For purpose of this record - and to include whole year - 'Hunting
Season' runs from start July-end JuneN.B. Entries are in REVERSE chronological order. Stories are below
each month's headlines WARNING Likely to contain
images you may find distressing
JUNE 2015 ..... 27th
June - Brian May spearheads 'Team Fox' to fight Hunting Act repeal .....
25th June - Arson attack on sab's car outside their house .....
24th June - Website offers 'fox hunting' trips to 3 Cotswolds Hunts, including Heythrop ..... 24th June - PMB option for Hunting Act repeal disappears with draw ..... 23rd June - Sabs claim were assaulted by High Sheriff of Herefordshire ..... 11th June - League accuses Middleton FH of holding fox cubs in barn for later hunting ......11th June - LACS film shows Pytchley feed fox at artificial earth
then flush it out to hunt ..... 9th June - Cheshire
Forest FH whipper-in convicted of handling stolen goods ..... 5th
June - Police consider charging Middleton FH over fox cubs in barn ..... 4th June - Man arrested after sixteen fox cubs found in North Yorkshire barn
Brian May spearheads 'Team
Fox' to fight against Hunting Act repealMany young Tory MPs, including Ministers, oppose
scrapping the ban 27-6-15 Daily Mail Tory rebellion as new Ministers join Brian
May's war on hunting... and he claims top figures secretly backed badger campaign Three rising-star Tory Ministers have joined
forces with anti-badger-cull rocker Brian May [right] to stop
the ban on fox hunting being scrapped. The move follows reports that David Cameron is not opposed to moves by pro-blood
sports Conservative MPs to revive the practice. The three ministers, who include Sports Minister Tracey Crouch, are
expected to attend the Commons launch on Tuesday of May’s new anti-hunting group, Team Fox. It could put them
on collision course with the Prime Minister, who rode with hounds before becoming an MP, after Queen star May made scathing
remarks about him in an interview with The Mail on Sunday. The guitarist said he ‘hated’ Cameron’s stance
on hunting and accused those who enjoy the sport of ‘bloodlust.’ May said fox hunting should remain illegal like other ‘cruel activities
once considered acceptable’ such as ‘wife beating and burning witches’. May said: ‘I don’t
hate the man (Cameron) but I hate the fact that he wants to make hunting legal again. I find that abhorrent.’
He added that hunting was ‘uniquely cruel because the people who are doing it are doing it for pleasure’ The Conservatives’ Election
victory has led to some Tory MPs pressing Cameron to use the party’s majority – and its traditional support for
hunting – to lift the ban imposed by Tony Blair’s Government. They say it was outlawed for ‘petty party
political reasons’ and demonstrated ignorance of the countryside and rural traditions. However, Mr May claims many young Tory MPs are
on his side. Caroline Dineage[left] and Sports Minister Tracey Crouch [below right] are said to be supporting Brian May as part of his Team
Fox which will oppose the re-introduction of fox hunting, rumoured to be on the cards thanks to a number of Conservatives who remain bitter
about the ban introduced by the Blair Government. Newly appointed Ministers Dominic Raab and Caroline Dinenage are among those
tipped to support May at his Commons meeting. It will be co-hosted by May and Andrea Jenkins, the Conservative
MP and professional singer who defeated Ed Balls in the Election. May said: ‘A lot of independent-minded younger Tory
MPs agree with us that fox hunting is cruel. They will vote according to their conscience.’ The Government has no plans to end the Labour ban,
but pro-hunting Tory backbenchers hope to launch their own bid. Tuesday’s meeting is likely to witness lively exchanges
after May invited pro-hunting Tory MPs to attend as well.… POWAperson adds:- Team Fox is an alliance between several anti-hunting organisations, including
SaveMe, LACS, IFAW, POWA, HSA, the Hunt Monitor's Association, Hounds Off, Network for Animals, Minority Pastime and
Arson attack on sab's car outside their house25-6-15 HSA Press Release Hunt Saboteur's Car set on fire outside home
A car used to monitor illegal fox hunts has been set on fire outside the home of a member of West Midlands Hunt saboteurs.
Wheelie bins were piled up against the car and set on fire causing significant damage to the rear bumper. This is the
second saboteur vehicle that has been damaged in the same location in the past few months. In February another member
of the group had all four tyres slashed when they left their car outside the same house. Members of the group are confident both attacks
were carried out by supporters of local foxhunts, angry at the success the group have achieved against them over the past year. West Midlands sabs have focused the majority of their
attention on the Atherstone hunt during the recent hunting season, attending every single one of their meets. Video
evidence presented by the sabs has resulted in the huntsman, Stuart Barton, being interviewed by the police regarding illegal
hunting and assault of a hunt saboteur. Three Atherstone hunt supporters are also due to appear in court after racially
abusing a hunt saboteur. The Atherstone had a challenging start to the season when they sacked their huntsman, Ollie Finnegan, shortly before
the season began and forced him and his heavily pregnant wife out of their home. This led to a great deal of unhappiness in
the hunt and a drop in their support. The continuous presence of sabs exacerbated this and meant numbers were very low by
the season's end. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Whilst there is, as yet no evidence linking
these attacks to pro-hunt thugs it is difficult to reach any other conclusion. Members of the Atherstone hunt have made it
clear that they know about this particular address and seem to have a significant hatred for West Midlands hunt sabs. We hope
the police treat this latest attack seriously and take a particularly close look at local hunt support. The hunting community
has a long history of targeting hunt saboteurs homes in retaliation to having their cruel pastime exposed and this is why
many hunt saboteurs are forced to hide their identities. What they fail to realise is that these bullying, cowardly attacks
only make us more determined and confirm how effective our actions are.” Dutch website found offering 'fox hunting' trips with Cotswold Hunts Was clear that it was real quarry hunting that was being offered After criticism website altered to say it is actually
'trail hunting' 24-6-15
A website, run by a Dutch hotelier, offering fox hunting trips with the Heythrop, N.Cotswold and Cotswold
Hunts was discovered earlier this month. The hotelier, who calls himself 'Charlie' [a hunting nickname for the fox],
is Roel Rol, and the enterprise has offices in Holland and the Cotswolds. Until today, the website made it abundantly clear
that what was being offered was real fox hunting. However, the site attracted so much negative interest on social media that
it has now been substantially altered, making the claim that it is all just legal 'trial hunting'. The Heythrop FH were convicted of four counts of illegal hunting in December 2012, as were
its former Huntsman and a former JM. The North Cotswold hit the headlines last autumn, when sabs produced video which
apparently showed a hunt member feeding foxes at an artificial earth, in an area they hunted a few days later. PMB option for Hunting Act repeal Bill disappears with draw None of top 20 in Private Members' ballot want to take it on 24-6-15 Daily Telegraph Foxhunting ban: MPs are not keen to propose a law
for repeal A clever Government wheeze to avoid taking sides on a controversial repeal of the ban
appears to have failed. "We will protect hunting, shooting and fishing, for all the benefits to individuals, the
environment and the rural economy that they bring. "A Conservative government will give Parliament the opportunity
to repeal the Hunting Act with a free vote, with a government bill in government time." So said the Conservative manifesto
at the general election. Repealing the ban would correct what critics see as one of the great wrongs of the last Labour
government. Unfortunately for the Conservative leadership, that view is not uniform across the party: a significant
number of Tories, including a fair few newly-elected in 2015, are quite happy to let the ban stand. (Tracey Crouch, a minister
who supports, the ban, has aid she expected 30 to 40 Tories to either abstain or vote against repeal, enough to put the outcome
of any vote in doubt.)A Government bill on repeal, therefore, raised the possibility of an awkward parliamentary split on
the issue. So Government people hatched a cunning plan to avoid ministers taking sides on the ban. Instead of a Government
bill, formally proposed by ministers, they would instead help a backbench MP bring a repeal proposal before the Commons, whereupon
MPs could have their free vote and ministers could vote however they chose... He reported that after the ballot for parliamentary time for private
members’ bills, ministers hoped that a Tory MP with a high place in the draw (and thus, a good chance of getting parliamentary
time to have a bill debated) would propose a repeal of the hunting ban. The plan outraged pro-hunting MPs, who saw it as a betrayal of the manifesto
commitment, but it would probably have served to keep the peace on an issue that has the capacity to generate huge excitement
and consume much political capital. And there is a good precedent for the Government using the private bill system in this
way: it was how the EU referendum bill made its first appearance under the Coalition. Sadly for ministers, however, the clever
plan has hit a snag. Of the 20 MPs who drew top places in the private members’ bill ballot, none has opted to bring
forward a bill repealing the hunting ban. Since no other private bill has any realistic chance of becoming law, the Government
is back to square one on repeal, trying to work out how to deliver a manifesto promise that few of those who wrote it ever
expected to have to implement, and which may well open up a noisy and painful split in the party. Sabs claim were assaulted by High Sheriff of Herefordshire 23-6-15 Facebook- Three Counties Hunt Sabs VIDEO A video of three, Three Counties Sabs being assaulted on New Years day 2015. The incident
occured in Sellack, near Ross-on-Wye and was perpetrated by Major Patrick Darling (High Sheriff of Herefordshire of the South
Herefordshire Hunt]. Sabs intervened as hounds went into cry. On a steep bank, off a footpath, hounds were found in an active
badger sett and it was clear a fox had run to ground. The 3 sabs were then assAulted, being forcibly pushed downhill. Minor
cuts and bruises were sustained. Major Darling was questioned by police but no action was taken against him or the Hunt despite
their illegal behaviour.  LACS accuses Middleton FH of holding fox cubs to hunt later Barn they were found in just 200 yards from Hunt kennels Man they say 'known to be associated' with Hunt filmed going in and out of barn 11-6-15 BBC News Video
shows fox cubs held near hunt kennels Police in North Yorkshire are investigating after
video footage showed 16 fox cubs being held in a barn near hunt kennels. The images were filmed by the League Against Cruel
Sports, which alleges that the cubs were being raised to be hunted. Fox hunting with dogs was made illegal in 2004. The hunt
says it is assisting the police and is confident that no one connected with the Hunt has committed any offence.11-6-15
Scarborough News Foxes are being
kept in captivity so they can he hunted illegally, charity claims Young foxes are being taken from
the wild and kept in captivity so they can be hunted illegally, a charity has claimed. Covert video evident taken by
the League Against Cruel Sports shows 16 fox cubs, some as young as three months, locked in a dark shed on land near Malton.
The video will be released today at 6.30pm. Filmed as part of a League investigation in late May, it shows a shed fitted
out to mimic a fox earth, and the cubs being visited by a hunt employee and fed on dead chickens and provided with dirty water
in bowls. The League
says there were no vixens or adult foxes - arguing the cubs were forcibly removed from their earths. Dr Toni Shephard,
Head of Policy and Research for the League Against Cruel Sports [below
right], said that the League had alerted the police who removed the foxes and arrested the hunt employee. The foxes, one of which died shortly after
the rescue, are being kept at a secret location. “This blows apart the argument that hunting is ‘wildlife
management,’” he said. “Why would people working for a hunt be keeping young foxes? The answer is simple
but terrible – they capture foxes so there is always a ready supply of animals to be chased by the hunt. Put bluntly,
these foxes were kidnapped for cruelty. We’re sure that there will be a denial that these captured foxes are linked
to the local hunt, but the evidence is right there. The other footage, the intelligence we have received and testimony from
people who have been involved in hunts all show that raising foxes to be hunted was, and still is, a common practice among
hunts. A vocal minority are trying to get the Hunting Act repealed, and one of their key arguments is that hunting with dogs
is some form of ‘fox control’ service. Anyone seeing this footage can now see what a despicably false argument
that is. Hunting with dogs is nothing to do with fox control. It is simply a cruel sport, nothing more – and now it
is clear that it is even crueller than most people ever knew.” The charity’s investigation also claims that more than 20 hunts allowed captured foxes
to be hunted in the last 15 months. Footage is also reported to show a young fox in the Northamptonshire/Leicestershire area, being fed, then members
of the hunt unblocking the earth so that the fox escapes just prior to the hounds running past. Further video, provided
by the Hunt Saboteurs Association, is also reported to show foxes being fed by members of a hunt. “We’ve known
for a long time that this is a practice carried out by many hunts, but this is the first footage that graphically shows the
scale of what they are doing, and links it directly to members of the hunt,” added Dr Shephard. “This would be
appalling enough even if hunting was still legal. But the fact is, all the intelligence and evidence we have put together
over the last few months has pointed to this going on right now – while hunting is banned. This can only mean one thing
– some hunts are routinely breaking the law, and they are doing it in a most disgusting manner by capturing and feeding
the very foxes they are planning to chase and kill.” Clifford Pellow, a kennelman and huntsman for 23 years and now retired, said: “I’ve
worked with many hunts across the country and seen foxes kept in milk churns, cages and sheds and encouraged to breed in artificial
earths so there’s a ready supply to be hunted. I’ve even seen a fox deliberately strung up in a tree to send the
hounds into a frenzy, so it’s no surprise to me this cruelty carries on. Though hunts insist they are there to provide a wildlife control service, the fact they break the Master of Foxhounds
Association rules over and over again shows that this just isn’t the case. They’re still in it purely for the
blood ‘sport’, with a nasty, cruel streak and no respect for the law. The hunting world’s last possible justification for
repealing the Hunting Act has been well and truly blown out of the water.” *North Yorkshire Police arrested a man in
connection with the discovery of 16 fox clubs in a barn near Malton on Sunday, May 31. He is due to answer bail in the coming
weeks. Pics below:- Left
& middle - fox cubs in the barn Right - 'Known associate of Hunt visiting barn  11-6-15 LACS Press Release Kidnapped for Cruelty - 16 fox cubs
found in a barn 'linked to high profile hunt', claims charity Young foxes are being taken
from the wild and kept in captivity so they can be hunted illegally, claims a charity, after an undercover investigation discovered
16 cubs in a barn linked to a high-profile hunt. Covert video evidence taken by the League Against Cruel Sports reveals 16
fox cubs as young as three months incarcerated in a dark shed on land linked to the Middleton Foxhounds hunt, near Malton
in North Yorkshire. The video1, filmed as part of a League investigation in late May 2015, shows a shed fitted out to mimic
a fox earth, and the cubs being visited by a Middleton Foxhounds employee2 to be fed on dead chickens and provided with dirty
water in bowls. There were no vixens or adult foxes, which suggests the cubs were forcibly removed from their earths.... [much more on website] LACS say video shows Pytchley FH feeding foxes at artificial earth Film then shows fox being flushed out by terrier then hounds chasing after
it 11-6-15 The footage is part
of the most recent video uploaded to YouTube by the League, most of which deals with the Middleton FH fox cubs scandal [see news item above]. The terrierman then blocks the earth entrance.
A few seconds later hounds in cry rush past the artificial earth. The Huntsman can be heard blowing his horn to encourage
the hounds on. The Pytchley FH section starts at 2m 55s in this video. Cheshire Forest FH whip convicted of handling stolen goods Fined £2000+ and sentenced to Community Service Andrew Callwood [below left] who is/was whipper-in for the Cheshire Forest FH, was convicted after being found
in possession of a stolen tractor. In October 2013 he was also convicted of assault on a young woman. 9-6-15 Cheshire Constabulary Man found guilty of handling stolen goods A Knutsford
man has been found guilty of handling a stolen John Deere tractor worth more than £20,000. On 1st May 2015, Andrew Callwood,
of Seven Sisters Lane, Knutsford, appeared at Chester Magistrates Court charged with Handling Stolen Goods, namely a John Deere
6320 tractor. Callwood had pleaded Not Guilty to the offence. The Court heard that on the afternoon of Tuesday 8th April 2014, PC Millar, an officer
with Cheshire Police Motorcyclist Roads Policing Operations Team was undertaking patrol duties on the A556, Chester Road,
Northwich when he caused a John Deere 6320 tractor and trailer to stop. The officer had noted that there was no rear registration
mark on the trailer and that it obscured the registration mark of the tractor. On stopping the tractor, PC Millar noticed
further discrepancies with the tractor’s vehicle excise licence. The tractor and trailer were seized by Police
and later examined by a Cheshire Police Stolen Vehicle Examiner who concluded that the John Deere 6320 tractor was an outstanding
stolen tractor having been stolen from Staffordshire in August 2009. The court heard that Andrew Callwood had been in
possession of the stolen tractor, which he had claimed that he had bought with no receipts or paperwork for £5,200 in
2012. The John Deere 6320 tractor had been valued at £28,500 at the time of the theft by the insurer NFU Mutual.
Magistrates did not agree with Callwood’s explanation and he was found guilty. He received a fine of £2048.00
plus costs of £620.00. In addition, Callwood also received 125 hours unpaid community service. PC Mike Dawber, stolen
vehicle examiner with Cheshire Police said “This sends out a clear message that rural areas are not a soft touch and
if you are involved with committing rural crime in Cheshire or elsewhere, that irrespective of time, we will track you down
and put you in front of the Courts.”
consider charging Middleton FH re. fox cubs found in barn 5-6-15 RSPCA Darlington Branch Middleton
Hunt ? North Yorkshire police are considering whether to bring charges against the Middleton Hunt
for keeping fox cubs in a barn. It is not clear yet what the Hunt were planning on doing with the cubs..... [see
story below]. POWAperson adds:- In August 2013, the Huntsman, the whipper-in and two terriermen of the Middleton were convicted of illegal hunting. They were covertly monitored by LACS investigators spending
25 minutes using dogs and sticks to force a fox from its hiding place. When it fled into the open the hounds pounced on the
fox and killed it The corpse was lifted in triumph by the Huntsman, who then allowed the hounds to 'rag'
it. Although the case was among the most blatant and cruel examples of illegal hunting imaginable
- and the court could have fined the offenders up to £5,000 each and confiscated their dogs and equipment - the
penalties actually levelled were pathetic. A £200 fine for the Huntsman, £100 each for the whip and the official
terrierman and a conditional discharge for the amateur terrierman. The CPS did not appeal the lax sentences. The
League said they did not expect their convictions to deter the Middleton. In February
2015 the same Huntsman, Tom Holt, was tried for illegal hunting regarding an incident the previous February. The LACS video
evidence clearly showed a fox being chased by hounds, then Holt riding the same line a little later. He claimed they were
'trail hunting' and denied knowing hounds were chasing a fox. The court decided there was insufficient evidence and
acquitted him. Also in February 2015, the terrierman Lee Martin, convicted of illegal
hunting in 2013, was found guilty of interfering with a badger sett the previous March and given 120 hours Community Service.
Kennel-Huntsman Barry Andrews was acquitted of a similar, but separate charge. Man
arrested after sixteen fox cubs found in North Yorkshire barn 4-6-15 The Press Police launch investigation after finding 16 fox
cubs in a Ryedale barn POLICE have launched an investigation after finding 16 fox cubs in a barn
near Malton. Officers acting on intelligence searched an outbuilding on the Birdsall Estate on Sunday morning under
the Animal Welfare Act. The Estate company has said the outbuilding is on a long-term lease to another organisation
and said neither the Estate nor any of its employees had anything to do with any alleged crime. Officers rescued
the fox cubs, all aged from about six to eight weeks old, and the cubs are now being cared for in an animal sanctuary outside
of North Yorkshire. A man has since been arrested in connection with the incident but has been released on bail as the investigation
continues. PC Jez Walmsley, Wildlife Crime Officer for Ryedale said that the cubs were being fed and had access to water but
that police were keen to know how they got in the barn and who had put them there. He said: "These cubs had been
taken out of the wild, and will have come from at least four different litters. I am appealing to anyone with any information
about these foxes, particularly landowners and the communities of Birdsall, Leavening and Thixendale, to contact me. "I
also want to hear from anyone who is aware of earth being dug out or vixens being killed, as they could have important information
that could assist the investigation." Anyone with information should phone North Yorkshire Police
on 101, select option 2 and ask for Jeremy Walmsley or email jeremy.walmsley@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk, quoting reference
number 12150090111. Crimestoppers can be called anonymously on 0800 555 111 POWAperson adds - Though it is not presently known precisely why these poor cubs had been taken
from the wild, it was obviously for some sinister purpose. It may have been for coursing or baiting with terriers, but it
is equally possible that an organised Hunt is behind this outrage. In 1998, a scandal erupted around the Sinnington FH,
also in North Yorkshire, when a LACS investigator, acting on a tip-off from a hunt supporter, found 3 month old fox cubs
caged into an artificial earth on land owned by the Hunt, near the kennels. The Hunt Masters, of course, denied all knowledge.
There was also evidence of the cubs being fed, though they were in appalling condition when rescued. The RSPCA were unable
to prove a case against the Hunt, but a hunt terrierman was implicated and it is believed he was sacked.
2015 ..... 26th May - LACS reveals
video evidence of Scottish fox hunts flouting the law ..... 24th May - PM may seek 'Middle Way' to placate strong anti-repeal
feeling ..... 20th May - Cameron praised hunters for helping him win General Election .....
18th May - Sturgeon hints that SNP may vote to help block Hunting Act repeal ..... 16th May - Hunt supporters
press for early vote on Hunting Act repeal ..... 13th May - LACS presses for cruel
hunting with dogs to be banned in N.Ireland ..... 10th May - Antis begin online fight
to prevent Hunting Act repeal .....
9th April - Royal Rock Beagles disband after 170 years ..... 9th May
- Anti-hunt campaigners relying on 'Blue Foxes' to stop Hunting Act repeal ..... 9th
May - Jeremy Hunt confirms Tories will press ahead on Hunting Act repeal .....
9th May - Bid to ban Atherstone FH from country parks gains strength ..... 6th May - Sabs film
hunter carrying fox killed by Cambridgeshire FH hounds ..... 5th May - IFAW launch 'Sly'
campaign to show how hunters breach the 'ban' ..... 1st May - Police attempt to sue Heythrop hunters under Dogs Act 1871 fails
LACS reveals evidence that at least half Scottish packs hunt illegally26-5-15 Guardian Calls for SNP to make
anti-foxhunting stance clear as hunts caught on video - Scottish MPs under pressure to block any repeal of foxhunting ban
as League Against Cruel Sports alleges half of Scotland’s hunts break the law The SNP has
been challenged to underline its opposition to foxhunting across the UK as fresh video evidence alleges that half of Scotland’s
hunts are breaking the law on hunting with dogs. Since Scotland became the first part of the UK to ban traditional foxhunting
and hare coursing in 2002, it has been illegal to hunt a wild mammal with a dog. Hunts in Scotland can continue to kill foxes
by practising an exemption to the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act called ‘flushing to guns’, which means
using dogs to chase foxes from beneath cover in order to shoot them. But covert video footage taken by the League Against
Cruel Sports over a three month period apparently shows no practice of ‘flushing to guns’. The surveillance of five of Scotland’s
10 hunts suggests that they are routinely behaving as they did before the ban, with a complete absence of shotguns. The footage,
which will be presented to MSPs in Holyrood on Wednesday, shows dogs in full cry apparently following a scent and appearing
to be encouraged to do so by members of the hunt. On two occasions dogs are seen following the line of a fox. Scottish
Labour’s cabinet secretary for rural affairs, Sarah Boyack, called on the Scottish government to fully investigate the
League’s allegations. “Foxhunting is a cruel pursuit and we need to know that Scottish ministers are serious
about properly enforcing the law passed by the Scottish parliament to ban it. At the same time as enforcing the ban in Scotland,
the SNP should underline its opposition to the practice across the UK by stating clearly its objection to any repeal of the
law in England and Wales.” The League is likewise calling on SNP MPs to be given a free vote on any repeal of Labour’s 2004 Hunting Act,
which was promised in the Conservative manifesto. Although traditionally SNP MPs do not vote on legislation that only affects
England and Wales, both the party leader, Nicola Sturgeon, and the Westminster leader Angus Robertson have hinted that they
may be reconsidering this position. Last week the Guardian revealed that SNP MPs are being lobbied by voters in the rest of
the UK who are promising to holiday in Scotland and buy more whisky if they vote against the repeal of the hunting ban.
Robbie Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “Scotland led the way on legislating to
ban hunting with dogs in the British Isles. We are calling on the Scottish government to lead the way once more and make two
simple amendments to the law [to reduce the number of dogs used in flushing to guns to two and to add a clause outlawing reckless
behaviour]. These changes would make it extremely difficult for Scottish hunts to use cynical subterfuge to mask packs of
hounds being encouraged to chase foxes and eventually kill them.” But
Jamie Stewart, Scotland director for the Countryside Alliance, disputed the nature of the footage, telling the Guardian: “Having
viewed the footage, I am appalled that the League Against Cruel Sports is wasting the Scottish government’s time with
what is at best subjective and at worst contrived.” He insisted that there was no illegal activity shown in the filming,
and that anti-hunting legislation worked well in Scotland. “The Act is robust and we have had 13 years of monitoring
by animal welfare groups and Police Scotland without seeing the Scottish court system backed up with cases.” Polling
commissioned by the League from IPSOS Mori in March found that 84% of the Scottish public supported the foxhunting ban. But
the same polling revealed that just over half believed that illegal foxhunting was still taking place in Scotland. Pics below - Left - Fox [bottom right] being
chased by Berwickshire FH 28-2-15 Right - Hounds chasing that fox  26-5-15 The Scotsman Scottish packs accused of flouting fox hunting ban
NEARLY half of Scotland’s registered hunting packs may be breaking the law banning fox hunting, according to animal
rights campaigners.... Now, however, video footage filmed by the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) during the last hunt season
seems to show hunters out with full packs of hounds but no guns in sight. The clips suggest hunts are routinely using dogs
to pursue foxes and not “flushing to guns”, which is permitted under the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act 2002.... LACS investigators say they could see no shotguns during surveillance of five Scottish hunts on 16 separate outings
between December 2014 and March this year.... The campaigners, who are taking the footage to MSPs at Holyrood, are calling
for changes to the legislation that will ensure an end to the bloodsport. They want the number of hounds permitted in hunts
restricted to two, as is the case south of the border, and the addition of a clause outlawing reckless behaviour that can
result in foxes being killed by dogs “unintentionally”. These changes would make it extremely difficult for Scottish
hunts to use cynical subterfuge to mask packs of hounds being encouraged to chase foxes and eventually kill them.... Mounted
hunts and hill packs deliver a much-needed service to livestock farmers across the nation, according to Jamie Stewart, director
of the Scottish Countryside Alliance. The 2002 law is “unjustified and unnecessary”, he said.... He hit out at
the campaigners, accusing them of having “a political agenda which rejects the case for managing foxes entirely and
has no interest in the economic and environmental well-being of rural Scotland”.... Scottish Labour’s shadow secretary
for rural affairs Sarah Boyack, who is backing the LACS campaign, said scenes in the video are “deeply concerning”
and should be fully investigated by the Scottish Government. “Ministers should also consider the merits of the proposals
to change the law put forward by the charity,” she said.... “At the same time as enforcing the ban in Scotland,
the SNP should underline its opposition to the practice across the UK by stating clearly its objection to any repeal of the
law in England and Wales.” The footage is being aired just days after it emerged that new SNP MPs are being lobbied
by voters in the rest of the UK to vote against the repeal of the hunting ban south of the border, which was promised in the
Tory election manifesto. Liam
Fox thinks anti-repeal Tories will preserve Hunting Act 2 4-5-15 Express & Star Fox predicts hunting change defeat
A substantial number of Conservatives would help defeat attempts to repeal the ban on hunting with dogs, Liam Fox [left] has
said. The Tory former cabinet minister said he would welcome a free vote although predicted there would be enough opposition
in the House of Commons to prevent the law being changed. Prime Minister David Cameron promised to offer MPs a free vote on a Government Bill
to repeal the Hunting Act passed by the former Labour administration in 2004 if he won the general election. The law
currently bans the use of dogs to hunt foxes and other wild mammals in England and Wales. Opposition from the Liberal Democrats
prevented Mr Cameron delivering on a similar pledge made in the Conservative manifesto for the 2010 general election. Appearing on Murnaghan on Sky News,
Mr Fox said: "I would like to see a free vote on it. Given the balance of the House of Commons I think you will have
pretty much all the opposition parties voting against and a substantial number of Conservatives against it. I do not see it
happening. But again we gave a commitment
we would have a free vote and I think that we should have a free vote." POWAperson adds - Liam Fox is known to be a supporter of hunting with dogs. UPDATE
At 10-6-15, it would appear Dr.Fox may be right. It seems there are around 40 Conservative MPs declared against repeal . There
remain nearly 60 Tory 'unknowns', but if the proportion of 'antis' among them is similar then it seems a straight
repeal motion would narrowly fail - and that's without any SNP intervention. P.M.
may seek 'Middle Way' to try to placate strong anti-repeal feeling 23-5-15 Independent Hunting ban: David Cameron to propose 'middle way'
to limit outcry over animal welfare David Cameron is considering a “middle way” option
to the controversial planned repeal of the hunting ban in a bid to limit public outcry over animal welfare, it has emerged.
A bill to axe the 2004 Hunting Act will not be in this week’s Queen’s Speech but legislation is expected before
Christmas. While the new laws would allow hunting to resume, under consideration is a compromise that would protect
foxes and other wild animals from “unnecessary cruelty”. Other options on the table are licensing or tougher
regulation of hunting than existed before the ban came into force in 2005. The Prime Minister is understood to be considering a compromise package
because of the huge support among voters for the original ban. It is possible that the Queen, in her 62nd address to Parliament
on Wednesday, will allude to a free vote on hunting within the year. A number of Conservative MPs stood at the general
election with the backing of Vote-OK, a pro-hunting umbrella group, on the promise that they would vote for repeal in the
Commons. Yet animal welfare campaigners are alarmed at the prospect of repeal of the 2004 act, which was hugely popular among
voters. Pro-hunting groups are believed to be open to a compromise option, as they were more than a decade ago when
the issue was debated at length in the Commons and Lords. The first is the “Donoughue option”,
named after the former Labour minister Lord Donoughue, who originally proposed a middle way to reconcile strong feelings on
either side of Parliament. This would involve outlawing “deliberate and unnecessary cruelty” to wild animals,
which would ban digging out fox cubs from dens, but would still permit hunting. A separate compromise, which would also
be supported by pro-hunting groups, would be for hunting to return but be more closely regulated than it was before the outright
ban – this was the original law envisaged by Alun Michael, the then rural affairs minister, in 2002. Since the ban came into force a
decade ago, hunting of foxes with dogs is banned but hunts are legally allowed to use hounds following an artificial scent.
The Countryside Alliance and Vote-OK say that a repeal is needed to lift the threat of criminal prosecution from members of
hunts where foxes are accidentally killed. A Countryside Alliance source said: “We have always been open to a
middle-way option if that would put the issue to bed. We have always been open to anything logical that isn’t just an
illogical hatchet job.” However animal welfare campaigners and many Labour MPs are unlikely to support a middle-way
option and would want to block anything that waters down the ban. POWAperson comments - The Donoughue Bill, first mooted in 2001 in an attempt by the pro-bloodsports
peer to head off a ban, was and is nothing but a cynical attempt to enact legislation that looks as if it provides protection
to wild mammals, including hunted ones, but, in practice, would do nothing of the kind. It seeks to ban the intentional infliction
of 'undue', not 'unnecessary' suffering. This is a critical difference, because it would not render illegal
anything that is done to a wild mammal in the normal course of hunting, or, indeed, coursing or digging out. It would also
raise almost insuperable barriers to anyone attempting to gather sufficient evidence to secure a conviction against organised
hunters. The Bill was roundly rejected by all organisations concerned with wild animal welfare in the early 2000s. The Hunting Bill introduced by Alun Michael MP, which was
later transformed by backbenchers into the Hunting Act 2004, had numerous serious defects. The main one was that it allowed
for the licensing of Hunts, with the Secretary of State responsible for determining whether licences should be issued or not.
There was nothing to stop any Sec. of State, notably a Conservative one, from issuing as many licences as [s]he wished. Cameron
praised hunters for helping him win the election 20-5-15 Daily Mirror David Cameron thanks fox hunters for helping him
win election in celebratory text message David
Cameron [left] sent fox hunters a text thanking them for their
crucial election backing within minutes of realising he had snatched victory. The Prime Minister went out of his way
to pay tribute to bloodsports enthusiasts who had swooped on key battlegrounds to help boost the Tory vote. And he is
set to reward them in the Queen’s Speech by paving the way for MPs to scrap the 10-year-old hunting ban. The PM’s text was revealed
in a celebratory online message by the Ledbury Hunt in Gloucestershire. It quoted an email sent at 11.19am on May 8
by Charles Mann, of pro-hunt group Vote-OK. He boasted: “The Prime Minister sent this text to us early this morning
‘Please thank Vote-OK for all their amazing work’.” Vote-OK was set-up the day after the Hunting Act
was signed into law in November 2004. It is chaired by Mr Cameron’s father-in-law Viscount Astor, stepdad to the PM’s
wife Samantha. Target constituencies for their campaigners had included Cheltenham, where Tory Alex Chalk ousted his
anti-hunting Lib Dem rival; Oxford West & Abingdon, where Conservative Nicola Blackwood held her seat; and Bury North,
where David Nuttall was re-elected. In the email, sent by Mr Mann but with a message signed by Viscount
Astor, the Tory peer told supporters: “What you achieved is to help return a Conservative Government with an overall
majority. There is more work to do. We have to help the Government achieve its manifesto commitment on repeal of the Hunting
Act.” Writing on the Ledbury Hunt web page, spokesman Donald Haden claimed the Tories’ success meant the
future of fox hunting “is now looking very bright indeed”. He wrote: “Together we contributed to the
victory of 4 MPs who all strongly support our cause.” The Conservative manifesto pledged to give MPs “the opportunity to repeal
the Hunting Act on a free vote, with a Government bill in Government time”. It is expected to be included in next Wednesday’s
Queen’s Speech. League Against Cruel Sports spokesman Chris Pitt said: “We would hope the Prime Minister acts
for the 80% who want to see the Hunting Act remain in place, rather than pander to a vocal minority of bloodsport enthusiasts.”
Sturgeon hints SNP may vote to help block Hunting Act repeal bid 18-5-15 Guardian SNP considers voting to stop lifting of foxhunting
ban Nicola Sturgeon [right] hints
that SNP could stand in the way of Tory clamour to repeal legislation. The Scottish National party is considering whether
to oppose the repeal of the foxhunting ban in England and Wales, which is being pushed by some Conservative MPs, who hope
there could be a vote this year. SNP MPs usually do not vote on issues that only affect England and Wales, but the party’s leader, Nicola Sturgeon, has hinted that this
could be an exception. During the election campaign, she said the SNP was open to changing its policy on keeping out of votes
on devolved issues, such as health, if Westminster’s actions could have a knock-on effect on Scotland. Some
Tory MPs are pushing for a vote on foxhunting to be held within the next few months after it was promised in the party manifesto.
The Hunting Act introduced by the Labour government in 2004 bans hunting foxes, deer, hare and mink with dogs. Asked
on Twitter about how the SNP would vote, Sturgeon replied: “The SNP has not yet taken decision on this. We certainly
don’t agree with repealing ban.” The SNP’s Westminster leader, Angus Robertson, told the Scotsman
newspaper: “SNP MPs still have to consider the legislation, which we haven’t seen. We need to see it, but of course
we will be looking at that closely. You do of course understand that the UK government imposes its fiat – its
will – on Scotland without any significant legitimacy whatsoever, so we’re having legislation foisted on Scotland
with only one [Tory] MP. So we have to look at all of the issues coming forward in this new parliament following the
independence referendum on its merits and we’ll be doing that when we see the legislation that is proposed by the government.” Despite
David Cameron’s personal support for foxhunting, Downing Street is unlikely to be happy about the reignition of the
controversial issue now that the Conservatives have a majority. MPs would be allowed to vote however they wished on foxhunting
as it is considered to be an issue of conscience. With a majority of just 12, there would only have to be a few Conservative
rebels for the repeal to be blocked with the help of Labour and the SNP.
Hunt supporters press for early vote on Hunting Act repeal 16-5-15 Independent Hunting
ban ‘set to be repealed within 12 months’ with early Commons vote expected Supporters
of hunting with dogs are confident of overturning the ban imposed 10 years ago, claiming that a majority of MPs in the new House of Commons will vote to lift it.
David Cameron [right] is under mounting pressure from Conservative
MPs to honour swiftly the party’s election manifesto pledge to hold a free Commons vote on the ban. The pro-hunting
lobby, which has analysed the views of the MPs elected this month, believes it has achieved the “magic number”
of 286 votes it needs to win. The figure is less than half of the 650-member House because the Scottish National Party has
said its 56 MPs will not take part. The Countryside Alliance calculates that only about 12 of the 330 Conservative MPs will
vote to keep the ban imposed by the Blair Government. However, the rival League Against Cruel Sports is also lobbying MPs and is confident that more than 12 Tories will
vote to maintain the ban. It believes it can win the critical vote, which could be very close. It accused the Countryside
Alliance of trying to bounce Tory MPs into believing a decision to repeal the Hunting Act 2004 is inevitable, when it is not.
The forthcoming vote is unlikely to be mentioned in the Queen’s Speech on May 27, as that might divert attention from Mr Cameron’s drive to lead a “one nation” government and end the Tories’
image as the “party of the rich.” But the Speech traditionally says that “other measures” will
follow later in the parliamentary year and Tory MPs are hopeful that there will be a vote in the next 12 months. Owen Paterson [left], the Conservative former Environment Secretary, said: “The hunting ban is
bad legislation, bad for animal welfare and bad for the liberty of people in the countryside. A repeal of this law is a clear
manifesto commitment and I am confident we will see it in the Queen’s Speech on May 27.” Simon Hart [right],
a Tory MP and former chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: “We need to get on with this and I am sure the
Government will want to resolve the matter quickly and efficiently. The commitment to a vote on repeal has been in the manifesto
since 2005 and we now have the opportunity to deliver that and get rid of a law that has been a running sore in the countryside
for over 10 years.” He added: “The vast majority of my colleagues understand that this whole debate was never really about hunting or animal
welfare, but about Labour MPs having a go at what they thought was an easy Conservative target. The recent election result
has shown once and for all that Labour’s obsession with fighting a class war has rendered them unelectable, so it is
only right that we remove laws based on this prejudice from the statute book." Sir Barney White-Spunner [below
left], executive chairman of the Countryside Alliance, said: “We
are looking forward to the Government delivering its manifesto commitment to a vote on repeal that we think will be won.
The Hunting Act has been a farce from the start and even Tony Blair has admitted that it was a mistake. The new Parliament
has an opportunity to right a wrong that was done 10 years ago and we are confident that MPs will take it”. Opponents of hunting may appeal to the SNP to take part in the vote, which could tip the balance in their favour. But Nicola
Sturgeon, the SNP leader, has said the party’s MPs will vote on matters affecting England only if there are financial
implications for Scotland. She has cited the Hunting Act as a no-go area because hunting was banned in Scotland two years
earlier than in England.
Chris Pitt,
deputy director of campaigns for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “Given the other priorities facing the country
at the moment, the public will not stand for the Government bringing forward a vote to bring back hunting so early on in this
parliament. A one-nation Conservative government should listen to the public and their own supporters who are overwhelmingly
opposed to bringing back fox hunting, stag hunting and hare coursing. The Hunting Act is supported by 80 per cent of the British
public and almost 70 per cent of Conservative supporters. Increasing numbers of Conservative MPs are recognising this and
will vote against repeal, so we are confident that if a vote is called it will reflect the will of the British people and
uphold the Hunting Act.” Mr Pitt added: “Repeal of the Hunting Act would be a massive backwards step for
animal welfare and we cannot accept the cruelty that it would legalise. We will be working with all the parties, including
Conservative MPs who are anti-hunting, to ensure this vital legislation stays on the statute books.”
LACS presses for cruel hunting with dogs to be banned in N.Ireland13-5-15 Belfast Telegraph Barbaric bloodsport in Northern Ireland - horrific pictures show pets with their faces ripped off after hunting foxes These are
the shameful pictures [right, left and below right] that show
the cruel reality of fox hunting in Northern Ireland. The shocking images, collated by pressure group League Against Cruel
Sports, show pets with their faces ripped off, wild animals being barricaded into their dens and foxes being tore apart by
packs of dogs. In another image, four dogs are snapped ripping apart one fox and feeding on its insides. Disturbingly,
all the pictures were taken in Northern Ireland. And although distressing, those behind the pictures aren’t doing anything
illegal. Janice Watt, public affairs
officer with the League Against Cruel Sports, who handed the pictures over to Sunday Life, said: “These sickening and
barbaric images show exactly why hunting in Northern Ireland must be banned. It is not acceptable in the modern age
for any animal to be chased to exhaustion, and then ripped apart whilst still alive. The League Against Cruel Sports have made outlawing hunting with dogs for sport
our priority campaign in Northern Ireland. The public were outraged at the leniency shown to dog fighters convicted
last year by courts — but what is the difference between setting dogs on a domestic pet, and setting dogs on a beautiful
fox or majestic stag? The answer is none. All animals feel the same fear, terror and pain, and we have a responsibility
to stop this ruthless persecution of wildlife. Our campaign aims to show that the majority of people support a ban,
and to put the issue in front of the politicians who can bring about the legislation.” Last month Sunday Life revealed how a whippet
belonging to ‘Pink Lady Hunter’ Charlene Rafferty tore apart a defenceless fox earlier this year. Rafferty was
not doing anything illegal but provoked outrage when she posted a picture of the frenzied attack savaging a fox on Facebook
— along with the words “that’s my girl”. The blurry mobile phone snap, believed to have been posted earlier this year and now
shared by animal rights groups on Facebook, shows her dog Buffy attacking the bloodied creature as it tries to escape. Ms Watt says the League Against Cruel Sports group is calling on the Assembly to stop the use
of dogs to fight, trap or flush out wild mammals from below ground. Said Janice: “We believe this could easily be achieved
by amending the Welfare of Animals Act NI 2011 to expressly prohibit the use of dogs below ground, or by introducing legislation
to ban hunting with dogs in Northern Ireland.” She added: “Together we can help consign this brutal activity
to the history books where it belongs, and give wildlife in Northern Ireland a fighting chance.” For more information
on the league’s work in Northern Ireland, see its website: www.league.org.uk/our-campaigns/northern-ireland-and-cruel-sports/key-campaign-issues-in-northern-Ireland Antis
begin online fight to stop Hunting Act repeal 10-5-15 BBC
News Fox
fight: comedians drive online opposition to hunting vote
Less than a week after the Conservative Party won a majority in the UK general election, animal rights activists - with prominent
comedians and entertainers as their allies - are organising online to fight an effort to legalise hunting with dogs.
Fox hunting was not really an issue during the general election campaign. It barely registered on lists of voter concerns,
and didn't come up in debates. But in their manifesto, the Conservatives pledged a free vote for MPs on repealing the decade-old law
that banned hunting with dogs, and the evening after the election the Conservative Health Minister Jeremy Hunt confirmed to
the BBC's Newsnight that the vote would go ahead. That galvanised hunting opponents online, who among other things started
tweeting pictures of cute and cuddly foxes. Since the election results came through more than 58,000 tweets in the UK
have mentioned the term "fox hunting" - compared to just 4,000 in the week before the election. Influential animal
rights charities such as the RSPCA, the International Fund for Animal Welfare and the League against Cruel Sports have traditionally
led the anti-hunting charge in the UK, but on social media it's British comedians and celebrities who seem to be making
the most impact. "The most powerful man in Britain wants the freedom to hunt this animal on horseback and watch dogs
rip it to pieces" tweeted comedian and vocal animal rights campaigner Ricky Gervais, alongside a video of a playful fox.
'The Office' star has more than 8 million Twitter followers, and since Thursday his feed has been dotted with pictures
of fox cubs. His messages were retweeted by other celebrity conservationists such as Queen guitarist Brian May and documentary
maker Bill Oddie. Gervais has also re-tweeted links to a petition on change.org which has attracted more than 240,000
signatures - more than other post-election UK political petitions supporting, for example, a referendum on the Conservative
plan to repeal the Human Rights Act and another calling for reform of the voting system. Another famous comedian, Jack Whitehall,
has also been driving the trend. "Fox hunting should only be considered a 'sport' if they do it both ways round.
I.e. A pack of foxes get to chase a posh guy with a trumpet" he tweeted. Opponents of the last government's controversial badger cull to prevent
the spread of tuberculosis amongst cattle have also helped drive Gervais's message onto Facebook. Anti-badger cull
communities on the platform have started sharing celebrity quotes. But some have gone much further, into the realms of trolling.
They have posted updates which boast of their targeting of fox hunting supporters individually, as well as people involved
in last year's badger cull. "A source tells us this family are involved in badger killing," reads one post which
encouraged activists to post negative reviews of the family's business. However not everyone on social media is convinced of the apparent urgency to
pressure MPs on the issue. On Reddit, many were quick to point out that the Conservative Party were simply following through
on a campaign promise in a democratic process. Others highlighted websites which listed a number of Conservative MPs
who don't support removing the ban - which will make a difference given that MPs will be allowed to vote with their conscience
on the issue, rather than sticking to a party line. A Conservative Party spokesperson told BBC Trending that the party was still committed to its manifesto
promise. The pro-hunting Countryside Alliance is not yet campaigning on the issue, saying that until the government had given
a firm commitment in the Queen's Speech later this month, its members are focusing on other campaigns. "The recent
general election has shown the dangers of mistaking social media sentiment for a true representation of public opinion"
an Alliance spokeswoman said. "It is very easy to favourite a celebrity tweet but I wonder if 400,000 of these keyboard
warriors would rally themselves to march, as the Countryside Alliance did in support of hunting in 2002. You can be sure that
once a concrete piece of legislation has been brought forward hunting supporters will be ready and willing to act." 
Rock Beagles disband after 170 years 9-5-15 FB - N.Wales Hunt Sabs With great pleasure we bring you this news [see
article below]. How the mighty have fallen, loss of countryside and the pressures of modern life have been
blamed for the demise of Britain's oldest beagle pack. In its heyday the hunt could attract up to 1,OOO people [in N.E.Wales and into Cheshire] for
their Boxing Day meet in Wirral, but it's most recent Boxing day meet attracted just a handful of followers in a remote,
desolate field in Clwyd. DAILY POST 9-5-15  Anti hunt campaigners relying on 'Blue Foxes' to defeat HA repeal 9-5-15 Independent Anti-hunt campaigners
say they'll work with sympathetic Tory MPs to stop David Cameron legalising fox hunting Anti-fox
hunting campaigners are planning to work with anti-hunt Conservative MPs to sink any attempt by David Cameron to repeal the
ban on the traditional killings. With the Tories returned as a majority government Britain now faces the prospect of
a free government-time vote in parliament to legalise the practice, which was included in the Conservative manifesto.
Writing in the Countryside Alliance magazine earlier this year the Prime Minister said he believed people should have the
“freedom” to kill the animals. “I have always been a strong supporter of country sports. It is my firm belief
that people should have the freedom to hunt, so I share the frustration that many people feel about the Hunting Act and the
way it was brought in by the last government,” he wrote. But a number of Conservative MPs, organised around the ‘Conservatives
Against Fox Hunting’ campaign group, have previously spoken out against the practice. Anti-hunt Conservatives
returned to parliament at the general election include Simon Kirby, the MP for Brighton Kemptown, and Sir Roger Gale, who
represents North Thanet in Kent. The League Against Cruel Sports said it would work with the Tories to head off the
legalisation attempt. “We will continue to work as hard as we can to demonstrate the cruelty of hunting. And we will
be working with all the parties, including Conservative MPs who are anti-hunting, to ensure this vital legislation stays on
the statute books,” the group said in a statement. “We strongly disagree with the Conservative manifesto assertion
that hunting and shooting has economic and conservation benefits. In addition, repealing the Hunting Act would be a massive
backwards step for animal welfare and we cannot accept the cruelty that it would legalise.” The League claims
80% of the public and 70% of Conservative supporters support the current law, which is enshrined in the Hunting Act. In March
of this year Green MP Caroline Lucas called for the law to be strengthened and extended to other cruel sports.
Jeremy Hunt confirms Tories will press ahead with Hunting Act repeal 9-5-15 Daily Mirror Fox hunting back on
the agenda says Jeremy Hunt as Tories plan 'radical blitz' after election bloodbath A
free vote on the hunting ban, scrapping the Human Rights Act and finally working out £12bn of welfare cuts are all in
the Conservatives' plans. The Tories have already put fox hunting back on the table by vowing to enact everything in their controversial manifesto. The document promises a free vote on overturning
Labour's 2004 hunting ban - but many thought a coalition partner would force David Cameron to back down. Instead he will
storm ahead with the bill after winning a shock overall majority in the Commons... Jeremy Hunt [right] confirmed
the plans will all go ahead on the BBC's Newsnight.... When asked about a free vote on the fox hunting ban he added: "All
these things, if they're in the manifesto, we will do them." The bill would not automatically bring back fox
hunting. Instead it would put the question to MPs in a free vote, which means they could vote with their consciences and not
along party lines. But the policy
has prompted outrage on Twitter. "They've barely been back in power 24 hours and Jeremy Hunt confirms the Conservatives
plan to bring back fox hunting," said Paul Smith... And David Hemming said: "Jeremy Hunt confirms plans to legalise
fox hunting. Because that's what the 'one-nation party for working people' would prioritise, obviously.”
Tory sources have told the Daily Mail the party is planning a 'radical blitz' of policies while they enjoy a 'honeymoon'
as Labour is distracted by a leadership contest... The League Against Cruel Sports has already condemned the policy's
inclusion in the manifesto.
to ban Atherstone FH from country park gathers strength 9-5-15 Hinckley Times Petition calls on council to stop hunt using park
A petition calling for a ban on Atherstone Hunt riding across county-owned land in Hinckley and Bosworth has gained more than
2,300 signatures. The protest, launched by former Barlestone resident Jack Riggal, wants Leicestershire County Council to
stop allowing the hunt to use Market Bosworth Country Park. Jack, a keen conservationist and animal lover, has set up
the petition online at change.org and posted a link to the Facebook page of West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs. The link features video which
the group says was filmed on February 28 at Sibson. They claim it shows members of the Atherstone Hunt ride at the saboteurs to prevent them intervening and
hounds chase a fox into a hedge [right]. One of the protesters
is filmed bleeding from cuts to the face. According to the group officers from Leicestershire Police were at the scene
but took no action. Atherstone
Hunt assert no laws were broken by their actions. Jack said: “I am concerned about this in particular because,
against a backdrop of increasing wildlife crime in the UK - raptor and badger persecution are good examples - I believe that
how we relate to wildlife needs to improve and quickly. I grew up in Leicestershire and volunteered on the country parks
to gain habitat management experience for my career as a conservationist. The fact the Atherstone Hunt have a relationship
with Market Bosworth Country Park therefore is appalling to me.” On its Facebook post the saboteur group say they have given up making
complaints to police, preferring to highlight hunt wrongdoings via publicity on social media instead. A spokesman for Leicestershire
Police said no complaint had been received from either party regarding the Sibson incident.... According to a Leicestershire County Council spokesman
hunting is not allowed on any country parks. “We do not allow any of our country parks to be used for fox hunting. Local
by-laws at each park prohibit users from using the parks for hunting or shooting. If country park rangers or other members
of staff suspect there is illegal activity taking place within the country parks, including hunting, they will contact the
police.” Jack’s
petition reads: “The country parks of Leicestershire, where I grew up, provide a home for many incredible species of
animals and plants as well as giving the much needed green space for hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, to
enjoy every year - but the managers of these areas also have insisted on a relationship with wildlife criminals who brutally
persecute red foxes. The Atherstone Hunt, who use Market Bosworth Country Park before their Boxing Day Hunts, have been repeatedly
seen breaching the Hunting Act of 2004 and intimidating/assaulting those who oppose their acts in the field. For any and all
visitors to these parks and those who stand against the cruel treatment of animals, I urge you to sign this petition, and
I urge the Country Park Service to ban the Atherstone Hunt from all of your land for good. Wildlife criminals should
not be welcome on sites intended to preserve nature. I ’m currently campaigning against wildlife crime, with a petition
intending to start to stamp it out in the local area. I was recently appalled to see the Atherstone Hunt not only hunt a fox
illegally but attack the hunt monitors that attempted to save its life. A scan of the Facebook page for West Midlands Hunt
Saboteurs shows that even this year the Atherstone Hunt have been repeatedly breaching the Hunting Act of 2004 and the Protection
of Badgers Act of 1992. My petition stands at over 2,200 signatures and calls on the Country Park Service to ban the Atherstone
Hunt, especially from Market Bosworth where they meet for Boxing Day, and publicly condemn wildlife crime. A spokesperson
for the Hunt said: “The Atherstone Hunt has complied with the law since the Hunting Act came in 10 years ago and no
formal charges of unlawful hunting have ever been made against us. “These are ungrounded and malicious allegations made
by animal rights fanatics and are an irresponsible waste of police time and resources.” Sabs film fox just hunted to
death by Cambridgeshire FH hounds Hunt claims
'accident' and police take no action against them 6-5-15 FB - Cambridge Hunt Sabs [includes video] CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Cambridgeshire Hunt Try to Hide Just-Killed Fox Yet more filmed evidence of illegal
hunting, showing that the police either do not know the law or are unwilling to do anything about it. We caught the
Cambridgeshire Hunt making an illegal kill of a fox in March, and can now release the footage on social media. Our sabs
were devastatingly close to being able to stop the kill, but were just out of reach. 14/03/2015: The Cambridgeshire Hunt with Enfield Chace met at Hatley Park Estate
near Gamlingay on the Cambs/Beds border. We sabbed them alongside our pals at NELS - North East London Hunt Saboteurs and
Essex Sabs, experiencing the usual biased policing, who insisting on holding us up on the side of a road whilst the Hunt carried
on their bloodthirsty mission. They had been hunting on Wildlife Trust land, who have been alerted and were not aware. At
about 2.30pm the hounds made a kill, with sabs heartbreakingly close to being able to pull them off. The police were notified,
but the hunt had already contacted them with the lie that the kill was an 'accident'. However we beg to differ having
witnessed them willfully hunting and being assisted by terrier men with dogs and spades. This is an example of where strengthening the Hunting Act 2004 would make a real difference. Inserting
a 'reckless provision' into the Act would make it no longer possible for hunts to claim that hounds ripped apart hunted
foxes "by accident". Similar to reckless driving of a car, the hunt would be responsible for a criminal act. The Cambridgeshire
Hunt kennels are in Caxton and they have been audacious enough to invite journalists along to their Boxing Day meets for years
now, pretending to be trail hunting. Please share this video around to raise awareness of what the Cambridgeshire Hunt with
Enfield Chace are really up to out in the countryside.
IFAW launch 'Sly' campaign to show how hunters breach 'ban' 5-5-15
IFAW When it comes to hunting, it’s not the
foxes who are sly So, election time is here again, the time when big issues such as the economy,
the future of the NHS, taxation, immigration and the like are all thrown into the melting pot and packaged up into headlines
and soundbites that try to appeal to each and every one of us. But, there’s another contentious issue that affects hardly
anyone, yet apparently ‘divides the nation’…. fox hunting. But, with fox hunting, it’s not all what it seems, and that’s
why today sees the launch of a controversial new advertising campaign from animal welfare charity IFAW. ‘The Sly Ones’
campaign aims to highlight that 10 years since the ban on hunting with hounds, foxes are still being hunted and it’s
high time to strengthen the Hunting Act. With just around 300 active hunt groups, involving roughly 50 people each, we’re
talking just 15,000 people at any one time taking part in hunting – a miniscule 0.03% of the UK population! When you
think that home games at Manchester United average over 75,000 people, and that numerous polls have shown that around 80%
of the public are against fox hunting and want to keep the ban in place, no matter where they are from, the fight to keep
fox hunting seems all the more strange. So why then, election after election, do the Conservatives always pledge to attempt
to repeal the Hunting Act? Why does a group called Vote OK (run by pop star Bryan Ferry’s son Otis Ferry), offer pro-hunt
candidates an army of free volunteer canvassers (and far more than just canvassing if rumours are true) if they promise to
vote for repeal of the Hunting Act? And why oh why does anyone listen to the continuous pro-hunt spin of the Countryside Alliance
about hunting being good for foxes, being an effective form of pest control, an irreversible tradition and a God-given right
for those 0.03% of our population who want to challenge or disobey the nation’s laws? The answer is simple – because the rural
vote is important, and the rural lobby are one of the most powerful there are. Plus, to their credit the rural lobby are certainly
good at what they do. With regards to other parties, the Conservatives are out of kilter when it comes to their call for a
repeal of the Hunting Act. Labour wants to defend the ban on hunting with dogs, the Lib Dems and UKIP don’t even bring
it up, the Greens want the Act strengthened and the SNP say they oppose hunting as an inhumane practice with no place in modern
Scotland. What is interesting though, and always worth bearing in mind, is that many individual candidates go further than
their own parties in their support for animal welfare, including an increasing number of anti-hunt Tories. The current law,
the Hunting Act 2004, is good, but it isn’t being treated in the spirit in which it was designed. It is being purposely
manipulated by people hell-bent on breaking the law in order to have their ‘fun’ by pursuing and ideally killing
a fox or two. Concepts such as ‘trail hunting’, created after the Act came into force, do nothing more than act
as a mask and a false alibi for old fashioned pre-ban hunting, and as a result of all of the above, charities like IFAW are
finding the law increasingly difficult to help enforce. Even before IFAW’s new advert was launched, IFAW was accused
of playing to class stereotypes, but the honest truth is this isn’t about class – it is simply about abiding by
a law which was put in place to protect our native British wildlife – a law, just like any law, that must be abided
by and respected by all. The changes IFAW is pursuing are simple and logical – and they bring back the spirit of the
Act:- -
The introduction of a recklessness clause to prevent ‘trail hunting’ from being used as a false alibi; - The removal of the ‘observation and research’ exemption, which has been abused
by stag hunts to avoid prosecution for illegal hunting - An increase in the penalty for illegal
hunting to include custodial sentences, in line with other wildlife crime legislation. Only with these changes can we end the sly abuses
of the Hunting Act.
Police attempt to sue Heythrop hunters under Dogs Act fails 1-5-15
In late 2013, monitors from the Hunt Monitors Association presented Gloucestershire police with video evidence of what
they believed showed the Heythrop FH, once again, illegally hunting a fox. The video is here. Hounds, very close to a fleeing fox,
are seen chasing it into woodland. The police concluded that a prosecution under the Hunting Act was very unlikely to succeed,
but made the unusual decision to issue a summons under the Dogs Act 1871. Section 2 of that Act, the only part still
in force, allows a court to consider a claim that one or more dogs were both out-of-control and dangerous. If the court agrees,
it can either have the dog[s] destroyed or order it/them to be kept under control, failing which the owner can be fined. The Act fails to specify what
'dangerous' means. The main legal problem with this is probably that the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act, amended last year,
does define that. It requires that there either be an actual attack on a human or an assistance dog or that there was a
realistic fear of such an attack. Since hunting hounds virtually never attack people it would be very hard to persuade
a court that they were likely to do so. In 2014, the CPS in Cumbria brought a charge under the Dangerous Dogs Act against the
Melbreak FH after hounds attacked and killed a fox at a beauty spot, in front of horrified tourists. The court dismissed that
charge, presumably because the facts did not fit the criteria for 'dangerousness' and also dismissed the accompanying
Hunting Act charge, as the prosecution could not prove intent to hunt. POWA now understands that
the Gloucestershire police attempt to prosecute the Heythrop under the Dogs Act 1871 reached court in March but was not
further proceeded with, though not the reasons why. The HMA's Judy Gilbert has now published the footage of
the alleged illegal hunting, with the following text:- HEYTHROP HUNT - AS BIG A THREAT TO WILDLIFE AS EVER Despite pleading guilty to illegal hunting in 2012 the Heythrop Hunt, an Oxfordshire-based
hunt that Prime Minister David Cameron has previously ridden with, seem to have continued being as big a danger to wildlife
as ever. This footage, shot on 18th December
2013 shortly after they left their meet at Frogmore Farm (Moreton-in-Marsh), clearly shows
hounds in cry before a fox is seen running for its life along the hedge line with hounds just inches away from him. The
fox desperately tried to get over a fence into the vegetation, but he just bounced off the fence into the hounds. He disappeared
out of view but there were hounds everywhere and so close to him that the monitors don’t think there is any way he could
have got away. They believe he was killed by the hounds shortly after the camera lost sight of him. Whilst this was going
on the monitors heard no attempt from the hunt to call the hounds off the fox. A few minutes after this footage was taken the hunt Joint Master, Vanessa Lambert; Kennel Huntsman Michael Little; Hunt
Secretary, Guy Avis; Huntsman and Joint master, Charles Frampton, and the owner of the land, Lord Ashton, were all seen in
the vicinity. Gloucestershire police charged the Heythrop Hunt under
the 1871 Dogs Act; having dogs out of control where there is a fear of injury to people or other animals. This reached court
in March 2015, but did not get any further. Pics below - LEFT - The dark blob centre picture, against a white fence post, is the fleeing fox trying to jump into
the woodland. The lighter blob below and just to its right is the lead hound. CENTRE - The light blobs
just beyond the fence in the woodland are hounds pursuing the fox, seconds later. RIGHT - Lord Ashton
of the Heythrop being questioned by a police officer. 
APRIL 2015 ..... 30th April - Grafton FH supporter gets
police caution for vile racist abuse .....
28th April - Albrighton & Woodland fox kill film released after police drop investigation .....
26th April - Devon hunt supporter convicted of assault at Xmas party ..... 24th April - Flint and Denbigh
terrierman convicted of assaulting sab ..... 18th April - Tedworth FH fury as police drop inquiry into alleged
assault by sab on redcoat ..... 17th April - PM says he's 'delighted' with canvassing
support from 'Vote OK' hunters ..... 13th April - Ferry & Deutsch fail to pay damages still owing to
assaulted hunt monitors ..... 13th April - Cameron goes canvassing in Oxon with 100+ Heythrop FH
members ..... 11th April - Flint & Denbigh FH follower cautioned for attack
on sabs and landy ..... 5th April - Sabs claim were seriously assaulted by South Dorset
hunt thugs ..... 4th April - LACS investigators film D&S SH illegally hunting
stag - CPS refuse to charge ..... 4th April - Sabs attacked, threatened, obstructed at North Cornwall
Hunt ..... 3rd April - Leaders of fox hunting rally their people to help Tories at election
2nd April - IoW FH hounds in prolonged rampage through RSPCA rescue centre ..... 1st April - November
trial date set for Lamerton FH six ..... 1st April - Sabs assaulted
& camera stolen during Lamerton FH meet
Grafton FH hunt supporter cautioned for vile racist outburst30-4-15 You Tube On 28th February 2015, members of the Hunt Monitor's Association
[who are also POWA Associates] were monitoring the Hunt near Canons Abbey in Northants. Whilst observing hounds hunting
in the valley below, and with hunt supporters nearby, one monitor observed that any vixen being hunted at the time of year
may well be pregnant or even have given birth [which is true]. A male hunt supporter
showed typical ignorance of fox ecology by asserting that 'they won't even have mated yet' [foxes mate in
December/January]. He then started being abusive, culminating by saying, of foxes 'You
want to fuck off to France where they do like they do to niggers, shoot the bastards.' None
of the several hunt followers nearby reacted at all to what he had said. The video was handed by monitors to police and
the hunt supporter subsequently received a police caution. The supporter's racist
outburst is very reminiscent of that, also recorded by HMA monitors, by 'Jim French' a follower of the PM's favourite
Hunt, the Heythrop. in 2010. On that occasion the local CPS declined to prosecute. In 2014, sabs reported being met with racist
abuse by terriermen from the East Essex FH at an attempted dig-out. In 2013, the Huntsman of the Ross Harriers was convicted
of racist abuse directed against a female sab, though, despite his remark being clearly heard by several other sabs and an
independent resident, he somehow managed to win his appeal against conviction. In 2012, a S.Pembrokeshire hunt follower allegedly
directed racist abuse at monitors, before, also allegedly, discharging a firearm which wounded a female monitor in the head.
He was later jailed for firearms offences. In 2011, the Huntsman of the Cotswold Vale Farmers FH was convicted of racially
abusing a sab and fined. It is believed he was sacked by the Hunt - surprising, if true, since it is very rare for any disciplinary
action to be taken by Hunts against their 'servants'. As anti-hunt activists, and 'civilians' who just
happen to get in their way or challenge their behaviour at all, know full well, aggression, bigotry, prejudice and abuse
litter the everyday discourse of many hunt followers and members The HMA has referred
several incidents of what they believe is illegal fox hunting by the Grafton in the last season, with video evidence, to the
RSPCA. However, the Society's lawyers have concluded that the evidence is not strong enough to make convictions
likely and have declined to prosecute. It is now even more difficult than ever to get organised hunters prosecuted, even where
fairly blatant live quarry hunting has been documented. It is clearer than ever that the Hunting Act desperately needs to
be significantly strengthened. Albrighton &
Woodland fox kill film released by sabs after police drop investigation 28-4-15 Vimeo On 15-11-14, sabs were at the scene when hounds from the Albrighton
and Woodland FH chased a fox in woodland and killed it. Sabs were able to retrieve the corpse. Riders were on the scene
when they emerged with it. One claimed they had earlier laid a trail in that area. The sabs reported the incident to the police. The officer appointed to the investigation then decided on no further
action without any further communication with the sabs or even watching the video evidence. The sabs made a formal complaint
to West Mercia police, who acknowledged the case should not have been closed so quickly and reopened the investigation. The sabs say 'We are satisfied the fox kill was then investigated properly. Unfortunately,
there was not enough evidence to take this any further. We overheard the Hunt say '"We need to ring this in as an
accident." This is typical, as most Hunts will claim that ALL incidents of hunting are "accidental".
This once again proves that the Hunting Act needs strengthening, as Hunts are openly flouting the law on a regular basis.' 
Sab retrieves fox body after kill Sab shields corpse from eager hounds Devon hunt supporter convicted of assault at Xmas party 26-4-15 N.Devon Journal Holsworthy fox hunting party ended in violence,
a court heard Joshua Lake, of Wood Park, Bideford, appeared at North Devon Magistrates' on Friday
and pleaded guilty to assault by beating. A FOX hunting Christmas party ended in violence after a 25-year-old head-butted
a bouncer a court heart. The incident occurred outside the Memorial Hall in Holsworthy on December 28 last year during
a fox hunting group's Christmas party. The court heard that the defendant had been escorted out of the building before midnight by bouncers.
The victim, one of the door staff, Kevin Walker, had tried to stop the defendant getting back into the venue and during the
altercation had been head-butted by Lake. Paul Walters, for the defence, told the court that Lake was of previous good
character. Mr Walters said Lake had got into a discussion with his girlfriend and after someone tried to interfere –
he was subsequently thrown out by the bouncers. A witness statement read out to the court stated that Lake had suffered
a graze to the face while the door staff had thrown him out the venue. Lake had left his jacket and a watch with sentimental
value in the hall and wanted to get back inside. He said he had not intended to head-butt the victim – it was
in the heat of the moment to get them to back off. Before he could apologise to the victim, the police arrived and Lake
fled the scene. Mr Walters said he regretted his actions. Lake was given a 12-month community order and
ordered to under-take 80 hours of unpaid work, He must also pay a victim surcharge of £60, costs of £85 and £50
in compensation to the victim. POWAperson
adds - This is just the latest in a line of violent incidents at Hunt parties, the most serious of which ended with the Huntsman
of the Tiverton Staghounds being convicted of rape and imprisoned for four years. It's scarcely surprising that people
who glory in violence towards defenceless animals also tend to violence towards their fellow humans.
Flint & Denbigh terrierman convicted of assaulting sab 24-4-15 FB – N.Wales Hunt Sabs [Video] On April 17th, Flint and Denbigh Hunt's terrierman
Robert Lee Smith pleaded guilty at Prestatyn magistrates to assault on a hunt saboteur in Trefnant. This video shows Rob Smith's
disgusting actions. Smith received a 6 months conditional discharge and was ordered to pay the court £85. Pics below - 1/ Smith approaching sab, 2/
Smith about to spit at sab  
Tedworth FH furious as police drop claimed assault by sab inquiry 18-4-15 Mail on Sunday Fury
as police drop probe into this brutal iron-bar attack on huntsman despite dossier of evidence on possible suspect - Mike Lane was beaten by masked protesters armed with iron bars on ropes - Attack
happened as 30 riders and hounds were chasing artificial scent - Wiltshire Police handed video footage and some names of saboteurs
- Decision by police to drop probe branded 'pathetic' Police have dropped an investigation into a vicious assault
on a huntsman just three months after it took place – despite a wealth of evidence pointing to the identity of a suspected
attacker. Last night the victim, Mike Lane, 40, who
was beaten by balaclava-clad protesters armed with iron bars on ropes, condemned the decision by police as ‘pathetic’.
He said: ‘They could have made more effort. Everyone is very disappointed. I’ve been told that unless further
evidence comes forward, the attackers are not likely to be found. We find it pathetic.’ A video of the incident and
a dossier of evidence, including some names of saboteurs and their car registration numbers, was given to Wiltshire Police
after the assault. The attack at Everleigh, near Amesbury, took place even though the 30 riders and their hounds were chasing
only an artificial scent, rather than a fox. During the incident, Mr Lane, who is joint master of the Tedworth Hunt, was sent
flying to the ground, before being kicked in the head. He was admitted to hospital with concussion and broken teeth and his
face was swollen. Since the attack he has suffered memory loss. The face of the thug who kicked Mr Lane was captured on video.
Following the attack, Wiltshire Police issued the suspect’s photograph, although he has not been identified. In an exclusive interview
with The Mail on Sunday, Mr Lane said: ‘I’ve been told by police they are shelving their inquiries due to insufficient
evidence. It’s angered us because we gave them evidence. I’m beginning to lose my trust in the police.’
Wiltshire Police confirmed they had stopped the investigation pending further information, but their failure to identify,
charge or prosecute anyone involved has dismayed hunt supporters across the country. On the day of the attack, January 24, about 15 protesters sprayed hounds with the perfumed chemical citronella to
distract them from the scent. Mr Lane said: ‘I noticed they parked about 250 yards away. Then five came towards us.
They were looking for trouble – it was a hardcore element we’d not seen before. They were abusive and then one
spat at me and then punched me in the face. A scuffle broke out and I slipped and one started kicking me in the head, stamped
on me and the heel of his steel toe-capped trainer stuck in my mouth. I was knocked out for a few minutes. Then the chap started
swinging a rope with an iron bar.’ Mr Lane, who has paid £500 for dental treatment since the attack, added: ‘I
feel let down and think the police could have done more.’ Karen Fieldsend, 42, who made the call to
police, is furious that the case has been dropped. ‘It’s disgraceful,’ she said. ‘If you had people
assaulted in a city centre, something would be done, but in the countryside people forget about it.’ James Cameron,
53, vice-chairman of the Tedworth Hunt, added: ‘Their decision is disappointing, but this highlights how difficult it
is for police to do their job when saboteurs turn up wearing face coverings.’ The Countryside Alliance is campaigning
to ban saboteurs from wearing a face covering so criminals can be brought to justice. Last night a spokesman for
Wiltshire Police said: ‘We have been unable to move the inquiry further forward. At this stage the case has been recorded
as undetected, however should other evidence come to light then it will be re-opened.’ POWAperson comments - As before, none of the footage issued, including the video embedded in the article above,
actually show Mr. Lane being assaulted, even though it claims to. It does appear to show one sab being attacked by two
much larger hunt followers and another equally small sab coming to his defence [above
left] and then defending himself. Hence, perhaps, one female supporter's heard advice to the woman filming
not to record what was happening. Nor are any 'iron bars' the sabs are supposed to have employed evident.
says 'delighted' with canvassing support from 'Vote OK' Hunters helping Tories at election include convicts POWA says 'Judge a man by the company he keeps' 17-4-15 Western Daily Press David Cameron 'delighted' with hunt support to swing election
Prime Minister David Cameron said he is 'delighted' with the efforts of an army of hunt supporters being mobilised
to help the Conservatives win in marginal seats across the West. And Mr Cameron made his own pledge to vote to repeal the
ban on hunting after the general election as he welcomed the practical help that Conservative candidates across the West are receiving from hunt supporters. The Prime Minister has joined the campaigners co-ordinated by an organisation called
Vote-OK, which matches coachloads of hunt supporters with general election candidates who support repealing the hated ban
on hunting. The Gloucestershire-based organisation said it is targeting specific seats with a strict set of criteria
– they only send hunt supporters to canvas, deliver leaflets and stuff envelopes for candidates who support hunting
and are in a marginal seat where the main opponent is anti-hunting... He said, personally, he would vote to scrap the Hunting
Act. "I've always backed the freedom to hunt. I always thought the law was wrong and I don't think the law is
working... I welcome support from wherever it comes... " said Mr Cameron about Vote-OK. "I'm delighted that
they want to do that." … Anti-hunt groups in the Cotswolds said they object to Mr Cameron's backing of Vote-OK.
Penny Little's group Protect Our Wild Animals monitored the Heythrop Hunt and obtained the evidence which led to its convictions
after a controversial trial. Members of those monitors were also assaulted by Otis Ferry eight years ago. He and another man
were convicted of affray, and more recently ordered to pay thousands in compensation for the incident – money he has
not paid, despite bailiffs being sent to his home. "David Cameron seems to have some dubious friends, including Otis
Ferry, who assaulted a woman and now refuses to pay the damages a judge awarded to her," said Mrs Little. "His other
friends include members of a Hunt which has been convicted of illegally hunting foxes on multiple occasions. Well, they say
you can judge a man by the company he keeps, don't they?" she added.
and Deutsch fail to pay damages to assaulted monitorsOver
£30,000 still owing more than a year after judgement Meanwhile, Cameron joins Heythrop hunters to canvass in Oxon 13-4-15 Independent Otis Ferry fails to pay thousands promised
after civil assault of two women... even after bailiffs allegedly visit house More than a
year after agreeing to pay thousands of pounds in damages for his part in the civil assault of two women, fox hunting advocate
Otis Ferry [right] has yet to give his victims a penny –
even after bailiffs allegedly visited his house in an attempt to recover the money. John Deustch, who was hunting with Otis
Ferry when the incident occurred, has also not paid the victims any money. Brentford
County Court ordered Deutsch to pay £17,000 in damages to Susan Grima and £14,000 to Helen Ghalmi, with a reported contribution of £16,000 to come from Mr Ferry, along
with legal costs estimated in the thousands, in March last year. The civil court judge found them guilty of assault and gave
them a fortnight to pay the two women, who were monitoring a meeting in November 2007 of the Heythrop Hunt, based in Chipping
Norton, Oxfordshire, when the incident occurred. According to a witness account of the incident, accepted by Judge Powles,
Ms Ghalmi was driving her car with Ms Grima as a passenger when they passed two horse riders – one of whom was Mr Ferry,
who was talking on his mobile phone. A car driven by Mr Deutsch pulled up behind them and Ms Ghalmi pulled off the road to
let it pass. But Mr Deutsch got out of his car, shouted abuse at the two women and smashed the side-window next to Ms Grima.
At that point, Mr Ferry joined in, snatching Mrs Ghalmi’s video-camera. He rode off with the device and subsequently
deleted the footage it had captured, according to witness statements. The
deadline for the payment was more than a year ago, but neither the victims or their solicitors, Howe & Co, has received
any money. “I find it shocking that Mr Ferry has still to make a single payment. To say I feel disgusted but unsurprised
by his behaviour would be an understatement…” Ms Ghalmi told The Independent. Mr Deutsch declined to comment,
while Mr Ferry and his solicitor did not reply to requests to comment. Ms Ghalmi and Ms Grima brought their civil claim
against Mr Deutsch and Mr Ferry because they were dissatisfied with the outcome of a criminal case brought in relation to
the same incident by the Crown Prosecution Service. In the criminal case, Mr Ferry and Mr Deutsch pleaded guilty to a public
order offence of affray and paid a £350 fine, while the more serious charges of assault and battery were dropped. Mr Ferry, the son of Roxy Music singer Bryan, is a prominent figure in the fox hunting
world. He is a pro-hunt activist and Joint Master of the South Shropshire Hunt who famously disrupted a debate on fox hunting
in Parliament in 2004. He also fronts Vote-OK, a pro-hunting lobby group whose members are campaigning on behalf of
several Conservative candidates on the understanding they will vote to repeal the Hunting Act if the Tories win the General
Election. It is understood that Mr Ferry was out when the bailiffs called at his home. The Prime Minister has promised
to hold a parliamentary vote to repeal the Hunting Act, brought in by Labour in 2005. On Saturday last week Cameron and 107
members of the Heythrop Hunt campaigned for Nicola Blackwood, who is defending her Oxford West and Abingdon seat. Flint & Denbigh
follower cautioned for attack on landy, assaults ON SABS 11-4-15 FB – N.Wales Hunt Sabs On November 22nd 2014, following a very eventful day that we still have
not been able to report on due to police investigations. Sabs pulled up outside Penpalment farm Trefnant and watched the Flint
and Denbigh hunts hounds cross the road and back to to meet, sabs agreed the hunt were packing up and decided to call it a
day. But then were confronted by a very angry James 'Jimbob' Grocott, Quick thinking by the sab in the drivers seat
to lock the doors as Grocott attempted to open the passenger door. The footage here then shows what Grocott did next before
going on to commit common assault on two hunt saboteurs. The hunt supporter admitted to his crimes and was cautioned and paid
for the broken windscreen, he was also ordered to write a letter of apology … Full video evidence soon to be posted
on YouTube but please share this short clip in the meantime. POWAperson adds - Grocott, a local farmer, did send the letter of apology, as required, and has paid for
the broken windscreen. This offending brings to 349 the number of staff/members/followers of organised Hunts known by POWA
to have been convicted of, or cautioned for, criminal offences since the 1990/1 hunting season. 833 separate offences are
recorded, of which 183 were violent offences, the vast majority of which were attacks on sabs or monitors, though they're
also known to assault other people and even each other.
Sabs claim were seriously assaulted
by South Dorset hunt thugs 5-4-15 FB – Dorset Hunt Sabs Hit Report 31/03/15 South Dorset Hunt Knoll
House Hotel Studland With thanks to Three Counties Hunt
Sabs for travelling a long way to be with us. This was the South Dorset Hunt's (SD) last meet of the season and as such,
the anti-anti's were in full throttle from the start. Firstly, sabs were mugged, assaulted and had their maps nicked
and then were again later attacked by hunt scum and so consequently, a police investigation is in process. You will
understand that we can't give out too much information prior to the investigation being completed. However, we will tell
you that we we were water bombed, water pistolled, pushed, shoved and severely verbally abused all day. This was nothing
to do with fox hunting. This was simply Sab-Bashing. The escalation endured and continued eventually culminating with
one female middle-aged sab's feet being kicked from under her such that she ended up with a broken arm, bruises and grazes.
Other sabs endured kicks to the stomach and other serious assaults. Police are investigating... LACS investigator film D&S SH illegally hunting deer - CPS refuses to prosecute 4-4-15 LACS Press Release Devon and Somerset Staghounds (DSS) met at Cuzzicombe, North Devon, with around 400 people
participating in the event. Two teams of wildlife crime investigators surveyed the Hunt’s activities from the meet until
the hunt ended, one team in a covert position observing the hunt from a distance, and the second team in an undercover position
posing as hunt supporters. After their evidence was assessed, the case was brought to the authorities to seek prosecution
for illegal hunting. After some delay the police investigated the case, but the CPS decided not to prosecute because the defence
claimed “Observation and Research” and supported their claim by producing the same researcher as in 2013.
Sabs obstructed, threatened, attacked at North Cornwall Hunt 4-4-15 FB – Devon Hunt Sabs N.Cornwall Hunt With our landy back on the road, we spent Saturday with our Cornish neighbours at a meet of the North Cornwall Hunt
at Lanjew Farm, Withiel.… for the most part spent the day watching the huntsman struggle to retain control of
the pack, with hounds running amok in fields of newborn lambs. Sabs had to come to the aid of a lamb that had become trapped
on a bank, after marauding hounds had caused the rest of the flock to flee in panic. Hunt support made several attempts to block our vehicle in on the narrow
country lanes... Hunt support appeared to get progressively more frustrated as the day went on. Foot sabs were subjected to
a tirade of verbal abuse from hunt followers... One woman encouraged her young children to shout swear words at foot sabs,
while another snatched a phone out of one of the sabs' hands and threw it with force to the ground, something we later
reported to the police. The same follower then proceeded to swing a whip at our landy, hitting a window and almost smashing
it... Toward
the end of the day, the same bored group of hunt followers blocked our landy in near Withielgoose Farm, aided by a farmer
whose tractor deliberately blocked the other end of the road. As more vehicles arrived, one of the followers climbed onto
the bonnet of our landy and encouraged the others to join in. He lunged at one of our sabs through a window and attempted
to steal a camera and then waved a vehicle window hammer at us... Just before the police arrived, the vehicles that had blocked
us in drove off in the opposite direction but were later located by the police, who had words with them for their blocking
tactics and threatening behaviour.
Fox hunting leaders rally their troops
to support Conservatives More
Tory candidates revealed as being helped by 'Vote OK' 3-4-15 Independent Prominent fox hunting supporters step up Tory
support – and expect repeal of ban in return Two of Britain's most prominent fox hunting chiefs
have issued a call to arms for all their supporters to canvas on behalf of Conservative election candidates backing their
campaign to overturn a ban on the blood sport, as two more Tories are revealed to be receiving direct backing. The plea
made by Lord Mancroft, a hunting partner of Prince Charles who chairs the Council of Hunting Association, together with Hunting
Office director Tim Easby, will increase concerns among animal rights campaigners that the bar enforced a decade ago could
be lifted if the Tories are able to form a government after the general election. "As the campaign begins in earnest,
we are writing to remind you of the vital importance of the result of the forthcoming General Election. The 7th May could
be a great date for Hunting," the pair wrote in an email appeal. It was sent to hunt members across the country –
who now number 45,000 according to the Countryside Alliance but are able to influence many more, with hundreds of thousands
of people still thought to attend the biggest events in the hunting calendar – including David Cameron’s local
Heythrop Hunt in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire. "Whichever way the Election goes, the status quo will change. ‘We
are happy as we are’ is not an option," added Lord Mancroft and Mr Easby. "For those who think we can carry
on as we are with the current status quo, consider this. Under a Conservative administration, the current status quo will
be the floor, the base level from which things might improve. Under a Labour administration, the current status quo will be
the ceiling, from which we dangle precariously from our fingertips." The Prime Minister promised last month to hold
a parliamentary vote on repealing the 2005 Hunting Act if the Tories win the election. Labour, which introduced The Hunting
Act in 2005, is firmly committed to upholding it. There are an estimated 45,000 hunt members. The Independent can reveal two
further Conservatives – Cheltenham parliamentary candidate Alex Chalk, and Oxford and Abingdon West incumbent Nicola
Blackwood – are receiving support from the pro-hunting Vote-OK group run by Otis Ferry, son of Roxy Music frontman Bryan
Ferry. This newspaper disclosed last week that David Nuttall, fighting to retain his seat in Bury North, and Rob Loughenbury,
standing in Chorley, have been helped by Vote-OK members leafleting, putting up posters and telephone canvassing. Arguing
that every member should take part in such activities, the email said: "Basic campaigning is the most significant and
decisive weapon in a candidate’s armoury – potentially making the difference between a minority Government and
a Conservative Government with a working majority great enough to win the vote when they bring in legislation to Repeal the
Hunting Act. The result is going to be tight, and the tighter it becomes the more valuable your work becomes."
They warn: "There are some gaps where Hunts are underperforming [in their election support] and we will be contacting
these Hunts accordingly." Maria Eagle, Labour’s Shadow Environment Secretary, said: "The Conservative
Party only stands up for a privileged few and it smacks of desperation that it has to rely on the pro-hunting lobby... to
get its message across.". Tom Quinn, Campaigns Director for League Against Cruel Sports said: "It would be
completely wrong to repeal the Hunting Act. Chasing foxes and other wild mammals with dogs for pleasure has no place in modern
Britain. That is why 80 per cent of the public support the ban on fox hunting and even more back the ban on stag hunting and
hare coursing. With the majority of Conservative party supporters against fox hunting, along with those of every major political
party in Britain, a growing number of Conservative MPs and parliamentary candidates also recognise that overturning the hunting
ban would be the wrong thing to do." Lord Mancroft, a Conservative peer who chairs the Countryside Alliance, is
probably best known outside hunting circles for claiming in 2008 that the NHS nurses who had treated him at the Royal United
Hospital in Bath were "slipshod, lazy and, worst of all, drunken and promiscuous". Mr Easby is director of the Maters
of Foxhounds Association, representing 186 packs of foxhounds, as well as heading the Hunting Office, which administers all
the representative organisations for hunting with hounds in the UK. Though illegal fox hunting continues in some parts of
the country, Mr Easby said the "status quo" referred to in the email meant activities allowed "within the bounds
of the Hunt Act", such as "trail" hunting where a pack of hounds follow an artificially-laid fox scent. The extent of illegal fox hunting is unclear. Anti-hunt campaigners claim that it is widespread with members routinely ignoring
the law, often under the cover of trail hunts. There were only 13 convictions of registered hunts between 2005 and 2013, although
opponents say this is because it is poorly policed. Mr Easby said: "Vote-OK is a group of volunteers co-ordinating supporters
in marginal constituencies. The campaign aims to ensure that in May 2015 we elect a Government that will understand and appreciate
the ways of the countryside, and will bring forward legislation to repeal the Hunting Act 2004."
IoW FH hounds prolonged rampage thru RSPCA rescue centre 2-4-15 FB - W.Sussex Hunt Sabs We
happened to be at this hunt on this day and find the relationship the hunt have with the police to be far to cosy. The Police
Wildlife Officer is also the hunt liaison officer. As the hunt moved off they picked up on a fox very quickly and luckily
we managed to call the hounds off. No trail layer seen at all. 2-4-15 Isle of Wight County Press
25-3-15 FB - W.Sussex Hunt Sabs The Hunt finished the day with the ‘terriermen’ attempting to round up the hounds, taking up the entire
road in a very amateur fashion when we witnessed a school bus having to jam its breaks on and swerve to miss the hounds and
incredibly hounds were running through the RSPCA Animal Home right under the nose of ‘Hunt Liaison Police Officer’
Sergeant Mark Lyth who is also, but bizarrely the local ‘Wildlife Officer’! We witnessed one of the most amateur
attempts to hunt (rip foxes apart) today and yet again we will be back again and again until this barbaric, illegal “sport”
Sabs assaulted and camera stolen during Lamerton FH meet 1-4-15 You Tube Devon Hunt sabs are assaulted and their camera stolen
Lamerton Hunt - At the end of the day, hounds went into cry around Leawood House, near Bridestowe. Hunt staff and support
became aggressive towards foot sabs on a footpath south of Leawood House. Sabs decide to head out to the road, cameras at
the ready for protection, a tactic later endorsed by the police. The footpath goes through the property but there wasn't
clear signage amongst the buildings. One of the men identified himself as the landowner and directed sabs towards the footpath.
As you can see on our footage, sabs calmly and politely complied with his directions but the man snapped and launched himself
onto one of our sabs, wrestling him to the ground as he tried to take a camera out of his hands. A hunt rider joined in the assault with his riding crop [right]and
kneed the sab in the head. Sabs were able to deescalate the situation but the landowner ran off with the camera and handed
it to his son, directing him to wipe the footage. Sabs called the police to report the assault and the theft of the camera,
while hunt members stood by grinning and sniggering that the footage had been wiped. Luckily another sab was wearing a body
cam throughout. As the police arrived, the offending rider made a quick get-away on his horse. The landowner and his wife
stormed up to the police and concocted a justification for stealing the camera, lying that sabs had threatened their children,
tried to break into their house and refused to leave their land. Sabs were left shaken but with no serious injuries. The landowner
handed the camera over to the police after he'd been told that we had footage of him stealing it. The card had been wiped
but with the help of data recovery software, we have recovered most of it. POWAperson adds - Six Lamerton Hunt
members are currently awaiting trial on Hunting Act charges in a prosecution being brought based on evidence from LACS
MARCH 2015 ..... 30th March - Woodland Pytchley cause traffic chaos, hunting alongside A6 ..... 25th March - Judge praises sabs, criticises Hunt
& police over savaged deer's treatment ..... 23rd March - Female sab allegedly
punched in face by S.Herefordshire supporter ..... 18th March - RSPCA drop only Hunting
case - IFAW react by backing strengthening ..... 17th March - Three 'masked'
Scottish sabs charged after attempting to disrupt fox hunt ..... 14th March - Farndale FH in N.Yorks
packs up after 225 years ..... 14th March - Six sabs charged with disrupting Waveney Harriers 'trail
hunt' ..... 13th March - Cumbrian hound pack owner fined for breaching BSE regulations .....
13th March - Otis Ferry fronting Vote OK's sneaky election push ..... 12th March - Croydon Hunt
Sabs Land Rover vandalised outside home ..... 11th March - Petition storm makes CPS rethink possible Blackmore Huntsman
prosecution ..... 11th March - Old Surrey rider KO'd in fall is helped by first-aider
sab ..... 7th March - Pro-hunt article in Economist blows gaffe on supposed 'trail hunting' .....
6th March - Cameron confirms Tory manifesto pledge to repeal Hunting Act .....
3rd March - Atherstone FH almost catches fox, then Huntsman and followers attack sabs
Woodland Pytchley cause traffic chaos, hunting alongside A630-3-15
FB – Manchester Hunt Sabs On Saturday we teamed up with sabs from all over to visit the
Woodland Pytchley Foxhunt, one of the few hunts still out so late in the hunting season. Hunting alongside the busy A6 caused
traffic chaos but allowed sabs to sneak a look at the Hunt's route map which dim-witted Northants police had kindly left
displayed on their riot-van windscreen. The Hunt further endeared themselves to the local community when ex-master, David
Reynolds O.B.E, (former Northamptonshire High Sheriff and currently on the board of the Countryside Alliance) deliberately
blocked the road stopping us and a stream of local traffic from moving. He refused to move even when an elderly local resident
asked him!... The two vehicles
full of self-appointed 'hunt stewards' did their best to stop sabs getting on the land but even the hunts official
trail-layer conceded to us that they 'aren't always that useful'. The Hunt's additional security, Northants
police, hadn't heard of the Hunting Act and were more interested in filming sabs than any illegal hunting - so we were
pleasantly surprised to see them reprimand the weeble-like hunt-security during some of their sweatier antics. Armed with
the map of the hunt's movements sabs were able to anticipate their direction and working in two groups kept the hunt moving
all day, with local sabs well positioned to help a fox to safety late in the day. No kills - and only more Saturday left for
this hunt, see you real soon losers!
Sabs lauded
by judge as clears them of aggravated trespass Criticises
hunt and police over poor treatment of deer savaged by hounds 25-3-15 HSA
Press Release Hunt Saboteurs
Praised by Judge after being cleared of Aggravated Trespass Four
hunt saboteurs were today found not-guilty of committing aggravated trespass after a two day trial at Reading magistrates.
The trial took place following their arrest at a meet of the Surrey Union Hunt near Ewhurst, Surrey in October last year.
The saboteurs were trying to come to the aid of an injured deer that had been chased and injured by the Hunt. Instead of allowing
the sabs, who had years of animal sanctuary experience, to help the animal. Surrey Police arrested them for failing to leave private land. They left the deer with the hunt terrier men [left] who shot it. During
the trial a leading vet, Professor Andrew Knight, criticised the way the terrier men had treated the animal as they dragged
it around by a broken leg and said it was almost certain its injuries had been caused by a pack of hounds. It became
clear from video footage that the police had lied about the events of the day and the district judge in his summing up said
that the hunt and police had caused unnecessary suffering to the deer due to their handling of the situation and that if the
sabs had been allowed to help the animal they would have been able to reduce it's suffering. He also praised the
saboteurs saying: "All of you contribute immensely to society not only in your working lives but in your free time]
You deserve high praise for managing yourselves and your behaviour." Lee
Moon, press spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: "Surrey police have a history of acting as
private security for the Surrey Union Hunt. In this case they allowed their bias to lead to the unnecessary suffering
of an animal. Despite the saboteurs informing the police that a crime had occurred they allowed the Hunt to take the
deer's body and dispose of it and arrested the saboteurs who were trying to minimise the animals suffering. We hope that
the Surrey Union hunt will now be investigated for illegal hunting and that there will be an independent investigation into
the actions of Surrey Police. Whilst we are pleased at the not-guilty verdict it is disgusting that this case ever came to
trial." 27-3-15 Morning Star Police favours hunters, say acquitted
saboteurs POLICE were accused of bias in favour of fox-hunters yesterday following the acquittal of four
hunt saboteurs charged with aggravated trespass for attempting to aid a wounded deer. The deer had been attacked by
hounds of the Surrey Union Hunt last October when sabs ran to its aid. Police said there was no evidence it had been
attacked by the hunt before allowing the toffs to shoot and kill it. But
leading vet Professor Andrew Knight submitted a report to the trial saying wounds were "highly consistent" with
a dog attack. District Judge Turner told the four defendants: "You deserve high praise for managing yourselves and your
behaviour." He added that if they had been allowed access to the deer instead of being arrested it may well have
been saved. Surrey Police announced online it "is currently in the process of reviewing the force approach to hunting
and the findings from this case and any lessons learned will be considered as part of the review." The acquitted
sabs added that as fox-hunting has been illegal since 2004 this statement was far from satisfactory.
Female sab allegedly punched in face
by S.Herefordshire supporter 23-3-15 FB – N.Wales Sabs During our hit on the South Herefordshire the other week, these young
whippersnappers were out blocking vehicles, threatening to do our landy's tyres and punching a female sab in the face.
Seeing as we stopped them killing any foxes that day, seems like they couldn't bare to have a day without inflicting some
RSPCA drops its only outstanding Hunting Act
case Prosecution of
Cattistock FH Huntsman is dropped Lawyers
felt unlikely to be able to prove intent to hunt IFAW backs
HA strengthening as felt video evidence showed wilful fox hunting 18-3-15 Western Daily Press VIDEO Final RSPCA case against West hunt dropped in Dorset
The RSPCA has dropped its last remaining private prosecution against a West huntsman for breaking the Hunting Act law. Huntsman
Will Bryer, the master of the Cattistock Hunt in Dorset, had been due to appear before magistrates in Weymouth charged with
hunting with dogs last December, in a prosecution brought by the RSPCA. But the charity has written to Mr Bryer's
solicitor Jamie Foster to say it will not be pursuing the prosecution as there is 'no evidence on which they could legitimately
continue'. The private prosecution by the society was based on video evidence collected by covertly hidden hunt monitors working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare on December 2.
It appears to bring to an end – for the time being at least – moves by the RSPCA to prosecute organised hunts
for breaking the hunt ban, a campaign which was criticised by the hunt lobby and pro-hunt MPs. They launched a major
backlash against the charity in the wake of the successful prosecution of the Heythrop Hunt in 2013 for illegally hunting
four times in Gloucestershire, and since then a succession of RSPCA prosecutions have either been dropped or been thrown out
by magistrates around the country. Mr Bryer said he was 'very pleased' to have the case dropped. "In
the ten years since the Hunting Act came into force, no one involved with the Cattistock has been convicted of breaking the
law," he said. "I am very pleased that the RSPCA has finally seen sense and dropped the case against me, but there
was never any justification for it in the first place," he added. Anti-hunt campaigners have long called for the
Hunting Act to be strengthened, and last year the League Against Cruel Sports – the main architects of the law itself
– finally conceded hunts were getting away with breaches of the ban. Hunt prosecutions have failed despite video
evidence showing a fox being pursued by hounds and a mounted pack, because the law stipulates the prosecution must prove an
'intent' to hunt the fox. The director
of campaigns for the Countryside Alliance pointed to the report by an independent reviewer of the RSPCA's prosecution
practices. That report had recommended that the proper people to prosecute hunts were the police and the CPS, and the RSPCA
should instead direct its funds to campaigning for that to happen. "This was the only outstanding prosecution of
a hunt by the RSPCA and we hope it will be the last time the charity involves itself in such a case," said the Alliance's
Tim Bonner. "There is a clear conflict of interest in a political campaigning organisation bringing prosecutions
of this sort and the RSPCA should take the advice of its own Independent Reviewer and leave such allegations to be independently
considered by the police and Crown Prosecution Service," he added.19-3-15 Western Daily Press Now IFAW admit Hunting Act needs strengthening
after failed RSPCA case in Dorset A leading architect
of the Hunting Act has become the latest animal welfare group to change policy and call for the Hunting Act to be amended,
after yet another prosecution of a West hunt was dropped. IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said it was
'changing its position' on the Hunting Act it helped draft, after its own monitors captured video footage which was
not deemed strong enough to prosecute a Dorset hunt. IFAW funds undercover monitors to film hunts across Somerset, Dorset
and Devon, but has yet to secure a conviction under the Hunting Act. The monitors' film shows what appears to be
a fox being pursued by hounds and horsemen across a field near the village of Langton Herring in Dorset last March. The
RSPCA took the IFAW film as the basis for a private prosecution against Cattistock's hunt master and huntsman Will Bryer.
He was due before magistrates today (FRI) in Weymouth, but earlier this week and following the failure of cases in Somerset
and in the north of England based on similar evidence, the RSPCA said it would be dropping the case. A spokeswoman for
the RSPCA said the defendant, Will Bryer, refused to be interviewed by investigators, but then his defence lawyer Jamie Foster
told them his defence would be that the hunt master did not know a fox was being pursued. "The footage shows a
fox running from a field pursued by hounds with the huntsman using a horn before following the hounds across a field with
others on horseback in the close proximity," she said. Although the Defence accepted that the animal seen in the
footage was a fox and that it was chased by the hounds, it is claimed that the huntsman was unaware of this and that the hunt
was engaged in lawful trail hunting," added the RSPCA. "For a prosecution to succeed, the prosecutor must satisfy
the court that the defendant intended to hunt a wild mammal and, having considered all the evidence now available, the RSPCA
concluded there no longer remains a realistic prospect of securing a conviction and as such has notified all parties to confirm
its intention to discontinue the proceedings," she added. IFAW said that it was changing its position to now call
for a number of 'necessary amendments in light of another prosecution being dropped'. "It is the latest
in a series of cases where the prosecution has hinged on evidence which IFAW and other animal welfare groups believe show
clear evidence of illegal hunting, but which the prosecution claim is legal trail hunting - following an artificially laid
fox-based scent," said an IFAW spokesman. "IFAW is also concerned by lack of enforcement and the length of
time cases take to reach court." Philip Mansbridge, the UK director of the international animal welfare charity,
said his team was 'very disappointed' that the case was dropped by the RSPCA, but they did understand the reasons.
We stand by our evidence completely; this case was dropped, not lost," he said. "In fact, it was the
strength of our evidence in this case that led us to the reluctant conclusion that having tried everything under the current
justice system, we need to call for changes to strengthen the Hunting Act. Time and time again, hunts are able to flout
the law and escape prosecution by using the false alibi that they were trail hunting. The pro-hunt lobby are continually
dragging out cases, wasting public and charity funds and in cases which do reach court the smokescreen of trail hunting is
simply letting them off the hook." Now IFAW is calling for three amendments that they claim would actually
ban the chasing and killing of foxes by packs of hounds. The first is a 'recklessness clause' to prevent trail
hunting being used as a 'false alibi'. The second is the removal of the 'observation and research' exemption,
which is currently being used by stag hunts in Somerset and north Devon, and the third is for an increase in the penalties
for convictions to include jail sentences, which IFAW says is 'in line with other wildlife crime legislation'. For further info on the Cattistock video evidence see this article on the IFAW website. Three 'masked'
Scottish sabs charged after attempting to disrupt fox hunt 17-3-15 The Herald Three accused of sabotaging fox hunt on Perthshire
estate Three people have appeared in court accused of donning masks and sabotaging a fox hunt in
one of the first prosecutions of its kind in Scotland. Colin Milne, 48, Beverly Milne, 39, and Amy Lilburn, 21, are
alleged to have followed and filmed people with the intention of disrupting a fox shoot on an estate belonging to one of the
country's richest families. The trio were arrested on Friday last week and appeared from custody at Perth Sheriff Court
yesterday. They were unrepresented by lawyers and entered not guilty pleas. The trio from Perthshire, are alleged
to have behaved in a threatening or abusive manner likely to cause a reasonable person fear or alarm at a Perthshire estate
on 13 March. It is alleged that on various roads from Snaigow Estate, including the A923 Blairgowrie to Dunkeld road,
they entered the grounds with their faces masked intending to disrupt an organised shoot. It is alleged they filmed
members of the public and repeatedly followed Angus Broad and Edward Broad in a vehicle on various roads in Perthshire.
An alternative charge alleges that the trio carried out the same acts and conducted themselves in a disorderly manner and
committed a breach of the peace. All three face a second charge on the same date of trespassing by entering Snaigow
Estate while their faces were masked "and film members of the public with the intention of disrupting a fox shoot there."
Milne, Milne and Lilburn will go on trial in June this year.POWAPerson adds:- This appears to be a worrying development,
but we are unclear to what extent differences between Scottish and English law might make similar charges against sabs unlikely
south of the border. The Milnes are members of Perthshire Hunt Sabs, but there is nothing on their Facebook page about
this meet or any sabbing in Perthshire. On 15 March, the Sunday Herald published an article about Perthshire sabs activities after a reporter accompanied them on
a sab in Fife. It may have been this meet from which the charges resulted.
Farndale FH in N.Yorks packs up after 225 years 14-3-15
FB – Rother Valley Hunt Sabs We had a cracking day sabbing the last ever meet of the Farndale
fox hunt today, on the North Yorkshire Moors. The hunt are disbanding due to lack of support and today mustered up 11 riders,
to mooch around with 12 hounds for 30 minutes, with the vast majority of hunters being from neighbouring hunts. Other sabs
from the North East were also in attendance, as well as 6 vehicles of police. Once sabs began to intervene, the hunt panicked,
boxed up the hounds, and the huntsman and whip (possibly the only true members of the Farndale Hunt) rode back to the meet
in near silence (below), bringing 225 years of animal abuse to the undignified end it deserved.
charged with disrupting 'trail hunt' in Suffolk 14.3.15 East
Anglian Daily Times Six alleged hunt saboteurs
deny trying to disrupt Suffolk drag hunt - Six alleged hunt saboteurs
have appeared in court charged with disrupting a Suffolk drag hunt…. The allegations stem from an event held by Waveney
Harriers Hunt in October at Ilketshall Hall, Ilketshall St Lawrence, near Halesworth. Among the accused are Robert Brown,
22, of Colchester, Brian Cook, 64, of Stowlangtoft, near Bury St Edmunds, and Laura Skingle, 34, of Colchester. The remaining
three defendants are Brian Earey, 43, of Colchester, Christine Lancaster, 41, of Dartford, Kent, and Geraldine Rose, 61, of
Chelmsford. Each pleaded not guilty to obstructing or disrupting a person engaged in a lawful activity…
Croydon Hunt Sabs land rover vandalised outside home Hunt whip had earlier threatened to go to scene of crime 12-3-15 HSA
PR Hunt
Saboteur Landrover Vandalised Croydon Hunt saboteurs have had their group land rover damaged whilst parked outside one of their members homes. Valves
were cut off two of the tyres causing several hundred pounds worth of damage as the tyres will have to be replaced.
The damage occurred just a few days after the land rover was used to direct an ambulance to help an injured huntsman at the
Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent Hunt. A member of Croydon Hunt Saboteurs, who is also a trained paramedic, provided
vital medical treatment until the ambulance arrived. Earlier in the day a whipper-in from the OSBWK had threatened to
go to the street where the vehicle is usually parked. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: "There is currently no evidence linking this
particular hunt to the damage but it does seem an unlikely coincidence that the land rover is damaged in the same week that
Croydon Hunt saboteurs are receiving such positive publicity for providing medical treatment to one of their members. Hunt
supporters have a history of damaging saboteurs vehicles but it will not deter us and this vehicle will be utilised as usual
this Saturday to stop the illegal and immoral slaughter of wildlife". Cumbrian hound pack owner fined for breaching BSE regs Fed uninspected overage cattle carcasses to his dogs 13-3-15 Carlisle News & Star Cumbria man fined £3,000 for feeding cattle
carcasses to dogs CUMBRIA Trading Standards has successfully prosecuted a man who was illegally
feeding the carcasses of dead cattle to his pack of hounds. Peter Richardson, 52, of Edenhall, near Penrith, pleaded guilty
to breaking rules designed to prevent the spread of animal diseases at Carlisle Magistrates Court on Wednesday. He was
charged with collecting dead cattle from local farms and processing them for feeding to his pack of hounds. During April
2014, a vet from Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Agency and a Cumbria County Council Trading Standards Animal Health
Inspector visited his premises as a follow-up to previous visits where he had received advice for non-compliance He also has
previous convictions for similar offences. They found that on five occasions between 2 July 2013 and 25 March 2014 he had
collected the carcasses of cattle aged over 48 months and fed them to his hounds. Cattle over the age of 48 months which
die on farms must be brain sampled and tested for the presence of BSE by an approved operator. Mr Richardson is not
approved to carry out this test. He had also failed to the stain meat in accordance with regulations and had not kept
records relating to the collection of fallen stock. He was fined £600 with a £30 victim surcharge and prosecution
costs of £2126 were awarded, bringing the total to £2756. Angela Jones, Cumbria County Council’s Assistant
Director for Environment and Regulatory services, said: "The rules governing the disposal of fallen farm stock are part
of a range of measures to protect the human and animal food chains from the potential risks of animal disease. It is disappointing
that, although he was aware of the rules and had been given advice on how to comply, Mr Richardson continued to ignore them."POWAPerson adds:- We can find no record of this
man associated with any registered Hunt, so presume he must run one of the unknown number of private packs that operate in
remote, usually upland areas. The collection of fallen stock to feed to hounds is standard practice with all Hunts and
clearly has the potential to spread all sorts of parasites and diseases if not carried out to scrupulously hygienic standards.
At least two Hunts were heavily fined in the '90s for breaching BSE regs and Mike Huskisson's undercover report 'Skinned',
published by LACS, found both grossly unhygienic conditions at many kennels and widespread tax evasion as hunters sold
on the carcass skins without declaring the proceeds as income. Some Hunts also carry out a slaughter and disposal service
for dairy farmers, relieving them of their 'surplus' infant bull calves Otis Ferry fronting Vote OK's sneaky election push for hunters 13-3-15 Independent Fox-hunting lobbyists fronted by Otis Ferry
target backing of Tory candidates in stealth campaign
A pro-hunting group fronted by Otis Ferry [right] is offering
to supply canvassers to help Conservative candidates win parliamentary seats if they quietly agree to support repealing the
fox-hunting ban. The push by Vote-OK, a lobby group set up to overturn the fox-hunting ban, comes after David Cameron
promised last week to hold a parliamentary vote on repealing it if the Tories win the election. "At Vote-OK we
don’t want any more than [for] you to vote for us when the time comes and we can take your
word for that," Mr Ferry wrote to one candidate, in a letter seen by The Independent. "I look forward to campaigning
on your behalf. Vote-OK would agree that the less said publicly the better, and so long as you can give us the assurance you
will support a repeal of the act then Vote-OK would still love to help. You do not have to make your views public, but it
would be a huge breach of trust if you were to change your mind and go back on your word". While Mr Ferry, the son
of Roxy Music’s Bryan Ferry, is not the group’s leader, he is one of their highest-profile members. He and
other hunt supporters disrupted a debate in Parliament in 2004. Last year, he agreed to pay thousands of pounds in damages
to two women he attacked in 2007 when they were monitoring the Heythrop Hunt. The politicians who are believed to have accepted
Vote-OK’s offer of services include Angie Bray, MP for Ealing Central and Acton, and Ben Howlett, Conservative candidate
for Bath. Around a dozen members of the Heythrop Hunt met at Turnham Green Tube station in London on Monday and leafleted
for Ms Bray in Southfield ward. "Meet at Turnham Green station for another leafleting session with our Heythrop
friends. Join us for the session and for a drink afterwards," read an email invite from the Ealing Central & Acton
Conservative Association. Otis Ferry is the son of the Roxy Music singer Bryan. The Heythrop Hunt is based in Chipping
Norton, Oxfordshire. It rode through Jeremy Clarkson’s land on Boxing Day and the Prime Minister has attended. "I
have a few friends who help run Vote-OK. They provided some help in delivering leaflets in 2010 and are doing some more
of that for me this time round," Ms Bray told The Independent. "Were the issue to arise in Parliament I would listen
hard to both sides of the debate before making up my mind on the subject." Mr Howlett commented: "It’s
no secret that Vote-OK are out and about." Graham Cox, Conservative candidate for Brighton & Hove, said he
had been indirectly approached for help by Vote-OK but had declined its offer. "The whole thing’s a bit questionable.
I wouldn’t accept anyway because I wouldn’t vote to repeal the Hunting Act," he said. Mr Ferry, 32,
was riding his horse when The Independent called him for comment, and said he was unable to respond. But he added later:
"We campaign, canvas and leaflet for any candidate that will vote for a repeal when the time comes. If a Conservative
candidate was against hunting and a Labour or Liberal Democrat was in favour of repeal we would actively campaign against
the Conservative." Vote-OK is focusing on marginal seats and believes it could potentially swing the election in
favour of a Conservative majority in May. Writing in the Countryside Alliance magazine last week, Mr Cameron criticised widespread
negative attitudes to the illegal animal killings that have occurred since the hunting ban came into force in 2005. "There
is definitely a rural way of life which a Londoner might struggle to understand," he wrote.POWAPerson adds:-
Vote OK was set up as a joint initiative by the Countryside Alliance and the Tory party in advance of the 2005 election. They
canvass in marginal constituencies, often far from their Hunt's base, to get pro-hunt MPs elected, wearing
civvies and making sure not to bring up the hunting issue on doorsteps because they know how toxic it is. POWA is unaware
of them ever campaigning for anyone other than Conservative candidates. Otis Ferry has at least six criminal convictions/cautions CPS 'may act' against
Huntsman who mowed down sab with his horse Left
victim in heap and carried on hunting - CPS wouldn't prosecute Big
petition forces the authority to rethink decision 11-3-15 Daily Mail VIDEO Prosecutors
may act over video of rider 'mowing down protestor and leaving her with seven broken ribs' in anti-hunt demo Prosecutors are considering taking action over
footage which shows a hunt follower's horse 'mowing down a anti-hunt protestor' [right], in an incident which left the alleged victim with seven broken ribs [below
left]. Nid Warren was trampled by the galloping horse while she attended the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale meet
in Somerset last August. The 43-year-old suffered a collapsed lung and shattered ribs and was left unconscious on the ground following the dramatic incident. Prosecutors
are considering taking action over footage which shows a hunt follower's horse 'mowing down a anti-hunt protestor',
in an incident which left the alleged victim with seven broken ribs. But five months after the event, Avon and Somerset
police said no charges would be brought against Mark Doggrell, who had been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily
harm. The CPS said there was 'insufficient evidence that the incident could have been foreseen'. Mr
Doggrell had initially rode away from the scene but later voluntarily handed himself in at a police station. But the
organisation is now reviewing the footage, after 12,000 people signed a petition urging the organisation to reconsider charging
the rider. The review is taking place under the Victims' Right to Review Scheme, a process brought into force in
2013. It allows victims to appeal against a decision not to bring charges or to discontinue a case once a prosecution has
begun. The CPS said: 'We are in communication with the alleged victim and will be in contact with her when we have
made a decision.' The hunt insists the rider is innocent. The injured woman,
who has asked to use a pseudonym because she fears being targeted by pro-hunting groups, said she was left 'devastated' by the CPS's original decision. She
said: 'I'm a victim of crime and feel absolutely abandoned by a system that's supposed to protect me. As
I lay in hospital the only thing on my mind was "have they got this on video?" because I wanted to ensure it was
looked at properly. I thought it was irrefutable evidence, the fact it was caught on video.' The woman is seen being trampled as she stands with two fellow protestors at the meet in August. Ms Warren,
who works full-time as an NHS health worker, had been at the meet at Charlton Horethorne near Wincanton, close to the Dorset-Somerset
border, with colleagues from the Dorset Hunt Saboteur group when the incident occurred. She said she started 'sabbing'
– a term used to describe hunt saboteurs protesting at fox hunts – in the aftermath of the badger cull. Saboteurs
attended the planned hunt in a bid to raise awareness of animal cruelty and used two main tactics to throw the hunt off course.
She said: 'We sounded a horn, hollered, and some hounds looked up and started to come our way. I think he [the hunt member]
got angry at this. He came along a public road behind us at speed, he didn't issue a warning, he was completely silent,
then he hit me and rode off. As I was lay there, struggling to breathe, I could hear the horns going and I was worried that
if the horses came back that I would be trampled to death. I was left lying there with potential life-threatening injuries.' Ms Warren, from Hampshire, was taken to Yeovil District Hospital where she stayed for two weeks. She
added: 'He rode his horse at us at full speed and rode off. I had my back to him and he hit me and the horse's
chest contacted with my rib cage, breaking seven ribs, injuring my shoulder and I was unconscious. When ribs are broken you
can't splint them - they have to move. They have healed in a grossly displaced position.' The
Master of the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt, Rupert Nuttall, said: 'We apologise that an awful accident happened but
the due process of the law has been gone through. Mark is innocent, as found by the Crown Prosecution Service.' Old Surrey FH rider K.O.'d in fall helped by sab first-aider 11-3-15 Daily Mail [BELOW ARTICLE ABOVE] Fox
hunter knocked out by fall from horse given first aid by saboteur A fox hunter who took a tumble
from his horse was given first aid by a hunt saboteur. The anti-hunt campaigner put his differences to one side to come
to the aid of the injured huntsmember [left], who
lost consciousness after a nasty fall from his horse. Ian Hamson, a hunt master of the Old Surrey, Burstow and west
Kent Fox Hunt, is believed to have been injured after his horse fell and rolled on top of him during a meet on Saturday near
Cowden, Kent. A member of Croydon Hunt saboteurs, also a trained paramedic, stepped in and helped the injured man until
other paramedics arrived.
Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, said: 'Well done to the sab who put his differences aside to
act so compassionately, even in the face of hostility from the injured huntsmember. 'His actions prove once again that
saboteurs are compassionate not only towards animals but humans as well. This is another nail in the coffin of the Countryside
Alliance's campaign to portray us in a negative light and it would be interesting to see what would have happened if the
roles had been reversed.' A spokesman for Kent Police said: 'Officers attended Cowden Pound to ensure public
safety on Saturday morning after receiving a report of a hunt demonstration. 'However, no offences were reported so no
further action was necessary. While in attendance, a man required medical attention after falling from a horse and was treated
at the scene by a first-aider.' Charlotte Cooper, spokesman for the Countryside Alliance said: 'Just as hunting
attracts a wide variety of people it is only common sense that not every person who sabs hunts is the same. The relationship
between hunts and sabs varies from hunt to hunt and is not always acrimonious. I have heard stories of unsuitable attired
antis being helped across muddy fields by gallant hunt supporters and broken down sab vehicles being towed out by helpful
farmers. However just because those opposed to hunting can boast that on this occasion one of their number showed human compassion
it does not diminish the appalling behaviour of others, for example the cowardly gang of masked thugs who beat Tedworth huntsmember
Brian Lane with metal bars in January. The number of people involved in saboteur activities is far fewer than in the past,
however we are concerned that those extremists who remain are increasingly resorting to violence.'POWAPerson adds - Q. 'How do you know when a hunter
is lying? A. 'Their lips move.' Attacks on hunters by sabs or other antis are as rare as hen's
teeth, and even then normally in the cause of self-defence. Attacks on sabs and monitors, however, are commonplace, not infrequently
resulting in serious injury, as are attacks on sabs/monitors' property and vehicles. Horses, crops, metal and wooden bars
and vehicles are frequently used as weapons by thuggish hunters and hunt supporters. In the instance above, I'm surprised
the Hunt didn't try to blame the sabs for the hunter's fall. It's what they often do, much as they try to blame
sabs for hounds running on to roads and railways. This meet, however, was, according to a separate report by Brighton Sabs,
a strange one, with the Hunt apparently genuinely trail-hunting and engaging in some weird charm offensive towards the sabs
for reasons unknown - very atypical behaviour
article in Economist blows the gaffe on supposed 'trail hunting' 7-3-15 POWA has been saying for a decade that 'trail
hunting', the 'sport' invented as the Hunting Act was coming into force, supposedly to allow hunting to continue
'within the law', is really nothing more than a fiction, custom-designed to exploit the weak wording and loopholes
in the Act and to allow Hunts to get away with continued live quarry hunting disguised as a species of drag hunt.
In the last few months, LACS and IFAW have both also asserted that 'trail hunting' is, in fact, 'an alibi for
criminal activity'. Till now, Hunts have always insisted that they put down and follow pre-laid trails,
which, in the case of fox hunting, are based on fox urine or similar [though monitors and sabs very rarely see any evidence
of them doing this]. But now a pro-hunter, writing for the Economist magazine, and huntsman from an unnamed pack he visited,
have revealed the truth - that 'trail hunting' is, indeed, a complete and utter pretence and that foxes are being
chased and killed by Hunts at rates similar to pre-ban times. The article, by 'Bagehot,' includes the following passages:- 'Rising on his stirrups,
somewhere in the west of England, the huntsman issued the same statement he, impeccable in red coat and white stock, gives
every Saturday morning of the season. "We will hunt today within the law," he told the assembled riders, who were
sipping from tiny port glasses astride their champing steeds, with hounds boiling beneath them. He said it with a straight
face, too, and no hint of a blush. A decade after the 400-year-old pursuit of hunting foxes with dogs was outlawed by a Labour
government, it continues remarkably unchanged." "The
hunt Bagehot visited had killed three in mid-week, two the previous Saturday, and, by the time the season ends later this
month, expects to have dispatched its customary tally of around 140 foxes." "The huntsman who welcomed your columnist explained that, in practice, this means that before
a hunt one of his helpers films himself laying a pretend scent-trail—by dragging a rag theoretically, but not actually,
soaked in fox scent, from a quad bike—to provide evidence for a possible defence in court. Then the hunt goes out and
hunts as it always has, but illegally. The police—one of whose officers was riding with the hounds that wintry day—understand
this, but do not much care. Animal rights activists know it, and it makes them mad, but it is so hard to collect evidence
of lawbreaking, in the form of video footage showing a huntsman urging hounds on to a fox, that prosecutions are rare. Only
a couple of dozen huntsmen have been convicted for contravening the ban, for which they mostly received small fines." Bagehot
even reveals confirmation of the way Hunts and their supporters seek to deter 'antis' from gathering evidence of their
illegal acivities or interfering with their 'sport' - Bagehot also enjoyed, he confesses, the explanation John, a retired
terrierman, gave for there being no antis about that day. Was it because the country was remote? "No," he said.
"It’s cause we bashed ’em." There could hardly be a more glaring example of how secure hunters
and hunt supporters feel with the present position - virtually secure from investigation, never mind conviction, under
a Hunting Act that is so glaringly unfit for purpose in dealing with organised hunting and is desperately in need
of strengthening. And, in case anyone might think that 'Bagehot'
is a secret anti merely posing as a pro-hunter, you need to read the whole of his odious article here.
Cameron confirms manifesto pledge to repeal Hunting Act 6-3-15 Western Daily Press David Cameron pledges free vote on Hunting
Act repeal after general election David Cameron has pledged to hold a free vote on repeal of the
Hunting Act, should the Conservatives win a majority at the general election. Writing in the spring issue of the Countryside
Alliance magazine, the Prime Minister promises a "government Bill on government time". The promise comes ten
years after Labour's introduction of the ban on hunting with dogs, which angered huntsmen and country sports enthusiasts
across the nation and led to a mass march in London. Mr Cameron - a one-time member of the Heythrop Hunt in Oxfordshire
- will be hoping that the pledge can shore up a rural vote that has looked less certain of late, with the threat from Ukip
and many – not least those in the South West - questioning the commitment of the Tories to their traditional countryside
heartlands. "There is definitely a rural way of life which a born and bred Londoner might struggle to understand. I have
always been a strong supporter of country sports. It is my firm belief that people should have the freedom to hunt, so I share
the frustration that many people feel about the Hunting Act and the way it was brought in by the last government. The Hunting
Act has done nothing for animal welfare. A Conservative Government will give Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting
Act on a free vote, with a government Bill in government time." Mr Cameron's stance may be questioned by some
who say he has failed to implement a similar pledge before the last election – though coalition blocked that.
Whether there would even be sufficient MPs to pass the vote remains to be seen after May 7. Many in opposition are opposed,
as are a number of Tories such as those in the Blue Fox group, which last month demanded the Hunting act must stay.
Hunting has continued in adherence to the law since its introduction, though public prosecutions have been notoriously difficult
to bring to court – with the RSPCA instead bringing private prosecutions. The Countryside Alliance says the "bad
law" has failed to improve animal welfare, saying instead that more foxes have died slowly after being shot or snared
as a result. Last month Maria Eagle, Shadow Defra Secretary, unveiled her party's animal welfare policies, with retaining
the hunt ban at the top of the list. Her policy statement reads: "Only Labour will protect the Hunting Act. Ten years
ago the Labour Party ended the cruel practice of hunting with dogs, because we believe that causing defenceless animals to
suffer in the name of sport has no place in a civilised society. But just as we celebrate the Hunting Act, the Tories plan
to repeal it. Only Labour can protect the Hunting Act because Labour is the only major party committed to defending it. The
hunting ban is a testament to the progress made since the days of bear baiting and other such barbaric blood sports." The League Against Cruel Sports has gone even further, demanding that trail hunting, allowed under the Act, should also
be effectively outlawed because the League says it allows hunts to revert to old-fashioned hunting and pass it off as "accidental"
when the hounds get on the trail of a fox and pursue it.
Atherstone FH
hunt fox to within an inch of its life Striking
sab photos show narrowest of escapes Video shows violent assaults by huntsman and followers and attempted robbery 3-3-15 HSA PR Saboteur Footage Clearly shows Illegal Hunting by the Atherstone Hunt
On Saturday 28th February West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs attended a meet of the Atherstone Fox hunt at Sibson, Leicestershire.
They were there to gather evidence of illegal hunting and to intervene if necessary to save hunted foxes. From the start of the day it was clear that the Atherstone were
illegally hunting as they repeatedly put their hounds through areas likely to contain foxes with no evidence that a trail
had been laid. The attached video shows a fox being closely pursued by the Atherstone hounds [right
and below left]. The huntsman, Stuart Barton, and whipper in are present at the time and do nothing to stop this
illegal hunting. Their only concern is to impede and assault the saboteurs who are filming their law breaking. Barton
(in the red coat) can be seen using his horse to ride at a sab and pin them against a wall. The video also shows the saboteurs
being assaulted by hunt supporters who try and steal their cameras. One female saboteur received nasty cuts to her face after
a hunt supporter dug her nails into her face. Leicestershire police were present on the day but showed little interest when
the saboteurs reported the illegal hunting and assaults. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt saboteurs association, stated:
"Although this video clearly shows illegal hunting, saboteurs have decided
not to present it to the police but rather publicise it through the media. We are sick of police forces across the country
sitting on evidence for months or losing footage before quietly announcing that no case will be pursued against their friends in the hunting community. We hope that when the public see this blatant law breaking
they will make their feelings of disgust clear to Leicestershire police and remember that the Conservative Party want to legalise
this barbaric pursuit if they are returned to power in May." 28-02-15 Facebook - W.Mids Sabs Atherstone Hunt ...
From the start sabs managed to keep up with the hunt, pushing them forward from the first coverts that they wanted to draw.
The Hunt then stared to draw a hedgerow and the hounds started to speak. A few seconds later the first fox of the day
that we saw, ran straight past us and sabs sprayed the scent line and made it obvious to the hunt that we were there.
The Hunt then moved away from this area but we soon caught back up with them. The riders were on point around a farm
and we spotted a fox running towards them. We went to spray, but soon realised that the fox had been turned back into
the hounds' path by the riders on point. We ran down the track in the direction that the fox had gone. The
fox then ran out of a hedge and straight into the hounds. It jinked trying to avoid the hounds, going back into the
hedge. Sabs trying to help were ridden at and obstructed by the hunt. One sab was
pinned up against the wall by the Huntsman's horse, whilst another two sabs were being ridden at and obstructed from going
down the track. Sabs made it clear to the huntsman that he should call the hounds back, but nobody from the hunt stopped
this fox from being hunted, in fact from far from it, they chose to attack the sabs trying to help it! Foot support
then appeared on the track and started grabbing a sab trying to steal his camcorder and assaulted him. The same perpetrator
then attacked another sab by sinking her nails into her face, making her face bleed. By
this time the huntsman and field had ridden off, but we managed to keep up with them. Later in the afternoon hounds went into
cry again and another fox ran past sabs. The sabs again sprayed and were ready to intervene as the hounds were getting nearer.
Again by sab presence this fox managed to escape. The Hunt packed at 4pm. Pics below -
1/ Huntsman crushes sab with horse 2/ Sab bleeding from nail scratches 3/ Supporters
try to steal sab camera    POWAPerson adds - A petition asking Leicestershire County Council to withdraw permission from the Atherstone
to hunt in the Council's country parks has been started. Please sign here and share.
FEBRUARY 2015 ..... 27th February - Kent woman crushed to death moving horses away
from hunt hounds ..... 25th February - Anti-hunt film 'A Minority Pastime' to be relaunched online ..... 23rd February - Sabs film Ledbury FH hunting next to M50 motorway ..... 23rd February - Sabs show Atherstone FH hunter youth is aggressor
not the 'victim' .....
22nd February - Ledbury FH hunted fox across busy road, say sabs [video] ..... 21st February - Young fox killed by York & Ainsty S. hounds dies in sab's arms ..... 20th February - Sabs claim they saved fox being hunted by Ledbury
FH ..... 19th February - Warwickshire
FH hound filmed chasing fox in the open .....
18th February - Cheshire hounds cause traffic chaos on busy A51 highway ..... 18th February - Sabs prevent fox dig-out at joint meet in Devon ..... 18th February - Blue Fox Tory MPs call for Hunting Act repeal to be omitted from manifesto ..... 16th February - League describes trail hunting as 'a false alibi
for illegal hunting' ..... 16th
February - First day of Severn Vale hare hunt festival swamped and stopped by sabs ..... 14th February - Atherstone FH hounds twice mark to ground at badger
setts ..... 13th February - North
Cotswold hunt supporters fight among themselves at club dance ..... 12th February - Middleton JM acquitted of illegal hunting due to lack of evidence ..... 12th February - Middleton FH terrierman convicted of badger sett
interference, given CSO ..... 12th
February - Middleton FH kennel huntsman has sett interference charge dropped by CPS ..... 10th February - Fury as CPS won't prosecute Huntsman who rode
down female sab ..... 10th February
- College Valley FH Huntsman has badger sett interference charge dropped ..... 9th February - CA demands sabs unmask - as masked hunt thugs attack sabs yet again ..... 7th February - Blackmore FH supporter mob attack sabs, badly
damage Landy ..... 6th February
- Devolution of Hunting Act powers may leave it to Welsh Assembly ..... 3rd February - Dorset hunt hounds 'rampage' through garden and livestock ...... 2nd February - Lamerton FH six Hunting Act case adjourned until April
crushed to death moving horses away from hunt hounds 27-2-15 Kent Online Tribute to former primary school teacher Rosemary
Turnbull, of Marden, after inquest A devastated husband has paid tribute to his popular wife and
former primary school teacher who was apparently crushed between two horses. Rosemary Turnbull, from Marden, was killed
in November while moving her two horses between fields. An inquest heard how the former Boughton Monchelsea and East Farleigh
primary school teacher suffered multiple injuries to her chest and heart which were consistent with being crushed between
the animals. Her friend of 20 years, Jane Tipples, spoke of how she was helping move the horses ahead of a locally organised
hunt, which often spooked them, when she heard a squeal. She turned to see the 62-year-old clutching her stomach before collapsing.
Police and paramedics joined a road crew from the air ambulance who were first on the scene at a Chainhurst farm. They spent
40 minutes trying to revive the mother-of-two but she died at the scene. Her husband John, also 62, said: "It has been
extremely difficult to come to terms with such a sudden loss of someone I have spent 36 years with. "Rosemary was exceptionally
loved by myself and our children Oliver and Joanna. She was hugely popular and more than 200 people attended her funeral."
Mrs Turnbull retired from teaching in 2013, and Mr Turnbull said she was much-loved by her pupils and their parents. Pathologist
Dr David Rouse told the inquest how the nature of Mrs Turnbull’s injuries ruled out the possibility of a naturally occurring
death and said they were consistent with being crushed.
'A Minority Pastime'
being relaunched online in advance of the election 25-2-15 Denise Ward and Michael Dixon's brilliant polemical anti-hunting
feature length film, narrated by Honorary POWA Associate Sir Patrick Stewart, is to be relaunched before the General
Election. A special screening, with Q&A, is to take place in Stroud at the Lansdown Hall, 7pm on Saturday,
28th February. It will later appear in episodic form on YouTube.  Sir Patrick Stewart issued the following statement regarding the film's
relaunch:- 'I am delighted that A Minority Pastime is
going to find a wider audience. I hope it will persuade even more people, including MP's - that the hunting ban
must remain in place and even be strengthened.'
Sabs film Ledbury FH hunting right next to M50 motorway 23-2-15 Facebook - 3 Counties Hunt Sabs Out with the Ledbury today from
the kennels at Eggs Tump and yes that is a motorway, the M50, the field are next to and yes hounds were hunting in those woods
and yes the pack did split near the motorway without anyone being in control of those who chased a fox or deer. Fortunately
there were no mishaps and the huntsman and whips gained control of the rogue hounds. They had a fairly quiet day with
poor scent hunting around Pendock and Longdon. Mark accused sabs of trying to kill hounds on Friday by trying to stop the
pack in the B4211. Amazingly the trail was laid across that road just because they can in law.....hmm now I may be cynical
but methinks they were hunting a fox but maybe that is something that should be added to tighten the Hunting Act, i.e that
if a "trail" is laid it might be a good idea not to lay it over main roads, railways through housing estates etc
,etc with penalties if this happens.... The last draw was at Berrow wood and hounds were stopped on a fox by a combination
of citronella and rating them when they came through on the line....  Sabs refute Hunt allegations
of 'assault' by them on youth Posted video seems to clearly
shows the teenager to be the aggressor 23-2-15 Facebook
- West Midlands Hunt Sabs [VIDEO] We are posting this footage in response to posts about us, that are currently appearing on pro-hunt FB
pages. These posts wrongfully allege that members of W.Midlands Sabs assaulted a young person riding with the Atherstone Hunt on Saturday 21/2/15. As you can see on this footage, the supposed
victim of the assault is constantly riding at [e.g. left] and
assaulting the sabs. He shows repeated violent and aggressive behaviour. He even admits assaulting a sab and further threatens
to get off his horse and attack another sab [below right].We ask
you is this the behaviour of a poor victimised individual, or of a misbehaving one? If you listen to the audio on this
footage, you will only hear one person being aggressive, during the time he alleges the assault happened, and it’s not
the sabs. On this day, the police even had to speak to him, to tell him to calm down and to watch his behaviour. This is just
some of the footage of his bad behaviour that day. We actually have far too much footage to post at this time, as he is constantly
acting in this way! It seems to be a tactic of the Atherstone Hunt to set a young person on to us, to aggressively try and
provoke a reaction from us, so they can portray him as a victim. We think it is pretty low to use a young person in this way,
but that is the Atherstone for you! Also on this footage a fox is reported to have broken from cover, by another sab
who is elsewhere. Not only does this young person’s aggressive behaviour get worse at this point, but other hunters come and also act aggressively,
to stop the sabs from helping the fox. This is also not the first time that this young person has attacked someone and then
alleged that he was in fact the victim of the assault. His mother complained to the police about one incident over the Christmas
period. We can prove that this allegation was also a lie, as we have footage of the supposed incident, which clearly shows
that what he claimed happened was totally untrue! We did not post it at the time, as we felt that the whole thing was just
a non-event, but we could post it now, if the lies about us continue to be posted. This incident is just another blatant
attempt to portray hunt saboteurs as violent aggressors. This footage clearly shows the allegations made about West Midland
sabs to be untrue. We wonder if the pro- hunt pages will share this, or just continue to peddle their obvious and discredited
propaganda? Also please remember that he is only 15 so we ask you not to leave any personal comments about him.
Ledbury FH hunted fox across busy road, say sabs 22-2-15 Facebook - 3 Counties Sabs Whippers in encouraged hounds across the B4211 [right], a
notoriously busy road, on Friday in pursuit of a fox from
Corse Hill to Berth Hill... Well what idiot would lay a trail in front of fast moving lorries etc? A local lady can
be heard on the footage who is sick and tired of this sort of mayhem. She was not the last local
pleased to see sabs. They began the day up Barrow Hill then moving over to Corse Grove where they did find and hunt a
fox to Tirley Court (owned by Jompy Smoth, who punched a badger sab in the first cull). Sabs stopped hounds on that fox but
another ran the other side. We caught up with them on Corse Hill and as can be seen went across a major road to Berth Hill.
We got blocked there by the terrierman from the South Herefordshire but he soon moved sabs stopped hounds again near the Butchers
arms pub. On they went to Corse Lawn second horsing there and through Foscombe. they hunted another fox near Ashleworth and
were stopped by sabs. Lee Peters (master/huntsman of the Ross harriers) then turned up and started harassing and blocking
sabs parked up at the Water's Meet pub on the A417 only to find that the pub does not like the hunt any more! He was told
to leave. Sabs filmed another fox being hunted from Catshill to Limbury Hill where they, hopefully, lost that one.POWAPerson adds:-
The 'local lady' on the sab's video also said that she'd seen this Hunt blocking up badger setts and she knows
they kill foxes. She added that she has reported them to the police who 'do nothing'. Young
fox killed by York & Ainsty South hounds dies in sab's arms Police officer shown evidence said 'Well, I didn't see it' and drove away Meet was at manor owned by Prime Minster's father-in-law 21-2-15 Facebook
- Liverpool Hunt Sabs Paid
a visit to the York & Ainsty South Hunt with Sheffield Saboteurs
W Yorkshire Sabs and Grampian Hunt Sabs today. We had some bother with a landowner at first but he soon gave up after realising
we were not going to take orders from him. The Hunt spent the next hour just criss-crossing roads with not much hunting happening.
Sabs then spotted the huntsman putting hounds into a wood so we called them out and offered them strokes instead. Now here comes
the sad part which I have struggled to write. Huntsman and hounds had headed into a wood, closely followed by sabs. The
hounds seemed interested in large bit of undergrowth but sabs quickly moved them on. We were just coming to the end of the
wood and hounds immediately went into cry. We used voice calls and cracked whips to discourage them from following. Hounds
quickly went out of cry but one sab spotted a small fox running along the edge of the wood. Sabs immediately headed to the
spot the fox had been seen but once they arrived around 8 hounds and the whipper-in were seen huddled together. The whipper-in
had dismounted from her horse and seemed to be trying to take the body away. Once she saw sabs she immediately ran off and
took the hounds with her. There was nothing sabs could do. We believe she died from shock (an autopsy will be carried
out so we will know the exact cause soon). Hunts say the hounds kill foxes with a quick nip to the back of the head but as
you can see from the photos this was not the case! The hunt carried on and sabs had to follow as the hounds were now rioting
after a number of deer. We managed to successfully call the hounds off all of them. The Hunt decided it was best to call
it a day and started the long walk back to the meet. At this point two police cars arrived. We told them what we had witnessed
and even showed them the evidence. Their response? "Well I didn't see it" They then headed to the meet
chat with the hunt and make sure they were all ok. As usual the police take the hunter’s side and we seriously doubt
that anyone from the Hunt will be prosecuted for this horrendous crime! 1-3-15 Mail on Sunday Police probe slaughter of fox by hunt hosted by
PM's father-in-law after picture of dead animal was posted online Police are investigating
claims that a fox was killed in a hunt hosted by David Cameron’s father-in-law. Hunt protesters clashed with the York
& Ainsty South Hunt amid claims that eight hounds chased and killed the fox after setting off from the 18th Century country
estate of Sutton Park, in North Yorkshire, owned by Samantha Cameron’s father Sir Reginald Sheffield. The hunt
saboteurs allege that a member of the hunt – the ‘whipper-in’ whose job it is to keep the pack of hounds
together – tried to take the animal’s lifeless body away but fled when a protester came across the scene. Afterwards,
the Hunt Saboteurs Association, who had been monitoring the hunt on Saturday, February 21, posted gruesome photos of a dead fox dripping with blood on social media. The hunt had met
at the home of Samantha Cameron’s 68-year-old father, in the village of Sutton-on-the-Forest, before setting off on
a legal ‘trail hunt’. Last night a spokesman for the hunt claimed the fox had not been killed by its hounds.
But hunt saboteur Jay Gillette, 20, said: ‘We were following the huntsmen through a woodland, and then the hounds
started to cry, which means they were on the scent of a fox. So we did our best to put them off – we used horn
calls to try and stop them from chasing the fox. We use the same horn that a huntsman would use. I then saw a fox bolt along
the edge of the woodland so I raced over that way. The best way to stop the hounds from following is to get in between them
and the fox. Once I got to the fence where I saw the fox run past, I saw about eight to ten of the hounds in a semi-circle
and a whipper-in. She was in the semi-circle with the hounds. I couldn’t see what she was doing but I believe she was
trying to pick up the fox and take it away so we couldn’t see it. The whipper-in then took the hounds away as soon as
I got there, leaving the fox. After that, none of the huntsmen would talk to us. They went quiet and just carried on –
moved off with the hounds to the next woodlands. I could see the fox’s intestines. The hounds had opened up its stomach.
I believe it was still alive when the hounds left and I came to it. When I carried it back to our van I could still hear short
breaths from its mouth. We then gave it to the police for evidence. I was pretty distraught.’ A spokesman for the Hunt said: ‘The York
& Ainsty South Hunt were involved in legal trail hunting and were afterwards asked by police whether a fox had been killed
by hounds. The answer to that was no. It’s not unusual for hunt saboteurs, who’ve been harassing the legal activity
on regular occasions, to make up such stories. From looking at the photos of the animal there was no indication of how it
was killed.’ A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said: ‘We are aware of reports a fox was hunted illegally
in the Sutton-on-the-Forest area. We take any allegation of wildlife crime seriously, and our enquiries into this incident
are ongoing.’ Sir Reginald Sheffield was not available for comment.
Sabs claim they saved life of fox being hunted by Ledbury FH 20-2-15 F.Book - Perthshire Hunt
Sabs Perthshire, Grampian Hunt Sabs, Glasgow Hunt Sabs, and Three Counties
Hunt Saboteurs work together to save the life of a fox hunted by the Ledbury Hunt. See video. Footage
shows fox fleeing across a field into woodland. Sabs spray citronella over its trail. Within a couple of minutes, hounds arrive
in the field. Hunting horn can be heard in near distance. Sabs crack whips to help distract hounds. They seem unable
to pick up the fox's scent. Soon after, a mounted redcoat arrives. He calls the hounds to him, in the next field.   Fox fleeing the Ledbury FH hounds
Hounds seek scent shortly afterwards
Warwickshire FH hound filmed chasing fox in open 19-2-15 ITV News Rare video shows fox chase ten years after hunting ban A decade since the ban on fox hunting was introduced,
the chairman of a hunt in Warwickshire has told ITV News the law has not prevented animal cruelty. Animal welfare groups disagree
and said the Act has been successful. It is using the anniversary to campaign to get the law tightened further. The League
Against Cruel Sports said on average, one person every week is prosecuted under the Hunting Act's provisions. Of these,
over two-thirds are found guilty. Organisers of the Warwickshire Hunt said they were operating within the law and the fox
we filmed got away unharmed. But ten years on from the ban, the fox hunting debate continues. Pics below:- 
Hound meets fox
Fox fleeing
Hound chases fox. Hunters beyond POWAPerson
adds:- Where to start on this? Firstly, the clip clearly does not show illegal hunting, since no hunter is seen 'engaging
or participating' in the pursuit. However, the JM in the video says the Huntsman was with the rest of the pack in the
wood from which the fox emerged running. Why then, if the Warwickshire did not intend that hounds should chase a fox, would
they take the pack into a covert where they know it is very likely the dogs would put a fox up? However, the Hunting Act is
so weak that not only does it allow them to do this, it doesn't even require them to prevent hounds from chasing any fox
they come across, merely that none of the hunters 'engage or participate' in that chase. It was always extraordinarily
difficult to get filmed evidence of hunters doing this and they have learnt various tricks to make it even harder. The
result is they can get away time after time with live quarry hunting in the guise of 'trial hunting'. That's why
the Hunting Act so desperately needs strengthening. ITV News
wrongly describe this as 'rare' film. Monitors and sabs often get video of foxes fleeing hounds, but without accompanying
film of one or more hunters 'engaging or participating' in pursuit this is not enough to even trigger investigations,
let alone prosecutions. Incidentally, Sam Butler, the Warwickshire JM, doesn't seem to know the law. He says up to two
hounds are allowed to be used to hunt a fox, but this is only in connection with the 'flushing' exemption. Using that,
they are obliged to try to shoot the fox dead as soon as it breaks cover. Clearly they weren't doing that, but were 'trail
hunting' with a full pack - an activity LACS have just described as 'an alibi for illegal hunting'.
Cheshire hunt hounds cause chaos on busy A51 highway 18-2-15 Chester Chronicle Dogs left to wander across busy A51 cause
traffic chaos About 15-20 unsupervised dogs caused chaos on the A51 last week. Unsupervised dogs were left to roam the busy A51, narrowly missing speeding cars and causing traffic chaos. A concerned
passer-by was so shocked at the sight of at least 20 hounds weaving in and out of moving vehicles on the Clotton road last
Tuesday that she contacted The Chronicle to express her shock. The woman, who does not wish to be named, said cars were
delayed for at least half an hour as the animals dashed around the road, and it was a ‘miracle’ none of them were
killed. She said: "These hounds were running all over a field next to the main road with their
noses to the ground. The traffic was going quickly, cars and buses were going very fast. I crossed the road in the field running
around with their noses to the ground, shooting across the road. There were big lorries slamming on brakes and the dogs were
running between them, God knows how any of them weren’t killed, I think it was only because the drivers were being vigilant.
It was a horrible sight to witness." The woman added: "The traffic was delayed for at least 30 minutes but while
all this was going on, a few riders just stood at the sides looking bewildered. In the meantime it delayed many trying to
carry out their working day activities. I was just so concerned about the safety of them and wondered why they were not under
control - it was extremely dangerous." A Cheshire police spokesperson said: "We can confirm
that at approximately 15.35 on Tuesday, February 10, Cheshire police received a call in relation to traffic disruption on
the A51 in Clotton caused by dogs. Officers attended the scene but on arrival there were no dogs visible at the scene by then."
Sabs prevent fox dig-out at Devon
joint meet 18-2-15 You Tube - Devon Hunt Sabs This was a joint meet of the East Devon FH and the Taunton Vale Harriers on 31-1-15. A fox was
hunted to ground in a small covert. Sabs found hounds marking the earth. Challenged, hunters claimed the fox had
been put to ground by hounds 'accidentally'. A masked terrierman arrived with boxed terriers and a spade to dig the
fox out. Sabs entered the covert and rated the hounds away from the earth. Several men then appeared, each claiming
to be the landowner, ordering them to leave. The earth had access via a concrete pipe, suggestive of an artificial earth.
A 30 minute stand-off occurred while terriermen tried to 'call in the usual rent-a-thugs'. Hunt members
eventually left the covert and sabs followed to give the fox a chance to escape. Sabs then waited while the Hunt left to ensure
there was no dig-out. This was one lucky fox - dig-outs are routine when sabs are not around to stop them.   
Hounds marking fox to ground Artificial earth
Hunters leaving the scene A lot of the killing that occurs on a hunting day is performed not by the hounds
but by the people that accompany them. Terriermen, who tend to cover their faces these days, accompany hunts on quadbikes,
equipped with guns, spades and terriers in boxes. A hunted fox - regardless of health or age - will often escape the pack
by 'going to ground' in fox earths, badger setts, or in man-made structures such as drain pipes or artificial earths.
The terriermen are tasked with digging out or bolting the fox from the earth, so that it can be hunted again, bagged and released
ahead of the pack, or killed. They usually do this by blocking exit holes and entering a terrier into the earth to keep the
fox at bay while the terriermen begin the digging. The Hunting Act needs strengthening to ban all forms of terrier work. Baiting
sports were rightly outlawed many years ago because of the suffering and injuries inflicted on both parties that are forced
into a close encounter in a confined space. Terrier work is no different and the law needs to accurately reflect this.
'Blue Fox' Tory MPs call for HA repeal to be left out of Conservative manifesto 18-2-15 Blue Fox PR Chairman of Conservative Animal Welfare and
Conservatives Against Fox Hunting Celebrate Tenth Anniversary of the Hunting Act 2004 To mark the
tenth anniversary of the landmark Hunting Act 2004 on February 18th Conservatives Against Fox Hunting (Blue Fox) calls for
the Conservative Party leadership to guarantee that the new Conservative Manifesto will not include any pledges to undermine
the act which bans hare coursing, fox, mink, stag and hare hunting with dogs for sport. The latest Ipsos-Mori (21st Dec 2014) poll on the issue shows that 80% of the country think fox hunting should not
be made legal again- that's eight out of ten people want to keep the ban. The same poll shows that the opposition to hunting
with dogs is equal in rural communities as much as it is in urban communities. The poll shows that two thirds of respondents
who said they would vote Conservative in 2015 do not think fox hunting should be made legal again. There is an excellent opportunity
to leave the worn out hunting issue behind and promote a modern manifesto with an invigorated commitment to advance positive
animal welfare objectives which appeal to our whole society. A YouGov poll in 2014 showed that 14% of voters named animal
welfare as an issue that would determine their vote. It came directly behind defence and ahead of HS2 or same sex marriage.
MPs are contacted on animal welfare issues more than any other issue.’ Calls
for a relaxation or repeal of the hunting ban perpetuate a dated outmoded image. We need to move forward as a nation, not
backwards on matters of animal welfare. There are an increasing number of Conservative MPs who are prepared to resist repeal
and say " No" to a return of banned sports. Suzy Gale, Chairman,
Conservative Animal Welfare, Lorraine Platt, Co-Founder Conservatives Against Fox Hunting (Blue Fox), Chris Platt Co-Founder
& VP of Esher & Walton Conservative Association, Sir David Amess MP, Stuart Andrew MP, Tracey Crouch MP, Caroline
Dinenage MP, Sir Roger Gale MP, Simon Kirby MP, Dominic Raab MP, Lee Scott MP, Mike Weatherley MP
The League calls 'trail hunting'
a false alibi for illegal hunting Says
Hunts that cannot stick to the law should close down 16-2-15 Western Morning News League 'hardens
its stance' on hunting and says it would like to see all hunts close Ten years after the hunt
ban came into force Britain’s biggest animal welfare organisation opposed to country sports is calling for trail hunting
to be banned and all hunts to close. The League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) told the Western Morning News it had "hardened
its stance" on hunting because, it claimed, hunts were determined to break the law. "If they cannot stick to the
law then they should close," a League spokesman said, echoing comments made by the League's director of campaigns
Michael Stephenson who said he wanted all hunts to shut down. In a marked change of policy it also called for trail
hunting in which hounds follow a trail made using fox urine, to be outlawed claiming it was "an entirely new invention"
and very different to drag hunting. Yet 10 years
ago, at the start of the first hunting season since the ban, the then director of the League, Douglas Batchelor, praised hunts
that were both drag hunting and trail hunting and urged them to continue. He wrote on the Guardian website in October 2005:
"So it is possible for hunts to convert to drag or trail hunting and preserve their social scene, the tradition of riding
out, the packs of hounds, and the livelihoods of hunt servants. This is exactly what we have urged them to do for years –
enjoy the ritual and leave out the slaughter." Yesterday, however, the League, which claims the Hunting Act to have
been one of the most successful pieces of wild animal legislation ever, insisted: "There is no such sport as trail hunting
– it is just a false alibi for illegal hunting." In a statement that underlines the widening rift in the countryside
over the activities of hunts, the League said it wanted the Hunting Act "strengthened".
Senior communications
officer Mark McCormick said: "Many registered fox hunts claim to now be trail hunting – an activity that was not
in existence or envisaged when the Hunting Act was drafted. It is an entirely new invention which purports to mimic traditional
hunting by following a scent trail, using fox urine from US fur farms according to the hunters, that has been laid in areas
where foxes naturally occur. It is not the same as drag hunting, a legitimate sport which existed before the Act and is not
intended to mimic animal hunting." Mr McCormick said that although the Hunting Act had proved successful hunts had
altered their behaviour to circumvent the law, making prosecution more difficult. Just 21 members of registered hunts have
been successfully prosecuted since 2005. "This is ultimately the reason why we wish to make the Hunting Act even stronger,"
he said. "To ensure that all illegal hunters – casual, registered or otherwise – are brought to justice.
Whether or not the people perpetrating cruelty wear red coats or belong to a club is irrelevant." Tim Bonner, director
of campaigns for the pro-hunt Countryside Alliance said: "This is an extraordinary, but welcome, admission that the campaign
against hunting is not about improving the welfare of animals, but attacking a group of people. For decades, in spite of a
complete absence of evidence, LACS has maintained the line that the motivation for a ban on hunting was to improve animal
welfare. Now it has admitted what we suspected all along. It was actually a campaign to get rid of hunts and people who hunt..... POWAPerson adds:- Hunters apparently
can't count. 27, not 21, members of 'registered' Hunts have been convicted of Hunting Act offences, plus one whole
Hunt [the Heythrop]. Additionally, 4 members of a Hunt 'club' were cautioned. It's still a pitifully low number
relative to the huge number of offences being committed though...
day of Severn Vale hare hunt festival swamped & stopped by sabs 16-2-15 HSA
PR Severn
Vale Hare Hunting festival stopped in its tracks Today over fifty sabs attended the Severn Vale
Hare hunting festival, originally thought to be a single day event but thanks to Kay Thompson, hunt photographer, who posted
about her attendance on her Twitter feed (doh), we realised it is a six day event. Sabs turned up to realise that this sport,
so vaunted by the Countryside Alliance, as growing from strength to strength could only muster less than twenty people. There
were over fifty sabs so they were outnumbered two to one. The hunt present was the Wilts and Infantry... and calling
on the Churchill/Dunkirk spirit they girded their loins, jumped in their cars and ran away. Sabs followed and one female hunter
tried to block the highway and was politely shuffled off to the side so our vehicles could follow. There then followed a lot
of driving around until the hunt went to ground in a Police divisional HQ to hand themselves in (we think). By then we had
diverted most of the sabs to the Vale of White Horse Fox hunt to ruin the end of their day. Now we know we are in for five
more days of hunting we have much organizing to do but will be able to keep our numbers up, the call is out and more sabs
will be driving down tonight. We are confident that this week’s festival is effectively over....
North Cotswold FH supporters fight among themselves at club dance 13-2-15 Stratford-on-Avon
Herald Two hurt at hunt bash POLICE officers and ambulance
crews were called to a private event at Stratford Arts House after a fight broke out at a dance organised by the North Cotswold
Hunt Supporters’ Club. One man needed hospital treatment and a 19-year-old woman was treated by paramedics at
the venue, in Rother Street, in the early hours of Saturday, 31st January. A Warwickshire Police spokeswoman said: "A
38-year-old man from Evesham was assaulted and needed hospital treatment for slight injuries to his face. Investigations are
continuing." No arrests were made, but police are examining CCTV footage and have also issued an appeal for witnesses
to come forward. It is unclear how the woman, who was unconscious when police first arrived, sustained her injuries. A spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service said: "An ambulance and a rapid response vehicle attended shortly after
1am. A woman was treated for facial injuries but she declined hospital treatment and was discharged at the scene."
Camilla Haines, from the supporters’ club, who organised the event, which was attended by approximately 300 people,
said the incidents happened outside the venue as the ball was finishing and people were leaving. "I didn’t witness
anything myself, but people who saw it said it was just a case of high spirits. You can’t account for what people get
up to when they’ve had a drop of pop. You know what it’s like when you’ve been to a wedding, there’s
always someone who has a drunk too many and can’t handle it. I don’t think it was anything more than that."
According to Mrs Haines, the supporters’ club has held the ball at the venue for the past 12 years and this was the
only time such an incident had happened.
Atherstone FH hounds twice mark to ground at badger setts 14-2-15 Vimeo – W.Midlands
Sabs Atherstone hunt-marking
to ground in badger setts- yet again! This footage was filmed whilst at the Atherstone Hunt. For a group of
9 sabs we had numerous police cars and a helicopters. The hounds marked to ground twice in badger setts. This footage shows
what happened and the response we received from Staffordshire police. Middleton
FH JM Holt acquitted of illegal hunting due to lack of evidence 12-2-15 Yorkshire Post Judge
throws out ‘cruelty’ charge against Middleton hunt master A HUNT master was this afternoon
cleared of a fox hunting charge after a prosecution prompted by the League Against Cruel Sports. Tom Holt, a joint
master with the Middleton Hunt, had been accused of chasing a fox with a pack of hounds. But the case was thrown out
by after a one-day trial at Scarborough Magistrates Court after a district judge ruled there was not enough evidence. The
Countryside Alliance fired a broadside at animal rights campaigners after the verdict, accusing activists of targetting the
hunting community with "spurious" allegations. The trial heard claims that Mr Holt, 28, was caught on a camera
as he chased a fox with a pack of hounds as bugles blared. He was arrested but claimed he was legally following a trail
when he was filmed by the League Against Cruel Sports, the court heard. Prosecutor Martin Hawes claimed that the blasts
of a horn had been heard when the fox was sighted. He continued: "The suggestion is this was effectively
a call to hunt. The fox was seen running [left] with
hunting dogs in full pursuit [below right]. Rather than have
their noses to the ground, their heads were up." He continued that just after 2.40 that afternoon Holt was seen
"following the same line taken by the fox and hounds" [below
left] - though Holt denied this. The court heard Holt was arrested and claimed he was "trail hunting" rather than hunting a live fox as the prosecution claimed.
Mr Hawes added: "The Crown would say it is a deliberate action rather than a cynical attempt to mask what was going
on."But hunt joint master Holt, of Leavening, Malton, denied hunting a wild mammal with dogs at Knapton Lodge, West
Knapton, near Malton, last February 19. After being found not guilty, he left court saying he was "very pleased"
at the result. But Adrian Simpson, of the Countryside Alliance, stormed: "These were spurious allegations of illegal
hunting made by the League. Mr Holt had to suffer for more than 12 months before this came to court." He underlined it
was the second failed prosecution under the anti-hunting legislation in recent weeks, a similar case having collapsed in York.
He added: "The Crown Prosecution Service need to give serious consideration to how it deals with information provided
by animal rights organisations and the League Against Cruel Sports against individuals and the hunting community."
A League spokesman Paul Tillsley said: "We are disappointed with the result." 13-2-15 Gazette
& Herald Middleton Hunt joint Master, Tom Holt, cleared
of fox hunting charge A joint Master of the Middleton Hunt has been cleared of allegations that he illegally hunted a
fox with hounds during a meet in Ryedale last year. Tom Holt, 28, of Leavening, near Malton, had denied a charge of
hunting a wild mammal with dogs at West Knapton on February 19 contrary to the Hunting Act 2004. After the hearing
at Scarborough Magistrates’ Court, Mr Holt said he was "very pleased" with the verdict delivered by district
judge Helen Cousins.... Paul Tillsley, the League’s head of investigations, who was in court for the one-day
trial, said he was "disappointed" with the result because they felt there was sufficient evidence to show a
fox had been pursued. During the trial, solicitor advocate Stephen Welford defending
Holt, submitted there was no evidence on which he could be convicted because the Act made it clear that any action had to
be intentional and that was not the case as far as the allegation was concerned. That submission was rejected by the
judge but after hearing evidence from the defendant and cross-examination of him by the prosecution she pointed out the prosecution
had to satisfy her that she was sure of the guilt of Holt beyond reasonable doubt. Film
footage taken by investigators from the League, two of whom gave evidence, showed a fox running across a field. Shortly
afterwards some hounds were seen going in the same direction. Two and a half minutes later Holt was seen to canter along
the same field but the judge said there was no evidence to show that Holt was aware of a fox. Nor was there any evidence to show
that Holt was doing anything to encourage the hounds, she said. "I cannot infer any intention to pursue a fox and
particularly in the light of the evidence I don’t find any. I am not satisfied to the point I am sure so I find
Mr Holt not guilty." Holt had stressed that during the day the hounds and the hunt had been following three trails
of scent which had been laid down and he had not seen any fox. Martin Hawes, prosecuting,
alleged during cross examination of Holt that he had seen the fox and that when the hounds actively pursued it he had taken
a deliberate decision to "hang back" from them. "The reason you were hanging back was because you could
distance yourself and then be able to say it must have been an accident," said Mr Hawes who added: "The reason
you were hanging back is because you knew what was going on with the hounds and the fox." To both questions Holt
replied: "Not true." Earlier, when questioned by his lawyer, Holt had explained that the dogs, who were
following one of the scented trails, had gone ahead of him because he had been obstructed by a drainage ditch and that he
had not seen any fox run across a field.... 12-2-15 LACS
PR, [VIDEO] League
response to Middleton Huntmaster and Huntsman court verdict Commenting on the case against the
Joint Master and Huntsman of the Middleton Hunt, Tom Holt for an offence in relation to illegal hunting, the League Against
Cruel Sports described today’s verdict as disappointing. Tom Holt appeared before Scarborough Magistrates'
Court today charged with hunting a Wild Mammal with Dogs at West Knapton, Malton, North Yorkshire, on 19th February 2014,
contrary to the Hunting Act 2004. The case was brought by the independent Crown Prosecution Service following an investigation
by North Yorkshire Police, based on evidence supplied to the police by the League Against Cruel Sports. Evidence submitted
by the League showed two alleged chases, however the CPS dropped evidence of one of these at an earlier preliminary hearing,
resulting in much of the video evidence not being permissible. Having heard the evidence, the District Judge decided he could
not be satisfied that the defendant knew the hounds were chasing a fox or that he showed signs of participation. Watch the
footage yourself and make up your own mind.
POWAPerson comments:-
Though the assertion by the Prosecutor that Holt was deliberately hanging back from the hounds pursuing the fox may well be
correct, it is hard to see how the Judge could have convicted him of 'engaging or participating' in the pursuit when
he was well over 2 minutes behind the hounds. Actually, the Hunting Act imposes no obligation on hunters to try to call
off hounds, even if they know they are chasing a wild mammal. So long as the hunters don't actually take part in
the pursuit they are not breaking the law. This is a perfect illustration as to why a 'reckless' clause is needed
in the Hunting Act. Under POWA's proposals for an amended Act, under which hunters would be responsible for controlling
the behaviour of their hounds, Holt would have been more likely to have been convicted, since it could
be asserted that he had 'permitted' hounds to chase the fox. Middleton FH terrierman gets CSO for badger sett interference Their Kennel Huntsman has similar charge dropped by CPS 12-2-15
Scarborough News Hunt members in court for interfering with badger
setts Two members of the Middleton Hunt accused of interfering with badger setts have been dealt
with by the courts with one cleared and one convicted. Kennel huntsman Barry Andrews, 33, was accused of interfering with
a badger sett in woods at Bossall, Malton, by restricting the entrance. As reported by the Mercury, Mr Andrews, of Birdsall,
Malton, had denied the alleged offence last March 12 and was due to stand trial on February 23 and 24. But the case
was dropped at Scarborough magistrates’ court yesterday (Thursday) after the Crown agreed the proceedings be discontinued. Meanwhile, Terrierman Lee Martin, 44, was convicted of the offence but may appeal for the verdict to be overturned, his
lawyer said yesterday. Martin, 44, also of Birdsall Malton, had also denied the charge under the 1992 Protection of Badgers
Act, which carries a maximum penalty of six months jail. But he was found guilty and given a 12-month community order
with a condition he carries out 120 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £910 costs and a £60 surcharge
following the investigation by the League Against Cruel Sports. The court heard Martin, 44, was spotted by the investigators
on a quad bike near the sett during a hunt meeting on March 29 at Scrayingham, Malton. The League claimed when it first visited
the sett last February the entrances were open. But when investigators went back to retrieve the footage the entrances had
been blocked up and they then spotted Martin. Stephen Welford, defending, said yesterday: "It has not been decided yet
but an appeal against conviction is likely. My view is that the decision was wrong in law and contrary to the evidence that
was produced." During the trial Mr Welford had argued that the prosecution was unfair because it was seven weeks
and three days before the League reported the matter to the police. The officer involved then on holiday for a fortnight
and it was 14 weeks and two days before Martin was informed of the nature of allegations against him. This was far too
late for any "meaningful examination of the scene" and as a result the defence had been denied "crucial evidence,"
Mr Welford added.10-2-15 LACS PR Terrierman found guilty of blocking up badger sett
Appearing before Scarborough Magistrates' Court this afternoon Lee Martin, Terrierman for the Middleton Hunt was
found guilty of blocking up a badger sett in current use, contrary to Section 3 of the Protection of Badgers Act 1992.
At the end of a two day trial, Magistrates ruled Lee Martin was guilty of interfering with a badger sett near Scrayingham,
on 29th March 2014, when the Middleton Hunt were due to meet at Pasture Farm. Martin was given a community service order
of 120 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay total costs and a surcharge of £970 in full within 28 days. Joe Duckworth, Chief Executive at the League Against Cruel Sports said: "We are pleased with
today’s verdict. The defendant’s actions and his obvious total disrespect for wildlife has been exposed and dealt
with by the courts thanks to the work of our investigators and the Police. This case clearly demonstrates that foxes are not
the only wild animals to suffer at the hands of hunts. The deliberate persecution of any wild animal is not acceptable and
our team of professional investigators work hard in the field to capture illegal activity to bring about prosecutions."
The case is one of a number brought by the Crown Prosecution Service following evidence supplied by the League Against
Cruel Sports and investigations carried out by North Yorkshire Police.
as CPS won't prosecute Huntsman who mowed down female sab 10-2-15 Morning Star Crown Prosecution Service lets hunt rider off after mowing down saboteur - Outrage as prosecution
is dropped despite serious injury to victim Thousands were left fuming with the Crown Prosecution Court’s decision not
to prosecute a huntsman after he charged down a saboteur [right] leaving
her with life-threatening injuries. Nid, a hunt saboteur who declined to share her full name for fear of reprisals, was left with seven broken ribs, a collapsed lung and a shoulder injury when Mark Doggrell’s
horse mowed her down. Despite footage that showed Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt member not even slowing down when riding
past anti-hunt protesters, the case was dropped. The CPS is now giving it a second look as a petition launched to reverse the decision reached
4,000 signatures yesterday. “I’m
completely devastated, disappointed,” the Hampshire activist told the Star. “I feel extremely let down by the justice system.” Nid, who has been involved with animal rights since
the 2013 badger cull, had taken a day of annual leave to take part in protests at a cubbing meet. These events are organised to train new hunting dogs and are, according to campaigners,
particularly brutal as “hounds can be seen tearing fox cubs to pieces.” Nid argued Mr Doggrell and other
huntsmen were being particularly violent that day because upsetting the event would mean disrupting the rest of the season.
An ambulance was called straight after the sab was run down but took longer to arrive because members of the hunt were blocking
the road. Nid believed
that this and other hostile and aggressive acts by the hunting party show how “inhumane” hunters can be. She said:
“It’s really important that we get justice from this because if we don’t it sends a clear message out to
hunters that they can use violence against saboteurs. It’s an enshrined right of ours to protest, we are allowed to do that in this country and we should be allowed
to do it without the fear of violence and reprisals.” The attack, which took place in Dorset last August, has
left Nid with lifelong lesions. Yet the health worker was adamant the incident would not stop her. “If anything this attack and the lack of justice just galvanised us, so I will be
out there when I’m physically better.” Story also
covered in Sunday Times Video of incident here 9-2-15
HSA PR No charges have been
brought against huntsman Mark Doggrell for riding down and seriously
injuring a hunt saboteur in August last year. The attack happened during an evening cubbing meet of the Blackmore and Sparkford
Vale Hunt. This was also a pony club meet, where the hunt take out youngsters aged from 7 to 14. Dorset sabs were keen
to intervene on this particular meet to prevent children from witnessing some of the most disturbing scenes when young hounds
can be seen tearing fox cubs to pieces as they are trained and selected (the young hounds who show no interest in killing are disposed of). It's
believed by many people that this bloody indoctrination is something the hunts are very keen on, to keep hunting going for
generations to come. Two members of Dorset hunt saboteurs were watching the hunt when
Doggrell rode at them from behind, throwing the female saboteur up in the air with the force of the blow. An ambulance
was immediately called but was delayed from reaching the casualty by the hunt blocking the road. An air ambulance also
attended the scene. The injured saboteur was taken to hospital suffering from seven broken ribs, a collapsed lung and trauma
to her shoulder. She remained in hospital for two weeks. The hunt then callously carried on hunting before returning
to their kennels for a BBQ. Mark Doggrell was arrested and investigated for causing grevious bodily harm but now, 5 months
later, the CPS have decided not to bring any charges, citing insufficient evidence. Whilst on bail for this attack he
was also charged with assault for breaking a fellow hunters nose at their hunt ball. Lee
Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt saboteurs Association, stated: "We are disappointed, but not surprised, that no charges
have been brought against Mark Doggrell. Historically the police and criminal justice system have allowed acts of violence
on hunt saboteurs to go unpunished whilst the saboteurs themselves are prosecuted seemingly at the whim of the hunts.... We would like to know why this hunt specifically, and the hunting fraternity as
a whole, don't speak out against such acts of violence and we'd also like to know why hasn't Mark Doggrell been
sacked? Please contact the CPS and ask them to justify their decision so that we can finally see a measure of justice being
dished out to the violent hunters." Please contact the CPS and the Attorney General as a matter of urgency and tell them
you think the decision not to press charges needs to be reviewed. CPS; victimliaison.southwest@cps.gsi.gov.uk Attorney General; correspondence@attorneygeneral.gsi.gov.uk College
Valley FH Huntsman has badger sett interference charge dropped 10-2-15 Chronicle Northumberland Huntsman Ian McKie's badger case dropped A case
of interfering with a badger sett against Northumberland huntsman Ian McKie [left] has
been dropped. A Northumberland huntsman accused of interfering with a badger sett has walked free from court after the case
against him was dropped. Ian McKie, joint master and huntsman with the College Valley and North Northumberland Hunt, was taken
to court accused of damaging part of a badger sett close to the hunt’s kennels last year. However, the charge was discontinued after prosecutors concluded the identity of the person responsible for the alleged offence could not be proved
beyond reasonable doubt. Mr McKie has now told us of his surprise that the case had got as far as it had given a "complete
lack of evidence" and at the "considerable" expense he had been put to. He also voiced surprise that "a
member of the community and countryside" had gone to police - sparking the prosecution - rather than come to him with
concerns. The 57-year-old, who lives at Lanton near Wooler, was due to appear before Berwick magistrates to face a charge
of interfering with a badger sett by damaging a part of it with intent or being reckless as to whether his actions would have
that consequence. The alleged offence was said to have occurred at Downham Farm, Mindrum, on November 11 last year. However,
in court, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) asked that the case be discontinued. The court ordered that Mr McKie’s
costs be paid for out of central funds. A CPS spokesperson told us: "As a result of initial police enquiries, the defendant
was summonsed to appear at Berwick Magistrates’ Court for a first hearing on January 28 this year. During a formal review
of the case on January 21 by a CPS prosecutor, it was assessed that the identification of those involved in the dig could
not be proved beyond reasonable doubt and that a realistic prospect of conviction was therefore unlikely. In light of this,
the crown took the decision to ask that the case be formally discontinued at the first hearing." Mr McKie told us
he had not committed the offence. "We were surprised that it had got so far. There was a complete lack of evidence. It
took a conversation between the prosecutor and our solicitor to realise that it had gone too far and should be discontinued
purely through lack of substantial evidence. There is costs involved and unnecessary costs at that and court costs as well
as police time. There has been a considerable amount of work done on our behalf and a considerable amount of time taken up
with the police authorities which has all been completely unnecessary. It has put a lot of people to a lot of trouble unnecessarily."
He added: "We were surprised at the time particularly for a local member of the community and the countryside going to
such lengths. If they have got a problem normally, people would come and talk to me about it. But they felt they wanted to
go to the police, that is their prerogative." Mr McKie claimed the complainant had told police he had seen somebody interfering
with the badger sett but had not specifically mentioned him. The huntsman says police then asked him to help them with their
enquiries before he was ultimately charged. Mr McKie was one of three members of the College Valley hunt convicted of
illegal hunting at the Berwick court last October. The trio were secretly filmed by two League Against Cruel Sports investigators
as they led a meet near Lowick last February. They pleaded not guilty and were convicted following a trial.
CA demands ban on sabs masking-up as masked hunt thugs attack sabs yet again 9-2-15 Western
Daily Press Hunt
supporters 'mask up' to smash sabs' vehicle - after Countryside Alliance launch campaign against sab masks Hunt supporters across the West have join a campaign calling for a ban
on anti-hunt saboteurs from wearing masks and balaclavas – only for a group of hunt supporters to ‘mask up’
when they allegedly attack sabs in Dorset on Saturday. The Countryside Alliance call has been signed by thousands of
hunt supporters, and calls for the police to ‘unmask’ sabs in the wake of the fracas last month between supporters
of the Tedworth Hunt and masked hunt saboteurs from Bristol and Southampton which hospitalised Wiltshire huntsman Mike Lane. On Thursday, the Alliance’s director of campaigns Tim Bonner launched a campaign to urge supporters to write to their
local police and crime commissioners and MPs calling for police to intervene to ‘unmask’ sabs, and yesterday,
the Alliance said thousands had done that. But on Saturday, Dorset hunt sabs said they were attacked and had the windows
of their vehicle smashed by a large group of hunt supporters who had covered their faces. Yesterday, Mr Bonner condemned the
wearing of masks and face-coverings by both sides, and said the law needed to be applied equally on the issue. Hunt Saboteurs
Association spokesman Lee Moon claimed the sabs in Dorset tried to disrupt illegal fox hunting by the Blackmore and Sparkford
Vale Hunt, who met at Sherborne Castle, on the Dorset-Somerset border on Saturday, but were themselves disrupted by ‘a
large group of masked-up hunt supporters’ who ‘pushed and shoved, and threatened further violence. "As the
day wore on the size of the group of thugs increased to approximately 30 to 40 and their behaviour deteriorated," he
said. A police helicopter was eventually sent up to try to track the group after they smashed most of the windows in the saboteurs’
Land Rover, and deployed a home-made stinger to puncture tyres, he claimed. It follows a series of incidents involving
confrontations between hunt saboteurs in Wiltshire, Dorset and Somerset, including the incident with the Tedworth Hunt, the
hospitalisation of a Dorset hunt sab, and sabs filming the BSV hunt's hounds apparently killing a fox. "The Countryside
Alliance are currently obsessed with saboteurs wearing masks, which we have always done and will continue to do so due to
the very real threat of violent reprisals by hunt support," he said. "We would ask the Alliance to explain why so
many of their supporters are regularly masking up and committing violent unlawful acts in the countryside?" he added. Mr Bonner said the hunt saboteurs very presence, masked up, in the countryside, was the ‘catalyst for conflict’.
"The wearing of para-military style clothing and face coverings by anti-hunting activists is blatantly aggressive and
intimidatory," he said. "It is designed to create fear, hide the identity of people who might commit criminal acts
and to provoke a reaction. We do not believe anyone should be hiding their identity for these reasons, and would expect the
police to enforce the law equally. The fact remains, however, that it is the arrival of extremists into rural communities
and their behaviour that is the catalyst for conflict," he added.
Blackmore FH supporter mob attack sabs, badly damage landy 8-2-15 HSA
PR More
violence at the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt On Saturday the 7th February, Dorset Hunt
saboteurs attended a meet of the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt who met at Sherborne Castle, home of Lord Digby.
From the start of the day the saboteurs were harassed by a large group of masked up hunt supporters who stole a hunting horn, broke their equipment and pushed and
shoved them as well as threatening further violence.As the day wore on the size of the group of thugs increased to approx 30-40 and their behaviour deteriorated.
At around 3pm they used their quad bikes to block in the sab landrover before launching an unprovoked attack. They smashed
the front, rear and drivers side windows, throttled the driver and smashed up equipment in the vehicle and placed a home made
'stinger' type device under the vehicles tyres in order to puncture them. The police were called and due to the severity
of the attack they sent up a helicopter to try and track the culprits. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs
Association stated: "Earlier this week Mark Doggrell, huntsman for the Blackmore, had a case against him dropped for
riding down and seriously injuring a saboteur in August last year. This hunt now believe they are totally above the law and
can assault and steal from saboteurs with impunity. Dorset police need to prove that they are impartially upholding
the law and bring charges against these masked up thugs. The Countryside Alliance are currently obsessed with saboteurs wearing
masks, which we have always done and will continue to do so due to the very real threat of violent reprisals by hunt support.
We would ask the Alliance to explain why so many of their supporters are regularly masking up and committing violent unlawful
acts in the countryside?"
may leave Hunting Act's future in Wales up to Assembly 6-2-15 Daily
Telegraph Hunting
ban could only apply in England under Welsh devolution plan
The change could see hunting with packs of dogs introduced in Wales in a similar model to Scotland, where packs can be used
to flush out foxes before they are humanely put down. Hunting with dogs is legal in Northern Ireland, which would leave England
as the sole redoubt for the hunting ban. England could be the only country in Britain where hunting with packs of dogs remains
illegal under plans to devolve powers to Wales next month, The Daily Telegraph has learned. The right to legalise hunting
in some form could be one of the measures devolved to Wales as part of a new devolution settlement later this month. The idea,
which is backed by Welsh secretary Stephen Crabb as long as it has cross-party support, is supported by Plaid Cyrmu, local
farmers and hunting campaigners, as well as some Tory MPs. Currently the Hunting Act 2004 restricts hunting to no more
than two dogs in England and Wales, to flush out foxes after which they have to be shot. But the change could see hunting
with packs of dogs introduced in Wales in a similar model to Scotland, where packs can be used to flush out foxes before they
are humanely put down. Pro-hunting supporters believe that hunting has a better chance of being legalised if it is devolved
to Wales, where the countryside pursuit is not so riven by class differences. The decision to reserve powers over fox
hunting to Westminster was considered to be one of the most glaring anomalies in the devolution settlement because most agricultural
matters are devolved. Mr Crabb is leading wide-ranging negotiations with Welsh party leaders on further devolution of powers
to Wales following last September’s referendum on Scottish independence. There is now a growing feeling that the Welsh
Assembly Government is established enough to make its own decisions over controversial issues for Wales. Mr Crabb is understood
to be open minded and pragmatic about these outstanding devolution issues. A source said: "He will only take forward
any issue if there is cross party consensus." Any decision on what further powers will be devolved to Cardiff will be
unveiled by Mr Crabb’s on St David’s Day at the beginning of next month. POWAPerson adds:- It does indeed seem highly likely that
powers over hunting, along foreseeable future.with other issues, will soon be devolved to the Welsh Assembly. However, the
body is currently controlled - albeit very narrowly - by Labour, so it seems unlikely that the Hunting Act would be repealed
by the Assembly in the forseeable future. Dorset hunt hounds 'rampage' through garden & field of livestock3-2-15 Blackmore Vale Magazine Need for apology after hounds
rampage in field The emphasis of this letter is
not to make a pro- or anti-hunting statement, but to comment on events around the Pipers Mill end of Fontmell Magna by the
local hunt on Saturday 31st January. Without apparent restraint, the pack of hounds ran through a private garden and
then rampaged around a field containing in-lamb sheep and ponies. Several of the Hunt then entered the field and eventually
moved the hounds away, and thankfully the farmer, who arrived shortly after, reported that there appeared to be no damage
to either ponies or sheep. It has to be said that the field owners, who were away at the time were, in their own words,
"furious", as they had not been contacted prior to the hunt and had certainly not given permission for their land
(or garden) to be used. It is to be hoped that they will be contacted with a profuse apology by the hunt. The other thing which really was a cause for concern was that immediately following this event, a large number of
the hunt followers on horseback rode past Pipers Mill towards Fontmell at a gallop and completely filling the lane; it is
not uncommon for vehicles coming the other way to come round Pipers Mill bridge (which is "blind" and very narrow)
at a speed which could easily have caused carnage among both riders and horses. So, leaving any personal opinion about
the place for hunting in this day and age aside, in the interests of respect for private property and road safety, I would
ask that people who hunt do so in a more responsible manner. Simon
Green, by email. Lamerton FH six trial adjourned until
the spring 2-2-15 LACS PR Lamerton
Hunt case adjourned until April 1st The case against six members of the Lamerton Hunt has been
adjourned until 1st April 2015. During the case management hearing on 14th January at Torquay Magistrates’ Court,
the defence was directed by the district judge to serve documents setting out the areas of factual dispute with each eye witness
statement and their expert report by the 13th March 2015. Joint master George Moyse, Huntsman David Lewis, Whipper-in
Steve Craddock and Terrier men, Gilmore Lewis, Stephen Mitchell and Wayne Bartlett all entered not guilty pleas for alleged
offences under Section 1 of the Hunting Act 2004, when they appeared before Plymouth Magistrates’ Court on November
21st November 2014.
JANUARY 2015 ..... 30th January - Sabs say saw S.Dorset and Blackmore FHs both kill foxes on same day ..... 28th January - Tedworth FH Huntsman
accuses sabs of serious assault on him .... 26th January - Waveney Harriers warned off by police after seen chasing
hares ..... 23rd January - Lunesdale FH case fails as prosecution cannot place
accused at the hunt ..... 17th January - Two sabs hit in head at North Cotswold FH as hounds
encouraged to hunt ..... 17th January - Durham hunter cuts fox's head off, posts it online
to wind up antis ..... 17th January - Fox hounds nearly catch roe deer after chasing across
several fields ..... 11th January - Mob violence from RAC Beagles towards sabs - windscreen
smashed ..... 10th January - Violent attacks by Atherstone FH riders on 2 female
sabs alleged ..... 9th January - Shrops hunters ride on fast and busy A5 dual-carriageway
to retrieve hounds ..... 7th January - Old Surrey horse in collision with police car
has to be put down ..... 6th January - Mendip Farmers FH hound hit by bus on - say police
- a 'legal trail hunt'
..... 3rd January - Sabs see Puckridge FH hunt across busy A120, causing
traffic chaos ..... 3rd January - Sab charged by
4 riders, hit and knocked over - police investigating
3rd January - Curre & Llangibby FH filmed hunting right next to main road
..... 2nd January - Surrey Union FH fox kill - police say 'accident' - sabs retrieve corpse
Dorset sabs they say saw two Hunts each kill a fox on same dayStrongly suspect that the Blackmore FH kill was of
a 'bagged' fox 30-1-15 Western Daily Press VIDEO: Dorset
sabs film as hunt hounds kill fox Hunt saboteurs released a new video this week which they claim
shows hounds from a West hunt killing a fox that had been ‘bagged’ and saved by hunt staff. The Dorset Hunt Saboteurs’
video shows hounds swarming over a dead animal, which is then picked up by a huntsman and, they claim, was later given to
a huntsman. The pro-hunt Countryside Alliance slammed the ‘hysterical language’ of the saboteurs, and the style
of their video, and added that killing a fox is not illegal. The incident, the latest in an increasing
war of claim and counter-claim, took place on Tuesday near the village of Holwell, near Sherborne in Dorset. It happened a
couple of days after this footage was filmed of a scuffle involving anti-hunt saboteurs and hunt supporters near Everleigh
in Wiltshire ended with the Tedworth hunt master Mike Lane unconscious and needing an overnight stay in hospital with concussion. 27-1-15 Facebook
- Dorset Hunt Sabs It is with a heavy heart I write this report. We sabbed two
hunts today, the South Dorset and the Blackmore & Sparkford Vale and saw kills on both ! I'll return to the
SD. But need to say what happened on the second hunt we visited. From
the SD meet at Cross Farm Brockhampton, the BSV were just 5 miles to the north at Buckshaw Farm, Holwell. Arriving in
the area and finding the hunt immediately at about 1.45, we immediately came across the police who we'd called because
of the kill on the SD and Hunt blocking in our vehicle. We explained the situation and they went off to the SD.... We
proceeded to Barnes Cross where the hunt went in to a field adjacent to the meet. The whole hunt were here and stayed
there for several minutes. We wondered why they weren't moving. They eventually moved off west through the
meet and we went to the landy through hostile hunt supporters... Having
driven north of the meet, foot sabs headed towards Densham Farm with the Huntsman's son Ben Doggrell in tow, all masked
up. Having spotted the hunt heading in the direction of the farm we arrived there to suddenly hear hounds, as we rushed
through the farm yard we found beyond a high fence the hounds ripping the poor fox! Doggrell went over and handed the
the fox to the Huntsman, all caught on film. No chase, brief noise from the hounds.... Bagged, yes we think so!
The riders were laughing at us as emotions showed. We proceeded
after the hunt to attempt to find the fox. A discussion followed, Sab: 'How many did you kill today?'
Hunter: 'Two or three.' Sab: 'How do you sleep at night?' Hunter: 'Quite easily'.
Doggrell was covered in blood, later on he was riding a quad wearing a jacket with holes and a cap, making out he'd just
arrived, funny how he still had the same trousers on and the same eyes. Police were on the scene very quickly and saw
the film. But we've decided to release the film to the press so the public can
see that the hunts are still out killing. Further info will be added to this report as well as pics and film later. Pic below:- Masked Huntsman's son carries away corpse of fox just killed by hounds Tedworth
FH Huntsman accuses sabs of serious assault on him Taken
to hospital with concussion and broken teeth - police investigating 28-1-15 Western Daily Press Huntsman
knocked out in 'nasty' attack by sabs in Wiltshire A West Country huntmaster was knocked
unconscious in a vicious attack by masked hunt saboteurs armed with iron bars, the Western Daily Press can reveal. Police
in Wiltshire are investigating the incident, which happened near the village of Everleigh, near Amesbury, at the end of a
fractious day of confrontations between sabs and the Tedworth Hunt on Saturday. Officers called to the incident ended up giving
first aid to the huntsman, Mike Lane, before paramedics arrived. He was rushed to the Great Western Hospital in Swindon and
kept in overnight with head injuries, which included concussion and several broken teeth. Police in Wiltshire have launched
a major investigation into the disturbance, which happened as the meet closed at Weather Hill Firs, between Everleigh and
Haxton, at around 4pm. Their investigations will centre around trying to identify the hunt saboteurs responsible. Video footage
captured by several mobile phones among hunt supporters at the scene appear to show Mr Lane being punched to the ground and
then kicked in the head a couple of times before the hunt saboteurs run off. A spokeswoman for Wiltshire police said:
"We were called at around 4pm on Saturday to the scene of an incident between Everleigh and Haxton. The Tedworth Hunt
had been out on a drag hunt and according to the hunt, a group of up to a dozen people – both men and women –
wearing balaclavas had been harassing the hunt throughout the day. The protestors had left the scene by the time police arrived.
We can confirm that a 39-year-old man from the Marlborough area who is involved with the hunt was assaulted and needed treatment
at Great Western Hospital. The man was knocked to the ground and received injuries to the head and back and was briefly unconscious.
Police officers gave him first aid until an ambulance arrived. We are gathering evidence from witnesses, including video and
still images recorded by Tedworth Hunt supporters," she added. Mr Lane has been told to rest for at least a week
following the concussion he sustained. Police said they are treating the case as a serious incident of ABH and potential public
disorder. Inspector Paul Longden, of Wiltshire police, said the attack was ‘unacceptable’. "Whilst we have
no issue with people lawfully protesting, this was a totally unacceptable assault involving a group of men and women wearing
balaclavas. We are making every effort to find and bring to justice the people who inflicted these injuries," he added. Mr
Lane said he could remember little in the aftermath of the attack, but that hunt saboteurs had plagued the hunt all day. "They
followed is from the kennels that morning and during the days they were quite upset and there were a number of confrontations,"
he said. "We were quite upset that they were spraying the hounds with citronella spray and we remonstrated with them.
We were packing up just after 4pm and it got quite violent. Five or six of them came across to where we were all parked and
started to make a nuisance of themselves. I went over to try to calm it all down and one of them spat in my face. I was then
punched by another and a scuffle broke out. I slipped over and on the ground one of them kicked me in the head twice and knocked
me out. To be honest, I have no other recollection of what happened after that. They were swinging iron bars on lengths of
rope at one stage. Luckily there were still enough people around who came to my aid and they ran back to their vehicles and
drove off at speed," he added. "Lots of people videoed what happened, and it is quite disconcerting to see yourself
being knocked out on film," he added. The incident is the latest in a long line of violent confrontations between
hunt saboteurs and hunts in the West Country, with both sides claiming the other to be more the more violent. Last week, the
Western Daily Press reported how saboteurs had been mobbed by students from the Cirencester-based Royal Agricultural University
after trying to disrupt a meet of the college’s beagle foot pack at Knockdown, near Tetbury. The campaign director
for the Countryside Alliance, Tim Bonner, said the incident in Wiltshire showed that saboteurs needed to ‘unmask’.
"This was a particularly nasty and cowardly attack by people who hoped by wearing face coverings they would avoid prosecution,"
he said. "The number of people involved in saboteur activities is far fewer than in the past, however we are concerned
that the extremists who remain are increasingly resorting to violence. There have been a number of incidents over the past
few years involving assaults on hunt staff and supporters by people who have masked their identities. We are particularly
worried about the increasing tendency to violence by those wearing balaclavas and face coverings in a bid to escape the law.
We call upon the police to use their powers, wherever possible, to unmask people who wear face coverings to hunt meets before
there is violence," he added. Berkshire Hunt Sabs attempted to refute the allegations made by pointing out
that all the released video shows is the Huntsman lying on the ground, some scuffling, two hunt followers assaulting
a sab and another sab attempting to defend first his colleague, then himself. See their video. Pics below:- 1/ Huntsman on ground 2/
Sab being assaulted by followers [left of pic] The Daily
Mail also covered this incident. Their headline claimed the same embedded
video showed the 'shocking moment' when the Huntsman was 'knocked unconscious'. In fact, the Huntsman
is already on the ground when the video starts, with no indication how he got there. Nor does he appear to be unconscious.
The implement being wielded by a sab, probably in self-defence [the sabs are heavily outnumbered and one is clearly seen
being punched and kneed by a much larger hunt supporters] looks much more like a whip than a 'rope with an iron bar
on the end'. Lightweight whips are commonly used by sabs to create noise to distract hounds from pursuing live quarry. Clearly
any assault my sabs of the type described would not be defensible. The question is, did it really happen? We await with interest
the production of other film hunters claim to have of the actual alleged assault on Mike Lane. Hunters have a long and inglorious
record of accusing sabs of such assaults which they can almost never prove. The number of sabs convicted of such attacks can
be counted on the fingers of one hand, whilst well over a hundred hunters have been convicted, and some imprisoned, for assaults
on sabs. UPDATE Hunters never did produce the video evidence they claimed they had and police dropped
the investigation.
Norfolk Police tell Waveney Harriers to pack up after chasing
hares 26-1-15 Facebook - Norfolk Suffolk Hunt Sabs ...It was not long before we filmed the hounds
in full cry, chasing a hare which was running at full speed for its life. Fortunately, it had a good start and it eventually
gave them the slip. This was just as well because there was no sight or sound of the Huntsman who must, under the law, take steps to check his hounds in those circumstances. The hounds continued
to search for their lost quarry and several minutes later, crossed the road where we filmed them searching and bumbling in
the second field in from the road. It was a long time before the Huntsman appeared. He was soon spoken to by a police sergeant [right], who was obviously
unimpressed with the lack of control. We can only assume that he asked the Huntsman to call it off. The Hunt duly returned
to the meet and by 12.30 pm they were packing up to go home. They only had themselves to blame: although there were only some
18 riders attending, there was enough experience amongst them to work as a team and back up the Huntsman. This is something
they no longer seem capable of doing. 28-1-15 Facebook - Mike Huskisson Has Police implementation of the Hunting Act changed dramatically? Until last Saturday
it was police policy to allow a hunting day to finish and then tackle any allegations of illegal hunting afterwards. That
was bad news for hunted wildlife as they could easily be killed in the process – and hunt saboteurs battered as they
tried to stop the illegal hunting. It was also bad for policing as it meant that police officers were ordered to watch a crime
being committed – which generated public distrust as to their impartiality. Events last Saturday at the Waveney Harriers
set a new benchmark for rural crime prevention when a Norfolk Police Sergeant tore up this rule book, said he had seen enough,
that if the hunt continued they would be breaking the law and advised the hunters to pack up. This can happen again, but only in similar circumstances. We need police present who are determined to uphold
the law rather than merely comply with the demands from the hunters. Then police have to witness illegal hunting taking place.
They have to witness the hunt staff and followers being unable or unwilling to stop their hounds from hunting illegally. And
it may need hunt saboteurs to ask the police, on camera if judged necessary, to enforce the law as Norfolk police did. If
we can work with the police to develop these tactics we could reach the stage where legal, humane hunting thrives and the
only red in our hunting fields is no longer the blood of innocent animals but the red cards shown by police to any hunters
who hunt illegally. The policing of hunting will then match the policing of hare coursing – which will be marvellous
for wildlife. POWAperson comments:- It's actually not clear what motivated the police chat with
the Waveney, what was said, or precisely why they packed up at 12.30 pm. Sabs, who frequently cover the Hunt, have previously
reported that police have been, at best, indifferent to the Hunt chasing wildlife. If this does mark some sea-change
in the attitudes of this force it's gratifying - but it's far from clear it does. Both reporters here
seem to believe, as many in the anti-hunt movement do, that hunters are obliged to call their hounds off any wild mammal they
are pursuing. This is simply not the case. Illegal hunting only takes place if one or more hunters can be proved to have intentionally
'engaged or participated' in the pursuit. Both verbs clearly imply active involvement in the chase. Passively
sitting back and letting hounds get on with it is not active involvement and there is nothing in the Act that requires hunters
to restrain their hounds. It is largely because it is usually extraordinarily difficult to prove that an identifiable
hunter 'engaged or participated' in the pursuit that enables Hunts to get away again and again with pretending 'accidents'
during 'trail hunting', or other palpable nonsense. And this is one of the main reasons that it is vital to achieve
significant strengthening of the Hunting Act to ease enforcement and enhance deterrence. Lunesdale
FH case fails as prosecution cannot place accused at hunt Bench say video shown to them did not show illegal hunting LACS blames collapse of case on CPS failings 23-1-15 Craven Herald Lunesdale
Hunt men cleared on fox hunting charges THE chairman
of the Lunesdale Hunt and its huntsman have been cleared of fox hunting after an all-day trial at York Magistrates' Court.
The League Against Cruel Sports claimed it had filmed huntsman Paul Whitehead, 53, directing the hunt's hounds as they
pursued one or two foxes on farmland at Ingleton on February 18 last year.
But after viewing the League's video and hearing from witnesses who took part in its covert surveillance of the hunt,
the magistrates decided there was no evidence that either Mr Whitehead, or Terence Potter, chairman of Lunesdale Foxhounds
Ltd, were present on the farmland on the day when fox hunting was alleged to have taken place and there was insufficient evidence
that hunting was being carried out. They threw out charges of fox
hunting against both men at the end of the prosecution case. Mr Potter, 63, of Orton, and Mr Whitehead, 53, of Sedbergh, denied one charge each. Mr Potter
was prosecuted in his capacity as a director of the hunt and the prosecution alleged that he had consented to or connived
at fox hunting. After the case, Adrian Simpson, of the Countryside Alliance, said the two men had had to wait 12 months
for the case to be heard and urged the Crown Prosecution Service to look hard at cases where the League provided evidence.
"We were extremely surprised, given the evidence and the innocence of the two defendants, that the prosecution even came
to court.," he said. The CPS prosecuted the case after the League sent its evidence to North Yorkshire Police, who interviewed
the two men under caution. Two days before the case was due to be heard and at the start of the trial, the CPS applied for
the trial to be postponed so that one of the League's witnesses could attend. But the defence successfully opposed both
applications on the grounds that the CPS had known that the witness was not able to attend in early November and should have
applied then for a different date. Mr Simpson said
the defence believed both defendants would have been acquitted even if the missing witness had been able to attend. The magistrates
said the video footage was not good evidence against the two men because of the distance between those filming it and the
activities they were filming. 21-1-15 LACS PR League Against Cruel Sports response to Lunesdale
Foxhounds Ltd case decision Commenting on the case against two members of the Lunesdale Foxhounds Ltd for offences
in relation to illegal hunting, the League Against Cruel Sports described the result today as disappointing and would be complaining
to the Crown Prosecution Service. The
magistrate said today that “The failings of the CPS have not assisted justice in this case,” Joe Duckworth, Chief Executive at the League Against Cruel Sports said: “A set of circumstances beyond our control has led to today’s case being dismissed.
The decision not to take this case further is by no means a reflection of the strength of the case or the footage provided
by the League’s Investigations Team.” 22-1-15 YouTube film uploaded by LACS …Due to the failings of the
Crown Prosecution Service clear footage of a fox being chased by a pack of hounds (as shown from 01.14 in this video) was
not shown in court as evidence - The case was dismissed by the court. This video shows footage captured by our investigators
which clearly shows a fox being chased by a pack of dogs. POWAPerson
comments:- Without access to all of the evidence it is not possible to say definitively why this case failed.
LACS say that the CPS failure to seek re-scheduling of the trial early enough resulted in the court not being able to hear
from the main League witness and the investigating police officer. However, it's still not clear why the prosecution were
not able to show that either of the accused were even present, let alone that they took part in illegal hunting. Clearly,
the bench was shown some film, which they said did not show illegal hunting. The video referred to above by LACS was, the
League says, not shown to the court. They don't say why not. However, it is POWAperson's opinion that, though that
film does clearly show a fox being pursued by hounds, this also is not adequate evidence of illegal hunting by anybody - even
though it seems highly likely that it was being deliberately hunted. To
establish the offence of illegal hunting by an individual [in this case the Huntsman] the prosecution must show that that
person 'engaged or participated' in the pursuit by hounds of the fox. The only people that appear at all in this clip
are a couple in the far distance at the top of the quarry behind the hounds in the first part and a rider in the far distance
in the second. There is really nothing to firmly indicate that they any of them were 'engaging or participating'
and they are so far away as to be quite unidentifiable. Potter, a
Director of the Lunesdale, was charged under Section 10 of the Act. To convict here, the prosecution must effectively establish
that there was some agreement/conspiracy between at least two Hunt officials to undertake illegal hunting. It is hard to see
how the video clip comes anywhere near establishing this. The fact is that the Hunting Act, as was determined by the
High Court judgement of 2009, allows a Hunt to search out a wild mammal with a full pack of hounds. Once they have found and
started pursuing the wild mammal, hunters are free to allow the dogs to chase it to their hearts' content. The offence of illegal hunting is only committed if one or more of the hunters, each of
whom must be identified, can be shown to have 'engaged or participated' in that chase. The court must be convinced
that they intended to engage in illegal hunting. In this case, I think it likely that the bench would have still ruled
in the Hunt's favour even if they had seen the LACS clip which they placed on YouTube. How the evidence of the League's
main witness might have effected their view is moot. It seems -
and indeed is - ridiculous that the prosecution should have to jump over an evidential bar set so impossibly high. This is
precisely why we need to make organised Hunts responsible for the behaviour of their members AND their dogs in the field,
Then Hunts will no longer be able to get away with blatant hunting by insisting the prosecution must be able
to definitively identify individuals they wish to charge, or by hiding behind the perennial excuse of 'accident',
factors which normally mean they don't even get investigated, let alone charged or prosecuted, by the authorities.
Two sabs hit in head at N.Cotswold FH as hounds encouraged to hunt 17-1-15 Facebook - W.Mids Hunt Sabs North Cotswold Hunt
- Saturday ... The hunt headed past the sabs and two sabs were hit around the head with a riding crop....
the huntsman took the hounds to the covert by the road again. A sab from the vehicle then witnessed the kennel huntsman and
various supporters rabidly encouraging the hounds to hunt through the covert. When the huntsman realised the sab was there
with a camera, he blew his horn to call the hounds to him and crossed the road... Avid Durham hunter cuts off fox head and puts image on Facebook to wind up antisPolice investigating to see if he fit person to hold firearms licences 17-1-15 Hartlepool Mail ‘I cut off the fox’s head... but I didn’t kill it’ – Hartlepool man admits sick Facebook post as police take away firearms A HUNTER has admitted putting the head of a fox on a spike and
posting the picture on Facebook – but denied he killed the animal. Hartlepool man Mark Lowery claims he found
the dead animal by the side of the road near Hart Village – but carried out the act and his sick boast to taunt anti-hunt
campaigners. The 44-year-old, who is a regular hunter, has spoken to police, and officers have taken away his firearms as
part of their procedures. Mr Lowery said he decapitated the creature, put its head
on a stick above an abusive note to animal cruelty protesters, and then photographed it before uploading it to Facebook. The
picture of the fox caused fury among anti-hunt campaigners, who Mark claims had been "harassing" him for weeks and
getting him banned from Facebook due to other pictures he had shared... Mark, who
has registered firearms and regularly carries out pest control work for local farmers said: "These hunt saboteurs are
extremely nasty and evil people. I have put different posts up and they have been hassling me and getting my account closed.
They seem to think that their opinion is the only opinion... I’ve handled dead animals since I was about 11 years old,
and from doing work in an abattoir, in commercial butchery. I severed the head with a butcher’s cleaver and put it on
a stick.' Police and RSPCA officers are looking into the Facebook row, which
also saw Mark write to campaigners: "Any more bans and another fox dies." A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said: "Inquiries
are continuing. Officers have seized a number of legally-held firearms from a 44-year-old male and we are looking into his
suitability to continue as a firearms licence holder. No arrests have been made."
hounds nearly catch roe deer after chasing it across several fields17-1-15 Facebook - Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs Joint meet Puckeridge
FH with Cambridge & Enfield Chace FH ...With the sun now shining and the fields defrosting the mud
made running difficult but we soldiered on and were in place to help a deer. The Huntsman lost control as several hounds rioted
in hot pursuit of the terrified animal. It was a very close run thing and we feared they would catch it but once again sabs
were in place to help it escape. Needless to say we voiced our opinions regarding their lack of control and once they gathered
up their renegade hounds they retreated back to the meet and packed up, well before time at 2:30pm with plenty of daylight
left.Video of the day with deer chase near end is here. 'Accidental Activist' ...Our biggest concern of the day was when the Huntsman and whipper-in lost control
of several hounds and they rioted on a Roe Deer. The terrified animal was chased across several fields before finally getting
away with some sab help. Just another potential victim of the hunts and even though it wasn’t their intended quarry
it’s another reason why the law needs to be tightened. Killing something by accident is no excuse, although as far as
we could see no attempt had been made to even lay a trail so they were acting illegally from the outset. 
Mob violence from RAC Beagles towards sabs - windscreen smashed 11-1-15 Bristol
Hunt Sabs blog RAC BEAGLES
CRIMINAL ANTICS 10/1/15 ...Sabs attended a meet of the Royal Agricultural College Beagles at the
Holford Arms in Knockdown, Gloucestershire. The RAC Beagles are the hare hunting pack of the Royal Agricultural University,
based in Cirencester, maintained and hunted by its staff and students... The beagles were soon in the field with us and a hare was
spotted bolting away. With the use of voice calls and whips sabs rated the hounds, stopping them in their pursuit of this
hare, all of this was in full view of hunt staff and followers... ...
hunt staff were clearly trying to hatch a plan, calling in back up from neighbouring fox hunts and from the Royal Agricultural
University... As we were approaching our vehicles we were confronted by a large group of supporters, presumably from
the University, some of whom were obviously very intoxicated. In a clear attempt at provocation one of the young men pulled
a foxes brush and a dead rabbit out of his pick-up, thrusting it at sabs. Others were pushing and shoving people around, trying
to separate and single out sabs from the rest of the group. Refusing to rise to this, we got in our three vehicles in an attempt
to leave. Four vehicles driven by hunt supporters then blocked the small lane we were on, preventing us from leaving. The
Southampton land rover, which was in front of ours, had it’s windscreen smashed [above
right]. The large group of hunt supporters then started to rock the land rover from side to side, chanting ‘We are the boys
of the RAC’ as they did so, with the occupants still inside and fearing for their safety. The dead rabbit was then thrown
on the bonnet of our land rover [left] and
mud was smeared over the drivers side of the wind screen and side window to obscure their vision. Several attempts were made
by these thugs to enter the vehicles, as threats of violence were dished out. Whilst this was happening two whippers-in of
the hunt, including Tom Ind, were present in full hunting attire, laughing at the behaviour of their peers and egging them
on. We managed to get away but were then followed for a considerable distance by up to five vehicles full of hunt staff and
supporters. All of which (including their erratic motorway driving to block us) has been documented. Videos to follow.
We have to ask the Royal Agricultural University if they think this violent and unlawful behaviour,
as well as clear flouting of the Hunting Act by its students and staff, is acceptable? 20-1-15 Western Daily Press Cirencester's Royal Agricultural
University Beagles mob hunt sabs in shocking video The principal of the Royal Agricultural University
has promised to ‘deal with rigorously’ its students who embarked on a foul-mouthed tirade against hunt saboteurs
who tried to stop what they claimed was illegal hunting. The Cirencester-based college, which attained university status last
year and has the Prince of Wales as its president, runs its own footpack of beagle hounds. The Hunt Saboteurs Association
said their members interrupted the hunt, known as the RAC Beagles, after they met at the Holford Arms in Knockdown, near Tetbury
in Gloucestershire, on Saturday January 10. The anti-hunt activists said the beagles were chasing a hare in the fields behind
the pub, but the hunt packed up within a few minutes, and then the saboteurs’ vehicles were surrounded. Violent attack alleged, using horses and crop on 2 women sabs by Atherstone FH10-1-15 Facebook - W.Mids Hunt Sabs Atherstone FH We located the
hunt north of Barton-in-the-Beans and the sabs immediately entered the field as the hunt were drawing a small wood. The hounds
began to speak and so the sabs moved into position. The mounted field then moved forward to act as a block between us and
the hounds. It then became apparent that a fox had broke and hounds were speaking frantically... We believed that a fox had
gone to ground. We moved forward, towards the small bank and then
the field began to ride at us and attack us. Numerous horses surrounded two sabs and began riding at them frantically. The two sabs tried
to support each other from the ferocity of the attack, but then another rider came from behind and rode one of the female
sabs down. Whilst she lay on the floor, the rider tried to get their horse to ride over her. The other sab saw the rider inches
from her head and jumped onto the sab on the floor and tried to protect her. When she stood up, still guarding the sab on
the floor, she was hit in the mouth and head [see right] by
a male rider, sustaining a mouth and head injury. Other mounted riders were shouting at the sab on the floor to 'get up
you stupid bitch'. The sab eventually managed to get up off the floor
and re-group with the injured sab and the rest of her colleagues. We remained in the field and continued to stand their ground
and didn't move until the hunt left the area where we believed a fox had gone to ground. The huntsman eventually took
the hounds away... The same person who attacked the sab, looked across and issued a death threat to one of the sabs...
Two Shrops hunters ride on both sides of busy A5 dual carriageway They
were retrieving hounds - one believed injured. Miracle no accidents resulted 9-1-14 Shropshire Star Hunt takes a bizarre turn onto busy Shropshire
road It’s not a view you see every day – a huntsman on his horse trots along a busy
dual carriageway in front of startled motorists. One of the huntsmen is pictured by a Shropshire Star reader on his
horse on the A5 dual carriageway near Shrewsbury [left]. Traffic
on the A5 in Shropshire was forced to slow down as two men rode their horses either side of the road trying to retrieve hounds
from the road. At least one of the dogs appeared to be injured and was taken away.The unusual sight was captured on
camera by one driver, who was travelling from Wrexham at the time and pulled into a layby because he was worried about safety.
It is not known which of Shropshire’s hunts were involved in the incident, which happened just near Shrewsbury
close to one of the roundabouts on the town’s bypass at about 3.30pm on Wednesday. He said: "I was surprised
to find one rider in red hunting clothing was riding south along the northbound verge or nearside lane, while another rider
was on the southbound lane among the traffic. It was certainly an unusual sight. At least one, possibly two hounds were
on the road. The drivers of several cars and lorries had to brake but as far as I am aware no accidents occurred. It
must have been quite hairy for drivers particularly of the lorries, coming off the junction and encountering the horses. It
could have been a much more serious incident had one of the horses been spooked by the vehicles." Another driver,
Peter Leigh, also saw the huntsmen on the carriageway. His wife, Carol, said he also saw somebody retrieving dogs from the
carriageway. POWAperson adds:- Yet another example of the incredibly reckless disregard of hunters for
the safety of their own animals and road users. Doubtless they will claim to have been 'trail hunting' [that carefully
crafted fiction that provides great cover for live quarry hunting]. But, if so, why would they be so close to the busiest,
fastest road in the county? Given the location, this may well have been the notorious South Shropshire FH, senior Joint Master
Otis Ferry - one of the country's leading hunting fanatic and who has several criminal convictions/cautions. West Mercia
police have a rtecord of being highly supportive of Hunts in their area, but maybe this outrage will prove too much even for
them to tolerate. But don't hold your breath waiting for appropriate action.
Hunt horse in collision with
police car put down because of its injuries 7-1-15
Sevenoaks Chronicle Horse killed and cars written
off in freak double police car crash drama Arnold Kingston who lives on Ide Hill Road... said... 'We
couldn’t understand why it took so long [for police to attend separate
accident near his house] but heard another police car on its way to assist
got tangled up in a hunt and hit the horse...It was in Five Fields Lane. Apparently one horse threw its rider, as a result
the police car struck two horses, one was injured and the other died." ... a Kent Police spokesman said "There was
a collision in Four Elms involving a police car and a stray horse, running on the road without a rider. This was reported
at 1.25pm. Sadly the horse died." POWAPerson adds - West Sussex
Hunt Sabs state that the Hunt concerned was the Old Surrey & Burstow FH and that the horse was shot by a hunt-supporting
farmer. Mendip Farmers
FH hound hit by bus on, say police, 'legal trail hunt' 6-1-14 Somerset Guardian Hunting hound hit by passenger bus in Farrington
Gurney A First Bus driver has won praise
from his passengers for his actions after an incident involving a hunting hound on the A37 near Farrington Gurney. The
driver was forced to make an emergency stop when the dog from the Mendip pack ran in front of the vehicle near an accident black spot with the junction of the A39. Passengers
on the Christmas Eve 376 service say it was fortunate that the bus was not travelling very fast at the time. John McAllister,
who was on the bus travelling to Bristol said the driver had reacted very quickly and had not swerved. He said: “Nevertheless, passengers' luggage flew to the front of the bus; fortunately nobody
was hurt. The dog met the front offside of the bus with an audible and tactile thump.” Mr McAllister said that
passengers had been worried that the dog had been run over, but it had struggled to its feet and run off. But he said
that while the driver had been very cool and handled the situation brilliantly the incident was very dangerous with potentially
horrible consequences. He said: “Apart from the dog, bus passengers could have been injured, or a more serious
accident could have occurred. The owner of the dog was grossly irresponsible - allowing the animal to run free, and
un-collared, so close to the main road.” The incident also raised concerns that the hunt was illegal, which have been dismissed
by both the Master of Mendip Hunt, Rob Williams [right], and
police. Mr Williams said the riders had been trail hunting in the Hollow Marsh area on the outskirts of Farrington Gurney.
He said: “It was a young hound involved and it just appeared to brush the bus. The hound is fine and I was in
contact with the police straight afterwards.” He said: “We have video footage of the trail being laid at
Hollow Marsh and the police were aware we were out hunting that day.” Police have confirmed that no further action is being taken over the incident. A spokesman said: “We are satisfied
it was a legal trail hunt.”.... POWAPerson adds;- Once again a Hunt endangers not just its own animals but also the travelling public
by hunting close to a main road. How 'fine' a dog is likely to be after being hit by a bus is moot. And why
were they near a major road if they really were 'trail hunting'? And how much longer are police going to simply accept
and excuse Hunts' behaviour of this sort?
see Puckeridge FH hunting across A120, causing traffic chaos3-1-15 Facebook - Cambridge Hunt Sabs Puckeridge Hunt, Albury, Essex/Herts border
...The first fox broke cover quite a way ahead of the hounds, giving sabs the opportunity to spray over the scent line and
make a barrier to the copse the fox had entered. Due to the weather conditions the hounds still managed to pick up some scent
into the copse, but became fractured due to further sab interception using voice & horn calls and further spraying leading
to the hounds being broken off the fox. The second fox was seen by our vehicle darting across the busy A120 road into
a copse. The Huntsman, set on his thirst for blood, pushed his hounds onto this road and hunted right across it, chaotically
stopping traffic and endangering all involved. Our vehicle sabs jumped out and rated the hounds away from the copse and forced
the Huntsman and whip to round up the hounds. Foot sabs coming from the other direction assisted the exhausted looking fox
to safety by spraying her line as she broke fully away from the woodland to imminent safety. A third fox was seen some distance ahead of hounds, and sabs intercepted the chase
with voice calls & whips to break their focus whilst spraying. Sab charged by 4 riders, hit in face,
knocked to ground - police told Incident was
during mass sab of Surrey Union/S.Downs FH joint meet 3-1-15 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Sabs After the Surrey Union murdered
a fox on New Year's Eve, lots of us decided to do a hit on their joint meet with the ever violent South Downs Foxhunt alongside our mates in Berkshire,
Croydon, North Downs and West Sussex hunt sabs... We heard the hounds in cry in a large valley so sabs moved in to ensure
no live scents were being picked up. On seeing us, the huntsmen immediately
panicked in trying to call the hounds back... Hounds were clearly distressed as they were caught up in bushes but luckily
sabs were there to help them (because the hunt certainly wouldn't). Shortly after, a Guildford Sab was charged at
by 4 horses and hit round the face by one of the field which knocked him to the ground. They luckily managed to roll backwards,
avoiding being trampled by the rest of the field. This has been reported to the police with video/ photo evidence... Later
on by a road we noticed the hounds were onto a scent, so sabs quickly rushed down and used some old school sabbing tactics
to call the hounds off. As the hunt moved off at great speed... once again the hounds were in full cry, but sabs travelled
through heavy brambles and prickly bushes to make sure they don't get on to anything... Nearer the end, several bumpkins
tried to pick fights with sabs, but after realising they didn't stand a chance they headed off! There must have been around
7 police cars/vans out today...
Sabs film Curre & Llangibby FH hunting right next to main road 3-1-15 YouTube Meanwhile, sabs prevented hounds from running on the road, which they say the Hunt [led by a masked Huntsman]
were making no attempt to do.
Surrey Union hounds kill fox - police accept it was an 'accident'
2-1-15 Facebook
– Guildford Hunt Sabs Surrey
Union Hunt – 31-12-14 We started off
with the hunt by Redhill plantation, with 3 vehicles and two motorbikes out we covered the area well. The Hunt milled about in the
area for a little while whilst sabs covered various exit points. One of the hunt buggies later tried to run a sab down upon
leaving the farm - this buggy had no front registration and was carrying passengers on a public road (illegal?)... unfortunately
there weren’t a lot of public footpaths so we had to keep eyes on the hunt from a distance… a sab heard the hounds
in cry so notified us of the position…. As we arrived we looked down through the woods and saw 4 hounds. As we
got closer, one of the sabs noticed a fox laying lifeless on the ground with hounds still attacking (we have video evidence).
We quickly moved down to retrieve the fox for evidence and to get the hounds off whilst the police were on route. We scouted
around the area taking pictures of blood marks and fur that was scattered around, Fur was found on fencing approx 100 meters
from the kill with a clear struggle path which shows the fox was chased. The body was still warm and, shortly after placing
him/her in the Landy, he/she released their bowels, proving a fresh kill. Masked-up terrier men arrived soon after to pick
up the body of the fox (thus destroying evidence) without knowing we got there first. From the post mortem:- "The
vet observed that the fox had been killed by a large mammal, most likely a large dog, with numerous puncture wounds to legs,
throat and flank - most significant was a massive trauma to the rib cage that had crushed it and separated it." By
this time one police officer arrived on scene and really wasn't much use, This officer refused to speak to the hunt. The
police statement regarding the incident is pathetic. They say the fox just so happened to run into a fox hunt... It was 13:00,
unless he/she was flushed why would a fox be out at that time. This is no coincidence. Just like when they killed a deer a
few weeks back, Surrey Police are yet again in the pocket of the Hunt. Please head over to their FB page to voice your concerns. http://www.surrey.police.uk/…/Statement-following-death-of-… You can also contact the Surrey Union hunt via:- SUHINFO@gmail.com
Pics below:- 1/ Killed
fox and hound 2/ Dead fox retrieved by sabs  6-1-14 Daily Mirror Police spark outrage after suggesting fox died during
New Year's Eve hunt after 'running into path of hounds' Surrey Police has sparked
outrage after suggesting a fox that died during a New Year's Eve hunt "ran into the path of dogs". The
fox was found dead after a legal drag hunt in Godalming, Surrey, on December 31. But when police were called, the Surrey
force said: "It is understood the fox died after it ran into the path of dogs following a pre-laid trail in Godalming."
Members of the public and animal rights group branded the explanation "wholly inadequate", and called for a thorough
investigation into the incident. Guildford Hunt
Monitors - also known as Guildford Hunt Saboteurs - were tracking the Surrey Union Hunt [right] as
it rode through Godalming on December 31. A spokesman for the group said that at around 1pm one of its members noticed
the hounds "had their heads in something", and when the group arrived at the scene they found
"a fox laying lifeless on the ground with hounds still attacking". The group took the fox, and claim there
were "clearly large fresh puncture wounds" on its body. They say they then took the animal to a vet, who wished
to remain anonymous, but provided a verbal post mortem report saying the fox "had been killed by a large mammal, most
likely a large dog, with numerous puncture wounds to legs, throat and flank" as well as "massive trauma" to
the rib cage.Hunting a wild mammal with a dog is illegal under the Hunting Act. However
drag and trail hunting - where dogs follow an artificially laid scent - is allowed. A spokesman for the Surrey Union
Hunt said artificial trails had been laid for its hounds to follow on New Year's Eve, and this was recorded on video.
They added: "We were operating completely within the law and we have co-operated fully with Surrey Police. In fact we
reported the incident ourselves and regret if, as it appears, a fox crossed the path of the artificial trail and encountered
the hounds. However, many people on Surrey Police's Facebook page said officers
had failed to look into the incident properly, while the League Against Cruel Sports described their response as "wholly
inadequate". Kay Wagland wrote: "Your response to the killing of a fox by the Surrey Union Hunt on 31 December
is incomprehensible. Do you really believe that a fox would run towards a noisy pack of hounds?" Another, Rita
Godfrey, wrote: "So the fox ran towards baying hounds, hunting horns and hunters? Are you serious?" The hunt said the fox 'encountered'
the dogs. While Liz Cuff added: "Are we really supposed to think a fox committed suicide by running into a pack of hounds?
Please do not insult our intelligence." Joe Duckworth, chief executive of
the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "This horrific incident caused incredible suffering to the fox, which is why 80%
of the public do not think hunting should be made legal again. "The police response is wholly inadequate and leaves many
unanswered questions about the actions of the hunt. "This demonstrates why the Hunting Act needs to be made even stronger
by making recklessness illegal so hunts cannot dodge responsibility for animal cruelty." When contacted by MirrorOnline
today, Surrey Police said its investigation into the incident was at an "early stage" but was ongoing. No arrests
have been made.
DECEMBER 2014..... 31st December - Colne Valley Beagles meet abandoned after
armed thugs attack sabs at pub
29th December - Waveney Harriers behaving badly on Boxing Day, say sabs ..... 27th December - Prolonged and brutal fox kill at Fife FH dig
out filmed by sabs
27th December - Sab attacked and wrestled to ground by Kimblewick FH terrierman
..... 26th December - LACS
unveil new cinema ad to make viewers feel hunted animals' terror ..... 26th December - New Ipsos/MORI poll shows support for Hunting Act
still at record high .....
26th December - Farage hangs around with violent convict Huntsman on Boxing Day again ..... 26th December - Atherstone FH hounds seen running on
active railway line - and chase fox ..... 24th December - Fife FH terrierman waves shotgun as sabs try to stop
'illegal' dig-out
..... 24th December - Dunston Harriers riot through properties, one a cat
..... 22nd December - Hound pays price for the callous 'fun' of
the Mid-Devon FH
..... 21st December - VWH FH seen criss-crossing fast and busy 'A'
road and hunting nearby ..... 20th December - Sabs whipped, kicked, punched, floored as try to protect
hunted fox ..... 19th December - Sabs win possible landmark judgement on police 'stop
and search' powers ..... 17th December - Evicted Modbury Harriers saved as S.Devon FH
offers kennels share
..... 16th December - Waveney Harriers chased fox, then hares thru
Nature Reserve, sabs claim
..... 15th December - Rescue team
called out to save 11 hounds trapped in Welsh gorge
..... 15th December - 6 Lamerton
FH members plead not guilty to Hunting Act offences
..... 14th December - South
Tetcott hunt support quad driven at female sab, bruising her arm
..... 14th December - Sabs
say they saw Mid-Devon FH hounds kill 'bagged' fox on Dartmoor
13th December - Sabs say they stopped E.Essex FH dig-out in face of violence and abuse
13th December - Kimblewick FH - one sab hit with crop, one assaulted, car spat on by rider
13th December - Cottesmore FH chased 4 foxes in single hunting day, sabs claim
13th December - Sabs in car surrounded & assailed by 20 strong Cattistock follower mob
12th December - AR woman convicted of minor assault on terrierman suffers 'hate campaign' .....
11th December - Sabs say they were attacked as they stopped dig-out at E.Essex FH meet .....
9th December - Atherstone chased fox across busy road, say sabs, then Huntsman rode on it .....
9th December - West packs hunt through villager's garden as sabs rescue chased fox
7th December - Sabs film Cattistock rider deliberately smashing horse in face with crop
7th December - Crawley & Horsham supporter charged after assaulting female sab
4th December - Melbreak FH hounds condition being investigated by RSPCA
2nd December - Blencathra hunt follower assaulted and drew knife on monitor, say sabs
..... 2nd December - Atherstone FH assault sabs then chase fox on to railway, say sabs
receive malicious messages from Atherstone FH mob30-12-16 Facebook – W.Midlands Sabs RECORDING Malicious
voicemail from the Atherstone Hunt It seems the Atherstone Hunt didn't like our Boxing Day
demonstration, they didn't like it much last year either when they burnt out a female sabs dustbins (after burning out
her car in the summer). This year the same female sab has received numerous malicious phone calls since the demonstration
on Boxing Day. This includes two voicemail messages. One message was several recordings of hounds chasing a fox. The other
message was a tirade of sexist bigoted offensive language. Unfortunately we have come to expect these views from the Atherstone
Hunt. There have been numerous other examples of members of the Atherstone hunt using similar language over the past few weeks.
This only goes to highlight that these type of bigoted and degrading views of women are not only accepted amongst people who
go hunting but are commonplace. These malicious phone calls come only a week after a different sab had a malicious Christmas
card and a lump of slate sent to their parents house.
Ledbury FH terriermen filmed violently
attacking sab29-12-16 The Sun HUNT CLASH ‘Ledbury Hunt worker punches
a protester on the ground for trying to save fox hiding in a badger sett’ in shocking video
Hunt saboteurs claim they filmed a terrierman working for the Ledbury Hunt attacking one of their group. SHOCKING video footage
allegedly shows a fox-hunter punching and kicking a protester as he lies on the ground [right]. The clip shows masked members of the Bristol Hunt Saboteurs clashing with men they
claim were part of the Ledbury Hunt after they had allegedly chased a fox into a badger sett. Video posted online by hunt
saboteurs shows a clash with men, who the protesters claim work for the Ledbury Hunt. The scuffle was caught on video that was apparently filmed yesterday in Castlemorton, Worcs. Video shows one man
with his face covered by a scarf approach the group and suddenly leap towards an activist. A second clip allegedly shows the
same man – now with his face visible – looming over a sab on the floor and repeatedly punching him. He can then
be seen kicking out, before running away when horses and huntsmen appear in the field. It is not clear what happened between
the two sections of film as the edited video posted on Facebook goes dark in the middle. The footage is said to have been
filmed during the Castlemorton meet in Worcestershire at around midday yesterday. Saboteurs allege the hunt was attempting
to “put a fox up” and digging around a “large badger sett where a fox had taken refuge” – but
this was not caught on camera. The attacker is seen swinging a final kick before running away in the shocking video footage.
The national Hunt Saboteurs Association is appealing for information about the identity of the alleged terrierman to pass
to West Mercia Police. A spokesman for the group
said: “Hunt saboteurs were attacked by terriermen from the Ledbury Hunt at their Castlemorton meet on Wednesday, December 28. The unprovoked attack happened after hounds from the Hunt had chased a fox into
a badger sett. Sabs intervened to save the fox and were attacked by the hunt employees. This footage clearly shows the unprovoked
attack on sabs by one of the terriermen. He throws a sab to the ground, punches them repeatedly and kicks out at other sabs
nearby. We are asking for help to identify this man so that we can pass the information to the police. If you know who he
is please pm us on Facebook or contact Bristol saboteurs directly via the email address on the video.” West Mercia Police said: “We are aware of video footage
being circulated and officers are investigating to establish the circumstances and who was involved. No arrests have been
made.” The
Ledbury Hunt has been approached for a comment. According to its website the Ledbury Hunt can be traced back to 1846 and rides around Ledbury on the Hereford and
Gloucestershire border. The page states: “Prior to the ban on hunting the purpose of taking hounds out was to control
the fox population. Foxes do a lot of damage to young livestock and poultry. “In a normal season hounds used to account
for an average of 60 brace, equivalent to about two foxes for each hunting day. Until the ban on hunting can be overturned
hounds will be encouraged to hunt a false trail and sport will continue to be provided using the various exemptions allowed
within the law.” POWAperson adds - It is a
welcome change to see the Sun covering hunt brutality these days. The story was also picked up by the Daily Mail, BBC News, the Mirror, the Bristol Post and the Gloucs Echo. 28-12-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs LEDBURY HUNT FAIL TO KILL FOXES AND LAUNCH ATTACK ON
SABS We paid a visit to the Ledbury Hunt today, who met at the Robin Hood Inn, Castlemorton. Shortly
after 12 o'clock the Hunt left the meet, with a large number of field and car followers in tow. Sabs announced our arrival
by briefly taking the pack from the Huntsman who had put them into a thicket in an attempt to put up a fox. After a quick spin in
our vehicles to get ahead of them, we came across them working through a wood and on our approach the Huntsman took the hounds
and shot off. Sabs kept on the Hunt and
again caught up with Huntsman, Mark Melladay, who had now changed from his redcoat into black in an attempt to avoid detection.
Sabs stayed close as he encouraged the hounds through thick gorse on Castlemorton Common (a trail through there, really?!),
before taking off with them at speed as they got on a scent and went into cry. We quickly caught up in our vehicles and followed
the Huntsman and hounds along the road, no longer in cry. After some doubling back and forth, sabs located the Huntsman off his horse with hounds in a wood, never a good sign.
Sabs went in to investigate and when the Huntsman realised he had company, left the wood with the hounds and headed back to
his horse. Upon reaching the edge of the wood it became clear what was going on, with a number of masked terrierboys hanging
around a large badger sett where a fox had taken refuge. Being caught up to no good, they immediately tried to get sabs away
from the area, launching an unprovoked attack on them. A few sabs have been left injured. Watch this space for updates. Despite this attack, we decided to carry on with the
Huntsman, with others checking back at the sett shortly afterwards and finding the terrierboys filling in holes they had been
digging, before leaving the area. For the rest of the day it was cat and mouse with the Huntsman and hounds, who was never
keen to stick around in any one place for long with sabs always on his tail. After a few attempts to lose us, it wasn't
long before he was again drawing through the gorse and scrub on the Common, using his voice to encourage hounds through and
to put a fox up. Sabs stuck close by and after drawing a few blanks, the Huntsman gathered the pack in fading light before
heading back to box up. If the Ledbury Hunt and their terrierboys think violence will stop us from protecting hunted wildlife,
they can think again! We'll be seeing you... Wardens from the Malvern Hills
Conservators (the organisation which manages the Malvern Hills and the Commons around it) were also in the area today. This
appeared to make the Hunt less keen to spend time on the Common and hills as they did at this same meet last year, when they
hunted a fox right up onto the hills. Despite being in the area, none of the wardens were present when the dig out of the
badger sett or attack on sabs took place, nor did they appear to intervene when the huntsman was blatantly drawing scrub on
the common to put up a fox. A Facebook page has recently been set up to expose the Ledbury Hunt's actions on the
Malvern Hills and to encourage the Conservators to ban them from hunting on it. We would ask those of you who are local or
who use the hills to give it your support.
Groups press for Scottish hunting ban
to be strengthened 26-12-16 BBC
News Campaigners call for
end to Boxing Day hunts Animal-rights groups want the Scottish government to make this year's Boxing
Day hunts the last to take place. The plea by the League Against Cruel Sports and One Kind comes after a review by Lord Bonomy
who said fox hunting laws should be changed. He concluded that the current rules were "unduly complicated". Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham [left] said Lord Bonomy's findings were being considered "carefully"
and would be responded to early in 2017. The Scottish Countryside Alliance, which represents hunts, accused LACS of "peddling
lies" about foxhunting in Scotland. Boxing Day is a traditional time to hold hunts in the UK with the pro- hunting Countryside Alliance claiming that more than 200,000 people attend such events. The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland)
Act 2002 saw fox hunting with dogs banned. The law stated that a person who deliberately hunted a wild mammal with a dog was
committing an offence. An exception was made when dogs can be used to stalk or flush out a fox to be shot in the interests
of pest control, protecting livestock or ground-nesting birds. That prompted mounted Hunts in Scotland to be offered to farmers,
landowners and estate managers as a form of pest or fox control. Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said a response
to Lord Bonomy's findings would be made in early 2017 Lord Bonomy's report concluded there were grounds to suspect
"there may be occasions when hunting, which does not fall within one of the exceptions, does take place" and recommended
further clarification of the law as well as independent hunt monitors. Robbie Marsland, director of the League Against Cruel
Sports Scotland, believed the "ball is now firmly in the Scottish government's court". He added "Public
opinion in Scotland wants to see fox hunting banned, the government thought they had banned it, but as our evidence, Lord
Bonomy and Police Scotland have revealed, Hunts are running a coach and horses through the current legislation. "In short,
the law isn't fit for purpose and, in keeping with the commitments made by the first minister to strengthen the law if
it were necessary, we look to the government to do that by November 2017 - in time to stop next year's hunting season." The organisation said nearly 10,000 people had signed an online
petition calling for Ms Cunningham to take speedy action. Harry Huyton, director of OneKind, echoed Mr Marsland's plea
and asked the Scottish government to "act as early as possible in 2017". Ms Cunningham said the Holyrood administration
recognised concerns around the current legislation and that was why Lord Bonomy was asked to carry out the review. She added:
"Back in 2002, Scotland led the way in addressing animal-welfare concerns and we remain committed to ensuring the highest
levels of welfare for our wild animals. "We will now carefully consider the findings with a view to responding early
in 2017. Any ensuing proposals for legislative change will be subject to the normal consultation processes." The Scottish Countryside Alliance said the Bonomy review was
"absolutely supportive" of the principle of using packs of hounds to flush to guns. Its director, Jamie Stewart,
said: "The League Against Cruel Sports team should try reading the review before commenting on it. Just because the proposals
they made have been so comprehensively rejected is no excuse for so seriously misrepresenting the review. "I find Mr
Marsland's tactics hugely disrespectful to Lord Bonomy and his team. LACS are obviously in disagreement with his recommendations
to the Scottish government and have taken to paying for propaganda to try and influence the mind of the cabinet secretary
and members of the Scottish parliament. "Mr Marsland continues to peddle LACS lies over the timeline of events and the
contents of his heavily edited footage, which despite drawing on hundreds of hours of secretly filmed footage, failed to show
any illegal action."
League claims Hunting Act broken 17,000 times
every season 26-12-16 Daily
Mirror Hunting laws broken
200,000 times since ban came into force as Boxing day hunts held Animal rights campaigners have suggested
illegal hunting incidents take place 17,000 times a year. Huntsmen and women have broken the law 200,000 times since hunting
with dogs was banned nearly 12 years ago, a charity has said. As fox hunts across the country gather for their Boxing Day
meets, animal rights campaigners suggested illegal hunting incidents take place 17,000 times a year. Hunt supporters claim 250,000 people will join one of 300 meets today. But, warning the Government
against any attempt to bring back the hated blood sport, the League Against Cruel Sports revealed polls show a massive
84% of voters want to keep the ban. The 2015 Tory election manifesto pledged to offer MPs a free vote on bringing back
fox hunting. But an Ipsos Mori survey for the League, shows 81% of people in PM Theresa May’s own constituency of Maidenhead,
Berks, are opposed to any return. Eduardo Goncalves, of the League, said: “The polling and projections highlight just
how out of touch any move to repeal the hunting ban would be. Generally only dictators would dream of pushing through a policy
against that level of public opposition, so we hope our Government will respect the will of the people. The Boxing Day hunts
are portrayed as a glorious pageant taking place in front of a huge number of people who support them, but the truth is very
different. Just because families might venture out on Boxing Day to see the hunt, stroke the dogs or watch the horses, doesn’t
mean they support repealing a law to enable the hunt to chase and kill wild animals with their dogs for sport.” Using reports from hunt monitors, the League estimates an average of 17,000 illegal hunting
incidents a year since the ban was introduced in February 2005. The animal welfare charity claimed that “most of
the hunts” in England and Wales have been hunting illegally by abusing exemptions and using the “false alibi”
of trail hunting. Mr Goncalves said: “Hunts now claim to ‘trail hunt’, but this is a false alibi used to
continue to hunt, providing excuses for ‘accidental kills’.” He called on MPs to “put the issue to
bed once and for all, and instead of repealing the Hunting Act, strengthen it to ensure it fulfils the true spirit of why
it was originally passed – to protect wild animals”. But the
pro-hunting Countryside Alliance dismissed the estimate of 200,000 breaches of the law. Chief executive Tim Bonner said:
“This is an entirely irresponsible claim which highlights the increasing desperation of the anti-hunt movement.”
joins Old Surrey FH at Boxing Day meet as usual 26-12-16 Daily Mirror Nigel Farage enjoys
11am pint in yellow trousers as he joins the Boxing Day Hunt The bloodsport-loving ex-Ukip leader
grinned with a pre-11am pint as the debate rages over hunting with dogs. Nigel Farage has become this year's first major politician to break cover and join crowds at the Boxing Day
Hunt. Boxing Day is still a celebration for hunters despite fox hunting being outlawed a decade ago under Labour. Hunts
like today's are legal under several circumstances including, for example, if dogs follow a 'scent' not a fox,
or if two dogs are used to "flush" a fox out from undergrowth. But Hunts are constrained and campaigners like Mr Farage and David Cameron want to scrap the
ban, despite 84% opposing fox hunting in a recent Ipsos MORI poll. Grinning Mr Farage was spotted with a plastic pint cup
at 10.45am today at the Old Surrey Burstow and West Kent Hunt's meeting at Chiddingstone Castle, Kent. He has previously
accused Labour of "cynically trying to turn the issue into class warfare" He is a regular spectator at Boxing Day hunts and in 2014 accused Labour
of "cynically trying to turn the issue into class warfare". Other politicians are less keen for their love of bloodsports
to be widely known. A rare photo emerged last year of a fox-hunting David Cameron, who quit the sport when he became Tory
leader in 2005. And a rather rude picture on social media today suggested not everyone welcomed Mr Farage with open arms [right]. The annual celebration of hunting reignited the row over Labour's Hunting Act. Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the pro-hunt Countryside Alliance, said the ban was
a "political" attack on people perceived as being "posh and privileged". He said the law unfairly singled out hunt-lovers while allowing
foxes to be killed in other ways. But Eduardo Goncalves, Chief Executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, told the BBC:
"I'm sure fraudsters and burglars find some of the laws against them rather inconvenient." The League claims
huntsmen and women have broken the law 200,000 times since the ban despite just a handful of prosecutions. Mr Bonner dismissed
the claim as "entirely irresponsible". Shadow environment secretary Rachael Maskell said it was "absolutely
clear" the British public do not want a return to hunting. "The Tories must not try and sneak hunting back on to
the parliamentary agenda when it is so clear that people up and down this country don't support it," she said. POWAperson adds - Mark Bycroft [right], the Old Surrey FH Huntsman, who is said to be a mate of Farage, has two convictions
for assaulting sabs. He has also been accused of illegal hunting on several occasions. Police are currently investigating
him and the Hunt in relation to the alleged killing of a fox on November 3rd, after public pressure induced them to reopen the case,
which Kent police had dropped without interviewing witnesses.
Poll registers support for Hunting Act at new high - 84% 26-12-16 Independent Public opposition to
Fox hunting hits all-time high, latest poll finds Opposition to fox hunting has risen to historic
levels, with the latest poll finding an all-time high number of Britons opposed to the activity. A full 84 per cent of the
public now believe fox hunting should not be made legal again, as enthusiasts take to horseback to exploit loopholes in the
hunting ban on Boxing Day. Despite
the growing public opposition to hunting, it was reported in September that Theresa May is planning to push ahead with a vote on repealing the Hunting Act in Parliament, a pledge included
in last year’s Conservative election manifesto. The reported planned of lifting of the ban was branded “out of
touch” by campaigners, who said that such an overwhelmingly unpopular policy would only be considered in a dictatorship. Eduardo Goncalves [right], the chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, which commissioned the
poll, said families that went out to watch the apparent “glorious pageant” of a fox hunt on Boxing Day did not
necessarily support lifting the ban on hunting foxes. “The polling and projections highlight just how out of touch any
move to repeal the hunting ban would be. Generally only dictators would dream of pushing through a policy against that level
of public opposition so we hope our government will respect the will of the people,” he said. “The Boxing Day
hunts are portrayed as a glorious pageant taking place in front of a huge number of people who support them, but the truth
is very different. The fact is 84 per cent of the public do not want fox hunting made legal. Just because families might venture
out on Boxing Day to see the hunt, stroke the dogs or watch the horses, doesn’t mean they support repealing a law to
enable the hunt to chase and kill wild animals with their dogs for sport. It’s more likely that most don’t realise
that despite the ban, many of these hunts are still actively hunting and chasing foxes, and wouldn’t give them their
support if they did. Or perhaps they just want to get outside and get some fresh air before cabin fever sets in.” The poll, which has been conducted annually by Ipsos
MORI for a number of years to gauge support on the issue, shows a small increase in support compared to 2015, when 83 per
cent of the public said they did not support lifting the ban. The pollsters also used Office for National Statistics (ONS)
data to gauge whether a participant in the poll lived in a rural area – and found that opposition to fox hunting is
growing in such places – 82 per cent of people living in rural areas were found to oppose fox hunting, with attitudes having broadly come into line with people living in
urban areas in the last few years. Other bloodsports monitored by the annual poll were also as unpopular as ever, with the
ban on deer hunting and hare coursing supported by 88 per cent and 91 per cent of people respectively. Drag hunting, where
hounds are trained to follow an artificial trail, is legal, but anti-hunt campaigners claim illegal hunting of foxes has continued,
including at large organised Boxing Day hunts. The
Countryside Alliance, which support fox hunting, argued that the Hunting Act was not stopping hunts. It released figures showing
that 423 people had been prosecuted under the Act since its introduction and that 94 per cent of them had been for on unregistered
Hunts. The organisation’s chief executive Tim Bonner said: “Our figures demonstrate unequivocally that the Hunting
Act lies in tatters. The problem with the Act is that over the past two years all those prosecuted under the Act have had
nothing to do with 'hunts'. “The law that was supposed to have got rid of hunts is now being used as little
more than a vehicle to harass them.” The
Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom [left] said during her
failed campaign for Conservative party leader that she would bring back fox hunting. “I would absolutely commit to holding
a vote to repeal the hunting ban. It has not proven to be in the interests of animal welfare whatsoever,” Ms Leadsom
said in July of this year. “I do believe we need a proper licensed regime which works much better and is more focused
on animal welfare.”
Act repeal vote 'very unlikely' in this Parliament Leadsom says not enough time, CA acknowledge won't happen 25-12-16 Daily
Telegraph Vote to legalise hunting
'very unlikely' before 2020 A vote to legalise hunting in England and Wales is unlikely to be
held before 2020 because of opposition from nearly every Scottish MP and a lack of Parliamentary time. Pro-hunting campaigners
have conceded that it is “is very unlikely” that Ministers will deliver the manifesto pledge after Scottish National
Party MPs voted against the plan last year. Andrea Leadsom [left], the Environment secretary, has also privately down played the chances of a vote
before 2020 because of the amount of time needed to debate Britain leaving the European Union. The news emerged as hunts across the UK on Boxing Day are expected to attract more than 250,000 spectators. There were hopes
of a free vote when Mrs Leadsom was put in charge of the environment department - which is in charge of the hunting policy
- because she pledged to hold a vote during her aborted leadership campaign. She said in the summer that hunting was “absolutely
not proven to be in the interest of animal welfare whatsoever” and there was a “need to exterminate vermin, which
foxes are”.
However, in recent weeks Mrs Leadsom has told friends
that a vote is unlikely because of the sheer volume of time MPs and peers will have to devote to Brexit could mean there is
no time in Parliament to have the vote. She told friends that the pledge for a Commons vote was broken in the last Tory Government
between 2010 and 2015 and could now happen again because of time pressures from Brexit. Mrs Leadsom said: There were issues around parliamentary time such as legislative priorities - we are leaving the
EU. There is a huge amount of demands, so I think if you have a manifesto commitment then you do your best. There are issues
that we have had in the manifesto and parliamentary time has not been available.” Mrs Leadsom also denied that she was
“pro-hunting”, telling friends that it was “absolutely not” the case. MPs and peers debate spent 300
hours debating whether to join the European Economic Community in 1972 and far more time is expected to be required for Brexit
because the UK and EU are far more integrated. Alongside Mrs Leadsom, other ministers Therese Coffey and George Eustice have
both backed relaxing the ban and Lord Gardiner is a former deputy chief executive of the Countryside Alliance... Pro-fox hunting campaigners said they had resigned themselves to not having the vote before
2020. Tim Bonner, the chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: “As long as the SNP MPs are intent on voting
on an issue that does not affect Scotland, and only in England and Wales, then the Parliamentary mathematics make it very
unlikely that the Government would want to return to this issue. Whilst we are not happy about that we have to understand
it.” Last year’s Conservative party manifesto said: “We
will protect hunting, shooting and fishing, for all the benefits to individuals, the environment and the rural economy that
these activities bring. A Conservative Government will give Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act on a free
vote, with a government bill in government time.” A proposal to weaken the ban in England in the months after last year’s
general election was dropped after the SNP said its MPs would vote against in the summer, despite the vote only covering England
and Wales. Ahead of that vote the Government had written to every Conservative MP, urging them to back changes to the law
on hunting in England and Wales. However the vote was pulled after it emerged that as many as 50 Tory MPs might defy ministers
and fail to back the plans.
Melbreak FH hide fallen hound's corpse under pile of stones 24-12-16 Lancaster
Sabs Cumbria Hunt Watch Press
release 22/12/16 - Foxhound which died after falling from steep crag – hidden under stones by hunt
Cumbria Hunt Watch monitors were saddened today to witness a foxhound from the Melbreak hunt die after falling from a steep
sided crag at Honister in Cumbria. A group of eight hounds were running towards Honister Quarry when they suddenly turned
and attempted to work their way up the very steep sloping scree and crags around Honister; a route
which could clearly not have been part of any trail. There is no doubt in the monitors minds that the hounds were chasing
a fox. The hounds struggled for some time while hunt officials made no attempt to call the hounds down. One hound was then
seen to fall around forty feet before bouncing and then coming to a stop. It remained on the ground not moving. A monitor from Cumbria Hunt Watch advised
the Hunt what had happened but received a casual response. The Master of the Hunt started to call the hounds down, but appeared
to have no control. The Huntsman then tried to call the hounds up – a dangerous and irresponsible act, given that one
had already fallen to its death. So unconcerned are these people by the life of an animal they didn't even notice until
told by a hunt monitor. When monitors went to investigate they discovered a hunt official had attempted to conceal the dog [right]; he had left it there and covered it in rocks, leaving it to decompose
on the side of the fell in a water course. Cumbria Hunt Watch have made a formal complaint to Trading
Standards (who deal with carcasses left in the open). Although this did not happen on National Trust land, please contact
the National Trust who still facilitate the Melbreak Foxhounds maintenance of a hunting pack by granting them a licence allowing
them unhindered access to vast tracks of National Trust land. The National Trust in Cumbria have been advised for years about
the suspicious behaviour of the Melbreak Foxhounds but still refuse to ban them from National Trust land. Cumbria Hunt Watch
believes this is a deceitful insult to the millions of National Trust members opposed to hunting. Without the disgraceful
support of the National Trust and other large landowners, hunting packs such as the Melbreak Foxhounds would no longer be
able to continue. Cumbria Hunt Watch would now like to know exactly how the Melbreak hunt 'dispose' of the retired
dogs which they claim are no longer of any use. Perhaps Tim Bonner could tell us – he's a great supporter of the
Melbreak Email National Trust: borrowdale@nationaltrust.org.uk Phone 017687 74649. POWAperson comments
- The incident is emblematic of the contempt Hunts consistently demonstrate towards the hounds they purport to love. They
are nothing more to them than disposable tools of their sick and perverse trade. See this POWA website page for further illustrations and analysis.
Prominent Tory pro-hunter tries to 'banish' Blue Foxes 24-12-16 Times Tories urged to
sever ties with secretive anti-hunting group A secretive Conservative anti-hunting group that has
received tens of thousands of pounds in donations from unnamed sources should be banished from the party, a former solicitor-
general has demanded. Sir Edward Garnier, QC [right], has written
to the Tory chairman, Sir Patrick McLoughlin, urging him to sever ties with Conservatives Against Fox Hunting and prevent
it from using the party’s name and logo. The League Against Cruel Sports gave the group’s founder
and her husband a free hotel room at a Tory conference in spite of rules preventing charities from supporting political parties.
The Charity Commission said yesterday that it would look into the gift of accommodation as part of its review of the League’s
conduct. Sir Edward warned that the Conservative pressure group’s apparent lack of financial transparency and its connections
with anti-Tory activism risked damaging the party’s reputation. Conservatives Against Fox Hunting (CAFH) has received
tens of thousands of pounds from undisclosed sources, according to Companies House accounts, since it was created in 2010
to stop David Cameron legalising hunting. The
organisation has attracted prominent patrons, including Tracey Crouch [left], the sport minister, Caroline Dinenage, the equality minister, and the backbench
MPs Dominic Raab, Sir David Amess and Sir Roger Gale. It was founded by Lorraine Platt, an artist whose husband, Chris Platt,
has been chairman and president of Mr Raab’s Esher and Walton Conservative Association. In 2010 the League Against Cruel Sports provided a hotel room for the Platts at Mr Cameron’s first Tory conference as
prime minister in Birmingham. Ms Platt has since become a trustee and vice-chairwoman of the League. CAFH’s accounts
for 2013 show that it received £10,000 from an unnamed “animal welfare charity”. The league and the RSPCA
told The Times that neither of them was the donor. In a 13-day period after Mr Cameron’s election victory last year,
when he promised a free vote on hunting, CAFH received two gifts of £10,000 each. None of the donations has been formally
declared to the Electoral Commission, which requires political party members’ organisations to identify their donors.
CAFH said that it complied with all rules.
Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, urged the commission yesterday to look into the funding. Sir Edward complained
that “there is a complete lack of transparency regarding the finances of CAFH”. He pointed out that Ms Platt was
the sole shareholder and said that there was no “accountability on how these sums of money have been spent”. Sir
Edward also expressed concerns about the close relationship of the group “to organisations that campaign against the
Conservative Party”. The League Against
Cruel Sports, which stages joint events with CAFH at Tory conferences, was criticised by the Charity Commission for anti-Tory
statements before the 2010 and 2015 elections. The Badger Trust, which has worked with CAFH on campaigns to save badgers and
fox cubs, was reprimanded by the charity regulator for unlawful campaigning against the Conservatives. Sir Edward wrote: “The Conservative Party needs, I suggest, to consider whether
or not it is comfortable with a close relationship between groups that market themselves as the animal welfare arm of the
Conservative Party and charities that are keen to campaign against the Conservative Party.” A spokesman for the League Against Cruel Sports said: “In 2010, due to last-minute staff illness, the League
had a spare room at a suburban hotel at Conservative Party conference which could not be cancelled. Rather than wasting supporters’
money by leaving it empty, we offered it to two volunteers from Conservatives Against Fox Hunting, with whom we were co-hosting
an event. We didn’t cover any of CAFH’s costs at that conference or any following conferences, and we have not
made any donations to CAFH.” CAFH said
that the claims against it were nonsense. “Conservatives Against Fox Hunting have complied with all the rules. We are
a campaign group within the Conservative Party representing members and MPs advocating the case for retaining the Hunting
Act 2004. The attacks on us are a baseless smear.” The Conservatives said that CAFH was not affiliated to the party. Using the slogan “Don’t run with the
pack”, Conservatives Against Fox Hunting burst into politics after David Cameron entered Downing Street threatening
to bring back bloodsports. The pressure group, whose supporters are known as Blue Foxes, was launched with a fringe debate
at Mr Cameron’s first Tory conference as prime minister, in 2010. It was founded by Lorraine Platt [right], an artist. “How can we influence other countries’ policies on bullfighting
or whaling if we reverse a ban that was put in place to prevent cruelty?” she asked. Brian May, the Queen guitarist
and animal rights campaigner, has hailed the members as his heroes. The support of a couple of dozen Tory MPs, including the
sports minister Tracey Crouch, has helped tilt the parliamentary balance against hunting.
Public pressure makes police
reopen Old Surrey FH fox kill case 23-12-16 Facebook – HSA After public protest, Kent Police
have re-opened their investigation against the Old Surrey, Burstow & West Kent Hunt, accused of illegally hunting,
ending in the killing of a fox on 3/11/16. Big thanks to all who helped with the campaign to get this case properly investigated. 16-12-16 Facebook – N.Downs Sabs Police give green light to animal cruelty
in Kent We have yesterday learned that Kent police's
Investigation Management Unit led by a DI and a DS have decided not to report the Surrey and Burstow and West Kent FH for
killing this fox on 3-12-16 at Chiddingstone.
We have made one very brief
statement and given them a number of videos (some not in the public domain), but at no stage have the DI or DS contacted the
witnesses or discussed the content of the videos with us. The Huntsman has lied about where he was, stated the fox was dead
when the hounds ripped it apart when it was very much alive and lied about the number of sabs there and their actions. Please can everybody complain and demand that Kent police carry out a serious investigation
into this obvious case of illegal killing by a fox hunt (a dead body is usually the traditional start of a police investigation)
, and interview the witnesses (Sabs ) present, review the videos and interview members of the Hunt, otherwise all they are
doing is giving their approval for hunts to kill animals illegally without fear of prosecution! Please contact (keep polite
please) the following sites and people and make your views known to Kent police:- http://www.twitter.com/kent_police https://www.instagram.com/kentpoliceuk/?hl=en https://www.kent.police.uk/ http://www.kent-pcc.gov.ukLatest Latest tweet from Kent police, 17-12-16. They claim that a full investigation has taken
place, but they haven't contacted any of the witnesses. Kent police tweet saying they have
'exhausted all initial inquiries'. How can they say that if they have not yet interviewed witnesses?
Sabs save fox as Surrey Union run hounds around blind road bend 23-12-16 Facebook
– Guildford Sabs VIDEO Surrey Union hounds out of
control on a busy road, and at a children's meet, what kind of
example is this? A separate tweet - @GuildfordSabs 23-12-16 This fox was saved from the cruelty of the Surrey Union Hunt
today after we intervened. See pics below. POWAperson adds – The
video clip shows a redcoat cantering towards a blind bend with hounds, one hound having gone ahead already, and cars coming
round that bend. 
FH ignore landowners pleas to keep away from themRiding school accident blamed on Huntsman blowing horn nearby 22-12-16 Facebook
– W.Mids Sabs VIDEO How
to make friends and influence people - by the Atherstone Hunt -
Atherstone Hunt Tuesday 13th, Saturday 17th and Tuesday 20th -
We continue to be out with the Atherstone twice a week, every week. The Atherstone continue to be without a terrier-man
and a proper Whipper-In. They continue to finish early and continue to average around 10 riders. Tensions within the Hunt
are noticeable and Huntsman Stuart Barton is losing his temper a lot. They continue to trespass on land they are not allowed
to go on and more and more landowners are coming forward and contacting us
saying they have had enough of the Hunt. On the 13th, we came across
one landowner shouting at Huntsman Barton for going on land he'd told him not to go on. We heard him shout “I told
you not to go on that fucking land” [right]. On
the 17th, we heard Barton being shouted at by another landowner. This landowner later sent us the letter below, asking the
Hunt to keep away from his property so as not to disturb his riding school. Huntsman Barton deliberately went as close as
he could to the riding school and blew his hunting horn to disrupt the lessons. We've
had several landowners in the same area contact us about the Hunt. A few days after we exposed 'This Is Hunting UK' vice chairman Brett Parker as a violent individual who wanted to give sabs a good hiding, John Osbourne, 'This
Is Hunting UK' committee member for Buckinghamshire, was out supporting the Atherstone and told one sab that he thought
all sabs should be shot [left]. It
seems 'This Is Hunting UK' is a rather violent organisation with extreme views. The Atherstone Hunt have yet again broken MFHA guidelines, this time regarding landowners. How often will the MFHA
keep turning a blind eye to the actions of the Atherstone Hunt? We will be having a Boxing Day demonstration against the Atherstone
Hunt in Market Bosworth starting at 10am. We will continue to be out with the Atherstone twice a week, please help towards our costs so that we can continue to keep a persistent
sab presence. ---------------------- Dear... I have spent many years
of asking that the Atherstone Hunt avoid causing safety issues for horses, handlers and riders by keeping right away from
Withybrook Stables and surrounding land. The presence and sounds of many horses, hounds and huntsmans' horns whips our
horses into a frenzy, causing them to panic, risking injury to valuable horses and our staff and customers. Of all times,
I have asked you keep away on Saturdays, when we have many lessons booked for children and novice riders - also when winter
conditions allow continued grazing paddocks as current warm conditions prevent us from housing horses indoors. On one occasion,
your hounds actually found their way into a children's lesson in amongst the horses, potentially causing a huge risk of
accident. You continually disregard my communications and ignore my requests, indeed if I had not discovered your
plans for this coming Saturday 17th Dec (by chance), to meet in the Lane we run our business from, I would not have known,
as you do not even bother to notify us at all. I am particularly incensed that you returned my call yesterday stating "
that I was lying about Arron phoning me on Tuesday morning and saying I said it was OK , I certainly did not speak to Arron,
as I was not even here on Tuesday - I left here at 6.am for a meeting in South Yorkshire from which I returned at 2.30pm .I
do not appreciate your inference that I lie about this . Should you continue your planned activity and an incident occurs,
I will provide my insurers /authorities/press with a copy of this letter to you as an official of the Atherstone Hunt. Your
faithfully, Withybrook Equestrian Centre and Riding School. The writer adds - Following
this letter, the Hunt totally ignored this warning. They proceeded to hunt within 50metres of our indoor School, where a rider
fell off in a lesson due to the horses being startled by the sound of the Huntsman blowing his horn. Fortunately, she was
not seriously injured. This surely is a most arrogant action. Why should people in rural areas suffer this illegal activity?
Petition launched to keep hunting
PC away from policing Hunts 21-12-16
Mail Calls for policewoman
to be investigated over video footage of her facing hunt saboteurs during a clash with activists despite being off duty
Animal rights activists are calling for a police officer to investigated for 'misusing her professional powers' after
a video of her facing down fox hunting saboteurs went viral. Off duty PC Claire Ford was understood to be alongside the Cheshire
Forest Hunt when it clashed with activists who disrupted the ride. When the protesters allegedly strayed from the public bridleway
and onto private land, PC Ford came over and identified herself as an officer and escorted them off. A video - which has been
watched more than 35,000 times on social media - shows her claiming their actions are a 'breach of the peace' and
warning protesters her 'colleagues' are nearby. A
petition has been launched calling Cheshire Police to take action against the officer, accusing her of 'acting as private
security' and 'misusing her professional powers'. The force confirmed it 'referred' the matter to the
professional standards department after receiving a 'number' of complaints. A spokesperson for the Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs
said: 'We believe that as an officer of the law, PC 5336 Claire Ford, should have no involvement in policing fox hunts
due to her clear conflict of interest on this issue. We also believe that Cheshire Police should demand that she has no involvement
with fox hunting whatsoever, be that on duty or off duty. Nor should she have any role in policing the forthcoming badger
cull that may be rolled out to Cheshire. We would like Cheshire Police to make a stand against cruelty and call into question the actions of PC 5336 Claire Ford and any other supposed officers
of the law within their force who are directly or indirectly involved with hunting.' The Hunt gathered at a pub in Sandbach, Cheshire, where they were met by saboteurs and monitors
from three anti-hunting groups, on December 10. But it is understood they clashed nearby when the activists entered private land
and PC Ford - accompanied by the farmer - approached them and told them to leave. A video captured by the activists shows
her saying: 'I'm here as a breach of the peace [sic]. My colleagues are just around the corner.' She is asked:
'Are you a policewoman?' and she answered: 'Yeah I'm an off duty police officer I'm just making sure',
before identifying her collar number.She then added: 'Stop, stop, stop, stop - all they've asked you to do is leave'
and continues to march towards them. She is challenged and told she 'can't' but she adds: 'I can...it's
a breach of the peace' and 'why are you spouting the law at me?' POWAperson comments - The Mail seems to have missed the central point of the story here, which is that
the sabs claim that the Cheshire Forest FH hunt illegally and, presumably, PC Ford would be aware of this. She is the
latest in a line of police officers revealed to go out with Hunts who sabs/monitors claim break the Hunting Act,
including at least one who had been appointed as a Wildlife Officer. Change.org – Cheshire Sabs PC 5336 Claire Ford to have no role policing fox hunting
or be present, on or off duty We believe that as an officer of the law, PC 5336 Claire Ford,
should have no involvement in policing fox hunts due to her clear conflict of interest on this issue, we also believe that
Cheshire Police should demand that she has no involvement with fox hunting whatsoever, be that on duty or off duty, nor should
she have any role in policing the forthcoming badger cull that may be rolled out to Cheshire. PC 5336 Claire Ford was photographed on Saturday the 10th
of December supporting the Cheshire Forest Hunt as a passenger on a quad bike, then filmed acting as private security for
the hunt by misusing her professional powers in a matter of civil law. It is common knowledge that there are many officers
of the law involved in fox hunting all over the country, either directly, as is the case with PC 5336 Claire Ford, who is
known to ride with the hunt, or indirectly, in the way of supporting them from the roadside etc. How are we meant to trust these supposed law enforcement officers to uphold the law when they toe a very
fine line between lawful and unlawful activities themselves? We would like Cheshire Police to make a stand against cruelty
and call into question the actions of PC 5336 Claire Ford and any other supposed officers of the law within their force who
are directly or indirectly involved with hunting.
Surrey Union FH chase fox across a road 20-12-16 Facebook – N.Downs Sabs Mission
34 - Surrey Union, Ranmore Common, Dorking, Tuesday 20- 12-16 Following a tip off, one of the Guildford Sabs found
the Surrey Union hunt at Ranmore Common following their usual pattern of blatant illegal hunting midweek, when they don't
expect sabs and the police don't turn up. The
message went out and other sabs turned out as soon as they finished work. The sabs were always close on the Hunt and, about
2.45 (when most of the photos were taken), the hounds went into full cry and chased a fox across the road. The sabs stayed
with them and, fortunately, they lost it. The rest of the afternoon, until they packed, was spent collecting up their
scattered pack, this taking longer than usual as the Huntsman was not present and the pack was being hunted by the whipper-in
Luke Newton, whose efforts seemed somewhat amateurish. The small team of sabs then retired to the pub.
Female sab struck on head by Eggesford FH farmer supporter19-12-16 Exeter Express & Echo Video appears to show hunt saboteur assaulted on a Devon farm
An online video of a confrontation between saboteurs and members of a hunt appears to show a woman saboteur being assaulted at a Devon farm. The 87-second video was posted by the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs group on its Facebook page. The
group claims the incident happened at Crooke Burnell, North Tawton, during a meet of the Eggesford Hunt on Saturday. The video shows footage of a cameraman and the woman being
confronted by a rider, who tells them to leave the land as it is private. The pair agree to leave, and are followed by riders
along a track to a farmyard, where a man appears on foot. He swears at them and appears to strike the woman on the back of
the head. There was no response to calls from the Echo leaving messages at a contact number for the hunt and at the hunt kennels
at Wembworthy, near Chulmleigh. A message was also left at the farm where the incident was said to have happened. No one was
available from the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs to discuss the incident. The video starts with footage of a rider appearing through a gate on a track towards the camera. In the background,
around a dozen riders, some wearing red jackets and some black, head down a track away from the camera towards a wind farm.
The rider, a man wearing a black jacket and riding hat and carrying a horse whip, says: "Right, you're on private property, and you're
not allowed on here, so please remove yourself." A woman replies: "We wondered whether it was, but we didn't
see the sign." The rider says: "You're on private property, there's no footpath on this farm, so go back
to the road now please." The woman responds: "I did wonder but there wasn't a sign saying private so we didn't
know." The rider says: "Doesn't matter. It's a private farm, there's no footpath. Off now, please go."
The woman replies OK, as more riders appear, with a man and woman on horseback flanking the first rider. A second male
rider then approaches the camera and waves his hand, saying, "Go on, go on, you were asked to leave." The cameraman
replies, "All right, all right, don't ride your horse at me." The first rider says, "You're on my farm
and it's private property," as the cameraman replies, "We're leaving,
we're leaving." The footage shows the
horses being ridden along the track, following a woman alongside the camera, as a horseman shouts, "Go, go," and
the man replies, "Don't ride your horses at us." The riders follow the cameraman and the woman along the track [right],
with a man on foot behind the two horses. A rider shouts again, "Go, go, let's go" and the cameraman replies,
"We can't leave any quicker". Someone says, "You could run," and a voice shouts, "Come on hurry
up", then the cameraman shouts in alarm as a horse comes close to the woman, who is wearing a scarf over the lower part
of her face, as she walks alongside a breeze block wall. She says "Don't do that", as there are shouts of "Go
on get off" and "Clear off", and the man and woman pass through a farm gate. The footage shows a farm yard
with parked vehicles then a stocky middle aged man appears on foot, shouting, "Right get out then", as the man with
camera says repeatedly, "We're leaving". The man on foot, wearing a flat cap, red jumper and khaki sleeveless
jacket, and blue trousers tucked into wellington boots [right], runs towards the couple, shouting, "You're f***ing leaving all right".
He shouts "get f***ing moving" and appears to strike the woman on the head [above
left], then she screams and runs forward. The cameraman shouts, "Get off her," and the woman cries "Don't
do that." the pair run from the yard as the man shouts, "Get the f*** out of here". The cameraman then shouts,
"We'll be calling the police about that," and the footage ends as the pair walk along the road away from the
farm. The incident is said to involve Eggesford
Hunt, on Saturday, December 17, and the location of the incident is given as Crooke Burnell, North Tawton. According to the
website of the Masters of Foxhounds Association, Eggesford Hunt operates in around 400 square miles of Mid Devon, where records
date back to 1858 when the land was hunted by Lord Portsmouth. 20-12-16 Daily Mail 'Get the f*** out of here': Hunt saboteurs
say they were charged at by a horse in a foul-mouthed clash with riders and farmers A shocking
video shows a hunt saboteur clashing with riders and farmers before being charged at by a horse and bombarded with obscenities.
Expletive-laden footage captured the entire violent confrontation at Crooke Burnell, North Tawton, Devon, which was sparked when a huntsman shouts at a cameraman and
the woman to leave his private land. The
pair agree to depart but are escorted and followed by riders along a track to a farmyard where another man wearing a flat
cap appears on foot. The huntsman then runs towards the couple, shouting, 'You're f****** leaving all right'.
He then yells 'get f****** moving' and appears to strike the woman on the head. The victim screams and runs forward
before the cameraman shouts, 'get off her,' and the woman cries 'don't do that.' The pair then run from
the yard as the man shouts, 'get the f*** out of here'. The cameraman then warns that they will be contacting police
and the 90 second footage ends as the pair walk along the road away from the farm. The pair agree to depart but are escorted
and followed by riders along a track to a farmyard. The group claims the incident happened during a meet of the Eggesford Hunt on Saturday. The video has been posted
by the Devon County Hunt Saboteurs group on its Facebook page. No-one from the hunt, which is based at Wembworthy, near Chulmleigh,
has so far been available to comment. According to the website of the Masters of Foxhounds Association, Eggesford Hunt operates
in around 400 square miles of Mid Devon, where records date back to 1858 when the land was hunted by Lord Portsmouth. POWAperson adds :- Another Eggesford FH hunt-supporting farmer [though
it could be the same man] was convicted of assaulting a sab and bound over in 2006.
Kent police drop investigation
into Old Surrey FH fox kill 18-12-16 Facebook
– Kent Live Police reach dead
end on probe after animal rights activists claim hounds illegally killed fox Kent
Police has revealed the trail has gone cold in a probe launched after animal rights activists claim they recorded a fox being
illegally hunted to death [left]. The
anti-hunt activists claim hounds hunting on December 3, at around 3.30pm, as the Old Surrey Burstow & West Kent Hunt "ripped
apart" the fox which they claimed they took to a vet, but which later died. Their video shows the hounds on the top of
the fox in woodland, understood to be near Oakenden Lane in Chiddingstone Hoath. The fox is then removed from the pack by
a member of the Hunt Saboteurs Association. The Association reported the incident to Kent Police.
But one of the hunt's organisers, Mark Bycroft, said the hunt had been a legal
trail hunt and up to nine scented tracks had been laid for the hounds to follow. He said because the saboteurs cause disruption
to the trail hunt by using recordings and hunting horns to confuse the hounds, if any incident involving a fox had occurred
it would have been their fault. Police told Kent
Live at the time officers would be meeting with the informant, but this afternoon Kent Police said "officers have exhausted
all initial enquiries". A spokesman provided contact details for anyone to get in touch if they had more information.
S.Shropshire FH follower backs landy into passer-by's car 18-12-16
Facebook - Cheshire Sabs Here we have "Mr Stupid" a South Shropshire Hunt supporter blocking
the public highway, driving without due care and attention and reversing straight into a completely innocent road users vehicle.
The footage speaks for itself! 
Sabs find remains of another fox killed by East Kent FH17-12-16 Facebook – E.Kent Sabs E.Kent with West
Street Foxhounds kill another fox 7th December 2016 Burmarsh. They say lightning does not strike in the same place twice-well,
it has struck the East Kent with West Street hunt 3 times now! It is the 3rd time in as many years that our group has passed video footage and other evidence to Kent police,
concerning possible illegal hunting at this Hunt's Burmarsh meet. On Weds 7th December, one of our group attended this meet to film any breaches of the Hunting Act 2004. Whilst the
Hunt was meeting at Haugelands Farm, our member was positioning themselves in a location that would give the best view of
the open marshland to be hunted. It wasn't long before the Hunt came into sight-on open land they could be seen taking
hounds through ditches and reed beds, and any other cover where foxes are likely to be found. At the back of a campsite
on a strip of brambles, the hounds were cast once more, then, some time later, the Huntsman was filmed off his horse and in
amongst the hounds. This is usually a sign that the Huntsman has killed or retrieving hounds from an earth if they had marked
a fox to ground. Our monitor continued filming until the Hunt was well out of sight, and again, the Hunt followed the same
routine. In the hours before and during the hunt, on open marsh land,
our cameraman saw no trail being laid, and hounds being cast into cover as if the hunting ban did not exist…. A later
attempt was made to inspect the rear of the campsite, but hunt followers returning home meant our monitor may have been spotted
(last year, one of our monitors was caught filming at this meet, and was chased off by masked terrier men, who damaged his vehicle during the pursuit). A decision to
return in the morning was made, and, as our monitor searched the area where he had seen the Huntsman on foot, it became apparent
that the Hunt had indeed killed there… In an area of flattened nettles, and hanging in some brambles was the remains
of the fox. It had no tail and it's pelvis and rear end had been destroyed, and the rest of its body had puncture wounds.
No doubt the Hunt will claim it was an “accident”, but isn't it time the police took a firm line against these
flagrant abuses of the law? And as for the so called “free press”, stopped printing what the Hunt tells them they
are doing and start investigating what the Hunts are actually doing?! Note-all footage and the evidence has been passed on
to Kent police.
rescue scramble to save IoW FH hound that went over cliff 17-12-16 Island Echo Fox hound ‘over cliff’ prompts
coastguard response The Needles Coastguard Rescue Team responded to reports of a dog going over
the cliff edge near Compton this afternoon (Saturday). At shortly before 13:40, Solent Coastguard received several calls from
members of the public reporting that a dog had possibily gone over the cliff near Compton Farm on Military Road. It was reported
there was no owner present. Arriving on the scene, Coastguard Officers established that the dog was a rouge fox hound that
had become separated from a nearby meet. Thankfully, the hound managed to save itself from the cliff and proceeded East in
the search of the rest of it’s pack, evading members of the Coastguard team and Police. The dog was last seen heading
across land in close proximity to it’s pack, with huntsmen tracking it.
Monitors film Grafton FH hunting
3 foxes in meets 3 days apart 16-12-16 YouTube Grafton Hunt chase three foxes over two days
Monitors filmed the Grafton Hunt chasing three foxes over two consecutive days' hunting. The Hunting Act must be strengthened
to stop this happening - it urgently needs a recklessness clause to stop the distressing state of affairs which currently
exists, almost 12 years after the ban came into force. POWAperson
adds:- The first chase was filmed on 26-11 near Helmdon. Across a lake, a fox is seen running across a grass field.
It is followed seconds later by hounds. The mounted Huntsman appears soon after. Three days later, at Potcote, an apparently
beaten fox is seen fleeing across a field. Hounds soon emerge, following the same line, closely followed by Huntsman and riders.
Hunters are told they're being filmed and it initially seems they are stopping hounds [though the offence has already
been committed] but the Huntsman then leads hounds and field towards where the fox has gone, only to turn and come back to
the road not long after. It is clear that the Grafton knew monitors were present and filming, yet they appear to have blatantly
hunted foxes, almost as if they had no fear of prosecution. Which, given the many deficiencies of the Act, the reluctance
of police and CPS to act against them and the poor track record of the CPS on the rare occasions they do take organised hunters
to court, is scarcely surprising. The spirit and letter of the Hunting Act 2004 are being, as a former Chief Inspector of
the CPS wrote, 'extensively flouted'. Even in spite of the problems with the Act, the authorities could do better
than they are to rein them in, but Hunts will carry on pursuing and killing live quarry until the Act is substantially strengthened.
Please support POWA's efforts in our campaigntostrengthenthehuntingact.com. Pics below - 1/
Fox flees hounds 26-11-16 2/ Hounds seconds behind fox  3/ Huntsman seconds behind fox
& hounds 4/ Beaten fox flees hounds 29-11-16  5/ Hounds on line
of fox 6/ Huntsman, riders, hounds return 
Sabs release footage of Blackmore
FH hunting last February 16-12-16 Facebook
- Dorset Sabs Video of Blackmore FH meet at
Bowden, 13-2-16 This footage not previously uploaded because it features the Huntsman and there
was a court case against him for riding down and severely injuring a female sab in August 2014. The events of the day had
been previously reported - see here, item dated 14-2-16. On that day sabs found three blocked badger setts and unblocked them, for which they received threats
and an assault as well as being ridden at. The Hunt then chased a fox into the village of Yenston and looked for it in gardens
and blocked an A road. This
film begins with a fox fleeing across a field. Minutes later, the Hunt and hounds appear. The whipper-in approaches the filmer,
a highly experienced monitor known to them, who tells him they are on the line of a fox. The Whip denies it
and claims their 'trail' was laid across that meadow. Odd, since the idea of 'trail hunting' is supposed to
be that, to replicate fox hunting as closely as possible, they only know the start point of a trail, not where it then goes. What
would be the point of riding a known route and, if that's what they do, how come Hunts so often riot on to roads,
railways and into villages and barred land? The monitor then
tells the Huntsman, that they are on the line. He accuses the monitor of lying and riders then give him a bit of hassle.
The field then move over to a copse. Unbeknown to them, sabs believe that the fox has escaped down a hole unblocked earlier
in the day by sabs in that wood. Whatever, the Hunt don't find it. 
Monitor films Grafton FH rider on road viciously striking his horseUpbraded, owner says the horse 'deserved' it and abuses monitor 15-12-16 You Tube A highly experienced monitor was driving slowly behind
two Grafton FH riders when she saw one of them twice hit his horse very hard with his riding crop. She quickly switched on
her dash-cam and caught him doing it again. Driving alongside, she told the rider off in no uncertain terms. The rider's
female ompanion then turned her horse around and shouted that the horse 'deserved it' and that it was her horse
and she'd treat it any way she liked. Foxes, deer, hares and mink are
far from being the only animal victims of organised hunters. Sabs and monitors often witness horses being maltreated and ridden
in dangerous fashion. POWAperson himself, whilst a monitor in the '90s, saw two hunt horses die during hunts because
their riders had pushed them too hard, one of them on a deer hunt on a very hot day in August. Hounds, of course, are treated
appallingly, culled ruthlessly if they commit various 'crimes'
and routinely murdered when they reach the age of six/seven and are judged no longer fit to keep up with the pack. Pets, livestock
and non-quarry wildlife that get in the hounds' way are terrified or even killed. Road and sometimes rail users are
obstructed, sometimes endangered, by the hunters' selfish actions. Hunters demonstrate again and again that, for them,
animal and even human welfare comes nowhere compared with their perverted lust for the chase. It is incredibly frustrating
to monitors, sabs and other antis that these monsters continue to be treated by the authorities and often the media as though
they were decent 'pillars of the community'. Please watch and share
the other films on 'scorpiovulpes' channel to see both frequent illegal hunting and appalling behaviour towards monitors.

Mangled remains of fox believed killed by Bicester FH found Resident makes
grisly discovery day after resident & monitor saw fox chased near village 15-12-16 Facebook
- Hunt Monitors Full Monitoring
Report – Oxfordshire Monitors The Bicester Hunt with Whaddon Chase (BHWC) met at Godington Hall, Godington, at 11:00
Hounds arrived fairly quickly in the Poundon area from Godington and hunted around a bridleway known locally as “Green
Lane” (which runs from Poundon to Charndon). They could be heard on cry until they disappeared into the Charndon area
before changing horses for their afternoon session. The Hunt returned to the Poundon/Twyford area around 3pm and hounds flushed a fox
out of a wooded area between Poundon and Grange Farm, Godington. Chaos ensued as hounds picked up the scent and riders could
be seen riding through fields of sheep which gathered in huddles unsure of where best to flee for cover. As hounds appeared
in a field adjacent to Mill Lane, Twyford, the gate to which was heavily chained, the hounds lost, checked and regained the
scent of the fox that had done its best to mask its tracks. The Monitor who was watching Mill Lane, with a local dog walker,
saw the fox burst through the hedgerow about 20 yards away , fleeing across Mill Lane in the direction of a spinney (a small
wood with undergrowth), on the boundary of Twyford Village. The Monitor shouted at the Huntsman to tell him that their
hounds were onto a fox and demanded that they be called off. Hounds were called back but only to be taken across Mill Lane
toward the spinney where the hunted fox had sought refuge less than 10 minutes earlier. Monitor again shouted at the Huntsman
that he was pursuing the fox and he simply informed the Monitor that they had laid a trail. Furthermore, he informed the Monitor
that he had permission to be on the land, which it was noted had been put down to seed, winter wheat, most probably. The entire
pack of hounds then entered the spinney and within minutes the most awful blood curdling cries went up as they found yet again
and pursued this poor creature into the Village of Twyford. It wasn’t possible to know whether they were on to the original
fox or flushed out a different one. A couple in the Village saw the whole spectacle unfold from their back garden and
they told our monitor that one fox had definitely escaped along the side of their garden fence. Mill Lane, a Restricted Byway
which runs past the Village Primary School playground, became clogged up with the followers’ vehicles. This was after
4p.m. and they appeared to hunt on as darkness crept in. Sadly, whilst walking dogs early on Friday morning, a horrified resident came across
what remained of one fox that had been killed in the area where the hounds had converged and where hunt followers had been
seen to run toward from their vehicles, parked on Mill Lane. The entrails and what was left of the tail were found a few feet
away from the bloodied grass, indicating that one of the hunt followers/supporters had dropped these as they tried to hastily
remove the body. The grass this morning was soaked with blood and the poor creature was so terrified that it had messed itself.
Tiny pieces of fur were visible and it seems as though it had been killed in a frenzy. It never stood a chance and it was
simply ripped to pieces. Our Monitor has been deeply traumatised by this event, questioning the mentality of anybody
who could inflict such mindless barbarity upon a small creature that had done them no harm. In an unsuccessful effort to save
its life, the poor fox had given the Hunt their unpredictable chase across country and paid the ultimate price. There were
no winners here on Thursday – we saw the ugly side of the human species and unless and until the minority amongst us
can be cured of their incomprehensible predilection to hunt wild animals for sport, we will truly remain a plague upon the
Earth and the wonderful animals that we share it with. 
telling on Atherstone FH finances, say sabs15-12-16 Facebook
2015/2016 statement of accounts, summary statement, list of subscribers and list donors of the Atherstone Hunt has been leaked
to us by one of our sources within the hunt. We
knew the Atherstone Hunt were in financial trouble when joint master of the hunt James Sharland set up a gofundme for a sponsored
mud run, the mud run never happened, but the Hunt pocketed the money anyway. Sharland admitted "persistent sab presence
has lead to a dramatic drop in subscribers" The leaked report shows the Atherstone Hunt made a loss of £13,000.
This loss is a direct result of the dramatic drop in subscribers which amounts to £16,315, the entire list of Atherstone
subscribers now fits onto one side of an A4 page. This was the state of the Atherstone Hunt during the last financial year,
the situation has certainly not improved this year. The Atherstone are unable
to pay the wages of their own staff. This year these wages are being paid for by someone from outside the hunt. The report
shows that Hunt staff wages amounted to £34,447 last year. The Atherstone have been without a terrier man all season
and after firing their last Whipper-In have been unable to find anyone to replace him. The number of riders continues to be
on average below ten. Dove Valley Mink Hounds huntsman Will Shaw continues to babysit Atherstone Huntsman Stuart Barton to
prevent any road traffic accidents happening due to Barton's poor hound control. The Atherstone Hunt continues to show
the world the real face of fox hunting. We know
the Atherstone Hunt are not popular and we are starting to get more and more land owners giving us information. We
will continue to be out with the Atherstone twice a week, please help towards our costs so that we can continue to keep a persistent
sab presence There will
be a Boxing Day demonstration against the Hunt at Market Bosworth at 10am.
Sabs find many blocked badger setts on Cotswold FH meet dayPolice informed and they unblocked two
of them themselves! 11-12-16 Facebook - 3 Counties Sabs Saturday 10th
December 2016, Cotswold Hunt, Castlebarn Farm, Turkdean, North Cotswold badger cull zone We were
out early for this one and it was pitch block in the field on sett blocking patrol. At the first sett we went to check we
had just missed them and heard the quad leave. There was the usual scene of carnage with every entrance impacted with earth
and one entrance had a log rammed down it. We informed the police and continued to sett check. At the next one as we were
confirming that it was very active a quad approached the small covert and drove around it before leaving. Had he come to block
it and thought better of it? It had been blocked before, repeatedly with the badgers still there despite sett blocking, cull
and who knows what other pressures. We hope that we deterred him. Other setts were found to be unblocked and active. We then met 2 Gloucestershire
police officers who went to the blocked sett and unblocked every single entrance and wish to thank them for their timely response. The Hunt met at 12.00 and we saw them draw the covert where the sett had been blocked. It was
very wet and they didn't seem to be finding much (foxes retreat to shelter in such weather much of the time). They then
crossed over to where the Heythrop were hunting just last Saturday in a large landlocked area between Turkdean and Cold Aston
and where 5 setts were blocked. So the foxes that were hunted there last week and survived were once more at risk a week later.
One badger sett that was blocked last week was blocked again this week, twice trashed within 7 days just so people can illegally
hunt foxes. The impact on badgers can be suffocation as they try to dig
their way out and get caught between the earth behind them as they dig and the earth impacted by the rain. They often do dig
their way out but some don't make it. Foxes ,who often enjoy living in badger setts, are denied an escape route from the
hounds. It takes hours to dig out a badger sett, not long at all to get into an artificial earth, a terrier can bolt a fox
quickly from one of these to be hunted again, needless to say the AEs are often left unblocked. Sad to say later we saw the
Heythrop, or it may have been the North Cotswold, in the dark packing up near Stow. Both Hunts would have done exactly the
same in the areas they were hunting. Other 3C sabs sabbed the CVFH from
Aston Crews along with Bristol and South Wales. Report to follow. Pics below -
1/ Sett blocked with stave and packed earth 2/ Freshly blocked sett with spade marks 
Sabs say they saved fox from 'violent'
Crawley & Horsham FH10-12-16 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Saboteurs As we suspected the Surrey Union hounds have kennel cough we headed to the Crawley and Horsham hunt with North Downs Hunt Sabs to join
up with West Sussex Hunt Sabs whom were already with the Hunt. Clearly upset at the sab presence, riders (again) used their
horses as weapons and charged towards sabs, deliberately trying to ride sabs down on several occasions - one rider has had
his details taken by police. Nearer the
end on the day by new buildings plantation we noticed a fox bolt just meters in front of us, with hounds in deep cry just
behind we covered the area in citronella. At this point, the whipper-in stayed where the fox had crossed and tried to hit
a sab with his whip... and failed. As hounds quickly approached other sabs arrived and we used old school sabbing tactics
to call the hounds off the scent, much to the dismay of some of the Hunt whom started behaving violently again. After the
traumatic kill on the Burstow last week it was great to be able to save at least one fox today. Run free.
Oakley FH thug hits female sab then tries to spray eyes of others Gizmo stolen from female victim - police treat sabs as criminals 10-12-16 Facebook
– S.Cambs Sabs VIDEO Hit Report
– 10/12/2016 Oakley Hunt, St John's Arms, Melchbourne
We went just over the Cambs border today with N.Cambs, Suffolk And Essex, Cambridge and Beds & Bucks Hunt Sabs to sab
the Oakley. Using several groups of foot sabs, the various groups managed to manoeuvre round the regular hunt 'stewards'
to keep tabs on the hunt all day. The drivers did a sterling job keeping an eye on the Hunt as they paraded through villages
with hounds all over the roads. Sadly the hounds looked very thin and did not appear to be in good health. Jack
Harris, the less than competent Huntsman, lost control of the hounds several times during the day as they ran across fields
in every direction! Hounds ran across a road rioting after a fox and sabs entered the field to intervene, using the gizmo,
horn and voice calls to distract hounds. The hunt thugs followed and assaulted sabs. One large thug attacked and took a female
sab to the ground, hitting her in the face and then stealing our group gizmo. His friend then attempted to spray red dye into
the eyes of sabs - who knows what damage this could have caused (video evidence is being looked at and will follow). On top of this,
thugs then falsely accused sabs of stealing their property - ironic as they are the ones that stole from us! Police threatened
the sabs - the victims of assault and theft - with arrest. They were generally hostile to sabs, and searched sabs but did
not search the thugs when sabs explained they had stolen from them. We wonder if this biased behaviour has anything to do
with them hanging around and chatting with the violent 'stewards' for much of the day! However, at the end of the day all
the sabs, and the local wildlife were safe - and the Hunt packed up early at around 2.30, wet and miserable. Another eventful
but successful day! 
Sabs save fox chased to ground by Cotswold Vale FH 10-12-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs Off back to the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt this morning, along with sabs from South Wales, Bath & Three Counties. They met at Aston Crews on the Gloucestershire/Herefordshire
border and we soon found them not far away with riders on point and hounds picking up in a wood. We shot off to catch up with
them and the huntsman took his hounds and ran, which set the tone for the rest of the day. The Huntsman was quickly drawing
through another covert with sabs close by, so we decided to take the hounds with the use of a hunting horn. This tested the
hunts temper somewhat and it wasn't long before hunt supporters were (unsuccessfully) trying to throw their weight around. Despite the Hunt covering
a lot of ground, hilly terrain and poor weather conditions, in our various groups we ensured that sabs were always with the
hunt, often second guessed their movements meaning we were ahead of them. Towards the end of the day we came across the hounds
marking to ground in a badger sett, where a fox they had been chasing was taking refuge. Sabs were straight in there rating
hounds and when the Huntsman realised he had company he gathered the hounds and took off. We waited around for a while as
a quad was also hanging about, but other sabs were in place to rate hounds when they were in cry close by immediately after. With visibility becoming
increasingly poor and no luck with these foxes, the Hunt were packing up just before 3.30. A very successful day and a bunch
of damp but happy sabs.
Horrified man
sees Dumfriesshire FH hounds kill fox in his garden Slaughter took place in middle of a housing estate in Heathhall 9-12-16 Daily Record Dumfries carer’s
horror at fox hunt kill in his back garden in Heathhall Daniel Sauberlich described the incident as "bizarre and brutal" when a pack of 10
dogs attacked a fox in the busy housing estate. A carer was left shocked after a fox was mauled by a pack of hounds in his
back garden during a hunt. Daniel Sauberlich saw the fox run past his window pursued by a pack of 10 dogs in Herries Avenue,
Heathhall, on Saturday afternoon. Home carer Daniel, 28, said: “I can’t begin to describe the shock and disbelief
at this barbaric event happening in our own garden, let alone if our children or dog were in it at the time. “I went
to the back door and opened it and saw the fox staring at me. It started running towards me but just before it got to me the
dogs grabbed it, shook it around a bit, killed it and left. It’s still so surreal I can’t believe it happened.
Before this I didn’t have an opinion on fox-hunting but I’m really against it now. I could hear horns nearby so
it must’ve been a hunt. To see it happen in a housing estate is just unreal.” Robbie Marsland, of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, said: “From what we’ve heard this is a
classic example of illegal hunting going very wrong. This comes at a crunch point as an official inquiry has just called for
the law to be strengthened. We are calling on the Scottish Government to act quickly and really ban fox-hunting in Scotland
– for good.” Police are appealing for witnesses. The Dumfriesshire
and Stewartry Foxhounds failed to comment on the matter.
arrested & in custody in connection with fox kills by the Belvoir FHBelieved
to be Huntsman, also suspected of assault & criminal damage 9-12-16 Leicester Mercury Man, 49, arrested
after foxes killed by hunt hounds A man has been arrested on suspicion of illegal hunting following
the deaths of two foxes in Leicestershire last weekend. The 49-year-old was taken into custody for questioning about the animals'
deaths while the Belvoir Hunt was riding in the Scalford area, near Melton. Leicestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach was present and monitoring officers' policing
of the event when two foxes were killed by the Belvoir Hunt's hounds. Hunt saboteurs allegedly found a third seriously
injured animal which also died. Lord Bach said he had been shocked by the deaths during a hunt meet on Saturday, December
3. In a statement today, Leicestershire Police said: "A 49-year-old
man has been arrested in connection with incidents which are alleged to have happened in the Scalford area of Melton. It follows
reports of an assault and the death of two foxes on Saturday, December 3. The man has been arrested on suspicion of criminal
damage, assault and illegal hunting with a dog, and is currently in custody." Speaking to the Leicester Mercury later, Lord Bach said: "I attended the Belvoir Hunt on Saturday with the police
as part of my determination to learn more about rural issues. The police, in my view, performed a difficult task with great
skill and professionalism. I fully support a police inquiry into the events leading to this outcome, when the Hunting Act
2004 makes it clear that the intentional killing of mammals is illegal. I am determined as police and crime commissioner that
the law, as decided by Parliament, will be upheld in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland." The event, on Saturday, was also being monitored by hunt saboteurs, who took pictures of the savaged foxes. Under
the Hunting Act of 2004 it is illegal to hunt mammals with dogs. Dog walker
sees her dog & a fox being chased by Blackmore FH hounds 8-12-16 Facebook - Dorset Against Blood Sports
Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt causing mayhem to the local community and their pets, as well as the poor fox. Trial date set for Fitzwilliam FH hunt servants at last 8-12-16 Facebook
- S.Cambs Sabs Members of the Fitzwilliam Hunt, George Adams and John Mease [Huntsman
& Terrierman, pics below], attended a case management hearing at Peterborough magistrates court today for the cases
against them to be set. The trial will now be heard at Chelmsford magistrates on the 26th and 27th of April 2017. Let's
hope the CPS fight for justice for the poor innocent fox killed on New Years Day. POWAperson adds - The alleged offences occurred on New Year's Day 2016. It is ridiculous
that summary offences should take so long to come to trial. There's an old saying - 'Justice delayed is justice denied.'
Still, it will give the CPS yet more time to think of an excuse to drop the case. 
Iron-bar wielding Atherstone FH supporter attacks sabs Police
powers to unmask protesters enhanced, says CA 7-12-16 Countryside Alliance Police powers to unmask violent protestors
eased The House of Lords has today (7 December) passed a Government amendment to the Policing
and Crime Bill which makes it easier for the police to tackle violent masked protestors. The amendment is a response to concerns
that current powers cannot be used by the police in response to many protests by animal rights activists, other extremists
and ‘flash mobs’. The amendment means that a senior police officer will be able to give immediate oral authorisation
for a constable to remove face-coverings, where it is impracticable for that authorisation to be given in writing. The law
currently requires prior written authorisation that the police have grounds for reasonable belief that activities may take
place in an area that are likely to involve the commission of offences. The conditions and protections remain exactly the
same, but the fast track process will now allow the police to tackle a serious issue both in rural communities and elsewhere. Research by the Countryside Alliance using the Freedom of
Information Act published earlier this year revealed that the powers had only been used on one occasion in the past three
years to require animal rights activists at a hunt to remove face coverings, despite the use of masks to intimidate and hide
identity being a standard tactic of hunt saboteurs. The powers had been used on many occasions in relation to pre-arranged
demonstrations and football matches. Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance, said: “There are only
two reasons for wearing masks and face-coverings in the context of a protest: to intimidate and harass, and to hide identity
with the intention of committing criminal offences and avoiding prosecution. This is a tactic that has worked, not only by
creating alarm and distress in rural communities visited by groups of extremists who have adopted the uniform of the paramilitary
complete with standard black face coverings, but also in allowing offences to be committed crimes without any legal consequences.
From Wiltshire to Derbyshire; from Gloucestershire to Yorkshire there have been a series of violent assaults by hunt saboteurs
in the last few years, none of which have seen anyone brought to justice. It doesn’t matter if violence and intimidation
are happening in urban areas or the countryside, it is wrong and it’s only right that police officers are in the position
to be able to tackle effectively potentially criminal behaviour wherever it arises. We are therefore delighted that the Government
has recognised the need to amend the law, recognising that the police need greater flexibility faced with modern types of
protests. The amendment does not extend police powers, but makes it more practical to use existing powers and we now expect
the police to make full use of them. For too long a small minority have hidden behind masks and disguises to intimidate people
and to escape being held account for unlawful behaviour. This change in the law will discourage unlawful activity, whilst
allowing lawful and peaceful protest.” POWAperson comments
- Sabs wear face-coverings to try to stop hunters identifying them because, from experience, they know this may well lead
to their being attacked by hunters at sab homes or elsewhere. Presumably the new police powers will apply equally to
the hunt thugs who frequently mask up [as do some huntsmen]. In the case of the followers, masking is to avoid being identified
when they carry out assaults, thefts and criminal damage on sabs and monitors, all frequent occurrences. Attacks by antis
on hunters are very rare. Hopefully, police will use their new powers equitably, though past experience suggests probably
not. Some examples of masked-up hunters - 
Sabs say they saved three foxes
from hunt attempts to kill them Closed & scandal hit Essex Farmers FH members out with the Essex FH 6-12-16 Facebook – Cambridge Sabs Hit report - Sat 26/11/2016
3 foxes seen to safety - Essex Hunt and Essex Farmers & Union Hunt, Stanford Rivers, Essex
We teamed up with our neighbours at Suffolk & Essex, S.Cambs, N.E. London Sabs to pay the Essex Hunt and Essex Farmers
& Union Hunt (EFUH) a visit. The EFUH recently closed amidst scandal and are now temporarily joined with the Essex Hunt
for 3 seasons. They'll be hunting jointly in country in the south of Essex, and we'll be keeping an eye on them every
now and then. Both hunts are illegal. From the offset, 3 masked terrier
men proceeded to harass us by putting their phones inches from our faces one at a time. During a scout-out, we were made aware
by a member of the public that the landowner was Mr Jim Collins and he was illegally allowing hunting on his farmland, despite the wishes
of the local population. This member of the public also informed us that this hunt have no warnings to the locals about their
activity, which is a great worry to the residents as there have been a number of cat deaths from hounds in recent years. We spent the majority of the day on foot with the Hunt, putting tactics and equipment to good
use and successfully seeing 3 foxes to safety. The first fox broke cover and ran out from a covert parallel to where 6 sabs
were positioned. To avoid startling the fox into an unsafe direction, we dived into prone position onto the ground and the
fox took the wise decision to head into thick undergrowth alongside us. We sprayed citronella liberally on the line and in
the area, and moments later the hounds broke and followed the line up to us on cry. This is always a tense moment, as you
know a wild being's very existence is at stake. We verbally rated the hounds (used voices to command the hounds to stop)
and formed a blockade which prevented them from further following the fox. Our tactics worked as the hounds checked (lost
the scent), and were eventually collected by the Huntsman, who had been wilfully hunting them on illegally. On the second occasion; we were in the vehicle relocating to intercept the Hunt when a fox
ran out in front of us and into a covert. We immediately jumped out of the vehicle and began spraying citronella on the line
and throughout the area. Shortly hounds appeared on cry coming toward the over side of the covert to us, however due to the
citronella the hounds checked and this presented sabs with the opportunity to use our horn to confuse the hounds and call
them away from where the fox had taken refuge, meaning a few moments later we were surrounded by wagging tails, wet noses
and bouncing ears. The hounds are soppy beings at heart, and if they hadn't been trained by bloodthirsty humans to kill,
they'd be doing nothing of the sort. The Huntsman by contrast was certainly not wagging his tail, appearing red faced
and flustered that this attempt at ripping a fox to shreds had been thwarted. Although
support were present, we did not find confrontation which meant that on this occasion there were no injuries to sabs and we
were able to get on with our work to prevent illegal hunting from taking place. On
a side note, two riders fell of their horses during the course of the day. On both occasions the sabs offered medical assistance
and at one point even helped a rider find a lost saddle after a rather nasty accident. We're good people who are there
to stop wildlife being terrorised and will always help those in need with first aid should a rider - or even hunt staff member
- be injured. As a parting gesture from the hunt support whilst we got back
into our vehicle, we witnessed a mother whisper something to a young child's ear, who then proceeded to say “fuck
off you wankers” which of course went without reprimand. What wonderful folk these hunt types are.
pass evidence file to CPS in S.Herefordshire cruelty case5-12-16 Hereford Times Update issued on South
Herefordshire Hunt investigation West Mercia Police has issued an update with regards to its investigations
into allegations of animal cruelty at the South Herefordshire Hunt. Investigators have passed an early evidential file into
alleged animal cruelty at the Wormelow hunt kennels to the West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service's Complex Casework
Unit (CPS) for their consideration. Five people have been arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty and released on police bail
until a date in February. Five people have also been interviewed voluntarily as part of the police investigation. A police spokesman said: "As legal proceedings are active it is
important that any commentary, or sharing of information online, or on social media, does not in any way prejudice the proceedings."
Police will issue a further statement when the CPS determines if there should be a criminal prosecution. The Masters of Fox
Hounds Association (MFHA) is carrying its own independent [!!!!] inquiry into conduct at the South Herefordshire Hunt. POWAperson comments - As it's sub judice, can't say too much. The case seems to
be making glacially slow progress, though that's common enough in hunting [and, to be fair other] cases. Maybe that,
and the regular updates, are some indication of how seriously they are taking this case and how outraged the public are by
what was done. The events were seven months ago and, if this
were a matter of illegal hunting, a summary case, it would by now be too late to charge the alleged offenders. However, this
is principally an Animal Welfare Act matter, offences under which, being imprisonable, are indictable and not subject to the
six-month charging limit that applies to Hunting Act matters. If past form in hunt cruelty cases is followed, the Masters
and officials will deny any knowledge and the 'servants' won't dob their superiors in. if they were involved.
A reminder that this is far from the only case where people and premises connected to Hunts have been discovered to be keeping
captive foxes in recent times. It is normal for young hounds to
be blooded on easy to catch cubs, but this is usually in the grim practice of 'cubbing' in late summer and autumn,
where small coverts are surrounded by hunters who scare young foxes back in as they're trying to flee hounds. Hunts
still regularly engage in this repulsive ritual, which can only be to train the juvenile hounds for proper fox hunting later.
Throwing very young cubs into hound kennels, which is what the video appears to show was done, is not normal practice
- though the end outcome for the young victims is much the same. One imagines even most seasoned hunters will regard this
as 'bad form'. Pics below give a reminder
of what this is about, though the full horror can only be got from the video. 
Bloodstains and fur remains suggest Fife FH hounds killed fox 5-12-16 Facebook – Perthshire Sabs Fife Foxhounds met at
Edenwood House Before they set off, Galpin the terrierman arrived to rant at us and film us. The
Hunt left the meet and started hunting in the woods at the back of Edenwood farm. A fox actually ran into the corner of the
woods they were hunting. We think the fox then likely bolted towards and over the A963 towards the hill of Tarvit. The hunt
went this way and then we lost them - we have never done this meet before so had no idea of where they might go. Eventually we found them again. it was actually a member of
the public who helped us find where they were, after we spotted some hunt support vehicles. She was shocked that hunting happened
in Scotland and was glad when she realised we were against them. She had been watching them for at least half an hour, hunting
in Cairngreen wood. We looped round to the B940 and headed up the field towards where we could hear Robert the Huntsman drawing
the woodland, but as we got closer it was all quiet, we found the Hunt at the other side of where we entered the woodland.
Riders grouped together and Robert (huntsman) off his horse, he started to blow long wavering calls on his horn (very much
like a blow for a kill) and as we got closer and we were seen, Galpin the terrierman got a bag from his quad. He picked something
up and various smaller bits, putting them into the bag, then most of the hunt left. Two riders returned to film us as Galpin
got back to his quad with the bag. He put the bag in his box then drove away. The two riders then left. We studied the ground where they had been and found blood splatters and some fur,
the fur was grey with orange/fox red tips, so looks like the hunt had been celebrating the kill before we arrived. We don't
think the fox was killed at that spot, likely brought to where all the riders were so the hounds could rag it in front of
them as we don't think there was enough blood to show it had been killed there. We did not hear any gunfire as we approached
so we are guessing the hounds killed this fox, but sadly we were too late to get any evidence of this. By talking to others
in the area, this fox must have been hunted for at least an hour before being killed. So much for quick and humane flushing
foxes to waiting guns. Brownie points for the
police attending today for being nice to sabs and giving them a lift back to their vehicle. Pics below:- Top right - Fife FH Top right - Fox fleeing
Bottom right - Terrierman gathers fox remains Bottom left - Fur and blood remnants  See other pics here
Belvoir FH kill three foxes, two in grounds of nursing home Female sab allegedly
assaulted by the Huntsman 4-12-16
HSA Press Release Belvoir Hunt Kill Foxes
in Grounds of Nursing Home Yesterday, The Duke of Rutland's hounds, the Belvoir Hunt, chased and
illegally killed three foxes. The Hunt met at The Wolds Farm near Holwell, Leicestershire. Initially sabs were able to take
the hounds off huntsman John Holliday in two locations as he encouraged hounds to hunt a nearby covert and hedge. Unfortunately
by the time sabs had caught up with him in a farmyard near Scalford Hall, hounds were already tearing apart a terrified fox
they had cornered in the yard [right].Holliday sat watching making
no attempt to control his pack. Sabs immediately intervened and were able to recover the still conscious fox.
At this point Holliday dismounted and assaulted a female sab. The fox was unable to be saved due to extensive wounds and died
in the sabs arms. The police and Leicestershire
Police and Crime Commissioner, who were both present on the day, confirmed that immediately prior to this incident two other
foxes were killed by the Hunt in the grounds of a nearby nursing home. The police were alerted by a horrified member of the
public. All three foxes have been taken as evidence by Leicestershire Police. Earlier this year, the Belvoir were implicated in the keeping of captive foxes to be illegally
hunted. Members of the Hunt subsequently attacked the two League Against Cruel Sports investigators who had exposed them,
putting one of them in hospital with a broken neck. They are currently awaiting a court case in 2017. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “2016 has
shown the world exactly what the Belvoir hunt are like. They were implicated in keeping captive foxes, then viciously assaulting
those who had exposed them. Now as the year draws to a close they brazenly hunt and kill three foxes in the presence of Leicestershire
Police. Members of Leicestershire Police, including former wildlife crime officer Sharon Roscoe, are known to ride with the
Belvoir and we hope this doesn't influence any investigation. It is perhaps fortunate that the Leicestershire PCC was
also present on the day to insist that this latest law breaking by the Belvoir is not brushed under the carpet.” 5-12-16 Leicester Mercury Belvoir Hunt: Police
launch investigation after three foxes killed by hounds Police have launched an investigation into the conduct
of the Belvoir Hunt after three foxes were killed by hounds. Crime commissioner Lord Willy Bach was observing the policing
of the event and said he was shocked to see the bodies of the animals "ripped to bits by hounds". The event, on
Saturday, was also being monitored by hunt saboteurs who took pictures of the savaged foxes. Under the Hunting Act of 2004
it is illegal to hunt mammals with dogs. Repeated attempts
by the Mercury to contact the hunt to get their side of what happened had failed to get a response by the time the newspaper
went to press. But the Countryside Alliance, which supports field sports, said: "The Hunt has launched an urgent investigation
to establish exactly what happened on Saturday. At this stage they are very busy investigating and they cannot comment further. The hunt saboteurs claim that two killings were carried out by hounds in the grounds of a nursing home.
They managed to rescue a badly injured third which died in the arms of one of the saboteurs. Lord
Bach said: "I attended the Belvoir Hunt on Saturday with the police as part of my determination to learn more about rural
issues. The police in my view performed a difficult task with great skill and professionalism. I was shocked by seeing the
bodies of three dead foxes, ripped to bits by hounds. I fully support a police inquiry into the events leading to this outcome,
when the Hunting Act 2004 makes it clear that the intentional killing of mammals is illegal. I am determined as Police and
Crime Commissioner that the law, as decided by Parliament, will be upheld in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland." The saboteurs
claimed hounds chased and illegally killed three foxes.
Flint & Denbigh FH chase fox across main road, Huntsman keeps losing hounds 3-12-17 Facebook – N.Wales Sabs Hit report 3/12/16
Today in Cefn near St.Asaph, joined by Cheshire Sabs and members of Lancaster sabs, we thought we'd pop along and help
the Flint and Denbigh 'trail hunt' make sure they didn't accidently illegally hunt any foxes. OK, truth be told,
this Hunt haven't a clue about laying trails and there's no accident in their illegal hunting. From the off these
bumpkins were angry, with one of the riders threatening sabs "There's going to be trouble today". Why so angry?
We can only guess, maybe because they had to cancel last weeks meet? Maybe because of all you naughty people who've asked
Denbigh Council to cancel their Boxing Day parade? Or maybe because of all current police investigations involving this Hunt
and some of its members? Police didn't turn up today, so the Hunt took that as a green light to block roads, ride at sabs
and make threats. At one point the Hunt chased a fox across a main road across a river and almost to St.Asaph, across land
they should not be on, with some hounds ending up near St.Asaph football pitches! Good job for sabs being around to stop hounds
from getting killed on this busy road. Huntmaster Jeremy Reed was quite a while in coming to collect his hounds, In doing so he lead more hounds onto the
main road, almost into oncoming traffic. The Huntmaster didn't even bother to collect all the hound before he returned
to Cefn, leaving some along by the river between Wigfair and St.Asaph. Jeremy had really lived up his reputation of being
a scatterpack. Hounds were everywhere and hunters had their tweeds in a twist. Usually hunt thug bullies were on form too.
obviously the pressure is getting to them. The whipper-in had a busy day looking for Jezza's lost hounds, as Jezza himself
headed up to the tops above Cefn. The hounds went into cry a few times but only in short bursts as sabs were able to keep
watch. Sabs film fox being killed by Old Surrey FH - police investigate 3-12-16 HSA
Press Release VIDEO Serial Fox killers
Strike Again The Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent Hunt illegally chased and killed a fox today despite the efforts of hunt saboteurs who were seconds away from
saving it. The Hunt met at the Spotted Dog Pub, Smarts hill, South West of Tonbridge, Kent. Huntsman Mark Bycroft and his
gang of bully boys have history of illegally killing foxes and attacking anyone who tries to stop them. They had already chased one fox before killing one in Frienden
Gill Wood at approximately 3pm. The hunt terrier men had holloaed to inform the Bycroft that a fox had been spotted. Hounds
then went into cry and chased it for between 5 and 10 minutes before ripping it apart in the wood. Hunt staff were nearby throughout and made no attempt to stop the hounds. Hunt saboteurs arrived
just as the hounds were ripping the fox apart but were unable to save it. They retrieved the body [right] and
it has been taken to a sympathetic vet for autopsy. The incident is now being investigated by Kent Police. Lee Moon, Spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Mark Bycroft has previous convictions for assaulting hunt saboteurs. His
hunt have also been filmed illegally chasing and killing foxes but have never been prosecuted for this due to the inadequacies
of the police and the Hunting Act. We hope this time it will be different but won't hold our breath. Whether they get
prosecuted or not this video footage speaks for itself. The Old Surrey, Burstow and West Kent are a bunch of rural law breakers
who think they are above the laws of the land. Well done to the sabs present who, although they weren't able to save this
particular fox have again highlighted the reality of hunting since the ban.” 4-12-16 KentLive Hunt saboteurs claim they have filmed a fox being
illegally hunted to death near Tunbridge Wells Animal rights activists claim they have recorded
a fox being illegally hunted to death by members of members of the Old Surrey Burstow & West Kent Hunt near Tunbridge
Wells yesterday afternoon. Their video shows a pack of dogs attacking a fox in woodland, understood to be near Chiddingstone.
The fox is then removed from the hounds by a member of the Hunt Saboteurs Association. The Association says the matter has
now been reported to police. One of the Hunt's organisers Mark Bycroft today denied any criminal activity had
taken place and insisted members had gone about a legal trail hunt. “I understand they found a dead fox in the
wood but I wasn't there at the time so I don't know what has happened," he told Kent Live. "We had about
25 people on horses and 40 to 50 people on foot. There were about three Landrovers of the saboteurs - they come every week
trying to disrupt what we are doing. They use hunting horns and play recordings and try to disrupt the hounds. If an incident
has happened they are to blame." Hunting with
dogs has been illegal in England since 2005. To get round the ban hunts lay scent-based trails which the hounds follow instead
of a live animal. Mr Bycroft said eight or nine trails had been laid in the area yesterday. A spokesman for the Hunt Saboteurs
Association said the video had been shot in Frienden Gill Wood at approximately 3pm. They added: "Hunt saboteurs arrived
just as the hounds were ripping the fox apart but were unable to save it. They retrieved the body and it has been taken to
a sympathetic vet for autopsy. The incident is now being investigated by Kent Police." A Kent Police spokesman said: "Police were called at 3.33pm on Saturday 3 December 2016 to a report
that a fox had been killed by dogs in Oakenden Lane, Chiddingstone Hoath. Officers have arranged to meet with the informant
to obtain further information." Pics below -
1/ Hounds killing the fox 2/ Sab retrieves the corpse from hounds  4-12-16 Daily Mail Helpless fox is torn to shreds and left with
its intestines hanging from its body after a pack of vicious hounds brutally mauls it to death during an 'illegal hunt' Shocking video footage shows the moment a pack of vicious hounds
brutally mauls a fox to death during an apparent illegal hunt. The clip, shot on Saturday, shows the group of more than 20
dogs attack a helpless fox before it is plucked from the melee by an anti-hunt campaigner. Its lifeless and dismembered body
was then hauled over the shoulder of a man who walked off into the woodland with the pack of yelping canines behind him. The
fox's intestines can be seen hanging from its body while an activist carried the fox away in Chiddingstone Hoath, near
Tunbridge Wells, Kent. The Hunt Saboteurs Association said the video, apparently featuring members of the Old Surrey Burstow
& West Kent Hunt (OSB), has now been passed onto the police. On its website, the OSB says it was founded in 1999, but
has roots dating back to 1866, when a hunt called The Burstow began as a harrier pack. The group now hosts an annual black-tie
£70 ball at the Effingham Park Hotel near Crawley, West Sussex, for its members, as well as a puppy show judged by 'visiting
masters and huntsmen'.... 4-12-16 Facebook –
N.Downs Sabs ...the kill happened at 3.03 pm in woods at Frienden gill to the south of Chiddingstone
Hoath after the terrierman holloaed a fox away from a wood near home farm the hounds were in full cry for about ten minutes
before the kill ,sabs tried to call the hounds off and managed to get some of the pack off but sadly they managed to kill
seconds before two sabs got there. The sabs managed to recover the body. We are all very upset and feel that we let the fox
down. Please share these photos and the video on this site and the Guildford sabs site so people realise what goes on in the
countryside and expose the myth of trail hunting for the lie it is !
Atherstone FH supporter's tirade of abuse after sab car rammed 1-12-16 Facebook -W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone Hunt - Tuesday 29th November 2016 - Sutton Cheney
Desperation is setting in at the Atherstone Hunt now, days after assaulting sabs and stealing their cameras. Two
Atherstone supporters were filmed ramming their car into the sabs' vehicle in frustration. This was followed by a tirade
of sexist verbal abuse as well as threatening to punch one of the female sabs. The
number of riders has dropped to five, and the Hunt are still without a Whipper-In. We don’t need to say any more just
watch the video. The Atherstone Hunt, the mind boggles. Thank you to all everyone who generously donated towards a new camcorder
after the Atherstone violently stole it on Saturday, we now just need to replace the stolen body camera - donate. Supporter says -
"You fat fucking bitch... fucking whore... " etc 
NOVEMBER 2014..... 30th November - Sabs upload dramatic footage of fox alamost caught
by Fife FH
24th November - Six Dartmoor FH hounds killed as train ploughs into pack near Ivybridge
23rd November - VWH FH suupporter hit sab. Filmed. Police taking matter seriously!
..... 22nd November - Fell walker in Cumbria attacked with
stick when close to hound pack
22nd November - York & Ainsty S. FH pay compo after follower smashed sabs' windscreen
..... 19th November
- Fox escapes Flint & Denbigh FH with a little help from its friends ..... 18th November - LACS gives HA Anniversary present by finally supporting
strengthening ..... 15th November - D&S Staghounds 3 have illegal hunting charges dropped
by CPS
..... 15th November - Sabs say retrieved
body of fox killed by Albrighton & Woodland FH
8th November - Cattistock FH witnessed hunting both sides of busy A37 in foul weather
7th November - POWA Associate argues for Hunting Act strengthening in regional paper
4th November - Secret HSA film seems to show N.Cotswold FH servant feeding foxes
Blackmore FH cause road havoc while chasing foxes29-11-16 Private email from highly experienced monitor
...we monitored the Blackmore & Sparkford Vale FH at a place called Kings Stag in Dorset (no doubt a hunting place of
old!). No evidence of a trail being laid what so ever. Two foxes hunted, one a real beauty with lovely colouring. The huntsman
observing we saw the fox pretended otherwise and messed around in the farm buildings for some time before lifting the hounds
forward and picked up the line. A crazy run at one time all over a busy road that caused serious road havoc. Hunt behaved
as though they had complete right of way. At one stage I shouted to some riders to stay where they were when a lorry traveling
at some speed came along the road. Fox got away. Later when among farm buildings the hounds moved a fox out at speed followed
by the hounds. Riders knew we had seen this but did nothing to alert the huntsman. This fox ran into a deer park and we believe
got away as the light was fading. Although nothing like the BSV before the ban this was the first day this season they 'went
for it' This will be reported to Dorset police although we are probably not quite there legally with this wretched law.
Will get the film up at some time.
Atherstone FH supporters assault female sabs and steal
equipment Police officer sees fox fleeing and tells them to stop hunting 28-11-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO
Sabs assaulted and cameras stolen - Fox filmed running from the meet - Leics police tell huntsman to stop hunting [Atherstone hunt 26/11/16 Heath Lodge Farm, Newbold Verdon] Just after the Atherstone
hunt had moved off from their meet at Heath Lodge Farm sabs saw what looked like a bagged fox running from the farm towards
them. Hunt supporters also saw it and began assaulting the small group of sabs, throwing one sab to the ground and stealing
the camera from another sab who had filmed the fox. A body camera was also stolen with both cameras then thrown into a nearby
pond. This is not the first time the Atherstone Hunt have stolen cameras that have either filmed illegal hunting or filmed
the hunt using violence. Only last month, the Whipper-In encouraged Huntsman Stuart Barton to steal the camera from a sab
who had just filmed him jump off his horse and violently attack him. The incident was reported to the Police who were in attendance. Shortly after this incident,
Huntsman Barton was seen trying to hunt the same fox, calling his hounds all over the road and about to put them on to the
line of the fox the other side of the road. Leicestershire police saw the fox and the hounds and told the Hunt that he thought
they were hunting and told them to stop. This is a welcome development from Leicestershire police and we hope its not a one
off and that similar action will be taken next time the Atherstone are illegally hunting. However, it wasn't all good from the Police with one officer
a 1312 Lloyd telling one sab that “I don't think we should be policing the hunts at all”. Barton had his face
covered in what looked like foundation to try and hide the two big black eyes he received after being beaten by his former
terrier-man. The Hunt are still without a Whipper-In after their previous one was fired at the Hunt ball. Dove Valley Mink
Hound huntsman Will Shaw continues to babysit Barton to try and prevent any calamities happening due to his poor hound control,
he spent most of the day collecting stray hounds that Barton had lost. Thank
you to everyone who has previously complained to Leicestershire Police, this latest development wouldn't have happened
without you, lets hope this is the first step in Leicestershire Police cracking down on the Atherstone's illegal hunting.
Any help appreciated towards new cameras as sabs will
be in the field next week. They stole over £400 of equipment. 
being assaulted by supporter
Huntsman with hounds on road 
PC tells sabs will
stop them hunting
Hound caught on barbie Easton Harriers kill another hare, chase deer, trespass on farm Suffolk
police stand by doing nothing, as usual 27-11-16 Facebook – Norfolk/Suffolk Sabs Easton Harriers –
26/11/16 Runway Farm - Great Glenhan, Suffolk Yesterday the Easton Harriers met at Runway farm in Great
Glenham, Suffolk. The day began with the brutal murder of yet another brown hare [left], ironically
while being told by a member of the hunt that the hounds were following a trail (which was not true). An animal with such
beauty was reduced to nothing more than an object of sick pleasure. The Hunt soon moved on and continued hunting while sabs
kept with them. We were subject to violence and aggressive behaviour from both the Hunt and also their (rather small) following.
As the hound flushed through various terrain a hare bolted behind us, away from the hunt. It's scent was soon covered
just before Alun Thomas took the hounds in the area. That's one hare they didn't catch [below
right]. Later in the day, the Easton were
caught trespassing in an area which had livestock in and did little to control their hounds. The landowners expressed their
hatred for this specific Hunt as they told us it wasn't the first time that this had happened. One of the landowners told
us that his livestock had be victim to the hounds in the past and that he had written to the Hunt, telling them that they are not welcome. It was made clear that sabs were always welcome on
their land and that a cup of tea would always be ready on our arrival. The Hunt and the hounds continued to trespass through a woodland which resulted in 4 deer bolting from the area [below left]. Hounds quickly
spotted them and began to chase them. The Hunt panicked and took great efforts to take control of the pack. Some riders dismounted
in an attempt to help and, in the chaos, another rider was seen falling off his horse. Sabs used voice calls to aid distraction
of the hounds but were soon met with 2 riders who used their horses as weapons [bottom]. Thankfully the deer were able to get away unharmed. The rest of the day was spent collecting a split pack of hounds and, after eventually collecting
the majority of them, they headed back to the meet and went home. Police were in attendance and took no interest in the events that took place that day. No one from the Hunt was questioned
and the Police had no intention to. This is now the 4th recorded kill by this Hunt, this year, and yet they are aloud to continue
hunting twice a week. If a specific Hare Courser was found to be doing such things so often, then they would face the full
force of the law. We ask Suffolk Police and WLO Lee-Andrews Pearce what is going to be done about this hunt who, on many occasions,
openly hunt and kill hares with a full pack of hounds. We urge our supporters to contact Lee Andrews-Pearce for Suffolk Police
at ruralcrimeteam@suffolk.pnn.police.uk and/or Chief Constable Gareth Wilson of Suffolk at Helen.griffin@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
(Executive Assistant) and express your concerns.
Modbury Harriers cause road havoc as Huntsman can't control hounds 27-11-16 Facebook - Devon Sabs VIDEO Report
- Saturday 26/11/16 - Modbury Harriers After receiving several reports from independent sources
that the Modbury Harriers had been frequently illegally hunting and killing foxes recently, we thought we should check this
out. So, yesterday, we headed to Sheepham Mill, near Modbury, Devon, where they were meeting. Sheepham Mill is the business
enterprise of Admiral Sir James Burnell-Nugent, former Commander in Chief of the Royal Navy. His wife, Lady Burnell-Nugent,
rides with the Modbury (who says there are no class issues in hunting, eh??). The Hunt left the meet and headed immediately west, with this season's new amateur huntsman and ex-beagler with
the Royal Agricultural College, Harry Gosling, putting the hounds into Ermington Wood. He was accompanied by approximately
20 riders and the usual quad bike equipped with three terriers but minus number plates. There were no signs of trails being
laid, and supporters looked like naughty children caught with their hands in the sweetie jar when they realised they'd
have company for the day. We kept close tabs on the hunt, as hounds briefly picked up on and lost scents in Ermington, encouraged on by Gosling. Drawing blanks, Gosling then moved on to nearby Edmeston. By now, he also knew he had company,
and it was interesting to see how his behaviour changed, settling for just walking with the hounds, with little verbal encouragement
to spread out and find scents. Gosling continued to move into the wind for the rest of the day, always closely escorted by
our watchful presence. Things remained pretty uneventful until hounds suddenly
picked up on a scent near Higher Ludbrook later in the afternoon. Sabs saw a fox fleeing to safety along a hedge-line, whilst
hounds went crazy, scattering over a wide area in full cry. Hunt staff were seen tearing around in a panicked attempt to regain
control of the hounds, and we witnessed some of the most inept management of a pack of hounds we've seen! Gosling really
knows how to put the "amateur" into amateur huntsman! With hounds spilling out of hedgerows along a mile-long stretch
of the busy A3121 road, hunt vehicles and riders were forced to block the road to oncoming traffic in both directions. Gosling,
unable to gather the pack on his horse had to resort to being on foot, whilst the quad bike passenger took his horse. One
hunt vehicle even thought it was sensible to reverse nearly a mile, whilst facing on-coming traffic. It was complete chaos,
and showed no thought for the safety of other road users or the Hunt's animals. We videoed the whole sorry affair and
will be putting this up later in the week. Are we really expected to believe they laid a trail on a main highway?! We don't
really need to answer that one, do we? After the Hunt finally gathered the pack they moved on, still into the wind, to
draw further coverts near Shilston Barton and Shilston Brook. Access here was limited, so we had to settle for watching from
a distance. However, they failed to pick up on much else, and the hounds were all un-bloodied and clean when the Hunt finally
returned to pack up at 4.30 in the fading daylight. It was pretty obvious to us, from what we saw, that these hounds were
trained to chase and kill live animals, as they are in most Hunts across the country, and we'll be visiting the Modbury
Harriers again throughout this season.
Easton Harriers seen hunting and killing
hare yet again 21-11-16 HSA Press Release Easton Harriers
Witnessed Killing a Hare for Third Time this Year Hunt Saboteurs witnessed the Easton Harriers
kill a hare, for the third time this year, at their meet on Saturday the 19th November. The Hunt met at the White Horse Pub, Badingham, Suffolk and were illegally hunting hares from the start. The Huntsman Alun
Thomas deliberately put his hounds into crop fields and other areas where hares were likely to be sheltering and sure enough
in the middle of the afternoon the hounds picked up the scent of a pair of hares. One of them escaped but the other was heard
screeching as hounds pounced on it. It escaped from their jaws but was quickly pulled out of a ditch by other hounds - cold,
wet, bloody and dead. The hunt saboteurs managed to retrieve the body [left] and
it is currently being autopsied. They remained with
the Hunt for the rest of the day and their actions saved other lives as the hunt continued to actively pursue hares.
Lee Moon, Spokesperson
for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Hare hunting doesn't have as high a profile as fox hunting but it was
also made illegal under the Hunting Act. Beagle and harrier packs continue to flout the Act and illegally hunt and kill hare.
The Easton Harriers are repeat offenders and received national press coverage just last month when one of their members was
filmed with a dead hare stuffed inside her jacket. When questioned she claimed it was a very large rabbit. This was subsequently
refuted by the British Rabbit Association who confirmed that it was a hare. Our thanks go to those brave saboteurs whose actions
continue to highlight this barbaric “sport”. We ask Suffolk Police why they are allowing blatant illegal hunting
to go unchallenged in their county?”
HSA welcomes but also criticizes Bonomy Review 21-11-16 HSA Press Release Scottish Hunting
Act Reviewed Lord Bonomy has agreed with anti-hunt organisations and Police Scotland that the current
law offers too many loop holes, and is unworkable, in his review of the Protection of wild Mammals (Scotland) Act. He
goes as far as to say “there is a basis for suspecting that there may be occasions when hunting, which does not fall
within one of the exceptions, does take place and that the grounds for that suspicion should be addressed” Sadly the review does not focus on the welfare of the fox or how much suffering the fox may
endure before death. Scottish Hunt Saboteurs who have experience of the current situation at Scottish Hunts have studied the
review and have the following observations:- The proposed
changes would only strengthen the outcome of an illegal kill and does nothing to address the illegal hunting that still takes
place, or does anything to protect the fox on the day of a hunt. The idea of part-time monitors would only work if those involved are impartial from both sides of the hunting argument and have enough knowledge to be able to correctly convey what is
happening in front of them. We feel it is not a role that just anyone can take without substantial knowledge of how hunting
actually works and then this leaves the role open to people who could also be biased. If the role is voluntary then again
the wrong type of person without the correct knowledge could be in place and in a situation they simply would not understand. We welcome the concept of tighter rules and a recklessness clause being
applied to the Hunts who pretend to accidentally kill outwit the current law. But again the recent story regarding the Lanarkshire
and Renfrewshire hunt shooting and not killing a fox and causing it to suffer before being killed by hounds needs to be addressed.
We also welcome the idea of all participants of the hunts being registered to the police making it easier to identify those
breaking hunting laws, which would include landowners who allow hunting to take place on their land. We call on the Scottish Parliament to take Lord Bonomy’s words into account when drafting new legislation to
remove loop holes but to take it further and finally ban hunting from Scotland once and for all. Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Only weeks ago Scottish sabs retrieved
the body of a fox [above right] that had been shot by the Lanarkshire
and Renfrewshire Hunt. This poor creature took 5 minutes to die and was savaged by the hounds after being shot. Whilst we
welcome Lord Bonomy's review, hunters have shown consistently over the past decade that they aren't willing to abide
by any laws and regulations relating to their barbaric pastime. The only remaining course of action is to disband all the
Review says Scottish hunt ban must be strengthened21-11-16 Guardian Scottish foxhunting review calls for stronger legislation
Lord Bonomy [right] urges government to amend law with greater consistency and appoint independent
monitors to observe hunts. Landowners in Scotland should be held legally responsible for hunts on their property, with
hunt activities observed by independent monitors and governed by a new code of practice, according to a review of Scotland’s
foxhunting legislation. Campaigners immediately welcomed the “robust and detailed”
report by Iain Bonomy, which was commissioned by the Scottish government last December after significant concerns were raised
about loopholes in the law. Since Scotland became the first in the UK to ban traditional foxhunting and hare coursing in 2002,
it has been illegal to hunt a wild mammal with a dog. But Hunts in Scotland can continue to kill foxes by practising an exemption
to the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act called “flushing to guns”, which means using dogs to chase foxes
from beneath cover in order to shoot them. The report, which was published on Monday, agrees there
was law breaking under the ban, and further argues that current legislation “complicates unduly” the detection,
investigation and prosecution of alleged offences. Recommending the law be amended with greater consistency and clarity, Lord
Bonomy also asks the Scottish government to consider the appointment of independent monitors to observe the activities of
hunts on a random basis, a code of practice for the conduct of hunt activities, and whether a landowner who permits a hunt
to ride over his land would be vicariously liable if someone involved in the hunt committed an offence. The report also highlights a submission to the review by Police Scotland, which warned that exceptions to the offence
were being exploited by those determined to continue hunting with dogs, and that lack of clear definition in the legislation
created confusion. The League Against Cruel Sports welcomed the vicarious liability recommendation as adding an extra layer
of scrutiny that would “force landowners to question the motivations of hunts”. Robbie
Marsland, the League’s Scotland director, said: “Lord Bonomy and Police Scotland agree there is abuse and exploitation
of the current law, which the review proposes to address with robust new legislation and stronger enforcement. This will not
only change the face of hunting in Scotland – it sends a powerful signal to Westminster how illegal hunting can be tackled
forcefully.” Calling on the Scottish government to strengthen the law before the end of the current foxhunting season
in March 2017. Marsland said: “Public opinion in Scotland wants to see foxhunting banned, the government thought they
had banned it and now Lord Bonomy and Police Scotland reveal that the hunts are running a coach and horses through the legislation.” Holyrood’s environment secretary, Roseanna Cunningham, said the Scottish government would make its response
next year, adding: “Back in 2002, Scotland led the way in addressing animal welfare concerns and we remain committed
to ensuring the highest levels of welfare for our wild animals.” While disputing the suggestion that there was any problem
with enforcement of current legislation, Scottish Countryside Alliance director Jamie Stewart said: “We are pleased
that the inquiry has recognised the importance of gun packs for fox control and has rejected unjustified calls for further
restrictions.” 21-11-16 Herald Scotland Herald View - The law on hunting with dogs
must be toughened up IN 2002, the Scottish Parliament passed legislation that was intended to ban hunting with dogs, but how robust is the ban in reality? Since
the Act was passed, there have been no successful prosecutions and animal welfare organisations have claimed there is widespread
evasion of the law - just last weekend two charities published what they said was proof a fox was killed by dogs during a
recent hunt. Last year, this lack of clarity and confidence in the
law led the Scottish Government to announce a review by Lord Bonomy and he has now delivered his report. Lord Bonomy says
there are grounds for suspecting illegal hunting is still taking place and that the law should be changed to make prosecutions
easier. He has also suggested introducing monitors to check on hunts, with their reports admissible in court, as well as a
code of practice for the conduct of hunts. These are good recommendations and if accepted by the Government, would be a step
towards limiting what looks like widespread evasion of the law. The legislation states that the hunting of foxes with dogs
is illegal but that a dog can be used to flush out a fox provided it is shot “when it is safe to do so”. However,
one of the problems is there is no definition of how long the flushing-out of the fox can last and the law has been interpreted
by some hunts as allowing a lengthy chase. Independent monitors, as
suggested by Lord Bonomy, may be able to cast some light on this situation and help enforce a law that is opaque and open
to exploitation. One of the aims of the monitors would be establish how often hunts are chasing foxes with dogs, and for how
long, and if and when the foxes are being killed by the dogs rather than being shot. But introducing monitors may not be enough
– if their evidence shows there is widespread evasion of the law, then the Government will have to be prepared to act
and toughen up the law even further. Scotland’s ban on hunting with dogs must be made to work. POWAperson
adds - Pic above left is a fox savaged to death recently by the Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire FH, whose killing was filmed
and corpse retrieved by sabs. The Bonomy report was also covered by BBC News and the Plymouth Herald. The report is welcome and cogent in parts. However, it appears to ignore the central problem with
the Scottish law - the number of dogs allowed to flush to guns. Allowing a full pack makes it extraordinarily difficult to
distinguish with certainty what is legitimate 'pest control' under the law and what is effectively a traditional pre-ban
fox hunt and encourages the activity to be viewed as 'sport'. One also wonders where 'independent' monitors
are to be found!
committee - RSPCA should not prosecute, including Hunts 16-11-16 Daily
Telegraph RSPCA should be stripped of powers to prosecute cases of animal cruelty,
MPs say The RSPCA is “targeting vulnerable, ill and elderly” people and removing their pets,
and should be stripped of its powers to prosecute cases of animal cruelty, an MPs report has found. The MPs on an influential
House of Commons select committee said that the RSPCA’s hounding of pet owners over
animal cruelty had “damaged its reputation”. However the charity said it would continue prosecuting cases of cruelty
– putting it on a collision course with Parliament and ministers, if they agree with the committee’s findings. Last night, senior a former Conservative government law officer
threatened to back a law to strip the RSPCA of its right to prosecute cases of animal cruelty. Sir Edward Garnier [right], a former Conservative Solicitor general, said: “It would be much safer if
we have a clean break and put the prosecutions in the hands of the CPS, rather than in the RSPCA. If it requires legislation
then the government should introduce the legislation as soon as possible.” Simon Hart [left], a
Tory member of the committee and former chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, added the RSPCA now believed it was “untouchable”.
The committee also recommended that the maximum penalty for animal welfare crimes should be increased to five years. It also called for a ban on the third party sale of dogs,
so that they are only available from licensed, regulated breeders or approved rehoming organisations. The RSPCA, one of the world’s oldest animal welfare charities, has been heavily
criticised for the way it has investigated and prosecuted cases of animal cruelty and fox hunting. The Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs Committee said there was a “conflict of interest” in the charity’s role in bringing forward
private prosecutions as well as investigating cases, campaigning and fundraising. The committee called on ministers to change
the law so that the RSPCA would continue to investigate animal welfare cases but then pass their findings to the Crown Prosecution
Service or another body to carry out this role. If there were no statutory alternatives and where a prosecution would further
its charitable objectives, the RSPCA could still bring a prosecution in England and Wales, the committee said. Tory MP and committee
chairman Neil Parish [right] admitted that “the RSPCA
does important working investigating animal welfare cases.” But he added: "The committee is not convinced,
however, that the RSPCA is in a better position than the Crown Prosecution Service when it comes to prosecuting animal welfare
cases. “It should step back from making prosecutions itself, continuing instead to work closely with the police and
prosecution service to protect the welfare of animals.” The committee highlighted evidence from the Self-Help Group
for farmers, pet owners and others experiencing problems with the RSPCA, which said the animal-keeping public felt alienated
by the charity’s “targeting of vulnerable, ill or elderly people” and the removal of their animals. There
had been occasions when RSPCA inspectors allowed vets to sign for the removal of animals without seeing the animal in question,
although the charity recently issued guidance to stop this happening in future. The RSPCA prosecuted the Heythrop Hunt, former prime minister David Cameron’s local hunt,
at the end of 2012 with success only coming after huge sums were spent, and attracted negative publicity for its failed prosecution
of a family for alleged cruelty to its cat. Jeremy Cooper [left], the RSPCA’s chief executive, said nine out of 10 members of the public back
the charity’s prosecutions’ policy. Mr Cooper said: “This recommendation is not supported by the Government, vets, other major animal welfare charities, and local authorities, and flies in the face of the majority of evidence
put before the committee. We will consider this report carefully while we will continue to prosecute those who starve, beat,
stab, burn and abuse animals. For us the key test will be if the recommendation improves animal welfare and we suspect the
answer in this case would probably be no.” 16-11-16 RSPCA Insights Part of Jeremy Coopers
rebuttal … The Committee released their report this week and chose
to ignore all of this evidence, recommending instead the RSPCA alone of all organisations or individuals in this country should
stop taking private prosecutions and hand our evidence over to the CPS to prosecute. But only if the government also funded
the CPS to do this. I am baffled by this recommendation. The RSPCA has a success rate of 92 percent – higher than the
CPS and our prosecutions are paid for by public donations rather than taxes. What benefit could there be to passing over the
role and cost of prosecuting to the CPS which will quite rightly need to prioritise human victims of crime. I don’t
believe the Government has the money or indeed the desire to do this. Indeed they have said as such.... So I will consider
one simple question. Will animal welfare be improved by accepting the Committee’s recommendation for us to stop prosecuting?
I believe not and so I am reassuring our half a million supporters, the 89 percent of the public that think we should be doing
this, the 1.2 million people that call our cruelty line every year, that we will continue our long history of prosecuting
animal welfare offences in furtherance of our charitable purposes, despite the calls to the contrary by a very small number
of MPs. The animals would expect no less. POWAperson comments - As we are sure the RSPCA is aware,
the attempt to strip them of their prosecution powers is almost entirely motivated by the Society's temerity in prosecuting
organised Hunts and really started when the Heythrop convictions were achieved at the end of 2012. All five of the Conservative
members of the EFRA Select Committee are strong supporters of hunting with hounds. Gratifyingly, the RSPCA seems to
be standing firm - though it is now a long time since they brought an illegal hunting case..
Sab assaulted by Flint & Denbigh FH supporter 13-11-16 Facebook - Cheshire Sabs Hit Report 12th November
2016 Yesterday we met up with our Comrades, N.Wales Hunt Sabs & Lancaster Sabs, and headed
off to find the Flint and Denbigh Hunt [right].We believe they left early, doing away with the 'traditional'
11 o'clock meet to try and avoid having a day's hunting sabotaged!
After a short drive around we found them hunting at the Coed Coch Estate in Dolwen, Conway.
The Hunt were visibly unimpressed with our arrival and several riders left for home. After some brief exchanges with hunt
support trying to slow us down with conversation, sabs split off into three groups. Keeping in constant contact with each other we surrounded the estate and found the Hunt Master
Jeremy Reed with the remaining riders and hounds who were onto the scent of a fox that had
bolted. Hunt support were heard hollering in the distance desperately trying to alert the hunt to the presence of a fox. Sabs were straight into action, briefly being
slowed down by hunt thugs who were trying to stop us from entering the field, we successfully turned the hounds and left Jeremy,
who was now on foot trying to gather his hounds, very, very frustrated! A sab observing from the roadside
was assaulted by a hunt thug and has been reported to the police. The Hunt spent the final part of their day gathering up
loose hounds sulking on the hillside for quite some time. With sabs now monitoring from the roadside, the Hunt headed back
to the meet.
NT warns Portman
FH after they cause 'extensive damage' to Neolithic site 11-11-16 Bournemouth Echo National Trust writes to Portman Hunt about "out of control"
hounds after "extensive damage" done to Hambledon Hill THE National Trust has written to the
Portman Hunt [right] amid claims made locally that its horses
and hounds damaged Hambledon Hill, one of the finest examples of an iron age hill fort in Dorset. It is claimed the hunt left
the recognised bridleway and came across the hill during a half term hunt last month. Local resident Jerry Broadway, believes this is the second time the hunt has damaged
the hill fort. He said: "After leaving the bridleway the Hunt scattered livestock which were panicked by
the hounds who were completely out of control. On this occasion extensive damage was done by the horses to the hill generally,
and most worryingly the Neolithic Longbarrow which is over 3,000 years old. They have now twice been guilty of damage to a
scheduled ancient monument. What, I wonder will it take to make them actually take real notice?" Meanwhile, National Trust West & North Dorset general manager Helen Mann confirmed
complaints had been received that a hunt crossed Hambledon Hill. She said: "It appears that the Hunt, while crossing
the hill on a bridleway, left the track to round up some dogs which had got out of control. Hambledon Hill is a remarkable
and important site for both wildlife and archaeology and we have written to the hunt to remind them that they must stay on
the bridleway when crossing the hill. Any horses being ridden off the bridleway risk damage and erosion to the fragile Iron
Age ramparts which give the hill its distinctive appearance." Hambledon Hill was acquired by the National Trust last year. Built over 2,000 years ago, the massive earthwork defences
lay over one of the most significant early Neolithic landscapes in Western Europe, dating back almost 6,000 years, and is
a place half of British butterfly species call home. Standing at twice the height of the White Cliffs of Dover and taller
than the London Shard, Hambledon Hill occupies an area of land the size of 50 football pitches. From the summit of the hill
for you can see across three counties - Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire. The Portman Hunt was unavailable for comment.  Hambledon Hill [credit Marilyn Peddle]
Example of damage done
retrieve mangled corpse of fox slaughtered by Essex & Suffolk FH 8-11-16 Facebook = Cambridge Sabs We
can now sadly reveal images of the fox who was killed by the Essex & Suffolk Hunt on 22nd October 2016.
This young vixen was hunted to her death by Huntsman Joe Tesseyman. The Master is James Buckle [High
Sherriff of Suffolk]. Hunt saboteurs were only able to recover her disemboweled,
shredded body from the jaws of the hounds. A police report has been made with Suffolk Constabulary. Further images and footage
may be revealed in due course pending investigation results. Sabs
from Cambridge Hunt Saboteurs and SES - Suffolk And Essex Hunt Sabs attended the Hunt's meet near the village of Lindsey.
The Essex & Suffolk have a long history of flouting the Hunting Act and
we regularly manage to prevent them from making a final kill, but this time were not able to intervene. From Lindsey they hunted west and made the kill on land belonging
to an environmentally friendly conservation farm that is a popular school-age attraction and wedding/events venue, The Tudor
Barn, Milden, at Milden Hall [right].We have spoken to the landowners
at Milden Hall, who say they are keen conservationists who promote wildlife in Suffolk and they assure us that none of their
family hunt (or even ride), nor go out when the Hunt are there, however they do occasionally allow the Hunt to come over their
land within the law but do not condone illegal hunting. We have made them aware that the Essex & Suffolk is an illegal
hunt and that they are out there, at least twice a week, chasing, digging and tearing apart foxes regardless of the ban. We
hope that this gives them the wake-up call needed to withdraw permission for the hunt to access their land. We cannot imagine the terror and pain at being chased across country by a pack of hounds and
humans on horseback, to be ripped to shreds only once you're exhausted and cannot
run, or dug out by men with spades if you've sought refuge underground. Such a terrible and barbaric smear on our countryside
and we'd hope more businesses and landowners steer well clear of being involved and give hunters the message that it is
not acceptable. The Hunt showed no remorse for the kill, and did not attempt to recover the fox from the hounds once she'd
been caught. It was only the attending hunt saboteurs who attempted to save her life. Once she was pulled from the jaws of
the 30 or so hounds, it was clear she had been ripped to pieces. Her body was brought to a local wildlife rescue for analysis.
To us, this is tragic. To the Essex & Suffolk Hunt, and the 180 or so
active fox hunting packs throughout the country however, it's just the result of a day's 'sport'. We will
continue to work to protect wildlife from this atrocity in the Eastern Counties, and urge you to support your local Hunt Saboteurs
group in doing so where you live too. To this little vixen who ran for her life, and the thousands of others who suffer the
same fate each year: we will use their deaths to strengthen our resolve and raise awareness of the horrific reality of fox
hunting today.
FH obstruct traffic on A5098-11-16 Facebook – Northants Sabs We received these photos taken today of the Oakley Hunt causing a traffic disruption on the A509,
they clearly have no care for their horses, the hounds or the safety of road users. 
Female sabs attacked at Beaufort after
artificial earth use discovered One victim punched in face, other surrounded and harassed 7-11-16 Facebook – 3 Counties Sabs VIDEO On Saturday 5th November, we met up with our close friends Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch to visit the (Duke of) Beaufort Hunt at their
opening meet. Soon after the Hunt left the meet at Worcester Lodge, a couple of 3C Sabs drove round to intercept the Hunt
and spotted a couple of quadbikes parked up in the corner of a field. With others on their way round to find the Hunt, we
stopped to check it out and were soon joined by three more quads, two of which also drove into the field. As a sab passed
these quads, one man was on the phone, we think warning the others that sabs were in the area. As the sab reached the original
two quads, she could hear people within the wood and walked in to find a number of people with spades at an artificial earth.
We are unsure as to whether they had flushed a fox out of the AE as hounds were soon heard in full cry just a few fields away,
or whether they were attempting to get to a fox. We will certainly be keeping a closer eye on this area in the future! Later in the day, as the Hunt were just about to pack up, we spotted the same quadbikes and
went to make sure they weren't up to no good. One sab was surrounded by about 10 Hunt riders, 5 quadbikes and 3 4x4s with
horses being ridden at her and guys from the quads trying to grab her. Another sab coming in to make sure she was OK was punched
in the face after a woman tried to steal her radio from her. Great way to act in front of your kids! Despite being known for
some violence 'back in the day' Captain Ian Farquhar told the thugs to back down as he would not have 2 women being
assaulted on his land. We appreciate his intervention and hope he might do something about these thugs in the future - why
would anyone want to be associated with such people... 9-11-16 Facebook
Cirencester - Illegal Hunt Watch [Lines
duplicated in above report removed] On Saturday 5th November we met up with our close friends Three
Counties Hunt Sabs to visit the Beaufort Hunt at their opening meet at Worcester Lodge, South Gloucestershire. This is the
lodge that leads to Badminton House which is the home of the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort. In this estate they hold the Badminton
Horse trials and pheasant shoots. As is usual with the Beaufort, the field was very large.... ‘Over the years there have been many exposes of hunts building and maintaining artificial fox earths
and providing supplementary food for foxes. This widespread practice was even acknowledged by hunters in submissions to the
Burns Inquiry. The Inquiry's response further undermines hunters' claims of 'fox control': "...it is hard to reconcile any use of artificial earths by the hunts with the argument that foxes are a pest
and that their numbers need to be controlled through hunting."[League Against Cruel Sports] As the Three Counties video shows, this single sab demonstrated great courage going straight into this big group of
terrier men who were clearly engaged in something illegal, and her presence with her camera was enough to flush them out.
We are unsure as to whether they had flushed a fox out of the AE or were attempting to get one out of there when disturbed,
but hounds were soon heard in full cry just a few fields away and a fox was seen fleeing across a field in Sopworth just below
the hunt. The hunt followers saw it but a CIHW monitor saw it too and they had little option but to leave it on this occasion
as they wouldn’t want to be seen illegally hunting would they? However they did disturb the grazing animals particularly
the herd of cows in the field that they hunted through. The Hunt made repeated
attempts to hunt coverts by running from the monitors and sabs but we kept up with them... watching them call the hounds out
because they were on camera. After collecting second horses at the kennels, they continued well into the afternoon. They went
alongside the railway at Alderton and when the sabs arrived the hounds were on cry near Goulters Gorse, going from there into
Alderton Grove where they were searching through. But teamwork from the two groups meant that there was someone with a camera
on the four corners of the wood which meant they had nowhere to hunt the fox out and the hounds were called out and taken
towards Badminton Station. It is ironic that sabs and monitors going into Badminton Park
near the kennels were repeatedly challenged by hunters for being on private land when they were in fact on a right of way
... one tall strip of a hunter with very white breeches, made quite a fool of himself by prancing on foot self-righteously
after them and taking their photographs when they had every right to be there. As
usual with this large hunt, the participants in the field were laughing and joking between themselves (as well as making derogatory
comments about 'antis') ... this is their fun, it is their day out and this time the monitors had a close up view
of the price paid for this fun. After the hunt had left one area, two of our monitors came out onto the road and turning round
spotted a fox just sitting in the field quite close to them. Foxes are usually gone in a flash if they see or hear a human
near them, but it just sat there. This must have been the fox the hunt had been chasing and it had been run to exhaustion.
When it did move its tongue was lolling and as it went slowly forward it kept looking back over its shoulder in the direction
the hunt had gone. When you see foxes in the wild, hunting or moving about their territory, you never see their tongue lolling
out, this is only ever seen in what the hunts charmingly call a 'beaten fox' and it signifies that they have been
pushed beyond their natural limits. To see this beautiful wild animal in such a state was heart-rending. At least it had got
away, but at what cost? It is known that foxes can die from the extreme exertion they are put to by hunting, even if they
are not torn apart by the hounds or dug out and killed by terrier men. There is no excuse for this in the 21st century. The more sabs and monitors witness and film, the sooner this truly
cruel sport will end.
Sab car rammed by Oakley FH hunt supporter, sabs punched Hunt warned by police for illegal hunting 5-11-16 Twitter
N.Cambs Sabs This is our vehicle today after being deliberately rammed by hunt support from the Oakley hunt.
Nobody injured but other sabs were punched... 6-11-16 Twitter - N.Cambs Sabs … Not enough for conviction - police with us all day - one Hunt member arrested for
assault and hunt warned for illegal hunting. 10-11-16 Facebook – N.Cambs Sabs This is a 6 second video clip taken from the front-facing dash-cam when we were deliberately rammed by hunt support
on Saturday. You need to watch with sound. We're already halfway to our total which is amazing but please keep sharing
and help us get to our total so we can be back out on the road doing our job. Gogetfunding.com Due to being deliberately rammed into by hunt supporters
we need a new vehicle ASAP We now need a new and larger vehicle for this season to make sure our growing group stays on the
road and keeps fighting the animal abusers in our communities. 7-11-16
morethanjustbadgers.net ... The day itself was fairly tough. We had a vehicle
rammed which sustained serious damage, we were blocked in by 4 Landrovers filled with thugs all offering to rearrange our
features and I was assaulted by one of the thugs, Luckily I was wearing an armoured hat so the punch to the back of my head
as I was walking away (cheap shot) didn’t knock me out. Had I not been wearing it I have no doubt my bell would have
been well and truly rung! He was subsequently arrested and is now on bail pending further inquiries. I was wearing a
head cam which was running at the time and the footage has been sent to the police as evidence. Another interesting incident
was the police actually witnessing a fox being chased. Sabs were on hand to cover it’s scent but this clear violation
of the Hunting act gave the police no option but to warn the hunt for hunting illegally. Long may it continue. Sab ridden down by frustrated Ross Harriers
rider [he's O.K.] 5-11-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs Ross Harriers stopped
from killing so turn to using violence against sabs We met up with sabs from Bath, South Wales &
3C today and headed over the bridge to Garway where the Ross Harriers were just finishing their breakfast before a days hunting.
Perfect timing! We were in good numbers which meant the hunt were always
in our sight. A few early attempts at hunting were called off by Huntsman, Owain, when he realised a large number of cameras
were pointing in his direction (one of which from a member of the press we had out with us). Soon enough the Hunt were back to their usual business of hunting illegally but we were quickly on the scene to stamp
it out. We watched hare after hare flee to safety and the frustrated hunt decided to turn on us by punching sabs and even
riding one down (thankfully the sab is OK). Our colleague from the press has everything on film. More confrontations occurred with another Ross Harriers supporter breaking the press camera (again, footage has all
been documented). As the Hunt started to wind down, we came across another hunt: The Leadon Vale Bassets who were also in
the area chasing hares. We split into two groups and monitored them until they finally called it a day as darkness fell. We're
exhausted but happy to see so many hares get away today. If the Ross Harriers think violence will deter us, they can think
again. Police stand and watch Atherstone FH hunting fox Didn't intervene
even when pack ran into road 5-11-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Fox hunted in front of
police, who do nothing Atherstone Hunt 5th November - tte Hollybush, Ashby Parva. Jon Hadfield was not
present at the hunt on Saturday [see two stories down]. We hope the
Masters have told him he is not welcome. To do otherwise would be to endorse the carrying of knives and slashing of tyres.
If the Masters do allow him to attend again they will be sending a clear signal that this type of activity is supported by
the Hunt. The Atherstone met at the Hollybush in Ashby Parva on Saturday
with a small turnout of about 12 riders. Despite Leicestershire police making a rare appearance huntsman Stuart Barton carried
on blatantly hunting with clear intent right in front of them. At one point a fox was even chased across a field in front
of them and out onto the adjacent road. Luckily, sabs were on the road to slow the traffic and prevent any accidents. The
two officers did nothing to stop this. They didn't even speak with the Hunt about this incident and let them carry on
hunting for the rest of the day. When questioned about this later, the police
said that they “thought a fox was being chased but weren't sure”. If they thought a fox was being chased why
then did they allow the Atherstone to carry on hunting for the rest of the day? If they think other crimes are being committed
but “aren't sure” do they let these crimes continue to be committed? We stayed with Barton all day and on
a number of occasions out of frustration he could be heard losing his temper and shouting. Pics below - First, fox fleeing from hounds along hedge line. Second, hounds, in cry, not far behind fox. Third,
self-explanatory. Fourth, the two boys in blue watching the Atherstone hunting fox.  
Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire FH kill fox in front of sabs 6-11-16 Facebook – Grampian Sabs VIDEO PLEASE SHARE
Yesterday the Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire Hunt made a kill in front of us. Hunting still very much goes on in the UK. The
laws have not changed this. Foxes are still dying in agony every week. Please share this far and wide, write to your MPs and
support your local hunt sabs. Here is footage taken by Grampian and Fife & Central Scotland Hunt Sabs yesterday. The fox's
body is currently under examination. While we sadly can't save them
all we do save many foxes and will continue to document the illegal kills. Full report of the day will come soon.   POWAperson adds - Pics above - First shows the hounds hurtling
on to the fox just after they put it up. Second shows a sab grabbing the fox from hounds. It is mortally injured. Third shows
the riders and pack shortly afterwards. Fourth, the dead fox laid out. Note
the severe wounds to the abdomen and chest. No 'quick nip to the neck' here. There wouldn't be. That's
a myth. Dogs nearly always attack the abdomen. Death usually occurs as a result of shock and blood loss and it is usually
not quick. The sabs could find no gun wounds, but an autopsy found one, non-fatal. The Scottish 'ban' allows
any number of dogs to be used to 'flush out' quarry, so long as the fox is shot dead as soon as practicable. No
guns, no legal hunting. In
fox hunting, the quarry may be chased for anything up to an hour and a half, using hounds bred for stamina rather then speed.
Long chases are preferred as they give better 'sport'. Uninterrupted chases are known as 'points'. These
used to be celebrated in hunting reports that used to be published, sometimes in local newspapers. They sometimes exceed
ten miles in length. In this case, however, the fox was put up and killed very soon after. In hunting parlance it was 'chopped',
something hunters would rather avoid as it gives little fun. The
story was also reported in the Scottish Sun.
Harriers stampede pregnant cattle, terrify ewesSabs
save hare from their hounds 3-11-16 Facebook – S.Cambs Sabs Hit Report –
2/11/16 Yesterday we joined up with Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs to sab the Waveney Harriers [left] who met at Ashby Hall farm (Ashby) six miles north west of
Lowestoft. The hunt were less than impressed at our presence, holding up on a field for half an hour in deep discussion (probably
on how to lose their determined tail). In their wisdom the Waveney decided to head towards station road and hunt the woods
and copses that run parallel with a busy railway line. In previous years this very Hunt had poor hounds nearly killed on this railway line holding up a train for several minutes, showing the absolute disregard they have
for any animal they use for their illegal 'bloodsport'. We spent the next couple of hours running behind them, whilst
coordinating with other sabs who were being positioned ahead of them. As the Hunt finally moved away from
the copses and hedgerows next to the railway line, the Hunt moved northwards flushing every small woods as they passed them.
In the third flushing of a woods, the hounds went into cry becoming extremely vocal and high pitched very quickly. Luckily
Sabs were already positioned next to these woods and as we ran into the woods behind the huntsman 'Reuben' both filming
and using voice calls to lift the hounds heads off the scent, he unwillingly had to call the hounds away from the wood. A
further three times the hounds went into cry in the afternoon including a chase on both a fox and later a hare. Whilst rioting
on a fox, the hunt invaded a paddock with two heavily pregnant cows, causing both to ram the iron fencing and escaping onto
the road. Hounds immediately after rioted in a field with ewes (sheep) who were desperately huddled next to the gate. *further
footage to be revealed*. Again sabs were on hand to not only stop the cows going on to a busy main road but also to help the
fox get away. The hunt however just carried on regardless without looking back. One desperate chase near the end of the meet saw a poor hare
make a break through a hedge line. At moments prior to the chase, the hunters filled with anger at not getting their kill
attempted to use their horses as battering rams and knocked a few sabs about. At sight of the chase we tried to weave in and
out of the surrounding horses spraying the ground behind the hare with citronella and calling off the approaching hounds with
voice calls. Luckily we split the pack with the hounds appearing to lose the scent. As the dejected hunt made their way back
to kennels we had a team in front waiting and one following behind as we'd had nearly all day, they even left their sandwiches,
cakes and booze unattended whilst out trying to kill. I'm sure the bitter taste of sabs was felt long after we'd left.
Ross-on-Wye hotel cancels S.Herefordshire FH Hunt Ball booking 3-11-16 Facebook – Hunt Investigation Team We heard last week that the Chase Hotel in Ross on Wye had cancelled the
South Herefordshire hunt ball. We have been working hard to verify this and as far as we can tell, it appears to be the case.
So it seems that polite phone calls and emails won the day. We will of course keep across this and post in due course if any
other venues decide to host the cub killers of the infamous South Herefordshire Hunt.
Atherstone FH Hounds riot on high speed A44 Sab tyre allegedly stabbed by ex-cop supporter 1-11-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone
hunt supporter and ex-policeman Jon Hadfield caught slashing lone female hunt sabs tyres Atherstone Hunt Opening Meet 1/11/16 During the
Atherstone Hunt's opening meet of the main fox hunting season a lone female hunt sab came across the huntsman and hounds
hunting very close to the A444 in Leicestershire. It was clear a fox had just run across the busy road and down into a badger
sett on the other side as the hounds were about to run across the road and into on coming traffic. Whilst trying to prevent
the hounds running onto the busy road the dash-cam inside the females sab's vehicle recorded regular Atherstone Hunt supporter
and ex-Policeman Jon Hadfield walking across the road straight over to the vehicle and taking a penknife out of his pocket.
The footage on the sab's handheld camera then shows him to be the only person anywhere near the vehicle. When the sab
gets nearer to the vehicle a loud hissing sound can be heard. The front passenger tyre quickly deflated after being stabbed
multiple times all around the perimeter. Hadfield had a clear motive after his son was recently in court for assaulting another female sab . The incident has been reported to Leicestershire Police. If any members
of the general public were on the A444 at this time and witnessed anything please pm us. Thanks. Please help towards our costs of buying a new tyre. Pics below - 1/ 1st hound runs on to A444 2/ Pack hurtling across the road
3/ Ex-cop John Hadfield opens knife 4/ Sab tyre after being stabbed 
OCTOBER 2016 ..... 31st
October - Monitor films within wood where Cheshire FH are 'autumn hunting' ..... 31st October - Police fail again to charge the South Herefordshire five in cub cruelty case ..... 30th October - Fitzwilliam FH kill another fox, taunt sabs with its
corpse ..... 29th October - Monitors get apology from E.Mids CPS
chief over dropped assault cases ..... 28th October - Atherstone
FH steward acquitted of assaulting female hunt sab ..... 27th
October - Ex police officer dies after fall while hunting with the North Down FH .....
26th October - Grafton FH upset landowner trespassing, then go on to closed FC land ..... 25th October - Monitors upload shocking film of Grafton FH apparently cub hunting ..... 24th October - Stag chased on to fast Devon road by Hunt dies when hit by old man's car ..... 24th October - Angry landowner protests yet another invasion by Tiverton
FH ..... 24th October - Scottish police call for hunting 'ban'
to be strengthened ..... 21st October - BBC East Midlands
'Inside Out' features work of League hunt monitors ..... 21st
October - Alleged sexual & physical assault on female sab at Surrey Union FH meet ..... 20th October - JM & Chair of suspended S.Hrfrdshre FH defying MFHA by fundraising for Hunt ..... 19th October - Bill Oddie calls for Government not to repeal Hunting
Act, etc. ..... 18th October - Sabs say they filmed Atherstone FH blatantly
hunting two foxes ..... 18th October - Young fox
escapes as Blackmore FH hunt full on ..... 18th October - Jedforest
FH members' illegal hunting trial set for January ..... 14th
October - Council lets Cottesmore FH have Boxing Day meet in car park again .....
14th October - Sabs claim to have filmed Atherstone FH fox hunting yet again .....
13th October - Leak of Blackmore FH Huntsman's address referred to police .....
9th October - Tynedale FH hunt fox - sabs say supporter stabbed their tyres .....
8th October - Sabs publish snaps of Easton Harriers JM trying to hide hare killed by Hunt ..... 7th October - Leics police drop case against Atherstone FH over fox kill ..... 5th October - Three Colne Valley Beagles followers convicted of affray ..... 4th October - Dulverton Farmers FH rider convicted of assault and criminal damage ..... 4th October - Repentant former Huntsman Clifford Pellow dies, aged 73 .... . 3rd October - Sab allegedly assaulted by Atherstone FH Huntsman as hounds chase foxes ..... 2nd October - Sabs release damning footage of Blackmore FH chasing
fox in January ..... 2nd October - Ranulph Fiennes to tell Tory Conference
hunting 'brutal and insupportable' .....
1st October - Ross Harriers ride at and shove sabs as fox probably killed
films in middle of wood where Cheshire FH 'autumn hunting'31-10-16 YouTube Cheshire Monitors have uploaded a video taken by one of their people, who spent
an hour standing in the middle of a wood whilst the Huntsman [with whom the monitor seems to be on unusually good terms]
tries to control his hounds and the dogs and foxes are whizzing about all over the place. The hounds don't seem terribly
sure what they are supposed to be doing and there don't seem to be any kills during the filming, though it ends suddenly
with hounds in cry. It's all a bit weird. The video opens with shot of a fleeing fox just yards from the monitor. Just seconds later, hounds appear only a
little further away and dash into bushes, then turn back and run right past the monitor. They're not in cry and are being
encouraged on by the Huntsman's voice. However, the soundtrack following suggests they did not get the fox. POWAperson, normally highly sceptical of the likelihood of given
filmed evidence to support a prosecution because of the manifold ways the Hunting Act makes this extraordinarily difficult,
thinks this film does, strangely enough, meet most, if not all, of the criteria. Some stills from the film below- 1/ Fox flees hounds 2/ 2 seconds later, hounds chase
fox 3/ Probably the same fox, doubling back  
Police fail yet again to charge the South Herefordshire FH five31-10-16 Facebook -Hunt Investigation Team UPDATE
The 5 accused from the South Herefordshire Hunt attended the police station today. Yet again the police and CPS have failed
to charge these people. their bail has been extended until the end of January!! That is a full 8 months from the date the
fox cubs were taken from the wild and thrown live to the hounds of the Hunt. The police and CPS have not even had the decency to explain this extraordinary decision
to us or the media. This stinks of corruption, state arrogance and shows a complete lack of respect to the public, the investigators
and the foxes that died in the most horrific and brutal way. We are shocked and angry. Please SHARE this post, we must let
everyone know what is unfolding here and please keep supporting us. We need your help. https://www.gofundme.com/H-I-T POWAperson
adds - The senior JM of this Hunt, Major Patrick Darling, is High Sheriff of Herefordshire [a personal appointment by the
Queen]. But obviously this would have nothing to do with the police/CPS apparent reluctance to charge his 'servants'
in what looks an open-and-shut case of extreme cruelty to a number of captive animals. A few years ago, the Essex & Suffolk Hunt hounds 'accidentally' invaded a garden in north
Essex. The Whip grabbed the mauled but still living fox from them and beat it to death with his crop just yards from the horrified
family. who had been enjoying a barbecue on their patio. The police didn't charge him or anyone else from the Hunt with
anything [the Hunt claimed they were using the Falconry Exemption] and the local press ignored this juicy story, even after
the Daily Mail splashed it luridly over a whole page. Nothing to do with the fact that the High Sheriff of Suffolk was JM
of the Hunt, of course. Fitzwilliam FH kill another fox, taunt sabs with its corpse 30-10-16 Facebook -S.Cambs Sabs Hit Report –
29/10/16 Yesterday, we paid a visit to the Fitzwilliam
Hunt [right] who started their 'Introduction to the cowardly
killing of wildlife' meet at Field Farm, Lutton (10 miles south of Peterborough). This hunt who are currently on trial
for the illegal killing of a fox and for a further animal cruelty charge, showed today what utter contempt they have for the Hunting Act law.
From the very minute we arrived the Huntsman was flushing the hounds through a thick/dense copse bringing the pack into immediate
cry at the scent of a close by fox. Luckily our sabs and those
from N.Cambs & Northants Hunt Saboteurs were in position in the adjacent field to call away the hounds using the gizmo
(audio speaker replicating hounds on cry). After pulling the hounds into the field and away from the fox, the Hunt took the
best part of the next hour trying to gather up their hounds who seemed much happier getting a few hugs from us than being
forced to hunt wildlife. Watching these poor dogs flinch at the sight of dismounted hunters with whips makes you wonder what
cruelty these animals are subjected to behind closed doors. Unfortunately, after following on behind the Hunt who were
desperate to get away, even leaving behind nearly all of the newcomers who wanted a taste of this barbaric bloodsport, the
hounds went into cry again. As we approached we could see several riders, the terrier men/quads and car supporters all surrounded a thick copse as the hounds cries became louder and louder. We were unable to save the chased
and exhausted poor fox. Not content with just murdering a terrified juvenile fox. They proceeded to taunt us several minutes
later by circling the quad with the dead fox at their feet in front of us, with the hounds' mouths still bloody from the
kill. For
the rest of the morning, we remained as tight as possible to them as they continued to draw hedge rows and copses. We have
no doubt that without our presence more innocent lives would have been ended for their horrific 'sport'. What we found
particularly horrid was the amount of hunt supporters of the Fitzwilliam falling over themselves to try and get a look at
the sick killing, yet after the sick deed is accomplished these people (many of who had children with them), shamefully bow
their heads or put their hands over their faces. No doubt these cowards will try to justify their disgusting behaviour by
back slapping with the tiny sadistic minority people and rebuke the huge majority of both country, city and town people. We
however, will continue to hold them to account for their twisted behaviour and are going to continue to try and stop them. All relevant footage
of yesterdays hunting are going to be passed onto the relevant authorities.
Monitors get personal apology from East Midlands CPS chief for 'let down' CPS dropped threat behaviour
case against 2 Grafton FH followers for no good reason 29-10-16 YouTube - Hunt Monitors Grafton Hunt followers Clewes & Wilkinson [were]
due to appear in Court Christopher Clewes and
Ben Wilkinson were due to appear in court charged with 'Use threatening/ abusive/ insulting words/behaviour to cause harassment/
alarm/ distress,' until the case was dropped just two weeks before the trial was due to take place. Subsequently, the
Monitors received a personal apology from the Acting Chief Prosecutor of East Midland CPS for mistakes made by them, who said
that their "handling of the case did not meet the high standards which we aspire to, and I accept that you have been
let down by the Criminal Justice System." If you
would like info on how to help Hunt Monitors please visit our Facebook page, or for donations to help us keep
going please see here. For further information on Hunt Monitors. Please also see our website where you will find a petition to sign. This goes back to Jan 2015 when we made complaints
to the police about the appalling behaviour of Grafton Hunt supporters. It seemed we had a decent officer who dealt with the
case and the CPS set a date for the case to go to court. We went through two reviews (under Victims Right to Review) and suffered
insulting comments and lies from two CPS lawyers but eventually received an unequivocal apology from the CPS due to our perseverance
to get justice.
Atherstone FH 'steward'
acquitted of assaulting female sab Video shows him violently throwing her to the ground 28-10-16 Coventry Telegraph VIDEO Atherstone
Hunt steward grapples with protester - Peter Hadfield was charged with common assault but found not guilty
A steward accused of assault at a meeting of the Atherstone Hunt has been cleared. Peter Hadfield was charged with common
assault in relation to an incident in January but he was found not guilty. The group, West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs, had reported
the 20-year-old to Leicestershire Police , claiming that he had grabbed one of their female members and taken her to the ground,
injuring her back. Video footage of the alleged incident at the Atherstone
Hunt meeting near Sibson in Leicestershire on January 23 was shown at Loughborough Magistrates Court on October 10, where
Mr Hadfield was found not guilty. Speaking to a pro-hunting publication following Mr Hadfield’s acquittal, his solicitor
Stephen Welford said he was simply instructing the hunt saboteurs to leave the private land as they were trespassing. Mr Welford
said: “The complainant Sarah Lloyd insisted she had every right to be there. Mr Hadfield was herding her out with his
arms outstretched. Once they had left the field and got on to grass verge she grabbed hold of his coat and refused to let
go. He used reasonable force to remove her and, having seen it on the video the magistrates agreed.” A spokesperson for the anti-hunting campaigning group said: “The whole day was just awful,
we had four foxes chased, one was killed in a pub car park while people were eating their food. Unfortunately it seems to
be that no matter what evidence we submit, nothing is being done. How much more footage do the authorities need to see before
something is done?” 
police officer dies after fall while hunting with North Down FH 27-10-16 Belfast Telegraph Equestrian centre boss Claire Lowe dies in fall
during hunt in Northern Ireland Tributes have been paid to an equestrian centre boss who died suddenly
in a tragic hunting accident yesterday afternoon. Former police officer Claire Lowe from Saintfield had been taking part in
a hunt in the New Line area of Ballygowan when the 39-year-old came off her horse at a fence, and died from her injuries shortly
afterwards. A spokesman for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service said a rapid response paramedic was called to the incident
at around 3.20pm.However, it was too late to save the popular horse rider, who was well known in the local equestrian scene... Ms Lowe had worked as a constable for Lisburn PSNI, but after
the death of her father last Christmas — Gerry Lowe, the owner of the successful Lisburn company Lowe Refrigeration
— she had returned home to Saintfield to manage the Mill House Equestrian Centre in Saintfield. Paying tribute Lisburn
and Castlereagh City District Commander, Superintendent Sean Wright said Claire was in the "prime of her life"....
The Police Federation for Northern Ireland which represents rank and file officers also extended its "deepest sympathy"
to Claire's family, colleagues and friends. Her work involved breeding Connemara ponies as well as running a tack shop
business and online auction site. Many friends had not heard the sad news until late last night, and posted their condolences
on social media. Friend Lynne Spence wrote that Claire had “died doing what she loved”.... Nicci Hall said: “Such
a tragic loss of a genuinely lovely person....” POWAperson
comments - All life is precious and we too extend our sympathies to Claire Lowe's friends and family. However, she was
participating in a live quarry Hunt [there is no 'ban' in Ulster], doing something a friend says that she 'loved'.
What she loved, then, was engaging in the wilful chasing, terrorising and slaughter of defenceless foxes, employing hounds
that are ruthlessly exterminated as soon as they start to become of less use to the Hunt. All life is precious, and our sympathy
also extends to all the animals that have, over many years, been abused and killed by the North Down FH and to their 'friends
and families'.
FH Monitor films upset landowner confront trespassing huntersBut they go on to hunt in closed Forestry Commission plantation 26-10-16 Facebook – Hunt Monitors VIDEO Grafton Hunt Trespass Abthorpe 10 Oct 2016 The Grafton
Hunt caused distress to local landowner when they trespassed on her land at Abthorpe, Northamptonshire. They then continued
to trespass by hunting in Bucknell Wood, which is owned by the Forestry Commission who had closed and cordoned off the bridleways
due to their bad condition. Please contact us on 07955 486 234 or visit Hunt Monitors Facebook for information on how you can help. For donations
towards monitors expenses please visit GoFundMe. For more about Hunt Monitors, go here. Pics below -
1/ Huntsman and hounds at 8 a.m. 2/ Later, in cub hunting mode 3/
Landowner seeing Hunt off her land  
Monitors upload shocking film of Grafton FH apparently cub hunting Clip of bird-handler feeding dead fox to
his eagle featured 25-10-16 You Tube Grafton September
22 - more shocking
scenes from a hunt, in September 2016 - despite the fact that hunting was banned in 2005. The Hunting Act must be strengthened
to put a stop to scenes like these. Visit the Hunt Monitors Facebook page for information on how you can help. POWAperson
explains - The video shows the Hunt taking hounds to a wood next to the busy Northampton Road, near Litchborough, Northants,
a little after 7a.m. Monitors are certain that no trail was laid. A young fox is seen running along the edge of a ploughed
field, then ducking into the wood. A mounted redcoat holds point on the road, another rider is seen on the edge of the wood.
The fox bolts out not far from him and runs across the ploughed field. It then crosses the road, just behind a passing car,
stumbling as it reaches the far side. A fox, perhaps the same one, is seen at 8.10 a.m.
running across a grassed field parallel with the road, passing a hunt spotter in the field. The next minute, hounds burst
into the field, pursuing the fox. Monitors next to the field try to call the hounds off, but are ignored. The Huntsman canters
along the road after the pack. Hounds turn through 150 degrees and race off to the wood on the far side of the field. A horsebox
is parked badly, blocking nearly half the road, obstructing traffic. The Hunt now have hounds in the wood. Hounds are sometimes
heard in cry. While foxes run for their life, riders are on the wood's edge, 'holding up' - a scene
identical to cubbing before the so-called ban. So are the noises they make, to scare back fleeing foxes. What they are doing
could not be clearer to anyone who knows about fox hunting. We see the pack on the edge of
the wood, frantically seeking fox scent, watched by a redcoat on foot. At no point is any hunter seen or heard attempting
to call hounds off. The Hunt moved off
at 8.52, but it was evident they had killed at least one fox. Back close to the road, the Hunt's bird handler allows his
eagle to feed off a fox carcass. The eagle, carted around throughout the hunt, is there purely as a prop, so that, if challenged,
the Hunt can claim to be hunting under the Falconry Exemption, which absurdly allows a full pack to be used to flush out quarry
for the bird to hunt. It's never actually flown. Despite all this, because of the wording and exemptions of the Hunting Act 2004, it is highly unlikely that what
the monitors were able to film would be sufficient to secure a prosecution, let alone conviction. This group of monitors have
submitted similar film of the Grafton on several occasions, and many more of other Hunts, only to be told it is not enough.
But this and other videos do appear to illustrate how blatantly the Grafton and others feel able to hunt live
quarry. Scenes from the video
- 1/ Fox fleeing
hounds crosses road 2/ Riders holding up on road
 3/ Fox fleeing past hunt spotter 4/ Hounds
chasing fox across field 5/ A rider 'holding
up' 6/ More riders 'holding up' 7/ Hunt's
eagle feeding on dead fox 8/ Bird handler holding fox corpse by brush
Stag killed in collision with old man's car on North Devon roadBelieved stag
chased onto high-speed link road by local deer Hunt 24-10-16 N.Devon Journal Stag
collides with 83-year-old man's car at South Molton in North Devon An 83-year-old man had his car written-off after he hit a stag on a North Devon road. Alan Cope, from Barnstaple, contacted
the Journal about the incident after his brother, Wilfred, was involved in the crash during his visit to the region on Monday,
October 3. Alan and his wife were phoned by the police and the ambulance crews saying there had been an accident by Pathfields
Industrial Estate at South Molton at 2.30pm. He said: "There were no injuries at all, they were shaken up but they were
very lucky. The police took the car to the compound and it was taken back to the garage, but it was a complete write-off,
even though he was only doing 55pmh. My brother stayed with us for another week and then had to go home on the train. The
stag landed on top of the car and smashed the windscreen. It looked awful. The car was only two years old and my brother is
like me, he needs his wheels!" Mr Cope and his family would like to
say a big thank you to the people who assisted them, gave out hot drinks and let them use their phones. There were reports
that the dead stag was picked up immediately by people and taken away before the police arrived. A police spokesman said: "Police were called just after 2.30pm on Monday 3 October, to a single car collision
on Station Road, South Molton. A stag had reportedly ran out and damaged the front of the car. Apart from the stag, there
were no injuries reported. This matter is closed from a police point of view." POWAperson comments - The story does not mention the Hunt, believed to have been the Tiverton DH [above
left], but information suggests it was they who chased the stag over a
rugby field and on to the road. The driver and his wife were lucky to escape with their lives, let alone uninjured. Red deer stags
are big animals. POWAperson was himself tangentially involved in an almost identical incident in 1997 when a Hunt [definitely
the Tiverton] he had been helping to monitor did the same thing on the same road, though we only became aware of it later
in the day. I spoke to the people in the car by phone after they'd returned home. This time the car was
occupied by a young holiday-maker family with a small child. Again, fortunately, they were uninjured, but were badly shaken.
While they were stranded by the side of the road in their damaged car, a 4x4, presumably from the Hunt, pulled up behind
them. They thought help had arrived. The driver got out, picked up the deer carcass, threw it in the back of his car and drove
away without a word. Nice folk, hunters [their one-time Huntsman, John Norrish, was sentenced to four years in prison a few
years ago for raping a supporter's wife at a Hunt Ball]. As it seems this time, the police were not interested in how
the stag came to run out on to a fast major road in the middle of the day. Thanks to the vagaries of the Hunting Act, deer hunting continues. I gather the Tiverton DH pretend to trail
hunt and, when the hounds lay on, keep fairly far back so they can say they weren't 'participating', whilst the
Devon & Somerset make cynical use of the 'Research and Observation' exemption to continue their killing for 'sport'.
This will go on until the Hunting Act is substantially strengthened.
Angry landowner protests yet another
invasion by Tiverton FH Captures hound
and holds it 'hostage' to make her point 24-10-16 Exeter Express & Echo Hunters hound is held 'hostage' by
angry landowner A frustrated small holding owner near Tiverton has hit back at her land being infringed
upon by huntsmen by capturing one their hounds. Every year Sue Pratt, from Rackenford, says she experience problems during
the hunting season, but this year it has come early with an unwelcomed visit from Tiverton Foxhounds.
Last Saturday, ahead of the start of the new season, Sue claims at around 4pm she saw
at least 10 hounds bounding through her ground and into her yard, scattering her poultry and upsetting her dogs. Sue recalled:
"I managed to capture a hound as hostage [left]. I
confronted two huntsmen on the road who refused to give me their names. They were trying to call up the hounds back out on
to the road, therefore blocking traffic. I explained they were banned from my ground, which they were aware of, but they could
give no explanation why they had lost control of the hounds. I told them they were incompetent and around an hour later I
was approached by a hunt supporter looking for a lost hound. I admitted I had it but said I would only hand it over to a hunt
member. Eventually someone arrived who identified himself as Ron Vincent. I took a photo of him and asked why so many hounds
were out when only two are allowed to hunt at a time? I was told they were trail hunting but when I asked if they had set
the trail through my ground and yard, I received no sensible answer. He seemed relieved to have the hound back and departed
as soon as possible. I reported the incident to the police.” Tiverton Foxhounds' huntsman Rory Ackerman [right] confirmed
they were near the small holding in Rackenford last Saturday trail hunting, which is where a pack of hounds hunt a scent that
has been laid over a course with a defined beginning and end. He denied they were cub hunting which is the practice of hunting
fox cubs rather than adult foxes, and said he was aware of only one hound going on to the land. He said: "We were trail
hunting which is perfectly legal. We didn't encroach on her land and the hounds were on the road. At one point a hound
went on her drive and the owner ended up locking it in. As far as I can definitely say it was one hound. We are sorry he went
in there but we were not doing anything wrong." The
official fox hunting season is due to begin during the first week of November. Hunts are at the end of the hound training
period. Ivor Annetts, a retired trustee of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "It is my belief that the vast majority
of hunts across the country regularly break the law and have done so since September 2005. There been a dozen cases where
there has been evidence of that but it is very difficult to get the evidence.
police call for hunting ban to be strengthened They say it is too difficult to prosecute illegal hunting Bonomy Review is
due to report to Holyrood soon 24-10-16
Holyrood Police
Scotland join calls for tightening of fox hunting ban Scotland’s ban on fox hunting is “unworkable”
because there are too many exceptions and loopholes, Police Scotland has said. In a submission to a review of the 2002 law
by Lord Bonomy, the national police force called for more clarity to be added to the law to allow officers to prosecute where
illegal hunting was taking place. The force also suggested the law be strengthened by removing the word ‘deliberately’
from the section which states hunting a wild animal is an offence. Under
the current law, hunts are still allowed when dogs are used to “flush out” animals regarded as pests so they can
be shot. Listed exceptions “provide opportunities for exploitation by those who continually and deliberately offend”,
according to Police Scotland. “The current lack of clarity in the legislation can lead to allegations by those opposed
to this form of pest control that 'guns were not in place' and this presents significant issues for those undertaking
a lawful act, as well as those investigating alleged illegal activity.” The
submission was welcomed by anti-fox hunting activists. Robbie Marsland, the Director of the League Against Cruel Sports, Scotland
said: “We agree with Police Scotland that the law as it stands is “unworkable”, we know this from our two
year investigation into the activities of Scottish fox hunts. “The Scottish Parliament thought it had banned fox hunting
in 2002. We also know the vast majority of Scottish people want fox hunting banned. Now is the time for the law to be strengthened
and for fox hunting in Scotland to be really banned, for good.” the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s expert
on hunting with dogs Jordi Casamitjana said he had reviewed Scottish hunts operating since 2002. “In each and every
case that I reviewed concerning these hunts I believe the use of the exemption was illegitimate and the evidence was more
consistent with illegal hunting than with exempt hunting,” he said. However,
the Scottish Association for Country Sports defended the current exceptions in its submission. “Clearly there is a great
deal of misunderstanding around the control of foxes using dogs, as well as a significant amount of prejudice and discrimination
against rural interests,” it said. In his submission, Joe Scott Plummer, chairman of the Committee of the Duke of Buccleuch’s
Foxhounds, said Hunts provided a pest control service free of charge for 100 days every year. “All but a very few farmers
have not made us welcome, a handful of complaints have been raised by the general public and dealt with directly by the police
or ourselves,” he said, “and no charges have been brought by Police Scotland (or their predecessors) since 2003.
Our activities take place in a totally open, public and transparent manner.” Lord Bonomy is expected to deliver the review’s findings in a few weeks. The Scottish Government is under pressure
to tighten the law after SNP MPs at Westminster opposed an attempt to relax fox hunting laws in England in 2015, even though
the amendments would have more closely resembled the Scottish law. POWAperson
comments - Joe Scott Plummer is wrong. There have been three cases brought in Scotland against organised hunters.
The first and second ended in acquittal, the third, against two Jedforest FH members, is ongoing. This is, however, a
pathetic total given the Act has been in place for fourteen years and sabs and monitors report observing frequent breaches,
by riders and hunt terriermen alike. The major problem with the Scottish Act [though it at least carries a potential
prison sentence, unlike its English/Welsh equivalent] is that Hunts are allowed to use any number of hounds to flush quarry
to guns. This makes it easy to subvert, by simply either not placing guns at all, or by instructing them not to shoot so the chase
can go on. It is also, as in England/Wales, necessary to prove intent, which is extraordinarily difficult to do. Hopefully,
the Bonomy Review will take the evidence it has been given, particularly that of the police, and recommend significant strengthening
of the Scottish Act. We believe such a measure would easily pass in the Holyrood Parliament. The matter was also
covered by BBC News Scotland.
BBC regional documentary features work of League hunt monitors Discovery of captive fox and violent
assaults by Belvoir supporters featured 21-10-16 Inside Out – BBC E.Midlands The TV programme featured an over eight-minute feature on the work of
two of LACS' wildlife investigators as they spent last season monitoring the activities of Hunts around the country. The film focussed on their visits to the Belvoir FH, starting with their being tipped
off about a fox being held captivein a brick shed on the Buckminster Estate, near where the Belvoir were soon to meet. They were
able to rescue the fox early on the morning of the meet, Christmas Eve 2015. A little while later, a man, identified as an
estate employee turned up at the shed and was filmed entering with a catching pole and bag, then leaving bewildered. Police
are investigating. The monitors, a former policeman and an
ex saboteur, were violently attacked and seriously injured by six masked Belvoir supporters in March 2016.
One was hospitalised with neck injuries. Two of the six men were arrested. The film ends happily, with the release of the captive fox in a different area.   21-10-16 LACS News Release A season of hunt monitoring
Posted by Head of Field Operations - 'Inside out' BBC East Midlands. The League Against Cruel
Sports investigations team is made up of a number of trained operatives, including ex-police officers, former RSPCA inspectors
and animal welfare campaigners with many years experience. Spread across the country together they go out and monitor the
activities of fox, deer and hare hunts. At the start of the 2015 fox hunting season we were joined by Simon Hare, a BBC reporter
who followed two of us as we monitored hunts in the Midlands. Over the hunting season we observed some 25 hunts.
Most of the time the Hunts were unaware of our presence as our purpose is to gain evidence of illegal activity and we do not
wish the Hunts to modify their behaviour just because they are aware they are being observed. From the beginning of the season
it was apparent that several Hunts were carrying on business as usual. We witnessed hounds being entered into woods and coverts
where it would have been impossible to lay a trail (the most common excuse used by fox Hunts), hounds in full cry running
across fields shortly after a fox was seen to run the same line, hounds running across and along main roads. On only one occasion
did I see a trail being laid; this was some 25 minutes after the hunt had ridden past at speed and was along the middle of
a road. Hunts clearly do not want our scrutiny. Meet cards are no longer published; meet dates no longer appear in local
newspapers; cubbing, or “autumn hunting” as it has been re-named, is carried out under great secrecy in the early
mornings by an invited few. On three occasions we recorded strong evidence of illegal hunting which
fell just short of the rigorous test we apply before presenting evidence to the police. On six occasions we found badger setts
that had been blocked on hunting days; it has been commented by an appeal court judge that this may show an intent to illegally
hunt foxes. We regularly saw that the terrier-men (now given the respectable title of “countryman”) were wearing
face coverings to prevent themselves being recognised. We also recorded a pack of beagles chasing a hare across fields and
onto a road in front of our car. In December 2015 we found a fox locked in a brick outbuilding at Buckminster
in Leicestershire a few days before the Belvoir Hunt were due to meet in the village. Why was it there? In our opinion it
was there to be released and hunted. An individual was caught on camera visiting the fox before it was discovered and rescued
by us and taken to a wildlife hospital. On the morning of the hunt the same man returned to the building with a large net
and a bag. Why? Our conclusion was that the fox was due to be released and hunted. The individual is still under police investigation
for animal welfare offences. This was widely reported in the media at the time and the Hunt declined to comment. In March 2016, the last day of the Belvoir Hunt's season, two of us went to monitor the hunt. The BBC reporter
also went to the meet. Towards the end of the day, whilst on a public bridleway, we were attacked by six men, four of whom
were wearing face masks, sustaining serious injuries and our camera equipment was stolen. This is still under police investigation.
Again the hunt has declined to make any comment. As the current season gets underway we are again
out looking at the Hunts, ready to record any evidence of law breaking. We expect them to be even more secretive and to go
to great lengths to try and find us. If they are acting within the law they have nothing to fear. They will not even know
we are there. If they are hunting illegally and killing our wildlife we will do our utmost to bring them to book.
sexual and physical assault on sab by Surrey Union FH follower21-10-16 Facebook - Guildford Hunt Sabs Sexual assault,
assault and blatant illegal hunting - The Surrey Union Hunt 21.10.16 Today, following a tip off
from a local we headed to Capel with North Downs Hunt Sabs to a 3pm meet at Pleystow Farm. Upon our arrival sabs were already
with the hunt, hounds were in full cry and hunt clearly surprised and annoyed to see us. As we kept up with rampaging hounds
(no trail laid) we were confronted by some disgruntled bumpkins and hunt support, pushing us we carried on. this was to delay
us however we split to make sure we had two areas covered. Field, terrier men and support stayed stationary at the bottom
of Temple Lane for around an hour not really knowing what to do seeing as they could no longer continue to illegally hunt. Other sab managed to catch up with hounds and called in support, we kept up with hounds as
they packed up around 5 during which the hunt blocked the road preventing sabs from leaving the area. During this, a female
sab was sexually assaulted and bundled. We cannot discuss this further until police have carried out their investigations. 
S.Herefordshire FH JM & Chair fundraising for suspended HuntSabs
say this against terms of MFHA suspension 20-10-16 Facebook - Hunt Investigation Team Blood
on your hands Patrick Darling Major Patrick Darling (former Master) and Phillip Whitehouse
(Hunt Chairman) are trying to rebuild the South Herefordshire Hunt, disregarding
the instructions of the Master of Foxhounds and fundraising in preparation for hunting again. They are suspended from all hunting activity and that includes fundraising. They
feel guilty because they promoted one of the individuals that caused this whole mess. Darling has artificial earths on his
land (Caradog Court) where foxes are encouraged to live before being hunted. He also has badger setts on his land which we
know have been dug by Hunt associates. This weekend he is hosting a
'fun ride' and a 'hunt supper' the following weekend to raise funds for the Hunt. This is in direct contravention
of the Master of Foxhounds Association suspension from all hunting activity. We will be watching the event this weekend very
closely. Matthew Price has been
brought in to raise the profile of the SHH. He loves killing badgers and has played a prominent role in recent badger culls.
His wife, Alex Price is a master of the SHH. The new huntsman, Chris Cardell has been hired and fired by various hunts 5 or
6 times in recent years. The SHH are also
struggling to fill other key positions like whipper-in. it's hardly surprising that all the neighbouring Hunts want to
see them closed completely. This is because they feel that they are paying the price for the historical and ongoing arrogance
of the South Herefordshire Hunt. POWAperson adds - Major Patrick Darling is the High Sherriff of Herefordshire [not the
first such to be involved in hunting controversy], a personal appointee of the Queen. The HIT's account of the investigation
that exposed barbaric treatment of captive foxes, leading to the police investigation and the Hunt's suspension by the
MFHA, is here. Pics of the fox cubs imprisoned and killed so cruelly are below.
 Bill Oddie urges care for wildlife after winning Animal Advocate award Slams
Andrea Leadsom for her wish to repeal Hunting Act 19-10-16 Daily Express Bill Oddie calls for
new Brexit era for wildlife after winning Animal Advocate Award BILL ODDIE has won a prestigious
award for speaking out on behalf of animals and immediately blasted the Government over badger culling and fox hunting. The
former Goodie and Springwatch presenter also says he wants Brexit Britain to deliver a new age for the way we treat animals. Speaking after receiving the Animal Advocate Award for his efforts in raising awareness about
wildlife persecution home and abroad, the popular conservation campaigner called for more “respect and appreciation”
of all creatures great and small. After receiving his award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare, he said: “If
there is anything good coming from this Brexit business, can we go into an era where we revere wildlife, we respect wildlife,
we want to care for wildlife and above all appreciate it." In an exclusive
interview with Express.co.uk, the 75 year old presenter, who has already received an OBE for services to conservation, also
pleaded with the Government to take a “deep breath” and decide to care for animals. He said: “I would like
to take a deep breath; I would like the Government to take a deep breath and everyone in power to take a deep breath and decide
to care for wildlife, animals, birds... For anything alive is something to be proud of and want to help and treasure and look
after rather than regard as some kind of commodity... Bill Oddie won the
award for raising awareness about wildlife persecution in the UK and abroad. “What I mean by that, specifically in Britain,
we have these situations where badgers are still being killed despite science which suggests this is not a way to solve bovine
tuberculosis. You have people allowed to shoot buzzards in order to protect young pheasants which will then be able to grow
up to be big enough to be shot by gunmen and the shooting industry…. Worst of all, we get Andrea Leadsom (the Environment
Secretary) talking about considering repealing the Hunting Act for fox hunting… All those things represent a
step backwards to a time when really we should be embarrassed by…” His
“outstanding work” to raise awareness of animal issues has seen him lobbying outside Stormont in Northern Ireland
where hunting with dogs is still legal and protesting outside Shell’s headquarters over plans to drill in the Arctic....
The IFAW said: “This award also reflects his great passion for birdlife and other animals that Bill has passed on to
millions of people throughout his career through his bird books and TV programmes such as Springwatch, Autumnwatch; Birding
with Bill Oddie and Bill Oddie Goes Wild." The award was presented at a special ceremony in the House of Lords hosted
by Baroness Gale and supported by Express.co.uk.
Sabs say they filmed Atherstone FH blatantly hunting 2 foxes 18-10-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO On Tuesday 18th October the Atherstone Hunt met at Tomlinsons Farm Shop in Stoke Golding. They clearly
hadn't asked permission from landowners, as all the gates were padlocked. Nevertheless, Huntsman Stuart Barton blatantly
and intentionally hunted in front of us, with two foxes running from a small wood he had put the hounds into at Upton Lodge
Farm. He took the hounds across the road to where the first fox had run to and the hounds soon picked up the scent. There
were no police in attendance at this incident. We don't know about anyone else, but we would call this BLATANT hunting and they are all complicit in lawbreaking.
How, when we are producing weekly footage of this Hunt chasing foxes, are they allowed to continue? If we showed the same
people burgling houses every week for the last 2 years would they be getting the same treatment? We would also ask if the
Atherstone were allowed to be on the land they were hunting on as every gate was locked, but still they entered. Their
field was made up of 5 riders, 1 of which was a Master, 2 ex-Masters and one paying rider. There were no car supporters or
foot followers present. Enough said. Pics
below - 1/ Fox fleeing hounds 2/ Hounds seeking fox

Young fox escapes as Blackmore FH hunt full on 18-10-16
Facebook – Dorset Sabs The video is from when we paid a visit to Mark Doggrell
and the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt on the 8th October 2016. A large field of around sixty riders [below] moved
off around 7:30am from the Boys Hill area. The hunt drew the covers one by one in the area. From early on the hounds were
in serious full-on cry drawing through covers and rough areas. In Broke Lane, whilst the hounds were drawing through a rough area a young fox exited at speed
very close to the camera man [right]. A
hunt supporter on seeing this informed the hunt and so the young fox was left. This is in stark contrast to the incident shown recently on the DHS Facebook page when the
huntsman refused to believe a witness and he allowed the hounds to continue when they were in fact on the line of a fox. Much
of the soundtrack illustrates the full-on nature of the hounds and the voice and horn calls of the Huntsman and others. Towards
the end of the session the hunt moved onto Burton Common. The camera man also moved on to this area much to the disappointment
of the hunt who tried various methods to move the camera man out. He stood his ground Disappointingly, young riders
engaged in a manner where they were riding close to the camera man or attempting to prevent him filming. Eventually the camera
man engaged with an adult and asked for this behaviour to stop. From time to time the camera man was deliberately held up
by riders and vehicles. This is unacceptable. The hunt came to a close at around 10:30am. Jedforest FH members' illegal
hunting trial set for January 18-10-16 Border Telegraph Huntsmen
deny breaking fox hunting laws TWO huntsmen from the Borders have been accused of deliberately
hunting a fox with a pack of dogs. Jedforest Hunt members Johnathan Riley, 23, and 66-year-old John Richardson pleaded not
guilty to the charge at Jedburgh Sheriff Court. The pair, from Abbotrule, Bonchester Bridge, deny deliberately hunting a wild
mammal while acting with others on land surrounding Townfoothill near Jedburgh, on February 18. No huntsmen have yet fallen foul of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act
2002, but two individuals have been convicted for hunting foxes with dogs and 10 for hare coursing. While the hunting of wild
mammals with dogs is outlawed in Scotland, amendments were made to the Bill to allow fox hunting to continue in a different
form. It is legal to use [any number of] dogs
to flush a fox from cover for it then to be shot, as long as this is done as a form of pest control. The Act further states
that no offence is committed if the dog kills the fox during the course of this activity, but only if it was not the Huntsman’s
intention that it does so and is regarded as an accident. Hounds are also used to kill foxes that have been wounded by the
gunmen or are otherwise seriously injured or diseased. Riley and Richardson will stand trial at Jedburgh Sheriff Court on
January 10 with an intermediate hearing scheduled for December 12. POWAperson adds - The Scottish law provides a huge loophole for organised Hunts, as summarised in the article, through
which Hunts in Scotland have been driving a pack and horses, so successfully that only one organised hunt member has ever
been charged [in 14 years] and none convicted. The Act is currently under review, following evidence provided by the League
Against Cruel Sports purporting to show various Hunts chasing foxes where no guns were present.
lets Cottesmore FH hold B.Day meet in Oakham car park again14-10-16 Rutland & Stamford Mercury Cottesmore Hunt’s
Boxing Day meet to be held in Rutland County Council car park again Cottesmore Hunt looks likely to be
held at Rutland County Council’s car park again this Boxing Day, despite objections from an animal rights group. The
decades-old tradition looked to be in jeopardy last Christmas when Oakham Town Council refused the Hunt’s request to
hold the meet in the usual location of Cutts Close. But Rutland County Council stepped into offer its car park to allow the
Hunt to continue raising money for good causes. Last year, collections were made for For Rutland In Rutland. This year, the future looked to be in doubt again after
the Leicester Animal Rights group campaigned for Rutland County Council not to host the Hunt again. A petition started late
last week has attracted nearly 3,500 signatures. A
spokesman for Leicester Animal Rights said: “‘On September 17, 2015, an employee of the Cottesmore Hunt was prosecuted
for obstructing a badger sett. To us, it’s clear what this means in the context of a fox hunt – business as usual.
It’s unacceptable for the Council to be condoning this, and we expect them to do the right thing for increasingly pressured
wildlife by refusing any further requests from the Cottesmore Hunt.’” But this week, the council confirmed the Hunt would go ahead again this year. Rutland County
Council leader Terry King (Con) said: “The council has been in contact with Leicestershire Animal Rights regarding Cottesmore
Hunt’s use of Catmose car park for last year’s Boxing Day meet and advised them of the various ways they can highlight
any concerns at public meetings of the council. The Boxing Day meet is a well-established tradition in Rutland and, when approached
in December 2015, the Council agreed to this solution to provide an alternative venue for the event. A request to use Catmose
car park as the venue for the 2016 Boxing Day meet has been received from organisers of the Cottesmore Hunt and subsequently
accepted. The decision was taken in the same way as in 2015 and is subject to similar conditions being met by event organisers.” No-one from the Hunt was available to comment at the time
of going to press but last year, the Hunt Secretary Claire Bell said the hunt was “delighted at the support of the council”.
Sabs claim to have filmed Atherstone FH fox hunting yet again14-10-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO On Thursday 13th October two sabs attended the Atherstone Hunt who met at the pro bloodsports pub The Odd House, Leicestershire.
Well, what can we say (the video speaks for itself)....the same thing we keep saying week in week out season after season
. Yep you've guessed it they were blatantly hunting foxes. What more can we say......but at last the local and national
media are starting to ask questions as to why the Atherstone is getting away with it all. The Atherstone Hunt have been in
the local and national press over 40 times now. Also the public reach is growing and YOU the public are helping us enormously
by sharing our posts, writing letters to the press, contacting Leicestershire police.Today we also ask if you have the time
to contact the Forestry Commission where the Atherstone hunted yesterday. Pics below - 1/ Hounds seeking fox
in thick undergrowth 2/ Fox fleeing hounds on road 
Cottesmore FH can meet in town car park on Boxing Day, says Council 14-10-16 Rutland & Stamford Mercury Cottesmore Hunt’s
Boxing Day meet to be held in Rutland County Council car park again Cottesmore Hunt looks likely to be
held at Rutland County Council’s car park again this Boxing Day, despite objections from an animal rights group. The
decades-old tradition looked to be in jeopardy last Christmas when Oakham Town Council refused the Hunt’s request to
hold the meet in the usual location of Cutts Close. But Rutland County Council stepped into offer its car park to allow the
Hunt to continue raising money for good causes. Last year, collections were made for For Rutland In Rutland. This year, the future looked to be in doubt again after the Leicester Animal Rights group campaigned
for Rutland County Council not to host the Hunt again. A petition started late last week has attracted nearly 3,500 signatures.
A spokesman for Leicester Animal Rights said: “‘On September 17, 2015, an employee of the Cottesmore Hunt was
prosecuted for obstructing a badger sett. To us, it’s clear what this means in the context of a fox hunt – business
as usual. It’s unacceptable for the Council to be condoning this, and we expect them to do the right thing for increasingly
pressured wildlife by refusing any further requests from the Cottesmore Hunt.’” But this week, the council confirmed the Hunt would go ahead again this year. Rutland County Council leader Terry King (Con) said: “The council has been in contact with Leicestershire
Animal Rights regarding Cottesmore Hunt’s use of Catmose car park for last year’s Boxing Day meet and advised
them of the various ways they can highlight any concerns at public meetings of the Council. The Boxing Day meet is a well-established
tradition in Rutland and, when approached in December 2015, the Council agreed to this solution to provide an alternative
venue for the event [right, the meet]. A
request to use Catmose car park as the venue for the 2016 Boxing Day meet has been received from organisers of the Cottesmore
Hunt and subsequently accepted. The decision was taken in the same way as in 2015 and is subject to similar conditions being
met by event organisers.” No-one from the Hunt was available to comment
at the time of going to press but last year, the Hunt Secretary Claire Bell said the hunt was “delighted at the support
of the council”.
Online leak of Blackmore FH Huntsman's address referred to police 13-10-16 Somerset Live Countryside
Alliance welcomes threat to prosecute those who spread contact details online An online leak of
information about a Somerset huntsman cleared of causing grievous bodily harm to a saboteur has been reported to police, a
pro hunt group has claimed. The Countryside Alliance has welcomed an announcement by the Director of Public Prosecutions that
people who spread private details could now be prosecuted. It claims the leaking of Mark Doggrell's address and his wife's
phone number online has been reported to police which are investigating. Mr Doggrell was cleared by a jury at Taunton Crown
Court last month after an incident in 2014 in which hunt saboteur Nicola Rawson was injured by his horse. Pic below - the moment Doggrell's horse mowed down Nicola Rawson, seriously
injuring her -
Sabs photo Easton Harriers JM trying to hide hare killed by Hunt Huntsman later claims corpse was that of a rabbit! Sabs also say two of their number were assaulted by hunters 8-10-16 Facebook – Norfolk & Suffolk Sabs Easton Harriers – 08/10/2016 - Wood Farm, Tannington
Our legal team has advised us to share the following images, as we believe that this is within the interest of the general
public. On Saturday 8th October, Norfolk/Suffolk
Hunt Sabs visited the Easton Harriers Hunt who met at Wood Farm, Tannington, in Suffolk. Due to legal proceedings, we are
unable to fully describe what happened that morning other than the confirmation that a hare was killed by the Hunt.
In the first two photos [below], we
have Lydia Freeman (Hunt Master) trying to conceal the body of the dead hare. We are appealing for the identity of the other
two individuals displayed in the remaining photos, in connection with assaults that also took place that morning [seehere]. If you have any information then please contact us. We encourage our
supporters to share this post.  Tynedale
FH filmed hunting fox - sabs say supporter stabbed their tyres 9-10-16 Facebook - North East Sabs 8th October 2016 - Tynedale
Hunt This particular Hunt has been left to it’s own devices for a little too long, and after a tip off from a member of the public we thought we’d
have a trip out and see what they’ve been up to. Meeting just outside of Aydon, we were greeted with abuse and some
rather sexist remarks, being that we were a girl-only crew. Someone who can only be described as Reg Holdsworth’s doppelganger...
greeted us with the words ‘Go home and get fucked by a man’ as if his statement would send us fleeing in search
of the nearest virile gent. We spent some time monitoring the hunt and questioning why three quads with terriers and shovels were ‘passing
through’ at just the right time. Claims of the usual trail hunt were thrown around but those were pretty quickly shown
to be lies when the hounds went into cry in an area of woodland close by. A bit of gizmo use and some horn calls seemed to
distract the hounds and shortly we started to think of moving off to keep ahead of the game. Only when we pulled away did we discover our new friends had decided to stick what was likely a screwdriver or knife into
one of our front tyres. Fortunately we are some pretty handy girl's and managed to change over to our spare tyre. We travelled
a bit further to follow the Hunt and when we pulled up realised we also had a flat tyre at the back. Scuppered we were indeed
and we made a call to the police letting them know that as well as illegally hunting the Hunt had also been up to some criminal
The fact we were
alongside the Hunt while they surrounded a further piece of woodland meant we also caught on camera a pretty exhausted fox
fleeing the hounds [above right], and
an attempt by riders to stop it from escaping [left]. Some
smart moves by a pair of sabs meant the Hunt were stopped from a further chase and a hare and deer also had the chance to
escape. We’re hopeful by the time the Hunt packed up we prevented what would have been definite kills... the police
arrived to take statements about the damage to the car. We were lucky enough to have captured some photos of registration
plates, faces an enough information to take it further and we definitely have to thank Northumbria Police who are pretty keen
to pursue the matter further. Pic below -
Exhausted fox [bottom left] looking warily at hunt rider before it slips into bushes
police drop investigation into Atherstone FH fox kill7-10-16 Coventry Telegraph Second investigation into Atherstone Hunt dropped
through 'lack of evidence' -force closes case involving
allegation that a fox was illegally killed despite video showing dead fox carried in hound's jaws
A second police force has dropped an investigation into the Atherstone Hunt over an allegation that a fox was illegally killed,
citing a “lack of evidence”. Leicestershire Police have told the Telegraph they have closed their investigation
into the Warwickshire hunt after an incident in Hall Lane, Osbaston in January this year. At the time gruesome footage from West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs was published which showed the a dead fox being carried
in the jaws of a hound [left]. But now Leicestershire Police have said there was not enough evidence to prosecute anyone over the incident.
A spokesman for the force told the Telegraph: “It was closed due to a lack of evidence. The body of the fox was never
surrendered to us.” It is the second time a police force has dropped
an investigation into the Atherstone Hunt and the death of a fox this year. In August the Telegraph reported that Warwickshire
Police would not charge anyone even though video evidence of a fox being killed by a hound, again captured by West Midlands
Saboteurs, had been published. Following this incident in November 2015 there were also witness statements given by anti-hunt
protesters and an admission from Atherstone Hunt that they killed the fox, but that it was already injured before they arrived. Since 2005 it has been illegal to hunt foxes with dogs. The maximum penalty is a £5,000
fine while police can also confiscate and destroy equipment and dogs used in hunting. Atherstone Hunt has been under the police
spotlight several other times in the past two years. Earlier this week the Telegraph reported that Leicestershire Police were
investigating after a whip wielding member of Atherstone Hunt was filmed engaging in a scuffle with an anti hunt protester
on Monday, October 3. In December 2015 footage emerged which appeared to
show a hunt supporter put a protester in a headlock during a meeting of Atherstone Hunt. Laura Caines, 33, from Bedworth,
was subsequently found guilty on two counts of assault by beating after the bust-up. In September 2015, footage emerged showing
hunt stewards simulating sex with the body of a dead goose but police decided no criminal offence had taken place.
Three Colne Valley Beagles followers convicted of affray5-10-16 Huddersfield Daily Examiner VIDEO Three hunt followers in court after violence at Boxing
Day hunt Three hunt followers have been given community orders after a Boxing Day fracas with hunt saboteurs.
Trouble flared on December 26, 2014 when the Colne Valley Beagles planned a meeting close to the Jack O’Mitre pub at
Scammonden. Danny O’Brien, Robert Walker and Gareth Nicholson were among those attending to support the Hunt when a
van containing the anti-hunt protesters turned up, Leeds Crown Court heard. Sentencing the trio for affray Recorder Richard Wright QC said: “As is a common
feature of such gatherings whilst there are those who support hunting in all its forms there are equally those who oppose
hunting in all its forms and seek to protest lawfully against it.” He said when the anti-hunt protesters attended
“unfortunately on this day things got badly out of hand.” He told the three: “I am satisfied none
of you were there that day for the purpose of trouble but were all there to participate in a countryside pursuit you all enjoyed
and feel very passionate about and I am quite sure that contributed to tempers over-flowing and all of you losing control.” Recorder Wright said the protesters, who had
earlier had a window smashed in their van by others not in court, were filming the hunt followers. Having seen some footage
it appeared that filming was what caused “the matter to boil over and violence to begin.” He added: “You
all should have known better than to go and engage with anti-hunt protesters and having done so tempers flared and violence
broke-out.” He said Walker, in spite of his age, good character and standing in the community had assaulted one of them
having lost his temper. O’Brien joined in and also punched at people in the van. Nicholson, the least involved according
to the prosecution had done some “pushing and shoving” but because he was “a big lad” that was intimidating,
said Recorder Wright. But he said they had faced an entirely “inexplicable and wholly unacceptable delay” in the
case being prosecuted and reaching court and that could be reflected in the sentence. All three admitted
affray and were given a 12 month community order. Walker, 65, a retired butcher, of Tudor Street, Linthwaite, of previous
good character, was ordered to do 80 hours unpaid work. O’Brien, 20, of Pike Law Road, Scapegoat Hill, was ordered to
do 120 hours unpaid work and Nicholson, 20 of Pit Hill Farm, Stainland, Halifax, also of previous good character was ordered
to do 60 hours unpaid work. The court heard a fourth defendant, Nicholson’s best friend had died last weekend following
a car crash. 6-10-16 Facebook – W.Yorks Sabs On Boxing Day 2014 we attended the Colne Valley Beagles meet with Liverpool Hunt Sabs and Sheffield Saboteurs
to stop illegal hunting using non-violent direct action. This is the moment hunt supporters attack sabs. A short while earlier,
they had smashed the windscreen with a baseball bat. Our driver was viciously attacked and suffered black eyes, broken teeth
and concussion. On 5th October 2016, Colne Valley Beagles hunt support Charles Walker, Danny O'Brien and Gareth Nicholson
were sentenced to Community Service. With big thanks to Liverpool,
Sheffield and Manchester Hunt Sabs for all of their help in securing a conviction. Please consider donating to help us stay in the field. POWAperson adds - See the original reports of the incident here. Stills from the
video of the attack are below -   
Dulverton Farmers FH rider convicted of assault and criminal damage 4-10-16 Facebook – Devon Sabs We are pleased to announce that David Arthur Evans [left] of
Dulverton Farmers Hunt was found guilty of assault by beating and criminal damage at Barnstaple Magistrates court last month.
This is in relation to an incident last December when Mr Evans and Anthony Allibone - Huntsman for the Dulverton Farmers -
who also has convictions for assault against hunt monitors from 10 years ago, took exception to us arriving in Bishops Nympton.
Evans and Allibone thought they would intimidate us into leaving by attempting to run sabs over with their horses and carrying
out a violent assault. During the attack Evans repeatedly thrashed a sab with his crop, then ripped the sabs camera from her
hand. The camera was never recovered. The sab was treated at A&E in south Devon.
David Arthur Evans, 64, of Border Farm, South Molton pleaded not guilty to both offences. The magistrates found against
him and for the assault he was ordered to pay a £335 fine, £75 compensation, £33 victim surcharge and £620
costs. He was also charged with destroying a Panasonic camera, again a not guilty plea was entered, and again the magistrates
found him guilty. He was fined £225 and told to pay £80 compensation. He was represented by Clive Rees, a charming
Welsh man who is also familiar with the process of being found guilty with charges related to animal cruelty. To anyone who
believes we can be frightened or intimidated into giving up - THINK AGAIN - we are here to stay! Devon Hunt Sabs still fighting
to protect wildlife from lowlife!
Repentant former Huntsman Clifford Pellow
dies, aged 73 4-10-16 POWA is
greatly saddened to learn of Clifford's death, after a short illness. He caused a major earthquake in the hunting world
in the early '90s when, having had his complaints ignored by the MFHA, he resigned his position as Huntsman of the
Tredegar Farmers FH and, after approaching LACS, revealed many of the grisliest secrets of the blood sport. It took huge
courage to do what he did and he received much abuse and some death threats as a result. But his sense of morality and principle
would no longer allow him to go along with the barbarities he was being expected to not just tolerate but to join in with.
There can be little doubt that his explosive revelations played a significant part in furthering the momentum for a ban on
hunting with dogs which culminated in the Hunting Act 2004. The League arranged for journalist Andrew Tyler, of Animal Aid,
to work with Clifford to produce his memoir as a booklet entitled 'A Brush With Conscience'. R.I.P. Clifford.
Sab allegedly assaulted by Atherstone Huntsman as hounds chase
fox 3-10-16 Facebook – W.Mids Sabs VIDEO Atherstone
Hunt Monday 3rd October – New House Grange, Sheepy
Magna - Fox hunted - Sab tries to save it - Sab violently attacked
by huntsman A small group of sabs caught the Atherstone Hunt blatantly hunting in Sheepy Magna this morning.
We decided to stay out of sight and film what they were doing. However one of the foot sabs was seen by the Hunt early on
and so stayed with the Hunt for the rest of the morning. Despite this, the Hunt carried on blatantly hunting in front of him.
At one point the hounds chased a fox across a busy road with no one from the Hunt in sight. After gathering his hounds, Huntsman Stuart Barton [right] took the hounds back across the road and into the same woods where the hounds had
just chased the fox from. Another fox then ran out of a hedge and down the road in front of one of the sabs with Huntsman
and hounds close behind. The hounds soon picked up the scent and began to chase it. The sab tried calling them back and told Huntsman Barton to call the hounds off.
He let the hounds carry on after the fox and instead tried riding his horse at the sab. Barton then got off his horse and
violently attacked the sab before getting back on his horse and riding off. His Whipper-In shouted after him to steal the
camera that had just filmed the whole incident. Despite this the fox got away safely and the hunt packed up shortly after. Ex hunting-policeman Brett Parker was
also out watching today's illegal hunting. Parker formally of Warwickshire Police, and currently the Huntsman of the North
Warwickshire Beagles who are kennelled at the Atherstone kennels, followed the sabs' vehicle after this incident until
it was out of the area. 4-10-16
Facebook – W.Mids Sabs …We believe that the
MFHA should insist that Stuart Barton be dismissed for gross misconduct. On 3-10-16 Stuart Barton, the Huntsman of the notorious
Atherstone Hunt, has again attacked a Hunt Saboteur whilst they were trying to save a fox that Barton was clearly hunting.
Previous footage filmed by West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs has
shown Stuart Barton attack Hunt Saboteurs again whilst he was clearly hunting. We believe that Stuart
Barton's behaviour amounts to gross misconduct and believe that the MFHA (Master of Fox Hounds Association) should follow
their own guidelines and insist that the Atherstone Hunt dismiss him. We also believe that the Atherstone's Whipper-In
should also be dismissed from his job, as he can clearly be heard encouraging Stuart Barton to steal the camcorder from the
hunt saboteur which can only mean that he wanted to conceal evidence of a crime.  6-10-16 Daily Mirror VIDEO Fox hunter filmed 'brawling
with protester after ignoring warning to call hounds off live animal' Police are investigating a
video which appears to show a whip-wielding fox hunter and a demonstrator brawling on a country lane. Footage released by
West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs allegedly shows an altercation between a member of Atherstone Hunt and a protester carrying a
video camera. The man filming appears to warn
the member of the hunt that there is a fox ahead and they should call the hounds away. But the man on horseback angrily dismisses
the claim and continues to ride up the road. He then turns back shouting and swearing at the protester before leaping from
his horse, whip in hand, and engaging in a scuffle with the man who is filming the incident. He then gets back on the horse
and rides away while another member of the Hunt appears to encourage him to take the protester’s camera, reports the
Coventry Telegraph. A spokesman from Leicestershire Police said: “Police received a call from a man on Monday evening reporting
an assault alleged to have taken place that morning in Wellsborough Road, Sheepy Parva. A subsequent call relating to the
same incident was received at around 2pm on Monday. Officers are in the initial stages of their inquiries.” Since 2005 it has been illegal
to hunt foxes with dogs. The maximum penalty is a £5,000 fine while police can also confiscate and destroy equipment
and dogs used in hunting. Atherstone Hunt have found themselves under the police spotlight several times in recent years.
In August this year, Warwickshire Police had dropped an investigation over the killing of a fox in the county citing a lack
of evidence. That was despite video footage, witness statements and an admission from the hunt that it had killed the animal
all published by the Coventry Telegraph at the time. Atherstone Hunt have found themselves under the police spotlight several times in
recent years. In January 2016 Leicestershire Police said they were investigating reports a fox had been illegally killed near
Market Bosworth during a hunt after a video apparently showed a dead fox in the mouth of one of the hounds. It is not yet
clear if anything came of that investigation. In December 2015 footage emerged which appeared to show a hunt supporter put
a protester in a headlock during a meeting of Atherstone Hunt. Laura Caines, 33, from Bedworth, was subsequently found guilty
on two counts of assault by beating after the bust-up. In September 2015, footage emerged showing hunt stewards simulating
sex with the body of a dead goose but police decided no criminal offence had taken place. Pics below - 1/
Huntsman rides his horse at sab 2/ Huntsman jumps off before assailing
sab  This story was also covered by the Mail, the Sun, the Coventry Telegraph, the Leicester Mercury and others
Sabs release damning film of Blackmore FH hunting a fox in January CPS
won't charge - say Huntsman 'couldn't have known were on a fox' Video shows monitor telling him they were - Huntsman won't
heed 2-10-16 Facebook - Dorset Sabs The following footage was recorded on the 23rd January 2016 and for legal reasons we are only just
able to release it. The BSV meet was at Cornford Hill Farm, Holwell, Sherbourne. You will see the BSV up to their tricks again
showing no regard for their own animals let alone our wildlife ! We are extremely busy at the moment with the badger killers
but we have found time to pay some visits to hunts that are out cubbing and these videos will appear very soon. Please consider
a donation or coming to help us - email us at dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net for more info or if you have any info on what the
hunts are up to. POWAperson adds - The video shows a fox running across a road into a field.
An occupied supporter's car is nearby. The fox is filmed running across a field and exiting through a gap in the hedge
at the far side. Minutes later the hounds, in cry, appear from whence the fox had come, closely followed by riders. They are
led by the Huntsman, none other than Mark Doggerell, the man who 'accidentally' [so a jury found] mowed down a female
sab in August 2014, severely injuring her. A monitor is nearby where the Huntsman stops [and where the hounds cross into the
field] and tells him they are on a fox and he has filmed it. The Huntsman claims not to believe him. The hounds then
stream across the field, exiting at the same gap as the fox. The refusal of the CPS to
charge the Huntsman here is typical nowadays and one wonders exactly what evidence is needed to prompt them to take action. This
can be blamed on the natural reluctance of the CPS to take on the 'expensive lawyers'* the Hunt/CA would fund compounded
by the essential weaknesses of the Hunting Act itself, which, I'll say it for the millionth time, desperately needs strengthening. * One of the reasons the Dorset CPS gave for not prosecuting the Cattistock a few
years ago, after IFAW gave video evidence of illegal hunting to them. Pics below - 1/ Fox runs across road fleeing hounds 2/ Fox
[left] flees thru gap in hedge  3/ Hounds follow line of fox 4/ Huntsman told hounds on fox - denies it  5/ Hounds
exit field thru same gap as fox

Ranulph Fiennes - Fox I cared for died slowly at hands of Cheshire Hunt Explorer calls hunting 'brutal and insupportable self-indulgence' 2-10-16 Daily Express Ranulph
Fiennes changes mind on hunting after dying fox breaks his heart Hemarched against the hunting ban but Sir Ranulph Fiennes has dramatically changed his mind about
the blood sport after encountering a hounded fox that took six days to die. The polar explorer will today call on Theresa
May to drop any attempts to repeal the Hunting Act after switching sides from the pro-hunting lobby to supporting the League
Against Cruel Sports. He will give a speech at a Conservative Party Conference fringe event in Birmingham tonight explaining
why his views have changed so drastically on what he now considers to be a tradition of “brutal and insupportable self-indulgence”. It comes as a poll last week revealed that 84 per cent of Britons do not want to see a return to fox hunting. The
Ipsos Mori survey also found that 73 per cent of Tory voters are against any reversal of the ban, which came into force in
2004. Sir Ranulph will say: “Fifteen years ago I took part in the march through central London. I believed at the time
– and I still do – that those in the countryside need to stand up and ensure that Government recognises its needs.
But these needs do not include the right to chase a wild animal with a pack of dogs. The conflation of ‘countryside’
with ‘cruelty’ must stop. As a conservationist, I recognise the value of the Hunting Act. Hunts talk about wildlife
management, but the only ‘wildlife management’ hunts do is the raising of fox cubs to be hunted or baited. They
talk about tradition. But the so-called tradition of terrifying wild animals for pure enjoyment is now, as it always has been,
a brutal and insupportable self-indulgence.” Sir Ranulph, who was
the first person to walk to the North and South Pole and cross Antarctica on foot, as well as climbing Mount Everest, will
reveal how he tried to save an “injured and clearly distressed” fox that limped on to his farm in Cheshire. I
had come to know this fox well. She had raised cubs nearby and regularly visited the farm,” he will tell the audience.
After my wife and I saw the fox’s injuries, we called the vet. We laced food with medicine and left it out for her in
an attempt to prevent infection setting in from bites to her rear. Sadly, six days later, we found her curled up dead in a
field shelter next to the house. She may have gone there to die because she knew it was a safe place. To chase a wild animal
with a pack of dogs is illegal and has been for over 10 years. The Cheshire Hunt chased that fox before our eyes and she took
six days to die.” He claims he has had to erect fences and hedges and remove roadside gates to stop hunters getting
on to his land. “Do not believe hunters when they say the fox has a quick and painless death,” he will add. “Our fox’s death was slow and agonising. You try being chewed
to death by hounds.” The Conservatives promised a free vote on repeal of the Hunting Act in their 2015 general election
manifesto. Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom made the pledge a key plank of her leadership election campaign and has said
she will push for the vote now she heads the department in charge of the issue.... Sir Ranulph will argue that Mrs May’s “Christian belief that we must stop human
slavery” is not consistent with her supporting a repeal of the legislation. No one in this country should be above the
law, yet a threat of repeal only emboldens those who seek to break the law. And the result of that is a relentless persecution
of wildlife we are supposed to treasure. This is why I am now supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and its work to uphold,
strengthen and extend the Hunting Act, and to end the persecution and killing of animals for sport.” He will add: “I
have seen both North and South Poles, I have seen the peaks of Everest and Kilimanjaro. I know the depth and beauty of the
world’s natural environment, and I believe that Britain’s is worth treasuring.” The Cheshire Hunt declined
to comment. Sabs ridden at & shoved around by Ross Harriers Thought
that Hunt may well have killed a fox 1-10-16 Facebook - Bristol Sabs After last week’s blatant illegal hunting we thought we would return to
the Ross Harriers Hunt today. We headed to Orcop, Herefordshire, where we found a number of horse boxes and support arriving.
No sign of the hound van or the Huntsman for a while with some of the riders off around country lanes with us in tow. A poor
attempt to throw us off them perhaps? The Huntsman and hounds arrived a little while later and joined the small
field just before 9am, a fair bit later than previous weeks. Hounds were soon put in to draw a maize field in an attempt to put up a fox, so sabs used horn and voice calls to
bring most of the pack out to us! The whipper-in and supporters then spent some time trying to gather the hounds up before
the Huntsman again moved off. Sabs stuck with the Hunt as they rode up and down a few more lanes, probably in
an attempt to put some distance between them and us, again to no avail. Hounds were entered into a wood shortly afterwards, quickly
picking up a scent and going into cry. The Huntsman could be heard encouraging the hounds on before taking off to follow them.
Sabs tried their best to rate hounds, splitting the pack somewhat but they were now heading away from us in cry on the other
side of the wood. At this point the field were getting more agitated and it wasn’t long before supporters started attacking sabs,
usually a sure sign that the Hunt are up to no good and are wanting to keep us away. Sabs were shoved around with Hunt riders
charging at sabs, using their horses as weapons against us as they often do. Our video evidence of the whole ordeal is astonishing. While this was
happening vehicle sabs saw a fox, looking disorientated, being closely pursued by a handful of hounds. When we next got eyes
on them the Huntsman was on foot gathering up the hounds and with this most members of the field were heading back to their
horse boxes to pack up. Unfortunately we do not know the fate of this fox but we can only presume the worst. When will these
Hunts learn that the more they blatantly hunt wildlife and push sabs about, the more determined we become to stop them and
the more attention they will get from sabs.

29th September - LACS banned from attending Conservative Party Conference ..... 28th September - 'Red', the stag on LACS sanctuary, given 24/7 guard against hunters ..... 28th September - DEFRA Sec. of State confirms no Hunting Act repeal
in this Parliament ..... 25th September
- Ulster judge clears Co.Down SH of causing suffering to hunted carted deer
..... 20th September - Countryside Alliance Chairman Kate Hoey is to stand
down ..... 18th September - CA condemns
LACS reward offer for illegal hunting tip-offs
..... 12th September - Middleton FH Kennel Huntsman appears in court on Badgers Act charge ..... 11th September - Devon & Somerset SH illegal hunting trial set
for 2nd February 2015
10th September - Melbreak Huntsman - Hunting and Dangerous Dogs Act charges dropped
..... 5th September - Crawley & Horsham FH rider smashed our van
windscreen, claim sabs .....
1st September - Four northern hunters charged by CPS after LACS investigations
..... 1st September - LACS offers up to £1000
reward for info leading to illegal hunting convictions
LACS banned from attending Conservative Party Conference 29-9-14 LACS PR Animal welfare charity barred from Conservative Party Conference Officials
from the League Against Cruel Sports have been denied a pass to this week’s Conservative Party Conference. Three members
of the charity’s staff including its CEO had intended to attend to offer ideas to the Tories for their manifesto for
the next general election but were told in a letter from Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps that "the Conservative Party reserves the right to refuse admission to any person without ascribing any
reason hereto." League CEO, Joe Duckworth [left] said
he was disappointed and surprised by the Tories’ snub. "The League Against Cruel Sports is a registered charity.
As such, we campaign for animal welfare with all of the major political parties without any political bias. We have been allowed
to attend every political party conference this year apart from the Tories and each of the other parties have allowed us to
promote our animal welfare policies in the lead-up to the general election. We wanted to put our positive policies for the
next election to the Conservative Party including defending the Hunting Act, a ban on snares, a review of the commercial shooting
industry, an end to EU subsidies for bullfighting in Spain and action on the growing problem of illegal dogfighting but they
have told us we are not welcome. We have been forced to conduct a fringe meeting on our Animals Matter policy document outside
the conference secure area. It is quite extraordinary for a charity organisation to be treated this way."
the stag on LACS sanctuary given 24/7 guard from hunters
28-9-14 Daily Mirror Threatened stag guarded round-the-clock by team of ex-soldiers to protect it from hunters A threatened stag will reportedly be guarded round-the-clock by a team of former soldiers to protect it from hunters. Red [left], an eight -year-old red deer, is one of just nine stags of its kind left in the
Quantock Hills area of Somerset. The cost of protecting the animal is due to be met by the League Against Cruel Sports,
the Sunday Times reports. The group has taken the action amid fears the deer may be driven from land owned by the league to
an area where it could be legally shot. Security guards will patrol the boundary of the land Red lives on with a herd of female
deer. Joe Duckworth, chief executive of the league said: "We own sporting rights and sanctuaries to provide safe
havens for wildlife away from hunts so that animals can come and go as they please. Putting the lives of the animals residing
there in danger will not be tolerated, which is why we have taken the decision to employ extra protection for Red." Red
was recently chased by a hound from a hunt, the organisation said.... [Video here]
Sec. of State confirms no Hunting Act repeal this Parliament
28-9-14 Sunday Express Tory MP Elizabeth Truss says scrap fox hunting
ban ENVIRONMENT Secretary Elizabeth Truss [right] reopened
the fox hunting row last night by calling for the ban to be scrapped. Elizabeth Truss who last night called for Fox Hunting
ban to be lifted. Ms Truss said the Hunting Act had been a "mistake". The Coalition promised a free vote on overturning
the Hunting Act when parliamentary time allows. However, she indicated there would be no chance to repeal the Act prior to next year's election, partly because there is
little chance of success. Asked whether the party is likely to delay the vote until after the election, when it would
stand a greater chance of success if more Tory MPs are elected, she said "yes".... "I personally would vote
in favour of allowing fox hunting. I think it was a mistake... and I would vote for a repeal. We need to make sure that we
have the votes to be able to do that. We have said we will put it before Parliament when time allows." David Cameron
has been given a stern warning by countryside groups that rural voters will be less inclined to support the Conservatives
next year if a pledge to repeal the ban is not included in the party's manifesto. Some pro-hunting groups already feel
let down because a promise to lift the ban in the 2010 manifesto has not been honoured. Last month Sir Barney White-Spunner,
executive chairman of the Countryside Alliance, warned that the party risks losing half a million votes if it fails to include
a pledge to repeal the ban on fox hunting in its manifesto. Sir Barney said the Alliance "wants and expects" a pledge
from the Conservatives as they go into next year's general election. The fear for the Tories is that Ukip might begin
to draw off its support in the countryside. A poll of Countryside Alliance members held last year found that 13 per cent
were planning to vote for Nigel Farage's party at the election. Ukip is pledging to introduce referendums on fox hunting
to give people in the countryside the power to decide for themselves. Sir Barney said: "We would like to see (the repeal
of the Hunting Act) and I think people would expect that. We would want to see a commitment to repeal, tempered with a realistic
view that we need some sort of new legal framework in which hunting would operate in the future. People are going to vote
depending on this. There is half a million people whose votes it will influence quite strongly." Ms Truss said she
could give no guarantees, however. "We are yet to develop our manifesto," she said. Ms Truss, who at 38 is the youngest
female Conservative Cabinet minister in British history, is also defiant over the badger culls..... POWAperson adds:-
No surprises in the above. We've known for ages that they couldn't get repeal through. Meanwhile, another Tory MP
has defected to UKIP, causing further political turmoil for the Conservatives. Interestingly, Mark Reckless was one of about
26 MPs who'd said he would vote against Hunting Act repeal. But he seems happy to serve another bloodsports-loving party
leader. Nigel Farage was snapped posing cheerily last Boxing Day with the Huntsman of the Old Surrey FH, a man who had been
cautioned by police only 12 days earlier for punching a young sab in the face and who used to join the baying crowds at the
Waterloo Cup as they cheered when hares were caught and used as living tug-of-war ropes by hounds.
Ulster hunt that imprisoned stag before
hunting it escape conviction 25-9-14 BBC News online Ballycrune farm cleared of cruelty to stag
A County Down farm has been cleared of animal cruelty involving a stag. The
Ulster Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recorded the stag being brought from Ballycrune farm to a location
near Katesbridge last year. It [right] was
held in a trailer and shed for several days in March 2013, before being released into the path of a hunt. A judge said
he had "deep suspicions" about why the stag had been brought to the hunt, but was not satisfied, beyond reasonable
doubt, the animal suffered. He said that a deer released in these circumstances was a protected animal in the legal
sense and paid tribute to the USPCA and the media for highlighting the issue. POWAperson adds;- 'Carted'
deer hunting has been the traditional form of that 'sport' in the Province. Captive, de-antlered, deer are released
into the wild and chased by hounds and riders. The aim is not to kill the deer, though this may happen, but to re-capture
it for hunting again. Arguably, the practice has been rendered illegal by the Animal Welfare Act [N.I.] 2011 [very similar
to our AW Act 2006]. The judge here confirmed that the deer, by dint of having been held in captivity, was 'protected'
but felt the prosecution had not proved 'unnecessary suffering' in this case. He could not therefore convict the Hunt
under the AW Act. In March 2013, BBC Ulster reported on an
undercover investigation into the County Down Stag Hounds. They filmed a deer from a farm which had been put in a trailer.
This was then moved to a location near Katesbridge, where the Hunt were meeting. But the deer was left in the trailer all
day, then moved into a shed where it was kept for another four days. The Hunt then reassembled and the deer was released,
given a few minutes start, then chased by hounds for some hours. One redcoat was asked about hunting the animal, but simply
denied they'd done it, saying they only hunted wild deer. Footage of the deer in captivity, its release, the hunt and
the reporter confronting the hunt master is here . The farm at Ballycrune from which the hunted deer was fetched appears to be very close to, if not the actual, location
of the hunt kennels. Pics below;- Riders
chase deer soon after its release
JM denies hunting carted deer 
Countryside Alliance Chairman
Kate Hoey is to stand down
20-9-14 Western Daily Press Countryside stalwart is to stand down
Countryside Alliance chairman, Kate Hoey MP [left], is to stand down
after the party conferences. She said: "I am sad to be resigning after more than nine years as chairman of the Countryside
Alliance. The organisation has achieved much in that time, but I will always be most proud that having joined when hunting
faced such uncertainty, I leave with new generations queuing up to join the hunting field. The staff and members of the alliance
have been an inspiration and will always have my full support" Lord Mancroft, who has served as deputy chairman
to Kate said: "The board will consider Ms Hoey's successor at its next meeting, although she is, of course, irreplaceable.
Her contribution to the alliance and the countryside is immeasurable. It is difficult to believe now but when she took over
as chairman many thought hunting was doomed, shooting was next in line and so many other activities central to rural life
were preparing to come under attack. Her leadership stiffened us all for the fight. There is simply no way hunting would have
weathered the storm as successfully as it has if it had not been for her. Everyone who follows hounds, or simply supports
the freedom to do so, owes her a huge debt." POWAperson adds;- Kate Hoey stands out as one of just
a couple of Labour MPs who oppose the ban on hunting with dogs for sport and has been by far the most vociferous. Her
role in the CA sat strangely with her representing a deprived inner-city London constituency. She hails from Ulster where,
of course, hunting remains free of any legislative constraint.
CA condemns LACS reward offer for illegal hunting tip-offs
18-9-14 Horse & Hound LACS offer of a reward condemned by CA
The Countryside Alliance (CA) has condemned the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) after the anti-hunting group appealed to
members of the public to help catch individuals involved in illegal hunting. LACS has offered a reward for information
directly leading to a conviction under the Hunting Act 2004 in England and Wales or the Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002
(in Scotland). LACS chief executive Joe Duckworth said; "Our work relies on good intelligence such as when and
where illegal hunting is taking place." However a CA spokesman countered; "This smacks of increasing
desperation from LACS, who are desperately trying to support their failing campaigns against hunting. Offering rewards of
this kind could be seen as an incitement to further bullying and harassment of hunts as they go about their business, perfectly
legally and within the Hunting Act. POWAperson adds;- How very rich it is for hunters to complain about
'bullying' ! Middleton FH kennel huntsman appears in court on Badgers Act charge 12-9-14 Scarborough News Huntsman appears in court
A second member of the Middleton Hunt appeared in court following an investigation by the League Against Cruel Sports. Kennel huntsman Barry Andrews, 33, is accused of interfering with a badger sett in woods at Bossall, Malton, by restricting
the entrance. Scarborough Magistrates were told the case is linked to that of Tom Holt, the joint master of the
Middleton Hunt, who appeared in court accused of a fox-hunting offence at a previous hearing.... No trial date could be set
because both sides would need to consult expert witnesses, the court heard. Andrews, of Kennels Cottages, Birdsall, Malton,
denied the offence under the 1992 Protection of Badgers Act. Prosecutor Kathryn Reeve alleged the incident happened
on March 12 this year. The case was adjourned for a case management hearing until September 25, the same date as Holt,
28, who is charged with hunting a wild mammal with dogs at Knapton Lodge, West Knapton, Malton, last February 19. A
District Judge may be appointed to hear both cases, the court heard. Holt, of Leavening, Malton, appeared before Scarborough
Magistrates on September 3 and also pleaded not guilty. UPDATE Andrews' trial is to start on 23-2-15.
Devon & Somerset SH trio illegal hunting trial set for 2nd February 2015 11-9-14 Western Daily Press Somerset stag hunters face trial as Cumbria
case dropped Three leading members of one
of the West’s biggest hunts will stand trial next year on charges of breaking the ban on hunting. The two joint
masters of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds, David Greenwood and Rupert Andrews, are charged with one count of illegally
hunting a deer during a meet at Warren’s Farm in Simonsbath on Exmoor almost exactly a year ago, on September 14, 2013.
Mr Greenwood is also charged alongside huntsman Donald Summersgill for illegally hunting on a second occasion at Coppleham
Cross on October 24 last year. The case has been brought by the Crown Prosecution Service, and not as a private prosecution
by either the League Against Cruel Sports or the RSPCA. It was brought to court by the CPS on the basis of evidence obtained
by League monitors, and after more investigation by the police. The trio, who have denied all the charges, will stand trial
on February 2 next year. The Countryside Alliance has consistently called for the case to be dropped, and yesterday were calling
for a review of the way the CPS is bringing prosecutions for illegal hunting, after a case in Cumbria collapsed.... [see
article below]
Melbreak Huntsman Hunting and Dangerous Dogs Act charges
10-9-14 Cumberland and Westmorland Herald Charges dropped against Melbreak huntsman
THE Countryside Alliance has welcomed confirmation from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) that all charges relating to members
of Cumbria’s Melbreak Hunt have been dropped. Huntsman Edward Liddle had been charged under the Hunting Act and
Dangerous Dogs Act after witnesses alleged that illegal hunting took place in Buttermere on 9th March. Countryside Alliance
director of campaigns Tim Bonner said: "Mr. Liddle and the Melbreak co-operated fully with the police inquiries from
the start and there was never any evidence that Mr. Liddle had been in breach of either Act; therefore we were surprised when
Cumbria Constabulary chose to pursue their inquiries. It was even more inexplicable when the CPS then chose to bring charges
against Mr. Liddle. The Melbreak Hunt has operated within the law since the Hunting Act came into force and has huge
support from the local community. We are very confident that their activities are entirely legitimate." POWAperson
adds;- The charges arose from an incident in March 2014, when it was reported that many walkers in the Buttermere area
had witnessed the Melbreak hounds chase and kill a fox.
van windscreen smashed by Crawley & H FH rider, say sabs
5-9-14 HSA Press Release More violence from Crawley & Horsham as cubbing
season starts Less than one week after the violence at the Blackmore and Sparkmore Vale hunt, you would be thinking that the Countryside Alliance would have advised hunts to keep a low profile. If so,
it has not sunk into the low intellects of the Crawley & Horsham hunting set. No sooner had hunt sabs turned up
then one of their riders smashed the windscreen [left] of the
West Sussex hunt Sabs vehicle with their riding crop, with no provocation. As there was no indication of any trail being
laid, hunt sabs proceeded to disrupt what was clearly an illegal hunt taking place, as indicated by the rider’s violent
attack. Sussex police arrived tardy as usual and proceeded to make vague suggestions that it was acceptable for hunters to
assault hunt saboteurs if found off the footpath, no arrest were made even following the culprit of the damage being identified.
The hunt packed up after less than two hours with no kills. Despite the criminal damaged and threats of violence, hunt
sab will continue to attend this hunt who has the most convictions of illegal hunting in the country, something the police
should perhaps take into consideration in future policing.
Four northern hunters charged by CPS after LACS investigations Middleton FH JM/Huntsman Tom Holt at
risk of second HA conviction
1-9-14 LACS Press Release Joint Master and Huntsman of the Middleton Hunt, Tom Holt faces a charge of Hunting
a Wild Mammal with Dogs at West Knapton, Malton, North Yorkshire, on 19th February 2014, contrary to Section 1 of the Hunting
Act 2004. A summons has been issued and the case is to be heard at Scarborough Magistrates' Court on 5th September 2014. Kennel Huntsman of the Middleton Hunt, Barry Lee Andrews faces a charge of Interfering with a Badger Sett near Bossall,
North Yorkshire, on 12th March 2014, contrary to Section 3(c) of the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. A summons has been issued
and the case is to be heard at Scarborough Magistrates' Court on 12th September 2014. Paul Whitehead, Huntsman of
the Lunesdale Foxhounds Limited, faces a charge of Hunting a Wild Mammal with Dogs on 18th February 2014, contrary to Section
1. Terence Potter, who is a Company Director of the Lunesdale Foxhounds Limited, faces a similar charge on behalf of the company
as a body corporate, under the provisions of Section 10. Summonses have been issued and the case is to be heard at Skipton
Magistrates' Court on 5th September 2014. POWAperson adds:- Nobody from the Lunesdale FH, in West
Yorkshire, has been prosecuted under the Hunting or Badgers Act before. The pic left is of a banner displayed at their last meet before the hunting ban in February 2005. But, four members of the Middleton, including Holt,
were convicted last August for illegally hunting a fox. That incident was a particularly
blatant and callous one in which the Hunt members spent twenty five minutes rousting a sheltering fox out from a pile of hay
bales before setting hounds on it to rip it to pieces [still from the
incident below]. It was filmed by LACS investigators. Despite the extremely brutal and clearly premeditated
nature of the crime, the Court fined the hunter in charge, Holt, a mere £200 [maximum penalty £5,000] and
his equally guilty colleagues received even slighter penalties. After the convictions, LACS Head of Investigations Paul Tillesley,
was quoted as saying that '... we doubt it will change their behaviour... or that the Hunt themselves will admit illegal
hungting and change their ways.' These new charges may prove him right. Paul also added that 'many Hunts are
regularly out there breaking the law.' Indeed. Many - if not most or even practically all. One of the many reasons POWA
is campaigning for a significant strengthening of the Hunting Act is because the sanctions imposed in Hunting Act cases
[modest fines, discharges or cautions, all with no criminal record accruing], few and far between as they are, seem to
exert very little, if any, deterrent effect on the future behaviour of Hunts and hunters. At the time of the convictions
POWAperson commented - 'The capturing of such utterly conclusive evidence as in this case is a rare event and, very much
more often than not, hunters are able to avoid investigation, prosecution or conviction due to the weak wording and numerous
loopholes of the Hunting Act. There simply is no practical means of enforcing this defective legislation against nearly 300
hunts, a large proportion of which we have reason to believe regularly engage in illegal hunting - and there never will be.... the
number of convictions of organised Hunts remains minuscule.' 
LACS offers £1000 reward for info leading to illegal hunting
1-9-14 LACS Press Release Charity steps up attack on cruelty after hunt
members sent for trial by Crown Prosecution Service The League Against Cruel Sports today announced
plans for a major boost in its fight against animal cruelty after its evidence led to the Crown Prosecution Service authorising
criminal proceedings against members of two hunt groups. Welcoming the news, Chief Executive Joe Duckworth said the League
would now boost its investigations of illegal hunting further with a major public appeal for information relating to illegal hunting to help catch individuals responsible for inflicting cruelty to animals. As an added
incentive, in certain circumstances the charity will also offer a reward of up to £1,000 for information which directly
leads to a conviction under the Hunting Act 2004 in England and Wales, or the Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002, in Scotland. Joe Duckworth [left] commented
"Polling shows that the public are overwhelmingly opposed to cruelty to animals in the name of sport and they support
the Hunting Act which came into force 10 years ago. Based on our evidence, nine summonses have been issued this year alone
under the Hunting Act and we are now giving members of the public a chance to play their part in helping to end that cruelty.
Our work relies on good intelligence such as when and where illegal hunting is taking place, and details of the individuals
involved. We are appealing to anyone that may have information that could help us investigate this criminal activity and bring
the perpetrators of this type of animal cruelty to justice."..... Members of the public with information relating
to hunting activities are being urged to report it via crimewatch@league.org.uk, the charity’s website using the online
form or by calling the confidential Wildlife Crimewatch line on 01483 361108. Any criminal activity should also be reported
to the Police on 101.
AUGUST 2014 ..... 28th August - Female
sab has 5 broken ribs after ridden down at Blackmore & SV FH meet
..... 17th August - Meynell
FH terrierman given police caution for assault on sab
..... 9th August - HSA claim that most mink hunts have
been sabotaged this summer
..... 8th August - Lauderdale terrierman acquitted after sickening bagged fox incident ..... 1st August - Greens and LACS call rally to demand hunting ban in N.Ireland
Female sab seriously injured after knocked over by Blackmore FH rider Sabs claim hunters deliberately blocked ambulance from getting to victim 3-9-14 Daily Mail Hunt member arrested after he 'deliberately trampled
female protester with his horse leaving her with seven broken ribs and suspected punctured lung' -
Woman, 42, seriously injured after being 'hit by ridden horse during hunt' - Taken to Yeovil District Hospital with
seven broken ribs and punctured lung - Police said man 'fled the scene of incident' but later attended police station
- He was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and bailed A hunt member has been arrested on
suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm after a protester was left with seven broken ribs and a punctured lung when 'his
horse trampled her' at a hunt. The 42-year-old woman was left seriously injured when she was allegedly hit by the horse
at the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale meet in Somerset last Thursday evening. Police said they are treating the incident as
a criminal assault and said the hunt member did not stop after the incident. The 42-year-old woman suffered seven broken
ribs and a suspected punctured lung after allegedly being hit by a hunt members horse during a 'cubbing' meeting by
the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale group in Somerset The woman was treated at the scene by paramedics (right).... and was taken to Yeovil District Hospital. Hunt saboteurs at the scene claim the
alleged incident was caught on video from a camera mounted on a vehicle. The Hunts Saboteurs Association said the woman
was with another protester 'on a public road' when she was hit from behind and dragged along the ground. The joint master of
the hunt, Mike Felton, said members were 'very upset and deeply concerned' that she was injured while the hunt was
out. He said: 'We as a hunt and as individuals deeply regret any accident or incident that happens to anyone who is hurt.
There is a police investigation so I can't say much about it.' The hunt was meeting near its base and kennels
at Charlton Horethorne near Wincanton close to the Dorset-Somerset border. The incident occurred on Water Lane, Charlton Horethorne
in Somerset and left the woman seriously injured. The hunt and its pony club, which consisted of around 60 riders, was met
by protesters from the Dorset Hunt Saboteur group. Saboteurs attend the planned hunts in a bid to raise awareness of animal
cruelty and use two main tactics to throw the hunt off course. One tactic is to cover the scent of a fleeing fox by using
citronella (an essential oil) which stops the hounds from knowing which direction the animal has escaped. The other tactic
is to use calls - either voice calls, hunting horns or a small handheld device with an mp3 player attached - which calls them
away from chasing the fox. Jay Tiernan, spokesman for Stop the Cull, said the incident had come as a ‘massive shock
to everyone’. He said: ‘It’s a massive shock. It’s difficult to see someone who you care for ending
up in hospital. By being a saboteur you are in a particularly dangerous environment and there are several people who are injured
every year. There is a lot of anger out there, if there isn’t a successful prosecution what will happen to that hunt
member?' Avon and Somerset Police confirmed an investigation had been launched into the incident. A spokesman said:
'We've started an investigation after a woman was significantly injured after being hit by a ridden horse on Water
Lane, Charlton Horethorne. An investigation began as soon as this incident was reported to us and at this time is being treated
as a criminal assault. As part of this work we have a copy of some video showing the incident.' The spokesman added that
the man attended a local police station at the weekend and was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm, interviewed
and bailed while further enquiries are carried out. 28-8-14 HSA Press Release Hunt saboteur hospitalised after being ridden down by fox hunter
A hunt saboteur has been rushed to hospital after being ridden down by a member of the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Fox Hunt
during an evening cub hunting meet at the hunt kennels in Charlton Horethorne, Somerset. Two hunt saboteurs were standing on a public road watching the hunt in a field when the attacker rode at them from behind, throwing the female saboteur up in
the air with the force of the blow before she was dragged along the ground. An ambulance was immediately called but
was stopped from reaching the casualty by hunt vehicles who deliberately blocked the road. An air ambulance also attended
the scene. The female has been taken to hospital with a possible collapsed lung and back injury. The hunt then callously carried on hunting before returning to their kennels for a BBQ.
The attack was filmed by a vehicle mounted camera and this footage will be handed over to the police so that the cowardly
attacker can be identified and arrested. Cub hunting or "cubbing"
takes place before the official hunting season when the hunts train young hounds to kill by setting them on naïve fox
cubs who are easy quarry. Any of the young hounds who don't show an inclination to hunt are killed by the hunts.
Cubbing has been illegal since 2005 but is till common practice by most hunts. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: "The Blackmore and Sparkford Vale have
a long history of violence towards hunt saboteurs but this is a particularly cowardly attack even by their standards.
Cubbing is a vital time of the hunting season for the hunts as they are training young hounds to kill. Disruption by
hunt saboteurs can affect their whole season which is why they often react with violence at this time of year."
Meynell FH terrierman cautioned for assault on sab
17-8-14 Facebook - Manchester Hunt Sabs Andy Bull [pic below article], terrierman
of the Meynell & South Staffordshire Fox Hounds has received a police caution for assaulting a Manchester sab in February
2014 at Kingstone, Staffordshire. Sabs were intervening as the hunt attempted to illegally chase a fox when Mr Bull became
aggressive, grabbing a sab around the throat and attempting to swing punches. Members of the hunt had to restrain him. The Meynell & South Staffordshire Fox Hounds already have a conviction for illegal hunting so they are never pleased
to see us! Ironically, terrierman Andy Bull is listed on the hunts website as their 'wildlife officer'. In an
HSA Press Release on the subject, Lee Moon, Press Officer, added:- "Andy Bull has a long history of violence against sabs and we are
pleased he is finally being held to account for his actions. We look forward to hearing what action the hunt take against
one of their employees who has admitted a violent assault as we assume they will have no choice other than to sack him" POWAperson adds;- Bull's caution brings to 342 the number
of persons from organised Hunts in the UK known to have acquired criminal convictions or cautions since 1990. They have a
combined total of almost 800 offences, 177 of which are classified as violent. 32 of the offenders were known to be Hunt terriermen.
HSA claim that most mink hunts have been sabbed over this summer 9-8-14 HSA Press Release Majority of Minkhunts Sabotaged More than half
the minkhunts in Britain have been sabotaged so far this summer. Saturday 9th August saw hunt saboteurs disrupt a joint
meet of the 3 Counties and Teme Valley Minkhounds at their meet in Aston Cantlow, Warwickshire. This took the number of packs
sabotaged this summer to eleven, over 50% of the estimated total number of these elusive hunts in the UK. Illegal mink
hunting is such a secretive pastime that there are no definite figures for how many of these hunts are still in existence.
Despite their attempts to stay under the radar they aren't escaping our attentions any longer.After lots of research and
information received from many different sources we have, this summer, been able to severely hinder these bloodthirsty groups
who destroy the fragile riverbanks in their indiscriminate pursuit of mink, otter, water voles and rats. They have refused
to leave their meets, or packed up immediately, upon sabs arrival. Sure sign that they're hunting illegally. The police
have responded against sabs with heavy force, despite no crimes being committed, costing taxpayers a fortune to protect an
ILLEGAL activity. Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: "Mink hunting is one of the
most secretive forms of illegal hunting that takes place. It occurs during the summer, away from the traditional hunting season,
and only the most trusted of the blood thirsty hunting community are invited to attend. We are in no doubt that this summers
campaign against them will have severely curtailed their illegal slaughter of wildlife and we are pleased that that the mink
hunting season will now become a regular target for hunt saboteurs".
terrierman escapes justice in sickening bagged fox incident 8-8-14
Peebleshire News Huntsman cleared of releasing
live fox A LEADING huntsman has been cleared of releasing a live fox from a sack shortly before
it was torn to pieces by a pack of hounds. John Cook - who is in charge of the terriers at the Lauderdale and Buccleuch
Hunts - faced the prospect of becoming the first huntsman to be convicted since Scotland’s anti-fox hunting laws were
introduced 12 years ago. But after witnesses, during a trial at Selkirk Sheriff Court on Tuesday, failed to identify
the person who allegedly released the fox from the sack, Cook’s defence team successfully argued there was no case to
answer. Sheriff Peter Paterson agreed with the submission and accordingly delivered a not guilty verdict to all three
charges that 53-year-old Cook of Main House Lodge, Kelso, had faced. Members of the Scottish Countryside Alliance were
out in force to support Cook at Tuesday’s trial and also included Trevor Adams, 56, the only huntsman to have been prosecuted
under the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002. He had been charged with deliberately hunting a fox with 20 dogs but was found not guilty
at Jedburgh Sheriff Court on December 10, 2004. Cook was accused of deliberately hunting a wild mammal under the same
legislation as well as two welfare charges relating to releasing a fox from a sack to be pursued by hounds and also a charge
of causing an animal fight to take place and releasing a live fox from a sack in the presence of two foxhounds, which held
it at bay before attacking and killing it with the remainder of the hound pack. The offences were said to have happened
at Rink Farm, near Galashiels, on November 19, during a Lauderdale Hunt. Before the case against Cook collapsed, a couple
living close to the farm told how they saw a man take a bag from the back of the quad bike and release a fox down a hillside.
A male witness, who said he watched through binoculars, told how the fox ran zig-zaggedly down the hill but got trapped in
a corner between a fence and a wall. He told the trial: "Two dogs appeared and were baiting it and trying to bite. The
fox had panicked and had not jumped the wall. "Soon a pack of dogs, about eight, arrived and tore the fox to pieces. "At the time it was a shocking thing. I don’t believe
in cruelty and don’t believe in unsporting behaviour." His partner said she also witnessed the events from an upstairs
window of their property. But they could only describe the man as being small-sized and aged around 40. And Cook’s
defence team said that from a distance of around 100 metres away from their home to the hillside where the incident was supposed
to have happened, it would have been impossible to make out it was a fox that was released from the bag. Jamie Stewart,
director of the Scottish Countryside Alliance, said: "We were there because it has been a long time since there have
been any cases in Scotland and ensured that our interests were represented. "I think the case proves the legislation
works as the couple’s concerns were brought to court and to test them. I think this was an unfortunate case in that
the witnesses were genuinely mistaken at what they saw in that it was not a fox and Mr Cook was not in charge of the hunt
either." While the hunting of wild mammals with dogs is outlawed in Scotland, amendments were made to the Bill to
allow fox hunting to continue in a different form. It is legal to use dogs to flush a fox from cover for it then to
be shot, as long as this is done as a form of pest control. The Act further states that no offence is committed if the
dog kills the fox during the course of this activity, but only if it was not the huntsman’s intention that it does so
and is regarded as an accident. Hounds are also used to kill foxes that have been wounded by the gunmen or are otherwise
seriously injured or diseased. While no huntsmen have yet fallen foul of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act
2002, two individuals have been convicted for hunting foxes with dogs and 10 for hare coursing. Greens
and LACS call rally to demand hunting ban in N.Ireland 1-8-14 Belfast Telegraph Anti-hunting campaigners to stage protest rally
at Stormont Animal lovers are being urged to rally at Stormont Buildings tomorrow to voice their
opposition to fox and stag hunting. The rally, called by Noelle Robinson, Green Party councillor for Bangor Central,
in partnership with the League Against Cruel Sports, will highlight that Northern Ireland is now the only region within the
UK that has not introduced a complete ban on fox and stag hunting. In 2002 the introduction of the Protection of Wild
Mammals Act made it illegal to hunt a wild mammal with a pack of hounds in Scotland. In 2004 England and Wales followed suit
and the Hunting Act was passed. Ten years on, hunting foxes and stags with dogs continues to be legal, as there is still
no legislation, the League says. The charity says it has given this campaign priority status and hopes it will be able
to ensure that the practice is also made illegal in Northern Ireland. League spokeswoman Janice Watt said: "It
is vital that we gain the support of both the NI public and politicians in order to resign this cruel and bloodthirsty sport
to the history books where it belongs. It is not acceptable in the modern age for any animal to be chased to exhaustion, and
then ripped apart whilst still alive. The public were outraged at the leniency shown to dog fighters convicted this year in
our courts – but what is the difference between setting dogs on a domestic pet and setting dogs on a fox or stag? The
answer is none." POWAperson
adds:- It is to be hoped that, in the unlikely event of the N.Ireland Assembly introducing a hunt ban in the forseeable
future, they will learn from the mistakes which have given organised Hunts in England, Wales and Scotland so much scope
to carry on hunting and killing wild mammals much as they did before the legislation was passed.
JULY 2014 ..... 31st July - 'State-approved' anarchy if RSPCA stops prosecuting Hunts says leading monitor
..... 29th July - 2 JMs & Huntsman of North-East fox Hunt charged with
illegal hunting
..... 29th July - Welsh anti-hunt
activist charged regarding incident at fox dig-out in January
..... 27th July - RSPCA claimed to be caving in to pressure to stop prosecuting Hunts ..... 6th July - Mink. Hounds supporter to be charged after drove car at sabs and police
'State-approved anarchy' if RSPCA stops prosecuting hunts
- says monitor HMA leader and POWA Associate decries 'bullying' by pro-hunt forces 31-7-14 Western Daily Press 'State-approved
anarchy' if RSPCA drops hunt prosecutions The woman who helped secure the first and so far
only successful conviction of an entire hunt for breaking the hunt ban has said there is now ‘state-approved anarchy
in the countryside', after the RSPCA appeared to suggest it would no longer prosecute hunts The charity's chief legal officer spoke at
the weekend of the society having to have ‘proportionality', and agreed that the expense of prosecuting hunts and
huntsmen for breaking the ban on hunting meant money wouldn't be spent stopping cruelty to pets. The hunting fraternity
welcomed the change in tack, although the RSPCA's chief legal officer Ray Goodfellow [right] did maintain that the
RSPCA was ‘upholding the Hunting Act'. But Penny Little [left], from the Cotswold-based Protect Our Wild Animals
hunt monitors' group, described the situation as ‘a complete and utter scandal'. She said the RSPCA had
been ‘bullied' into veering away from paying for private prosecutions of hunts. It was POWA's video evidence of repeated law-breaking by the Heythrop Hunt in Gloucestershire that was taken up
by the RSPCA in a private prosecution against leading hunt figures and the hunt itself. The hunt and its senior members
[Ex JM and Huntsman below right] ended up convicted - the first time a corporate conviction against a hunt had been obtained
under the 2005 Act - but the judge in the case criticised the £330,000 cost of the RSPCA's legal fees. That
judge was later reprimanded for making those comments, but they were widely seized upon by Conservative MPs and the pro-hunt
lobby, who mounted a two-year campaign against the RSPCA prosecuting hunts. At the weekend, following the departure of
several figures in the RPSCA's leadership over the past 12 months, Mr Goodfellow told the Sunday Times the Society may
well change tack. "We are upholding the Hunting Act, the law of the land," said the legal boss. "But
others want to repeal it and we have been caught up in their political campaign. This is an issue we are looking at. There
are also issues of proportionality and the economic impact on our other activities. If we spend money on hunt cases,
that is less money for other work including prosecutions relating to pets," he added. A furious Penny
Little said if the RSPCA were no longer prepared to prosecute hunts, there would now be a ‘large group of putative animal
abusers' who are ‘effectively immune from prosecution'. "There is now no prosecuting authority prepared
to bring to account those criminal gangs who take packs of dogs out into the countryside to illegally inflict horrifying cruelty
onto wild mammals," she said. "This whole situation is a complete and utter scandal and an insult to democracy.
The need to strengthen the Hunting Act is now extremely urgent, to remove the current loopholes which the hunts ruthlessly
exploit, and which frighten the lawyers into craven cowardice, no matter how compelling the filmed evidence - which, by the
way, is collected by hunt monitors at risk to their own safety as they try to cope with the hostility and violence routinely
evident when hunts try and prevent their activities being filmed. "We now appear to have state-approved anarchy
in the countryside," she added. Fox illegally killed by Heythrop FH
Two JMs and Huntsman of College
Valley FH charged with illegal hunting 29-7-14
The Journal Three
men to go on trial charged with fox hunting in Northumberland Joint masters of the College Valley and
North Northumberland hunt - former champion jockey Ian Robert McKie, 56, from Wooler; Timothy Wyndham Basil Smalley 54, from
Berwick; and kennel huntsman Andrew John Proe, from Mindrum, have all denied charges of hunting a wild mammal with dogs. The case against the three is based on evidence supplied by the League Against Cruel Sports and investigations by Northumbria
Police into an alleged incident at an advertised hunt meet at West Kyloe Farm, near Lowick in Northumberland on February 27
2014. The three men pleaded not guilty at an appearance in Berwick Magistrates’ Court on July 17, and they will now
face a trial - scheduled to last two days - on October 13 and 14. Campaigns director for the Countryside Alliance, Tim
Bonner said he was confident that the trio would be exonerated. "The College Valley and North Northumberland have been
hunting legally since the Hunting Act came into force in 2005," he said. "We are confident that the three defendants
will be found not guilty as was the only other huntsman charged in relation to a Hunting Act in the North East in 2009."
Then Robert McCarthy, a huntsman with the Alnwick-based Percy Hunt, which has links to the Duke of Northumberland, walked
free when his case was dismissed mid-trial due to insufficient evidence - a move the Countryside Alliance claimed at the time
left the Hunting Act "in tatters." Welsh anti-hunt activist charged after incident at dig-out of fox 29-7-14 Countryside Alliance website
Saboteur charged with assault and harassment of hunt employee An anti-fox hunting activist, who targets
the Flint and Denbigh hunt, has been charged with aggravated trespass, assault and harassment of a hunt employee. She has
also been given a restraining order, forbidding her from contacting the man. The charges relate to an incident on 28 January and footage that Rhyl-based Judi Hewitt took and posted
onto YouTube of the hunt’s countryman Rob Smith using a terrier to flush a fox from
underground to a waiting gun, in accordance with the Hunting Act. She can be heard screaming and trying to stop Mr Smith
from doing his job. She is also alleged to have made threats against Mr Smith on social media. No date has yet been set for the court case and Ms Hewitt has not entered
a plea. Joint-master of the Flint and Denbigh hunt Jeremy Reed said: "Rob was keeping to the letter of the law and had
the full permission of the landowner. We understand that people do oppose fox management but we believe Ms Hewitt went too
far." Tim Bonner of the Countryside Alliance
added: "It is important that hunts realise that they can take action over harassment from activists. If hunts help themselves
by collecting evidence and are willing to make a statement we can support their complaints." POWAperson adds;- The veracity of parts of the above article
is disputed. See UK Hunting News Archive 28-1-14 for Judi Hewit's account of the incident.
claimed to be caving in to pressure to stop prosecuting Hunts
27-7-14 Sunday Telegraph RSPCA could stop
prosecuting foxhunters - Criticism over the cost of pursuing cases against foxhunters has forced a wide-ranging review
The RSPCA may give up prosecuting foxhunters after criticism that it spends too much money pursuing offenders. Donations
to the animal charity have fallen sharply in the past year, prompting a wide-ranging review that could see it focus more on
cruelty to domestic pets. Two years ago, the RSPCA spent £326,000 winning a case against the Heythrop hunt, based
in Oxfordshire, but the judge questioned whether the money had been well spent. After the ruling, the Charity Commission
warned the RSPCA that pursuing other expensive actions held a "reputational risk". Dominic Grieve, then Attorney-General,
wrote asking it to review its prosecutions policy. One change the RSPCA is considering is whether to take the decisions
about when to prosecute away from staff who were once field inspectors. Ray Goodfellow, the RSPCA's chief legal
officer, told The Sunday Times: "We are upholding the Hunting Act, the law of the land. But others want to repeal it
and we have been caught up in their political campaign. This is an issue we are looking at. There are also issues
of proportionality and the economic impact on our other activities. If we spend money on hunt cases, that is less money
for other work including prosecutions relating to pets." The possible move comes amid a marked fall in donations,
from £112 million in 2012 to £105 million last year. In June, the charity announced a major restructure
after it experienced what it calls a "net cash outflow" of £6.1million last year. The restructure could
put more than 100 jobs at risk. A series of senior figures have left the charity in recent months including Gavin Grant,
the chief executive; John Grounds, his deputy, and David Cowdrey, the communications director. Tim Bonner, campaigns
director of the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance, welcomed the RSPCA's review and proposed changes. "We believe it
is impossible for the RSPCA to both be involved in political campaigns and make objective prosecution decisions on the same
issues," he said. Mink Hounds follower to be charged
after drove car at sabs and police 6-7-14
Facebook - Sheffield Sabs West Mercia Police have today confirmed that they have sent a Notice of Intended
Prosecution (NIP) to a hunt supporter who deliberately almost drove into a number of sabs and a police officer whilst shouting
out of his window, at the Teme Valley Mink Hounds kennels on Saturday 28th. He will be prosecuted for dangerous driving.