For purpose of this record - and
to include whole year - 'Hunting Season' runs from start July-end June N.B. Entries are in
REVERSE chronological order. Stories are below each month's headlines WARNING - May contain distressing images of animals killed/mutilated by Hunts
JUNE 2008 …..
21st June - Bicester FH open new hunt kennels
Bicester FH open new hunt kennels 14-6-08 Horse & Hound [no longer online] New hunt kennels for Bicester with Whaddon Chase
A determination to keep hunting has seen the Oxfordshire-based Bicester Hunt with Whaddon Chase opening new kennels
three years after the Hunting Act. More than 600 people gathered at the new complex at Stratton Audley on Friday, 30 May and
cheered as Countryside Alliance (CA) president, Baroness Mallalieu QC, opened the new kennels…
MAY 2008 ….. 25th May - LACS sell London HQ, move to Surrey as membership falls ….. 23rd May - Leading Huntsman, Michael Farrin of Quorn FH, dies aged 65 ….. 19th May - Police charge Heythrop
FH Huntsman with illegally hunting foxes …..
14th May - Nick Soames MP fined & given 2 month ban for
traffic offences …..
14th May - Widdecombe calls for hunt bullies
to be reined in & monitors licenced …..
1st May - Woman JM of Dunston Harriers, 84, died in fall out hunting
LACS sell London HQ, move to Surrey as membership falls 25-5-08 Horse & Hound [no
longer online] League Against Cruel Sports sells London headquarters - The League Against Cruel
Sports (LACS) is relocating from central London to Godalming, Surrey, amid suggestions that the group has money problems and
plummeting membership. Former LACS director-turned hunting supporter Jim Barrington says that in 1995 it had 18,000 members
now LACS spokesman Barry Hugill says it has just 4,500….
Leading Huntsman, Michael Farrin of Quorn FH, dies aged 65 Farrin rode horses loaned by Queen Mother - Prince Charles
often rode with him Was
Quorn Huntsman 30 years and when fox bagging scandal broke in 1990 23-5-08 Daily Telegraph Michael Farrin - Leading huntsman who rode with the Quorn and was considered a distinctive
and iconic exemplar of the Shires tradition Michael Farrin, who has died aged 65, was one of the
most admired professional huntsmen of the postwar era, serving the Quorn for 30 years. The Prince of Wales,
and leading racing personalities such as Major Dick Hern, Barry Hills and Willie Carson, were among those who relished the
classic Quorn Mondays and Fridays, riding behind hounds over the cream of High Leicestershire, with Farrin as Huntsman. He was a fine hound man, and admired as an exceptional horseman;
he rarely suffered a fall, and appeared to flit across the country in front of the mounted followers, making the most formidable
obstacles seem negligible, until others tried to emulate him. He rode many horses of different types with equal skill; two
of his mounts were ex-chasers loaned to the Quorn by the Queen Mother, who visited the hunt kennels to see them. Michael Farrin was
born on February 9 1943, the eldest of five children of Dick and Peggy Farrin, who farmed in the Atherstone country bordering
Leicestershire and Warwickshire. At the age of nine Michael was driving a tractor to plough on his father's farm when
he saw a dark brown fox crossing the bottom of the field. Suddenly a pack of hounds screamed across the field in pursuit.
Michael rushed home, tacked up his brother's pony, and rode across country in an exciting line after the hunt for about
five miles. Then he returned the pony home, and found the tractor engine was still running. The experience ignited his lifelong passion for the sport... at 16 Michael entered hunt service
as second horseman to Captain Parry, and whipped in to Parry when he took the mastership of the North Cotswold. In 1963, aged only 20, Farrin made a career leap
in being appointed first whipper-in of the Quorn under their Huntsman Jack Littleworth... Ill health caused Jack Littleworth's
early retirement, and Farrin was appointed to replace him from 1968. "If
we looked for a new Huntsman we should try to find someone exactly like Michael Farrin – he crossed the country with
consummate ease, was a very fine horseman and certainly had a flair for hunting the fox..." The country was inexorably
changing from pasture to postwar arable farming, which reduced the riding possibilities. Roads became much busier, villages
expanded, and hunting was increasingly receiving attention from saboteurs, and political attempts to achieve a ban. A huntsman's performance is constantly judged and analysed by his supporters,
similar to other leading sportsmen. Farrin… had to cope with all the increasing pressures, continuing the Quorn's
four-day-a-week role in front of large visiting crowds during good times, and coping in the not-so-good times when there was
much publicised internal dissent, and frequent mastership changes. Through it all he retained the loyalty and friendship of
the vast majority of Leicestershire farmers and landowners who allowed access to large mounted fields. Farrin's
last day, at the end of his 30-year term, at the close of the 1997-98 season, was attended by a huge following, including
the Crown Equerry, Sir John Miller, who was a great admirer and friend of the Huntsman. Although he had regrets at retiring in his mid-fifties, Farrin admitted he was glad
to have handed over the horn well before Labour's Hunting Act in 2002...
Police charge Heythrop FH Huntsman with illegally hunting
foxes 19-5-08 Daily Mirror David Cameron's hunt first on fox killing charge - On Tory chief's turf.. - Huntsman
faces rap in key case The professional employed by David Cameron's fox Hunt yesterday became
the first person to be charged by police with illegally killing foxes under Labour's 2004 law. The move will shock hunting
associations which have flouted the Hunting Act since it came into force in 2005. Heythrop Hunt's professional huntsman Julian
Barnfield [below right], 44, faces three charges. Tory leader Mr Cameron has ridden
with the Hunt, in the heartland of his constituency, at least six times and has in the past described Labour's ban as
"bonkers". Gloucestershire Constabulary said last night of Barnfield: "We can confirm that this man has been
charged with illegal hunting under the 2004 Hunting Act. All the offences took place in Gloucestershire and involved hunting
a wild mammal with dogs contrary to sections one and six of the Hunting Act 2004. "He is due to appear before Cheltenham
magistrates court on July 21, 2008." Barnfield is expected to be provided with a legal team by pro-hunt groups, who
will fear a rash of official prosecutions may follow if the case is proven. Without their professional Huntsmen, Hunts which have defied the law would
be paralysed. Landowners could also be charged with allowing property to be entered or used for illegal hunting. Penny Little of Protect our Wild Animals - a monitoring group which supplied evidence for Barnfield's prosecution - said: "This
is a turning point. It should be where we start to see things change. I commend Gloucestershire Police and the Crown Prosecution
Service for the way in which they have been prepared to go forward." There have already been a handful of other privately initiated prosecutions but
this case is the first to be launched directly by the police and CPS. The Heythrop's members include Guy Avis, one of
Mr Cameron's friends in the West Oxfordshire village of Dean, where both have homes. Another member is Sarah Wilkes, a
key local councillor and figure in Witney MP Mr Cameron's Tory association branch. Barnfield
lives at the Heythrop's Chipping Norton kennels, where he tends its hounds. Before the Hunting Act became law, he said:
will not stop, I am proud of what I do." He has since listed his favourite music in the Heythrop Hunt magazine as "hounds in full
cry" and preferred holiday as "stalking in Scotland and hunting mink in Ireland". The Tory leader will be under pressure from his
party grass-roots to support Barnfield. A leaked memo proves he was picked for his seat because of his pro-hunt views. In an article four years
ago, Mr Cameron told of his thrill at being "out of control" chasing a fox on the back of a "powerful steed". 20-5-08
Western Daily Press [no longer online] Police will prosecute Cameron's hunt pal A West Huntsman
with David Cameron's favourite Hunt is to become the first in the region to be prosecuted for hunting foxes, police confirmed
yesterday. Julian Barnfield, 44, of the Heythrop Hunt in the Cotswolds, has been summonsed
to appear before magistrates in Cheltenham in July, charged with three counts of breaking the ban on hunting with dogs. It is the first
time a huntsman from a fox hunt in the region has been taken to court by the Crown Prosecution Service, and only the second
time in Britain - a low-key case in north Wales was the first. Previous cases have been private prosecutions by the League
Against Cruel Sports - most notably the case against Tony Wright, the Exmoor Foxhounds huntsman, which was eventually overturned
on appeal. The Countryside Alliance has pledged its support to Mr Barnfield and
said it remained confident that he and the Heythrop had a strong case. The
charges relate to three separate incidents, all allegedly caught on camera by anti-hunt monitors, when the Heythrop hunted
in Gloucestershire over the past six months. The first relates to the alleged killing of a fox in November last year, with
two more similar allegations from January and February. The Heythrop is probably
the most monitored hunt in England, with several different anti-hunt organisations sending volunteer watchers to keep tabs
on its activities. The Heythrop and its monitors were the subject of a BBC TV documentary this year, though it is understood
none of its content is connected to the charges.
Nick Soames MP fined & given 2 month ban for traffic
offences Had driven
quad & trailer carrying kids at Hunt meet & with no insurance 14-5-08 Daily Telegraph Nicholas Soames banned from driving Nicholas Soames, the Conservative
MP, was banned from driving for two months after being caught riding a quad bike on a public road with no insurance. Soames,
60, was also fined £200 and ordered to pay £35 costs after he pleaded guilty to the offence at Crawley Magistrates’
Court. A charge of using a vehicle in a dangerous condition was withdrawn. Following his court
appearance the Mid Sussex MP, a grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, said: “I’m glad that the court has dealt with
it and that it’s all over.” Soames was filmed committing the offence by hunt saboteurs as he followed a New Year’s Day hunt in Slaugham,
West Sussex. Footage showed a group of people, including three children aged three, five and seven and a pregnant woman, being
carried unsecured and without helmets on his Honda quad bike and trailer. The vehicle was ridden on private land and then briefly on the public highway to
cross from one field to another at about 10mph. Prosecutor Nigel Pilkington said: “Mr Soames accepts that,
as can be seen in the video, he was carrying a number of people in the vehicle and in the trailer, all of whom were unrestrained
and all of whom were standing up. Had any injury occurred to his party, or any others, then there would have been no insurance
in place to compensate the parties.” The court was told that Soames had three previous endorsements on his licence, all
fixed penalties. Tim Hayden, defending, said his
client accepted there was a short period when he drove the vehicle on the public highway but he was “cautious and careful”.
Mr Hayden said: “This being an era of modern hunting, Mr Soames would not have known where the trail would have taken
place so he needed to get from one field to another. The cargo that he was carrying were people that were close to him and
that was the reason why he drove extremely carefully. It is not contended, you have heard, that the use of this vehicle was
in any way dangerous.” Stills from the saboteurs’ footage were featured in a newspaper on Jan 3 following the death on Boxing Day
of seven-year-old Elizabeth Cooke, who was involved in an accident while riding a quad bike on a public road in Blackmore,
Essex. Mr Hayden described that as a “vindictive act” to embarrass Soames. Addressing the court Soames said banning him from driving would make
it difficult for him to cover his constituency. He told the court: “It would be very difficult to deal with my constituency
in the way that it has come to be expected of me.” Soames, of Bells Farm, Warninglid, Horsham, apologised for his lack
of insurance cover. Magistrate Rosie
McMahon told him: “We have noted that the vehicle was driven a short distance and it was cautiously ridden. However,
the vehicle was not suitable for use on a public road and persons were carried, including children and a pregnant woman.”
Widdecombe calls for hunt bullies to be reined in & monitors
licenced 14-5-08
Mirror [no longer online] Anne Widdecombe attacked
by pro-hunting bullies Tory Anne Widdecombe told yesterday of the "terrifying" moment
her car was kicked by pro-hunting bullies. She revealed video of anti-hunt campaigners being hit, sworn at, threatened with
death and their cars and cameras damaged. And she added: "I was in a car being very violently booted and it is terrifying."…
At a heated meeting in the Commons, she repeatedly challenged Countryside Alliance leaders to condemn
the bullying on the film. They would not comment - although its head Tim Bonner said later: "I condemn completely any
activity which is illegal."… 14-5-08 Western Morning News [no longer online]
Tory MP wants hunt monitors to be licensed Teams of camera-wielding monitors trailing huntsmen
and their hounds should be licensed to ensure the legal ban is enforced, veteran Tory MP Ann Widdecombe has said. A film screened in the Houses of
Parliament yesterday showed scenes of what the former minister claimed were breaches of the ban on hunting with dogs. She
insisted those behind the film, shot over the last three years, were "not hunt saboteurs" but simply monitoring
the hunts… Jim Pascoe, chairman of North Cornwall's Four Burrow Hunt, condemned Ms Widdecombe's idea as "insulting"…
Woman JM of Dunston Harriers, 84, died in fall out hunting 1-5-08 Eastern Daily Press
[no longer online] Fatal fall out hunting An 84-year-old
huntswoman suffered a fatal fall from her horse when it tried to jump a barbed-wire fence, an inquest heard yesterday. Sheila
Castle fell headfirst after her horse collapsed on its stomach in front of other members of the Dunston Harriers, of which
she was senior acting joint master. Mrs Castle, of Hellesdon Mill Lane, Norwich, was passionate about horse-riding and hunting and
was one of the oldest active masters of the hunt in the country….
APRIL 2008 …. 30th April - Supporters step in to save South Downs Bloodhounds drag hunt ….. 24th April - Seavington/Taunton Vale FH rider found dead in his car, aged 38 ….. 16th April - Nick Soames MP summonsed for traffic offences at Crawley FH hunt ….. 15th April - Otis
Ferry charged with robbery after 2 female monitors attacked ….. 15th
April - Dead fox dumped on woman Dorset monitor's car at
her home …..
3rd April - Cheshire FH ride illegally on towpath, horse falls in canal ….. 3rd April - 3 Hampshire FH supporters cleared
of robbing sabs of cameras
Supporters step in to save South Downs Bloodhounds drag
hunt 30-4-08
Petersfield Post [no longer online] Supporters'
help secures Hunt's future A Huntsman said he was "overwhelmed" by the response of
supporters that have stepped forward to save his ailing Hunt. Jeremy Whaley, master and Huntsman of the Froxfield-based South
Downs Bloodhounds, thought his career was over after the season finished at the end of March… But no sooner had Mr
Whaley spread the news that the hunt was to fold than supporters began to offer their help… The hunting season resumes
in late August and September but the hounds can be seen at Froxfield Fete on June 29th….
Seavington/Taunton Vale FH rider found dead in his car, aged
38 24-4-08 Western Gazette [no longer online] Tributes paid
to a 'true countryman' Tributes have been paid to "a perfect gentleman and countryman",
found dead in his car last week. The body of James Gilbert Palmer, aged 38, of Midelney, near Drayton, was discovered on Black
Bridge in Muchelney where, according to friends, he spent a lot of time in his childhood… Julian Temperley of Somerset
Cider Brandy said: "James was hugely loved by a very wide range of people from all different walks of life … "He
rode with the Seavington and Taunton Vale hunts, and was renowned for his skill in handling even the most difficult horses
and dogs with quiet patience and understanding," said Mrs Willey…
Nick Soames MP summonsed for traffic offences at Crawley FH
hunt Drove quad
and trailer carrying kids recklessly & no insurance 16-4-08 NWHSA website Sussex MP Nicholas Soames is to be prosecuted over the use of his quad bike at a New Year’s Day
hunt Soames was filmed towing a trailer carrying adults and children on the road near his home.
A summons has been issued to bring the 60-year-old Conservative to court on insurance and safety offences. Soames was filmed
driving down a road in Plummers Plain, near Horsham, as he followed the Crawley and Horsham Hunt on New Year’s Day.
Soames had a child perched behind him on the bike and was pulling four adults and two children on the trailer when the footage
was taken. None of the passengers was strapped in or wearing safety helmets. He is accused of having no insurance for his
quad bike and trailer and of using a motor vehicle or trailer on the road where its use could involve danger of injury to
a person. On 16/4/08 Soames was summoned to Crawley magistrates however the case was adjourned until 14/5/08 at the request
of the defence.
Dead fox dumped on woman Dorset monitor's car at
her home Victim suspects supporters of
Cattistock FH, which she monitors often 14-4-08 Western Daily Press [no longer online] Hunters'
sick stunt is meant to scare me off An animal rights campaigner has accused pro-hunt supporters
of intimidation tactics after a dead fox was dumped on the roof of her car this weekend. Hunt monitor Helen Weeks, from West
Coker, near Yeovil, was left shaken and distressed when she and husband Paul discovered the creature's bloody corpse outside
her house yesterday morning… In a chilling twist, the fox disappeared minutes after Mr and Mrs Weeks had made the grim
discovery and filmed the macabre scene for evidence to give to the police - suggesting the culprits had been hiding nearby,
waiting for the couple to find the body….
Otis Ferry charged with robbery after 2 female monitors
attacked 15-4-08 Daily Mirror Son of Bryan Ferry charged with attacks and robbery - Star's son allegedly laid into fox hunt activists
The son of rock star Bryan Ferry has been charged with attacking and robbing two women anti-fox hunt monitors. Otis Ferry,
25, friend of Sienna Miller, allegedly wrestled a video camera from them after he spotted the pair filming him. Another man is said to have broken
a window of the women's car and hit one with a radio antenna he snapped off the roof. They then apparently rode off on
their horses as police were called. The women, who had been watching for illegal fox hunting, had to be treated for shock
and bruising. Officers arrested Ferry at his home the next day. Mum-of-one Helen Ghalmi, 38, one of the alleged victims, said: "He seemed to come out of nowhere
and was shouting. He tried to pull me out of the car by the arm but I was still strapped in. The camera fell into the footwell
and he grabbed it. Then he pulled the keys out of the ignition and we had a tug of war over them. My fingers were hurting
and it was only later I found my arm was bruised where he grabbed me." Ferry had been riding with the Heythrop Hunt in
Chipping Norton, Glos - near Tory leader David Cameron's Oxfordshire constituency - in November when the assault was said
to have happened. The court case is likely to embarrass Mr Cameron, who has ridden with the Heythrop
and is friends with its Hunt Secretary. Its members helped him into Parliament by canvassing and leafleting for him when he
stood as their MP. Gloucestershire Police said:
"We can confirm one man has been charged in connection with this incident. The other man has still not been identified
and we would be grateful for any information the public might be able to provide in this matter." Ferry will appear before Cheltenham
magistrates charged with robbery and common assault next month.
centre, with father Bryan and brother Isaac

One of the victims of the attack talks to police later
Cheshire FH ride illegally on towpath, horse falls in
canal 3-4-08
Email from monitor The Cheshire Hunt rode on the Canal Towpath, which is illegal and then one of
the horses fell in and had to be dragged out. What is really bizarre about the whole thing, and
just shows how they are putting two fingers up to everyone, including British Waterways, is that the photos were taken by
a hunt enthusiast and posted on a pro hunt website, called Liams Hunting Directory [at bottom of page]. PS You might like to know that, as with the rest of the country, Cheshire
Hunts are carrying on as normal, they have even started to block up badger sets on the day of the hunt. We have given evidence
to Police but they just are not interested.
3 Hampshire FH supporters cleared of robbing sabs of
cameras 3-4-08
North West Hunt Sabs Assoc On 3/4/08 three hunt supporters were cleared of robbing two hunt sabs of their camcorders at a meet of
the Hampshire Hunt. At Winchester Crown Court Peter Bogris (30) of Petersfield, George Juer (26) of Alton, and Wayne Spencer
(40) Billingshurst, West Sussex, all cleared of robbery and affray. The prosecution alleged that the trio took the cameras
by force as the two sabs were surrounded by hunt followers on a path. 3-4-08 Hampshire Chronicle [no longer online] Hunt trio cleared of robbery Three hunt supporters
have been cleared of robbing two "saboteurs" of their camcorders at a meet near Alresford. A four-week trial at
Winchester Crown Court, which ended today, saw Peter Bogris, 30, of Petersfield, George Juer, 26, of Alton, and Wayne Spencer,
40, Billingshurst, West Sussex, all accused of robbery and affray. They were said to have attacked "hunt monitors"
Iris Luppa and Stella Hardy, both from the Reading area, at a meet of the Hampshire Hunt on February 24th last year….
Labelling the alleged victims as "hunt saboteurs", the defence on behalf of Mr Bogris and Mr Juer said that the
pair were on the path at the time and that an argument erupted over Miss Hardy filming children, but said the women fabricated
what happened…
MARCH 2008 ….. 30th March - BBC film shows awful treatment of monitors by Heythrop FH ….. 18th March - MP Soames faces court over quad bike misuse at Crawley FH hunt ….. 15th March - Monitors
film High Peak Harriers hunting hare - dead hunt horse ….. 13th March - FC ban IoW FH after see film of fox chasing and sett interference …..
12th March - Deer remains dumped on LACS sanctuary gifted by
Paul McCartney …..
9th March - Residents upset as Amman V Hunt chase fox down
street …..
7th March - Cottesmore FH hounds riot in village, 2 enter man's house ….. 3rd March -
MORI poll shows 73% support fox hunt ban, more for hare/deer
BBC film shows awful treatment of monitors by Heythrop FH 30-3-08 Oxford Mail [no longer online]
Appalling treatment of hunt monitors I have just watched a short programme on BBC1 in which
a camera crew recorded hunt monitors following the Heythrop Hunt. The intimidating manner of the hunters and their underlings
towards the hunt monitors was incredible... George Morton, The Moors, Kidlington
Anti hands threatening letter from hunt supporter to
police 29-3-08
Western Daily Press [no longer online] Incident echoes bull-baiting case
I recently received a letter through the post from a hunt supporter threatening violence against me unless I stopped speaking
out against hunting. The letter is in the hands of Gloucestershire CID for forensic testing. Meanwhile,
it reminded me of a letter published in the Bury Post in 1843 after the law to ban bull baiting had been enacted. The similarities
between the disgruntled, vicious bull-baiters and today's hunt supporters are striking and I am cheered by the fact that
the victim in this letter is regarded as the hero... Gill
Purser, Cheltenham
MP Soames faces court over quad bike misuse at Crawley FH
hunt 18-3-08 Brighton Argus MP to be prosecuted over quad bike Sussex MP Nicholas Soames is to be prosecuted
over the use of his quad bike at a new year's day hunt. The politician, a grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, was filmed
towing a trailer carrying adults and children on the road near his home. A summons has been issued to bring the 60-year-old
Conservative to court on insurance and safety offences. He can expect to receive penalty points on his licence and a fine
of at least £200 if he is convicted. Mr Soames was filmed
driving down a road in Plummers Plain, near Horsham, as he followed the Crawley and Horsham Hunt on new year's day. Hunt monitors, who follow the Hunt to check if foxes are illegally pursued,
passed the footage to the press. Mr Soames had a child perched behind him on the bike and was pulling four adults and two
children on the trailer when the footage was taken [right]. None of the passengers was strapped in or wearing safety
helmets. The former minister and friend of Prince Charles is due to face two criminal charges before magistrates next month.
He is accused of having no insurance for his quad bike and trailer and of using a motor vehicle or trailer on the road where
its use could involve danger of injury to a person. He was unavailable for comment last night. When the quad bike footage was first
published Mr Soames said the protesters were trying to claim a high-profile scalp by making the police complaint. Simon Wilde, the hunt monitor who took the film, said: "I do welcome the prosecution.
It was very dangerous even if they had been on private land." He said hunt monitors face strict
checks from police over the insuring of their vehicles, so members or supporters of hunts should get the same treatment. Road safety charity Brake said it welcomes police enforcement of the laws surrounding quad bikes. A spokeswoman said:
"If quad bikes are being driven on the road they must meet the legal requirements. Quad bikes need to be treated with
the same respect as you would treat a car or motorbike. They are powerful machines which can kill if you mishandle them. They
need to be treated with respect not like an oversized toy, which is unfortunately how they are often used." All vehicles on the road must be registered with the DVLA, taxed
and have an MoT certificate, lights and a number plate to be used legally. Offenders who receive police fixed penalty notices
for driving without insurance are normally fined £200 and have their driving licence endorsed. Mr Soames has been
a Sussex MP for 25 years, representing Crawley from 1983 to 1997 and Mid Sussex for nearly 11 years. His career has taken
him from Eton to the army, the stock exchange and a junior defence post in John Major's government. In December, when
he was called as a witness at the inquest into Princess Diana's death, he said he had been a friend of Prince Charles
for more than 50 years. He served as an equerry to the prince in the 1970s. Mr Soames is due to appear at Crawley Magistrates' Court on April 16th.
Monitors film High Peak Harriers hunting hare - dead hunt
horse 15-3-08
NWHSA website [no longer online] High Peak Hunt filmed chasing a hare
On Saturday the 15th March the High Peak Hunt meet at 11.30am at the hunt kennels, near Bakewell,
Derbyshire. Located around the area were a few hunt monitors, who during the course of the day filmed the hunt chasing a hare.
Also during the day the monitors filmed a hunt horse
that collapsed and died. We will not be showing this film in respect to the horse. These incidents happen week in week out
in they countryside and thanks to the sabs and hunt monitors they are being recorded for the public to see what's really
going on.
FC ban IoW FH after see film of fox
chasing and sett interference 13-3-08 Isle of Wight County Press [no longer online] Hunt embroiled in badger dig claim
The IoW Hunt has denied it was banned from Forestry Commission land following allegations it chased a fox and disturbed
a badger sett. Investigations have begun into claims by the League Against Cruel Sports the Hunt chased a fox and allowed
hounds to dig out a badger sett on commission land at Combley Great Wood, near Mersley Down. The incidents are said to have taken place this year and resulted in an agreement between the
Commission and the Hunt it would not operate on Commission land on the Island until the matter had been investigated. However,
the commission confirmed it was now investigating footage from the League Against Cruel Sports that appeared to show the Hunt
breaching that agreement by hunting on its land... 19-3-08 Guardian Cut to the chase The Isle of
Wight Foxhounds used to be known for never knowingly catching a fox. Now it is the first to have its licence to hunt suspended
by the Forestry Commission following claims by the League Against Cruel Sports that there has been illegal hunting. The League
followed the IoW Hunt and claimed that its filming showed "a fox being pursued across [Forestry Commission] land ...
[and] the Hunt, with hounds, present at a badger set." Stuart Trousdale, the Huntsman of the IoW Foxhounds, denies all. 12- 3-08 League Against Cruel Sports [no longer online]
Deer remains dumped on LACS sanctuary gifted by Paul McCartney 12-3-08 Daily Mail Paul McCartney's shrine to wife Linda is 'desecrated' by dumped deer remains
Sir Paul McCartney's woodland shrine to his dead wife, Linda McCartney, has been "desecrated" today after
the macabre discovery of deer remains found dumped there. The League Against Cruel Sports,
which maintains the woodland shrine, says a sadistic poacher has savagely attacked a deer and left the mutilated remains in
the five-acre woodland site dedicated by Sir Paul to his beloved first wife. The shrine lies on his Somerset estate near Bampton. The grim discovery, which was made in the early hours of February 24th, was reported
to both Devon and Cornwall and Avon and Somerset police forces. It came as Sir Paul joined ex-wife Heather as the face of
a PETA campaign against animal cruelty, and threw his weight behind protesters in Australia battling against a planned kangaroo
cull. Rachel Jay, spokesperson for LACS, said the deer remains were found in the vicinity of St John's
wood, which the League manages on behalf of Mr McCartney, and said that there had been a series of incidents.
Residents upset as Amman V Hunt chase fox down street 9-3-08 Wales on Sunday
[no longer online] Campaigners probe ‘fox in street hunt’ claim
League Against Cruel Sports campaigners are probing allegations that 30 hounds chased a fox down a street, amid claims that
police did not properly investigate complaints of illegal hunting. Residents in Llwuncelyn
Road, Glanaman, say they were “distressed” after dozens of dogs pursued the animal past their homes. It is believed
the fox escaped... Emyr Jenkins, a Glanaman town councillor and member of Amman Valley Fox Control, claimed they were legally
exercising dogs on land they had permission to use...
Cottesmore FH hounds riot in village, 2 enter man's
house 7-3-08
Stamford Mercury [no longer online] A villager is furious after 2 hunting hounds
of the Cottesmore Hunt ran into his home. He said that the pack of approximately
20 hounds came through the village and were completely out of control. They
were scattered around the village rampaging and barging through his neighbours'
hedges. He was told that a drag scent had been laid which had gone off line.
The police were called but no action was taken.
MORI poll shows 73% support fox hunt ban,
more for hare/deer hunting 3-3-08 BBC News MORI, in two surveys (sampled between 1-14 February) on behalf of several animal welfare organisations,
found 71% who disagreed that people should be allowed to break the law banning hunting with dogs. They also found that 73% thought fox hunting should not be made legal again, compared with 96% who thought the same
about dog fighting, 93% about badger baiting, 82% about hare hunting and coursing and 81% about deer hunting.
FEBRUARY 2008 ….. 23rd February - Cumbria police investigate
'several' illegal fox hunting reports …..
22nd February - Coniston FH Huntsman convicted of smashing
sab's car window ….. 21st February
- ALF in graffiti/damage attacks on 3 Cotswolds Hunts'
premises ….. 19th February - Cameron again pledges Tory govt will hold vote on scrapping Hunting
Act ….. 19th February - 'Appalling behaviour' to monitors by hunters has ended with police cautions ….. 19th February - East Cornwall FH snapped breaking 2 Highway Code rules ….. 14th February - Passer-by sees hounds &
hunters invade Lincs airfield ….. 13th
February - 2 Crawley FH hounds run over on A281 - hunters
abuse motorists ….. 13th February
- Motorist almost kills hound as Cotswold FH pack spills onto road …..
13th February - Grafton FH hounds chase fox into empty house, kill it in bathroom ….. 8th February - Residents resist Mendip Farmers FH's new kennels plan ….. 2nd February - Cattistock FH supporter cautioned for threatening monitors
Cumbria police investigate 'several' illegal fox
hunting reports Focus is particularly on
the Blencathra FH 23-2-08 West Cumberland
Times & Star [no longer online] ‘Foxhunting is going on illegally’ –
claim Police in Cockermouth and Keswick are investigating reports of illegal foxhunting taking place in the area. Inspector
Martin Connolly said inquiries were taking place into “several reports” of illegal hunts... Some of the inquiries
are thought to centre on one of the north’s oldest established and most famous fell foot packs, the Blencathra Fox Hounds...
Coniston FH Huntsman convicted of smashing sab's car
window 22-2-08
North West Evening Mail [no longer online] Fox huntsman smashed
saboteur's car window A Huntsman smashed the window of a hunt saboteur’s car. Michael Gerald
Nicholson, who works for Coniston Foxhounds, smashed the window of a Ford Escort with three saboteurs inside. Nicholson, 40,
pleaded guilty to criminal damage when he appeared before South Lakeland Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday... Prosecuting, Mr David Dunk told the court that a group of anti-hunt activists met
in Grasmere on the morning of January 10 to monitor Coniston Foxhounds... The planned hunt meeting was cancelled due to bad
weather and the saboteurs headed to Ambleside in an attempt to find Coniston Foxhounds’ kennels.... “Mr Nicholson
walked towards the car and according to the driver, Mr Cain, he was shouting. “He banged with the umbrella on the windscreen
then turned his attention to the driver’s side window. He hit it a number of times, causing it to smash.” The
driver, Dean Cain, suffered a minor cut to his face... Presiding magistrate Mrs Margaret
Stamper said: “We feel that because of your good character we can make a conditional discharge of 12 months for criminal
damage.” POWAperson adds
- The Huntsman was also ordered to pay £150 compensation. Attacks on sabs' and monitors' cars by hunters
are very common, often made while antis are inside them.
Cumbria police investigating reports of illegal fox hunting 22-2-08 News and Star Cumbria [no longer online] Allegations of Illegal hunting Police in Cockermouth
and Keswick are investigating reports of illegal fox hunting taking place in the area. Landowners in the area are being approached
by the police to canvass opinion about hunt activity.
ALF in graffiti/damage attacks on 3 Cotswolds Hunts'
premises 21-2-08 Wilts & Glos Standard Animal rights attacks on Cotswolds Hunts A MILITANT animal rights
group marked the third anniversary of the ban against fox hunting with dogs by launching covert overnight attacks against
two Cotswold hunt headquarters. ALF (Animal Liberation Front) was daubed over the main building at the Vale of White Horse
hunt's base near Daglingworth and at the Cotswold Hunt near Cirencester. The vandals also slashed the tyres of horse boxes
and lorries parked at the Overley Yard horse stables adjacent to the Vale's office which were not connected to the Hunt. Ian Farquhar, Master
of the Beaufort Hunt, said: "This was a cowardly and senseless act of vandalism by people creeping around in the night
like terrorists." A similar attack took place at the Masters of Foxhounds Association
headquarters in Badminton. Police are linking the attacks, believing them all to be the work of Animal Liberation Front. MFHA spokesman Brian Fanshawe said: "It was a really cowardly
way to get at people, and it's sad when people who aren't even involved are attacked. They attacked horse boxes and
lorries next door when they are nothing to do with hunting." Mike Hellens had
all the tyres on his horse box slashed and ALF scrawled on the side during the attacks which took place overnight on Saturday.
“It's despicable. They targeted the wrong people and it's just stupid really," he said. "We have got
absolutely no association with the Hunt, we are just next to their office. There's a lady up here who has multiple sclerosis.
She has a horse box which was attacked and she just uses her horse for riding as therapy." Police are appealing for anyone with any information on the attacks to contact Gloucestershire
police on 0845 0901234.
Cameron again pledges Tory govt
will hold vote on scrapping Hunting Act 19-2-08 Western Mail [no longer online] Cameron to allow free vote on ending ‘idiotic’
hunting law A TORY Government would give MPs a free vote on reversing the hunting ban, David
Cameron said last night. The current law had been made to look “idiotic” due to the number of people breaking
it, he suggested. In an exclusive interview with the Western Mail, three years to the day since the ban become law, Mr Cameron
said, “We have a very clear position on this, there will be a free vote, and if there is a vote to repeal the hunting
ban there will be a government Bill in government time...
'Appalling behaviour' to monitors
by hunters has ended with police cautions 19-2-08
Halifax Evening Courier
Pro-hunters' appalling behaviour C. J. Horsman ("Find out the truth
about hunting", Your say, February 8) describes my reply to his earlier letter as "vitriolic claptrap". I imagine
that he will view this similarly... I have been peaceably monitoring hunts for 14 years, from the roadside... Every season
since the ban we have been subjected to such appalling behaviour that police have cautioned hunt followers many times. At
this very moment, one is on police bail … Peter Bunce, Church End, Haddenham, Bucks POWAperson adds - The Hunt most monitored by Mr. Bunce, a POWA Associate, since the Hunting
Act came into effect, is the Heythrop FH. Four hunt followers have been cautioned in that time, one for a vicious assault
on a 60 year old woman by a male which, extraordinarily, police deemed only worthy of a caution. But these are just the tiny
tip of an iceberg of obstruction, abuse, threats and violence, as well as frequent criminal damage to monitors' property from
hunters and followers.
East Cornwall FH snapped breaking 2 Highway Code rules 19-2-08 Western Morning News [no longer online] Hunt picture is a giveaway The letter by Tess
Nash (February 5), together with the photograph of the East Cornwall Hunt on Boxing Day, will displease many readers.... The
photograph appears to show horsemen riding, several abreast, on a road with a pack of hounds. The Highway Code, Paragraph
35, says horse riders should wear light-coloured or fluorescent clothing in daylight. The East Cornwall huntsmen are wearing
dark green uniforms, with most other riders having black coats... Paragraph 39 of the Code says horses should never be ridden
more than two abreast, but the photograph shows the East Cornwall riding with five or six horses alongside each other...
John Phelps, Exeter
Passer-by sees hounds & hunters invade Lincs airfield 14-2-08 Hunt Watch [no longer online] Hounds
invade Lincs airfield On 6th Feb 08, a member of the public was passing Sturgate airfield near Gainsborough
at approx 3pm and noticed some very large dogs bounding down the runway and realised huntsmen accompanying them. They then
saw 20 riders. A spokesman for the airfield confirmed that they did not give permission for the hunt to use their land and
that it could have caused a serious problem.
2 Crawley FH hounds run over on A281 - hunters
abuse motorists Woman's car
badly damaged as hit pack chasing fox across road 13-2-08 West Sussex Wildlife Protection [no longer online]
Crawley and Horsham Hunt, West Sussex hounds killed and injured after chasing a fox over a busy road (A281) - 12-2-08
Crawley and Horsham hounds chased a fox over the road just north of Shermanburry, Partridge Green, W. Sussex, which resulted
in two hounds being struck by a woman motorist (Helen Daniel) returning from a mother and toddler group. Although the car was badly damaged
the woman driver claimed a huntsman shouted "its not damaged, just drive on." When monitors tried to video the huntsman with the injured hound, hunt Whipper in, Freddie
Morby shouted "are you fucking sick" as he desperately tried to ensure the injured hounds were not filmed. Another member of the mother and toddler group (Lisa Morris) pulled up immediately behind Helen Daniel and was told
by the Hunt to move on. When she saw the injured hound still blinking, and demanded the huntsman deal with it, she claims
she was abused. When she pulled up further, the hounds crossed back over the road, and she stated she said to the Hunt: "I
expect you are upset you did not get your fox," and was met with a "torrent of abuse." Hunt master Anthony Sandeman, who was on foot and was not a witness
but arrived later, told hunt monitors, the "driver was going too fast". Hunt monitors from
West Sussex Wildlife Protection, said: The Crawley and Horsham hunt are entering their hounds in the most dense woodland undergrowth
in a deliberate attempt to chase foxes. Occasionally they play a charade with riders having new dusters on the end of a whip who run wildly
around when monitors turn up, and for the first time last week, when filmed by a Country Sports TV company, they used two
runners with "Trail Layer 1" and "Trail Layer 2" on their backs; although monitors claim their was not
an atom of scent on the socks they dragged! This incident reveals the truth, with hounds crossing
a busy road at least twice in full cry and running from dense woodland when no trail could ever be laid. In
the 2006-7 season the Crawley and Horsham hunt tried to circumvent the Hunting Act 2004 by using an Eagle Owl, and claiming
an exemption allowed their hounds to flush out foxes from cover. While the hunt has abandoned this method on police advice,
they continue to hunt illegally. Pic above - Woman motorist who drove into
pack is comforted 
Hunter tries to hide injured [dead?] hound
Serious damage to car - what did that collision do to hounds?
Motorist nearly kills hound as Cotswold FH pack spills on
to road Driver says no hunters nearby and
hounds very excited 13-2-08 Huntwatch [no longer online] Another Hunt endangers public - again
At 12:47 on Thursday, February 13th, Lee Russell was driving his car from Birdlip to Gloucester along the Buckholt road -
running from the B4070 westwards to the A46. Suddenly, a hound ran across the road causing him to perform an emergency stop.
His brakes locked. He narrowly missed the animal by only feet. A pack of approximately 40-50 hounds from the Cotswold Hunt
then ran onto the road in front of him, causing havoc. Lee Russell said "There was no one in the area in charge of the pack, I could
see for about 50 yards on the right side of the road and about 25 yards on the left side." He continued "The dogs
were running from right to left across the road and were obviously in a state of excitement. It seemed to me that the hounds
were clearly not under control." Andrea Hill of Huntwatch said, "Are
we meant to believe that the Cotswold hunt laid a trail over a public road, or is it more likely that they were hunting a
live fox? We have lost count of the number of times that we have both witnessed and heard of Hunts endangering the public,
themselves and, not least, their hounds. Responsible caretakers of our countryside? We think not."
Grafton FH hounds chase fox into empty house, kill it in
bathroom JM admits it, says was 'just
one of those things' 13-2-08 Northampton Chronicle [no longer online]
Hunt 'chased fox into empty village house' Hounds chased a fox into an empty house
in a Northamptonshire village before cornering and killing the animal in the bathroom. Villagers said dogs from the Grafton Hunt gained
access to the house in Chapel Lane, Maidford, near Towcester, through an open backdoor before pursuing the fox inside and
then killing it, leaving behind what one called a "bit of a bloodbath". The owners of the Wesley Cottage no longer
live in the property, which is up for sale. Village resident, Ian Smith, who saw the hounds run into the property, said: "The hound chased
a fox into a house, which was empty." A Chapel Lane resident, who did not want to be named, added: "I saw the hounds
coming down the road and thought they were going to the farm." Another villager said: "The hounds pursued the fox
into the house and it was a bit of a bloodbath. I saw the fox being chased across a field." The incident happened on Saturday, February 2, but was not reported to Northamptonshire Police. Colin Richmond-Watson,
Hunt Master of the Grafton Hunt, said: "I don't know the details because I wasn't hunting that day, but I think
it did happen. We regret it, if it did. It's just one of those things unfortunately." Mr Richmond-Watson said there
had been a "big clean-up" following the killing of the fox. After the Hunting Act came into force three years
ago, Hunts are no longer allowed to use dogs to chase down and kill foxes, but instead use techniques such as drag hunting,
where dogs set off on the trail of a scent laid about 20 minutes in advance by a runner or rider dragging a lure.
Residents resist Mendip Farmers FH's new kennels
plan 8-2-08 Fosse Way Magazine [no longer online] Campaign
group prepares to fight kennel proposals A group of Priddy residents are trying to stop the local hunt
from moving closer to their homes. The Mendip Farmers’ Hunt has been based at Harptree Lodge on the outskirts of the
village for around 85 years. The owner of the Plummer’s Lane premises recently announced plans to sale the property
so the Hunt is planning to renovate a derelict dairy farm to create new kennels for around 60 foxhounds within the village.
But some local people claim the proposed site is too close to their homes and fear that the busy kennels would cause an intolerable
noise nuisance…
Cattistock FH supporter cautioned for threatening monitors 2-2-08 Western Daily Press [no longer online]
Coming face to face with the other side This was the moment a hunt supporter lost his temper
with anti-hunt monitors and ended up with a police caution in the latest in a series of confrontations between the two sides
in the bitter countryside war.The incident, captured on the video camera of a hunt monitor, happened earlier this season.
Hunt supporter Paul Martin's
spat with anti-hunt monitors Helen Weeks and Graham Forsyth led to police giving Mr Martin a formal caution for threatening
behaviour, after they judged that the strained relationship between the two sides out in the field had reached breaking point...
Police acted after two similar
incidents in November and December last year involving the Cattistock Hunt in South Somerset and Dorset.... The Cattistock
Hunt said its members, supporters and followers put up with intimidation from the two monitors constantly filming them and
their children...
JANUARY 2008….. ? January - BBC reporter joins Heythrop FH monitors - sees chase & evidence
of kill ….. 31st January -
Quorn FH senior JM badly hurts neck in hunting fall ….. 14th January - Surrey Union FH kill fox on cricket pitch in middle of Ockley ….. 10th January - 'Frenzied'
Bicester FH hounds cause up to £4k damage to garden …. 7th January - Minehead Harriers Huntsman & Whip plead guilty to illegal hunting ….. 1st
January - Crawley FH follower Nick Soames MP recklessly carries kids on quad
Quorn FH senior JM badly hurts neck in hunting fall 31-1-08 Horse & Hound [no
longer online] Quorn senior joint-master Joss Hanbury suffers neck injury
Quorn senior joint-master Joss Hanbury was admitted to hospital with a severe neck injury after a heavy fall while hunting
with the Quorn on Monday, 28th January, near Old Dalby...
BBC reporter joins Heythrop FH monitors - sees chase &
evidence of killAlso shown video of follower attacking car monitor filming kill from ?-1-08 BBC Inside Out, West Midlands website VIDEO Fox Hunting – Alive and Well? Three years after the hunting ban was introduced
Inside Out has been investigating exactly what is happening. Footage shot by the BBC and anti-hunt protestors shows
foxes being chased by hounds but huntspeople insist they’re staying within the law. In
January 2008, Inside Out producer Robert Murray spent four weekends with so-called "hunt monitors", Judy
Gilbert and Penny Little, who were filming the Heythrop Hunt in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. In one incident,
Robert [right, with Penny] stopped to film on a public road where Heythrop supporters had gathered to
watch the hunt. He saw a fox running across a field and the hounds changing direction to give chase. Then a Heythrop
hunter is caught on camera asking "where did it go back in?" The Hunt's view - The
Joint Master of the Heythrop, Liz Wills, watched footage of the incident and denied that her colleagues were deliberately
hunting foxes. She said, "They were hunting a trail and then they would have crossed onto the fox. There was
no intent meant by that at all... that’s what we try and avoid but it does happen." After another visit to the Heythrop in late January, one of the monitors called our reporter Ashley Blake to say
that a dramatic incident had taken place. Penny Little had filmed the incident from her car. Footage of "a kill"? The footage shows the pack of hounds
streaming into a wooded area directly to the right of Penny's car. They descend on something hidden in a ditch,
in a frenzied fashion. Seconds later, three men pull up next to Penny's vehicle on a quad bike, and one of them
kicks her door shut. The force of the kick knocks the camera out of her hand. A few minutes later,
another anti-hunt campaigner comes back from the woodland with what she describes as evidence of a kill: "It’s
fresh red blood that we found. We believe the hunt took away the carcass. But this is what we found and it’s
bright red blood on this leaf and also on this twig here, and it was still wet when we picked it up." The Heythrop Hunt refused to comment on the incident because it was filmed by hunt monitors, not the BBC.
Trail hunting. But Joint Master, Liz Wills
[left], says her colleagues don’t hunt live foxes, they trail hunt, which involves dragging the scent
of fox urine across fields and woodlands. The scent is then followed by the hounds and the Hunt. She admits that hounds
occasionally kill foxes accidentally, but insist there’s no intent. To the Heythrop, the hunt monitoring is an unnecessary irritant. "We find it very, very intrusive and
I’m not at all surprised that temperatures do get raised sometimes," says Liz Wills. "I’m sorry
if anything ever untoward happens but it does." Police response. The police say they will respond to complaints about
hunting, but only if their workload allows. PC Jon Palfrey, a Rural Beat and Wildlife Crime Liaison Officer for Gloucestershire
Police says: "It would be wrong of us to pull away from an incident of higher priority but that is sometimes
very hard for us to get across to the individual, who, understandably if they’re upset by it, feels that we’re
not interested because we didn’t turn up." Few people thought
that the fox hunting issue would just fade away after the ban came into force. But three years later, away from the
public eye, the battle going on is as fiercely as ever.
Hounds killing fox
next to road
on quad kicks monitor car v. hard trying to stop her filming kill POWAperson adds - By this time the monitor group led by Penny, despite being obstructed, harassed,
threatened and even assaulted by hunters and followers had filmed the Heythrop hunting foxes on numerous occasions
and taken that evidence to the police. It had been rejected by the police or CPS every time - but that was about to
Surrey Union FH kill fox on cricket pitch in middle
of Ockley 14-1-08 HSA Press Release Death on the Village green Remember that hunting ban? The Surrey Union Fox Hunt
managed to kill yet again in public on Saturday 5th January. For the second year running they allowed their hounds to pursue
and kill a fox in open view [below right]. Last year it was after trespassing on a golf course at Newdigate.. This
time it was in Ockley, Surrey. The hounds chased a fox into the middle of the village and caught and disembowelled it in the
centre of the cricket pitch. The police eventually turned up after a 999 call and took a statement from a bystander
who witnessed the horrific scenes as the animal was ripped apart by a full pack of hounds. This happens almost every day the length
and breadth of the country, but usually safely away from public scrutiny. Hunt Saboteurs have to witness
such scenes week in and week out, nearly three years after the Hunting Act came into force. Not surprisingly, foxhunts in
England feel they are above the law. The Surrey police present in three vehicles on Saturday were miles away from the hounds
when the fox was killed. The hunt packed up straight away, leaving the carcass in the village. Based on the previous treatment
of numerous submissions of video evidence, the police investigation will lack the gravitas and scrutiny it deserves. Lee Moon, spokesman for the Hunt
Saboteurs Association said: “Foxes are hunted and killed as if the ban never came into effect. By laying a trail through
fox habitat, or having an owl in a box, the Hunts can kill with impunity. We have tried to let the law work, but with the
police not interested, and a paltry number of cases brought to court, it has to be the time for a return to direct intervention;
to no longer put up with the cosy relationship the hunts seem to have with the local constabularies; to make sure the wildlife
of this country is safe from the barbarous practices of the past. Animals are protected from Hunts by law, but if the law
won’t help them then hunt sabs will have to.”
Coniston FH follower arrested after
smashed window of car carrying monitors 13-1-08 North West Hunt Saboteurs Association PR [no longer online] Hunt
supporter arrested following attack on anti-hunt monitors
A supporter of the Coniston Foxhounds was arrested on 10th January 2008 after allegedly smashing the window
of a vehicle containing anti-hunt monitors. The three anti-hunt monitors were
on their way to a meet of the Coniston Foxhounds to gather evidence of any illegal hunting when their vehicle was attacked
near Ambleside, which resulted in them being covered with glass splinters. During the alleged attack the hunt supporter climbed onto the bonnet
of their car and tried to smash their windscreen. Failing to break the windscreen he then tried to enter the vehicle by the
drivers side door. Finding the door locked he then smashed the window to try and grab the driver. The monitors then managed
to drive off and report the incident to the police at Ambleside where they made statements. North West Hunt Saboteurs
Association (NWHSA) spokesperson Paul Timpson stated 'It is clear that this Hunt has something to hide or they would not
have attacked the monitors. Violence and intimidation is a tactic used to try to prevent monitors from recording hunts that
are breaking the law. The police need to take action when these incidents are reported to them.' He added 'Members of the NWHSA have been attending various hunts in Cumbria this season and
have often seen illegal hunting. Hunt saboteurs have switched to monitoring hunts in order to provide evidence for prosecutions
under the Hunting Act. However, if the Crown Prosecution Service and police allow Hunts to ride roughshod over the law, the
HSA's members will have to return their tried and tested tactics that have saved the lives of 1000's of animals over
the years.'
'Frenzied' Bicester FH hounds cause up to £4k
damage to garden 10-1-08
Northants Chronicle [no longer online] Stray hunting hounds that rampaged through a Northamptonshire garden have caused up to £4,000 in
damage Sonia Hawes, who lives in High Street, Eydon, says now she can never
leave her home for the weekend for fear the dogs will destroy her garden again. The 51-year-old artist
was finishing her lunch when she saw around 20 hunting dogs from the Bicester Hunt enter her garden, damaging her pond, swimming
pool and woodpile. She said: "The dogs ploughed
straight through the fence and wrecked two fencing panels. I've got quite a large pond and at one point there were 12
hounds in it. They've pierced the liner and our swimming pool cover has been wrecked because it has been stretched. I
went out into the road to see if there was anyone there because these dogs have no collars, so there's nothing to grab
them with. It wasn't until 10 to 15 minutes later that the Hunt got into the village. The Master apologised and agreed
to pay for the damage. It's all very well paying for the physical damage but it doesn't cover the stress of that afternoon.
I've got an elderly dog and the shock if nothing else could have killed it. They looked like frenzied dogs that were totally
out of control," she said. The Hunting Act 2004 bans hunting wild mammals with dogs except in certain circumstances. There are situations
when dogs pick up the scent of a fox while out on a hunt, even if the Hunt did not go out with the intention of hunting foxes.
The maximum fine for breaching the hunting law is £5,000. Damage to the garden during the
incident on December 29 has already amounted to £1,000 and could reach £4,000 depending on the damage to the swimming
pool. Christopher Hodgson, Master of
the Bicester Hunt, said: "We have apologised profusely for this intrusion into Mrs Hawes's garden at Eydon which
has never happened before. The hunt staff will do everything possible to prevent such an event happening again."
Minehead Harriers Huntsman & Whip plead guilty to
illegal hunting Both fined, Whip also convicted of threatening
behaviour 7-1-08 Huntingact.org Huntsman William Goffe and Whipper-in Gary Bradley of the Minehead Harriers pleaded guilty at Bridgwater
Magistrates’ Court to hunting a wild mammal with dogs in a private prosecution brought by the League Against Cruel Sports.
The offence took place the year before in February 2007 during which Goffe and Bradley were video recorded by League
investigators pursuing a fox with a pack of hounds.

Fox about to jump fence - lead hound also in shot The Hunt’s solicitor, Tim Hayden, told the court that hounds had been following a trail but picked up the scent
of a fox. Mr Goffe allowed the pursuit to continue when he realised the fox had mange. Tom Gliddon, chairman of the Minehead
Harriers, said “William Goffe and Gary Bradley have acknowledged that during a trail hunt on the 7th February there
was one short pursuit of a mammal which was in contravention of the Act”, adding “there was no suggestion that
a fox was killed”. 
Hounds jump fence after fox - Huntsman nearby does nothing Both
defendants were fined £300 and each asked to pay £500 towards legal costs. Gary Bradley, who rode a horse at an
anti-hunt monitor, also pleaded guilty to a public order charge and has been fined £100.

Whip Gary Bradley charges horse at monitor, swearing See also video on YouTube.
Crawley FH follower Nick Soames MP recklessly carries
kids on quad 1-1-08 Hunt Watch [no longer online]
Hunt Fanatic MP Puts Children Lives at Risk - Nicholas Soames
MP Flouts Road Legalities on New Years Day Hunt Just days after a seven year girl tragically died after the quad bike she was driving hit a Range Rover, pro-hunt
fanatic Nicholas Soames MP is filmed driving a quad bike on a road overloaded with children and adults following the notorious
Crawley and Horsham Hunt. Tory MP Nicholas
Soames, who The Sunday Times famously dubbed Fat Boy Dim, filmed driving the quad bike and trailer bearing no registration
plate contrary to the Road Traffic Act and illegally loaded with five adults and several unrestrained children. A spokesman for West Sussex Wildlife
Protection, which monitors the Crawley and Horsham hunt for offences under the Hunting Act, said: "Initially we heard
Nicholas Soames was on a quad bike that was overloaded. We thought nothing of it, because with his considerable bulk this
was quite likely. However we were astonished to see him on a public road just north of his home at Bells Farm, Slaugham, West
Sussex, with several unrestrained young children and adults racing along on a quad bike with no registartion plate. He was
desperate to keep up with the hunt and seemed unworried if the children lost their teeth on the metal rim of his quad bike
trailer." Nicholas Soames MP is a key supporter of the Countryside
Alliance and a close friend of Prince Charles. Between 2003 and 2005 Soames served as Shadow Secretary of State for Defence
and as a member of the Shadow Cabinet and well as being on the Council of the National Trust. In 2002 a letter to the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and signed
by Prince Charles claimed that farmers suffered more discrimination than blacks or gays was widely condemned. Even agricultural
experts attacked the comments as inaccurate, saying that the issues bore no comparison and pointing out that the many billions
of pounds worth of subsidies and grants for farmers dwarf the millions awarded to ethnic minority communities and the negligible
amounts given to gay groups. The letter is thought to have been written by the princes close friend Nicholas Soames, a Tory
MP. According to the book Women in Parliament
published in 2005, Soames has been named as the 'most sexist' MP, with several female MPs stating that he has made
vulgar comments. One says they retaliated by shouting "click" at him — a reference to a claim that having
sex with him was "like having a wardrobe fall on you with the key still in". It has frequently been alleged that
Soames makes repeated cupping gestures with his hands, suggestive of female breasts, when women are trying to speak in parliament,
to sexually harass and distract them from performing politically. In a vicious attack on Princess Diana, Nicholas Soames told BBC Newsnight that the Princess was
paranoid; Soames has no medical qualifications. Political comedian Mark Thomas accused Soames of
dishonestly registering some inherited heirlooms, including a "three tier mahogany buffet with partially-reeded slender
upright balustrade supports", as conditionally exempt works of art, which do not attract inheritance tax if the public
has access to them. Thomas claimed the public had not been granted access.
DECEMBER 2007 ….. 30th December - Ab
Fab star goes out with Mid Devon FH accused of illegal hunting …..
28th December - Cars of Golden Valley FH JM vandalised at his
home ….. 28th December - Woman Holcombe Harriers rider saves horse from drowning ….. 27th December - Vote OK to mobilise hunters to canvass in electoral marginals ….. 21st December - West
Wales golfer's round interrupted by Hunt chasing a fox …..
20th December - North Wales 'fox control' groups warned
to observe Hunting Act …..
18th December - Crawley FH terrierman fined for throwing
dead rabbit at monitor ….. 11th December
- Ex Hunt JM convicted of three counts of child cruelty ….. 6th December - Ex MFHA Chair and Thurlow FH JM Edmund Vestey dies aged 75
Ab Fab star goes out with Mid Devon FH accused of illegal hunting 30-12-07 People [no longer online]
Ab Fab Jennifer joins 'fox hunt' Ab Fab star Jennifer Saunders has joined a
Hunt accused of illegally chasing foxes. She was snapped riding with the Mid-Devon Hunt just eight days after cops launched
a cruelty probe. Police acted when the Hunt was reported to have pursued a fox with 20 hounds... Jennifer, 48, was seen with
daughter Freya, 17, at the Mid-Devon's Boxing Day meet - advertised as a trail hunt - in Chagford, Devon... 31-12-07 Western Morning News [no longer online] Hunt group reported
to police The Hunt joined by Absolutely Fabulous star Jennifer Saunders has been accused by the League
Against Cruel Sports of chasing foxes illegally. Ms Saunders was pictured with daughter Freya, 17, at the Mid Devon Hunt's
Boxing Day meet, days after a complaint was made to the police about illegal hunting... POWAperson adds - The Mid Devon FH had been filmed, from a distance, by a LACS monitor.
The film, which mysteriously disappeared from the LACS website some time later, showed
a number of riders, including redcoats, plus a couple of people on foot, at a pile of rocks on Dartmoor. The hound pack are
nearby. Hunters are seen moving some of the rocks. A fox pops out of the rock pile and sprints away Huntsmen allow
the pack to chase the fox. Both soon disappear from sight. LACS gave this evidence to the police, who failed to do anything with it before the six month time limit expired.
The League were very angry about this as it was, provided any of the hunters could be identified, very clear evidence of wilful
illegal hunting. They submitted a formal complaint, but nothing sees to have come of it.
Cars of Golden Valley FH JM vandalised at his home 28-12-07 Horse & Hound
[no longer online] Welsh pro-hunting homes attacked by vandals
Two hunt-supporting homes in Wales have had property sprayed with hunt saboteur groups' initials ALF (Animal Liberation
Front) and HRS (Hunt Retribution Squad) in a suspected animal rights attack. Police have confirmed that Charlotte Vangersteegen-Drake
and husband Peter of Llowes had two cars vandalised overnight on 5-6 December — Mrs Vangersteegen-Drake is a joint-master
and Hunt secretary of the Golden Valley Hunt...
Woman Holcombe Harriers rider saves horse from drowning 28-12-07 Liverpool Daily Post
[no longer online] Plucky huntswoman takes plunge in dramatic bid to rescue fallen horse
from reservoir A YOUNG woman rider believed to be from Merseyside had a lucky escape after she
jumped in a reservoir to save her horse that had fallen in during a hunt. The woman and horse escaped serious injury in the
dramatic incident on Boxing Day. The horse had bolted as they rode through Lead Mines Clough, near Anglezarke reservoir at
Rivington, near Chorley, with the Holcombe Hunt..
Vote OK to mobilise hunters to canvass in electoral marginals 27-12-07 Daily Telegraph Hunt supporters to campaign in marginals Thousands of hunting supporters
have been drafted in to the 100 key seats that will decide the next election, to campaign for Conservatives who support an
immediate repeal of the ban. The revelation will put pressure on David Cameron to honour his pledge
to overturn the ban. On what is traditionally the biggest day in the foxhunting calendar, some 250,000 people turned out to
Hunts in defiance of the ban. Vote-Ok's
army of hunt supporters is expected to number close to 30,000 in the run-up to the next election. The campaign's volunteers
are already embedded in key seats where Labour or Liberal Democrats MPs and candidates are pledged to keep the hunting ban
in place. They are working in crucial urban marginals such as Battersea, where Labour has a majority of just 163. They are
providing hours of their time to knock on doors, deliver leaflets, and address envelopes. With the average age of Tory activists
close to 64, the deployment of thousands of young hunt campaigners has provided a huge fillip both to sitting Tory MPs and
to candidates who have been chosen to fight the next election. In the marginal seats where the repeal of hunting is not an
issue, the volunteers do not mention field sports on the doorstep. The operation is being co-ordinated within the Tory party
by David MacLean, a former chief whip and the MP for Penrith. The Countryside Alliance has canvassed 108 of the 138 candidates in constituencies the Tories have to win, and all
of them are seeking an immediate reversal of the hunting ban. The alliance estimates that support for hunting in the Tory
ranks has hardened since the ban came into effect in February 2005. A Countryside Alliance spokesman said: "This is not about chasing
foxes around the countryside. It is about a bad law which needs to be eradicated. It was a bad law brought in for nasty reasons.
None of the 108 candidates we canvassed were opposed to repealing the ban. It is clear now that if there is a Conservative
majority after the next election there will be a majority in favour of a free vote for the repeal of the Hunt Act." The campaign work
by Vote-Ok is far more sophisticated than the effort launched at the 2005 election, which will cause concern to the Labour
and Liberal Democrats. The Tories already have a £2 million fund to help their candidates in marginal seats. The fund
is directed by Lord Ashcroft, who is in charge of campaigning at party headquarters. The Ashcroft operation has led to demands from many Labour MPs for a cap on campaign spending in
constituencies in between elections, even though the unions pump millions of pounds
into Labour seats each year. Mr Cameron has pledged a free vote if he becomes
prime minister. An early vote would cement his support in the shires, where activists have not always been comfortable with
his modernising agenda.
West Wales golfer's round interrupted by Hunt chasing
a fox Police say can do nothing as they
didn't witness it! 21-12-07
Tenby Observer [no longer online] Fox shock for golfer A local
golfer who was enjoying an afternoon round of his favourite pastime was alarmed to have his game interrupted by a fox being
chased by hounds. Peter Scrivens, of East Williamston, was playing on the Treyfloyne Golf Course last week when at around
1.30 pm on a quiet Wednesday afternoon he was amazed to see a fox being pursued across the green by the dogs.... Mr. Scrivens
contacted the Police authorities, but their response left the golfer even more infuriated. “The police said that there
was nothing they could do about it unless they had seen it for themselves which was extremely infuriating and makes a mockery
of the ban on this kind of activity,”...
North Wales 'fox control' groups warned to observe
Hunting Act 20-12-07
Daily Post [no longer online]
Hunters warned to mind the law – or face prosecution POLICE and foresters are joining forces to clamp down in illegal hunting. Forestry Commission Wales
warned fox control groups that “appropriate legal action” will be taken if they hunt in woodlands without licences.
Forest district manager Ruth Jenkins said some groups also appeared to be ignoring the two-hound limit when flushing foxes.
In a letter to control societies, she wrote: “Please understand that hunting without a licence is against the law, and
further action will be taken in the event of FC Wales becoming aware of illegal activity on its land.”...
Crawley FH terrierman fined for throwing dead rabbit
at monitor 18-12-07 NW Hunt Sabs Association [no longer online] Hunt terrierman fined £80 fixed penalty for abusive behaviour Jeremy Charman, a hunt terrierman of the notorious Crawley and
Horsham Hunt based in Sussex has been fined £80.00 by police after throwing a dead rabbit at hunt monitors in November
'07. Hunt monitors attending the hunt near Shipley, W. Sussex were followed by "hunt
stewards" to a veterinary practice when they found a rabbit suffering from myxamatosis. In an attempt to mock this humanitarian
assistance for a sick animal, Charman was later videoed throwing a dead rabbit at monitors, shouting :"Try to revive
this fucker." In Nov. '06, Charman was videoed
digging into a badger sett at the Heaselands estate, W. Sussex after the Crawley and Horsham Hunt had chased a fox to ground.
As a result, Sussex police have issued new guidelines to police and are determined not to allow Hunts to dig out badger setts
in future.
Ex MFHA Chair and Thurlow FH JM Edmund Vestey dies aged 75 6-12-07 Horse & Hound Hunting
community mourns passing of Edmund Vestey Edmund Vestey, former chairman of the Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA),
has died of cancer aged 75. He was the third-generation leader of the Vestey business empire, which amassed a colossal fortune
in the integrated meat trade. As master of the Thurlow hunt for the past 41 years, and MFHA chairman from 1992-95, he was
committed to country life and a vehement opponent of the hunting ban...
Ex Hunt JM convicted of three counts of child cruelty 11-12-07 Facebook – Hunt Watch Anthony Robson (63) who was the Master of the Dunston Harriers Hunt between 1998 and 2001 stood by and
watched as pupils at Banham Marshalls College, formerly the Old Rectory, fought each other and forced one child to eat his
own vomit, Norwich Crown Court heard on 11/12/07. Robson was convicted of three counts of child cruelty. His brother George
Robson (66) the school’s owner and head, was convicted of five counts of child cruelty two years ago. The judge sentenced
Robson to 12 months in prison, suspended for one year.
NOVEMBER 2007 ….. 30th November - Exmoor FH Huntsman wins
appeal against illegal hunting conviction ….. 30th November - 82 year old given ban and
fine for driving at hunt gathering …..
29th November - Woman & 5 year old see Croome FH hounds
rip fox apart in garden …..
27th November - Emaciated Dunston Harriers found straying,
rescued by a local
….. 27th November - Dunston Harriers invade Wildlife Trust nature reserve …..
24th November - Essex & Suffolk FH hunter rides down women
sabs, repeatedly rides over one ….. 19th November - Avon
Vale FH Huntsman & steward convicted of stealing monitor camera ….. 19th
November - Hunt in Essex seen chasing fox reported to police ….. 18th
November - Villagers get ASBO warning served on 3 JMs of Cotswold
FH ….. 16th November - Resident reports illegal fox hunt near
Colchester …… 9th November
- Crawley
FH follower who broke woman sab's arm gets suspended sentence
Exmoor FH Huntsman wins appeal against illegal hunting
conviction 30-11-07 BBC News Huntsman conviction appeal upheld The first Huntsman to be convicted of breaching
the Hunting Act has had his conviction overturned. Tony Wright of the Exmoor Foxhounds was found guilty of hunting a wild
animal with dogs after a prosecution by the League Against Cruel Sports in 2006. An Exeter Crown Court judge
allowed his appeal and said he was satisfied that Mr Wright had thought he acted to ensure he complied with the law. The Countryside
Alliance said it was a "nail in the coffin" of the Act. “If the courts cannot be sure what is hunting and
what is not, how on earth can anyone else”. After the hearing, Mr Wright
said: "I am delighted with the result, which is what I believed all along." He said it was a "very difficult
law to interpret" and was "probably not very well written for people like myself to understand. It shows we were
trying our best and that is all anyone can do," said Mr Wright, adding that the Act was not "black and white". The chief
executive of the Countryside Alliance, Simon Hart, said: "This verdict is an absolute vindication of Tony Wright and
the Exmoor Foxhounds and another nail in the coffin of the Hunting Act. The Hunting Act is not only a pointless and prejudiced
piece of legislation, it is also a very bad law. If the courts cannot be sure what is hunting and what is not, how on earth
can anyone else?" Mike Hobday,
the head of the prosecution unit of the League Against Cruel Sports, which brought the private prosecution, said it was a
"deeply surprising decision". "We shall be taking urgent legal advice about the prospects of appealing on some
of the findings of law." He said he was "shocked and disappointed" at the legal interpretation of the Hunting
Act. The court
heard from Richard Furlong for the Crown Prosecution Service that on 29th April 2005 Wright hunted two foxes with two hounds
on Exmoor in circumstances which were in "clear breach" of the Act. Wright told Exeter Crown Court that he had read
the Act, which came into force on 18 February 2005. He said Exmoor farmers had asked the hunt to "come and kill these
bloody foxes" after experiencing losses during the lambing season. He told the court: "We wanted to ensure we worked
within the Act." At Exeter
Crown Court judge Graham Cottle allowed his appeal saying he was satisfied that Mr Wright had proved that he reasonably believed,
perhaps optimistically, that he had put in place safeguards that he thought would ensure compliance with the Act. 30-11-07 huntingact.org Tony Wright, huntsman of the Exmoor Foxhounds won his appeal against
his conviction for illegal fox hunting at Exeter Crown Court. The Judgment was delivered by Judge Cottle who stated in his
conclusion “During this appeal we have enjoyed an extended opportunity to observe and to hear from the appellent and
we have no doubt that he and the Master of the hunt genuinely wished to comply with the Act. On that day, with the benefit
of hindsight, the arrangements in place may not have been sufficient to ensure compliance with the Act but we are satisfied
that the appellant has proved that he reasonably, perhaps, optimistically, had put in place safeguards that would ensue compliance
with he Act”. POWAperson comments - It is hard to reconcile the comments of Judge Cottle with what the original trial
judge said about the way Wright conducted his hunting.
82 year old given ban and fine for driving at hunt gathering 30-11-07
BBC News 'Irritated' man drove at hunters A man of 82 who accelerated
his car into a hunt gathering has been given a three-year driving ban and a £400 fine. Robert Wilson [left],
from Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, revved his engine and accelerated down a narrow village lane where three hunts were meeting in 2006. He had previously admitted a charge of dangerous driving and another of failing to
stop after an accident. The Swansea Crown
Court judge said his driving arose out of an "unfounded irritation" with hunt members. The pensioner, who is almost
completely deaf and suffers chronic breathing difficulties, appeared for sentencing on Friday. Frank Phillips, prosecuting, said
the incident had happened in November last year in the village of Cilycwm in Carmarthenshire. "There were 40 horses and
children spread along the street. It was a busy morning," Mr Phillips said. "It is clear it is a narrow street with
cars and trailers parked along both sides of the road." He said Wilson was driving a silver Volvo along the lane and "appeared to be forcing its way through the crowd
revving the engine and appeared to be approaching close to several people". Mr Phillips said that Edward Keer, who was part of the Hunt, felt
he was driving towards him "showing no respect to people or horses". As a result he decided to act by standing in
the road to stop Wilson in his tracks. "He stood in the road to stop the car in the interests of public safety. His wife
was also on a horse," Mr Phillips said. "But he realised that the vehicle was not going to stop." He said that
Mr Keer was forced to dive for cover as the car accelerated and sped on without stopping. The court heard somebody
who recognised Wilson later phoned him at home and warned he was going to report him to the police. "The defendant then
threatened him with hunt saboteurs," Mr Phillips said. Wilson went to Carmarthen police station on 11 December, 2006
where he was arrested. Patrick Griffiths, defending, said Wilson had already been given an interim driving ban and understood
the effect it would have. "His deteriorating health would have made his driving in the future a questionable activity
anyway. But the order of a disqualification in itself will be a very considerable punishment," Mr Griffiths. Passing sentence, Judge Christopher Morton said:
"Your manner of driving was dangerous and arose out of a wholly unfounded irritation with members of the Hunt and people
in the road. The public interest does not require a prison sentence, though you drove at a person. But I have road safety
very much in mind. The appropriate sentence in my mind is a £400 fine plus a ban from driving for three years. I bear
in mind that this is probably a lifetime ban because of your health."
Woman & 5 year old see Croome FH hounds rip fox
apart in garden 29-11-07
Worcester News Grandson watched as hounds ripped fox apart A WOMAN and her grandson
have been left traumatised after a fox was torn to shreds by hunting hounds in their Worcestershire garden. Elizabeth
Cash was with her five-year-old grandson at her home in Upton Snodsbury when the hounds entered her garden. "We
were suddenly surrounded by a pack of very noisy and excited fox hounds tearing around our garden, trampling over flower beds,
pushing through fencing and terrorising my grandson who was lost among the pack of hounds," she said. The incident happened last Saturday when the pack was flushing out a fox, which
the hunt later planned to kill using a bird of prey - a practice still legal in Britain. But instead the hounds got hold of
the fox and killed it, although the Hunt has since said it was an accident. "The hounds dragged it (the
fox) out in our full view to be torn apart before our eyes," Mrs Cash said. "I felt physically sick and could do
nothing apart from try to shield my small grandson from the horror he was witnessing. This to me is totally unacceptable." Mrs Cash, who does not agree with hunting but says she respects other people's views, did not report the incident
to the police but has written to the parish council. She was later visited by the Master of the Hunt who apologised. Joint master of the Hunt for Croome and West Warwickshire Foxhounds,
Robin Palmer, said: "Unfortunately the hounds found a fox and the Huntsman tried to call them back but it resulted in
this unfortunate incident. It was an accident." Chairman of Upton
Snodsbury Parish Council Terry Eagle said members would be discussing the incident at their next meeting in January. Mike Foster, MP for Worcester, who initiated the fox hunting ban in a Private Members Bill in 1997,
urged Mrs Cash to contact the police. "What has happened is exactly what
the whole process to stop it was about," he said. "It is to protect people from having to witness what she did.
So if they have broken the law they can be prosecuted for it." Penny
Little, a spokesman for Protect our Wild Animals, called for the law to be tightened. "Every time this happens it is said to be an accident," she said. "This is not acceptable and there
needs to be a tightening of the law." A police spokesman said officers
would now investigate the matter by speaking to Mrs Cash. He said: "Fox-hunting
is illegal and we respond positively to reports that it is taking place, from whatever the source."
Law Lords dismiss 'human rights' challenge to
Hunting Act 28-11-07 Worcester News Law lords dismiss hunt ban challenge THE Law Lords today threw out
the latest challenges to the ban on hunting with dogs when they ruled that the Hunting Act did not contravene any human rights. The House of Lords,
the highest court in the land, rejected an appeal two years ago in which the pro-hunt lobby claimed that the Parliament Act,
used to force through the Hunting Act, was unconstitutional. Today Lords Bingham, Hope, Rodger and Brown and Baroness Hale dismissed a second challenge by the Countryside Alliance
and other campaigners to the lawfulness of the Hunting Act. The same panel of Law Lords also dismissed an appeal from the Scottish
courts by Brian Friend and Jeremy Whaley, both members of the Union of Country Sports Workers. They also claimed that the ban, introduced in Scotland under the Protection of Wild Mammals Act, is an infringement
of their human rights. Lord Bingham, the former Lord Chief Justice who headed the panel of Law Lords, said in his ruling:
"Fox hunting in this country is an emotive and divisive subject. For some it is an activity deeply embedded in the tradition,
life and culture of the countryside, richly portrayed in art and literature, a highly cherished, skilful, healthy and useful
form of communal outdoor exercise. Others find the pursuit of a small animal
across the countryside until it is caught and destroyed by hounds to be abhorrent." He said the House of Lords had never given its consent to the Hunting Act but they were a judicial committee who
had to give their views without reference to their personal sympathies. The Countryside Alliance, along with various individuals, claimed
at a hearing last month that the Act - which prohibits fox hunting, deer hunting and hare coursing with dogs in England and
Wales - violates the fundamental human rights of thousands of people whose livelihood and way of life revolve around the meet
and the chase. Between 6,000 and
8,000 were expected eventually to lose their jobs, and many would also lose the homes that went with the jobs, the Law Lords
were told. Others would lose businesses and the commercial "goodwill" attached to them. See also BBC News report
Emaciated Dunston Harriers found straying, rescued by a local RSPCA demanded sanctuary return it to Hunt without
seeing it They then seized the dog and gave it back to Hunt Antis
concerned hound will be put down 27-11-07 Email from Hunt Watch Emaciated hound found straying in South
Norfolk faces execution - Hunt Watch slams Hunt and South Norfolk Dog Warden The dog pictured below
was found straying at Denton near Harleston, Norfolk on Saturday November 24th 2007 and rescued by a local resident. She contacted
a Norfolk Animal Sanctuary on Monday and told them of the stray dog and the terrible condition it was in. She described the
dog as looking as if it had been running for days. (The Hunt had been hunting in that area the Saturday morning). The sanctuary
asked the lady to bring the dog into them and she kindly did. The South Norfolk Dog Warden then became involved. The dog was identified
as Flora belonging to the Dunston Harriers, a small South Norfolk hunt that used to legally hunt hares before the Hunting
Act banned the pastime. Without even seeing the condition of the dog the dog warden demanded that the animal be returned to
the Hunt and threatened to get the police involved. Not surprisingly the
sanctuary refused. There was no formal identification of the dog and in any case she was in a shocking condition. Andrea Hill, spokeswoman for Hunt
Watch that monitors hunting activity throughout Norfolk and Suffolk, says: “Before the hunting ban when they were hunting
live quarry hounds would regularly stray. For hounds to stray now when they are supposed to only be hunting a drag or trail
in a closely controlled way is baffling. We are very concerned for the welfare of Flora. You would have thought the dog warden,
who is also a trained vet nurse, would have wanted to see the animal before making these demands, especially as the sanctuary
had already said this dog was in a bad way. Anyone can see this dog is severely underweight and it didn't just happen
overnight. We have monitored the Dunston Harriers for years and have always had concerns about their hounds being on the thin
side, but this dog isn't thin it's emaciated. We hope the RSPCA will investigate and if necessary prosecute.” “Finally
we are concerned that poor Flora will simply be shot if returned to the Hunt. Every year UK hunts kill many perfectly healthy
hounds so the chances of any Hunt keeping a somewhat disobedient dog, in poor condition, are remote. This would be a tragic
waste of life because Flora is a lovely dog that if given a caring, loving home would make a great companion.” Hunt Watch will be contacting South
Norfolk Council asking for answers about the actions of their dog warden in this incident; and also contacting Norfolk Police
about the dangers of hounds being allowed to stray over Norfolks roads. Hunt Watch has learnt this dog has
now been seized by the RSPCA. UPDATE - Hunt Watch has just learnt
the RSPCA returned the dog to the Dunston Harriers Hunt and have refused to prosecute. Apparently the hunt had a vet who
was prepared to stand up in court to say the dog in question was perfectly healthy. We will be contacting the Royal College
of Veterinary Surgeons about them. The sanctuary in question received a number of threats from the hunt members during the time of the RSPCA investigation.
Dunston Harriers invade Wildlife Trust nature reserve 27-11-08 Email from Hunt
Watch On the 10th of November 2007 the Dunston Harriers meet at Popular Farm Wreningham,
where they allowed their hounds to invade Lower Wood, Ashwellthorpe, which is a nature reserve owned by Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
The NWT were very concerned at this incident.
Essex & Suffolk FH hunter
rides down female sabs, repeatedly rides over one Sabs say police ignored repeated illegal fox hunting and racist abuse 24-11-07
HSA News Release Protestors attacked at illegal fox hunt Anti-hunt protestors claim
that this afternoon police ignored blatant illegal fox hunting and failed to prevent a serious assault against them. At the Essex and Suffolk Hunt, held at Bluegate Farm, Wherstead today (Sat 24th November) a hunt rider was seen
to ride his horse over a female protester repeatedly, causing significant injuries to her legs and back. While
the Hunt were in the vicinity of Freston Church, it is alleged that the hounds were chasing a fox over a road after emerging
from a wood in pursuit. It is claimed that the Huntsman was close by and was doing nothing to prevent the hounds from chasing
the live quarry. The protesters saw no sign of an artificial trail having been laid, though the Hunt
did have a bird of prey. This would allow them under the Hunting Act 2004 to use two hounds in order to flush a fox out of
woodland to be killed by the bird*. The fox however was seen being pursued by the whole pack of about 20 hounds, and the bird
of prey was not in the vicinity. When protesters attempted to turn
the hounds back from the public road, they say the hunter galloped at two females, knocking one to the ground, then rode his
horse over her on four or five separate occasions, a hoof only narrowly missing her head. Lee Moon, spokesman for the Hunt Saboteurs Association commented,
"It would appear to be business as usual in East Anglia almost three years after the hunt ban came into force. We are
still seeing fox hunts acting as if they are above the law. Chasing and killing foxes and indiscriminate violence are traditions
in this part of the country, and the Essex and Suffolk Hunt seem to embody these customs. Several Hunt stewards from this
very hunt were convicted of violence against protesters earlier in 2007, and two huntsmen in Essex have been found guilty
of assault in recent years, one for assault on the police. The Hunts are the lawbreakers and we will be pressing the police
to fully investigate this horrific incident. Several complaints had earlier been made to Suffolk police attending
the hunt of illegal hunting and racist abuse, and with three vehicles and a video camera there would appear to have been sufficient
resources to gain evidence of the Hunt's potential law breaking, but no police were accompanying the hounds when they
were seen chasing the fox." * The writer has this wrong The absurd falconry exemption - surely included
to help sabotage the Act and strongly opposed by the Hawk Board on bird welfare grounds - actually allows any number
of dogs to be used to flush quarry.
Avon Vale FH Huntsman & a steward
convicted of stealing monitor camera 19-11-07 HSA News Release Camera shy? - Two Thieving Hunters Convicted In Swindon crown court today (19th
November) two hunt servants were convicted of theft of a video camera from a hunt monitor. The charges related to an incident
in October 2005 involving the Avon Vale Fox Hunt, at Bromham, near Melksham in Wiltshire. The Hunt had been putting their
hounds through some scrubland and hunt monitors suspected illegal hunting and started filming with a video camera in order
to gain evidence of a breach of the Hunting Act 2004. A quad bike was driven at them and then David Gibbons, a hunt steward,
who then grabbed hold of the female monitor. Then Malcolm Scobie, a huntsman on horseback grabbed the video camera and rode
off with it. Both were initially charged with robbery, but in court today both pleaded guilty of theft. The main reason for this
guilty plea would appear to be that the event was captured on film by another monitor giving them little opportunity to launch
a feasible defence. Mr. Scobie claimed in court that he had lost his
job and his home as a result of the charges, and both men were given a 12 month conditional discharge, and ordered to pay
£350 compensation. They have been given two months to pay. It would appear that Mr. Scobie has however found gainful
employment with another hunt, the South Hereford Fox Hunt. Lee
Moon, spokesman for the Hunt Saboteurs Association said: “Yet again we see the Hunts literally getting away with
murder. They know that illegal activity will be captured on film and handed to the police, so again and again we see the hunts
going after the cameras, often accompanied with violence. If foxhunts are operating within the law as they claim, then why
are they so keen to remove the possibility of being filmed? What do they have
to hide? We want to see the police out there
with cameras gaining evidence for themselves, and protecting legal monitors from intimidation and violence from these hunt
thugs. Several cases similar to today’s are in the offing, and we hope that the courts will hand down suitably severe
sentences. The fact that these two convicted criminals were not ordered to pay the costs of their prosecution means that the
people of Wiltshire will have to bear the burden of bringing them to justice, and the risible sentence is no discouragement
for similar behaviour in future.” 23-11-07 Wiltshire Gazette [no longer online]
Hunt supporters admit theft A pair of hunt supporters have been ordered to pay
£350 to a saboteur after admitting stealing her camera. Malcolm Scobie, 41, and David Gibbons, 52, had been charged
with robbing Melanie Bates during the incident on Wednesday October 5, 2005. But on the day of trial at Swindon crown court the two men pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of theft.
And Judge Douglas Field imposed one year conditional discharges on the men and ordered they each pay £175 compensation
to the owner of the camera. Miss Bates, from Reading, Berks, was using her camera to get footage of the Avon Vale hunt near
Melksham. She claimed that Scobie, of Spye Park, Lacock and Gibbons, of Padfield Gardens, Melksham, had robbed her of the
device. Video footage from other anti hunt activists was used in the prosecution against the two men. But the robbery charges
were dropped when the two men admitted the theft of the camera. POWAperson adds - The Hunt servants behaviour comes as no surprise but one has
to wonder why the original charges of robbery were downgraded to the much less serious theft - and even then why the sentence
was so very lenient. Their actions met the very definition of robbery - the removal of property from a person employing violence
or intimidation.
Hunt in Essex seen chasing fox reported to police 16-11-07 Essex Gazette Colchester: Hunters deny chasing fox Police were called to an alleged fox
hunt in Friday Woods, Colchester. A Berechurch resident called officers after spotting about 10 riders and about 30 hounds
racing through the woods at noon on Wednesday. The caller claimed they had heard someone shout: "The fox went this way." The
Hunting Act 2004, which came into force in February 2005, makes it an offence to hunt a wild mammal with a dog. Under the
legislation, hunting foxes with dogs is illegal, but hounds can be used to follow a pre-laid scent. The man said that the Hunt may have disturbed a fox en route, but insisted they
were carrying out a legal drag hunt only.
Villagers get ASBO warning served on 3 JMs of Cotswold
FH Hunt had been repeatedly 'terrorising'
their hamlet One time they chased deer in garden & killed it in woods nearby 18-11-07 Independent
on Sunday [no longer online] Cotswold
ASBO campaign After her village was terrorised by a pack of rampaging hounds, and their equally aggressive owners, Denise Ward [below
left] decided to fight back. Here, she explains how she served an Asbo warning on her local Hunt. The first time it happened was around two years ago, in mid-November.
It was a beautiful day and a small group of us had got together in the hamlet. I was chatting to my elderly neighbour when
we all heard a terrible noise. It was a blood-curdling, snarling uproar – as if some wild animals were smashing about
in the undergrowth. A deer came crashing down through all the gardens in the hamlet, pursued by baying hounds. It leapt along the lane past a
resident it was too terrified to notice, and back up again into the woods just behind my neighbours' house, where it ran
frantically up and down the slope, crashing noisily around with the hounds close behind.
As we stood there helplessly, they caught it. It screamed piteously and we could hear the hounds savaging it in loud
and hideous detail. It was horrific. It was so sudden and so violent it was like a car crash. No one knew what to do; we all
just stood there. The
next thing we knew, several hounds burst out of the woods into the village. They were frenetic and rampaging around. We've
all got pets, and were immediately fearful for them; the hounds were out of control and we didn't know what else they
were looking to kill. I'm used to animals – I've got a horse and we work with cows – but these dogs were
hunting; they were like something else. We found out later that the hunt master had lost control of
the pack and the hounds had run on to the nature reserve next to our village – an open hill popular with dog-walkers
and families where hunting is not allowed. One of my neighbours
managed to catch two of the dogs and tie them up. Shortly afterwards, the hunt people came out in a Land Rover, looking for
their dogs. The hunt master was incredibly rude and dismissive; the only reason they even bothered to speak to us was because
we had two of their dogs. I tried to explain how dreadful and frightening it had been to hear an animal being killed like
that. They had no comprehension of what I was talking about. We told them it was private land, but one of them said, "Tell
me who your leader is", as if we were a tribe. The hunt master
kept coming closer to me until their face was within an inch of mine, "If you appoint a leader, we'll tell them when
we are coming and that way you can put all your animals away." Meanwhile, another hunter was brandishing a horn. I knew at that point we had to be very careful. They
didn't even bother discussing the hunting ban; they claim they are trail-hunting, and that's how they get around it.
We called the police but they never came. Hunt calls are apparently a low priority. We wanted to make sure they never came back, so on the
advice of a solicitor, 10 householders in the hamlet sent a formal letter to the Hunt explicitly forbidding entry on to the
land. They didn't respond. It turns
out we were wasting our time. A couple of months later, on a peaceful February morning, the whole hound pack exploded into
the village. They were in full cry. The noise was terrifying, something you cannot imagine unless you have been close to a
pack of baying hounds. We leapt to the window. Twenty to 30 hounds were in the village, streaming up our neighbours' driveway.
They milled around the house, spreading over the garden before exploding into action again. It was clear from the noise that
they were chasing something and when they got up the slope behind the houses, uproar broke out. This time the cries sounded
like a smaller animal, but as a stag then roared in distress, we feared it could again be a deer. Sick with the apprehension
that I would find either the remains of a village pet or a mangled deer, I climbed up to look but the hounds had gone and
there were only splashes of blood. Quite a few people I know stay in during the hunt season. There's a man on the
Isle of Wight who stays in every Wednesday and Saturday when the hunt is on. His wife and grandson were outside in the back
garden and the hound pack – again out of control – came over his hedge. The woman managed to grab the baby just
in time. Last season a fox, followed by hounds, came rampaging
through a children's Halloween party in a public garden near Taunton. And one woman had her pet terrier skinned alive
in front of her face by hounds. Her story was in the news until they offered her compensation, along with a gagging clause.
That's a common strategy. There is a strong sense of the old rural hierarchies and power structures going on and people are afraid
to speak out. The police don't do anything; they claim the laws are unenforceable. The Hunt only has to say it was an
accident and that's it. After
the second invasion we decided we needed to do something. Getting a civil-law injunction against hunt trespass, the only legal
tool available, is not only expensive (it costs around £10,000), but also difficult to obtain. It was my neighbour who
suggested an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (Asbo). It sounds a bit unusual but Asbos are related to repeated, anti-social behaviour.
We read the legislation and realised it fitted our case in every way. By massive, concerted effort, the residents of my hamlet
managed to get an Asbo warning served on the Hunt. This was achieved because we are an articulate group of people
demanding protection with the support of our MP. Initially the Asbo officer, a retired policeman, was horrified at the thought
of giving an Asbo to the master of the hunt, but he found that we had a "compelling" case and went out on a limb
for us. The warning was issued to three hunt masters, so this caused a bit of a
ripple locally. If
we have another incident, it will be grounds for instigating a full Asbo, which would go on their record. But their attitude
and the fact that they can't control their dogs means we still don't feel totally safe. No one in a hunting area is. This
is especially sad for me, because I love the autumn, and here, with the beech woods, it is especially beautiful. But for me,
it is now tainted. The Hunts are out several times a week.
Resident reports illegal fox hunt near Colchester 16-11-07 Colchester Gazette Hunters deny chasing fox Police were called to an alleged
fox hunt in Friday Woods, Colchester. A Berechurch resident called officers after spotting about 10 riders and about 30 hounds
racing through the woods at noon on Wednesday. The caller claimed they had heard someone shout: "The fox went this way."
The Hunting Act 2004, which came into force in February 2005, makes it an offence to hunt a wild mammal
with a dog. Under the legislation, hunting foxes with dogs is illegal, but hounds can be used to follow a pre-laid scent. Hunters deny chasing the fox. The spokesman said that the Hunt may have disturbed a fox
en route, but insisted they were carrying out a legal drag hunt only.
Crawley FH follower who broke woman sab's arm gets suspended sentence 9-11-07 BBC News Man avoids jail after hunt
attack An
elderly hunt supporter who broke the arm of a protester when he attacked her with his stick has avoided jail. John Hawkins
was convicted of causing grievous bodily harm at an earlier trial, and was given a suspended jail term at Hove Crown Court
on Friday. Hawkins, 69, of Cowfold, Sussex, struck Lynn Phillips during clashes
at a hunt near Horsham in January 2005. Trouble had flared between pro and
anti hunt supporters at Spear Hill at the end of the Crawley and Horsham hunt. Ms
Phillips said she was approached and struck twice on the head and hand by Hawkins when she was looking for a dog she believed
was injured. An X-ray two days later revealed she had a broken arm, the court
heard. Andrew Selby, defending, said it was a "spur of the moment" reaction and Hawkins deeply regretted the incident.
Recorder Heather Norton told Hawkins: "Your
action to strike Lynn Phillips deliberately with your stick takes this case over the threshold of the imposition of a custodial
sentence. However, in my judgment, the exceptional circumstances permits me
to suspend the order of imprisonment that I will impose." She sentenced
him to eight months imprisonment, which was suspended for a year. POWAperson adds - The Crawley FH has an appalling
record of violence - see, for instance, this video
OCTOBER 2007 ….. 19th October - Appeal against hunting convictions by 2 Quantock SH huntsmen dismissed ….. 18th October - PM linked to Hunt with 'some of the nastiest followers' - Heythrop FH ….. 16th October - Blackmore FH hunter arrested after hounds attacked pet dog ….. 10th October - Lords to hear case to overturn hunt ban
on human rights grounds …..
5th October - Essex Farmers FH jailed ten weeks for beating
up his wife ….. 4th
October - Blackmore FH hounds badly injure pet terrier
being walked
Appeal against hunting convictions by 2
Quantock SH huntsmen dismissed 19-10-07 North West Hunt Sabs Assoc Richard Down and Adrian Pillivant, two huntsmen convicted of breaking the law prohibiting hunting
have had their appeal against conviction rejected. Huntsman Richard Down (44) of Bagborough, Somerset and whipper-in Adrian
Pillivant (36) of Willand, Devon both of the Quantock Staghounds, were convicted after being filmed by the League Against
Cruel Sports. The league filmed the pair chasing a deer for more than an hour, and the hunters were convicted. A judge at
Taunton Crown Court on 19/10/07 rejected their appeal, saying the pair were hunting for sport. Both were convicted at Bristol
magistrates on 7/6/07.
PM linked to Hunt with 'some
of the nastiest followers' - the Heythrop FH 18-10-07 Daily Mirror David Cameron link to violent hunt - Tory Cameron linked to hunt with some of nastiest followers in Britain
Violent huntsmen who attacked elderly
protesters helped propel Tory leader David Cameron to power, the Mirror can reveal today. Members of the Heythrop Hunt have been captured on video
roughing up demonstrators and damaging their cars. But they helped Mr Cameron get elected as an MP in 2001 by canvassing votes
for him. Mr Cameron openly supports hunting and pledges to end the ban on using hounds if elected. He has ridden
with the Heythrop, has friends who work for it and its members work as Tory activists to help him in election campaigns. But leaked documents reveal the sickening violence behind this Hunt. Police have repeatedly investigated it over allegations that
members hunted foxes illegally. And six Heythrop supporters have been cautioned by police for attacking protesters. Anti-hunt campaigner Peter Bunce, 68, said: "We
have been driven at, ridden at, sworn at, threatened, tailed and intimidated whilst monitoring the Heythrop hunt since the
ban. And Cameron wants to reward such behaviour by re-legalising hunting." Former Ministry of Defence engineer Mr Bunce
was knocked on to a car bonnet and his camera damaged by a hunt supporter who yelled at him: "I'm telling you to
get the f*** out of it or I'll f*****g fill you in." Police cautioned his attacker. Gran Judy Gilbert, 60, was knocked flying by a burly farmer as she filmed Heythrop which
hunts near Mr Cameron's constituency in Witney, Oxfordshire, and Stowon-the-Wold, Glos. She said: "It was terrifying.
I felt a painful massive thud in my back and suddenly I was in mid air. I went headlong and landed in bramble bushes about
6ft down the steep slope. It was difficult to get up and my hands were bleeding. I was shaking, feeling sick and shocked and
appalled that someone could behave that way towards a woman. Once I got to my vehicle I saw the hunt followers laughing and
jeering. The whole thing was sickening. My attacker was cautioned but has never apologised to me." In March, another Heythrop Hunt supporter was
fined £80 for trying to run over a woman. Others have been fined or cautioned
for trying to sabotage cars, including putting nails stuck in Mars bars under their tyres, stealing a CB radio aerial and
kicking vehicles. Mr Cameron - who has shot deer in Scotland, and ridden with the Old Berks Hunt, run by his wife's stepfather
Lord Astor - wants to repeal the 2005 fox hunting ban. He has said: "We've passed a law that everyone is openly flouting
and it makes the law look stupid." Guy
Avis, secretary of the Heythrop Hunt [above right, with Cameron], is friends with Mr Cameron and recruited volunteers
to his election campaign because he was a "very supportive" candidate. Roderick Fleming, also a Heythrop backer,
is based at Mr Cameron's Chipping Norton HQ. He and the owner of Heythrop Park, the Hunt's historic home, have made
sizeable political donations to the Tories. Mr Avis said yesterday: "Those antis are bloody annoying. They are
asking for it." But when asked about pensioners being attacked, he replied: "I'm not condoning that but I don't
know anything about it. We abide fully with the law. I don't know anything about these cautions and accusations." Mr
Avis also claimed it was a coincidence that hounds were caught on film chasing a fox. He added: "There are occasions
when foxes appear during the hunt and the hounds being hounds chase them. There's nothing we can do. There has been one
time since the ban that we accidentally killed a fox but we informed the police. We use trails like most hunts. This footage
could mean anything. It could happen if the fox runs across the trail. If this is what it shows then that is what must have
happened." POWAperson
adds - For more about the nastiness of the Heythrop FH see here
Blackmore FH hunter arrested after hounds attacked
pet dog 16-10-07
North West Hunt Sabs Assoc On 16/10/07 the police arrested a man following an incident in which a Jack Russell was attacked by hounds
from the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt in Somerset. The man was walking along a footpath when two men brought hounds into
the field and 20 to 30 of the pack raced towards him and nine-month-old terrier. He said: “I was concerned and picked
Spike up. The hounds came over and were jumping up as I tried to hold him out of their reach. They skinned his stomach and
leg and I got a nip on the nose. “It was very upsetting – if I hadn’t had Spike on a lead I am sure he would
not be here today. There was no provocation for this and it is worrying.” He reported the incident to police and a police spokesman said yesterday
that a man in his 30s had been arrested and interviewed. Joint master of the Hunt Mike Felton said: “It is a very regrettable
incident, and I perfectly understand that they don’t want their dog molested. It is not something that we would want
to happen in any circumstances."
Crawley FH follower convicted of GBH after broke female
sab's arm 11-10-07
realca.co.uk [no longer online] John Hawkins, a supporter of
the Crawley and Horsham Hunt has been found guilty of breaking an anti-hunt Campaigner's Arm in an unprovoked attack. The jury at Brighton Crown Court (Lewes Combined Court) found John Hawkins a 69 year old supporter guilty of
Grievous Bodily harm, after deliberating for more than nine hours to reach a majority verdict. Hawkins, who runs a private
slaughter house at Singers Farm, Cowfold, will be sentenced on November 8th. The case relates to an incident on 29th
January 2005, where Hawkins struck anti-hunt campaigner, Lynn Phillips with a stick, causing a "night-stick fracture"
of the forearm. This is a fracture caused where a person brings their arm up to defend their head from an overhead blow. The
incident ocured at Spear Hill, near Ashington, West Sussex. At the time fox hunting was still legal, but parliament
had voted to ban hunting with dogs. Hunt supporters were furious, and two months before the incident, the Crawley and Horsham
hunt master, Kim Richardson issued a chilling threat to anti hunt campaigners: "You are all fair game now, I've fucking
told everyone." Richardson is the
son of the late Sir Michael Richardson, who was known as "Mr Privatisation" and was a darling of Lady Thatcher.
Mind you, General Pinochet was a darling of lady Thatcher also! Following the incident and while Ms Phillips was being taken for medical treatment in the West Sussex Wildlife
Protection Group's minibus, the driver was assaulted by a hunt supporter (Surrey Union Whipper in, Andrew Hazletine),
while another hunt supporter (Surrey Union hunt groom, Joscelyn Cleveland) stole the keys. Both hunt supporters later received
formal police cautions, with thief Cleveland paying compensation in an out of court settlement.
Lords to hear case to overturn hunt ban on human rights grounds 10-10-07 Worcester News Pro-hunt campaigners return to Lords THE ban on fox hunting with
dogs has today been labelled a violation of human rights. Pro-hunt campaigners returned to the House of Lords, claiming that
the 2004 Hunting Act was having a devastating impact on the economy of rural communities like Worcestershire. Two years ago, the
Lords rejected an appeal in which the pro-hunt lobby claimed that the parliament act, used to force through the Hunting Act,
was unconstitutional. Campaigners are now asking Lords Bingham, Hope, Rodger and Brown and Baroness Hale to overrule the Court
of Appeal judgment. However this afternoon, MP for Worcester
Mike Foster - who, in 1997, published a Private Member's Bill to ban hunting with dogs - said it was time people learnt
to live with the new law. He said: "I despair at times with this argument. The campaigners say that the rural economy
will come to a grinding halt without hunting. I've not noticed any impact on the employment in rural areas since the ban
came into force. It's time to move on, to live with the change and get on with our lives." The Countryside Alliance, along with various individuals,
say that the Act - which prohibits fox hunting, deer hunting and hare coursing with dogs in England and Wales - should be
declared unlawful. The hearing is set to last until Wednesday.
Essex Farmers FH jailed ten weeks for beating up his wifeHad previous convictions for attacking hunt sabs 5-10-07 Basildon Recorder Huntsman Simon Upton jailed A FARMER and Hunt master who kicked his
ex-wife and hit her with a tool from his stables has been jailed for ten weeks Essex Union Hunt master Simon Upton was sentenced
less than a year after a previous court appearance saw him fined for assaulting an anti-hunt protester. Chelmsford Magistates were told
he attacked ex-wife Sarah-Jane Upton, when she dropped their three children off at his home at Coptfold Hall, Margaretting.
The couple had argued over access arrangements for their children, aged nine, eight and five. Denise Holland, prosecuting, said: “She was sitting on a low stone wall when he threw his diary at her, and
pushed her off the wall into a flowerbed. He struck her with a horse de-sweater then kicked her with both feet.”
Upton admitted common assault. Mrs Holland said Upton’s ex-wife then went to get the children
from his house but he threatened to break her car windows if she entered the home. She added: “He picked up
a bridle hook to enforce that threat.” Hugh Roland, mitigating,
said Upton, 41, was “emotionally charged” because of a row about the children’s holidays. He added:
“My client has full remorse. He knows he has let his family down, children down, the community and himself down.”
In October 2005, Upton was fined at Basildon Magistrates’ Court after admitting
three counts of common assault on anti-hunt protesters near Brentwood on February 9, 2005.
Blackmore FH hounds badly injure pet terrier being walked 4-10-07 Western Gazette [no
longer online] Horror
as hounds savage pet terrier The heartbroken owners of a pet dog have spoken of their devastation after
it was mauled in an attack by hounds last week. On Monday morning John Pettinger was walking his nine-month-old
Jack Russell called Spike on its lead when it was pounced on by a 30-strong pack belonging to the Blackmore and Sparkford
Vale Hunt. Mr Pettinger, aged 60, managed to break them free but only after Spike suffered serious injuries and "will
never be the same again." His wife Julie, 59, said: "John was stuck in one corner and the hounds came flooding through the
gate 300 yards away. There were 20-30 of them and they went straight for Spike. But by the time John got them away the damage
was already done." Spike was taken straight to the vets in Wincanton and is now recovering from his injuries at their home in Charlton
Horethorne. She said: "They tore all his tummy and a lot of skin off his leg, narrowly missing vital organs." A spokesman for the Hunt said
they had permission from the farm owner to be on the land but Mrs Pettinger said more controls needed to be introduced as
it is a popular walking spot for dog owners. She said: "They had no whistle or horn and nothing to control them and how can they be free to do
something like this with no provocation? Everyone here is very concerned. It has always been a safe place to walk dogs. If
he had not been on a lead, they would have killed him. It could have been a child, God knows what would have happened.” A spokesman for the Blackmore
and Sparkford Vale hunt said: "The staff of the hunt were very concerned for the terrier's welfare after this accident
happened. Hunt staff have a wealth of experience with dogs and hounds and wanted to help as much as they could. We have a
very good relationship with the farmer whose land it is and have permission to use all the land."
SEPTEMBER 2007 ….. 25th September - Seven, including a 'Fat Lady', to face trial re. hare
coursing event
Seven, including a 'Fat Lady', to face trial re. hare
coursing event Celebrity
cook & champion racehorse trainer are among accused 25-9-07 Yorkshire Post [no longer online]
Celebrity chef faces court over hare coursing
allegations Celebrity chef Clarissa Dickson Wright and sporting baronet Sir Mark Prescott are to face private prosecution for allegedly hunting hares with dogs in
North Yorkshire Details of the case emerged yesterday following a separate hearing at Scarborough Magistrates'
Court involving five other defendants – including Yorkshire's former champion racehorse trainer Peter Easterby.
Easterby, 78 – charged under his birth name of Miles
Henry Easterby – of Habton Grange Farm, Great Habton, is accused of permitting land to be used for hare coursing and
attending hare coursing. Elizabeth Dixon, 44, of Appleton-le-Street, near Malton, is charged with knowingly facilitating a hare coursing
event, while John Shaw, 54, of Welburn Manor, Welburn, near Kirkbymoorside, faces an allegation of permitting land to be used for hare coursing.
Lund-Watkinson, 56, of Pine View Lodge, Newton-on-Rawcliffe, and Jacqueline Teal, 42, of Scarborough Road, Norton, are accused of attending a
hare coursing event. The charges relate to an alleged hare coursing event at Easterby's farm
at Great Habton, North Yorkshire, in March of this year. The case was adjourned until November 19 at Scarborough. During yesterday's
proceedings brought by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) it emerged a separate private prosecution is being brought by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). The Scarborough court later confirmed the defendants were Clarissa Dickson Wright, the former barrister who found
fame as one half of the former Two Fat Ladies celebrity chef team, and Sir Mark Prescott. Court officials stated each
defendant faces four charges – including two allegations of hunting hares with dogs, one at Nunnington on March 2 this
year, and another at Amotherby, near Malton, on March 3. The other two charges relate to their alleged attendance at the events. A spokesman for the
IFAW said: "All we can confirm at the moment is that we are taking a private prosecution against two individuals."
The charity said legal reasons preventing it explaining
why the case, due to be heard at Scarborough on November 9, was not being dealt with by the CPS. Hare coursing, using two dogs to chase a live hare, was outlawed by the Hunting Act. Sir Mark, 59, is a Newmarket-based trainer who has groomed
more than 1,200 winners since 1970. He said he was unable to comment because he had not seen anything in writing and had only
heard the charges read out over the telephone yesterday morning. Dickson
Wright, 60, who lives in the village of Inveresk in East Lothian, could not be contacted yesterday.
AUGUST 2007 …..
30th August - Minehead Harriers JM, Huntsman & Whip
summonsed for illegal hunting …..
25th August - Retired racehorse trainer among 3 charged over hare coursing event ….. 15th August - Tiverton SH Huntsman not punished for letting hounds kill pet terrier ….. 4th August - Cattistock FH filmed cub hunting early in morning
Minehead Harriers JM, Huntsman & Whip summonsed for
illegal hunting Prosecution
to be brought by LACS after police declined to act 30-8-07 Western Morning News Three face charges of illegal
hunting Three
huntsmen face prosecution in the third Westcountry case to be instigated by the League Against Cruel Sports. The members of Minehead Harriers, based in Somerset, face charges under the Hunting Act. It is understood the LACS has footage which it claims shows the trio hunting illegally.
The case
will be the third brought by the League in the region. So far, all of them have been in Somerset. But yesterday, Barry Hugill, spokesman for the organisation, denied
the county was being targeted exclusively. He said a case was also under way against a hunt on the Isle of Wight. Mr Hugill said: "We
constantly receive footage taken of hunts. Where we believe that illegal hunting has taken place, then we will always consider
going to court." Last week, papers were served on Minehead Harriers hunt master Sydney Westcott, as well as William Goffe and Gary
Bradley. All three
stand accused under the Hunting Act, but Gary Bradley, the Hunt's whipper-in, is also alleged to have committed a public
order offence. The allegations relate to an incident in January this year. Mr Hugill said he was unable to release much detail surrounding the case, because it was going through the legal
system. Caroline Clifford, joint master of the Minehead Harriers, confirmed
that the three members had received the papers served against them. She said: "The League has produced some footage with
which the police and the Crown Prosecution Service saw no evidence to bring a prosecution." She said the Hunt
had no information regarding the hearing. It is understood the case will be heard sometime next year, with a preliminary hearing
later this year, likely to take place in either Minehead or Taunton magistrates courts. Yesterday, Alison Hawes, regional director of the Countryside Alliance, which supports Hunts, said
the three charged in Minehead had the organisation's backing. She said: "We encourage all our members to hunt within
the law. Those who have been charged have our full support." So far, the League Against Cruel Sports has succeeded
in two prosecutions. In June, huntsman Richard Down and whipper-in Adrian Pillivant, of the Quantock Staghounds, were convicted
at Bristol Magistrates Court. They were each fined £500 and ordered to pay £1,000 costs. And in August last year, Tony Wright, of the Exmoor Foxhounds, became the first person to be found
guilty of hunting illegally. He was fined £500, but he has lodged an appeal, which is scheduled to be heard at Exeter Crown Court on
November 5. [was postponed from July 9th because of lack of a Judge].
Retired racehorse trainer among 3 charged
over hare coursing event 25-8-07 Northern Echo Renowned trainer denies hare coursing A renowned racehorse trainer
is facing charges of hunting with dogs in a landmark court case. Miles Henry Easterby, known as Peter, was arrested after
an investigation by police into an alleged hare coursing event. Mr Easterby, 78,
from Habton Grange Farm, Great Habton, near Malton, North Yorkshire, denied two charges of attending a hare coursing event
and allowing the practice on his land, when he appeared at Scarborough Magistrates' Court. Mr Easterby appeared in court with John Shaw, 54, of Welburn Manor,
Welburn, near Kirkbymoorside, North Yorkshire, and Andrew Lund-Watkinson, 56, of PineView Lodge, Newton-on-Rawcliffe, near
Pickering, North Yorkshire. They were also charged with two charges of allowing a hare coursing event and allowing the practice
on their land. The defendants denied the charges, and the hearing was adjourned
until Monday, September 24. The three were bailed. Mr Easterby declined to comment yesterday when contacted by The Northern Echo. However, a spokesman for the Countryside Alliance
said: "Those concerned are taking legal advice, but we strongly believe that everything on the day was carried out within
the framework of the legislation." It
is understood to be the first time anyone has appeared in court charged with hare coursing since the Hunting Act 2004 came
into force in 2005. Before his retirement, Mr Easterby was one of the country's most successful
flat and National Hunt trainers. He won the Cheltenham Champion Hurdle five times and the Cheltenham Gold Cup twice. He was
named the Champion National Hunt trainer three times from 1979 to 1981. One of his most famous horses was
Sea Pigeon, which won the Chester Cup in 1977 and 1978 and the Ebor Handicap, at York, in 1979. In 1996, after 46 years in
the business, he passed on the reins to his son, Tim, who continues to train successfully at Habton Grange. Hare coursers usually use two greyhounds or lurchers to chase a live hare across a field. Under the Act, a person
found guilty of hare coursing could face a fine of up to £5,000.
Tiverton SH Huntsman not punished for letting hounds
kill pet terrier 15-8-07
Daily Mirror Hunt that killed pet is let off A huntsman was yesterday
cleared of letting his hounds rip a terrier apart after a judge said: "Dogs will be dogs." A huntsman was yesterday
cleared of letting his hounds rip a terrier apart after a judge said: "Dogs will be dogs." Judge Jeremy Griggs ordered the jury
to find John Norrish not guilty after hearing his hounds had previously been allowed to roam through the private garden where
the attack took place. Christine Hodgson, 59 - whose terrier Pippa had to be put down after the attack - had accepted £1,000
compensation from the Hunt and a further £450 to buy a new dog. Tiverton Staghounds also paid her vet bills and put
down the hound that led the attack, Exeter crown court heard. Judge Griggs ruled the case was flawed
as Mrs Hodgson admitted she regularly allowed the hounds in her garden in East Worlington, Devon. She also said a fence around
the garden had been recently removed. Judge Griggs said: "What happened was appalling but unforeseen. Dogs will be dogs." 13-8-07 BBC News Pet terrier torn apart by hounds A senior
magistrate fought with a pack of staghounds as they ripped apart her pet terrier, a court has heard. Catherine Hodgson, 59, from
Devon beat the Tiverton staghounds as they "peeled apart" her jack russell Pippa. When they refused to let go she
used her hands and body as a human shield to try and protect her 14-year-old pet. John Norrish, from the
East Worlington kennels, has pleaded not guilty at Exeter Crown Court to a charge under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Mrs Hodgson
told Exeter Crown Court how she had let Pippa and her other terrier out at as she was preparing breakfast at her farmhouse
in East Worlington. By the time Tiverton Staghounds hunt staff called the staghounds off, Pippa was badly injured. She was
later put to sleep by a vet. Mrs Hodgson said: "I took hold of Pippa and I tried
to beat the dogs off but they obviously weren't going to let go. One hound was attached to the front of her neck and the
other to her back, she was getting peeled apart. Pippa was bleeding very badly and all the other hounds were piling in on
top of her. The only way I could stop them was to try and cover her with my body." The garden of Mrs Hodgson's property opens directly onto a country lane regularly used by Huntsman
John Norrish, who is based at kennels two miles away. The court heard that Mr Norrish decided to take the main pack back to
kennels before returning to apologise. Mr Norrish, who lives at the East Worlington kennels, has pleaded not guilty to a charge
under the Dangerous Dogs Act alleging that he allowed dogs to enter a private place without permission and inflict injuries
on Mrs Hodgson. Mrs Hodgson, who together with her husband farmed on Exmoor for 30 years, was later treated for scratch wounds
by her doctor. The incident happened
on 12 August 2006. The case continues.
Cattistock FH filmed cub hunting early in morning Fox chased through churchyard 4-8-07 HSA Press Release [no longer online]
Cattistock FH cub hunting This is the Cattistock FH cub hunting near Corscombe, Dorset - meet 6.30am 4th August 2007.
Huntsman and Whipper-in in tweed jackets to avoid identification, less than 10 riders, hardly any support, no police,
apparently cub hunting as normal. It is reported a fox ran through St Mary's churchyard with hounds in full cry not far
behind. It's fate is not known. Unfortunately the
film is no longer available
JULY 2007….. 30th July - Flint & Denbigh FH terrierman
convicted of 4 Hunting Act offences ….. 12th July - Middleton FH riders, inc. ex-JM,
accused of entering ringer in race ….. 2nd July - Isle of Wight FH 4 plead NG, will rely
on Falconry Exemption
Flint & Denbigh FH terrierman convicted of 4 Hunting Act offences31-7-07 North West Hunt Sabs Assoc On 31/7/07, William Francis Armstrong (69) of Cefn Home Farm, St Asaph was ordered to pay £60
costs in addition to a £200 fine at Prestatyn magistrates. Armstrong who was the terrierman with Flint
& Denbigh Hunt was prosecuted for four breaches of the Hunting Act all designed to ensure foxes were killed
humanely. The court heard how an off-duty police sergeant stumbled across the hunt in the Clwydian mountain
range, in Denbighshire. He saw a pack of 15 to 20 foxhounds gather around a hole in a steep bank while a group
of horse riders looked on. He then saw Armstrong put a terrier down the hole, before digging out a fox and
shooting it with a pistol. The Act also said those involved in hunts must gain written permission from the
landowner for the hunt, but Armstrong had failed to secure this. The court also heard the fox had run into a “single-entry
hole”, and it was forbidden to send a terrier into a hide of that nature. The law said terriers should
only be used where there was a second entry hole to allow the fox to be flushed quickly and prevent the two
animals fighting. Armstrong had also used a .22 pistol to kill the fox, when the legislation said a shotgun
must be used. The court also heard that Armstrong’s health had suffered as a result of media interest in
the case and he had given up his position as terrierman. Armstrong had since given away the dog he sent down the
hole and handed back his pistol and shooting licence to the police. Charges were withdrawn against his co-defendant,
land owner Robert Peter Rowley Williams, of Llangwyfan, Denbighshire. Armstrong has been involved with terrier
work since the age of 12. 
Middleton FH riders, inc. ex-JM, accused of
entering ringer in race 12-7-07 North West Hunt Sabs Assoc On 12/7/07 Charles Gundry, the former master of Middleton Hunt, was accused of entering a ringer
in a point-to-point race. Horse owner Robert Tierney and his son, Richard, from Malton, North Yorkshire, have
also been charged, as have Roger Marley and his wife, Ruth, from Langtoft, between Malton and Driffield. The
charges were issued by the Horseracing Regulatory Authority (HRA) following a six-month investigation by its
officers. The inquiry centred on three point-to-point races that took place last year. It is alleged that
the horse was entered in a race as another ride during the Staintondale Point-to-Point. The horse was prevented
from running after stewards became suspicious of its identity. Robert and Richard Tierney face two charges,
Gundry, Robert Tierney and Roger and Ruth Marley have been charged for the alleged substitution. The four
have also been accused of misleading HRA officers during an interview. Robert Tierney faces a separate charge of
using threatening behaviour towards a witness. The HRA will conduct two inquiries into the alleged substitutions.
No date has yet been set. The five face disqualification from racing if they are found guilty. UPDATE At a later HRA hearing all defendants were found guilty. Robert
Tierney was banned from racing for 72 months, Roger Marley for 26 months. Tierney was again found guilty of
the same offence the next year and this time banned for 91 months. Sanctions imposed on the others, including
the former Middleton FH JM not known. 
Isle of Wight FH 4 plead NG, will rely
on Falconry Exemption 2-7-07
North West Hunt Sabs Assoc On 2/7/07, four men from the Isle of Wight pleaded not guilty to illegally hunting with dogs in a private
prosecution brought by the League Against Cruel Sports. Stuart Trousdale (huntsman of the Isle of Wight Foxhounds)
, of The Kennels, Gatcombe , Jamie Butcher, of Ashey Road, Ryde, and Liam Thom, of Highwood Lane, Rookley,
are charged with hunting a fox with dogs. Malcolm Purcell, of Blackwater Mill Farm, Blackwater, is charged
with hunting with dogs. They are expected to argue they were using an eagle owl, in the case brought by the
LACS. It is the first time the falconry exemption would be tested in the courts since
the Hunting Act came into force in February 2005. The League Against Cruel Sports brought the prosecution
at Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court after the Crown Prosecution Service decided not to proceed with the
case against the men. The case was adjourned for a pre-trial review at the Newport court on 17/9/07.
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