them back to the hound lorry and packing
up at 4.35pm. As well as illegal hunting taking place – wildlife crime had already taken place before they started the day.
We found 4 badger setts blocked in the area. One was a repeat offence and all reported to the police. No doubt there were
others we weren’t able to find with limited resources on the day. Please support us at http://paypal.me/cihwatch. Monitors say Grafton FH hunted two foxes - one filmed 13-2-18 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO We monitored the Grafton Hunt from their meet at Rectory Farm,
Sulgrave, on Saturday 10th February. Almost immediately
the Grafton hounds were on a chase. Judging by the way the Hunt moved quickly, zig zagging over several roads and back again
between Sulgrave, Weston, Helmdon and Stuchbury was all to no avail, as the fox, probably helped by the wet weather, was leading
Mick Wills a merry dance. We think foxey got away from him this time. When all
the indications were that there was to be a repeat of the day, we filmed a fox being hunted near Allithorne Wood, a favourite
spot of theirs. The “stewards” moved in to distract, impede, harass, and intimidate our monitors, claiming we
were not allowed to film them, even though they kept walking directly in front of our cameras and into our personal space
while continually filming us! Question: What have the Grafton got to hide and why
do they employ these numpties? Trial of Portman FH Huntsman on illegal hunting charge ends Verdict on Evo Shirley not due until 14th March 13-2-18 Facebook - Hounds Off Portman Hunt MFH Evo Shirley leaves Poole Magistrates Court today after two day trial for Hunting Act offences
on #NationalTrust land last March. Verdict scheduled for March 14 @ 10am. #TrailHuntLies.  N. Herefordshire FH kill fox at dig out -2 more kills suspected 12-2-18 Herefordshire Hunt Sabs FOX HUNTED TO GROUND AND DUG OUT North Herefordshire Hunt- 10/2/18 Meet: Rosedale Court On Saturday, for our first outing, we paid a visit to
the N. Herefordshire Hunt. The meet was at Rosedale Court, Pudlestone, Leominster, the home of Charles Ingleby and his wife
Sarah. Charles Ingleby is a partner at London based commercial property agents Ingleby Trice. What a shame that he can’t find a more humane and legal leisure pursuit to support and indulge in his spare time. Huntsman Derek Hopkins (off to the
Wheatland at the end of this season, we hear) was convicted of illegal hunting under the Hunting Act 2004 in 2011, while huntsman
at the Fernie; specifically “digging out a fox hiding in a burrow so it could be chased by hounds.” We doubted
that the small fine meted out would act as a deterrent and sadly this was proved to be the case by the end of the day. https://web.archive.org/…/…/story-12025427-detail/story.html It was a poor turnout for the Hunt, the field numbering about fifteen riders at the outset and down to a pathetic four or
five by mid afternoon, along with four quad bikes, two of which had terrier boxes. No pretence at trail hunting here and why
would there be? This Hunt has been left to go about its business out of sight of prying eyes for far too long.
to report, and despite poor scenting conditions, we think it likely that the Hunt killed in the morning, once just east of
the meet as the Whipper-in was sent to call terrier men and an hour or so later near Copton a quad was once again called in.
Access was difficult and the Hunt moved off fast inland towards Leysters Farm. We drove round hoping get ahead of them and
found four lost hounds – causing the usual havoc on the road and in gardens, witnessed by sabs week after week. Hounds picked up the scent of a fox on the hillside opposite Cockspur Hall. They
were travelling at speed and we guessed correctly that we should head for the gated road to Hatfield. We got there ahead of
most car followers but those already there became aggressive at our arrival, shutting the gate across the road, claiming that
the road was a private drive. The field, now a mere four or five riders, gathered in sight of the road and we thought waiting
while a roadside covert was drawn. Hounds were out of sight and now blocked in by quads and numerous vehicles there was no
way we could get to the other side of the covert where we assumed the hounds were being hunted. Then suddenly the Huntsman,
Whip and hounds joined the rest of the field and all moved off swiftly towards Bockleton. Car support remained staring down the valley where the hounds
had come from and we felt sure something was very wrong. Within minutes a quad carrying masked terrier men drove fast up the field, out onto the lane
and sped away. Car support left and we quickly followed the quad tracks back down the field, fearing the worst. The quad tyre
tracks, plus two sets of hoof prints (the horses of Derek Hopkins and his Whipper-in) led two fields away to the edge of a
wooded stream bank. Feet away from where the quad had been parked we found clear signs of hounds having marked to ground and
signs of a fresh dig out or attempt at one. It was a fox’s earth, most likely recently excavated by a brace of foxes in anticipation
of the birth of a litter of cubs. All entrances were blocked bar two and there was a hole in between these which had been
dug out and backfilled. A thorough search found two clumps of fox hair on the ground nearby, one with streaked with saliva,
the other caked with dried blood. We were devastated beyond words to find a dig out, made worse by our frustration
at being unable to prevent it this time. We will fight on, until every fox lives free from fear. If you have any information
about Hunts in Herefordshire or would like to join us in the field please message the page. Pics above - Upper right, Quad
tracks lead to dig out Left, Where fox went to ground Lower right -
Clump of fox fur POWAperson adds - Gutted
for new sab group that they had to experience this on their first outing. I had a fox ripped to bits yards from me on my very
first sab in the 80s - and that's a big part of why I've been an anti activist ever since. Good to know the N. Herefordshire
FH and perhaps other rarely visited Hunts in the area will no longer be allowed to chase and kill wild animals unchallenged. Sabs save hunted fox from in-cry Belvoir FH hounds 12-2-18 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO From Saturday at the Belvoir HuntHounds had been onto a
fox and in full cry, they momentarily lost the scent and went quiet, this was when sabs acted by using the gizmo, horn and
voice calls to call the hounds into open fields in the opposite direction allowing the hunted fox time to get away. South Wold FH supporters say they hunt and kill foxes 12-2-18 Facebook - Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs Whilst some of our sabs were out with the Meynell last Saturday a couple of them stayed back and went to
monitor one of our local hunts, the Southwold Hunt. They met in Holbeck, Lincolnshire, and although they didn't meet exactly
were we had thought, it didn't take long to find them as they didn't get going till after 12.Once they left they headed
straight in to the nearest covert. We stayed in position at one end where we got talking to some support who clearly didn't
realise who we were as one of them told us that " it's never a good day out when they hunt here as they rarely catch
anything" and then went on to talk about the previous weeks kills. Proving once again that the claim of trail hunting
is a farce. After about 30 minutes hunting the same covert and coming up empty they headed off.
Unfortunately due to only having one vehicle out as well as bad weather conditions and poor visibility we lost track of them.
We will be back... Your continued support keeps us in the field every week, thank you all: https://ko-fi.com/lincolnhuntsaboteurs.
Fife FH miss put-up fox, support spooks ewe away from new-born lamb12-2-18 Facebook - Perthshire Hunt Sabs We
spent Saturday at the Fife Foxhounds joined by Grampian, Fife an d Central Scotland, and Glasgow Hunt Sabs. The Hunt left the meet at 11:15 and headed North towards Kinnaird hill where they
spent approx 45 minutes hunting but failed to get on a fox. They then made their way
over to Cairnie hill where a fox was flushed out of the woods by the hounds[right], seen by some sabs but not the
Hunt. The hounds were close by but were struggling to find the scent of the fox, just as they were getting on the right track
Robert the Huntsman smugly accused sabs of calling the hounds onto the fox then took the hounds in the opposite direction,
obviously thinking that the fox had gone that way. They tried to find the fox in another nearby bit of woodland without luck
so then headed towards Braeside. They
next went to the hill beside Gowdie where they tried drawing the gorse, again the hounds struggled with finding a scent. As
the Hunt moved towards Gowdie we noticed some hunt support were on foot near the bottom of a field, taking a closer look it
became clear they were beside a ewe who had recently given birth. Obviously in a situation like this it is important to keep
clear of the sheep and allow her to bond and feed her new lambs as long as all is looking well, but the hunt support were
harassing her... The terrified sheep eventually ran from the field and rather than backing away to allow her to return to her new born as she clearly
wanted to do, the supporter then proceeded to pick up the lamb. The poor ewe was frantic and as the supporter approached her
she ran away... from her new born lamb. The supporter then made the situation even worse by dumping the lamb in the boot of
his car! He then drove after the ewe, but this just panicked her even more causing her to run through gorse into a ploughed
field where another sheep had ran with her new born twins, the supporter then dumped the new born lamb at the bottom of the
gorse, but its mother was away across the other side of the field by then. Eventually the farmer came along, we can only hope
he was able to reunite the ewe with her lamb, but seeing as she had been so spooked by the hunt and the supporter... the ewe
might not accept the lamb back. The Hunt started to make their way back to the farm they had unboxed at via Cairnie hill. The hounds
went in and out of cry at the woods but again lost their fox. Once
the Hunt was back at the farm they spent a good while blowing the horn to gather stray hounds, including one called Gaffer[left] who
seemed to like the company of sabs better than the Hunt. We decided to bring him back to the Hunt once it was clear that he
wasn't going back on his own, but then terrier man Galpin appeared on his quad and shouted at us for touching the hound,
even after we explained that we were trying to help them. Please donate to
help keep us in the fields - https://gogetfunding.com/fuel-costs-and-vehicle-maintenance/ Atherstone FH hunt foxes in area with artificial earth12-2-18
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt - Hunt Kennels - Saturday 10th Feb 2018 The
Atherstone met at their kennels on Saturday and Huntsman Mike Lane spent all day hunting multiple foxes, one fox escaped [right] although
Mike Lane tried his hardest to find it again by putting the hounds through every hedgerow in the area. Next Mike Lane put
the hounds into a wood containing an artificial fox earth. These are designed to encourage foxes to live in the area. Predictably we saw a fox escaping
from the wood with the hounds losing the sent once they left the wood. Mike Lane spent most of the day going round and round
in in circles over the same ground. The Atherstone Hunt are telling Leicestershire Police they are just trail hunting
so why would the Atherstone Hunt need to put their hounds into woods with artificial fox earths? Surely they would want to
avoid them. Why did Mike Lane keep going over the same ground? We had sabs in
the area a few hours before the Hunt were due to set off and we can confirm that we saw no trails being laid. Leicestershire Police were in attendance although they may as well have not bothered
turning up for all the use they were. They spent most of this period sat on the A444 where they wouldn’t of been able
see anything and safely away from any of the foxes being hunted meaning they didn’t have to lift a finger. You can contact Leicestershire Police here and politely ask them why they continue to turn a blind eye to illegal
fox hunting. https://m.facebook.com/leicspolice/. Thank you to everyone who has donated recently, we are out 3-4 times a week at the moment any help towards fuel is
greatly appreciated. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pic below - Huntsman Mike Lane with hounds Monitor's windscreen
smashed after threats from Easton Harriers supporters 11-2-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday, Saturday 10th February, an investigator from the Hare Preservation Trust along with a concerned
member of the public were subject to aggression and intimidation while monitoring the Easton Harriers at Stutton Estate in
Suffolk. Estate workers, game keepers and others associated with the Hunt took it upon themselves to use threats of violence
against monitors who were acting within the law.
Not much can be revealed at this time in regard to
the activities of the Hunt and the support, due to legal proceedings, but are able to let our supporters know the damage that
has been caused on the day. The windscreen of the investigators vehicle was smashed at the end of the day as he attempted
to leave after the Hunt was packed up. If the Hunt were acting within the law then why would they feel the need to allow such
behaviour? We send our thoughts and thanks to those two
who went out of their way to monitor the Easton Harriers. We'd also like to show solidarity to North Cambs Hunt Sabs who
were also subject to violence and criminal damage. Please support the work of the The Hare Preservation Trust - HPT Official. Pics below
- Hounds and riders 13-2-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Easton Harriers – 10th February 2018 Stutton Estate, Stutton, Suffolk
On Saturday 10th February while the majority of Norfolk & Suffolk Sabs were at another Hunt one Norfolk & Suffolk
sab and a Hare Preservation Trust monitor took a look at what the Easton Harriers Hunt were up to. To say the Hunt was caught
a little off-guard, is an understatement. The meet bordered the stunning Stour Estuary, which meant that the plentiful footpaths,
which walkers frequently use, could be used to access the meet. Within a matter of seconds of spotting us, the Master of the
Hunt was on her phone. Why would she worry about our presence if the hunt were hunting legally? A
few minutes later, while attempting to keep up with the hunt by accessing a footpath on the estate, we were greeted by what
can loosely be described as a welcoming committee. Two estate vehicles and a quad bike stopped us in our tracks and the occupants
got out and surrounded our crew of two. Slightly outnumbered at 12 to 2, we nonetheless managed to keep calm and composed
while veiled threats were made by the estate workers/hunt supporters. Thankfully the whole episode was captured on film, so
we have a record as to the threats that were made which included “Don’t think you’re special with that thing,
coz we will take it off ya” and “You can call who you like. At end of day, if it kicks off up here that thing
will be gone, we will take that off ya” [referring to our video camera]. A bit later on in the day, after tracking the Hunt down, we were on the receiving end of more attention from the
“hunt protection squad”. Our vehicle got blocked in on a dead end road and once again we found ourselves surrounded.
This time, the ante seemed to have been upped, so we called for Police assistance. We cannot fault the service we received
from Suffolk Police, as they came in a matter of minutes and dealt with our concerns professionally. At just after 2.00 pm we were told the Hunt had packed up. With the
aggro we had had and with the rain setting in, we were rather relieved to be leaving to go home. However while making our
way home we found the hunt further down the road, still hunting. Sure enough the hounds picked up a hare and made chase. A
lone sab tried to intervene and it is hoped the hare got away but it is by no means certain. Clearly rattled by
the fact that we had had the audacity to stay with the Hunt and had not run scared, one of the hunt protection squad got himself
a bit upset. As our HPT monitor was leaving to come home (for a second time) his windscreen was smashed by one of the individuals
who had earlier been making personal threats. We cannot comment any further at this time as the matter is in the hands of
Suffolk Police. Consider helping
us keep warm and energised in the fields by sharing a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ. Pics below - 1/ Hare pursued by lead hound
2/ HPT investigator menaced by hunters Blackmore FH killed fox - Dorset police refused to attend Terrierman
tried to hide corpse under jacket - filmed 11-2-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit Report BSV Sat 10th Feb 2018 Meeting at Sherbourne Castle
So, I suppose I should be telling you about where the Hunt went today and the day's events. There is, however, one problem
with this and that is all I can really think about is how we were 5 minutes too late to save a fox. The feel of its intestines
and pieces of its liver between my fingers as I collected the remains for the police. Yes, I know the Doggrells and their bully boys will read this at some point and you know what I don’t care that you
will undoubtedly be laughing coz your not quite right in the head are you ? Mark, I bet that fox was terrified wasn’t
it as the hounds ripped its guts out whilst it was still alive ?? Ben, you did not do the best job of clearing up - is that
coz we were filming you perhaps ?? I won’t ask how you gain pleasure from this coz thank God I'll never understand
what makes you lot tick !!! Hunting a defenceless animal with a pack of dogs is not only criminal its totally barbaric ! Our
resolve will not be weakened and tomorrow the battle will continue !! This is my best attempt at the days events….
after leaving the meet the hunt spent a while in Old Park before heading in the direction of West Lane. Lots of bloodthirsty
scum down here with Bugsy accusing our driver of having no insurance - they really try to pull anything out to throw at us
… yawns !! We next caught up with the
Huntsman and hounds at North Wotton Lodge where he crossed the A3030 heading down Green Lane towards Wizard Bridge. We had
to call the police on a 999 call because the Huntsman and his cronies tried to squash the monitor we work with, using their
horses as weapons once again. In the photos, which are close up shots of the horses, you can not only gauge the proximity
of the horses to the monitor but you can see the white horse looking left and then right as the Huntsman prevented the monitor
from moving freely. Bearing in mind this gentleman never gives them any grief, never masks up and always travels alone - you
really do disgust me !! It seems the BSV had called in some “extra thuggery help” including Chrissie Osbourne
and her family and Clare Marsh. Things got a little heated near the Doggrells' residence with Chrissie objecting to us filming whilst her kids were there, but it was OK for her to be swearing and acting the way she was ?? Swapping horses just
after 2pm at Hunters Bridge, the Huntsman headed south... We, as well as our monitor, had them in our sights whilst the Huntsman
drew Davis’s Plantation. We left our position at Blackmore Ford Bridge and headed towards Osehill Green where we observed
the Huntsman off his horse for about 10 minutes. As he moved on a foot team were dropped onto a footpath whilst the landy
went and observed from Dunn Bridge. The Huntsman was found
on foot here in a small wooded area with the hounds. The hounds tails were wagging and the Huntsman brought them out of the
small wooded area and past the foot sabs. Hounds were seen to be licking their lips and one had blood on its nose as the Huntsman
arrogantly strolled past us. Then, quick as a flash of lighting, the quads arrived, Ben Doggrell came out of the wooded area
with a body of a fox shoved up his coat. He was being ultra careful as he moved his quad away so it didn’t fall out
- YES we saw you and we FILMED you !!! Dorset police declined to attend and the sabs went into the wood where the remains
were collected. Clare Marsh was waiting with
the Landy on Dunns Bridge asking to see the evidence - please see attached photos and footage to follow Clare. We really wasn’t
in the mood to engage with bloody thirsty criminals anymore and with the Hunt packed up for the day we headed home. Really sorry the hit report isn’t up to our usual standard, that's all I can manage, footage to follow. Sorry we didn’t get to you in time poor
Fox - we tried and we cried - our fight will continue. Foxes are pairing up for mating season at the moment - maybe this poor
soul's partner was nearby and now left alone ! A big thanks to our monitor - total respect and solidarity to you. A big
thanks to our supporters - if you want to join us please email dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net. https://www.gofundme.com/dorset-sabs-bodycam-protection Pics below - 1/ Part of killed fox's intestines
2/ Redcoat using horse to intimidate monitor  12-2-18 Somerset Live Hunt saboteurs post video they claim proves death of fox during Blackmore and Sparkford
Vale Hunt near Sherborne - Police are now investigating the incident after receiving a report Hunt
saboteurs have released a video they claim proves that a fox was killed during a hunt near Somerset over the weekend. They claim their video shows a man attempting to hide the body of a fox as he removes it from the area. They also
believe the video shows body parts, including an intestine, belonging to the fox that was killed. Police have also confirmed
they are investigating the allegation. Dorset Hunt Sabs filmed the Blackmore and Sparkford
Vale Hunt on Saturday, February 10, as part of their regular hunt monitoring activities. Tracking the Hunt, the sabs said
they came across a Huntsman off his horse in a wooded area just off the A3030 near Sherborne. A spokeswoman
said: “The huntsman was found on foot here in a small wooded area with the hounds. The hound’s tails were wagging
and the Huntsman brought them out of the small wooded area and past the foot sabs. Hounds were seen to be licking their lips
and one had blood on its nose as the Huntsman strolled past us. Then, quick as a flash of lightning, the quads arrived and
a man came out of the wooded area with a body of a fox shoved up his coat. He was being ultra-careful as he moved his quad
away so it didn’t fall out.” Dorset Hunt Sabs are convinced that the hounds had
killed a fox. The spokeswoman, who asked to remain anonymous, went to investigate the scene soon after the quad bike left. She said: “We must have been
just five minutes too late to save this fox. When I went to investigate the scene I came across a number of body parts including
intestines and pieces of liver. I bet that fox was terrified as the hounds ripped its guts out while it was still alive. Hunting
a defenceless animal with a pack of dogs is not only criminal, it’s totally barbaric.” The video
footage of the man investigating the wooded area, the man walking back to his quad bike and the footage of the body parts,
proves the death of this fox, they say. The spokeswoman said: "Yes we saw you and we filmed you." A spokesman for Dorset Police said: "We
can confirm we have received a report of this and we are investigating." Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt has been approached
for comment. The Countryside Alliance has said it will not comment as it has received no reports of an incident happening
over the weekend in the area, despite being sent the footage and reports by Somerset Live. Sabs and 'very angry' farmer stop a Meynell FH dig-out 1,000 acre dairy farmer bans them cos 'They're f*****g
aresholes' 11-2-18 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs After being tied up elsewhere for a couple of weeks the Meynell were definitely due some attention. We
hooked up with the amazing Liverpool Hunt Sabs and our favourite partners in crime Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs and headed to a
very wet Hoar Cross deer park in Staffordshire. Calling this meet a deer park is a touch grandiose as when you arrive it's
actually a portaloo hire company but never let it be said the Meynell don't try and put a positive spin on things. The chuckle brothers (terrier men Andy and Sam plus chums) were quickly up to their usual tricks of blocking and
pushing sabs. One of their goon friends even stole a bottle of spray which we certainly won't forget in a hurry. Unfortunately
for them they can't be in two places at once so whilst they were playing sumo with one group of sabs the others were free
to disrupt the hunt. We tag teamed them for a couple of hours, the only highlight of which was watching a portly Andy Bull
huff and puff after sabs across a brassica field. Turns out his quad is more a mobility scooter as he seems pretty stuck without
it. Around lunchtime, the chuckle brothers mysteriously disappeared. We continued to
follow the Hunt for 20 minutes until we spotted the terrier men by some scrub. As the hounds reached them they went into furious
cry and we heard a holloa to signal a fox had gone away. Now we're not a suspicious bunch but clearly something well dodgy
had gone on there. The hounds stayed in cry for the next half hour or so and were miles away from the huntsman. Fortunately
when we finally caught up with them they were un-blooded. We stuck with them all afternoon as the field all abandoned a rubbish day until
only 4 riders were left. Late in the day the hounds chased a fox to ground in a badger sett. Huntsman Sam was so desperate
for a kill that he abandoned his horse and pursued the hounds on foot. Sadly for him sabs and a very angry farmer stopped
him getting his way and he packed up in disgust. Highlight of the day: A dairy farmer with over a thousand acres explaining the reason
he doesn't let the Hunt on his land is because "They're fucking arseholes." Please support our work: https://ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs. Pic above right - Blocked badger sett found by sabs
Pic below - Sabs keep up with Hunt Landowners/farmers
call police over trespass/damage by Cheshire Forest FH 11-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE FOREST HUNT, ARLEY HALL, 10.02.18 “Arley
Hall don’t give a damn about anybody. They really don’t.” These were the words of just one of the local
landowners who suffered trespass and damage from the Cheshire Forest Hunt yesterday, after the Hunt met at Arley Hall &
Gardens [below]. Terrorising pregnant ewes (who the farmer believes will now
abort in the coming days, due to stress), trampling crops and churning up farmers’ land all appear part and parcel of
a day out hunting in Cheshire, and locals are increasingly incensed by those who invite the Hunt into the area. A
number of landowners and farmers called the police yesterday, and we will be further raising this issue with them and with
the Hall, as now Hunts have to operate more and more 'below the radar' to keep their activities hidden, these issues
are increasing. Arley Hall have traditionally hosted a meet for this Hunt every season, and this year we believe they will also be hosting
the Cheshire Forest Hunt ball. After numerous complaints from patrons of the Hall, customers from adjacent Stockley Farm,
and following a number of peaceful demonstrations at the entrance, we decided to speak to Hall management ourselves, who were
very responsive to us, have stated that they are investigating complaints about this Hunt, and even went as far as to allow
us to officially monitor the Hunt within their grounds.
Watching Huntmaster Sally Hayward’s welcoming speech to the dwindling membership
of this Hunt, up close at the front of Arley Hall yesterday, was an interesting experience. After being amused by the many
concerned faces when we arrived, and chatting to Lord Ashbrook (Arley Hall owner) who seemed genuinely interested in Cheshire
Monitors, we watched the hunt quickly move off and spend the next few hours trying to keep away from us. As Arley is surrounded
by a lot of woodland, German had his pick of areas to try and flush for foxes, and tried desperately to do so, but with little
success. We witnessed the hounds in cry (on the scent of a fox) only a couple of times, and only briefly. We did catch German
hunting on foot while hunt servants blocked the road, and using the “brrrr” call to try and disturb foxes for the hounds to chase. Arley’s foxes had other ideas, however, and we are pretty certain
that they all evaded the hunt and live to see another day. We suffered a lot of intimidation (or attempted) from hunt servants, all masked-up
of course, blocking roads and driving dangerously, much of which was in the grounds of Arley Hall, all to try and keep us
away from the Huntsman and hounds. They failed, of course, and we must have been really spoiling their fun, as the Hunt decided
to pack up at 3pm after one final (thwarted) attempt to hunt. We decided to check they weren’t going to try and sneak back out, as Hunts
do, but no, back at Arley car park we found German studying his A-Z of Cheshire to find his way home and the smattering of
riders who bothered turning up today trying to look casual as they packed up from such a rubbish day out. The terrierboys did
have one final go at intimidating us, at the instruction of Hunt director – and domestic vet, no less – Liz Gorse,
who handed them her video camera [above left] to harass us with (right). All
the while the terrierboys remained masked up, of course. We aren’t sure if it’s because they are ugly or just
cowards with something to hide. You decide. With a tiny field of just 25 riders today, and at such a prestigious meet, without
a Whipper In and an apparent terrierboy controlling the hounds on foot from the roadside, this fox-killing hunt has never
looked more pitiful. And with them now being under official police investigation (more on that soon), how much longer can
the Cheshire Forest Hunt realistically survive? If you have information about any Hunts in or around Cheshire, please contact us
in strict confidence, by PM here or on email to info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk, and help us #StopTheHunts. If you would like
to support Cheshire Monitors you can donate atpaypal.me/CMonitors - thank you! Pics
below - Sheep flock with pregnant ewes disturbed by hounds Two sabs attacked after gizmo used to lift S. Dorset FH hounds off fox11-2-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit report 10/02/2018 The South Dorset Hunt After a local tip-off we caught up with the South Dorset Hunt just as they left
the meet at Troy Town Farm. With a small field of ten riders and with the weather conditions making visibility difficult we
knew from the outset that this wasn't going to be one of our easiest days... From the meet the hunt headed
north with hounds trying to pick up in the kale fields before heading onto Gaddys Lane .From there foot teams were deployed
along the Ridge and were able to keep ahead of the Hunt before they galloped off towards the old favourite hunting ground
of Doles Hill Plantation... The day then took a nasty turn. With foot teams on the footpath just east of
the plantation, the Hunt, which by now only consisted of the Huntsman, Whip and two terriermen on a quad, watched as hounds
went into cry. Sabs used a gizmo to lift their heads and pull the hounds off, surely something the Hunt should be doing to
avoid any 'accidents'. Then a call came through - sabs under attack. Obviously
the lack of kill from that moment sent huge waves of frustration to the terriermen, maybe the fox they dropped escaped , who
knows but their anger was enough for them to drag a female sab to the ground and pushing another so hard in the chest with
both hands that he fell (footage being sent to Dorset Police!). With another foot team running in for backup the Hunt made
a dash towards Druce Farm, taking their servants along with them, and within half an hour the call from awaiting Silver Landy
came through that the hounds were back in the van and heading home at around 3.50pm. With very little road access , high hills and a vast expanse of open plain this was definitely a day for the fittest
of foot sabs who did us proud. The weather was harsh but always on our side and we feel certain there were no kills today. A huge big thank you to Southampton
Sabs who walked that extra mile to help keep our South Dorset foxes safe for another day... We
are looking for new members. We need Monitors, spotters, fundraisers and people out in the fields. The more of us there are
the harder it is for them to keep getting away with the slaughter of our wildlife. If you can help then please message this
page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com. We are an independent group and receive no funding from big associations. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Pics below - 1/ Sab being
assaulted 2/ Riders 3 abreast on a bend in poor weather.
 Sabs save foxes from Flint & Denbigh though
attacked by thugs 11-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Flint & Denbigh - Trefnant – 10/02/18
Yesterday we met up with our very good friends North Wales Hunt Saboteurs and took on the Flint & Denbigh hunt in Trefnant,
Denbighshire, North Wales, managing to save 3 foxes and a deer! Arriving at Perthewig Farm at around 11am sabs immediately
encountered a man on horseback on the bridleway with some rope and a handkerchief 'laying a trail'.... Had Jeremy
finally gone straight?? Apparently not!! Sabs stayed with the hounds and Jeremy for around 30 minutes whilst he hunted some
small woodland in the fields adjacent to the meet, with the hounds at our feet the entire time. They didn't go into cry.
Jeremy was civil and was happy to have some friendly banter with the sabs, when asked for a go of his horn in exchange for
a go of ours, he took the opportunity but wouldn't give us a go of his! Spoil sport, haha! The civility ended later on
of course when he became a little more red faced than usual. Accompanied by the field, Jeremy made a desperate
attempt at escape to get away from sabs. Covering his departure, around 6 members of the field and the whipper in tried to
use their horses as weapons to deter sabs, but to no avail. Pressing on, sabs kept up with Jeremy and with his patience wearing
thin, he called in his star hunt servant Rob "The Cabbage Patch Kid" Smith, but he wasn't much of an obstacle
as he didn't have any of his fellow lackeys with him to make him feel tough and sabs got around him with not too much
resistance. Sabs continued to stay with the hounds for around an hour and 30 minutes, with Rob's quad not able to keep
up with sabs. they didn't go into cry. The Hunt made their first road cross at the dismantled railway near Denbigh Green
(land owned by Anthony Griffith) and were met with abuse from drivers who opposed their barbaric 'sport'. Finally
crossing the road, with dozens of hunt support present and Rob The Cabbage Patch Kids ego inflated, two sabs were set upon
while trying to follow the hunt. Rob and his lackey Mark Wilson used excessive force on the two foot sabs as more sabs arrived
to help, more violence broke out as the hunt officials and support desperately tried to prevent sabs from joining the Hunt,
hitting and pushing sabs into barbed wire. 4 police officers
arrived and entered the field, the hunt support promptly began to change. Police asked sabs to send in their footage if they
wished to make a report and to stop blowing the horn, however mid conversation with officers the hounds went into cry in the
next field, sabs used the gizmo, horn and voice calls but were unsuccessful in taking the hounds. Crossing a stream, 3 sabs
caught up to the hounds and Jeremy, who had no choice but to call them off. From here, the Hunt then crossed the dangerous A525
into the Plas Newydd estate. With support and police across the stream, sabs continued to stay with the hounds. A few fields
ahead Rob caught up and was hurling abuse again. However, next to the sabs was the first fox, standing stationary looking
towards us. The fox bolted into some near by woodland and escaped rob and his terriers due to sabs presence. Police entered the field believing they had a dispersal order issued by a Sergeant
Neil Stringfellow, but an officer must hold the rank of Inspector to issue one and Neil is allegedly a friend of hunt servant
Ed Lloyd Ellis so we can only assume he was acting on behalf of the hunt... Failing to understand that a dispersal order is
placed on an area and not a group of people, officers tried to tell sabs to leave the land and get back on the footpath, but
with a fox near by and hunt servants with shovels and terriers, this was not possible. A group of sabs stayed and ensured
no digging was done and the servants left. The second fox (and deer!) escaped shortly after. Following the hunt on foot as
they went into Plas Heaton Estate sabs came over a stile to the top of a hill and seen the duo, the hunt immediately followed
the fox and deer but had to stop when sabs quickly got between them and started filming. They both got away. Minutes later a few
fields over we seen the third fox, hounds descended down a series of fields on a steep hill and went into cry multiple times,
sabs used horn calls to keep them away and the fox was seen escaping the hounds after being chased. At this point a police
officer had made it down the hill from the road and had witnessed the hounds chasing the fox and asked Jeremy about it, he
"categorically" denied the claims and said he wasn't aware of any fox and galloped away with his whipper in
and rejoined the other riders. The officer showed some sympathy towards sabs but ultimately did nothing after witnessing the
chase. Jeremy had lost his civility at this point and was in denial about sabs presence, ignoring them at every turn. The
day was drawing to a close and the hunt was followed to the meet and packed up around 5pm. The 'trail of lies' we
seen being laid first thing in the morning was not actually followed at all, and went in the complete opposite direction to
the hunt... Says it all really!
Sabs find blocked setts in Heythrop FH, 3 in N. Cotswold FH country11-2-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Yesterday was spent dealing with the Heythrop and the North Cotswold hunt. Around Batsford
the Heythrop had blocked 4 setts the NCH 3. That is only what we found, tip of the iceberg.Busy few days 4 different hunts
all breaking the law, all behaving badly. Footage is of the joint meet of the Ledbury and North Staffordshire. Please support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Severe misuse of horses seen at Eggesford FH while sabs
save foxes 11-2-18
Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Eggesford Hunt 10.2.2018 After the Eggesford killed
on Thursday, we returned yesterday to hit them with more sabs and added determination. With three foot teams and two vehicles
we had them surrounded all day. Wherever they went, we were already there waiting. It paid off and lives were saved. They
met at Heath Farm, just north of Winkleigh. As you can see from the pictures, it rained throughout and we found ourselves
wading through bog for much of the day! The Hunt set off into the valley south of Week House, drawing both sides as they headed
south and then north, with huntsman Jason Marles attempting to flush out foxes ahead of the hounds. Hounds began speaking
on a line but we had it covered. A horn-blowing battle ensued between sabs and Marles in Woodroberts Wood. Sabs had most of the pack and it took Marles a good 15 minutes
to get them back together and move on. Next, they entered the stream valley south of
Hollocombe Moor. Again, foot teams were quickly repositioned, just in time to witness hounds in cry heading onto the moor
and towards the busy A-road. What a strange place to lay a trail?! As sabs on the moor called hounds back, others prepared
to stop the hounds on the road and prevent them from running into the traffic. Meanwhile, the terrier men stood around like
lemmings and Marles was getting drenched on the moor. Another battle of calls ensued, as Marles struggled to regain control
of the pack. Marles eventually
emerged on foot from the moor, got back on his horse and made his way over towards Narracott, where he began drawing the many
small coverts and river valleys around the farm. Hounds rioted on deer but another effective pincer movement from our foot
teams had the hounds surrounded and Marles was forced to call them back. What followed was one of the most stressful experiences
we've had in a long time. A fox ran within a few metres of one of our foot teams and headed straight for the woods. Hounds
were less than 10 seconds behind and were excitedly speaking on the line. Sabs on one side of the valley tried to cover the
fox's scent and rate the hounds, while sabs on the other side prepared to call them out away from the fox. However, a
fox broke from the woods and headed towards that same foot team. We're not sure if it was the same fox as the two were
just minutes apart. Calling at this point would have put the fox at risk, so sabs waited for the fox to get away and prepared
to stop the hounds, who were not far behind. Nathan, one of the Eggesford terrier men, had
also seen the fox and pointed out to Marles where the fox had run. Marles immediately blew "Gone Away", the signal
that a fox had broken from covert, and encouraged the hounds onto the line. Sabs who witnessed the whole thing shouted at
him to call the hounds off. His response was the usual smug-faced "I didn't see no fox", and to another team
he said "do you think I give a f*** what you've got on camera?!" Although it had
been an extremely close call, quick action from all our foot teams ensured the fox got away safely and Marles eventually gathered
the pack and headed further south. Sabs followed closely through the woods to ensure they didn't double-back. Meanwhile,
in a display of some of the most irresponsible horsemanship we have ever witnessed, a couple of the riders forced their horses
down a steep slippery slope in the woods and one of them was thrown off her horse straight into the mud. She was drenched
in mud from head to toe. Surely they would turn around and head back the way they came?? But no... they carried on down the
slope, dragging their horses down by the reins. The horses skidded and slid all over the place. One of the horses sank deep
into the mud and had to be dragged out. Surely it was time for Marles to give up and go home, and for once he did! By 3.15
the bedraggled Hunt were back at the meet, boxing up the hounds. With two hours of daylight left, we headed off to find the
South Tetcott at Northlew but found them packing up as we arrived. Footage and more to follow. If
you support what we do, please contribute to our fuel fund: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. To get involved or send us information:
07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Pics
below - 1/ Sabs ask huntsman to call hounds off fox 2/ Rider thrown
off into deep mud 3/ Hounds get some rest and a dry in the van at end of meet  Reckless York & Ainsty S FH rider brings horse down on road 11-2-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs shared Tommy Woodward's post VIDEO Yesterday at the York and Ainsty South we saw yet
another example that the poor horses and hounds are simply tools of the trade, Riding too fast on iron shoes on a metalled
road is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately some people's bloodlust takes over their common sense! 11-2-18 Facebook - Tommy Woodward SAME VIDEO Don't ever think that the bloodsports fanatics give a damn about the horses or hounds. Sabs find sheep carcasses think used to lure foxes into
Fife FH hunt area 11-2-18 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs Hit report Saturday 10th February Fife Foxhounds - Cairneyhall
Sabs from Perthshire, Glasgow and Grampian Hunt Sabs decided to join us while visiting Fife Foxhounds yesterday sabs found
the meet by around 10am so all 4 groups split up and began pre spraying known areas. The Hunt left the meet around 11:20 and made an attempt to lure sabs out of the estate by heading
North from the meet but they failed, Terrierman Adam Galpin also tried to trick sabs into moving vehicles claiming he needed
access to a railway line this was obviously a lie from a charlatan (Why would the hunt need access to an active railway line?). Sabs lay in wait for
the Hunt to return several groups discovered carcasses of sheep used to lure foxes into the areas, We intercepted the hunt
around 12:30 and they made an attempt to hunt several woods surrounding the meet. The
Hunt made 10 attempts to cast the hounds into an area a fox was spotted luckily for the fox sabs had pre sprayed the area
and rated hounds away from the fox, The Hunt were visibly desperate and frustrated by this point Mark Flemming even picked
up a decaying fox carcass to try and trick sabs into thinking they had killed when the only thing they had harmed is their
dignity! The Hunt then headed back to the meet early and packed up a great day for wildlife. Join. Sab. Donate. https://www.paypal.me/FifeHuntSabs. Lake District walker sees Hunt
chasing foxes Hounds ran straight past
a huddle of sheep 11-2-18 He was able to take a short clip of hounds, apparently in cry, on his phone. Sabs stop dig-out, one & a hound driven
into by Curre FH terrierman 10-2-18 Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Curre & Llangibby Foxhounds Shirenewton nr Chepstow FOX
MARKED TO GROUND. SAB & HOUND HIT BY QUAD With South Wales, Bristol & Bath Hunt Saboteurs. Firstly
we would like to acknowledge our fellow sabs, monitors and the wildlife that were subjected to acts of violence today, notably
North Cambs Hunt Sabs An attack on one is an attack on all. We will not back down. News reaches us that the Curre are in trouble, Huntsman
Neil Coleman has been sacked. Hunts are under pressure and their days are numbered. Sabs in South Wales had a cold, wet and muddy
day. The Hunt were located near Home Farm Court. Stoneycroft Wood was hunted as were the woods of Rhyd-y-fedw. Sabs stuck
close to the hounds. Ex-Hunstman Peter Swann was spotted, loitering near woodland. During the day as sabs rated hounds on a road, one of our crew and a hunt hound
was hit by a quad bike [hound hit, right] being dangerously driven by terrierman Gareth Baker.
Thankfully no serious injury was sustained. The quad was being driven illegally as it was on a public road with no number
plates and carrying a passenger. Time and again we see the law being broken by hunts and them getting away with it. In the afternoon, hounds went into cry and marked a fox to ground in view of sabs.
As the terriermen closed in with spades and terriers at the ready to dig out the fox, sabs stood guard for 40 minutes until
the terriermen gave up and left. The fox was able to escape to safety. Unhappy that they couldn't fulfil their blood lust
for the day, the hunt packed up and were seen back to their kennels by sabs. We would like to ask if you make a donation today to please help our friends at Bath & North Cambs with their
vehicle repairs. Your help helps save lives! Very many thanks. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/vehiclerepairs  Fitzwilliam
thugs violently attack occupied sab carWindscreen, side and rear windows all smashed Followed hunt supporters driving into sab vehicle 10-2-18 HSA Press release Fitzwilliam Hunt endanger lives of Hunt Saboteurs North Cambs Hunt
Sabs came under violent attack today from followers of the Fitzwilliam - Milton Hunt. After
a successful day preventing hunting at the Oakley Hunt in Bedfordshire, North Cambs checked on a known meet location of the
Fitzwilliam. Upon finding the Hunt the North Cambs vehicle was surrounded and blocked in by several four wheel drive vehicles,
just outside of Lutton near Huntingdon. One vehicle collided with the North Cambs' car after racing up alongside on
the verge and driving across the lane in front of the moving sab vehicle. Several hunt supporters got out of their vehicles
and used heavy implements to smash the windscreen, side windows and rear window of the North Cambs car. Lacerations from broken
glass were caused to the occupants, who then managed to get out of the situation and were pursued at high speed through country
lanes by their assailants, before finally driving to Peterborough police station to make full statements and submit video
evidence for prosecution. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteur Association, stated: “The Fitzwilliam hunt are
under increasing pressure from hunt saboteurs and will soon be in court to answer charges of illegal hunting. Time and again
we see hunts resorting to violence when decent folk stop their illegal killing. These people are fools because we will never
be deterred by acts of violence and in fact it only proves how effective we're being and spurs us on to greater efforts.
Whether the police decide to act or not, North Cambs sabs will have the backing of other sab groups to ensure justice is done.” Pics below - 1/ Windscreen 2/ Rear window
10-2-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs HUNT SUPPORTERS TRAP AND ATTACK SAB VEHICLE Hit Report 10.02.2018 Oakley Hunt, Lodge
Farm, Rushden Today ended in drama for North Cambs Hunt Sabs, after a successful sab outing
to the Oakley Hunt with Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs and Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs, North Cambs went to check on a sighting of
the Fitzwilliam, in Lutton near Huntingdon. The North Cambs four wheel drive was pursued, obstructed, blocked and violently
attacked by hunt supporters with metal tools. The windscreen, side, and rear windows were all smashed, occupants received
injuries from the shattering glass and hundreds of pounds worth of damage was caused to our vehicle. Of course,
sab vehicles are well kitted out with video recording equipment, and this is now a police matter, with clear images of the
assailants and their cars handed over to Cambridgeshire Constabulary. The earlier part of
the day, however, had unfolded much more favourably for the team. Attending a meet of the Oakley Hunt at Lodge Farm near Rushden,
Northants, North Cambs and Cambridge Sabs worked with Bed & Bucks to contain the riders and hounds and prevent any serious
hunting happening all day. Heavy, sodden clay fields made the going difficult for activists on foot, but with
multiple teams out making use of vehicle support, the hunt was not out of sight for long at any time. Jack Harris and Ray
Pipe were forced to push on time and time again to the next draw as sabs found them and called their hounds back, out of harm’s
way. Two foxes were seen to safety by the different teams working
today, and as this time of year is when foxes have paired up and with pregnant vixens laying low in dens, others will have
not been far away. By 2.30pm, with most of the field
calling it a day in dire conditions, the pack and huntsman trudged back to kennels at Melchbourne, under the watchful eye
of a sab vehicle escort. A solid day's sabbing had been achieved, before things turned south when North Cambs headed back
to Cambridgeshire and ran into the Fitzwilliam - Milton Hunt support. The hardy NC vehicle
has suffered substantial and costly damage. All repairable, of course, this will not stop us in our battle to stop cruelty
to wildlife wherever we find it. Please support our work for the price of a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pics below - 1/ Wounds to
sab who was in car 2/ Broken glass in front of sab car  15-2-18 BBC News Fitzwilliam Hunt: Anti-hunting group 'attacked with tools'
An anti-hunting group said it was the victim of an "unprovoked, premeditated attack" in Cambridgeshire. North Cambs
Hunt Sabs said its car was attacked with metal tools at the Fitzwilliam (Milton) Hunt at Lutton. Police are investigating
alleged criminal damage and assault that left a man with "minor injuries". A Hunt spokeswoman said it does not condone the type of behaviour
alleged, even with "extreme provocation", and would help police with inquiries. James Taylor, from North Cambs Hunt Sabs, said
the group went to Lutton, near Huntingdon, in response to a report of a hunt on Saturday. "Suddenly we were being followed
by four four-wheel drives and then they boxed us in," said Mr Taylor. Video footage appears to show the back window of
the group's vehicle being smashed before they were pursued away from the scene by one vehicle. The North Cambs Hunt Sabs
Facebook page said the footage showed an "unprovoked, premeditated attack". A Cambridgeshire Police spokesman said: "We have been contacted with reports of an
alleged incident of criminal damage and assault that happened at about 16:15 GMT on 10 February, near Lutton. "An altercation
took place between two groups of people, which resulted in a vehicle being damaged and a man being assaulted. The victim received
minor injuries as a result of what happened. The incident is being investigated by officers." 15-2-18 Daily Mail Furious farmer in a Land Rover races to catch hunt saboteurs during shocking
bumper-to-bumper high-speed chase after SMASHING their windows with a BATON - The video shows the terrifying moment a group of anti-hunt
protestors are attacked - They claim the
attack is from a pro-hunt group who hit their cars with batons North Cambridgeshire Hunt Saboteurs Association were monitoring the Fitzwilliam Hunt when they
were attacked by men in tweed flat caps Cambridgeshire police are investigating criminal damage and an assault This is the
terrifying moment a group of anti-hunt demonstrators had their car smashed up. The attack allegedly came from pro-hunt thugs
wearing waxed jackets and driving high-powered Land Rovers. North Cambridgeshire Hunt Saboteurs Association were monitoring the Fitzwilliam Hunt when they were set upon by a handful
of men in tweed flat caps in a narrow country lane. Footage shows the hunt saboteurs' car surrounded by the high-powered
vehicles, with one skidding in front of them to block them in, before four people jump out. One then approaches the saboteur's
car with what appears to be a torch and smashes in several of their windows. A woman screams as the narrator yells: 'OK
they've just put our window through! Police! 999! Now!'
The saboteurs are so scared they manage to drive their vehicle around
the cars, saying: 'We are going to drive to Huntingdon Police Station now. We are being attacked.' But within a few
seconds, the alleged pro-hunt supporters give chase and try and make them pull over. One of the anti-hunt demonstrates - filming
as the drama unfolds - says: 'We are being beckoned by this d***head to pull over but I'm not pulling over now. No.' The Land Rover aggressively tailgates the 'saboteurs', before the cars speed through a village, thought to
be Lutton, Northamptonshire. The back window of the car is shattered and several occupants claim to have recieved injuries
from the broken glass. A statement from North
Cambridgeshire Hunt Sabs said: 'After a successful day preventing hunting at the Oakley Hunt in Bedfordshire, North Cambs
checked on a known meet location of the Fitzwilliam. Upon finding the hunt the North Cambs vehicle was surrounded and blocked
in by several four wheel drive vehicles, just outside of Lutton near Huntingdon. One vehicle collided with the North Cambs'
car after racing up alongside on the verge and driving across the lane in front of the moving sab vehicle. Several hunt supporters
got out of their vehicles and used heavy implements to smash the windscreen, side windows and rear window of the North Cambs
car.' They added: 'Lacerations from broken glass were caused to the occupants, who then managed to get out of the
situation and were pursued at high speed through country lanes by their assailants, before finally driving to Peterborough
police station to make full statements and submit video evidence for prosecution.' Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteur Association said: 'The Fitzwilliam Hunt are under increasing pressure
from hunt saboteurs and will soon be in court to answer charges of illegal hunting. 'Time and again we see Hunts resorting
to violence when decent folk stop their illegal killing. These people are fools because we will never be deterred by acts
of violence and in fact it only proves how effective we're being and spurs us on to greater efforts. Whether the police
decide to act or not, North Cambs sabs will have the backing of other sab groups to ensure justice is done.' The North Cambs sabs had been
out earlier in the day, monitoring the Oakley Hunt with Beds and Bucks Hunt Sabs and Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs. They claim
they had prevented that Hunt from moving by containing the riders and hounds, saving two foxes from being chased. They then moved on to tail the nearby Fitzwilliam Hunt, which takes place over 600 square miles of land in the area
of Cambridgeshire between Stamford in the North to Higham Ferrers in Northamptonshire. The Hunt has been running for more than 250 years in the area and
members also use a golden eagle. Between November and March, the family-owned pack goes out two days a week, and the hunt
says that it always stays within the law. Images from the attack have now been handed to Cambridgeshire Police. A spokesman
said: 'We have been contacted with reports of an alleged incident of criminal damage and assault that happened at about
4.15pm on Saturday February 10 near Lutton. An altercation took place between two groups of people, which resulted in a vehicle
being damaged and a man being assaulted. The victim received minor injuries as a result of what happened. The incident is
being investigated by officers. Anyone with information regarding this incident should call police on 101 quoting CF0082500218
or visit www.cambs.police.uk/report. 'Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111 or via www.crimestoppers-uk.org'. A spokesperson for
the Hunt said: 'The Fitzwilliam (Milton) Hunt does not condone the type of behaviour that is alleged to have taken place,
even in the face of extreme provocation. We will of course assist the police with any enquiries.' The Hunting Act came into force on February 18, 2005, and banned the hunting of mammals with dogs
in England and Wales. POWAperson adds - This gangster, or
one might almost say, terrorist-style attack was widely reported, including by the Metro and the Mirror. Ledbury
FH hunt foxes near A roads in dusk, sett blocking filmed 9-2-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Friday 9th February 2018, Ledbury and North Staffordshire joint meet, Manor Farm Longdon Just in from a very long day! As can be seen from
the hidden camera, Ledbury sett blockers were out yesterday early evening filling in setts, masked up. None were seen on the
early shift. 4 setts were found to be blocked, there will probably be more. They
hunted around Queenshill to start with and then into the Stanks after 2nd horse. Showing off in front of their little chums
from up north (there were about 100 of them). We had a few witticisms from Joint Master Edward Phillipson Stowe and then off
to Birtsmorton. Things got silly then as they hunted a fox out of Birtsmorton Park. We rated the hounds off and successfully stopped them
from going across the A438 in the dusk. This is when Peter Cooksie (a Ledbury stalwart) came from out of his box and encouraged
them over said road, at dusk, in the rush hour! And he called us weird!
They lost that fox and as if to show off even more went into Berrow wood at 17.30 and found another
one. Well it's right next to the M50 so really clever... not. Anyway when sabs left they were still trying to gather the
pack in the dark. If you like what
we do please support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs be nice to have more cameras on setts, etc etc. Pics below - 1/ Fox fleeing from hounds 2/ Hounds
on trail of fox  Police seek info re. alleged fox hunt kill nr. Lincoln 9-2-18
The Linconite Police urgently appeal for information on alleged illegal fox hunt near Lincoln
Lincolnshire Police have issued an appeal for information following reports that a fox was chased by a pack of dogs and killed
in a village north of Lincoln. As first reported on The Lincolnite, villagers in Glentworth
near Caenby Corner said they had “watched on horrified” as a hunting group pursued a fox before the animal was
allegedly killed by their dogs. One eyewitness told The Lincolnite the fox carcass had been thrown into a van and that a local
resident had been told the killing was an ‘accident’. The incident is reported to have happened on February 7
at around 3.15pm. A Lincolnshire Police spokesperson said: “It is believed that at around 3.15pm a fox was chased and killed
by dogs. A man who has not yet been identified but is believed to have been part of the hunt told the witness that the fox
had not been killed. Local officers attended but no arrests or seizures were made. We are urgently appealing for more information
from residents to identify those responsible. Our wildlife crime officers are now making enquiries. Anyone with information
that would help our enquiries should call 101, quoting incident number 232 of Wednesday, February 7. To report anonymously,
please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.” Another villager posted on social media a deer had also been killed by dogs in Kexby
village. BBC Look North reported on the incident POWAperson adds
- The incident was first recorded below here on 8-2-18. Though the police statement does not specify it seems certain
the Hunt responsible was the Burton FH. Pics below - 1/ Resident
of Glentworth who saw hounds in village, heard fox killed and called police. 2/ Burton FH at Lincolnshire
Show.  Warwickshire FH hunt on and next to A roads yet again 9-2-18
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Warwickshire Hunt - Napton on the Hill - Thursday 8th Feb 2018
On Thursday we once again witnessed the arrogance of the Warwickshire Hunt as they hunted next to and on the busy A425 and
A45 roads holding up traffic and expecting motorists to stop whilst they hunted. They hunted into neighbouring hunt the Bicester
Hunts hunting area in Hellidon in Northamptonshire and tried to force their horses to jump over a large concrete block that
the horses clearly didn’t want to jump over. We are currently out 3-4 times a week, please consider donating towards our fuel
costs - https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below
- 1/ 3rd horse refusing jump as above 2/ & 3/ On
the A425     Villagers & farmer complain of Dumfriesshire FH incursion One
says husband challenged them at dig-out Farmer angry hounds ran through pregnant sheep field 9-2-18
Daily Record Moniaive residents express concerns about a fox hunt "through the village"
One local said it was "an appalling event" with another saying hunt members were "trying to dig out a fox'
People in Moniaive have voiced concerns about a fox hunt “through the village” at the weekend. A farmer was angered
after a pack of dogs was seen running through fields holding in-lamb sheep. Other residents contacted the Standard to complain
about “an appalling event”. The farmer, who did not want to be named, said: “It’s just a month from
lambing time and having dogs running about and frightening sheep isn’t good. It can cause a lot of trouble to the sheep.”
He added: “The Hunt should not have been so close to the village where people are walking about. I came back from Sanquhar
on Saturday and saw cars near a farm in the glen and thought it was sheepdog trials or something.” Later that day he
spotted two quad bikes and heard the hunting call. “That’s when I knew what was going on,” he said. “I
could see sheep in a field going a bit daft and running back and forward. When I was walking with my two young kids, two dogs
came running down from a farm and were about 20 yards away which is quite close. I’ve never seen it here before. I have
a lot of respect for game-keepers and recognise the need for pest control, but hunting with dogs should be consigned to history.” Another resident claimed
her husband confronted hunt members seen “trying to dig out a fox”. She added: “They moved off and went through the village,
with the hounds loose, and running through fields chasing pregnant sheep. The men were challenged by a resident and she was
told the dogs wouldn’t chase sheep but that’s not the point. All the sheep are pregnant and being chased by dogs
could cause miscarriages.” A police spokesman said they had been told by a representative of the Dumfriesshire and Stewartry
Foxhounds that they would be in the Moniaive area on Saturday. He confirmed they had received calls later from residents about
the hunt but no complaints. The Dumfriesshire and Stewartry Foxhounds was contacted for comment but did not respond.
PCC orders review of police handling of HuntsSeveral foxes killed by Cheshire packs already this year 9-2-18 BBC News Fox hunting: Review of how Cheshire Police upholds law ordered - Police
are investigating two alleged killing of foxes by hunts in Cheshire A review has been ordered into
the way Cheshire Police upholds hunting laws, amidst reports of foxes being illegally killed in the county. Announcing the
review, Cheshire's police commissioner David Keane [right] said he had received a "huge
increase" in correspondence about the issue. In January, Chester MP Chris Matheson said since Christmas, "at least four foxes"
were "killed by trail hunts". Cheshire Police said it took all "rural and wildlife crime seriously". A
spokeswoman said the force understood that "strong views held by different groups mean there are frustrations with a
perceived lack of police action". She added that officers were currently investigating two incidents where it had been claimed foxes were killed by hunts - one relating to an organised
hunt at Allostock, near Knutsford, on 26 December and the other to an incident in Beeston on 4 February. Police are also investigating
a number of allegations of assault, harassment and public order offences related to Hunts. In 2004, it was made a criminal offence in England and Wales to hunt down and kill a wild mammal with dogs In order
to prosecute, a person must be shown to be intentionally hunting the animal. Pursuit of live animals has been replaced by
trail hunting, which sees hounds and riders follow a pre-laid scent along an agreed route. Speaking in the Commons, Mr Matheson said that "in the four
weeks since Boxing Day, at least four foxes in Cheshire have been illegally killed by trail hunts". Agriculture minister
George Eustice said fox hunting was "a matter for the police and the prosecuting authorities". "Anybody who
believes the law has been broken should report it to the police," he added. Peter Jones, secretary of the Cheshire Hunt, said fox kills were "very rare"
and that the Hunts "didn't go out with the intention of killing foxes". He added that the kills had "just
happened, it was just an accident". Weaver Vale MP Mike Amesbury, who asked Mr Keane to commission
the review, told the BBC foxes were being "slaughtered". "I want to ensure that the law is being applied and
these crimes are being properly investigated", he added. Mr Keane said some of the concerns he had received related to
the way police investigations were carried out. He said the review would begin in the next weeks. 2 monitors
thwart VWH FH hunting of 2 foxes in massive private estate 9-2-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO Vale of the White Horse FH 5.02.2018 The VWH were in Cirencester Park on Monday. This is the park where the 9th Earl & Countess Bathurst live in the
mansion. The park spreads out over 3,000 acres! The Hunt disappeared deep into the park interior. We walked in and found them in
the area of Oakley Wood where a couple of passing hunt riders were friendly to our monitor who was polite in response but
then after a while a young boy on horseback appeared and declared that the Earl of Bathurst wanted the foot walker to leave
because she was behaving antagonistically. This was a ridiculous accusation as she had just been walking on the paths looking
for the Hunt and had only been polite to a couple of stray hunt riders. She denied being antagonistic, which the boy felt
was in itself being antagonistic! On the grounds that this was just silly, she requested the Earl should come and speak to
her and carried on walking in search of the Hunt. There
is a notice on all gates to the Park which welcomes people on foot between the hours of 9 and 5 as long as they don’t
bicycle, picnic or start fires – or bring a dog. She was doing none of these things, just walking – extraordinary
that a woman with a camera is seen as antagonistic just by being there. What have they got to hide? Well, we soon saw
as they hunted round in the park, keeping deep into the woods meaning they are invisible and inaudible from the surrounding
roads. Very few people walk in the park on a weekday, which means they can do what they like unwitnessed except of course
if there are women with cameras. The two foot walkers managed to keep quite close to them despite
the odds. The hounds picked up a number of times and two foxes were seen, one spotted by a foot walker in time for her to
make a noise to stop it coming out of the undergrowth in full view of hunt supporters and the other as it fled the hounds
out across a path where a foot walker was standing who managed to shout off the hounds when they arrived on its tracks. They
did arrive on its tracks. Despite a ludicrous display put on especially for the sabs which consisted of a rider brandishing
a yellow hanky on the end of a whip supposed to represent a trail - there is no question that they were hunting foxes. In four
square miles of that part of the park a couple of sabs can’t stop it all but they did intervene for two foxes. It is
very hard in that location to hear the sound of the pack on cry, echoing and echoing round the woods ... the sound is chilling.
What must it be like for a fox and other wildlife seeking sanctuary there? Thanks
to those of you who have donated towards our fuel costs. http://paypal.me/cihwatch. Pic below - Woman rider in pathetic attempt to appear to be laying a trail [via
the yellow cloth]. All she can manage to do is slap her horse's head with it. Tricky
business this trail laying, especially when red, furry animals can so easily be mistaken for an invisible [generally non-existent]
line of scent. Reports now say Burton FH killed fox AND a deer in two villages8-2-18 The Lincolnite Police investigate reports of illegal fox hunt north of Lincoln Police
are making enquiries into reports of illegal fox hunting in a village north of Lincoln. Villagers in Glentworth, off the B1938 near Caenby Corner, have said a hunting group were seen
pursuing a fox through the village, claiming the fox and a deer were savagely killed by dogs. The carcass of the chased fox
was then reportedly thrown into a van on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 7th. One resident told The Lincolnite:
“The fox was seen running past several gardens. It was eventually killed and discreetly removed in the back of a van.”
They added: “Riders spoke to residents and said it was an ‘accident’ and continued along Kexby Road.” Another villager posted on social media that a deer was “ripped to shreds” in the middle of Kexby village
and the fox suffered the same fate on a private lawn “in full view of horrified residents”. A Lincolnshire Police
spokesperson said: “We did receive a report, incident 232, relating to possible fox hunting in Glentworth. Local officers
attended but no arrests or seizures were made. Our wildlife officer has been made aware and will make enquiries into the incident.” Anyone with information
that would aid police with their enquiries should call 101, quoting incident number 232 of Wednesday, February 7th. Fox hunting with dogs
has been outlawed since 2004. The ban forbids the use of dogs to hunt foxes and other wild mammals — including hares
— in England and Wales. Controversially, the ban has not put a complete end to the tradition of countryside hunts, which
often work around loopholes in the law by following scent trails rather than foxes. Many are opposed to the practice, but
strong arguments are often aired too by hunting supporters, including Prime Minister Theresa May, who recently u-turned on
a possible vote to repeal the ban. Malc Parr @tractorman07 Shocking stories
emerging today regarding the Burton Hunt yesterday, a deer ripped to shreds in the middle of Kexby village and a fox suffered
the same fate on a private back lawn in Glentworth in full view of horrified residents. Fox dug out & killed at joint Eggesford/Torrington FH meet Later seen hunting two roe deer, one had an injured leg 8-2-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs EGGESFORD HUNT KILL FOX Eggesford & Torrington Joint Meet 8.2.2018
We're not normally able to sab mid-week, but yesterday we made an exception for the Torrington Farmers & Eggesford
joint meet at Beaford House, a B&B just outside Beaford. We wonder what their guests would think if they knew they were
hosting a fox hunt that went on to kill at least one fox that day! We were joined by friends from Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group,
who brought their Land Rover. As the Torrington were hosting the meet in their 'country', it was Eggesford
huntsman Jason Marles hunting the hounds. The meet was well-attended but most of the car followers spent the first hour and
a half driving around aimlessly looking for the Hunt and parked up at gateways several miles away from Marles and his hounds.
The riders were also stationed miles away from where Marles and Craddock (Torrington Farmers) were hunting in the area around
Great Warham, bordering the river Torridge. They would be oblivious to what went on in the meantime. Unfortunately
a fox was hunted to ground, dug out and killed by Eggesford terrier men Seeward Folland and Nathan Bowes. We can't say
anything more about this at this stage but rest assured the Eggesford's days of hunting with impunity are numbered. The Hunt spent most of the rest of the day drawing coverts between Beaford and Roborough, passing through land at
Combe Wood that bears clear signs saying "No Hunt Horses - No Hunting". They went
back and forth across the boggy terrain between Upcott Barton and Beaford Moor, crossing land which three separate people,
including a hunt rider, claimed to own. Earlier one foot team were threatened on this same piece of land by two idiots in
a Land Rover. One of the riders had a quiet word to tell them they should watch out as sabs were actually on a public footpath. South of Upcott Barton hounds rioted on roe deer, which had been flushed out of the valley ahead of them. One of
the deer struggled to limp away so sabs stepped in to rate the hounds back and buy the deer some time. We have seen the Torrington
hounds tackle and injure a roe buck before and the Eggesford hounds are known to riot, so we weren't taking any chances.
Unfortunately, we don't know what happened to the injured deer. With
two foot teams we were able to keep tabs on the hunt for much of the day, even when Marles was completely oblivious to it,
but the boggy terrain made it difficult to keep up with them, and whenever sabs got close to the hounds Marles moved them
on again. Given Marles's behaviour, we fear it's likely other foxes may have been killed yesterday which we don't
know about. We also witnessed some appalling horsemanship from some of the Torrington riders,
who were seen galloping along busy A-roads and beat their horses to force them to ride into groups of sabs, followed by the
usual pervy comments from some of the elderly male riders. The Hunt packed up as it was getting dark and we returned to a couple of badger setts we had found
earlier in the day to document interference. Get in touch if you can help us with intel or want
to get involved: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. If you support what we do, please donate to our fuel fund: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Pics below - 1/ Eggesford
FH terriermen who sabs say dug out and killed fox 2/ Eggesford FH Huntsman Jason Marles, son of man
who was sent to prison for serious assault on female monitor  2
monitors have 7 tyres slashed soon after reporting illegal hunt Police not interested
when told about the criminal damage 8-2-18
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors ACTIONS OF 'THE INNOCENT'?? At around 6pm last night,
after a day spent monitoring the North Shropshire Hunt, a total of seven tyres on two cars belonging to two female monitors
in their 60s were slashed, leaving them stranded. West Mercia police were not really interested and when we spoke to them grilled
us about why this might have happened. Interestingly this incident was reported around half an hour after we had rung them
and logged an incident of illegal hunting from the same location. It makes us wonder if that's why they told us they couldn't
really spare the time to come out to us and we may have to wait some time. We gave up in the end dealt with the situation ourselves.
Thanks West Mercia Police, we know not to bother you again. In the meantime, we would be grateful, if you are in the position to, to help us
meet the cost of this blatantly criminal act by donating whatever you can to Cheshire Monitors. You can do so through our
PayPal account at paypal.me/CMonitors - thank you! Alpaca farmer rejects reported Hunt apology,
says no contact from them Effectively
accuses them of lying in their statement to local press 7-2-18 Hertfordshire Mercury Puckeridge Hunt apologises
to Herts Alpacas in Buntingford after hounds ‘unexpectedly’ enter land and leave animals 'terrorised'
- They say that the trail of scent must have drifted A hunting group has apologised to the owners
of an alpaca farm after its hounds ‘unexpectedly’ entered their land – leaving the animals ‘terrorised.’ Police were called
to Fairview Farm in Buntingford, home to Herts Alpacas, on Saturday, February 3, after receiving a report that a large pack
of dogs were on the loose. The dogs, from
Puckeridge Hunt, managed to enter the farm despite being protected with fencing and barbed wire – causing significant
distress to the alpacas, according to owner Nigel Beckwith. Countryside Alliance has since apologised on behalf of the Puckeridge Hunt, saying
that the hounds ‘unexpectedly’ entered the property as a result of drifting scent. They say that the loose dogs
were removed as quickly as possible and that conversations with Mr Beckwith have been ‘very open’ since the incident. A spokeswoman on behalf
of the Puckeridge Hunt said: “While trail-hunting within the law on Saturday, regrettably it appears the scent of our
trail must have drifted from where it was laid and some hounds unexpectedly entered the property belonging to the Beckwith
family. We removed the hounds as quickly as possible and apologised immediately to Mr Beckwith for this unintended access
onto his property. We have repeated this apology and are hopeful there will be no lasting damage to his alpaca herd' however
we have been very open with Mr Beckwith and requested that if there are any further concerns then he should immediately raise
them with the Puckeridge Hunt. We also discussed this with the police on the day. The Puckeridge Hunt has always enjoyed good
relationships within the local community, including with members of the public and our many farmers and landowners. Thankfully
incidents such as this are a very rare occurrence but we endeavour to deal with any concerns as promptly as possible."... Herts Alpacas is one of Hertfordshire's largest alpaca farms and home to more than 60 alpacas. It breeds and
sells animals in Europe, as well selling fleeces and running courses on how to handle the animal. 8-2-18 BBC News Hertfordshire
alpaca farm owner rejects hunt apology - Police were called to reports that a large pack of dogs were loose and distressing
the alpacas The owner of an alpaca farm has rejected an apology from a local Hunt after claiming
dogs got on to his land and terrorised the animals. Police are investigating after a large pack of dogs were reported to have
distressed about 65 animals at Herts Alpacas in Buntingford on Saturday. The Puckeridge
Hunt said some dogs "unexpectedly entered the property" and it "apologised immediately". Owner Nigel Beckwith
said he had not received "any contact". A spokesman for the Hunt said it "stood by its original statement". Herts Alpacas at Fairview Farm
has a herd of about 100 animals and is protected by fencing and barbed wire but about 40 dogs from the hunt managed to get
in, Mr Beckwith said. The experience was "totally traumatic" and left the alpacas "highly stressed", he
added. The Puckeridge
Hunt said it had been "trail-hunting within the law" when "regrettably it appears the scent of our trail must
have drifted from where it was laid and some hounds unexpectedly entered the property". We removed the hounds as quickly
as possible and apologised immediately to Mr Beckwith for this unintended access on to his property," a statement said.
"We have repeated this apology and are hopeful there will be no lasting damage to his alpaca herd. "However, we
have been very open with Mr Beckwith and requested that if there are any further concerns then he should immediately raise
them with the Puckeridge Hunt." Mr Beckwith said the statement was "totally unacceptable". "They have not had or made any contact
with us or entered into any form of dialogue or made any form of formal apology since this terrible event happened,"
he said. He said he had not been given "any guarantees that it will never happen again". Hertfordshire Police said no arrests had been made and
inquiries were continuing. Violent gang of fox killers granted
licence by Nat Trust Melbreak FH trusted to 'trail hunt' unsupervised 7-2-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust This violent group of wildlife criminals have been given a licence to use
National Trust land in Cumbria on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in February and March 2018, effectively
not having to give dates on when they will be using Trust land despite the previous promises about both specific routes &
dates. To see more about the Melbreak Foxhounds and their long list of shameful behaviour,
see here -> bit.ly/2EbquaC. Please contact the National Trust at borrowdale@nationaltrust.org.uk or give them a call on 01768 774 649. 7-2-18 Facebook - National Dis-Trust VIDEO The Melbreak Foxhounds have been caught illegally hunting
on several occasions on National Trust land in the Lake District. In 2014, a member of the public filmed the hounds chasing
a fox at Buttermere, a popular beauty spot, before the fox was caught and killed at Peggy’s Bridge. The footage was
handed to the police who attempted to prosecute Ed Liddle the huntsman. Lord Blencathra appears to have stepped in to save
the hunt from prosecution, using parliamentary privilege to chastise the CPS -> tinyurl.com/yav8h3b7. In the same season, another member of the public reported that the Melbreak Foxhounds
had chased a fox – the poor creature was so terrified it ran into the lake at Buttermere where its body was found washed
up a few hours later. In 2015, Cumbria Hunt Monitors witnessed the Melbreak Foxhounds chasing and killing
a fox at Loweswater. Footage was handed to the police, who didn’t dare upset Lord Blencathra again and sat on the footage
until the statutory 6 months to interview had passed. They used the excuse that the floods had resulted in a lack of space
to interview Liddle -> tinyurl.com/yaf3d9v6. In December 2016 one of the Melbreak hounds fell from the summit
of a crag and died. A hunt monitor alerted hunt staff to the dying hound, and the hunt staff dragged it into a water course
and attempted to bury it with scree and a few rocks -> tinyurl.com/y9xenkvm. In January 2017 Melbreak
supporters attempted to steal a camera from a hunt monitor who was sat in a vehicle. Convicted rapist and Melbreak supporter
Carl McGrady then lurched forward and viciously punched the monitor in the face resulting in a visit to hospital where the
monitor received stitches. McGrady later pleaded guilty to assault and received a fine -> tinyurl.com/ybveyyys. In response to this incident, the National Trust banned the Melbreak for 24 hours and huntsman Ed Liddle responded by friending
McGrady on Facebook. Meanwhile, the National Trust denied any knowledge of illegal hunting by the Melbreak Foxhounds -> tinyurl.com/y8zkjmbl. The Melbreak Foxhounds also presented
a ‘certificate of authenticity’ to the National Trust to prove that they are using genuine fox urine to lay a
trail. When the National Trust did a bit of homework, they realised that they were being conned as no hunts had been granted
with a licence to import fox urine, and the certificate was a sham -> tinyurl.com/y7mghpt3. The Melbreak have never been witnessed laying any trail but they have been witnessed killing foxes. In January 2018
the National Trust decided to give the Melbreak Foxhounds a licence to ‘trail hunt’. They will not publish any
dates as the Melbreak uses National Trust land whenever they want ->tinyurl.com/y9ruragx. Please email the National Trust at borrowdale@nationaltrust.org.uk
or give them a call 017687 74649 to ask why the Melbreak hunt has been rewarded for years of criminality with a National Trust
‘trail hunting’ licence. FB posts say Burton FH chased & killed fox nr. Gainsborough, Lincs 7-2-18 Heather Norris My friend has just witnessed a fox being chased and killed. The Huntsman told her it was a mistake. She’s
really distressed. Evil bastards. Pics below - Posts regarding
the incident, 7-2-18. In a comment Heather Norris identified the Hunt - Heather Norris -
It was the Burton Hunt. A few people are reporting to the police and they are going to the press!!!  Monitors film refutes claim that Cheshire Hunt fox kills are 'accidents'8-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors ACCIDENT?! VIDEO Now facing
a major police review into illegal hunting in Cheshire, the Cheshire Hounds Hunt now claim that they do not intentionally
hunt and kill foxes, and that "the law is being adhered to exactly". The sequence of events shown in this video after they kill a fox - clearly well rehearsed by
the hunt and its servants - tells a different story. [Video recorded at Wettenhall this hunting season] POWAperson adds - Film recorded on 21-11-17. Original report is here. Pics below - 1/ Pack killing the fox 2/
Whipper-in immediately on the scene 3/ Redcoat passes bin bag to terrierman 4/ Whip puts
fox body in bin bag 5/ Whip cleans up remains 6/ Whip hands bag to
terrierman 7/ Terrierman tries to clear blood from grass 8/ Some of the 15 sq. metre
area stained with fox blood    Police investigate report of fox hunt and property damage
in Lincs Villager says his fence and garden were damaged 7-2-18 Horncastle News Police investigate fox hunting and criminal damage claims
Lincolnshire Police have today confirmed they are investigating incidents of fox hunting and criminal damage in a village
near Horncastle. A resident from Wispington - a village between Baumber and Minting - contacted this newspaper about the ‘mayhem
and damage’ caused last Thursday (February 1). In a statement, a Lincolnshire Police spokesman said: “Our officers
did spot a Hunt in the village but were committed with another incident at the time. However, they have visited the man who
called this in, found evidence of fox hunting and we are investigating the crime.“ The reference is incident number
164 of February 1, and was reported to us at 12.30pm. “There was also criminal damage to the victim’s property
– a fence and garden area. “Anyone with information should please get in touch.” POWAperson adds - Not sure which
Hunt this was but the village is well inside the country of the South Wold FH Portman FH rampaged through village causing traffic havoc 7-2-18
Facebook – Wildlife Witness VIDEO The group filmed the Portman FH rampaging through the village of
Cheshire FH Whip harangued by farmer for trespass
on her land yet againComplained
her oilseed rape trampled and a gate left open No apology forthcoming from redcoat 7-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNT TRESPASSING OVER AND OVER AGAIN...
Burleydam 06.02.18: A local landowner kicks the Hunt off her land repeatedly, year after year, but do the Hunt care? Cue Whipper
In Jamie Whittles' latest starring role... S. Dorset FH cause chaos on A road, chase fox into badger sett Monitors make sure there's no dig-out 7-2-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 6/2/18 South Dorset Hunt meet, in a field opposite unnamed Farm, Castle
Hill, between Buckland Newton and Glanvilles Wootton Even the air seemed frozen on this raw and icy morning! We decided that we would go on up to the SD meet, as we knew where they were
due to received info. As we waited at the junction to turn onto Castle Hill, 2 quads drove past heading towards the meet.
Already their number plates were unreadable or non existent ....illegal on a public road surely! Pulling out behind we followed
them to the meet. The Hunt moved off just after 11am, and
so it seemed did most of the "boys" and dribblers never to be seen again for the rest of the day... The foot team realising the course the hounds were on crossed the road and headed
towards the very busy A352. Hounds were now scattered everywhere and seemed to have lost the Huntsmen, some were still on
a line though and it is believed they chased to ground by the road near Osehill Farm, called off by the foot team. Some riders
appeared galloping along the road and the hounds headed the back way through hedges and barbed wire fences [right] before
coming out in someone's garden! Foot sabs had to let them out as they couldn't get over the fence,,, like the trail-layer
must have done! The
hounds in cry again took off straight towards the very fast and bendy A352. With the foot team back in the Landy we followed
behind dribblers who tried to block us. When we turned the corner we were horrified to see riders and hounds all over the
road with cars, vans and tractors having to react fast! How no one was injured is a miracle, what felt like ages but was only
a few minutes later, the hounds and horses crossed back over and trotted off back toward Glanvilles Wootton... We finally got past the dribblers and the Cattistock boys who thought it would be good to drive across in front of us to block
the road. The Hunt then went out of sight of the Red Landy for a short time but then on heading back towards Newlands a shout
came over the radio from Silver Landy to say that a fox had been chased to ground in a badger sett right on a public footpath.
The foot team got to the hounds before the Huntsman and made sure the fox was safe before the Huntsman appeared and gathered
the pack, swiftly riding off with them.
The hounds went into cry again
and headed off in the direction of the meet. The Red Landy followed an got ahead of them with just enough time to use voice
calls and stop the hounds who had spilled out on to the road from going through another hedge and off on the scent again.
The huntsmen appeared at that point and gathered the hounds and went off up the road and to our amazement into a field of
already stressed ewes and started drawing along the hedgerow before going out of sight behind the hill. After going back for
the foot team we returned to the meet just in time to see the huntsmen jump off their horses and load up. We feel that they may have left with less hounds than they arrived
with due to them being scattered about the countryside... they certainly left
with a whole lot less dribblers than they started with! At 4.50pm we headed for home. If you would like to join us then please either message this
page or email weymouthanimalrights@ptotonmail.com. We are an independent group
and do not receive funding from any big associations or organisations. We really appreciate your support and your donations
help to keep us on the road. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Thank You. Pic above left - Hunt blocks progress of bus Pics below - 1/ Hound
clambers out of someone's yard 2/ Support lets rest of them out. They go straight into cry on
road.  Alpacas 'terrorised' as Puckeridge FH invade farm, some may abort Farm
owner says invasion may have ruined his business 6-2-18
Hertfordshire Mercury VIDEO Buntingford alpaca farm in 'shutdown' after animals left terrorised
by hunt that 'lost control of large pack of dogs' - Pregnant females are likely to abort or give birth prematurely
A Buntingford alpaca farm has gone into 'shutdown' after a group of hunters lost control of a pack of dogs which went
on to 'terrorise' the animals. Police were called to Fairview Farm in Buntingford, home to Herts Alpacas, on Saturday,
February 3, after receiving a report of a large pack of dogs running loose. The dogs managed to enter the farm despite it
being protected with fencing and barbed wire. This caused not only distress to the alpacas but also left one pregnant female
likely to abort, according to the farm's owner Nigel Beckwith. Mr Beckwith said: “Over the weekend we were just
carrying on with our normal business and there was a Hunt which lost control of their pack. Their dogs came tearing across our field, terrorising our animals. We’ve
got pregnant females and one of our old girls ran into a fence and has done some damage to herself. A lot of these animals
will probably abort or they will give birth two or three months premature.” He added: “They terrorised the hell
out of the animals. We have now put our farm into shut down because these animals do not react well to stress." The farm relies on
the sale of the alpacas' fleeces for its income and Mr Beckwith said they were no longer suitable for sale. Whilst no
animals were killed on the day, we are now worried because with alpacas, we as a farm, make our money through their fleeces,"
continued Mr Beckwith. If an alpaca is heavily stressed the fleeces will go tender and basically fall out, making those fleeces
worth nothing." Mr Beckwith stressed that
the hunt took place close to Buntingford town, as well as Layston Primary School, which is around 200 yards away. However
it was held on a Saturday, when the school was closed. He said: "There is a lot of danger to people and their pets. Why
run a hunt so close to live stock and in an area where people are walking their dogs? I hope a hunt never does anything like
this again.” Hertfordshire Constabulary are working with Herts Alpacas following the incident and are continuing
to make investigations. No arrests have been made at this stage. A police spokeswoman said: “Police were called at 12.14pm
on Saturday, February 3, to reports that a large pack of dogs were running loose and causing distress to approximately 65
alpacas in a private field off The Causeway, Buntingford. “Officers attended the scene and all parties involved were
spoken to. At the time of police attendance, the alpacas were distressed and it was not suitable to examine for physical injury.
Police are in contact with the owners to monitor their post-incident welfare and assessment. Enquiries are continuing and
no one has been arrested at this stage. If you witnessed what happened and have not yet spoken to police, or have any further
information that could assist officers, please call 101 quoting crime reference A5/18/67.” Chief Inspector Gerry McDonald added: "Over the weekend there has been reports to us and we are currently investigating
these allegations. We are seeking specialist evidence grabs and advice on how we will be able to progress these matters immediately.
My officers will be in contact with witnesses and have taken witness statements. I urge that if you have any information or
evidence to let us know.” POWAperson adds - Though this article does not identify the Hunt concerned, Hertfordshire Sab group are saying
it was the Puckeridge FH. Pic below - The farm's owners
and some of the alpacas Story also reported by the Independent, the Mirror and Farming UK Blackmore FH supporter punches female sab in head Seeing
monitor, Huntsman pulls hounds off fox Supporter tries and fails to steal sab camera 6-2-18
Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit Report BSV Tuesday 6th February 2018 Meeting at Stock Gaylard
Park … Leaving the meet shortly before 11.30am and with a field of at least 40 riders Mark Doggrell
headed south west and we quickly caught up with him at Rowden Mill Farm. Mark then took the hounds south towards Woodbridge
Farm and searched every hedgerow he could find along the way. It was not long until the hounds were all over the A3030 and
the funniest thing is how the Hunt shout at us for turning in a driveway yet its OK to let the hounds run loose - double standards
at its best!! … we maintained a reasonable eye on the hounds with the expert assistance of the monitor
we work with. Hounds off were also in the area today. We headed back to Rowden Mill Lane and were blocked in by two support
vehicles. One threatened to take a sab's camera away and we had to phone the police... It wasn’t long
before Mark Doggrell turned up at one of his favourite places to hunt Lydlinch Common where the scent of a fox is often picked up. Unbeknown to them we had already given the area a thorough soaking but in Brickles Wood
there is no access and in here the hounds picked up on a line of a fox. Leaving our monitor to keep a very keen and experienced
eye on them we decided to try and get ahead of them... we were able to see a fox to safety and actually watched him travel
a few fields away from the Hunt running desperately for his life. We believe that this fox was indeed the one the hounds picked
up on in the Brickles Wood but with the sweet aroma of citronella filling the air they lost the scent... Near Rodmore Farm
the hounds were observed drawing a rough area. Hounds sounded interested with some moving outside the rough area into the
field. Suddenly a fox was observed with the lead hounds very close. The fox pulled away and ran up the field and crossed the
B3143 King Stag road. Fortunately the monitor was right there just yards from where the fox crossed to watch the fox running
towards Chicksmead Wood... We have no doubt that the Whip saw the monitor and came up the road and stopped the hounds. The Huntsman lost
no time in doing a semi-circle around the monitor and near Chicksmead the hounds went into cry once more. Hounds pursued the
line towards Hyde but as the time was late we believe this fox escaped. It seems lifting the hounds forward to find the line
is a regular occurrence with this Hunt... Our serial road blocker turned and was in hot pursuit and he again used his vehicle
to block us in. By now he was pretty angry and swearing profusely, he took a swing at a sab punching her in the side of the
head whilst accusing us of deliberately spraying his car with citronella! Completely refusing to move and with the monitor
with eyes on the hounds we had to phone the police again. We will be taking this matter further... the police response was
great today and the BSV should have a word with their supporters for wasting police time! We are pretty sure that no foxes were killed today and as you can see from the photos one definitely
got away! Today we are dedicating to each
of you that has donated directly and via our GFM - you really do keep us going! If you want to join us please email us at
dorsethuntsabs@rieup.net we are a friendly group with no egos just an unrivalled hatred of injustice towards our wildlife.
Lastly a thanks to our monitor whose knowledge is second to none and his help is invaluable. Love and solidarity Dorset Hunt
Sabs. https://www.gofundme.com/fuel-and-stolen-equipment-fund. Pic above - Hunting next to road Pics below
- Hounds pursuing fox [they didn't get it]  Sabs stop Puckeridge FH digging fox from badger sett 6-2-18 Facebook - North East London Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Puckeridge Hunt 03/02/2018 We found the
Hunt near their meet at Alswick Hall near Buntingford. Together with South Cambs Sabs we kept the Hunt on the move all day
under bad weather conditions. They covered quite a large area and were moving pretty fast. The
Hunt pretended for a bit that they are following a trail. We realised very soon that was not the case -again - as the Huntsman
took his hounds to a completely different direction to the ‘laid trail'. Also, the imaginary trail was laid on a
road. Just before 3pm the
hounds went into cry in small woods south of Reed. As sabs got closer the Whipper-in started to call the hounds off and we
saw that they were digging in a badger sett trying to get a fox or whatever animal run to hide in there. After all the hounds left the area the wiper-in came back and showed
the location to the terrier man. A few sabs decided to stay near the badger set for the rest of the day just in case the terrierman
comes back and try to dig it out. We made sure he didn't come back long after they packed up and left the meet. The Hunt continued and soon after that the hounds went into cry again – sabs were in the area and immediately
interfered. They packed up just after 4pm. Pics below - 1/ Hounds approaching sett where fox went to ground
2/ One of the sett entrances  Locals say Wynnstay FH created mayhem chasing fox on to A41 6-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors SERIOUS INCIDENT An example of WYNNSTAY HUNT laying
false scent trails? We are getting reports from local people that this lot chased a fox onto and over the A41 today at around
1.30, in the Hampton area near Malpas. Hounds were totally out of control and all over the road and quad bikes without reg
plates were speeding all over the A41 as well. Locals have reported that it was ‘mayhem’. A lorry driver who was
stuck in the chaos was ‘going ballistic’. It was very lucky that there wasn’t a serious accident. The incident has been
reported to the police and the Hunt are probably sat at home now giggling about how they got away with that one. Not for much
longer! Pic below - Grinning ninnies of the Wynnstay FH Oakley FH convicted
of C. Damage - smashed woman's windscreen with crop 6-2-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Last season a member of the public contacted us and asked for our help in identifying a member of the Oakley
Hunt who had smashed the windscreen of her vehicle when she happened upon the hunt who were dangerously blocking the road.
Initially the Hunt refused to name this person but of course we were only too happy to help and could provide all the necessary
details. As the victim had a dash cam running at the time it was taken to the authorities. 'Further
to me asking for your help in locating the Hunt that I had an altercation with last February, I thought I would update you
as requested, as I attended the hearing at Luton Magistrates Court today. I am pleased to say that Jack Harris was found guilty
to the criminal damage of my car (he smashed it with his whip as I drove past him, causing the windscreen to crack and me
to swerve partially off the road). I am pleased with this verdict, as I believe him to have seriously endangered myself and
my daughter who was in the car with me at the time. Thank you for your help.' Once again this shows the total disregard
for the safety of both their animals and that of the general public at large and we are happy the Oakley Huntsman Jack Harris
has faced justice. It is no longer acceptable to act in this aggressive and arrogant manner. Sabs see Hunt untouched for decade chasing three hares North Norfolk Harriers couldn't cope with anti presence 6-2-18 Facebook Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs North Norfolk Harriers - 03/02/2018 Stody Lodge, Stody – Norfolk ANOTHER FIRST.
We have hit the North Norfolk Harriers. They’d become complacent after more than a decade of being sab-free. But illusions
of another easy Saturday ride murdering hares were quickly shattered when they left Stody Lodge and ran straight into sabs. We surrounded them with cars while foot sabs trailed them across fields. Two chases
of at least three different hares occurred in quick succession within minutes of leaving the meet, showing what this hunt
gets up to when they believe they’re not being watched. Thankfully we believe all hares escaped. Huntsman Simon “Eggcup” Dunn migrated
from the Ross Harriers, a Hunt kept on the run by a host of sab groups... Presumably he came to gentle Norfolk hoping for
a quieter time. Not today. And he did not seem pleased. Dunn retreated to the safety of the meet after just 45 minutes contemplating
his next move. The
next move was to try and hide in Lodge Plantation, north of Stody Lodge, before riding out north-east along Field Lane. Sabs
tracked and trailed him until eventually reaching Hall Farm. While some seemingly drunk supporters tried blocking our cars
and driving at foot sabs, the hunt once again tried hiding in the farm until lackeys from Norfolk’s finest turned up.
After their usual threats about breach of the peace (Hunting Act not mentioned) they vanished and the hunt were left to continue
out the west end of the farm and over the crest of a hill. Unfortunately for them it seems the day was already over. They took a slow roundabout route back to Stody Lodge and
were packed up by 2.30pm. See you again soon, Eggcup. Please support us out in the fields by buying us a ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ. Pics below
- 1/ Hounds chasing hare 2/ Hare fleeing Hunt 3/ Huntsman
Simon Dunn 4/ Supporter who hit sab in head with his camera   JM/Huntsman
& terrierman of Dwyryd FH jailed for badger baitingBoth
also banned from keeping dogs for 8 years 5-2-18
Ecologist VIDEO Badger baiting master of the Dwyryd Hunt sent to prison in 'landmark' case The master of the Dwyryd Hunt in North Wales has been convicted of badger bating and
sent to prison for 22 weeks following a prosecution by the RSPCA. The League Against Cruel Sports claim the case if further
evidence between hunting and other deadly sports. This prosecution will be a warning to anyone involved in badger baiting activity.
If caught, the RSPCA will act, and will seek justice for the animals involved. Put simply, there is no room for this disgusting
activity. The master of the Dwyryd Hunt in North Wales was today imprisoned for 22 weeks for the "barbaric" treatment
of a badger in what the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) called a "landmark case".
David William Thomas, 51, of Cwm Bowydd Farm, Blaenau Ffestiniog, in North Wales, will remain under supervision for a year,
was ordered to pay costs of £5,000, and disqualified from keeping dogs for an eight-year period. He had been a huntsman
for 32 years, the court heard. A second man, 25-year-old Jordan Houlston of Alexandra Road, Llandudno, imprisoned for 20 weeks, placed under supervision
for one year and ordered to pay £600 in costs. He was disqualified from keeping all dogs for eight years.
Video surveillance
footage showing "a badger was deliberately attacked by a pack of dogs" filmed by the RSPCA on 5 February 2017 was
presented at Llandudno Magistrates’ Court. Images of fake setts - used to hold a badger for baiting purposes - and animal
skulls were also shown to the court. Chief inspector Ian Briggs, from the RSPCA’s special operations unit, said: “This
was a major and landmark investigation, in which the RSPCA caught a number of individuals red-handed in the act of using their
dogs to barbarically fight with a badger. Footage of this nature is extremely rare, but lays bare the sickening nature of
this cruel and gruesome activity. Badger baiting has been illegal for over 180 years, and it is sickening to find people still
seeking to spend their time inflicting pain, suffering and misery on animals in this way. This was coordinated and carefully
planned cruelty, involving dogs, badgers and foxes. He added: “Sadly, badger digging remains a serious problem in our countryside.
The RSPCA will not relent in bringing those involved in this cruel activity to justice, as demonstrated with this investigation, for
which we’d like to thank North Wales Police for their support. This prosecution will be a warning to anyone involved
in badger baiting activity. If caught, the RSPCA will act, and will seek justice for the animals involved. Put simply, there
is no room for this disgusting activity.” Eduardo Gonçalves, the chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports,
said: “Sadly it comes as no surprise that a huntsman has been engaged in other horrific practices involving cruelty
to animals. David Thomas, who founded the Dwyryd hunt in 1994, and as both master and huntsman is effectively the entire hunt
staff, should step down, the Hunt itself should be disbanded, and the hounds relocated elsewhere. He shouldn’t be allowed
any more opportunities to terrorise and kill wildlife. We have long suspected that the people behind Hunts are involved in
a range of animal welfare abuses involving the killing of animals for fun and this case illustrates the terrible savagery
a small but determined minority of people are happy to inflict in the name of ‘sport’." Police and inspectors
from the RSPCA seized 23 dogs days after the badger bating had taken place. They also found two foxes in cages, "terrified
and suffering unnecessarily". Eight more dogs were rescued from Houlston’s home. The two imprisoned men Houlston and Thomas had been found guilty of a number of offences following a trial at Llandudno Magistrates’
Court, which concluded on Tuesday 16 January. Two others were charged under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and Animal
Welfare Act 2006.
5-2-18 Guardian Huntsman jailed for badger-baiting in Wales
David Thomas sentenced to 22 weeks in case that RSPCA says shows badger persecution is rife An experienced huntsman has been
jailed after being caught badger-baiting on remote farmland in north Wales. RSPCA inspectors and police also found two foxes
in a cage next to a pack of dogs on the farm, a meeting place for the Dwyryd Hunt, and believe they were going to be released
for dogs to attack. The RSPCA said
the case showed that badger-baiting, which has been banned since 1835, and other forms of animal cruelty were still rife.
Some animal campaigners claim it also suggests the government’s badger cull has caused the mammals to become “demonised”
and led to an increase in cruelty towards them... Llandudno
magistrates court was shown footage captured during undercover surveillance of dogs attacking a badger. Images produced
in court also included fake setts – used to hold a badger for baiting – and animal skulls, which could have been
those of foxes or badgers. RSPCA inspectors attended the farm in February last year with police and seized 23 dogs. At the
same time, a search was conducted at Houlston’s address in Llandudno, where a further eight dogs were seized. At this address a veterinary kit was found,
including syringes, and a selection of books, one of them titled Badger Digging with Terriers. Modern-day badger baiters often create fake setts in which they place a badger that has
been dug out of its home sett. The first part of the event involves “drawing out” the badger by the dogs. Once
this has been done, the fight begins. Usually the badger will be stunned or in some other way disabled to ensure the dogs
will triumph, but most of the animals usually end up severely injured. Once the badger can no longer fight, it is killed. A spokesperson for North Wales Hunt Saboteurs said: “We are
glad to see prison sentences handed out. We believe it’s the only way you can stop them. Given Thomas has been banned
from keeping dogs for eight years, we believe the only solution is for this Hunt to be disbanded.” Dominic Dyer, the chief executive of the Badger Trust, said:
“We have no doubt that the demonisation of the badger in relation to the cull policy is resulting in increased persecution
and sett interference.” According to figures collated by the Badger Trust, there
was an increase in incidents of badger persecution after the start of the cull in 2013, which is intended to curb TB In cattle.
In 2013, there were just under 700 incidents, the charity said. The number dipped to 404 in 2014 but rose to 465 in 2015 and
625 in 2016. Other sentences
- 5-2-18 Vet Times ... Morris, 25; also of Cwm Bowydd Farm, Blaenau Ffestiniog, was given a 10-week prison sentence, suspended
for 12 months, and disqualified from keeping dogs for four years. He was also ordered to do 150 hours of unpaid work, and
pay £500 in costs and a £150 surcharge. The 17-year-old youth was handed a 10-month referral order and a 4-year ban on keeping dogs, and told to pay £200
in costs and a £20 surcharge. Also covered by BBC News, Vet Times, Daily Post Pics above - Top to bottom - Holding sett
for badgers used in baiting, The farm where baiting took place, David Thomas, Jordan Houston, Fox in cage found
at JM/Huntsman's farm Pics below - 1/ Terriers found at JM/Huntsman's farm 2/
Dog found in barn at JM/Huntsman's farm  Members of public say Belvoir FH killed fox in country park 5-2-18
Leicester Mercury Belvoir Hunt members accused of entering Melton Mowbray Country Park and 'killing
fox' - Leicestershire Police is making inquiries A group of hunters have been accused
of entering a country park and killing a fox. The alleged incident happened in Melton Mowbray Country Park and Leicestershire
Police were called just after 1pm on Saturday, February 3rd. Officers attended the scene due to an "allegation
by a member of the public that a fox had been killed illegally". A spokesperson for the force said: “Officers attended
and have begun an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. Inquiries are in the early stages.” It has been alleged
that members of the Belvoir Hunt were those involved. Leicestershire People Against Fox Hunting posted about the incident
on Facebook. The update read: “Unfortunately a fox was chased and killed today by The Belvoir Hunt in Melton Mowbray
Country Park.” A member of the group also added that picture evidence had been handed to Leicestershire Police. However, other people
described the allegations as "fake news" and questioned the lack of publicly shared images or video. The Belvoir
Hunt has been contacted twice regarding the incident but has not responded at time of publication. Leicestershire Police has
urged any witnesses to contact officers by calling 101. Forestry Commission says permits for 'trail hunting'
decided 'locally' 5-2-18 Somerset Live Forestry Commission explains stance on hunting stating it 'considers and gives
permission locally' As the debate around fox hunting continues Somerset Live decided to ask
the Forestry Commission for the organisation's stance on hunting on land it owns. The Forestry Commission owns several
large woods in the South West including Stockhill Woods on the Mendip Hills. Last week the UK's
largest woodland conservation charity made headlines by wading in to the hunting debate with a strong stance on the issue.
The Woodland Trust has gone as far as saying it does not grant 'formal permission for hunts to access land to retrieve
hounds' and that the only time a hunt should be on land it owns is using is a public footpath, bridleway or road, that
runs through or adjoins Woodland Trust owned land, as they are legally allowed to use them. However
the Forestry Commission has a different stance on hunting stating it considers and gives permission locally – only considering
requests from Hunts that are members of a hunting association that it holds a central agreement with. A Forestry Commission spokesman said: "We control legal trail or drag hunting on land we manage by only considering
requests from hunts that are members of a hunting association that we hold a central agreement with. Permission is considered
and given locally. It takes account of a range of issues including public safety, environmental protection and requests from
other groups or individuals who want access to the forests for their activities. We share responsibility with the hunting
associations for managing and controlling the hunts and we review their activities every year." The Hunting
Act 2004 came into force in 2005 and made hunting live animals with dogs illegal. Trail hunting – pursuing pre-laid trails of scent, often
fox urine - is not illegal, and more than 250 hunts across the country continue to do it. At the end of last year the National
Trust made headlines following a vote to decide whether trail hunting should continue on land owned by them. NT
gives Warks FH licence despite repeated trespass and assault 5-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs "The National Trust have recently given the Warwickshire Hunt a License to use their land, despite the foxes
that are filmed being chased on an almost weekly basis, despite a former hunt director receiving a caution for assaulting
a sab and despite there being terrier-men present at every meet...normally found illegally driving quad bikes with no license
plates on." Please sign this petition to stop the Warwickshire Hunt from using National Trust
land https://www.change.org/p/farnborough-hall-stop-the-warwicks…
Fox saved from Hurworth FH by sabs, one driven into5-2-18 Facebook - North East Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 3/2/2018 - Hurworth Hunt met at East Sockburn Farm in Girsby, North
Yorkshire After a few weeks of not getting out due to other responsibilities (yes that's right
we do have lives outside of sabbing) it was about time we got back out to make sure that our good friends at the Hurworth
didn't think we had forgotten about them. So we put on our waterproofs and headed to their meet at East Sockburn Farm
where the Hunt were already gathering. The day started smoothly with foot sabs sticking close to the Hunt but having to
stop to give a few angry supporters some map reading lessons. It's no good shouting at us that we are trespassing when
we are on a footpath now is it... anyway tail between their legs they soon piped down. Between foot sabs and sabs in the vehicle we managed to keep
eyes on the Hunt for most of the day. Foot sabs sprung into action to intervene on two occasions when the hounds caught a
scent, quickly putting stop to any chase, with one fox seen fleeing the woods to safety. The support being their usual friendly
selves took it upon themselves to drive into one of our sabs and then proceeded to get out of the car to verbally abuse him...
as if physical assault alone wasn't enough! An overall successful day measured by the free fox, the seriously unhappy riders and the even unhappier
support. We can't guarantee no foxes were killed while the Hunt were out of our sights, but we can guarantee we will be
back and we will endeavour to make sure the ban is upheld.  Monitors & landowner save hunted fox from S. Durham/Berwickshire
FHs 5-2-18 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT : 28.01.18 South Durham Hunt Joint Meet With Berwickshire Hunt The
Hunt met in the Car park of Sedgefield Racecourse at 10:45am. Considering it was a joint meet the turn out was dismal, 4 redcoats
a few Whippers-in and a bunch of riders is not going to keep the kitty full. With Quads and terriermen the followers outnumbered
the hunt. Setting off we were immediately blocked in with 2 vans and a car taking up the whole of the road, these lackeys, never seen
before, looked like they had been hired in from the local traveller camp. Nevertheless we shrugged off the usual abuse and
got on with the job of saving wildlife. With 3 cars full of monitors we were able to position groups in different locations
to await the hounds.
Cutting a very long story
short, multiple foxes, deer [one picced left] and hare were seen escaping the Hunt with some
needing our help with covering their scent and one fox needing monitors to step in with the horn and gizmo as hounds were
right on its tail. Thankfully, this fox did manage to escape with our help and the help of a landowner who refused the Hunt
on his property even though the fox had only weeks before killed his geese. "It's nature he said" throwing away
the argument used by many a pro hunter about loosing hens etc. Another barrage of abuse off Barry Johnson [right] and
many attempts to use his horse as a weapon again aimed at female monitors was disgusting. This guy makes our skin crawl, only
a person going on about taking photos of children that much has something themselves to hide. He is uncomfortably obsessed
with the subject. At one point in the day we believe a bagged fox was possibly used which also evaded
the hounds. Later another fox was spotted and with whipper-in Ross Crawford jumping off his horse over a fence and through a field
we knew the trail had turned into a fox and the hunt was on. Monitors acted and this fox ran for cover, moments later monitors
faced down the Hunt master and whipper in whist being told to leave a field. We think at this point the fox went to ground
or escaped. On driving up the road we could see a injured hound being picked up and placed in a vehicle and the Hunt then gathered
up the remaining hounds and off they went again. By this time the light was fading and finding
the terriermen on quads hanging around hay bales held us back while we waited on their actions. Realising we weren't leaving
them to get up to no good they left and we tried to catch up with the hunt on foot. It was getting dark and we had a way to
go to get back to a road and knowing the hunt was out in the dark was frustrating. We are not sure if any foxes fell pray
to the cowards during this time. It was 7:30pm by the time we all got finished and knowing the Hunt had packed up we all headed
home cold and with sore feet. A gruelling day but we know many foxes were saved so all worth
it in the end. Please support us by donating to our ever growing costs of running the group. Donate via PayPal to huntmonitors@gmail.com - paypal.me/huntmonitors. Pics below -
1/ Injured hound 2/ The monitors  Sabs find Parks Authority strictly monitoring Cumberland FH So they move on
to stymie the Blencathra FH 4-2-18 Facebook - Lancashire Hunt Sabs Yesterday, we paid a visit to the Cumberland Foxhounds who were meeting at Thornthwaite
Hall near Caldbeck. The field was very small, with only 9 riders, with a disproportionately large amount of supporters in
vehicles. The Hunt had intended to use National Parks land at Caldbeck Commons, and we were pleasantly surprised to see that
Lake District National Parks Authority employees were also out monitoring the Hunt. It became clear as the day went on that
there was absolutely no opportunity for the Cumberland Foxhounds to hunt illegally as they normally do. The Hunt were forced
to spend a lot of time on the roads with the hounds kept on a tight rein, to avoid any 'accidents' in front of NPA
staff. We took this as a cue to move on to another
hunt, and had been tipped off by locals that the Blencathra Foxhounds had been seen hunting at Causeway Foot Farm near Thirlmere.
When we arrived, support were lined up along the main A591 waiting for Barry Todhunter to put on a display below Dodd Crag.
However, our arrival caused Barry to stall and stay hidden as usual, and his supporters were deprived of any views of foxes
being torn apart. A few sabs headed into the valley and Barry was forced after some delay, to perform the walk of shame back
into the farmyard.  Warwickshire FH hounds filmed closely chasing a foxHuntsmen did not try to call hounds off - it's fate unknown 4-2-18 Sunday Express VIDEO Brutal 'hunt saboteurs' video reignites debate over fox hunting A FOX runs for its life, with baying hounds on its tail. A pack of 10 or more close
in, but the desperate animal darts back into the undergrowth to escape The pictures could have come from the days of legal
foxhunting, but were in fact shot last month by activists following a trail hunt. The
video posted online by West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, of the Warwickshire Hunt, reignites the debate over fox hunting. Although
it was made illegal in 2004, drag and trail hunting is still allowed, in which hounds follow an artifi cially laid down scent
trail. They are not supposed to chase foxes but sometimes pick up the animals’ scent and kill them. The saboteurs’ Facebook report on the incident reads: “Every time we
go to the Warwickshire Hunt at the moment we are seeing foxes being chased. Saturday was no different. We don’t know
if this fox escaped.” A hunt spokesman said the intention was never to hunt foxes but sometimes “mistakes”
happen and hounds pursue foxes. But hunt staff “work very quickly” to stop this. Prime Minister Theresa May has backed
down on a promise to hold a free Commons vote on legalising foxhunting after opinion polls show the public is still strongly
opposed. And last month MPs raised concerns about trail hunting. Eduardo Gonçalves,
League Against Cruel Sports chief executive, said: “Trail hunting...continues to be used as a cover for illegal hunting
and the fact the issue has been raised in Parliament shows just how severe the level of concern is amongst the public.” Pics below - 1/ Fox flees for its life 2/ Hounds a couple of
seconds behind fox  22-1-18 West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt - Saturday 20th January 2018 ANOTHER
hunted around Meon Hill and Admington. Every time we go to the Warwickshire Hunt at the moment we are seeing foxes being chased.
Saturday was no different, as soon as we arrived we saw a fox running with hounds very close behind. We don’t know if
this fox escaped or not… They spent the last part
of the day hunting another fox around the Admington area, again we don’t know if this fox escaped or not. The National Trust have recently given the Warwickshire Hunt a License to use their land, despite the foxes that
are filmed being chased on an almost weekly basis, despite a former hunt director receiving a caution for assaulting a sab
and despite there being terrier-men present at every meet. The National Trust have said there is no place for terrier-men
at a ‘trail hunt’ so we’re not sure how the National Trust explain their presence at the Warwickshire. They
are normally found illegally driving quad bikes with no license plates on. The National trust
should also ask themselves why is the Warwickshire Hunt desperate to stop us filming them? What have they got to hide if they
aren't doing anything illegal? Please
sign the petition to get the Warwickshire Hunt banned from National Trust land https://www.change.org/p/farnborough-hall-stop-the-warwicks…Please Please politely
ask Patrick Begg, who oversees the National Trust's hunting policy, why assault, trespass, convictions for illegal hunting
and illegally hunting through people's gardens isn't enough to turn down a licence application at patrick.begg@nationaltrust.org.uk. #strengthenthehuntingact Pics
below - 1/ Terriermen - on road illegal quads 2/ One tries
to block sab from filming hunt  Story also covered in the Metro and the Mail Monitor assaulted, others repeatedly obstructed on roads
at Grafton FH Supporter sprays noxious substance on and into monitor's
vehicle Assailant also insulted woman monitor, threw mud into her car 4-2-18 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO MONITORS TREATED ABOMINABLY AT GRAFTON HUNT - TUESDAY 30th JANUARY
Four Grafton Hunt Watch monitors attended the Grafton Hunt today who were out persecuting foxes at Preston Capes. Throughout
the day the monitors were treated atrociously by the hunt followers. They were continually prevented from travelling freely
along the highway, as is their right, by hunt supporters driving at ridiculously low speeds in front of them. On occasions
a hunt follower simply stopped in the middle of the road in front of the monitors and refused to move. These actions are criminal
- blocking the highway is a criminal offence. It is obvious that this behaviour is intended to cause immense stress and to
make the monitors feel extremely vulnerable. One monitor suffered an assault, had mud thrown into her car, and a foul smelling
noxious substance was sprayed into her vehicle. The monitors rang for help from the police. They were told the police were
coming - but they did NOT come to their assistance. When rung again the police told the monitors they would NOT come to their
aid. Please contact Northamptonshire Police here www.northants.police.uk/contact/complaints/how-complain and protest at their continual failure to deal with the Hunt's abominable behaviour, and give the monitors
the help they deserve. Pics below - 1/ Supporter swerves in
front of monitor and makes obscene gesture at her 2/ Supporter lashes out at female monitor 3/
Same supporter calls her 'fucking horrible bitch'   Modbury Harriers supporter punches & smashes sab windscreen 4-2-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT Saturday 3rd Feb 2018 Today we got up before
the sun came up and took a road trip down to see our friends at South Devon Animal Rights. A few weeks ago one of their sabs
was hospitalised by the Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers and it was time to show them that if you hurt one you hurt us all.
Joined by South Wales, Bristol , Devon County, Severn Vale and Bath Hunt Saboteurs. The meet was not exactly obvious with
less horse boxes than we have fingers on one hand. Foot support was even vaster and outnumbered by a big police presence from
Devon and Cornwall police. We scoured the area but they managed to give us the slip which meant they spent the day hiding in shrubbery somewhere ! A word
to you ….. keep looking over your shoulder because we will be back very soon !! With
almost 40 sabs and numerous vehicles we turned turn our attention to the Modbury Harriers who weren’t too far away at
Gara Bridge. When we arrived we soon spotted Ben Doggrel and his little brother milling around with the bloodthirsty support
and other terrier men... The Huntsman, Harry Gosling, is well known to our friends at Bristol from when he used to hunt hares
for the RAC beagles and he played his part in them being attacked by students of the university and supporters from neighbouring
fox hunts. Harry and his pack were up in Hothole Wood just North of Gara Bridge and the jungle drums were soon beating again
to alert him to our presence. With more sabs than we could shake a stick at a foot team were deployed up to see him. Bristol
sabs quickly took control of his pack. Eventually when he had gathered most of his pack Harry headed North to Garaland Copse
but with sab landy’s circling like sharks and an abundance of foot sabs he struggled to keep control and remained in
the copse for a long time. We were stationed at the mill North of Penson and a foot team from another sab team headed up the
road beside us... As our drivers changed seats, a foot supporter was in the road clearly preventing us from driving and we
said we need to get up there please to which he replied with a simple “f@ck off” ! As we edged our Landy round
to keep an eye on the foot sabs one of the hunt supporters who had been guzzling port like it was going out of fashion decided
to punch the windscreen of the landy 3 times, causing extensive damage. He then turned his attention to our drivers side window,
despite three attempts the window wasn’t giving in - maybe he had run out of puff by then ? With his girl friend and other supporters
pulling him away he was bundled into his girlfriends blue Disco and she whisked him away. Sadly for him we were filming and
are determined to ID him - photos attached. If you know who he is please send us his name... Whilst we waited for the police the other sabs were keeping tabs on the Hunt and chuckling as they
watched Harry trying to gather his hounds for over an hour. He soon headed back to Higher Colmer Farm to pack up seriously
outnumbered with sabs. We made our way down to meet the other sabs who had seen the blue disco go into
the premises. Another phone call was made to the police and we were told that they weren’t prioritising our call or
attending. This seemed rather odd seeing as there had been a police presence all day up to about half hour before the incident
and at least 1 police vehicle all day following us around. The blue disco attempted to leave but when she saw all the sabs
at the entrance she quickly popped it into reverse and headed backwards up the drive... With another phone call to the police,
and I’m sure many from the hunt to request some back up they decided to show up and eventually four police vehicles
had gathered. Footage was shown and they went up to see if they could see the suspect. Unsurprisingly, the scummy ranks were
closed and supporters lying through their teeth denied all knowledge of knowing him (we have photos that strongly suggest
otherwise). The only good thing we have to say about the D&C police was one officer that remained calm, impartial and showed
an interest to get to the bottom of what happened. Other than him we were disgusted with the way the police handled the matter
and a complaint will be made. We will never stop fighting to keep our wildlife safe, we will always be there for other groups
and today shows how when the chips are down we stick together. If you haven’t already please give our friends sab pages
a like and consider becoming a member of the HSA or donating to them, what they do behind the scenes to support us is invaluable.
The very best wishes to the injured sab and huge thanks to all the sab groups we worked with today - see you soon! A huge
thanks to our newest driver for driving way more than we planned - being the tallest in the group he was the only one to see
over the windscreen damage and got us all home safe and sound !! If you want to join us please send an email to mailto:dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net As ever
huge thanks to all our supporters and those already offering money towards our windscreen repair, we have attached current
GFM link - funds will be diverted now. https://www.gofundme.com/fuel-and-stolen-equipment-fund. Sab presence makes fox pack 'trail hunt' & hare hunt pack
up 4-2-18 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs Today with two landies we split our group with one taking on the Bolebroke Beagles (last week they killed in
front of sabs) and another the Old Surrey and Burstow and West Kent hunt. Supported by North Downs, South Coast, Croydon and
Brighton Hunt Sabs. Not really much to report
on today as the Hunt have clearly been forced to lay some half arsed trails whilst sabs are present. They met at Greathed
Manor, fast paced sabs were with them from the start and we soon joined up as we located them near Willow Bed. It must've
been an incredibly boring day for the field as it was a very stop-start day as they kept trying to lose us. Not getting your
money's worth? Ask for a refund... this Hunt once had riders in their triple figures, today there must've been less
than 20 riders! Just give up already... Towards the end of the day hounds clearly came off
the trail (as they are obviously not used to following a trail) and picked up on a scent through some woodland and the Hunt
frantically called them back. If we weren't present we have no doubt they would've killed, again. The other group on
the Beagles had a very successful day as they headed back to the meet after they'd been rumbled! Ha-ha. As they arrived
back at the meet they boxed up the hounds and waited for sabs to leave so they could sneak out again... not on our watch!
Sabs waited and waited and waited till they finally called it a day and headed home. Cold, wet and muddy sabs retired to the
pub for some vegan munch and a well earned pint! Lovely stuff. If you are in the position to donate to keep us on
the road please click the link below! And please message us if you are interested in coming out and/or have any information
on hunts. #GrassUpYourLocalHunt https://ko-fi.com/A62094D Surrey Union
FH pull off fox chased across road when see monitors 4-2-18 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors Friday 02 February 2018; thanks to a tip off from a frustrated motorist, one
of our team found the Surrey Union Hunt at around 10.20, de-boxing in an old haunt in a field off Elstead Road, Shackleford,
just west of the A3 south of Guildford. This season they seem to be trying harder to
evade us, but Hunts are creatures of habit and SU visit this spot often and were there early February 2017 too... [when
we reported them chasing a fox to police]. Back to Friday 02 February 2018: the Hunt crossed a footbridge over to the east
of the A3 to a favoured spot in Eashing. We kept a low profile for a couple of hours, with one monitor keeping an eye on the
area where the fox was seen roaming last year. Other monitors checked the area further north and various supporters (some
only too familiar to us) were seen gathering for their Friday afternoon “entertainment”. It seemed only a matter
of time before a fox, by some strange coincidence, would appear. Before long, the hunt returned from Eashing (re-crossing
the A3): Our second monitor moved around, but stayed in the immediate area, and before long heard the hunt hounds in full
cry, and a little later saw a fox running on to the road a matter of a few feet from where the fox had been seen last year
– the expected “coincidence” had happened. Happily, that monitor’s presence was sufficient
to stop that particular fox being hunted – the hunt keeping away before, about half an hour later, heading off again,
doubtless to the disappointment of the waiting supporters. As the afternoon progressed, Guildford Hunt
Sabs and North Downs Hunt Sabs arrived too, and stayed with us until the Hunt packed up for the day. Despite our attendance, the terrier"man" could not resist telling sabs
that they had had a good day and that the sabs had arrived too late. We, of course, had been there all day. What is our motto
again? Oh yes: “Sometimes overt, sometimes covert”…. Modbury Harriers
hunt on banned land, supporter smashes sab landy windscreen Devon & Cornwall police,
with one exception, live up to their dreadful reputation 4-2-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Modbury Harriers 3.2.2018 Yesterday we headed south to join
our friends and neighbours, South Devon Animal Rights, who were viciously attacked by members of the Dart Vale & South
Pool Harriers a few weeks ago. (For more on the attack: https://tinyurl.com/y75mntwy). We were joined by sabs from Bristol, Dorset, Severn Vale and South Wales Hunt Saboteurs in an awesome show of solidarity. The Dart Vale couldn’t be found, although we did spot terrierman George Bailey driving around the area and
a few horse boxes parked up at a farm. Our best guess is that the Dart Vale, being the cowards they are, hid in low ground
far from the meet when they heard sabs were in the area. From what we’ve heard, they are a much-diminished hunt-on-the-run
these days. We didn’t waste too much time before heading off to find the Modbury Harriers, who were hunting nearby at Gara Bridge.
They’re another hunt we haven’t sabbed in a while, so we were glad to be able to pay them a visit. Our group sabbed
as we normally do, with three small foot teams and two vehicles doing pincer movements with huntsman and hounds, but with
all the additional sab groups completely outnumbering the hunt for once, Huntsman Harry Gosling [left] was
barely able to hunt all day. The pack was split right from the start and whenever we saw Harry he only had at most half the
pack with him, while various sab teams were taking small groups of harriers for a walk elsewhere.
The harriers followed a line into the steep, gorsey
slopes west of Hart's Wood, where they got completely stuck and eventually emerged covered in scratches. Sabs asked Harry
the obvious question - who on earth had laid a trail in there?! - to which he responded that he was hunting rabbits, not trail-hunting. Over several hours he went back and forth between Gara Bridge and
Penson, via Garaland Copse and Wheeldon Hills. Eventually the pack were regrouped and headed north through Timber Wood and
past Stretchney, hunting through land they have been banned from accessing! Hunt support and terrier men, who’d had nothing
better to do all day than stand around drinking, became rowdy towards South Dorset Animal Right’s Land Rover. Sabs informed officers in the unmarked police car,
which had followed sabs around all day (and of course nothing was done about the illegally driven quad bikes...), but they
declined to take any action. A short while later at Bickham Bridge one hunt supporter smashed the Dorset Land Rover’s
windscreen in a completely unprovoked attack. The incident was caught on camera and police were called immediately. Conveniently,
the unmarked police car and police van that had been there all day had to go off duty when this incident happened and there
was suddenly nobody able to respond to sabs’ calls for assistance! Yet again, an assailant who could have been apprehended
was able to flee the scene… We followed the Hunt to Higher Colmer Farm, where
they packed up, and several more calls were made to the police. Only when the Hunt called them to make spurious counter-allegations
did they bother to send anyone out. Four police cars arrived. We witnessed a totally mixed picture from individual officers
with some of the most unreasonable, arrogant and immature policing we have come across (official complaints about one particular
officer will follow), but at least one of the officers appeared to take matters seriously and did what he could to gather
the appropriate evidence when his colleagues had failed to do so. Proof it can be done! However, when we spoke to the sergeant about illegal hunting, her response was that it
was a matter for the wildlife crime officers. This is just nonsense and excuse-making. In all our years of working to prevent
illegal hunting, we have never met one of these wildlife crime officers. They barely even exist. It’s a designation
given to a handful of officers who spend most of their time on other duties. Even the Silverton kill on New Years’ Day
and the Eggesford dig-out the other week are being investigated by ordinary officers, not these elusive wildlife crime officers. We have the same message for Devon &
Cornwall Police as we have every week: If you had taken action on sabs’ complaints earlier in the day, this incident
might have been prevented altogether. All you’ve done is add to your own workload, as there’s now another crime
to be investigated. The visiting sab groups, who have their own experiences of policing back home, found the attitude of some
of the Devon officers shocking. The last thing to say about yesterday was that we were really pleased with the amount of support and encouragement
we received from locals throughout the day, not all of them even anti-hunt but thoroughly fed up with the behaviour of the
Modbury Harriers who rampage through this area on a regular basis. Please contact local MP, Sarah Wollaston, especially if you live
in the South Hams, to politely and constructively ask her to ensure that police take action against illegal hunting and all
the crime that follows in its wake: http://www.drsarah.org.uk/contact/contact-sarah. If you support our work, please donate to our fuel fund: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Get involved or send us information: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net
Cotswold V. FH hounds rated off roads by sabs, female assaulted4-2-18
Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO [Welsh Border Sabs] Saturday 3rd February 2018, Cotswold Vale FH
at Southwick farm with Welsh Border's sabs. When we arrived we came across the bizarre scene
of a man skinning a roadkill deer for his ferrets... a bit odd/gruesome and "Hills have eyes" to say the least on
a residential street! At Apperley Court just down the road hounds ran away from the Huntsman, saw Gary
[Gazza] without the pack on the B4213. Sure enough, minutes later they crossed that road and ran in full cry through a chicken
coop and down. Other sabs saw the rest of the pack on another line north of that road so must have been a brace. Later they were hunting
up towards the B4213 but were stopped by sabs from harming themselves and road users as well as the fox they were hunting.
This displeased Gary who became a bit irate and threatening. He cast them again and they picked up another line (so again
a brace or maybe a leash as another fox was seen to escape in the opposite direction) and they ended up in the static caravan
park behind the Farmer’s Arms. Sabs called them off that fox and there was an assault which we cannot comment on at
this time. Later sabs stopped them again from hunting another fox just north of the B4213 on their way home. We won't even
talk about the Ledbury on Friday who met at Stonebow farm Ashleworth...it was not a good day. Today a blocked sett in that
area was found and reported. Badgers are safe and have dug their way out. Please support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs https://vimeo.com/254206093 Badsworth FH kill fox in wood
they banned from Hound emerged with fox leg in its mouth Landowner saw kill and reported to police Sabs will be handing
their evidence to them 3-2-18 Facebook - Liverpool Hunt Sabs BADSWORTH & BRAMHAM MOOR HUNT KILL FOX After last week we thought it was only right
to pay another visit to Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hounds. We joined forces once again with Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs and
found them at the meet just outside the village of Campsall, South Yorkshire. From the off, huntsman Nick Thornicroft was desperate to kill. He took hounds into a private woodland from the meet and sabs
had to intervene immediately as hounds went into cry. This set the precedent for the day with Nick continually encouraging
hounds onto scents and to chase foxes. Within the first hour a fox was seen fleeing from a wood and going to ground. 2 hares
were seen in the early afternoon fleeing from the hounds. Sabs were close by and discouraged any hounds from rioting on them.
Nick then decided to try his luck in a disused
quarry [left]. One fox was seen fleeing, surrounded by the pack of hounds. Amazingly
they failed to notice the fox making it's escape but the Huntsman, now on foot, encouraged his hounds along the line the
fox had run. Hounds picked up the scent and sabs did their best to discourage hounds from following it. Further into the quarry
hounds picked up on another scent with Nick using horn and voice calls to encourage them on. Sabs used whips and voice calls
to distract hounds and believe the fox managed to find safety by itself underground. By this time Nick was getting increasingly frustrated at sabs
stopping him from killing. He launched a tirade of abuse at us and then blew for home. We kept
eyes on them as they made their way back to the meet but suddenly, terrerimen and riders were seen racing towards the same
private wood from the start of the day. Upon approaching we witnessed the Huntsman and other riders fleeing from the wood
when one sab noticed something in a hound's mouth. It was the leg of a fox which he managed to retrieve. We entered the wood to find the owner of the land who had previously told the Hunt
not to enter and were not welcome on his land, on the phone to the police having witnessed the Hunt killing the fox. He said
the body had been taken by the Hunt and all that was left was fur and some entrails. An incredibly sad ending to a very successful day sabbing. If we had not been present the Hunt
would have killed 3 or 4 foxes today. Police were called by the land owner and another member
of the public regarding the fox kill. We will be handing in our evidence of the blatant illegal hunting and the body parts
of the fox that were left in the wood to South Yorkshire Police. Can
you help us continue our vital work fighting for an end to bloodsports? For the price of a 'coffee' you can support
Liverpool Hunt Sabs. https://ko-fi.com/liverpoolhuntsabs. Any donations no matter how small is hugely appreciated!  4-2-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Foxes are pairing up for the spring now and many vixens are pregnant, but unfortunately this doesn't stop
the Badsworth and Branham Moor, and so we teamed up with Liverpool Hunt Sabs and went to Campsmount home farm in Campsall.
We've never seen so many foxes and hares near a hunt meet and helped many lives to safety through the course of the day. The
Hunt rioted behind Campsmount High School, through a graveyard and, after a thoroughly frustrating day for them, killed a
fox in a private woodland which the land owner had already asked them to leave earlier in the day; he was swift to call the
police. Until this sad moment we had a busy but successful day as we and
Liverpool Sabs took turns to keep an eye on the Huntsman, Thornicroft, and his hounds all day. Again they made it clear they
have no respect for any animals, and don't care for their hounds or horses as the Huntsman was heard saying "you
f**king c**t of a horse" when he was remounting after taking his hounds into a treacherous quarry where it was lucky
no hounds fell to their deaths. One hound had tumours on her back and her belly and when he was asked about it by sabs he
just told us to shut up. We leave today angry and saddened by the life we didn't manage to save, but are even more resolved
to stay dedicated to the cause in future. RIP. Crawley FH hunted foxes after dark - sabs think probably killed 3-2-18 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs We haven't posted many hit reports lately, but we have still been monitoring the Crawley & Horsham
Hunt who continue to illegally hunt foxes, and today was no exception. It was a very long and exhausting day. There was no
trail laid today, and all day the hounds were on the scent of a fox. The police were out today but as always made no attempt
to investigate the criminal activities and wildlife crimes of the day. It is evident to all that the Sussex & Surrey Police
are working hand in hand with the fox hunters. We did everything we could today to save foxes from being savagely killed,
but the Hunt carried on until it was pitch black. We couldn't see where we were walking and we couldn't film, because
it was too dark. A fox was seen running for it's life and the hounds on it's trail, then another fox appeared and the hounds
turned and went after that one. We could hear the hounds in cry and then the silence of what we believe was the kill. This
went on for over 30 minutes. We don't know if the hounds got both the foxes we saw. Rest in peace foxes, we did did all
we could and we are so sorry. Fitzwilliam FH use their
eagle to kill hare flushed by hounds Sabs helped ensure no foxes
were killed Meet at Burghley House, famous for its horse trials 3-2-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Some days you wake up, leap out of bed and get ready to face the day. Today wasn't one of those days,
it was, quite frankly the sort of day you look outside and think sod that and go back to bed. However... A little bird had told us that the Fitzwilliam were again attempting to hunt on a Saturday. Not only that but the
meet would be at Burghley House, famous for it's horse trials and now hosting wildlife criminals. In an attempt to try
and outwit us (fat chance) they had scheduled an early meet, setting off at 9am. But we're not afraid of leaving our beds
and setting off in the freezing rain and mud and of course we were waiting for them, along with North Cambs , Northants and
Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs. We accessed the park much to the annoyance of those inside and stuck with the hunt
as they attempted to draw the many likely looking areas. Unfortunately they flushed a beautiful Hare right in front of regular
wildlife abuser John Mease who released his Eagle which killed the unfortunate animal. Hares are in severe decline like much
of our wildlife but it seems these people are desperate to kill something in the name of sport. They spent
a couple of hours inside the House boundaries going this way and that but sabs were with them at all times and as you can
imagine this didn't go down too well and several times the hunt stopped and wondered what to do. Of course the hounds
got some sab love, something they are often starved of. After dropping off much of the field around midday they headed out into farm land for some serious
hunting however the various groups were always on hand to keep them under control and at times taking the hounds off the Huntsman
with voice and horn calls. The hounds did go into cry at one point but we didn't witness any foxes and this may have been
rioting on some of the many deer in the area. Some of the riders got quite shouty at times and made
some, quite frankly ridiculous claims but we take this nonsense in our stride and just cracked on with the job in hand. Clearly
the writing was on the wall as they ran out of ground to hunt and into a sab group, watching their every turn, so packed
up around 2pm. Some serious mileage covered today so we retired once again back to the pub for a well earned pint and chips. Pics below - 1/ Hunting in Burghley House grounds
2/ Hounds getting sab love  Woman abused by Mendip Farmers FH after chased fox in her mum's garden Says tried to steal her phone - police then came round and
intimidated them 3-2-18 Facebook - Jo Wilkins My brave sister Sam stood up to the Mendip Farmers Hunt who were blatantly hunting a poor fox which was
chased across my mum's garden in East Harptree by hounds. The Hunt don't follow a trail, they break the law and actively
chase foxes to rip apart with hounds. Because they lie and have friends in high places they often get away with it.. it is
very disturbing how this goes on in this day and age. The Hunt employ terrier men who dig foxes out and allow dogs to rip them apart.
The Hunt enjoy chasing and killing wildlife.. plain and simple! If they really saw foxes as pests why do they actively breed
them to release & kill, or encourage them into the area by feeding them or by catching them then releasing them for the
hounds to chase and rip apart. It makes me sick and very angry, especially when they trespass on private land where wildlife
is welcome and would not be hurt/terrorised. Sam took photos and challenged these sick people and was met with abuse. Some of
the Hunt tried hiding their faces with balaclavas and one of them tried to snatch her phone. Funny enough not one of these
horrible people would give Sam their name.. Sam is a lovely person who was really upset at seeing a fox being chased with
a pack of hounds and a load of thugs on horse back and on quads. We are going to see what we can do to help stop this.
Well done Sam, good on you. PS if anyone knows how to find out where the Mendip Farmers Hunt meet up and when could they kindly
share? UPDATE.... 15/2/18 - Sam & my mum were visited by the police after Sam put in a complaint/report about the Mendip
Hunt, she was politely told they wouldn't really be able to do anything as there was no evidence they weren't following
a trail and no photograph/video of them chasing a fox. Sam was then surprised to hear that she could get into trouble for
swearing and harassment & sharing the photos along with the post on Facebook if it incited anger or violence. Hence Sam
removing her post with photos of the Mendip Hunt in action & her account of events. Madness!! Woman says Mendip Farmers FH invaded land and killed
an alpaca Was last October, revealed in response to latest
trespass by Hunt 3-2-18 Comment
on Jo Wilkin's FB post re. invasion of her Mum's garden by MFFH [item above] Natalie
Rugman Typical of Mendip farmers Hunt! Back in October, hounds were witnessed in my mum's field
in Litton, where we keep our alpacas. Sadly, afterwards we noticed our beautiful boy Hugh had devastating injuries which the
vet said were definitely as a result of dog bites and the vet had no choice but to put him to sleep��. My mum tried
to have an amicable meeting with the Hunt Master George Pullen but he claimed that there was no way it was caused by the hounds
but more than likely a poacher. They live in barbaric fantasy world, arrogant, ignorant and sadly seem to be able to operate
above the law. We are still fighting now, nothing can bring back our boy but we would like justice for him and won’t
stop until we get it. POWAperson adds - It appears that the Mendip Farmers have
caused so much annoyance and distress that an FB page has been set up 'Locals Against the Mendip Hunt' . Note that the wife of wannabe Tory Party leader Jacob
Rees-Mogg MP was JM of this Hunt from 2012-14. Sabs prevent dig-out of hunted fox by Fife FH 3-2-18 Facebook - Perthshire Hunt Sabs Fife Foxhounds - Edenwood House – 03/02/2018
Sabs got to the meet before most of the riders had even arrived, the Hunt unboxed at Edenwood Farm before riding to Edenwood
house, we split into two groups and waited to see what way they would go once they set off.
the Hunt set off they headed South towards Lady Mary's Wood, a fox was able to escape the Hunt from the woodland here [left]. Next
the Hunt moved to the Cults area, then round to the woodland beside Clatto Reservoir, not picking up on anything here and
with sabs on either side the Hunt then carried on heading to the north, hunting all the cover they passed. In a small plantation
between Roundall & Struthers Barns Cottages the hounds chased a fox to ground, thankfully a sab was with the Hunt and
quickly called in nearby others. While the sab waited for back up Galpin [right], the
terrierman, decided to barge into the lone sab trying to push him out of the way by shoving his chest into him, but all he
succeeded in doing was tripping over a rock and sending himself flying (lol). Reinforcements arrived soon after and so one
group stayed at the hole while another group stayed with the Hunt. After drawing the gorse to the east of the plantation
where the fox had went to ground, the Hunt then headed to Cassindilly to search for foxes in this area, once finished in this
area the Hunt headed back towards the meet via Chance Inn, packing up at around 2:30pm. The
group that had stayed with the Hunt then came back to join the others guarding the fox that had went to ground. Galpin pretended
to leave, but we knew he was hiding trying to watch from the other side of the hill, eventually he came back and stayed until
the light had faded and he left at around 6pm. Sabs stayed for a while at a distance to allow the fox to safely leave its
hiding place and to make sure Galpin did not return. A freezing night, but well worth it to make
sure the fox escaped unharmed. Please help keep us in the field - https://gogetfunding.com/fuel-costs-and-vehicle-maintenance/. Pics below - 1/ Hare spooked by Hunt
2/ Roe deer 3/ Galpin and sabs still there after dark  Warks FH hunt next to A429 - act as if they own the road3-2-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Warwickshire Hunt - Saturday 3rd Feb 2018
On Saturday, the Warwickshire Hunt hunted around Barton-on-the-Heath near Morton-in-Marsh before making their way north towards
Todenham and Stretton-on-Fosse hunting close to the busy A429. At one point members of the hunt rode up and down the A429
holding up traffic as they expected motorists to wait for them whilst they hunted. NB the people in the hi vis jackets are
members of the Hunt. We are out three to four times a week at the moment please
consider donating towards our fuel costs. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Sab racially abused at Lanarkshire
FH meet 3-2-17 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs Hit report- 03.02.2018 South Branchal Farm Today we opted for an "away
day" and joined Glasgow Hunt Sabs to ruin the day for the Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire Hunt. Two teams got in position
to keep an eye on the kennels and in fact, as soon as the hunt left around 10.30, they had no way to lose the sabs. They were seen entering
South Branchal farm, shortly followed by some horsboxes (not that many apparently, as they have started to reduce their cap
in a desperate attempt to get more followers). After
the usual ridiculous display of idiocy from Craig the terrier man, aka the village idiot, the sabs were ready to follow the
hunt as soon as they set off around 12.30, heading south east. The Hunt stayed in the area between Burnbrae Burn and
Gotter water, pretty much running into either one or the other sab groups which were positioned in the area, which led to
the evident frustration of the gunmen. They did not seem to like our "company"... The
terrier man also did not miss the opportunity to spew racist abuse to one of the sabs, proving what kind of person he is and
what kind of people those who employ him are. Sabs
proceeded to spray every gorse bush in the proximity of the gunmen. In fact, when the hounds approached the area they could
not pick up on any scent. A fox was seen fleeing away near White Craig area, with terrier men on quadbikes
attempting to catch him/her. The sabs were too far to anticipate them but not too far to let them know they were being watched
and could not have gotten away with it. The Hunt then looped back heading to the meet . Terrier
men picked up a dead fox on the way back, but we have good reason to believe this was a kill from a previous week considering
that a)it would have been incredibly stupid of them to leave the body in the area when they knew sabs were there, considering
the beautiful animal had been clearly disemboweled and b) the hounds were never in full cry and no gunshots were heard for
the entire day. The sabs escorted the Hunt back to the meet and made sure everyone had packed up
and left, before heading back home for some well deserved rest and dry socks. Join. Sab. Donate https://www.paypal.me/FifeHuntSabs. Huntsman/JM
of Lauderdale FH faces illegal hunting charge 2-2-18 Border Telegraph Scotland's only female master huntsman accused of breaching country's
fox hunting legislation SCOTLAND'S only female master huntsman has been accused of breaching
the country's fox hunting legislation. Claire Bellamy has been charged after concerns were raised about practices at a
Lauderdale Hunt in the Borders on October 24. The 42-year-old only took over as master at the Lauderdale Hunt [left] last
year after moving to Scotland with her partner Adrian Ross from her native Dartmoor in Devon. Investigators of the League Against Cruel Sports
secretly filmed the activities of the Lauderdale Hunt - one of 11 in Scotland - on land near Galashiels before passing on
the footage to Police Scotland. Now Police Scotland have confirmed a 42-year-old woman will be the subject of a report to
the Procurator Fiscal at Selkirk. PC Andy Loughlin, wildlife crime officer for the Lothians and Scottish Borders,
said: "We take all reports of wildlife offences very seriously and criminality against our natural environment in Scotland
will not be tolerated. I would encourage any members of the public with any concerns to contact police on 101, each area has
a dedicated Wildlife Crime Officer who will be able to help." The law in Scotland was changed 16 years ago to ban
the hunting of wild mammals with dogs. But Hunts still operate and say they act legally providing a pest control service and
staying within the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002. The Scottish Government is examining the law following
a review of the 2002 Act in a report last year by Lord Bonomy. The Act states that dogs are still allowed to pursue foxes
– as long as a marksman shoots the animal as soon as it emerges to open ground. Father and son John Clive Richardson, 67, and 24-year-old Johnny Riley became the first members
of a mounted hunt to be successfully prosecuted since the Act was introduced north of the Border. The Jedforest Hunt members in the Borders were filmed by investigators from the
League Against Cruel Sports. Following eight days of evidence, Sheriff Peter Paterson ruled that in two incidents Richardson
and Riley were in breach of the Act and found them guilty of deliberately hunting a fox with dogs. Riley - who was in charge
of the hunt - was fined £400 at Selkirk Sheriff Court and Richardson, described as having a lesser role, fined £250. Story also in Times Claire Bellamy previous huntswoman
at Spooners West and Dartmoor hunt in Devon has run into trouble at her new hunt The Lauderdale in Scotland. Bellamy was kicked
out of Spooners West and Dartmoor following a scandal where she was caught romping with another member of hunt staff. She
fled to Scotland leaving behind a young child and ex husband. Seems like trouble just follows some folk. Badsworth FH hunter hits sab on head, knocks over another
with horse 2-2-18 Daily Mail VIDEO Moment huntsman 'lashes out with his whip as he's surrounded by masked chanting protesters
before his horse knocks one to the ground' - Footage appears to show huntsman approached by protesters before a meet -
Altercation took place on Saturday on land near Leeds East Airport, Yorkshire - Leeds East Airport denies claims illegal hunting
was taking place near their site This is the moment a huntsman appears to lash out with his whip [below
right] after being surrounded by chanting protesters*. The aggrieved horse rider was approached by a group of hunt saboteurs at his private airfield in Church
Fenton, North Yorkshire, on Saturday. Liverpool Hunt Sabs said they entered Leeds East Airport to monitor a meeting of the
Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hounds to ensure no illegal hunting was taking place. They claim a rider ordered them off the
former RAF base then launched an unprovoked assault on one of their members as they were trying to leave. Suddenly, he appears
to raise his whip and strike a man over the head with it. Circling them with his horse, he says: 'You're on private
land, out.' As the sabs start backing away towards the exit,
the huntsman then appears to ride into the same man, shoving him to the tarmac. He is helped to his feet by a fellow sab,
and a woman shouts: 'Oh, my God. What's wrong with you?' Pointing at the protesters with his riding crop, he replies:
'Get off the private land. I own the place, you're not coming in. Out of the gate.' They stand their ground in the driveway and the Huntsman rides at them, shouting:
'I am the landowner. Now get off of my land.' A female protester says: 'Your poor horse, being used as a weapon. See what kind
of a person you are already, the way he's treating that horse.' He responds: 'Nothing wrong with the horse. Look,
I'll show you.' He then rides out of the gate again, driving the sabs back. The woman says: 'Look at him. Petrified.
Do you not think you're stressing out your horse?' He rides away, saying: 'No, I'm not. Lovely horse.' Leeds East Airport said in a statement: 'Mr Makin was taking part in a lawful trail hunt on Saturday, January 27, when
a significant number of unidentifiable people wearing balaclavas trespassed onto private land where the hunt was gathering.
The land is part of Leeds East Airport, an active airport with significant safety regulations. The trespassers sought both
to disrupt the hunt and to create further disruption by accessing parts of the operational airport land. Understandably in
the circumstances, Mr Makin requested that those individuals leave that private property. At no time did Mr Makin strike any
protester with his riding crop.'
Liverpool Hunt Saboteurs said in a statement: 'We
attended the meet with West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs and Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs to ensure no illegal hunting was taking
place. Upon arrival we located the hunt inside the grounds of Leeds East Airport. We went into the grounds because we needed
to see if hounds were present at the meeting. A rider approached us and immediately began riding his horse into saboteurs.
He then attacked one saboteur by striking him with his riding whip then proceeded to ride into him, knocking him to the ground
and causing him to sustain injuries to his arm and foot. At no point would we have tried to access any part of the operational
airport land. Violence against saboteurs is increasing and since the inaction of Sussex Police regarding Jane Goring - filmed
hitting a saboteur with a whip 17 times - hunt riders have been given a green light by police to use their whips as weapons
on saboteurs, knowing no action will be taken.' North Yorkshire Police told MailOnline: 'Police
were contacted at 11.58am on Saturday to reports of an assault in Church Fenton near Tadcaster. Police attended and are conducting
enquiries to determine the circumstances around the incident. No arrests were made.' Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hounds
has been approached for comment. * POWAperson comments
- At no point was the rider 'surrounded by chanting protesters'. As the video clearly shows, they did no 'chanting'
and the rider kept aggressively riding into them. It also clearly shows, despite the denial, that Makin struck one sab
on the head with his whip. This, and riding at sabs, has always been common practice amongst hunters, I've seen and suffered
it enough myself, but seems to be unusually prevalent this season. 28-1-18 Facebook - Liverpool Hunt Sabs We joined forces with some old friends from West Yorkshire and Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs yesterday and paid a visit to the Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hounds. The Hunt
met in Church Fenton at Leeds East Airport (formally RAF Church Fenton). The owner of Leeds
East Airport, Chris Makin decided to attack us as soon as we arrived at the meet. He hit one sab with his riding whip and
then proceeded to ride at a number of other sabs. Police were called and within the hour he was seen heading for home in a
horsebox. We're sure his clients and customers will be interested in hearing what Chris gets up to on his days off: https://www.facebook.com/leedseastairport. Sabs stuck close to the
hunt for the rest of the day with hounds only going into cry twice. They rioted after deer on the two occasions but sabs were
close by and ensured they made a safe escape. The Huntsman, failed cricketer Nick Thornicroft, seemed desperate for a kill and resorted to sending his hounds into
a children's play area in Church Fenton and hunted them close to a live railway line. (Video to follow) The Hunt decided to call it a day around 3.30pm which is an early finish for us so we headed to the pub for a well
earned pint. West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs sab van has died! Any help towards funding for a new
vehicle would be hugely appreciated: http://bit.ly/2BvZ2T5. 28-1-18
Facebook - Marnie O'Hare [See pic 3, above right] That’s
a curb bit the horse is wearing, in a double bridle. Any sudden or harsh pull on it can cause a lot of pain to a horse. Basically
the pressure applied is twice the amount than in a standard snaffle bit. Somebody who is losing their temper and yanking their
horse around to aim at people in a bit like this is very, very likely to be causing their horse considerable pain. Monitors
meet Cheshire MP/Cabinet Minister to discuss illegal hunting 2-2-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors THANK YOU Cheshire Monitors would like to extend their thanks
to Esther McVey, MP for Tatton and cabinet minister, who we met with today to discuss tackling illegal hunting
in Cheshire, and in particular the Cheshire Forest Hunt who have been running amok in her constituency. The meeting was very
positive, and we look forward to working with Esther - along with other local MPs - on this subject over the coming months.
Watch this space... Attention Cheshire residents! Have you asked your MP for help
in stopping illegal hunting in Cheshire? If so, we would love to hear the responses you have received, both positive and negative.
If you haven't, then please do so. Click for contact details: Cheshire East MPs: http://bit.ly/2DfQHZ7 Cheshire West MPs: http://bit.ly/2mEofFhDetails of constituencies: http://bit.ly/2nwtUP6
N.T. initially tries to deny Surrey Union hunted on their land 2-2-18
Facebook - National Dis-Trust Last Saturday the Surrey Union fox hunt was seen hunting on National Trust in the Leith Hill area. As this
Hunt is not currently licensed by the National Trust, a concerned member of the public contacted Mark Lyle, The National Trust’s
Rural Surveyor for the South East region. 'Dear Mark , My friend has asked me to contact you ref the Surrey Union Foxhunt
on national trust land at leith hill on 27-1-18 …the Hunt (who had advertised that they were have a fence jumping competition
that day ,which is suspicious in itself) in fact had a normal meet at a farm just off Wolvens Lane opposite the Plough pub,
Coldharbour, They were hunting just north of the land slip on NT land... Images of the hunt were attached to the email. A photograph
showing the specific area on an OS map was also sent. The response received from Mark Lyle was as follows - 'Dear …,
My colleague has now been able to visit the sites that you have identified in your photographs and has confirmed that these
are not owned by the National Trust. However, it seems apparent that the Hunt may well have crossed the Trust’s land
to get from one location to another – but, as you say, this was via a public highway and so does not need a licence
from us. I have written to the Hunt concerning this allegation and we will continue to monitor their activities closely. Kind
regards, Mark Lyall MRICS' Mark Lyall was then sent a copy of the National Trust’s
own land map of the same area, which showed that it is indeed National Trust land. Mark Lyall then responded – 'Dear …
Thank you for this and your previous email. Yes, the area in question is owned by the Trust …….. We have taken
up the matter with the Hunt and will take whatever action may be appropriate.' Regards, Mark Lyall MRICS, Rural Surveyor,
National Trust. Although we accept that Mark Lyall may have made a genuine mistake, it seems that the National Trust are very quick
to deny that Hunts are trespassing on Trust land. This protective attitude towards hunting is taken even further when Hunts
that have previously trespassed are rewarded, by being granted a hunting licence by the National Trust. We would like to know
what action is deemed ‘appropriate’ by the Trust, as it certainly doesn't appear to be anything that the Hunts
are concerned about. Somerset farmer says intimidation followed illegal hunting on his land 2-2-18
Facebook - Paul Chant [comment on HSA post] Hello all. I am a farmer and have since I was 17 disagreed with fox hunting. The local Mendip Hunt was
officially warned if the hunt illegally on my land the Police will prosecute! Unfortunately last Saturday a different hunt decided to illegally
Hunt on my land and at the moment I am trying to find out which one? Meantime, I have had
a window of a tractor shot out, my Farmer friend next door who is very ill fighting cancer was telephoned at 4:30 in the morning
and told I was coming round to kill him with a shot gun and he too had some Windows smashed out! I would
like to say to you all that a lot of us landowners and farmer's are fed up with this threat and bully tactics used by
these criminally insane sadistic bastards. One last thing, I went on a health and safety course
a few weeks ago. Quad bikes ... Helmet laws, if the hunt is a businesses as they proclaim then by law on the public road they
must wear a safety helmet, if the Quad bike is privately owned then they do not need to wear a helmet, so this could be used
to get at some of the hunts who uses them for hunting, there must be plenty of photographic evidence out there? One final point, I have said for year's, the dogs
are knowingly trained to kill, savage. So they should all be muzzled, then the dear, foxes and hares can't be harmed,
only scared? POWAperson comments - Muzzling
is a contentious subject. Arguments against it are 1/ Would not stop prolonged chasing of wild animals by Hunts,
2/ Even muzzled, a hound pack could still do considerable damage to any wild animal they caught, as happens with hare
coursing in Ireland, 3/ It is potentially dangerous for the hounds themselves. Puckeridge FH hound van should be off-road Police told,
no action yet 2-2-18 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs CALL TO ACTION The Puckeridge Hunt hound van, which was out last
Saturday 27th at Kelvedon Hall, and has been seen frequently prior to that on the roads has been declared SORN, which means
they illegally aren't paying road tax! Yet another example of a hunt thinking they're above the law. This has been reported several weeks ago but nothing seems to have been done. Perhaps Suffolk Police would be interested
in hearing about this. Pics below -
1/ The van 2/ It's SRN DVLA record  POWAperson adds - If the vehicle is SORNed it should
not be on the road. Not only are they not paying road tax due, but there's no insurance. Driving without insurance
is a serious criminal offence. Woman charged with hunting offence in
Scottish borders1-2-18 Border Telegraph Woman charged after concerns raised about fox hunt practices in the Borders
POLICE have charged a woman after concerns were raised about practices at a fox hunt last October. The 42-year-old will be
subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal. The hunt took place in the Borders on October 24 last year. PC Andy Loughlin,
wildlife crime officer for the Lothians and Scottish Borders said: "We take all reports of wildlife offences very seriously
and criminality against our natural environment in Scotland will not be tolerated. "I would encourage any members of
the public with any concerns to contact police on 101, each area has a dedicated Wildlife Crime Officer who will be able to
help." Fernie FH rider dies after fall from
horse 1-2-18 Leicester Mercury Rider with Fernie Hunt dies after fall from horse in Leicestershire village -
A file on his death is being prepared for the coroner A 54-year-old rider with the Fernie
Hunt has died after falling from his horse while out riding in Saddington, near Fleckney. The incident happened in fields off Mowsley Road, in the village, yesterday afternoon. Emergency services were called to the scene
at around 2.15pm. The rider died at the scene and a file on his death is being prepared for the coroner. A statement issued
on behalf of the Fernie Hunt, whose kennels are based in Great Bowden, near Market Harborough, said: “It is with great
sadness that we can confirm that a gentleman died following a fall from his horse in a tragic accident whilst following the
Fernie Hounds on Wednesday 31st January. “Our sincere condolences are with his family and friends at such a difficult time
for them, and we ask that everyone respects their privacy as they overcome such a devastating and early loss. A coroner’s
investigation is underway, and a further statement will be issued in due course.” The statement added: “In the
meantime both the joint masters of the hunt and the gentleman’s family would like to extend their immense thanks to
the emergency services and others who were present at the accident for all their assistance at the time.” A Leicestershire Police
spokeswoman said: “We were called to a field off Mowlsey Road, Saddington at around 2.15pm yesterday after reports a
man had fallen from a horse. The ambulance service attended and the man was later pronounced dead at the scene. The death
is not being treated as suspicious and a file is being prepared for the coroner.” Fermanagh
Harriers sabbed for first time, free hound trapped in gate 1-2-18
The Impartial Reporter Animal rights activists claim they disturbed hunt
A GROUP of animal rights activists have claimed to have disrupted a hunt by the Fermanagh Harriers for the first time. In
a tweet posted at the weekend, the Northern Ireland Hunt Saboteurs Association alleged that its members had “sabbed”
- slang for sabotaged – the local club's hunt on Saturday. The message on social networking website, Twitter, stated:
“Today we sabbed the Fermanagh harriers, who like to boast about being the oldest hunt in all of Ireland and UK, this
hunt has never been sabbed before.” The group also posted a picture on the site of one of its members allegedly freeing
a hound that had become “stuck in a gate”. In a longer message, described as a 'hit report', that appeared on their
Facebook page, the hunt saboteurs alleged: “This was a vast area that they covered and also a new area to sabs, but we kept on them
most of the day. We are confident our presence saved wildlife.” It concluded: “Fermanagh harriers, we will be
seeing you very soon. Long runs the fox!!!” The Facebook post, which has been shared 92
times, has attracted over 340 reactions and dozens of comments. Currently, fox hunting remains completely legal in Northern
Ireland. It is banned in England, Scotland and Wales. The Fermanagh Harriers were contacted by this newspaper about the allegations. They
declined to comment. 27-1-18 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs NI Hit report 27th January The Fermanagh
harriers like to boast about being the oldest hunt/wildlife killers in all of Ireland and UK, so today we decided to make
the long journey down to visit them. To hold such prestige in the hunting community, we were expecting a large crowd and following,like
other hunts there was a small number, a sign of the times right across the board where more and more are turning away from
the barbarity of hunting. This was a vast area that they covered and also a new area to sabs, but we kept on them most of the day. We are confident
our presence saved wildlife, although as you can see below we were lucky to be able to free this poor hound. But terrier men
were more interested in arguing and trying to stop us for some unknown reason. This just shows you they don’t even care
about their own dogs. Fermanagh harriers, we will be seeing you very soon. Long runs the fox!!! 8-2-18 Fermanagh Herald  Sabs
post video showing type of often drunken thugs who confront them 1-2-18 Somerset Live Images show masked men in country lane stand off as hunt sabs claim supporters
'were called in' from next county - The hunt saboteurs claim masked men were 'called in' to support hunt
Hunt saboteurs have posted video of masked men yelling at them during a stand-off in a country lane. They claim a Devon hunt
"called in" masked supporters from a hunt in Somerset to deter saboteurs from operating. On its Facebook page Devon County Hunt Saboteurs alleges its group were warned off
by masked individuals in a 4x4 who surrounded their vehicle and allegedly threatened saboteurs on foot. The footage is said
to have been recorded when the group was following the Eggesford Hunt in Devon in January. The
Countryside Alliance has said it is not uncommon for people to support more than one hunt at any time. Responding to queries
from Somerset Live, a spokeswoman said: "Hunt supporters regularly travel to follow different packs of hounds, some even
visit more than one pack on the same day. This may be as a result of living in an area where there are multiple local hunts
or perhaps they are visiting while away on holiday or for business. The Countryside Alliance encourages people to enjoy hunting
in different areas but does not condone any unlawful activity and will not tolerate bad behaviour from any hunt supporters.” Somerset Live has
contacted Eggesford Hunt for comment. The Hunting Act 2004 came into force in 2005. It made hunting live animals with dogs
illegal. Trail hunting – pursuing pre-laid trails of scent, often fox urine - is not illegal, and more than 250 hunts
continue to do it. Many organisations monitor
activities to ensure illegal hunts are not taking place. 31-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO This is the calibre of inebriated hunt thug we have to deal
with... A few weeks ago we sabbed the Eggesford Hunt and a bunch of rent-a-thugs were called in to follow us around. Here's
James Scrimgeour, normally with the Taunton Vale Foxhounds, showing us his best side. Any hunt that feels the need to call
in drunks like him is surely stooping to another level of desperation! Investigation of anti-hunt Welshpool Councillor dropped
by Ombudsman Appropriateness
of FB posts after protest at Tanatside FH meet had been questioned 1-2-18 Powys County Times Welshpool Town Councillor hears that investigation into her Facebook posts dropped
by Ombudsman AN INVESTIGATION into a Welshpool Town Councillor's strongly worded Facebook posts
has been dropped by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. Cllr Heather Chave [right] was
reprimanded by Welshpool Town Council for alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct at a meeting in January following complaints. This followed a heated exchange on Facebook where
she used strong language after being challenged over her part in a demonstration against the Boxing Day Hunt meeting in Welshpool.
Cllr Chave, along with Cllr Nicola Morris took part in a demonstration again the Hunt. A
spokeswoman for the Ombudsman confirmed that the matter will not be investigated. She said: “I can confirm that the
Ombudsman received a complaint that Councillor Heather Chave of Welshpool Town Council may have breached her authority’s
code of conduct. Following consideration of the complaint, the Ombudsman does not consider that there is any evidence that
Councillor Chave brought her office or authority into disrepute and therefore the matter will not be investigated.” The spokeswoman added
that Cllr Chave had been reminded that her actions and behaviour are subject to greater scrutiny than those of ordinary members
of the public and was asked to reflect on the complaint made and to consider her obligations under the Code of Conduct at
all times. Cllr Chave, told The County Times: "On December 26, I organised a peaceful protest against the Tanatside Hunt.
Contrary to the rumours, it has been proved that I did not boo at children or heckle anyone. The protest went well and there
really was no hassle. The problem was after the event involving Facebook. I expected a lot of disagreement for what I did.
But I did not expect the vile and hateful personal comments about myself and my family. I deeply regret my responses to their
comments and unreservedly apologise for my bad language. I should have known better as it also detracted from my point about
animal welfare and the cruelty inflicted on animals.
JANUARY 2018..... 31st
January - S. Tetcott FH Huntsman's father/brother cautioned by police ..... 31st January - East Kent FH hunters illegally
ride quads in forestry ..... 31st
January - Beaufort FH Huntsman encourages hounds to chase fox into garden ..... 31st January - Wave of protest re. 'trail
hunting' at NT sites planned ..... 31st January - Warks FH huntsman tried to scare fox from brambles for hounds ..... 31st January -
Woodland Trust makes clear grants no access to ANY Hunts ..... 31st January - 'Ledbury South' FH invades Buddhist centre ..... 31st January - Locals
complain of many trespasses by Four Burrow FH ..... 31st January - Police refuse to act over Wilts Beagles running
on to A303 ..... 30th
January - Waen FH Huntsman convicted of assault on woman sab ..... 30th January - 'Steward' guilty 3 more assaults on sabs,
at Woodland Pytchley FH ..... 30th
January - Badsworth FH Huntsman urges hounds towards live railway ..... 30th January - Surrey Union FH chase fox across
busy road causing havoc .....
30th January - Unknown Hunt reported trespassing on NT land in Shropshire ..... 30th January - Indy reports Grafton FH hunter
slandering monitor - 'Paedophile' ..... 29th January - Heythrop FH cause danger - chase fox on to A44 ..... 29th January - Dig-out
by Blackmore FH prevented by sabs ..... 29th January - Cheshire Forest FH hounds riot on A50 causing traffic havoc ..... 29th January -
Fernie FH killed fox and quickly cleared it up, say sabs ..... 29th January - Waveney Harriers panic sheep, run through traffic ..... 29th January -
MP asks PCC to urgently examine Cheshire police treatment of Hunts ...... 29th January - Report says Bicester FH causing chaos
on A road and gardens ..... 29th
January - Monitors save fox at S. Durham FH foot hunt in snow & ice ..... 29th January - Monitors stop dig out by Cheshire
FH, say drunk rider damaged car ..... 29th January - Antis protest at Exeter against police inaction on illegal hunting ..... 29th January -
Notts sabs reveal another hunting vicar, at Belvoir FH ..... 28th January - Badsworth FH rider whips & tries to ride down
sab ..... 28th
January - Antis demand sack for Dwyryd FH JM convicted of badger baiting ..... 28th January - Sabs stop Cotswold Vale FH killing
foxes by rating/drawing hounds ..... 28th January - Sabs find Crawley FH coursing fox in an enclosed field ..... 28th January - Bolebroke Beagles killed at least one hare say sabs ..... 28th
January - Hampshire FH pack chase deer on to road, hound nearly run over ..... 28th January - S. Dorset/Portman FHs all over busy road in bad weather ..... 28th January - Eggesford FH hunt foxes, riot on deer, sabs stop
dig out ..... 27th January - Sabs cause early pack up of
Oakley FH & N. Bucks Beagles ..... 27th January - Sabs save fox from death at
hands of Tedworth FH ..... 27th January - Surrey Union said to have trespassed on NT land ..... 27th January - Escaped fox saved from Belvoir
FH & muntjac rescued by sabs ..... 26th January - Blencathra FH hunt on NPA land with terrier quads - not allowed ..... 26th January - Fitzwilliam FH visited by cops
after wouldn't let refuse lorry through ..... 25th January - 'Trail hunting' alibi issue raised in Commons for the first time ..... 25th January -
Woman sees deer badly mauled in 'trail hunt' by Cambridge FH ..... 25th January - Shepherd angry as Grafton hounds run
through pregnant sheep ..... 25th
January - N. Shrops FH Huntsman spends much of meet looking for hounds ..... 25th January - Cheshire Forest FH hunt by
M56, fox escapes over motorway bridge ..... 24th January - Female sab assaulted by Old Surrey FH follower ..... 24th January - Wynnstay FH invade village after
fox, monitors think killed later ..... 24th January - N. Wales hunter convicted of molesting female sab ..... 24th January - Atherstone FH supporter guilty
of driving without due care .....
24th January - Monitors use gizmo to save fox from S. Dorset FH ..... 22nd January - Police probe after sabs find Eggesford
FH digging out fox ..... 22nd
January - Police insist Suffolk FH actually follow trails while hunting! ..... 22nd January - Four Burrow FH hunted through nature
reserve ..... 22nd
January - Wildlife Trust defends having Wynnstay FH host as Trustee ..... 21st January - Cumberland FH seen hunting 'as
if ban never happened' .....
21st January - Sabs fear Modbury Harriers
killed, probably bagged, fox ..... 21st January - Monitors see Cheshire FH chase foxes, think one killed ..... 20th January - Hampshire FH
hunt fox & hold up emergency vehicles on A339 ..... 20th January - Old Surrey FH follow trails but still flush a
fox ..... 20th
January - Locals furious after Oakley FH rampage through village & gardens ..... 20th January - Portman FH reported trespassing on N.T's
Hambledon Hill ..... 20th
January - Fitzwilliam FH hunt in nature reserve and on into nightfall ..... 19th January - Postings show true nature of guilty
'Hunt Steward' Shaun Stacey ..... 18th January - Atherstone FH hounds suffer kennel cough again ..... 18th January - Cheshire Forest FH trespass on
NT land, fail to put up foxes ..... 18th January - Cattistock FH chase fox into barn on cattle farm ..... 18th January - Cheshire hunt thug loses appeal
against 9 year rape sentence ..... 18th
January - Meynell FH terrierman attacks sabs, breaking one's nose ..... 17th January - Hunt 'steward' convicted
of head-butting sab at Oakley FH meet ..... 17th January - Monitor presence deters Waveney Harriers from dig-out of fox ..... 17th January - Parish Council
complains to Fitzwilliam FH re. village invasion ..... 17th January - 'Cheshire Against the Hunt' stage protest
at meet venue ..... 17th
January - Police investigate reports of illegal hunt in Bicester FH country ..... 16th January - 6 cats still missing week after
E. Sussex FH invaded sanctuary ..... 16th January - Huntsman/JM & terrierman Dwyryd FH convicted of animal fighting ..... 16th January - 'Key
member' of Puckeridge FH confused about how 'trail hunting' works ..... 14th January - Blackmore FH hunter assaults two
women sabs, blocked setts found ..... 14th January - Sab seriously injured after very violent attack at Dart Vale FH ..... 14th January -
Wynnstay FH meet hosted by Trustee of Shropshire Wildlife Trust ..... 14th January - Warks FH chase fox thru village,
hound enters house with baby ..... 14th January - Sabs menaced, one assaulted
at Cheshire FH, locals help antis ..... 14th January - Cotswold FH sett blocker caught
red-handed by sabs ..... 14th January - S. Shrops FH hounds
riot in village - road cases, horses spooked ..... 13th January - Surrey Union Huntsman's horse nearly drowns as ridden into bog ..... 13th January -
Portman FH Huntsman absent as hounds riot through village ..... 13th January - Sab assaulted by Fife FH Huntsman as guards fox's
bolt hole .....
13th January - Police presence at Silverton FH constrains Hunt ..... 13th January - W. Norfolk FH Huntsman 'shot hounds... horse...
fled country' ..... 13th
January - Fitzwilliam FH lie to police over 'trail' - sabs cause early pack-up ..... 12th January - N. Cotswold
FH terrierman filmed entering dog in artificial earth ..... 12th January - Councillor in hot water over FB post after B.
Day Hunt protest ..... 11th January - Lone monitor says Blackmore FH chased and killed fox ..... 11th January -
Atherstone FH meets cancelled, supposedly due to 'virus' ..... 10th January - Wynnstay FH hunt and kill fox in
North Wales ..... 10th
January - Cheshire Forest FH killed another fox say monitors ..... 10th January - East Sussex FH hounds 'out of control'
at cat sanctuary ..... 9th
January - Thurlow FH visit prep school days after media storm over fox kill ..... 9th January - Sabs think Easton Harriers 'chopped'
hare on Boxing Day ..... 9th
January - Oakley FH hounds in MoD area marked 'Keep Out - Poison Gas' ..... 9th January - Sabs claim FC worker abetted
Staintondale FH blocking their car in ..... 8th January - Dwyryd FH JM & terrierman among charged at animal fighting trial ..... 8th January -
Sab car kicked & damaged by Ledbury S FH terrier man ..... 8th January - Mendip Farmers FH shot his pet dog as 'aggressive'
& 'nocey' ..... 8th
January - Twitter storm condemns BBC's Countryfile calling foxes 'vermin' ..... 7th January - Monitors
aid badly hurt child Cheshire FH rider - Hunt go on chasing foxes ..... 7th January - Research shows hunting hounds
put human & livestock health at risk ..... 7th January - Theresa May confirms Hunting Act repeal policy to be dropped ..... 7th January
- South Durham FH prise fox from cliff-face hole and kill it ..... 7th January - Cattistock FH create havoc chasing fox around
village ..... 7th
January - Sabs take and keep control of Ledbury S FH hounds for 40 minutes ..... 6th January - Private prosecution of woman
who repeatedly whipped sab planned ..... 6th January - Badsworth FH hunt churchyard, country park, by housing estate ..... 5th January
- Woman rider who whipped sab 17 times will face no charges ..... 5th January - Ex VC of Spooners FH cautioned for violent
assault on sab ..... 5th
January - Scottish police warn against holding of illegal hare-coursing event ..... 5th January - Sussex police refuse to act
against road-illegal hunt quads ..... 3rd January - Atherstone FH supporters throw missiles at sab car ..... 3rd January - Waveney
Harriers chased fox across A road - after dark ..... 3rd January - Blackmore FH hunt foxes though police around
after gardens trespass ..... 2nd
January - Resident reports South Wold FH to police after saw chasing fox ..... 2nd January - Wynnstay FH chase fox through
gardens - locals complain to police ..... 2nd January - Sabs ensure no dig-out of fox by Seavington FH ..... 2nd January - Police
seek violent robber associated with Silverton FH ..... 2nd January - Lone sab sits in hole to stop Waveney Harriers
dig-out ..... 2nd
January - Gravely ill woman's ambulance delayed by E.Devon FH blocking road ..... 2nd January - Fox saved from Cheshire Forest
FH - female sab assaulted ..... 2nd
January - Police arrest then abduct sab ridden into at Crawley FH ..... 1st January - Thurlow FH restrained by antis
& police as supporter punches 2 sabs ..... 1st January - No kills at Fitzwilliam FH as bird-handler drives quad into ditch ..... 1st January -
Hunt support use car with toddler in front to chase/block sabs ..... 1st January - Silverton FH kill fox in front of sab and
S. Tetcott FH Huntsman's father/brother
cautioned by policeBoth dealt with for C. Damage & S5 offences against sabs Huntsman to leave after
criticism over starving hounds 31-1-18 Facebook – Devon County Hunt Sabs VIDEO South Tetcott huntsman's father and brother cautioned by police
Back in November we attended the opening meet of the South Tetcott Hunt with newbie huntsman Jamie Parish. His father Chris
Parish and brother Richard Parish together have admitted to two counts of criminal damage and one count of causing harassment,
alarm or distress (section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986) that day. These incidents are shown in the attached footage.
We have just been informed by police that both have been given cautions for these offences. Jamie Parish
has since handed in his notice and will be leaving the Hunt later this year. We've heard from numerous sources (including
Eggesford huntsman Jason Marles!) that he's been accused of starving the hounds to such an extent that even other members
of the Hunt have complained that they look unwell. We'll be glad to see the back of Jamie Parish and the rest of his vile
family. Please support our work by contributing to our fuel fund via https://www.paypal.me/dchs. To give us information or join us, get in
touch via 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. East Kent FH hunters illegally ride quads in forestry 31-1-18
Facebook - East Kent Sabs Last Saturday - East Kent with West Street Hunt members using quad bikes on Forestry Commission land....note,
it is illegal to use a quad bike is the forest, due to "damage to the forest and wildlife"....do the Hunt give a
shit? Naaaahhhhh!! Over to you then KENT POLICE-show us that YOU care! POWAperson adds - Riding a quad in that forest can incur a fine AND vehicle
confiscation. Will it for these hunters? Don't hold your breath.  Beaufort FH Huntsman encourages hounds to chase fox into
private garden Homeowner
had told Hunt several times to keep away from property Foxes hunted, monitor presence stopped dig-out late on 31-1-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs This article in the Indie [see below] shows a link to the excellent
work of the Grafton Hunt monitors who we have worked with many times. It also shows some footage shot by a 3C sab at the Beaufort
meet 17th January 2018 at Horton Farm, Horton which we attended with Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch. They went onto National
Trust land first thing. Matt Ramsden, Huntsman and joint Master, was on a lane near
Hawkesbury Common, someone blew a whistle indicating that they had seen a fox. Matt told fibs by saying it was his phone ringtone!
He then encouraged hounds into a garden where they picked up the line and were rated out by the sab. Later in the day they
marked at a badger sett, the terriermen arrived en-masse but soon left as we hung around the area. Please continue to
support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs. 23-1-18 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 17.01.2018 During the morning we were working
elsewhere in the field but caught up with the Hunt later on after they met at Horton Hall Farm west of the A46. This would
be their first outing in this area since they have been granted a licence by the National Trust to hunt on NT land in this
area around Horton Court. They now need to be very careful not to chase a fox with hounds and the presence of terriermen is
now prohibited on NT land, as they have no practical purpose on a ‘trail hunt’, nor the use of their vehicles.
Well, terriermen were out on their quads in the afternoon. Why were they there? They were hunting around the Bix Farm area
and around Hawkesbury Common when we found them and after hearing the hounds speaking a Three Counties Sab who was working
with us for the day, came across the Hunt putting the hounds into a private garden after a whistle was heard on the other
side of it … whistle means fox sighted. The owner came out and told us she had asked them repeatedly not to come into
her garden, clearly they take no notice. The sab rated them out of the garden and hopefully off the fox that had obviously
gone through there. We found them putting hounds through under Broad Hill with all the quad bikes in attendance [one in
pic left, road-illegal] and the huntsman ‘tongue rolling’ and encouraging the hounds through the roughly
wooded area there. This time foot walkers were on both sides of them with cameras and they did eventually come back down onto
the lane, going back down towards the common where they had second horse and struck off across to Inglestone Common at speed.
They were
next spotted topping Hawkesbury Knoll going east. They must have crossed the busy A46 again, as we found them hunting behind
Petty France and followed them through to where they crossed the Tetbury Road into Badminton Park and put the hounds into
Swangrove pushing them through instructing them to search. Foot walkers went in after them and heard the hounds briefly on
cry, then a shout of ‘tally-ho back’ was heard - which means the fox had turned back. You don’t ‘tally-ho’
on a trail. It was clear yet again they were hunting a fox. After they had pushed on through the wood towards the A46 and back
with foot walkers behind and in front of them, the fox came out at the bottom of Swangrove past the foot walkers in place
there giving them a chance to spray it out and rate the hounds off when they arrived on its tracks shortly afterwards. This
seemed to annoy the terriermen somewhat in fact we feared one of them might burst a blood vessel with shouting so loudly.
The hounds were kept off the fox’s line and did not pick up which gave it a chance to get further away, although the
Hunt continued to search the area through Hinnegar, across to Hollybush Lodge and back then they raced up the verge of the
A46 … some of the time they were on cry so on to something. As it was getting dark we spotted the hunt near Worcester Lodge inside
the woods there just alongside the A46, with the Huntsman off his horse and hounds gathering round with quad bikes arriving
on the spot, very close to the road. This did not look good and we suspected a kill. After the mounted hunt left one terrierman
could be seen getting his terrier out from the quad bike box, but looking repeatedly towards where we were standing at the
wall with our camera and clearly decided not to do whatever they had been going to do with the terrier and went away. We inspected
the area after they had all gone and there were no signs of a kill on the ground. When he got the terrier out of the box it
seems most likely that a fox had gone to ground somewhere there. It was nearly dark by this time and they did head back to
the kennels across the park. The Beaufort Hunt has a licence to return to NT land in Horton on two more occasions so watch out for them if in
the area. From Independent 30-1-18 … the Master of a different Hunt was filmed directing
his hounds into a private garden whose owner had repeatedly asked them to stay away. The Master of the Beaufort Hunt was seen
on horseback instructing the pack into the enclosed area during what is suspected of being a fox hunt. Monitor Denise Ward said: “The
homeowner was annoyed they were in there because she has told them not to come several times and they keep ignoring her.”
Another monitor is seen in the video shoo-ing the hounds out of the garden near Hawkesbury Common in Gloucestershire. Ms
Ward said: “Someone on the other side of the hedge had whistled to show there was a fox so the Master directed the hounds
in there. If the hounds were genuinely following a legal trail, they wouldn’t do that.” Since hunting with hounds
was banned, Hunts insist they follow legal scent trails but opponents claim that is a “smokescreen” for real fox-hunting. The film was taken just as the Beaufort
was granted a licence by the National Trust to use its land at Horton Court in the Cotswolds on dates next month and in March.
“The Trust should not be granting licences to hunts that trespass elsewhere,” said Ms Ward. 'Ledbury South' FH invades Buddhist Centre 31-1-18
Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Ledbury South, 30th January 2018. Treberron, Pencord, Herefordshire As
many are already aware the South Herefordshire Hunt remain under a police investigation with charges not yet brought following
the most atrocious cruelty to fox cubs at their kennels in Wormelow. The MFHA, not wishing for an entire hunt country to
not have foxes being hunted and killed following the suspension of the South have allowed their neighbours the Ledbury to
come in and hunt it. Some odd arrangement is ongoing wherein Mark Melladay brings the hounds over to hunt and people from
both Hunts go out. It's business as usual
for sabs. So off we went to an area we have not seen in a while. It was like a who's who of both Hunts with the masters
of the SHH mingling with Ledbury masters, not many others out. The Dhamma Dipi Buddhist meditation centre was in the
centre of their activities for the first part of the day. Some hounds went in their car-park and the field went up their drive.
Minutes later sabs stopped hounds from hunting a fox into the meditation centre by rating them. As is often the case the lead
hounds went on but came back when they heard the later hounds being rated back to the huntsman....who should really have had
someone up on that road. Please supplort us, paypal.me/threecountiessabs . POWAperson adds - I lived for a time in a Buddhist Centre in Somerset in the '90s and the Quantock
Staghounds did exactly the same thing. We were able to drive them off and the stag lived to run another day. Pic below - Sabs rate hounds away from Buddhist centre Wave
of protests re. 'trail hunting' at NT sites planned 31-1-18 Aol Anti-hunt protests planned at National Trust sites across the UK Campaigners organising a day of action on February 25th Campaigners
against fox hunting are planning a day of protest next month at National Trust sites across the country. The National Trust allows so-called 'trail hunts' on its land, where hounds are supposedly following a scent
- but many wild animals, including foxes, hares and even deer, end up being chased and killed at these events. Trail hunting
has long been suspected of being a cover for illegal hunting by campaigners against bloodsports. The National Trust narrowly
voted to continue to allow trail hunting last October, despite an online petition gaining 175,000 signatures against the move. During a debate in the Commons last
week, Labour MP John Spellar told agriculture minister George Eustice that he "will be aware that concerns are growing
that trail hunting is being used as a cover for illegal hunting". He asked: "What action will the Government take
against those who continue to hunt illegally?" Mr Eustice insisted "the law is clear and is being enforced", adding: "Foxhunting is a matter for
the police and the prosecuting authorities. Anybody who believes the law has been broken should report it to the police." Hunt monitors, however, claim police forces across the country usually ignore their video and photographic evidence of illegal hunting. The League Against Cruel Sports explains the problems
with trail hunting: "Before the Hunting Act 2004, there was 'traditional hunting', which involved the chasing
and killing of animals, and 'drag hunting', a legitimate sport created in the 1800s which was not intended to mimic
animal hunting, but instead is a sport using foxhounds to search for a non-animal scent laid by a drag pulled on a string,
without the pursuit or killing of wild animals. Trail hunting is an entirely new invention which purports to mimic traditional
hunting by following an animal-based scent trail (using fox urine, according to the hunters) which has been laid in areas
where foxes or hares are likely to be. Crucially, those laying the trail are not meant to tell those controlling the hounds
where the scent has been laid, so if the hounds end up following a live animal scent the Hunt can claim that they did not
know, and so 'this is why they did not try to stop them'. In drag hunting the trail doesn't contain animal-based
scent, is never laid in areas likely to have foxes, and those controlling the hounds always know where the trail was laid.
This is why in drag hunting, 'accidents' when live animals are chased are very rare, while in trail hunting they are
very common." National Dis-Trust, which campaigns against hunting on National Trust land, is working
with local groups for a day of protest on February 25. Among the dozen demonstrations already planned, National Dis-Trust
will team up with Somerset Wildlife Crime for the protest at Dunster Castle; with Weymouth Animal Rights at Kingston Lacy
House and Gardens; with Cheshire Against the Cull at Little Moreton Hall, Congleton; and with Grantham Against Bloodsports
at Woolsthorpe Manor. The National Trust is often asked about hunting by visitors to its Facebook and
Twitter sites and responds with a link to this document, in which it states: "The Trust does license trail 'hunts'
in some areas and at certain times of the year, where it is compatible with our aims of public access and conservation. We
believe the overwhelming majority of hunts act responsibly, and we hope our clear, robust, and transparent set of conditions
will allow participants to enjoy this activity in compatibility with our conservation aims. Any activity associated with the
term 'hunting' continues to provoke strong emotions on both sides of the debate. We recognise our reforms will not
satisfy everyone. Our charity's core aim is to look after the places in our care and that remains our top priority when
considering whether to license any outdoor activity. This would be true whether it's mountain biking or a food festival.
But our charity was also established for the nation's benefit and to provide the widest spectrum of public access and
enjoyment. We therefore always look to welcome people to our places and to host the broadest range of outdoor activities on
our land. We believe this should include trail 'hunting', where it is consistent with our conservation aims and is
legally pursued." A spokesperson for National Dis-Trust said: "Recent licensed meets of hunts
like the Warwickshire Hunt have been complete with terrier men lurking in the vicinity, ready to inflict immense suffering
on any foxes that escape the hounds as well as their terriers. Along with many hunt monitors and saboteurs, wildlife campaigners
and animal rights activists across the UK, we will be highlighting the National Trust's complicity in criminal bloodsports
at their properties on Sunday 25th February." Eduardo Goncalves, Chief Executive at the League against
Cruel Sports, said: "The National Trust is letting down its members by turning a blind eye to the illegal activity taking
place on its land under the cover of 'trail' hunting. Rather than looking objectively at the evidence, they have sat
on the fence on this issue. They ignored the will of their members to block the vote to ban trail hunting on their land. They
claimed they would regulate and monitor trail hunting on their land, but this hasn't materialised, with several hunts
already being spotted carrying on as normal. If they have any respect for their members or their reputation, they will take
this issue more seriously than they are at present, because people don't want animals being killed for fun on land which
is meant to be protected for all of us." The National Trust has been invited to comment on the
protest - and on issues raised in this article about trail hunting - and any response will be used to update this page. Warks
FH Huntsman tried to scare fox from brambles for hounds Seen hunting on NT land, with
terriermen nearby 31-1-18
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt - Upton Estate - Wednesday 24th Jan 2018
A few of us caught the Warwickshire Hunt hunting behind the National Trust's Upton House on the Upton Estate. It wasn't
long before a fox was seen running from a wood which the huntsman had recently put the hounds into. There were also several
quad bikes with terriermen driving around, the National Trust have said that there is no place for terriermen on a 'trail
hunt'. Later that day a fox hid in some very thick brambles (too thick to have laid a trail through) and it wasn't long
before the hounds were trying to get in. Convicted huntsman Will Goffe let the hounds spend over 10 minutes trying to find
a way into the brambles and at one point even got off his horse and got in amongst the brambles himself. Please sign the petition
to get the Warwickshire Hunt banned from National Trust land -https://www.change.org/p/farnborough-hall-stop-the-warwicks… #strengthenthehuntingact Pics below -
1/ Fox fleeing hunt 2/ Huntsman off horse beating gorse to scare fox out  Woodland Trust makes clear grants no access to ANY HuntsEven say they do not give
permission for hound retrieval 31-1-18 Somerset Live Woodland Trust says it does not grant access permission to hunts to use or cross
their land to retrieve hounds - Woodland Trust has made its stance on fox hunting clear stating it does not even grant formal
permission for hound retrieval T he UK's largest woodland conservation charity
- responsible for a number of woods in Somerset has waded in to the fox hunting debate. The
Woodland Trust has gone as far as saying it does not grant 'formal permission for hunts to access land to retrieve hounds'
and that the only time a hunt should be on land it owns is using is a public footpath, bridleway or road, that runs through
or adjoins Woodland Trust owned land, as they are legally allowed to use them. The Hunting Act 2004 came into force in 2005 and made
hunting live animals with dogs illegal. Trail
hunting – pursuing pre-laid trails of scent, often fox urine - is not illegal, and more than 250 hunts across the country
continue to do it. At the end of last year the National Trust made headlines following a vote to decide whether trail hunting
should continue on land owned by them. Now the Woodland Trust has issued a statement regarding the charity's position
on hunts using their land. A spokesman said: "Since the introduction of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act
2002 and Hunting Act 2004, it has been illegal to hunt any mammals, including foxes with packs of hounds. While traditional
hunts with hounds still operate by laying and following scented trails, the Woodland Trust does not grant access permission
to hunts to use or cross our land. In addition, we do not grant formal permission to access our land to retrieve hounds. Therefore,
the only reason a hunt would access/cross Woodland Trust land is if the route they are using is a public footpath, bridleway
or road, which they are legally allowed to use, runs through or adjoins Woodland Trust owned land." Locals complain of many trespasses by Four Burrow FH Police had words with Hunt then
they packed up 31-1-18 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team 28/1/18 Fourburrow Hunt @ Callestick Another Saturday, another
hunt. Sabs arrived at Callestick village to find the Fourburrow Hunt drinking port outside a phone box and getting ready to
go. At 11:30am the Hunt went north west out of the village, up to the cider farm and then disappeared into the mist in fields
west of Penhallow. However with three foot groups and a vehicle we were never far away. It
didn't take long for the hounds to go into cry and sabs were in perfect position to rate the hounds as the pack ran towards
Ventongimps. The hounds picked up again and as sabs got into position they encountered some very upset locals who were furious
at the hounds being allowed to run amok through their gardens and land. No trail laid here folks. The Hunt gathered the hounds
and it wasn't long before they were in cry again, running past one foot team only to be stopped by sabs in the vehicle. The hounds ended up in and around the woods at Little Callestock and the Chyverton estate. More extremely annoyed
locals came out to tell the Hunt to stop trespassing. It was at this point one police officer arrived and seemed to have a
word with the Hunt. Half an hour later the Hunt were packing up and going home at the very early time of 2:30pm. Just to make
sure they were truly going home we checked the hounds were back at the kennels. So, the hunt trespass
and cause chaos, the locals are up in arms and then the police turn up and the Hunt go home. We don't know for sure if
the police advised the Hunt to leave but if that was the case we are grateful to Devon & Cornwall police for doing their
job. Maybe the tide has turned? MPs also have a duty to uphold the interests of their constituents.
Sarah Newton is the MP for this area (Truro and Falmouth) and we encourage you to contact her and ask what she intends to
do about the locals who are being harassed by the hunts and the hunts who are blatantly illegally hunting fox and deer. Every
bit of pressure helps, please don't think it's pointless just because she is a Tory. Sarah Newton MP sarah.newton.mp@parliament.uk. As always, many thanks to all our supporters who keep us on the road and thank you
to the new sabs who joined us today. Thank you also to the locals mentioned above who stopped to talk to us and show us great
Police refuse to act in case of Wilts Beagles chasing fox on A303 31-1-18 Facebook - Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group An update on the Wiltshire and Infantry Beagles A303 incident... Wilts police have finally and grudgingly
sent the original witness a summary of action taken and conclusions of the investigation. Apart from the fact that Wilts Police
are semi-literate, using formally and formerly in an interchangeable manner. Plod concluded that the beagle pack, which was
out for sporting purposes, therefore had a 'formal defence' to the charge of section 27 of the Road Traffic Act. (The
Hunt when interviewed by the local PC, had a legal representative present.) This, of course, is not true, as any fool knows, as the qualifier for exemption is whether the
hounds are under close control. Which they obviously were not. If someone dies in a Road Traffic Collision after swerving
to avoid a hunt hound which is out of control, there is no exemption! Only a matter of time... Plod
has taken the word of the Hunt that they were not acting outside the law, were using a trail ( 'could be evidenced')
and that therefore no offence had been committed. Where our witness clearly saw a group of 5 hounds chasing a fox, plod took
the denial of the Master that they were chasing wildlife, despite the fact that he was at least a mile away from the incident.
Looks and sounds like clear evidence that the hounds were out of control and therefore within the scope of the relevant traffic
law. Plod also reported that promises were made that the Hunt would take extra precautions to avoid another incident like
this, further ' evidencing' Wilts police's wilful naivety regarding hunting. You can be assured that should hunt
hounds riot and become out of control again in Wiltshire, run onto a busy road or even a motorway, no further action will
be taken by plod. Incidentally, not for the
first time in hunt or badger cases like this. Sadly, on the day in question Wiltshire Police call logs were 'somewhat problematic'.
Funny that ! Co-incidental, some might say. Thus, nobody is quite sure who phoned the incident in and decided that no driver
needed interviewing. Some might say it was the off-duty plod who was in attendance ' for 'social reasons'. POWAperson adds - The incident occurred on 2-12-17. Several hounds ran on to the busy, high speed, dual carriageway road. One hound
was killed, another injured. This kind of incident has been happening
at least several times per season for decades. POWAperson does not know of a single case in which police have taken action
against the Hunts concerned. Waen FH Huntsman convicted of assault on woman sab 30-1-18
Facebook – N.Wales Sabs From the archives. Just going through some old footage of ours and we came across this... The Waen Foxhounds who also operate under the
name North Wales Terrier and Lurcher Club, but both names are just a disguise as we have it on good authority this is a badger
baiting gang. On the 25th of January 2015 we followed Sammy's hound van to the fisheries just off the A55 in Bodelwyddan.
Only one of our vehicles saw which way the van went, the vehicle consisted of 3 female sabs. When
Sammy stopped his van, he and a load of his mates approached the females in their vehicle banging on the windows and making
threats. The police were rather quick on the scene, this footage is from when the 3rd sab vehicle arrived. Phillip Andrew
Davies aka 'Sammy' threw coffee in the face of one sab and stamped on the hand and phone of a young female sab. Sammy
was later convicted receiving a 12months conditional discharge for his actions. If you want to help us get out in the fields, you can
do so by making a small donation on this link below. Thank you for all your continued support. https://gogetfunding.com/sabbing-fuel-funds-for-nwhs/… Hunt
'steward' guilty of 3 more sab assaults, at Woodland Pytchley FH 30-1-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Today, at Wellingborough Magistrates Court, Shaun Stacey was found guilty of a further 3 counts of assault
against sabs from an incident at the Woodland Pytchley Hunt last season. Despite the inability of the court's to view
the video evidence on which much of the case was based there was still enough to convict him. Further to this those involved
are taking advice regarding other claims which couldn't be proven to the court due to the video issue. Taking into account
his recent previous conviction and another court appearance due shortly the Magistrate said this will be "more than a
fine", with gaol time a distinct possibility. Even the presence of the no doubt highly expensive Stephen Welford, (Countryside
Alliance's go-to solicitor) couldn't prevent justice from being served. He will be sentenced on the 22nd February. POWAperson adds - These convictions bring to 408 the number of separate persons connected
with organised UK Hunts known to POWA to have been convicted of or cautioned for criminal offences since 1990. These comprise a total of 980 offences, of which 234 were violence crimes, mostly against monitors and sabs. 224 of the 980 offences are known to have been committed by officials or employees of Hunts, the rest by riders
or followers. Badsworth FH Huntsman sends hounds towards live railway Even passing high-speed
train didn't deter him 30-1-18 Facebook - Liverpool Hunt Sabs The pro-hunt fraternity always like to claim that we encourage hounds with our gizmo and horn calls towards
roads etc. Well we wonder what they would say to seeing Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hounds Huntsman, Nick Thornicroft calling
his hounds towards a live railway track. Even after a commuter train passes at high speed he continues encourages his hounds
towards the location. Surrey
Union FH chase fox over busy road causing havoc 30-1-18 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Mission 58 - Surrey Union Foxhunt, Newdigate Tuesday 30-1-18 Following
a call from a friendly local two Sabs made their way to an eventful Tuesday meet of the Surrey Union Foxhunt. They had unboxed
earlier at Henfold Lakes. We found them after a fox on south of Melton Hall farm. We just missed getting the fox on camera
but the hounds were in full cry all over the very busy road ( cut road to Gatwick ), putting motorists and hounds at risk. The hounds headed
west where we found them at Temple Elfande, where, after calling the pack together, he headed west again. They must have circled
back as we found them again at Temple Elfande. This time we believe one of the supporters must have seen a fox in a small
wood at the corner of temple road and told the Huntsman who immediately brought the hounds round and cast them in the wood,
getting onto the fox. In what was obviously pre-planned, the whipper-in blocked our car and the rest of the mounted field
surrounded our car so we couldn't film or get to the fox, with one of the riders trying to kick the wing mirror off. We called the police
at this stage. Two police cars turned up later. The hounds were in full cry after the fox, with 3 quads of terriermen as well.
We are not sure if they killed but think it very possible. This follows the usual pattern of the Surrey Union - mostly laying trials on a Saturday when more sabs and police
are around and blatantly illegally hunting mid-week when our numbers are low. If you wish to contact us please email. If you wish
to support us please donate to https://ko-fi.com/A62094D Unknown
Hunt reported trespassing on NT land in Shropshire 30-1-18 LACS website A report to the League's Animal Crimewatch line was made of a hunt on the National Trust’s Carding
Mill Valley and the Long Mynd, in the Shropshire Hills, on 30th January 2018. Indy reports Grafton FH hunter slandering monitor, calling
him paedophile POWAperson comments - Hunters have been using this as a standard tactic for years, presumably to try to deflect attention
from their own law breaking, in which they happily involve their own children, but it is gratifying that a national newspaper
has brought this to public attention. It is though far from the worst abuse monitors and sabs routinely suffer
from hunters. 30-1-18 Independent VIDEO Hunting supporter tells animal-rights monitor: 'You're a paedophile
for filming our children' - Woman holding up phone to take footage of riders on a public road is accused
of child abuse A fox-hunting supporter has been filmed repeatedly accusing a hunt monitor of being
a paedophile for shooting footage of riders and hounds on a public road. The woman[right], caught
on camera as the Grafton Hunt [below left] in Buckinghamshire set out, is seen claiming that
her children are being filmed when the Hunt approaches. “I don’t give you permission to film my children –
my children are under 16,” she says. “You are a paedophile for filming our children and should be put away.” The hunt monitors
said they were filming to see whether the pack, setting out from Stowe School, chased after foxes. One young man, who appears
to be a teenager, emerges from the Grafton pack and walks towards the camera. The mother then claims – wrongly –
that it is illegal to film children. “You are breaking the law by filming my children,” she insists. “Paedophiles
shouldn’t be allowed out – it’s a disgrace.” The monitor taking the footage challenges her to call
the police if she thinks he is committing a crime but she does not do so. The woman and another supporter repeatedly come
close to the camera to try to block the view of the riders and hounds. Filming children in a public place is not illegal,
although the media often voluntarily obscure children’s faces in some circumstances. Hunting wildlife with dogs has
been illegal since 2005. A
spokeswoman for the Grafton said: “Having met at the school, we were accompanied by a number of mounted pupils, some
of whom had parents following, so we presume this is the parent of one or more pupils but is not a known member of the Hunt.
“We never seek and always regret confrontation when out trail-hunting.” The clash came just days after the Master of a different Hunt was filmed directing his hounds into a private garden whose
owner had repeatedly asked them to stay away. The Master of the Beaufort Hunt was seen on horseback instructing the pack into
the enclosed area during what is suspected of being a fox hunt.
Monitor Denise Ward said: “The homeowner was
annoyed they were in there because she has told them not to come several times and they keep ignoring her.” Another
monitor is seen in the video shooing the hounds out of the garden near Hawkesbury Common in Gloucestershire. Ms Ward said: “Someone
on the other side of the hedge had whistled to show there was a fox so the Master directed the hounds in there. If the hounds
were genuinely following a legal trail, they wouldn’t do that.” Since hunting with hounds was banned, Hunts insist
they follow legal scent trails but opponents claim that is a “smokescreen” for real fox-hunting. The film was taken
just as the Beaufort was granted a licence by the National Trust to use its land at Horton Court in the Cotswolds on dates
next month and in March. “The Trust should not be granting licences to hunts that trespass elsewhere,” said Ms
Ward. This month monitors have repeatedly condemned the National Trust after taking photographs and various pieces of footage
of foxes being chased by hunts that have received licences from the trust to use its land. Last year the trust introduced
a ban on the use of trails on its land without a licence. It pledged to publish dates, places and times of hunts in advance,
but critics say the details are too vague to be of use, and accuse the Trust of allowing the practice to continue, by both
licensed and unlicensed packs, as if it had not been banned. A National Trust spokesman said: "We take any reports of unlicensed trail hunts
on our land very seriously, and we seek urgent clarification from the relevant trail hunts. In prior years we've declined
to issue, have suspended, or have revoked trail-hunting licences when either licence conditions have been breached or where
we have lost confidence in a trail hunt’s ability to adhere to the conditions. "Trail hunts understand that they
need to apply for a licence if they use Trust land. The majority of trail hunts are responsible and recognise the importance
of working with us to ensure this lawful activity takes place in a safe way, within the law. Clearly, it is unacceptable to
disregard the long-established rules and wilfully disregard landowners." The Independent has approached Beaufort for comment
but none had arrived at the time of publication. Dig-out by Blackmore FH prevented by
sab presence29-1-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs Hit Report Blackmore & Sparkford Vale FH Sat 27th Jan 2018 Meeting at Quarrey
House, Charlton Horethorne To start with scenting conditions were not the best but with the rain
due to stop there was a potential for that to change. We arrived at the meet early to make areas safer for any nearby foxes.
Leaving the meet at 11.30... the hounds started speaking and crossed the road right by the landy in the direction of Ashclose
Farm. There was no fox observed in this area... Footpath access was pretty limited here and in some of the other areas we
thought the Hunt would be visiting today so we knew we were up against it. Mark Doggrell gathered his hounds and headed off...
drawing hedgerows along the way, Mark took the hounds round a road circuit... A fox was observed by monitors. With the Hunt heading
this way the landy made good speed and foot sabs were quickly out on the footpath. All 5 quads and terrier boys were here
with the Whip and the hounds sounding like they had possibly marked to ground. Sabs were filming and maintained their position
much to the whips disgust. With the sabs present and no opportunity for a dig-out and a kill Mark quickly took the hounds
to Hill View Farm... ... the hounds picked up on the line of another fox that we
had observed... Leaving the monitors to watch we saw the man who assaulted two sabs the week before... Gravely concerned for
the fox we continued down the lane and foot sabs were deployed on a footpath, Mark was at this point on foot and the hounds
were searching the field boundaries that were large hedge areas. The foot team were only a field away and soon flushed Mark,
the hounds and the field, who had by now caught up, out of the area, leaving that fox to see another day! … it was just after 3pm... with fresh horses they headed to Seven Wells Down. There were some horses in a field who
were charging around as the hunt passed. The terrier boys then headed off road towards Poyntington Hill with the exception
of one who was driving too fast and too busy looking at us to see where his bloodthirsty chums had gone... The monitors were
now keeping a keen eye on the hounds as they were searching fields... and the hounds were speaking from time to time. A foot
team jumped out again but thankfully were not needed because Mark gathered the hound and decided to call it a day. We know for sure two
foxes were saved today and who knows how many more would have been at risk if we had not been there. A massive thanks to the
monitors it was a pleasure as always to work with you both. As ever thanks for
your support and comments, if you want to join us please email dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net.  Heythrop FH cause danger - chase fox on to A44 in bad weather Sabs find
five blocked badger setts 29-1-18 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO 2nd VIDEO Saturday 27th January 2018 2 meets within half a mile of
one another. The North Cotswold met at Kinetonhill farm and along with our friends Cirencester Illegal Huntwatch they were
kept an eye on and many setts checked. The Heythrop met at Condicote and early morning
patrols found setts blocked the day before. They hunted a fox over the B4077 and one sab was surrounded at a blocked sett
by pony club and some rather excitable adults. The behaviour of the children was exemplary but the adults were a bit odd to
say the least accusing said sab of blocking setts! On to land owned by Donnington Brewery who really should not associate with such
criminal practices as illegal hunting and sett blocking their website is https://www.donnington-brewery.com/. The third blocked sett of the day and as they has just hunted a fox towards Merryman's brake you would have thought
that they might be a bit contrite at being found out but oh no. Some histrionics about footpaths and some chap from the Fernie
being a bit silly. They were around Han's Brake a lot and eventually hunted a fox over the A44
into Sezincoate and got all over the road in appalling weather conditions risking horse, hound and human. Please, if you like what we do please support us Paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Sabs from 3C were out again yesterday
both sett surveying new areas and fending off a shooter in the old Gloucs badger cull zone. Pics below - 1/ One of the blocked setts 2/ Hunt all
over the A44  Cheshire Forest FH hounds riot on A50 causing traffic havoc Huntsman
whips hound rescued from road by sab 29-1-18
Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 27/1/2018 The Cheshire Forest met at Manor Farm
in Knutsford that's owned by the Hunt's whipper-in and tractor thief Andrew Callwood. We joined sabs from Cheshire and Lancashire and even a sab from way down south. As we approached the area we believed the Hunt to be in we came across the fantastic Cheshire against the Hunt group who were peacefully protesting
at the side of the A50, the group also stayed in the area throughout the day patrolling footpaths. The only thing more miserable
than the weather was the look on Andrew German's face when he realised he wouldn't be having things all his own
way as he attempted to kill foxes on what is practically his home turf... The Hunt had been rumbled and headed back towards the
road and towards Ash tree farm with is situated just near the Huntmaster's home. Sabs watched from a near by bridleway
and were pleased to see the protesters from this mornings demo were also close by. The Hunt then doubled back and crossed
the road again, sabs followed. The Hunt now attempted to hold up a small wooded area behind Woodland Farm. The hounds could
be heard speaking as the riders surrounded the wooded area and the Huntmaster encouraged his hounds on. The ground was really
boggy but as sabs got closer Andrew German again rounded up his hounds before moving off. Foot sabs were in pursuit as the Hunt headed to the grounds of Andrew German's Peover Hall,
sabs were followed by terrier thugs with their usual attempts of intimidation. The Hunt passed through the Peover estate exiting
near the front entrance crossing the road and field into a woodland, at this point we did lose the Hunt for a while, but there was no need to panic knowing members of the public were around patrolling and also one of the Cheshire wildlife officers
were seen close by... Well at least the public were out! We regrouped, picked up the foot sabs and headed in search of the ghastly Andrew
German. The Hunt were located in fields alongside the A50 and once again they were in pursuit of a fox. Sabs had seen the
fox running for his/her life as the hounds broke into cry and gave chase. Sabs tried their best to call off the hounds and
we believe the hounds did actually lose the scent of this lucky fox. The Hunt then headed towards the Equiport on the A50
and all hell broke lose as hounds were all over the A50 as the Hunt failed to keep control causing distress disruption and
endangering road users. A sab managed to rescue one of the hounds off the road and as the hound jumped up at the sab to thank
her and get a rare cuddle the Huntmaster Andrew German whipped the hound and screeched "Get off her". The Hunt then hit
the tarmac again as sabs followed in vehicles until the Hunt headed down a bridleway when foot sabs took over the pursuit,
the bridleway passed a couple of farms and back onto the main road with sabs in tow all the way. Just after the Hunt had passed
through and headed back to the meeting point to box up a fox ran across the fields near the sabs and away from the direction
the Hunt had gone! With no foxes killed to report and no tractors stolen in the area it was a successful days sabbing. Thanks for your continued
support. Please check out Richard Bowler Wildlife Photography page as Richard is donating £10 of each sale from the
fox print on bamboo paper to North Wales Hunt Sabs. Also you can made donations to us on this link here https://gogetfunding.com/sabbing-fuel-funds-for-nwhs/… Fernie FH killed fox and quickly
cleared it up, say sabs 29-1-18
Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Sad update re Fernie on Saturday, it appears they did kill a fox and it
was quickly "cleared up " by the Hunt. 27-1-18 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Sab report 27th Jan Today we were joined by our friends
from Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs and Derby Hunt Saboteurs to sab the Fernie. We knew from the start it wouldn’t be
an easy day and we were prepared for some challenges. The
hunt started at Gwen's Gorse just east of Ashby Magna, and Charlie's Gorse at Northwest of Peatling Parva. At Gwens
Gorse we found blocked badger setts which is obviously illegal and also came across the delightful Andrew Keane whom some
of you will remember from a pre Xmas sab. (How could you forget that delightful face pressed up against our window). Yet again he threatened sabs and tried to intimidate,
pretending to phone gangs, as if he was a Sicilian mafia boss ! Despite this, sabs worked well together
in two groups covering ground and keeping up with the Hunt for quite some time. Later we were joined by an army of Pies, Bicester
Stewards and the bumpkins; Charlotte and Brendan. We had the normal blocking in by vehicles and as you will see in the pics
standing in front of the van like schoolyard bullies. (So Fernie- if you are just trail hunting, why do you need bodyguards?) The Hunt fled eastward disappearing across the busy A5199 in front of buses and cars - putting all their animals
at risk, to hunt the area west of Fleckney. The huntsmen didn't hang around for long, flying away from us wherever we
appeared. The Hunt master was last seen in the gathering gloom of late afternoon, trying to
find his split pack with a hound on the road, some with him and another small pack hunting on their own in the fields Southwest
of Fleckney. Although the hounds went briefly into cry late in the day and sabs were prevented from going into the field by
the bullies, we suspect it was a kill free day [alas not]. Our trials and tribulations were not over at the end of the hunt . The bullies had nothing better
to do so followed a sab vehicle around near Arnsby. The vehicle got stuck in a muddy area trying to turn around at a dead
end. It took some time to get it out using rubble ( which we put back ) and a mat from the other van. We had a lovely audience
of bullies standing around finding infantile delight as they took videos, photos, and generally mocked us. Obviously having
nothing better to do with their sad little lives. We are resilient though and tough enough to not take
the bait, ignoring their jeers because at the end of the day we are humans who care for animals and will make these sacrifices
to our own pride to save them. We had a long day today and travelled some distance. If you would like to contribute towards
our petrol costs and van repairs we would be very grateful. Please click on www.paypal.me/ENABS. 28-1-18 Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT: 28/1/18 Fernie Hunt, Leicestershire We teamed up with Northants Hunt Saboteurs and
Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs yesterday. With a group following the hunt on foot another group went to check Gwens Gorse where
sabs found blocked in badger setts (which is illegal) and an artificial earth. While in the area, a man, donning a pink face
cover and an umbrella, told sabs he was their 'worst nightmare' in a failed attempt to threaten them. One hound was
already lost from the pack at this point, not a very good start to the day for them. Shortly
after, that team joined up with the sabs who were following the hounds. The hunt spent the day travelling over A roads, blocking
busses on the roads and putting animals in danger. As the day got darker and gloomier, half the pack went to hunt alone in
the fields south-west of Fleckney, the hunt tried to call them back, and failed. Pics below - 1/ Blocked badger sett 2/
Artificial earth  Waveney Harriers panic sheep flock, run through traffic 29-1-18
Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Waveney Harriers - 1st January 2018 Somerleyton Hall On New Year’s Day, Norfolk & Suffolk
Sabs joined up with Norfolk & Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting at the Waveney Harriers meet at Somerleyton Hall. The
Somerleyton estate is vast, so we knew we were going to have our work cut out. Right from the off we found the Hunt hunting at
the back of the church, close to the front entrance of the Hall. Hounds went in and out of cry and the sheep on the estate
could be seen running back and forth in a panic [below]. Next the Hunt moved off to hunt the area at the south western edge of the estate. Loose hounds were seen running
amongst the traffic and very bizarrely at one point the hounds were put in behind the estate wall while the Huntsman and Whipper-in
cantered down the road, outside the estate. If the hounds had rioted, we are not sure how the Huntsman would have stopped
them, him being one side of the wall and his hounds the other. Throughout the day the Hunt moved
on at a pace where hounds were put in various coverts. At one point the hounds could be heard baying and we feared the worst
when we heard the terrier man had been called for. A lone sab managed to spot that the fox had however thankfully bolted just
moments before the hounds had arrived. We believe this fox got to live another day. Halfway through the day’s hunting the hounds were put in on a covert right
on the edge of the road. This gave sabs a clear view of what was happening. One wonders what would have happened if the hounds
had made chase, so close to a road. No bird of prey was in sight. Despite the vast area covered by
the Hunt, sabs did well to keep up with the Hunt all day. Considering this was a prestigious New Year’s Day meet, the
number of field seemed considerably down on previous years. Please buy us a coffee to keep us going in the field: https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs. Pics below - 1/ The Hunt in sheep field
2/ Hounds force car to brake 3/ Traffic held up while hounds search 4/
Huntsman and Whip. Hounds are other side of wall   MP
asks PCC to urgently examine Cheshire police treatment of Hunts 29-1-18
Mike Amesbury MP I've called for a thorough investigation into how Cheshire Police looks into allegations of illegal fox hunting. I've been contacted by a number of constituents who've raised this as an
issue which led to me raising a Parliamentary question. The government says it is a matter for the police, however. After speaking to both the RSPCA and Cheshire Police, the constabulary says there have been issues of legal 'trail
hunting' where a scent is tracked by hounds instead of an actual animal, but that this has led to foxes being 'unintentionally'
killed, and that in order to prosecute under current legislation, they would have to prove intent. I am not satisfied with
this. I have asked the Police and Crime Commissioner
to look into the matter urgently and will keep everyone updated. Report that Bicester FH causing chaos on A road and in gardens 29-1-18 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch Just had a call to tell me A413 is in chaos at Winslow, Apparently the Bicester Hunt
hounds are running in all directions all over the road. They are now running in people's gardens. 
save fox at S. Durham FH foot hunt in snow & ice29-1-18 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT 20.01.18 South Durham Hunt We knew the
mounted hunt would be cancelled due to bad weather but knowing how eager these guys are to kill we had a feeling they would
take the hound pack on foot. After following the hound van with one on our vehicles and
it going on a little road trip before returning to the kennels to make us think they had changed their minds and were putting
their feet up instead of hunting, we knew better and headed off to the most likely place where foxes could be chased with
a pack on foot. Carlton Ponds. Well, no sooner had we sprayed the area with citronella the Hunt turned up and looking confused
at seeing us waiting we couldn't help but laugh as their plan had been foiled. A few snowballs aimed at our vehicle wasn't about to put us off so 2 teams of foot monitors headed in the direction of
the hounds. With the usual bully boys and terrier twats supporting the day's hunting we knew we were in for a lot of a
abuse and we weren't wrong.
From the off, we were subject
to the same old same old jibes and yawning at their attempts to intimidate we kept going along the footpath. We were followed
by a strange character who doesn't need much more mention here as we don't want him to get a big head and even odder
laugh, only to say he stole from us and also made himself out to be a right tit. Between us we managed to keep the
Hunt in view with the 2 teams meeting up on a walkway over a railway line that the Hunt seem to think is there own private
playground. The hounds went into cry and ended up on the railway line [left] but no fox was
seen. Subject to more abuse and rocks thrown in our direction, we kept following as hounds were drawn through a small outcrop. If not for a hunt supporter pointing out a fox, we would not have notice it until hounds were turned around and made
to hunt onto its line. The fox came from the direction hounds had been in cry only minute earlier. We used the gizmo to get
the hounds' attention and their heads came up and the fox made a get away. our driver with her zoom camera picked up the
fox running for its life [below right] and yet again the Hunt showing that no trail was being
followed. Off the Hunt went over snow and ice which made for easy following with foot and hound prints giving away their direction. We came across the
terriermen off their quads in the trees on the edge of the railway line. What were they up to? Had a fox gone to ground ? Had they stopped for a quick cow sandwich ? Hmm, we will be kept guessing as
when they saw us they jumped on their quads and headed to threaten to run us over if we stepped back into the field where
the footpath had taken us. Fools. We had no choice but to jump the fence onto the railway where again the footpath
crossed but with a possible dig-out taking place we decided to take a look just in case. The terrier peeps ended up on the
bridge over the railway, shouting abuse and threats down at us we had to get our driver to call the police. By this time it was
getting dark and the temperature dropping we decided to exit onto the bridge. Apparently the police had shown up but were
unable to locate us so had remained with the terrier twats cars in the hope to see them return. We were pleased to see the hound van all packed up pass us on its way back to the
kennels. The police rang and informed us the terrier men had not returned to their cars where
the police were waiting – haha. 13 miles on foot through the snow in freezing temperatures
took its toll on us but we are pleased to say no kills were made so the aches and pains the day after was worth it. LONG LIVE THE FOX
To donate to our fund please use PayPal via - mailto:huntmonitors@gmail.com.paypal.me/huntmonitorspaypal.me/huntmonitors or http://ko-fi.com/huntmonitors. Thanks so much ��. Pics below - 1/ Hounds searching,
one emaciated 2/ Natives not so friendly 3/ Hunting in the snow. Note that one of the hounds has a severe skin condition.   Monitors
stop dig out by Cheshire FH, drunk rider damages car29-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNT, LITTLE BUDWORTH, 27.1.18 On Saturday we
had a large team of monitors watching this Hunt. We had teams guarding badger setts and others coming at the Hunt from all
directions all day, so they didn't really get much chance to enjoy their minority pastime until near the end of the day
when they did manage to put up a fox. However, we scuppered their fun then as well (see our previous video). More on that
later. We kept the Huntsman moving looking for ways to escape our cameras and we witnessed the usual hunt havoc and selfish
behaviour. Early on we witnessed 4 foxes racing away from the hunters almost within seconds of each other (see our previous video) which is far too much of a coincidence! Perhaps the Huntsman had ordered his takeaways all in one go! We also managed to
stop one of the hounds that was chasing a hare and got the Huntsman to call the hound off it. Cheshire
Police (who have been sending two officers to each hunt every Saturday) turned up and followed the Hunt along with us, which
didn’t really go down well with the hunters. There was the usual madness like horses being jumped onto and cantered on tarmac
roads, support vehicles blocking roads so that locals couldn’t go about their business, riders were covering parked
cars in mud and one car was even damaged by a drunken rider who couldn’t control their horse. This incident is being
looked into at the moment. The Whipper-in was being
driven about on the back of quad bikes and as a passenger in the lovely yellow van [see here] with a driver who hurls abuse, calls us paedophiles and drives with both hands off the steering wheel and no seatbelt.
That particular clip of film has gone to the police. And the stupidity goes on and on and on! Finally, we saved the last fox of the day that had been hunted on and off for some time, going
to ground a few times and being flushed out of cover to be chased. This fox very nearly lost it’s life but just managed
to dart down a fox earth hole that hadn’t been filled in by terriermen, thank goodness. We ran in and made sure no one
was going to dig it out or carry on hunting it. Please see the film we posted about this yesterday. There is so much positive
change happening at the moment, including the powers that be finally tiring of the hunts' constant flouting of the law,
and this was a very uplifting day for Cheshire Monitors as our hugely expanding team is working so well in the fight against
these wildlife criminals. Pics below - 1/ Rider allegedly
drunk who damaged car 2/ Hound alone and far from pack 3/ Whip
riding on terrierman quad 4/ Hounds in cry about to chase fox to ground
  28-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO THE CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNT CHASE A FOX TO GROUND – 27.1.18 ("Oh
sorry, no it was an accident police officer!") Monitors manage to save it! This Hunt
chased this fox for some time with our monitors filming from various locations but not being able to get close enough to intervene.
It goes to ground in an earth (that unusually hadn't been filled in by the hunt terriermen) and monitors race in and make
sure the hunting is stopped. You will notice that the hounds very nearly catch the fox at one point but it just
manages to dart down the hole with them literally on it's tail. The hounds then piled into the fox earth and some of them
got stuck but we managed to stand our ground and make sure all hounds left the scene. Interestingly
the red coat making most of the effort to call the hounds off (red faced and cracking his whip like a mad man!) is the ex
huntsman of this hunt, Shayne Francis who had joined the Hunt for the day. The person who was supposed to be in charge of
these hounds (Jake Openhiem) was hiding on the roadside just using his horn to call the hounds in. This film
shows you that if the fox earth had been filled in (which is what terriermen normally do before a hunt and these terriermen
must have missed this on) our monitors could not have saved this fox. It's also very interesting to us that Jake has been
doing a lot of hiding this season. Watch this space... Finally - we've edited the clips so as to protect monitors identity. 27-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO OUTFOXED Today we monitored the Cheshire Hounds hunt in and
around Little Budworth, and watched them chasing five separate foxes. Here is footage of three of them caught by one of our
cameras, escaping within a minute of each other, and we are pleased to report that all five escaped to live another day, despite
this hunt's best efforts.
Antis protest at Exeter against police inaction on illegal hunting Devon
& Cornwall police have terrible record dealing with Hunts 29-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs PEACEFUL PROTEST ABOUT POLICE INACTION In spite of
the rain, many people attended a protest on Saturday at Heavitree Police Station in Exeter to draw attention to Devon &
Cornwall Police's inaction over offences committed by Devon's hunts. Every week hunts are flouting the law and getting
away with it: chasing and killing foxes, deer and hares, destroying badger setts, running riot through people's gardens
and terrorising their pets, assaulting sabs, monitors and anyone else that gets in their way, committing criminal damage and
blatant road traffic offences. The people of Devon have had enough! We are calling on Devon & Cornwall Police to adopt
a much more proactive stance against these wildlife criminals and stop being selective about which laws they enforce. This means turning up at Hunts unannounced to
monitor their activities, providing relevant training to officers and call-handlers so they actually understand the law, attending
when we call them if a hunt or dig-out is ongoing and investigating the incident there and then, not in "slow time"
when the evidence is lost. It means remembering that sabs
and monitors are not the criminals in this situation and ensuring that offences we report to them are dealt with in a timely
manner. It means ensuring there are no conflicts of interest, such as serving police officers riding with hunts that are under
investigation. It means not sending a fleet of police cars out every time a hunt member complains about our presence and then
claiming there are no officers available when we call them. It means not laboriously checking our vehicle insurance, tax,
MOT, lights and so on up to five times in one day whilst turning a blind eye to hunt vehicles being driven illegally on Devon's
roads... It is not our job to investigate illegal activity. It's the police's job.
Their inaction perpetuates crime and we will not tolerate it. Well done to everyone who took part in the protest on Saturday. Keep the pressure on!
 Notts Sabs reveal another hunting vicar, at the Belvoir FH 29-1-18 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Thou Shalt Not Kill This is Paul Towns. He's the chaplain
for the private chapel at Belvoir castle and also involved in other churches in the Vale of Belvoir. He's also a regular
rider with the Belvoir Hunt who we witnessed hunting at least 3 foxes on Saturday. Members of the hunt have also been involved
in violent assaults on anti Hunt protestors.
No wonder the Belvoir appear to be above the law. Not only do they have local police
riding with them but the clergy as well. Badsworth FH rider whips and tries to ride down sab Huntsman sends hounds into kiddies play area 28-1-18
Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Sometimes, one day of sabbing a week just isn't enough! So we decided to visit the Badsworth and Bramham
yesterday along with our old friends Liverpool Hunt Sabs and our regular partners West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs. Any half decent English cricketer is over in Australia getting thrashed in the Ashes. Whereas failed cricketers such
as Nick Thornicroft are trying to illegally kill foxes round Church Fenton. They eventually left
the meet at 11:45, and by noon a rider had whipped a sab and attempted to ride them down. The cops arrived and the rider was
soon seen heading home in his horsebox with his tail between his legs. The day proceeded
quite calmly after that with hounds only in cry twice, both times rioting after deer, and sabs never more than a field away
from the Hunt. With sabs never out of Thornicroft's sight he became more and more desperate, even resorting to sending
hounds into a children's play area in Church Fenton! We don't often see eye to eye with Thornicroft but when he called his terriermen a c*nt in front of sabs we
couldn't have agreed more. They headed back to the meet at 3:30pm
and a group of happy sabs headed for the pub. We always need more maps and diesel if you can help with our funds here is where
to do it. https://ko-fi.com/A570FG9. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman
trying to think. It's not working 2/ Prime hunting country  Antis
demand sack for Dwyryd FH JM convicted of badger baiting Campaigners also want the Hunt
to be disbanded 28-1-18 Daily Mirror Fox hunt master exposed for badger baiting after forcing terrified animal to fight
with dogs - Campaigners discovered David Thomas, 51, is leader of the Dwyryd Hunt in North Wales and demanded the Masters
of Foxhounds Association sack him The Master of a fox hunt has been exposed for badger baiting. David Thomas, 51, forced the terrified creature to
fight with dogs at his farm as other men watched. Campaigners discovered he is leader of the Dwyryd Hunt in North Wales and
demanded the Hunt be disbanded. Mike Nicholas, of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “We
are calling for this master of the hunt and convicted badger baiter to step down and for the hunt to be disbanded. Badger
baiting is a cruel sport we have long suspected to be organised by those engaged in illegal hunting.” A judge at Llandudno watched video of the farm in Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, where pipes held animals captive for
dogs to fight. Artificial badger setts were found, along with seven skulls, possibly from foxes or badgers, the court heard.
Thomas was convicted of causing unnecessary suffering to a badger and six other animal-welfare offences and will learn his
fate next month. He did not respond to requests to comment. 30-1-18
The Ecologist Activists demand convicted badger baiter steps down
as master of North Wales fox hunt A master of a fox hunt has been convicted and awaits sentencing for
taking part in cruel badger bating. The League Against Cruel Sports has called for him to resign and to close down the Hunt.
Badger baiting is a cruel sport that we have long suspected is sometimes organised by those also engaged in illegal hunting. The Master of the Dwyryd Hunt in north Wales faces prison having
been convicted of badger baiting and six further animal welfare offences. David Thomas, 51, was convicted last week at Llandudno
Magistrates Court of causing unnecessary suffering to a badger by making it fight with dogs at his kennels at Cwm Bowydd Farm
in Blaenau Ffestiniog - the Hunt’s kennels. The
League Against Cruel Sports is now calling for him to step down as Master of the Hunt and for the Dwyryd Hunt to be disbanded
and the hounds relocated elsewhere. Mike Nicholas,
a spokesperson for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "Badger baiting is a cruel sport that we have long suspected
is sometimes organised by those also engaged in illegal hunting. There was an artificial badger sett found at the kennels
where the Master lives, together with what is believed to have been several badger and fox skulls. Violence against animals
is abhorred by most people but sadly still goes on. Killing animals for sport has no place in our society." Thomas was also found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to
two foxes by keeping them caged close to dogs which left them terrified and further animal welfare allegations, according
to local newspaper reports. Clive Rees, defending
Thomas, argued that there had been an “institutionalised and systemic failure” and identification of his client
was unsatisfactory. “There’s no real evidence these (caged) foxes were suffering any sort of trauma until approached
by the police and RSPCA,” he added. Jordan
Houlston, 24, of Llandudno - an alleged hunt terrier man - was convicted in the same case of ill-treating a badger, and unnecessary
suffering by causing a badger to fight with dogs at the farm. Houlston denied being present at the time of the animal fight. Marc Wyn Morris, 26, of Blaenau Ffestiniog, pleaded guilty to wilfully
injuring a badger, being present at an animal fight and causing unnecessary suffering to a badger by causing it to fight with
a dog. Sentencing will take place on Monday,
5 February 2018 at Llandudno Magistrates Court. 1-18 HSA Press Release Animal torture chambers found at hunt kennels David Thomas, Master
and Huntsman of the Dwyryd Hunt, has been convicted of running a horrific badger-baiting ring from his hunt kennels. RSPCA investigators
found an elaborate system of pipes, artificial setts and cages at the kennels - all built to facilitate the premeditated torture
of foxes and badgers by dogs. The HSA is now calling for the immediate disbanding of the Dwyryd Hunt. This latest incident
follows the closure of the South Herefordshire Hunt after their staff were filmed throwing live fox cubs to the hounds. HSA Press Officer
Lee Moon commented, "This horrifying case highlights, yet again, how hunt personnel are routinely involved in the most
serious and disturbing of wildlife crimes. In press interviews following the 2005 hunt ban, Thomas made very clear his intention
to become a wildlife criminal saying 'I've been doing it for 15 years and it's something you can't give up.'
Perhaps if Gwynedd police had acted against Thomas at the time then these depraved acts might have been prevented." Sabs ensure Cotswold Vale FH kill no foxes by rating and drawing hounds 28-1-18 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO Popcorn ready folks, it's a long one. POWAperson comments
- Video shows sabs repeatedly having to rate Cotswold Vale Farmers FH hounds off fox's lines and, twice, using a
gizmo to take hounds off the Huntsman. Hounds also invade a woman's garden at one point, which she was less than pleased
about. 'Gazza' is Gary Williams, the Huntsman. Pic below - Sabs rate hounds to stop them following line of fox. Huntsman is on
other side of hedge, riding on the road. Sabs
find Crawley FH coursing fox in enclosed field Managed to pull hounds off with gizmo till Huntsman gave up 28-1-18 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs “Stand down Rafe, stand down!”
Slow start to the day with sabs in roaming the district looking for Hunts, in the knowledge that most will be cancelled due
to the very wet weather. As usual there is normally one hunt who do not give a jot for the safety for their horses and still
go out. This Hunt is normally the Crawley & Horsham, who traditionally don’t give a damn for safety and today was
no exception. We got the call from West Sussex sabs but while we were gathering our troops the Landy started having issues,
a quick check showed that the last repairs had not been successful so we took to our cars. Calling ahead we found that there
was enough room in other vehicles of Brighton sabs our usual comrades in mud and compassion. Linking up with Brighton and filling their Landy to the brim we were directed to the last known
location of the hunt and sure enough there they were. There was an odd enclosure with a 6 foot high deer fence [see
pic at bottom] lined at the bottom to about 3 ft. with chicken wire with only one way in or out by a gate, it covered about one square mile. With no drag in site (or access available to quads) the hounds went
into cry, and we saw a panicked fox run by within the enclosure, in there it would have little chance and would run in circles
until caught. This was so blatant an attempt to create an ‘accidentally kill’ that even we were shocked, and it’s
not impossible that the fox was dumped into the enclosure earlier. Anyway with hounds in cry and with sabs on the wrong side of the fence we called the hounds to us with horns and
the gizmo, using whips and voice calls to hold them in place near the fence. The Huntsman sent whipper-in’s around to
our side of the fence to intimidate us but we of course carried on with the audio warfare. Eventually the Huntsman gave up
and took the hounds back out of the enclosure to our relief and joy at the success....
Then it was into Knepp Castle land [left], which sells itself as a rewilding
project (with all the available Euro subsidies it can grab). Unfortunately this ‘rewilding’ does not extend to
our native wildlife and they regularly allow this Hunt to terrorise animals on their estate:- https://www.kneppsafaris.co.uk/ The ground was
so wet we were wading at some point up to our knees, this did not stop the Hunt galloping away but with sabs from West Sussex
ahead we kept tags on them. Again they went into cry and we had to intervene again causing them to lose the quarry. Getting left behind we took to the Land rover and were pulled over by
Sussex cops to tell us that one of our rear lights were out. Never see them doing that with quads with no number plates oddly
enough. Once we were let go we heard over the radio the location of the Hunt we sped off, as we go close the cops pulled us
over again and started doing a full vehicle check in a deliberate attempt to stall us. Sabs piled out of the Landy and ran
down the road, as luck would have it the Hunt was heading our way so we managed to be in their path. The Hunt entered a field and we moved ahead and passed into field guarded by a man who was
going to become infamous to us as ‘Rafe’. He bleated in a plummy voice that he owned the field, but as hunters
claim to own every field in the South East we ignored him and carried on into the natural heritage of our countryside which
should be open to all. Cops followed half a field
behind calling to us to return but not willing to jog, so we ignored them. The Hunt turned around and so we did as well only
to come across the puffing cops. We explained the intricacies of civil trespass which they claimed to know but had stilled
tried to get us to leave the land. Under civil law the police have no jurisdiction over civil trespass. Rafe profusely thanked
the police thinking they had got us to leave the dimwit. Finding the Hunt was coming out onto the road while we observed them, we also observed
a cop opening and shutting a gate for riders while having a sycophantic conversation with a rider about the good old days
before the ban (we kid you not) and almost doffing his cap every time a rider went by. The Hunt went off back towards the meet and to ensure they
had finished for the day we took a long stroll into Jendons farm yard, followed by what was now 6 tired coppers. Sussex police
really need to work on their fitness levels, as by the time we got there they were a good 100m behind and out of sight. On entering the farm yard we quickly
spotted the hounds boxed up but before we could leave bumpkins shot out of a barn bleating and red-faced, including our old
chum Rafe. Much shouting ensued, threats from the Huntsman Richardson to visit our homes, which they claimed to know the addresses
of from the police (most likely true due to damage to cars and thefts from sabs residences) and attempts to smash video cameras. One sab standing back behind this jolly
scrum was rushed at and body slammed, when he complained to the cop standing by him he was told he should have not gone towards
his attacker, hmmm. Rafe was charging from sab to sab, puffing his chest out and shouting ‘get oofff my land’
and waving his arms in a comical fashion while, another more cautious red coat stood back from the scene shouting ‘Stand
down Rafe, stand down’. Sabs used to this type of posturing could not take it very seriously and it was all ended by
a small beagle running out of a barn which distracted sabs who wanted to stroke it. Clearly having ruined the hunters'
day and, after giving the beagle some love, we were happy to leave again followed by the cops until we came to a ford in the
track. Clearly Sussex cops are like witches and cannot cross running water, as they stopped bemused, or perhaps they do not
like getting their feet wet. Either
way we walked off into the sunset for some lovely home-made scones with jam. It was great to see two new sabs out from Brighton
who had the usual refrains of ‘I didn’t realise how nasty hunters are in the flesh, are the cops always this biased
and finally can I come out next week.’ As stated our Landy needs more repairs so any donations to help us fund this very much appreciated. Please help if
you can by donating at: South Coast Hunt Sabs https://www.paypal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Thank you for your support as usual. We are of course attending the demo at this Hunt's ball on the 24th Feb. Please come along if you can. We are always looking for new sabs, so if you are interested
please message us or email: southcoasthuntsabs@gmail.com.
Bolebroke Beagles killed at least one hare say sabs28-1-18
Facebook - Kingston Hunt Sabs VIDEO South London, Croydon and Kingston sabs were given a tip off that there was a potential hare
hunt with beagles and we promptly made our way to the kennels of the Bolebroke Beagles Ltd (with the final tax returns date
imminent, we hope their accounts have been duly filed). Their kennels are at West Court Farm, close to Rochester. We made
it just in time to see the Land Rover and adjoining trailer full of beagles about to leave. After 3 attempts to leave unnoticed, they brazenly headed off to Sherenden Farm in Tudeley to go
about their dirty business. One of our cars followed before parking up to be picked up by the landy and on arrival
was faced with the brazen killing of a hare in between some fruit bushes before we could help make the save (all on film to
be shared at a later date). The Hunt followers were surrounding us stating that they were hunting rabbits then continued to
trawl over heavily ploughed fields (we’ve never seen a rabbit in this habitat before, but this is certainly the habitat
preferred by hares...). The police were called by the sab team and on arrival said
that they would not be entering the field, strongly recommending that any fracas should be avoided. They told us to collate
footage and send on if we could prove any wrongdoing by the Hunt. Helpful then... We stayed with the Huntsman and whipper
all afternoon, keeping the beagles away from any wildlife until 3pm when they spotted a hare and darted off in a circular
motion (clearly not a rabbit as they run in a zig zag pattern), further proof of the illegal hunting taking place (as if we
needed any more...). It was at this point it became very clear that the Hunt had no control over their beagles as they
split into two and headed off to woodland where they went into cry. Sabs surrounded the area calling them off and again when
the Hunt couldn’t regain control, a deer was seen being chased and the beagles ran amok. We offered to help search for the
lost beagles who at this point were running over roads and fields but the Huntsman refused and continued to blow his horn
into empty space. Red faced and very stressed they waited with the landowner scratching their heads. The police were nowhere
to be seen. After searching the entire area in the landy,
we wearily headed home. One confirmed kill and one suspected. God only knows how many more kills there would’ve been
had we not been present.. Pic above - Going for a swim Hampshire FH pack chases deer on to road, hound nearly
run over Hunt lost control
of pack for 15 minutes as they disrupted traffic 28-1-18 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO Yesterday, with our friends from Guildford and North Downs Hunt Sabs over on NT land at Leith
Hill with the Surrey Union, where monitoring is difficult, five of us from Surrey Hunt Monitors paid a return visit to the Hampshire Hunt who were having a joint meet with the Hursley Hambledon Hunt (like
the Hampshire until recently, a Hunt which has been minimally monitored or sabbed since the ban). We found them about 5 miles
south east of Winchester. One group took on an overt monitoring role, whilst the others went under cover for most of the day. The Hunts de-boxed
at two different spots a surprising distance apart – about 3 km - one in Owslebury Bottom and one at the Longwood Estate.
At Owslebury Bottom one of our overt team talked to some terriermen from the Hampshire Hunt who proudly showed their “trail-laying”
equipment – a rope hanging off the back of the quad with a pathetic ribbon on the end. The overt team then met up with the Hunt again at a local water board car park. Seeming perturbed to find us there before them,
the supporters were obviously rattled. One early middle-aged female supporter falsely accused us of filming a child in a car
(we hadn’t even noticed it) and when we left after a few minutes’ filming of an illegal quad bike and hunt hounds
running on the road – more of that later – this woman (later joined by another hunt support vehicle) followed
our car. It being clear they were not going to leave us alone we adopted the usual monitors’ trick of driving them to the local police station... eventually figuring out where they were, our tails gave
up, but this allowed our overt team to return to find the hunt immediately – to their obvious consternation. The overt and covert
teams then met up for a last look at the Hunt. We found them on Morestead Road, a busy country road, entertaining their supporters
near the side of the road. At least one redcoat, and some of the field were surrounding a small piece of woodland with a small
number of hounds – it seemed the pack had been split. An unattended quad bike was parked just outside too. Suspecting
the terriermen were in the wood doing their “work”, two of our monitors went to investigate. Immediately they
started packing up. The Huntsman went off with the hounds whilst the terriermen put a dog back into their quad-bike box. We
investigated further and found a freshly blocked fox earth. This had all the signs of full on pre-ban hunting. At this point
we must admit we regretted not inviting the sabs along to get in there more quickly, but we clearly had done enough to scare
them off and hopefully had saved a fox. Whilst discussing what to do next, chaos then ensued around us. We first heard hounds
in full cry behind us (on the other side of the road from the dig-out) and filmed as the hounds chased two deer[above
left]. Seeing us, the Huntsman tried to call them off, without success. A group of hounds piled over
the road after the deer [above right], and chased it for what looked about a
mile before we lost sight of them. A Huntsman dismounted and also crossed the road, and tried to retrieve the hounds, but
this made matters worse. At one point, we could hear horns being blown from both sides of the road and saw hounds crossing the road in opposite directions
about half mile apart with us in the middle. Shortly after, what seemed like the entire pack of hounds then ran down the road [left] and
past us with one irate masked terrierman riding up and down the road at high speed some of the time on the wrong side of the
road (at one point even riding round the road in circles), and falsely accused us of blowing a horn. Sorry Mr Terrierman,
but this chaos was all the work of your very own incompetent Lords & Masters from the Hunts.
The chaos lasted for
at least 15 minutes, with us waving down motorists to slow down as they approached the scene, before finally the inevitable
happened. A small group of hounds appeared suddenly in the trees alongside the road, running at speed toward it. One of our
monitors called out to the others to flag down a car approaching and managed to get his attention just in time. One hound
ran out and the driver swerved and did an emergency stop. All concerned were thoroughly shaken, but no-one was harmed. Where
were the Hunt in all this? Nowhere to be seen. Totally, totally irresponsible. Finally our team headed off to do a bit of reconnaissance
a few miles away for a future visit. These Hunts have not seen the last of us – although sometimes they won’t,
if you know what we mean… Pics below - 1/ Hunters try
to stop hounds chasing deer 2/ Terrierman's futile attempt to round up hounds
3/ Traffic havoc with redcoat 4/ Terrierman performs mid road manoeuvres   S. Dorset/Portman FHs all over busy road in horrible weather Sabs rescue loose and injured hunt horse near main road 28-1-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 27/1/18 South Dorset Hunt joint meet with the Portman Hunt Meet at
"Highlands" South Dorset Members of W.A.R acting on information received that confirmed
their suspicions, warmed up the Red Landy and headed off to Piddlehinton to visit the South Dorset Hunt. Receiving a call
on the way to say that this was a joint meet with the Portman. it wasn't long before we met up with our friends and comrades
Dorset Against Blood Sports and Wildlife Witness.  Expecting this to be a big meet with lots of support,
we were surprised to find a small field of about 40 riders, a handful of dribblers... At around 11am the hunt set off heading
towards Kingrove Wood where sabs had already pre-beat and sprayed. With sabs still in the wood and vehicles positioned, the
Hunt, once encountering foot sabs, made their way... towards the extremely busy Old Sherborne Road. Now bear thick fog, torrential rain and
heavy winds. Visibilty poor at low level but at high ground most cars travelling along this notoriously busy road had fog
lights on! Kingrove Wood lies on high ground where you wouldn't expect any sensible Huntsman to try and cross this road
with out of control hounds (half the pack was already....somewhere else!) So what do we witness...a huntsman not only stationed
across the middle of this road but on his phone on a blind bend[above]! Our
comrades Dorset Against Blood Sports were busy collecting a loose horse that was badly injured [right] and
running dangerously close to this busy main road. So where were the"c*untrymen" then? Why were Sabs risking themselves
to save this horse? Ahhh yes the "c*untrymen" were probably using the tools of their trade to dig out yet another
badger sett after putting their terriers to work... so much for the Horse and Hound description that UNDER A GOOD COUNTRYMAN'S
near a busy MAIN ROAD in extremely dangerous weather conditions. The S.Dorset Huntsman Dominic Jones did however thank Sabs
for their bravery and for returning the horse [pic, sab leading it, below left!! So, deciding not to cross (probably because we were filming ) the Hunt headed towards a favourite haunt, Little Puddle Bottom.
By now the "c*untrymen" had downed tools and decided to go and harrass Sabs whilst they were walking along the footpath,
childish behaviour from the visiting terrier boys and a let down to the Portman Hunt. The Hunt stayed in this area for a time
probably while the Oompa Loompa's laid their 'trail' through the thick gorse, but this gave foot Sabs some well
needed respite... Hounds went into cry at the gorse edge and footsabs pulled the hounds over with the use of the gizmo. The
new South Dorset Huntsman then charged at one Sab, obviously frustrated that yet again any chance of a kill was scuppered.
So, off the Hunt headed
back towards Kingrove with scattered hounds to be heard in all four corners of Dorset. The once numerous amount of dribblers
had by now dribbled away leaving just the old faithful South Dorset hunt servant "guilty" to do his job of COUNTRYMAN'S
STEWARDSHIP. Even the visiting Portman Hunt packed up and legged it home early... With
the weather becoming more severe and visibility next to nothing even the 'boys' gave up trying to follow Sabs as we
hid very nicely in the foggy conditions occasionally using horns and gizmo's to lift the heads up of hounds as they briefly
went in and out of cry. The Hunt (or what was left of them ) then tried to foil us by heading east along to Cheslebourne
but with the Silver Landy Monitors spotting the quads they followed on closely behind alerting the Sabs that the Hunt had
crossed the road. With their escape foiled they headed back to another old favourite hunting ground Dole's Hill Plantation.
Knowing this route very well a team of footsabs were already deployed there. So AGAIN crossing
the busy main road (not a "c*untryman" in sight again!) they headed back towards the meet to be met by the Silver
Landy which then followed as half the field went off through a small row of houses and the other 4 galloped off up the road.
With the Monitors following, the riders turned into open access land. The monitors parked up the hill ahead of them with a
very good view of what was left of the dwindling field and what was left of the pack! The hounds suddenly picked up on
a scent and went off on the line in full cry straight towards the Monitors one of who rated the hounds and managed to pick their heads up briefly but long
enough for the fox to make its escape. The hounds then picked up again and ran off into the dense gorse coming through the
gorse and then through a hedge onto the fairly busy road. Sabs
picked them up again as hounds (half a pack at this stage) spewed out AGAIN over the busy Road to Piddlehinton and in front
of traffic, causing cars to swerve and brake hard. Sabs by now could not believe the pure arrogance of this Hunt as they blatantly
galloped up this road with young child riders following them and hurling abuse at Sabs. The Huntsman and South Dorset Hunt
secretary Ms Lovelace didn't seem to give a hoot about the angry drivers, the obviously exhausted hounds scattered all
over the road or even the fact that their so called hunt servant /c*untryman was no where to be seen... yet again it was left
to Sabs to close gates ensuring hounds could no longer escape, endangering themselves or the general public. With hounds, riders,
c*untrymen and the couple of remaining dribblers going off in all directions, it was decided by a Monitor to phone 101. Well
what happened next was pretty unbelievable!! After being put through to the Dorset Police help-desk the Monitor described
the chaos on the road and the fear that there was going to be a nasty accident....oh and the fact that they were blatantly
full-on hunting.... which believe it or not is ILLEGAL, Dorset Police!! The Monitor couldn't believe it when the "help"desk
person said that they were only "trail" hunting and it was OK to lay a "trail" along a busy road!!!...
A formal complaint has been submitted to Dorset Police who have replied to say they will "look into it"........We
wait with bated breath! The Hunt packed up very shortly after this at 5.15pm. This was an arduous day for foot teams. The weather
conditions became pretty severe and the terrain was muddy and sodden and often hilly. However we kept the Hunt on the move
for the whole day covering a huge amount of ground but to the best of our knowledge no kills were made. Great team work and
good communication between all concerned meant eyes and ears were kept on the Hunts every move for most of the day. Until
we meet again!#stopthehunts If you would like to join us then
please message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Eggesford FH hunt foxes, riot on deer, sabs stop dig out Hunt block in and antagonise local woman 28-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Just a week after being caught digging in a badger sett, the Eggesford were busy breaking the law again yesterday. Foxes were hunted throughout the day, the hounds
rioted on several deer and sabs found the terrier men at an earth where hounds had marked a fox to ground. Marles showed his
true colours from start to finish... We're glad we went, as several foxes were helped to safety. To support out fuel fund, you can donate here: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Get in touch with information or to get involved: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. 28-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs This week the Eggesford Hunt met at Goldburn, near Folly Gate. In speeches at the start of the day Huntsman
Jason Marles announced us as "unwelcome visitors" and told his riders to "please just ignore them". That
appears to be a rule he doesn't feel the need to follow himself, as he greeted one of our sabs with the words "you
gutless c***" soon after leaving the meet. This
Hunt don't have much respect for anything: our wildlife, their horses, hounds and terriers, the law, hunting etiquette,
or even ordinary members of the public trying to go about their business. The latter became evident when an irate local woman
stormed up to the huntsman and other riders to complain that a horse truck had been parked on the road in such a way as to
completely block the traffic. Instead of apologising and offering to right the situation, Marles on his high horse dismissed
her as a 'sab', ignored her and began hunting. Not everyone who has issues with the hunt is an 'anti',
but the Eggesford certainly do like to make enemies of people living and working in the countryside. With a field of about twenty riders and accompanied by just one equipped quad bike this week, Marles began drawing coverts
both sides of the long river valley west of the meet. Hounds could be heard in full cry in the vicinity of Parsonage Wood,
where Marles blew "gone away", the signal that a fox has broken covert and is running in the open.
In the rain and boggy conditions it was a challenge for sabs to keep up with the
pack, but well worth their perseverance, as four foxes were helped to safety over the course of the day. One ran across the
road in front of our car, another young-looking fox ran straight past one of our foot teams, followed about five seconds later
by the pack in full cry, and another large fox was seen by two of our foot teams a couple of fields away from the hounds.
On each occasion, sabs covered the scent and prepared to 'rate' the hounds when they arrived, to buy the fox some
time. Marles actively hunted hounds onto the line each time.
His response when sabs demanded he call them off was a smug "I never saw a fox - You want to stop them, you stop them
then". No trails were laid at any stage, the pack rioted on countless terrified deer (again, no attempts from Marles
to call them off), and hounds popped out of hedges onto two busy A-roads throughout the day. Several cars had to screech to
a halt to avoid hitting them. Reckless isn't the word for this Hunt. ... the hunt finished in fields around Higher Cadham beside the River Okement, where they were in cry just as sabs
arrived. Here the hounds marked to ground at an earth in a thick brambly hedge. Terrier men Seeward Folland and Nathan Bowes
were quick to the scene and could be heard saying to the Huntsman "we'll leave this one, shall we", knowing
that sabs were just coming around the corner. Marles had told sabs earlier in the day that they were not his terrier men and
had nothing to do with the Hunt. Isn't it nice how they get the terrier men to do their dirty work but when the proverbial
hits the fan they throw them under the bus... Unfortunately
for the Eggesford, all the people involved in last week's dig-out have been identified, the incident has been logged as
a crime and we are liaising with the police and other organisations to ensure it is properly investigated. The Hunt don't
seem too happy about the situation and Marles claimed they were sueing the Daily Mail for the story that was published the
other day. We're not really sure how they intend to fund a lawsuit, especially after ex-treasurer Graeme Holmes ran off
with tens of thousands of pounds of hunt funds only a couple of years ago, for which he was convicted of fraud. We have plenty
more dirt on this hunt, to be revealed in due course... If you support our work, please contribute to our fuel fund: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Get in touch with information or to join us in the field: 07717473305 devoncountysabs@riseup.net . Pics above - Right - One
of the foxes helped to safety Left - Huntsman ignores local woman blocked in by
hunt boxes Pics below - 1/ Sett where
hounds marked fox to ground 2/ Unsupervised lone hound on A road  Sabs cause early pack up of Oakley FH and N. Bucks
Beagles 27-1-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs OAKLEY SENT PACKING - FITZ STAY AT HOME Hit Report 27.01.2017 - Oakley Hunt at Southill Estate Bedfordshire, plus North Bucks Beagles, Melchbourne
With our regular hunt targets the Fitzwilliam hiding away from sabs today and refusing to hunt on a Saturday, we turned our
attention to our "second team", the Oakley. N.Cambs joined Beds & Bucks and Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs to spend a day protecting wildlife in Bedfordshire. After tracking the Oakley Hunt down to the grand settings of Southill Park in Befordshire, even with three vehicles
circling their meet and keeping a close eye on the packs movements, the Oakley huntsman and whip could not resist heading
out of their safe, manicured parkland, into the wilds for a spot of illegal hunting. Sab teams
were on them immediately [right] , and with the three teams in attendance we
were able to continually place vehicles or foot groups in their path and prevent hounds from picking up on any strong scent
and hunting. Activists from all teams reported seeing animals fleeing Jack Harris's wayward, out of control, hounds today. Three foxes were seen to safety,
countless muntjacs [pic of one left] ran in terror, and even a family of guineafowl were spotted
running away from the pack. The wildlife's escape routes were covered with citronella spray to mask their scent, and hounds
were distracted in the field with voice calls while the Huntsman desperately tried to gather them up again. After a few hours of repeatedly riding into waiting
sab groups, and with a police attendance to contend with, the Hunt called it a day at around 2:30pm. Feeling that this was
at best a half day, the sab groups headed north after reports of the North Bucks Beagles out hunting hares near Melchbourne.
After a short search the beagle pack was tracked down, and escorted back to their kennels a short distance away. Two hunts taken care of today, and no wildlife harmed! If you'd like to support the work of your local hunt saboteurs,
you can do so here: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pics below - 1/ N.Bucks Beagles
- a blot on the landscape [not the wind turbines] 2/ Escorted back to kennels  Sabs save fox from death at hands of Tedworth FH27-1-18
Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Fox seen to safety by sabs Tedworth Foxhounds Meet: Huish Down Farm, Huish, Marlborough, Wiltshire - area included that hunted owned by real estate magnate
James Roberts With South Wales, Bath & Bristol hunt saboteurs. About the Hunt: One
Master is the (dis)honourable Mirabel J Helme who disappointingly and surprisingly is a director of https://www.savingcranes.org/mirabel-helme/
a shame she doesn't extend any compassion towards foxes. Another master, the (dis)honourable Erskine Guinness from the
Guinness brewers dynasty. They also have a serving Major Paul Snodgrass as another Master. You couldn't make this stuff
up. Working with other groups to locate the Hunt and after seeing some riders, our foot team entered the land at Huish
church and ran straight into the whipper-in who had hounds just above her in Gopher Wood and they started to go into cry.
The hounds were rated and they became quiet. Taken by surprise, the Huntsman and Master, Edward Knowles appeared and moved
the hounds on through the wood. Terrier men were fund lurking close to their quads nearby. It wasn't long before the hounds picked up on the Tedworth Hunt's official trail layer, Vulpes vulpes, in other words
a live fox. The beautiful and no doubt petrified fox ran past us and we sprayed it's line with citronella as the hounds
gave chase not far behind. We rated the hounds, delaying the chase of their quarry. Another team of footsabs were nearby and
their ideal placement ensured the fox got away to safety.
Sabs had a challenging day today due to the atrocious wet, windy and foggy weather
conditions up on the high ground of Tan House Way and the surrounding downs.Shaw copse, Knap Hill, Lower Bristol's copse,
Park copse and North Copse were hunted. Despite some difficult terrain, the Hunt were met by sabs wherever they went. Before they day was
out and after eventually finding all their hounds, the Hunt boxed up at Pennings Farm, owned by businessman Henry Neville Lindley Keswick - note the National Trust link. Some very soggy sabs were able to go home knowing
they had helped save at least one life today. To
help us carry on, please consider a donation to https://ko-fi.com/severnvalehuntsabs or paypal us at severnvalesabs@gmail.com - many thanks. Surrey Union FH said to have trespassed on NT land 27-1-18 LACS website On 27th January 2018, the Surrey Union Hunt were reported to be at the National Trust’s Coldharbour
site, Surrey. Escaped fox saved from Belvoir FH and muntjac rescued by sabs 27-1-18 Facebook - Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs Today we met up with our good friends Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs again to visit the Belvoir who were meeting in
Harby on the Liecs/Notts border. The Belviour Hunt are creatures of habit that always hunt the same area, knowing this we headed into the fields to do some spraying
with citronella around the coverts. As we thought, it wasn't too long before the Hunt was in that area, the hounds went
into cry but sabs quickly pulled the hounds off with the use of horn calls and the gizmo. Not
long after second horsing the hounds were after two foxes. Sabs were nearby which seemed enough to see the fox to safety. It was a tough day trekking through horribly muddy fields, but once again it was a good job we were there as the
hounds then chased a muntjac through some gardens. The poor thing ended up tangled in a wire fence but luckily one group of
sabs managed to untangle the poor animal. The hounds continued in cry and were onto a fox that went to ground under a pile
of junk in a farm but we managed to rate the hounds and call them off. Overall it was
a very tiring day covering a vast amount of land, but our presence saw at least 3 foxes and deer to safety which makes it
all worth while. Please help keep us in the field protecting wildlife each week by donating here: https://ko-fi.com/lincolnhuntsaboteurs.orial Pic above - Hunt rider leaves horse tied up - in middle of a war
memorial Blencathra FH hunt on NPA land with terriermen - not allowed 26-1-18 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs Yesterday, a few of us dropped by to visit the Blencathra who were meeting at Orthwaite. As usual they
were all pleased to see us, particularly Barry Todhunter who kept himself out of sight for the whole day and did his usual
disappearing act to avoid being filmed putting his hounds away. Yesterday's meet was on land belonging to Lake District
National Parks Authority, which is a statutory body that manages land on behalf of the nation. In common with the National Trust, the National Parks Authority issues 'trail hunting'
licences which are given to hunts with the proviso that the hunts adhere to licensing obligations. These prohibit the use
of terriers, and the use of vehicles, and of course, the digging out of foxes that have gone to ground. The
Blencathra Foxhounds, like other Hunts, see themselves as superior beings who can do whatever they want, and so two quad bikes
driven by Blencathra terriermen [left], with terriers in boxes were driven over
Uldale Fells on National Parks land yesterday. We witnessed them riding over the summit of Brae Fell then descending and getting
off their quads before being joined by Todhunter and a group of hounds. We aren't sure if they killed and as weather on
the fells was inclement, it was hard to get a clear view, however, we are reviewing footage which will be forwarded to the
LDNPA. Fitzwilliam FH visited by police after refused to let refuse
lorry through 26-1-18
Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs After our appeal to keep an eye out for local hunts recently (http://bit.ly/2nhd1YH) we have received information
that the Fitzwilliam Hunt are currently out and about in the Morborne and Stilton area south of Peterborough. They have already had police in attendance once, after reportedly refusing to allow
a district council refuse lorry past and holding up the driver's rounds. If you live in the immediate area please
keep your pets indoors. If you see them hunting then a phone call to the police with their location will only take a moment... 'Trail hunting' alibi raised in Commons for first time 25-1-18 Hansard – Trail hunting The use of the 'trail hunting' alibi by Hunts really chasing quarry was raised
for the first time in the House. This is a transcript of the exchange. Unsurprisingly, the [pro-hunt] government
Minister responding [my MP, aren't I the lucky one] was in denial on the subject. Grahame
Morris (Easington) (Lab) What assessment he has made of the extent to which trail hunting is used as a cover to
conduct illegal fox hunting? Christian Matheson (City of Chester) (Lab) What assessment he has
made of the extent to which trail hunting is used as a cover to conduct illegal foxhunting. Mr
Speaker With my leave, the supplementary to Question 2 will be put by the right hon. Member for Warley (John Spellar).
I wish the hon. Member for Easington (Grahame Morris) well, and we hope he is in full voice again very soon. The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (George Eustice) I also hope that the hon.
Member for Easington (Grahame Morris) recovers his voice soon. The Government have made no assessment of the effect of trail
hunting. However, anyone who believes that an offence has taken place during a hunt, including during a trail hunt, should
report the matter to the police, as the police deal with complaints of illegal hunting. Decisions on the arrest and prosecution
of those taking part in illegal hunting activities are matters for the police and prosecuting authorities. John Spellar (Warley) (Lab) The Minister will be aware that concerns are growing that trail hunting
is being used as a cover for illegal hunting. This was recently brought into focus by the invasion of a cat sanctuary—run
by the well-known Celia Hammond Animal Trust—in East Sussex by a pack of hounds from the Romney Marsh hunt. What action
will the Government take against those who continue to hunt illegally? George Eustice
The law in this area is clear. Between 2005 and 2015, 682 individuals were prosecuted and 423 were found guilty, so the law
is clear and is being enforced. Even groups such as the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have accepted
that this is a law that is being enforced. Christian Matheson In the four
weeks since Boxing day, at least four foxes in Cheshire have been illegally killed by trail hunts. As the Government have
withdrawn their plans to scrap anti-hunting laws, is it the case that someone in government has given a secret nod and a wink
to trail hunts that they can continue to hunt and kill foxes with impunity? George Eustice
No, that is not the case. The Prime Minister has made it clear that she has listened to the mood of the country and that there
therefore will not be the free vote on foxhunting in this Parliament that we pledged in our manifesto. As I said earlier,
foxhunting is a matter for the police and the prosecuting authorities. Anybody who believes the law has been broken should
report it to the police. Witness sees deer badly mauled in 'trail hunt' by Cambridge FH 25-1-18 Herts Advertiser Deer mauled in “horrendous” trail hunt in St Albans fields
An animal lover is challenging what she describes as “horrendous” hunts using dogs across fields in the district.
Christine Pedder said a deer had been mauled by at least 25 dogs near Coopers Green Lane around midday on January 23, caught
up as collateral damage in the baiting sport. It has been illegal since 2005 for a pack of hounds to track real foxes but
using artificial smells remains legal, albeit controversial. Christine said there were 20 riders struggling to control all the dogs and blocking
traffic: “We are very traumatised because these people are aggressive and arrogant, they don’t care that the whole
of traffic on Coopers Green Lane was at a standstill. This shouldn’t be happening.” When Christine called attention
from her car to the injured deer, she said a rider replied: “Don’t worry love, we’ll take care of it.” She said: “To
me a life is a life. I have dogs - but dogs, deers, rabbits, they’re all lives, they all feel pain, they all suffer,
it’s a life. Anyone with common sense knows that a drag hunt is an excuse to get the dogs out. It’s horrendous.
Taking pleasure from the suffering and pain of another creature - is that what humanity is all about?”Christine believes
many animals are still harmed in the what is supposed to be the more humane sport of artificial drag baiting. Herts Police were
called to the scene, and a spokesperson said: “Police were called to reports of a hunt in the Coopers Green Lane area.
They attended the scene and spoke with people allegedly taking part in the hunt. “The Rural Operational Support Team
are aware and reviewing the incident.” They noted that no humans were injured. A
spokesperson from the League Against Cruel Sports said: “The deer was described to me as gashed, bleeding, and screaming.
It seems quite barbaric in 2018 that people are killing British wildlife with a pack of dogs. They are killing foxes and deer
and they are killing them for fun and we don’t think that is acceptable.” He believes the public would be “staggered”
by the number of animals still killed in hunts around the country. Anyone with information about the Coopers Green Lane
incident should contact 101 quoting ISR 332 of January 23 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.. POWAperson adds - Herts Sabs have confirmed that the Hunt involved was the Cambridge with Enfield Chace
FH. Hounds frequently riot on deer and are bound to catch and kill some. The terrible experience of the poor deer doesn't
bear thinking about. The rider's comment 'We'll take care of it' would
have meant they'd put it down if it wasn't already dead. Can't see hunters taking wounded wildlife to the nearest
vet somehow.
N. Shropshire FH Huntsman spends most of short meet looking
for houndsHe being Julian Barnfield, booted from Heythrop
FH for getting caught 25-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors NORTH SHROPSHIRE HUNT, GOLDSTONE BANK FARM, MARKET DRAYTON, 24.1.18
We don't want any fox-chasing Hunt to feel left out, so Cheshire Monitors took a trip out to say hello to the North Shropshire
Hunt yesterday, who were meeting near Market Drayton. The Hunt met at 12 noon and had packed up by 3pm, not giving them a
lot of time to chase foxes thankfully. Monitors caught up with ageing Huntsman Julian "2pac" Barnfield (twice
convicted Huntsman formerly of the Heythrop) at Little Soudley. Quads were seen snooping around in woodland near Soudley but
we couldn’t find the hounds, mind you neither could the Huntsman. Living up to his reputation 2pac had lost all his
hounds by the canal, maybe they were trying to get away from him and looking to go on a barge holiday? Aiden the whipper in was riding up and down the road looking dazed and confused.
They did eventually find the pack but very little hunting went on and everyone returned to the meet by 3pm. We saw a fox get away
from the Hunt, which was a bonus. This happened right next to monitors and Hunt members who were on point by the road. The
Hunt had surrounded the woods, but the fox got away from the tired looking hounds and the Huntsman was so fed up that he had
to resort to calling one of our team "an ugly f****r" which is hilarious because we will be back with more "ugly
f*****s" soon, so watch this space... If you have information about any hunts in or around Cheshire, please contact us
in strict confidence, by PM here or on email to info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk, and help us #StopTheHunts. If you would like
to support Cheshire Monitors you can donate at paypal.me/CMonitors - thank you! Pics below - 1/ Barnfield by canal looking for his hounds
2/ Fox escaping  Shepherd anger as Grafton FH hounds run though pregnant sheep 25-1-18 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Stowe School Meet, Buckingham
- 23 January 2018 'Stowe' woman hurls lies and slanderous language at Hunt Monitor before the Grafton Hunt rampage through
fields of sheep. The shepherd who was very angry but did not want to appear on social media told me that the
hounds had run through three fields of his pregnant sheep. "We have a lot of pregnant sheep here, it can cause abortion
if they get upset." People who work in the countryside will often not speak out against the Hunt for fear of recriminations
or loss of business. Such is the power the Hunts can wield. Pics: Above right - Huntsman who'd
just made a very token effort to call back hounds arguing with monitor about it Below -
1/ Hounds out of control on road - presumably 'trail' not laid across it 2/ Hounds try to
push through dense hedge - presumably the 'trail was laid through it 3/ Muntjac fleeing from chasing hounds 4/ Hounds and Huntsman in same field
as... 6/ Disturbed flock of pregnant ewes Cheshire Forest FH hunt next to M56, fox escapes over motorway bridge Sabs find hounds
by what looked like an artificial earth 25-1-18 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs On Saturday we joined members of Cheshire, Derby, Central Lancashire and Lancashire Huntsabs at a meet
of the Cheshire Forest who'd met at the Hatton Arms near Whiteley. Sabs arrived in the area shortly after 10am but the
Hunt had already left the meet, we were later informed the Hunt had actually set off at 9am. Thanks to the Hunt supporters
giving away the whereabouts of the Hunt we soon on them. With some good local knowledge we were able to use masking spray
to cover the scent of foxes in the areas we know Andrew German likes to hunt. While sabs were out with their citronella others
were able to stay with the Huntmaster and his hounds. The Cheshire Forest are really unpopular in this area with the locals
and many landowners which results in Mr German having limited access to land to hunt on. Shockingly
or not, if you're accustomed to hunt behaviour, Andrew German attempted to hunt next to the M56. One sab vehicle witnessed
a fox bolt and escape over a bridge that crossed the motorway. The hounds we in a woodland next to the M56 and in cry when
sabs arrived. Sabs entered the woodland only to find the hounds all over what suspiciously looks like an artificial earth.
Sabs guarded the earth and tried to get the hounds away from this suspicious looking earth. The foiled Huntmaster was in the
next field trying to gather his hounds back but with very little success and they appeared more interested in what was going
on in the woods. Two of Cheshire's wildlife officers turned up. You'd be forgiven for thinking they'd have plenty to say
considering all the recent kills by this Hunt, the fact they were putting lives in danger hunting next to the motorway and
that the hounds were all over what we suspect to be artificial earths used by the hunt to encourage and breed foxes. But no
they weren't bothered, even when thy entered the woodland and were shown the earths. This didn't really surprise us
given that one of the wildlife officers was Sarah Marson who a few days earlier at a public meeting about wildlife crime started
her speech with "If people have questions about trail hunting or the badger cull, you need to address those to our press
office; I’m only here to talk about wildlife crime." More details here https://janesmithanimalwelfareparty.wordpress.com/…/f…/amp/…When When the wildlife officers first arrived the Huntmaster Andrew German went into a rant at them, we couldn't quite pick
up all what he was saying due to the noise from the M56 but as he walked away we clearly heard his say "IT'S F***ING
OUTRAGEOUS!" (We'll post the video later) It took the angry Huntmaster some 40 minutes or more to round up all his
hounds out of the woods before crossing the bridge over the M56.
The Huntmaster was then caught on foot in a coppice
encouraging his hounds after a fox, sabs were able to intervene and the police were not far behind after climbing over fences
and hunt jumps, but they weren't here to investigate illegal hunting they were here to remove sabs from the land! The Hunt then headed
to a private estate where they spent some time having drinks and probably decided due to the large number of sabs out it was
probably best to call it a day... The hound
van then set off but there was no sign of the Huntmaster who usually drives the van. When sabs attempted to follow the van
as we suspected Andrew German was still out somewhere hunting alone, the police were called and again the wildlife officers
told the sabs not to follow the hound van! Just who's side are they on? Sabs stayed in the area around Hatton and not too long
later the van returned to the pub they met at and this time the Huntmaster was with the hound van. We consider this a successful
day with the Hunt packed up by 1.30pm. Thank you for all your kind donations. You can help outrage Andrew German by making
a small donation on this link https://gogetfunding.com/sabbing-fuel-funds-for-nwhs/… Female
sab assaulted by Old Surrey FH follower 24-1-18 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Mission 56 Old Surrey and Burstow hunt Blindley Heath 23-1-18
Guildford and North Downs Sabs took a trip on a Tuesday to a mid-week meet of the old Surrey and Burstow at Red Barn, Blindley
Heath . They seemed less than pleased to see us as we suspected they would illegally hunting as they don't expect us mid-week
,there would normally move off from the meet at around 11-20 but didn't move off till 11-40 which we feel was them having
a little panic and going to plan B , the trail hunting pretence. Most out the day was fairly uneventful with them following
trails , with a strange mix of some of the riders being quite polite and same riding dangerously close to Sabs and a few attempts
to hit people resulting in us calling the police. One " landowner " assaulted one of our female Sabs but we can't comment
further because of legal reasons. The Hunt packed up at three. The Sabs then retired to the pub fairly happy that
the hunt had been prevented from any mid-week sneaky hunting. If you would like to support us please give to https://ko-fi.com/A62094D. Wynnstay FH invade
village after fox, monitors think killed it later 24-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors WYNNSTAY HUNT & CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNT, SAIGHTON, 23.1.18
Yesterday was a busy day with two Hunts meeting within a few fields of each other. Our local supporters were very worried
about having these Hunts in their area because they have such a lot of problems with them and apparently "everyone in
the area hates them but a lot of people just don't want to speak out'. We also know at least one farmer in the area,
who helps us if we need him, who hates hunting and the upheaval and cruelty it causes. He recently had a cow made lame because
the Hunt scared it into running at a wall and catching it’s leg. So we got a team together and went to the Wynnstay
first. They set off early and spent some time looking for foxes rather than having them delivered by hand. There were some excitement early on but it didn’t turn into much
and each time the huntsman saw us he kindly called his hounds away from searching for their live quarry. This was even with
Shayne Francis the ex huntsman with the Cheshire Hounds trying to keep our monitors talking. This didn’t work. All this respectful
behaviour lasted up until after lunch when clearly frustrated the huntsman ignored our presence and went full on hunting.
We witnessed at least one fox being chased but were blocked in by cars and by thugs from getting as close as we needed to.
Even our people on foot were disrupted from their legal monitoring by having quad bikes backed into[right] and
driven towards them, phones pushed into their faces and offensive suggestions being hurled at them. We did however manage
to save this fox once or twice by running in filming but the Hunt were determined and hungry for a proper chase. We then caught them
hunting all through Churton village, causing disruption and damaging gardens, fields and road edges. They chased this fox
for around 45 mins with it going to ground at least twice but sadly the last we heard was the hounds racing off after it fields
away and we are sure it will have been killed. POWAperson adds - Monitors
moved on to the Cheshire FH mid afternoon, but they soon packed up. Pics below
- 1/ Supporter rides scooter at monitor 2/ Hounds rampaging in Churton village North Wales hunter fined for molesting female sab 24-1-18 Facebook
- Llansannan Community Blog Why is the Daily Post so pro-Hunting with Dogs? Yesterdays article
very well concealed within the small print ! Local Councillor Mr Edward Lloyd-Ellis ends up in court once again after bullying
and grabbing an Anti-Hunt Protestor ! Thank fully justice appears to have partly prevailed ! The justices concluded that Mr
Appleby had in fact been provoked by Mr Lloyd-Ellis. Fairly small fine of just £37. Mr
Lloyd-Ellis is becoming quite famous, usually it is lady Hunt protestors who he likes to bully. I remember a famous video
showing Mr Lloyd-Ellis gyrating what looked like his genitals inside his trousers at one lady hunt protestor.  Atherstone FH follower guilty
of driving without due care 24-1-18 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Dennis Smith, Atherstone Hunt supporter: Guilty of driving without due care and attention at
a meet in March of 2015 at Warwick Crown Court on November 1st 2017. Saturday 14th March 2015 was a memorable day for all
the sab groups from around the country who attended in support of West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs at the Atherstone Hunt meet
at the Horse and Jockey pub in Bentley, Warwickshire. There were numerous assaults on sabs, more police vehicles than you could chuck a stick at including cars, vans,
dirt bikes and a helicopter and a rather vague Section 35 Dispersal Order was issued, no surprise really when we later found
out that the estate they had been hunting on was owned by David Cameron’s cousin! This
offence took place with the intent of the driver and the occupants of his vehicle and of those vehicles behind us to block
us in and attack us, Dennis Smith’s driving could have resulted in serious injury, or even deaths, to any one of the
people on the road that day, including the young child in the back seat of this own vehicle. Yes, ‘justice’ is slow,
it took over two and half years for this to get to court, but we can only hope that when he had to view our video evidence
years after the event it made him realise that the outcome that day could have been very, very different. Pics below - 1/ Dennis Smith swerves across sab car with passenger half out of car
2/ Swerves across road to block sabs 3/ Small child seen in back seat 4/
Smith narrowly avoids head on collision   POWAperson adds - For this extraordinarily stupid and very dangerous piece of driving
which could easily have resulted in serious injury or even death Smith received a £250 fine and 6 penalty points.
Isn't our justice system wonderful? How exactly does this not constitute
the more serious offence of dangerous driving? Monitors use gizmo to save fox from
South Dorset FH 24-1-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights VIDEO Hit Report 23/1/18 South
Dorset Hunt, meet at Court Farm Glanvilles Wooton Responding to information received, a couple of members of
W.A.R set off to monitor the South Dorset Hunt. With a few horse boxes parked at Court Farm, riders were spotted and all were
heading towards Buckland Newton... a very large amount of Dribblers and vehicles lined all along the roadside and looking
over the hedgerow turned to welcome us - not!... So, heading off up the road towards Duntish at 11am with Dribblers in hot pursuit they then turned left onto Factory
Lane where hunt servant, 'Guilty', decided to overtake 3 cars on a blind bend to get to the front of the queue! [right] The Huntsman
then took the hounds off across the valley... hounds were watched as they headed towards Willow Bed, shortly followed by the
4 quads each carrying a couple of terrier boys with terriers squeezed in the front box... The hounds went in to cry a few
times briefly but lost the scent or were called back from the fleeing deer. Heading off toward New Covert the hounds went off on a line straight
towards a flock of very worried sheep, With sheep running ahead in panic of the hounds [below] and
with the Huntsman just behind them, they reached New Covert... The Huntsman left at speed towards
The Hazels so we went on round to meet them there. He spent quite a while there encouraging the hounds, one again going into
cry, then quiet as 4 terrified deer ran from the hounds... [below] Leaving the road, the redcoats and a friend took the hounds off
into a field and began drawing the hedgerows and river back towards Glanvilles Wooton, the Huntsman once more on foot. Monitors
once more decided to go to where they thought the Huntsman, and by now about 6 riders... would come out - and they did. Passing the redcoat on the road heading towards Duntish on the busy road, we decided to get ahead of the field and other redcoats,
we then pulled up on the side of the road next to 3 of the remaining dribblers... looking into the field over the hedge...
moments later a fox [left] came running along right over the hedge where the dribblers and
monitor were standing... The time was 3pm.
With the hounds in full cry heading
towards the road, the Huntsman suddenly galloped round the bend in the road, with no thought to road users. he then gave a
display of whip cracking and managed to stop the hounds. Meanwhile the dribblers had pushed the running terrified fox back
towards the pack. It then ran up over the hill towards Breach Wood. The redcoats then gave us a display of full on hunting
- no trails laid here today, unless they can fit through fencing and into gorse bushes and along busy roads! With hounds hot on the trail of the fox [left], the
monitors once again drove round to near the unnamed farm in time to see the hounds cross the road and stream down toward Moathills
Coppice. At this point, one Monitor got out and walked into the field behind the hounds and used the gizmo to lift the hounds'
heads... it worked. The Huntsmen
spent a while trying to pick up again but, with light failing, they came out onto the road to get their escort back to the
meet. They slid off their horses at 5.11pm. After seeing them back the monitors left for home... it was noticed that there
were still dribblers patiently waiting to see the hunt come their way.....didn't have the heart to tell them they had
packed up and gone home! If you would like to join us then please either message the page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail,com. . Thank you
for your fab support so far. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Police
insist that Suffolk FH actually follow trails while hunting!22-1-18
Facebook - NELS - North East London Hunt Saboteurs Suffolk Hunt 20/01/2018 With Suffolk & Essex Sabs,
Cambridge and Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs we headed to the meet at Southwood Park Farm west of Bury St. Edmunds. S.Cambs
Hunt Saboteurs joined us later. It was a very unusual day because this time Suffolk police
actually followed the law and made the Hunt use a trail. The Hunt used the trail mostly for the show in front of the police
and only sometimes took a different direction away from the trail layer. That made our work so much easier. We just made sure
they did not 'accidentally' kill anything throughout the day. Not the best day for them at all, they had a very small
field (riders following the hunt) and the weather was horrible so they packed up early - at 2pm.
Police probe after sabs find Eggesford FH digging out foxTerrier eventually retrieved with fox bite facial wounds Terrier earlier abandoned underground as sabs appeared Police on scene fail
to act despite clear evidence, say sabs 22-1-18
Aol Police probe after men 'caught trying to dig out fox'
Police are investigating allegations of illegal hunting after being passed video and photographic evidence from volunteer
hunt monitors in Devon. Devon County Hunt Saboteurs attended the Eggesford Hunt near
Crediton on Saturday and allegedly found terrier men digging out a fox which had gone to ground in a badger sett - contravening both the 2004 Hunting Act
and the 1992 Protection of Badgers Act. Police attended the scene and the terrier men left as soon as they retrieved their
terrier [right], which had nasty bite wounds on its face and shoulders, according
to the hunt saboteurs. "It's not just the fox that suffers in this situation. We often see terriers
with their faces torn to shreds, hounds with broken limbs and horses sustaining serious injuries because they are forced to
ride too fast, jump too high or carry too much weight," they added. In a separate incident, two 4x4s arrived carrying masked
hunt supporters who allegedly began threatening the monitors. Officers ordered them to move on. A spokesman for Devon
and Cornwall Police said: "We have been made aware of an incident that took place near Eggesford on Saturday 20 January,
where there was an allegation of an assault, plus an allegation of crimes against the Hunting Act having taken place. We are
working with those who were in attendance to gather video and still images as evidence. Anyone who was in attendance and has
yet to have spoken to the police or shared relevant images with us, are asked to contact 101@dc.police.uk quoting log number
339 for the 20th of January. As this is now part of an active and live police investigation, we are unable to comment further,
publicly at this time." Opponents of hunting claim the law needs tightening to close
loopholes which result in wildlife being killed every week. A petition to strengthen the Hunting Act is currently awaiting
a government response. 24-1-18 Daily Mail VIDEO Dramatic moment trapped
dog is dug free after hunt saboteurs confront 'terrier men' and accuse them of sending it down a hole to stop a fox
escaping - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs made film during the Eggesford Hunt at weekend - They found two 'terrier men'
with shovels by a blocked badger sett and accused them of hunting illegally - Dog 'sent underground' was later freed,
with 'injuries to its face and shoulders' VIDEO This distressing footage shows hunt
saboteurs confronting two men who appear to have trapped a dog underground after sending it into a badger sett after a fox. The video, filmed
during the Eggesford Hunt in Devon last weekend, begins with members of the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs spotting huntsmen,
hounds and 'terrier men' milling around the area. Two of the terrier men (above) were seen standing by a blocked-off
badger sett. It is clear from a terrier tracking device that there is a dog inside the hole. After talking to the saboteurs,
the terrier men eventually decide to unblock the hole to 'rescue' their dog - but struggle as the terrier has latched
itself onto a fox. However, the men insist they have done nothing illegal, do not intend to kill the fox and just want to
'rescue their dog', according to Devon Live. Traditionally, terrier men are employed by huntsmen to block up badger setts and fox earths before the start of a hunt to
prevent foxes from going to ground. Any foxes which have gone to ground are located using the dogs and are then dug out and
shot. Alternatively, the fox would be released to be hunted again by the hounds.
In the clip, the saboteurs approach the two men -
dressed in army fatigues as they stand by the entrance to the sett with shovels - and tell them: 'This is a badger sett
and you're breaking the law. You've got a terrier down there.' The dog is retrieved but has injuries to its face
and shoulders, according to the saboteurs. A female saboteur then makes radio contact with a colleague, saying: 'Terrier
is in the badger sett. They've blocked holes. We need police here now. Loads of holes have been filled in.' The terrier men start
unblocking the sett - but have difficulty removing the dog as it has latched itself onto a fox. Eventually, the men pull out
the distressed terrier, which the saboteurs said had injuries to its face and shoulders. The fox escaped later that evening,
once the terrier men had gone. According to the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Facebook page, the two terrier men had travelled
down from Yorkshire. Traditionally, terrier men would be employed by huntsmen to block up badger setts and fox earths before the start
of a hunt to prevent foxes from going to ground. Any foxes which have indeed gone to ground are located using terriers and
are then dug out and shot. Alternatively, the fox would be 'bagged' - or kept in the hole - to be released and hunted
at a later date by the hounds. Nowadays, Hunts like to refer to terrier men as 'countrymen', who are supposedly employed to open and close
gates, repair fences and lay trails. Terrier men would have at least one terrier with them as well as equipment such as spades,
nets and terrier-locating devices. They normally follow the hunt on quad bikes but also in 4x4s or on foot depending on the
terrain. At this point, the beeps of a tracking device can be heard, which tells the men where their terrier is - namely,
underground. Explaining their actions to the saboteurs, one of the men said: 'Cos we're born into it.' They also claimed
that they were 'trail hunting' - a legal form of hunting which sees dogs follow a pre-laid scent trail and doesn't
involve the chasing or killing of foxes or any other live quarry. The saboteurs have shared their footage with Devon & Cornwall
Police. A police spokesman told MailOnline: 'We have been made aware of an incident
that took place near Eggesford on Saturday, January 20th. We are working with those who were in attendance to gather video
and still images as evidence.' According to
the website of the Masters of Foxhounds Association, Eggesford Hunt operates in around 400 square miles of Mid Devon, where
records date back to 1858 when the land was hunted by Lord Portsmouth. Using dogs to hunt foxes was banned by the Government
in 2004 under the Hunting Act. But there are dozens of hunt saboteur groups nationwide who claim hunters regularly flout the
law and kill foxes. MailOnline has contacted the Eggesford Hunt for comment. Pics above - Right - Injured terrier retrieved from sett
Left - Terriermen struggle to pull terrier out - it's jaws are locked on the fox Below - Terriermen found at the sett 21-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs We were due to pay the Eggesford a visit, and we're so glad we did yesterday. The Hunt met at Higher
Densham in Black Dog. Within seconds of leaving the meet into the river valley to the south, hounds were in full cry. One
of our foot teams was ideally positioned to intercept them as they scrambled through a thick hedge on the line of a fox. Hounds
then ran a full circle before Huntsman Jason Marles caught up with them again, by which time the pack was split across a half
mile stretch between Higher Menchinedown and Woolfardisworthy. While Marles was busy trying to get his pack back together,
some groups of hounds could be heard speaking and one of our vehicles witnessed a fox run across the road not far from them.
Sabs covered her scent with citronella and she got away. At this point two 4x4s carrying a group of rent-a-thugs arrived in the area. Eight masked individuals, including disgraced
former Taunton Vale Foxhounds terrier man Paul Martin [left],got out of their vehicles, surrounded
our Land Rover and began barging into and threatening our foot sabs. One of them brandished a wooden pole as a weapon. We
called the police, who arrived a little while later to find the group of thugs still following us. Police didn't search
them or their vehicles for weapons and merely asked the thugs to reverse back up the road, although we explained that the
moment police left they would be back to their previous behaviour.
although it's clear they'd been called in by someone from the Hunt, it turned out some of the Eggesford hunt officials
also didn't want the thugs there! Hunt Chairman Trerise asked to "have a word" with some of our foot sabs, wanted
to know if we knew where the trouble-makers were and assured us they weren't welcome. We told him the police had been
called because of the thugs and his response was "good!". Sure enough, we didn't see the thugs again. At least
the Eggesford have learnt one lesson from last season, although Trerise might want to have words with the rest of the Hunt
about why they were called in the first place! Huntsman and hounds were soon spotted milling around
on the edge of a small woodland near Washford Pyne, along with five terrier quad bikes. Some of the riders on an adjacent road shouted to the Huntsman to "get
out of there, move on" as sabs got close, and Marles legged it across a field with his hounds. Sabs arrived to find an
active badger sett with clear signs that hounds had marked a fox to ground (video). The terrier men left in dribs and drabs but one of them was reluctant to leave and had to be told by one of the others
to "just leave it". Not taking any chances, sabs stuck around at the sett and sure enough a few minutes later a
terrier came out of one of the holes wearing a tracking collar around her neck [left], which
they use to detect the terrier's (and hence the fox's) location underground. This is how little they care for their
dogs. They will abandon them down a badger sett and simply leave them there! Sabs carried the terrier out to the police but
were intercepted by one of the quad bikes who took her back. Police
were shown footage of the attempted dig out and disruption of the badger sett, but their response was the usual "we'll
have to deal with it in slow time". Recently Devon & Cornwall Police were complaining publicly that they can't
act on hunt-related crime if it isn't reported to them. In our response to the police's statement this week we explained
that we report every single incident, we are faced with reluctance, disinterest and inaction, and that this inaction only
encourages further hunt crime. As you will read below, this is exactly the pattern that was followed yesterday. What more
do the police want from us? Even though they were shown clear footage of offences under the Hunting Act and the Protection
of Badgers Act with easily-identifiable culprits, who at this stage were only around the corner, the police didn't speak
to the offenders and the Hunt was allowed to continue breaking the law... ... which they did! After losing the Hunt for some time, we again spotted Huntsman, hounds and terrier men milling around another badger sett, a few miles away near Canns Mill. In a repeat of earlier events, huntsman,
hounds and terrier men legged it back to the road and sabs arrived to find a terrier down a hole and two terrier men digging
into the sett. They are visiting terrier men from Yorkshire and our colleagues from up country have helped us ID them. Their
answer for why they do what they was "cos we're born into it". One of them told us his dad had thrown him down
a badger hole when he was five years old and he's been digging ever since. The terrier men had blocked all of the entrances
of the sett bar one, dug down into and destroyed a chamber, and their terrier, which they were dragging out by its back legs,
was latched onto the fox that the Eggesford hunt had just run to ground. If sabs hadn't arrived when they did, that fox
would have been killed. The terrier men left as soon as they retrieved their terrier, which had nasty bite
wounds on his face and shoulders. It's not just the fox that suffers in this situation. We often see terriers with their
faces torn to shreds, hounds with broken limbs and horses sustaining serious injuries because they are forced to ride too
fast, jump too high or carry too much weight! [Pic above right - Terriermen/thugs
on road-illegal quads] Sabs
stuck around at the sett in the hope of seeing the fox so they could ascertain her condition. With darkness falling, the fox
made a break for it only a few minutes later, turning to look at sabs as she slipped away into the woods. It's fair to
say we were all pretty emotional at the sight of this beautiful animal that had been so close to being killed by hounds. The
sett was clearly in active use by badgers and knowing they were trapped underground, we set about trying to reverse some of
the damage the terrier men had done. We will be providing footage and statements re all
the offences committed yesterday to Devon & Cornwall Police, just as we do every week. We look forward to their explanation
why despite being shown clear evidence of illegal bloodsports they yet again failed to act, allowing further offences to be
committed which we will now also have to report. We will post all the footage on our page so you can see for yourselves how
blatantly the Hunt break the law. No Justice. Just Us. Get involved and help us stop the slaughter of our wildlife:
devoncountysabs@riseup.net or 07717473305. Please help us fund the ongoing repairs to our vehicles, which have taken a battering
this season. Without them, we cannot sab: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Four
Burrow FH hunt through nature reserve Sabs
say they do this regularly 22-1-18 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team Report 20.01.18 Four Burrows Hunt, Gweallavellan The
Four Burrows met at Gwealavellan near Gwithian, close to dramatic north coast cliffs. They had poor hunting conditions, driving
rain and very strong westerly wind. We observed them leave Gwealavellan heading NE, pass through Carlean Farm and then draw the wood just south of Hells Mouth,
where our foot team followed on. Our landy caught up with them from the coast road at Hells mouth Cafe. They then continued
in the valley running between Gwealavellan, watched and followed again by our foot team, and Reskajeage, where much to their
disappointment the landy was waiting in expectation. Nikki Hancock drawing a blank, and unable to avoid sabs, either foot
team or the landy waiting in their direction, the Hunt looped, going over some fences and banks before dropping into the Red
River Nature Reserve.
They hunt this nature reserve
regularly through the season, even towards the end of March when it will be host to ground nesting birds, and it is documented
otters, who could be breeding at this time. There are also “no horse” signs around the area. They drew the hounds
upstream, all they way along the Reserve, passing through Menadarva and up to the sewage works NE of Kehelland/ SW of Tehidy
Country Park. Between the foot team and landy we managed to keep an eye on them for the majority of the day. The hounds never
really made much noise, picking up some scent in the coverts but never getting a chase. After
drawing the vegetation around the Red River, some of which will be scarce orchids being trampled under hoof and paw, next
to the Sewage Works the Hunt went up to the little copse/covert a few metres east of Ashill, they were heard briefly chattering
but nothing more. From there they went north west past Butney corner and up into the north entrance to Carlean Farm. Passing
all the way through Carlean Farm (again) they made one desperate last ditch attempt in the hedges of fields south of the meet,
before calling it a day. Poor weather and sab presence hindered the Hunt. We witnessed no kills, no trail laying. Many thanks
to the new members who came out today, their enthusiasm was great. Look forward to working with them in the future. Wildlife Trust defends having Wynnstay FH host as Trustee 22-1-18
Shropshire Wildlife Trust Wynnstay Hunt Statement There has been significant concern expressed on social media about reported activity on the land of one
of our trustees. The biggest threat to wildlife in the 21st century is modern agricultural practice. In order to halt the decline
of wildlife, it is essential that we work with rural landowners at a landscape scale. John Brown has been a trustee for nearly
8 years and was invited into this position to help us gain better traction within the farming community of Shropshire. He
is a well-known and respected (retired) farmer. His tenure as a trustee will end at our AGM in October as this is the maximum
he can serve. Trustees are wholly voluntary and unpaid. We have a clear and long-held policy on fox hunting; we don’t allow it on
any of our land and certainly don’t condone any illegal activity. Our primary focus is habitat restoration at a landscape-scale
where possible. We at Shropshire Wildlife Trust are passionate about creating a landscape that is rich in wildlife. In order to make
this possible, it is essential to bring together people from all walks of life. Shropshire Wildlife Trust continues to work
with a broad range of groups, businesses, and individuals in order to achieve our charitable objectives. Monitors see Cheshire FH chase foxes, think one killed 21-1-18
the Cheshire Forest being kept company by a number of sab groups up in Whitley, we found the Cheshire Hounds congregating
for a large meet in the lanes behind the Cholmondeley Estate (one of their popular haunts), and the day would prove that the
estate owners and management appear to be as keen as ever to support this Hunt. Setting
off along Cholmondeley Lane and off into the estate, the Hunt would spend the day trying to avoid our big team of monitors,
and with very cold temperatures and icy rain for much of the day, you could be forgiven for wondering what on earth drags
(no pun intended) people out on horses in this kind of weather? Of course, we all know the answer to that… We found them via footpaths within the estate a short while after. The area in question is used partly to house a
number of horses we believe belong to famous horse trainers the McCains, who live within the estate, and entrances to a nearby
badger sett had all been blocked. Shortly after we saw a fox break cover, and yet another with an apparently injured leg. The fox quickly took cover, but as soon as the gathered hunt
followers had finished their sandwiches, the Hunt set off and were immediately onto another fox again with terrier boys and
field hurtling after it. Thankfully, this was one that got away. There seemed to be a lot of distressed horses out today,
too skittish to be out safely with a hunt meet of this size, plus on occasions loose hounds getting under the horses’
feet. The Hunt also seemed preoccupied with our group being on footpaths, and needless to say we were, but clearly their assumed
‘safety’ by being within the Cholmondeley Estate was scuppered somewhat by all these lovely footpaths! Later on the Hunt
crossed the A49 and we caught a full-on hunt in fields behind Field Farm, with another fox being pursued by the hounds. Amidst
all this jolly good fun, we witnessed (again) a rider slamming her horse into an intended jump and taking a bad tumble. Thankfully,
the horse was fine (we won’t waste our words commenting on the welfare of the rider this time). We entered the fields
and captured the usual behaviour from hunt staff that often follows a kill, as they attempt to cover their tracks, but with
our presence could do nothing but stand and wait. Eventually called away and forced to leave, we scoured the fields for evidence
and found a number of areas of bloodied grass. While we aren’t certain this was from the fox, and there was no more
evidence other than the blood, the coincidence that it was on the line the fox had taken was a big worry. The Hunt eventually
packed up at around 5pm as darkness started to fall. The day ended in a rather surreal fashion with an apparent hunt member who, using
an hilariously fake Facebook profile, has been attempting to supply us with information about the hunt over the last few days,
getting in touch again to let us know what had happened during the meet. This included a fox being “ripped to bits”
at the back of the meet point at Manor Farm, attempting to lure us into the hunt kennels to retrieve dead foxes that are apparently
dumped in the skip there, and finally admitting that they enjoyed sexually pleasuring themselves over images of dead foxes.
Is this the levels of desperation they now sink to?! So all in all, just your average day following the hunt! Pics above - All this lot vs one fox Pics below 1/
Note pretend trail laying stick, on horse's left 2/ Blocked sett 3/ One
of several lots of blood found in grass at suspected kill site 4/
Another blood stain  
Cumberland FH seen hunting 'as if ban never happened'Even
tried to put up fox near where families playing in snow 21-1-18 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs VIDEO Yesterday we visited the Cumberland Foxhounds at their prestigious meet at Clea Hall Caravan
park near Caldbeck. There was a small field and followers in vehicles who made their way to Faulds Brow, the northern part
of Caldbeck Common, owned by the Lake District National Park Authority. A single redcoat led the dozen or so riders along the
road and immediately put the hounds into the disused quarry north of Thistlebottom. We were in the area from very early on
and did not see any trail being laid, nor any pretence of it. The Hunt blatantly carried on putting the hounds into coverts as if the hunting
ban had never happened, covering several fields to the south of the open access area, then moved north east towards Paddigill,
before reaching Priests Brow and Knacker House. Large numbers of families were parked up at the car park at Priests Brow and
were all sledging close by, but this did not deter the Hunt who blatantly and repeatedly tried to up a fox from the gorse
scrub area adjacent to the car-park. Their behaviour was bordering on creepy, but they are hunt scum after all and can do
pretty much as they wish without fear of the Police or Lake District National Park. Observers watched riders waiting at Brocklebank, presumably waiting for some poor fox victim to
be pushed towards them. Hounds then went into cry in Studdholmrigg Wood and were watched closely by sabs, ready to intervene
if necessary. The Hunt then made its way back to Priests
Brow where more riders packed up, the few riders left continued towards Sebergham at which point we continued to monitor for
a short while. The Hunt seemed to be winding down and nothing of any notable interest happened. We got the sense that this
may be a Hunt in trouble as the tiny field and small number of followers was marked. Maybe this reflects the insider info
we've received that a new influx of ex-Coniston followers are clashing with the established Cumberland members. We do
hope so........ we made our way home certain no foxes had been killed and a determination to visit the Cumberland Fox Hounds
a bit more often.  Sabs fear Modbury Harriers killed, probably bagged,
fox 21-1-18 Facebook - South Devon Animal Rights Hit Report - 20th January Today we decided, a little more cautious
than usual after last week's events, to go and monitor the Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers. However, on arrival at the meet
at 11.30 it was all very quiet and no evidence of a hunt day. At approximately 11.40 a vehicle with a horse box left the scheduled
hunt meet. Then we noticed another vehicle also with a horse box coming to the same location, but after an exchanging of words
was made between drivers, they left the area. So was the meet cancelled? Did they hunt somewhere else? Has huntsman Emlyn
been fired after his violent attack last week, bringing more shame to the DVSP? Who knows? In time I guess we will be informed. After searching the area for some time but to no avail, we decided to pay the Modbury Harriers a visit instead. The
three hours we spent with them in Kingston, three miles south west of Modbury, mainly entailed regularly calling hounds off
a scent which forced huntsman Harry Gosling (we believe the Huntsman still to be Gosling) to constantly re-gather and move
on. We fear they killed a released fox at the end of the day as a Land-Rover
was seen driving slowly along a hedge and when out of sight hounds went into full cry within seconds. Sabs were some distance
away and could not get to the scene but, as one sab got closer, he could see hounds clustered and no longer in cry. Several earths were found blocked in the fields where they were hunting today and where this suspected release took
place, which suggests that when foxes are released or hunted they have nowhere to run to safety, so sabs quickly unblocked
the holes. We hope we saved foxes this afternoon. The Modbury Harriers certainly seemed displeased
at our presence as we prevented them from having a free rein in this location throughout the afternoon. There is an
update on our sab who was beaten unconscious last week by the Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers, however for legal reasons
he wishes to keep this confidential at present. Our other two sabs who were also
attacked by huntsman Emlyn Jones, his father and terrierman George Bailey are still bruised and shaken but were back out with
us today. Hampshire FH block A339 holding up emergency vehicles There had been major accident a little way down road Hunt earlier filmed hunting on Woodland Trust land 20-1-18 Facebook – Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO VIDEO Saturday 20 January 2018 found the SHM visiting our friends across the border again to visit the
Hampshire Hunt. Thanks to a tip-off from someone close to the HH, we took a trip to Bentworth near Alton and true to their word,
found them meeting at Bentworth Lodge. The source has told us that the Hunt is actively flouting the law and after an hour
of covert monitoring, we witnessed them hunting a fox through some scrub. We filmed the whole event from the road; and although
very misty, got some good footage [below] of them hunting in pre-ban fashion, with no trail
layer. We will be passing this to the Police. We immediately called in sabs who were in the locality, holding back while we
filmed. The presence of the sabs caused the supporters to panic and were frantically calling the Huntsman. The Huntsman Harding took off at speed away from the wood followed
by two quads of terriermen. The quads were next seen on the A339 and sabs confirmed that their boxes contained three terriers. The A339 is one of the busiest and most dangerous roads in Hampshire
and a short time later there was a horrific road traffic accident near Bentworth Lodge. Police and ambulances were in attendance and travelling at speed to and from the accident. The
Hunt decided to hold the traffic up about half a mile from the accident and cross the road with the whole pack and a field
of riders right in front of a ambulance with sirens and blue lights. 21-1-18 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs Not one, but three terriers on a 'trail'
hunt... hmmm Yesterday we had a quick change of plan as we heard from the Surrey Hunt Monitors that the
Hampshire Hunt were meeting at Bentworth Lodge, Alton. So off we went with North Downs Hunt Sabs. Arriving, we heard
from the Monitors that the Hunt had just put up a fox. As the fox was chased into a woodland terrier men quickly followed
equipped with terriers. We believe the fox may have gone to ground so fearing a dig out was taking place Sabs quickly got
into the wood in search for the hunt but they'd gone - as we arrived bewildered supporters were quick on the phone alerting
the Hunt we were on our way in. When quizzed as to why they need 3 terriers on a 'trail' hunt the terrier men simply tried covering
them up and the scarpered... 100 meters up the road. Hiding something? Hounds were
spotted running loose completely separate from the pack near very busy A roads. A very serious road traffic collision occurred
and as emergency services rushed to the scene the Hunt recklessly closed off each end of the road to continue their illegal
hunting. Horses had just managed to get out the way as an ambulance rushed by... the sheer arrogance and sense of entitlement
these scum show still shocks us. The Hunt were very elusive all day but
we hope there were zero kills. They packed up after only being out for a couple of hours - with no alibi of a trail they knew
their game was up. If you have any information
on the activities of the Hampshire Hunt please contact us, no matter how big or small everything helps. Old
Surrey FH follow trails but still manage to flush fox 20-1-18 Facebook - Kingston Hunt Sabs Saturday 20th January 2018 Two teams of Kingston and
Croydon Hunt Sabs were outside the OSB kennels bright and early this morning, and were able to follow the hound van directly
to the meet at Brills Farm, just outside Edenbridge. It took a while for the Hunt and field to unbox - we did wonder whether they considered
the soggy conditions too much to hunt in! They finally set off well after 12.30pm. The tardy start gave enough time for South
Coast and Brighton Sabs to join us, and between us all, we kept them in sight all the time. Two quad bikes were out - one laying trails, whilst the other carried a keg of port, to warm up
the field who did a lot of standing around, shivering and looking a bit dejected. The trails were followed, but that didn’t
stop them ‘accidentally’ flushing a fox - luckily, this happened close to us, and whilst liberally spraying citronella,
we watched this fox get away. Just after 3pm, the Huntsman blew for home, and before 3.30pm they were all boxed up and leaving
the meet. The
very small field out today, and the negligible foot support, provide strong evidence of the waning interest in taking part
in hunting - and with the overwhelming majority of the British public being opposed to killing for ‘sport’, we
hope that compassion continues to prevail and consigns all barbarous acts to the dustbin of history. Locals furious after Oakley FH rampaged through village & gardens Chased fox through
livestock field as well 20-1-18
Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs When you wake up to low temperatures and a combination of freezing rain and sleet you wonder what drives
the wildlife abusers to want to get out there and hunt. However we'll always be looking for them. We were well on our way to our intended target today with our friends North Cambs
Hunt Sabs when we got a call from a member of the public to say the Oakley hounds were running amok through peoples gardens
and had chased a fox through a field containing goats and chickens. We changed direction and got over there as quick as we
could. We found the Hunt at their meet which was Cold Brayfield
House. It was only 1:30pm and still plenty of light left but it seems they were already packing up. Why was this? Was this
because they had already caused complete mayhem to the locals and blatantly hunted a fox through the village of Lavendon and
were now making a sneaky exit? The locals were clearly up in arms over this and not happy at all. We have had several messages from them and we
are advising them accordingly. We think it's about time the Masters of the Oakley sorted themselves out. Huntsman Jack
Harris has little or no control over the hounds and they are regularly seen hunting live quarry. It's only a matter of
time before a serious incident occurs, they are sticking 2 fingers up to the law and hunting as if there was no ban. Their
arrogance is astounding. We made sure the Oakley
had indeed packed up and headed home. Our friend North Cambs got a call about the Fitzwilliam so went off to sab them and
we're sure they did a fine job but it was too far for us to travel to get there in time to help out. Lots of miles covered
today with very little sabbing done but sometimes it's like that. We'll be paying special interest in the Oakley and if you
think you see them please contact us as soon as possible.   Fitzwilliam FH hunt in nature reserve and on into nightfall 20-1-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit Report 20.01.2018, Fitzwilliam - Milton Hunt, Milton Park, Peterborough FITZWILLIAM
Sabs found the Fitzwilliam today hiding in their 'safe zone' at Milton Park, on the outskirts of Peterborough, after
returning to home turf following an early pack-up by the Oakley hunt with Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs, further south. We don't
do half days, so made sure the Fitz got their full value from us today. After receiving complaints from several members of
the concerned public, seeing a hunt near their homes, we tracked the Fitzwilliam to the northern end of Milton Park. Sizing up our options, they then quickly
made a dash for it. With two foot teams out
we tailed and then pincered the Huntsman as he cast hounds repeatedly through Castor Hanglands National Nature Reserve, Heavy
going underfoot from recent rainfall meant that both hounds and horses were soon heavily fatigued, however Simon Hunter, the
Fitz Huntsman, pushed on regardless. Sabs spotted a lone fox make a break from cover after
the hunt had passed, and quickly moved to cover his scent trail with citronella spray (that stuff the hunt don't like
us using, strangely) and bade him good luck for the escape. As the day was drawing to a close, we thought the huntsman may had wanted to be
tucked up at home with Ma and a mug of cocoa, but unfortunately this wasn't to be. The core redcoat group accompanied
by terriermen hunted on until nightfall. Sabs stuck with the huntsman, calling hounds back whenever they found a scent, until
they eventually decided to hack back to kennels using the headlights of the quads to light their path! If you'd like
to support the work of your local sabs for the cost of a coffee, then please click here! https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pics below - 1/ Newt habitat in nature reserve. Note
hoof-prints. 2/ Steaming hounds 3/ Almost dark. Still hunting.
4/ Terriermen going home 5/ Fox fleeing from hunt  Postings show true nature of guilty 'Hunt Steward' Shaun Stacey 19-1-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs We have been sent the following screen shots from a Muslim animal rights supporter. It really just shows
the level of abuse the likes of Shaun Stacey and his colleagues will sink to. Not only is Stacey demonstrating extremely offensive
racist views but also credible threats of violence for which, in his own words "I could get a long sentence for". In the messages Stacey confirms what we have always suspected, he is being paid
by the hunts to beat up and abuse Hunt Sabs. This is illegal on many levels as well as the assault offences any person being
paid to provide security on a professional basis should be holding and showing a SIA badge. It shows that Hunts are colluding with these
criminal thugs to assault sabs. The Hunts who invite Stacey and his 'Stewards' are:- The Oakley; The Fitzwilliam;
The Woodland Pytchley; The Fernie; The Pytchley and the Belvoir. We ask the Masters of these Hunts; how do you justify employing such people to protect your alleged legal activities?
It only goes to expose the true nature of people who continue to support illegal hunting.  Atherstone FH suffer kennel cough again 18-1-18
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs ATHERSTONE HUNT HOUNDS HAVE KENNEL COUGH – AGAIN The
Atherstone Hunt cancelled their last two meets due to the hounds having a virus, they have now cancelled all meets up until
the 27th January. We can now reveal that the Atherstone hounds have kennel cough. This is the second
time in the last three years that the hounds from this hunt have caught kennel cough, we are concerned about the conditions
these hounds are kept in. There are certain situations and environments that leave dogs more vulnerable to illness, these
include stress caused by crowded environments, cold temperatures and poor ventilation. Most dogs recover
within three to four weeks but may take up to six weeks for a complete recovery and the dog may still be a carrier for several
weeks after they have recovered. The 27th January seems optimistic for the Atherstone Hunt to be back out again and also irresponsible
as the hounds will not have had enough time to recover. The fact the Atherstone Hunt have let their hounds
catch kennel cough a second time shows that the Atherstone haven't bothered to vaccinate against it. This speaks volumes
about how much they care about the hounds and raises questions over their suitability as an organisation to keep hounds. Cheshire Forest FH trespass on NT land, fail to put up foxes 18-1-18
Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday we joined forces with our very good friends, North Wales Sabs, and paid a visit to the Cheshire
Forest hunt, who were meeting at Rode Hall Farm in North Rode, just north east of Congleton.... the hunt set off just after
12 noon and headed onto the busy A54. They held traffic up for some time until they finally
turned off... and headed out the other side onto a bridleway which leads underneath the North Rode Viaduct. Sabs followed
on foot, running for a fair distance using the gizmo occasionally to keep the hounds heads up and to distract them from catching
the scent of any potential foxes in the small copses we passed. This seriously annoyed the whipper in, Andrew Callwood [left], who furiously
rated the hounds and called them away from us!... Eventually, sabs caught up with them to find German off his horse encouraging hounds along a hedgerow... Sabs caught up a short time later and were met with some slight resistance from
German and an unknown member of the field who attempted to use their horses as weapons to push sabs back. Defiant as ever,
sabs stood their ground and the hunt moved on...
Mobile sabs were now sat on a great vantage point up Tunstal Road where they could
observe everything the Hunt was up to and also where foot sabs were. As they were up there, a fox was seen to start running
from Hunt support vehicles who were parked close by. Bagged fox maybe?? Seems to be a common theme lately, these foxes are
always either darting from quad bikes or from hunt support vehicles. Maybe Cheshire Police would like to get proactive and
start searching these quad bikes and supporters vehicles?? Mobile sabs quickly sprayed the fox's line whilst the Hunt were heading up the
road towards them. Sabs jumped out and pursued the Hunt onto National Trust land, The Cloud. As we were busy sabbing, we made
a quick phone call to a friend about this, who then rung the rangers who said the Hunt are under no circumstances allowed
on The Cloud and sent some rangers out to tell them to leave if they caught them... We may have been small in numbers, but we were certainly big in presence! By half two in the afternoon,
the hunt had packed in and riders were heading home. But this is where things became interesting!... ... upon noticing the sab in the
field by the hound van, whipper in Andrew Callwood, the countryside criminal, handler of stolen goods and likes to drag women
around by the hair, appeared to be boxing up a horse but then stripped off his pinks and chased the sab across the field with
a female rider. Sab was caught by them both and asked to leave the land but things started to look like they were about to
get heavy so other sabs jumped the gate to make sure our mate was all right and to film what was going on, they then stopped
our sab from actually leaving the land! We'll let the footage speak for itself here!! Mr Callwood has some cheek to say
someone doesn't have respect for a woman when he has actually been charged for assault on a woman though... All
In all, a very successful day for us, and most importantly, the wildlife. The Hunt had virtually nowhere to go where they
could get away from us! It was nice to see some local support too. It's becoming quite clear to us that Mr German and
his wildlife murdering cronies aren't very much liked in Cheshire... Maybe it has something to do with the fact he illegally
hunts and all the foxes he's killed lately?? https://gogetfunding.com/cheshire-sabs-drone-fund/. Pics
below - 1/ Huntsman Andrew German with hounds 2/ Woman hunter to sab,
who they are preventing leaving private land even though demanding he should do so - 'I ought to take your bollocks off.'
FH chase fox into barn on cattle farm 18-1-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit report 18/01/2018 The Cattistock Hunt - Meet : Four
Meads Farm Puncknowle, West Dorset Today a couple of our monitors were given the heads up
as to where Lady C's Cattistock hunt was meeting and caught up with them as they left the meet and headed north into Hodders
Coppice. With one monitor north at Chilcombe and another south at Litton Lane the Hunt remained within our sights for quite
sometime as they milled about not seeming to do very much at all. After some severe
weather had passed over, the Hunt then headed north where the monitor reported that they had become dangerously close
to the very busy A35. It seemed a bit of panic ensued as quads flew up the tiny lane to gather hounds and head them south
again, just where monitor 2 was waiting... The Hunt remained in the small area between Bredy Coppice and Berwick Farm in Swyre for a time drawing hedge lines
and small patches of gorse, the hounds going briefly into cry on occasion, but monitors were always there to keep an eye on
events. However it was en route
to Berwick Farm that the day took a slight twist. A monitor called to say the hounds were excited and baying at the back of
the farm. Monitor 2 went in to investigate and, to their shock, the hounds had run a fox into one of the barns where livestock
bedding/forage is stored. How does this comply with biosecurity protocols? Livestock were also close by in the opposite barn
where slurry tanks were parked ready to be filled. If anybody has any doubts about the major risks that are potentially
involved in this reckless act by the seemingly uncaring Huntsman then please read this report commissioned by The League Against
Cruel Sports "Hunting with hounds and the spread of disease" by Professor Stephen Harris BSc PhD DSc and Dr Jo Dorning
BSc PhD, December 2017. The link to the report is in the comments below! Of course, there is always the Kimberwick Hunt that had to have over 40 hounds killed
due to them having bTB to remind ourselves of the dangers of hounds and the spread of disease. Therefore we at W.A.R shall
be petitioning Defra, Natural England and the government, to make every Hunt in the country have regular obligatory BTb tests
for their hounds ! The monitor stayed within sight until
the Huntsman took the hounds away and headed back to the meet. By 4.15pm it was all over and the monitors went on their way
for a nice cup of hot tea! Overall
it was a fairly uneventful day with us keeping an eye on the Hunt and keeping them contained in a small area. However, we
must always be mindful that without us being there things could and do go very differently .Thank You for all your support
in keeping us out there and doing what we do best! https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Pics below
- 1/ Three up on quad on public road 2/&3/ Hounds searching for fox into barn
they'd chased it into 4/ Hounds drinking from cattle troughs  Cheshire hunt thug loses
appeal against 9 year rape sentence 18-1-18 Chester Standard Appeal against Cheshire farmer's rape sentence dismissed
A Cheshire farmer told his fleeing victim she was 'not going anywhere' before raping her over a table, top judges
have heard. Anthony Ronald Kirkham, 73, of Wrexham Road, Ridley, near Tarporley, was convicted of rape and jailed for nine
years at Chester Crown Court on April 21 last year. Today he challenged his sentence at London's Appeal Court, claiming
his punishment was much too tough. Mr Justice Garnham said he attempted to kiss his victim on the neck, but she said
“no” and tried to run away. Kirkham would not be put off, however, and grabbed her hand, telling her she was “not
going anywhere”. The terrified victim “froze” and Kirkham bent her over a table and raped her, said the
judge. She was “vulnerable” as she had been drinking earlier in the evening of the attack. Lawyers for Kirkham argued his jail term should be cut. They pointed to his age, his “ailing” health
and said the conviction led to the loss of his farm. He had no previous convictions of a similar nature, the court was told. But Mr Justice
Garnham, who was sitting with Lady Justice Sharp and Judge Wendy Joseph QC, ruled: "The sentence in this case was appropriate
and there in no proper argument that it is excessive. It is certainly not manifestly excessive.” POWAperson adds - Pity the judge didn't increase his sentence.
Here, with help of North West Hunt Sabs, is a summary of Kirkham's career of violence and dishonesty prior to his
rape conviction. I am reminded by it that Owen Paterson, rabidly pro-hunt Tory MP and former DEFRA Secretary of State,
once described hunters as 'decent, honest people' - 1987: Jailed after driving his cattle truck at a car containing his then wife and
a man with whom she was associating. 1993: Anthony Kirkham and Geoffrey Parks of the Cheshire
Hounds hunt, found guilty of violent disorder. Kirkham and Park with a group of men attacked a mini-bus containing hunt saboteurs
using pick axe handles. Smashed up mini-bus, one sab was punched in the face and kicked on the floor, while another –
Suzanne McGowan – whilst running for help was caught by Kirkham who then beat and kicked her to the ground. 12 months
sentence suspended. 1998: Jailed for 15 months for his part in what the judge described as the ‘cruel
beating’ of a L.A.C.S. monitor, during a meet of the Cheshire Hounds. The man was chased across a field, sprayed in
the face with a liquid, hit over the head with a bottle and repeatedly kicked in the head when he fell. Kirkham told the man,
“we’ve got you now, you’re dead’ as he pulled him to his feet and ripped a camera worth £1,300
from his neck. Judge Gerald Elias QC told Kirkham “That it was a serious offence of robbery which involved targeted
and to an extent organised violence” and “You were involved in a most serious assault”. 2003: A father and son were charged with assaulting two police officers outside Nantwich Civic Hall in January 2003.
Anthony Kirkham (then 58) and his son Timothy (then 20) both of Ridley Farm, Tarporley, are keen supporters of the Cheshire
Hounds and Cheshire Forest hunts were arrested outside the civic hall, which was staging the Cheshire Hounds Farmers Hunt
Ball. Both men were charged with actual bodily harm, and resisting or obstructing a constable in the execution of duty. 2003: Fined £17,000 for persistently ignoring disease control regulations (F&M). 76 offences in total 2002-2003. 2011:
Fined £5,756 for breaching TB restrictions on moving cattle in breach of DEFRA TB restrictions served by DEFRA in June
2009 after TB confirmed in a cow originating from his Ridley Farm. Admitted 87 offences between January & June 2010 period.
His son Nicholas also fined for 37 identical offences. 2013: Given a four month custodial sentence (suspended) after pleading guilty to 8 offences of
breaching TB restrictions on cattle movement. (2012 period). 2014-15: C. Discharge for failing
to produce cattle movement records. Jailed 4 months for 11 cases of breaching TB/Disease control orders.
Meynell FH terrierman attacks sabs, breaking one's nose18-1-18
Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO It's Saturday so where else would be but at the Meynell and South Staffs Hunt with our friends
from Liverpool Hunt Sabs. This week they met at Church Farm Mugginton, a few miles North of their usual Saturday stomping
ground. They left the meet and we stepped into groundhog day. They blatantly hunted, we intervened as necessary and terrier
men Andy and Sam frothed at the mouth and pushed and shouted at anyone they could get their hands on, all the time watched
by their two young apprentices who looked slightly anxious about the entire proceedings. We successfully tag teamed them all morning with the hounds speaking very little until they second
horsed just before two. From then on it all got a little silly. Huntsman, Sam Staniland, put his hounds into a field of long
scrub, an ideal spot for a fox to lay up during the day, and put one up they did. Sabs intervened and the terrier men went
into aggression overload. Sam Stanley, second in command behind the aging pack leader Andy, attacked multiple sabs in an effort
to slow us down, including head butting a Liverpool sab and breaking his nose. Despite their best efforts our other vehicle
was perfectly placed to see a tired fox run up one side of a hedge whilst the hounds ran up the other. They bumped into each
other but the sabs were able to distract the hounds just enough to give the fox valuable seconds to escape. Once we were sure
it was safe the police were called and statements were taken. The Hunt continued on and once again went into cry but again we were right on top
of them Sam had cunningly changed his hat by this point to try and escape identification. Here's a tip Sam. When you've
been wearing the same manky green balaclava for years hurriedly changing it when you've just headbutted someone is pretty
much an admission of guilt. With that final bit of silliness done the hunt gathered up their tired hounds and headed for home. A challenging day
without doubt but ultimately successful. Little note to the Meynell masters. The more violent your terrier boys get the more
you'll be seeing us. Please support our
work: http://ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs. Hunt 'steward' convicted
of head-butting sab at Oakley FH meet 17-1-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Today, Shaun Stacey, a self-appointed 'hunt steward' was convicted of assault at Luton Magistrates Court
for headbutting a young sab during a cubbing meet of the Oakley Hunt last September. Mr Stacey didn't feel it was necessary
to attend court on the day so the trial was held in his absence and he was found guilty. A warrant has been issued by the
court for his arrest. He will be sentenced at a later date when he stands before the court. Monitor presence deters Waveney Harriers
from digging fox out 17-1-18 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting Report no 36 - New Year’s Day 2018
It was New Year’s Day. It came as no surprise to learn that the boxes of the Waveney Harriers were heading for the Somerleyton
estate... over 5,000 acres for the Hunt to cause disturbance and mayhem to its indigenous wildlife, of which there is plenty
due in part to the publicly funded stewardship schemes... It was here that they met on their very first hunt after the Hunting
with Dogs Act 2004... Unsupervised hounds were seen on the busy B1074 and the quieter Market Lane... … look up the Estate’s website, they claim
that their conservation policy has seen the return of the otter. You may wonder how that fits in with hunting at Wicken Well
and Summerhouse Water and indeed on the banks of Fritton Lake, which they have done on previous meets. We believe that it
is an offence to disturb otters in such a way... From these wetland habitats they moved along a stream to the east and then
back to Home Farm. One monitor keeping an eye on them at this point was approached by a supporter who took a photograph of
him with his mobile phone saying “Smile for the camera, you twat”. The monitor had never spoken to him before
nor had he done anything to provoke him. If Lord Somerleyton is happy with such provocative behaviour from one of his guests,
then so be it but if he is not he needs to take action and nip it in the bud.
… the Hunt once more crossed over
the B1074 and headed up Green Lane. There were no pregnant cows to stampede on this occasion (see report 2-11-16). The Hunt
then headed for a wood called Ashby Green and then the eagle owl man turned up with his bird. He positioned himself about
100 yards away from the wood. Now they were supposedly engaged in falconry except no-one that we trust has ever seen that
bird released. When they are supposed to be dusting a trail then they are always filming themselves dabbing that old sock
on the ground. So where are all those films of them flushing quarry to a bird of prey and then releasing it?... From there they approached Rush Pit wood where
an observer had seen a fox. The Huntsman dismounted and took his hounds into the wood. The whipper-in remained on point until
suddenly he dismounted and ran in after them... The terrier men appeared and it had all the signs of a dig-out. The Huntsman
had summoned them all on his mobile whilst standing on a fox’s den... Fortunately, when the hunters realised that a
member of the public was keeping an eye on them they left and moved westward... A big thank you to all those who
turned out for the animals. It was a joint effort by local groups and a good start to the New Year. Pics
below - 1/ Hunt's bird-handler with eagle owl [never seen being released] 2/
Huntsman and Whip's horses being held - they're on foot in the woods after the fox  Parish Council
complains strongly to Fitzwilliam FH village invasion 17-1-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs "The Parish Council strongly criticises your inability to control your hounds and riders..."
Letter of complaint from rural residents whose privacy and safety is wholly disregarded by the Fitzwilliam - Milton Hunt. Another village where the hunt are not welcomed. (Incident: http://bit.ly/2Dr8DiM)  'Cheshire
Against the Hunt' stage protest at meet venue 'Fox hunting has never gone away' says spokeswoman 17-1-18
Chester Chronicle Cheshire anti-hunt group claims illegal fox hunting is still taking place in UK - Police
insist all aspects of rural and wildlife crime are taken seriously Cheshire Against The Hunt this
week held a protest outside Bolesworth Castle near Tattenhall because it was allegedly hosting a hunt although there was no
suggestion whatsoever of any illegal activities. Cheshire campaigners claim illegal fox hunting still takes place up and down the
country. Hunting with hounds became illegal
under the Hunting Act 2004 but many hunts lay a scent for the hounds to follow pursued by riders on horseback and others on
foot. Such practices are perfectly legal but Cheshire Against The Hunt wants to raise awareness around its claim that so-called
trail hunting can be a cover for actual hunting. The group said in a statement: “Trail hunting came into existence after
fox hunting was banned under the Hunting with Dogs Act in 2004. Trail hunting supposedly involves the laying of false trails
instead of pursuing live foxes. So it is conveniently easy for these hounds, who are trained to follow fox scent, to easily
pick up the scent of a live fox in the area. Foxes continue to be killed because of this.” Anti-hunt protester
Betty Palmer, a Cheshire business woman, said: “Fox hunting never went away. Foxes are killed with intent and not by
mistake. Trail hunting is and always has been a smokescreen for illegal fox hunting. "The general public think it was
banned 14 years ago but Hunts up and down the country continue to kill foxes every week. These hunts have little regard for
private property, pets and wildlife.” The group said in Cheshire the activities of local hunts were ‘carefully watched’
by the volunteer organisation Cheshire Monitors as well as independent bystanders. Nationally, campaigns by the League Against
Cruel Sports and the Hunt Investigation Team had ‘helped lift the lid on the illegal activities associated with hunting
in the UK’. The Chronicle asked Cheshire Police if it wished to comment on the group’s claims about illegal hunting. The
force did not respond directly. But PC Ged Gigg said in a statement: “Cheshire Police takes all aspects of rural and
wildlife crime seriously and we are committed to preventing and tackling criminal activity. We have specialist rural and wildlife
trained officers who have an increased level of knowledge and training in this area. The team has a thorough working knowledge
of the Hunting Act 2004, and treat hunting no differently than any other wildlife crime or public order situation. The role of the police is to investigate alleged
or apparent breaches of the Hunting Act, to gather evidence, and to pass that evidence to the appropriate authority to consider
prosecution – usually the Crown Prosecution Service. To fulfil this role officers undertake a variety of proactive and
reactive work regarding hunting. Officers have worked closely with both the hunts and the monitors within the Cheshire area.
It’s important that members of the public inform police about meetings where disorder may occur or where the Hunting
Act may be breached. Raising awareness of wildlife and rural crime is a huge priority and we need the rural community to report
suspicious activity and assist us in tackling rural issues. If you have witnessed an illegal hunt or suspicious activity you
should call Cheshire Police on 101.” Cheshire Against The Hunt says it is a ‘loose collective’ of like-minded
individuals who are taking a pro-active stand against hunting. This week the group decided to hold a protest outside Bolesworth
Castle near Tattenhall because it was allegedly hosting a hunt although there was no suggestion whatsoever of any illegal
activities. The group says it chose to hold the demonstration at Bolesworth to make the public at large aware the estate was
hosting the hunt saying such activities were in ‘direct conflict with their public events programme’. A spokeswoman for
Bolesworth Estate said: “The Cheshire Hounds are allowed to hunt on the estate during the season for legal hunting within
the prescribed parameters of the Hunting Act 2004 (c37). We take all allegations of illegal behaviour seriously and would
fully support the authorities with any investigations.” Police investigate report of illegal
hunt in Bicester FH country 17-1-18 Bicester Advertiser Police investigating reports of fox hunting in Kirtlington
A POLICE investigation is under way after reports that horse riders with dogs allegedly chased a fox in Kirtlington. It was
reported to police at 11.50am on Monday. Hunting still takes place legally around Oxfordshire and across England and Wales
on the condition that riders must only follow a scent trail as set out in the Hunting Act 2004. Thames Valley Police
spokesman James Williams said: “It is reported that there were about 12 horse riders with dogs chasing a fox. The matter
is being investigated as a criminal offence and anyone with information is urged to call police on 101 and quote reference
43180015969.” In 2012, members of Oxfordshire’s Heythrop Hunt were
convicted of illegal fox hunting in the first prosecution mounted by the RSPCA. The Hunt admitted what the prosecutor said
was ‘deliberate unlawful hunting’. 8-3-18 Bicester Advertiser 'Anger growing against fox hunting'
after reports of illegal hunt PUBLIC outrage directed at illegal fox hunting is on the rise, say
campaigners. Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns for the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS), made the comments following
recent reports of fox hunting in Oxfordshire. Several residents of Kirtlington, near Bicester, contacted
Thames Valley Police in January to report that a hunt was taking place in the village. The campaigning group has claimed that
such incidents remain commonplace despite the Hunting Act, which bans the hunting of wild mammals with dogs in England and
Wales, coming into effect in 2004. Mr Luffingham insisted that the Act needs to be strengthened in order to deter those taking advantage
of its weaknesses. He said: “Public awareness of illegal hunting is growing and people are becoming increasingly angry
about the number of incidents taking place. Regular reports of illegal hunting come in from our investigators and our Animal
Crimewatch line receives numerous calls from people who have been distressed by seeing a hunt chasing a fox or deer, and from
those who have encountered hunts trespassing on their land. The majority of people in Great Britain support the ban on hunting.
"They are wising up to the deceit of ‘trail’ hunting and asking why more is not being done to stop people
making a mockery of the law.” Three members of the public contacted Thames Valley Police on January 16
to report that a hunt was taking place in Kirtlington. One of the callers said that at about 11.45am a fox had been chased
onto Bletchingdon Road by a group of hunters. They alleged that the animal had been hit by a car and was then attacked and
killed by a group of dogs. Some of the land the Hunt were accessing that day for hunting is reported to be Kirtlington Park. Police investigated under the Hunting Act and the
case has since been filed, pending further evidence. Similar activity has taken place in the village before, the Oxford Mail
understands. Trail
hunting is a form of legal hunting that involves laying an artificial scent for hounds to follow. The practice is controversial
as many, including LACS, believe it to be a veil for illegal hunting activity. Mr Luffingham
said: “Trail hunting results in wildlife being chased and killed and instead of animals being properly protected by
hunting legislation, loopholes mean they continue to be persecuted. The Hunting Act needs strengthening and the persistent
minority who take pleasure in killing animals for fun need to be stopped once and for all. We need to send a clear message
that in the 21st century, having animals literally torn apart by packs of hounds in the name of ‘sport’ will no
longer be tolerated.” Trail hunting did not exist
prior to the Hunting Act and since it was passed a large number of hunts have announced the adoption of trail hunting. It
is not to be confused with drag hunting, a similar practice in which groups lay non-animal based scents. Drag hunting, however,
has been conducted for centuries. When the Act came into force, the Masters of Draghounds and Bloodhounds Association (MDBA)
were concerned that illegal live quarry hunting, under the guise of following an artificially laid scent, would have a detrimental
effect on the sport of drag hunting. To prevent their sport being brought into disrepute, the MDBA insisted that the term
‘drag hunting’ should remain its exclusive property. In 2012,
members of Oxfordshire’s Heythrop Hunt were convicted of illegal fox hunting in the first prosecution mounted by the
RSPCA. The Hunt admitted what the prosecutor said was ‘deliberate unlawful hunting’. 6 cats still missing a week after E. Sussex FH invaded sanctuary Staff losing hope and
feel tormented 16-1-18 Facebook - Celia Hammond Animal Trust UPDATE 16th January We still have six
cats missing and are losing hope. On Tuesday 9th January at 4p.m a pack of uncontrolled Fox hounds in full cry rampaged
through our East Sussex Sanctuary in pursuit of a fox and a deer forcing our resident cats who live freely in the grounds
to flee for their lives. In the immediate aftermath of this horrific incident there were around 60 of our resident cats missing
- either hiding or possibly injured or killed - we had no idea. Cats have gradually reappeared since then with the last cat
to return being BIndi who was spotted on Sunday morning (14th Jan). Our staff and volunteers have continued with searches for the missing cats throughout the nights and days since. We are very
grateful for all the offers of help but we have restricted searching the Sanctuary grounds to people who know the cats and
who the cats trust. Most of the cats are mistrustful of strangers. We are also trying to keep the Sanctuary as calm and quiet
as possible for the benefit of all of the cats. We have put up missing cat posters in the local area.
We are particularly
worried for the fate of a trio of elderly cats who have not been seen since last Tuesday, we don't think we are going
to see them again and are heartbroken. The Doctor, Sam and Ted are three semi-feral brothers, all black in colour. They were
born into a colony of cats that we neutered and returned to a caravan park near Hastings many years ago. When their elderly
feeder died a few years ago we brought them to the Sanctuary to live out the rest of their lives as the owner of the site
no longer wanted them there. These three cats and their sister, Molly resided in a cat chalet near the main house and were
well know to our Sanctuary staff, volunteers and visitors. At around 15 years old they didn't wander far and were often
to be seen lounging on the veranda of their chalet. Their routines were very regular, as dinner time approached they would
be first to appear. Their sister Molly was also initially amongst the missing cats but returned home after two days, but of
her brothers there is no sign. They had no teeth and will not be able to find for themselves if they are still alive... We are totally devastated
by the trauma that has been inflicted on our cats, staff and volunteers. The feelings of shock, sadness and anger hit us in
waves. The torment about what has happened to our missing cats is agonising. Huntsman/JM +
terrierman Dwyryd FH convicted in animal fights trialAnother man and a juvenile also found guilty 16-1-18 Denbighshire Free Press Two guilty of badger baiting and animal welfare offences
Two men were found guilty on Tuesday of badger baiting and animal fighting at a Snowdonia farm. They were bailed for pre-sentence
reports including the possibility of jailing them and for their financial situation to be explored. Jordan Houlston, aged 24, of Alexandra Road, Llandudno, an alleged hunt terrier man, was convicted by a district
judge at the town’s court of ill-treating a badger, and unnecessary suffering by causing a badger to fight with dogs
at Cwm Bowydd Farm, Blaenau Ffestiniog, last February. He was also found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to four dogs
and failing to meet the welfare needs of seven dogs. David Thomas [Huntsman/JM Dwyryd FH], 51,
described as joint owner of Cwm Bowydd Farm, was found guilty of unnecessary suffering to a badger by causing it to fight
with dogs, causing unnecessary suffering to two foxes by keeping them caged close to dogs causing the foxes to be terrified,
and other animal welfare allegations. Marc Wyn Morris, 26, of Jones Street, Blaenau Ffestiniog, has pleaded guilty to
wilfully injuring a badger, being present at an animal fight and causing unnecessary suffering to a badger by causing it to
fight with a dog. A boy of 17 admitted being present at an animal fight. A boy of 13 who denied charges connected to the alleged
illegal activities was cleared after the judge ruled he had no case to answer. Sentencing of them was adjourned last week at the start of the six-day trial. Artificial badger setts were allegedly
found at the farm and seven skulls, possibly those of foxes or badgers. District judge Gwyn Jones said pipes were used to hold captive
animals and dogs brought to a copse to fight. Allan Armbrister, defending Houlston who claimed he wasn’t present at the
time of the animal fight, maintained the way the RSPCA had conducted themselves had been “shambolic.” After the
convictions, Mr Armbrister remarked :”They wish to have their fate dealt with as soon as possible.” He said Houlston
had little means. Clive Rees, defending Thomas, argued that there had been an “institutionalised and systemic failure”
and identification of his client was unsatisfactory. “There’s no real evidence these (caged) foxes were suffering
any sort of trauma until approached by the police and RSPCA,” he added. 'Key member'
of Puckeridge FH confused as to how 'trail hunting' works Says no-one told where 'trails' are laid -
but can't explain how they know where to go 16-1-18 Facebook - North East London Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 13/01/2018 Puckeridge Hunt, Sandons Farm, Ashdon
We met up with S.Cambs, Cambridge and Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs to hit the Puckeridge Hunt on Saturday, who we found gathered
in Ashdon. As soon as sabs were spotted, the Hunt Master
started talking loudly about 'trail hunting'. Interestingly later in the day when a key member
of the Hunt was asked for a map of these alleged trails she said "no one knows where the trails are, that would ruin
the fun." When we questioned her further as to how the Hunt would have a clue where to ride to (and also, Hunts are supposed
to be able to provide trail information) she changed her mind and said that she knew where the trails had been laid, before
riding off rather quickly without sharing this information! The Puckeridge are known for disappearing easily - probably due to their rather small field following
- but this time sabs were with them for the entire day. Sabs used voice calls and horns to ensure hounds were safely away
from wildlife where possible. There was a very close call for one fox, the hounds caught his scent and gave chase for quite
some time. Sabs spotted him being chased just a few meters in front of the pack of hounds along a hedgerow, with the Huntsman
on the other side actively hunting on the hounds. Thankfully different groups of sabs were able to intervene and the hounds
were not bloody following the long chase so we are confident this allowed the tired animal to escape. The Hunt turned back and returned to the area,
clearly trying to pick up the scent once more (obviously NOT trail hunting) but were not successful. Other wildlife in the
area was seen fleeing in terror - including several hares and a small herd of deer. The
Huntsman was rather irate after being prevented from killing all day and the language from the hunt got increasingly worse
through the day. Ironic really, given that the Hunt called the police and were heard telling them sabs had been abusive. We
wonder when they will stop getting away with wasting police time and making false allegations? When will officers stand up
to them and tell them their job is to uphold the law and not do the bidding of the Hunt? The Hunt demonstrated
their usual prejudiced character throughout the day, with the Whipper- in commenting "they must all be Muslims, that's
why they're covering their faces" while laughing at his own wit. A tiring but successful day for sabs and foxes. Blackmore FH follower attacks two women sabs as blocked setts found 14-1-18 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit Report Sat 13th Jan 2018 BSV Hunt meeting at Bradley Head Farm, Milbourne Wick
We arrived at the meet early to carry out the usual work we do to make areas safer for foxes fleeing from the hunt. One foot
team were deployed into an area north west of the meet and another foot team were deployed to an area north east of the meet. The north-west team
found badger activity and 20 plus holes that appeared to have been blocked a very long time ago. As they continued they found about another 10 - 15 holes which had been blocked that morning.
Spade marks were clearly visible and sabs set about unblocking them. The team then found multiple skulls, a couple were deer
but we weren’t sure on the others until we found a pile of rotting sheep ! This can only be described as a mass grave
above ground for dead sheep which had been there for a long time, and another sheep laying close by. As the Hunt set off for
the meet they headed straight for this wood on the line of a fox. Sadly for the Hunt the foot sabs were watching and saw a
fox to safety spraying behind him and rated the hounds. Mark Doggrell immediately changed direction
and took the hounds in the direction of the north east team. Sadly for Mark Doggrell the other foot team were therefore in
the perfect position to scupper his plans once again in as little as 10 minutes. This team had found another badger sett and
the sabs were busy unblocking some holes. With a heads up on the radio that the hounds were heading their way they were able
to make another fox safe that ran through their location. Not long after the hounds came careering through where they were
but lost the scent of the fox! Now back to the north-west team who by now were being escorted
from the wooded area by an unsurprisingly irate Ben Doggrell who brought one of his cronies with him for good measure. We
are starting to wonder if Ben has blocked ears as he seems unable to talk and shouts his torrent of abuse at full volume!! As soon as the sabs got out of the wooded area one of the hunt followers decided it was his turn to puff his feathers and
put on a show for his friends. They had all been standing at the gate waiting for the hunt to come through a field with a
massive amount of sheep in it adjacent to the wooded area. Had sabs not been there these followers would have been able to
push the fox back into the hounds and see a kill.
This hunt follower attacked one sab saying he was gong to smash her f’ing
head in with lots of pushing and trying to pull down her face mask. Not getting anywhere he then turned his attention to the
only other female sab in this team who wasn’t even facing him and tried to pull her mask down and then punched her on
the top of her head. A decision was made to call 999 and the Avon and Somerset police were soon on the scene and we reported
illegal hunting, blocked badger setts, rotting carcasses of sheep and the abusive behaviour and assaults. All of the assault
and verbal was caught on video and this is being passed on to the police, for this reason we cannot publish that footage yet. Mark took the hounds
away from the other foot team and up onto the ridge where we were able to keep an eye on them whilst sabs were speaking to
the police. Whilst foot sabs and the landy followed the hounds along the Poyntington Ridge a foot sab went back to the wooded
area with a police man who had been unable to locate the blocked sett. This policeman took footage of the blocked sett and
the sab unblocked another hole to show him, this was at the request of his sergeant so we will update you on this in due course. The landy then came
back to pick this foot sab up and the Hunt had by now crossed the railway line and headed to Henstridge Bowden. The Hunt then came along Toomer Hill and with flurries of hunt support circling like
vultures. Foot sabs were soon out the Landy again and stopped a herd of deer that had been flushed out by the hounds from
running onto the A30. It is not the first time deer have been flushed in this field and one day it may well cause a serious
accident! Mark then took the hounds in the direction of Henstridge Ash, drawing coverts and hedgerows along the way. We didn’t
have any more grief for the rest of the day apart from when three quads blocked the road whilst the hounds were drawing a
copse. A team of foot sabs were able to walk through and Mark was soon on his way again. By now light was fading fast and
the Hunt packed up about 4pm. We did not witness any kills but had we not been there this certainly wouldn’t have been
the case. In the photos you can see the mass grave [top right above], sett holes
we unblocked [mid left above], the blocked holes [one,
above right] and the flat soil marks which are made by the spades used to move the earth into the sett
entrances. If you want to join us please email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net and as ever many thanks for your continued support
and comments! Sab seriously
injured in very violent attacks at Dart Vale FH Alleged that Huntsman and terrierman both part of premeditated attack 14-1-18 Facebook - South Devon Animal Rights Hit Report - 13th January As many of you are now aware sabs encountered extreme violence from the Dart
Vale and South Pool Harriers yesterday. The Hunt met at the Millbrook Inn Southpool, nr Kingsbridge. A mounted field of
around 25 riders, two boxed-up quads with terriermen and a few support vehicles went in search of their prey through woodland
and valley areas around West Prawle, Chivelstone and the Gullet Plantation. With sabs taking possession of the hounds several
times throughout the afternoon the Hunt were starting to show their frustration. Huntsman Emlyn Jones who seems to rely on his terriermen releasing foxes rather than the more traditional
style of hunting, made his way with his pack and the field to a regular release site at Gullet Farm (who are signed up to
the badger cull). Sensing a release was imminent three sabs tried to get to where they thought it
was going to take place. After hunt support started to get aggressive outnumbered sabs tried to leave. However, moments later
Huntsman Jones came galloping across a field with hounds in tow towards one of our sabs. On the same horse but no longer wearing
his green coat and also covering his face with a balaclava our male sab realised that an attack was about to take place. Jones rode into our sab bringing him to the ground. He then reared his horse up trying to trample him. Our sab saw the horse's
hooves above him but somehow miraculously rolled out of the way. Fearing for his life he got on his feet and tried to run.
But terrierman George Bailey then came running towards him, fists clenched and attempting another assault, but he lost balance
momentarily and our sab made headway in his retreat. Another aggressive rider then also rode at the same sab trying to whip
him, but luckily he just managed to get over a barbed wire fence before falling down a high hedge into the next field. Our
second sab was then whipped repeatedly and pushed around by the second rider and again just managed to escape. Sabs tried
to find their third sab, whose last recollection was of George Bailey's fists.
All three sabs feared for their lives but managed to escape, regroup and returned to our Land-Rover,
which was waiting nearby. We then rushed our sab who had lost consciousness to the nearest hospital where police, who had
been on the other end of the phone throughout the attack, met us. Our guy who was knocked unconscious during the attack
lost response at the local hospital and was losing blood, so was rushed by ambulance to Derriford Hospital. He also sustained
a hoof print to his head. He is now out of hospital and recovering. He received a badly broken nose and severe bruising to
his face, head and body. We see this as a premeditated act of violence and attempted
murder. Our sabs are lucky to be alive. Footage is being gathered and sent to the police and press who will deal with it from here on. We will continue to
sab the Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers and hope to protect the poor foxes that are on the receiving end of these brutal
lawbreaking thugs. Story covered by Daily Mail 13-1-18
HSA Press Release Hunt Sab critically Injured in premeditated
attack by Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers A Hunt Saboteur is in critical condition after being
punched to the ground and ridden down by members of the Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers. The Huntsman from the Hunt was
present and involved in the attack. Cameras and radios were stolen during the attack. Saboteurs had been following the Hunt when a small group of three were lured into a premeditated
attack. The injured sab was punched to the ground before being ridden over by one of the hunt horses. He is currently in hospital
undergoing a CT scan and repeatedly lost consciousness after the attack. He also has a hoof print in his head. Devon and Cornwall police are investigating
the attack after being called by other members of the group whilst the attack was taking place. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteur Association, stated: “This was clearly a premeditated attack by
a Hunt that have been put under increasing pressure by South Devon Animal Rights. Unable to kill with impunity they are taking
out their frustrations on those that stop them. We hope that Devon and Cornwall Police carry out a thorough investigation
but given their usual pro hunt bias we won't hold our breath.” Story covered by Dartmouth Chronicle . HSA PR reprinted in South
Hams Gazette 19-1-18 Cornwall Live Hunt saboteur video allegedly shows protester being whipped and trampled on by
a horse - A Bodmin hunt saboteur was left with serious injuries after he was allegedly attacked by hunters and trampled
on by a horse in a deliberate 'ambush' New video footage which appears to show a huntsman
whipping a protester is being examined by police. To deal
with mounting tensions relating to a number of local hunts, officers from Devon and Cornwall Police are now appealing for
all incidents to be reported. Bodmin man Sid Leigh, a hunt saboteur, was left with serious
injuries after he was allegedly attacked by hunters and trampled on by a horse in a deliberate 'ambush'. The 46-year-old
claimed he was rendered unconscious and left with a hoof print on his head after he followed hunters across a Devon field
on Saturday (January 13). The incident happened during an altercation between members of South Devon Animal Rights and Dart
Vale and South Pool Harriers at Gullet Farm in South Pool, near Kinsgbridge. Police have now
appealed for people to make sure that any hunt incidents were reported to them and not just posted on social media. A spokesperson
for Devon and Cornwall Police said: “All allegations connected with hunts are assessed and investigated appropriately.
This includes offences against the act, damage, assault and disorder, and we share information, investigations and best practice
with other forces and agencies. “As part of routine policing, we do work with our communities who have an interest in
hunt activity, and last weekend we had officers attend a hunt in Mid Devon. It is clear that whilst these incidents can and
do appear on social media, they still remain under reported to the police. We are unable to investigate incidents that are
only discussed on social media, they must be reported to us via our official channels. We would encourage witnesses to any
offences to share with us unedited footage and images, and be prepared to give statements to allow us to investigate any allegation
of criminality. We are aware of the sensitivities and the high-emotions that are linked to these incidents. We wish to reassure
you that we will act impartially and promptly to any incident reported to us.” Police are continuing to investigate
the incident near Kingsbridge last weekend which has generated significant discussions across social media. Mr Leigh was rushed
to Kingsbridge Hospital in a Landrover driven by a member of their group, but was transferred to Derriford in Plymouth as
he continued to go in and out of consciousness and had blood coming out of his mouth and nose. He was discharged later that
day. The animal rights group have insisted they were carrying out a peaceful protest, and said they had visited this particular
hunt several times in last couple of months. The video shot by a hunt saboteur appears to show a protestor being chased by
a huntsman. The Hunt has denied the allegations being made and maintains it was acting within the law. It is alleged by South Devon Animal Rights that one of the hunt followers came at a member of the group and whipped
him and pushed him with his horse into the next field along a barbed wire fence. That member then claims that when got pushed
he saw one of the huntsmen rearing his horse up at Sid. A friend of Sid's said all Sid remembers is being punched in the
face. He went in and out of consciousness and had a hoof print to the side of his head. Among those at the farm with Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers was kennel man Emlyn Jones. He said:
“I was not there and didn’t see anything. There were a few hounds there. I was on my feet and got off my horse
in Gullet wood. As far as I’m aware nothing happened.” When asked if he had seen the protesters that day, he added:
“I saw them throughout the day in their green Land Rover but the closest I got was two to three fields away.”
He added the group were trail hunting, not fox hunting, and were acting within the law at all times. He said: “As far
as an attack goes I’m aware nothing happened.” Police would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the incident. If you were there,
or have yet to speak to police and have information that can aid their investigation, please contact 101@dc.police.uk quoting
crime reference CR/003949/18. Wynnstay FH hosted by Trustee of Shropshire Wildlife Trust Attempted
fox hunting seen badger setts found blocked 14-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors SHOCKING NEWS On Thursday 11.1.18 the Wynnstay Hunt
were seemingly being hosted by a trustee of Shropshire Wildlife Trust! We got a tip
off from concerned locals that this Hunt would be meeting at Bromley Hall, Bagley near Ellesmere, Shropshire. When we did
some research into the meet point we were amazed to find that the host for the day appeared to be John Brown who is a trustee
of Shropshire Wildlife Trust! We have witnessed this Hunt chasing foxes every time
we monitor them, so it is likely to be very worrying for members of Shropshire Wildlife Trust that one of their Trustees seems to be allowing the Wynnstay Hunt
to meet and hunt from his home. On the day some of our team got into a covert location and
not long after the Hunt left the meet they witnessed the Huntsman take his hounds through Mr Brown’s land encouraging
the hounds using encouraging voice calls. Our other team arrived who were overt and followed the Hunt. They were constantly
harassed and filmed by Bob the Biker and his pal. Why would a legal trail hunt need to send thugs to do this to monitors if
they were following trails?! It looked right from the start as if this Hunt had
seen our last Facebook post (the Hunts follow our page) from Tuesday the 9.1.18 with highlights of them chasing a fox. Because
our overt team noticed that the Huntsman was nowhere near as blatantly hunting as he had been on the Tuesday. We found the Huntsman
putting his hounds through dense cover. Of course you do this when following a false scent trail! But when our team were seen
phone calls were made and the Hunt moved off – any fox in these areas were at least safe to live another day. This happened
for most of the day. Now why would a legal trail hunt avoid monitors, stop what they were doing and move elsewhere when being
watched?! The Hunt proceeded to keep moving trying to avoid our overt team who kept with them most of the time whilst our
covert team kept tabs on them from a distance. Badger setts were found filled in all over the area this Hunt were supposedly just
laying trails in and the evidence has been passed to the police. Fields of pregnant sheep were disturbed by the hounds,
supposedly racing about looking for false scent trails? We think not! We know not! On
a happier note we did meet a lovely old farmer who had lived in the area for 80 years and had been anti hunt all his farming
life. How he managed to put up with the Wynnstay all that time we don’t know. And even better was that we witnessed
a fox escape the hounds by getting away way ahead of them. Finally, It is getting more and more worrying
that members of organisations that supposedly promote the love and protection of wildlife seem to have people in their midst
that don’t adhere to that ethos. Pics below -
1/ Fox that got away 2/ No plate hunt quad 3/ Hounds disturbing
Warks FH hunt fox thru village, hound enters house with babyLocals
furious, complaints made to police 14-1-18
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO WARWICKSHIRE HUNT INVADE HOMES AND GARDENS Warwickshire Hunt - Saturday 13th January – Oxhill The Warwickshire Hunt rampaged
through the village of Oxhill in Warwickshire on Saturday as they hunted a fox through peoples back gardens [right
and below left]. It was down to saboteurs to intervene and stop the hounds from hunting the fox. Earlier
in the day saboteurs had already had to stop the hounds after they were spotted chasing a fox near Epwell. Again members of
the Hunt did nothing to stop the hounds. We’ve been contacted by many local residents since the incident who are all
upset and angry at what happened. We have put them in touch with Hounds Off who deal with hunt trespass. One local resident told us that one of the hounds even managed to get inside her
house:- “I have just had an altercation with Warwickshire Hunt at my property where not only did a massive fox hound get into
my garden but also entered my house where my 6 month old baby is on the floor in a baby walker, thankfully we got to her before
it did we have reported it to the police and I am waiting for the officer to attend now, I am shaken and beyond furious !Their
arrogant behaviour and incompetence at controlling the pack has left me fuming, I can’t bare to even speak to the hunt
master who obviously thinks that my home, a haven for my children, is fair hunting ground for their hounds to come and go
freely with complete disregard for the safety of my children including a 6 month old baby” There is no reason that hounds from the Warwickshire Hunt would be in people's homes and gardens except that they were
illegally hunting a fox. This incident highlights the arrogance of this hunt who obviously think they are above the law and
can do what they like where they like with complete disregard for people's private property. Luckily West Midlands Hunt
Saboteurs were on hand to stop the hounds from chasing the fox and get the hounds out of the gardens. Local residents are
understandably upset and angry at this incident, they could have had pet rabbits or cats out in the gardens.
We’ve been calling
for the Hunting Act to be strengthened for a while now but this incident shows that fox hunts have very little control over
their hounds and that strengthening the Hunting Act is the very minimum that needs to happen. As long as packs of hounds are
allowed to roam freely round the countryside there will always be a danger to both wildlife and people. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below - 1/ Hounds trying to find fox
in Oxhill 2/ Hounds getting frantic 3/ Embarrassed {?} riders watch
hound chaos 4/ Confused hound 5/ Earlier, fox
fleeing hounds 6/ Hounds searching for fox  15-1-18 Banbury Guardian VIDEO Warwickshire Hunt slammed after hounds run amok through village of Oxhill as mum is
forced to snatch child to safety in own home Warwickshire Hunt has been criticised after its hounds
ran amok in villages during a chase. A mother in Oxhill expressed outrage after she had to grab her baby when a hound got
through her door and ran around in her home. Hounds in Oxhill garden “I have just had an altercation with Warwickshire
Hunt at my property where not only did a massive fox-hound get into my garden but also entered my house where my six-month-old
baby is on the floor in a baby walker. Thankfully we got to her before it did,” she said just after the incident. “We
have reported it to the police and I am waiting for the officer to attend now. I am shaken and beyond furious. I can’t
bear to even speak to the Hunt Master who obviously thinks that my home, a haven for my children, is fair hunting ground for
their hounds to come and go freely with complete disregard for the safety of my children.” The Hunt, which met
between Brailes and Tysoe on Saturday said hounds had been diverted from a trail hunt and caught scent of a fox while in scrubland
behind the village. Hunting with dogs was banned in 2004 after a vote in Parliament. Since then Hunts say they have abided
by the law and hunted by setting trails for the dogs to follow. Hounds in Oxhill garden However anti-hunting activists claim
full fox hunting has continued. West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, who filmed the incident on Saturday, said in a statement:
“This incident highlights the arrogance of this hunt who obviously think they are above the law and can do what they
like where they like with complete disregard for people’s private property. Luckily West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs were
on hand to stop the hounds from chasing the fox. “This incident shows that hunts have very little control over their
hounds and that strengthening the Hunting Act is the very minimum that needs to happen.” Sam Butler, Master
of the Warwickshire Hunt, said: “We do not take this lightly. The hounds did get in the gardens and we have apologised.
One of the organisers went round on Saturday evening and again on Sunday to see everyone who was affected. All the people
he saw would much prefer this didn’t happen but didn’t see it as a major issue. As far as the lady (whose house
had a fox-hound enter) is concerned, someone got off their horse and went to see what the problem was and apologised profusely
at the time. It is not true to say she had no apology and I will send someone round to emphasise it.” Mr Butler said the
Hunt was on a trail outside the village on farmland and hounds diverted into rougher woodland. “They must have found
a fox and the fox ran through the gardens,” he said. “The organisers acted as quickly as they possibly could.
We are sorry it happened but everyone did their level best to get hounds out of the village. They were hampered by saboteurs
screaming and shouting and creating merry hell. They do not wish us well or anyone in the countryside. We did everything possible
to get hounds out of the village and apologised immediately.” Laura
Rainbow of Warwickshire Police said they had two reports that a group of people with horses and dogs had trespassed on to
private land around homes in Oxhill. “An investigation commenced and no evidence of illegal activity relating to The
Hunting Act 2004 (www.warwickshire.police.uk/article/16031/Hunting) was found. “Officers then gave the concerned parties
advice on how to progress their complaints of trespassing, which is a civil matter. “Anybody with information about
the incident, should call police non 101, quoting incident reference 199 of January 13.” Sabs
menaced, one assaulted at Cheshire FH, locals help antis14-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Yesterday a small team of Cheshire Sabs joined forces with Sabs from Derby, Lancashire
and North Wales Hunt Sabs to check in on the Flint & Denbigh, but upon our arrival we soon found out they were not even
in the area at all! Knowing the wonderful Cheshire Monitors were already with the Cheshire Forest at this point, we decided
we would pay the Cheshire Hunt a visit instead! We later found out that the F&D had headed over to our neck of the woods
and were out killing foxes with the Cheshire Forest. Due to all the driving, Sabs finally arrived in the Haughton area at
around 1:30pm and immediately found the Hunt. Sabs pursued into the field and were immediately met with resistance from the
red coats and more than 10 other members of the field using their horses as weapons to prevent sabs from reaching the hounds. After
sabs used their wits to get ahead of the blockade, the hounds where kept in sight for near enough 3 hours, around half a dozen
members of the public, sick of their village being ravaged by the hunts illegal activity, aided Sabs in keeping in short distance
from the hounds by assuring them the direction in which they had witnessed the Hunt. Going into cry only once, gizmos, voice calls and hunting horns were used to deter the hounds from pursuing any potential
Foxes and to our knowledge, no kills were made.
After dismounting, the redcoats walked the pack along the road with some scruffy
hunt servants on quad bikes in tow. A lone sab in an attempt to remove the dirt smeared all over the servants quad bike licence
plate, was attacked and thrown to the floor in the middle of the road. After reaching the meet, Sabs gave the hounds some
much needed love as they were clearly underfed and extremely exhausted, many with gashes on their faces from being persuaded
through barbed wire fences all day. No concerning amount of blood could be seen near the hounds mouths or anywhere else, making
Sabs confident their efforts were a success. If you would like to join us out in the killing fields of Cheshire and beyond to
help save our wildlife from the snapping jaws of the hounds, please do get in touch via our Facebook page and have a chat
with us! Also, if you can help us to purchase a drone to keep eyes on the Hunt when we can't get to them for whatever
reason, please donate here. We are ever so grateful to everyone who has donated so far, you have been a massive help to our
group and we can't thank you enough! https://gogetfunding.com/cheshire-sabs-drone-fund/ Cotswold
FH sett blocker caught red-handed by sab surveyors Multiple setts in their, N. Cotswold and Heythrop FH countries found
HUNT We were out in the field by 06.00 and just as we thought nothing would happen a man arrived
to interfere with a sett that has been repeatedly targeted in Cotswold hunt country. He ran away [left] after
filling in several entrances with boulders and staves. Another sett nearby was also filled in with boulders. All so that the Cotswold
Hunt would not have their fun disturbed by a fox going to ground in a sett. Rupert Inglesant is the Master and Huntsman and is
also responsible for the multiple setts blocked Saturday morning. Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch found more and kept on them
for the hunting part of the day as did badger protectors who were out sett checking. Just a couple of miles away 4 setts were found to be blocked by the North Cotswold Hunt. We were
in the right place at the right time when one fox crossed the road near Cutsdean, Nigel ran the other way leaving Calvin Crossman
to fly his eagle to no avail. More blocked setts are being found today by badger protectors from the Heythrop meet at Eyford
who met less than a mile from the NCFH. They are all out again this week 2-4 more meets each. This is only the tip of the
iceberg, dozens of setts filled in on one day in an area where Natural England has decided to licence a badger cull!! Please support us
paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Pics below - 1/ Sett blocker escapes
on quad bike 2/ Sett entrance blocked by him with staves, rocks and soil  S. Shropshire FH hounds riot in village - road chaos, horses
spooked JM Otis Ferry issues apology of sorts 14-1-18 Shropshire Star Huntmaster Otis Ferry sorry after complaint over dogs
South Shropshire huntmaster Otis Ferry today apologised to a resident following complaints that a number of hounds caused
chaos in a county village. South Shropshire huntmaster Otis Ferry today apologised to a resident following complaints that
a number of hounds caused chaos in a county village. The huntsman, who is the son of Roxy Music star Bryan Ferry, said he was 'very
sorry' that Jonathan Edwards had not been informed that the South Shropshire Hunt was meeting on Wednesday at Pontesford,
near Shrewsbury. Mr Edwards, 45, who lives at Lower Mill Farm, claimed about 30 hounds ran through the village causing disruption
to traffic on the A488 and frightening his horses. Mr. Edwards said the incident happened at about 1pm and lasted for about
25 minutes. He said: "They had absolutely no control over their hounds which were running all over the main road, causing
multiple vehicles and lorries to screech to a halt." He also claimed that the hounds endangered the lives of his three horses, who were
spooked by the dogs. "One of my horses jumped over a 4ft high electric fence. If I had not been at home he could have
run into the road and been killed and caused injuries to passing drivers. It took a long time to get the horses under control
again. The one who jumped cost £9,000 and is a great friend and companion," he added. "It was a sheer lack
of respect and it makes me very, very cross. I am not anti-hunt, but in previous years I have had a letter to say it will
be happening so I can get the horses in." Mr Ferry today said: "I do not think at any point the hounds were out of control.
People assume they are out of control when actually they are just doing their job. "I am very, very sorry that Mr Edwards
did not get notification. We do our best to notify every landowner when we are in a particular area. Recently we have had
a different master for that area and I can only imagine that when the last list has been compiled this landowner was not on
it. I would urge him to get in touch with me so he can be added to the list of landowners." Surrey Union Huntsman's horse nearly drowns after ridden
into bog Antis thanked by rider for helping hunters & police
free the animal 13-1-18 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO Saturday 13th January 2018 found the Surrey Hunt Monitors at Stockbridge Ponds, Tilford for a meet of the Surrey Union Foxhounds. We joined sabs from North Downs
and Guildford to follow the hunt across the MOD land Hankley Common. The hunt started off in the woods by the meet and immediately
put up 3 Roe deer who bolted into the MOD land. They were shortly followed by a trail layer and then the hounds. The hounds
ran straight across the line of the trail layer without speaking, which is a bit suspicious! This is a common tactic of trail
hunts, for a trail runner to 'lay a trail' (which is probably just water) along frequently used wildlife tracks. If
a fox 'accidentally' pops up and is killed then they can say they were following a trail. After about half an
hour the Hunt came to an abrupt stop when the Huntsman Beeby's horse got stuck in a bog they were riding through. The
horse was well stuck, freezing cold and clearly stressed. Sabs and monitors offered assistance to the Hunt to get the horse
to safety. Eventually the horse made it out of the bog and everyone; Hunt members, sabs, monitors and police joined forces
to make sure that everyone made it out of the large area of bog safely. Everyone wet and muddy, but unhurt. Hunt Masters loudly
thanked everyone including sabs for their help. We will not score points by going into the rights and wrongs of how the accident
happened, but we hope this is a big lesson learnt. We are just glad the horse got out and hadn't broken it's leg which
could have so easily happened. The horse was walking around at the end hopefully uninjured by the trauma it went through but
looking very stressed. Hunt packed up and the Field went for a hack. We went to the pub to dry off. 17-1-18 Daily Telegraph VIDEO Hunt saboteurs join forces with huntsmen
as they come together to rescue horse stuck in a bog Hunt saboteurs joined forces with huntsmen
as they came together to rescue a horse which had become trapped in a deep bog. Members of Surrey Hunt Monitors and Guildford
Hunt Saboteurs were following a group of hunters from the Surrey Hunt Union near Hankley Common on Saturday. They planned
to track the Hunt and document their activities, and intervene if any animals got hurt. But
after just 30 minutes one of the lead huntsman's horses got stuck in a deep bog - and the saboteurs stepped in to help
their adversaries rescue the distressed animal. A member of Guildford Hunt Saboteurs, who wishes to remain anonymous, said:
"When I arrived, they [the hunt] had started to take the saddle off the horse to reduce weight. I waited until they had
done that to ask if they needed help but they said 'no' so I observed at the side and carried on taking footage." He said more saboteurs arrived on the scene and the hunters continued
to refuse assistance, but eventually relented and let them help. "I jumped in after about five minutes and said to them
'look, the only thing that's important at this point in time is the horse, I don't care about anything else'.
At that point, I think they were quite happy for me to assist. At the end, the joint hunt master thanked us for our help and
said we had been a great help." The Surrey Hunt Monitors said they decided to intervene
because the horse was "well stuck, freezing cold and clearly stressed". A spokesman for the group added: "The
horse was very lucky to have survived its ordeal and we were happy we were there with the saboteurs to offer assistance. It
was heartening to hear the appreciation of the hunt master to all of us who helped when we all made it out of the area safely." Surrey Police
officers were also called to the scene to help with the rescue. A police spokesman said the hunters were "grateful to
the help offered" and that the horse "appeared to have no obvious injuries". The Surrey Union Hunt says members
hunt around the county throughout the hunting season within the restrictions set out in the Hunting Act 2004. Speaking on
behalf of the group, Jeremy Gumbley said the horse is fine and thanked the saboteurs for their help. "In the ideal scenario,
you never want this to happen," he said. "The horses are part of the team and we care for them just as much as anyone
else. To have that happen is a potential disaster. All credit to our Surrey Hunt Monitors and the saboteurs. In the past,
we have come to blows over different opinions on various things, but we all love animals." He added: "It was quite
refreshing to see solidarity, with the human species coming together to help one of our friends." Using dogs to hunt foxes was
banned by the Government in 2004 under the Hunting Act. But there are dozens of hunt saboteur groups nationwide who claim
hunters regularly flout the law and kill foxes. Portman FH Huntsman absent as hounds riot through village13-1-18 You Tube - Wildlife Witness The Portman Hunt looking lost in Winterbourne Stickland
after chasing a fox through the village and across private property. The hounds are there, the field are there...even the
monitors are there - but where's the Huntsman, Evo Shirley? Sab assaulted by Fife FH Huntsman as
guards fox escape holeAnother sab threatened with gun by terrierman 13-1-18 Facebook - Grampian Hunt Sabs VIDEO Report 74 Fife Foxhounds 13/1/18 Balniel Farm We arrived just before ten and made our way through many of the woodlands at the
north of the meet. We saw hares, deer, rabbits, woodcocks and pheasants all in the area whose days were soon going to be interrupted
by the Hunt. The areas were rife with fox activity, which suggests that their ‘pest control’ isn’t very
efficient. The Hunt set off and went a different way than we expected them to so we lost them for a short time but soon caught up with them. Robert put his hounds into a woodland with no gunmen anywhere around it. Galpin had
driven away over a distant field. The Hunt started to draw the wood and sabs were watching from the outside of the woodland.
Suddenly without even going into cry the hounds began marking to ground in a large area of open land and one sab saw this
and darted in to intervene. The sab immediately noticed that this was a badger sett and started clearing the hounds away from
it by rating them. As the lone sab approached the last hole which the Huntsman
was standing over on his horse, he told the sab to go back to the other hole. Immediately this raised concerns about what
he was doing. When the sab got to the hole, there were lots of hounds trying to get down the hole and digging at it. As the
sab tried to clear the hounds away, Robert the huntsman used his horse as a weapon and lunged the horse into the sab. Seeing
that this had failed to deter the sab, he grabbed the sab by the scruff and started violently shaking and pulling him. The
sab broke free and stood his ground and the Huntsman was reduced to making up stupid little lies about the sab grabbing his
reins (despite the video showing this not to be the case) and saying that the sab was threatening him with nunchucks)! He
ordered a fellow rider to call the police due to his false allegations but the riders clearly saw the lie and the stupidity
of this. After this, the lone sab managed
to see the Huntsman off until other sabs were able to appear on the scene as the riders were leaving and the Huntsman exclaimed
loudly ‘we’ll come back for it later!’ Grampian Sabs spent the
rest of the day in the woodland defending the fox so we didn’t see much after this, but we heard over the next couple
of hours that the others were having a very successful day and that some riders were running at sabs as well as a driver being
blocked in. Galpin returned about an hour or so later but showed no interest in the hole or wanting to dig out and promptly
left again. The police turned up because of a phone call from a sab who had been threatened by a terrierman with his gun and
amazingly they actually did their jobs (shock horror). More of this please. We heard that the
stress of the day must have resorted the master Fleming to having a fag. We just hope he disposed of the butt sensibly in
his pocket. Galpin was also asked what ground nesting birds foxes kill only for his answer to be 'blackbirds', which
don't tend to be ground nesting... Sabs stayed in the area after the Hunt had packed up until we felt confident that
we could leave, only meeting sabs from Fife and Central Scotland, Glasgow and Robert's favourite, Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs
at the end of the day. Police presence at Silverton FH constrains them - no real hunting done Volume of complaints from public was
reason cops there 13-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Silverton Hunt 13.1.2018
Back to the Silverton with our friends from Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group. The extra attention we've been giving this Hunt
is starting to pay off. The Hunt met at Hayne House, just outside Silverton. On the way to the meet the Huntsman enlisted
several elderly hunt supporters in Silverton to block our vehicle by standing in the middle of the road. This week we were surprised to find several police vehicles in attendance
even before the hunt set off. It transpired that they'd asked the Hunt in advance where they would be meeting and that
the huge volume of complaints they'd had from all of you since New Years Day haven't fallen on completely deaf ears.
Thank you! Police told us they wouldn't be taking sides but were there to ensure nothing
illegal was going on. Their monitoring of the Hunt's activities didn't extend to getting out of their vehicles...
but it's a step in the right direction and the sergeant told us that "an officer is going to come along to the hunt
to just monitor them from now onwards". This would be a very welcome development, if true... One of the terrier men was
asked to clean his number plate at the very end of the day and for a change the quads weren't able to carry multiple passengers,
but there are still glaring road traffic offences being committed by the terrier men in full view of the police. The fact
that terrier men are even out on a supposed 'trail hunt' should also be a red flag for the police! Knowing the police were coming,
the hunt had prepared video evidence of their 'trail-laying activities' this morning, but we explained to police that
any trails laid prior to the meet would have long since evaporated. And sure enough there was no sign of them laying any further
trails during the day. The biggest positive
to come from the extra police attention is that the Hunt barely did any active hunting today, never casting hounds out for
long before bringing the pack back together. This made our job quite easy, as all we had to do was watch and follow. Sabs
had the pleasure of witnessing a fox trotting across a field but thankfully the Hunt never got onto him. After drawing a number
of coverts in the vicinity of Silverton and Christ Cross (their 'country' really is rather limited!), they packed
up around 2pm at Queensborough Farm. As
always, get in touch if you have any information on your local hunts or if you want to join us in the field:- devoncountysabs@riseup.net 07717473305. W. Norfolk FH Ex Huntsman 'shot
hounds... shot horse... fled country' 13-1-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs We recently received alarming information about Toby Coles, former huntsman for the West Norfolk Foxhounds.
Apparently he shot some of the hounds, shot a horse, and has now fled the country. He was slated to leave the WNFH at the
end of this season but these actions saw him leave late last year. If anyone has further information please let us know.  Fitzwilliam FH lie to police over 'trail' as sabs cause early pack up Huntsman fails to call hounds off a group of fallow deer Female sab assaulted,
blocked sett found 13-1-18 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit Report – 13.01.2018: Fitzwilliam Hunt, Southorpe FITZWILLIAM SENT HOME
January saw us continue our season’s campaign against the Fitzwilliam Hunt by surprising them at their meet at High
Farm in Southorpe. At the far northern end of their hunting territory, we were a stone’s throw from Lincolnshire. This
didn’t stop sabs from five separate groups tracking down the hunt and putting a stop to their plans today. Activists from N.Cambs, Lincoln, Beds &
Bucks, Northants and Hertfordshire Hunt Sabs convened in the Southorpe area, north west of Peterborough, where the Fitz were
meeting at High Farm (http://bit.ly/2D7yayl). They had headed out promptly, so foot teams and three different vehicles started combing the area and shortly picked up the
hunt emerging from the Ailsworth Heath nature reserve (http://bit.ly/2mu1ELH). Quickly pinned down, the Hunt made their
now routine call for protection from the police, and started hacking west through Sutton and Bushey Woods. Several hounds
broke away from the main pack and were spotted chasing down a family of fallow deer[left]. This
was reported by sabs to the Huntsman who unsurprisingly was not interested in the slightest.
followed was an exercise in futility by the hunt. Cut off by Beds and Bucks sabs, the pack turned west and were immediately
in contact with North Cambs and Lincoln Sabs. Trying a different direction only put them straight into the path of Northants
and Herts sabs. With nowhere to go, and the Huntsman’s horse starting to buck and rear with frustration, the Hunt and
pack were escorted back to the meet early, and were back in their boxes just after 1:30pm. Police eventually arrived, to tell
sabs that the Fitzwilliam had told them they were ‘laying a trail’. This confused nonsense just goes to show what
contempt the hunters hold for the law, as not only was no trail layer present, but their eagle handler John Mease was also
skulking around in the shadows, indicating their intention to hunt live quarry (and then supposedly use the eagle to vainly
attempt to legalise the killing). As the Hunt were packing up, sabs spotted a blocked badger sett. Illegal but standard
behaviour by hunts, to prevent foxes escaping underground when being chased by the hounds. Obviously, this is not consistent
with their trail laying fabrication, but what more can you expect? The incident was logged with police. At the end of the day, the boorish Fitzwilliam Hunt
were sent packing with no wildlife harmed. However, you can see from our photographs that their hounds are not fairing well
these days. We wonder what it would take for an RSPCA inspection visit to their kennels? If you’d
like to support the work of your local hunt sabs, please consider a donation via the following link: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pics below - 1/ Hound wounded
jumping barbie 2/ Huntsman 3/ No escape from sabs 4/
Police shown blocked sett 5/ Police with their clients   14-1-18 Facebook - Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT 13/01/18 Fitzwilliam Hunt Yesterday saw us join up with comrades from North Cambs, Northants,
Beds & Bucks and Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs to pay another visit to the Fitzwilliam hunt who had decided to give Saturdays
another chance. What a bad decision that was as their day was a complete disaster! The Hunt met at High Farm near Southorpe with a very small field.
Once they set off they were quickly picked up by sabs, we used our numbers and lay of the land to our advantage and had the
Hunt surrounded at all times giving them no opportunity to harm any wildlife. As you can imagine the hunt weren't happy
which resulted in a female sab being assaulted. Later in the day hounds broke away from the pack and ended up chasing
a family of fallow deer. We informed the huntsman who was not interested in the slightest. We witnessed several bloodied hounds,
one with a split ear and one with the end of his tail missing. Also several hounds were malnourished with protruding ribs.
Again the Huntsman showed no interest when sabs informed him. It's not just the wildlife that suffer. As usual, the Hunt called the police, 3 cars turned
up which I'm sure they regret as instead of helping the Hunt they found themselves dealing with sabs reporting the assault
and and also a filled badger sett that we had come across and unblocked. This illegal act is common place as Hunts block them
to prevent foxes escaping underground. The Hunt realised that their efforts to hunt
were futile and decided to pack up at 1:30 which allowed us to drive home in the daylight for a change! A very successful
day overall. Please support our work: ko-fi.com/lincolnhuntsaboteurs. N.
Cotswold FH terrierman filmed entering dog to artificial earth 12-1-18
Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs North Cotswold Hunt terrierman filmed putting his dog into an artifical earth
Thursday, 11th January 2018 - Joint meet of the North Cotswold Hunt and the Duke of Beaufort's. Ryefield farm
Ermm,well, what to say really. The artificial earth was staked out by a sab on the off chance that someone would turn up and
do something silly. Sure enough Will Haines turned up with all his Beaufort terrierman chums. They waited outside the covert
whilst his terrier ran into the AE, after being encouraged by him to do so, to bolt the fox out to the Beaufort pack hunted
by Matt Ramsden who was drawing the top of the covert. The sab had to jump out of their hiding place in order to stop proceedings. Will was not too happy
to see the sab but did make an, ultimately, successful, attempt to call his dog out and catching it before it escaped back
down the earth. The Beaufort boys were asked to assist him with his predicament and then all left the covert. The Beaufort pack had picked up what is thought
to be another fox's scent and started to hunt him. They were very effectively sabbed by the Beaufort terriermen who rated
them back to the Huntsman. It is thought that the fox in the AE was not bolted out (although the terrier had a good try),
the fox being hunted was let be as they all ran away quite fast. Surprisingly, Richard Sumner who was convicted of several
counts of illegal hunting was outside the covert watching proceedings, you would have thought he would know better. Of course, a blocked sett was also found, reported and unblocked. They ran to the
hills. Please support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Pics below - 1/ The artificial earth 2/ Terrierman
Will Haines  Councillor referred to Ombudsman after FB comments re. B. Day hunt protest 12-1-18
Shropshire Star Councillor referred to Ombudsman over Facebook comments after Boxing Day hunt protest
A town councillor has been reported to the Local Government Ombudsman for social media comments following a Boxing Day hunt.
Welshpool Town Council agreed at a special meeting to refer Councillor Heather Chave to the ombudsman. But councillors said
that her appearance at an anti-fox hunting demonstration in the town was not the issue as it did not breach council rules. The meeting cleared
both Councillor Chave and Councillor Nicola Morris of any wrong-doing during the Boxing Day hunt protest. Both were part of
a demonstration against fox hunting during the annual parade of horses and hounds in Welshpool. Town clerk Robert Robinson
said: “The councillors were acting as individuals and not representing the town council on this day with regards to
the event or issue of fox hunting. “The council recognises the right for individuals to campaign in a free country.
The council has clear evidence that both councillors acted properly on the day of the hunt outside the town hall. What others
did within the protest group is not a matter for the town council.” Councillor Chave has been referred to the ombudsman
because of comments that followed on Facebook. Mr Robinson said: “Councillors sign up to a code of conduct which applies
365 days a year and 24 hours a day in all walks of life and the council considered that Councillor Chave’s comments
on Facebook were in breach of the code. The council expects all its councillors and staff to act in a professional and polite
way at all times without exception. The council also expresses its concern that Facebook is being used in an abusive way and
that there is clearly on occasions ‘cyber bullying’ taking place. The council will not support such uses of Facebook
and does hope in the future that people will use this useful social media in a civilised way.” Lone monitor says Blackmore FH chased and killed fox11-1-18 Kate Bradley 11th January 2018 - The Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt met
in their dwindling and limited capacity, supported by only a few unhinged horse riders and copious old men with no teeth (I
swear it's true). They met at Huntsman Mark Doggrell's farm Brokewood, but immediately sent the dogs into Ryewood
farm, and they did not leave that farm until something was dead. They were so determined to kill that they did not leave the
farm until a fox was coursed and set upon and killed. I was positioned a mile away expecting them
to drag quite quickly into the jumps but soon had to come back to Ryewood farm to discover that it was a lock-in. Being on
my own there was nothing I could do and, in truth, if I'd had a few sabs with me there would still be nothing we could
do as the police decided to allow them privacy to lock-in and course in private. My heart went out to the wildlife today, but on a brighter note it won't be long
before their days are gone as I could not see one single young person and I swear by almighty God that all supporters were
old, cold and rancid. Other monitors told me that they ended up in Holnest by half two. there is just no way of predicting
what direction these guys go.. I did my best and so have others who were brave enough to face rancid hunters with no teeth.
Its a tough job for sure. For anyone wishing to make comment to the police this is their Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/DorsetPoliceRuralCrimeTeam/
although they have myriad of excuses including... it's a volunteer role... and stolen tractors are more important. Atherstone FH meets cancelled, supposedly due to 'virus' 11-1-18
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Update We have heard that the Atherstone Hunt
have cancelled their next two meets due to some of the hounds having a virus. What virus do they have? Is it contagious? Have
the Atherstone Hunt been spreading disease around the countryside? Have local farmers been informed? There are a number of other explanations as to why the Atherstone are cancelling meets. In-fighting remains an issue
at the Atherstone. We are hearing that Huntsman Mike Lane is unpopular with some members of the hunt. He is certainly not
the saviour of the hunt he claimed he would be when he arrived. We have also observed that Mike Lane has very poor
control over his hounds. During the Atherstone's last meet on Tuesday at Sutton Cheney the hounds were seen out of control
chasing a fox (the fox got away safely). We also witnessed Mike Lane struggling to get the hounds back under control. Worse
still, on Saturday Mike Lane managed to loose some of the hounds after only a few minutes of riding out of the meet and onto
the road. Something that even his predecessor Stuart Barton never managed to do. These are not one off incidents, we have
filmed Milke Lane struggle to keep the hounds under control numerous times so far this season. Not only does this highlight
that wildlife will never be safe if there are packs of hounds on the loose in the countryside. It also reinforces the need
for that wildlife to be protected and the need for the Atherstone Hunt to be constantly monitored which it will by either
us or Atherstone Hunt Watch. Mike Lane's lack of hound control hasn’t
gone unnoticed by other members of the hunt. Cancelling meets may be the safest option rather than the risk of any "accidents"
happening either. The Atherstone Hunt cancelled a meet before Christmas blaming poor weather conditions, only the weather
on that particular day was fine and all other Leicestershire Hunts were out. As we know the Atherstone Hunt are prolific liars so any meets that they claim are cancelled will
always be checked. As always disgruntled members of the Atherstone Hunt can contact us confidentiality
on 07767620767, by email westmidlandhuntsabs@hotmail.co.uk or
by private message. 
Monitors say Wynnstay FH hunted and killed fox in North WalesFox
was hunted for 'well over half an hour', monitor ridden
at 10-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors WYNNSTAY HUNT, OVERTON 9.1.18 We found this Hunt in
Overton, North Wales and just as we pulled up one of team spotted a fox running through a field gate. This fox was not at
this moment being hunted but was later killed by the hounds. You will see in the set of photos with this report the succession of events that
transpired. It gives a real insight into the calculated corruption that occurs on a hunt. The Huntsman hunted this fox for well over half a hour before it was killed in a large woodland
and there was nothing monitors could do to save it. At the kill site a monitor was ridden at and had a horse backed into them whilst trying to walk along a road mainly
because the rider was such a poor horseman than actual intent we think. Once they had finished off one fox the Huntsman and
Whipper-in proceeded to change horses and look for more foxes to chase. We did manage to save one by our presence when the
Huntsman was warned by some terriermen following us that we were there filming. The Hunt then sent for Bob the Biker, because we were
clearly stopping their fun, and he did the usual blocking us from filming or following the Hunt. This didn't last
for long though and we then bumped into some police from North Wales who had bee following the hunt and were very pleased
to meet us and keen to see any film that we had of this Hunt misbehaving. Apparently North Wales police are keen to deal with
illegal hunting so now that we have made proper connections we will be building the same relationship we have with Cheshire
police with this police force. So although we know of at least one fox killed today we can move forward alongside and with the
back up of a different police force. Pics below - 1/
Fox that was eventually killed running thru a gate 2/ Huntsman told where fox has run
3/ Smug rider just after kill 4/ Charming supporter just after kill
5/ Bob the Biker 6/ Riders blocking road    Cheshire Forest FH killed another fox say monitors 10-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors HUNT ALERT - CHESHIRE FOREST
We are sad to report another kill from thus Hunt today. The Cheshire Forest have met today (Wed 10th Jan) at North Lodge,
Sugar Lane, Manley, Frodsham. 17 riders including 3 redcoats. If/when you see them acting illegally please call
101 (999 if you consider it an emergency) and always request a Crime Reference Number. East Sussex FH hounds 'out of control' at cat sanctuary,
21 cats missing 10-1-18
Facebook - Celia Hammond Animal Trust There has been a terrifying incident yesterday afternoon at our Greenacres Sanctuary near Hastings A pack of
fox hounds ran into the Sanctuary and then split into two groups one chasing a fox and the other chasing a deer. Our Sanctuary
is home to 130 resident cats, mainly feral and semi-feral who live in the house and grounds and roam freely on our land -
100 acres of woodland and fields. The hounds invaded at afternoon feeding time, there were dogs running everywhere, completely
out of control, terrified cats were fleeing in all directions. Staff and volunteers who were present tried desperately to chase the dogs off and protect the animals. The Police
were called to help the hunt round up the dogs - this took over an hour. Initially 60 cats were missing. Sanctuary staff and
volunteers have mounted searches throughout the night. Much of the woodland is dense and very difficult to search. Heavy rain
late last night brought many more very frightened cats back to their sleeping chalets last night. This morning there are still
21 cats missing. We will update you later as we have more information. UPDATE : (10th January 5.45 p.m). The latest update from the Sanctuary is that nine more cats have returned or have
been located hiding during the afternoon. We still have twelve cats unaccounted for. 11-1-18 Independent VIDEO Huntsmen and hounds tear through cat sanctuary, leaving dozens of rescue animals ‘traumatised’
and missing A whole pack of hunting hounds in pursuit of both a fox and deer thundered through an animal sanctuary, displacing
more than 60 terrified animals during their evening feed. The Hunt drove a pack of hounds through the Celia Hammond Animal
Trust, which provides shelter for 130 rescued animals, many of which are unwell and or in the later years of life and difficult
to rehome. The shelter mainly cares for cats, 60 of which fled the chaotic scene as volunteers and police both battled to
chase the pack of hounds away from the cats on Monday. The charity sanctuary in Hastings, Sussex, is still missing many of its animals that are believed to have fled into
nearby woods to escape the Hunt. Volunteers described a “terrifying” scene as a whole pack of dogs ran through
the area as the cats ate with “dogs running everywhere, completely out of control”, with cats “fleeing in
all directions”. “If anything has happened to any of my animals, there will be hell to
pay,” said Celia Hammond [left], a former model, who runs the charity which bears her name.
Celia Hammond Animal Trust has a number of centres across London and the South East, which looks after cats and finding them
suitable homes to be adopted into.
The sanctuary in Sussex is home to 130 cats, who live there full time. Given the usual safety of its rural surrounding
the cats are free to roam around the 100 acres of idyllic woodland and fields which surround the sanctuary. In the wake of the incident volunteers described many of the animals as being “traumatised”. “It looked like a whole pack of hounds had split into two,” she said. “Half
of them went after a fox, and half after a deer. And then they were coming into the sanctuary from all different areas –
they’ve got their horns, they were in full cry. They were after the fox and after the deer.” After the hunt left the area, 60 cats were missing. Overnight, staff and volunteers
searched for the animals amid heavy rain. Many of the missing returned during the night, but some are still unaccounted for
and Celia fears they may have been killed. “There was 21 missing at the last count,” said Ms Hammond. “We don’t know what’s happened
to them. It’s absolutely outrageous – I’m so angry, I’m so upset,” she said. “We bring
these cats down to what’s supposed to be a sanctuary, where they’re supposed to be safe. If they’ve got
health problems or they’re old and a bit doddery, we keep them here safely. For this to happen in the place where they’re
supposed to be safe – we just feel violated.” Ms Hammond said that the volunteers who
were trying to chase the dogs from the grounds had been offered money by members of the Hunt to help. Representatives for the East Sussex and Romney Marsh Hunt admitted that its members
had found themselves on the sanctuary’s grounds, but said that the dogs hadn’t come into contact with the animals.
They claim that they left as soon as they could. Gerald Sumner, a member of the Hunt, said that the hounds had been rounded
up and taken away quickly and hadn’t interacted with the cats. Police attended the sanctuary, helping to remove the dogs and checking whether any offence had been committed. “We
had a call at 4pm on Tuesday 9 January about some hounds which had inadvertently strayed on to a property at Stubb Lane, Brede,
near Rye,” a police spokesperson said. “The hounds were rounded up by the hunt staff with police assistance. “The
huntmaster apologised to the property owner, and there has been no report of any injury or damage or of any criminal offence
being committed.” Ms Hammond confirmed
that she and the sanctuary were yet to make a complaint. But that was because she and the volunteers have been busily searching
for the lost animals, she said. “We haven’t
made a complain because we’ve had other priorities – this wasn’t our first priority,” she said. “Our
first priority was to find the cats, who might be lying dead in the undergrowth.” Last year, a member of the same hunt was filmed whipping
an animal rights activist during a fox hunt and launching a foul-mouthed rant at them. It is also not the first time hunters
have disrupted an animal sanctuary – in August, a Somerset and Devon hunt chased a stag through a shelter. Also covered by the Mirror and the Bexhill Observer. 11-1-18 Celia Hammond Animal Trust ...The events of Tuesday 9th Jan were extremely traumatic for our
resident animals and shocking and distressing for our staff and volunteers who for about an hour and a half struggled to chase
the large fox hounds back out of the Sanctuary grounds. We have lodged a complaint with the Police and East
Sussex and Romney Marsh Hunt and will be seeking legal advice on the way forward. As of this morning 10 cats are still missing
and unaccounted for. Many kind supporters
are asking how they can donate to our sanctuary so we have set up a just giving page here https://www.justgiving.com/campaig…/…/celiahammond/sanctuary
Thurlow FH visit prep school days after media storm over their killing fox Police investigating kill by hounds on Boxing Day after they apprehended Huntsman 9-1-18
Pride's Purge Fox hunting thugs under investigation by police target primary schools Thugs from Thurlow Hunt are currently under investigation by police for assault
and illegally killing a fox on Boxing Day. So it seems incredible that just days later, Barnadiston Hall Primary School in
Suffolk – with children as young as 7 years old – would invite the thugs to pay a visit - presumably to explain
to their children how much ‘fun’ it is to watch defenceless animals being ripped apart alive by dogs? Fox hunters and their
thuggish supporters are getting increasingly panicky over the massive scale of public opposition to their disgusting predilection
for tearing beautiful British wildlife apart for so-called ‘sport’. And targeting primary schools shows the prospect
of the hunting ban not only continuing but being strengthened, is leading hunters to take more and more desperate measures. Sabs think Easton Harriers 'chopped' a hare on Boxing Day 9-1-18
Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Easton Harriers - 26/12/17 (BOXING DAY) Old Mill House, Saxtead – Suffolk
Boxing Day saw the Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt sabs return to the Old Mill House in Saxtead to give a warm welcome to the Easton
Harriers. On arrival, we found that there was hardly a soul there. I suppose not everyone was as keen to see the hunt as we
were. Eventually supporters / morning drinkers arrived and were confused with our presence. Many argued with us about how
they saw Foxes are pests but were soon corrected when we stated that Harrier packs (providing you don't include the Waveney
Harriers) hunt Hares, not Foxes. Many had little to argue about the killing of Brown Hares, though some confirmed they were
also fans of Hare Coursing. Interesting crowd. No speech was made by the new huntsmen Gary Wingar which was surprising considering
it was his first season with the Easton Harriers, and indeed his first season on horseback, but there was little for him to
say. Once the organiser of a Hare Hunting Festival (the Alston Hare Festival) as well as kennel man and Huntsman of the Weardale
& Tees Valley Beagles, is now little more than a last resort/void filler with an identity crisis. The Alston Hare week
is no more and the WTV Beagles have practically disbanded thanks to the good work of other sab teams. Good work! Anyway. After an embarrassing
parade, the Hunt spent the day galloping around trying to avoid the presence of sabs. The hounds gave chase to a Hare, which lasted all too
long, and huntsmen did nothing to stop it. The Hare was able to get away but we fear that after such a chase, the Hare may
have suffered from exhaustion. Hounds were collected and the hunt headed off back to a group of supporters on the roadside
where they remained in check. It was then that we noticed the poor condition of some of the hounds. These hounds appear to
have little patience and gradually went off by themselves, against the wishes of the huntsmen, which forced them on the move
once more. As sabs caught up with them from the other side, some suspicious behaviour led us to believe that a hare was chopped
in a field of crop. This seems to be a recurring act of bravery and 'sport' that the hunt seem to pride themselves
in. It was clear that the day was coming to an end when the Hunt gradually headed back to where they had un-boxed, keeping
the hounds close together along the way. Once boxed up, the hounds could be heard fighting among themselves as Gary nervously
said goodbye to hunt staff and to the police who looked rather unimpressed with the behaviour of the Hunt (as well as drunk
supporters) that day. We would like to say thanks
to those who joined us in protest at the Old Mill House, the Scottish Sab who joined us for the day and to everyone who has
supported us so far throughout the season. Solidarity to others in the field who had a difficult day. If you like what we do then buy us a coffee: http://www.ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs. Oakley FH hounds in MoD area
marked 'Keep Out - Poison Gas' Hounds seen to be suffering from disorder called 'kennel tail' 9-1-18
DEFENCE FENCED OF AREA 6TH JAN 2018 We joined Northants Sabs and found the Hounds on and in the Ministry
Of Defence (MOD) fenced off area. Plenty of clearly labelled signs for the Hunt to read but they choose not to and put their
hounds at risk. Huntsman clearly calls hounds and they come straight through a gap in the wire fence [below]... clearly
there for all to see. If an area says KEEP
OUT - POISON GAS we would take a good guess in thinking it’s dangerous! 8-1-18 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs It’s not their fault. The Oakley Hunt on Saturday
These pour souls have Kennel tail. We did wonder what the blood was on the tips of their tails . Photo taken just after they
come through the gap in the MOD fenced of area.[below right] 6-1-18 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Report - 6th Jan 18 Today Northants and Hertfordshire Sabs joined
our friends from Beds & Bucks and North Cambs to sab the Oakley Hunt. We caught up with them quickly outside Melchbourne and followed the Hunt into nearby woods where hounds immediately went into cry. We were hot on their trail and didn’t witness a kill. We did, however,
witness some questionable riding and some clearly stressed horses. We
also noticed hounds had blood on the tips of their tails and on closer inspection realised how split and sore their tails
were. This is called 'kennel tail' -when a dog repeatedly whacks its tail on a hard surface or wall. This is likely
due to being tightly enclosed in kennels for the duration of their lives. A reminder that hounds are victims of the cruelty
of hunting too. The Hunt then went round and round in circles passing through Upper Dean, Lower
Dean, Swinshead, Shelton, Coppice wood, Melchbourne park and Ridley. At one stage the surprised redcoats emerged with the
hounds from a footpath at the exact point in the road where our sab van was parked up, Bingo ! You are never far from a sab. Hounds went into cry at one point in Upper Dean. Sabs were on the scene and could see that the Huntsmen were off
their horses and terrier men were present . We suspected a fox had gone to ground at this stage. We heard later that due to
sabs being present, the terrier men did not pursue the fox and we therefore think it got away. The usual rent-a-mob showed up and for the afternoon said mob drove dangerously, following vehicles
and causing traffic jams on country roads. They continued to act in an aggressive way and at one point had blocked in another
groups vehicle at what was a very sharp bend in the road. The police were called and said rent a mob forced to disperse leaving
us to continue sabbing. Although we can not be 100% sure there were no kills today, we deem it as a success that at least
one fox lives on for another day. Those of you who are eagle eyed will have spotted a chubby member of the support
in our first pic who had a fox on his jumper- quite perverse seeing he’s happy to watch foxes being ripped to pieces
! To donate for fuel money and vital supplies, you can do this
at www.paypal.me/ENABS Your donation will help us continue to save foxes lives. See also Herts Sabs full report and
pics here. Sabs claim FC worker abetted Staitondale FH blocking their car in 9-1-18
Facebook - East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs This morning a friend and I decided to follow the Stationdale Hunt to try and prevent
any innocent foxes or wildlife being killed. We
found the Hunt leaving one of their usual meeting points. Unfortunately we were spotted almost immediately. A huntswoman
(being polite here) called ahead to warn the others that two ferocious scary sabs were hot on their trail. We parked up in
a lay-by to see which way they were heading, when suddenly we saw the hounds van, so in hot pursuit in the Sabmobile with
our female version of Schumacher we managed to catch them up. The hounds van turned off onto a road
leading to the forest (one of their usual routes) we followed it but then the hounds van stopped, as we drove past we got
a lovely frown from the Huntsman, he was so happy to see us (not). We parked a few hundred yards up. He then acquired a few
more numptys who were also happy to see us. We took a few snap shots as they chatted about us. They must have been discussing
changing the location, proving that if they'd laid a trail they wouldn't be. It looked like they were moving on so
we got ready to follow. But... they had blocked the road. Totally blocking us in. Which is breaking the law (Highways Act
1980 section 137). We drove up to them thinking they'd move but no, they were enjoying our company too
much. A rather odd looking female then approached the Sabmobile and took photos, laughing
at us and acting rather peculiar. She was then joined by the Hunt Master, his old sidekick and the terrier man. They were
fascinated with us. Taking more photos, laughing and looking around the Sabmobile. A Forestry Commission van arrived, we thought
he'd do his job and tell them to clear the road but no! He chatted and seemed rather friendly with them. We'd
had enough so called the police who were quite helpful and very understanding. Eventually the hunters' short attention
spans gave up and they decided to waddle back to their vehicles. As they moved away the Forestry van accompanied them. Obviously
he's also a plonker. The coast was clear until the last hunt vehicle driver spoke to a road workman who then blocked us
in to give the Hunt a ten minute get away. Not deterred we looked high and low but unfortunately we were unable to find them. Today
was a very positive day, only two us but we obviously got their jodhpurs in a twist. We changed their plans ,held them up
and hopefully the fox had time to safely hide. We shall be out again soon protecting our beautiful creatures from these
murderous, heartless, subhumans. Please donate to our fuel and equipment fund. Thank you. Pics below - Some of the Staintondale
FH weirdos  Foxes for baiting kept at Dwyryd FH
hunt kennels, trial hearsCase centres on alleged badger baiting, involving Hunt terrierman &
others 8-1-18 N.Wales Daily Post Badger baiting and animal fighting uncovered by undercover RSPCA probe, court hears
- Court hears children among gang accused of ill-treating animals and organising illegal farmyard fights
An RSPCA surveillance operation uncovered badger baiting and animal fighting at a Snowdonia farm, a court heard. Among those
allegedly involved in the illegal activities had been a hunt terrier man and children, a district judge was told at Llandudno
in North Wales. Jordan Houlston, 24, of Alexandra Road, Llandudno, the alleged terrier man, was accused of kicking a live badger.
He denied wilfully injuring a badger at Cwm Bowydd Farm, Blaenau Ffestiniog, ill-treating a badger, taking part in an animal
fight and being present at one on February 5 last year. He also denied causing unnecessary suffering to four dogs by causing
them to fight. Ten offences were listed against him in all. Marc Wyn Morris, 26, of Jones Street, Blaenau
Ffestiniog, pleaded guilty to wilfully injuring a badger, being present at an animal fight and causing unnecessary suffering
to a badger by causing it to fight with a dog. A boy of 17 admitted being present at an animal fight. Their sentencing was
adjourned. A boy of 13 also denied charges connected to the alleged illegal activities. David
Thomas, 51, of Cwm Bowydd Farm, denied animal welfare allegations including causing unnecessary suffering to two foxes. Evan
Bleddyn Thomas, 52, a farmer, of Cwm Bowydd, was said to have played no active part in the activities. But solicitor Tudur
Owen, prosecuting, said: “He should have done something about it.” He denied keeping premises for use for an animal
fight. Video footage was shown to the judge of the scene at the farm where false man-made setts were allegedly found. Seven
skulls, possibly those of foxes or badgers, were allegedly discovered. The court heard an RSPCA inspector in the footage say
younger dogs were probably trained to “engage” with badgers. A young fox was in a cage in hunt kennels and due “to
be ripped apart by the dogs,” the court heard. A second fox was also in a cage, terrified by a barking terrier, the
RSPCA inspector claimed. The trial continues. 9-1-18
Daily Post Terriers injured at Gwynedd farm where badger baiting
took place, court hears - Gang accused of ill-treating animals and organising animal fighting Footage
of injured terriers at a farm where badger baiting and animal fighting are alleged to have taken place has been shown to a
court. The images were taken as part of an RSPCA surveillance operation at Cwm Bowydd Farm, Blaenau Ffestiniog in February
last year. Among those allegedly involved in the illegal activities had been a hunt terrier man and
children, a district judge was told on day two of the trial at Llandudno. But two of the 10 allegations listed against Jordan
Houlston, 24, of Alexandra Road, Llandudno, the alleged terrier man, of wilfully injuring a badger and causing an animal fight,
were dropped by the prosecution. He is still accused, and denies offences including ill-treating a live badger at Cwm Bowydd
farm being present at an animal fight, and causing unnecessary suffering to four dogs by causing them to fight. Marc Wyn Morris, 26, of Jones Street,
Blaenau Ffestiniog, has pleaded guilty to wilfully injuring a badger, being present at an animal fight and causing unnecessary
suffering to a badger by causing it to fight with a dog. A boy of 17 admitted being present at an animal fight. On trial with Houlston is David Thomas,
51, of Cwm Bowydd Farm, who has denied animal welfare allegations including causing unnecessary suffering to two foxes by
confining them in cages near dogs. Evan Bleddyn Thomas, 52, a farmer, of Cwm Bowydd, was said to have played no active part
in the activities. He denied keeping premises for use for an animal fight. A boy of 13 also denies charges connected to the alleged illegal activities. Artificial badger setts were allegedly found at the farm and seven skulls, possibly those
of foxes or badgers. Pippa Boyd, an RSPCA inspector with the charity’s special operations unit, said 23 dogs were removed
from the farm. Houlston
made no comment when quizzed about what had been going on. David Thomas claimed the foxes had been caught “recently”
and were going to be released. The trial before district judge Gwyn Jones continues.
Sab car kicked and damaged by Ledbury
S FH terrierman 8-1-18 Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO At the weekend Ledbury South Hunt's terriermen kicked and dented a sab's vehicle after getting
frustrated that they couldn't pass, despite them being the ones blocking us in. Mendip Farmers FH Whip shot pet dog as 'aggressive' and 'nocey' Facebook postings from 2016 show that Gordon Bottomley, 1st Whip, killed his own pet dog because it
was 'aggressive towards people' and 'nocey [noisy?] in kennels'. One wonders how many of the Mendip's
hounds he has also shot dead.   Twitter storm condemns Countryfile calling foxes 'vermin' Pro-hunting
bias of BBC under attack 8-1-18 Daily Mail 'How can anyone call foxes vermin?' BBC's Countryfile sparks fury as viewers
accuse presenter Tom Heap of taking a 'pro-hunting' stance - A section of last night's show, presented by Tom
Heap, focused on gun laws - The controversial piece, filmed in Lincolnshire, saw foxes described as 'vermin' - Many
viewers were left aghast at the BBC's take on the divisive issue, calling the broadcaster 'pro-hunting' and saying
it wasn't being 'impartial' Heap [right] was
seen on the programme going 'lamping' - essentially looking for foxes to kill by torchlight, with farmer Mark Clother
Countryfile viewers opposed to fox-hunting expressed their anger last night after the show referred to foxes as 'vermin'. BBC presenter Tom Heap fronted a section on gun laws in the UK countryside that sparked
hundreds of emotive tweets, with many declaring the broadcaster 'pro-hunting'. The row was inflamed after foxes in
the piece were described as 'vermin' by presenter Tom Heap as he visited farmers in Lincolnshire. This weekend, Theresa May ruled out bringing fox hunting back before the next election despite insisting she still
personally supports it. As Tom Heap joined a farmer in Lincolnshire, Mark Clother, he told viewers: 'He's
shooting vermin - foxes that might take poultry from local farms.' The comment saw hundreds of people join the debate
on Twitter, with many blasting Heap for using the term 'vermin'. The show followed
a 'lamping expedition', which involves seeking foxes at night with a bright 'lamp', as a way of protecting
chickens and geese on agricultural land. As Heap tracked through darkness with Lincolnshire farmer Clother, the pair discussed
the best ways to attract foxes including 'squeaking' devices. Clother then told the presenter that looking for the
reflecting eyes of the animal alerted farmers to their presence. Eventually, they spot the fox's red eyes and make a decision
on whether the animal is too far away to shoot. They decide it is and retreat back to the farm. Femail has contacted BBC's
Countryfile for comment. This weekend, the British government announced it is scrapping a promise to reconsider
the ban on fox hunting, which was outlawed more than a decade ago. Theresa May ruled out bringing the practice back before
the next election despite insisting she still personally supports it. The Prime Minister accepted that her intervention in
favour of fox hunting dealt a blow to the Tory election campaign last year. The Conservative manifesto included a commitment
to call a Commons vote on the issue and it was heavily targeted on social media by Labour. The law, introduced by Labour in
2004, bans the use of dogs to hunt foxes and other wild mammals in England and Wales. Mrs May told BBC's Andrew Marr Show
she had received a 'clear message' on the issue and said there will not be a vote during this parliament. One example of
Twitter reaction to the programme is below -
Monitors help badly hurt child Cheshire FH rider - Hunt go on chasing foxes 7-1-18
HOUNDS, HOOFIELD/HUXLEY 6.1.18 As the crumbling Cheshire Forest Hunt cancelled
their meet yesterday, we were able to focus on the Cheshire Hounds, who we found setting off from Brereton Park Farm in the
Hoofield/Huxley area, the same location from where we caught them blatantly cub-hunting in October. This is a very popular area for this hunt as numerous members live in the vicinity, and as ever they
weren’t pleased to see us, particularly as we appeared to have brought a constant police escort with us, consisting
of members of Cheshire Police’s Wildlife Crime team. However, the Hunt would offer their gratitude to Cheshire Monitors – apparently
heartfelt, albeit through tightly gritted teeth – before the afternoon’s activities came to an end. More on that
shortly. Sadly, early on the Hunt were seen blatantly chasing a fox close to the canal culvert through which the Eddisbury
Way runs. Again, this is a popular spot for this hunt, it is remote spot with adjacent land owned by Hunt member Randle Cooke
who has boasted about feeding foxes to keep them here. With woods, a river and the remains of an old quarry here, we hope
the fox was able to outwit the Hunt, but we can’t be sure - and one local supporter has told us they believe a kill
was made. We are following this up. With waterlogged fields and constant unwanted attention the Hunt struggled to find many more areas to hunt throughout the
day, retracing their steps desperately looking for foxes (or somewhere for a fox to ‘magically’ appear perhaps?),
and churning up fields and bridleways as they went. With disgruntled followers getting very little action for their money,
we weren’t surprised to see numerous riders packing up very early too.
Cheshire Monitors have had serious child safeguarding
concerns about this Hunt for some time, with children of different ages put into situations we believe they should never be
in, and we were witness to a terrible accident during this hunt. We have taken the decision not to post many details about
the child and other riders involved, but we do think it is important to report on an accident that should never have happened,
and could have easily resulted in the death of a child. We have also decided against posting images other than one showing
the accident from some distance out of respect for the injured child. At around 3pm a small group of riders decided to move
out onto Hoofield Lane from a farm track beside Hoofield Hall. After abruptly stopping the traffic, rather than opening the
gate onto the road, the first rider instead jumped the gate, with his 13 year old son following behind. However, his horse
failed to clear the gate, it clipping the top of it and causing both it and rider to be flipped upside down, the horse landing
on top of the child on the rocky ground beyond the gate. The pic below shows the horse falling - it landed on the young rider  We’ll
be generous and assume that the gathered hunt staff and followers were in some kind of shock, as it was left to a member of
our team to offer First Aid to the injured child (and to insist a hunt member didn’t move him, which she was stupidly encouraging him to do) while another monitor called an ambulance. The pony appeared
to have landed on the boy’s arm/shoulder, causing serious damage, and we are doing our best to find out how he is doing.
We have asked after the horse too which, by some miracle, appeared to be led away relatively unscathed. We were shocked to witness our monitor who was offering First Aid, and ensuring the injured child was kept still
and warm, receive threats of serious physical harm if they were filming what was going on. Also, when asking the numerous
gathered followers if they could take off their coats to use to keep the child warm, the request was ignored and our monitor
used their coat instead. We then liaised with the police who also came and stayed with the child until the ambulance arrived,
and prevented any more threats aimed toward us. The ambulance arrived after around 30 minutes at which time the gathered hunt staff
and supporters dispersed, a few of which offered thanks to the monitors who had helped. This was a very shocking incident, and you would assume something as serious as this incident, in particular when it was involving
a child, would have brought the day’s proceedings to a halt. But no. While all this was going on, some our team a few
fields away were watching the core Hunt members sneak off with the hounds and continue hunting.
Huntsman Jake was
caught putting hounds through Hoofield Covert, woodland clearly marked ‘No Dogs’ right around its perimeter. When
asked to prove he had permission to even be there, he flatly refused to offer any, after which the Hunt quickly moved away. A little later, as
dusk began to fall, monitors then witnessed them again blatantly chasing a fox right in front of them, this time in fields
off Red Lane towards Tattenhall. (We ensured the fox got away.) After a life threatening accident involving a 13 year
old child, it begs the question, what would it take to make these people stop hunting? [Thank you to all locals and extra
helpers who joined us yesterday.] Pics above - 1/ Huntsman hunting on as dusk falls 2/
They were hunting in this wood 3/ The moment of the accident 4/
Ambulance attends the child casualty 5/ Riders still out on the road - it's dark Research shows hunting hounds put human and livestock health at riskThe article below reviews
a newly published research paper by Prof. Stephen Harris and Dr Jo Dorning of Bristol University - 7-1-18 Plant Based News BREAKING: Hunting Hounds Pose 'Significant' Risk Of Passing Diseases To Humans
-A new study has analyzed thousands of pieces of public evidence on the subject Hunting hounds pose a
significant risk of passing infectious diseases to humans, particularly children, according to a new study. The research,
titled Hunting with hounds and the spread of disease, says there is 'overwhelming' evidence that they pose 'a
huge risk to the health of farm animals' - and therefore the livelihood of farmers. The
independent study, which was commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports [LACS], is described as 'the most comprehensive
study ever written on the spreading of disease by hunting hounds' - and analyses more than 1,000 published pieces of evidence.
Examples of diseases that can be spread from hunting hounds to humans include salmonellosis (better known as salmonella) and
toxoplasmosis - among others. According to the report: "Hounds used for hunting carry numerous infectious diseases which
can be spread to humans, particularly children, at events such as the Boxing Day hunt parades and country shows. These diseases
are known to hospitalize and sometimes kill people." The study's authors claim that hunting hounds carry a greater
risk of spreading disease than domestic dogs because they are potentially fed the carcasses of farm animals - known as 'fallen
stock'. Additionally, Hunts do not undertake the standard veterinary precautions generally taken by 'pet owners'.
Finally, hounds regularly travel across farms and farmland, potentially carrying multiple diseases, but without any biosecurity
precautions. The report claims: "Hunting hounds are fed hundreds of thousands of carcasses
of dead farm animals every year, even though a significant proportion of these will be diseased. While it is legal to feed
disease-free fallen stock to hounds, EU Regulations make it illegal to feed animals on fallen stock that died from a disease
that could infect animals and/or humans. So each animal needs to be examined post mortem to establish the cause of death before
it is fed to hounds. Hunts routinely flout this regulation." The study reports
that Hunts ignoring the biosecurity measures that are put in place to stop the spread of disease are costing the livestock
and farming industries 'millions'. It says: "Accumulated evidence in the study suggests overwhelmingly that hunting
with hounds maintains and/or spreads several livestock parasites and pathogens that have a major economic impact on British
farmers. Hunts are a major biosecurity risk as they not only contravene all basic biosecurity measures during even one day’s
hunting, with large numbers of horses, dogs, people and vehicles moving between farms and across farmland without implementing
any of the recommended biosecurity advice, but they also cover 70 percent of rural areas in England and Wales." Chris Pitt, Deputy
Director of Campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "A year ago it was discovered that a pack of hunting
hounds had contracted bovine TB. Given that bTB is a risk to livestock and people, we felt that a thorough investigation into
the potential of hounds carrying and sharing disease needed to be carried out. The results are shocking and show that the
problem is far wider than just bTB. The evidence is overwhelming that hunting hounds pose a huge risk to the health of farm
animals. Looking at all the evidence available, we can’t avoid the conclusion that there is a significant risk of hunting
hounds spreading infectious diseases to humans. The risk is mainly to those with immature or weakened immune systems, which
can include children, elderly people or people who are already sick. This problem needs to be taken seriously." The LACS press release about the research paper can be found here. Theresa May confirms Hunting Act repeal to be dropped 7-1-18 Mirror Humiliated Theresa May finally U-turns on her cruel bid to bring back fox hunting
She will admit there was a "clear message" the public don't want the cruel bloodsport brought back - despite
her offering MPs a vote to do so Theresa May will today stage a humiliating official U-turn over her bid to bring back fox
hunting. She will admit there was a "clear message" the public don't want the cruel bloodsport brought back
- despite her offering MPs a vote to do so in the general election. Campaigners are likely to hail victory after the Prime
Minister launched her latest screeching U-turn. We first revealed her bid to bring back the bloodsport, which was said to have helped deny the Conservatives a majority at
June's general election. Pressed by the Mirror during the campaign, Mrs May [left] said
she was a fan of hunts and wanted to give MPs the choice to revive them after more than a decade. But after losing her majority,
she knows she could lose any Commons vote. But
after an outcry including by some Tories, a vote would be unlikely to pass.
Mrs May is due to tell the BBC's Andrew Marr Show:
“I've not changed my personal view. I've never fox hunted as it happens. But as prime minister my job isn't
just about what I think about something, it's actually about looking at what the view of the country is. I think there
was a clear message about that. And that's why I say there won't be a vote on fox hunting during this Parliament.” The ban was introduced
by Labour in 2004 and hunting with dogs has been illegal ever since. A 2017 petition to keep the ban was signed by nearly
800,000 people. And polls have shown around three-quarters or more of Brits are against bringing back the bloodsport. Labour's
Hunting Act did not end traditional hunts, who now follow a scent trail instead of a fox, or work around loopholes in the
law. May’s predecessor David Cameron [right] also promised Parliament
a vote on repeal but had to scrap it after the SNP vowed to block it, even though it does not apply to Scotland. Several Tory MPs are known to oppose
fox hunting, enough to deal Mrs May a defeat in any Parliamentary vote because her majority is so small. MP Sir Roger Gale
of Conservatives Against Fox Hunting said Parliament has “more than enough to occupy” its time without arguing
about hunting. An aide made clear the next Tory manifesto would be unlikely to offer a vote on hunting. "We want to focus
on issues that matter most to people - building more homes, continuing to raise school standards, investing in the NHS and
delivering a good Brexit," the aide told the Sunday Times. League Against Cruel Sports campaigns deputy director Chris Pitt said: “It appears that the Government now
accepts that cruel sports should no longer be a part of 21st Century society so it’s good to know they won’t try
to legalise it again in this Parliament – though they may try again in the next. The Government has recently pledged
to recognise animal sentience and introduce tougher sentencing for animal cruelty so it would make no sense if the Hunting
Act was to be repealed – hunting is a barbaric practice which still sees British wildlife being torn to pieces by packs
of hounds. Recent polling showed that opposition to hunting in the UK remains at an all-time high of 85%, so it’s clear
that this pledge will be popular with the public. Despite what the Hunts say, it’s not only the ‘townies’
who oppose blood sports but people in the countryside too, with more than eight out of ten people in rural areas in support
of keeping the ban on fox hunting. We hope all MPs now recognise that animal welfare is something which all British people
feel very strongly about. We also hope that this isn’t a tactical political move designed to win votes – Theresa
May says that she still personally supports fox hunting, so will be having this discussion again in a couple of years?" South Durham FH prise fox from quarry cliff-face hole and kill it 7-1-18 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT : South Durham Hunt Meet at Ludworth 03.01.18 This
was an eventful day... Knowing this area well, primarily due to saving a fox here on a previous occasion, we proceeded to
spray the area with citronella whilst awaiting the Hunt to exit the meet at Fatclose House. Subsequently, we soon spotted the hounds, closely followed by the Huntsman and skirting around a conifer plantation. We can
only assume that with the high winds they didn't want to risk going in with the chance of falling branches. Therefore,
we knew then that we would at least have our eyes on them, in the open, throughout the day. Terriermen on quads checked out
a hole and when confident a fox was not hiding they headed towards where we were standing. With little said to us, by them
and the Huntsman, on passing, we were perplexed as to where the usual abuse was being stored. The hounds were taken to a little outcrop where a fox was seen to bolt and the poor thing ran for
its life through a dog boarding kennels, with hounds not far behind we set off the gizmo and blew the horn to pull the hounds
in our direction and over the field. Luckily, the hounds turned and came running our way followed by Ross “bursta blood
vessel” Crawford who came very close to trampling one Monitor with his horse, whilst screaming a personnel attack at
another ( we now know where the abuse was stored). Wow! they just don't like us pulling the
hounds off a live fox, do they? A hound got stuck on barb-wire, whilst trying to peruse the fox into the kennels, and was
later spotted covered in blood on its hind legs [left]. With enough time for the fox to make its escape, we headed back to the road where we picked up. Simultaneously,
we could see the Hunt Master, Gareth Watchman jumping off his horse to take hounds through a field, on foot, hoping to pick
up the scent again. Failing that, they headed off towards a children's playground to cast through the woods and around
the perimeter. With no luck there they made their way along a busy road, where our vehicle was surrounded and blocked in by
horses. Rider, Kevin “shiney face” Johnson having a near miss with a bus, continued , once again to shout abuse
and spouting the usual crap about photographing kids. He then proceeded to use his horse in a manner that can only be described
as reckless and downright cruel, by using the poor animal to stop our car in order to enable vehicle support to pass. What
a idiot. We continued to make our way on foot ending up on a fell, near to Shadforth, where we spotted the hunt in a disused
quarry, near to Old Cassop. With a valley and thick gorse between us and the Hunt, we unable to get to them, so began viewing
through binoculars and a zoom lens camera. Horrified, we could see that a terrified fox had escaped into a hole in the cliff
face to take refuge. Being so far from a road, and with no way of getting to the quarry, all we could do was watch helplessly, as the hunt
hounds were balanced precariously on the cliff face, all the while, the hunt twats were trying their best to get the fox from
the hole. With terrier men on quads attempting to climb up, and the hound master attempting to climb down, there was no escape,
the terrified animal was eventually dislodged and killed. The Hunt subsequently made way their way back to the meet, crawled
back under their stone, and packed up for the day. Devastated we got back to the vehicle and made our way to the quarry, where we were
met by terrier twats on quads leaving with smirks on their faces. So proud to be a big man who took part in killing a little
fox. Wow what tough guy you are. Consequently, Police were
called. On speaking with the Hunt and hearing the usual trail hunt lies they asked us to submit any footage we have of the
day, which we will. One fox saved and one fox killed, it was a day of ups and downs, but this barbaric act of cruelty has
only made us more determined to put an end to fox hunting. Please get out in the fields and take photos
and video of your local hunts or join your local monitor/sab group. With the Conservatives turning their back on the repeal
vote (for now), now is the time to bring an end to fox hunting and to strengthen The Hunting Act. Long live the fox. RIP a
little one. You
can donate to our fund via PayPal.me/huntmonitors or using email huntmonitors@gmail.com. Pic below - Riders using
horses to menace female monitor  Cattistock FH create havoc running round village after fox 7-1-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 6/1/18 Lady Charlotte Townshend's Cattistock Hunt meet
at Chetnole Acting on a tip-off from our ever watchful Dorset eyes, we met up with our friends from South West Sabs and other members of W.A.R and hopped in the Red Landy. Heading off along the busy A37 toward Chetnole we
were ready to upset Lady T's bloodthirsty Cattistock Hunt. Knowing that our comrades Dorset Against Blood Sports
were continuing to be the proverbial thorn in the Portman Hunts side and with Monitors ever watchful over the other local
hunts and beagling goings on, we felt that today could be a good day for our local wildlife. The meet at Chetnole was a rather large affair compared to recent meets. With probably over 100
riders scattered all over this tiny picturesque village. With the meet being so close to the train track and considering the
"incident" from an earlier meet, we predicted that the hunt would head off towards the large copse Chetnole Withey
Bed and away from certain danger. Foot Sabs were deployed ahead of the direction the hunt was moving. Within moments of being
in the area quads flew in to the area and it became apparent at that point that these quads, complete with riders wearing
body cams.....though why they would want to have footage of themselves breaking the law, were going to be our stalkers for
the rest of the day. And so it began, as soon as we tried to speak on our radios they were on us continuously revving
their engines to try and prevent us talking, whenever hounds went into cry they revved their engines to try and stop us using
the gizmo or rating the hounds. Considering they are supposed to be the "guardians" of the countryside they didn't
seem to care about either noise pollution or the very strong smelling exhaust fumes coming from the quads. We feel these "new
boys on the block" had been hired in just to stay with us and try and put us off....no chance! The Hunt then headed
North West, over the very busy, fast and dangerous A37, made more hazardous by the foggy and wet conditions. They made straight for one of their favourite hunting grounds of Holt Hill Plantation.
With 2 teams of foot Sabs deployed in this very hard area to intervene , we know the only way to stop them killing is to be
in on foot and with them. Often large areas of very hilly Dorset countryside are only accessible on foot. So with footsabs
up with the Hunt and eyes on them from the Landy, we all headed down towards Pimperne. Hounds
went into cry along the Rabbit Lands Copse but with sabs on the Rabbit Lands Trail, they were able to pull the hounds off
by using the Gizmo, much to the frustration of one of the stalkers who kicked out at one hound as it ran past causing the
poor thing to yelp!! Chaos ensued thereafter with loose hounds running riot around the village of Melbury Osmond. A
Fox was seen by Sabs, that had run from the small copse in the village towards the A37. Sabs rated the hounds, who by now
it seemed just wanted to go home and were running into gardens and one was even seen howling at a front door... ah, maybe
that was the same way that the "trail" layer took?? Hounds were eventually gathered while the field lingered in
and around the track to "smelly farm"! With sabs heading off to get in front of the pack they noticed a fallen rider. Hardly
surprising with the condition of the terrain. After so much heavy rain the ground resembled a bog. It just shows their desire
to kill that they all risk killing or severely injuring the unfortunate horses that have to carry them! With the pack and
field seeming not to care one little bit and carrying on, the Air Ambulance arrived to retrieve the fallen rider... hopefully
the horse was OK. With riders heading back and forward and a very bad tempered, hollering Huntsman desperately trying to gather
hounds the hunt headed for their only escape route, the private land of Illchester Estate and home of Lady T. With hounds once more
going into cry on route to Monks Wood, a beautiful Red Fox was seen running terrified for its life towards Lower Holt Farm.
Sabs covered this beautiful creatures scent with citronella whilst the hunt then headed onto the estate. Lets hope if there
is still anything alive in there it managed to escape the jaws of the dogs. With sabs deployed along the large footpath into Melbury
Osmond to keep an eye on them both tourists and locals approached Sabs asking us where the hounds were as they were fearful
for the safety of their own pets. We promised them that we wouldn't reveal their identity as they requested but also as
we promised we have put up a link where complaints can be made. Yes Lady T. you are NOT allowed as a landowner to harass,
intimidate (eg place fierce dogs or terrier boys) on public rights of way or allow others to do so. Complaints can be made at: https://mapping.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/rightsof…/reportproblem/.We We saved 2 beautiful Foxes today!!! Great team work and hard work made that happen. If you would like to join us
then please message this page or email - weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com.
Thank you for your fantastic support. If you can make a donation then please do on the link below. If not then please can
you share this post. Thanks. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Pics above
- Fox fleeing from Cattistock FH hounds Pics below
- 1/ and 2/ Are these hounds seeking sanctuary or maybe political asylum? 3/ Hunt
all over the A37.  Sabs take and keep control of Ledbury S FH for 40 minutes 7-1-18
Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Where oh where have the Ledbury South's hounds gone? Where oh where can they be? With the
Sabs! A short video of yesterday's events where Bristol, South Wales, Welsh Border and Bath Hunt Saboteurs had the
hounds for 40 minutes and the Hunt didn't know where they where. 6-1-18 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs LEDBURY SOUTH - WELL AND TRULY SABBED Today
we headed to Michaelchurch Escley, where the Ledbury South were meeting at Cefn-Ceist farm. The hunt were just leaving the
meet as we arrived but, along with sabs from South Wales, we caught up in no time. Within
minutes, the hounds were in cry but sabs stepped in with horn calls, splitting the pack and throwing the hunt into disarray.
A fox bolted from the woods and its scent was covered in citronella spray. Realising that they had sab company, the Hunt took off but unbeknown to them another group of sabs from Bath and Welsh Borders had them
in their sights. They were well and truly pinned. The Hunt tried repeatedly to wear out sabs by riding
up and down hills but by this point more sabs from Bath and another group from Derby were in the field, which meant we were
everywhere. Hounds did pick up and chased a fox but soon lost it. At this point, sabs broke off into smaller groups to cover
more ground and one group found the hounds in cry again, so took action by ‘rating’ them and gathering up the
pack. Sabs held the pack, gathering
them up with the use of hunting horns and had them for 45 minutes. The hounds were exhausted, shivering and many had cuts
and sores [one in pic above right]. The red-faced hunt staff who finally came to plead for their
hounds back was a picture in itself. This action finished off the hunt who packed up shortly after. A great result for local
wildlife. Support our work for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE
Private prosecution of woman who repeatedly whipped sab planned6-1-18 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs Enough is enough! The decision by Sussex Police not to take
the case forward against Jane Miller/Goring has motivated sabs to get justice through the courts ourselves. PLEASE share if
not able to donate, thank you. Every week we experience threats, intimidation and often actual
violence from the hunts and every week read reports on social media of increasingly frequent and serious attacks on hunts
sabs and monitors. The hunt sab who was beaten has been assaulted many times and never received justice - this has to stop- the violent
hunt supporters need to know that there will be legal consequences if they attack us before another hunt sab is killed. The police seem to
pick and choose what laws they will enforce - they will not enforce the hunting ban, and they will not protect hunt sabs,
the only ones trying to uphold the law out in the field. Attack after attack on hunt sabs goes unpunished and the police are giving people like this woman a green light to attack us with impunity- This was Jane Miller's
second unprovoked attack on hunt sabs within a month and in neither case was there any form of provocation or retaliation
as the videos show. The sabs were only on foot
at this point because hunt supporters had blocked their vehicles in on the road, so they got out and walked. This rider came
up and attempted to ride down one sab after another, until when she was targeting a small female sab, another sab stepped
up and took hold of her reins to take control of her horse and stop her attempts to trample sabs. You may not have seen the
start of the film as (strangely??) the BBC omitted the rider's attempts to ride down the sabs, which were clearly the
reason the man was forced to take hold of her reins. The rider then beat him seventeen times with her whip, then as she rode away she
whipped another sab standing nearby. A few minutes later she charged at a group of sabs from behind so they had to scatter
to avoid being trampled. The prolonged assault was captured on FOUR video recordings from different angles
and FIVE witnesses came forward to make statements- but Sussex Police decided not to proceed with the case before the fifth witness
(of whom they were aware) had even submitted her statement- this not only displays bias but is also unlawful. When the victim
in this case was given the news that the case was being dropped he pointed out that one of the witnesses had not yet even
given her statement, and was told that it 'won't make any difference'. The
reason Sussex Police dropped the case? ''Insufficient evidence''. How many people would have to be recording
an assault on a hunt sab before it is considered enough evidence? Hunt sabs go out every week of the hunting season and
protect wildlife from illegal hunting because the police will not enforce the hunting ban. We face intimidation, harassment,
threats and violence. And, emboldened by the inactivity of the police, the hunt violence against us is escalating. Please
help ALL hunt sabs and monitors by helping this hunt sab get justice so that hunters realise that the violence must stop. This money will be used to help fund a private prosecution in this case; if for any reason this does not happen the
money raised will be used to prosecute other hunt violence against hunt sabs or monitors. Thank you very much. Badsworth FH hunt church yard, country park, edge of housing
estate 6-1-18 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Today along with our good friends the W.Yorks Sabs we paid a visit to the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt. They
met at Frickley Park in Frickley, South Yorkshire and headed out on a rampage that included a church yard, the council-owned
Howell Country Park, and land adjacent to a children's play area on the edge of a housing estate. Along the the way they
upset several members of the public who were trying to take their dogs for a walk. We kept close to the hunt for the entire
day, rating the hounds from a scent on two occasions. West Yorkshire sabs also saw a fox to safety. Despite a day of blatant
hunting, we ensured a kill-free, and therefore successful day, with the hunt packing at 4:15pm. Please donate to our ongoing
fuel costs here https://ko-fi.com/A570FG9. Woman rider who whipped sab 17 times will face no charges Jane Miller is wife
of wealthy London hotelier 5-1-18 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Today we received the news that this rider with the East Sussex and Romney Marsh Hunt is facing no further action
from Sussex Police after she tried to ride us down before hitting one of our sabs 17 times with her riding crop. Yet again
those in positions of power and privilege get away with violently assaulting those who are stopping them from breaking the
Hunting Act and killing innocent wildlife. POWAperson adds - The woman
repeatedly rode her horse at a female sab. A male colleague grasped the horse's reins in an attempt to prevent his colleague
from being ridden down and perhaps seriously injured. Instead of just dropping the reins and sitting still, Miller lashed
out in temper, repeatedly striking the sab and injuring him. She had been filmed 'losing it' when she encountered
sabs a few weeks earlier, this time on foot. She hurled extreme verbal abuse and menaced them and attempted to hit her husband
when he tried to restrain her. She clearly has 'anger issues'. Obviously, the decision not to charge her would have
had nothing to do with her social standing. The incident occurred on 18-11-17. The full sab film can be seen here. The East Sussex & Romney Marsh FH have a reputation for violence so extreme that
they are rarely sabbed. They do not 'trail hunt. Their support has been accused of intimidation and criminal damage at
an animal sanctuary in their hunt country.  Ex VC of Spooners FH cautioned for violent assault on sabAlso had to step down
as Vice Chairman of the Hunt 5-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Former Vice-Chairman of Spooner's & West Dartmoor Hunt given caution
for assault A year ago a small group of our sabs attended a meet of the Spooner's and West
Dartmoor Hunt. Whilst parked in a gateway observing and filming the hunt across a valley, the then Vice-Chair of Spooner's, Graham Goddard blocked the road with his horse and then attempted
to get sabs to move from their vantage point. When sabs continued to watch the hunt, Goddard jumped from his horse and attacked
the driver through the car window [right, trying to throttle him]. He punched and scratched the
sab and then attempted to strangle him with his snood. Despite clear video evidence (as noted by the attending officer), Devon and Cornwall
Police subsequently decided to just caution Goddard for assault. Goddard has subsequently had to step down as vice-chair of
the Hunt. Sabs and monitors face this sort of violence on a regular basis as they stand as the only line of defence between
the fox and the hunters. As a result of 12 years of inaction by the authorities (since the hunting ban was introduced) Hunts
and their followers have become more and more emboldened and kill and resort to violence with impunity. Please SHARE. Contact
us on devoncountysabs@riseup.net or 07717473305 to get involved. Pics below -
1/ Injuries to sab 2/ The culprit  POWAperson adds - This, again unusually lenient
sanction, brings to 404 the number of separate persons associated with organised Hunts in the UK known to POWA to have been
convicted of or cautioned for criminal offences. These involve 966 offences, 230 of them violent. These have included 106
against sabs [30 of them with multiple victims] and 62 against monitors. [3 with multiple victims]. 30 of the offenders have
been given prison sentences. Offences of criminal damage number 50 [41 against sabs or monitors] and public order offences
not involving violence or threatening behaviour number 67. Convictions for Hunting Act offences total 51. Police forces warn against holding of illegal hare coursing
event Thought
'Fir Cup' being secretly organised on What's App 5-1-18 STV News Warning over illegal Fir Cup hare coursing competition Police
have issued a warning about an illegal hare coursing competition which may be held in Scotland this weekend. The Fir Cup is
expected to be take place somewhere in the Borders or East Lothian, but the exact location will not be revealed until the
day of the event. Police believe participants are communicating secretly using WhatsApp, an encrypted messenger service. The
Fir Cup reportedly has a £6000 prize pot and more than ten vehicles are expected to be present. Police Scotland wildlife crime officer Andy Loughlin
said: "Anyone taking part in this illegal hare coursing competition runs the risk of prosecution, along with having their
dogs and vehicles seized. "We will be working closely with our partners and the local communities to ensure any person
involved in this barbaric act is dealt with robustly." Illegal dog hunting in Scotland hit a five-year high last year, according to the latest figures, with 14 incidents
of hare coursing reported. The problem is worst in the north east of the country, where at least 20 unlawful hunts of various
kinds occurred. 4-1-18 Hertfordshire Mercury Secretive 'Fir Cup'
hare coursing event could be heading to Hertfordshire tomorrow, police warn They will treat all tip-offs as an emergency -
and they want the public's help Police have warned people in Hertfordshire to be on their guard ahead
of a massive illegal hare coursing event set to be held tomorrow (Friday, 5 January). The secretive
Fir Cup, said to be worth “thousands of pounds to the winner”, could be held anywhere in the country, with the
location thought to be given out on the day in a closed Whatsapp group. Hare coursing — a bloodsport outlawed under the 2004 Hunting Act — involves the use of greyhounds or
other sighthound breeds to chase down and brutally kill wild hares. According to Thames Valley Police, the Fir Cup has a prize
pot of £6,000, and is likely to include ten or more vehicles. In August, Hertfordshire Constabulary
launched a series of targeted patrols in East and North Herts in an attempt to crack down on the activity, as part of the
nationwide Operation Galileo. Now they have said they will be on their guard tomorrow
to prevent the Cup being held on Hertfordshire soil, and will respond to any and all tip-offs from the public as a matter
of urgency. In a Tweet, the East Herts Rural
Police team said: “We are aware that tomorrow there is a large scale hare coursing event due to take place called the
Fir Cup. “Currently there is no intelligence to suggest it’s happening in East Herts, but if you see anything
suspicious or a large gathering in a field please call 999. We will be deploying the ATV (all-terrain vehicle) and other vehicles
to deter this illegal activity. All calls will be treated as urgent.” 4-1-18 Lincolnshire Police We have received information about a possible hare coursing competition taking place this Friday, January 5th
– dubbed the ‘Fir Cup’. The ‘Fir
Cup’ is potentially worth tens of thousands of pounds to the winner in breeding rights – as it is likely other
hare coursers would want to breed from the winning dog. At this time it is not clear if this is to take place in Lincolnshire
but Lincolnshire Police is well prepared should hare coursers choose the county as their venue. The force has officers on standby to operate the police drone, quadbikes and Ford
Kuga off-road vehicles as well as support from neighbouring forces. Anyone with information about this event is asked to contact
Lincolnshire Police on 101, quoting Incident 151 of 3rd January: http://ow.ly/onol30hzR0o. Sussex police refuse to act against road-illegal Hunt quads Sab who pointed to overloaded one asked by
officer 'Is it hurting you?' Inspector at liaison meet with sabs had committed to action on quads 5-1-18 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs VIDEO Sussex officer says the illegally-overloaded agricultural quad he has just seen driving past 'Looks
all right'... and when the point is pressed that it is illegal, he asks the sab, 'Is it hurting you?' ... and
(standing around with hands in his pockets) explains that 'we can't deal with everything, can we?' Chief
Inspector Hodges, representing Sussex and Surrey police gave an absolute commitment at a liaison meeting with hunt sabs that
they would enforce the law where these illegally-overloaded agricultural quads were concerned. And yet, these quads still drive
around on the roads unchallenged, even when actually driven past officers, on Lewes High Street and as filmed here (near Wineham)
on New Years Day. https://www.facebook.com/sussexpoliceforce. Please keep comments polite and to the point. Ta. Atherstone FH supporters throw missiles at sab car N.Warks Beagles pack up when antis arrive 3-1-18 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt / North Warwickshire Beagles - New Years Day
After last years shocking violence from the Atherstone Hunt we again held a peaceful demonstration in Atherstone Market Square.
There was a noticeable drop in the number of support for the hunt this year. The Atherstone are still on life support, after
trying to switch to a meet card they have had to revert back to openly publishing their meets in an effort to attract more
riders. One noticeable supporter present was Atherstone Town Councillor Lewis John (UKIP) who despite the violence from the
Atherstone last year was filmed clapping and cheering the hunt. John was also filming the peaceful protestors but not the
hunt. Councillor John obviously condones all of the violence that happened last year (which resulted in numerous convictions
and cautions) and all of the previous violence and fox kills from the Atherstone. Once away from the market square The Atherstone
reverted to their normal violent selves with hunt supporters throwing mud and rocks at our moving vehicle which could have
been at lot more serious if the windows had been smashed. Please politely contact Atherstone Town Council and ask for the immediate resignation of Councillor Lewis John for
openly supporting such a violent organisation - http://www.atherstone-tc.gov.uk/contact-us North Warwickshire Beagles - We had a tip off that the North Warwickshire Beagles
had been seen hunting in Sutton Cheney. We travelled over and found them hunting. They packed up as soon as we arrived which
in itself speaks volumes. Thanks for all our tip offs. Please keep them coming in.  Waveney Harriers chased
fox across A road - after dark 3-1-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Waveney Harriers Sotterley Hall, Sotterley
– Suffolk On Saturday 23rd December, Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt saboteurs took to two hunts. While
one team joined forces to visit the Fitzwilliam Hunt, another team visited the Waveney Harriers who met at Sotterley Hall
for their usual pre-Chirstmas meet. We are very familiar with this meet and knew that a lot of ground was going to be covered. Soon after leaving the hall, Reuben dismounted his horse and entered
woodland, alone, on foot with the full pack. A rider was left with the responsibility of Reuben's horse for at least 40 minutes while he hunted.
Sabs were present and were at hand to stop the hounds, who inevitably chased bolting hares and roe deer. Reuben collected
the hounds [below] and continued to draw woodland until he came across his desired
quarry; fox. Sabs were met with aggression by Reuben
as hounds found a potential scent and were also confronted by Joe Gilfillan [right, with bird handler] who
admitted he was there to use his 2x terriers if a fox were to go to ground. Frustrated with the reality of having a kill free day, Reuben had to push his luck and try one last woodland (around
4pm). With the darkness closely approaching, hounds found a scent and went into full cry. Reuben hunted the hounds on as the
hounds left sight from him, saboteurs and the remaining ride that were present. With the sun fully set, hounds were still
giving chase in pure darkness and proceeded to split and riot across the A145 road. Saboteurs were unable to help the situation
due to the darkness so had no to choice but to call it a day at 4.45pm. As we left the field just nearer to 5pm, we could
still hear Joe riding his quad bike and Reuben blowing his horn in attempt to retrieve hounds. We cannot confirm whether the
quarry got away. If you like what we do then buy us
a coffee: http://www.ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs. I would like to send out a massive big thank you to the 5 hunt sab's, and monitor that attended
the Waveney Harriers today at Sotterley Hall, Suffolk. 80+ riders in attendance. From the start we knew that the huntsman
was going/ or try to kill today. 2 quad bikes in attendance driven by the Dingles and Bird of Prey lackies. Full report to
follow, but needless to say, we were out in the dark at the end of the day, near to 5 o/c, when hounds rioted after a fox
heading in the dark, onto the A145 road. Luckily
a sab was on main road to slow traffic down, with riders all in black galloping along the road. Then we had to find our sab's.
At 6 o/c a local phoned to say, they could still hear huntsman blowing for his hounds. Blackmore FH hunt foxes, even though police around
after gardens trespass Monitors think terriermen may have dug out and killed fox
late in day 3-1-18 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Meet at Woodbridge Farm Tuesday 2nd January
The Hunt set off through small villages and so many residents complained to the Police about hounds in their gardens that
the police remained with the Hunt most of the day. We have heard on the grapevine that this Hunt have apparently dropped all pretence
of "Trail Hunting" and when they can hounds are on foxes. A fox was seen at Lydlinch Common crossing the road by
Stock House and onto the Common. Monitors remonstrated with Hunt and officials to call the hounds off which they reluctantly
did. After milling around the Hunt moved off to Lydlinch village where we think a fox was marked to ground up from Cox's
Water. Hounds became stationary with their barks and yelps suggesting a fox had gone to ground. The hounds then took off and
did a big circle towards the Haselbury Bryan junction passing near Kings Stag and then back again to Cox's Water. Terrier
men were called in while the Hunt and field hung around. Eventually just the terrier men were left leaving us with serious
doubts as to the fate of the fox.  Resident
reports South Wold FH to police after saw chasing fox 2-1-18 Louth Leader Police investigate ‘fox hunt’ claims in Asterby
Police are investigating claims that some riders and hounds taking part in a Boxing Day hunt chased and cornered a young fox
in Asterby End. A complaint was made to Lincolnshire
Police by Asterby End resident Paul Croft. However, the field secretary at the South Wold Hunt, Jeremy Wright, has denied
that any of the participants would have committed such an offence, stating: “As far as we are concerned, we operate
within the law.” The current legislation (the Hunting Act 2004) states: “A
person commits an offence if he hunts a wild mammal with a dog, unless his hunting is exempt.” Under the legislation,
the South Wold Hunt features hounds chasing an artificial scent, rather than pursuing and killing wild animals. The complaint was raised last week by Mr Croft who said he witnessed some huntsmen and hounds appearing to chase
a fox across land near his property. Mr Croft said: “I was shocked, dismayed and saddened as I gazed across the field
near to my home. “The fox running for its life was being chased by a closing pack of wailing hounds across the field
and then along the boundary hedge adjacent to my house and land before disappearing from my line of vision. The terrified
fox was cornered near to a small copse on my land. I did not see whether the fox was killed or if it was, how it was killed
or if it managed to slip into the little spinney on my land. A participating huntswoman on horseback, whom I challenged about
this, when I said: ‘I thought fox hunting with dogs was illegal act’, shouted back from her moving horse that
it was ‘not illegal’.” Mr Croft added: “I am not against country pursuits, I love the countryside
and the wildlife that abounds here in the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds
where I have the privilege of living. I remain
sickened and bewildered by what I saw and experienced.” A Lincolnshire Police spokesman said: “We can confirm that we have received
this report and we are currently investigating.” • If you have any information, call the police on 101 and quote
incident number 144 of December 28. Wynnstay FH chase fox thru gardens - locals complain
to police 2-1-18 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors WYNNSTAY NEW YEAR MEET, CODDINGTON, 1.1.18 We were monitoring the Cheshire Forest Hunt when we got phone
calls from concerned locals who asked us to attend the meet of the Wynnstay hunt who were causing havoc in Coddington and
surrounding areas.
We sent a small covert team of monitors who found the hunt and followed them undetected
from then on. There were very few riders, only 10 were seen and lots of quad bikes and terriermen. In fact there seemed to
be more terriermen (6 quads with 12 passengers) than riders. We got some great ID of unmasked terriermen for the police records. The Hunt were chasing
foxes as usual and ended up trespassing in people's gardens in both Churton and Aldford with hounds in full cry on the
scent of a fox. This fox was able to escape, thankfully, but we can't be sure there weren’t other casualties during
the day. The police were called by numerous
locals who have had enough of this Hunt's arrogant and destructive behaviour. Apparently the police will be following
the complaints up. We will be doing more covert monitoring in 2018 so watch this
space and Hunts - watch over your shoulders! Do
you have any information on the Wynnstay Hunt? Contact us in complete confidence, either here by private message or by emailing info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. Pic above - Huntsman Richard Tyacke Sabs ensure no dig-out of
chased to ground fox at Seavington FH Huntsman
masked-up when police arrived interested in what Hunt up to 2-1-18 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 1/1/18 Seavington Hunt; New Years Day meet at Dinnington, Somerset Having refrained from the celebrating of New Years Eve,
it was time to set off on what turned out to be a rather busy day for members of WAR, Sabs and Monitors. After meeting up with our good friends S.West Sabs, we decided that we would pay a nice morning visit to the Cattistock Hunt
kennels to see if they had made it up in time... Oh and surprise them we did. With a Monitor going ahead to keep an
eye on their shenanigans, we arrived when they were already in full killing mode. Within minutes of getting there the dribblers
started to block us in... the Landy having got there a little before us was already well and truly blocked with 4x4s that
we must say were a bit posher than what the Dorset dribblers drive! That's when it all started getting a bit frantic. The hounds had put a fox to ground and were excitedly digging
and scratching at the sett entrance. Sabs flew into action, running across the field using voice calls and the gizmo to call
the very excited pack of dogs off the fox. The gizmo worked well and the pack left the sett and started to run back to the
Huntsman who was waiting at the bottom of the field. The pack split at that point and some went off on a line towards the
Frog Farm area and others went back to the gone to ground fox... Sabs were there protecting it though. There then followed
a bit of shouting and pushing by supporters, when one of them said it was only a couple that were blocked and it was OK to
block a badger Sett as it was in the cull... uh hello, it finished a while ago now. After we had got through the road block we set
off after the pack while the other group called the police. Sabs went in on the footpath from Dinnington to Allowenshay to
keep with the pack, this is where the charming female whip rode her horse straight at sabs, yelling for them to get out the
field and she didn't care if they were walking on a footpath...these hunty types seem to think they own the world! The sabs in the vehicle were screamed at at this point by a "lady" who couldn't drive her tiny car through a
space that a large 4x4 had just gone through. After calling sabs scum antis she called in the big guns to go in after the
sabs. A game of block the sab vehicle ensued with one dribbler even removing his number plate. Things were getting rather
edgy so the Avon and Somerset police were called again.
With the Landy now back in action and with monitors at various points, foot sabs were dropped in at a couple of locations.
After shedding a few dribblers we carried on to get ahead of the Hunt again. Rounding a corner we found the Landy parked up
with 2 police cars. We didn't know that Police can actually come out when we need them!! They admitted they had no idea
what was going on so were given a short lesson and they said they would stay in the area for the duration!! After this brief stop with the police it was
noticed that the Huntsman had "masked up"... something to hide maybe?? The Hunt crossed the main road and tried
to leg it away from us but we had them surrounded for the rest of the day. It all really fell apart when the police pulled
up amongst the dribblers and got out to watch what was going on. The field started leaving and the split pack were taken in
a couple of different directions before joining up and making their way home, closely followed by us. We hardly heard the
hounds in cry as they spent most of the time trying to hide from us. We followed them back to the meet and watched as they dismounted at 3.30pm. We are pretty sure there were no kills
today but we are sure there would have been if we hadn't turned up when we did. Job done and with cheery waves from the
dribblers... well we assume they were waving, off we went for a lovely cup of tea and a debrief. Sabs, Monitors and wildlife protectors worked well as a team again today. With great
communication we were able to pincer them to a small area. If you would like to join us then please message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com. Happy New Year. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/
Lone sab sits in hole to stop Waveney
Harriers dig-out2-1-18 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Norfolk/Suffolk sabs, Monitors and also NSALQH were out New Years Day, and attended the meet of the Waveney Harriers
at Somerleyton Hall Norfolk. From the off, it was Hunting as usual for this Hunt. Foxes, hares and deer were seen fleeing
from the Hunt. Roads blocked by morons in 4x4's, hounds running riot across busy roads, with the Huntsman calling them
onto roads. This is madness seeing has one of his hounds has already been killed on a road, and another injured. At one stage, one
member of the group saw a Fox go to ground, and managed to sit the earth, while terriermen were in the area, and waited for
them to leave, knowing that the fox was safe. Full report to follow and footage of the day. Well done to all, hectic day yet
again. Police seek
violent robber associated with Silverton FH Woman anti
assaulted & property stolen/destroyed at meet 2-1-18 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs Assault and theft
at meet of Cheshire forest foxhunt in Crowton Cheshire police are looking to identify this individual after
an attack on a lone female sab in which equipment was stolen and destroyed. If you can help, please pm us and we will pass
info on to investigating officers. Pics below - The suspect police wish to identify.  Gravely ill woman's ambulance delayed by E. Devon FH blocking road 2-1-18
Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team The Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team have very, very loyal supporters, and we don't just
mean the Sabs. We're talking about all of you who can't necessarily come out and sab with us but support us in many,
many other ways. That's why when we receive information about the way Hunts behave in public with no concern for anyone other
than themselves and their warped desire to control the countryside for the sole purpose of hunting illegally we believe enough
is enough and you all need to hear the details. The mother of one of our supporters is very ill suffering from 1st stage lung cancer,
and yesterday on New Years day she was feeling most unwell with breathing difficulties. An ambulance was called but little
did she know that whilst she was waiting for the ambulance to arrive it had in fact been delayed due to The East Devon Hunt
blocking the road at Woodbury Castle. The ambulance was then forced to take an alternative and slower route in order to arrive
at it's destination. She eventually arrived at hospital, has been diagnosed with Pneumonia and is on an intravenous dip,
which we all hope will help her recover. Our supporter managed to get hold of the Hunt Master's mobile number and called
him and politely but in no uncertain terms told him how their selfish actions had not only caused the family and her Mother
unnecessary worry BUT that the Hunts actions could have endangered the life of her mother. By all accounts he most, most apologetic and contrite but did add that there was in fact only 6
riders! But of course as we all know only too well it's never just 6 riders, it's the hounds, the quad bikes, and
all the other support vehicles and people that accompany these meets! It all adds up and frankly if the police are not interested
in ensuring the Hunting Act 2005 is upheld, surely they should be interested in ensuring the public highway is free from obstructions
and if there are obstructions they should be in attendance to ensure it is dispersed without delay returning the public highway
to a safe condition. Sorry about the post but we feel that the Hunts have got away with their antics
for far too long and we wonder just how many other peoples lives have been put in danger through the Police's inactivity
to control the illegal activities of these Hunts. Fox saved from Cheshire Forest FH - female sab assaulted 2-1-18 Facebook - N.Wales Sabs Hit Report 1/1/2018 New Years Day - More protests - More sabs - More
monitors - No kills Andrew German and the Cheshire Forest Hunt have been on a killing spree of late . New Years day saw the Hare and Hounds public house in Crowton host this notorious bunch
of wildlife villains. At around 10am a peaceful protest started to gather outside the Hare and hounds pub, with around
50 members of the public holding placards and chanting. The Hunt didn't leave the meet till 12noon and soon ran into the
30 plus sabs from ourselves, Cheshire, Lancashire and Welsh Border Hunt Sabs. There were also at least 15 local hunt monitors we'd spotted out too! Today Andrew
German must have felt like a hunted man. Very early in the day there was an attack on a female sab. We do not want to go into
detail on this at the moment as it is being dealt with by the police. With so many out protecting the wildlife the Hunt ran into us every way they turned. The Hunt seemed to have a particular
interest in one woodland that is known to have badger setts. It was in the woods that sabs needed to intervene and take the
hounds off the disgruntled Huntsman. At one point, a fox seemed to appear from nowhere as if it had just been released...
and given this Hunt's previous that's very likely. The fox ran towards the hounds who then gave chase. The Huntsman
failed to call the hounds back, sabs tried to catch up but fox and hounds were moving too quick. Fortunately the fox was chased
into another area sabs were already at, and as Andrew German got off his horse to search for the fox in the wood, sabs were
able to intervene. This only saw a rare scene as police officers entered the fields. The hunt support were getting more and
more frustrated and trying their best to get a reaction out of sabs by making threats and driving their vehicles at sabs.
By now there were more sabs on their way down from Derby Sabs, who had been at a meet elsewhere and had packed them up by
With light fading so were German's hopes of a kill. The majority of the support headed back to the Hare and Hounds
pub. It was at this point some of the support made even bigger fools of themselves after they tried to confront some sabs.
It must have been very embarrassing as the hunt supporters ran back into the pub to hide from the police. Well done to everyone
who was out yesterday !!! Pics
above - Right - Leaving the meet Left - Masked terriermen Pic below - Sabs in action At Crawley FH, police arrest then abduct a sab who'd been ridden intoOnce police left, hunters really started on sabs - one pushed into ditch 2-1-18 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs We all know that hunters care so much for their horses so they would never put them in danger, such as on a January 1st day when the fields were covered up to a foot
in rain and slippery mud. Then we woke up and realised that the Crawley & Horsham don’t give a damn about any animal
be it horse, hound or Mr Fox. Meeting at the
usual 1st Jan meet of the Royal Oak, Wineham... Our Landy has developed a head gasket issue and was in the garage needing repairs
so we took to cars which was not the best as you could hardly move for mud and puddles. Needless to say we linked up with
intrepid sabs from Brighton, Croydon and West Sussex groups. No false trail was in evidence and the hounds went into cry on
numerous occasions, each time falling silent quickly. Due to the wet conditions it was rubbish scenting conditions unless
you were hunting ducks, and at times sabs were wading in water up to their knees. There
was a large contingent of foot/car supporters who took it on themselves to shout threats and drive dangerously at sabs near
our cars on the road. Sussex cops were there (all two of them) and did nothing to prevent such dangerous activities, including
ignoring overloaded quad bikes... Around 2pm it all came to a head at the end of a dead end road when riders rode their horses at sabs. Up popped the two Sussex
cops and nicked one sab for ‘pushing’ a horse. We think that is the same charge as ‘head butting someone's
fist!'. They wrestled the sab onto the bonnet of a sab car in scenes reminiscent of old episodes of ‘The Sweeney’
or for the younger readers ‘Life on Mars’. They then sat him in their Landy before driving him 20 miles east and
dropping him off with no charge stating ‘We’re doing you a f***ing massive favour’. That’s cop talk
for ‘we’ve fucked up again and Sarge has told us to drop it’.
So while these two officers had disappeared the rest of the Hunt took it on themselves to ride
at sabs again and they went down the road, hunt supporters blocked the road with their vehicles and then started pushing and
threatening sabs until one was pushed into a ditch. A cop van then turned up and ignored the blocked road, illegal overloaded
quad bikes with the words ‘they are not hurting you’. Setting the bar very low there officer. Eventually we got on our way and quickly picked up the Hunt who then packed up within an hour with no kills. We had
a few festive cakes in the rain, picked up our abandoned sab and went home ready to sab another day. Any donations to help
us with our land rover repairs, as always, appreciated. Please help if you can by donating at: https://www.paypal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. We are always looking for new sabs, so if you are interested please message us or email: southcosthuntsabs@gmail.com. Pics above - Right - Sabs keeping a redcoat company Left - Sabbing
in the Sussex paddy fields Pic below - Arrested
sab [thumb-up] being abducted by police Yorks Hunt support car with toddler in front used to chase/block
sabs Support
surround and try to break in to sab vehicle Sacked Badsworth FH Huntsman now riding with York
& Ainsty South 1-1-18 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs Hit report: the York & Ainsty South Hunt, Monday January 1st 2018, Howden
The York & Ainsty South were looking forward to their New Year's Day hunt. Unfortunately for them, us and Sheffield
Sabs decided to turn up and ruin the big day for them! Meeting at noon, we soon picked up the Hunt and closely followed them as they hunted
a large willow plantation. We were interested to see that former Badsworth & Bramham Moor whipper-in Mark 'Carrot
Boy' Poskitt is now hunting with the York & Ainsty South. We understand Poskitt, who last season rode his horse into
a West Yorks sab - watch the video here: http://bit.ly/2zYvmwM - was recently sacked by the B&BM for being useless. Hunt supporters were out in force this afternoon. Whilst
normal people might go for a pleasant walk with their families on New Year's Day, these oddballs choose to take their
kids along to a hunt, following it around in cars all afternoon and watching as they try and kill foxes. At one point we were
pursued by a car carrying a small child in the front passenger seat, who tried to block our vehicle in - a fine example to
set young kids, we're sure you'll agree. Whilst the Hunt were fairly subdued all afternoon, their supporters continued to
cause trouble. At one point a number of them surrounded Sheffield's vehicle, trying to gain entry and aggressively banging
on the doors and windows. After again hunting the willow plantation, the York & Ainsty
South decided to call it a day and we are pleased to report that we do not believe they were able to get any kills this afternoon. If you'd like
to support what we do, please consider chipping in to our petrol fund: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs. Happy
new year and thank you! No kills at Fitzwilliam FH as bird-handler
drives quad into ditch Fortunately, the Hunt's eagle was uninjured 1-1-18 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs On this day 2 years ago the Fitzwilliam killed a beautiful fox. In April they will go to court to face trial. Its taken over 2 years to get them there and we hope for a successful
prosecution. In light of this their traditional
New Years Day meet at Wansford has been targeted by sabs to make sure it doesn't happen again. There was also a demonstration
in the village so big thanks to those who braved the weather for that. With sabs from Northants, N & S.Cambs, Hertfordshire
and Lincoln Hunt Sabs pretty much covering every likely area the Hunt might take and in constant communication the writing
was on the wall for the Hunt from the start. They started late and finished early, with just a bit of a parade in the village
to what was a number massively down on previous years. The secret is out and the British people no longer believe the lies
spread by the Hunts. We know their dirty little game. So, a nice easy one for all the sabs today however
the same can't be said for Eagle handler and wildlife abuser John Mease who proved you can't drive a quad with an
eagle on your arm as he managed to park it in a ditch [right]. Luckily the bird
wasn't injured. So Happy New Year to all our friends and supporters and we'll
continue our fight to protect our wildlife into the new year and for as long as it take to consign them all to history. Silverton FH kill fox in front of sab and Huntsman Hunt
admits kill. Sabs assaulted, camera stolen 1-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Silverton Hunt just killed in front of sab and the Huntsman.
Waiting for Devon and Cornwall Police.  1-1-18 Devon Live Sabbing group claims members saw fox being killed
by Hunt in Devon Police
attend to gather evidence - warning graphic images of dead fox Police are investigating claims
that a fox was killed with dogs at a hunt in Devon earlier today. The claims were made by the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs.
A group of saboteurs and hunt monitors from the group had been following the Silverton Hunt when they claim they saw the fox
being killed. Devon & Cornwall Police confirmed that it had received a complaint
relating to a breach of the Hunting Act and was investigating. Devon County Hunt Saboteurs say they found a dead fox
while following the Silverton Hunt this morning. The incident came as hunts around the county met on their annual New Year's
Day hunts. There were peaceful protests elsewhere from groups who claimed hunts were still breaking the law and pursuing foxes
with hounds, although Hunts vigorously denied this. No one from the Silverton Hunt was available for comment. 2-1-18 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs SILVERTON HUNT ADMITS KILLING FOX To
those who have accused us of producing a roadkill fox yesterday, the Silverton Hunt have now admitted to police that they
killed the fox. As always when Hunts are caught red-handed, the Hunt aided by the Countryside Alliance PR team have made the
ludicrous accusation that sabs are somehow responsible. Emboldened by police inaction at the time, the Hunt became violent and several of our sabs were
assaulted and a camera broken. As you will notice from our hit reports, we sustain these attacks from hunts on a regular basis. We are glad to read the police are finally saying they will take the matter seriously. Thank you to everyone who
contacted them, but judging by past experience we will not be holding our breath. 3-1-17
London Economic Violence breaks out after discovery of dead fox during
New Year’s Day hunt Police are investigating after violence broke out between pro
and anti hunt groups following the discovery of a dead
fox. There were angry exchanges between the opposing groups following the death of the animal, which is believed to have been
killed by hounds during a New Year’s Day hunt. The Silverton Hunt has denied breaking the law, and said that the saboteurs attacked one of their followers after
the fox was killed “accidentally.” The incident led to angry confrontations between hunt followers and saboteurs,
with each side alleging that they had met with violence at the hands of the opposition. In a statement issued through the Countryside Alliance,
the Hunt, which is based near Cullompton, Devon, said: “The Silverton Hunt operates within the law by trail-hunting
and complying with the Hunting Act 2004. “On any occasion, if we become aware that hounds have deviated from the trails
that have been laid and are following the scent of a live fox then the hounds are stopped as soon as possible. The police
have been informed that a fox was accidentally killed on New Year’s Day when we believe the hunt saboteurs turned a
fox back into the hounds. It is with regret that one of our hunt supporters – who was following the hounds on New Year’s
Day – was injured in an unprovoked attack by a hunt saboteur and subsequently required hospital treatment. The police
are investigating the video footage of this assault and we are unable to comment further at this stage.” A group calling itself Devon County Hunt Saboteurs disputed
the Hunt’s version of events and issued photographs of a dead fox that it said had been killed during the hunt. A spokesman
said: “Hounds had grabbed the fox at both ends and disembowelled him. “The fox, a young male, sustained bite wounds
all over his face and abdomen. The huntsman had been encouraging hounds on and made no attempts to call them off.” The group then claimed that “several” of its sabs were assaulted on the road and a camera
was broken. The spokesman added: “One sab was held in a headlock, another was grabbed by the throat and sustained injuries
to his neck and several others were punched in the face and kicked.” Devon and Cornwall Police confirmed
that they were called to the scene in Cullompton on New Year’s Day after receiving reports that a fox had been killed
following a hunt and are currently investigating. A spokesman said: “As a result of the incident, officers are currently
investigating allegations of offences committed under the Hunting Act 2004. No arrests have been made as of yet. We take all
reports of criminal activity extremely seriously and always look to bring those responsible to justice, this includes gathering
evidence so that we can achieve a realistic chance of prosecution. We are asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident
or have any evidence to contact police via 101@dc.police.uk or by calling 101 quoting CR/000441/18.” LACS films Quantock SH illicitly hunting on N.Trust land 12-12-17
Facebook - League Against Cruel Sports VIDEO The Quantock Stag Hounds have been spotted hunting on National Trust land, again. Keep up to date with
of all reports of hunt trespass on our website and please report any incidents of hunting on National Trust land to us https://www.league.org.uk/nationaltrust. POWAperson added - The trespass occurred on 4th December at Woodland
DECEMBER 2017..... 31st December - Easton Harriers chased and mauled hare, says HPT ..... 31st December - Sab groups cause fox & hare Hunts to pack up when they appear ..... 31st December - Antis prevent Cattistock FH dig-out & hounds run through gardens ..... 30th December - Mendip Farmers FH invade land, animal heard screaming after ..... 30th December - Cheshire Forest FH kill another fox - locals protest Hunt ..... 30th December - Fitzwilliam FH hunted in graveyard, caught blocking sett ..... 30th December - VWH FH cause traffic disruption on two A roads ..... 30th December - Landowner's son -
Suffolk FH won't be invited back after riot on deer ..... 29th
December - South Durham FH supporter punches monitor to ground ..... 29th December - Woman monitor violently attacked by Grafton FH female thug ..... 29th December - Police investigate locals' reports of Cheshire FH chasing foxes ..... 28th December - Huntswoman laughs at 'marvellous' way Huntsman's
horse died ..... 28th December - FB post claims Cheshire
FH killed 3 foxes on Boxing Day ..... 28th December -
Tory MP attends fox killers Meynell FH Boxing Day meet .....
27th December - Sabs save cow drowning in slurry. Crawley FH were very nearby ..... 27th December - Sab hit to head by rider with Surrey Union FH, who hunt foxes ..... 27th December - Sab group told that Fernie FH killed two foxes ..... 27th December - Monitor's witness account of purported 'trail hunt' by Beaufort FH ..... 26th December - Thurlow FH Huntsman arrested after fox chased and
killed ..... 26th December - Poll shows growing &
massive opposition to hunting with dogs ..... 26th December
- Sabs can't reach dug-out due to violence from Cotley FH thugs ..... 26th December - South Durham FH reported to have killed fox near Darlington ..... 26th December - Police ignore illegal quads in Lewes at Crawley FH meet ..... 26th December - Grove & Rufford FH thugs hurl rocks, smashing
moving sab car window ..... 26th December - Cheshire
Forest FH kill yet another fox ..... 26th December
- Monitors get Huntsman to lift hounds off hunted fox ..... 26th
December - Fox reported killed by East Kent FH today ..... 26th
December - Antis attacked by thugs at Tredegar Farmers FH - one arrested ..... 26th December - Tredegar Farmers FH hound killed on by-pass near Risca ..... 26th December - Minehead Harriers pack up after horse drops dead ..... 26th December - Woolaston Bassets wouldn't follow fake trail lad for sabs' benefit ..... 26th December - Report says fox being chased by Eryri FH hounds
was killed by car ..... 26th December - Horse collapses
and dies at Burton FH in Lincs ..... 25th December
- Fox killed by Meynell FH in front of bus passengers & driver ..... 25th December - Waveney Harriers rampage round village, including churchyard ..... 24th December - Warwickshire FH caught hunting fox yet again ..... 24th December - PM set to abandon Tory commitment to repeal Hunting Act ..... 24th December - Otis Ferry gets the boot as S. Shropshire Huntsman ..... 24th December - Monitor persuades Four Burrow JM to call hounds off fox ..... 24th December - Residents furious at Cheshire FH invasion and fox chasing ..... 24th December - 19 police cars sent to protect mega-rich Fitzwilliam FH JM & pals ..... 23rd December - Wilts & Infantry Beagles go home 5 minutes
after sabs turn up ..... 23rd December - Sabs
think Vale of White Horse FH killed before they arrived ..... 23rd
December - Silverton FH JM damages sab car with crop - on film! ..... 23rd December - Westerby Bassetts refuse sabs' challenge
to 'hunt legally' & go home ..... 22nd
December - Ex police Chief Super watches his Warwickshire FH chase fox ..... 22nd December - Documentary on sabbing in Scotland being made ..... 21st December - Sabs save hunted fox from dig-out by Eggesford FH ..... 21st December - Residents who guarded setts from Cheshire FH explain why ..... 21st December - Sabs foil Vale of the White Horse FH attempt
to catch fox ..... 20th December - Pub hosting Grove
& Rufford FH Boxing Day meet gets 'death threats' ..... 19th December - Village inn will host Grove & Rufford FH after Council banned them ..... 18th December - S.Durham FH chase fox into housing estate, monitor ridden down ..... 18th December - Grafton FH trespass in Forestry Commission wood again ..... 18th December - Sabs reveal Warks FH high level support in police, Council, Lords ..... 17th December - Sabs film fox kill by Warwickshire FH hounds ..... 17th December - Woman sab has chest injury after attacked by huge E. Kent FH terrierman ..... 17th December - 3 sabs attacked as Grafton FH chase fox on to road & thru village ..... 17th December - Portman FH hounds riot though village - dig-out later ..... 17th December - Southdown FH meet scrapped as landowners didn't want them ..... 17th December - Sab punched and kicked as Cheshire FH fox chase fails ..... 17th December - York & Ainsty S FH chase fox through pregnant sheep flock ..... 17th December - Puckeridge/Essex FHs chase fox into partially blocked sett ..... 16th December - Sabs step in to save fox from Eggesford FH dig-out ..... 16th December - Severn Vale Beagles hide from sabs in a barn! ..... 16th December - Sparsely attended Meynell FH give up when sabs appear ..... 16th December - North Bucks Beagles pack up when sabs appear ..... 15th
December - Sabs stop Scottish hares being hunted by RAC Beagles ..... 14th
December - Bawtry Council bans Grove & Rufford FH meet over hunting convictions ..... 14th December - Grafton FH hunt next to, on and across busy
A422 ..... 13th December - Fitzwilliam FH JM
apologises for invasion of Alconbury Weston ..... 12th
December - Essex FH chase fox across road. ride & drive at sabs ..... 12th December - LACS films Quantock SH illicitly hunting on N. Trust land ..... 11th December - Local challenges and snaps suspicious activity by Dunston Harriers ..... 10th December - Beaufort
FH hounds chase & mark fox to ground in scrapyard by fast road ..... 10th December - Cattistock FH hound
believed killed by train as sabs restrain hunt .....
9th December - Heythrop FH chase fox across main road, sabs find 8 blocked setts ..... 9th December - Sabs cause Sandhurst Beagles to pack up, then hunter assaults woman ..... 9th December - SV Beagles Huntsman no show after told sabs were at meet ..... 9th December - Portman FH twice allow hounds to run on rounds, disrupting traffic ..... 9th December - Crawley FH chase four foxes,
hunt on till after dark ..... 9th December
- Hunters spotted on N. Trust land at Bicknoller on the Quantocks ..... 9th December - Sab car dangerously vandalised, sabs assaulted at Thurlow FH ..... 8th December - Sabs film Warwickshire FH blatantly hunting
a fox ..... 7th December - Waveney Harriers
hound believed killed in road accident ..... 7th
December - Sabs say police acted as security for Dunston Harriers ..... 7th December - Ridden-at sabs think Waveney Harriers killed fox, hounds on A roads ..... 6th December - Warks FH - Foxes hunted till dark, trespass,
road chaos, violence ..... 6th December -
Portman FH rider unseated after Hunt stampedes cows ..... 6th
December - Four setts found blocked where N. Cotswold FH were hunting ..... 5th December - Sab driver assaulted by S. Tetcott FH support
who tried to steal camera ..... 5th
December - Middleton FH terrierman filmed blocking fox dens ..... 5th
December - Antis help 3 foxes escape Oakley FH - and sab is headbutted ..... 5th December - N. Cotswold FH: 2 foxes saved, blocked setts, sab kicked in back ..... 4th December - Sabs stop dig-out at Puckeridge FH -
hounds kill pheasant instead ..... 4th December
- Fitzwilliam FH hounds after fox run riot through village of Upwood ..... 4th December - Middleton FH rider who assaulted sabs owns huge grouse shoot estate ..... 3rd December - Wiltshire & Military Beagles hound
killed on major road, one badly hurt ..... 3rd
December - Middleton FH mounted meet host and hired thugs assault sabs ..... 3rd December - Don't laugh - sabs see New Forest Beagles actually trail hunting ..... 3rd December - Cheshire Forest FH frustrated as Huntsman
throws punch at sab ..... 3rd December
- Anger as unlicenced Hunts, with terriermen, trespass on NT land ..... 3rd December - Sab success with 'bait ball' tactic to thwart Bolebroke Beagles ..... 3rd December - N.Staffs terriermen add indecent exposure
to litany of offences ..... 2nd December
- Fitzwilliam FH supporters cheered as fox caught and killed by eagle ..... 2nd December - Sabs menaced by Meynell FB gang - one said he'd rape female sab ..... 2nd December - Sabs handed trail map by Southdown FH -
who mostly follow it! ..... 2nd December -
Fernie FH hounds run on A road as crazed supporter reported to police ..... 2nd December - SNP delegates vote for full ban on hunting
with dogs ..... 2nd December - Surrey Union
FH hounds in cry on road in near darkness ..... 2nd
December - Sabs find dead fox in road after Silverton FH terrierman threw stones ..... 2nd December - NT say West Somerset Vale FH apologised
for trespassing ..... 1st December - Farmer vents
fury at Cattistock FH for terrifying her sheep .....
1st December - Cotswold FH mob's violent attacks on women sabs end in just
1 caution ..... 1st December - Warwickshire FH hunt fox across A road, trespass on N. Trust land again ..... 1st December - Gizmo used to save fox about to be caught by S.Durham FH hounds Easton Harriers hounds chased and mauled hare 31-12-17
Facebook – Hare Preservation Trust It seems that nobody is prepared to challenge the activities of the Easton Harriers in Suffolk. Here they
are again, pursuing live game in what we consider to be a violation of the Hunting Act. Although this unfortunate hare managed
to escape the hounds it was clearly mauled and may have sustained life threatening injuries. This is the true face of 'Trail
Hunting', photos obtained by our hard working HPT hunt monitor.  This hare managed to wriggle free from hounds, you can see its
fur floating above the hounds. It was mauled
by several dogs, so unfortunately may not survive - we hope it did. Fleeing
for its life. You can see areas of fur missing along its body. Sab groups cause a fox and a hare hunt to go home before they get started Hurworth FH and Claro Beagles go home rather than get sabbed One group also closed down a pheasant shoot 31-12-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday was the easiest sab ever! After turning up at the Hurworth Hunt, who met at Saltergill near Yarm
in North Yorkshire, the Hunt hurriedly packed their hounds away without even going in the field and we happily escorted them
back to their kennels. Later we met up with Sheffield
Hunt Saboteurs, who'd had a similar experience at the Claro - with the Hunt also taking one look at sabs, and promptly
packing up. And as an added bonus, Sheffield successfully packed up a pheasant shoot too. A very successful day all round! If you'd like to chip in to our petrol fund, all donations gratefully accepted here: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs. Pic below - Hurworth FH packing hounds away 31-12-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs While out following a tip off to look for the Hurworth foxhounds we came across the Claro Beagles in Aldborough.
They took one look at our vehicle and left, without the Huntsman or beagles leaving the van! A brilliant day, especially for
the two hares we saw speeding across fields adjacent to the Claro's meet. After making sure the Claro headed back to their
kennels, a shoot turned up at the Claro's meet! This 'family day out' was ruined with no wildlife killed. The
apparent landowner was annoyed that the Claro had been trying to hunt on their land not one hour before! We then heard the
Hurworth had packed up at the sight of West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs and with the sun setting, we decided it was time to head
off for some chips. Please consider donating to keep our battered landie on the road. https://ko-fi.com/A570FG9. Antis prevent Cattistock
FH dig out & hounds run thru gardens 31-12-17 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 30/12/17 Lady Townshend's Cattistock Hunt, meet
at Halstock Another day, another hunt in the death zones of Dorset. With members of WAR joined by Monitors and Sabs, some
of them coming to join us from way outside of Dorset and even some Badger Protectors! We began the day with a visit to the Park Beagles who were in the Frier Wadden/Portesham
area of West Dorset. There are three Beagle packs in Dorset, The Park Beagles The Pimpernel and The Purbeck and Bovington
which hunt hares and add to that the numerous shoots that take place has to make Dorset the number one place for murdering
misfits. Satisfied
that the hares had some chance of safety because of Monitors in the area and acting on a tip off, we headed straight for Lady
Charlotte Townshend's bloodthirsty Cattistock Hunt. We caught up with the hunt galloping (Sabs, worried for the health,
of the poor horses shouted for them to slow down, they didn't) along the Halstock road. Sabs instantly sprang into action
as hounds ran from Adams Green, over the road and incredibly through the gardens of shocked home owners!! The hounds and field
then headed off east into Clarkham Cross. Foot Sabs were deployed into Lewcombe to stay ahead of the field... With the field now heading South from Liberty Goyle in the direction of Lewcombe. Sabs on foot
suddenly saw a flash of red as a beautiful fox ran for its life, moving east through Lewcombe Copse towards Clarkham Cross.Foot.
Sabs sprayed the area and had decided to carry on north when a second fox ran past in the same direction as the previous one.
Foot Sabs made the decision to stay put and wait. Sure enough about 10 minutes later the hounds were on the line of the fox
and the Huntsman and Whip appeared. Not expecting to see us and with the hounds running a fox to ground, in a panic he leapt
from his horse and headed for the sett that the hounds were franticly digging and scratching at! Sabs stood their ground,
safeguarding the sett until it was confirmed that the hounds and the terrier boys had left the area... With Monitors in various positions, Foot Sabs out
in the fields and valley, Red Landy picking up and dropping in Sabs and the Grey Landy monitoring and filming the goings on
of the now somewhat confused huntsmen, there was nowhere they could go that we couldn't see. With the field spending an
awful long time standing around the Huntsman and whip disappeared off into Coombe Bottom with the hounds briefly speaking
every now and then. This gave the fallen rider time to catch and remount her runaway horse! The
hounds were now heading towards Urless Farm and it was thought that they were going to cross the very fast A356... The Monitor
who now had the company of 4 hunt supporters stood their ground and carried on filming. The hounds started to come towards
the road with encouragement from the Whip who, then seeing that he was being filmed, turned back down to Coombe Bottom to
hide. It all turned into a bit of a mess for the Huntsman from there and with the field disappearing
as fast as his hounds were he put them into a scrubby gorse area, through a stock fence with barbed wire [right]. Funny place
to lay a trail!!! He then tried to hot-foot it over the hill above Coombe Bottom but a Monitor was there already watching.
Hounds were now running in all directions with the Whip in the valley and the Huntsman above they both started calling the
hounds splitting them even more. By 4pm they called it a day and boxed for home. The police were called 3 times today
and said someone would attend but no one did. A little bit disappointing Dorset Police. The communication between the Sabs,
Monitors, Drivers and Navigators was absolutely superb today. A good experienced team keeping the Hunt pincered all day, despite
the claims from the Hunt that they accidentally ran a Fox to ground and it was everyone else's fault!! We are certain
we have enough evidence to hand to prove the last thing they were doing was laying a trail. If you would like to join us to help in any way
then please message this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com. Thank you all for your continued support.
Mendip Farmers FH trespass
on land, animal heard screaming soon after 30-12-17
Facebook - Locals Against the Mendip Hunt Hounds trespassed onto land at Yarley. After they had left the landowner followed them and heard
an animal screaming. Source: Landowner reported to this page.
Forest FH kill another fox - locals protest Hunt 30-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE FOREST HUNT KILL AGAIN The Cheshire Forest hunt met at
The Dog in Peover on Saturday 30th December 2017. Just
days after killing of a young fox on Boxing day, the Cheshire Forest hunt again met to carry on their unsavoury hobby. There
was the same array of sad supporters from Boxing Day. One supporter, who was shown the remains of the fox that day, gleefully
admitted she "just can’t stay away!" When you combine this with the array of tiny tots on ponies being paraded
about it makes you despair at the mentality of the people who support fox hunting. However,
it was heartening to see 'Cheshire Against the Hunt' again out in force on another peaceful demonstration against
cruelty. Their “tag line” is “there is no excuse for animal abuse” which is exactly what hunting and
killing sentient creatures is. It was also very uplifting to see Cheshire Police attend the protest and then follow the Hunt
most of the day. We had hoped that now they are the subject of a criminal investigation that Andrew
German and Co would show some self restraint, however it was apparent right from the start that they intended to chase foxes. As he led the field away from The Dog at Peover Pub, avoiding the peaceful protesters
and the chaos on the road caused by horse boxes and quad bikes he led the field back to one of his favourite spots of Peover
Hall, here he was witnessed off his horse walking through coverts, hoping he was going to get lucky and flush a fox out for
the hounds to chase. He moved further into Peover Hall probably in a vain attempt
to avoid our watchful eyes, however we anticipated the direction he would go and low and behold we encountered two riders
on point ready to flush a fox back to the hounds, it was then we heard the hounds in cry in an area that is extremely steep
and over grown terrain and certainly not where you would expect a trail would be laid especially when you considered the amount
of young children out riding. The Monitors split into two groups in an attempt to try and give the fox chance to escape, there
were some hounds at one end of the wood, however the monitor at the other end of the thick gorse witnessed the fox break cover
an attempt to seek refuge in thick gorse with the hounds chasing the fox. There was no attempt to call the hounds off the
fox. Sadly
despite the best attempts of our monitor to get to the fox, through very difficult terrain, the hounds killed it. Then the
terrier men and horses arrived to remove the remains. We then kept tabs on the
Hunt for the rest of the day, until they eventually packed up and the wildlife of Cheshire could breathe a sigh of relief. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman
with bloodied jodhpurs after fox kill 2/ Thug of interest to police after intimidating monitor 
Fitzwilliam FH hunted in graveyard, caught blocking sett Assaults on sabs, cops send 'copter to protect Hunt 30-12-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Well after our original targets had changed their meet we decided to head back up the A1 to help out our
chums at North Cambs Hunt Sabs who had already located the Fitzwilliam who were hunting in their traditional area around Great
Gidding. On arrival we found them hunting in none other than a church yard, these people don't even have respect for the
dead! We evicted them in good time and then the hounds took off after a hare which managed to escape. From then on between
the 2 groups we kept them in sight and to say they weren't pleased was an understatement. One of their senior riders looks
a bit like Tubbs from the League of Gentlemen and he'd really lost his sh*t. Even the normally jolly field master was
red faced and angry, using his horse as a weapon and pinning a sab up against a gate and hedge but some fancy footwork meant
the sab extracted himself from the situation and carried on doing what we do best. Earlier in the day our North Cambs comrades busted the Hunt's terrierman blocking up a badger
sett. This is a criminal offence against the Protection of Badgers Act but one has to ask why they would need to do this? There were various assaults on the day but it would seem the police were far from interested. Multiple units once
again attended and even the helicopter which was on station for well over an hour, how many tax payers pounds were wasted
on that? But we take all this in our stride as we're made of pretty stern stuff and it
means we're effective. The Fitzwilliam claim to use the Bird of Prey Exemption and while John Mease (their bird handler)
was there so was a confused looking chap with a mucky rag on a rope claiming to be the trail layer which was odd considering
he spent the whole day behind the hounds. So, what were they doing, following a trail or using the BoP exemption, they can't
claim to be doing both! Knowing they were soundly beaten they gave up around 1:45pm. Sabs returned to the badger sett to
undo the terrierman's work and prepare for our next big outing on NYD. On
that note, we wish all our supporters a happy New Year, why not go out and stick 2 fingers up at your local hunt and show
what the British public really think of them. Pics below - 1/ Hounds in graveyard 2/ Hounds chasing
hare 3/ Supporter attacking sab 4/ Blocked sett entrance 5/
JM rides at sab    VWH FH cause traffic disruption on two A roads 30-12-17 Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs 30.12.17 - Vale of White Horse Foxhounds Meet: Calmsden
Manor, Cirencester Teaming up with Bristol & Bath Hunt Saboteurs we went to visit the VWH who
met at their Chairman, Mark Tufnell's home. Our day was similar to our last encounter with these fox killers with the
Hunt on the run from us for much of the time. The Huntsman encouraged hounds through woodland including Calmsden Gorse and Wiggold Covert and fortunately hounds did not pick
up much scent. Several roe deer were pushed in a panic from the woodland. The Hunt moved fast and support tried a couple of
times to block the sab vehicles. Two sad supporters had a tantrum and got themselves a bit hot under the collar; not good
for their blood pressure. The Hunt recklessly went onto two main roads, the A429 and the A435 near North Cerney,
causing traffic disruption. At around 3.30 pm the Huntsman blew for home, returning to the meet with some of the field boxing
up their horses at Hollow Fosse Farm. If you would like to support us please consider making
a small donation here or paypal severnvalesabs@gmail.com. Much
appreciated! Landowner's son says Suffolk FH won't be invited back after riot on deer 30-12-17
Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 30/12/2017 Suffolk Hunt Spring Hall Farm, Stanstead We met up with comrades from Suffolk & Essex, NE
London, Cambridge and Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs to hit the Suffolk Hunt. With three full vehicles out, sabs had the Hunt in sight
immediately and between the vehicle and foot groups kept close tabs on them as they tried to lose sabs. There were a large number of fallow deer in the area, a herd of over 50 individuals
was seen at one point. The hounds were interested, rioting after the deer a couple if times in quick succession while the
huntsman tried to call them off. The rural police officer was on the scene shortly after sabs arrived and was clearly concerned
for the safety of the deer. Around 12.30, some hunt supporters became verbally aggressive and attempted to block
sab vehicles in while the hunt and hounds idled in a nearby field. Shortly after they galloped the short distance back to
the meet, packing up at a very early 1pm. We suspect that they may have been told to pack up by the police. Sabs stayed in the area for some time to ensure they did not go back out to hunt.
Interestingly, we were advised by the son of the landowner that he would not be welcoming the hunt back on his land, so even
better news for the wildlife living in the area! A good day, with no kills. Thank you all for your generosity
over the festive period, please continue to support us if you can: www.gofundme.com/southcambswinterfuel. Monitor
punched to ground by S. Durham FH supporter Assault taken seriously and dealt with by police 29-12-17 You Tube - NE Hunt Monitors On 11.11.17 in Bishop Auckland a member of North East Hunt Monitors was assaulted by a South Durham Hunt supporter. This was an unprovoked attack on a monitor who was leaving
the area at the time of the assault. The South Durham FH supporter had accused monitors
of blocking the road whilst walking along it to leave the area, even though monitors were clearly on the side of the road
leaving room for two cars to pass by side by side. The passenger, who is the son of the vehicle owner, then jumped out of the car and punched a male monitor in the
head and again as he stumbled from the first blow. The monitor did not retaliate from this cowardly attack and the passenger
quickly got back in the vehicle to make his escape. We would like to thanks Bishop Auckland police for taking this assault seriously and for speaking with all persons involved.
They could clearly see from the footage that this was assault and they took appropriate action by arresting the hunt supporter
and dealing with him in a manner that the victim was pleased with. We also thank the police for understanding that the Hunt
and their support are flouting the ban on hunting foxes and we are pleased they are looking into every incident we may send
in future. This is the real side of hunting.
Monitors put themselves in positions where they can be harmed every time they they
try to stop hunting of foxes. Monitors are not violent and don't ask for the treatment handed out by hunt staff and hunt
support. It is the hunting community that
is violent in a way to try to hide the shame of fox hunting. Who are the criminals here? Well obviously the police got it
right this time. Keep the ban and long live the fox. Pics above - Right... Supporter about to punch monitor Left...
Punching monitor to head Pics below -
Left... Supporter punches monitor again as he falls Right... Monitor sprawled on ground  Leading woman monitor violently attacked by Grafton FH female thugWas sitting in car when woman smashed camera into
her face and tried to steal it 29-12-17 E-mail from POWA member and leading hunt monitor We had an absolutely terrible day at the Grafton Hunt on the 19th, with constant blocking, persistent driving in front of us at 5 miles per hour,
and unrelenting aggravation. I was actually attacked by a woman called Sophie ******* - I was sitting in my stationary car
filming a hunt horse running loose on the road and she suddenly reached in my car and whacked my camera into my face. She
grabbed me and tried to take the camera, hitting my arm and yelling violently at me. It was really awful. See pic [right] of
my eye which is still sore. Have
reported to Northants Police (no, don’t laugh) who I am sure will make it their business to make my ordeal far worse
by treating me like dirt and failing to do anything.
Police investigate reports of Cheshire
FH chasing foxes today 29-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CAN YOU HELP? Cheshire Police are looking into reports of the
Cheshire Hounds Hunt chasing foxes in the Marbury area on Thursday 28.12.17. They had a 'children's meet' at Bank
Farm. Local people witnessed the Hunt chasing at least one of those foxes across fields and the police are appealing for other
witnesses to come forward. You can ring 101 and quote incident number 28122017. Huntswoman laughs & says 'marvellous
way to die' after Huntsman's horse drops dead Minehead
Harriers FH Boxing Day meet stopped as kiddies cry 28-12-17
Mirror VIDEO Huntswoman declares: "If I was going to die, I’d like to die
like that" as horse drops dead on Boxing Day hunt The woman was heard laughing saying it was
a "marvellous" way to die after the horse died while out on the hunt. The footage was uncovered by an animal welfare
group, which had been out filming the hunt, despite adverse weather conditions. The horse apparently went down, reportedly
leaving children following the hunt in tears after witnessing the animal's last moments. But a huntswoman, whose voice was caught on camera by the group
declared: “If I was going to die, I’d like to die like that. "Going out doing what I loved. Hunting and then
have a heart attack. Marvellous.” The clip was uploaded to Somerset Wildlife Crime's
Facebook page and the group said that the weather conditions on December 26 made the hunt meet 'dangerous'. A spokesperson
for Somerset Wildlife Crime, who asked to remain anonymous, told Somerset Live :- “The Minehead Harriers hunt left The Rest and Be Thankful pub at Wheddon Cross at 11.30am
on the December 26. Following a brief speech from the Huntsman, who warned his field about the conditions underfoot being
very soft and wet, he advised the field to remain close and be very careful. The Huntsman and hounds left the meet and headed
down in to a very steep valley between Blagdon Wood and Drapers Way. The support all made their way to Dunkery Beacon and
parked up high to get a good view. It was the Huntsman’s horse that collapsed and died, with hunt staff citing the cause
as heart failure. By 12.30pm the hunt had made their way back to the road at Dunkery Beacon with many of them visibly shaken,
there were a small group of children with the hunt, a couple of the girls were in tears and very distressed at having witnessed
the death.” Two days later Minehead Harriers confirmed that the mare, which was a favourite
of its rider, died during the Tuesday hunt. A spokeswoman for the Minehead Harriers told Somerset Live : “It is with
regret that we can confirm a much-loved and well-cared for 10-year-old horse owned by the huntsman of the Minehead Harriers
unfortunately died unexpectedly of a heart attack on Boxing Day following the meet. This has been deeply upsetting for all
those who cared for and knew the horse who was in the prime of her life. She had no known pre-existing conditions and was
the huntsman’s favourite horse. As with anybody that has lost a family pet, this is a distressing time for all concerned
and it is hoped that their privacy is respected.” POWAperson
comments - Numerous videos have been posted by antis that show hunters mistreating their horses in various
ways. It appears that, to most, horses, like hounds, are little more than, albeit expensive, tools of their grisly business.
The huntswoman's laughter and comment give a chilling insight into the near-psychopathic hunter mind-set. Those
same kiddies at the Hunt who, naturally, cried at the poor horse's fate, will over years be brainwashed and their
basest instincts brought to the fore. Many will come to believe that the merciless pursuit and slaughter of defenceless
animals for 'sport' is something to be enjoyed and that care and compassion is despicable weakness. Truly, hunters are not like the rest of us. Not understanding this, and how ruthless, arrogant and exploitative
they are was at the heart of why the Hunting Act was not drawn tight enough to properly restrain and punish them.
post claims Cheshire FH killed 3 foxes on Boxing Day 28-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Continued decline in support for hunting in Cheshire... but the killing continues
We are pleased to report there were reduced numbers present at this year's Boxing Day Meet of the Cheshire Hounds in Tarporley,
a big drop even from last year. The continued drop in support for hunting in Cheshire is clearly apparent, and we applaud
those who decided against showing 'casual support' on Boxing Day as it gives the hunt a false sense of security. Interestingly, one
resident told us that it "was mostly people coming into Tarporley rather than local residents. Nobody I know supports
the hunt and lots are angry that it still goes on in their own village." Another messaged us to tell us it was "mostly
old people and strangers". (Of course the so-called Countryside Alliance are giving their usual false quotes about "record
numbers"). Sadly though, after the usual poncing around on the High Street, other reports we have received suggest the Hunt
went on to make kills later in the day, which appear to be confirmed in the attached comment [below]. If
you have any further information, please get in touch, or call Cheshire Police on 101 and quote incident number 46128122017. Tory MP attends killer Meynell FH's Boxing Day meet Hunt
witnessed by bus full of people killing fox 3 days earlier 28-12-17 Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Here is a short video from Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt's Boxing Day Meet, which clearly
shows Andrew Griffiths MP for Burton and Uttoxeter lending his support. Sabs save cow drowning in slurry - just metres from where Hunt standing 27-12-17
Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs VIDEO We did definitely save one life yesterday, as one of our sabs noticed a cow quietly drowning in some filthy pit of slurry at a farm we were standing at, waiting for the trail-hunting
charade to begin. Only her head still showed
and she was just going under when she was spotted. We had no rope or anything but used our voices - honed from years of rating
hounds off a scent - to shout at her and clapped our hands until that galvanised her and she found strength she didn't
know she had and began to move forwards instead of just sinking further, until she found more solid ground under her feet
and finally was able to free herself [right].(We didn't start filming until she had managed to move upwards and forwards and across the pool of shit and mud
she was in, and could see she was going to be all right). The Hunt were all standing
a few metres away... There was a ramshackle ladder tied across at one side, which I presume was the 'barrier'
to prevent anyone going in...she was underneath it and when all but her head was under the slurry. Every time she raised her
face to try and extricate herself, the ladder hit her on the head. She was just disappearing under when we turned up, not
making a sound.... was so poignant. Pic below - Hunt, very close to where the sabs were rescuing the lucky cow Sab group told that Fernie FH killed
two foxes 27-12-17 Facebook – Hunting Kills Fernie Hunt in Leicestershire, killed 2 foxes (info to Notts sabs). Sab hit in head by rider with Surrey Union FH, who hunt foxes 27-12-17 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs With North Downs and Croydon Hunt Sabs we headed to Ruckmans Lane for the Boxing Day meet of the Surrey
Union Hunt. True to tradition the one-show bumpkin brigade were out in numbers. Doubt we'll see any of them again for
another year. Hunting's alive? Is it b*llocks! The Hunt headed off round the back of the kennels towards Honeybush Farm. As they
did sabs kept pace and one rider hit a sab around the head. Too much to drink already? As the field headed for the jumps the huntsman took the hounds into Honeybush Farm which is a very
foxy area and we've seen them chase foxes in here before. We heard the hounds go into cry clearly on a fox. Sabs kept
pace through very thick brambles and masked any scent. Frustrated, they moved on. This was reported to police but their response
was "well you know how to report a crime don't you". Well I thought we usually report to police officers? Or
is it only allegations the hunt make that you take seriously? We caught them illegally hunting again through Lower Breache Farm. We kept with
the hounds and soon they were called off. Once again the field were no where to be seen. They headed through Coxlands and
soon packed up. Nearer the end of the day as our driver pulled up the landy got stuck, not the best of endings eh! So far we are aware
of 4 foxes, 2 horses and 1 hound that were killed yesterday. This is the reality of foxhunting, the persecution of any animal
they can get their bloody hands on. Our thoughts to all sabs that witnessed yesterday's kills. There was undoubtedly more
kills that we don't know of. To take a stand get involved:- https://www.huntsabs.org.uk/index.php/get-involved/contacts https://ko-fi.com/A62094D Monitor's eye-witness account of purported 'trail hunt' by Beaufort FH27-12-17 The following, by the author of the anti-hunt film 'A Minority Pastime', is a letter written to the Guardian in response to their article on Boxing Day
hunts - I read this article on my return home from witnessing the Beaufort Hunt today on Boxing Day
Hunt. The ‘trail’ consisted of a rider with a rag on the end of long whip conjured up for the benefit of my camera
after I had filmed the fox desperately fleeing across the field, veering sideways when it saw the hunt supporters lining the
road. It was desperately trying to reach safety back in the wood where we had heard them hunting shortly before. The hounds
burst through the hedge shortly after, casting around for its scent as I shouted at the Huntsman that the fox was on film,
making him hesitate but not stop. I lost sight of the fox but there was a ‘holloa’ from the lane where the supporters
were lined up overlooking the fields. In traditional
hunting a holloa is a signal to the Huntsman that the fox has been sighted and the direction is given. It has no function
on a 'trail hunt'. The hound pack was taken across the fields and put to search for scent back towards the wood. This
took place over fifteen to twenty minutes. After a heated discussion with the landowner and two large terriermen who came
on a quad bike to make me leave the area, my group vehicle took me down the lane where myself and a colleague could get through
a gap in the wall and go up the hedge towards the wood where the hounds were by now in loud cry – this sound is loud
and terrible to hear when you know the pack is bearing down on a small wild animal running for its life round a wood. We kept to the other side of the large hedge because I could
see terriermen hunched onto their quad bike on the other side facing the wood, and as I got level with them the fox came fleeing
out through the hedge and across the open space in front of me. We rushed up to spray its tracks with water laced with citronella
to disguise the scent. By some miracle the terriermen and riders posted round the wood had not seen it but the hounds might
arrive on its scent at any moment and despite our efforts might still pick up on its scent. Gambling on the Huntsman not wanting
to risk it as he knew I had filmed the fox earlier, I shouted again that the fox was on film. A second quad bike full of masked
men arrived to jostle and aggravate us away but the Hunt melted away. Sometimes a camera is enough. That fox got away as did
another towards the end of the day when they were hunting in near darkness. That is 'trail hunting'. Denise Ward, Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Thurlow FH Huntsman arrested after fox chased and killed26-12-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Thurlow Hunt kill fox at Great Thurlow, Suffolk - Huntsman arrested
Huntsman and Whip actively hunted their pack through Trundley Wood, east of Great Thurlow. Sabs were just in time to witness
and document as the hounds brutally ripped apart this young fox. Everything was caught on film and evidence is with Suffolk
police, who arrested the Huntsman as he attempted to flee the scene.. 26-12-17 Twitter @EDUARDO_LACS Thurlow
huntsman arrested after allegedly illegally killing this fox during Boxing Day hunt. Yet if found guilty he will just be FINED.
Isn’t it time perpetrators of ALL animal cruelty faced the prospect of JAIL?? 26-12-17
Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs Early morning start for us; we met up with our good friends Northants sabs to sab the Cambridge and Enfield Chace
at their meet in Eltisley along with sabs from S. Cambs, N. Cambs, Beds & Bucks, SES - Suffolk And Essex , Devon County
and Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Hunt packed up just after 12. To our delight! With NO hunting taking place. The foxes were
pretty pleased too! Following this, all the groups joined up with Cambridge Sabs who had been sabbing
the Thurlow Hunt. Sabs entered Trundley Wood- to the sounds of the cry from the hounds, a fox was tragically killed. The heartbreaking
reality. The arrogance of the Hunt didn’t end with the murder of the fox; they continued
to verbally harass sabs quoting “trespass”, “private property” - you get the picture. No remorse;
no feeling for the brutally killed fox. “Trail hunting” my Aunt Fanny! These blood junkies will go to any length
to take the life of a beautiful innocent creature. Sabs picked up the dead fox, Suffolk Police arrested
the red coat.. he was spotted by sabs hiding in a Landy driven at speed with the “ blues and twos” in hot pursuit.
This is now an ongoing investigation by Suffolk police. Thinking of the sabs that witnessed this horrifying
scene. Which should not be happening. We believe our presence there stopped other lives murdered. We cannot save them all
but we will bloody try! If you can help us please do: https://ko-fi.com/hhsabs. 27-12-17 Cambridge Times Police investigate after fox dies during Boxing
Day hunt Hunt observers
claim the Thurlow Hunt killed the wild animal - but the Hunt says the death was the fault of the activists. Police told the
News they intervened following a 999 call from a hunt observer alleging that a fox had been killed during the event. A statement
from Suffolk Police said: "As a result of an incident between the Hunt and hunt observers, officers are currently investigating
allegations of offences committed under the Hunting Act 2004." Under the 2004 Hunting Act it is illegal to hunt wild mammals with dogs in England and
Wales, except for some exceptions such as "flushing" an animal out of cover to protect property or crops. Anyone
caught breaking the law faces a fine. A spokeswoman for Suffolk police told the News : "The allegation is that the Hunt has killed a fox.
We have a sergeant from the Rural Crime Team who is gathering all the evidence that is available and it's very much a
live investigation. It's early stages at the moment." On Facebook a graphic image of a dead fox was posted to the North Cambs Hunt Saboteurs
page, claiming it was killed by the Thurlow Hunt. But the Hunt says that the animal's death was the fault of the saboteurs.
A spokeswoman for the Hunt said: “An incident occurred on Boxing Day which was caused almost entirely by the actions
of animal rights protesters while we were trail-hunting within the law. Two members of hunt staff were stopping hounds from
following a fox that had jumped up in front of them while they were legally trail-hunting. The saboteurs turned the fox straight
back into the hounds which unfortunately then killed it. The police have been informed.” Officers are currently
asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident or have any evidence such as video footage, to contact the Rural Crime Team
at Suffolk Police on 101, quoting 168 of 26/12/17.
Latest poll shows massive and growing opposition to hunting
with dogs 26-12-17 Huffington Post Boxing Day Hunts: Fox Hunting Opposition At An All Time High, Poll Finds - The
majority of people living in rural areas also back the fox hunting ban Opposition to fox hunting
is at an all-time high, news figures released today reveal, as Hunts prepare to gather for Boxing Day meets across the country. Polling carried out
by Ipsos MORI and commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports showed that 85% of the public are in support of keeping
the ban on fox hunting - up from last year’s figure of 84%. People living in rural areas are also against the legalisation
of blood sports, with 81% of people backing the fox hunting ban, according to the data. Chris Luffingham, director of policy, communications and campaigns for the League Against Cruel
Sports, said: “The Boxing Day hunt parades are portrayed as the celebration of a great tradition with huge public support,
but the truth is very different. “There is nothing to celebrate in the chasing and killing of wildlife in the name of
sport and the polling figures have shown us, year after year, that the majority of the public clearly do not want hunting
made legal again.” But the hunting lobby argue that the sport is still popular, with “hundreds
of thousands of people... expected to support their local hunts” on December 26. Fox
hunting was banned in its traditional form in England and Wales in 2004, but it remains a contentious issue. Opponents to
the ban claim the Hunting Act “lies in tatters” and say it should be revoked. The Countryside Alliance calls the
act “a blatant example of political prejudice”, claiming “it does nothing for the welfare or conservation
of the species it claims to ‘protect’”. Theresa May was forced to shelve
her promise of a free vote on repealing the Hunting Act after she failed to gain a Tory majority in the snap general election
earlier this year. “As Hunts parade in towns
and villages up and down the country today, they do so in the shadow of fox hunting being the second most talked about election
campaign issue online, multiple reports of trespass by hunts and prosecutions for illegal hunting,” the League said
in a statement. The National Trust also came under fire this year for continuing to allow trail hunting on its land. Trail
hunting is legal under the Hunting Act and involves laying the artificial scent of an animal. Opponents argue that the practice
is a pretext for hunts to kill foxes. Luffingham added: “With 85% of the public saying
they do not want fox hunting made legal again, there has never been a better time to strengthen the Hunting Act and bring
an end to the illegal persecution of wildlife still going on under the guise of trail hunting. The realities of trail hunting
have been well and truly exposed this year and the extent to which foxes, hares and deer are still being chased and killed
has really shocked people. Time and time again Hunts are getting away with circumventing the law and that needs to stop.” Respondents to the poll were asked about blood sports including fox hunting, deer
hunting, hare hunting and coursing, dog fighting and badger baiting. The poll also found that 87% opposed legalising deer
hunting and 90% were against hare hunting and coursing. The
League said that consistent polling over several years showed that opposition to fox hunting has risen steadily. In 2008,
73% opposed fox hunting, compared to the current 85%. In rural areas 81% backed the ban - a 12% rise in the past five years,
according to the League’s data. In London, 90% oppose fox hunting, in the Midlands and South of England it is 84% and
in the North of England it is 82%. A League Against Cruel Sports study estimates that the Hunting Act has so far helped
more than 100,000 animals, including foxes, hares and deer. The 100,000 figure refers to the number of animals being killed,
chased or disturbed by the activities of the Hunts. But anti-hunt campaigners want more to be done to strengthen
the Hunting Act. These are:- The use of dogs below ground should be prohibited. A ‘reckless’ provision should be inserted to stop hunters using the false alibi of ‘trail’
hunting. Sentencing powers should be increased. The Observation
and Research exemption abused by stag hunts should be removed. “A mockery is being made of the very legislation put in place to try and protect wildlife,” Luffingham said.
“During 2017, we’ve seen the government make some great steps in terms of its commitment to animal welfare, and
as we move into 2018, we’d like to see a strengthening of the Hunting Act as part of this commitment. There is overwhelming
support for the ban on hunting; now it’s time for improved legislation to put an end to wildlife suffering in the name
of sport once and for all.”
Sabs unable to reach dig-out due to violence and threats from Cotley
Harrier thugs26-12-17 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Sabs Cotley Harriers 26.12.2017 The Cotley Harriers met in Chard
town centre yesterday for their Boxing Day meet. They were met by protesters in the town centre and sabs in the field. The
Cotley were well overdue a visit from us, as they killed both times we last sabbed them, once in plain sight ( see our video: https://tinyurl.com/y74wnfac ) and once by hunting a fox to ground in an artificial earth before bolting and shooting it. They
hunt in Devon and Somerset and yesterday they straddled the border. As soon as they left the town centre, hounds were running in full cry on the line
of a fox in the valley between Bounds Lane and Green Lane. Riders were kept away from the action and were busy jumping hedges when hounds
crossed the road into the coverts around Cotley and Lodge Farm. Here one of our teams witnessed a fox hunted to ground and
the terrier men were called in. Our foot teams did their best to converge on the location but they were set upon by various
drunken hunt supporters and terrier boys, even while on the footpath. Getting to the earth required leaving the footpath down
a steep slope through the woods. The thugs were ordering us back up to the top of the woods but at the same time grabbing
hold of sabs and pushing them down the slope [right]. Five out of six sabs in
the woods were females, being attacked by a group of drunken men. One of the hunt's 'trail-layers' [below
left] (something we only ever see on Boxing Day!) was the worst of the lot, violently barging into
people, grabbing hold of their legs and pulling them down the slope. This was the only thing he did for the Hunt all day,
as the pack never went anywhere near the 'trail' he was pretending to lay. They stole items of clothing and attempted
to yank cameras and radios out of sabs' hands and one of them told a female sab "I'll kill you". Unfortunately
we cannot say what happened to the fox, as we were outnumbered and couldn't get close. Please
share and help us identify the two men in our pictures. While all of this was going on, the pack moved on to the north. Sabs
caught up with them in the fields east of Bartletts, where a different 'trail runner' had been seen previously laying
her 'trail'. Strange how the hounds didn't make a sound when the huntsman made them follow the exact path of the
trail!... By now, our vehicle and several of our foot teams had acquired a tail
of hunt supporters, who blocked them at every turn. A foot team on the road was being driven at by vehicles mounting the grass
verge they were on and someone on a quad bike carrying three people drove past and reached out to grab a female sab walking
on the verge. The harriers began speaking again around Weston Farmhouse but the road was blocked by hunt support cars so sabs were only
able to watch from a distance as they drew the valley towards Lancin Farm. The driver of one of the vehicles, who had earlier
tried to get into our landy, told one of our sabs he would split her head open "from ear to ear". This is the true
face of hunting. The Cotley, who on their own cameras like to appear polite and gentile, are nothing but a bunch of violent,
law-breaking thugs.
Although it had been a difficult day,
not helped by heavy rain and wind, our sabs did see two foxes making a break to safety, one very close to the pack and the
other a few fields away. One fox ran out right in front of us but fortunately wasn't seen by the hunt members who were
just coming round the corner of a field. Sabs stopped to guard the run where the fox had crossed into the next field in case
they doubled-back. Eventually we followed the Hunt back south towards
the kennels, where they packed up at around 3.30pm. Although Avon & Somerset police had sent several police vans to the
Hunt meet in the town centre, they didn't seem interested in the overloaded and illegally driven quad bikes, the drink
driving, the overt violence and intimidation and of course the illegal hunting. Thank-you to Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group who kindly lent us their Land Rover, and thanks also
to monitors and friends who were our extra eyes and ears yesterday. Solidarity with all the groups up and down the country
that had to witness the deaths of numerous foxes, hounds and horses yesterday, all because this violent 'tradition'
is allowed to carry on. Although the hunts are in the public eye on Boxing Day, fox hunting goes on nine months of the year,
several times a week, all over the country. In Devon alone there are over 20 active fox hunts. Don't be under any illusion:
direct action is the only thing that stops them. Contact us to get involved: devoncountysabs@riseup.net or
07717473305. If you can spare a few quid towards our fuel fund, you can donate via www.paypal.me/dchs. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman
and hounds 2/ Hunt thugs  South Durham FH reported to have killed fox near Darlington 26-12-17
Facebook – Hunting Kills The South Durham Hunt, meeting at the Kings Arms in Stainton, near Darlington, hunted 1 fox and killed
it on Heather Marks Farm, just outside Bishopton, Darlington, (local tip-off to Hunting Kills page). Police ignore illegal hunt quads in Lewes at Crawley FH meet 26-12-17 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs What's wrong with these pictures? Lewes High Street Boxing
day, illegal quad bike of the Southdown & Eridge Hunt with no number plate and overloaded with three people drives past
cops who just watch. We have been constantly reporting illegal quad usage to Sussex police who refuse to take any action.
Please contact both Sussex police and Lewes council asking why they allow such blatant illegality to take place on Lewes High
Street:- http://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/about-…/make-a-complaint/ https://www.facebook.com/sussexpoliceforce/ https://www.sussex.police.uk/…/make-a-com…/make-a-complaint/ POWAperson adds - We know that Sussex police was
one of the forces advised earlier this year by the Home Office that use of quads on roads, unless travelling between
entrances of the same farm, is illegal. As is carrying passengers. Used like this, quad drivers have no insurance. Not
having plates, of course, is also a criminal offence. Yet police forces seem extremely reluctant to enforce
these, or, you might think, any other laws, against organised hunters. Pics
below - 1/ One of the illegal quads in Lewes High St 2/ Another one
ignored by police  Grove & Rufford FH thugs hurl rocks at moving sab car,
smashing window26-12-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Boxing Day got off to a good start with Sheff Sabs attending a demo against the convicted Grove and Rufford
Hunt. They had planned to meet in Bawtry Town Centre but were banned by the Council in light of their illegal hunting convictions
earlier in the year. We thought we should turn up and remind them that they are not to allowed to do whatever they want. Instead
of Bawtry Town Centre they met in the tiny village of Scaftworth at the King William Inn. At the demo at least half a dozen quadbikes continually drove along the dual carriageway with no
number plates, and hurling obscenities at peaceful protesters. When it was pointed out to police that allowing such behaviour
to go unpunished would only encourage worse behaviour we were met with shrugs and excuses that they weren't there to uphold
the law but to ensure a peaceful demonstration! When the Hunt finished their parading about and rode off from the meet we followed
them. Very shortly afterwards we had a side window smashed by stones thrown by 6 quad riders hiding behind a hedge, as we
drove along a busy road. Had the rocks hit the vehicle a split second earlier they would have smashed the windscreen and who
knows what the outcome could have been? A Landrover full of people hitting another vehicle head on! Thankfully our driver
kept their nerve and control of the Landrover. The van aerial was also smashed off and a door badly dented by rocks. We met the police in Bawtry and gave them descriptions of the people involved, thankfully not only do we have dash
cam footage of the quads and the incident but also footage of them on the dual carriageway at the protest. After this brief pause we set off again to catch up with the hounds only to find
the suspension was broken and the steering wouldn't work, probably also broken by the stones. Back home on a low
loader again, but we'll be back as soon as we can. If you can contribute anything to help with vehicle repairs that would
be really helpful. https://gogetfunding.com/boxing-day-attack-help-fix-our-la…/ Pics below - 1/ Some of the rock hurlers
2/ Some of damage sab vehicle  26-12-17 Mirror Angry saboteurs clash with Boxing Day hunters on the bloodsport's biggest day -
Saboteurs at several Boxing Day meets clashed with hunters and their supporters as they protested against fox hunting - Trouble
flared on the biggest day in the hunting calendar Demonstrations had been organised across the UK at
many of the 250 events fox trail-hunts planned claiming they are being used as a cover for continued bloodsports... protestors
in Lincolnshire claim “they could have died” after rocks were thrown at their vehicle. One of
the biggest protests took place at a trail hunt in Lincolnshire which Bawtry Town Council recently banned from its land. They
made the decision after three members of the Grove and Rufford Hunt were convicted of illegal hunting earlier this year. The King William Inn in Scaftworth, Lincolnshire, stepped in and announced it would be the social host for the event
but it is claimed the announcement prompted death threats. But it was the protestors who came under fire, with one claiming
they “could have died” after rocks were hurled at their Landrover. He said: “The Hunt set off at 12 noon
and we were driving around a field in a Landrover when six quad bikes came towards us with no number plates on. They did a
U-turn and then threw about three rocks at the side window of the Landrover and were shouting abuse. One of the passengers
was covered in glass. Nobody was injured luckily. We called police as it was all caught on camera and told them if they don’t
do anything it will get worse. They could have killed someone.” Cheshire Forest FH kill yet another fox26-12-17
Facebook - Cheshire Against The Cull We've had these photos passed on to us [one below right], and
have been given permission to share them, off a brave person who was out trying to defend wildlife today in Cheshire. A fox
illegally killed by the Cheshire Forest Hunt in Allostock near Knutsford today which dispels myth that foxes are murdered
with a "quick nip to the neck" - this fox was ripped in half. This doesn't
just happen on Boxing Day. This happens week after week during the hunting season. Support or join your local hunt monitor
and sab groups. Join the front line of wildlife defence! 26-12-17 Facebook - Dominic Dyer Cheshire Forest Hunt proudly displaying a fox they have brutally killed
this afternoon in breach of Hunting Act [pic below left].  27-12-17 Manchester Evening News Police investigate alleged illegal Boxing Day hunt in Cheshire
Police say they have been made aware of footage and reports of an illegal hunt in Allostock, near Knutsford. An investigation
has been launched and officers are now appealing for witnesses to come forward. In a statement Cheshire police said: “We are aware of
footage and reports that an illegal hunt has taken place in Allostock and consequently detectives and rural and wildlife trained
officers are investigating the allegations. The investigation is in the early stages and we welcome further information. The
role of the police is to investigate alleged or apparent breaches of the Hunting Act, to gather evidence and to pass that
evidence to the appropriate authority to consider prosecution. It is not a police matter to consider what is or is not hunting
as this can only be determined in court.” Thousands met for more than 250 registered Boxing Day
hunts across the country just days after it was reported Prime Minister Theresa May will abandon her Conservative general
election manifesto pledge to give MPs a free vote on whether to overturn the fox hunting ban. Anyone with information is asked to call Cheshire police on
101 quoting incident number 238 of December 26th. 28-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors UPDATE ON CHESHIRE FOREST HUNT KILL These images are the result of the Cheshire Forest Hunt's meet at The Three Greyhounds
in Allostock near Knutsford on Boxing Day. They show the reality of fox hunting in Cheshire - a healthy young fox literally
torn in half by hounds in the name of fun. The gathered riders and hunt supporters - including children - applauded and cheered
when they saw this. We are unable to post any further details about the day’s events for the time being, as it is now
under police investigation, but we will reveal the full extent of this horrific incident, and the people involved, in due
course. Cheshire Police now have a substantial amount of video and photographic evidence from different sources, and are progressing
an investigation into illegal hunting and animal cruelty... Monitors get Huntsman to lift hounds off hunted
fox Blocked badger sett found where they were hunting 26-12-17 Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch CIHW attended the huge Boxing Day meet at Worcester Lodge,
Badminton. Whilst displaying our banner, one woman came up to say ‘I don’t like you’ but then said ‘I
don’t like them either!’ Another contended that the League of Cruel Sports was a terrible mob who would beat hunters
to a pulp, she had seen it, especially since the ban. We believe it’s the opposite [see link below when League investigator
was attacked by Belvoir hunt followers]Several men tried to catch us out with impossible justifications for fox hunting like
fishing is just as cruel and why weren't we doing something about that?! We were warmly welcomed by the lady who lives
in the Lodge at the gate who gave us a glass of something nice and took our picture, saying she was thrilled that there was
no violence - so were we, but a terrier man had tried to grab one of our placards on the way in. They went off through the park ahead of a massive field and a horde of followers on foot, hunting the hounds through
towards Hollybush where terrier men on quad bikes were loitering. This is where 3 Counties Hunt Sabs found them once with
spades at an artificial earth. A small herd of deer were then flushed out of the surrounding woods caught on camera at 12.39 [pic
below]. They headed towards Sopworth Brake where monitors arrived with cameras and saw more terrier man activity and riders
on point… the hounds eventually went in cry there running towards the road but it ended inconclusively on the lane. The pack was then
taken across towards Luckley Farm where they were heard in cry. This was the moment that we saw the first fox of the day running hard in the field adjacent to the lane towards Sopworth Lane swerving
away when it saw the support on the road [right]. The hounds came pouring through
the hedge on its line in full cry with the Huntsman just behind them but they overshot the fox’s turning point and lost
the scent as we shouted ‘fox on film’ to the huntsman and occupied the corner of the field where the fox had exited,
rating hounds off that came near. The Huntsman did not
instruct the hounds to search but after what seemed to be a holloa from the lane, took them in the direction the fox had run
and they were put to search under Luckley Brake where they soon went in cry again in the wood. We do not know if this was
a second fox or the first one that had run all the way back trying to find safety, but by the time we got nearby, walking
up behind a big hedge, avoiding the terrier men on their quad bikes, the noise from hounds in cry in the wood was horrific.
We thought we were going to hear a kill but then a fox shot out from the wood ahead of us running for its life across an open
area of cultivated field. We ran and sprayed its scent out shouting ‘it’s on film!’ This time the hunt left
it. During the course of the day 1 sett was found to be blocked near where the Hunt had been - now reported to the police
and the Badger Trust. After second horse at the kennels, Badminton, they went south to Centre Walk Brake
where we found them, and then crossed the B4040 towards Alderton Grove where they did a circle including Cranhill Wood. They
were next heard towards the east near West Dunley Farm and Dunley Gorse. It was starting to rain heavily and the light was
fading but we tracked their movements back towards Alderton as they hunted their way back towards Badminton. We got close
to them once more hunting and saw a fox slip away as the riders on point looked the other way … we covered its retreat
until it was so dark they had to stop hunting and we caught them with gathered hounds taking them home just after 4pm. Please support us: http://paypal.me/cihwatch. Fox
reported killed by East Kent FH today 26-12-17 Facebook – Hunting Kills The East Kent Hunt met at Elham and hunted and killed one fox at Etching Hill (tip-off from a member of
the public]. No further
details yet available Antis
attacked by thugs at Tredegar Farmers FH meet - one arrested 26-12-17
Facebook - Stop the cull Anti- hunt demonstrators at the Tredegar Farmers FH meet were attacked by pro hunt supporters; kicked in the
chest after an attempt was made to steal their phone. Has led to one arrest of a hunt supporter after the others fled the
scene. 26-12-17 Mirror Angry saboteurs clash with Boxing Day hunters on the bloodsport's biggest day -
Saboteurs at several Boxing Day meets clashed with hunters and their supporters as they protested against fox hunting - Trouble
flared on the biggest day in the hunting calendar Saboteurs at several Boxing Day meets clashed
with hunters and their supporters as they protested against fox hunting. Demonstrations had been organised across the UK at
many of the 250 events fox trail-hunts planned claiming they are being used as a cover for continued bloodsports. Police had to step in at the Tredegar Farmers Hunt in Bassaleg, near Newport, Wales, when the two groups squared
up to each other... Tredegar
Farmers FH hound killed on a by-pass near Risca 26-12-17 Facebook - Sue Lesley Prothero Dead dog Does anyone know who was in charge of the Hunt
that started at the Tredegar Arms, Bassaleg... one of their hounds is dead on Risca by-pass. 26-12-17
Facebook - Donna Gerrard Marsh We pulled her off the road and informed the police. Not sure what else tod o? But there was another one up there
that ran across the by-pass but jumped the wall by the brickworks.  Minehead Harriers pack up after horse drops dead 26-12-17
Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Minehead Harriers met at the Rest and be Thankful
pub in Wheddon Cross this morning. A small field and humble support for Boxing Day. With a short speech the Huntsman blew
the off at 11:30. There has been a tragic accident and a horse has lost its life. The Hunt are packing up whilst arrangements
are made for the horse to be extracted from the area around Snowdrop Valley. The Huntsman was heard warning his field before
they left to ‘stay close and be very careful as the ground was very wet and soft’. POWAperson adds -
I understand that horse had a heart attack. It's rider was not injured. The pic below is of a seriously overweight
rider at the meet on an Exmoor pony. Which gives an idea how much they really care for their horses. Report says fox being chased by Eryri
FH hounds was killed by car 26-12-17 Facebook – Hunting Kills The Eryri Hunt illegally hunted a fox, who was killed by a car on the road while trying to escape hounds. No further details available
Woolaston Bassets wouldn't follow fake trail laid for sabs' benefit 26-12-17 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Hare Killers stopped from killing This Boxing Day, we took a trip
to the Woolaston Bassets to stop their afternoon of killing hares for fun. When sabs arrived at the meet, they seemed rather
surprised and annoyed to see us, and after a lot of standing around sent out a comical “trail layer” who went
for a little walk dangling a grimy old sponge on a bit of rope. After a fair bit more standing around, they eventually cast
the hounds out, who completely ignored the “trail” and went in a different direction along a hedge row. Foot sabs followed
the hounds into the fields, and kept with them as the huntsman drew hedges and river banks. With eyes on them constantly,
sabs were able to quickly jump into action when the hounds went into cry, and twice when rabbits were put up used voice calls
and citronella spray to see them to safety. Sabs also ran to the aid of two hounds who got caught on a barbed wire fence,
and were there to help slow traffic when the scattered pack were out of control on a road. The Hunt were unable to shake us, and after going around in circles covering the same area a few
times, gathered the pack and took a dejected walk back to the meet. After a very wet, muddy, and tiring day, sabs were happy
to see the Hunt pack up with a guaranteed no kills. Support our work for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE. Pic below
- Hunt and sabs  Horse
collapses and dies at Burton FH 26-12-17 Facebook – Hunting Kills A horse being ridden out hunting with the Burton Hunt had a heart attack and died. POWAperson
adds - Monitors in Lincs reportedly stayed with it as it expired.  Warwickshire FH caught hunting fox yet again 24-12-17
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Warwickshire hunt caught hunting again Warwickshire Hunt - Saturday 23rd December 2017
– Admington Whilst a small group of people went keep an eye on the Atherstone, the rest of us went
to the Warwickshire Hunt who met at Admington Hall. The Hunt spent most of its time hunting around Admington, Illmington and
Meon Hill. We caught the Warwickshire Hunt hunting yet another fox, riders from the hunt rode their horses to towards the
running fox turning it back in the direction they wanted to hunt it. This fox got away due to our presence. Thanks for all your
support and donations. Paypal https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pic below - Fox
fleeing the Hunt
Fox kill by Meynell FH witnessed by bus driver and passengersHunters made obscene
gestures at objecting members of public 25-12-17 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs We've received information that at approx. 2.30pm on Saturday 23rd December the Meynell and south Staffs
hunt were seen to chase and kill a fox. The Hunt had met at the Bulls Head pub, Rosliston, Derbyshire and were hunting fields
between Coton Rd, Walton-on-Trent and Catton Lane. The hounds were being hunted by Sam Staniland. The kill was witnessed by
the driver and passengers of the number 22 bus. The hunters made obscene hand gestures to witnesses that were distressed at
the scene. If you witnessed the Meynell hunt this fox please contact Derbyshire police. 27-12-17 Cheshire Police We are aware of footage and reports that an alleged illegal hunt has taken place
in Allostock and consequently detectives and rural & wildlife trained officers are investigating the allegations. The
investigation is in the early stages and we welcome further information. The role of the police is to investigate alleged
or apparent breaches of the Hunting Act. Waveney Harriers rampage around village, including churchyard Monitors
refer to hound killed, another injured, in RTA recently 25-12-17 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting VIDEO NSALQH report no. 33 - Chediston Hall, Suffolk on Wednesday 6 December
2017 The horse box led us to Chediston Hall, just over a mile west of Halesworth in north Suffolk... At 11.30 the Hunt set off from Chediston Hall and its intensive pig units. There is a wood close to the north that
should be a delightful place but is marred by what appears to be a lagoon giving off a stench of pig slurry. In our experience
the hounds are not normally put through the entire wood but on this day they were. Perhaps it was a special request. The field
gathered on the eastern edge of the wood, and waited for some action. The hounds got very excited a few times and took particular
interest in both ends of a long drainage pipe. The whipper-in used his whip to keep them away. Perhaps they were saving it
for later when nobody would be snooping? Two quad bikes and four terrier men were standing by. Our
presence no doubt encouraged the Huntsman to remount his horse and lead the hounds away from the wood and head northwards along a hedgerow towards Bonner’s Farm. They started hunting a hedgerow near
the farm. It would be some time before the eagle owl man was to join them. He was struggling with his clumsy technique [right] for
getting the bird to perch upright on his wrist. Having eventually achieved this, he sauntered off to find the Hunt... Moving from there
to the west there was some activity at the wood known as The Spring... The hounds were given their head and they were on to
a scent. They entered the quiet village of Wissett and then proceeded to rampage through the churchyard and into several of
the gardens. Most decent people would think twice about taking their dog into a churchyard... It was utter chaos in the gardens
as villagers grabbed their pets away from the hungry hounds. Tempers flared and understandably so. Beating a retreat
from Wissett, but without a shameful face amongst them, the Hunt moved south again and eventually turned up at Herne Hill,
a farm half a kilometre west of the Chediston Hall meet. This is a regular hunting place for them. The hounds were sent into
the overgrown ditches and into a large round bale stack, presumably in the pursuit of foxes. It looked from a distance like
some of the hounds had disappeared inside the stack. The Huntsman and Whipper-in were on foot and appeared to be encouraging them [left].They must have been aware that they were being watched from a distance
and after a considerable amount of shouting and huffing and puffing and horn blowing, they regrouped the hounds and headed
back towards the meet. We wondered if they were packing up early - but not this lot! With those damned antis about they just
hadn’t been able to get enough fun so they crossed the busy B1123 and headed for a scrubby patch adjoining a hedgerow
south of Cookley Grange where they proceeded to go through the motions of fox hunting. They were out of luck. Feeling uncomfortable no doubt about being observed, they eventually left the area
and returned to the meet... We have witnessed the presence of hunting hounds causing stampedes
of flocks of sheep at the Somerleyton estate meet, the Benacre estate meet and the Sotterley estate meet. At the Somerleyton
meet we saw two heavily pregnant cows in sheer panic bash down a wrought iron fence and charge up the road then tear down
a barbed wire fence to get away. We have seen hounds on the railway line causing a train to stop at Haddiscoe (Somerleyton
estate meet). We have seen hounds causing mayhem in a paddock of alpacas in Cratfield village. We have seen the hounds enter
the small holding attached to Mettingham castle gate house and cause havoc. We have recorded so many loose hounds wandering around
on public roads and if our information is correct, the accident that happened on the Bungay/Flixton road one recent Saturday,
was the accident that had been waiting to happen. There appears to be something of a news blackout on the accident or is it
just selective reporting? We have been told that a hound was killed and another badly wounded following a collision with a
car driven by a mother to be. Our heart goes out to her for the shock and horror she must have experienced. We grieve for
the loss of that hound and the suffering of its companion. It is all so unnecessary. We are always reporting
that these hounds are mismanaged and frequently out of control so why is no-one listening and doing something about it? Enough
said for now on that incident until we get our information confirmed but surely it is time for the Hunt to take a good look
at themselves and what they are doing and to swap those live quarry chases for the non-animal scent drag hunting instead?
It is no good blaming the antis every time they lose control of their hounds. At the above mentioned road accident there were
no antis available to cover the Waveney Harriers at that particular time so who are they going to blame now? A big thanks to those
who turned out for the wildlife. The Hunt rated zero and you rated hero. Pics below -
1/ Hounds running into garden in Wissett 2/ In the garden 3/ Hounds
leaving the churchyard 4/ Huntsman and hounds in village 5/ Riders
and hounds in village 6/ Terriermen follow Field thru village    PM
seems set to abandon Tories commitment to repeal Hunting Act 24-12-17 Sunday Times Theresa May ditches foxhunting to back animal rights - PM abandons rural Tories
to woo young on blood sports Theresa May [below right] is
to abandon a manifesto pledge to overturn the ban on foxhunting as she seeks to rebrand the Conservatives as a “caring”
party. In a move certain to infuriate many of the party’s rural supporters — and split its MPs — she will
announce plans to drop the commitment permanently early in 2018. The disclosure
comes two days before the Boxing Day meets, the biggest of the year, when 250,000 people are expected to gather at hunts nationwide.
May’s move follows a fierce voter backlash, especially among young people, against her pro-hunting policy in this year’s
general election. A Survation poll taken days before the election found that 67% of voters believed foxhunting should remain
illegal. Half said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supported it. The Prime Minister has previously been strongly in favour of blood sports, voting against
the ban on hunting with hounds, which was passed in 2004, and insisting on retaining a manifesto pledge to let MPs repeal or amend
it. “Some of the other forms of dealing with foxes can be cruel, so my view is it should be a free vote for parliament,”
she said during the election campaign. That idea has now been shelved for good. “The
prime minister will make it clear in an intervention early in the new year that this is no longer a Conservative Party policy,”
said a senior Whitehall source. The policy reversal will affect about 170 packs of registered
foxhounds, plus more than 80 packs of harriers, beagles and basset hounds that were historically used to hunt hares. The hunts
and their 40,000 members have kept going since the 2004 ban, hoping it would be reversed. Under the 2004 act, hunts must follow
artificial trails. Animal rights groups claim many still kill animals. Michael Gove [below left], the
environment secretary, who was also previously in favour of blood sports, is expected to back May — potentially enshrining
the new approach in laws he is piloting through parliament. Last month he faced a parliamentary and social media backlash
over accusations that he was using Brexit legislation to reduce UK levels of protection for animals.Gove responded by publishing
a draft bill recognising animals, including wild ones, as “sentient”. A key clause says the government “must
have regard to the welfare needs of animals as sentient beings in formulating and implementing government policy”. This
clause is widely seen as ruling out any chance of a return for foxhunting. For the Conservative Party — where hunting is a totemic issue — such a move could be divisive. Its membership
is predominantly based in rural and market towns and tends to support traditional country sports. The Conservatives have also
benefited directly from manifesto pledges to revisit the hunt ban. Vote-OK, a pro-hunting organisation, mobilised thousands
of supporters to canvass for Tory candidates in marginal seats during the 2005, 2010 and 2015 general elections. Tim Bonner,
chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, which campaigns against the hunt ban, said any such move by May and Gove could
be disastrous.
“Conservative membership
has already gone through the floor, so now it has only about 130,000 members. We have 100,000, while the British Association
for Shooting and Conservation has 150,000,” he said. There are tens of thousands more in organisations like the National
Farmers Union. There is a lot of overlap between their supporters and ours — who would not be happy.” The brunt of managing the new policy will fall on Gove, who is tasked with overseeing the Conservatives’ latest
attempt to shed its image as “the nasty party”. He has already pledged to set up a “world-leading”
body to protect the environment after Brexit. He has also banned bee-killing pesticides, outlawed plastic microbeads in soap
products and backed the reintroduction of beavers. For May the end of support
for foxhunting is also linked to her slender majority and the fact that up to 60 Tory MPs would fight any attempt to lift
the hunt ban, including at least three ministers. Sports minister Tracey Crouch, work and pensions minister Caroline Dinenage
and justice minister Dominic Raab have all said they would oppose such a move. May is expected to include the move
away from hunting in the re-launch of her premiership planned for the new year, after the disastrous loss of three cabinet
members — Michael Fallon, Pritti Patel and Damian Green — in seven weeks. Her allies predict she will bring in
new faces, although Philip Hammond and Amber Rudd are expected to remain. The big debate will be about whether she moves Boris
Johnson from the Foreign Office to a new role to deliver the domestic Brexit agenda. Otis
Ferry gets the boot as S. Shropshire FH Huntsman 24-12-17 Daily Mail Hunt star Otis is 'hounded out' He is a pin-up of the hunting world and was one of those who stormed the Commons in protest over
Tony Blair’s plan to ban the sport. But now I can reveal that Otis Ferry [right, in one of his
frequent encounters with police, and below left] is parting company with the South Shropshire Hunt where he
has been joint master since 2004. The news will shock hunt supporters across the country as they prepare for traditional Boxing
Day gatherings. Sources claim Otis – the son of Roxy Music singer Bryan Ferry and model Lucy Helmore – has been spending
more time in London, making it harder to do his job during the hunt season. One said: ‘He’d often have to disappear
midweek, and farmers were disgruntled that they were not being told when the hunt would ride on their land. A key role of
a Huntsman is to keep farmers and landowners on side.’ Otis, 35, has a busy social life and is often photographed at society events with his girlfriend, Lady Alice Manners, 22,
daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Rutland. I’m told that matters came to a head in October when the hunt had to reappoint
its team of masters for next year. The current team of five, including Otis, wished to continue in their roles but a majority
on the committee rejected the line-up.
One South Shropshire committee member confirmed: ‘Otis was the only controversial
name on the list. However, the rules state that if there is any opposition, the whole team is rejected.’ The hunt secretary
confirmed that Otis would be leaving at the end of the current season in April. Others are said to be very sad to see him
go and praised his brilliance as a huntsman. Otis was once such a hero to rural families that they even named their puppies
after him. Every January he hosts a lavish hunt ball at 5 Hertford
Street, a members-only club in Mayfair. The event has helped to attract a huge following to the South Shropshire, which was
previously a little-known hunt. Tim Easby, director of
the Masters of Foxhounds Association, said: ‘I hope Otis will continue as a huntsman somewhere else as I believe he
has a lot to offer. He has brought a colossal amount to the South Shropshire and has taken it to a different league.’ Otis did not respond
to my request for comment, but supporters claim he is leaving to pursue a new career in modelling and fashion. Monitor persuades Four Burrow FH JM to stop pursuing
fox they were chasing 23-12-17 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal
Rights Team VIDEO An independent monitor was watching Four Burrows at Nancegollan
today. They got this video clearly showing illegal hunting by Nicky Hancock, egging on hounds in cry and spectators encouraging
them in the direction of the fox. 24-12-17 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team Hit Report. 23/12/17 Four Burrows Hunt, Nancegollan
We had eyes out today on both the East Cornwall and Four Burrow Hunts. East Cornwall report to follow. Here is the report
from monitors out with the Four Burrow Hunt. We spent some time today following the Four Burrow Hunt who met at Nancegollan village
hall. It's supposed to be the season of goodwill but this goodwill does not seem to extend to foxes! After a brief talk from one of the redcoats
on how "trails would be laid", the Hunt left the village hall at 1130am, heading south and then east onto farmland. We caught up with them, hearing hounds 'chatting' on land south of Blue Pool and we monitored them for the
next few hours. They stayed on land north and east of Lower Prospidnick. We saw signs of illegal hunting on Longstone Down when a fox was seen running for its life! A monitor
intervened and had to worn Hunt Master Nikki Hancock, not to pursue. She had been overheard talking to a male supporter, asking
where the fox had gone. Maybe she needs to read up on the Hunting Act 2004?! Just prior to this, a female hunt supporter was
seen standing on the hedge waving her hat, showing that the fox had run through. We sincerely hope the fox managed to get away. There was a decent enough gap between
this beautiful creature and the hunters but despite having to make our presence known, Nikki continued up the road with the
hounds. Illegal hunting is a scourge on the countryside. If you dislike the hunt
then why not get out there and monitor them? You just might save a precious life. Residents furious at Cheshire FH invasion and fox chasing Police
stop hunt quad with obscured reg. plate 24-12-17
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors TWO HUNTS IN ONE DAY, 23.12.17 Whilst we were out monitoring the
Wynnstay Hunt we had various messages and calls about the Cheshire Hounds causing havoc in Bunbury. One caller told us that near the start of the day the Hunt held up traffic for over 10 minutes in the village centre with
hounds out of control and all over the place. Another worried resident called to report having been witnessed terriermen filling
in a badger sett on the outskirts of the village. Local people were getting understandably irate and shouting at the hunt
to get out of their village.
Anyway we couldn’t
get near the Wynnstay because the Huntsman was hiding in a vast area with no roads or footpaths to use to get to him. Although
this meant that all the supporters who had come with their picnic baskets for a days, so called, sport were standing around
looking very fed up. We decided to leave the Wynnstay and found the Cheshire Hounds around Ridley Wood and Spurstow. The Wildlife Crime Officer had been tailing them since the problems in Bunbury earlier on in the day. We know from
a local that the Hunt had been behaving whilst the officer was in the area. We arrived just
as the police had to leave the scene and straight away this Hunt were full on hunting, so it’s a good job we did manage to get to them. We kept an eye on them and at around 3 pm filmed the hounds chasing
a fox right in front of us and very, very close on it’s tail! Support and terriermen were lining the road encouraging the hounds onto the fox. But with a combination of the fox
(a very sleek, mature and experienced male) buying itself some time by backtracking and monitors' rating (trying to turn
the hounds off the fox). The fox gained nearly 30 seconds on the hounds. The hounds chased the fox into some farm outbuildings
and the fox thankfully found cover there. It was very difficult for monitors because supporters were goading and jeering at
us but we kept our cool a rose above all this. A moment later the police turned up again (they had been rung by a local who could
tell that the hunt were chasing a fox) and took all details of this incident. The film is being passed to the police as well.
The police also stopped and took details of a terrierman who was driving a quad with obscured reg plate, whilst 2 other quads
hid away in nearby fields. As we were finishing off giving our account to the officer
of what happened. We were all stopped in our tracks by the sound of hound in cry yet again! The police could not believe the
audacity of this Hunt and got in their vehicle to drive off after the Hunt. Not long after that the Hunt packed up. Pic below - Police speak to hunt
quad driver 19 police cars sent to protect
mega-rich Fitzwilliam FH JM & pals Responded to false reports from Hunt that sabs spraying acid One officer threatened to use CS gas on sabs Keystone cops crashed two of their
cars together Mass
sab turnout left Fitzwilliam unable to hunt 24-12-17 Pride's Purge Overstretched police? 19 police cars sent to protect Baronet Sir Philip Naylor-Leyland
from fox hunting protesters if you live in Cambridgeshire and found the police too busy to attend
your call on the 23rd of December – it’s probably because NINETEEN Cambridgeshire
police cars were sent to protect a fox hunt organised by Sir Philip Naylor-Leyland, 4th Baronet. The police turned up in force [below
right] and then proceeded to threaten the peaceful anti-hunt protesters with CS spray.
police seem to think their job is to protect the wealthy as [left] they go about
killing wildlife rather than investigate the robberies, muggings, break-ins and rapes that happen to the rest of us plebs. 23-12-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit report 23.12.2017 – Fitzwilliam Hunt, Castor village green (from Milton Hall)
Fitz Christmas Eve prestige meet totally sabbed - over 40 sabs from 9 separate groups in 5 vehicles - 19 police vehicles responded
to the hunt's reports of ‘acid sprays’. no arrests made... N.Cambs sabs met up with comrades
from Beds & Bucks, Northants, Cambridge, Suffolk And Essex, NE London, Lincoln and Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs and
even representation from West Yorks Sabs today to wholeheartedly swamp the Fitzwilliam at their Christmas Eve meet (held on
the 23rd to avoid Sunday). After picking up the Hunt at their meet and greet in Castor village green, over
forty sabs and five vehicles moved to surround the Fitzwilliam with their large field of riders (bolstered by pony club attendees for Christmas)
as they hacked north into open farmland alongside the A47, west of Peterborough. Sabs stayed with the hounds constantly from the off, and using
classic voice distraction call and on occasion, the gizmo, the pack were not allowed to hunt at any time and only spoke briefly
once. With the Hunt clearly rattled after having their showpiece Christmas meet ruined, the field of around 50 – 60
moved around searching for woods near Marholm to hold up (the Fitzwilliam don’t seem to realise that they aren’t
supposed to be cubbing any more), but found sabs in front of them at every turn. One fox was seen to safety by Norfolk/Suffolk,
which hid behind hay bales before making his escape quickly. Hounds rolling on their back, horses
bucking from boredom, and the master (Sir Philip Naylor Leyland, worth £175m but clearly hasn’t spent much of
that on riding lessons) almost thrown from his horse at one point, this was clearly one of the Fitzwilliam’s least exciting
hunting trips, and after they made a call to police to deal with the antis, they retreated and hid in nearby Milton Park. The drama then picked up, with 19 police vehicles dashing at dangerously high speed to attend. Police were officious and antagonising
to sabs and did not want to hear of any complaints of known violent supporters in attendance. So many police cars attended
in fact, that two had a collision outside the entrance to Milton Park… what a thoroughly efficient use of public resources.
Sabs covertly entered the Milton Estate and confirmed that the field were leaving the meet just before 3pm…
No wildlife harmed today, although some police officers pride may have been! If you support the
work of your local sabs, you can buy them a coffee to say thanks! https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. 24-12-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Some foot sabs, obviously unarmed and not wearing face coverings, on the receiving
end of yesterday's extremely over the top police response near Peterborough (https://tinyurl.com/yad3dz86) were threatened
with CS spray by Cambridgeshire Police [left]. Would Cambridgeshire Constabulary
like to offer an explanation for this Draconian reaction to peaceful protestors? Pics below - 1/ Some of the more refined Fitzwilliam followers
2/ Urm... what shall wed do now? 3/ Packing up, well before 3 pm.  3-1-17 Cambridge News Police threaten hunt saboteurs with CS gas over bottles of ‘unknown liquid’
Anti-hunting groups have also accused Cambridgeshire police of overkill claiming they had 19 patrol cars at the hunt Police
have been accused of threatening masked hunt saboteurs with CS gas spray - but it was because they were carrying bottles of
‘unknown liquid’ Anti-hunting groups have also accused Cambridgeshire police of overkill claiming they had 19
patrol cars at the hunt in Castor near Peterborough. Tom Pride, writing in his blog on the protest, said: "If you live
in Cambridgeshire and found the police too busy to attend your call on the 23rd of December – it’s probably because
NINETEEN Cambridgeshire police cars were sent to protect a fox hunt organised by Sir Philip Naylor-Leyland, 4th Baronet. But
police said the officer pulled out the CS spray because he could not identify what was in bottles carried by saboteurs. A force spokesman said: "Police received calls - from those involved in the Hunt and the protestors - reporting
threatening behaviour on either side. Two officers attended the scene and engaged with a group of protestors, most of whom
were wearing masks and carrying bottles of liquid. As the officer did not know what the bottles contained, the protestors
were asked to back away and put the bottles down. As this did not happen, CS was drawn and extra officers were called to provide
support. Order was restored and no criminal allegations were made.” POWAperson adds - The 'unknown
liquid' would have been dilute citronella, used to disguise scent left by foxes, and entirely harmless. It's surprising
that a force as small as Cambridgeshire had 19 cars available at any one time, let alone that they would see fit to send so
many to a Hunt meet, especially when Hunts are notorious for making unfounded accusations against antis to get police
to come. Wilts & Infantry Beagles go home 5 minutes after sabs turn up 23-12-17 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs No gore, cross beaglers: the Wilts & Infantry at Gore Cross Today
we travelled out of our usual patch to visit the Wilts & Infantry Beagles at Gore Cross on Salisbury Plain. When we arrived
on the scene the hounds were in full cry and hunting hard across Lavington Down. We approached from multiple directions and
immediately engaged the pack with voice and horn calls. This had the effect of alerting the hunt staff to our presence and
they quickly gathered the pack and hot-footed it back to the meet. Five minutes later the hound van was observed careering
out of Cornbury Farm at 80 mph and we knew our job for the day was done. Sabs think Vale of White Horse FH killed
before they arrived23-12-17 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs No show for hare killers so VWH Hunt have surprise visit
First stop for us today (with some fine company from other sab groups) was the village of Claydon, where the Royal Agricultural
College beagles were due to be meeting for a day of hare killing. We waited around and it became clear that the beagles weren’t
coming out to play. Perhaps they were still hiding in shame after their week of hare killing in Scotland was shut down on
the first day by local sabs recently… We received word from eagle-eyed spotters that the Vale of White Horse hunt was
just a few miles away and hounds were seen covered in blood so we headed straight there to see bloodied hounds, a Hunt staff
member with blood on his face and all-out panic as the hunt and their supporters figured out how to deal with having three
vehicles of sabs for company. If the Hunt had already killed, we were going to make sure it wasn’t going to happen again. The Hunt decided to
try their best to lose us, but with a team of foot sabs and our vehicles patrolling the area, they were never far out of sight.
Idiot hunt supporters tried to slow us down but were laughed at and sent on their way. Interestingly, the supporters were
made up of staff from the RAC beagles, confirming a no-show for them today. The hounds were in and out of cry all afternoon so
time and time again, we kept them on the move, stepping in at one point and taking the entire pack off the huntsman, stopping
them hunting completely. It seemed like the last straw for them and soon after they were heading home… We will definitely
be back to visit the VWH again… Support our work for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE.  24-12-17 Facebook - South Wales Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday we thought we’d give the RAC Beagles a welcome after their hunting holiday in Scotland
was ruined by our Celtic comrades. As it turned out, they cancelled their meet so we headed over to the Vale of the White
Horse Hunt just a couple of miles away. As soon as we arrived, we heard the hounds in cry as
they followed a fox’s scent across the road in front of us. As we caught up with the hounds, a few had blood on their
muzzles so may well have killed before we turned up. At one point, the hounds chased a fox across the busy
A361 but sabs were on hand to call the hounds off and slow down the traffic, as the huntsman seemed to care little about the
potential road accidents he’d just caused...
Silverton FH JM damages sab car with his riding crop 23-12-17
Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs As the picture [right] suggests, today's theme was fog, fog, and more fog...
The Silverton met at Ford farm on the edge of Silverton today, with a field of about 30 riders. With our landy out of action
for repairs we were only able to take a much smaller team out in one of our cars. We knew it was going to be a challenge for
our one foot team to keep up with the hunt, but we'd still rather give it a go than not sab at all. ... the Hunt eventually set off into fields to the south of Ford before curving back round through Greenslinch and into coverts to the north. Under the watchful eyes of our foot sabs they drew blank in every covert either
side of the valley, so after one more loop of the area (the Silverton do seem to like going round and round in circles) they
headed out to the road. By this time most of the hunt support had given up and gone
home, as thick fog was obstructing their view. The hunt disappeared through the fog into another valley to the north and with
huntsman and hounds not making much sound it was difficult to pinpoint their exact location at times. Riders began heading
home in dribs and drabs and by 2pm only a few stragglers were left, in addition to the rider who had fallen off her horse
and had to hitch a lift on the back of a quad bike. Hounds could be heard briefly speaking in the
vicinity of Ball Copse and Rode Moors but by 3pm the Hunt were headed for home. They packed up at Hawkaller, home of the family
of Hunt Master Philip Saunders, who seems to like the sound of his own voice but is extremely unpopular in his local community.
Thank you to everyone who has contacted us about him since we first started sabbing this Hunt - he seems to have a bit of
a reputation! Earlier in the day he showed off by blocking the road with his horse and hitting our vehicle with his riding
crop. Footage of the incident and the damage is being handed to the police. Not so clever, Mr. Saunders. We do have cameras
on our vehicles. At the very end of the day the fog had evidently really got to his head when the cider-swigging pie-botherer
enlisted his two young children to block our vehicle on the road after the Hunt had packed up. We wish all our friends and supporters
a very happy Christmas! As always, if you can spare a few quid for our fuel fund, you can donate via www.paypal.me/dchs . Get in touch if you have intel to share or would like to get involved: 07717473305 or devoncountysabs@riseup.net. Westerby Bassetts refuse challenge to 'hunt legally' before sabs and go home 23-12-17
Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs With slightly low numbers today we thought we'd head south and offer some Christmas cheer to the Westerby
Bassets. We put a couple of cars in key positions round their kennels and low and behold they drove right past us. We discretely
followed them South to Silsworth Lodge near West Haddon and then quickly headed off to ditch our cars. Back in our trusty
sab wagon we got dropped in to the South of the meet and headed in to give them the gift of our presence (get it!). Well the
look on their faces as we stormed over the hill made us think they'd seen Santa himself. Bruce the huntsman turned tail
so sharply we're surprised he didn't pull a muscle. We begged them to carry on their "legal" hunting but
they didn't seem at all keen under our watchful gaze. We followed them back to the meet despite the best efforts of young Dickie who tried
to impede our progress. He thinks it's ok to hit and headbutt women but we pointed out the error of his ways and carried
on our merry way. After the standard hanging around they headed north back to the kennels where we watched them feed and bed
down the hounds. With an hour or so of daylight left we thought we'd head over to Lubenham and see how the Fernie Foxhunt were
behaving themselves. On what was now a thoroughly grey afternoon it appeared to be a bit of a dull affair. We kept an eye
on the huntsman, hounds and pretty small field until darkness fell. Hounds weren't speaking and there didn't seem
to be much enthusiasm so hopefully it had been a quiet day. So Ho Ho Home we went for some mince pies and a nice
glass of sherry to celebrate a successful day. Where shall we go on Boxing Day... Pic below - The Westerby Bassetts running away from sabs Ex
Chief Super watches as Warks FH chase fox across busy road 22-12-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Former Chief Superintendent watches fox being chased
Warwickshire Hunt - Wednesday 20th December 2017 – Willoughby Former Warwickshire Police Chief Superintendent David
Whitehouse stood by and watched as the Warwickshire Hunt flushed a fox out of a wood followed seconds later by a full pack
of hounds. The lead hounds split from the rest of the pack and ran off after the fox and ended up crossing the busy A426.
The rest of the hunt soon followed onto the A426 in an attempt to find the lost hounds. Whitehouse
served in the police for 35 years and last year tried to get elected (and failed) as Police and Crime Commissioner. The person
who was elected, Philip Seccombe, seconded a motion in 2003 whilst he was a councillor on Stratford Upon Avon District Council,
the vote resulted in the Council voting to back the House of Lords attempt to wreck the hunting ban. Seccombe’s wife
is leader of Warwickshire County Council and his mom is in the house of lords. His daughter Olivia Seccombe worked as
a parliamentary researcher in the Westminster office of Theresa May MP before becoming a policy researcher for the Countryside
Alliance. Pics below - 1/ Hounds in cry chase fox
2/ Fox flees 3/ Hunt on A426 4/ Sab confronts ex police
Chief Superintendent   Documentary on sabbing in Scotland being made 23-12-17 Facebook - Grampian Hunt Sabs Scottish Sab Festival – three days of sabbing with camera crew
Scottish Sabs yesterday finished four days with a camera crew who visited to make a documentary about hunt sabbing in Scotland!
On Monday the 18th December some of us took part in interviews with the camera crew before they joined us for three days of
sabbing. Four Hunts were visited - Berwickshire, Lauderdale, Fife & Jedforest FH, Only the Fife FH were found out
hunting, though the Jedforest FH Huntsman [convicted of illegal hunting earlier this year] behaved in a rather unexpected
manner, inviting the documentary makers and sabs to talk to him at length. The rather lengthy report on the process can be
found here. Monitors help police clear Cheshire
FH hounds off busy A road Supporters admit
to monitors that Hunt chases foxes 21-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNTING IN CHURCH MINSHULL, 20.12.17 On Tuesday the
20.12.17 Some of our new team found the Hunt straight away, along with quads and supporters, right the way down Lea Green
Lane in Church Minshull. Supporters, that didn’t realise who our monitors were, chatted away about the fact that the
hunt were hunting foxes. Stupid people! Once the word got through that Cheshire Monitors
were around we were quickly blocked in by vehicles and got the usual aggression from terriermen. A total mad man jumped out
of a red Landrover shouting and threatening us but due to our calmness and patience he eventually gave up and let us on our
way. The Hunt then held up busy traffic on main road B5074 so as to get from one hunting field to another. This road is
used constantly by ambulance for Leighton Hospital, so goodness knows what would have happened if there had been an emergency. Then we saw the Huntsman
lose control of his hounds (that were on the scent of a fox) on a main A road. The police were called and attended the scene.
There were lots of angry motorists beeping at the Hunt and we were told by some of them that they were so glad that Cheshire
Monitors were there to sort this Hunt out. We actually ended up working with the police to round the hounds up (what a great
use of police time!) because the hunt staff were either useless or hiding away from the police. We saw lots of riders
pack up early, probably because they had had enough of this Huntsman disappearing and allowing his hounds to run riot. This
is a usual tactic for a Huntsman who is worried about being caught breaking the law. A
local resident gave us access to her garden to help us watch the Hunt, She told us she loathes the Hunt and would do anything
she could to help us and stop them. Finally, there were a couple of chases during the day
but we didn’t witness any kills thankfully. The tide is clearly turning for Hunts and we hope this turns into a tidal
wave. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman being told
where fox has run 2/ Terrierman desperate to hide his identity. Anything to do with last week's
attack on a sab? Residents
who guarded setts from Cheshire FH explain why 21-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors "SAY 'NO' TO THE HUNT IN YOUR AREA - WE DID!" More and more Cheshire residents are standing
up to hunts who inflict cruelty upon local wildlife and cause chaos and upset around this otherwise beautiful county; this
letter appeared in various local newspapers this week, the full text shown below, and we ask anyone reading this who feels
inspired by these amazing local people to do the same and contact their local newspaper, parish magazine, or radio station.
(Cheshire Monitors are available if you need advice or support.) Dear
Sir, Earlier this month a very significant and empowering event took place in and around Smallwood. Having heard that the
Cheshire Forest Hunt was due to ride in the area, and aware of the illegal practice of blocking badger setts prior to hunts
(which has been evidenced in this county recently), a group of civilians decided to take a stand and oppose the hunt. On
the day, 19 local people from all walks of life turned up to guard the badger setts in three areas that the hunt was likely
to target – two ancient woods and an area of farmland. We stayed on public footpaths so as not to trespass. As it happened,
the hunt did indeed visit all three sites, and was turned away peacefully from all three. We believe this was a historic ‘first’
in Cheshire. Hunting with hounds is a nuisance to local residents and a menace to their pets, a danger to local road users and
a terror for wild animals. Although hunts claim they are ‘trail’ hunting, this begs the question of why terrier
men have been found attempting to block badger setts the day before a hunt; they do this to prevent pursued foxes from taking
refuge in the setts. The truth is that so-called trail hunting only came into being once hunting foxes with hounds was officially
outlawed. If hunting is an unwelcome pastime in your village, or if you’re
concerned that local wildlife may be affected, you can make a stand. Gather like-minded people together and guard your local
badger setts on the day of the hunt; merely being present, with a camera or phone to film any wrongdoing should it occur,
will stop anyone from attempting illegal activities. Line the roads in your village, and put out placards to let the Hunt
know that they are not welcome. You are entitled to your opinion, and to voice it. If you witness hunting-related activities that are in contravention of the Hunting With Dogs Act 2004, you can contact
the police and also Cheshire Monitors in confidence via e-mail – info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk (the Monitors are dedicated
local volunteers who non-violently oppose hunting across Cheshire). It is a criminal offence for anyone to damage, block access
to or destroy a badger sett, to disturb badgers in setts or to send dogs into a sett – and yet it is still happening
in our county. If you’re opposed to the hunt, oppose it. If you believe wild
animals have a right to be left alone without fear from humans out hunting with hounds, do something about it. You will be
working within the law - and it will feel great. We did it on 2nd December, just ordinary people peacefully saying ‘no’
to the hunt - and it worked. Yours
faithfully, 19 local people, aged 22 to 69, names and addresses withheld. Sabs
foil VWH FH attempt to catch fox21-12-17
Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Vale of the White Horse FH, Stert's Farm, Hannington Wick, Wilts
We joined with our good friends Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch and were with hounds all day. Everywhere they turned a sab
was there. First of all we saw a muntjac cross
in front of us and sprayed his line with citronella. Five minutes later the pack came through in full cry and were slowed
down by sabs rating them. There then followed long blank periods. At one stage it was
thought that they may have marked an inhabited earth but we saw the terriermen go on past, they were busy later though. Near Yew Tree farm the pack were seen waiting in a field with the Huntsman and field quietly. Unless they are eating,
drinking, changing horse... this is not a good sign and it rarely seen these days, they usually are not that dim. It can indicate
that they are waiting for terriers to bolt a fox ( from a drain or bales of hay/straw) or even worse drop a bagged one. Sure
enough there were holloas, the pack encouraged on and they picked up the line running into another sab the other side of Yew
Tree, then other sabs on the road and either side. They were not too happy and finished by 15.00. Please support us
paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Sabs
prevent dig out of hunted fox by Eggesford FH 21-12-17 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO On Saturday,
the Eggesford Hunt spent the best part of an hour chasing one fox until it eventually went to ground in a badger sett. Sabs
had tried repeatedly to call hounds off, but the pack was moving at speed, chasing the fox across roads and streams, and hunt
riders and support blocked the road to stop us from getting closer. They also told us that a police officer was out riding
with them! When sabs caught
up with the hounds, terrier men were found lurking near the sett. A lengthy stand-off ensued as sabs guarded the sett and
prevented the fox from being dug out. Eventually the terrier men gave up and left. The fox got away safely and the badgers
also remained unharmed thanks to the vigilance of our foot sabs. If you support what we do, please LIKE and SHARE our page. If you can spare a few quid for our
fuel fund, you can donate via https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Pics below - 1/ Hunter blocks
sab from reaching pack 2/ Fox crosses road in front of sab 3/
Hounds in cry after different fox 4/ Sett where chased fox took shelter
5/ Stand-off between terriermen and sabs   For more detailed report see here. Pub gets 'death threats' after agreed to host Grove & Rufford FH Boxing Day meet Council had banned Hunt from Bawtry because of illegal hunting convictions 20-12-17 South Yorkshire Times Doncaster pub receives 'many death threats' after announcing it will
host Boxing Day hunt The hunt has previously been held in Bawtry. The owners of a Doncaster pub
say they have received death threats after announcing plans to host a Boxing Day hunt. The King William Inn in Scaftworth [right] has
agreed to host the annual Bawtry hunt on December 26 after Bawtry Town Council voted to ban this year's gathering. But since announcing the plans, the pub says staff have received death threats. In a post on the pub's Facebook page, a statement said: "The receipt of death
threats, of which we have had many, both via Facebook, and by telephone to us and our staff members are shocking, intolerable,
and completely abhorrent, and the people responsible should be ashamed of themselves. All of these will most definitely be
passed on to the police. The statement added: "We
absolutely don't condone any illegal hunt activity, and we are assured by the Hunt that on Boxing Day, Scaftworth will
play host to a social event. An opportunity for people to see the horses and the hounds and get together with friends. The
Hunt has been a long-standing Boxing Day fixture in Bawtry. We are strongly against illegal activity, and if we thought that
this was going to happen with us as representatives, we would not be in support." The
King William Inn announced they would host the event after Bawtry Town Council voted to ban it from using council land because
three people involved in the Hunt were convicted of illegal hunting earlier this year. The statement added: "The livelihoods
of more than 30 people depend on the success of our business. While we appreciate that people share different views, we are
perfectly entitled to support lawful activity. For those in support - we shall not bow to the heavy-handed threats of people
making false allegations and awful threats. The meet will go ahead and we will do out very, very best to provide a super,
legal day out for all." Village pub will host Grove
& Rufford FH after council banned them 19-12-17 Lincolnshire Live A Boxing Day hunt is to go ahead despite a council banning it from its land after three of the group's
members were convicted of illegal hunting earlier this year. Bawtry Town Council made the controversial decision to ban the
Grove and Rufford Hunt last week, which was applauded by some residents and animals rights groups, but attacked by others
who said the town will lose business on the day. Now a pub in the nearby hamlet of Scaftworth has announced it will host the event - but hunt saboteurs and protesters will
also be out in force. According to the King William Inn, several Bawtry businesses are backing the Hunt.
The pub said on its
Facebook page: "We are immensely proud to announce, if you haven’t already heard, that we, The King William Inn
at Scaftworth, will be hosting the 2017 Boxing Day Hunt. "It is with the support and goodwill of the many Bawtry retailers
that we have made this decision, and we would like it to be known that we are working with Bawtry in offering an alternative
gathering place. The Crown Hotel will be making an appearance, doling out port and whisky to the mounted, and the other bars
and restaurants of Bawtry, such as The White Hart, Zinis, The Turnpike, Bawtry’s, The Market Bar, Pangea, Chase Bar,
31 Market Place et al will be absolutely open for business and are backing the Boxing Day Hunt. It should be made clear that
the decision to ban the hunt from council land is not one towards which the retailers of Bawtry have contributed." Bawtry Town Council
voted 7-3 against allowing the hunt to gather in its usual meeting place of one the council's car parks. The decision
came after three members of the hunt - Paul Larby, Peter White and Jane Wright - were found guilty of illegal hunting in March
after two bird watchers filmed a fox being killed by their hounds at Laneham. Bawtry Mayor David Kirkham said after the meeting the
decision was taken because the trio are still involved in the hunt, saying: "...we don't want to be seen to be supporting
an organisation that condones this." The Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, who praised Bawtry Town Council for their "sensible
decision" in banning the Hunt, said they will be attending on the day. A spokesperson for the group said: "The attitudes
and actions of the Grove and Rufford show it is clear they will continue to hunt foxes illegally. We are grateful this has
been brought to public attention and it is a very significant move against animal cruelty for a council to ban a Hunt. Many
locals and groups, including the Hunt Saboteurs Association, are now discussing whether a demonstration on Boxing Day should
still take place in Bawtry or at the new proposed meet in Scaftworth." Pic above - Grove & Rufford FH Boxing Day meet in Bawtry,
2015 S. Durham FH chase fox into housing estate, monitor ridden down Female monitor was knocked into a ditch by redcoat 18-12-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors 09.12.17 Hit report South Durham Hunt joint meet with Goathland
Hunt, Middlestone nr Spennymoor We had 2 teams out for this meet which we thought would have been
a large one considering it was a joint meet, however it was a bit of a poor turn out, with more followers than riders. The
Goathland used their own hounds for this meet and have to say they looked in good condition. The meet was delayed for about
an hour not sure if this was down to the freezing cold conditions or that one of the terrier twats on a quad seemed to be
missing. When they eventually set off monitors got in place surrounding the area so everywhere was covered. They only covered
a small area which made it easy for us to keep them in our sights for the whole day. One team of monitors got into a bit of
trouble with the delightful red coat Kevin Johnson when he rode his horse at the female monitor pushing her into a ditch and
landing her on the thick brush. ALL captured on her body cam. Other monitors went to her aid and a fox was spotted running across the fields.
Monitors sped off to get in the right position to save the fox. The hounds chased followed by the riders and the fox escaped
into a nearby housing estate where the Hunt had no choice but to gather the hounds back up and return to where they were originally
hunting. Monitors spotted another fox and quickly covered its scent seeing it to safety. The Hunt finished early so we made
sure they were packed up and on their way home before leaving ourselves. Help keep us out on the road saving our wildlife. PayPal huntmonitors@gmail.com. Pics below - 1/ Pulling
hounds off fox that ran into housing estate 2/ Prime hunting country?
 Grafton FH trespass in Forestry Commission wood again 18-12-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO GRAFTON HUNT – UNBELIEVABLE! This is the Hunt's second
trespass in this wood in the space of a month. The Forestry Commission do not allow the hunt on their land, but despite their
protests the Grafton Hunt continue to do as they please. Is there anything they respect, anything they care about other than
their own selfish and horrible activities? Ex police Chief Super revealed as strong Warks FH supporter Police
Commissioner is husband of County Council leader His mother is in Lords as are other Warks FH supporters 18-12-17
Facebook - West Midlands Sabs VIDEO Former Chief Superintendent of Warwickshire police is part of the Warwickshire Hunt
David Whitehouse, former Chief Superintendent of Warwickshire Police, is also a regular supporter of the Warwickshire Hunt.
Whitehouse was part of the police for 35 years, leaving only four years ago. Might this explain why the Warwickshire Hunt
and other hunts in Warwickshire (such as the Atherstone) have avoided prosecution during his time as a serving officer? Would
this not have been a conflict of interest? Last year, Whitehouse also tried and failed to get himself elected as Police and
Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire. It wasn’t all bad news for the Warwickshire Hunt however as Philip Seccombe was
elected to this position. Seccombe, a former Conservative Councillor on Stratford Upon Avon District Council, seconded a motion
in 2003 that resulted in the Council voting to back the House of Lords attempt to wreck the hunting ban. Seccombe’s
wife is leader of Warwickshire County Council and his mom is in the house of Lords. There are other members of the Warwickshire
Hunt who are also in the House of Lords. We are aware that there are serving officers within Warwickshire Police who have
connections to the Warwickshire Hunt. We revealed a few years ago that the Huntsman of the North Warwickshire Beagles (who
share the same kennels as the Atherstone) was a serving officer with Warwickshire Police. Here is a video of Whitehouse talking about road safety he says "there is a time and place for road safety" fox
hunting it would seem is neither the time nor the place for road safety. We have documented the Warwickshire Hunt illegally
hunting numerous times this season: see here – here – here – here – and here. Thanks for the information, support and donations that we have received so far this season. Any information we receive
is treated in confidence. You can contact us on 07767620767, email us at westmidlandhuntsabs@hotmail.co.uk or
private message us. Sabs film fox kill by Warwickshire FH hounds 17-12-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Fox killed by the Warwickshire Hunt Saturday 16th December
2017 – Honnington Yesterday the Warwickshire Hunt killed a fox near Honington, Warwickshire. The fox was
chased by the pack of hounds who were close behind it, the fox ran into a hedge followed by the pack of hounds. A rider was
seen jumping off their horse next to the hounds presumably to retrieve the body. After a few minutes the pack emerged from
the other side of the hedge. Some of the hounds could be seen fighting over a body part that had been torn off the fox with
one hound running off with it. Unfortunately
we were too far away to help the fox. We are currently going through all of the footage. This is not the first time we have
witnessed the Warwickshire Hunt killing a fox this season. Warwickshire Huntsman Will Goffe was convicted of illegal hunting
whilst he was Huntsman of the Minehead Harriers in 2007. If you are able to donate towards our fuel cost
please use this link.
Woman sab has suspected broken ribs after attack by huge
E. Kent FH terrierman Sabs say Huntsman urged attacks after they diverted
hounds off two foxes Sab
property also damaged/stolen by assailants 17-12-17
Facebook - East Kent Sabs Sabs attacked, one hospitalised Saturday, 16th December 2017 This week we had another good turn out of new sabs, ready to go where Kent police will not dare! The East Kent
with West Street Hunt was to meet at Pent Farm in Postling. This meet usually incorporates large areas of MOD land and steep
hills, so the group split into two, with the first group already deployed on the hill overlooking the meet, and the others
with the landy. The Hunt avoided key areas that they usually hunt, and moved on while two quad bikes overloaded with three “men”
per bike harassed the group in the landy. They were pretty hard to shake off - even driving at top speed in freezing conditions
did not put them off, but boy, their faces looked red! So, at junction 11 off the M20 we waved goodbye, as we dashed to the Cheriton turning and back to business…
a drop off of one group saw the Hunt speed through the land near the transmitter at Etching Hill, before ending up in Ashholt
wood near Peene. The Hunt, until this point was not hunting properly, just constantly moving on, but on the hills above the disused
railway they put up a fox right past one of our groups. The hounds were rated back by the sabs (stopped by voice commands)
and lemon spray filled the air (to mask the scent)….and they lost that one.! Steven Burton (the Huntsman) was well
pissed off! Ten minutes later, a fox was seen down in
the valley near the old railway line. The same sabs literally rolled and slid on their arses down the steep hill to intercept,
and sprayed the whole area… the hounds came through but did not make a sound. Job done! This is when our day took a dark turn. The Huntsman
bundled his horse into a sab then whipped them... then urged the terrier men to attack us. They dutifully obliged. Pretty chaotic scenes followed. Our whips and other property was stolen, with two young terrier chavvies helping out in the
mayhem. Sabs were first tripped over, then kicked, then a punch landed on one of us before the main event (you may remember
last week one of our group was knocked to the ground by an old scroat, well this week, bless her, she was singled out again). The smallest person in our group (and the kindest lady you will ever meet) was pushed
to the ground by the ugliest fat slob you can imagine. This oversized slob knelt on her ribs as she screamed in pain. Sabs
got him off, but the terrier men were still on the rampage.
We were near Coombe farm on a footpath when the landy arrived to pick us up, but it was not over yet. Whips and sprays
were stolen and smashed/cut up and tossed aside, no doubt the final tantrum as we had used the same items to save two foxes
a little while earlier! We headed out to pick
up some of our stragglers, before calling 999. Repeated requests were made for a squad car to attend Pent farm as this is
where the Hunt was going to end up. Our injured
lady sab was now feeling the pain as the adrenalin was fading, so we headed off to drop her to safety. On the way back we
passed Pent Farm, and the Hunt was packing up and fleeing the area, and our terrier slob's work van had gone. It was just
gone 2pm, so another victory for us, albeit somewhat tainted. Needless to say, no coppers had turned up to hunt meet as requested on the 999 call,
but what was this parked a mile away at Farthing common -a cop car. Had this been sat there while the Hunt made its escape?!
They had no idea of what had happened! Then preceded to waste valuable time taking OUR details! We finally left and
our injured lady was taken to A&E with suspected broken ribs. Remember - hunting is banned, none of this need occur, it
just needs the police policy that deals with hunting in Kent (Operation York) to change. URGENT APPEAL During the attack, various item were stolen and destroyed by the hunt -if you can
donate anything to help with their replacement, you can do so here. Thank you all for the messages of support
we have received so far after the attack yesterday. UPDATE Many thanks for all the messages of support! Our sab is recovering slowly,
and will be giving a statement to the police later today.
Three sabs attacked
as Grafton FH chase fox on to road & through village17-12-17 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Sab report 16th Dec - Violence and no Police show! This
week Northants and our good friends Hertfordshire Hunt Sabs decided to pay a visit to the Grafton Hunt who like to terrorise
and kill foxes on South Northants. In fact we are aware that they killed two foxes last weekend. As a consequence we decided
to give our support to the hunt monitors there who tirelessly persist every week to try and gain evidence against this Hunt. The meet was late,
around twelve o'clock, presumably to give the ground a chance to thaw as it was so cold. Hunt started from the meet at
Sulgrave farm. One of the riders claimed he owned the land , asking us to leave whilst ordering his “serf" to follow
us. At some stage this hired man was overheard to say “expecting reinforcements, let’s see how they like that
“. The Hunt tried to lose us initially, not going towards where the gates had been opened, but circling round. We caught
up with them, and were in time to see a fox bolt, and to rate the hounds. Luckily the fox managed to make its escape. Later in the day,
the usual thugs turned up. They followed us around in a convoy of several vehicles. At one point a silver pickup accelerated
round us to get ahead, just as two dogs were being walked by members of the public on the verge. These idiots are so brain
dead and intent on protecting their masters bidding, they don’t care who gets in their way. We encountered a redcoat
holding up traffic [below right] on the road, as he trotted down the middle,
and looking to his right. Suddenly hounds burst onto the road, amidst the traffic. This was on the B4525, not far from Helmdon.
Sabs were on the road, trying to rate the hounds and then things turned nasty. One sab got pushed into a ditch, another got
her bottle of scent masker sprayed in her
face, then broken then a sab was assaulted from behind by a hunt supporter. We have included a pic of one of the main protagonists
and bully boys [below left]. Let’s hope he is smiling on the other side
of his face when karma eventually catches up on him. Whilst this violence was happening, the chaos on the road continued with horses and hounds and riders all over the
highway! The hounds ran off through the hedge, on the scent of a fox. We tried to follow but got blocked in by hunt and thug
vehicles. As you know we have had some good response with the Leicestershire police lately,
but as usual, Northants police are backward in coming forward and although they were called, didn't show up. It soon got
dark and the thugs and hunt went on their merry way. We can’t be sure but we think there were no kills. Grafton, we
will be back. No amount of bullying puts us off ! If you would like to help us with our petrol costs please make a donation to www.paypal.me/ENABS.  18-12-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch On Saturday 16th Grafton Hunt Watch were joined by our friends at Northants
Hunt Sabs who did a fabulous job saving the local foxes from the Grafton Hunt. The arrogance of this Hunt knows no bounds. Apart from
the suffering caused by hunting foxes illegally, they also caused the usual mayhem with absolutely no regard for the local
residents of Helmdon, where the hounds were screaming 'on cry' after a fox in the village. They also invaded the B4505
with their horses and hounds where their surfs assaulted the brave saboteurs who were trying to save the life of a fox who
had run from the hunt towards the the main road. Northamptonshire Police were called but they did not attend. Portman FH hounds rampage through
village - dig-out later Hounds were in gardens, round pub and even in churchyard 17-12-17 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit report 16/12/2017 The Portman Hunt A nice bright early start for us at W.A.R. this
morning as we headed off in the direction of the famous Dorset landmark of Badbury rings to join up with our old friends Dorset
Against Blood Sports. Badbury rings , as quoted by the National Trust, ' is a place that has welcomed many thousands of
people to enjoy hilltop views and wildlife walks and is a significant tourist attraction with notably more people coming to
the Badbury Rings – delighting in its beautiful open spaces and diverse natural beauty.' But not today, no, today
our wonderful Dorset sightseers were greeted by masked up terriermen, dangerously loose hounds scattered over busy roads and very frustrated Xmas shoppers. Yes,
yet another blot on our beautiful countryside for our much needed tourist trade to take back home with them! How many times
did we hear confused and astonished ramblers say...'but we thought it was banned'... The meet was at Bradford Farm and with a field of about 70 riders they trotted off across the landscape
and headed for The Zannies and into the village of Witchamton. Sabs, already in the area, then witnessed probably the worst
'hound gathering' to date. There were hounds literally running riot everywhere through this picturesque country village.
In people's gardens, the church burial grounds, the pub. One lost soul even made it's way towards the busy main road.
The Huntsman, now off his horse, did his utmost to keep everything together, including the field, but from what we saw he
failed totally to look even remotely professional in his little pantomime outfit... After
some rampaging around the hounds and Hunt finally hot-footed over to New Town and then to Hinton Martell where they disappeared
for a while during mid afternoon. We caught up with them again at Wiltshire Wood, hounds not doing much more than speaking
and baying. They then headed for the open and very busy B3078, holding up some now very frustrated Xmas shoppers along the
route. Hounds went into cry in Hinton Mill farm and a fox was seen running for the barns
probably to hole up somewhere. There was much excitement now from the field and terriermen and the obviously pro farmer took
great delight in pointing out to the Hunt the direction of this poor terrified fox. Sabs
rushed in from the side entrance and with the use of voice calls and gizmo were able to pull the hounds off the scent. The
Huntsman... gathered what was left of the field and took the hounds into the adjacent pasture and headed off... For a moment
we thought the fox had one lucky escape. But experience had showed us in the past that there was something not quite right about this move and sure enough after 15 mins a monster appeared coming over the
hill. The Huntsman was back around the farm with all quads in tow, putting the hounds in and around the barns ! Again foot
sabs used voice calls and gizmo to good effect and after some chasing round in circles by hounds and Huntsman they all seemed
to head back in the direction of the meet. BUT NO a call came through on the radio from a monitor that a dig out was taking
place. The three quads plus occupants had gathered in a small copse just north of the meet and had gone in the wooded area
with terriers and spades. Unfortunately, by the time we got into the wood they were back on the quads fleeing the scene shouting
obscenities as they went! However what did happen
next was a real turn of events. During this time 101 had been called and when the police arrived they were very concerned
that setts may have been or were going to be interfered with, so much so a helicopter was deployed to search and scan the
area for any human movement in or around the wooded areas. A crime reference number has been given and officers will be checking
the area at some point today! Although the day was long and often arduous for all of us we all felt that some
valuable lessons had been learnt and again we can't fault the great team work and communication we had with both groups.
We can't say for certain there were no kills today but what we can say for certain is that we know at least one fox is
running free tonight. If you would like to join us out in the fields or doing one of the many jobs that need attending to,
please either message us on this page or email weymouthanimalrights@protonmail.com. https://gogetfunding.com/weymouth-animal-rights-vehicle-an…/ Pic left above - Wouldn't want to meet them in a dark alley Southdown FH meet scrapped as landowners didn't want them 17-12-17 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs It was another easy (and even more successful) day for us yesterday as we went to check what the Southdown and
Eridge Hunt were up to. However, not a soul was at the meet as tumbleweed blew across the lawn of the posh house. On asking
some friendly locals, we were duly informed that the meet had been cancelled as the local landowners didn’t want the
Hunt there! With that great news, we
headed into Kent to see our good friends Croydon Hunt Saboteurs who were busy on the Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt at Cowden.
Due to many watchful eyes, the hunt resorted to following trails for most of the day. The hounds did pick up on a fox at one
point but the Huntsman eventually called them off when he spotted us nearby. Two hunts and no foxes killed! Sab
punched and kicked as Cheshire FH fox chases fail Antis think their target was probably a 'bagged' fox 17-12-17 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hit report 16/12/17 - Violent
attack. fireworks thrown. bagged foxes We teamed up with Cheshire and Lancashire Hunt sabs to pay
a visit to the Cheshire Hunt. Very early that morning am anonymous tip-off had come through saying about foxes being dug-out
and bagged in the Cholmondeley area, the eyewitness gave a great description of the culprit and his vehicle. Sabs arrived at the
meet at Huxley farm and lo and behold here was the same vehicle that had been spotted digging foxes in Cholmondeley that morning.
One of the sab vehicles lacked onto the hunt vehicle and did not let in out their sight as it drove around doing loops of
the area followed by a convoy of other supporters. Police had been informed at this point of our suspicions. The Hunt seemed very reluctant to leave the area and spent a vast amount on time doing U-turns and in and out of
the fields along Huxley lane, with hounds all over the road this created quite a disruption for the public trying to lawfully
use the roads. After more U-turns than a Tory Government, the Huntsman Jake Oppenheim lead his
hounds to a nearby woodland followed by terrier men. Moments after the terrier men entered the woodland a fox bolted from
the exact area the terrier men were. As the fox ran across the fields sabs masked the line the fox had run, this annoyed the
terrier men who were insisting sabs leave the area. Sabs were not leaving the area as the terrier men seemed to have an unhealthy
obsession with this woods, loitering around despite the fact the Hunt had moved on. Some sabs stuck with these terrier men
most the day to foil whatever they had planned. The terrier men grew increasingly frustrated and even more so when their usual
intimidation tactics did not work. Using their quads as weapons got them nowhere either and in the end they had to leave the
woodland. Meanwhile at around 1pm it appeared like the Hunt may be packing up as what was a large field of riders headed back to Huxley
farm and started to box up their horses. The Huntsman had also headed back to the meet, but shortly after he headed back out
with only around 10 riders still with him. Great communication between sab helps us know the exact whereabouts of the hunt
throughout the day and enabled us to predict which direction they'd be heading to next. Sabs were still in the woodland
where a fox had mysteriously bolted from earlier in the day, and a couple more foxes had been seen. The Hunt were now heading
back in the direction of this woodland so sabs beat the wood, flushing any remaining foxes away from the Hunt. As the Hunt
approached the woodland the Huntsman must have got a tip-off from the support who were watching on and decided to avoid the
With the Huntsman again
heading back towards Huxley farm and not much daylight left, sabs felt it was now safe to leave this woodland. Sabs headed
back across the soaked fields back towards Huxley road. As the sab at the front headed towards to gate a group of masked hunt
support came over the gate and one attacked the sab, punching him to the ground from behind and kicking him whilst he was
on the floor. As the following sabs ran to the aid of the attacked sab the culprit ran off followed by his chums. The supporters'
vehicles fled the scene just as a PCSO turned up, a firework was thrown out one of the vehicles landing just feet away from
the sabs. Another six police cars turned up as the Hunt still hung around the area. The Huntsman then headed towards another
farm, closely followed by sabs, to pack up. Thanks to everybody
who has donated to our cause. you can do so on this linkhttps://gogetfunding.com/sabbing-fuel-funds-for-nwhs/… Pics above - 1/ Hounds all over road 2/ Trail evidently
laid through a thick hedge Cheshire Hunt Sabs add this... ... The group made their way to the sab in front
and while his back was turned, one of them punched and kicked the sab to the ground. As sabs ran to support our comrade the
group of thugs ran off, climbing over the gate, and fleeing in their vehicles whilst hurling abuse. As we personally got over
the gate, a passing vehicle threw a firework at us right in front of the police who did absolutely nothing about it and literally
let them all escape! More police soon arrived and took statements from sabs and monitors as hunt supporters had let one of
their car tyres down. We are dealing with vile, nasty sub humans here.  See also Cheshire Monitors report, featuring a cop actually trying to do something about road-illegal Hunt quads Puckeridge/Essex FHs chase fox to ground in part-blocked sett Sabs
and 2 members of public, who confronted Hunt, see foxes to safety 17-12-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hit Report - Puckeridge & Essex joint meet. 16/12/17
Today we headed over to Mitchell's Farm, just north of Saffron Walden to pay the Puckeridge another visit. Joined by our
comrades from Suffolk and Essex, S.Cambs , NE London and N.Cambs Hunt Sabs, it proved to be a productive day. It appeared that a
few of the field packed up before they even set off and losing a few more field shortly after heading off. The Hunt went straight
out the back to Bowsers wood immediately flushing two foxes and what we believe is one going to ground in a badger sett. As
the Hunt moved on we lost focus of the one terrier men on display, this individual had nothing other than a spade and a terrier
with him. Upon later inspection by South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs it turns out that where the fox went to ground was a huge badger
sett, filled in shortly after the hunt leaving the area. We continued our mission and not too long into
the day we were positioned at the right place at the right time. We witnessed a lot of bird disturbance and several hares
fleeing and lo and behold the hounds came dashing out, in full cry, right past us and into some private gardens. We did all
we can to call them back, but being on foot compared to horseback or the speed and agility of a dog, especially trying not
to go through peoples gardens, it's near impossible. The hounds had lead themselves back to a woodland, that although was just over a
mile behind where they had just flushed and picked up no scent. Despite the sparse spread of the hounds going through 20 minutes
earlier they would have picked up this 'scent' previously laid. At the point of us arriving at the woods knowing the
hounds went out of cry and the huntsman was making a quick dispersal of all Hunt members, hounds, supports and terrier men.
At this point we noticed two members of the public giving the Hunt their views of what had happened and what they had seen.
All we'll say is that this big dog fox got seen to safety and members of the local community helped do this. Apart from the Hunt
hiding every now and then to try to give us the slip, we soon caught up with them. With the joint force of the groups out,
we managed to see at least 5 foxes away and confident to say they didn't kill. As a group, week in week out, we're out there defending and protecting the wildlife.
Today showed how much people like yourselves helped us and the wildlife. Thank you. Pics
below - 1/ Sabs keep eye on Huntsman 2/ Sab unblocking
badger sett  Sabs step in to save fox from Eggesford FH dig-out 16-12-17
Facebook – Devon County Sabs Eggesford Hunt. 16/12/2017 We spent a lot of time with Eggesford
Hunt last season. They hunt and kill with impunity and have a history of violence towards our sabs. But with so many hunts
in Devon we have been spreading the love around this season so Eggesford were well overdue a full day of our attention. They met at Higher
Cliston farm where we situated sab teams in opportune positions. The new Huntsman, Jason Marles (who comes from dubious pedigree with a father sentenced for 6 months for assaulting an elderly
female monitor in 2009 when he was Huntsman with East Devon Hunt and a brother convicted of illegal hunting whilst he was
whipper-in with the Middleton Hunt in 2013) led a vastly diminished field of 7 riders and a bedraggled bunch of followers
in vehicles and on quads. The next few hours were spent tag teaming him back and forth
around an area dense with foxes as he put hounds into coverts and blatantly tried to hunt. One foot team called the pack off
near Honeychurch, lifting the hounds heads enough to give the fox some time. At one stage around lunchtime the hounds went
into full cry with only the landy team in a position to respond. Aware that the
hounds were onto something and that we were trying to get to them Duncan Tucker (who along with his father went viral after
he assaulted a female sab last season) used his horse to try to block our vehicle on the road but was quickly put in his place by Hunt chairman Trerise [above right], who
had kindly taken it upon himself to provide us with an escort for the day. With Tucker moved out of the road the landy sped
around the valley to find a fox sprinting across the road in front of them with the hounds no more than a field away. The
team quickly responded and covered the foxes track and scent with citronella and proceeded to watch and film the hounds turn
and pick up another scent line and head in the direction of our foot teams. The landy relocated to the other side of the valley
and covered another fox exiting the area but the pack were still on the line and actively hunting another. After what must
have been a lengthy and exhausting chase this fox went to ground in a badger sett. Sabs could hear the pack marking to ground
and a team ran to the location to find Marles calling his hounds away and the Neanderthal-like Eggesford terriermen arriving
with equipped quads and terriers, no doubt frothing with excitement at the bloodletting that their masters were now going
to allow them to take part in [left]. Sabs, on the other hand, had very different plans and
there was no way that these men were going to be let anywhere near the sett where the fox was cowering. Sabs protected the sett and
prevented the Hunt from digging out. Police were called but despite promising to attend never turned up and it turns out hadn’t
even recorded a log number of our call! Terriermen and hunt supporters remained waiting for the sab team to go but if they
think we will ever leave an animal in danger they are very mistaken. Refreshingly, its seems that the Eggesford field and
supporters were under strict instructions to behave themselves around sabs and despite a few mutterings and a bit of pushing
and shoving, aggressive interactions were minimal. One of the terriermen who started shoving a sab was very quickly, and rather
embarrassingly, reigned in by Duncan Tucker on horseback [right]. Perhaps after the publicity and
sab attention that this Hunt brought upon themselves last season a lesson has been learnt. We can only live in hope. Unfortunately, whilst
covering the sett we lost the Hunt for some time. We trawled the lanes for a couple of hours and used our constant tail to
help us work out where they hadn’t gone. After some time we managed to lose the Chairman and headed back into the area
where we observed Marles from a distance but no other action was necessary. We can’t confirm that no kills took place
during the time that we lost them but we are sure that a number of foxes were seen to safety today. Marles returned from the
north of the meet and packed up at dusk. Severn Vale Beagles hide from sabs in a barn! 16-12-17 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs Severn Vale Beagles resort to hiding from Sabs! Today, we headed
back to the Severn Vale Beagles with Bristol and Severn Vale Sabs, finding them in Hawkesbury, near Bristol. This illegal
Hare killing pack are extremely elusive so we quickly leapt into action and followed the pack on foot, whilst our 3 vehicles
covered all of the access routes to that area. The master, David Eggbeer, quickly scarpered with the beagles and, as we had
covered all possible exit routes, we believe he holed up in a barn at Upper Chalkely Farm(!) Leaving their bewildered staff
and supporters to kick their heels and wait around all day for their return. We left Sabs watching the farm and the meet and
checked the area just in case he had managed to evade us, but after waiting until darkness fell, we are confident that no
hunting was able to take place today. Sabs & Hares 1 - Severn Vale Beagles 0. Thanks for all of your support, if you fancy throwing a few
quid in our direction, please go to: ko-fi.com/bathsabs.
Sparsely attended Meynell FH give up when sabs arrive 16-12-17 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs The Meynell and South Staffs Hunt Boasting
a proud tradition as one of the most prestigious hunts in the country, who once laid claim to Prince Charles as a regular
rider. Today we found them lurking in Newborough, North Staffs with 3 quad bikes, a huntsman, 3 masked up terrier boys and
one, possibly two, foot followers. One of whom was master Will Tatler, a man who doesn't look accustomed to using his
legs as a form of transport. When ourselves, Liverpool Hunt Sabs and a small contingent
from Lincoln rocked up to this sorry display huntsman Sam hastily loaded up his hounds and set off back to the kennels. We
kept an eye on them as Sam and the terrier boys (still masked) exercised the hounds in the field just by the kennels. York & Ainsty S FH chase fox through pregnant sheep flock Whip
does comic turn - falls off horse into watery ditch 16-12-17 Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday was a good day! After we had to jump start our trusty Landrover using the other groups van we
had our doubts we would get to Seaton Ross, near York in time for the York and Ainsty South's meet. Fortunately the expected
11am start didn't happen till noon, so with time to spare we devoured sos rolls, sandwiches and coffee. A highly impressive
number of riders, we counted at least 14 including the 2 redcoats, were followed from the meet by foot sabs from West Yorkshire.
After standing around in a field for about 10 minutes they sped off, obviously trying to put some distance between themselves
and the sabs. Unfortunately for the hunt Sheff sabs were already driving to meet them, and our foot sabs were soon in the
field where they stuck like glue with the hounds for most of the day. Some of the horses seemed as nervous at jumping ditches
as some of the riders did and eventually the inevitable happened, when the Whip fell off his horse and went for a swim in
a ditch, right in front of sabs with cameras at the ready. The horse was okay before anyone worries :) Again the hunt
tried to run from us only to be met by West Yorkshire sabs. At around 2pm hounds went into cry for the only time during the day, pursuing a
fox through a flock of sheep, probably carrying lambs at this time of year, scattering them everywhere. The fox was pursued across a road where the pack split with West Yorkshire following
one group of hounds and us following the other group and the huntsman. Five minutes later a reunited pack picked up the fox's
scent again, but as soon as they paused, the gizmo and horn were used to call the pack to sabs. The Huntsman seemed
to take this as a good time to head for home only for them to discover that the hound van wouldn't start. So they had
the indignity of sabs stood filming them attempting, and failing to jump start their wagon. We headed to the pub for a pint
and a debrief leaving the Hunt to work out how to get their hounds home. North Bucks Beagles pack up when sabs appear 16-12-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Well what a strange day that was. We set out with our chums North Cambs Sabs to find the Oakley. We received
a tip that they would be at Woburn Abbey, an odd place to hunt considering its a huge deer park and Jack Harris can't control the hounds at the best of times, let alone when there
are plenty of deer to chase on the estate, but sure enough they were there so we watched with interest in the cold sleety
conditions. They had a gallop around Milton Wood on the edge of the estate then promptly packed up and went home! Whether
this was due to our presence or the Woburn Estate told them to leave we don't know, perhaps someone would like to contact
Woburn and ask why they hosted a controversial hunt who openly flout the law. So we decided to gather our troops and consider our
next move. North Cambs made the decision to travel over to the Puckeridge and lend a hand to groups already making a mess
of their hunting but right on cue we got another tip off that the North Bucks Beagles [Huntsman, left] were
out hunting hares close to the Oakley kennels north of Knotting. This beagle pack don't get sabbed very often so it was
an ideal opportunity to them pay a visit. We found them as expected and needless to say
their faces were a picture when we turned up. A new huntsman this year but we recognised some familiar faces including Uncle
Albert from previous hits on the Northants Mink Hounds. They made some nonsense claims about following a trail but they knew their game
was up and were escorted back to the meet with a nice walk of shame. Job done. Happy sabs retired to the pub in traditional
fashion for beer and chips.
Sabs stop Scottish hares being hunted by RAC Beagles15-12-17 HSA Press Release Sabs save Scottish hares from controversial English beagle pack
On Monday, Hunt Saboteurs were in action to stop the Gloucester-based Royal Agricultural College Beagles from killing hares
in Aberdeenshire. The RAC pack are in Scotland for a week of illegal hare hunting at the invitation of the Kincardineshire
Foxhounds. The sabs have on video a police officer at the scene telling them that the hunt are flushing hares to guns and
if the sabs follow then they will be arrested. The sabs have gone to the local police station with the video and pointed out
the law, and the police have realised that they have helped facilitate an illegal activity. They have now sent a wildlife
crime officer to the hunt and told them that they have to stop. The RAC are one of the most controversial Hunts in
England. In February 2013, their then Huntswoman, Libby Gilbert, was filmed illegally hunting hares. Gilbert chose to flee
to America rather than face justice in court. Two years later, a mob of drunken RAC supporters were filmed attacking a small
group of hunt saboteurs and attempting to overturn their vehicle. Given this reputation, and the intense scrutiny Scottish
hunting is currently under, it is extraordinary that the Kincardineshire Foxhounds thought it to appropriate to offer a 'hunting
holiday' to the RAC. HSA Press Officer Lee Moon
commented, "People in Scotland will be outraged to learn that their wildlife is being terrorised by a gang of hare hunters
from England. The fact that this visit went ahead in the midst of major political moves against Scottish hunting shows just
how arrogant the hunters are. Even now these people think they are above the law." On Monday Hunt Saboteurs were in
action to stop the Gloucester-based Royal Agricultural College Beagles from killing hares in Aberdeenshire. The RAC pack are
in Scotland for a week of illegal hare hunting at the invitation of the Kincardineshire Foxhounds. The sabs have on video
a police officer at the scene telling them that the hunt are flushing hares to guns and if the sabs follow then they will
be arrested. The sabs have gone to the local police station with the video and pointed out the law, and the police have realised
that they have helped facilitate an illegal activity. They have now sent a wildlife crime officer to the hunt and told them
that they have to stop. The RAC are one of the most controversial hunts in England. In February 2013, their
then Huntswoman, Libby Gilbert, was filmed illegally hunting hares. Gilbert chose to flee to America rather than face justice
in court. Two years later, a mob of drunken RAC supporters were filmed attacking a small group of hunt saboteurs and attempting
to overturn their vehicle. Given this reputation, and the intense scrutiny Scottish hunting is currently under, it is extraordinary
that the Kincardineshire Foxhounds thought it to appropriate to offer a 'hunting holiday' to the RAC. HSA Press Officer Lee Moon commented, "People in Scotland will
be outraged to learn that their wildlife is being terrorised by a gang of hare hunters from England. The fact that this visit
went ahead in the midst of major political moves against Scottish hunting shows just how arrogant the hunters are. Even now
these people think they are above the law."  17-12-17 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs THE FALL GUY: RAC HUNTSMAN IN BIG TROUBLE Guy Thomas, master
and huntsman of the RAC Beagles from Gloucester, is in big trouble. With politicians of all hues currently exploring ways
to really ban hunting in Scotland, Hunts north of the are border are meant to be on their best behaviour. This simple message
did not seem to get through to Guy Thomas who drove his pack five hundred miles to illegally hunt Scottish hares at the invitation
of the Kincardineshire Foxhounds. Thankfully local hunt sabs put a stop to his plans. Now,
every other fox hunt in Scotland is furious with the Kincardineshire for extending the invitation at such a sensitive time;
while the AMHB - the hare hunting association - is equally angry with Guy for accepting it. Thank you, Guy and the RAC Beagles:
your arrogance and selfishness have bought a real ban on hunting in Scotland significantly closer. Bawtry Council bans Grove & Rufford
FH Boxing Day meet over hunting convictions 14-12-17 Lincolnshire Live Boxing Day hunt banned from council land after trio's conviction for fox hunting
- it is not clear whether the hunt will go ahead The annual Boxing Day hunt in Bawtry has been
banned from council land after three of the group's members were convicted of illegal hunting earlier this year. Bawtry
Town Council voted 7 - 3 against allowing the Hunt to gather in their usual meeting place of one the council's car parks
in a meeting this week. Representatives
from the Barnby Moor based Grove and Rufford Hunt, which used to be held in Retford, were at the meeting alongside hunt saboteurs and local residents - but the meeting "did not get too heated". The decision comes after three members of the Hunt
- Paul Larby, Peter White and Jane Wright - were found guilty of illegal hunting in March after two bird watchers filmed a
fox being killed by their hounds at Laneham. The bird-watchers told the trial that the fox was chased by a pack of 45 hounds
in view of members of the Hunt. And the footage showed no attempt to call off the hounds. The trio denied fox-hunting, saying
they were following an artificially laid scent trail and claimed the fox was killed accidentally. Mayor of Bawtry, David Kirkham, said: "It's an event that has
occurred in Bawtry over several years and has been quite well supported. What has disappointed us this time is that in March,
three members of the Hunt were convicted of killing with hounds. They made their request, we had the discussion and we said
the concern was that we don't want to be seen to be supporting an organisation that condones this. We asked if those involved
were still members and they confirmed they are still members. Those three people would be involved on Boxing Day - had that
not been the case it could well have been a different outcome. The fact that they should tolerate these people is not acceptable
to us. It's a shame - I rather suspect that if they had reacted differently to the three's convictions it could have
been a different outcome. It was said that they may still attend Bawtry - but they cannot use our car parks. And they said
that they are going to appeal their convictions." Pete Tutalo, from Retford,
who is a member of The League Against Cruel Sports, said in a statement read out to the meeting: "I personally think
that this outdated barbarism has no place in modern society and certainly nothing to do with tradition or we would be watching
dog and cock fighting in the square also. There are many alternative and more acceptable forms of this activity such as drag
hunting or hunting the clean boot that don’t involve cruelty and allow the exercise of both horse and hound if needed,
trail hunting is habitually used as a cover for illegal hunting, with many examples of this available on various websites
and the many of the Hunts involved have vowed to continue hunting illegally." Though not a hunt saboteur himself, Pete said that if the meet does go ahead, it's highly likely
hunt saboteurs will also be present on the day. We have contacted the Grove and Rufford Hunt for comment but are yet to hear back. Pic above - Grove & Rufford FH Boxing Day meeting 2015 Grafton
FH hunt next to on and across busy A422 14-12-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Grafton Hunt - are they completely mad? Well Yes - hunting on the busy A422 with blatant
disregard for public safety and for the law. Pics below - 1/ Whip riding on busy A422 2/ Hounds crossing
same road 3/ Riders pour on to busy road 4/ Redcoat cantering on A422   Fitzwilliam FH JM apologises for Hunt invasion of Alconbury Weston 13-12-17 Morethanjustbadgers.net Extract from blog re. the Fitzwilliam FH's unwelcome invasion of the village
of Upwood. on 2-12-17... I’m told the Master, Philip Baker had to apologise to the villagers
of Alconbury Weston only a couple of weeks ago for a similar incident, it seems they have previous on this. Will he be forced
into making another similar and embarrassing apology? I’ll keep you posted but no doubt an attempt to blame sabs on
the day will be included as a way of saving face. Essex FH chase fox across road, assault, ride & drive at sabs 12-12-17 Facebook - North East London Hunt Saboteurs Hit report: Essex Hunt 09 Dec 2017 Not the best day for the Essex Hunt as large numbers of sabs from NELS, Suffolk And Essex and Cambridge hunt sabs arrived at their meet
near Hatfield Heath. The Hunt covered a large
area, moving fast to try and lose sabs that were following closely on foot or watching from vehicles. At one point the hounds
chased a fox from one covert to another across a road but sabs quickly intervened and stayed close to the hounds, sprayed the ground with citronella and tried to call the hounds off. In this confusion the hounds lost the scent.
During this incident the Huntsman just watched and made no effort to call his hounds off. Frustrated, the Hunt used their usual intimidation tactics and rode their horses and quad bikes
at sabs. On one occasion sabs were blocked on a public bridleway by a rider who pushed her confused young horse at sabs while
the terrier-men drove their quads at sabs from behind. When sabs tried to move out of the way the terrier-men shouted 'go
back to the footpath' which would have meant stepping in front of a moving quad bike driven by an idiot. The same terrier-men
later hit the Cambridge vehicle and assaulted their driver. Later on the Hunt blocked busy roads and even used a horse to block a moving sab vehicle [above]!
An unpleasant day but one where no wildlife was killed. Pic
below - Hounds follow fox across road
films Quantock SH illicitly hunting on N.Trust land 12-12-17 Facebook - League Against Cruel Sports VIDEO The Quantock Stag Hounds have been spotted hunting on National Trust land, again. Keep up to date with
of all reports of hunt trespass on our website and please report any incidents of hunting on National Trust land to us https://www.league.org.uk/nationaltrust. POWAperson added - The trespass occurred on 4th December at Woodland
Hills. Local challenges & snaps suspicious activity by Dunston Harriers 11-12-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs We received these images of the Dunston Harriers from
a concerned member of the public. They were taken on Tuesday 5th December in the area of Burston, Norfolk. When approached, the
Hunt claimed to be trail hunting. The member of the public asked to see the scented rag and was pointed to the back of the
quad bike – but could see nothing of the sort. The photos show the Dunston Harriers riding across an active railway
crossing near Burston with a quad bike following on the public road close behind. Two people can be seen sitting on the quad.
Is this legal?  Beaufort FH hounds chase & mark fox
to ground in scrapyard by fast road To owner's
thanks, monitors rescue spooked horse that jumped on to road 10-12-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Monday 4th December 2017 The Beaufort met at The Horse
Guards pub Brokenborough about 1 ½ miles NW of Malmesbury. This is an area that we are familiar with as Wiltshire unfortunately
was a new area for 2017 badger cull. Predictably they went straight to the wooded
area between Fosse Farm and Boakley Farm where we were waiting for them. With no luck there they escaped us for a short while
and we caught up again on the lane near Brook Farm. Hounds seemed to be picking up on a scent so sabs swiftly followed the
pack whilst one monitor was glad to lend a helping hand to a horse that had been spooked by the passing hunt and jumped out
of its’ field over barbed wire and was found galloping down the road towards our vehicle. Swift action directed it into
the field to safety to the huge relief of a lady who looks after the horse and a positive reaction from the Beaufort ‘fencer’. We caught up with them again over in the patch of land to the east of A429 Kemble to Malmesbury road where we found
the field held up on the south side of a scrapyard with the hounds searching the yard. Matt Ramsden MFH was riding up and
down on this very busy main road and stopped to look anxiously through the gates. After the hounds had searched to the yard
they were then encouraged to search the hedges round the field on the north side next to the main road. Hunt staff were happy
to allow them to do this right next to a road with fast lorry traffic speeding past. They kept encouraging the search until
one hound picked up on a scent inside the boundary of the scrapyard about 20 metres from the main road. The hounds started
to gather, marking to ground over a hole in a pile of rubble that had overgrown with bushes and brambles. The lead hounds were
trying to dig into the hole. The monitor rated them off and managed to get through the bushes to protect the hole and only
then did the huntsman call them away. It is inconceivable that trail options were laid in this location on a busy main road.
The gates to the field being searched by the hounds were padlocked and the riders and quad bikes couldn’t gain access.
Two horses were careering round in their field on the other side of the main road and we were fearful they would jump out
as we had seen earlier. Everywhere we follow the hunt we see horses going mad in natural response to a pack of hounds and
a big group of horses on the move. Yet another bit of collateral risk to other people’s livestock and property. Crossing the Fosse
Bridleway they hunted around Long Newton and we caught up with them again as they had just crossed the B4014 again closer
to Tetbury and near The Great Tythe Barn. We kept up with them as they proceeded towards the Larkhill Farms. Here they picked
up on a scent again and a monitor saw them on a line along the hedgerow with huntsman encouraging them on over the lane and
towards Addy’s Firs. Hounds were now looking tired and a couple had lost
the pack and were wandering about on the lane around Church Farm. We saw a white hound totally separated from the pack several
times which made us worry for its’ future. They stayed around Long Newton for the rest of the day and unfortunately got away
from us so can’t be certain as to the fate of any foxes in that area but are reassured that we kept them on the move
most of the day and that whatever escaped into the hole at the scrapyard survived. As foxhounds are trained to respond only
to fox scent we concluded that this was a fox. Cattistock FH hound believed killed by train as sabs restrain Hunt 10-12-17
Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit report 09/12/2017 Acting on a tip off we already knew
where Lady T's bloodthirsty Cattistock Hunt meet was. (more eyes on these Dorset hunts than they think!) and with extensive
knowledge of the area between legendary monitors and experienced sabs, we had already made a plan of action before we had
even got in the Landy. Members of WAR left early in the freezing, icy morning to get
a good amount of time, to pre beat and spray areas, that between us were pretty sure they would visit, and visit they did!
After pre beating and spraying a large area and checking for setts so that they could be filmed, pictured and logged, we were
informed that the Hunt had left the meet and headed towards Moor Plantation, right in our direction. They spent a short
time putting hounds into the Plantation but with sabs covering both sides of the valley, they were stopped from the start
from going in. Then it was sabs turn to inform monitors of the Hunt's direction and lo and behold the monitors were there
waiting for them .This great team work ensued for the rest of the day and it was clear that Lady T's hunt wasn't going
to get their 'blood junkie fix' they so craved for. The Hunt then headed back to Moor Farm and milled
around seemingly unsure about where to go next, in fact they spent a lot of time wondering where to go next ! The hounds then
picked up a line along a hedgerow and went into cry along the bottom of the valley. Sabs using voice calls and horn managed
to lift the hounds' heads and take them off the scent... With the Hunt headed
toward Broad Hill Farm two teams headed for New plantation where they always seem to "pick up" a fox. Foot Sabs
were deployed and Monitors took up their positions....... Then all he'll broke lose. Hunt followers started getting loud
and aggressive, pushing Sabs and Monitors even trying to hit one monitor in the face with a walking stick. It then came over
the radio that a fox had crossed at East Leze farm heading to new plantation. Another 2 foxes were then seen, running straight
towards two Monitors. Three Foxes in an area hunted so regularly? Sabs
then used the gizmo to draw one hired hunt bully from a lone monitor and even we were surprised at how well it worked!! Others
sprayed to cover the scent where the foxes had run. Sabs were once again verbally and physically abused by terrier men and
hunt support, hounds and horses were running in all directions and all this on a road with nasty bends. The Hunt rode off into new plantation and eventually the support followed them.
With Sabs and Monitors using pincer movements, the Hunt were pretty much confined to a fairly small area for much of the day. The police did eventually turn up and spoke to monitors. At about 3pm a commotion was heard from near the railway
line. The huntsmen Will Brides was heard shouting and swearing at his out of control hounds. At this point what was left of
a fairly small field for this Hunt headed toward common lane and the hounds and Huntsmen headed the other way. Horse boxes
started to appear and pick up horses... surely they hadn't finished??!! The hired thugs were then seen leaving with quads on trailers and By 3.29pm it was
all over! They wasn't happy ! But for us it was a day to remember. Absolutely great team work and great communication
between us all and it showed on all our faces that there is nothing like the feeling that lives have been saved. 27-12-17 Email from POWA member … On Christmas
Day, I found out that on the 9th December when the Cattistock were up here (Manor Farm meet) a hound was killed on the railway
line between Crewkerne and Yeovil, I expect it was Hardington Marsh area near Marsh Farm, favourite spot of theirs. I can't
prove it, so I can't say anything, but it happened. They have kept it close to their chests, but were overheard discussing
it in the Royal Oak. Pics below - 1/
Fox fleeing 2/ Spot the Rubbish X marks the spot  Heythrop FH chase fox across main road, sabs find 8 blocked setts 10-12-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs 8 freshly blocked badger setts found today in Heythrop country/ north Cotswold badger cull zone. We would not expect
any of our local hunts to be out mounted today.....alas, they had different ideas. So, Saturday 9th December very cold sabs
were on the ground first thing looking for any signs of sett blocking. With quad bike tracks in the snow 5 blocked setts were
found pre hunt. Which confirmed that they were actually going to ride out in very slippery conditions. After a few hours
of unblocking in freezing conditions and dodging gamekeepers feeding their pheasants quite an appetite was built up so it
was off to Stow on the Wold for some very nice muffins and an oat latte. Brunch was enhanced by some vegan sausage rolls. At least the Heythrop
had the good sense to start late, 12.30 in fact and we got picked up pretty quickly by our stalkers, however some sabs thwarted
the Heythropian anti/sab tactics by running off into Eyford Park prior to them getting organised. The usual cat and
mouse games ensued. They only played at hunting in Eyford park with sabs hiding up goodness knows where. Another sab (accompanied
by stalker) did see a fox run to safety from where the pack were hunting. Whether or not this was the hunted fox is unknown
but he went one way, the Hunt another. Some citronella was sprayed on his line and as it is normal for the Heythrop to run
away from being filmed going onto the line of a fox he was safe. On then to the old railway at Naunton where they chased a
fox across a main road to Cold Aston. They packed up as the light began to fade and sabs then went to work sett checking
finding 3 more blocked setts. This week 14 setts have been found to be blocked on the same day as the hunt were out. 13 of
them were in the North Cotswold cull zone. This is the tip of the iceberg in this area. Please support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs Pics below - 1/ Blocked sett entrance 2/ Sab unblocking
sett  Sabs video shows Flint & Denbigh FH hounds running uncontrolled on road They had to hold up traffic to stop dogs getting run over by cars Followed hound being knocked
down three weeks earlier 10-12-17 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Lesson in controlling your hounds It's
not only wildlife that we save. Sometimes we need to intervene to save hounds. We've made this video filmed on 18/11/17
to help our local irresponsible huntmaster Jeremy Reed. Three weeks prior to this film a hound was hit by a car on the Trefnant
to Henllan road. It's about time Denbighshire Council did something about the disruption this Hunt cause on public roads
rather that let them parade through Denbigh high street on Boxing day... Though that may be a little awkward as some members
of this Hunt work for local councils. Severn Vale Beagles Huntsman & hounds didn't turn up after warned sabs had arrived 9-12-17 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Today, along with good company from other local sab groups, we visited The Severn Vale Beagles, who had an
early afternoon meet in West Littleton. Clearly tipped off by our presence, the hare killers' hunt was ruined when the
huntsman and hounds didn't bother showing up. His staff and masked up supporters were left to stand around scratching
their heads. Although entirely possible they met again later in the day, rest assured this won't be the last visit. Whilst one of our
vehicles scoured the area looking for any sign of hunting, we came across a couple of pheasant shoots. Due to sab presence
one rough shoot was shut down and the pheasants were seen flying to freedom. The shooters returned to their vehicles and headed
home. Our last visit of the day was to our old friends, the Berkeley Hunt. By this time the day was winding
down and we were in large numbers watching every move the hunt made. Soon enough, the Hunt was making their way back to the
kennels. Pic below - Disappointed Severn Vale support
Portman FH twice allow hounds to run on roads, disrupting trafficSabs
think probable dig-out and kill 9-12-17 Facebook - Wildlife Witness VIDEO A late start for us this week but we found the Portman up to no good almost immediately, as hounds were in full
cry a short distance from the meet at Stour Row near Shaftesbury. The Hunt had crossed the Shaftesbury to Marnhull road
and were hunting westwards at pace behind Ashley Plantation and parallel with Great Down Lane. They then ran towards Nash
Lane before stopping abruptly in the coppice opposite the Old School House where we believe hounds marked to ground. In failing light,
the Huntsman carried on hunting, taking hounds back across the road and causing traffic to stop. He then dismounted and drew
fields to the south of Todber, where they again allowed hounds to run across the road, disrupting traffic. The Hunt finally
packed up at around 4.15 in near darkness. 10-12-17 Facebook - Wildlife Witness This is an image taken yesterday at the end of the day with the Portman...what's that look like on the front
of the quad...under the front box on the left?
Sandhurst Beagles pack up as sabs appear - then supporter assaults
one Screams '... you need a bloody bayonet in the guts'- reported to police 9-12-17 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs VIDEO SANDHURST & ALDERSHOT BEAGLES Berkshire
Sabs are just back from a very successful day with the Sandhurst Beagles at Polhampton Farm, Overton. This pack hit the headlines
a few weeks back when covert monitors filmed them killing four hares. The footage is currently under police investigation. With the meet kindly,
if unwittingly, provided by their special visitor, Ian Roberts (Master of the Wealden Minkhounds) foot sabs were in position
before hounds set off. As soon we approached them they initiated the traditional 'walk of shame' back to the meet.
As is also traditional, they could not get their story straight: the landowner kept repeating that "trails had been laid,"
while Master Melvyn Pike claimed they were "rabbiting." The only drama occurred as supporters were leaving
the meet. An elderly beagler jumped out of his car and assaulted one of our sabs whilst screaming that they should be "stabbed
in the guts with a bayonet." This piece of seasonal cheer has also been reported to the police. Crawley FH chase four foxes, hunting on till after dark 9-12-17 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs A wet and windy day saw sabs from a number of groups descend on the Criminal (Crawley) and Horsham due
to lack of locating other hunts. True to their name they didn't even pretend to hunt legally and went hell for leather
in an attempt to kill foxes. The field was large and
we were told that there may have been guests from a hunt from Eire, but we are not sure. The hunt moved at speed around the
normal territory of Dragons Green and during the day we saw at last 4 foxes hunted, and more spotted and protected by sabs. Supported by a gang of about 6 boys, who either followed sabs, blocked roads (in full view of Sussex cops..) and
tried to intimidate our drivers with threats of ‘don’t get caught on your own boys’. Two quad bikes being
driving illegally overloaded on the roads were again ignored by the cops, not to mention the blatant hunting. One had worked
out how to take photos and spent the days snapping sabs, chuckling how he made money selling them to Horse & Hound. We had sabs with us from West Sussex, Southampton, North Downs and Brighton and due to our numbers of sabs and vehicles
were on top of them all day. By 2pm the field was down to a handful as most of the riders went home. Which begs the question
if you are trail hunting why are you still out when all your supporters have gone home? The hunt continued until well into
dark finally finishing around 5pm, with no kills thanks to sab action. Excuse bad group photo due to lack of light. Any donations to help us with our land rover repairs as always appreciated. Please help if you can by donating at:
South Coast Hunt Sabs https://www.paypal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. We are always looking for new sabs, so if
you are interested please message us or email: southcoasthuntsabs@gmail.com.  Sighting of hunters on NT land near Bicknoller, Somerset 9-12-17
LACS website On 9th December hunters were spotted at Short Combe above the village of Bicknoller on the Quantocks. Sab car dangerously vandalised,
sabs assaulted at Thurlow FH 9-12-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs Hit report - Thurlow Hunt – 6.12.17 Two members of
CHS took time out of their schedules to pay another overdue visit to the Thurlow Hunt. After locating their meet, just outside
of Haverhill in Wethersfield Hall Farm (just behind the village hall), we quickly began pre-spraying the area. While doing
so we came across two foxes that bolted in front of our car. After stopping, we saw them both in an adjacent field looking
rather bewildered and surprisingly dry considering the conditions. Shortly after this, we saw one of the hunts quad bikes
heading back towards the general area of the meet. We can hypothesize that the two foxes we saw had recently been released
by the hunt, far from 'traditional'. After following the Hunt from our vehicle, they
disappeared into an area not visible from the road, and therefore we walked to keep an eye on their illegal activities while
remaining close enough to intervene if necessary. Upon returning to our vehicle we noticed that all the wiring for our overhead
safety lights had been ripped out, including a ground wire which would have electrified the entire vehicle had the safety/emergency
lights been switched on. After this, a phone call was made to Suffolk rural crime, who arrived within a half hour to monitor
the hunt and gather evidence about the damage done to the vehicle. Throughout the
day the hounds went into cry, and quickly stopped when the Huntsman or Whipper-in noticed a sab or police officers presence
and called off the hounds (weird that). At
one point, members of the Hunt even assaulted sabs in front of police. The Hunt packed up early after realising that 3 police officers
and 2 Sabs are rather hard to hide from. They were escorted back to the meet by the police and sabs, but not before making
personal threats. Sabs
film Warwickshire FH blatantly hunting a fox Huntsman sets hounds back
on after pointer from supporter 8-12-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs WARWICKSHIRE HUNT CAUGHT ON CAMERA HUNTING A FOX Thursday 7th December 2017 –
Marton The Warwickshire Hunt were due to meet on former Warwickshire Hunt director Tony Ellis’s Elms Farm in Marton but changed the meet to a nearby farm after
the Tony Ellis made the national media when he was filmed attacking a female saboteur. Towards the end of the day we filmed the hunt flushing a fox from a wood. Huntsman Will Goffe can then be seen following
the route the fox had taken out the wood with hounds. A hunt supporter then points out to him which direction it ran. Goffe
then blows his horn to hunt the hounds on after the fox. The hounds the chase after the fox on the exact route taken by the
fox. Every time we go to the
Warwickshire Hunt we see them blatantly hunting foxes, across busy roads, through allotments and into the dark. There arrogance
shows no bounds, they think that they are untouchable. Please sign this petition to get the Warwickshire Hunt banned from National Trust Land. We are currently out 3-4 times a week at the moment please
consider donating towards our fuel costs. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics - ABOVE
RIGHT Hounds chasing fox queue to use stile BELOW 1/
Hounds start to chase fox in open 2/ Hounds being hunted on 3/
Fox fleeing through crop field 4/ Fox stops to assess situation 5/ Supporter
shows Huntsmen where fox has gone 6/ Just after, Huntsman has laid hounds on fox's line   Waveney Harriers hound thought killed
in road accident Report says Hunt were miles away at the time 3 police cars and an ambulance
attended, 2nd hound survived 8-12-17
Facebook -Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs We believe that on Saturday 2nd December, a hound belonging to the Waveney Harriers was hit and killed
on a busy A road near Flixton. We also understand that at the time the Hunt were several miles away in Mendham. If you have
any further information on this, please contact us. 
Sabs say police acted as security for
Dunston Harriers 7-12-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Dunston Harriers - 25/11/17 Wramplingham – Norfolk
...Norfolk/Suffolk sabs attended the Dunston Harriers meet in Wramplingham. Immediately upon arriving, sabs both on foot and
in vehicles were stopped by police officers. Those in vehicles were dispersed under Section 59 of the Road Traffic Act, usually
reserved for people driving their vehicles in a dangerous fashion (the driver was stationary at the time and had probably
not exceeded 40mph all morning!). Sabs out on foot were told that, since the police
were absolutely convinced that the Dunston Harriers hunt legally, they weren't interested in any accusations to the contrary.
Sabs were told that any attempt to monitor the Hunt would be seen as an illegal act and would be met with arrest. Check out the video of a police officer who needs to read up on the law! Trespass
= civil. Hunting = criminal. Buy us a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ. POWAperson adds
- Sabs are thin on the ground in this part of the country and they're not often able to visit the Dunstons.. However,
their encounters with them in the last couple of years suggest they certainly are not given to legal hunting. In September
this year sabs say they managed to pull the pack off a hare they were hunting. And at the end of January last year they
say that they saw them chasing several hares and that sabs saved one from imminent death. On 18-11-17 sabs reported that one
of their number had been arrested and published a photo of 2 PCs hitching a lift on a hunt quad. Pics below - 1/ Hare saved from hounds 30-1-16
2/ Hare that got away 9-9-17  Waveney Harriers - sabs ridden at, hounds on A roads, likely fox kill 7-12-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Waveney Harriers - 25/11/17 Ashby Hall Farm, Somerleyton – Suffolk One of our teams headed to Somerleyton.
With help from our friends in Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting, the Waveneys were found at Ashby Hall Farm.
The Hunt initially spent time cantering through woodland around Fritton Decoy lake before making a dash towards the village
of Herringfleet. Reuben Kench and his goons were openly hunting foxes through High Plantation and across fields east of Herringfleet
Road. They then headed west towards the marshes and continued hunting across Herringfleet Hills, where Reuben could be heard
fox-calling into the bracken undergrowth moments before hounds went into cry. The Waveneys then rode full gallop back to High
Plantation. The Hunt and its ride was on particularly nasty form, with several horses being ridden directly into sabs as well
as many others being “accidentally” backed up into sabs keeping up with hounds. Joe Gilfillan, normally a terrierman
but today clambered atop a horse, almost had a heart attack shouting and threatening sabs attempting to get footage of hounds'
bloodied noses. There were also several moments of traffic chaos as riders and hounds did not pay attention to the Green Cross Code
before careening up and down busy 60mph A roads. This includes Peter Davison White (son of camera monkey Karen Davison White)
standing on point right in the middle of the notoriously dangerous B1074 Herringfleet Road. And later he called hounds into
another 60mph road [lower pic below], causing several cars to hit their brakes. Unfortunately we believe the Waveneys killed. However we did watch one fox and two deer quietly sneak away from High
Plantation as the Hunt passed nearby. A split pack meant the Hunt didn’t return to the meet until long after sunset,
by which time we were keeping an eye on them with chocolate and coffee. Buy us a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/A8634QOZ.  12-12-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Waveney Harriers clearly fox hunting, with hounds running across roads. Feel free to share. Warwickshire FH - fox hunting [in dark], trespass, violent threats 6-12-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO More violence from the Warwickshire Hunt Warwickshire Hunt - Monday 3rd December
2017 - Great Wolford Hunt violence - Road chaos - Hunting foxes in the dark On Monday the Warwickshire
Hunt meet in Great Wolford near Moreton-in-Marsh. They spent the first hour hunting Wolford Wood before the hounds got onto
a fox and chased it over the busy A44 (causing chaos on the road) and over into neighbouring Hunt, the Heythrop’s area
of Chastleton and Evenlode. Considering this wasn’t their hunting area we can only assume the Warwickshire Hunt were trespassing the whole time
they were in this area. Once back over on their side they carried on trespassing taking hounds, horses and quad bikes on footpaths
and bridleways where they were clearly prohibited. If you've been affected by hunt trespass please use the following link https://www.facebook.com/HoundsOff/.At At one point one elderly hunt supporter [right] clearly frustrated at the day's hunting being spoilt
became very aggressive towards a sab filming the hunt. He threatening to punch the sab on the nose before other hunt supporters
had to pull him away as he began lashing out. Despite the violence and threats we kept the Hunt in sight for the rest of the day.
Members of the Hunt have now started following us about wearing bright high-vis jackets so the Huntsman can see were we are
at all times. As the light was fading, a fox was seen running from a wood where the hounds were hunting in. The fox got away
safely, but the Warwickshire Hunt continued to hunt well into the dark. Warwickshire Police: https://www.facebook.com/warwickshirepolice/. Please sign the petition to get the Warwickshire Hunt banned from National Trust Land. We
are out 3-4 times a week at the moment please consider donating towards fuel costs by using the link below. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below -
1/ Supporter goes to punch sab 2/ Supporter restrained by friends  3/ Hunters cantering on busy A44 that fox had crossed
4/ One swerves in front of lorry to cross back  5/ Hounds all over the A44 6/ Rider blocking sab from filming hunt 7/
Riders still out after dark  8/ Fox on the run from hunt as darkness falls
Portman FH rider unseated as Hunt stampedes cows 6-12-17 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports Saturday December the 2nd Portman Hunt Meet at Manston House There
were so many boxes going into different farms and horses ridden to the Meet it was a bit chaotic. After their nibbles and
drinks and the "Chat " the Hunt led off across the fields and met a herd of galloping cows which ended with a rider becoming unstuck. His horse [right] was safely captured
and we hope was none the worse. The Hunt then crossed the
road (through a hedge) and they hunted up to Porter Hill and Gallows Corner. Our teams had been out really early and
checked these woods for any sign of illegal activity. About then we heard the hounds in cry but also saw a burst of frantic
riding and the hounds were called off. The Field then rode over to the Plough at Manston area and up to Northwood Coppice.
where we were joined by Wildlife Witness monitors. Riders seen on point around this favoured wood... and up to Hinton St.Mary
where all the support were to be found along Stearts Lane/Hinton Lane. Riders were dwindling then and going home. We had full
view of the hounds a few times and all were clean - but we did hear them in cry several times and so cannot be sure they did
not kill. And if your live in Dorset or not to far away and would like to get involved please
get in touch with us. Pic
below - Hunts and cows really don't mix, especially with bTb about.
Four blocked setts found in area N. Cotswold FH were hunting6-12-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Wednesday 6th January 2017, North Cotswold Hunt at Stumps Cross So,
North Cotswold cull zone, 4 setts which are targeted heavily by the cull blocked (reported, made safe for badgers and foxes,
etc) and we kept tabs on them most of the day. Seemed to be very little scent and very few field. Pic below - One of the four blocked sett entrances Sab driver assaulted by South Tetcott supporters who tried to steal camera 5-12-17 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs It's not often we're able to visit a hunt during the week, but we couldn't miss the South Tetcott's
meet today. Joint master David Lawrence, who has a sick enthusiasm for terrier work and is reputed to have a colourful personal
life, was the host at his home, Moorlands near Patchacott.
The Hunt were unpleasantly surprised to see us and began a song and dance about
their plans to spend the day following a trail, although they couldn't get their story straight, with some insisting the
trail was to be laid throughout the day and others telling us it had all been done in the early hours of the morning. After
a long time boozing at the meet the Hunt headed off towards Patchacott, Mount Pleasant and the area's disused railway,
then beginning a long progression north along the wooded valley east of Patchacott. Huntsman Jamie Parish spent much of the
time on foot due to the boggy conditions. In the woods between Loveland Cross and Beaworthy Mill hounds picked up a scent
and headed back south in cry, with the Huntsman blowing 'gone away', the signal that a fox had broken from the covert.
Sabs were well positioned on the road out of Patchacott in case a fox crossed or hounds ran out into traffic. The Huntsman
arrived and made a somewhat panicked but half-hearted attempt to spin a tall tale about a non-existent trail layer who had
just crossed the road towing a sock. Our foot team was in the area long before the Hunt arrived and as always there was no
such trail layer. The ground was wet enough today to make it obvious where all the quads had driven, and if there had been
a trail at any stage we'd have been able to follow it with our eyes. Once hounds were gathered the northward journey was
resumed and the Hunt headed up the road via Polehayes, briefly entering the valley between Higher Whiddon and Whiddon Moor. True to form, Parish, who is already
attracting criticism from his new pack for leaving riders behind, galloped east from Lower Whiddon with his hounds and one
whip in tow. The mounted field, who are the Hunt's paying customers, took about twenty minutes to reach the same point.
Over the next hour we watched little groups of them wandering the landscape trying to find some action while the Huntsman
messed around on the marshy plain north towards Hollow Moor and Four Shilling Moor. It felt like we spent more time near the
Huntsman today than his own riders did, with our vehicle positioned to meet him whenever he emerged onto the roads. Meanwhile
even seasoned car followers were often left sat at crossroads miles away from any hunting. At
15.30 the reunified pack of huntsman, hounds, riders and quads emerged from the track to Leasefield Farm and began making
their way back towards the meet. As remaining riders peeled off to go home Parish was seen re-entering the valley between
Higher Whiddon and Beaworthy Mill where hounds had gone into cry earlier. One foot team followed him as he gathered loose
hounds on foot, while other sabs entered a valley where a fox had just been spotted running into a covert with terrier men
nearby. At this point up on the road our driver was assaulted by three terrier men who tried
to steal his camera. As often happens when a Hunt has a frustrating time, they take it out on us at the end of the day, when
many of the riders have left. Darkness had fallen by the time hounds were boxed up. If
you support what we do, please donate to our fuel fund via www.paypal.me/dchs. If you know where your local Hunt are due to meet, you can let us know via Facebook, email (devoncountysabs@riseup.net)
or phone: 07717473305. Pics - Above left -
Off to slaughter foxes, but polite Above right - Hunt quad on road. No plates, 2 passengers.
Illegal Below - Huntsman casting hounds for fox scent Middleton FH terriermen filmed blocking fox dens 5-12-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO MIDDLETON HUNT TERRIERMAN BLOCKING FOX DEN ENTRANCES
The Middleton Hunt met at Kirby Grindalythe, Ryedale, North Yorkshire yesterday, Monday, December 4th. At around
10.30 a hunt terrierman was covertly recorded filling in the entrances to fox dens. Terriermen block dens like this so that
foxes cannot escape down them, when they are being illegally hunted. These shocking photos were taken just two days after
the Middleton Hunt's host George Winn-Darley was filmed assaulting West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs during a meet at nearby
Aldby Park, Ryedale (watch footage of the assault here: http://bit.ly/2zJlyre). Pics below
- 1/ Terrierman blocking fox den 2/ & 3/ Dens after blocking  Sabs
help 3 foxes to escape Oakley FH and sab is headbutted 5-12-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs The pro hunt side will often claim we a sponging, work shy layabouts just out to cause trouble in the countryside
as we're jealous of those with more money. Of course, that's complete hogwash, however just because we have jobs doesn't mean we can't take the odd day off
and what a better way to spend said day off than a bit of sabbing. Now the Oakley think they are a bit clever, but not
clever enough to avoid us today as they had a joint meet at the St Johns Arms Pub in Melchbourne. Not sure who the visiting
hunt were but the turnout was much larger than a normal Oakley meet and the proliferation of red coated wildlife abusers meant
it was definitely more than one Hunt with faces we didn't recognise but, we'll sab any of them whether we know them
or not. Obviously they were none too pleased when our small 4 man team turned up to face 30 plus riders, 4 quads of terrier
men and an assortment of ghoulish followers but they blatantly hunted on regardless. In the grounds of Grange Farm Huntsman
Calamity Jack Harris was seen hunting his hounds on foot, never a good sign so we arrived just in time to hear the hounds
speak and a beautiful fox break only feet in front of them [above right and below left]. I
was incredibly close but the clever fox ducked through the hedge while we did what sabs do best, rated the hounds and covered
it's scent. The hounds lost it and went off in the wrong direction! (1-0). Jack wasn't too happy about this and decided to show his displeasure by head-butting one of our sabs. The police have
been informed and we will be making statements regarding the assault. Sab is OK minus some skin from his nose.
We kept in touch with
the Hunt as they moved quickly again searching fox holding areas. Once again a fantastic dog fox with a big bushy tail burst
through the hedge right in front of us, ducked back in and disappeared. Too quick for our video camera but with hounds close
behind once again we sprayed and stopped the hounds. 2 - 0 to us! A local landowner and someone we've seen before came to talk to us in a somewhat impolite manner. He was soon
educated with chapter and verse of the Hunting Act and our rights as citizens to enforce it. This clearly overwhelmed his
limited intellect so resorted to obscene figure gestures - how rude! As the day drew on another fox was seen away to safety
without the hounds picking up on it (3 - 0, a jolly good thrashing!) and after galloping round for a bit the Hunt finally
packed up as the daylight faded after 4pm. As a bonus we had a good giggle at hunt follower and general dogsbody Charlotte
Tyers who'd driven her 4x4 into a ditch. We did offer to tow her out but for some reason she refused. No gratitude these
people. With our work done for the day we celebrated in true sab fashion with beer and chips in the pub. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman casting hounds on foot 2/ Hunt
follower in ditch 3/ Hunt and hounds all over it   N. Cotswold FH - two foxes saved, blocked setts, sab kicked in
back 5-12-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Monday 4th December 2017. North Cotswold Hunt, Broadway Tower
Pre meet we checked a vulnerable sett that has been repeatedly blocked and is also targeted by the badger cull. It had not
been blocked today, and fresh paw prints were coming out of an entrance on the fresh spoil. On closer inspection one entrance
had a small hole and a bit of a plastic bag sticking out. There was a strong smell of fox. The soil around the bag was removed by hand and the bag extricated. It was a heavy
duty plastic sack... was packed full of soil and wedged into the sett entrance. Either a fox or a badger had shredded the
plastic in an attempt to get out. Another sett entrance was covered in branches, filled in with soil and a large boulder was
retrieved from that one. Following a long hunt breakfast at this prime Cotswold tourist
location they moved off into Springhill where foot sabs were present for their every move. Then it was ground-hog day as the
pack hunted the old quarries, the slate pits and back again. We stopped the pack at the quarries by rating them, giving the
fox some time before Nigel lifted them away from us. One may have gone to ground just after then and they may have killed
near Hinchwick Manor. Another of the setts that is routinely blocked was found instead to have bits of
slate and stone placed loosely at some entrances, better but still unlawful! At the end near the Slatepits a very frightened fox
ran into the road then back with hounds in close pursuit. They were rated back away from him and were lifted again by the
Huntsman away from sabs but giving that fox a bit of time. One sab was then kicked in the back by one of the field but no
injuries. A very sweet and tired hound [above right] was found lost on the road
and returned to the hunt as we made our way home. Please support us if you can paypal.me/threecountiessabs Pics below - 1/ Sab removing boulder from sett entrance 2/
Plastic bag of soil ditto  Sabs prevent fox
dig-out at Puckeridge FH - hounds kill pheasant instead 4-12-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs On 2/12/17 we met up with South Cambs and NELS to pay a visit to the Puckeridge. CHS started the day by following the hunt through a field, while sabs from other
groups closed in on them from different directions. When nearing a wooded area, sabs heard hounds go into cry and the closer
groups jumped straight in to interfere. An animal had run underground, and the hounds had been going crazy trying to dig it
out [last, very determined one in pic right]. Sabs managed to block them, and
when we got to the woods we decided that, even after the Hunt had disappeared, it would be safer for us to stick around. The 'landowner’
was not happy with this, and quickly called the police. After showing them video evidence of the hounds and animal, there
was nothing they could do to get us to leave. Some sabs stayed with the police and some left to find the Hunt. After being
threatened with arrest for aggravated trespass (which they were soon informed was not at all necessary by their superiors),
and being called terrorists by a lovely police lady, we headed out to catch up with other sabs and the Hunt. The Hunt later managed to kill a female pheasant when they lost control of their hounds. We had groups following
closely all day, right until the minute they entered the kennels. Police failed to stop multiple hunters/support with vehicle
issues such as no lights on their trailers and their quad-bikes, which they insist on still riding on the roads. Of course
throughout the day sab vehicles had been stopped and checked for absolutely no reason at all. It was aggravating, but no surprise
at all for sabs. 4-12-17 Facebook - NELS - North East London Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit report: Puckeridge Hunt 2nd Dec 2017
…The Hunt met in Meersden Hall just about 2 miles north of the kennels. Soon after starting the sabs heard the hounds
go into cry in the woods south east of the meet. After a short chase the whole pack was digging in a badger sett. The Huntsman
called most of the hounds off and we stopped the rest of the hounds from digging. We then decided to stay there to protect the animal who run underground from terrier men and prevent a possible dig
out. Soon after a few riders and hunt employees appeared and tried to make us leave, but we stood our ground and didn't
leave the holes even after the police showed up. The usual trespass argument was soon resolved after we showed our footage
of the digging hounds to the police... Later in the afternoon when the Hunt was slowly on the way back, while taking the
hounds through a hedge we saw a fox running away. Luckily, the hounds didn't pick the scent and a rider nearby didn't
see the fox so we quickly run and sprayed the whole area with citronella and then waited nearby till the Hunt was in safe
distance. At one point, a few hounds got stuck in a large ditch [left] and were
unable to get out, Sabs tried to help them out and bring it to the Huntsman's attention but he didn't care at all
and the whipper-in answered with a racist comment. Obviously desperate to kill the Hunt carried on hunting till 4pm, even after the field packed up. Again there was big
police presence – 2 cars, 1 van and 1 buggy – not to stop the Hunt but to hassle the sabs even though the Hunt
didn't even try to pretend that they are hunting within the law. After the Hunt finally packed up they were greeted by
their police friends parked up inside the kennels and having a jolly time with the rest of the Hunt. Fitzwilliam FH hounds run riot after fox in village of Upwood Locals
tell Hunt off - sabs think this fox escaped 4-12-17
Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs VIDEO This is our video from last Saturday where the Fitzwilliam Hunt caused complete and utter
chaos by pursuing a fox through the village of Upwood, clearly demonstrating their complete contempt not only for the Hunting
Act but also the local people and their pets who lived there, putting them and road users in danger. POWAperson adds - One of the villagers confirmed that he had seen the fox they were hunting. The hunters
gave not a hint of apology for this unwarranted invasion. Later they killed a fox. See report below dated 2-12-17. Pics below - 1/ Hounds running loose in Upwood 2/
And again 3/ Muntjac darts across road in front of huntsmen 4/ Villager telling
Hunt off 5/ Huntsmen finally gather up hounds    6-12-17 Mirror "Get out of our village!" Angry locals confront hunt "which put
desperation to kill ahead of public safety" Hunt saboteurs and locals shouted at the Fitzwilliam Hunt from Peterborough
during a confrontation caught on camera Angry villagers shouted at hunters who they claimed were
illegally chasing a fox through their village and the heated confrontation was captured in this shocking video. The Fitzwilliam
Hunt from Peterborough were in the village of Upwood, near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire on Saturday when an angry crowd gathered
around them and asked them to leave. "Get out of our village, it's an absolute
disgrace, you're not wanted here," angry people can be heard saying in the video. A female saboteur and villagers
also tell the hunters that what they were doing was "appalling," Cambridge News reports. The saboteurs claim the
hunt was pursuing a fox through the village. However, a Hunt spokesman said hounds got into the
village but the group was hunting within the law. He accused animal rights' activists of "telling blatant lies".
The spokesman said: "Unfortunately some hounds got into a village but there was no damage, hounds were removed and the
Hunt has apologised to those concerned. The behaviour of animal rights activists shouting, screaming and telling blatant lies
may well have caused some concern in the village to inflame the situation and was certainly of no help to anyone.” The video was posted by the Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs, who were helping North Cambs Hunt Sabs to monitor the hunt
on the day. Around 59,000 people have viewed it on Facebook. Hunt saboteurs claimed they saw a fox being pursued. The Beds & Bucks Hunt Saboteurs said: "The Hunt illegally pursue a fox through the village causing havoc
for both road users and villagers alike. Hounds are scattered throughout the village, in private residents' gardens and
farm buildings searching for the fox. The Hunt staff do nothing, putting their sick minority pastime and desperation for a
kill ahead of public safety. Fox hunting has been illegal since the Hunting Act 2004, which was enforced in 2005
and bans the hunting of wild mammals - notably foxes, deer, hares and mink - with dogs in England and Wales. However, stalking
a wild mammal, or flushing it out of cover, is exempt if the animal would cause damage to other wildlife and land. Hunters
who break this law do not go to jail, but people have been convicted under the legislation and landed with hefty fines. The Cambridge News also covered the story Middleton FH rider who assaulted sabs owns 7,000 acre grouse
shooting estate 4-12-17 Daily Mail Landowner on horseback yells 'Go back to the highway!' as he kicks out at 'hunt'
saboteur in angry clash on 7,000-acre grouse shooting estate - Footage shows moment a landowner clashed with a group of hunt
saboteurs - The man is believed to be George Winn-Darley, the owner of Spaunton Moor - The West Yorkshire Hunt saboteurs were
on the estate as they claimed to have seen a fox fleeing a hunt group minutes before incident unfolded on Saturday This footage shows the moment a landowner on horseback was involved in an ugly confrontation
with a group of hunt saboteurs. In the video a man, believed to be George Winn-Darley [right], the owner
of Spaunton Moor, a 7,000-acre estate in North Yorkshire, repeatedly shouts 'go back to the highway' while leading
his horse at activists. The West Yorkshire Hunt saboteurs were on the estate as they claimed to have seen a fox fleeing a
hunt group minutes before the incident unfolded on Saturday. The man thought to be Mr Winn-Darley, a member of the Moorland Association for the
North York Moors, was seen astride his horse whose head clashed with a saboteur. While screaming 'go back, go back'
he appeared to kick another in the stomach [below left, doubled up]. One of the
masked activists could be heard shouting: 'Hey, that's assault - you could very easily kill him with that horse...calm
down we're going.' As the landowner continued to push the saboteurs back with his horse he said: 'It's not
assault, it's reasonable force.' Violent clashes between hunters and saboteurs have become increasingly frequent
as hunt protests are now often recorded and the footage circulated on social media. Foxhunting was banned in 2004 but trail
hunts for artificial scents remain legal. But hunt saboteurs believe trail hunts are a pretext to hunt foxes. Bret Pocock, 39, was
one of the group from the West Yorkshire Hunt saboteurs who were on the Spaunton Moor estate on Saturday. He claimed the group
had seen a fox fleeing a hunt group ten minutes before the incident. He said they were voice calling and spraying citronella
to put hounds off the scent of the fox. Mr Pocock claimed he was headbutted by the landowner's horse in the video. He said: 'It was quite scary because the guy seemed like he
had lost the plot to me. He was behaving in a very dangerous manner. He was holding a whip as well and seemed completely out
of control. It was one of the craziest situations I have seen in my several years as a hunt saboteur. I found it extremely
intimidating to be ridden at by someone on a horse while not being able to move - what he was doing was incredibly dangerous.
The fact is we were about to leave his land when he told us to - but he kept riding his horse at us and we could not go anywhere.'
He said the incident came to an end when the saboteurs retreated to a main road nearby. Mr Pocock said: 'It's not
just animal protection activists who have been shocked by this. 'Horse riders are not happy with the way the horse appeared
distressed.' A spokesman for The Moorland Association said the organisation had no connection with foxhunting so it would not
be appropriate to comment on the video. MailOnline have contacted Mr Winn-Darley for a response. North Yorkshire Police have
also been approached for a comment. Last month the West Yorkshire Hunt saboteurs had rocks hurled at them by masked
yobs on a quad bike. Two rocks collided with the saboteurs' windscreen before the balaclava-clad men sped off from the
scene in North Yorkshire. During that incident they had been protesting against the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt. The video
emerged on the same day as footage of a huntswoman whipping a saboteurs during an event by the East Sussex & Romney Marsh
Hunt Club. Richard Goring, 79, later identified his wife Jane Miller, 56, as the rider who was filmed in the furious clash
with anti-hunt activists. He claimed she had been provoked by a balaclava-clad 'hooligan' and was 'very scared
at being surround by a load of terrorists'. Hound
from Wiltshire & Military Beagles killed on major road, one badly injured 6-12-17 Facebook - Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group Further to our post concerning the beagles involved in a road traffic collision on the junction of the A303 and
the A350 in Wiltshire on Saturday 2nd December 2017. Wiltshire police have confirmed that the beagles were hunt hounds from
the Wiltshire and Military Hunt. One beagle was killed and another of the group was seriously injured. Many pro-hunt supporters
poured scorn on our allegations, citing a RTC in which, variously, 2 or 3 or 4 show beagles had escaped a vehicle... and that
we were nasty horrid individuals with no care for the agony that the pet owners were going through. You can see the dead
beagle in the pic below, alongside another beagle running around on the road. One of the Somerset group was actually in the
traffic jam caused by this and took many pics. In true Wiltshire Police fashion, plod denied that an on-duty officer had removed
the two beagles to a vet, stating that the hounds were removed by a passing off-duty officer. They also stated that no criminal
offence had been committed, as the hounds were following a ' rag' but had rioted on a deer and had run on to one of
the busiest roads in the country, disrupting traffic for an hour or so, causing great distress to the motorists who hit hounds,
potentially causing a life-threatening accident and being out of control of their hounds. The Masters of the Hunt were apparently
' in a field alongside the A303'. 3-12-17 Facebook - Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group Beagles chasing a fox got on to the junction of the A303/A350 yesterday
in Wiltshire. At least one beagle was killed and several were struck by cars and lorries.... apparently Wiltshire police attended,
picked up two beagles and took them to a vet for treatment and identification ( all hounds should be chipped). one was d.o.a
and the other is status unknown. POWAperson adds - Once again hounds
pay the price for their masters' perverted pleasure. Pics
below - 1/ One of the beagles on the road 2/ Dead beagle on verge  Sabs assaulted by mounted host & hired thugs
at Middleton FH3-12-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO HIT REPORT: MIDDLETON HUNT, SATURDAY DECEMBER 2ND, ALDBY PARK NR. RYEDALE, NORTH YORKS West Yorks and Sheffield Hunt Sabs had a rather
trying day sabbing the Middleton Hunt yesterday. The
Middleton received lots of negative publicity last season due to the number of scandals they were involved in: the death of
multiple hounds on a busy road, being tried for illegal hunting, and the lewd, degrading comments made by Charles Carter,
huntsman and former Tory Councillor MP, towards a member of the public. The Middleton started off the day in close range of the meet, at The Leys wood. Having been successfully sabbed earlier
in the season they were on the defensive and we were hassled from the start by the Hunt's furious host, George Winn-Darley[right], owner
of the Spaunton Moor estate and the Moorland Association’s representative for the North York Moors, yesterday assaulted
several hunt saboteurs at a Middleton Hunt meet near Stamford Bridge in North Yorkshire. Winn-Darley, who was hosting the Middleton, repeatedly rode his horse into sabs,
used his horse as a weapon, and kicked a sab in the stomach [left, sab doubled over]. As
we tried to keep up with the hounds, he rode into us and repeatedly screamed at us, which profoundly distressed his horse. Much of the day was spent wading through sodden fields of mud and ice. At one point we had full view of the hounds in cry
pursuing a fox from some distance. With hounds rioting in our direction we rated them using voice calls and whip-cracks (an
order to stop giving chase). Though we were held up by dense hedgerows thankfully there was little evidence to suggest they
managed to kill the fox.
George Winn-Darley again showed up to prevent us from going to a covert we suspected of being drawn and sabs were
assaulted [see video]. Meanwhile, Sheffield
sabs, our driver and navigator were accosted by the cack-handed security hired by the Middleton this season. Sabs were thrown
in ditches on public rights of way; walking on a public right of way is definitely not trespass and so these security personnel
were clearly breaking the law. We think they ought to be very concerned about their door licenses, particularly as we are
making every effort to identify them. We finished the day
in the pub and treated ourselves to some festive vegan pasties (seitan, cranberry and stuffing!). Look forward to seeing you
again Middleton! Pics below -
1/ Wynn-Darley menaces sab with horse 2/ Trying to hit sab 3/
Sabs have called hounds out of a covert   3-12-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs ...The second half of our day we left Georgie behind and ran across
fields in some odd kind of convoy with the hounds, followed by us, followed by struggling and out of breath hired security,
who began their unprofessional activities of the day by hiding their SIA licenses from us. This was added to when they finally
caught up and grabbed one of us, frog-marching them across the field then trying to detain us all on the public road till
the police were able to provide clarification on the law. (You can't forcibly detain people on a public highway even if
you do have very shiny boots and grab one of them's wrist and refuse to let go). Later, they added to our legal case against them by blocking the highway with their car, and grabbing the keys off
our driver then throwing them to and fro like kids in the school playground. Money well spent Lord Middleton, maybe this is
the way to improve your Hunt's reputation after the illegal hunting conviction, employing a sexist huntsman, the 16 fox
cubs bred in a barn by the kennels and hounds killed on the road last year. The day wasn't
without it's successes. Hunting was disrupted with horn and voice on a couple of occasions, seeing a fox to safety. Getting
out in the fields every week isn't cheap! Please consider donating to our online fund here. https://ko-fi.com/A570FG9. Pics below - 1/ Terriermen
2/ George Winn-Darley clearly loves his horse  The Metro also ran this story.
Don't laugh - sabs see New
Forest Beagles actually trail hunting But it looked nothing like the quarry hunting it's meant to mimic 3-12-17 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs NEW FOREST BEAGLES Yesterday a small group of sabs
attended a meet of the New Forest Beagles on Hampton Ridge. In our presence they were careful to hunt an artificial scent
- so we of course did not intervene. Instead, we took the opportunity to observe the rarest of sights: a pack of beagles actually
hunting legally. The process involved the hounds being held steady while a follower ran off for a few hundred yards, spraying an Olbas
Oil concoction as he went. The hounds were then laid on and followed the trail, albeit with little drive or voice. Each 'hunt'
lasted no more than two minutes and then the whole laborious stop-start process was repeated. It
was legal but it looked absolutely nothing like pre-ban hunting. Funny that, as the Countryside Alliance's central claim
- and the one they use in court all the time - is that trail hunting is indistinguishable from the real thing.  POWAperson adds - Another reason for them actually trail hunting is that all their country
is public land, most of it Forestry Commission. I used to sab these in the early 80s. Even then they had very little support,
most of which was elderly, and we only had to turn up and walk with them to stymie their hunting.
Forest FH frustrated as Huntsman throws punch at sabSupporter
threatens to slash sab face then tries to grab camera Usual menaces, scattered hounds, crossing major road, plateless
hunt quads Badger
protection group sat on setts stopping blocking by terriermen 3-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Due to Cheshire Sabs helping other groups with various hunts across the country, it has been a while since we
have sabbed the hunts in our own back garden. So yesterday we decided to pay the Cheshire Forest a visit. Joining us were
sabs from Derby, Lancashire, North Wales and Welsh Borders. The Hunt met at the Blue Bell Inn, in Smallwood Cheshire. This we have been told is a favourite haunt of Hunt Master,
Andrew German... From the off, sabs stuck with the Hunt following them all around Smallwood, riling German to no end with
our presence. It became apparent just how cross German was when he charged down a muddy country lane towards us, swearing
and throwing a punch at the eldest member of our group. It was only due to the quick reaction of the sab, that they stopped
what would have been a nasty punch to the head. In hot pursuit were two other Hunt members who galloped towards us, trying
to intimidate our group with their horses. Sabs took it in their stride and moved out of the way in time. Unfortunately, due
to the kerfuffle, no cameras were rolling. We will get you one day!!! The rest of the day was spent following the Hunt and
finding many stray hounds roaming fields and people's gardens. At one point the Hunt travelled straight over the busy
A50, with hounds being narrowly missed by passing cars. This begs the question... If this was a trail hunt, why would they
lay a trail over a busy A road??? Hunt supporters watched as this happened, goading and trying to intimidate sabs. The usual law-breaking terrier men were out on quad bikes with no registration plates, including Justin Schofield who had
his young child on the back... Nice child friendly day out eh? We would like to hope that one day his child will wake up and
realise just how cruel the digging out and killing of foxes is, but with a father like Justin, we wont hold our breath...
Another thorn in the
Hunt's side were the Badger Protectors from Cheshire Against The Cull/ Wounded Badger sat protecting setts, meaning there
was nothing they could fill in. This was pleasing as a sab had overheard the terriermen talking about filling in setts. There was some confrontation in the woods between the vile Huntsman and Badgeristas
but they made him round up his hounds and leave pretty sharpish. The terrier thugs were also stopped from entering the woods
completely so massive shout out going to our amazing Badgeristas! The residents of Smallwood are becoming increasingly
frustrated with the Hunt trespassing on their land and throughout the day a number of passing locals stopped to wished us
luck. The Hunt packed up early, around 3pm,
hopefully as miserable as the weather! Thank you to all the sab groups, Cheshire's Badgeristas, and the growing number
of local support. If you would like to know
more about what we do, please get in touch. 2-12-17 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs VIDEO Cheshire Forest Hunt, 2nd December 2017
This elderly chap attempts to damage a vehicle, makes a nasty threat to slash a sab's face, then attempts to grab a camera
from inside the vehicle. Who is he? Please
take part in our fundraiser and get a chance to win a fantastic selection of foxy goodies! https://www.facebook.com/lancsabsfundraiser/posts/1484521838249723 4-12-17 Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hunt Master of Cheshire Forest, Andrew German needs to control his hounds. On Saturday there were
hounds popping up everywhere, in roads and people's gardens. This lone hound was very lucky as it was found wondering
about on a busy A road. Why were there hounds on the A50? They claim to be trail hunting but still end up
with hounds on busy A roads - evidence that hounds are still after foxes and other animals, unless the hunts wish to claim
that that's where they lay their trail. All donations towards our fuel costs are very much
appreciated! https://www.paypal.me/DerbySabs/ Pic below - Sabs pick up hound that had
been running on the A50. Another hound can just be made out a little further down the road.  Anger as unlicenced
Hunts, with terriermen, trespass on N. Trust land 3-12-17 Sunday Express Fury as hunts take place on National Trust land
HORSES and hounds with two trail hunts have entered National Trust land without the necessary licences. Terrier men, traditionally
used to flush out foxes, allegedly accompanied both hunts, even though new Trust rules explicitly ban them. The alleged breaches
of the rules are now being investigated by Trust officials, who could ban the Hunts. The issue of allowing trail hunting – in which horses and hounds follow an artificial scent – on Trust
land has caused deep divisions among the organisation’s members. At its annual meeting last month almost 62,000 voted
on a proposal to ban trail hunting, which was defeated by just 299 votes. The
League Against Cruel Sports says on November 4th members of the West Somerset Vale Hunt were pictured on Trust land at Great
and Marrow Hills, Triscombe.The Hunt declined to comment. Members of the Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group claim “the Hunt
proceeded to hunt fox openly” and were flushing hounds through gorse while terrier men raced around on quad bikes. The
land is part of the popular Trust-run Fyne Court estate. Will Morton, of
the League Against Cruel Sports, raised the issue with the estate and an unnamed official wrote to him saying: “The
Hunt chairman has since apologised for being on National Trust land. He was unaware that they didn’t have permission
to be there. I have sent him maps of our ownership in the area and made it clear that I do not expect to see them hunting
on National Trust land without first obtaining permission.” The League
also claims members of the Warwickshire Hunt went on to Trust land at Farnborough Hall on November 13. The Hunt had not sought
a licence. A Hunt spokesman admitted hounds had mistakenly entered Trust land and apologised but questioned whether terrier
men had gone on to the land as well, saying: “You should check your facts on that.” He also disputed a claim that
hounds had followed a fox across the front garden of someone’s house. A
decade ago, Britain banned fox hunting with hounds, a centuries-old blood sport with deep roots in the countryside and strong
opponents in the towns. Animal-welfare groups cheered the end of what they considered a cruel pastime reserved for the rich.
A sport Oscar Wilde dubbed "the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable." A Trust rule prohibits “the presence of terrier men, who have no practical purpose on a trail hunt.”Emily Knight, general manager for the Trust in South Warwickshire, told the League in a letter the hunt had apologised
for “their huntsman’s unlicensed access on to our land to gather hounds”. A National Trust spokeswoman said:
“We take any reports of unlicensed trail hunts on our land very seriously and are seeking urgent clarification from
the relevant Hunts. In previous years we have declined to issue, suspended or revoked trail hunting licences when licence
conditions have been breached." Sab success with 'bait ball' tactic to thwart Bolebroke Beagles 3-12-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs Saturday 2nd December 2017 We eventually found the Bolebroke
Beagles hare hunt in a field between Souternden road and Bedlam lane, hunting in a high winter nitrogen crop. A lone sab was
already right up with the Huntsman, and a young lady, who were both dressed like Santa's elves! Once we had all got to the beagles we thought he would quit hunting, and provide us with a spectacle we call the
beagles “walk of shame” (i.e., pack up and scurry back to the meet like the Blean Beagles always do}! But this
Huntsman was a tenacious chap, and was going to carry on regardless, Hunting Act or not! The Hunt consisted of the two elves and a bigger chap (the working class element! right),who
looked like he would be happier with two lurchers rather than a pack of beagles…! 30 beagles could be seen moving through
the high crop, no trail layer (of course!), just an assortment of old coffin dodgers who had come to watch… so, with
this Huntsman not giving in, we had to sab em! Although many tactics could be deployed, we chose the beagles bait ball approach,
if you've seen Blue Planet on TV you may know what we mean… whales or dolphins surround the sardines (or fish
of choice), so they mass into a tight ball, before taking lunch… Thus we surrounded the beagles, so they bunched up
into a 12 foot round ball of hounds [below left] - the idea is to decrease the
chance of them picking up a scent, whereas normally, the Huntsman can cast the hounds over a wide area, covering acres of
land in no time at all. The air was thick with lemon spray (and a hint of David Beckham!), and if the hounds surged forward, we commanded them to
“leave it” and “hold up” (hunting terms the Huntsman also uses), and the hounds stayed dutifully huddled
around the Huntsman… we crossed onto pasture and “farmer Palmer’s" land, where we were two weeks ago,
and yes, he is still banging on about his land and trespassing!! Our suggestion to you, old matey, is if you don't like
us trespassing on your land, don't invite illegal fox and hare hunts on your land. Simples!!
This spectacle went
on for hours, which was unfair of the Huntsman, as he had no chance of hunting anything with 12 sabs surrounding him! As the
sun was setting, he headed for the meet at Kingsden farm, and by now Kent police had found the resources to send two cop cars
to deal with us trespassing, which is of course not a criminal offence… You imagine if these jokers in fancy dress were gypsies
with lurchers, the old Bill would come down on them like a ton of bricks! And rightly so, but it gets a bit tiresome, this
one-sided class war being played out week after week! The police clearly wanted to chat to us, rather than the hunters, but they had come
late to the party and brought no drink! If they wanted to speak to us, they can get their boots dirty… So, we turned
around and headed away from them to our landy, which was waiting on Southernden road. A good old fashioned days sabbing, and we can guarantee they did not kill or chase any hares while
we were present! If you wish to donate to our group and keep us out in the fields, you can do so here - many thanks. N. Staffs FH terriermen's litany of offences compounded
by indecent exposure 3-12-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO TERRIERMEN SPECIAL NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE HUNT, ADDERLEY 2.12.17
Safe in the knowledge that the Cheshire Forest Hunt were being chaperoned by a number of
other groups yesterday in Smallwood, and that the Cheshire Hounds were being covertly monitored over in Faddiley, our team
decided to pay the North Staffordshire Hunt another visit yesterday after receiving further concerning intelligence on them.
They met close to the Cheshire, Shropshire and Staffs borders at The Coach House in Adderley near Audlem. This Hunt were so
shocked to see us again, and with the area largely waterlogged, the best they could do was try desperately to keep away from
roads and footpaths, and away from our cameras. The result was a miserable day for them, with no reports of hounds in cry
or even close, and a good day for local wildlife. Meanwhile, the only way their servants could deal with this unwanted attention was
by breaking as many laws as they could in one afternoon, led by the aggressive terrierman/bird-handler Mike Speed. At various times and locations, our team witnessed
road offences, public order offences, gross indecency, trespass and assault, all of which we are following up with the police,
who attended the scene following one of our team being pushed around and threatened at College Fields Farm in Woore, where
the Hunt were trying desperately to do a bit of hunting before losing daylight. Earlier in the day, we had also witnessed a group of
terriermen - including Speed - up to no good in nearby woodland, we believe filling in a fox earth. Another or our team was
pushed around when confronted by one of them. The finale to their sordid activities was one of them pulling down his trousers
and pulling his bum cheeks wide apart [right]. While doing our best not to look
too closely, from what we did see we could tell that he needs to see his GP as a matter of urgency! This Hunt are an excellent example of some of the many sordid activities that exist within and are connected to hunting,
including bringing in aggressive young males to do their dirty work while paying them a day’s wage (cash in hand?),
to enable them to continue their pitiful addiction to chasing and killing foxes. It’s
obvious that when this rarely monitored hunt receive attention they don’t know what to do or which way to turn, and
don’t understand the real trouble they could find themselves in. They should probably learn quickly, as we will be back again soon. >> More details are shown on individual photographs. If you live in our
close to Cheshire and would like to join our team, or have information to pass on to us (in strictest confidence), then please
get in touch. Either message us here or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. Pics below
- 1/ The Hunt 2/ Shy terriermen 3/ Terrierman
Mike Speed has just tried to get into sab car 4/ Monitor on footpath being shoved by hunt thug
5/ Terriermen about to go into action   Fitzwilliam
FH supporters cheer as fox caught by eagleHuntsman
furious with bird-handler - wanted hounds to get it Hunt then invaded village after 2nd fox, which sabs helped escape Angry villagers shouted at Hunt
to get out and many phoned police Police failed to turn up - as they had earlier when sabs tried 2-12-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Hunting is a cruel minority pastime enjoyed by people who clearly have some kind of compassion deficiency. They
believe they are above the law and can do what they please regardless. The Fitzwilliam are one of those hunts who will ride
roughshod over any and all in their desire to kill. Today we were out with our good friends North Cambs and also Hertfordshire Hunt
Saboteurs, a fledgling group gaining valuable experience in the field. The meet was in the village of Abbots Ripton, Cambs. After leaving
the meet the Hunt headed straight for Wennington wood. Sabs were deployed and so followed a constant battle between hunt staff
and sabs in an effort to keep the hounds off the line of foxes. Several were seen exiting the wood and re-entering to seek
sanctuary, Huntsman (Simon Hunter - yes that's his real name) constantly hunting them on and sabs doing their best to
take them away. One such fox was not so lucky, making a break over open ground
it broke into the flight path of the Golden Eagle being flown by John Mease, in court in April for cruelty and offences under
the Hunting Act. The bird stooped and caught the fox. Mease rushed in on his quad and removed the body. However, this wasn't
the end of it. Although according to law this
was a "legal" kill the Huntsman proceeded to shout and swear at Mease, delivering a tirade of four letter abuse
in his direction. They had clearly wanted to hunt the fox with the hounds (which showed their intention to hunt illegally)
however with sabs present Mease couldn't risk being caught again so was left with only one option. Most falconers think
this is an abomination and believe it brings their sport into disrepute. This exemption in the hunting act needs to be removed. After many circuits of the large wood the hunt made a break and headed at speed north to the sleepy village of Upwood.
The hounds went into cry and chased a fox right through the village, across peoples gardens and through farm buildings. They
caused absolute mayhem. Sabs did extraordinary work calling them off and rating the hounds, villages came out into the streets
and voiced their opinions most forcefully. The Hunt are hated and that showed. But like the arrogant bloodthirsty morons they
are they continued on, sticking two fingers up at not only the law but the normal people just going about their business. Sabs stayed with them
back to the village of Wistow where they packed up but not before more villagers had made their feelings known in no uncertain
terms. Although there was a kill today we have no doubt many more were saved had we not been present. Pics - Above right - Fitzwilliam
FH bird handler John Mease with eagle that caught the fox Below - 1/ Bloodied hound 2/ Post
from angry Upwood resident re. Hunt invasion 3/ Hounds taken through village of Wistow  2-12-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT 2/11/2017 Fitzwilliam Hunt killed again today, this time using
the ridiculous and barbaric bird of prey exemption. We followed them out of their meet at Grove Farm near Abbots Ripton but when they
became aware of our presence they seemed very reluctant to go very far– which gave Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs and Hertfordshire
Hunt Saboteurs time to arrive as back up. A small field of around 14 eventually trotted
off and spent the next 90 minutes doing nothing whilst the redcoats were in Wennington Wood riding back and forth trying to
find the scent of a fox. A very angry Baron de Ramsey gamekeeper stole one bottle of citronella and knocked the other from
a sab’s hand aggressively. However, we don’t rise to the provocation of these Neanderthals. Foot sabs were now
being continuously followed by a supporter – who struggled to keep up with sabs. Maybe he should spend his spare time
down the gym instead of murdering wildlife. The Hunt spent a lot of time circling in Wennington Wood, but the kill was in a
field by Raveley Wood on the Abbots Ripton Hall Estate. The watching psychopathic support stooped to a new low as they cheered
at the sight of a young vixen losing her life. The smug-faced huntsman – Simon Hunter – shouted a stream of obscenities
at John Meese – the bird handler – presumably because he’d wanted more of a chase. A horse manoeuvred to
block our view and Meese quickly sped away with the body, trying to cover his own arse with his upcoming court case undoubtedly
on his mind. He was gone for a very long time – meaning they were now illegally hunting. A call was made to police as chaos
ensued in Upwood village as rioting hounds were all over the place pursuing another fox. Luckily foot sabs had made a huge
effort to get there and saw this one away to safety through a gateway. Crowds of angry villagers shouted at the Hunt to get
out of their village and many phoned the police- who again failed to turn up. The arrogant Hunt rode through a torrent of
abuse as they embarrassedly followed the pack in front of a furious public. The Hunt eventually gave up as darkness began to fall
and sabs travelled home – gutted and upset that despite their best efforts a beautiful innocent animal had died a horrendous
death today. Many thanks to all the sabs who worked incredibly hard today. The Hunting Act must
be reviewed and strengthened to stop the abominable cruelty inflicted on our wildlife by these disgusting morons. Sorry we
couldn’t save you little one. If you
would like to get involved please message us. If you would like to support the work of your sabs, and help contribute towards
the fuel costs of preventing illegal hunting, you can buy them a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. Pics below - 1/ Rider hiding killed fox from
sabs 2/ Huntsman has put hounds into private wildlife area
3/ Road-illegal hunt quad 4/ Contempt for other road users  
Sabs menaced by
gang of Meynell FH thugs - one threatened to rape female sab 2-12-17 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Today we joined up with Liverpool and a couple from Lincoln Hunt Sabs to visit the Meynell Hunt who met at The
Bluebell Inn, Kirk Langley, just outside Derby. We had some vehicle issues which
meant we were slightly late and the Hunt had already left but we quickly found them North of the A52 ready to cross back South.
Sabs slipped in behind them and were hot on their tails for the next couple of hours. Hounds regularly went into cry but never
for long and despite Huntsman Sam repeatedly putting the hounds into coverts there was little "sport" for the watching
field. Early afternoon a group of foot sabs were confronted by half a dozen masked up terrier
men and game keepers who threatened them with Alsatians that they claimed were security dogs. Despite their attempts at intimidation
the fact that we had two groups of foot sabs meant they couldn't be with us both at once. One of the group threatened
to rape one of our female sabs. Footage of this incident is currently being reviewed and will be passed onto Derbyshire Police. And so the afternoon
wore on with boring predictability. Sam put his hounds into all the usual coverts and the goons tried their best to keep sabs
away from them but with little success. Most of their field packed up during the afternoon but the hunt themselves continued
to potter around until dark. Still time to buy some of our smashing Christmas Cards to support our work. Pics below - 1/ Sabs
keeping up 2/ Hunting till dark 
Sabs handed trail map by Southdown
FH - who mostly follow it! 2-12-17 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs Well that was the easiest day we’ve had in a long time! With the Southdown and Eridge meeting at
Telscombe (just on the outskirts of Brighton), we thought we’d better take a look and make sure they didn’t kill
anything in our manor. Early on we’d spotted the hunt handing
over a route map of where they were going to go for the day to the cops. Thinking it was an oversight on their part that we
weren’t given one, one sab asked the master for a map and bizarrely he obliged. Twelve years after the ban and finally
we were given a piece of paper as to where they had laid their trails! The Hunt went where they said they were going to and did indeed follow the trails on the map
(although each trail was laid through gorse and other areas where foxes may be). However, old habits die hard as the huntsman
did half-heartily draw a few patches of shrub between some trails but we were always close by to ensure no foxes were chased. If the Southdown and
Eridge can give us their trails on a map (today at least), why can’t other hunts? And why don’t other hunts openly
advertise their meets if they are only following a trail? Get in touch if you want to get involved. Any donations towards our cost are also
very much appreciated: paypal.me/BtnHuntSabs Pic below - Sabs follow Hunt following trail
Fernie FH hounds run on A road as crazed supporter reported to police 2-12-17
Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Sab report 2nd Dec So last week we joined up with Notts
to sab the Quorn and this week we decided the Fernie had probably missed our presence, so we returned to pay
them a visit at their meet in Walton. You can see how much they missed us by the look
on this “caveman’s “ face [right]. Absolutely classic shot
which demonstrates nicely what class of people we have to put up with ! Not sure his scaffolding company would be happy to
see this... Apart from spitting , head banging on our window grills and spouting a range of expletives from this rather unhappy
mug of his, we were not quite sure what his problem was, apart from trying to scare us off, angry that we were spoiling his
fun. Needless to say we reported him to the police and didn’t see him for the rest of the day. Just to also mention, not all the locals are as blood thirsty and thuggish and we were heartened to see a kindly
resident putting his thumbs up to us from his cottage! Anyway on to the sab. The Hunt set off on the road moving in the vicinity of Bridgemere farm. They moved more quickly
when we arrived, hunting a wood just south of Shearsby. As you can see in one of our pics, chaos yet again reigned when the
hounds crossed the busy A5199 road holding up traffic with out of control hounds being gathered by manic huntsmen [below
left]. We kept eyes on the hounds, either from our sabs in the field or in the van until second horses at Mowsley. Again if you look
at our pics you will see that the Hunt have absolutely no regard for these picturesque village greens, despite signs requesting
no horses , they are so arrogant as to blatantly ignore this [bottom].
The afternoon saw the return of the pie boys who tried in vain to stop us intervening with the Hunt. Little did they
know that whilst they were busy trying to bully us in the field, a keenly eyed sab in the van spotted a fox running across
the road away from them. We took full advantage and covered its scent with citronella helping it on its way. Later, as the Hunt
made its way to the disused railway, field sabs were yet again confronted, this time by the four-wheel brigade driving on
land at them at speed. They had the cheek to spout their usual hot air asking us to leave the land that they were driving
on! Sabs managed to stay safe, dodging the vehicles. However it shows how unfit they are by having to resort to pursuing us
in the field in their vehicles. As you would expect , the police were duly informed
and gave them a talking to, leaving us to continue to ensure that the Hunt retired. Happily, as far as we could tell it appeared
they had a kill free day. Help to keep us out there saving lives by donating here: www.paypal.me/ENABS  The sign says
'HORSES PLEASE KEEP OFF THE GRASS' Alas, horses can't read
SNP delegates vote for full hunting with dogs
ban 2-12-17 LACS Press Release SNP supports foxhunting ban At today’s National
Council in Perth, SNP delegates voted to support a ban on foxhunting in Scotland. The resolution called for it to be made
illegal for mounted hunts to use hounds to chase foxes from cover, and for all other hunts to be limited to two dogs. Currently,
there is no restriction on the number of dogs that can be used by mounted or foot hunts. The decision comes at the end of a week where the Green MSP, Alison Johnstone, announced a members’
bill to tighten up hunting laws in Scotland, amid concerns that the current legislation is not fit for purpose. Ashley Douglas,
who proposed the resolution, said:- '"I am delighted that National Council has voted in favour of the resolution
to strengthen Scotland’s fox-hunting ban. Hunting foxes to death with hounds is cruel and barbaric and it is has been rightly
banned in Scotland since 2002. But any ban must be fit for purpose – and that's why it is so important to address
huge loopholes such as the ‘flushing to guns’ exemption.' Following today’s vote, it is now official SNP
party policy to remove this loophole and I look forward to seeing our SNP Scottish Government take this into consideration
as it consults on how to strengthen the ban." Jennifer Dunn, Senior Public Affairs Officer from the League Against Cruel Sports,
added: “We’re absolutely delighted
that SNP delegates agreed that we need a real ban on fox hunting in Scotland. Our investigators have, over the last three
years, consistently uncovered evidence of hounds being used to chase down and kill foxes. In many cases, there were no guns
to be seen; Hunts are using loopholes in the current legislation to flout the law. The Government need to listen to their
own party activists, the 20,000 people who signed our petition to ban hunting, and the 85% of the Scottish public who want
a ban, and commit to ending the barbaric cruelty of foxhunting.” 3-12-17 Times SNP votes to curb fox hunting and grouse shooting
The SNP is heading for a confrontation with field sports enthusiasts after vowing to curb fox hunting and grouse shooting.
In a move likely to infuriate supporters of the rural pursuits, delegates at the party’s national council voted yesterday
to license grouse shooting estates in Scotland. They also moved to effectively proscribe fox hunting
by making it illegal for mounted hunts to use hounds to chase foxes from cover, and for all other hunts to be limited to two
dogs. Under existing legislation, there is no restriction on the number of dogs that can be used by mounted or foot hunts. The Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds (RSPB) Scotland welcomed the decision on sporting estates, saying better regulation of the industry was required
following a spate of killings of protected birds. RSPB Scotland’s head of investigations Ian Thomson said: “Self-regulation
of the game bird shooting industry has failed, with frequent incidents of illegal killing of protected birds of prey.” But a spokesman for the Scottish
Land and Estates condemned the move. He said: “Scotland already has some of the toughest legislation and regulation
in place regarding land management, habitat and species conservation. “The Scottish government has only recently announced
the group that is being charged with conducting an independent review into grouse shooting and our members will willingly
participate in that review.” Tory MSP for Highlands & Islands Donald Cameron, a member of Holyrood’s environment committee, said licensing
was “a sledgehammer to crack a nut. The vast majority gamekeepers work to very high standards; only a small minority
are responsible for these problems.” Last week Green MSP Alison Johnstone
announced a member’s bill to tighten up fox hunting law, building on restrictions introduced by MSPs in 2002. Jennifer
Dunn of the League Against Cruel Sports said it was “absolutely delighted” by the SNP move towards “a real
ban on fox hunting in Scotland”. A Scottish Countryside Alliance spokeswoman said: “It is a shame that some people
continue to ignore the evidence and the conclusions of an independent review because of their prejudices.”
Union FH in cry after fox - on road as darkness fell 2-12-17 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Mission 36 Surrey Union Fox Hunt Ockley Court 2-12-17 A very different
day at the Surrey Union Foxhunt who one of our scouts found at Ockley court , we were joined as usual by Guildford sabs as
we rushed to the meet. Another scout had already
found some of the Masters, ie the Hutleys, riding near their home at Bramley and it was very noticeable the difference in
attitude depending what Masters are in charge. The Hutleys leave illegal hunting to mid week and try to trail hunt at the weekend,
whereas Dunston and Hazeltine seem desperate for a kill and don't seem to care for their riders crossing the A24 dual carriageway
twice and packing up very dangerously in the dark. The
day was very different to the norm. They moved north towards Leith hill (but presumably changed their plans as they don't
have a license to hunt the National Trust land there), so did the unusual move of heading to South Holmwood and crossing the
A24. The Hunt was evasive and fast moving, but we caught up with them at Newdigate, where they seemed to be losing riders
all over the place and starting illegally hunting at Cudworth (they did have their usual trial layer but he was always behind
the hounds, so I don't know why they bother with this farce). They then went to Home Farm for more illegal hunting but sabs kept them moving, this time to Temple Elfande where
they hoped to evade us by hunting down a dead end road and seemed very unhappy to have been discovered again... the Hunt was
down to 3 redcoats and 2 blackcoats [above right], but they seemed determined
to kill something and in failing light we found the hounds in full cry after a fox near Taylor's farm Capel/Rusper. Hopefully
we did enough to help the fox get away... as hounds were seen all over the road. At this point it was practically pitch black,
and it was criminally dangerous to have black-coated riders making their way back to the meet re-crossing the busy A24. A long and at times frustrating day for the sabs but once we had got hold of the
Hunt they never lost us for long and they seemed very pissed ofF that we had managed to find the meet. Please help us get a second Landrover so we can get all of our sabs in the field
by donating to the following link. Pics below - 1/ Surrey
Union hunted round here 2/ And round here... 
Sabs find dead fox in road after Silverton FH terrierman threw stones at them Pathetic attempt to pretend they were 'trail hunting' made 2-12-17
Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Unfortunately we're spoilt for choice of hunts to sab. With over TWENTY foxhunts in Devon it's
rare that we drive out to one hunt meet without passing another on the way. As we were making our way to the Silverton Hunt
meet at Rhode Farm in Bradninch today, we also passed hound van, terrier men and riders heading to the Tiverton Hunt's
meet just a few miles up the road at East Butterleigh. The Silverton meet was pretty poorly attended,
with maybe a dozen riders, two quad bikes and not many support cars. Foot sabs took up positions on either side of a steep-sided
valley south of the meet. Having spotted one of our teams, the masked terrier men promptly attached a 'trail' (a dry
rag on a string) to the back of their quad bike and dragged it around the edge of the field we were in [right]. Perhaps
they'd done their homework and read up on the Hunting Act since we last sabbed them a few weeks ago?... Or maybe not.
You won't be surprised to hear that hounds paid absolutely no attention to the 'trail' when they came into the
field just two minutes later. The huntsman tried to continue the show by encouraging the pack onto the route of the pre-laid
'trail' but hounds were far more interested in whatever scents they were picking up in the valley below. Having given up on the 'trail', the hunt headed south and cast hounds out in a kale field - no sign of a
trail having been laid here at any point by anyone, let alone a quad bike. Kale fields are dangerous for foxes as there is
huge potential for hounds to 'chop' a fox, so sabs positioned near Coombe Wood started calling hounds in an effort
to get the huntsman to move them on. Hounds were soon spread out on both sides of the valley. Once he'd called them back,
the huntsman again cast his hounds out in a steep-sided field of gorse north of Coombe Wood, where hunt support had been waiting
all along hoping to witness a chase. We weren't about to let that happen, so sabs called hounds back out of the gorse
towards them. The huntsman, fearing he'd once again lose his hounds, enlisted his whip to help him call them back and
moved them on and out of the valley altogether. Next they headed towards Tedbridge and North Down Farm, where sabs caught up with
them in another brassica field. They went twice around the same set of fields. Whenever sabs got close, hounds were moved
on. One of the terrier men, probably embarrassed by the failure of their trail-laying charade, began harassing sabs by throwing
rocks at them from behind... Keen to teach us "the law", the terrier men insisted that they were well within their
rights to bolt and shoot a fox. That may be the case under certain circumstances, but certainly not when hounds have hunted
the fox to ground! Out came the usual "terrier men are not part of the hunt" rubbish - from the terrier men that
had earlier laid the 'trail' for this hunt! You couldn't make it up... There will be video to follow. Out of one valley
and into another. While our Land Rover crew were being blocked on the road by quad bikes, riders and hunt support, the hounds
began drawing coverts north of Greenslinch and Livingshayes. Once unblocked, sabs were picked up and moved back into position
to keep an eye on the hounds, as temperatures were dropping and scent conditions were improving. One of our teams on the road
spotted a large dark brown fox running through a farm yard, across a track and into the next field. Sabs covered the scent
and prepared for the arrival of hounds. Luckily this fox had a decent head start and hounds only came to within a field of
his location before heading back to the meet for an early finish at 3pm. Unfortunately
on our way back to the meet to check they were boxing up we discovered a dead fox had just been dumped on the road in front
of us. Closer inspection revealed the fox had been dead for a little while, probably a couple of days, and had suspicious
bite wounds on his neck and face. Many hunt terrier men will dig out foxes in advance of the hunt and either bag them to hunt
on the day or kill them to throw to the pack to keep them interested. There's no doubt that this was the work of the Silverton
terrier men, whose antics had been escalating throughout the day. As they should know by now: this kind of behaviour only
guarantees them a prompt return visit! The many locals that thanked us last time we sabbed the Silverton Hunt will be pleased! With an hour of daylight left we decided to head up the road to check
on the Tiverton Hunt. We caught up with them at around 3.30 as they were heading back to the meet to pack up. Until next time! If
you support what we do, please donate to our fuel fund via www.paypal.me/dchs If you know where your local hunt are due
to meet, you can let us know via Facebook, email (devoncountysabs@riseup.net)
or phone: 07717473305. Pics
below - 1/ Huntsman with well-equipped terriermen 2/
Dead fox found by sabs  NT say West Somerset Vale FH apologised for trespassing2-12-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust Quick update on the West Somerset Vale Foxhounds who were
photographed with terriermen on Great & Marrow Hills without permission, 04/11/2017 (see posts from Somerset Hunt Saboteur
Group -> bit.ly/2AnkWbI & bit.ly/2zBqGRp). Members
of the public contacted the National Trust about this (thank you), who then confirmed the hunt has apologised and stated they
will not enter National Trust land again. We look forward to the other hunts that have trespassed (the Warwickshire, South
Dorset, West Norfolk, Portman, Eskdale & Ennerdale, Quorn, Vale of White Horse and Ledbury) apologising and clearing off
for good. See our illegal trespass round up (bit.ly/2hpoRwq) for information on hunts entering National Trust land without
permission along with who to contact within the National Trust to ask what they will be doing. However,
the National Trust have failed to recognise that winding up on land by accident shouldn't really be happening on a 'trail
hunt', and a fully equipped terrierman was photographed on their land as well. If you want to raise this clear proof of
wildlife crime with the National Trust in case the West Somerset Vale Foxhounds apply for a licence at any point, contact
them on fynecourt@nationaltrust.org.uk or call 01643 862 452. 
Farmer vents fury at Cattistock
FH for terrifying her sheep Blocked setts found where terriermen had just been 1-12-17 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 30/11/17 Cattistock Hunt & friends!! Meet; Church farm, Martinstown Acting
on information received from a member of the public. Members of Weymouth Animal Rights and Monitors decided to pay a visit
to Lady Townshend's killing machine aka The Cattistock Hunt. We caught up with the field, in the bitterly cold wind, at Muckleford. To have got to this point they would have
had to cross the very fast and busy A35! With the presence of a redcoat standing out like a gin warmed face in a sea of Blue
and beige, were there visitors out on a jolly from the BSV hunt due to the fact that their hounds are in quarantine with "kennel
cough" ?  Meanwhile,
a spotter had seen the huntsmen and pack at the Bradford Peverell/Muckleford crossing and the support heading towards Hampton.
Sabs headed to Longlands farm to watch where the Hunt headed. It was then noticed that a quad complete with tools and terriers
going along the east edge of Long Bottom to join 3 other quads that were parked there with the riders unmounted and actually
in Long Bottom coppice. This did not look or feel right to us at all so after they had remounted and left a couple of WAR members went and took a look for themselves. As feared they found Badger Setts that had
been recently dug out and blocked!! These were photographed and recorded [one, pic left]. From there it was
thought they would head towards Compton Valence so sabs covered that direction while a monitor covered the other. Instead
they headed towards Longlands straight towards the monitor and down to Lanchards plantation. Foot sabs ran in and used the
gizmo to take the hounds concentration away from the line to give any poor fox an extra few seconds to get away. It the seemed
the field had gone into an unnamed copse near Lanchards. We now know that the hounds ran north along Nunnery Mead, all over the Nature Reserve
and into Throop Farm. Here the totally distraught land owner had to witness the hounds, not a huntsman in sight, run completely
out of control, through her flock of terrified sheep! The locals rushing out of their houses to watch the scene before them,
in shock. The farm owner seeing the sabs told them in no uncertain terms that the Hunt was NOT welcome and had NO permission
to be hunting on this land. The field has moved away fairly swiftly after the hounds and
on to Young Beech plantation where a foot sab watched the huntsmen still trying to gather the pack! They then went out of
sight for a short time and we caught them back up coming up the bridle-path on to Tilly Whim Lane and then crossed the busy
A35 to head back to Martinstown and the Meet at about 4.30 pm. Monitors and members
of WAR decided to head back to Throop Farm to make sure everyone was OK and to get more information from the by now VERY angry
land owner. One of the locals seeing we were back said that she had heard the hounds in cry earlier followed by the screaming
of a fox that she was sure the hounds had ripped apart. Some of them had gone to see if they could find a body but had no
"luck". They had however contacted Hounds Off for advice and information. They had also put in a complaint to the
Cattistock Hunt's Master, Will Briers about the out of control hounds rampaging over private property and distressing
livestock. Well done to them for standing up to this intimidating Hunt. If you would like to join us or help in any way, please
message us on this page. Thank you for your support.
Cotswold FH mob's
violent attacks on women sabs end in just 1 caution Sabs say camera with further
evidence of violence was stolen 1-12-17 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO Attack on female sabs On the
10th October 2016, at a meet of the Cotswold hunt, Two Welsh Border Sabs were attacked by a group of
masked up hunt supporters. During the attack, one female was strangled and repeatedly punched in the face and kicked whilst
on the floor. The other was dragged by the hair, resulting in having her hair ripped out. Also, the hunt supporters stole
a video camera which contained footage of not only the assaults but also of the Hunt chasing a fox. After the event, statements were given and video footage handed over to Gloucester police. After a year of hearing
nothing, and sabs contacting the police, we were informed that one individual received a caution for assault. As several individuals
were involved in the attack and a camera was stolen, we feel this result was not acceptable. Because of the lack of contact
by Gloucester police, we were also denied our right to the victims' right to appeal the decision. Again, unacceptable. Watch the video [assaults start 2m 2s in]. Make
your own minds up if this behaviour constitutes 1 caution. Pics below
- 1/ Supporter grabs female sab round neck 2/ He has pushed her over
3/ He's pushed her over again 4/ Masked supporter intimidates other female sab  
FH chase fox across A road, trespass on N.Trust land again Hounds filmed hunting
over allotments at one point 1-12-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt - Wednesday 29th November – Horley Blatant hunting, road chaos, dangerous driving [right] and trespass
on National Trust land again A few of us had our second outing with the Warwickshire Hunt this week.
We saw them hunting across the road from where they were on Monday. We witnessed a fox running from the Hunt, We got to the
road before the hounds and managed to turn them back away from the road, giving the fox some vital seconds to get away. Huntsman
Will Goffe then brought the hounds back and hunted on after the fox. The hounds ended up running out onto the busy main road
into Wroxton the A422 which is in the Thames Valley police area. The hounds lost the scent of the fox once they had crossed the road. It wasn’t long before they found another fox across the road from the National Trusts Upton
House. We can’t be sure what happened to this fox. The hounds were then taken onto the popular Edgehill to Upton House
walk were they hunted a two foxes through gardens and an allotment in Edgehill near to the Castle pub. This took place in Warwickshire police area. We think both foxes got away safely. If you live in Edgehill or any other area and our concerned about hunt trespass please
contact Hounds Off. Not content with having caused chaos on the roads earlier the Warwickshire Hunt stayed out hunting until it was dark putting
their hounds, horses and motorists at risk. They finally packed up on the Upton Estate part of the National Trust were they
still do not have a license to use their land.
We have already highlighted that the Warwickshire Hunt have already trespassed on
National Trust land. Please politely contact the Midlands National Trust to again highlight that the Warwickshire Hunt are
continuing to trespass on their land. 01789 761385 - mi.customerenquiries@nationaltrust.org.uk. The Warwickshire hunt
clearly think they are above any laws. We have already expressed our concerns to Warwickshire police and we are waiting to
hear back from them. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. If anyone wants to join us please text this number 07500585519. Pics below - 1/ Hunting on bend of main road
2/ Hounds on allotment 3/ Fox trying to escape 4/
More hunting on main road 5/ Hunting after dark
used to save fox almost caught by South Durham FH hounds 1-12-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT - SOUTH DURHAM HUNT : 25.11.17 Whinney Hill. Bishopton.
Stockton on Tees Small report today guys as it was quite a day with a massive area to cover and
just a tad hectic. So here is the jist.... Monitors were in place from the start of the hunt where a fox was seen to bolt almost
immediately as the Hunt set off, hounds were right behind as it ran for its life through the fields with hunt support in vehicles
and on horseback all watching with baited breath for the lead hound to grab it in its jaws . We spend off ahead to get to
a footpath where foot monitors managed to get out of the vehicle and out into the open to set of the Gizmo which turned the
hounds off the fox giving it time to find an escape. The hunt staff were seen to be so frustrated and confused as to where the fox had
gone, their horses foaming with sweat after the dash they made to keep up with the hounds to hopefully fulfil their blood
lust ( not this time you murdering scum ). During the day 3 foxes, deer and muntjac were seen to safety. Another blood vessel
burst for the amateur whipper in. So another good day for wildlife and we hope to see many more over season. To help keep us in
the field you can donate via PayPal to huntmonitors@gmail.com. Long live the fox ��. 
Blatant fox hunting & assaults
on sabs at Crawley FH opening meet So keen to kill they hunted on into darkness This supplements the report on the same meet from North Downs Sabs 5-11-17 below 8-11-17 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs Crawley & Horsham Opening Meet 4th November 11 a.m @ Knepp Castle West Grinstead,
Nr Horsham This entire day included ; Blatant illegal hunting, violence, intimidation,
harassment, lies and deceit. Everything we have come to expect from the Criminal & Horsham Hunt. Happy to say that we
were joined by Guildford Sabs, Croydon, North Downs and Surrey Hunt Monitors. Not long after the start and the first report
came in of a sab being assaulted. We headed down the road to assist and a black Nissan Navarra intentionally veered across
the road almost hitting our vehicle. The same vehicle had moments before driven at one of the sabs, fortunately we know who
was driving this vehicle. We picked up the young sab who had blood on either side of his face having been hit with a riding
crop. More and more reports came in of assaults. The Hunt had split and riders were heading in different directions. The hounds were
heard in cry behind Brookhouse farm so we all headed up there. As we approached a fox ran out in front of us at some speed
so sabs got to work spraying citronella to mask the scent. The Hunt and hounds headed away but worried that the fox could
still be close by, two hunt monitors stayed at the farm. Sure enough the Huntsman returned to Brookhouse farm and unaware
they were being watched by the two monitors, set up for some illegal hunting. Only the Huntsman and one other rider, two quad
bikes and hounds... oops I nearly forgot, also the black Nissan Navarra driver and his friends. They were all very quiet, the terrier men on point while the Huntsman was drawing the hounds through a covert. The
monitors watched until a fox broke cover, the terrier man raised his arm pointing in the direction of the fox and the monitors
made their presence known. The fox got away and the hunters moved on. During the afternoon the Hunt were seen in one field
while the hounds and Huntsman had crossed the road to hunt elsewhere, but we found them and stopped them again. They hunted until pitch black. One of the hounds was filmed wandering around in the lane. Not responding to commands
the hound was grabbed around the neck by the C&H ' Countryman' [above right] this
made the poor hound scream out in pain or fear. he was quite clearly exhausted and visibly shocked. Our films etc are being
looked over but thought we would put this one up of the hound, you can see how dark it was !!! Thank you so much to all who
have donated so far, it is such a great help. Working together to protect our wildlife.
NOVEMBER 2017..... 29th November - Terriermen filmed blocking badger sett before
Cheshire FH meet ..... 29th November - Monitors
save fox from Cheshire FH as farmer complains of road blocking ..... 29th November - Vale of White Horse FH set off from farm on N. Trust estate ..... 28th November - Activists claim NT is licencing violent criminality by Hunts ..... 28th November - Green MSP to move Bill for total ban on hunting in Scotland ..... 28th November - Film of alleged assaults on female sabs at Ledbury FH opening meet ..... 28th November - Quorn FH said to have trespassed on NT
land and elsewhere ..... 28th November - Badsworth
FH hounds run around on A road - on a Sunday ..... 28th
November - South Dorset FH said to have trespassed on Nat. Trust land ..... 27th November - Sabs driven into by huntsman at joint beagle pack meet ..... 27th November - Sabs believe Easton Harriers killed a hare in a garden ..... 27th November - Cornwall sabs threatened by metal bar wielding hunter at end of day ..... 27th November - Blencathra FH hunt all over SSSI and its
rare flora ..... 27th November - Sabs think
Dart Vale Harriers may have killed 'bagged' fox ..... 27th
November - May overruled colleagues to include election pledge on hunt ban ..... 26th November - Sabs driven into, female sabs ridden into at Ledbury South FH ..... 26th November - North Cotswold FH hounds run uncontrolled
on busy road ..... 26th November - Wynnstay
FH scared school kids, spooked horses, ran riot thru village ..... 26th
November - Sabs say police ignored Atherstone FH law-breaking and blocked road ..... 26th November - Portman & Wilton FHs riders & hounds take over B road ..... 25th November - Old Surrey FH [pretend to?] lay trail through
field of sheep ..... 25th November - Sabs save
fox being hunted by Eggesford FH ..... 25th November
- Banwen Miners FH lose most of pack in shambolic meet ..... 25th
November - Sabs save hunted fox from Grove & Rufford FH ..... 25th
November - Whip of D&S SH says Eggesford FH hounds killed on railway ..... 25th November - 'Ugly' film of Fife FH fox kill released by Scottish Sun ..... 25th November - Quorn FH berated by landowner for disturbing
horses, 5 foxes escape ..... 24th November - On
day woman sab punched, Warks FH treated their horses like this... ..... 24th November - Warwickshire FH thug gets caution for splitting open eye of woman sab ..... 24th November - Woman sab-whipper in angry, abusive rant
at sabs - 3 weeks earlier ..... 23rd November - Monitors
release yet another film of Grafton FH hunting fox ..... 22nd
November - Atherstone FH Director guilty of assault, homophobia, skipped bail ..... 22nd November - Woman who whipped sab 17 times is part of London luxury hotel dynasty ..... 22nd November - Women monitors ridden at by South Durham FH -
2 foxes escaped ..... 21st November - Monitors see
Cheshire FH kill fox in front of them - evidence to police ..... 20th November - Sabs upload film of potentially fatal attack by Badsworth FH terriermen ..... 20th November - Forestry Commission confirms Grafton FH not permitted
to hunt in woods ..... 20th November - Another sab
arrested - for trying to protect self from being ridden down ..... 20th
November - Female sabs attacked by Ledbury S FH riders - after fox thought killed ..... 20th November - Sab explains why she braves so much to save animals from Hunts ..... 20th November - Cheshire Forest FH hemmed in by angry landowners & monitors ..... 19th November - Monitors film Grafton FH chasing fox yet again ..... 19th November - LACS obtains film of another 'illegal' hunt by Fife FH last Wednesday ..... 19th November - Sabs and their vehicle attacked at Badsworth
& Bramham FH ..... 19th November - East Sussex
FH rider rides horse into sab and repeatedly hits another ..... 19th
November - Sab 'violently assaulted' at Flint & Denbigh FH - then arrested ..... 18th November - Berwickshire FH kill fox then snatch corpse back, assaulting sabs ..... 18th November - Sab arrested at Dunston Harriers as police ride with terriermen ..... 18th November - Sab ridden over at Ledbury South FH & fox believed 'chopped' ..... 18th November - 'Hounds Off' uploads film of Blackmore
FH hunting a fox ..... 18th November - Blocked sett
found where Quorn FH seen hunting a fox ..... 17th November - Monitors believe Sandhurst Beagles killed 5 hares
- 3 filmed ..... 17th November - Woman sab jostled, pushed, hat stolen at Blencathra FH meet ..... 17th
November - NT make excuses for Warwickshire FH trespassing on their land ..... 17th November - NT blah-blahs in
response to report of trespass by a Somerset Hunt ..... 17th November - Lone sab finds
2 blocked setts at Ledbury FH and rates hounds off fox ..... 15th November - North Staffs FH follower
spills beans on Hunt activity to monitors ..... 15th November - Bedale FH reported to have killed fox .....
15th November - Beaufort FH hunter incriminates them via apology for A46 incident ..... 15th November - Monitors 'sorry' for
misinterpreting evidence re. Zetland FH terriermen
..... 14th November - Hunt in Kent kills fox in front of sabs - police investigating ..... 14th November - Monitor 'Pull hounds off fox' - S. Durham FH Huntsman 'Why should I?' ..... 14th November - Warks FH filmed hunting on NT land - no licence
and with terriermen ..... 14th November - S. Durham
FH cross busy A688 in front of bus - riders also on road ..... 14th
November - Resident complains of frequent invasions of his garden by Quorn FH ..... 14th November - Radnor & W. Hereford FH trespass, scaring pets and livestock ..... 13th November - Driver says W. Somerset Vale FH chased fox into road in front of her ..... 13th November - Film of multiple fox chases by Grafton FH over
last two years uploaded ..... 13th November - Lake
District fox hunt seen trespassing on Nat. Trust land ..... 13th
November - Two blocked setts and fox being hunted found at N. Cotswold FH ..... 13th November - Blocked sett and fox being chased found at Heythrop FH ..... 13th November - Cotswold Vale Farmers FH hounds all over a road - police 'concerned' ..... 12th November - Sab victim at Warks FH says assailant
is ex Director of Hunt ..... 12th November - York
& Ainsty South FH drove hare under wheels of passing car ..... 12th
November - South Devon FH rider attacks two sabs, injuring one ..... 12th November - SNP Council receives resolution to effectively ban hunting with dogs ..... 12th November - Sabs prevent dig-out at Lanarkshire FH meet ..... 12th November - Antis save at least one, nearly beaten, fox from
Cattistock FH ..... 12th November - Former hosts
of Hare Week have moved in with North Pennine FH ..... 12th
November - Cheshire FH filmed chasing fox near village [it escaped] ..... 11th November - Landowner calls police out as N. Irish fox hunt invades her property ..... 11th November - Fernie FH let flock of sheep out on to road ..... 11th November - Vale of the White Horse FH chased fox, rioted
twice on deer ..... 11th November - Police send
4 cars at behest of Silverton FH - they hassle sabs ..... 11th
November - Hampshire FH bring A31 to standstill - sabs cause early pack-up ..... 11th November - Sabs say Ledbury South terrorised cattle & sheep but got no foxes ..... 11th November - Cumbria Huntwatch challenge to Hunts unanswered 3
years on ..... 11th November - Sabs ensure
kill-free day at Fernie FH and pack up Westerby Bassetts ..... 11th
November - Four sab groups thwart Puckeridge FH, cause early pack up ..... 9th November - Female sab in hospital after punched in face by male Warks FH hunter ..... 9th November - S. Durham FH hunt on railway line - female
monitor shove nearly over ..... 9th November
- Fox kill by Mendip Farmers FH reported by member of public ..... 9th
November - Monitors film Grafton FH hunting at least two foxes ..... 9th November - North Cotswold FH hunt fox across bTb case farm ..... 8th November - Monitors see Cheshire Forest FH kill fox right in front of them ..... 8th November - Blatant fox hunting & assaults on sabs
at Crawley FH opening meet ..... 8th November
- Sabs certain that Easton Harriers hunted and killed hare ..... 8th November - Cheshire Forest FH chase fox into garden. Residents upset, cat missing ..... 6th November - Portman FH said to have trespassed on Hod
Hill, N. Trust land ..... 6th November - Beaufort
FH hounds on A46 again - one run over by car ..... 5th
November - West Somerset Vale FH fox hunt openly, including on Nat Trust land ..... 5th November - Fife FH hunt fox - no guns Huntsman filmed whipping hound ..... 5th November - Sab allegedly racially abused at Berwickshire FH meet ..... 5th November - Suffolk FH supporters assault sabs - police sit & watch hunting ..... 5th November - Beaufort FH hound nearly run over on A46 as Hunt chasing fox ..... 4th November - Sabs attacked at Crawley FH as they hunt
foxes as if no ban ..... 4th November - Braes
o'Derwent FH kill fox and noisily celebrate in front of monitors ..... 4th November - N.Cotswold FH sett-blocker caught on camera - film passed to police ..... 4th November - S.Tetcott FH lose some hounds across river
- sab wing mirror smashed ..... 4th November
- Banwen Miners FH switch meet away from NT land - then hunt foxes ..... 4th November - Unsupervised Blencathra FH hounds filmed chasing fox - no trails laid ..... 4th November - Nat. Trust backs away from publishing specific
routes for 'trail hunts' ..... 4th
November - Holidaymakers film Severn Vale FH hare hunting, including on road ..... 4th November - Sabs
have to act late on to save tired fox hunted by Belvoir FH ..... 3rd November - Sab car driven into at Ledbury FH opening
meet - support issue threats ..... 3rd November
- Warks FH chase fox on to A45, cause road havoc ..... 3rd
November - Animal shelter says rescue dog traumatised by Hunt incursion ..... 3rd November - Blencathra FH hounds chased fox - just managed to escape ..... 2nd November - Monitors give film of Cheshire FH chasing fox to police ..... 2nd November - Fox killed at Fife FH, sabs think by hounds ..... 2nd November - Villagers let Blackmore FH know they're not wanted - fox escapes ..... 2nd November - Beaufort FH yobs very yobbish - fox flees
across busy A road ..... 2nd November - New
Defence Secretary took £2.5k donation from CEO of the MFHA ..... 1st November - Monitors arrive to find Wynnstay FH chasing fox - may have killed ..... 1st November - Old Surrey FH seriously spook horses, one found
after six hour search ..... 1st November - Modbury
FH accused of blocking road, child seen beating her pony .....
1st November - N. Cotswold FH trespassed in quarry - and blocked setts, say sabs ..... 1st November - Damien Green MP, very pro-hunt, accused of 'inappropriate behaviour' ..... 1st November - Atherstone
FH JM ignores her own advice not to clash with antis
filmed blocking sett before Cheshire FH meet Hounds
cause road havoc, Hunt trespass, scare sheep 29-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Trying to catch up... on our reports because we’ve been so busy! Here we have one from Monday 27.11.17
at Stanthorne Hall near Middlewich. It’s a bit of an odd one because the Cheshire Hounds met in an area where they didn't
have much space to play, with busy roads and industrial estates littering the area, along with hunt staff, terriermen and
supporters. 10 minutes before the meet was
when we filmed the terriermen finishing off filling in a badger sett. This film has been handed to the police. There were supporters lining up at this point getting ready for a chase but
once the terriermen saw us filming they called the Huntsman who came over and they had a little get together. Then everyone
left the scene with their tails between their legs. The RSPCA then turned up and spent a lot of
the day tailing the Hunt which, with our presence as well, really put the dampeners on proceedings. There were the usual
ridiculous amount of red coats and only around 15 riders. Rider numbers are dropping this season so all we can assume is that
this Hunt is becoming less popular, probably because this new guy is a pretty poor Huntsman and that they are sick of us spoiling
their fun. The Hunt spent ages hanging around at the meet probably scratching their heads about where they could go especially
with us tailing them. There were stray hounds causing havoc on the main road as usual and trespassing
in people's gardens who were clearly not happy. One resident was really upset because the hounds were stressing her sheep.
We did see the hounds in cry once but that didn't last long. They wandered off for a bit and then we caught then hanging
around again, hiding behind hedges which was a bit worrying, but again they moved off. We
had the usual quad bikes driven at us, and verbal abuse. Being called paedophiles is getting so boring we do hope the Hunt
can think of a new term for us soon, although we are sure it will be suitably childish. If you would like to join our team,
or have information to pass on to us (in strictest confidence), then please get in touch. Either message us here or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. Pics below - 1/
Terrierman near blocked badger sett 2/ RSPCA inspector monitoring Hunt
Monitors get Cheshire FH to pull
hounds off fox as farmer lays into them for blocking road 29-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds - Bruera 28.11.17 Full report They met at Chapel
House Farm in Bruera and preceded to cause major disruption on Chester Road whilst they brought the hounds, searching for
foxes, through woodland along the roadside. We followed them onto sodden fields where we
saved a fox. It bolted right in front of two of our team and then totally stupid supporters nearly had apoplexy yelling and
pointing to the huntsman where it had run. The hounds were starting to pick up the scent but sadly for the Hunt our monitor
made it clear they had all of this on film and firmly suggested they call the hounds off the scent which, to give them their
due, they did. Not long after this supporters ,terriermen and hunt staff were trying to block our
way. What they didn't notice was that they were also blocking a busy farmer and someone who was delivering - not very
clever! One of our team explained to the farmer what the hunt were up to and he took matters into his own hands. After that there was a long lull in proceedings and then the Huntsman and hounds
disappeared for a time, so what happened then is anyone’s guess. We found them as it was getting dark up to no good
in Wynnstay Hunt territory. Maybe we should mention that the Cheshire Hounds are hunting Wynnstay foxes when we next see the
Wynnstay? Monitors save fox from road-blocking
Cheshire FH 29-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds - Bruera 28.11.17 Full report They met at Chapel
House Farm in Bruera and preceded to cause major disruption on Chester Road whilst they brought the hounds, searching for
foxes, through woodland along the roadside. We followed them onto sodden fields where we
saved a fox. It bolted right in front of two of our team and then totally stupid supporters nearly had apoplexy yelling and
pointing to the huntsman where it had run. The hounds were starting to pick up the scent but sadly for the Hunt our monitor
made it clear they had all of this on film and firmly suggested they call the hounds off the scent which, to give them their
due, they did. Not long after this supporters, terriermen and hunt staff were trying to block our
way. What they didn't notice was that they were also blocking a busy farmer and someone who was delivering - not very
clever! One of our team explained to the farmer what the hunt were up to and he took matters into his own hands. After that there was a long lull in proceedings and then the Huntsman and hounds disappeared for a time, so what
happened then is anyone’s guess. We found them as it was getting dark up to no good in Wynnstay Hunt territory. Maybe
we should mention that the Cheshire Hounds are hunting Wynnstay foxes when we next see the Wynnstay? Vale of the White Horse FH set off from farm on a Nat.Trust Estate 29-11-17 LACS website Vale of White Horse Hunt set off from Wickstead Farm, on the edge of the National Trust Buscot Estate on the
29th November. Activists claim NT is licencing violent criminality by Hunts 28-11-17 The Canary Evidence of violence by Hunts is bringing the National Trust into the spotlight
yet again The National Trust is coming under fire for licensing Hunts associated with violence. The Canary
has seen documents alleging that 44 of the 67 hunting packs licensed by the National Trust are tied to criminal violence.
And this, according to the dossier’s author, is “not compatible with an institution wishing to have charitable
status”. The National Trust permits trail hunting on its property. This practice supposedly
involves hunting hounds following an artificially laid scent, rather than the scent of a live animal; and so allows Hunts
to continue their traditions while avoiding activities made illegal by the Hunting Act. But anti-hunt activists claim that
trail hunting is a smokescreen allowing real hunting to continue as it did before the ban. Helen Beynon, a member of the National
Trust, witnessed first-hand several instances of trail hunting but “was appalled to see how loopholes in the law were
being exploited”. And in October 2017, she brought a vote to have trail hunting banned from National Trust property. The motion for a ban
controversially failed by just a few hundred votes. But activists have not given up their mission to protect and defend wildlife
from bloodsports. Barbara Slaska has lodged a complaint with the Charity Commission, the charities regulator for England and
Wales, that claims the National Trust is facilitating criminal violence by allowing Hunts on its property. The Canary has seen
a dossier of evidence lodged with the regulator as well as a covering letter sent to Trustees of the National Trust ahead
of their board meeting in late November 2017. The dossier contains 66 pages of incidents of recklessness and violence by 44
Hunts currently licensed to trail hunt on National Trust property. The covering letter, written by Slaska, explains:- Having
spent nine months examining the behaviour of 44 Hunts licensed by the Trust a consistent pattern has emerged. Firstly and
most worrying for public safety is the reckless nature of this activity evidenced by a lack of control over hounds resulting
in regular hound havoc, on railway lines, in villages, in people’s gardens and in wildlife sanctuaries, resulting in
hounds being hit by speeding trains and members of the public being put in danger and fear. Secondly, hunt observers have
been and are being assaulted on a regular basis by virtually each Hunt on this list. Many Hunts having multiple convictions
for assault. The incidents are lengthy and date back years. Some of those
cited include:- Two supporters of the Warwickshire Hunt punching a saboteur in November 2017. A supporter of the Melbreak Hunt pleading
“guilty to assault by beating after he attacked a hunt monitor” in March 2017. Hounds from the Avon
Hunt entering the garden of a domestic residence in January 2017, where a fox was allegedly killed. A supporter of the Golden Valley Fox Hounds committing a “vicious attack” on a
hunt monitor in January 2016. The Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt’s
huntsman Mark Doggrell trampling a saboteur with his horse in August 2014. This, Slaska says in her covering letter, shows:- that contrary to the Trust’s
position that hunting is a harmless activity no different to mountain biking, the recklessness and violence involved is putting
the beneficiaries of this charity at serious risk as well as the wider public, this is in direct conflict with the responsibility
of trustees to safeguard the beneficiaries. Breaching regulations. In approving licences for Hunts
on National Trust lands, Slaska claims Trustees breach a number of Charity Commission regulations including:- The Trustees must act for the wider public benefit and not for a tiny minority. The Trustees must not bring the charity into disrepute. The Trustees must act in a way which is compatible with
the purposes/objects of the charity as registered at the Charity Commission, in the case of the NT the charitable objects
include ‘the preservation… of… animal and plant life’. The Trustees must safeguard the assets of the charity (which
would include its land and associated animal and plant life). As a result,
the National Trust is opening itself up not only to public criticism but falling foul of charity regulations as well. Slaska
says the dossier’s contents are evidence: that the Trustees are guilty of mismanagement because as trustees of a charity
they are under a duty to ensure the law of the land is upheld. By ignoring evidence of widespread illegal hunting and of widespread
assaults – evidence of which has been presented to them on numerous occasions by monitors, by animal welfare charities
and by members of the public – they are not acting in a reasonable way. The dossier’s
evidence comes from saboteur and monitor groups, from local and national press, and from first-hand accounts of people involved
in defending wildlife. The document presents strong evidence of Hunts engaging in reckless, violent behaviour both regularly
and over time. And it reveals the seamy underbelly of violence that Hunts often try to cover up. But as recently leaked audio
from “one of England’s most notorious Hunts” reveals, it can be hugely damaging once this hunt violence
reaches the public. Whether or not Hunts follow an artificially laid scent, the reality of violence
used is without doubt. And that’s something the National Trust can’t ignore any longer.
Green MSP to move Bill for total ban on hunting in Scotland28-11-17 BBC News Scottish Green MSP seeks 'total ban' on foxhunting A bid to completely ban foxhunting in Scotland is to be
launched by a Green MSP following claims that the current legislation is not working. The killing of foxes with hounds was
outlawed in 2002. But dogs can still be used
to flush out foxes and chase them towards the hunts, where the foxes are shot. Scottish Green MSP Alison Johnstone [left] said
she would bring forward a member's bill at Holyrood that would impose a total ban. Speaking at a Scottish Parliament event
for the League Against Cruel Sports on Tuesday evening, Ms Johnstone said it was clear that the Protection of Wild Mammals
Act had failed to end foxhunting. She added: "The practice of 'flushing' foxes with packs of dogs to waiting
guns is in many cases hunting with dogs under another name. Polling shows most Scots are in favour of a full ban, and I will
bring forward a member's bill to deliver one. SNP members, like most of the public, have been horrified by recent decisions on puppy tail docking and shock
collars. We cannot allow ministers to kick the can down the road on foxhunting. It's time to take a stand." The current law has
an exemption for using dogs to flush out foxes for pest control or protecting livestock or ground-nesting birds. Mounted Hunts
in Scotland have since offered farmers, landowners and estate managers a pest control service. Senior
judge Lord Bonomy carried out a review of the legislation last year, which concluded that the law was "unduly complicated"
and hindered prosecutions. He estimated that up to 800 foxes were killed by guns accompanying mounted Hunts every year - and
that there were grounds for suspecting that illegal hunting may still take place. Responding to Ms Johnstone, a Scottish government spokesman said it was currently consulting on
Lord Bonomy's recommendations. He added: "We have also established a stakeholder group to develop a new code of practice
and assess the feasibility of a new monitoring scheme. We remain committed to ensuring the highest welfare standards for all
animals, including those in the wild, and encourage everyone to notify Police Scotland if anyone is suspected of breaking
the law." In July, two huntsmen from the Scottish Borders - Johnny Riley and his father, John
Richardson - became the first people to be successfully prosecuted for hunting foxes. The Countryside Alliance, which represents
hunts, has previously said it does not believe there is a significant problem with the enforcement of the current legislation. See also coverage in The Herald Film of Ledbury FH rider allegedly
assaulting women sabs at opening meet At one point a sab complains that he grasped her breast 28-11-17 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO Here we have more footage of the delightful David Mansell of Hasfield, Gloucestershire, assaulting
female sabs at the opening meet of the Ledbury this year. Although, he only picks on petite ladies unless he is on a 500kg horse that is.
His forte seems to be groping breasts. Such a credit to the Ledbury and Ledbury south aka South Hereford fox cub killers. POWAperson adds
- The hunt rider repeatedly pushes two female sabs, whom he claims are trespassing. They are concerned about a sick or injured
sheep which is nearby. At one point, the rider appears to press one of the sab's breasts as he pushes her, and she complains
about this. Sabs also comment that it is evident he has been drinking. Pics below
- 1/ Rider starts pushing female sab backwards, right hand on her chest area 2/ Continues
to push her, hand still there  Quorn FH reported to have hunted on NT land unlicensed & trespassed elsewhere 28-11-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust We're reliably informed that the Quorn Foxhounds were at the National Trust's
Calke Abbey without a licence today, as well as trespassing on other land where they are not welcome. If anybody has information
or photos, please let us know! Sabs believe Easton Harriers killed a hare in a garden Hounds
also chased a deer towards busy A road Trespassing Hunt confronted by angry landowner Huntsman left
horse-box blocking entrance to local business 27-11-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Easton Harriers – 11/11/17 - Bryces Farm, Debenham – Suffolk On Saturday
11th November 2017 Norfolk & Suffolk Sabs were once again out with the Easton Harriers. The Hunt un-boxed on Meadows Works Business Park in Debenham, which seemed a rather
odd place for a meet, however, they quickly headed off and regrouped for a time at Bryces Farm, before they set off hunting
at approximately 11.30 am... Right from the off, though, hares and deer were
seen dashing for freedom. We had a good number of sabs out on foot and in vehicles, so were able to keep the Hunt in view
and kept a close eye on them as they flushed beet field after beet field. About an hour after
the Hunt had set off, the hounds unfortunately chased a hare [left] and we believe the hare was killed
in the back of someone’s garden. For the second week running we witnessed the Easton hounds with blood on their faces.
To make matters worse for the Hunt, it seems they did not have permission to hunt were they were hunting and a landowner came
out after the Hunt repeatedly shouting “Get your f***ing dogs off my land”. The
Hunt then moved off to hunt one field away from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve at Mickfield Meadow. This seemed
a bit of a funny place to be trail hunting. Sure enough the hounds found wildlife to pursue at this location and this time
it was the turn of deer to run for their lives. The pack became split and the hounds went off in many different directions
after deer. Unfortunately, a small group of 2 or 3 hounds chased a deer towards the busy A140 road. A sab asked a Police Officer to take some action but the Officer got a bit upset about the fact he didn’t like being told
what to do. Thankfully, another Officer present listened to us, could see the urgency of the situation and ensured there was
a Police presence on the A140 in case the worst happened. Luckily for the deer, a quick thinking sab managed to turn the hounds
back and bought the deer some time. The deer was later seen heading back towards the area from where it had been chased, in
an exhausted state. Once it had made its way to safety then its scent was covered by sabs. For
the second week running sabs also managed to catch a stray Easton harrier hound. After the short shrift we received from the
Hunt the previous week, we decided to let the Police get on with the job of returning the hound this week. Perhaps they got
a thank you from the Hunt, unlike the stony silence we received from the Hunt the previous week. The Hunt packed up
at about 2.30 pm, but not content with upsetting local landowners by trespassing on their land, they proceeded to upset staff
at Seers Medical on the industrial park. It seems that the Huntsman Gary had decided to leave his box parked in front of the
main gates to Seers Medical, blocking the entrance for the duration of the time he had been out hunting. We left to come home
with the Master, Lydia, trying to smooth things over with a member of staff at the company. We wonder if the village of Debenham
will be happy to host the Eastons in future. We understand that the Police received numerous calls from concerned members
of the public on Saturday about the actions of the Hunt, so maybe not! If you'd like to help us continue in the fields
then please share a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs. Pics below - 1/ Hounds chasing deer
2/ Exhausted deer 3/ Where Huntsman left his horse box  Badsworth FH hounds on A road as hunted next to it - on a Sunday Had
switched their meet day to try to avoid sabs, who were tipped off 28-11-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT: BADSWORTH AND BRAMHAM MOOR HUNT, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26TH, KELLINGTON NR. SELBY, NORTH YORKS When we had a last minute tip off that the Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt had
changed their Saturday meet to avoid us, West Yorks, Nottingham and Sheffield Hunt Sabs rallied our energies to sab for
a second day in a row! The Badsworth & Bramham is the Hunt who contracted violent criminals to smash our camera and van
windscreen, which has been a bit of an own goal for them as thanks to your kind donations we've been able to upgrade all
of our video equipment! The meet was at whipper-in
Mark Poskitt's Dad's carrot farm in Kellington. Mark's face was a picture as he stepped into the front yard only
to be confronted by a van full of sabs. On seeing us he quickly spun round and went back inside (that's it Mark, crawl
back inside the hole you came out of). We couldn't help but notice the absence of their heavies and hope they've realised
the consequences of using such people against us. The Hunt seemed to be on their best behaviour
with huntsman Nick Thornicroft being more abusive to Poskitt than he was to us. They hunted in a rather ugly area, through
fields of vegetables, the backdrop of Eggborough Power Station making the whole scene rather dystopian. Field sabs stayed
with the Hunt all day and though hounds went into cry a few times we were able to deter them using a variety of tactics, such
as voice calls and use of the horn.  More than once, hounds ran amok on an A-road
and Thornicroft was shouted at by a member of the public for hunting conspicuously and dangerously by the side of the road.
The police shadowed the day's events and though seemingly not hostile to us, we think it's a shame they did so little
to prevent illegal hunting. On the whole, a great day for us. See you next time, B&B. If you support what we do, please consider donating - every quid
helps keep us out sabbing! Thank you: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs. South Dorset FH said to have trespassed on Nat. Trust land 28-11-17
LACS website The South Dorset Foxhounds has been spotted on National Trust land at Ringstead Bay, on 28th November. Sabs
driven into twice by huntsman at joint beagle pack meet 27-11-17
Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Please share - HUNTSMAN OF SEVERN VALE BEAGLES DRIVES INTO SABS ON ROAD On Saturday
25th November, we attended a joint meet of the North Devon Beagles and the Severn Vale Beagles at Horsen Farm near Simonsbath,
in the heart of the Exmoor National Park. Our mere presence with multiple cameras meant that the Hunt chose not to proceed,
as they would have been caught on film blatantly breaking the law. We exist to prevent illegal and brutal acts of animal abuse
through non-violent action and a lot of our time is spent simply gathering evidence and being a peaceful deterrent to those
who illegally hunt our wildlife. Every single week these Hunts flout the law and because the
law is simply not enforced they get away with it. When we intervene they let out their frustration by attacking us. Over the
last year our members have been punched, kicked, grabbed by the throat, hit with riding crops, ridden into and driven at.
This weekend was no exception. Two of our group were driven into twice and with clear intent by the man believed to be the
Huntsman of the Severn Vale Beagles, while he was towing their trailer. It takes a truly
sadistic person to sit in a large estate car and repeatedly drive into people on a public road. The Huntsman had a sadistic
smile on his face as he was doing so. Hunts are emboldened by getting away with violence, largely due to police inaction.
Nevertheless, this incident has been reported to the police and we look forward to a prosecution this time. Please LIKE & SHARE. If you support what we do, you can donate to our fuel fund here: www.paypal.me/dchs Pics below - 1/ Huntsman drives
into 2 sabs 2/ He does it again
 28-11-17 Daily Mail Audi-driving huntsman 'rams his car into animal rights protesters as they
stand in the middle of the road trying to film him before he speeds away' - Audi A6 driver allegedly accelerated into
anti-hunt activists while towing trailer - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs claim driver collided with two of their members - Both
men escaped with bruises but one said he feared he would be killed by car - Footage of incident has been passed to police
and an investigation is under way This is the shocking moment an Audi-driving huntsman appeared to ram
his car into animal rights protesters before speeding away. The A6 driver allegedly accelerated into anti-hunt activists while towing a trailer after a meeting of the Severn
Vale Beagles in Minehead, Somerset, on Saturday. Devon County Hunt Saboteurs claim the driver deliberately collided with two
of their members before stopping and driving into them again. Both men escaped with bruises but one said he feared he would
be pulled under the wheels of the car and killed as it ploughed through. Protesters say the driver was 'frustrated'
because they had disrupted a hunt in Exmoor National Park and forced them to pack up and go home early. Footage of the incident
has been passed to police and an investigation is under way. A
ten-second clip - captured on a body camera - was posted on the saboteur group's Facebook page yesterday and has been
viewed more than 25,000 times. It shows a black Audi estate with a trailer attached driving up behind a group of anti-hunt
protesters as they walk along a narrow country road with no footpaths. The driver does not sound his horn before appearing
to ram into the legs of two masked men in the middle of the road, knocking them back. They stand their ground and one points
a camera at the driver but he puts his foot down and forces them aside. Stunned witnesses shout and swear at the man as he
speeds off. A second clip shows the collision head-on, with the camera shaking on impact. One of the alleged victims, who
asked to remain anonymous, later said: 'When he drove his car into me a second time and accelerated I feared for my life
because I thought I would end up under the wheels.' A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall
Police, which is investigating the incident which happened on the border, said: 'We have received an allegation of a person
being driven at by an Audi in Simonsbath, Minehead, on Saturday, November 25th. 'Police have spoken to the reporting person
and will be having a follow-up appointment with them in relation to this incident. Police will be making enquiries into this
matter.' A spokesman for Devon County Hunt Saboteurs said: 'Every single week these Hunts
flout the law and because the law is simply not enforced they get away with it. When we intervene they let out their frustration
by attacking us. Over the last year our members have been punched, kicked, grabbed by the throat, hit with riding crops, ridden
into and driven at. This weekend was no exception. Two of our group were driven into twice and with clear intent by the man
believed to be the huntsman of the Severn Vale Beagles, while he was towing their trailer. It takes a truly sadistic person
to sit in a large estate car and repeatedly drive into people on a public road. Hunts are emboldened by getting away with
violence, largely due to police inaction. Nevertheless, this incident has been reported to the police and we look forward
to a prosecution this time.' A spokesman for the Severn Vale Beagles said: 'The Hunt involved will take any
allegations made against it very seriously and in the event of any further action there will be a full internal investigation.' Pic below
- Huntsman drives off after ramming sabs  Cornwall
sabs threatened by metal-bar wielding hunter at end of day 27-11-17
Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team Hit report- Saturday 25/11/2017 Joint meet of the East Cornwall Hunt with Cury Hunt
Those beach-loving hunters, the Cury Hunt, (sshh, don't mention Gunwalloe Beach), invited their pals down from the East
Cornwall Hunt for a day's 'trail hunting'. Some trail! The riders had a late start around midday and never seemed to go further
than 1.5 miles from the meet at Tucoyse Farm, near Constantine. They spent a fair amount of time in stationary positions and
when they were actually on the move, it seemed only to cross the road, to hide out in the valley West of the meet between
Ninnis and Tolvan. Quite why the terrier men with their box and quad were needed, we do not know! Answers on a postcard to
Devon & Cornwall Police please. It rained, they hid in the valley some more, it rained again. Well, at least they all had a nice breakfast, washed down with
the usual port, brandy or other intoxicating liquor. They had time for a smoke and more drinks about half way through proceedings.
Our foot team and independent monitors did their best, despite somewhat difficult circumstances, to stay with them. They were
fortunate enough to witness a brief appearance from our friend the fox. A beautiful young vixen was going about her daily
business, out of harm's way. It doesn't bear thinking about what her day could have involved if we weren't there.
We met with the usual,
"you're trespassing" (despite being on a public footpath), the head shaking, the looks that could kill but the
metal bar wielding huntsman was a first for us! It happened at approximately 4.30pm, when we were heading to the meet to establish
that the hounds had been boxed up and all was finished. As we approached the farm from the West, our vehicle met with a white Ford van towing
a horse box on this single track road. Our vehicle was in the better position to alleviate the traffic jam so we reversed
to the triangular junction. The driver was not grateful for this and with much arm flapping and a late indicator, decided
she now wanted to trouble us even further and come our way. It didn't take long for her huntsman passenger to alight the
vehicle and order us to move, despite there being room. He returned to the van, swiftly collecting a long metal bar and came
back at us raising the bar at our vehicle [above left], showing intent to cause
damage if we did not move. This caused alarm and distress. Completely unacceptable behaviour!! We have video footage of the
incident and are liaising with the Police. We can clearly see why we were tipped off about this lot. They think they are above
the law! Thank you to all our supporters, and also to our fellow sabs and monitors the length
and breadth of the country, who give up their time to help save persecuted wildlife. We all know animals are sentient beings
and have every right to live their lives free from fear and persecution. Blencathra FH hunt all over SSSI and its rare flora Pathetic
attempts to intimidate sabs 27-11-17 Facebook - Lancashire Hunt Sabs On Saturday 25th November, we found the Blencathra at Mungrisdale. Support were lining the sides of the
roads looking across the fields towards White Moss SSSI. Sabs went into the moss on foot, whilst others drove east towards
Greystoke. Followers could be seen in small groups scattered around the fields below Eycott Hill. Huntsman Barry Todhunter
took his hounds through the woods at White Moss for a couple of hours, appearing on the northern end of Souther Fell - hounds then appeared
on Raven Crags where they crossed the road, running in front of a police car, jumped the wall and headed back towards White
Moss. Supporters in the White Moss area were holloaing, while Todhunter stood on the road on the other side of the fields,
grabbing onto a child which he used as a human shield in an attempt to stop himself being filmed, shouting out 'you're
filming minors, you're filming minors!.' Todhunter then claimed that he was seeing his hounds safely across
the road, although most of the pack were at this time around a mile away in White Moss, on the line of a fox, with terrified
deer running in all directions in the SSSI. It was disturbing to see one particular family had coached their child to throw
himself in front of Todhunter every time a camera was near, with the child and his family shouting out 'paedophile'
whenever we filmed Barry - we know that Barry is 'camera shy' but this was scraping the barrel even by their standards.
Other hunt members attempted to stop sabs filming by putting their hands in front of the cameras, but they just didn't
have enough hands... Another hunt member attempted to intimidate female sabs by repeatedly wrenching open car doors and causing
damage (which he later admitted and agreed to remedy). As we have this incident on film, we will be making it public if he
doesn't. One man attempted to run us off the road and later tried to abuse his powers as a magistrate. Footage on its
way. Pic above - waiting to audition for re-make of Deliverance? Pic below - Hounds running all over SSSI 29-11-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust This weekend, Lancashire Hunt Sabs paid another much needed visit to the shady Blencathra Foxhounds. Whilst
there, the Hunt went all over a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) designated for a fair few rare plants... wonder
what Natural England think of that? Why not ask them? Their email for this area is cumbriaareateam@naturalengland.org.uk.
The information about Mungrisdale Mires SSSI can be viewed here -> bit.ly/2ibvkPt. Sabs think Dart Vale Harriers may have killed 'bagged fox' 27-11-17 Facebook - South Devon Animal Rights VIDEOS Hit Report - 25th November The Dart Vale and South Pool Harriers met
today at Coleridge Farm, nr Chillington, four miles from Kingsbridge. With a field of approx 25 riders, huntsman Emlyn Jones
left the meet at 11.30 and descended quickly into a private wood, adjacent to Coleridge House. Sabs positioned northwards
above letting out some voice calls. All was quiet, but it wasn't long before they emerged and hounds were cast out into
a nearby crop field. Excited and hungry, the pack quickly picked up on a scent. Sabs rushed in to make sure nothing was set
upon and after some time of circling round the Huntsman gave up and left the location. Whilst
this commotion was going on and hunt support were starting to get up to their usual antics, a member of the public drove up
to us and asked what was happening. Disgusted with what she heard and saw she asked if she could help, so was therefore gratefully
welcomed and joined our team for the day as an extra driver to pick up and drop off sabs, also keeping eyes on the Hunt. After drawing a blank through several fields and with riders fragmenting, the Huntsman
took off and managed to give us the slip. With so many woodlands and valleys this isn't hard, although it meant hunt support
were left dissatisfied and in fact for some time it seemed to be disorganised chaos, including a riderless horse that nearly
collided with us and other vehicles. Galloping along the lanes, he or she was clearly distressed and sweating from exhaustion.
The rider who we assumed had fallen off his horse looked like he'd had far too many pre-hunt tipples, as he was escorted
by quad to try and catch his roaming horse. When
discovering several vehicles in a valley west of Coleridge, we feared the release of a fox to the hounds was imminent, but
sabs on foot couldn't see or hear anything. Then suddenly hounds were heard in cry. They headed towards Deer Bridge not
far from Slapton and as we approached with our Land-Rover riders were circling round hoping to see a kill. With a combination
of sabs rushing in and hounds being slowed down by boggy ground we hope that this fox managed to escape. Still determined to
get their fix, a little later on we came across the same vehicles and spectators in place, even very young children. It`s
ironic how hunt supporters can get so angry about us filming around their children, but encouraging them to see animals ripped
apart is deemed acceptable. Hounds were seen following three boxed up quads around a field, which suggested a fox or foxes
were on-board and going to be released to the hounds. When out of sight this was confirmed and within a minute or two hounds
were not just babbling on a scent, but were in full cry. With sabs too far away and vehicles purposely blocking the roads we were unable
to intervene in what may have ended in a kill. One obnoxious rider rode into a sab, using his horse to push him around and
threatening to whip him. It was only when told the police were on their way from a previous incident, that he withdrew from
his violent behaviour. Another well known hunt
thug and ex-terrierman George Bailey gave his usual pathetic performance of trying to intimidate us by blocking the road,
telling one sab that he knows where he lives; the normal bully boy tactics. A little later sabs intervened in what appeared to
be another release but, aware that we were ready with cameras, the Huntsman dissuaded his pack and decided to pack up early
at approx 4pm. Information has been passed to police at a meeting held today. May overruled colleagues over election pledge to repeal hunt ban 27-11-17 Times May forced through ‘toxic’ manifesto hunting pledge
Theresa May[below] overruled colleagues including Andrea Leadsom when she put a commitment to allow MPs the chance to repeal the ban
on fox hunting in the election manifesto. The decision, along with dropping a ban on ivory sales, has been identified as among
the key misjudgements of the election campaign. Social media posts framed the Conservatives
as anti-animal, undermining the party’s support among groups already alienated by its Brexit stance. The potency of
the issue was underlined last week when a story in The Independent about a Commons vote on animal sentience became the most
shared political story of the year, according to analysis by Buzzfeed. Michael Gove, the environment secretary, rebutted the
latest claims and criticised social media for allowing the spread of “fake news”. He promised to use Brexit to
improve animal welfare. Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, has told Mrs May not to
bow to animal rights groups in the misguided pursuit of “electoral nirvana”. He wrote: “There is a small
element in the party which has embraced the more extreme parts of the animal rights movement usually with some trite line
about ‘modernisation’. Selfies with Brian May, voting against badger culling, signing up to the latest item on
the animal rights agenda are, apparently, the road to electoral nirvana.” He said that Mr Gove had been right to criticise
the “distortion” of the government’s position on animal sentience but that it signalled that “he may
bow to exactly the pressure it exerted by bringing forward changes in the law”. A
ministerial source said that Mrs Leadsom, then the environment secretary, had been blocked from changing the party’s
policy on hunting. “Andrea wanted May not to repeat the promise to allow parliamentary time for a ban on hunting but
she was overruled,” the source said. An ally of Mrs May acknowledged that the prime minister insisted that the policy
be included. “It was one of the first things that was decided because it was such a toxic issue. [Mrs May] just felt
that she couldn’t do anything other than continue with it because she had been previously supportive.” The number of MPs
against hunting swelled after the election so there is little chance of a vote in this parliament. POWAperson comments - It comes as a surprise - if it is true - that Andrea Leadsom opposed putting Hunting
Act repeal in the Tory manifesto. When she was running for party leadership, she was quoted as calling foxes 'vermin'
and openly supported hunting. She is also known to be a strong supporter of her local hunt, the Grafton FH in Northants.
Although they are regularly filmed both hunting foxes and abusing monitors she has not uttered a word of criticism of them.
Vehicle driven into sabs, female sabs ridden into at Ledbury S. FHSab
has to be pulled out from under redcoat's trailer 26-11-17 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO A massive thank you to all the groups who came to join us yesterday after last weeks assaults. Cheshire, Lancashire, Derby, North Wales, as well as our usual
partners in non crime, Bath and Bristol hunt sabs headed to Kings Caple where the Ledbury South were planning on hunting. After some delay,
possibly due to the heavy frost, the Hunt left the meet at around 12 o'clock, although not before calling the police.
It's quite odd that it took no more than 10 minutes for the police to arrive when called by the hunt, yet it took them
over an hour and a half to turn up (and leave without speaking to the victims) when a 999 call was made last week whilst we
were being attacked. Anyway, we digress, after
leaving the meet the Hunt hot-footed it across the river and headed for the safety of Caradoc Hall and the surrounding land.
Sadly however, with so many sabs in the area, wherever the chose to roam, they ran into sabs. This had the desired affect
of keeping them moving, unable to hunt. So it was only to be expected that they would resort
to violence again. And ex jockey, David Mansell was more than happy to oblige. After repeatedly riding into, threatening and
assaulting one female sab whilst she was on a footpath, he then chose to do the same to another female sab who filmed the first attack. Clearly a case of "small man
syndrome". As the Hunt moved off back into the grounds of Caradoc, leaving Patrick* struggling with the gate which did make
us chuckle, we followed, rating the hounds when they started to speak. With more sabs than Hunt swarming all over Patrick's
land, the Hunt threw in the towel and gave up. So as we stood minding our own business, waiting to be ferried to a local hostelry
for after sabbing refreshments, a land rover with horse box in tow driven by the redcoat involved in last week's attacks,
drove into sabs. One female sab had to be pulled out from under the trailer's wheels. The possible consequences of such
an action are horrendous. So we say to the Ledbury
South aka South Hereford Hunt, with every violent act you subject us to, you are showing yourselves for the vile fox cub killing,
degenerates you truly are. * Sir Patrick Darling, serious landowner, former
JM of S.Herefordshire FH, High Sheriff of Herefordshire. Pics below -
1/ Close-up of sab being ridden at 2/ Even closer
 North Cotswold FH hounds run uncontrolled
on busy road 26-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Wednesday 22nd November 2017 We sabbed the North Cotswold
hunt from Cutsdean in the North Cotswold badger cull zone with friends from Cirencester Illegal Huntwatch. An early morning
sett patrol pre hunt led to the discovery that the setts targeted by the cull and then by sett blocking had slowly started
to recover, no blocked setts were found by us. An attempt to puncture the tyres of our long suffering Ford focus were thwarted
by noticing that something was amiss on return to the car. More on that at a later date...To all sabs and monitors, check
before you drive off. Sadly Nigel Peel let himself down by either not having full
control of the pack OR could it possibly be that they chased a fox over the B4077 and into some gardens. Anyway the end result
was chaos on the roads as can be seen from this film. He kept running away from us after that and we don't think he got much hunting
done after using the Heythrop counter sab/monitor tactic of 1/ getting stalkers to stick with us and 2/ running away if it
looks like we are anywhere nearby. Please continue to support our work by sharing our page, continuing to tip us off
and our paypal link is paypal.me/threecountiessabs.  Wynnstay FH - reports say scared school kids, spooked horses, ran
riot through village Reports say Hunt was trespassing and some horses were injured 26-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors LOCALS TAKING CONTROL More and more local people are standing
up to hunts in their areas which is great for our wildlife and the local communities that have had to put up with hunt trespass,
intimidation and arrogance for far too long. We encourage people to do this all the time when we are out and about and it
is unbelievable the amount of people who want to join the growing group of monitors that we have. These Hunts need to be looking
over their shoulders because even when we aren't about locals are watching and recording their activities. We have had reports
of the Wynnstay Hunt (last week) terrorising school children in Aldford, where the Duke of Westminster’s home is, and
the next village, Churton. Hounds were running riot through the village and all round the local school. They were caught trespassing
on land they had been forbidden to go on, scaring livestock and endangering peoples horses that were spooked and racing about
injuring themselves. We have also been contacted
by two sets of locals who had taken it on themselves to follow and record the antics of the North Staffordshire hunt. They
were fully supported and guided by one of our admins who helped them. We say well done to all you locals. Together we will stop this cruel and minority pastime! We have added some photos, some of which are not perfect quality but
show these Hunts that more and more people will not take it anymore... Sabs say police ignored Atherstone FH law-breaking, blocked
road for no reason 26-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt / Leicestershire Police road blocking Atherstone Hunt -
Saturday 25th November - Ashby Parva On Saturday, the Atherstone Hunt met at the The Hollybush
in Ashby Parva. The Atherstone continue to look like a broken Hunt, dispirited, going through the motions, propped up by young
pony club riders. This is not because of Leicestershire Police finally enforcing the Hunting Act, it is because of our constant
presence exposing the hunting and violence over the past three years. They know their only chance of survival long term is
to get rid of us. That is where their continued collaboration with Leicestershire Police comes in. On Saturday Leicestershire Police
weren't interested that the Atherstone were breaking road traffic laws and blocking roads, instead they joined in, blocking
the road completely at one point for no apparent reason. We never saw any officer from the two police cars get out of their
vehicle once to see what the Hunt were doing... Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs . Pics
below - 1/ Hunt car using flashing orange light, contrary to Road Traffic Act 2/
Police car blocking road shortly after Hunt had moved down road in front of it  Portman
and Wilton FHs' riders & hounds take over B road 26-11-17 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights VIDEO Portman/Wilton joint meet 25/11/2017
This just shows the blatant disregard they have for their animals. Hounds left to run all over the road. This road was a typical
B road that had traffic travelling through all day. On this occasion thankfully no hounds or horses or even people were hurt...
It could have so very easily been a different story! Pics below -
1/ Very long line of riders obstructing traffic 2/ Hounds loose on road
 Old Surrey FH [pretend to?] lay trail thru a field of sheep! Supporter
drives into sab - hounds run riot on road 25-11-17 Facebook - Croydon Hunt Saboteurs We are on top of the Burstow Hunt. They have just taken the hounds into a field full of sheep following a quad
bike with a sign saying "Trail Layer." Really? 26-11-17 Facebook – Kingston Sabs ...We were able to keep the redcoats, field, and most importantly, the hounds in sight all day, including being
present when first several quad bikes (driven by the usual OSB terrier men)went into a field of sheep, followed, not long
after by the Hunt, hounds and all the remaining field - much to the consternation of the sheep and sabs. Bad news from a biosecurity
angle and, you would think, that of the farmer too: can't be good having the hunt go on the land harassing the sheep... Just after 3pm, the Hunt rode back to the meet, and packed up, with no kills taking place. 30-11-17 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs On Saturday we joined North Downs, West Sussex and Croydon Hunt
Sabs to pay the Old Surrey & Burstow and West Kent hunt a visit. Almost a year after they killed a fox right in front of sabs whom were seconds too late to save it - we started the
day by returning the fox to the earth by scattering the ashes in a scenic setting surrounded by lovely compassionate people. It was a very strange day to say the
least. A lot of Hunts seemed to be on their best behaviour, perhaps they have received so much bad publicity recently (hunt
violence, fox kills etc...) they've been told to calm it down with their blatant illegal activities. Despite this we had had the odd trouble with some
of the backward deluded supporters whom just can't help themselves including one that drove straight into a sab. The Hunt
at one point lost complete control of the hounds across a road but thankfully managed to get them to safety with the help
of sabs. Whilst at the pub after a rather easy day we were joined by a supporter of the Hunt - rather amusingly
he thought he was invisible hiding behind the bar staring at us... sorry but "you can't sit with us" We
are currently trying to raise funds for a new vehicle. If you can please donate, share or message us to get involved, thanks! https://ko-fi.com/A62094D. Sabs save fox being hunted by Eggesford FH 25-11-17 Facebook – Devon County Sabs ...Just in time! We arrived at the Eggesford meet at Kelland Barton, near Lapford, shortly before 4pm and
proceeded to scour some of the hunt's favourite spots in the area. It took less than 10 minutes to locate them close to
Clotworthy Farm. Huntsman Jason Marles was on his own with the hounds, a few riders, the terrier men and no support vehicles.
Hounds could be heard speaking in the vicinity of Coldridge Barton so we quickly dropped a foot team to get in closer to them.
By the time they got a view, hounds were running in a straight line in full cry from Coldridge towards Eggesford Cross. Sabs
used voice-calls and gizmo to call the hounds and managed to pull them off the line and back towards them, buying the fox
a valuable couple of minutes. Meanwhile sabs on the road, just a few fields away, saw a beautiful dark red fox cross the road
in front of them. The scent covered with citronella, that fox got away. In fading light Huntsman Jason gathered his pack and rode back towards the meet. One of the hounds
was severely limping and could have easily been given a lift on the quad but the welfare of their hounds is obviously not
of any concern to this Hunt. A pretty successful day! We covered a lot of miles,
which would not have been possible without the help of one of our friends from Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group, who came down
with the Somerset landy. Our landy is currently in the garage being fixed. If you can spare a few quid to help us get it back
on the road, you can donate via www.paypal.me/dchs . Pics below - 1/ Hounds
and huntsman on a line 2/ Terriermen 3/ Hounds respond to
sab gizmo  Banwen Miners FH lose most of pack in shambolic meet 25-11-17 Facebook - South Wales Hunt Saboteurs Banwen Miners lose the pack... Funny old day with the Banwen
today – they met at the Greyhound Inn at Oldwalls, Llanrhidian on the Gower. They left the meet with a full pack of
hounds and returned 2 hours later with just 12. Well done Andrew Rees (Huntsman) quite an achievement. After a dreary half hour or so, the field decided to head off to Cefn Bryn for a ride across the common – you
have to wonder why they bother to pay subscriptions to the Banwen when they could ride across the common any time they choose. Meanwhile Andrew and
the Whip drew the hounds through a thin tree line on the edge of the common – any pretence of trail hunting long gone.
The ground was boggy and so cold there was still a frost and the wind was whipping in from the Loughor estuary. It was flippin'
cold. We had split up into small teams and had the ever diminishing pack of hounds in sight for most of the hour that they
hunted - and the hour that the huntsman spent fruitlessly trying to gather. He gave up at 1pm. Despite the short amount of time that they were out, one of their followers on a
quad bike managed to upset a local landowner. One of our foot teams had to endlessly slow the traffic to prevent lost hounds from
being run down. The whole thing was a bit of shambles really, but we were happy that they had failed to kill and were very
glad to have an early finish. Pics below - 1/ Sab with
one of the lost hounds 2/ Huntsman & Whip with some of their hounds
 Sabs say they saved a hunted fox from Grove & Rufford FH 25-11-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO A fox, illegally hunted by the Grove & Rufford Hunt in Nottinghamshire this afternoon, is helped to safety by West
Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs using voice calls and whip cracks. Hounds were in cry in the trees to the right and a hunter can be heard encouraging
them to "go on", after the fox. After holding up the hounds, sabs made sure the fox had fled and then masked the
area with citronella. We depend on your kind donations to save foxes and other animals
- donations gratefully accepted here: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs . Thank you.  27-11-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT: GROVE & RUFFORD HUNT, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25TH, NORWELL NR. NEWARK-ON-TRENT
This Saturday - with our van windscreen repaired thanks to your kind donations - West Yorks Sabs and our friends Sheffield
Sabs paid a return visit to the Grove & Rufford at their meet in Norwell, Nottinghamshire. It’s worth pointing out that this Hunt
have a very recent conviction for illegal hunting and the redcoats now don black jackets - possibly to avoid the unwanted attention of cameras watching their illegal
activities. The Hunt started off quickly through the village roads, then sped off in the direction
of Park Wood. Lo and behold, we arrived to find the field riders crowded round the western edge of the covert, and riders
strategically positioned on point, to allow them to see where a fox might exit the wood. With Sheffield sabs to the east we
were well-placed to intervene, though there was no need on this occasion. With excellent inter-group
communication we were able to tag team throughout the day, culminating in us arriving to the hunt at the moment the hounds
went into cry. We moved quickly towards the hounds and used voice calls to stop them from following. At this moment, a fox escaped out of the hedge and crossed the road; the hounds were within two metres of the fox. We were positioned perfectly in between the fox and the hounds and using further
voice calls and whip cracks, we stopped the hounds from following. The Hunt then moved to the next covert, where Sheffield sabs awaited them. Another tag team manoeuvre
saw us escort them back to their meet, enjoying a cuddle with hounds whilst the Hunt attempted to herd some young cows from
a field. They packed up well before three and we headed off to the pub for a well deserved pint. Please
consider helping keep us out in the field by chipping in a couple of quid - many thanks: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs . Whip of D&S SH says Eggesford FH hounds killed on railway 25-11-17 Facebook – Devon County Sabs …While one of our teams made sure the beagles were on their way home,
the other vehicle drove a mile up the road only to bump into the Devon & Somerset Staghounds, who were busy hunting between
Smallacombe and Kinsford Gate. We monitored them for the next hour and bumped into ex-Eggesford Huntsman Gary Boon [below], now
a whip for the staghounds. He told us that some of the Eggesford hounds had been run over on the railway line the other day...  'Ugly' film
of fox kill by Fife FH hounds released in Scottish Sun Sab group thinks second fox killed, probably at dig-out 25-11-17 Scottish Sun VIDEO 'IT IS HORRIFYING'
Watch sickening moment fox is ripped to shreds by pack of blood-thirsty hounds in Fife…thanks to legal loopholes -
The ugly video footage was filmed three weeks ago but no action has been taken by Police Scotland after a probe into the incident
THIS is the sickening moment a fox is ripped to shreds by a pack of blood-thirsty hounds – thanks to legal loopholes.
The ugly video footage was filmed three weeks ago, but no action has been taken by cops. Now a Scottish Sun on Sunday investigation has revealed hunters across the country are still
encouraging their dogs to savage foxes, despite new laws ushered in 15 years ago to stop the wild creatures being persecuted. Robbie Marsland, who heads The League Against Cruel Sports, hit out:
“It is horrifying that the brutality seen in this footage is highly likely to be deemed as legal hunting. The hunting
ban in Scotland was intended to stop such cruelty and make hunting with hounds more humane. Sadly the law falls very short
of the mark and exemptions within it allow incidents like these – which are identical to traditional, pre-ban hunting, to continue.” It is illegal to deliberately hunt foxes with dogs in Scotland. But the
accidental killing of a fox by hounds is within the law. And dogs are frequently – and legally – used to kill
foxes that hunters claim have survived being shot. Hunt
saboteurs – or sabs – filmed hunting hounds as they tore through countryside north of Cupar, Fife, on October
28. Our exclusive footage shows dogs running into woods after picking up the scent of a fox. The excited pack burst out of
the woods and run freely across an open field and into another thicket of trees. A gun shot can then be heard ringing out
before a fox is spotted breaking cover. It flees the trees and runs for its life across an open field before being seized
by one dog, and then another. Seconds later around a dozen dogs are seen jostling for position while ripping the fox to bits
while wagging their tails [right]. The initial frenzy lasts about a minute before a man carrying what appears to be a gun over his shoulder wanders
from the trees. He lifts the carcass and tosses it to the pack to ‘rag’ — a grim technique that allows dogs
to viciously bite the carcass and keep the dogs hyped-up for the kill. The gunman is seen patting one of the dogs as they
continue to tear into the dead fox before its body is chucked over a nearby fence, before it is again given to dogs. League Against Cruel sports boss Robbie added: “It would be perfectly
plausible for the hunters to argue they used the hounds to dispatch a wounded fox following a failed attempt to shoot it.
Sadly the law we currently have makes these arguments hugely difficult to dispel. The League believes the law is a sham and
is urging the Scottish Government to strengthen it so it’s fit for purpose.” The campaigner who filmed the attack said: “It was really horrible. Think of the suffering
that fox must have gone through. I was with my daughter, she’s grown-up and has witnessed a lot, but she was nearly
in tears.” Hunt sabs say they handed the footage to the police, who initially asked if the mauling could have been accidental.
Police Scotland say they received two calls about the hunt but could find no evidence of wrong doing. A police spokesperson
said: “It was established that no illegal activity had taken place and there was no criminality involved.” A Scottish Government spokesperson said last night: “We are currently
consulting on Lord Bonomy’s recommendations for reform of the law on foxhunting in Scotland and would encourage everyone
with an interest to take part. We have also established a stakeholder group to develop a new code of practice and assess the
feasibility of a new monitoring scheme. We remain committed to ensuring the highest welfare standards for all animals, including
those in the wild, and encourage everyone to notify Police Scotland if anyone is suspected of breaking the law.” Pics below - 1/ Hunter drags fox corpse away from kill site
2/ Hunter throws fox corpse for hounds to rag [All pics credit Scottish Sun]
 This kill was witnessed and first reported by Fife and Central Scotland Sabs on 31-10-17, as
reported in the entry for that date in the POWA UK Hunting News Archive 26-11-17 Facebook - Perthshire Hunt Sabs VIDEO Fife Foxhounds Opening meet - Lochmalony House – 28/10/2017 ...Soon
after the hounds could be heard going into cry, with such a distance between us and the hunt all we could do was watch and
hope the fox escaped them, sadly this did not happen. We saw the hounds run across a field from one patch of woodland to another,
not long after a fox was seen running from the woodland, a lone hound grabbed it then released it, the fox again tried to
run, but another hound was quickly on it, seconds later followed by the whole pack. We were too far away to do anything sadly,
all we could do was record this horror to show the reality of this so called "Sport"... Once the hunt were
finished going through the cover they started to move away from Forret Hill, but stopped on the road down the hill from where
we were, the hounds were seen gathered round something, then Galpin was seen with a sack, he picked up what must have been
a fox's body and ragged it with the hounds before putting it in the sack. It seems very unlikely he would do this with
the first kill, so its most likely that when he was missing he was digging and killing a fox that the hounds had chased to
ground. So sadly it appears two foxes lost their lives to Fife Foxhounds on their opening meet. We held back writing this report as we hoped
the police might take some action, but as expected the police do nothing even when there is footage of a live fox being killed
by hounds... Hunting Ban, What Hunting Ban? as far as the police are concerned there is no Hunting Ban. Please consider a donation to help keep us in the fields and saving lives. Pics below
- All that was left behind of the first fox
 Quorn FH berated by landowner for
disturbing horses, 5 foxes escape 25-11-17 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Apparently the Quorn are struggling for support so they're attempting to hunt Saturday's in a bid to
get some younger riders interested. If that's the case then days like today won't help their cause. It was like watching
paint dry! Ourselves and Northants Sabs were
at the meet just North of Willoughby on the Wolds in good time and watched a large field stand around a scrubby field in the
freezing cold for what seemed like ages (in the nice warmth of our sab wagon) before Huntsman Peter finally decided to set
off. He took his hounds West to Willoughby Gorse where they quickly went into cry. We watched 4 foxes flee the covert,
2 to the South and 2 to the North, but fortunately we already had foot sabs in both locations and they were able to see them
to safety. For the next hour, Peter put his hounds into a series of coverts in the same area of land where they continually
picked up scent. We were always on hand however to ensure none of the earlier foxes were caught. By about midday he'd
exhausted this area of land and much of the momentum went out of the day. Many of the freezing cold field, bored with hanging
around, sloped off as soon as decency allowed and the hunt seemed to have little land available to hunt. They second horsed
back at the meet then proceeded to hunt the same land in the afternoon that they'd already covered earlier in the day.
Peter tried his luck by putting his hounds through an area of scrub next to Riseholme feeds Country Store. Unsurprisingly
they picked up and sabs carefully watched a fox away to safety to the North. There then followed an embarrassing half hour
waiting for Peter to gather his pack, who seemed to pay him not the slightest bit of attention. He also managed to piss off
a local landowner who was most displeased that his horses in the next field were being disturbed. When he'd finally
gathered his pack Peter took them back over the original bit of land AGAIN and called it a day by a rather delightful dung
heap. So although we had a thoroughly nice day we're not sure the Quorn will have convinced the younger generation that
hunting is a fun way to spend a Saturday. Keep trying chaps. We'll always be there to keep you company. Pics below - 1/ Fox flees through a field of sheep 2/ Load
of shite by a muck heap  On day woman sab punched, Warks FH treat their horses like this... 24-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs The Warwickshire Hunt love their horses We know that Hunts view
both their hounds and horses as commodities and neither are treated very well. This video shows just how much the Warwickshire
Hunt love their horses. Firstly one horse has a very nasty looking wound at the top its leg with blood pouring down. We're
not sure how it happened, but despite the wound the rider continued to ride down the road. Later in the day another rider
from the hunt rides her horse into the path of our vehicle, when we try to go round and overtake the horse the rider continues
to move the horse into the vehicles path blocking us from continuing down the road. This
all happened the same day that one of our sabs was attacked by an ex-director of the Warwickshire Hunt. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Ledbury FH terrierman who punched & kicked sab on ground is acquitted 24-11-17 Facebook - Fox hunt off Malvern Hills TERRIERMAN ASSAULT UPDATE: We have received notification that the charge
of affray against terrier man/tree surgeon from Malvern, Ross Loader, was dismissed in Worcester Crown Court on Monday. Although
disappointed we are pleased West Mercia Police took the incident seriously, interviewing some of those involved and taking
it to court. We know too well the difficulties of making legally strong cases and convincing the CPS to prosecute hunt/wildlife/trespass/protesting
related crimes. The incident happened when Bristol Hunt Saboteurs found terriermen near a badger sett that a fox had gone to ground
in that they wanted to dig out - although private land, a stones throw away from Castlemorton Common, Malvern Hills Trust
land. POWAperson comments
- Obviously, I was not in court and didn't hear all the evidence, but it just seems astonishing that this man
could be acquitted. The sab video clearly shows him rushing towards a group of hunt followers and sabs who were arguing,
but nothing more. He immediately attacks a sab and we see him the sab lying on the ground with Loader looming over him.
Loader punches him twice, hard, then kicks at him. It's not clear whether the kick made contact or not. There could scarcely
be clearer evidence. The original sab report is here, the Sun report from the next day here. Judge for yourselves. A few days later another report identified the assailant and said he had admitted to the assault. Later in the month another report named a person who was photographed apparently assisting Loader in assaulting the sab on
the ground. This man was not charged. In May it was reportedthat police had charged him with the serious offence of affray, which can carry a two-year prison sentence.
So we can not, in this case at least, complain that police did not do their job properly, as so often does appear to be the
case in the very frequent occasions when antis are attacked by hunters. Pic
below - Loader attacking sab on the ground  Warwickshire FH thug cautioned
for splitting woman sab's eye open 24-11-17 Coventry Telegraph VIDEO Man cautioned after anti-hunt protester's injury caught on camera - The woman
suffered a cut to her eye as activists followed the Warwickshire Hunt A man has been cautioned
by police after a clash which saw an anti-fox hunt activist injured was caught on camera. The video shows the woman being
shoved in the back before appearing to be struck across the face. She emerges with blood streaming from her eye, which has
started to bruise. The footage was shot as members of the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs
were following the Warwickshire Hunt, between Birdingbury and Marton, earlier this month. The incident was reported to Warwickshire
Police , who have now stated that a 57-year-old man from the Rugby area has been cautioned for assault following an incident
on land near to the A423 Oxford Road in Marton on Thursday, November 9th. The video was posted on the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs’
Facebook page along with the words: “On Thursday, November 9, members of West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs were monitoring
the Warwickshire Hunt who were hunting in Birdingbury, Warwickshire. The Hunt were becoming increasingly annoyed at not being
able to hunt properly and were filmed going through a list of contacts and then making some phone calls. Not long after these
phone calls, two aggressive hunt supporters turn up and approach the two Sabs. “One of them then hits one of the cameras
before hitting the female saboteur in the face. When her back is turned on him he starts shoving her and then pushes her to
the ground. “He then lashes out at her again. When she challenges him about him hitting her he doesn’t deny it
and can he can be heard saying ‘you can hit me if you want I don’t give a f***’.” They also claim that
a female hunt supporter told one of the activists: “You’re not a woman, you’re a monster” and “that’s
nothing” referring to the blood coming from the saboteur’s eye. A spokesperson for The Warwickshire Hunt said:
“The Warwickshire Hunt acts within the law to comply with the Hunting Act 2004. “The Hunt does not condone any
form of violence even when faced with extreme provocation, personal harassment and other serial offences.”
 POWAperson comments - We are informed that the offender's
name is Anthony Ellis and that he is a former Director of the Warwickshire FH. As can be seen in the video, before hitting the sab in the face he had shoved her once, causing her to stumble, and then
again causing her to fall. He is a burly man and his attitude throughout the encounter was extremely aggressive and menacing.
And for this he gets a caution. There is little doubt that the offence he committed in hitting his victim was causing Actual
Bodily Harm, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Recently, a JM of the Crawley FH in Sussex was convicted
of threatening behaviour towards a male sab. He did not even lift a hand towards him. He was fined £2,500. And Ellis gets a caution
for menacing, shoving over and splitting open the eye of a woman. Woman sab-whipper in angry, abusive rant at antis - 3 weeks earlier On 18-11-17 Brighton Sabs filmed the woman,
Jane Miller, wife of a luxury London hotel owner, riding her horse into sabs and then whipping, no
less than 17 times, one who grabbed her horse's reins in an attempt to restrain her and protect his friends,
while screaming her head off. Now footage of her engaging in a screeching, foul-mothed rant at sabs three weeks earlier in
which she has to be restrained by a friend and her husband while trying to hit one of the sabs has emerged. 24-11-17 Times VIDEO Film shows hunt woman in earlier clash with saboteurs A woman
filmed whipping a protester with a riding crop had launched an abusive tirade at hunt saboteurs three weeks before the alleged
attack, a second video shows. Jane Miller, 56, whose partner Richard Goring is part of Britain’s
oldest luxury family hotel dynasty, lashed out at the man while on a hunt in Herstmonceux, East Sussex, in the first video.
Mr Goring, 79, said that Ms Miller had been “terrified” when a masked protester took hold of her reins. New video shows her clashing with Brighton Hunt Saboteurs who she calls “f***ing terrorists”. Ms Miller,
from Heathfield, is seen being held back by a friend and Mr Goring as she shouts at a female protester. She says she is taking
part in a legal drag hunt, adding: “You peasantly, stupid f***ing idiots.” The
Countryside Alliance called for tighter policing of hunt protests. It criticised “balaclava-clad animal-rights activists”
for intimidating legal trail hunts such as the East Sussex and Romney Marsh Hunt that Ms Miller attended. Lee Moon, of the
Hunt Saboteurs Association, said: “This earlier video clearly shows she is anything but scared and is quite obviously
the aggressor.” The story was also covered by the Mail. Pics below - 1/ Jane in full rant mode
2/ Friend steps in to restrain her  POWAperson adds - This video was taken at a meet of the Mid-Surrey Farmers drag hunt. No, they were
not being sabbed. Brighton Sabs, unable to find the Crawley FH, had responded to reports at a hunt gathering at a location
where the Southdown & Eridge FH sometimes meet. They were assailed by Jane Miller before they had a chance to establish
that this was a genuine drag hunt. In a statement, the sabs added 'After
the assault, theft and breaking of the sab's glasses we did leave, before we did two members of the drag hunt came over
and apologised for the woman’s behaviour and agreed that sabs had done nothing wrong and had reacted with great restraint
to her attacks.' I can't find any reference anywhere else to 'assault,
theft and breaking of the sab's glasses'. Monitors release another film of Grafton FH hunting fox 23-11-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO GRAFTON CAUGHT FOX HUNTING AGAIN! POWAperson
adds - The video shows the Grafton hunting a fox during the cub-hunting season. The film begins with the Hunt moving off from
the meet near Moreton Pinkney. Later, we hear a tally ho! We see riders looking and then hounds searching in undergrowth.
Some hounds are seen running in a field, then on the road next to it. The fox crosses the road and hounds run after it. They
chase it, hounds going into cry for a short time, but soon seem to lose it and run around searching. Riders appear in the
road and in the first field by the hedge, looking across to where the fox has run. Film caption says Huntsman gathered hounds
at point where fox crossed into field. Monitor films the fox running away across field from the road. Terrierman rides quad
into field, unclear why. Film ends at this point. Pics below - 1/ Hounds searching in undergrowth near road 2/
Hounds spot fox crossing road and start to chase 3/ Fox making a dash for freedom
across field 4/ Terriermen enter field fox has fled across  
Atherstone FH Director convicted - assault, disorderly conduct, skip bailRider split
woman sab's head open with crop + v.homophobic remarks Failed
to answer bail and didn't even attend trial - sentencing later 22-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO OF INCIDENT Atherstone Hunt Director guilty of assault and homophobia
Today, at Loughbourgh Magistrates Court, Peter Taroni [left] was found guilty
of assault by beating, disorderly conduct likely to cause harassment alarm or distress and 3 counts of missing bail.
The charges relate
to an incident 11th February earlier this year when Taroni hit a female saboteur over the head with his riding crop. At the
time Taroni was a regular rider with the Atherstone Hunt and also part of the Hunt's board of directors. Magistrates found
him guilty of assaulting the female saboteur, the impact of the blow split her head open which she had to have treated in
A&E. Taroni was also found guilty of disorderly conduct likely to cause harassment alarm
or distress for his homophobia after he was filmed spitting at another saboteur and calling him a "gay c**t" He
was also found guilty of failing to attend police bail on three occasions. Taroni failed to turn up to court. The trial went
ahead in his absence. He will be sentenced at a latter date. This brings the total number of convictions and cautions the Atherstone Hunt have
received in the past few years to 24 and proves once again that they are violent extremists. The fact that Mr Taroni was a
regular rider and one of the Hunt's directors tells us that violence is at the very core of the Atherstone Hunt. Some of the most vile
and bigoted views we have ever come across have been at fox hunts. This homophobia was extremely offensive but shows that
the views held by fox hunters are outdated and belong in the past along with the bloodsports they support. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below - 1/ Taroni about to hit female sab over head
with crop 2/ Sab has just been struck by Taroni 3/
The resulting head wound 4/ Taroni spits at a sab before releasing a torrent of homophobic abuse   POWAperson adds - Hunters are very often quick to violence against people as well as
animals, but this is towards the extreme end. Hunters also tend to have firmly right-wing mind-sets so the tirade of homophobic
abuse, while disgusting, was no great surprise. Sabs and monitors experience their hate speech regularly. Taroni is in big
trouble, or should be. Courts really do not like it when defendants don't turn up for their trials, never mind skipping
bail beforehand. Taroni has also created something of
a landmark. He is the 400th person from an organised UK Hunt that I know of to have been convicted or cautioned for a criminal
offence since 1990. 226 of the offenders had engaged in violent offences. . Rider who whipped sab 17 times is part of London luxury hotel dynasty Goring Hotel hosted
Middleton family when Kate married Prince William 22-11-17 Times Rider who hit protester is member of Goring hotel dynasty
A woman hunt member filmed repeatedly whipping a saboteur with her riding crop felt “terrorised”, according to
her partner, who is part of Britain’s oldest luxury family hotel dynasty. Jane Miller [right,
with hubbie], 56, from Heathfield in East Sussex , was recorded by Brighton Hunt Saboteurs on Saturday violently striking the masked protester who had grabbed her horse by
the reins. Her partner, Richard Goring, 79, is a listed director of Goring Holdings, which owns the west London hotel that
hosted the Duchess of Cambridge and her family at the time of her wedding. Speaking outside their farm in Dallington, Mr Goring
said that his partner was “scared stiff” and felt “under threat” on Saturday’s hunt, calling
saboteurs “nothing but terrorists”. The injured protester suffered bruising to the face and head but did not require
hospital treatment after being whipped 17 times, the saboteur group said. Sussex police are investigating the incident and
have appealed for witnesses to come forward. In the 30-second clip, Ms Miller is seen riding towards the saboteurs, who were
trespassing on private land, shouting at them to “get back to the road”. A masked man takes hold of her horse’s
reins and she begins to strike him ferociously with her whip, shouting: “Get off my horse, get off my horse.” The video from the
East Sussex and Romney Marsh (ESRM) Hunt in Herstmonceux, which has been watched hundreds of thousands of times online, has
fuelled fury on both sides of the hunting dispute with many commending Ms Miller for protecting her horse. It has prompted
renewed calls for tighter policing on hunt protests after violent clashes between riders and saboteurs in recent months. Saboteur
groups have seen a surge in donations and new members since the video emerged, according to representatives. The Countryside Alliance yesterday condemned the “balaclava-clad animal-rights activists” that it claimed intimidated
and provoked legal trail hunts, such as the ESRM hunt that Ms Miller attended. The keen rider has been left extremely frightened
by the incident and unable to leave the house, her partner said.
Foxhunting was banned in 2004 but trail hunts for artificial
scents remain legal. However, hunt saboteurs believe that trail hunts are a pretext to hunt foxes. A spokesman for the ESRM
said: “We do not condone violence, even when [provoked]. The hunt acts within the Hunting Act 2004 and takes every measure
to ensure the law is adhered to.” A representative of the Brighton Hunt Saboteurs posted online: “The East Sussex
and Romney Marsh had every intention of breaking the Hunting Act, hence why the terriermen had spades and terriers on their
quad [bike] and why they lash out so angrily at anyone trying to stop them.” Founded in 1910, the Goring hotel has had four generations at its helm and is the only remaining
hotel in London that is still owned and run by the family that built it. A spokeswoman for the hotel declined to comment. POWAperson comments - This incident has generated an astonishing amount of publicity, not just in
the UK, but worldwide. Many of the stories that have embedded the sab video have edited it, so that it starts with the
whipped sab holding on to the woman rider's reins. This may have led some to think he was the original aggressor.
However the previous few seconds of the video clearly show the woman riding her horse not 'towards' but into sabs.
Hunt riders using their mounts as weapons in this fashion is regrettably common and, of course, very dangerous. The whipped
sab grabbed the reins simply to try to prevent her doing this, at significant risk to himself. On the same day there was an incident in Yorkshire on a road, when two rocks were thrown from a hunt quad at a passing sab car, smashing the windscreen. Clearly this could have
resulted in severe injury or even death to the car occupants. This has received very little publicity, though thanks to the
Mail for running the story. It's moot how seriously the police will take this case of attempted murder as they've
already described it as 'criminal damage'. Women monitors ridden at by South Durham FH hunters - 2 foxes escape 22-11-17
Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT : 18.11.17 South Durham Hunt Meet
at the Blue Bell in Bishopton Co Durham Hunt Monitors arrived as the Hunt were moving off. They
took to the vast number of fields to cast the hounds in the open and along hedges. 2 groups of foot monitors took to the public footpaths
to head them off, it was tough going and ground was very wet which hopefully diluted the foxes scent somewhat. After losing
sight over a hill we made way to get picked up and soon found the foot support and vehicles out for a days blood-lust viewing
the field from the roadside. We were able to keep sight of them while they sent hounds into a wood where they drew a blank
so moved onto another location. The area they covered was
massive and lots of deer and hare were seen running in fear away from the hounds throughout the day. 2 beautiful foxes were
also seen to safety during the day. 3 female monitors were ridden at by Ross 'burst a blood vessel' Crawford so again we
knew they were sick of the sight of us. Between the 2 foot groups we managed to keep eyes on
the field until they packed up for the day as light was fading. Hounds were not heard in full cry but we can't say 100%
that no kills were made. We are pleased with the 2 we know got away to live another day. (Photos of the fox [right] taken
by a monitor, isn't she a beauty. You
can donate to our fund via PayPal using our email huntmonitors@gmail.com. Long
live the fox. Monitors see Cheshire FH kill
fox in front of them - evidence to police 21-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire hounds kill again We are sorry to report
that our team have just witnessed the Cheshire Hounds Hunt brutally kill a fox right in front of us. It all happened too quickly
for us to stop it. This happened within 20 minutes of the Hunt setting out from
today's meet at Poplar Farm in Wettenhall, Cheshire, and within 100 metres of the road. The body of the fox was then quickly
retrieved by Jamie Whittles the Whipper-in and terrierman who put it in a black bin liner and then left the scene at speed.
This has all been captured on film. The police attended immediately and some stayed in the area whilst others retrieved
evidence from us. The local Wildife Crime Officer also tailed the Hunt and will be dealing with this incident. Blood, fur and flesh samples from the poor fox
have now been bagged and logged as evidence with the police. Pics below - 1/ Blood on the grass - the fox kill site 2/ Whipper-in
James Whittles  22-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors UPDATE All evidence of this kill has now been seized by Cheshire Police who will be doing everything
they can to bring this Hunt to justice. At least the fox's death might help bring this Hunt down. Sabs upload film of potentially fatal attack by Badsworth FH terriermen 20-11-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO On Saturday November 18th West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs
were violently attacked by terriermen working for the Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt. Two rocks were thrown at the windscreen of our moving van by masked thugs driving a quad bike at speed. Our van driver
and front seat passenger were very, very lucky to escape without serious injury and police are currently investigating the
horrific attack. If
you can help us to replace our smashed windscreen, so we can continue sabbing, your donations are very much appreciated: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs. Many thanks. Pics below - 1/ Terrierman in quad has just thrown rock 2/ Rock
smashes sab windscreen  20-11-17 Mail Quadbike-riding
'hunt followers' hurled rock to smash windscreen of protestors' van in terrifying incident caught on dashcam -
Hunt saboteurs were driving through Yorkshire when brick was thrown at van - The group have alleged people linked to a local
Hunt were behind the attack - Police are investigating the incident, which happened in North Yorkshire This is the moment masked yobs on a quad bike hurled rocks at
a team of hunt saboteurs smashing their windscreen. The dashcam clip shows the three thugs riding on a single bike towards
a van being driven by West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs. Two rocks collide with the saboteurs' windscreen before the balaclava-clad
men speed off from the scene in North Yorkshire. Police are investigating the attack which happened
on Saturday at around 1pm while the saboteurs were protesting against the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt. A spokesperson
for the saboteurs group said: 'They were violently attacked. Two rocks were thrown at the windscreen of our moving van
by masked thugs driving a quad bike at speed. 'Our van driver and front seat passenger were very, very lucky to escape
without serious injury and police are currently investigating the horrific attack.' The group
alleged the rocks were thrown by people linked to the Hunt although their identity has not been established. The video emerged
on the same day as footage of a huntswoman whipping a saboteurs during an event by the East Sussex & Romney Marsh Hunt
Club. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association
branded the attack 'the height of stupidity'. He said: 'It's down to luck and exceptional driving that someone
wasn't seriously injured as a result of this attack. 'Throwing rocks at a moving vehicle is the height of stupidity
and we formally ask both North Yorkshire Police and the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt what they plan to do about this incident.
They can be assured that such violence doesn't deter us, rather it makes us more determined, and both these Hunts can
look forward to increased scrutiny from hunt saboteurs in the weeks to come.' A police spokesman said: 'North
Yorkshire Police is investigating this criminal damage incident which happened in the Church Fenton/Biggin area at around
12.45pm on Saturday 18 November 2017. ' The Hunt has been contacted for comment. Pics below - 1/ Rocks thrown thru sab windscreen
2/ Sabs filming the Hunt earlier POWAperson
adds - I thought I'd long since ceased to be shocked by the things hunt fanatics will do, but I never expected
this. 'Criminal damage' North Yorkshire police?? WTF?? This was attempted murder. One or all of the vehicle
occupants could have died as a result of this vicious action.  Forestry
Commission confirm Grafton FH trespassed in their woods 20-11-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO After witnessing the Grafton Hunt hunting in both Plumpton and Bucknell Woods, both of which
are owned by the Forestry Commission, Grafton Hunt Watch contacted the Commission in 2016 to ask them to clarify their position
on hunting within their woods. They supplied us with the following statement:- "Thank you for your recent enquiry into fox hunting
at Bucknell and Plumpton Wood. I can confirm that there are no drag hunt permission in place for either of these woodlands.
Any organized hunts you have seen taking place at this location are without permission and are trespassing. Anyone deliberately
hunting foxes are in breach of the Hunting Act. We would encourage any members of the public who see an organized hunt in
these woods to phone the police on 101 and also contact the Forestry Commission." On Saturday, 11th November, monitors witnessed the Grafton Hunt hunting in Plumpton Wood once again.
They spent approximately 25 minutes within the woods, during which time hounds could be heard loudly on cry, which happens
when they are on the scent of a fox. Grafton Hunt Watch monitor spoke to the FC again regarding this latest incident and was
told the Grafton Hunt had categorically NOT been given permission to hunt in either Plumpton or Bucknell Woods. If you ever witness hunting in any Forestry Commission wood, please make contact with them in your own area (Northants
contact number is 01604 863 830 Other local numbers are available on the Forestry Commission website) and report what you
have witnessed. Pics below - 1 & 2/ Signs at FC's
Plumpton Wood, in which Grafton FH were hunting without permission 3/ Hounds were clearly
heard speaking in this FC wood  Another sab arrested - for trying to protect self from
being ridden down by Crawley FH redcoat 20-11-17 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs On Saturday, alongside North Downs Sabs and Surrey Hunt Monitors we went out in search of the Surrey Union Hunt
- they changed their original meet but we quickly found them. The Hunt spent the majority of time riding through Puttenham Common and Britty Woods
with fast-paced sabs keeping up. The field seemed to be getting frustrated at new huntsman Harry Beeby for leading them through
extremely difficult terrain - our sabs even witnessed a horse fall down a steep hill. The Hunt laid a few trails but the hounds weren't interested at all - we wonder
why that is... To no surprise Surrey Police were out in force today, with their partners in crime Sussex Police. Around 6 vehicles
and 25 officers. Some of you may remember but 2 weeks ago our sabs came under attack from C&H thugs. On Saturday, two of that
Hunt's employees (Justin Ellis and George Gunn) were present, it was clear to us they were only there with Sussex Police
to point out the sab that was attacked, as they hoped to pin the blame on the sab. The police surrounded our landy and arrested
the sab. This is the second time this year Sussex Police have arrested a sab after being assaulted while the hunt scum walk
free. Surrey police also went out of their way to pull over vehicles and demand people's information (only sabs though!)
We wonder how you're funding this? Whilst around 25 officers were present harassing sabs in Surrey, further south sabs
came under attack again. See (and share) Brighton Hunt Sabs video. We had a large group out and are in need of another
vehicle, please donate on the link below, share or message us to get involved. Alternatively if you wish to remain anonymous
you can message us anytime with information regarding illegal hunting. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/northdownssabs Pic below - Protect and Serve Female sabs attacked by riders at Ledbury
S FH - after fox believed killed One woman was
ridden down and trampled, say sabs 20-11-17 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO So on Saturday we popped over to Orcop in Hereford. The sett blocking, fox cub killing,
sheep chasing South Hereford (now known as the Ledbury South) were meeting at Burhope farm campsite so we decided to pop along. As the Hunt moved
off, they cast the hounds into a beet field, where a fox was seen to break in the direction of sabs. With terrier men in tow,
it wasn't long before the hounds picked up. Within seconds, hounds started to speak then fell silent as they could be
seen clustering in the beet. We believe they killed
and as we moved towards the area, we were greeted by an ex master of the South Hereford wearing hunting pinks and SHH buttons
and two other riders who proceeded to attack sabs, riding one down and trampling her whilst on the floor. The assaults continued
for several minutes, even whilst one sab made a 999 call. There is full footage of the attack which we will be passing on
to the police. As the Hunt moved off, we caught up with them again, in spite of waiting for police officers who never turned up.
We found them in a wood where a previous terrier men from the South Hereford Hunt was caught interfering with a badger sett.
Coincidence? We think not! At this point, we were joined by sabs from Three Counties.
With little Peghead working the hounds through a wood, we used and voice calls, along with a gizmo to draw the hounds out
of the cover, into a safe area. The same redcoat from the previous attack then took it upon himself to ride into one sab,
grabbing her by the hood and dragging her back. This all happened on a public footpath. After finally gathering his hounds and with the weather drawing in, Peghead moved
off but it wasn't long before he skulked back to the meet. So it would seem that the South Hereford (oops, we mean the Ledbury South) are up to their
old tricks, attacking sabs once again. So we'd like to say this to the Ledbury South, we don't bow down to bullies,
we haven't forgotten those little fox cubs you killed and we will be seeing you soon. Pics
below - 1/ Female sab ridden into 2/ She falls to the ground
3/ Trampled by young woman rider 4/ Another female sab being ridden at
5/ Despite all this, female sabs still try to get hounds off fox trail later 6/
Hounds respond to sab gizmo    Sab explains why she risks so much to save animals from Hunts 20-11-17 Cambridge News 'It's horrific and you never forget it': Why this group puts themselves
at risk to stop illegal hunts - a hunt saboteur with the South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs told the News what they do to try and
prevent illegal hunts Hunting wild animals with dogs became illegal 12 years ago when the hunting ban
came into effect in 2005. But groups of people known as hunt saboteurs, or sabs, say illegal hunting is rife even today. Hunt sabs have formed
associations across the country since the ban - and Cambridgeshire and Suffolk are home to several groups of dedicated sabs
who give up their free time to stop illegal hunts. A hunt saboteur with the South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs who goes by the name
of 'Tommi' told the News what they do to prevent hunters killing animals. Tommi said: "We follow specific hunting
groups and use tip-offs from the public to trace other illegal hunts. "Sometimes we will go and join other hunt sab
groups that ask us to help out - often two or three groups will join together for support. Basically, we follow illegal hunts. Our main job is to monitor what they are doing
and once we see any evidence of illegal hunting to intervene and protect the animals. We sometimes do outreach work in Cambridge
and other towns. The main thing people say is that they thought it doesn't happen any more because it's illegal. My
personal experience is that I have seen absolutely no change in hunting habits since the act came into effect in 2005. We
go out most weekends - that's how often these hunts happen. They are still going out and following the trails of various
wildlife to kill it. We hardly ever see them pretending not to be hunting." Tommi
claims hunting groups sometimes come up with an excuse to mask illegal hunting activity. She continued: "When the hunting
ban came into effect, a lot of grey areas and loopholes appeared in the law. Hunting groups came up with the idea of 'trail
hunting', which is when they say they lay down an animal scent trail and follow it. This means they should have a planned
route to follow and the hunt masters should know that route. But we question where or not they're doing this. We hardly
ever see any of them laying a scent trail, and we regularly see the hunts chasing animals and sometimes killing them. We also
see their hounds crossing roads and railways - they wouldn't lay a scent trail across a road or train track as that is
dangerous. The claim they are trail hunting must be a lie because it would mean they are laying trails in places that the
hounds could get hurt. We often draw hounds off the scent of hares or small deer. We try to physically get between the dogs
and wild animals. There is a loophole they use as an exemption. It is fine for a bird of prey to kill an animal, so they bring
their own bird of prey to a hunt, then get the hounds to flush out an animal from the woods. It is then legal for the bird
of prey to take down a fox. But to take down a full-sized male fox it would have to be a very big bird - they normally only
have a hawk. Hunters rely on the fact that people don't know anything about hunting law - including the police. They give
them their excuses and the police believe them." Tommi claims Hunts employ people to try to stop the sabs, and these people often use violence to do so. A lot of people think
hunt sabs are horrible domestic terrorists, but the reality is we are just people that love animals and want to protect them.
We all have normal jobs and families. The Hunts employ thugs to try to stop us. Two months ago some hired thugs deliberately
crashed their car into the front of our Landrover. Some of the thugs are friends of the terrier men - the people who own the
hounds - or sometimes they're just friends of the hunt or people who support hunting. We're not violent, we're
a bunch of hippies that care about animals. I don't play a gender game at all, I'm a saboteur and that's it. But
I'm quite a small, middle-aged woman and they don't care who they beat up. I've been punched in the face, thrown
to the floor, hit in the back of the head with a stick. We all get battered from time to time. The Hunt tries to keep its
distance from us and if they've got a bunch of people beating us up then that keeps us busy. One particularly frightening
time was when a group of drunk hired thugs came and attacked us in the woods. You could smell the alcohol on them. One of
the guys started swinging a metal chain around and it missed my head by inches. We all got really beaten up that time and
that was the scariest one for me. They are just really horrible, not very nice people."
Tommi said hunt sabs keep their identities hidden in order to protect themselves from physical
harm. "When people think of hunting they think of the tradition, the smart gear, the having a drink before going out
into the countryside. But nobody really knows about the dirty, violent side - people do get seriously injured. We wear masks
and we defend ourselves but we don't fight back because we're there to protect animals not to have a fight. Even the
police often follow us rather than the people who are breaking the law, which is very disheartening. I think the police think
hunters and anti-hunt people are like a couple of gangs so they don't take it seriously. They seem to focus only on the
fact that we are anti-hunt." Despite being regularly assaulted and subject to verbal
abuse, Tommi and the other hunt sabs continue to go out and prevent illegal hunts. "The reason why we carry on is because
what we do works. On a regular basis we save the lives of foxes and other animals, and if we weren't there they would
be killed. The downside is that we do put ourselves in potentially very dangerous situations." The worst thing is witnessing
them kill something. It's horrific and you never forget it. It's bloody hard work, really emotional and a real commitment.
But we work very closely as a group and there is a really deep camaraderie and sense of trust - we have each others' backs.
When you see the animals escape the hounds it is all worth it." A spokesman for
Cambridgeshire police said: "It is our role to preserve the right to carry out lawful and legitimate activities, such
as drag hunting, while facilitating lawful and peaceable protest. We will impartially investigate reports of illegal activity
by either side, whether it be violence, intimidation or illegal hunting." Monitors film Grafton FH chasing fox yet again 19-11-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Despite being impeded by hunt supporters and hunt servants who orchestrate manoeuvres to hold
up our monitors, they filmed foxes running from the Grafton as usual, as they do nearly every time they go out. Pics below - 1/ Monitors' first sighting of fox 2/ Hound
crosses road right by supporter 3/ Moments later, lead hound crosses at same spot
4/ Thankfully, hounds have lost the fox. Monitor in foreground   Cheshire Forest FH hemmed in by angry landowners and monitors Support menace monitors
- police confiscate one of their road-illegal quad bikes 20-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors The Cheshire Forest Hunt - Meet at Crimwellpool Farm, near Lower Whitley
Sitting on them was the order of the day! This Hunt had nowhere to go with our large group of monitors around. We came in
at the Huntsman from every angle squeezing him all day long. Another thing that didn’t help them was that the Cheshire Forest Hunt is struggling
so much to find land to hunt on ( their nick name is The Tarmac Pack) that trespassing is common place, they simply cannot
help themselves, whether it's farmland, horse paddocks or gardens. It was an interesting day as the Huntsman seemed to
abandon the field of riders on several occasions and seemed to spend more time off his horse than on it, probably down to
not be given permission to enter fields on horseback. Notably on one occasion when his hounds ran riot around a field containing horses
that they had no right to be in and he had to try and round them up. Why would a trail be laid across land they haven't
had permission to use? To make things even worse for the Hunt's reputation (if that's even possible) two redcoats and a quad bike then entered
another field they had no permission to be in. They then entered a wood and started filling in badger sett holes. Suddenly
we saw a very brave local lady seeming to appear out of nowhere and confront one of the redcoats and demand that they leave
the land.
We saw three more incidents of farmers and landowners telling the Hunt to keep away from their land and it's
heartening when the locals stand up to the Hunt, this will be another nail in the Hunt's coffin - the public have simply
had enough of their vile antics. As is usual at the moment
while we are monitoring all the Cheshire Hunts there were several very unsavoury incidents that took place on the day. It is very clear that
our presence is making a difference to their fun and we had several of the terrier boys and hunt supporters taking it upon
themselves to attempt to surround, intimidate and make veiled threats towards several of the monitors. This resulted in the
police being called for the safety of the monitors. All of this was filmed and has been handed to the police and is now under
investigation. We are grateful for the police for attending quickly as the incident could have become very dangerous for the
monitors and it was only when the police arrived, spoke to them and sent them on their way that they packed up their picnics
and sloped home at 1.30pm. We also observed several of the terriermen's quad
bikes being used on the public roads without the proper documentation. One quad was confiscated by the police, this quad belonged
to one of main perpetrators of the intimidation [above left] we suffered so we all know why
he was taking it out on us, don’t we! During the day one of our monitor teams captured on
film the Hunt surrounding a copse and a fox fleeing, so imagine the huge disappointment when the Huntsman emerged and found
several cameras zoomed in on him. That pretty much summed up their day, wherever the Hunt went we were there following and
filming - and they packed up relatively early without any chases or foxes harmed. We would like to thank all the people
of Lower Whitley that came out and reported the Hunt for trespassing. This Hunt is on it's way out. More info on photos... Pics below - 1/ Farmer to Hunt 'Get orff my land'
2/ Landowners complain to police re. Hunt trespass 3/ Hunt follower who had quad confiscated
following tiny female monitor 4/ Huntsman Andrew German looking for hounds   LACS obtains film of 'illegal' Fife FH fox hunt last Wednesday The
League has referred its latest evidence to the police 19-11-17 Daily Record VIDEO Police probe 'illegal' fox hunters after anti-cruelty campaigners
accuse group of flouting law - The League Against Cruel Sports claim footage and clips in their possession allegedly shows
illegal hunting Campaigners for animal rights have obtained fresh evidence allegedly showing illegal
fox hunting in Scotland. The footage and clips filmed by the League Against Cruel Sports last week show up to 16 hounds, flanked
by riders on horseback, in position to search gorse bushes for the wild animals. Crucially, there are no guns present. The law was changed
in 2002 to ban hunting of wild animals by dogs in Scotland. But loopholes allow the practice if a “target wild animal”
is shot as soon as it emerges from cover. An investigation by the Sunday Mail last month uncovered evidence suggesting the
law was being broken by a hunt in the Borders. The footage shot last week showed a hunt in Fife. Both incidents are being
probed by police. The latest hunt, involving riders from Fife Foxhounds, took place just outside the village of Pitscottie,
near Cupar, on Wednesday. A LACS investigator, who
asked not to be named, said: “We were in position to observe just as they entered hounds into gorse bushes. There were
no guns on that side of the hill, where you would expect to see guns in position if the activity was in keeping with the law.
Hounds go through the gorse for quite some time before someone appears holding a gun. We have passed this on to police and
officially reported it. We believe this is evidence of fox hunting breaking the law.” Robbie Marsland, director of LACS
Scotland, said: “It’s yet another example of a hunt pushing the boundaries of the law and hunting in a manner
little different to how they behaved pre-ban. “Time and time again, our investigators are witnessing hounds being used
supposedly to flush out a fox to guns – yet there are no guns in sight. The law is a complete sham and needs strengthening
to make it fit for purpose.” Fife Foxhounds did not respond to our request for comment. Their website states:
“We are a friendly pack and welcome both visitors and newcomers to hunting of all riding abilities. We are totally committed
to operating within the law at all times and liaise regularly with the police, the farming community and other local interests
on behalf of our many members and supporters.” We watched last month as riders from the Lauderdale Hunt, one of Scotland’s
11 hunt groups, used a pack of hounds to flush out a fox – but failed to shoot the terrified animal. The fox hunting season
began this month and runs till the end of March. Last year, police described the Scottish fox hunting law as “unworkable”.
There has only been one illegal fox hunting prosecution since the law change in 2002. A similar law south of the Border, introduced
in 2004, is more stringent. It allows only two hounds to flush a fox from cover but in Scotland the number is unlimited. The
Scottish Government are consulting on whether that law should be tightened or new rules brought in. POWAperson adds - The article is a little confusing as it could be read to mean that the video and pictures are
of the most recent hunt believed to be illegal, by the Fife FH. But I have concluded that they are all of the Lauderdale FH
hunt referred to above, and covered in the item on this website dated 29-10-2017. So I've decided not to reprint
here any of the pics in case I'm wrong and they are actually of Fife FH. Click the link above to the article if you want
to see them and the video. Sabs and their vehicle attacked at Badsworth FH 19-11-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Hit report Saturday 18th November Meet: Badsworth & Bramham Moor,
Paradise Farm, Ryther Today we met up with W.Yorks Sabs to visit our old acquaintances B&B.
We were quick to state our intentions for the day; taking the hounds off the Huntsman Nick Thornicroft as soon as we encountered
the hounds in Paradise wood, a scenario that played out a number of other times throughout the day. All was going swimmingly
until around midday when our sabs were driven at by an enraged farmer wielding a tractor, one of our sabs was assaulted by
a 91 year-old man and the windscreen of West Yorkshire's vehicle was attacked by terriermen wielding bricks ! [see
shocking W.Yorks Sabs report below photo] Undeterred, sabs in the field did their utmost to stay with the pack as Thorni-toff
quickstepped them from covert to covert, through fields of sugar beets and along field boundaries. Sadly, during one of these
forays the hounds 'chopped' a rabbit right in front of sabs and Huntsman. After 5 hours in the field, sabs took a well-earned rest in a cabbage field whilst Thorni-toff
and his whips attempted to scrape their pack back together for the march back to the meet. The
Badsworth's clear disregard for animal welfare continued after the Hunt had packed up, when one of the riders attempted
a stupid manoeuvre with horse box and horse in-tow. Needless to say the horse was extremely stressed whilst being thrown from
side to side by a reckless driver! 
East Sussex FH rider rides horse into sab and repeatedly hit another19-11-17 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Yesterday we took a trip over to the Pevensey Marshes to sabotage the East Sussex and Romney
Marsh Hunt. This is a Hunt we haven't seen much of recently and they didn't seem too happy to see us! The terrierboys
were on three quad bikes, one with no number plates on a public road and another equipped with spades and terriers. It seems
they were clearly planning on hunting more than a 'trail'. However, the huntsman was kept to a relatively small area
of marshy ground with no woods or coverts and the hounds weren't heard in cry all day. Clearly unable to reconcile with the fact that most people find her 'hobby' abhorrent,
one rider also lost the plot and started riding sabs down and attacking us with her whip. Needless to say, we stood our ground
and will no doubt be seeing the ESRM again very soon. Give us a shout if you want to join us out in the fields. Any donations towards
our on going costs are also very much appreciated – paypal.me/BtnHuntSabs Pics below - 1/ Female hunter rides horse
into sab 2/ She then repeatedly hits 2nd sab trying to restrain her
 20-11-17 Mail VIDEO Huntswoman 'repeatedly whips a saboteur with a riding crop and screams
'get off my horse' during an ugly clash' caught on camera - Huntswoman filmed repeatedly hitting saboteur with
a riding crop in ugly clash - Hunt saboteurs claim she used her whip 17 times before charging at their group - Clash was between
Brighton Hunt Saboteurs and East Sussex & Romney Marsh Hunt Club in the Pevensey Marshes on Saturday - Do you know the
huntswoman...? Email tips@dailymail.com A huntswoman
has been caught on camera repeatedly whipping a saboteur with a riding crop during an ugly altercation. The furious rider
was filmed screaming 'get off my horse' as she hit out at the masked man as he tried to grab onto the reins during
the clash between the Brighton Hunt Saboteurs and East Sussex & Romney Marsh Hunt Club on Saturday. The saboteurs claim
the huntswoman used her whip 17 times before charging at their group in the Pevensey Marshes. Footage
of the confrontation was posted on the Brighton Hunt Saboteurs' Facebook page and has been viewed 370,000 times. Sussex
Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward. A spokesman for
the force said: 'A third party report of an assault has been made after a man was allegedly struck with a riding crop
by a horse rider in Herstmonceux on Saturday. The incident happened in a field off Church Road around 12.30pm. The victim
was reported to have received a bruise and bump to the head, but did not require medical treatment. The informant was not
a witness to the incident, but police have now identified the alleged victim and an investigation is under way. Police are
aware of a video reportedly showing the incident being available on social media.' The footage
shows the huntswoman riding towards the saboteurs, shouting at them to 'get back to the road'. She then appears to
spur her horse into a man recording the incident, pushing him back several feet. Another masked man then rushes in front of
the horse and grabs hold of the bridle. In response the huntswoman yells 'get off my horse, get off my horse' as she
repeatedly whips the man. He desperately tries to shield his face while still gripping on the horse, shouting 'stop using
it as a weapon.' A hunt steward pushes him away and shouts: 'Get off the f****** horse. Don't grab f****** horses.'
The huntswoman then appears to take a swipe at another protester, forcing him to jump out the way. Warning they are filming,
the hunt saboteurs shout: 'Don't charge horses into people. You cannot ride people down.' A second clip then appears
to show the same woman charging her horse at the saboteurs from behind. Brighton Hunt Saboteurs
said they attended the meeting to make sure no illegal hunting took place. They insist they were the victims of an unprovoked
attack and claim the huntswoman simply 'lost the plot'. A
spokesman for the East Sussex & Romney Marsh Hunt Club said: 'We do not condone any form of violence even when faced
with extreme provocation, personal harassment and other offences. 'The Hunt acts lawfully within the confines of the Hunting
Act 2004 and takes every measure to ensure the law is adhered to.' POWAperson adds - Below is article from Private Eye [early Dec 2017 about the relationship between
Jane Miller, the mad sab-whipper, and the Daily Telegraph Sab
'violently assaulted' by support at Flint & Denbigh FH then arrested 19-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO HIT REPORT - FLINT & DENBIGH - 18/11/17 Firstly, please accept my sincerest apologies for the lack of updates lately, being
the only admin on the page, I just haven't found the time to do hit reports due to being very busy with work!... We have
actually been out sabbing with our comrades and friends a fair bit over the last couple of months though. We have sabbed cubbing
meets in Cheshire and we have been out every Saturday with the F&D since the start of the season. Anyway! On with the
hit report! Teaming up with our great friends N.Wales Sabs and a sab from Lancashire we headed out to find the Flint & Denbigh.
The Hunt met at Plas Newydd, Trefnant, in the Vale of Clwyd. Upon our arrival we quickly realised that this was a joint meet
as there were far too many members of the field for the likes of Scatterpack Jeremy! Also in attendance were N.Wales rural
crime unit and from the off, the usual motley crew of hunt servants were pointing out particular sabs to the police that they
would like to arrested... Sadly their wish came true... More on that later! Sabs were literally all over this Hunt, all day! Jeremy
and his band of would be fox murderers had virtually nowhere to hide! Every which way he turned, sabs were there to call hounds off the scent with the use of
horns, whips and voice calls! We even got to use our gizmo's to great effect once again! Using duelling gizmo's, we
were able to take control of the pack on numerous occasions, leaving Jeremy red faced and his wife Lucy who was on foot literally
fuming! At one point, with eyes bulging out of her head, she said to one sab that their presence alone had already ruined
her day!! Well, we're not here to support you are we, Lucy?? We are here to literally ruin your day because you like to
see innocent foxes ripped apart by a pack of hounds for fun! ... the scumbag hunt servant that pointed out certain sabs to the police at the
start of the day finally got his wish early on in the afternoon when he violently assaulted one of the sabs that he had pointed
out, in front of the police who did nothing about his assault of said sab who had to defend himself from the hunt servant's
attack! Said hunt servant must have been taking drama lessons, that's for sure, haha! Literally, this is all we can
say on the matter for now, but self defence is no offence! We have footage, but for obvious reasons we have chosen to omit
it from this video report. [Above right - hunt servant grappling female sab] Later on in the afternoon the Hunt found themselves back at the Plas Newydd estate with terrier scum in tow who set
upon a lone sab trying to intimidate them, and kicking the back of their legs. Very mature guys... That's some school
playground shit that is! The hunt soon crossed over to the Plas Heaton estate where sabs monitored from the roadside for a
short time until attempting to head them off on the far side of the estate. As sabs drove towards
Heaton Gatehouse, hounds ran in front of our vehicles and with no Huntsman in sight, sabs jumped out and rounded up as many
hounds as possible into the field next to them and stopped traffic to allow the hounds that were still in the road to remain
safe. Jeremy, shockingly, wasn't even bothered his hounds were all over the road and told us they'd be alright...
You really love yer hounds don't ya Jezza?? Not
long after this, the hunt decided it was time to pack up, but not before an angry farmer decided to threaten sabs, asking
one of them to go for a walk and show him what type of man they are. And rounding up lost hounds that had been left behind
in a completely different field quite some distance away! Jeremy even asked a sab to act as whipper in to collect these lost
hounds! Once all the pack was together, sabs followed Jeremy and the hounds back to the
trailer and then headed to the pub for a muchly deserved pint! 18-11-17 Facebook - North Wales Hunt Saboteurs North Wales Wildlife police finally attend a fox hunt after 2 years of us asking, only to go and arrest
a sab who was defending himself from attack by a hunt follower and defending a female sab who was getting pushed around by
same hunt follower, the wildlife police and another officer witnessed all of this but chose to do nothing about the hunt follower
attacking sabs but arrested a sab instead, utterly disgraceful!!!! full report to follow... Berwickshire FH kill fox then assault sab in snatching corpse back 18-11-17 Facebook - Grampian Hunt Sabs PLEASE SHARE - DON'T LET THE BERWICKSHIRE HUNT GET AWAY WITH THIS
Grampian Hunt Sabs have just gotten back from a disgraceful day at the Berwickshire Hunt. They killed a rabbit and a fox illegally
then sabs who managed to get the fox's body for evidence and respect were assaulted and had the body (evidence of the
illegal kill) stolen from them by two of the Hunt's terriermen and there was an attempt by a rider to damage one of our
vehicles. Full report and videos to come. In the first picture is a sab with the fox's body before it was taken away.
In the second picture is Ryan McKinna (also known in hunting circles as 'Gimp' (thanks Dylan for that!)) holding the
crumpled heap of the fox's body and yelling at sabs after having assaulted them. Also, notice the fox's organs hanging
out - no quick nip to the neck. The Berwickshire Hunt think
that by taking the body they will get away with this - let's spread the word so that everyone can see what they're
trying to hide. Pics below - 1/ Sab with fox corpse
2/ Angry terrierman with corpse after snatched it back, assaulting sab.   18-11-17 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs During our visit to The Berwickshire Hunt Sabs witnessed several kills - 1 Rabbit, 1 Fox. Both were killed
by hounds, not shot. After sabs tried to recover
body of the fox they were both assaulted by 2 terriermen We can confirm that the 2 terrier men who assaulted our sabs are
Ryan McKinna and Danny Boyle (son of Fife and Berwickshire terrierman Dylan Boyle). Full report to follow. Sab arrested at Dunston Harriers as police ride with terriermen 18-11-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs SAB ARRESTED - HELP US TAKE ACTION The photo below shows Norfolk
Police officers being driven around on a quad bike by a member of the Dunston Harriers Hunt today. It was taken minutes before
a hunt saboteur was arrested, and not long after hounds were spotted covered in blood. Allegations
of illegal hunting were made to the police but once again were ignored. Please make your feelings known to Norfolk Constabulary. 19-11-17 Facebook - Mike Huskisson I am highlighting this picture from Jack Sniper. Taken yesterday this image shows all the problems we have with
Norfolk Police. A terrierman for the Dunston Harriers gives two officers a lift on his quad bike around the fields. The police
were at the beck and call of the Hunt all day and duly arrested a saboteur who was trying to protect wildlife and stop illegal
hunting. She was handcuffed, taken away, held for hours in custody and now has been given a court date in late December. This
is the reality of life in the front line. Please support your local hunt saboteurs. 19-11-17 Facebook - Norfolk Constabulary We are aware of images showing our officers on a quad bike & recognise the concerns. The officers were on
private land & were being assisted by the landowner after finding themselves sinking underfoot in the mud while searching.
The officers on scene had been made aware of reports a hare had been killed. Searches were carried out and parties spoken
to but no evidence found. Full statement here. Sab ridden over at Ledbury South FH and fox believed 'chopped' 18-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs So, yet again we were spoilt for choice. The Cotswold Vale Farmers' Hunt were running riot in Flaxley woods.
The Ross Harriers were rampaging around Kempley. A call out to Hay-on-Wye and we are hardly scratching the surface here! We made a start with
the Harriers but had to leave to local activists following an urgent call for back up at the "Ledbury South" - a
sab had been ridden over following the meet at Burhope Farm, Orcop. We arrived to hear that our friends at Welsh Borders
sabs had witnessed a suspected kill, probably what is called a chop, where hounds kill an animal who has no chance of running. We noted members and
officials of the disgraced (re. throwing fox cubs to hounds at kennels) South Herefordshire Hunt mingling with Ledbury members
and officials whilst sporting SHH buttons and collars. Green collar is SHH, brown is Ledbury. Clearly the whole charade is
to allow the SHH to continue hunting. Albeit with another Hunt's Huntsman, Whipper-in and terrierman. We soon witnessed
the SHH... oops, sorry... Ledbury South's behaviour as one rider tried to grab a sab by riding down a very slippy slope.
This could have resulted in the death of the sab if the horse had slipped! Otherwise they were kept on their toes and not allowed
to Hunt by sabs. Saw Mark Melladay and hounds box up by 15.00. Busy day! Hounds Off upload film of Blackmore FH hunting a fox Late
in day hunter suddenly pretended to lay trail - for a few yards 18-11-17 Facebook - Hounds Off VIDEO How Hunts can pretend not to be foxhunting when actually they really are. #TrailHuntLies Pics below - 1/ Late
in day, hounds put into covert 2/ Fox bursts out of covert 3/ Fox fleeing
hounds 4/ Hound about 20 yards behind fox 5/ Hound flees
across road 6/ Hunter suddenly pretends to lay a trail - for a few yards
7/ Huntsman takes hounds to road fox crossed    Blocked
sett found where Quorn FH seen hunting a fox Huntsman gives up on that because being sabbed 18-11-17 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs One of the many people in Leicestershire who can't stand the Quorn Hunt had informed
us they were having a sneaky Saturday Meet at Cold Newton in the deep south of their country today. Well, they're our
traditional enemy so what could we do but grab our new best friends from Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs and head over for a sneaky
peak. We were slightly late to the meet (someone shoot our scheduler) and the Hunt had already left. We quickly caught
up to them with the hounds in full cry on the scent of a fox. We raced after them and upon realising sabs were present they
quickly gathered their hounds and attempted to leg it away from us. Unfortunately for them we're fairly rapid these days
and quite hard to shake off so they had little joy. When they did manage to put a bit of ground between themselves and sabs
our other group were always on hand to take over. Huntsman Peter is a pragmatic chap and didn't
seem to be overly enthusiastic about hunting once he knew we were there. He seemed far more interested in sitting about and
chatting. Topics of the day included the merits of flat roofs vs pitched and paintings of Camilla Parker Bowles in the buff.
We're always happy to stand and chat 'cos he's not hunting when he's talking, but we're not sure what
his paying field thought of it. They second horsed at 2pm but the afternoon was a lacklustre
affair and they called it a day at 3.30. The only thing of note was a heavily blocked badger sett complete with spade marks
and quad bike tracks right where they were hunting. Amazingly it wasn't the hunt though! They repeatedly denied it and
we definitely believe them. Who wouldn't trust such upstanding, law abiding folk!! It was nice to see you Peter, Joss and co. Rest assured whenever you hunt on a Saturday
we'll be there. Pics below - 1/ Blocked sett
2/ Huntsman chats with sabs  Monitors believe Sandhurst Beagles killed 5 hares in a day Huntsman and Whip filmed
laughing as one hare was ripped apart 17-11-17 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO The killing fields of Hampshire – the secret world of beagling Forgive
the low quality of the video as limited to the size we can post on FB which reduces playback quality. Wednesday 15th November 2017 found the Surrey Hunt Monitors travelling out of county to Hampshire, after one of our
monitors noticed suspicious hunt activity in Herriard whilst driving to work. The Hunt, who we firmly believe to be the Sandhurst and Aldershot Beagles, were soon found nicely hidden away at Lee Farm, Herriard RG25 2PE. The Hunt set off at
1:00 and immediately put up a hare and hunted it into some woodland, with no trails being laid. What followed was three hours
of shockingly blatant hunting of hares in the fields behind Lee Farm. The first hare was pushed out of the woodland into
a field of maize and when we were in position to film, the Huntsman could be clearly seen urging the hounds through the maize
until they killed their first hare. A kill was blown which was captured on the video. Two more hares were killed in an open field of scrub. The second kill happened as we were moving
positions and we captured the end of the kill. The third kill was chopped a few minutes later, with the hare bolting from
its scrape at the last minute and can be seen ‘jinking’ for a few yards before it is torn apart. The hounds can
then be seen eating the carcass. The Huntsman does not call the hounds off at any point and actively encourages them with
whoops and calls. The Huntsman and Whip can be seen laughing after. There are two types of hare, ‘runners’ and ‘sitters’. Kill number 1 was a runner, where the
hare thinks it can outrun a predator; in this case the pack of beagles. It will keep within its territory and generally run
in big circles, jinking left and right to out-manoeuvre the hounds, which resulted in the long chase within the maize. Kills 2 and 3 were ‘sitters’, where the hares believe that if they lay flat in their ‘scrapes’
or ‘forms’ the danger will pass, but this never happens with a pack of beagles and are ‘chopped’ or
killed after a short run or no run at all. The Hunt
then moved from this area and two more kills were blown for but not witnessed. We tried to retrieve the bodies later, but
it was getting dark and difficult to find the exact point of kill. Beagling is a very secretive form
of organised hunting with hounds and is carried out on foot with a pack of beagles. There are 60+ beagle packs in the UK who
are registered with the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles, their traditional quarry being hares before the Hunting
Act of 2004, which protected hares. Not much footage of beagling is available because they gen erally pack up if any sabs or monitors turn up. In this case the hunt were unaware of our presence and hunted throughout,
with an unconfirmed tally of 5 hare kills, the first three kills being confirmed as hares. If beagle
packs are ever caught killing animals, they generally use the excuse that they are hunting rabbits or rats, which are exempt
from the Hunting Act. This was not the case on Wednesday, and we confirmed at least three of the hunted animals to be hares. The whole incident has been reported
to Hampshire Police and about an hour’s worth of footage will be passed to them. The Huntsman and the Hunt Master’s
identities have been confirmed and also passed to the Police. Whether
or not the Hunt say they were legally hunting rabbits; or is in fact what we witnessed - illegal hunting of hares, this is
still an organised pack hunting, ripping apart and devouring live animals in our countryside for fun. We don’t expect any prosecutions as beaglers generally have good connections; beagle packs historically being
formed in public schools and the Armed Forces, with the Sandhurst and Aldershot Beagles; to our knowledge, being part of the
Army Beagling Association. There has been a very big
push by the police to clamp down on illegal hare coursers with lots of recent prosecutions which is fantastic. A cynic would
think that this is only because the coursers are emptying the fields of hares leaving none for the beaglers!! A sad day and very hard to film, but please share this far and wide to expose this sick sport. We are not fundraising now, but if you want to help our cause, please donate to
our close friends the North Downs Hunt Sabs who need a new vehicle to get people out into the Killing Fields. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/northdownssabs Pics below - 1/ Huntsman
blows kill No.3 2/ Huntsman and Whip have a good laugh at kill No.3  Woman sab jostled, pushed,
hat stolen at Blencathra FH meet 17-11-17 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs Yesterday we paid yet another visit to the Blencathra Foxhounds who
were meeting at Caldbeck for the second time this week. A local source informed us that supporters had parked up in the quarry
at Fellside and when we arrived it appeared that they were attempting to hunt in the same way as we witnessed on Tuesday.
Some of us were already in the fells observing and yet again huntsman Barry Todhunter seemed to immediately take cover and
go quiet so that he couldn't be detected. There was not even the usual stray hounds running around so we can only assume
that Barry was keeping them very close to him. Mobile sabs drove down to the Longlands area where
the hound vehicle was observed driving slowly then attempting to lose the sab vehicle. However, Barry's worst nightmare
came true as he was filmed literally coming out of the bridleway from Uldale Common, and his wife and supporters attempted
to form a human shield to prevent one sab from filming the hounds being boxed up. Support were grouchy and the female sab
was pushed, insulted and jostled, and one supporter stole her hat. Presumably they were all angry as their second hunt meet
of the week at Caldbeck hadn't gone to plan and they had to pack up early. Let's hope their third meet tomorrow doesn't
go so badly. Pic below
- After Crossroads ended, Benny...  NT blah-blahs in response to report of trespass by a Somerset Hunt 17-11-17 Somerset Live National Trust responds to claims hunt trespassed on land in west Somerset The National
Trust has been in the news recently for its approach to hunting. The incident took place around midday on October 30th.
An animal activist charity has accused a Somerset Hunt of trespassing on National Trust land. The League Against Cruel Sports claims ‘there has been an incidence of apparent trespass
on National Trust land in west Somerset by members of a hunt.' The League, a charity that campaigns against hunting, said
that members of a Hunt were seen with terrier men on quad bikes on Great Hill and Marrow Hill in Somerset on November 4th
– but that the Hunt in question is not as having a licence from National Trust. A National Trust spokeswoman said: “We take any reports of unlicensed hunts on our land
very seriously and we are seeking urgent clarifications from the relevant Hunts. “The Trust does license ‘trail
hunts’ in some areas and at certain times of the year, where it is compatible with our aims of public access and conservation.
Trail hunting, if properly practised, is legal and a legitimate outdoor activity.” In October 2017, National Trust members
voted against a resolution for the cessation of “trail-hunting” on all land belonging to the charity. Prior to the vote, the charity’s Trustees recommended that the
activity should be allowed to continue after recent improvements in licensing conditions to further safeguard conservation
and access on the Trust’s land. The spokeswoman added: “We have always required trail hunts to be transparent
and provide details of where and when the activity will take place. Our new licensing terms reinforce this principle. We will
provide details of dates and maps of the licensed areas on our website, thereby providing the level of transparency our visitors
need to make an informed decision over whether or not they want to avoid a hunt in that area on certain days of the year.
However, we do not want to encourage or create a climate of confrontation between trail hunt followers or protestors. Concerns
have been raised over public safety and the potential for disorder. Following discussions, including with the police, we took
the decision not to publish details of start and end points, or specific routes. . We were open about this at the time and
have consistently referred to it in public statements.” Somerset Live has contacted the Hunt in question. POWAperson
adds - The Somerset Sab Group reported the
trespass at the places mentioned above by the West Somerset Vale FH, See here. Lone sab finds 2 blocked setts at Ledbury FH and rates hounds off fox 16-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs The
Ledbury met near Upton on Severntoday (the info is coming in fast). A Thursday 'cos it's Cheltenham country
race day tomorrow and all the local Hunts will be attending. At least the wildlife will get a day off... Anyway a lone sab
must choose car or foot. Foot it was, checking 10 badger setts in likely areas. 2 were blocked, unblocked by sab and reported
to the authorities and the Badger Trust. One sett had been repeatedly blocked before, the other dug out before. Other setts
which have been blocked repeatedly on previous occasions were healthy and untampered with ☺ . Maybe one day the Ledders
will manage to curb themselves of this disgusting practice. Gave huntsman Mark Melladay a nasty shock by turning up in the Stanks and rating
hounds when they hunted a fox. Neither Mark nor Edward Phillipson Stowe (joint master) cared to explain the sett blocking.
They did whinge a bit about trespassing though. Not sure why Mark is still using his cunning disguise of a black coat. We
still know it's him! No doubt be out on Saturday with their chums
at the "Ledbury South"/what is left of the South Herefordshire FH (who are still being investigated by police
for cruelty to fox cubs). Pics below - 1/ Huntsman and
hounds 2/ Blocked sett  NT make excuses for Warks FH trespass on their land at Farnborough Hall 17-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt on National Trust land - Warning to anyone visiting Farnborough Hall
- you may witness hounds chasing foxes We received the following email from the National Trust - “Thank
you for contacting us about your concerns in regards to the trail hunting that took place at Farnborough on Monday 13th November.
Warwickshire Hunt do not currently have a license to go on National Trust land at Farnborough. Therefore they did not have permission to go onto National Trust land there. However, sometimes
the hounds can stray onto land the Hunt don’t have permission to go on, in these instances the hunt will round the dogs
up as soon as they can and get them back on the set trail. The National Trust do not permit the use of quad bikes and terrier
men any more, but this particular trail hunt was not on National Trust land so they may have been present.” The National Trust seem to be saying that the hounds strayed onto their land and that there’s nothing they
can do about it. The only way the hounds could have strayed onto National Trust land is by chasing a fox onto the land. We
are not talking about a few loose hounds straying onto the land but the whole pack in full cry, and, since the Hunt don’t
have a license for this land, the hounds clearly weren’t following a pre-laid trail. From the main grounds the Huntsman
then takes the hounds over to the Sourlands Pool area were the hounds can again be heard in cry. The rest of the Hunt were
waiting in the National Trust car park whilst this part of the land was hunted. The National Trust must accept that the Warwickshire
Hunt hounds were not hunting a trail on their land (how could they be) and therefore must have been hunting a fox. The National
Trust also point out that terrier men may have been present since the Hunt didn’t actually meet on their land, however
the Trust have also said that you don’t need terrier men for so called “trail hunting” so again the National
Trust must accept that the Warwickshire Hunt were not hunting trails on this particular day. Anyone thinking of visiting the National Trust Farnborough Hall in Warwickshire should be warned
that there is a possibility that they may see hounds from the local hunt straying onto the land possibly chasing foxes and
possibly killing foxes. We urge the National Trust to not issue any future licence to this particular hunt. Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs . Pic below - Hounds hunting on NT land - riders just other
side of fence 
Supporter spills beans on North Staffs FH activity to monitorsRarely monitored Hunt
- she thought they were fellow followers! 15-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Hunt report NORTH STAFFS HUNT, BUERTON 14.11.17 The North Staffordshire
Hunt met at Town House Farm in Buerton, on the Cheshire border. This Hunt don't get monitored much so this was an interesting
day for both us and them! We found them (looking
smug, which didn't last) at the meet and got some good ID of hunt members, staff and unmasked terriermen. For a while
they didn't realise they were being watched and we got some covert footage, although they weren't having much luck
flushing foxes to chase fortunately. We spoke to one of their supporters who thought we were followers. She told us lots
about how this Hunt hunts and the fact that they definitely do hunt and kill foxes. We have this on video for future reference. Once the Huntsman
was informed of our presence he kept everyone in an area where it was really difficult for us to get to him. He went round
and round in smaller and smaller circles avoiding us and getting nowhere with his job of Huntsman. We heard the hounds on
and off getting a little excited but none of this came to anything. All good news for us and the local foxes. There was some harassment
by hunt thugs who were driving on main roads without any number plates at all, let alone muddy ones. One of our monitors performed
a polka with a very timid young man and his token bird of prey, whilst she was being blocked from filming by him. Overall this lot were really surprised and nervous, not knowing how to handle us.
A good day out and we will be back soon! More details are shown on individual photographs. If
you would like to join our team, or have information to pass on to us (in strictest confidence), then please get in touch.
Either message us here or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. Pics below - 1/ Road illegal
quad 2/ The brains of the outfit on the arm of a moron 3/ Terriermen.
Somewhere 3 villages are missing their idiots  Bedale FH reported to have killed fox 15-11-17 Facebook – Hunting Kills Bedale Hunt hunting at Brompton on Swale, Richmond, Yorks,
killed 1 fox (Tip off to NE Hunt Monitors). Beaufort FH hunter incriminates them via apology for A46 hound
incident 15-11-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Matt Ramsden of the Beaufort Hunt has written an apology to the driver of the vehicle that struck a hound as
the pack burst out onto the A46, in which he mentions that sporting dogs have exemption from the requirement to keep dogs
on leads on main roads... This is the Road Traffic Act exemption referred to in the 'apology’: "to have
been at the material time in use under proper control for sporting purposes". It seems to us that the Hunt can choose
from one of the following:- - The hounds were under proper control and following a trail which was laid close to or on the A46 at best irresponsible,
probably illegal. -
The hounds were under proper control and pursuing a fox – illegal. - The hounds were following a trail then ‘accidentally’ started pursuing a fox. If the Hunt could stop
the hounds but didn’t – illegal. If the Hunt couldn’t stop the hounds, then they were out of control on
the A46 – illegal. In other words, the
Road Traffic Act exemption establishes the Hunt’s guilt, not its innocence. Pics below - 1/ Driver of car that hit hound 6-11-17
2/ Other hounds on A46  Monitors 'sorry' for misinterpreting evidence re Zetland FH terriermen 15-11-17 Facebook NE Hunt Monitors We have removed the post about Zetland Hunt after having correspondence with the informant who alerted
us of what took place. Terrier men were seen around the Biker Group truck, but this is not proof of ownership or involvement
so unfortunately we have no choice but to take it down. We now believe that a fox could have been chased into the owner's garden and
the terrier men where around the truck for that reason. We would like to apologise to the owner for any stress caused. We would also like
to say that we try our best to make sure info we get is correct and coming from a trusted source we failed in this instance
. We will double triple check info given from now on so this mistake won't happen again. POWAperson adds - POWA re-published the original post and have also now removed it and all references
to it on this website. We have also apologised to the complainant. Monitor 'Pull hounds off fox' - S.Durham Huntsman 'Why should
I?' Landowner complains of trespass by terriermen Numerous
wild animals seen fleeing Hunt 15-11-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT SOUTH DURHAM HUNT 8,11.17 Embelton Old Hall. Wingate, Durham
We caught up with the hunt already in progress and within minutes of us arriving we had a fox run directly in front of us
followed by a deer then followed by another fox. We won't be putting this footage up as it would give away the location
and alert the hunt to where a lot of foxes can be caught. We were not seen by the hunt in this location and were able to cover
the foxes scent before hounds turned up not long after.
We managed to follow the hunt on foot as they were on a public footpath known as
Hurworth Burn nature trail. This is owned by the local council who have had many complaints about the Hunt from dog walkers
and members of the public using the path. They are currently looking into what can be done about banning the Hunt from the
trail. Throughout the day many deer
and hares were also seen running in fear from the hounds. The hounds went into cry and when a monitor asked the hound master (Gareth Watchman)
to pull them off his reply was "why should I?" - arrogant doesn't even come close. A hound appeared out of the thicket with blood
on its tail but this was off hitting another hounds face, lot of hounds bite their tongues whilst running and get blood dripping
down. Later in the day, we spoke to a local land owner who was annoyed that the terrier
twats had pursued us through his land and that the Hunt was on land they shouldn't be on. We left him to wander off to
speak with said terrier twats and he was making an official complaint to the Hunt board. We
were pleased NO kills were made and hope the stray hounds seen wandering all over the place were rounded up at the end of
the hunt. They really do need to get control of their pack before an accident happens. (As seen in the video posted yesterday
taken from the meet after this one, hounds ran out into a busy A road and caused mayhem.) This is not acceptable. Please report
any such "accidents" to the police. Pleased donate to help us cover costs via PayPal at huntmonitors@gmail.com or paypal.me/huntmonitors. We are currently having to send an awful lot of footage
to the police which means sending original micro & SD cards from our dash cams and multiple bodycams/camcorders. We are
running very low. If anyone has spare memory cards they don't mind parting with please message the page and we will take
them off your hands. Cheers - long live the fox. https://www.facebook.com/durhamcouncil/. Pics below -
1/ Horse 2/ and hounds  Hunt in Kent kills fox in front of sabs - police investigating Support then stole
sabs' vehicle keys 14-11-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs ANOTHER FOX KILLED AT A KENT HUNT This Saturday we were out as
usual, at another Kent hunt… but tragically, this “trail hunt” killed a beautiful fox, right in front of
our members… there was sadly nothing we could do, but we have much video evidence. TheHunt
made no attempt to stop the kill, but were very quick in trying to remove the evidence! The support even stole our vehicle
keys… all complicit - all guilty. All footage is now in the hands of Kent police, and we congratulate them for attending,
and making enquiries at the scene. Needless to say, whatever the outcome, the devastating footage will eventually be released
to the public. If you wish to donate to our group and keep us out in the fields, you can do so
here - many thanks. https://www.paypal.me/EASTKENTHSA Warks FH filmed hunting on NT land - no licence & with terriermen The woman-beaters'
hounds also invaded somebody's garden 14-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs WOMAN -BEATING WARWICKSHIRE HUNT CAUGHT HUNTING ON NATIONAL TRUST LAND WITHOUT A LICENSE
WITH TERRIERMEN Warwickshire Hunt - Monday 13th Nov - Fenny Compton Today the woman-beating
Warwickshire Hunt met at the Merrie Lion [right] in Fenny Compton. We wonder if the Merrie Lion realise what type of people they are allowing to meet
at their property? This type - please keep all correspondence polite. The female sab who was attacked by this Hunt was laughed at by riders of the Hunt
who all clearly think it acceptable for men to hit women. Clearly chasing a fox, we filmed the hounds running through someone's garden
and then later blatantly hunting unlicensed on National Trust Land at Farnborough Hall complete with terriermen on a quad
bike (which the National Trust themselves say there is no need for if they are just trail hunting). Unfortunately our
vehicle broke down at the start of the day, the breakdown got us started but the vehicle now needs a new starter motor. If
you are able to donate towards the cost please use this link. Pics below - 1/ Hunt went on NT estate 2/
Where hunters speak from 3/ Terrierman quad 4/ Would they have
laid a trail through this nice property?  S. Durham FH hounds cross A
road in front of a bus - riders also on road 14-11-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors VIDEO South Durham Hunt 11.11.17 Misty Blue Farm, Kirk Merrington
Hounds cross the busy A688! Right in front of a bus! Who laid the "trail"??? Putting the lives of innocent road
users at risk as well as the hounds.... full hit report to follow. Resident
complains of Quorn FH repeatedly invading his garden 14-11-17 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Nice to see the Quorn Hunt making friends. If anyone has problems with hunts
trespassing on their land then contact Hounds Off for help. 14-11-17 Facebook - Spotted Whitwick Looking for advice please about what I can do to stop the hounds of a fox hunt in
Osgathorpe entering my garden and running around totally out of control. Today alone within the space of an hour they entered
my garden twice. The second time I counted at least ten hounds in my garden. This has happened four times this year alone.
Trampling on my plants as was the case today is one thing, but what I'm really upset about is that I have a young family,
what if they had been playing in my back garden? Needless to say I am furious. If you were a member of the Hunt today feel
free to comment and I will be in contact directly or if you know a member of today's Hunt kindly pass this message on.
This is totally unacceptable and I will not tolerate it again and yes I have footage. If anyone can offer advice on how to
stop this from happening again this would be most welcome. Radnor & W. Hereford FH trespass on properties, scaring pets and livestock 14-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs It's been a hectic few weeks with reports coming in from members of the public about various Hunts
in the area (including the Radnor and West Hereford running riot through properties they had no permission to be in, terrifying
domestic and neighbouring farm animals)... Driver says W. Somerset Vale FH chased fox into road in front of her 13-11-17 Facebook - Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group Hit report 11/11/17 West Somerset Vale FH After a delayed start
to the day due to vehicle issues, we caught up with West Somerset Vale Hunt around midday in the village of Burton. Being
without our Land Rover we had all sabs out on foot and did our best to keep up as they hunted around Honibere Wood and Knighton area. A distressed member of the public informed us that
she had already intervened when they had chased a fox on to the road in front of her car south of Honibere Wood. The fox got
away despite support attempting to frighten the fox back towards the hounds. The support consisted of a handful of tough guys who
for the rest of the day seemed far more concerned with trying to run us over than follow the hunt. One follower was proudly
sporting a Spiderman balaclava and was keen to show us his best moves! Well done Spiderman, we were all very impressed. Police attended and the Hunt hacked back to the kennels to the east of Stogursey , packing up early and leaving one
lonely red coat to gather up stray hounds along the Hinkley Point road. Sabbing without
a vehicle is hard work! Our Landy has seen better days and will be needing a trip to the garage in order to get us through
the season – please donate to our fuel/vehicle fund to keep us out and about protecting our precious wildlife. Pic above - Hunter quads. One no plate,
the other bemudded plate - both road illegal Film of multiple fox chases by Grafton FH over last 2 years uploaded 13-11-17 You Tube - Scorpio Vulpes Grafton - chasing foxes like there's no ban This video shows just a few examples of
what monitors see all the time at the Grafton Hunt and at other Hunts. How much longer before the authorities take this seriously? The film covers eight hunts between 24-1-15 and 21-10-17.
In all of them the Grafton appear to be chasing foxes wilfully. A selection of screen grabs is below. Each pair 1/ Fox fleeing hounds 2/ Hounds chasing fox Wappenham, Northants 24-10-15  Astwell, Northants 9-1-16  Halse, Northants 24-1-15 Astwell, Northants 26-11-16  Maidford, Northants 29-11-16  Weston, Northants 23-9-17  Weston, Northants 21-10-17   Lake District fox hunt seen trespassing on Nat.Trust land 13-11-17 Twitter The League We’ve received another report of trespass on National Trust
land, the Eskdale and Ennerdale Foxhounds were seen with hounds and terrier men at Wasdale. https://www.league.org.uk/nt  Monitors find 2 blocked setts and fox being hunted at N.Cotswold FH 13-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Saturday was a busy day with our friends from Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch. We started off with the North
Cotswold Hunt at Taddington. 2 blocked setts at Cutsdean, blocked only 10 days since the Hunt were last there. Nigel Peel
( the Huntsman and Master) was hunting a fox but a couple of well placed holloas saw him gather the pack and move on. At one
stage he and his chums stopped for tea and biscuits. Then a quad started following foot sabs. He was soon foiled and off it
was to the Heythrop... Blocked sett and fox being chased found at Heythrop FH Huntsman calls hounds
off when he learns monitors there 13-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Saturday the 11th was a busy day with our friends from Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch... off it was to the Heythrop... A sett checker had already found a hard-blocked sett [left] near
the meet at Stavall farm, Farmingcote. We caught them in that rough area. They were hunting a fox but as is the norm for this
pack they radioed through to Huntsman and Master Charlie Frampton that we were close. Not daring to take the risk of a fox
running our way being hunted by hounds he wisely enacted standard Heythrop procedure of calling the pack and blew for home.
A fox was seen escaping. Today we went to check further setts and another partially blocked one was found.
The badgers had dug their way out of a few entrances and we unblocked the others. No rest for the wildlife. 13-11-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Wildlife under attack - blocked badger setts,
fox hunting and a shoot! So many pheasant dead on the roads. Their lives mean nothing to shooting estates. We saw one young
Heythrop follower dragging a dead one along the bridle path whilst mummy was pointing out to child where the hounds were and
even younger child was perched on pony already used to attending hunts at under 5yrs of age. Cotswold Vale FH hounds found all over road - police 'concerned'Sett checkers claim the Cotty were illegally hunting 13-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs … Meanwhile at the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt, Sandhurst, sett checkers came across them hunting illegally
and with hounds all over the road. The police attended and were reported to be very concerned about the Hunt's activities. Woman attacked at Warks FH meet says
assailant is ex Director of HuntPolice are investigating assault that
left her needing hospital treatment 12-11-17 Mirror Shocking footage shows woman saboteur being 'attacked' and left with
bleeding face as she monitored Warwickshire Hunt - The West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs members claim they were trying to monitor
members of the Warwickshire Hunt when the incident happened on Thursday in Birdingbury, Warwicks
A hunt saboteur has been left hospitalised with a cut to her face after clashing with a man as she tried to monitor an event. The woman and a colleague were filmed having a furious row with the male in a field.
At one point, the man orders them to leave before pushing the woman over. The footage then captures the injured disrupter approaching
what the saboteur's claim is the hunt master, who tells her she is "not a woman" and describes her as "a
monster" [right]. The Warwickshire Hunt has issued a statement saying that
it always complies with the law. The alleged victim was later taken to Warwickshire Hospital A&E for treatment,
the group claim. The full five-minute video - which was shot by a male saboteur - starts with the woman confronting a man on horseback,
who tells her that he is hunting rabbits. When the suspected hunter refuses to tell her where their trail is, she barks back:
"Why won't you tell us where your trails are? Where are you going all day, then? Where are you going next?" An angry man is then
filmed approaching the pair on a country footpath and, when asked whether he is hiding something, he is heard shouting: "Yes,
I'm trying to hide something because you're not meant to f ** be here. I just don't want you to video things you're
not allowed." When told that he is blocking
the saboteurs' filming, he says: "Yeah, I am because I've got a right to. You don't have a right to be here."
He is then questioned on whether he is hunting rabbits. The man, dressed in a biker jacket, says: "Rabbits? Shows how
much you know, you f ** idiot. I will stand here all day and I will follow you all day. You will not wander where you like.
I don't know who the f*** you think you are." As the saboteurs attempt to walk down the footpath, the man repeatedly shouts: "What are you doing?" Shortly
afterwards, a man in a brown fleece approaches them and says: "You're not welcome here. Get gone, now." When
one of the saboteurs claims there is "illegal activity" going on, the man puts his hand in the camera and pushes
it away, saying "get gone" again. As the cameraman stumbles, the angry men then can be seen approaching the woman,
and dramatic still images appear to show him slapping her across the face. The furious man then shouts "you do what you
want, now get out", as he pushes the female saboteur - wearing a white jumper - to the ground. Lying on the muddy footpath,
she can then be heard saying to her radio "I have just been assaulted. I've just be slapped in the face." The film then cuts to the pair talking to another man sitting in a car, who apologises to the woman and says: "That shouldn't
have happened." The furious female then approaches a car full of well dressed men and women, and says: "Do you want
to hit women?" At that point another woman - who the saboteurs claim is the Hunt Master - responds: "You're
not a woman." When asked what the saboteur is, the lady bluntly responds: "A monster."
A spokesperson for
West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs said: "We were concerned that the hunt were hunting a fox and that the hounds were heading
towards a busy main road. Suddenly two hunt supporters approach us and start shouting aggressively before attacking us. It
shows what type of people fox hunters are that they think it acceptable for men to attack women, punch them and then shove
them over from behind." Lee Moon, spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: "Fox hunting, by its very nature, is a violent activity and it is only a
short leap from using violence towards animals to using violence against people. This was a completely unprovoked attack.
Fox hunting is a breeding ground for normalising violence with some very questionable attitudes towards women. We ask the
question who are the real monsters here?" The incident was reported to Warwickshire
Police, the group claim. The force was unable to receive requests for comment. A spokesperson for the Warwickshire Hunt said: "The Warwickshire Hunt acts within the law
to comply with the Hunting Act 2004. "The Hunt does not condone any form of violence, even when faced with extreme provocation,
personal harassment and other serial offences." Story also in - the Mail, the Sun, the Independent, the Metro, the Coventry Telegraph, the Irish Independent and the Leamington Courier.
York & Ainsty S FH drive hare under wheels of passing car Sab teamwork prevents fox kill though one
sab ridden at by Huntsman 12-11-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday found us joining forces once again with our friends the West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs. We took
a trip to the Kings Arms pub in North Duffield where the York & Ainsty South hunt were meeting at 11am. After handing
out sandwiches they set off with a field of about 35 riders to ply their filthy trade. Within five minutes of setting off they had flushed a hare across a main road and under the wheels
of a car. The rest of the day saw them circling round a fairly small area, casting the hounds through beet fields, wooded
copses and bramble patches without any success. Every time they stopped to cast the hounds we were there to move them on.
Each time they got away from us West Yorks magically appeared from nowhere to continue frustrating their efforts. At one point the Hunt
Master struggled to gather his hounds as they set off after some deer. This seemed to put him in a bad mood for the rest of
the day, as within the hour he tried to ride down one of our sabs completely unprovoked. Unfortunately for him the sab in
question has some horse experience and was able to turn his horse away instantly. This caused more petulance and whining from
Mr Sourpuss. With plenty of sunlight left in the day we reminded the Hunt of our capabilities. Using gismo, horn and voice calls
we pulled the hounds out of the wooded area that Sourpuss had just cast them into. Cue more spitting out of the dummy. They
then decided enough was enough and hurried back to their kennels without the hounds even getting anywhere near a fox all day. Efficient use of resources and excellent inter-group communication meant that the Hunt were never without an escort
on foot. Thank you once again West Yorks. You were great as always. Pic below - Sabs on the Hunt's tail  13-11-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO W. Yorks sabs watched hounds from the York & Ainsty South Hunt run loose around a
farm with 'No Hunt' signs displayed prominently outside, whilst the farmer angrily shouts at the hunt to get off his
land. Does the York & Ainsty South's 'trail layer' have difficulties reading written
English, we wonder?! South
Devon FH rider attacks two sabs, injuring one 12-11-17 Facebook - South Devon Animal Rights Hit Report - 11th November Today the hunting ground
for the South Devon Hunt was the Foxworthy and Broadaford area of S.Dartmoor. We were alerted by the sound of hounds babbling
at approximately 11.30 which told us the hunt had made a shifty start heading south-east of the meet. Sabs immediately jumped
into action calling the fresh and enthusiastic pack away from any potential victims. Voice/horn and gizmo calls resulted in
hounds at our side within minutes. The Hunt quickly retrieved some hounds and moved swiftly east down to Ponsworthy, approx
quarter of a mile away, where the rest of the pack were being gathered by the whip and reunited. When one sab photographed
Louise Watson, sister of Guy Watson of Riverford Organics, he got more than he bargained for when she lunged at him with her
whip narrowly missing his face. The Hunt circled round and headed west out onto the open slopes
of the moor and across to Corndon Tor, where Huntsman Medcalf cast his hounds out into a vast gorse area, hoping to find his
hounds a fox to hunt and appease hunt support. Again, the excited canines soon picked up on recent scents and began another vocal
chorus. Foot sabs hurried in to rate and spray the area pushing hounds out and away from the vulnerable location. Some foot
sabs stayed out of our Land Rover following the Hunt closely, whilst others went in transit, staying parallel with both parties,
ready to call or rate when needed. Mid-afternoon the Hunt headed in the direction of Soussons Forest, as they often
do on this particular meet. However, they seemed to spend some considerable time in an area en route to the forest instead.
Whilst trying to locate the closest road for sabs to go in we had the delight of hunt rider and known thug Alex Bowden. He
rode his horse into one of our sabs and when questioned why, he dismounted and violently attacked two of our group. Only in
self defence would our members ever use any physical force, unlike Bowden, but when punches were received by him, one sab
was knocked to the ground and he drew blood from another. Also it was apparent that he had been drinking as he smelt of alcohol.
They are of course used to bloodshed when seeing their prey ripped apart, so it is nothing out of the ordinary to them. In
fact Bowden seemed quite proud of his actions as he has done on previous occasions if we dare to spoil his hunt day. We tried to speak
to the Huntsman about his unruly disciple but he was otherwise too engrossed on his next hunting ground and dismissed our
requests. Subsequently, the police will now be dealing with this matter and we are also debating whether to show the rather
explosive footage to a much wider audience, with some added help from the media. There is often one or more that let the side
down with these lawbreakers, but Alex Bowden was the one ultimately determined from the start to cause conflict, not just
with the innocent wildlife on the moor but with us too. The Hunt packed up early at approx 3.30. We
are not sure why they finished short of their usual time, but with other riders showing disapproval at Bowden`s outburst and
us announcing we had called the police, they perhaps left the moor before any explanations needed to be given. We kept the
Hunt on the move all day and certainly saved at least one fox. Footage will follow at a later date. SNP Council to consider resolution effectively banning hunting with dogs 12-11-17 The Herald SNP governing body pressed to introduce full hunting ban
A CALL to introduce an outright ban on any all forms of fox hunting will be considered by the SNP's governing body. It
came after the Sunday Herald revealed the law was being blatantly flouted by hunts 15 years after the original ban was passed. A resolution to the
SNP's national council says an exemption in the legislation that allows foxes to be flushed from cover and shot dead for
pest control should be ended. The motion also backs limiting the number of dogs to two and says "that these measures
would ensure that fox-hunting is really banned in Scotland”. Nicola Sturgeon is to speak at the national council
event in Perth on December 2, which will consider a series of policy motions, including the hunting proposal from the SNP's
Edinburgh Central branch. The resolution says: "Council shares the concerns of animal welfare charities and individuals
across Scotland about the widespread continued hunting of foxes with dogs, as a result of loopholes in the Protection of Wild
Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002, which was intended to ban this practice." A dossier of evidence collated by the animal welfare
charity League Against Cruel Sports Scotland (LACS) and seen by the Sunday Herald argues that Scotland’s mounted hunts
regularly break the law a year on from a review of the existing legislation by Lord Bonomy. The former judge recommended strengthening
legislation that has led to only two convictions since fox hunting was banned in Scotland. The Scottish Government opened
a consultation on the findings last month. Investigators from LACS filmed six of 10 Scottish hunts during last season and found
“no discernible presence of guns waiting to shoot flushed foxes”. In response to the SNP debate, a Scottish Government
spokesman said: "We are currently consulting on Lord Bonomy’s recommendations for legislative reform and would
encourage everyone with an interest to take part. "We have also established a stakeholder group to develop a new code
of practice and assess the feasibility of a new monitoring scheme. We remain committed to ensuring the highest welfare standards
for all animals, including those in the wild, and encourage everyone to notify Police Scotland if anyone is suspected of breaking
the law."
Sabs prevent dig-outs at Lanarkshire FH meet 12-11-17 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit report Saturday 11th November - The Braes
Sabs met up with Glasgow Hunt Sabs and visited Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Foxhounds almost a year today the Hunt met at
this meet and illegally killed a fox, Sabs were vigilant not to let this happen again. The Hunt tried to avoid detection by
sending Craig, a known idiot, to hold us up and blocked a public highway in attempt to stop us. We arrived at the meet around 11am and began pre spraying areas that foxes are likely to be, The Hunt slowly rode
towards us and shortly after the hounds picked up on a fox luckily the Shooter/Hounds missed and the fox ran back towards
the gorse where sabs quickly leapt on hole that hounds were trying to dig so they could not kill (Craig's Radio confirmed
that they did not kill). We followed the Hunt all day and ensured no kills took place
huntsman Mark resorted to petty name calling before packing up the hounds in a supporters garden and ditching the rest of
the Hunt! The Hunt were very frustrated and tried their best all day to get a kill they failed miserably. Join. Sab. Donate. https://www.gofundme.com/fife-and-central-scotland-hunt-sabs. Pics below - 1/ Hounds excitedly marking fox to ground
2/ Sab sits on hole to prevent dig-out  18-11-17 Facebook - Glasgow Hunt Sabs VIDEO Hit Report : 11/11/17 Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Foxhounds- The Braes
As we met up early with Sabs from Fife and Central, we were all too aware of last year's events. That it was this meet,
at this exact spot, that quick- acting Sabs managed to recover the body of a fox killed by this Hunt. Its body being sent to post mortem and proving conclusively that he had died as
a result of being mauled by hounds- in other words the hunt scum broke the law and we had proof {see hit report 5/11/16}. With this firmly in our minds we resolved that they would not kill this time. We had already pre-sprayed with citronella
the areas we knew they'd hunt, and before long the redcoats arrived, driving the hounds into the thorn bushes where the
foxes had their dens. What we thought were hounds in cry actually turned out to be screams of agony. These
thorns were extremely sharp. The redcoats and their lackeys only laughed at our concern for the poor hounds that were being
ripped to shreds. Sabs quickly got in front of the hounds, putting down a masking spray between fox
and hounds, it was then a shooter took a pot shot, missed but sent the fox running back to cover jumping in its hole, quickly
followed by a sab who sat on the hole making sure no hound or hunter could dig them out. The hounds
then picked up another scent and chased another fox into its hole. Again sabs were on hand to block the hole from hounds
and hunters with spades ready to dig the terrified animals out. Some shooters and hunt lackeys hung about for a couple of
hours waiting to see if we'd leave... as if, mate. The Hunt then left to a supporter's house and packed up for the day with the knowledge ringing
in their tiny minds. Sabs had again stopped them from abusing our wildlife. Before the hunt had
began I turned to one particularly obnoxious lackey telling him we'd hit them hard to today and they'd get no kills.
He laughed. Well done to all sabs involved and a special thank you to Fife and Central for joining
us to make sure no one died today. Of course a big thank you to our supporters whose kind donations help us save lives. https://www.paypal.me/GlsgowHuntSabs Antis save at least one, nearly beaten, fox from Cattistock FH Hounds earlier in cry
in Sub Tropical Gardens! 12-11-17 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 11/11/17 Cattistock Hunt: Meet behind the Ilchester Arms, Abbotsbury
Members of the group plus a Monitor, headed off West to find Lady T's blood thirsty Catttistock Hunt today... With a good feeling that today's meet was going to be in Abbotsbury we headed on down
to one of their favourite meet points and sure enough there they were. Just before 11am they headed off to a field behind
the Ilchester arms where watched by sabs that had been dropped into the area, some of the riders observed a 1 minute silence.
Then off they went to enjoy their day of killing.... or so they thought. From the off they headed straight for the popular tourist
destination St Catherine's Chapel with sabs close on their heels. The Huntsman wasted no time and put the hounds into
a couple of small copses around Chapel Coppice and Chapel Withy Bed. Meanwhile other Sabs and the Monitor headed on down to
the beach car-park, feeling that the Hunt would be coming that way. Within minutes the hounds were sighted so they headed
up the road towards Lady T's Sub Tropical Gardens visitor attraction. Here they found the whip and his friend waiting
opposite the gardens trade entrance so decided to stop and have a listen and straight away could hear the hounds in cry in
the gardens! They then watched in amazement as hounds were seen followed by a rather embarrassed whip on foot [left]. There followed a period of hide and run between the gardens and the swannery area before the Huntsman took his
usual route through the reed beds and Cuckoo Coppice. The hounds then went on a line off towards Tiny Coppice, flushing out
a terrified deer on their way, before circling back. At this point Sabs used the gizmo and distracted them. From there the
field headed towards New Barn Farm and it was decided to drop a team in at Coastguard Rd in Langton Herring which worked perfectly
as the Hunt moved along the coast. The other group went back towards Rodden to spray the areas known to be used by the Hunt
and to monitor the Hunt's progress... Then the call came over the radio that a fox had run from Wyke Wood between 2 point
riders and was heading our way. Thankfully with Sabs present and filming the Hunt was stopped from taking off after the terrified
beautiful fox. With the Monitor and a very experienced sab ready in the Landy with cameras and spray, they watched with shock
as a very, very exhausted fox ran tiredly along the road directly towards them [left] and
the waiting hunt supporters [below lleft]. Sabs sat still until the fox passed
and then jumped into action, with the sab telling the support to stay where they were as it would be inadvisable to try and
head the fox back towards the hounds! After making sure the fox was away and safe the sab after spraying the area then using
voice commands stopped the pack in its full stride on the scent of the fox and sent them back to the Huntsman. Meanwhile the Monitor had phoned 101 and told Dorset Police what was going on. The person on the
other end of the phone was very helpful and after logging the occurance said that a unit would be sent out to us straight
away. We are very disappointed to say that Dorset Police did not turn up. From that point it all pretty much went downhill for
Lady T and with huntsmen losing their tempers, riders hitting their horses round the head with a whip and riders leaving like
rats on a sinking ship, what was left of the field and pack, seemed to ride around aimlessly for the next hour or so. With
sabs close by wherever they went today they were confined to such a small area that even the horses probably knew where the
next stop was! At 4.33pm they gave up and boxed for home. With great teamwork from Sabs and a Monitor we saved the life of at least one fox
today. If you would like to join us in our
fight for our beautiful Dorset wildlife then please message us on this page. Thank You. Pics
below - 1/ Hunted fox passes anti's car 2/ Is this what they call
'riding side-saddle' ?  Former
hosts of Hare Week have moved in with North Pennine FH 12-11-17 Facebook – HSA ALSTON HARE WEEK UPDATE Back in August, the HSA revealed
that the Weardale & Tees Valley Beagles - organisers of the notorious Alston Hare Week hunting festival - have been forced
to sell their kennels. For many years the WTV had relied on the extra income from their cruel festival to boost their funds,
but the pack have struggled since the Hunt Saboteurs Association destroyed Alston Hare Week in 2014. Following a surveillance operation throughout autumn, we can now reveal that the WTV beagles have moved in with the
North Pennine Foxhounds at Red Barns, Toronto, Bishop Auckland. The North Pennine are a fell pack run by Sir Johnny Scott,
best known as presenter of the terrible pro-hunt TV show "Clarissa and the Countryman" with Clarissa Dickson-Wright. The HSA continue to
keep a close eye on the WTV beagles and are determined that Alston Hare Week will never happen again. Cheshire FH filmed hunting fox
near village - it escaped Hunt thug beats then sits on monitor car bonnet Cheshire
Forest FH have low turnout, pack up early 12-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors IT'S NO FUN BEING A HUNTER IN CHESHIRE... CHESHIRE HOUNDS, STAPLEFORD 11.11.17 CHESHIRE FOREST, BELMONT HALL 11.11.17 We split
our team to monitor two hunts today, and were able to again keep the Cheshire Hounds company throughout their sordid day out;
the Cheshire Forest was a different story, with such a pitiful turnout and following yet more negative attention of late,
after a bit of faffing about at Belmont Hall, home of Cransfield School, trying desperately to do a bit of hunting but just
making a nuisance of themselves blocking roads, decided it best to pack up early. Back
with the Cheshire Hounds, meeting at Cross Lanes Farm in Stapleford near Waverton, our team were interested to see which land
the Hunt would venture onto today having now been banned from numerous pockets of farm and commercial land in this area. And
they struggled, up and down the same stretches of road – with ensuing chaos – seemingly unsure which way they
had laid their “trail” (they didn’t even both with their knickers-on-a-stick ruse today). With a large field (riders) they travelled to various points in the area, first off travelling down through Hockenhull Platts,
a Cheshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve. Clearly the Hunt must have received permission for this, and that the Wildlife Trust
think this nature reserve’s inhabitants can cope with a full pack of hounds, dozens of horses and four quad bikes crashing
through their sensitive environment.
From here the Hunt moved onto land beside Cotton Farm, followed by numerous hunt-followers,
complete with Tupperware full of sandwiches, scoffed while waiting for the ‘action’ to start. Sadly for them,
members of our team took position with full view of any hunting about to take place as the Huntsman began to mark a nearby
woodland. Lots of quad bike activity here too, which only means one thing (and that ain’t trail hunting, folks). Disgruntled
the Hunt moved on, before stopping for a spot of lunch after all their hard work of an hour’s failed hunting. Who says
hunters are work-shy and privileged? While we waited for the second act, our team suffered numerous attempts at intimidation
from hunt ‘stewards’, supporters and random followers, including one seemingly unhinged chap who, not only threatened
physical violence on members of our team, but proceeded to beat the bonnet of one of our cars, before sitting on it [above
right]. After much more trotting here and there desperately trying to find areas to chase foxes without too much attention, the Hunt eventually found themselves in Hargrave, where we witnessed (and filmed) them doing
just that. Again, much quad bike activity in the next field, and an elderly gentleman follower telling us precisely what the
Hunt were doing (cheers, loose lips), we can’t help wondering if this poor creature was brought to the area to be hunted.
Thankfully though, it escaped with ease [above left]. Here
we suffered repeated, continual verbal abuse from hunt supporters for being “paedophiles”. They still fail to
understand the term ‘Defamation of Character’, but thankfully the police certainly do. More video evidence for
the on-going file, and more details on this to come. After scaring the Hunt away from Hargrave, they made a last-ditch attempt to do
what we all know they really, really want to happen – to chase a fox – by moving across to woodland they often
use on the Eddisbury Way near the canal. Sadly again – for them – we arrived first – and the Huntsman’s
face was a picture on his arrival at the wood (yes, we have a Tardis). More furtive phone calls, one female rider unceremoniously
urinating in the bushes right in front of us, and some more verbal abuse, and they were gone, back to where they came with
tails firmly between their legs. A terrible day’s hunting, a terrible day out for the riders, but another great day
for foxes. If you would like to join our team, or have information to pass on to us (in strictest confidence), then please get
in touch. Either message us here or email - mailto:info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk.ic Pic above right - Cheshire 'We own the roads' Hunt Pics below - 1/
JM riding on banned land 2/ Hunt congregating at an open recycling centre  Landowner
calls police out when N.Irish fox hunt & hounds invade property Also hounds ran through
a private garden before sab presence led to early pack-up 11-11-17 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs NI Today we headed to the small village of Kircubbin which is approximately 13 miles from Newtownards. We know from previous sabbing in this area that
the majority of residents are against this barbaric “sport”. Today was no different. As soon as the Hunt were
on the move the sabs kept with the Hunt through some of the hardest terrain we have faced for quite a while. It was like Groundhog
Day, with hounds running around loose with no control by the hunter and the whipper in, which suited us as it meant that there
were long stops and not much movement. The only worrying time we had today was that the hounds went into someone’s garden
with no Hunt member in sight and when that happens you don’t know if domestic animals are in the garden, thankfully
we kept a watch on this and no intervention was needed. A new record was set today, the Hunt packed up at just after 2pm, they were only
out for just under 2 hours, they were totally fed up with our presence and decided to call it a day. Also another new for
us, the police arrived towards the end of the day and not because of us but because a resident had called them due to horses
and hounds trespassing on their land. All in all not much to say about today, apart from no wildlife killed. This was the same place that 2 foxes were ripped apart last year but today no one
lost their life. It was great to see the locals support us and just proves just as many people in the country support a ban as “townies”.
Until the next time!! Long run the fox! Pic above right - 1/ A load
of crap [no, not the cow pat] Fernie FH let flock of sheep out on to a road Chaos ensued, hounds mingling with terrified sheep 11-11-17 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Sab report 11/11/17 Yesterday we teamed up with our
friends from Hertfordshire, Nottingham and new group Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs to visit the Fernie hunt who chose the area of
Knaptoft/Laughton for their bloodsport. They had a strong field of riders and lots of
hunt supporters in the area ready to intimidate and do their “masters” bidding, but of course that did not deter
us. A group stayed with the pack most of the day and between us successfully ruined their fun. The usual tactics of following
sab vehicles and blocking us in with theirs. Just after second horses, the Hunt caused chaos by letting sheep from a field out
on the road. Not only were the sheep terrified, but the hounds were mingling in between them. It took some time for the Hunt
Masters (doing the round up of shame) to get both sheep and hounds in order again! Photo of this hopefully coming later. We stuck with the
Hunt until they disbanded around sunset. A long, tiring day for sabs but as far as we know, no foxes were harmed. If you'd like
to donate to our vehicle/fuel costs you can do so here: www.paypal.me/ENABS Vale of the White Horse FH chase
fox and riot twice on deer Monitors think their presence prevented a dig-out 11-11-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VWH Hunt - 09. 11. 2017 The VWH were out in Hannington
Wick on Thursday near Fairford, Swindon. They met at Yew Tree Farm and took the hounds along to the first bridle way on the
Thames Path. As we were already there waiting for them they changed their mind and decided to divert towards the covert alongside
the river. Oh dear did that spoil their trail? Support vehicles are sometimes useful and today they gave us a good indication
of where they were. In fact they stayed around this area for most of the hunt and we were able to keep them within earshot. At 12.30pm, the huntsmen
came out of the bridleway on to the lane going towards Hannington Bridge. They were pointing into the field adjacent to the
lane and suddenly the Whipper-In bought the hounds out. Just after this a beautiful dog-fox broke cover and ran across the
lane. There were some local people extremely upset to see the hounds pick up on the fox’s scent and chase it across
towards Blackford Farm area. Challenges to the Hunt about trail hunting make no difference to them. As we approached Sterts
Farm on Thames path the Hunt field were moving into field to the east of the small covert, behind the hedge and there was
Hunt activity around the small covert there. The hounds then rioted off after deer and departed chased by Hunt staff in westerly
direction ... but they had clearly either just had or were going to hunt the small covert. As we walked up the side of the
covert on the path there were several support vehicles there and we noticed a man with a spade on the edge of the wood near
us. When he saw us he came out again but looking in we saw two more with spades going into the covert. We did get in on a
track on the narrow northern edge making sure we could be heard and then saw the two men with terriers exiting in front of
us out the end of the wood. As a couple of the Hunt riders were staying around even though the Hunt had moved, we had suspected
an imminent dig-out but they had no time for that. As we progressed through the narrow end of the wood and out we noted the
two men walking around the perimeter back to where the vehicles were. Why would men with spades go into a small wood when
the Hunt had just been there? We then went forward toward the big covert south of Manor Ham Barn and bordered by the river
on the north side, where two quite polite male riders tried to persuade us to leave the scene. There were riders on point
and we briefly heard the hounds but believe they lost the fox further up by the crossroads. For the second time on the Thames
path we saw fallow deer running and then the hounds rioting after deer with the Huntsman and whipper-in screaming after them
full-pelt with the hounds in cry ahead – we have no idea whether they attacked a deer or not as we couldn’t see
we only heard that horrible noise of the hounds. They packed up early today at about 2.30pm which makes a change. Considering they
didn’t start until about 11.15 am that’s the shortest outing we’ve had for a while. See you next time VWH. Police send 4 cars to Silverton FH at Hunt's behest - they hassle
sabs They had failed to respond at all to sabs' distress call a week before 11-11-17 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs We like to keep the 20-odd fox hunts in Devon on their toes and the Silverton were the only ones left on
our list of Hunts not yet visited. They met in a field on the edge of Silverton, hosted by disgraced local businessman Philip
Saunders, a joint master of the Hunt. Both Hunt and sabs observed a minute's silence at 11am but in a sad irony on
the day the guns fell silent we could hear local bloodsports enthusiasts beginning a pheasant shoot nearby. With about 20
riders and four quad bikes, one of them equipped with terriers and masked terrier men, the hunt left the meet heading north
through the village and up towards Coblands Farm where hounds were entered into a small covert. We asked one of the Masters
why terrier men were out with the hunt and his reply was "I'm not going to answer that". There was not even
a pretence of a trail having been laid so it was no great surprise when hounds erupted into cry north of Land Farm and ran
in a line straight across the road towards North Down Farm, where the scent was lost. You may recall from last week's report that we called the police when we were subjected to
criminal damage to our vehicle and threats of violence from hunt support at the South Tetcott but we were told police had
no resources to send out. This week four police vehicles were soon in the area, having been called by the Hunt. Only a few minutes before they arrived, one of our sabs was driven into by hunt support but all the police [a
strangely behaved CPSO, right] seemed interested in was laboriously checking our vehicle insurance. When asked why
they'd been called out, one officer told us we had been accused of trespassing, until it was pointed out to him that that
is not a crime. HIs fall-back accusation was that we had used "foul and abusive language". A straightforward lie
from the hunt that even if true surely doesn't warrant four police cars. As always, if they have nothing to hide, why
are they so bothered about people watching?... Police told us that our presence was provocative and suggested we leave. You couldn't
make this up. If police actually did their job in policing illegal hunting, we would quite happily go home! As usual they
had no interest in the illegal hunting and actually did everything they could to hinder us by driving as slowly as possible
in front of our vehicle, at the precise moment when hounds were in cry. We'll be making our own complaints but we'd
also encourage our supporters to politely ask Devon & Cornwall Police why they don't enforce the Hunting Act and whether
their response today was a sensible use of supposedly stretched resources. Anyone who didn't know better would never guess
from all this that there is a law against fox hunting. Obviously we didn't leave. The Hunt persisted in drawing coverts as far north
as Butterleigh, including Claypark, Broadpark, Leighpool and Brimpool Copses, with sabs keeping an eye from multiple vantage
points, ready to act if necessary. They drew blank in all these coverts and ended the day back in the valley around North
Down Farm, with an early finish at 2.30pm. Thank you to everyone who has been sending us information
so far this season. Please keep sending tip-offs to devoncountysabs@riseup.net or via phone to 07717473305. If you support what we do, please contribute to our fuel fund to keep our Land Rover
on the road: https://www.paypal.me/dchs. Pics below - 1/ Silverton Hunt with terrierman
2/ Hunting - such fun  Hampshire Hunt bring the A31 to a standstill - sabs cause quick pack-up 11-11-17 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO The Surrey Hunt Monitors turned up near Ropley, Hants to find a tailback of traffic on
the A31 and the Hampshire Hunt taking their whole pack and the field down the wrong side of the A31 [below]. This
busy road was brought to a standstill by this arrogant hunt, who were clearly not expecting anyone and had been found by sabs
holding up a wood as in cub hunting. Two quads of terriermen were found in the middle of the woods with the Huntsman, and
quickly made a retreat. We saw no trail layers at all and this very panicked Hunt packed up and made their sorry way back
there on the run from Guildford and North Downs Sabs. This Hunt is not visited that often and we thought it time for a visit as we had
heard that they hunt illegally most of the time. The Hunt returned to the kennels at about 2pm.  In addition to the field parading down the A31, as above, sabs filmed hounds being taken on to one
of the dual carriageways and turning right across the other one after a couple of hundred yards. Pics below - 1/ Taking them on 2/ Taking them off again  Sabs say Ledbury South FH terrorised cattle & sheep but killed no
foxes Freshly blocked badger sett found in the area LS FH hunting 11-11-17 Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs We found ourselves in the land of battles past on the Anglo-Welsh borders, under the shadows of the Black
mountains. Today was a different battle, one between good and evil. Evil came in the form of animal terrorisers the Ledbury
South Fox Hunt; a sort of rehash of the South Herefordshire Hunt which ceased in name after they were caught carrying out
heinous acts on little fox cubs. Good was presented by ourselves and our companions South Wales, Bristol & Bath Hunt Saboteurs. The Hunt met on land belonging to the Williams family at Escley House (companies
linked to this family include Golden Valley Inns and Hereford Racecourse) near Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire. From the
start the Hunt were surrounded by sabs at all angles. Hounds went into cry briefly a few times but were largely quiet throughout
the damp day. The Hunt did manage to upset at least two local landowners as they selfishly rampaged through fields of sheep
and cattle, terrifying them. One was trying to protect his sheep and wanted to know which Hunt it was, he was surprised to
find out who they were 'what – all the way over here?' The other was furious that her horses had been spooked
in their field. One of the other teams found and unblocked a badger sett. Hunts frequently block setts to prevent exhausted
foxes taking refuge in them. The Hunt travelled quickly
at times, as if to avoid having their sordid activities watched by sabs but they were closely monitored as they attempted
to hunt Wern Ifor wood, Pont-y-Cefn wood, Wilderness Wood and the area around Michaelchurch Court. As the mists descended
and visibility decreased, members of the Hunt began creeping back home into the darkness where they belong. This time we are
confident no blood was spilt and good prevailed. Pics below - 1/
Freshly blocked badger sett 2/ Hounds scaring sheep  13-2-17 Facebook - Welsh Border Hunt Sabs VIDEO The Ledbury South. Michaelchurch Escley We met
up with sabs from Bath, Bristol and South Wales to pay a visit to the Ledbury South on Saturday. Splitting up into small groups,
we deployed a "pincer movement" and surrounded the hunt. Whilst we followed the pack, sabs from Bath and Bristol
discovered a huge badger sett, blocked with evidence of spade marks around the holes. With the Ledbury famous for blocking
setts, seems the Ledbury South also don't mind a bit of it either. On arrival back at the road, we encountered a rather angry farmer who was insistent that the hunt were not welcome
on his land. Shame the Hunt didn't tell the hounds as we filmed them chasing his sheep. Trespass 1 of the day. As the Hunt moved back in the direction of the meet to cross over, we heard screaming
coming from a farm. We spoke to the woman involved who was clearly distressed and who explained she had asked the hunt if
they would be near her property and was told they would not. But they lied, resulting in one of her horses who had a hock
injury panicking and running riot around her field. Trespass 2. As
the Hunt crossed over, sab groups went in from all angles and poor Peghead had nowhere to hide. As the weather started to
draw in, the Hunt headed home, soggy and a bit miffed. Massive thanks to Bristol, Bath and South Wales for a good job. Cumbria
Huntwatch challenge to Hunts over trail laying unanswered after nearly 3 years 11-11-17 Twitter - Cumbria Huntwatch @felicityfox55 In 2015, we issued a challenge to all local Hunts - if they could show us they were laying trails we'd give
£100 to Keswick hospital. Not one Hunt took us up on this. £100 to a good cause just for showing us what they
say they do all season. Why would anyone turn that down??? Article
below from the front page of Lakeland District Herald, 31-1-15 -  Sabs
ensure kill free day at Fernie FH & pack up Westerby Bassetts 11-11-17 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs We're delighted that today we've had the pleasure of working with Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs on their
first ever trip out. This new group are brimming with enthusiasm and we look forward to working closely with them as they
continue to grow. If you're in their area give them a shout and get involved. You won't regret it. Our two groups headed
South and joined comrades from Northants at the Fernie Hunt who met at Knaptoft, Leicestershire. Upon arrival we headed straight into the fields and kept a wary eye as the hunt put their
hounds into a covert right by a busy A road. Upon seeing sabs the Huntsman quickly gathered his hounds and headed south at
speed where he was met by Northants sabs who were ready and waiting for him. Meanwhile one of our cars that was spinning around
the area spotted a load of vehicles parked up by a farm. Recognising some of them we stopped for a closer look and who did
we find lurking? None other than the Westerby Bassetts [right] just about to set off and hunt
some hares. Upon seeing sabs one of the whipper ins was heard to mutter "we're not going anywhere" but huntsman
Bruce had other ideas and immediately set off up the road at a furious pace. He quickly lost most of his support and one of
his whips but sabs are made of sterner stuff and stuck with him. Bizarrely all this rushing only led as far as the local pub
where the Hunt gathered outside for a nice pint. Presumably Bruce was just thirsty! After he'd quenched his thirst he
gathered his hounds, took another walk back along the road (strange when there where so many nice fields he could have gone
for a stroll in instead) to the meet where he packed up. We headed back to the Fernie where the afternoon had continued in a similar vein.
The Huntsman continually moving on and sabs gamely sticking with him. We were happy to see him finally pack up just as darkness
was falling. So a great introduction for Lincoln
Sabs. A successful day at the Fernie with a Brucie bonus of packing up the Bassetts to boot. Lets hope they carry on in a
similar vein.
Four sabs groups thwart Puckeridge FH and cause early pack-up11-11-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Sometimes you get a call which you just have to act on. When
we got a message from our friends over at SES - Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs - that they had found the Puckeridge it was
just too good an opportunity to pass up on, especially when they were so close to home so we headed over there with N.Cambs
Sabs and joined up with S.Cambs, who were already on the scene. Now for those of you that don't know the Puckeridge
is the home Hunt of the so-called Countryside Alliance CEO Dim Tim Bonner. We hoped he would be present so we could say hello
but alas no show. SES and S.Cambs had already done a fine job before we arrived, seeing a brace of foxes away to safety but with now 4 groups
present they were literally scuppered. Every which way they turned they were faced with sabs and running out of places to
ply their gruesome trade they called in their backup - the police. They duly arrived and accepted lifts on the back to
the terrier men's quads to catch up with us. Not a particularly bright move for an organisation which is supposed to uphold
the law and remain impartial. There were some claims regarding the law which the police were put straight on, we don't
need to give our details and trespass is a civil offence whereas hunting is a criminal one. But once our police liaison sab
had spoken to them and the police had been in contact with their WCO then they were no more problem (much to the hunts chagrin).
Except of course the police all terrain buggy isn't quite all terrain and got stuck in the mud and had to be driven out
by a terrier man while being pulled by a quad bike [right]. Oopsie. The Hunt jacked it
in and returned to the meet at Shaw Green, Herts, defeated and dejected just after 2pm. Great result all round and good to
catch up with old friends over cake and sausage rolls (all vegan of course). We had some new sabs out today, we're growing every
week and getting stronger. The Hunts are diminishing despite what the CA will have you believe. Get involved, drop us a line. Pics below - 1/ Field looking
less than happy 2/ Police with riders. Getting their orders?  Female sab punched in face by male Warwickshire FH hunterAssailant then tried to steal sabs' cameras, damaged one Hunters nearby just
laughed, one told her she deserved it Sab taken to hospital with big wound just above eye 9-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO FEMALE SAB PUNCHED IN FACE BY WARWICKSHIRE HUNT 2 Sabs
were filming the Hunt as they were blatantly hunting near a busy main road. A male member of the Hunt punched a female Sab
in the face and then threw her to the ground and tried to steal cameras. Other members of the Hunt stood round laughing and
did not intervene. A passenger in senior master Charmaine Greens
vehicle told the female sab "you're not a woman you're a monster. You deserved it". Sab now in hospital.
Footage to follow. One of our cameras was damaged as a result of this attack if your able to donate
towards a new one please use the link below. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs Sort code 089299 account no. 65488120.  11-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Warwickshire Hunt attacks sab On Thursday 9th November members of West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs
were monitoring the Warwickshire Hunt who were hunting in Birdingbury, Warwickshire. The
Hunt were becoming increasingly annoyed at not being able to hunt properly, senior Hunt Master Charmaine Green was filmed
going through a list of contacts and then making some phone calls. Not long after these phone calls two aggressive hunt supporters
turn up and approach the two sabs. One of them then hits one of the cameras before hitting the female saboteur in the
face. When her back is turned on him he starts shoving her and then pushes her to the ground. He then lashes out at her again.
When she challenges him about him hitting her he doesn't deny it and can he can be heard saying “you can hit me
if you want I don’t give a f***”. Back on the road one hunt supporter apologies and says “that should never
have happened” and then agrees that despite their differences the saboteurs have never been violent towards them. The sabs then challenge the Warwickshire Hunt senior master Charmaine Green and ask her if she thinks it acceptable
to hit women, a female passenger in the back says “your not a woman, you're a monster” and “that’s
nothing” referring to the blood coming from the saboteurs eye. Fox hunting
is a violent activity and it is only a short leap from using violence towards animals to using violence against people. Just
like they try to justify their violence towards foxes by vilifying them as pests they try to justify their violence towards
us by calling us monsters. They know we are non-violent and even admit to us that we’ve never been violent to them which
shows that this was a completely unprovoked attack. We ask the question who are the real monsters here?” One of our cameras was damaged as a result of this attack if you're able to
donate towards a new one please use this link https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Thanks very much for all the kind messages of support. We will keep you updated on this incident.  
Fox kill by Mendip Farmers FH reported by member of public 9-11-17 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs We have been reliably informed by a member of the public that a fox was killed by the Mendip Farmers Hunt
on the afternoon of Sunday 5th November. The fox was chased and torn apart by the full pack at Kingdown Farm, Priddy, near
Wells. We believe that Kingdown Farm is owned by Yeo Valley Dairies. The brutal killing took part in full view of the Hunt's
supporters. The Mendip Farmers Hunt were in
the spotlight back in July when their out of control hounds attacked and seriously injured a dog being walked near their kennels
at Nine Barrows Lane, Priddy. Pics below - 1/ The Huntsman and pack 2/
Dog attacked by hounds  Monitors film Grafton FH hunting at least two foxes Female
monitor struck in face by woman supporter She is then surrounded by riders to hold her up 9-11-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch Huntsman Mick Wills foxhunting at Farthinghoe on 4th November 2017 whilst being filmed by our brave hunt monitors. Pics below - 1/ Cries of
Tally Ho! heard - the fox has been spotted 2/ Monitor finds fleeing fox
3/ Aggressive supporter struck monitor in face 4/ Then riders surrounded monitor to hold
her up 5/ Huntsman bashing bushes trying to flush fox out. Monitor found Huntsman and terrierman
on other side 6/ Fox about to dive into hedge. Then crossed road in front of the field 7/ Hounds
in full cry in field fox ran into    North Cotswold FH hunt fox across
bTb case farm Sabs say hunt only stopped because they were there Blocked setts and artificial earth found in the area 9-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs On 28th October 2017, the North Cotswold Hunt held a newcomers' meet near to Wormington. They certainly showed
newcomers what the hunt was all about, picking up on a fox within the first few draws and chasing him through Ryefield Farm
(yep, the same farm that has an unresolved case of bTB and which allowed the Hunt to meet on their land back in September) and on to Wormington
Grange. Further along, a badger sett was found blocked at an area where a fox was seen breaking cover (another also running
from the same area) who had, most likely, been trying to 'go to ground' and escape the hounds, but had to run on further
due to the blockages. They then moved on to Little Mocho Coppice, just south of Childswickham,
where we found an artificial earth in the top corner earlier on during cubhunting. Hounds were hunted on by hunt staff despite
knowing that foxes were on camera, riders stalked sabs in order to keep tabs on them and relay locations back to the hunt
staff and parking/driving skills of supporters were atrocious as usual. So a pretty spot-on impression of what to expect from
the Hunt for the remainder of the season... At the end of this meet, we headed over to the remainder of the opening meet of
the Croome and West Warwickshire, which is where our driver had a large rock thrown at his windscreen. A huge thanks to those
who have supported us to get the car fixed... if anyone else can chuck us a few quid towards our standard expenses, you can
send us a message or use paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Last season we attended more than 100 hunt meets (we sab between
3 and 5 per week during the season) so fuel is a major expense! Thanks! 3C. Pics below - 1/ Fox fleeing hounds
2/ Hounds still excited 3/ With sabs on spot, Hunt pulls hounds off  South Durham FH hunt along railway
line - female monitor shoved 9-11-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors Hit Report South Durham Hunt 4.11.17 Dunn Cow Sedgefield Monitors
were surprised to see the dismal turnout for SDH opening meet of the season and not surprised to see the police turn up to
escort them to the hunt location �� A mile away not far from Sedgefield racecourse. We had previously hit them
cubbing in the area when they killed 2 foxes and we were not about to let that happen again. With 2 vehicles we had plenty foot monitors who could follow the Hunt and track their every move.
We headed towards diamond hall farm which on the map had a footpath running through it, we were abruptly stopped by the obviously
pro hunt owner and one female monitor was pushed back almost falling into a cow grid across the road. This all caught on film
and sent to the police. We made our way to a close by footpath and caught up with the Hunt around Neasless covert where
nothing much took place before heading back to get dropped off to the next location. Again on foot monitors managed to keep up with the hounds but out of sight from
the terrier twats on quads and after being alerted by our driver that a fox was coming our way we covered its scent and with
in minutes seen another to safety. The hounds not far behind were sent back towards the
Hunt. This gave away our position so we came out into the open and spotted the pack on a railway line. The hound master soon
joined them and took off in what we think was pursuit of the fox seen earlier but hounds failed to pick up its scent thanks
to a little citronella. Loose hounds were seen running along the railway line and we did manage to get one
in the general direction of the Hunt but 2 others had no clue where to go and between running out on the road and back to
the railway line we failed to get hold of them and left it to passing hunt support to hopefully round them up. The quad bike
also came speeding down the tracks all caught on out camera. These cretins have no thought for safety and put themselves and
their egos first every time. Makes us so mad that they believe they're above the law. We
did lose the Hunt whilst trying to sort out their own hounds but soon found them again. The pack had difficulty picking up
a scent all day and at the end of the meet a fox was seen running to a disused building and with hunt scum scrambling to find
it once again proves there was no so called trail laid. The fox got away and no kills were made. A much needed good
day for us after the weekend before when we lost a little life. We would like to thank you again for your support and for
all the lovely comments that we all read and that keeps us going. To donate to our fund please do so via PayPal at huntmonitors@gamil.com paypal.me/huntmonitors Long live the fox ��. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman and pack 2/ Man who shoved woman sab
nearly over 3/ Huntsman and pack on railway 4/ No, cloth ears, it's
TRAIL hunting, not TRAIN hunting   Monitors see Cheshire Forest Hunt kill right in front of them 8-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors KILL WITNESSED We are sad to report that our team have just
witnessed the Cheshire Forest Hunt kill right in front of them. Police and RSPCA have been called, and we will post more details
as soon as we can. Blatant fox hunting & assaults on sabs at Crawley FH opening meet So
keen to kill they hunted on into darkness This supplements the report on the
same meet from North Downs Sabs 5-11-17 below 8-11-17 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs Crawley & Horsham Opening Meet 4th November 11 a.m @ Knepp Castle West Grinstead,
Nr Horsham This entire day included ; Blatant illegal hunting, violence, intimidation,
harassment, lies and deceit. Everything we have come to expect from the Criminal & Horsham Hunt. Happy to say that we
were joined by Guildford Sabs, Croydon, North Downs and Surrey Hunt Monitors. Not long after the start and the first report
came in of a sab being assaulted. We headed down the road to assist and a black Nissan Navarra intentionally veered across
the road almost hitting our vehicle. The same vehicle had moments before driven at one of the sabs, fortunately we know who
was driving this vehicle. We picked up the young sab who had blood on either side of his face having been hit with a riding
crop. More and more reports came in of assaults. The Hunt had split and riders were heading in different directions. The hounds were
heard in cry behind Brookhouse farm so we all headed up there. As we approached a fox ran out in front of us at some speed
so sabs got to work spraying citronella to mask the scent. The Hunt and hounds headed away but worried that the fox could
still be close by, two hunt monitors stayed at the farm. Sure enough the Huntsman returned to Brookhouse farm and unaware
they were being watched by the two monitors, set up for some illegal hunting. Only the Huntsman and one other rider, two quad
bikes and hounds... oops I nearly forgot, also the black Nissan Navarra driver and his friends. They were all very
quiet, the terrier men on point while the Huntsman was drawing the hounds through a covert. The monitors watched until a fox
broke cover, the terrier man raised his arm pointing in the direction of the fox and the monitors made their presence known.
The fox got away and the hunters moved on. During the afternoon the Hunt were seen in one field while the hounds and Huntsman
had crossed the road to hunt elsewhere, but we found them and stopped them again. They
hunted until pitch black. One of the hounds was filmed wandering around in the lane. Not responding to commands the hound
was grabbed around the neck by the C&H ' Countryman' [above right] this made the
poor hound scream out in pain or fear. he was quite clearly exhausted and visibly shocked. Our films etc are being looked
over but thought we would put this one up of the hound, you can see how dark it was !!! Thank you so much to all who have
donated so far, it is such a great help. Working together to protect our wildlife. Sabs certain that Easton
Harriers hunted and killed hare Sabs picked up lost hound, one collapsed at end of day 8-11-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Easton Harriers – 4/11/17 - Oak Farm, Worlingworth – Suffolk
Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Sabs made the most of a grey and drizzly morning by turning up to the Easton Harriers. We picked up and
followed a horse box to Oak Farm in Worlingworth, Suffolk, where Huntsman Gary Wingar was already parked up. Looks like he
left early to try and avoid us. Sorry mate, better luck next time. Gary and his green-jacketed henchmen James Pratt, Andrew
Pritchard and Mike Lee spent much of the day "following a trail" that circled round and round and round between Oak Farm and Stanway Green mere feet away from
the hounds' noses. It even stopped and started to allow the hounds to catch up, which doesn't even meet the minimum
requirements of their made up lies about "trail hunting". Fortunately the terrain here was predominantly fields
of beet and stubble surrounded by roads so it wasn't difficult for foot and car sabs to ensure the pack of hounds were
in sight most of the day. There were few chases but
at one point four hounds crowded into a circle in a beet field and were seen tearing something apart. Sabs at this moment
were sadly too far away to get to the dogs in time. The hounds were spotted soon after with bloodied faces. Perhaps the most difficult moments of the day, though, involved two of the Easton Harrier hounds.One young looking dog, snout covered in blood, was left behind by the Hunt and ended
up accompanying sabs for most of the day. Gary didn't seem very interested in taking the hound back so we fed and kept
her warm in the back of one of our cars until the hunt packed up. And, just as
the hunt were packing up, one of the hounds was seen to be hobbling along with hind legs apparently in pain or discomfort.
The hound appeared to collapse and roll over onto his back before whipper-in Mike heaved the dog up and stuffed him rudely
into the back of a 4X4. In addition to this, many of the other hounds appeared skinny and even ill; even more so than during
the drunken reign of Alun Thomas. The Hunt
sure love their hounds, don't they? The
Easton Harriers packed up early - before 2pm - but it was bittersweet given the condition of the cold, rain-soaked and injured
dogs. We'll be keeping an eye on the condition of the hounds to ensure they don't become too bad. Support us and keep
us energised in the fields by buying us a coffee: ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs. Pics
below - 1/ Hare killed by hounds as Whipper-in looks on 2/ Hound has
hare's leg in its mouth 3/ Sab with Huntsman and pack 4/ Lost hound found
by sabs - blood on snout 5/ Sad hound hitches a lift 6/ Whip picks up
hound that collapsed at end of day   Cheshire Forest FH chase fox into garden - residents upset, cat missing Monitors
later saw Huntsman whipping a hound 8-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Forest Hunt Cuddington 8.11.17 The
Cheshire Forest met at The Forest View Inn, Gallowsclough Lane, Oakmere. Our ever expanding team soon located the Hunt surrounding
woodland on Wood Lane, we were given our usual warm welcome from the hunt support and followers. While filming we observed numerous traffic offences, including agricultural quad bikes being used on the road (below -naughty)
all incidents have been forwarded to the police and also the field themselves obstructing roads namely to block our Monitors
in and stop us from filming and keeping up with the Hunt. The Hunt soon moved off but we were able to keep tabs on them, with help from the locals indicating where they went,
it seems the Hunt isn't as welcomed into this area as they would think. It was in the early afternoon that we witnessed a very
distressing incident, a fox was witnessed fleeing for its life followed by the hounds, the fox entered a local residents garden
followed by the hounds, the screams coming from the landowners were harrowing. They were begging the Hunt to call the hounds
out and when speaking to them later they were still visibly upset and their precious family cat is now missing. For legal
reasons we cannot elaborate more on this incident, however for Monitors and residents it's was extremely upsetting. We later caught the Hunt surrounding another wood, the hounds were all over the place yet the field were all watching
some distance away from the main road, why lay a "trail" where the field can't follow answers on a postcard
please ... It took a long time for the Huntsman [below] to
round up his hounds and we then observed a hound being whipped and sworn at out of frustration maybe ? It would seem the
Cheshire Forest have carried on from where they left off last season with the Macclesfield fox kill and are still in the business
of attempting to kill foxes it seems.  Portman FH reported to have
trespassed on Hod Hill, NT land 6-11-17 LACS website The Portman Hunt were reported on Hod Hill, Dorset on 6th November 2017. Beaufort FH hounds on A46 again - one run over by car 6-11-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Well, wouldn't you think the Beaufort Hunt would have learnt their lesson from the other day when they chased the fox across the A46 and the loose hound nearly got run over by the car and caravan... of course not. So what did they
do today? They took the hounds over the same A46 again and this time the worst thing happened - a poor hound got knocked
down by an unsuspecting motorist. If your dog got knocked over would you continue with your jolly day out or abandon
everything and see to the dog? All animal lovers know the answer to this one. The Beaufort carried on regardless. As owners
of those hounds BH, you have a duty of care towards them. Why do you let them stray onto major roads? You wouldn't have
laid a trail there so we can only assume that the hounds picked up on a fox scent. Full report will follow. CIWH later uploaded a video. They spoke first to a woman passenger in the car, who was clearly upset and said hitting the hound wasn't their fault,
it just suddenly ran out. An elderly lady in the back of the car confirmed this. Monitors then spoke separately to the
male driver. He also said the hound just ran out and, though they were not going fast, they couldn't avoid it. A 'hunt
person', called John James [the Whipper-in], then appeared and when the driver asked for the Hunt details and tried to
take his picture, he ran off. He wasn't sure what happened to the dog. A hunt supporter passing in a car could
be heard shouting abuse as CIWH talked to the driver. CIWH later
added the following to their post of the video - The
hound was taken away by Hunt staff. Later they denied that anything had happened, but then said the hound had been taken back
to the kennels to be stitched up. It hit the car very hard, we would worry that it had internal injuries. Pics below - 1/ Elderly lady
passenger in back of car 2/ The driver. 3/ Hounds on A46 after one was run
over 4/ Whip [?] disappears after driver of car that hit hound asks for Hunt's details   Dart Vale Harriers Huntsman in middle of bog - says trail laid there! Sabs rescue and return
lost hound at end of day [no kills] 6-11-17 Facebook - South Devon Animal Rights Hit report – 4 November 2017 More surprises today when we
visited the Dart Vale & South Pool Harriers who met at the tiny hamlet of Michelcombe, near Holne on south-east Dartmoor. During the long career
of Huntsman Gilmore Lewis the Dart Vale & South Pool Harriers (separate until amalgamation in 1991) used to hunt fox on
Tuesdays and Saturdays and hare on alternate Thursdays. Following Gilmore’s retirement at the end of the 2010-11 season
his successor (disgraced huntsman Andrew Phillis) hunted only fox and did so on Tuesdays and Saturdays as hitherto. When hunting hare they would visit neighbouring Hunts’ countries (the Dartmoor
and the South Devon fox hunts) as that did not clash with hunting fox. (It was sport, after all . . . .) Although allegedly
trail hunting, it was a mystery/surprise today, therefore, to see the DVSP Harriers apparently hunting fox in the Dartmoor
Hunt’s country after meeting at The Brookings. Imagine our surprise (No. 2), then, to find new Huntsman Emlyn Jones (formerly of the Modbury Harriers) at around
12 noon dismounted and lost in a boggy area on the open moor far from the meet. Mystery/surprise No. 3 was how it came about
that his pack of harriers had followed an artificial trail into such ground in the first place. We can understand that a fox
may run through it to dilute its scent but the Huntsman claimed to our sab that the trail had been laid just after 7:00 am.
We contend that a trail would have dissipated several hours before Emlyn and sab met in the waterlogged ground! We don’t know the identity of the (alleged) trail layer, nor do we know whether to commend them for such ingenuity
or criticise them for leading the new master and his horse into danger. However, remounting after exiting the tricky conditions,
Emlyn led his rather small mounted field of approximately 10 riders into unknown territory on the open moor. Meanwhile, foot sabs - used to extensive trekking across the north moor with the Mid-Devon Hunt – spread out
in small groups. Far and wide the Hunt ranged and gave us the run-around, one foot sab covering 15 miles/24km. On more than one occasion the allegiance of several hounds came into question when
we used our gizmo, voice and horn calls. Although hounds went into cry several times (sometimes running downwind, sometimes
up) we do not believe they killed. The day ended with the huntsman returning to the hound truck without a full pack.
We joined in the search and as light faded found one poor exhausted soul crying mournfully amongst the gorse and bracken.
Taking our Land-Rover onto the open moor we recovered Warrior, rang the kennels and arranged for grateful Emlyn to liaise
with us back at the meet where the couple were reunited. West Somerset Vale FH fox hunt openly, including on N.Trust land Visitors to Quantocks
appalled at what Hunt were doing 5-11-17 Facebook - Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group West Somerset Vale Hunt at Triscombe Stone on the Quantock Hills, Saturday 4th November
A massive turnout of field for this pathetic Hunt with four redcoats, four adults and three kids under 16, four quads, one
ridden two up and the others unregistered, two terriermen, whilst there were about 300 various mountain bikers, families out
walking, dog-walkers by the herd... and us. Despite our presence and in front of multitudes of appalled public, the Hunt proceeded
to hunt fox openly all over the AONB Quantock Hills, flushing hounds through gorse on National Trust property at Great Hill
and Marrow Hill, racing quads up and down the Drove Road, alarming many walkers, dog walkers and bikers enjoying the fine
weather in a beautiful landscape. Hunt followers were repeatedly aggressive and confrontational, with masked terriermen
buzzing the sabs on NT land... yet we received many kind words from members of the public, all of whom were appalled at this
open display of illegal hunting and many of whom accepted our card explaining what we do. Remains
to be seen what NT do about this trespass and the illegal hunting that occurred on their land - plod certainly wasn't
interested when we reported the Hunt and the unlicensed quads but we did get recorded under a crime number. Now the badger cull is finished, we are seriously skint in the bank, having expended over £1000 on fuel alone
during the 6 wk cull. Having our truck's door kicked in by a nice terrierman at the Tetcott hasn't helped either!
Any donations to our fuel fund especially welcome!!! Pics from the day....the hunt photographer who
explained it was illegal to take pics of people....while taking pics of us..........the trail layer who said we couldnt wear
a face covering in case we were taken for terrorists.....as two masked terriermen roared past on their quads...the Hunt parked
up on NT land watching the hunt.........and some other pics of interest.  Fife FH hunt fox - no guns - Huntsman filmed whipping hound 5-11-17 Facebook Perthshire Hunt Sabs VIDEO Fife Foxhounds - Easter Kellie – 04/11/2017 We caught up with
the Hunt drawing gorse between Carnbee Law and Kellie Law, the Hunt saw us coming so decided to get Galpin (terrier man) to
stage a mock dig-out pretending a fox had went to ground, we know he does this often, but we also know that he slinks off
to have real dig-outs also, so we had to check it out. The Hunt then moved off at speed, a sab stayed with Galpin to be on
the safe side while others moved on to locate the Hunt. The Hunt were seen heading towards Knights Ward
to the north, to far away to follow on foot so sabs regrouped to again locate the Hunt, by this time the Hunt were travelling back down where they then decided to hunt
in Gillingshill Nature Reserve. Robert Howarth (the Huntsman) got off his horse to encourage the hounds on foot, but they
failed to locate a fox, Robert was so annoyed by this he whipped a hound - so much for caring about their hounds [VIDEO + pic right] all this while blocking
a public road, no guns in position either, not like it's safe to be shooting or hunting on a public highway. The Hunt decided to
try Kellie's Law again seeing as we disrupted their "fun" the first time, we moved back onto the hill, making
it smell beautiful on our way ;). They tried
an area of gorse, but did not pick up, then moved over to another area of gorse, sadly a fox was bolted, no guns in position,
if the Hunt were acting within the law, guns should have been in position before they went near the gorse. The fox had been
seen and Robert encouraged the hounds onto the line of the fox, the wind was picking up by this stage too, helping to cover
the scent. The fox was seen by sabs and hunters looping back in the direction it came, so determined to kill the fox, Robert
then dismounted his horse again and took the hounds to where the fox was last sighted, but even this failed as the wind and
a lovely citrus smell covered the fox's scent and eventually the Hunt gave up, Robert the Huntsman walking back to the
meet with the hounds. Please help in any way you can https://gogetfunding.com/fuel-costs-and-vehicle-maintenance/ Pics below - 1/ Fox just flushed out 2/
Hounds have lost scent 3/ Fox fleeing Hunt  Sab allegedly racially abused
at Berwickshire FH meet 5-11-17 Facebook - Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs Hit report 4th November Berwickshire Hunt - Manderson House We met up with Glasgow Hunt Sabs and went to visit the Berwickshire Hunt at Manderson
house at 9:00am at began pre spraying in the grounds surrounding the house before the Hunt arrived. The Hunt starting
arriving around 10:00am Sabs waited at the meet where terriermen asked us "Make ourselves scarce" as they had called
the police, Sabs stayed at the meet as we hadn't broken the law and waited their until the Hunt left around 11:15am. We had pre-sprayed
a lot of ground so the Hunt were struggling to pick up a scent and spent the first part of the day running from us instead
of hunting. The Hunt made a false claim to
the police that we had poison in our spray bottles -this was pretty silly -and police seized two spray bottles for testing
this will achieve nothing with plenty of citronella sabs made up more mixture of water and citronella and continued sabbing. A member of our group
was a victim of racial abuse. we cannot go into detail at the moment, but it's shocking that the Berwickshire Hunt allow
racism among their supporters! We also noticed some teenagers
riding horses who must of been upset that we had turned up to the opening meet and shut them down they were very abusive to
members of our group but all they were doing is making the Hunt look bad! Hounds went into cry briefly 3 times but lost the scent
soon after. The cheeky teenager who was abusive fell of his horse we hope the horse is unharmed as he/she did not look well. This has been a poor start to this Hunt's season having 1 ambulance, 2 police
vehicles and 5 sab vehicles turning up the Huntsman did not look very happy. Until next time! Join.
Sab. Donate.
Suffolk FH supporters assault sabs while police sit & watch fox huntingSabs pushed
into ditch - one has suspected broken rib 5-11-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday, Saturday the 4th of November, we paid a visit to the Suffolk Hunt's opening meet, along
with Suffolk & Essex, S.Cambs and NE London Sabs. The Hunt had no intentions of sticking together and quickly began to lose field
riders left, right and centre, only to be found by our sabs miles away. We quickly found the hunt and stayed on their tail
for the entire day, never more than a couple of fields away. The hounds repeatedly went into cry, and on one occasion we had
a confirmed sighting of two foxes that had bolted, with the hounds in full cry chasing them roughly 30 seconds behind. However,
to our surprise, Suffolk Police witnessed the chase but the Hunt still had the audacity to claim a trail was laid there, even
though they had been hunting up and down the hedgerow where the fox was first seen for at least 10 minutes, right in front
of Suffolk Police. During the course of the
day, two members of the supporters club for the Suffolk Hunt assaulted two Sabs walking on a public right of way, near Stanstead
Great Wood ; This resulted in both sabs being shoved into a ditch, one of which required a medical pickup due to a suspected
fractured rib. In addition to this, the supporters had a bad habit of driving cars at us at high speeds along the public right
of ways, which could have easily resulted in a very bad collision. In summary, it was a very successful day with no known
kills at least 3 seen to safety. We’ll be sending an invoice to the hunt for medical compensation. 
Beaufort FH hound nearly run over on A46 as Hunt
chase fox 5-11-17 Facebook – Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO POWAperson narrates the video - Monitors were driving along the A46 on 28-10-17 when
they spotted a fox run across the road. They drove on and turned when they could do so safely and returned to the point where
they saw the fox. The Huntsman on horseback was by then on this busy, fast road. Monitors say there were hounds in bushes
either side of the road. It looked as if the Huntsman was intending to take hounds across the road. Monitors then approached
the Huntsman and told him they had seen the fox. A hound on the opposite side to where the Huntsman was first seen then appeared
between the monitor filming and another monitor and ran out on to the road, swerving back to the verge just in time to avoid
being run over as the monitor called to it. The hound then ran along the verge past the monitor and, as monitors attempted
to slow traffic, ran across the road to the other side. Pics below
- Huntsman in middle of A46 2/ Hound runs out into road nearly getting run over Braes o'Derwent FH kill
fox and noisily celebrate in front of monitors Their blocking tactics had stopped antis arriving until just
too late Hunters reported to police for being drunk in charge of horses 4-11-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors Hit Report: Braes of Derwent 28 /10/2017 This was a devastating day for Hunt Monitors. After hitting South Durham every “cubbing” meet since the onset of the
season we decided to give Bursta Blood Vessel Ross’s blood pressure the opportunity to go down a bit. Therefore, we paid The Braes
of Derwent Hunt a well overdue visit on their opening meet of the forthcoming fox hunt season. The Hunt met at Newlands on the Northumberland / Durham border. With easy 100 riders plus support
this was a huge meet, the largest hunt some monitors had witnessed before; consequently, from the offset we knew that it would
be a tricky one. After watching their pompous pre-hunt pep talk we were able to quickly establish the route they intended to take-
thanks for the clues Benjamin. We split into two teams of foot monitors; dropping our first team off to pre-spray and head
them off in one direction then our second at another. Our second team of monitors approached up a public footpath, directly
into the Hunt, where we then had the usual you’re trespassing; you’re on private land baloney etc. etc.–
zzzzzz. … we proceeded to keep on top of them when we were
subjected to a block in by horses and riders [e.g. pic right above] in a deliberate attempt
to prevent us following them and forcing us into ditches and into barbed wire etc. One particularly heinous individual, who
we believe was Kevin Hale, instructed his daughter who looked about 11 years old to ride into and block the only open space.
He does not know us, or what we are like, yet he placed his own daughter in such a high risk volatile situation. We were appalled,
absolutely appalled. Placing any child at risk is unacceptable, but your own daughter. That is deplorable behaviour even by
hunt standards - I hope social services are reading this.
We eventually made our way through and followed
on foot only to be subjected to a further bully boy block in by riders and hunt support in vehicles, yet again, riding and
backing their horses into us - typical horses as a weapon malarkey. We were vastly outnumbered so we summoned our driver who
swiftly approached to whisk us away; however, the vehicle was immediately surrounded - instigated by Top Dog Tool, Bill Gascoigne
and his harem of adoring female riders, hence, blocking any potential escape. During this time a monitor was ridden at and
knocked into a ditch falling onto a barb-wire fence which left her bruised [left above]. Drinking from their
hip flasks and cheering each other it became evident that they were drunk - and whilst riding horses, looking after children
and later driving their vehicles. We phoned the police and whilst waiting for them to arrive they eventually dispersed, obviously
thinking they’d given the Hunt enough time to move on. Following this incident our teams lost sight of them. Although, this violent behaviour illustrated how determined
they were to kill we weren’t overly concerned, as Braes are generally rubbish hunters. After
speaking to the police, who went off to look for them we drove to where we thought they’d be and there they were. We
had one team approach from one side as we approached from another. We saw the police cross over crossroads in front of us,
flashed them the way to go – which they didn’t. If they had they would have driven straight into Braes killing
a fox. As our team approached we pulled up heard the hounds in FULL CRY so we
leapt out of the car and over into the field in an attempt to intervene, however, we were just seconds too late we just got over into the field
to see the hounds at the other end savaging the fox, unable to get there in time we managed to at least get some footage,
which we are reviewing. Seconds preceding our arrival our other team arrived on the
scene from the other direction, to witness first-hand this barbaric spectacle - the hounds sent in to kill, prior to Hunter
lackey James Jopling jump off his horse run in to retrieve and subsequently, escape with the fox’s ravaged body. On
sighting monitors he proceeded to jump over a field and ran, we believe he was then picked up by a waiting vehicle and whisked
away. Nevertheless, Monitors took off over the fields and through the woods in pursuit and attempted to locate the body of
this poor animal. Simultaneously, the rest of the hunt were kissing and hugging each other, raising their hip flasks and toasting
each other. WTF!!! These sadistic, violent criminals had not only viciously and cruelty snatched away a life just
to satisfy their warped and sadistic blood lust but they were toasting and celebrating their achievement. 100 riders, huntsmen,
quad bikes, 20-30 support vehicles and 40 hounds against one innocent animal is an achievement according to these vile people. Well, congratulations Benjamina you have earned
your stripes, guaranteeing we will be back again…. very soon. Unlike these Neanderthals, our team were devastated and visibly
upset. However, we will not be deterred and we will be back bigger, stronger and more determined than ever. RIP sweet angel. Forever
free. Sorry that we could not save you little one. We were there to protect you, but we let you down. We came to help, but
we were just too late. You can donate to help
us save wildlife via paypal at huntmonitors@gmail.com. Pics below - 1/ Road illegal quads 2/ Hounds about to
kill fox  Sabs attacked at Crawley FH as foxes hunted as if there were no ban Several
sabs injured - females suffer sexual taunts from supporters Many wild animals spooked by Hunt on 'rewilding estate' that bizarrely
allows Hunt 4-11-17 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs VIDEO A hard , long and violent day for Guildford and North Downs sabs and Surrey Hunt Monitors who joined up with Croydon
and West Sussex sabs for the opening meet of the Crawley and Horsham Hunt, who met at Knepp Castle nr Southwater. From the start the Hunt were very violent with many attempts to ride sabs down. They hunted foxes like the ban had
never happened and the W.Sussex group filmed a number of foxes being illegally hunted and passed evidence to the police. We
reverted to old school sabbing, spraying woods with citronella and trying to call off hounds from foxes. This, and the fact
the Hunt couldn't lose us, caused them to get frustrated and increasingly violent as the redcoats and a terriermen attacked
a small group of three sabs, hitting one over the head with a riding crop and kicking him in the head when he was on the ground.
The Croydon group also had one of their sabs hit with a riding crop. One of our female sabs was subjected to various sexual
remarks by their ignorant supporters. This mad Hunt, in total disregard to their horses and hounds, carried on hunting
until five thirty in the pitch black [pic right]. They were very lucky that a
horse wasn't killed by passing cars. The
slightly battered , exhausted but victorious sabs then retired to the local pub. Please help our group get another Land Rover by donating to this appeal. Or donating to our PayPal account northdownshuntsaboteurs@gmail.com. See also report by Guildford Sabs, who uploaded the two pics below -  And Surrey Hunt Monitors had this to say about the day - 5-11-17 Facebook – Surrey Hunt Monitors LAWLESS AND RECKLESS CRAWLEY AND HORSHAM HUNT ...True to their criminal form, the Hunt spent the whole day terrorising
the wildlife in this rewilding estate. Sika and fallow deer, wild ponies, wild pigs and cows were yet again put under stress
as the Hunt crashed through this lovely estate actively chasing foxes. Several foxes were hunted through the day with a complete
disregard for the law or the cameras. Video evidence has been passed to the Police. Later in the day, the Hunt were completely frustrated by sabs
and monitors dogging them every step of the way, so they began riding down everyone in sight, whipping people and one sab
was beaten to the ground by red coats and a terrierman, followed by a cowardly stamp on the head from a 'Judge Rinder'
lookalike redcoat. These assaults and batteries continued throughout the day as the redcoats became wilder and wilder, completely
losing the plot. Several sabs and monitors were injured but thankfully not hospitalised. Several foot supporters were filmed making vile sexual comments
to our female monitors, and one particularly sick creature was filmed with his camera inches away from a young girl, filming
up and down her body at close quarters whilst being verbally sexually abusive. This will be passed to the Police, although
the way the Police have been behaving towards us, we don't expect it to go further. If we have no joy with the Police,
we will just post it on FB in its entirety and shame them. The Hunt continued to
hunt into darkness and tore down these unlit country roads on their horses with no care for their horses or local traffic. The Hunt was last heard
with hounds in cry in the pitch black behind a farm. They finally headed back to the meet in complete darkness with hounds,
riders; including children, on the road, with some final abuse thrown at us. This Hunt is completely lawless and out of control
and will be getting more visits from many groups. The Knepp Castle Estate owners should ban this Hunt from their grounds as their rewilding project is being completely
undermined by this Hunt terrorising all of the animals kept captive within its fences, week after week... Pics below - 1/ Hunt scaring fallow deer 2/ Fallow buck fleeing Hunt
3/ Quad boys 4/ Quad boys respecting the environment   N.Cotswold FH sett-blocker caught on camera - footage passed to police 4-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs North Cotswold Hunt sett-blocker caught on camera - Sabs out for fifth time this
week - RPJ Band have pulled out of playing North Cotswold Hunt Ball The North Cotswold Hunt met at Springhill
this morning for their opening meet. Springhill is where they will be holding their hunt ball again this year and where ex-terrierman
Rog carries on his 'work'. No surprise there then that the Estate allows sett-blocking and illegal hunting. Footage [screen grab left] is being passed on to the police of the 5 setts found
blocked this morning during our 'early morning sett-blocking patrol'. Many setts had been blocked last night, to minimise
work this morning... when moving on from some setts we left trail cameras in our place, so evidence sent to police includes
video footage of one of the setts being blocked with rocks and a tree branch. More on that later once we have discussed the
situation with the police!
Especially with the Heythrop Hunt meeting nearby and hunting
around Sezincote, it was a busy day (other sabs were at the Ross Harriers Hunt - we'll share their report soon). Heythrop
terriermen and supporters were caught messing around not far from a known artificial earth and drove off swiftly at arrival
of sabs. Then at a fireworks display this evening information was also overheard about the
Cotswold Hunt... that the new Huntsman is sh*t and they only got on the scent of a couple of foxes all day at their opening
meet. Be careful who you speak to and where boys! A huge thank you to the individuals out yesterday and today 'dog-walking'
and 'rambling' near to the hunt meets - your footage and intel is invaluable! More on all this soon... South Tetcott FH lose hounds across river - sab wing mirror smashed Farcical opening meet -
long delay while Hunt tries to retrieve hounds from Cornwall! 4-11-17 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs Today we piled the landy full of sabs and started the new season with a visit to the South Tetcott's
opening meet at Tetcott Manor. With foot teams at the meet and to the south we watched as they spent the first part of the
day drawing the slopes and coverts around Beardown Plantation, Lana Lake and Mill Wood. Here some of the hounds ran on a scent and crossed the Tamar into Cornwall! This threw the Hunt into a confusion they never
really recovered from. Hounds and riders were scattered all over the place between Luffincott Wood and Bradridge Copse, with
redcoats trying for ages to call hounds across the river.
Meanwhile some rather unpleasant and dangerous driving from South Tetcott followers
saw our sabs being driven at several times and while we were sat on the side of the road waiting for other vehicles to go
past, one knuckle-dragging supporter got out of his Volvo and smashed our wing mirror. Judging by the slice of flesh he left
behind in the glass, he'll be dragging his knuckles a little more tonight... We
think he might have come off worse. If you look closely [left], he left a bit
of flesh behind on the glass... The whole incident was caught on camera so he'll be getting a knock on the door from the
police shortly. The Hunt eventually doubled-backed to the east and in fading
light we caught up with them around Lanamoor Plantation, just in time to witness hounds run in full cry across the road. Was
this the same trail-layer who must earlier have dragged the trail across a wide river?? Or could it be that the mythical trail-layer
does not exist?... Sabs were well-placed to call hounds up into the fields north of Lana Bridge and a battle of calls ensued,
which distracted the hounds long enough that they lost the scent. Huntsman Jamie Parish eventually had to ride round
to where sabs were to retrieve his lost hounds, by which point it was time to hack back to the kennels. On the way back some
riders angrily accused us of having been inside the kennels, a rumour that seemed to have been doing the rounds since the
morning. We weren't in the kennels at any point, although if the hunt want to spend hours going through their CCTV footage,
they're welcome to do so! In any case, we'll be seeing them again soon! Pics
below - 1/ Wouldn't want to be this redcoat's horse 2/ Someone should
tell this knuckle-dragging zombie impersonator it's not Halloween any more  Banwen Miners FH switch meet away from NT land - then hunt foxesPathetic attempt to look as if trail being laid was made 4-11-17 Facebook - South Wales Hunt Saboteurs No National Trust Licence for the Banwen Miners Hunt The Banwen were supposed to meet in Rhossili which would have involved
hunting on National Trust land. Perhaps their application was lost in the post because at the last minute they abruptly changed
the meet to Cefn Bryn which is also on the Gower. They had downgraded to a makeshift pull-in on the common. Much was made
of a somewhat unathletic trail layer [right] who was filmed as he ran for 15 seconds before
wheezing to an uneasy walk up to the ridge. A walk which lasted all of 30 minutes as by then he and his trail were back at
the meet. Interesting then, that the Huntsman ignored the trail and blatantly hunted the hounds
through gorse and scrub – but under our watchful eyes, no harm done. Despite the beautiful clear weather, most of the mounted field
packed up and went home after a couple of hours. A small clique of riders tagged along with the huntsman and whip for another
hour, but with us poised and ready to intervene it was all pretty lacklustre. End of play at 2.30pm.
Unsupervised Blencathra FH hounds
filmed chasing fox - no trails 4-11-17 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs VIDEO Thursday 2nd November 2017 We caught up
with the Blencathra Foxhounds at one of their favourite haunts, north of the Blencathra Centre. Sabs positioned themselves
high on the side of Blease Fell and along the bridleway at the foot of the fell. It was obvious from the outset that Barry
Todhunter had lost upwards of a dozen hounds very quickly into the day's hunting. Hunt followers were positioned at various
points along the bridleway as far north as Long Brow. After a short period of time, the sabs high up on the fell heard hounds
in cry and saw them bolting from a small copse at the side of Glenderaterra Beck heading south along the lower path at the
base of Lonscale Fell. Immediately one of the sabs spotted them in pursuit of a fox and some panicky camera work resulted
in the video below which shows the fox being pursued by hounds. Meanwhile, huntsman Barry Todhunter was at least a
mile away north of the pursuit. Joint Master Larry Slattery was informed that hounds had been filmed chasing a fox but shortly
after this, the rest of the pack went into cry further north. This clearly demonstrates a criminal disregard for a UNESCO
World Heritage site's wildlife and of the Hunting Act. It also demonstrates that the Hunts are not going to change their
behaviour. No other group of people would be allowed to take 30+ dogs into a National Park and let them run riot. Sabs then moved further
north and cut off Barry's ability to hunt that valley for the rest of the day, and he stayed around the area between Long
Brow and Skiddaw House. Supporters left in dribs and drabs and Barry slunk back to the hound van with a small number of hounds,
leaving the car park in haste. Sabs checked the woodland North of Derwentfold's Farm and can confidently say that fox
got away. No trails were witnessed being laid at any time. It was a bright, warm day, and trails would have needed to be laid
throughout the day. A large number of visiting
walkers were aware of what was occurring, including a large party of school children on a field trip, all of whom were shocked
(including their teachers). They all wished us luck. Please help keep us out this season if you are able to donate to our vehicle fund. Pic below -
Lead hound in pursuit of fox  National
Trust backs away from publishing 'trail hunt' routes 4-11-17 Observer National Trust accused of backtracking over trail hunting on its land -
Trust says it overturned its decision to publish hunt routes to avoid confrontation between followers and protesters
The National Trust has been accused of backtracking on a promise to publish the routes used in controversial trail hunts held
on its lands after the charity said it did not want to encourage a climate of confrontation between followers and protesters.A motion to prohibit trust land from being used for trail hunting was narrowly defeated
at the charity’s AGM last month. Trail hunts involve hounds and riders follow a pre-laid scent path but many regard
it as a means of circumventing the 2004 Hunting Act. The motion had been opposed by the Trust’s board and in the run-up to the
conference it had pledged to publish the routes taken in future. “We will ask for all specified routes and dates of
trail hunts in advance and these will be published on a new page on our website,” an AGM booklet read. There
was anger, however, when the trust said on Facebook that it would not be publishing routes or meeting points following discussions
with the police and others. Helen Beynon, the NT member who tabled the AGM motion accused the trust of lying to its members.
It had originally bowed to pressure from members and agreed there was a need to review the oversight of hunting on its lands,
she said. Question remained about what the hunts used to create the trails and whether any scent was being used at all, she
said. “Given all this you have absolutely misled your members before and during the debate,” she said. “Please
explain how giving simply a map of an area to anyone interested, gives them any idea where the Hunt might be at anyone time.
Clearly this has been done so hunts can avoid scrutiny.” A spokesperson for the Trust said that, as part of new terms, it would provide details
of dates and maps of the licensed hunting areas on its website “providing the level of transparency our visitors need
to make an informed decision over whether or not they want to avoid a Hunt in that area on certain days of the year. However,
we do not want to encourage or create a climate of confrontation between trail hunt followers or protesters. Following advice
from the police in September, we took the decision not to publish details of specific routes after concerns were raised over
public safety and the potential for disorder.” POWAperson comments - The wording used by the Trust above indicates that either they just don't understand
what Hunts are really like and what they've been getting up to all this time or they are being deliberately obtuse. It
is highly unlikely that Hunts will stick to 'specific routes' they've told the Trust about in advance, because
'trail hunting' is essentially a fiction, custom designed to disguise live quarry hunting. Since the Trust have said
they're not intending to monitor the routes, they won't know whether Hunts stick to them or not. Sabs and
monitors will still know where the Hunts are meeting, but they won't be able to tell whether or not they've followed
the stated routes, since the NT will be keeping this secret. Despite the NT fixing the vote so 'trail hunting' wasn't
banned, their new rules should considerably constrain Hunts - but only if the Trust either change policy and monitor hunts
themselves or they respond appropriately to evidence of licence breaches sabs/monitors will provide. Holidaymakers film Severn Vale Beagles hare hunting, including on road 4-11-17 Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs We were sent some footage today of the elusive Severn Vale Beagles. Some people on holiday heard the sound of
hounds in cry and were upset to see loose hounds on the road on the scent of a hare. They saw a gathering at Old Hurst Farm,
hosts of the meet, who run this riding school near Gloucester https://summerhouseequestrian.com/contact-us/ Please contact
them and ask why the Gallop family entertain illegal hunting and how they justify a pack of hounds chasing and ripping gentle
hares to pieces. This pack, kennelled with the Earl of Berkeley's Foxhounds were formed in 2013 after the Wick & District
Beagles disbanded and it's members are made up of Major Generals, Brigadiers, Freemasons and public school employees. If you have any information
on hunts, please message us in confidence. If you would like to join us, please get in touch.  Sabs have to act late on to save tired fox hunted by Belvoir FH 4-11-17 Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Today we joined up with our good friends Sheffield Sabs and headed to the Belvoir Hunt who were at their usual
(incredibly dull) hangout of Langar airfield. This week they met at Harby Lodge Farm, Harby, Leicestershire but the actual
meet means little as they always head to the same flat, tedious countryside that they bizarrely seem to love so much. Leics police were
at the meet and happily introduced themselves to us and gave us their phone number. The problem is that however good their
intentions the fact they're confined to their vehicle means that they're able to do little to curb the rampant illegal
hunting of the Belvoir. That job as usual is left to the sabs. The Hunt assigned their usual goons to follow vehicles [right] and
foot sabs but with two groups they proved little problem. With dull predictability they rode round and round in circles before heading into the vast Langar
Airfield. Fortunately it's an area we know well and both teams of foot sabs headed in after them. They seem to like the
network of abandoned railway lines round here. We assume it's not because they'll be teeming with foxes! We leapfrogged them all day. Losing them briefly at times but always knowing where to look to find them again. They
didn't second horse until almost 3pm so we knew it wouldn't be an early finish. Fortunately we stayed vigilant as,
with darkness just starting to fall, we watched a very tired fox move slowly across a field next to to the road with hounds
in close pursuit. Sabs leapt into action and used gizmo, horn and voice calls to distract the hounds and give the fox a few
vital seconds. Our second group were then perfectly placed to use their sprays to mask the scent of not one but two foxes
who were fleeing the hounds. With that the Huntsman decided enough was enough and made his
slow way back to his horsebox and called it a day. Cheers Belvoir. We always know where to find you! POWAperson adds - The van following sabs [above right] belongs to the same company
as one that featured in a probable kill recently. A woman reported to Northants Sabs that she was nearby when hounds entered
a farmyard in cry. She didn't see fox or kill but soon after the Huntsman brought out something in a bag and handed it
to the driver of the van. She believes it was the fox's corpse. See here. Sab car driven into at
Ledbury FH opening meet - support issue threats Bad scent day helped ensure no kills, but sabs shoved as went to aid of sick sheep 3-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs For our fourth outing this week it was the Ledbury Opening meet from the Corse Lawn Hotel in the west Gloucestershire cull zone. Joining with Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch and Welsh Border Sabs. Sett patrol in the
morning picked up the Hunt flesh-wagon on the road at 07.00. Lo and behold a blocked sett was found nearby.... funny that.
Other setts were found to be very active with no signs of cull activity ( the West Gloucs licence is very vague) or meddling.
Pleased to see that some setts that were disused pre cull are now VERY active again. This
was a bad scenting day. Foxes were seen escaping and Mark was wearing black again rather than the red livery hunt staff usually
wear. A bit of aggro but can't go into too much detail for legal reasons, but basically poor car now has a big scratch
down it [right - support drove into it] and issuing threats whilst standing next to the police
is a bit daft boys. And someone's got a t-shirt with some logo about hunting sabs....so that's nice :) . Pushing and
shoving from some of the field when sabs went to help a sick sheep. More on all this to follow. Warwickshire FH cause road chaos as hounds chase fox on to A45 Police
have to take control of situation 3-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Road chaos - Warwickshire Hunt The footage is from the Warwickshire Hunt as they cub hunted near Willoughby, Warwickshire. A fox was seen running
from the hounds, the hounds were seen running towards the busy A45. On the road riders desperately try to stop the hounds
spilling out on to it, hounds can then be seen running through someone's back garden. The police then arrive and have
to stop the traffic as hounds end up running up and down the road. Are these the actions of a Hunt acting lawfully? No.
Trails are not laid across busy main roads, the only explanation for this chaos is that the Warwickshire Hunt were hunting
a fox which then ran across the road with hounds close behind. If your able to donate please use the link below: https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Pics below -
1/ Walkies - on an A road 2/ Police have to take control  Animal shelter invaded by Hunt says
rescue dog traumatised by incursion 3-11-17 Somerset Live Milo the rescue dog has been 'set back' after being traumatised by hunt
hounds An animal shelter who had a hunt incur onto their land terrifying one of their rescue dogs
has said that the incident has "now set him back". According to a member of staff at the shelter, the Hunt came
onto the shelter's land around midday on Monday (October 30). Happy Landings Animal Shelter issued a statement on social media saying that it was "appalled" by the fact that
a Hunt had "come onto our land". An image seen by Somerset Live appears to show a hound standing in the middle of
the A37.
However, the shelter has now disclosed more details of the incident, releasing a picture of the dog affected [left,
Credit Happy Landings]. In a social media post, the shelter said that Milo "is a very anxious
lad and when he gets anxious he displays various compulsive (OCD-like) behaviours." According to the staff, Milo found
himself caught up in the incident. They said that: "He found himself surrounded by hounds, horses and a shouting
huntsman which scared him to the point that he tried to run away. Thankfully due to the quick actions of one of our volunteers
he was carried back to his safe place quickly." However, the shelter added that the incident had had a negative affect
on him. "Sadly this has now set him back," they said. "We saw an increase in the number of compulsive behaviours
that he displayed yesterday and a reluctance to do anything other then hide. We are passionate about protecting animals and
sadly yesterday this was made a lot harder by those who seem to have little respect for our work. Thank you to our supporters
for your ongoing support." It is not yet known which Hunt was in the area at the time
of the incident. [POWAperson - It is believed to have been the Blackmore FH]. Blencathra FH hounds chased fox - just
managed to escape'Distressed' walker saw it struggle over fence and get away Huntsman long way off-
later seen with terrierman - banned in National Park 3-11-17 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs Hit Report - 26th October 2017 We found the Blencathra
Foxhounds skulking around in the closed valley directly to the east of Bassenthwaite, at their Dash Farm meet. At first we
thought it was a joint meet and a big one at that because of the vast number of vehicles that were parked up - but then we
realised that most of the vehicles belonged to walkers and mountain bikers taking advantage of a nice Autumn day on the Cumbria
Way. Two of our monitors had placed themselves at the top of Calva Fell and had Huntsman Barry Todhunter and his hounds in their sights as he attempted to provide a show for his supporters who were positioned up the
Cumbria Way hoping to see some wildlife being killed. Barry has been very honest about his inability to keep his hounds under
control, admitting that they can be up to 5 miles away from him. This was evidenced as the hounds got onto the scent of a
fox and gave chase along Foal Gill, with no sign of the Huntsman. A distressed walker later approached us to tell us
that the fox had struggled to get over the fence at Dash Waterfall but had managed to evade the hounds. The hounds then travelled
across the fields at Dash Farm where Barry has admitted that they killed a fox last year. They then continued around Brockle
Crag, where we witnessed the Hunt's terrierman on his quad at the top of the fell. The Huntsman was at this point still
a couple of miles behind his hounds. The hound trailer was moved from the car park so that Barry could recover his hounds
and box them up in secrecy and without being questioned about the foxes that had been chased, the terrierman on a quad on
National Park land (which is prohibited - pic right), and what the hounds get up to when they are
several miles away from the Huntsman. Pics below -
1/ Hounds chasing fox - Huntsman nowhere near 2/ Huntsman trying to get rest of hounds
to come back
Wynnstay FH chasing fox when monitors arrived - possible kill Locals in numbers beginning
to tell Hunt what they think of them 2-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds, Oxheys Farm Tarporley 31st Oct We
have been so busy this week already that we have only just found time to report on the Cheshire Hounds chasing foxes in Tarporley. With our ever-expanding
team we arrived to find many local residents out and about trying to stop the hunt. There were 78 riders out with them which sounds a lot but when you compare it to last season and all the recruitment
they have been trying to do it's actually pretty poor. It's great to see how public opinion is getting stronger and stronger against
hunting, and how more and more people are ready to stand up to the Hunts. This, however, meant that the Hunt was on the back-foot
and we suffered the consequences with much more intimidation and harassment than usual. We had farmers driving tractors at us, people
being paraded around pretending to be local landowners and telling us to get on footpaths when we already were, quad bikes
trying to intimidate us, and on and on it went. This didn't put us off and we stopped them hunting a good many times. There was a simple-looking
rider flailing what looked like a pair of his dirty underpants around on a stick, clearly thinking that someone somewhere
was as daft as him and might believe he was laying a trail. On the roads?! Ha ha ha! We filmed illegal hunting which has been sent to the police for them to put on their
database of this Hunt's antics this season. Jake the huntsman was using a common tactic of setting his hounds on
the fox and then sitting back so he could say he hadn't seen the fox. We are clearly annoying this Hunt and the day was
a pretty good day for foxes. Pics - Above right - Rider points
to where fox went Below- 1/ The field 2/ Fox
fleeing hounds 3/ Hounds on line of fox  
Fox killed by Fife FH, sabs think by
hounds2-11-17 Facebook - Glasgow Hunt Sabs Hit Report 28/10/2017 Fife Foxhounds Lochmaloney House Due to
numbers, it was decided to travel to Fife to join up with sabs from Grampian Hunt Sabs, Fife and Central Scotland Hunt Sabs
and a group of monitors. Glasgow positioned
near Cupar, and soon found a horsebox outside Pitscottie. We followed to one of the split meets close to Craigsanquahar Hotel. It was a hard start
to the season, with sabs unable to prevent a fox being killed by hounds to the south of Forret. Problems started early on
when the hound van was lost outside of Ceres, and we were behind the curve the whole day. Once gathered at the horseboxes near the hotel, it was decided to beat and spray the woodland in
the vicinity, including Forret Hill as these areas have previously been hunted when meeting in this area. As it turned out,
the hunt were to hunt elsewhere first, but were to return here later on and were ineffective due to the sab intervention. The day was spent behind the Hunt for the most part, only catching up after the kill. After that we had the Hunt
in our sights the rest of the day and are fairly certain they got no more kills. One beautiful fox was seen running past one
sab, who made sure to help the escape by covering scent. However, we have to report
the death of the earlier fox, and have to report it was most probably killed by the hounds. We learn from these experiences
and everyone involved is even more determined to help our wildlife escape the end today’s fox met. More sabs are always helpful, so if you think you can help please do get in touch. Villagers let Blackmore FH know they're not wanted - hunted fox escapes 2-11-17 Facebook - Hounds Off Foxhunters were unwelcome in Stoke Trister and Cucklington today, on the Dorset/Somerset borders. The hunted
fox got away. POWAperson adds – Hounds Off personnel, villagers and a pair of highly experienced
monitors made sure the Blackmore & Sparkford Vale FH, believed responsible for invading an animal shelter last week and
known for their unwanted incursions, were shown they were not wanted in two villages. Video from Hounds Off to follow. Pics below - 1/ Not wanted
in churchyard 2/ Not wanted on farmland 3/ Hunt skulking on a bend
4/ Hunted fox fleeing   Beaufort FH yobs behave very yobbishly - fox flees across busy A road One hound followed it - fox and dog both nearly
run over 2-11-17
Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt - 28.10.2017 Saturday was a really
bad day for the Beaufort Hunt where the boys on quads that are brought in to harass and intimidate us stooped to new depths
of loutish illegal behaviour. Namely, James Milsom, Tim and Jake, who usually follow us to distract our attention away from filming the hunt and chased foxes. One of these men decided to repeatedly open our
vehicle doors and force his way into the back seat of our car. This is a serious offence and action will be taken. Of course, we had
the same old boyish pranks of standing very close to the vehicle and pretending that we’ve run over their toes whilst
claiming our tyres are bald whilst constantly circling us preventing us from moving. If this behaviour was carried out on
any town street it would be dealt with severely by police or passers-by. Because these yobs operate in remote countryside
locations surrounded by hunt supporters who egg them on, they mistakenly think they can get away with it. They are of course
regularly breaking the law by driving around on overloaded quads very often with children hanging on the back. These bullying tactics
are on the increase with hunt supporters. Social media is full of examples of videos when hunt members and followers are behaving
unlawfully and crossing the line. Only recently a sab vehicle monitoring the Croome Hunt had a rock thrown through their windscreen! To date we have been
subjected to egregious, sexist and misogynist language, racist comments, life threatening acts such as shooting and shattering
a back window of one of our vehicles outside Badminton gates, physical and verbal abuse. We frequently witness BH hounds chasing
foxes and disturbing wildlife, we keep finding blocked badger setts in coverts they hunt and a regular follower of the Hunt
has been filmed by us blocking a sett. They have been caught digging out at an artificial earth and allowing hounds to stray
dangerously on to busy main roads where no trail should be laid. Clearly the leadership of the Hunt are failing in their duty
to uphold the law and set decent standards of behaviour. At the end of the day we filmed a beautiful fox fleeing across the very busy A46
narrowly missing oncoming traffic. This was happening whilst the Hunt master was just arriving at the scene with the hounds
so no doubt that they were chasing that poor fox. One hound crossed the road in pursuit and just avoided death from car and
caravan all caught on car cam. The traffic piled up whilst the Hunt sorted themselves out. Luckily we were on the scene to
stop them hunting the hounds on after the fox – there is no doubt that Matt Ramsden MFH would have taken them over that
busy road if we hadn’t been there. So the day was worthwhile in the end because we saved that fox at least to live for
one more day. There is no doubt that the tide is changing against the Hunts by the general public
and it is definitely a minority pastime that has no place in a civilised society in 21st century. We will continue to report
incidents to the police as instructed by our wildlife and liaison officers so they can build up a picture of what takes place
around hunts. Contrary to what the hunt may or may not believe we are decent people who are willing to make considerable personal
sacrifices to challenge what is manifestly wrong. Pic above right - The hounds. Note bloodied one by quad. Injured - or has it killed? New Defence Secretary of State took £2.5k donation from CEO of MFHA 2-11-17 POWAperson writes - On the day when former Chief Whip Gavin Williamson MP [below] was
promoted to the vacant post of Defence Secretary, we should remember that he is a strong supporter of hunting with
dogs. As is his political mistress, Theresa May, to whom he has been a close ally and support. He now gains his reward
and is widely thought to have his eyes firmly set on seizing the top job for himself at some point. May, of course, put repealing the Hunting Act in the Conservative manifesto and paid the political price for going against the sentiments
of the vast majority of the public, including Tory voters. For the first
time ever psephologists said that the hunting issue had been a significant factor in the general election,
costing the Conservatives numerous votes. It also soon became evident that there was a sizeable number of MPs among the 2017
Conservative intake who would not vote for repeal and that any attempt to force it through would be heavily defeated. And
yet, the hunt lobby continued to hope against hope that the government would be able to press ahead with a repeal
measure. Easby's donation to the then Chief Whip apparently came on June 6th, just two days before the election,
when it was already apparent that the campaign had gone very badly for Mrs. May and the prospect of a Tory landslide that
might have delivered Hunting Act repeal had vanished. Those of a Machiavellian
bent might regard a sizeable donation from the Master of Foxhounds Association to the Chief Whip
of the ruling party, the man with the greatest power potential to change the voting intention of MPs, as a low and cunning
ruse to advance the hunters' cause in the Commons. Fortunately, Williamson is such an honourable member that,
even in the unlikely event that the donation were intended as a stimulus to persuade him to bend Tory MPs ears on
the ['free vote' ] hunting issue, he would doubtless disregard it, Perhaps he might even have chosen to
divert the sum to some worthwhile cause that did not involve the terrorising and killing of wild animals for 'sport'. What?
It could happen! The Tarantula Welfare Society maybe [he is said to keep a pet one in his office]. 21-7-17 Political Scrapbook Horse and Pound:- Tory chief whip took pre-election donation from top dog
of fox hunting lobby Government Chief Whip Gavin Williamson accepted cash from Britain’s
chief fox hunting cheerleader in the run up to the general election, the newly released register of MP’s interests reveals.
Williamson, who was given responsibility for twisting the arms of Tory backbenchers when Theresa May became PM, received £2,500
from Timothy Easby on June 6, 2017. Easby is director of the Master of the Foxhounds Association, the bloodsport’s governing
body, which campaigns for the repeal of the hunting ban. The organisation’s chairman is Tory peer Lord Mancroft, who this week claimed
only pro-hunt lobbyists really care about the welfare of foxes. The pair made a joint appeal before the 2015 general election
for its supporters to through their weight behind the Tory campaign. They wrote:- “Basic campaigning is the most significant and
decisive weapon in a candidate’s armoury – potentially making the difference between a minority Government and
a Conservative Government with a working majority great enough to win the vote when they bring in legislation to Repeal the
Hunting Act.” They must have been thrilled that May included a free vote on the hunting ban in
the Tory manifesto – back when it was assumed she would win the kind of landslide needed to push such divisive policies
through Parliament. Fortunately for the foxes, the result meant Williamson and his boss are too busy maintaining a wafer thin
majority – with the help of the DUP – to get the hunting ban repealed. The Government have taken the vote off
the table for the next two years, but a minister refused this week to rule out a repeal of the Hunting Act in the next session
of Parliament. The hounds remain on the leash – for now… Monitors arrive to find Wynnstay FH chasing fox - may have killed 1-11-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Yesterday we monitored two Hunts. This was the Wynnstay Hunt who we found chasing foxes in the Coddington/Clutton
area. We had a tip-off from one of the many locals that don't agree with Hunts getting away with breaking the law and
caught the hounds in full cry after a fox. This chase may have ended in a kill, but we can't be sure. After that the Hunt
spent the rest of their time out avoiding us and moving on when we appeared, so no more real hunting went on. There were only
around 10 of them and they only stayed out for two and a half hours. We imagine the wildlife and locals breathed a sigh of
relief at that. Bob the Biker was present but didn't hassle us this time, and a bonus was that the police talking to the Hunt
about terriermen on quads with deliberately obscured reg. plates had worked because all were clear. Result! Our old pal Shayne Francis
(the past Huntsman with the Cheshire Hounds) was riding out with this lot. He made a point of asking us how the leg of one
of our monitors was (from the hound bite last week) because he so really cares about us! Pics
below - 1/ The pack 2/ Clean quad plate! 3/
Shayne Francis 4/ Terriers in box on quad - all day, only let out to fight underground with
fox   Old Surrey FH seriously spook horses, one found after 6 hour searchAnother,
owner had to chase for 90 mins, including on main roads 1-11-17 Kent Online East Peckham: Horses spooked by Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent hunt - Horses
fled for miles after a hunt on Halloween afternoon spooked them Owners around
East Peckham and Golden Green were left scouring the fields for their animals after they were scared by members of the Old
Surrey, Burstow and West Kent Hunt, who had passed through the area on one of their rides. Emily
Sweeney spent six hours looking for her horse Hamish after he escaped from land off Bullen Lane, East Peckham. Relieved owner
Emily Sweeney after she found her horse Hamish this morning [reunited. below left]. She
said: "We were unaware the Hunt was coming, and they came right past our fence line. Along with the horses and dogs were
quad bikes, and a lot of shouting. "One of the rules of the hunt is to not disturb livestock, so I would call their conduct into question. Hamish had gone four miles to where I found him near The Hop Farm. I’m relieved
he’s back home and unhurt, but he was still shaking when I got him home. I’m exhausted and upset by the lack of
care shown by the Hunt." Stuart Attwood, whose horse
is in the same herd as Hamish, said: "The horses were all bunched together, which is a protective thing that herds do.
A little before that they were running around like mad things, and this is where injuries can occur as they kick out and buck
at each other, not because they’re being nasty but because they’re scared and aren’t sure how to cope with
it." David Brimson, whose horses were also affected, said it could have been much worse. "When horses get scared
like that there’s a risk they can get colic, which can cause their stomach to go into complete trauma, and they could
die,” he explained. "It’s so irresponsible that the Hunt didn’t tell us. I don’t get involved
with the politics of hunting, but they don’t do themselves any favours with things like this." Kay Wiles had to search
for her horse Buster for an hour and a half after he fled from his paddock near the Man of Kent pub on Tonbridge Road. She
said: "The Hunt distressed him massively, and we were chasing him along main roads and across local fields for an hour
and a half before finally catching him at Little Mill Stables. We had to call an emergency vet to him as he couldn't walk
and was bleeding from his mouth. He would have got these injuries due to leaping fences in sheer terror to get away from the
commotion going through the field behind us." Richard Gurney, a spokesman for the Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent Hunt, said:
"We always aim to alert all residents that we will be staging hunts, as we don’t want to leave horses distressed
or potentially injured. The last thing we want is for people to not be properly warned. This was an unfortunate accident and
we apologise sincerely for it."
Modbury FH hunters accused of blocking
road, girl rider of beating pony 1-11-17 Hunt Watch Hunt Watch published the letter below, anonimised, from a resident of Ivybridge
- North Cotswold FH hunted in quarry - trespassing - & blocked
setts, say sabs Fox chased to near exhaustion, hounds on road, fleeing deer nearly squashed by lorry 1-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Setts blocked by North Cotswold Hunt within the North Cotswold cull zone - Quarry confirm hunt trespassed on to land to hunt
Having received a tip-off that the North Cotswold Hunt were meeting in Cutsdean, within the North Cotswold cull zone, we arrived
to find them in cry and running across a road. A hunt supporter yelled for 'Libby' and waved her hand frantically
in our direction to warn her that we were there. Libby, who has been hanging out close to Huntsman Nigel Peel during hunts,
knows all about illegal hunting as her partner, Richard, was convicted for illegal hunting as part of the Heythrop Hunt a
few years back. Hounds picked up on scents on and off in a nearby wood then picked up and went into full cry, heading straight into
a disused quarry [below left - 'Danger!' 'No entry'] nearby, the pack splitting
as Hunt staff were unable to follow them in and had to go around... we spent some time speaking to a local woman afterwards
who had been upset when stray hounds ran on to the B4077. The quarry managers were contacted and confirmed that the Hunt had
no permission to be there... But as they were hunting a scent in the quarry either they
had gone in to lay a trail earlier on, they had been intending to flush to a bird on the B-road... or they were illegally
hunting a fox. We're accepting bets if you fancy a gamble! We did some checking around the area on setts that have been targeted during the culls and, at the time of writing, 5 have
been found freshly blocked with quad tracks running to them - one almost opposite Manor Farm where the Hunt packed up [pic
above, one of the blocked setts]. Sabs and cull sabs are continuing to check throughout this afternoon
so this count will most likely increase.
At one point we spotted a young fox running,
tired, through a field - a local man driving past a couple of minutes earlier said he had seen a fox running away from the
hounds but they appeared to have lost the scent when the fox ran across a field. With hounds still nearby, the fox came running
back from the covert he had been seen going into showing typical signs of a 'sinking' (exhausted) fox. What a surprise
that the sett in that covert was also blocked, forcing him to carry on looking for sanctuary elsewhere... We believe he got
away finally, hiding up in another covert, but hounds remained in the area for a further couple of hours, packing up just
after 1pm (!) having scared a young deer out of scrub and almost under the wheels of a passing lorry. We're astounded
by the lack of common sense Hunts have been displaying lately, particularly with regards to other people's property and
safety. Video to follow (plus report from yesterday's Cotswold Vale Farmers' Hunt opening meet). Support us if you can do - fuel is our biggest expense! Paypal.me/threecountiessabs
. 11-11-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Many thanks to the person who gave us this audio recording* and for contacting
the quarry regarding the Hunt trespassing. Many thanks also to the person in charge of the quarry who we feel is dealing with
the situation appropriately and swiftly - we have taken your number and will contact you in future if the Hunt do the same
again (apparently they've been going into the couple of quarries in this area, one a working quarry, without permission
for some time according to locals we've spoken to). No thanks whatsoever
to the Hunt who allowed (and encouraged) hounds to hunt a fox into the quarry, left them to run out on to the nearby B-road
and hold up traffic because they lost control of hounds. They were spread out within the quarry and in the adjacent woods
(and roads) picking up on scents on and off and exploring the machinery with the huntsman then trying to gather them up on
the road... maybe Nigel Peel is losing his touch after 30 years with the NCH. We pity the next lot that are going to have
him! * In the recording the manager confirmed the
Hunt had no permission to enter the quarry and that they would be contacting them about the matter. Damian Green MP, strongly pro- hunt, accused of 'inappropriate
behaviour' Female Tory activist says he 'touched her knee' & sent 'suggestive'
text May's deputy says allegations 'completely false' - is consulting lawyer Damian Green has long been an outspoken
advocate of hunting with dogs. On Boxing Day 2013, he was reported as having attended his local Hunt, the Ashford Valley FH,
to show his support and tweeted about it. He was the Policing and Criminal Justice
Minister at the time, so this itself might have been thought by some to be inappropriate and suggesting undue impartiality.
Numerous Hunts, including the Ashford Valley FH, had been accused of flouting the Hunting Act and several had been convicted
of illegal hunting. 1-11-17 BBC News PM's deputy Damian Green denies inappropriate behaviour claim
Prime Minister Theresa May's deputy, Damian Green [below right, credit BBC], has
said allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards a female activist are "completely false". Mr Green has instructed
libel lawyers over the claims, the BBC understands. Tory activist Kate Maltby wrote in the Times
that he "fleetingly" touched her knee in a pub in 2015, and in 2016 sent her a "suggestive" text message.
The Cabinet Secretary is to investigate whether Mr Green broke the ministerial code. Ms Maltby, 31, a writer and academic, said Mr Green, 61, said he had sent her the
text message after she posed in a corset for the Times. According to her article in the paper, it read: "Long time no
see. But having admired you in a corset in my favourite tabloid I felt impelled to ask if you are free for a drink anytime?"
The encounters left her feeling "awkward, embarrassed and professionally compromised", she wrote. Mr Green, now First
Secretary of State, and Theresa May's effective deputy, said he had known Ms Maltby since 2014 and the pair "had
a drink as friends twice-yearly". "The text I sent after she appeared in a newspaper article was sent in that spirit
- as two friends agreeing to meet for a regular catch up - and nothing more," he said. "This untrue allegation has
come as a complete shock and is deeply hurtful, especially from someone I considered a personal friend." He also denied
the claim he put his hand on Ms Maltby's knee. Asked about the claims in the Times as he left his home on Wednesday morning, Mr
Green told reporters: "All these allegations are completely false." The ministerial code requires ministers to "behave in
a way that upholds the highest standards of propriety"... Today, the Sun newspaper, has also claimed that he was on the database of 'Ashley
Madison' website - 1-11-17 Sun Damian Green, Theresa May’s deputy,
is in Westminster ‘dirty dossier’ over claims he was on Ashley Madison database - The First Secretary of
State denied using infidelity website Ashley Madison in 2015 THERESA MAY’S deputy Damian
Green is the first name on the list of alleged Tory sex pests because of claims he signed up to a cheating website, The Sun
can reveal today. The First Secretary of State was forced to deny being a member of Ashley Madison two years
ago after his email address was found on the site’s database following a massive hack. As a result Mr Green has now
appeared at the top of a spreadsheet listing senior Conservatives who are accused of misconduct, it has emerged. The document
has been circulating around Westminster for several days as allegations of sexual harassment against MPs have arisen, with
ten of the names on the list now public knowledge. When Ashley Madison’s database
of members was leaked in 2015, Mr Green - who has been married for three decades - said he had no idea why his email address
appeared on it. He said at the time: “It's nothing to do with me. I have never registered for an account with Ashley
Madison.” On the spreadsheet, Mr Green’s name is listed as the first entry with a note next to it saying “Ashley
Madison”. Asked about Mr Green appearing on the list, a spokesman for the Prime Minister said: “I haven't
seen any allegations in relation to the First Secretary of State and I'm not going to comment on speculation in any way.”...
In addition to Mr Green, Mr Crabb and Mr Garnier, seven other Tory MPs are on the list in connection with relationships or
incidents which are already publicly known... 26-12-13 Guardian Tory MPs attend Boxing Day fox hunts Attendance
at some events largest for years as hunting lobby increases pressure on government to relax restrictions
Several Tory MPs, including three ministers, have demonstrated their support for easing the ban on foxhunting by attending
traditional Boxing Day hunts in their constituencies. They included Damian Green, the policing and
criminal justice minister, Matthew Hancock, the skills and enterprise minister, and Greg Barker, the minister for energy and
climate change. All three turned to Twitter to note the degree of support for the Hunts. There
were more than 250 hunting events across the country on Thursday. Green said crowds were large at Ashford Valley Hunt in Tenterden,
Kent... Earlier this year Green clashed with Piers Morgan on 'Good Morning Britain' over his support for fox hunting... 10-5-17 Daily Express Piers Morgan rips into Damian Green over fox hunting:
'It's not humane!' Piers Morgan certainly didn't hold back as he clashed with Damian
Green on 'Good Morning Britain' today, after it was reported that Prime Minister Theresa May would like to bring back
fox hunting. The presenter quizzed the politician on his views over
the controversial sport which was banned in 2004, amid claims that the House of Commons will hold a free vote to repeal the
ban. Defending the desire to bring back hunting, Damian commented: "Ask a farmer about foxes, they're vermin that
attack chickens and so on." He went on to reveal that he previously voted against the ban like the Prime Minister did
and thinks that banning it "was the wrong thing to do"... POWAperson adds - It must be emphasised that Mr.
Green has strenuously denied all the allegations of sexual impropriety. Atherstone FH JM ignored own advice to hunters not to clash with antis Swerved her horse in front of sab car - then a rider kicked wing mirror 1-11-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO More aggression from the Atherstone Hunt Not long
after Atherstone Hunt joint master Sarah Evans was recorded telling the rest of the Hunt "not to abuse the antis"
[see video] she is filmed riding up to and overtaking our vehicle before riding directly into the path of it. Other riders
then follow her example, before one rider then tries to kick off our wing mirror by deliberately riding into it, the second
time the Hunt have tried to do this in the last few months. Apart from ignoring her own advice, it shows what little the Atherstone
Hunt think of their horses. Despite telling everyone in the Hunt that this behaviour will not be tolerated and that people
will not be allowed back out if they behave like this, the rider responsible for attacking the wing mirror has been allowed
out numerous times since. This
whole incident shows that despite what they say the Atherstone Hunt can not be trusted and clearly the Atherstone Hunt is
incapable of change. Please consider donating
using this link. Pics below - 1/
JM Sarah Evans tells her hunters not to clash with antis 2/ JM Sarah Evans swerves her horse
in front of sab car 3/ Seconds later, another rider kicks sab wing mirror  
Drunk Croome FH supporter threw boulder thru sab car rear window Sab says rock aimed at his windscreen- he managed to swerve just in time Police call handler 'The Hunt wouldn't do something like that... They're
really well-mannered'' ! 29-10-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs UPDATE: Having attended a police station this morning, statements have now been taken by police regarding
yesterday's incident and enquiries will be made as to the identities of the perpetrators. Outpaced are assisting us with
following up on the handling of incidents such as this, although a police officer this morning did apologise as an individual
for not realising the severity of the situation yesterday evening. We attended the North Cotswold Hunt's newcomers'
meet this morning with hounds running around Ryefield Farm in Wormington once again (which still has an unresolved bTB breakdown)
and several foxes chased plus badger sett blocking has begun again. When the Hunt packed up, we went to find the Croome
and West Warwickshire Hunt who were holding their opening meet not far away. There was little action for the most part while
we were around but the Hunt stayed inland as much as possible and we had basically no interaction with Hunt staff. At the
end of the meet we dropped one of our guys off at his car to head home but as he drove down the road, drunk hunt supporters
threw a heavy boulder at his windscreen. He managed to swerve and the boulder broke a back window. So yet another 999 call
went in to police... Sab: 'A hunt supporter
has just thrown a boulder at my car as I was driving which has smashed through the window' Call
handler: 'Oh, the Hunt wouldn't do something like that... they're really well mannered' Many thanks West Mercia police... perhaps your total lack of action is the reason you're not trusted by the general public? Full report and videos of this morning's sabbing at the
North Cots to follow. Please contact us with any info on this hunt or their supporters or if you know of anyone who lives
in Peopleton with private CCTV cameras which face a road. If you can help us support our sab with his vehicle repair costs
please chuck us a few quid on paypal: threecountiessab@live.com and let us know it's specifically for him. Thanks! 3C
Pic right - Broken glass in sab's car after rock thrown thru rear window GoGetFunding Vehicle repair costs - Fundraising campaign by Three Counties Sabs Whilst sabbing 2 hunts on Saturday 28th
October, sabs witnessed numerous illegal acts and were forced to make three separate 999 calls, the third when hunt supporters
saw a sab driving home after the hunt had packed up. One supporter stood in the middle of the road to slow
the sab's personal vehicle down while another threw a large boulder at the windscreen and the driver. It was only because
he swerved in time that it hit a back window instead, though the sab was showered with broken glass. When police
were called, the call handler responded by saying that the hunt would not do such a thing and the perpetrators, who had had
several drinks in a local pub, sped off in their vehicles. Please help cover the costs of vehicle repairs if you can as the sab will struggle to attend hunt
meets, get to work and do other animal rescue work without the car. GoGetFunding won't allow you to ask for less than
£250 but any and all donations are greatly appreciated as it all adds up. If money is left over after repairs, it will
go directly back to 3C's fuel costs for sabbing or anything else you specify. Many thanks! Mangled fox found in garden in where Cheshire Forest FH were seen 29-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors WARNING – VERY UPSETTING IMAGE On the morning of Wednesday
25th October this fox [below] was found disembowelled in the garden of a private house a short distance from the village of
Kelsall. On the same morning the Cheshire Forest Hunt were “riding out in the area” (their words) and were seen
on the road outside the house where this terrible act took place, by a number of local people passing by. The Cheshire Forest
Hunt have denied hunting on that day, claiming to be merely “exercising hounds” at this time of year. This is
despite the fact they were seen being accompanied by a quad bike carrying cages containing terriers, commonly used when hunting
foxes. When contacted, Cheshire Police told
locals that this was a civil case of trespass, so we are doing our best to encourage them to investigate further. The Cheshire Forest
Hunt were famously witnessed hunting and killing a fox in a housing estate in Macclesfield in February of this year, which
hit the headlines. Sadly this, plus a second case against them from January, were both controversially dropped by the Crown
Prosecution Service. Did you witness the hunt
in Kelsall on the morning of the 25th? If so, please get in touch - message us here or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk
Also see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDvcrQo7msEand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv3UMOl0P_M  2-11-17 Chester Chronicle Cheshire police investigate allegations fox found savaged when hunt in area - But Cheshire
Forest Hunt denies a fox was killed Cheshire police are investigating reports a dead fox was discovered in the garden of a private house near Kelsall around the time a Hunt was in the area. Police have confirmed the incident was reported on Wednesday, October 25, after The Chronicle was alerted by an anti-hunting
group who allege the involvement of Cheshire Forest Hunt. A spokesperson for the Hunt firmly denied a fox was killed that
day but did not wish to comment further. Anti-hunting group Cheshire Monitors supplied this
picture of a fox claiming it was killed by hounds from the Cheshire Forest Hunt on Wednesday, October, 25 - an allegation
which has been denied. Hunting with hounds
became illegal under the Hunting Act 2004 but many hunts lay trails for the hounds to follow pursued by the riders on horseback
and others on foot. Cheshire police is urging anyone with information to get in touch. A police spokesperson said: “At 7.27pm on 25 October
police received a report of a dead fox in a garden at an address in Longley Lane, Woodside, Kelsall. The matter has been passed to the wildlife crime officer for her to look into.” The spokesperson added: ”The caller reported a Hunt
was in the area that afternoon and that a fox appeared to have been killed in a neighbour’s garden.” Anti-hunting group Cheshire Monitors said the owners of the property where the dead fox was found do not wish to
speak publicly about the case. But the group’s Facebook page shows a graphic photo of the apparently savaged animal
along with their version of events. It reads: “On the morning of Wednesday 25th October this fox was found disembowelled
in the garden of a private house a short distance from the village of Kelsall. "On the same
morning the Cheshire Forest Hunt were ‘riding out in the area’ (their words) and were seen on the road outside
the house where this terrible act took place, by a number of local people passing by. The Cheshire Forest Hunt have denied
hunting on that day, claiming to be merely ‘exercising hounds’ at this time of year. This is despite the fact
they were seen being accompanied by a quad bike carrying cages containing terriers, commonly used when hunting foxes.” Anyone with information about the incident can contact Cheshire police on 101 quoting incident number 836 of October
25, 2017. Pics above - Right:- Fox
killed by CFFH hounds in garden in residential area of Macclesfield 25-2-17. Police took no action. Left:- Huntsman
Andrew German with police after the incident. Alone elderly sab attacked by Mid-Devon FH Huntsman - police summoned 29-10-17 Facebook - South Devon Animal Rights Hit report – 28 October 2017 Surprises on both sides
today: caught on the hop, the Mid-Devon Hunt received an unexpected visit from us and, to our surprise, Huntsman Duncan Hume
had only 8 riders accompanying him. As this was the beginning of his second season, perhaps he is not as popular as we had
been led to believe. Last season he assured us that he does not use terriermen. The departure of terrierman Phil Morish who
transferred allegiance to the South Devon Hunt seemed to confirm just that. Surprise, surprise, then, that a masked young
male on a quadbike equipped with aluminium boxes on front and back was busying himself in the Hunt’s vicinity (some
of the time closely following us) all day on the moor. At 12.15 pm we found the Hunt in gorse-covered rough terrain on the north-east slopes
of the North Walla Brook. To cover ground more efficiently sabs split and it was not long before an elderly lone sab found
himself surrounded by 5 male hunt supporters and 4 riders. Mounted Huntsman Duncan Hume cantered towards him, kicking out
at his head as the sab dodged to one side. Dunc swung his horse around and, cowboy style, leapt off and confronted the sab
who radioed for assistance from colleagues. Police were summoned and the aggressors backed off. Yes, we were surprised but,
perhaps, should not have been. After all, cowardice and bullying are the norm for hunters and, shamelessly, they glory in
it. Foot sabs returned to the road, were picked up by our Land-Rover and transported to the edge of Fernworthy Forest
on the opposite side of the valley. From there they trekked half a mile into the valley. A game of ping pong then ensued with
sabs and Huntsman Dunc vying for control of the hounds which several times crossed and re-crossed the brook. By this time four
of the mounted field had clearly had enough and left for home – “hacked off” perhaps would be a better description. Eventually, Dunc regained possession of his charges and hurried south-west to the
Stannon Brook valley which is covered with large outcrops of gorse into which he cast his hounds. The Hunt claimed they
were trail hunting (an artificial trail, that is). We would contend, however, that it is the claim which is artificial. Clearly
Dunc was forced out of the North Walla Brook valley and rode to the west of Merripit Hill into Stannon valley, to escape the
attention of sabs. Certainly, he took advantage of the wind which, unusually, came from the northwest, making it difficult
for sabs to call. Our Land-Rover again picked up footsabs and drove them to Middle Merripit from where they trekked onto the open moor,
this time accompanied by hunt followers who attempted to intimidate them. Again Dunc felt discretion the better part of valour
and rode off before returning to Stannon valley and then up Stannon Hill/Merripit Hill. We cannot be sure whether hounds killed
but, apparently desperate for one, Dunc did not blow “Home” until 5.30 pm as low cloud came in. Cattistock FH Huntsman kept on run from antis all day - no kills Claim Huntsman beat
horse with whip when he and a few others hunting on after pack up 29-10-17 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 28/10/17 Cattistock Hunt; Meet at Urless Farm With so many options of local meets to attend on Saturday morning, we thought
as we had decided to take the Red Landy it would have been rude to not pay a visit to Lady T's [pic
right - Lady Charlotte Townshend is one of the country's richest women] bloodthirsty Cattistock
Hunt. We arrived to find a few support cars already parked on the side of the busy A356
and a few riders actually riding along the road to the meet. Knowing where they were likely to go sabs were dropped in at
various locations to pre beat and spray the areas. How the mighty have fallen. The Huntsman is so paranoid about being seen illegally
hunting in front of us that he spends the whole day trying to hide from us! Unfortunately, he does this so well that even
the support can't find him, to the point that they were asking us where the Hunt was!!! So loosing supporters as rapidly
as he is loosing his hounds, so began another boring day, with a twist at the end of the day. 11am
they headed off towards Coombe Bottom as predicted, keeping well hidden amongst the trees. Sabs who had been dropped in had
already sprayed the area and were there waiting for them. The hounds went into cry briefly before being called off by sabs.
Off he then went at speed around Benville Wood towards West Chelbourough stopping briefly at Lewcombe Wood and Horse Moor
before heading to Halstock where they stopped for a bit of lunch at Dogwell farm. Trying to do a sneaky again he then
slipped out the back of Dogwell and then made his way back round to near the meet. At this point the field boxed up and went
home at 4.18pm. Feeling that something wasn't right we decided
to hang around a while and bingo, we drove down a side road an much to their surprise we found them looking very guilty jumping
over a hedge onto the road. With just the Huntsman, the whip and 3 other riders they had decided to hunt on. On seeing us
they went into total panic mode with the Huntsman beating his horse with his whip for not doing what he asked, they cantered
off down the road before jumping into a field. We feel at this point that a Fox had been released and we prevented them from
the kill they were so desperate for. Trying to get away from us and failing they finally gave up at 5.50pm as light was failing
and the police arrived! We are fairly sure they didn't get a kill or though the "lady" in the green landy
with the big knife looked like she was going to make a kill!!!! Thanks to sabs from HATBC and Beds badger group who are down helping to save our badgers during
the cull. Pics below
- 1/ The field 2/ Bit of after hours hunting attempt?  Surrey
Union FH pursue deer, trespass, head-butt sab, drive recklessly Also chase foxes interfere with sett and use foul and abusive language Police ignore sab and resident complaints at 'opening meet' 29-10-17 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors THUGS, WRECKERS AND BULLIES: THE SURREY UNION HUNT Chasing
foxes, frightening young deer, hounds trespassing on private land, bully supporters, head-butting, vile language from hunt
staff, reckless driving around the rural roads of Surrey, all in a day’s work for the Surrey Union. The Hunt Masters, the Hutleys, must have been so proud of their hunt’s behaviour
yesterday. Saturday 28th October found the Surrey Hunt Monitors alongside Guildford and North Downs Hunt Saboteurs at Gosterwood
Manor, Forest Green for the opening meet of the Surrey Union. A very busy day for sabs and monitors who turned out in good numbers to ensure the Hunt was covered all day. Monitors
were also positioned in the National Trust land above the meet, just in case. The usual crew of once a year thug supporters having
been well-oiled at the Parrot Inn; who supplied them with a hog roast and plenty of ale, drove around the roads at high speed,
aiming their cars at monitors and sabs, and trying to throw their weight around. Plenty of abuse towards the sabs and monitors,
including a mob of supporters trying to remove the hat of a new young sab, and another head-butting a sab, which was caught
on video. The Police were out in force, and seemed to turn a blind eye to the assault and battery on the sabs and monitors.
We were all followed by the Police all day, but the hunt thugs were left alone…impartial policing Gold Commander? Token trails were laid by the hunt, but they managed to chase two foxes and a sab caught the whipper in encouraging
hounds into a badger sett where a fox had been marked to ground. Later, the Huntsman
put his hounds into a stretch of scrub and woodland, (no trail) and forced a young terrified deer into some stock fencing,
with hounds right behind. They were not in cry, but we have no doubt this deer would have been killed by the hounds if we
had not been there. The huntsman and Whipper-in couldn’t care less and were calling monitors motherf….rs. It turns out, they
had been hunted through private land, and the owner was distraught. The Hunt made as half hearted apology to the owner and
then started swearing at the sabs. The owner made complaints to the Police, but they just seemed keen on filming us. We insisted
they stopped the Hunt, but no moves were made to confront the hunt. We have the whole episode on video and will be released
in time. The hunt ended at about 4 o’clock and sabs returned to the badger sett to make sure it wasn’t interfered
with. This really has become a vile little hunt, and will just
receive more attention from sabs and monitors from Surrey and surrounding counties if they continue in this thuggish, anarchic
way with no consideration for the law, safety of people and the wildlife of Surrey. Intimidation from the Hunt just strengthens
our resolve... 28-10-17 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs Today we teamed up with North Downs sabs and headed for the opening meet of the Surrey Union Hunt. Foxes saved
and police bias exposed again. From the start we could already see a large police presence... Cuts... What cuts? As it's the opening
meet a lot of bumpkins turned up that wouldn't usually bother and many of them tried their luck pushing sabs about. Whilst
one of our sabs was started on police assumed he was in the wrong and told the sab to "disengage" what does that
even mean? Perhaps YOU Surrey Police should try "engaging" in protecting the Hunting Act? It was clear several were
drink driving as sabs were swerved at and received abuse, including homophobia. Overloaded vehicles without plates were reported
to the police but they were "too busy". Near the start of the day, we spotted a fox In an area the Hunt had just passed
through, the scent was masked and we carried on. After some showing off and half arsed trail laying (the trail was BEHIND
the hunt, you gotta at least make it look believable!) things turned as we entered Honeybush Farm near Monks Farm... We positioned ourselves
along a footpath awaiting the Hunt then we spotted a fox bolt out the woods fleeing for its life, shortly after the hounds
were heard in deep cry. We ran into Honeybush Farm to cover the scent and to get between the hounds and the fox. As we approached
we saw the Whipper-in Rob Mardles off his horse encouraging hounds down a den, we believe they were trying to flush another
fox having lost the previous one. Upon seeing us he quickly got back on and they scarpered leaving half the pack still trying
to pick up the scent, we made sure they didn't. The Hunt can be heard in the video telling hounds to get out of the hole
yet Rob Mardles denies any knowing of it... Err? Full video to follow. At this point we, asked Surrey Police whom were with
us and seen the incident if they were going to take action but of course they refused to do anything on scene. They're
quick to nick sabs but when the roles are reversed they come out with any old excuse to let their hunt chums off. Shortly after we located
the Hunt again, this time they were trespassing through someone's garden, spooked their animals and told sabs to "shut
the f*ck up" when we asked if they had permission to be on that land. When we told police they blanked us... It'd
have been different if we were trespassing though Surrey Police, wouldn't it?! The owner came out visibly upset - the
hunt ran away but soon sent Rob Mardles to deliver a laughable apology then threw a strop when he didn't get his way.
Even after all this Surrey Police refused to take any action on scene and police evidence gatherers were still filming and
harassing sabs. After a few minor incidents including the jack-the-lads trying to be tough (you tried, you tried) the Hunt packed
up so off we went to the pub! If you'd
like to get involved please message us! Or if you're in the position to donate please see the below link. 1/ Surrey police get instructions 2/ Holding up the traffic
3/ Nice garden. Got any foxes? 4/ Coo-eee Mr.Badger   Reporters with LACS at Lauderdale FH conclude Hunt broke Scottish Hunt ban 29-10-17 Sunday Mail Fox hunting fears as Sunday Mail probe reveals legal loopholes can be used to
beat ban As the hunting season prepares to start on Wednesday the Sunday Mail
has obtained evidence that raises concerns that some hunts may be operating outwith the law. Campaigners believe organisers
use loopholes in legislation which allows them to ignore the ban on fox hunting. The
Sunday Mail today reveals evidence that raises fears illegal fox hunting takes place in Scotland. Our team watched as hunters
used a pack of hounds to flush out a fox – but failed to shoot the terrified animal. The Protection of Wild Mammals
(Scotland) Act 2002 was supposed to ban the activity. Campaigners believe organisers use loopholes in the legislation which
allows them to ignore the clampdown. As the hunting season prepares to start on Wednesday, we have obtained shocking evidence that raises fears of hunts operating
outwith the law. Sunday Mail journalists joined investigators from the League Against Cruel Sports last week to observe one
of Scotland’s 11 Hunts.
We watched as the Lauderdale
Hunt emerged on to a hillside in the Borders from secluded farm buildings early on Tuesday morning. Leading the Hunt was Claire
Bellamy [left. All pics credit Tony Nicoletti] – Scotland’s only female huntsman
– and her assistant Adrian Ross [below right], known as the whipper-in.
About two dozen riders on horseback, including four children, completed the line-up. The
Scottish Government are examining the law following a review of the 2002 Act in a report last year by Lord Bonomy. The Act
states that dogs are still allowed to pursue foxes – as long as a marksman shoots the animal as soon as it emerges to
open ground. The 2002 Act states that dogs are still allowed to pursue foxes – as long as a marksman shoots the animal
as soon as it emerges to open ground. A dog can also kill a fox legally as long as the clear intention was to flush it into
the open in order to be shot. Our probe followed a tip-off the Hunt would be holding a meeting at the location near Galashiels.
Hounds were present in a line – the formation expected when they are following the scent of a fox. The dogs could also
be heard “in cry” – a concerted yelping expected when they’ve homed in on their prey. Not once during
the three-hour hunt did our team hear gunshots, although our observers spotted firearms. In one incident, an older hunt follower spent several minutes walking towards a field as the hounds
were in cry. He spent another minute getting his gun out, by which time the dogs had searched the area. On another occasion,
the Huntsman put the hounds through gorse. A man on a quad bike was spotted behind the dogs and in a poor position to shoot
a fox should one have appeared. The LACS investigator, who asked not to be identified,
said: “Here, we’ve seen a fox out in the open. Dogs were nearby but no attempt was made to shoot it. For this
to be legal, several people with guns would require to be lined up at the edge of the covered ground. A fox should be shot
as soon as it is safe to do so. If the hounds continue to chase foxes after they have left cover, that is illegal fox hunting.
We believe the way these guns are being used is a deliberate deception as the hunts know they are sometimes observed. We also
saw fox hounds searching for a scent out of cover. This suggests illegal hunting as it’s not flushing to cover. The
Hunts in Scotland meet usually a couple of times a week during the season. We receive intelligence that the Hunts break the
law. We believe this Hunt breaks the law. The aim of illegal fox hunting is to encourage a pack of hounds to chase a fox,
catch it and rip it to pieces. We believe the majority of Scottish hunts operate illegally. The law needs tightened up. The
Hunts think it’s about class and we’re just having a go at them because of that. But it’s not. It’s
about cruelty and animal welfare – and it’s a wildlife crime in just the same way as a gang of men setting their
dogs on hares is a crime.” The fox hunting season begins on Wednesday and runs
till the end of March. But meetings known as cub hunts – although participants prefer the term autumn hunts –
are held in the run-up to the start of the season. The hunters claim to act legally by taking advantage of loopholes available to them. Aimed at dispersing the season’s litters
of fox cubs across the countryside, they’ve been rebranded as training exercises for hounds. Campaigners say the hunts
make little or no effort to conceal their activities. The Lauderdale Hunt posted their own footage on Facebook in 2014 of their hounds
in open ground running in a line – with no guns in sight. Their Twitter page, which has 406 followers, states: “The
Hunt is based in the Scottish Borders and was founded in 1910. “We are a small friendly hunt, always keen to welcome
new members and visitors.” Huntsman Bellamy, who has the title MFH (Master of Foxhounds),
refuted the idea they had been acting illegally. Bellamy insisted the hunters operate within the law. Bellamy's assistant
Adrian Ross, known as the whipper-in. She said: “We operate within the law. We had four people out with guns today –
three on quad bikes and one on foot. Two shots were fired and one fox was killed legally. There were 20 people out on the
hunt today as well as four children. We always operate within the law.” Footage of last week’s hunt has been passed to
police by the LACS investigators. Robbie Marsland, director of LACS Scotland, said: “It’s our view that Sunday
Mail journalists, along with our investigators, witnessed traditional hunting similar to that seen prior to the 2002 ban. “The law is a complete sham and needs strengthening to make it fit for purpose.” Jamie Stewart, of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, said: “It would seem that, despite their disingenuous
welcome of Lord Bonomy’s report, LACS have returned to the deceitful tactic of misleading the public in an attempt to
force the hand of Cabinet Secretary Roseanna Cunningham to go further than the recommendations. “LACS’s covert surveillance and subjective narrative are designed to infer
illegal action. If they observed illegal action, they should have called police.” Police Scotland said: “We are investigating a report of an illegal foxhunt in the Melrose
area. Anyone with information is asked to contact us on 101.” Pics below
- 1/ Huntsman takes hounds into gorse 2/ The field waiting for fox to be flushed
out  East Essex FH attempts to kill foxes thwarted by ridden-at sabs 29-10-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday, we paid a long overdue visit to sab the East Essex Hunt. A notoriously violent hunt. We met
with our comrades from S.Cambs and Suffolk & Essex Sabs near to the meet, which was held at Essex Hall Farm, just outside
of Ridgewell, Essex. We was with them just after they left the meet. All groups worked in great formation, as one team got
back to the vehicles the other team would leave, this gave us the ability to keep up with them all day and very rarely loosing
sight of the hounds. By the second field we used our gizmo and horns to call the hounds out of a bit of scrub land, much to
the anger of Mr Thorpe, who decided to use his horse to force a couple of sabs into a bramble bush. His anger only escalated
as the day progressed, this probably wasn't helped by the fact we called his hounds out several more times through the
day. With such persistence from the sabs the Hunt kept going in circles. They focused on a wood about 300 meters north
east of the meet. It's when we entered this wood unannounced the attitude of the support, terriermen and masters changed.
We could hear the hounds speaking on the very tip of the far end of the wood, we moved as quick as we could too keep up but
the speaking calmed down. We were again then met by aggression, horses being ridden at us and some manhandling. The wood was
covered in brambles and some of the hounds had shown signs of this. Must be tricky to lay a trail through those brambles (we
should probably point out that earlier in the day that Mr Thorpe, had mentioned within 5 minutes to 2 different sabs that
he was a) Following a trail. b) flushing to a bird of prey. So what was it? Illegal hunting, that's what it was!). The hounds went into
cry twice more towards the end of the day around Great Tagley Farm, we are happy to say that both two foxes was seen to safety
by well placed sabs. The first was on the initial sweep through, the second was after the Hunt done a circle trying to find
the first fox and was on the way back, about 10 minutes later. The East Essex Hunt was out to kill, we was in the right place
at the right time to prevent this. Knowing we saw two foxes too safety is a good start to the new season. Hopefully
there will be many more. From now until the end of the season we will be out week in week out. We are all volunteers and run
purely on donations towards our fuel and equipment. http://cambridgehuntsabs.org.uk/donate/ Thank you.  29-10-17 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs ...The Hunt must have chosen an interesting route in an attempt to avoid
sabs, as riders were heard complaining about jumping ditches, and three riders were seen falling from their horses. One horse
fell onto a fence, knocking it over (the rider could have led the horse around the fence but chose to jump). Not sure why
they were so keen to avoid sabs if they were following the law! As the day went on without any
kills, the foot supporters became more aggressive, pushing and shoving sabs and using offensive, sexist language. The Huntsman
was also highly aggressive, riding at sabs and using aggressive language. At one point he even got off his horse and attempted
to intimidate sabs... 2-11-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs It’s always difficult to publish a post like this, but after the weekends' performance of the
hunt, supporters and terrier men it’s hard to resist. As our earlier hit report states, the East Essex Hunt is a notoriously
violent hunt. The hunt master Gary Thorpe and his chums don’t hesitate to throw their weight around. We were pre-warned
about the violence and a photographer who was with the Hunt and by the sounds of it loved taking our photo… All
of the warnings were to be quickly demonstrated by Gary and Mr Snappy. It didn’t take
us long to catch up with the Hunt and our photographer friend was soon with us snapping away. We don’t mind our photos
being taken, but when you start grabbing sabs, females at that, and forcibly removing their face masks, while they were heading away from the area as instructed by the hunt support, is a step too far. Again,
at various points through the day both the photographer and Hunt continued to remove us with force while we walked away. The final straw was when they found it funny to use a name! Well, this is our response to that. The famous photographer
is Mr Roger Wakefield[right]. He was super snappy and after a quick search, we discovered an album
on his website of foxes running. Now, after a bit more research we have found comments from him saying how lucky he was to
see it etc. it doesn’t take a genius to see through the photos and the situation the fox was in. So it appears Mr Wakefield likes some blood sport, he mentioned to two sabs that
he has hunted for his entire life. Hunted, maybe not, affiliated yes. Turns out our snappy snapper, Mr Wakefield, has a previous conviction for losing his temper with sabs back when he was an unemployed terrier man for the Essex Farmers and Union Hunt. He laughed and joked as he said
"there is [sic] two ways out, I make the news for beating you, or I make the news for being beaten by antis" It
was in jest, but he also let slip about a paedophile, his good friend apparently. It didn’t take long to realise that
it was Chittenden who was convicted 6 weeks ago to just under 7 years… Is this really the type of people you want hanging around your social circle? Do you really want to be associated
with paedophiles and people who have been through the judicial system? Not us, probably not you, but the East Essex Hunt clearly
are happy to have these people with them. NT may be legally challenged over
'trail hunt' voting irregularities 29-10-17 Observer National Trust faces legal challenge over ‘irregularities’ in trail hunting poll
- Members say they were not sent ballot papers after narrow defeat for motion demanding the sport be banned on the charity’s
land The National Trust may be challenged in the courts over the way it conducted a members’
ballot on whether to ban trail hunting on its land. The motion was defeated by a tiny margin at its annual meeting this month
but now hundreds of members are claiming they were disenfranchised through not receiving ballot papers or getting adequate
warning of the vote, according to Keep the Ban, which campaigns against bloodsports. Trail hunting – when hounds and
riders follow a scent path laid earlier – is regarded by many as a means of circumventing the 2004 Hunting Act. In the
National Trust’s ballot, 30,686 members voted for a ban, while 30,985 voted against – a margin of 299 votes. The Labour MP Andrew
Gwynne is one member who says he was denied a vote. “The National Trust now needs to reflect on the deep concern of
its members on how it has handled this issue,” he said. Keep the Ban has engaged a barrister who advised it to petition the election courts
over alleged voting irregularities. “Since last weekend we have been inundated with National Trust members informing
us that they did not get an opportunity to vote or did not receive the magazine which contained the ballot papers,”
said Keep the Ban’s director, Jon Proctor. A spokesman for the Trust said members had been told of the vote in the charity’s
magazine. The AGM booklet, which includes ballot papers, is always mailed to members with the autumn magazine and published
on the charity’s website, he added. “All members were invited to vote and the voting process was overseen by an
independent scrutineer.”  Meynell FH openly cub hunted, even teaching children, say sabs This Hunt only one ever
convicted of illegal cubbing 28-10-17 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs With the badger cull over (in our zones at least) it was time for a small but determined group of Notts'
finest to join the Meynell at their meet at Hoar Cross Deer park, Staffordshire. We arrived just after 8am to find the Hunt had already left their meet. We found them just to the
north with a large field holding up a covert in traditional cubbing mode. Now this type of hunt is blatantly illegal and indefensible even with the many loop holes in the Hunting Act. You'd expect the Meynell, who are still the only UK hunt
to be convicted of illegally cubbing, to quickly gather their hounds and head off for a nice gallop. But oh no. In this covert
they stayed for the next hour!! Sabs took up position on the Northern edge and called hounds out whenever we caught a glimpse. The Huntsman finally
took his pack and headed south. We thought this might be the end of it but he took them straight to a large maize field and
stuck his hounds straight in. Again using his large field to surround the maize and drive any foxes back in who tried to escape.
It was truly sickening to watch parents teach their young children how to whack their saddles to make a wall of noise that
would keep hunted foxes from fleeing. Fortunately, our presence quickly pushed them on. The Huntsman continually entering
his pack into coverts and scrub and sabs using the horn and gizmo to call them back out. We found a recently blocked badger
sett behind a farm that the hunt were hunting towards, clearly blocked by the terrier men to stop any foxes from seeking refuge,
and were pleased to escort the hunt safely away from this area. As the morning wore on we saw a fox to safety as the
hounds hunted through the covert after it. The Huntsman by this point decided he'd had enough and packed up just before
12. We were left with one final thought for
the day. Where is long term Huntsman Jamie Nicklin? Rumours abound of a falling out and lots of unfriending on Facebook. Jamie,
feel free to drop us a line if you've seen the light and want to change sides! Pic
below - Hounds queuing up for sab fuss Braes o'Derwent FH killed fox,
say monitors 28-10-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors Consett - Braes of Derwent Hunt out now at Newlands/Shotley
Bridge. Large meet. KILLED A FOX. Further details awaited Relentless cub hunting & violence to sabs at Fitzwilliam FH newcomers meet 28-10-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT 28 Oct 2017 - Fitzwilliam Hunt, Barnwell Wold, Cambs/Northants border
Returning from another visit to the badger cull zones, N. Cambs and our friends from Northants Sabs sought and found the Fitzwilliam
Hunt at their newcomers meet today. A field of over 60 riders, plus portly master Phillip Baker and his paid staff of rented
killers were found to be illegally hunting, holding up coverts in classic cubbing style. Wildlife was spotted fleeing from the hunt in
all directions, muntjacs and hares were observed running for their lives from the wildly rioting hounds [left].
Sabs kept contact
with the pack from the off, taking the hounds from the Huntsman and stopping hunting with voice calls and sprays on several
occasions [one instance below]. The Hunt responded by riding their horses at
sabs, and kicking out with stirrups as they passed. Two foxes were seen away from the Hunt, although the Hunt came well equipped to
kill, hunting the same coverts and copses over and over in an attempt to flush young fox families into the jaws of the hounds.
Terriermen were waiting, equipped with dogs and spades, on the edges of the copses hunted, ready to evict any fox which went
to ground.  After
over two hours of badgering the Hunt relentlessly, we were subjected to violence from hunt support, after entering a small
wood to stop hounds from hunting. Sabs were shoved and pushed, knocked to the ground and subjected to homophobic and sexist
verbal abuse. The Fitz were tailed and observed
back to their meet, packing up at around 1pm, but not before losing several hounds, with the whipper in desperately searching
around the local fields for them. If you support the work of your local hunt saboteurs,
please do consider helping out with our current fundraiser, we are crowdfunding two new high definition video cameras to aid
convictions for illegal hunting: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/north-cambs-2 Pics below -
1/ The Fitz cub hunting 2/ Supporter showing where his brain is located 3/
Horseman riding at sabs 4/ Hunter with tools vital for 'trail hunting'   Some info on the charmer seen exposing his bum above - 31-10-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs At Fitzwilliam Hunt - Bumpkin Of The Week Meet Roger Grange, lorry driver for Rose Aggregate and Plant (Peterborough 01733 442000, info@roseaggregates.co.uk)
and resident of Fieldbarn Farm, Clopton, Northamptonshire (yes Roger, you pointed out your house and threatened to "f**kin'
kill us" if we went anywhere near it...) Roger gets very defensive
indeed if you go anywhere near a wood he claims is "his" (fact check, we looked up the land registry and it isn't
yours actually is it, Roger?). He gets so defensive in fact, that he feels compelled to shout sexist, homophobic and violent
threatening abuse. Roger is a keen supporter of the Fitzwilliam Hunt (up
in court this November facing prosecution from the Crown for illegal hunting), and likes to knock sabs around if they take
cameras anywhere near the activities of terriermen in his favourite wood. Terriermen were earlier seen leaving said wood,
with dogs and spades after the Hunt passed through. What were they up to, Roger?
days after Hunting Act, CA finally issues guidance on 'trail hunting'28-10-17 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs 4,605 DAYS 4,605 days... that's how long
it took for the Countryside Alliance to produce any form of written guidance on trail hunting, the 'sport' which supposedly
came into existence on 19th February 2005. Finally, on 29th September 2017 - 14 days before the closure of the NT poll - a
document entitled "The Countryside Alliance guide to trail hunting" appeared on their website. The lack of information, regulation or codification
around trail hunting has always been one of the most obvious indicators that it is a fictional activity designed to disguise
illegal hunting. Anybody (except the gullible fools on the National Trust Board) can see that trail hunting is deliberately
kept vague, imprecise and opaque so that it cannot be verified or validated by those unconnected to the hunt. The document itself
was not exactly worth waiting 4,605 days for. It was clearly produced in a hurry by a panicking Countryside Alliance, worried
that they would lose the NT vote. As might be expected when describing a fictional activity, it is a mixture of vague generalities,
outright lies and omissions. The lies include
the ridiculous claim that "foxhound packs continue to use a natural, quarry-based scent based on fox urine." There
is no mention of where the thousands of litres of fox piss that have supposedly been used to supply 180 foxhound packs over
the last 13 years have come from. The omissions are even more striking: no mention is made of Britain's 70 or
so beagle and basset packs. These packs find it impossible to pretend to trail hunt (as shown in the HSA's excellent report
"Piss-Poor Excuses", Howl 113) and so the CA have wisely decided to leave them out altogether. Read through the document
yourself: you'll soon see why the Countryside Alliance procrastinated for 4,605 days before publishing this embarrassing
nonsense. Cotswold
Vale Farmers FH allegedly killed fox near Ross-on-Wye 28-10-17 Facebook – Hunting Kills Cotswold Vale Farmers meeting near Ross killed 1 fox (tip-off from locals to Three Counties Sabs). Grafton FH are caught blatantly cub
hunting yet again Still no condemnation by Grafton supporting Leader of Commons 27-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO MP Andrea Leadsom's Grafton Hunt caught hunting again -
Tuesday 24th October Please like and share. We don't need to say much about this video as its
pretty self explanatory. Grafton Hunt are caught frightening a fox out of a wood, shouting "Tally Ho" (used when
they sight a fox) and then the Huntsman blows his horn to encourage the hounds onto the fox. Hunt supporters can be heard
saying "You missed it my gal" "Gone? "Gone yeah, they're cunning". Sabs covered the scent of
the fox to give it time to get away. The fox
was seen by monitors from Grafton Hunt Watch doubling back and along a hedge. Thank you to everyone who has recently donated - https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs Pics below - 1/ Hunter holding up slapping
boot 2/ Supporters and rider help with holding up 3/ Fox breaks out of wood
4/ Fox darts into opposite wood 5/ Hounds still searching verge
after fox has gone 6/ Fox has been seen - cry of 'Tally Ho!' 7/
Hunter confirms fox has escaped held-up wood 8/ Hounds set off in right direction     Three foxes saved from South
Durham FH, stones thrown at monitors 27-10-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors VIDEO Hit Report : South Durham cubbing Hunt 21.10.17 Carrs Angling Ponds, Carlton.
Durham 7:30am The Hunt met at the Carlton ponds and we could
see they had brought along more thugs for back up this time so we were pleased we had a larger number too. Monitors split into
2 foot groups and made off up footpaths to cover both ends of a nearby wood. On entering the brush at the far end of the wood we knew foxes were in the
area and began to cover scent. It was not long before we could hear the hounds pick up on something and a beautiful fox ran
right past us just where a few hounds had been seconds before. We jumped into gear and covered its line while another monitor
turned back the Perusing hounds with use of the horn. This fox then got spooked by female scum on horseback hitting their
saddles and ran back into the thick brush of the woodland. (Where we might add no TRAIL could EVER be laid). The sound of our horn
brought attention to us as riders made way to our location for the usual spouting of abuse and to tell us we were trespassing
when actually they were. Mr Kevin Johnson got very threatening and personal while Mr Ross Crawford tried his best to get us
to leave the area, knowing we could film a fox bolting at any time. The Hunt spent over an hour trying to pick up on the
poor fox and eventually admitted defeat with the other foot monitors witnessing them make off with red faces to the next location. Our driver spotted a fox and covered its scent whilst on route to pick up our groups
to drop to new location. Whilst on foot again monitors spotted another fox and turned
it away from the oncoming Hunt. Not long after this, the terrier thugs turned up all masked up in balaclavas and trying their
best to look threatening. A lot of abuse is expected but when they resort to throwing rocks our way we know we spoilt their
day especially when we believe they were about to do something illegal when we turned up with cameras rolling. The Hunt regrouped
and had a little chat all the while rocks from a live railway line being thrown over the trees at us, with one monitor hit
on the hip after turning to avoid a direct hit in her stomach. Then it was over..... they decided time was getting
on and with their disgusting hunt scuppered they made off to pack up... A good day for us with at least 3 foxes saved. We needed a good day. Video of fox bolting is here.
Video off abuse has gone to police. Keep us in the field by donating via PayPal to huntmonitors@gmail.com paypal.me/huntmonitors.
Many thanks - long live the fox. Pics below - 1/ Today, something
to smile about 2/ Muddy monitor  Portman FH Huntsman in court - denies charge of illegal hunting 25-10-17
Private info On the 9th September, Evo Shirley, Huntsman of the Portman Hunt pleaded not guilty at Weymouth
magistrates, charged with illegal hunting. Tim Hayden who defended some early Hunting Act cases is defending him. Trial is scheduled for Poole Magistrates on the 12th/13th February. These dates
of course could change. This is a result of an incident on the 8th March near Kingstone
Lacy House, Dorset. Badbury Rings an Ancient Hill fort is also nearby. This will be the first prosecution of a 'recognized'
hunt in Dorset. Scattered
Waveney Harriers hounds chase deer and foxes while Huntsman does little 24-10-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs 2X HUNTS IN ONE DAY, PART 2 Waveney Harriers – 21/10/17 - Ilketshall Hall, Ilketshall
St Andrew – Suffolk As soon as the Easton Harriers cubbing meet finished, Norfolk & Suffolk
Sabs hotfooted it over to the Waveney Harriers for their opening meet. This is a meet that Norfolk & Suffolk Sabs have
covered many, many times before. The Hunt did not stay in
the grounds of the Hall for long. As soon as we spotted the Waveneys making their way to Great Wood, foot sabs headed straight
for the wood because the Waveneys have a history of chasing and hunting inside this woodland. We were informed that the Waveney
Harriers were trail hunting but the 1½ hours spent inside the very dense Great Wood and the presence of the quad bike
and a terrier man would seem to indicate to us otherwise. The Hunt had been inside Great Wood for 30 minutes
when a Chinese Water deer broke cover and two lead hounds made chase. Sabs on the roadside were on hand to intervene and could
hear the pack following not far behind the lead hounds. As the pack came through the hedgerow in full cry (clearly not where
the trail would have been laid) we feared the pack would follow the line of the deer but they instead suddenly turned and
went back in the direction they had come as they had by now picked up a fox and made chase back in the direction of Great
Wood. The noise from the hounds was deafening. Luckily for the fox, we still had foot sabs present in the wood. Not long after these
first two chases, the sound of Reuben blowing for his hounds echoed through the trees. The pack had now split and lone hounds
could be heard in full cry in all directions. At one point three deer darted past with a hound following close behind, but
quick thinking by sabs ensured the hound headed off in a different direction. A wide-eyed fox also came within metres of sabs
before skulking off through the undergrowth. Sabs also came across whipper-in Peter Davison White, sitting lazily on his horse,
doing very little to stop hounds from running frantically through the wildlife-rich wood. As he rode off, sabs could still
hear hounds all around. Reuben eventually stopped blowing after probably 15 minutes and moved along the edge of Great Wood
up to Leggetts Farm, seemingly having gathered all of the hounds. But several minutes later sabs watched as one last loose
hound dashed past, heading towards the farm, hoping to re-join the pack. The Hunt then headed off in the direction of Ringsfield
Hall and Kiln Covert. Foot sabs once again spotted the Hunt sitting on point, this time on the edge of a small copse. As soon
as the Hunt spotted the presence of sabs however they were clearly rattled and so the hounds were pulled out of the copse
and the Hunt moved off. Unfortunately for the Hunt, they headed straight in the direction of another set of sabs. The Hunt packed up just before 3.00 pm and the hounds’ faces on
the way back to meet appeared clean but obviously we cannot guarantee what the terrier man got up to. Share a coffee with
us to help keep the group going in the field: http://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs Barrington seems confused why his
York Uni pro-hunt talk was pulled 24-10-17 Every anti's favourite pantomime villain, former LACS CEO now branding himself as 'Animal
Welfare Consultant' to the Countryside Alliance [contradiction in terms there?] was slated to give a talk explaining the
wonders of fox hunting at York University on 24th October. However, the event was mysteriously cancelled. Barrington claimed
this was the reason -  The event's organisers, Eventbrite, however, had a slightly different explanation - The cancellation of a pro-hunt talk by one of the only semi-coherent apologists hunting has
must have been a grave disappointment to the bloodthirsty cretins of North Yorkshire, of whom there are regrettably a quite
large number. Even more of a pity, York Uni has a lovely big lake in the middle of its campus, amply stocked with wildfowl.
They could have taken a few pot-shots at the birds while they were there. Jimbo
might find he'll now have a problem getting booked in for talks at other of our august institutions of learning. Violent Atherstone FH supporter's crowd funding page
pulled by 'Just Giving' Page
was removed after POWA member informed them what he'd done Antis were astonished
and angered to discover that a crowd funding page had been started to pay the upcoming legal costs of farmer Ashley Davies.
He it was who attacked several sabs with his fists and his quad bike at the Atherstone FH meet on 14-10-17. See reports here and here. He had previously been reported to police for running at sabs armed with an iron bar. They took no action. This is a snapshot
of the, semi-literate, page - A POWA member emailed 'Just Giving' informing them what Davies had done. They
replied as follows, stating that they had shut down the crowdfunding page - Lottie (JustGiving Help) Oct 23, 09:08 BST Hi
there, Thanks for your feedback regarding the Crowdfunding page www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/lynda-legge. We've made the decision
to remove this page and refund all donations made. I hope this helps. Thanks, Lottie Customer Support Manager JustGiving Support Sabs
overheard Warks FH effectively admitting they were cub hunting Newly uploaded film contains giveaway
radio chat between Hunt member & Senior JM 23-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Over the past 2 months, we have filmed what we believe is very blatant and illegal cub hunting at
the Warwickshire Hunt. From holding up maize fields and saddle slapping to a fox kill. The following footage is from when
the Warwickshire met at Oxhill last Month. We are only releasing this now as some of the footage was used in a recent news
report on ITV which can be seen here. It was an eventful day with the Hunt surrounding a maize field for just over an hour. As we have said before foxes
can often be found in maize and we witnessed a fox running out of the maize and away from the hunt early on. We also once
again witnessed members of the Hunt saddle slapping to frighten any foxes trying to escape back into the maize. Hounds were heard
in cry (on a scent) and a fox was seen trying to find a away out of the maize and away from the hounds. So far very blatant
however sabs on the road filming the maize overheard the Hunt talking to each other over the radio. One member of the Hunt
can be heard talking to senior master Charmaine Green and tells her that "if anything does break from here they [the
sabs] will have a full view of it". After this admission that they are indeed hunting foxes
the Hunt soon moved away from the maize. Towards
the end of the day and clearly frustrated by our presence one hunt supporter lashed out at a sab with his walking stick. You can help us carry
on exposing the real face of fox hunting by donating with this link. Pics below -
1/ Riders helping to hold up maize field 2/ Fox fleeing maize field where hounds
searching 3/ Riders holding up wood, using whips to make noise 4./
Supporter threatens sab with walking stick   Monitors think S. Durham FH killed at dig-out at spot
they couldn't reach Hunt left hound behind that was running all over road 23-10-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors Hit Report : South Durham Hunt 16.10.17 Wingate Monitors followed the hound van to the meet
location which was on private land owned by Howe Hills farm. The hounds were taken to Wingate Quarry nature reserve and a hound was left behind to cause havoc on the roads, with
one lorry having to flash passing cars to slow them down. We were unable to pick up this hound but we did inform the Hunt
of its whereabouts. The Hunt was spotted on the outskirts of a woodland in the distance in viewed through
the long lens. We could see a possible dig-out was taking place, but were unable to get to the location but tried to get footage
through the thick fog. The Hunt packed up
and went to the local butchers for breakfast, as killing foxes is hungry work. Today was not a good day with only a few monitors available and sadly we believe
foxes will have been killed by this vile Hunt. To join our cause please message the page. To donate please do so via PayPal
: huntmonitors@gmail.com. Pic below - The nearest monitors could get to probable dig-out
on a foggy day. Protests lead Green Energy UK
to stop sponsoring Oakley FH 23-10-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs GREEN ENERGY UK UPDATE from their CEO... 'I would reiterate we are an apolitical company and our customers are a
varied and eclectic group. We are transparent and do not seek to conceal our activities. We have listened to a number of voices
and we no longer sponsor the Oakley Hunt. That said, we would like to make clear legal hunting is a popular country pursuit
and permitted under the 2004 Hunting Act. Any association did not suggest we support, just as if not supporting means we condemn
any activity. We would however uphold the rights of citizens to go about perfectly legal pastimes. I respect the
views of the public as customers, prospects or critics. Kind regards, Doug Stewart, CEO This is of course welcome news and we thank everyone who raised their concerns, people power really
does work. Hunting wild mammals with hounds cannot be supported and we will seek out and publicise all those who promote it. Further to that, and in response to the above, legal hunting is an oxymoron. We
all know the truth and witness the Oakley (among others) hunting live mammals every week. Hunting is also a minority pastime
which will cease completely in due course. Thank
you all for your continued support. Hunts trying to get N. Trust to backslide on new 'Trail hunting' rules None have applied for
licence since Trust published new requirements 23-10-17
Times National Trust in stand off over hunt rules Hunts
are locked in a stand-off with the National Trust over rules to crack down on the modern form of foxhunting. None of the 67
hunts which used National Trust land has applied for a new licence since the charity changed its rules this year. Members of the trust
have voted not to ban all forms of foxhunting on the charity’s estates. A members’ motion presented to the annual
meeting at the weekend had claimed that trail hunting, in which hounds follow an artificial scent, was a cover for foxhunting,
which was banned in 2004. Almost 62,000 people, out of 5 million eligible members, voted on the hunting motion, which was
defeated by 299 votes. Lord Mancroft, the chairman
of the Masters of Foxhounds Association, said that the Trust had been acting like a “Victorian landlord” by trying
to tell its tenant farmers who was allowed on their farms. The National Trust are saying, ‘You can have this person
on your land. You can’t have that person on your land.’ Hunting is at the invitation of the farmers,” Lord
Mancroft said. He said that the new system of licences was unworkable. “There is a bit of a stand-off because Hunts
don’t want to apply for licences until the system is workable.” The
charity’s trustees had urged members to reject the calls for a ban, on the ground that trail hunting was a legal activity
no different from music festivals or mountain biking, which also take place on National Trust land. “Our motto is ‘For
ever, for everyone’,” Orna NiChionna, the deputy chairwoman, told the meeting. “We want to be as generous
as we can to as many people as we can, pursuing as many activities on our land, even if those activities do not appeal to
everyone.” Polly Portwin, from the Countryside Alliance, which favours hunting, said it was delighted that
the trustees had shown support for “legal trail-hunting activities”, but added: “We are disappointed that
there was no consultation with the hunting authorities prior to changes being made to the licensing procedure,” she
said. The new rules ban the use of animal scents for hounds to follow, on the ground that synthetic scents would make it
less likely for the dogs to chase and kill a real fox. The Trust also said that the licences would allow it to publish details
of the dates and the properties where hunts were taking place. Hunts said that would increase the risk that saboteurs could
disrupt their activities. “Hunts
have certainly expressed that they would like us to reconsider some of the licensing conditions,” Patrick Begg, the
trust’s director of rural affairs, said. The Trust had discussed with the police over whether it was safe to publish
dates of hunt meets. “The police said dates are not an issue,” Mr Begg said. “Specific routes could be risky,
but we can publish the areas where the Hunts will be.” Philippa King, from the League Against Cruel Sports,
which supported the ban, said that the vote was “a massive backward step for justice and a shot in the arm for cruelty”.
She added: “The Trust claims to protect our countryside but they have singularly failed to do that.” Sabs attacked at Badsworth FH as hounds and rider cause road chaos Anti's camera smashed, sab
shoved into ditch, rider nearly causes RTA Sheffield
Sabs stopped off at Claro Beagles on way home - they packed up right away 22-10-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT: BADSWORTH & BRAMHAM MOOR HUNT, OCTOBER 21st
W.Yorks Sabs had a lively morning sabbing the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt cubbing meet, Burton Salmon, with our friends
Sheffield Sabs. As our sab van loomed onto the scene, attempts to send us away were drowned out by the car radio (can't
hear you). The Hunt headed east to Burton Common Wood for their first draw, where we remained
present. All was well, as they drew a blank. However, as we were crossing a field the terrier-men (who seemed to multiply
like bad bacteria) began to terrorise us on their quad bikes. We were called names, ridden at, and things took a turn for the worse when our camera was smashed and one of our sabs
thrown into a ditch [allegedly by unidentified man right]. You'd be
forgiven for thinking Simon Cowell was the culprit, given the individual's luminous teeth, however, despite attempts to
cover his face this was the same scumbag we encountered 2 weeks ago. Not long after shaking
off the terrier-men, we joined forces with Sheffield Sabs and soon caught up with the Hunt, now west of Burton Common Wood.
We continued to escort them to Brotherton Quarry, where a fox was seen to flee an area of woodland and citronella and the
gizmo were used successfully to ensure the hounds did not kill. At
one point, the Hunt lost control of some hounds who were found in the middle of a very busy road. The Hunt's host failed
to gather them, so our vehicle sabs had to collect them and move them back to safety. Chaos then followed as horses moved
at speed down the road, and a rider from the field was almost hit by the car of a member of the public, who was understandably
annoyed that a horse and rider had crossed a road without looking! A frantic red coat, attempted and failed to gather another
loose hound. We are not surprised, but it's a shame the Hunt continue to behave recklessly week after week, while the
North Yorkshire Police are more interested in stopping our vehicles for “routine vehicle checks”. Then again,
when the local Wildlife Crime Officer has been known to ride with the Hunt, we wouldn't expect any less. See you again
B&B! For the cost of a coffee, please consider chipping in and help keep us out in the
fields protecting wildlife: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs – thanks! Sheffield Sabs posted a very similar report, but added this postscript - After this debacle the B&B
soon packed up and we were left debating whether to go to the pub or to look for a pheasant shoot seen earlier in the day.
Alas, the pub had to wait as we'd got wind of news that the Claro Beagles were hunting nearby. We quickly headed to Sicklinghall,
where field sabs soon found the beaglers hunting in Willow coppice. The beagle-boys took one look at sabs and made a beeline
for the meet, where they abashedly packed up. Result! Pics
below - 1/ The Badsworth hunting 2/ Rider who allegedly rode horse into
sab last season 3/ Huntsman's tries to
catch hound loose on road while 4/ Sab holds his horse [video here]  'Ethical' energy company sponsors the Oakley FH Director of Green Energy [UK] married to Hunt JM Sabs say Oakley doesn't even pretend to 'trail hunt' Multiple violence/intimidation recorded
by sabs 22-10-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs We would like to think we're honest in everything we post on social media. We would like to hope that companies trading on the back of being "ethical" would be the same. However
that's not always the case. This [pic
right] is the front page from the Oakley Hunt show from last summer. These shows are designed purely
to raise money for the Hunt. All fees are paid directly to the OHSC - Oakley Hunt Supporters Club which is in turn run
by the Hunt themselves. Note the main sponsor of the event - Green Energy (UK) Plc. You'll notice they claim to be ethical. The
listing for Green Energy (UK) Plc from Companies House [pic below left]. One of the directors listed is Sir Peter Thompson, with his home address. Sir Peter
is the Husband to Lady Lydia Thompson - Master of the Oakley Hunt. This is Lydia Thompson [pic below right] out hunting with the Oakley
last season. The same day they employed (whether indirectly or otherwise) hunt thugs to protect the hunt using violence and intimidation. The same day 2
car loads of thugs went round one of our sabs' houses. The Oakley hunt do not even pretend to obey the law. They don't lay trails and
have no bird of prey present. They are sticking 2 fingers up to the law and it is only groups like us that stand in their
way. We don't think it's right that a supposed ethical company should be sponsoring an organisation which hunts &
kills wildlife. Why not pop along to their Facebook page (link posted above) and give them a 1 star and say why. 24-10-17 morethanjustbadgers.net ... a sab colleague of mine reminded me of the poster from the Oakley Hunt
summer show. We decided to do a little digging on the main sponsor - Green Energy UK (plc). This lead to some interesting
findings which we thought the public should be aware of and in turn published the statement this statement on the Beds &
Bucks Hunt Sabs Facebook page (see above). We also published links on Twitter for maximum exposure. Needless to say your average consumer doesn't like being lied
to regarding claims of being ethical but also supporting fox hunting. Lots of bad reviews were left on the company's Facebook
page and tweets were rolling in thick and fast. Finally Green Energy issued a statement and the B&B responded accordingly.
At this time Green Energy were actively removing the all the bad reviews in an attempt to save face. Their statement was clearly
2 fingers up to the consumers, they weren't going to budge on their position and their support of the Oakley no matter
how they tried to spin it however they severely underestimated the indignation of the people and aligning themselves with
a blood sports lobbying group (the so called CA) was a huge mistake. This only fanned the flames and people power took hold. They were flooded with more complaints
and bad reviews until they were finally backed into a corner and once again had to issue another statement to which B&B responded
once more (see here). We're in no doubt that the ethos of the people in charge (including the husband of
Oakley Hunt master Lady Lydia Thompson, Sir Peter Thompson) will not have changed and they are no doubt still pro-hunt, however
we have shown that the general public won't stand for lies and that hunting is pretty much universally hated by everyone
except the wildlife killers themselves. It will also show other companies
that supporting blood sports is bad for business and they risk losing customers. Just like Theresa May found out in the general
election, blood sports are political and financial poison. Those that support them are finding themselves increasingly isolated.
There's more than one way to skin the proverbial cat. We'll sab them in the fields and we'll hit these organisations
financially as well. We'll pursue every possible avenue and make until life as difficult as possible until the inevitable
outcome is reached. Pics below - Just a couple of examples, of many, of
the obnoxious behaviour of the Oakley FH. 1/ Sab carrying muntjac deer savaged by hounds 16-2-17.
It died of its injuries. 2/ 'The Angry Egg'. Oakley supporter prone to violence. Arrested
for assault on sab earlier this year.  Braes of Derwent FH stage show 'trail hunt' to pull wool over police
eyes What
they showed was nothing like what they normally do on hunt days 22-10-17 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors VIDEO Braes of Derwent Hunt 15.10.17 'Introduction to Hunting' with Northumbria and
Durham Police invited We found this so amusing to watch a quad bike with no tools or
terriers laying the 'Trail' No point riders or Whippers in to be seen. Only a selection of hounds out. Hounds kept
away from the thick gorse that BDH usually cast the hounds into. So thank you for doing our work for us, we can now show the
difference of this show you put on for the police and what actually takes place. ��
�� POWAperson adds - In the video captioning monitors say they have never seen this Hunt lay a trail or a hunt
quad without terriers/tools. Hounds did follow the laid trail, but were not even in half-cry. At one point, hounds, with redcoats,
were right next to the quad that laid the trail, but showed no interest in it. Pics below - 1/ Trail-laying 2/ Hounds follow trail unenthusiastically
3/ Hounds next to trail-layer quad - not interested in it 4/ Show trail hunt over - going home  
Motion to ban 'trail hunting' on National Trust land lost by small marginClaimed that only
Chair casting discretionary votes against defeated it 21-10-17 Huffington Post National Trust Trail Hunting: Anti-Hunt Activists Lose Historic Vote - Campaigners dismayed by close result Anti-hunt
activists have failed in their efforts to ban all hunting on National Trust land. Campaigners argued before the historic vote
on Saturday that the move would help to stop illegal hunting, such as fox hunting, by taking away large areas of land for
hunts to access. But pro-hunt supporters say that trail hunting is a legal activity and have accused the National Trust of
“distancing itself from the rural community to appease metropolitan sensibilities”. The number of votes
against the motion to ban trail hunting was 30,985. Votes favour of the motion to ban was 30,686. Activists seized on the
small margin to claim the National Trust swung the decision in its favour by using “discretionary votes”. Philippa King, acting
CEO of the League Against Cruel Sports [right], said: “The Trust claims
to protect our countryside but they have singularly failed to do that. This is a massive backward step for justice and a shot
in the arm for cruelty.” What is trail hunting? Trail hunting is when the artificial
scent of an animal is laid. It is legal in the UK, but the League Against Cruel Sports argues that the act is a “cover up” for illegal hunting and did
not exist in Britain until the Hunting Act 2004 was passed. National Trust members have been voting online and by post for weeks, with the final
vote taking place at 3pm on Saturday. The League Against Cruel Sports said the passing of the motion means that 67 hunts which
have previously been issued with licences to hunt on Trust land will be prevented from doing so in the future. King said ahead of
the vote: “The National Trust claims no illegal hunting takes place on their land but we believe they are either being
deceived or not paying attention. This motion was brought by a National Trust member who witnessed illegal hunting on Trust
land. The League and others have produced over 400 pages of reports and evidence to support this motion. “The National
Trust is a treasured institution which does wonderful work, but it has allowed itself to be embarrassed by the hunting fraternity.” The supporting statement
to the motion read:- “Since hunting with dogs became illegal in 2005, the National Trust has issued licences for ‘trail
hunting’ in which, allegedly, an artificial trail is laid for the hunt to follow. The supporters of this resolution
however believe that enough evidence is now available to show that illegal hunting is taking place on National Trust land
on a regular basis. We believe this is leading to regular wildlife crime as well as damage to important flora and fauna. We
believe that those being issued ‘trail hunting’ licences are severely damaging the Trust’s reputation, and
that existing guidelines, bye-laws and enforcement practices are having no impact. The policy of issuing ‘trail hunting’
licences should, therefore, be stopped immediately.” The motion was not supported by the National Trust’s board of trustees, who
said they “monitor activities that we have licensed, to ensure that they remain compatible with our conservation and
access purposes”. The Trustees said
in a statement: “We will take, and have taken, strong action (including suspension, revoking and refusing to grant further
licenses) against any licence holders who we judge have breached their licence conditions or the law.” The National Trust issued 79 licences to 67 hunts last year. Trustees said that they have taken action against trail
hunts on six occasions in the last five years. “It is hard therefore to agree that singling this legal activity out
for blanket prohibition represents a proportionate response,” the trustees said ahead of the vote. It is estimated that
there are approximately 300 hunts in England and Wales. Pic below - Anti-hunt
demo outside the NT AGM POWAperson comments - The stance taken by the NT on this issue is disgusting.
They know full well that licenced Hunts have been hunting illegally on their land for years, including the use of terriermen.
The only times that have acted to sanction Hunts has been when they've been forced to by adverse publicity. And then all
they have done is suspend them for short periods and, in one case, allow them - the Minehead Harriers - to restart once a
new agreement, not worth the paper it was written on, was agreed. They do not, contrary to their claim, monitor licenced
Hunts in any meaningful way. They do not, as the article claimed, use 'artificial scents.' When they bother to actually
lay a trail at all - which is hardly ever - they use fox urine or similar. Whilst the licencing changes they announced a few
weeks ago are a step in the right direction they will mean little if hunts are not properly monitored and Hunts seriously
sanctioned for breaches. After they announced those changes they said they were not planning to monitor Hunts. They should,
by now, be fully aware by now what Hunts will do if they don't. The NT will not effectively be colluding in breaking the
law. So, nothing new there then. 21-10-17 League Against Cruel Sports ‘Massive backwards
step for justice’ as National Trust fails to ban ‘trail hunting’ Animal lovers have been left distraught today after National Trust members failed
to pass a motion to ban ‘trail hunting’ on Trust land. A group of National Trust members, supported by the League Against Cruel Sports, put forward a motion calling on
the charity to stop fox, hare and stag hunts from illegally killing animals on Trust land under the cover of 'trail hunting',
exempt hunting or just exercising their hounds. In the result out this afternoon, the number of people voting against the motion
to ban Trail hunting was 30,985. Those for the motion was 30,686. This means that the motion failed by 299 votes. It is worth
noting that the National Trust was given discretionary votes by some members, meaning that those votes were used by the National
Trust to vote against the motion. Without those discretionary votes, the number of people who voted for the motion was actually
greater than those who voted against. So the decision was swung against the motion by the National Trust board. The result
means that 67 hunts which have previously been issued with licences to hunt on Trust land will be able to continue doing so
in the future. Philippa King, Acting CEO of the League Against Cruel Sports, said:- “The Trust claims to protect our countryside
but they have singularly failed to do that. This is a massive backward step for justice and a shot in the arm for cruelty.
The fact that more people actually voted to ban trail hunting than voted not to is very telling and we are extremely proud
of that. But the vote was lost because the National Trust decided to ignore the popular vote and side with the pro-hunt lobby.
This is both sad and very worrying and we hope that the Trust will have taken on board and listened very carefully to the
points made by members. We want to see them bring in the new licensing rules they have introduced and do everything in their
power to ensure the hunts are properly monitored. “The National Trust could have played a major
role in curtailing illegal hunting in this country, but they chose to ignore 400 pages of evidence and instead mislead their
members into voting against this motion. Their justification is that there have been no prosecutions of hunts on National
Trust land – but if you let a burglar wander round your house without supervision, then he’s unlikely to be arrested.
Hunts will now claim that people believe they are hunting legally. If so, they shouldn’t mind if the National Trust
now invites independent monitors onto their land to ensure that the hunts follow their rules, as the Trust officials don’t
normally monitor hunting on their land as they should. We’ll then see how many accidents, how many chases and how many
deaths occur in the name of ‘trail’ hunting.” Helen Beynon, [left, with fellow campaigners Steve Miller & Barbara Slaska] National
Trust member who was one of those proposing the motion, said:- “I started this with some other National Trust members
because I witnessed the deceit of Hunts which are claiming to follow trails but are actually chasing animals, and I couldn’t
abide the thought of them getting away with it on National Trust land. I believe the only reason our motion has failed is
because most National Trust members haven’t seen it with their own eyes. If they’d have seen what I’ve seen,
then I have no doubt they would have voted with us. I was surprised, that despite all the evidence available to the National
Trust Trustees, and the fact that we were given no opportunity to respond to the terms of any new licence, they advised members
to vote against our proposal. By doing this, they have led people to believe that there is no problem. But there is a problem,
Hunts will now be able to continue their barbaric hobby on land which is meant to be protected for people and animals. It’s
disgraceful, and the National Trust should be ashamed.”
The motion did not attempt to ban ‘drag’ hunting which has existed as
a legitimate sport for 200 years and uses non-animal based artificial trails in areas without foxes or hares. ‘Drag’
hunting offers a genuine alternative to illegal hunting, as the huntsmen have full knowledge of where the trail is being laid,
so ‘accidental kills’ are practically unheard of. However, no fox or hare hunt converted to drag hunting after
the Hunting Act passed in 2004, and they invented ‘trail’ hunting instead. “This was not an attempt to kill off ‘tradition’, it was an attempt to
stop the killing of animals for fun,” said Philippa King. “Drag hunts follow an artificial trail and rarely catch
an animal ‘by accident’, and will not be affected by this ban. Trail hunting was invented after the Hunting Act
came in, but there was no genuine reason to invent a new version of drag hunting unless there was an ulterior motive –
to carry on killing foxes, deer and hares, and get away with it. This deception has been recognised by many National Trust
members, but not by the Trust themselves. Today the Hunts will be laughing at the National Trust – or at least those
in the National Trust who are opposed to hunting.” Last year the National Trust issued 79 annual licences granting Hunts access to
their land in England and Wales to trail hunt. The League believes there is no such a thing as the 'sport of trail hunting'
and it is simply a temporary, false alibi to cover for illegal hunting while the hunting fraternity hopes for the hunting
ban to be repealed or weakened. Invented following the enactment of the Hunting Act
2004, trail hunting was created to mimic traditional hunting. Hunts are said to follow a pre-laid trail in areas where the
‘once’ hunted animals would naturally occur. However those controlling the hounds are not told where the scent
has been laid, so if the hounds catch the scent of a live animal instead - resulting in a chase and often a kill - this is
then classed as an ‘accident’. Reports from more than 30 hunt monitors across ten years from different organisations
covering the majority of hunts in England and Wales (157), have reported witnessing someone laying a possible trail only in
an average of around 3% of the occasions they monitored hunts. Worse, they believed that they may have witnessed a genuine
trail hunting event, rather than a fake one, on an average of around 0.04% of occasions. Find out more about the National
Trust vote at www.league.org.uk/nationaltrust . Widely reported but see also the Observer. Monitors film Cheshire FH blatantly
hunting foxes - reported to police Hound found caught on barbie bites monitor trying to release
it Usual
illegal quads, dangerous driving, horses used as weapons etc. 21-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors SO, THIS IS ‘TRAIL HUNTING’… CHESHIRE HOUNDS, TIVERTON 21.10.17 On Thursday,
the Cheshire Hounds Hunt were keen to prove to us that they “trail hunt” and that they “always hunt within
the law” by dragging an old sock on the end of a stick along the middle of a busy road in Cholmondeley, Cheshire to
lay their "trail" (see previous report). So forgive us then if we were a little confused to see them blatantly hunting
foxes through woods and across fields in Tiverton yesterday morning (21st). We found the Hunt in one of their favourite meet venues
again – Huxley Lane Farm – before they headed down to fields between Tiverton village and the Shropshire Union Canal. The first field we witnessed them hunting
through, which borders Wharton’s Lock and has the Sandstone Trail running through it, is owned by a local resident,
who is also a Hunt member; she didn’t seem to be aware of Section 3 of the Hunting Act when we mentioned it later on,
but she should probably read it, along with a number of other local residents who could themselves be committing a criminal
offence by letting this Hunt onto their land. The following fields hunted and the adjacent Simpson’s Rough woodland
(with its many foxes), where we filmed a fox being chased, are owned by residents Simon and Christine Lees-Jones, who are
co-owners of The Swan, Tarporley. With a large team of monitors today, and with public footpath access in this area
(albeit not always clearly marked, also the responsibility of the landowner; the Hunt certainly didn't appear to know
where it was!), we were able to keep a close eye on the Hunt from the off, and it was early on we captured a full pack of
hounds flushing this young fox out of Simpson’s Rough and giving chase through fields towards the village, with Hunt
staff and riders in hot pursuit. We heard no attempts by the Huntsman to call the hounds off, and with various riders blocking
the footpath and trying to keep us away from the ‘action’, we can’t say if this fox escaped or not. All in all, strangely realistic fox hunting for a "trail hunt". You'd
be forgiven for mistaking it for the real thing... We captured all this on a number of cameras, and this is now a live case, so we
can’t post any video or photos of this specific incident for the time being, but we'll keep everyone updated. What we can tell is, while all this was happening, a hound got caught up in barbed
wire, repeatedly crying out in pain as its foot was twisted right round on itself above right]. As
this was right beside a public footpath with a monitor close by, and with the Hunt busy chasing foxes (some riders laughing
at us when we told them it needed help), she tried to help and received a nasty bite from the hound [left]; failing
to jump a relatively low fence and then reacting so aggressively are both further indications of how poorly trained some of
this Hunt’s hounds appear to be, and we have serious concerns for them as the main hunting season approaches. The Hunt
eventually released the hound by throwing it upside down back across the fence. We aren't aware what happened to the hound
after this point. After this the Hunt took refuge in the grounds of Fishpond Farm, ironically the site of the fox kill last season which hit
the headlines and got this Hunt (and the previous Huntsman) in hot water (https://goo.gl/85qtio). After this we monitored
them in a number of other locations close by, including field and woods on Pudding Lane, and then a smaller group moving down
to the canal and along to woodlands where they passed through a meadow that we understand they are banned from by the landowner
(we’re following that up). This was to gain access to the woodland we filmed this Hunt chasing multiple foxes in last
year (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTR_1AGbCCM), which borders on land owned by Hunt member Randle Cooke. They chased more
foxes here, and again we don’t know the outcome of that but we saw no evidence of kills.
The morning also saw the usual illegal quads, dangerous driving, riders using their horses as weapons,
and – of course – the Hunt parading another child right amongst Hunt staff so that they could use their despicable
accusations of monitors being paedophiles. The child himself even made the accusation at one point. Such innocence! Thank you to all our new monitors! If you would like to join our ever-expanding team, or have information to pass
on to us (in strictest confidence), then please get in touch. Either message us here or email - info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. [More details are
shown on individual photographs. Cheshire Monitors do not encourage or condone abuse on any of their posts, and we include
certain names for transparency. Please keep language clean. Also when commenting please remember we are monitors, not hunt
sabs.] Cheshire Monitors
are handing their footage of what they believe is illegal hunting to the police and so neither pics or video of it can yet
be published. Pics below - 1/ Masked terriermen
2/ JM backing horse into monitor  Fernie FH hounds rescued
from canal by sabs - Hunt kept in check 21-10-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Well, I feel a bit more human now after leaving home at 5:30 this morning and finally returning at around 6pm,
running on only a shandy and a bowl of chips grabbed in the pub between hunts. And what a day, a double scoop of sab goodness
topped off with citronella sauce and a side helping of compassion. We started the day with our friends over at Northants Hunt Saboteurs for a visit to the Fernie who had a morning meet between
Foxton and Lubenham in Leicestershire. Early on the hounds seemed to want to bugger off from the meet and some ended up in
the canal. The hounds couldn't find a way out as the banks were too high and they were in danger of drowning but fortunately
sabs from both groups were on hand to drag them from the water.
The rest of the meet was fairly uneventful. Simple
fact was whichever way they turned sabs were waiting for them so round and round in circles they went, the big field of over
50 riders looked bored and some chinless wonder tried to be macho but his bravado was soon quashed with a telling off for
bad language in from of children. They packed up around 10:45am so we bade farewell to our chums and headed back south
for a quick fuel stop and a shandy and chips in the pub. While there we got some interesting intel regarding our local wildlife
killers the Oakley. It seemed they were having an afternoon meet at one of their favourite places, Park Farm, Keyso. Well,
would be a shame not to pay them a visit as well so it was back on the blower and once again sabs from Northants and also
North Cambs Hunt Sabs answered the call... Pic above left - One of
the Fernie hounds rescued from canal by sabs Pics below -
1/ Fernie FH hounds awaiting instruction 2/ The field - looking bored  Sabs spoil Blackmore FH's fun as police investigate blocked
setts 21-10-17 Facebook - Weymouth Animal Rights Hit Report 21/10/2017 Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt Inwood near Stalbridge
With a severe weather warning issued for very high winds we didn't actually expect anyone to risk the safety of their
animals both on the road in high-sided horse boxes or riding at high speed over water logged ground. So we thought we would
go and check firstly on Lady Townshend 's blood thirsty Cattistock Hunt. When we arrived it was clear that the weather
had put them off and so spent the morning casually exercising the hounds around the kennels. Being fairly confident that they wasn't
going to do a 'sneaky' after we left , acting on a tip off, we headed off to pay the BSV a visit. Deciding to leave
our rather infamous red landy at base as we reserve that privilege of using her for a better class of 'Hunt'. (let's
face it would Lady Char have this lot over her gaff for the day? see video). So we headed off to the Stalbridge area where the opening meet was at Inwood. First port of call was Martins Copse
where we had decided to pre-beat and spray to ward off scent . Upon arrival we saw a quad bike heading out of the copse. What
was the terriermen doing in there? well it didn't take long to find out as we came upon newly dug badger setts (all logged
and reported!). Next was a game of hide and seek with support blocking us in or obstructing the road in front of us. However we had
our legendary monitor on board who was able to give us clear directions as to where the Hunt was heading at all times. Hence
they were never far from our sights for pretty much most of the day! Hounds went into cry around Inwood, where sabs were
able distract them from rioting on a deer by using voice calls to pull their heads up. This seemed to get the now growing
number of dribblers a bit tetchy and tensions were starting to rear up ! At one point even our driver was 'offered out'
by a rather large angry ' woman!' The same woman who, in fact, can be heard shouting to the hounds.. 'go on find
it, rip it apart and to the Huntsman 'those c**ts are in ere'... With weather getting worse and the winds wrecking any
chance of picking up a scent the Hunt moved to the usual area of Nyland where they obviously had no joy! So, back towards Martins
Copse stopping by the fields below Temple Lane where foot sabs were deployed and as hounds picked up a line and went into
cry. sabs were able to cover any scent with citronella and voice calls. This spun out the nearby support, who resorted to
abusing us and trying their hardest to hunt the hounds on by the 'go on get it , get it ' school of hunting ! So off they charged
full speed towards Martins Copse only to do a complete dead stop as they were confronted by the local wildlife police who
were in there investigating said blocked setts!!! So game over , they headed back to the meet with tails between their legs. Red-faced
terriermen about-turning as they thought we were 'off piste' but no, we were helping the police with their enquiries! Overall a good day for sabs and monitor, a really, really bad opening meet for the
Oakley FH Whip sexually offensive to woman sab as Hunt restrained
by antis 21-10-17 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT 21.10.2017 (another one) Oakley Hunt, Park Farm, Keysoe
If you had chance to read our report from this morning's outing to the Fitzwilliam Hunt you would think that sabs would be resting up this afternoon. We thought so too, until a concerned member
of the public made contact to report riders and hounds gathering in Keysoe, Bedfordshire. Sabs in the area from Beds &
Bucks Hunt Sabs and Northants Hunt Saboteurs as well as North Cambs Hunt Sabs rallied to check out this report. Two sab vehicles located the hunt and quickly deployed after the hounds were being cast through a small copse just
outside the meet, faced with being rumbled so quickly the hunters headed back to their meet to figure out what to do... What followed was a standard cat and mouse game of riding around local fields trying to lose our foot sabs, with
the hunt aiming to get far enough ahead to try their hand at cub hunting. However with vehicles constantly circling the area
they never got too far out of range and the pack was kept in sight. The class of people who take part in fox hunting was displayed clearly when Ray Pipe (Oakley whipper-in),
a paid employee, representing the 'club' and wearing their official red coat, made sexually offensive comments to
a sab who was busy saving wildlife. When she confronted him about this later, he remarked that he saw "nothing wrong"
with what he'd done. The Hunt were finally escorted back to their kennels after a long day out in the
field. On leaving the area, a hunt follower was observed driving dangerously slowly and obstructing the highway. Only when
the blue lights came on, however, did he realise that we had a police car sat right behind us watching proceedings. Ultimately, the hunt were unable to trouble
local foxes today, and were sent home with no kills. If you support the work of your sabs, why not buy them a coffee to say thanks? https://ko-fi.com/northcambs Pics below - 1/ Whipper-in Ray Pope
2/ Hounds were hunted through this area  Sabs
pull Fitzwilliam FH off two foxes - hounds also rioted on deer 21-10-17
Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT 21.10.2017 Fitzwilliam Hunt Field Farm, Washingley By scouting round known favoured hunting spots, North Cambs
Hunt Sabs found the Fitzwilliam Hunt this morning at Field Farm, near Washingley. Hounds seemed to find a fresh scent as soon as they were on the ground, and went into cry immediately
in North Wood, they were stopped and called out into a nearby field using the gizmo (a recording of hound and horn calls).
An irate hunt staff blustered over and raved something incomprehensible at us, but we kept moving to stay with the pack. After miles of hiking and jogging the fields, sabs again intervened as the hounds first rioted after a deer, and
then flushed a fox from Fir Dale Spinney and pursued through the wood. Using voice calls the hounds were momentarily distracted,
then the gizmo was deployed again to drag the pack into a field out of harm's way. When the Fitz huntsman, Simon Hunter,
arrived on the scene (on foot...) he denied all knowledge of his pack hunting live quarry. Shortly afterwards, his hounds
all became stuck in a filthy stagnant swamp. Pretty sure there was no trail there, Simon. At least two foxes saved today,
and many miles covered on foot. If you support our sabs' work, why not buy them a coffee to say thanks? https://ko-fi.com/northcambs Pics below - 1/ Hounds wondering who is their master
2/ Hounds called off fox decide sabs are  North Warwickshire Beagles run off home the moment sabs appear 21-10-17 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs North Warwickshire Beagles - Saturday 14th October After
the Atherstone had packed up we came across the North Warwickshire Beagles who were in the same area. Once they saw us they
hastily exited the field they were in onto the nearest road and took a long walk back to a barn where they packed up and drove
back to the kennels. So last Saturday was a very busy day for us protecting wildlife. This
is a late report due to a busy week after being rammed by the Atherstone Hunt Chairman's son in law on a quad bike. Also
we had to attend court this week to give evidence regarding Atherstone Hunt supporter John Hadfield who was subsequently found
guilty of slashing a sab's tyre. We have also kept any eye on the Atherstone Hunt this week. On Tuesday they met at Amington
and Thursday they met near Coventry. We've been at the Grafton Hunt today with Grafton Hunt Watch, as the Atherstone
Hunt weren't out today. Report to follow. We
are very grateful for the messages of support and information we have received. If you would like to help towards our fuel
costs please use the link below:- https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Police drop three investigations
into illegal hare hunts by Easton Harriers 20-10-17 Easton Harriers investigations dropped Suffolk Police have dropped all investigations into the Easton Harrier hunt from
last season. We can now share our evidence of the hunting and killing of hares. Tannington Hare Kill:- http://bit.ly/2yDSG4e POWAperson - The film, shot 8-10-16, begins
with hounds, supervised by mounted Huntsman and Whip, with several riders looking on, searching for scent in a harvested cereal
field. A hare soon bolts away to the left [see pic right] and the hounds chase it. The huntsmen do not call them off. Sabs
can be heard rating hounds and then shouting to the huntsmen to call them off - 'illegal hunting'. The hare is seen
again, still running from hounds. The pack catches and kills the hare near a small copse [see pic below]. Several riders can
be seen about 30 yards away. Some are looking at the kill, some aren't. Sabs say that as they approached the kill
site the huntsmen took the hounds away, but the riders remained. A JM, Lydia Freeman, jumped off her horse and initially tried
to conceal the hare's corpse by kicking it into a ditch. She then picks the hare up and we see her trying to conceal the
hare under her jacket. It is too large for this to succeed. Sabs film her efforts from close-up [see pic below
right]. Sabs followed her to her Range Rover where they come across an aggressive foot supporter.  A rider is seen using his horse as a weapon against a sab standing between the car and the supporter [pic below left]. The supporter grips
the sab by the shoulder and hurls him forwards. The JM gets into her car, still trying to hide the hare. The same rider again
rides his horse into the same sab. There is a short scuffle. The Huntsman and JM later made the absurd, mendacious claim that
they were both 'hunting rabbits' and 'exercising hounds'. There is no doubt at all that the animal they chased
and caught was a hare - and, as hare hunters, they would have known this. The sabs gave their video and personal evidence
to police. A year later, police told them they were dropping this and two other investigations into illegal hunting by the
Easton Harriers. They gave no explanation as to why any off the cases had not proceeded to court.
Glenham Hare Kill:- http://bit.ly/2hS2cse POWAperson - Sabs say the video shows how very little action to control the hounds while
they were allowed to search various fields. The film, shot 26-11-16, begins with hounds, accompanied by Huntsman on a white
horse [right], searching for scent in a ploughed field. Three foot followers are nearby in a grass field. The Whipper-in, on a chestnut, comes into shot. Hounds start searching
the grass field. The Huntsman makes noises encouraging the hounds to hunt on. Hounds suddenly go into cry. A sab tells the
Whip to call hounds off. He claims they are 'on a trail'. Sab says they're not, he replies 'Prove it.'
The cry was very short-lived. Sabs are now about 60 yards behind the Huntsman, with the pack a little further away. Sabs run
and catch them up. Hounds are now just milling about. Hounds become excited and push through into next field. Sabs now surrounded
by riders. Run past 2 cars with followers. Hounds come into sight, nearby. Sabs begin to rate hounds, who are running away
from them. Huntsman and rider in top hat gallop after them. Hounds have crossed into ploughed field. Hounds go into
cry, though, again, this doesn't last long. Huntsman shouts 'Partridge, come on. Leave it.... Partridge. Come
on.' Hounds are now in middle of field, perhaps 70 yards away. Some swing back towards Huntsman, most don't. Huntsman
again shouts - not very loudly - 'Come on. Leave it.' He makes no move towards hounds. He shouts again, louder, and
the Whip joins in. Another 'Come on' and two hounds join the Huntsman, who stays riding on the path. Sabs rate hounds
from path. The main pack is now about 100 yards away. Huntsman remains on path. Rider complains to sab. They're hunting
legally and sabs are spoiling their day. Sab suddenly shouts 'Oh no, they've got it.' Sab runs across to pack,
shouting 'Leave it. Get off it.' When re reaches pack the hare has already been torn to pieces, with hounds playing
tug of war with the bits. A sab retrieves one of the pieces. Says 'We need to get the police.' Whip is now on other
side if ploughed field, calling hounds to him. Pics below -
1/ Sabs catch up with Hunt 2/ Hounds go into cry in killing field 3/
Hounds about to kill hare, 100 yards away from Huntsman. He had plenty of time to ride to them. 4/
Hounds pulling the hare apart 5/ Sab with a retrieved piece of hare
   Saxstead Hare Chase:- http://bit.ly/2yDa9vj POWAperson - This film, from 26-12-16, thankfully does not include a kill. It shows the full pack chasing a hare whilst Huntsman and Whip do nothing to control hounds.
It starts with a shot of the Huntsman on the far side of a grass field, against a hedge. Very soon after we see a hare running
away across the field. The hare runs into part of the field lined with car followers on the near side and the mounted field
at the far end. Within a few seconds the lead hounds appear running after the hare. The chase is then seen from another position,
close to the mounted field. The hare is perhaps 60 yards ahead of the strung-out pack. The huntsmen are not seen after the
hare first appears. Nobody attempted to call the hounds off. Fortunately, the sabs are sure that it escaped. Pics below - 1/ First sighting of hare 2/ Lead hounds chasing
hare 3/ Hare running after turning corner 4/ Strung-out pack in
hot pursuit  If you wish to stop this from happening then join us. We will
be hosting a workshop in the near future of how you can help protect local wildlife. More details coming soon. If you can't get involved with us directly, then consider sharing a coffee with
us to help keep the group going in the field: http://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs 2 Belvoir FH supporters
in court charged with robbery/GBH on LACS monitors 20-10-17 Melton Times Two men appeared in court today (Monday) charged with robbery and wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm
without intent, in an incident believed to have taken place during a meeting of the Belvoir Hunt. George Grant (56) and 25-year-old
Thomas Grant, both of Belvoir, faced the charges in the dock at Leicester Magistrates Court. Leicestershire Police said the
suspected offences relate to an incident which took place on land off Tofts Lane, near Stathern, on March 12th last year. A spokesperson said
a 58-year-old man sustained injuries which required hospital treatment and a second man, aged 46, was also injured. The complainants
in the case were both employed as investigators with the League Against Cruel Sports. The men are due to appear at Leicester
Crown Court on November 20th to face the charges. POWAperson adds - The
case concerns alleged violent assaults by masked Belvoir FH followers on LACS investigator and the stealing of their equipment.
Both sustained head injuries, but those inflicted on Daryl Cunnington, who had some months earlier exposed the scandal of a
fox being imprisoned in a shed near to the Belvoir FH kennels. A man has since been charged in relation to this. See here and here for reports on the attacks. . The investigators say they were both thrown over
a 14' ledge. Daryl sustained a fractured neck and had to be rushed to hospital. He could easily have died. It is
puzzling why the men have not been charged with GBH with intent [if not attempted murder], which carries a heavier sentence
than simple GBH. Pics below - 1/ Daryl being treated at
the scene by paramedics. 2/ His colleague Roger Swain. Shotgun fired near sabs in mid-evening
- police response very inadequate 20-10-17 Facebook - Derby Hunt Saboteurs THREATS TO LIFE 19/10/2017 20:05 An incident happened last night which
we are very shocked and concerned about for numerous reasons. Last night some sabs had a vehicle approach, obviously not expecting
them to be there. They swiftly drove off. Minutes later a shotgun was fired from a public footpath, next to houses over the
area they were standing. A member of the public called 999 immediately and informed
them what happened. It seems, however that Cheshire Police are not too concerned about public safety or illegal firearm use
as they did not send a police car to the scene. After
1 hour and 20 minutes 2 Police Liaison Officers came to speak to the witnesses close to where the incident happened. This
isn't the appropriate response and time for a crime of this nature. After weeks of being harassed by police, this is a
serious concern about how Cheshire Police deal with actual crimes.
killed after hunt and dig-out by Bicester FH20-10-17 Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Bicester with Whaddon Chase hunt kill fox cub This morning, one
of our operatives received a tip off that the Bicester & Whaddon Chase Hunt would be cubbing near the village of Hillesden,
Bucks. With only themselves able to attend they had to remain low key and monitor the proceedings. The hunt was found soon after arriving on the scene. The usual selection of hangers on were present but covert filming
could be achieved. It was clear from the start that no trails had been laid and this was a full on hunt. After monitoring
from some distance a change of location was required so they moved and found the hunt holding up a covert in classic cubbing
style close to the road which runs south out of Gawcott. Leaving the vehicle they went in on foot, using cover not to give
their presence away. Moments later a fox shot
past our monitor, only feet away and too fast to catch on camera. The hounds didn't pick up on this however they were
now making a lot of noise in the covert and soon enough the Huntsman could be seen calling for the terrier men who arrived
on their quad. Spades and other items were removed from the boxes along with a terrier. The huntsmen then took the hounds away but fearing
the worst our operative stayed. More people on quads turned up and their fears were realised soon after when a dull shot was
police were informed (Thames Valley) and they arrived to speak to the Hunt fairly quickly. After speaking to the officer
later the terrier men admitted to killing the fox but claimed this was legal. They dug out the fox claiming they couldn't
get their terrier out and the welfare of the animal was at stake. 1 - If
the welfare of the animal was at stake why put it down a hole to fight a fox in the first place. 2 - The use of dogs below
ground during a fox hunt is illegal. 3 - The "Gamekeepers Exemption" does not apply to fox hunting. This can only
be used when not in conjunction with a hunt and with the written permission of the landowner and only to protect from serious
damage to livestock or game birds. This was clearly not the case. 4 - The Hunt clearly chased this fox to ground so have admitted
hunting and wild animal with dogs. Unfortunately few
police officers are well versed in the Hunting Act so further action unlikely. Hunts are out there regularly killing and literally
getting away with murder when they think no-one is looking. The law needs to be changed to stop these barbaric monsters once
and for all. POWAperson comments - Sorry I think the writer is, unfortunately, wrong about
the law here. There is nothing in the Act which prevents terriermen accompanying a Hunt. That Hunt will always claim to have
been 'trail hunting', using the falconry exemption or 'exercising hounds' and will say any pursuit of a fox
was 'accidental'. But even if it could later be proved that the fox was chased underground illegally, there is nothing
in the law to stop terriermen using the 'Gamekeeper's Exemption' to flush out and kill that fox. Digging-out is harder to determine, but I see nothing in
the Act that specifically forbids it. It is advised against in the Code of Practice attached to the Hunting Act, but that
is in the part that is non-binding. We really need a test case to determine exactly what the law on digging out is. But, for
sure, it is not illegal if they don't employ a terrier, as long as they have landowner permission. Alas. Significant strengthening
of the Hunting Act is desperately needed. www.campaigntostrengthenthehuntingact.com. Pics below -
1/ The hunt is on 2/ Terrierman getting spades out 3/
More terriermen arrive  Ex-cop Atherstone FH supporter found guilty of stabbing sab's car tyre 19-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Another conviction for the Atherstone Hunt GUILTY
- Ex-policeman John Hadfield was yesterday found guilty of slashing a tyre of a lone female hunt sab. He was sentenced to
18 months' conditional discharge and ordered to pay £625 in costs, £64 in compensation to the victim and a
£20 victim surcharge. Hadfield claimed he took his penknife out to cut off a broken finger nail. The magistrates didn't
believe his version of events. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs18-10-17 18-10-17 Leicester Mercury VIDEO Supporter slashed protesters' tyres during Atherstone
Hunt meeting John Hadfield
attacked saboteurs' vehicle during Atherstone Hunt meeting A fox hunting supporter has been found guilty of slashing the
tyres of a protester’s vehicle. John Hadfield targeted the hunt saboteurs' Mercedes Vito during a meeting of the
Atherstone Hunt in rural Leicestershire last year. Leicestershire Police said the 52-year-old
walked toward the parked vehicle and took a pen-knife from his pocket and slashed a tyre. The incident was filmed by hunt
saboteurs and circulated widely on social media at the time of the offence. It happened on the A444 Atterton Road, near Fenny
Drayton, on November 1. In a statement today, Leicestershire Police said: “He took a multi-tool from his pocket and
pierced one of the tyres on the passenger side of the van before walking away. John Hadfield, of Burton Road, Twycross, appeared at Loughborough Magistrates’ Court today, where
he was convicted of an offence of criminal damage. Pics below - 1/ Jon Hadfield approaches sab car, knife in hand
2/ The tyre after he stabbed it  POWAperson
adds - Hadfield's conviction brings to 398 the number of persons from organised Hunts in the UK known by me
to have been convicted of or cautioned for criminal offences since 1990. This is the 50th conviction for Criminal Damage.
27 of the victims have been sabs, 14 hunt monitors. As always, these figures are just the tip of the iceberg as far as offences
actually committed by organised hunters is concerned. Berserk farmer who attacked sabs at Atherstone FH meet arrested 19-10-17 Farmers Weekly Farmer arrested over alleged quad bike assault A farmer
has been arrested on suspicion of assault following a confrontation between hunt saboteurs. Leicestershire Police arrested
the 44-year-old after an incident in Ratcliffe Culey at the weekend. A police spokeswoman said: “The force received
a report at 12.31pm on Saturday 14 October in relation to a man sustaining an injury as a result of being involved in a collision
with a quad bike. On Wednesday 18 October, officers arrested a man on suspicion of assault and he has since been released
under investigation pending further enquiries.” Anyone who witnessed the incident or who captured the alleged assault on camera
is urged to contact PC 1682 Richard Wilson on 101, quoting crime reference number 17* 444928.  19-10-17 Leicester Mercury Man arrested after quad bike incident at fox hunt released but remains 'under
investigation' A man who was arrested after a quad bike was allegedly driven deliberately at
an anti-fox hunting activist has been released from custody but remains ‘under investigation’. Leicestershire
Police arrested the 44-year-old suspect this morning and questioned him about the alleged incident, which is said to have
happened during a meeting of the Atherstone Hunt in rural Leicestershire on Saturday. The alleged incident happened during a meeting of the Atherstone Hunt. In a statement
issued yesterday afternoon, Leicestershire Police said: “A 44-year-old man who was arrested after an incident in Ratcliffe
Culey, Leicestershire, at the weekend, has been released. “The force received a report at 12.31pm on Saturday, October
14 in relation to man sustaining an injury as a result of being involved in a collision with a quad bike. “Today, officers
arrested a man on suspicion of assault and he has since been released under investigation pending further inquiries. If anyone
witnessed the incident or has captured the assault on camera they are urged to contact PC Richard Wilson on 101.” Loose Cheshire FH
hounds cause road havoc, support menaces local woman 19-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE HOUNDS HUNT - FAILING TO CUB HUNT CHOLMONDELEY 19.10.17
Well, we think we may have struck on this Hunt’s latest tactic… to send us off to sleep. Sneaking out to Cholmondeley by the back lanes today, the Hunt met at 8am at Cholmondeley Castle, and it wasn’t
long after that we joined them, thanks to a number of locals who tipped us off. We are pleased to report that there is very little to report
from this Hunt today. Early on we ran into one of our regular local helpers who by now is basically a
monitor, She was alone and being intimidated by hunt support [right] who had taken a whip
out of their vehicle and were wandering around her and her car menacingly, giving her abuse. We put a stop to that. The running theme of lost and poorly controlled hounds continued with lots of them running back and forth across
roads in front of traffic, and always a good distance away from the Hunt. There is a real concern now that as we approach
the full hunting season that hounds run the serious risk of being run over and injured, or even killed. There weren’t many riders out today, and followers were non-existent. The usual Hunt servants – four
masked lads on the usual two illegal quads, and the handful of old fellas standing guard - were all present, and one of the Hunt Masters Charlie Barlow, who hasn’t been out for a while, even turned up (making the effort to show his face before
tonight and Sunday’s Hunt AGMs – oh, to be a fly on that wall). Charlie spent most
of his morning either filming us filming him (!!), or making an hilarious attempt to look like he was “laying a trail”
by dragging someone’s manky-looking handkerchief along on the end of a stick. Strangely though, he didn’t think
to do this until more than an hour after they started, dragged it along the middle of a busy road, and hounds close by failed
to even notice whatever scent he was pretending to lay down. Once again they managed to get very little hunting done. The Huntsman took the hounds through woodland
towards Hetherson Green, without any luck, before moving off to hunt down through a thick crop field and bordering woodland,
again without any luck. Hounds didn’t go into cry once, and there were clearly no kills, or anything even close. He
again showed very poor control of the hounds throughout, and the only real noise we heard from them was when a few of the
pack started having a bit of a scrap. Finally, we sensed something of an atmosphere between
the Huntsman and the other Hunt members at the end. We have noticed recently that whipper in Jamie does much better with the
hounds, and looks the part, and we can’t help wondering why he was passed over for Jake for the position of Huntsman? [More details are shown on individual photographs.
Cheshire Monitors do not encourage or condone abuse on any of their posts. Please keep language clean. Also when commenting
please remember we are monitors, not sabs.] If
you would like to join Cheshire Monitors, or have information to pass on to us (in strictest confidence), then please get
in touch. Either message us here or email mailto:info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk.Pics Pics below - 1/ Loose hounds on road
with lorry 2/ Hounds on road, illegal quads 3/ Pretend trail-laying device, being
employed on a road! 4/ Waiting for loose hounds to be rounded up   CA call again for RSPCA to abandon its prosecutor role 19-10-17 FarmingUK Countryside Alliance calls on RSPCA to end 'anomaly'
of privatised prosecutions A rural organisation has called on the RSPCA to end the "continuing
anomaly" of privatised criminal prosecution of animal welfare legislation. The Countryside Alliance said it wishes to
see sentencing under the Animal Welfare Act by the Crown Prosecution, and an end to privatised prosecutions by the RSPCA. It comes as news that DEFRA Secretary of State Michael Gove announces
plans to bring forward legislation to increase the maximum sentence for serious acts of animal abuse from six months to five
years. He argued that the number of cases that might attract such a sentence are small, but there are some where abuse is
so sustained and appalling that a longer sentence would undoubtedly be justified. Last year the EFRA Committee reported on animal welfare legislation and came up with recommendations
on the prosecution of welfare offences. It said the RSPCA does important work on investigations, but that it is not in a better
position than the Crown Prosecution Service when it comes to prosecuting animal welfare cases. Its Chairman, Neil Parish, said: “[The RSPCA] should step back from making prosecutions
itself, continuing instead to work closely with the police and prosecution service to protect the welfare of animals.” Tim Bonner, Chief
Executive of the Countryside Alliance, said it is "regrettable" that the RSPCA council has refused to accept the
recommendation of the cross-party EFRA Committee. Mr Bonner said: “Instead its council indulged in another orgy of internal
bloodletting and sacked its Chief Executive, Jeremy Cooper, for daring to apologise for the way it had carried out some prosecutions
in the past. “We
fully support the extension of sentences to 5 years for the worst cases of animal abuse. With increased sentencing must, however,
come the normalisation of prosecutions under the Animal Welfare Act and an end to privatised prosecutions by the RSPCA. Such
cases are too serious to be dealt with by a private prosecutor which is also involved in investigating the offence." POWAperson comments
- The CA's concern about the RSPCA prosecuting animal abusers really only began when the Society agreed to take
on illegal cases against the Heythrop FH, based on mountainous video evidence over a whole season taken by hunt monitors,
most of them POWA members. The Hunt and two its members eventually decided to plead guilty to 12 charges, as long as many
others filed were dropped - because the evidence was so damning, indicating that they were wilfully breaking the Hunting Act
virtually every time they went out. They pleaded guilty only at the last moment, having previously strenuously denied all
40 of the charges, forcing the RSPCA to spend large amounts preparing all the cases. The Heythrop Hunt was not just strongly
supported by them PM David Cameron, is backed by some of the wealthiest people in the country. They and the CA viewed it as
an outrage that anyone would insist they abide by the law of the land. Following the case, the CA and the hunting lobby began
a strident campaign of black propaganda against the Society, which has succeeded in deterring it from taking on
any more Hunts in the last couple of years. But they desperately want to ensure that the RSPCA cannot return to prosecuting
Hunts and would much rather this role were left to the CPS, who are generally not very keen to try to enforce the Hunting
Act in the courts and habitually drop or mishandle a lot of the few cases they do take on. The EFRA Commons Committee mentioned
above was is stuffed with hunt-supporting Tories, including the Chairman, Neil Parish, himself - so naturally they followed
the CA line. The
vast majority of animal welfare cases are prosecuted by the RSPCA, thousands per year, and the CPS neither has the resources,
expertise or desire to take over this role, and many fewer prosecutions would surely be the result of their doing so, not
to mention considerably higher cost to the public purse. Report that Old Surrey FH killed two foxes near Fordcombe 17-10-17 Facebook - Hunting Kills Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent FH, meeting at Fordcombe, killed 2 foxes (tip off from
local). Revealed that violent Atherstone FH supporter is Chair's son-in-law 17-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs NEWSFLASH UPDATE - PLEASE SHARE Violent Atherstone Hunt supporter is the son in law of Atherstone
Hunt Chairperson Richard Woodward. Ashley Davies committed serious offences on saboteurs on Saturday. With the recent audio that we released in which Richard Woodward can be heard telling members of the hunt not to assault saboteurs
we feel that Richard Woodward should resign his position at the hunt with immediate effect. This
also raises other questions. During the audio Richard Woodward shared a platform with Leicestershire Police wildlife officer
PC Rob Cross. It was the same PC Cross who took the statement regarding a previous violent incident involving Ashley Davies
where he was filmed running at saboteurs with an iron bar. Leicestershire Police decided to take no further action over this incident. https://www.facebook.com/leicspolice/  Local farmer's 'rant' at 'Neanderthal'
behaviour of Atherstone FH supporter 16-10-17 Facebook - Landowners, farms and locals against the Atherstone Hunt A concerned landowner speaks of Daily Mail footage After the appalling incident at Saturday's Atherstone
Hunt Meet where a tenant farmer who allowed the Hunt to cross his fields attacked a group of peaceful anti hunt protesters
with his quad bike, another farmer gives his view on the affects of such negative impact on today's modern farming practices. "I'm not
usually one for controversial posts but this article in the Mail has to be addressed, so let the rant begin. Me and many farmers
like me are trying our hardest to bring the face of UK agriculture into the twenty first century. We are trying to show the
general public, (who after all are the intended customers for much of what we grow and rear,) that we care about the country
side, that we care about how we are putting food on their plates. Historically there has been an us and them mentality,
as in we are the farmers and the rest of you are townies. What some farmers seem to forget is that those "townies"
are not the enemy! To the contrary, they are the ones buying the bread, the milk and meat that we are working hard to produce.
Now that we are coming out of the EU we have real chance to promote home grown produce. We need to get Joe Public, the everyday
men and women of this country to show their national pride by buying British. Buying British food and drink from the friendly
British Farmer who has toiled endlessly to produce it. Farmers need to fly the flag for UK agriculture, raise the profile
of the Red Tractor Scheme. Farmers need to be accountable,
accessible, responsible, law abiding, open minded and forward thinking. There is no room for dinosaurs in modern farming or
today's society. The actions of one farmer behaving badly, picked up by the press and published nationally has a negative
effect on all farmers. I know that the subjects of trespass and fox hunting are emotive ones, but we cannot be seen as
being above the law, we cannot take the law into our own hands. I personally think that fox hunting, like bear baiting and
cock fighting is a throwback to the days of landed gentry, us and them, and has no place in a modern society. I and a growing
number of farmers do not allow the Hunt on their land. I do not know if Ashley Davies was acting as an angered farmer or hunt supporter,
What I do know is that his Neanderthal behaviour has cast a dark shadow over the countryside and the farming community. Shame
on you. Don't let the actions of a few, tar every farmer with the same brush." Rant over. Mr Caton. Cheshire FH scare cat up tree - rescued 24 hours later -
3 agencies involved 16-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire FH at Darnhall It's not just wild animals
the hunts terrorise... This photograph [below] shows a terrified cat, owned by
a local resident in Darnhall, where the Cheshire Hounds Hunt were caught cub hunting on Saturday. The cat spent more
than 24 hours up this tree after being frightened by the Hunt passing through the woods close to houses (without any prior
warning to residents), and resulting in the use of numerous resources in attempts to rescue him: an RSPCA (England & Wales)
inspector, a Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service inspector and four technical crew, and a tree surgeon, who was finally able
to rescue him; the tree was dangerously fragile and close to a river. We wonder if any of these parties will be sending their
invoices to Hunt headquarters? We are more than happy to supply the necessary contact details if they get in touch with us. Berserker Atherstone FH supporter drives quad into sabs
and throws punches Man had previously attacked antis with an iron bar
[police took no action] 16-10-17 Daily Mail VIDEO ‘Get off my land': Shocking violence as farmer
bellowing 'you're on private property' leaps off quad bike to throw punches at hunt saboteurs then RAMS one into a ditch as they
try to flee - Furious farmer attacked members of the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs - Tore towards them on quad before knocking
them off feet and into ditch - Driver then boasts: 'That's one more, does anybody else want some?'
A furious farmer drove his quad bike at anti-hunt campaigners [left] and threw a flurry of
punches during a shocking attack. The man targeted members of the West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs as they filmed by his farm
on Saturday afternoon. In footage captured by the group, the farmer, dressed in green John Deere overalls, tears up to them
on his quad before shouting 'get off my land'. He then jumps off the bike before pushing one of the sabs into a ditch
and then turning on the other two protesters. As the men walk backwards along the track, the
man continues to drive at them with his quad bike, shouting: 'You are on private property, I can do what I want.'
In one shocking moment, the thug ploughs his quad bike into one of the men, knocking him off his feet and into a ditch [below left]. The driver is then heard boasting: 'That's one more, does anybody else want
some?' The video was filmed during the
fox hunt near the Leicestershire village of Ratcliffe Culey. When three men reach a road by the track, a bald man points at the protesters'
camera and says, 'Film me you little b**** and I'll kill you.' A younger man in a grey t-shirt tells the group:
'F*** off d***heads, I'll whip me n** out in a minute for the camera if you want.' A
spokesperson from West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs said: 'This was absolutely shocking violence from the Atherstone Hunt,
the saboteurs were just standing peacefully filming the hunt when they were violently attacked out of the blue. 'We were
just standing on the track filming the hunt and then out of nowhere this quad bike sped up to us - that person has attacked
us previously. He just immediately started laying punches. When we kind of got ourselves together and tried to walk away to defuse
he starts ramming us with his quadbike.' 'The people hit by the quad were extremely lucky not to have been hospitalised
with serious injuries. The one person could have been seriously injured, he went at him with speed - if the quad bike carried
on it could have landed on him in the ditch. The guy who attacked us has been at hunts before and has attacked us previously.
Despite what he said on the video he's not the landowner, we have searched Land Registry. When we get back to the road
the other hunt parties start joining in and one was trying to get his penis out, which was bizarre. I don't know why any
normal person would think to do that. It's the kind of mentality these people have really.' West Midlands Hunt
Saboteurs had previously filmed the same hunt supporter running at saboteurs with an iron bar, but no further action was taken
by police. Leicestershire Police have been informed about the incident. 15-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs More violence from the Atherstone Hunt - Hunt supporter punches sabs in face and shoves them down a ditch - Then rides them down on his quad bike
Just a week after a meeting in which the Atherstone Hunt joint-masters told off all their supporters for continued bad behaviour and warned them not to assault or abuse saboteurs,
sabs are badly assaulted by the Atherstone Hunt. Sabs were peacefully filming the hunt when an angry supporter/farmer who had been watching
the hunt sped up to them on his quad bike and immediately started throwing punches. One sab ends up in the hedge whilst another
is shoved down a ditch [right]. He continues lashing out at anyone near him.
Sabs began walking away from him and back to the road to defuse the situation only for the angry hunt supporter to begin riding
them down on his quad bike [below left]. One sab is hit and ends up in the ditch,
once out of the ditch however the quad is driven into him again at speed. The sab was thrown into the ditch and luckily escaped
any serious injuries. However it could have been a different story especially if the quad had not stopped and landed on top
of the sab in the ditch. The person in question is a known Atherstone Hunt supporter who was filmed last year running at sabs with an iron
bar. Leicestershire Police were informed of this previous incident but decided to take no further
action… The threats of violence continued back on the road as other hunt supporters joined in. One supporter tried to snatch a camera
whilst another issued death threats. To round it all off one Atherstone follower threatened to flash his penis...
So the Atherstone Hunts new policy is
in tatters but we are not surprised, no matter how many final warnings this hunt are given the Atherstone Hunt will not and
can not change. We wait to see how the MFHA deals with this one... Elsewhere the Huntsman again struggled to keep the hounds under control ,whilst a group
of riders lead by one of the joint-masters surrounded the sab vehicle before riding their horses into the path of the vehicle
in an attempt to make it look like the sab was driving into them. Extremely dangerous for the horse and rider. This behaviour
was led by the same JM who can be heard in their recent meeting warning the rest of the hunt not to engage with or abuse the
antis. If the Masters can't follow their own advice then there is no hope for the rest of the Hunt. A separate video of
this incident will follow. Once the Atherstone Hunt had finished we came across the North Warwickshire Beagles who were in the same area. Upon
seeing us they immediately exited the field they were in and packed up. A separate report on this will follow. Thank you to Atherstone Hunt Watch who joined and helped us.
Thank you to everyone who has recently donated. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs . The story was also in the Telegraph, the Mirror. There were two stories in the Leicester Mercury - 1 and 2. Also ran in the Times, Coventry Telegraph, Express & Star. Pics below - 1/ Supporter bellows 'Does anybody else want some?'
2/ A different supporter - 'I'll whip me knob out for the camera... ' Sabs release film of Essex/Suffolk FH terrierman
pitchfork attack 16-10-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO The moment Cambridge Hunt Sabs are attacked by Essex and Suffolk FH terriermen On the 30th
of September, CHS members were attacked with a what appears to a pointed weapon, possibly a pitchfork on the public highway
by three men, one of which is masked. The three men are all terrier men for the Essex and Suffolk hunt. We've had numerous
incidents, including assaults by these men before however, police have always seemingly quietly dropped the case as we've
had no further contact with them, even when we press for it. Assaults are common from this Hunt in particular, as they seem very nervous about
who's watching their hounds. There is no doubt in our opinion that The Essex and Suffolk hunt is and will continue to
hunt in contradiction to the 2004 hunting Act until the police start to take the evidence we provide them with seriously or
wildlife protection such as ourselves will continue to be attacked. Pics below - 1/ Terrierman on right brandishes pitchfork
2/ What happened next [no clear stills of this in video] Waveney Harriers in uncontrolled riot on a deer - pretend
'trail hunting' in bramble thicket! 16-10-17 Facebook - Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting VIDEO VIDEO “Cubbing” meet at Town Farm, Chediston on 11 October
2017 It was still dark when we spotted a horse box associated with the Waveney Harriers Hunt on its way to one of their Wednesday
“cubbing” meets. At this time of year, they set off with their horses and hounds to hunt at first light. Following
horse boxes is an activity we would prefer not to do but so far this season this particular Hunt has refused to publish their
meet locations and we are therefore left with very little option if we are to monitor and report on any breach of the Hunting Act or indeed any ill treatment of the horses
and hounds and also birds of prey which are frequently used these days, in our opinion to provide a false alibi. We were soon
to find out why they may not want to be observed by monitors. The box being followed joined others from the hunt at Town Farm, Chediston. As far
as we know this is the family home of Mr John Ibbott, a former joint master but it is also associated with a livery connected
to the Hunt. With enough light present to see where they were going, they set off along the narrow road in the direction of
Chediston village; they then crossed the B1123 and headed for the higher ground to an area near Grange Farm, a large and ancient
looking farmhouse surrounded by barns, a couple of small woods and a small plantation of deciduous trees that appear to have
received little or no management since they were first planted. Consequently it is now choked by brambles and is impenetrable
to humans and painfully hard work for hounds to enter. A local countryman was able to tell us that the Grange had been empty
for some time and having changed hands a couple of times he believed it to be in the ownership of Heveningham Estate. It was not long before
the hounds were in full cry in pursuit of a deer [hounds pic left, muntjac below right, just a few seconds
ahead]. Our monitor filmed as a handful of riders rode with the hounds making a pathetic and ineffective
attempt to call them off. One used his whip on a couple of hounds to little effect. Someone out of sight with a coarse voice
was shouting “have a care” or something like that. Could this be the name of a hound or was it supposed to pull
them back whilst there were monitors in the area? If it was, it certainly didn’t work. So much for the training that
is supposed to happen in those early “cubbing” meets that have taken place since late summer. The two people who
could have made a difference, that is the Huntsman and Whipper-in, were nowhere to be seen. What
happened to the deer we couldn’t say, but sometime later with the hounds regrouped, they were put into that overgrown
plantation with the result that another deer broke cover and fled over the field. Now those thorns were such a barrier, even
to a hunting dog, that some of them struggled to enter. They were keen as mustard to obey the hunter but were driven back several times by the thorns. When challenged by a monitor about this
callous practice and questioned as to how it could possibly fit into any legal trail hunting scenario, Mr MacDaniels, a joint
master, claimed that a trail had been dusted in there earlier. That of course would have been in the pitch black! This is not the first
time he has been recorded whilst using this laughable excuse. In our view, there is more chance of an alien space craft landing
on the Loch Ness monster and the camera crew of Mustard TV being on hand to record it! When are the authorities going to kick
this trail hunting false alibi into touch and start to enforce the Hunting Act? Hunts are going equipped to break the law
just the same as a known house breaker who is found to be carrying a gemmy. Yes, but the hunt has the landowner’s permission
to be there, you might be thinking. That’s as may be but the landowner cannot give them permission to break the law
and it is not the hounds that can be held responsible but those who are supposed to be in charge of them. Even this very week
in Suffolk, we have heard a blood sport supporter either deliberately or in ignorance trying to muddy the waters with talk
of drag hunting. We know of no drag hunts, we only know of trail hunting that from our own observations differ little from
old style hunting except that when there is a kill it is now claimed to be accidental. When the National Trust meets at their AGM on 23 October at Swindon Steam Museum, we sincerely
hope that the motion will be passed to totally ban hunting with hounds, full stop, on National Trust land. The hunts have
overplayed their hand with those false alibis. They have lost all credibility by being so smart arsed and legally crafty.
They have blown it! Our own NSALQH supporters who are National Trust members have already voted online or by post.
For any member out there who has yet to vote then they will have to get down to the AGM in person. You will be warmly welcomed
by a picket from the League Against Cruel Sports. Until the authorities act then we must skirmish away at the edges of this
particular blood sport activity, erroneously referred to by some as a sport. Back at Grange Farm, the hunt moved off to Chediston Chase and we thought they were coming off the high ground and working
their way back towards the meet but the hounds had a different idea. They were soon out of the sloppy control of the hunters
and were once again chasing live quarry. The huntsman and the whipper-in, followed by the quad bike driven by Rhys Fairhead
- (see what he does in his spare time on Facebook) - must have been panicking because they rode down to the B1123 close to
Bridge Farm where they held up the traffic expecting the hounds to chase the quarry across the road. Once again they were
in the wrong place at the wrong time. The hounds had changed direction and appeared to be heading back for the high ground.
We do not know the fate of that poor creature that they were chasing but it was not too long before the Hunt were seen to
be heading back to Town Farm, no doubt allowing the scattered wildlife to start to put their lives back together.
On the way back himself,
one monitor spotted two identical notices [above right] pinned to two Highways
Authority footpath way marker posts. They read:- CAUTION!!! RAT POISON HAS BEEN DEPLOYED IN THIS AREA!!! PLEASE KEEP YOUR
DOGS ON THE LEAD!!! The sign could have been placed there for only one of two reasons:- (1) to warn walkers to keep their dogs on a lead to prevent the dogs eating the
rat poison. Hounds of course are never kept on a lead so one presumes that they just have to take their chances. There were
no dwellings near by so one presumes that the poison was put down to kill rats that were interfering with the breeding of
game birds that were being raised to be killed for recreation. Raptors are a protected species and if they eat a rat that
has been poisoned then they are poisoned themselves. There is then a danger of scavengers eating them and also being poisoned.
Altogether, we have lost yet more wild creatures that we share this planet with. Is this landowner in receipt of public money
to farm in a wildlife sympathetic way, we wonder. If so, then come on DEFRA, wake up. A big thanks to all the NSALQH supporters who turned out and
sent in their reports and film. These early starts are never easy but the opportunities to save wildlife are greater and that’s
why we do it. Pic left above - The Waveney in prime hunting country [if you're
after people's pets] Mother & daughter monitors assaulted by Grafton FH thugs 15-10-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Grafton Hunt, Saturday 14 October 2017 Female monitors bullied and cowardly
assaulted by Grafton Hunt “stewards” at their cub hunt at Astwell, Northamptonshire. Our brave young blonde
monitor’s body is left covered in bruises after Adrian Bull assaulted her because he wanted to prevent her from getting
to the footpath where the Hunt were located. At the same time Ben Wilkinson continually had his hands on her mother whilst
pushing her towards the road, away from the footpath, the Hunt and away from her daughter. Shockingly women members of the Hunt were complicit by watching and filming this going on without
doing anything whatsoever to prevent it. Pics below - 1/ Daughter being assaulted 2/ Hunt bully Ben Wilkinson
3/ Hunt bully Adrian Bull 4/ Abrasions and bruising on daughter afterwards
5/ Hounds search derelict farm building for 'trail' 6/ No, don't think the 'trail'
is there either   
sabbed Cleveland FH pack up soon after antis' arrival15-10-17 Facebook - North East Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 14/10/2017 Cleveland Hunt Yesterday we paid a long overdue visit to the Cleveland Hunt. We met them at their meet, Poplar Farm near Guisborough,
at 3pm and we were with them from the off. They were not overly impressed to see us, we
can't imagine why. They put on a very pretentious show of laying a trail, which we are fully aware was just for our benefit.
But we stayed on them regardless and you could see the desperate looks and frustration every time they attempted to flush
a wood and we were filming. So after going round in circles for a while they gave up and headed back to the meet. We watched them pack
up the hounds and leave and can safely call the afternoon a success. Our constant presence completely threw them, they clearly
aren't used to having sabs around but don't worry we can change that. Please help keep us out in the field, your support
is what makes this possible https://www.paypal.me/nehuntsabs. 
Old Surrey FH cause horses to panic - last time cost owner £500 vet fees 15-10-17 Facebook - North Downs Hunt Sabs Good day for Guildford and N. Downs, who joined South Coast, Southampton, Brighton and Croydon sabs at
the Old Surrey and Burstow Foxhunt. The large number of sabs effectively meant that
the Hunt were never free to hunt ,and after a while they stuck to trail hunting. We covered two foxes that were seen fleeing
from the hunt, ensuring that the Hunt never got on to them. Horses belonging to a local landowner freaked out by the presence
of the Hunt stampeded around their field, and their owner stated that it cost her £500 in vet bills last time the Hunt
were there. Apart from one bumpkin on a quad there was no real conflict, with the exception
of the sabs mad rush to get cake at the end of the day. Pics below - 1/ Sabs watch Hunt lay a trail, having given up on trying to hunt foxes
due to large anti presence 2/ Hounds get some sab love  16-10-17 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO Still cub hunting in Sussex but no kills todaySaturday,
14 October found the Surrey Hunt Monitors in East Sussex for the Old Surrey West Kent and Burstow Hunt for a late cubbing
meet. Along with us, the Hunt was totally covered every step of the way with monitors and sabs from North Downs, Guildford,
Croydon, South Coast and Southampton. The OSB hounds are very poorly hunted by the new huntsman Luke Newton, who is the ex-Surrey Union first whip, which
is good news for us and the fox, but not for the followers. NO attempt at trail laying until the Hunt hastily laid a trail
after putting up a fox from an area of scrub where Newton put his hounds in. We filmed the fox making its escape across a
field. The large presence of sabs and monitors stopped the Hunt chasing the fox, much to their disappointment. A quick trail
was laid by the Hunt towards the covert where the fox had headed for, but they couldn’t pick it up and the beautiful
fox got clean away. The Hunt totally disregarded a local horse sanctuary who were unhappy that the hounds
were upsetting the horses. The horses were going berserk in their field, yet the Hunt didn’t move on. When we told two
riders about the stress they were causing to the horses and their owner, they just laughed in our faces. A good day with no trouble and no fox kills. A disappointed Hunt packed up early and we made for home. New
LACS report suggests Scottish packs still hunting foxes as before 15-10-17 Sunday Herald Revealed: inside the secret world of Scotland’s 'illegal' bloody
fox hunts MOUNTED huntsmen have been accused of defying Scotland’s fox-hunting ban by setting packs
of bloodthirsty hounds on the fleeing animals which are torn apart when caught. Legislation
only allows foxes to be flushed from cover and shot dead for pest control, but undercover investigators say
they have found packs of trained dogs chasing down foxes across open fields while huntsmen made no attempt to shoot them.
It was also alleged that in some areas members of the hunt rode around on quad bikes firing shots in the air to give the impression
the hunt was shooting at foxes while hounds pursued them. All claims have been strenuously denied by the Scottish Countryside
Alliance which insisted all hunts have “operated within the law” since the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act was passed in 2002. However, a dossier of evidence collated by the animal welfare charity League Against Cruel
Sports Scotland (LACS) and seen by the Sunday Herald argues that Scotland’s mounted hunts regularly break the law a year on from a review of the existing legislation by Lord Bonomy’s. The former judge recommended strengthening
legislation that has led to only two convictions since fox hunting was banned. The Scottish Government opened a consultation
on the review’s findings last week. The new hunting season begins on November 1. Investigators
from LACS filmed six of 10 Scottish hunts during last season and found “no discernible presence of guns waiting to shoot
flushed foxes”. A new report titled Tally Ho! Exposed: Fox Hunting in Scotland said: “There was no sight of guns
being positioned at points where you might expect foxes to emerge. Neither was there any sight of guns being moved from one
cover to another as the hounds moved on. In all the incidents recorded by our investigators it appears that there was no intention
to shoot any foxes which might have been flushed from cover.” The report went on to say that “token guns”
were deployed. “These guns were usually to be seen on quad bikes well away from the flushing to guns.” One LACS investigator who asked not to be named said: “I think our evidence proves without doubt hunts are
not obeying the law. They’re not routinely using guns. The alternative to not having guns outside a cover which they’re
running hounds through is that they’re intending to allow the hounds to hunt that fox once it breaks cover because there
are no guns to shoot the fox.” In one alleged incident a fox was flushed out by hounds and a mounted huntsman in a red jacket is seen following it across
the field shouting “Tally Ho! Tally Ho!” – this is the traditional call by a huntsman to alert others that
a fox has been seen and is running away from cover. There were no guns seen. The report said: “The Tally Ho call is
also used to encourage dogs on to either hunt a fox or to find the scent of the fox, which the hounds may not have seen escaping
from the cover. The huntsman then sounded the traditional “hunt on” notes on his hunting horn, collected the dogs
and led them towards the location where the fox was seen running. He then apparently becomes aware of the investigator and
comes to a complete stop. He is then heard to say into a radio 'we’ve got company' before ceasing any further
encouragement of the hounds onto the scent of the fox which had been seen.”
the 2016/17 season investigators uncovered what they described as a “new development” where Hunts claimed foxes
were wounded by gunshot before dogs tore them apart. There is a provision in the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act
2002 which allows packs of hounds to kill a wounded animal. The League Against Cruel Sports’ report said: “In
one case where a fox was killed by a hunt, hunting within the confines of the law, the animal’s body was recovered and
sent for autopsy. The autopsy showed the animal had suffered extensively before it died and concluded that the fox had suffered
severe trauma consistent with that caused by a dog or dogs.” Director of The League Against Cruel Sports Scotland Robbie Marsland said: “Despite Scotland
being the first place in the UK to ban foxhunting in 2002, the 10 Scottish hunts still go out two or three times a week each year between
November and the end of March. They say they are using their hounds to flush foxes to waiting guns. Except our investigators
could see no guns where you would expect to find them. We were pretty much convinced that it was business as usual for the
fox hunters in the Scottish countryside.” Jamie Stewart, Director of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, rebutted the claim saying that mounted
foxhound packs have operated within the law since the act was passed in 2002. “All of the
registered foxhound packs in Scotland are required to have guns present when carrying out pest control and maintain a record
of who was present on any day." Adding that Any claim that a foxhound pack was operating without guns present would be
taken extremely seriously and should be reported to police. “The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 has
been used successfully on many occasions. The League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) or any other individual has the ability to
make allegations about the legality of hunting activity at any time. “Indeed, the League Against Cruel Sports has previously
made similar claims in a criminal prosecution that no guns were present during a pest control operation, that claim was found
by the sheriff to be untrue. Piecemeal film clips from LACS covert operatives with added suggestive narrative is not factual
evidence of illegal action.” Hunt observers and hunt supporters play games of cat and mouse in the woods. THE
Sunday Herald observed a fox hunt in Fife with League Against Cruel Sports Scotland (LACS) investigators and when we returned
to our vehicle a man was in the woods filming us. He emerged wearing camouflage and holding a mobile phone. He followed investigators
who then began filming him and his vehicle, which had a quad bike in an attached trailer. Earlier that day the Sunday Herald had used binoculars to observe huntsmen on horseback riding across fields with hounds alongside
them. We also saw a gathering of huntsmen and hounds at a Fife farm. Though we cannot say for certain that there were no guns,
from the various positions we took up over two hours we could not see any guns. When the man holding the mobile phone was
asked by the Sunday Herald why there were no guns apparent he refused to answer. He wouldn’t give his name but said:
“I’m a countryman. We were on a fox drive. I didn’t see any hunting whatsoever. I saw hounds, I saw horses
and I saw an attempt at a fox drive. I didn’t see any hunting.” He continued filming LACS investigators until
they drove away. Liz Bell, secretary of Fife Foxhounds, said: “My response is no comment to
your inquiries. However I can confirm that there were guns out on Wednesday.” LACS investigators
told the Sunday Herald they are regularly confronted when they observe hunts. One LACS investigator who spoke on condition
of anonymity said: “When we posted our video footage of the hunts for the first time, many of the hunts went underground
in terms of advertising where they are going to be. If they are hunting within the law they should allow us to observe and
not try to keep it a secret.” The Tally Ho! report describes an incident when investigators
“were surprised by a man in full camouflage gear who emerged from undergrowth wielding a camera and shouting the name of our investigator”. The report said there is
now “organised anti-surveillance activities around Scottish hunts”. The report adds: “In the 2016/17 season
it was common for hunts to carry guns and to occasionally fire them for no apparent reason. It is also becoming common for
look outs to be posted around the flushing to guns and for any empty parked vehicles to be scrutinised by people associated
with the Hunt.” Jamie Stewart, Director of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, said: “The fact
that you didn’t observe guns is neither here nor there. Despite filming them LACS investigators tried that one in court,
the sheriff didn’t accept it. Remember Lord Bonomy stated that it is said that the camera never lies. However, the way
in which film is presented does not always show the whole picture. A full account of the circumstances may provide a complete
answer to any suggestion of illegal hunting.” Only two people have been found guilty of breaching Scotland’s 15-year-old fox hunting laws
despite the claims from protestors that hunts regularly use dogs to chase down and tear apart foxes. The first convictions
under the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 saw two men fined for deliberately hunting with dogs in the Scottish
Borders. Their defence lawyer insisted they had used hounds to flush out a fox from cover to waiting guns but depute fiscal
Fiona Caldwell argued the two men had broken the law at Townfoothill near Jedburgh on February 16 last year. The huntsmen
were found guilty of illegal hunting. John Clive Richardson was fined £400 and Johnny Riley was fined £250. The Scottish Government has been urged to introduce
an outright ban on “all forms” of fox hunting after fresh allegations that huntsmen are flouting the law. A consultation
to review the legislation which bans hunting in Scotland was launched on October 5 by environment minister Roseanna Cunningham.
She said the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 recognised the need for dogs to flush foxes to assist with pest
control provided that the target animal is shot. She said the legislation meant “the practice changed markedly”,
however, she accepted that “some would say it has not changed enough” and recognised Lord Bonomy’s 2015
review recommended improvements. Bonomy, a former judge, said Scotland's “unduly complicated” fox hunting laws should be changed to make prosecutions
easier and suggested introducing independent monitors to randomly check hunts because there were grounds for suspecting that
illegal hunting may still take place.
Mark Ruskell MSP, the Scottish Greens’ environment spokesman, said ministers must “take a tougher stance
against all forms of foxhunting and include a total ban option in any future consultation. Hundreds of foxes are killed each
year in Scotland in hunts and I doubt that sits well with the public.” Labour
MSP David Stewart, the party’s animal welfare spokesman, said: “We must be sure that any loopholes in the Scottish
legislation should be strengthened, with the conclusions and recommendations of the Bonomy report.” Jamie Stewart, Director of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, said Bonomy review was “absolutely clear about
the necessity for pest control to prevent predation on lambs, ground nesting birds and other livestock and the effectiveness
of using packs of hounds to flush foxes from cover to be shot”. The Sunday Herald
asked to speak to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Roseanna Cunningham but a spokesman
declined because “that could be seen to potentially prejudice/influence the process”. The League's new report 'Tally Ho! Exposed: Fox hunting in Scotland can be found here. Distraught woman says was at probable kill by Belvoir FH in a farmyard 14-10-17 Facebook - Northants Hunt Sabs We are just back from sabbing the Oakley (Hit Report up later) and received the following message from
a member of the public about the Belvoir Hunt, it would seem that this was a definite kill. " …so upset. just watched the Belvoir Hunt hand over a bag of 'something' to
a hunt supporter from Leemat Reclamations Scalford... the hounds had been in full cry in a farmyard and then all came out
together when the Huntsman handed over the bag... I was spotted and a Huntsman came over to see why I was upset... he said
that he had laid a trail and if a fox had been killed it was an accident... and foxes don't know they are being chased...
'they are running from a disturbance'... I can't complain to police as obviously can't prove a fox was in
the bag handed over..I'm so upset... " Cheshire FH lost hounds cause road havoc - cub hunting, but no kills Monitors
say police helpful to them and constrained Hunt's activities 14-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors AND AGAIN… CHESHIRE HOUNDS CAUGHT CUB HUNTING, DARNHALL 14.10.17
With a growing team of monitors and huge boost in support, we are finding it increasingly easy to locate this hunt, and this
morning we found them cub hunting on the Darnhall Estate in Darnhall. Hounds were in and out of cry only briefly, and the theme of the morning’s activities quickly became one of
lost hounds, as huntsman Jake continually failed to control his pack, with many left in woodland after the Hunt moved off
and subsequently running around on the road [right]and causing numerous problems for passing traffic.
Police officers and monitors had to join together to stop hounds being hit by cars and causing accidents. The Huntsman had
to put himself through another walk of shame at the end of the morning when a final straggler had to be found (we pointed
him in the right direction). The Hunt began today by flushing woodland north of Hall Lane
in Darnhall, displaying classic cub hunting behaviour. We did see one adult fox making a getaway, and we are pleased to report
that the Hunt seemed oblivious. Shortly after they moved across to the south side. This is a very remote spot, perfect if
you are wanting to take part in an activity that you would rather the general public didn’t see, so we were glad to
be around to stop them. And both Hunt members and support seemed incredibly rattled by our continued presence. We found many more blocked entrances to a badger
sett here today, another clear sign of their intentions. Police input [left] was again today very positive indeed, with four police patrols
on scene, also reporting numerous complaints from local residents and motorists. Without going into the ins and outs of the
Hunting Act, they weren’t able to bring a complete halt to the hunt, but they certainly assisted in doing all but that,
and we are pleased to report there have been discussions about how the police are progressing the entire problem of hunting
this year.
One particularly tasteless tactic from the Hunt today was using a young rider (10 years old, we were told) who the
Hunt used as 'bait', placing her in prominent positions amongst the riders purely to allow them to accuse monitors
of being “paedos” and to insist we “stop filming children, you paedophiles”. Not a new tactic, we've
heard it all before, but done particularly nastily today, with the poor child, riding side-saddle, looking thoroughly traumatised
by it all, holding her head down in shame as this went on around her. This Hunt will clearly stoop as low as necessary to
try and enable them to continue their hobby. Finally, we would like to report that due to
persistent police presence and our teams hard work this Hunt had no chases and there were no kills today. More details shown on individual photographs. PLEASE keep language clean and refrain
from posting abuse. If you would like to join Cheshire Monitors, or have information to pass on to us (in strictest confidence), then
please get in touch. Either message us here or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. Pics below - 1/ Terriermen on quad illegal for road use 2/ Hunt all
over a road  Sabs attacked at Atherstone FH - horses used as weapons 14-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Peaceful sabs violently attacked by the Atherstone Hunt today This
is the true face of fox hunting. As we have already said this coming season will be like all previous seasons with the Atherstone
Hunt which show fox hunting and violence.
The Atherstone Hunt today used their horses as weapons against the sab vehicle in
an attempt to try and 'stitch' up the driver, the same sab they continually lie about to the police. Oh, how desperate
times ay? They even got their phones out ready before flinging their horses in front of the van to try and do a 'set up'.
This was filmed. They then went on to attack sabs. Huntsman lost control of hounds. Full videos of their atrocious, dangerous,
desperate behaviour will be on line soon to expose exactly what fox hunting represents. It was really bad. One rider forced her horse into the vehicle bashing it on the wing mirror. A
Master of the Hunt flung her horse in front of the moving sab vehicle and other riders used their horses to wedge the vehicle
in. So upsetting to witness and very dangerous. Poor horses. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs Sabs thwart Ledbury South FH &
Severn Beagles on same day 14-10-17 Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Two Hunts - sabbed! Today was an absolute result for hunted wildlife!
Our first port of call was to an early morning cubbing meet of the 'Ledbury South' near Saint Margret's, Herefordshire.
We got to work trying to find the Hunt and their location was soon given away by their dickhead terrier-boys. Thanks, lads! As soon as the Hunt
were in our sights it was game over. Sabs got to work and immediately took control of the hounds, rendering the hunt useless.
This first act of sabotage set the tone for the rest of the morning. We split into two groups which meant we were completely
on top of the Hunt. Every time they attempted to hunt foxes, we stepped in and took control of the hounds using horns, voice
calls and our trusty gizmo (a pre-recorded track of hounds in ‘cry’ played through a megaphone). Both foxes and
hares were aided to safety by sabs and it all became a bit comical towards the end of the morning as the hounds spent more
time with us than the Hunt. Absolutely blinding result,
especially given the context - the 'Ledbury South' are essentially the former riders and masters of the dissolved
South Herefordshire Hunt (who are currently at the centre of a police investigation after being caught on camera feeding live
fox cubs to hounds at their kennels last year) following the hounds and huntsman of the equally distasteful Ledbury Hunt. Next up we were off to our second hunt of the day, the Severn Vale Beagles, after a spotting car kennel-watched them
and followed on to their meet in North Nibley, nr. Dursley, Gloucestershire. When sabs arrived shortly after 1pm, we found the hunt already out and setting up to 'draw'
a field in an attempt to put up and chase hare. As soon as our cameras were on them they were on the phone and legging it
- a sign of wrong doing if there ever was one! We
kept eyes on them as they did a little circuit, mopping up their followers on the way back to the meet. As our second vehicle
arrived, they were boxing up the beagles and quickly scarpered! A long and tiring day for us but a good 'un. Support
our work for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE Pics below - 1/ Sabs take hounds off
the Hunt 2/ Severn Vale Beagles hound van  Sabs
report Old Surrey FH were actually trying to trail hunt ! 14-10-17 Facebook - Brighton Hunt Saboteurs We were out early with other groups keeping an eye on the Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt this morning. Their
new Huntsman is really pretty poor at controlling his hounds. However we witnessed some nervous trail hunting today and not
a lot else, which is what we like to see. POWAperson adds - Sabs said this Hunt doing same at a meet
late last season - wasn't usual then. Will it be now? Oakley FH fail to kill cubs as sabs help them get away 14-10-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs As the Oakley got a week off from our attentions last week we thought it only right and proper to visit them
again this morning. A concerned member of the public, while out walking their dog, noticed lots of horse boxes arriving in
the village of Wilden. Now we know one of the Oakley Masters (Steve Harris - ex Bedfordshire Police Custody officer)
lives in the village so it wasn't hard to figure out where the meet would be (The Old Post Office). So a few quick calls and we assembled sabs
from our regular group of comrades from Northants and N. Cambs Hunt Sabs and got into position with 2 vehicles. The Hunt headed north
west over to Great Wood & Little Wood by Ravenstone Ho and were to spent the majority of time here going back and forth
trying to draw the hounds through. Riders were observed holding up in classic cubbing style but with 2 foot teams always snapping
at their heels it proved a fruitless venture. At least 2 foxes were seen fleeing from the woodland but sabs were in place
to cover their escape. A third escaped and sought refuge in the valley by a steam. Both foot and vehicle sabs once again observed blatant illegal hunting as Huntsman, Calamity Jack
Harris was now on foot encouraging his hounds into the undergrowth where the fox had hidden but, they didn't pick up the
scent and were forced to move on as foot teams arrived. Finally with no other areas to hunt we escorted them back the meet at Steve Harris'
house at 10am. Great showing today from all involved. Foxes saved, a pissed off hunt and some nice cake in the sunshine afterwards
as a reward. See also N.Cambs Sabs report. They say that the Oakley hunted through a,
signposted, private nature reserve. See pic above right. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman, pack and terrier quad 2/ Riders surrounding
wood - classic cubbing  QC says any NT 'trail hunt' ban on NT land would be unenforceable
on more than half of it 13-10-17 D.Telegraph Hunting ban 'could be unworkable on half of National Trust land', warns
top QC Plans by the National Trust to ban hunting with dogs could be unworkable more than half
of its land, a senior lawyer has said. A legal opinion seen by The Daily Telegraph said the Trust might not be able to enforce
it because it cannot order its tenant farmers to ban hunting. Nearly half of the Trust’s land is managed
and controlled by tenant farmers. Trust members are voting on the issue next week. Since hunting with dogs was banned in 2005,
packs of hounds have been licensed by the Trust to engage in trail hunting when they follow bottled fox scent across its land. The National Trust
is now preparing to hold its annual general meeting next week, when its members will vote on a motion tabled by the League
Against Cruel Sports for an outright ban. However, according to the legal opinion prepared by an eminent QC hunts are unlikely
to need a licence to drag hunt on land which is maintained by tenant farmers. Some 340,805 acres (137,805 hectares) of the Trust’s 613,000 acres in England, Wales
and Northern Ireland are looked after by tenant farmers which means any ban could be hard to enforce. The legal opinion, prepared by Timothy Fancourt QC [right],said: “Hunts do not need
a licence from the National Trust to conduct a trail hunt on tenanted land, though depending on the precise terms of a given
tenancy agreement the tenant may be in breach of the agreement in permitting such activities;- “Subject to the exact
terms of any reservation in a given tenancy agreement, hunts are unlikely to require the licence of the National Trust to
carry on certain types of “exempt” hunting, though again it is possible that the tenant will be in breach of his
tenancy agreement if he alone permits such activity.” In practical terms this means that unless the Trust has specifically
reserved the right to allow drag and trail hunting in its tenancy agreements then it does not have the right to enforce a
ban. Campaigners pointed out that no one has ever been prosecuted of the 67 hunts which are currently licensed to follow
fox scent on National Trust land. Tim Bonner, the chief executive of the Countryside Alliance which commissioned the opinion,
said: “Hunting on National Trust land has carried on without any serious problems before and after the hunting ban with
the support of the Trust's tenant farmers and in accordance with the wishes of many of those who left their farms to the
Trust. No hunt has ever been convicted of a Hunting Act offence on National Trust land. Any attempt to ban hunts from National
Trust land, or to make the terms of the licences unworkable, will end in chaos. Many of the Trust's tenant farmers are
actively involved in hunting and the Trust would essentially be trying to ban them from their own farms. It is also clear
that in many cases the Trust does not have any legal right to deny access to hunts if their tenants have given them permission
to operate. The campaign to ban hunts from Trust land is illogical and does not represent any serious body of support within
the countryside. It would be very surprising if more than a tiny proportion of the Trust's membership actually voted to
ban hunts." A National Trust spokesman said the anti-hunt resolution at next week's meeting had been submitted by the charity’s
members and not the Trust. The Trust's board has already said that is against the ban and the result of any vote is not
binding. The spokesman said: "As we’ve set out in our response to the AGM resolution, the Trust licences responsible
trail hunting on its land. In prior years we have declined to issue, have suspended, or have revoked trail hunting licences
when either licence conditions have been breached or where we have lost confidence in a Hunt’s ability to adhere to
the conditions. "Our members will have the opportunity to vote on and discuss trail hunting at the AGM later this month.” The vote is open to
the Trust's five million members. The deadline for voting was yesterday [Friday]. As many as 500 members are expected
to attend to vote in person at the meeting on Saturday next week in Swindon.
South FH kill fox, but sabs help others to safety13-10-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs On 7th October 2017, the Ledbury South killed a fox during their last draw by a river bank. Several other foxes,
however, made it to safety earlier in the day (and others escaped by the river) including this one... so we thought we'd
share some positivity. Sabs claim meeting recording shows police WO favouring Atherstone
FH Wildlife Officer heard advising them on how to get sabs into legal trouble Failed
to challenge them over 'trail hunting' rules that made no sense Meeting told MFHA fed
up with Atherstone Hunt's expensive trouble-making 12-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs AUDIO AUDIO OF ATHERSTONE HUNT AND LOCAL WILDLIFE OFFICER KEY POINTS:-
Wildlife officer advises Hunt on which laws can and can’t be used against saboteurs - Hunt's governing body MFHA
would be happy if the Atherstone disbanded - Hunt supporters told off for their bad behaviour - Hunts joint-masters talk about
trail hunting We have obtained an audio recording of the Atherstone Hunt’s recent pre-season meeting. All riders, supporters
and followers were encouraged to attend the meeting at the Odd House in Snarestone. The Hunt's joint-masters all sat at the front alongside two
police officers from Leicestershire Police (who were introduced as Leicestershire Hunt). During
the talk, Leicestershire Police’s wildlife officer Rob Cross talked in depth about which laws can and cannot be used
against hunt saboteurs. This included a lengthy explanation on the differences between trespass and aggravated trespass. He
is heard saying that spraying citronella, cracking whips and anything like that could be classed as aggravated trespass and
is quick to agree with a hunt supporter that standing in a field could be criminal damage of crops. He says “If
you can document that damage then yeah brilliant” He is also heard saying “WE’RE not dealing with idiots,
these people are intelligent, quite shrewd people, quite clever. They will sabotage the organisation from whatever angle they
can”. We also learn from the meeting that two of the joint masters have had several meetings with Leicestershire Police. What was discussed at these meetings and why did they take place? At a recent police
training day it was explained to Leicestershire Police that “trail hunting” doesn't exist and is just a cover
for fox hunting yet at no point did either officer question the Hunt when they were talking about their trail hunting. Is it appropriate
for a wildlife officer to be advising a fox hunt about which laws can and can’t be used against hunt saboteurs? Does
this amount to collusion between the Hunt and police? Leicestershire Police’s former wildlife officer was forced to resign as wildlife officer after it was revealed
that she rode with the Belvoir Hunt. MFHA - We also heard during the meeting that the Hunt's governing body, the Master of Fox Hounds Association (MFHA),
have “gone mad” and have had enough of the Atherstone Hunt because of all the trouble they have caused and would
be quite happy if they weren’t around any more. The MFHA pay a percentage of the Atherstone Hunt’s legal fees which have been substantial and has cost the MFHA a lot of money. As a result they
no longer want to insure the Atherstone and will not be paying any of their legal fees should they find themselves in trouble.
Over the past three years Atherstone Hunt supporters have amassed 20 convictions, police cautions and community resolutions
for violence and antisocial behaviour. They have also been investigated numerous times for killing foxes. Yet a wildlife officer is happy to sit alongside and advise this same Hunt on which laws can be used against saboteurs
who have zero convictions). HUNT SUPPORT - The Atherstone Hunt have NEVER once admitted in public that they have done anything
wrong. However in private the joint-masters spent a considerable time telling off their hunt supporters for their bad behaviour.
They now have a zero tolerance policy (why have they not had this from the start?) and anyone who causes trouble won't
be welcome back including anyone “who finds it acceptable to throw horse muck at the antis and steal their banners” there were Hunt directors standing and
watching as this incident happened and did nothing to try to stop it. Instead they stood by and found it amusing. At least one of
those Hunt members have been out this season. Another supporter who has been allowed back out was pictured holding the stolen
banner in a pub (clearly finding that behaviour acceptable). We shall see who else is allowed back out as the season progresses. TRAIL HUNTING
- We hear the Hunt claiming it will
be hunting within the law and hunting trails. We are told that these trails will be laid the day before. It is highly unlikely
that the scent would last that long. These “trails” will be laid through woods and coverts, places that foxes
live. hunt supporters are told not to holla, raise their hats or handkerchiefs if they see a fox and not to tell the Huntsman.
These are all acts associated with pre-ban hunting to alert the Huntsman to where the fox ran but look extremely incriminating
when filmed post-ban. The supporters however are told not to tell the Huntsman or any Hunt staff if they see a fox. Surely this would be the first thing you would do if you were wanting to avoid chasing foxes. Instead they are to let the
fox be chased and the Huntsman can claim he didn’t know. We are supposed to believe that the hounds will be following
day old trails, that trails have been laid in places foxes are known to live (why would you do this if you were wanting to
avoid chasing foxes) and when a fox is inevitably found no one is to warn the Huntsman instead they are to let the hounds
chase it. Rob Cross the wildlife officer sat through this explanation unquestioningly. It should be setting alarm bells ringing
for any decent wildlife officer as it doesn't add up. Also what scent will the Atherstone be using to lay trails? Fox
urine as the Atherstone were claiming as recently as this summer? If so where are they getting it from? It is even questionable
whether it is actually legal to be spreading fox urine across the country.
Again we ask is it appropriate for a WILDLIFE officer
to be advising a fox hunt about which laws can be used against saboteurs. The fox Hunt that has 20 convictions, cautions and
community resolutions the saboteur group have zero. How many meetings have there been between the Atherstone Hunt and Leicestershire
Police? What was said? We understand that the Hunt have already made more false allegations which Leicestershire Police seem
to be taking seriously. This is not the first time
there have been questions over Leicestershire Police's impartiality over fox hunting - Their former wildlife officer rode with the Belvoir - The CPS was forced to drop an investigation into a blocked badger sett because they
said Leicestershire Police had not handed the evidence in on time. They also failed completely to investigate one of the two people responsible. - They were successfully sued by a member of this group for unlawfully
arresting a sab. = We exposed emails from
this incident from Leicestershire Police saying the sab should be charged otherwise she would sue the police. - They issued two Police Information Notices to members of this group based on the
word of the Atherstone Hunt without seeing any evidence. They later dropped the PINs and had to apologise. - They refused to hand over a letter of apology from a member of the Atherstone Hunt
to the victim and we aware of false allegations being made against her again. Let’s be clear as long as the Atherstone Hunt
are operating we will always be watching. This meeting clearly shows that it will only be us out there trying to stop foxes
from being torn apart in the name of sport and we will try and stop any kills from happening. To help us continue exposing hunting
and the policing around it we would be grateful if you would consider donating towards our costs by using the link below or
setting up a standing order. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandHuntsabs sort code-089299 account no-65488120. We are always grateful for the support shown to us by YOU the public. Thank you.  The Canary published an article about this on 29-10-17. Horse Watch publishes lies re. monitor's encounter with Grafton FH riders 12-10-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO The
hunting fraternity have tried, via Horsewatch South Wales, to defame one of our monitors. Here is the unedited film from the
driver's dash-cam. Looks like the hunt servants have shot themselves in the foot and instead have shown up the cub hunters
for the shocking way they treat their horses by putting them in danger. All because they want to hide their heinous illegal
activities. This is how Horsewatch headline the film on their Facebook page! "**UPDATE: Young, nervous horse being escorted
by 2 others today in Sulgrave in Northants - police informed**" ! First, please note how two riders come from the right
bank straight out onto the road in front of the monitor's vehicle and continue to canter on the road in front of the car.
They are then joined by a third rider and all three string out across the road to prevent the driver from getting past them.
Why? Because there is chaos in the village, a young fox is being hunted by the Grafton hounds. Pics below - 1/
Riders slow to walk to block monitor's progress 2/ Riders dart in front of monitor as she
tries to slowly pass them When the driver slows down and tries
to get a better view and possibly get past, the riders swerve their mounts towards and kick on to vere in front of the car.
No doubt some will criticise the driver, and no doubt all hunters will, but we are staggered as to how these idiots dressed
in tweed can cause so much danger to their own horses. Well what do you expect from people who take pleasure in hounding a
small mammal to death for their own perverse pleasure? Thanks to the quick thinking and careful driving of our monitor, no
one was hurt. Annoyingly Horsewatch will not let us tell the truth and have deleted all messages
from people trying to explain and to upload our version of the incident to show there is more to this than meets the eye. Atherstone FH cause chaos on roads, in fields and invade garden Riders
and hounds travel through distressed cattle, raising bTb spread risk Loose Hunt
horse bounds into lane, causing vehicles to brake About six hounds run into road and then a garden 12-10-17 Facebook - Atherstone Hunt Watch A catalogue of errors were order of the day at the Atherstone Hunt meet Tuesday morning at Jo Clarke's Sparkenhoe Farm at Upton. 1) Loose hounds on
lanes, village gardens, running around cattle, running around vehicles out of sight of the huntsman Mike Lane [right]. 2) Riders and hounds
traversing a field of grazing cattle causing havoc with inexperienced riders clearly showing panic at the alarmed and visibly
distressed cattle. [below left, Hunt at dairy farm] 3) Joint Master Liz Hulme falling off her mount which then
bolted out of control straight down a public footpath, out of an open gate and into a lane with vehicles before being stopped
right next to our monitor vehicle. 4) Members of the public walking dogs just metres away from loose hounds on roads. An absolute plum of
a morning for errors of the highest order by Hunt Directors who clearly lack control in bad situations. It's clear that the Hunt Director following in his big posh car, and Ollie Hope the kennelman on his parked up quad bike,
didn't have the gumption to close off the gate they left open and stood right next to, just some ten minutes before Liz
Hulmes out of control riderless horse bolted straight through it in front of them. Indeed not enough gumption at all by them
or Mike Lane the huntsman when half a dozen hounds split from his pack and ran onto a road and into village gardens.
Lastly, Mike Lane.
Oh dear it's not boding well in your new job is it? You did seem to be more interested in filming the monitors on you
phone in one hand whilst trying to keep control of your jittery horse in the other. You do need both hands on your reins Mike
and you do need to focus your eyes onto your hounds rather than in the other direction please. That way you will know where
ALL of them are at ALL times. Some questions. Did the owner of the cattle field know the Hunt were coming? Had
he given the Hunt permission to be there in his cattle field whilst cattle were grazing? Do the Hunt know of the horrors of
bTb being spread by hounds? Is the farmer aware? Are the cattle this morning all clear of bTb? The risk of hounds being infected
by bTb is very real as the Kimblewick Hunt know only too well with 25 of their hounds being euthanased due to being fed fallen
infected stock. What a shambles of a morning
for the Atherstone Hunt. They should have stayed in bed! If you would like to become a hunt monitor please PM, email via our Facebook page. Crawley FH Hunt Master fined £2,500 for threatening hunt sab Victim said
hunter was so menacing he feared for his life 11-10-17 Daily Mail Hunt Master, 59, who threatened to RAM his BUGLE 'straight down the throat'
of a saboteur he accused of kidnapping one of his hounds is fined £2,500 Hunt Master Kim Richardson confronted saboteur
Raoul D'Monte in February. The hunter, dressed in the traditional red coat, shouted in Mr Demont's face as he brandished
the hunting horn and demanded the return of his dog. He shouted at Mr D'Monte: 'Have you got my missing hound, you
lot? You f*****g better not nick it because I'll put this straight down your f*****g throat' - Richardson was fined
£2,500 and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £635 A Hunt Master, who threatened
to ram his bugle 'straight down the throat' of a saboteur he accused of kidnapping one of his hounds, has been fined
£2,500. Crawley and Horsham Hunt Master Kim Richardson [left], 59, confronted committed hunt saboteur Raoul D'Monte [below
right] in February this year. Horsham Magistrates Court heard the Hunt Master was aggressive and threatening
when he demanded the return of his dog. He told Mr D'Monte: 'Have you got my missing hound, you lot? You f*****g better
not nick it because I'll put this straight down your f*****g throat.' Mr D'Monte, 53, who described himself as a hunt
sab with 35 years experience, said he feared for his life during the confrontation. He described the Crawley and Horsham Hunt
as the most prosecuted in the country. Richardson grinned at him from the dock as Mr D'Monte described the incident. 'He approached me and became very, very aggressive and said you're a hunt sab, you've stolen my hound.
I was trying to say excuse me we're trying to return your hound to you. He approached with his left arm raised, holding
a hunting horn. He was jabbing the hunting horn towards my face, it was millimetres from my face. He had not mentioned the
missing hound before. It was a terrifying moment and it has left quite an impact. He was very, very aggressive. As he was
jabbing the horn at my face, he was saying he was going to ram it down my throat. 'I think he had his riding crop in his
other hand,' Mr D'Monte said. 'It was really scary because we were actually trying to help him. We were trying
to return his hound to him. It seemed so irrational, I was really in fear. It was terrifying. I was really, really scared
for the welfare of the people with me. We really thought we were going to get attacked in the woods.' Following the confrontation,
Mr D'Monte said he and two other hunt sabs fled. 'We ran for our lives. I was in fear of my life. These hunters are
violent.' Mr D'Monte, who acts as the Hunt Saboteurs Association press officer, said: 'I thought we were going
to die if we stayed there.' Richardson had been on a legal drag hunt in countryside around
Ashington, Sussex with 40 dogs and 30 riders being followed by around 50 saboteurs. The drag hunt has replaced the traditional fox hunt since hunting
with dogs was banned in 2004. The court heard one of the pack of hounds had gone missing
during the hunt on Saturday, February 25th this year. Richardson told the court Chapter the dog had been raised by his wife
and he would be in trouble if he went home without her. The master of the Crawley and Horsham hunt, who started fox hunting
aged 18, described his dogs as part of his family and said he has never lost one. Richardson said he saw hunt sabs every time
he went out in the season. 'It is strict hunt policy not to fight with the hunt sabs', he told the court. 'We
move away when they get to us.' When he realised one of his dogs was missing, Richardson
said he sent assistants to find her. My wife had brought her up from a very young age. They can hear the horn from miles away
and always come back to it. After an hour, she hadn't returned. There were two or three of them standing watching and
they were trying to stroke the hounds, which I'll be honest I don't like. One of my people said he'd just overheard
on the sabs radio they had got a hound and were talking about whether or not they should they return it. I slightly lost my
temper and, probably a little bit over enthusiastically, asked if he wouldn't mind giving my hound back. I went back and
sat down. About 45 minutes later, it was returned to us.' Asked if it was true he did not like hunt sabs,
Richardson said: 'Of course not. I dislike them. Of course I don't like what they do. I accept it, I see them 41 times
a year. My dogs are very precious to me. They'd stolen my hound. I was making sure my hound came back. I was asking him
to give my hound back in perhaps an over enthusiastic manner.' The saboteurs were accompanied by a crew from the Huffington
Post who filmed them following the hunt. District Judge Christopher James told Richardson he had let himself down. 'It is clear he wanted to cause alarm,'
the judge said. 'I'm satisfied he intended to cause alarm so that I am sure. I am satisfied that the witness in the
case and Mr Ashdown were alarmed by what they heard given the circumstances. It is clear the words and manner were intended
to be alarming and it was so.' The judge said Richardson's behaviour became increasingly threatening. 'This was
not reasonable conduct, the action was aggressive and needn't have been.'
looked over at his wife as the judge told him: 'I find each aspect of the case proved and the defendant guilty. There
is an element of provocation, but nonetheless your reaction was unreasonable and unbecoming of the position that you held
and of your character. A professional gentleman, who is a hard working man, you acted in a way that has let yourself down
significantly.' Richardson was fined £2,500 and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £635
and a victim surcharge of £130. DJ James said: 'Given your circumstances, I will make a collection order giving
you 14 days to pay the total £3255.' After the verdict, Mr D'Monte said: 'I am very
pleased to see Mr. Richardson finally being convicted as he has along history of violence and aggression towards Hunt Saboteurs
which has, so far, gone unpunished. The behaviour of the Sussex Police on the day needs to be questioned as they arrested
a Hunt Saboteur on a wholly fictitious accusation of assault. When this couldn't be substantiated, they charged him with
Aggravated Trespass, which fell through due to lack of evidence in court. The police did not, however, respond to the panic
phone call from the three Hunt Saboteurs who were hiding in the woods for over half an hour after being threatened by Mr.
Richardson. The Crawley and Horsham is Britain's most convicted hunt, and yet still seems to enjoy an unprecedented level
of Police protection. We would, however, like to thank the officers in this case, the CPS and the Judge for finally bringing
Mr. Richardson to justice.' After leaving court, Richardson said: 'You listened to it, you know why anyone
would want to do it.' Pic above left - Victim of Crawley
Hunt supporter violence Pics below - 1/ Crawley FH out cubbing in September 2017
2/ Crawley FH hound with bloodied muzzle, 2012  10-10-17 HSA Press Release VIDEO Criminal Crawley and Horsham Convicted Again
On 25th February this year, hunt saboteurs attended a meet of Britain's most convicted hunt, the Crawley and Horsham foxhounds.
Press from the Huffington Post were also present. Sabs were subject to abuse and assaults through out
the day. One was arrested on a trumped up allegation of assault, which was later changed to Aggravated Trespass. The subsequent
trial collapsed due to there being no evidence! Another sab was kicked in the face by a rider, but the police took no action. After a long and difficult day due to extreme weather and swollen streams, a group of three sabs found Huntsman and
Master Kim Richardson gathering hounds in the woods. Richardson approached and threatened to ram his hunting horn down a sab's
throat. After Richardson threatened the sabs they retreated into the woods and dialled 999 as they were heavily outnumbered.
No police attended following the emergency call, but the video of the incident was released on the Huffington Post and Richardson
was subsequently interviewed. After the voluntary interview, he was reported for an offence under Section 4a of
the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act as he had admitted threatening the sab, but he then pleaded not guilty and went
to trial. Today, Richardson appeared at Horsham Magistrates Court in front of a district Judge.
The defence tried, unsuccessfully to smear the character of the hunt saboteur. Both Richardson and his 'countryman'
(Terrier boy) witness crumbled under cross examination, and Richardson was duly convicted of causing Alarm, Harassment and
Distress. He was fined £2500 with £625 costs and a £130 victim surcharge. Lee Moon,
spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “The sabs involved in the case would like to thank Sussex Police,
the CPS and the District Judge for bringing Richardson, who has a long history of assaulting sabs, to justice at last. We
wonder however if they would have been quite so keen if footage of the threats had not already been made public in the media.
The Crawley and Horsham hunt are clearly a criminal enterprise, having been convicted multiple times for illegal hunting and
assaults. It's about time the police looked at closing them down permanently, as they would other criminal gangs who exist
purely to break the law.” Beaufort FH believed to have killed fox after long hunt Six foxes seen fleeing
as Hunt stayed out for six hours Multiple harassment of monitors also reported 11-10-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 7.10.17 The meet was at Oldbury on the Hill, 8am. Hounds were
taken north to Apsimore Wood and Park Wood north of Oldbury. Monitors were already present. Terrier men on quad bikes immediately
targeted them and made it difficult for them to operate by surrounding and harassing them, but the Hunt were aware of cameras,
which made it more difficult for them. One of the monitors moved to a footpath behind Park Wood at the landowner’s request,
but reminded him about the badger setts on his land previously reported to the police as blocked for hunting. He denied all
knowledge of this. After that they brought
the hounds south towards Hobbyhorse where a monitor was waiting to greet them. Then they crossed the A46 main road towards
Upper Kilcott – no trail laid there and back again towards Hobbyhorse. The Huntsman put the hounds into the wood where
they picked up a scent and went on cry, but by then the monitor was with them and Nick Hopkins [whipper in] whipped the hounds off, demonstrating how easy it is if you’re in
control to stop the hounds on a scent and take them on – of course this doesn’t always happen. By this time the noisy
quads team had arrived to distract the monitor from filming, trying to persuade her that the footpath was not a footpath,
whilst the confused field trickled back across the road to join the Hunt again. Traffic was repeatedly held up on this busy
road and at one point a separated hound straying across the road was saved by one of our team who got out of their vehicle
to stop a lorry just in time. Hounds were then taken
back towards Oldbury then across A433 - another busy road - back into the park via Worcester Lodge. The hounds picked up on
a scent again at Ragged castle near Hollybush Cottage where there is an artificial earth nearby. Events took a turn for the worse from here when monitors commented on an overloaded quad bike with a child on the
bike. One of the hunt staff who is known to us became very agitated and started shouting very loudly at one monitor within
centimetres of her face pointing his finger. We have it on film – we are constantly subjected to harassment when we
monitor hunts. Here is the definition - ‘it is now an offence for a person to pursue a course of action which amounts to harassment of another individual,
and that they know or ought to know amounts to harassment. Under this act the definition of harassment is behaviour which
causes alarm or distress.’ We are also subjected to loutish behaviour from hunt staff even when walking the footpaths. They
shout and sing loudly in front of us with the sole purpose of intimidating us and blocking our view of hunt activity. We always
inform the police to get an incident number. Monitors got into place in Swangrove just as
they were drawing there, which seemed to annoy hunt staff when they realised they were being watched, but this did seem to
get the hounds moved on again, eventually being heard in Bodkin Wood on the A46. When foot walkers got closer they were on
cry in Beech Copse and this hunt went on for a long time, with terrier men preventing the monitors getting closer. At one
point they brought the hounds out of the wood into a crop growing there and searched through it until they went on cry again
and back across to Lyegrove Wood where they went on cry loudly and for a long time. One monitor was held back by a hunt rider
and a terrier man on the north side of the wood and could hear the whistles and shouts of ‘there it is’ as a poor
fox tried to escape the wood. This chase went on for a long time and we have no doubt that the fox was chased to exhaustion
and killed. When silence fell the Hunt emerged and rode past us clearly having achieved their aim this time. They went back
towards the kennels still trying to pick up a scent on the way and were prevented near the kennels from chasing a fleeing
fox by one of our vehicle teams who jumped out with their cameras. Six hours they
stayed out pursuing foxes today! We counted a total of 6 foxes fleeing the hunt! They finally packed up at 2pm. https://www.gov.uk/quad-bikes-the-rules Oakley FH hunt thug charged
with assaulting sab 11-10-17 Morethanjustbadgers.net New rules to the game … Despite all their claims to the
contrary, and much like many other Hunts up and down the country, the Oakley openly flout the law. We've caught them cubbing several times already this autumn and saved foxes when we were there. I believe the new Inspector can see that this
is taking place and while he also knows that getting a conviction under the Hunting Act is unlikely he can however restrict
the Hunt's use of thugs to impede our operations. One particularly rotund chap we call the 'Angry Egg' was arrested a couple
of weeks ago for another assault on a sab*. Video evidence was supplied to the police and he was charged with common assault
(after spending a very long time in the cells while I was in the pub) and bailed away from any hunting activity until his
court case. I believe he is in court this week or at least very shortly regarding an incident last year and has to face a
further 3 charges of assault and another of theft of one of our radios during a meet of the Pytchley hunt at the very end
of last season. Just restricting these morons will be a victory not only for us but also for justice and the decent majority of people
who oppose hunting. People like him have been getting away with this kind of unacceptable behaviour for too long and but now
the tables are turning. Sooner or later they'll have to give up the thug act or end up behind bars. * See Oakley FH report 23-9-17 Crawley
FH chase fox fruitlessly then riot on some deer JM Richardson, in court earlier, was involved in the hunt 10-10-17 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs While on our way home from Horsham Magistrates where the Crawley & Horsham Huntsman Kim Richardson
was appearing, we had a call at 3 pm from supporters walking their dogs near Parham House. They were sure riders were gathering
for a hunt meet. We checked it out and sure enough it was a meet of the Crawley & Horsham Fox hunt. Not surprisingly Kim
Richardson was there, it must have been a dash to get home and changed into his hunting gear; or maybe he had it with him
and changed at the court ! It was a chaotic meet,
the hounds were after a fox and tried to get over and under a fence as it made it's escape. The whipper-in, James Tennant,
had no control over the hounds who rioted on some deer trying to get out of the way. One of the deer ended up standing in
the road not knowing where to go. The fox was filmed crossing the road and making a fast getaway. While one of our monitors
was filming, Guy Pettett, the 'Countryman ' for the C&H pulled alongside and began to continuously rev up the
engine on the quad bike to disrupt the filming. The only reason for doing this is because it was an illegal fox killing hunt
meet, not a trail laid or drag hunt activity. The Hunt packed up at 6pm. Pics below
- 1/ Hounds can't get over fence after fox 2/ Bewildered deer in road after hounds
Carter of Middleton FH & his whipper-in cleared of illegal huntingCarter's harassment charge re. sexual remarks
to anti woman withdrawn earlier 9-10-17 Daily Telegraph 'Boorish' huntsman criticised by judge after telling female protester
'I'd like to s**g you' A judge has criticised a "boorish" Huntsman,
after he was caught on camera telling a female protester "I'd like to s**g you actually". Charles Carter was
forced to resign as a Conservative councillor after making the "offensive and distasteful" comments to Linda Hoggard,
41, when she objected to his hounds chasing foxes. However Mr Carter, 34, master of Middleton Hunt in North Yorkshire, was cleared, along with his whipper-in Colin
Milburn, 59, of illegally hunting foxes at a trial at York magistrates court. Judge Adrian Lower found there was no case to answer
because the Prosecution had been unable to prove that either man had intentionally caused the hounds to hunt down two foxes
on January 23rd this year on land at Squirrel Hall Farm near Kirby Grindalythe, North Yorkshire. But the judge was
critical of the way Mr Carter had conducted himself towards Mrs Hoggard, a mother of three who lives close to where the hunt
was taking place. The court was played a video of Carter, wearing his red hunting tunic, peering down from his mount at Mrs
Hoggard and pointing a mobile phone at her as he said: "what is your name? I would quite like to s*** you actually,"
before adding: "can I take you to bed?" and "you are very pretty". Judge Lower said: "The comments
made by Mr Carter do him no credit. They were boorish, offensive, distasteful and I imagine they caused a degree of upset
regardless of what Mr Carter may have thought when asked to reflect on his behaviour in interview with the police. However I must put that to one side." Mr Carter was initially charged with causing harassment,
alarm or distress to Mrs Hoggard but the charge was discontinued in a previous hearing last month. He and Mr Milburn
faced two charges of illegally hunting foxes in contravention of Schedule One of the Hunting Act 2004. To have contravened
the Act the huntsmen would have needed to intentionally be hunting the foxes and Judge Lower said there was nothing in the
prosecution case that suggested they had set the hounds on the fox. Judge Lower said: "It is not the dogs who are on
trial, they never will be. The dogs were doing what dogs do if they see a wild animal - they chase it and that has been happening
for time immemorial." After making his successful
application to have the trial thrown out, Stephen Welford, for Carter and Milburn, said after the case: "After some consideration
they will be making no comment." Asked after the case whether he regretted the way he spoke to Mrs Hoggard, Mr Carter,
dressed in a blue pinstripe suit, walked away without comment. Christopher Rowe,
prosecuting, had earlier told the court: "Mrs Hoggard confronted him about the legality of fox hunting and what he was
doing that day." Mr Carter then responded using the offending remarks. Mr Rowe said: "She used her mobile phone
to record the conversation and this will be played to the court." He added: "Mr Carter accepts he spoke to Mrs Hoggard
and made comments in order to make light of the situation." Linda Hoggard's video was played to the court as
she gave her evidence. In it Charles Carter is seen trotting up to her on a brown horse and Mrs Hoggard greets him with the words: "Hunting is banned so why are you
hunting? I have a video of a fox coming through with hounds chasing it and you still get away with it don't you, you lot?"
Carter is seen to be holding a mobile phone which he points at Mrs Hoggard as he said he'd like to "s***" her
and asked to take her to bed. When he follows it up with "You are very pretty," Mrs Hoggard replied: "Oh really?
Well so are foxes." Mrs Hoggard said she went
out to monitor the hunt on the morning of January 23 to save the lives of foxes. She told the court: "A few days earlier
I had heard the sound of two foxes mating as I walked our dogs with my husband, I was worried for those foxes when I realised
the Hunt was out. I went out with my camera because I'm a keen photographer and I had a spray of citronella mixed with
water that I use to keep flies away from my horses. As I went along I sprayed the citronella because I hoped it would keep
the hounds off the scent of the foxes." After walking around half an hour from home she saw the Hunt in a wooded copse and
streamed what she saw on Facebook Live, commenting that the huntsmen were trying to scare foxes out of the woods so they could
be chased. She challenges a huntsman by saying: "You know hunting is illegal don't you?" before she went home
but went out later with her daughter and daughter's friend that afternoon at around 2.30pm. Mrs Hoggard said hunt supporters
turned their cars to face a wooded area "as though they new something was going to happen." Moments later a fox emerged with the hounds close behind, she said. Mrs Hoggard said:
"I saw the fox running for its life and I ran towards the fox, spraying the citronella as I ran. I was trying to save
its life. I'm a little overweight but I was running as best I could and the fox ran into a hedge. The hounds followed
and they went into a wood. I could hear the hounds barking like mad but I couldn't see what was happening in there."
It was 15 minutes later that Mr Carter approached on his horse. Mrs Hoggard was asked by Stephen Welford, for Carter,
whether she sold the video of their confrontation to the media. She answered: "I can swear I was paid absolutely nothing
for it." Mr Carter, who
at the time of the incident was in a relationship with top events rider Harriet Morris-Baumber, resigned from his post as Conservative councillor with Breckland Council in Norfolk
after Mrs Hoggard's video of their exchange went viral online. Walker finds blocked sett on NT land where Weston & Banwell FH hunting Claims
to have been intimidated by hunt follower on quad 9-10-17 Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group A couple of pics sent by a member of the public of what the Weston and Banwell Hunt get up to when cubbing.
This time, on Wavering Down, National Trust land on the Mendip Hills. Here are two badger setts blocked by branches so as
to stop foxes going to ground. The member of the public was innocently walking their dog when she was threatened by yob-on-a-quad
for taking pics of criminal damage to a protected animals' sett.  Warwickshire
FH hounds chase fox across road into garden 9-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Warwickshire Hunt, Admington, Warks Today we
witnessed more blatant hunting from the Warwickshire Hunt who we filmed surrounding a small wood next to a busy main road.
A fox crossed another road with the hounds in pursuit. The hounds spilled out onto the road and ran straight across and into
someone's garden on the other side. Did the Warwickshire Hunt lay a trail across the road and into the garden? Unlikely,
as the owner of the garden wasn't very happy about the hounds being there. Warwickshire Police rural watch made a brief appearance
to moan about us parking on the road. They weren't bothered about uncontrolled hounds running out into roads putting motorists
at risk and weren't bothered about the illegal hunting. Please do contact Warwickshire Police to complain about this. Thank you to everyone who has recently donated. #strengthenthehuntingact #endcubhuntingcruelty Pics below - 1/ Why did the hounds cross the road? Clue - Not because there was a 'trail'
laid across it 2/ Hound stops traffic 3/ Hounds searching for fox by road   Sabs
to ask police to remind Crawley FH use of ag. quads on roads illegal 9-10-17 Facebook West Sussex Hunt Sabs VIDEO Police promised to inform hunts in Sussex and Surrey that it is illegal to use agricultural licenced quads to
follow hunts. The message has not got through to the Crawley and Horsham Hunt, and police have been sent this video. 5 quads,
racing up and down lanes with complete disregard for other drivers on the road. It can be terrifying to drive around a bend
and see this lot heading towards you, it is a miracle there was not a serious road incident. Badsworth FH's new convict Huntsman starts with a chopped fox 9-10-17 Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs The Middleton Hunt changed their Saturday meet to avoid sabs. A cunning plan fitting of Baldrick, but with
less success. Will tell more of this later. So, we decided to head off to the Badsworth and Bramham Moor, with our friends
and comrades West Yorkshire Sabs. The B&B have a new Huntsman this year. Nick Thornicroft is an ex Yorkshire cricketer.
Like us you've probably never heard of him, the truth been he couldn't make it at a sport with a level playing field
so he took up hunting. He thought with odds of riders, hounds, car and foot followers against one fox he might actually make
a name for himself. He was right, but we can't repeat that name on a family page. Thornicroft has a police caution for
stealing and smashing a video camera whilst wearing a balaclava (take note Dim Bonner). The meet was at Sycamore Tree Farm in Wistow and a fox was soon seen to safety from a beet field.
Moments later a fox was chopped in the same field and with terrierboys trying their best to disrupt filming it looked like
being a hard day. However hard they tried though sabs did continue moving the Hunt on until they settled in another beet field.
From this field 4 foxes were seen to safety whilst a follower who was attempting to block a fox in a hole was made to move
and not return. This didn't go down well and a tractor turned up which was driven into sabs
and used to block in the sab van on a public road. Eventually the police turned up and the Hunt returned to the meet, which
freed up the police to question the tractor driver and look for the terrierboys on their illegal quad. Unfortunately they
had crawled back under the stone from whence they came. Never mind there's always next time. A quick recharge of
batteries with a late vegan breakfast and it was off to the Middleton who had switched their morning meet -thanks Calamity,
you allowed us to visit the B&B in the morning. I'm sure they appreciated it... As a footnote here is a new sabs
view of the day:- "As a new sab I was unprepared and shocked by the intimidation tactics used by the Hunt, to try and
deter us and the use of homophobic, ableist and misogynistic language. I cannot say too much about all this because the police
are investigating. It's one thing seeing the horrible attitude of the hunt online but another thing completely seeing
it first hand. I only wish I had started sabbing sooner!" Please contribute to our fundraiser below - We currently
have a team in Devon and a team up North. Thank you for your support - we couldn't do it without you - POWAperson adds - For those unfamiliar with
hunting parlance, a 'chopped' fox is one that is caught and killed by hounds very soon after being put up. This is
not common and the last thing the hunters want because they yearn for a nice long chase to provide them with plenty
of 'sport'. Pics below - 1/ One of the foxes
sabs helped get away 2/ Police having words with 'mad tractor driver' 3/ Sabs
rate hounds to get them off a fox  POWAperson adds - You might notice in the pic above a sab waving a whip. The whip's
sabs employ are very lightweight devices and cannot hurt the hounds, or be used as a weapon. But they do sometimes help in
distracting hounds from hunting quarry. The standard riding whips used by hunters are anything but harmless and can themselves
inflict nasty blows on people. Often they also have heavy leather crops, which hunters often use as batons with which to strike
sabs abs monitors their vehicles. They are capable of causing significant injuries. Hunters using their crops to strike their
own horses is not unknown. LACS
says loophole in HA being widely used to hunt deer for 'sport' 9-10-17 Daily Mirror Deer hunted on National Trust land because of a legal loophole according to leading
animal charity VIDEO The League Against Cruel Sports have said hunts are exploiting
an exception to the Hunting Act to chase stags - 12 years after the hunting ban. Deer are being chased for miles by Hunts
and their hounds before being killed, due to a loophole in the law, according to the League Against Cruel Sports. Their report reveals
hunts are taking place twice a week for most weeks of the year, chasing adult stags, young stags and hinds, some of them pregnant
– leading to over 200 deer hunted with hounds. Footage, which was filmed from the League Against Cruel Sports land on 4th September [right], appears
to show deer being chased through the neighbouring National Trust property near Exmoor. League Investigators who have monitored
stag hunts since it was banned, believe that in the majority of cases they witnessed illegal hunting. ‘Observed’
to death, is the first ever report to look at how stag hunts are breaking the law, 12 years after the cruel sport was banned.
The charity’s experts say they regularly witness stags being chased on National Trust land next to their wildlife sanctuary
in Somerset. Hunting was outlawed in 2004 but since then, the League alleges that hunts are using exemptions to continue the bloodsport.
One of these comes under ‘Research and Observation’ with the intention, in certain cases, to further scientific
knowledge. But the League believes the spirit of this exemption is being crushed week in, week out by stag hunts who claim
to be undertaking observation for research – while simply chasing and killing stags in a similar way that they were
doing pre-ban. The report shows stag hunts routinely breaking the law.
Members of the National Trust will vote on October
21st whether to ban all hunting with hounds on Trust land which follows a tense debate around trail hunting – in which
hounds and riders follow a scent that was laid earlier – but which has long been regarded by animal rights campaigners
as a means of circumventing the hunting ban. Last month it published new rules regarding hunting, which included a ban on
animal-based scents and a promise to publish details of all the meets that ride across National Trust property. Under the Hunting
Act 2004, a person commits an offence if he hunts a wild mammal with dogs, although there are several exemptions, including ‘Stalking and Flushing Out’, ‘Rescue a Wild Mammal’
and ‘Research and Observation’, all of which have specific conditions that need to be fulfilled for the hunting
to be legal. Initially stag hunts tried using the ‘Stalking and Flushing Out’ and then the ‘Rescue a Wild Mammal’
exemptions, but in both cases successful prosecutions against them showed that their interpretations of these exemptions would
not be allowed. Stag hunts then tried using the ‘Research and Observation’ exemption, which has proven to be a
successful loophole. Despite there being several recent attempts to prosecute members of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds
who use this exemption as a defence, the Crime Prosecution Service (CPS) has on each occasion chosen not to pursue these cases. Philippa King, Acting
CEO at the League Against Cruel Sports said: “Stag hunts claim to be undertaking ‘research’ – in much
the same way the Japanese Government claim that they are killing whales for research. "The League believes hunts are
cynically exploiting a loophole in the law and the hunts need to face that same public outcry that meets whalers. Polling
carried out last year showed that 88% of people in Great Britain want deer hunting to remain illegal. Because of this loophole,
stag hunts are laughing in the faces of public opinion, and mocking the spirit of British law. We need Government action and
effective enforcement to ensure that the law is respected.” A spokeswoman for the CPS said: “All cases are
considered in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors and the relevant legislation.” A spokesman for the National
Trust said: “The National Trust does not allow any illegal hunting to take place on its land.” A Defra spokeswoman
said: “Under the Hunting Act 2004 it is an offence to hunt a wild mammal with dogs. Anyone who believes they have evidence
of illegal hunting should report it to the police who are responsible for enforcing the Act.”  Pic above - The grisly scene at the end of a deer
hunt in 2015. A beautiful, vital, graceful creature has been turned, over a number of hours and by the combined action of
probably hundreds of people, slowly, agonisingly, into a desperate, pained, overheated, dehydrated, shambling wreck and
then into a ritually dismembered corpse. POWAperson had the misfortune to witness several scenes similar to the one above
when he monitored deer hunts in the 1990s. The chase itself is bad enough. At least dozens of people using horses, dogs, quad
bikes, motor bikes, cars, radios, mobiles, hollers and whistles, all co-operating to ensure the
plodding hounds remain remorselessly on the scent of the fleeing deer, over fields, through woods and watercourses,
over hill and dale to its eventual death - a death deliberately designed to not come too soon, not until the participants
have gorged themselves on their 'sport'. But perhaps the most disturbing part comes toward and at the end. One can only imagine it must be like the scene
before a public execution in centuries past. There is a moment when the hunters suddenly become aware that the quarry is about
to give up and turn, at bay, to face the howling hounds. At the execution, this would have been when the condemned person
appeared under escort to be led to the scaffold or chopping block. The hunters' demeanour palpably changes, becomes intense,
expectant and a barely suppressed excitement can be seen and heard. Those still some distance away rush towards the scene.
I have even seen parents pop young children up on their shoulders as they hurry forward, so the toddlers too can see the kill
and the ritual dismemberment that will follow. Riders and followers alike can often not suppress whoops of excitement. The deer hounds have been trained not to attack the quarry
[though they sometimes forget themselves and bring it down, tearing at it all over in their frenzy]. The dogs stand
before the stag in a semi-circle, often howling, sometimes eerily silent, themselves quivering with the effort of holding
back, like a pet Labrador that can see the cream cakes on the coffee table at family tea time. But a deer is not
a cake, it is a living, sensitive creature. A
hunter carrying a sawn-off shotgun approaches to within a few yards of the victim stag or hind. Hours ago it would have
sped or slipped away at first sight or sound of a human. Now its spirit and body are broken. It can only stand and stare as
the hunter raises his gun and fires. If
it is lucky the volley will kill it quickly, ending its man-imposed misery. But not the indignity to which it has been subject
for the last few hours. Hounds must have their reward. A large, sharp knife appears. The deer's belly is split, it's
steaming innards spill out and are distributed. Gore grizzles the dogs' snouts. And the 'trophies' are
cut away. The antlers sawn off, the slots, the stag or hinds' graceful, dainty feet, so lovely, so fit for purpose, are
removed for mounting, for display, for hunter serial-killers to show their friends and neighbours what good, brave and true 'country
folk' they are - and how little some people have advanced in kindness and civilisation since the Middle Ages. Before moving to Exmoor, I had worked as a criminologist,
spending time talking to some of the most depraved and violent criminals the country had to offer, and poring over
the details of their heinous crimes, stuff so twisted and terrible it would never be released for publication. But it took
my encounters with the deer hunters of our wonderful West Country to make me feel truly ashamed of being human. Blackmore
FH kill suspected bagged fox late in meet - also cause road havoc 8-10-17 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report 7/10/17 Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt, Ryewater Farm, Dorset
Our group members down at the Dorset badger cull zone joined other local groups to sab a local cub hunt early yesterday morning. Foot sabs and vehicles stayed with the Hunt for most of the morning, disrupting
their bloodlust, including splitting the pack of hounds several times, to the annoyance of the Hunt. They were illegally hunting coverts and didn't even pretend to be following
a trail - hunting/ parading down main roads causing tailbacks and unsafe driving (see video). The police were called several
times but didn't bother to show up. Sadly this ended in tragedy for what we suspect was a bagged fox (pre-caught and
released in front of the hounds, disoriented and easy to catch). However the sabs did save many other loves throughout the
morning. Please support us if you can, our broken vehicle is costing us around £500 and we are now pretty much back to zero
funds.  POWAperson adds - Hertfordshire Sabs say there was also a dig out, but not how it ended. Antis in posters push to secure National Trust 'trail hunting' ban 8-10-17 Daily Mail Anti-hunt activists step up their bid to ‘fix’ National Trust vote
by posting fake notices at its properties - The posters urge members to support a ban on the legal sport of trail hunting
- Trail hunting started 12 years ago when Labour banned dogs from killing foxes - But anti-hunt activists say hounds are still
killing foxes during trail hunts - Countryside Alliance says posters are worst example of a campaign built on lies
Anti-hunt activists have stepped up their campaign to stop trail hunting on National Trust land by posting fake Trust notices
at the charity’s properties urging members to back a ban. Trail hunting – started 12 years ago after Labour
banned hounds from killing foxes during hunts – is a legal sport involving hounds and riders following a trail of fox
scent. But Trust members opposed to hunting claim foxes are still being killed by trail hunts and have secured a vote to ban
it at the Trust’s AGM in two weeks. Tensions are running high because the Trust’s board of 12 trustees wishes
for the practice to continue and recommends members vote against a ban. The bogus notices look like official Trust announcements
with the oak leaf and acorn logo. One of the fake signs, posted in the Lake District, is pictured on the left [it
wasn't]. Others suggest the Trust allows illegal hunts, saying: ‘Trail hunting a licence
to kill.’ The posters have confused some Trust members and upset the charity’s hierarchy. Staff have been told
to remove them. Tim Bonner, leader of the Countryside Alliance, said: ‘The
distribution of fake National Trust posters is the worst example of a campaign being waged totally on the basis of lies and
misinformation. The anti-hunt movement, including many organisations that claim to act as charities, is scraping the bottom
of a very deep barrel.’ Philippa King, head of the League Against Cruel Sports, which has denied involvement in the posters,
said: ‘It’s time for the Trust to listen to its members who have had enough of Hunts continuing to get away with
killing animals.’ A National Trust
spokesman said: ‘To be clear, we do not allow illegal hunting.’ VWH FH full meet back off and pack up as police supportive to sabs 8-10-17 Facebook - South West Sabs Yesterday we had a call - Vale of the White House FH out at Cripps Barn, near Bibury. We decided to go
out make our presence known. We were expecting to see a few out cub hunting - but there was a whole field, including kids,
riding. It is was the 7th of October - hunting season supposedly starts in November. But they are a law to themselves. All
the usual disgusting supporters that like to watch a animal ripped apart. Upon our getting there, some amazing resident had already
called the police. We spoke to the police and let them know we would hang around. As soon as we got there the intimidation
and deliberate attempts of criminal damage on our vehicle started. What problem were we, unless they were breaking the law??.
As fox hunting with hounds is illegal !! We called the police and three vehicles came out. The VWH were told to back away,
but due to the police presence they appeared to pack up quite quickly. It may not have been due to us - but end result still
achieved. The police were really happy to see us, explained again how we were helping them a lot as hunting with hounds is
illegal. They said hunters so want to kill they will cover up what they are doing, even lie to the police - which is disgraceful. Prince Charles secret lobbying
of Blair over hunt ban finally revealed 8-10-17 Mail on Sunday How Prince Charles lobbied Tony Blair in a secret hunt letter claiming class
hatred was behind a campaign against an ‘eco-friendly’ and ‘romantic’ sport - His attempt to influence
strengthens hand of critics who oppose interventions - In his letter the Prince told Mr Blair he was ‘bewildered’
by consideration of ban - At the time, Labour was trying to steer the complex ban through Parliament Prince
Charles urged Prime Minister Tony Blair to scrap the planned hunting ban in a private letter revealed for the first time today
by The Mail on Sunday. The Prince lauded hunting as ‘romantic’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ and
effectively branded opponents class warriors in the letter, sent in 2002, three years before the ban came into effect. The
disclosure of the Prince’s attempts to influence Government policy will strengthen the hand of critics who have accused
him of meddling in matters of state. But others argue the Prince has a right to privacy when raising concerns. In his letter – obtained by this newspaper under
Freedom of Information laws – the Prince told Mr Blair he was ‘bewildered’ that the Government was responding
to calls for a ban from protesters who he said were motivated by ‘antipathy to the type of person who they think goes
out hunting’. The Prince added that hunting was ‘something which is genuinely environmentally friendly, which
uses no modern technology, which does not pollute the countryside, which is completely natural – in that it relies entirely
on man’s ancient and, indeed, romantic relationship with dogs and horses’. The
Prince said hunting was the best way to ensure the welfare of the fox. He wrote: ‘There are a number of former hunt
saboteurs and passionate opponents of hunting who have… come to the conclusion that the welfare of the actual fox is
best ensured by a continuation of hunting... Their fellow opponents are chiefly driven by agendas other than the welfare of
the fox – namely their antipathy to the type of person who they think goes out hunting.’ It has taken The Mail
on Sunday more than two-and-a-half years to obtain the letter. At the time of the correspondence, the Labour Government was
trying to steer the complex ban on hunting through Parliament after Mr Blair was voted into power in 1997 on a manifesto commitment
to a free vote on a hunting ban. Eventually, in 2004, the Commons Speaker invoked the Parliament Act to ensure the bill became
law, despite the opposition of peers. The law came into effect in 2005. Prince Charles is a keen supporter of fox hunting after taking up the sport aged 26. He has been criticised in the past for
what some have called his attempts to ‘meddle’ in decision making.
Last month, The MoS revealed the Prince had written
to the Environment Agency to lobby against cuts to flood defences on land owned by the Duke of Norfolk. Last night an eminent
constitutional expert, who asked not to be named, said of the hunting letter: ‘It was very unwise for him to write it.’
But Oxford politics professor Vernon Bogdanor said: ‘The rights of the Monarch are to be consulted, to encourage and
to warn. He is not the Monarch so has no right to be consulted but he has the right to encourage and to warn.’ And Royal
biographer Hugo Vickers said: ‘The Prince should be allowed to raise issues of concern to him in confidence. We don’t
have a right to know everything and Ministers are not obliged to act on the correspondence.’ A spokesman for Clarence
House said: ‘The Prince is well known for his understanding and concern for rural communities and their livelihoods.
This letter shows his efforts to ensure their voice was being heard in what was an important debate at the time. The Prince
is fully aware that while he has every right to advise, it is Ministers who decide. In this case, he was simply encouraging
the Government to take the views of the countryside on board before reaching a decision.’
 Wynnstay FH carry on hunting despite sab & monitor presence 8-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors THE WYNNSTAY HUNT, CODDINGTON 7.10.17 They met at Whitgate Farm in Coddington and were surprised
to meet some of our new expanding team of Monitors. Hunt sabs were also given the same tip-off as us. Huntsman Richard Tyacke
took the Hunt away from us as fast as he could, although with many small children in tow he didn't get too far. Unusually
he was blatantly cub hunting, putting his hounds into one of his favourite places - Royalty Wood - and urging them on in front
of us. The riders were even worse. Blocking our way on a footpath and making their eerie satanic sounds to keep the fox
cubs in the wood and from escaping the jaws of the hounds. We got in very close which was making them all a bit twitchy, combined
with the presence of Hunt Sabs on the other side of the wood. A fox bolted and the Hunt took off after it but we think they
lost it because we were able to keep an eye on where they went. After that the Huntsman kept moving with his hounds in and
out of cry but nothing more. We followed on foot mostly and experienced no violence nor intimidation from the Hunt. We bumped into the
Cheshire Hounds old Huntsman Shayne Francis with his small son on a pony. Starting him young! Shayne later gave us a lift
and we had a very interesting conversation with him. He is now driving for a living and was seen driving this Hunt's hounds
van later in the day. The Huntsman brought the
hounds back to the same Royalty Wood near the end of the morning but realised we were still on top of him and packed up early. Pics below - 1/ Princess Charming 2/ Overloaded quad with child up
3/ Rider blocks footpath 4/ Illegal unplated quad, masked terriermen 5/ Illegal
blocking of road 6/ Rider banging saddle - cub hunting tactic    Heythrop FH observed 'definitely not trail hunting' 8-10-17 Facebook - Tom Worsley VIDEO Heythrop Hunt out yesterday between Spelsbury
and Taston, heading out towards Ditchley following their "usual" route. Surrounding each copse one at a time, sending
in the hounds, and seeing if anything pops out. Entourage of Terriermen, and a couple of guys on foot following the rear.
Definitely not trail hunting. Anybody recognise any of them? Would be good to put names to faces... Car of monitor
observing Grafton FH has creosote thrown over it 7-10-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch Sulgrave, Northamptonshire Grafton Hunt Watch were observing the
Grafton Hunt at Sulgrave today. Look what they did to a monitor's vehicle! They threw creosote all over it. This criminal
damage has been reported to the police. They don't seem to like us observing their activities do they? Full report to follow
but suffice to say we saw foxes running from them as usual and the monitors were subjected to very organized impeding by the
hunt servants, using their vehicles, to prevent the monitors getting to where the action was. POWAperson adds - Let's just remind ourselves that this is the Hunt which wannabe
PM, now Leader of the House of Commons, Andrea 'Vermin' Leadsom so strongly supports - and which monitors filmed absolutely
blatantly chasing a fox a couple of weeks ago. At least the guilty hunt supporter here has demonstrated some basic intelligence.
Last season we saw a South Dorset FH follower walk up to an unoccupied monitor car and smash the windscreen with a rock.
It didn't occur to him that the dash-cam might be operating - which it was. The Grafton person has cleverly gone for the
back of the car. Monitors
find & rescue S. Durham FH hound caught hung on barbie 7-10-17 Facebook – N.E.Hunt Monitors VIDEO South Durham Hunt meet today South Durham Hunt
are a disgrace. This hound left behind for God knows how long in pain and terrified. Shame on you ��  Facebook - N.E.Hunt Monitors Today was stressful with a hound caught on a fence and injured, Monitors to the rescue with wire cutters. Hound
ran off and eventually found out in monitor car and returned to the hound carrier. Hopefully a vet will be called as she (Daisy)
was bloody and limping badly [VIDEO]. Hit report to follow �� Facebook - N.E.Hunt Monitors One happy to be free hound (Daisy) getting some cuddles from hunt monitors . We hope she is
OK and her wounds treated. Sabs
say they helped 3 foxes to safety from Bicester FH cub hunting 7-10-17 Facebook - W.Mids Sabs Bicester Hunt - Tuesday 3rd October – Hellidon VIDEO
Two of our sabs and a monitor from Grafton Hunt Watch kept a close eye on the Bicester Hunt as they stayed out cub
hunting for 5 hours on Tuesday. We kept the Huntsman moving all day. During the last hour sabs saw at least three foxes running
from the hunt [one pictured right]. We helped all of them escape safely despite aggression from
the Hunt. The
Hunt claimed they were following trails. However why would the Huntsman repeatedly put the hounds in to maize crops that we
saw foxes running into and out of. Why did the Huntsman take the hounds over the same ground that a fox had just run over?
And why does the Hunt feel the need to have a terrierman with a spade? This Hunt use N.Trust Land. You can help put an end to hunting on National Trust land by voting in the AGM. You can also vote
for candidates for the committee. Please read this carefully as some candidates are in favour of banning hunting whilst others
want to keep hunting on National Trust Land https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/…/what-are-your-views-on-t… We are out 4-5 times
a week at the moment, please consider donating to help us cover fuel costs - https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs . Pics below - 1/
Peevish follower 2/ Peevish follower swings stick at sabs head 3/ That
pesky trail's hiding from us again 4/ 'Trail hunting' ? On a road?  
ignore 'emergency' call re. active illegal hunting by Portman FH7-10-17 Facebook - Wildlife Witness On Saturday 7th October we once again visited the Portman Hunt, this time at their meet in Shroton. A 7.30am
start saw a small field move to draw along the bottom of the National Trust land at Hambledon Hill, where the Hunt had been
responsible for damaging archaeological ground in 2015. Having found little there they then crossed the road and picked up a scent in the
fields near Deer Farm before hunting hard back towards Ridgeway Farm. It was at this point that we heard supporters using
holla's to identify a fox crossing the road, so we immediately telephoned the police and made a complaint of illegal hunting.
As the hunting was still in progress the call was upgraded to an emergency call and, after providing the location, we were
assured officers would be sent to investigate. When we caught up with the Hunt they were found blocking the road near to the Keepers
Cottage with vehicles, horses and quad bikes. Despite our call being treated as an emergency, Dorset Police failed to send
out any officers to investigate the complaint nor did they call back to explain why no officers had attended. We have contacted
them today and asked for an explanation. It's not known if there were any kills today - but if there were then some responsibility
must lie with the police who instead of upholding the Hunting Act appear to be writing it off as just too contentious to deal
with. That is simply not good enough.  Sab
sunroof smashed amid bad supporter behaviour at Ross Harriers 7-10-17 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Fox saved and window smashed at Ross Harriers opening meet
A welcome break from the 5am starts for cubbing today as we went to the Ross Harriers opening meet of the season, at Warren
Farm, Lea, Herefordshire. They left at around 11.30 with us following. We monitored their
movements as they went from field to field trying to put up a hare to chase (most Harrier packs hunt both hare and fox), with
little luck. The day seemed pretty disjointed for them, obviously with limited areas they were allowed to hunt and a keenness
to get away from us whenever we caught up with them. Sabs were with the hunt as they were drawing a kale field, perfectly positioned to see a rather plump fox fleeing past. As
supporters were seen alerting the whipper-in as to the fox's whereabouts and a couple of hounds showed an interest in
following its line, sabs were straight into action spraying citronella after it and 'rating' the hounds back (telling
them not to follow). We let the huntsman know
that the fox had fled and he made the sensible decision to gather up the hounds and move away from the area.
We were following on in our vehicle when we drove past the bulk of hunt followers, some of who threw stones at us.
A few bounced off the vehicle but one smashed the sunroof [above left], showering
glass on those inside. Thankfully nobody was hurt and after a bit of a hold up clearing away the broken glass we were back
in pursuit of the Hunt. We watched them drawing a few
more fields around the meet, before catching up with the huntsman who was on foot and gathering up the hounds, before heading
back to box up. Throughout the day a number of hunt followers were
seen displaying all the lowest levels of maturity, with a mounted follower swinging his riding crop at sabs when he went past
and a group of drunken car followers threatening us with violence from the off, drink driving, blocking roads and then squaring
up to and threatening members of the public who asked them to move! We
have to ask the Ross Harriers whether this is the kind of behaviour that they want to be associated with? They are surely
by now well aware that we will expose any violence and vandalism aimed at us, that it is not a deterrent and in fact only
makes us more determined and them more of a focus. Until next time... Support our work for the price of a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/A37126JE Pics below - The charming and cultured Ross
Harriers field and support  Atherstone FH trespass on railway,
loose hounds & horses on roads 7-10-17 Facebook – Atherstone Hunt Watch Atherstone Hunt, Carlton FACT- Atherstone Hunt are on their last warning from MFHA FACT- Atherstone Supporters today shouted abuse at Sabs (we are currently reviewing our footage) FACT- Atherstone Hunt Supporters trespassed
on Battlefield Railway Line FACT-
Atherstone Huntsman could not keep half a pack of hounds under control today FACT- today's advertised meet was a chaotic shambles FACT- young riders cannot control their horses and AGAIN riderless horses ran onto
a road. This coming main season is clearly shaping up to be just like the previous two seasons, foxes being
chased and hounds/supporters out of control. Thank you to everyone who has donated to us over the past month. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs.Pics Pics below - 1/ Supporters on railway 2/ Riderless horse Sabs
say they saved fox being hunted by Fernie FH 7-10-17 Facebook – N.Cambs Hunt Sabs HIT REPORT 07/10/2017 Fernie Hunt - Saddington, Leicestershire
Picking up on a local tip-off, we travelled with Beds & Bucks and Northants Hunt Sabs to Saddington in Leicestershire
to visit the Fernie Hunt, who were actively cub hunting at a covert near John Ball Farm. With multiple vehicles and several teams of sabs in action, the Hunt were surrounded and pinned
down quickly. The Huntsman and hounds attempted to evade our watchful eyes by heading over hilltops and switching direction,
but every time they were swiftly spotted, and had to move on again and again, riding away from sabs. At least one fox was
saved from a traumatic death today, as sabs intervened while the hunting pack flushed a copse near the village of Mowsley.
The hounds were distracted while the fox fled, and the scent trail was quickly covered with citronella. It was dismaying to
see a number of young children out riding with the field, cub hunting seems to be a way to brainwash the hunters' children,
as well as blooding the hounds and terrifying innocent wildlife. If you support the work of your local sabs, why not
buy us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/northcambs Pics below -
1/ Fernie FH in flow 2/ Kiddies out hunting 3/ Fox saved
by sabs 
Malvern Hills Trust new 'trail hunting' rules will severely constrain
Hunts 6-10-17 Lacs Press Release National Trust take note: trail hunting could be ‘effectively banned’ from
Malvern Hills Trail hunting, in which fox and hare hunts claim to follow a trail rather than chase
animals, could be ‘effectively banned’ in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty following a public consultation. At a time when the National Trust is holding a vote on whether or not to ban trail hunting, the Malvern Hills Trust,
which protects and manages the iconic landscape to the south west of Worcester, has produced a set of guidelines which will
restrict the activities of trail hunts. This includes requiring the Hunts to provide details of where their ‘trails’
will be laid in advance, to keep trails away from thickets and other areas where foxes are likely to be, and, most importantly,
only allowing trail hunts in which the huntsman, who controls the hounds, knows where the trails have been laid, so he can
stop the hounds if they deviate from it. Jordi Casamitjana, Head of Policy and Research at the League Against Cruel Sports, which contributed to the consultation,
said:- "It is refreshing to see that the Malvern Hills Trust understands that ‘trail hunting’ is often a
sham. Hunts claim to lay animal-based scent trails, though most don’t really bother, and then the hounds ‘accidentally’
catch an animal as the huntsman claims he did not know they were following a live animal scent instead of the artificial one.
These new guidelines could effectively have the same effect as a ban on trail hunting in the Malvern Hills as hunts will no
longer be able to claim ‘ignorance’ if they kill an animal, meaning they may decide not to use that land anymore.
This is embarrassing for the National Trust, who changed their own regulations on trail hunting recently but, either by accident
or design, left far too many gaps which the Hunts will exploit.”
Trail hunting was ‘invented’ by hunts following
the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004, but increasing evidence including footage of ‘kills’ and approximately
4,000 hunt monitoring reports stating that no trail was seen to be laid, has led many to believe that trail hunting is nothing
but a cover for illegal hunting. Trail hunting
should not be confused with ‘drag hunting’, which already existed as a sport, and genuinely uses non-animal based
artificial trails in areas without foxes or hares with the full knowledge of the Huntsman, meaning 'accidental kills'
are practically unheard of. "There was no genuine reason to invent a new version of
drag hunting unless there was an ulterior motive – to carry on killing foxes, deer and hares, and get away with it,”
said Jordi Casamitjana. "This deception is finally being recognised by the public, MPs, and now landowners. As practiced
today, trail hunting should be banned completely – starting with the National Trust, but then across the whole country.
Killing for fun must no longer be tolerated, but at the moment we’re letting them get away with it.” National Trust members can vote to support a motion which will ban trail hunting, ‘exempt’ hunting and
exercising the hounds on National Trust land. Online and postal voting closes on October 13th or members can vote at the National
Trust AGM on October 21st. For more information go to www.league.org.uk/nationaltrust . Summary details of the regulations issued by the Malvern Hills Trust (MHT) on hunting:- 1/ It bans any type of exempt hunting (all activities
in the Schedule 1 of the Hunting Act are banned). 2/ If the Hunts are hunting in adjacent land and the hounds enter their land by accident, only the huntsman, whipper-in
and master are allowed to follow, and only to retrieve the hounds immediately. 3/ Details of where the trails will be laid must be sent in advance to MHT 10 days
before the event, and the information about where and when the trail hunts will take place can be made public.
4/ Each Hunt can only undertake four trail
hunts per year, and only from October to January (only four of the seven months of the hunting season), and they must request
permission in writing a month in advance. 5/ Hunting will only be permitted in three
areas of the MHT land and hunting in the main spine of the hills will not be permitted. 6/ The Master and/or huntsman must have full knowledge
about where the trails have been laid. 7/ Scent trails cannot be laid through areas of cover.
8/ Hunts must be kept to the path of the scent trail and the pack is to be encouraged to keep
moving and not permitted to loiter in any area of undergrowth, scrub, gorse, thicket or covert. Scottish government announces consultation on wild animal protection Comes in wake
of the Bonomy Report on the hunting 'ban' in Scotland 6-10-17 Scottish Government Improving the protection of wild mammals Consultation on improving animal welfare
announced A consultation on protecting wild mammals in Scotland has been announced
by the Environment Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham. It follows a review of the operation of the Protection of Wild Mammals
(Scotland) Act 2002, which was undertaken by the Rt Hon Lord Bonomy in 2016. Environment Secretary
Roseanna Cunningham said:- “This consultation seeks to explore recommendations to improve animal welfare legislation
and the contributions we receive will be of considerable value in informing our thinking. Scotland led the way in 2002 by
banning the hunting of wild mammals with dogs and we remain committed to improving animal welfare across the board.” Improving the Protection
of Wild Mammals in Scotland - Closes 31st Jan 2018 Overview - We recognised concerns about whether legislation on fox-hunting in Scotland
is working properly. That is why we asked the Right Honourable Lord Bonomy to undertake a review to ascertain whether the
Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 is providing a sufficient level of protection for wild mammals, while at the
same time allowing effective and humane control of mammals, such as foxes, where necessary. Lord
Bonomy’s report is an important milestone and represents a considered, objective and comprehensive examination of the
issues. He outlines a significant number of potential improvements for the conduct of operations under the 2002 Act, and to
the Act itself. Why We Are Consulting - We want to ensure that decisions on any
ensuing reforms to the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002 following Lord Bonomy's review are taken with a
sound understanding of the issues and implications. Consultation document is here. Scottish Act is here. Bonomy Report is here. POWAperson comments - There is nothing saying that the consultation is limited
to residents of Scotland. Get stuck in. Monitors say South Durham FH killed two foxes while cub hunting 6-10-17 Facebook – N.E.Hunt Monitors Foot Monitors Hit Report : South Durham Hunt 4.10.17 Lowfield Farm, Willington
Monitors found the Hunt from the off and foot monitors made way to 2 locations where the Hunt had previously known to kill
foxes. Monitors hidden in woodland at the bottom of Page Bank witnessed and filmed a fox bolt and take refuge in a pile of logs and branches obviously placed in the perfect position for a fox to think is a safe haven [right]. Hounds
were brought in to kill the fox and a hound ran out of the pile with the poor fox in its jaws. Monitors were hidden in woods
close by and got footage that will be handed over to Durham Police when we meet with them. Meanwhile, other monitors in Page Bank woods waited for the hounds to make way to their location.
The hounds turned up and went into full cry, to which the monitors used their horn with great effect. A fox was seen going
to ground and no dig out took place as the Huntsman knew monitors were hidden in the area. We later found out a fox had also
been killed near a sewage works at the start of the hunt. No hounds were seen or heard to be in cry so we do wonder if this
fox was bagged and let go to train the young hounds how to kill. This was devastating news to all the team but only makes
us more focused on putting a end to this barbaric cowardly Hunt. Driver Hit Report - Had eyes from a local housing estate
where the Hunt was seen crossing fields near the sewerage works on to the path way on the river wear. Changed location to
Whitworth Road page bank where Jilly-itchy-twitch sat on her horse for 25 mins on the roadside while support beat sticks on
fences and bushes at a public car park area. Hounds were in cry in areas that it was impossible for a runner to have laid
a trail. Police were called and it was logged as a priority call. Redcoat Gareth Watchman came out of the car park straight
on to a busy road where the dash cam picked up cars having to brake hard to avoid an accident. The Hunt moved over the river
on Stanners Lane and on to the next wood. Support vehicles following. After a short time in these woods with the usual whippers-in
surrounding the wood the hounds were gathered to move off back to the walkway along the river Wear where they had just came
from. The police finally arrived and whilst speaking with them the hounds went into full cry and they failed to understand
that the hounds were onto a live quarry. They shrugged their shoulders and said the Hunt and told them they were in a trail
hunt so left. I later found out from foot monitors who were covert that the hounds had actually killed a fox. Eyes were then
lost from the road side. Apologies this report is late but it's taken a few days for us to recover for the horrors of
Wednesday. To support hunt monitors please donate to paypal.me/huntmonitors , or via our fundraiser - https://www.youcaring.com/huntmonitors-965471 Pics below - 1/ Hunt on way to kill another fox
2/ Rider on point  Monitors claim Chairman
of the CA took part in illegal hunt by Beaufort FH Lord Mancroft was present as fox filmed fleeing from excited
hounds 4-10-17 Facebook – Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO POWAperson comments
on the CIWH video - A female monitor filmed the Beaufort Hunt apparently hunting a fox on the edge of and just inside
a wood. Yobbish supporters did their best to obstruct her approaching the covert and to drown out the sounds of hounds
in cry. The Huntsman, horn blowing to urge hounds on, could be heard. When she reached the wood she found excited hounds milling
about just outside it and a number of riders very nearby, looking on. Among the mounted field was Lord Mancroft, Tory peer
and Chairman of the Countryside Alliance. He witnessed the harassment of the monitor but neither said or did anything. Entering
the wood on a path, the monitor, still being obstructed and shouted at by the supporters, saw the hounds dashing about excitedly
and tried to call them off, which didn't please the hunt followers. A known terrierman was nearby and he too tried to
obstruct her filming. However, she managed to video a fleeting glimpse of a fox fleeing from hounds. Realising they were being
filmed, the Huntsman called off the dogs. The supporters continued to harass the monitor, taunting her. As she left the wood
she saw two quads with terrier boxes attached and concluded that, clearly, this was not a 'trail hunt'. The video ends with a clip from an encounter between Lord Mancroft and CIWH
a week earlier, in which he denied taking part in any illegal hunting. Watch the video and make your own mind up. Pics below - 1/ Supporter shouts in monitor's face.
2/ Riders, with excited hounds behind, at edge of wood. 3/ Among them is Lord Mancroft, Chair
of the Countryside Alliance - on the grey. 4/ Excited hounds just inside the wood
5/ Fleeing fox 6/ Huntsman calling off hounds   Holidaymaker
snaps Berkeley FH apparently fox hunting near Slimbridge 4-10-17 Facebook – Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch The group were sent the following message by family on a camping holiday in Gloucestershire, near Slimbridge.
It was immediately evident that the Hunt concerned was the Berkeley FH, whose huntsmen wear distinctive mustard yellow jackets.
They are pictured blatantly fox hunting. CIWH wish to make it clear that although the hunt was observed from a campsite, the
owner is adamant that they were not on his land and he had no knowledge of any hunting taking place in the area. ‘We were
camping at the Tudor caravan campsite, Slimbridge. The hounds were sniffing around the dense undergrowth where the fox had
hidden. The followers were beating the gorse to flush the fox OUT, which they successfully did. No they didn't call the
dogs off, in fact quite the opposite!! Disgusted.’  North
Cotswold FH filmed cub hunting and guarding artificial earth 4-10-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO 4th October 2017 - North Cotswold Hunt - Childswickham - North Cotswold
badger cull zone We got an early morning phone call today telling us that the North Cotswold Hunt and
hounds were gathering in Childswickham, near to Broadway, within the North Cotswold cull zone (although in an area where so
many setts have been blocked / tampered with / dug out over the years that it seems void of any badger activity). We jumped in the car and headed over to check it
out. As we arrived, hounds were being put into a covert near to
Little Mocho Farm where they picked up repeatedly. On the road, our driver filmed a fox trying to escape from the covert and
whipper-in riding towards the fox, making noise to scare him back in towards the hounds[right]. On
the other side of the wood, a fox was spotted trying to break from the tree line a few times, with hunt supporters making
noises to scare him back in and pointing out his location to other supporters whose conversations increased in volume in response.
Within the wood, landowner and other supporters stood around an artificial earth[below left] to prevent foxes
being able to seek shelter within it. Just off-camera, one sab spotted a brace of foxes finally make a dash for it from the
covert and along a hedge-line, hounds giving chase not long after. We believe they lost the scent in some nearby run-down
farm buildings. Heading south next, hounds picked up again in another covert, so we drove round
and followed terriermen into the area to see what they were up to. Smoking liquorice-papered roll-ups apparently... as hounds
moved back into the covert from neighbouring fields, we found ourselves in a perfect position to film and rate hounds as a
fox ran from them. Back to the original area and they tried to pick up on the scent of the earlier
brace again, before having a little gathering between themselves and packing up. Calvin Crossman, falconer and failed-attempt-at-alibi
for the Hunt, tried to prevent sabs from walking to a footpath, wanting them to instead climb (and potentially damage) a fence
and hedge belonging to the landowner. As sabs walked past him regardless, the words "piece of sh*t" and "fuck*ng
c*nt" were quick out of his mouth, directed at the female sab who he assaulted back in December. When she turned to ask
why the bad language was needed, he started to complain that she was harassing him... we think his views on the world are
a little skewed! Speaking of falconry, we'd like to quickly address the falconry exemption of the Hunting Act. In brief, it allows falconers
to use dogs to flush foxes out from coverts in order for a bird of prey to hunt them in the open. The dogs are just to be
used to flush the fox into the open, not to give chase themselves. So we would not be seeing packs of hounds running, in cry,
on a line, for several fields or more. Additionally, we would not be seeing hunt staff and supporters making noise to scare
them back into the covert as the idea is to get any running fox into the open...
We were
told today that the Hunt were using the falconry exemption and we were also told that they were following a trail. For argument's
sake we'll say that they were intending to trail hunt. 1. Trails do not need to be scared back into a covert, so no noise
is needed. 2. If a fox tried to run from hounds, you would let them run, not scare them back in, because you'd want hounds
to be able to hunt the trail properly. 3. Especially during cubhunting, you would not make noise because, even if a trail
were laid in a covert, you wouldn't know if hounds had 'accidentally' picked up on a real fox and wouldn't
want to 'accidentally' cause it to be caught and killed. Which makes us believe that the Hunt are fully intending to hunt foxes in breach of the Hunting
Act. Not a major surprise really... A quick myth-buster to finish from the personal view
of one sab out today... 1. I do have a job. 2. I fit work and sabbing around each other as much as possible. 3. It is a job
that helps humans - why do hunt supporters always assume I don't care about humans instead of just asking what I do? 4.
When you say 'why don't you do something to help humans instead of being out here?' whilst sitting on horseback
in a field waiting for hounds to rip a fox apart, don't you see any hypocrisy in your question at all? All in all not
too bad a day (unless you're unhappy-looking-Huntsman Nigel Peel). We'll be seeing you again soon we reckon Nigel
and co. Pics below - 1/ Riders on point around a covert - classic cub hunting 2/
Fox fleeing from hounds in covert  Grafton
FH chase fox over busy road 4-10-17 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Tuesday 3 October 2017 The Grafton Hunt Watch
covered two hunts today. Whilst we kept an eye on the Grafton we also helped our friends from West Midland Hunt Saboteurs
to observe the Bicester Hunt who met at Hellidon, Northamptonshire. These were cub-hunting meets, where Hunt's train their young hounds to find and kill foxes. Over at Bradden at
the Grafton meet, their hounds were seen, whilst in pursuit of a fox, running across the busy Blakesley to Greens Norton road,
endangering motorists and causing the traffic to come to a halt. Hunts continue to cause havoc not only to our wildlife but
also to ordinary people going about their lives. If you feel that the authorities are falling down on their duty to put a stop to
this anarchy please contact Northamptonshire Police http://www.northants.police.uk/contact or your member of Parliament http://www.parliament.uk/get-involved/contact-your-mp/ Fitzwilliam FH illegal hunting
case trial is delayed yet again 4-10-17 morethanjustbadgers.net What Next? by Accidental Activist … I'd have hoped
to bring you more news of the Fitzwilliam case as well by now but there are more delays. I'm beginning to wonder if this
will ever get to court. It's incredibly important that the case is heard as it's the first time the Bird of Prey Exemption
in the Hunting Act has been challenged in court. Winning this case will be pivotal in future prosecutions and could render
the exemption useless to those who claim to hunt with it. The latest news I have is that we're again waiting for a date
when a non-biased judge can be found to hear the case and that our expert witness is also available. By the time this gets
to court it will be likely that the offence occurred 2 years past. The Fitzwilliam are still using the BoP exemption and are
still killing foxes. John Mease, their bird man (and co-defendant) is still riding around with an Eagle on his arm doing absolutely
nothing in terms of making the hunting exempt. Pic below - Fitzwilliam FH with killed fox 1-1-16  Monitors film Cheshire FH rider driving lorry while on mobile & no
seat belt They claim lorry not taxed or
MOTed - reported to police 4-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Clotton Hoofield Big lorry travelling along a very narrow lane with lots of people around,
but this Cheshire Hounds hunt rider still thinks its safe to use her mobile phone as she drives it, and with Cheshire Police
barely just out of sight. With no seat belt, MOT or insurance either. Please note the vehicle was moving along a public road
at the time these pictures were taken. We also hold video footage. 
Ban on shotgun use with fox hound pack in Scottish highlands is reversed4-10-17 Inverness Courier Shotgun ban reversed after hunters undergo safety training - Too
many foxes are harbouring in woodland according to animal control hunters A group has won a battle
with the Forestry Commission to use shotguns to kill foxes rooted out by hounds in woodland near Inverness. The Three Straths Fox Control Association was told last year it could no longer use the firearms at Inshes and Tomatin
in case a bullet ricocheted and killed or injured a member of the public. But the decision was overturned this week after association
members lodged certificates showing they had undergone gun safety training. A countryside campaigner said he was "appalled" by the
U-turn, claiming it went against everything the government agency protecting public woodlands should stand for. But Inverness-based
Forest Enterprise Scotland, the operations arm of Forestry Commission Scotland, insisted "public safety remains paramount"
and new stricter guidelines were now in place. The Three
Straths has been hunting with guns and dogs under a licence issued annually by the Forestry Commission since 1996 –
and the group’s head huntsman said there had never been an incident. The association, made up of gamekeepers and land
owners, organises hunting days in woodlands around Inverness, Ross, and Moray, up to 16 per year. The foot pack hunts with
20 fox fell hounds to flush foxes to their guns, a legal practice in Scotland. Mr Crofts said safety rules were rigid. He added: "There
are people on the day who are designated marshals and if a dog walker or anybody else does meet us in the woods, we just explain
to them what’s happening. We all wear high-visibility jackets and once the operation starts there is a very strict rule
about nobody moving about. Everybody has got to know where the neighbouring gun is. We do not want to shoot someone by accident.
Everybody can be contacted by radio." He said there would be "a build-up of foxes" if the hunts did not take place. "We shoot the fox as
soon as we can," he said. "We are trying to do it as humanely as possible." Retired
RSPB monitoring officer Brian Etheridge (70) from Avoch, was incensed at Forest Enterprise Scotland for overturning the shotgun
ban, and he was horrified that gamekeepers were allowed to hunt and shoot in public forests. He said he did not want any of
his taxes "supporting this kind of thing". He added: "I imagine a great deal of other people would also be
appalled." A Forestry Enterprise Scotland spokesman said safety measures had been increased. A spokesman said: "We require
any activity be marshalled at an appropriate level to ensure no member of the public is put at risk. No-one will be discouraged
from visiting the forest and any interaction between association members and the public must be courteous and respectful.
In the event of any interaction we will require a written report from the association. Association members are suitably qualified
through the British Association for Shooting and Conservation Safeshot Scheme and have lodged copies of their certifications.
We can have a member of our team accompany the association at any time and we will also carry out spot checks to ensure compliance
with the conditions attached to the permission."
North Down FH supporter who stole sab camera is acquitted 3-10-17 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs NI VIDEO Everybody will remember last season when we were subject to a sustained attack by a hunt supporter
[which at the time led to his wife being expelled from North Down Hunt]. However in the judges eyes we didn't have enough
evidence for the 2 convictions of theft and assault. You will see the video which was used today in court, but was discarded as lack of evidence. You can make up your own
mind on the video, as he grabs the blue bar off his quad and then comes towards us [right] swinging
and hitting us with it. The out and out lies from the hunt supporter where if not so serious laughable. Apparently, according
to the judge it is fine to take someone's phone and then dump it a mile away from where it was snatched, as long as it
isn't smashed up. On this the defendant admitted to taking the phone and had no explanation on why he done it. The hunt
supporter lies seemed to have been believed as he stated he intended to return the phone so left it where it could be found.
Tossed away like a piece of rubbish in a field. the sab in question had no hope of finding her £600 phone had her phone
not had find my iPhone turned on. And on the day in question when ask by the police did the hunt supporter have the sabs phone
or know where it was he replied no to both. What this shows to us is how corrupt the judicial system is here but then this is
no surprise to us as our sab friends across the water have faced this for years from courts. It seems if you are in any way
willing to stand up against the unjust barbaric decimation of our wildlife then your already on the back footing with the
judicial system and your word holds no value! In fact you seem to hold no value and are held in disdain. What we would ask
is if anybody would have any cameras lying around that we could use, as due to lack of cameras on the day we weren't able
to pick all the abuse that went on and also one of our sabs being dragged along on a quad bike for half way up a field. 9-10-17 Agriland Farmer who took on ‘hunt saboteurs’ acquitted
in court A Newtownards farmer, accused of “wildly attacking” a group of fox hunting protestors
on his land, has been acquitted of charges of assault and theft. At Newtownards Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (October
3), 52-year-old David Magill – of Ballyblack Road, Newtownards, Co. Down – contested a case in which he was accused
of unlawfully assaulting Noreen Quinn, and stealing her £600 (€672) iPhone on November 19, 2016. An application from the Public Prosecution Service to have prosecution witnesses give evidence behind
screens failed. A bad character application against the alleged injured party from the defence at the start of the contest
also failed. District judge Des Perry said he
had “a firm view of the characters of both sides”, adding hunt protestors “largely ignore the rights of
others in terms of their property and pursuits”. Before
cross-examination both Judge Perry and the defence lawyer showed uncertainty as to whether fox hunting in Northern Ireland
was illegal, prosecution witnesses and the defendant had to confirm to them that it was still legal. Northern Ireland had a devolved assembly when the fox hunting bill was passed in England
and Wales. Scotland passed it’s own act and no subsequent bill in Northern Ireland
has passed. Noreen Quinn, member of the Facebook group ‘Hunt
Saboteurs NI’, told the court she was in Loughries – in a group of five people – to monitor a hunt. She
said they were in a field around 12:30pm in the afternoon, at its perimeter beside a lane, when a large man on a quad bike
drove aggressively at them – missing another female “by inches“. The court was told Magill jumped off the quad, armed himself with a plastic pipe and swung it at the group.
When Magill observed Quinn filming him, he allegedly struck her around the upper body around six times. Quinn told the court she fell to the ground and Magill grabbed her “by the scruff”
and took her mobile before returning to the quad. She added that she then had to “jump out of the way” of the
quad and said she later found her phone lying in the road. She told the court she received grazes on the upper arm and “a
fat lip”. Judge Perry asked her if she and the rest of her group were wearing scarves on their faces. Ms Quinn
replied “they may have been,” and stated they were all wearing “outdoor clothes.” She also told the court that she suffers from asthma.
The judge asked if the rest of the group also had asthma. “You’ll have to ask them,” she replied. Judge Perry asked her: “Do you see your role as a monitor, and not a saboteur?”
She replied: “We are trying to bring about awareness of hunts.” The counsel for the defence put it to Quinn that someone from
her group threw something at Magill, hitting him on his helmet, as he approached them in the field. She replied: “That’s
lies.” The lawyer put
it further to them that the group’s activities made sheep flee from them field, and two animals ended up in a bog. She
replied: “That’s 100% not true. There were no sheep in the field.” Judge Perry then put it to her: “You
were there without permission.” “Yes,” she replied. “But I am a peaceful person, and I would never
do anything non-peaceful.” After three prosecution
witnesses were interviewed, Magill, the only defence witness, told the court on the day in question he had given permission
for a hunt to pass through a part of his 70ac property. He said he had confronted a group at the front of his property. Over
an hour later, he received a call from his wife saying others were in a lane by another field and sheep had ended up in a
bog. He said as he drove towards the group, now in the field, he felt something hit him on the head. He said: “I was
distraught.” He told the court he took the mobile from a woman, and told the group the phone would be returned
when they got off his land. He said one of the group jumped on his quad as he tried to drive away, and then fell off. He later
reportedly left the mobile at a gate post close to where the group’s cars were parked. Magill said the alleged weapon,
shown as an exhibit in the court, was a cattle pole. He denied swinging it at the group and striking the woman. Judge Perry, in conclusion, said he was “not satisfied” that there was proof of intention of theft and
that the farmer left the phone where it could be found. He said the farmer was “a big man” and added: “Quinn
would have received substantial injuries – I would have expected medical evidence for this. The crown did not make the
case they were put in fear, but that they sustained injury in a violent attack. I am not satisfied the requisite standard
of evidence was acquired.” The case was dismissed.
Surrey Union newcomers meet an incompetent, low turnout shambles 3-10-17 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs On Saturday we teamed up with South Coast, Croydon and North Downs hunt sabs alongside Surrey Hunt Monitors
and headed to Stilemans for the Surrey Unions Newcomers meet... if you can call it that! This sorry state of a Hunt have pretty much
sabbed themselves recently, with a ridiculously poor turnout (again) and the incompetence of the new hunt master we didn't
really have to do much! The Hunt set off at around 11.40 and were clearly annoyed at being surrounded by
so many sabs and dozens of monitors one rider even came charging towards some of our sabs to inform him that there's loads
of police at the meet... not one copper in sight for the whole day! We lost them briefly to start the day but quickly tracked
them down. For the entire day we saw numerous riders traipsing around hopelessly having lost the hunt with he hunt master
spending most of the time trying to gather lost hounds, I think it's fair to say we don't think they've made a
very good impression for their newcomers... miserable faces all round for the Sorry Union Hunt! Having only been out
for a couple of hours they packed up at around 2.30 and with no other Hunts out locally we retired to the pub!  Jedforest
FH huntsmen abandon appeal against illegal hunting convictions 3-10-17 Southern Reporter Borders huntsmen abandon appeal against landmark convictions
The first huntsmen to be convicted under Scotland’s fox-hunting laws in the 15 years they have been in force have abandoned
plans to appeal. Father and son John Clive Richardson, 67, and Johnny Riley, 24, became the first members of a mounted hunt
to be successfully prosecuted under the 2002 Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act earlier this year. The pair, both members
of the Jed Forest Hunt, based at Abbotrule, near Bonchester Bridge, were secretly filmed by investigators from the League
Against Cruel Sports. Following eight days of evidence, sheriff Peter Paterson ruled
that in two incidents Richardson and Riley were in breach of the act and found them guilty of deliberately hunting a fox with
dogs. Riley, who was in charge of the hunt, was fined £400 at Selkirk Sheriff Court in July, and Richardson, described
as having a lesser role, was fined £250. Lawyers for both men said
afterwards they would be appealing against their convictions. An appeal was lodged, but court officials confirmed it has now
been withdrawn. Most the evidence during the trial focused on a video showing 34 hounds from the Jed Forest Hunt chasing a
fox into a hole on farm land at Townfoothill, near Jedburgh, on February 16 last year. After a terrier man spent 40 minutes
digging at the hole, the fox then bolted and was again pursued by the dogs before disappearing out of sight of the footage
into a gulley. The defence claimed a waiting gunman shot and injured the fox after it had been flushed from cover by the hounds,
that being permitted in law. Witnesses for the crown said they saw no gunman and heard no shots when the fox was being pursued,
though. Sheriff Paterson accepted the evidence of the defence that there were two gunmen in place. However, in a landmark
ruling, he found that in two respects, the huntsmen, of Abbotrule, were still guilty of illegal hunting while carrying out
pest control. FOI
request re. bTb in Kimblewick FH hounds is stonewalled 2-10-17 Facebook - TB Free England Taking semantics to a whole new level... Makes you wonder what Defra / APHA have got to hide. Lesson to
be learned? When posing an FOI, ensure you word the question in a way so as Government bodies can't wiggle their way out
of answering. Filmer angrily criticises dismissal of Derwent FH illegal hunting case 2-10-17 The Star Anti-hunt campaigners in Sheffield brand decision to dismiss case despite video footage
'shocking' Animal rights campaigners in Sheffield have branded a decision to dismiss illegal
hunting charges against three men without trial as 'shocking'. Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs member Tommy Woodward filmed
hounds chasing a fox through a field in Ryedale, North Yorkshire, which he claims shows members of the Derwent Hunt breaching
the fox-hunting ban. Three men were charged in connection with the footage but the
case was dismissed at court without going to trial. A magistrate ruled earlier this month that there was insufficient evidence
as he said the video did not show the fox being flushed out and the 'behaviour and manner' of the riders was 'not
consistent' with that of those looking for an 'active pursuit'. Magistrate Ian Nicholson, sitting at Scarborough
Magistrates' Court on September 7, reportedly told the defendants: "You arrived with good character and you leave
with good character." The footage initially shows riders dressed in red waiting with a pack of hounds, before the dogs
can be seen pursuing a fox across a field. The riders do not appear to follow the hounds, but campaigners claim they 'show
no urgency' in attempting to call off the hounds. What appears to be a quad bike can also be seen entering a wooded area.
Anti-hunt protesters say this is evidence of 'terrier men' used to flush out foxes, though no one can be seen doing
so on the video. Responding to the court ruling, Mr Woodward said: "I understand that proving intent is difficult, but if footage
of three hunt officials and two terrier men waiting for 10 minutes in a wood, followed by the hounds being released in pursuit
of a fox doesn’t prove intent, then what does? If the Hunt weren’t there to catch foxes, why did they have terrier
men with them? These men are only used to dig out foxes that have escaped underground – so why were they there if the
hunt was just out for a ride? There are way too many questions that needed to be answered, so the fact this didn’t even
make it to court is shocking." Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: "Unfortunately
many Hunts face malicious and vindictive allegations about their hunting activities. In this case, as with the vast majority
of others, there is little or no evidence to support a conviction. There have been a tiny number of convictions relating to
hunts since the Hunting Act was passed in 2004, whilst nearly 300 active hounds continue to operate across the country." The League Against Cruel Sports believes the footage shows illegal hunting, and has criticised the case presented
by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). A CPS spokeswoman said: "The decision to charge in this case was made in accordance
with the Code for Crown Prosecutors. The case was presented to the court, and the magistrate decided to dismiss. " Hunt master Sean McClarron, one of three members of the Derwent Hunt against whom illegal fox-hunting charges were
dismissed, declined to comment. Pics below - 1/ Hounds chase fox recently bolted from wood 2/ Huntsman not calling
off hounds searching for fox moments later  Revealed that an NT Director's sister is ex JM of Grafton FH 1-10-17 National Dis-Trust National Trust licenced Grafton Hunt - this is the Hunt that has strong connections to the NT Director Peter
Nixon. His sister Jane Nixon was a joint master and is still involved with this Hunt. The Hunt Monitors have been relentless
in obtaining footage of the Grafton hunting illegally, despite intimidation and abuse from hunt members. Andrea Leadsom is,
unsurprisingly, a staunch supporter of the Grafton. To vote the Grafton off Trust land, use guidance here
(N.Trust members only) - http://tinyurl.com/y94gmkkk. Please also sign two petitions to strengthen the Hunting Act
2004 from Campaign to Strengthen the Hunting Act & Keeptheban -> http://bit.ly/2eUVNhp & http://bit.ly/2ttAhaq. Essex & Suffolk FH thugs ram sabs' landy and try to stab one of them Terriermen were using
unplated quad bikes on roads and as weapons 1-10-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs On Saturday 30th of September, Cambridge hunt sabs joined SES - Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs in an attempt to
stop the Essex and Suffolk Hunt. It was an
easy start to the day as the Hunt trekked through open fields so sabs could easily stand still and distract the hounds through
use of calls and a horn without causing too much trouble with hunt support.  As the
day went on and the Hunt ventured further from roads, sabs had several run-ins with violent terrier men on quads and angry
hunt support. Attempts to damage the CHS vehicle were made a few times- a horse was slammed into our side, most likely causing
more distress to the horse than any of us. Keys were also used to scratch the vehicle courtesy of some angry terrier men.
After they attempted to block our way, sabs noticed that some particular hunt support have a habit of carrying knives around,
one being a sharp Stanley knife (this being illegal to carry under the criminal justice act of 1988). Throughout the day
overloaded agricultural quad bikes without any registrations followed the CHS vehicle, and having had previous encounters
with some specific passengers, it was no surprise when things eventually turned violent. Three of these quads followed us
down a public road, one rammed into the back of us, while attempting to stab one of our sabs in the face with a sharpened
pitchfork [seen in pic right] through the rear window of the landy. When we stopped to assess
the damage and attempt to make contact with the police, the terrier men once again tried to use violence but were outwitted,
outnumbered, and outgunned so no further violence look place. When the police arrived they scattered into private woodland
to evade the armed police who arrived, ultimately unsuccessfully. All in all, it was easy in terms of keeping the hounds at
bay- terriermen were the animals we had more trouble with… No known kills. http://cambridgehuntsabs.org.uk/donate/ Police say monitor film of Wilton FH dig-out not evidence of crime 1-10-17 Facebook - North Dorset Badger And Hunt Watch Team VIDEO Dorset police have issued a further and final statement regarding the Wilton dig out. The Wilton
Hunt pursued a terrified and exhausted fox into an earth, then set about digging it out with spades. This has been an upsetting
time for us all. Please do visit Dorset police on their Facebook page and inform them of full details of the exemptions and that there are no exemptions in the act for this
kind of thing. POWAperson comments - The video clip appears to show
what to anyone who knows fox hunting is the preparations for a dig out. But in itself I am afraid the police officer is right
- it is of no real evidentiary value. It should anyway be pointed out that dig outs are NOT made illegal by the Hunting Act.
There is advice against them in the Code of Practice attached to the Act, but unfortunately it is in the non-binding section
of the Code and so is not enforceable. This would apply EVEN IF it could be proved that the fox had been chased into its underground
refuge by hounds illegally. If
a terrier is not used in the dig out, which certainly can happen, and the terrierman has landowner permission, there is no
legal restriction, though the Animal Welfare Act will come into effect if the terriermen takes hold of the fox. But this only
requires that he does not then cause 'unnecessary suffering'. He's completely free to kill it. The terriermen
may use a single terrier to flush out the fox, as long as he does so in accord with the terms of the "Gamekeepers'
Exemption". He must take steps to at least attempt to shoot the fox dead immediately after it emerges
or is grasped [which is why they'll usually use nets over potential escape holes]. Should the fox successfully escape after
emerging it would be an offence to allow hounds to then chase it. The Jedforest FH huntsmen, convicted this June, fell foul
of this rule. All this is just further confirmation of how inadequate the Hunting Act is. www.campaigntostrengthenthehuntingact.com Cheshire
FH cub hunt brazenly, but monitor presence helps save foxes 1-10-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds cub hunting, Cholmondeley estate 30.9.17 Firstly
we would like to thank everyone who helped us in their various ways yesterday. We were tipped off by a local resident that
the Hunt were cub hunting yesterday afternoon on the Cholmondeley estate. More locals and new monitors joined in to help us, which was great! And thanks to one of Cheshire Police's expanding team
of Wildlife Crime Officers for responding to our call out and patrolling the area all afternoon. The officer also came to
our aid when we were asking for backup with the illegal activity and with a local landowner who was being a bit aggressive.
The Hunt met at Castle
Farm/Cholmondeley Farm Shop and proceeded to start searching for fox cubs to kill. The good news is that the hounds were only
heard speaking (showing interest in a scent but not fully chasing) on and off for a long time. Riders surrounding woods to
push escaping cubs back into the jaws of the hounds were looking very bored. The Hunt moved onto the next wood and here the
hounds were picking up stronger scents and going into cry (excited calls that they were clearly on fox scent). We walked in
filming and the Hunt sent someone to try and stop us (saying we were not on a footpath) but we carried on. We were astounded
at the brazen nature of this new Huntsman, literally fully cub hunting in the woodland within less than a hundred metres from
our cameras, seeming not to care that he could at any moment risk prosecution. The hounds were getting more and more excited and riders surrounding
the wood [left] were doing their best to scare the cubs from escaping out of the wood. At first we thought we could do nothing to stop this
but as soon as we made moves to enter the woodland the Huntsman finally called the hounds to him and moved on. The hounds then chased
something into the next wood, where we heard them marking to ground (all in one spot, showing the Huntsman that a fox was
hiding underground) and terriermen were called to deal with it. They were clearly going to dig out a fox cub that had gone
for cover. The police arrived nearby, we got
ourselves in position to film and fortunately the Huntsman had the sense to again call the hounds to him and packed up. So
we are happy in the knowledge that there were no kills yesterday. Please bear in mind that this is not the hunting season
and all Hunts should only be "exercising hounds" at the moment, so if they are caught cub hunting they can't
use the trail hunt or bird of prey excuses. Finally, this season is going to be hard work but between our team, concerned locals
and the police we will make an impression on this new boy and show him he can’t behave like this in Cheshire. The police
have told us they will be putting together a record of film recorded of this Hunt this season. Watch this space on that. Please share. And
if you have any information in relation to any Hunts operating in Cheshire, then please get in touch. You can contact us by
private message here, or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk. Pic above right - Riders blocking footpath, trying to hinder monitor Tory Cabinet Minister linked to Hunt accused of illegal fox hunting Monitor footage of
Grafton FH chasing fox passed to police 1-10-17 Sunday People VIDEO Top Tory in fox hunt storm: Hunters supported by Leader of House Andrea
Leadsom 'flout' ban The high-powered Leader of the House of Commons has repeatedly appeared in the past with the Grafton
Hunt – whose bloodthirsty dogs are seen pursuing the helpless animal Hunt
members could now face a police investigation over the footage in which they appear to flout the bloodsports ban. During the
film taken last Saturday, riders of the hunt in Northamptonshire seemingly make no attempt to stop the pack as it pursues
the exhausted cub.
Mrs Leadsom [left], MP
for South Northamptonshire and a former Secretary of State for the Environment, openly supported the local hunt for many years.
She has previously attended their annual ball and hunt meetings in her constituency. In an online post – which she deleted
before running against Theresa May for Tory Party leadership – she wrote: “Hunting is alive and well, and so it
should be... The case for repealing The Act is, in my opinion, proven.” But last night she declined to comment on whether
she would publicly withdraw support for the
Hunt. She told the Sunday People: “I thoroughly condemn any illegal hunting activity. Any review of the Hunting Act
should have animal welfare at its core.” Philippa King of the League Against Cruel Sports condemned the harrowing footage.
She said: “Cub hunting has been illegal since 2005 and for many is the most vile form of hunting. Local
constituent Judy Gilbert, 70, filmed it from a public road as riders crashed through the countryside. Judy is a member of
Grafton Hunt Watch, who film hunts to make sure they are complying with the Act, which bans the hunting of mammals with dogs
in England and Wales. Mrs Gilbert claimed the Grafton Hunt is still flouting the law and called on the Government to
toughen the statute books to make prosecutions more likely. In the past, Mrs Leadsom, 54, has frequently been photographed
with the hunt party. In one snap published on a local news website she is seen patting Huntsman Mick Wills’ horse and
on two occasions tweeted that she was out watching them on Boxing Day. Constituents claim she has also attended other meets,
petting the hounds and supporting the annual Grafton Hunt Ball. The same Hunt was out last Saturday, with riders calling the
dogs with the traditional hunting horn. The footage – filmed on three cameras – shows the terrified fox cub dart from its cover. The dogs get a whiff
of it and are straight on its tail as it sprints across an open field. None of the riders appear to call off the dogs as is
required by law. Campaigner Mrs Gilbert claimed that hunts are regularly getting around the law by using loopholes to evade
prosecution. Trail hunting – where a scent is laid before the dogs and riders go out – is not illegal. But if
hunters do not call their dogs off when they pick up the scent of a live mammal they are committing an offence.
Mrs Gilbert claimed:
“People still think they are above the law. There are too many loopholes. When we hand footage over, often the Hunts
will just say they are using eagles to hunt because that’s an exemption set out in the Hunting Act 2004.” Mrs Gilbert added: “We
are not saboteurs because we do not try and interfere or try and stop them. We stick to public highways and footpaths and
just try to gather evidence to get them to court. I have a passion for wildlife and the unfairness of the whole thing
upsets me. It’s just so cruel.” She said anyone who believed hunting is not still happening in this country
is naive, but police and the Crown Prosecution Service see it as low on their list of priorities. It is not known what happened
to the fox cub on Saturday but it was outnumbered 10 to one by the hounds. The Grafton Hunt has its kennels in Moreton Pinkney
in South Northamptonshire but rides around the town of Towcester. It was named after its founder, the Duke of Grafton and
was in existence as early as 1735. Mrs Leadsom, who challenged Mrs May for leadership following David Cameron’s
resignation after the Brexit vote, has made no secret of her wish to bring back hunting, saying it would improve animal welfare. But fox hunting continues to be hugely unpopular, even among Conservative voters,
with eight out of ten people saying they do not want to see it brought back. Elisa Allen, director of animal charity PETA,
said: “The chase is terrifying, and foxes have been known to rupture internal organs fleeing for their lives. Then come
the moments in which the petrified and exhausted animals are surrounded and torn apart by the dogs. This behaviour has no
place in modern Britain.” A Grafton Hunt spokesman
said: “The Grafton Hunt operates legally while conducting trail-hunting and other exempt hunting activities within the
confines of the Hunting Act 2004.” Northamptonshire Police confirmed the incident had
been referred to its Rural Crime Unit for investigation. VOICE OF THE SUNDAY PEOPLE
Fox-hunting is an issue that has always divided opinion in the UK. On one hand, the countryside lobby puts up arguments about
the need to control the fox population. And they argue that the traditional hunts have been a part of rural life for hundreds
of years. But the majority of people believe hunting foxes with hounds is cruel and unnecessary. The 2005 ban on hunting has
been tested many times since then. Police are investigating the latest allegation that the ban has been breached. Footage
has been passed to them of the Grafton Hunt allow dogs to chase a fox cub. This is the local hunt of top Tory Andrea Leadsom.
Although she has been a keen supporter of the hunt in the past, Mrs Leadsom has now condemned any illegal hunting activity.
But she refuses to publicly withdraw her support for the Grafton. Is it any surprise she is staying loyal to an outdated and
cruel institution like this? After all, she is in the Tory party. Story also covered by the Sun 1-10-17 Grafton FH hunted blatantly and resorted to force, say sabs 1-10-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs HUNT VIOLENCE, FOXES HUNTED Grafton Hunt. Saturday 30th September. Radstone, Northants It’s been another busy week for
us, on Thursday we were back at the Warwickshire Hunt as they hunted near Stretton-on-fosse (report to follow). On Saturday
we left Atherstone Hunt Watch to keep an eye on the Atherstone Hunt to make sure they weren’t hunting at their advertised
meet in Shackerstone. We will be checking in on the Atherstone Hunt ourselves at various points over the
next month to ensure they are just hound exercising. With the Atherstone covered we travelled down to Tory MP Andrea Leadsom's Grafton
Hunt on Saturday to help the hunt monitors at Grafton Hunt Watch. The Grafton are all over this morning's papers for illegally
hunting a fox which the hunt monitors filmed. Please like and share their page https://www.facebook.com/foxcubhunting/ The Grafton were blatantly hunting right from the start with the Hunt's terrierman filmed down in a ditch turning
a fox back towards the hounds and the wood it had just ran from. A second fox escaped behind the terrierman whilst sabs had
to intervene as the hounds got onto the scent of the first fox. Once the huntsman realised sabs were present he took the hounds [right] and
moved on leaving the fox. He then spent the rest of the day attempting to avoid sabs and monitors. With their fun spoilt the Hunt resorted to violence with
one hunt supporter pushing a sab to the ground [left]. One
member of the Hunt claimed the Hunt was flushing foxes to a bird of prey. However if this was true why did the terrierman
turn the fox back into the wood towards the hounds. That’s the exact opposite of what they are claiming they are doing. Just after we had left once the Hunt had packed up, the monitors told us 3-4 police cars arrived at the meet. The
notoriously biased and pro-hunt Northamptonshire Police had been called on some false allegations made by the Hunt and had
arrived to assist them in their illegal hunting. On this occasion they arrived too late. Please ask Northamptonshire Police
why they are not doing anything about illegal hunting at the Grafton Hunt. ttps://www.facebook.com/northantspolice/ Please consider donating to help us cover fuel costshttps://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs You can also set up a standing order with us. sort code-089299 account no-65488120
#strengthenthehuntingact #endcubhuntingcruelty Sab
ridden over as Middleton FH cubbing efforts restrained 1-10-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday Sheff sabs joined W.Yorks Sabs to visit the Middleton at Skirpenbeck for a 3pm meet. We were joined
by three new sabs who weren't to be disappointed on their debuts. At the meet Shagger Carter looked resplendent in his
bright red coat, however on seeing sabs he decided to swap his finery for a quite inconspicuous green thing. Another attempt
to hide, another complete failure. From the meet a half-hearted attempt at drawing a beet field was followed by a group huddle!
Were they waiting for the cops? Who knows what goes on in Shagger's head, but after 10 minutes they moved off and ran
backwards and forwards through the same field with sabs on their tail. At this point some of the riders started getting a
bit lairy, eventually leading to one sab being ridden over. Shagger, perhaps with one mind on his court appearance and the other on not wanting
to embarrass his Lordship any more, then tried to run off with the pack. We found them in cry and when the pack left the covert,
the gizmo was used to bring the entire pack to sabs. Liberal amounts of citronella then ensured that the scent wasn't
rediscovered. When Shagger eventually rounded the pack up a lovely game of sabs calling the pack and then the Huntsman calling
the pack was enjoyed by both hounds and sabs. We're not sure how much Shagger enjoyed it and quite frankly we don't
care .At 5.30pm having called in his off duty whip to help gather the pack, poor Shagger headed home and sabs headed for vegan
fried 'chicken' and beer. Please help keep us in the field by donating at https://gogetfunding.com/help-sheff-sabs-save-badgers/. Pics below - Middleton FH takes pack on to road in poor weather
2/ The moment 'Shagger' Carter earned his nickname  1-10-17 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday saw West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs team up with Sheffield
Hunt Saboteurs and hit the Middleton Hunt, who had a 3pm meet at Skirpenbeck near Stamford Bridge. An initial standoff in a field saw a masked up terrier boy try and fail to
intimidate sabs by attempting to stare them out. Sabs simply ignored this sorry individual. The hunt, led by Charles Charter,
set off and things quickly turned nasty with a female hunter riding her horse at speed from behind into a West Yorkshire sab,
literally sending him flying. Undeterred, sabs kept up with the hunt and soon found
hounds in cry and running through a wood. The entire pack were brought out of the woods using the gizmo, where they'd
been on the scent of a fox, and the hounds enjoyed being patted and fussed over by sabs - sadly probably the only affection
these animals receive. A dejected hunt packed up at around 5.30, sabs having ensured they didn't kill during their failed
outing. If you support what West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs do, please buy us a coffee and keep us going: https://ko-fi.com/westyorkshirehuntsaboteurs . Many thanks. Beaufort FH woman supporter
attacks monitor and smashes video camera 27-9-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt, 16th September, 2017
Here’s a quick update on what the Beaufort Hunt have been up to lately. On Saturday 16th September they met at Shipton
Moyne near Westonbirt for one of their 4 weekly attempts at cub hunting. The usual large throng arrived at Street Farm for
their weekend social with Beaufort ladies keen to exchange their news oblivious to what is about to take place. Let’s
be clear about this – we reiterate, the point of cubbing is to integrate the young hound pups into the pack and train
them to hunt and kill. This is illegal! We regularly see hounds going over ground where it’s impossible
to lay a trail ...here’s an extract from a very informative article in the Independent about hunting on Cumbrian fells
and laying a trail... “Green says: “If a trail had been laid, the hounds would be close together, going in the
same direction, but they’re all over the fell, scattering about trying to detect where the fox went. We know they’re
not laying fox urine because that comes from fur farms abroad, of which there are none in this country. And to import animal
by products you need a certificate from the Animal and Plant Health Laboratory; so we did a Freedom of Information request
asking whether any certificates had been issued for importing it and none had. So either they aren’t bringing any in
or they’re bringing it in illegally.” Throughout the morning hounds
were heard in cry several times as they worked the surrounding coverts between Easton Grey and Shipton Moyne. We moved them
on for most of the morning but later on things took a turn for the worse when a female supporter lost control and attacked
one of our monitors, grabbed the video camera and smashed it to the ground. That will be £260 please if you have any
conscience or common decency in you. No I think not as you haven’t yet thought about transferring the amount into our
PayPal account. Here it is in case you change your mind... http://paypal.me/cihwatch. I guess we will just have to add the police incident no to the rest of them. Unfortunately we
have had quite a few attacks inflicted on our monitors whilst we go about filming illegal fox hunting.
SEPTEMBER 2017..... 30th September - Peacock dies after Badsworth FH hounds invade animal sanctuary ..... 30th September - Sab car rammed by Oakley FH as sabs ensure kill-free day ..... 28th September - Cheshire FH whipper-in goes ape after sabs takes control of hounds ..... 27th September - Woman monitor attacked & shoved in ditch by S. Durham FH thug ..... 27th September - Sabs reveal pic of injury to sab ridden down at Oakley FH ..... 27th September - Beaufort FH woman supporter attacks monitor and smashes video
camera ..... 27th September - Monitors find many landowners
who complain of Atherstone FH behaviour ..... 26th September - Cheshire FH
killed at least 1 fox in morning cub hunting, say monitors ..... 26th September
- Thurlow FH carry on cubbing despite sabs, but no kills reported ..... 26th September
- Crawley FH afternoon meet involves illegal quad bike road chaos ..... 26th
September - HSA claim Kent police facilitated illegal hunting by Kent & E.Sussex
MH ..... 26th September - Middleton FH cub hunting attempts
ends in deer chase and early pack-up ..... 25th September - Sabs stumble
across Dummer Beagles and stop them hare hunting ..... 24th September - Monitors
take very clear film of Grafton FH chasing fox ..... 24th September - Angler reports
seeing Cheshire FH kill one fox and chase another ..... 24th September - Monitor
film handed to police after large S. Dorset FH cubbing meet ..... 24th September
- Fog shrouds S. Durham FH cubbing from monitors - kill at dig out reported ..... 24th September - Dunston Harriers pack up 10 minutes after sabs arrive .....
24th September - Atherstone FH stage shambolic 'exercise' right next to the M42! ..... 23rd September - Sab headbutted [man arrested] and one ridden down by Oakley FH Huntsman ..... 23rd September - Monitor film explains why Beaufort FH are surely fox, not 'trail' hunting ..... 23rd September - Veteran anti has old fox dig-out video taken down by YouTube ..... 23rd September - Sabs save at least one fox from 'South Ledbury' cub hunters ..... 23rd September - Good turn out for 'Bax Out' demo at Kent Wildlife Trust AGM ..... 23rd September - Sabs step in to save fox as Essex FH Huntsman
ignores hounds in cry ..... 23rd September - Cheshire
Hunts cubbing in afternoon to try to avoid activists ..... 21st September -
Essex Hunts' terrierman gets nearly 7 years jail for child sex crimes .....
21st September - LACS blames 'inexperienced' CPS lawyer for failed Derwent FH
HA case ..... 21st September - Glamorgan hunt hounds chase
juvenile pet dog towards major road, dog lost ..... 21st September - Hampshire
FH cub hunting efforts stymied by monitors' appearance ..... 21st September
- Middleton FH cubbers pack up 30 minutes after solo sab locate them ..... 20th
September - Monitors say Wilton FH hunted and dug out fox ..... 20th September
- Pembrokeshire FH invade woman's woods - police called ..... 20th September
- Hapless Middleton FH fail at cubbing while waiting yet more criminal charges ..... 20th September - Motorist complains about road chaos caused by South Durham FH ..... 19th September - Indy article exposes sham of 'trail hunting' and highly anti-social
Hunts ..... 19th September - Police raid investigator's house while cruel
hunters still uncharged ..... 19th September - Sabs prevent Essex FH digging out
hunted fox ..... 18th September - Commons EDM urging N.Trust not to licence 'trail
hunts' is tabled ..... 18th September - LACS finds National Trust staff resistant
to evidence on 'trail hunting' ..... 17th September - Leading expert says
N.Trust should not licence hunting on its land ..... 17th September - Sabs fear
Ashford Valley FH killed fox in early morning meet ..... 17th September - Sabs think
Warwickshire FH killed fox while cubbing in maize field ..... 16th September - Monitor films Beaufort FH early morning cubbing in wood. Kill reported later ..... 16th September - Frustrated W. Norfolk FH Huntsman attacks sabs spoiling his cub hunting ..... 16th September - Sabs keep taking hounds from 'Ledbury South' and save fox ..... 16th September - Blencathra FH filmed fox hunting on Nat Trust land ..... 15th September - Lone sab sees Ledbury FH cub hunting and blood on unplated terrierman quad ..... 14th September - Ledbury FH cub hunt early in month ended up on Nat Trust land .....
13th September - Grafton FH filmed openly cub hunting by monitor ..... 13th September - Sabs
save hares from rarely visited Dunston Harriers ..... 12th September - Middleton FH rider
wanted for assault on sabs - name given to police ..... 12th September - Sabs say Four Burrow
FH failed to find any victims while cub hunting ..... 11th September - Sabs say one fox saved from Warwickshire FH attempts at cub hunting .....
10th September - Film of Grafton FH hunters intimidating & threatening elderly hunt monitors ..... 10th September - One bloodied, one bitten hound suggest cubbing kill by Beaufort FH ..... 10th September - Young girls prep school gives Portman FH
access to farm cubbing meet ..... 10th September - Atherstone FH just exercise
hounds, as they promised ..... 10th September - Pics uploaded of Middleton FH rider
wanted for assault on sabs ..... 9th September - Monitor stumbles across artificial
earth in Beaufort FH country ..... 9th September - Wheatland FH probable kill
but sabs induce early pack up ..... 9th September - Subs suspect bagged
fox at S.Devon FH - but helped it escape ..... 9th September - Stevenstone
FH's evening cubbing disrupted by sabs - no kills ..... 9th September
- Sabs annoy new Cotswold Vale FH Huntsman by spoiling cubbing attempts ..... 9th September - Sab reinforcements send East Sussex FH cub hunters packing ..... 9th September - Sabs spoil Cottesmore FH's morning cub hunt ..... 9th September - Thurlow FH 'dejected' as sabs help ensure kill-free cubbing day ..... 9th September - Sabs assaulted at Suffolk & Essex FH as teenagers use
quads dangerously ..... 7th September - Derwent FH 3 illegal hunting
case thrown out early on by judge ..... 7th September - Cheshire FH cause
road havoc - visited by cops as locals complain ..... 7th September - Waveney
Harriers may have killed in early morning cubbing meet ..... 7th September
- North Cotswold FH hunt all around bTb struck cattle farm ..... 5th September
- Welsh Hunt Master in court on badger baiting and other cruelty charges .....
5th September - Sabs assaulted at shambolic Tiverton FH cubbing meet .....
4th September - Sabs say their video shows Warwickshire FH blatantly cub hunting .....
4th September - Cumberland Farmers FH hounds filmed down badger sett - Hunt were trespassing ..... 4th September - Hound with 'huge mammary tumour' hunted with South Tetcott FH pack ..... 3rd September - Surrey Union FH 'obstructed'
sab guiding paramedic to heart attack monitor ..... 3rd September -
Minehead Harriers were cub hunting early morning, say monitors ..... 3rd September
- Monitor assaulted, tyre let down, at Culmstock MH meet ..... 3rd September
- Convict-filled Eggesford FH do some fruitless evening cub hunting ...... 2nd
September - Disgraced S.Herefordshire riders caught out cubbing with Ledbury FH .....
2nd September - South Tetcott FH walk hounds thru cattle, ignoring disease risks .....
2nd September - East Kent FH turn up for 6.30 am cub hunting, then just go for a walk! ..... 2nd September - Beaufort FH made no attempt to disguise first
cubbing meet, say sabs ..... 2nd September - Hunters
complain NT 'trail hunt' rules are 'painting a target' on them ..... 1st September - S.Durham FH rider whacks restive horse on head during cubbing meet ..... 1st September - HSA says the York & Ainsty North FH have
dies after Badsworth FH hounds invade animal sanctuary30-9-17
- RIP Tito my beautiful, gorgeous baby boy, 29/9/2016 to 29/9/2017 - fly high over rainbow bridge my darling until I
see you again�� 26-9-17 Facebook - Sweet Peas & Butterflies - Animal Rescue Sanctuary & Petting
Farm Well what a fun day I've had NOT! I did the usual headcount and then let Tito the peacock [right] out
at about 8.45 this morning. I then started to put a new run together for Elvis the blind chook and his new girls, saw Tito
nosing around so carried on. I look around and there's no Tito so goes frantically looking for him, at which point Jackie
turned up and saw me so came and helped. I'm just looking in tattie field which is where he likes to go sometimes when
I see hunting hounds running amok! They ran into my field and were chasing the animals, Jackie & I were trying to get
them out and keep the animals safe. In the end I called the police. Long story short the Hunt gathered up their hounds and
buggered off (I wish they'd do one permanently!!!) any way as well as Tito a ducky and a tatty batty are missing. A couple
of other friends turned up to help look for Tito & co. Eventually around 3.30 Tito is sat on the fence quite subdued and
not himself at all, no idea where he was for 6 hours but he's home. As yet still no sign of tatty batty or ducky ��.
Sara-Louise xs 30-9-17 Facebook - Sara Sizzle Aspinall You may have read about the Badsworth & Bramham hunting hounds that broke
away from the main pack and got onto the field where I run an animal rescue sanctuary on Tuesday and that I had three animals
go missing, one of them being my beautiful peacock Tito. It is with great sadness that I report that my baby boy passed away
just before 10 o'clock last night. The vet rang yesterday morning to say he'd put on 20 grams with the tube feeding
and was doing really well. They rang again about 6 to say it was bad news and that his crop wasn't emptying so had to
stop feeding, they gave him something to try help it and would monitor him throughout the night. I then got a call just after
10 to say he'd passed away�� As you can imagine I'm absolutely devastated, I hand reared him and his
sister, Mika since they were chicks and to them I was mummy and they follow me everywhere. To make matters worse they only
turned 1 yesterday! I just hope Mika will be ok without him and doesn't pine for him too much. The vets let me visit him last night to say goodbye and let me spend as much time as I
needed. I'm having him cremated and then he'll be coming back home.
Sab car rammed by Oakley FH supporter as sabs ensure kill-free day 30-9-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Another autumn Saturday, another visit to the Oakley to stop them cub hunting and that's exactly what we
did. Along with our friends from Northants, N.Cambs and S.Cambs Hunt Saboteurs we had 3 vehicles so could pretty much cover
every eventuality when they left the kennels, they must be running out of areas to hunt as they seem to cover the same ground
time and again. Early on one hunt supporter decided to ram the South Cambs vehicle and take them out the game, causing significant
damage. The police have been informed and we can't say any more on the matter. The
Hunt basically rode around the area in circles. Foot sabs had them on the run continuously and they were unable to hunt in
any meaningful way. The field looked lost and bored with most packing up after only an hour our so. There was the usual
moronic half wits offering all sorts of advice to us but they were treated with the contempt they deserved. A kill free day so we're happy with that. In
the afternoon we held a training session for new sabs with a fabulous talk from Mike Huskisson. It was a great turnout which
shows the strength of feeling among the general public and now they want to get involved. We are growing by the day and the
hunts are shrinking. Its a war we will win, it's just a matter of time. Pics below
- 1/ Sab car after being rammed 2/ Riders' fattest arse competition 
Cheshire FH whipper-in goes
ape after sabs take control of hounds Female monitor driven at by terrierman on quad - police dealing 28-9-17
Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Hit Report - 28/09/17 - Cheshire Hunt – Marbury We are still
hard at it in the Cheshire cull zone day and night, 7 days a week, however, acting on a tip off, we took a little break this
morning to pay a visit to the cubbing meet of the Cheshire Hunt in Marbury and formally introduce ourselves to the new huntsman,
Jake Oppenheim. It's safe to say he was not best pleased to see us! From the off we had the delightful pleasure of 8 of
Cheshire's finest hunt scum coming over to greet us masked up on quad bikes attempting to intimidate us, circling our
vehicle and at one point they even tried to enter our vehicle! All of which has been caught on camera and will be released
in due time. Once sabs were in the field the
four quad bikes attempted to push sabs back using their vehicles and very nearly run down one of the local monitors, luckily
she was OK, but it was clear from the start they were very happy to use their quad bikes as a weapon. Hounds were heard talking and in and out of cry all morning, but sabs were never
too far away to rate them or call them off using voice calls and hunting horns. At one point there was even a tug of war between
sabs and huntsman with the hounds! We found this highly amusing but clearly Jake needs to brush up on his horn skills as sabs
won the tug of war taking control of the pack and left him to collect the scattered hounds! Shortly after, police arrived as
the hunt were on their way back to the meet. At this point, the very disgruntled whipper in, Jamie Whitles, decided to take
a liking to two of our sabs and proceeded to attack them in front of the police. Yet again, Cheshire Police allowed the landed
gentry to do as they please and didn't do an awful lot to stop the violence... Big up to 3 of our friends from their
respective sab groups North Wales, Lancashire & Derby Hunt Saboteurs for lending a hand at such short notice! Job done!! Pics below - 1/ Terrierman drives quad at monitor 2/ Terrierman gang blocking
road 28-9-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CHESHIRE HOUNDS CUB-HUNTING, MARBURY 28.9.17 We had a tip
off that they we would find them at Marbury Equestrian Centre (www.marburyfarmride.co.uk ). We suspect this Hunt must have a mole, because both
our team and local sabs are getting tipped off on a regular basis which is good news for us but not the Hunt! This is perhaps
why this Hunt are being particularly aggressive at the moment. The day started with the hounds going into cry almost
immediately and yet again the new Huntsman blatantly cub hunting. Two of our team and a group of sabs were totally blocked
from stopping the killing by masked terriermen on various quads. One of our female team members was ridden at by a particularly
stupid terrierman who hadn't worked out that he was being filmed by multiple cameras! This incident is being dealt with
by the police. The killing spree moved onto another woodland. This time the pack was split up by various tactics and
the killing stopped. Another of our female monitors was then ridden at by a rider after we filmed him taking part in this
particularly dark hobby. Later we caught the Whipper in Jamie Whittles trying to retrieve stray hounds from the railway line. He
proceeded to go totally ballistic and ran like a mad man along the railway track and at one of our monitors threatening to
'get her' for being part of the reason why the hounds had gone onto the track. We suspect he may be having a breakdown! Various
police vehicles had been in the area and then a riot van turned up. The Hunt were spoken to and packed up earlier than usual.
A bit of a mixed day all round. Pics below - 1/
Monitor ridden at 2/ Whipper-in goes ape 
monitor attacked and shoved into ditch by S.Durham FH thug 27-9-17 Facebook - N.E. Hunt Monitors Hit Report South Durham Hunt Meet at Embeldon Hall Diarys, Trimdon 27.9.17 Tonight
a female Hunt Monitor was assaulted by the hunts hired thug terrier man. This was only her 3rd time out monitoring the Hunt
and we believe as she was masked that this big lump of lard mistook her for another monitor. He ripped her mask off scratching
her face and lip then wrestled her before pushing her backwards into a ditch. Footage was captured on a hidden camera and
will be forwarded to the police who we might add did not attend and gave the advice to leave the area. This we will also be
officially complaining about. We know who this women-beating animal murdering scum is and his details will also be given over
to police. The female monitor did nothing to attract this kind of assault by a much bigger coward of a man (we use the term
man loosely). we believe the Hunt are becoming increasing pissed off that we are hitting them at every opportunity. Well SD
you made your own bed when you messed with us and took things too far . We now have you as our number 1 priority. As you can see the
need for equipment is important and essential. Monitors must protect themselves with body cams/ hidden cameras at all times.
One go-pro camera can cost a lot of money and with more members joining all the time we are much in need of more equipment. If anyone has any cameras/memory cards etc. that they don't use and would like
to donate to the group please message the page. Paypal.me/huntmonitors - https://www.gofundme.com/4brdhm0 - Thanks for all the support shown so far this season. �� 
reveal pic of injury to sab ridden down at Oakley FH 27-9-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs This [pic below] is the result of being
ridden down [on 23-9] and then trampled by a horse. Imagine if the horse had stood on our
sab's chest or head. Oakley Huntsman Jack Harris hit him with his horse while his back was turned and the following rider,
who we will identify in due course, rode over him. There was plenty of space to avoid our sab and the time to do so. This
was a deliberate act which had the potential to inflict very serious injury. We hope Bedfordshire Police will pursue our complaint.
We will be paying very special attention to the Oakley and will bring them to justice.
FH woman supporter attacks monitor and smashes video camera 27-9-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt, 16th September, 2017
Here’s a quick update on what the Beaufort Hunt have been up to lately. On Saturday 16th September they met at Shipton
Moyne near Westonbirt for one of their 4 weekly attempts at cub hunting. The usual large throng arrived at Street Farm for
their weekend social with Beaufort ladies keen to exchange their news oblivious to what is about to take place. Let’s
be clear about this – we reiterate, the point of cubbing is to integrate the young hound pups into the pack and train
them to hunt and kill. This is illegal! We regularly see hounds going over ground where it’s impossible
to lay a trail ...here’s an extract from a very informative article in the Independent about hunting on Cumbrian fells
and laying a trail... “Green says: “If a trail had been laid, the hounds would be close together, going in the
same direction, but they’re all over the fell, scattering about trying to detect where the fox went. We know they’re
not laying fox urine because that comes from fur farms abroad, of which there are none in this country. And to import animal
by products you need a certificate from the Animal and Plant Health Laboratory; so we did a Freedom of Information request
asking whether any certificates had been issued for importing it and none had. So either they aren’t bringing any in
or they’re bringing it in illegally.” Throughout the morning hounds
were heard in cry several times as they worked the surrounding coverts between Easton Grey and Shipton Moyne. We moved them
on for most of the morning but later on things took a turn for the worse when a female supporter lost control and attacked
one of our monitors, grabbed the video camera and smashed it to the ground. That will be £260 please if you have any
conscience or common decency in you. No I think not as you haven’t yet thought about transferring the amount into our
PayPal account. Here it is in case you change your mind... http://paypal.me/cihwatch. I guess we will just have to add the police incident no to the rest of them. Unfortunately we
have had quite a few attacks inflicted on our monitors whilst we go about filming illegal fox hunting.
Monitors find many landowners
who complain of Atherstone FH behaviour 27-9-17 Facebook - Atherstone Hunt Watch Tuesday 26th September. Atherstone Hunt Our Tuesday morning
monitoring of the Atherstone Hunt was foggy to say the least. Glimpses of a horse boxes turning in to Manor Farm, Main St,
Withybrook was as much as we could see. A Pea Souper indeed. Our morning proved fruitful and very much eventful. Making our way through the lanes
on the Hunts circuit we met farmers who are very much against the Hunt indeed. Many we spoke to were vocal and not at all
complimentary about the experiences they have had with Hunt trespass and Hunt staff. Of those we spoke to many of the complaints
were of dairy cattle being disturbed by loose hounds (deeply worrying when you consider that the risk of hounds spreading
bTB to livestock is very much in the news at the moment), arable fields and crops being trampled, children having horse riding
lessons being thrown off ponies due to baying hounds in the school and the Huntsman blowing his horn loudly right outside
the entrance to the riding arena. On one occasion a fox being chased by hounds actually sought sanctuary in the riding school
arena and seconds later hounds descended on it whilst lessons were actually being undertaken! The fox got away into the stable
yard but not before being thoroughly traumatised along with the children and parents who were watching it all in front of
them. All this and more! The morning wore on and as we made our way to pass Manor Farm
one more time, just less than 50 meters from Manor farm entrance on a blind bend, a fire engine lost control and skidded right
across the path of oncoming traffic and our monitors vehicle! As you will see from the picture, this was a serious crash in
which luckily no other vehicle was involved. Our monitor swiftly got out to check on the fire engine crew and all were shaken
but fine. The monitor asked the crew driver what had caused him to skid, he was unsure but had thought he might have almost
hit something. Our monitors first thoughts was to look to see if any loose hounds might be about or lying injured due to the
close proximity of the Hunt meet Farm entrance. None were evident on this occasion. In conclusion, masses of interaction with
very concerned landowners who are exasperated at the underhand tactics of the Hunt staff and supporters who continue to trespass
and cause havoc for other countryside users. We'll keep watching and observing. If you have any spare time at all,
no matter how little, please consider joining us. You will only be asked to do whatever you are comfortable with doing. Please
email atherstonehuntwatch@hotmail.com for more details or PM us.
FH killed at least 1 fox in morning cub hunting, say monitors26-9-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors CUB HUNTING This is the Huntsman (Jake Oppenheim) who was setting
his hounds onto fox cubs this morning in Huxley. Remember this face! Thanks to the locals who joined in with us and the two
keen police officers who attended. Sadly though cubs were killed this morning, again. Full report later...
26-9-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds cub-hunting, Huxley Gorse 26.9.17 The goalposts
have moved. Today the Cheshire Hounds' new huntsman Jake Oppenheim confirmed what we have been suspecting - that he revels
in killing foxes, and is quite blatant about it. Members of our team responded to late tip-offs this morning and reached the Hunt
by Huxley Gorse as hounds were in full cry. They had also visited woods by the canal culvert shortly before, monitored by
a local who reports no kills there. The meet was at Huxley Lane Farm. Police were alerted
and attendance requested. The hounds continued in cry for some time, as we moved across some difficult terrain to get to them.
Sadly, we believe once again this Hunt killed - at least one fox cub, maybe many more. And we heard what we believed to be
the screams of a fox cub above the hounds at one point. After making our presence known, they moved off in the direction of Hoofield Covert to continue their killing spree,
but the arrival of the police seemed to encourage them to change direction, head back to the meet point and pack up. While the police officers that attended today were incredibly supportive of Cheshire
Monitors, they were also rather clueless as to the laws around hunting, but were open to a little coaching. They logged today's
incidents - including illegal hunting and intimidation - and are helping us pursue these matters further. Also, thanks to
new faces who helped out today. If you would like to
get involved or have information about hunt meets, then please get in touch. You can message us here, or email info@cheshiremonitors.org.uk . Pics below - 1/ New Huntsman Jake Oppenheim
2/ Hounds defecating on pasture land 3/ Masked terriermen 4/
Rider on point  
HSA claim police facilitated illegal mink hunting by Kent
& E. Sussex MH Also refused to act over sab being hit with stick by old hunter crone 26-9-17 HSA Press Release Kent Police facilitating illegal hunting The Kent and East Sussex
Minkhounds met on Sunday at Puddledock , Kent. Croydon hunt sabs were alerted to the hunt by a member of the public and one
member was able to attend. On arriving they could hear holloas coming from the area of the fishing lakes and went into the
field with their video camera. Several hunt supporters approached him and he called 999 to report illegal hunting. A woman
who claimed to be the landowner hit the sab with her stick while he was speaking to the police and also stated that they were
flushing mink. When the sab pointed out that this was illegal, another hunt supporter tried to deny she had said it! The Huntsman
immediately gathered the hounds and headed back to their vehicles. When Kent Police eventually arrived they talked to
the Hunt before approach the sab who had reported the crimes, refusing to arrest the woman for assault because she was 'too
old' they also refused to investigate the allegation of illegal hunting. They also threatened to arrest the sab for breach
of the peace if he went back into the field. Undeterred, the sab followed the Huntsman and then watched from a safe distance
as the hounds were boxed up and driven away. Lee Moon, press officer of the Hunt Saboteurs
Association, commented: "It is common for the Police to take the side of hunters, but to blatantly disregard the reporting
of two crimes, and then threaten arrest takes their bias to a new level. The public in Kent should be asking why their police
force is supporting hunting criminals." Please contact Kent police and ask them why they are refusing to deal with reported
wildlife crimes and assaults:- https://www.facebook.com/kentpolice/ - https://twitter.com/kent_police - https://www.kent.police.uk/
Thurlow FH carrying on cubbing despite sabs, but no kills reported 26-9-17 Facebook - South Cambs Sabs Hit Report 25/09/2017 Thurlow Hunt - Hunt kennels – Thurlow
A small group of ours and Cambridge Sabs hit the Thurlow Hunt yesterday at 7 am. On arrival sabs immediately found the Hunt
surrounding Wadgells Wood, nearby the kennels. Riders were surrounding the main part of the wood and the hounds were vocal
inside. The riders started banging on their saddles and making noise - this is done to scare wildlife back into the woods
for the hounds to hunt. We made our presence known in the hope of deterring them from so obviously cub hunting but they
continued on. Two deer escaped the wood with the hounds close behind but luckily this was right next to where sabs were filming
and the hunt called them off. The Hunt did
a circuit of the woods and copses around the kennels. Every time they tried to lose sabs, they kept close behind, moving them
on continuously and limiting their hunting time. The hounds did not go into cry again and no blood was seen on them so we
are confident no kills were made. Not bad for a Monday morning! Please support us to keep sabs in the field to prevent
cub hunting, and to get sabs over to the badger cull zones. Funds and sabs are stretched, every pound donated makes a difference: https://www.gofundme.com/badgersavefuel 
Crawley FH afternoon meet involves illegal quad bike road chaos 26-9-17 Facebook – W.Sussex sabs Saturday 23rd September As it is Cub
Hunting Season we expect the Hunts to go out for early misty a.m or late sunny p.m meets, as is tradition. Not the Crawley
& Horsham Hunt, it appears they go hunting whenever they feel like it, deciding to have a 2-30pm meet last Saturday. A
large field of riders, 4 quad bikes, a full pack of hounds and not a trail layer in sight. The hunt, led by MFH Kim Richardson,
illegally hunted until 6-30pm; they were not pleased to see us and headed miles away to try to evade us. Quad bikes were tearing
around on busy country lanes, one of which was being driven by Guy Pettett the C&H kennel man and was also carrying two
passengers ! 3 on a quad? Don't think that's legal, is it ? It was with great sadness we saw that one of the riders
had some very serious looking spurs on his boots which would have caused his horse a great deal of pain - and they say they
love their horses. And now a massive thank you to the family who were on their way home from a lovely walk around
Woods Mill on Saturday; which is part of Sussex Wildlife Trust near Henfield. They were concerned that horse boxes they had
seen driving through Small Dole and up a dirt track could be a hunt, they pulled over and kept an eye on what was going on.
They then decided it would be best to ring us and asked if we could check it out, and so we did and their concerns were justified,
it was a hunt. They were so happy that we managed to get some hunt monitors out to help protect the wildlife they, and all
of us love. Thank you to all our wonderful whistle blowers �� Some pics of the day. Please donate what you can
to help us protect wildlife.  Middleton FH's cubbing
efforts end in deer chase and early pack up 26-9-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs This morning the Middleton Hunt met at Newsham Manor Farm, a stone's throw away from a bunch of pensioners
protesting about fracking. The police however decided that their priority was to protect the profits of a private fracking
company and so it was left once again to sabs to protect our wildlife. Calamity Carter, aka Shagger, decided to change ways
after last weeks quick capitulation - no doubt subscribers aren't happy about handing over money in anticipation of seeing
fox cubs ripped to bits only to box up at the sight of sabs. So today, instead of turning tail back to the meet, Calamity
turned tail and ran like Forrest Gump. Well, you can 'run Forrest' but you can't hide. Hounds were that quiet
that the terriers on the quad made more noise. Terriers? On a trail hunt!!! We know, but the police don't want to. Hounds, probably being
as bored as the riders eventually rioted after a deer and at that point Calamity, Shagger, Forrest (take your pick) decided
that discretion was the better part of valour and returned to the meet. Remember those upcoming court appearances.
Sabs stumble across Dummer Beagles and stop them hare hunting Also found blocked badger sett while sabbing North Cotswold FH 25-9-17 Facebook - Three Counties Sabs Started off the morning sabbing the North Cotswold Hunt. A sett was found in a barn which had been....as per
usual...blocked. Several incidents this week of hunt sett blocking and the incident numbers are rolling in. Later whilst checking
for badger well-being in the Kineton area we happened across the Dummer beagles hunting a hare. We got told off by one chap
who said we were trespassing he was very worried indeed that we might have filmed illegal hunting and suggested that they
all go back home. We then got filmed by 2 people who were masked up and on a quad. Then they all ran away and went home.
Monitors take very clear
film of Grafton FH chasing fox 24-9-17 Facebook – Help Hunt Monitors VIDEO The Grafton Hunt Watch team were out yesterday at Helmdon, Northamptonshire, to film the Grafton
hunting fox cubs. Anarchy in the countryside, but the authorities will do nothing about it! POWAperson adds - Three monitors separately filmed a fox darting
out of a copse past a group of hounds and running across a field. The hounds give chase, as do riders on the ridge above.
The fox bursts through a small copse with hounds in hot pursuit and is then seen running up a road, then darting back
into a copse. The Huntsman is heard blowing the hounds to hunt on. Hounds, with riders in the background, search the road
verges. As the film clip ends, hounds are on the wrong side of the road. It is all absolutely
clearly wilful fox hunting and if this is not enough to secure a prosecution it is hard to see what would be. Pics below - 1/ Fox darts out of wood 2/ Hunters
ride in same direction as fox 3/ Hounds and riders chasing fox 3/ Fox running up road
5/ Hounds searching where fox left road  
Angler reports seeing Cheshire FH kill one fox and chase another 24-9-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Very sad news We received the message below today. It relates
to our post about the Cheshire Hounds hunting in Marbury yesterday. It shows how blatant this Hunt is, chasing and killing
fox cubs right in front of the public. This must have happened whilst we were trying to get to the scene because we did not
witness any kills and therefore have no film evidence. But we are seeking expert advice on taking this matter further. Watch
this space... "Dear Cheshire Monitors. I’ve just noticed your page on Facebook after doing a little research after I
witnessed the most barbaric thing I’ve ever witnessed yesterday 23.9.17. I can 100% confirm that the Hunt yesterday
did pursue a poor fox. I was fishing on the mere and witnessed the whole event from around 200 yards away through my binoculars.
I saw with my own eyes the fox running through the field with around 40 dogs chasing it and men on horses making strange noises
to keep the fox away from the waters edge. There was then a huge kick up of soil and dust and all the hounds gathered in a
circle, I assume pulling the fox to bits. The Hunt then went back in to the same wooded area and they flushed another fox
out but that all seemed to go on behind the woodland blocking my view. I was left feeling almost sick at what id seen and
debated calling the police but I was unsure on the laws until now. I just thought id let you know as I noticed you said there
was nothing killed but like I say they chased at least two foxes in front of me. Keep up the good work!" [We've added a screenshot {below} from our footage of the Huntsman Jake Oppenheim
in the area we believe the kill took place.]
Monitor film handed to police of large South Dorset FH cubbing meet 24-9-17 Facebook - Dorset Hunt Sabs Hit Report Saturday 23rd September 2017. South Dorset Hunt, fox Cubbing Meet at Piddletrenthide
Whilst out yesterday doing some badger work we received intel that the SD were having a cubbing meet - you know who you are
and a massive thanks for helping to save innocent lives. It didn't take us long to spot them in fields beside Lacklington
Farm. It was a really big meet for the SD with between 30 and 40 vehicles including horse boxes and the usual bloody thirsty
suspects walking or driving across the fields in 4 x 4's desperate for a kill - one even had a folding chair !!! This
is a stark improvement on last year when often the SD only managed to scrape together 4 or 5 riders ! There is not much
to report because as it was a cubbing meet so they stayed close to the vehicles and only visited the few surrounding small
copse's. We had two fantastic vantage points and kept them in our sight all afternoon. We had to call the police
at one point and they were every good and attended pretty quickly, they went to speak to the hunt and we are passing our footage
over to them. The only other bit of action for the day was when two glory seeking girls appeared to take some snap chats.
They didn't do much else except giggle and thankfully soon got bored. Cubbing is the practise used to introduce the young
hounds to hunting and needs to be done before the start of the main season. You will see from the photos the 4x4's parked
across the field watching for the cubs to be flushed out of the small copse the huntsman has put the hounds into. There are
various riders positioned along the edge of the copse and this is called on point. Their job is to flush any cub that manages
to escape back into the wooded area by slapping their riding whips on their boots and or saddles. The fox cub is then scared
straight back in and into the jaws of the hounds ensuring the younger of the pack get the taste of the kill. They often wear tweed jackets for this barbaric activity but yesterday the huntsman has his red jacket on - if you
see of hear of any of this activity across Dorset please let us know. You can PM us or send an email to dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net. If you want to donate towards our costs please click the paypal link - every penny helps. Many thanks for reading -DHS https://www.paypal.me/DorsetSabs 1/ Part of field's transport 2/ Riders on
point on outside of wood. This makes no sense if they are 'trail hunting' - it's part of standard cub hunting
Dunston Harriers pack up 10 minutes after sab arrives 24-9-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Dunston Harriers – 23/9/17 - Wood Farm – Fersfield, Norfolk
Following a tip off, we headed to Fersfield to check in on the Dunston Harriers. We last visited them here in January 2016,
and we told them then that we’d be back. And after a chaotic but ultimately successful Wood Farm, Fersfield, outing
last time we prepared ourselves for an eventful morning… But it was unnecessary. After we spoiled their day
at Topcroft two weeks ago, it seems the Dunstons were already on the back foot. They sent a terrierman to scout us out and
realised we had them surrounded from the outset. Although they tried to sneak out the side, well-placed foot sabs were on
them straight away. Less than 10 minutes later, after riding a large circle, they were back at the meet. Huntsman Ben Wood gloomily cantered back through the gates of Wood Farm as the Ride
continued hacking around Fersfield. The hounds were boxed up and driven away, whining with frustration. Less than 10 minutes. Perhaps not a national record but the best one we’ve
yet had. In some petty attempt at revenge, a lady at the meet dialled 999 and reported seeing people in balaclavas running
around the village. Two cop cars turned up with sirens blaring but left empty handed after suggesting we might be “burglars”. Thank you to those
that support us, both expected and unexpected. If you’d like to donate then you can Paypal us at inthenameofnaturehsa@riseup.net. 
Fog shrouds S.Durham FH cubbing from monitors - kill at dig out reported 24-9-17 Facebook - NE Monitors HIT REPORT: South Durham Hunt Cubbing Meet 23.9.17 Misty
Blue Farm near Kirk Merrington As usual we were in place to follow the hunt at 6am
and although the hound van took measures to lose us we were still able to follow one of the many horse boxes turning up to
the venue. We could see immediately that it would be a frustrating day for us as a thick fog descended onto the hunting grounds.
This made it almost impossible to keep eyes on the Hunt and we spent hours trying to keep track of them and listening for
hounds in cry. As the fog began to lift we were informed of their location and made our way with monitors going on foot into
the wood. We also had reason to believe that the usual scum with spades were in the process of a dig out when seen by monitors
making way into the woods near Westerton. We were later informed that a fox was dug out and killed, but we are not sure if
they left then went back or if it had happened before we got there. Obviously we are gutted and upset about this but it will
spur us on to hit them harder and disrupt their bloodthirsty disgusting outdated evil blood sport even more in the coming
season. Our aim is to protect wildlife and save foxes, we will do this by any
means necessary and the ultimate goal is to get a conviction for illegal hunting. Any information from the public will be
held in strictest confidence also anyone within the north east area who would like to join us please message the page. You
can also support us via our petrol/equipment fund by donating to PayPal .. huntmonitors@gmail.com Or at our gofundme using
this link https://www.gofundme.com/4brdhm0. Thank you for your continued support - #longlivethefox #keeptheban �� Atherstone FH stage shambolic 'exercise' right next to the M42! 24-9-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt - Saturday 23rd September, No
Mans Heath ' £20 for a ride out with beautiful views' Today's hound ride
was one of the Atherstone Hunt's most scenic meets, next to the M42 motorway, over the motorway and then alongside the
motorway on the other side. It all seemed a bit shambolic, a lot of riders were inexperienced and kept falling off their horses,
a loose runaway horse near a motorway could only happen at the Atherstone Hunt. At one point, the hedge and barrier were the only things
separating the hunt from the motorway. Given the history of this hunt and how uncontrollable the hounds are, all it would
have taken is for the hounds to come across a fox in the hedge and the hounds could have been all over the motorway…
Irresponsible is the only way to describe the Atherstone Hunt's actions. Meanwhile members of the Atherstone Hunt continue to
whinge to the police with false allegations that the police themselves can see are not true. The Atherstone Hunt are compulsive
liars, the sooner the police realise this the better. This was the 5th time we’ve been out this week please consider donating to help us make sure the Atherstone
Hunt aren’t hunting https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs You can also set up a standing order with
us. sort code-089299 account no-65488120. POWAperson adds - the Atherstone FH do, at
least, seem to be keeping their promise not to cub hunt this season, but this farce seems to be the best they can replace
it with! 
Sab headbutted [man arrested] and one ridden down by Oakley
FH Huntsman 23-9-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Well what a crazy morning that was! With
a team over in Wiltshire defending our badgers, we could never let out local wildlife abusers (the Oakley) have an easy time
cubbing so we assembled and small team along with our long time comrades Northants Sabs to pay them a visit. A little birdy had
told us they would have a meet at the kennels in Melchbourne and sure enough a fairly large field gathered and set off around
7:45am, quite late for cubbing so it would seem the Oakley are lazy as well and habitual and blatant law breakers. One foot team went in right behind them the moment they left while another perfectly
predicted their next move and jumped ahead. As the Hunt tried to out run team 1 they fell right into the hands of team 2 who
moved them on while they attempted to hold up a covert in the search for fox cubs. It was then that the angry egg and wannabe hunt steward assaulted a sab by headbutting him. The
Huntsman (Calamity Jack Harris) and another rider, rode down a sab, knocking them to the floor then trampling them. But they hunted on. The hounds went into cry but sabs were perfectly positioned
both in front an behind to first delay the hounds and then stop them in their tracks with horn, whip and citronella. Absolutely
classic sabbing. Meanwhile, the police were informed and arrived on the scene to apprehend the violent
thug (who incidentally is facing 3 further charges of assault and theft against sabs from the end of last season). Pathetic
excuse were made but he was arrested at the scene and sabs attended a local station to make statements. Further statements
will be made against Jack Harris. With their fun ruined they tried to hunt on but finally had to admit defeat and head back to kennels
around 10am. Amazing job done by all the sabs
out today both new and old. We were then forced to retire to the pub for some pop to celebrate. 
video of Beaufort FH explains why they were fox, not 'trail' hunting23-9-17 Facebook – Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO A CIWH monitor posted her video, claiming it shows the Beaufort FH were clearly not 'trail
hunting' on 4-9-17. The film begins with her approaching a cover. A rider is stationary
'on point', a position standard in cub hunting but with no rationale in 'trail hunting'. The rider blows a
whistle – the traditional means of indicating he has spotted a fox, or to help scare the fox back into the covert where
hounds are. Reaching the wood, the monitor finds hounds searching. The rider whistles again. Then another whistle blow. The
monitor then comes across two huntsmen with the pack, presumably gathered in response to the whistles. Seeing the monitor,
he takes hounds out of the wood. One rider stays behind, keeping an eye on her. Monitor then leaves the wood to find riders
and some stray hounds moving across a field to another copse. The Huntsman can be heard blowing his horn there.
Not long after the hounds go into full cry there. Some supporters have brought there vehicles into the field to watch the
action. As monitor approaches wood hounds can still be heard in cry. Then there are shouts 'There it is!' A supporter
near the camera says 'There it goes... the hounds are going the wrong way.” 'Trails'
are not visible. Clearly, a fox is being hunted. The hounds have now gone quiet. Hopefully, they did indeed go the wrong way.
This happens sometimes – hounds can follow the fox's scent trail backwards, where it's come from rather than
where it's going. This is called following a 'heel line'. The Huntsman will usually take them back to where they
picked up the scent and try to get them hunting the right way - but the fox will have gained a vital few minutes lead. Pics below - 1/ Whistle-blowing rider on point 2/ Riders
and terriermen wait outside wood 3/ Huntsmen have gathered up hounds in response to whistles
4/ Riders moving on to 2nd wood where hounds now in cry  
anti has old fox dig-out video taken down by YouTube Deemed to violate guidelines
- too 'violent and graphic' 23-9-17 Facebook - Mike Huskisson BREAKING NEWS! Tory Government crackdown on social media videos starts. YouTube bans video that reveals the cruelty
inherent in fox hunting. I have just been notified by YouTube that my video of the Quorn Foxhounds on October 8th 1991 was
flagged, reviewed then removed for violating their guidelines. That film was taken by me working undercover, posing as a hunt supporter (described in
Outfoxed Again pages 195-197). The dig-out shown [specimen Mike pic right] was
perfectly routine – the sort of dig out that happened countless times at hunts up and down the country (including on
National Trust land). There was illegality regarding the use of firearms that morning – but that is not why my video
was removed. For all the vile videos that proliferate on YouTube it is telling that it is a standard video of routine hunting
that is removed. Fox hunting – a pastime too violent and gory to be viewed by ordinary decent adults. Please check out
the other videos on my YouTube channel – it may not be long before they are all removed. YouTube guidelines can be found here.
save at least one fox from 'Ledbury South' FH 23-9-17 Facebook - Bath Hunt Saboteurs Together with Bristol and Welsh Border Hunt Sabs we spent a successful day in Herefordshire sabbing the newly
formed 'Ledbury South' Hunt at a cubbing meet or 'Autumn Hunting' as they prefer to call it. This Hunt is
made up of riders from the Ledbury as well as the South Herefordshire, who infamously fed live fox cubs to hounds and had it captured on video last year. The Hunt met at Michaelchurch Escley and tried to run away from Sabs all morning
(something to hide?) Try as they might to avoid us, we caught up with them in a large wood and stopped their morning's
twisted entertainment. Hounds were frequently heard in cry but sabs were in position to call them off of the resident Foxes
(and Deer) using horn and voice calls. At
one point a fox literally crossed our path, followed very closely behind by hounds in full cry. Sabs leapt into action and
called the hounds off, leaving the beautiful fox to run to safety. It was a tough
day but we left for home happy knowing we had saved innocent beings from being ripped apart and denied the sadistic hunters
the chance to kill. Please buy us a coffee to keep our landy (and sabs) fuelled and out there saving wildlife: https://ko-fi.com/bathsabs 
turn-out at 'Bax Out' demo at Kent Wildlife Trust AGM Trust refuses to accept
petition with 150,000+ signatures 23-9-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs A bit of a late catch up for us, after early morning sabbing (see other post), but some of us managed to
get along to the demo at the Kent Wildlife Trust AGM in Chatham, in regards to their chairman's link to bloodsports. It was wonderful to
see so many good folk turn up during the time we were there, and to see how many KWT members want him gone! Great to meet
you all, and to hear all your information....we would also like to thank Joe Hashman from Hounds Off who came to show his
support and made a speech that I know moved a lot of us to tears, but also to the hired security who were so friendly, and to the
hotel where it was held, who also made us all feel welcome. Bless all of you for caring, xx. 24-9-17 Facebook - Charmaine Scammell I attended the Demo yesterday and the arrogance of this pro-hunt man, who can't
see why he should stand down as Chairman!! Kent Wildlife Trust even refused to accept our letter and petition which 158,315
people had signed for him to be replaced! He didn't even come out and face us!! There is a POLL in
the article, scroll down and vote YES. It only counts in the article poll. 
Sabs move in to save fox after Essex
FH Huntsman ignored hounds in cry Huntsman also lead pack out of lane straight into traffic 23-9-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs Essex Hunt -18/9/17 VIDEO Sabs stepped in to save fox after
Huntsman failed to call off in cry hounds. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman brings hounds out of covert 2/ Hounds come to sabs  22-9-17 Facebook – Cambridge Sabs Essex Hunt VIDEO No care for animals, not even their
Cheshire Hunts holding cubbing meets in afternoon to try to avoid antis 23-9-17
Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds cub-hunting at Bank Farm, Marbury 23/09/17 Thanks
to a number of tip-offs today we were able to keep tabs on the Cheshire Hounds out cub-hunting in one of their favourite stomping
grounds around Marbury (while every single resident of Marbury, Norbury and Quoiseley hid away in their homes, it would seem).
We hear the Cheshire Forest hunt were also welcoming their own special guests this afternoon. They met at an unusual time in the afternoon, a tactic both these Hunts are using at the moment,
we believe due to the number of sabs present in the country due to the cull. That didn't stop our monitors though. The
Huntsman put the hounds through various undergrowth, using voice and horn calls, and they went into cry on and off, but we
don't believe there were any kills. And then, when our covert team made themselves known, the Hunt headed back to the
meet venue and packed up (Bank Farm, who worryingly have a badger viewing facility for schoolchildren, even though this Hunt
commonly block badger setts in this area! We
also noticed how it is becoming increasingly common to see 'Road Closed' signs at the ends of roads being used by
this Hunt, and will be discussing this with the police. There were some new faces today: of course new Huntsman Jake Oppenheim (although minus his new
wife Cassy who one follower told us had fallen off her horse and injured herself), new riders and most notably confirmation
of the Hunt using a new pack of hounds. Which sadly raises the
question, what happened to the old pack? Pics below -
1/ Cubbing 2/ Road closed sign - illicitly put up by Hunt? 
Hunts' terrierman gets nearly seven years jail for child sex offences 21-9-17 Essex Live Bryn Chittenden jailed for sexual activity with 'vulnerable'
14-year-old girl A landowner who was found guilty of sexual activity with a "vulnerable"
14-year-old girl has been jailed after being given bail to be at his child's birth. Bryn Chittenden, 51, who lives in
Eye, Suffolk but owns land in St Lawrence Bay, previously denied the charge and told the court he believed the victim was
16. The jury however found him guilty of sexual activity with a child after just 45 minutes of deliberations on Thursday August
23rd. At Chelmsford Crown Court,
Judge Jonathan Seely today (Thursday, September 21) sentenced him to six years and three months for sexual activity with a
child and six months to run consecutively for making indecent images and movies of children. Judge Seely told Chittenden:
"You accessed child pornography involving penetrative activity between adults and young teenage girls. You then went
on to commit this contact offence, which is deeply concerning. The vulnerability of your victim was clear, she is a deeply
vulnerable person, a deeply vulnerable child, who has an extremely difficult background through absolutely no fault of her
own. She had enormous issues with confidence at the time you came into her life and you know that and you used that." Chitteneden looked down at the floor
as he was jailed. 21-12-17 Essex Live Full story behind paedophile Bryn Chittenden's
sexual activity with a 14-year-old A paedophile who 'took advantage' and engaged in sexual activity
with a 14-year-old girl sobbed as he was jailed today in Chelmsford Crown Court. Bryn Chittenden, 51, who
lives in Eye, Suffolk but owns land in St Lawrence Bay, was given six years and nine months in jail, just two weeks after
the birth of his child. The vile convicted paedophile exploited his 14-year-old victim's love
of horses by inviting her to visit them any time she wanted at the 20 acres of land he owns in St Lawrence Bay. The girl's
parents believed this would be the perfect opportunity for her to "socialise" and spend time with the animals but
had no idea it would turn into anything sinister. But the sordid relationship between the pair came to light after the victim
spotted 51-year-old Chittenden driving past her with another woman. Jurors
at Chelmsford Crown Court heard how this appeared to aggravate the victim, who swore loudly in the direction of Chittenden,
arousing the suspicion of her parents. It was at this point she confessed the extent of what happened between the two of them. Chittenden
was arrested at his home on July 2, 2015, but denied the allegations when first interviewed by police. But a second interview
saw him read a prepared a statement accepting the incident took place but he did not know that the girl in question was underage.
During his trial, he further denied having any knowledge the victim was underage from when he first met her in January 2014
until his arrest in July 2015. But Chittenden's version of events were denied by the victim's father, who claimed
the man that violated his daughter was told of her age when he came around to their property to buy a van. He said: "Bryn had come to the house and I had a van he was interested
in. We talked about the livestock and what he was planning to do in the future with the land. We sat down at the table, had
a cup of tea, he seemed a very nice chap. I told him I had a daughter who was at school. He asked me her age and I said 14.
We talked about his daughters being in the same age group." It was at this point the court was told how Chittenden
was made aware of his victim's love of horses and invited the girl to his home to see them. The girl's father said:
"We wanted her to socialise. We thought it was a perfect opportunity. She used to groom the horses and look after the
pigs. It was a lovely time for her. It became a healthy venture to some sort of an obsession to be there. As time went on
we first read it as her wanting to be with the animals, but then she talked about him too much and she told us everything
he did was so wonderful. His name had to be mentioned the whole time and it was just obvious that it was becoming an obsession." As the
illegal tryst began between the pair, the victim's father claimed his daughter started to change her appearance to more
skimpier clothing and would, on occasion, go to the land in her school uniform. The victim's father decided to confront
Chittenden in the winter of 2015, after his daughter got into a fight at school due to rumours about involvement with an older
man. Speaking to the court, the victim's father said: "He was very nice
about it. He did not seem fussed, he was agreeable. I did not remember there being any major issues with that. He would stay
away or send her away." But when she saw her abuser driving past with another woman in his car, the victim, who cannot
be named for legal reasons, lost her temper and the whole unsavoury tale was revealed. When questioned in court, Chittenden,
who sat to give evidence due to a fractured leg, denied that he had any knowledge of the victim's age, saying that he
was told by her that she was 16. Chittenden claimed he thought his victim was 16. He also denied that any conversation
with the victim's father about her age ever took place and that he was never confronted about her change of appearance
and affection towards him. Instead, Chittenden told the jury his victim's flirtation was a means of "testing the
water". "She started to be a bit more forward," he said. "A bit more flirtatious. She mentioned about
not liking young guys and that she preferred older men. She looked 16. She told me she was 16." But the jury saw through Chittenden's lies, taking just 45 minutes to find him guilty
of one count of engaging in sexual activity with a girl aged between 13 and 15 on Thursday, August 23rd. Unbeknownst
to the jurors, he had already pleaded guilty to one count of making indecent images of children and one count of making indecent
movies of children at an earlier stage in proceedings. The paedophile's
girlfriend, who is due to give birth to his child in September, wiped tears from her eyes as the verdict was read to the court.
But rather than remanding the sex offender in custody before a sentencing hearing, Judge Jonathan Seeley decided to grant
Chittenden unconditional bail so that he could be present at his baby's birth next month. Judge Seeley said: "You
have been convicted by the jury with an extremely serious offence and you must know from that you are facing a custodial sentence
and a significant one. The fact I'm remanding you on unconditional bail is mainly because of the condition of your girlfriend's
LACS blames 'inexperienced'
CPS lawyer for failed Derwent FH HA case 21-9-17 LACS Press Release VIDEO League disappointed as Hunting prosecution
thrown out A trial of three members of the Derwent Hunt was dismissed recently by a magistrate who ruled there was “no case to answer”
due to ‘insufficient evidence’ – despite video footage showing the pack of hounds in full pursuit of a fox. Wildlife protection organisation
the League Against Cruel Sports disagrees with the magistrate’s decision, and believes the evidence clearly shows illegal
hunting. The footage, captured by member of the Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Tommy Woodward, shows riders dressed in red waiting
with a full pack of hounds outside a small copse as terriermen are sent in. Shortly after, the footage shows the hound pack
in full pursuit of a fox, with no attempt to recall them seen from the hunt staff. On the description of his video footage as insufficient
evidence, Tommy Woodward said: “I understand that proving intent is difficult, but if footage of three hunt officials
and two terrier men waiting for 10 minutes in a wood, followed by the hounds being released in pursuit of a fox doesn’t
prove intent, then what does? If the hunt weren’t there to catch foxes, why did they have terrier men with them? These
men are only used to dig out foxes that have escaped underground – so why were they there if the hunt was just out for
a ride? There are way too many questions that needed to be answered, so the fact this didn’t even make it to court is
shocking.” Traditionally, terrier men are present on a hunt to introduce terriers to a hole in the ground to flush out or force a wild
animal to escape, or to dig it out and kill it.
Of the case’s dismissal, Steve Harris, former Police Officer and
Head of Enforcement and Legal resources at the League Against Cruel Sports said that the prosecution case simply hadn’t
been presented in the right way: “There can be no justice in this country if the Crown Prosecution Service are going
to send lawyers who have had no wildlife crime training and are unfamiliar with the legislation, to prosecute in a criminal
trial, having never seen the prosecution evidence before the morning of that trial. The prosecuting lawyer in this case was
then faced in court with a defence team comprising three experienced solicitors and a specialist barrister. The prosecution
lawyer - probably through no fault of his own - stood no chance against such well-prepared, experienced adversaries. We acknowledge
the hard work and impartiality of North Yorkshire Police in their investigation of this case; it must be demoralising for
the police and for witnesses when they are failed so badly by the Crown Prosecution Service. Free training and guidance material
on the Hunting Act is available for prosecuting lawyers; only when CPS lawyers are properly trained and prepared for trial
can there be a realistic prospect of conviction in these cases.” Hunting was banned in 2004 under the Hunting Act, but
the League says it is often hard to catch hunts in the act of chasing and killing a fox, and even if they are caught, it is
hard to prove in court. The latest polling from Ipsos MORI, conducted in 2016 on behalf of the League, shows 84% of people
think fox hunting should remain illegal. Pics above - Right - Hounds chasing the fox which had been bolted from its sanctuary in a nearby wood
Left - Hunt redcoat making no attempt to call the hounds off POWAperson adds - Brilliant work by the monitor. His video
appears to show near incontrovertible evidence of wilful fox hunting. It should, at the very least, have been fully considered
by the bench. But, as we've said before, the evidential bar which the prosecution are required to jump in illegal
hunting cases is ridiculously high, and that is due to failings in the legislation. The only long-term remedy is significant
strengthening of the Hunting Act to make it easier to enforce and much more of a deterrent. www.campaigntostrengthenthehuntingact.com
Glamorgan hunt hounds chase juvenile pet dog towards major road, dog lost21-9-17 Facebook - Sarah Tregear HELP - we are distraught!!! Please can people look out for this Cockerpoo, if was chased 40 mins ago by a Glamorgan
hunt hound in forestry near Tair Onen just off A48 towards Welsh St Donats. She has a pink collar on and is called Belle she
is only 8 months old!! UPDATE 22-9-17 We understand the cockerpoo
has now been reunited with his family. One very happy little girl, I imagine. 
Middleton FH cubbers pack up 30 minutes after solo sab locates them 21-9-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Sabs Thankfully the BS that the Cuntrycide Alliance spout is believed only by members of the Cuntrycide Alliance.
Most rural dwellers when they spot an illegal fox hunt don't think to themselves, 'what a quintessential English scene',
they think, 'better phone the sabs'. And so it was that at 6.30 this morning one of our sabs got a phone call to say
horseboxes had been spotted at Knapton. Within 10 minutes our sab had made a coffee. got dressed and was ready to visit Calamity
Carter aka Shagger, Huntsman at the Middleton Hunt. It was 7am by the time our sab reached Knapton and
7.15am by the time the meet was located. By 7.30am the huntsman and hounds were being filmed and by 7.45am they were heading
back to the meet. Wait, what? 15 minutes from first seeing a sab to heading back to the meet!!! This must be a record. The
first known example of Calamity Carter making a sensible decision. Our sab went back to their vehicle and drank their still
warm coffee whilst waving bye to the departing horseboxes. Middleton
FH packing up at 7.45 a.m.
Monitors say Wilton FH hunted and dug out fox 20-9-17 Facebook - Wildlife Witness Monitors were out this morning (20 Sep) watching the Wilton Hunt at their meet near Broadchalke. A
full report will appear later after a review of images has been completed but we can confirm that at least one dig-out took
place. The Wilton have a message on their website "Please refrain from posting on social media anything that can identify
the location of meets". After today we can see why...more to follow.
25-9-17 Facebook - Wildlife Witness VIDEO This is video of the Wilton Hunt on 20 Sep hunting a fox along
a stream that runs parallel with the road. The shouting that can be heard is that of the supporters trying to head the fox
as it attempted to reach open ground. Having evaded these supporters it is believed that the fox was run to ground and subsequently
dug out. Video of the dig cannot be shown at this time as it is still being reviewed. The Hunt met at around 6.45 am over
towards Knowle Hill and drew the area northwards towards Field Barn and then along the Broadchalke to Bowerchalk road. The
video was near to Mead End. The fox must have evaded the supporters and headed back towards the meet as this was where we
found the dig taking place (see our post on 20/09/17). and this comment from a nearby
resident ... 25-9-17 Facebook - Jaime Coles This is the lane that
leads to my village. This is all new to me living in the country. Today on the same road I saw 7 4x4s entering a field. The
4x4s were all full of people in what seems were hunting clothes. Then I saw another hunting party meeting in a farm in Fovant.
Fills me with sadness. POWA person adds - The Wilton is another Hunt which I
have not heard of being hunted or sabbed before, so good to know someone's on their case.
Pembrokeshire FH invade woman's woodland - police called 20-9-17 Twitter - Liza Adamczewski RCA VIDEO Foxhounds on my land, in my woods Police
on their way. I'm in tears. How dare they invalde our woods and kill our foxes - Pembrokeshire Hunt. 
Hapless Middleton FH try some cubbing but fail to kill Hunting fanatic Edward
Duke has called them 'a poisoned chalice' 'Shag' Carter still Huntsman - nobody else seems to want the job Often in trouble with
the law, the Hunt are facing yet more bother 20-9-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Whilst many of our group are 'darn sarth' protecting badgers, some took advantage of a tip off and went to the notorious Middleton Hunt this morning. For those
of you who aren't aware, the Middleton had four members plead guilty to illegal hunting in 2012. Then in 2014 a terrierman
was convicted of blocking a badgers' sett, because you don't want those pesky trails finding refuge in a badgers'
sett! A year later in 2015, following a tip off, sixteen fox cubs were discovered hidden in a barn at
the kennels. This was just prior to CaMoron's promised vote to repeal the ban. The Middleton Hunt guaranteed that vote
never took place and for that we should all be eternally grateful. Fast forward to 2017 and a complete
overhaul of hunt officials in an attempt to clean up the Middleton's image. Did it work, did it fuck. The new Huntsman was filmed saying he would like to shag a lady who confronted him
about illegal hunting, and then managed to get at least three hounds killed on a busy road. All of this led to Edward Duke,
ex Real Countryside Alliance saying that the Middleton was a poisoned chalice which no one would take on, hence Shagger Carter
keeping his position as Huntsman. So back to today. The meet was at 6.30am at Firby. The Hunt stayed in one large
wood until 8.30am and then packed up. Shagger, no doubt busy rehearsing his defence for the upcoming public order and illegal
hunting trials, never showed his face. The
whipper-in looked thoroughly deflated at the sight of sabs [below], a look only matched by a hot
air balloon that came in to land nearby [above right]. All in all a pretty uneventful day with no kills. POWAperson adds - We're informed that 'Shag' Carter is facing
a public order charge over his famous encounter with the lady. To be fair, he did say she was pretty. Pity he spoiled the
encounter by saying he'd like to shag her and asking her to go to bed with him! What
a way to introduce yourself to your new Hunt! Doh. Also, some of the Middleton could be
facing charges for assaulting sabs, plus illegal hunting.
Motorist complains of road chaos caused by South Durham FH Says Hunt also invaded playground
in use by children 20-9-17 Facebook - Fiona Munro Me and my partner were driven off a public road,
into a ditch, while the South Durham Hunt was after a fox. Unmarked quads speeding everywhere, the hounds and hunters even
took over a playground where children were. Cars had to swerve to avoid hounds, on a public road, it was manic. Police called
but they had all gone by the time they arrived. I was thinking then, I would hate to live in that area, constantly intimated
by them, no respect for locals, the road and even children playing in a playground. How they get away with it, is beyond me. Fiona complained
to the Council's Highways Dept. Here is their reply - Dear Fiona, Thank you for your enquiry via
the Council's Highway Action Line Service on 9th January 2013, concerning Middlestone Village near the Ship Inn with vehicles
associated with South Durham Hunt blocking the road and stopping you using the Public Footpath. Obstruction to the Highway:- The road in question being a public highway is legally available for motorists to pass
and re-pass. Any person parking a vehicle so as to obstruct other road users is potentially committing an offence which rests
with Durham Constabulary to consider there is no requirement to have waiting restrictions when considering such offences.
The offences in question are 'Parking Causing Unnecessary Obstruction' and 'Wilful Obstruction'. In both cases,
a police officer must consider judgement/discretion when dealing with a report of obstruction. Unfortunately, such matters
cannot be addressed retrospectively by the Police as the officer must witness the obstruction himself and have opportunity
to assess and deal with as he/she considers necessary. Should you witness this kind of behaviour in the future, then Durham
Constabulary should be contacted directly on their '101' contact number. Public Footpath:- I understand that
attempts were made in preventing you from using the public footpath. Public footpaths that do not form part of the adopted
public highway are the responsibility of the Council's Public Rights of Way Team. I have passed a copy of your report
to colleagues in PROW who are better placed than I am to comment on the legalities of public right of way issues. Yours sincerely, Traffic & Community Manager, Durham County Council
Indy article exposes 'trail hunting' as sham and
hunters as viciously anti-social 19-9-17 Independent Fox hunting ‘driving communities apart’ in
Lake District Despite the
UK’s ban on fox hunting, residents in the Lake District say the bloodsport is alive and well – and wreaking havoc
on the local community. Jane Dalton speaks to those who say illegal hunting has left them feeling ‘trapped’ in
their own homes. Looking forward
to riding a pony for the first time, the children were excited. The animal handlers were preparing to lead the group of parents
and children for a trek out on the fell, and the ponies stood stock still as the youngsters clambered onto their backs. It
was a cold but dazzlingly beautiful day, just the weather to see the Cumbrian fells at their best. Then, without warning,
there came a shout; not one but two men’s voices, a bugle call, the revving of engines in the distance. As if from nowhere
came a great rush of dogs – beagles, tails up, racing, excited, scattering all around the yard where Megan Metcalfe*
was about to wave off the holidaymakers. The hounds swept through Metcalfe’s place like a tidal wave, sniffing in every corner, uncontrollable; the horns and
shouting grew nearer. Quad bikes revved noisily. Megan knew the signs instantly: the local hunt was out – bringing with
it chaos to residents and her business. The normally placid ponies had been startled and were agitated; suddenly it was no
longer safe for children to be on them. The day’s rides would have to be cancelled, losing her business hundreds of
pounds and damaging her reputation.
“It was always pandemonium when the Hunt were out on the fell – I had foxes being chased through my fields and
yard on repeated occasions followed by an entire pack of foxhounds and the huntsmen made no attempt to call them back,”
she says. “There were accidents because my horses – which are so gentle we put toddlers on them – were absolutely
terrified. When there were hounds flying about, horns blowing, quad bikes tearing around and shouting, the animals were scared
witless. I regularly lost up to £800 a day because of the Hunt, through having to cancel the whole day’s rides.”
Metcalfe was forced to abandon her £70,000-a-year pony-trekking business because of the regular disruption. Despite the 2004 ban on fox
hunting, the issue has never gone away, with the Tories repeatedly since then talking of decriminalising it. Now it is back
in the spotlight again, after the National Trust – one of Britain’s largest landowners – said it would ban
animal-based scents in legal trail hunting. The Trust is also preparing for a vote by members next month on whether to continue
licensing hunting. Both moves are likely to especially affect the fell packs in the Lake District, where the Trust is the
largest landowner. Metcalfe is one of a string of householders praying the ban on Trust land is voted through, and who have decided
to speak out about the effect of fox hunting on their lives and livelihoods in an attempt to “open members’ eyes
to the reality” of how Hunt members and followers impose “mob rule” on the Lake District. Awarded the Unesco World Heritage
site title earlier this summer, the national park is one of Britain’s most popular tourist areas – arguably the
most beautiful, attracting more than 15 million visitors a year. Yet few tourists have any idea of the tensions that lie below
the surface, increasingly tearing apart the communities in its pretty villages and around its picturesque mountains and valleys. Residents say the issue dominates their lives:
many say they are intimidated into silence, feel trapped in their homes – or are being forced out of them – and
have lost confidence in the police’s willingness to act against what they see as criminal activity. Opponents of bloodsports even claim to have the
proof – long suspected – that Hunts are breaking the law, claiming to be “trail hunting” – legally
laying an artificial scent for hounds to follow – but in reality hunting foxes illegally. And at this time of year,
rural communities know that “cubbing” – training hounds on specially bred cubs – is under way, in
preparation for the winter hunting season proper. Wendy and Dan Green* adored the beauty of the Lake District so much they moved there to retire. “We bought
our property in this beautiful location thinking it was our dream home and it turned into a nightmare. We moved there for
the tranquillity, only to find that some days – and we didn’t know in advance when – our peaceful area had
been literally invaded,” recalls Wendy. She alleges the hunting ban changed nothing in the national park. “We
had so many instances when we saw the packs chasing foxes. They come en masse – on an average day you’d get 30-40
cars in the street. If the hounds were on a fox, it was like the Wild West because there were people shouting, there were
cars and horns, and quad bikes going up and down with terriers in boxes. They use it as their own playground. They don’t
care if they hold the postman or the local bus up – their hunting takes priority over everything. I’ve seen people
just dive out of their cars with glee on their faces because they think there’s going to be a kill. They abandon their
cars, unlocked, on the road in their rush. I’ve never come across a group who care so little about their impact on others. "We had hounds in the garden. Our spot was a favourite place to hunt on a New Year’s
Day, and we had over 100 cars going up and down, on a single-track lane past our house. They don’t care about the disturbance
or that they’re blocking roads. It’s mob rule. It’s all illegal but they don’t give a damn. The hunters
have all got walkie-talkies so if the fox changes direction they radio to each other. The sound of the hounds when they’re
on a fox just turns my stomach right over. It’s not like we were overrun with foxes because people shoot them too. About
this time of year dead foxes start appearing on roadsides, and you know they’ve been “cubbed” – used
to train young hounds – and they make them look like roadkill. One of those who goes out is a local farmer – and
he gets taxpayer subsidies so the taxpayer is effectively subsidising him to go hunting three times a week.” “About four years ago
a fox was killed in front of my husband. The hounds appeared over the fell near our home, chasing this poor fox, which was
absolutely exhausted. It got to the road and the hounds got to it. My husband got the fox but a hunt follower was there quickly
and tried to grab what was left of the fox – it was dead and its entrails were out. But my husband wanted it for evidence.
More followers arrived and tried to get the fox off him. In the end he had to relinquish it, but he was called all the things
under the sun. As they were tussling with the body the hunter said, ‘I know what your game is. I know where you f-----g
live, I’ll burn your house down’.” It was that incident that changed the couple’s minds about living out their retirement
in the Lake District. Before this year’s season could begin, they sold up and moved to Scotland. “I love the valley but
we wanted to leave because of the Hunt coming so regularly. We were absolutely sick of it. Hunting had a terrible impact on
my life. I would never have moved there if I’d known this went on.” Green wants to see “some sort of register” of places
where hunt packs meet so that homebuyers will know which areas have local Hunts – and they can avoid the pressure that
comes with them. “A lot of my neighbours didn’t like the hunting and felt intimidated. My elderly neighbour had
a fox under her barn one new year. The Hunt came straight into her garden and were banging on her back door wanting the key
to her barn so they could get the fox. She wouldn’t give it to them but she was really frightened because they were
very angry.” Unlike Green,
Pat Camber*, another homeowner, refuses to be driven away. “How can it be acceptable for law-abiding locals to feel
forced out of their homes by antisocial, illegal activity that simply would not be tolerated on the streets of Penrith or
Kendal? Just because our communities are small, remote and sparsely populated does not mean we should have to put up with
this kind of behaviour for half the year. We regularly see foxes being pursued and/or killed, out-of-control hounds, digging
out, quad bikes, no trails being laid, roads and gateways blocked, the whole Hunt off paths and tearing across open terrain,
and terrier use, to name but a few – all breaches of the licence, and many also illegal,” Pat says. For some, trying to take a stand against
local hunting comes at a personal cost. Jasmine Thomas*, a former pharmacist, says she is made physically ill – not
just by knowing wildlife around her is being killed, but also by the threats she claims have been made against speaking out.
“The Hunts can appear at any time, which is just horrible. It gets louder as they come, your heart races, and I have
to get the pets in and get indoors,” she says. “We’ve had hounds in the garden and running riot right through
the village. It’s a small hamlet, and we’ve seen foxes pursued through it. Quad bikes come, and men shout, blow
horns, and vehicles go up and down as they try to work out where the fox has gone, then they disappear into the woodland around
the houses and then the hounds get really excited. Then there’s an awful moment where it just goes silent and you know
that’s the moment they make the kill. I nearly throw up every time. If the vehicles are coming because they’re
following a fox that’s released – I say ‘released’ because I absolutely believe that’s what
they do as they always manage to be chasing a fox in view of waiting roadside spectators – they’ll just abandon
their vehicles and leap out and run to get the best view. I’ve been stuck in the middle of them when they’ve been
doing that and it felt so frightening. You daren’t go out and film or confront them because there are so many of them.
They are very intimidating. I used to go and try to take photos but now they know who I am I don’t feel safe doing that.
It’s an awful choice – either you stay here, keep your head down, know what’s going on yet are unable to
do anything about it, or you go out for the day, which means you’re then trying to plan your life around the activities
of a bunch of criminals.” These days, Thomas says, she always go out for the day if she thinks the Hunt is coming – “and it dominates
your life”. She believes a lot of residents are wary of speaking out against the Hunt because they’re afraid.
“A lady near me has had people gesticulate and swear at her when she’s going about her business. I also have a
friend who has been driven at while walking her dogs, because of her anti-hunt views. Many here feel they have to accept the
Hunts. Standing up to them in any way exposes you to threats and intimidation, and possibly worse. It affects me physically
and psychologically. I can’t sleep, I get really stressed, I lose my appetite, I’m on edge all the time. If I
had known what goes on, I wouldn’t have moved here. But I can’t afford to move. I love the area – I don’t
want to be pushed out of my home by illegal activity. And if I move away, who’s going to stand up for what’s right?” Those who do take a stand –
hunt monitors and saboteurs or “sabs” – regularly come into conflict with fox hunts in most areas of the
country that are popular rural hunting areas, from Devon to the Lakes. Few know this better than Billy Bland, 70, a farmer’s
son who grew up steeped in hunting tradition but who changed his mind 20 years ago based on what he saw. “You get brainwashed from
day you’re born,” says Bland, who today is Cumbria’s highest-profile anti-hunt campaigner. “I kept
hounds as a walker [when smaller hunts hand over puppies for fostering in summer and take them back in winter]. I saw the
way they treated them and started asking awkward questions, which they didn’t like. It was things like stringing foxes
up in trees, making the hounds jump up at them, not feeding the hounds. They couldn’t care less about the hounds –
they would rather shoot them than let you have them for the rest of their days.” Bland regularly goes out as a hunt monitor, recording what
activity goes on. He recounts how he was called by a follower of one pack “the worst man in the world” for turning
against hunting, and recalls how another once told him: “If your mother and father were still alive they’d have
you put down.” Hurtful words, but to Bland they are a sign he is successfully disrupting their outings. Metcalfe resents the effect that the
disruption had not just on her business but also on clients, and her animals and employees. “Customers were very upset
when I had to cancel – 99.9% were holidaymakers who had planned their day around the ride, and there were often kids
involved. I also had horses injured because when the Hunts came, because in their panic they were caught in wire fencing or
pulled ligaments tearing around; I had a member of staff who cracked his ribs when a horse went mad because of the hunt, pushing
him up against a fence. No end of equipment such as head collars was broken, where horses broke free in a panic. It was a
nightmare. A pony only 13 hands high (4ft 4in) hurt himself jumping a 5ft wall to try to escape the noise and chaos. I closed
the business because I couldn’t bear it any more. It was my entire livelihood. I was left with no income but eight horses
still to look after.” Metcalfe
agrees with Thomas that although hunting is supported only by a minority of the community, few residents dare speak out for
fear of repercussions. “It keeps going because of the intimidation,” she says. “There have been numerous
times when witnesses who could have given evidence to the police, such as former employees, have said they want nothing to
do with my case.” She likens other people’s residents’ silence to the 1973 film The Wicker Man, in which locals on a remote
island all flatly deny the existence of a missing girl while secretly indulging in bizarre pagan rituals. “It’s
absolutely backward up here, just like The Wicker Man. Those of us who don’t support Hunts are totally ostracised in
the community.” To get around the 2004 ban and stay within the law, hunt packs created the practice of trail hunting but villagers
say evidence suggests it’s not happening, at least in the national park. “Once I phoned the Hunt master’s
house to ask which way the hunt was going and was told they couldn’t say because it depended which way the fox ran –
admitting they are not trail hunting,” Metcalfe recalls. Green says: “If a trail had been laid, the hounds would be close together, going in the
same direction, but they’re all over the fell, scattering about trying to detect where the fox went. We know they’re
not laying fox urine because that comes from fur farms abroad, of which there are none in this country. And to import animal
by-products you need a certificate from the Animal and Plant Health Laboratory; so we did a Freedom of Information request
asking whether any certificates had been issued for importing it, and none had. So either they aren’t bringing any in
or they’re bringing it in illegally. “One gallon of fox urine would do two half-hour trails. If they’re
hunting from 9.30am to 3.30pm they’ll need six gallons. To hunt all day, three times a week for six months would need
tonnes. And no laboratory in this country would be licenced to treat it. The trail hunting claims are all smoke and mirrors.” Thomas believes the secrecy surrounding meets is
also telling. She and her fellow opponents find it hard to get meet dates in advance. “If they’re following a
trail, which is legal, why aren’t they still letting people know where they’re going to be when? And encouraging
people to take part? Because that’s not what they’re doing. I’ve never seen any evidence of a trail being
laid,” she says. To chase
foxes, Hunts need land, and landowners must issue licences for trail hunting. Thomas says she has been intimidated for lobbying
landowners not to issue licences. “The year before last somebody came hammering on my door demanding to know who the
hell I thought I was, telling me if I came to live in a place like this I had to accept what goes on. I’d complained
to the landowner. Once he’d gone, I was absolutely in bits and felt really intimidated. I found it really frightening.
I was physically shaking. It left me feeling vulnerable, in such a remote place. I keep my head down now, and I feel ostracised.
I don’t go in any pubs because they all hold hunt meets – under the guise of a ‘coffee morning’ followed
by ‘trail hunting’. The landowners licencing the Hunts won’t take any notice of all the reports they get
that this is illegal. They won’t take my word against the Hunts’.” The influence of Hunts is so widespread, and involves so many varied
professions, that any landowners who refused licences would be unable to call on tradespeople for work on their properties
and estates, Thomas says. “You see vans parked for meets with logos of electricians, plumbers, builders – all
sorts take part. It’s shocking,” she says. The National Trust – one of the Lake District’s biggest landowners has issued new
regulations on trail hunting, including banning animal-based scents, in response to October’s members’ vote, which
is seen as an attempt to head off a ban on Trust land. United Utilities – the other large landowner in the national
park – would be unaffected by the Trust's ban, leaving Hunts free to continue their activities, residents fear.
To try to show it takes claims of violence seriously, the Trust also points
to the fact that last year it suspended for 24 hours the licence of the Melbreak Hunt in Cumbria following a “serious
assault on a hunt monitor”. Two monitors had been threatened, one of them – an elderly man – having his
nose broken. The
actions of the police in trying to enforce the 2004 Hunting Act, which banned the hunting of wild mammals with dogs, are widely
derided by the anti-hunt fraternity around Britain, who doubt the sincerity of their efforts. However, some flouting the law
are indeed prosecuted: since the ban took effect in 2005, 423 people were convicted under it in England and Wales, according
to Ministry of Justice figures. But the figure may seem low, and lower still when you consider that the Countryside Alliance
says that only 24 of those cases involved members of registered Hunts. Perhaps it’s no surprise: when the legislation
came into force, senior police chiefs themselves warned that the ban would be unenforceable, and the CA warned then that the
police had been “placed in an impossible situation”. When Metcalfe turned to the police, she found no support, she says. “When I call the
police I’m told, ‘You can’t stop hounds chasing foxes’. The lecture I got was that hounds have hunted
foxes for centuries, and if they come across a fox scent during a trail hunt, nothing would stop them pursuing the fox. I
would have to prove beyond doubt that the huntsmen had made no attempt to call the hounds off, which, he told me, would be
impossible. It wouldn’t surprise me if the police have been given instructions not to pursue charges regarding offences
concerning the Hunting Act.” Thomas has a similar experience. “It’s like living in a lawless part of the country. We cannot seem to get anybody
to do anything about it.” She and Green have both had so many meetings with police that they gave up. “We didn’t
even ring them in the end,” recalls Green. “We had no recourse to the law. We saw foxes being chased down the
fell and rang the police, and by the time they arrived, it was all over. It’s just not a priority. There was a ‘hunt
liaison officer’ – what a joke. Do they have a burglar liaison officer? I started reporting the mobs as antisocial behaviour. We said to the police, ‘If
we told you there were 30 cars full of hoodies, your response would be very different.’ And actually the hoodies would
probably be much better behaved than this lot. I also believe there’s a police officer who joins in illegal fox-hunting
so how can they police it? I used to have great respect for the police and felt you could always rely on them, and I don’t
feel that now.”
Cumbria Constabulary ran an operation called Operation Kilowatt against hunting three years ago, but Bland lost faith
in it when “the police used to turn up and I saw them just passing the time of day with the hunters”. He says
he was threatened one day as I was trying to film a hunt. “This fellow was trying to block my view in a pick-up. He
got on his CB radio saying ‘I’ve got Billy in the gorse bushes, he wants learning a lesson.’ I felt threatened
so I rang 999 and nobody came. I had two calls from police HQ and I could hear them talking in the background but nobody came
to the phone. Then they apologised for not coming – they had no intention of coming.” Bland says he has lost count of how many formal statements he has
given to police. “I’ve had meeting after meeting with them. A lot of cases we present [evidence such as videos
and photographs] to them, they do their best to let them off. They lose the evidence, then it gets to six months and they
say ‘No, it’s time-barred’.” By law, magistrates’ court cases must be heard within six months
of the offence. To me they are clearly protecting the hunters. I honestly think it came from government when the Act was passed,”
Bland says. Thomas
sums up the frustration of many rural residents. “It’s a sense of utter helplessness that these people are breaking
the law, not doing a little bit of harmless vandalism, they’re killing wild animals, with packs of dogs – for
fun; they’re doing it right outside your house, and there’s nothing you can do. If the police come at all, they’re
40 minutes away and it’s usually too late when they arrive. If they do turn up in time, they say to the Hunt, ‘We
had a report of illegal hunting’ and the Hunts say ‘Who – me, sir? No, sir’ and the police seem to
say, ‘Oh that’s all right then’.” The Home Office denies having advised police not to prosecute. A spokeswoman said: “We haven’t sent any
guidance to police. It’s an independent operational decision for police forces on how to respond to reports of criminal
activity.” But the League Against Cruel Sports believes more could be done to crack down, and says reports of hunting are rising,
with greater numbers than ever last season reporting illegal activity to its “animal crimewatch” line. In a new
report, the League has outlined the damaging environmental effects of both fox hunting and trail hunting, and how they damage
vegetation and affect habitats for a variety of wildlife and protected species, with activities such as blocking up badger
setts. If animal urine trails are laid, the report says, they pollute the countryside. On sourcing fox urine, the report claims: “It is likely
imports may be illegal as Hunts are unlikely to have acquired the appropriate permits. If, however, Hunts claim to have sourced
fox urine from the UK, they would have to source this from live foxes held captive, and as such they would become protected
animals [by law], and require a special licence.” The League agrees with those who say the level of proof needed to prosecute under
the Hunting Act is higher than for most crimes. A spokeswoman said: “When it comes to other crimes, reasonable suspicion of someone
committing a crime would normally trigger an investigation. And when the person claimed not to have done it, the investigator
would not necessarily believe them, so would carry on looking for evidence. In the case of hunting, the same situation –
where a person denied having anything to do with the crime – would probably lead to the investigator dropping the case.
Therefore organisations like us are expected to produce far more evidence to trigger an investigation than other crimes.”
The League wants the Hunting Act strengthened in areas including a new “reckless” clause to stop “trail-hunters”
saying foxes are killed accidentally; a ban on the use of dogs underground and greater sentencing powers. The Hunt in the area where Metcalfe
had her business, did not respond to message requests for comment. The Countryside Alliance pointed to its statement on the
National Trust vote, which urges members to vote against a ban on its land. It said: “There are currently more than
60 Hunts that apply for a licence to enable them access to National Trust land, but if this motion carries at the AGM, a number
of these Hunts may no longer be viable due to a lack of country.” The CA declined to comment on householders’
reports of disruption to their lives, homes and livelihoods, and claims of law-breaking by hunting foxes. It also refused
to say where materials for laying trails are sourced. The Masters of Foxhounds Association was approached for a comment but
declined to respond, as did the National Trust. A spokesman for Cumbria Constabulary said: “We take
all reports of wildlife crime seriously, especially as we serve a rural area. We have a designated wildlife officer for the
force to ensure a consistent, professional and proportionate response to all incidents, in addition to planning proactive
and preventative initiatives. We routinely work alongside partner agencies throughout the year including specific campaigns
and operations to deal with all offences in relation to illegal hunting and related activity. We encourage that people report
any illegal activity, and with evidence we will investigate these reports and bring those who commit crimes to justice. We
also welcome anyone with any concerns, information or intelligence to get in touch. Anyone with information can report this
to police on 101.” To some, that advice may ring rather hollow. *Some names have been changed Pics above - Some misdeeds of Lake District Hunts Top left - Melbreak FH supporter
punches monitor, breaking his nose, 10-1-17. Hunt suspended for a whole 24 hours by Nat Trust. The offender was convicted
of Assault and given 80 hours Community Service. 10-1-17. Middle right - The monitor after the attack.
Bottom left - Fox killed by Melbreak FH 5-11-16. Bottom right - Fox bashed to misdeeds of Lake District
death by Ullswater FH huntsman 26-10-09. He was convicted and fined. POWAperson added the following comment to the article - I'm astonished the writer says widespread illegal
hunting has long been 'suspected'. My organisation, Protect Our Wild Animals, other hunt monitors, the League Against
Cruel Sports, IFAW, hunt sabs etc. have been sending clear proof to the media, including the Indy, for over a decade. 'Trail
hunting' is nothing but a concocted alibi to enable Hunts to carry on chasing and killing wild mammals as they have always
done. Anyone opposing them, or just seeking to record their activities, is likely to be obstructed, abused, threatened or
assaulted and have their property damaged or stolen. Organised hunting is a vicious nationwide criminal conspiracy, a massive
breach of the rule of law and a national scandal. The problem stems from a toxic combination of weak legislation riddled with
loopholes, the selfish, ruthless arrogance of the hunting fraternity allied to their ability to flex their social and economic
power to influence police and prosecutors alike, and a largely complicit media. Indy's article today is one of the first
I've seen in the mainstream media acknowledging that the law is being extensively flouted by organised Hunts. Most will
just swallow the 'trail hunting' lie hook, line and sinker, even when presented with evidence to the contrary. Police
and CPS could do more now, but the only long-term solution is to significantly strengthen the Hunting Act [and its Scottish
equivalent], including making prison sentences available, as they are for all other animal welfare crimes. See www.powa.org.uk and www.campaigntostrengthenthehuntingact.com. National Trust members - PLEASE vote to ban the issue of licences for 'trail hunting' on Trust land.
raid investigator's house while cruel hunters remain unchargedScandal
of fox cubs being thrown live to hounds takes horrible twist 19-9-17 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team SHOCKING NEWS: FOX CUB POLICE STOOP TO NEW LOW The police have
had our evidence for 15 months now. There are still no charges in this open and shut case. The remnants of the South Herefordshire
Hunt are out hunting again and wilfully breaking the law. The police are aware of this and have no time or interest in responding. They found the time
yesterday however to raid the house of one of our operatives, the person who handed the mangled corpses of the two fox cubs
to the police in June 2016. We are shocked beyond words that West Mercia Police could stoop so low. This is a clear attempt
by the police to intimidate the HIT while they pander to and protect the criminal elements of this notorious hunt. Please
complain in the strongest terms and SHARE THIS POST. Help us keep this case in the national spotlight. www.westmercia.police.uk/article/2325/Contact-us Twitter: https://twitter.com/search… Facebook: West Mercia Police Phone: 0300 333 3000. 
Sabs prevent Essex FH digging out hunted fox 19-9-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday, Monday the 18th of September, two members of our team headed off to document, investigate and
intervene with the activities of the Essex Hunt. At around 1620hrs they left their
kennels where they were hunting from and made their way onto the road. They quickly had a CHS vehicle following them. Shortly
after leaving they pulled out of a junction onto a blind bend almost causing a catastrophic collision between a vehicle and
the loose hounds that were scattered all over the road, thankfully the cars coming round the bend managed to slam on the breaks
just in time. The hounds and Hunt quickly made their way to a covert, close to a populated children's play area, where CHS
intercepted them. After a few minutes of snuffing around a covert the hounds went into cry, however this blatant attempt to
hunt fox cubs was foiled as CHS deployed an amplified audio recording of hounds in cry, which distracted the hounds, giving
the hunted animal a chance to escape. After this, a call was made to the police, which while useless to the animals, allowed
CHS members to get closer without the fear of the notoriously violent hunt taking aggressive action to counter our attempts
to save lives. Later on in the day, after the Huntsman admitted to hunting foxes, we succeeded in preventing what was a blatant
attempt to dig out by the terrier men by filming and documenting their actions. All in all, it was another win for the animals
and another fail for the Hunt. Videos and photos to come.
EDM urging NT not to licence 'trail hunts' is tabled 18-9-17 Early Day Motion Labour MP Grahame Morris [left] has laid an EDM to cease issuing licences
for 'trail hunts'. The text is as follows- Early day motion 313 HUNTING ON NATIONAL TRUST LAND Date tabled: 13.09.2017
Primary sponsor: Morris, Grahame M. Sponsors: Hepburn, Stephen Mearns, Ian Pidcock, Laura De Cordova, Marsha Hill, Mike.
“That this House is concerned at reports that illegal hunting continues to take place on National Trust land under
the guise of trail hunting; notes the evidence of unopposed trespassing of staghound packs on National Trust land to engage
in stag hunting; is further concerned by the potential disturbance to wildlife and damage to protected ecosystems that can
be caused by these activities and the exercising of packs of hounds on National Trust land; and calls on the National Trust
to cease issuing licences for trail hunting, exempt hunting and hunting hounds, exercise, and to properly enforce its ban
on stag hunting.” To date, it has just 11 signatures. If you wish to lobby your MP to sign the EDM
you can contact them via https://www.writetothem.com/.
finds National Trust staff resistant to evidence on 'trail hunting' 18-9-17 LACS blog by Phillipa King, Acting CEO [right] Is the
message getting through to the National Trust? At a meeting earlier this year between the League Against Cruel
Sports and the National Trust, our evidence of illegal hunting taking place on Trust land was dismissed out of hand. So, when
the League was invited for its second meeting of the year, there were hopes that the Trust may finally be understanding the
scale of the issue. Or perhaps not. As you are probably already aware, the National Trust sells licences hunts to ‘trail hunt’ on its estates.
Last year, it issued 79 licences to 67 hunts. It is the position of the League that ‘trail hunting’ is nothing
but a cover for illegal hunting, and we once again presented this argument to the Trust on Friday 8th September. So,
what’s National Trust’s latest position on illegal hunting taking place on its land? They say that if it was illegal,
there were would be prosecutions, ergo there is no illegal hunting! Shocking. It is certainly true that flaws in the Hunting
Act make it notoriously difficult to prosecute illegal hunting, but as we know all too well, that does not mean that it doesn’t
happen. Besides which, when presented with hard video evidence of fox hunting, I find it hard to believe someone would deny
the proof of their own eyes. Not just fox hunting, but stag hunting too. Stag Hunting has been banned on National Trust land since before the
Hunting Act, but when presented with footage of deer being relentlessly pursued by hounds, this footage was once again dismissed.
Was it dismissed because the Trust allow ‘exemptions’ to the Hunting Act to be used? If so, how do they check
this is what’s actually happening? Or maybe their attitude to our reports explains more… Reports issues by the League and
IFAW, showing exactly how hunts circumvent current legislation, were also ignored by the Trust, merely treated as ‘our
perception’. This is of-course untrue, but it is curious that a meeting specifically held to hear our view (they have
also met with pro-hunt parties), would then dismiss input on the grounds that it is our view? Very odd. The National Trust prides itself
on its conservation work, describing itself as ‘Europe’s largest conservation charity’, so you’ll
will be as surprised as me to learn that, according to the Trust themselves, impact on conservation does not factor into how
they determine what activities can take place on their land, with access to the public taking priority. This is especially
concerning given our recent report highlighting the negative impacts hunting with dogs has on conservation. This is especially worrying given
that the Trust has no plans to monitor licenced hunts. They went to great pains to say that hunts may be ‘observed’,
but that is as far as the Trust will go. At our last meeting the League offered training and resources, but no request was
made by the Trust at this one. How they can be sure that hunts are staying within the law and the terms of their licence without
being monitored is anyone’s guess. It is this worrying lack of evidence-based decision making that makes the upcoming
vote to ban hunting from Trust land so vital. They may not pay attention to the evidence given to them, but it would be unwise
not to respect the wishes of the members. After all, there are over 4 million of them. If you would like to vote, you can
find out how here. [You have to be an N.Trust member]
Leading expert says N.Trust should not licence 'trail hunting' on its land September 2017 Published scientific paper Professor Stephen Harris [below left] of
Bristol University, the eminent zoologist and one of the country's leading experts on wild mammals, particularly foxes,
has published a paper entitled ”The impact of hunting with dogs on wildlife and conservation - A review with particular
reference to the National Trust”. The following extracts from Professor Harris's Conclusion tell the tale - “The
Board of Trustees’ response to members states that 'conservation and looking after the special places in our care
must always be our top priority'. Since the Countryside Alliance and Council of Hunting Associations say that trail hunting
has no utilitarian value to farmers and does not contribute towards wildlife management or habitat conservation, it is unclear
why the National Trust allows special places to be used for trail hunting and hound exercise/training when there is no shortage
of other land available for these activities.” “The absence of any rules and regulations makes it extremely hard to monitor trail
hunting and hound exercise/training and decide when hunts are in breach of their licence conditions.” “… should the Hunting Act 2004 be repealed, all the foxhounds alive today will
need to be retrained to hunt wild mammals. The same applies to packs of beagles, harriers and mink hounds. Since the key function
of trail hunting has now been negated, it is unclear why the National Trust continues to licence this activity.”
“Since foxhunters have maintained that artificial scents cannot be used for trail
hunting, and no legally procured fox urine was available for much of the period following the implementation of the Hunting
Act 2004, the inescapable conclusion is that Hunts have been in breach of the licences issued by the National Trust for most
or all of the last twelve years.” “… since hunting organisations and individuals have consistently maintained that trail hunting with artificial scents
is not an option for fox hunts, although it appears to be an option for packs of beagles, it is hard to see how the National
Trust’s in-depth review has considered all the available information or understand how the National Trust has decided
that henceforth it will licence fox hunts to trail hunt on their land 45 using artificial scents.” “Contrary to the Board of Trustees’ response to members, changing the scents
used for trail hunting will not reduce the potential for accidental fox chases, for two reasons. First, since the hunting
organisations maintain that it is impossible to trail hunt with artificial scents, it seems inevitable that fox hunts will
continue to use animal-based scents when trail hunting everywhere else. If so, there is no basis to believe that fox hunts
will not continue to chase foxes and other wildlife on National Trust land. Second, hunting dogs instinctively give chase
when they see a small animal running away from them, and it is impossible to prevent this occurring because packs of hounds
often operate out of sight of the huntsman for extended periods and sometimes a considerable distance from the huntsman. So
changing the scent trail used on National Trust land will, at best, have minimal impact on the effects of packs of hounds
on wildlife and conservation.” “While the Board of Trustees’ response to members states that 'There is no current evidence from our properties
that trail hunts are any more or less damaging to conservation than many other outdoor pursuits that we license', the
scientific evidence shows that this is not the case. The mere presence of dogs triggers strong and diverse responses by wildlife
and can affect prey in a variety of subtle, deleterious ways.” “Unrestrained dogs, particularly packs of hunting dogs, are particularly threatening
because of their unpredictable movements, which promotes sensitisation rather than habituation by wildlife. So the more often
that unrestrained packs of dogs operate on National Trust land, the greater the impacts on wildlife. Licensing hunting dogs
to operate on their land is incompatible with the charitable objectives of the National Trust.” Since their licence conditions already banned the use of terriers, it is unclear why
the National Trust announced on 21 August 2017 that, 'they would Prohibit the presence of terriermen, who have no practical
purpose on a trail ‘hunt’, and 'the use of their vehicles'.... the inescapable conclusion is that this
“change” of policy has been necessitated by a failure of the Hunts to comply with their existing licence conditions.” “It is unclear how the proposed changes to the
National Trust’s licensing conditions will increase compliance levels. Low levels of compliance with restrictions on
the use of dogs in conservations areas has been a key factor necessitating a ban on dogs in natural parks and reserves in
many parts of the world.”
Sabs fear Ashford Valley FH killed in early morning meet Hounds also rioted on
sheep 17-9-17 Facebook - East Kent Sabs Saturday 17th September Another early morning, another hunt, this
time it was the Ashford Valley Tickham hounds. They met in a field outside of Woodchurch to hunt the woods around a place
called Boldshaves. The Hunt made a start in Barn Wood, and although the Hunt was not using traditional cub hunting
tactics, there can be no doubt that they were not trail hunting. The hounds were cast through the woods, encouraged by voice
calls, and every time the hounds spoke, the Huntsman hunted them on by blowing staccato notes on his horn… The hounds
went into full cry on many occasions, but due to the thin strips of wood that they hunted, it was decided that us calling
the hounds could do more harm than good. Instead we followed and filmed and decided to only intervene if we saw a fox being
hunted, using the stop tactics where needed. We got to
Great Doney Wood where the hounds had been in cry, and still at no point had we see a trail layer…..the wood was thick
with brambles, too thick for a trail to be laid, yet the Huntsman allowed them to hunt on! A moment of quiet and then a long note blown by the Huntsman, was this a call for
a kill?! From our position we saw the the tell tail signs of the terrier man carrying something in a sack-once back on their
quad bike, they headed quickly out the area. Not long after it was all over, as the Hunt ambled back to the meet. At 9am and
with only two hours of hunting they packed up -it was as if they had done what they had come for, another lesson learned by
the young hounds! Not content with chasing foxes some of the hounds took to rioting amongst a flock of sheep in the field
at the meet! The terrier men and a rider made repeated attempts to stop them before finally getting them back in the hounds
lorry. Whenever we feel we have evidence of illegal hunting we present footage to the police,
and we have to be careful with details when posting on social media, as we are still reviewing the footage taken from several
cameras. As far as a prosecution goes over this incident, we are under no illusions as to the outcome - but we only need to
be lucky once! Can you help keep us out in the fields? You can donate to our group here-https://www.paypal.me/EASTKENTHSA
Sabs think Warwickshire FH killed fox while cub hunting in maize
field 17-9-17 Facebook - West Midlands Sabs VIDEO Fox killed by Warwickshire Hunt - footage strongly suggests that hunt kill a fox
Warwickshire Hunt. Monday 11th September. Loxley, Warwickshire Following our previous visit to the the Warwickshire Hunt where we filmed them blatantly cub hunting, we again filmed the hunt blatantly cub hunting this time in a maize field. Foxes can often be found living in maize and
corn fields so it was no surprise to find the Warwickshire Hunt with their hounds in the maize and riders surrounding the
field to frighten any fox cubs trying to escape back into the maize. The fox cubs with little chance of escape will be killed
and ripped apart by the hounds. The attached footage
strongly suggests that this is what happened. A member of the hunt can be seen running from the far side of the maize field,
a quad bike flashes its lights and then the Huntsman rides over to the same spot and jumps off his horse. The terrierman then
enters with his quad bike and drives over to the same spot. Why? Most likely to collect the body. He then leaves and drives
down the road. Shortly afterwards the Huntsman gathers his hounds and continues hunting across the road. Cub hunting is a brutal time of year for foxes, up to 10,000 fox cubs could be killed across the country during the
cub hunting period (fox hunters admitted this as part of evidence given in the Burns Inquiry in 2000 before the ban.. A Hunt
like the Warwickshire could expect to kill a few foxes every time they go out which during cub hunting would be four to five
times a week. The number of foxes killed quickly mounts up. strengthenthehuntingact #endcubhuntingcruelty DONATE - We are also out four
to five days a week at the moment, our fuel costs are a big expense at this time of the year. Please consider donating to
enable us continue to help fox cubs during the cub hunting period. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs You can also set
up a standing order with us. sort code-089299 account no-65488120. Feel free to let
Warwickshire Police know what's going on https://www.facebook.com/warwickshirepolice/VOTE VOTE - The Warwickshire Hunt are one of many hunts across the country that hunt on land owned by the National
Trust. If your a member of the national trust you have the chance to vote to ban all hunting on National Trust property. If
your not please encourage any friends or family who might be members to vote, this is your chance to say no to cruelty at
the National Trust. You can vote online here. Pics below -
1/ Huntsman and hounds 2/ Riders start to surround field 3/
One rider on point 4/ Terrierman quad moving to collect fox corpse  
Beaufort FH filmed by monitor in early morning cub hunting Two blocked
badger setts found in the wood and reported to police Monitors say the Hunt searched three woods, killing in the last 16-9-17 Facebook – Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO Monitors have posted a nine-minute video showing the Beaufort FH cub hunting very early in
the morning of 4-9-17. Scenes are filmed inside the wood into which the hounds had been taken. Hounds are seen searching undergrowth
through which a 'trail' could not realistically be laid and being encouraged vocally by the Huntsman. In any case,
why would they go 'trail hunting', and without a mounted field, so very early in the day [just after dawn]. At one
point the Huntsman dismounts to assist the hounds – typical in cub hunting. Also, terriermen, one guarding their quad,
with terrier box attached, are present. There are at least 2 riders 'on point', ready to spot foxes and tell the Huntsmen
where they are and/or drive them back towards the pack. When the hunters become aware they are being
filmed the Huntsman gathers hounds, only to return with them soon after and restarting the search. This wood was searched
for an hour and a half before hounds appeared to be marking to ground. With the monitor filming on the spot, the Huntsman
again gathered up hounds and moved them on. Monitors then found two blocked badger setts, which they reported to the police,
who attended to record the evidence. The video ends by reporting that the Hunt then
moved on to another wood, where they again failed to find any foxes, and then to a third, where they killed. Pics below - 1/ Huntsman and hounds 1.5 hours into their search of the wood 2/
Rider on point inside wood 3/ Another, outside wood 4/ Terrierman
5/ Hounds marking to ground 6/ Blocked badger sett
West Norfolk FH Huntsman attacks sabs spoiling his cub hunting16-9-17 Facebook - North Cambs Sabs HIT REPORT, 16th SEP 2017 - West Norfolk Foxhounds, Abbey Farm, Wendling
Sabs from N.Cambs, S.Cambs, Cambridge, Suffolk And Essex & Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs massed on the West Norfolk Foxhounds and
swamped their attempt at fox cub hunting near the village of Wendling in Norfolk. Multiple foot groups and several vehicles
kept the enraged Hunt on the move all morning, despite the attempts of the field to distract our attentions by riding off
in random directions away from the hounds. After the Huntsman has been frustrated for the first hour after sabs arrived, he
turned to violence and rode at sabs and struck another in the face. Hounds were repeatedly called away from the Hunt and were
happily distracted for most of the morning. Following
several failed attempts to lose the many sab groups, the Hunt dejectedly hacked back to their meet with the Huntsman taking
the cross country route back to their kennels at Necton. The Hunt did not manage to kill today, thanks to the efforts of the
hard-working sabs. If you support the work of hunt saboteurs in the field, and would like to help with fuel money
to get us out to the hunts and stop wildlife being harmed, you can buy a coffee for us here! https://ko-fi.com/NorthCambs. Pic below - Sabs being held up by police 
Sabs keep taking hounds from 'Ledbury South' FH and fox saved 16-9-17 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs This morning, acting on a tip-off, we headed over the bridge to sab a meet of 'The Ledbury South'.
The Hunt consists of riders and staff from the South Herefordshire Hunt (who are currently at the centre of a police investigation
for feeding fox cubs straight to the hounds inside their kennels) and members of the Ledbury Hunt. The Hunt moved off
at 7am from their meet in Orcop with one group of sabs watching every move they made. You would think this lot would be hunting
within the law but this was the most blatant illegal hunting of fox cubs we have seen in years. We decided to intervene at
the first opportunity and took control of the hounds, forcing the Hunt to move off in an attempt to lose us. This set the
tone for the rest of the morning as we continuously took the hounds away from the Hunt and to our feet. One fox was seen fleeing
to safety, it was seen by hunt supporters but there was little they could do with sabs everywhere. They finally threw
in the towel at 10am after a few more failed attempts at killing wildlife. We'll be seeing you again...
FH filmed fox hunting on National Trust land 16-9-17 Facebook – National Dis-Trust VIDEO 2/09/17: Blencathra Foxhounds hunting on Carrock Fell Hounds
are cast to search around for the scent of a fox. Note that hunt members are hollering to signal that a fox has been spotted,
encouraging hounds to get on to the line of the fox. This is not trail hunting. Please
#votethehuntsoff #AGM [footage courtesy of Cumbria Hunt Monitors].
Ledbury FH cub hunt ended up on National Trust land 14-9-17 Facebook – National Dis-Trust VIDEO Earlier this month, the Ledbury Hunt were cub hunting and ended up on Pengethley Park, which
belongs to the National Trust [sab report here]. This is despite the Trust's recent update (http://bit.ly/2syAhnO ) about any so-called 'trail hunts' needing to publish information about their whereabouts in advance
when using Trust land; does anyone remember any such information on the Trust's website about the Ledbury? Didn't
think so. Please send this video to Dame Helen Ghosh, the Director-General of the Trust, and ask her why the Ledbury were
unable to comply with the Trust's update if they had a pre-planned route. Her email is helen.ghosh@nationaltrust.org.uk. The Hunts clearly cannot be trusted. As a member of
the Trust, you can stand up for wildlife by voting them off today, in advance of the AGM. Our simple guidance for doing so
is here -> http://tinyurl.com/y94gmkkk. Huge thanks to Welsh Border Hunt Sabs &
Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs for seeing off these barbaric criminals on the day & for sharing the footage with us.
#voteoffthehunts #AGM2017 The Ledbury have now merged with the South Herefordshire Hunt, who collapsed after
Hunt Investigation Team filmed them throwing fox cubs to their hounds in May last year. (http://bit.ly/2x3ovT5 ).
Monitors film Grafton FH openly
cub hunting Huntsman makes no attempt to get hounds off fox's line 13-9-17 Facebook - Campaign to Strengthen the Hunting Act VIDEO Grafton Hunt - Cub Hunting From Grafton Hunt Watch
- Well, well, well, here we are again at the start of the cub hunting season and sure enough we observe the Grafton Hunt terrorising
our wildlife. In an attempt to cover up their crimes, this Hunt totes a hapless golden eagle around to use as a false alibi
to claim they are hunting within the law. The Hunting Act must be strengthened to stop these cruel people who think that they
are above the law. Pics
below - 1/, 2/ & 3/ Fox escaping from covert where hounds had been entered 4/ 2nd
fox fleeing from hounds 5/ Hounds on line of fox less than a minute later
6/ Huntsman has ignored monitor's pleas to call hounds off  
Sabs save hare from rarely visited Dunston Harriers 13-9-17 Facebook Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Dunston Harriers - 09/09/17, Longwood House - Topcroft, Suffolk Norfolk/Suffolk
Hunt Saboteurs spent their morning with the Dunston Harriers, who were overdue a visit. We last saw them in January 2016 who
were surprised to see us then, and even more so now. Horse boxes and the hound van were parked in a field opposite the T.
Crawford & CO (Ltd) diary farm. An unknown person, possibly who lives/owns the farm, later claimed he owned the land south
of the farm and had given permission for the Dunston Harriers to be there. Before the Hunt took notice of our presence, it was
clear what they were up to - classic hare hunting. This type of hunting is very fast paced (which can cover a lot of miles
quickly) and also creates different challenges in comparison to fox hunting (which is what the Waveney Harriers have been
focussing on). We spent a lot of time with the Easton Harriers last season and we don't even know what they were trying
to do. Whatever it was, it was a total shambles. Anyway... The hounds got onto a hare, with the full pack
in cry. Thanks to quick reactions from 3 sabs present, a combination of expert horn blowing, shouting and tactical driving
were enough to call off the majority of the pack and let the hare get away. Huntsman was left with no option but to call in
the rest of the pack. Now that our presence was known, the 3x huntsmen were very quiet and clearly baffled about what to do. The 'land
owner', as previously mentioned, confronted sabs and made the usual threats that came straight from Countryside Alliance
guidelines. Mainly 'reasonable force blah blah blah'. Hounds spent the rest of the morning in check and were well
behaved until they gave up and headed back to the meet (a grass field) at around 8:30am. The hound van was one of the first
to leave while others headed to the farm to sulk into their breakfast. Jolly good. As ever, we welcome support, or donations.
If you are interested in getting involved please PM us or email us at ns.sabs@yahoo.co.uk Donations
can be made out to inthenameofnaturehsa@riseup.net Pics below - 1/ Hunting hares on horseback. What is wrong with these people?
2/ A hare that got away 
Middleton FH rider wanted for assault on sabs - name given to police 12-9-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Sabs Thank you to everyone who shared our post requesting help with identifying a rider
at the Middleton Hunt who the police wanted to talk to regarding a potential assault. We now have a name which has been passed
to the police. They can run, but they cannot hide. Thanks to everyone.
Sabs say Four Burrow FH failed to find any victims when cub hunting 12-9-17 Bath Hunt Sabs One of our sabs joined up with a small group from Kernow Sabs early this morning.
Acting on a tip off they found the Four Burrows Hunt out blatantly fox cub hunting near Praze en Beeble, South Cornwall. Hounds were drawn through heather and coverts - areas you could never
even pretend to lay a trail. Riders churned up footpaths even though signs clearly forbade them access. Sabs pre-sprayed ready to cover the scent of any fleeing fox and stayed
with the hounds all morning, ready to step in should a fox appear but luckily none did. The field looked bored, confused and
quite happy to pack up and go home. One of the hounds tried to get into our sab vehicle - we can't help that 99% of all hounds prefer sabs! Pics below - 1/ Can I come home
with you, sabs? 2/ Sign on path used by hunt riders 
Sabs say one fox saved from Warwickshire FH attempts at cub hunting 11-9-17 Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs Warwickshire Hunt - Oakham Farm Fishery, Loxley - Monday 11th September 2017
We are currently reviewing all of our footage. Video to follow. We got into the area early and pre-sprayed areas we
knew the Hunt would go to. Some of us saw them start at Blackwells Coppice from the A429 at around 6:30 whilst another group
of us positioned the other side of the coppice heard the hounds in cry and saw a fox cub running away from the wood. We ensured
it got away safely. The Hunt then left the wood and made their way across the road to Hunt behind a local nature reserve.
Traffic was held up on the road because of the Hunt as they blatantly hunted through a field of crops. Maize and corn fields
are places the Huntsman knows full well that foxes will be living so why put hounds into them? And why were the riders surrounding
these crops? Not the actions of a Hunt acting lawfully. The Hunt then crossed the road and hunted Goldicote Coppice and Park
Hill Coppice before finishing at around 10 am. Cub hunting is one of the most
brutal and cruel aspects of fox hunting, more foxes will be killed over the next few months than the rest of the hunting season.
#strengthenthehuntingact The Warwickshire Hunt are one of many Hunts across the country that hunt on National Trust Land
If your a member you can vote here to ban all hunting on National Trust land. http://tinyurl.com/y94gmkkk Thank you for all the information we have received from locals in the Warwickshire Hunts area after our last video. Please contact us with any information on
any local hunts, all information will be treated in the strictest confidence. 07767620767. Our work means we use a lot of
fuel and memory cards, we appreciate all the support that we get. We will be very busy over the next few months attending
cubbing meets. You can help us by donating https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs .
Police respond to monitors' call and shut down S. Durham FH cubbing meet 10-9-17 Facebook - N.E.Hunt Monitors Hit Report: 09/09/2017 South Durham Hunt Following
a tip off that South Durham Hunt would be out early Saturday morning cub hunting, Hunt Monitors were up at 4am to protect
our fox families. We made our way to All Saints Industrial Estate in Shildon, near Bishop Auckland. Right on cue, around 6.30am the
hound van pulls up, where it was met by around 12 riders, their support vehicles and of course, the terrier men on quad bikes.
Once there we immediately rang 101 to notify them a cub hunt was in progress. Hunt,
riders and hounds made their way through to the fields and wooded area to the rear of the industrial Estate. Due to our numbers
on the day – it was unsafe to go in after them on foot- which was very frustrating. However, we able to stay as close
to them as we could. Armed with citronella
and a Gizmo we were able to head them off and find a good spot off the road, where we could keep our eyes on them and if necessary,
get in quickly and / or safely set off the gizmo without the risk of hounds running onto any roads. Hounds were then sent
into the wooded area, whilst a number of riders were strategically dotted around the perimeter, for a while just sitting and
watching – for what I wonder. Maybe I watched too much Black Beauty but I was under the impression that horse riding
involved…..well…..riding, and galloping over fields….. perhaps not. We were relieved when the hounds failed to pick up a scent and the Hunt then moved
off, into another wooded area and then appearing to go on to search along hedgerows – rather prickly place to lay a
trail. Simultaneously, we made a second 101 call to the police to be told that it was a priority and they were in fact looking
for us. Returning to the industrial estate to wait for them we were subjected to the usual intimidation and attempts to block
us in by hunt support. However, the police appeared just in the nick of time. We were exceptionally pleased with the two police officers
who arrived on the scene - they were excellent. They informed us that they had already spoken to some locals who confirmed
the suspicions of illegal hunting and they proceeded to speak to the hunt to ask what they were doing. Obviously, they gave
the usual trail hunt lies but the police weren’t fooled and neither were we. The police were able to confirm that there were no signs of blood on any of the hounds, so coupled
with the fact that we did not hear hounds in cry we are confident that no fox was harmed. With the hunt cut short and all packed up by 8am we stopped to chat to the police
for a while. We don’t want to go into too much detail, however, the two police officers who attended gave us the impression
that they were committed to taking illegal hunting as seriously as any other crime - which is a breath of fresh air, so well
done to Durham Police. And, on this occasion
their mere presence was enough to send the hunt scum scurrying back under the stone they crawled out from. Who says there’s
never a police officer when you need one? We then set off to check on some badger setts,
before heading back home for a well-deserved nana nap, happy in the knowledge that our fox families were safe for another
day.Until there is a complete ban on hunting and our wildlife
can live their lives in peace, we will out, watching and waiting, to do what we can to protect these beautiful animals. If you would like
help keep us out protecting wildlife then you can support us via Paypal : www.paypal.me/huntmonitors Gofundme : https://www.gofundme.com/4brdhm0 Thanks for all the support you
have shown us so far. We appreciate you all. Pics below - 1/ Hunt
servants and hounds 2/ Young riders on point 3/ & 4/ Police intervene to stop
cubbing hunt  
Film of Grafton FH supporters intimidating & threatening elderly monitors 10-9-17 You Tube – Scorpio Vulpes Grafton Hunt intimidate and abuse elderly anti-hunt monitors
Anti hunt monitors are non violent members of the public who go to hunts to try and film illegal activity from the roads and
rights of way. They are treated abominably by hunters and their supporters. Age is no protection - this film shows gratuitously
intimidating and offensive behaviour towards two hunt monitors in their seventies. Pics
below - 1/ Hunters surround and menace elderly monitors 2/ Rider loses it, leaning
into monitor car and shouting 
Young girls prep school gives Portland FH access for farm cubbing meet The school has hosted actual meets in the past 10-9-17 Facebook - Wildlife Witness On Saturday, we made a visit to help out some local monitors and Dorset Against Blood Sports at the Portman Hunt's
meet at Hanford School near Child Okeford, Dorset. Hanford School is a private prep school for girls aged 7 to 13. Just why
a school would choose to host a hunt meet at 6.30 in the morning in the full knowledge that no trails had been laid is beyond
us! The Hunt moved off and hounds quickly picked up in the woodland at the rear
of the school and hunted intermittently for around 45 minutes. We could hear shouting and saddle slapping indicating that
riders were turning foxes back towards the hounds. Having moved positions we were able to gain access to the area and kept
up with the hunt for the remainder of the morning as they concentrated on drawing through hedge rows and maize fields behind
the village of Shillingstone. Several times
we heard riders shouting and using whistles to head foxes as they tried to escape. The final hour was spent drawing through maize fields and we were able to get close enough to film
the riders surrounding the fields and our presence meant that supporters were not able to hold up and head any foxes. We will be contacting Hanford School to ask why they would choose to host the Portman on their land. Pics below - Rider on point outside wood 2/ Another, outside maize field

FH keep word and just exercise rather than cub hunting 10-9-17 Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt, Saturday 09 September 2017 – Corley The Atherstone
Hunt recently published their September meets on Facebook and claimed they would be hound exercising throughout the cub hunting
period. A welcome move but a big departure from what all other Hunts across the country are doing. Cub hunting is an especially
secretive time of the year for fox hunts, with only a select few invited. Now that they have been open and published some
of their meets it will look incredibly suspicious if they were to revert back to being secretive or worse if they were caught
out at an unpublished meet. We went along to the first of their published meets on Saturday at Corley, it’s obvious that the Hunt are still
in a mess as we saw only a handful of regular riders with the rest made up of kids and inexperienced riders. It all looked
a bit chaotic and unorganised with several of the local residents talking to us about their displeasure at the Hunt's
presence. However all they did was ride around a few fields and roads for a couple hours before packing up. Cub
hunting is extremely brutal and unjustifiable, in fact fox hunters admitted that they killed up to 10,000 fox cubs during
cubbing before the ban as part of the Burns Inquiry in 2000. There is no reason to believe it is any different now. The fact
that our campaigning has forced the Atherstone Hunt into a situation where they must hound exercise instead of cub hunting
means that countless fox cubs could be saved over the next 2 months. The Atherstone have also set a bar for all other Hunts across the country. If the Atherstone can publish their meets
then why can’t all other Hunts? We have to assume the reason is because they are illegally hunting. Many Hunts use the excuse that they are just hound exercising during cub hunting,
yet the Atherstone have shown exactly what that involves. No terriermen, no hounds in cry at any point, hounds close to huntsman
at all times, no one “on point” or stationary around any woods or crop fields. Any deviation from this would point
to illegal hunting. #strengthenthehuntingact The Atherstone Hunt will continue to be monitored throughout the cub hunting period
to ensure this is all they do. We'd like to thank Atherstone Hunt Watch monitors group who helped us keep an eye the Atherstone https://www.facebook.com/Atherstone-Hunt-Watch-1737341664…/… We are always grateful for
the support we receive especially as our campaigning relies on donations, please consider donating to us to enable us to continue
to get results like this. https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs 
One bloodied, one bitten hound suggest cubbing kill by Beaufort FH 10-9-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch Beaufort Hunt 09.09.2017 It was another early start for us as
we set off to catch up with the Duke of Beaufort Hunt at 5.30am. Horse boxes started to pile up in Badminton Park and hounds
were heard being made ready at the kennels. They set off a bit later than usual with lots of children out having their first
experience of cub hunting unaware of the cruelty that lies ahead for the juvenile foxes. The usual throng of Lords, Ladies
and landed gentry that make up a huge Beaufort field, were in attendance today plus the same old ghouls waiting with baited breath in case they can witness a kill. Hounds
were taken straight into Allen Grove a covert on the eastern edge of Badminton Park. Monitors were at the scene along with
their 2 minders James Milsom and friend [right] who thought it was amusing to
shout loudly and cavort around us whilst following even when we were on a footpath or public highway. Not the usual Beaufort
style – we think standards maybe slipping! They were in Allen Grove for at least 45 mins where hounds were on and off cry the
whole time. Monitors were in the woods but unable to get near enough all the time. We could hear the young hounds clearly
excited but not see them. When they finally emerged one hound was spotted with blood on chest - but who knows exactly what
went on in there. They moved swiftly on towards Giant’s Cave where we kept them on the move – another area we are familiar
with. Here we watched closely in case a fox broke cover as they pushed the hounds through a maize field that bordered the
lane. Terrier men and minders kept trying to put off by saying we weren't on a footpath - thank goodness for GPS - it
doesn't lie! From here they took the hounds south into Centre Walk Brake where they were stopped again by us and less hard core
hunters started to drift off home. Frustrated after this they disappeared into Badminton Park a huge expanse of private woodland
belonging to the 12th Duke of Beaufort, the estate inherited after the recent death of his father. At 10am they brought the hounds back to the
Badminton Park and we went home to rescue the rest of the day. Pics below - 1/ Some of the field 2/ Badly bitten hound 
Pics issued of Middleton FH rider wanted for alleged assault on sabs 10-9-17 Facebook – Sheffield
Sabs Please share, share and share again. Police are wanting to question this rider in
relation to the assault that took place on sabs at the Middleton hunt earlier this year. 3 arrests have been made but this
prat is still evading arrest.
Monitor stumbles across artificial earth in Beaufort FH country Riders and terriermen
turn up near there soon after hunt begins Checking shows earths had been blocked with sabs in the meantime 9-9-17 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO Artificial earth discovered in Beaufort hunting area POWAperson adds
- On September 2nd, a monitor stumbled across what was clearly an artificial earth in Beaufort
FH hunt country. Riders and terriermen appeared close to it soon after the hunt began. Checking revealed that, since first
inspection, both AE entrances had been blocked with stone slabs. Such blocking makes no sense if they were really 'trail
hunting'. The old Duke of Beaufort [grandfather of
the new one] was quite open about his family's construction and use of artificials, even saying he'd constructed some
in his lambing fields [and that he'd never lost a lamb to foxes]. Most Hunts, however, even those where AE's have
been found and recorded, sometimes with evidence of fox feeding by hunters at them, disown them and deny they have any role
in hunting. For more info see this LACS report on AEs from 2011. Pics below -
The artificial earth, before and after

Wheatland FH probable kill though sabs induced early pack up 9-9-17 Facebook - Shropshire Sabs HIT Report 09/09/2017 The Wheatland Hunt Cubbing Meet, Larden Grange Farm, Shropshire
Hunt Saboteurs were in attendance this morning following reports of cub hunting taking place around Larden Grange Farm. Given
the nature of the surrounding environment we took position on high ground to establish the location of the Hunt. During this
time we discovered two sheep trapped in livestock fencing which we carefully released. At 7.10 am we found the Wheatland Hunt [right] surrounding Morehouse
Covert off the B4378, Brockton, Much Wenlock. By this point the Covert had been surrounded by the hunt for approximately one
hour. As we arrived the hounds were in cry being lead around the outside of the woodland by the hunt master and simultaneously
encouraged into the Covert. Sabs took position on foot and filmed the activities briefly before catching up with the hounds,
moving past the followers and riders on-point and slipping into the Covert. We
moved slowly through the woodland spraying scent duller before discovering a 4-5ft high chicken wire partition dug into the ground directly through the centre of the Covert. We suspect this has been put in place to
restrict and reduce the area available to the foxes. There was no evidence of pheasants or other game birds that this normally
has accommodated, let alone much wildlife, hence our suspicions. After exiting the woodland to establish where the hounds
were now positioned we were intercepted by the Master of the Hunt and landowner. The circumstances could have escalated quickly
as terrier men arrived by quad bike, identities concealed, and swiftly became aggressive. Due to this we decided to follow
directions to leave the land by the landowner who proceeded to use his horse to intimidate sabs whilst facilitated by followers
blocking any access or sight of the hunted covert. The Hunt called West Mercia police who arrived
on scene promptly. We were able to establish first contact before the hunt could smokescreen their activities further. While
explaining the situation to police hounds went into full cry and Huntsmen sent them into the covert. This lasted for no more
than 5 minutes before a deafening silence fell across the countryside. We suspect that at this point a kill was made, shortly
afterwards the hounds re-emerged and The Wheatland Hunt packed up for the day. Despite the potentially
disheartening results The Wheatland Hunt was a poorly attended meet with little support from riders and hunt followers. We
are pleased the Hunt packed up early and hope to be able to build relations with West Mercia Police to prevent further breaches
of the Hunting Act 2004 in future. Video evidence to follow. If you are able to support Shropshire Hunt Saboteurs and help us protect wildlife
please buy us the equivalent of a coffee, all money raised will be used to fund rising fuel costs and equipment for peaceful
interventions against wildlife crime in Shropshire. www.ko-fi.com/shropshirehuntsaboteurs POWAperson adds - This is the first sabbing report on the Wheatland, who hunt in deepest rural Shropshire,
I have ever seen. This was the Hunt with whom James Barrington chose to pose on Boxing Day 1995, a couple of weeks after his
treachery and failed attempted coup resulted in his expulsion from the League Against Cruel Sports. He chose the Wheatland because it was the local Hunt of the poisonous Janet George, Press Officer for the Countryside
Alliance, with whom he had become pally.
Sabs suspect bagged fox at South
Devon FH - but helped it escape hounds 9-9-17 Facebook - South Devon Animal Rights Hit Report - Saturday 9th September Today, in contrast to
the badger cull, we turned our attention to aiding the foxes. It is the season for training up young hounds and unfortunately
fox cubs are the main target for the savage kill that needs be instilled in the inexperienced young pack. The South Devon Hunt met at Langstone Cross, near North Bovey at around 6am and departed on their bloodlust trail
at 6.30. With a mounted field of at least a dozen riders they headed west to the slopes of Easdon Down. We kept parallel with
them using voice calls now and then to deter any excited hounds. Huntsman Robert Medcalf soon realised he would have to keep
his pack close for fear of a game of ping pong, so gathered and moved swiftly on to an adjacent wood. The young enthusiastic
hounds soon picked up on an array of scents and frequently went into cry, including a short deer chase, but with sabs positioned
perfectly around the wood together with voice calls and commands to the pack, no kills were made. Medcalf obviously favours
this wood to the open moor as the cubs don't venture too far at this age and he and his other murdering cronies seemed
determined to get there fix in this beautiful woodland, thus transforming it into a death ground. But with sabs upsetting
his fun and hounds becoming confused the pack soon became widespread and a long time passed whilst he gathered his tools of
the trade. At around 9.15am after trying to leave us behind several times and not succeeding, sabs suddenly noticed a boxed
up quad driven by the ever delightful Phil Morrish, ex terrierman for the Mid Devon hunt. So, was he called in to assist with
a little bagged up present or did he just arrive late after sleeping through his alarm? With Morrish sneakily trying to hide
out of sight, hounds were gathered for what seemed to be the show the hunt were waiting for. Within minutes hounds were in
full cry. Sabs desperately rated, called and did everything to save the poor terrified animal. The chase went west to where
the hunt originally started at daybreak and headed out a short distance, but excitement soon dampened and hounds circled back. Looks like our friend
had a lucky escape. We hope! With an air of frustration and disappointment the Hunt packed up at 10am. Hopefully a handful
of foxes will get to live another day. A big well done to our sabs who put everything into saving our beautiful foxes again.
disrupt Stevenstone FH's evening cubbing - no kills9-9-17 Facebook Devon County Hunt Saboteurs HIT REPORT: 9 Sept 2017 Stevenstone Hunt, Frithelstock, Devon
We intended to sab the Eggesford but turned up to their meet and there was nobody there. Hunt chairman Mr Trerise, whose farm
it was, helpfully told us about the Stevenstone meet up the road! The rest, as they say, is history. N.Cambs sabs worked with Devon County, Somerset and Sheffield sabs today to disrupt the Stevenstone Hunt's attempt
at cub hunting this evening in the rolling hills of Devon. A large foot sab group intercepted the pack of hounds being cast
by whippers-in and the Huntsman on foot, down into a wooded valley in sight of the ruined abbey. As soon as sabs arrived on scene, the hunt quickly huddled together and appeared at a loss as to what to do next.
Flustered faces and panicked mobile phone calls were observed. With sabs close to the hounds at all times, what had started
as an attempt to kill fox cubs, ended up as a glorified puppy walk. One noteworthy incident, when the terrierman (why is
it always the terriermen?) was questioned as to what he had in the boxes on his quad, he answered "cherries". Hmm.
I don't think so. The Hunt attempted to march up and down the hill, and even enlisted the help of the farmer landowner
who decided to release bullocks into the field with the sabs in. Using cows as a weapon is a new one on us. Ultimately the
hunt packed up and went home, with hunting impossible after sabs repeatedly called away their hounds. No kills managed by
the animal abusers and everyone got home safe.
Sabs annoy new Cotswold Vale
FH Huntsman by spoiling cubbing attempts 9-19-17 Facebook - Bath Hunt Sabs VIDEO Another early morning we joined up with Bristol and Three Counties sabs
in deepest darkest Herefordshire, to greet the new Huntsman of the Cotswold Vale Foxhounds, Gary, who was out with his new
mates, although not many had come out to play! Meeting at Woodsfields Farm, Aston Crews, Gary and his new playmates go out in the hope
of KILLING fox cubs, but with 2 Landies filled with Sabs, he had no chance! With the
foot sabs out in 2 groups and the Landies circling we've got eyes on for most of the morning, keeping them on the move,
having no chance to hunt! The few times the hounds go into 'cry' sabs are there to 'rate' the hounds or pulling
them away from their prey. Gary gets upset, but not as much as when sabs start playing hound 'Ping Pong', with one group of sabs calling
the hounds, then the other, with the hounds going back and forth between, the hounds getting plenty of exercise and Gary getting
more angry! So they retreat back to Woodsfields Farm to pack the puppies away, No
foxes killed and the sabs go for a late breakfast. Please keep us out protecting our wildlife, buy us a coffee at: http://ko-fi.com/bathsabs 
East Sussex FH pack up as soon as sab reinforcements appear 9-9-17 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs Some Hunts are ashamed enough of their activities to hide it under a smoke screen of trail hunting, not
the East Sussex and Romney Marsh who think they are immune to the law and action of sabs. Well we had them under long range
photo and video observation last Thursday at Beckly and today we caught them cub hunting at Nunningham Farm, Herstmonceux... Today we were first
on the scene but, with no luck elsewhere, were quickly joined by sabs from Croydon and East Kent groups, ending up with around
25 sabs in total. We quickly got sabs into the field where the Hunt took one look at us and turned tail for home, not even
making a pretence to follow any mythical trail. On the road there was much videoing of our Landys, trying to block them in and then
when they mounted the verge to get around much shouting and waving of fists. Mrs Bumpkin quote of the day has to be: ‘Haven’t
you lot got anything better to do on a Saturday?’…. Saving animals lives seems like a good use of our time but that
is clearly just us. So with some of our sabs in the badger cull zone and the cub hunting now in full flow it’s going
to be a busy and costly time until March. If you are interested in joining us please email: Southcoasthuntsabs@gmail.com Or if you cannot and would like to donate to help us with running costs and equipment, all will be greatly appreciated.
Sabs spoil Cottesmore FH's morning cub hunting 9-9-17 Facebook - Northants Hunt Sabs VIDEO HIT REPORT: 09.09.17 Another early start for us in Cottesmore
country with pals from N.Cambs Sabs this morning - these pre-dawn wake up calls take some getting used to. As we headed to Bisbrooke, we caught two naughty terriermen hopping back on to their quadbike and heading off in
the opposite direction, so we went in to investigate. Within 5 minutes, we had the field of riders in sight, with hounds,
and the whipper in was already using voice calls to urge the hounds on for a kill, a blatant sign of illegal hunting. With sabs on the scene,
the redcoats panicked and turned tail, heading away from us with their paid-up riders trying to keep up. At one point, they
were caught marking to ground, letting hounds dig at a fox hole, but were quick to call hounds out when they realised we were
there, and filming. The bird of prey excuse was bandied around, but that's about as believable as them saying they've
laid a trail, or that unicorns exist. Sabs barely lost sight of the hounds all morning,
even managing to pull the whole pack away from bemused redcoats, who scratched their heads and looked on helplessly. A great
morning with no kills, and a well-earned rest now for us and fellow sabs, all who seem to have had a kill-free morning. Pics below - 1/ The Cottesmore FH trying to cub hunt
2/ Hound marks fox to ground 3/ Naughty sabs take the pack walkies  
Thurlow FH 'dejected' as sabs ensure kill-free cubbing meet 9-9-17 Facebook - South Cambs Sabs Hit Report – 09/09/2017 Thurlow Hunt, 6.30am Horseheath
Racecourse, Cambridgeshire Unfortunately it is that time of year again when we are up at the crack of
dawn preparing to stop hunters attempting to rip apart baby foxes. We'd firstly like to thank those who give us invaluable
information and make a plea to any others; if you have information on the whereabouts of illegal hunting please get in touch. This morning we joined
our compadres from Cambridge and Suffolk & Essex sabs to stop the Thurlow hunt [right]. From
the outset the hunt surrounded the nearest wooded area and begun to flush the hounds through it. After hearing the hounds
get progressively louder we made our way to the corner of the woods only to see an adult fox skim its outskirts and dive away
from the direction of the pack. It all seemed extremely conveinant that the very first wooded area and within the first few
minutes, the hunt had immediately put up a fox. We sprayed the area and used calls to lift up the hounds off the scent, immediately
the hunt and their supporters started seething with anger and al ong come the usual bully tactics. After attempting to walk horses into us, waving their sticks about, trying to shove
us about and the "geeer off my land," we carried on unfazed and to their dismay the other foot sab team caught up
with them, stopping the hounds rioting on a small herd of deer. The rest of the morning was spent watching them ride a round
in circles in mostly silence, which was an absolute joy because hunters and their followers never seem to shut up. Its probably
the only way to deal with their guilt when they've been caught out. No sane rational person slaughtering baby foxes for
sport can be proud of it. Another fox was seen fleeing the scene towards the end of the
day but again with sabs well within sight and with a little help they got away. Dejected and thoroughly purple by the end,
the Hunt trotted back to the meet point. A no kill day where everyone got home safe. Like sabs up and down the country trying
to protect our wildlife from barbarity - we wish all days were like this one. If you want to give us confidential information on
hunting or you wish to join us in the field, email us at Schuntsabs@riseup.net or
message the page.
Sabs assaulted at Suffolk & Essex FH as teenagers use quads dangerously 9-9-17 Facebook - Cambridge Sabs Hit report, 2nd Sept 2017 Last weekend, We joined up with our
good friends over at SES - Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs - to successfully sabotage the Essex and Suffolk Hunt who were hunting
fox cubs. Prior to going out, we were prepared for more aggression than usual
from the Hunt as an attempt to stop people witnessing what was actually going on, and as predicted the terrier men who have
become quite well known to us immediately started to use excessive amounts of force, hitting and trying to trip up two sabs
and shoving another female sab. During the course of the day, we saw a lot of wildlife that had been scattered by the Hunt,
however, we were not aware of any kills or attempted kills throughout the day, despite the best efforts of the Hunt. As we usually see at hunts, the terrier men used quads to get around, they're often used as weapons and driven
at sabs, we often see overloaded quads with as many as four riders on the back, but I digress, but what we saw on the day
was younger teenagers, 15-17, who were riding quad bikes in wholly dangerous manners both for themselves, us sabs and the
mounted riders around them, pulling wheelies and jumping the quads within around 12ft of the horses, which spooked one horse
which started rearing up slightly before settling back down. It is also worth mentioning that it is typical to see them being
used on the road, which with more than two riders, is illegal and we have seen many quads being confiscated by police because
of this and the lack of registration, number plates, insurance, helmets etc. It just seems like one law for them and another
for the rest. In the early hours of today, we'll be back out again putting our best efforts into saving the vulnerable wildlife
which we as a country often take for granted while ignoring their cries for the basic wish to be alive.
Derwent FH illegal hunting case thrown out by judge early on 7-9-17 Facebook - Sheffield Hunt Sabs VIDEO It would seem that good evidence and lots of good luck wishes aren't enough to overturn a corrupt
legal system and a useless CPS lawyer. The
case against the Derwent Hunt at Scarborough Magistrates Court today was thrown out by the judge, at the request of the defendants'
barrister. This was despite the fact that not one of the 3 defendants were asked to enter the witness box and explain their
actions on the day. Why were two terriermen called to the wood? Why did all three
defendants deny knowing the terriermen? What went on in the wood for 10 minutes? Why were hounds suddenly released through
the wood by the Huntsman only to reappear in pursuit of a fox? There is no justice, there's just us. https://gogetfunding.com/help-sheff-sabs-save-badgers/ Pics below - 1/ Terriermen called in
2/ Huntsman and terriermen go into wood together 3/ 10 mins later hounds are chasing fox bolted from
wood 4/ Hounds searching for lost fox, Huntsman not calling them off   POWAperson - Hopefully, we will at least get an explanation of why the
judge threw this case out so early on. The video evidence looks damning, but the requirements to prove a case of illegal
hunting are very stringent. Reproduced below is the original report re. the charging of the Derwent 3. 16-5-17 HSA Press Release Three employees of the Derwent hunt in North Yorkshire have been charged with illegal
hunting The three: huntsman Sean McClarron, kennel huntsman Jason Marles (now huntsman
at the Eggesford Hunt) and whip Damian Readman are due to appear at Scarborough Magistrates Court on 22nd May. This follows footage obtained on the 1st November 2016 by members of Sheffield Hunt
Saboteurs, at a meet in Wilton in North Yorkshire. Towards the end of the day sabs filmed a fox being bolted from underground
and then chased by the pack of hounds. The law stipulates that if a fox is dug out it must not be released to be further hunted.
Cheshire FH cause road havoc - visited by cops as locals complain 7-9-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cubbing in Bruera 07/09/17
Thanks so much to our two local supporters who tipped us off. They led us straight to the Cheshire Hounds hunt in Bruera this
morning. Our covert monitors filmed them trying to hunt through woods close to Platts Lane and others caught them causing
lots of havoc for locals and commuters, with hounds all over the road. Police were in attendance, they also attended the hunt
kennels in Sandiway earlier this morning after complaints from local residents. Together we can stop this! 
Waveney Harriers may have killed in early morning cubbing 7-9-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Waveney Harriers – 07/09/17, Town Farm , Chediston, Suffolk
Another early start with the Waveney Harriers who met at the property of John Ibbott (Joint Master & Parish Council member
for Chediston & Linstead). Though they are a Harrier pack, they are also registered with the MFHA (Masters of Foxhounds
Association) and have been focussing more and more on fox hunting in recent years. This morning was no exception, with a clear
display of cub hunting.
The Hunt set off a lot earlier than last week and spent the
majority of time in woodland. Hounds were in and out of cry and were often encouraged by the huntsmen Reuben Kench. With the
presence of terrier-men, it can quickly become a delicate situation. A fox broke cover [left] and
was able to escape, with the reinforcement of having it's scent covered. Saboteurs then witnessed the whipper-in unable
to get the split pack back together, which resulted in the terrier-men also take action. Once
a full pack had been restored, the Hunt decided to head back to the meet for an early finish at 8am. We believe a fox may
have been killed due to the early pack up and the confident attitude of Reuben Kench as he arrived back to the meet. Not satisfied
that they weren't trying to go out once again, we enjoyed the early morning sunshine until the hounds returned the kennels. As ever, we welcome support, or donations. If you are interested in getting involved please PM us or email us at
ns.sabs@yahoo.co.uk . Donations can be made out to inthenameofnaturehsa@riseup.net Would like to thank those who have been in contact with
us and those who have donated money. POWAperson adds - In a separate comment, sabs say the Waveney Harriers eagle owl [visible
on arm of man standing on right of pic above] has, to the best of their knowledge, never been used. And they sab the WH a
North Cotswold FH hunted around bTb struck cattle farm Farmer
says happy to have hounds running round farm buildings Hunt falconer makes inappropriate sexual remarks to female sab 7-9-17 Facebook - Kingston Hunt Sabs Whilst doing badger cull stuff, we still sab hunts. North Cotswolds Hunt cubbing meet early doors out of Evetts
Farm, Wormington. Last year this farm was declared a TB hotspot. Despite this, and already having lost cattle to bTB this
year, when asked, farmer James said he doesn't mind the hounds - hunt hounds being proven carriers of TB - running free,
through slurry, feed stores and drinking out of the water buckets. We have the conversation on film and will report the situation.
We think he shouldn't be claiming compensation for lost bTB animals when his biosecurity is so slack. We saw 2 foxes away.
The hunt also put up deer. Calvin the falconer made a rape joke to a female sab. We have it on video. Trail obviously not
laid through hedges, and they hunted in cattle fields amid cattle, on a bTB farm. Good morning's sabbing with a handful
of other sabs from Croydon and 3C. Pics below - 1/ Hounds in and out of
farm buildings 2/ Hunt falconer, nearest camera  7-9-17 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Sabs We were up and about early this morning checking setts within the North Cots cull zone and received a tip-off
that the North Cotswold Hunt were meeting in the area of Wormington. Ryefield Farm was the meet at which a 3C sab's camera
and glasses were broken at this time last season as she was 'lifted' out of a field by a hunt supporter on a horse.
Despite the obvious assault West Mercia police did not pursue a case against the rider - https://vimeo.com/182389568 We had the pleasure of
the company of some sabs from Croydon and Kingston groups and at around 6.15am we watched terrierman Will Haines [who recently
received a caution for attempting to run a 3C sab over on his quad at the end of December last year and was decidedly more
polite and quiet today] heading into a covert with a known artificial earth in it near to Wormington Grange. He spotted us
and called in our presence and the Hunt headed east and away from the coverts he had just been messing around in.. A couple of maize fields later and the Hunt had picked up on a couple of scents back near Wormington Grange, but
we were close by. Having recognised a familiar face - Tim Pearce-May, ex-whipper-in of the Ledbury Hunt - out with terrier
and joining Haines on the quad, we watched as the Hunt drew the hounds through a small piece of shrub, hounds picking up and
running towards sabs. A fox cub was spotted trying to break from the adjacent hedge and soon made eye contact with a lone
hound who hesitated before bounding into the hedge as the cub backed off. We rated hounds and told huntsman Nigel Peel that
we had fox on camera which slowed the Hunt down before the cub broke into the field. We intercepted, rating, and turned hounds
back before spraying the area to help cover the scent. Calvin Crossman, falconer and desperate
alibi for the hunt, turned up after the attempted chase, making a lame attempt at watching out for hunted cubs at the next
covert (where sabs saw another cub run to safety) and made a rape joke about one of our sabs before excitedly calling other
hunt staff to tell them that the sab obviously wanted him... back in December he assaulted a 3C sab - the same sab attacked
by Haines - but West Mercia police took no further action against him. https://vimeo.com/198087658 It wasn't long before
the Hunt returned to Ryefield Farm - a farm which had a bTB breakdown in 2016 - where hounds drank from water buckets, ran
around cow sheds and into slurry and jumped in and out of separation crates where calves lay. Strange that the landowner thought
it perfectly ok for hounds to run around like this, despite bTB also being present in other areas of the NCH hunt country,
including where they dug out and killed a fox last season just south of Evesham especially after the Kimblewick Hunt hounds
contracted bTB earlier in the year. Kingston Hunt Sabs have some great photos of hounds around the farm. We asked Pearce-May how he'd managed to spiral so low, going from whipper-in
of a fairly prestigious hunt to terrierman of this lot (turns out he hasn't even managed to get to terrierman stage...
and he ended up doing more whipping-in duties than the whipper-in himself!) He told us that "someone needs to kill things
for them, don't they?" And Mark Meladay (Ledbury huntsman) had said he wasn't a real enough man for him... We'll be out again soon. Support us if you can! www.paypal.me/threecountiessabs Pics below - 1/ Fox close to hound and
rider 2/ Fox making a break. Rider looking wrong way. 10-9-17 Facebook - Kingston Hunt Sabs Oi, DEFRA, here are some awkward questions: 1) Evetts Farm is registered on the bTB map. It has been since
2016. They have lost herd member/s to bTB this year. So why host a fox cub hunting meet - hosting a pack of hounds, when hunting
hounds have been shown to spread the bacteria? The farmer is showing zero concern about the hounds contracting TB from his
farm. Is this because he knows that the North Cotswolds Hunt hounds already have TB? Or that he doesn't have any qualms
in risking exposing them to it? 2) Did the North Cotswolds Hunt master, Nigel Peel, know that Evetts Farm is a bTB breakdown
farm? If yes, why did he arrange a hunt meet there, risking his hounds? How could he not know the TB status of the farms he
arranges his meets at? The information is publicly available on the iBTB map. If he didn't check the farm status before arranging the meet, and farmer James
did not inform him whilst they were agreeing dates/times for the meet, is Peel now having his hounds tested for TB? Is Peel
angry with James? Are the North Cotswolds Hunt hounds now in quarantine? Or are they still actively going out hunting, risking
spreading the bacteria? (The bacteria can survive outside of its host, so even if a hound didn't become infected, it could
easily spread the disease through mud on their paws, or manure/slurry. Same goes for the hunt's horses hooves and the
terriermen's quadbike wheels and the hunt staff's boots.
AUGUST 2017..... 31st August - NT Board recommends members vote
against 'trail hunt' ban resolution ..... 31st August - Cumbrian Hunts join protest against
NT 'trail hunting' restrictions ..... 31st August - South Tetcott FH cubbing meet 'shut
down' by sabs ..... 30th August - Waveney Harriers supporters kick sabs and cars whilst
allegedly cubbing ..... 30th August - New Atherstone FH JM signed Hunting Declaration vowing to
ignore ban ..... 30th August - Demo at Kent WT AGM against hare hunter Chairman
- Sept 23rd ..... 30th August - S.Herefordshire FH five in cub cruelty case rebailed yet again ..... 29th August - Blencathra FH admit still kill foxes, have little control of hounds .....
29th August - Cheshire FH - cubbing, cakes, champagne ..... 29th August - Cumbria Hunt Watch told
Blencathra FH killed fox today ..... 28th August - Atherstone FH hunters on 'pleasure ride'
can't resist attacking sab car ..... 28th August - Surrey Union FH have started cub hunting
already say monitors ..... 26th August - Cottesmore FH 'steward' spits at sab as their
cubbing is disrupted ..... 25th August - Lone Cambridge sab discovers very early morning cub hunt ..... 24th August - Sab acquitted as convicted Crawley FH hunter's lies exposed in court .....
23rd August - Essex Farmers FH terrierman convicted of sex with child ..... 23rd August -
Quorn FH filmed apparently cub hunting on NT land ..... 23rd August - National Trust ignoring
evidence that 'trail hunting' is a fiction ..... 23rd August - Two foxes saved by monitors
from Crawley FH cub hunting ..... 22nd August - Did Melbreak FH supply fake fox urine certificate
to Nat Trust? ..... 21st August - CA anger at NT's policy changes on 'trail hunting' ..... 20th August - CA official [ex senior cop] invited to Leics police hunting training day .....
20th August - Sabs stop Cheshire Forest FH cub hunting effectively ..... 20th August - NT announces
policy changes on 'trail hunting' to head off ban pressure ..... 20th August - Pressure
grows on NT to ban 'trail hunting' on its land ..... 19th August - Three Counties MH flee
off home before sabbing even starts ..... 19th August - Sabs cause instant pack up by Northants
Mink Hounds ..... 18th August - Stressed stag chased on to LACS sanctuary by unstopped D&S
SH hounds ..... 16th August - Aborted calf highlights neospora dangers from hunting hound packs ..... 16th August - Hunting fanatic Duke of Beaufort dies leaving vast fortune and estate .....
14th August - Vile rape and death threats made online to fox rescuer monitor ..... 13th August
- 'Thousands' protest killing of wildlife for 'sport' ..... 10th August - Alston
Hare Week future in doubt as host pack forced into amateur status ..... 8th August - W.
Somerset Vale FH filmed cubbing among other misdemeanours ..... 5th August - MoT says hunt
quads must be fully taxed, MOT'd & not carry passengers ..... 5th August - Dove
Valley MH large meet aggressive but pack up due to sabs ..... 4th August - W.Norfolk FH
take pack on to NT Brancaster beach without permission ..... 3rd August - LACS Trustees
squash plan to make investigator team redundant ..... 1st August - CPS say won't charge
Cheshire Forest FH over fox kill in Macclesfield
NT board recommends members
vote down 'trail hunt' ban resolution 31-8-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust The Board of the National Trust have now said that they are recommending that
members vote against the resolution in a letter which demonstrates complete ignorance of the subject,
relying on the fact that their panic-induced new 'measures' offer a veneer of change (in reality, they show that the
Trust has been turning a blind eye to wildlife crime for 12 years; see -> http://bit.ly/2wyxJZB ). Some thoughts... to explain how 'trail hunting' works to members who have witnessed foxes being eviscerated
by hounds is insulting. It also ignores the fact that 'trail hunting' is fictional (http://g.ifaw.org/2kD1orC ) except as a false alibi for wildlife crime, despite Dame Helen Ghosh having read the report which proves
this (http://bit.ly/2u8XKua ). ... the Trust don't monitor the activities they licence; this is an outright lie. They have both said that they
don't have the resources to monitor as well as stating in a leaked internal memo to staff that the onus is on the Hunts
for adhering to the licence and the law. ...if the Trust now think terriermen are a redundant element of 'trail hunting',
what do they think terriermen have been doing on their land for the last 12 years? ...in a separate note, the Trust have also said that the vote at the AGM isn't
binding, implying that the Trust are preparing to ignore the wishes of their own membership. Putting aside how disrespectful
this would be to their members as well as the wildlife that will soon be terrorised & slaughtered by Hunts on their land,
it also forgets that whilst a vote may not be binding, the law is. It is an offence to knowingly host a fox hunt (or a stag
hunt). If you're a member, we need you to help wildlife to live in peace on Trust land, to help the lands that you pay
to care for become the sanctuaries for increasingly pressured wildlife that they should be. #voteoffthehunts
Cumbrian Hunts join protest against NT 'trail
hunting' restrictions31-8-17 Facebook - Westmorland Gazette Controversial campaign sparks anger over trail hunting
tradition A CONTROVERSIAL move to limit trail-hunting on National Trust land has angered supporters
of the sport in South Lakeland. The National Trust has publicised a set of new rules which trail hunters must follow, and
will hold a vote on banning the practice altogether on its land at its annual meeting on October 21st. Fifty members of the Trust - which owns a large amount of land in the
Lake District - have endorsed a motion to stop trail-hunting following the emergence of video footage allegedly showing hunts
killing stags on its estates. Campaigners argue that the practice, which involves riders and hounds following a pre-laid scent,
is a way of getting around the hunting ban. A member
of a major Cumbrian Hunt has highlighted the damage that regulations on the sport could have on the area, affecting both the
traditions and the welfare of tenants who farm the land. Neil Salisbury, secretary for the central committee of fell packs [right,
on left, credit WG], said: "We have been working with the National Trust in conducting legal hunting
since the hunting ban. We have never had any problems or any prosecutions. The Trust has nationally been under a lot of pressure from animal rights groups to come up with these changes which they want to
impose on us." The rules initially proposed by
the National Trust include the reporting of the location of any hunting meet and the banning of animal-based scents. "Putting
all the details of the meets online is only going to benefit the hunting saboteurs," said Mr Salisbury. "Whenever
the sabs find out where meets are they turn up in mini buses, some wearing masks, and cause as much unpleasantness as they
can. They threaten the farmers or business owners where the meet is both physically and verbally, and also on social media.
The National Trust is failing in its duty of care to the tenant farmers on its land in advocating these changes. Accidents
happen if the hounds break off the trail. We use a natural scent that we know hounds will follow. We are very confident of
that. The National Trust want us to use an artificial scent, like they do with hound trailing. Those dogs take years to be
trained to follow those scents. We are not as confident that the dogs wouldn't break away and cause accidents with an
artificial scent." The Countryside Alliance has
urged National Trust members to vote against imposing a full ban on trail-hunting on the Trust's property. “We cannot
underestimate the importance of members using their vote to support legal trail-hunting on National Trust land," explained
Polly Portwin, the Countryside Alliance’s Head of Hunting. There are currently more than 60 hunts that apply for a licence
to enable them access to National Trust land, but if this motion carries at the annual meeting then a number of these Hunts
may no longer be viable due to a lack of country." Chief
executive of the Countryside Alliance Tim Bonner added: "Following subsequent meetings between the Alliance and the National
Trust, we made it clear that while we all understand that the Trust has again been dragged into a fight it would rather keep
well out of. Some of the conditions that it is attempting to impose on hunts are simply unacceptable." POWAperson adds - The National Dis-Trust summarises the weaknesses in the Hunts'
arguments - 1-9-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust Interesting comments appearing from bloodsport nincompoops in a few articles recently, like
the one below. '"Putting all the details of the meets online is only going to benefit the hunting saboteurs,"'
- Neil Salisbury, secretary for the central committee of fell packs, whinging about having to publicise hunt meets, which
he has already had to do for at least 7 years as part of the National Trust licence criteria, as well as any meets for Forestry
Commission land being subject to Freedom of Information requests (http://bit.ly/2uIXOjW). '"Those dogs take years to be trained
to follow those scents."' - Neil Salisbury. 'Trail hunting' was concocted after the Hunting Act 2004 came
into force on 18/02/2005, and was then the practice (in theory) of Hunts from the 2005/2006 season onwards. So it didn't
take 'years'; it took less than one year. Unless, of course, they never retrained the hounds at all? #wethinksyoudothprotesttoomuch
#voteoffthehunts #AGM2017 POWAperson adds - Neil Salisbury cites 'accidents'.
This is always the get-out for Hunts caught chasing live quarry - as the great majority still do. Clearly, when such 'accidents'
happen all the time and a pretend system is used that makes them inevitable, they are not 'accidents' at all. As regards
what he says about sabs, perhaps they could provide some evidence to back their assertions. There is plenty of video evidence
of hunters 'terrorising' sabs and monitors, and numerous convictions of hunters for, often violent, offences
against them, but virtually none to back Salisbury's claims. The central problem
with the National Trust's proposed changes to 'trail hunting' licences is that it relies a lot on self-policing
by Hunts - which we know cannot be relied on at all - and intensive checking by Trust officials, which they probably
are not capable of. Over the years the Trust itself has largely ignored complaints, usually backed by video evidence, of blatant
licence-breaking and, though they have sanctioned a few Hunts, this has never involved more than short suspensions and finger
wagging. An outright ban is the only feasible solution. South Tetcott FH cubbing meet 'shut
down' by us, say sabs Waveney Harriers supporters kick sabs and car at cubbing meet30-8-17 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO AND SO IT BEGINS! Waveney Harriers – 26/08/16, Mettingham
Castle - Mettingham. Suffolk Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Sabs headed out early Saturday morning to sab the Waveney Harriers.
Despite some funny business (huntsman driving around with an empty hound trailer, maybe he forgot the hounds?) the hunt were
tracked down to Mettingham Castle. While it wouldn't be fair to say we'd
missed the Waveneys over the summer, we were a bit disappointed by their lack of warm welcome. Riders kicking sabs who were
trying to step out of the way, Rhys the terrierman knocking a sab's wing mirror off, and a call to the police by the Hunt. There seemed to be
some confusion by the caller (land owner Harriet Servaes) - she couldn't quite work out what she was doing there, claiming
in the phone call that they were 'trail hunting' (no trail was laid, and definitely not through the woodland they
hunted), 'cub hunting' (illegal with a whole pack of hounds), 'exercising hounds' (this doesn't require
horses), and that they had an Eagle Owl 'just in case' (not suitable for fox hunting, not required for trail hunting
and not particularly helpful for exercising the hounds!). She also referred to us as 'threatening terrorists' - which
we thought was a little distasteful considering all that has happened this year. With the hunt starting later than usual, perhaps because of earlier mishap with the hounds, the Hunt weren't
out for long. Travelling from woodland to woodland, clearly cub hunting, the weather was not great for hunting and with sabs
close behind it was grumpy faces all round for the hunt. Come on guys, we thought this was what you did for fun?! As ever, we welcome
support, or donations. If you are interested in getting involved please PM us or email us at ns.sabs@yahoo.co.uk Donations
can be made here - inthenameofnaturehsa@riseup.net. Pic below - Riders and foot followers helping
to ring copse in which hounds have been entered to find foxes. There is really no other explanation for this than that they
are cub hunting. New Atherstone FH JM signed Hunting Declaration
pledging to ignore ban 30-8-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt's new joint master committed to breaking the hunting law
As the introduction of the Hunting Act became inevitable the Countryside Alliance organised the Hunting Declaration. The declaration
pledged that, if a ban came into force, they would disobey the law and continue to hunt, risking criminal conviction. In 2003,
the organisers of the initiative named 1st November 2003 as the Declaration Day, when a series of events were organised so
hunters could physically and publicly sign the declaration. This saw 50,000 hunt supporters publicly sign declarations that
they would break any future law that banned hunting. As we know hunts across the country stood by this declaration and continue
to break the law to this day. This list of signatures has conveniently disappeared so we can’t know exactly who signed
it except of course for those who admitted publicly to signing it. For example Julian Barnfield is quoted as saying "I
will not stop hunting, I am proud of what I do and I lead a very privileged life. I am prepared to go to jail for that life
as well, several times if necessary." Ironically Barnfield was later convicted for just that, illegal hunting with the
Heythrop Hunt. Mark Halford was another
person who publicly admitted to signing the declaration to break the law in this article that he had signed a declaration, among 1,000 other pro-hunters,
to continue riding with hounds even if a ban was imposed. "I will continue to hunt and voice my opinions on fox hunting and put across my arguments." Halford is the new joint-master of notorious fox killers the Atherstone Hunt. The
Atherstone have killed numerous foxes over the last 2 years which have been well documented in the national media. Many more
would have been killed if we had not been there, we see foxes being hunted on an almost weekly basis and have saved far more
than have been killed. The Atherstone claimed all these kills were “accidents” but the more “accidents”
they have the less believable this excuse becomes. Halford is both a director of the Hunt and a joint master, he is one of the people who are in charge and running
the Hunt. He is one of the few people who are publicly quoted as saying they will break the law and carry on hunting. The
fact that a fox hunt well known for killing foxes have just appointed someone to run the Hunt who has a clear disregard for
the law should set alarm bells ringing for Leicestershire Police. It is a clear statement of intent of what the Atherstone
Hunt's intentions are. Demo
at Kent WT AGM against hare hunter Chairman for 23rd Sept30-8-17 Facebook – Events Demonstration at Kent Wildlife Trust AGM Bridgewood Manor,
Chatham Saturday 23rd September Arrive 10 am for 11 - ALL WELCOME “Michael Bax, was appointed to the position of
Chairman of Kent Wildlife Trust in April 2014. Bax served as both Huntsman and Joint Master for the Blean Beagles between
1971 and, according to both Bax and Kent Wildlife Trust, 2005. However, Baily's Hunt Directory claim he left the hare
hunting group only last year. He is also still listed as Joint Master of the group in the 2015/2016 edition of the Horse and
Hound Directory. His business partner, Stuart Sillars, of BTF Partnership still serves as Joint Master, Huntsman and Hare
Conservationist for the group. Bax also allows a driven-pheasant shoot to take place on his land and through his business, sponsors
shoots of birds and ducks across Kent. He personally donated a shoot of wading birds on an environmentally-sensitive area
of Kentish land, Greenborough Marshes. Bax's business also sponsors two fox hunts. It is worth noting that a previous
chairman of the Kent Wildlife Trust for over a decade had been joint master of the Quorn Foxhounds! KWT claim they are
“neutral” on the hunting issue. How a Wildlife Trust can possibly take a neutral stance on the killing of wild
animals for sport is beyond most people, and the revelations have led to many members cancelling their membership, as well
as a petition of over 150,000 people demanding his resignation. This is not an
anti Kent Wildlife Trust protest by any means, it is simply so that people can express their outrage that hunters or shooters
can be given positions of such power in our Wildlife Trusts! Please support this peaceful demonstration, all welcome. Bring
banners, wildlife masks and good manners!”
South Herefordshire FH five in cub cruelty case rebailed yet again30-8-17 Kidderminster Shuttle Five arrested in South Herefordshire Hunt investigation have been re-bailed
ALL five people arrested as part of an animal cruelty investigation at a Herefordshire hunt have been re-bailed until next
month. Police are investigating reports of animal cruelty at the South Herefordshire Hunt kennels in Wormelow. The first two people,
a 37-year-old man and 27-year-old woman, both from Hereford, were first arrested in May 2016. A 37-year-old man from Abergavenny
was then arrested in June of the same year, and a 53-year-old woman from Abergavenny and 45-year-old man from Powys were arrested
in August 2016. All five have been re-bailed until September. POWAperson adds - The very nasty incidents that brought about the arrests occurred late last spring, filmed
covertly by the Hunt Investigation Team. The police handed their file to the CPS several months ago. One has to wonder what on earth is taking them so long. The S. Herefordshire FH was suspended indefinitely by the MFHA and has effectively closed down. Pics below - 1/ Person believed to be Hunt servant
about to throw live fox cub to hounds 2/ Imprisoned cub 
Blencathra FH admits still kill foxes,
have little control of hounds29-8-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust The Blencathra Foxhounds are licensed by the National Trust to 'trail' hunt, so it’s particularly
disturbing to watch this recent video of Huntsman Barry Todhunter, admitting that his hounds are often ‘4 or 5 miles away’. The
National Trust intend to re-licence the Blencathra Foxhounds again this year, even though they admit to killing foxes and
use the guise of following a trail of illegally imported fox urine... 'In Cumbria hunts describe any incidents of foxes
being chased or killed by packs of hounds as accidental. Blencathra secretary Bob Fell said his Hunt’s hounds were following
a scented trail last Saturday when a fox appeared. The hounds chased it while huntsman Barry Todhunter blew his horn to try
to call them off. “It does happen,” Bob Fell told The Cumberland News. “You just can’t help that.
The foxes haven’t gone away since the ban. You do get occasions when the fox jumps up among the hounds. We do our best
to stop the hounds but there have been a few killed since the ban came in. I don’t know how many. Our huntsman keeps
a diary.”' - Cumberland News. 17/02/2006, 'Their trail hunts use fox urine, supplied by Barry Todhunter at the Blencathra hunt. Alan (Cumbrian Farmers
Hunt) says: “We’re using a fox-based scent so when the ban’s reversed they [the hounds] will know. We could
have trained the pups with aniseed but then you’ve got two lots of hounds chasing different scents.”' Cumberland News. 17/02/2006, Despite his defiance, Mr Todhunter, 49, acknowledges that the hunting he oversees is "a pale shadow''
of what it was. Instead of the hounds following a fresh trail, they set off in pursuit of a scent laid by a "drag man"
up to two hours before the meet. Mr Todhunter opened a small bottle and held it out. "Disgusting isn't it?"
he said with a laugh. "That is finest red fox urine, imported from America. I could have had grey fox, coyote, racoon,
moose or mountain lion but I thought I would stay traditional." His hounds do not like the artificial drag.' - The Telegraph, 17/02/2006, So, the Blencathra Foxhounds carried on killing foxes after the ban, and say that they obtain fox scent from America,
even though there are restrictions on importing it. Huntsman Barry Todhunter even admits that hounds cannot follow a non-animal
scent if they have been trained to follow fox scent. This footage shows the Blencathra Foxhounds killing a fox on Trust land [still below]. Only NT members can stop this criminal persecution of the red fox from continuing, and they
can do this by voting off the Hunts at the AGM on 21st October. #voteoffthehunts #AGM2017  Cheshire FH - cubbing, cakes, champagne29-8-17 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hounds meet for cake and cubbing Thanks to all our supporters
who got in touch this morning about the Cheshire Hounds' first early morning cubbing meet near Rushton. Sadly, hounds
were heard in cry (picking up a scent and monitors have already been able to covertly capture some very interesting footage
- more on that at a later date. We can also report an unusual turn-out in relation to both members and followers for this
first, somewhat lacklustre meet. Some riders did, however, decide to round off their first morning's brutal cubbing activities
with cake and champagne. Cumbria Hunt
Watch told that Blencathra FH killed a fox today 29-8-17
Sheffield Sabs have told POWA that a 'trusted hunt source' told Cumbria Hunt Watch that the kill took
place at Birketts Hill, Threkeld. No other details at present. Atherstone
FH hunters on 'pleasure ride' can't resist attacking sab carDamage to wing mirror by known assailants reported to police Hunters' control loss seen
by locals who are willing to testify 28-8-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Local residents
shocked at violent behaviour of the Atherstone Hunt Our first outing of the season began yesterday
with the Atherstone Hunt hound ride, not hunting but a money making fundraiser for a hunt in much need of some money. In fact
the only way this Hunt can sustain itself is by having days like these. The Atherstone
is a very “accident prone” hunt so it would have been irresponsible of us not to have turned up and allowed the
Atherstone Hounds to roam freely around the countryside. It wasn’t long into the ride before new huntsman Michael Lane
lost some of his hounds in a maize field, embarrassingly it took 10 minutes of horn blowing to try to get them out. We overheard
him say that maize fields attract hounds like magnets. Given that foxes also like maize fields you would have thought a hunt
claiming to act within the law would avoid them at all costs… After 10 minutes he gave up and hoped the last hound
would catch him up. We’re sure Mr Lane was very grateful to us for being there on standby in case any accidents did
happen, luckily none of the hounds picked up on any scents on this occasion. This just highlights however the dangers of an
unleashed pack of hounds in the countryside, even when supposedly under control on a hound exercise the hounds still ended
up lost in a maize field - #strengthenthehuntingact Like every year the Atherstone and its supporters have been told to stay out of
trouble, not talk to the antis and scale back the violence. This lasted until the last part of the ride when ex joint-master
and current Atherstone Hunt director Jo Clarke and another rider attacked our vehicle by trying to kick the wing mirror off.
The whole incident was witnessed by local residents who were disgusted by what they had seen. One resident said they would
write a letter of complaint to the Hunt, whilst another said they’d be willing to make a statement to the police as
an independent witness. They said it doesn't matter what your view is you shouldn't act like that, they even invited
us into their house for a drink. We can always rely on The Atherstone Hunt to show people the real face of fox hunting. The
incident has been logged with the police. However much the Atherstone Hunt tries to change and be something else it will always
still be the Atherstone Hunt. Their season hasn’t even properly started yet and already they have lost their hounds
in a maize field and caused criminal damage by attacking our vehicle. The Atherstone
Hunt have recently posted up all of their pleasure rides on Facebook, however if they were acting within the law as they claim
then they would post up their entire meet card for the season on Facebook... Please sign our petition to stop the Countryside Alliance meeting with Leicestershire Police.
Union FH cub hunting already say monitors28-8-17 Facebook - Surrey Hunt Monitors VIDEO Surrey Union cub hunting season has started
Bank Holiday Monday 28 August 2017 found us with Guildford and N.Downs Sabs at the Surrey Union Hunt for the second Monday
in a row. The Hunt met at 06:00 just North of Jayes Park Ockley for a two hour
hunt around Jayes Park chasing fox cubs. The normal motley crew of misfits in vehicles and quads following the poor show of
riders with no sign of a trail layer. Mostly covert monitoring and long distance videoing where possible as Jayes Park is
a large, private shooting estate with minimal access. Hunt packed up at around 08:00. We will check through all video footage
of the last two weeks before we post. Video of the hunt attached courtesy of Guildford Hunt Sabs.
FH 'steward' spits at sab as their cub hunting is disrupted 26-8-17 Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO HIT REPORT: 26.08.17 This morning saw us up
before the birds to travel up to the Cottesmore Hunt. We found them hunting just behind the kennels between Ashwell and Burley.
Cubbing, which the hunters like to call ‘Autumn Hunting’ to try and disguise the fact that they’re
killing baby animals, takes place early morning or evening and trains the young hounds and disperses cubs to provide better
hunting for them later in the year, it also ‘teaches’ the cubs to run rather than try to go to ground therefore
also giving better ‘sport’ for the psychopaths on horseback. Foot sabs were with the hunt for most of the morning,
using horn and voice calls to keep the hounds heads up and off the scent of any foxes. One of the hunt stewards was so wound
up by our presence it looked like he was forgetting to breathe, in the end he resorted to spitting at a sab [left]. It
was clear by about 8.45 that the hunt were on the way back to the kennels looking somewhat pissed off and it was all over
earlier than normal by 9 a.m.  Lone
Cambridge sab discovers very early morning cub hunt25-8-17 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs In the early hours of this morning (0500) one of our Sabs was conducting a check up on areas alleged to belong
to neighbouring hunt kennels. During the course of this check, a small entourage of riders arrived at the kennels in question.
The sab was quick to respond and thankfully had all the kit required to do a full Sab in the back of their vehicle. The situation quickly deteriorated as the hunt left the kennels and the hounds immediately went into cry prompting
a quick call to local police. It is unclear at this point whether or not the hounds killed or whether or not the police will
be investigating. Due to the police's lack of promptness in dealing with the matter, it is likely that any evidence of
a possible kill has quickly been destroyed. We
hope that the local police realise in retrospect that their lack of promptly dealing with the issue could potentially have
had catastrophic consequences to both the Sab attending as well as wildlife in the area. After a prompt analysis of the Hunt's actions, it is clear that this was not an example of the Hunt in question
exercising the hounds, rather a blatant attempt at cub-hunting. CHS and other Hunt Sab groups routinely risk their well-being
in order to defend and protect vulnerable wildlife, with only a few pounds a month you can help us help often overlooked wildlife.
Sab acquitted as Crawley FH convicted hunter's
lies exposed in court24-8-17 Twitter - Surrey Hunt Monitors Justice was done at Worthing Magistrates Court yesterday when
a young Guildford Hunt Sab [left, with supporters], was found not guilty of aggravated
trespass. After hearing the prosecution witnesses and legal submissions, the Court threw out the case on the basis that there
was no case to answer without even needing to hear evidence from Conor or his supporting witnesses, thanks to sab's own
video evidence of the whole incident. Incident started when Conor was ridden at by Neil Millard, convicted hunter, who alleged to police that he not Conor, had
been assaulted, saying Conor had tried to pull him off his horse, and stabbed him with a needle, and that blood had been drawn.
Millard, of course, did not show the police any stab wound or blood, but the police instinctively thought the redcoat and
not the sab was telling the truth and searched Conor – but found nothing - not strictly true, because the arresting
police officer seized as “exhibits” various items from Conor’s bag, which he recorded in his written statement
and read out in court, including, items of huge evidential significance to the alleged offence. such as a hunt sab logo T-shirt,
a Greenpeace sweatshirt, a South Wales HSA cap and an animal rights badge. So, despite a complete lack of evidence, Conor
was arrested for assault and Conor’s complaint that Millard had assaulted him was ignored.
At the station his
GoPro evidence was reviewed: police concluded, with no evidence of assault, to charge him with aggravated trespass. This offence
requires 2 things, 1st trespass: the police relied on a street map which said nothing about the ownership of the land. and
Millard’s say-so that the land was private. The second element of the offence is that of interfering with a lawful activity.
Trial never got as far as having to consider the issue of whether what Millard & co were doing was lawful or in fact illegal
hunting. Instead the case failed on whether there was even any interference at all by Conor. Police evidence was that they
saw a person wearing a face covering amongst the hunt horses and trying to lead the hounds off the road. However, video evidence
showed that Conor was not wearing a face covering, leaving the prosecution case relying on Millard’s evidence that Conor
had tried to stop the hunt from legal (so-called) trail hunting by shouting “leave it, leave it” at the hounds.
But the video evidence (there were in fact four separate videos) showed no such thing – that Conor had not shouted anything.
This is one of the highlights: In response, under cross-examination, Millard alleged that the video evidence must have been
doctored, saying Conor had tried to pull him off his horse, and stabbed him with a needle, and that blood had been drawn,
but failed to understand that Conor’s video was seized by the police at the time of the incident and had since been
in Crown's possession, probably not the best point to argue. Also, included a threat to kill. 'If you touch those
fucking hounds, I'll fucking kill you' The whole courtroom except Millard could hear it in the video. Remarkably,
the CPS seemed not to have shown Conor's video evidence to Millard before the trial. It is perhaps no surprise then that
the magistrates agreed with Conor’s excellent barrister that there was no case to answer. The police and CPS
truly are puppets for the hunting elitist scum at times, sickens me that this happens in the England I love! Hunting fanatic convicted of sex with
child and possess indecent imagesBryn Chittenden warned faces a substantial prison term He was convicted of V.
Disorder & affray against sabs in 1993 Mask-wearing follower also vowed to disregard Hunting Act 23-8-17 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs Bryn Chittenden is also a supporter of the Essex Farmers Hunt [left] and
guilty of attacks on hunt saboteurs. More details here and here.... 23-8-17 Essex Live Paedophile branded a liar before he was
found guilty of sexual activity with 14-year-old girl A landowner was branded "a liar"
during closing statements before he was found guilty of sexual activity with a 14-year-old girl. Bryn Chittenden [below
right], 51, of St Lawrence Bay, was found guilty of one count of sexual activity with the child at
Chelmsford Crown Court earlier today.
He was arrested on June 2, 2015, after an allegation was made by the victim's father. When
he was arrested, police found indecent images and movies of children the same age as the victim. He pleaded guilty to one
count of possessing indecent images of children and one count of possessing indecent movies of children. He pleaded not guilty
to one count of sexual activity with a child. The jury was told that it was not their duty to judge whether sexual activity
had taken place, but that Chittenden had knowledge of her age at the time of the incident. Chittenden claimed that he had
no knowledge of her age from meeting her in January 2014 until his arrest in July 2015. Yesterday, the jury heard evidence from the victim's father, who
recalled two conversations he had with Chittenden where he had knowledge of the victim's age. The second conversation,
the court heard, took place after it had become clear that the victim had developed an obsession towards Chittenden. Her father
told him about her affections and warned him that she needed to be told to stay away. He told the court that Chittenden was
"very agreeable." The victim confessed to her father that a sexual relationship took place between herself and Chittenden
in June 2015, after she became agitated seeing him with another female. She told her dad that she had kissed the defendant
and performed oral sex on him. Prosecuting,
Nicola May told the jury: "We rely on the evidence of the victim's father, an honest and compelling witness. We ask you to consider that the victim's father has nothing by way of malice towards
this defendant. Bryn even mentioned that he considered him an honest person and that is precisely what he is. Do you think
this man has lied?"... Chittenden was arrested on June 2, 2015, while
he was taking his kids to the school bus. In his interview with the police, the prosecution says that he was "very vague"
about whether he knew the victim's age but suggested "he let his guard down". Ms May said: "It is all very
vague until we get to the point where he says that she was 16 and at college. But then he let his guard down when he says
she was having problems with her boyfriend at school. He then came up with the suggestion that school and college is all the
same to him. If that is the case, why not say school at the beginning?" Chittenden admitted in a prepared statement before he was interviewed for a second time that
he was lying and that sexual activity between him and the victim did take place. He continued to deny that he had any knowledge
of her age. Ms May said: "He is the liar. He lied because of the situation he was in. The reason he lied was not because
he was a rabbit caught in the headlights running scared. He was deliberately manipulating the situation." Mr Bonehill
added: "In his first interview, he accepts he lied. People lie for a number of different reasons. He accepts it is a
lie, he gives a truthful version and then he goes into that witness box to give you more detail. He chooses to give evidence
which is not easy." Mr
Bonehill [defending] asked the jury to not define Chittenden's character
on his guilty plea to the indecent material found at his home. He said: "He pleaded guilty to those disgusting images
on his computer. Just because someone has committed an offence does not mean they are guilty of everything... In summing up the case, Ms May told the jury that
the evidence given by the victim's father was "honest and compelling". She said: "The crown says at no
time did this defendant think she was 16. We suggest honest and compelling evidence from the victim's father and I ask
you to compare and contest that with the evidence of the defendant. I can be sure that he is guilty. I encourage you to return
a verdict of guilty." It took the jury 45 minutes to come to a unanimous verdict of guilty. Chittenden was released on conditional bail
and is to return to Chelmsford Crown Court on Thursday, September 22, for sentencing. Judge Jonathan Seeley told Chittenden
he was granting him bail on compassionate grounds regarding his partner. He said: "You have been convicted by the jury
with an extremely serious offence and you must know from that you are facing a custodial sentence and a significant one. The
fact I'm remanding you on bail is mainly because of the condition of your girlfriends pregnancy." Quorn FH filmed apparently cub hunting
on NT land23-8-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust VIDEO The Quorn Hunt, who say they have an agreement with The National Trust, were hunting something this
morning near Ingarsby Hall - and it clearly wasn't a trail. Is this the 'best version of a legal activity' that
The Trust say they are about to licence for the coming season. Feel free to email this clip to their Director-General, Dame Helen Ghosh, at helen.ghosh@nationaltrust.org.uk and ask her
if she thinks this is trail hunting, or something else. 'The Quorn Hunt has a similar arrangement with The National Trust
to pass through its land at Ulverscroft Wood. For an introduction to cubbing/autumn hunting & how it works, please watch this video from the League Against Cruel Sports. #voteoffthehunts #AGM2017 National Trust ignoring evidence that 'trail hunting' is a fiction 23-8-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust 'We believe the overwhelming majority of Hunts act responsibly...' - The National Trust, Updated 'Trail
Hunting' Policy, http://bit.ly/2syAhnO.'Having 'Having looked
over 4,000 hunt monitoring reports of over 30 hunt monitors from different organisations covering the majority of hunts in
England and Wales (157), since the Hunting Act 2004 was enacted, these hunt monitors have reported witnessing someone laying
a possible trail only in an average of around 3% of the occasions they monitored hunts, but they believed that only an average
of around 0.04% of the occasions they may have witnessed a genuine trail hunting event, rather than a fake one.' - League
Against Cruel Sports, http://bit.ly/2u0JfvA. 'During this reporting period 364 (42%) of all incidents reported related to illegal interference with badger
setts... Unfortunately, 72 of these incidents related to alleged interference with setts by fox hunts.' - The Badger Trust,
UK Badger Persecution 2014-15, P6, http://bit.ly/2r1ZnLf.'...in '...in 99%
of IFAW hunt monitors’ reports produced during the last 10 years (443 reports on supposed ‘trail hunting’
events covering 45 different registered hunts in England & Wales), the investigators reported not having witnessed anybody
laying what they believed was a genuine trail.' - International Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW, Trail Of Lies, P5, http://g.ifaw.org/2hbxOIR. #Orly? #naiveAF
Two foxes saved by monitors from Crawley FH cub
hunters23-8-17 Facebook - West Sussex Hunt Sabs The Crawley & Horsham fox hunt met at 5-30pm at Brick
Kiln Farm, Shipley Road, Southwater today. Monitors watched as the hunt left the meet and headed across the fields. As hunt
monitors entered through gates on a public footpath they saw men lined up along the outside of the wood. They could hear the
huntsman pushing the hounds through the wood from the other end. A fox bolted from the wood and crossed the footpath in front
of the monitors. One of the C&H hunt staff was quickly on his mobile, then cracking a whip on the ground to stop the hounds. The Hunt left the wood and the hounds soon picked up the scent of the fox again. Two foxes were
seen bolting from woodlands and the hounds were quickly on to them, the foxes ran towards another wooded area followed by
the hounds. Fortunately another monitor was waiting in there and the huntsman had to call the hounds off. We saved these two
foxes tonight, but no doubt they will be hunted again soon. We hope we will be there next time to save them again. We can
state for the record that no trail of any sort had been laid for this meet and what we witnessed was blatant illegal fox hunting.
We are very grateful for any donations that will help keep us in the fields protecting our wildlife. A big thank you shout
out to those who have donated. Did Melbreak FH supply fake fox urine certificate to Nat Trust?22-8-17 Facebook - National Dis-Trust This [below right] is a copy of the certificate provided to
The National Trust by The Melbreak Foxhounds, to prove that the fox urine the hunt claims to use for trail-laying is ‘authentic’.
The National Trust have accepted this certificate at face value, even though it looks like someone has knocked it up on their
home computer. The certificate is conveniently dated 23/10/16, just before the hunt’s opening meet last year, when The
National Trust licence commenced. A little bit of digging by the Trust would have produced the following information... -> The website for the company which supposedly supplies the fox urine (http://bit.ly/2wki5ky ) doesn’t appear to exist nor is it registered with Companies House. ->
The company’s aliases, Harrier Contracting and The Animal Scent Company seem equally vague – Harrier Contracting
(http://bit.ly/2vbF65B ) was dissolved in February 2017 and appears to have been set up purely as a dummy company in 2013, which
never traded. So where does the fox urine actually come from? We know that there are legal implications (http://bit.ly/2g1AjAT ) involved in importing fox urine, and that obtaining it in large enough quantities in the UK would contravene
animal welfare legislation (http://bit.ly/1sxCoFL ). Yet The National Trust were quite happy to accept this certificate as proof that The Melbreak Foxhounds
were following a trail, even though this particular Hunt have never been witnessed laying a trail, but have been witnessed
chasing and killing foxes (for example -> http://bit.ly/2wBywc5 ) on numerous occasions over the past few years, with footage being handed to police and The National Trust.
A hunt monitor was assaulted (http://bit.ly/2xptfRN ) by a Melbreak supporter/convicted sex offender (http://bit.ly/2g2edhx ) at a meet of The Melbreak Foxhounds in January this year; the hunt monitor needed hospital treatment
as a result of the attack. The National Trust still allowed the hunt to continue using its land having banned them for a mere
24 hours. So why would we accept The National Trust’s updated hunting regulations,
when Hunts have consistently breached the existing National Trust licence? The answer is that we won’t. Until yesterday,
it has been ‘carry on as normal’, with The National Trust trotting out tired old copy and paste responses when
challenged about illegal hunting, hunt violence, environmental damage and the presence of terriermen. The members resolution
to ban hunting starts to raise public awareness, and The Trust suddenly attempts to hoodwink the voting membership by updating
their rules. How convenient! We urge all Trust members to see through the smokescreen and use their vote to get the Hunts
off Trust land.
CA anger at NT's policy changes on 'trail hunting'21-8-17 Countryside Alliance Countryside Alliance condemn the changes to the National Trust’s trail-hunting
policy Proposed changes to the National Trust’s trail-hunting policy appear to have been
made as a “direct response to demands from the animal rights movement,” said Tim Bonner, chief executive of the
Countryside Alliance earlier today. The changes include the advance publication of meet information on the Trust’s website
and the banning of animal-based scent used by most hunts to lay trails. The Trust announced on its website that it is introducing
changes in the way that they license trail-hunts following an in-depth review of their current processes and procedures. “It is quite extraordinary that the National Trust’s ‘in-depth review’
has not included consultation with any of the individual licence holders or the associations that represent them prior to the changes being made,
and it is no surprise therefore that some are so impractical”, continued Tim Bonner [right], “The
changes will go down extremely badly with hunts, the majority of National Trust tenants who welcome them and the wider rural
community. Many of the hunts that operate on National Trust land have been targeted by animal rights activists in the past
and will take the view that it will be too great a risk to staff and members to have their meets advertised. On the face of
it this seems to be another example of the Trust distancing itself from the rural community to appease metropolitan sensibilities.” Trail-hunting is one of the legal forms of hunting that was adopted by packs of hounds following the implementation
of the Hunting Act in February 2005. It involves the laying of an artificial trail across the countryside which the hounds
follow, with the aim being to simulate traditional hunting. #A members’ resolution proposing to ban trail-hunting on National Trust land has also been put forward for consideration
at the Trust’s AGM on Saturday 21 October.
official [an ex senior cop] invited to Leics police hunt training day 20-8-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Leicestershire Police invite Countryside Alliance's Phillip Davies to police
training day Leicestershire Police are holding a training day on the 5th September regarding the issue
of hunting. This is something they have done for the past few years however it has come to our attention that this year there
is “confirmation from Mr Phillip Davies [below left] that he will be attending the event
and assisting officers should they need any guidance or advice around the activities.” Who is Mr Phillip Davies? Davies is the Countryside Alliance's Police Liaison officer. He was himself a police officer
from 1980 till 2010 becoming a Chief Inspector. It's his job to influence police policy in relation to hunting and is
on various advisory bodies. Last year he attended the National Police Chief Council conference where he did a 20 minute talk
entitled “hunting without harassment” (never mind that hunting is illegal) in the talk he portrayed sabs as violent
and dangerous criminals and pushed for the use of Section 35 anti-social behaviour dispersal orders and section 60AA powers.
Leicestershire Police
need reminding that over the past three years the Atherstone Hunt and its associates have collected 20 convictions, cautions
and community resolutions for violence and anti-social behaviour with possibly more to follow. 11 of these are convictions
for assault. We on the other hand have none. Zero. We have not even been charged with anything. So quite clearly the violent
dangerous criminals are the Atherstone Hunt. That is a fact. The Atherstone Hunt has gained a lot of unwanted press for foxhunting over the past
few years and because of this they are constantly looking at ways to get rid of us. However documenting and exposing illegal
hunting is not a crime and neither is preventing any breaches of the Hunting Act. Leicestershire Police should also remind themselves that the CA is a pressure group
who want the Hunting Act repealed, an organisation who were behind the Hunting Declaration Day on 1st November 2003. This
saw 50,000 hunt supporters publicly sign declarations that they would break any future law that banned hunting. How can a
police force invite someone to an event whose organisation advocates breaking the law? And not just any law but one of laws
being discussed at that meeting. One of the signatories of that declaration to break the law on hunting was current Atherstone joint-master
Mark Halford who in this article admits to signing the declaration saying "I will continue to hunt" proof if any more is needed
of the intentions of the Atherstone Hunt this season to continue to break the law. The Countryside Alliance is a dangerous
organisation involved in organised crime and the promotion of violence and the breaking of the law. As such inviting them
to this event will be legitimising criminality. It would be like inviting the mafia to assist and guide police officers on
the issue of drug dealing. You can contact Leicestershire police via Facebook. You can read more about Phillip Davies in
the latest edition of HOWL the magazine of the Hunt Saboteurs Association and which is free for members. That article has also been posted in the blog More than just badgers.
Sabs stop Cheshire Forest FH cub hunting effectivelySay
police acted as Hunt's 'private security' 20-8-17 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs Yesterday we teamed up with our beautiful comrades from Lancashire & Welsh Border Hunt Sabs to check
in on the Cheshire Forest who were meeting at Clough House car park in Wildboarclough. From the off it became apparent this was more than just hound exercise, this
was a cubbing meet, as just before we arrived we were met by one of their support vehicles who had stopped to ask us what
we were doing in the area! It was quite obvious what we were doing in the area, haha! At this point he became a little confrontational
and frantically circled our vehicle trying to take pictures of us all! Dressed in tweed the few select people who had paid
their cap for the day were reluctantly starting to unbox their horses whilst some sabs had a quiet word with Mr German by
the hound van. His face was a picture! He looked absolutely gutted! German is renowned for these evening cubbing meets. Due
to our presence the Hunt were not able to actually do any cubbing and literally all they could do was exercise the hounds. The Hunt took us on
a lovely scenic trip around the Peak District and as they couldn't really enter any of the woodland with us in tow, they
stayed on the road. The last few riders tried to slow us down a number of times to let Huntsman and hounds gain ground on
us, but we're all healthy, fit and active individuals so we just leapt out the vehicles and caught up with them on foot! We briefly stopped
outside a gorgeous pub call the Hanging Gate so Mr German could speak to his friends from Cheshire Police who he must of called
who were now also part of the convoy! This gave us the time to speak to some local cyclists about what Cheshire Forest were
up to and what they're all about... The killing of innocent foxes... After some time
following in our vehicles an oncoming vehicle allowed a hunt support vehicle and the police to get in front of all our vehicles.
This is where it all started to get weird! We came to a sudden halt, a few words were exchanged between hunt support and police,
then the police literally acted as private security firm and blocked the road... As
we mentioned before, we're all fairly healthy and fit so again we put toes to the ground and attempted to catch up with
the hunt. By this time they were well in the distance but the police efforts of trying to block us in were futile as we have
local knowledge of the area and our drivers just drove round another way, picked up foot sabs and drove us back to the Hunt! We have not forgotten
about the collusion between the Cheshire Forest and Cheshire Police. We have not forgotten about PC Clare Ford... So, to Cheshire
Police, if you are not in cahoots with wildlife criminals, please act impartially from now on and stop acting as a private
security force for these evil animal abusers! Once we had caught up with the Hunt we were now not far from the meet where upon
our arrival back there, Mr German just let himself into the back of the police car for a nice chat... Still not doing yourself any favours Cheshire Police... We're not the bad guys here!! We protest what we know
to be cruel and we will most certainly protest what we see as a massive injustice too! Work with us, not against us, we only
exist as a group to try and stop crimes against wildlife and to save the lives of all hunted animals. Where is your compassion?? The Hunt packed up the fastest we had ever seen and got the hell outta dodge as quick as they packed
up, haha! Once the hunt had all left, so did the police, which left us to take the obligatory group photo and leave ourselves!
Job done! NT announces changes to 'trail hunting'
policy to head off ban pressureCritics claim changes are 'smokescreen' to protect Hunts 20-8-17 National Trust Our position on trail hunting We are introducing changes in the
way we license trail ‘hunts’ this year following an in-depth review of our current processes and procedures. Our
updated approach aims to further safeguard conservation and access by producing a clear, robust, and transparent set of conditions
for licensing. The changes include: - Banning the use of animal-based scents as a trail for hounds or beagles to follow. This
will reduce the risk of foxes or other wild animals being accidentally chased. - Prohibit the presence of terriermen, who have no
practical purpose on a trail ‘hunt’, and the use of their vehicles. - More active management of hunts and how they operate including: mandatory reporting
requirements after each meet; the provision of specified maps/areas; and requiring at the time of application details of all
proposed hunt days. - Probing the track
record of each applicant and establishing a consistent charging regime across Trust land. - Greater transparency for our members and the
public. We will post on our website the agreed days and locations, in advance, for our members and supporters to view. This
will include a primary point of contact for each Hunt. - We are exploring how we can work more closely with the Police’s independent National Wildlife Crime Unit, which
is the proper authority for handling alleged breaches in wildlife legislation. The Hunting Act of 2004 - Hunting wild animals was
outlawed in England and Wales by the Hunting Act of 2004: National Trust land is no exception. The law does allow what is
known as trail ‘hunting’ to continue. This activity involves people on foot or horseback following a scent along
a pre-determined route with hounds or beagles. It effectively replicates a traditional hunt but without a fox being chased,
injured or killed. Our position - The Trust does license trail ‘hunts’
in some areas and at certain times of the year, where it is compatible with our aims of public access and conservation. We
believe the overwhelming majority of Hunts act responsibly, and we hope our clear, robust, and transparent set of conditions
will allow participants to enjoy this activity in compatibility with our conservation aims. Any activity associated with the
term ‘hunting’ continues to provoke strong emotions on both sides of the debate. We recognise our reforms will
not satisfy everyone. Our charity’s core aim is to look after the places in our care and that remains our top priority
when considering whether to license any outdoor activity. This would be true whether it’s mountain biking or a food
festival. But our charity was also established for the nation’s benefit and to provide the widest spectrum of public
access and enjoyment. We therefore always look to welcome people to our places and to host the broadest range of outdoor activities
on our land. We believe this should include trail ‘hunting’, where it is consistent with our conservation aims
and is legally pursued. 24-8-17 The Canary National Trust accused of playing fast and loose with
the truth to protect violent elites Critics have accused the National Trust of playing fast and loose
with the truth in order to protect the violent elites involved in fox hunting. The National Trust recently announced new rules
for licensing hunts on its land. In response to growing criticism of a practice known as “trail hunting” (in which
hounds follow a scent rather than a live animal), the conservation charity publicly stated on 18 August that it is going to
make changes that will “further safeguard conservation and access”. In turn, this makes hunting activity on National
Trust land more transparent. Despite a warm reception to these changes from the public, however, some groups are warning that
this announcement is just a “smokescreen”. Concerns - Trail hunting is a practice where packs
of hounds follow an artificially laid scent that mimics the path of a fox. It was introduced after the Hunting Act 2004 was
passed to “simulate traditional hunting”. But concerns about trail hunting have been voiced since its earliest
days. Many critics say it’s a loophole that allows hunting packs to continue chasing and killing wildlife. Evidence
for doubts include the Cheshire Forest Hunt rampaging through a Macclesfield suburb; or another hunt attacking a cat in Newbridge,
Cornwall. The National Trust is Britain’s
largest private landowner. Consequently, 79 hunts held licences to trail hunt on the charity’s land in 2016. Licences
come with strict rules which need to be adhered to on National Trust land. It is these rules that have recently been revised.
Or have they? The announcement has been made just two months before the National Trust annual general meeting
(AGM) on 21 October. This AGM is notable because of a resolution put forward to ban all hunting – including trail hunting
– from National Trust land. And this timing is the reason that campaign group National Dis-Trust has suggested the charity’s
recent announcement isn’t telling the whole truth. National Dis-Trust
highlights several inconsistencies. In particular, the National Trust’s change regarding hunts’ use of terriermen
( which are used to dig foxes out of the earth before being killed): - Prohibit the presence of terriermen, who have no practical
purpose on a trail ‘hunt’, and the use of their vehicles. Responding to this, National Dis-Trust says:- Terriers
have been ‘banned’ from being used during ‘trail hunts’ on Trust land for years by licence criteria,
yet terriermen continue to be present… What does The Trust think terriermen have been doing with ‘trail hunts’
for the last 12 years?! Also highlighted is the National Trust’s desire for hunts to self-report:- More active management
of hunts and how they operate including: mandatory reporting requirements after each meet; the provision of specified maps/areas;
and requiring at the time of application details of all proposed hunt days. The
National Dis-Trust points out that this is already in place and doesn’t work. Self-reporting is something The Trust
has already required of hunts for years & years – it doesn’t work, and The Trust has clearly ignored their
promise to pay attention to the reports of hunt monitors, so they can jog right on with this ‘promise’. The charity
also takes aim at the use of animal-based scent for trails:- Banning the use of animal-based scents as a trail for hounds
or beagles to follow. This will reduce the risk of foxes or other wild animals being accidentally chased. But the National
Dis-Trust explains that:- The Hunts The Trust licence don’t follow ‘trails’ anyway, so stating that they
will be required to hunt a non-animal based scent is frankly idiotic (retraining hounds also cannot be done at the drop of
a hat – so will they still issue licences for this current hunt season?). The National Trust and a ‘trail of lies’.
The statement that Hunts don’t follow trails is backed up by a study [pdf] published by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Uncovering the
Trail of Lies, published in December 2015, states that:- In 99% of the 443 trail hunting events run by 45 different registered
hunts observed by our investigators over the last 10 years, they did not see anyone laying genuine trails. These inconsistencies,
alongside evidence showing trail hunting to rarely be undertaken, has led National Dis-Trust to brand the announcement a “smokescreen”. The Canary contacted
the National Trust about the allegations, and it responded by saying that the new rules are “absolutely not a smokescreen”.
This update is the conclusion of a review which has been taking place since February and applications for trail ‘hunting’
licenses need to made in the coming weeks. The Board response to the AGM resolution will be published separately, on 4 September.
It also stated that the six-month review was intended to allow trail hunting to continue where it is compatible with the charity’s
conservation aims:- We have been carefully listening to both sides of a highly polarised and passionate debate for years.
During our review, we carefully weighed up those arguments, but our first priority is always to protect conservation and access
on our land. Members will have the opportunity to discuss trail hunting and vote on the matter at the charity’s annual
general meeting in October. The motion was brought forward by 50 National Trust members. These include Helen Beynon, who is leading
the call, and Ranulph Fiennes. The explorer, famously pro-hunt for many years, had a change of heart in 2016. He has stated
that, if “the National Trust wants to truly preserve and protect our environment, it needs to stop condoning hunting,
in any guise, immediately”. Hunts know they are being backed into a corner, which is perhaps why hunt lobby group Countryside
Alliance regularly paints itself as a victim. More than 618,000 acres of land is a large chunk of that corner to lose. And
losing it would set a precedent that other organisations such as the Forestry Commission and Ministry of Defence might follow. When passage
of the Hunting Act 2004 became increasingly likely, Hunts across the UK signed a declaration stating they would continue hunting
in defiance of the law. Despite this, and despite evidence exposing trail hunting as a sham, the National Trust seems keen
to continue licensing the activity on its land. Nothing less than a total ban on hunting will stop this.
Pressure grows on National Trust to ban 'trail hunting' on
its landSir
Rannulph Fiennes says continued killing by Hunts must stop 20-8-17 Western Morning News National Trust may vote to ban all hunting with dogs on its land in motion
backed by Ranulph Fiennes All hunting with hounds on National Trust Land could be banned in an
unprecedented vote. Trail hunting – in which hounds and riders follow a scent that was laid earlier – is still
allowed on Trust estates but has long been regarded by animal rights campaigners as a means of circumventing the hunting ban.
Now 50 trust members, including the Exmoor explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes [right, with corpse of fox killed by Cheshire FH], have endorsed a motion that
will be debated at the trust's AGM in October which would revoke all licences allocated to hunts, the Observer reported
today. The National Trust owns many thousands of acres in Devon, on estates like Killerton and Knightshayes, and licences
hunts on some of its Westcountry properties. "These hunts are still killing
foxes, hares and stags – and they are being allowed to do so on National Trust land," Fiennes, who lives near Dulverton,
said. "Hunting is despicable, cruel and has no justification in modern Britain. If the National Trust wants to truly
preserve and protect our environment, it needs to stop condoning hunting, in any guise, immediately." A total of 79 annual
licences were granted last year to applicants seeking to engage in trail hunting on trust lands. Licences are granted on the
understanding that the hunt simulates a traditional chase but without foxes being deliberately pursued or killed. The League Against
Cruel Sports says that despite the 2005 Hunting Act hunts are being carried out as before the ban, with trail hunting providing
"plausible deniability" to hunts when live animals end up being caught by hounds. Philippa King, the League's
acting chief executive, said that the Trust had been shown video footage of hunts chasing and killing stags on its lands and
there appeared to be "no will" to stop it. We know the majority of people in this country want hunting to stay illegal,
and we know they are shocked to find out it still goes on illegally," she said. "The groundswell of public opinion
against the National Trust allowing hunting is already massive and growing by the day, as more people realise it's happening." The motion, put forward
by Helen Beynon, asks that her fellow members "agree that the National Trust must stop issuing licences for trail hunting,
'exempt' hunting, or allowing hunts to exercise their hounds on National Trust land, to prevent potential illegal
activity in breach of the Hunting Act 2004 and to prevent damage to flora and fauna by the hunt, hounds and followers". Challenged about trail
hunting earlier this year during a talk at Nottingham Trent University, Dame Helen Ghosh, the departing head of the trust,
said that the issue had generated a lot of correspondence on social media and that she knew of scores of members who had left
because of the issue. A Trust spokesperson said: "We can confirm a members' resolution has been submitted for our
annual general meeting in October calling for the cessation of trail hunting on National Trust laand. Members will have the
opportunity to vote on the resolution and discuss the matter at the AGM." In January the Trust said it would review its
arrangement with a Hunt whose hounds had appeared to attack an elderly couple and their dog on a beach owned by the charity.
Witnesses reported that the greyhound was chased by several hounds. While huntsmen attempted to bring them under control,
onlookers described how the dogs turned on the greyhound's owner who fended them off with his wife's walking stick
and was said to have been bitten, CornwallLive reported. Polly Portwin, head of hunting at the Countryside Alliance, said that trail hunting
had been adopted by the majority of registered hunts following the Hunting Act being enforced from February 2005. "Many
National Trust members regularly follow hounds and it is disappointing that they are effectively being accused. To ban legal
hunting activities on the grounds of protecting flora and fauna would suggest that dog walking and exercising horses across
National Trust land should also be banned. There is nothing to suggest that hunts are regularly breaking the law while trail
hunting either on private land or that owned by the National Trust." She said Ministry of Justice data showed that of the
423 people convicted of offences under the Hunting Act since it came into force 12 years ago, more than 94% did not involve
Hunts and were largely related to poaching and hare coursing offences. POWAperson adds
- This story was widely reported including in Observer, Mail, Times and Mirror. In pre-ban days, attempts to have fox and hare hunting banned on NT land were
defeated by the Chair using proxy votes against them. One wonders if the Trust, who have received increasingly negative publicity
over this issue, will dare use that tactic again. Three Counties Mink Hounds slope off
home before sabbing even starts19-8-17 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Three Counties Minkhounds sabbed! A few of us joined up
with a collection of sabs from Bath, Severn Vale and S.Wales today, after receiving a local tip off that the rather illusive
Three Counties Mink Hounds would be hunting around Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire, near to the Welsh border. We arrived to find
a number of followers positioned on a bridge over Escley Brook, awaiting the Hunt's arrival from further upstream, but
they didn't get that far... as soon as sabs made their presence known, the Hunt threw the towel in. The usual laughable
excuses were bandied about, ranging from "we're just out fishing" to "we're following a pre-laid trail." After a bit of standing around trying to hatch a plan, the hounds were boxed up
and the hound van was outta there. Odd behaviour if there was nothing illegal going on! We watched as hunt staff and supporters
waited around looking rather fed up, before most of them drifted off. Sabs remained in the area ready to go back into action
if they tried to sneak back, until we received word from a spotter's vehicle that they had picked up the hound van way
to the east, heading back to the hunt kennels in Kinnersley, Worcestershire. Knowing that their attempts at killing wildlife were
ruined for the day, it was job done and we were heading for home! Three Counties Mink Hounds, we'll be seeing you again... Sabs cause instant pack up of Northants Mink Hounds19-8-17 Facebook – N.Cambs Hunt Sabs Hit report: Kingsbridge farm, Steeple Claydon.
Northants Minkhounds Today Sabs from N.Cambs, S.Cambs, Northants and Beds & Bucks
Hunt Sabs discovered our old friends the Northants Mink/Otter Hounds hiding out at Kingsbridge Farm, in Buckinghamshire. They
were actively hunting Padbury Brook, part of the Great Ouse Valley system - a sensitive river ecosystem made up of habitats
for several protected species such as Otters, Water Voles and Great Crested Newts. Unfortunately, the hunters did not see this as a big deal, and so carried on regardless with driving
their pack of otter hounds upstream scenting out their quarry. Unbeknown to them, sabs were waiting, hidden upstream around
a bend in the river. Just as the spade-carrying terrierman arrived on scene, sabs made their presence know and the entire
hunt did an instant about turn and marched briskly back to their waiting cars. Unfortunately for them, they did have to traipse quite a long way,
and some members of their ageing support were flagging by the end of the walk. This chap [below
left] attacked a sab with his walking stick and had to be held back by his slightly concerned partner. Sabs also assisted an otter hound who had become stuck in wires,
after the panicked hunters tried to take a shortcut through a hedge to avoid a herd of cows... An effective showing of mink hound sabbing from all groups involved, the hunt were
marked to ground at their car park, and staked out until the hound van was confirmed to have left the scene. Pics below - 1/ Supporter who
attacked sab 2/ Hunters fleeing
Stressed stag chased on to LACS land
by unstopped D&S SH hounds18-8-17 Daily Mirror VIDEO 'Horrific' footage reveals runaway hunting dogs chasing frightened
stag into a protected wildlife sanctuary Hunting deer with stags is illegal under
the Hunting Act, but three stag hunts use loopholes in the law to carry on with the cruel bloodsport. But even they are supposed
to stop if the animals cross into sanctuary land. Footage released by the League Against Cruel
Sports today reveal two dogs from a Devon and Somerset hunt continuing to chase down the stag on land that is meant to be
safe for wildlife. Paul Tillesley, head of conservation and education for the League Against Cruel Sports said: “It
was truly horrific to see the hunt chasing this marvellous stag, in his prime, in the guise of ‘research’. We
were relieved to see the stag reach the safety of the League’s Baronsdown sanctuary, but shocked the Hunt didn’t
stop two of their hounds from continuing the pursuit of the stag and shattering the peace of this wildlife haven.” Philippa King, acting
CEO for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “This stag should have been safe when it crossed onto sanctuary land,
but two of the Hunt’s hounds – not under proper control - relentlessly pursued it. Eighty-eight per cent of the
public oppose deer hunting. This incident is a stark reminder that the Hunting Act needs strengthening, so exemptions like
research and observation can no longer be flouted by the hunts in order to persecute animals for ‘sport’. Research
has shown stag hunting to be terrifying and exhausting for a stag, with pursuits lasting for up to three hours. The poor animals
literally have to run for their lives.” League staff caught one of the dogs, which was later collected by a member of a
local hunt group. Pics below - 1/ The spent, sweating, salivating stag
finds sanctuary 2/ Hound returned to shamefaced redcoat  18-8-17 Facebook League Against Cruel Sports VIDEO Yesterday, we were reminded in very real terms of the importance of our sanctuary land. While monitoring
the Devon and Somerset Staghounds’ activities, League staff witnessed a mature stag being hunted down a wooded valley
that forms a boundary with the League’s Baronsdown sanctuary. The frightened and exhausted stag managed to reach the
safety of the Baronsdown sanctuary, but two hunting hounds continued to chase the terrified animal on to land that is meant
to be safe for wildlife. One dog was apprehended by League.
Aborted calf highlights neospora dangers from hound packs' faeces 16-8-17 Farmers Guardian Devastating effects of Neospora at Witcon Farm - caused by cows eating grass contaminated
with dog poo. Dog walkers - please bear this in mind. POWA person adds - This post, showing a near-term
calf aborted because the mother had contracted neospora, highlights the dangers of this disease. The primary vector is dog
faeces – yet thousands of farmers, many keeping livestock, including cattle, allow large packs of hunting hounds to
roam across their pastures, defecating freely as they go. The dangers of the potential spread of bTb by hunting hounds have been well-documented recently and historically
hounds have been almost the sole vector for the spread of hydatidosis, which can cause not just sheep carcasses to be rejected
at post-slaughter because of the presence of hydatic cysts but can, and has, infected humans, with potentially fatal consequences.
We know of one hunt servant, we believe from the Warwickshire FH, who died of the disease and another who obtained substantial
damages, a few years ago, from the Beaufort FH after the disease, which has a long latency period, seriously afflicted
him after his retirement. When will Hunts
start taking seriously the multiple, severe dangers their hound packs can create, when will livestock farmers learn that allowing
these packs access to their land is a seriously bad idea, when will our government recognise the multiple and varied harms
of hunting with hounds and ban it properly? Strengthen the Hunting Act.
Hunting fanatic Duke of Beaufort dies
in sleep aged 89Leaves behind gigantic fortune and vast landholding 16-8-17 Daily Mail Battle for the Badminton millions as Duke of Beaufort dies leaving an estimated
£315million fortune to his eldest son - who separated from his campaigning ex-actress wife in 2013 - Leaves behind £315million
including 52,000-acre Badminton Estate The Duke of Beaufort, owner of one of biggest estates in
England, has died aged 89. David Somerset, the 11th Duke of Beaufort, died in his sleep yesterday, leaving behind his widow,
Miranda, and children Harry, Anne, Edward and John. He also leaves behind an estimated £315million fortune including
the 52,000-acre Badminton Estate in Gloucestershire - home of the famous horse trials, and the place where the game of Badminton
was invented in 1863. It is unclear how the death will affect the complicated divorce involving his eldest son and heir Harry,
until now the Marquess of Worcester. The new Duke - known to his friends as Bunter – separated from former actress turned
environmentalist Tracy Louise Ward in 2013, after 26 years of marriage. Old Etonian Harry confirmed his father had died yesterday
afternoon and told the Daily Mail: ‘He was a wonderful father and died surrounded by his family. That is all I feel
able to say at this stage.’ Last year the 65-year-old revealed that the couple were in the process of going
through a divorce. Tracy Louise Ward, the granddaughter of the 3rd Earl of Dudley, is the mother of Bunter’s three children
- Robert, Bella and Jordan - and has relied on being married to old money to fund her environmental campaigning, which has
included making a film about the impact of industrialised pig farming in Britain... POWAperson adds - The Duke was a highly enthusiastic follower
of his ancestral tradition of fox hunting, leading the family Hunt for many years. His vast estate gives ample provision
for hunting away from prying eyes. Monitors have accused the Beaufort of hunting illegally on many occasions when hunting in publicly
accessible areas. For example, on March 13th this year a monitor claims the Huntsman refused to pull hounds off a fox which
they were close behind. The fate of that fox is unknown. On 9th March film was released of the Beaufort apparently hunting
a fox in December. On 4th March monitors witnessed Beaufort hounds chasing a fox and later filmed bloodstained hounds and,
later in the day, they observed the Hunt chasing a fox into the grounds of Prince Charles' home at Highgrove. The Prince
was a frequent guest rider over decades when fox hunting was legal, as, latterly were Princes William [right] and
Harry. In the early 1990s the Duke was threatened with prison by a judge, along with his long-standing Huntsman Captain Ian
Farquhar, when they broke an injunction against trespassing on a farm. The late Duke's father freely
admitted to using artificial earths and was in the peculiar habit of writing annually to newspapers saying he never lost lambs to
foxes. His father, in turn, was the author of the 'Bible' of aficiandos of the 'sport', the 1900 volume 'Foxhunting'.
The famous quotation about teaching young hounds to be 'savage with their fox' whilst cubbing comes from this book. The huge number of foxes whose suffering and
death this ducal line has been responsible for can only be guessed at. Besides his huge
Badminton Estate in Gloucestershire, the Duke also owned tracts of land in south Wales. In 2009, Swansea paid him £280,000
for permission to build a bridge across the River Tawe and numerous wind turbines are currently being built on his land near
the city, a development strongly opposed by locals, which will bring in millions for the Estate.
Vile rape and death threats made online to fox rescuer monitor 14-8-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Shocking and alarming online abuse from hunt supporter - Death threats and threats
of rape Yesterday, violent and threatening comments were made under a dramatic video
of a fox being rescued by a hunt monitor from the jaws of hounds about to kill it. The video was shot in 2012 at a meet of the Old Berks Fox Hounds in Oxfordshire. The violent
comments were made yesterday on YouTube and talk about the sab/monitor being raped and wanting her to die. “What
a hateful, pathetic old bitch. I'd have ripped the fox out her hand and snapped it's neck in front of her whilst the
horse raped her bare arsehole. Dirty sab scum, die in your council flat.” 'Thousands'
protest hunting and slaughter of wildlife for 'sport'Chris Packham condemns 'psychopathic
joy' of wildlife killers 13-8-17 Observer Glorious Twelfth under fresh fire from protesters on moors and streets New momentum for anti-hunting lobby as thousands march in London to warn of threat
to wildlife The start of Britain’s grouse shooting season has been overshadowed by wildlife protection protests, marking
the growing confidence of animal rights supporters that they are about to make their biggest breakthrough since the hunting
ban in 2004. As the countryside echoed to the sound of gunfire on the Glorious
Twelfth, opponents took part in a protest ramble on Ilkley Moor, the site of the only shoot still taking place on public land.
In central London, thousands of marchers were told by speakers including the BBC presenter Chris Packham [right] that
the days of the West Yorkshire shoot were numbered, with Bradford council under unprecedented pressure not to renew the lease
next year. “I think that when people now see others killing for the psychopathic joy of it they are increasingly sickened and the reason for that is that our wildlife is running out,” Packham said. He told the Observer
that public support for conservation in the UK had risen on the back of global outrage after Cecil the lion was killed in
Zimbabwe in 2015. Social media is another factor. The RSPB published video of marsh harriers being killed on a grouse moor
in Yorkshire and within hours of that material going on to YouTube it has been spread all around. Everyone is instantaneously
angered as it gets shared and there is frankly nowhere for these criminals to hide,” Packham said. The marchers, wearing
fox head masks and carrying banners condemning the badger cull, made their way to Downing Street after speakers said that
loopholes continued to allow hunting to go on. Danielle Flynn, 55, a former hunt saboteur from Glasgow, marched with her daughter
Karen, who said social media had played a big part in the resurgence of interest in animal rights. “A lot of them might
be apathetic about politics but they might, for example, take an interest when I talk to them about animal testing and makeup,”
said the 24-year-old. Jordan Psaros, 26, from Braintree in Essex, said: “I’ve always been an animal lover
but I basically became involved in this after I saw videos online of foxes being killed by dogs set on them by hunters on
horseback. A lot of people of my age are waking up to what is going on.” Animal
rights groups have been emboldened by the public reaction to recent controversies. Arsenal football club owner Stan Kroenke
was forced to order his new TV streaming service to stop showing big-game hunting and Vinnie Jones was caught up in a row
over a photograph of 100 dead foxes that appeared on his Twitter feed. Hunting also featured in the general election after
Theresa May declared her support for a free vote on overturning the ban, with some Tories complaining afterwards that this
contributed to “toxifying” the party brand. Focus group Britain Thinks also found that while the so-called “dementia
tax” was key among older voters, the prospect of a foxhunting revival alienated many swing voters... Shooting continues
to be big money. Yesterday saw the Gleneagles Glorious Grouse Race, in which shooters race to deliver the first grouse of
the season to the town and onwards to London. Grouse killed by shooters including the Olympian Peter Wilson were due to be
helicoptered down to be served at London’s Harwood Arms gastropub. “All the
evidence is there that it should be stopped and there is a lot of support for that locally,” said Luke Steele of Ban
Bloodsports on Ilkley Moor, who said that backing was coming from the local conservation group and a new Labour MP who recently
took the seat from the Tories. We have seen that notable breeding bird species have gone extinct or declined by more than
half, for example. Then there is the environmental damage caused by sections of the moor being set alight, and there are walkers
who are fearful of the guns.” But Edward Bromet of the Bingley Moor
Partnership, which runs the shoot, insisted that grouse shooting aided the moor’s upkeep and described those organising
yesterday’s protest as an “extreme” group... The Countryside Alliance has also turned its fire on Packham,
sending a letter this weekend to the BBC arguing that it was unsustainable for him to be allowed an “unchallenged platform”
on programmes such as Springwatch while he aligned himself with “the most aggressive elements of the anti-shooting campaign”.
Packham said: “There is no conflict. I have a working relationship with the BBC. We have an agreed protocol and I have
not deviated from it. The Countryside Alliance are upset because they are on the back foot. We are winning and they are lashing
out.” Alston Hare Week future in doubt as host pack forced into amateur statusWTV Beagles finances so
bad they have to sell their kennels Hard
sab pressure on the hare week for last three years may be cause 10-8-17 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs ALSTON HARE WEEK...THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN? News has reached the HSA that all is not well with the Weardale & Tees Valley Beagles (WTV), organisers of the
notorious Alston Hare Week hunting festival. Until recently the WTV were one of the few beagle
packs to still enjoy 'professional' status: they had their own kennels and a paid employee to feed and hunt the hounds.
Now, however, they find themselves in such dire financial straits that they have been forced to sell off their kennels and
become an 'amateur' pack. The hounds will be kennelled with a neighbouring foxhunt and their kennel huntsman, Gary
Wingar, has already defected south to become huntsman of the Easton Harriers. Why this sudden
downturn in the fortunes of the WTV Beagles? It's all to do with the collapse of their annual hunting festival, Alston
Hare Week. This event involved southern beagle packs travelling north every October to hunt hares in the WTV's wild upland
country. The visitors paid through the nose for this privilege and were further fleeced at a series of social events held
throughout the week. The HSA sabotaged Alston Hare Week in 2014 and, the following two years, prevented it from happening
at all. Deprived of this extra revenue the WTV have hit hard times, and it seems less likely than ever that they will be able
to resurrect their cruel hunting festival. However, the HSA is not complacent and we are determined
that Alston Hare Week will never happen again. Our specialist operatives are already monitoring the situation on the ground
and we are grateful to the many Alston residents who continue to send us information about the decline of the Weardale &
Tees Valley Beagles.
West Somerset Vale FH filmed cub hunting among other misdemeanours 8-12-17 Facebook - Somerset Hunt Saboteur Group A very early morning for the group this morning, attending the very wet West Somerset Vale cubbing meet
at 6am on the Quantock Hills. A member of the public kindly gave us the required info, otherwise we would have missed the
pisspoor turn-out of the Huntsman, the amateur whip, a mummy and two young ladies, 40 hounds and a hunt vehicle. Even followed
all early morning, the straggling bunch of bloodthirsty cubbers kept up a soggy attempt to cast hounds, with the mummy squealing
that they were following a trail ! Shame that the Huntsman took the hounds in the opposite direction that mummy was dragging
her sock !! Meanwhile, both the AONB service and the Forestry ranger were very interested to hear of the transgressions committed
by the Hunt, wilfully allowing their hounds to crap all over the car park, driving up tracks right past whacking great signs
denying vehicle access, putting local dog walkers at risk ( this pack killed a sheep last season they are so poorly controlled).
Some pics for your perusal and some film to come when film sab awakes ! And keep the info coming, folks !! [Video
is here] 8-8-17 FB - Somerset Sabs Cubbing 21st century Style... West Somerset Vale hunt truck
- crafty reg number there, you bloodsport morons - up on top of the Quantocks where it ain't got permission to be, complete
with terriers and whatever was hidden in the back of the loadbed. Naughty people going past all those No Vehicle signs that
don't apply to Hunts, damaging trackways in the very heavy rain this week....the AONB were not happy bunnies, nor was
the Forestry Ranger when he rocked up pad in hand for details ! Pics below - 1/ Hounds hunting 2/
Hunt vehicle illicitly on Quantocks 
say hunt quads must be fully taxed, MOT'd and not carry passengers Hants, Surrey and Sussex police forces promise
to enforce regulations 5-8-17 Facebook - Isle of Wight Hunt Sabs We have been sent the following copy of the Department of Transport’s email to Sgt O’Leary
of Sussex police on to Inspector Louise Hubble who heads Hampshire’s Country Watch police department. She replied as
seen below. It means any quad following a hunt cannot be used unless it is taxed for road use and has an MOT. An agricultural
licence does not cover hunting, so only forestry or agriculture would allow this exemption. This means only a farm worker
could follow a hunt using an agricultural licenced quad, and then only on the farm he is working on, so he could cross and
go a few hundred yards on a road of a farm in the same ownership. Even then he cannot carry a passenger. Sussex and Surrey
police have promised they will enforce this during the coming year as well as Hampshire. Dear PS O’ Leary, Thank you for your email dated 17 March 2017
to our IVS enquiries inbox. I have been asked to reply. In our opinion the quad bikes being used by a hunt are not being used
for agriculture, therefore they are incorrectly taxed, and they should have an MOT. We would suggest that it is an offence
to carry a passenger as the quad bike licensed as a Light Agricultural Vehicle (see attached) is restricted to one person
the driver. I hope you find this reply helpful. Yours sincerely, James Brown Department for Transport. Inspector Louise Hubble of Hampshire Police’s Countrywatch team replied on 3rd Aug. 2017 with the following:- As promised, I have today written to the following Hunts to remind them of their legal obligations in relation to
the use of quad bikes at hunts:- Wilton, · Hursley & Hambledon, Tedworth, Vine & Craven, Kimblewick, Hampshire,
Isle of Wight, New Forest. Louise Hubble, Inspector 483 Lou Hubble OBE, Strategic Rural Policing Inspector (Hampshire and
Isle Of Wight), Lyndhurst Police Station, Pikes Hill, Lyndhurst, Hampshire. SO43 7NR louise.hubble@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
Large Dove Valley MH hunt aggressive
but pack up due to sabs 5-8-17 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs … Well there's certainly no rest for the wicked, and as our friends the Northants Mink Hounds had
already had their plans scuppered we ventured further afield and joined up with sabs from Northants Hunt Saboteurs, Nottingham
Hunt Saboteurs and Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs for the trip north to visit the Dove Valley Mink (Otter) Hounds who were hunting
the river Dove behind Fauld Hall, Tutbury. It was quite a big meet with lots of support, all who seemed to be carry big sticks
and spades, wonder what they were for? Sure enough we found them hunting illegally and they weren't too pleased to see
us as you can imagine. The farmer was very aggressive driving his tractor at sabs before going very red in the face and we're
sure we saw steam coming from his ears. The hounds were gathered up and returned to
the meet while an angry mob of support came to discuss the finer points of country life with us. With the hunting stopped
our job was effectively done so no point in hanging around we returned to our vehicles to scoff LM sausage rolls. 
Norfolk FH take pack on to NT Brancaster beach without permission 4-8-17
Facebook - National Dis-Trust Looks like West Norfolk Foxhounds have gone on to Brancaster Beach, belonging to The National Trust, without
permission. National Trust - East of England say they're looking into it; note what they say about public safety. Why
not drop them a message on their Facebook page or to brancaster@nationaltrust.org.uk and ask them to tell the Hunt to stay
away and to tell us how the Hunt respond? Feel free to remind them that there's a members vote on hunt access and no hunts
should be allowed on for any reason until it's settled. #votethehuntsoff #AGM2017 Pics below - 1/ On the beach
2/ NT's response 
LACS Trustees squash plan to make
investigator team redundant 3-8-17 Morethanjustbadgers Sense Prevails On Monday (1/8) the trustees of the League
Against Cruel Sports voted unanimously to keep their investigation team and in doing so overruled the intentions of the current
senior management team. This is of course fabulous news not only for those who had their jobs on the line but also for our
wildlife which needs all the help it can get from those who wish to do it harm in the most heinous manner. I have no doubt that the public outcry and huge number of complaints the trustees
received would have played a significant part in their decision making and everyone who took the time to contact them should
be proud of the role they played. Public opinion should never be underestimated and as a charity which relies on the generosity
of said public the risk of losing a large part of their revenue stream was simply too great. I had many people contact me
and declare that should the investigations team be removed then they would be sending their donations elsewhere. So what next? Current CEO Eduardo
Goncalves is still on long term sick leave however can still be seen regularly on twitter. Current acting head Phililpa King
(who I wrote about here) is being labelled as CEO in the most recent press releases, however she would seem to be in a somewhat
difficult situation having been completely undermined by the trustees and clearly has no idea what it really takes to run
LACS or indeed even a real stomach for the fight. Whatever the outcome I hope that the recent restrictions placed on the investigations
team will be removed and they can be completely let of the leash so they can effectively get on with the job of bringing more
of these repeat offending criminal Hunts to justice. POWAperson comments - Whilst equally
relieved that the LACS investigation team will stay in place, POWA knows very little about Phillipa King and so cannot endorse
the criticism of her above.
confirm won't charge Cheshire Forest FH over invasion of Macclesfield Horrified residents looked on as hounds killed fox in garden Legal expert says HA poorly drafted, offences are hard to prosecute 1-8-17 Macclesfield Express No charges after fox hunt invaded quiet street Anti-hunt activists Cheshire
Monitor have slammed the decision by CPS after the incident in Macclesfield in February Fox hunt activists have slammed the
decision by CPS not to charge anyone after residents claimed a pack of foxhounds caused mayhem in a quiet street. Cheshire
Police launched an investigation after an allegation that the dogs chased a fox – which was later found dead in a back
garden in Macclesfield. Residents told of pandemonium when the pack of animals came hurtling across a field and into Penningtons
Lane on February 25th. A video of the incident recorded by Cheshire Monitors, the anti-fox hunt campaigners, was provided
to police. Now after a three-month probe, the Crown Prosecution Service has decided
no one involved from Cheshire Forest Hunt will be charged because there was ‘not enough evidence to provide a realistic
prospect of a conviction’. A spokesman said: “The
Hunting Act needs re writing to close its many loopholes. What any government should be doing now is totally banning all forms
of hunting for sport rather than making it legal again.” The Hunting Act 2004 makes it an offence to hunt a wild mammal
with dogs. However in order to commit an offence a person must intentionally hunt the animal. The offence cannot be committed
by accident. Prosecutors said that a review of the video footage determined it was insufficient to prove that the actions depicted
were deliberate. A Crown Prosecution Service spokesperson said: “Earlier this year the police referred two files to
the Crown Prosecution Service relating to the Cheshire Forest Hunt. In both cases our prosecutor decided there was not enough
evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction.” Cheshire Forest Hunt failed to respond to our request for
a comment. In July the government ruled out trying to lift the ban on fox hunting ban for another two years. Meanwhile Labour
MPs want a vote on tightening existing law. Under the plans fox hunters could face five years in jail if they kill animals
illegally. There have been 280 successful prosecutions since the Hunting Act came into force 12 years ago [though
only a small fraction of these convictions have been of organised hunters, POWAperson]. Pics
below - 1/ Hunt chasing fox in residential street 2/ Hunters try to hide fox corpse
3/ The corpse 4/ Huntsman Andrew German confronted by police   4-8-17 BBC News Fox hunt law: Calls for changes after Macclesfield decision Campaigners
are calling for a change in the law after a decision not to charge anyone involved in a hunt that spilled on to a residential
street. Police probed reports hounds filled a street in Macclesfield, Cheshire, in February and allegedly killed a fox. Lesley Martin from Cheshire Monitors said "the law needs to be strengthened" and loopholes must be tightened.
The CPS said there was not enough evidence to prove the animal's death was caused deliberately. Ms Lesley, from the anti-hunting
campaign group which monitors hunting groups in Cheshire, said the law is inadequate in its current form. Resident Julie Clarke, 47, who witnessed the hunt in Penningtons Lane said
it was "horrific" and the "dogs were out of control", leaving some locals "traumatised... scared
and outraged". A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) spokeswoman said police referred two files to
them relating to Cheshire Forest Hunt, one on 25 February and the other on 2 January. "In both cases our prosecutor decided
there was not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction", she said. A spokesman for Cheshire Forest
Hunt said at the time they had "apologised" for what had happened. Witnesses said hunt members on quad bikes retrieved
the dead fox from a garden. Ms Lesley said the law "really needs to be strengthened... plus we need to
have stronger sentencing so it sends a really good message to have these people brought to account". Legal commentator
Joshua Rozenberg said: "I think the problem with the Hunting Act is that it wasn't very well drafted and it's
really quite difficult to bring prosecutions. I think those who thought it was going to stop hunting as a sport have been
disappointed". A spokesman for the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs said they
could not comment on individual cases, but whether an offence under the Hunting Act 2004 is taken to court would depend on
whether there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction. He said: "The government's manifesto
includes a free vote on the Hunting Act. There are no plans for a vote in this session, as with the EU negotiations beginning,
this is clearly not a top priority for the first session." BBC North West Tonight news report is here.
JULY 2017 ..... 27th July - Hunter imprisoned for online threats to prominent
Welsh anti ..... 26th July- Petition to remove hare hunter as Kent WT Chair reaches 100,000 ..... 23rd
July - Yet another Atherstone FH supporter convicted - for theft of anti banner ..... 23rd July - Charles's letters to Blair re. hunting must be released rules Info Commissioner ..... 22nd July- Some MPs support five year sentence for illegal
hunting ..... 14th July - Mendip Farmers FH hounds savaged
pet dog claims owner ..... 12th July - Reports suggest major troubles
within LACS yet again ..... 8th July - Dove Valley MH pack up as soon
as sabs appear ..... 5th July - Pressure grows on hare hunter Kent Wildlife Trust Chairman ..... 5th July - Antis protest VWH FH appearance at the Cotswold
Show ..... 4th July - Government officially confirms
will not bring forward HA repeal vote ..... 3rd July - 5 Atherstone FH supporters convicted re. attacks on antis at town meet Hunter imprisoned for online threats to prominent Welsh anti27-7-17 Daily Post A man who threatened a prominent anti-hunt campaigner has been jailed
Ivor Derek Wilkinson appeared at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court having previously pleaded guilty to three counts of sending
offensive messages on Facebook to Judith Hewitt [left], from Rhyl. Following the case Ms Hewitt welcomed the sentence, explaining how she hoped it
would act as a warning to others making threats. The court heard Ms Hewitt was an admin for online site ‘Stop Terrier Work’, and she was accused of putting up
a Facebook message regarding Wilkinson’s son, something she strenuously denied. Wilkinson, 49, of Chapel Street in Upper
Brynamman, Ammanford , took it upon himself to send a number of Facebook messages to Ms Hewitt - believing she was the one
responsible for the posts. He said: “You picked on the wrong guy, how dare you pick on my son. If you ever post it again
I will come for you.” She responded that it was the first time she had seen his son, but he responded further, with
threats that he would “put a bullet” in her.
Wilkinson’s messages were sent on the dates of November 22, 2016, January
25, 2017 and January 26, 2017. A personal statement from Ms Hewitt read to the court said she was “shocked and scared”
believing Wilkinson would come to her door and shoot her. Mitigating, Laura Sherwood said: “He is sorry for his actions.
He did it out of anger over the posts about his son. His son received a number of death threats and took it very personally
and reacted in the wrong way.” District judge Richard Williams said: “You were aggrieved by something you
saw on so-called social media and decided you were going to raise your concerns about it with the person you thought had been
responsible. Your tone was menacing saying you would come for her and threatening you would put a bullet in her. There was
determination on your part that you wanted to frighten and intimidate her. I have come to the conclusion that only an immediate
custodial sentence can be justified. This gratuitous behaviour on social media is a plague. People say hurtful and offensive
things which are there until they are deleted and have a significant impact on the recipient. This type of behaviour is intolerable.
Your thoughts of hunting with animals or not hunting with animals are irrelevant.” Wilkinson was sentenced to 28 days in prison for each of the three offences, to
run concurrently, meaning he will only serve 28 days. A restraining order was also made for him not to contact Ms Hewitt. Speaking after the
hearing, Ms Hewitt, who has been campaigning against the practice of hunting with dogs for the last 26 years, said: “I’m
glad that justice has been done. I do think it should have perhaps been a little bit more because I think the court sends
a message to people they can’t get away with treating people like this online - especially people they don’t even
know. It can be quite frightening when it’s someone you don’t know. You should not be receiving death threats
from people you do not know. It’s been a horrible experience and has affected my health. I have suffered a lot of online
abuse through my campaigning and suffered with depression after 2014, so seeing Wilkinson’s messages to me, it was very
tough.” POWAperson adds - This is, I think, the first
time a hunter has been prosecuted for online threats towards an anti, though it's by no means the first time it's
happened. It's gratifying that the judge treated it very seriously. This brings to 216 the number of convictions/cautions
for violence [or threats thereof] I have recorded against organised hunters in the UK since 1990, 27 of which have resulted
in custodial sentences. Petition to remove hare hunter as Kent WT Chair reaches 100,00026-7-17 The London Economic Charity boss facing calls to resign after it emerges he was chairman of hunting society
for…30 years! Campaigners are calling for the head of a wildlife boss who ran a hare hunt
for more than 30 years – because he still allows hunting on his land. More than 100,000 people have signed a petition
calling on Michael Bax [right] to step down from the Kent Wildlife Trust after it emerged
he was chairman of the Blean Beagles from 1971 to 2005. It has also been revealed that the animal protection chief allows
pheasant shooting on his £800,000 farm. Tom Fitton, who set up the petition and is a member of the wildlife trust, said
that Mr Bax was not a ‘fit and proper person’ to be running the organisation. He said: “The brown hare is an endangered species
across the UK and Mr Bax does not represent the views of Kent Wildlife Trust’s membership who pay their fees to protect
wildlife, not slaughter it for pleasure. Mr Bax is damaging the reputation of not just Kent Wildlife Trust, but the wildlife
trusts in general. He is not a fit and proper person to be running a wildlife conservation charity and we call for Kent Wildlife
Trust to cut their ties with him immediately. He added: ”I am a member of
the trust and I saw a few rumours going round on social media about Mr Bax’s past and I did a bit of digging. I felt
a mixture of shock and disbelief when I found out, it just didn’t make sense to me at all. There is a feeling of betrayal
among members, how can we ask members of the public to change their behaviour when our chairman has engaged in activities
like that. Responding to the petition Mr Bax said that he understood hare hunting was an ’emotive
issue’. He said: ”Having lived all my life in the Kent countryside I grew up with beagling, actively involved
until 1995 and one of seven joint Masters of the Blean Beagles until 2005. While hunting hares with beagles is now consigned
to history, there are still many in the countryside who participate in managed field sports and hunt within the Act. ”I
understand that it is an emotive issue. We need to work together if we are to reverse the crisis for wildlife in the countryside.”
When asked about the petition the trust said that they ‘had to remain neutral’. John Bennett, chief executive of
the Trust, said: “We recognise the level of concern reflected in the scale of the response to this petition. In order
to work with the widest possible community we remain neutral on the personal positions of our 30,000 members, 1,056 volunteers
and trustees with regards to hunting, fishing and field sports. We don’t allow hunting on our nature reserves where
we have control of the shooting rights. Wildlife Trusts like ourselves do raise concerns and challenge aspects of field sports
and hunting where they have a damaging impact on the conservation of the county’s populations of wild animals and plants.”
He added: “Mike Bax’s commitment to the Trust over 30 years has proved invaluable in helping us to nurture these
relations, which over the last five years has seen us manage and advise on nearly 31,000 acres of land across Kent for the
benefit of wildlife and the public.” Yet another Atherstone FH supporter convicted - for theft of anti banner 23-7-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Another Atherstone hunt supporter convicted The shocking
violence of the Atherstone Hunt towards peaceful protestors at their New Years Day meet in Atherstone Market Square has been
widely reported and showed the world the real violent face of fox hunting. This resulted in 11 convictions for violence which
proves what we have been saying for a while, that the Atherstone Hunt is a violent organisation with extreme views. We can now report
a 12th conviction for the Hunt from that day. On the 18th July Richard Mathews pleaded guilty to stealing a banner from one
of the protestors and was convicted of theft. He was ordered to pay £35 compensation to the victim. Some Atherstone
Hunt supporters posted a photo of themselves holding the stolen banner in one of the pubs in the Market Square later that
day [below]. Charles's
letters to Blair re.hunting must be released says Info Commissioner23-7-17 Daily Mirror Prince Charles lobbied Tony Blair not to introduce fox hunting ban in secret letters
The royal bloodsports enthusiast lobbied the then Prime Minister - and the Freedom of Information watchdog ordered the correspondence
should be revealed. Prince Charles [right, hunting] wrote a series of secret letters to Tony
Blair over the fox hunting ban before it became law, it emerged yesterday (SUN). The royal bloodsports enthusiast lobbied
the then Prime Minister - and the Freedom of Information watchdog ordered the correspondence should be revealed. However,
the Government is stalling over releasing the files, the Mail on Sunday reported. It requested “all correspondence
and communications” exchanged by the Prince and Mr Blair which “in any way referred to hunting and or a ban on hunting and or the impact of hunting and the impact of a ban
on the countryside”. At first the Cabinet Office refused to say if it held any relevant information. But Information
Commissioner Elizabeth Denham confirmed letters exist and ruled there was a “clear and compelling public interest”
for them to be made public. The correspondence “raises legitimate questions about the role of the heir to the throne
in a parliamentary democracy and increasingly the role he may play when he succeeds to the throne”, she added. Hunting with dogs
has been banned in England and Wales since 2005. David Cameron was forced to abandon a backdoor bid to reintroduce the hated
bloodsport in 2015. And Tory MPs believe Theresa May’s outspoken support for hunting and a secret plot to bring it back,
revealed by the Mirror during the Tories’ disastrous election campaign, helped deny her a Commons majority last month. 25-7-17 royalcentral.co.uk Secret letters between Prince Charles and Tony
Blair green-lit for publication Letters written to former Prime Minister Tony Blair
from Prince Charles over banning fox hunting will be published. The Freedom of Information watchdog has green lit the private
letters, saying that they should be made public. Two years ago the Ministry of State asked that “all correspondence and communications” between the Prince
and Mr Blair which “in any way referred to hunting and or a ban on hunting and or the impact of hunting and the impact
of a ban on the countryside” originally reported The Daily Mail. The letters were “clear and compelling public
interest” said Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham. Adding on that the letters between the two “raises legitimate
questions about the role of the heir to the throne in a parliamentary democracy and increasingly the role he may play when
he succeeds to the throne”. As Monarch,
Prince Charles will be expected to remain politically neutral on matters. As of now, he has been actively outspoken on matters
that the heir is passionate about. Most famously the black spider memos sent to many members of parliament. Banning fox hunting
has been a passion of Prince Charles for some time. In 2002, Prince Charles said “If the Labour government ever gets
around to banning fox hunting, I might as well leave this country and spend the rest of my life skiing,” to the guests
of a private event. The Hunting Act 2004 banned
fox hunting with dogs in England and Wales. Ten years later, Prince Charles then urged the current Prime Minister David Cameron
to not reintroduce the sport. While campaigning, Theresa May also expressed interest to open a free vote on bringing back
fox hunting, but the vote was scrapped after the public backlash. The Independent reached out to Clarence House who declined to comment on the matter. A spokesperson for
the Cabinet Office said that the Government was “considering the decision of the Information Commissioner’s Office
and will respond in due course”.
Some MPs want five years jail for illegal
hunting22-7-17 Daily Mirror Fox hunters could face five
years in jail if they slaughter animals illegally as MPs aim to tighten laws MPs want a vote on
tightening existing laws – even though Prime Minister Theresa May has ruled out bringing back hunting before 2019 MPs
are pushing to get the penalty for killing a fox illegally increased from six months' jail to five years. Prosecutions
are difficult now because killing a fox by accident IS legal. So drag or trail hunters can claim their hounds scented a real
fox and were uncontrollable. Labour
MP Stephen Pound is backing a change in the law to raise the current penalty of a fine or six months’ jail to a maximum
five years. He said: “Killing foxes in this way is medieval barbarism which should be banned.” Current rules allow
drag or trail hunters to claim their hounds killed a fox by accident. Jon Proctor of pressure group Keep The Ban claims to
have support of Labour, Lib Dem, and SNP MPs for stiffer punishment. He said: “People who shoplift a can of beans are
more harshly punished.” The group also wants the police and Crown Prosecution Service to enforce the law more stringently.
There have been 280 successful prosecutions since the Hunting Act came into force 12 years ago. Mendip Farmers FH
hounds savaged my pet dog says owner
14-7-17 Facebook – Bath Hunt Sabs BREAKING: Hounds from the Mendip Farmer's Hunt have attacked and seriously injured a pet
dog close to their kennels at Nine Barrows Lane, Priddy, Wells. The dog is currently receiving veterinary treatment
and we will update when we receive more information. The incident has been reported to the police but will they do anything?
Who else but hunts would be allowed to exercise large packs of unleashed dogs, that are specifically trained to kill other
animals, in public areas. There have been a spate of attacks by hunting hounds on people's pets lately, when will this
be stopped?
Pic below - the injured pet dog 
13-7-17 Facebook – Dave Mullin Just had the Master of foxhounds on the phone "sorry to hear that your dog
was injured" was his "apology". He then went on to say that it was my word against his Huntsman's about
what happened and that as his hounds "walk past dogs and children all the time and this has never happened before"
that it must therefore be my fault. I was also told that I seemed unconcerned that one of his hounds also needed to see a
vet. He was slightly taken aback when I quoted the Dangerous Dogs legislation at him. This is far from over.
Pic below - the Mendip
Farmers FH

15-7-17 The Canary Shocking images emerge of the latest attack by ‘out of control’ fox hounds
There has been another attack by fox hunting hounds. And this latest in a long line of shocking incidents demonstrates why
the law surrounding fox hunting should remain in place, or even be further enhanced. As the victim of the attack says the
hounds were “out of control”. Dr David Mullin was walking his two dogs, a lurcher
and a whippet, at around 8am on Thursday 13 July. The incident, which Mullin claims involved the Mendip Farmers Hunt happened
on Eastwater Lane in Priddy, Somerset. 'There were about 36 hounds in total and about
10 of them attacked my dogs. The Huntsman used his whip on my lurcher, who was also bitten and my whippet received extensive
injuries which so far have cost us £350. The anticipated bill will be around £500. The Hunt are claiming that
my dogs started it, despite the fact that they were both on lead and off the path. They have a photo of a dog with a bite
in it’s flank but they have not provided any evidence that this happened on the day, or that my dogs did it.' He said that the Master of the Hunt contacted him after the incident, and said he was “sorry that [his] dog
was injured”. But Mullin claims the Master said “it was my word against his”. And he then said the hunt’s
hounds “walk past dogs and children all the time and this has never happened before”. But Mullin quoted the Dangerous
Dogs Act to him, and “he was slightly taken aback”. When Mullin went to Avon and Somerset Police, they allegedly told him that
the Dangerous Dogs Act only applies if a person is attacked or feels threatened and it doesn’t apply to animals or dogs.
Mullin said: 'I asked him what would happen if the dog was killed and he said that wasn’t covered by legislation
either and that I’d have to mount a private prosecution. The upshot? A Hunt can attack or kill dogs with impunity.' Mullin, a lecturer in archaeology, used to live in the village, so knows the area and the Hunt well. He is currently
in the area conducting an archaeological dig with students from the University of Worcester. But he says that having lived
in the village with his partner Dr Jodie Lewis, he is aware:- 'The Mendip Farmers Hunt are very unpopular here – even with pro-fox
hunting people. Our old next door neighbour has banned them from her land as they were always out of control.' The Canary contacted both Avon and Somerset Police and the Mendip Farmers Hunt for comment. Avon and Somerset Police
told The Canary that “a dog on dog attack is a civil matter”. But the law surrounding controlling your dog in
public appears to contradict the police’s line. It states that a dog is considered “out of control” if it:-
'attacks someone’s animal.' [This is wrong, only
persons and assistance dogs are protected, POWAperson] or: 'makes someone worried that it
might injure them.' So it does seem as
though Avon and Somerset Police should at least be investigating the incident. No comment from the Mendip Farmers Hunt was
received at the time of publication. Opposition to fox hunting is at an all-time high. And
it seems that Theresa May is heeding public feeling, as she has backed down on giving parliament a vote to repeal the Hunting
Act. But shocking incidents like this will only serve to add more fuel to the argument that fox hunting should remain severely
restricted. Or made completely illegal with even harsher penalties.
Serious troubles within LACS reported [yet again] Claimed that investigations staff to be made redundant Worry that League has again fallen under pro-hunt influence
12-7-17 Facebook – Stop the Cull The League’s AGM on Saturday 15th July will take place at the Grand Connaught
Rooms, Holborn (the room is called Cambria Suite). The event will run from 10.30am – 3pm. Official start at
11.00. A few days ago we did a very controversial post about the League Against Cruel Sports, it covered two specific
points:- 1) the League is planning to close down it's in house investigations department and make it's
current investigators redundant. 2) the League has been infiltrated by pro hunt
influences. The first part has
been widely acknowledged as true and the investigators are currently in consultation which may well end with them
being unemployed. The second part is much harder to prove, BUT we have been contacted by a number of ex-staff and
employees with some very disturbing allegations. One ongoing theme we have heard is that things started changing for
the worse since the new CEO came in Eduardo Goncalves, one thing that kept getting repeated was his insistence that risk
assessments basically meant that investigations could no longer continue. Eduardo is currently very seriously ill and
won't be expected to return to work for some time.We
have today received this email, and we have checked with several employees to check if it is genuine, they ALL said
the same thing, that it is true, but also that the CEO also has to shoulder some of the blame for the investigations
team being seriously hindered. We urge ALL league members to go to the AGM this Saturday, for the sake of the organisation
and the animals they protect. email
sent to us today - The recent events at The League Against Cruel Sports and the attempt to
get rid of investigators has caused a lot of distress, anger and confusion for LACS members, those that are just against
bloodsports, animal rights campaigners and staff members themselves. As somebody who operates within the league and
has a first hand account of day to day events I felt that I must intervene and clear up one or two points. This is
not an official statement as you will see below. First, many of the staff at
the League are a great dedicated team of people, working hard to help protect animals from bloodsports, but it only
takes one or two in a high level position, with their own personal agendas, to cause a company or organisation to
go off target and here is a sad example below. Much comment on social media has been made of the Chief Executive Officer Eduardo Goncalves, but you should
be looking at the person who really is controlling the league at the moment, Phillipa King and question her position
and motives. A person who owns horses and rides among a fox hunting community, deep within hunting country in the
South of England, lives an exceptionally lavish lifestyle and has never had any interest in animal protection in her
life, including to present day. She came here to LACS not very long ago and her role was a relatively minor one, but
then she was suddenly made head of operations, basically controlling the day to day operations of the whole organisation,
including how the investigators worked. She has NO knowledge, NO former experience and absolutely NO skills in operational
work whatsoever, coming from a background of modelling and other unsuited jobs, but here she is, earning well over
fifty thousand pounds a year and HEAD of operations, earning almost three times as much as what the investigators
earn and as Eduardo, the CEO, is sick for the next few months, incredibly, Phillipa King is now acting Chief Executive
Officer. Her decisions and general
behaviour has caused members of staff to reluctantly resign and many hundreds of thousands of pounds to be wasted.
She is responsible for huge amounts of League money to be squandered on ill thought out ideas which come to nothing.
She is now persuading the League to move away from hunting and onto other non hunting related issues. She stays at
5 star hotels and recently permitted people, working for her and on behalf of the League, to stay at the Hilton Hotel
on League money. Since Phillipa
became acting CEO she has instigated and implemented the removal of ALL League employee investigators and has attempted
to keep the plan from as many staff as possible until she was ready to role the plan out. The "consultation"
is just a legal process before the investigators are all sacked. Phillipa has already begun employing outside source
investigators who know nothing about the issues and work just for the money and not for the animals. They cost far
more than the present, experienced, knowledgeable and highly motivated investigators and so again we must question
her motives, not just about this but about all of her actions and decisions since she has been in the position to
influence trusties, staff and even members. Phillipa has clearly not realised the repercussions of her actions, but she will understand the damage it is
causing this charity. If people want an organisation that works hard, spends prudently and gets results which actually
makes a difference then people should be concerned that this person has control and influence of such an organisation. Just unfit for purpose or somebody
who has been sent in to disrupt and corrupt the genuine work and aims of the League? You decide. If you are a member
then go to the AGM on the 15th July and ask those questions that need answering. Don't let the League go to the
dogs! The League has issued the following statement - 14-7-17 Facebook - League Against Cruel Sports Statement from the Board of Trustees of the League Against Cruel Sports The
League has a long and proud history of monitoring and investigating hunting, both before and since the passing of
the Hunting Act 2004. Our experienced investigators are widely regarded for their hard work and the wealth of knowledge
they have built up over many years. They are devoted to the wildlife they strive to protect – often in difficult
and dangerous situations. As a Board we
also work to protect wildlife. At the same time we have a legal duty to act in the best interests of the League, and
are committed to ensuring that our charity’s resources are directed in a way that best fulfills our aims. Our
supporters fund our work. We understand the expectations they have of the League and we are determined to honour those
expectations. With that in mind we continually review how we spend the funds we receive in an ongoing process that
looks at all aspects of the work of the League and its staff. This includes our monitoring and investigative activities. As many supporters of the League are
aware we are undergoing an internal consultation process relating to Investigations. This is to determine whether
we are still supporting our Investigations Team in the right way, whether resources should be deployed into different
areas, or whether our focus on certain hunting activities should perhaps change. It is right and proper that we do
this, because that is how we will best protect wildlife into the future. Without a full and thorough consultation
process we simply can not be certain that we are responding to threats to wildlife in the right way. We are at the
start of that consultation process. We intend the process to be thorough and inclusive. We intend to make very clear
to our supporters what we learn, but that will be at the end of the process when we will be in a position to clarify
exactly what we intend to put in place. We do not intend to release information piecemeal as that is open to misinterpretation. As a Board we are overseeing this consultation process
and we have full faith in the senior members of staff that we have put in place to carry it out. All of us are working
hard to ensure that the outcome of the process will be fair to any members of staff impacted by any decision we may
have to make, that our actions will be fully justifiable, and that there will be absolutely no diminishment of efforts
to protect wildlife from the horrors of cruel sports and wildlife crime. The motto of the League Against Cruel Sports is Investigate, Educate, Protect.
As a Board, as people who care deeply about wildlife and the environment, we fully stand behind those words and through
continual review and careful consideration we intend that the charity we look after will become stronger and more
effective now and into the future. Signed on behalf of the Trustees - Ian Blake-Lawson (Chair), Charlie Moores (Deputy Chair),
Andrew Wood (Treasurer) POWAperson comments - I, along
with some other POWA people, was involved in two civil wars within the League in the 90s. Those struggles were absolutely
bloody and I just pray this is not happening again. The first arose from the treachery of Jim Barrington and
the inexplicable support for him of some then Executive Committee members.
It took months of toil, sweat and tears to finally expel him and his toxic coterie. The second was about three years
later when the then CEO, Graham Sirl, appeared likewise to have fallen under hunt influence, and was behaving in bizarre
and unacceptable ways. On this occasion we 'rebels' were not able to convince the LACS hierarchy that he needed
to be gone and a number of volunteers, including myself, executive members and staff members split away. This led
to the formation of POWA. It was another year before Sirl was fully exposed and resigned. None of us, who'd
been proved right and who had been viciously attacked by LACS figures at the time, received so much as an acknowledgement,
let alone an apology. The two imbroglios caused the League a lot of damage and POWA remained at loggerheads
with LACS for many years, indeed until Douglas Batchelor was replaced as CEO by Joe Duckworth several years ago. Since
then we've been on good terms with the League and impressed by much of their work. In particular, LACS investigators
have done brave and invaluable work, not just in bringing some hunt miscreants to justice but also in supplementing
the volunteer work of other monitors and of sabs in exposing just how much and how often organised hunters can get
away with continuing to chase and kill defenceless wild mammals by exploiting the weaknesses of the Hunting Act, thereby
illustrating how desperately it requires significant strengthening. We just pray that the concerns expressed in the Stop the Cull post above are
unfounded and, in particular that the hunt side has not once again infiltrated the heart of the League, as they have done
in the past. We know nothing about Phillipa King and have not heard her side of the story. We can only
hope a mountain is being made from a molehill.
Dove Valley MH pack up as soon as
sabs appear 8-7-17 Facebook - Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs We got a tip off that the Dove Valley Mink Hounds [right] would be out killing animals from the
riverbank near Sudbury, Derbyshire today so we joined our comrades from Bristol & Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs to
stop them. Bit of info: Mink hunting replaced otter hunting after all the otters were killed. American mink were brought
to the UK by abhorrent fur farmers and although they can prey on native animals, their numbers are dropping
as otter numbers are recovering, the mink cant compete against the otters. The Dove Valley were seen bashing down
the vegetation on the river bank, potentially doing a lot more damage to the water voles living there than any mink
would do, this in itself is illegal: The water vole is fully protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside
Act 1981 and it's illegal to intentionally capture, kill or injure water voles or to damage, destroy or block
access to their places of shelter or protection, on purpose or by not taking enough care. We don't think the otter
/ mink hounds differentiate between killing rats, water voles, mink or otters. Otters are similarly protected as water
voles. It is illegal to hunt mink with a pack of hounds. As sabs approached the
hunt they were gathered on the Dove river. We let them know they'd been covertly filmed for a while before intervening.
Realising they'd been caught out, the guilty party gathered their hounds and along with their supporters, scarpered!
Possibly a world record for the quickest sab ever. As we left the area in our vehicles,
the landowner thought he'd get his bumpkin pals to try blocking us in with tractors, all they managed to do was
upset the locals who lived there! As we eventually drove off we passed some support who'd gone to the pub after
having their day ruined. Result! If you want to donate to help us with fuel and equipment costs please go to https://www.paypal.me/SevernValeHuntSabs. Cheers!
Pressure grows on hare
hunter Chair of Kent Wildlife Trust 5-7-17 Facebook - Stop the cull Another newspaper article [below] about Michael Bax, Chairman of Kent Wildlife
Trust and a former Hunt Master and Huntsman, has appeared today, this time in The Times of Tunbridge Wells. Here is our original story if you didn't see it. Here is the petition to sign to ask for him to stand down over this conflict of interest. We have new information today showing that Michael Bax's company BFT Partnership sponsored a Game & Wildlife Conservation
Trust killing spree in 2014! Page
3 shows that Bax personally donated a shoot in the environmentally sensitive area of the Medway Marshes. The area,
known for wildfowl shooting is of great importance to flora and fauna and the disturbance to birds here is well documented. SHAME ON The Wildlife Trusts & Kent Wildlife Trust for allowing Bax to remain chairman and for defending his
disgusting activities and for trying to silence genuine nature lovers by ignoring and deleting their comments!
Antis protest against VWH FH
appearance at the Cotswold Show CIWH
say they filmed Hunt chase and kill fox on 1st April 5-7-17 Wilts & Glos Standard Campaign group protests against involvement of Vale of White Horse Hunt hounds at
Cotswold Show ANTI-FOX hunting protestors [right] were
camped at the gates of Cirencester Park during the Cotswold Show, to object to the involvement of the Vale of White
Horse Hunt (VWH) in the event. Members of campaign group Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch (CIHW) said they were angry
at the inclusion of the organisation’s huntsmen and hounds in demonstrations at the countryside show last Saturday. The group has alleged that VWH hounds 'killed a fox on April 1st in a field across the road from Cirencester
Park' and has a photo of what they claim is a member of the Hunt carrying away a dead fox [below]. Speaking to the Standard,
a group member who did not wish to be named, said they received a lot of support at the protest. They said: “We
were pleased to have support from so many members of the public entering through Cecily Hill and Deer Park School
entrances. People agreed that the claims of hunt groups across the UK, that they only trail hunt, are now wearing
very thin in the light of evidence collected by hunt monitors and sabs throughout the country." They said CIHW
is also concerned about the possible bio-security of hounds potentially carrying bovine TB around agricultural animals,
following news that hounds at Kimblewick Hunt kennels had to be euthanased following an outbreak of the disease. "One
member of the public was so disgusted to hear that VWH hounds were being paraded at the show that they decided to
go home." Meanwhile,
Gloucestershire Police recently pinned a notice to a tree about a quarter of a mile from Fairford on the A417 Southrop
Road, warning people against dumping animal carcasses after 12 dead foxes were found. The notice says: “It is
an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to dump animal carcasses here. 12 dead foxes were removed on
February 22, 2017. This area is now being monitored by the police.” The spokesperson for CIHW said: “Without
knowing how the foxes met their end, we can only guess that a farmer had shot them." Fox hunting in its traditional
form was banned in 2002 in Scotland and two years later in England and Wales, thanks to the Hunting Act 2004. However,
certain modified forms of hunting foxes with hounds are still within the law and shooting foxes as vermin also remains
legal. During this year's General Election, Prime Minister Theresa May said she intended to hold a free vote on overturning
the ban in England and Wales. However, this was not included in the Queen's Speech, leading many to think the
idea had been scrapped. A Fairford resident, who did not wish to be named,
in response to the notice on Southrop Road, said: “The content of the notice does imply that management of the
countryside fox population has aspects that go beyond the simple fox hunting debate.” The Vale of White Horse Hunt has been approached for comment. Pics below - 1/ The Hunt at the Show 2/ Carrying away hunted
and killed fox 1-4-17 
Government officially confirms will not bring forward HA repeal vote 4-7-17 Sky News Fox hunting ban repeal vote dropped, Government confirms A free
vote on repealing the fox hunting ban has been scrapped, the Government has confirmed. Environment minister Therese
Coffey said the Conservatives are not planning to bring forward a vote in "this session",
suggesting it will be at least two years before such an idea is even considered. The
Tory manifesto contained a pledge to hold a free vote on overturning the ban, which was introduced under Tony Blair's
Labour government in 2004. It bans the use of dogs to hunt foxes and other wild mammals in England and Wales. But
Prime Minister Theresa May has been forced to shelve a number of key policies after losing her Commons majority in
the General Election. The first indication that the plan had been put on the back burner came
when it was omitted from the Queen's Speech, which outlined the Government's legislative programme for the
current parliamentary session from 2017 to 2019. Ms Coffey's disclosure came in response to a written parliamentary
question from Labour MP Catherine West. The minister said: "The Government's manifesto includes a free vote
on the Hunting Act 2004, but we are not planning to bring forward a free vote in this session." Anti-hunt Conservative
MPs warned against offering a free vote during the General Election campaign, with Sir Roger Gale insisting MPs would
have "more than enough to occupy" their time without considering "yesterday's argument" of
repealing the Hunting Act. Animal protection charity Humane Society
International said it was "delighted" at the news. Executive Director Claire Bass said: "Fox hunting
is not only a barbaric assault on an iconic species of British wildlife, it is also extremely unpopular with the public.
A recent poll showed that 84% of the British public support the ban on fox hunting. There is a growing list of Conservative
MPs who reject this horrifically cruel excuse for a 'sport' and we look to them to keep this archaic policy
out of future Tory manifestos."
Five Atherstone FH supporters convicted for role in
attacking antis at town meet 3-7-17 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Atherstone hunt supporters plead guilty to violence - 11 convictions for Atherstone Hunt supporters responsible for Market Square violence. Supporters
of the Atherstone Hunt have pleaded guilty to numerous offences and received multiple convictions for the shocking
violence at the Atherstone Hunts New Years Day meet. George Bentley-Brown
who was filmed throwing manure at peaceful protesters pleaded guilty and was convicted of 8 counts of common assault.
He received a six month conditional discharge plus £135 costs and £20 to victims services.Jake Mitchell who was filmed waving a fox tail in protesters faces and also
stealing part of a protesters fox costume pleaded guilty and was convicted of theft and two counts of common
assault. He was fined £211 and £165 costs. James Farrands admitted to his part in the theft of a banner
and had to write a letter of apology to the victim. Two more offenders received police cautions. Some of these individuals
were seen regularly supporting the Atherstone Hunt last season. The number of convictions and cautions that the Atherstone Hunt and those associated with it have received
for violence and public order offences is rapidly growing and is now in double figures. This reinforces what we have
been saying for a while now that the Atherstone Hunt is a violent organisation with extreme views who frequently use
violence against peaceful non-violent protesters. We believe that the
Market Square violence on peaceful protesters was a pre-planned attack. Whilst we welcome these convictions, the sentences
handed down are far too lenient and in no way act as a deterrent. There are still unanswered questions relating to the Market Square violence that need answering.
Why did Warwickshire Police choose not to police the event despite knowing what could happen? And why did Atherstone
Town Council let the event take place in the first place despite being warned about the likely violence from the Atherstone
Hunt? Will they continue to allow the Hunt to use the Market Square in the wake of these convictions? YOU can HELP by - 1/ Contacting the Town Councillors and asking again that they do not allow the Atherstone Hunt to meet in the Market Square. 2/ Contact North Warwickshire Borough Council and ask them to look into the licensing of all the pubs in the Market Square for New Years Day. In our
opinion the fact that a lot of the hunt supporters had been drinking alcohol added to their aggression.