For purpose of this record - and to include whole year - 'Hunting
Season' runs from start July-end June N.B. Entries are in REVERSE chronological order. Stories are below
each month's headlines WARNING Likely to contain
images you may find distressing
JUNE 2019….. 30th June - Illegal hunting case against Lauderdale FH is dropped ….. 27th June - Puppy walker in Eggesford FH country seen beating young hound ….. 27th June - Sabs
say Atherstone FH risk assessments grossly inadequate ….. 26th June - 2 Kimblewick FH terriermen charged with cruelty to fox during hunt ….. 26th June - Convicted fraudster, now ex, Tory MP was Master of two fox Hunts ….. 25th June - Bo-Jo is getting massive donations from prominent hunt supporters ….. 24th June - Green MSP bids to fully ban quarry hunting as SNP drags feet ….. 22nd June - Three Counties MH beat retreat when sabs descend on them hunting ….. 21st June - Sabs out sett-checking save baby mink in distress ….. 18th June - CPS drops Cotswold VF FH fox cub kill & assault sab cases ….. 18th June - Wife of cub
cruelty case PC says evidenced institutional corruption in police ….. 14th June - Grafton
FH supporter convicted after driving into monitor …..
11th June - Lamerton FH rider killed after
horse spooked by passing lorry …..
10th June - Sabs who started investigation reveal background to fox cub cruelty
case …..
10th June - Suspension of jail sentences in S. Herefordshire cruelty case angers antis …..
10th June - S. Herefordshire FH Huntsman & kennel
maid convicted of cruelty to fox cubs ….. 9th June - Fire
Brigade persuaded to withdraw from fundraiser event for Hunts …..
6th June - S. Herefordshire FH Huntsman struggles to explain severe injuries to cubs ….. 4th June - Cheshire PCC to 'scrutinise' recent police decisions on fox kill cases ….. 3rd June - Yet
another Cheshire fox hunt kill case dropped Illegal hunting case against Lauderdale FH is dropped Hunting witnessed & reported by Scottish Green MSP 30-6-19
Sunday Times Hunting law is hopeless, says Scots animal charity
An animal welfare charity has branded a law banning foxhunting as “hopeless” after a case was dropped because
of insufficient evidence. Footage showing a fox being chased
by hunt hounds across a field in the Scottish Borders was reported to police by the League Against Cruel Sports, as a potential breach of the Protection of Wild
Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002. The
incident occurred during the Lauderdale hunt in November and was witnessed by Alison Johnstone [right], co-leader
of the Scottish Greens, who believed that the law, designed to minimise distress caused to foxes, had been breached. At present, hunting with dogs is banned in Scotland but they can be used to flush foxes out of
cover, so they can be shot as a pest-control measure. However, critics argue that foxes are not always dispatched quickly
and are chased by hounds. Robbie
Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “We are extremely disappointed that the evidence,
which in our view clearly illustrated a blatant breach of the law, has been deemed insufficient. The latest debacle is just
another nail in the coffin for a hopeless hunt law.” Johnstone has launched a member’s bill aimed at closing “loopholes”
in foxhunting laws. The bill would also clamp down on culling of native mountain hares. Tens of thousands are thought to be
killed in Scotland every year to protect game, such as grouse, from disease. “After everything I’ve seen, I’m
resolved to end foxhunting for good,” said Johnstone.
walker in Eggesford FH country seen beating young hound 27-6-19 Facebook – Devon Against Hunting Ever thought about where hounds live before joining the pack? Well, they go to ‘Puppy-walkers’
until they are old enough to learn to kill. The idea being they learn the ‘basics’- to not chase/kill farm animals,
and to be obedient. Let me introduce one in the Eggesford Hunt area. Whilst walking my elderly dog, (on a lead), on a public road, used
by locals driving their children to school, or going to work, we were approached by two young pups loose on the road excited
to meet another dog. The person then passed riding the bike, calling to the pups. They didn’t respond, so this person grabbed one
by the scruff, making it yelp, then repeatedly hit the other over the head with a small stick-like implement! The pup was
cowering and didn’t want to go with her, (shock!), I said I wouldn’t want to either if that’s how she treats
them. Her reply is very telling of their attitude to animals-‘If I hit you over the head, you’d behave!’ When I confronted her and said ‘Is
that what you call ‘Puppy-walking’? She became a little shy and cycled off, (with one pup), leaving one of the
two to join her later - if it hadn’t caused an accident or been run over! Remember, they love animals! Usual consideration
of road safety and safety of the public!
Sabs say Atherstone FH risk assessments
grossly inadequate 27-6-19
Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt New Years Day security exposed - Atherstone Hunt lied in their
event plan submitted to the Town Council The risk assessment provided to Atherstone Town Council
for their New Years Day meet is wholly inadequate. It fails to mention the risk of violence and anti social behaviour from
the Hunt's own supporters and what steps they will take to prevent it. It seems that the
event plan handed in by the Atherstone Hunt to the town council was also not adequate. The claim they would be using a company
called Saltem has been proven to the incorrect as with your help we have uncovered that the company themselves have said they
were contacted and told they would not be needed this year. Instead it seems the hunt used their own supporters as stewards
and for road closures.
 This raises serious questions for the town council as how can stewards prevent violence and anti-social
behaviour from the Atherstone Hunt if they themselves are part of that violent and antisocial Hunt? Indeed one of the stewards/hunt
supporters was filmed grabbing the hair of an anti-hunt protester during the Atherstone Hunt's Boxing Day meet in Market
Bosworth. Let's not forget that the Atherstone Hunt have over 20 convictions for violence and anti social behaviour, many
of which were from supporters' actions at previous New Years Day meets. We will be publishing the Hunt's full risk
assessment shortly to show badly written and amateur it was.
7-7-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Atherstone Hunt risk assessments for Boxing Day and New Years Day
Recent elections in May mean that the Conservatives now only have a majority of 1 on Atherstone Town Council. Please contact
them regarding the Atherstone Hunts risk assessment. These [below] are
the risk assessments made by the Atherstone Hunt for it’s New Years Day hunt meet and Boxing Day hunt meet. Despite
first appearances they were not put together by a child - however we regard them as wholly inadequate as a risk assessment.
Given that there has been substantial violence, anti-social behaviour and drunkenness from Atherstone
Hunt supporters at this event in previous years there is no mention in the risk assessments of potential violence from members
of the Hunt. There is no mention of potential anti-social behaviour from members of the Hunt. Specifically for Atherstone
Market Square, there is no mention that all the surrounding pubs are open serving alcohol to these Hunt members increasing
the risk of violence, anti-social behaviour and general drunken behaviour from hunt supporters. There is no mention of riders
from the Hunt throwing bottles at anti-hunt protestors. No mention of hunt supporters throwing horse manure at anti-hunt protesters.
As a result there is also no mention of the likelihood of these risks happening and how the Atherstone Hunt are going to prevent
them from happening. As a risk assessment then these documents
failed to identify many major risks that have actually happened in previous years. There is a brief mention that the Hunt
will have it’s own stewards at the event but these stewards are actually Atherstone Hunt supporters who themselves have
been involved in anti-social behaviour in the past. Please politely contact both Atherstone Town
Council and Market Bosworth Parish Council and ask them for a guarantee that the points raised above should be addressed in
any future risk assessments submitted by the hunt. Atherstone Town Council clerk@atherstone-tc.gov.uk. Individual Councillors http://www.atherstone-tc.gov.uk/about-us/councillors. Market Bosworth Town Council - clerk@marketbosworth-pc.gov.uk. 2 Kimblewick FH terriermen charged with cruelty to fox during hunt
HSA Press Release Two members of Kimblewick Hunt charged with animal cruelty
Two men have been charged with causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal after the Kimblewick Hunt were filmed hunting
a captive fox Ian James Kirby Parkinson, aged 64, of Lower Road, Haddenham, Bucks and Mark Anthony Vincent, aged 53, of Kimblewick,
Aylesbury are charged with one count each of causing unnecessary suffering.
filmed by undercover investigators was handed to the Hunt Saboteurs Association in January. The footage was filmed on New
Years Day when the hunt met at Moreton, Thame, Oxon. It shows the hunt terrier men using draining rods to force the fox, that
they’ve been holding captive, out of a drainage pipe then being thrown into the wood for hounds to chase. The terriermen
can clearly be heard communicating with the Huntsman agreeing when the best time is to release the fox which is given a brief
head start so that the hunt riders experience a chase rather than a quick kill. Terrierman pulling fox out of the artificial
Both are due to appear at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on 23 July. 
Terrierman releases fox Lee Moon, Spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “We’re pleased that Thames Valley Police have finally charged the
suspects in this obvious case of animal cruelty. When we released the footage in January both the media and the general public
were outraged by what we showed them and the Kimblewick Hunt were widely vilified. Once these two are found guilty we would
expect the Kimblewick as a corporate entity to be taken to court as it’s clear these two were carrying out the commands
of the Hunt. 
As arranged, hounds released to chase fox 2 minutes later
Footage and the original story can be found here. Convicted fraudster, now ex, Tory MP was Master of two fox Hunts Astonishingly, Tories have picked him to fight Brecon
by-election! 26-6-19
HSA Press Release De-Selected Conservative MP is Former Hunt Master
Convicted Conservative MP Chris Davies [right] is a former Master of two fox hunts and threatened
in 2004 that members of his Golden Valley Hunt would break the law when hunting was banned. During his Mastership both the
Golden Valley and Banwen Miners Hunts carried out violent attacks on hunt saboteurs. In March of this year, Davies was convicted of making false expenses claims. He
received a £1500 fine and had to carry out 50 hours of community service. This led last week to the electorate of his
Brecon and Radnorshire constituency raising a recall petition to have him de-selected as their MP and forcing a by-election.
He has now been re-selected by the Conservative Party as their candidate in the upcoming by-election. Davies was Master
of the Banwen Miners Hunt in the Swansea Valley from 1993-99 before moving to the Golden Valley Hunt on the Welsh Border in
2000. In 2004, in the run up to the ban, he did not have the bottle to say he would personally defy the law, but told the
BBC that some of his members would (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/4026351.stm).Lee Lee Moon, spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “It's hard to think of a less useful member of society than an ex-hunt
master, corrupt Tory MP. We hate to kick a man while he's down but we'll make an exception in this case. Davies is
clearly a man who can't be trusted. Whilst Master of the Golden Valley Hunt he implicated himself in flouting the Hunting
ban and now as a public servant he has deliberately falsified accounts to rip off the public purse. It’s testament to
the low moral standards of the Conservative Party that they’ve re-selected him for the upcoming by-election and we wanted
the Brecon and Radnorshire electorate to know the type of man they’re potentially voting for. Bo-Jo
is getting massive donations from prominent hunt supporters £109k
gifted to him just in 2019 by Christofferson & the Bamfords 25-6-19 The Canary One of Boris Johnson’s biggest donors has a controversial past hunting foxes
Boris Johnson’s second largest donor* in 2019 is a hunter and hedge fund manager with a controversial past. And even
the Spectator said this could “come back to haunt” the leadership candidate. Johan Christofferson [right] is a
partner in hedge fund management firm Christofferson, Robb & Co. He’s also been the joint-master of the only hunt
in Scotland to so far have been prosecuted for illegal hunting. And in 2019, Christofferson has been Johnson’s second
largest donor. Electoral Commission records show Christofferson has made two donations to Johnson
so far in 2019. There was a £20,000 donation, which Johnson accepted on 15 January, and a £16,000 donation accepted
on 6 March. Christofferson’s £36,000 makes him the Conservative leadership hopeful’s second largest private
donor this year, after construction equipment manufacturer JCB. Commenting on the £16,000
donation, Spectator columnist ‘Steerpike’ said Christofferson’s donations “could come back to haunt”
Johnson [below left]. And it’s because of the hunter’s controversial
past. Christofferson
has been joint-master of the Jedforest Hunt, based in Scotland, since the mid-2000s. In June 2017, two members of the Hunt
were convicted of breaching the Protection of Wild Mammals Act, the law that effectively bans hunting in Scotland. It’s
the only successful hunting prosecution in Scotland to date. Before joining the Jed Forest Hunt, Christofferson was a joint-master
of the Isle of Wight Hunt. Under his mastership, hunt staff including Stuart Trousdale [Huntsman] dumped the dead bodies of
two calves, a horse and a bullock on the streets of Brighton during the October 2004 Labour Party conference in the city.
BBC News reported at the time that: 'The court was told the pair dumped the animals on the day of Tony Blair’s keynote
speech to show their opposition to a proposed ban on hunting.' Trousdale’s actions were so extreme that the Master of Fox Hounds Association suspended the Isle of Wight Hunt for a
month. It also “upbraided” Christofferson for failing to control his staff. Trousdale was later charged with illegal
hunting in 2007. But the League Against Cruel Sports eventually dropped a private prosecution after a 2009 High Court decision
made convictions under the Hunting Act more difficult.
None of this appeared to worry Christofferson, though. Trousdale
joined the hedge fund manager as joint-master and Huntsman of the Jedforest Hunt in 2008. Christofferson
has been a frequent donor to the Conservatives. Most notably, he donated £40,000 to Simon Hart’s bid for a seat
in parliament in 2010. Hart was, at the time, chief executive of pro-bloodsports group the Countryside Alliance. The hunter
also donated to former policing and justice minister Nick Herbert several times between 2009 and 2015. As the Daily Record pointed out: 'In [2009], the League [Against Cruel Sports] wrote to the
parliamentary standards commissioner asking him to look into donations made to Herbert by people linked to fox hunting.' And a Scottish Labour official accused Christofferson’s
donations to Herbert as being “clearly designed to influence the decision to repeal the ban”. The Canary contacted
Johnson and Christofferson for comment but hadn’t heard back at the time of publishing. When
Theresa May campaigned for the 2017 general election, she promised a parliamentary vote on repealing the hunting ban. In the
end, she dropped the pledge after recognising that the public was staunchly against the proposal. May went on to rule out
any vote during her term in parliament. But she’s now on her way out, and Johnson’s support for hunting is well-known.
He consistently voted against laws on hunting before the ban was brought in and even suggested urban foxes ought to be hunted
during his term as London mayor. Could he have had a change of heart, though? On 19 June, the Conservative Animal
Welfare Foundation uploaded a photograph of Johnson with its co-founder Lorraine Platt. Johnson’s partner, Carrie Symonds,
is also patron of the group. Platt is also a long-time anti-hunting campaigner. But in the end, money speaks. And with wealthy
backers that are not just pro-hunting but deeply involved in the vile ‘tradition’, it’s difficult to see
why Johnson would change his stripes. The Hunting Act is deeply flawed
and hunting needs to be banned outright. But that may be further from our grasp than ever before if Johnson becomes prime
minister. Extract from Electoral Commission political party donor's list POWAperson adds - * The article author seems unaware that the Bamfords
[who own the JCB group] are not just a massive donor to Johnson personally but also hugely to the Conservative party and that
they are closely associated with the Heythrop FH, of which Sir Anthony's wife, Carol Bamford, is a member. Bamford donations
this century total many million pounds, from both the JCB company and individual family members. ** Apart from suggesting that London' urban foxes should be hunted, Johnson is
such a strong supporter of blood sports that he has even proclaimed in favour of bullfighting. Any interest he has displayed
in Blue Foxes founder Lorraine Platt may be simply trying to muddy the waters on his taste for live quarry hunting, though
I'm sure the fact that she happens to be a very striking looking blonde would have nothing to do with it. Incidentally, Christofferson resigned his mastership of the Jedforest FH in 2017, after
two of his hunt servants were convicted. I do not know if he is still hunting or, if so with whom.
Green MSP bid to fully ban quarry hunting as SNP drags feet 24-6-19 Herald Green MSP bids to ban fox and hare hunting with new bill
They are a familiar sight in Scotland’s cities and suburbs, even trotting casually through the garden at the heart of
the Scottish Parliament from time to time. But now Holyrood is being asked to give its foxes the same protection as mammals
as rare and elusive as wild cats and pine martens, and finally end their hunting with dogs. Green
MSP Alison Johnstone [right] yesterday published legislative plans to protect foxes and hares by outlawing their killing except under a strict licensing regime. Her proposed member’s bill is
also intended to end hunting with dogs by closing a series of loopholes in the 2002 Holyrood law which was meant to ban the
practice, but is often circumvented. Ms
Johnstone said her Protection and Conservation of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill was partly in response to the SNP Government’s
lack of action on the issue. Although ministers promised in January to tighten up hunting law after a report on its shortcomings
by Lord Bonomy, there have been no concrete proposals to date. The 2002 Holyrood Act ended the deliberate hunting
of foxes with dogs, but permitted the use of dogs to flush foxes towards guns so they could be shot when it was safe to do
so. Ms Johnstone said there was a widespread concern that this exception was being abused, with foxes flushed by dogs, but
with guns absent or a reluctance to fire. She said mounted hunts kill up to 800 foxes per year, and Lord Bonomy’s inquiry had found one-fifth of the
foxes disturbed by hunts ended up killed by the dogs. Ms Johnstone’s bill would effectively end fox hunting by removing
all exceptions in the law and create a new offence of “intentionally or recklessly” hunting a wild mammal with
a dog. Dog walkers whose pets chase a wild mammal are not affected. The bill would also outlaw the hunting of brown hares
and mountain hares all year round, not merely in the “close seasons”. Around 26,000 mountain
hares are killed each year on grouse moors, half reportedly to stop them passing the tick-borne louping-ill virus to the birds,
40 per cent for sport, and 10 per cent for forestry protection. The bill would allow foxes and hares to be killed for pest
control, but only under licence and “as a last resort” that minimised suffering and protected any dependant young. Ms Johnstone gave the example of “emergency action by an authorised
person if a fox was attacking livestock”. Licences would only be issued for specific purposes, subject to a public interest
test, after non-lethal methods had failed, with the costs borne by licence holders. Information on how many animals had been
killed would be public. Ms Johnstone,
the MSP for Lothians, said: “Foxes and hares deserve our compassion and respect, yet they are routinely slaughtered
across the country in huge numbers. My proposal would give these animals the protection they so urgently need. Fox hunting
was meant to have been banned in Scotland in 2002, but little has changed. Hunts still go out, pursuing and killing foxes,
and foxes are still being killed by hunting dogs. The Scottish Government and the First Minister herself have expressed their support for
action but have been unable to find the time to bring forward a legislative proposal themselves. I’m confident they
will get behind my proposal.” Robbie Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “We are confident
that hunting as we know it will soon be a thing of the past.” But Jamie Stewart, director of the Scottish Countryside
Alliance, said: “Ms Johnstone is ignoring all the available evidence on fox management and welfare, and she knows it.
The protection of foxes is a ludicrous idea which is a slap in the face to every sheep and free range poultry farmer in the
country. Fox control has always been focused on lowering the population to a level that makes attacks on livestock, game and
ground nesting birds less likely. Mrs Johnstone is now proposing that farmers will have to wait until a fox has killed a lamb
before it will be legal to shoot it. Her proposed legislation jumps on every available bandwagon and has no justification
on the basis of evidence or principle. The proposals would remove the rights of farmers and land managers across Scotland
to control foxes effectively and protect their livelihoods, with no evidential justification whatsoever.” Rural
Affairs Minister Mairi Gougeon [above left] said the Government was committed
to animal welfare and would soon consider an expert review on grouse moor management, including mountain hare culls. On fox
hunting, she said: “Not only will it be taking forward many of the recommendations in Lord Bonomy’s report, we
will go further by implementing measures that will do more to clarify and strengthen the Protection of Wild Mammals Act. In
doing so, we will work constructively with any MSPs to achieve our objectives.” See also article by Alison Johnstone on why foxes and hares need more protection
The Scotsman Scottish government moves towards total
ban on fox hunting Scots are being asked to give their views on proposed new laws that would completely
ban fox hunting and end the mass slaughter of wild hares. Alison Johnstone, co-leader of the Scottish
Green Party, is tomorrow unveiling plans for a member’s bill aimed at closing “loopholes” in existing legislation,
which has failed to effectively stamp out hunting of foxes and allows unlimited numbers of native mountain hares and brown
hares to be killed at certain times of the year. The Lothian MSP is launching a public consultation on the draft bill, seeking feedback
on measures aimed at protecting the three species and stopping them being killed for sport. The consultation will run until
mid-September. In the consultation document, Johnstone states: “Wild mammals belong to no-one while they are free-living,
but UK legislation has long held that animal welfare is a public good and that animals should therefore be protected in the
public interest. The aim of the proposed bill is, therefore, to improve the protection of some wild mammals in Scotland, specifically
by ending the use of dogs in the hunting of wild mammals and improving the protection of certain wild mammals.” The
Scottish Government outlined intentions to tighten up laws after commissioning a review of the Protection of Wild Mammals
(Scotland) Act 2002 by Lord Bonomy, but has so far failed to take action. Johnstone said: “Foxes and hares are iconic
species that are widely celebrated in popular culture and valued by rural and urban Scots alike. They deserve our compassion
and respect, yet they are routinely slaughtered across the country in huge numbers.” Existing rules ban the use of packs of dogs to chase and catch foxes, but permit the use of dogs to flush
a fox into the open. The proposed new bill has been welcomed by animal welfare campaigners, who have said it could be “game-changing”. But a spokesman for the Scottish Gamekeepers Association said: “We hope to engage with Scottish Government
on its intentions, particularly any licensing scheme to allow vital pest control.” Three Counties MH beat retreat when sabs descend on them hunting 22-6-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Three Counties Mink Hounds – 22/06/19 Today we made
another trip to visit the riverside vandals of the Three Counties Mink Hounds. They were in the same area as when we last
sabbed them a month ago, south of Cleobury Mortimer on the Worcestershire/Shropshire border. A motley crew of
around 30 sabs from Bristol, Severn Vale, Bath, Nottingham, Lincoln & Sheffield (cheers for the visit!) descended on the
Hunt who were on the River Rea. As soon as they saw
sabs the game was up. The hounds were called away from the river and the Hunt retreated to Reaside Manor Farm to seek refuge,
before a traditional walk of shame to box up with sabs in tow. Job done! 26-6-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO The 3 Counties Otterhounds - I mean Minkhounds - picked a bad time
and place for their bloodsports fix this weekend. They had breakfast so close to several badger cull zones that within minutes
a local tip-off had brought all the sabs to the yard. After their big fry up the hunters arrived
at the River Rea just in time to see Notts Sabs, Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs, Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, Bristol Hunt Saboteurs
and Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs jogging down the opposite bank. They immediately blew for home before traipsing back to their host (High
Court judge Sir Gerald Barling) with their tails between their legs. Donations will pay for new equipment to fight bloodsports over the summer. Sabs out sett-checking save baby
mink in distress 22-6-19
Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs Also yesterday, 21st June 2019. On returning to the car after sett-checking, a huge rumpus was heard in a stream. On closer examination 4 of these little
ones were clearly in distress. It appeared they couldn't get up a bank and this one ended up being left behind. After
asking someone who knows more, this chap was placed on the side of the stream where he cried his heart out as sab' sat
within hearing distance. In a short time some more squealing was heard and his Mum and family had come back to him. This
is a baby mink. The mink hunting season is well underway and if hounds had been going down this stream he and his siblings
would have been ripped apart. If he had escaped into a hole they would have dug him out. Mink were bred on a huge scale in the UK for the fur industry before the practice
was banned. Out sett-checking again today in Glos zone 1... and hoping that we find no more destroyed setts.
2 found last year and 1 so far this year. Please continue to support us with information and paypal.me/threecountiessabs. CPS
drops Cotswold VF FH fox cub kill & assault sab cases 18-6-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt case dropped following CPS decision [Hunt kill fox
during cub hunting meet - sab suffers whiplash after assault] We have delayed putting out our report
due to the coverage of the South Herefordshire Hunt trial. In late May we were informed that investigations
into illegal cub hunting by the Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt and an assault on one of our sabs (which led to her suffering
whiplash for several days) by hunt staff were dropped. Despite work put in by police officers, following a CPS decision the
case was dropped. On 23rd October 2018, the Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt held a cub hunting meet in the area of Norton, Gloucestershire
and hunted around land owned by Master of the Hunt, Mike Smith. Three saboteurs from Three Counties Sabs were present on the
day, two inland on foot and another in the vehicle.
Hounds at the hedge
Towards the end of the meet, the two sabs inland
could hear hounds speaking (an excited baying which indicates that they have picked up a scent and are following it) and noticed
hounds and hunt riders in the field the sabs were heading towards. Huntsman Gary Williams could clearly be heard encouraging
hounds on from the opposite side of the hedge that hounds were interested in and was using voice commands and horn calls consistent
with ‘traditional’ fox hunting. 
From their position, the saboteurs present could only monitor as any noise or attempt to distract hounds could have
‘headed’ a hunted fox back into the pack. It was shortly evident that the hounds had killed, Williams was heard
‘blowing the kill’ (a horn call not often heard since the Hunting Act 2004 came into force as it shows that that
the Huntsman is aware of a kill taking place and is informing the remainder of the hunt riders and the hounds of it). He was
heard praising the hounds and telling them to “break him up, break him up” which means to eat the remains of the
fox. In interview we have been told that Williams, Huntsman of the Hunt at the time of
the incident but since ‘let go’ by the Hunt, said that hounds had gone off on a trail (of which no evidence was
provided) and that he realised that they were spending time within the hedge. He claims to have realised that there was a
fox in the hedge but that it was obvious that it had been dead for several days so he allowed them to have it and encouraged
hounds to tear the body up.
 The Huntsman instructs hounds to dismember the hunted fox
involved on the day state that their issues with his story are as follows:- 1. Gary Williams handed the remains of the fox in a plastic sack (minus intestines
which were found by sabs) to another hunt rider who rode off with the bag away from sabs. This hid any evidence that would
prove if the fox was several days dead or recently killed – a post-mortem could have been carried out at sabs’
expense if necessary to prove cause and time of death. 2. A fox that was several days old
at time of being ripped apart would not bleed and the intestines found by sabs were bloody and fresh, still hot and smelled
of dead fox. When police arrived later the intestines had been removed but fresh and still wet blood was left where they had
been along with splashes of blood on various blades of grass around the area of the kill – all evidenced by Gloucestershire
police officers. 3. A sab was assaulted whilst trying to get to the site of the kill, the perpetrator being Hunt Master Mike Smith
of Prior’s Norton. Having first ridden repeatedly at her and her colleague, he then jumped off his horse and tackled
her to the floor. With him distracted, the second sab made it to the kill site at which point the hunt riders moved off. If
the assault occurred because sabs were trespassing, why did the trespass matter less once evidence of the kill had been found
and recorded? Why assault the sab if the Hunt had done nothing wrong?
Rider handed bag containing fox remains
4. If the fox had indeed been dead for several days – a ‘fact’ not
accepted by sabs or police – cause of death would not have been known by the Hunt. If the fox had been poisoned, remnants
of the poison may still have been present in their system, putting hounds’ lives and health at risk. This wouldn’t
be a massive surprise though considering the lack of care taken to protect hounds by this Hunt – sabs state that the
Hunt are notorious for losing control of hounds, have had hounds killed on the nearby A38 in the past and have been reported
by members of the public for losing stray hounds on roads and in private gardens on numerous occasions. 5. Hounds are generally not interested in dead foxes. 6. Cub hunting is the initial stage of the hunting season, running
from around the end of August until the beginning of November. One of the purposes of cub hunting is to train new hounds,
new hounds learning from those with experience as to what they should do when they pick up on a scent of a fox. It is a time
when hounds will learn the taste, smell and sight of a fox and will learn also from the Huntsman who will praise or tell them
off based on their actions. Even if the fox were already dead, the Huntsman’s actions in praising the hounds, telling
them to “break him up” (a reward for the hounds after a successful hunt) and ‘blowing the kill’ will
have taught them that ripping up a fox gets them praise, teaching them that they have done something right. Which is precisely
what traditional cub hunting would achieve and set them up to do once the main hunting season arrives: chase and rip apart
Pics below - 1/ Rider makes off with fox remains 2/ Huntsman
rides at sab group  Gary Williams has since lost his job with the Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt and is rumoured to be moving over
to the Ross Harriers Hunt (who operate closer to Ross-on-Wye and share some of the same hunting country as the CVFH). In the
remainder of the hunting season Gary was filmed encouraging hounds on to a fox scent by another member of Three Counties Sabs
and was also suspected to be involved in the blocking of badger setts in the Hunt’s country – a tactic used to
prevent foxes being able to escape underground during a hunt, in contravention of the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. See also our webpage. Please share if you
like what we do, help spread the message and, if you can, chuck a few quid our way to cover fuel and equipment costs: paypal.me/threecountiessabs.
Wife of cub cruelty case PC says evidenced institutional corruption in police Claims
elements in West Mercia force traduced her husband to try to derail case 18-6-19 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team The following account was sent to us by Jane Barradale-Smith, the
wife of the police officer who received the bodies of the dead fox cubs from HIT and began the investigation. It is a powerful
and personal account of a three year nightmare at the hands of fellow officers, crown prosecutors, local judiciary and senior
officers from other forces. It is shocking. please read and share widely. HIT
"This is certainly not news to me as my name is Jane Barradale-Smith.
I had a search warrant served on my home address simultaneously to the HIT operative. My personal laptop was seized. I reported
this to the IOPC independently from my husband who was the original investigation police officer who received the dead fox
cubs from HIT. I have reported the Police Officer to Professional Standards Department of WMP for Perverting the Course of
Justice regarding false and malicious allegations of adultery, in what is a clear attempt to get the case dropped, this has
not been addressed by West Mercia Police. When the search warrant was executed on my home the police officer
who signed the warrant application form , stood in my dining room and said “ there is no evidence of an affair but they
have been ordered to do it”. I have repeatedly questioned the legality of the search warrant as I believe that Birmingham
Magistrates Court was mislead in to issuing 2 warrants. Three years ago, my husband, Richard, commenced this investigation into animal cruelty. He conducted this investigation
fairly, impartially and with transparency, securing overwhelming evidence from witnesses. His work was recognised and praised
by senior officers, so much so that he was nominated for a commendation.At
the end of July, 2016 Richard challenged the discriminatory comments of a senior CPS Solicitor. The following day, Richard
was removed from this case. Richard has
since, and over the past two and a half years, been subjected to the most intense and intrusive scrutiny which not only questioned
his professionalism but has severely and adversely affected our private life and his health. West Mercia Police and West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service failed and refused to acknowledge
his status as a Whistleblower, instead choosing to attempt to ostracise and repress him for standing up to the establishment
and questioning the evidenced institutional corruption that has taken place during this investigation. Following the execution of a search warrant on
our house, I have been given evidence to show that Birmingham Magistrates Court were deliberately mislead into issuing this
warrant and that officer/s perverted the course of justice in obtaining it. Richard
has been criminally interviewed twice with no evidence to support the justification for this. Richard only ever wanted to
deal with this investigation fairly and impartially which is what the public would expect from any officer. He retires in
July following 30 years of service in the police, sadly despondent at how his career will end. Questions now have to be asked as to why West Mercia Police and the Crown Prosecution
Service have conducted themselves in this way. Happy for this to be shared. Jane Barradale-Smith "
19-6-19 morethanjustbadgers.net What a load of B*ll*x
… While I was away the case of the South Herefordshire Hunt fox cub killers finally reached it's conclusion. Here
was a case that had been dragging on as long as my own one against Fitzwilliam but for very different reasons. The Hunt Investigation
Team had secured some very damning evidence against the accused and it did finally get to court although it has now come to
light that the reasons behind the delays were insidious to say the least. There was a concerted effort by some individuals
within West Mercia Police to make sure those responsible for the heinous crimes against those fox cubs would never see the
inside of a court room. Follow this link for a personal account by Jane Barradale-Smith who is the wife of the officer who
received the bodies of the dead foxes. The case was very widely reported in the national press and TV with the main focus not just on the convictions but
the totally laughable sentences handed out with probably the best article in the Independent. It's a sad indictment of
our legal system that the people responsible avoided a custodial sentence and were in fact not even banned from keeping animals
in the future. This is no deterrent at all and another reason in a long list that we need a complete overhaul of sentencing
options for hunting and animal cruelty offences along with judges who are prepared to give the maximum sentences where appropriate...
POWAperson adds - It is always hard to be sure looking on from outside - and as a former criminologist
who worked with police a lot I am very far from being anti-police - but Mrs. Barradale-Smith's testimony, added
to that of many sabs and monitors from lots of different areas, seems to confirm that there are, in certain forces,
elements that are willing not just to turn a blind eye to illegal hunting and other unlawful behaviour by Hunts but to actively
aid them. Needless to say this, if true, is extremely disturbing and threatens the very rule of law. Grafton FH supporter convicted after driving into monitor 14-6-19 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Another Grafton hunter found guilty Today at
Northampton Magistrates Court, Grafton Hunt supporter Jenny Jackson Stops was found GUILTY of refusing to provide her name
and address at the scene of an accident, and also failing to report the accident to the police. She was fined £692,
plus costs and victim surcharge, total £1336 and given 6 penalty points on her licence. On
13 January 2018 the Grafton Hunt chased a fox into Sulgrave, witnessed by one of our monitors. She was looking to her left
for the hounds, or indeed the fox, when she heard a thump. Voices were raised in protest and she realised a car had struck
monitor Lara Abbiss Stubbs. Fortunately her dashboard camera had recorded the incident. Jackson Stops frequently obstructs the monitors and in particular she drives extremely
slowly in front of them, to prevent them from keeping up with the hunt. We are in no doubt on this occasion she wanted to
get in front of John in order to delay him yet again. As she drives forward, Lara turns and the car strikes her, spinning
her body round. The impact dented the car and knocked the wing mirror off, leaving it dangling. Jackson Stops’ incredible defence was that she did not hit Lara, claiming instead that Lara
threw herself at the car in order to cause criminal damage to her vehicle! Yes, really!! She actually claimed Lara threw her
body against her vehicle deliberately. Some
may think Jackson Stops was lucky not be facing more serious charges today. Lamerton FH rider killed after horse spooked by passing lorry 11-6-19 Cornwall Live Woman killed in freak accident after lorry spooked hunt horses - Linda Sandercock lost her life in a tragic accident after a slow-moving
lorry passed her on a country lane A 64-year-old horse-rider suffered a fatal injury after
a passing HGV spooked hunt horses she was exercising, an inquest heard. Linda Sandercock from Trebursye, near Launceston, had ridden out with her friend Maria Lewis, on
the morning of December 14th last year along a link road off the A30 from Stowford Cross to Hayne Cross. In a statement read out at the inquest, presided over by senior coroner
Ian Arrow at Plymouth Coroner's Court, Mrs Lewis explained how the pair had ridden horses together over the past five
years and described her friend as an "experienced horsewoman". On the day, Mrs Sandercock was wearing a bright pink fluorescent coat and a new riding helmet and both riders were
on a horse each, but leading another, resulting in four horses on the road. Mrs Lewis explained she was a groom and looked
after horses and dogs for the Lamerton Hunt. She said the pair intended to exercise the horses on the roads around the Lamerton
Hunt kennels. She said it was a bright, cold and clear morning and the roads were dry and they road the horses at a walking
pace, occasionally slow trotting. They walked past Haynes Farm in single file on a two way road, with
Mrs Lewis at the front and Mrs Sandercock at the rear. Mrs Lewis spotted a large lorry up ahead which she said "slowed
right down" at spotting the horse riders. She said she raised her hand to thank the driver who continued past them slowly. However, she said
she "heard air-brakes from the lorry" and then heard horses hooves on the ground. One of the horses being led ran
forwards onto a grass bank and as Mrs Sandercock tried to hold onto the rope, her own mount bucked and threw her off. The
two horses cantered up the road and Mrs Lewis said that even her own horses "were spooked". The lorry continued
up the road, the driver seemingly oblivious to what had happened. Mrs Sandercock appeared to be in pain and very disorientated
and Mrs Lewis called upon the help of farm workers from a nearby field. One chased after the spooked horses which were heading
towards the A30 carriageway while the other call the emergency services. Sadly, within a few minutes, Mrs Lewis said her
friend was no longer sitting upright and "stopped breathing". Efforts were made to resuscitate her and an air ambulance attended the scene, taking her to Derriford
Hospital. She received treatment for a severe head injury but sadly died the following day. A post mortem found Mrs Sandercock
had suffered significant brain injuries and her cause of death was determined as traumatic acute subdural haemorrhage. Police arrived at the scene and closed the main
road between Sprytown Cross (Sprytown) and A30 (Stowford Cross, Broadwoodwidger), in both directions, for around three hours
to investigate the incident. As
part of the inquiry the driver of the lorry was later traced and interviewed. He told police he recalled coming up the hill,
seeing the horses and slowing down, which was recognised by one of the riders with a thank-you wave. He recalled passing the
riders at a very slow speed before "carrying on as normal". It was accepted that he had no knowledge that anything
had happened and police determined the driver had committed no offences and there were no faults with his Mercedes articulated
lorry. The police investigation also examined Mrs Sandercock and found there was nothing wrong with her kit. Lead investigator Sgt Nicholas Bloomfield told
the inquest it was likely a noise emanated from the lorry at the moment it slowly passed Mrs Sandercock's mounts which
had "sadly led to the horses being spooked and caused them to ride off down the road, throwing [her] from her horse."
He told the inquest there was "no suggestion the driver did anything wrong". Senior
coroner Ian Arrow said the evidence presented led him to the conclusion that the death of Mrs Sandercock was "entirely
accidental". He passed on his condolences to Mrs Sandercock's sister and brother who attended the hearing, noting
how her death was "quite unusual and extremely sad". Sabs who started investigation reveal background to fox
cub cruelty case Believe were present when at least one bagged fox hunted by SH FH 10-6-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs South Herefordshire Hunt (SHH) Fox cub case Today in court
Paul Oliver was found guilty on all four charges brought against him. He received a 16-week suspended prison sentence (suspended
for one year). Hannah Rose was found guilty on three counts 12 week suspended sentence for one year. Julie Elmore received
a conditional discharge for one year. Paul Reece received a conditional discharge for one year. Nathan Parry was found not
guilty. Background - The trial of three members of the South Herefordshire Hunt has just
been concluded in Birmingham Magistrates Court. Two others previously pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to an
animal after covert footage was obtained in spring 2016 of hunt members with caged fox cubs at the kennels. Two mauled bodies
of fox cubs were retrieved from the kennel bins and taken for post mortem. 2014 - We began to pay attention to the South Herefordshire
Hunt in November 2014 - other groups had sabbed them years before but their meets hadn't been attended in some time. Mal
Williams was huntsman at the time. It was clear during a number of meets that they were hunting without any adherance to the
Hunting Act (contrary to what has recently been said in court) and we regard the story of hounds ‘being trained to hunt an aniseed trail since 2005’ as absolute nonsense; we have never
seen a trail being laid. In
March 2014 we had met the South Herefordshire Hunt when the Cotswold Vale Farmers' Hunt held a joint meet with them. Earlier
in the season the SHH were rumoured to have run riot in a field of sheep with hounds mauling and killing several of the ewes
before being driven at by hunt staff and supporters in order to stop them. 2015 - New Year’s Day 2015... during the day, we called hounds off a fox who then escaped. Hounds went on to chase another fox into a badger sett at Caradoc [Major Patrick Darling’s (then Master) estate]. Sabs were there to pull hounds out and were promptly
assaulted and thrown down a bank by hunt staff and supporters. On 3rd January the Hunt met with the Carmarthenshire Hunt for a joint
meet. A fox was dug out of a badger sett and hounds were encouraged on to that fox – when a sab went to investigate
she was injured after being assaulted next to a barbed wire fence. Paul Reece (who recently pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary
suffering to an animal) was present in the group who assaulted her. Lance King was also present and since moved to the Ledbury
Hunt as a terrierman. After the sab was assaulted, hounds were then came to the Hunt
on 1st May as Huntsman [above right].
Just prior to his arrival one of our sabs was approached by a pro-hunt person in our
area who said they had information about the Hunt. Initial information was minor with time being taken to build trust with
the source as they wanted to ensure that we were not violent, wouldn't harass anyone and would keep their identity secret. As the hunting season began after the summer, we obtained details of various hunt meets from this person (alongside
information from other sources). As we have known some of the hunt supporters for many years due to living in the area, we
often have brief conversations with them; we were watching hounds pass through a field of sheep during a meet when one supporter
nudged us and said “don't worry, the ‘sheep problem’ is apparently being dealt with"... rumours
are that this is when the hounds started to be ‘trained more intensely’ on killing foxes. On 12th December the South Herefordshire Hunt had a joint meet with the Crawley and Horsham Hunt and Paul Oliver made a speech
to welcome the visiting hunt with Paul Reece and Nathan Parry standing beside him. Having been tipped off about the meet from
a source, we attended alongside friends from other sab groups. Hounds marked a fox to ground at a badger sett but sabs intervened
and the Hunt moved off. The hounds went on to chase another fox down a drain and after a stand off between sabs and terriermen
from both Hunts (including Paul Reece and Nathan Parry) the terriermen backed off.
Shortly afterwards our car was blocked and the quads rushed
past. The hounds were clearly hunting – on entering the land Paul Reece was observed and filmed walking away from us [left], shoving
a bag up his coat – other sabs saw a fox running away from the area and heard whistles being blown (used instead of
holloas to signal a fox breaking cover). The fox had his head up and his fur was bristling, signs that he may not have known
where he was – a suspected bagged fox released for the hounds to chase. They hunted until it was pitch black that day... 2016 - On 16th
January at Kentchurch Estate the hounds were stopped from hunting by our sabs. Paul Oliver encouraged the hounds on past sabs
and you can distinctly hear him holloaing on the footage. This holloa and encouragement is, in our opinion, the same as can
be heard on the footage filmed by HIT as Paul takes cubs to the flesh house. When sabs intervened again he started to become
aggressive but soon calmed down and gave up the chase. On 12th February they had a children’s meet at Courtfield. No one was on point at the top
of the covert being drawn and so there was no one from the Hunt to stop the pack as they chased two herds of deer around the
area and terrified the sheep. One fox ran past a sab’ and another ran towards Courtfield itself - Paul Oliver hunted
this fox and again you can hear him holloaing on the footage. He was challenged on the fact that hounds rioted and endangered
the lives of the deer and sheep to which he replied that the sab’ was spinning a story. As the 2015 - 16 season started to wind down the
source who had been speaking with our sab told her that fox cubs were being obtained by the Hunt. There had been rumours of
this happening before. Other information was put together regarding identities of those potentially involved, etc and the
Hunt Investigation Team who had recently set themselves up, were fully briefed on the situation. Our initial information suggested
that the cubs were being kept to release as bagged foxes at hunt meets, something we strongly believed was happening on many
occasions, but what was filmed showed a different story. Late
spring saw the footage being obtained, the police being handed the evidence and the Hunt's kennels being raided –
a supporter from another Hunt told us later that Paul Oliver was enjoying himself at the Ledbury Hunt ball when this happened
and had to return to be arrested at Hereford police station. Ledbury Hunt - We have been sabbing the Ledbury Hunt for many years and in the 2017
- 18 and 2018 – 19 seasons they have had what is described as a ‘marriage’ with what is left of the South
Herefordshire Hunt. When the activities of the South Herefordshire were initially published in the media, the Ledbury Hunt
were the only hunt we know of to publicly speak out against the “alleged activities" by sending out letters to
their supporters explaining their stance. As the South Herefordshire were suspended from hunting by the MFHA (Masters of Fox
Hounds Association) and the kennels were closed, the Ledbury were brought in to hunt their country. The former masters of
the SHH are often out riding with them. The Ledbury Hunt do not follow a
trail and later this week we will post specifically about what they have been up to. It is rumoured that what is left of the
SHH pack of hounds are at the Ledbury kennels now. As hounds are innocent victims of the hunt, it was sad to hear of Paul
Oliver’s breeding programme which meant that there were four litters of puppies on site when the hunt were suspended.
The bitch who Paul Oliver claimed had picked up the fox cubs after he had killed them had 11 puppies. Hannah Rose described
hand-rearing three other puppies and there were two more litters on site. Where are they all now? What was their fate? Prior to trial 2016 – 2019 - It took three years for the defendants to be brought to trial. Some of this time
was understandably taken up putting together evidence, obtaining statements from sabs, HIT operatives and the defendants themselves
and getting the case ready for court. The rest of the time was taken up by West Mercia Police investigating one of their own
officers based on two separate malicious allegations (by an anonymous farmer, according to the media) being that a police
officer involved in the investigation was having relationships with those involved in anti hunt activity . No claim was found
to have any standing but it had stalled the investigation into the killing of the cubs by about two years, as well as impacting
horrendously on all those involved... Suspension of jail sentences in S. Herefordshire cruelty case outrages antis MP patron of Blue Foxes says shows need for strengthening
of Hunting Act 10-6-19 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Cub killers escape jail The judge has handed
the following sentences: Paul Oliver, 16 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Hannah Rose, 12 weeks imprisonment,
suspended for 12 months. Paul Reece and Julie Elmore received a conditional discharge. No disqualification from keeping animals. This is not enough, this is not justice
for the 4 fox cubs. Yet again the judiciary has failed in its duty to protect wild animals. Please share. HIT.
10-6-19 Birmingham Mail VIDEO Huntsman who fed fox cubs to bloodthirsty hounds SPARED jail - and can
still keep animals - Paul Oliver, who was master of hounds with the now disbanded South Herefordshire Hunt, was not banned
from keeping animals A senior Huntsman convicted of allowing his hounds to kill four fox cubs has
been handed a 16-week suspended jail sentence for causing their "painful, terrifying" deaths. Paul Oliver, who was
master of hounds with the now disbanded South Herefordshire Hunt, was not banned from keeping animals because he would lose
his job at a stud yard. Passing sentence at Birmingham Magistrates' Court, District Judge
Joanna Dickens also imposed a 12-week suspended sentence on Oliver's partner, Hannah Rose, the Hunt's kennel maid. Oliver and Rose,
both of Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, Lincolnshire, were also ordered to pay £300 in costs and a £115 victim
surcharge after being convicted of causing unnecessary suffering. District Judge Dickens convicted Oliver, 40, and Rose, 30,
after a seven-day trial was told live fox cubs were used to "blood" hunting hounds at the hunt's kennels in
Wormelow. The pair were charged with animal cruelty offences after covert footage of them was captured by cameras placed at
the Hunt's premises by anti-bloodsport activists in May 2016. Suspending
the sentences for a year, District Judge Dickens said: "Four fox cubs were killed by hounds whilst in the kennels. They
did not have the chance of escape. It is not clear if this was a single lead hound in a pack or just one hound on its own.
Thankfully, the veterinary evidence shows that they died quickly. I consider that Mr Oliver took the lead role in this and
it is clear that Ms Rose was acting on his direction. This was a very serious offence of its type. The fox cubs suffered a
painful, terrifying death." Explaining her reasons for not banning the couple from keeping animals, the judge added: "I
think the chance of any reoccurrence is minimal. I also take into account that to disqualify them from being in control of
animals would cause them to lose their current employment and any hope of future work, as this is their livelihood." Julie Elmore, 55, of Brynarw estate near Abergavenny,
and Paul Reece, 48, formerly of Itton, near Chepstow in South Wales, admitted two counts of causing unnecessary suffering
to cubs which were distressed by being transported to the kennels. Accepting that neither Elmore nor Reece had any idea that
foxes would be killed, the judge said the pair had been "motivated by consideration" for the cubs while trying to
stop them being shot. A
fifth defendant, Nathan Parry, 40, also of Brynarw estate, was cleared of four animal cruelty charges after the judge accepted
that he believed foxes taken to the Hunt's kennels would be relocated in the wild. During sentencing, the judge said Elmore and Reece had been subjected to an "unjustified
and outrageous" hate campaign on social media. The judge said the pair were present
on two dates in May 2016 when foxes were "removed from their earth" and accepted that the transportation of two
cubs would have caused them distress. Imposing six-month conditional discharges and costs of £50 on Elmore and Reece,
the judge added: "They took the cubs to the kennels believing that they were rescuing them from being shot. They believed
they were being relocated. What Mr Reece and Ms Elmore did was right at the bottom of the scale for offences of this kind." Opening the case at the start of the trial, prosecutor Simon Davis said: "The unnecessary suffering involved
the killing of fox cubs, effectively... throwing the fox cubs into the kennels of the fox hounds, thereby killing them." The court was told hidden cameras
were placed at the kennels by the Hunt Investigation Team (HIT) after they received information that animal welfare legislation
had been breached. As part of the HIT inquiry, two sites were identified where foxes were thought to have been "dug out"
and police inquiries established gamekeepers had given permission for the animals to be destroyed on the land. The court was
told a camera recorded Oliver handling foxes and dumping the bodies of two cubs in a wheelie bin. The footage also showed
a stick with a noose attached, known as a grasper, being used by Oliver, who had previously been a senior member of Cornwall's
Western Hunt. Defence lawyer Clive Rees, mitigating for Oliver and Rose, said the pair now looked after a private stud yard, caring for 14 horses and a number of dogs. Oliver suffered from serious kidney disease, Mr Rees said, and was "finished"
in the field of hunting. Mr Rees said of Oliver: "There has been abuse from both sides of the fence from day one. As
a result of this the South Herefordshire Hunt no longer exists. Obviously that doesn't make him the most popular person." Mark Thompson, addressing the court on behalf of Elmore and Reece, said: "Their
criminality is negligible. They
had no intention to cause any suffering to any animal. That is just not the people they are." Giovanni D’Alessandro from the CPS said: "Animal cruelty is a serious offence.
Instead of killing them in a quick and humane way, as they knew they should have done, Paul Rees and Julie Elmore handed two
fox cubs to Paul Oliver, joint master of the South Herefordshire Hunt, and to kennel maid Hannah Rose. Rees and Elmore had
no thought to the suffering their actions might have caused to the fox cubs or indeed to what might happen to them next. “Oliver and Rose, in fact, chose to feed
those cubs and two others to a kennel full of dogs. One can only imagine the distress suffered by the fox cubs as they were
carried from their cage and their pain when thrown into the kennel. Thanks to the strength of video footage provided by one
of the witnesses, the CPS was able to work with West Mercia Police and the RSPCA to present a robust case which resulted in
the convictions. The four convicted defendants are now facing the consequences of their crimes.
12-6-19 Independent ‘Obscenely lenient’:
Outrage as huntsman who fed fox cubs to his hounds is not banned from keeping animals - ‘I can’t begin to get
my head around how shockingly lenient that is. No served time, no ban on keeping animals, no deterrent’
A judge’s decision not to ban from keeping animals a Huntsman and kennel maid who fed live fox cubs to hounds has prompted
an outpouring of anger and calls for tougher laws. Hundreds of social media users have branded the decision “disgraceful” and “a joke”, saying
the “obscenely lenient” sentences make a mockery of animal-welfare legislation. And the shadow environment secretary
called for plans for longer jail terms to be brought forward immediately. Paul Oliver was handed a 16-week
suspended jail term for allowing his hounds to kill four cubs, causing their “painful, terrifying” deaths. However,
Oliver, who was Master of the now-disbanded South Herefordshire Hunt, was not barred from keeping animals because he would
have lost his job at a stud yard. District Judge Joanna Dickens also imposed a 12-week suspended sentence on Hannah Rose,
the hunt’s kennel maid. The trial was told how live fox cubs were used to “blood”
hounds at kennels, teaching the dogs to kill foxes. Suspending the sentences for a year, the district judge at Birmingham
magistrates’ court said: “The fox cubs suffered a painful, terrifying death.” Explaining her reasons for
not banning the couple from keeping animals, she added: “I think the chance of any reoccurrence is minimal. I also take
into account that to disqualify them from being in control of animals would cause them to lose their current employment and
any hope of future work, as this is their livelihood.” But
Anthony Joynes, an RSPCA inspector, said that in a similar situation a few years ago, in which a live fox was put in a cage
containing dogs, the suspects were jailed and given a lifetime ban on keeping animals. “It’s very frustrating
how there is no apparent consistency when it comes to sentencing,” he said, adding that he wouldn’t lose sleep
if the pair had lost their jobs. By contrast, shoplifters are routinely jailed. Last month, Kevin Monk, 40, was jailed for
four months in Dundee for stealing more than £100 worth of goods. His solicitor said Monk’s benefits had been
stopped and he was unable to buy food or heat his home. The Birmingham court heard how Oliver
and Rose look after a private stud yard, caring for 14 horses and several dogs. Andrew Cooke, a biologist and vet scientist, tweeted: “I can’t
begin to get my head around how shockingly lenient that is. No served time, no ban on keeping animals, no deterrent. I can’t
fathom why lengthy or lifetime bans aren’t more commonplace.” The couple could potentially have been jailed for up to
six months – the maximum term for animal cruelty under current legislation. The government plans to raise the sentencing
limit for such offences to five years on hold. Sue Hayman [above left], the
shadow environment secretary, said: “This case of appalling cruelty highlights the need to get serious about tackling
wildlife crime and animal cruelty. The government has dragged its feet on extending sentences for cases of animal cruelty
and must bring forward this legislation without further delay. Last Boxing Day, Labour announced our intention to close a
number of loopholes in the Hunting Act to prevent illegal hunting.” Labour proposals include possible jail terms for
illegal hunting. The Hunt Investigation Team, which took the footage that formed the basis
of the prosecution, said: “This is not enough, this is not justice for the fox cubs. The judiciary has failed in its
duty to protect wild animals.” MP Sir David Amess [above right], a patron of Conservatives Against
Fox Hunting, said the sentencing showed the need for law reform. “The case is absolutely appalling, and shows nothing
but sheer cruelty and utter disregard for an animal’s life,” he said. “What is worse is the shockingly lenient
sentencing means that these people have walked free from jail. That such cruelty can go unpunished shows that we now more
than ever need to strengthen the Hunting Act and reform our laws to stop those convicted of such horrendous acts from keeping
animals ever again.”
S. Herefordshire FH Huntsman & kennel maid convicted of cruelty to fox cubsA terrierman & a woman already pled guilty to cruelty
in transporting cubs 4 given suspended sentences as subject to long vilification
on social media Antis outraged
by very weak sentences, esp. failure to disqualify from keeping animals Hunt terrierman cleared, claiming thought cubs would be released 10-6-19
Guardian VIDEO Huntsman found guilty of animal cruelty after activists' secret filming
- Footage shows then master of
hounds Paul Oliver [Huntsman] taking fox cubs into kennels
A senior Huntsman has been found guilty of animal cruelty after activists secretly filmed him apparently preparing to throw
fox cubs to a pack of baying hounds. Animal rights campaigners
claim the conviction is significant because it shows a master of hounds “blooding” the animals – training
them to kill foxes – 15 years after the ban on hunting with dogs was introduced. The footage
was obtained by members of a group called HIT (the Hunt Investigation Team), who say they include ex-services personnel and
that they have had training in covert investigative methods. They
obtained evidence for the prosecution by fixing a tracking device to the vehicle of a man they believed to have connections
to the South Herefordshire Hunt and mapping his movements out into the wilds, where they suspected he was catching fox cubs.
The activists also set up cameras at the Hunt’s kennels and obtained footage that showed the then master of hounds,
Paul Oliver, taking fox cubs into the kennels.  Huntsman carrying cub, about to throw it to hounds [Credit Dave Evitts / SWNS.com] Though the footage does not show what happened inside the kennels complex, the prosecution
at Birmingham magistrates court claimed he was blooding the hounds. Oliver [below
right, credit Mark Cooper/PA wire], 40, and kennel maid Hannah Rose [below left,
Credit SWNS], 30, both of Spalding, Lincolnshire, were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to fox cubs. Joanna
Dickens, the district judge, convicted Oliver of four counts of animal cruelty and Rose of three counts of the same charge. The pair and two others who pleaded guilty were due to be sentenced later on Monday. The Masters of Foxhounds Association suspended the South Herefordshire Hunt after the footage emerged and it has disbanded.
A spokesperson for the association said Oliver’s actions were “completely disgraceful” and had
no place in hunting. “It is incumbent on everybody involved in hunting to see that this sort of behaviour never happens
again.” It insisted that it was an isolated incident. HIT said it began investigating after a tip-off. In March 2016, activists
put a tracking device on to the Land Rover of man said to be connected to the hunt and followed his movements. The group said
it believed it was permissible in law to put a tracking device on a vehicle it suspected of involvement. The activists claim
it became evident the man was catching cubs and then heading straight to the hunt kennels in Wormelow, near Hereford. The
evidence obtained through the use of the device was admitted in court. The investigators took legal advice from lawyers and animal welfare organisations to work out their next step. The advice they received was that they could not try to recover any cubs as this would amount
to theft. They said they did not turn the case over to the police because they did not believe officers would have the resources
to follow it up. Instead they trespassed – a civil rather
than criminal offence – on to the land where the hunt kennels were based and set up hidden cameras. They argued it was
the only way to expose what was happening and compare it to undercover journalism. A
team of four or five were involved in setting up and monitoring the cameras and in May 2016 they found what they claim was
evidence that fox cubs were being taken from their mothers and thrown live into the hounds’ kennels. The prosecution alleged the footage showed Oliver preparing to throw fox cubs in
with the hounds. It was claimed that Rose, like Oliver a hunt employee, stood by as he did so. Oliver
denied feeding cubs to the dogs. He claimed the dogs did not hunt foxes but only followed aniseed-based scents. Rose said
she knew nothing about cubs being fed to the hounds. The prosecution claimed it was the vehicle of a man called Nathan Parry that the
HIT activists tracked. The court was told he was not employed by a Hunt but was a terrier man. Traditionally terrier men work
with Hunts. Parry was found not guilty of causing suffering to four foxes after the judge accepted that he believed the animals
would be relocated in the wild. One of the activists involved in
the operation, who asked not to be named, said HIT had received reports about other Hunts across the country, which it was investigating.
The HIT members are worried about reprisals and one who gave evidence during the trial was allowed to do so from behind a
screen. Julie Elmore, 55, of Abergavenny, south Wales, and Paul Reece, 48, from Chepstow,
admitted causing unnecessary suffering to fox cubs. Deborah Marshall, a spokesperson for the Hunt Investigation Team,
said: “We are clearly pleased that the hard work and integrity of the Hunt Investigation Team has resulted in convictions.
This case has taken far too long to come to court and we have faced false allegations against investigators and obstruction
throughout. We are glad that justice has finally taken its course. The capture of fox cubs to be used to train hounds is nothing
new and is widespread across Britain.. We will continue to expose cruelty and wildlife crime and our message to hunts everywhere
is ‘Expect Us’.” 10-6-19 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Trial verdicts... The judge has today delivered her verdicts.
4 suspects are guilty on multiple counts of animal cruelty. Paul Oliver guilty on all 4 counts, Hannah Rose guilty on 3 counts,
Paul Reece guilty on 2 counts, Julie Elmore guilty on 2 counts. Nathan Parry acquitted. This is a very good result! The 4 fox cubs were dug out of their homes at 8 weeks old, taken from their mothers', through
the gates of hell and were thrown alive to a pack of hunting dogs. We can only imagine the terror that they endured as they
met the most brutal of deaths. This is the true face of hunting in 2019. We would like to thank numerous people, the team
that procured the original intelligence, the most excellent ground team that HIT dispatched to the kennels who secured the
evidence, everyone on social media and in the national media that has fought hard to keep this case alive and secured these
ground breaking convictions and thank you to our most 'special' of friends that have given so much and
yet remain in the shadows. Please share and support our ground breaking work. HIT. Details of trial, provided by 3C Hunt Sabs, can be found, along with background to the investigation, here. POWAperson comments - Mixed emotions. The guilty verdicts were
very welcome, though how Parry escaped is mystifying. But the sentences are pathetic, especially the lack of disqualification
from keeping animals. What exactly to you have to do to actually get disqualified? It has taken three whole years to bring these
heartless, perverted excuses for humanity to some form of justice. The hunt side has tried all manner of dirty tricks to delay
or prevent it coming to court including lies about the investigators and a police officer investigating the case. It's
the clearest example of their ruthlessness, their willingness to do almost anything to cover up their crimes and protect
their perverted 'sport'. And they have the resources and the clout to succeed far more often than they fail.
How else, despite all the well-known failings of the Hunting Act could so many packs continue to get away, time after
time, with hunting live quarry absolutely blatantly? It is down to the courage and persistence of
everyone involved in carrying forward the original investigation [which the police could not be trusted with] and overcoming
every obstacle thrown in their way to bring it to court that a severe body blow has been dealt to the hunting community. The
pitiful sentences delivered was a slap in the face. You'd hope the CPS would appeal the sentences, but it appears this
is not permitted in case of offences not regarded as serious enough, such as this. Unsurprisingly, given how horrendous and disgusting this case was, the trial and verdicts
received wide media coverage. ITV evening News ran a substantial story on it but national BBC evening News mentioned it just
in passing. Among much press coverage were the Independent, Mirror, Evening Standard, Telegraph, Mail Fire Brigade persuaded to withdraw from fundraiser event for Hunts Clifton-on-Teme & North Ledbury FHs were to get most of proceeds 9-6-19 Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs Bromyard fire brigade taking part in Clifton On Teme Hunt Fundraiser and kennels open day A major fundraiser
for the Clifton on Teme Hunt and North Ledbury Hunt, a country show and open kennels day is to have Bromyard Fire Brigade taking part, it has been announced. Challenged on Facebook, an event organiser has
said that a percentage of profits will go to Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity. Clearly the remaining proceeds and
the larger percentage will go to the Hunts. We're
sure the brave men and women of Bromyard Fire Brigade would not wish to be take part in any event supporting illegal bloodsports.
There is barely any mention of the hunts on the Facebook event page. We are sure the Fire Brigade have agreed to attend this
event without a full understanding of its links to the two Hunts.
 9-6-19 Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs Statement from Bromyard fire station re. hunt fundraiser
In reply to one of our supporters, Bromyard Fire Station have confirmed that they are no longer involved in this event. It
remains unclear if they ever knowingly were. We are shocked that hunt support will stoop to such underhand tactics to involve
our firefighters in their fundraising events. Thank you to everyone who has contacted the relevant authorities and above all to Bromyard Fire
Station for everything they do. S. Herefordshire FH Huntsman struggles to explain severe
injuries to cubs 6-6-19 BBC News South Herefordshire hound 'probably gave fox cub a bite' A
Huntsman accused of animal cruelty killed two fox cubs with the blunt end of an axe ahead of a government inspection, a court
has heard.Paul Oliver, 40, denies he "fed" the cubs to hounds, saying their bodies were picked up by a dog. He told
Birmingham Magistrates Court the hound "probably gave [the cubs] a bite", causing extensive injuries. Terrierman Nathan Parry and kennel maid Hannah Rose also deny four counts of causing unnecessary animal suffering. Mr Oliver said he intended to rehome four fox cubs taken to the South
Herefordshire Hunt's site in Wormelow, but "didn't think it was right to have them on the property" ahead
of a Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs inspection in May 2016. I decided to get rid of them and kill them,"
he said, using an axe in a "flesh house" at the site. Two were rehomed in woodland as they did not need to die,
he said. When asked why one
cub had 14 broken ribs and no head injury and the other had 23 broken ribs, Mr Oliver said it was probably down to bites from
a hound. The Hunt's terrierman Nathan Parry is also on trial at Birmingham Magistrates Court.
He was recorded by a covert camera - placed at the kennels by an anti-bloodsports group - dumping fox carcasses in a bin. Prosecutors allege Mr Oliver, the former master of hounds,
was using cubs to "blood" the dogs. He told the court he trained them using an aniseed-based scent and
the dogs "had no idea what a fox was". Mr Oliver and his
partner Ms Rose, 30, of Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, Lincolnshire, are on trial alongside Mr Parry, of Brynarw estate near
Abergavenny, south Wales. The trial continues. Cheshire PCC to 'scrutinise' recent police decisions on fox kill cases 4-6-19
Knutsford Times PCC for Cheshire comments on fox hunting decision
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire has issued a statement following the announcement by Cheshire Constabulary
that it will be taking no further action in relation to an allegation made under the Hunting Act 2004 following the death
of a fox in Wrenbury, Nantwich in December 2018. David Keane, police and
crime commissioner for Cheshire, said: “On the back of the independent review I commissioned into the policing of hunting,
I have already outlined the need for a parliamentary review into the way the Hunting Act 2004 is laid out. The legislation
presents challenges to both investigators and prosecutors. Although it would be inappropriate for me to get involved in the
decision making process in individual cases, in my role as police and crime commissioner, I’ll be looking to carefully
scrutinise the decisions made by Cheshire Constabulary in this case and in a similar case from November 2018 to ensure it
followed due process in both investigations and it is fulfilling its obligations under the Hunting Act 2004.” Yet another Cheshire fox hunt kill case dropped 3-6-19 Northwich Guardian 'Insufficient evidence' for charges in fox hunt death investigation AN investigation into the death of a fox near
Nantwich in December will not result in illegal hunting charges, Cheshire Police say An allegation of 'hunting a wild
mammal with dogs' – contrary to the Hunting Act 2004 – was investigated after a fox was killed in Wrenbury.
But the probe has found 'insufficient evidence' to reach the benchmark for prosecutions under the Act. A Cheshire Police spokesman said: "Detectives gathered video evidence and interviewed
a number of people present or with relevant information. Early investigative advice was also sought from the Crown Prosecution
Service due the complexity of the case. As a result, the investigation team have concluded there is insufficient evidence
that the incident amounted to deliberate and intentional hunting, as required by the Hunting Act 2004, and it has been decided
that, on this occasion, no further action will be taken. All parties involved have been informed of the outcome. The constabulary
is still actively investigating a number of other incidents, alleged to have occurred during the hunting season. We reiterate
our commitment that where allegations of unlawful activity are made, they will be fully investigated." 3-6-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors *Case closed* - can there ever be "sufficient evidence" under
the Hunting Act? Another clear reminder of why a complete ban on hunting is so urgently needed. The Hunting Act not only fails
dismally to protect our wildlife, but actually protects those breaking the law. Please contact your MP today and ask them
to add their name to the campaign for a #RealHuntingBan. The incident in question, from Cheshire
Hunt Saboteurs: https://bit.ly/2Wkt3o0. 3-6-19 Facebook - Cheshire Police In December 2018, an investigation was launched by Cheshire Constabulary concerning an allegation of ‘Hunting
a wild mammal with dogs’, contrary to the Hunting Act 2004. The allegation was made following the death of a fox in Wrenbury,
near Nantwich, which occurred during the 2018/19 hunt season. Detectives gathered video evidence and interviewed a number
of people present or with relevant information. Early investigative advice was also sought from the Crown Prosecution Service
due the complexity of the case. As a result, the
investigation team have concluded there is insufficient evidence that the incident amounted to deliberate and intentional
hunting, as required by the Hunting Act 2004, and it has been decided that, on this occasion, no further action will be taken.
All parties involved have been informed of the outcome. The Constabulary is still actively investigating a number of
other incidents, alleged to have occurred during the hunting season. We reiterate our commitment that where allegations of
unlawful activity are made, they will be fully investigated.
MAY 2019….. 31st May
- Court hears SH FH terrierman tracked
to disturbed fox earths ….. 30th May - 2 plead guilty as S. Herefordshire FH cub cruelty trial starts at last ….. 27th May
- Sabs stumble upon artificial earth in Northants
woodland ….. 25th May - Ashford
V FH supporter cautioned & pays damages for attacking sabs ….. 25th May
- E. Counties MH Huntsman found in river
and sent home by sabs ….. 25th May - Storm
over barring of prosecution's expert witness in Grafton FH case ….. 25th May
- Three Counties MH stop & flee as soon
as sabs find them ….. 22nd May - Grafton FH Huntsman acquitted of illegally hunting a fox ….. 22nd May
- New Quorn FH huntsman is
violent illegal hunting suspect ….. 20th May - Oakley FH supporter convicted of serious damage to sab vehicle ….. 18th May
- Eastern Counties MH packed up by sabs ….. 17th May
- Police drop yet another Cheshire FH fox kill case ….. 17th May - Stray Cheshire FH hound snapped scavenging rubbish near kennels ….. 16th May - Essex County Council rejects bid to ban 'trail hunting' on its land ….. 16th May
- Naturalist and anti-hunt activist Chris Packham awarded CBE ….. 12th May
- Leics cop who wrongfully arrested sab promoted
to Inspector ….. 11th May - Fitzwilliam
FH Huntsman's defence attempt to discredit expert witness failed ….. 11th May - Sabs find 3 Counties MH hounds in cry - they pack up immediately ….. 11th May - Masked S. Shrops FH supporters intimidate monitors at their workplace ….. 11th May - Sabs stumble across Dove Valley MH digging & scare them off ….. 11th May - Essex County Council to debate banning hunting on its
land ….. 10th May - 2nd horse lorry in 3 months burnt out at Atherstone FH kennels ….. 9th May - Sabs accuse Clifton on Teme FH after finding dug out sett ….. 9th May - Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman appeal against conviction dismissed .....
7th May - Trial of Grafton FH Huntsman set to start 20th May …..
5th May - Monitors prevent Border Counties
MH from hunting ….. 2nd May
- 2 JMs, 2 servants leave United FH after dig-out reported to police
hears S.H FH terrierman tracked to disturbed fox earthsData shows him returning soon after to kennels both times 31-5-19 BBC News South
Herefordshire fox cubs cruelty accused's car 'tracked' A Land Rover linked to hunting
kennels where live fox cubs were allegedly thrown to the hounds was tracked to two areas of disturbed ground, a court has
heard. Prosecutors say Nathan Parry's vehicle was tracked
to the sites by anti-bloodsport investigators in 2016. The 40-year-old denies four animal cruelty charges at Birmingham Magistrates' Court. Hounds
master Paul Oliver and kennel maid Hannah Rose also deny four counts. Hunt saboteur,
Karl Garside, told the court he had helped to place covert cameras at the kennels in South Herefordshire in 2016. He also
said a tracker had been attached to Mr Parry's vehicle. It showed that the terrierman's vehicle was near the Mynde
estate in Herefordshire the morning of 14 May 2016, then at the hunt's kennels a few hours later, the witness said. Mr Garside said he attended the first site, where foxes were allegedly dug out, to discover that the "earth
had been freshly disturbed and levelled". He later visited the Hunt's premises and filmed a fox cub being held in
a cage. Tracker data presented in court allegedly showed the vehicle
leaving the second site in Pencoyd, Herefordshire, the following day, before arriving at the kennels about ten minutes later. Covert video footage
was played to the judge apparently showing Mr Oliver gripping a live cub by the neck and a dead animal being dumped in a bin. Mr Parry [right, credit Press Association], of
Brynarw estate near Abergavenny, south Wales, denies four charges of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal as
do Mr Oliver, 40, and Ms Rose, 30, both of Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, Lincolnshire. Two other defendants
pleaded guilty to two charges of causing unnecessary suffering to fox cubs on dates in May 2016. The trial continues. 31-5-19 Metro Hidden camera ‘caught huntsman
feeding live fox cubs to dogs’ An animal rights investigator allegedly caught the moment
a Hunt’s master fed live fox cubs to his dogs. Paul Oliver, 40, is accused of throwing the animals to his hounds before
the two foxes were later found dead in a wheelie bin. He denies charges. On Friday Birmingham Magistrates Court was played the covert
recordings, after anti-hunt activists installed the hidden cameras at South Herefordshire Hunt kennels on May 16, 2016. Three
people have gone on trial accused of animal cruelty charges after the covert footage came to light. The video is believed
to have shown a man carrying a fox cub into the kennels as hounds can be heard barking. Minutes later the man comes out of
the kennel and dumps the dead animal into a bin before spraying it with a liquid. The footage showed the man carrying a live
fox to the kennels. Its dead body was seen thrown into a wheelie bin. Oliver, kennel maid Hannah Rose, 30, and terrierman Nathan Parry, 40, deny four
charges of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. Julie Elmore, 55, of Abergavenny, Wales, and Paul Reece, 48,
from Itton, Wales, have admitted two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. The court heard how an animal rights investigator, Karl Garside, captured the incident after placing
a magnetic tracker on Parry’s Land Rover. He said the cameras were installed near white trailers on site of SHH Kennels,
where he also found a fox cub in a cage. Mr Garside pointed out that fox hunting was banned in 2005, so he installed the camera
to establish why the fox cub was in there. He said footage showed a man in
a cap putting the dead fox into a bin [below], before he is seen taking another
fox cub into the kennel. Mr Garside added: ‘He is then seen spraying something onto the foxes in the bin, we went the
to site later and saw the fox cubs in the bin, they looked blue.’ A rural practitioner
told the court he believed the foxes may have been killed by being battered with a hammer before being given to the dogs.
The defence witness, who was only referred to as Dr Lomax, said: ‘We know that injuries to the head and chest occurred
about a minute of each other. ‘One would assume that the blow to the head would’ve been first.’ He added:
‘In my opinion the chest injuries to the fox cubs were caused by one big dog. ‘The crushing injuries to the chest
could also have caused instantaneous death. Fox cub bones are soft, the jaws of large dog would crush the heart. I’m
not saying that is what happened, but it is possible.’ The trial, which is due to last a week, will resume on
Monday. 31-5-19 Lincolnshire Live Court told covert mission 'caught hunt members cruelty to fox cubs'
Covert video footage which allegedly shows a Hunt's Master of Hounds grabbing a fox cub by the scruff of the neck has
been shown to a jury in court. Master of Hounds Paul Oliver and kennel maid Hannah Rose [both
below, Credit Press Association], both of Sutton Crosses, near Spalding, have each denied four charges
of animal cruelty after live fox cubs were allegedly thrown to the hounds at the South Herefordshire Hunt's kennels in
2016. Hunt saboteurs set up covert cameras
to film at the Hunt’s kennels allegedly showed Oliver carrying fox cubs at the kennels. One of the clips also seemed
to show a live cub being gripped by the scruff of the neck and another appeared to show a dead animal being dumped in a waste
bin.  Anti-bloodsport investigator Karl Garside,
who gave evidence from behind a screen which shielded his face from the public gallery and the jury, said that he was able
to attach a magnetic tracking device to a Land Rover linked to the kennels in a bid to investigate into the hunt's practices. The
Land Rover belonged to terrierman Nathan Parry, who is also on trial and has denied four charges of causing unnecessary suffering
to an animal. The tracker showed the Land Rover had been to land in Pencoyd, Herefordshire, where a fox was allegedly dug
out of its den. Mr Garside told the court he went
to the site and found "a rural location, a wooded area backing on to fields." He added: "At the location that
the tracker indicated, we found an old badger sett with four of five entrances. We knew foxes inhabited it because we could
smell them and we found (poultry and pheasant) carcasses scattered around. "There was a small area on top of the sett
where the earth had been freshly disturbed and levelled." Mr Garside
said then tracker showed had arrived at the kennels 10 minutes after it left the site of the badger setts. He said he then
filmed footage of Oliver carrying the fox cubs inside. The footage was shown to the judge during court proceedings today,
Friday, May 31. The hunt saboteur then visited the Hunt’s premises and filmed a cub being held in a cage, the court
heard. During cross-examination, Mr Garside said HIT had
"special friends with special skills" but declined to name an organisation that had helped its members with specialist
training. Two other defendants have pleaded guilty to two charges of causing unnecessary suffering to fox cubs on dates in
May 2016. The trial continues. 2
plead guilty as S. Herefordshire FH cub cruelty trial starts at last Trial of the other 3 defendants, including
Huntsman, will continue 30-5-19 Daily Mail Senior huntsman among three people facing fox cub cruelty claims A Hunt’s
master of hounds [Huntsman] was caught by a covert camera as he prepared to feed
live fox cubs to his dogs, a court has heard. Birmingham Magistrates’ Court was told Paul Oliver, who worked for the
South Herefordshire Hunt, claimed to have used an axe to kill foxes but denied throwing the animals to his hounds at their
kennels. A terrierman linked to the hunt and a woman accused of cruelty pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to
fox cubs as Oliver’s trial began on Thursday. Julie Elmore, aged 55, of Brynarw estate near Abergavenny, and Paul Reece,
48, from Itton, near Chepstow in south Wales, will be sentenced later after admitting two counts of causing unnecessary suffering
on dates in May 2016. Opening the case against Oliver,
kennel maid Hannah Rose and terrierman Nathan Parry, who are accused of the same offence, prosecutor Simon Davis said: “The
unnecessary suffering involved the killing of fox cubs, effectively feeding the animals… throwing the fox cubs into
the kennels of the fox hounds, thereby killing them. “Oliver and
Rose were employed by the South Herefordshire Hunt, based at Wormelow, as master of hounds, and a kennel maid or groom. Mr
Parry was not employed there but was known locally as a terrierman. Reece was a terrierman and an associate of Parry.” The court was told a hidden camera
was placed at the kennels by the Hunt Investigation Team (HIT) after they received information that animal welfare legislation
had been breached. As part of the HIT inquiry, two sites were identified where foxes were thought to have been “dug
out” and police inquiries established that gamekeepers had given permission for the animals to be destroyed on the land. But prosecutors claim fox cubs were killed by hounds at the kennels, where hidden cameras caught them being moved
around, before two were found dead in a wheelie bin. Mr Davis alleged that the camera provided “significant” evidence
against Oliver, including footage which he claimed showed him lifting fox cubs out of a cage and entering the kennels. A stick
with a noose attached, known as a grasper, is also said to have been used during the alleged cruelty. Parry, 40, also of Brynarw estate, denies four charges of causing
unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. At the start of the
hearing, lawyers acting for the defendants standing trial made brief submissions to the district judge trying the case. Sara-Lise
Howe, for Rose, said: “She was not involved in any hunting activity. She was not involved and did not cause the death
of the foxes. She simply didn’t know about it.” Clive Rees, representing Oliver, submitted that there was no
evidence whatsoever to show that he killed two of the foxes which are the subject of the charges. The court heard that Oliver
claimed he had relocated fox cubs ahead of a Defra inspection, killing them with an axe blow to the head, and had never fed
any animals to his hounds. Veterinary
surgeon David Martin was the first witness in the case, telling the court one cub had no sign of any head injury, while another
had a “blunt trauma” injury to its head. Pics below - 1/ Imprisoned fox cub 2/ Cub about to be thrown to
hounds in kennel  Sabs stumble upon artificial earth in Northants 27-5-19
Facebook - Northants Hunt Saboteurs Today we carried on with the quest to sett survey in areas where there could be a
badger cull. It all started well and we found some beautiful badger setts. Then the usual happened and we came across the violent contraptions that humans think up for their own pleasure.
An artificial fox earth so that people can readily flush out a fox or two for the hunt was found : see terracotta pipe and
hole with brick entrance. We then found the area in the middle of the earth where the fox would be flushed . Close by was
a hunting tower and bullet cartridges. Now we all know fox hunting is not about the control of foxes and
is all about the sick fun and money generation this “sport “ brings in . If you are out and about and find artificial
earths , please photograph them and send them into us with the locations. Help us to keep up our work by donating to our second vehicle fund. Many thanks.  Ashford V FH supporter cautioned & pays damages for
attacking sabs 25-5-19 Facebook - West Kent Hunt Sabs VIDEO Ashford Valley & Tickham Hunt supporter pays damages after
Boxing Day violence On Boxing Day 2018 at the Ashford Valley & Tickham hunt meet in Tenterden, drunken
hunt supporters attacked a group of peaceful anti hunt protesters. The cowardly attack took place when Kent sabs had moved off - unfortunately this
left the remaining protesters without coverage by our cameras. As a result, many of the assailants have so far not been arrested, although there
is still a live police investigation into the attacks in Tenterden (and Elham on the same day). However, we have recently heard that one of the attackers has accepted a conditional
caution, and has agreed to pay £500 to their victims, which is great news! Whilst we wait for the investigation to run its course, and for more
hunt supporters to feel the weight of the law, we would like to thank Kent police for the hard work that they have so far
put into bringing these people to justice. Violence will
never deter us from exposing the law breaking hunts and their thuggish supporters. POWAperson adds - This caution brings to 437 the number of persons
associated with organised UK Hunts known to us to have been convicted or cautioned for criminal offences since 1990,
of a total of 970 offences. 252 of these have been violent offences. 242 of the 970 offences were committed by servants
or officials of Hunts. E.
Counties MH Huntsman found in river and sent home by sabs 25-5-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Otter hunter caught short in the water- Hit Report Sat 25 May, 2019 - Eastern
Counties Mink/Otter Hounds, Waples Mill Farm, River Roding, Essex North Cambs Hunt Sabs again
joined with several midlands sab groups, to rumble a meet of the Eastern Counties Mink/Otter Hounds just east of Harlow in
Essex, provided to us yet again by the ever helpful HSA tip-off line. The Huntsman was caught red-handed, up to his waist in the River Roding attempting to flush for prey with his pack
of hounds around him. This week's excuse was, "We're exercising the hounds and they needed a drink". Usually
that doesn't involve the huntsman getting into the river with the pack, Paul. Sabs crossed the muddy river, showing the Huntsman he wasn't going to be able
to get away from us, and two groups on both banks then escorted him, with the Whipper-in and a small number of elderly spectators,
back to the meet. The walk of shame back to the ECMH scruffy transit van was then a procession with
sabs from Suffolk & Essex, Norwich, Cambridge, South Cambs and Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs as well as North Cambs making
certain the hounds went nowhere except back in the van. This is a pack
that we have been warned by informants will kill with ease whatever they find in the river, in addition to the fact that they
are illegally disturbing river habitats with their hunting dogs in flagrant contravention of the Wildlife and Countryside
Act. Once the hounds were packed away and had left the meet, we were happy to chalk this up as a job well done with the
wildlife of the River Roding safe from the countryside terrorists for another day. This is what direct action for animals looks like. Vegan events who distance themselves from hunt sabotage are missing
the point and we stand in solidarity with Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs. Storm over barring of prosecution's expert witness in Grafton FH case 25-5-19 Daily Telegraph Expert dropped from hunting case after kissing prosecution witness
An expert witness in the trial of a huntsman was banned from giving evidence by a judge after he was spotted kissing a prosecution
witness. Professor Stephen Harris, one of Britain’s leading authorities on foxes and a long-standing opponent of hunting,
was excluded from the trial of Mick Wills after the incident was reported to District Judge Tim Daber. Mr Wills, a Huntsman
with the Grafton Hunt, was subsequently found not guilty of illegally hunting a fox with dogs in Alithorn Woods, Northamptonshire,
in September 2017. It is the second time in recent years that Professor Harris’s involvement as an expert witness in
a hunting case has raised questions. In the latest case Mr Wills’ defence counsel
Stephen Welford claimed that as a result of Professor Harris greeting Judy Gilbert, a veteran anti-hunting campaigner, with
a kiss as they arrived at court, he could no longer be regarded as an independent witness, given his apparently close relationship
with her. In his ruling Judge Daber told Wellingborough Magistrates Court: “The defence submission rests on the admitted
fact that Professor Harris and Judy Gilbert greeted one another warmly with the witness kissing the Professor. If a relationship
exists between a proposed expert and the party calling that expert which a reasonable observer might think is evidence of
bias, then he must be excluded on the grounds of public policy. Justice must be seen to be done.” The judge added: “The
allegation of bias specific to this particular case is something that in my view the court cannot ignore. A reasonable observer
would consider him to be partisan. However unbiased he may be, this court must exclude Professor Harris’s evidence.” Professor Harris told The Telegraph that
Ms Gilbert kissed him before he could stop her and claimed they had not seen each other for nearly two decades. He said: “She
walked up to me in court, greeted me, and kissed me before I could stop her. I am not responsible for someone who I have not
seen for so long kissing me.” Mr Wills was acquitted of the charge of illegal hunting after using dogs to flush out a fox. He
was cleared after the court heard that the plan had been to use a golden eagle to kill the fox once it had been flushed out.
Using dogs to flush out wild mammals for a bird of prey to hunt is permitted under the Hunting Act 2004. In delivering
his verdict last week Judge Daber stated: “The plan had been agreed by the Master and the Huntsman the day before. Things
didn't turn out as expected. Mr Wills is a man with good character. It is true the hounds were not brought under control
quickly enough. However there is no offence of reckless hunting. I find Mr Wills not guilty of this charge." Professor Harris, a former professor of environmental sciences at the University of Bristol, had
been employed by the CPS to give evidence on behalf of the prosecution, despite earlier questions being raised over his independence. In December 2015 a private prosecution brought
by the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) against six members of the Lamerton Hunt collapsed after Professor Harris failed
to inform the court about his friendship with Paul Tillsley, the LACS’s head of investigations, and his other connections
to the group. The court heard he had written a book published by the LACS, appeared at its campaign events and had published
an academic paper sponsored by the group. Following
Mr Wills’ acquittal the Countryside Alliance called on the CPS to abandon its use of Professor Harris as an expert witness. Tim Bonner, the chief executive of the alliance,
said: “He cannot be regarded as an independent witness. I will be writing to the Attorney General about the involvement
of Prof Harris in charging decisions, and about the CPS’s continued use of Prof Harris as an independent expert in trials
involving Hunts.” Professor Harris rejected the Countryside
Alliance's claims, stating: "Tim Bonner represents a campaigning organisation and so has a partisan view, whereas
I am an independent academic. For more than half a century, I have known and worked with people who support hunting and those
who are anti-hunting. However, I base my opinions on the facts, not the preconceived objectives of others.” A CPS spokesperson said: “We are aware of the judge’s comments and are looking into what happened in
this case. The gathering of evidence and identification of witnesses is a matter for police and it is for the court to determine
whether an expert’s evidence is admissible.” A highly experienced
hunt monitor and prosecution witness responds - The Hunting Act needs strengthening
to make it easier to prosecute these people who continue to hunt our wildlife with impunity and consider themselves to be
above the law. The prosecution witness featured in the article, Judy Gilbert, who greeted Prof. Harris with a handshake and a brief
kiss on the cheek, had been acquainted with Prof Harris for decades though only met him on a very few occasions at public
events. There is no “close relationship.” as the defence would like you to believe. Mick Wills’
defence team were trying to make something out of nothing and seized on their perceived opportunity to try to discredit Professor
Harris, probably because they are scared of his professionalism and expertise in the witness box and were determined not to
let him speak. When our witness greeted Stephen Harris, in a professional manner by shaking
his hand, because she regards him as a very intelligent acquaintance of integrity with unparalleled knowledge of foxes, also
a quick kiss on his cheek in a “warm” (to quote the defence lawyer) manner. Naturally the defence are trying to make much of this claiming that Professor Harris could not be impartial.
This is quite ridiculous as we're sure Tim Bonner, the CA and their defence council know full well. In our opinion they
were simply trying to unfairly discredit Professor Harris to get their client acquitted. Judge: “However unbiased he may be, this court must exclude Professor Harris’s
evidence.” Sadly the Grafton
Hunt - and not just Mick Wills the Huntsman, but all of them including the Masters, the Whippers-In and the mounted field
- will continue to hunt foxes and claim they are hunting within the law by using loopholes in the Hunting Act. The Hunting Act urgently needs strengthening to remove these loopholes and make it vastly easier to prosecute these
people who continue to hunt our wildlife with impunity and consider themselves to be above the law. https://www.facebook.com/foxcubhunting/ Three Counties MH stop & flee
as soon as sabs find them 25-5-19 Facebook - South Wales Hunt Saboteurs Three Counties Mink Hounds – 25.05.19 It was lovely
to be out on a nice sunny day with our favourite sabs from Bristol, Severn Vale and Bath Hunt Saboteurs. Some undesirables
had been spotted in the Neen Sollers area and we went to investigate. It wasn't long
before we found Three Counties Mink Hunt vehicles and followers. They had half a dozen vehicles parked in a field next to
the river, but when they spotted us they hurried back to their vehicles and started to skulk off down a wooded track. They
had clearly notified the Huntsman who called the hounds out of the river and lead them back into the farm yard. There was the usual posturing and threatening but they knew the game
was up. Then the terrier men, complete with two terriers and spade, emerged and also headed into the farm – they spent
the rest of the afternoon lying next to the hound van lazing in the sun. The police came and were irritating but ultimately harmless. Nothing left to do but for the hound
van to leave – suitably followed by sabs to ensure they were heading back to the kennels. Time for a pint. Lovely.
FH Huntsman acquitted of illegally hunting a foxFalconry Exemption defence accepted despite recent Fitzwilliam FH precedent 22-5-19
Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch The Huntsman of the Grafton Hunt was found not guilty of illegal fox hunting today
at Northampton Magistrates Court. The defence claimed that they were hunting to a bird or prey using the Falconers exemption
in the Hunting Act as their defence. Our report to follow shortly. 23-5-19 Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch VIDEO Judge Daber, in his summing up, before he acquitted the Huntsman:
I don't believe a man like the Hunt Master would perjure himself! Presumably he considered that our decent and honest
hunt monitors would, when he stated that he "preferred" the Hunt's version to that of our Monitor regarding
the position of the Falconer.
Fox flushed from wood runs from hounds
Hounds and hunters chasing the fox Fox
fleeing up the road
Hounds searching for scent of fleeing fox An article, with
video, about the incident in the Sunday People is here. It talks about Andrea Leadsom MP, a strong supporter of the Grafton FH. Leadsom resigned from the Cabinet in advance
of a second attempt to become Tory Leader and Prime Minister. This
is the original report of the incident, in September 2017, and my comment on it and the video... 24-9-17 Facebook – Help Hunt Monitors VIDEO The Grafton Hunt Watch team were out yesterday at Helmdon, Northamptonshire, to film the Grafton
hunting fox cubs. Anarchy in the countryside, but the authorities will do nothing about it! POWAperson adds - Three monitors separately filmed a fox darting
out of a copse past a group of hounds and running across a field. The hounds give chase, as do riders on the ridge above.
The fox bursts through a small copse with hounds in hot pursuit and is then seen running up a road, then darting back
into a copse. The Huntsman is heard blowing the hounds to hunt on. Hounds, with riders in the background, search the road
verges. As the film clip ends, hounds are on the wrong side of the road. It is all absolutely
clearly wilful fox hunting and if this is not enough to secure a prosecution it is hard to see what would be. New Quorn FH huntsman is violent illegal hunting suspect 22-5-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO As former Atherstone Huntsman Ollie Finnegan takes over as Huntsman of the Quorn Hunt here
is a reminder of what he was like at the Atherstone Hunt. Here he can be seen using his horse as a weapon against a sab. Finnegan
has also recently been charged with illegal hunting. Pics below - Finnegan using his horse
as a weapon against a female sab. This went on for a couple of minutes.  16-5-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO As we continue to upload all of our old videos to YouTube we come to our second visit
to the Atherstone Hunt five years ago. In the video a terrified Atherstone hound hides from the Hunt under the Hunt's
hound lorry. Then huntsman Ollie Finnegan can be heard saying “giver her a slap” to a hunt supporter in an effort
to get the hound out from under the lorry. The hound can then be heard yelping in pain as she is hit by the Hunt. Fox Hunts
love to tell anyone who will listen how well they treat their horses and hounds. This video shows the reality. Although filmed
five years ago at the Atherstone Hunt this footage could easily have been filmed at any hunt around the country this season. Oakley
FH supporter convicted of serious damage to sab vehicle 20-5-19
Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Whilst sabbing the Oakley Hunt on 30th September 2017 in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire, our sabs
were subjected to a completely unprovoked and shocking attack by James Lea. Sabs had just arrived to the area and had driven down a dead end
road whilst searching for the Hunt and other sab groups. Sabs on foot had just been dropped off when James Lea arrived, driving
dangerously and aggressively. The sabs tried to return to the safety of the vehicle but after attempting to block their escape
James intentionally drove into and rammed the sab vehicle. You may recall our fundraising campaign for this at the time. James was completely out of control and also almost ran a sab down with his car, and was shouting and throwing pieces
of the sab vehicle at the sabs. Sadly this is typical behaviour from hunt supporters but this time we had some karma as we
secured a conviction against James. At
the hearing on 4th April 2019 at Luton Magistrates Court, James Lea pleaded GUILTY to Criminal Damage. He received a Conditional Discharge for 6 months/ Court costs of £85/ Compensation
to us £526.79. All of which keeps us ticking over and our vehicle taxed and MOT-ed. Thanks James. Pics below - 1/ Lea rams sab vehicle 2/
Lea throws parts of damaged sab vehicle at sabs whilst threatening them  23-5-19 Daily Mail Saboteurs who tried to disrupt a hunt are filmed clashing with supporter after
he rammed his 4x4 into their vehicle and unleashed foul-mouthed tirade - James Lea, 50, clashed with hunt saboteurs in Melchbourne,
Bedfordshire - He rams his 4x4 into their vehicle and says 'Go on... try it with a f***ing gypsy' - Lea received a
conditional discharge for six months, paid court costs of £105 and compensation to the hunt saboteurs of £562.79 A fox hunt supporter was filmed clashing with saboteurs after ramming his 4x4 into
their vehicle and launching a foul-mouthed tirade. Footage shows James Lea, 50, driving his Mitsubishi Shogun into a Range
Rover after activists try to disrupt a hunt in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire. Lea is then recorded on a saboteur's mobile
phone calling one female protester 'a f***ing b****' during the incident on September 30, 2017. Video of the incident emerged after Lea admitted criminal damage at Luton Magistrates
Court on April 4 this year. The confrontation happened as the South Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs confronted supports of the Oakley
Fox Hunt. The video shows Lea ramming the saboteurs with his car and then telling protestors; 'Go on then, try it with
a f***ing gypsy.' Lea is also seen throwing parts of the smashed up Range Rover at the saboteurs. The woman who filmed the video had
been dropped off on a public footpath to search for the Oakley Hunt with their Range Rover parked on public property. Lea
then pulled up behind the Range Rover, forcing the car forward and screamed out of his driver side window: 'F***ing w***ers.' Lea, who is believed to be a supporter, but not a member of the Oakley Hunt says
to the only female protester: 'F*** off. Go on, f***ing try it with a f***ing gypsy. F*** off down there you f***ing b****.' During the ordeal the saboteur group
tell one another not to interact with the furious Lea, and continue to walk away from him while filming. Lea continued to
threaten the group and threw broken car parts at them. He says: 'Go on, you f***ing b******. Do you want to f***ing try
it or not? Do ya? Do you want to come over here on private property. Do you want to take it on, get in the f***ing car you
c***.' During the attack, a member of the
South Cambridgeshire Hunt Saboteurs in the Range Rover called the police as the vehicle drove out of the private property
and back onto the public road. The hunt saboteurs get back
into their car and leave. Lea received
a conditional discharge for six months, paid court costs of £105 and compensation to the hunt saboteurs of £562.79. Eastern
Counties MH packed up by sabs 18-5-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Riverside vandals stopped in their tracks - Hit Report - Sat 18 May 2019, Eastern Counties Mink
(Otter) Hounds, Hill Farm, Ford End, Essex North
Cambs Hunt Sabs joined with a number of other groups today to act on a timely tip-off received via the HSA information line.
We had received information that the Eastern Counties Mink were to be taking their hounds out along the River Chelmer. Locals
were concerned for the safety of the resident otters known to live there. Along with Suffolk And Essex, Beds & Bucks, Norwich and
Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs, we picked up the Hunt who were just about to put their hounds into the river as we arrived. 'The nasty men made me do it... ' After an initial protestation that they were 'hunting rabbits', they changed their story
to 'dog walking' as soon as we pointed out that rabbits don't live in rivers. Just like every other mink/otter hunt we have sabbed, they simply gathered up their hounds and terrier and walked
back to their meet. An illegal hunting pack cannot continue when there are 21 sabs surrounding their hunt. After a short farce where their hound van pretended to leave the
meet, then drove back to the riverside, they gave in after realising they could not escape our gaze. Some of the nasty men less than happy with sab attention Another
criminal hunting pack sent home with their tails between their legs, thanks to a tip off from the public! Hunt sabs protect wildlife as volunteers, funding their fuel
and camera equipment personally. If you would like to help our cause, you can do so at: https://ko-fi.com/northcambs. See also report by S.Wales Hunt Sabs Police drop yet another Cheshire
FH fox kill case 17-5-19
Knutsford Times In November 2018, an investigation was launched into the death of a fox killed while a hunt was taking
place in Church Minshull. During this investigation detectives have gathered video evidence and interviewed a number of people
present or with relevant information. Early investigative
advice was also sought from the Crown Prosecution Service due the complexity of the case. As a result, the investigation team
have concluded there is insufficient evidence that the incident amounted to deliberate and intentional hunting, as required
by the Hunting Act 2004 and no further action will be taken. All parties involved have been informed of the outcome. The Constabulary is still actively investigating a number of other incidents from
the last hunting season and we are grateful to all those who continue to work with and support us. We reiterate our commitment
that where allegations of unlawful activity are made, they will be fully investigated. 17-11-19 BBC News No further action in Cheshire fox death probe
- Cheshire Police said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Police
say there will be no further action over the death of a fox allegedly killed during a hunt. Footage appeared to show a dead
fox being placed in a bin bag - the aftermath of a hunt in Cheshire in November, an anti-hunting group said... A spokesperson for Cheshire
Monitors, the anti-hunting group which said it filmed the footage, said "pitifully weak legislation" had undermined
its efforts to seek prosecution. 18-5-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors VIDEO Here is the evidence - “No further action" - Cheshire Hounds
Hunt evade prosecution yet again despite clear evidence of fox hunting On Thursday 15th November 2018,
a team of 10 monitors, including independents, witnessed the Cheshire Hounds Hunt trespassing into fields around Aston Gorse
woodland near Church Minshull to hunt a fox for 15 minutes, resulting in its death... We
have been informed that the blatantly illegal activities shown in this video fail to meet the "evidential threshold"
set by the Crown Prosecution Service when considering a prosecution under the Hunting Act 2004, legislation designed to stop
the hunting of wild mammals with a pack of dogs, but which fails dismally to do so. Cheshire Monitors, along with other groups, local MPs, and
a number of advisors, are now working towards a real hunting ban, and we need your help. Please keep checking our page over
the coming months on practical ways in which you can help. Demand a #RealHuntingBan POWAperson adds
- Cheshire Monitors report on the fox kill can be found here Pics below - 1/ Hounds hunting fox while redcoat shouts 'Get on it!'
2/ Whipper-in clears up remains of killed fox See also Cheshire Live report and Metro
Cheshire FH hound snapped scavenging rubbish near kennels17-5-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Lost hound seen scavenging from local refuse The Cheshire
Hounds Hunt have lost a hound today, 17th May 2019, which was seen rummaging through rubbish bags near the Whitegate Way.
The kennels are located just off this popular public footpath. One of our supporters, who was not
far from their kennels, spotted this hound wandering the streets around The Paddocks on the Whitegate Way. They tried but
failed to coax her to them. If you spot her, please get in touch. *IMPORTANT INFORMATION* Keep
an eye out if you see the hunt "exercising" the hounds along the Whitegate Way, which they do often, usually between
6am-8am while there aren't many people around. They have previously been spoken to by the council due to them not picking
up after the hounds, who have also limited them to one handler per five hounds under new council regulations. If you see any
different get evidence and get in touch! Essex CC rejects bid to ban 'trail hunting' on its land 16-5-19 Clacton Gazette Bid to prevent trail hunting on Essex County Council land rejected A BID to ban hunting with dogs on council-owned land has been rejected. Colchester
councillor Lee Scordis put forward the motion calling on Essex County Council to not to allow any future trail hunting and
exercising of packs of fox hounds on its land. Trail hunting involves laying of a scent across the countryside which a pack of hounds then searches for and follows.
The practice, and exercising hounds, are legal and the Countryside Alliance said there was “no justification”
for the motion. Hunting foxes with dogs is illegal but there are a number of exemptions which Labour councillors
said were being used to get round the law. But councillors disagreed and branded the move “illogical” and “a
nonsense”. Independent councillor Kerry Smith said he could not support the motion. He said: “This motion is not
sound as it seeks indirectly to remove the rights of the common man to freely use public rights of way. “These are hard
won rights I will not seek to tamper with.” Fellow independent Jo Beavis, who represents Halstead, said she could see no reason for the ban as no Essex huntsmen
had been questioned by police for a breach of the law. She said: “This motion has caused much alarm in my division.
Huntsmen are confused because without any serious reason a motion has been moved to consider this legal activity. The motion
is entirely illogical.” Labour councillor Ivan Henderson spoke in support
of the motion and urged councillors to help stop hunting on council land. However, the motion was rejected. Tim Bonner, chief
executive of the Countryside Alliance: “We are pleased the council voted against a motion to ban the legal activities
of trail hunting and hound exercise. It is a great shame councillors had to waste time on such a pointless and divisive debate
but we are grateful they rejected the proposal. Hunts in Essex have been hunting an artificial scent legally since the Hunting
Act came into force in 2005. There are at least eight packs of hounds operating in the county throughout the autumn and winter
yet none has ever been charged with a hunting offence. The suggestion they are not hunting lawfully is completely unfounded.” Naturalist and anti-hunt activist Chris Packham awarded CBE Has to withdraw from event due to threats from pro-bloodsports people 16-5-19 Express & Star Packham celebrates CBE and vows to keep fighting for British countryside
Chris Packham vowed to continue his fight to defend Britain’s natural world – despite receiving death threats
– as he was made a CBE by the Prince of Wales. The naturalist and TV presenter, who has spoken out against fox hunting,
badger culling and the killing of birds of prey, has been given the award for his services to nature conservation. Packham [left] last
month revealed dead crows had been strung up outside his home and he had received death threats after Natural England revoked licences for controlling 16 species of bird following a legal challenge
by the Wild Justice group he founded. On Monday, his appearance at a festival for dog lovers was cancelled as the organisers of Dogstival, at Pylewell
Park Estate, near Lymington in the New Forest, Hampshire, said they feared protesters would use the event to target the BBC
Springwatch presenter. Packham,
58, said after the Buckingham Palace investiture ceremony: “A lot of people aren’t as well versed with the problems,
they read the headlines, they knee jerk, they feel that they’re threatened and therefore they lash out. I have to accept
that and I will accept that and continue to try to make progress. For me all of those things are part of a process I will
have to go through to achieve what I want to do – and that is to make the UK countryside a better and healthier place
for wildlife and for people, too. I know that’s not going to be an easy ride but that doesn’t put me off.” The passionate defender of wildlife has worked on BBC Two’s Springwatch and its other seasonal spin-offs since
2009, and presented numerous natural history programmes. Earlier this year he took part in Blue Planet Live, examining the
impact of ocean pollution. Packham has spoken often of how his
Asperger’s syndrome and bouts of depression have affected his screen career. He added: “One of the characteristics
of my condition is that we are intolerant of injustice and we see things in black and white and we say what we think, and
those are key assets when it comes to the sort of campaigning work that I do.” The TV presenter was interested in the natural world from an early age, with a bedroom full of
tanks and jars of wildlife, before becoming involved in the punk scene and adopting its defiant spirit. He began experimenting
with photography and camera work before moving from behind the camera to presenting duties on The Really Wild Show in 1986.
Packham is vice-president of the RSPB and the RSPCA, and supports other conservation and animal welfare charities. The TV presenter said he would be celebrating the
award at London Zoo with a group of people, from his former school teachers to television executives, who had mentored him
over the years. He
said about the CBE: “To a great extent I feel I’m taking one for a team of people, there aren’t that many
people who are honoured for working in major conservation and environmental care and there are a lot of people who work hard,
and a lot harder than I do, and I’m fortunate to be a small figurehead for them.” Leics cop who wrongfully arrested sab promoted to Inspector 12-5-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO What do Leicestershire Police do with bent coppers? They promote them. Five years ago PS Paul Allen deliberately misused Section 60 stop and search powers
on a group of hunt saboteurs. The powers are meant to be used for when there is a serious threat of violence. A member of
our group refused to be searched by Allen and was subsequently arrested. The CPS wanted to drop the case however Allen put
pressure on the CPS to continue with the prosecution warning them that Leicestershire Police risked being sued if the case
was dropped. The case was thrown out of court and Leicestershire Police were successfully sued after it was proved the section
60 had been misused. The video of the incident can be viewed here. Five
years later Allen has been promoted to Inspector. Here he is [see video] talking about stopping
and searching people at a football match. Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman's defence attempt to discredit expert witness failed Prosecution's expert said to have tried to discredit
defence's 'expert 11-5-19 Daily Telegraph Professor employed as independent witness in hunting prosecution tried to discredit
opposition using secret 'intelligence files' from League Against Cruel Sports - Professor Stephen Harris was said to have 'ambushed' Mr Adams’ appeal against
conviction by producing documents relating to his rival expert evidence A professor employed as an independent witness in a hunting prosecution tried to discredit opposing
witnesses using secret “intelligence files” from the League Against Cruel Sports. George Adams, 67, was found guilty of using hounds to kill a fox despite the scientist
who gave the main evidence against him being accused of “bias”. Professor Stephen Harris was said to have “ambushed” Mr
Adams’ appeal against conviction by producing documents relating to his rival expert evidence Dr Daryl Hamilton Wallace
half way through the case. Peter Glenser QC, defending,
told the court it was the second time during a hunting trial that evidence had emerged relating to the retired professor’s
links to the anti-hunting charity with which “he has had an association which goes back decades.” He told the
judge that Mr Harris was “biased”, adding: “This all paints a picture of somebody who is antipathetic to
those accused of hunting.” The professor also gave key evidence to parliament in support of the hunting ban. One of the documents produced,
Mr Glenser told the court, was a “subject profile said to be a restricted document from the League Against Cruel Sports”.
The “intelligence file”, which included personal details including what was believed to be his home address, was
created in 2015. Prof Harris also sent prosecutor David Matthew a series of documents
relating to Mr Hamilton Wallace that he found online, the judge was told. Mr Glenser said that he was concerned that Prof
Harris’ evidence was the “principle evidence” in the trial along with videos shot on the day. In 2015 a
private prosecution of the Lamerton Hunt collapsed after an email emerged detailing how the League’s head of enforcement
had recommended the Bristol Professor as an expert. Prof Harris noted in the email, to a solicitor in another case, that it
“fortunate” that was not the route by which police contacted him as if it had been it would have been “very
damaging”. Despite the questions
over the independence of the expert, Judge Jonathan Cooper upheld the decision to find Mr Adam guilty and ordered him to pay
£11,332 in costs, as well as a £1,000 fine. Speaking directly to the allegations against Prof Harris, the judge told Cambridge Crown Court:
“We heard that he was met with a file of material that was said to undermine his credibility. It was most unfortunate
that that file was incomplete, because an explanatory document from a previous case had not been put before us. There was
a prospect that the picture being painted may not have been as full as it should have been. That is a matter of regret.” The appeal boiled down to the key findings made
at Peterborough Magistrates court, and Judge Cooper said: “Whatever might have been the intentions, it degenerated into
a simple matter of fact that it descended into hunting with dogs.” Mr
Adams, who joined the Fitzwilliam Hunt in 1981 and became a Huntsman in 1984, has always insisted that the hounds only killed
the fox because it had been spooked by the sabs and turned back into the pack. But the judge rejected this claim, saying:
“The dogs were not called off the chase of the fox at any relevant point. Mr Adams exerted no effective control.” Falconer John Mease, who had been tried alongside Mr Adams at the Magistrates Court
and cleared, said to his knowledge in 14 years of hunting with the Fitzwilliam that was the only time that a fox had been
killed by the hounds. Normally the hounds flush the fox to cover and then he releases his eagle to kill the animal, he told
the court, but he did not release his bird that day because of the “balaclava-d sabs”. Mr
Adams was first interviewed by the police in March 2017 about the events of the New Year’s Day hunt in a field near
Wansford, Cambridgeshire in 2016 and was convicted after a trial before Magistrates in April last year. See also blog by 'Accidental Activist', who was the main prosecution witness, here. Sabs find 3 Counties MH hounds in
cry - they pack up immediately 11-5-19 Facebook - Bristol Hunt Saboteurs Three Counties Mink Hounds – 11/05/19 Today
we joined up with Bath and Severn Vale Hunt Sabs to pay a visit to the Three Counties Mink Hounds, after receiving a tip off
that they would be hunting around Cotheridge, Worcestershire. When checking out the area we heard horn calls and hounds in cry, which gave us their location on the River Teme.
Sabs popped out on the opposite river bank and the Hunt quickly gathered the hounds up and had a huddle before heading back
to their vehicles. We got round the
other side of the river in time to see an annoyed Huntsman leaving in the hound van. Supporters then blocked the roads to
stop us following, with no regard to other road users who were also held up. Shortly after the hound van was seen heading to
their kennels down the road in Kinnersley and we retired to the pub, knowing that their day was done! Mink hunting is the summer pastime
of the hunting community, with only die-hard enthusiasts who are usually out with fox or hare hunts taking part, meaning they’re
particularly secretive and illusive. Mink hunting supposedly
replaced otter hunting in the 1970s, when the species was given special protection after a massive population crash due to
pesticide use and hunting. However, they still use otter hounds and with an increasing otter and declining mink population
it is thought some packs have reverted to hunting their old quarry. The hunters claim to support conservation efforts and help
animals such as the water vole by hunting mink, but we fail to see how a couple of dozens hounds and a bunch of people with
sticks and spades trampling over and tearing up fragile river bank habitats is in any way good for conservation. The riverside
vandals are firmly on our radars this summer. Watch this space... Please donate
to keep us in the fields! Paypal.me/bristolhuntsabs See also report by Severn Vale Sabs Masked
S. Shrops FH supporters intimidate monitors at their workplace 11-5-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors Today the South Shropshire Hunt have stooped to an all-time low. Two monitors were
subject to intimidation and harassment whilst they were at work today. The people responsible were known South Shropshire
Hunt Supporters and Staff. Everything has been reported to the police. All this has done is made #ShropshireMonitors more determined to expose this Hunt for what they are and ensure we
now keep a very close eye on them for this coming season. We take this behaviour as an admission of guilt, as why would grown
men cover their faces and attempt to intimidate monitors during their work? How unprofessional and desperate of the South
Shropshire Hunt. We can assume that
they are not pleased their #NationalTrust licence was revoked for illegally hunting on the #Longmynd as one of the old men
supporters mentioned the Longmynd during today’s harassment. Surely National Trust Carding Mill Valley and the Long
Mynd NT this bullying behaviour has now blown any chance they would have had of getting a licence renewed for the coming season?
Bit warm for woolly hats and scarves boys? #SouthShropshireHunt
#Guilty #WeGotThemRattled #SeeYouSoon 
stumble across Dove Valley MH digging & scare them off11-5-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Today whist out sett surveying ahead of the proposed badger cull a couple of our sabs stumbled on the
Dove Valley Mink Hunt who had met at Blithford Farm, North of Blithbury, Staffordshire. After spotting their well known hound
van we saw the hunt in a field, close to the road and a group of them digging at the river bank, presumably after a mink that
had taken refuge. We filmed them and this was enough to make them gather their spades and terriers and move on. We called in reinforcements and stayed in the area to keep an eye on them but before any more sabs could get into
the area the hunt had called it a day. If you see a similar group of vehicles parked up over the summer please contact the HSA tip off line on 07443 148426.
The Dove Valley hound van is a dark Toyota Landcruiser Reg R148 VUX and will be towing a trailer with the hounds in. If you
spot this vehicle in Derbyshire or Staffordshire please let us know. https://ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs. Essex County Council to debate banning
hunting on its land 11-5-19
Gazette Standard Call to ban ALL fox hunting on Essex County Council-owned land A MOTION calling for a ban on all forms of hunting
with dogs on council-owned land is set to be debated. The bid, put forward by Colchester councillor Lee Scordis, will go before
Essex County Council next week. It
calls on the council to “not to allow any future trail hunting and exercising of packs of fox hounds” on its land.
Trail-hunting involves laying of a scent across the countryside which a pack of hounds then searches for and follows. Mr Scordis’
move comes weeks after Nottinghamshire County Council voted to ban hunts on all land it owns. Hunting foxes with dogs is illegal in Britain, but there are a number of exemptions which Labour
councillors said were being used to get round the law. Mr Scordis, who represents Abbey ward on the county council, said his
motion had been inspired by colleagues in Nottinghamshire. He said they hoped the move would close loopholes which the party
claims hunters use to avoid the ban. “It
had been put forward by Nottinghamshire County Council, however, our motion is worded slightly differently,” he said.
“We are all passionate about animal welfare in the Labour party. It would only encompass Essex County Council owned
areas as we can only enforce that as a council.” A number of hunt events are held across Essex each year. These include
the annual Maldon New Year’s Day hunt and in recent years the Castle Hedingham Boxing Day hunt. Mr Scordis said it
was time for the council to get behind opposition to the Hunts from the public. “I completely abhor any type of hunting
that goes on,” he said. “Killing any animal is disgusting. I think it speaks for itself. We are passionate about
making sure the loopholes are covered on fox hunting. We have to be much more progressive - we don’t live in the 18th
century any more.” The motion, which was seconded by Laindon Park councillor Allan
Davies, will go before the council on Tuesday. 8-5-19 Facebook - Cllr Lee Scordis - Labour Borough and County Councillor Next Tuesday I will be moving
a motion to tighten the rules on fox hunting in Essex. Fox hunting is a despicable activity and I can still not understand
how someone gets pleasure watching an innocent animal being torn apart. I hope all parties can support this. ‘This
Council notes that the hunting of wild animals with dogs is illegal under the terms of the Hunting Act 2004, except where
an exemption applies. This Council therefore calls upon the Cabinet not to allow any future trail hunting and exercising of
packs of Fox hounds on Essex County Council land.’ 2nd horse lorry in 3 months burnt
out at Atherstone FH kennels 10-5-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs It seems that a horsebox at the Atherstone Hunt kennels was burnt out last night. Apparently this is the
second time in the past three months. We have reported previously that the Atherstone Hunt are struggling financially, so
much so that their accounts show that over the past few years they have been steadily selling off all of their tangible assets.
This has included the selling off of all of the horses owned by the hunt. One of the few assets left that the Atherstone Hunt
still had was the hound lorry used to transport the hounds and horses to hunt meets. It seems this has now been burnt out… 9-5-19
Facebook - Atherstone Fire Station At 00:02 this morning the Retained crew were called out to a horse lorry
on fire on Kennel Lane, Witherley, Leicestershire. Upon arrival it was well alight. 2 BA, an extended Hose reel and 45mm jet
was used to extinguish the fire. The vehicle was completely destroyed but the fire was limited from spreading to surrounding
property. The crews returned to station shortly after 2am. This is the second horse lorry fire at the same address within the past 3 months. Investigations
are ongoing as it is believed to have been targeted by arsonists. If anyone has any further information then please contact
Leicestershire Police. [Credit Atherstone Fire Station] Sabs accuse Clifton on Teme FH after finding dug out sett 9-5-19 Facebook - Herefordshire Hunt Sabs Badger sett dig out While out sett surveying our sabs made
a chilling discovery on Easter Sunday. After finding several clear badger signs and a small outlier sett, a main sett was
located only to discover unmistakable evidence of a recent dig out. Wider investigation
showed that a Hunt had been in the area within the time frame of the dig out. We estimated it was about a month old; horses
hoof marks and hound prints remain clearly visible in the heavy clay soil of North Herefordshire. The Hunt in question would have been the Clifton on Teme Hunt. At
least half the entrances on the sett show evidence of soft blocking, although most are now active again. There is a fresh
latrine nearby, so the badgers fortunately survive. The size of the dig out indicates this was for a fox that had gone to
ground. Until the 2018/2019
season the Clifton on Teme Hunt have avoided sab attention for years. This is pretty indisputable proof that they are hunting
illegally. We're gutted we weren't there to intervene on this occasion but they can expect more attention from us
next season. A Land registry search shows the sett is on the boundary between two farms but we believe the landowner
to be Gerald Whistance of Wild Perry Farm. A specially built hunt jump on his land, and very close to the dig out, proves
that the hunt have permission to hunt the land. The Clifton like to boast that they have access to almost all the land in
their country. Let's start putting pressure on some of those landowners. Please contact Mr Whistance and ask him why he allows illegal hunting on his land. Be polite. Your contributions
towards our fuel costs are always appreciated. Thank you. Ko-fi.com/herefordshirehuntsabs Fitzwilliam
FH Huntsman appeal against conviction dismissed 9-5-19 Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs Guilty verdict Ex-Huntsman of the Fitzwilliam Hunt,
George Adams, was once again found guilty of illegal hunting. Adams
and his expensive legal team demanded an appeal and full retrial after he was originally found guilty in 2018. Today, it was
ruled *again* that he hunted and killed a fox unlawfully in January 2016. The Hunt relied heavily on the presence of an (unused) Golden Eagle
with their Hunt in an effort to circumvent the law, this was today ruled irrelevant in what has now become case law. Pic below - Adams [mounted] just after the kill
9-5-19 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Fitzwilliam conviction upheld by the courts Official Statement. We
are clearly very happy with the decision to uphold the conviction of George Adams that we achieved back in April last year.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the prosecution team, in particular the excellent David Matthew QC who performed
admirably against the defence who persisted in attempts to discredit the witnesses and ambushing the court with last minute
legal claims and the questionable addition of their own so-called expert witness, a computer forensics expert with no background
in animal sciences. We hope this finally signals the end of the Bird
of Prey or Falconry exemption within the Hunting Act. Other Hunts which use this loophole will now have to reconsider their
options as they will no longer be considered to be taking part in exempt hunting just by having someone with a bird of prey
present. The use of birds of prey alongside hunting with hounds is not, and never was falconry. There are serious welfare
issues for the raptors used in this manner alongside the abhorrent cruelty involved in setting 1 or 30 animals against another. Judge Cooper, in
summing up stated; “Something significant" must change in the planning and training of the hounds and the characteristics
of Hunts in the future if they don't want to be charged with illegal hunting”. We will continue to actively target all Hunts in an effort
to stop their abuse of our wildlife with all and every means at our disposal. The Hunting Act is in desperate need of strengthening,
all the loopholes should be closed and hunting with dogs finally consigned to history. We will continue to work towards that
end but in the mean time you will find us, and all hunt sabs standing up to defend our wildlife in the fields no matter what
violence, abuse and intimidation we face. See also reports in Peterborough Telegraph and The Canary Trial of Grafton FH Huntsman set
to start 20th May 7-5-19
Facebook - Grafton Hunt Watch Case against Michael Francis Wills - Huntsman Grafton Hunt - Hunting a wild mammal with dogs - Hunting
Act 2004. Notice to attend at Wellingborough Magistrates Court. A trial has been arranged to take place at Wellingborough
Magistrates Court on 20 May 2019, the trial is listed for 21 May at Wellingborough Magistrate Court and 22 May at Northampton
Magistrates Court. Monitors prevent
Border Counties MH from hunting 5-5-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors Border Counties Mink (otter) Hounds - Hit Report - 05/05/2019
They met at 10am, Manor Farm, Lea Brockhurst, SY4 on a SUNDAY!, they had a big suprise as monitors were in wait along the
River Roden to greet them. Monitors being there early, saw no trail laid, but had evidenced signs of Otters along the river.
We heard the Hunt making burring (rolled tounge) noises. They
were such a small hunt in number, with a mixture of hounds and around 10 people. We are interested to know what they were
doing? As hunting otters and mink is illegal, it is also illegal to disturb the resting place of otters. They ran and hid
away for a few hours, past Thistleford bridge and went up the Roden to Soultan wood. We caught up with them as they approached Aston Hall, where they
then hid and awaited a pick up. Using the footpath there, we watched them hiding and loading up the dogs. Here a very dishevelled
looking Nick Mapp as huntsman and his mate Ryan Backhouse Jones had to load bored looking hounds at only 2pm. Whilst loading
a rather unsavoury character verbally abused hunt monitors, who were filming from a public footpath. Why be so aggressive
Mr? A
message to all Hunts, if you come into #Shropshire we will be there to monitor your activity. Thanks to the independents out today with us and also a big thanks to the monitor from Cheshire Against The Cull. 2 JMs, 2 servants leave United FH after dig-out reported to police 2-5-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors VIDEO The United Pack from Bishops Castle were caught by us digging into a badger sett. They need
to now dig up 2 new masters and a new huntsman and a new whip, as we hear. Josh, Padraic, Ellie & Sophie have all left.
good riddance. We have had them in front of Police in 2018 & 2019. So watch out United Pack in 2019/2020 we shall be watching.
30th April - Judge to give Fitzwilliam FH
Huntsman appeal verdict on Friday ….. 30th April - Meynell FH officials & servants trial date set for August 19th ….. 30th April
- LACS lists known infractions by N.T. licenced
Hunts during season ….. 29th April - Deer hunt season ends as criminal Quantock SH Huntsman retires ….. 28th April
- Fox-killing Cheshire FH Joint Master resigns
post ….. 27th April - LACS figures point up widespread illegal fox hunting in Cheshire ….. 24th April
- Weston & Banwell FH planning application
for new kennels refused ….. 23rd April - Another stag killed by Quantock SH - at 'children's meet' ….. 23rd April
- Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman's illegal hunting
appeal tomorrow ….. 22nd April - S. Shropshire FH spokeswoman struggles to explain 'trail hunting' ….. 22nd April
- Monitor report on licence breaches & violence by R.A. FH ignored ….. 21st April
- Meynell FH rider boasts of cub hunting
on social media ….. 20th April - Cheshire FH hold emergency meeting to discuss their any problems ….. 19th
April - Venue will not host Puckeridge FH
Ball after anti online campaign ….. 19th April - R.A. FH rider who lied re. sabs endangering
her horse is named ….. 18th April - Walker's
account suggests Blencathra FH lied to LDNPA re. chasing fox …..
18th April - Top Hunts' lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden drowns while surfing ….. 17th April
- LACS say season's 400 illegal hunting reports 'tip of iceberg' ….. 17th April
- Sanctuary owner thinks starving fox cubs were being
raised to be hunted …..
17th April - LACS urges N.T. to ban South
Shropshire FH permanently …..
16th April - FC staff prevent Quantock SH
pursuing stag on to their land …..
15th April - LACS officer witnesses D&S
SH 'tormenting' stag for six hours …..
15th April - Antis ask MoD to ban violent
R. Artillery FH from their land …..
14th April - Sabs attacked, cars badly
damaged by R. Artillery FH supporters …..
14th April - Hounds Off founder assaulted by Quantock
SH thug on public access land ….. 13th April - Quantock SH chase another
stag to exhaustion and death …..
12th April - CA & Cheshire PCC criticise each other
over hunting review …..
11th April - Pevensey Marsh Beagles to close
down ….. 10th April - Six from Meynell FH charged with illegal fox hunting …..
9th April - Garden Centre withdraws sponsorship of Cottesmore FH Pony Club event …..
8th April - Monitor captures moment hunted
stag shot dead by Quantock SH ….. 8th April - Welsh huntsman convicted over gruesome/insanitary state of kennels …..
7th April - Lord Middleton's son works with prosecutor who dropped sab assaults
case ….. 7th April - Stevenstone FH hunt on after fox even after warned by sabs …..
5th April - Waveney Harriers chase fox across
road at closing meet ….. 5th April - Antis think pair bagged foxes released at 4 Burrow/Beaufort FHs meet …..
5th April - Sab film refutes claim that
they endangered a hunter's horse ….. 5th April - Quantock SH kill another young stag for 'sport' …..
5th April - Cotswold FH filmed trespassing
on private railway ….. 4th April - WO course at Leics police doesn't seem to cover organised illegal hunting …..
3rd April - Leics
police recruitment ad features pro-hunt Wildlife Officer …..
2nd April - Vale of White Horse FH trespass
on Nat.Trust land ….. 2nd April - Sabs upload video of Stevenstone FH fox kill …..
2nd April - Man says saw Surrey Union FH
hunting fox on/near Wildlife Trust land …..
2nd April - Portman FH rider who kicked horse
in belly owns the Daily Mail ….. 2nd April - Portman FH terrierman kicks sab, rider steals hat …..
1st April - Atherstone FH supporter exposed
as violent misogynist Judge to give Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman
appeal verdict on Friday 30-4-19
Facebook - North Cambs Hunt Sabs For those followers of this page waiting for an update on the long running Fitzwilliam court case, a verdict will be delivered at Cambridge
Crown Court on Friday. This case relates to the illegal hunting and killing of a fox
by the Fitzwilliam Hunt in January 2016. The killing occurred near Elton, south of Peterborough. The Fitzwilliam have been convicted once already over this, yet have appealed in an attempt to
spend even more on court costs. All evidence has now been heard. The judge has retired and will consider his verdict which will be delivered on Friday.
We get to wait some more. As a note to this and regardless of the outcome we would like to say thanks to the prosecuting QC who was excellent
and the judge who certainly didn't bow to any of the dirty tricks by the defence team. Pic - Sabs guard corpse of killed fox Meynell
FH officials & servants trial date set for August 19th Six are accused of illegal cub hunting in October 2018 30-4-19 LACS Press Release Hunt accused of illegally targeting fox cubs Five
members of the Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt have appeared at Nottingham Magistrates Court today, accused of hunting
fox cubs. The five accused entered not guilty pleas and a trial date was set for five days from Monday, August 19. Joint Master
William Tatler had a medical exemption today but also faces charges. The
case follows an investigation by Derbyshire Police based on evidence captured by the animal welfare charity League Against
Cruel Sports. Martin Sims, director of investigations at the League Against Cruel Sports, said:- “We’d
like to thank Derbyshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service for bringing this case to court under the Hunting Act, and
we will now await the outcome of the trial.” The six men are joint masters William
Tatler and Peter Southwell, former huntsman Sam Staniland, whipper-in John ‘Ollie’ Finnegan, terrier man Andrew
Bull and assistant terrier man Sam Stanley, face a charge of hunting a wild mammal with a dog contrary to Section 1 of the
Hunting Act 2004. The alleged offence is said to have been
committed on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 in woodland near Sutton on the Hill in Derbyshire. Before the
Hunting Act was introduced, Hunts would train their hounds to kill adult foxes by first training them to hunt and kill young
fox cubs living in patches of woodland. When the Hunting Act was introduced that practice was made illegal. The case comes
14 years after hunting with dogs was banned in England and Wales with the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004, which came
into force in February 2005. That's if they get to trial POWAperson adds - Let us hope the trial will begin at the due date, but it will be astonishing
if it does. Most Hunting Act cases have taken well over a year to get to trial from incident date and some much longer than
that. That's if they get to trial at all, as the CPS has a habit of dropping cases before [sometimes during] trial, usually
without meaningful explanation. See also Derbyshire Live Known
infractions by N.T. licenced Hunts during season listed30-4-19 LACS website ...Listed below are the reported incidents of Hunts trespassing onto National Trust land during the 2018/19
hunting season. - The Horton Court Estate, Gloucestershire, has granted a license to the Beaufort
Hunt, which was filmed hunting a fox through a churchyard in the nearest village to the estate on 17 March, showing
the Hunt is operating unlawfully in its daily activities. It is clear unlawful hunting was taking place on that day as the
full pack of hounds were ‘in cry’, the Huntsman was giving short horn and voice calls - something done to ‘egg
the hounds on’ to follow the scent of a hunted animal. A number of badger setts were also found blocked up — a
common tactic used by Hunts to prevent a pursued fox from ‘going to ground’ — in a wood which was surrounded
by terriermen after the animal took refuge. It is notable that nearby Tetbury Town Council has refused permission for the
Beaufort Hunt to meet in the town centre on New Year’s Day on 10/12/2018. - The Kingston Lacy Estate, Dorset, has granted a license to the Portman
Hunt, which was witnessed by wildlife monitors chasing a fox over National Trust land in March 2017. The Hunt has
since been witnessed chasing a fox at a meet in Manston on 27/10/2018, where a badger sett was found blocked up nearby. Terriermen
– people on quadbikes whose purpose is to dig out foxes which have taken refuge underground during a hunt – were
filmed when the Hunt met on the estate on 21/11/2018. This is in direct breach of the National Trust’s licence, which
expressly prohibits terriermen and their vehicles from operating on its land during the course of any hunt meet. The National
Trust is clear that “terrier men have no place in a trail hunt”. - The Farnborough Hall Estate, Warwickshire, has granted a license to the Warwickshire
Hunt, which was filmed trespassing on the estate on 11 November 2017, when no license was issued.
It is clear unlawful hunting was taking place on that day as the full pack of hounds were ‘in cry’ and the Huntsman
was giving short horn and voice calls - something done to ‘egg the hounds on’ to follow the scent of a hunted
animal. Had a trail been laid the Hunt would not have gone near, let alone onto, the grounds of Farnborough Hall. A number
of recent incidents also show the Hunt is operating unlawfully in its daily activities: the Hunt was seen chasing a fox in
Hunningham on 01/11/2018 and the Hunt was again seen chasing a fox, which went to ground in a badger sett in Admington on
03/11/2018. - The Buscot and Coleshill Estate, Oxfordshire, has granted a license to the Old
Berkshire Hunt, which was then witnessed chasing and killing a fox on the estate on 17/11/2018. The National Trust
launched an investigation, however no outcome has been announced. The same Hunt was witnessed by monitors chasing a fox in
Alvescot, 10 miles north of the estate, on 07/11/2018, showing that the Hunt is operating unlawfully in its daily activities.
This was on the same date the Hunt was scheduled to meet on the estate, but switched hunt meets for unknown reasons. It is
understood the incident has been reported to Thames Valley Police. - The Penrose
Estate, Cornwall, has granted a licence allowing access to Porkellis Moor by the Four Burrow Hunt,
which had on 24/11/2018 six of its hunting dogs becoming trapped for four days down a mine shaft - resulting in one of the
animals dying. - The Woolbeding
Countryside Estate, West Sussex, granted a licence to the Chiddingfold, Leconfield and Cowdray Hunt.
Terriermen – people on quadbikes whose purpose is to dig out foxes which have taken refuge underground during a hunt
– were filmed when the Hunt met on the estate on 24th November 2018. This is in direct breach of the National Trust’s
licence, which expressly prohibits terriermen and their vehicles from operating on its land during the course of any hunt
meet. The National Trust is clear that “terrier men have no place in a trail hunt”. - The Hanbury Hall Estate, Worcestershire, granted
a licence to the Worcestershire Hunt. This Hunt was photographed chasing a fox at Goosehill
Green, two and a half miles from the estate, on 7th November 2018. - The Shropshire Hills Estate, Shropshire, has granted a licence for two Hunts to access its Long Mynd Estate. On 10
December a fox was seen fleeing the South Shropshire Hunt, one of those licensed, alongside
terriermen being present, during a meet on the estate. On 11 December, terriermen were filmed accompanying the United
Pack, the other licensed Hunt, on the estate as well as the Hunt conducting activities on areas outside of the licensed
area. So far, the Trust has failed to give a satisfactory answer as to how they will prevent this from
taking place, and what the repercussions of these offences will be. 2-4-19 Facebook - National Dis-Trust We're starting a new National Trust trespass round-up for the 2018/19
season:- 09/03/2019
- Radley College Beagles met on The Buscot and Coleshill Estates NT, documented by Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs and Surrey Hunt
Monitors: tinyurl.com/y3kg3ne2. 09/03/2019 - Eryri
Hunt were witnessed by walkers illegally hunting on National Trust land within Snowdonia National Park. 03/03/2019 - A Hunt was witnessed illegally
hunting on National Trust land by members of the public. More information here: tinyurl.com/y3kg3ne2. 09/02/2019 - Surrey Union Hunt trespassing in the
National Trust's Cockshot Woods. Field report from Guildford Hunt Saboteurs here: tinyurl.com/y6ql5dm4. 28/01/2019 - Quantock Staghounds (again) on
Beacon Hill. Information from Hounds Off & Somerset Wildlife Crime here & here: tinyurl.com/ycnyrwao & tinyurl.com/yau3s9mr. 26/01/2019 - South Shropshire Hunt were trespassing on Long Mynd as reported
by Shropshire Monitors & Welsh Border Hunt Sabs: tinyurl.com/ybxhp4mz, tinyurl.com/y8pbx6b4 & tinyurl.com/ybbybwhe. 17/01/2019 - Kimblewick Hunt were on Ashridge
Estate NT as reported by Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs: tinyurl.com/ydbjrvj9. 03/01/2019 - the
Melbreak Foxhounds were on National Trust land (Crag Fell, Ennerdale). 29/12/2018 - the Blencathra Foxhounds were trespassing
on National Trust land in Cumbria. Report from Lancashire Hunt Saboteurs here: tinyurl.com/yc2dw52v. 26/12/2018 - the Eryri Hunt were using National Trust land in Snowdonia National Park, near Beddelgert. See these
updates from North Wales Hunt Saboteurs - tinyurl.com/ycps5cey, tinyurl.com/y8gw3hun, tinyurl.com/ycohgdrk, tinyurl.com/ybnb92av,
tinyurl.com/yahdr44m & tinyurl.com/ydaaotvc. 24/12/2018 - the Cheshire Hounds illegally hunted inside Bulkeley Hill
Wood, documented by Cheshire Monitors. More information here: tinyurl.com/ybg2algl & tinyurl.com/y7dtd36q. 17/12/2018
- the Surrey Union Hunt were trespassing on National Trust land just days after cancelling their own licensed meets to use
Trust land. Footage from Guildford Hunt Saboteurs can be seen here – tinyurl.com/ycje9335. 15/12/2018 - the Ullswater Foxhounds
were illegally hunting on National Trust land in Cumbria, see this update from Lancashire Huntsabs - tinyurl.com/ycz892a6. 11/12/2018 - the United Pack using Long Mynd, but out of their licensed area and with
terriermen. See information from ourselves & Shropshire Monitors: tinyurl.com/y865x3v6 & tinyurl.com/y9s87rok. 10/12/2018
- the South Shropshire Foxhounds hunted outside of their licensed area. More information here: tinyurl.com/yc9s52el. 03/12/2018 - the Melbreak Foxhounds were trespassing on National Trust land again. Information to
follow. 26/11/2018 - the Melbreak Foxhounds were observed
by Cumbria Hunt Watch to be on National Trust land; please see this update from Lancashire Huntsabs on the incident: tinyurl.com/yb4ahz5q. 14/11/2018 - the Purbeck & Bovington Beagles were rumbled by Weymouth Animal Rights
when they met in a National Trust car park ready to hunt across Trust land. Full report here: tinyurl.com/yd495fdw. You can
contact the relevant staff at Ringstead Bay at westdorset@nationaltrust.org.uk or 01297 489 481. 10/11/2018 - the
Staintondale Foxhounds were on Bay Ness, witnessed by East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Saboteurs. Information can be seen here in
four parts: tinyurl.com/y6wgwm78, tinyurl.com/yajay3d3, tinyurl.com/y82t9ydt & tinyurl.com/y9b6mpuk. Please bring this
to the attention of the relevant Trust staff by emailing yorkshirecoast@nationaltrust.org.uk or calling 01723 870 423. 22/10/2018 - the Surrey Union Hunt were at Hydon's Ball, filmed
by Guildford Hunt Saboteurs & North Downs Hunt Sabs. Hydon's Ball staff can be contacted on hindhead@nationaltrust.org.uk &
01428 681 050. Footage here: tinyurl.com/ycso4sxr. 20/10/2018 - the Pennine Foxhounds were on Marsden Moor. The Trust staff
at this location can be contacted at marsdenmoor@nationaltrust.org.uk and/or 01484 847 016. Thanks to Manchester Hunt Sabs for this one. 1/10/2018 - the Quantock Staghounds were on Trust land. Thanks to Hounds Off for telling us about this. 19/09/2018
- the Surrey Union Hunt who were documented by Guildford Hunt Saboteurs at Ranmore Common: bit.ly/2ppQutf. Contact northdownswest@nationaltrust.org.uk& 01306 887 485
about this and let us know what they say. Alternatively, call the head ranger (Henry Barnard) on 07769 283 374. 10/09/2018 - the Quantock Staghounds were on Trust land. Thanks to Hounds
Off for telling us about this. If
you see Hunts on Trust land, let us know when & where (with photos if it's safe to take some) and we'll check
that they have a licence. Please remember to keep calls &
messages polite as these incidents are the fault of the criminal hunts only, but the Trust does need to take action and let
us know what they are doing. We'll keep this post updated as & when we see what's going on. To see the National Trust trespass round-up for the 2017/18 season see here: bit.ly/2hpoRwq. Deer hunt season ends as criminal Quantock SH Huntsman retires Thankfully they could not mark the occasion with a kill 29-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Today marked the end of Stag Hunting for the 2018-2019 season on the Quantocks. Also the retirement of the Quantock Stag Hounds Huntsman Richard Downs. With a record of over two
decades hunting the hills and two convictions for illegal hunting, his career as Huntsman ended with a somewhat lacklustre
and feeble day. With some support furious to see us and Hounds Off, as they made puerile threats, others were simply as bemused
as we were at the non-event. To the best of our knowledge - today the stag won. Fox-killing
Cheshire FH Joint Master resigns post 28-4-19 Facebook - Cheshire Against Blood Sports VIDEO Taxi for Barlow Word has reached us that Charlie
Barlow the Huntmaster of the Cheshire Hunt [left, on foot] has hung up his red
coat and resigned his position.
Will we miss having his phone shoved in our faces … no. Will
we miss him riding his horse into us... probably not. Will we miss hearing his monotonous voice telling us “you’re
trespassing”, “go back to the foot path”, “go back to the road”, “this is private property”...
well maybe a little bit, as we have an end of season award for the best Charlie Barlow impression! Will the foxes miss him... definitely not, he has a lot of fox blood on his hands. We are unsure of the reasons why, maybe he is sulking because he
couldn’t wear his red coat, maybe it’s because he has grown a conscience (highly doubtful) or maybe he just didn’t
fancy seeing Cheshire Against Blood Sports or our friends the Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs in ever increasing numbers next season...
whatever the reason, good riddance.
figures point up widespread illegal fox hunting in Cheshire27-4-19 Cheshire Live Shocking scale of illegal fox hunting in Cheshire revealed - 14 years after
it was banned - New figures have shown the extent of the bloodsport in the county The shocking
scale of fox hunting still taking place in the Cheshire countryside 14 years after the bloodsport was banned has been highlighted
in new figures. The League Against Cruel Sports has gathered 268 reports of illegal hunting activity
and 43 reports of fox kills by hunts across the country, from November when the season opened and now at its close. Of these,
21 of these reports took place in Cheshire. Foxes have been chased to exhaustion across the Cheshire countryside before, on some occasions, being torn apart
in the jaws of the Hunts' hounds. In early February, a police investigation was launched
after a fox was killed following a hunt near Nantwich. Badger setts have also been blocked up near hunt meets to stop foxes taking refuge during the chase and horses and
hounds trespassed in pursuit of wild-animals. The figures were compiled from the League’s Animal Crimewatch
service, which consists of reports from members of the public and from the League’s professional investigators, as well
as from evidence gathered from social media. Chris Luffingham,
director of campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "These figures sadly show the scale of the killing still
taking place in the British countryside by fox hunts. We
know these reports are just the tip of the iceberg, with fox hunts killing indiscriminately across the UK and lying about
their bloodthirsty activities to cover up their crimes. However, I believe the tide is turning. Political parties are now
recognising the need to take animal welfare much more seriously and put in place stronger legislation to protect British wildlife.” An online petition
was launched earlier this year calling for Cheshire police to prosecute illegal hunters. Hunting remains a key political issue in Westminster in terms of animal welfare, with the focus
now on the need to strengthen the Hunting Act. Animal welfare has increasingly become a vote winner with it being one of the
most talked about issues during the 2017 general election. In Parliament, concerns over the fact fox hunting
is still taking place and the sheer scale of it, are getting a lot more exposure. A parliamentary debate on wildlife crime
in mid-March led to calls by MPs from across all parties for the Hunting Act to be strengthened. The
Cheshire Hunt in Tarporley on Boxing Day attracted both supporters and some detractors in the High Street.  It followed a recent review of
the policing of illegal fox hunting arranged by Cheshire’s Police and Crime commissioner David Keane, late last year,
which highlighted the challenges posed by the current legislation, and proposed strengthening it. Mr Luffingham added: “The
issue of animal welfare has never been such an important issue for the public and political parties and it is becoming vital
to electoral success. We are calling for the hunting ban to be strengthened with the introduction of prison sentences for
those caught illegally hunting. We need a proper deterrent to stop the barbaric activities of the Hunts and we also need to
remove the loopholes that allow Hunts to get around the law.” However, a spokesperson for the Countryside Alliance commented: “Hunts are regularly subjected to spurious
allegations regarding their legal hunting activities yet packs of hounds within Cheshire operate within the law to comply
with the Hunting Act 2004. These figures cannot be taken at face value since they were compiled from the League’s Animal
Crimewatch service, which consists of reports from members of the public and as well as from evidence gathered from social
media. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest these allegations are true. Even a Cheshire police spokesperson recently
commented that you shouldn’t believe everything you see on social media and confirmed that action can only be taken
when evidence exists.” Any suspected illegal hunting activity can be reported to the League’s Animal Crimewatch
service at www.league.org.uk/animal-crimewatch. Alternatively, phone in confidence on 01483 361 108 or email on crimewatch@league.org.uk. Pics above - Mangled corpses of foxes killed by Cheshire FH on the 5th and
8th January 2019. POWAperson adds
- Contrary to what the CA spokesman says, the number of reports received by LACS emanating from Cheshire, just
21, is clearly a tiny fraction of the illegal hunting by Cheshire's 3 fox hunts. All are frequently monitored and/or
sabbed throughout the season - including cubbing. Antis report actual or attempted illegal fox hunting virtually every
time. So we are talking about hundreds of incidents, including several recorded kills and also much illegal sett blocking
and attempted dig outs. But there is no real reason to think there is any more illegal hunting in Cheshire than in many other
counties - it's just that it has more antis able to observe and report it. Weston & Banwell FH planning application for new kennels refused 24-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Anti Blood Sports We have some great news it looks like North Somerset council has refused the planning application!
We couldn't be happier. Thank you to everyone that supported us on this even if we didn't submit the petition 476
signatures is amazing ! For our Wildlife always. Another stag killed by Quantock SH
- at 'children's meet' 23-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Another stag was killed on the Quantock Hills today. The Carew Arms pub in Crowcombe hosted the ‘children’s
meet’ of the Quantock Stag Hounds this morning. No excuse. No Trail. No Science. Just bloodlust. Fitzwilliam
FH Huntsman's illegal hunting appeal tomorrow 23-4-19 morethanjustbadgers.net Final Throw of the Dice [by Accidental Activist] This
time tomorrow I'll be at Peterborough Crown Court for what I assume will be the final instalment of what feels like the
never ending Fitzwilliam Hunt conviction saga. I've covered the story in great depth through previous blog posts so it's
pointless to go over everything again but if you want to catch up then see here, here, here and here. I'm not really sure how things will pan out but you can
never tell with Hunting Act cases in particular and I'm sure the main chance for the Hunt overturning the conviction is
the hope for a more sympathetic judge. The simple fact is their evidence isn't going to get any better and having faced
the defence's cross examination for over 2 hours previously I wonder what they are going to come at me with this time. George Adams [mounted], the pack and killed fox, 1-1-16 There's also the wider implications
this may have for the Bird of Prey Exemption within the Hunting Act. If the original decision of the court is upheld other
hunts which use this smokescreen will have to seriously reconsider how they operate. Regardless of the outcome I have to be pleased we've dragged them through the courts and secured a conviction
first time round. That's a rarity in itself. From my own point of view and certainly that of everyone else who witnessed
the proceedings on the day there's no doubt of the guilt of George Adams (the now retired Fitzwilliam huntsman). I just
hope the Judge presiding tomorrow see's it the same way as District Judge John Wollard did on the original case. In
his summing up his statement spoke volumes... "You are either taking part in Falconry, or hunting foxes with hounds.
If you are taking part in Falconry you do not need a full pack of hounds to flush the animal, you would use only 2 or 3 of
a more suitable breed. Therefore I can only assume you were taking part in hunting foxes". Fingers crossed. POWAperson
adds - The wheels of the legal system often seem to grind exceeding slow, but always to move at arthritic snail
speed when dealing with organised hunting cases. The incident that, eventually, resulted in the conviction for illegal fox
hunting by George Adams, the Fitzwilliam FH Huntsman, took place on New Year's Day 2016, nearly three and a half years
ago. Illegal hunting is a summary offence, meaning it is relatively minor in seriousness and is not supposed to cost both
sides tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds. 'Summary' justice is meant to be speedy. Another pending case
- of the five accused of Animal Welfare Act offences against tiny fox cubs at S. Herefordshire FH kennels - has not even got
to trial yet, almost three years after the case was reported to police. As the old saying goes 'Justice delayed is justice
denied'. As does 'Accidental Activist', POWAperson
wonders what 'cynical subterfuge'* the 'clever lawyers'** representing George Adams have come up with to get him off this apparent slam-dunk of a conviction. We'll soon find
out. *
Words used by Judge Pert, who, in 2011, convicted the Fernie FH Huntsman and terrierman of illegal hunting and interfering
with a badger sett, to describe the attempts by them and other hunters to convince the court that they'd been 'trail
hunting'. **
A Dorset CPS spokesman once cited the face that the CA have 'clever lawyers' as a reason to decline to prosecute a
case against the Cattistock FH where the video evidence had been provided by a highly experienced professional hunt monitor
working for IFAW. S. Shropshire FH spokeswoman struggles to explain 'trail hunting' 22-4-19 Facebook - Shropshire Monitors VIDEO South Shropshire Hunt spokesperson Camilla Corrie explains trail laying and artificial scent
to monitors! Seems she does not know which lies she needs to tell! This Hunt have been required by LAW to be trail laying
since Feb 2004, so SSH should be able to explain.... Read
more here and here. Monitor report on licence breaches & violence by R.A. FH ignored 22-4-19
Facebook - Wildlife Witness In 2018 we submitted to the Defence Infrastructure Organisation the following document [1st
page below]. It was a summary of observations we had made of the Royal Artillery Hunt's (RAH) behaviour
in the few visits we made to the Hunt in the 2017/2018. It
highlighted a number of specific breaches of the "License to Hunt" that the RAH had committed and also contained
some recommendations to ensure that the Hunt were more transparent in their actions; a copy was sent to Wilts Police. The police were very interested
in following up on our suggestion that we should meet with themselves, the Hunt and the DIO to discuss ways of moving forward
to ensure more openness and less need for the police to expend valuable resources to hunting related matters on the Salisbury
Plain Training Area (SPTA). Needless to say, the Hunt were not at all interested and the DIO office failed to follow up. For too long the RA have viewed SPTA as their own
playground, ignoring the licence conditions and exploiting the DIO's inability to properly monitor their activity to carry
on hunting foxes. The Hunt officials, committee and staff all abuse their positions to unduly influence those around them
and openly lie to put pressure on those in authority to act against their opponents. This was displayed
by the official hunt "trail-layer* posting an alleged incident involving an anti's land-rover and her horse which
it emerged was entirely fabricated. Until that culture of entitlement is stripped from the RAH then they will carry on flouting the
law and lying to the authorities and to the public - they are an embarrassment to the Regiment that shares its name and to
the armed forces as a whole. We will again be submitting a report on this year's
activities by the RAH - it will include evidence of plans to organise violent disorder, video of numerous breaches of the
licence to hunt, video of obstruction by their supporters, video of supporters attacking vehicles with stones and of masked
thugs brought in to intimidate and assault those who act to expose their arrogant behaviour.
 For the rest of the 6 page report submitted see photos attached to Wildlife Witness's post Meynell
FH rider boasts of cub hunting on social media 21-4-19 Facebook - Staffordshire Hunt Sabs Meynell and South Staffs Hunt rider Kelly Lees openly admitting to cubbing (she
obviously didn't get the Countryside Alliance's message to call it autumn hunting). Cubbing is where the new hounds
are trained to kill by hunting fox cubs usually in a small covert, hunt riders will surround the wood [see
pic below] and scare back in any cubs that try and escape the hounds. (See Kelly's pic of the horses surrounding
the wood). Pic
of 2 young females on point with the Meynell FH Her comment of "we've been all over it...
love it" sums up the mindset of the Hunt. Seems a rather
odd thing to do considering they claim to follow trails and do not hunt foxes anymore... Come August we will be out stopping the blood junkies please support
us by buying us a kofi https://www.ko-fi.com/staffordshirehuntsabs. Pics
below - Kelly Lees and friend Zoe talking about cubbing with the Meynell  POWAperson comments - Six Meynell FH hunt servants
and officials have recently been charged with illegal hunting, specifically cub hunting. The Meynell is also the only Hunt
yet to have members convicted of cub hunting - a JM and a terrierman - in August 2012. The Meynell is, of course, very far from the only fox Hunt to continue to practise cub hunting. Sabs find many blocked setts in Warks FH hunting areas 21-4-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Sett surveying in Warwickshire We continue to survey
in preparation for a badger cull in Warwickshire. Most of our surveying takes place in the Warwickshire Hunt's area. We
are finding many setts that have clearly been blocked by the hunt as well as healthy/active setts. We are also finding other
interesting things in their area. We are currently surveying twice a week, any help towards fuel costs
would be appreciated. DONATE – https://www.paypal.me/westmidlandhuntsabs. Cheshire
FH hold emergency meeting to discuss their any problems 20-4-19 Facebook - Cheshire Monitors Cheshire Hunt finally fears it's own (inevitable) demise
Information has reached us from one of our sources that the Cheshire Hounds Hunt held an emergency meeting at The Swan in
Tarporley last Monday to discuss their woes. He stressed
quite how concerned the directors are for their future after the worst hunt season on record, which included being investigated
by police for numerous incidents (still ongoing), having to abandon numerous hunt meets, and even being forced to abandon
traditional hunting pinks (redcoats) to avoid identification of key figures in any subsequent police investigation. This once "mighty" Hunt are now desperately trying to think up ways to
boost their dwindling membership as those who don't want to be associated with the repeated killing of foxes drop off
one by one; they are also trying to rally volunteers to get involved in positive PR exercises in the run up to the next season. No doubt they'll resort to the only idea they ever have, and pull out another paltry cheque
for the air ambulance service any moment now, as in previous years (see photo from 2016), and like the equally desperate Cheshire
Forest and Wynnstay hunts did recently. #TrailHuntLies #DemandARealHuntingBan Venue will not host Puckeridge FH Ball after anti online campaign 19-4-19 Facebook - South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs Thank you to everyone who pointed out to them the endorsement they provide by hosting criminals. It's
never acceptable to support, host or sponsor criminal activity. Burloes Hall Weddings 17 April at 17:31 Following a recent on-line campaign, the Puckeridge Hunt will not be holding their ball
at our venue. We would like to stress that we are a small company which holds events for couples celebrating their weddings,
families, companies and organisations. We are not involved in any hunts. Whilst this cancellation will impact our business, we are adamant
that we will never host an event which will put anyone at risk. We would also kindly ask all those who gave us a 1 star review
to remove them as they are doing a great deal of harm to our business. Thank you.
FH rider who lied re. sabs endangering her horse is namedShe is the Hunts "trail layer" - even they put it in quote marks 19-4-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs You may recall the silly rider who blocked our Landy with her horse backed into us, and then edited her
video claiming we have driven right up to here. We exposed her lies with our own edited video which you can view here. Well this is her - Samantha Bialek. Help keep us
in the killing fields by making a donation: PayPal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Any info on Hunts call the tip-off hotline: 07443148426. Walker's account suggests Blencathra FH lied to LDNPA
about chasing fox 18-4-19 Facebook - Lancashire Huntsabs We were sent a link to this excellent blog by Aspen Outdoors Ltd and of particular interest is this blog
entry from August 28th 2017, where the writer is walking from Skiddaw to Blencathra and encounters a fox hunt taking a place. The writer states - 'We descended north to a waterfall called Whitewater
Dash and noticed small groups of people looking across to the western slopes of Little Calva. Soon after we heard the yells
of a huntsman’s voice and a big pack of hounds bounding through the deep heather. Then we saw the fox; sometimes running
ahead, sometimes sitting motionless in the heather. At one point the fox reached the top of Dry Gill (a steep mountain gully
on Little Calva) with hounds in chase. Then hounds appeared from the top of the gully and cornered the fox. With amazing speed
the fox ran, hurtling back down the gully, past all the pursuing foxes. Incredibly it avoided getting caught and headed to
lower ground and out of view. I was thankful the fox got away. I’d never seen a fox hunt before and was surprised and
shocked by the drama of it.' As the writer was describing events from the previous weekend, the
hunt must have taken place on Saturday 26th August 2017. Sure enough, the daily record sheet submitted by the Blencathra Foxhounds
for that day shows that they were indeed hunting in that same area, licensed by LDNPA. Yet the record sheet tells a different
story - 'one fox was seen on the move disturbed, but not chased' (see photo). So either there were two Hunts operating
in that area on the same day, which is unlikely as the LDNPA only licence the Blencathra to hunt there, or the other option
is that the Blencathra are lying wildlife criminals. #keepwildlifecriminalsoutofkeswick Below - The Blencathra FH report of the day concerned Top Hunts' lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden drowns while
surfing Promoted strategy of injunctions to stop monitors 'harassing' Hunts Represented
Crawley FH in disastrous 2009 attempt to injunct antis 18-4-19 Daily Mail British lawyer to the rich and famous dies in Gibraltar 'after getting into
difficulty while body surfing' - Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, 64, was discovered by police on Wednesday - The former triathlete
and army lieutenant was reportedly visiting his daughter - Mr Lawson-Cruttenden had represented David Walliams and The Clash - Cambridge
graduate had a 40-year career specialising in harassment claims A British lawyer to the rich
and famous died after he was found in the water off of Gibraltar on Wednesday morning. Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden [left], 64, reportedly got into difficulty while body surfing
off the coast of the British overseas territory. The former triathlete and army lieutenant was hauled from the waves by traffic
police after he was seen in the water at the East Side Reclamation, by Catalan Bay. Mr Lawson-Cruttenden had represented
the Sex Pistols' John Lydon (Johnny Rotten), David Walliams, as well as rock bands The Clash and The Blockheads in his
40-year career specialising in harassment claims... Mr Lawson-Cruttenden conducted cases involving harassment on social media, 'revenge
pornography,' and 'passing off.' His profile on the DG Law website says: 'In his free time he is an enthusiastic
squash player and loves to swim in open water.' A statement from the Royal Gibraltar Police said: 'Arthur Timothy
Lawson-Cruttenden, an ex-triathlete who was visiting family in Gibraltar, got into difficulties after going body surfing at
the East Side this morning, having to be pulled out of the sea by Traffic officers who were the first on scene. 'Despite
intense and protracted efforts by the officers, GHA Ambulance Service personnel and the staff in the A&E Department at
St Bernard’s Hospital Mr Lawson could not be revived.' They confirmed that Mr Lawson-Cruttenden's body was with
the coroner and said: 'The RGP wishes to convey to Mr Lawson’s family and friends its most sincere condolences for
their loss.' LACS say season's 400 illegal
hunting reports 'tip of iceberg' 17-4-19 LACS Press Release Fox hunting figures show the scale of the killing - Animal welfare increasingly
influencing the political agenda The shocking scale of fox hunting still taking place in the British
countryside 14 years after the blood sport was banned has been highlighted by a new set of figures. The League Against Cruel Sports
has gathered 268 reports of illegal hunting activity and 43 reports of fox kills by hunts, from November when the season opened,
and now at its close. Hunting remains a key political
issue in Westminster in terms of animal welfare, with the focus now on the need to strengthen the Hunting Act. Chris
Luffingham [right], Director of Campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said:- “These figures sadly show the scale of the killing still taking place in the British countryside by fox hunts. We know these reports
are just the tip of the iceberg, with fox hunts killing indiscriminately across the UK and lying about their bloodthirsty
activities to cover up their crimes. However, I believe the tide is turning, and political parties are now recognising the
need to take animal welfare much more seriously and put in place stronger legislation to protect British wildlife.” Separately,
129 cases of fox cub hunting were received by the League between the beginning of August and the end of October, which is
when they are typically targeted. This is a practice where the Hunts’ hounds are trained to kill in the run-up to the
fox hunting season – by being let loose in woodland to target fox cubs and literally tear them to pieces. The figures were compiled from
the League’s Animal Crimewatch service, which consists of reports from members of the public and from the League’s
professional investigators, as well as from evidence gathered from photos and videos shared on social media. Animal welfare has increasingly become a vote winner with it being one of the most talked about issues during the
2017 general election. In Parliament, concerns over the fact fox hunting is still taking place and the sheer scale of it,
are getting a lot more exposure. A parliamentary debate on wildlife crime in mid-March led to calls by cross-party MPs for
the Hunting Act to be strengthened. It followed a recent review of the policing of illegal fox hunting arranged by Cheshire’s
Police and Crime commissioner David Keane, late last year, which highlighted the challenges posed by the current legislation,
and proposed strengthening it. Elsewhere, the Scottish Government announced plans in 2018 to strengthen hunting laws in Scotland, reducing the number
of hounds in a pack to two, and introducing measures that would prevent Hunts using the ‘trail’ hunting deception
used in England and Wales. The National Trust has also come under pressure recently to stop issuing licences allowing the hunts to access its
land. The number of hunts issued licenses in the 2018/19 hunting season was down to 24 compared with 67 in 2016/17, due to
pressure from the League. This fell to 20 after four hunts had their licences withdrawn this season following allegations
of illegal hunting. Chris Luffingham
said:- “The issue of animal welfare has never been such an important issue for the public and political parties and
it is becoming vital to electoral success. We are calling for the hunting ban to be strengthened with the introduction of
prison sentences for those caught illegally hunting. We need a proper deterrent to stop the barbaric activities of the hunts
and we also need to close down the loopholes that allow Hunts to get around the law.” Any suspected illegal hunting activity can be reported to the League’s
Animal Crimewatch service at www.league.org.uk/animal-crimewatch. Alternatively, phone in confidence on 01483 361 108 or email on crimewatch@league.org.uk. Professional investigators
from the League Against Cruel Sports filmed hounds from the Mendip Farmers Hunt chasing a fox in the Mendip Hills in January
2019. Sanctuary owner thinks starving fox cubs were being raised
to be hunted 17-4-19 Coventry Live Horror as tiny fox cubs found starving amid claims they were being reared for
hunting - Sanctuary founder: "I think they either escaped or were abandoned but I reckon they would have only lived for another 24 hours" Tiny fox cubs
were just a day away from dying says Nuneaton's horrified wildlife sanctuary owner who fears they were being reared for
hunting. Geoff Grewcock [right,
with the cubs], of the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary, said the two six-week-old cubs
would not have survived another 24 hours had they not been rescued. "If we had not got to them, they would have died,"
he said. "I think they either escaped or were abandoned but I reckon they would have only lived for another 24 hours." What alarms him even more is
the state in which they found the siblings, now named Winston and Mabel. "They were light coloured, could hardly eat
and could barely walk, they are so wobbly on their feet," he said. I knew something wasn't right, I have been working
with foxes for 20 years and have never seen them like that. "I think they were being hand reared for fox hunting, which
is just horrific. I think they were being kept in small cages, given little to eat and not allowed to roam around. I have
had a vet check them over and he thinks the same." Geoff, who founded the haven in Oaston Road, said he is now caring for the pair
round the clock. "The female is poorlier than her brother,"
he said. "Both are being fed goats milk, every two hours, through the night as well, to help them. They are both gorgeous,
I think they were being hand-reared as they are not scared of people or other animals, that is not the behaviour of wild foxes." He is unable
to give the location of where the cubs were found, other than 'local'. This is because the Wildlife Police are set
to investigate. "We were called out last Thursday and rescued one, then we had another call the next day to report another
cub," he said. "I understand that this is going to be investigated." For now, Geoff is concentrating on helping the cubs build strength. "Hopefully they will both
be okay," he said. "It may be that we have to keep them as they are unlikely to be able to survive in the wild." LACS urges N.T. to ban South Shropshire FH permanently 17-4-19 Shropshire Star Group urges Trust to ban Long Mynd hunts The League
Against Cruel Sports has written to the Trust asking for the hunt never to be allowed again on land managed by the conservation
charity. In January, the Hunt had its trail hunting licence suspended after a photographs were taken by Shropshire-based protesters
of foxes escaping from hounds. Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns at the League Against Cruel
Sports, said: “On behalf of the 85 per cent of the population who oppose the brutal blood sport of fox hunting, we call
upon the National Trust to act decisively and ban the South Shropshire Hunt from their land for good. To allow them back on
National Trust land would be a grievous error in judgement and a betrayal of the reasons for which they were suspended.” Hunting with dogs was banned in England and Wales for 14 years, however, trail hunting
is legal and is allowed on some National Trust properties. The Trust said it involves people on foot or horseback following
a scent along a pre-determined route with hounds or beagles and replicates a traditional hunt without a fox being chased,
hunted or killed. But Mr Luffingham said trail hunting does often end with the death of a fox. He is also asking
on other National Trust properties to ban the act on their land. “We would also call on the National Trust to stop issuing
trail hunting licences elsewhere,” he added. “Banning the hunts already suspended will undoubtedly get the backing
of a grateful animal loving British public.” Paul Adcock from the National Trust said a decision has not yet been made regarding next season’s trail hunt
licences. The South Shropshire Hunt did not wish to comment. FC staff prevent Quantock SH pursuing stag on to their land 16-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO Thanks to Forestry England, this young stag got away! Yesterday the Quantock Stag Hounds set
out yet again to hunt and kill a spring stag. We were there with Hounds Off to expose the reality of modern day stag hunting
on the Quantock Hills. Soon after the fleeing stag was filmed running across a road between the cars of supporters keen to
see the hunt. The stag entered Forestry Commission land and the Hunt and support gathered there But the FC deployed staff
to ensure the stag was not pursued on to their land – and as a result it escaped! Want to help? Please
donate here - https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife. Hounds Off - https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below - Left
- Stag fleeing across a field Right - Stag rushes across a road between hunt supporters cars  LACS
officer witnesses D&S SH tormenting stag for six hours Stag ran close by him, its eyes 'bulging
in terror' 15-4-19 LACS website blog Bloodlust - the sheer brutality of stag hunts Author:
Paul Tillsley - Head of Conservation & Education I am quite relieved that, even after many years
of watching hunting, I have not become immune to the sheer brutality of the stag hunts and the bloodlust of their supporters. Thursday was an average sort of day. I was aware that the Devon and
Somerset Staghounds were meeting at a local farm at 11 o’clock and so I was on high alert on the League’s Baronsdown
wildlife sanctuary, just in case the hunt came our way. Sure enough, at about midday hunt supporters’ vehicles started arriving on
the road adjacent to Baronsdown and I knew that some unfortunate stag in the valley opposite would be forced to run for its
life. Vehicles lined the roadside, their occupants desperate to get a glimpse of their tormented quarry. After a while the entourage moved on down the hill, although several hunt supporters stayed up high to get a grandstand
view of the action. The hunt had moved onto the Pixton Estate and, as is often the case, everything went quiet. Hunt supporters
looked eagerly through binoculars at precisely nothing happening and at around 3:30pm horseboxes started arriving and some
of the hunt supporters began drifting away. Then it suddenly became apparent the hunted stag had been found
again and horses, quad bikes and 4x4 vehicles raced off in pursuit. The commotion caused the stag to change direction and
head down the Exe Valley. I saw the terrified animal as it ran alongside the A396 with hunt supporters pointing and shouting
at it.
Hunters looking down on the fleeing stag, 11-4-19 The stag sought temporary refuge in a conifer plantation, but the hounds were brought
up and the stag was made to run again. As it made another dash for freedom the stag ran past me again, just metres away, with
its eyes bulging in total terror. The stag again tried to hide, this time in an area of scrub, but he was seen, and the Huntsman
went in to move him on and continue the chase. There were frantic shouts as the stag ran towards
a disused railway bridge and a hunt gunman leapt up onto the bridge in an attempt to shoot it. Only last year, a hunted stag
had jumped to its death onto the road below from the same bridge. The stag ran on and burst across the A396 down to the River
Exe below. The huntsman was soon on the spot, encouraging the hounds to follow the scent. It was clear that the stag was heading
back to Pixton Estate. Then everything went quiet again. The remaining hunt supporters sat with their vehicles on the roads surrounding
the estate, while the hunt searched again for the stag. Small children with their parents, climbed on the backs of vehicles,
straining to get a view. Every so often a shout would go up to indicate the stag had been spotted and the hounds would start
barking for a few seconds. The sound of hounds ‘speaking’ always sends shivers down my spine. One old supporter
shouted, “Now they’ve got ‘im!” and I despaired that anyone could have so little empathy with a fellow
being. This continued for another hour and only the most diehard hunt supporters remained when
finally, the hunt petered out. It was after 6pm and the hunt had been torturing this stag for over six hours. I don’t
know what happened to the stag in the end, but I do know that it will have been totally traumatised and even if it did survive
it may never recover. Maybe it’s
impossible to become desensitised to such cruelty, which is just as well really, as I never want to forget what the League
is fighting for. Days like this remind me why the League Against Cruel Sports is so vital, and we will not rest until they
only exist in the past where they belong.
ask MoD to ban violent R. Artillery FH from their land15-4-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness Please support this petition to ban the Royal Artillery Hunt from publicly owned MOD land The violence
inflicted on sabs and monitors on Saturday was pre-meditated and organised by violent hunt supporters via social media groups
with no effort by the hunt staff to stop it - in fact the Huntsman actually went online that evening to thank those who came
down and caused all the trouble. Let's put pressure on the organisation that issues the hunting licences to make a stand
and ban this hunt from MOD land. 4-19 change.org Petition - Ban the Royal Artillery Hunt from
MOD land Wildlife Witness started this petition to Defence Infrastructure Organisation Following a violent attack by hunt supporters at the Royal Artillery Hunt's meet on 13 April 2019, we call on
the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) to suspend the licence of this Hunt to use Ministry of Defence land. The R A Hunt have a history of breaching the terms of their licence and
have faced suspensions in the past but the DIO continue to allow this Hunt to carry on. We believe it is time, once and for
all, to put an end to their activities on MOD land. On 13 April 2019, a number of co-ordinated, unprovoked attacks were carried out by masked hunt supporters brought
in to the area via Facebook appeals by known individuals responsible for violence and intimidation in the past. During a series
of incidents throughout the day, anti-hunt monitors and protestors were assaulted, threatened, abused and had their vehicles
damaged. All of this was captured on film to be passed on to the DIO and to Wiltshire Police, who had been made aware in the
week before the attack, that violence was being planned via groups on social media. R A Hunt staff and officials
did nothing to stop the violence and one senior member of the hunt staff posted on social media that evening "Thanks
to the guys who came down, the scum will never stop us". The actions of the Hunt on the day are an embarrassment to the Regiment that bears its name and
to the armed forces as a whole. It is time that action was taken by those who issue the R
A Hunt their licence to use MOD land, to take firm and decisive action to deal with this illegal activity and violence - now
is the time to ban the Royal Artillery Hunt from all MOD land.  19-4-19 Facebook - Wildlife Witness The Royal Artillery Hunt have been busy trying to muster up some good news to gloss over their shocking
behaviour last weekend, when sabs and monitors were attacked, but it won't work. If the thuggery we saw on Saturday had
taken place in a city centre or at a football stadium it would be front page news and those responsible for organising it
would be in court within hours. Let's keep the pressure on the R A Hunt to
make a public apology and to disown and ban those taking part in the lawlessness that took place at the closing meet. We
understand that further video will be released from other groups, this weekend showing other incidents that took place on
the day. These and everything else will be passed on to the office that issues the RA's licence to hunt on MOD land. Make
no mistake, the behaviour of the masked supporters was with the knowledge of the hunt and its officials... Sabs
attacked, cars badly damaged by R. Artillery FH supporters Sab had liquid containing ammonia sprayed in eyes - hospitalised CPSO - the only police present - watched on & did nothing 13-4-19
Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Saturday 13th April - Royal Artillery Hunt at The Old Carter Barracks,
Bulford 3 weeks ago, local Scummer Jason Powell invited boys down to the RA’s closing meet
to cause trouble and to have a “rumble in the jungle” in his own words. Because of this, we were cautious, but
joined by our good friends at Weymouth Animal Rights, alongside Dorset Against Blood Sports and South Coast Hunt Sabs and
West Wilts Hunt Saboteurs, we attended to show that we aren’t scared of them. Leaving after 11am, the Hunt and their mass of support headed north east towards
Ablington Furze. Here they searched for a fox, but didn’t manage to find anything. This would set the theme for the
day, which no doubt riled the hunt support even more. From here, Moffat zigzagged his hounds up to Hound Plantation, he would
spend a vast majority of the day in this area. In an attempt to lose sabs, he decided
to race north up to Bake Barn where the field split, half headed back home and the other half continuing with hounds up to
Rainbow Bottom, where we found hound prints and signs of fox and badger activity. It was at this point when we got a radio
call from WAR and South Coast that support was needed urgently as their sabs and vehicles were being chased cross country. With a convoy of
sabs and support in tow, they headed back south to Hound Plantation and then Sun Plantation. Clearly frustrated with not being
able to hide from the watchful eye of sabs, the huntsman unenthusiastically zig-zagged again back towards Ablington Furze
for yet another fox search. Again, finding nothing.  Some of the hunt thugs surrounding and attacking sab landy Man in peaked cap is Adrian Bull who heads the Grafton
FH goon squad Yet again, he had now changed direction, this time he took hounds south to the Ablington
Penning area where hounds went into cry, a gizmo from our vehicle was deployed. Something which clearly annoyed a pickup full
of scum, driven illegally and in breach of the Hunt’s license by Will Day [above], a Solicitor from Southampton. Sabs raced into the area and were met with an extremely violent reaction. Our vehicle was blocked in on a public byway in
front of a community support officer. Masked-up hunt support surrounded our vehicle, destroyed a wing mirror, ripped off external
parts of the vehicle, and tried to smash in the windows with no reprimand from the lone officer. They then moved off to target
one of WAR’s vehicles which resulted in damage including a slashed tyre, ripped off number plate and smashed front grill.
Hunt support, the majority male, seemed to mainly target our
female sabs today in a disgusting and unprovoked show of abhorrent behaviour, especially given the fact that there were always
male sabs with the females in the group. South Coast
had their Landy rammed various times throughout the day, WAR have had thousands of pounds of damage, and we have had hundreds
of pounds of damage done to our vehicle. Despite this, the police still tried to blame us for causing trouble at the end of
the day and tried to make us go home. After today’s events, a complaint will be made to the Defence Infrastructure Organisation
in regards to the hunt support’s behaviour, and the Huntsman condoning that behaviour. And a complaint will be made
to the IPCC, as we have been in contact with the police all week, and were aware today would be a bloodbath but still only
sent out one PCSO in a van, who was totally out of his depth, so much so we had to wait about half an hour after we had been
attacked for proper police to arrive [below]. Please help us to repair damage to our vehicle
by donating to our PayPal which can be found at PayPal.me/NorthDorsetHuntSabs. 13-4-19 Facebook - EmziDimitri Christoforakis Before the Hunt even met today, Dimitri was told he was
going to be killed, today he was going to die. As the day went on, they got more violent, surrounding the landy and tried
to attack sabs. They were carrying knives and slashed the tyres of the landy. These people are evil, they’re violent
thugs and they must be stopped!!!! It’s time the police did their job before someone gets killed!! More footage to follow. 18-4-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs Update on the sab that had fox scent sprayed in their eyes on Saturday by disgruntled hunt scum whilst
sabbing the Royal Artillery. At the time they suffered pain and discomfort whilst idiots tried to perform a ridiculous citizens
arrest on them after the assault. By Monday they were unable to open their eyes due to the ammonia burns received
and needed urgent treatment. They had 2 irrigations and are on a course of antibiotics. We wish them well and a speedy recovery. See also
reports by Mendip Hunt Watch, South Coast Hunt Sabs, Weymouth Animal Rights, Brighton Hunt Sabs South Coast Sabs video showing support blocking green lane is here Hounds Off founder assaulted by Quantock SH thug on public
access land 14-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO What have they got to hide? Hounds
Off founder Joe Hashman is subjected to rough treatment at the hands of Quantock Stag Hounds supporters who object to our
efforts to expose the cruelty of modern day stag hunting. Want to help us expose the truth? https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife Hounds Off - https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below - Left, Joe H. being assaulted by hunt thug 2/ Sign
just a few yards from the scene  Quantock
SH chase another stag to exhaustion and death 13-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO This is stag hunting on the Quantock hills, Thursday 11th April 2019. It’s
cruelty. Plain and simple. Hounds Off, National Dis-Trust, Cheshire Monitors - thanks to all those concerned. Want to help us expose the truth? https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife Hounds Off - https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Hunted stag desperately trying to shake off pursuing hounds Hunted stag runs on, showing signs of exhaustion Hunted
stag crosses the path of a hunt rider CA & Cheshire PCC criticise
each other over hunting review Chief Constable says Hunting Act needs a 'reckless' clause 12-4-19
Northwich Guardian Countryside Alliance slams Cheshire PCC over £34k
hunting review HUNT supporters have continued their war of words with Cheshire’s
police and crime commissioner (PCC) after learning the county’s fox hunting review cost taxpayers £34,000. The Countryside Alliance, which discovered the figure under the Freedom of Information
Act, insists David Keane has an ‘obsession’ with hunting – having commissioned the independent review last
year despite just 19 of the county’s 80,000 recorded crimes in 2017 being related to Hunts. It follows a public meeting in February
where Mr Keane discussed the review’s 11 recommendations with Chief Constable Darren Martland. Mr Keane, who is a Labour
councillor in Warrington, also suggested at the meeting that Cheshire Police could work with Hunts, landowners and residents
in future to develop event plans in a bid to maintain public safety. Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance,
said: “We now know that the review into the policing of hunting commissioned by Mr Keane cost £34,000, but this
is just one part of the cost of his obsession. His own office, and Cheshire Constabulary, must also have spent thousands of
pounds contributing to the review and arranging subsequent meetings. Indeed the PCC seems to spend much of his time meeting
anti-hunting groups. Worse than that, the PCC has ignored the recommendations of his expensive review and proposed a series
of other restrictive proposals which conform with his prejudices. He seems to be incapable of accepting that Cheshire hunts
are operating perfectly legally as they have been since the Hunting Act came into force. Cheshire residents must be furious
that their PCC is wasting vast sums of taxpayers’ money on political campaigns whilst crime in Cheshire rose by 32 per
cent last year.” It was revealed at
February’s meeting that Cheshire Police received 200 reports of incidents in the 2018-19 hunt season, more than 10 times
the number in 2017-18. The figure for 2018-19 includes 51 alleged criminal offences, but John Dwyer – former Cheshire
PCC and Conservative candidate in 2020’s PCC election – is critical of his successor’s stance. “The
PCC has ignored sound advice to instead plough ahead with his own ideas,” he said. “The advice he received cost
a lot of money to the public purse and ought to be taken heed of. If what is reported is accurate then I think he is in danger
of encroaching on operational policing matters, by getting involved in the detail of policing hunts.” However, Mr Keane’s attempts to bring both sides of the debate together on hunting were praised by Chf Con
Martland. He also agreed with the review’s findings that suggested the Hunting Act 2004 could be revised to require
proof of recklessness, rather than intent to kill, to make prosecutions attempts more successful. And the PCC admits he is ‘disappointed’ the Countryside
Alliance has not bought in with his proposals for cooperation. Mr Keane said: “The issue of Cheshire Constabulary’s
policing of fox hunting was raised to my office by a number of Cheshire residents and elected representatives. In my role
representing the residents of Cheshire in scrutinising the actions of Cheshire Constabulary, it was my duty to explore this
issue further to ensure Cheshire Constabulary is enforcing the law in relation illegal hunting. “It was only
right that this issue was investigated by an independent team that could bring impartiality to the matter. The review was
commissioned following a tendering process to ensure the review provided value for money. The actions discussed at a public
scrutiny meeting into policing of hunting have been formed following the independent review. They are intended to help all
parties act within the law whilst participating in their activity, which will result in a more efficient and effective police
service to deal with all crimes. “I am disappointed that they haven’t been welcomed by the Countryside Alliance.” Meanwhile, Mr Keane has also been supported by anti-hunt campaigners,
who suggest public opinion is largely against hunts. Chris Luffingham,
director of campaigns for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “One of the key conclusions from the review was that
strengthening the Hunting Act to remove its ambiguity would likely lead to more prosecutions, and it is for this reason we
are calling for these changes to be made by parliament. Our polling has consistently shown that opposition to hunting with
dogs remains high, and clearly this is reflected by the people of Cheshire. We believe the PCC was right to conduct an independent
review into how the Hunting Act and to further scrutinise its findings, inviting the public and views from all sides to contribute.” Pevensey Marsh Beagles to close down 11-4-19 Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs Victory! We've received news that the hare killing Pevensey
Marsh Beagles are disbanding! Hunting with hounds is suffering a terminal decline, but we'll continue to sabotage these
organisations until every pack is shut down. Long live the hares of East Sussex! Six
from Meynell FH charged with illegal fox hunting Accused include Huntsman, Whip, terriermen and Joint Masters 10-4-19
Facebook - Hunt Saboteurs Six members of the Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt, including the Huntsman, a Master and terriermen,
have been charged with illegal hunting. 10-4-19 Derbyshire Times Six men charged with hunting offence in Derbyshire
Six men have been charged with offences under the Hunting Act following an incident in Derbyshire in October 2018. The six
men, named below, have all been charged with one count of hunting a wild mammal with dogs under the Hunting Act 2004. William Tatler, 45, of Idridgehay,
Belper, Derbyshire; Sam Staniland, 31, of Sudbury, Derbyshire; John Finnegan, 33, of Pickwell, Leicestershire; Andrew Bull,
50, of Sudbury, Derbyshire; Sammuel Stanley, 25, of Needwood, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire; Peter Southwell, 60, of Great
Haywood, Stafford, Staffordshire. The incident relates to an alleged
offence in Sutton-on-the-Hill, Derbyshire, on October 2, 2018. The six are due to appear at Nottingham Magistrates’
Court on April 30.  Meynell riders briefly ride after fox bolted from wood drawn by hounds 10-4-19 LACS Press Release Hunt accused of illegally targeting fox cubs Six members of the
Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt are appearing at Nottingham Magistrates Court on Tuesday, April 30, accused of hunting
fox cubs. The police investigation was conducted by Derbyshire Police and based on evidence captured by the animal welfare
charity League Against Cruel Sports. The six accused will put in a plea and a case management hearing will be held. Joint masters William Tatler and Peter Southwell, former Huntsman Sam Staniland, Whipper-in John ‘Ollie’
Finnegan, terrierman Andrew Bull and assistant terrierman Sam Stanley, face a charge of hunting a wild mammal with a dog contrary
to Section 1 of the Hunting Act 2004. The alleged offence is said to have been committed on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 in
local woodland near Sutton on the Hill in Derbyshire. Before the
Hunting Act was introduced, Hunts would train their hounds to kill adult foxes by first training them to hunt and kill young
fox cubs living in patches of woodland. When the Hunting Act was introduced that practice was made illegal. Martin Sims, Director of Investigations at the League Against Cruel
Sports, said: “We welcome the fact that Derbyshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service have brought these charges
against the Hunt. Our polling indicates that the vast majority of the public oppose hunting with packs of hounds, and if proven,
these allegations that the Hunt are targeting fox cubs would horrify them.” The case comes 14 years after hunting with dogs was banned in England and Wales
with the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004, which came into force in February 2005. 10-4-19
Derbyshire Constabulary Six men have been charged with offences under the Hunting Act following
an incident in October 2018. The six men, named below, have all been charged with one count of hunting
a wild mammal with dogs under the Hunting Act 2004. William Tatler, 45, of Idridgehay, Belper, Derbyshire. - Sam Staniland,
31, of Sudbury, Derbyshire. - John Finnegan, 33, of Pickwell, Leicestershire. - Andrew Bull, 50, of Sudbury, Derbyshire. -
Sammuel Stanley, 25, of Needwood, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire. - Peter Southwell, 60, of Great Haywood, Stafford, Staffordshire. The incident
relates to an alleged offence in Sutton on the Hill, Derbyshire, on October 2, 2018. The six are due to appear at Nottinghamshire
Magistrates’ Court on April 30. Garden Centre withdraws sponsorship of Cottesmore FH Pony Club event 9-4-19 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs The Cottesmore Hunt Pony Club Gates Garden Centre Eventer Trial 2019 - Sponsored by Gates Garden Centre
FB: https://www.facebook.com/GatesGardenCentre/ Email: info@gatesgardencentre.co.uk. Pony Clubs are an essential part of fox hunting, not only providing financial
support, but also making future generations to believe that chasing and killing wildlife for sport is acceptable. Hunts
hold special pony club meets, often in school holidays, where pony club members are welcomed along and encouraged to become
part of the Hunt. It’s time they unsponsored historical
events. Boycott gates garden centre and tell them you are doing so. 9-4-19 Facebook - Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs Gates Garden Centre - Thank you for making the right decision for the wildlife. Thank you to everyone who’s
left a comment shared the post and taken time out to do so. Note - The Cottesmore hunt are wildlife criminals. Their historical
pastime isn’t liked by the majority of people.
captures moment hunted stag shot dead by Quantock SHAfter 2 hour hunt, riders needed only to walk horses to keep up with stag 8-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime Smoke from the gunshot that killed a beautiful and healthy stag yesterday. Full film to follow. Want to help keep us out in the field by donating here or please share – https://www.paypal.me/somersetwildlife. Hounds Off funds – https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below - Collage of pics from the hunt The
story of the kill -  After a 2 hour chase, the stag is reduced to barely more than a walk  The pursuing rider need only walk his horse to keep up with the tired stag  Left
- Stag makes one last desperate run Right - Spent,
stag collapses to the ground  Left
- Rider on left dismounts to shoot stag Right - Dead stag loaded on to quad bike Welsh huntsman convicted over gruesome, insanitary conditions at kennels 8-4-19 Western Telegraph Rotting carcases, maggots and flies at Carmarthen hunt kennels
A Carmarthen huntsman has admitted a range of animal by-product offences including allowing chickens to roam on bloodstained
floors, keeping overflowing bins of dead animals and bones, and leaving calf carcasses on the floor in the processing area
of a centre he was operating from. William Pinkney [right], who
is also a knackerman, pleaded guilty to 16 offences at Llanelli Magistrates Court and was handed a 12-month community order
and must pay over £2,195 in costs in a prosecution led by Carmarthenshire Council. The
court heard that the 42-year-old who operates a collection centre for fallen stock at the Carmarthenshire Hunt Club Kennel
premises on Llysonnen Road – where he also lives – is authorised to collect and receive fallen stock of farmed
animals. He is also authorised to feed certain parts of the animals to the hounds living on the premises. He admitted to magistrates
keeping calf ears and heads in unlabelled bins, and not removing specified risk material (SRM) from a pile of calf carcasses
– all SRMs must be removed and stained or marked with patent blue V and not mixed with other animal by products (ABP). He
also admitted feeding hounds with contaminated material SRM, allowing chickens to feed off partly burnt carcasses and letting
horses have access to manure heap containing animal bones. He pleaded guilty
to not keeping up to date feeding records for the hounds, failing to keep current records of collected or delivered animal
carcasses, operating the collection centre and feeding animal by products to the hounds after being served a prohibition notice,
not labelling blue wheelie bins containing unstained bones correctly and keeping ABP bins outside overflowing and full of
rotting carcases [below] surrounded by a large number of maggots and flies. Also,
bins were not closed properly leaving bones scattered around the floor area allowing wild birds and animals access to them. In mitigation Pinkney’s solicitor said that his client had reduced the number
of fallen stock he deals with at the premises, and that he has spent money to make sure the premises is compliant. His solicitor
claimed that when Pinkney took over the business he had inherited the issues on the site and that he was sorry he hadn’t
been able to resolve them sooner. Pinkney was
also told to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and pay £85 victim surcharge. The
council’s executive board member for public protection, Cllr Philip Hughes said: “This has proved very costly
for Mr Pinkney who was aware it was his responsibility to ensure all guidelines were followed. "Controls on animal by-products
are there for a very good reason and protects against any potential risks to both human and animal health. I’d like
to thank our animal health officers who were faced with some gruesome scenes during their investigation.” POWAperson adds - POWA has been told that Simon Hart, former CEO of the
Countryside Alliance and who presided over the Hunting Declaration, allegedly signed by over 50,000 hunters and followers
pledging to disregard any law banning hunting live quarry, and
who was elected MP for Pembrokeshire FH and Carmarthen West in 2010, still sometimes rides out with the Carmarthenshire FH
as well as the South Pembrokeshire FH. He is also on a £30k annual retainer from the Countryside Alliance in addition
to his £75k salary as an MP. Lord Middleton's son works with prosecutor who dropped sab assaults case 7-4-19 Facebook -Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs Many of our followers will remember the case of the four Middleton riders who were cleared of assaulting
sabs after the CPS prosecutor decided to offer no evidence, despite over twenty minutes of footage showing the attack - Daily
Mail article here. You will also remember that on 27th March a young sab was assaulted
at the Middleton Hunt. All the sab was trying to do was hand the body of a hare over to police as evidence of a crime committed
by the Middleton Hunt. James Willoughby, Lord Middleton's son, decided to snatch the
hare in front of the cops (perverting the course of justice) (behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace). As sabs tried to retrieve the hare's body Richard Hoggard, head gamekeeper on
the Birdsall Estate decided to run to his Master's side and steal a sab's horn. When the sab grabbed his horn back
the bell end assaulted the sab. Daily Mail article here. HERE IS AN IMPORTANT THING TO BEAR IN MIND. Lord Middleton's son works for the same law firm
as the CPS prosecutor Laurie Scott who collapsed the trial against the Middleton Hunt riders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So too does Edward
Ledgard, who's family own Scampston Hall, a regular and prestigious meet of the Middleton Hunt!!!!!!!!!!! Please let Dere Street Barristers know what you think about their conflicts of interest. Stevenstone FH hunt on after fox even after warned by sabs Supporter allegedly tried to run down a lone female sab 7-4-19 Facebook - North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs 06/04/19 , Stevenstone Hunt – Merton After their
show of disregard for the law by killing a fox last Saturday, NDHS, along with Weymouth Animal Rights and Kernow Sabs, saw
it only fair to team up and travel to Devon as a show of solidarity for Devon County Hunt Saboteurs for what they had to witness
last week. From the meet, the Hunt set off north east up to Hillies Wood. But of course, in true hunt style, they travelled
there via a busy road, using both lanes as they did so. Not finding anything, they moved on. Exiting north of
the wood onto the road, the Hunt were surprised to find us and Kernow waiting for them. It seems they weren't expecting
us and they quickly doubled back into the wood. They then spent a little while going in circles probably trying to work out
a new plan for the day, while still putting on a show for their support. Sabs say this supporter tried to run down a lone female sab Having not picked up a scent in this wood, the Hunt headed south into
the area of Merton Mill and picked up a fox. After a little while we heard hounds in cry back in Hillies Wood and sabs ran
in. Quick thinking by our driver meant that we could arrive just as a fox crossed our path, Sabs laying low to let her pass.
Hearing hounds and the Huntsman clearly encouraging them on, we jumped back up and saw hounds directly onto where the fox
had been. Sabs sprayed the area and rated hounds off with voice calls. The Huntsman gathered the hounds back up and headed north in search
of land to hide with limited access to sabs. They chose Huntingham Wood. Our landy got as close as possible but hunt support
decided it'd be a great idea to block us in so sabs went in on foot instead. From the Landy, our Sabs saw a fox run along
the eastern edge of this wood. With the foot team also sighting the fox, they allowed him to cross the track east of Great
Potheridge, spraying his line. With support also seeing this fox, they encouraged hounds on but sabs were quick to spray the scent and rate the
hounds. The Huntsman soon came along and blatantly continued to hunt hounds on calling 'hunt him' even when he'd
been told very clearly that a fox had been seen and that he needed to call hounds off to avoid breaking the law. Instead they
headed straight in the direction that the fox had gone into Gowman's Cleave Wood. Supporters standing on roof of cars to try to see hunt Support got aggressive at this point and a 4x4 was driven at
a lone female sab. We returned to the vehicle and, due to the increasing aggression and being blocked in, police were called,
and rather surprisingly, turned up on blue lights rather quickly. Not wanting us to remain in an area where a fox was seen hunted,
they finally let us leave and, with other foot groups getting into position, we headed north of the area in anticipation that
they head that way. Luckily they lost the scent and the Hunt moved on. Trying to get back
onto the line, they were taken back to Gowman's Cleave Woods and then east of Pinkhill Farm. Another fox was spotted running
for its life away from the area of Poundcleave Wood and, thankfully, hounds didn't follow. The Hunt then moved back to Gowman's Cleave Woods were hounds went into cry and sabs once again
were there to call them off, this time with all of our assets; voice calls, gizmos and horns. They raced off westerly with
some sabs managing to stick with the fast moving hounds. Other sabs remained in the area and were pushed and shoved in true
knuckle dragger fashion. Once again, this was another meet that we would
not have been able to go to without attending in another group's 4x4, huge thanks to WAR for accommodating us. This season
our sabs have been out every single week for 8 months straight and we desperately need a suitable vehicle of our own so that
we can be even more effective in saving lives in the future. Without Sabs there today, at least 3 foxes would’ve been killed. We don’t
believe there was any kills, but the huntsman did disappear from the sight of sabs for roughly 45 minutes. During this time,
the pack was split and most of the time was spent gathering the hounds. But we can’t be sure. If you can help financially, please consider
sharing and donating towards our vehicle fund which can be found at the top of the page or at: www.gogetfunding.com/north-dorset-hunt-sabs-vehicle-fund/. We also have a PayPal link, which again, can be found at the top of the page. As always, a huge heartfelt thank you for
all your continued support. Pics below - Left, the Goonsmobile Right,
this redcoat claimed he wasn't following the hunt!  Waveney
Harriers chase fox across road at closing meet 5-4-19 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO The second of our two belated hit reports from the end of the season
Waveney Harriers – 9 March 2019, Ellingham Hall, Ellingham, Norfolk With
the Easton Harriers finished for the season, it was time to visit the Waveney Harriers again, for what we hoped would be their
last meet too. We were joined by friends from Croydon Hunt Saboteurs. With the motions of a trail being laid [above] and
a bird of prey present (which as per usual spent most of the time in the box on the back of the quad bike), we watched with
interest to see how the hounds were going to know which style of hunting they were supposed to be doing this particular week.
Sadly, it became evident very quickly, which style of hunting was being carried out. Fox fleeing hounds With
the focus pretty much just on two woods (Hales Hall Wood and Eight Acre Plantation) and with too many animals to count dashing
out of the woods (see photos), it was only a matter of time before the hounds made chase. Just before 2.00 pm we watched riders
sitting on point for several minutes on the edge of Eight Acre Plantation. With no bird of prey present and the hounds in
full cry deep in the wood, it was evident to us that illegal hunting was taking place. Hounds close behind the fox At 2.10 pm a fox made a desperate dash from Eight
Acre Plantation, ran the line of the edge of the wood, crossed the road in front of us and ran through the farm yard of Hall
Farm. The hounds were just seconds behind the fox. The hounds were slowed a little by the fact that they took longer to get
through the hedgerow than the fox did. We are hopeful that the fox escaped, but we cannot be sure. Hounds try to chase the 'trail' through a thick hedge Clearly rattled by the fact that we had been in the right place, at the right time, and had witnessed the chase,
the usual hunt riders’ mobile phones started appearing. At 2.45 pm the Hunt was on the way back to meet. Just as we
were about to leave to go home however we noticed a rather large Police presence We just hope the taxpayers of Norfolk are
impressed. Check out the video to see how many officers turned up.* With
the season now at an end, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful supporters for everything they
have done to help us throughout the 2018/2019 season. We cannot do what we do to help the wildlife without the support that
we receive. We want you to know that every single penny you donate and every single bit of information you provide us with,
is invaluable to us. The wildlife say a big “THANK YOU” and so do we. https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs. * I counted 7 cars, POWAperson Monitors think pair bagged foxes released at 4 Burrow/Beaufort FHs meet 5-4-19 Facebook - Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team VIDEO Hit Report – Tues 19th March 2019
– Caerhays Castle – Four Burrow Hunt with guests the Beaufort Hunt We discovered
that the Beaufort Hunt were heading to Cornwall for the week and joining Four Burrow Hunt on the Tuesday and East Cornwall
Hunt on the Thursday. We couldn’t get a full team out until Thursday (hit report to follow) so not wanting to let them
go unchecked three of our determined sabs went incognito to monitor their activity. The team arrived at Tregavarras to the East
of the castle and headed out onto the footpath when the hunt were spotted leaving the castle estate and heading towards Forty
Acre Wood, much earlier than anticipated. All of a sudden the hounds started talking and we caught sight of two foxes and
just a few hounds in the field across the valley. The foxes looked disorientated and hounds weren't piling in as we would
have had expected them to. To our astonishment and relief the foxes got away and a few of the hounds fussed around and left
with the rest of the pack following a line up towards Trevornick Farm and out of view, the whole time being encouraged by
the hunt staff which can be heard on the video. Its difficult to see but the little black dots shown by the arrow were the
foxes. The situation seemed a bit off somehow so we have suspicions that they may have been bagged foxes, released on purpose
to give the visiting Hunt a good show. No way of knowing for sure sadly. They then proceeded to draw the valley near Brownberry Wood and Tubbs Mill, watched
from a distance by the team from the church and Old Park Wood area. The hunt continued through the Great and Little Polgrain
area but we couldn’t keep up and lost any decent views so eventually had to call it a day. We didn't hear the hounds
going to cry again but we were some distance away so can’t be certain. Caerhays Castle, a regular meet for Four Burrow hunt, is owned by the Williams family who also
own Burncoose nurseries and Scorrier Estate, who’s land houses the Four Burrow kennels. Caerhays also proudly runs shooting
events, with much of the area given over to pheasants, bred to be shot by pathetic men with big guns and small... so foxes
along with other wildlife are not welcome visitors. There are also historical family ties to Werrington Park near Launceston,
a hunt venue for the Lamerton. We found it ironic and disturbing that Caerhays was used as a venue for Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s
“Wildlife Celebration” last May given the clear hatred of wildlife that they hold. Sab
film refutes claim that they endangered a hunter's horse R. Artillery FH rider blocked lane then backed horse
to stopped landy 5-4-19 Facebook - South Coast Hunt Sabs VIDEO The 'fake news' Facebook page 'Hunting for truth' posted an edited
video here. They clam we had put this rider and horse in danger by driving at speed at her. Our full video shows it was the rider who
put the horse in danger and only our calm reaction made sure nothing happened. She blocks out path on purpose then attempts
to back the horse into the stationary Land Rover while videoing. Her posted video only shows when the horse is close, not
the preceding events. Rider walking horse into path of sab landy Those who want to kill animals will not shrink from lying about their actions, they care nothing for wildlife or
their horses. Help keep us in the killing fields by making a donation:- PayPal.me/SouthCoastHuntSabs. Any info on Hunts call the tip-off hotline: 07443148426. Quantock SH kill another young stag for 'sport' 5-4-19 Facebook - Somerset Wildlife Crime VIDEO One of these stags never saw the light of another day - Stag Hunting with
the Quantock Stag Hounds, 1st April 2019 The National Trust holds the key to protecting our deer
by enforcing their own ban! The time to deliver on your promise is now! If you support what we do and would like to help with costs, please and thank you! http://ko-fi.com/somersetwildlifecrime - Also https://ko-fi.com/A0A258OD. Pics below - Left, two spring stags put up by the Hunt run away from
the pair of hounds. The Hunt had previously crossed N. Trust land Right, Shortly afterwards, riders
and hounds, on the line of the stags, pursue them  POWAperson
adds - All hunting for 'sport' is cruel, almost by design. But I have long found deer hunting with
hounds the most disgusting of all. The process is just so prolonged and relentless. With a full pack, which the Quantock SH
still sometimes use, pretending to be 'trail hunting', this can last for over seven hours. I was present as a monitor
at two such extended hunts in the 1990s. The average hunt length is around 3 hours. 3 hours of ever more lung-busting, increasingly
terror filled over exertion with the baying hounds, the riders and their ghoulish support on quads and motor cycles, all intent
on the spectacle of the deer's death. The Quantock SH here were using just two hounds, as the Devon & Somerset Stag
Hounds have been doing for years. This, thanks to the slack wording of Schedule 1.9 of the Hunting Act 2004, is LEGAL. This is the
'Research and Observation' Exemption which allows hunting of any mammal with 2 hounds so long as they are not
allowed to injure the quarry. Deer hounds are trained not to do that anyway, but rather to bring the deer to 'bay'
when it can run no longer, so that they can be approached by a hunter and shot dead.. The DSSH pretend they are conducting
some sort of never ending research project, the results of which are never published, but they need not bother because the
clause, absurdly, allows hunts in this form purely so they can 'observe' them. Any normal person would I think,
have the same reaction to observing such a hunt as I did. That to see a beautiful, vibrant, healthy animal turned
into a stumbling wreck by hours of pursuit, then surrounded by howling dogs and shot in the head is
pitiful, ghastly and distressing - and that those who happily inflict such a fate on the deer must be psychopaths. Cotswold FH filmed trespassing
on private railway 5-4-19 Facebook - Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO Cotswold Hunt feel free to hunt on the Gloucestershire
Warwickshire Steam Railway... POWAperson adds - this was on 25-3-19. CIWH have reported the trespass to the railway company. Huntsman and hounds leave railway - but 2 followers still there
WO course at Leics police doesn't seem to cover organised illegal hunting4-4-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs #OperationBlackthorn Last week Leicestershire Police hosted
the national wildlife crime officers course and as a result have trained up some new wildlife crime officers. Leicestershire
Police do not have a good record when it comes to wildlife crime officers. Two Leicestershire Police wildlife officers have
been outed as having links to their local fox hunts. Three years PC Sharon Roscoe had to step down as a wildlife officer after
it was revealed she rides with the Belvoir Hunt. Last year it was revealed wildlife officer PC Rob Cross not only has personal
links to both the Atherstone Hunt and the Fernie Hunt but also retweeted an article in favour of repealing the Hunting Act. During the course they learnt about lamping and hare coursing but no mention of hare hunting with beagles or fox
hunting with hounds. This season Leicestershire Police didn’t bother to attend many meets of the Atherstone Hunt and
when they did they refused to even get out of their cars to gather any evidence of illegal hunting. (https://youtu.be/q7GgXL5dykc). Once we challenged them on this we never saw them again for the rest of the season. Leics police recruitment posters feature pro-hunt Wildlife Officer 3-4-19 Facebook - Atherstone Hunt Watch Leicestershire Police are recruiting and are encouraging people from all walks of life to apply from
gamekeepers to young farmers. The post includes a picture of young farmer / wildlife officer PC Rob Cross who not only has
personal connections to both the Atherstone Hunt and the Fernie Hunt but has in the past retweeted a post about repealing
the Hunting Act. Don’t worry about your personal bias or potential conflicts of interest there’s
a job waiting for you at Leicestershire Police. Support fox hunting? Why not become a wildlife officer? https://www.facebook.com/leicspolice/.  Vale
of White Horse FH trespass on Nat.Trust land 2-4-19 Facebook - National Dis-Trust is with Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch VIDEO On 9th March, the Vale of White Horse Hunt
were filmed trespassing on the National Trust's Sherborne Estate by Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch. Trust staff then confirmed
this had happened in an email dated 15th March. Interestingly, the Vale of White Horse are licensed to use a separate Trust
property - the Buscot and Coleshill Estates NT. The staff at Buscot & Coleshill Estate have chosen to completely ignore us after the Old Berkshire
Hunt killed a fox on their land on 17th November 2018 (also filmed by Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch - tinyurl.com/y7yvkmsk)
but it might be worth asking them if they will continue to licence the Vale of White Horse next season since they are trespassing
on land that their colleagues manage. You can [politely] contact them on buscotandcoleshill@nationaltrust.org.uk or 01793762209. The licence details for the Vale of White Horse Hunt to use the Buscot
& Coleshill Estate can be seen here: tinyurl.com/y34vp8jn. Many thanks to Cirencester
Illegal Hunt Watch on keeping us updated. Please support them here: paypal.me/cihwatch. Sabs
upload video of Stevenstone FH fox kill 2-4-19 Facebook - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Warning - Distressing footage On Saturday the Stevenstone
Foxhounds killed a fox on the edge of Torrington. This video shows the lead-up and the kill, so viewer discretion is advised.
We are always in two minds about publishing such distressing footage, but think it's important that people can see what
foxhunting really looks like. These are the images the Hunts don't want you to see. Hunt in full flow - sab drone footage In the footage you
can see Stevenstone Huntsman Andrew Head encourage his hounds into a large patch of dense brambles, a natural place for foxes
to lie up during the day and definitely not somewhere anyone could have laid an artificial trail. He uses 'tongue-rolling'
to try and disturb a fox. One of the hounds finds a fox and before sabs are able to get to him the rest of the pack have piled
in and killed the fox. The fox was disembowelled, bits of his face were ripped off and in the footage you can see hounds running
around with bits of fur and flesh hanging out of their mouths. One of the sabs - a visiting Brighton sab - was bitten by hounds on her hands and wrists as she wrenched the still-twitching
body of this beautiful young fox away from them. The Huntsman who was stood just metres away made no attempts to call hounds
off at any point during the kill. The hunt acted as if nothing had happened and carried on hunting.
Sabs try to wrench the fox [on left] from hounds Make no mistake:
this is not an 'accident'. This is what happens most days of the week during the hunting season under the guise of
'trail-hunting'. The kill has been reported to police, but we are not hopeful anything will be done about it. Time
and again, people say to us "I thought foxhunting was banned". It was, but none of the Hunts we've ever sabbed
obey the law.  Pics above - Left, Sabs have wrestled fox from hounds
Right, Sab cradles dead fox We do our best to
save lives. Kills are very distressing for sabs to witness, but these scenes are why sabs are needed and why we will never
stop. We are nearing
the end of the hunting season but preparations are already underway for next season and our activities over the summer. We
need to replace some of our equipment, particularly maps, SD cards, cameras with smashed screens, drone batteries etc., and
our vehicles need some TLC. We have recently brought our Land Rover 'Alice' back on the road, following very expensive
repairs. If you can spare any change to help us cover these costs, you can donate via https://www.paypal.me/dchs. To find out more about how you can get involved in what we do, or to send us confidential information,
contact us on 07717473305, via Facebook or mailto:devoncountysabs@riseup.net . 3-4-19 Daily Mail Hunt saboteurs wade into pack of baying hounds and try to
stop them killing a fox but can only retrieve its mauled body - Devon County Hunt Saboteurs film hunt - One saboteur is bitten as she retrieves the dead fox from some 20 howling dogs - They claim the nearby huntsman
made no attempts to call off his hounds This is moment a group of hunt saboteurs wade in to a huge
pack of dogs to rescue the mauled body of a fox. When the unrelenting hounds continue to bite the animal despite the screams
and shouts of the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs, one woman pushes into the circle and retrieves the dead fox. She is bitten
on her hands and wrists as she wrenches the 'still-twitching' body from some 20 baying dogs. The hunt saboteurs said they recorded the dramatic footage
at a farm outside Torrington, Devon, on Saturday afternoon, involving Stevenstone Hunt hounds. They posted: 'The fox was
disemboweled, bits of his face were ripped off and in the footage you can see hounds running around with bits of fur and flesh
hanging out of their mouths. 'The huntsman who was stood just metres away made no attempts to call hounds off at any point.' Stevenstone FH pack savaging the fox The video begins with the
saboteurs standing in a wooded area next to a few of the hounds. A sudden barking is then heard from the next field and the
dogs next to the saboteurs sprint through the bushes towards it. The woman wearing the head-cam runs to the gate and jumps
a wire fence into the field where the howling dogs are now huddled in a tightly-packed circle. One of the saboteurs repeatedly
roars at the pack to 'leave it!' while the barking dogs attack the fox. When a saboteur finally manages to pluck the motionless animal from the group and cradles it in her arms, the dogs
continue to bark and one jumps up to try and snatch it back. The team then yell at the foxhounds to 'get out' and
then they begin to shout at the nearby rider to 'call them off', which he eventually does. After the dogs retreat,
the saboteurs are visibly shocked at what they have just witnessed, and one of them says 'we did everything we could'. Hounds after the mangled fox has been taken from them A spokesperson on behalf of the Stevenstone Hunt said: 'The Stevenstone
Hunt operates within the law to comply with the Hunting Act 2004. 'The Hunt are aware of an incident occurring on Saturday
30th March which we believe was solely due to the presence of anti-hunting protestors who were interfering with the hounds.
If there is any evidence to suggest illegal hunting has taken place then it should be reported and investigated through the
correct channels. Hunts are in regular contact with the police on hunting days and are happy to help with any investigation.' 3-4-19 Deadline News Hunt saboteurs risk life and limb wading into pack of baying hounds to retrieve
body of fox SHOCKING video shows hunt saboteurs risk life and limb by wading
in to a huge pack of excited dogs to rescue the mauled body of a fox. One of the saboteurs is bitten on the hand as she battles
to retrieve the mangled corpse from a densely-packed circle of around 20 baying hounds. The incident happened at a farm outside
Torrington, Devon, on Saturday afternoon and was posted by Devon County Hunt Saboteurs. They
posted: “One of the sabs – a visiting Brighton sab – was bitten by hounds on her hands and wrists as she
wrenched the still-twitching body of this beautiful young fox away from them. The fox was disembowelled, bits of his face
were ripped off and in the footage you can see hounds running around with bits of fur and flesh hanging out of their mouths.
The Huntsman who was stood just metres away made no attempts to call hounds off at any point.” The video shows the hunt saboteurs racing towards the howling pack of hounds. The
saboteurs can be heard shouting “leave it!” repeatedly as some 20 barking dogs all begin to tug on the dead animal.
Another saboteur can be heard shouting “get out! Call them off!” as they scream at the hunter watching metres
away. Tracy Bravey responded online: “Sorry I cant watch… I know what happens. I’m so upset and f******
angry at these vile a*******s. Heartbreaking for sabs to witness.” Maureen Jennifer Ryan added: “Oh my god this
is absolutely sickening all those dogs on one fox this has to stop.” Julia Lewry wrote: “They really are the cess
pit of the gene pool!” Alison Graham Lindsay said: “So sad, poor fox it’s heartbreaking. As an animal lover
and dog owner it saddens me to see dogs trained to kill and never knowing kindness and love. The whole thing is cruel and
barbaric.” Penny Hall added: “Sickening, I could not watch it all. How brave of the sabs to get right in amongst
the hounds to rescue the fox. I just wish the outcome had been different.” Terri Brooks wrote: “I feel so bad
for those hounds. They visually seem confused. They thought they’d done a good job and they are being shouted at (rightly
so). Poor animals.” Also reported in the Daily Mail Man says saw Surrey Union FH hunting fox on/near Wildlife Trust land 2-4-19 Surrey Live Allegation of illegal hunting on SWT land near Ockley under investigation The fresh accusation follows a previous claim of illegal hunting by the group at
the end of last year Police are looking into another allegation of illegal hunting after a member of the public said he saw
Surrey Union Hunt operating near Ockley. The hunt group has
been accused of killing a fox near Peaslake and Ewhurst on December 1, 2018, after Guildford Hunt Saboteurs shared disturbing
images of a dead fox last year. At the time, Surrey Union Hunt said the group operated within the confines of the Hunting
Act 2004. Now a man, who wishes to remain anonymous,
claims he saw the group hunting illegally at or near Surrey Wildlife Trust's (SWT) Candy's Copse woodland on Wednesday,
March 13, at about 3pm. Surrey Police confirmed: "We are aware that
an allegation of illegal hunting has been made and are looking into the matter, however we are yet to determine if there has
been any offence. If there is evidence of illegal hunting Surrey Police will conduct an impartial and rigorous investigation
to ascertain the full facts." Portman FH rider who kicked horse in belly owns the Daily Mail He is the 4th Viscount of Rothermere - and is a billionaire RSPCA say
kicking horse OK as they kick each other often 2-4-19 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO Portman Hunt Rider The 4th Viscount Of Rothermere Jonathan Harold
Esmonde Vere Harmsworth shows us exactly how to control a horse
We have been waiting to release the name of the Portman rider in the footage teaching us how to control a horse because we
were expecting the RSPCA and police to be following up with an investigation and charges. However both Dorset police and the
RSPCA have stated that there will be no charges due to the fact that this man's actions are acceptable. Dorset Police
were advised of this by the RSPCA and a local vet. Which
of course leaves us free to release his name as he has done absolutely nothing wrong. So, if you are a horse rider and looking for ways to control your
animal please feel free to give it a sharp kick to the underbelly. The RSPCA stated that this treatment is absolutely fine
as horses kick each other all the time so please, please, please... just kick away. By the same thinking if your dog is misbehaving
please feel free to bite its face as this is something they do to each other all of the time. Just in case you
were wondering who this chap is... he is the owner of the Daily Mail and worth just over a billion pounds. The paper was started
by his great grandfather Harold Sidney Harmsworth, the 1st Viscount of Rothermere. During the 1930's he was known to be
a supporter of Nazi Gerrnany. He cultivated contacts to promote British support for Germany. In 2013 Private Eye reported that Viscount Rothermere falsely claims non-dom status in order to
avoid paying tax on his stately home. A move that would save him several millions of pounds in tax annually. He owns his media
business through a complex structure of offshore holdings and trusts. He was a supporter
of David Cameron and in January 2017 the BBC's Newsnight reported that the former Prime Minister had approached Lord Rothermere
to sack Euro sceptic Paul Dacre the editor of the Daily Mail. RotHermere refused to confirm or deny this but a spokesman for
David Cameron confirmed that he had tried to convince both men over the vote. The reason that Dabs and the other animal rights groups need everyone's continued support is
that when it comes to fox hunting we are up against both people of power and thugs from the bottom of the pond. We are dealing
with people that can throw away more money than we will ever see and scum that have nothing to lose as they are supported
by people like Lord Rothermere. It would be ironic if this man owned the Portman hunt kennels would it not. We will be posting a few videos from the season shortly that not only show a complete lack of regard for the law but also a complete and utter hatred for people that disagree
with their blood lust. We will also be posting a video of the Portman hunt riders openly discussing the foxes they were chasing,
just in case you were in any doubt about what they have been up to this year. Portman FH terrierman kicks sab, rider steals hat 2-4-19 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports VIDEO Portman rider steals Sabs hat and terrierman puts in the boot Frustrated
that Sabs had once more turned up in the right place to foil their fox hunting a Portman Hunt rider (Whipper-in we believe)
rides at a sab and steals their hat. In the following moments, a terrierman kicks out at the sab and then the rider can be
seen taunting the sab with the hat. Rider [the Whipper-in?] trying to steal sab's hat Hunt support were out
in full force as it was the final Saturday of the season and the support included convicted poachers and well known thugs. Rider waves the stolen sab's hat in triumph. Little things... Stealing hats from sabs has been a common theme this season, but if hitting them won't stop
them, riding your horses through them wont stop them, intimidating them at their homes won't stop them, posting their
addresses on social media won't stop them, why do the Portman Hunt believe that stealing their hats will prevent the sabs
from saving wildlife from a horrific death at the teeth of the hounds ? If the Portman were not breaking the law none of this behaviour would be necessary. Can you see
where we are going with this ? Atherstone FH supporter exposed as violent misogynist 1-4-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Violent misogynist - Atherstone Hunt supporter
It is clear from both his words and his actions that this Atherstone Hunt supporter is a violent misogynist. The footage shows
him attacking a female saboteur by pulling her to the ground from behind. We have filmed the type of sexist language that
he regularly uses towards the women in our group and we have filmed him trying to intimidate lone female saboteurs. Abhorrent,
bigoted and extremist views can always be found at any fox hunt and members of our group have been subjected to racism, homophobia
and most frequently sexism and misogyny. What makes the sexism and misogyny of this particular Atherstone Hunt supporter dangerous
is that he is clearly willing to act upon his bigoted views.
2019….. 31st March - S. Durham FH chase 2 foxes at final meet; sabs pull off one, other escapes ….. 30th March
- Stevenstone FH kill fox in front of sabs ….. 30th March - Sabs swamp Royal Artillery FH & seriously spoil their fun ….. 28th March - Cop
prevents sabs going after in cry Easton Harriers hounds ..... 28th March - Walker sees RAU Beagles hunting
hare on royal-owned land ….. 28th March - Supporter breaks sab
nose in argument as Middleton FH kill hare ….. 28th March
- Notts County Council bans all hunting with
dogs on its land ….. 27th March
- VWH/Cotswold FHs pack up after sabs pull
hounds off 2 foxes ….. 27th March
- Sabs say Leics police are hiding behind
FoI exemptions ….. 26th March
- Most Hunts break several laws in staging Boxing
Day meets ….. 26th March
- Sabs pull hounds from earth as Eggesford FH Huntsman won't call them away ….. 26th March - Stag chased and killed before 2pm by Quantock SH ….. 26th March
- Sabs make sure Portman FH Huntsman's
last day is kill-free ….. 25th March - Role of AE's in convicted Thurlow FH fox hunting revealed ….. 25th March
- Cotswold FH chase foxes, sabs stop hounds
pursuing one ….. 24th March - Illegal quads and blocked sett at Mendip Farmers FH closing meet ….. 24th March
- Sab kicked in leg by Portman FH 'goon',
antis' hats stolen ….. 24th March - Sabs 'arrested for criminal damage to grass' released without
charge ….. 24th March - Sabs ensure no kills at last ever Modbury Harriers meet ….. 23rd March
- N. Bucks Beagles found chasing deer in
gardens & packed up ….. 23rd March - Very good turnout for March Against Hunting
in Exeter ….. 23rd March
- Sandhurst Beagles support abuses, threatens, tries to steal from sabs ….. 23rd March
- Fox tail left on monitor's car at Portman
FH ….. 23rd March - Four sabs arrested for entering field at Kimblewick FH ….. 22nd March
- Still warm fox body found soon after Hunt
seen in the locale ….. 22nd March - Mass sab puts damper on Middleton FH's final meet ….. 21st March
- BoJo takes £16k bung from Jedforest
JM with blots on copybook ….. 21st March - Cotswold FH found hunting fox - hounds stranded behind electric fences ….. 21st March
- Concern for fate of Woodland Pytchley FH hounds ….. 20th March - Four Burrow FH lose hounds, some run into private garden ….. 20th March
- Sab helps Albrighton FH hounds thru barbie to stop them injuring selves ….. 20th March
- Police close investigation into hounds
hit by Llangollen Santa train ….. 20th March - Chester MP to lead Parliament debate on strengthening Hunting Act ….. 19th March
- Train had to emergency stop to avoid hound
pack on line ….. 19th March - Eggesford FH hunt 2 foxes to ground, chase several, thought
killed one ….. 19th March - Cotswold V FH force fox from tyre pile, attacks sabs, steal cameras ….. 18th March
- Name of Grove & Rufford FH who rammed
sab cars now known ….. 18th March - National Trust cancels Portman FH 'trail hunting' licence ….. 18th March - Woodland
Pytchley FH to merge back into the Pytchley ….. 17th March - Police clamp down on illegal quads/ATVs at Hampshire FH meet ….. 17th March
- Sabs stop hares being killed at joint meet
of beagle packs ….. 17th March - Sab
cars rammed, badly damaged, by Grove & Rufford FH follower ….. 17th March - Woman sab allegedly attacked/robbed by Grove & R FH Sec. & husband ….. 17th March - Burly Grove & Rufford FH supporter assaults sab on camera ….. 17th March - Sabs say film shows vixen killed by Fife FH not injured by shooting ….. 17th March - Callous Albrighton & W FH
hunters ignore injured rider - antis aid her ….. 17th March
- Locals protest Cotswold V FH illegal hunting
in public woods ….. 17th March
- Monitors harassed & worse by Beaufort FH followers as hunting fails ….. 17th March - Sabs
attacked by gang of S. Dorset FH thugs - one headbutted ….. 17th March - Portman FH meet at Lord Rothermere's [owns the Daily Mail] ….. 17th March - Police
quiz Blean Beagles JM after sabs catch them hunting hare ….. 16th March - Eryri FH filmed by walkers chasing fox on NT land ….. 16th March - S. Durham FH take hounds thru pregnant sheep, hunt over graveyard ….. 16th March - Anti says he was kidnapped by Heythrop FH on Boxing Day 2018 ….. 16th March - Sabs save hare and rabbit from Leadon Vale Bassets ….. 16th March - Surrey U FH rider Lulu whips sab - again - on no-kill day ….. 16th March - Sabs shut down two hare Hunts in one day ….. 15th March - Terriermen
scoot as solo sab rumbles imminent dig-out at Beaufort FH ….. 15th March - Member of neo-Nazi group among hired security at Fernie FH ….. 15th March - Top
monitor refutes BSV FH lies over fox hunted in graveyard ….. 15th March - Sabs upload video that convicted Thurlow FH Huntsman ….. 15th March - Ilminster Beagles decide to go home as sabs greet them at meet ….. 15th March - Quantock SH chase stag through FC and N. Trust land ….. 14th March - Antis publish photo of hare killed
by Ludlow FH in December …..
14th March - Prominent Flint & D FH supporter
assaults 2 women sabs on film ….. 14th March - High winds & many sabs keep S. Dorset/Cattistock FH's day blank ….. 14th March - Lamb savaged
by Meynell FH hound belongs to HP Harriers Whip ….. 14th March - Sabs thwart Surrey Union FH determined to get a kill ….. 13th March - North Shropshire FH filmed blatantly hunting foxes ….. 13th March - Locals urge N.T. to withdraw Weston & Banwell Harriers licence ….. 13th March - S. Durham FH hunt thru nature reserve & trespass on railway ….. 13th March - Thurlow FH Huntsman convicted of hunting [& killing] a fox ….. 12th March - VWH / Middleton FHs continue chasing fox after warned by sab ….. 12th March - Sab landy tyres stabbed as Eggesford FH Huntsman blocked road ….. 12th March - Hampshire FH pack up after 40 m rather than be sabbed all day ….. 12th March - Sabs and their vehicles attacked at Grove and
Rufford FH ….. 12th March - Thurlow
FH Huntsman attempts to blame sabs for death of fox …..
11th March - Crawley FH Huntsman assaults
sabs - did Hunt lie to police re. not using terriers? ….. 11th March - Sabs
save fox & hare as East Kent FH sneak out on a Sunday …..
11th March - Sabs nearly squish Surrey U FH hound as chase fox across road …..
11th March - Trial of Thurlow FH hunters on illegal hunting & assault charges
starts ….. 11th March - Mendip
FH terriermen turn nasty when antis hamper kill attempts ….. 10th March
- Four Burrow FH take hounds thru recently
TB restricted land ….. 10th March
- Radley College Beagles trespass on NT land,
pull hunt due to sabs ….. 10th March
- Sabs strongly refute Grafton FH claims
they made hounds unwell ….. 10th March - Antis attacked/driven at by 30+ Grafton FH thugs but still prevent kills ….. 10th March - Police NFA Cottesmore FH supporter sabs say assaulted
one & damaged landy ….. 10th March - Police
stop Ludlow FH hound van over road traffic offences ….. 9th March - Cotswold Vale FH hounds on busy A40, sab car tyres punctured ….. 9th March - Sabs see a few foxes safe, though Puckeridge FH hounds kill rabbit ….. 9th March - Artificial earth found where Beaufort FH regularly hunt ….. 9th March - Sabs scare away Wiltshire & Infantry Beagles before they begin ….. 9th March - Meynell FH hounds
riot & savage lamb at sacked Huntsman's last meet ….. 9th March - Fife FH kill lactating vixen, leaving cubs to starve ….. 9th March - Ledbury
FH chase fox across busy B road - hound nearly run over ….. 9th March - Heythrop FH hunt
blatantly - trespass in sewage works - many blocked setts ….. 9th March - Palmer
Marlborough Beagles fold as soon as sabs spotted ….. 8th March - Beaufort
FH's small army descends on villages and wreaks havoc ….. 8th March - Sabs twice take excited hounds off S. Dorset
FH Huntsman on no-kill day …..
8th March - Sabs
win large compo after police dispersal order ruled invalid ….. 8th March - Thug who attacked sab car with hammer at Fernie FH
meet convicted ….. 8th March - Warwickshire
FH hunt all over roads - as usual ….. 8th March - Beaufort
FH support/terriermen assault, harass, obstruct monitors ….. 8th March - Warwickshire FH chase fox through village, in & out of gardens ….. 7th March - Cottesmore FH Huntsman says hunting is 'like crack cocaine' ….. 7th March - Wynnstay FH hunt blatantly - chased pregnant vixen to ground ….. 7th March - Monitors suspect Hampshire FH shot fox pack had been chasing ….. 7th March - Locals tell off Cheshire FH for blocking road to slow sabs ….. 7th March - Sabs help save 3 foxes
from Belvoir FH but fate of one unknown ….. 7th March - Chiddingfold
FH chase fox across road and back over again ….. 7th March - Ex
CA official and barrister killed in fall while hunting ….. 6th March - Local
monitors stop dig-out at Dulverton West FH ….. 6th March - York & Ainsty N FH go out with field of mostly school kids ….. 6th March - Elderly monitors bullied & obstructed by Grafton FH support ….. 5th March - Puckeridge FH
supporter rams 3t sab car with mini, tries to blame them! ….. 5th March - Sab has to pull off Cotswold V FH hounds chasing deer
as Whip AWOL ….. 5th March - Newly blocked sett found near Mendip F FH meet chez Rees Mogg ….. 4th March - Sabs find blocked setts, evidence of dig-out, where N. Staffs
FH had hunted …..
4th March - Local sure S. Durham FH killed - she assaulted photoing bloodied hounds ….. 4th March - Cheshire F. FH end season causing chaos - but kill-less, thanks to antis ….. 4th March - Sabs
ensure Ilminster Beagles don't even get into the fields ….. 4th March - Rabbit
Hounds flee back to meet as 50 sabs descend on them ….. 4th March - Belvoir FH's bought-in thugs can't prevent sabs
stopping fox killing …..
4th March - Bad weather brings early end
to Ystrad Tal Fechan closing meet …..
3rd March - Hunt invades land near Banbury
and panics horses ….. 3rd March - Portman FH thugs threaten, abuse , assault sabs and woman monitor ….. 3rd March - Waveney
Harriers hound nearly killed as quarry chased across road ….. 3rd March - N. Warks Beagles landowner accidentally admits
knows they hunting hares ….. 3rd
March - Resident relates her & stag's dreadful ordeal at hands of Quantock
SH ….. 3rd March - Another Tory MP hosts law breaking Hunt - South Dorset FH ….. 3rd March - Antis ridden/driven at as they crimp Ludlow FH's hunting efforts ….. 3rd March - Sab vehicle surrounded
by 30 menacing Cottesmore FH thugs …..
3rd March - Cottesmore FH terrierman attacks
sab, steals camera while trespassing …..
3rd March - Antis find filled in sett where
Blackmore FH hunters had just been …..
3rd March - Blencathra FH found hunting on
Park Authority land without permit …..
2nd March - Sabs ensure Holcombe Harriers
don't kill hare by 'accident' ….. 2nd March - Sabs
stop Staitondale FH dig-out & capture hounds for 1/2 hour ….. 2nd March - Fernie
FH JM reported for several assaults on sabs after 'blows gasket' ….. 2nd March - Sabs
stop dig out at Puckeridge FH & other foxes helped safe ….. 2nd March - 3 blocked
setts at Worcestershire FH, one next to meet site …..
2nd March - Old Berks FH fox hunt [possible
kill] during NT licenced hunt …..
2nd March - Monitors prevent dig out and
save 3 other foxes from Wynnstay FH …..
2nd March - Mendip Farmers FH meet at Jacob
Rees Mogg's place ….. 2nd March
- Monitor relates her persecution by Crawley
FH members & CPS ….. 2nd
March - Cottesmore FH rider twice whacks
agitated horse that kicked hound …..
1st March - Sab drone spots Blackmore FH rampage thru field of sheep and lambs ….. 1st March - Monitor assaulted as Wynnstay FH hounds
invade gardens ….. 1st March - Cop obstructs sab filming clear hare hunting by Easton Harriers ….. 1st March - Crawley FH hounds chase fox into police dog training compound …..
1st March - Man arrested on suspicion of
shooting sab drone …..
1st March - Rating & spraying stop in cry Ledbury FH hounds - no foxes found again ….. 1st March - Antis
find spent Beaufort FH hound miles from Hunt on hot day ….. 1st March - Sabs force Warks FH to stop hounds chasing pair of foxes ….. 1st March - MOD police use soldiers to throw off trespassing Warks FH ….. 1st March - Atherstone FH Whip loses control of hounds who run across A444 S. Durham FH chase
2 foxes at final meet; sabs pull off one, other escapes 31-3-19 Facebook - NE Hunt Monitors HIT REPORT. 48 - 09.03.19 final meet of the season for South Durham Hunt
After meeting for Breakfast at the Kings Arms Pub in Great Stainton the Hunt headed off through Stainton Grange Farm closely
followed by 4 teams of Monitors on foot and in vehicles. Within 10 minutes
the hounds picked up on a fox and took off on the scent followed by the Houndsman and Whippers in. Monitors used the horn
and gizmo to distract the hounds much to the annoyance of the Huntsman and his cronies. The hounds were gathered in and taken
to another area where a fox was saved by us previously and hounds took no interest in the bay bales this time thankfully. With the teams keeping watch from footpaths and angry farmers kicking
off about the Hunt trampling his crops, Barry Johnson had a nerve to tell us to keep to the path. With a call from one of our vehicle drivers
saying the police had turned up over an allegation made by a farmer that we had intentionally opened a gate to let livestock
out onto the road (not witnessed by the farmer, yet a member of the hunt had informed him that it was us). We then made the
police aware that our GPS monitor showed everywhere we had been and proved we had not even entered that farm then no more
was said about the matter. However, they did check all our cars for insurance, etc. whilst the Hunt carried on illegally hunting. As the end of the hunt neared, the hounds were taken to another
large stack of hay bales where they again picked up on a fox and took off towards the road, support staff and cars took off
to intercept as we were filming and the last thing they needed was a kill made or a fox hound run over in front of us. The hounds
safely across, they attempted to pick up on the fox again to no avail. With a very angry hunt and support we ended the final
meet happy enough that we had yet again spoiled their murderous fun. We
are a growing group and will be inviting all those who have message the page asking to join over the summer so we can be bigger
and stronger for next season. If you don’t hear from us soon please message again as we get so many that a few may slip
the net. We will be
out and about doing other things over the summer so please think about donating to help us keep wildlife safe. Our Paypal
is huntmonitors@gmail.com. #LongLiveTheFox �� Sabs swamp Royal Artillery FH & seriously spoil their fun 30-3-19 Facebook - Berkshire Hunt Sabs Royal Artillery outgunned by mass ranks of sabs Today
Berkshire Hunt Sabs set off to Salisbury Plain to meet up with sab teams from all across the south Including Bath, Bristol, Brighton, Beds & Bucks, Southampton, South Coast, Southampton, West Wilts and North
Dorset Hunt Saboteurs, Dorset Against Blood Sports, Kent and Surrey Hunt Monitors, Stop the cull and Weymouth
Animal Rights to sab the Royal Artillery Fox Hunt. The Hunt met at the Bustard Inn and different groups got in position at
various vantage points on the plain. Sabs soon engaged with the Huntsman
and pack heading north-west. From this point onwards he wasn’t able to shake activists off as vehicle and foot teams
followed his every move. Deer were seen running from the hounds a couple of times and when they did go in cry sabs quickly
called them away. We have no doubt we also saved many foxes from being hunted today. They moved fast and sabs were always there and horn and gizmos put into action when needed and the a Huntsman gave up as the
pack were all over the place. From there what was left of the field and a sullen Huntsman slowly trekked back to the meet.
A couple of supporters were seen waving fox tails at hunt sabs - why would they be behaving like
this on a so-called ‘legal’ trail hunt? Does this show they enjoy killing foxes? A good, well organised hit with nice off-roading from drivers and a well deserved
pint after a rather warm day. If you want to help pay for our fuel costs today and keep us on the road in future
weeks you can donate to us here > PayPal.me/berksabc or via our email on PayPal on berksabc@gmail.com. Pics above - Top right, An emissary from the nineteenth century Lower
left, Supporter taunts sabs with a fox tail Pics below
- 1/ I'm getting outta here 2/ Hound has lovely roll in the grass  Cop
prevents sabs going after in cry Easton Harriers hounds 28-3-19 Facebook - Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs Easton Harriers – 2 March 2019 Glemham Hall, Little Glemham, Suffolk The first of two hit reports
from the end of the season. Apologies for the delay. The Easton Harriers met at and left Glemham Hall
with little fanfare for what has traditionally been the Hunt’s last meet of the season. The ride was small, comprised
mostly of young women out for a hack and photo op. And Lydia wasn’t even riding, choosing instead to don a hat and coat
and follow in her car. For the Easton Harriers, the day
was largely uneventful. They weren’t allowed to pass through Blaxhall Hall, nor go on any of the land south of Station
Road. As a result, they stuck to looping around fields between the two. Hounds were kept in check for much of the day in what
appeared to be little more than hound exercise so we only needed to monitor. At one point hounds went into cry north of Red House Farm. Sabs present attempted to catch up and call them off but
police officer Murray – who’d been sat in his 4x4 close behind the Hunt [below]through
the day – quickly jumped out and threatened the sabs with aggravated trespass. He hustled them away from the hounds,
leaving the dogs to continue chasing. We don't know if they caught anything. Later, after
some alcohol and chips at the Ship Inn, Blaxhall, the Easton Harriers took a slow canter back to Glemham Hall and wrapped
the day up. It's the end
of the season but we continue to welcome donations: https://ko-fi.com/norfolksuffolkhuntsaboteurs.
sees RAU Beagles hunting hare on royal-owned land 28-3-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs On Wednesday 27th March 2019, the Royal Agricultural University Beagles were seen hunting a hare
around Aston farm by someone out walking. It just goes to show what one person with a camera can do. The Hunt moved away from
where they had been seen hunting a hare and a life may well have been saved.
By the way Aston farm is part of Princess Anne's Gatcombe estate and is signed up for the badger
cull. "I saw a hare being chased, it ran into a field of rape so I couldn't photograph
it as the rape is quite tall. I spoke with a Whip, who told me they had been invited onto Aston Farm. When I saw them the
Whip and dogs were on a public footpath, but as I approached with my phone camera, the Whip dodged onto the field, I.e. he
was then on private land. However, one of the photos clearly shows him and dogs on the public footpath. I walked on and spoke
to an elderly farming type who was carrying a long whip (not in hunt dress), I asked him where the trail layer was, and he
said something like we don't have one of them, haha". The land at Aston Minchinhampton, is either owned by Zara and Mike Tyndall or they are allowed
to live there by her mother, HRH Princess Anne. Supporter breaks sab nose in argument after Middleton FH killed hare In
front of police, hunter snatched hare body from sab but retrieved Punched sab had snatched horn back from supporter who'd stolen it Snatcher was Lord
Middleton's son, puncher the estate gamekeeper 'Shag' Carter fails
to kill any foxes at his last Middleton meet Did chase fox across busy B road, making traffic swerve 28-3-19 Facebook - Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO VIDEO [police] After the Middleton hunt killed a hare, three sabs took the body to the police at the road.
A hunt supporter grabbed the body and ran from the police car, fortunately we managed to take the body back and hand it to
police. At this point,
arguing between hunt support and sabs ensued (in front of the police). A large hunt supporter pulled our sabs horn from his chest harness and tried to run away with it, but with minimal
force our sab managed to get the horn back. When turning around to walk away, our sab took an unexpected punch to the face
from the thief, knocking him to the ground with a broken nose and cut lip. Supporter snatches hare corpse from sab, in front of police The police weren't
looking at the incident as it happened and didn't make any arrests. More footage from other groups to follow. https://gogetfunding.com/cheshire-hunt-sabs/. Sab who was punched on the ground 27-3-19 Facebook - Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs Saturday gone would have been our traditional end of season hit on the Middleton but as they moved
it to the Friday we thought we'd pay them a visit today, their very final meet of the season. It was also the last ever Middleton meet for their deeply unpopular
huntsman, Charles "shagger" Carter, so we thought it would be rude not to give him the send off he deserves. Over 50 sabs from Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs, Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, Manchester Hunt Sabs, Liverpool Hunt Sabs, West Yorkshire
Hunt Saboteurs and Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs descended on the meet at the hunt kennels in Birdsall for a 12 o'clock start.
Shagger took his fairly small field and headed East hunting Jubilee plantation and
other coverts whilst various groups of foot sabs kept watch on all sides. He continued East as far as Deepdale before heading
North and putting his hounds through Boyes plantation. They went into cry here and streamed across a busy B-road whilst traffic
swerved to avoid them. Sabs were on hand to stop the pack and the pathetic Carter gathered them and headed back West to Wharram
Gange Farm. Hounds sadly chopped and killed a hare and in the ensuing struggle for the body a hunt supporter punched a sab
in full view of North Yorks police who quickly called in lots of reinforcements but did little to apprehend the assailant. Carter then spent the afternoon
repeatedly hunting woods and coverts to the East of the kennels but again various sab groups had him surrounded and although
hounds went into cry several times we were always on hand to stop them. He finally returned to his kennels just after 5, a
pathetic end to his pathetic time at the Middleton, and sabs had a celebratory group photo before retiring to the pub. It's been an expensive old season. Please support us if you can: https://ko-fi.com/nottshuntsabs. Pics above - Left, Sab who was punched, on way home Right, Police officer
with hare, about to take it away 1-4-19 Facebook - West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs Coverage of the
incident at the Middleton hunt when no other than Lord Middleton's son, James Willoughby, snatches the body of a hare
killed by Lord Midd's hounds and a hunt sab's nose is broken by the gamekeeper. 31-3-19 Daily Mail Hunt meet turns into violent clash over body
of dead hare when hunter is alleged to have punched 20-year-old protester in the face in front of police officers - Regan
Wilford, a joiner from Liverpool, alleged he was punched in the face - He was protesting against the Middleton Hunt with Cheshire
Hunt Saboteurs - They had brought a dead hare to the Hunt which had been mauled by dogs - North Yorkshire police said they
were investigating the attack at Birdsall A 20-year-old anti-hunting protester claims
he had his nose broken when he was 'punched in the face by a hunter' in front of a police officer. Regan Wilford,
from Liverpool, said he was attacked after he brought a dead hare to the Middleton Hunt group with other protesters from Cheshire
Hunt Saboteurs and Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs which had been mauled by dogs. After a hunter grabbed the dead animal in Birdsall, North Yorkshire, there
was a scuffle and Wilford claimed he was 'punched' in the face. It is alleged that this happened right next to officers
from North Yorkshire police. In a shocking video posted online, a hunter
comes towards Mr Wilford and snatches the blood-stained hare. 'Give it back! Give it back!' yells the joiner from
Liverpool and other protesters as they chase the man. When a North Yorkshire policeman then gets involved to break up the
scuffle, one of the hunters is claimed to have 'punched' Mr Wilford in the face. 'Have I got all my teeth?',
he stammers to a friend, who says he just has a bloody nose and broken lip. Mr Wilford told MailOnline he had to go to hospital, where he found
out his nose was broken. It can't be fixed until the swelling goes down. He said the confrontation began after the dead
hare was taken, and a hunter tried to take his hunting horn. 'I turned back round and he punched me in the face basically',
said Mr Wilford. After the attack, a policeman took his details but did not make any arrests. A video uploaded by Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs showed a member of the force
holding the dead hare as he talked to protesters. 'Please cool off,' he says. I've got people here, I've got
more just coming', he said as he started to walk away. A protester then shouted: 'A man was just attacked by this coward!
This f****** coward!' They then shout 'coward!' at a hunter, claiming he punched Mr Wilford, as he gets into a
pickup truck to drive away. North Yorkshire police said they are investigating the attack that happened on Wednesday 27 March at 3pm, but have
not made any arrests. Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs wrote in a post: 'Police weren't looking
at the incident as it happened and didn't make any arrests. At this point, arguing between hunt support and sabs ensued
(in front of the police). A large hunt supporter pulled our sabs horn from his chest harness and tried to run away with it,
but with minimal force our sab managed to get the horn back. When turning around to walk away, our sab took an unexpected
punch to the face from the thief, knocking him to the ground with a broken nose and cut lip.' North Yorkshire
police said anyone with information should contact them on 101, quoting the incident number 12190055089. A spokesperson
from the Middleton Hunt said: 'The Middleton Hunt fiercely condemns any form of violence, even in the event of extreme
provocation from animal rights activists who carry equipment such as hunting horns to distract our hounds from their trail.
The Hunt acts lawfully within the confines of the Hunting Act 2004 and takes every measure to ensure good relationships with
landowners and members of the public. We will of course assist the police where possible with any enquiries following this
incident.' Notts
County Council bans all hunting with dogs on its land 28-3-19
Notts TV Nottinghamshire County Council bans all forms of hunting with
dogs on its land All forms of hunting with dogs have been banned on county council-owned land in Nottinghamshire. The Conservative Party at Nottinghamshire County Council voted against
the ban, calling it “silly”, but were defeated for the first time since they started running the council in 2017. Hunting foxes with dogs is illegal in Britain, but there are a number of exemptions which Labour councillors said
were being used to get round the law. They called fox hunting “barbaric”, “twisted” and “dehumanising”. No defence of fox hunting was offered by the Conservatives, but they objected to the ban saying
it was too ambiguous, and called it “nonsense”. The vote was narrowly won by Labour yesterday (March 28), by 31
votes to 30. The Conservatives do not have an overall majority on the council, but rely on coalition partners the Mansfield
Independents to win votes. Labour
councillor Kevin Greaves proposed the motion banning hunting, and said: “I can’t think of a more cruel and vile
activity that is against the law and is so openly flouted. This activity is so outdated with today’s society and is
only carried out by twisted cruel individuals of deluded grandeur in themselves of a bygone age. To think it is fun to see
a beautiful defenceless wild animal such as our native fox be pulled apart in agony by a pack of dogs, and to the cheers of
these deluded cruel individuals, is beyond most normal people’s comprehension. They are so proud of their deluded activity
they encourage small children to watch this cruel barbaric act.” Councillor Greaves, who represents Worksop South, added: “An
overwhelming majority of people in Nottinghamshire would like to see this act of barbarism come to an end, and most people
will know that if they are allowed to hunt with a pack of dogs on council land they are a danger to the public and there is
only one outcome, the death of a wild animal or a domestic pet or even worse.” The leader of the
council, Kay Cutts, said her Conservative party would not support the motion because the definition of ‘hounds’
was too ambiguous. The motion was then amended to clarify the meaning of hounds. However it was still not supported by the
Conservatives. Councillor Cutts, who represents Radcliffe-on-Trent, said:
“There is no hunting which takes place on Nottinghamshire County Council land. There is nothing there. So your motion
is entirely pointless. This is a nonsense motion. If you want to bring a proper motion then properly research it. Stop wasting
this council chamber’s time. We are not going to support it, we are going to vote against it, because it’s just
plain silly.” A spokesman
for the group Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs said: “We’re definitely pleased with this. It’s a good result. “It’s
just one more nail in the coffin of these Hunts. They need to be disbanded, and the actual structures around them need to
be broken up to stop them reforming. Acts like this, even though they are small, do help, and it shows the strength of feeling
the public has about this. The Hunts pretend to be using the loopholes, but they are not using them, and if the police query
it they just say they are. If you can catch the Hunts on council land then it’s just further evidence we can use.” 1-4-19 West Bridgeford Wire First steps in ‘closing legal loophole’
to prevent hunting wild animals taken in Nottinghamshire Labour Councillors in Nottinghamshire
say that they have demonstrated their commitment to protecting the environment and the welfare of animals in the county. At Nottinghamshire’s Full Council meeting Labour Cllr Kevin
Greaves proposed a motion, advocating for a complete ban on ‘Trail hunting, exempt hunting, and exercising packs of
fox hounds’ on Nottinghamshire County Council owned land, which was successfully passed, despite total opposition from
the ruling Conservative administration. The motion, which was seconded by Labour Councillor Nicki Brooks, sought
to close the loopholes which were left by the original Hunting Act 2004, which makes provisions for hunting which are currently
being used to effectively flout the Act. Speaking during the meeting about Trail hunting, Councillor Kevin Greaves said:-
“Trail hunting is merely a dubious attempt to hide the true intentions of those that wish to continue this vile barbaric
act of fox hunting”. Councillor
Nicki Brooks is also a devoted anti-fur campaigner, was clearly delighted with the outcome. Speaking after the meeting she
said:- “By supporting the motion this Council is simply closing the loophole that allows both the ‘accidental’
and deliberate illegal hunting and killing of animals, as well as a ‘false alibi’ regularly used by Hunts to avoid
prosecution, from taking place on Council owned land. I’m thrilled that we’ve managed to secure this result here
in Nottinghamshire”. The decision was also welcomed by Chris
Luffingham, director of campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, who said:- “This is a significant decision both
for the county of Nottinghamshire and the country as a whole. We welcome a ban that not only recognises that animals are still
being killed by Hunts, but that the excuse of ‘trail’ hunting is nothing more than a lie. The League has received
282 reports of illegal hunting in the current hunting season, including 39 reported fox kills. We welcome Nottinghamshire
County Council’s trail-blazing decision, and we would encourage other counties across the land to follow suit.”... VWH/Cotswold FHs pack up after sabs pull hounds off 2 foxes 27-3-19 Facebook - Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs VIDEO Wednesday 27th March 2019, Vale of the White Horse FH / Cotswold FH joint
meet, Daglingworth Call out and a Cirencester Illegal Huntwatch sab and a 3c sab were in the field
by second horses. In Cirencester Park a fox ran past one of us and his line was sprayed out with citronella and the hounds
then stopped using voice and whip. Another fox ran past the other sab and also had his line sprayed out. Phillip Hague (VWH
huntsman) then took the pack on to try and find the brace after the enforced check but failed choosing instead to pack up. Please
continue to support us paypal.me/threecountiessabs. Fox fleeing from hounds Whipper-in and hounds arrive c. 75 seconds later Sabs say Leics police are hiding behind FoI exemptions Refuse to provide info on meetings with Atherstone FH 27-3-19 Facebook - West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs Operation Blackthorn - Atherstone Hunt Boxing Day 2018
We asked Leicestershire Police to provide information on any risk assessments, attendance at any meetings with the local council
and any meetings their officers had with members of the Atherstone Hunt in relation to the Atherstone Hunts Boxing Day 2018.
This included any minutes that were taken at these meetings. Leicestershire Police confirmed that they held this information.
This is a summary of what they said:- “Leicestershire
Police officers have been exposed to the Hunting Act 2004 and activities which take place that may constitute as suspicious
behaviour when they are called upon to police specific hunting related events. Further there are a number officers who work
specifically to oversee any hunt related activity and any offences that may happen as a result. There is a public interest in disclosure of the requested information as it would allow the
public to discuss the conduct of Leicestershire Police’s enforcement in relation to hunt related activity and offences.
It would also aid transparency and allow any failings to be discussed in the public domain. Disclosure would also enable the
public to see how public funds are spent during operational policing and would allow the public to assess Leicestershire Police’s
approach to these types of offences.” However they decided not to provide the requested
information:- “However, in disclosing information to one applicant, we are expressing a willingness
to provide it to anyone in the world. This means that a disclosure to a genuinely interested and concerned person automatically
opens it up for a similar disclosure, including those who would use the information to gain an advantage over the police.
In considering whether or not this information should be disclosed, consideration has been given to the potential harm that
could be caused by disclosure. Effective policing requires
the active participation of a wide number of agencies in order for it to be successful. As a result, during the course of
police officers attending a hunt meeting, information is discussed and provided with the confidence that it will be treated
confidentially. If a disclosure was made under the Act that broke this confidence, it would mean that information is not discussed
and would severely impact on the process of law enforcement. Furthermore,
during the course of correspondence the correspondence will contain tactical information as well as other information that
would demonstrate how we police and observe incidents of this nature. To release this information into the public domain would
therefore clearly impact on our law enforcement capabilities with regards to future cases.” We are of the opinion that Leicestershire Police are hiding behind exemptions in the Freedom of
Information Act as a way of not releasing details of their meetings with the Atherstone Hunt. Which would conveniently mean
that the public would NOT be able to discuss the conduct of Leicestershire Police’s enforcement in relation to hunt
related activity and offences. It means that any failings of Leicestershire Police CANNOT be discussed in the public and the
public are NOT ABLE to see how public funds are spent during operational policing. Leicestershire Police have admitted that
meetings between the Atherstone Hunt and officers from Leicestershire Police took place and that releasing information about
these meetings would aid in transparency. Leicestershire Police do not want the content of what was discussed between them
and the Atherstone Hunt ending up in the public domain. We already know that some of the officers who work specifically to
oversee any hunt related activity (Operation Blackthorn) have been openly biased against hunt saboteurs through their words
and actions, have personal connections to members of the Atherstone Hunt and have openly tweeted about repealing the Hunting
Act. On Boxing Day
2018 supporters of the Atherstone Hunt attacked anti-hunt protesters in Market Bosworth Square with one female protester having
her hair pulled and glasses broken. Leicestershire Police took no further action in relation to these incidents.
Hunts break several laws in staging Boxing Day meetsTraffic, public safety and street collection laws flouted 26-3-19 Amateur Brain Surgery - Amber Krudd Arrogant Hunts Flout Public Safety
As the 2018-2019 hunting season draws to a close we felt it was a good time to reflect on one of the main events in the annual
hunt calendar – the annual Boxing Day Hunt meets that take place throughout the UK. Boxing Day meets are considered to be the most significant in the hunting season
and viewed by hunt supporters as important traditional events. But increasingly, this view is being challenged by anti-hunt
protesters, disgruntled local people and others who have become aware that Hunts up and down the country flout traffic laws
and basic public safety, essential at these equine events. Towns and villages throughout the UK have traditionally
been used by Hunts to stage their Boxing Day events, often outside a friendly public house which provides alcoholic libations to riders and hunt supporters.
In 2018 violence erupted in many locations, between peaceful hunt protestors and ardent hunt supporters who were not happy
that their traditional events were receiving unwanted, negative attention and criticism... Boxing day Hunt meets attract widespread condemnation because fox Hunts are continuing to hunt foxes, contrary to
the Hunting Act 2004. Although the Countryside Alliance and various Hunts tell people that these days they are engaged in
what is called ‘trail hunting’, they are not. This is an outright lie that is widely known as such within hunting
circles. Hunts repeat this lie to the public, the police and the media while they continue to actively hunt foxes with impunity... They use bullying, threats and intimidation to scare protesters and members of the
public who disapprove of their perverse hobby. They are well connected and well funded by members of the establishment who
use their political influence and conspire with their networks of like-minded supporters to avoid facing the force of the
law. But times are changing and people are rising up! To illustrate the
arrogance of Hunts and their clear disregard for anyone but themselves we are focusing on the Torrington Farmers Hunt, who
are a branch of the Pony Club. They traditionally hold their Boxing Day Hunt meet in the centre of Great Torrington in Devon,
outside the Black Horse public house, in the town square. The roads in the centre of Torrington are very narrow with buildings
on all sides and limited room for event spectators, horses and hounds. The limited open space in Great Torrington town centre
presents some significant safety issues when holding an open equine event in this location. Prior to Christmas 2018, many members of the public, concerned
for safety at this event, (open to the public and attended by children) attempted to confirm that the required risk assessments
had been carried out, safety precautions would be in place and that the organisers had acquired the necessary public liability
insurance for such an event. Torrington Town Council were contacted and they referred enquiries to Torridge District Council.
Torridge District Council were contacted and they told enquirers that, since the event is held on the road and pavements,
it falls under the jurisdiction of Devon Highways. So they were contacted by email and told the enquirers that they had not
been informed of the forthcoming Torrington Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club meet and therefore had no knowledge of the
imminent event. It is interesting to note that although this well known event has taken place in this location for many years
all of the local authority departments contacted reported that they had no knowledge of it. During the
Hunt meet the huntsman [above right] recorded in the videos shared in the press
(Mark the misogynist) was directly asked the questions: Had they carried out the required risk assessment, and had they obtained
the necessary public liability insurance. His response was to ignore the questions. Instead he chose to level some peculiar,
sexist, misogynist remarks at a female videographer and the peaceful protesters, eliciting chuckles from his Torrington Farmer
friends, who appeared to find it funny to witness their huntsman and representative of their branch of the Pony club abusing
women. Not a great advertisement for the Pony Club. After the event an investigator contacted the Highways Manager responsible for Enforcement and
Events at Devon County Council. The Highways Manager explained the procedure that event organisers should adhere to in order
to safely hold events on public highways and pavements where road traffic might be blocked in Devon. This recommended procedure
is similar in all areas of the UK. ... if the planned event is likely to have an impact
on road traffic, then an application for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order must be made. This is not optional, it is mandatory.
For such a request to be granted the organiser must provide full details of their public liability insurance which would require
a risk assessment to have been carried out... The
Highways Manager at Devon County Council (an ex-police officer) pointed out that if an event takes place on a public highway
which causes an obstruction and the organiser does not have permission to close the road then a ‘wilful or unnecessary
obstruction of the highway to vehicles or pedestrians’ may possibly occur. These offences fall under Regulation 103
Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 or Section 137 Highways Act 1980. Enforcement of these regulations is
the responsibility of the police force. The Highways Manager confirmed that, since the
centre of Torrington was completely inaccessible to traffic for over 2 hours on the 26th of December 2018, a Temporary Traffic
Regulation Order should have been obtained and appropriately qualified personnel should have been put in place to safely direct
traffic. The Torrington Farmers Hunt meet was clearly guilty of a ‘wilful or unnecessary obstruction of the highway
to vehicles or pedestrians’. And this serious breach of road traffic regulations, which could prevent emergency vehicles
from saving lives, has taken place in the centre of Great Torrington on Boxing Day year-after-year. A traditional feature at these Boxing Day Hunt meets, up and down the country, is that
they carry out a street collection for cash, apparently intended for their hunt supporters. In order to carry out a street
collection for cash anywhere in the UK a licence must be obtained from the local authority. This is another mandatory requirement
that has been ignored year-upon-year by the Torrington Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club. At the Torrington Farmers Hunt branch
of the Pony Club Boxing Day meet in 2018 the man carrying out the street collection for cash [left] was
directly asked if he could present his street collection licence. His response was a long, hard stare, probably intended to
be threatening. He clearly did not have the required licence so the street collection, much like the road blockage, was completely
illegal. Carrying out street collections without a licence makes the person responsible liable for prosecution under the Vagrancy
Act, widely used by local authorities to punish homeless people who collect cash on the streets. Begging is an offence under
section 3 of the Vagrancy Act 1824. It is a recordable offence. The maximum sentence is a fine of £1000. So, by failing
to obtain the required street collection licence the Torrington Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club was arrogantly guilty
of yet another crime. In order to confirm that an application for a street collection licence
had not been made by the Torrington Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club a ‘freedom of information’ request was
made to Torridge and District Council. The response confirmed that at no time over the past 6 years had the local authority
received such an application. Similarly, a request
was submitted to Devon County Council regarding applications for Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders over preceding years
to allow the Torrington Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club to legally block Great Torrington town centre. It was confirmed
that no requests for temporary road closures in the centre of Torrington on Boxing Days in previous years had ever been received
and that at no point had the relevant Safety Advisory Group been told of this event. These verifiable investigations confirm that the Torrington Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club
along with the Black Horse public house, as organisers of the 2018 Boxing Day hunt meet in the centre of Great Torrington,
were guilty of both ‘wilful or unnecessary obstruction of the highway to vehicles or pedestrians’ and ‘begging’.
Full details have been shared with the police. Equine Event Safety - Since the Torrington Farmers
Hunt are a branch of the Pony Club it would not be unreasonable to expect all events organised by them to totally adhere to
the highest possible safety standards since the Pony club is all about engaging young people in horse riding and equine skills... The clear need for barriers between
the riders and spectators was demonstrated by the Torrington Farmers huntsman when he backed his horse into people who were
stood on the pavement outside Torrington town hall, as can be seen in this image excerpt from a video recording of the incident. It is perhaps worth noting that investigations into safety arrangements at events in Great Torrington revealed that
other events, such as the Mayfair and Carnival, fully comply with safety recommendations... So why does the Torrington
Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club bypass these basic but essential safety requirements? It is also worth remembering how important tourism is to the economy
of North Devon. People like to bring their families to the region and enjoy the wide range of attractions and events that
are on offer. When they attend these events and locations they expect them to be as safe as they possibly can be... As a branch of the
Pony Club the Torrington Farmers Hunt should be fully aware of the health and safety recommendations provided by the British
Equine Foundation for equine events involving children... Here’s a summary of the failings of the Torrington Farmers Hunt branch of the Pony Club at
their Boxing day Hunt meets in the centre of Great Torrington:- 1/ At | | |